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Class GRADE11 Grade Level & Section GAS

Grade 11 Group Grade 11 GAS Learning Area Personal Development

DAILY LESSON PLAN Time allotment Quarter 1ST

A. Content Standards The learners will:
demonstrate the skills and tasks appropriate for middle and late adolescence, and preparation to early adulthood.
B. Performance Standards The learners shall
be able to make a list of ways to become responsible adolescents prepared for adult life.
C. Learning Competencies Understanding of the developmental stages for the power triadEsP-PD11/12DS-Ic-2.0
D. Objectives a. Explain the development stages of a person in middle and late adolescence
b. Give respect to the unique development stages/changes to each individual
c. Re-enact the message of the song “Anak” and integrate the concept of harmony in family

II. CONTENT Developing the Whole Person


A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages 10 and 11
2. Learner’s Material pages 19 to 20
B. Other Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson Review of the past lesson:
or presenting the new Activity: Each learner will give phrase or statement describing the stages discussed the past days.
lesson They will write their answer in the meta card provided by the teacher
Prenatal Development
Infancy and Toddlerhood
ELICIT Early Childhood

Presenting the new lesson:

Ask the learners about the following:
a. How well do you do at school, home, or at work compared before you are younger?
b. What makes it different from before compared to present?

B. Establishing a purpose for The leaners will answer the following:

the lesson ENGAGE a. What are the possible changes in the development of a person in the middle and late adolescence?
Class GRADE11 Grade Level & Section GAS
Grade 11 Group Grade 11 GAS Learning Area Personal Development
DAILY LESSON PLAN Time allotment Quarter 1ST

b. Kindly compare these changes from the development stages we had discussed.

C. Presenting Describe the following pictures below:

examples/instances of the
new lesson

Photo Courtesy Pink Sip

D. Discussing new concepts a. Show developments a person may and have encountered
and practicing new skills b. Discuss the developments
#1  Middle Childhood
 Late Adolescence

E. Discussing new concepts a. Identify the skills and tasks appropriate for middle and late adolescence
and practicing new skills b. Relate the stages to what they think, feel, and do
F. Developing mastery Activity: Role play
EXPLAIN The learners will be grouped into four and they will perform or re-enactment of the song "Anak” .
Class GRADE11 Grade Level & Section GAS
Grade 11 Group Grade 11 GAS Learning Area Personal Development
DAILY LESSON PLAN Time allotment Quarter 1ST

Include the concept of living in harmony with members of the family

Concepts – 5 pts. Creativity – 5pts. Total – 20 pts.
Content - 5 pts. Member’s Participation - 5pts.
G. Finding practical Explain the significance of learning about the development stages of a person specifically the middle and
application of concepts late adolescence (relate it to your development stage at present).
and skills in daily living
H. Making generalization and Human beings undergo various changes from pre-natal to late adulthood.
abstractions about the Which of the following changes we discussed you relate most? Why?
I. Evaluating learning Essay:

Explain the concepts of the following:

EVALUATE  Middle Childhood
 Late Adolescence

K. Additional activities for Assignment:

application or remediation Make a research about the following Development Stages
 Early Adulthood
EXTEND  Middle Adulthood
 Late Adulthood

Prepared by:


Teacher II
Class GRADE11 Grade Level & Section GAS
Grade 11 Group Grade 11 GAS Learning Area Personal Development
DAILY LESSON PLAN Time allotment Quarter 1ST

Checked by: Noted by:


SHS Coordinator Assistant Principal II Principal IV

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