Farmer's Dreams (This Is My Walkthough) : Made by Masa0000

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Farmer’s dreams (This is my walkthough)

Made by masa0000
This is my experience in getting the scenes from the game and it is for
reference only.
I try to avoid all NTR scenes and the path I choose is the honor’s route.
So if you want to follow the corruption path or want to see NTR scenes I can
only give a few suggestions
For opening tasks please refer to the old walkthough.
I only made my selections so that I could watch the scenes.
Beginning – wake up
When Nina talk to you
+ Choose “It’t nothing like that” ( +3 Friendship)

In the Nina house’s

Talk with her father:
+ Choose “ I don’t like him “ (+ 10 friendship)
Talk with her Grandmother:
+ Choose “ Maybe someday I will “ ( + 10 friendship)

Choose to peek Sophie x Toby with Marcus ( + 10 Corruption ) ( + 10

friendship with Marcus )
In the cave scences with Nina:
+ Choose “ You should take off …. “
“ don’t be stupid i’m … “
After make a fire
+ Choose “keep eyes close” ( +10 honor )
+ Choose “ Don’t worry so much , we are friends after all “

Hint: After the opening scenes is the main part.

Remember to always save in the morning every day for easy editing or play
other route

Quest Father need medic

Before you talk with Elder silas
Collect all wood around the house
Clear arround area so that it is easy to grow

Go to the Nina’s house

Talk with her father:
+ Choose “ Don’t worry.. “ ( +10 hornor)

Day 1

After that go to talk with Elder Silas

Mia will go your home
You can get ( + 13 friendship with Nina) after scene

Now go Elise’s house talk with her

Choose Quest => hold 20 wood => talk to her
After that you can give gift and flirt . Flirt with Elise .( Please try to increase
the relationship with Elise soon , becaue if relationship with her High, you
can get lunch every day in her home )

Go upstair and talk with Amanda and Sophie

If Quest option of Sophie appear you can choose that .( if don’t try to next
day, But when I play R13 and R14 version quest appear after I finish give
wood for Elise )

Now go talk with Mia ( you can get go the lake scenes with her )
+ Choose “ Sure .. “
“ They are not pretty …. “

Go to Heather’s home and talk with her you can get quest give her 3 fences.
Talk with all girl ( Brooke , Laura, Nina) wait 1 p.m

In 1p.m go to the Elder silas and choose Quest option you can get medicine
and Quest Donation food

Give food and Medicine for Redd. After talk Redd you can get 1000 gold and
Quest Girlfriends

Go Show the letter for Marcus and give letter for Toby

Go talk with Darius and have quest Craftting and Building

Now go talk with Arron
Go to the forest collect all wood, green herb, bitter rot, blue daisy,…
Go the mine talk with Derek, Go in to the mine and open the chest Get Rum
After that go village and give Rum for Darius
Buy craft fence ( cost 100 )

Craft 3 fence and hold that go Heather house choose option quest
If you have bug, Heather will ask you buy Woolen yarn . Buy it (cost 125)
If quest Heather Money Problem appear you can choose option 2. Leave it
there and do this quest later

Now this is important if you don’t use RPGmarketSaveEditor.

Go Laura store:
+ Buy 25 seed Cucumber ( cost 750 ) ( It help you finish donating food in 7
or 8 days )
+ If you want catch Big warry fish easy . Buy 3 seed Corn 2 seed Flour and
15 Cucumber seed ( Cost 770 )
If you choose option 2 you can fish easier but You can delay quest Donating
food 1 or 2 days

Go home and plant seed

After use axe collect wood around farms wait 11p.m
Talk with Evelyn in the pub and gift her Blue Daisy if you have

At 11p.m go to Abandoned House and talk with Marcus

After go to the well meet grandmother Nina
Talk and choose “ Sure” ( + 10 friendship) or “ Ok… “ ( + 80gold )
Comeback and talk with Marcus get Sophie party scenes

Go home and sleep finish day 1

Day 2

Give food and medicine for Redd (apple)

Go out you can meet selena
+ Choose “ go down on her “
“ Try to continute …”

After Water the plants

Go the village and talk all girl
You can give gift for Laura (tulip) if you want . but don’t increase her
relationship >=2 heart

Go to the forest with Arron

At 1p.m go and find Marcus learn Steal

+ Choose
1.Invisibility Technique?
2.Can you teachit to me?
3.I’m Ready!
4.Stay Still
5.Stand casually still
6.I’m just relaxing a bit

Collect wood make fence and sell for Darius

If when you talk Mia and her complete the pie .

+ choose option 1 ( Blacke barry quest ) 1 scences
+ Choose option 2 (Spiked fruits quest ) 1 scences

Some tips NTR :

+ If you want you can buy something and make your money less 20
+ Talk with Darius and Quest Option appear. Choose Mia or Heather .
Go to Darius 1p.m – 5p.m you can see NTR scenes

Day 3
Dream angel and devil
+ Choose “ I want have sex “ (+ 1 physical ) can see all scenes with Amanda
+ Choose “ I want protect people I love “ (+ 1 combat) can see all scenes
with Laura .
I recommend you to choose combat and use RPGmarkerSaveEditor edit
physical 20 .

Give food and medicine for Redd (apple)

After Water the plants
Go the village and talk all girl
Go to the forest with Arron
Collect wood make fence and sell for Darius

You can go the lake and collect Tulips and apple

Day 4

Repeat all action on day 3

If you have Blue daisy give for Evelyn
Day 5

Give food and medicine for Redd (apple)

Now you can harvest
Keep 1 cucumber give for Elise . And sell all for elder silas. Go Mia home go
chest and sell.
Now you can have finish go to the forest 10 time in this time go fishing
If you have corn and flour and rock bring them with you,
Go to the mine and collect worms after go to the lake
Talk with fishing man . hold Elise’s Lunch and talk with him you can get
craft Sinker lure
Now save and repeat until you catch big warry fish ( very hard if you don’t
use cheat )
You can try again day 6 and day 7 but you should finish quest early if you

Day 6
Give food and medicine for Redd (apple)
Harvest and sell
Now this time you can have >= 500 gold go heather and choose quest
Give her 500 and choose “ h’m …. How about you own me a favor “
Now relationship with Elise 2 heart talk with her choose quest option
+ choose “ I expect some kind … “
“ I want some more erotic “
Go to the lake collect tulip and galic . you can meet Mermaid
+ choose “ Sun found to me “ ( 1 scenes boobjob )
After craft elise request 1 and hold talk to her .
+ Choose “yes” ( scenes fap )

Day 7
Give food and medicine for Redd (apple)
Harvest and sell
Go fishing if you don’t finish hunter training quest
Talk all girl.
When you talk with Elise you can get scencs blowjob ( If your physical >= 2
, you can get scenes with Amanda and Sophie when Amanda cacth you )
At 5.p.m
Go to pub talk with Evelyn if you give her 2 blue daisy you can have 1 heart
and the cat will disappear
Use Woolen yarn and help cat .

Day 8
At now when you go out Mia will come and talk with you
After that , go dad room and choose picture in the table near che chest.

When you go out home you will hear cat voice. Go after your house find cat.
Scence with Evelyn
+ Choose “ joke “
+ choose “ milk “
Harvest and sell (Now you may have enough food to complete quest )
Talk all girl
Collect wood and craft fence sell some fence when you have enough 1000
At 4p.m go the well at get quest fire party
When you go village you can find sophie at Village
I choose “ I don’t remember this “ , “ bring it on “

Collect 50 wood
Day 9
At 6 A.M
Go Roxy home and talk with Vincent
Talk all girl

Now have a lot of bug in here if you hold Lunch when you use cheat or use
plant seed , give gift for girl
Object wait Vincent leave the next day will be finish
If you see that . Delay all action go home and talk with redd
+ Choose “ call your girl friends “
Wait until 11p.m talk to Redd and open the chest Get Necklace
After go heather home and knock door.
Get handjob scenes
+ choose “ grab her tits “

Day 10
If you don’t have bug
Repeat action on day 9

Day 11
Now fire party quest
You should have 50 wood , > 1000 gold , 2 physical , 1 combat , 1 rum
At 5.p.m go talk to same to start the party
Hold 1 Cucumbers go pub and buy rum
( If you want take Mia go to the party => talk with elder silas choose Quest
=> talk with Mia )
Go the lake
In the party
1. Talk with Nina
2. Talk with heather
3. Give rum for Brooke
4. Talk with Amanda
+ choose option 2 (Physical > = 2 )
Choose show your money
Choose option 2
Choose “ how about kiss “

Start phase 2
1. Evelyn come
+ Choose “thanks”
+ Choose option 2
+ Choose option 2
+ Choose bye
2. If you take Mia go to the party don’t go home with her
3. Talk with Heather
+ choose drink more
4. Talk with Laura
+ choose option 2
+ choose fight ( combat > =1)

After party go to talk with Roxy and Mia in Mia house

After talk with redd
At 17p.m go to near village house find heather
+ choose go out on date ( blowjob scene )
At 20p.m
Go to the well talk with Mia
+ Choose “ he’s a douche”
After that talk with sam and start Story quest

TIPs: If you want Nina love Trevor (NTR Scences)

+Choose “ Maybe another life”

In the Story quest I choice

+ “ You might die if you go,…..” (+ 10 hornor)
+” Go” ( +10 honor)
+ “negotiate” (gold > 1000, Scences Nikki slave in MC’ home)
+ choose “ I will stay “
+ Choose “help”
After the story quest go gome and sleep when you go village Sam will appear
and talk with you
+ choose option 1 ( if you take Mia go to the party )
Go to the pub
If you want see Laura titjob scenes Choose
Coffe => beer => beer=> "Go for it " => and go home with Laura
If you want see Evelyn scene choose
Coffe => rum => rum => “ go for it “

Sometips :
Maybe trevor come and talk with MC
+ choose “good advice” (if you want NTR)
+ choose “ Bad advice” ( if you want sex with Nina)
Maybe Nina will talk wih MC about Relationship with Trevor.
+ Choose option 1 (if you want NTR)
+ Choose Don’t trust him (if you want Nina)

Now sleep in this time maybe day 12 or 13

Day …
Increase Relationship with Laura get 2 heart
Talk with her have sex scene and you can work at store

Go to the mine and talk with Derek

Give Necklace for Mia

After Collect 500 woods and finish quest fix the bridge

Day …
At 9.a.m check on the fairy
Nina come and talk with you
Nina scenes
+ choose “kiss her “ (1 scenes kiss Nina )
+ Choose “Bad advice” => “ kiss her “ ( 1 scenes Nina want kiss You)
+ Choose “Bad advice” => “ we are friends” ( => get laura scence)
Tips: If you say good to trevor and you want to go to the NTR scene. Go and
talk with Trevor. (I'm not too sure about this scene. I just know some of the
suggestions that you want to see, you have to find out for yourself)

At 7p.m when Mia in Mc’s house go dad’s room (get Mia hand job Redd
+ choose “I saw everything”
+ choose “ you did a nice from him “
Now you can go to the Globin forest and collect Spiker Fruit or Black berry

Sex scenes Elf

Go to the Goblin’s cave

Find 5 black muder and give it for Dereck

Find and talk with Marcus

After 2 days come and talk him again

Find 8 magic mushroom for Marcus

Hold 8 magic mushroom and talk again

After scenes you can give soap for girl and use Mush room spy on the lake
Laura Sex Scences
When you choose you are friends with Nina
Relationship with her 5,5 or 6 heart come and talk with her
You can see her with newoutfix
+ Choose “you”
+ Choose option 1
+ Choose option 1

Nina Sex in cave scences

When you choose 1 or 2 option kiss her
Go upstair and talk with her

Get quest
Go and talk with Derek
After go to the mine find chest get bomb

Go your farm use axe break fence

Use bomb open the cave
Go and talk with Nina
Have sex scences
+ Choose “ Cum in for her “

Mia Scences
You must have honor >=4
Hold 100 Black berry or 8 Spike Fruits and talk to her
Get Scenes

Nina Strawberry scences

When you finish fix the bridge
Talk with Laura father and Choose Strawberry seed
Wait 3 days go Laura and buy seed ( 8 seeds)
Go home and plant
Wait 4 days you can harvest
Hold 25 Strawberry and go Nina home at 9.p.m
Amanda Gift scenes
You must have 5,5 or 6 heart with her , 2000 gold , 2 physical
Go talk with laura father choose Expensive gift
After 3 days go and take Expensive gift
Hold and talk to her get scenes

Heather Swimsuits Scenes

You must have Heather Real Girlfriends Route, 1500 gold
Go talk with Laura father choose Bikini
After 3 days go and take it
Hold and give bikini for Heather
After wait 9p.m knock her door
Get scenes

Elise sex scenes

Talk with Elise if she wear new clothes

Sneak in her room and get scenes
Heather scene (corruption part)
If you play a corruption route and you want see this scence
First Donate Heather 1000 gold
+ Choose “ show your tits “
Second Donate Heather 1000 gold
+ choose “ h’m …. How about you own me a favor”
(That choice help you see scene Handjob quest Girlfriends )
But remember now you are on friends route with heather . you can’t not have
2 scene in Real Girlfriend route ( 1 date in lake , 1 swimsuit scene)
Third Donate Heather 1000 gold
+ Mc will ask Heather handjob, And her mom will wake up
After talk
Go home and sleep you can see this scene

Sometips: (scenes)
Jasmine (devil scenes) appear when you have Corruption > honor
Nikki scenes appear when you Choose “negotiate” in R13 when you finish
Story quest and go sleep she will appear. But in R14 I don’t know when she
will appear. ( Random time )
This is not harem game .
Choose carefully and develop a relationship with the girl you like

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