Readings of Visual Arts

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Art is more popular today than ever before

I agree that Art is more popular today than ever before because, back in the time

of our ancestors, they usually did art without even realizing that, that time is not

appreciated because of the sole purpose of improving their daily lives. But the thing

about art is that it’s so diverse that there are as many ways to understand it. According

to the famous Russian novelist, Leo Tolstoy. - “Art is the activity by which a person,

having experienced an emotion, intentionally transmits it to others.” - Something that

expresses an idea, an emotion, or, more generally, a world view. This means how Art

conveys to humans of how communication can be known or celebrated, recorded, and

described our lives since the beginning of time, the universality of human expression

that amazed me of how arts can unite people across the globe, no matter where they

are from because they transcend cultural differences and capture something of what it

means to be uniquely human. There's art everywhere we go that reflects what we

believe, how we think, in a way that can be seen to others for inspiration.

Art is very important in society as it is an essential ingredient for empowering

people's hearts, such as politics, culture, and people. For example, in their campaigns,

activists present photos of children suffering from poverty or injustice, this is the art that

pulls the heartstrings of the elite of society and is effective in creating changes.

Likewise, as photographers publish photos of war-torn countries, they attract the

attention of people whose hearts reach out to those in need of assistance. When an

artist creates great music and films, they entertain people all over the world. It's an art

that makes a significant difference in society.

Art is also a great way to represent the culture from around the world and has

played a significant role in helping to counter the intolerance of different races,

misogyny, and other types of racial discrimination in society. This is why art is powerful

because it can potentially affect our culture, politics, and even the economy. When we

see the artwork, you feel that it touches deep within your core and gives us the power to

make real-life changes. In short, we are affectionately touched by art.

Not only there where art can shine but it can also take the form of film, music,

theatre, and pop culture, all of which seek to entertain and make people happy. So

when films, songs, or plays are made for a specific audience or purpose, the art starts

to widen. For example, films can be made for diffusing awareness or cultural

appreciation. Songs may also be written in such a way as to bring out other feelings,

encourage or raise people's morale.

For centuries, Art has not only been a tool to express, but also a way of capturing

moments of celebration, of happiness to share with today's world, as well as with

tomorrow's world. There are plenty of examples to mention that give us the knowledge

and lessons that could help us out of daily life. In certain instances, studying paintings

such as the Cave of Lascaux (France) and the Cave of Blombos (South Africa), as

students can discover not only through its beautiful colors but also identify the picture's

depictions that express their values and ideals in which will give us clues today about

what happened long ago, especially when there are no written records left behind. It

gives us an awareness and appreciation of the role of art in telling stories, sharing

ideas, and enhancing awareness of what life was like many years ago and the world

around us.
And in this day and age, when people become what everyone does, and often

don't embrace the differences of each other, art will give us an example to embrace our

uniqueness, because it doesn't matter how different or weird we are. By engaging in art

we will conquer our fears, and realize that each individual is special. By creating art, it

will also help us embrace the pain, as you convince others around you that no one is

perfect. Art is very important in this world as it distinguishes us from individuals and

makes us better humans. And I believe in this quote "The artist is not a special type of

person; rather, each person is an artist of a special kind." As this would conclude that

art is important to progress for many reasons by showing the hidden talents of each

artist, the ability to communicate and interact in particular with our views and beliefs,

and finally, in the future, the art that offers a way out of the pressures of the hustle and

bustle of the modern world.

Thus, art is important in documenting the whole of human society. From this, we

learn from other cultures not only our history but also history itself and an opportunity to

express what we think, what we feel, what we love or hate, what we hope, what we'd

like to change, what we want from the future and admire from the past, and whatever

else could move us. It is part of humanity wishing these things and wanting to express

them. Not having the arts is like living in a world of black and white when an option is a

wonderful color. As an expression of thought, discover what went and what did, and

have the opportunity at the moment to know, improve, and understand what we really

are and what is happening today.

Therefore, Art itself is always going to be controversial. Debates will always be

about what art is and what is not. But no matter what the definition may be, for as long
as humans have existed (i.e. cave paintings, hieroglyphics) it was around us. Whether

we are aware of it or not, we allow the arts to affect our lives in one way or another, and

there are many reasons why we make art to mention such art-making for our

entertainment, cultural appreciation, aesthetics, personal improvement, and even social

change to thrive in this world.

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