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Answer to the question no.

– 1
Yes! The communication satellites play an important role in long
distance education in Bangladesh perspective. Because enough
bandwidth could be allocated to education and the people of
Bangladesh have the capability of receiving this educational
bandwidth and assuming the education provided on this bandwidth
is worthwhile. Bangladesh also has satellite reception in TV/ news
broadcast from around the world and communication satellites
are an effective means to promote distance education as well.
It’s a matter of having a good working educational curriculum,
facility, time, man power, students and capital. And Bangladesh
already has these.
So, we can say that, communication satellites can provide a role
in long distance education in Bangladesh.
Answer to the question no. - 2
GNSS are satellite-based positioning systems, such as GPS and
GLONASS, providing geodetic coordinates of ground points.
A GNSS device receives radio signals from a satellite
constellation. Measurements from at least four satellites
are necessary to determine the coordinates ( x, y, z) of a
ground point.

Answer to the question no. - 3

Artificial Intelligence is the branch of computer sciences that
emphasizes the development of intelligence machines, thinking and
working like humans. For example, speech recognition, problem-
solving, learning and planning.
Now six generation, integrating Artificial Intelligence is a very
popular subject that is widely discussed in the technology . Many
experts and industry analysts argue that AI is the best future .
With the generation in technology, we are already connected to AI
in one way or the other - whether it is Siri, Watson or Alexa. Yes,
the technology is in its initial phase and more and more companies
are investing resources in artificial intelligence, indicating a
robust growth in AI products and apps in the near future.
Artificial intelligence will replace 16 percent of American jobs
by the end of the decade ( Forrester)
Robotics, is the most survey of Artificial Intelligence: Hanson
Robotics is building humanoid robots with artificial intelligence
for both the commercial and consumer markets.
The Hanson-created Sophia ( pictured above) is an incredibly
advanced social-learning robot. Through AI, Sophia can efficiently
communicate with natural language and use facial expressions to
convey human-like emotions.
Sophia has become something of a media celebrity, featured on
various talk shows, including a memorable appearance with a
clearly weirded-out Jimmy Fallon on .the tonight show. The robot
has even accepted citizenship from Saudi Arabia.
Hanson plans to introduce an entire line of robots like Sophia,
which they believe “have immediate applications as media
personalities in movies and TV shows, entertainment
animatronics in museums and theme parks, and for university
research and medical training applications.”
However, one thing is for sure, artificial intelligence is
progressing faster than ever, and no one knows what might come
Answer to the question no. - 4
Wireless networks have experienced fast development in the past
decades. Various advancing wireless technologies have been
proposed. To catch up with the ever-increasing diverse
communication needs, cloud-radio access networks ( C-RAN) , which
decouples the baseband processing unit ( BBU) from the remote
radio head ( RRH) , has been proposed. On the other hand, it has
been widely recognized that huge energy consumption has been
raised due to the massive deployment of cellular networks.
Lowering the network energy consumption therefore becomes a
widely concerned topic. To combat the limitations in traditional
power grid, smart grid, with the emphasis on distributed energy
resource ( DER) and bidirectional energy sharing, is advocated to
power the wireless networks. In this paper, we are motivated to
investigate a joint RRH-BBU association and energy sharing
problem towards brown energy usage minimization in green energy
powered C-RAN. The problem is formulated into a mixed integer
linear programming ( MILP) form. To deal with the computation
complexity of solving MILP, a two-phase heuristic polynomial-time
algorithm is proposed and evaluated via extensive simulation
based studies.

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