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Zambia Weekly Week 3, Volume 2, Issue 3, 21 January 2011

In this issue
In this issue KCM pollution: When will it stop?
The Konkola Copper Mines have polluted the
KCM pollution: When will it stop? 1 Kafue River – for the third time (Post 14). The
Minimum wage increased by 56 percent 2
Environmental Council of Zambia (ECZ)
intends to impose “serious punitive measures”
Mine union officials receive hefty salaries 2 but is this enough?
Quotes 2 In November 2006, KCM polluted the Kafue
River with acidic effluent from Nchanga tail-
Blowing up filling stations in Barotseland 3
ings leach plant (photo), killing the fish and
Political movers: Good riddance! 5 resulting in a five-day shutdown of domestic
water supply to Chingola residents. The pollu-
The first mobile hospitals have arrived 5
tion was caused by a burst tailings pipeline.
Advert: How you look is how you feel! 6
In October 2010, KCM polluted the river again, resulting in another shutdown of water
Plot scam at Lusaka City Council 7 supply. The spill was caused by a leak in one of the old pregnant solution tanks at Nchanga.
KCM was fined 21.97 million kwacha – an amount which was criticised by Southern Africa
Exchange of the week 7
Resource Watch as being too lenient. Earth Organisation Zambia asked the British Standard
(Dead) bandits in brief 8 Institute (BSI) to withdraw its certificate for the international standard for environmental
management systems (ISO 14001), which it had awarded to KCM in October 2010.
Editor’s note KCM said it had undertaken necessary measures to prevent future incidents, including replac-
ing aging tanks and a tailings pipeline at Nchanga. In fact, said KCM chief executive officer
Last week, this note was a toss-up between Kishore Kumar, the mining giant has spent over 40 million US dollars on the rehabilitation of
how Chinese is becoming another language old infrastructure in an effort to prevent pollution (Daily Mail 20).
in Zambia or the banalities of the govern- Nevertheless, Nchanga has now leaked again, polluting the Kafue River with heavy metals
ment’s employment policies. The Chinese and temporarily disrupted water supply. In a statement, KCM explained that the spill was
won – briefly, as the government this week caused by a power outage, which led to the failure of the pumps at its Muntimpa tailings
provided another opportunity to write about disposal site (Daily Mail 15). Immediately after the power outage, the concentrator and the
its employment policies. Last week, the tailings leach plant were stopped and the matter was reported to relevant authorities – and all
Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives the samples taken proved to be within the allowable parameters, reads the statement.
advertised for four employees including a
general worker/caretaker/gardener. Nothing KCM is owned by the London-listed Vedanta Resources of India (79.4%) and ZCCM-IH
wrong in that – except for the fact that the (20.6%). It received widespread praise by the end of 2010 for its announcement to list on the
four adverts took up one-and-a-half pages London Stock Exchange followed by the Lusaka Stock Exchange – although the mining gi-
in the Times of Zambia. The gardener had a ant later postponed its listing to 2011. Now, the praise has died down.
whole half page to himself. The cost of a half Chingola MP Joseph Katema (PF) and Nchanga MP Wylbur Simuusa (PF) requested that
page advert is not cheap. Yet this week, the the government intervene in KCM’s quest to reap abnormal profits at the expense of local
gardener re-appeared – also on a whole half residents and the environment (Post 15).
page – but with the words “This position has
been cancelled” superimposed. How much We will, said Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources permanent secretary
government ministries pay for advertising in Lillian Kapulu: The government, through the ECZ, “will be monitoring KCM and other
the Times is unknown. After all, the Times mines to ensure they don’t pollute the environment” (Daily Mail 20). And, added ECZ execu-
is part of the government-funded (but not tive director Paul Banda, we “are going to take action” against the company.
controlled – stresses the government) press. We doubt it, said “some government officials” (Post 15), who pointed out that the vice-chair-
These job adverts are obviously publicised in man of ECZ – which has no chairman currently – is Frederick Bantubonse, who is also the
a (commendable) quest for greater transpar- general manager of the Chamber of Mines of Zambia. In the former capacity he is pushing
ency – to avoid the position being filled by for stricter laws on environmental pollution. In the latter he is pushing for leniency.
maybe-not-the-best-qualified cousin of the
permanent secretary or nephew of the head
of procurement and supplies. Surely, however,
one should be able to apply a banality test in
cases like these? Maybe an internal job advert Kariba floodgates to open
would suffice for a gardener? Especially con-
sidering that advertising a job to the greater The Zambezi River Authority will open two spillway gates at Kariba Dam, one fully
public does not necessarily prevent nepotism. and another at half capacity, on 22 January 2011 to discharge a total of 3000 m3/s
Sometimes advertising is only a formality to in order to keep the lake levels within the operational range. The authority advised
address internal rules on accountability. In the general public and the communities living along the Zambezi River to take the
fact the preferred candidate has already been notice seriously to avoid loss of life and property caused by flooding.
chosen. At least this is seen in donor circles.

The best of the Zambian media 1

Zambia Weekly News

Minimum wage increased by 56 percent Quotes

Government has increased the minimum wage for non-
unionised workers such as shop assistants from 268,800 to
419,000 kwacha per month with effect from February. Most
monthly allowances have also been increased, including
transport (102,400 kwacha), lunch (120,000 kwacha) and
subsistence (195,000 kwacha). Housing allowance “remains”
“ The majority of countries where the
trade union movement is active,
leaders who work full time as union
at 30 percent of basic wage. representatives are not employees of
any government or private firms. [T]his
Minister of Labour and Social Security Austin Liato said the
allows them not to get insulated by the
ministry arrived at the new wages and conditions of service
government or their employers, which
after consultations with both employees and employers.
is why we don’t allow civil servants to
“[T]he decent wages provided in these statutory instruments

engage in active politics.
ought not to be so high as to stifle existing businesses, espe-
cially small businesses, or scare away possible investment that Fackson Shamenda, former president of
we need so much to create employment,” Liato said. Zambia Congress of Trade Unions, on
Minister of Labour and Social Security
The government has also for the first time set a minimum wage for domestic workers at
Austin Liato’s call for MUZ president
250,000 kwacha – although Liato cautioned that “[t]his is a minimum for those who cannot
Rayford Mbulu to step down (Post 15)
afford to pay more than that”. Domestic workers will also be entitled to transport allowance of
- see page 2.
102, 400 kwacha, a separation package of one month’s salary for every two years served, annual
leave of 24 days – and work no more than 48 hours per week.
“Despite their importance, domestic workers are the most exploited and abused in the country,
needless to say that they are often overworked and underpaid,” said Liato (Times/Daily 20). “ When we were fighting for indepen-
dence, we would say we would die
for Zambia because we wanted it to
be free, but now you want to die for
Mine union officials receive hefty salaries what? There is no need to die. If you
have a problem, use the ballot and not

MMD Copperbelt taskforce chairman Joe Malanji has accused top officials at the Mine violence.
Workers Union of Zambia (MUZ) of paying themselves hefty salaries. Apparently, MUZ
Christine Mulundika, a former freedom
president Rayford Mbulu receives 24 million kwacha per month, MUZ secretary general
fighter, and chairperson for Zambia
Oswell Munyenyembe receives 18 million kwacha, while the others get between 10 million
Federation of Associations of Women in
and 15 million kwacha plus other allowances. “Not even permanent secretaries get that kind
Business (Post 15).
of money,” Malanji said. In comparison, the president of the National Union of Miners and
Allied Workers, Mundia Sikufele, earns less than 10 million kwacha per month. Malanji

explained that on two occasions last year, MUZ had written to Luanshya Copper Mines
to request for advance payments of the mine’s monthly MUZ subscription of 20 million People should not fish in troubled

kwacha. First, MUZ had asked for 60 million kwacha to cover the union’s statutory member- waters.
ship subscription to its global mother body, the ICEM, for 2008, 2009 and 2010. Then, it had President Banda cautioning politicians
asked for 80 million kwacha to cover Christmas bonuses to MUZ employees. “There is need to not try to gain political mileage on
for their financial reports to be audited regularly,” Malanji said. MUZ refused to comment the Barotseland Agreement (Times 17)
(Times/Daily Mail 20). Recently, Mbulu was barred from contesting the presidency of the - see page 3.
Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) – due to no longer being an employee of Cham-
bishi Metal – whereupon Minister of Labour and Social Security Austin Liato asked Mbulu
to resign from MUZ as well – which he refused.
“ Physical violence is a concept, which
even the apes of the jungle, I’m tempt-
ed to think, have abandoned, so why
should the so-called civilised society
Much more than news! tolerate it? It is my considered view that
those that resort to physical violence
clearly manifest their inability to reason
Zambia Weekly produces (write, edit, design and photograph) all
and if your ability to reason fails you
types of publications: from brochures to posters, from press then you are not fit to live among civi-

releases to newsletters, from technical reports to books. lised men and women.
Contact Camilla Hebo Buus if you or your company needs assistance! Lusaka Magistrates Exonorbit Zulu
(cell 0977 461 877, imprisoning three PF cadres for assault
and abduction of two PF founders

Zambia Weekly
(Times 18).

The best of the Zambian media 2

Zambia Weekly This week’s controversy

Now they are trying to blow up filling stations in Barotseland!

When the organisers of the Limulunga meet- endeavoured or prepared to forcibly procure
ing about the Barotseland Agreement sched- the establishment of a Barotseland State in
uled for 14 January – which had been banned Western Province sometime between 1 Oc-
by the police – insisted that the meeting would tober 2010 and 14 January 2011 (Daily Mail/
go ahead anyway, it was clear that chaos would Times/Post 20).
The lawlessness in Limulunga and Mongu
Western Province Police Commanding Officer was condemned by everybody – including first
Peacewell Mweemba put it bluntly: Those who president Kenneth Kaunda, one of the signa-
will defy the police’s order “should be ready tories to the Barotseland Agreement. He did
to collide with the law” (Daily Mail 14). And not, however, as some people had hoped for,
collide they did! provide a magic solution to the problem – but
said he was certain there was capacity in the
The police did their utmost to prevent people from reaching Limu-
government to handle the matter.
lunga. Roadblocks were erected, people were searched, and passen-
gers of some minibuses were detained – as there were no women in Problems caused by lack of development
the busses. The police also took Mongu’s community station, Radio Everyone agreed the violence had gotten out of hand. “I am very sorry
Lyambai, off-air for broadcasting materials advocating for the Bar- that lives were lost,” President Banda said. But the government and
otseland Agreement – but more about that later (Post 15). its supporters blamed the opposition for having fuelled the violence
by encouraging the restoration of the Barotseland Agreement (Times
The activists sang and chanted the Barotseland “anthem” and slogans
17). The opposition, on the other hand, blamed the government for
while daring the paramilitary police officers fully armed and dressed
having overreacted (Post 16/18/19). It should have let the meeting go
in riot gear – saying they were ready to die for a noble cause (Times
ahead, critics argued: Now, it must engage in dialogue with all stake-
15). They pelted stones and other objects at the police, erected bar-
holders, including the irate groups in Western Province.
ricades with rocks, logs and burning tires and went on a rampage in
Mongu (Daily Mail 15). Both the president of United Party for National Development
(UPND), Hakainde Hichilema (Monitor & Digest 18-24), the
The police used teargas and fired in the air to disperse the crowd,
interim president of National Restoration Party (NAREP), Elias
which it only really succeeded in doing in the afternoon, when it was
Chipimo Jr (Post 14) – and General Malimba Masheke, former prime
joined by the Zambia Army. At that time, however, two people had
minister under Kaunda and former Zambia Army Commander said
been killed and nine were nursing “nasty bullet wounds” (Post 17).
the dissatisfaction in the Western Province is genuine – and that the
One man was shot dead by the police to prevent him from setting a Barotseland Agreement could form a basis for devolution of powers
filling station ablaze. Initial reports said a child had been killed when to Western Province and other regions of Zambia.
hit by a large stone, but later reports only talked of another man,
found lying dead on Limulunga Road with a deep cut to his body and Continued next page →
with his arms crossed on the chest. The police suspected he had been
killed with a knife or a spear (Daily Mail 16/19). They also confis-
cated an assortment of homemade pangas, machetes, spears, knives
and catapults (Daily Mail 17).
Would oil alter western power balance?
24 people charged with treason
When this round of unrest emerged in the Western Province, it was
instigated by two groups, the Movement for the Restoration of the The government has awarded the first oil exploration licence
Barotseland Agreement – which disassociated itself from this week’s – to the Barotse Petroleum Company (BPC) – after the
violence and from the calls for secession – along with the Barotseland company paid all fees as outlined in the statutory instruments.
Freedom Movement (BFM). Last week, another group, the Linyun- BPC has been awarded the right to explore for oil and gas
gandambo, joined the fracas, and this week saw the entry of yet in two blocks in the Western Province. Two other Zambian
another one, the Barotse Patriotic Front (BPF). companies have successfully gone through the bidding round:
Majetu (two blocks in North-Western Province) and Chat
The police arrested a total of 131 people (Times 19), including BPF Milling Company (Kafue Basin in Southern Province). Three
leader Imasiku Mutangelwa – an incident which some said sparked foreign companies have joined them: Petrodel Resources of
the violence – and other leaders of the three groups, the BFM, the the UK (Western Province), GB Petroleum also of the UK
Linyungandambo and the BPF. (Western Province) and Exile Resources of Canada (Eastern
The police also picked up former Barotse Ngambela (Prime Minister) Province). Minister of Mines and Minerals Development
and former MP under Kaunda, Maxwell Mututwa, who despite his Maxwell Mwale said he is confident that the other successful
92 years was said to be the “commander” of the three groups (Daily bidders will follow suit in paying their fees to obtain their li-
Mail 19). cences. The government expects BPC to move into the blocks
as soon as the rainy season is over. A total of 41 blocks have
All the arrested people were transferred to Lusaka to be dealt with by been demarcated for oil and gas countrywide, of which 7 have
the Director of Public Prosecution – who, so far, has charged a total been reserved for government (Times/Daily Mail 15).
of 24 people with treason, including Mutangelwa, Mututwa and a
police officer in Lusaka, Maybin Mubita Sikwa. The 24, while acting
with other unknown people in Lusaka, Senanga and Mongu districts,

The best of the Zambian media 3

Zambia Weekly This week’s controversy

Barotseland continued.... Barotseland - according to commentators

“The complaint which people in Western Province are putting
forward is because of poverty and neglect of the province. There are
no factories, no jobs. When people leave schools, they have nothing Interim president of the National
to do. Mr. Rupiah Banda and his ministers that come from Western
Province have blood on their hands,” said Masheke. Restoration Party Elias Chipimo Jr:
Nonsense, retorted government spokesperson Dora Siliya (Times 18): The reason that so much heat has been generated over the Bar-
“The government has given one of the largest investments to Western otseland Agreement is no doubt a reflection of a lack of national
Province in form of the 1.2 trillion kwacha Mongu-Kalabo Bridge.” leadership to guide the debate. This is a controversy that should
never have escalated to the levels that it has. The Barotseland
MMD minister goes his own way Agreement is a document that forms an important part of
They are right, said – interestingly – Minister of Community Devel- our history and cannot simply be wished away. It nevertheless
opment and Social Services Michael Kaingu (MMD). The problem seems to generate on the one hand, fears of secession among
in Western Province has been poverty and unemployment, and most those that have no roots in Western Province and on the other,
youths have had no forum to express themselves – which is why they rancour among those within it that feel they have been ignored
took to the streets, Kaingu said (Daily Mail 18). by successive government administrations for far too long. These
Together with Minister of Western Province, Sikwibele Mwapela, he concerns are real and reflect an anger and anxiety that exists in
held a post-mortem meeting with about 20 high-ranking people from nearly all rural communities in Zambia. The idea behind it [the
Mongu to discuss the violence (Sunday Post). According to “sources” Barotseland Agreement] may in fact offer a viable, alternative
(Daily Mail 17), some of the attendees at the meeting – most of development planning mechanism for rural communities that
whom were members of the two opposition parties, the Patriotic could be extended to all areas where traditional authorities have
Front and the Alliance for Democracy and Development – had de- a major role to play. We are not likely to succeed in this unless
manded for secession, which angered the BRE, who therefore asked we can finally elect this year, a government that truly has a heart
Kaingu to leave the province. for the people (Post 14).

Kaingu had also organised broadcasts on Radio Lyambai in which

“alarming sentiments bordering on treason” were aired – according to
the Daily Mail, although Kaingu said the broadcasts told the govern-
Freedom fighter, first minister of local
ment to withdraw police from the Western Province, because he did government and MMD patron Sikota Wina:
not believe the police and army were the best solution to peace. He The sharing of the national cake has always created big divisions
defended himself saying he was trying to broker peace in the Western (...), but Barotse province though badly hit by lack of investment
Province – through dialogue with those who are fighting for seces- such as mines and other mass employment projects can still rec-
sion. ognise that it receives a fair share of the national cake as recently
Of course we won’t withdraw the police and the army, said Minister demonstrated by the President Rupiah Bwezani Banda’s commis-
of Home Affairs Mkhondo Lungu. Not until calm is fully restored in sion of Mongu-Kalabo Road and the Senanga-Sesheke Road. As
the district. He warned that his ministry was investigating the reports a veteran politician and one of the founding fathers of the nation
that “some senior government officials” were involved in the confusion I appeal to the people of Zambia to reject the return to tribe. [I]
in Mongu – and that the law would take its course. t will be utter madness to think that if we break up this Repub-
lic into tribal components we can turn those into nation states
Discussions - but no negotiations! (statement from 26 November 2010 published in Times 18).
Once again the government reiterated that the Western Province
will remain part of Zambia. Banda emphasised that the Barotseland
Agreement is not to be negotiated but that the government is discuss-
ing it with the BRE – which has disassociated itself from the calls for
Lusaka Lawyer Christopher Mundia:
secession, although it did criticise that the Barotseland Agreement At Independence, we allowed Dr Kaunda from Northern
had not been included in Zambia’s new draft constitution in 2010. Province to rule Zambia for 27 years and united as Zambi-
ans we voted Dr Chiluba into office as the second republican
However, the unrest is not over yet. On the night of 19 January, police
president. We then voted into power the late president Dr Levy
apprehended 23 people for attempting to overthrow Lozi sub-chief
Mwanawasa from Central, Lusaka and Copperbelt provinces.
Mufaya of Kaoma district. The group wanted to replace him with a
Following his untimely death, we elected the current president
Mr Patrick Muyani, who is believed to be Nkoya. Inspector Gen-
from Eastern Province. Looking at this pattern of presidential
eral of Police Francis Kabonde said the unfolding events in Western
elections, it is quite clear that most Zambians would like to
Province are a source of worry to the Zambia Police as they are to the
have a system of guided democracy where the presidents will be
nation (Daily Mail 20).
rotating according to regions to avoid certain regions being the
masters and the others being the servants. After he [President
Banda] has completed his second term, Zambians under guided
FIGURES: TAZARA debt democracy should only vote for a president from any of the
three provinces, namely Western, North-Western and Southern
China has cancelled 50% of the 150 million US dollar debt owed provinces (Times 19).
to it by the Tanzania Zambia Railway Authority (Daily Mail 20).

The best of the Zambian media 4

Zambia Weekly Politics

Political movers: Good riddance! Titbit News

These weeks the newspapers are awash
with stories about people quitting the
Patriotic Front (PF) to join the govern- The first mobile hospitals have arrived
ing Movement for Multiparty Democ-
The first unit of mobile hospitals have arrived in Zambia.
racy (MMD) – or vice versa. At the end
Minister of Health Kapembwa Simbao said the first batch,
of 2010, Deputy Minister of Sports,
which consists of seven equipped trucks, each fitted with dif-
Youth and Child Development, May-
ferent medical equipment, will be joined by another eight units
nard Misapa (MMD), joined the PF
by the first quarter of 2011. The mobile hospitals are meant to
after having resigned – or being fired
reduce the number of referrals of patients from outlying areas
– depending on which party tells the
to Lusaka. However, the opposition has claimed the money
story. In the beginning of January, Paul
would have been better spent putting it into the existing
Moonga, member of the PF central committee, resigned. Moonga
healthcare service. The mobile hospitals are being supplied by
was suspended by the PF in December. He will soon join a “more
National Aero Technology Import and Export Cooperation
democratic” party. Good riddance, replied the PF. And then there are
(China) and paid with a 53 million US dollar (about 252 bil-
the old-timers: George Mpombo (MMD), who has blocked his party
lion kwacha) loan from Exim Bank (China). The seven trucks
from expelling him, even though he spends most of his time with the
will remain parked at the Ministry of Health until they have
PF, and the many rebel PF MPs, who hang out with the MMD. Last
been commissioned, whereupon they will be distributed to
week, 27 Copperbelt University students from the PF-UPND pact
districts still to be announced. At the same time, the United
defected to the ruling party (ZNBC 10). This week, more than 200
States handed over four medical supply delivery trucks worth
PF Kasama members did the same (Daily Mail 18) and PF Kabwe
560,000 US dollars (about 2.6 billion kwacha) donated to
central constituency secretary Andrew Sinyangwe and his youth vice-
Medical Stores Limited (Times 14 and Daily Mail 18).
chairperson Lupupa Malama resigned (Times 18). Finally, this week,
Judith Kapijimpanga, MMD chairperson for lands, defected to the
PF (Daily Mail 17), saying she is shocked with the MMD’s stand on
corruption (Post 18). Good riddance, replied the MMD.
Chinese mine worker shooters behind bars
The Choma Magistrates Court has revoked bail for two
Chinese managers at Collum Coal Mine for contempt of
Kunda, HH and the PF-UPND Pact court. This follows the duo’s failure to appear before court for
mention on 4 January in connection with their shooting of 13
Vice-President George Kunda (MMD) is an eager source of infor- mine workers. Xiao Li Shan and Wu Jiu Hua were arrested to-
mation about the political intentions of Hakainde Hichilema, the gether with their two Zambian sureties, but Magistrate Jacob
president of the United Party for National Development (UPND). Mbolela detached the accused from the sureties, whom he or-
Last year, Kunda claimed HH had agreed to become republican vice- dered to pay 50 million kwacha each or remain in custody for
president in an alliance between the MMD and the UPND – which six months. Mbolela advised that the payment of the recently
Hichilema denied. Now, Kunda is claiming HH has agreed to become paid compensations to the 13 victims could not be used as an
republican vice-president if the PF-UPND Pact assumes power – and excuse to fail to appear for mention. The Chinese managers’
that HH will contest a parliamentarian seat in Siavonga to fulfil the lawyers argued that mention was slated for 6 January, but state
constitutional requirement of the republican vice-president being an prosecutor Evans Mbonge pointed out that the accused did
MP (Daily Mail 14) – which Hichilema denied: “Kunda has a mental not show up at court on that day either. The duo will remain in
issue,” he said (Monitor & Digest 18-24). Hichilema did however custody until the summary trial comes up in the High Court
explain that there is an “impasse” in the pact because the UPND wish (Post 14).
to develop a joint socioeconomic programme before choosing a presi-
dential candidate, whereas the PF wish to do it the other way round.
UTH restricts entry
The University Teaching Hospital (UTH) has restricted the
entry of people into the premises of the country’s largest refer-
ral hospital. UTH public relations manager Pauline Mban-
Church leaders in fertiliser scam gweta said management is concerned about the large number
of people roaming the hospital during day and at night – as
Four church leaders have been arrested for swindling over 400 they “pose a challenge in terms of maintaining cleanliness,
million kwacha from farmers in Mpongwe on the pretext of order and security within the hospital premises,” she said: “The
supplying them with fertiliser. The two pastors and two elders move has been taken to, among other things, avoid cross-in-
are believed to run a non-governmental organisation, explained fection between patients and members of the public, especially
Mpongwe District Commissioner Rasford Bulaya: “They in the rainy season when infectious diseases such as cholera
collected money for the supply of fertiliser as a way of supple- and other waterborne diseases are experienced,” Mbangweta
menting government’s effort to promote agriculture in the added. Visiting hours (06:30-07:30 and 16:30-17:30) are now
area,” he said. But the clergymen only supplied two truckloads to be adhered to strictly – unless there is absolute need to not
of Compound D fertiliser to a few farmers (Sunday Mail). do so (Daily Mail 20).

The best of the Zambian media 5

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Zambia Weekly News

Plot scam at Lusaka City Council Exchange of the week

Councillors, the mayor and other members of staff of
the Patriotic Front-dominated Lusaka City Council
(LCC) have allocated themselves 91 plots in Lilayi After having welcomed back his wife
under questionable circumstances. Christine Kaseba, who had undergone a
According to leaked minutes of the second ordinary non-invasive heart procedure in South
meeting of the Plans, Works and Development Africa, Patriotic Front (PF) President
Committee held on 17 November 2010, but read Michael Sata duly wrote to thank
during the third ordinary meeting on 3 January President Rupiah Banda – after all her
2011, the plots were allocated following a land swap evacuation was paid for by tax payers.
between the LCC and the Lilayi Housing Develop- In his letter – which was publicised by
ment. The latter had proposed to exchange sub A/915 Sata himself – Sata writes “to express
belonging to LCC with another piece of land within our profound gratitude to you Your Ex-
farm 915. The reason for the swap was that the cellency and the government including
developer identified sub A/915 as a suitable site for the staff at the Zambian High Com-
construction of storm water retention ponds. mission in South Africa for the consid-
The council was informed that the piece of land comprised 102 residential plots of average eration, compassion and care extended
400 square metres valued – by the council – at 40 million kwacha per plot. Only 11 plots were to my wife during the period of her
allocated to members of the public. illness and stay at Milpark Hospital.”

Minister of Local Government and Housing Brian Chituwo has asked the Lusaka town clerk “I am indeed pleased to see that my
to provide him with the justification for these allocations – and said the ministry will correct wife’s life was saved due to the govern-
the matter. ment’s prompt action to evacuate her,”
Sata wrote.
Mayor Daniel Chisenga, whose office was allocated 10 plots, said the decision to allocate the
plots were arrived at during the full council meeting and denied allegations that he was guilty However, he could not help to add that
of any breaches. “I do not have powers as a mayor to allocate myself plots,” he said. However, the government should invest in this
“sources” said the matter was at committee stage and yet to come before a full council meeting. area both in terms of human capital
and equipment “so that access to such
Last year, LCC allocated billions of kwacha towards personal emoluments in breach of the specialist treatment does not continue
Local Government Act (Times 14/20 and Daily Mail 14/18). to be a preserve of the privileged few in
our country”.

Livingstone City Council back in business Banda was far from impressed. In his
reply to Sata he writes that he is “grate-
ful for the words of profound gratitude”
Minister of Local Government and Housing Brian Chituwo has lifted the suspension of Liv-
and that it is his belief “the good values
ingstone City Council. The council was suspended on 18 February 2010 for an initial period
of humanity should rise above political
of 90 days, which was extended twice. “Government decided to suspend the council because
belief and persuasion when we are faced
councillors had set aside their role of providing services and engaged in squabbles,” Chituwo
with matters of human life”.
said. He directed that the elections of mayor and deputy mayor should be held between 14
and 21 January (Times/Daily Mail 14). However, Banda writes, “I have found
it rather disappointing that you have de-
cided to mix the issue of gratitude and
the shortfalls of our health care system
in Zambia. In my view the issue sur-
rounding the evacuation of your wife to
South Africa was an emergency which
should ordinarily not be confused with
the issue of the poor state of our health
Advertise in Zambia Weekly system in Zambia”. Especially, consider-
ing that “I have not had the privilege
which you had of serving as Minister of
More than 2,300 subscribers Health,” Banda adds.
Business leaders, decision-makers, expatriates and the Diaspora.
(Times/Daily Mail 17/18).
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Contact the editor for further details.

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The best of the Zambian media 7

Zambia Weekly Journalism

Journalism isn’t always easy! (Dead) bandits in brief

Both the government press (Times) and the private press (Post) had
an opportunity to question their journalistic integrity this week.
Last week, the Times ran a lead story about Patriotic Front (PF) pres- Three bandit shot dead by police in Lusaka
ident Michael Sata’s involvement with the Barotseland Agreement
(see page 3): “Sata admits: I opposed Barotse Agreement”, declared Police have gunned down three bandits who were being tailed
the headline, and the article continued “Sata has admitted having for the theft of household goods worth millions of kwacha
participated in a special committee of cabinet ministers who in 1993 from various shops in Lusaka. The three bandits, Shivini,
recommended to second Republican President Frederick Chiluba that MacLeans and Shimpundu were killed a day after staging
the Barotseland Agreement had expired” (Times 13). two daylight robberies at Kamwala and on Freedom Way in
Lusaka, where they stole 26.5 million and 35 million kwacha,
First of all, this was old news, as Sata’s committee involvement was respectively. The money has not been recovered. The criminals
revealed several days prior. Secondly, Sata had not denied having par- were killed in Lusaka West and police recovered two AK47
ticipated in the committee – although he claimed that he had always rifles, a pistol, ammunition and an axe – and various stolen
supported the Barotseland Agreement – even back then. household goods. Four other suspects were arrested while one
Nonetheless, the Times found it necessary to run another article this is on the run (Sunday Mail).
week – also on its front page – with the headline “Times stands by
Sata U-turn story” and continuing “The Times of Zambia is standing
by yesterday’s lead story that quoted (...) Sata as having admitted he
Five bandits shot dead by police in Ndola
was part of a special committee of ministers (...)” (Times 14). Police have shot dead five bandits who attempted to stage a
daylight robbery in the industrial area – following a tip-off
The Post had its own problems this week. Last week, the newspaper
from members of the public. The five yet-to-be-identified
ran a lead story about former president Chiluba: “Chiluba gets back
robbers, some of which were dressed in police uniforms, were
forfeited properties”, barked the headline, and the article continued
on their way to attack a company in the industrial area – the
“High Court Philip Musonda has ordered the Anti Corruption
company was about to transport money to Chingola. Copper-
Commission to surrender properties to a Panama-registered company
belt Division commanding officer Dr Martin Malama said the
– Tedworth Properties Inc – which Frederick Chiluba used to acquire
criminals opened fire first (Times 18 and Post 19).
the said properties in Lusaka” (Post 12).
The judiciary did not take lightly to the article, which it called “very
malicious, contemptuous and pre-judicial to the court process since
the matter is still active and alive in the court of law” (Post 17). The
judiciary rejected the Post’s claim that Tedworth was a shell-company
used by Chiluba – based on information from the PF.
“The news article in question (...) was grossly misleading and pregnant
with falsehood, in particular it’s screaming headline, which needs to
be corrected. The Zambians would like to know that (...) Chiluba
is NOT a party to any court proceedings before Hon. Judge Phillip
Sales agent wanted!
Musonda and has therefore NOT been mentioned anywhere in this
To sell advertising space in Zambia Weekly.
particular matter”.
Part-time - strictly commission-based.
At least the Post published part of the judiciary’s statement, although Contact Camilla Hebo Buus for further details.
the newspaper spent the next couple of days attacking it with the help
of various anti-government sources (Post 18/19).

Zambia Weekly
Security guard kills electrician Zambia Weekly is a free e-zine that extracts the news you really
need to know about. It provides an effortless way of keeping up-
A worker at NAPSA’s Kalulushi housing project has died after to-date with current affairs in Zambia. If you wish to advertise
in Zambia Weekly please contact the editor. Feel free to share
being shot in the leg by a security guard. The worker, John
Zambia Weekly with colleagues and friends. Comments, criti-
Phiri worked as an electrician for a Chinese contractor for the cisms or suggestions are always welcome!
project. The security guard, Lackson Simwanza, shot at Phiri
who together with other workers were protesting against ill- Editor: Camilla Hebo Buus
treatment by their Chinese boss, whom they accused of using
Mobile 0977 461 877
vulgar language and unfair treatment, paying more money to
workers close to him. When the workers charged towards the
guards, one of them opened fire (Post 19).

The best of the Zambian media 8

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