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SECTION A [25 marks]


Text Purpose Structure Language features

Exposito (1) Explain how Introduction/ Statement of position Conjunction
ry Essay citizens can - Definition of the main terms. Modal
practice road - State point of view/ position Evaluative
safety - Briefly mention the impacts of television Thinking verbs
(2) Explain why violence Connective words
young people Body/ Argument
need to read/ - Arguments with evidence ( 3-5 impacts
provide with relevant examples)
reasons Conclusion/Reinstatement
people should
Content points to look for are listed below. Please note that this is only a guide and students may come up
with their own points. Consider the relevant points supported with evidence and award marks accordingly
using the marking criteria given.

Essay 1-

How pedestrians can practice road safety

 Cross only at marked crosswalks or traffic lights. Don't cross in the middle of the block or between parked cars.
 Make sure drivers see you before you cross. If the driver is stopped, make eye contact before you step into the
 Wear bright or light-coloured clothing or reflective strips, especially at dusk or when it's dark.
 At a traffic light:
o Cross when traffic has come to a complete stop.
o Begin to cross at the start of the green light or “Walk” signal, where provided.
o Do not start to cross if you see a flashing “Do Not Walk” symbol or the light turns yellow. If you already
started to cross, complete your crossing in safety.
o Never cross on a red light.
 Watch for traffic turning at intersections or turning into and leaving driveways.

How drivers can practice road safety

Always look for pedestrians, especially when turning.

 Watch for children. Drive slowly and cautiously through school zones, residential areas, or any other area
where children could be walking or playing.
 Watch out for Community Safety Zone signs that indicate areas where public safety is a special concern,
including the possibility of encountering pedestrians.

 Be patient, especially with seniors or pedestrians with disabilities who need more time to cross the road.
 Drive carefully near streetcar stops with islands or zones for passengers getting on and off. Pass them at
reasonable speeds, and always be ready in case pedestrians make sudden or unexpected moves.

Essay 2
Reading is fundamental to function in today's society. There are many adults who cannot read well enough to
understand the instructions on a medicine bottle. That is a scary thought - especially for their children. Filling out
applications becomes impossible without help. Reading road or warning signs is difficult. Even following a map
becomes a chore. Day-to-day activities that many people take for granted become a source of frustration, anger and
Reason 1- Better self – expression
Reading introduces the reader to a variety of vocabs and its usage. Exposure to new words helps one express his/her
ideas, feelings and opinions better.
Reason 2- learn new things
It is how we discover new things. Books, magazines and even the Internet are great learning tools which require the
ability to read and understand what is read. A person who knows how to read can educate themselves in any area of
life they are interested in. We live in an age where we overflow with information, but reading is the main way to take
advantage of it.

Reason 4- Shapes imagination

With reading, a person can go anywhere in the world...or even out of it! They can be a king, or an adventurer, or a
princess, or... The possibilities are endless. Non-readers never experience these joys to the same extent.

Reason 5- Great form of entertainment.

6. In line with the above, reading develops the creative side of people
Speech - Direct address - Enthusiastic, positive, Modest,
 - Purpose of speech sincere tone without exaggeration!
attentive ready-and- - State details about the - Use of personal pronouns
motivated-to-listen speaker - Direct address
anticipation in the audience - Formally invite the - Linking words
speaker to deliver his - Figurative language
speech. -

- -Mention :
- the guest speaker's name and title
- The guest speaker‟s biography
- Justification of choice of Guest speaker
- Mention the Speaker‟s presentation topic the significance of the topic.
- Welcome the speaker
Book Tone may be Title of book?
report  Book reports capture the Involves information subjective Author?
reader‟s level of about the Title, Author, when
characters, plot and the students are What was the book about?
understanding of the book
read. readers thoughts. expressing Who were the characters?
 Measures the reader‟s skills their opinions What was the main event?
of identifying main on the book. What lessons did you
incidents, characters etc. learn?
 Provides the plot of the What made the story
book enjoyable?
What styles of writing were
Would you recommend the
book to friends?
Book Report must be submitted in the following format.
• Introduction [to include the following details]

• Title of book
• author's full name
• type of book [fiction/non fiction etc]
• publisher
• year of publication
• 2 credentials of the author relevant to the book

Body [3 paragraphs]
• Summary - Discuss setting (place and time period), plot details of main sequence of events on how story
begins, rising action, climax, resolution and ending, method of narration (who is telling the story)
• Favorite Character - describe the main character, identify a major conflict or problem he/she is involved in, what
you learn or admire about the character through that conflict/problem
• Important Incident - identify an important incident and describe an important message you learned from the
Conclusion [1 sentence] & Recommendation [1 sentence]

• Conclusion: discuss whether the 2 credentials of the author mentioned in the Introduction are noteworthy with
regards to the content of the book
• Recommendation: Give your honest opinion of the book and whether or not you would recommend it for
others to read with your reasons.

Letter  To invite the Director,  Outside Address( Sender) Formal vocabulary and Paragraph 1-
writing Curriculum Advisory  Inside Address (Receiver) phrases Purpose of
Services to be the chief  Salutation/Greeting (Dear writing ( to invite
guest at the school‟s annual Sir/Madam Passive verbs and the director to be
prize giving event.  Content: sentences the chief guest)
 P1-Purpose Paragraph 2-
 P2-P4 – body Polite words and significance of
 P5- conclusion& phrases the event and
complimentary close Appropriate vocabulary why he should
Avoid the use of attend it
contractions Paragraph 3-
Avoid the use of Orientation-
abbreviations where and
Avoid informal degree when? program
modifiers of the function
Paragraph 5-
conclusion- say
thankyou/ that
you are
anticipating his

Breakdown of Content (Question 1)

Text type 4-5 3 2 1

Expository  3 – 4 ideas in a paragraph 2 ideas in 2 1 Idea is clearly 1 idea is
of its own (3 is the separate stated in the partially
minimum paragraphs topic sentence discussed in
 Each idea should be clearly Each idea must Evidence and the topic
discussed and supported be clearly stated relevant sentence
with evidence and relevant in the topic examples are Evidence/
examples. sentence provided for examples are
 The concluding sentence Supporting support either missing
has to summarize the idea evidence and Concluding partially
in the paragraph. relevant sentence included.
examples summarizes
provided paragraph
sentence for
each ideas is
Speech  Greet and welcome the 2 points given/ 1 point is given/ 1 point is
audience discussed discussed partially
 Introduce self to the discussed in
audience and the task that the topic
you will carry out ( sentence
introduce the guest) Evidence/
 Mention purpose of speech examples are
and choice of speaker (why either missing
did we choose this partially
speaker, what will he speak included.
 Mention relevant work
qualifications, volunteer
work etc.
 Formally invite the speaker
to address the audience
Book report  Award 4-5 marks if all the 2 ideas in 2 1 Idea is clearly 1 idea is
points are included: separate stated in the partially
 Title and author paragraphs topic sentence discussed in
Each idea must Evidence and the topic
 Plot be clearly stated relevant sentence
 Characters in the topic examples are Evidence/
 Lessons learnt sentence provided for examples are
 What made the Supporting support either missing
story enjoyable/ less evidence and Concluding partially
enjoyable relevant sentence included.
examples summarises
 What styles of provided paragraph
writing were used? Concluding
 Would you recommend the sentence for
book to friends each ideas is

Letter writing  Purpose of writing stated 2 ideas in 2 1 Idea is clearly 1 idea is

 Significance of the event separate stated in the partially
and reasons he should paragraphs topic sentence discussed in
attend it is stated Each idea must Evidence and the topic
 Summary of the program is be clearly stated relevant sentence
included in the topic examples are Evidence/
 Any other relevant sentence provided for examples are
information (request Supporting support either missing
etc.) evidence and Concluding partially
 conclusion- say thankyou/ relevant sentence included.
that you are anticipating his examples summarises
presence provided paragraph
sentence for
each ideas is

Question 1 – Marking Criteria

Criteria Descriptor Marks
Plan  Plan thoroughly linked and followed in Introduction,  2
Content and Conclusion
 Plan done but not closely followed  1
 Plan done but not followed at all  ½
 No plan  0
Introduction  Linked closely and relevant to topic  1
 Not closely linked to topic  ½
 Irrelevant and not in any way relevant to topic  0
Content  3 – 4 relevant ideas with evidence and supporting  4–5
 2 relevant ideas with evidence and supporting  3
 1 relevant idea with evidence and supporting  2
 1 idea, no evidence or example  1
Conclusion  Appropriate and links well to whole essay  1
 Not closely linked to whole essay  ½
 Very irrelevant and inappropriate  0
Accuracy  1 - 2 different types of errors  3
 3 - 4 different types of errors  2
 5 - 6 different types of errors  1
 7 or more different type of errors  0
Deduct ½ mark for each type of grammar error e.g. if there are 6 spelling errors
deduct only ½ mark for the error.
(spelling, punctuation, tense, wrong word order, capitalization, word form,
preposition, article, conjunction, degree of comparison, voice, subject-verb
agreement, pronouns,
Style  1 - 2 different types of errors  3
 3 - 4 different types of errors  2
 5 - 6 different types of errors  1
 7 or more different types of errors  0
Deduct ½ mark for each type of mistake e.g. deduct ½ mark for 5 missing words
(sentence structure/pattern/type, paragraphing, vocabulary,
register,expression,linking devices, redundancy, rambling, incomplete sentences,
missing words, flow of ideas, introduction-body-conclusion appropriate for style of
(Question 2)
Text type Purpose Structure Language features Content
Narrative essay To narrate about your Orientation- ( Emotive tone Discuss events,
trip to watch the introduces main Informal expressions feeling, mood,
Olympics in Rio characters- who, Elaborate use of expectations and
where, when) sensory language, experiences.
Series of events ( rich vivid and lively
what happened at detail, figurative
the Olympics, language such as
what sport did you simile, hyperbole
enjoy watching? ,metaphor,
showing (rather than
telling) through the
use of active verbs
and precise
modifiers, past tense
Diary entry To describe/explain Greetings Emotive tone Discuss the sports
how you showed Introduction Informal expressions event
good sportsmanship Supporting Elaborate use of -Describe the scene
during a school descriptive details sensory language, and the people
sports meet. Summary rich vivid and lively involved
detail, figurative Mention the
language such as particular incident
simile, hyperbole where you showed
,metaphor, good sportsmanship
symbolism& - describe your
personification, feelings,
showing (rather than
telling) through the
use of active verbs
and precise
modifiers, past
Imaginative To explain/ describe What? (what are Emotive tone Describe how it
what it feels like to be you?/ what are Informal expressions feels like to be a
a gold medal that you supposed to Elaborate use of gold medal, to be
Olympians strive to be? sensory language, the most desired
attain. Where? Where rich vivid and lively medal during the
did you go/ where detail, figurative Olympics.
are you going/ language such as Describe what it
taken simile, hyperbole feels like to reach
When? When did ,metaphor, Fiji knowing you are
you leave/ arrive symbolism& the country‟s first
How? How did personification, gold medal.
you feel, how did showing (rather than How did the people
you react telling) through the of Fiji see you? Hold
use of active verbs you?
and precise How did the players
modifiers, past feel when they
tense. received you?
How did you feel
when you saw the
players and citizens
of Fiji in celebration

Content breakdown for Question 2

Text type 3 2 1
Narrative  3 – 4 ideas in a paragraph 2 ideas in 2 separate 1 Idea is clearly stated in the
essay of its own (3 is the paragraphs topic sentence
minimum Each idea must be clearly Evidence and relevant
 stated in the topic sentence examples are provided for
Supporting evidence and support
relevant examples provided Concluding sentence
Concluding sentence for summarises paragraph
each ideas is included
Diary Entry Award full marks if the 2 points given/ discussed 1 point is given/ discussed
following features are given
 Greet and welcome the
 Introduce self to the
audience and the task that
you will carry out (
introduce the guest)
 Mention purpose of speech
and choice of speaker (
why did we choose this
speaker, what will he speak
 Mention relevant work
qualifications, volunteer
work etc.
 Formally invite the speaker
to address the audience
Imaginative Award full marks for 4 or all 2-3 points clearly discussed. 1-2 clearly discussed.
of the following
orientations mentioned:
 What ( What are
you supposed to be?-
God medal)
 Where were you
brought from, where
are you being taken to?
 When did you
arrive in Fiji?
 How did you feel?
 How did the people
treat you?
Overall Breakdown

Question 2 – Marking Criteria

Criteria Descriptors Marks
Plan  Plan well followed from Introduction, Body &  1
 Plan done but not followed  ½
 No plan  0
Introduction  Appropriate and clearly states purpose of writing  1
 Fails to state purpose of writing  ½
Content  3 or more relevant ideas [linked to question]  3
 2 relevant ideas  2
 1 relevant  1
Conclusion  Appropriate to type of letter  1
 Inappropriate to type of letter  ½
Accuracy  1 – 2 different types of errors  2
 3 - 4 different types of errors  1
 5 - 6 different types of errors  ½
 7 or more different types of errors  0
Deduct ½ mark for each type of grammar error (e.g. if there are 6 spelling errors
deduct only ½ mark)
(spelling, punctuation, tense, wrong word order, capitalization, word form,
preposition, article, conjunction, degree of comparison, voice, subject-verb
agreement, pronouns,
Style  1 - 2 different types of errors  2
 3 - 4 different types of errors  1
 5 - 6 different types of errors  ½
7 or more different types of errors  0
Deduct ½ mark for each type of mistake (e.g. deduct ½ mark for 5 missing words)
(address, inside address, salutation, semi- formal/block style, sentence
structure/pattern/type, paragraphing, inappropriate vocabulary, wrong register,
expression, linking devices, redundancy, rambling, incomplete sentences, missing
words, flow of ideas, introduction-body-conclusion appropriate for style of writing.


PART 1 MASS MEDIA (3 marks)

1. Radio, because it has a wider network and therefore is able to reach a wider audience.
(2 marks)
2. It is portable and has features/applications that can provide the same services given by the radio. (For
instance Mobile phones today have various applications such as radio and internet. These features allow
the users to get access to current news and information as and when necessary.
(1 mark)

PART 2 LIBRARY (3 marks)

Circle the letter of the best answer in the spaces provided.

A B C D Glossary

A B C D A glossary comprises alphabetically arranged words and their definitions. Be sure to

A B C D include one if you use terminology that is not generally known to the average reader

or if you coin new words or phrases to explain your ideas.


The index is an alphabetically ordered list of words and terms used for referencing

your text.

Title page

The title page is the part of your book that shows your full book title and subtitle,

your name, and any co-writer or translator

Table of Content

Usually found on a page before the start of a written work, of its chapter or section
titles or brief descriptions with their commencing page numbers.


1. f-(Job). Your role in a particular work
2. c-(of a situation, usually single). The state or situation sb/sth is in
3. a- The Place where sb/sth should be
4. b- (of a body). The way in which sth or sb sleeps or stands or the
5. e- (Level of importance). The place or level of a person, company etc. compared to others
6. d- (Of an opinion). What you think about sth



1 A B C D Refer to line 1. Bid is defined as

Making a serious effort to attain
2 A B C D Main idea is taken from lines 5-7

3 A B C D Refer to lines 10 &11

4 A B C D Options A,B&10 are given in lines

5 A B C D Refer to line 26

6 A B C D My generation refers to the

speaker‟s generation (Dr.
Wahid‟s/Chairman‟s generation)
7 A B C D Metaphor-
8 A B C D Refer to line 29
9 A B C D Refer to line 31 ( pronoun refers to
the children)
10 A B C D Author‟s purpose is to inform. This is
determined by the text structure of
the comprehension passage given

PASSAGE 2 (5 marks)
1 A B C D Refer to 1st sentence in the 1st
2 A B C D Refer to lines 5& 6 (column 2)

3 A B C D Evidences for options A,B&C are

shown in column 2
4 A B C D Refer to the information in columns
5 A B C D The article promotes options A,C&D
except B

SECTION B (continued)


PART I LANGUAGE 1 (10 marks)

1 Using due to the fact: It is usually used in place of
“because”. It can be seen that „due to‟ is followed
by a noun phrase [It may NOT be followed by a
main clause, as in this student example: *Due to
they have no salary, they may need to think how to
use it.].However, it IS acceptable to use the
structure „Due to the fact that‟ + Main Clause

2 A B C D „Near/nearer/nearest‟ used as an adjective- they do

not go before a noun(1) a short distance away(2) a
short time away.
Near used as an adverb- a short distance away e.g
Near used as a preposition
3 A B C D „away from‟is a multi word preposition that

The two-word preposition away from is basically

the same as from, but puts a stronger emphasis on
leaving the starting point (in this case the starting point
4 A B C D 1. Simple Sentences

A simple sentence contains only one independent

clause. An independent clause is a group of words
(with a subject and a verb) that expresses a complete
thought. E.g. I kicked the ball

2. Compound Sentences

A compound sentence contains at least two

independent clauses. These clauses are joined by a
coordinating conjunction or a semicolon. A
coordinating conjunction is a word that glues words,
phrases, or clauses together. E.g. I kicked the ball,
and it hit Tom.

3. Complex Sentences

A complex sentence contains a subordinate clause

and an independent clause. A subordinate clause is a
group of words that has a subject and a verb but does
not express a complete thought. E.g. Tom cried
because the ball hit him.

4 Compound complex sentences

It contains 2 independent clauses and one or more

dependent/subordinate clauses. E.g. Tom cried
because the ball hit him, and I apologized
5 A B C D Prepositional phrases between the subject and verb
usually do not affect agreement.

The colors of the rainbow are beautiful.

6 A B C D Within is a preposition, but it has a subtle meaning of
“inside the boundaries or limits.”


Fireworks are illegal within the city limits.

Do not store bleach within reach of young children.

A preposition is used to show direction, location, or

time, or to introduce an object.

Here are a few common prepositions and examples.

Used to express a surface of something:

 I put an egg on the kitchen table.

 The paper is on my desk.

Used to specify days and dates:

 The garbage truck comes on Wednesdays.

 I was born on the 14th day of June in 1988.

Used to indicate a device or machine, such as a phone

or computer:

 He is on the phone right now.

 She has been on the computer since this
 My favorite movie will be on TV tonight.

Used to indicate a part of the body:

 The stick hit me on my shoulder.

 He kissed me on my cheek.
 I wear a ring on my finger.

Used to indicate the state of something:

 Everything in this store is on sale.

 The building is on fire.

Used to point out specific time:

 I will meet you at 12 p.m.

 The bus will stop here at 5:45 p.m.

Used to indicate a place:

 There is a party at the club house.

 There were hundreds of people at the park.
 We saw a baseball game at the stadium.

Used to indicate an email address:

 Please email me at

Used to indicate an activity:

 He laughed at my acting.
 I am good at drawing a portrait.

Used for unspecific times during a day, month, season,

 She always reads newspapers in the morning.

 In the summer, we have a rainy season for
three weeks.
 The new semester will start in March.

Used to indicate a location or place:

 She looked me directly in the eyes.

 I am currently staying in a hotel.
 My hometown is Los Angeles, which is in

Used to indicate a shape, color, or size:

 This painting is mostly in blue.

 The students stood in a circle.
 This jacket comes in four different sizes.

Used to express while doing something:

 In preparing for the final report, we revised the

tone three times.
 A catch phrase needs to be impressive in
marketing a product.

Used to indicate a belief, opinion, interest, or feeling:

 I believe in the next life.

 We are not interested in gambling.

7 A B C D Adjective +preposition of feelings.

tired of

stressed about

amazed at/by

happy with

Some adjectives can use two prepositions - for the

person and the reason. For example:
I‟m angry with him about the
annoyed plates he
cross broke
8 A B C D To determine the antonym , one must understand its
Antonym- the opposite word/meaning
Leave- Go away from a place
Occupy – take up the available space
Abandon- Forsake, leave behind
Discharge- The sudden giving off of energy
9 A B C D Posession

10 A B C D The word “dare” implies warning.

QUESTION 6 LANGUAGE II – Sentences Correction (10 marks)

Sentence Error Correction Justification/Explanation
1. Sam is more- No word When a comparative adjective (e.g brighter) is
more used with more ( who is already a comparative
smarter adjective) double comparatives are usually
than his considered grammatically wrong however they are
older to some extent acceptable when trying to
brother. demonstrate the extent of comparison between
two things.
2. He is the Who- whom Who is a subject pronoun and whom is an object
offender pronoun.
who the Who is reserved for the subject of the sentence.
police The subject is the one performing the action.
have Whom is reserved for the object of the sentence.
arrested. The object of the sentence. The object is the one
receiving the action.

3. Tired from laid lay Lay - is a transitive verb and it means to put
a whole something or someone down however „lay‟ is also
day of the past tense of the word “lie” meaning to rest or
walk recline. The latter meaning is applies to this
marathon, question
Sally laid
on her
bed as
soon as
she got

4. Unless if If No word Unless means ïf not” or if you don‟t/if you won‟t

you study, hence using unless and if is repetitive and
you will grammatically incorrect.
not pass

5. Either are is The verb will be determined by the subject closest

Jessica or to the verb. In this case it is singular hence the
Peter are verb „is‟ is used.
for the



(a) Students must mention the instruction and what Tomaana did
instead of following them in order to get the full marks
 Instead of using clean, distilled water in the radiator, he used some rusty old water from a nearby
 Instead of using clean, distilled water, he had also filled the battery with green water coconut upon
seeing that the battery level was low.
 Instead of using petrol as instructed, he used fuel mixed with kerosene when the petrol tank was
(Accept any one of the answers above) (1 mark)

(b) Tomaana did not follow the instructions because he was overcome with pride and ignorance.
(2 marks)

(c) The words struck him like a sharp knife because he knew he was at fault as he had been advised on what
to do and how to take care of the truck upon purchasing it.
(2 marks)


(a) Title: The Great Pretender

Author: Luke Douglas
(2 marks)

(b) The white lie refers to the main character‟s false claims about winning the 800 meters.
(1 mark)
(c) I have learnt that exaggerating or lying about my achievements will only tarnish my reputation, hence
practicing honesty takes one further in life. I can practice this by being honest with my work,
achievements and dealings, no matter how small or insignificant things may be. I have learnt that it is
okay to fail but it isn‟t okay to lie. I can practise this in life by admitting my mistakes and faults when I
ought to and also make an effort to improve on it. ( Award marks based on the genuineness of the
lesson learnt by the student. Rationale answers must be given to gain full marks)
(2 marks )
Part II

The Gift There‟s no such thing as accidents

a Message: - Accidents can be avoided
- Patience is required to complete - Accidents is something completely
a task perfectly. unseen or unavoidable
- Sometimes the people around us - Accidents happen everyday
give us hope and believe in us even - Accidents can result from simple
when we doubt our own ability to do ignorance and negligence.
certain things or achieve certain
goals. Award marks for a mention of any of the given
- The best gifts come from within points. Also award marks for other genuine and
and they require personal efforts and relevant answers your students may write.
thoughts put into it to exhibit joy and
happiness from those who are gifted.
b - The process of masi production Accidents happen every day-
took several days. Although Kini - Jo‟s mum nearly set the house on
asked from the very beginning what fire when she went to answer the phone
the masi was for, Pu patiently waited and forgot to turn off the stove.
till the masi was complete before she - Jo‟s sister was holding her cup of tea
revealed who it was for. when it spilled all over the dog.
- After Pu revealed that the masi Award full marks for a well described
was for Kini, the latter reluctantly incident. ( There are other incidents apart
accepted since she doubted the from the ones mentioned, mark
possibility of being considered in the accordingly)
High school Pu was certain she would
c This should be studied by year 9 students It should be studied by year 9 students because :
- It talks about one of the most  It is relevant to real life
important values – patience,  It demonstrates life learning that year 9
something that can take students students can learn and practice.
far in life.
- It teaches students the value of  It is interesting and enjoyable to read
relationships (demonstrated by Pu
and Kini)  The events in the story are those which
- It is also relatable as Kini is a we can all relate to.
year 9 boarding student just as
most of our young secondary Award full marks for any of the above
students are. mentioned points or any other relevant
- The story talks about point made by the student.
confidence- something that
students are encouraged to have in
QUESTION 8 NOVEL- The Morning (15 marks)


(a) The government Inspector (1 mark)

(b) The Government Inspector is responsible for : (Accept/ award 1 mark for
any of the following answers)
 investigating the labourers‟ complaints
 Seeing that the mills followed the rules about the labourers
 Checking the medical supplies and sanitation
 Investigating any complaints of beating and ill treatment by the Sadar or Overseer
(1 mark)

(c) The labourers (1 mark)

(d) They were impressed because the previous government inspectors did not seem
to render support to the labourers as they ought to. They were usually seen as
someone revered and no one would dare express their disappointments or
grievances as it would always come back to their oppressive supervisors.
(2 marks)

(a) Karam Chand (1 mark)

(b) They were the main topic of conversation because they had failed to uphold
their own preaching and had failed to set good examples to the other labourers.
Further explanation- They were adamant about making changes, restoring
peace and unity, and opening a forum that allowed the laborers to discuss
their concerns, inspiring and encouraging their colleagues to demonstrate
their values, however, they themselves were caught up in a
conflict/quarrel/misunderstanding that only contradicted what they
preached. (2 marks)

(d) The incident between Raheem and Amar is similar to real situations in the
sense that often at times, two or more people end up fighting as a result of
assumptions and misunderstanding. Their situation demonstrates how
relationships/friendships are hampered by a simple lack of
communication/ misunderstanding and even unjustified assumptions.
(2 marks)

(a) My favourite character is…………………... ( Award mark for any character

from the Novel) (1 mark)

(b) Man vs self ( Amar- Internal conflict)Incident- When Amar receives Shanti‟s
letter. He is grieved because he has to choose between loving Shanti and
revealing the truth about the situation in Fiji.
Man vs Man- (The labourers vs the Sadar& Overseer) The labourers sought
justice but they denied the privilege by the Sadar.
Man vs Society- The labourers had to live with the prejudice of society
( Answers should be given within the 3 types of conflict mentioned. Award
marks if the student describes the conflict using an example or scenario
from the story) Deduct marks if incidents mentioned do not demonstrate
the conflict faced by the student‟s choice of character.
(2 mark)

(c) If I was faced with (mention the specific situation or incident faced by ...(name
of character) I would……..( mention alternative reaction and provide
justification for it) Answers must be genuine and reasonable. Award full
marks or half mark based on the genuineness of the answers given.

(2 marks)
QUESTION 9 DRAMA- Sera‟s Choice (15 marks)


(a) Sera (1 mark)

(b) Her sister, Buna
(1 mark)

(c) A beach in Taveuni. (award full mark for writing down the complete
answer) - ½ mark for partial answer (1 mark)

(d) Sera wants to be someone who is more than just an ordinary i-taukei woman who only lives to serve men
and the needs of others. She aspires to be successful and be in a recognized position where her work and
capabilities are appreciated. She does not want to compromise her dreams and aspirations to simply fulfil men‟s
selfish desires. She wants to feel like she is independent and has control over her life. She wants to be able to
explore the opportunities that will provide the platform for success. ( an explanation warrants full marks – use
(2 marks)
 She did not inform he parents about her marriage to Anil.

 Despite the stereotype held against inter racial marriages by her people, Sera went on to marry Anil.
(2 marks)

(b) (Accept any of the following answers)

 (He does not invite Sera to join him in any of the functions that involve his family
 He does not make any attempt to understand Sera and her people‟s way of life
 He does not tell his family about his acquaintance with Sera

 He does not teach Sera their way of life and beliefs but reacts when she unknowingly goes against it
(2 marks)

(c) Award full marks for any mention of the given points and also personal,
rationale lessons learnt by the student
I have learnt :
 that in order to make inter racial marriage work &last, both parties have to be willing to understand each
other and accept each other as they are.

 Racial difference is one of the main reasons behind divorce, violence, discrimination as a result of
misunderstanding & lack of understanding between the two parties.
(1 mark)


(a) Minor Character – Rosie, Lola, Sera‟s siblings, Koto etc. (1 mark)

(b). Accept/ award full marks if both the minor and major character‟s names
are mentioned and more importantly how the minor character influences
the major character. Given below is just an example on Rosie‟s influence on
Anil. Rosie has her way around Anil. She is able to lure him as she is well
known for her affairs with men. She is also able to convince him ( in a forceful
manner) to give her the things she wants.
(2 mark)

(d) Award marks based on the relevance of the scene/incident described to the question
Before Anil leaves for his mother‟s funeral gathering, Rosie shows up at his
house demanding for $300 to cover for the abortion expenses of the baby she
claims to be Anil‟s. Without clarifying the validity of her claims he hands her
$100 with an intention to give the rest upon returning. (2 marks)

QUESTION 10 POETRY (15 marks)


(a) “We” may refer to :

 The readers
 The fortunate
 The rich
 The inconsiderate
 Those who take life for granted
 The indifferent
 The ignorant

(1 mark)

(b) They are those who are hungry and are under fed/ not able to provide for
themselves/helpless/the poor/the unfortunate/the ignored/uncared/ ill-
treated etc. (1 mark)

(c) The mood of this poem is :

 Sad
 Depressed
 Distressed
 overwhelming (1 mark)

(d) The author effectively portrays the realities of life in this poem. He presents 2 sides of the world that we live
in. A side where people take things for granted because they think they have it all and side where people are
struggling to make ends meet and to simply live from day to day. ( Other genuine answers that qualify as a
message of this poem may be accepted) (2 marks)

(a) Title - Flannan Ilse

Poet- William Wilfrid Gibson (1 mark)

(b) We refers to the three lighthouse keepers who came to take over the lighthouse keeping shift, hence they
ended up searching for the three lighthouse keepers who were missing. (2 marks)

(c) It is a simile used to demonstrate the light house keepers‟ height of fear by comparing their fear to that of
children. (2 marks)


Title Poet
The Unfolding Bud Naroshi Koriyama
Awapuhi Puanani Burgress
The Ugly Child Elizabeth Jennings
Hark Hark the Shark Dennis Glover
(1 mark)

(b) I felt :
Content/satisfied/optimistic/determined/motivated/confident/resentful towards…/ angry with or at/ fortunate/
unfortunate/ empowered/ accepted/ delighted/
(2 marks)
(c) Students must mention a message from the poem they have chosen and state how it is relevant to
them. (Award marks based on the validity of the message and its relevance to the students.
(2 marks)

(a) A,a,b,b (1 mark)

(b) The train is travelling faster than fairies and witches. (1 mark)

(c) (i) And charging along like troops in a battle. (1 mark)

(ii) Similes give colour, life and other intriguing effects to the language of poetry
It also helps get the poet's message across in language that is strong, vivid and very visual hence in this poem, it
helps the readers picture the speed of the train and how it travels.
(1 mark)
(d) . It tells us how fast the train travels/ is travelling.

(e). (Award full marks for the mention of two people and what they were seen doing)
Choose any two from the following list:
 A child- clambering and scrambling
 A tramp- standing and gazing
 An old man – pulling a cart

(e) Accept any of the following answers:

 Cart- is used to carry the man‟s load
 Green- Stringing the daisies (2 marks)
(d) (i) Repetition- Here is a…. (1 mark) (ii) Effect – It is used for emphasis (1 mark)

(h) They are gone forever because the poet cannot go back and look at them since the train is moving fast.
(2 marks)


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