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Revised 2005


1. Name by which Survey/ Master Planning & Area Development of Khanozai,

feasibility will be identified District Pishin (Total Cost Rs. 54.772 Million)

2. Administrative authority
responsible for

i) Sponsoring: Planning & Development Department, Government of

Baluchistan, Quetta.

ii) Executing: Urban Planning Development Department,

Government of Baluchistan, Quetta.

3. Details of survey / feasibility


i) General Description of the The ultimate aim of government is to provide at least

proposed Study
suitable, if not excellent, living conditions to the people
to encourage them to lead peaceful lives in
environmentally friendly surroundings pursuing their
individual as well as communal dreams for
development. In order to maintain such coverage to all
the population it becomes essential to forward plan so
as to be able to cater for their emerging needs in times
to come, taking into account not only growing number
of inhabitants but also the associated challenges and
opportunities that the future is expected to offer.

A Master Plan is a blueprint for future development. It

is a comprehensive document, providing clear
direction to the long term future development activities
in an area encompassing all sectors and segments of
life in integrated manner. The master plan sets
policies, regarding growth and development. The
information and concepts presented in the master plan
are intended to guide local decisions on public and
private use of land and natural resources as well as
the provision of public facilities to improve the living
conditions of the residents.

The proposed study is has two objectives:

a) Formulation of Master Planning of Khanozai;

b) Detailed designing and construction
supervision of developmental projects of short
term and urgent nature which are identified
from the Master Planning;

The master plan will achieve following objectives:-

 To encourage the use of land in accordance with

their character and adaptability
 To keep the old (existing) town as a part and
parcel of all future development activities
proposed under the Master Plan
 To have a planned growth of the city in the
desired direction
 To meet the needs of the residents in terms of
residence, health education, recreation, trade
service and other uses of land.
 To fill the current backlog in the various public
 To use the recourses of the town in most effective
and efficient manner
 To produce a better living environment in the
 To solve the traffic problems of the town
 To provide adequate and quality houses for the
future population of the town.
 To promote public health, safety and general

Background of the Study
Khanozai of Pishin district is the tehsil head quarter of
Tehsil Karezat and it serves as Municipal Committee
under local government system. In total, there are Nine
(9) Union Councils (UCs) in Tehsil Karezat.

Khanozai town basically comprises three main villages

besides many small and scattered clusters of dwellings
i.e. Dadhaqzai, Saki Zai and Saleh Zai. Geographically, it
is located at Latitude 30°37'15.64"N and longitude
67°20'20.99"E. It is situated at a height of 6457 ft. above
the sea level (Google Earth, 2014). Strategically, it has
got very important position due to two considerable
reasons. Firstly, it is located on the national highway N-
50, which provides a smooth and easy access of
transportation both to social and commercial sectors;
secondly, it serves as a junction for the neighboring 5
districts. Khanozai is situated 75 KM away in the
Northeast of the provincial capital Quetta. It is at distance
of 38 KM from District Pishin and in the west there is
District Zhob at 225 KM. In the north, there is Barshore
sub-division, in the south the limits of Khanozai extends
to Ziarat District. In the East, it connects with Loralai
District through Rod Malazai via Spera Ragha Road. In
the Northeast, there is Killa Saifullah District. In the West,
Khanozai meets with Pishin through Surkhab Camp (the
famous Afghan Refugee camp) via Surkhab Road.

Khanozai of Pishin District is growing rapidly but in an

unplanned manner since its inception. The rural to
urban migration, increase in population, low education
level, poverty and poor administrative control has
given rise to all sorts of urban problems in the area.

Realizing the importance of master planning of towns,

the Government of Balochistan aspire to have master
planning of all important towns so that provision of civil
facilities may be provided to local people in planned

manner and on the basis of proper need assessment.
With the formulation of plan all basis civic facilities may
be identified and provided in the town catering the
need of growing population for next 50 years.

Once the master plan identifies the short and long

term developmental interventions for Khanozai town,
the same shall be constructed. Emergent nature
schemes shall be prioritized to be constructed as short
term interventions based on recommendations of the
Master Plan.

Description of Khanozai
The word “Khanozai” is the combination of two words
Pashto words “Khano” and “zoi” which means the ‘son of
Khano’. Historically speaking, Pani (the founder of
Panezai tribe) had two sons; first’s name was “Khano”
and seconds name was “Balo”. It is said that they were
nomadic shepherds and with passage of time, to fulfill the
requirements of life they adopted farming as occupation.
These two brothers are said to constitute Panezai tribe.
As the sub-cast of Kakar, Panezai belong to Pashtun

Khanozai is the tehsil head quarter of Tehsil Karezat and

it serves as Municipal Committee under local government
system. In total, there are Nine (9) Union Councils (UCs)
in Tehsil Karezat.

i) Location
Khanozai town basically comprises three main villages
besides many small and scattered clusters of dwellings
i.e. Dadhaqzai, Saki Zai and Saleh Zai. Geographically, it
is located at Latitude 30°37'15.64"N and longitude
67°20'20.99"E. It is situated at a height of 6457 ft. above
the sea level (Google Earth, 2014). Strategically, it has
got very important position due to two considerable
reasons. Firstly, it is located on the national highway N-

50, which provides a smooth and easy access of
transportation both to social and commercial sectors;
secondly, it serves as a junction for the neighboring 5
districts. Khanozai is situated 75 KM away in the
Northeast of the provincial capital Quetta. It is at distance
of 38 KM from District Pishin and in the west there is
District Zhob at 225 KM. In the north, there is Barshore
sub-division, in the south the limits of Khanozai extends
to Ziarat District. In the East, it connects with Loralai
District through Rod Malazai via Spera Ragha Road. In
the Northeast, there is Killa Saifullah District. In the West,
Khanozai meets with Pishin through Surkhab Camp (the
famous Afghan Refugee camp) via Surkhab Road.

ii) Topography
Topography Physically Khanozai is the land of contrasts
and the general character of the area is mountainous.
The valley of Khanozai shrinks while moving towards
west from the north and south. Strong physical bodies’
bound that is hill ranges called as sub-recent rocks and
Muslim Bagh intrusion respectively. The middle area of
Khanozai consists of plain area. The area which is
covered by the plain in the southern west is called
Khushab Basin. b. Barani Streams Khanozai receives
very less amount of annual rainfall, therefore, only Barani
streams are present in the area. From the east of Rod
Malazai stream runs to Pishin after passing through
Khanozai. When it enters Surkhab area then it is called
as Surkhab Lora, it finally ends into Band Khushdal
Khan, Pishin. In the south, the Manda of Zarghoon (Local
Name) runs to the southern west. Barani stream runs
from Churmian towards District Pishin after crossing

iii) Climate
The climate of the Khanozai is warm in summer and very
cold in winter. The area is outside the moon soon
currents, therefore, receive negligible amount of rains
during summer. Most of rainfall is occurs in winter,

however, it is irregular and scanty. Snow fall usually
occurs during the month of January and February. July is
the hottest month with mean maximum and minimum
temperatures of 35 ºC and 19 ºC respectively while
January is the coldest month with mean maximum and
minimum temperatures of 10 ºC and -3 ºC respectively.
However, in some cases the temperatures down even up
to -14 ºC. Khanozai is influenced by the local steppe
climate. According to Köppen and Geiger, climate of
Khanozai is classified as BSk (Climate-Data.Org, 2014).
There are several climatic indicators which are being
used to analyze the climate of any area. These indicators
include; temperature, humidity, and precipitation etc.
Temperature refers to the degree of hotness and
coldness; humidity refers to the amount of moisture
content in the air, while precipitation is the total amount of
moisture contents deposited on the surface of earth such
as rainfall, hail and snow etc. As there is no
meteorological station in District Pishin; therefore, the
exact statistics on the climatic indicators of Khanozai are
not available. However, there is a considerable
resemblance among the climate of Quetta and Khanozai.
Therefore, the climatic indicators of Quetta and Kach
(Ziarat) where the closest meteorological station works;
hence taken as proxies for Khanozai’s climate. In the
table below, there is the climatic data for climatic
indicators such as relative humidity and temperature for
the period of Thirty (30) years i.e. (1961-1990). While the
precipitation data is for 35 years from 1975 till 2010,
recorded at Kach meteorological station.

iv) Economy

The nature has blessed Khanozai with two types of

physical resources i.e. agriculture and mineral
resources. The agriculture sector has long been the
dominant and flourishing resource of the area. Wheat,
barely, cumin, vegetables and fodder, melon, tobacco,
potato, onion, vegetables and fodder are grown in the

area. These are cash crops and contributing as prompt
financial support for farmers. The farmer of the area
use scarce water resources in an efficient and
effective manner.

The farmers in Khanozai are highly commercialized

and produce market crops. They have expanded their
cropping pattern from subsistence to high valued cash
crops over the years. Horticulture is the prominent
sub-sector of the Khanozai and enormous quantities of
good qualities of apple - Tor Colo, Shin Colo and Gaja,
etc., are produced. Fruit production is also now
dominating in the area as it requires less amount of
water compared to those of apple. It may easily be
concluded that horticulture remains a dominant sector
in the area’s economy.

The raising of livestock is another important sector in

Khanozai. It is a major source of income, as large
number of small ruminants is exported to the other
areas. At household level, goats and sheep are
generally reared. Besides them, cows are also
domesticated for fulfilling the milk requirements at
households along with rearing for commercial
purposes. The presence of pasture and grazing lands
near the Sahibzada Karez has provided highly
productive fields for livestock raising. ,

Potential of mining resources in Khanozai, little of

them has been explored and extracted in the last few
decades. However, in the recent past Chromite has
been extracted on large scale from “Tora Khula” (local
name of the village) and the adjacent areas, situated in
the mountains range known as Shirinab Formation, in
the southern east of Khanozai city.

Chromite are found in Ultramafic Rocks in Khanozai

(MTEQ Pakistan, 2014).

v) Population
According to Population census of Pakistan 2017, the
population of Tehsil karezat is 138,280.

According to the rules of Balochistan Local

Government Act 2010, Municipal Committees are
constituted for those areas where population ranges
from 20,000-25,000. The Municipal Committees are
responsible to provide public health, water supply,
drains, articles of food and drink, animals and cattle,

Coverage of the Survey/feasibility Study

The proposed study has been envisaged to have
designing and construction supervision of all
developmental project which are identified with the
formulation of Master Planning of Khanozai Town. The
study consists of following scope of work:
 Master Planning
 Designing and Construction Supervision of
developmental projects

 Master Planning
Following is the scope of work of Master Planning

1. Master Planning of Towns

Task – 1: Development of Base map for the
Master Planning
The Consultant shall prepare the Base map of Taftan
for the master planning purpose.

Task – 2: Review of Existing Situation

The Consultant shall review the existing situation in
terms of urban development, urban infrastructure,
urban services/utilities for preparation of a Short Term
and Long Term framework:

a) Collection of Available Data
In order to assess various problems, the available
data i.e. reports regarding surveys, and development
plans pertaining to following aspects shall be collected
locally and nationally:

 Demography
 socio-economic indicators
 urban services
 land use
 communication and traffic
 environment

The survey maps prepared by various government

departments/agencies if available shall be arranged by
the Consultant himself for consultation etc.

b) Review of Development Projects

The consultant shall review & evaluate the existing
ongoing project in Towns in terms of design and
implementation with the proposed one and will review
the same. These projects shall be dovetailed to
ensure there are no overlaps and wastage. The
underlying linkages between one another shall be
institutionalized for coordinated and efficient

Task - 3: Problems Identification and Growth

The Consultant shall identify the dominant problems of
the proposed city/town in the various sectors:

 population
 economic activities
 housing

 institutional and organizational
 physical infrastructure
 traffic and transportation
 social services
 environment

a) Spatial Growth Scenarios

After identifying the above referred dominant
problems, the consultant shall prepare spatial growth
scenarios to accommodate future population growth,
anticipated economic projects and major land uses.
Efficient and safe communication linkages will have to
be established between uses like commercial,
residential, recreational and institutional.

b) Land Requirements/Acquisition
The Consultant shall review the current land ownership
system and give recommendations for land required
for future development including land acquisition, land
tenure system and land banking and indicate areas
where relocation is required.

Task - 4: Master Plan Formulation

a) Long Term Framework
Based on the Long Term Plan period for the next 50
years, a comprehensive Master Plan shall be
formulated for future spatial needs of population and
economy. It shall:

 Identify a series of policy actions, programs and

 Assess the financial requirements to achieve these
actions/projects/ programs.
 Prioritize the projects/ actions/ programs to be
achieved in the Short Term and Long Term
 Review the legislative, regulative and institutional

setup for planning, programming and delivery of
urban services.

b) Short Term Plan

The Short Term Plan shall be prepared within the
context of the Long term framework guidelines.
Project briefs shall be prepared within the following

i) Urban Development
 Upgrading of existing town
 Urban renewal/rehabilitation
 New housing/ resettlement/ relocation/ Land

ii) Public Utilities

 Water supply/sources
 Sewerage and disposal
 Solid waste disposal/sanitation
 Storm water drainage

iii) Public Facilities

 Recreational (parks, playgrounds etc.)
 Educational, health, community etc.
 Street Lighting

iv) Traffic and Transportation

 Traffic management
 Public transportation system
 Public ROWs
 Widening and maintenance of roads
v) Environmental Issues
 Air pollution
 Water quality
 Noise
 Protection of sensitive areas

 Identify the potential environmental effects
 Designing and Construction Supervision
Based on the outcomes of Master Plans of Khanozai
the privately hired consultant shall design and
supervise construction activities of infrastructure
development projects It includes detailed designing,
preparation of estimates, BOQ, drawings and
construction supervision. the priority shall be given to
the schemes of following sectors of towns as under:-

a) Construction of Public Buildings

b) Construction of Water Supply
c) Construction of Sewerage System
d) Construction of Drainage System
e) Waste Water Treatment
f) Construction of Roads
g) Solid Waste Management System
h) Realignment of city roads

The consultant shall be required to perform following

activities for designing of infrastructure:

1. Review of Existing Alignment of main roads of


2. Topographic surveys

3. Detailed geometric design

4. Designing of Sewerage System in line with

Standard technical parameters like sewage
flow / velocities, selection design equation, size
of sewers, sewers appurtenances etc.

5. Design of structures / buildings etc.

6. Material survey

7. Hydrological / hydraulic study when and where


8. Detailed report on construction machinery

required for construction phase

9. Design Report

10. Preparation of BOQs & Cost estimates

11. Tender Documents

12. Construction Supervision

ii) Justification of Project Khanozai of Pishin District is growing rapidly but in an

unplanned manner since its inception. The rural to
urban migration, increase in population, low education
level, poverty and poor administrative control has
given rise to all sorts of urban problems in the area.

Realizing the importance of master planning of towns,

the Government of Balochistan aspire to have master
planning of all important towns so that provision of civil
facilities may be provided to local people in planned
manner and on the basis of proper need assessment.
With the formulation of plan all basis civic facilities may
be identified and provided in the town catering the
need of growing population for next 50 years.

According to preliminary examination of the situation,

following major problems are being faced by the
residents of Khanozai area:

1. Uncontrolled and unplanned growth of towns.

2. Growth of Katchi Abidis.
3. Lack of adequate social and physical
4. Development of incompatible land use
5. Water Scarcity.
6. Ineffective town management

In order to address and resolve the urban problems of

Town, new developmental initiatives shall be taken
based on the recommendations of master plan of

Khanozai, a blue print of all developmental activities,
capable to cater the needs of 50 years shall be
formulated. It will contain short and long term solutions
to cater the need of local people for over a period of 50
years. The plan formulation shall be based on various
study activities which will determine land use plans for
50 years and other physical infrastructure required
catering a particular population of Khanozai up to 50

Once the plan is formulated and it recommends

various short and long term interventions, the UP&D
shall carryout designing and construction supervision
of developmental activities of emergent nature as a
short term intervention based on the recommended of
master plan.
iii) Implementation period With the approval of competent authority, the
proposed study is likely to start in June 2018-19 and
will be completed within a period of 6 months.
iv) Item-wise/year-wise capital
cost estimates in Pak The proposed study shall be having following cost
Rupees. implications:
S.No Description of Task Total
Amount (Rs.
A Master Planning & 15.000
Detailed Designing
Detailed Design and 39.772
Construction Supervision
Total 54.772

v) Manpower requirements
Master Planning
Preparing a Master Plan and its implantation is a
complex job and a multi disciplinary team is needed to
undertake this job. A proper Planning Structure is a
pre requisite for Master Planning activity. A planning
wing should be planned in the planning agencies for
the same. As town planning not deals only with a
single planning matter but it provides solution to all the
major ills of a town, for which different planning

sections are of great importance, like, Master Planning
Cell, Urban Planning Cell, Regional, and Transport

In Master Planning practice the Town Planner heads a

planning team comprised of following professionals /
members from variety of disciplines;

1 Urban Planning Specialist

2 Urban Designing Specialist
3 Landscape Specialist
4 Architects
5 Transport Planners
6 Heritage Specialists
7 Utilities Engineers
8 GIS Specialists
9 Property Economics
10 Social Planners
11 Social Researcher

Detail of cost can be seen at Annexure-A

Like Master, designing and construction supervision is
also a complex job which is accomplished through a
team qualified engineers and experts. Following team
is proposed to be engaged for the designing of
developmental activities.

1 Civil / Structure Engineer

2 Architect
3 Road Engineer
4 Utilities Engineers
5 GIS specialist
6 Survey Engineer

Detail of cost can be seen at Annexure-B

4. Expected outcome of the survey With the completion of feasibility study, following

feasibility study and details of outcomes are expected to achieve:-
project likely to be submitted after
With the completion of feasibility study, following
the survey
outcomes are expected to achieve:-

Formation of Master Plan for Khanozai Town with

identification of short and long term development
framework for a period of 50 years by encompassing
all sectors and segments of life in integrated manner.

The master plan will identify policies, regarding growth

and development. The information and concepts in the
master plan will be intended to guide local decisions
on public and private use of land and natural
resources as well as the provision of public facilities to
improve the living conditions of the residents of three
above noted towns.

Designing of developmental activities shall result into:

 Technical assessment,
 Site plans,
 Drawings,
 Cost estimates / BOQs
 Tender documents
5. Source of Financing The proposed study is proposed to be financed
through inter-sectoral adjustment of funds, allocated
during this financial year 2018-19.
6. Period of contract with local or In view of having no facilities to undertake studies in
foreign consultants hand, the Urban Planning & Development Department
is seeking the services of private, local consultants
under negotiating terms and conditions to undertake
the proposed feasibility study of Master Planning &
Designing of developmental infrastructure of Khanozai
town. With the approval of PC-II from the competent
forum, the proposed study will be outsourced to the
qualified consultants having proven experience in
urban planning across the country in line with the
prevailing governing rules & regulations for hiring of


Master Planning & Area Development of Khanozai, District Pashin (Total Cost Rs.
54.772 Million)

Prepared by: Town Planning Officer

Urban Planning & Development Department
Quetta Division at Quetta

Executive Engineer
Urban Planning & Development Department
Quetta Division at Quetta

Checked by: Director (Works)

Urban Planning & Development Department

Approved by: Secretary

Government of Balochistan
Urban Planning & Development Department



Summary Cost of Consultant for master Planning

Sr.No. Description Amount (Rs.)

1 Salary Cost / Remuneration 1,05,00,000
2 Direct (Non- Salary) Cost 43,50,000
  Total 1,48,50,000
  Contingencies 1% 1,48,500
  Grant Total 1,49,98,500


Estimated Local Currency Salary Costs/ Remuneration for Professional Staff for master

S.No. Position Staff Month Estimated
Billing Rate
Amount (Rs)
1 Project Manager/ Team leader 9 2,50,000 22,50,000
2 Assistant Urban Planners 9 1,75,000 15,75,000
3 Architects and landscaping Expert 2 1,75,000 3,50,000
4 Road/ Transportation Engineer 2 1,75,000 3,50,000
5 Traffic Surveyors 2 65,000 1,30,000
6 Electrical System Expert 1 1,75,000 1,75,000
7 Telecommunication System Exp: 1 1,75,000 1,75,000
8 Water Supply System Expert 2 1,75,000 3,50,000
9 Sewerage & Surface Drainage Exp: 2 1,75,000 3,50,000
10 Gas Supply System Expert 1 1,75,000 1,75,000
11 Water Resources Management Sp: 2 1,75,000 3,50,000
12 Hydro Geologist 1 1,75,000 1,75,000
13 Environmental Specialist 2 1,75,000 3,50,000
14 Urban Economics 2 1,50,000 3,00,000
15 Land and Regulation Expert 2 1,50,000 3,00,000
16 GIS Specialist 6 1,50,000 9,00,000
17 GIS Operators 6 75,000 4,50,000
18 Topographic Surveyors 3 65,000 1,95,000
19 Survey Helpers 4 20,000 80,000
20 Cad Operators 6 45,000 2,70,000
21 Data Entry Operators 6 45,000 2,70,000
22 Social Sector Specialist 2 1,25,000 2,50,000
23 Social Surveyors 2 65,000 1,30,000
24 Admin: and Finance Manager 5 75,000 3,75,000
25 Office Assistant 5 45,000 2,25,000
      Total 1,05,00,000


DIRECT (NON SALARY) COSTS for Master Planning

S.No. Nomenclature Unit Quantity Total Amount
1 Rented Vehicles month 10 45,000 4,50,000
2 P.O.L of Vehicles month 10 40,000 4,00,000
3 Office Rent with Utility Bills month 5 1,00,000 5,00,000
4 Softwares Lumpsum 1 5,00,000 5,00,000
5 Hardware’s Lumpsum 1 5,00,000 5,00,000
6 Satellite Image 50 Cm High resolution Lumpsum 1 20,00,000 20,00,000
  Total       43,50,000


Summary Cost of Construction supervision cost

Sr.No. Description Amount (Rs.)

1 Salary Cost / Remuneration 23,265,000.00
2 Direct (Non- Salary) Cost 11,320,000.00
  Total 34,585,000
  Add 15% BRA Tax 5187750
  Grant Total 39,772,750


Estimated Local Currency Salary Costs/ Remuneration for Professional Staff for
Construction supervision

Monthly Total
S.No. Position Staff Month Billing Estimated
Rate Amount (Rs)

Project Manager/
1 24 250,000 6000000
Team leader
2 Architect 24 250,000 6000000
3 Structure Engineer 24 250,000 6000000
4 Resident Engineer 24 175,000 4200000
Site Supervising
5 2 175,000 350000
6 Survey Engineer 2 100,000 200000
7 AutoCAD Draftsman 2 65,000 130000
8 Supporting Staff 1 35000 35000
Admin: and Finance
9 5 45,000 225000

10 Office Assistant 5 25,000 125000



DIRECT (NON SALARY) COSTS for Master Planning

S.No. Nomenclature Unit Quantity Unit Price Total Amount

1 Rented Vehicles month 48 65,000 3120000

2 P.O.L of Vehicles month 48 90,000 4320000
Office Rent with
3 month 24 120,000 2880000
Utility Bills
4 Softwares Lumpsum 1 500,000 500000
5 Hardware’s Lumpsum 1 500,000 500000


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