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Binary Code License Protocol


We would like to grant you the license to use the following software on the
premise that you should accept all the terms in the binary code license agreement
(shortened as "Agreement" ). Please read this Agreement carefully. After reading
this Agreement, there is an "Accept" button and a "Reject" button available for you
to make choice. If you don't want to accept all these terms, you can click the
"Reject" button and then the download and the installation procedure will not go
on. If you click the "Accept" button and download or install this software, it
shows that you have already accepted the terms of this Agreement.

1. Definition: The "Software" here refers to the above-mentioned binary code

software, any readable material for other machines (including, without limitation,
database files, source files, title files and data files), NMS's update or error-
fixed files, manuals, programme guide and other documents provided by NMS according
to this Agreement.

2. License: According to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, NMS grants you
a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license with license fees.

3. Limits: This Software is encrypted and under the protection of the copyright.
NMS and/or other licensers reserve the ownership and other intellectual rights of
this Software. This Software are forbidden to be altered, reverse-encoded or
reverse-engineered unless the applicable law permits. The licensee shall agree that
the licensed Software is not used for designing, establishing, operating or
maintaining any nuclear establishments. NMS has no explicit or implicit guarantee
towards this kind of application. This Agreement grants no rights to the title,
ownership or interests of NMS's or other licensers' trademarks, service marks,
identifiers or products.

4. Limited Guarantee: NMS assures you that the storage medium of this Software (if
any), under normal use, has no defects in material and craftwork within ninety (90)
days from the purchase date (taking the receipt copy as evidence). Except for the
above-mentioned guarantee, this Software will be provided in prototype. Under this
guarantee, all your compensations and all NMS's reliabilities are that NMS chooses
to replace this Software's medium or return the purchase fee of this Software. Any
implicit guarantee for this Software only lasts no more than 90 days. The implicit
guarantee period is not allowed to be restricted in some areas and therefore the
above-mentioned regulation may not be applicable. This limited guarantee grants you
specific law rights. You may have other law rights and these law rights vary with
different places.

5. Disclaimer: Unless there is explicit regulation, NMS gives no responsibility to

any explicit or implicit conditions, statements and guarantees, including sales
applicability, special purpose applicability or non-breaching implicit guarantee,
except that the above-mentioned disclaim is regarded as ineffective in laws and

6. Responsibility limit: Within the permission of the laws, NMS or other licensors
shall not shoulder any responsibility, even if NMS is told of potential loss
reimbursement, to any interest loss, benefit loss or data loss caused by use or
non-usability of this Software, or to any special, indirect, sequent, accidental or
punitive reimbursement no matter under what case, in what responsibility theory or
in what way. According to this Agreement, NMS's responsibility in the contract,
infringement (including faults) or other aspects cannot run beyond your payment of
this Software. The above-mentioned responsibility limit is still applicable even
if the above-mentioned guarantee cannot realize its basic purpose. In some areas,
accidental or sequent damage reimbursement cannot be rejected, so some regulations
above may not be applicable.

7. NMS's software update: You agree to, according to your requirements or

agreement, accept the updated installation terms and conditions when you download
or install some functions, execute little programs, apply the procedure and extend
the software of NMS's software update. If no other terms and conditions is required
towards the installation, it is regarded that the software update is a part of the
Software itself and so under the restriction of the terms and conditions of this

8. Software not from NMS: Because you use optional functions of this Software,
and/or your required service asks for the optional functions of this Software, you
agree to automatically download, install, or execute non-NMS software (other
software). NMS does not claim any kind of relationship with the licensors of other
software. Within the permission of the laws, NMS or other licensors shall not
shoulder any responsibility, even if NMS is told of potential loss reimbursement,
to any interest loss, benefit loss or data loss caused by use or non-usability of
this Software, or to any special, indirect, sequent, accidental or punitive
reimbursement no matter under what case, in what responsibility theory or in what
way. In some areas, accidental or sequent damage reimbursement cannot be rejected,
so some regulations above may not be applicable.

9. Expiration: This Agreement always takes effect before expiration. You can
terminate this Agreement at any time, but you have to destroy all the Software and
its copies. If you don't follow any regulation of this Agreement, this Agreement
will be immediately terminated without the written notice from NMS. If the Software
becomes (or any party may become) the object of any intellectual right's
imbursement, any party has the right to terminate this Agreement. At the
termination of this Agreement, you have to destroy all the software and its copies.

10. Export ordinance: The Software and technical data delivered according to this
Agreement are under the restriction of Chinese export law or other country's export
law. You shall agree to comply with all these laws and regulations strictly, and to
shoulder the required export, transfer or import of this goods after the delivery.

11. Trademark and identifier: You accept and have the same idea with NMS that NMS
reserves the trademark "NMS", and all NMS-relative trademarks, service marks, and
identifiers. Your use of NMS marks should accord to the benefits of NMS.

12. Governing law: Any lawsuit related with the Agreement is governed by Chinese
law, not by the laws of any other countries or regions.

13. Severability: If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be legally

unenforceable or invalid, the remaining provisions will continue in effect after
the invalid provision is deleted unless this deletion impedes the realization of
the will of each party (in this case, this Agreement terminates immediately).

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