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Chapter 11

Personality Assessment: An Overview

1. What is a likely consequence if a test elicits a variety of opinions about a person depending
on who is rating the person?
a. The test will have a lower redundancy coefficient.
b. The test will have higher internal consistency.
c. The test will be able to predict outcomes with greater accuracy.
*d. The test will have lower interrater reliability.
Topic: Another person as the referent

2. One advantage of having a personality test that is essentially atheoretical in nature is that
*a. test users can interpret the test according to their own theoretical preferences.
b. the test will be more valid than a test based on theory.
c. test users will be more confident in the test’s reliability.
d. the test will be less biased against minority populations.
Topic: Scope and theory

3 The item format in which the examinee freely chooses how to end an incomplete sentence
is typically called
a. fill-in-the-blank.
*b. sentence completion.
c. choose-the-ending.
d. partial free response.
Topic: Frame of reference

4. What is measured in personality assessment?

a. social and communication skills
*b. traits and states
c. charisma
d. none of the above
Topic: Personality and personality assessment defined

5. A personality trait
a. is relatively enduring.
b. is distinguishable.
c. varies within and between individuals.
*d. all of the above
Topic: Personality traits

6. A lack of cross-situational consistency in traits has been demonstrated to exist with respect
a. honesty.
b. attitudes toward authority.
c. introversion-extraversion.
*d. all of the above
Topic: Personality traits

7. Research on psychological traits reveals

a. strong cross-situational consistency in traits such as honesty.
*b. a lack of cross-situational consistency in traits such as honesty.
c. clear evidence that traits physically exist in the brain.
d. none of the above
Topic: Personality traits

8. The assumption that a constellation of traits and states similar in pattern may be used to
identify a particular category of personality is inherent in
a. a taxonomy.
*b. a typology.
c. an innate disposition.
d. an astrological sign.
Topic: Personality types

9. Type A and Type B Personality are associated with which personality inventory?
a. Self-Directed Search
*b. Jenkins Activity Survey
c. MMPI-2
d. Myers-Briggs
Topic: Personality types

10. . The Self-Directed Search Tests are based on six personality ______?
a. moods
b. states
*c. types
d. traits (2), states (2), and types (2)
Topic: Personality types

11. Type A/Type B and Artistic, Enterprising, Investigative are examples of which of the
*a. personality types
b. personality states
c. moods/emotions
d. all of the above
Topic: Personality types

12 . A personality profile represents the extent to which a person has demonstrated certain
a. personality types
b. personality states
c. personality traits
*d. personality types, states, and traits
Topic: Personality types

13. The history of personality types dates as far back as which of the following?
*a. Hippocrates
b. Jung
c. Freud
d. Myers-Briggs
Topic: Personality types

14. Recent research suggests that the following is TRUE of personality traits?
a. Traits tend to stabilize in adulthood after age 40.
*b. Traits increase in consistency as one ages until age 60.
c. Personality traits are more consistent than initially thought.
d. None of the above is accurate regarding the recent research on personality traits.
Topic: Personality traits

15. The lower test-retest reliability coefficients found to exist for state anxiety when compared
with higher test-retest reliability coefficients obtained for trait anxiety support which
*a. Traits are more enduring personality characteristics than states.
b. States are more enduring personality characteristics than traits.
c. Exhibition of anxiety is very situation-dependent.
d. none of the above
Topic: Personality traits; Personality states

16. Asking Testtakers to indicate how they feel “at this moment” versus how they feel “in
general” is an attempt to
a. obtain as much information about the Testtakers as possible.
b. determine if the Testtakers are responding truthfully.
*c. distinguish between various traits and states.
d. evaluate all areas identified in the song Feelings.
Topic: Personality traits; Personality states

17. In which test are the subjects alternately instructed to indicate how they feel “right now”
and how they feel “generally”?
a. Mooney Problem Checklist
*d. STAI
Topic: Personality traits; Personality states

18. Personality assessment data are used in which settings?

a. the private clinician’s office
b. educational
c. vocational
*d. all of the above
Topic: Measuring personality

19. Personality tests are used for

a. research.
b. planning psychotherapeutic interventions.
c. evaluating influences on academic performance.
*d. all of the above
Topic: Personality traits; Personality states

20. A personality test with items that were constructed by consulting textbooks, reviewing
clinical records, and consulting with experts in the field employs which approach to test
a. empirical criterion keying
b. factor analysis
c. experiential
*d. content
Topic: Developing instruments to assess personality: Logic and reason

21. In empirical criterion keying, test items are administered to two groups: one comprises
people known to exhibit the trait, and the other is a control group. What is the purpose of
this method?
a. to increase the size of the sample of Testtakers
b. to make certain that a matched standardization group is used
*c. to retain items that discriminate between the two groups
d. to make certain people with a variety of personalities are represented in the
normative sample
Topic: Developing instruments to assess personality: Criterion groups

22. An example of a personality test that employed empirical criterion keying in its
development is the
a. 16 PF.
b. Mooney Problem Checklist.
c. Rorschach.
*d. MMPI.
Topic: Developing instruments to assess personality: Criterion groups

23. Which refers to an approach to test construction in which the test must be administered to
at least two groups of examinees, those known to be high on the trait and those known to
be low on the trait?
a. logical
b. factor-analytic
c. theoretical
*d. empirical criterion keying
Topic: Developing instruments to assess personality: Criterion groups

24. Which test includes a Lie scale?

*a. MMPI-2
b. Harris-Goodenough
c. 16 PF
d. Harris-Notgoodenough
Topic: The MMPI

25. The most frequently used and most researched personality test is the
a. Mooney Problem Checklist.
b. Rorschach.
c. 16 PF.
*d. MMPI-2.
Topic: The MMPI

26. Criticisms of the MMPI-2 include all of the following except

a. questionable comparability of the MMPI and MMPI-2 scores.
*b. lack of minority group members in the standardization sample.
c. lack of validity of the content scales.
d. the questionable utility of treatment recommendations based on the MMPI-2.
Topic: The MMPI-2

27. The MMPI-2 is appropriate for which age range?

a. 6 to 60
b. 14 and older
*c. 18 and older
d. 21 to 60
Topic: The MMPI-2

28. Which is NOT a change in the MMPI-2 from the MMPI?

a. Items with male-oriented language were removed.
*b. A separate manual with guidelines for pantomiming items was included.
c. Content addressing issues of drug abuse was added.
d. all of the above are changes
Topic: The MMPI-2

29. Self-report can include which of the following forms?

a. oral and written responses
b. keeping a diary
c. reporting one’s own thoughts and feelings
*d. all of the above
Topic: The self as the primary referent

30. Self-concept includes all of the following EXCEPT?

a. beliefs of oneself
b. opinions of oneself
*c. beliefs about others
d. all of the above are part of self-concept
Topic: The self as the primary referent

31. A problem inherent in assessing personality by means of self-report is that

a. Testtakers have little knowledge of unconscious personality characteristics.
*b. Testtakers may respond in ways to manage specific impressions.
c. people are reluctant to provide negative information about others.
d. none of the above
Topic: Self-Report

32. Attempts by examinees to leave others with a particular impression of themselves is

referred to as
a. acquiescence.
b. deviance.
c. disingenuous responding.
*d. impression management.
Topic: Self-Report

33. Testtakers who are accused of a crime and wish to spend time in a mental hospital rather
than in prison may be inclined to ________ when taking personality tests.
a. fake good
*b. fake bad
c. exhibit the Barnum effect
d. “take the fifth”
Topic: Self-Report

34. Citing only positive attributes in a self-report measure of personality is a phenomenon

referred to as
a. projecting.
b. amplifying.
c. self-deception.
*d. socially desirable responding.
Topic: Self-Report

35. Response style includes

a. responding affirmatively to all items.
b. responding randomly to all items.
c. responding in a bizarre fashion to all items.
*d. all of the above
Topic: Self-Report

36. Which represents a response style?

a. deviance
b. acquiescence
c. extremeness
*d. all of the above
Topic: Self-Report

37. Rating scales may be used to

a. classify.
b. determine eligibility.
c. predict effectiveness.
*d. all of the above
Topic: Self-Report

38. The Semantic Differential rating technique consists of

a. a 7-point numerical scale with numbers keyed to descriptors.
*b. bipolar adjectives and a 7-point rating scale.
c. an alphabetical 7-point rating scale with letters keyed to descriptors.
d. a forced-choice format.
Topic: Self-Report

39. Which statement is true regarding the definition of personality?

a. Scientists have come to agree on one definition of personality for use in the area of
personality research.
b. There exists one universal definition of personality.
*c. There is no universal definition of personality.
d. The most commonly used definition of personality is all-inclusive.
Topic: Defining and measuring “personality”

40. Personality assessment represents the measurement of

a. positive and negative reactions elicited from others.
*b. psychological traits and states.
c. inconsistent behavioral patterns.
d. personality types.
Topic: Traits, types, and states

41. Which describes a personality type?

a. a distinguishable behavior of an individual
b. setting-specific behavior
*c. an identified pattern of traits and states
d. an inherited characteristic of a person
Topic: Personality types

42. Which statement is true regarding state anxiety and trait anxiety?
a. State anxiety is a more enduring characteristic than trait anxiety.
*b. Trait anxiety is a more enduring characteristic than state anxiety.
c. Neither state anxiety nor trait anxiety is an enduring characteristic.
d. State anxiety and trait anxiety are equally enduring characteristics.
Topic: Personality states

43. Which best exemplifies the exhibition of a personality state?

*a. Sam, who is afraid while watching a scary movie.
b. Stacey, who doesn’t like to be around dogs.
c. Bill, who is aggressive toward his parents.
d. Amy, who is viewed by herself and others as socially challenged.
Topic: Personality states

44. To ensure that a child’s responses on a self-report personality measure are an accurate
representation of the child, a clinician may
*a. ask the child’s parents and teachers to complete rating scales.
b. consult with a personality researcher about the results.
c. use a computer to recheck the scores.
d. search the internet for any other data that can be found relative to the reason the
assessment was undertaken.
Topic: Methods of personality assessment

45. Which of the following item formats were illustrated in the chapter 11 Everyday
Psychometrics entry?
a. true-false
b. two-choice item
c. semantic differential
*d. all of the above
Topic: Everyday Psychometrics: Some common item formats

46. The Edwards Personal Preference Schedule includes which type of items?
a. true/false
b. two-choice
*c. forced-choice
d. semantic differential
Topic: Everyday Psychometrics: Some common item formats

47. What type of item is illustrated in the following example: How I feel when I go on a date.
Tense ____: _____: _______: ______: _______: ______: _________ Relaxed
a. embedded
b. two-choice
c. forced-choice
*d. semantic differential
Topic: Everyday Psychometrics: Some common item formats

48. A logically constructed test is one in which the items are selected on the basis of
a. complex statistical analysis.
b. endorsement by a particular age group.
c. stories told to numerous pictures.
*d. intuition and clinical information.
Topic: Developing instruments to assess personality: Logic and reason

49. Which of the following represents a method built into a personality test to assist in
determining how honest the testtaker has been in their responses or if the testtaker
misunderstood the items?
a. reliability scales
*b. validity scales
c. honesty scales
d. all of the above are used to correct for these problems with self-report
Topic: Issues in personality development and use

50. Validity scales assist the test user in making judgments related to which of the following?
a. if the testtaker lied when responding to a particular set of items
b. if the testtaker misunderstood the items
c. if there were “response sets”
*d. to make judgments about all of the above
Topic: Issues in personality development and use

51. Which of the following is TRUE of the use of validity scales in personality assessment?
a. There is consistent agreement that validity scales must be a part of any self-report
personality assessment measure.
*b. There is no consistent agreement that validity scales must be a part of any self-report
personality assessment measure.
c. Validity scales were a part of personality assessment tools in the past but are not a
part of more recently published tools.
d. Validity scales are used primarily in cognitive but not personality assessment.
Topic: Issues in personality development and use

52. Which of the following represents a reasonable alternative to the use of validity scales?
a. stress the importance of being honest in the directions
b. add more items
*c. compare the accuracy of self-report ratings with third-party ratings
d. none of the above represent reasonable alternatives to the use of validity scales
Topic: Issues in personality development and use

53. Which of the following represents a method to deal with various types of rater error and
a. comparing ratings with more experienced raters
b. clarifying terminology
c. verbalizing the thought process the raters went through to arrive at a rating
*d. all of the above
Topic: Issues in personality development and use

54. Factor analysis is a statistical procedure designed to identify

*a. the minimum number of variables accounting for the intercorrelations between the
b. the maximum number of variables accounting for the intercorrelations between the
c. the median number of variables accounting for the intercorrelations between the
d. all of the variables accounting for the intercorrelations between the phenomena.
Topic: Developing instruments to assess personality: Data reduction methods

55. The 16 PF is a personality measure that assesses 16 different personality

a. states.
*b. traits.
c. types.
d. defects.
Topic: Developing instruments to assess personality: Data reduction methods

56. Provide an interpretation for the following MMPI-2 profile: L Scale = T score of 50; F Scale
= T score of 95; Hs Scale = T score of 60; Sc Scale = T score of 70; and Pa Scale = T score of
a. This person is trying to fake good, as indicated by the elevated scores on the three
clinical scales.
b. This person’s profile cannot be interpreted because of a significantly elevated L score.
c. This person should be hospitalized immediately, as indicated by the elevated scores
on the paranoia and schizophrenia scales.
*d. This person is trying to fake bad as indicated by the elevated scores on the F scale
and the three clinical scales.
Topic: The MMPI-2

57. Which represents a limitation of the MMPI that led to the development of the MMPI-2?
*a. The sample size and representativeness of the normative sample were limited.
b. It could not be scored with sufficient reliability by graduate students in psychology.
c. It could not be used with non-English-speaking populations.
d. There was inconsistency in the clinical scales.
Topic: The MMPI

58. Which of the following represents the most widely used psychological test in the world?
b. Rorschach
c. 16 PF
Topic: MMPI

59. Which of the following is the most recently developed MMPI validity scale?
a. Lie Scale
b. Hypochondriasis
c. Psychasthenia
*d. Variable Response Inconsistency
Topic: MMPI

60. Why were new MMPI-2 content subscales developed?

a. to increase the reliability of the test
*b. to group items measuring the same traits or attitudes
c. to decrease the number of clinical scales necessary
d. to increase the length of the computerized narrative reports
Topic: The MMPI-2

61. Although the MMPI-2 had a larger standardization sample than the original MMPI, the
norm sample remains one of the primary criticisms of this revised test. Why?
a. The sample used had the effect of further elevating an already elevated T score.
b. The sample was made up of mostly nonwhite individuals.
c. The sample was biased toward low SES people.
*d. The sample was biased toward highly educated people.
Topic: The MMPI-2: The standardization sample

62. As a result of the normalization of the standard scores on the MMPI-2, a T score of 70 on
the Depression Scale and a T score of 70 on Hypomania Scale will indicate
*a. that the two T scores equal the same level of clinical elevation.
b. that the scores will be significantly different depending on the gender of the testtaker.
c. that the two scores result in different percentile ranks for each scale.
d. that neither score is significantly elevated.
Topic: The MMPI-2

63. Rate the MMPI-2 on reliability.

a. It has low test-retest reliability, acceptable internal consistency for the clinical and
validity scales, and acceptable internal consistency for the content scales.
b. It has acceptable test-retest reliability, low internal consistency for the clinical and
validity scales, and low internal consistency for the content scales.
*c. It has acceptable test-retest reliability, low internal consistency for the clinical and
validity scales, and acceptable internal consistency for the content scales.
d. It has low test-retest reliability, acceptable internal consistency for the clinical and
validity scales, and low internal consistency for the content scales.
Topic: The MMPI-2: Psychometric properties

64. The MMPI-A is

a. a version of the MMPI-2 normed for adolescents.
*b. a new version of the MMPI for adolescents.
c. a version of the MMPI normed a second time with adolescents.
d. the original version of the MMPI normed for adolescents that has also been renamed.
Topic: The MMPI-A

65. Self-report measures are criticized for which reason?

*a. People are more likely to present themselves in a way that meets their needs.
b. Results are less reliable than other measures.
c. Results are less valid than reports from others.
d. Self-report measures usually require a great deal of explanation.
Topic: Limitations of self-report

66. The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16 PF) contains 16 factors developed
through factor analysis. There is controversy about the number of factors on the test. Most
theorists who believe that there are not 16 factors on the 16 PF believe that
*a. there are fewer than 16 factors.
b. there are more than 16 factors.
c. there are much more than 16 factors.
d. there are much, much, more than 16 factors.
Topic: The 16 PF

67. Controversy surrounds the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16 PF). What is this
controversy about?
a. the quality of the normative sample
b. the translation of the test into another language
*c. the number of factors the test is measuring
d. the internal consistency of the test
Topic: Developing instruments to assess personality: Data reduction methods

68. Many reasons may account for why there is disagreement about the number of factors on
the 16 PF. Which of the following is NOT one of those reasons?
a. different factor-analytic techniques used by researchers
*b. different samples completing the test in research exploring the number of factors
c. a focus on primary rather than secondary factors by the researchers
d. different criteria used to determine whether a factor exists
Topic: Developing instruments to assess personality: Data reduction methods

69. Cattell, the author of the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16 PF), believes that the
test contains __________ primary and ____________ second-order factors, with the
___________ factors being more important in evaluating personality.
*a. 16; 5; primary
b. 16; 5; second-order
c. 5; 16; primary
d. 5; 16; second-order
Topic: The 16 PF

70. Who is credited with initiating the high level of interest in factor analysis as a way of
understanding and measuring personality?
a. McCrae and Costa
b. Eysenck
*c. Cattell
d. Butcher
Topic: Developing instruments to assess personality: Data reduction methods

71. The most widely used five-factor measure of personality was developed by
a. Cattell.
b. Eysenck.
c. Hathaway.
*d. McCrae and Costa.
Topic: Data reduction methods

72. Neurotism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness are all

measured by which personality assessment instrument?
*b. NEO-PI R
c. Rorschach
d. Self-Directed Search
Topic: Data reduction methods

73. The MMPI-2 represents an improvement over the MMPI in all but one of the following
ways. Which is NOT a feature of the MMPI-2?
a. a broader, more representative standardization sample
b. more contemporary language
c. less sexist language
*d. new psychiatric criterion groups
Topic: The MMPI-2

74. The F, K, TRIN, and VRIN Scales on the MMPI-2 are all examples of
a. supplementary scales.
b. clinical scales.
*c. validity scales.
d. content scales.
Topic: The MMPI-2

75. When people taking the MMPI-2 try to demonstrate the presence of a mental disorder that
they don’t actually have, this deception is often identified on which scales?
a. content scales
*b. validity scales
c. supplementary scales
d. clinical scales
Topic: The MMPI-2

76. On the MMPI-2, which statement describes the relationship between the content scales and
the clinical scales designed to assess similar concepts?
a. The content scales and the clinical scales are highly correlated.
b. The content scales and the clinical scales are correlated only weakly.
*c. Some of these relationships are strong and others are weak.
d. There is no relationship between these two scales.
Topic: The MMPI-2: Psychometric properties

77. To what does the MMPI-A refer?

*a. MMPI for adolescents
b. MMPI for average individuals
c. abridged MMPI
d. alternate form of the MMPI
Topic: The MMPI-A

78. If a friend tells you that he took a test and received scores on scales called School
Problems, Conduct Problems, and Immaturity, its a good bet that your friend was
a. the MMPI-2.
*b. the MMPI-A.
c. the 16 PF.
d. the NEO-PI-R.
Topic: The MMPI-A

79. Which of the following BEST represents the authors’ definition of personality?
a. There is no substantive definition of personality, and the authors’ avoid providing
b. an individual’s phenomenal field
*c. an individual’s unique constellation of psychological traits and states
d. an individual’s behavior in all of its detail
Topic: Scoring and interpretation

80. In recent years, which of the following has received less attention?
a. personality traits
b. personality states
*c. personality types
d. patterns of individual states and traits
Topic: Scoring and interpretation

81. Who serves as the informant for the Personality Inventory for Children (PIC)?
a. the child
b. the teacher
*c. the parent
d. all of the above
Topic: Scoring and interpretation

82. Which of the following refers to the degree to which a person has different self-concepts in
different roles?
*a. self-concept differentiation
b. self-concept individualization
c. self-image differentiation
d. role differentiation
Topic: Scoring and interpretation

83. A woman who states that she “wears too many hats” in her daily life might best be
characterized as:
a. highly individual.
*b. highly differentiated.
c. highly endomorphic.
d. someone with great potential for success in millinery work.
Topic: Scoring and interpretation

84. Which question must be addressed when considering the appropriateness of

administering a particular personality test to members of a particular culturally or
linguistically diverse group?
a. how the test was developed
b. how the test is administered
c. how the test is interpreted
*d. all of the above
Topic: Scoring and interpretation

85. A tendency to respond to a test item in a characteristic manner irrespective of the content
of the item is known as
a. response prevention.
*b. response style.
c. impression management.
d. impression mismanagement.
Topic: Scoring and interpretation

86. Scales that measure the Testtaker’s tendency towards impression management are referred
to as
a. reliability scales.
*b. validity scales.
c. honesty scales.
d. all of the above.
Topic: Scoring and interpretation

87. If you believe your score on this test depends on how much you studied, you would be
said to have which of the following?
a. an external locus of control
b. a low level of differentiation
*c. an internal locus of control
d. a high level of differentiation
Topic: Scoring and interpretation

88. Forced choice versus free choice item formats are typically employed to control which of
the following?
a. the reliability of respondent’s response patterns
*b. testtakers’ tendency toward impression management
c. interviewers’ tendency to stray from the points of focus
d. none of the above
Topic: Scoring and interpretation

89. “I am unhappy too much of the time” / “I am nervous too much of the time” is an example
of which type of item format often found on personality tests?
a. essay
b. adjective checklist
*c. forced-choice
d. free-choice
Topic: Scoring and interpretation

90. The following list best represents which type of item found on personality assessment
a. free-choice
b. sentence completion
*c. adjective checklist
d. true-false
Topic: Scoring and interpretation

91. The “blown bridge” exercise is an example of which type of personality assessment
*a. situational performance measure
b. forced-choice measure
c. sentence completion measure
d. structured interview
Topic: Scoring and interpretation

92. The task of sorting statement cards from least descriptive to most descriptive is most
characteristic of which type of assessment method?
*a. Q-sort
b. T-sort
c. Like-sort
d. Dislike-sort
Topic: Scoring and interpretation

93. Comparing a Testtaker’s responses to their own responses as opposed to the responses of
other Testtakers is an example of which type of approach to personality test
a. nomothetic
b. idiographic
*c. ipsative
d. normative
Topic: Scoring and interpretation

94. Which of the following terms go together?

*a. idiographic-ipsative
b. nomothetic-ipsative
c. nomothetic-idiographic
d. none of the above
Topic: Scoring and interpretation

95. The 16 PF exemplifies which approach to assessment?

*a. nomothetic
b. idiographic
c. projective
d. impressionistic
Topic: Scoring and interpretation

96. “A successful life” is an example of which of the following types of values?

a. instrumental value
*b. terminal value
c. normative value
d. vocational value
Topic: Assessment of values
97. Data reduction methods of personality test development include which of the following
statistical techniques?
a. regression analysis
*b. factor analysis
c. final analysis
d. psychoanalysis
Topic: Factor analysis in personality test development

98. A rating may be affected by

a. the rater’s background and experience.
b. the rater’s willingness to expend time and effort.
c. the rater’s personal reaction to the subject.
*d. all of the above
Topic: Ratings in personality test

99. Attempts at controlling rater bias have included all of the following EXCEPT
*a. improving the statistical attributes of the instrument being used.
b. clarifying terminology to increase reliability.
c. providing practice sessions in observing and rating others.
d. comparing ratings of new raters with those of more experienced raters.
Topic: Rater bias

100. Which of the following is TRUE of Cattell’s 16 PF?

a. There is general agreement that the test measures 16 distinct factors.
*b. The test was developed using the statistical technique of factor analysis.
c. The factors are not substantially intercorrelated.
d. In reality, the test was not developed by Cattell.
Topic: 16 PF

101. “What do you call yourself when asked about your ethnicity?” is an interview question
designed to tap information about
a. an instrumental value.
b. a terminal value.
*c. personal identity.
d. anger and hostility.
Topic: Personality assessment and culture

102. In which type of scoring approach to personality assessment can two people with the same
score on the same trait differ in the magnitude of the trait or characteristic being
a. nomothetic
b. empirical criterion keying
*c. ipsative
d. forced-choice
Topic: Ipsative scoring

103. Which of the following does NOT represent a typical use of the Q-sort technique?
a. basic research in the area of personality
*b. identification of cognitive strengths and weaknesses
c. identification of leadership potential in military settings
d. determining occupational aptitude in vocational settings
Topic: Q-sort

104. According to the text, which is TRUE of “cultural competence?”

a. The term refers to developing tests that reflect particular values.
b. The term refers to knowledge of a particular culture through academic study, life
experience, or both.
c. The authors believe it is unrealistic as a goal for an assessor.
*d. Both b and c are true.
Topic: Personality assessment and culture

105. Caution is urged with the use of translators because of which of the following?
a. There is a shortage of translators.
b. They tend to be available only in schools and not in clinic emergency rooms.
*c. Words do not always retain their original meaning in translation.
d. Few translators are qualified to develop, administer, or interpret psychological tests.
Topic: Personality assessment and culture

106. Why do MMPI-2 clinical scales tend to be referred to by number instead of by name?
a. There are too many to name.
b. The test is translated into many languages, and reference to the scale number
facilitates translation.
*c. The names are outdated.
d. none of the above
Topic: MMPI-2

107. What conclusions did Achenbach reach after examining differences between various
people who evaluate children?
a. Parents are more accurate than teachers.
b. Teachers are more honest than parents.
c. Physicians are less accurate than parents.
*d. none of the above
Topic: Another person as the referent

108. A culturally sensitive psychological assessment includes sensitivity to which of the

a. acculturation and language
b. values and worldview
c. personal identity
*d. all of the above
Topic: Personality assessment and culture

109. Which of the following represents a disadvantage of the Q-sort technique?

*a. Some individuals may be unwilling or unable to reveal accurate information about
b. It is difficult to administer and may be scored and interpreted only by trained
c. The technique is useful only in therapeutic or clinical settings.
d. none of the above
Topic: Q-sort

110. Q-sort refers to a method of personality assessment in which the subject typically
a. projects onto ambiguous stimuli.
*b. arranges cards with printed statements on them.
c. completes sentence stems on cards and arranges them in rank order.
d. responds “true” or “false” to cards with printed sentences.
Topic: Q-sort
111. Which of the following is TRUE of the use of the MMPI-2 with Chicano clients?
a. The MMPI-2 is as culturally sensitive as the MMPI.
b. The MMPI-2 overpathologizes Chicano clients.
*c. Conflicting evidence exists regarding whether the test is culturally sensitive or
d. None of the above is true.
Topic: MMPI-2

112. Achenbach’s research on evaluators shows that

a. evaluators agree more about the problems of younger children than about the
problems of older children.
b. evaluators agree more about the problems of self-control than about overcontrolled
c. evaluators agree more about the problems of older than younger children.
*d. a and b
Topic: Another person as the referent

113. The NEO-PI-R measures which of the following?

a. states
*b. traits
c. states and traits
d. instincts
Topic: Data reduction methods

114. Which is a major criticism of the MMPI-2?

a. lack of minority group members in the standardization sample
b. lack of a geographically representative and contemporary standardization sample
*c. lack of a contemporary, nationally representative clinical sample
d. lack of any items on the revised test that make reference to any Star Trek series
Topic: MMPI-2

115. At what age does acculturation begin?

*a. at birth
b. when one enters elementary school (approximately 5 years old)
c. when one enters high school (approximately 14 years old)
d. when one becomes independent of one’s family (whenever)
Topic: Personality assessment and culture

116. The MMPI-A may be criticized for its

a. lack of minority group members in the standardization sample.
b. lack of a contemporary and representative standardization sample.
c. lack of a contemporary clinical sample.
*d. lack of a geographically representative clinical sample.
Topic: MMPI-A

117. Depression and Psychasthenia are examples of which type of MMPI-2 scales?
*a. clinical
b. content
c. validity
d. supplementary
Topic: MMPI-2

118. The MMPI-2 includes which types of scales?

a. content
b. validity
c. clinical
*d. all of the above
Topic: MMPI-2

119. Truthfulness, persistence, and ambition are examples of which of the following?
*a. instrumental values
b. terminal values
c. political values
d. vocational values
Topic: Values and personality assessment

120. Which of the following influence acculturation?

a. books
b. films
c. parents
*d. all of the above
Topic: Personality assessment and culture

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