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Fostering Excellence through Globalized Education

Quijano St., San Juan, San Ildefonso, Bulacan
Tel. / Fax (044) 797- 0543 Email Add:

 Subject: English for Academic and Professional Purposes
 Time Frame: 2 Days (Week 2 / Quarter 2)
 Topic: Writing a Concept Paper
 Grade level: 11


This learning kit will teach you how to use graphic aids, not only for texts, but the better understanding
of data you like to present.


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

 Determine what is a graphic aid.
 Presents a novel concept or project with accompanying visuals/ graphic aids


A. Let’s Get Involved

Think of the things you really like or love, list it based on its relevance to you. (you can add other
 Shoes
 Bags
 Dresses
 Phones
 Slippers

B. Let’s Explore

 How do you compare things? ______________________________________________________

 How do you check the value of something? ___________________________________________
 How do you think the rich people count their money? ___________________________________

C. Let’s Clarify Things

What is a visual or graphic aid?

A visual or graphic aid is any image that assists you, the reader, in understanding the text which
accompanies the visual aid.
Graphics play an integral part in many nonfiction texts. From newspaper articles to computer manuals. They
often enhance information from the text and sometimes supply information not found in the text. All too often,
however students skip the graphics either because they didn’t recognize their importance or they do not have
techniques necessary for reading them effectively.
Why are graphics effective?
Vacca and Vacca (1993) believe that the use of graphic aids in text will:
 provide students with the opportunity to decide what parts of the text are important,
 and how ideas and concepts in the text are related.
 Graphic aids can help you better “see” and understand the information.
 Graphic aids can provide visual examples of things described in the text.
 Graphic aids help us to show and compare information.

Several authors support the value of using graphic aids with text as they:
 Create both verbal and nonverbal codes as well as connections between the two.
 Graphic aids open a range of learning possibilities not available when language is used alone.

Types of Graphic Aids

1. Bar graph- Length of parallel bars are used to make comparisons. It can either be vertical or horizontal.
Category 1

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

2. Line graph- Points are connected to show relationships between two or more items. There may be one or
more lines depending on the items.
0 Series 1 Series 2
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4

3. Pie chart- in which the sizes of the slices presents part of a whole.


4. Flow chart and

mapping- Shows
steps in procedures
or processes. Uses
boxes or other FLOW
shapes connected
by lines or arrows.
1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

5. Tables and chart- systematic listing of data in rows and columns. Tables present large amounts of data in
a simple, brief, and clear linear format. The same data in prose would be bulky, confusing, and
inaccessible. Also, tables allow the writer to focus attention on specific pieces of data while retaining a
clear presentation of the whole. A table in a text can help to emphasize data for students to better
understand. The table is good for presenting data without having to compare it.


1 1 1
2 2 2

6. Authors use charts and graphs to

illustrate specific points or to
present information contained in the
text in a visual format that is easily
understood by readers. The graph
makes it easier to visualize the
relationship between the facts. The
graph can help a reader see and
remember the facts. Graphs and
charts present numerical data
pictorially, helping readers
visualize relationships among those data.

7. Photographs are the most realistic and dramatic representation of physical features. In a good
photograph the reader can see exactly what the writer is talking about.

8. A diagram is a symbolic representation well-suited to the presentation of ideas.

D. Let’s Reinforce Learning

A. Directions: Checking for understanding Based on the information provided above, define each of the
common graphic aids mentioned.

B. Directions: Using the graphic aids, show what is the difference of cooking leche flan with the white and without.

E. Let’s Evaluate

Imagine that you will conceptualize a new invention that would benefit all students. How are you going
to start this invention? Write a concept paper following the necessary details indicated below with
corresponding graphic aid. Concept paper must be encoded separately from this activity sheet yet you still need
to have this printed, filled out and attached all together.
font size 12, any font style, single space, 1 inch all around, 2 pages maximum only
a. Invention Name: (photo and tagline)
b. Background: (problem or need why invent)
c. Project Description: (goals, outcomes or benefits to achieve invention)
d. Timeline: (duration of the invention from planning to launching) V. Support Needed/Cost: (financial,
technical manpower services)
e. Contact Information: (details of the inventor)

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