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Physics Matters for GCE ‘O’ Level (4 Edition): Full Solutions to Textbook Questions Chapter 18

Chapter 18 D.C. Circuits

Quick Check (page 344)

(a) Vε = V1 + V2 + …+ Vn
(b) R = R1 + R2 + … + Rn

Quick Check (page 345)

(a) The current is the same at different points of a series circuit. This is because a series circuit has
only one path through which electric charge can flow.
(b) The current is different in the branches of a parallel circuit. This is because the current flowing
from the source splits into smaller currents in the parallel branches.

Test Yourself 18.1 & 18.2 (page 349)

1. (a) V
0.2 A
= 25 Ω
(b) V
I1 =
50 Ω
= 0.1 A
I2 = 0.1 A + 0.2 A
= 0.3 A
(c) Let the resistance of the 50 Ω resistor be RA.
!1 1 $
Effective resistance RT = ## + &
"R RA &%
! 1 1$
= # + &
" 25 50 %
= # &
" 50 %
≈ 17 Ω
(d) Effective resistance RT = R + RA
= 25 Ω + 50 Ω
= 75 Ω

2. (Either one)
• When one of the bulbs blows, the rest of the bulbs will continue to be lit.
• Bulbs connected in parallel glow more brightly than when connected in series.

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Physics Matters for GCE ‘O’ Level (4 Edition): Full Solutions to Textbook Questions Chapter 18

Test Yourself 18.3 (page 351)


Reffective = 4 Ω + 4 Ω + 4 Ω
= 12 Ω


⎛ 1 1 ⎞
Reffective = ⎜ + ⎟
⎝ 4Ω 4Ω ⎠
⎛ 1 ⎞−1
= ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2Ω ⎠
€ =2Ω


" 1 1 1 1 %
Reffective = 4 Ω + 4 Ω + $ + + + '
# 4! 4! 4! 4! &
" 4 %
=8Ω+ $ '
# 4! &

Quick Check (page 353)

A potential divider is used to provide a fraction of the voltage of a source to another part of the circuit.

© 2013 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Private Limited

Physics Matters for GCE ‘O’ Level (4 Edition): Full Solutions to Textbook Questions Chapter 18

Test Yourself 18.4 & 18.5 (page 357)

! R $
Using Vout = ## && × Vε ,
" R + RTH %
100 Ω
at 0°C, Vout = ×6V
100 Ω + 500 Ω
100 Ω
at 100°C, Vout = ×6V
100 Ω + 50 Ω

IT Learning Room (page 357)

1. 9.00 V

2. (c) Current/A Potential Difference/V

IA 0.45 VAB 4.50
IB 0.45 VBC 4.50
IC 0.45 VAC 9.00

(d) From (c),

current flowing in circuit = IA = IB = IC = 0.45 A
p.d. VAC across circuit = 9.00 V
Using R = ,
effective resistance RT =
9.00 V
0.45 A
= 20 Ω

3. (c) Current/A Potential Difference/V

ID 1.80 VEG 9.00
IE 0.90 VFH 9.00
IF 0.90 VDI 9.00

(d) From (c),

main current flowing in circuit = ID = 1.80 A
p.d. VDI across circuit = 9.00 V
Using R = ,
effective resistance RT =
9.00 V
1.80 A

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Physics Matters for GCE ‘O’ Level (4 Edition): Full Solutions to Textbook Questions Chapter 18

4. (a) In the series circuit (Figure 18.26), the p.d. across the whole circuit VAC is equal to the sum
of the p.d. across each resistor (VAB and VBC). The p.d. across the whole circuit is also
equal to the e.m.f. ε of the source.
i.e. ε = VAC = VAB + VBC

In the parallel circuit (Figure 18.27), the p.d. across the whole circuit VDI is equal to the p.d.
across each resistor (VEG or VFH). The p.d. across the whole circuit is also equal to the
e.m.f. ε of the source.
i.e. ε = VDI = VEG = VFH

(b) The effective resistance RT is lower for the parallel circuit (5 Ω) than for the series circuit
(20 Ω). The main current ID (1.80 A) in the parallel circuit is larger than the current IA
(0.45 A) in the series circuit. The voltage supplied by the battery to both circuits is the
same (9.00 V). Thus, according to R = , the effective resistance RT is lower for the
parallel circuit than for the series circuit.

Get It Right (page 359)

(a) False
When resistors are connected in series in a circuit, the current through each resistor is the same.
(b) True
(c) False
The current from the electrical source of a parallel circuit is the sum of the current in each parallel
(d) False
In a parallel circuit, the p.d. across the whole circuit is equal to the p.d. across each circuit
(e) True
(f) True
(g) True
(h) False
The resistance of the common thermistor decreases as its temperature increases, whereas the
resistance of an LDR decreases as the intensity of light shining on it increases.

Let’s Review (page 359)

Section A: Multiple-Choice Questions

1. C
Voltage across XY = 2 × 6 V

2. D
Reading on A3 = 3 A – 1 A = 2 A
Reading on A1 = reading on A4 = 3 A

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Physics Matters for GCE ‘O’ Level (4 Edition): Full Solutions to Textbook Questions Chapter 18

3. B
In Diagram A,
V = IR1
6 V = (2 A)(R1)
R1 = 3 Ω

In Diagram B,
6 V = (3 A)(RT)
RT = 2 Ω

1 1 1
+ =
R1 R2 RT
1 1 1
+ =
3 Ω R2 2 Ω
R2 = 6 Ω

4. D
For option (A),
effective resistance = 2 Ω + 3 Ω + 4 Ω
For option (B),
effective resistance = +3Ω
1 1
( + )
2Ω 4Ω
= 4.3 Ω
For option (C),
effective resistance = +4Ω
1 1
( + )
2Ω 3Ω
= 5.2 Ω
For option (D),
effective resistance =
1 1 1
( + + )
2Ω 3Ω 4Ω
= 0.92 Ω
Thus, the resistor combination in option (D) has the lowest resistance.

5. A
For option (A),
effective resistance of series resistors = 1 Ω + 2 Ω = 3 Ω
effective resistance of all three resistors =
1 1
( + )
3Ω 3Ω
= 1.5 Ω

6. C
Effective resistance RT for the two resistors in parallel,
1 1 1
= +
RT =
R 3
Effective resistance between PQ = +R = R
2 2

© 2013 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Private Limited

Physics Matters for GCE ‘O’ Level (4 Edition): Full Solutions to Textbook Questions Chapter 18

7. A
I = I1 = I4 (current in the series arrangement is the same)
I1 = I2 + I3 (sum of the individual currents in each of the parallel branches is equal to the current
flowing into and out of the parallel branches)

8. A
Minimum Vout can be obtained by placing the sliding contact between the two resistors. Here, the
resistance due to the variable resistor R1 will be 0 Ω.
Thus, Vout = 0 V

Maximum Vout can be obtained by placing the sliding contact at the topmost end of R1. Here, the
resistance due to R1 will be 4 Ω.
Thus, Vout = × 12 V
R1 + R2

= × 12 V
= 4.8 V

9. B
500 000 Ω
Voltmeter reading in dark = × 12 V = 4 V
1000 000 Ω + 500 000 Ω
500 000 Ω
Voltmeter reading in bright sunlight = × 12 V = 12 V
100 Ω + 500 000 Ω

10. A
Let RTH and R be the resistance of the thermistor and the fixed resistor respectively.
Voltmeter reading = × Vε
When the thermistor is heated, its resistance will drop. The voltmeter reading will therefore

Section B: Structured Questions

1. (a) Let the effective resistance across AB be RAB.

1 1 1 3 −1
= + = Ω
RAB 2 Ω 4 Ω 4
RAB = Ω = 1.3 Ω
(b) Let the effective resistance across CD be RCD.
1 1 1 1 −1
= + = Ω
RCD 3 Ω 6 Ω 2
RCD = 2 Ω
(c) Let the effective resistance across the whole circuit be R.
R = 1.3 Ω + 2 Ω
= 3.3 Ω
(d) 2Ω
Voltage across CD = 12 V × = 7.27 V
2 Ω + 1.3 Ω
7.27 V
Current through 6 Ω resistor = = 1.2 A

© 2013 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Private Limited

Physics Matters for GCE ‘O’ Level (4 Edition): Full Solutions to Textbook Questions Chapter 18

2. (a) V
I1 =
30 Ω
= 0.2 A
(b) I2 = 0.8 A – 0.2 A = 0.6 A
(c) Voltage across 6 Ω resistor = IR = (0.6 A)(6 Ω) = 3.6 V
Voltage across resistor R = 6 V – 3.6 V = 2.4 V
Resistance R =
2.4 V
0.6 A

3. (a) Since the V–I graph of both wires are straight lines that pass through the origin, both wires
are ohmic. Hence, their resistances can be found using the gradients of the graph.
(5.0 – 0.0) V
Resistance RA of wire A = = 10 Ω
(0.5 – 0.0) A
(2.0 – 0.0) V
Resistance RB of wire B = =4Ω
(0.5 – 0.0) A
(b) Wire A is longer than wire B.
If both wires are made of the same material and have the same thickness, the resistances of
the wires would depend only on their lengths. Since resistance is directly proportional to
length and wire A has the higher resistance, wire A is longer.
(c) V
Current IA flowing through wire A =
5.0 V
10 Ω
= 0.5 A
Current IB flowing through wire B =
5.0 V

= 1.25 A

Section C: Free-Response Questions

1. (a) There is no resistance between B and C.

VBC = IS × RBC where IS = current through the source
= IS × 0 Ω
Therefore, there is no p.d. across B and C (i.e. B and C are at the same potential).
(b) (i) V
Since VDE = 100 V, using R = ,
100 V
R4 = = 200 Ω
0.50 A
(ii) The current flowing through R1 should be the same as that flowing through R4, since
both resistors are in series.
Since VAB = 40 V, using R = ,
40 V
R1 = = 80 Ω
0.50 A
(c) The fault lies between C and D. A possible cause of the fault is a short circuit.

© 2013 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Private Limited

Physics Matters for GCE ‘O’ Level (4 Edition): Full Solutions to Textbook Questions Chapter 18

(d) (i) Let the current flowing through R7 be I. Thus, the current flowing through R5 and R6 is
Using I = I1 + I2 for parallel connection,
current flowing through R4 = I + 4I
0.50 A = 5I
I = 0.10 A

Given: VEF = 50 V
Using R = ,
50 V
R7 = = 500 Ω
0.10 A
(ii) Current flowing through R5 and R6 = 4I
= 4 × 0.10 A
= 0.40 A
Given: VEG = 30 V
Using R = ,
30 V
R5 = = 75 Ω
0.40 A
(iii) Given: VGF = 20 V
Using R = ,
20 V
R6 = = 50 Ω
0.40 A
(e) Since R5 and R6 are connected in series,
effective resistance of R5 and R6 = R5 + R6
= 75 Ω + 50 Ω
= 125 Ω
Since R7 and (R5 and R6) are connected in parallel,
1 1 1
= + where REF = effective resistance across EF
REF R7 R5&6
1 1
= +
500 Ω 125 Ω
REF = 100 Ω

2. (a) (i)


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Physics Matters for GCE ‘O’ Level (4 Edition): Full Solutions to Textbook Questions Chapter 18



(b) Light bulbs connected in series

• Light bulbs remains lit longer than identical light bulbs connected in parallel. The current
drawn from the electrical source in the series circuit is smaller than that in the parallel
circuit. Thus, the electrical source lasts longer in a series circuit.
• Light bulbs do not glow as brightly as identical light bulbs connected in parallel. This is
because the current in the series circuit is smaller than the current in the parallel circuit.
• When one light bulb blows, the other bulbs do not remain lit. This is because when one
light bulb blows, the circuit becomes an open circuit.

Light bulbs connected in parallel

• Light bulbs glow more brightly than identical light bulbs connected in series. This is
because the current in the parallel circuit is larger than the current in the series circuit.
• When one light bulb blows, the others remain lit. This is because the current has
alternate paths to flow through to form closed circuits.
• Light bulbs do not remain lit as long as identical light bulbs in series. The current drawn
from the electrical source in the parallel circuit is larger than that in the series circuit.
Thus, the electrical source is depleted at a faster rate in a parallel circuit.

3. (a)  
24 Ω

0–12 Ω

© 2013 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Private Limited

Physics Matters for GCE ‘O’ Level (4 Edition): Full Solutions to Textbook Questions Chapter 18

(b) E.m.f. ε = voltage across the circuit Vε = 9 V

Let the resistance of the variable resistor be RV; the resistance of the fixed resistor be RF.
Vout = × Vε

When RV = 0 Ω,

Vout = ×9V=0V
0 Ω + 24 Ω

When RV = 12 Ω,
12 Ω
Vout = ×9V=3V
12 Ω + 24 Ω

*4. (a) According to the Principle of Conservation of Energy,

Power dissipated by bulb 3
= power dissipated by bulb 1 + power dissipated by bulb 2

IV = IV1 + IV2
Using R = and substituting V = IR into the above formula,
I(IR) = I(IR1) + I(IR2)
2 2
I R = I (R1 + R2)
∴ R = R1 + R2

bulb 1 I1  

bulb 2 I2   I  

Diagram A Diagram B

Diagram A shows bulbs 1 and 2 connected in parallel. Diagram B shows the same circuit
after bulbs 1 and 2 are replaced by a single bulb 3 of equivalent resistance R.
According to the Principle of Conservation of Energy,
Power dissipated by bulb 3
= power dissipated by bulb 1 + power dissipated by bulb 2
IV = I1V + I2V
Using R = and substituting I = into the above formula,
(V) = (V) + (V)
R R1 R2
2 2 2
= +
R R1 R2
1 1 1
∴ = +
R R1 R2

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