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Academic Leadership: Concept, Attributes and Practices

Amarendra Pani*

Leadership is one of the most discussed aspects education. Essential components of a training
in higher education systems across the globe today. programme of university leaders has also been
Many of the issues in higher education in general and visualized to reorient the academic leaders to resurface
developing countries in particular stems from academic their abilities in this fast changing dynamics of the
and organizational leadership. It is the efficiency, higher education.
dynamism, vision and personal as well professional
Concept of ‘leader’ and ‘lead’ are very old. History
acumen of the leader that largely determines the success
substantiates the fact that we had model leaders ever
of institutions. Leadership has been increasingly
since the beginning of civilization who lead the masses
recognized as an issue of paramount concern owing to
during social crises and in the process of development
the fact that universities are the complex organizations
from one stage to another. Thus ‘lead’ and ‘leader’ are
in which the person in leadership position confronts
the root words from which the concept of leadership
with challenges in several fronts. On the one front the
was derived and therefore most of the definitions have
leader has to deal with a diversified cohorts of people
focused on a single person and his or her personal
constituting academic, administrative, technical and
qualities and skills. Individual traits, abilities, and
other supporting staff and students as well, on the other
sources of power were considered as the parameters
hand he/she has to deal with complexities of
on how a leader will be able to influence others. In the
administration, finance, and academic and a plethora
primary definitions, the Leadership was defined as the
of other issues in managing the university. Since the
skill of a person to influence an individual or a group
traditional character of the universities is changing at
for achievement of a goal. Thus the interpersonal skill
a fast pace, there is a substantial change in the role and
of a person to influence others was the only aspect
responsibility of academic leaders. Consequently, there
which was considered as criterion of leadership in
is an intense pressure of preparing the leaders to cope
ancient times. Upholding this as the key point, the
up with the developments ushering into the arena of
concept of leadership traversed in many directions,
higher education. This needs an understanding of the
adding many more dimensions to it with change of time.
dynamics of university administration as well as the
concept of leadership. One of the key attributes of an With the advancement of civilization the role of a
academic leader is the capacity to effect change and leader extended to almost all walks of life ranging from
transform the vision into reality of accomplishing the social life to occupational and organizational life, from
stated goals. Nevertheless, the leader has to understand local level to global level. Consequently, the issue has
the nitty-gritty of the institution he is engaged with become a subject of profound interest and profuse
while keeping in mind the fact that academic thinking. Definition of Leadership now holds in its
institutions especially the universities are the most ambit a more complex concept than the primary
conservative institutions where resistance to changes definitions which lay emphasis only on traits of a
is found to be a common factor. In the past few decades, person. In fact, contemporary definitions often reject
especially with the advent of Globalization, universities the idea that leadership revolves around the leader
either are operating or preparing themselves to operate alone. They consider leadership as interaction among
in global-knowledge society. There is a need for the the people involved in the process—both leader and
leaders to understand and accept that their products, followers influencing each other in a given situation
essentially the graduates, must be trained appropriately for achievement of a goal.
and made to be equipped with the knowledge,
understanding and skills of coping with global Latest Perspective on Leadership and New
challenges without losing sight of the local and national Leadership Theories
priorities. In this paper, an attempt has been made to
Rapid and vigorous advances in the society,
correlate the concept of Leadership in general and the
specially, as an outcome of Information and
Leadership attributes required for the leaders of higher
Communication Technology (ICT) and Liberalisation,
*Editor, University News, Association of Indian Universities, Privatisation and Globalisation (LPG) compelled a shift
16, Comrade Indrajit Gupta Marg, New Delhi-110002 in the concept of leadership from classical role where

UNIVERSITY NEWS, 55(49) DECEMBER 04-10, 2017 17

a leader has to have an impact on events through setting nature (Ecosystem), the ignition system of a car,
goals, controlling execution and monitoring outcomes. feedback system of refrigerator and so on. Ecological
This perspective is applicable in stable environments systems and human social systems are living systems;
with low level of complexity and where processes can human-made systems such as cars, refrigerators and
be mechanized. In conditions of ambiguity, rapid washing machines are nonliving systems.
changes, high complexity, incomplete information and
Living bodies are natural systems which are
where core processes cannot be easily automated, the
composed of several subsystems like nervous system,
leadership task is different. Real potential of leadership
digestive system, excretory system, etc. which are
is proved when the leader is able to excel in situations
mutually interdependent. When we build accountability
that are difficult to define. Leadership task according
at a holistic level, we are operating in a systemic world
to Middlehurst (2008) is to mobilize expertise and
view. For example, when a cardiologist prescribes heart
generate novel solutions for difficult and rapidly
medication, he keeps in mind how that medication is
changing situations. New theories of leadership which
going to influence other areas of the patient’s body. If
came into vogue among others are Transformational
they affect kidneys the doctor will talk to a kidney
Leadership and Systemic Leadership.
doctor before pumping the patient with drugs. If the
Transformational Leadership doctor does not take ample care the patient will die. If
the patient dies then everyone fails. In medicine -
Burns (1978) founded the theory of thinking systemically is part of the game. Similarly in
transformational leadership. In transformational systemic leadership, thinking systemically is inevitable.
leadership, the main ideas is that when a job, or the Higher Education institutions are the living
environment around the followers fail to create and organizations and each aspect of it is interdependent
maintain due motivations or satisfaction, the leader will on the other. Therefore, it requires systemic leadership
take action through clarification and explanation of the also.
functional criteria by creation of a common vision or
horizon. In this type of leadership the relationship
Leadership Pattern in Indian Higher Education
between the leader and the follower is beyond a simple
give-and-take one because both leader and the follower
reach at same level of motivation to achieve the targeted Higher education system in India is constituted
goal. According to Burns, a transformational leader of universities and institutions of national importance.
causes and creates such transformation in the followers Among universities again there are different types
through the values like liberty, justice and equality, etc. depending upon several criteria like central universities
Such leaders elevate their followers to a higher level and state universities; affiliating universities and unitary
of morality and spirituality. The axis of transformational universities; deemed universities, women universities,
leadership according to Burns is to lead people to self discipline specific universities like technical
improvement. Higher Education Institutions deal with universities, medical universities, etc. whatever be the
type of university, the organizational structure is more
academics and in academics everybody is needs to be
or less same. In India University Grants Commission
considered as equals. Therefore, they require
(UGC) and Association of Indian Universities are the
Transformational Leaders.
apex bodies of higher education which provide
Systemic Leadership leadership to the universities and other higher education
institutions in different dimensions. In addition to these,
Systemic Leadership is a concept that indicates
there are several councils like All India Council for
that if leaders want to create organizations that thrive
Technical Education for technical higher education of
in the face of change, they can do so through managing
the country, Medical Council of India for Medical
organizations using natural systems theory. According
Education, etc. Generally, in case of Central
to natural systems theory, all the parts of a system are
Universities the President of India is the Visitor who
interdependent and cannot remain in isolation. A system
plays the role of the top leader, and in case of state
is a group of interacting, interrelated, and inter-
universities, it is the Governor of the State who plays
dependent components that form a complex and unified
top leadership role as the Chancellor.
whole. Systems are everywhere—for example, the
R&D department in any organization, the circulatory At institutional level, the Vice Chancellor/Director
system in our body, the predator/prey relationships in is the executive head of the university and therefore

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he/she is the kingpin of University administration and Leadership Attributes of a Vice Chancellor
all academic influence and administrative powers are Some of the attributes which an effective Vice
concentrated in him/her. Since the office of the Visitor Chancellor should possess to be a good leader are:
or Chancellor has very limited role, it is the Vice
Chancellor who provides leadership to the staff • An able Vice Chancellor is he who is able to create
(Administrative as well as academic) and students of healthy academic environment where students,
the university. Though it is an administrative post, a teachers and researchers feel that they have a place
Vice Chancellor is generally selected from academic in the university.
community as he/she has to lead the academic • A good Vice Chancellor should be endowed with
institution. For administrative staff of the university, academic as well as administrative acumen and
Registrar is second in command and for academic staff; competence, congeniality and tact in behaviour and
Deans of each discipline are second in command. Many a demonstrable uprightness and moral character.
universities have provision of appointing Pro Vice He should be a sound academician with flair for
Chancellors each responsible for a specific portfolio. administration.
Pro Vice Chancellor, if present in a university forms
the core element of second leadership tier, carrying the • A competent and efficient Vice Chancellor
delegated authority of the Vice Chancellor in order to exercises a positive impact on students and staff of
lead the university’s activities. In that case, Registrar the university as well as of affiliated colleges and
and Deans form the third tier of leadership. Like Vice should pay special attention to the welfare of the
Chancellor, Pro Vice Chancellor is also generally from students, staff and community.
academics background. Registrar is generally from • Apart from its own employees and students, Vice
administrative background. This forms the core team Chancellor should make the impact of the university
of apex leadership in the universities/higher education on the community surrounding it.
institutions. • He / She should be a sound decision maker and
therefore should posses the qualities of foresight,
Attributes of Higher Education Leaders clarity, quick action, honesty, and impartial attitude
Vice Chancellor is the administrative and academic and independence.
head of the university. He is responsible for smooth • Vice Chancellor has regulatory and developmental
functioning of the university. He has to coordinate
roles to play and both are equally important so the
different categories of functionaries in the university
Vice Chancellor should have expertise in time
system viz. the teachers, the administrators and the
students. He has to work under various pressures both
from inside as well as outside the university, specially • Vice Chancellor should act as motivator whose
the government and politicians. The image of a university touch should inspire people to do their best.
is made by the leadership of the Vice Chancellor. Prof • Vice Chancellor should have profound knowledge
M V Pylee in his article ‘Reforms in Higher Education’ of the university system, a vision of academic
published in the University News, Volume 33, No 43 future, empathy with members of the university
quoted Clark Kerr, President of university of California community, a relationship of understanding with
and Herman B. Wells, President of Indiana University government, cordiality with the community, a
to depict the characteristics which a University VC missionary zeal and high level of integrity. He
should posses. As per Clark Kerr, “A Vice Chancellor should be able to understand nonhierarchical nature
should be firm and gentle, sensitive to others but of the university and should provide leadership
insensitive to himself, have vision, affability, broad which can prevent drift towards mediocrity.
perspective and be a seeker of truth where the truth may
• Vice Chancellor should be resilient and able to
not hurt too much. He should sound like a mouse at
respond effectively to the influences and pressures
home but roar like a lion abroad.” In words of Herman
of a dynamic and turbulent environment.
B. Wells, “A Vice Chancellor should be born with the
physical strength of a Greek athlete, the cunning of a • Vice Chancellor should not only be able to convert
Machiavelli, the wisdom of a Solomon, the courage of every challenge into opportunity but also be a model
a lion, if possible. But, in any case he must be born in this aspect to the faculty, staff and teachers of
with the stomach of a goat!” the university.

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• A Vice Chancellor should be aboveboard and Recognizing and rewarding excellent teaching
meticulous. and teaching development effort: The value placed
• Should be strictly observing rules and immune to on teaching need to be made explicit often through
influence. formal means to recognize it. Effective leaders should
organize teaching awards and events where teaching
• A Vice Chancellor has to operate amidst
excellence is celebrated and made visible through
innumerable influences and pressures and only a
personal endorsement of colleagues who were helping
brave person with strong conviction can withstand
lead change and improve practice.
• Vice Chancellor should have high moral character Marketing the Department or the Institution as
and caliber and good conduct in public and private a Success: Universities or institutions generally gain
life. And unblemished image as an individual and reputation through their culture of excellence but in
a scholar is most desired from a Vice Chancellor. some cases this involve public relations and marketing
skills. An effective leader in a university builds up a
• Vice Chancellor should secure consent by winning
sense of belongingness about the institution and makes
the heart of staff and students not as a boss but as a
the staff proud to be in an excellent institution and
appreciate their role in creating that excellence.
• The Vice Chancellor as leader of higher education
must embrace change, direct it, and recognize that Supporting Change and Innovation: Teachers
it has positive, negative, and unanticipated should know how to plan and bring about change
consequences. He/she must manage change just like strategically. They pay attention to build consensus
any other managerial challenge, and must recognize about a vision, mobilize stake holders, deal with
that new markets require completely new dissenters, allocate resources, embed successful
organizational—and business—models. innovations in routine practice. Some times a minority
of rebels can simply create hurdles for the change. A
Leadership Attributes of a Teacher strategic leader is fully aware of these risks and
Excellence in Teaching: Since the universities therefore is equipped with the ways to minimize or
are academic institutions, first and foremost attribute bypass them. In universities, such type of situations
which a university teacher as leader should posses is are very common.
excellence in teaching. Leadership associated with
excellent teaching is multifaceted. Students Participation: Effective teachers do not
delimit student’s involvement just to the level of student
Establishing Credibility and Trust: University feedback. They involve students in course planning
teachers have to establish their credibility as leaders of committees and review process and discuss with them
teaching. They should be easily accessible, open to possible solutions for deep rooted problems. They
other’s views, well informed and up-to-date. employ students as peer tutors in implementing new
Converting Problems into opportunities: Instead pedagogies and use them as collaborative evaluators
of covering or ignoring the deep-rooted problems, the of innovations.
university teachers should consult a range of
stakeholders and make a collective effort to diagnose Special Challenges for Leaders of Indian Higher
and solve the problem. Education Institutions
Indian higher education system is the third largest
Dispersing Leadership: Instead of managing
higher education system in world with about 800
everything on their own, the effective teachers as
universities and 3,33,0000 students (2016-17). India
leaders should disperse the leadership responsibility
is country with diversity of culture. Apart from quantity,
on a number of people by delegating authority and
diversity is also a big challenge in the country. Apart
from managing quantity and diversity, other challenges
Building a Community of Practice: Developing in Indian higher education system are to ensure quality,
excellent teaching and maintaining that excellence equity, access, uniformity, and relevance. The key
usually involve a great deal of talking about teaching. dimensions of university education are teaching,
For this, initiatives like weekly discussions and other research and extension. In order to combat the
forums need to be created. challenges posed in each of these dimensions there are

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certain strategies which the leaders of higher • Orienting new staff actively involving them in
educational institutes should follow. Some of these decision-making.
strategies are being discussed here. • Recruiting teachers on the basis of merit and after
assessing that they have a commitment to
Strategies for the Leaders to Combat Teaching collaboration.
Challenges • Sharing equal responsibility with teachers, students
• Involving the whole staff in deliberating on goals, and staff to exploit their potentialities and becoming
beliefs, and visions of the institution at the the best in all ways.
beginning of the year and preparing annual action • Using eclectic mechanisms to support teachers,
plan collectively. such as finding money for a project or providing
• Visiting each classroom every day; encourage time for collaborative planning during the workday.
teachers to visit one another’s classes and make • Protecting teachers from the problems of limited
unbiased assessment of teaching. time, excessive paperwork, and demands from other
• Regular curricular revisions should be made to agencies.
assess the relevance of the curriculum for the • Enabling everybody realize that they are
respective batch of students. responsible for all students, not just their own
• Help teachers work smarter by actively seeking classes.
different interpretations and checking out
Strategies for the Leaders to Combat Research
• Placing individual problems in the larger The main purpose of a university according to
perspective of the whole institution; Kothari Commission (1964) is to deepen man’s
• Using action research teams or school improvement understanding of the universe and of himself, body,
teams as a way of sharing power. Giving everyone mind and sprit, and to disseminate this understanding
responsibilities and involving staff in governance throughout society and to apply it in the service of
functions. Involving non-participators by making mankind. This purpose is achieved only when the
them in charge of various committees. universities pay equal attention to teaching and
research. But in India, the dimension of research is not
• Finding good things that are happening and publicly
getting required attention and therefore, the research
recognizing the work of staff and students who have environment is either deteriorating or totally missing
contributed to the improvement of the institution. in most of the universities. Several factors contribute
• Writing private notes to teachers expressing to this situation, increasing burden of large number of
appreciation for special efforts. students, universities being least sensitive to the
• Surveying the staff often about their wants and research needs, want of sufficient number of quality
needs. Being receptive to teachers’ attitudes and teachers who have research aptitude, unattractive
remuneration offered by universities, particularly, to
philosophies. Using active listening and showing
the Research Staff are to name a few. However, to
care and concern towards the staff.
activate research dimension of the university following
• Encouraging teachers to experiment new ideas and strategies need to adopted:
promote creativity and commitment.
• To create conducive research environment in the
• Due to emergence of Information and universities by continuously inducing the teachers
communication technology, several new concepts through workshops, projects, seminars etc.
like atomization, e-learning, e governance,
• Strict quality auditing of the research contributions
technology-supported teaching-learning process etc
of the teachers as well as students.
have emerged. Organizing workshops to the
institutions where the staff can comfortably learn • Thorough knowledge of various funding agencies
the new trends. Sharing the information with staff and good rapport with them.
on conferences attended and new things learnt. • To keep updated information about special schemes
Getting teachers to share their learning and offered by various agencies like UGC, CSIR,
experiences with one another. ICSSR and other international agencies.

UNIVERSITY NEWS, 55(49) DECEMBER 04-10, 2017 21

• To have knowledge of citation index and agencies may prove to be detrimental. Looking at the scenario
who maintain citation index. the Gajandragadkar Commission made the following
• Signing MoUs with leading national and observation: “The administrative wing of the university
international research agencies. has to function in a human and imaginative manner
and statutory bodies of the university should be so
• Share and discuss research proposals with the staff
organized as to give the academics full freedom and
and propose questions for staff to think and asking
latitude to meet the changing requirements of modern
them to write research proposals.
• To create special avenues for research activities.
Therefore, there is a need for more
• To give rewards to those who have produced good
decentralization in the administrative set up.
piece of work
Decentralization of decision making as strategy for
• To give special incentive to the staff who generate educational management is of recent origin. It is
maximum funds. considered as new mantra of good governance. As
• To publish the research reports and publicize them mentioned earlier, decision making is done at two levels
in the field of higher education, one at the level of
• To take patents for original research.
system and the other at the level of institution. All these
Decision Making Role of Higher Education days higher education was considered as responsibility
Leaders of the government towards society. But with the
emergence of neo-liberalism and economic
Decision making is one of the inevitable
globalization the government started sharing this
components of any system or organization and therefore
responsibility with other agencies. This paradigm shift
higher education system and universities are not out of
resulted in policies like deregulation, privatization
it. For example varied decisions such as what courses
leading to decentralization in which administrations
to be offered, what curriculum should be prescribed,
rearranged the roles, relation and responsibilities of
what kind of faculty to be recruited and so on and so
state, market and society. Decentralization or devolving
forth. Overall responsibility of governance of higher
of decision making powers is being done by moving
education system in India and therefore the decision
tasks and powers from central to local bodies. For
making is vested with the government. In India,
example, in India many affiliated colleges are being
education is in the concurrent list so both, the statement
converted into autonomous colleges. Each autonomous
government as well as central government are
college is free to prescribe its courses of study, syllabi,
responsible for it and therefore the decision making
combination of subjects, admission of students and
power is vested with both of them. At government level
recruitment of staff etc. Universities with large
mainly decisions regarding policies, finances and
campuses are establishing sub-campuses which are
governance are made.
autonomous with broad guidelines laid down by the
In an institute responsibility of decision making university.
is distributed among those who constitute the system.
Major advantage of decentralization is shortening
For example in a university the Vice Chancellor is the
the distance between the government and the
topmost authority and is vested with highest authority
organization in charge of implementation.
of making decisions. From Vice Chancellor down the
Decentralization stems from the view that central
lane a hierarchy of authorities make decisions. Next to
authorities which are situated at some distance from
Vice Chancellor, registrars, deans, directors and all
the educational institutions are not capable of taking
those who are at the second tier are involved in decision
stock of specific situations at institutions therefore it
making process. From there it percolates down. But
is better if the institution itself makes decisions within
the Vice Chancellor has to endorse all the major
parameters set by the government. In institutional
decisions for their implementation. Thus, on the whole
context decentralization involves delegating the
it is a centralized process.
decision making roles to all those who are involved in
The delicacy of the university system is that it the process of leadership. The institutional leaders in
has to deal with young students and shape their destiny, position of power act in specific ways that leave space
vis a vis the destiny of the nation. So it has to be very for others to share power, make decisions, and take
careful in decision making process, any wrong decision responsibility for their decisions.

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In the context of universities, the power should are dominated by male leadership and administrative
be delegated to the deans, heads of the departments, procedures that exclude women still remains to be
and faculties. Constitution of departmental committees adequately addressed so as to bridge the gender
with adequate powers of decision making to deal with disparity in Higher Education. Consequently, there is
matters of admission, research, budget etc can enable struggle going on now how to bring equality of
the universities to become world class ones. opportunities to positions of power and influence. Once
Decentralization is not an easy thing. There are tensions the women leadership increases it is expected that they
and contradictions bound up with such an approach. can contribute to educate new generations to a broader
However, to cope with modernization and understanding of women’s roles and secondly to shape
corporatization decentralization is inevitable. women’s role in organizations that have a very
traditional and masculine cultural ethos. Clearly, it is
Women Leaders in Higher Education easier to promote change in the aspect of women
With the current trend of women literacy, empowerment when they are in a position of authority.
education and empowerment, the day is not too far
when we shall have women leaders almost equal in Format for Training the Leaders of Universities
numbers as men, who will exert an influence on their As commonly practiced phenomena in India, it
organizations and society around them. Now itself we has been witnessed that the senior academic
have several corporate who have women as most functionaries of the universities or other Higher
successful CEOs. Some scholars believe that women Learning Institutions (HEI) are appointed in the
adopt male standards of success to better fit into male- leadership positions such as Vice Chancellors, Pro Vice
dominated hierarchical structures and systems. But this Chancellors, Rectors, Directors, Deans, etc. without
not true. Women have their own capabilities. any specialized training on university administration.
A study of several brain scans found that women They are not familiarized with the day to day business
chief executive officers make decisions, gather and of administration, managing finance and other aspects
dispense information, delegate tasks, structure their that require systematic training. This does not augur
organizations, and motivate their employees. They well and essentially presents a paradoxical situation
place more emphasis on relationships, sharing, and given the fact that universities have become large and
process, while male CEOs focus on completing tasks, complex organization shading their traditional character
achieving goals, hoarding of information, and winning. as a result of massive expansion in terms of student
Researchers identified a separate development pathway participation, emergence of new and micro disciplines,
that result in personal and relational responsibility being necessity for harnessing knowledge for economic
of highest value for females and legalistic justice for development. e-technologies, increasing social
individuals being highest for males. Therefore, as expectations and several other added functions.
described by several authors, while men are more Researches provide ample evidence that there is a high
concerned with systems and rules, women are more degree of relationship between the quality of leadership
concerned with relations and atmosphere. This is and performance or outcome of the organizations.
because women’s brains contain 10 times as much as Most often, the senior academics are picked up
connective tissue (White Matter) as men’s where as
for leadership positions based upon their academic
women contain six times more processing tissue (Grey
credibility and achievements, without taking into
matter) enabling them to focus more narrowly on
account the administrative and managerial skills. Lack
decisions. Kiran Majumdar Shaw of Bicon says,
of expertise in administration and management creates
“leadership comes naturally to women.”
unnecessary liability for the organization rather than
However, there are still biases stemming from supporting and advancing in accomplishment of its
gender stereotypes. With gender ratio still skewed at stated missions and goals. Thus, it has been widely
top level women has to strive hard to secure their due accepted that the academic leaders in position and the
positions. At present India has approximately 800 persons aspiring to occupy leadership position in future
universities. Out of those 800 universities only a very need specific preparatory training to deal with the
few universities are led by women Vice Chancellors diversified challenges of contemporary university
whereas women enrolment is in higher education is in administration which calls for a combination of skills
constant rise. This shows that colleges and universities constituting professional management blended with

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entrepreneurship and traditional academic functions. • Senate/Syndicate/ Executive Council,
Though several initiatives have been taken to design Academic Council, other relevant authorities/
leadership development programmes for academic bodies,
leaders of higher education, a sizeable portion of the • Acts, Statutes, Ordinances
academia is of the view that this areas has received
scant attention. Keeping this in view, a format of • Strategic Planning and Decision making
Training Programme is being presented which can help • Faculty and Administrative Staff Recruitment
institutions to organize such programmes for University • Real Estate Management
Leaders. First and foremost step in this regard is to lay
• Decentralization of Administration
down objectives. Some of prominent objectives of the
programme can be: • Day to day Administration
6. Managing University Finances
• To make the Higher Education leaders and the
aspiring leaders familiarize with nuances of • Accounts & Accounting Procedure
university administration and help them to build • Budgeting
the capacity for taking informed decisions and • Fund Receipt & Expenditure planning
strategic planning.
• Salary, Pensions, Provident Fund/
• To expose Indian higher education administrators Superannuation Benefits
to the best practices in higher education governance
and leadership and their adaptation in India context. • Resource generation and tapping of internal
• To provide practical inputs on developing effective
Systemic and Transformational Leadership styles • Purchasing Procedure
for managing the university administration • Investments
effectively. • Audit and related issues (Internal, Statutory/
Government Audit.
Core Components for Training Programme
7. Managing Academic Activities: Teaching, Learning
1. Academic Leadership: Philosophical conceptual
and Research
• Academic Calendar
• Concept, Theories of leadership
• Student Admission process and related issues
• Nature, Characteristics and styles of leadership
• Academic: Teaching, Learning, issues in
• Leadership pattern in Higher Education
pedagogical practices
• Attributes of an academic leader
• Curriculum designing. Enrichment and Value
2. Academic Organisations aditions
• Academic Institutions as Organizations • Management of Research: Funding, quality
• Formal and Informal Structures monitoring, patents & Publications.
• Boundaries • Quality & Benchmarking
• Autonomy, Accountability and Control • Organizing Faculty Development Programmes
• Models and Best Practices (FDPs), Seminars, Conferences, Workshops,
3. Appointment, Terms of Reference, Power &
responsibilities, and Service Conditions of Vice • Skill Development Initiatives.
Chancellors • Preparedness for world ranking of Universities
4. Statutory Agencies and Issues related to Regulation 8. Evaluation/Examination
5. Managing University Administration • Pre and Post examination activities/
• Understanding the mission and objectives preparations
• Contextualizing and articulating the local, • Timely Conduct of Examination
National and global needs. • Internal evaluation

24 UNIVERSITY NEWS, 55(49) DECEMBER 04-10, 2017

• Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation leadership. Nevertheless, Good Leadership is
(CCE) considered as panacea for all social and organizational
• Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) ills. It is the fundamental driver of national
competitiveness and success. A good leadership can
• Declaration of Results
lead the nation towards leadership to lead the nations.
• Examination Reform In this era of knowledge economy, a country can
9. Student Support and Progression become super power and world leader on the basis of
its acumen in its higher education. Evidently, it is the
• Managing Student affairs, Elections to student
higher education system of a country which can lead it
representative bodies/ Union
towards leadership. But this is possible only if the
• Career & Guidance, Placements Mechanisms. country is endowed with efficient and conducive higher
• Student Amenities: Hostel Facilities, library, education system. This in turn is possible only if higher
Health Issues, recreational facilities education system of the country is lead by efficient
• Student Discipline, dealing with campus unrest leaders. The essence of the matter is— good leadership
(if any) in higher education system can produce leaders who
can lead the country towards sovereignty and prosperity
• Developing harmonious Student – Staff
and becoming world leaders. Prof. S.K. Khanna former
Chairman, AICTE in one of his Convocation Addresses
• Co-curricular and Extra-curricular Activities published in the University News said, “Future
- Games and Sports, Literary & Cultural leadership of nations is not going to be measured
activities through defense capability, but through economic
10. Managing Internationalization of Higher superiority of the knowledge society. Those nations
Education who march on this path first, shall be the world leaders.”
• Managing International Students
• Redesigning curriculum with International
The author gratefully acknowledges various sources on
Orientation internet, articles from university news, reports and documents
• Policies on Internationalization of government of India and the modules contributed by the
author and others published by IGNOU, while preparing the
• Technology Integration and e-Governance
article for the purpose of wider dissemination to the readers.
• Private Participation in Higher Education
• Networking, Inter University Collaboration, References
Resource Sharing 1. Burns, J.M. (1978). Leadership. New York: Harper and
• Promoting Excellence/ Best Practices Row.

• Access and Equity 2. GOI, Ministry of Education (1966). The Report of Kothari
Commission, 1964-66, New Delhi.
• Gender related and women Empowerment
Issues 3. Lipham, H. (1974). The Principalship: Foundations and
Functions. New York: Harper and Row.
Conclusion 4. Middlehurst, Robin (2012). Leadership and Management
Leadership has been a topic of inquiry since time in Higher Education: A Research Perspective Maastricht
immemorial, and still it continues to be a matter of great School of Management, Kingston University UK
interest and exploration to the scholars. Consequently, 5. University Grants Commission (1971). Committee on
a bulk of literature got piled up on the topic but still Governance of Universities, 1969: Gajendra Gadkar
there is a scope for some concrete concept on good Committee Report, UGC, New Delhi ‰

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