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W1_L3 : Introduction to Digital Marketing

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What is customer relationship management?

Ans. Customer relationship management is when you are trying to have a relationship with the
customer that is beyond the normal selling and buying cycle, wherein you're trying to keep
reminding the customer about a lot of benefits that you're doing, wherein a lot of loyalty
programs are done by companies.

2. What is Philip Kotler’s definition of digital marketing?

Ans. He defines digital marketing as a form of direct marketing, which links consumers with
sellers electronically using interactive technologies like emails, online forums and news groups,
interactive television, mobile platforms, social media, etc.

3. What is Push marketing technique?

Ans. Push marketing is where you use a lot of trade promotions, a lot of incentives to trade
partners specifically to retailers and wholesalers who are now going to push your product to the
market. Say for example, if you go to a Kirana store near to your house and you are trying to
buy a product, but you don't know which product to buy, you might ask the retailer, the owner
of the Kirana store as to which product should I buy? The Kirana store owner in most cases is
going to recommend the product which gives him the highest margins. So if I sell a product for
10 rupees, I get two rupees on this product v/s three rupees on the other product, I will always
recommend the three rupee product because that is what gives me a higher margin. So this kind
of incentivization on the trade platform or to trade partners and thereby making sure that the
product is available in the market and bought by customers is generally known as push

4. What is Pull marketing technique?

Ans. There are techniques where you provide a lot of advertising, a lot of information to
customers, and all of this information is used by customers to now go to the retail space and
collect your product or for demanding your product. That is what a lot of other companies do.
These kinds of techniques which basically make the customer pull your product are known as
pull marketing.
5. What is spray and pray approach in marketing?

Ans. In this approach, you spray the content and spray the message across the entire market or
across the entire target group and you pray that people will come and buy your product.

6. What are the three moments of truth in traditional marketing?

Ans. The first moment of truth is basically the first interaction that the customer has with your
product. Often times it happens in the point of purchase location or probably in the retail space
where the customer first sees the product on the retail shelf. The second moment of truth is
where the customer actually purchases your product from the retail location, and the third
moment of truth is once a customer has used the product, what is the feedback that the customer
gets, whether the customer sees that the product has met his or her expectations, or whether the
product has not been good enough to meet his or her expectations.

7. What is Zeroth Moment Of Truth?

Ans. Zeroth Moment Of Truth (ZMOT) is basically the digital information search that the
customer engages in. Many a times prior to you going to a retail location or prior to you going
to an e-commerce platform, there's a lot of information search that you do wherein the customer
now has one more stage wherein the customer interacts with the product.

8. What is meant by outbound marketing tools or outbound marketing techniques?

Ans. There are some platforms which basically the manufacturer or the marketer uses to reach
out to the customer and communicate to the customer. These kinds of platforms are generally
known as outbound marketing tools or outbound marketing techniques. This is where you're
basically trying to reach out to the customer rather than the customer coming to you. You're
trying to go to the customer and try to talk to the customer.

9. What is inbound marketing?

Ans. Inbound marketing is where the customer is looking for something and you make yourself
available for the customer. So in many cases like we discussed in the awareness, interest, desire,
stages of the customer's journey, the customer might be specifically looking for some
information. So this is where the customer has an opportunity or the customer is trying to reach
out to you and gather information about you.
10. What are the five elements of the digital marketing ecosystem?

Ans. The five elements of the digital marketing ecosystem are:

(a) E-commerce
(b) Outbound marketing
(c) Inbound marketing
(d) Social media marketing
(e) Mobile marketing

11. What is the POEM framework?

Ans. POEM framework is wherein we're talking about the three types of media that the
company can have, which includes paid media, owned media and earned media.

Paid media is all the kind of platforms wherein you're paying a third party to have a presence.
Say for example, if you're advertising on google, you basically are paying a certain amount of
money to google so that your ad comes up in the top position in the search result page. So that
is what paid media is. You can do advertising on Facebook wherein Facebook is now going to
show your advertisement. It could be a video advertisement, it could be a text advertisement, or
it could be a remarketing campaign. Any of these can be shown by Facebook if you're going to
pay Facebook a certain amount of money.

Owned media is all the media that you own. This is where we're talking about all different
digital assets that the company owns. We're talking about websites that the company owns.
We're talking about social media accounts that the company owns. We're talking about different
applications that the company owns from the google playstore or from the apple store. There
could be a lot of such assets that the company has now invested money and resources in and
created for themselves and they own all of these accounts or all of these platforms.

In many cases you get a lot of attention in the digital marketing space, not by paying the third
party, not by investing in owning such accounts. This is where customers talk about you in a
favorable manner. This is where customers like to talk positive things about you. So all such
platforms and all such media attention that you get that is basically because of the good
products that you make or the good work that you're trying to do is what is known as earned
W1_L3 : Introduction to Digital Marketing
1. Digital marketing: All marketing that is done over the digital platform or a digital media.

2. Product recall: It is basically the customer's memory and the customer's association that they
have with your product category.

3. Digital influencers: People who have great following on digital platforms, and who are
considered experts in certain areas or about certain products.

4. Affiliate platforms: Third parties that give incentives or give customers a lot of information
about which products to buy from which e-commerce platforms.

5. E-commerce platforms: The digital platforms across which all the activities that are involved
in the fulfillment or the delivery or selling of products and services from the manufacturer to the
customer happen.

6. E-commerce: It is where you are using a digital platform or an online platform to make sure
that sales of products and sales of services and fulfillment can happen effectively.

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