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BECIL NE06 Junior Engineer


Topic:- BECIL_NMRC_S19_NE05_GA

1) If the sum of ages of X, Y and Z is 96 years. Find the average of their ages two years ago.

यिद X, Y और Z की उ का योग 96 साल है । तो दो साल पहले उनकी उ का औसत खोजे? [Question ID = 663]

1. 30 years / 30 साल [Option ID = 2650]

2. 32 years / 32 साल [Option ID = 2651]
3. 94 years / 94 साल [Option ID = 2649]
4. 96 years / 96 साल [Option ID = 2652]

Correct Answer :-
30 years / 30 साल [Option ID = 2650]

2) Which among the following country will host the FIFA Under-17 World Cup in Oct 2019?

िन िल खत म से कौन सा दे श अ ू बर 2019 म फीफा अंडर -17 िव कप की मेजबानी करे गा? [Question ID =


1. Brazil / ाज़ील [Option ID = 2696]

2. India / इं िडया [Option ID = 2693]
3. Russia / स [Option ID = 2695]
4. China / चीन [Option ID = 2694]

Correct Answer :-
Brazil / ाज़ील [Option ID = 2696]

3) If 'ENERGY' = 514518725, then 'WALLPAPER'=?

यिद 'ENERGY' = 514518725, तो 'WALLPAPER' =? [Question ID = 705]

1. 151316151216711 [Option ID = 2818]

2. 231121216116518 [Option ID = 2820]
3. 315161217171218 [Option ID = 2819]
4. 141211511861191 [Option ID = 2817]

Correct Answer :-
231121216116518 [Option ID = 2820]

4) Atomic number of Plutonium is:-

ूटोिनयम की परमाणु सं ा है :- [Question ID = 642]

1. 49 [Option ID = 2567]
2. 86 [Option ID = 2565]
3. 68 [Option ID = 2568]
4. 94 [Option ID = 2566]
Correct Answer :-
94 [Option ID = 2566]

5) If today is Monday, what will be the day after 67 days?

यिद आज सोमवार है , 67 िदन बाद कौन सा िदन होगा? [Question ID = 667]

1. Wednesday / बुधवार [Option ID = 2667]

2. Monday / सोमवार [Option ID = 2665]
3. Thursday / गु वार [Option ID = 2668]
4. Friday / शु वार [Option ID = 2666]

Correct Answer :-
Friday / शु वार [Option ID = 2666]

6) If A= 5, B=6, C= 7, D=8 and so on than what is the meaning of 11, 25, 9, 23, 24?

यिद A= 5, B=6, C= 7, D=8 और इसी तरह आगे भी, तो 11, 25, 9, 23, 24 का अथ ा है ?

[Question ID = 708]

1. POLICE [Option ID = 2831]

2. GUEST [Option ID = 2830]
3. SELECT [Option ID = 2829]
4. GOODS [Option ID = 2832]

Correct Answer :-
GUEST [Option ID = 2830]

7) The book “Sunny Days” is authored by which cricketer?

"सनी डे ज़" िकस ि केटर ारा िलखी गई है ? [Question ID = 676]

1. Vivian Richards / िविवयन रचड् स [Option ID = 2704]

2. Ravi Shastri / रिव शा ी [Option ID = 2703]
3. Clive Lloyd / ाइव लॉयड [Option ID = 2702]
4. Sunil Gavaskar / सुनील गाव र [Option ID = 2701]

Correct Answer :-
Sunil Gavaskar / सुनील गाव र [Option ID = 2701]

8) In a written test, 49% of who appeared passed in Maths, and 35% in English. If 25% passed
both Maths and English, find the percentage of failure in both the subjects.

एक िल खत परी ा म, िजतने उप थत थे उनम से 49% गिणत म और 35% अं ेजी म उ ीण ए। यिद 25% गिणत
और अं ेजी दोनों म उ ीण ए है , तो दोनों िवषयों म िवफलता का ितशत ढू ं ढे|

[Question ID = 652]

1. 38% [Option ID = 2607]

2. 25% [Option ID = 2608]
3. 51% [Option ID = 2605]
4. 41% [Option ID = 2606]

Correct Answer :-
41% [Option ID = 2606]

9) In a certain code language, 3857 is coded as DIFH. The number 9287 will be coded as?

एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, 3857 को DIFH के प म कोिडत िकया गया है । नंबर 9287 को कोिडत िकया जाएगा?

[Question ID = 677]

1. IBHF [Option ID = 2706]

2. JCIH [Option ID = 2708]
3. IBHG [Option ID = 2705]
4. IBFE [Option ID = 2707]

Correct Answer :-
JCIH [Option ID = 2708]

10) In a row, position of Anuj from left is unknown and position of Anuj from right is 25th. Find
the position of Anuj from the left if the total number of persons in the row is 100?

एक पं म, बाएं से अनुज का थान अ ात है और अनुज पं म दाईं ओर से 25 व थान पर है । यिद पं म यों

की कुल सं ा 100 है तो पं म अनुज का बाईं ओर से थान का पता लगाएं ?

[Question ID = 664]

1. 75 [Option ID = 2653]
2. 77 [Option ID = 2655]
3. Cannot be determined / िनधा रत नहीं िकया जा सकता है [Option ID = 2656]
4. 76 [Option ID = 2654]

Correct Answer :-
76 [Option ID = 2654]

11) According to dictionary, which of the following will be placed third in order:-

श कोश के अनुसार, िन िल खत म से कौन सा म म तीसरा रखा जाएगा:-

[Question ID = 659]

1. REINFORCEMENT [Option ID = 2634]

2. REVERSE [Option ID = 2633]
3. REVERBERATION [Option ID = 2635]
4. RENUMERATION [Option ID = 2636]

Correct Answer :-
REVERBERATION [Option ID = 2635]

12) Taxonomy is:-

विगकी (टै ोनॉमी) है :- [Question ID = 644]

1. Science of classifying organisms / जीवों के वग करण का िव ान [Option ID = 2574]

2. Science that deals with the study of crops / िव ान जो फसलों के अ यन से संबंिधत है [Option ID = 2573]
3. Processes of fossilization / जीवा की ि या [Option ID = 2576]
4. Increase in cost relative to size of an organization / एक संगठन के आकार के सापे लागत म वृ [Option ID =

Correct Answer :-
Science of classifying organisms / जीवों के वग करण का िव ान [Option ID = 2574]

13) The world famous 'Khajuraho' sculptures are located in which among the following Indian

िव िस 'खजुराहो' मूितयाँ िन िल खत म से िकस भारतीय रा म थत ह? [Question ID = 672]

1. Gujarat / गुजरात [Option ID = 2685]

2. Odhisha / उड़ीसा [Option ID = 2687]
3. Madhya Pradesh / म दे श [Option ID = 2686]
4. Maharashtra / महारा [Option ID = 2688]

Correct Answer :-
Madhya Pradesh / म दे श [Option ID = 2686]

14) Letter Series:-

अ र ृंखला:-

cca_ba_a_ [Question ID = 662]

1. b,b,a [Option ID = 2648]

2. b,a,b [Option ID = 2647]
3. a,a,a, [Option ID = 2646]
4. a,a,b [Option ID = 2645]

Correct Answer :-
b,b,a [Option ID = 2648]

15) Vitamin A deficiency leads to which of the following?

िन िल खत म से ा िवटािमन ए की कमी के कारण होता है ? [Question ID = 643]

1. Night blindness / रतौंधी [Option ID = 2569]

2. Beri- beri / बेरी-बेरी [Option ID = 2570]
3. Tuberculosis / य रोग [Option ID = 2572]
4. Scurvy / व [Option ID = 2571]

Correct Answer :-
Night blindness / रतौंधी [Option ID = 2569]

16) "Punto Evo" is a car brand owned by which among the following?

"पुंटो इवो" िन िल खत म से िकसका एक कार ांड है ? [Question ID = 671]

1. Ford / फोड [Option ID = 2683]

2. Fiat / िफ़एट [Option ID = 2682]
3. Renault / रीनॉ [Option ID = 2681]
4. Volkswagen / फॉ वैगन [Option ID = 2684]

Correct Answer :-
Fiat / िफ़एट [Option ID = 2682]
17) Out of the following when was Delhi formally inaugurated as the capital of India?

िन िल खत म से कब िद ी को औपचा रक प से भारत की राजधानी के प म प रिचत कराया गया था? [Question

ID = 675]

1. 1931 [Option ID = 2699]

2. 1911 [Option ID = 2697]
3. 1913 [Option ID = 2700]
4. 1910 [Option ID = 2698]

Correct Answer :-
1931 [Option ID = 2699]

18) When is the National Education Day observed?

रा ीय िश ण िदवस कब मनाया जाता है ? [Question ID = 673]

1. 11 November / 11 नव र [Option ID = 2690]

2. 28 November / 28 नव र [Option ID = 2692]
3. 5 November / 5 नव र [Option ID = 2691]
4. 1 November / 1 नव र [Option ID = 2689]

Correct Answer :-
11 November / 11 नव र [Option ID = 2690]

19) Series Completion:-

ृंखला पूरी करना:-

FT, CW, DV, ......, KO. [Question ID = 661]

1. EU [Option ID = 2641]
2. IR [Option ID = 2643]
3. PQ [Option ID = 2644]
4. HS [Option ID = 2642]

Correct Answer :-
EU [Option ID = 2641]

20) What is the value of each internal angle of a regular octagon in degrees?

एक िनयिमत अ भुज के ेक आं त रक कोण का िड ी म मान ा है ? [Question ID = 651]

1. 162° [Option ID = 2604]

2. 135° [Option ID = 2603]
3. 96° [Option ID = 2601]
4. 116° [Option ID = 2602]

Correct Answer :-
135° [Option ID = 2603]

21) There are some statements given. Choose the correct option for the following question
based on given statements.

Question: Which code word signifies ‘good’ in the sentence ‘sin co bye’ which means ‘He is good’?
1. ‘co mot det’ means ‘They are good’.
2. ‘sin mic bye’ means ‘He is honest’.

कुछ कथन िदए गए ह िदए गए कथनों के आधार पर िन के िलए सही िवक चुन।

: वा म कौन सा कोड ‘good’ श का तीक है ‘sin co bye’ का अथ है ‘He is good’?


1. ‘co mot det’ का अथ है ‘They are good’.

2. ‘sin mic bye’ का अथ है ‘He is honest’.

[Question ID = 710]

1. I alone is sufficient and II alone is also sufficient / I अकेला पया है और II भी अकेला पया ह [Option ID =
2. I alone is not sufficient / I अकेला पया नहीं है [Option ID = 2837]
3. II alone is not sufficient/ II अकेला पया नहीं है [Option ID = 2838]
4. None of these / इनमे से कोई नहीं [Option ID = 2840]

Correct Answer :-
I alone is sufficient and II alone is also sufficient / I अकेला पया है और II भी अकेला पया ह [Option ID
= 2839]

22) The average of 7 numbers is 70. The average of first 3 numbers is 30 and that of last 3
numbers is 40 then find the middle number.

7 सं ाओं का औसत 70 है । पहली 3 सं ाओं का औसत 30 है और अंितम 3 सं ाओं का औसत 40 है तो म सं ा

ात कर। [Question ID = 655]

1. 210 [Option ID = 2619]

2. 70 [Option ID = 2618]
3. 280 [Option ID = 2620]
4. 282 [Option ID = 2617]

Correct Answer :-
280 [Option ID = 2620]

23) Some solid metallic right circular cones, each with radius of the base 4 cm and height 4 cm,
are melted to form a solid sphere of radius 8 cm. The number of right circular cones is:-

कुछ ठोस धातुई ल वृ ीय शंकु, िजसके आधार की ि ा 4 सटीमीटर और ऊंचाई 4 सटीमीटर है , उसको िपघलाकर
एक 8 सेमी ि ा का ठोस गोला बनाया जाता है । ल वृ ीय शंकुओं की सं ा है :- [Question ID = 653]

1. 24 [Option ID = 2609]
2. 48 [Option ID = 2612]
3. 32 [Option ID = 2611]
4. 12 [Option ID = 2610]

Correct Answer :-
32 [Option ID = 2611]

24) In the question below there is one statement followed by two conclusions. You have to
assume the statement to be true even if it is factually wrong and decide which conclusion the
statement follows.

Statement:- Vegetable prices are soaring in the market.

I. Vegetables are becoming a rare commodity.
II. People cannot eat vegetables.

नीचे िदए गए म एक कथन िदया गया है िजसके दो िन ष भी िदए गए ह। आपको उस कथन को स मानना है भले
ही वह सव ात त ों से िभ हो और यह िनधा रत करना है िक िदए गए िन ष म से कौन सा िन ष कथन का
अनुसरण करता है |

कथन:- बाजार म स यों की कीमत तेजी से बढ़ रही ह।

िन ष:-
I. स यां एक दु लभ व ु बनती जा रही ह।
II. लोग स यां नही ं खा सकते ह।

[Question ID = 706]

1. Both I and II follows / I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह [Option ID = 2823]

2. Neither I nor II follows / न तो I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है [Option ID = 2824]
3. Only follows II / केवल II अनुसरण करता है [Option ID = 2822]
4. Only follows I / केवल I अनुसरण करता है [Option ID = 2821]

Correct Answer :-
Neither I nor II follows / न तो I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है [Option ID = 2824]

25) In the question below there is one statement followed by two conclusions. You have to
assume the statement to be true even if it is factually wrong and decide which conclusion the
statement follows.

Statement:- Good voice is a natural gift but one has to keep practising to improve and excel well
in the field of music.

I. Natural gifts need nurturing and care.
II. Even though your voice is not good, one can keep practising.

नीचे िदए गए म एक कथन िदया गया है िजसके दो िन ष भी िदए गए ह। आपको उस कथन को स मानना है भले
ही वह सव ात त ों से िभ हो और यह िनधा रत करना है िक िदए गए िन ष म से कौन सा िन ष कथन का
अनुसरण करता है :|

कथन:- अ ी आवाज़ एक ाकृितक उपहार है लेिकन िकसी को संगीत के े म बेहतर और अ ी तरह से अ ग

बनने के िलए अ ास करते रहना पड़ता है ।

िन ष:-
I. ाकृितक उपहारों को पोषण और दे खभाल की आव कता होती है ।
II. भले ही आपकी आवाज़ अ ी नही ं है , िफर भी आप अ ास करते रह सकते ह।

[Question ID = 703]

1. Both I and II follows / I और II दोनो अनुसरण करते ह [Option ID = 2811]

2. Neither I nor II follows / ना तो I और ना ही II अनुसरण करता है [Option ID = 2812]
3. Only follows II / केवल II अनुसरण करता है [Option ID = 2810]
4. Only follows I / केवल I अनुसरण करता है [Option ID = 2809]
Correct Answer :-
Only follows I / केवल I अनुसरण करता है [Option ID = 2809]

26) The planning commission of India was established in which of the following years?

भारत का योजना आयोग िन िल खत म से िकस वष म थािपत िकया गया था? [Question ID = 668]

1. 1949 [Option ID = 2672]

2. 1951 [Option ID = 2670]
3. 1950 [Option ID = 2669]
4. 1942 [Option ID = 2671]

Correct Answer :-
1950 [Option ID = 2669]

27) Change the symbols accordingly to find the answer.

जवाब खोजने के िलए तीकों को तदनुसार बदल|

9 x 4 x 5= 0
8 x 3 x 1= 4
7 x 3 x 2= ? [Question ID = 707]

1. 2 [Option ID = 2826]
2. 1 [Option ID = 2825]
3. 3 [Option ID = 2827]
4. 4 [Option ID = 2828]

Correct Answer :-
2 [Option ID = 2826]

28) Milk is a poor source of which among the given nutrients?

िदए गए पोषक त ों म दू ध िकसका एक खराब ोत है ? [Question ID = 649]

1. Vitamin C / िवटािमन सी [Option ID = 2596]

2. Vitamin D / िवटािमन डी [Option ID = 2594]
3. Calcium / कै शयम [Option ID = 2593]
4. Phosphorus / फॉ ोरस [Option ID = 2595]

Correct Answer :-
Vitamin C / िवटािमन सी [Option ID = 2596]

29) Starting from a point X, Rajveer walked 15m towards west. He then turned left and walked
20m. Again turning left, he walked 15m. After this he turned to his right and walked 12m. How
far and in which direction is Rajveer now from the point X?

एक िबंदु X से शु करते ए, राजवीर 15 मीटर पि म की ओर चला गया। िफर वह बाएं मुडकर 20 मीटर चला। िफर से
बाएं मुडकर, वह 15 मीटर चला। इसके बाद वह अपने दाएं मुडकर 12 मीटर चला। अब राजवीर िब दु X से िकतनी दू र
और िकस िदशा म है ? [Question ID = 665]

1. 42m, East / 42 मीटर, पूव [Option ID = 2658]

2. None of these / इनम से कोई भी नहीं [Option ID = 2660]
3. 47m, East / 47 मीटर, पूव [Option ID = 2659]
4. 32m, South / 32 मीटर, दि ण [Option ID = 2657]
Correct Answer :-
32m, South / 32 मीटर, दि ण [Option ID = 2657]

30) Arithmetical reasoning:-

अंक-संबंधी तक:-

5 + 6 + 9 = 51
3 + 6 + 4 = 18
3 + 6 + 7 =?

[Question ID = 704]

1. 37 [Option ID = 2813]
2. 73 [Option ID = 2814]
3. 65 [Option ID = 2816]
4. 27 [Option ID = 2815]

Correct Answer :-
27 [Option ID = 2815]

31) Arohi cut a cake into two halves and cuts one half into smaller pieces of equal size. Each
small pieces’ weight is twenty gm. If in all she has seven pieces of the cake with her, how heavy
was the original cake?

अरोही ने एक केक को दो िह ों म काटा और उन दोनों म से एक िह े को छोटे -छोटे बराबर के आकार म काट िदया।
सभी छोटे टु कड़ों का वजन 20 ाम है । यिद उसके पास केक के सात टु कड़े ह, तो मूल केक का वजन िकतना था?
[Question ID = 660]

1. 120 gm / 120 ाम [Option ID = 2637]

2. 240 gm / 240 ाम [Option ID = 2638]
3. 60 gm / 60 ाम [Option ID = 2640]
4. 90 gm / 90 ाम [Option ID = 2639]

Correct Answer :-
240 gm / 240 ाम [Option ID = 2638]

32) Decibel is the unit for measuring intensity of ____.

डे सीबल, ____ की ती ता मापने की इकाई है ।

[Question ID = 641]

1. Light / काश [Option ID = 2562]

2. Vision / ि [Option ID = 2563]
3. Sound / िन [Option ID = 2561]
4. Heat / ताप [Option ID = 2564]

Correct Answer :-
Sound / िन [Option ID = 2561]

33) A lady pointed towards a picture and said, The boy in the painting is the son of my husband’s
son. How is the lady related to the boy in the picture?
एक मिहला ने एक त ीर की ओर इशारा िकया और कहा, पिटं ग म जो लड़का है वह मेरे पित के बेटे का बेटा है । त ीर
म जो लडका है वह उस मिहला से कैसे संबंिधत है ? [Question ID = 666]

1. Mother / मां [Option ID = 2664]

2. Grandmother / दादी [Option ID = 2663]
3. Maternal aunt / मामी [Option ID = 2661]
4. Paternal aunt / चाची [Option ID = 2662]

Correct Answer :-
Grandmother / दादी [Option ID = 2663]

34) Koderma Thermal Power Station is located in which among the following Indian state?

कोडरमा थमल पावर े शन िन िल खत म से िकस भारतीय रा म थत है ? [Question ID = 669]

1. Jharkhand / झारख [Option ID = 2675]

2. West Bengal / वे बंगाल [Option ID = 2676]
3. Uttar Pradesh / उ र दे श [Option ID = 2674]
4. Uttarakhand / उ राखंड [Option ID = 2673]

Correct Answer :-
Jharkhand / झारख [Option ID = 2675]

35) If 18 workers can build a 66 meter wall in 6 days. How many workers are required to build a
22 meter wall in 12 days?

यिद 18 िमक 6 िदनों म 66 मीटर की दीवार बना सकते ह। तो 12 िदनों म 22 मीटर की दीवार बनाने के िलए िकतने
िमकों की आव कता है ? [Question ID = 658]

1. 3 workers / 3 िमक [Option ID = 2631]

2. 4 workers / 4 िमक [Option ID = 2632]
3. 1 workers / 1 िमक [Option ID = 2629]
4. 2 workers / 2 िमक [Option ID = 2630]

Correct Answer :-
3 workers / 3 िमक [Option ID = 2631]

36) ABCD is a trapezium, such that AB=CD and AD ||BC. AD =4 cm, BC=8 cm. If area of ABCD is
36 sq. cm then the length of CD will be __________.

ABCD एक ऐसा समल चतुभुज है , िजसमे AB=CD तथा AD||BC, और AD=4 सेमी तथा BC= 8 सेमी है |
तद् नुसार,यिद ABCD का े फल 36 वग सेमी है तो CD की लंबाई होगी________| [Question ID = 650]

1. √32 cm / √32 सेमी [Option ID = 2600]

2. √40 cm / √40 सेमी [Option ID = 2597]
3. √28 cm / √28 सेमी [Option ID = 2599]
4. √42 cm / √42 सेमी [Option ID = 2598]

Correct Answer :-
√40 cm / √40 सेमी [Option ID = 2597]

37) The vitamin, which is soluble in water, is:-

जो िवटािमन पानी म घुलनशील ह, वह ह:- [Question ID = 647]

1. Vitamin D / िवटािमन डी [Option ID = 2586]

2. Vitamin A / िवटािमन ए [Option ID = 2585]
3. Vitamin C / िवटािमन सी [Option ID = 2587]
4. Vitamin K / िवटािमन के [Option ID = 2588]

Correct Answer :-
Vitamin C / िवटािमन सी [Option ID = 2587]

38) Electron volt (eV) is a unit of which of the following?

इले ॉन वा (eV) िन िल खत म से िकसकी इकाई है ? [Question ID = 645]

1. Electric current / इले क करं ट [Option ID = 2579]

2. Electric potential / इले क पोटिशयल [Option ID = 2578]
3. None of these / इनम से कोई भी नहीं [Option ID = 2580]
4. Energy / ऊजा [Option ID = 2577]

Correct Answer :-
Energy / ऊजा [Option ID = 2577]

39) "Aryabhata" is the name of which of the following?

"आयभ " िन मे से िकसका नाम है ? [Question ID = 670]

1. India's first PSLV / भारत का पहला PSLV [Option ID = 2678]

2. India's first lunar mission / भारत का पहला चं िमशन [Option ID = 2677]
3. India's first satellite / भारत का पहला सॅटॅलाइट [Option ID = 2679]
4. India’s first Mars orbiter Mission / भारत का पहला मंगल ऑिबटर िमशन [Option ID = 2680]

Correct Answer :-
India's first satellite / भारत का पहला सॅटॅलाइट [Option ID = 2679]

40) The cost price of a mobile is Rs. 9000. Approximately, what price a trader should mark on it
so he could gain 10% even after giving a discount of 15% to customer?

एक मोबाइल का लागत मू . 9000 है । एक ापारी को उस पर लगभग िकतना मू अंिकत करना चािहए तािक
ाहक को 15% छूट दे ने के बाद भी उसे 10% लाभ ा हो? [Question ID = 657]

1. Rs. 11543 / . 11543 [Option ID = 2626]

2. Rs. 12123 / . 12123 [Option ID = 2625]
3. Rs. 11647 / . 11647 [Option ID = 2627]
4. Rs. 11245 / .11245 [Option ID = 2628]

Correct Answer :-
Rs. 11647 / . 11647 [Option ID = 2627]

41) The salary of a worker is first increased by 20% and thereafter reduced by 10%. What is the
change in his salary?

एक कामगार के वेतन म पहले 20% की वृ ई और इसके बाद 10% की कमी हो गयी। उसके वेतन म ा बदलाव
आ है ? [Question ID = 654]

1. 6% increase / 6% वृ [Option ID = 2613]

2. 15% increase / 15% वृ [Option ID = 2616]
3. 4% increase / 4% वृ [Option ID = 2615]
4. 8% increase / 8% वृ [Option ID = 2614]

Correct Answer :-
8% increase / 8% वृ [Option ID = 2614]

42) The main advantage(s) of devices made from superconductors:-

अितचालकों (सुपरकंड स) से बने उपकरणों का मु लाभ:-

[Question ID = 648]

1. High-speed operation / उ गित आपरे शन [Option ID = 2590]

2. High sensitivity / उ संवेदनशीलता [Option ID = 2591]
3. Low power dissipation / कम िबजली अप य [Option ID = 2589]
4. All of these / सभी िवक [Option ID = 2592]

Correct Answer :-
All of these / सभी िवक [Option ID = 2592]

43) Aluminium is diagonally related to ___ in the periodic table.

आवत सारणी म ए ुमीिनयम आड़े प म ___ से संबंिधत है । [Question ID = 646]

1. Mg [Option ID = 2583]
2. B [Option ID = 2584]
3. Be [Option ID = 2582]
4. Li [Option ID = 2581]

Correct Answer :-
Be [Option ID = 2582]

44) Rahul said to a girl: "She is the daughter of the only sister of my father." How is Rahul
related to the girl?

रा ल ने एक लड़की से कहा: "वह मेरे िपता की एकमा बहन की बेटी है ।" रा ल उस लड़की से कैसे संबंिधत है ?

[Question ID = 709]

1. Mother / मां [Option ID = 2836]

2. Wife / प ी [Option ID = 2835]
3. Sister / बहन [Option ID = 2834]
4. Cousin / चचेरी बहन [Option ID = 2833]

Correct Answer :-
Cousin / चचेरी बहन [Option ID = 2833]

45) In how much time a sum of money becomes two and half times of itself at 10% simple
interest rate?

10% साधारण ाज दर पर िकतने समय म एक धनरािश अपने आप म ढाई गुना हो जाती है ? [Question ID = 656]

1. 5 Years / 5 वष [Option ID = 2621]

2. None of these / इनम से कोई भी नहीं [Option ID = 2624]
3. 15 Years / 15 वष [Option ID = 2623]
4. 10 Years / 10 वष [Option ID = 2622]

Correct Answer :-
15 Years / 15 वष [Option ID = 2623]

1) Live load for staircase in case of public building is taken as_______.

सावजिनक भवन के मामले म सीढ़ी के िलए लाइव लोड _______ है ।

[Question ID = 450]

1. 2 kN/m2 [Option ID = 1797]

2. 4 kN/m2 [Option ID = 1799]
3. 5 kN/m2 [Option ID = 1800]
4. 3 kN/m2 [Option ID = 1798]

Correct Answer :-
5 kN/m2 [Option ID = 1800]

2) Sedimentation tanks are not provided in ______ shape.

तलछट टक _____ आकार म मुहैया नही ं िकए जाते ह| [Question ID = 432]

1. Circular / गोलाकार [Option ID = 1726]

2. Cone / शंकुकार [Option ID = 1728]
3. Rectangular / आयताकार [Option ID = 1725]
4. Hopper bottom / हॉपर बॉटम [Option ID = 1727]

Correct Answer :-
Cone / शंकुकार [Option ID = 1728]

3) In PERT technique which time is considered for calculation?

PERT तकनीक म कौन सा समय गणना के िलए माना जाता है ? [Question ID = 430]

1. Optimistic time estimate / आशावादी समय अनुमान [Option ID = 1717]

2. All of these / सभी िवक [Option ID = 1720]
3. Most likely time estimate / सबसे अिधक संभावना समय अनुमान [Option ID = 1718]
4. Pessimistic time estimate / िनराशावादी समय अनुमान [Option ID = 1719]

Correct Answer :-
All of these / सभी िवक [Option ID = 1720]

4) Which among the following determines permeability for cohesionless soil?

िन िल खत म से कौन सा संसंजनहीन मृदा के िलए पारग ता िनधा रत करता है ? [Question ID = 461]

1. None of these / इनम से कोई भी नहीं [Option ID = 1844]

2. Pumping method / प ंग िविध [Option ID = 1843]
3. Falling head method / फॉिलंग है ड िविध [Option ID = 1841]
4. Constant head method / कॉ ट है ड िविध [Option ID = 1842]

Correct Answer :-
Constant head method / कॉ ट है ड िविध [Option ID = 1842]

5) Which among the following are effects of compaction of soil?

िन िल खत म से कौन िम ी के संघनन के भाव ह? [Question ID = 464]

1. All of these / सभी िवक [Option ID = 1856]

2. Increase shear strength / िशयर े म वृ करता है [Option ID = 1855]
3. Increases dry density / शु घन को बढ़ाता है [Option ID = 1853]
4. Reduces void ratio / शू अनुपात को कम करता है [Option ID = 1854]

Correct Answer :-
All of these / सभी िवक [Option ID = 1856]

6) Which among the following indicates shape test for aggregate?

िन िल खत म से कौन सा कुल आकृित परी ण के िलए दशाया जाता है ? [Question ID = 423]

1. CBR Test / सीबीआर परी ण [Option ID = 1692]

2. Deval Test / डे वल परी ण [Option ID = 1691]
3. Elongation Test / िव ृित परी ण [Option ID = 1689]
4. Los Angeles Test / लॉस एं जे परी ण [Option ID = 1690]

Correct Answer :-
Elongation Test / िव ृित परी ण [Option ID = 1689]

7) Which among the following is NOT performed on bitumen?

िन िल खत म से कौन सा िबटु िमन पर दिशत नही ं होता है ? [Question ID = 424]

1. Softening Point Test / सॉ िनंग ाइं ट परी ण [Option ID = 1694]

2. Viscosity Test / िव ॉिसटी परी ण [Option ID = 1693]
3. Los Angeles Test / लॉस एं जे परी ण [Option ID = 1695]
4. Penetration Test / पेिनटे शन परी ण [Option ID = 1696]

Correct Answer :-
Los Angeles Test / लॉस एं जे परी ण [Option ID = 1695]

8) The activity which comes immediately before other activity is called as?

अ गितिविध के तुरंत पहले आने वाली गितिविध को ा कहा जाता है ? [Question ID = 428]

1. Float / ोट [Option ID = 1712]

2. Milestone / मील-प र [Option ID = 1711]
3. Precedecessor / पूववत [Option ID = 1709]
4. Successor / परवत [Option ID = 1710]

Correct Answer :-
Precedecessor / पूववत [Option ID = 1709]

9) Honeycomb structure is found in __________.

मधुकोश संरचना __________ म पाई जाती है । [Question ID = 463]

1. Coarse sand / खुरदु री रे त [Option ID = 1850]

2. Fine silt and clay / महीन गाद और िम ी [Option ID = 1851]
3. Highly plastic clay / अ िधक ा क की िम ी [Option ID = 1852]
4. Gravels / बजरी [Option ID = 1849]

Correct Answer :-
Fine silt and clay / महीन गाद और िम ी [Option ID = 1851]

10) In Gales traverse table the interior angles should satisfy which geometric condition?

गेलस टै वस टे बल म आं त रक कोणों को िकस ािमतीय थित से संतु करना चािहए? [Question ID = 448]

1. Sum of Interior angle should be equal to (2N+12) / आं त रक कोण का योग (2N + 12) के बराबर होना चािहए
[Option ID = 1792]
2. Sum of Interior angle should be equal to (2N-4) / आं त रक कोण का योग (2N-4) के बराबर होना चािहए [Option ID
= 1791]
3. Sum of Interior angle should be equal to (2N+4) / आं त रक कोण का योग (2N + 4) के बराबर होना चािहए [Option
ID = 1789]
4. Sum of Interior angle should be equal to (2N x 4) / आं त रक कोण का योग (2N x 4) के बराबर होना चािहए
[Option ID = 1790]

Correct Answer :-
Sum of Interior angle should be equal to (2N-4) / आं त रक कोण का योग (2N-4) के बराबर होना चािहए [Option
ID = 1791]

11) How much time duration is required for dummy activity?

आभासी(डमी) गितिविध के िलए िकतने समय की अविध आव क होती है ? [Question ID = 421]

1. Ideal duration / आदश अविध [Option ID = 1683]

2. No duration / कोई अविध नहीं [Option ID = 1684]
3. Continuous duration / िनरं तर अविध [Option ID = 1682]
4. Constant duration / थर अविध [Option ID = 1681]

Correct Answer :-
No duration / कोई अविध नहीं [Option ID = 1684]

12) Compressible flow is defined as the flow in which __________.

संपीडनीय वाह को उस वाह के प म प रभािषत िकया जाता है िजसम __________| [Question ID = 429]

1. Momentum of fluid layer does not remain constant / व की परत की गित थर नहीं रहता है [Option ID = 1716]
2. Momentum of fluid layer remains constant / व की परत की गित थर रहती है [Option ID = 1715]
3. Density of fluid does not remain constant / व का घन थर नहीं रहता है [Option ID = 1714]
4. Density of fluid remains constant / व का घन थर रहता है [Option ID = 1713]

Correct Answer :-
Density of fluid does not remain constant / व का घन थर नहीं रहता है [Option ID = 1714]

13) Which type of screen is used for water treatment?

पानी को शु करने के िलए िकस कार की ीन का उपयोग िकया जाता है ? [Question ID = 437]

1. Eddy / ए ी [Option ID = 1746]

2. Imhoff / इमहोफ [Option ID = 1747]
3. Bar / बार [Option ID = 1745]
4. Rectangle / आयत [Option ID = 1748]

Correct Answer :-
Bar / बार [Option ID = 1745]

Which test is not performed on chlorine residuals?

ोरीन के अवशेषों पर कौन सा परी ण नही ं िकया जाता है ? [Question ID = 434]

1. Orthotolidine test / ऑथ टॉिलडाइन परी ण [Option ID = 1733]

2. Orthotolidine arsenite test / ऑथ टॉिलडाइन आसनाइट परी ण [Option ID = 1734]
3. Starch iodide test / ाच आयोडाइड परी ण [Option ID = 1735]
4. Chloramine test / ोरै माइन परी ण [Option ID = 1736]

Correct Answer :-
Chloramine test / ोरै माइन परी ण [Option ID = 1736]

15) Berms are used to ___________.

बम का उपयोग ___________ के िलए िकया जाता है । [Question ID = 455]

1. Reduce seepage loss / रसाव ित को कम करने के िलए [Option ID = 1818]

2. Increase weight of dam / बाँ ध का वज़न बढ़ाने के िलए [Option ID = 1817]
3. Increase shear strength / िशयर श म वृ के िलए [Option ID = 1819]
4. Increase factor of safety / सुर ा कारक को बढ़ाने के िलए [Option ID = 1820]

Correct Answer :-
Increase factor of safety / सुर ा कारक को बढ़ाने के िलए [Option ID = 1820]

16) What does the symbol SP indicate?

SP का तीक ा दशाता है ? [Question ID = 433]

1. Well graded sand / अ ी ेणी की रे त [Option ID = 1731]

2. Graphical / रे खािच ीय [Option ID = 1732]
3. Poorly graded sand / खराब ेणी की रे त [Option ID = 1730]
4. Sand / रे त [Option ID = 1729]

Correct Answer :-
Poorly graded sand / खराब ेणी की रे त [Option ID = 1730]

17) What does physical characterization of waste water include?

अपिश जल के भौितक ल णों म ा शािमल है ? [Question ID = 443]

1. All of these / सभी िवक [Option ID = 1772]

2. Colour / रं ग [Option ID = 1769]
3. Odour / गंध [Option ID = 1770]
4. Temperature / तापमान [Option ID = 1771]

Correct Answer :-
All of these / सभी िवक [Option ID = 1772]

18) What does bentonite contain predominantly?

बटोनाइट म मु प से ा होता है ? [Question ID = 459]

1. Montmorillonite / मोंटमो रलोनाइट [Option ID = 1835]

2. None of these / इनम से कोई भी नहीं [Option ID = 1836]
3. Kaolinite / केओिलनाइट [Option ID = 1833]
4. Illite / इलाइट [Option ID = 1834]
Correct Answer :-
Montmorillonite / मोंटमो रलोनाइट [Option ID = 1835]

19) For preparation of estimate what is required?

अनुमान की तैयारी करने के िलए ा आव क है ? [Question ID = 438]

1. Specifications / िवशेष िववरण [Option ID = 1750]

2. Rates of items / व ुओं की दर [Option ID = 1751]
3. All of these / सभी िवक [Option ID = 1752]
4. Drawings / िच [Option ID = 1749]

Correct Answer :-
All of these / सभी िवक [Option ID = 1752]

20) Traffic signs are classified into which categories?

टै िफ़क संकेतों को िकन ेिणयों म वग कृत िकया गया है ? [Question ID = 422]

1. Warning and Informatory Sign / चेतावनी और सूचना क संकेत [Option ID = 1687]

2. Regulatory, Warning and Informatory Sign / िविनयामक, चेतावनी और सूचना क संकेत [Option ID = 1688]
3. Regulatory and Informatory Sign / िविनयामक और सूचना क संकेत [Option ID = 1686]
4. Regulatory and Warning Sign / िविनयामक और चेतावनी संकेत [Option ID = 1685]

Correct Answer :-
Regulatory, Warning and Informatory Sign / िविनयामक, चेतावनी और सूचना क संकेत [Option ID = 1688]

21) What is the first step for the approval of work?

काय के अनुमोदन का पहला चरण ा होता है ? [Question ID = 436]

1. Appropriation / िविनयोजन [Option ID = 1741]

2. Technical sanction / तकनीकी ीकृित [Option ID = 1743]
3. Administrative approval / शासिनक अनुमोदन [Option ID = 1742]
4. Expenditure approval / य अनुमोदन [Option ID = 1744]

Correct Answer :-
Administrative approval / शासिनक अनुमोदन [Option ID = 1742]

22) What is the activated sludge process?

सि य गाद ि या ा है ? [Question ID = 444]

1. Secondary treatment / मा िमक उपचार [Option ID = 1774]

2. Special treatment / िवशेष उपचार [Option ID = 1776]
3. Primary treatment / ाथिमक उपचार [Option ID = 1773]
4. Tertiary treatment / तृतीयक उपचार [Option ID = 1775]

Correct Answer :-
Secondary treatment / मा िमक उपचार [Option ID = 1774]

23) What is the generally observed limitation for plate load test?

ेट लोड परी ण के िलए आम तौर पर दे खी गई सीमा ा है ? [Question ID = 457]

1. Time / समय [Option ID = 1826]

2. Scale / पैमाना [Option ID = 1827]
3. All of these / सभी िवक [Option ID = 1828]
4. Size / आकार [Option ID = 1825]

Correct Answer :-
All of these / सभी िवक [Option ID = 1828]

24) Total Pressure on a horizontal plane surface immersed in a static fluid is given

थर व म डूबे एक ैितज समतल सतह पर कुल दबाव ___________ ारा िदया जाता है । [Question ID = 442]

1. P = w.h.S [Option ID = 1767]

2. P = w.A [Option ID = 1766]
3. P = w.A.h [Option ID = 1765]
4. P = w.A.h.S [Option ID = 1768]

Correct Answer :-
P = w.A.h [Option ID = 1765]

25) Coefficient of discharge is given by ______.

िनवहन का गुणांक _______ के ारा िदया जाता है | [Question ID = 427]

1. Cd=Cv x Cc [Option ID = 1705]

2. Cd=Cv - Cc [Option ID = 1708]
3. Cd=Cv + Cc [Option ID = 1706]
4. Cd=Cv / Cc [Option ID = 1707]

Correct Answer :-
Cd=Cv x Cc [Option ID = 1705]

26) The moment of inertia of rectangle about base axis is indicated by which of the following?

आधार अ के बारे म आयत की जड़ता का ण िन म से िकसके ारा इं िगत िकया गया है ? [Question ID = 431]

1. bd3/12 [Option ID = 1722]

2. bd3/3 [Option ID = 1723]
3. bd2/12 [Option ID = 1724]
4. bd4/36 [Option ID = 1721]

Correct Answer :-
bd3/3 [Option ID = 1723]

27) Miscellaneous treatment of water does not include _________.

पानी को शु करने के िविवध तरीकों म _________ शािमल नही ं है । [Question ID = 440]

1. Sedimentation / अवसादन [Option ID = 1760]

2. Chlorination / ोरीनीकरण [Option ID = 1759]
3. Lagoons / लगून [Option ID = 1758]
4. Oxidation / ऑ ीकरण [Option ID = 1757]

Correct Answer :-
Sedimentation / अवसादन [Option ID = 1760]
28) Peat is composed of ____________.

पीट ____________ से बना है । [Question ID = 458]

1. Clay and sand / िम ी और रे त [Option ID = 1829]

2. Decayed vegetable matter / यकारी वन ित पदाथ [Option ID = 1830]
3. Synthetic chemical / सं रसायन [Option ID = 1832]
4. Inorganic silt and silty clay / अकाबिनक गाद और गाद भरी िम ी [Option ID = 1831]

Correct Answer :-
Decayed vegetable matter / यकारी वन ित पदाथ [Option ID = 1830]

29) Talus is transported by _________.

तालुस को _________ ारा ले जाया जाता है । [Question ID = 460]

1. Water / पानी [Option ID = 1838]

2. Gravitational force / गु ाकषण बल [Option ID = 1837]
3. Glacier / िहमनद [Option ID = 1839]
4. Wind / हवा [Option ID = 1840]

Correct Answer :-
Gravitational force / गु ाकषण बल [Option ID = 1837]

30) Serviceability limit state does not include _________.

सेवा मता की सीमा म _________ शािमल नही ं है । [Question ID = 445]

1. Vibration limit / कंपन सीमा [Option ID = 1778]

2. Size limit / आकार सीमा [Option ID = 1779]
3. Durability limit / थािय सीमा [Option ID = 1780]
4. Deflection limit / िव ेपण सीमा [Option ID = 1777]

Correct Answer :-
Size limit / आकार सीमा [Option ID = 1779]

31) Practically which slab is not possible to construct?

ावहा रक प से िकस ैब का िनमाण करना संभव नही ं है ? [Question ID = 420]

1. Partially supported slab / आं िशक प से समिथत ैब [Option ID = 1677]

2. One way slab / एक-तरफा ैब [Option ID = 1678]
3. Two way slab / दो-तरफा ैब [Option ID = 1679]
4. Purely simply supported slab / िवशु प से सामा सपोिटड ैब [Option ID = 1680]

Correct Answer :-
Purely simply supported slab / िवशु प से सामा सपोिटड ैब [Option ID = 1680]

32) Size of RCC section depends on________.

आरसीसी ख का आकार ________ पर िनभर करता है | [Question ID = 451]

1. Codal provisions / कोडल ावधानों [Option ID = 1804]

2. Grade of concrete / कं ीट की ेणी [Option ID = 1802]
3. Grade of steel and concrete / ील और कं ीट की ेणी [Option ID = 1803]
4. Grade of steel / ील की ेणी [Option ID = 1801]

Correct Answer :-
Grade of steel and concrete / ील और कं ीट की ेणी [Option ID = 1803]

33) _________ is one of the graphical method for earth pressure determination.

_________ पृ ी के दबाव िनधारण के िलए िच मय िविधयों म से एक है । [Question ID = 456]

1. Mohr's diagram / मोहर का आरे ख [Option ID = 1822]

2. Taylors method / टे लर की िविध [Option ID = 1824]
3. Newmark's influence chart method / ूमाक की भाव चाट िविध [Option ID = 1821]
4. Culmann's method / कुलमन की िविध [Option ID = 1823]

Correct Answer :-
Culmann's method / कुलमन की िविध [Option ID = 1823]

34) _________ is the agent of transportation of alluvial soil.

_________ जलोढ़ िम ी के प रवहन का कारक है । [Question ID = 462]

1. Gravity / गु ाकषण [Option ID = 1846]

2. Water / पानी [Option ID = 1845]
3. Wind / हवा [Option ID = 1847]
4. Ice / बफ [Option ID = 1848]

Correct Answer :-
Water / पानी [Option ID = 1845]

35) Which statement is relevant for assumption in limit state of collapse for flexure?

े र की पतन सीमा की थित की धारणा के िलए कौन सा कथन ासंिगक है ? [Question ID = 452]

1. Compressive strength of steel is taken into account / ील की संपीिड़त श को ान म रखा जाता है [Option ID
= 1808]
2. Tensile strength of steel is ignored / ील की त ता श को अनदे खा िकया जाता है [Option ID = 1807]
3. Tensile strength of concrete is ignored / कं ीट की त ता श पर ान नहीं िदया जाता है [Option ID = 1805]
4. Tensile strength of concrete is taken into account / कं ीट की त ता श को ान म रखा जाता है [Option ID =

Correct Answer :-
Tensile strength of concrete is ignored / कं ीट की त ता श पर ान नहीं िदया जाता है [Option ID =

36) Which law states that, "Pressure at any point in a fluid at rest has the same magnitude in all

कौन सा िस ांत कहता है िक, "िकसी व म एक िनि त िबंदु पर दबाव बािक सभी िदशाओं म भी समान प रमाण म होता
है "? [Question ID = 439]

1. Pascal's Law / पा ल का िस ां त [Option ID = 1754]

2. Hydrostatic Law / व थैितक िस ां त [Option ID = 1753]
3. Law of Hydrostatic Equilibrium / व थैितक संतुलन का िस ां त [Option ID = 1755]
4. None of these / इनम से कोई भी नहीं [Option ID = 1756]

Correct Answer :-
Pascal's Law / पा ल का िस ां त [Option ID = 1754]

37) Hoop tension (T) is given by which formula if is P - water pressure and D - diameter of
circular tank?

प टशन (T) िकस सू ारा िदया जाता है यिद P - पानी का दबाव और D- सकुलर टक का ास है ? [Question ID =

1. T=PD/2.4 [Option ID = 1795]

2. T=PD/2 [Option ID = 1793]
3. T=PD/1.6 [Option ID = 1794]
4. T=PD/1.9 [Option ID = 1796]

Correct Answer :-
T=PD/2 [Option ID = 1793]

38) What is the least count of transit Vernier theodolite?

टांिजट विनयर िथयोडोलाइट की सबसे कम िगनती ा है ?

[Question ID = 425]

1. 20" [Option ID = 1697]

2. 30" [Option ID = 1699]
3. 20' [Option ID = 1698]
4. 1'' [Option ID = 1700]

Correct Answer :-
20" [Option ID = 1697]

39) Which of the following requires greatest deformation?

िन िल खत म से िकसको सबसे बड़ी िव पण की आव कता होती है ? [Question ID = 453]

1. General shear failure / जनरल िशयर फेिलयर [Option ID = 1810]

2. Composite shear failure / क ािज़ट िशयर फेिलयर [Option ID = 1811]
3. Rigid failure / रिजड फेिलयर [Option ID = 1812]
4. Local shear failure / लोकल िशयर फेिलयर [Option ID = 1809]

Correct Answer :-
Local shear failure / लोकल िशयर फेिलयर [Option ID = 1809]

40) Most commonly used disinfectant in village for treating water is ______.

पानी को शु करने के िलए गाँव म सबसे अिधक इ ेमाल िकया जाने वाला कीटाणुनाशक ___________ है |
[Question ID = 435]

1. Chlorine / ोरीन [Option ID = 1738]

2. Chlorine dioxide / ो रन डाइऑ ाइड [Option ID = 1740]
3. Potassium permanganate / पोटे िशयम परमगनेट [Option ID = 1737]
4. Lime / चूना [Option ID = 1739]

Correct Answer :-
Potassium permanganate / पोटे िशयम परमगनेट [Option ID = 1737]
41) Which minor instrument is used in surveying?

सव ण म िकस मामूली उपकरण का उपयोग िकया जाता है ? [Question ID = 447]

1. Auto level / ऑटो लेवल [Option ID = 1787]

2. Abney level / एबनी लेवल [Option ID = 1788]
3. Dumpy level / ड ी लेवल [Option ID = 1786]
4. Wye level / वाय लेवल [Option ID = 1785]

Correct Answer :-
Abney level / एबनी लेवल [Option ID = 1788]

42) Which instrument is not used to set right angles?

समकोण सेट करने के िलए िकस उपकरण का उपयोग नही ं िकया जाता है ? [Question ID = 426]

1. Prismatic compass / ि मेिटक क ास [Option ID = 1703]

2. Plane table / ेन टे बल [Option ID = 1701]
3. Cross staff / ॉस ाफ [Option ID = 1704]
4. Theodolite / िथयोडोलाईट [Option ID = 1702]

Correct Answer :-
Plane table / ेन टे बल [Option ID = 1701]

43) Which is the most common type of pressure gauge among the following mechanical gauges?

िन िल खत यांि क गेज म से सबसे सामा कार का दबाव गेज यं कौन सा है ? [Question ID = 441]

1. Diaphragm Pressure Gauge / डाया ाम दबाव मापी यं [Option ID = 1762]

2. Dead Weight Pressure Gauge / डे ड वेट दबाव मापी यं [Option ID = 1761]
3. Bourdon Tube Pressure Gauge / बोरडॉन ूब दबाव मापी यं [Option ID = 1764]
4. Bellows Pressure Gauge / बेलोज़ दबाव मापी यं [Option ID = 1763]

Correct Answer :-
Bourdon Tube Pressure Gauge / बोरडॉन ूब दबाव मापी यं [Option ID = 1764]

44) For Ф=0 case, Nc value according to Terzaghi is _______.

Ф=0 होने पर, तेज़गी के अनुसार एन सी वै ू _________ है । [Question ID = 454]

1. 5.14 [Option ID = 1815]

2. 5.7 [Option ID = 1814]
3. 9.5 [Option ID = 1813]
4. 5.52 [Option ID = 1816]

Correct Answer :-
5.7 [Option ID = 1814]

45) Theodolite is used to___________.

िथयोडोलाइट का उपयोग ___________ के िलए िकया जाता है । [Question ID = 446]

1. Measure latitude of line / लाइन का अ ां श मापने [Option ID = 1782]

2. Measure area / े को मापने [Option ID = 1783]
3. Measure volume / आयतन को मापने [Option ID = 1784]
4. Measure bearing of line / लाइन की धारक मता को मापने [Option ID = 1781]
Correct Answer :-
Measure bearing of line / लाइन की धारक मता को मापने [Option ID = 1781]

Topic:- BECIL_NMRC_S19_NE05_GE

1) Which of the following option is an "adverb of degree"?

[Question ID = 537]

1. here [Option ID = 2145]

2. soon [Option ID = 2148]
3. much [Option ID = 2146]
4. secretly [Option ID = 2147]

Correct Answer :-
much [Option ID = 2146]

2) Identify the underlined part of the speech in the given sentence:-

Rahim has to start all over again because he didn’t follow the class rules.

[Question ID = 518]

1. Noun [Option ID = 2071]

2. Verb [Option ID = 2070]
3. Adjective [Option ID = 2072]
4. Conjunction [Option ID = 2069]

Correct Answer :-
Conjunction [Option ID = 2069]

3) Identify the part of speech underlined in the given sentence.

Are you feeling any better after your illness?

[Question ID = 538]

1. Noun [Option ID = 2152]

2. Verb [Option ID = 2150]
3. Adverb [Option ID = 2149]
4. Preposition [Option ID = 2151]

Correct Answer :-
Adverb [Option ID = 2149]

4) In the given question, find out which part of the sentence (A/B/C/D) has an error. Choose the
correct option accordingly.

My father (A)/ has broke (B)/ his arm (C)/ in two places. (D) [Question ID = 521]

1. D [Option ID = 2084]
2. B [Option ID = 2082]
3. C [Option ID = 2083]
4. A [Option ID = 2081]
Correct Answer :-
B [Option ID = 2082]

5) Fill in the blank using the correct quantifier from following options.

Paul didn’t put ____ petrol in the car.

[Question ID = 519]

1. many [Option ID = 2073]

2. much [Option ID = 2075]
3. few [Option ID = 2076]
4. both [Option ID = 2074]

Correct Answer :-
much [Option ID = 2075]

6) Fill in the blank with the appropriate relative pronoun from the following options.

This is the car ___ Kavita has just bought.

[Question ID = 523]

1. who [Option ID = 2089]

2. whoever [Option ID = 2092]
3. whom [Option ID = 2090]
4. which [Option ID = 2091]

Correct Answer :-
which [Option ID = 2091]

7) Fill in the blank with the correct option.

_____ is the fear of being trapped in small or closed spaces.

[Question ID = 526]

1. Ornithophobia [Option ID = 2101]

2. Carcinophobia [Option ID = 2103]
3. Thanatophobia [Option ID = 2104]
4. Claustrophobia [Option ID = 2102]

Correct Answer :-
Claustrophobia [Option ID = 2102]

8) Fill the blank with the correct tense from the following options.

I ___ English for 10 years now.

[Question ID = 520]

1. learns [Option ID = 2080]

2. learning [Option ID = 2078]
3. had learn [Option ID = 2077]
4. have been learning [Option ID = 2079]

Correct Answer :-
have been learning [Option ID = 2079]

9) What is meant by the idiom "Kick up a row"? [Question ID = 536]

1. To show anger/ displeasure [Option ID = 2141]

2. To ensure silence [Option ID = 2144]
3. To row a boat slowly [Option ID = 2143]
4. To row a boat with speed [Option ID = 2142]

Correct Answer :-
To show anger/ displeasure [Option ID = 2141]

10) What is the Synonym of the word "Felicity"? [Question ID = 522]

1. Woe [Option ID = 2087]

2. Agony [Option ID = 2086]
3. Bane [Option ID = 2088]
4. Delight [Option ID = 2085]

Correct Answer :-
Delight [Option ID = 2085]

11) Arrange the given words into a meaningful sentence:-

because/ he/ at/ felt/ stayed/ Tarun/ ill/ home. [Question ID = 529]

1. Because home Tarun felt at he ill stayed. [Option ID = 2116]

2. Tarun stayed at home because he felt ill. [Option ID = 2114]
3. Stayed home Tarun because felt at ill he. [Option ID = 2115]
4. Ill Tarun because stayed at home he felt. [Option ID = 2113]

Correct Answer :-
Tarun stayed at home because he felt ill. [Option ID = 2114]

12) Choose the option that is opposite of the underlined word in the given sentence:-

Abhimanyu fell into the viscious Chakravyuha.

[Question ID = 533]

1. vile [Option ID = 2130]

2. spiteful [Option ID = 2131]
3. malign [Option ID = 2132]
4. benevolent [Option ID = 2129]

Correct Answer :-
benevolent [Option ID = 2129]

13) Choose the correctly spelled word from the following.

[Question ID = 517]
1. exquicite [Option ID = 2068]
2. exquisite [Option ID = 2065]
3. exqicite [Option ID = 2067]
4. exqisite [Option ID = 2066]

Correct Answer :-
exquisite [Option ID = 2065]

14) Change the given sentence into passive voice:-

Bimal Patel designed these houses in the 1880s. [Question ID = 528]

1. These houses was designed in the 1880s by Bimal Patel. [Option ID = 2110]
2. These houses had designed in the 1880s by Bimal Patel. [Option ID = 2109]
3. These houses has been designed in the 1880s by Bimal Patel. [Option ID = 2112]
4. These houses were designed in the 1880s by Bimal Patel. [Option ID = 2111]

Correct Answer :-
These houses were designed in the 1880s by Bimal Patel. [Option ID = 2111]

15) Change the given sentence in active voice:-

The letter was mailed by Manisha. [Question ID = 513]

1. Manisha would mail the letter. [Option ID = 2051]

2. Manisha has mail the letter. [Option ID = 2049]
3. Manisha mailed the letter. [Option ID = 2050]
4. Manisha will have been mailing the letter. [Option ID = 2052]

Correct Answer :-
Manisha mailed the letter. [Option ID = 2050]

16) Complete the analogy using the most appropriate option:-

Brother : Fraternity :: Sister : ______ [Question ID = 542]

1. Girl [Option ID = 2167]

2. Maiden [Option ID = 2166]
3. Sorority [Option ID = 2165]
4. Spindter [Option ID = 2168]

Correct Answer :-
Sorority [Option ID = 2165]

17) Find the appropriate meaning for the given phrase from the following options:-

Strike while the iron is hot [Question ID = 532]

1. Iron is softer to work when hot [Option ID = 2126]

2. Take advantage of an opportunity immediately [Option ID = 2128]
3. Heat makes work easy [Option ID = 2125]
4. Mechanics of materials [Option ID = 2127]

Correct Answer :-
Take advantage of an opportunity immediately [Option ID = 2128]
18) Choose the past perfect continuous form of the given sentence:-

I am reading this book since morning. [Question ID = 531]

1. I have been reading this book since morning. [Option ID = 2122]

2. I have read this book since morning. [Option ID = 2121]
3. I had been reading this book since morning. [Option ID = 2124]
4. Will read this book since morning. [Option ID = 2123]

Correct Answer :-
I had been reading this book since morning. [Option ID = 2124]

19) Choose the option which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.

A black powder produced when coal is burnt. [Question ID = 541]

1. Soot [Option ID = 2161]

2. Cocoa [Option ID = 2164]
3. Oil [Option ID = 2163]
4. Amber [Option ID = 2162]

Correct Answer :-
Soot [Option ID = 2161]

20) Choose the option which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.

A group of stars [Question ID = 540]

1. Constellation [Option ID = 2157]

2. None of these [Option ID = 2160]
3. Satellite [Option ID = 2159]
4. Solar system [Option ID = 2158]

Correct Answer :-
Constellation [Option ID = 2157]

21) Choose the option that is antonym of the given word:-

Ally [Question ID = 524]

1. Opinion [Option ID = 2093]

2. Good [Option ID = 2096]
3. Enemy [Option ID = 2094]
4. Lazy [Option ID = 2095]

Correct Answer :-
Enemy [Option ID = 2094]

22) Choose from the given options, the best antonym for 'pardon'. [Question ID = 514]

1. release [Option ID = 2056]

2. condemn [Option ID = 2054]
3. acquit [Option ID = 2055]
4. appease [Option ID = 2053]

Correct Answer :-
condemn [Option ID = 2054]

23) Choose the correctly spelled word from the following: [Question ID = 530]

1. Infiltrate [Option ID = 2117]

2. Infilitrate [Option ID = 2119]
3. Infilltrate [Option ID = 2118]
4. Inifiltrate [Option ID = 2120]

Correct Answer :-
Infiltrate [Option ID = 2117]

24) Choose the correctly spelled word from the following:- [Question ID = 535]

1. Treacherous [Option ID = 2140]

2. Rigourous [Option ID = 2138]
3. Pelate [Option ID = 2137]
4. Forcast [Option ID = 2139]

Correct Answer :-
Treacherous [Option ID = 2140]

25) Choose the correct alternative which best expresses similar meaning of the given
Idiom/Phrase in bold.

Once in a blue moon, we meet each other. [Question ID = 515]

1. very rarely [Option ID = 2060]

2. very frequently [Option ID = 2059]
3. Periodically [Option ID = 2058]
4. under the moonlight [Option ID = 2057]

Correct Answer :-
very rarely [Option ID = 2060]

26) Read the given passage carefully and then answer the question that follows.

Priya and Riya are sisters. Priya lives in a house in Noida and Riya lives in an apartment in
Gurgaon. One day Priya visited her sister. When her sister answered the door, Priya saw tears in
her eyes. "What's the matter?" she asked. Riya said "My cat Golu died last night".

Why was Riya sad?

[Question ID = 525]

1. because Golu died [Option ID = 2099]

2. because Priya came to visit [Option ID = 2098]
3. because Priya came to take the cat away [Option ID = 2097]
4. because her cat ran away [Option ID = 2100]

Correct Answer :-
because Golu died [Option ID = 2099]

27) Select the correct alternative from the options given to complete the sentence:-
They _____ each other since January. [Question ID = 527]

1. have known [Option ID = 2108]

2. knows [Option ID = 2105]
3. was knowing [Option ID = 2106]
4. had been known [Option ID = 2107]

Correct Answer :-
have known [Option ID = 2108]

28) Fill in the blank with the appropriate collective noun from the given options:-

Harsh was attacked by a ____ of bees. [Question ID = 534]

1. swarm [Option ID = 2135]

2. mob [Option ID = 2134]
3. shoal [Option ID = 2136]
4. pride [Option ID = 2133]

Correct Answer :-
swarm [Option ID = 2135]

29) Fill in the blank using the most appropriate alternative:-

It is _____ for people with breathing problems to avoid polluted areas. [Question ID = 539]

1. absurd [Option ID = 2154]

2. advisable [Option ID = 2155]
3. fatuous [Option ID = 2156]
4. imprudent [Option ID = 2153]

Correct Answer :-
advisable [Option ID = 2155]

30) Fill in the blanks using the most appropriate option:-

I didn't know ___ the time ___ writing. [Question ID = 516]

1. at, of [Option ID = 2064]

2. with, off [Option ID = 2063]
3. from, in [Option ID = 2062]
4. for, on [Option ID = 2061]

Correct Answer :-
at, of [Option ID = 2064]

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