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Stress SAC task (32 marks) Name:

Bert and Ernie are at the Foster show deciding what to do next. They have been on the dodgem cars and are
looking for another challenge. Bert is a self-confessed adrenaline junkie while Ernie is prepared to give
anything a go as long as he can maintain a feeling of control. They decide to go on the “Pirate Ship”, a rocking
boat that progressively tilts to vertical in both the forward and backward direction. As the ride progresses,
Bert gets more and more excited but Ernie is out of his comfort zone and upset by the experience.

Question 1:
Identify and explain the different types of stress experienced by Bert and Ernie in this situation (2 marks).

Questions 2-4 refer to the following scenario

John is an Environmentalist who is happily married with 2 children. Over the last 12 months he and his family
have been based in Papua New Guinea (PNG) where they have lived with a local tribe to learn their language
and analyse their culture. He studied the PNG language and culture to prepare for this adventure. He is
financially supported through the University of Sydney and the income his wife earns as a consultant for a
mining company in PNG. Recently his eldest daughter became sick and the family had to return to Australia for
treatment. Despite this, he is very unhappy to be back in Australia and complains that he misses the closeness
of his PNG community. He has lashed out at strangers and friends alike when he witnesses their wastefulness
as many “good, useable” items are discarded as rubbish that the people of PNG would dream of having. In his
frustration he has withdrawn from people who were his friends and his family becoming isolated and lonely. 

Question 2:
In terms of the Lazarus and Folkman Transactional model of stress and coping, explain John’s primary
appraisal of his job in PNG. (2 marks)

Question 3:
Upon returning to Australia after his daughter had received her treatment, explain how John has reappraised
his situation. (2 marks)

Question 4:
With reference to secondary appraisal, explain if John is likely to be successful in coping with being back in
Australia. (2 marks)

Questions 5-6 refer to the following scenario

Mary is a 28 year old lawyer who works for a leading law firm in Melbourne and is ambitious to be a partner
by the time she is 30. A workaholic, she spends 12 hours a day, 6 days a week at work. She is the youngest of 4
daughters that her mother raised on her own after her husband died in a plane crash. Consequently they are a
close, tight knit family. Recently, her mother received a terminal cancer diagnosis and her sisters have taken it
in turns to care for her in her home. Troubled by the little time she has had to support her sisters in the task of
caring for her mum, she has developed a stress related illness resulting in digestive problems. She is working
on a plan to reduce her workload and delegate responsibilities to the interns she has at her disposal. Though
conflicted by her desire to climb the corporate ladder, she knows taking the time out to care for her mum and
support her sisters is the right thing to do.
Question 5:
a) Identify the source of stress that Mary’s family are experiencing (1 mark).

b) Justify the stage of the GAS that Mary is in (2 marks).

Question 6:
Explain the coping strategy Mary is using to manage her stress. (2 marks)

Questions 7-9 refer to the following scenario

Shelley is a 24 year old self-employed business owner. She had a very happy childhood, but recalls a chilling
experience where she watched her mother being attacked by a large dog. Traumatised by this, she
experiences vivid flashbacks whenever she sees a dog, resulting in tonic immobility including absolute silence.
It usually takes her 60 minutes to recover from an episode of seeing a dog. However, she develops tense
muscles and intrusive fearful thoughts.
Question 7a:
What is the name of the response which prepares Shelley’s body to deal with a threat? (1 mark)

Question 7b:
How does this response enhance Shelley’s chances of surviving a threat? (2 marks)

Question 8:
What branch of the autonomic nervous system is responsible for returning her body to normal? (1 mark)

Question 9:
Explain how exercise can help Shelley reduce her tension and fear? (2 marks)

Margie is an orphan. Two weeks ago she was fired from her job, where she worked as a computer
programmer at her ex-partner’s business. This follows an ugly divorce battle that has been in the courts for 3
months. Yesterday, she collapsed while shopping and was rushed to hospital where she gave birth to her first
child. The emergency operation saved their lives but has left her weak from blood loss.

Question 10:
Explain the likely stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) that Margie is in (2 marks).

Questions 11-12 refer to the following scenario

Jeff is a talented, highly successful pianist. He has Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Consequently he
requires his employers to follow a very strict routine to manage his OCD symptoms with extravagant demands
or else he will not perform. Despite everything being done to perfection, he gets very tense and anxious
before a performance. In an effort to calm himself, he distracts himself with “meet and greet” sessions with
fans, indulging in selfies and chit chat. After the performance, he finds it impossible to wind down so has
become addicted to sleeping tablets and alcohol to slow his autonomic arousal and allow him to sleep.
Question 11:
Explain how Jeff’s physiological arousal due to stress may be helpful when he performs. (2 marks)

Question 12:
a) Identify and explain the Approach strategy that Jeff uses to manage the stress of performing (2 marks).

b) Identify & explain the Avoidance strategy that Jeff uses to manage the stress after a performance (2

Questions 13-15 refer to the following scenario

Archie is a 27 year old labourer. He is single and lives alone in his small flat in Carlton. Bored with his day job
he has joined a gang of local thugs and engaged in exhilarating “smash and grab” robberies at night. At their
most recent heist, the gang were discovered by the owner. Consequently, the thugs beat him so badly he was
hospitalised. Traumatised by this experience, he has not been able to sleep due to reoccurring visions of the
beating and believes that every noise outside his flat are the police coming to get him. He lives in fear of being
identified by his neighbours as the criminal who beat up an old man.

Question 13:
With reference to the Lazarus and Folkman Transactional model of stress and coping, explain Archie’s primary
appraisal of his most recent experience with the gang. (2 marks).

Question 14:
Identify the coping strategy Archie used to deal with the stress of being bored at work. (1 mark)

Question 15:
Explain how Archie’s psychological symptoms are increasing the risk of him developing a stress related illness.
(2 marks)

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