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Data Analysis

• Quick-and-dirty data analysis through GUI

– Double click on a .sca/.vec file
– Create an analysis file (.anf)
– Browse the file using drop-down menus and/or
regular expressions
– Plot graphs using built-in plotter
• Batch data extraction using command-line
program “scavetool”

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Apply -> Mean

.sca vect plot

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.sca vect operation

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Apply -> Other…

.sca vect plot

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• Intro

• Mobility

• IP networks

• Applications

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• Open-source model library for OMNeT++

• Useful to quickly develop the standard part of your project

• Models for:
– Internet stack
– Wired and wireless links
– Support for mobility
– Application models
– QoS support (DiffServ MPLS)

• Made of extensible components

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• Modeling the capability of an object to move in a 3D space
over time
• Why?
– Analyze mobility aspects.
– Analyze the effects of mobility on the system
• INET provides mobility modules that can be integrated into
compound modules.

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NED definition
import inet.mobility.single.LinearMobility

module MobileNode
linearMobility: LinearMobility {

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Network definition
import pecsn.MobileNode;

network MobileNetwork
mobileNode: MobileNode {


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Scenario definition
network = MobileNetwork
sim-time-limit = 50s

**.mobileNode.linearMobility.speed = 100mps

**.mobileNode.linearMobility.constraintAreaMinX = 0m
**.mobileNode.linearMobility.constraintAreaMinY = 0m
**.mobileNode.linearMobility.constraintAreaMinZ = 0m

**.mobileNode.linearMobility.constraintAreaMaxX = 500m
**.mobileNode.linearMobility.constraintAreaMaxY = 500m
**.mobileNode.linearMobility.constraintAreaMaxZ = 500m

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Flexible mobility definition

Within your mobile node

In the .ini file

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• Often used by wireless interfaces to perform tx/rx
related operations
• The mobility module offers various interfaces for
obtaining information on the current mobility
(position, speed, etc.)
• E.g. compute distance between two nodes to
evaluate pathloss, delay, etc.

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• Create a simple module pilot with a parameter
• Create the associated class
– Read the value of the parameter
– Get access to the mobility module
– Configure a time to trigger every posCheckInterval
– When the timer fires, print the current position of the

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IP-Network node

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Standard Host

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IP Network

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• INET provides you:
– A set of pre-made application models
– Base classes for UDP and TCP base applications
• Select from .ini one of the available models
• Extend the IUDPApp module and implement
the corresponding class interface

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Managing addresses

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