Travel Brochure: Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park

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Puerto Princesa

Subterranean River
National Park

Underground River

The location of Puerto Princesa

Subterranean River National Park
is found in the beautiful island of
Discover more as you explore
the vicinity of Puerto Princesa
Subterranean River National
Park. Come, visit and enjoy here in
For inquiry, please contact these
this Paradise!!!
09214203709 Travel Brochure
Many of the species found sounds you hear as you travel
in the caves are endemic to the inside. You’ll glide through
The park is located in the
river system, including giant cavernous rock cathedrals and
Saint Paul Mountain Range in the
spiders, crabs, fish and snakes, past stalactites into the center of
western coast of the island of
although bats and swallows are the earth.
Palawan, about 80 kilometers
likely to be the only creatures
(50mi) north of the city center of
you’ll see.
Puerto Princesa, and contains the
Puerto Princesa Subteranean

Puerto Princesa
Subterranean River National
Park, both a UNESCO World
Heritage Site and one of the New
The Park is a significant
7 Wonders of Nature, it’s the
habitat for biodiverse
world’s longest navigable
conservation programmes, as it
underground river and makes for
contains a full mountain-to-sea
an exciting experience in one of
ecosystem and protected forests,
the Philippine’s most popular
which are among the most
significant in Asia.
The clicking of bats and the
drips of water are the only

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