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1. lntroductron 1
1.I Purpose and Scope 1
1.2 Importance and Nature of Earthwork 2
1.3 Important Definitions 3
1.4 The Role of Index and Engineering Properties 7
1.5 Glossary 10

2. Avoldlng costly Blunders 12

2,l The Practical Value of Knowledge of the Historical
Development of Soil Compaction 12
2.2 Early Empirical Approaches 12
2.3 Rational Approach 13
2.4 Standard Proctor Density 13
2.5 Modified Proctor Density 14
2.6 Load-Bearing Fills/BuildingCodes 15
2.7 Summary 16
2.8 Glossary 16

3. Basics of Sol1 CompactionCurves: LaboratoyProcedures 17

3.1 Compaction Defined 17
3.2 Spectrum of Soil Types 19
3.3 Curve Locations and Shapes and Their Practical
Meaning: Moisture and Energy Effects 21

3.4 ASTM Compaction Requirements 22

3.5 Summary 24
3.6 Glossary 25

4. Major Rrobkms In Compacted Flll Technology.

-sol- 26
4.1 Standard-Modified Ignorance 26
4.2 The Ninety-fivePercent Fixation 29
4.3 Correlations of Standard and Modified
Proctor Densities 38
4.4 Bearing Capacities of Roctor Densities 38
4.5 Changing Borrow 40
4.6 Problems Evolvingfrom Traditional Practice 43
4.7 Cost and Time Pressures:A Summary 45
4.8 Glossary 46

5. Applied Research and Devdopment 47

5.1 Effects of Specific Index Property Variations 47
5.2 Artificial Fills 52
5.3 Waste Materials as Fills 73
5.4 Effects of Mechanical Laboratory Compactors 80
5.5 Density Gradients 81
5.6 Geostick Correlations 81
5.7 Densities of Uncompacted Fills 81
5.8 Percent Compactlon Specifications for Clay Fills 83
5.9 Summary 84
5.10 Glossary 84

6. FIIIs and Flll CompoCtion 86

6.1 Strength, Stability, and Imperviousness:
Contrasting Requirements 86
6.2 Potential Problemswith Earth Structures 87
6.3 Controlled and Uncontrolled Fills 101
6.4 Nonstandard and Special Fills 101
6.5 Compactors and Lift Thicknesses 103
6.6 Energy and Moisture Control 110
6.7 Glossary 112

7. Compaction Specifications 114

7.1 Typical Specifications 115
7.2 Implementationand Enforcement 126
7,3 Nontechnical Aspects of Specifications 129
7.4 Specification and Project Evaluation 129
7.5 Glossary 132

8. Flll Contrd b 8 d U t W - l M m 134

8.1 Field-Density Testing 134
8.2 The Compleat Field Inspector 156
8.3 Case Histories 166
8.4 Glossary 189

9. SepticSysterns 190
9.1 BackgroundTechnology 191
9.2 Site Investigation and Evaluation 195
9.3 Design and Construction 206
9.4 Renovation/Repair of Marginally PerformingSystems 229
9.5 Maintenance 230
9.6 Septic System Management 240
9.7 Glossary 241

I O . Techonomlcr 242
10.1 EngineeringDesign 242
10.2 Legal Costs 243

11. Appendkes 247

11.I Very Large Jobs 247
11.2 Annotated Referencesfor Further Study 249
11.3 Seminars and Lectures 252

ReOerences 253

Index 259

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