Answers of First Major Quiz 1 W 1

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Because he is so ----, we can never predict what course he will take at any moment
Answer capricious
2. A ---- glance pays ---- attention to details
Answer. cursory. Little
3. When we saw black smoke billowing from the wing of the plane, we were certain that disaster
was -------
Answer. imminent
4. Sharon’s childhood can best be termed ---- : she had never been farther west than Philadelphia
until she turned sixteen.
Answer. provincial
5. Even if you do not ---- what I have to say, I would appreciate your listening to me with an
open mind
Answer concur with
6. . Archaeologists are involved in ---- Mayan temples in Central America, uncovering the old
ruins in order to learn more about the civilization they represent.
Answer . Excavating
7. The selection committee for the exhibit was amazed to see such fine work done by a mere ----.
Answer – Amateur
8. The teacher suspected cheating as soon as he noticed the pupil’s ---- glances at his classmate’s
Answer . Furtive
9. Known for his commitment to numerous worthy causes, the philanthropist deserved ---- for his
Answer . Credit .. altruism
10. Miss Watson termed Huck’s behavior --- because in her opinion nothing could excuse his
deliberate disregard of her commands
11. Your ---- remarks spoil the effect of your speech; try not to stray from your subject.
Answer … digressive
12. antonym of 'Elevate '
Answer dismiss
13 . antonym of GENTLE
Answer .. Rude
14 . কি করে অঙ্ক টি করতে হয় তা তিনি আমাকে দেখালেন ---- what is the proper translation ?
Answer .. HE showed me how to do the sum
15. synonym of PANDEMONIUM
Answer commotion
16 . This is a _____ hostel
Answers .. Girls’
17. _________ it stopped raining when we started our journey
Answer .. Hardly had
18 . LEXICOGRAPHY relates to ?
Answer .. Dictionary
Answer .. bigot : prejudiced
20 . Critics of the welfare system argue that, rather than aiding people’s efforts to govern their
own lives, it ---- their independence.
Answer .. Saps
21. camping ______ usually provide facilities _______ entertainment
Answer … sites, for
Answer .. Examination : Knowledge
Answer .. meticulous
24. RADIATION is a ?
Answer .. Noun
25. My name ____ kamal
Answer . is .

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