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Content Server Administration v16

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OpenText Content Suite

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Content Server Administration v16 - First Edition: June 2016


Comments or suggestions about this manual can be sent to

Based on OpenText Content Server 16
Developed by OpenText Learning Content Development and Learning Services
Course Name: Content Server Administration
Course Number: 3-0188
Part Number: 3-0188-16x-00

ii Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on


Welcome to the Content Server Administration course. This course will provide you with the
knowledge and skills required to administer Content Server. The focus of this course is on Content
Server’s Administration pages.
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
 Install Content Server v16.0, optional Modules as well as Core and Modular Language Packs
Utilize Cluster Management to patch Content Server
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 Configure Content Server menus, facets, folder presentation features, security settings
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Manage content using Transport, Object Importer, XML Import/Export


 Configure notification, Pulse, email, eLink and Enterprise Connect administrative settings
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 Configure Directory Services (OTDS), users/groups, permissions and privileges for Content
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 Configure and manage Content Server search and indexing resources such as the System
Object Volume and the Enterprise Index
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 Initially configure Content Server after running the needed Windows installers
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There are no specific prerequisites for this course; however, the following general skills will provide
a better understanding of Content Server:

 Networking experience

 1-0184 Managing Documents in Content Server and 1-0185 Collaborating in Content Server,
or equivalent eLearning courses, or equivalent practical experience with Content Server v16.0

 1-0187 Content Server Installation and Configuration, or equivalent practical experience with

installing Content Server


Thank you for participating in this course. Should you require anything further, please contact us at
OpenText Learning Services. Good luck and enjoy your learning experience.

OpenText Learning Services


Class Information:
For your reference during exercises, please record the following information per your instructor's

Username: ___________________________________________________


Sample Docs folder location:____________________________________

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n i ii

Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on
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Table of Contents

1. Introduction to Content Server Administration

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Job Description for the Content Server Administrator.................................................................. 1-2
The Roles of Content Server Administrators ..............................................................................1-2
Content Server Administrator Background ........................................................................................ 1-3
The Role of the Knowledge Manager ..................................................................................................... 1-3
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Content Server Design Considerations................................................................................................. 1-4

Interacting with OpenText Customer Support .................................................................................. 1-5
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MySupport ................................................................................................................................................1-5
Knowledge Center .................................................................................................................................1-7
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Other OpenText Resources for Content Server Administrators ............................................ 1-10

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Architectural Overview ............................................................................................................................ 1-10

High Level Content Server Architecture ...................................................................................1-10
Mono, Dual, Tri Server and Distributed Architecture ..........................................................1-13
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Servlet, SEA, and Hardening ................................................................................................................... 1-16

CGI/EXE, LL ISAPI, Servlet ...............................................................................................................1-16
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Secure Extranet Architecture (SEA) ............................................................................................1-17

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Archive Server and Storage Provider .........................................................................................1-20

Remote Cache .......................................................................................................................................1-21

Remote Cache Servers ......................................................................................................................1-22

The Outdoor Gear Training Environment ......................................................................................... 1-23

Training Environment ........................................................................................................................1-23

Outdoor Gear ........................................................................................................................................1-23

CS16 Installation .................................................................................................................................1-23


CS16b Installation ...............................................................................................................................1-24

Microsoft Office Support ......................................................................................................................... 1-24
Clients and Browser Support.................................................................................................................. 1-25

Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 1-25


2. Server Configuration
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................... 2-1
Server Configuration Administration .................................................................................................... 2-2
Additional Enterprise Menu Items .......................................................................................................... 2-3
Administer Date/Time.................................................................................................................................. 2-6
Time Zone Configuration ....................................................................................................................2-8
Data Picker Year Range .......................................................................................................................2-9
Cluster Management ................................................................................................................................. 2-12
Configure Facets.......................................................................................................................................... 2-12
Configure Functions Menu...................................................................................................................... 2-13
Configure Performance Settings........................................................................................................... 2-16
Configure Presentation ............................................................................................................................ 2-18
Configure Container Options................................................................................................................. 2-19
Navigation ..............................................................................................................................................2-21

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n v

Pagination ...............................................................................................................................................2-22
Column Customization ......................................................................................................................2-22
Featured Items .....................................................................................................................................2-22
Filtering ...................................................................................................................................................2-22
Drag and Drop Administration Settings .....................................................................................2-23
Configure Document Overview Function ......................................................................................... 2-23
Configure Login Screen Message.......................................................................................................... 2-23
Promoted Document Functions ............................................................................................................ 2-24
Configure Sidebar ....................................................................................................................................... 2-24
Configure Small and Large Icon Views................................................................................................ 2-24
Default DOCTYPE for HTML Pages .................................................................................................... 2-25
Project Settings ............................................................................................................................................ 2-25
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Configure Security Parameters ............................................................................................................. 2-25

HTTP-only Cookies .............................................................................................................................2-26
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Cookie Encryption Key .....................................................................................................................2-27

Data Encryption Key ..........................................................................................................................2-27
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Cookie Authentication Information .............................................................................................2-27

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Log-in Cookie Expiration Date .......................................................................................................2-28

Log-in Connection Policies ..............................................................................................................2-28
Password Retries .................................................................................................................................2-29
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Frame Embedding ...............................................................................................................................2-30

Request Argument Filtering ............................................................................................................2-31
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Container Size Display ......................................................................................................................2-31

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Secure Request Token Expiration ...............................................................................................2-31

Content Server Client Hosts ...........................................................................................................2-31

Trusted Referring Websites ............................................................................................................2-31

Document Functions ..........................................................................................................................2-31

Trusted Cross Domains .....................................................................................................................2-32

Configure Server Parameters ................................................................................................................ 2-32

URL Prefix for /support Directory ................................................................................................2-33


Content Server Administrator Password ..................................................................................2-34

Site Name ................................................................................................................................................2-34
Administrator E-mail Address ........................................................................................................2-34

Categories Upgrade Batch Processing .......................................................................................2-34


Configure Edit/Organize ..................................................................................................................2-34

Default User Start Page ...................................................................................................................2-34

Administer Icons for Folders ..........................................................................................................2-34

Duration of New and Modified Indicators ................................................................................2-35
Multiple Address Separator for URL ...........................................................................................2-35
Server Logging Options .....................................................................................................................2-36
Enhanced Keyboard Accessibility Mode ....................................................................................2-36
Character Set ........................................................................................................................................2-36
Upload Directory .................................................................................................................................2-37
Receive Before Send ..........................................................................................................................2-37
Server Threads .....................................................................................................................................2-37
Number of Sessions ............................................................................................................................2-37
Configure Server Parameters (Interface Elements) ..............................................................2-37
Configuring System Messages ............................................................................................................... 2-38
Limit the Admin Account Log-in ............................................................................................................ 2-41

vi Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Manage Licenses.......................................................................................................................................... 2-42
SLD Registration.......................................................................................................................................... 2-42
Specify Server Port ..................................................................................................................................... 2-43
System Report .............................................................................................................................................. 2-44
Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 2-49
Exercises .........................................................................................................................................................2-50

3. Facets and GUI Configuration

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................... 3-1
Enabling and Viewing Facets ..................................................................................................................... 3-1
Configuring and Customizing Facets...................................................................................................... 3-7
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Admin vs. “Knowledge Manager” Responsibilities ...................................................................3-7

Enabling Facet Administration for Non-Admin Users .............................................................3-7
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Creating Facets and Facet Trees ......................................................................................................3-8

Virtual Folders for Content Server 10 ........................................................................................3-12
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Virtual Folder Administration ........................................................................................................3-12

Customizing Columns................................................................................................................................ 3-13
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Columns Available on Specific Locations ...................................................................................3-17

Columns for Individual Users .........................................................................................................3-18
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Global Columns ....................................................................................................................................3-19

Document Classes ...............................................................................................................................3-20
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Facet Count Indicators ......................................................................................................................3-21

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Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 3-23

Exercises .........................................................................................................................................................3-24

4. Licensing Content Server and its Modules


Overview ........................................................................................................................................................... 4-1


Licensing Content Server ............................................................................................................................ 4-1


Unlicensed and Administrative Mode ............................................................................................4-1

Options .......................................................................................................................................................4-4
License Overview ...................................................................................................................................4-4

License Management ............................................................................................................................4-6


System Fingerprint ................................................................................................................................4-7

Invalid System Fingerprint ..................................................................................................................4-8

License Report .........................................................................................................................................4-8

Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 4-17
Exercises .........................................................................................................................................................4-18

5. Cluster Management
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................... 5-1
Cluster Agent and Patch Management.................................................................................................. 5-1
Cluster Management .................................................................................................................................... 5-4
Manage Cluster Settings ............................................................................................................................. 5-6
Manage Cluster Agents................................................................................................................................ 5-9
Manage Updates.......................................................................................................................................... 5-10
Cluster Audit History .........................................................................................................................5-19
Update Analysis ...................................................................................................................................5-21

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n v ii

Content Server in a Cluster..................................................................................................................... 5-25
Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 5-26
Exercises .........................................................................................................................................................5-27

6. Database Administration
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................... 6-1
Introducing Database Maintenance Tasks.......................................................................................... 6-2
Database Administration ............................................................................................................................ 6-2
Change Current Database .......................................................................................................................... 6-3
View Content Server Tables ...................................................................................................................... 6-5
Microsoft SQL Server Maintenance Tasks........................................................................................... 6-6
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Upgrade This Database................................................................................................................................ 6-8

Verify This Database.................................................................................................................................. 6-10
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Test or Repair Known Database Issues .............................................................................................. 6-18

Update Database Connection Password........................................................................................... 6-20
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Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 6-22

Exercises .........................................................................................................................................................6-23
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7. System Administration
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................... 7-1
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Administer Blob Deletion Failures .......................................................................................................... 7-3

Monitor Blob Deletion Failure ..........................................................................................................7-3
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Configure the Blob Failure Retry Agent ........................................................................................7-3


Administer Item Control ............................................................................................................................. 7-3

Administer Modified Date Triggers ........................................................................................................ 7-4

Administer Object and Usage Privileges .............................................................................................. 7-5

Configure Access Control ........................................................................................................................... 7-8

Configure Rendering Settings ................................................................................................................... 7-9


Configure Status Page for Multi-Select Actions ............................................................................. 7-10

Configure the Operations for Copy, Delete and Move ................................................................ 7-10
Memcached Statistics................................................................................................................................ 7-11

Summary ................................................................................................................................................7-12

8. Administering Event Auditing


Overview ........................................................................................................................................................... 8-1

Introducing Content Server Auditing..................................................................................................... 8-2
Setting Auditing Interests ........................................................................................................................... 8-2
Events ..........................................................................................................................................................8-6
Options .......................................................................................................................................................8-6
Querying the Audit Log................................................................................................................................ 8-7
Purging the Audit Log ................................................................................................................................ 8-10
Manage Audit Records Created in Prior Releases......................................................................... 8-13
Audit Security Settings.............................................................................................................................. 8-13
Running LiveReports on the Audit Table ........................................................................................... 8-16
Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 8-18
Exercises .........................................................................................................................................................8-19

v ii i Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

9. Categories and Attributes Administration
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................... 9-1
Administering Categories and Attributes ............................................................................................ 9-2
Administering Additional Node Attributes.......................................................................................... 9-2
Administer MIME Types and Categories.............................................................................................. 9-6
Configure Attribute Value Requirements ............................................................................................ 9-8
Open the Categories Volume ................................................................................................................. 9-10
Setting Privileges to Create Categories ............................................................................................. 9-11
Setting Permissions to Create and Use Categories....................................................................... 9-12
Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 9-13
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10. Recycle Bin

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Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 10-1


Undelete and Recycle Bin Modules Replaced with Built-in Recycle Bin............................... 10-1
Supported Types ..................................................................................................................................10-5
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Settings ....................................................................................................................................................10-7
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User Options .........................................................................................................................................10-7

Deleting and Restoring Items from an End User’s Perspective ................................................ 10-8
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Recycle Bin Views ............................................................................................................................ 10-11

Restore ................................................................................................................................................. 10-12
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Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 10-13

Exercises ...................................................................................................................................................... 10-14
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11. Adding Modules

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 11-1

Modules........................................................................................................................................................... 11-1
What Modules Are Available?................................................................................................................ 11-2

Content Server’s Modular Architecture ............................................................................................ 11-4


Installing and Upgrading Modules........................................................................................................ 11-5

Core Modules in Staging........................................................................................................................... 11-7
Modular Dependencies .................................................................................................................. 11-14

Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 11-20


Exercises ...................................................................................................................................................... 11-21


12. Core and Modular Language Packs

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 12-1
Language Packs ............................................................................................................................................ 12-1
View Installed Language Packs ......................................................................................................12-6
Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 12-10
Exercises ...................................................................................................................................................... 12-11

13. Multilingual Metadata

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 13-1
Multilingual Metadata............................................................................................................................... 13-1
Multilingual Metadata (MLM) and Search ........................................................................................ 13-6
Hit Highlighting ....................................................................................................................................13-9

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Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 13-9
Exercises ...................................................................................................................................................... 13-10

14. ActiveView Administration

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 14-1
Introducing ActiveView ............................................................................................................................ 14-2
Introducing Perspectives ......................................................................................................................... 14-3
Who Can Create or Edit a Perspective .......................................................................................14-3
The ActiveView Administration Page ................................................................................................. 14-4
ActiveView Administration ..................................................................................................................... 14-5
ActiveView Appearance Conversion................................................................................................... 14-5
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ActiveView Template Upgrades............................................................................................................ 14-7

Administer Login Page User.................................................................................................................... 14-8
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Allow AVID in URL ...................................................................................................................................... 14-9

Enable or Disable ActiveView Override Types ............................................................................ 14-10
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Enable or Disable ActiveView Templates....................................................................................... 14-12

Manage Global ActiveView Overrides ............................................................................................ 14-13
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View All ActiveView Overrides .......................................................................................................... 14-14

Perspective Administration ................................................................................................................. 14-15
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Open the Perspective Manager.......................................................................................................... 14-15

General Settings ................................................................................................................................ 14-16
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Rules ...................................................................................................................................................... 14-17

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Layout .................................................................................................................................................... 14-19

Configure ............................................................................................................................................. 14-20

Open the Perspectives Volume .................................................................................................. 14-30

View All Perspectives ..................................................................................................................... 14-31

Manage Global Perspectives ....................................................................................................... 14-32

Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 14-34

Exercises ...................................................................................................................................................... 14-35


15. Appearances Administration


Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 15-1


Introducing Appearance Items .............................................................................................................. 15-1

Appearance Item Best Practices ........................................................................................................... 15-2

Appearances Administration.................................................................................................................. 15-2

Changing the Search Bar or Panel ........................................................................................................ 15-7
General Search Administration Settings......................................................................................... 15-12
Full Text Settings .............................................................................................................................. 15-13
Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 15-15
Exercises ...................................................................................................................................................... 15-16

16. Archive Storage Provider and Content Move Administration

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 16-1
Introducing Archive Center .................................................................................................................... 16-1
Archive Storage Provider and Content Move Administration ................................................. 16-2
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................ 16-6

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17. Best Bets Administration
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 17-1
Best Bets ......................................................................................................................................................... 17-1
Configure Best Bets Settings.................................................................................................................. 17-3
Managing Best Bets.................................................................................................................................... 17-5
Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 17-7
Exercises .........................................................................................................................................................17-8

18. Collections Administration

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 18-1
Introducing Collections............................................................................................................................. 18-1
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Collections Administration...................................................................................................................... 18-3

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Download As Spreadsheet Settings .............................................................................................18-4


Collect Folder Settings ......................................................................................................................18-5

Searchable Settings ............................................................................................................................18-5
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Collection Status ..................................................................................................................................18-5

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Disk Image Creation Settings ................................................................................................................. 18-6

Purge Collections Items Audit Records ......................................................................................18-7
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Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 18-10

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19. Content Server Applications (CS Apps)

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Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 19-1

Introducing Content Server Applications.......................................................................................... 19-1

Content Server Application Administration..................................................................................... 19-3

Applications Management Configuration ......................................................................................... 19-4

Applications Volume ................................................................................................................................. 19-5

Report Pack for WebReport Installation Using CS Applications ............................................ 19-5

Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 19-8


Exercises .........................................................................................................................................................19-9

20. Content Suite Viewer Administration


Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 20-1

Introducing the Content Suite Viewer................................................................................................ 20-1

Configure Content Suite Viewer........................................................................................................... 20-1

Summary ........................................................................................................................................................ 20-3

21. OpenText Directory Services (OTDS) Administration

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 21-1
OpenText Directory Services (OTDS) in Content Server ........................................................... 21-1
Select OTDS Server Type .................................................................................................................21-2
External OTDS ......................................................................................................................................21-3
Internal OTDS .......................................................................................................................................21-3
Administering Content Server OTDS ................................................................................................. 21-7
Configure Directory Services .........................................................................................................21-7
Configure Integration Settings ......................................................................................................21-8

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n xi

OTDS Administration Page Sections ...........................................................................................21-9
Frequently Asked OTDS Questions and Answers .............................................................. 21-16
OTDS Logs ........................................................................................................................................... 21-17
Users and Groups ..................................................................................................................................... 21-19
Adding Users or Groups in OTDS .............................................................................................. 21-19
Synchronized and Non-Synchronized Users ......................................................................... 21-22
OTDS Password Reset .......................................................................................................................... 21-26
Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 21-26

22. eLink and Email Administration

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 22-1
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eLink Administration.................................................................................................................................. 22-2

Configure eLink ....................................................................................................................................22-2
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General Section ....................................................................................................................................22-4

SMTP Section ........................................................................................................................................22-5
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POP3 Section ........................................................................................................................................22-6

Inbound Message Filters Section ..................................................................................................22-7
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eLink Advanced Settings ..................................................................................................................22-8

Documents via E-mail Section ........................................................................................................22-9
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Discussions via E-mail Section .......................................................................................................22-9

My Mailbox Section ............................................................................................................................22-9
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Corporate Signature Section ....................................................................................................... 22-10

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eLink Global Workflow Settings ................................................................................................. 22-10

Email Services Administration ............................................................................................................ 22-12

Configure Email Services ............................................................................................................... 22-13

Configure Email Field ...................................................................................................................... 22-25

Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 22-29


23. Enterprise Connect Administration


Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 23-1

Introduction to Enterprise Connect .................................................................................................... 23-2

OpenText Office Editor ....................................................................................................................23-2


Enterprise Connect Compatibility........................................................................................................ 23-3

Enterprise Connect Administration..................................................................................................... 23-4

Configure Advanced Settings................................................................................................................. 23-5

Configure Enterprise Connect Browse View Column Settings ................................................ 23-6
Configure Enterprise Connect Display Settings ............................................................................. 23-8
Configure Enterprise Connect Email Settings ................................................................................. 23-9
Configure Enterprise Connect Menu Settings ............................................................................. 23-12
Configure Enterprise Connect Search Settings ........................................................................... 23-14
Configure Enterprise Connect System Settings .......................................................................... 23-15
Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 23-16

24. Item Template Administration

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 24-1
Item Template Administration.............................................................................................................. 24-1
Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 24-8

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Exercises .........................................................................................................................................................24-9

25. LiveReport Administration

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 25-1
Configure LiveReport Security .............................................................................................................. 25-2
Configure LiveReport Security ......................................................................................................25-3
Export LiveReports..................................................................................................................................... 25-5
Import LiveReports..................................................................................................................................... 25-6
Open the LiveReport Volume................................................................................................................. 25-8
Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 25-9
Exercises ...................................................................................................................................................... 25-10
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26. Multi-file Output (MFO) Administration

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Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 26-1

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General Settings........................................................................................................................................... 26-2

Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 26-6
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Exercises .........................................................................................................................................................26-7
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27. Notification Administration

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Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 27-1

Notification Administration .................................................................................................................... 27-2
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Clear Outstanding Events........................................................................................................................ 27-3

Configure Notification .............................................................................................................................. 27-3

Configuring Scheduled Activities.......................................................................................................... 27-8


Test Email Delivery.................................................................................................................................. 27-12

View Scheduling Statistics .................................................................................................................... 27-14

Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 27-15

Exercises ...................................................................................................................................................... 27-16

28. Object Importer (OIOE)


Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 28-1


Object Importer and Exporter ............................................................................................................... 28-1

Configuration of Agents for Scheduled Imports .....................................................................28-2

Working with Object Importer Control Files ...........................................................................28-4

Validation ...............................................................................................................................................28-6
Configuring Object Importer ..........................................................................................................28-7
Configure Object Importer...................................................................................................................... 28-8
Directory Section ................................................................................................................................28-8
Advanced Settings ..............................................................................................................................28-8
Manual Object Import .................................................................................................................... 28-11
Configure Object Exporter ........................................................................................................... 28-11
Summary ..................................................................................................................................................... 28-12
Exercises ...................................................................................................................................................... 28-13
Answers to Exercises ............................................................................................................................... 28-16

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29. Recommender Administration
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 29-1
Personal Recommendations ................................................................................................................... 29-2
Configure History General Settings..................................................................................................... 29-3
Configure Recommender Components.............................................................................................. 29-4
Configure Recommender System Settings ....................................................................................... 29-9
Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 29-10
Exercises ...................................................................................................................................................... 29-11

30. Renditions Administration

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 30-1
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Introduction to Renditions ..................................................................................................................... 30-2

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Renditions Administration....................................................................................................................... 30-2


Administer Renditions............................................................................................................................... 30-3

Configure Rendition Folders .................................................................................................................. 30-4
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Configure Version Folders...................................................................................................................... 30-5

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Purge Rendition Log .................................................................................................................................. 30-6

View Rendition Log.................................................................................................................................... 30-6
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View Selective Rendition Report ......................................................................................................... 30-7

Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 30-7
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31. Search Administration

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Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 31-1


Accessing the Search Administration Area ...............................................................................31-2

Search Administration............................................................................................................................... 31-3

Configure Search Options........................................................................................................................ 31-4

Edit the System Default Search Form & Manage Search Forms and Search Results Templates


Administrative Viewing of Each Users Search Templates ..................................................31-9

Open the XML DTD Volume ................................................................................................................... 31-9
Configure the System Object Email Delivery ............................................................................... 31-12

Configuring User Accounts to Receive Error Messages ................................................... 31-13


Configure Debug Settings..................................................................................................................... 31-15

Configure Search JVM............................................................................................................................ 31-19

View System Object Status .................................................................................................................. 31-19

Open the System Object Volume....................................................................................................... 31-21
The Objects for a Particular Index..................................................................................................... 31-22
Process Folder ................................................................................................................................... 31-22
Internal OTDS .................................................................................................................................... 31-23
Document Conversion Server for Default ............................................................................. 31-25
Other Process Folder Items ......................................................................................................... 31-26
Control IP Access to Search Components...................................................................................... 31-28
Configure the Enterprise Extractor Settings ................................................................................ 31-28
Set Extractor General Settings ................................................................................................... 31-28
Manage Search Statistics ...................................................................................................................... 31-29
View Relevance Reports ................................................................................................................ 31-29
Configure Required Search Result Fields ....................................................................................... 31-31

xi v Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Searching on Office Document Properties .................................................................................... 31-32
Nickname Settings ........................................................................................................................... 31-32
Configure Search Location Modifiers .............................................................................................. 31-33
Exclude Sub-Folders ........................................................................................................................ 31-33
Configure Index Verification ............................................................................................................... 31-34
Configure Search Filters........................................................................................................................ 31-34
Configure Mandatory Search Terms ................................................................................................ 31-36
Manage Search Agents........................................................................................................................... 31-36
Configure Relevancy Rules................................................................................................................... 31-40
Thumbnail Generation ........................................................................................................................... 31-41
iPool Quarantine....................................................................................................................................... 31-45
Distributed Agents and Pause or Start Individual Workers.................................................... 31-47
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Pausing All Workers ........................................................................................................................ 31-48

Pausing Individual Workers ......................................................................................................... 31-49
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Defining a Distributed Agent System Outage ...................................................................... 31-49

Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 31-50
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Exercises ...................................................................................................................................................... 31-51

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32. Managing the System Object Volume (Part I)

xt str

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 32-1

What is the Status in the System Object Volume? ......................................................................... 32-1
In ibu

Overview of the Enterprise Extractor process................................................................................ 32-4

te te

Configuring the Enterprise Extractor ................................................................................................. 32-6

Enterprise Extractor Settings .........................................................................................................32-7

Index Tracer................................................................................................................................................ 32-14

Managing the Document Conversion Process ............................................................................. 32-15

OpenText Document Filters (OTDF)................................................................................................ 32-17

Document Filters .............................................................................................................................. 32-17

Write Checkpoint ............................................................................................................................. 32-19


Managing the Enterprise Update Distributor............................................................................... 32-20

Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 32-22
Exercises ...................................................................................................................................................... 32-23

33. Managing the System Object Volume (Part II)


Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 33-1

Partitions ........................................................................................................................................................ 33-1
Partition Map ........................................................................................................................................33-3
Adding Partitions and Search Federators ......................................................................................... 33-5
Using the Add Partition Wizard............................................................................................................. 33-6
Maintaining a Data Source (Re-indexing) .......................................................................................... 33-7
Managing Performance .....................................................................................................................33-9
Managing a Data Flow ............................................................................................................................ 33-11
Data Flow Manager Controls ...................................................................................................... 33-11
Low Memory Text Metadata Mode .................................................................................................. 33-12
Disk Storage Method – Low Memory Mode................................................................................. 33-13
A Look at the Enterprise Index Directory Structure.................................................................. 33-16
Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 33-17

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n xv

34. Admin Servers and Search Managers
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 34-1
What Do Content Server Admin Servers Do? ................................................................................. 34-1
Content Server Admin Server Status ..........................................................................................34-2
The Document Conversion Service and Advanced Settings...................................................... 34-4
Putting the Admin Server into Safe Mode......................................................................................... 34-5
Automatically Entering Safe Mode ..............................................................................................34-7
Resynchronizing the Admin Server...................................................................................................... 34-8
Additional Admin Servers ..................................................................................................................... 34-11
Distributing Indexing Example .................................................................................................... 34-12
Search Path Management..................................................................................................................... 34-12
Search Managers and Search Federators....................................................................................... 34-14
O oN

Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 34-15

pe o

Exercises ...................................................................................................................................................... 34-17


n tD

35. Customizing Search for End Users

Te i

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 35-1

Configuring the End User’s Search Experience............................................................................... 35-1
xt str

Changing the Search Bar or Panel ........................................................................................................ 35-2

General Search Administration Settings............................................................................................ 35-2
In ibu

Full Text Settings .................................................................................................................................35-4

Creating and Organizing Slices .............................................................................................................. 35-4
te te

Complex Slices ......................................................................................................................................35-6

Configuring Slice Order ....................................................................................................................35-7

Creating a Custom View Search From a Saved Query ................................................................. 35-9

Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 35-13

Exercises ...................................................................................................................................................... 35-14


36. Regions and Advanced Configuration for End Users

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 36-1
Regions and the Content Server Query Language......................................................................... 36-2

Making Regions Queryable ..................................................................................................................... 36-4


Changing Region Types .....................................................................................................................36-7

Region Attributes, Modifiers, and Purging........................................................................................ 36-8

Region Attributes ................................................................................................................................36-8

Region Modifiers .................................................................................................................................36-8
Purge Regions .......................................................................................................................................36-9
Configure Required Search Result Fields ....................................................................................... 36-10
Searching on Office Document Properties .................................................................................... 36-11
Nickname Settings ........................................................................................................................... 36-12
Searching and Displaying Metadata ................................................................................................. 36-13
Making Attributes From Categories Displayable ................................................................ 36-15
Making Other Metadata Displayable ....................................................................................... 36-16
EXIF / XMP Metadata ............................................................................................................................. 36-17
AutoDesk Support ........................................................................................................................... 36-21
Thumbnail Generation ........................................................................................................................... 36-22
iPool Quarantine....................................................................................................................................... 36-26

xv i Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 36-28
Exercises ...................................................................................................................................................... 36-29

37. Configuring Control Rules

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 37-1
Configuring Control Rules on Data Flows......................................................................................... 37-2
Creating Data Flow Rules Based on Disk Space .....................................................................37-4
Creating Data Flow Rules Based on Number of Messages .................................................37-6
Creating Data Flow Rules Based on Quiet (Idle) Data Flows ............................................37-7
Creating Data Flow Rules Based on Stalled Data Flow ........................................................37-8
Creating Data Flow Rules Based on Process Errors ..............................................................37-9
O oN

Data Flow Rules Based on Partition Properties ................................................................... 37-10

Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 37-12
pe o

Exercises ...................................................................................................................................................... 37-14

n tD

38. Advanced Search Topics

Te i

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 38-1

Searching on Part Numbers, File Names, and File Types ............................................................ 38-1
xt str

The “like” Operator .............................................................................................................................38-1

File Type Searches ..............................................................................................................................38-2
In ibu

Configuring Region Modifiers for Index Regions and Like Searches...................................... 38-2
Region Modifiers and search.ini ....................................................................................................38-6
te te

Shadow Regions ...................................................................................................................................38-7


Mandatory Search Terms......................................................................................................................... 38-8

Apply Restrictions ............................................................................................................................ 38-10

Group ..................................................................................................................................................... 38-10

Search Term ........................................................................................................................................ 38-10

Settings in the opentext.ini File That Affect Search ................................................................... 38-12


Summaries and Key Phrases ............................................................................................................... 38-14

Understanding the Ranking of Search Results ............................................................................. 38-16
Search Statistics........................................................................................................................................ 38-19

Summarizing the Search Logging Options...................................................................................... 38-22


Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 38-23


39. Search Security

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 39-1
Introduction to Search Security ............................................................................................................ 39-1
Control IP Access to Search Components......................................................................................... 39-2
Providing IP Addresses .....................................................................................................................39-2
Open Access ..........................................................................................................................................39-2
Securing Search Components ................................................................................................................ 39-3
Beginning With No Restrictions ....................................................................................................39-3
Determining Which IPs to Restrict ..............................................................................................39-3
Entering IPs to Restrict .....................................................................................................................39-4
Recover From an Incorrect IP Address .......................................................................................39-4
Secure Deletion of Temporary Files .................................................................................................... 39-5
Setting Up Secure Deletion of Temporary Files ......................................................................39-5

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n x v ii

Secure Delete Levels ..........................................................................................................................39-7
Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 39-8

40. Pulse Administration

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 40-1
Introducing Pulse......................................................................................................................................... 40-1
Pulse ..........................................................................................................................................................40-1
Pulse Benefits .......................................................................................................................................40-1
Pulse Administration.................................................................................................................................. 40-2
Collaboration Administration ............................................................................................................... 40-2
Configure or Pulse Administration....................................................................................................... 40-5
O oN

Include Node Types or Item Types for System Generated Messages.................................... 40-7
Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 40-10
pe o

Exercises ...................................................................................................................................................... 40-11

n tD

41. Storage Provider Settings

Te i

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 41-1

Introducing Content Server Storage Providers ............................................................................. 41-1
xt str

Storage Provider Administration.......................................................................................................... 41-2

Configure Storage Providers .................................................................................................................. 41-3
In ibu

Storage Provider Rules ............................................................................................................................. 41-4

Auditing ...................................................................................................................................................41-8
te te

View Storage Rules .............................................................................................................................41-8


Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 41-8

Exercises .........................................................................................................................................................41-9

42. Users and Groups Administration


Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 42-1


Users and Groups Administration ....................................................................................................... 42-1

Configure Department Selection.......................................................................................................... 42-2

Configure Group Settings ....................................................................................................................... 42-4

Configuring User Name Display Options .......................................................................................... 42-5

User Tab Permissions ................................................................................................................................ 42-7


Introducing Domains ................................................................................................................................. 42-9

Configure Domains.................................................................................................................................. 42-10
Create a Domain ............................................................................................................................... 42-12
Configure OTDS to Support Domain ........................................................................................ 42-13
Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 42-20
Exercises ...................................................................................................................................................... 42-21

43. Web Edit Administration

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 43-1
Microsoft Office Support ......................................................................................................................... 43-1
Web Edit Administration.......................................................................................................................... 43-2
Configure Web Edit Settings .................................................................................................................. 43-2

xv i ii Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Summary ........................................................................................................................................................ 43-7
Exercises .........................................................................................................................................................43-8

44. Web Forms Administration

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 44-1
Web Forms Administration..................................................................................................................... 44-2
Add Custom JavaScript File to All Templates Exported as HTML........................................... 44-2
Connection Encryption Key .................................................................................................................... 44-3
List Database Connection Information from Previous Releases ............................................. 44-4
Managing Secure Database Connections.......................................................................................... 44-4
Managing Secure Database Lookups .................................................................................................. 44-8
O oN

Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 44-10

pe o

45. WebReports Administration

n tD

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 45-1

WebReport Overview ............................................................................................................................... 45-2
Te i

WebReports Administration .................................................................................................................. 45-4

Flush Cache.................................................................................................................................................... 45-5
xt str

Install Requests.js Library ........................................................................................................................ 45-5

Manage Category Data Source Configuration ................................................................................ 45-6
In ibu

Manage Destination Media Types........................................................................................................ 45-8

Manage Search Query Integration....................................................................................................... 45-9
te te

Manage Tags and Sub-Tags .................................................................................................................. 45-11


Manage Trusted Files ............................................................................................................................. 45-12

WebReports and the Manage Trusted Files Whitelist: ..................................................... 45-13

Manage User / Group WR Triggers................................................................................................... 45-14

Manage WebReport Conversion ....................................................................................................... 45-15

Manage WebReports Schedules ........................................................................................................ 45-16


Manage WebReports Scripting........................................................................................................... 45-17

Manage WebReports Services............................................................................................................ 45-19
Manage WR Triggers .............................................................................................................................. 45-19

Miscellaneous WebReports Settings ............................................................................................... 45-20


WebReports Licensing ........................................................................................................................... 45-21

WebReports Node Administration ................................................................................................... 45-22

WebReports Sub-Tag Builder ............................................................................................................. 45-23

Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 45-24

46. Workflow Administration

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 46-1
Workflow Administration........................................................................................................................ 46-1
Configure Workflow Agent Parameters ....................................................................................46-1
Configure Workflow Parameters .................................................................................................46-7
Open the Workflow Volume ...........................................................................................................46-8
Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 46-9

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n xi x

47. Prospector Administration
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 47-1
Introducing Prospectors........................................................................................................................... 47-1
Prospector Administration..................................................................................................................... 47-3
Configurable Allowable Prospector Queries ................................................................................... 47-4
Regenerate Prospector Query Files .................................................................................................... 47-5
Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 47-5
Exercises .........................................................................................................................................................47-6

48. Transport and Transport Warehouse

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 48-1
O oN

Transport and Transport Warehouse ................................................................................................. 48-1

pe o

Transport Overview ...........................................................................................................................48-1


Navigating the Warehouse ..............................................................................................................48-3

Transport Administrators or Warehouse Managers ............................................................48-3
n tD

Volumes and Sub Types ....................................................................................................................48-4

Te i

Warehouse .............................................................................................................................................48-4
My Workbench .....................................................................................................................................48-6
xt str

Transport Package ..............................................................................................................................48-7

Administration Settings ....................................................................................................................48-7
In ibu

Transport Roles and Object Permissions ............................................................................... 48-11

Transport Roles ................................................................................................................................. 48-11
te te

Overview of Transport Process .................................................................................................. 48-14

Transporting Items .......................................................................................................................... 48-14

Deploying ............................................................................................................................................. 48-21

Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 48-32

Exercises ...................................................................................................................................................... 48-33


49. XML Export and Import

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 49-1
What Do XML and XSLT Have to Do With Content Server? ..................................................... 49-1

The What and Why of XML ..................................................................................................................... 49-2


Just What Can I Export and Import From Content Server as XML? ....................................... 49-4
Exporting a Content Server Item .......................................................................................................... 49-6

Optional Parameters to Add to an XML Export .............................................................................. 49-8

Exporting Items That You Plan to Import ............................................................................... 49-10
Triggering an XML Import From a URL............................................................................................ 49-11
Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 49-13
Exercises ...................................................................................................................................................... 49-14

50. Classic UI Tools and Managing Customizations

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 50-1
Key Information Taxonomy Considerations .................................................................................... 50-1
Customizing With Custom Views ......................................................................................................... 50-2
Appearance Objects Best Practices and Info................................................................................... 50-6
Appearance Objects Summary .............................................................................................................. 50-6
Active View .................................................................................................................................................... 50-7

xx Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

The Content Server Development Environment (CSIDE) .......................................................... 50-8
Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 50-9
Exercises ...................................................................................................................................................... 50-10

A. Continuing Education
Certification Programs................................................................................................................................ A-1
What’s in the Courses?................................................................................................................................ A-3
List of OpenText Content Server Training Courses and Workshops....................................... A-4
Business User Roles .............................................................................................................................. A-4
System Administrator Roles ............................................................................................................. A-4
Developer Roles ..................................................................................................................................... A-4
O oN

Certification Programs ........................................................................................................................ A-5

Additional OpenText Resources ............................................................................................................. A-5
pe o

B. Storage Provider Rules

n tD

Content Server and FSM or Storage Provider Rules ...................................................................... B-1

Te i

C. Access Control Basics

xt str

Overview .......................................................................................................................................................... C-1

In ibu

An Overview of Content Server Access Control .............................................................................. C-1

The Basics: Looking at Work Item Permissions ................................................................................ C-2
te te

Looking at Document Management Permissions............................................................................. C-4

Understanding Access Control for Folders in the Enterprise ..................................................... C-5

Understanding Project Access Control ................................................................................................ C-6


How Permissions Are Applied to Content Server Items ............................................................... C-8

Applying Single Changes to Sub-Items ................................................................................................. C-8

Applying Several Changes to Sub-Items .............................................................................................. C-9

How Content Server Maps Permissions From Folders to Projects........................................ C-11

How Content Server Maps Permissions From Folders to Work Items ................................ C-11
Changing Default Access......................................................................................................................... C-12

Additional Access Control Options..................................................................................................... C-13

Configure Access Control ............................................................................................................... C-13

eDiscovery Mode Access ................................................................................................................ C-14


Advanced Version Control With Major/Minor Versions ................................................... C-14

Best Practices for Configuring Access Control .............................................................................. C-14
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................ C-17
Exercises ........................................................................................................................................................ C-18

D. Content Server Design Specification Template

Overview .......................................................................................................................................................... D-1
Introduction..................................................................................................................................................... D-1
Overview ..................................................................................................................................................D-1
Purpose ......................................................................................................................................................D-1
Revision History .....................................................................................................................................D-2
Assumptions ............................................................................................................................................D-2
Signatures .................................................................................................................................................D-2

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n xxi

User and Group Definition ........................................................................................................................ D-2
User Profile ..............................................................................................................................................D-2
Groups .......................................................................................................................................................D-3
Users Defined by External Source ..................................................................................................D-3
OTDS Type ...............................................................................................................................................D-3
Privileges to Create Users and Groups .........................................................................................D-3
Item Creation Privileges .....................................................................................................................D-4
Password Control ..................................................................................................................................D-4
Enterprise Access Control Structure .................................................................................................... D-4
Overview ..................................................................................................................................................D-4
Highest Level Folders ..........................................................................................................................D-4
Sub-Folders (may need to detail for major sub-folders) ........................................................D-5
O oN

Projects and Access Control .............................................................................................................D-5

Use of Personal Home Folders .........................................................................................................D-5
pe o

Categories and Attributes and the Enterprise Structure.............................................................. D-6

Overview ..................................................................................................................................................D-6
n tD

Categories and Attributes to Define .............................................................................................D-6

Te i

Facilitating Attribute Entry ...............................................................................................................D-6

Use of Content Server Items..................................................................................................................... D-6
Creating a Custom Look and Feel ........................................................................................................... D-7
xt str

Facilitating Search......................................................................................................................................... D-8

Monitoring and Tracking the System .................................................................................................... D-8
In ibu

Module Deployment and Customizations........................................................................................... D-9

te te

Training and Support.................................................................................................................................... D-9

Training ......................................................................................................................................................D-9

Support ......................................................................................................................................................D-9

E. Signing In, Logging Out, and Password Changing


Overview ........................................................................................................................................................... E-1


Signing In using the Classic UI ................................................................................................................... E-2

Signing In using the Smart View UI.......................................................................................................... E-3
Changing Your User Password, using the Classic UI........................................................................ E-4

Resetting Your User Password ................................................................................................................. E-5


Resetting a Password using the Classic UI and Email ..............................................................E-5

Resetting a Password using the Smart View UI .........................................................................E-6

xxi i Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Text Conventions

This workbook uses the following conventions:

Convention What it is Used For

Italic Italics are used for Workshops and Exercises.

Monospace Monospaced text is used to represent sample code.

Bold In instruction steps, indicates the action to be taken. In text it

indicates emphasis
O oN
pe o

<> Angle brackets (<>) represent an element of syntax you must


substitute with a specific value.

n tD

This icon represents a lesson symbol where the student watches

Te i

the instructor.
xt str

This icon represents a lesson symbol where the student follows

along with the instructor.
In ibu
te te

This icon represents a lesson symbol where the students perform


the exercise on their own.


This icon represents an optional or advanced lesson symbol where


the students perform the exercise on their own.


This icon represents a note that supplies additional information.


This icon represents a tip that supplies additional shortcut


This icon represents a collection of Tricks, Tips, and Traps that is

used the end of a chapter.

This icon represents a caution that supplies warning information.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n x xi ii

Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on
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xxi v
Content Server Administration v16
Learning Services

Student Attendance Form

Training Date:
O oN

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n tD

Student Name:
Te i

xt str

Management  Technical  Other 

Implementation  End User  Administrator 
In ibu
te te


Federal Government  Legal 

Other Government  Manufacturing 

Education  Financial/Insurance 

Integrator  Other 


Street Address:


Phone Number:
te te
In ibu
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Te i
n tD
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O oN
Chapt er 1. I ntr odu ct ion t o Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

1. Introduction to Content Server Administration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Describe the roles of a Content Server administrator
 Describe the various skills needed and the different ways organizations set up their Content
Server administration
 Communicate with OpenText Customer Support staff
Use the Knowledge Center, MySupport portal, and other resources to research Content Server
O oN

pe o

 List the key architectural components of a Content Server system

 Describe the various architectural configurations available and their respective benefits
n tD

 Describe how Secure Extranet Architecture or Remote Cache are used in some deployments of
Content Server
Te i
xt str

In ibu

There are many different types of Content Server administrators so it is

te te

important to have an overview of various job descriptions and activities in

which you might be involved. OpenText provides many resources for

administrators and developers, and they are discussed in this chapter.


This chapter also provides an introduction to CGI/EXE, LLISAPI, and

servlets, with a synopsis of the differences between the Content Server

CGI/EXE, LL ISAPI (DLL), and the servlet with respect to functionality,


performance, and security.

Additionally, this chapter introduces administrators to the OpenText SEA


Servlet (or Secure Extranet Architecture Servlet), OpenText Archive


Server, and OpenText Remote Cache, a module which provides a

distributed document caching solution for Content Server.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1-1

Chapte r 1. I ntr odu cti on t o Conte nt Se rv e r Admi ni str at i on

Job Description for the Content Server Administrator

There are many different types of Content Server administrators:
 Sponsors
 System administrators
 User/group administrators
 Knowledge managers

… and many others whose jobs include Content Server in some manner.

The Roles of Content Organizations differ in how they set up Content Server administration,
O oN

Server Administrators and we provide an overview so you can understand the various
pe o


n tD

Sponsor Content Server  Individual or evaluation team

Te i

Installation and  Consider your enterprises’ needs for storage, speed, security and
Architecture scalability
xt str

 Understand Content Server’s hardware and software requirements

In ibu

 Install Content Server and additional modules and components

te te

Access Control to  Set up the structure of the Content Server Enterprise (folders,

Documents: “Knowledge projects and documents)

 Assign permissions and privileges to users and groups appropriately

 Implement procedures to ensure that the knowledge is correct and



Database Maintenance  Monitor the system and tune it for performance

 Back up the system, extend the size of the database if necessary, etc.

Users and Groups  Create and manage users and groups. This task is sometimes

Administration distributed and/or delegated


Pa ge 1- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapt er 1. I ntr odu ct ion t o Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Content Server Administrator Background

The administrators of a Content Server system should have:
 A strong understanding of the purpose and use of Content Server
within the organization
 Good knowledge and experience with the server operating system
 Knowledge of additional components and how they integrate with
Content Server
 Strong web server, application server and browser administration
O oN

 Database administration skills for the DBMS (database management

pe o

system) used to store the Content Server data


 Enough SQL knowledge to write LiveReports or WebReports (or a

n tD

friendly DBA to do this for you)

Te i

 Teaching skills
 Patience and determination
xt str

Sometimes there will be one or more people hired to administer Content

In ibu

Server, and other times the various system administration tasks are
distributed among a team of users, for example, the database
te te

administration is often handled by someone with specialized training and

experience in the DBMS platform.

The Role of the Knowledge Manager


This person may have many different names:

 Knowledge Champion

 Knowledge Manager

 Information Librarian

 Power User
 Technologist
 Project Leader
 Content Server Analyst

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1-3

Chapte r 1. I ntr odu cti on t o Conte nt Se rv e r Admi ni str at i on

They do not have access to the Administration pages, but they may be
responsible for:
 Training
 Setting permissions
 Creating workflows, categories, forms
 Answering questions
 Ensuring the success of the rollout “from the ground up”

Identifying and using your Knowledge Managers is a key element of a

successful implementation.
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Content Server Design Considerations

n tD

When you begin to implement Content Server there are many issues that
Te i

will have to be addressed; many of the following points are discussed in

the Appendix D, including:
xt str

 How should the Enterprise Workspace be structured?

In ibu

 How should the user interface appear to users: how will it be

“branded”, what objects will users be allowed to create, how will
te te

columns and facets be configured?


 Use of the Smart View UI and Perspectives

What information belongs in what kind of “container” (e.g., folder,

compound document, project, discussion)?

 How will you disseminate information and make sure you are taking

advantage of the features Content Server offers?

 How can you make sure that access control is appropriate for your
different users?

What items and events should be audited?


 How should the user accounts be created, grouped, and


 How are you going to train and support your users?

One of the keys to informing your end users, managers and other
stakeholders is to develop a design document that sets out your goals and

Pa ge 1- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapt er 1. I ntr odu ct ion t o Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

A good design document will improve communication and set reasonable

goals as it is developed and avoid misunderstandings as Content Server is

In addition to the design document provided in Appendix D in

this course, there is also a worksheet available from Appendix A
in the Content Server Installation Guide (llescor-igd-en), which is
available from the Knowledge Center.

A local copy of the Installation Guide can be found in the

following folder: C:\Install Files for Content Server\INSTALL CS
O oN

16.0 - Release\Help and User Guides.

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Te i

Interacting with OpenText Customer Support

xt str

OpenText offers many resources for the Content Server administrator, so

it is important to know where and how to get this information. The
leading pair of resources are:
In ibu

My Support (
te te

 Knowledge Center (


MySupport The MySupport portal enables customers to create support tickets,


review their existing tickets, request an FTP account to upload large files
to tickets, chat with a support rep, and enter details about their

environment or request new license files.


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1-5

Chapte r 1. I ntr odu cti on t o Conte nt Se rv e r Admi ni str at i on

MySupport also provides a series of menus, that redirects administrators

to the Knowledge Center (discussed in a moment), to documentation,
downloads and patches or alternatively to various services or programs
and also to partner offerings, as illustrated in the following figure:

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Figure 1-1: OpenText MySupport Portal

The MySupport portal and the Knowledge Center are OpenText

resources that requires the user to either be (a) an “administrator” with
an active maintenance contract, (b) an OpenText partner, or (c)
OpenText staff/contractor and therefore has a valid user name and
password to authenticate with these systems.

Pa ge 1- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapt er 1. I ntr odu ct ion t o Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Knowledge Center The OpenText Knowledge Center (,

often referred to as “KC”, is the main knowledge repository and
collaborative environment for OpenText customers, partners, and staff.

The Knowledge Center allows you to:

 Reference Knowledge Base articles – also Champion Toolkit and
Application Note documents – offering answers and solutions that
have been written and reviewed by OpenText experts
Many of these published articles have been created from previously
reported customer issues or questions and they include information
and methods to solve the underlying issue.
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Figure 1-2: Example of the Content Server Knowledge Base

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1-7

Chapte r 1. I ntr odu cti on t o Conte nt Se rv e r Admi ni str at i on

 Live Chat, offering for real-time support from our knowledgeable

chat operators. They can help you navigate Online Support and
answer quick questions on the fly
 Participate in Discussion Forums where you and your peers can
discuss scenarios and ideas around the best practices learning from
deploying, managing, and upgrading your Content Server
 Post resource-specific inquiries or comments, using Pulse, on
document and other items, so the content creator can provide
necessary updates, answer questions or add clarification
 Download documentation, modules, patches, or cumulative updates
Submit feature requests and track product bugs
O oN

pe o

Before you open your next support ticket, consider the kind of
n tD

problem you're trying to solve. There may be quicker, more

effective ways to find an answer.
Te i

Take a look through the menu of online support channels and the
xt str

ingredients that make each to lead you to the right course of

action when troubleshooting or cooking up ideas.
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Pa ge 1- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapt er 1. I ntr odu ct ion t o Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

The following figure illustrates the Enterprise page of the KC:

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Figure 1-3: OpenText Knowledge Center


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1-9

Chapte r 1. I ntr odu cti on t o Conte nt Se rv e r Admi ni str at i on

Other OpenText Resources for Content Server Administrators

Other OpenText Resources include:
 Webinars (found on the Knowledge Center)
 Documentation (Quick Start guides, Installation guides, and
documentation for modules)

And there are also other departments and services available:

 OpenText Services (including specialized teams for performance
analysis, consulting, installations)
Customer Support
O oN

Learning Services (Training Requirements Analysis, eLearning, other

pe o


training courses)
n tD
Te i

Architectural Overview
xt str

High Level Content The Content Server architecture can be simplified by breaking down the
Server Architecture logical components of the system into five layers:
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 Client
te te

 Communication

 Application

 Data
 Network

For more information regarding architecture layers, refer to

Microsoft's published information (http://
O regarding the OSI model.


Client Layer A client initiates a request for the application or database to perform an
operation. The client can be a web browser or other end-user process (e.g.
web service, mobile application).

The client layer refers to all components of the Content Server

architecture that interface between the end-user and the Content Server
application. The client layer is typically dominated by Internet browsers
and web service applications.

Enterprise Connect allows users to interact between Content Server and

numerous other systems using Windows Explorer or Microsoft Office
applications, such as Microsoft Word, depending on the options selected
during installation.

Pa ge 1- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapt er 1. I ntr odu ct ion t o Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

You can drag-and-drop new content from your desktop or Microsoft

Outlook into the Content Server folder structure. Additionally, you can
create new documents or open or modify existing documents that reside
in Content Server from within your integrated applications.

Communication Layer When the client layer application does not interface directly with Content
Server through web services, it usually requires an intermediate
communication layer to interface with the application. This refers
primarily to the browser interface.

Application Layer Content Server provides access to the data for the client. It serves as an
interface between the client and one or more database servers. This
interface provides an additional level of security. It can also perform some
O oN

of the query processing for the client, thus removing some of the load
pe o

from the database server. The server assumes the identity of the client
when it is performing operations on the database server for that client.
n tD

The server's privileges are restricted to prevent it from performing

unneeded and unwanted operations during a client operation.
Te i

The application layer is where the Content Server application resides. It

xt str

processes all of the requests and holds the logic for all transactions. There
are four primary components to the Content Server application:
In ibu

 Content Server service

te te

 Content Server Admin / index service


 Content Server Cluster Agent service

Content Server database

Content Server Application The Content Server service is responsible for handling all Content Server

Services requests sent by the users, whether it is indirectly via web services or

through HTTP requests via a web browser.

The Content Server Admin or search and index service is responsible for

full text search and indexing. The full text index itself is considered part of

the data layer.


Although the Cluster Agent Service is not required for the basic features
and functionality of Content Server, the service is required to access the
corresponding Administration pages, to perform Cluster and Patch
Management activities, and to poll systems for applicable setting values.

The Content Server database is responsible for storing document

metadata like document names, modified dates, etc. The database itself is
considered part of the data layer.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 -1 1

Chapte r 1. I ntr odu cti on t o Conte nt Se rv e r Admi ni str at i on

Ports and Protocols Content Server will use a number of TCP/IP ports to communicate to the
various system components:

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Figure 1-4: Content Server and Its TCP IP Ports


Data Layer A Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) provides the data
requested by an application server on behalf of a client. The database
server does all of the remaining query processing.

All of the corporate information and intellectual capital resides on the

Data layer. It is logically separated from the other layers and needs to be

adequately secured due to the importance, or the sensitivity, of the data

being stored. There are three primary storage areas that Content Server
depends upon:
 The document repository (also known as the external file store or
 The Content Server database
 The Content Server full-text index

Storage The topic of storage will be discussed in a subsequent chapter when we

actually perform a Content Server installation and deal with internal
versus external storage.

Network The network logically and physically ties all of the components together.

Pa ge 1- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapt er 1. I ntr odu ct ion t o Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Load Balancing, Bandwidth A discussion of load balancing means a participant needs to understand
and Latency various advanced architectural concepts including: load, redundancy,
load balancing, front ends, and clustering. This level of architectural detail
and discussion is outside of the scope of this course.

Mono, Dual, Tri Server

and Distributed

Monolithic Monolithic architecture, illustrated in the following figure, represents the

simplest approach, which is typically used in small organizations or for
development machines. Content Server, a web server and an Admin
server are installed on the same physical/logical machine as the database
O oN

server. This will support internal storage of files in the database, or

pe o

external storage; where files are stored externally from the database on a
separate drive/disk on the same machine or on a separate machine or
n tD

device (SAN).
Te i

The TrainOTCS Windows Server 2012r2 (Standard Edition)

xt str

system used in this course, is monolithic.

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Monolithic deployments are becoming rarer with the demands of today's


EIM (Enterprise Information Management) world, however, they are still

very useful for training and development purposes.

Figure 1-5:

Content Server and


Monolithic Architecture

Dual-Server Dual-Server architecture, below, consists of Content Server, a web server

and an Admin server which are deployed on one machine. The database
server is deployed on a separate physical/logical machine. This will
support internal or external storage. The main advantage here is the
increase in configuration options available to both servers.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 -1 3

Chapte r 1. I ntr odu cti on t o Conte nt Se rv e r Admi ni str at i on

Like monolithic deployments, dual-server architecture is also becoming

rarer with the demands of today's EIM world.

Figure 1-6:

Content Server and Dual

Server Architecture
O oN
pe o

Tri-Server A tri-server architecture, illustrated in the following figure, is an

n tD

architecture in which the Content Server, web server, and Admin server
are deployed on separate physical or virtual machines (or several VMs on
Te i

one physical computer). The Admin server will handle all of the search and
indexing. The Content Server plus web server will handle all of the traffic
xt str

to and from the user community.

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The following figure illustrates a Content Server tri-server architecture:

te te

Figure 1-7:

Content Server and Tri-

Server Architecture

Distributed Servers Most enterprise applications are distributed across a network, because
client and data store resources are usually located on different machines
from the application itself. This provides greater flexibility in managing
and growing the entire system.

A distributed architecture, illustrated in the subsequent figure, is one in

which the application is potentially implemented across multiple servers,
though a distributed application may be deployed on a single machine.

Pa ge 1- 14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapt er 1. I ntr odu ct ion t o Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

A distributed architecture is more complex because of additional system-

level issues, such as remote communication (e.g., Remote Cache, SEA),
security (e.g., proxies, firewalls, network tiers), and so forth.

A distributed architecture is also typically more scalable than a

monolithic design. Despite the higher performance of a monolithic
application architecture, its components must reside in the same address
space, so it cannot scale beyond a single machine. It is possible to partition
the clients of a monolithic application in order to separate instances
running the same application; however, this becomes harder to achieve
since they often need to access and update shared data. A distributed
system is generally more scalable than a monolithic application since the
O oN

components are designed from the ground up to run in a different address

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Figure 1-8: Content Server and Distributed Architecture

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 -1 5

Chapte r 1. I ntr odu cti on t o Conte nt Se rv e r Admi ni str at i on

The concepts of high availability, redundancy, failover and a

distributed architecture represent different aspects of the
distributed and load balanced architecture.
The high availability nature of a Content Server deployment also
has a direct bearing on whether the OpenText Directory Service
(OTDS) Type, discussed in a subsequent chapter, is specified as
Internal or External.

Servlet, SEA, and Hardening

O oN

CGI/EXE, LL ISAPI, Generally speaking, ISAPI or a servlet performs better than the
pe o

Servlet corresponding CGI/exe under similar conditions. The figure below

illustrates some characteristics comparing the trio of access methods.
n tD
Te i

Access Relative Receive Flexibility Security

Method Performance Before Send
xt str

CGI Low - A new Yes Low - O/S Low - Access

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process is Specific to System

spawned for
te te

each request

LLISAPI.dll High - Loaded No (++) Very Low - Medium -

into Memory Only with IIS Some filtering

Once in ISAPI

Servlet High - Loaded Yes High - Any High Security -

into Memory Application Designed to

Once J2EE

Although this section contains a brief discussion regarding the


various considerations into the use of the Content Server CGI/

EXE, LLISAPI.dll or the Servlet, a Champion Toolkit document
(CT700037) entitled Livelink CGI/EXE versus LLISAPI.dll
versus Servlet can be referenced via the Knowledge Center for
more details and information on the subject.

Pa ge 1- 16 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapt er 1. I ntr odu ct ion t o Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Performance It has been observed that servlet is twice as fast as CGI/exe. Empirical
testing has shown the servlet is at least on par with the ISAPI with regards
to speed.

One undisputed benefit enjoyed by both the LLISAPI.dll and the servlet is
the fact that both are loaded into memory only once whereas the CGI
must be spawned for each separate request. The CGI activity, in contrast,
will add overhead to each transaction or request.

Security Servlet is more secure than CGI or ISAPI. The servlet runs under an
application server (e.g., Tomcat) in its own memory. It is Java EE, which
has very strong definitions with regards to what it can and cannot do on
the system.
O oN
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The only port necessary is the one API communication port, so there is no

need for drive mappings or UNCs (through the firewall).

n tD

Secure Extranet
Te i

Architecture (SEA)
xt str

Introduction to SEA The Secure Extranet Architecture Servlet (SEA) is a streaming servlet that
was added as an alternative interface to Content Server which replaces
the CGI or ISAPI used to access the llserver process. The interface is a
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Java EE-compatible servlet that affords some potential advantages in an

te te

extranet environment.

Advantages Using the SEA Servlet has a unique advantage: once a document is fully
uploaded to the application server, the servlet then connects to Content

Server and streams the file through the API/regular communication port,
thus requiring only one open port.

In a 3-tier environment, the application server holds three servlets:

 llservletclient (core servlet)

 llservletview (core servlet for HTML view operations)


 llservletstream (GS-developed servlet for streaming file upload and

download operations)

The application server communicates directly with Content Server on its

main sockserv port (default is 2099) regardless of which servlets are
actually being used.

This new environment will allow all user requests (including file uploads)
to be tunneled through HTTPS to the application server. The application
server then passes these requests to the llserver engine similar to CGI
and ISAPI operations.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 -1 7

Chapte r 1. I ntr odu cti on t o Conte nt Se rv e r Admi ni str at i on

The main advantages of this architecture include:

 The need for [read /write] file access across the internal firewall is
 By using Java EE servlet (very containerized by the Java engine)
versus CGI (where much of the system environment gets
instantiated) or ISAPI, we take advantage of the inherent security
characteristics of Java EE

All requests, file uploads, and API requests (as well as HTTPS requests)
will be sent through the firewall to the internal Content Server via the
SEA Servlet hosted by the application server.
O oN

Security Benefits As previously mentioned, the huge benefit from the use of SEA and the
pe o

servlet is security.

None of the Content Server data or services reside on the SEA server.
n tD

This makes it very difficult for a threat to continue on to the internal

Te i

servers even if the SEA server was to become compromised.

There is no temporary data stored on the SEA server. All uploaded data is
xt str

streamed directly to Content Server via the servlet so that even

temporary data is not available to a monitored threat.
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All communication to the internal Content Server servers is connected

via the socket port for Content Server.

Thus, SEA utilizes a Streaming Servlet, which has the ability to upload files

without utilizing file system mappings, eliminating the need for a file
mapping between an application server (e.g., Tomcat) and Content Server

for uploads.

SEA installation information is available from the OpenText


Installation Guide (LLESCOR100500-IGD-EN-1) and is available


from the Knowledge Center.


A local copy of this PDF file may also be available from

C:\INSTALL CS 10.5 - Release\_CS 10.5 PDF Docs and
Guides\Guides and Help.

Pa ge 1- 18 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapt er 1. I ntr odu ct ion t o Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

An example of a SEA architecture is illustrated in the following figure:

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Figure 1-9: Content Server Secure Extranet


Tiers A discussion of a multi-tiered architecture with multiple firewalls,


necessitated by the implementation of SEA is outside of the scope of this


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 -1 9

Chapte r 1. I ntr odu cti on t o Conte nt Se rv e r Admi ni str at i on

Archive Server and

Storage Provider

Archive Server OpenText Archive Center, formerly known as Archive Server, enables
storage, management, and retrieval of archived data and documents.

The Archive Center is a scalable and integrated program for archiving

enterprise content. Content can be archived in more secure document
repositories, guaranteeing that all documents are safely stored, yet still
available when needed.

Content Archiving for The Content Archiving module makes it possible to archive documents
Content Server and emails created in Content Server, and to also display archived
O oN

documents in Content Server.

pe o

n tD

OpenText offers a number of Training Courses for Archive

Server, including the following:
Te i

 3-0700 - Archive Center Administration

xt str

 3-0702 - Archive Center Advanced Administration

3-0701 - Archive Center Installation
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te te

Benefits Depending on the business process, the document type, and the storage

media, Archive Center uses different techniques to store and access

documents. This guarantees optimal data and storage resource


It can also address multiple partitions of like media within the same media

pool; while we do not actually address them as a single logical volume,

Archive Server writes to the whole media pool in a round-robin method
by default.

Any additional space needed at a later time could be added as a mount

point to the original volume.

An Archive Storage Provider is configured through the Content Server

administration page, once the required module has been installed.

Pa ge 1- 20 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapt er 1. I ntr odu ct ion t o Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Remote Cache OpenText Remote Cache (OTRC or RC, for short) provides a distributed
document caching solution for Content Server. This add-on module
allows users who are geographically far from the main Content Server
system to access documents from a local cache.

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Figure 1-10: Content Server Remote Cache


You must clearly and unambiguously distinguish which server you are

talking about when discussing Content Server and Remote Cache server.

The primary Content Server system or installation is the one which has
the Remote Cache module installed.

The remote site or system refers to the site where the Remote Cache
server has been installed. This system includes a Web Server, Remote
Cache, Document Conversion Service, and a local disk cache.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 -2 1

Chapte r 1. I ntr odu cti on t o Conte nt Se rv e r Admi ni str at i on

Remote Cache Remote Cache consists of two parts:

Servers  A Remote Cache server which is installed on a host at a remote
location. It uses a web server. Part of the Remote Cache installation is
the installation of a Document Conversion Service to locally render
HTML conversions of documents for the View as Web Page
functionality. It requires space on the local file system for the
document cache
 A module that is installed on the primary Content Server system
which allows the Remote Cache server and Content Server to talk to
each other

A Remote Cache server does not have a database nor does it have the
O oN

other resource-intensive components like full text search and indices.

pe o

Either the CGI (cs.exe) or servlet version (llservlet) of Content Server

n tD

must be used. OpenText Remote Cache Server is not supported for use
with the ISAPI (llisapi.dll) version of Content Server.
Te i
xt str

Supported configurations and installation details are provided in

the release notes and also the OpenText Remote Cache:
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Installation, Configuration, and Administration Guide

(LLESRCA100000-IGD-EN-1) which is available from the
te te

Knowledge Center.

Pa ge 1- 22 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapt er 1. I ntr odu ct ion t o Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

The Outdoor Gear Training Environment

Training Environment This course will make use of a training environment based on a fictional
company that markets and sells various outdoor and sporting gear.

Outdoor Gear Here is a short overview of the company:

 Outdoor Gear sells tents, canoes, hiking boots, trail rations, bicycles,
and other excellent outdoor equipment
 The company employs approximately 1,500 people globally in its
headquarters, regional headquarters, local stores, and warehouse
O oN

 Outdoor Gear uses Content Server to manage all kinds of work for its
pe o

product selection and marketing, its departments such as Finance and


Human Resources, and Field Support for its Sales team

n tD

CS16 Installation The C:\CS16 installation of Content Server consists of CS 16 and includes
Te i

the following core and optional installed modules:

 Core modules
xt str

– WebDAV
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 Core modules, formerly optional or part of bundles

te te

– Email Services
– Forms

– Web Forms

– Pulse/Social

– Enterprise Connect

– ActiveView
– eLink

– Office Editor

– WebReports

 Optional modules

WebDAV LifeCycle By default, the Content Server 16 installer places the WebDAV 16
module in the staging directory. Since it’s not a mandatory module,
administrators can then choose when to proceed with the installation and
deployment of WebDAV. WebDAV 16 will be the final release of the
module. No further versions of this module will be released. With the
upcoming deprecation of much of the underlying infrastructure
supporting WebDAV components by browser vendors and the
duplication of WebDAV functionality with other Open Text offerings, we
have made the decision to discontinue the WebDAV module.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 -2 3

Chapte r 1. I ntr odu cti on t o Conte nt Se rv e r Admi ni str at i on

CS16b Installation The C:\CS16b installation of Content Server consists of CS 16 and

includes the following core and optional installed modules:
 Core modules
– WebDAV
 Core modules, formerly optional or part of bundles
– Email Services
– Forms
– Web Forms
– Pulse/Social
O oN

– Enterprise Connect
pe o

– ActiveView
– eLink
n tD

– Office Editor
Te i

– WebReports
xt str

The CS16b, as provided, is unlicensed and has no optional modules or

Language Packs installed. The instance is just like a brand new system as if
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it had been installed as part of the 3-0187 - Content Server Installation

and Configuration course.
te te

Microsoft Office Support


Content Server v16.0 supports Microsoft® Office 2010, 2013, and 2016
as discussed below.

Office 2007 Office 2007 and previous versions are not supported by Content Server

Office Editor

Office 2010 Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2010


Office 2013 Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2013

Office 2016 Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2016

Native support for Microsoft Office including Word, Excel, PowerPoint,

Visio and Project is available with Web Edit.

Pa ge 1- 24 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapt er 1. I ntr odu ct ion t o Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Clients and Browser Support

Please check with Open Text for any recent changes or refer to the latest
version of the OpenText Content Server Release Notes (16.0), available
from the Knowledge Center.

An abridged list of supported client platforms and browsers are identified

as follows:

Windows Microsoft Windows clients include: 7.x, 8.x, 10.x.

Browsers include: Firefox, IE 11, Chrome

O oN

OSX Apple clients include: 10.x and browsers include Safari 8.

pe o

n tD

Te i

In summary, in this chapter, we:

xt str

 Described the roles of a Content Server administrator

Described the various skills needed and the different ways
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organizations set up their Content Server administration
te te

 Discussed how you can communicate with OpenText Customer

Support staff and use the Knowledge Center, MySupport portal, and

other resources to research Content Server topics


 Listed the key architectural components of a Content Server system

and describe the various architectural configurations available and

their respective benefits


 Described how Secure Extranet Architecture or Remote Cache are

used in some deployments of Content Server

 Reviewed the Outdoor Gear training environment characteristics


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 -2 5

Chapte r 1. I ntr odu cti on t o Conte nt Se rv e r Admi ni str at i on

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Pa ge 1- 26 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

2. Server Configuration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Add and configure Additional Enterprise Menu items
 Configure the Functions Menu
 Configure Presentation Settings
 Generate a System Report
O oN
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n tD

This chapter deals with Content Server’s Server Configuration

Te i

xt str

The Server Configuration administrative options and links are described

in the following table:
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Table 2-1: Server Configuration Administration Pages

te te

Administration Page Link Description


Additional Enterprise Add URLs as menu items to this user menu.

Menu Items

Administer Date/Time Specify date formatting and time zone handling for

entry and display.


Cluster Management Administrators can analyze software installations

and deploy patches across a cluster.

Configure Facets Configure facet functionality and document classes


and aliases.

Configure Functions Move functions to or from the More submenu


Configure Performance Configure server performance settings such as the

Settings web caching, cache expiration, and file buffer size.

Configure Presentation Configure elements related to presentation in the

Content Server.

Configure Security Configure Content Server security parameters,

Parameters including the authentication cookie information,
cookie encryption key, and valid CGI hosts.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2-1

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

Administration Page Link Description

Configure Server Configure Content Server parameters, including the

Parameters "/support" directory URL prefix, the Content Server
Administrator password and email address, global
user interface preferences, maximum number of
sessions, number of threads and receive before send.

Configure System Add and remove system-oriented messages

Messages broadcast over the News Player.

Limit the Admin Account Restrict the IP addresses from which the Admin user
Log-in account can log-in to Content Server.
O oN

Manage Licenses Manage Content Server core and module licenses.

pe o

SLD Registration Generate SLD registration file.

n tD

Specify Server Port Specify the port number on which you want the
Content Server to listen.
Te i

System Report Generate a system report or access a previously

xt str

generated system report.

The following administration page sections will be discussed in their own

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respective chapters, immediately following this one, due to their range of

te te

respective topics:

 Configuring Facets
License Management

 Cluster Management

Server Configuration Administration


Server Configuration

1. Log in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Server Configuration section. If
prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g., opentext).

Pa ge 2- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

The Server Configuration page is displayed.

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Figure 2-1: Administration Pages


Additional Enterprise Menu Items


You can add URLs to the Enterprise menu quickly and easily from the
Additional Enterprise Menu Items page.

Add Additional Enterprise Menu Items

1. Click Additional Enterprise Menu Items.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2-3

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

The Additional Enterprise Menu Items page is displayed.

Figure 2-2:

Additional Enterprise
Menu Items
O oN
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n tD
Te i
xt str

Add Menu Item When the Additional Enterprise Menu Item page is first used, it is already
to accept Name and URL entries, however, when the page is revisited
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after an entry has been made, it is necessary to click Add Menu Item to
create a new item, otherwise your entry will overwrite the previous one.
te te

Deleting An Item To delete an Additional Enterprise Menu Item, select it and click the

delete icon (i.e., ; the buttons shown here horizontally for



Name The name of the added URL appearing beneath a separator under the

default Enterprise menu items. The name can be up to 30 characters in


The order of the added item within the Enterprise menu is determined by

the order specified in the list -- either based on the order of entry, or by
using the up/down arrows (i.e., ; the buttons shown here

horizontally for convenience).

URL The URL can be any valid HTTP or HTTPS destination or location.

The URL that you add can be to any web page that Content Server can
access using HTTP or HTTPS protocol. The only requirement is that URL
is not a dynamic one (i.e., URL attributes or arguments do not change).

Pa ge 2- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

Administrators should keep in mind that any site added to this menu
should be accessible to all users, for example, a link to your company’s
web site, or to frequently traveled locations within your organization.

The Content Server service must be restarted for the change to

take effect.

2. Enter Google for the Name and for the URL.
3. Click Add Menu Item.
O oN

4. Enter ODG Ports for the Name and http://localhost/ for the URL
pe o

5. Click Submit.
n tD

The Server Configuration Administration section is displayed.

Te i

6. Restart the Content Server service using Windows Services.

xt str

7. Open a separate browser window or tab and navigate to the Enterprise

In ibu

8. From the Global Menu bar, select Enterprise.

te te

The Enterprise menu is displayed, including the added URL items..


Figure 2-3:

All Links on the Enterprise


Menu Can Be Viewed by

All Content Server Users

9. Click on each additional menu item to test it out, clicking the back browser
button to return the browser to the Enterprise Workspace.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2-5

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

10. Close the additional Enterprise Workspace browser window or tab when
done testing the Additional Menu Items.

The Additional Menu Items are stored to the opentext.ini

configuration file for the Content Server instance, for example,
as illustrated in the following:

menu_002={'ODG Ports','http://localhost'}
O oN
pe o

From the 3-0187 - Content Server Installation and Configuration

course, you will recall that a number of Content Server instance settings
n tD

are stored within the opentext.ini file.

Te i

If you are working with multiple Content Server instances, as in a

distributed or high availably deployment, any changes you make to one
xt str

opentext.ini configuration file are “not cluster safe”). Therefore, you

must remember to manually reconcile opentext.ini configuration
In ibu

settings in these (e.g., Additional Menu Items) circumstances.

te te

Administer Date/Time

Administrators can configure Content Server’s displayed time and date


formats, so they conform to the standard formats used by your



If more than one language is enabled, as in the case with the Outdoor

Gear system, the date and time formats can be configured individually for

each language.

You can specify formats for the following date settings:

 Time Zone, which lets you set Content Server to automatically

calculate and display the correct time in each user's local time zone.
By default, Content Server displays the local time at the server's
 Input Date, which specifies how users must enter dates and times
when prompted for this information by Content Server
 Short Display Date, which controls how Content Server displays
short-format dates. This format includes the day of the week, which
precedes the date display
 Long Display Date, which governs how Content Server displays long-
format dates

Pa ge 2- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

By default, all three date settings are the same: month/day/year, with a
two-digit month, a four-digit year, a 12-hour clock, and the slash (/) as the

Administer Date/Time

1. Click Administer Date/Time.

The Administer Date/Time page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 2-4: Administer Date/Time Page

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2-7

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

Time Zone Content Server stores dates in coordinated universal time (UTC) format
Configuration within the database. The Administer Date/Time page allows you to
configure date and time input and display options:
 Users in different time zones may find it more convenient to see
Content Server activities posted in their local times, rather than in the
server time. You can use the Enable Time Zone Offset feature to
provide all users with a “local” view of all the time stamps for each
separate localized language
 You can also control the entry and display format of dates for each
separate localized language. The Input Date Format applies anywhere
that users enter dates, such as in an attribute field. The Short Display
O oN

Date Format is used on pages such as a folder “browser” page, and the
Long Display Date Format is used on pages such as Info pages
pe o

Enable Time Zone Offset Select the Enable Time Zone Offset setting to override the [DBMS] server
n tD

Te i

The Content Server service needs to be restarted and any open browsers
need to be completely closed, before users sign in with their respective
xt str

time zone offsets.

In ibu

The effect for users, as illustrated in the following example, is that the
date/time that appears with an offset. In this specific scenario, Fred adds
te te

a new version of a document and system displays a modification date for

the GMT-5 time zone, however, Susan sees the same document but with a

time offset appropriate for her time zone (GMT +3).


Figure 2-5: Example of Time Zone Offsets

Pa ge 2- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

Data Picker Year Content Server bases the Date Picker Year Range based on the lower/
Range minimum and upper/maximum year values found in the [dateformts]
section of the opentext.ini file. The default values are 1990 and 2027
respectfully, as illustrated in the figure below.


Figure 2-6: InputDateMaxYear=2027

Year Range in opentext.ini TwoDigitYears=FALSE

O oN

pe o

The default minimum and maximum year values of the range can be
n tD

modified from either Admin pages > Server Configuration > Administer
Te i

Date / Time and Date Picker Year Range setting or alternatively from
Admin pages > Languages > Administer Date/Time and the Date Picker
xt str

Year Range setting.

In ibu

Any changes to these Date/Time settings will require a Content

te te

Server service restart.


Date/Time settings stored in the opentext.ini file would also

have to be reconciled with other ini files if the system was


Table 2-2: Administer Date/Time vs. Opentext.ini Settings

Administer Date/Time Opentext.ini Settings Keyboard


Settings Accessible*

Year Range From InputDateMinYear No


Year Range To InputDateMaxYear No

Enable Year Range In WantYearRange Yes


Enable Time Zone Offset WantTimeZone No

n/a TwoDigitYears Yes

Two-Digit Year SeparateCentury Yes

*Some of the Date/Time settings are only applicable if the user has the Enhanced
Keyboard Accessible Mode enabled (or if this setting has been enabled for the entire

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2-9

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 2-7: Year Drop-Down with Keyboard Accessible

A 4-digit year displays in a classic drop-down list and conforms to the


range of years specified on the Administer Date/Time page when a user


(i.e., Linus Lending) has Keyboard Accessible menus enabled (i.e., Tools >
Settings > General > Enhanced Keyboard Accessibility Mode).

2. Select Enable Year Range in Calendar.

3. Update the Year Range from 1990 to 2027 to values of 2010 and 2030.
4. Click the OK button at the bottom of the page.

Pa ge 2- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

A Content Server service restart is required when it writes the updated

values to the opentext.ini file.

Figure 2-8:

Restart Is Required
O oN
pe o

n tD

5. Click the Restart button.

Te i

Content Server displays that it is restarting Content Server.

xt str
In ibu

Figure 2-9:
te te

Service Restarting

When the restart is complete, you are notified of the success.


Figure 2-10:

Restart Successful

6. Click the Continue button.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 -1 1

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

The resulting values entered on the Administer Date/Time page are

stored to the opentext.ini file.



Figure 2-11:
Year Range in opentext.ini

O oN

pe o

n tD

Valid year values for the Administer Date/Time page are

Te i

integers in the range of 0 through to 9999.

There is no validation of the corresponding values stored to the
xt str

opentext.ini file.
In ibu
te te

In situations where nonsensical values for the year range have been
used (e.g., 0 and 9999), the Calendar Control will default to its native

behavior and display +/- 10 years relative to the current year (i.e.,
display 2006 as the From year in 2016.

Cluster Management
Cluster Management and its range of topics is discussed in a subsequent


Configure Facets
Configure Facets and its range of topics is discussed in a subsequent

Pa ge 2- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

Configure Functions Menu

The Configure Function Menu page allows administrators to determine
where functions appear on the Functions Menu, so you can decide
whether an item's function appears in the main part of the Functions
menu or hidden from users in the More submenu. Item functions are
grouped together, based on their similarities, with the most common
functions appearing at the top of the menu.

Table 2-3: Function Menu Groups

Function Menu Groups Description

O oN

Group 1 GET IT Allows the user to retrieve the item or its data.
pe o

Group 2 AFFECT ITS Allows the user to change an aspect of the item.
n tD

Group 3 AFFECT ITS Allows the user to copy, move, or create an item from
Te i

LOCATION another item.

xt str

Group 4 TRACK IT, Informs the user that something happened to the
In ibu

Group 5 COMMUNICATE Allows the user to inform other users about the item.
te te

Group 6 AFFECT ACCESS Allows the user to control or permit access to items.

Group 7 SUB AREAS, Allows the user to access module functionality.


Group 8 STILL LOOKING Allows the user to find similar items.


Group 9 REMOVE IT Allows the user to delete items.


Group 10 DETAILS which allows the user to view, delete, or change item

Group 11 Deals with Content Move Jobs.


Group 12 Deals with other items.

Administrators will notice that the Functions menu has additional

components or menu options due to the addition of Content Server
modules that are now part of the core product, including: WebReports
and ActiveView. In the following Step Set, it illustrates how menu items
can be rearranged to suit the needs of the organization.

Configure Functions Menu

1. Click Configure Functions Menu.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 -1 3

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

The [top portion of the] Configure Functions Menu page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 2-12: Configure Functions Menu

Administrators are reminded that they can personalize their

Content Server installation by moving menu options from the
main menu to the ‘More’ menu, to simplify or streamline the
main menu for most users.

Pa ge 2- 14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

2. In a separate browser window or tab, navigate to the Enterprise

Workspace and then to an ActiveView item (e.g., Enterprise Workspace >
Course Material > 3-0119 ActiveView > AV Demos > AV Demo - Chapter
1 (Intro) folder).
3. Click the ActiveView’s Functions Menu to display the available
WebReport-related functions that are part of ‘Group 0 & 1’.

The ActiveView’s Functions menu is displayed:

O oN
pe o

n tD

Figure 2-13:
Te i

Moving Group Menu

Functions to More
xt str
In ibu
te te

In a bid to simplify the menu for most users, some of the Group 1 menu
options can been relocated or moved to the More menu.

4. On the Configure Functions Menu administration page, change all of the


Group 0 actions from Main to More.

5. Also change all of the Group 1 actions for ActiveViews or WebReports

from Main to More.


6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save Changes.


7. Back in the separate browser window or tab, and the ActiveView item (e.g.,
Enterprise Workspace > Course Material > 3-0119 ActiveView > AV
Demos > AV Demo - Chapter 1 (Intro) folder), once again click the
ActiveView’s Functions Menu to display the available WebReport-related
functions that are part of ‘Group 0 & 1’.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 -1 5

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

The updated Functions menu has many of the Group 0 and 1 options
appearing under the More submenu, as illustrated in the following figure:

Figure 2-14:

Moving Group Menu

O oN

Functions to More
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str

8. Close the browser window viewing the ActiveView item.

In ibu
te te

Configure Performance Settings


Administrators can modify a number of Content Server performance


settings found on the Configure Performance Settings page.


Looking for Number of Sessions, Number of Threads or

ReceiveBeforeSend? These settings have moved to the Server

Configuration page.

Configure Performance Settings

1. Click Configure Performance Settings.

Pa ge 2- 16 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

The Configure Performance Settings page is displayed.

Figure 2-15:

Configure Performance
Settings Page
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

Web Caching Web caching allows items served by Content Server to be cached by the
xt str

Web server and it applies to any content that is saved or opened (i.e.,
downloaded or opened) to the desktop. Future requests for the same URL
In ibu

are handled by the Web cache, instead of asking Content Server for the
item again.
te te

The Web caching setting is disabled by default, but it can be


enabled to improve performance.


Cache Expiration The default time, in minutes, to keep cache data that does not have a
specified expiration. The default is 4320 minutes.

File Buffer Size This setting allows you to configure the file buffer size when copying

items to and from the External File Store. The file buffer size must be
entered in bytes and the value must be between 16384 (16 KB) and

2097152 (2 MB). By default, the file buffer size used for copying items is
524288 (512 KB).

The Web Cache setting can be enabled, while the default

settings for the Cache Expiration and File Buffer Size default
setting values should not be changed unless advised to do so by

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 -1 7

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

Configure Presentation
The Configure Presentation administrative pages enable you to set some
of the basic appearance and behavior of Content Server. The settings on
these pages affect the Content Server folders and other containers,
methods of uploading and opening Content Server items, the appearance
of icons and thumbnails, and other such settings.

Administrative options and links are described in the following table:

Table 2-4: Configure Presentation Administration Pages

Administration Page Link Description

O oN
pe o

Configure Container Allows you to configure the way users browse


Options containers and items in Content Server.

n tD

Configure Document Enable or disable the Document Overview page as

Overview Function the default target for a Document or Version link.
Te i

Configure Login Screen Configure the custom HTML message that is

xt str

Message displayed on the login screen.

Configure Promoted Configure the functions that will be promoted on the

In ibu

Functions Detail List View, View as Web Page, and Properties

te te

Configure Sidebar Configure the browse view sidebar and sidebar



Configure Small and Large Enable or disable large and small icon views.
Icon Views

Configure Thumbnails Configure the behavior of thumbnail in Content



Default DOCTYPE for DOCTYPE is short for "document type declaration".


HTML Pages Browsers use this information to properly to display


page elements and attributes.


Project Settings Define the project settings, such as project status

indicator and project overview presentation.

Configure Presentation

1. Click Configure Presentation.

Pa ge 2- 18 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

The Configure Presentation page is displayed.

Figure 2-16:

Configure Presentation
O oN

pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu

Configure Container Options

te te

The Configure Container Option page allows you to configure Content

Server navigation, pagination, column customization and other container


Configure Container Options

1. Click Configure Container Options.


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 -1 9

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

The Configure Presentation page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 2-17: Configure Container Options


Pa ge 2- 20 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

Scrolling down the page displays the bottom half of the page:

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 2-18: Configure Container Options (Continued)


Navigation Set the default navigation style (i.e., as a list or as a hyperlinked trail) and

decide whether or not to allow users to configure it on their Settings page.

Smart View UI The Configure Container Options page contains the administration

setting for enabling the Smart View UI option.


When Content Server v16.0 is initially installed, or alternatively


upgrading to v16.0, the Smart View option is disabled by default.

To enable the option, Select Enable Smart View Link and Save Changes
at the bottom of the page to enable the Smart View option.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 -2 1

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

The Smart View option is displayed in the Global Menu bar > My Account
menu, as illustrated below, but it only displays if:
 The option has been enabled by an administrator, as noted above
 A user is in the Browse View of a container, located in the Enterprise
or a Project workspace (i.e., this excludes the Personal Workspace), in
O oN the Classic UI, that is also accessible in the Smart View UI)
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str

Figure 2-19: Smart View Menu Option from the Classic UI

In ibu
te te

Pagination Enabling Folders and Workspaces to use pagination makes browsing

containers with large numbers of items more efficient. When pagination

is enabled, users can sort contents in a container, making it easier for


them to find items. Administrators can configure the number of items that
display in containers throughout Content Server. If the number of items

in a container is smaller than the number specified, the arrows that

appear for browsing to previous and subsequent pages do not appear.

Pagination for the entire system can also be disabled. When pagination is
disabled, users will see all contents within a container on one page.

Column This topic will be addressed in the section on Facets and GUI

Customization customization.

Featured Items By default, Featured Items are also located in the standard browse list.
This setting allows them to be removed.

Filtering By default, filtering is enabled.

The Content Filter sidebar and filtering are mutually exclusive.

When both the sidebar and filtering are enabled, filtering will
only be available on those containers not eligible to display the

Pa ge 2- 22 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

Drag and Drop A Content Server System Administrator has the ability to modify these
Administration default settings to meet the requirements of their users.
Scroll down to the Drag and Drop section of the page.

Enable Drag and Drop DnD functionality is enabled by default; however, system administrators
can disable this functionality as required for their organization.

Add Version Also by default, DnD will add a version of the file if the [same] file name
already exists in the destination or target Browse View folder.

Maximum Number of Files Content Server is configured to only allow 500 files, by default, to be
Allowed In A Drop dropped during a single transaction.
O oN

Maximum File Size For A The system is also configured to limit the size of individual files to 100
pe o

Drag and Dropped File MB.

n tD

Skipped Since the Admin page settings constrain file size and file quantity during a
single DnD operation or transaction, these would represent a pair of
Te i

conditions where files would be skipped. The corresponding files would

appear on the skipped details list.
xt str

A file will be skipped if:

In ibu

 The file already exists in the destination or target Browse View folder;
te te

a new version of the file may be added, depending on the DnD

configuration settings

 If you try to Drag and Drop a folder and not a file


 If you try to Drag and Drop more files than the configured maximum

 If a file size exceeds the configured maximum


 If a file name is greater than 248 characters in length


Configure Document Overview Function


Enable or disable the Document Overview page as the default target for a
document or version link.

Configure Login Screen Message

This is the initial screen you will see when logging into Content Server. If
Directory Services is being used for authentication, then this screen will
never be displayed.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 -2 3

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

Promoted Document Functions

You can make certain document-management functions easier to find in
the user interface by promoting them. Promoted functions are displayed
more prominently for Documents on the Detail View page of containers
and Workspaces, and the View as Web Page and Properties pages for

By default, both the Display on Detail List View and Display on Properties
& View as Web Page are enabled. Users see the Edit, Open, Download and
Comments as buttons on Properties and View as Web Page pages, and as
links on the Detail view of a folder.
O oN

As illustrated in the figure below, Edit, Open, Download and Comments

pe o

functions have been promoted to appear on a document’s General

Properties page.
n tD

2. Click Promoted Document Functions.

Te i

Configure Prompted Functions page is displayed.

xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 2-20:

Configure Presentation

Configure Sidebar

This topic is discussed in the section on Facets and GUI customization.


Configure Small and Large Icon Views

By default, these view options are disabled so users will just see the Detail

Pa ge 2- 24 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

Default DOCTYPE for HTML Pages

The DocType declaration is an instruction to the web browser about what
version of the markup language the page is written in. It should be the
first thing in every HTML document, but if some of your documents are
missing this declaration, having it here provides a system default.

Project Settings
The Project Settings allows administrators to configure default project
O oN

appearance and behavior, including:

pe o

 The default start page for a project as either the Project's Overview
page or the Project Workspace
n tD

 Displaying either a project menu or a project icon bar in all Project

Te i

 The look of the Overview.html page, which provides project
xt str

participants with a personalized view of items in a project

In ibu

If you change a project setting, the change applies to both new

te te

projects and existing projects.


For example, if you clear the My Tasks check box in the

Navigation section, the My Tasks icon will no longer display in

the Project Icon bar.


Configure Security Parameters


Some of the previous security parameters have been superseded by


OTDS password and security policies, including:


 Password Expiration Date

 One-way Encrypted Password
 Log-in Cookie Expiration Date
 Password Retries - User

Configure Security Parameters

1. Click Configure Security Parameters.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 -2 5

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

The Configure Security Parameters page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 2-21: Configure Security Parameters


HTTP-only Cookies The HTTP-only Cookies section allows you to specify whether the
httpOnly attribute is added to all Content Server cookies. If enabled, all
cookies will be marked with the http-Only attribute. To browsers that
support it, this attribute indicates that a cookie should not be made
available to scripting. By default, this option is disabled. Enabling HTTP-
only Cookies disables Cluster Management.

Pa ge 2- 26 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

Cookie Encryption Content Server creates an authentication cookie using the user's numeric
Key ID and other values that you can specify. The values that you select are
necessary to authenticate requests after logging in. The Cookie
Encryption Key lets you provide a text string for use as the key that
encrypts a Content Server authentication cookie. If a key is not specified
in this field, Content Server uses a default key. However, OpenText
strongly recommends that you change this value to a unique key.

Data Encryption Key Content Server also uses a Data Encryption Key, which lets you provide a
text string for use as the key that encrypts the database administrator's
password when it is included in a Content Server request. If a key is not
specified in this field, Content Server uses a default key. However,
O oN

OpenText strongly recommends that you change this value to a unique

pe o

Cookie When configuring the authentication cookie, you can include the client's
n tD

Authentication IP address as a value. The Client IP address list lets you apply a bit mask
when comparing the IP addresses of different requests. The bit mask
Te i

indicates which portion of the IP address is to be compared; the nonzero
elements of the IP address are compared to the IP address placed in the
xt str

cookie at log-in. For instance, if is selected, only the first two
elements will be compared. This makes it possible to verify that requests
In ibu

are coming from the same network, without requiring identical IP

te te

addresses. By default, this field is set to (Compare

Entire IP Address).

If selected, Enable X-Forwarded-For for Client IP mapping tells Content


Server to read the client IP address from the X-Forwarded-For HTTP

header. Otherwise, Content Server reads the IP address from the

request. Trusted Proxy Server List tells Content Server which X-


Forwarded-For proxy IPs to trust.

You can optionally choose to include the Owner ID in the authentication


cookie. This is the ID of the user who created the user.


You can also set authentication cookies to expire. After the specified

interval, Content Server requires a user to log in again. Since Cookie

Expiration involves additional interaction with the database, it may have
an impact on performance. By default, cookies are set to expire 30
minutes after the last action is performed.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 -2 7

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

Log-in Cookie You can set the cookie expiration date to manage cookies for the Content
Expiration Date Server log-in page. This parameter controls the language display when
users have multiple language packs installed. A cookie on the Content
Server log-in page remembers a user’s language selection until they are
authenticated, after which it uses their preferred language.

The cookie expiration date is calculated based on the date and time value
of a user's computer, not the date and time of Content Server. The
number of days must be a positive integer between 1 and 999. By default,
the log-in cookies are set to expire after 8 days.

Log-in Connection This section helps secure Content Server against repeated failed user
O oN

login attempts, multiple concurrent sessions being opened by the same

user, and cross-site forgery requests.
pe o

Enabling Disable simultaneous sessions from multiple machines prevents

n tD

users from simultaneously accessing Content Server from more than one
computer. If you enable this feature, users can sign in to Content Server
Te i

from one computer, but if they sign in a second time from another
computer, the first Content Server session is terminated.
xt str

In the except for hosts field, you can provide a comma-delimited list of IP
In ibu

addresses for any computers to which this feature does not apply. Also,
you can specify a single * wildcard character to indicate multiple
te te

computers. For example, a valid entry is: 123.45.*,192.*, By

default, this option is disabled.

The Allow log-in via HTTP GET request setting specifies the default login

behavior. When this option is enabled, users are allowed to sign in to

Content Server using an HTTP Get request, which stores their sign in

credentials in a bookmark. When this option is disabled, users are


required to sign in again when that session’s cookies expire. This option is
disabled by default.

The Require secure request token setting, if enabled, helps to prevent


cross-site request forgery: an attack whereby a user unknowingly

initiates an action that takes place in software to which the user has

already logged on. The secure request token is a value that is shared from
the server to the browser when the user performs certain actions. This
value must accompany requests for other actions. If the value is not
present, the requested action is invalid. This option is disabled by default.

Pa ge 2- 28 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

Password Retries This section defines the numbers of times an incorrect password can
entered by a Content Server Web Administrator and Admin before the
log-in is disabled, and whether to send an email to the Administrator. By
default, these options are enabled.

Password policy for users can be set in OTDS. For more information, see
OpenText Directory Services with the OTDS Web Client - Installation
and Administration Guide (OTDS-IWC).

The login policies include options to alert administrators of policy

exceptions by email, as specified on the Configure Server Parameters
page. If the Administrator email address is not specified, the notification
message is not sent. For more information about specifying the
O oN

Administrator email address, see Configuring Basic Server Parameters.

pe o

Web Administrator If too many incorrect password attempts are made to enter the Web
n tD

Administrator password, the Web Administrator password entry can be

disabled for a period of time to reduce exposure to possible brute-force
Te i

password guessing, by:

xt str

 Disable log-in when password incorrect, which enables you to specify

actions when a Web Administrator’s log-in fails.
In ibu

 Number of allowable log-in attempts before the account is disabled.

By default, this setting is enabled, and the number of allowed failed
te te

log-in attempts is set to 5.


 Number of minutes log-in is disabled, which allows you to specify how

long the Web Administrator must wait before attempting to log-in

again. By default, this setting is enabled, and the number of minutes is

set to 5.

Send email to the Administrator when log-in is disabled, which allows


you to specify the Content Server Administrator should receive an
email whenever the specified number of log-in attempts is exceeded.

Admin The Admin account is essential, and cannot be disabled without impacting

the system. This policy allows you to alert Admins to the possibility that

someone is trying to guess the password, by:

 Send email to Administrator on too many password failures, which

allows you to specify whether the Content Server Administrator
should receive an email whenever the specified number of log-in
attempts is exceeded.
 Password failure threshold, which allows you to specify the number of
times an Admin can attempt to log in to Content Server before an
email is sent. By default, this setting is enabled, and the number of
allowed failed log-in attempts is set to 5.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 -2 9

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

The disable log-in feature does not apply to the Content Server Admin
account. You can protect the Content Server Admin account by allowing
only certain client IP addresses access. For more information about
limiting Content Server Admin account log-in attempts by IP address, see
Limiting Admin Account Log-ins by IP Address.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 2-22: Configure Security Parameters

Frame Embedding You can optionally choose to prevent request handlers from being
embedded in external frames by selecting the Prevent request option. By
default, this option is selected.

Pa ge 2- 30 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

Request Argument When Request Argument Filtering is enabled, all client requests to
Filtering Content Server are compared with the values in the Filter String field. By
default, these fields are blank. If any matches are found, the request is

The filter list is delimited by a separator that you specify. For example, if
you use a comma (,) as the separator, type three filters as:

The separator is configurable to prevent conflicts with desired filters. For

example, if you want to use a backslash as the separator, type:
O oN
pe o

Container Size The Hide Number of Items check box in the Container Size Display field

Display prevents users from displaying how many items are in a container.
n tD

Note: This setting applies to Prospectors as well. Prospector nodes

Te i

display an empty size value when this parameter is set.

xt str

Secure Request Token The Secure Request Token Expiration field is part of an enhanced security
Expiration framework that allows requests to access authentication token (cookie)
generation and verification functionality. A token can be passed between
In ibu

sequential requests and ensure that appropriate security checks occur.

te te

The default setting is set to timeout after 300 seconds.


Content Server Client The Content Server Client Hosts field contains the IP addresses of
Hosts servers from which requests are to be accepted. By default, the field is

blank, and all client connections are accepted.


Trusted Referring The Trusted Referring Websites parameter is a security measure used to

Websites prevent other users from exploiting your website. The sites contained in
this list appear in an HTTP Referrer header, which validates HTTP
requests coming from another website. If a request comes from an

unauthorized website, the action will not be permitted, and an error


message is displayed.

For Enterprise Process Services Integration, you must enter the Trusted
Referring Websites parameter in the following format: http://<PW
Server>, where <PW Server> is the computer where Process Workplace
(the web server part of Enterprise Process Services) is running.

Document Functions The Document Functions area contains radio buttons to enable and
disable the Open and View as Web Page functions in Content Server.
When these functions are enabled, users can open a document in its
native application, or view them as web pages, by clicking the document’s
link. When disabled, the Open option does not appear on a document’s
Functions menu or on the Overview page. The Open Document function
is disabled by default.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 -3 1

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

Trusted Cross The Trusted Cross Domains field allows you to manage Content Server
Domains and third party web application integrations. You register the <key>;
<target> pair where <key> is a value to be passed in as a URL parameter
and will perform the registration lookup and <target> is a registered URL
path to the target resource (third party web application).

Note: For Enterprise Process Services Integration, you must enter the
Trusted Cross Domains parameter in the following format: pw;http://
<PW server>/pw/client/csbrowse.htm, where <PW Server> is the
computer where Process Workplace (the web server part of Enterprise
Process Services) is running.
O oN
pe o

Configure Server Parameters


n tD

The Configure Server Parameters page would have been originally

viewed when Content Server was initially installed, as discussed in the 3-
Te i

0187 - Content Server Installation and Configuration course. The page,

however, can be accesses from the Administration pages review or
xt str

change the respective settings.

In ibu

Configure Server Parameters

te te

1. Click Configure Server Parameters.


Pa ge 2- 32 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

The Configure Server Parameters page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 2-23: Configure Server Parameters


You can modify the following settings:

URL Prefix for / The URL prefix, also known as the virtual directory alias, is mapped to the
support Directory support directory during the installation of Content Server. By default,
the support directory is located at the root installation level: /
installation_path/support. It is normally not necessary to change URL
prefix; however, if you modify it, you must make the change in Content
Server and the web server.

The default value for the URL prefix is /img/. Remember to use a forward
slash (/) before and after the URL prefix.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 -3 3

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

Content Server The Administrator password is one that you use to access the
Administrator Administration pages. Do not confuse this password with the password
Password for the Admin user. After the initial Content Server installation, you
should change the default Admin password. You can set a new
Administrator password on the Configure Server Parameters page by
selecting the Change Administrator Password check box. The new
password takes effect the next time you log in as the administrator.

Site Name The Site Name is the name that is displayed throughout Content Server.
The site name should be a simple, user friendly name. The default Site
Name is Content Server.
O oN

Administrator E-mail If you provide an email address for the Administrator, a link to the
Address address appears on the User Log-in page.
pe o

Categories Upgrade This parameter enables you to set the refresh rate of the progress
n tD

Batch Processing window during batch Category upgrade operations. The default refresh
rate is 200 items, which means the progress window will refresh every
Te i

time 200 Categories are processed.

xt str

Configure Edit/ This parameter allows you to specify a maximum number of items that
Organize users can put on one page. The default is a maximum of 100 items per
In ibu

te te

Note: This limitation applies only to Edit/Organize pages. Pages that have

an associated Edit/Organize page include the My Favorites and My

Projects pages. When the Maximum Items Per Page limit is exceeded,

Content Server splits the Edit/Organize page into multiple pages. The
limit then applies to each split page individually.

Default User Start This parameter allows you to select one of the following pages, which is

Page where users are brought to when they first log in:
Enterprise Workspace, which displays your organization's home page

when users sign in

 My Workspace, which displays each user's Personal Workspace when


users sign in
 About Content Server, which displays the About Content Server page
when users sign in

If you select About Content Server, you need to decide if you want to
require that your users login in order to view the page. If you want to
require that your users login, select the "About Content Server" Requires
Login check box. This option is disabled by default.

Administer Icons for When enabled, this parameter allows users to select additional icons for
Folders Content Server folders. This parameter is disabled by default.

Pa ge 2- 34 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

Scroll down, to display the bottom half of the page.

O oN
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n tD
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xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 2-24: Configure Server Parameters (Continued)


Duration of New and You can specify the number of days items have the New or Modified icons
Modified Indicators next to them when items are added or changed. By default, the New icon
appears for 2 days after an item is added; the Modified icon appears for 7
days after an item is changed.

Multiple Address You can change the character that is inserted between multiple recipient
Separator for URL addresses in message composition windows. If your organization
predominately uses Microsoft email applications, you should choose a
semi-colon for the address separator.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 -3 5

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

Server Logging You can modify the logging options for the Admin server on the Configure
Options Server Parameters page or the Configure Debug Settings page. For more
information, see Configuring Server Logging. The following logging
options are available:
 No logging, which disables logging for the Content Server server. This
is the default setting
 Thread logging, which generates the following log files in the
OTHOME/logs directory: llserver.out, sockserv1.out, thread<c>.out
(one per thread)
 Detailed thread logging, which generates the same log files as Thread
logging, but in verbose mode. Verbose mode includes information
O oN

about the relevant environment variables in the thread logs

pe o

 Thread & CGI logging, which generates the following log files in the
OTHOME/logs directory: llserver.out, sockserv1.out, thread<n>.out
n tD

(one per thread), receiver<n>.out (one each per thread),

llclient<nnn>.out (one per request to the CGI program from an end-
Te i

user web browser), llindexupdate<nnn>.out (one per start of the

Enterprise Extractor), and indexupdateOut<nnn>.out (one per stop of
xt str

the Enterprise Extractor)

In ibu

When using LLServlet instead of the CGI, llclient<nnn>.out is replaced by

servletclient<nnn>.out. One file is generated for each thread number as
te te

determined by your servlet container's Java Virtual Machine. Each time a


client browser sends LLServlet a request, a new servletclient<nnn>.out

file is created. If a file name with that number, <nnn>, already exists, the

request's information is appended to the end of the existing file.


The number of connect<n>.log files is equal to the number of threads that

Content Server is running. If you are diagnosing a problem, you can

temporarily set the Content Server to run on a single thread. This allows
you to find diagnostic information in a single file. Because running on a

single thread severely impairs the performance of the Server, OpenText

recommends that you run in single thread mode during periods of low

usage only and that you return the Server to its original thread setting

after you complete your diagnosis.

Enhanced Keyboard Enhanced Keyboard Accessibility Mode permits the user interface to be
Accessibility Mode manipulated using keyboard commands. However, certain features that
depend on Java, such as the Text Editor, are disabled when Enhanced
Keyboard Accessibility Mode is used. This option is disabled by default.
When you enable this option, all users are required to use this mode.

Character Set You can specify the character set web browsers use when displaying the
user interface. For more information, see HTMLcharset in the [general]
section of the Opentext.ini File Reference.

Pa ge 2- 36 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

Upload Directory The Upload Directory parameter is used to restrict the location from
which Content Server accepts Documents for upload. The directory
specified in this field must be accessible to both the web server and the
Admin server. OpenText recommends that you specify the full path to the
directory in this field.

Receive Before Send This setting reduces the amount of time the Server must dedicate to
downloading and opening documents. The default setting for Receive
Before Send is set to TRUE. When ReceiveBeforeSend=TRUE, the
Server's responses are buffered to the web server, which then assumes
control of sending the contents to the browser. This allows the available
server threads to move on to other requests more quickly. From an end-
O oN

user perspective, fetching and downloading documents will still take the
same amount of time.
pe o

Server Threads This setting defines the number of threads used by Content Server. The
n tD

default Number of Threads is 8.

Te i

Number of Sessions This setting defines the maximum number of user log-in sessions cached
on a server thread. The default value of the Number of Sessions is set to
xt str

100. When the maximum number of sessions is reached, the oldest user
log-in session is dropped. User log-in sessions are cached independently
In ibu

on each thread. When a user returns to a thread after their log-in

te te

information has been dropped from the cache, it will take slightly longer
to execute their next request. The lower the maximum number of

sessions, the less memory the server must dedicate to tracking user log-in
sessions on each thread. The larger the number, however, the less often

the server will drop user log-in information from the cache. A Server's
memory consumption can be large for a system running many threads.

You may want to try different values for the maximum number of

sessions, depending on how many users are accessing your Content

Server system.

Configure Server There are several elements on the Configure Server Parameters page

Parameters (Interface related to the interface.


The Site Name section allows you to create a friendly name for your
Content Server instance that will appear on the Login page.

The many system configuration elements on this page are

discussed in detail in the chapter on General Server

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 -3 7

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

You can create your own images to augment the 24 existing

folder icon choices. Any gifs you create must be added to the
OTHome\folder_icons directory. The gif name must contain only
numbers, letters and the underscore symbol.
All Content Server icons should meet the following criteria:
 GIF format
 16 x 16 pixels for small icon
 32 x 32 pixels for large icon
 Folders need both icons to display properly (if the GIF is not
sized correctly, it will be adjusted) automatically.
O oN

If you remove a GIF, the folders and Browse Views associated

pe o

with it display a broken link where the image used to be.

n tD
Te i

Configuring System Messages

xt str

News items are a great way to inform people at your site quickly and
efficiently. Administrators can add system messages that appear below
In ibu

the search bar, to all users in every folder. Use the Configure System
te te

Messages page (in the Server Configuration area) to set up this message.

You are limited to a short Headline for system messages, compared to a

standard News item. However, you can provide a URL to a full news story

in any Channel you choose, to a new web page, intranet page, or any other

Adding a URL link makes the scrolling headline ‘click-able’ and sends you
to the news story or other content you have provided.

System Messages look similar to regular news items but there are two
important differences:

They appear on every folder in Content Server and every user can see

 They have no expiration date. They must be manually deleted to stop
them from appearing in the news ticker

Configure System Messages

1. Click Configure System Messages.

Pa ge 2- 38 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

The Configure System Messages page is displayed.

Figure 2-25:

Configure System
Messages Page
O oN
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n tD
Te i

Add Message When the Configure System Messages page is first used, it is already to
xt str

accept Name, Headline, and URL entries, however, when the page is
revisited after an entry has been made, it is necessary to click Add
Message to create a new item, otherwise your entry will overwrite the
In ibu

previous one.
te te

Deleting A Message To delete an a System Message, select it and click the delete icon (i.e.,

; the buttons are shown here horizontally for convenience).


Name The name of the System Message does not appear to end users, only as
part of the pick list to the left and when storing the message information

to Content Server (i.e., opentext.ini). The name can be up to 30 characters


in length.

The order of the added item within the pick list is determined by the order

specified in the list -- either based on the order of entry, or but using the

up/down arrows (i.e., ; the buttons shown here horizontally


for convenience).

Headline The headline is the text that displays in every folder’s news ticker. The
name can be up to 30 characters in length.

URL The URL can be any valid HTTP or HTTPS destination or location.

The URL that you add can be to any web page that Content Server can
access using HTTP or HTTPS protocol. The only requirement is that URL
is not a dynamic one (i.e., URL attributes or arguments do not change).

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 -3 9

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

Administrators should keep in mind that any URL used in the System
Message should be accessible to all users, for example, a link to your
company’s web site, or to frequently traveled locations within your

The Content Server service must be restarted for the change to

take effect.

2. Enter Restarting Content Server for the Name.

O oN

3. Enter Content Server will be Restarted at 07:00 hrs GMT-5 as the

pe o


4. Enter for the URL.

n tD

5. Accept the default of today’s date as the Effective Date.

Te i

6. Click Submit.
xt str

The Server Configuration Administration section is displayed.

In ibu

7. Restart the Content Server service using Windows Services.

8. Open a separate browser window or tab and navigate to the Enterprise
te te


The System Message is displayed in the news ticker, as illustrated in the


following figure:

Figure 2-26:

System Message Displayed

in Enterprise Workspace
News Ticker

9. You can test the message’s URL by clicking on the link; it redirects you to a
web site that provides details about world time zones.

Pa ge 2- 40 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

10. You can close the additional Enterprise Workspace browser window or tab
when done testing the System Message.

The System Messages are stored to the opentext.ini

configuration file for the Content Server instance, for example,
as illustrated in the following:

news_1={'Content Server will be Restarted at 07:00 hrs
','Restarting Content Server'}
O oN
pe o

n tD

Limit the Admin Account Log-in

Te i

Limit the Admin [User] Account Log-in enables you to restrict where the
Admin User can log in from to specific server IP addresses. By default, this
xt str

account can log onto Content Server from any IP address.

In ibu

As a security measure, however, you can configure Content Server to

prevent the Admin User from logging on unless the log on attempt
te te

originates from an approved IP address.


Administer Date/Time

1. Click Limit the Admin Account Log-in.


The Limit the Admin Log-in page is displayed.


Figure 2-27:

Limit the Admin Log-in


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 -4 1

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

The values that you add to the Allowed IP Addresses field can include an
explicit IP address or an IP address that contains an asterisk (*) that acts
as a wild card to replace portions of the address. Using asterisks lets you
include a group of computers that have portions of their IP address in

To allow Admin to log on locally on the Content Server computer, you

must permit log in from the IP address

As noted, the Content Server service must be restarted, for the changes
to take effect.
O oN

Limit the Admin Account Log-in will not work if TCP IP addresses are
pe o

assigned via DHCP).

n tD
Te i

2. Click Admin Home.

xt str

The Server Configuration Administration section is displayed.

In ibu
te te

Manage Licenses

Manage Licenses and its range of topics is discussed in a subsequent



SLD Registration

System Landscape Directory (SLD) is a central repository of information

about all of the products or modules installed on NetWeaver. You can use

the SLD Registration page in Content Server to generate a SLD file with

Content Server’s information. Once the SLD file is generated, NetWeaver

uses the information to add Content Server to its SLD.

SLD Registration

1. Click SLD Registration.

Pa ge 2- 42 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

The SLD Registration page is displayed.

Figure 2-28:

SLD Registration Page

O oN
pe o

2. Click Admin Home.

n tD

The Server Configuration Administration section is displayed.

Te i
xt str

Specify Server Port

In ibu

During installation, Content Server is configured to listen on a a default

port of 2099.
te te

Although the Specify Server Port page allows an administrator to change


the port used by Content Server (i.e., llserver process), OpenText

recommends that you do not modify this setting, unless advised to do so

by Customer Support or Services representative, in the case of a port

conflict and the issue cannot be resolved in any other way.

The Server Port is another configuration setting that is stored to the

opentext.ini file.

Specify Server Port


1. Click Specify Server Port.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 -4 3

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

The Specify Server Port page is displayed.

Figure 2-29:

Specify Server Port Page

O oN
pe o

Port Number Enter an unused TCP IP port number between 1,025 and 65,535 which
n tD

Content Server use to listen on.

Te i

Family Hint The Family Hint is used to select the address family (i.e., IPv4, IPv6) which
Content Server listens to for requests.
xt str

2. Click Admin Home.

In ibu

The Server Configuration Administration section is displayed.

te te

System Report

A Content Server administrator may generate a system report that

details the contents of the opentext.ini file, the Content Server

installation in general and the database tables.


The primary purpose of the system report is to provide OpenText

Customer Support and Developers with system information to aid in the

troubleshooting of technical issues and provide product information.


You must be logged in as a user with Admin privileges when you run a
system report.

The report is written to a file called sysreport.txt in the logs directory of

your Content Server installation. After the report is run you will be able to
click the link and the text file will be displayed.

If a system report is aborted before it is allowed to complete, it

can become difficult to run another system report. Contact
OpenText Customer Support to resolve this issue.

Pa ge 2- 44 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

Run a System Report

1. Click System Report.

The System Report page is displayed and you are informed if there is no
previously generated system report, as illustrated in the figure below.
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

Figure 2-30:
xt str

Generate System Report

In ibu
te te

Content Server defaults to a Lite System Report which does not include

the following information:


 Node Versions Information

 Content Server Tables Information
 Table Columns Information
 Indexes Information
 Content Server Tablespace Information (Oracle only)
2. Select Full System Report and click Generate.

The page will update and provide details regarding the location and size of
the system report and the status of the report generation. The status will
continue to show Processing … while the report is being generated; the
size of the file will also continue to grow as more information is added to
the report.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 -4 5

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

The Processing status is illustrated in the following figure.

Figure 2-31:

System Report Status

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

The time required to complete the generation of a system report

will vary and depend on a number of factors, including – but not
xt str

limited to – a Lite versus Full report, architecture and network

configuration and the number of items stored in the system.
In ibu
te te

When the report has finished generating, the Status will be updated and
indicate that the report has been Completed, as illustrated in the

following figure.

Figure 2-32:

System Report Completed


The report is available at the specified File Path.

3. Navigate to C:\CS16\logs\ and set the filter the directory for *.txt files.
4. Right-click the sysreport.txt file and select TextPad (Hint: You will want to
choose Configure > Word Wrap in Text Pad to be able to more readily view
the contents of the log file).

Pa ge 2- 46 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

5. Scroll through the file and compare your results against the next figure,
which illustrates some of the initial sections of data, for example the
version of Content Server and the database version being used.
6. Click Admin Home.

The Server Configuration Administration section is displayed.

An example of the first lines of a system report is illustrated in the

subsequent figure. Some reported values such as the version, update, and
database versions may change as a result of patches, updates and/or
service packs being applied to Content Server and/or the DBMS.
O oN

Full report started on: 05/18/2016 13:34:56

pe o

System Info:
Version: 16.0.0
Update: 0
n tD

Build Number: 1
Hostname: TrainOTCS
Te i

IP Address: ::1
Platform: Windows
OS Version: 6.2.9200
Language Code: USA
xt str

[Timing: 5 ms]

License Info:
In ibu

Core License:
Status: Valid
Product Name: OpenText Content Server
te te

Product Version: 16.0.0

Licensed Version: 16.0.0

License Type: Non-Production License

Company Name: OpenText Learning Services Training Use Only
Expiration Date: No Expiration

Licensed Users: 500

Active Users: 123
SUID: 48382-38294

End User Code: EU0025397

Figure 2-33: Module Licenses:

[Timing: 25 ms]
System Report Content
Current Database Info:

Database Type: MSSQL


User Name: CS16
Content Server DB Version: 7,0,4,0

[Timing: 2 ms]

Database Server Info:

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - 11.0.5058.0 - 11.0.5058.0
[Timing: 207 ms]

Application Info:
Number of Workflows: 23
Number of Categories: 12
Number of Additional Node Attributes: 0
[Timing: 23 ms]

Users and Groups Info:

Number of Users: 123
Number of Users with Login Enabled: 123
Number of Groups: 51
Number of Domains: 2
Number of X-Domain Groups: 1
Report ended on: 01/22/2015 15:01:34

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 -4 7

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

The following table provides a description of the sections of information

found in a system report.

Table 2-5: System Report Sections

Report Section Description

System Info Contains system information like Version,

Update, and Build Numbers.

License Info Contains License information.

Current Database Info Contains current database information.

O oN

Database Server Info Contains database server information.

pe o

Application Info Reports the number of Workflows and

Categories in the system.
n tD

Users and Groups Info Reports the number of users and groups in the
Te i


Node Types Info Reports SubType names and integer numbers.

xt str

UI Only Node Types Info Reports SubType names and integer numbers,
In ibu

which appear on the GUI, but are not

represented in the database.
te te

External Storage Info Contains external storage and provider rule



Outdated Date Attributes Info Legacy information.


OSpaces Info Reports OSpaces installed on the system.


Patches trail OSpaces Section All of the instance patch information is

appended to the system report following the
OSpace section.

XDBs Info This section has been removed beginning in 16.


Request Handlers Info Lists Request Handlers (in the OScript system

Custom Modules Info Lists optional module version and dependency


Custom OSpaces info Lists optional module OSpace information.

AgentSchedule Table Contains AgentSchedule [database] table

Information information.

5 Minute Agent Information Contains 5 Minute Agent information.

LLSystemData Table Contains LLSystemData [database] table

Information information.

Pa ge 2- 48 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

Report Section Description

Kini Table Information Contains Kini [database] table information.

OpenText.Ini Info Contents of the opentext.ini configuration file

are reproduced in this section of the report.

Install directory Info A directory listing of files in OTHOME\.

eLink info Reports the number of users or groups who

have elink-subscribed an object, objects that
are elink-enabled etc.

Livelink WebReports info Reports the WebReports licensing status.

O oN
pe o

Node Versions Info Reports versionable SubType names and


integer numbers.
n tD

Additional Database Properties Reports additional database table information

such as snapshot isolation, recovery model and
Te i

xt str

Content Server Tables Info Reports database table information and the
number of rows in each table.
In ibu

Table Columns Info Lists table columns.

te te

Indexes Info Reports table and index information.


Database Triggers Information Reports notify trigger information.


Database Stored Procedure Reports database stored procedures


Document MIME Type Reports document information by MIME Type.




In summary, in this chapter we:

 Add and configure Additional Enterprise Menu items
 Configure the Functions Menu
 Configure Presentation Settings

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 -4 9

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on


This exercise will provide you with an opportunity to practice what you have learned earlier in this
chapter about the configuring some of the settings and options available from the Content Server’s
Server Configuration Administration page.

Administer Server Configurations

1. Sign in using sadmin/letmein.

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Server Configuration Administration section. If

O oN

prompted for the Administration password, enter opentext.

pe o

n tD

Add Additional Enterprise Menu Items

Te i
xt str

1. Click Additional Enterprise Menu Items.

2. Enter Google for the Name and for the URL.
In ibu
te te

3. Click Add Menu Item, enter ODG Ports for the Name and http://localhost/ for the URL and
then click Submit.

4. Restart the Content Server service using Windows Services.


5. Open a separate browser window or tab and navigate to the Enterprise Workspace.

6. From the Global Menu bar, select Enterprise.


7. Click on each additional menu item to test it out, clicking the back browser button to return
the browser to the Enterprise Workspace.

8. Close the additional Enterprise Workspace browser window or tab when done testing the
Additional Menu Items.

Administer Date/Time

1. Click Administer Date/Time and select Enable Year Range in Calendar.

2. Update the Year Range from 1990 to 2027 to values of 2010 and 2030 and click OK, at the
bottom of the page. Click Restart followed by Continue.

Pa ge 2- 50 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

Configure Functions Menu

1. Click Configure Functions Menu.

2. In a separate browser window or tab, navigate to the Enterprise Workspace and then to an
ActiveView item (e.g., Enterprise Workspace > Course Material > 3-0119 ActiveView > AV
Demos > AV Demo - Chapter 1 (Intro) folder).

3. Click the ActiveView’s Functions Menu to display the available WebReport-related

functions that are part of ‘Group 0 & 1’.

4. On the Configure Functions Menu administration page, change all of the Group 0 actions
O oN

from Main to More.

pe o

5. Also change all of the Group 1 actions for ActiveViews or WebReports from Main to More.
n tD

6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save Changes.

Te i

7. Back in the separate browser window or tab, and the ActiveView item (e.g., Enterprise
Workspace > Course Material > 3-0119 ActiveView > AV Demos > AV Demo - Chapter 1
xt str

(Intro) folder), once again click the ActiveView’s Functions Menu to display the available
WebReport-related functions that are part of ‘Group 0 & 1’.
In ibu

8. Close the browser window viewing the ActiveView item.

te te

Configure System Messages


1. Click Configure System Messages.


2. Enter Restarting Content Server for the Name.


3. Enter Content Server will be Restarted at 07:00 hrs GMT-5 as the Headline.

4. Enter for the URL.


5. Accept the default of today’s date as the Effective Date. and click Submit.

6. Restart the Content Server service using Windows Services.

7. Open a separate browser window or tab and navigate to the Enterprise Workspace.

8. You can test the message’s URL by clicking on the link; it redirects you to a web site that
provides details about world time zones.

9. You can Close the additional Enterprise Workspace browser window or tab when done
testing the System Message.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 -5 1

Chapte r 2. Se r v er Conf ig ur a ti on

Run a System Report

1. Click System Report and select Full System Report and click Generate.

2. Navigate to C:\CS16\logs\ and set the filter the directory for *.txt files.

3. Right-click the sysreport.txt file and select TextPad (Hint: You will want to choose
Configure > Word Wrap in Text Pad to be able to more readily view the contents of the log

4. Scroll through the file and compare your results against the next figure, which illustrates
some of the initial sections of data, for example the version of Content Server and the
O oN

database version being used.

pe o

5. Click Admin Home.

n tD
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In ibu
te te

Pa ge 2- 52 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 3. F ac e ts an d GU I C onf ig ur a ti on

3. Facets and GUI Configuration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Navigate and understand the Facet volume
 Create custom Facets and Facet Trees
 Create custom columns for browsing folders
O oN

pe o

n tD

In this chapter, we look at how Content Server can leverage metadata to

adapt the interface according to your information requirements.
Te i
xt str

Enabling and Viewing Facets

In ibu

Facets are filters that allow users to see a subset of material that is
te te

important for their work.


The sidebar can be enabled or disabled by the administrator and end

users can select which side it will display on, and whether or not to display

it at all. By default the sidebar shows a number of default Facet panels

(e.g., application, content type, document type, owner, etc.).

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3-1

C hap te r 3 . F a ce ts a nd G UI C onf i gu ra ti on

The following figure is an example of the Enterprise Workspace’s Browse

View and the sidebar with Facets appearing on the left side of the page.

O oN
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n tD
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te te

Figure 3-1: Example of Facets in the Sidebar on a Browse View Page


As noted in the above figure, the installed Pulse module has

contributed another Sidebar panel. It is displayed by default, but
is configurable from the Configure Sidebar page.

Pa ge 3- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 3. F ac e ts an d GU I C onf ig ur a ti on

Administrators can configure the Sidebar from the Administration pages

> Server Configuration > Configure Presentation > Configure Sidebar

Figure 3-2:

Sidebar Configuration
From the Administration
O oN

Page Perspective
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str

Individual users can configure the Sidebar location and whether or not to
Show the Side Bar in Browse View. Users navigate from the Main menu >
In ibu

Tools > Personal > General tab to configure the Sidebar Location and
Show Sidebar in Browse settings.
te te

Figure 3-3:

Sidebar Configuration
From the End User’s

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3-3

C hap te r 3 . F a ce ts a nd G UI C onf i gu ra ti on

By default, the settings are to display on the left side and are enabled to
show in Browse.

You can navigate to the Facet Volume through either of two methods.

The first method is to use the Main menu. From the Main menu, select the
O oN Tools menu and then choose Facets Volume.

Figure 3-4:
pe o

Facets Volume Available

n tD

From the Tools menu

Te i
xt str
In ibu

The second method is to use the Administration pages. From the

te te

Administration pages, select Server Configuration and then click the


Configure Facets link.


Figure 3-5:

Facet Volume Available


From the Administration


Pa ge 3- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 3. F ac e ts an d GU I C onf ig ur a ti on

The Configure Facets page provides a View Facet Volume link.

Figure 3-6:

The Configure Facets Page

Provides a View Facet
Volume Link
O oN
pe o

Both the View Facet Volume link from the Administration pages, and the
n tD

Facets Volume menu selection from the Tools menu, takes you to the
Facets Volume, as illustrated in the figure below:
Te i
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In ibu
te te

Figure 3-7:

The Facets Volume


Once inside the Facets Volume you can click the Facets Functions Menu
and select Control Panel.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3-5

C hap te r 3 . F a ce ts a nd G UI C onf i gu ra ti on

Folder view versus dynamic view: with dynamic view all the parts of the
view are updated (on both sides of the screen). Dynamic view has a unique
URL that can be bookmarked.

Figure 3-8:

The Facets Volume

O oN

Functions Menu
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str

Selecting Control Panel from the Facet’s Functions menu takes you to the
Facets Volume Control Panel page, as illustrated in the following figure.
In ibu
te te

Figure 3-9:

The Facets Volume Control



You can enable or disable the sidebar and panels, which allows you to
configure the system before revealing Facets to your end users.

Pa ge 3- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 3. F ac e ts an d GU I C onf ig ur a ti on

Configuring and Customizing Facets

Administrators can browse to the Facets Volume via the Administration
pages. Administrators and users given the Knowledge Manager Usage
Privilege can see the Facets Volume option on their Tools menu.

Admin vs. “Knowledge Content Server has a Knowledge Manager usage privilege which adds the
Manager” Facets Volume to a user’s Tools menu. This allows responsibilities to be
Responsibilities distributed rather than having the Admin user configuring everything.

The Administrator must still:

 Enable Content Filter and Columns
O oN

 Configure Sidebar and column display

pe o

 Configure Facets, Columns

n tD

 Assign Knowledge Manager Privilege

Te i

Enabling Facet There are four steps:

Administration for 1. The administrator creates a “Facet Creation” group.
xt str

Non-Admin Users
2. The Knowledge Manager Usage Privilege is given to the group.
In ibu

3. Additional Item Creation Privileges are given to the group (e.g.

privilege to create Facet, Facet Tree etc.).
te te

4. Facet Creation group is given appropriate “Add Item” permissions in


Facets Volume.

Privileges can be set from the Administration pages > System

Administration section > Administer Object and Usage Privileges page for

individual Facet elements like Facets or Columns or by using the


Knowledge Manager privilege.


Figure 3-10:

Privileges Can Be Set on

Individual Elements

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3-7

C hap te r 3 . F a ce ts a nd G UI C onf i gu ra ti on

Scrolling down to the bottom of the page, to the Usage Privileges section,
allows Facet privileges to be set for the Knowledge Manager.

Figure 3-11:

The Knowledge Manager

O oN

Creating Facets and In the next pair of figures, we are configuring our system to display
Facet Trees custom metadata as Facets. The Customer Feedback Category contains
pe o

three attributes that we are making available as Facets.

n tD

To display custom metadata as Facets:

Te i

1. Create a Facet Folder in the Facets volume.

2. Create individual Facets (in this case, using custom Attributes as their
xt str

data source).
3. Create a Facet Tree and add the Facets to it.
In ibu
te te

Figure 3-12:

Creating a Facet Tree


Pa ge 3- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 3. F ac e ts an d GU I C onf ig ur a ti on

Once the Facet Tree is configured, it must be made available either

globally or in specific locations. Below, the Customer Feedback Facet
Tree is made available in the specific location of the Customer Feedback

O oN
pe o

Figure 3-13:
n tD

Making the Facet Tree

Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3-9

C hap te r 3 . F a ce ts a nd G UI C onf i gu ra ti on

The metadata attributes (i.e., Customer Type, Feedback Media and

Feedback Type) are now available as Sidebar Facets, as illustrated in the
figure below:

O oN
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n tD
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te te

Figure 3-14: Custom Metadata Available as Facets


Pa ge 3- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 3. F ac e ts an d GU I C onf ig ur a ti on

In the following example, we can imagine the KM-Marketing group has

been assigned the Knowledge Manager usage privilege and been given
write permission on the Application Facet:

O oN
pe o

Figure 3-15:
n tD

Application Class
Te i
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In ibu
te te

Minimum unique values Must have at least this number of values before this Facet is displayed.

Maximum values to display In example above, on Sidebar, under Application box, maximum of five

values displayed (e.g. Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF etc.).

Display priority Allows some Facets to have higher priority.


Count accuracy: security and performance related.


Show lookup in ‘More…’ When user clicks More, they can refine their Facet browse.

Some Facets are “flat” and have only one level of depth. For example,
“owner name”. Facet Trees were created for Facets that have more
“depth”. For example, a Facet Tree like Province could have individual
Facets of Ontario, Manitoba etc.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 -1 1

C hap te r 3 . F a ce ts a nd G UI C onf i gu ra ti on

All Document Classes appear as Facets as shown in the figure below:

Figure 3-16:

Comparing Facets With

Facet Trees
O oN
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n tD
Te i
xt str

Virtual Folders for Virtual folders are saved Facet browses. This means they are fully
Content Server 10 scalable.
In ibu
te te

Virtual folders for Content Server are not an upgrade to the


OpenText Virtual Folders module.


Virtual Folder The only administration for Virtual Folders is to allow and restrict users
Administration and groups to create and edit them. This is accomplished in the usual

Content Server way from the Administration pages > System

Administration section > Administer Object and Usage Privileges page:

Figure 3-17:

Virtual Folder on the

Object and Usage
Privileges Page

Pa ge 3- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 3. F ac e ts an d GU I C onf ig ur a ti on

Customizing Columns
Content Server comes with four default Columns, just as previous
versions: Type, Name, Size and Modified.

You can add additional Columns and configure when and where they are
seen, and who sees them. But first you must enable Column
customization from the Configure Container Options page.

Columns can be:

 Global (i.e., available everywhere)
Specific to certain folders
O oN

Available for individual users to add to their Browse View

pe o


To create a column you must:

n tD

1. create a column item,

Te i

2. name the column,

3. set its data source and,
xt str

4. review default settings.

In ibu

The same data source cannot be used by multiple columns. Once used, it
te te

will no longer appear in the drop-down list.


To configure container options, navigate to the Administration pages >

Server Configuration > Configure Presentation > Configure Container

Options and scroll down to the Column Customization section. The Allow
Browse List Column Customization setting has to be selected, as

illustrated below:

Figure 3-18:

Allow Brose List Column

Customization Setting


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 -1 3

C hap te r 3 . F a ce ts a nd G UI C onf i gu ra ti on

Although there are System Default Columns, as illustrated in the figure

below, additional Columns can be created.

O oN
pe o

Figure 3-19:
n tD

System Default Columns

Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

The four default columns have a “locked” icon indicating they are
fixed System Columns. They cannot be deleted and Name and
Type cannot be modified at all. Size and Modified can be hidden

in the Browse View.


Pa ge 3- 14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 3. F ac e ts an d GU I C onf ig ur a ti on

A new Column is created using the Add Item menu and selecting Column.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str

Figure 3-20:
In ibu

Adding a Language Column

Based on an Attribute Data
te te


Once a Column is made Sortable it cannot be unchecked. It must

be deleted and recreated if you want it to be unsorted.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 -1 5

C hap te r 3 . F a ce ts a nd G UI C onf i gu ra ti on

After a Column is created clicking its name takes us to its Specific

Properties page where you can adjust its default settings if necessary.

Figure 3-21:
O oN

Language Column’s
pe o

Specific Properties

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

You can make the custom Columns linkable to elsewhere in


Content Server or even to other software systems.


By default custom Columns allow Public Access read permission so


everyone in your system can view them (if they are enabled in a Browse
View). After creating a column, clicking its Availability tab allows you to
configure where the column can be added.

By default, the column is Not Available; you will need to make it available
to either specific locations or everywhere.

Figure 3-22:

Custom Columns Are Not

Available by Default

Pa ge 3- 16 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 3. F ac e ts an d GU I C onf ig ur a ti on

In the example below, the custom Column has been made available to a
pair of separate folder locations in Content Server.

Figure 3-23:

Custom Column Made

Available to Specific
O oN
pe o

n tD

Columns Available on In the previous example, we created a Language column based on an

Te i

Specific Locations attribute data source (the Product Spec category contained a text popup
attribute called “Language”). We then set its availability to be “Only
xt str

Available in Specific Locations” and selected two folders.

In ibu

The Language attribute was made available on the Collections Reports

folder so it can be moved from being “Available” to “Displayed”.
te te

Figure 3-24: Setting a Column on a Folder

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 -1 7

C hap te r 3 . F a ce ts a nd G UI C onf i gu ra ti on

If the Column is made Available Everywhere, Content Server adds a

Columns tab to every folder’s properties. It also adds a Columns tab to
everyone’s Tools > Settings page.

O oN
pe o

n tD

Figure 3-25: Available Columns from Tools > Settings > Columns
Te i

Columns for As we just saw, selecting the Allow Browse List Column Customization
Individual Users check box adds a Columns tab to folder properties and to each user’s
xt str

Tools > Settings area.

In ibu
te te

Anyone can configure columns as long as they have the

permission to view the objects and their metadata values and

have permission to edit attributes on the object.


Pa ge 3- 18 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 3. F ac e ts an d GU I C onf ig ur a ti on

Global Columns Even after making a Column Available Everywhere you must still
configure it for display, by navigating to the Facets Control Panel. Then
click Configure Global Columns and move any of the Available Columns
to the Displayed Columns area. In the illustrated example, the column
Owner is being made available globally.

O oN
pe o

Figure 3-26:
n tD

Configuring Global
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

The Owner Column now appears on all Browse Views so there are now

five columns.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 -1 9

C hap te r 3 . F a ce ts a nd G UI C onf i gu ra ti on

The figure below shows the Browse View of a configured folder showing
the Global ‘Owner’ value.

O oN
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n tD
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In ibu
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Figure 3-27: Example of the Owner Column Being Shown


Document Classes Content Server ships with a number of pre-configured Facets. Many of
these are based on object types. Because the object type of “document” is

so general, and there are so many MIME Types, the concept of Alias is
employed to group together common types.

Two ways to view Configure Document Classes:

 Admin Pages > Configure Facets > Configure Document Classes
 Tools > View Facets Volume > Facets Functions menu > Control Panel
> Configure Document Classes

Pa ge 3- 20 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 3. F ac e ts an d GU I C onf ig ur a ti on

The following figure illustrates the Document Class Definitions page.

Figure 3-28:

Document Class
O oN
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n tD
Te i
xt str

Facet Count The Facet Count Indicators page lets the Admin choose between graphic
Indicators or numerical indicator of object count (mousing over a graphic indicator
In ibu

will display the numeric value).

te te

Figure 3-29:

Configure Facet Count


In the example shown below, there is a straightforward relationship


between application/pdf and Adobe so there is only the Alias Definition.


In the next example, there may be many MIME Types you would like to
classify as Office, so an alias is created to group them together.

Figure 3-30:

Hierarchy Examples for

Document Classes

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 -2 1

C hap te r 3 . F a ce ts a nd G UI C onf i gu ra ti on

A Document Class can contain several MIME Types. By clicking Configure

Document Classes we see the Document Class Definitions. Selecting the
Application link shows us the MIMEType Alias Definitions for the
Document Class called Application. Selecting one of these - in this case
Adobe PDF - allows us to configure its Alias by changing the name and
MIME Types that apply to the alias.

A Document Class of Application contains several MIMEType Aliases

which are connected to MIMETypes, as illustrated in the diagram below.
O oN
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n tD
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In ibu
te te

Figure 3-31: A Document Class of Application With MIMEType Aliases

Pa ge 3- 22 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 3. F ac e ts an d GU I C onf ig ur a ti on

The figure below illustrates how all Document Classes appear as Facets
along with the other defined Facets.

O oN
pe o

Figure 3-32:
n tD

System Default Facets

Te i
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In ibu
te te


In summary, in this chapter we:

Navigated and explained the Facet volume

 Created custom Facets and Facet Trees

 Created custom columns for browsing folders

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 -2 3

C hap te r 3 . F a ce ts a nd G UI C onf i gu ra ti on


Setting Up Facets

You are going to set up Facets and a Column based on custom Attribute values.

This exercise is going to make use of the Office Locations Category located in the Categories
Volume > Corporate Categories [folder].

1. Create a folder called Offices (in the Enterprise Workspace) and add the Office Locations
Category to it.
O oN

2. Upload a few documents (e.g., C:\SampleDocs\Our ODG Offices\) into the folder and add
pe o

the attribute metadata to them.

n tD

3. In the Facets Volume add a Facet Folder called Offices.

Te i

4. In the Offices Facet Folder, add two Facets based on the Office Location and Type of
Information Data Sources.
xt str

5. Inside the Offices folder create an Offices Facet Tree and add the two Facets to it.
In ibu

6. Then make the Offices Facet Tree available on the Offices folder by browsing Content
te te

Server and selecting the Offices folder you created earlier.


7. Navigate to the Offices folder, enable the sidebar and view the metadata Facets.

Add a Custom Column

1. Enable Column Customization, if it has not been previously enabled.

2. Navigate to the System Default Columns folder in the Facets Volume and add an Office
Locations column based on the Office Location Data Source.

3. Make this Column available in the Offices folder.

Pa ge 3- 24 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 3. F ac e ts an d GU I C onf ig ur a ti on

4. Navigate to the Offices folder’s Columns tab and move the Local Column Office Location
from the Available Columns field to the Displayed Columns field.

5. Navigate to the System Default Columns folder in the Facets Volume and add an Office
Locations column based on the Office Location Data Source.

6. Make this Column available in the Offices folder.

7. Navigate to the Offices folder’s Columns tab and move the Local Column Office Location
from the Available Columns field to the Displayed Columns field.
O oN
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Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 -2 5

C hap te r 3 . F a ce ts a nd G UI C onf i gu ra ti on

O oN
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Pa ge 3- 26 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapt er 4. Li ce nsi ng Conte nt Se rv e r a nd i ts M odu le s

4. Licensing Content Server and its Modules


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Describe the Licensing features of Content Server
 Install a Content Server License file
 Install a Modular License file
 Run a License Report
O oN
pe o

n tD

This chapter deals with Content Server product and optional modular
Te i

xt str

Licensing Content Server

In ibu
te te

Content Server includes a series of features to assist with the licensing of

the core product and some of its optional modules.

Unlicensed and Content Server operates in Administrative Mode when:


Administrative Mode  A temporary license has expired


 It is unlicensed

 It is newly installed
 If you have upgraded from a previous Content Server version, and you

have not as yet applied an updated license file


The CS16b instance of Content Server on the TrainOTCS

Windows Server 2012r2 system are running in Administrative
Mode since they are newly installed and unlicensed.
You and your instructor will both be licensing the CS16b
instance in this chapter.

When Content Server is in Administrative Mode, only the Admin User or

accounts granted the System Administration privilege can successfully
sign in.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4-1

C hap te r 4 . L i ce nsi ng C onte nt Ser v e r a nd i ts M odul e s

If a user without System Administration rights attempts to sign in to

Content Server when it is in Administrative Mode, an error message
stating “Error logging in. User does not have sufficient privileges to sign in
while Content Server is in administrative mode”, is displayed in the figure

Figure 4-1:
O oN

Administrative Mode
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str

Navigate and Use Manage Licenses

In ibu

For the demo step sets in this chapter, we will be utilizing the CS16b,
te te

unless directed otherwise.


1. Start the required Content Server services if they are not already running

(e.g., CS16b).
2. Launch the IE browser and from the favorites bar, select OTCS 16.0 >

CS16b Admin; the corresponding URL is: http://localhost/CS16b/


3. Enter an Administrator password, if prompted (e.g. opentext).

4. Change the Administration page view by clicking the Show As Tabs link.

Hint: If you want to make the Show As Tabs a default behavior,

you can edit the opentext.ini file to include the following
statement in the [general] section:

Pa ge 4- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapt er 4. Li ce nsi ng Conte nt Se rv e r a nd i ts M odu le s

O oN
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n tD
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In ibu
te te

Figure 4-2: Content Server Administration Pages > Server Configuration > Manage Licenses

5. On the Server Configuration tab, click Manage Licenses.


6. Sign in as the Admin User (admin/livelink) when prompted.


When Content Server is initially installed, the Admin User


account has a user name of “Admin” and a password of “livelink”.


The only other automatically created accounts are for eLink and
otadmin, so that is why the License Overview, illustrated in the
next figure, shows a user count of 3.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4-3

C hap te r 4 . L i ce nsi ng C onte nt Ser v e r a nd i ts M odul e s

Options Each of the license management options are available by selecting the
appropriate tab appearing under the Options heading, including:
 License Overview
 License Management
 System Fingerprint
 License Report
7. Click the License Overview tab on the left under Options, if the tab is not
automatically displayed.

License Overview The Content Server License Overview summarizes the features of your
O oN

Content Server license.

pe o

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Figure 4-3: License Overview


Status Displays the current license Status of the Content Server system.

Status values can be Valid, Invalid or Unlicensed.


Valid Indicates that Content Server is licensed for use by a


specified number of users.

Invalid Indicates a problem with your Content Server license.

Unlicensed Indicates you have not applied a license to your Content

Server installation. When Content Server is unlicensed, it
operates in Administrative Mode.

Pa ge 4- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapt er 4. Li ce nsi ng Conte nt Se rv e r a nd i ts M odu le s

When the Status Value is Invalid, additional information is provided

regarding the issue with the licensing:

Invalid Version Your license applies to a different version of

Content Server than the one that you are running.

Invalid Fingerprint Changes in your Content Server environment have

caused your System Fingerprint to change, so that
it does not match the Fingerprint in your Content
Server license file.

Expired The current date is after the Expiration Date

O oN

specified in your temporary Content Server

license. When its temporary license expires,
pe o

Content Server operates in Administrative Mode.

n tD

Exceeded Users The number of users in use exceeds the number of

users specified in the license file.
Te i

Product Name The product licensed by the license (i.e., OpenText Content Server).
xt str

Product Version The version of the product licensed by the license.

In ibu

License Type The type of product license.

te te

License Type values can either be Production, Temporary or Non-


Production A Content Server production license enables full


functionality for a specified number of licensed


users. A production license is associated with a

specific version of Content Server (and database).

Temporary A temporary Content Server license enables all of


the same functionality of a production license, but

has an expiration date. The expiration date is always

a specific date; and is not relative to when you apply

the temporary license.

Non-production A non-production license provides all of the same

functionality of a production license, but is issued
for environments used to support a production
environment. For example, you could apply a non-
production license to a development environment
or a User Acceptance Testing (UAT) environment.

The number of users issued for the non-production license matches the
number of licenses that have been purchased/granted for the production

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4-5

C hap te r 4 . L i ce nsi ng C onte nt Ser v e r a nd i ts M odul e s

Company Name The name of the company that the license is issued to. The maximum
length of the name is 100 characters.

Expiration Date If your license type is Temporary License, an expiration date appears;
otherwise the license has no corresponding Expiration Date.

Licensed Users Maximum number of users supported by this OpenText license (appears
only when a valid license is applied to the system).

Active Users Number of users that currently exist in Content Server.

Not all Content Server modules require a license. In the case

O oN

here, ActiveView no longer requires a license, however both

pe o

WebReports and Object Importer (OIOE) does require a

separate license for those modules to be fully functional.
n tD
Te i

8. Click the License Management tab on the left under Options.

xt str

License Management License Management allows system administrators to obtain and then
apply Content Server (or applicable modular) license files.
In ibu

Obtaining a License File To obtain a license file, via the License Management tab, click the
te te

provided Product Activation link (i.e., http://

rn and follow the provided

on-screen user instructions.

Contact Open Text Customer Support for specific details regard


the securing of License files and the use of the activation server.

When prompted to log on to the Knowledge Center, use the user account

and password information provided to you when you purchased Content



Only one license is required for multiple instances of Content

Server that connect to the same database. This would be the
scenario with a distributed or clustered system.
Select the appropriate product and license file type, and use your
System Fingerprint to generate a license file for Production

Pa ge 4- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapt er 4. Li ce nsi ng Conte nt Se rv e r a nd i ts M odu le s

O oN

Figure 4-4: Obtaining a License File

pe o

9. Click the System Fingerprint tab on the left under Options.

n tD

System Fingerprint A System Fingerprint uniquely identifies your Content Server

Te i

deployment using pieces of information from your Content Server

database. This information is used when requesting a Production Server
xt str

license file.
In ibu

System Fingerprint information is encrypted and hashed so that

te te

it is not readable, even by OpenText.


The system fingerprint is the same for every instance of Content Server in
your deployment, provided each instance connects to the same Content

Server database.

Figure 4-5: License Fingerprint

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4-7

C hap te r 4 . L i ce nsi ng C onte nt Ser v e r a nd i ts M odul e s

Invalid System In the unlikely event that changes in your database causes your System
Fingerprint Fingerprint to become invalid, your license status will appear as Invalid
Fingerprint on your Content Server License Overview.

Having an invalid System Fingerprint has no effect on your deployment.

Your users can continue to access and use Content Server normally. The
system does not enter Administrative Mode. However, if you see that
your license status is Invalid Fingerprint, OpenText recommends that you
contact Technical Support for assistance.

10. Click the License Report tab on the left under Options.

License Report The License Report page displays detailed information on your Content
O oN

Server license, including your End User Code, System Unique Identifier
pe o

(SUID) and System Fingerprint.


n tD

If the Content Server is not Licensed, it will display a message informing

the user to “Please apply a valid Content Server license”, as illustrated
Te i

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In ibu
te te

Figure 4-6: License Report for Unlicensed System


Pa ge 4- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapt er 4. Li ce nsi ng Conte nt Se rv e r a nd i ts M odu le s

When the Content Server system has been licensed, it will report the
same information previously discussed in the License Overview section.

O oN
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Figure 4-7: License Report for a Licensed System


11. To generate an XML copy of this report, click Generate Report. You will

then be prompted to save the resulting LicenseReport.xml file to disk (e.g,

save the file to C:\).

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4-9

C hap te r 4 . L i ce nsi ng C onte nt Ser v e r a nd i ts M odul e s

Although license information is contained within Content Server Thread

logs (as illustrated in the subsequent figure) and with a System Report, it
is convenient for administrators to generate the LicenseReport.xml file,
without the report containing unwanted or sensitive system or log

License Information

Status: Valid
Product Name: Content Server
Product Version: 16.0.0
License Type: Non-production
Company Name: OpenText Learning Services Training Use Only
Expiration Date: No Expiration
O oN

Licensed Users: 500

Active Users: 121
pe o

SUID: 48382-38294

End User Code: EU0025397

Licensed Version: 16.0.0
n tD

Status: Valid
Te i

Product Version: 1.0

License Type: Production
Company Name: Open Text Co
xt str

Expiration Date: No Expiration

Licensed Users: 2147483647
Active Users: 0
Figure 4-8:
In ibu

SUID: 00000-00000
End User Code: EU0000000
Licensed Version: 1.0
License Information in
te te

Thread Log Status: Valid


Product Name: OIOE

Product Version: 16
License Type: Non-production

Company Name: OpenText Learning Services Training Use Only

Expiration Date: No Expiration
Licensed Users: 500

Active Users: 121

SUID: 48382-38294

End User Code: EU0025397

Licensed Version: 16x

Status: Valid

Product Name: WebReports

Product Version: 16.0.0
License Type: Non-production

Company Name: OpenText Learning Services Training Use Only

Expiration Date: No Expiration

Licensed Users: 500

Active Users: 2
SUID: 48382-38294
End User Code: EU0025397
Licensed Version: 16.0.0

Pa ge 4- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapt er 4. Li ce nsi ng Conte nt Se rv e r a nd i ts M odu le s

The XML file contains the same license information found on the UI (with
an additional report hash or file checksum value) as illustrated in the
following figure.

O oN
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te te

Figure 4-9: License Report File


Administrators will find it useful to have the available license information

in a separate file that can be used to document system usage (e.g., active
users, user counts etc.). Also, if customers have multiple production, non-

production or temporary Content Server systems, copies of


LicenseReport files can also be used to assist in documenting which

licenses have been applied or referenced during audits.

Administrators will find the report created using Generate

License on the Manage License page does not commit the use of
thread or similar resources as occurs with the other reporting or
logging options.

Apply a Content Server License

1. Continuing from the previous step set, where steps 1 through 7 have
already been performed click the License Overview tab.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 -1 1

C hap te r 4 . L i ce nsi ng C onte nt Ser v e r a nd i ts M odul e s

The License Overview information will be displayed, showing the status is


O oN
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n tD
Te i

Figure 4-10: Unlicensed Content Server System

xt str

2. Click the License Management tab on the left under Options.

In ibu
te te

This step set assumes that a suitable Content Server License has

already been secured from OpenText and that it is available on

the file system.

Figure 4-11: License Management

3. Click Browse opposite the License Location field.

Pa ge 4- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapt er 4. Li ce nsi ng Conte nt Se rv e r a nd i ts M odu le s

4. Select the Content Server license file and click Open (e.g., C:\Install Files
for Content Server\INSTALL CS 16.0 - Release\CS16.0 OT LS Rel 16.0

O oN
pe o

n tD
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xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 4-12: Selecting License File on Disk


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 -1 3

C hap te r 4 . L i ce nsi ng C onte nt Ser v e r a nd i ts M odul e s

The page refreshes and a New License File Details section appears with
information from the license file that you just opened and are going to

O oN
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te te

Figure 4-13: Contents of the License File Displayed


5. Click Apply License File to apply the License File to the Content Server


Pa ge 4- 14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapt er 4. Li ce nsi ng Conte nt Se rv e r a nd i ts M odu le s

The Status will update from Unlicensed to Valid. When the license file is
successfully applied, the Manage Licenses page appears, and Valid
appears in the Status field of the Content Server License Overview.

O oN
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In ibu

Figure 4-14: License File Applied

te te

The WebReports and Object Importer modules on the page are

still Unlicensed.

No Content Server Service restart is required when a License is applied

to Content Server; however, a Content Server service restart IS

required when a modular License File is applied.


6. Click Admin Home to return to the Administration page.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 -1 5

C hap te r 4 . L i ce nsi ng C onte nt Ser v e r a nd i ts M odul e s

Audit the Applying of Licenses

1. Continuing from the previous step set, while logged in with an

administrative account using the Content Server instance navigate to
Admin pages > System Administration and click Administer Event
O oN
pe o

Figure 4-15:

Administer Event Auditing

n tD
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te te

2. Click Set Auditing Interests.


The Set Auditing Interests page is displayed.


Figure 4-16: License File Applied

3. Enable the Apply License event.

4. Click Set Interests at the bottom of the page.
5. Click Admin Home at the bottom of the page to return to the
Administration page.

Pa ge 4- 16 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapt er 4. Li ce nsi ng Conte nt Se rv e r a nd i ts M odu le s

When one or more licenses are applied to Content Server or applicable

modules, the event will be logged to the DAuditNew table.

Apply License has an audit event ID of 355.

Subsequent querying or reporting against the DAuditNew table would

reveal which license files were applied to the system, when (i.e., date/
time) they were applied and by whom.
O oN
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n tD

In summary, in this chapter we:

Te i

 Described the Licensing features of Content Server

xt str

 Installed a Content Server License file

Installed a Modular License file
In ibu

 Ran a License Report

te te

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 -1 7

C hap te r 4 . L i ce nsi ng C onte nt Ser v e r a nd i ts M odul e s


Apply a Content Server License File

If you did not apply a Content Server License file while following along with the instructor demo
during the course, you will do so in this exercise. In the next exercise you will apply a WebReport and
an OIOE (Object Importer) License file.

1. Sign in with the administrative account using Admin/livelink.

2. Navigate to the administration pages, using your preferred method, which may include:
O oN

a. the provided IE favorite: OTCS 16.0 > CS16b Admin

pe o

b. the URL: http://localhost/CS16b/cs.exe?func=admin.index

n tD

c. the Global Menu bar > Admin > Content Server Administration
Te i

3. Click the License Overview tab.

xt str

4. Click the License Management tab on the left under Options.

5. Click Browse opposite the License Location field.

In ibu

6. Select the Content Server license file and click Open (e.g., C:\Install Files for Content
te te

Server\INSTALL CS 16.0 - Release\CS16.0 OT LS Rel 16.0 NonProd.lic).


The page refreshes and a New License File Details section appears with information from
the license file that you just opened and are going to apply.

7. Click Apply License File to apply the License File to the Content Server installation.

The Status will update from Unlicensed to Valid. When the license file is successfully

applied, the Manage Licenses page appears, and Valid appears in the Status field of the
Content Server License Overview.

8. Click Admin Home to return to the Administration page.


Apply a WebReports and OIOE Module License File

1. This exercise assumes we are continuing from the previous exercise, otherwise you need to
sign in and navigate to the administration pages.

2. From the Server Configuration tab, click Manage Licenses.

3. On the License Overview tab, confirm that both WebReports and OIOE are both

4. Select the License Management tab.

Pa ge 4- 18 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapt er 4. Li ce nsi ng Conte nt Se rv e r a nd i ts M odu le s

5. Click the Browse button opposite the License Location field.

6. Select the WebReport license file and click Open e.g., C:\Install Files for Content
Server\INSTALL CS 16.0 - Release\CS16.0 OT LS WR16.0 NonProd.lic).
The page refreshes and a New License File Details section appears with information from
the license file that you just opened and are going to apply.

7. Click the Apply License File button.

The page will update and show the WebReport license status as Valid.

8. Click the Show Details link to display additional modular licensing information.

9. Repeat the previous steps in this exercise to license the OIOE module, using the the
O oN

following license file: e.g., C:\Install Files for Content Server\INSTALL CS 16.0 -
pe o

Release\CS16.0 OT LS OIOE 16.0 NonProd.lic).

n tD

10. Restart the Server services (this makes WebReports available on the Add Item menu etc.).
Te i

11. Click Admin Home to return to the Administration pages home.

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Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 -1 9

C hap te r 4 . L i ce nsi ng C onte nt Ser v e r a nd i ts M odul e s

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Pa ge 4- 20 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

5. Cluster Management


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Describe the functionality associated with Cluster Agent Service and Patch Management
 Install applicable patches to a Master Content Server system
O oN

pe o

This chapter deals with the Cluster Agent Service and Patch
n tD

Te i

Since Outdoor Gear (i.e., TrainOTCS’s CS16 instance) has already

xt str

been patched using Cluster Management, this chapter’s step

sets, demos, and exercises will utilize the CS16b instance, which
In ibu

still needs to be ‘patched’.

te te

You can start the necessary services using the provided Start >
Start-Stop-Scripts > CS16b on batch file and powershell script

or alternatively the Windows Services.


Also, as a reminder that since CS16b represents a new

installation, the ‘admin’ account sign in is admin/livelink.

Cluster Agent and Patch Management


OpenText Content Server Cluster Management deploys and manages

patches on the master instance of a Content Server cluster. Cluster

Management is part of the Content Server core functionality.

Administrators can also analyze software installations and deploy
patches across a cluster.

Cluster Management can perform the following functions:

 Detect dependencies with other patches and modules
 Remove obsolete patches
 Verify the installed patches before deploying them on the entire

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 5-1

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

For training purposes only and because of the likelihood of the

TrainOTCS’s CS16b instance acquiring multiple sets of host
information, you will use SQL Server Management Studio to first query
the database to learn what information it has stored and then delete it,
so that when the CS16b instance’s services are started, it will be
working “from a clean slate”. None of these activities would be required
in a production setting, where the servers would all be assigned static IP
addresses and host names would be resolved using DNS.

1. If any of the CS16b services are running, they all need to be stopped.
2. Launch the Host File Editor and update the IP address of your TrainOTCS
O oN

vmware instance (i.e., update with your IP).

pe o

Remember to Save your changes, before you close this application.


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3. Launch Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.


4. Expand the Databases on the left and highlight CS16b.


5. Click New Query and enter the following statement:

select * from CS16b.LLSystemData where


6. The query will expect to return multiple rows as a result:


7. Now enter the following statement, followed by pressing the F5 key:

delete from CS16b.LLSystemData where
8. The query will delete an equal number of rows that were first reported.
9. Start all of the CS16 b services.
Now, when the CS16b services are started, the CS16b instance will
resolve to TrainOTCS.

Pa ge 5- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

Cluster Agent

1. If the Content Server Cluster Agent service (CS16b) is not running, it needs
to be started by navigating to Services and then starting the service.

Although the Cluster Agent Service is not required for the basic features
and functionality of Content Server, the service is required to access the
corresponding Administration pages, to perform Cluster and Patch
Management activities and poll systems for applicable setting values.
O oN
pe o

Figure 5-1:

Cluster Agent Service

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When the Content Server service is started, and no hosts have been
In ibu

previously defined, the necessary IP address or host name will be stored

to the database (i.e., LLSystemData). Typically, a Content Server host
te te

system will be assigned a static or reserved IP address, so there would be


only one such entry for each instance, as illustrated in the figure below.

Figure 5-2:

Content Server Hosts


If, however, the IP address of the host system was dynamic (i.e., DHCP

issued) and allowed to acquire new or different IP addresses, then it is

possible for Cluster Management to present multiple choices for hosts

during the configuration of the Master.


2. Make a note of the IP address of your system, after opening a command

prompt window and running the ipconfig command. This IP information
may be required when we configure the Master in the next step set.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]

(c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Windows IP Configuration
Figure 5-3:
Ethernet adapter Ethernet0:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : ********
IP Configuration of Host
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : ********

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 5-3

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

Memory footprint ~ 200 K for the Content Server Cluster Agent


Cluster Management
The Cluster Management administrative options and links are described
in the following table:

Table 5-1: Cluster Management Administration Pages

O oN

Administration Page Link Description

pe o

Cluster Audit History Review audit history for the Content Server
n tD

Te i

Manage Cluster Agents View detailed cluster agent and host information.

Manage Cluster Settings Configuration settings for Cluster Management.

xt str

Manage Updates Administrators can download and deploy Content

In ibu

Server Updates and patches across the cluster.

te te

Update Analysis Analyze the system and determine the Content

Server Update impact prior to installation.

Internet access is required so Content Server can retrieve an updated


system Manifest. In situations where a system has been secured or is

isolated and has no Internet access, the Manifest would have to be

manually copied and thus made available to Content Server and Cluster

For demonstrational purposes, Outdoor Gear has local copies of the


needed manifest and other patch files so that no Internet access or

Knowledge Center user accounts are required to complete Cluster and

Patch Management for this system.

Cluster Management

1. Sign in to the CS16b instance, using an administrative account (e.g.,

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > System Administration section. If
prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g., opentext).

Pa ge 5- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

The System Administration section is displayed.

Figure 5-4:

Administration Pages
O oN
pe o

3. Click Cluster Management.

n tD

The Cluster Management administration page is displayed.

Te i
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In ibu
te te

Figure 5-5:

Cluster Management

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 5-5

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

Although the various administrative options are listed alphabetically, it is

necessary to begin by Managing Cluster Settings, then Agents and
subsequently Managing Updates.

If you attempt to perform an action before the Cluster Settings

have been configured, you will receive a warning and be
redirected to the Cluster Settings page.
O oN
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Manage Cluster Settings

te te

Manage Cluster Settings


1. Click Manage Cluster Settings.


The Manage Cluster Settings page is displayed.


Figure 5-6: Manage Cluster Settings Page

Pa ge 5- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

On the Cluster Settings page, you specify the following information:

Manifest URL The URL that is used for updating the system manifest.

2. Select Help – For This Page to consult the available help information for
the applicable URLs for Windows, Solaris and Linux systems and their
O oN respective Manifests.

pe o

n tD

Figure 5-7:
Te i

URLs for Cluster

xt str
In ibu
te te

3. Enter a URL of http://trainotcs/cold160/manifest_win.xml into the


Manifest URL field.


We’re hosting the manifest file on the local TrainOTCS IIS web
server, therefore the difference in URLs.

Details regarding the IIS mappings can be found in the following


file: C:\Install Files for Content Server\INSTALL CS 16.0 -

Release\CM Manifest\cold URL for manifest.txt

4. Click Check URL.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 5-7

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

Once the validation has been completed, you are informed that the
system has validated the Manifest URL.

Figure 5-8:

Validating Manifest
O oN
pe o

5. Click OK to continue.
n tD

Master System The Master System specified here acts as a ‘master’ template that is used
Te i

for the other systems in the cluster.

xt str

6. Click Browse opposite Master System field.

The Select a Master System dialog is displayed.

In ibu
te te

Figure 5-9:

List of Available Systems

as Master System

7. Select the master system (e.g., TrainOTCS) and click the OK button.

The Master System field will be updated with the selected host

Staging The Patch Staging Folder is the location where the new patches will be
staged for the database.

8. The default path is OTHOME\clustermanagement\staging; in this case, it

should be C:\CS16b\clustermanagement\staging.

Pa ge 5- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

Download With this option enabled, Content Server will automatically download
and stage patches, however, this option does require an Internet
connection and valid Knowledge Center account.

9. For purposes of this step set, leave the default of Download disabled.
10. Click Save Settings.
11. Click the Yes button to confirm you are sure you want to save the settings.

The system will once again validate the Manifest URL and display a

When the Manifest has been validated and the settings saved, you are
O oN

returned to the Cluster Management page.

pe o

n tD

Manage Cluster Agents

Te i

View detailed agent and host information.

xt str

The Manage Cluster function analyzes and displays information about the
Content Server hosts. When the Analyze Cluster page loads, it will
In ibu

automatically analyze any available Content Server Hosts.

te te

It will also list information for each Host, including the following:

 Host is the cluster being analyzed


 Port is the port that the Host uses


Manage Cluster Agents


1. Click Manage Cluster Settings.


It may take Content Server a few minutes for the system to respond as it

collects necessary system information; the screen will display progress

messages as the information is being collected.

The Cluster Agents page is displayed.

Figure 5-10: Cluster Agent Page

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 5-9

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

Clicking the Processes action will generate an output window that

displays all of the processes running under the agent. Clicking the
Remove action will remove the registration of that instance with Cluster

If the Install path does not say C:\CS16b or the port say 22099, inform
your instructor.

2. Click Cluster Management.

The Cluster Management administration page is displayed.

O oN

Manage Updates
pe o

n tD

Manage Updates
Te i

1. Click the Manage Updates link.

xt str

Before the Manage Updates page is displayed, the first time the page is
accessed with a master system, the master system will be validated and
In ibu

the process could take several minute, as illustrated in the following

te te


Once the Manifest has been updated, you are prompted to confirm the
analysis of the Master System.

Figure 5-11:

Validation of Master


Pa ge 5- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

2. Click the Continue button to continue.

If Cluster Management states that there is “no registered

agents”, it is likely that you have not selected the correct master
system. To correct the issue, revisit the Manage Master Settings
page and select the correct master.
O oN
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n tD
Te i
xt str

An analysis page will display and be updated throughout the process and
In ibu

the validation may take several minutes. The following figure represents a
history of the analysis:
te te

Figure 5-12:

Analysis Report

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 5 -1 1

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

On completion of the system analysis, it generates an Analysis Report.

Figure 5-13:

Analysis Report
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3. Click OK.
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The system will record various information and process the information
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before the Manage Updates page is displayed.

te te

Managing Master System has the following separate tabs:


Available Available lists the available patches on the OpenText Knowledge Center
for download.

Staged Staged lists the currently downloaded patches that are in the Patch

Staging folder.

Pa ge 5- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

Installed Installed lists the installed patches, indicating their status as Error (faulty
install), Removal (being removed), or Verified (successful install).

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Figure 5-14: Manage Cluster Settings Page

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The names and quantities of the Content Server core and


modular patches displayed will vary with time and based on the
optional modules that a system has installed.

Refresh Button Click the Refresh button to update the listing of Available patches.

Page Navigation Buttons Click the << >> buttons to move forwards or backwards if there are
multiple pages of Available Patches.

There are dependencies when installing patches, including the

 You must install Cluster Management patches before you
install any other patches
 The order of installing patches is not set, except when a
patch has a dependency on another patch
 You can only install one patch at a time

Name The name of the patch file.

Description A description of the patch, often referring to a Bug number.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 5 -1 3

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

Updates If applicable, the Update with which the patch is associated.

Modules If applicable, the Module with which the patch is associated.

Action Available actions include: Download and Details.

4. Click Details to review information regarding the available patch.

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Figure 5-15:
Te i

Patch Details
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5. Click Close when finished reviewing the details.


Internet access and a valid login / password for an active OpenText

Knowledge Center account is required, to access the available patch(es)

and perform downloads, as illustrated in the figure below.


For training purposes, we will not require Internet access or KC

accounts since all of the necessary files have been made available on the

local file system.

Pa ge 5- 14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

Figure 5-16:
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Knowledge Center

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You would instruct the web browser to save the patch to

OTHOME\clustermanagement\staging or to the location previously

specified for storing the master system’s patch staging directory.


You would repeat the previous download step to download all of the
remaining available patches.

In situations where a patch has been superseded, a dialog is displayed,


informing you that the patch has been superseded. You can therefore
ignore that particular patch and ensure that the patch is either already

installed (as it is in this case) or is downloaded too.

In situations where the system reports that patch has been

superseded, you should follow the provided instructions and
download the specified replacement patch.

For training purposes, all of the required patches can be found in the
C:\Install Files for Content Server\INSTALL CS 16.0 - Release\v16
General Hot Fixes (Mar 2016, Rel) folder.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 5 -1 5

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

6. Copy the following patches ending in 03, 04, 09, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
23, 24, 25, 26, 29, and 30 from C:\Install Files for Content
Server\INSTALL CS 16.0 - Release\v16 General Hot Fixes (Mar
2016, Rel) to C:\CS16\clustermanagement\staging.
7. Click the Staged tab and click the Refresh / F5 button; it may take a minute
or two for the system to update the page.

The previously staged patches are presented:

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Figure 5-17: Staged Patches


8. Select all of the patches for deployment under the Install column.

Figure 5-18:

Selecting Patches for


9. Click Deploy.

Pa ge 5- 16 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

A dialog provides a summary of the patches that will be installed and


A warning message is displayed as illustrated below recommending the

deployment be performed during an outage window.

O oN
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Figure 5-19:
n tD

Confirm Deployment
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10. Click the OK button to start the deployment.


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 5 -1 7

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

The Deploy System page will display and refreshes, providing you with
updated and overall status information regarding the patch deployment.

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Figure 5-20:
n tD

Overall Status
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The system will then deploy the patches, restarting the various services

as required. When a patch has been deployed, it will display a status of


Figure 5-21:

Patch Status Deployment

Complete or Done

When all of the patches have been deployed, the system will save its
system information.

When the deployment is complete, you are asked to validate your system
and confirm the deployment was complete.

Pa ge 5- 18 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

11. Click OK.

12. Click Installed Patches tab.

A list of the installed patches on the Master System is displayed:

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Figure 5-22: Installed Patches


13. Click the Details link to review the information regarding individual

The details regarding the patch are displayed.

14. Click Close.


15. Click Cluster Management at the bottom of the page to return to the

cluster administration page.


Cluster Audit History Allows you to review an audit history for this Content Server instance and
the cluster maintenance performed on it.

The Cluster Audit History function displays the events that happened on
a cluster with deployment and analysis of patches.

16. Click Cluster Audit History.

When a Content Server instance is first installed, the Audit History will be

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 5 -1 9

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

Once various cluster management activities have been performed, for

example Analyze System, the events will be listed on the Audit History

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Figure 5-23: Cluster Audit History


The Audit History page displays all events on the available hosts,

including the following information:


Host The specific Content Server instance, identified by IP address or name.


Event Type Event Type is the type of event that occurred.


Date The date and time the event was performed.


Result The result of the event. Values will either be OK or Error.

Source The network address or host of the instance.

Details The Details link provides additional information about the event.

Pa ge 5- 20 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

17. Click Details to open an Event Details window with further information
regarding the audited event.

Figure 5-24:
O oN

Event Details
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18. Click OK to close the window.

te te

19. Click Cluster Management to return to the Cluster Management


administration page.

Update Analysis Analyze clustered systems and determine update impact prior to

20. Click Update Analysis.

The Update Analysis page is displayed


21. Click the Add opposite to the Host to expand the displayed information.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 5 -2 1

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

22. Select a Host (e.g., TrainOTCS).

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Figure 5-25: Update Analysis

Te i

23. Click Start Analysis.

xt str

A dialog to confirm you wish to perform the analysis is displayed.

In ibu

24. Click Yes.

te te

Once the analysis is complete, a dialog is displayed indicating that the


results can be viewed.


Figure 5-26:

Analysis Complete

25. Click OK.

The Update Cluster Analysis page is displayed.

Pa ge 5- 22 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

26. Expand the information using the + sign.

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Figure 5-27: Update Cluster Analysis Results

n tD

27. Click View Report

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Figure 5-28:

Understanding the Delta


The report will identify new files supplied by the update or hotfix.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 5 -2 3

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

28. Change the Type drop-down to New.

O oN

Figure 5-29:
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Summary and New Files


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29. Change the Type drop-down to Different.


Pa ge 5- 24 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

The report is updated and shows file differences between source and
updated files.

O oN

Figure 5-30:
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File Differences
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30. Click OK, when done viewing the report.


31. Click the Admin Home link to return to the admin pages.

Content Server in a Cluster


As previously noted, the TrainOTCS instances including Outdoor Gear


are using a monolithic architecture and as a result the instance are not

clustered into a high availability configuration, however, administrators

can use Cluster Management to download, install or remove patches
across a cluster.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 5 -2 5

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

The Cluster Agents function displays the hosts for Content Server. The
Cluster Agents page displays all the following information about the
available hosts and instances:
 Host is the name of the Content Server instance.
 Port is the number of the port that the Content Server instance uses.
 Agent Status lists if the host is active, idle or offline.
 Last Updated lists the time that the most recent change was made to a
Content Server instance.
 Status lists if the host is online or offline. It the Status is online,
detailed information about the host is available.
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The master system must be defined before you attempt to

Manage Cluster, otherwise you will generate an error message.
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Manage Cluster requires at least one other Content Server

instance, in addition to the Master System, to perform Manage
In ibu

Cluster activities.
te te

If there are no additional instances, other than the Master,

available for Cluster Management the following message is


For more information regarding Content Server Cluster

Management and Patch Deployment, refer to the following

published document: Best Practices - Cluster Management

Patch Deployment System Configuration.pdf, available from the

OpenText Knowledge Center (URL: https://


In summary, in this chapter we:
 Described the functionality associated with Cluster Agent Service
and Patch Management
 Installed applicable patches to a Master Content Server system

Pa ge 5- 26 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t


This exercise will provide you with an opportunity to practice what you have learned earlier in this
chapter about the Cluster and Patch Management, including: Cluster Agents, Cluster

If you have already performed Cluster Management using the provided CS16b instance by
following the instructor demo, then you can skip to the end of this chapter exercise.

For training purposes only and because of the likelihood of the TrainOTCS’s CS16b instance
acquiring multiple sets of host information, you will use SQL Server Management Studio to first
query the database to learn what information it has stored and then delete it, so that when the
O oN

CS16b instance’s services are started, it will be working “from a clean slate”. None of these activities
pe o

would be required in a production setting, where the servers would all be assigned static IP
addresses and host names would be resolved using DNS.
n tD
Te i

1. If any of the CS16b services are running, they all need to be stopped.
xt str

2. Launch the Host File Editor and update the IP address of your TrainOTCS vmware instance
(i.e., update with your IP). Remember to Save your changes, before you
close this application.
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te te

3. Launch Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.


4. Expand the Databases on the left and highlight CS16b.


5. Click New Query and enter the following statement:

select * from CS16b.LLSystemData where Section='ContentServer.HostInfo'

6. The query will expect to return multiple rows as a result.


7. Now enter the following statement, followed by pressing the F5 key:


delete from CS16b.LLSystemData where Section='ContentServer.HostInfo'


8. The query will delete an equal number of rows that were first reported.

9. Start all of the CS16 b services.

10. Now, when the CS16b services are started, the CS16b instance will resolve to TrainOTCS.

Enable Cluster Agents

1. If the Content Server CS16b services, especially the Cluster Agent service is not running,
they need to be started.

2. Make a note of the IP address of your system, after opening a command prompt window and
running the ipconfig command.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 5 -2 7

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

Cluster Management

3. Sign in to the CS16b instance, using admin/livelink.

4. Navigate to the Administration pages > System Administration section. If prompted for
the Administration Password, enter opentext.

5. Click Cluster Management.

Manage Cluster Settings

O oN

6. Click Manage Cluster Settings.

pe o

7. Enter a URL of http://trainotcs/cold160/manifest_win.xml into the Manifest URL field and

click Check URL, then click OK to continue.
n tD

8. Click Browse opposite Master System field and select TrainOTCS the master system and
Te i

click the OK button.

xt str

9. Leave the default staging path as C:\CS16b\clustermanagement\staging and the default of

Download as disabled and click Save Settings.
In ibu

10. Click Yes to confirm you are sure you want to save the settings.
te te

11. Click Cluster Management.


Manage Cluster Agents


12. Click Manage Cluster Settings.

13. The Agent should have an install path of C:\CS16b and a port of 22099, if not, inform your


14. Click Cluster Management.


Manage Updates

15. Click Manage Updates.

16. Click the Continue button to continue followed by OK.

17. Click Details to review information regarding the available patch then click Close when
finished reviewing the details.

18. Copy the following patches ending in 03, 04, 09, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, and
30 from C:\Install Files for Content Server\INSTALL CS 16.0 - Release\v16 General Hot
Fixes (Mar 2016, Rel) to C:\CS16\clustermanagement\staging.

Pa ge 5- 28 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

19. Click the Staged tab and click the Refresh / F5 button; it may take a minute or two for the
system to update the page.

20. Select all of the patches for deployment under the Install column and click Deploy.

21. Click the OK button to start the deployment followed by OK.

22. Click Installed Patched tab.

23. Click the Details link to review the information regarding individual patches then click

24. Click Cluster Management at the bottom of the page to return to the cluster administration
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Cluster Audit History

Te i

25. Click Cluster Audit History.

xt str

26. Click Details to open an Event Details window with further information regarding the
audited event then click OK to close the window.
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27. Click Cluster Management.

te te

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 5 -2 9

C h ap te r 5 . C l u s te r Man ag e m en t

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Pa ge 5- 30 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a p te r 6. D at ab a s e Adm i n i s tr a ti o n

6. Database Administration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Perform database administration and maintenance tasks from the Content Server’s Database
Administration page, including viewing tables and updating a database connection password
 Verify database integrity and status
 Test or Repair Known Database Issues
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This chapter deals with Content Server database administration and

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database maintenance related tasks.

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The database administrative options and links are described in the

following table:
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Table 6-1: Database Administration Pages

te te

Administration Page Link Description


Change Current Database Change the Content Server database which Content
Server is connected with.

View Content Server View a list of the tables created for this Content

Tables Server database in the Microsoft SQL Server


relational database.

Microsoft SQL Server Perform Microsoft SQL Server maintenance tasks,


Maintenance Tasks such as extending an existing database, creating

RDBMS user accounts, granting access to additional

RDBMS users, and deleting Content Server database


Upgrade This Database Upgrade a database created with an earlier version of

Content Server to make it compatible with the
current version.

Verify This Database Verify the integrity and status of this Content Server

Test or Repair Known Specific DB verification or correction tools for

Database Issues handling selected verification problems.

Update Database Change the password Content Server uses to connect

Connection Password to the database.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 6-1

C hap te r 6. D a tab ase Ad min ist ra ti on

Introducing Database Maintenance Tasks

The Database Administration area of the Content Server Administration
pages gives you the options of maintaining or changing the current

Many of the database maintenance tasks that you will carry out for
Content Server will be done directly through the DBMS (e.g., Microsoft
SQL Server) interface. However, if you do not have access to that
interface, there is a Maintenance Tasks link on the Maintain Current
Database page that allows you to log in to the database and perform basic
operations through Content Server’s web interface. This is the same page
O oN

you will see when initially installing Content Server.

pe o

In addition to the main Database Administration section, there is

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a section called Web Forms Database Lookup Administration.

Te i

This allows you to connect to external databases (Content

Server and non-Content Server) and pull data into Web Forms.
xt str

These features are described in is a separate chapter, later in this

course and also in the 2-0114 – Content Server Forms course.
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Database Administration

Database Administration

1. Log in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Database Administration section.

If prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g., opentext).


The Database administration page is displayed.


Figure 6-1:

Administration Pages

Pa ge 6- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a p te r 6. D at ab a s e Adm i n i s tr a ti o n

Change Current Database

If the connection to your database somehow becomes corrupted, you can
click Change Current Database and follow instructions to deselect the
database. You will then need to create a new database or select an
existing database.

3. Click Change Current Database.

The Deselect Content Server Database page is displayed.

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Figure 6-2: Changing the Content Server Database


Before you can create a new Content Server database or connect to an

existing one, you must disconnect from your current Content Server

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 6-3

C hap te r 6. D a tab ase Ad min ist ra ti on

When you deselect your current Content Server database, you are
offered the choice of deleting or keeping the data sources that are
associated with your current database. By default, deselecting the
current database will delete the data sources listed below along with their
search indexes on disk. To prevent a data source from being deleted so
that you can preserve it or back up the search index, clear the check box
beside the index in the Delete column.

You must stop any Admin Servers and remove the search.ini and
otadmin.cfg files from the config directory of each Admin Server
prior to connecting to a different database. This prevents
O oN

orphaned processes from being carried to another database.

pe o

Start each Admin Server before reconnection to another

database. After reconnection, each Admin Server must be
n tD

resynchronized to create new search.ini and otadmin.cfg files.

Te i

4. Click Admin Home to return to the database administration page.

xt str

The Database Administration page section is displayed.

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5. Click Maintain Current Database.

te te

The Maintain Current Database administration page is displayed.


Figure 6-3:

Administration Pages

Pa ge 6- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a p te r 6. D at ab a s e Adm i n i s tr a ti o n

View Content Server Tables

6. Click View Content Server Tables.

The View Content Server Tables page is displayed.

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Figure 6-4:
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View Content Server Table

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The View Tables administrative option displays a list of relational


database tables associated with the Content Server’s database.


Displayed information includes the table name, number or rows, object

type, and object owner.

Object tables may include: views, user table, trigger, stored procedure,


7. Click Admin Home to return to the database administration page.

The Database Administration page section is displayed.

8. Click Maintain Current Database.

The Maintain Current Database administration page is displayed.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 6-5

C hap te r 6. D a tab ase Ad min ist ra ti on

Microsoft SQL Server Maintenance Tasks

9. Click Microsoft SQL Server Maintenance Tasks.

The Microsoft SQL Server Administrator Log-in page is displayed,

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Figure 6-5:
pe o

Select DBMS Type

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te te

Content Server requires administrative (i.e., sa) rights to SQL Server so

that it can manage the necessary database user and schema or tables

during the web-install phase.


SQL Sever Name Depending on the naming convention used during the installation of
Microsoft SQL Server [2012], the field could either be the system name

that is hosting SQL Server or may include a named instance.


If SQL Server is using a default instance name, the entry would

be TRAINOTCS, however, since we are using a named instance,



If a non-standard port, other than 1433, was used for SQL

Server, then the name would have to include the system name
followed by a comma (no spaces) and then the port number:

System User The default system user for SQL Server is “sa”.

System Password The system password is the one assigned to the “sa” user when SQL
Server was installed.

Master Database Name The default master database name is “master”.

Pa ge 6- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a p te r 6. D at ab a s e Adm i n i s tr a ti o n

10. Enter a SQL Server Name of TRAINOTCS\SQLSERVER.

11. Leave the default System User as sa.
12. Enter a System Password of opentext.
13. Leave the default Master database Name as master.
14. Click Log-in.

The Microsoft SQL Server Maintenance page is displayed.

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Figure 6-6: Microsoft SQL Server Maintenance Page

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 6-7

C hap te r 6. D a tab ase Ad min ist ra ti on

The Microsoft SQL Server Maintenance page is displayed, which provides

featured to:

 Create A New Microsoft SQL Server Database

 Create A New User
 Extend A Microsoft SQL Server Database
 Delete Microsoft SQL Server Content Server Tables
 Delete A Microsoft SQL Server Database
15. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to review all of the various database
maintenance options.
O oN
pe o

The 3-0187 - Content Server Installation and Configuration

course discussed and demonstrated the use of these database
n tD

maintenance options, for example, creating a database and a

Te i

user as part of the web-based Content Server installation

xt str
In ibu

16. Click Admin Home to return to the database administration page.

te te

The Database Administration page section is displayed.


17. Click Maintain Current Database.


The Maintain Current Database administration page is displayed.


Upgrade This Database


18. Click Upgrade This Database.


The Upgrade This Database administration page is displayed.


Figure 6-7:

Content Server Database

Upgrade Confirmation

The Content Server Database Upgrade Confirmation page provides

information on your Content Server database schema and indicates
whether any database upgrades are available.

Pa ge 6- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a p te r 6. D at ab a s e Adm i n i s tr a ti o n

If your database is up to date, the Content Server Database Upgrade

Confirmation page displays the current schema version of the Content
Server database and of the modules that use tables in the Content Server
database (i.e., click the Show Details toggle).

If the Content Server Database Upgrade Confirmation page indicates

that there are database upgrades available, you should upgrade the
Content Server database.

An example of such information is illustrated in the following figure (i.e.,

these schema changes were the ones when the CS16 instance was
upgraded from 10.5 SP1):
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Figure 6-8:

Upgradeable Schema

19. Click Admin Home to return to the database administration page; clicking
Continue returns you to the Maintain Current Database page.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 6-9

C hap te r 6. D a tab ase Ad min ist ra ti on

The Database Administration page section is displayed.

20. Click Maintain Current Database.

The Maintain Current Database administration page is displayed.

Verify This Database

On some occasions, OpenText Customer Support may ask you to perform
a Database Verification. You do this by clicking the Verify this Database
link on the Maintain Current Database page. The verification checks if all
O oN

records in the database are accurate.

pe o

After starting the verification, you will see an option to click here to check
on the status of your verifications. If you click the link prematurely, it will
n tD

erroneously report that there are no errors in the database, even though
Te i

the verification has not yet completed.

It is always a good idea to verify the database before upgrading to a new

xt str

version. You should run the verification periodically as your database

grows and you may wish to run it on a weekend to ensure its completion
In ibu

during “off hours”.

te te

Changes have been made to reduce the number of false positive errors

reported with ChildCounts in Database Verification. ChildCount

checking is no longer performed on non-container objects or on the

Workflow Volume beginning with Content Server 10.0 + Update 11 and


Internally, structure was also added to allow other modules to register

themselves for exemption to ChildCount verification.

The ChildCount Checking or Verify Child Counts makes sure

that the child count of a node and the number of its children

matches by counting the number of nodes whose parentIDs are

identical to the verified node's dataID.

Perform a Database Verification

This Step Set continues from the previous one and assumes you are still
signed in using an administrative account and are located on the Maintain
Current Database page.

1. Click Verify This Database.

Pa ge 6- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a p te r 6. D at ab a s e Adm i n i s tr a ti o n

The Verify Content Server Database page is displayed.

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Figure 6-9:
Te i

Verify Content Server

xt str
In ibu
te te

Users can either select the required Level of Diagnostics followed by

clicking the Perform Diagnostics button at the bottom of the page or
alternatively select specific verification options.

Higher levels of diagnostics perform additional tests and

therefore can take greater amounts of time to complete the
Custom Verification Options provides for selective and
individual testing.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 6 -1 1

C hap te r 6. D a tab ase Ad min ist ra ti on

2. To begin with a Custom Verification, click Go To Custom Verification


The Custom Verification Options page is displayed.

O oN
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n tD

Figure 6-10:
Te i

Custom Verification
xt str

In ibu
te te

3. Select one or more of the available tests to perform on the Content Server

database, for example:

– Verify the ACL Count of a node

– Verify the existence of members and leaders of groups

– Verify that each group recorded on KUAFChildren exists
– Verify the existence and size of all objects stored in physical
storage providers
– Verify the existence and size of system objects stored in
physical storage providers
4. Click Perform Diagnostic

Content Server will state that Your verifications have been started.

Pa ge 6- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a p te r 6. D at ab a s e Adm i n i s tr a ti o n

The Custom Verification Options page is displayed.

Figure 6-11:

Verification Status

5. To check the status or progress of the verification, select click here.

The page will update and display the Verification Report. In this example,
O oN

the database verification is complete and reports that no errors were

pe o

found, as illustrated in the figure below.

n tD
Te i

Figure 6-12:
xt str

Custom Verification
In ibu
te te

If there were errors found, they would be displayed on the


Verification Report and logged to a file; an example of a report

with errors will be illustrated next.

6. Click Admin Home to return to the database administration page.


The Database Administration page section is displayed.


7. Click Maintain Current Database.


The Maintain Current Database administration page is displayed.

8. Click Verify This Database.

The Verify Content Server Database administration page is displayed.

9. Select Level 6 Diagnostics and click Perform Diagnostic.

A discussion or explanation of the various Database Verification

diagnostic levels is outside of the scope of this course.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 6 -1 3

C hap te r 6. D a tab ase Ad min ist ra ti on

The page will update with a message informing the user that the Database
Verification is being performed.

The time to run the diagnostic depends on the selected diagnostic level
and the size of the database; the diagnostic will take longer with higher
levels of diagnostics and larger databases.

As seen earlier with the custom verification level process, Content Server
will state that Your verifications have been started.

10. To check the status or progress of the verification, select click here.

The page will update and display the Verification Report. In this example,
O oN

the database verification is complete and reports that no errors were

pe o

found, as illustrated in the figure below.


n tD
Te i

Figure 6-13:
xt str

Verification Complete
With No Errors
In ibu
te te

If there were errors found, they would be displayed on the


Verification Report and logged to a file; an example of a report

with errors will be illustrated next.

Content Server Database Verification Report results will vary


from system to system depending on the database content.


Pa ge 6- 14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a p te r 6. D at ab a s e Adm i n i s tr a ti o n

In this example, there are several separate database rows being reported
all related to a DAPI Node ChildCount error.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str

Figure 6-14: Example of a Content Server Database Verification Report with ChildCount Issues
In ibu
te te

A verifylog#.log file is created each time a Database Verification request

is made. The value of # will increment each time an additional verification

is performed, based on the presence of a previous verifylog’s number.


11. Navigate to C:\CS16\logs\ and filter the directory for *.txt files.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 6 -1 5

C hap te r 6. D a tab ase Ad min ist ra ti on

12. Right-click the verifylog2.txt file and select TextPad (Hint: You will want to
choose Configure > Word Wrap in Text Pad to be able to more readily view
the contents of the log file).

O oN

Figure 6-15:
pe o


Contents of a Verify Log
n tD

Te i

,'DataType','SubType','ACLCount'><'Content Server
Reports',-2002,-1,2002,45,?,211,4><'Slice Folder',-
xt str

2001,2001,3871,6,?,275,4><'ODG Parent Company',-

2000,2000,11648,7,?,0,5><'Event Sponsoring',-
In ibu

2000,11648,11653,3,?,0,5><'Instructor Aids',-
te te

2000,2000,567781,7,?,0,4><'Highly Recommended',-

Depending on the type of database error, you can either self-repair the

fault using the provided Test or Repair Known Database Issues features,
discussed in the next section, or alternatively, the verifylog2.txt file would

be sent to your regional OpenText Customer Support center by opening a


support ticket. In the latter case, OpenText will analyze the file and
respond with a Database Verification Error Analysis report.

Pa ge 6- 16 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a p te r 6. D at ab a s e Adm i n i s tr a ti o n

Illustrated below is an example of an error analysis.

The errors are for workflow attachment subtypes (154).

These can be ignored for the following reason(s):

Workflow attachment folders (SubType 154) are created when initiating or editing a
workflow with an Attachments component. When editing a workflow, a workflow
attachment folder is created in the editing user's Temporary Workflow Edit Volume
(162). In this situation, children of the workflow attachment folder do not have
the same OwnerID (volume) as their parent, which causes a false positive in the
database verification for ChildCount.

Workflow attachment folders created during the initiation of a workflow map

O oN

correctly maintain this association within the main Workflow Volume (161) and do
not show up as false positives.
pe o

So your database is fine.

n tD

Figure 6-16: Database Verification Error Analysis From OpenText Customer Support
Te i

In contrast, there may be occasions where OpenText Customer Support

may ask a Content Server system administrator or database
xt str

administrator to run one or more SQL statements to correct any detected

database verification errors, for example the pair of statements
In ibu

illustrated in the figure below.

te te

The following SQL statements will adjust the ChildCount for verified SubTypes:


ParentID=3211) WHERE OwnerID=-3211 AND ParentID=-1 AND DataID=3211


ParentID=2069) WHERE OwnerID=-2069 AND ParentID=-1 AND DataID=2069

Figure 6-17: Database Verification Error Analysis via OpenText Customer Support

13. Click Admin Home to return to the database administration page.


The Database Administration page section is displayed.


14. Click Maintain Current Database.

The Maintain Current Database administration page is displayed.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 6 -1 7

C hap te r 6. D a tab ase Ad min ist ra ti on

Test or Repair Known Database Issues

Occasionally there may be Database Verification issues, discussed in the
previous section, that have a known cause, for which specific tests are
available to identify and possibly correct the problem.

This administrative page provides links to these utilities. The utilities

should be used with caution, especially those which offer to repair or
update data.

15. Click Test or Repair Known Database Issues.

The Test or Repair Known Database Issues page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 6-18:

Test or Repair Known

Database Issues

Relocate Orphaned Items Identifies and then re-parents any orphaned items into a separate
volume. A full listing of affected items can be viewed by running a Level 2
Database verification.

Insert Missing Reflexive Inserts missing reflexive rows into the DTreeAncestors table for volume
Rows for Volume Objects objects.

Regenerate ChildCounts Regenerates incorrect ChildCount column values within the DTreeCore

Regenerate ACLCounts Regenerates incorrect ACLCount column values within the DTreeCore

Pa ge 6- 18 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a p te r 6. D at ab a s e Adm i n i s tr a ti o n

Delete references to Deletes references within the KUAFChildren table to nonexistent Users
nonexistent Users and or Groups.

Delete orphaned rows in Deletes rows within the DVersData table with references to both
DVersData nonexistent DocIDs and ProviderIDs.

Delete references to Deletes references within the DTreeAncestors table to nonexistent

nonexistent Objects Objects.

Identify Document Class Identifies any cycles in your Document Class parent-child relationships.
These cycles can cause recursion problems when building Document
O oN

Class facets.
pe o

Recalling the earlier reported error (i.e., “Child count does not match...”), it
can be remedied using one of the Test or Repair Known Database Issue
n tD

Te i

16. Click Regenerate ChildCounts.

xt str

A summary of the findings and what will be corrected is displayed:

In ibu
te te

Figure 6-19:

Confirm the Repair Action


17. Click Regenerate ChildCounts.

Figure 6-20:

Proceed With Fix

18. Click OK to proceed.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 6 -1 9

C hap te r 6. D a tab ase Ad min ist ra ti on

The system will report that the previously reported issue was repaired
and that there are no errors found in the database, as illustrated in the
following figure:

Figure 6-21:

Repair Completed and No

Errors Found
O oN

19. Click Admin Home to return to the database administration page.

pe o

The Database Administration page section is displayed.

n tD

20. Click Maintain Current Database.

Te i

The Maintain Current Database administration page is displayed.

xt str
In ibu

Update Database Connection Password

te te

Use this page to modify the password Content Server uses to connect to

the database. This operation only updates the password stored in

Content Server, and not the database user login password.

Update Database Connection Password


This Step Set continues from the previous one and assumes you are still
signed in using an administrative account and are located on the Maintain

Current Database page.


1. Click Update Database Connection Password.


Pa ge 6- 20 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a p te r 6. D at ab a s e Adm i n i s tr a ti o n

The Update Database Connection Password page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str

Figure 6-22: Update Database Connection Password

In ibu
te te

The overview of this process is:


 Update the CS16 user's password in the Microsoft SQL Server

database software

 Enter the updated password on the Update Database Connection

Password page

Click Update Password and restart Content Server



The CS16 database user may need to be unlocked from within


the Microsoft SQL Server database software if Content Server

has been active with an out of sync password.

2. Click Admin Home to return to the database administration page.

The Database Administration page section is displayed.

3. Click Maintain Current Database.

The Maintain Current Database administration page is displayed.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 6 -2 1

C hap te r 6. D a tab ase Ad min ist ra ti on

In summary, in this chapter we:
 Performed database administration and maintenance tasks from the
Content Server’s Database Administration page, including viewing
tables and updating a database connection password
 Verified database integrity and status
 Tested and Repaired Known Database Issues
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Pa ge 6- 22 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a p te r 6. D at ab a s e Adm i n i s tr a ti o n


This exercise will provide you with an opportunity to practice what you have learned earlier in this
chapter about the database verification and fixes.

Database Verification

1. Sign in using sadmin/letmein.

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Database Administration section, and click
Maintain Current Database. If prompted for the Administration password, enter opentext.
O oN
pe o

3. Click Verify This Database.


4. Begin with a Custom Verification and click Go To Custom Verification Options, then select
n tD

the following available tests to perform on the Content Server database:

Te i

Verify the ACL Count of a node

Verify the existence of members and leaders of groups
xt str

Verify that each group recorded on KUAFChildren exists

In ibu

Verify the existence and size of all objects stored in physical storage providers
te te

Verify the existence and size of system objects stored in physical storage providers

5. Click Perform Diagnostic.


6. Check the status or progress of the verification by selecting click here. Results of the
diagnostics should confirm that no errors were found, as illustrated below:

7. Click Admin Home to return to the database administration page.

8. Click Maintain Current Database followed by Verify This Database.

9. Select Level 6 Diagnostics and click Perform Diagnostic.

10. Check the status or progress of the verification by selecting click here.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 6 -2 3

C hap te r 6. D a tab ase Ad min ist ra ti on

11. Review the created verifylog#.log file is by navigating to C:\CS16\logs\ and filter the
directory for *.txt files. Right-click the verifylog?.txt file and select TextPad (Hint: You will
want to choose the verifylog file with the highest number and Configure > Word Wrap in
Text Pad to be able to more readily view the contents of the log file).

12. Click Admin Home to return to the database administration page.

Test or Repair Database

13. Click Test or Repair Known Database Issues followed by Regenerate ChildCounts.
Content Server provides a summary of its testing and what will be corrected:
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

14. Click Regenerate ChildCounts then click OK to proceed. The database child count will be

15. Click Admin Home to return to the database administration page.


Pa ge 6- 24 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a pt e r 7 . S y s te m Adm i n i s tr a ti o n

7. System Administration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Administer settings related to system administration, with a particular focus on customizing
how Content Server handles user events or activities, including: Item Control, Rendering, Date
Triggers, and Copy/Delete
O oN

pe o

n tD

This chapter deals with Content Server’s System Administration pages.

Te i

The Server Configuration administrative options and links are described

in the following table:
xt str

Table 7-1: System Administration Pages

In ibu

Administration Page Link Description

te te

Administer Additional Define additional node attributes for items stored in

Node Attributes this Content Server database.

Administer Blob Deletion Administrators can monitor blobs that generate


Failures errors on a delete attempt and manually remove

blobs waiting to be deleted.

Administer Event Define auditing interests based on item and event


Auditing types.

Administer Item Control Tailor Reserve/Unreserve and Version functions.


Administer MIME Types Manage relationship between MIME Types and

and Categories Categories.

Administer Modified Date Restrict specific events from triggering updates to an

Triggers item's modified date.

Administer Object and Set which users and groups can create each type of
Usage Privileges Content Server item.

Configure Access Control Specify how access control is administrated in

Content Server.

Configure Attribute Value Set the "defined value" behavior of required

Requirements attributes for each specific object type.

Configure MIME Type Select which methods will be used to automatically

Detection detect the MIME type of documents added to the

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 7-1

C h ap te r 7 . S y s t em A dm i n i s tr at io n

Administration Page Link Description

Configure Rendering Configure WebLingo rendering settings.


Configure Status Page for Configure Settings for multi-select processing status
Multi-Select Actions page.

Configure the Operations Specify the method to perform the transaction for
for Copy, Delete and copy, delete, and move.

Distributed Agent View and maintain distributed agent processes.

O oN
pe o

Memcached Statistics View the memcached statistics.


Open the Categories Work with the objects in the Categories Volume.
n tD

Te i

Recycle Bin Configure the settings for the Recycle Bin including
the purge duration and user access options.
xt str

The following administration page sections will be discussed in their own

respective chapters, immediately following this one, due to their range of
In ibu

respective topics:
te te

 Categories and Attributes, including:


– Administering Additional Node Attributes


– Administer MIME Types and Categories

– Configure Attribute Value Requirements

– Open the Categories Volume


 Administer Event Auditing

Distributed Agent Dashboard

Recycle Bin


Pa ge 7- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a pt e r 7 . S y s te m Adm i n i s tr a ti o n

Administer Blob Deletion Failures

If external file storage is used as the Storage Provider, files may be
retained after a user deletes it; this event will try to delete any data which
should no longer be retained. By default, this event runs at midnight each
day. This setting can be changed in the Activity Schedule section.

Monitor Blob Administrators can review which objects are scheduled for deletion, as
Deletion Failure well as remove blobs manually.

Configure the Blob The link redirects the administrator to the Configure Scheduled Activities
Failure Retry Agent page and allows modification to the default (i.e., midnight) agent schedule
O oN

for blob deletion retry.

pe o

n tD

Refer to the published Champion Toolkit document, on the

Knowledge Center, entitled BLOB Deletion Retry Explained
Te i

Properties/CT700069), for more information regarding Blob
xt str

Deletion Retry.
In ibu
te te

Administer Item Control


The Administer Item Control page allows you to customize Content


Server's handling of things like Reserve and Unreserve functions, set a

default version limit for Content Server items, and specify advanced

versioning parameters. You can also enable the Advanced Add Item
process, which allows users to choose a Category when they add an item

if the item they are adding is of a MIME type that has more than one
Category associated with it. The settings you specify on this page become

the default values for Content Server items that are reservable or

Some organizations do not like documents to be reserved by a group; they

like individual users to take responsibility. In this case, they can clear the
Show group list check box.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 7-3

C h ap te r 7 . S y s t em A dm i n i s tr at io n

When a user unreserves a document through the standard interface, they

must check another box in order to add a version. You can set the Add
Version field as the default.

Figure 7-1:
O oN

Administer Item Control

pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu

Administer Modified Date Triggers

te te

Administrators can control whether or not changes to item permissions


or Categories and Attributes affect the modified date of the item.


These settings affect all items in the entire Content Server system; by
default they are not enabled.

Figure 7-2:

Administer Modified Date



Selecting a check box below restricts the event from triggering an update
to an item's modified date. Checking the Permissions modification box
below also implies that the event will not send such changes to Search
Engine, which can improve the search indexing.

Pa ge 7- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a pt e r 7 . S y s te m Adm i n i s tr a ti o n

Administer Object and Usage Privileges

As a Content Server administrator, you have to decide what kinds of
items a user is allowed to add to Content Server. For example, you may
only want project managers to be able to create projects and workflow
maps. You can restrict this activity using the Administer Object and Usage
Privileges page.

Creating an object in Content Server is a privilege rather than a

permission because it is not tied to a particular location. For example, if
you have the privilege of creating a workflow, you can potentially add it to
any folder where you have “Add Item” permission.
O oN

If you are upgrading from a previous version, you should review the item
pe o

creating privileges, similar to what you would do for reviewing which

audit events you want to log.
n tD

Examples of these additional privileges include:

Te i

 Activity Manager
xt str

 Collaborative Place, Agenda, Agenda Topic

 Note, Notebook, Page
In ibu

There are also a number of additional Usage Privileges, including:

te te

 Recycle Bin Administration – Recycle Bin Manager


 Renditions – Make Rendition, Subscribe to Rendition


 Activeview – ActiveView Tab, ActiveView Usage Tab, Perspectives Tab


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 7-5

C h ap te r 7 . S y s t em A dm i n i s tr at io n

Figure 7-3:

Administer Object and

Usage Privileges – Object
Privileges Section
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu

When you click the Restrict link, you must then define the set of users and
te te

groups that are allowed to create the item. Anyone not included in this set
will not be able to choose that item from any Add Item menu in the


Some reasons why you might restrict item creation privileges:


 Simplify the interface for new users. By limiting what they can add in
the system, they may require less training

 Control the size of your database by not allowing casual users the ability
to add items. Users who only need to browse the system will not

clutter up any folders (including Personal Workspaces) with


unimportant items
Enforce proper use of the tools available to Content Server users. For

example, perhaps only users who have had workflow training should
be able to create workflow maps

Pa ge 7- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a pt e r 7 . S y s te m Adm i n i s tr a ti o n

Figure 7-4:
O oN

Administer Object and

Usage Privileges – Usage
pe o

Privileges Section
n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Recycle Bin Allows you to view, restore, and purge any items in the Recycle Bin.
Allows you to access the Recycle Bin even if user access to the Recycle

Bin has been disabled.


Renditions Allows you to create a rendition of a document when a supporting

rendition engine (e.g., Blazon) is used in conjunction with Content Server.

ActiveView Allows you to view and manage ActiveView overrides for the Classic View

of the Content Server user interface. The privilege also allows you to view

and manage Perspectives for the Smart View of the Content Server user

Facet Administration Allows you to access the Facets Volume from the Tools global menu and
to create Content Server Facets and Columns.

Document Undelete and Recycle Bin administration page respective

sections have been superseded by the built-in Recycle Bin which is
administered from the System Administration section.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 7-7

C h ap te r 7 . S y s t em A dm i n i s tr at io n

Configure Access Control

The settings on this administration page control the level of discretion
that is available to users and administrators who configure access control
to items in Content Server.

O oN

Figure 7-5:
pe o

Configure Access Control

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu

Restrict “Grant Access” to Groups only: It is considered a best practice to

use groups on access lists rather than individual users and this feature
te te

allows you to enforce this behavior.


As we learned earlier, you can remove the owner, owner group and Public
Access from objects in Content Server. Normally, anyone with Edit

Permissions permission can remove them and restore them. This page
lets you restrict their restoration to only system administrators.

By default, when an object is moved, its permissions are carried with it

(except when moved from or to a project workspace). The Moving Items
across Workspaces option forces the object to inherit the permissions

from the target destination, as if it were being copied. It is important to


note, this behavior only occurs when moving items from the Personal
Workspace to a folder in the Enterprise Workspace, and not from a folder in

the Enterprise Workspace to another folder in the Enterprise Workspace.

Pa ge 7- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a pt e r 7 . S y s te m Adm i n i s tr a ti o n

Configure Rendering Settings

Administrators can enable the Use Versioned Resources setting to
minimize the need for users to refresh their browser caches after a
Content Server upgrade.

Figure 7-6:
O oN

Administer Rendering
pe o

n tD
Te i

The Generate WebLingo FileName Comments is enabled, if you want to

xt str

add comments to every generated HTML page in Content Server to

describe which WebLingo template file generated that page.
In ibu

This setting is typically used for debugging purposes.

te te

When enabled, as is the case here, the generated HTML page contains

WebLingo comments, as illustrated in the following figure:


<!-- File Begin: html\baseblank.html -->


<!-- File Begin:

module\webadmin_16_0_0\html\rendersettings.html -->

<META http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;


<LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="/img16/style/

Figure 7-7:

<LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="/img16/

Example of a WebLingo
Page with Comments
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://localhost/img16/
favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">
.browseRow1 { background-color: #FFFFFF; }
.browseRow2 { background-color: #FFFFFF; }
<TITLE>Configure Rendering Settings</TITLE>

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 7-9

C h ap te r 7 . S y s t em A dm i n i s tr at io n

You can also set the BASE HREF value in an HTML page that includes a
custom view. If no values are present in this page, default values in the
HTTP request are used. The settings include:
 Protocol: a list from which you can select either http or https
 Host: a text field which allows you to enter the hostname of the server
to include in the BASE HREF URL
 Port: a text field which allows you to enter the port of the web server
used in the BASE HREF URL

Configure Status Page for Multi-Select Actions

O oN
pe o

This setting refers to Copy, Move and Delete which appear at the top of
every folder -- the Multi-select buttons.
n tD

By default, whenever you select a number of items to be copied, moved or

Te i

deleted, you are taken to a Status page that displays the progress of your
actions. The page refreshes after every 5 items have been processed.
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 7-8:

Configure Status Page for

Multi-Select Actions

Configure the Operations for Copy, Delete and Move


You have two options for these operations. The default is to commit the

transactions (in the database) only if all operations complete successfully.

Therefore, if you are deleting a folder structure, and one document has a
locked version, all transactions will fail.

Pa ge 7- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a pt e r 7 . S y s te m Adm i n i s tr a ti o n

The alternative is to commit all transactions up to that point.

Figure 7-9:

Configure the Operations

for Copy and Delete Page
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str

For copy, the successful transaction will be completed top down.

For delete, the successful transactions will be completed bottom
In ibu

te te

Memcached Statistics

Memcached proceses are managed just like the other Content Server

search processes a through the System Object Volume. When Content

Server is installed, it will create three default memcached nodes.

Memcached process metrics or ‘statistics’ are available to administrators,


however, these values will only be typically sought after by OpenText

representatives such as developers, Customer Support, or consultants.

Figure 7-10:

Memcached Statisticse

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 7 -1 1

C h ap te r 7 . S y s t em A dm i n i s tr at io n

Summary In summary, in this chapter we:

 Administered settings related to system administration, with a
particular focus on customizing how Content Server handles user
events or activities, including: Item Control, Rendering, Date Triggers,
and Copy/Delete
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Pa ge 7- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 8. A dmi ni stering E vent A udi ti ng

8. Administering Event Auditing


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Set Auditing Interests
 Query or Purge the Audit Log
 Manage Audit Records, if Upgrading from Versions Prior to 9.2
 Set Audit Security Settings
O oN
pe o

n tD

In this chapter, you will learn about administering event auditing,

Te i

including the setting of auditing interests, querying the audit log and
purging the audit log.
xt str

The Administering Event Auditing administrative options and links are

described in the following table:
In ibu
te te

Table 8-1: Event Audit Administration Page


Administration Page Link Description


Set Auditing Interests Select which events you want to audit for which items
in the Content Server database.

Query Audit Log Query the audit log to view information by item type,

event type, user, and date range.

Purge Audit Log Purge information from the audit log, based on event

type, user, and date range


Manage Audit Records The Content Server auditing system was changed
Created in Prior Releases following version 9.2. The Content Server auditing

system now stores more information in a new format.

Event records created in prior releases can be
managed through this administration page.

Audit Security Settings Allows the Admin user [only] to alter the security
settings for auditing maintenance tasks.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 8-1

C hap te r 8. A dmi nist e ri ng Ev en t Au di ti ng

Introducing Content Server Auditing

In order to track how and how much your users use the Content Server
system, you should set auditing interests from the Set Auditing Interests

By default, many events are audited. Whenever a user performs an action

that is tracked in the audit log, a record is added to the DAuditNew table.
This has no appreciable effect on performance, but it will add data to your
table space.

Any user with See and See Contents permission for an item can view its
O oN

audited events from Properties > Audit.

pe o

Workflows are automatically and independently audited, and

n tD

their data is stored in the WWorkAudit table. You can view their
Te i

audit trails from the Workflow Status page.

xt str

Related settings are found on the Administer Modified Date

In ibu

Triggers page. You can set whether or not changing permissions

on attribute values changes the modified date.
te te

Setting Auditing Interests


The Auditing Interests page is where administrators can specify which


events that Content Server will audit.


Set Audit Interests


1. Sign in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).


2. Navigate to the Administration pages > System Administration section. If

prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g., opentext).
3. Click Administer Event Auditing.

Pa ge 8- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 8. A dmi ni stering E vent A udi ti ng

The Administer Event Logging page is displayed (non-Admin User


Figure 8-1:

Administration Pages
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str

4. Now sign in using the Admin user account (e.g., admin/cs!).

5. Navigate to the Administration pages > System Administration section. If
In ibu

prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g., opentext).

te te

6. Click Administer Event Auditing.


The Administer Event Logging page is displayed (Admin User account).


Figure 8-2:

Administration Pages with

Admin User Account

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 8-3

C hap te r 8. A dmi nist e ri ng Ev en t Au di ti ng

The important point to notice with the Admin user account is the
presence of the Audit Security Settings administrative option.

7. Log out as the Admin User and sign in using an administrative account (e.g.,

It is important for the Admin User to review the Set Auditing Interests
page settings to ensure the appropriate events are being audited for
their respective systems.
With upgrading to a newer Content Server, or the addition of
cumulative updates, there may be additional auditing events available,
O oN

but they have not been enabled by default.

pe o

n tD

The Set Auditing Interests page should be reviewed after the following
activities, since additional audit events are not always enabled by default,
Te i

xt str

 Upgrading to a newer version of Content Server

 Installing optional modules
In ibu

 Applying a Content Server cumulative update

te te

8. Click Set Auditing Interests.


Pa ge 8- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 8. A dmi ni stering E vent A udi ti ng

The Set Auditing Interests page is displayed. In the following figure, it

illustrates the Set Auditing Interests page where all of the interests have
been previously enabled for Outdoor Gear:

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 8-3: Example of Set Auditing Interests Page with All Events Selected

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 8-5

C hap te r 8. A dmi nist e ri ng Ev en t Au di ti ng

Events To enable event auditing, select the check box for the event.

To disable event auditing, clear the check box for the event.

The help for this page can be used to obtain more information and
explanations regarding the auditing of specific events.
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str

Figure 8-4: Audit Events and Help

In ibu
te te

Enabled audit interests are stored in the Kini table, by their

respective EventID (i.e., select * from kini where

inisection = 'Livelink.Auditing' and inikeyword =


For more information about Content Server’s database schema,

consider the 3-0127 – Content Server Schema and Report

Fundamentals course.


Audit Administration Force auditing of all events performed by System Administrators.


The Force auditing of all events performed by System Administrators

setting is available on the Set Auditing Interests page (with CS 10.0 +
Update 9 and later). This setting is not enabled by default.

When the Force auditing of all events performed by System

Administrators setting is selected, any auditable actions performed by
users with the System Administration privilege will be audited, regardless
of the other audit interest settings.

Audit Attributes Changed This auditing option is enabled by default and it records an Attributes
Changed event when an item (or item version) that is created or copied
has a Category Attribute applied to it, and the default value of the
Category Attribute is changed.

Pa ge 8- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 8. A dmi ni stering E vent A udi ti ng

It does not matter whether the Category Attribute is inherited from a

parent container or explicitly applied by a user. An Attributes Changed
event is recorded only if a user changes the Category Attribute from its
default value. If the user does not change the default value of the
Category Attribute, an Attributes Changed event is not recorded.

When the option is disabled an Attributes Changed event is not recorded

when an item that is created or copied has a Category Attribute applied to
it, regardless of whether a user modifies the default value of the Category
Attribute. An Attributes Changed event is recorded, however, if a user
changes a Category Attribute value that is currently applied to an item
from its existing value to a different one.
O oN

9. Click Set Interests followed by Admin Home.

pe o

The System Administration page is displayed.

n tD
Te i

Querying the Audit Log

xt str

As the Admin User or a user with system administration privilege, you can
view the entire audit trail for all items from the Query Audit Log page.
In ibu

You can query by type of item, by user, by event, and/or by a range of

te te


This page essentially gives you a flexible interface to run SQL statements
against the DAuditNew table.

Here are some sample queries you may choose to run:


 Locate Projects created in the past month


 Find Tasks edited by a given user

Find documents or folders whose permissions have changed in the

past two weeks

Query the Audit Log

1. Click Administer Event Auditing followed by Query Audit Log.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 8-7

C hap te r 8. A dmi nist e ri ng Ev en t Au di ti ng

The Query Audit Log page is displayed.

Figure 8-5:

Querying the Audit Log

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu

Audit information can be queried based on multiple criteria, including:

Target Items, Event Types, Performers or Dates.
te te

Target Items In the Target Items section, do one of the following:


 To query all items, click the All radio button


 To query specific items, click the By Type radio button, and then select
an item in the drop-down list

To query a single item, click the Single Item radio button, and then

click the Browse Content Server button, navigate to the item, and
then click its Select link

 To query items that belong to a specific user or group, click the Single

User/Group radio button, and then find a user or group


2. Enter a type (e.g., Document).

Event Type In the Event Type section, do one of the following:

 To query the audit log of a specific type of event, click the event in
Event Type drop-down list.
 To query the audit log of all event types, leave the default value of
3. Leave the Event Type default of All.

Pa ge 8- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 8. A dmi ni stering E vent A udi ti ng

Performer In the Performer section, do one of the following:

 To query the audit log of all users and groups, click the All radio
 To query the audit log of a specific user, click the Specific User radio
button, and then find a user or group
4. Enter a Performer (e.g., Chris Ho).

Date In the Date section, do one of the following:

 To query the audit log of items or events within a specific time frame,
specify the month, day, and year in From Date and To Date using the
calendar picker
O oN

 To query the audit log of items up to the present day, leave the To
pe o

Date blank
To query the audit log of items since the system was first installed,
n tD

leave the From Date blank
Te i

5. Enter a From Date (e.g., 01/01/2012) and a To Date (e.g., 12/31/2012).

xt str

Rows Per Page The Rows Per Page setting controls the number of results displayed on
each page. The default value is 50; however this can be changed to 100,
In ibu

120, 200, 250, 300 using the drop-down list.

te te

6. Change the Rows Per Page to 100.


7. Click Submit Query to query the audit log based on your entered criteria.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 8-9

C hap te r 8. A dmi nist e ri ng Ev en t Au di ti ng

Audit query results are displayed, as illustrated in the following figure


O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 8-6: Example of the Audit Query


8. Click Admin Home.

The System Administration page is displayed.


Purging the Audit Log


The Audit Log is never emptied automatically. As you can imagine, it can
grow to be very large in a short amount of time. You can purge all or part

of the audit log as needed, using the same general interface to define the
records to be purged as you do to query the audit log.

Before purging the audit log, you may choose to back up your database.
You will have to establish a policy on how much and how long your
Content Server instance is audited. But remember that once you purge
the audit trail, you will not be able to run LiveReports on that information.

Your decision on how often to purge the audit log and how to store the
data is often subject to regulatory control. Your policies should be
included in a Best Practices document for your organization and Content
Server system.

Pa ge 8- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 8. A dmi ni stering E vent A udi ti ng

Customers in heavily regulated environments often use the Content

Server Records Management module to manage the lifecycle of
documents and other records.

Purge the Audit Log

1. Click Administer Event Auditing followed by Purge Audit Log.

The Purge Audit Log page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

Figure 8-7:
xt str

The Purge Audit Log Page

In ibu
te te

Audit information can be purged based on multiple criteria, including:


Target Items, Event Types, Performers or Dates.

Target Items In the Target Items section, do one of the following:


 To query all items, click the All radio button


 To query specific items, click the By Type radio button, and then select

an item in the drop-down list

 To query a single item, click the Single Item radio button, and then
click the Browse Content Server button, navigate to the item, and
then click its Select link
 To query items that belong to a specific user or group, click the Single
User/Group radio button, and then find a user or group
2. Enter a type (e.g., Document).

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 8 -1 1

C hap te r 8. A dmi nist e ri ng Ev en t Au di ti ng

Event Type In the Event Type section, do one of the following:

 To query the audit log of a specific type of event, click the event in
Event Type drop-down list.
 To query the audit log of all event types, leave the default value of
3. Leave the Event Type default of All.

Performer In the Performer section, do one of the following:

 To query the audit log of all users and groups, click the All radio
To query the audit log of a specific user, click the Specific User radio
O oN

button, and then find a user or group
pe o

4. Enter a Performer, by login (e.g., sadmin).

n tD

Date In the Date section, do one of the following:

Te i

 To query the audit log of items or events within a specific time frame,
specify the month, day, and year in From Date and To Date using the
xt str

calendar picker
 To query the audit log of items up to the present day, leave the To
In ibu

Date blank
te te

 To query the audit log of items since the system was first installed,
leave the From Date blank

5. Enter a From Date (e.g., start of this week) and a To Date (e.g., today).

6. Click Purge to begin purging the audit log based on your entered criteria.

The Administer Event Auditing page is refreshed, updating the user as to


the progress of the purge operation, especially when a large number of

records are being purged. You will be informed when “the pure of audit
events is complete”, as illustrated in the following figure:

Figure 8-8:

Purge of Audit Log is


You can use the Maintain Current Database link on the Content
Server Administration page to access a listing of the record
counts in all tables, including the DAuditNew table, where the
audit records are stored.

Pa ge 8- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 8. A dmi ni stering E vent A udi ti ng

7. Click Admin Home.

The System Administration page is displayed.

Manage Audit Records Created in Prior Releases

Prior to version 9.5, a table called DAudit was used to track audit events.
Content Server now tracks many more events and uses a table called
DAuditNew. Only organizations with databases created with version 9.2
or earlier will have the DAudit table.
O oN

The Manage Audit Records Created in Prior Releases page gives you two
pe o

choices to deal with your older audit records. You can convert them into

the new format, or purge them.

n tD
Te i

Audit Security Settings

xt str

The Audit Security Setting page is available with Content Server 10.0 +
Update 11 and later, which enables the Admin user to restrict the ability
In ibu

to change Audit Interests or Purge the audit log to just themselves,

te te

instead of any users with the System Administration privilege.


To protect the accuracy and integrity of the Content Server audit log,
ordinary users cannot access the Content Server audit log administrative

functions. By default, only the Admin User and any user with the system
administration privilege can query the audit log, set auditing interests,

and purge the audit log. You can enable Audit Security Settings; however,

this restricts these abilities even further.


System Administrators may wish to enable Audit Security


Settings if their organization is regulated and it is mandatory


that they can demonstrate the integrity of the audit log.

Set Audit Interests

1. Sign in using the Admin user account (e.g., admin/cs!).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > System Administration section. If
prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g., opentext).
3. Click Administer Event Auditing followed by Audit Security Settings.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 8 -1 3

C hap te r 8. A dmi nist e ri ng Ev en t Au di ti ng

The Audit Security Settings page is displayed.

Figure 8-9:

Audit Security Setting

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str

Limit Audit Config to By default, this setting is disabled and means that any user with the
Admin User system administration privilege can access the Audit Configuration
In ibu

te te

If the Limit Audit Config to Admin User setting is enabled, it means that

only the Admin user will have the ability to Purge Audit Logs or Modify
Audit Interests.

Other users with the system administration privilege will only see the

option to Query Audit Log as a link on the Administer Event Auditing



Figure 8-10:

Administer Event Auditing

Functionality Restricted

Pa ge 8- 14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 8. A dmi ni stering E vent A udi ti ng

In the unlikely event that the user navigates to a saved URL (e.g., Set
Auditing Interests), they will receive an error message informing them
that they do not have enough permissions to execute that request, as
illustrated in the figure below.

Figure 8-11:
O oN

Insufficient Permissions
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str

Disable Audit Purge If the Disable Audit Purge option is enabled, then users no longer have
access to the Purge Audit Log functionality, either from the UI or through
a URL. When this setting is enabled, it cannot be reversed.
In ibu
te te

Lock Audit Settings If the Lock Audit Interests setting is enabled, then the Set Auditing
Interests page becomes read-only and users are no longer able to modify

these settings. If the user installs a module that creates their own event
interests, they will be displayed on the page, but the user will not be able

to modify the default values.


Consider carefully before you decide to prevent purging of the audit log
or changing the lock audit interests. Once you take either of these steps,

they are not reversible.


For example, if you prevent changes to your audit interests

configuration, you will be unable to enable new auditing interests added

by a new Content Server module, or disable such new auditing interests

that are enabled by default.

4. If the Limit Audit Config to “Admin” User setting was previously enabled
during this Step Set, ensure that it is disabled and you click Submit to save
the change, otherwise click Admin Home to return to the System
Administration page.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 8 -1 5

C hap te r 8. A dmi nist e ri ng Ev en t Au di ti ng

Running LiveReports on the Audit Table

Many of our Content Server project leaders are under the burden of
proof that the system is being used and used well. You are probably also
responsible for making sure that the system’s deployment and training
run smoothly.

The audit trail, and LiveReports against the audit trail, can show
important system activity. This can help you both show the success of the
system and spot individuals and groups in your organization with “weak”
usage of the system that may need more help and encouragement.
O oN

You can create graphic charts and summary tables showing the system
usage by generating LiveReports which query the DAuditNew table, the
pe o

DTreeCore table, the workflow tables, and other parts of the database
n tD

An example of such a report is available, if signed is as the Admin user,

Te i

from the Global Menu bar > Personal > My Workspace > ODG
Maintenance > System, Usage and Audit Reports folder (i.e., http://
xt str

In ibu

Running the ODG Mgmt - Audited System Usage - Pie Chart report
generates a pie chart similar to the following figure, however, results may
te te

vary, based on the events that Content Server has recorded prior to

running the report.


Pa ge 8- 16 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 8. A dmi ni stering E vent A udi ti ng

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 8-12: Example of LiveReport Pie Chart Showing System Usage Based on Audited Events

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 8 -1 7

C hap te r 8. A dmi nist e ri ng Ev en t Au di ti ng

In summary, in this chapter we:
 Set Auditing Interests
 Queried the Audit Log
 Managed Audit Records, if Upgrading from Versions Prior to 9.2
 Set Audit Security Settings
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Pa ge 8- 18 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 8. A dmi ni stering E vent A udi ti ng



This exercise will provide you with an opportunity to practice what you have learned earlier in this
chapter about administering auditable events.

Configure Auditable Events For a New Content Server Instance

1. Start the services, if necessary, for CS16b.

O oN

2. Sign in using admin/livelink.

pe o

3. Navigate to the Administration pages > System Administration section. If prompted for
the Administration password, enter opentext.
n tD
Te i

4. Click Administer Event Auditing followed by Set Auditing Interests.

5. Enable all of the available events, then click Set Interests followed by Admin Home.
xt str

6. Click Administer Event Auditing followed by Query Auditing Log.

In ibu

7. Enter an Event Type of Configuration Changes and a From Date corresponding to the
te te

beginning of this week then click Submit Query. Results will include the most recent, change
to audited events, as illustrated in the following figure:

8. Close all browsers.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 8 -1 9

C hap te r 8. A dmi nist e ri ng Ev en t Au di ti ng

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Pa ge 8- 20 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 9 . C at eg or i es a nd A tt ri bu te s Adm i ni s tr a ti on

9. Categories and Attributes Administration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Create Additional Node Attributes
 Review the Categories Volume functionality
 Administer MIME Types and Categories
 Configure Attribute Value Requirements
Allocate Necessary Permissions and Privileges to Selected Users or Groups to Manage
O oN

Categories and Attributes
pe o

n tD

Te i

This chapter deals with The Content Server System Administration pages
xt str

that relates to Categories and Attributes, including:

 Administering Additional Node Attributes
In ibu

 Administer MIME Types and Categories

te te

 Configure Attribute Value Requirements


 Open the Categories Volume


While we recommend that your organization designates a team of

business analysts or knowledge managers to design the taxonomy of the

system’s information, these people often rely on administrators for


advice – so in this chapter we will also make sure you are prepared to give

Categories and Attributes are also created to improve searches and


change the way results are displayed.


The creation and use of Categories and Attributes is covered in

the 1-0184 Managing Documents in Content Server course.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 9-1

Chapte r 9. Cat e go ri e s and Att r ib ute s Ad mini st ra ti on

Administering Categories and Attributes

Category and Attribute Administration

This Step Set will make use of the CS16b instance to demonstrate the
Additional Node Attributes feature, so as not to impact of affect the CS16
or Outdoor Gear instance.

1. Start the CS16b instance services if they are not already started.
2. Sign in to the CS16b instance with the Admin user account (e.g., admin/
O oN

3. Navigate to the Administration pages > System Administration section. If

pe o

prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g., opentext).

n tD

The System Administration page is displayed.

Te i

Administering Additional Node Attributes

xt str
In ibu

Occasionally, organizations may find some metadata is important enough

to be added to every object in the system. If this is the case, then you may
te te

want to use an Additional Node Attribute instead of a Category Attribute.


As you know, an Attribute must be created in a Category and then

assigned to an item before a user can fill it in. Additional Node Attributes

are automatically presented to users whenever they add a new item.


Carefully consider the user requirements before making Additional Node


Attributes. Keep in mind that Additional Node Attributes are applied to

all Content Server items, including items that are created automatically,
such as the items in the System Object Volume. For this reason, we

recommend that you do not make Additional Node Attributes required.


Examples of additional node attributes:


 Indicating the object is for internal use only.

 You will be prompted to edit the Attribute values of the specified
Category based on your previous MIME Type and Category
4. Click Administer Additional Node Attributes.

Pa ge 9- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 9 . C at eg or i es a nd A tt ri bu te s Adm i ni s tr a ti on

The Administer Additional Node Attributes page is displayed.

Figure 9-1:

Add New Additional Node

O oN
pe o

n tD

For Content Server users, Additional Node Attributes are

displayed on the Properties > General page, below the
Te i

Description field and they are also presented when objects, like
documents are added to the system.
xt str
In ibu

For illustrative purposes, a pair of additional node attributes will be

te te

created: “ODG Division” intended to record which company division the

item is associated with and “ODG Sunset Time” intended to be a rough

estimator of how long a document’s active life is supposed to be for in


5. Click Add A New Attribute.


The Add New Attributes page is displayed.


Figure 9-2:

Add New Attribute Page

The attribute Name is limited to alphanumeric characters, underscores,

cannot start with a number and cannot be a database or SQL reserved
word -- for reasons that will become apparent shortly.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 9-3

Chapte r 9. Cat e go ri e s and Att r ib ute s Ad mini st ra ti on

6. Enter the following Attribute properties:

a. Name as ODG_Division.
b. Type as Text: Field.
c. Text Length as 25.
d. Display Name as ODG Division.
7. Click Create Attribute.

The Additional Node Attribute is created and displayed.

8. Click Add A New Attribute.

O oN

9. Enter the following Attribute properties:

pe o

a. Name as ODG_Sunset_Time.

b. Type as Number: Text Field.

n tD

c. Display Name as ODG Sunset Time (months).

Te i

10. Click Create Attribute.

xt str

The Additional Node Attribute is created and displayed. Once an

Additional Node Attribute has been added, it can be configured to be
In ibu

either Excluded, Included or Required, as illustrated in the following

te te

Figure 9-3:

Additional Node Attribute


11. Select Include for both attributes and click Save Changes.
12. You will be prompted to restart the Content Server service; click Restart
followed by Continue to complete this process. The service must be
restarted for the Additional Node Attribute changes to take effect.
13. Click Admin Home.
14. To test the additional node attribute, add a document to the Enterprise
Workspace from C:\SampleDocs.

Pa ge 9- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 9 . C at eg or i es a nd A tt ri bu te s Adm i ni s tr a ti on

In this example, the Additional Node Attribute is displayed, below the

Description field, when adding a new document.

Figure 9-4:
O oN

An Additional Attribute
Displayed on an Add
pe o

Document Page
n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Only system administrators have the ability to create Additional Node

Attributes and the privilege is restricted to system administrators. This is

because, behind the scenes, Content Server adds a new column to the
DTreeCore table when Additional Node Attributes are added to the


The following SQL Query and results illustrates the corresponding


schema change made to the DTreeCore table by means of a pair of new

columns being added. This also explains why the restrictive naming of the
Additional Node Attribute, since that name is used for the column name in

the DBBMS.

Figure 9-5: Additional Node Attribute Changes DTreeCore Schema

15. Close all open browsers.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 9-5

Chapte r 9. Cat e go ri e s and Att r ib ute s Ad mini st ra ti on

Administer MIME Types and Categories

You can associate any available MIME type with an existing Category.
When a MIME type is associated with more than one Category, and users
add objects of that MIME type, they are directed to a second page during
the Add Item process where they can choose which Category they want
applied to that item.

Administer MIME Types and Categories

1. Sign in to the CS16 instance using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/

O oN

pe o

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > System Administration section. If


prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g., opentext).

n tD

The System Administration page is displayed.

Te i

3. Click Administer MIME Types and Categories.

xt str

The Administer MIME Types and Categories page is displayed.

In ibu
te te

Figure 9-6:

Administer MIME Types

and Categories Page

In the following example, PDF files are associated with the Product Spec

4. Click Add Category ( ), then select a Category (e.g., Product Spec).

To delete a Category, select the Category and click Delete.
5. Select a MIME Type (e.g.,application/pdf), from the list on the left, and then
the associated Category from the list on the right (e.g., Product Spec). Now

click the Link button ( ). To remove the link between the MIME
Type and the Category, click Unlink.
6. Click Submit.

Pa ge 9- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 9 . C at eg or i es a nd A tt ri bu te s Adm i ni s tr a ti on

The MIME Type will then appear as one of the Assigned Types, as
illustrated in the following figure, when the page is displayed.

Figure 9-7:

Administer MIME Types

and Categories Assigned
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In order to allow users to choose a Category when they add an

item, if the item they are adding is of a MIME type that has more
xt str

than one Category associated with it, you must select the
Display categories on second Add Item page check box on the
In ibu

Administer Item Control page.

te te

7. Click Admin Home.

8. In a separate browser tab or windows, add a PDF file from C:\SampleDocs

to the Enterprise Workspace > Product Development > Laser Sighter folder,
remembering to click Add.

When a file with the specified MIME Type is added to Content Server.

Figure 9-8:

Adding a PDF File

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 9-7

Chapte r 9. Cat e go ri e s and Att r ib ute s Ad mini st ra ti on

You will be prompted to edit the Attribute values of the specified

Category based on your previous MIME Type and Category association.

Figure 9-9:

Prompted to Edit Category

Attributes for the PDF
MIME Type File
O oN
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9. Close the current browser tab or window.

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Configure Attribute Value Requirements

te te

When organizations configure attribute values to be required, they are


usually considering users who are adding documents to Content Server.


We want to enforce metadata creation so it can be leveraged for

searching and faceted browsing. Objects like discussions and workflow

maps are not part of this scenario therefore attributes should not be
required for these types of items.

The Configure Attribute Value Requirements page is accessed from the

Administration pages > System Administration > Configure Attribute

Value Requirements and it allows system administrators to specify which


Content Server item types must obey a required attribute setting.


When you clear a check box next to an object type’s name on the
Configure Attribute Value Requirements page (as illustrated in
the subsequent figure), the required values will no longer be
enforced. However, the object will still inherit any categories
that are on the parent item.

Configure Attribute Value Requirements

1. From the System Administration section, click Configure Attribute Value


Pa ge 9- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 9 . C at eg or i es a nd A tt ri bu te s Adm i ni s tr a ti on

The Configure Attribute Value Requirements page is displayed. As

illustrated in the following figure, required Attributes are enforced for
Documents, but not for Folders.

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Figure 9-10: Configure Attribute Value Requirements Page

2. Click Admin Home.

The System Administration page is displayed.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 9-9

Chapte r 9. Cat e go ri e s and Att r ib ute s Ad mini st ra ti on

Open the Categories Volume

As previously stated, administrators will set permissions and privileges so
that knowledge managers can deal with Categories and Attributes. This
topic will be discussed in the next section, however, this section provides
a review of the Categories Volume, the location where Categories are
typically stored in Content Server.

Open the Categories Volume

1. Sign in to the CS16 instance with an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/

O oN

pe o

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > System Administration section. If


prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g., opentext).

n tD

The System Administration page is displayed.

Te i

3. Click Open the Categories Volume.

xt str

The Categories Volume is displayed.

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Figure 9-11: Example of the Categories Volume and its Contents

The Category Volume can store Category Folders, a useful tool used to
organize sets of Categories, perhaps along departmental lines or
functional roles, and Categories.

Categories Volume is displayed.

Pa ge 9- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 9 . C at eg or i es a nd A tt ri bu te s Adm i ni s tr a ti on

If the Product Spec Category was opened for editing along side the
Enterprise Search Manager Regions (discussed later in this course), you
can see a correlation between the Category and search, in support of
earlier claims that Categories can be used to help searches.

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Figure 9-12: Example of the Categories Volume and its Contents

xt str

4. Cancel any open Categories and click Admin Home.

In ibu

The System Administration page is displayed.

te te

Setting Privileges to Create Categories


Categories and Attributes provide users with a way to collect and store

custom metadata; you then have several options with the search

interface to find and retrieve this data. However, by default, only system
administrators can create Categories. System administrators can extend
this privilege to certain users and groups in order to control the number

and type of Categories used in the system.


From the Administration pages > System Administration > Administer


Object and Usage Privilege page, system administrators can allow special
Knowledge Managers to create Categories.

There are two privileges related to Categories: Category and Category

Folder. Categories can be added anywhere the user has Add Item
permission, but Category Folders can only be added to the Categories
Volume. For example, you could allow a Human Resources knowledge
manager to create Categories, but you would also need to give them Add
Item permission on the Employee Categories Folder in the Categories

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 9 -1 1

Chapte r 9. Cat e go ri e s and Att r ib ute s Ad mini st ra ti on

It is recommended you store the majority of your Categories in the

Categories Volume which allows centralized access to them. For example,
whenever you click the icon to add a Category to an object, the initial list
comes from that volume.

Setting Permissions to Create and Use Categories

The Categories Volume serves as a main storage area for Categories, and
by default, all Content Server users can use the Categories stored there.
However, permissions on individual Categories can be modified to
provide restricted access to specific Categories. You can also add
O oN

Category Folders to the Categories Volume as a way of organizing and

pe o

controlling access to Categories.

n tD

The Categories Volume is accessed from the Administration pages >

System Administration > Open the Categories Volume.
Te i

The figure below illustrates a Categories Volume with Categories and

xt str

Category Folders, arranged by Type with folders appearing first on the

In ibu

By default, only Content Server administrators can add Categories to this

te te

volume. The administrator can edit permissions on this volume to restrict

who can see and use the Categories, as well as who can add Categories to


Who should be able to add Categories to the Categories Volume at your

site? Who should be able to add categories, but only to folders?

Keep in mind that in most organizations, 95% of the users will not need to
use a Category from the Categories Volume or elsewhere – they will use
the Categories that are inherited from the folder to which they add items.

The Table below lists various Category activities and the corresponding
permissions for Categories and Content Server Items.

Pa ge 9- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 9 . C at eg or i es a nd A tt ri bu te s Adm i ni s tr a ti on

Table 9-1: Required Permissions for Categories

To Do This … You need these You need these

Permissions for Permissions for
Categories Content Server

See Categories applied to Content See, See See, See

Server items, and apply values to Contents Contents
attributes when adding an item to
Content Server.

Apply additional Categories to a Content See, See See, See

Server item. Contents Contents,
O oN

Modify, Edit
pe o

Edit a Content Server item’s Attribute See, See See, See

n tD

values. Contents Contents,

Modify, Edit
Te i


Edit Attributes in a Category. See, See N/A

xt str

Modify, Reserve
In ibu

Copy a Category. See, See N/A

te te


Upgrade items to which a modified See, See See, See

Category has been applied. Contents Contents,

Modify, Edit

Move or delete a Category. See, See N/A


Modify, Delete
Versions, Delete

In summary, in this chapter we:
 Created Additional Node Attributes
 Reviewed the Categories Volume functionality
 Administered MIME Types and Categories
 Configured Attribute Value Requirements
 Set Necessary Permissions and Privileges to Selected Users or
Groups to Manage Categories and Attributes

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 9 -1 3

Chapte r 9. Cat e go ri e s and Att r ib ute s Ad mini st ra ti on

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Pa ge 9- 14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a pt e r 1 0 . R e cy c le B i n

10. Recycle Bin


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Describe the features and functionality of Content Server’s Recycle Bin
 Configure Restorable item Types
 Configure Recycle Bin Settings and User Options
 Delete and Restore a Restorable item
O oN
pe o

n tD

This chapter deals with Content Server’s Recycle Bin.

Te i

For administrators familiar with previous Content Server versions, the

xt str

former Document Undelete and Recycle Bin administration page sections

and their associated modules have been superseded by the built-in
Recycle Bin which is administered from the System Administration
In ibu

te te

There is a privilege associated with Recycle Bin Administration called the


Recycle Bin Manager and a discussion of that setting can be found in an

earlier chapter that deals with System Administration in the Administer

Object and Usage Privileges section.


Undelete and Recycle Bin Modules Replaced with Built-in Recycle Bin

The previously available Content Server [core] Undelete module and the

optional Recycle Bin module are no longer required for use with Content
Server. Administrators will find that the corresponding administration

page sections and links are no longer available.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 0 -1

C h ap te r 1 0 . R e cy cl e B in

Beginning with v16.0, there is a [core] built-in Recycle Bin and it is

administered from the Administration pages > System Administration >
Recycle Bin.

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Figure 10-1: Built-in Recycle Bin Administration

te te

Recycle Bin Configuration and Administration


1. Sign in using an account with administrative rights (e.g., sadmin/letmein).


2. Navigate to the administration pages and enter the password if prompted


(i.e., opentext).
3. Scroll down to the System Administration section and click Recycle Bin.

Pa ge 10- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a pt e r 1 0 . R e cy c le B i n

The Recycle Bin Settings page is displayed.

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Figure 10-2: Recycle Bin Settings Page


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 0 -3

C h ap te r 1 0 . R e cy cl e B in

Legacy Undelete or Legacy The other possible Option(s) are dependent on whether the system was
Recycle Bin upgraded from a prior version and it had either the Recycle Bin or
Document Undelete module installed and they contained deleted
documents. If so, additional View Options will appear for example as
“Manage Legacy Deleted Items”.

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Figure 10-3: Legacy Content Server Undelete Workspace


Legacy data links are only visible if Recycle Bin (RB) or Undelete (UD)
Volumes existed in a system prior to it being upgraded to Content Server


During an upgrade, the respective RB or UD contents are placed onto

separate Content Server folders as their new parent containers.

Users with system administration rights or users with the Recycle Bin

Manager privilege have access to these Legacy data folders.


Search is not uniform across legacy and v16.0 deleted

documents. Users cannot search against the v16.0 core RB, but
can search against the Legacy data folders and its contents if you
are either the Admin User, have system administration rights or
eDiscovery rights.

Pa ge 10- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a pt e r 1 0 . R e cy c le B i n

Supported Types

Restorable Click Edit/Review Restorable Node Types to display the tabulated lists
 Optional Restorable Node Types
 Mandatory Restorable Node Types

The following figure illustrates the objects that can be deleted and
recovered or restored, assuming that they have not been manually
purged by the user or automatically purged by Content Server. The first
group of Optional Node Types are configurable while the second
Mandatory Node Types is not configurable. The numbers in brackets
O oN

correspond to the subtype integer value of each node type.

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Figure 10-4: Recycle Bin Restorable Objects

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 0 -5

C h ap te r 1 0 . R e cy cl e B in

You can review the configuration and click Cancel to return to the
previous page or alternatively make changes and click Update to make
the change and also return to the previous page.

Not Restorable Click Edit/Review Non-Restorable Node Types to display the tabulated
lists of:
 Non-Restorable Node Types
 Non-Restorable Volumes

The following figure illustrates the objects that do not support restore.
When the node type is deleted, they are immediately purged and will not
appear in the Recycle Bin. The numbers in brackets correspond to the
O oN

subtype integer value of each node type.

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Figure 10-5: Recycle Bin Non-Restorable Objects

Pa ge 10- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a pt e r 1 0 . R e cy c le B i n

You can review the configuration and click Cancel to return to the
previous page.

The missing icons for 162, 908, 2504 and the missing names for
731, 732 have already been reported to OpenText. Unknown
(397) is actually My Personal Staging Folder and Unknown (527)
is actually Transport Item Part.

Settings Administrators have the ability to enable or disable the Recycle Bin
O oN

feature, its automatic purging, and the frequency with which the purging
pe o

or emptying of the Recycle Bin occurs.


Enable The Recycle Bin is enabled by default with Allow restore capability for
n tD

supported object types. When it is enabled, those objects which can be

Te i

restored are maintained by the Recycle Bin after a user has deleted the
xt str

If the Recycle Bin is disabled, with Schedule immediate purge of all items
when they are deleted, all user deleted objects will be immediately
In ibu

te te

Purging The Recycle Bin Auto Purge is enabled by default with a value of 60 days.

When it is enabled, those objects retained by the Recycle Bin will be

thrown out or purged, based on the setting’s value. When Auto Purge is

disabled, the Duration setting is grayed out, and objects retained by the
Recycle Bin will not be subject to automatic purging.

A long retention period may cause database performance issues.

OpenText recommends setting this value to 365 days or less.

User Options

User Access The Recycle Bin has User Access enabled by default via Ordinary users
can see Recycle Bin. When it is enabled, users can access the Recycle Bin
and restore or recover deleted items. Users will access the Recycle Bin
from Global Menu bar > Tools > Recycle Bin.

If the Recycle Bin has User Access disabled, users cannot recover or
restore deleted items themselves and there will not be any corresponding
menu option.

Enabling Users can Purge items will allow users to purge [their] items
from the Recycle Bin, just like throwing out the trash.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 0 -7

C h ap te r 1 0 . R e cy cl e B in

User View Options The set of view options corresponds to the deleted ‘report’ or filter links
that are made available to end users under the Global Menu bar > Tools >
Recycle Bin, include:
 I Deleted Today
 I Deleted
 Anyone Deleted Today
 Anyone Deleted

Disabling every view option will remove the Recycle Bin entry
O oN

from every user’s Personal menu; however, this does not apply to
users with Recycle Bin Manager or System Administration
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Deleting and Restoring Items from an End User’s Perspective

xt str

Although the deleting and restoring of items, like documents would be

considered end user functionality, this chapter section focuses on end
In ibu

user item deletions and restores and thereby allows administrators to be

te te

familiar with deletes and restores from a consumer’s perspective.


Delete and Restore Items Such as Documents


1. Sign in with a user account (e.g., cho/opentext).


2. Change to the Smart View UI using Global Menu bar > My Account >

Smart View.

3. Click Home ( ) followed by cho Home ( ).


Pa ge 10- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a pt e r 1 0 . R e cy c le B i n

Chris Ho’s Personal Workspace (PWS) is displayed using the role-based


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Figure 10-6: Chris Ho’s Personal Workspace


4. Click Chris’ Trashcan Documents folder.

5. Drag-and-drop a few files from C:\SampleDocs into the folder.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 0 -9

C h ap te r 1 0 . R e cy cl e B in

6. Delete one or more of the documents.

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Figure 10-7: Delete a Document

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7. Delete the document and when prompted, confirm the deletion by clicking
In ibu

te te

Content Server v16.0 Recycle Bin features and functionality, in


particular ‘restore’, are only available from the Classic UI.


8. Using the personal menu, select Classic View.

9. Navigate to Global Menu bar > Tools > Recycle Bin.

Figure 10-8:

Tools > Recycle Bin

Pa ge 10- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a pt e r 1 0 . R e cy c le B i n

Users should note that Recycle Bin is now accessed from the
Tools menu, not the Personal menu as in prior versions.

The Recycle Bin and its contents are displayed:

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Figure 10-9: The Recycle Bin and its Contents are Displayed

The Content Filter is available on the side panel, should you need
to filter on an item name, which may be especially true if you
have recently deleted a large number of files.

Recycle Bin Views There are a number of possible views available, which can be configured

by the administrator.

I Deleted Today I Deleted Today will only display those items that you have deleted today.

I Deleted I Deleted will show a complete history of all of the documents you have
deleted (i.e. that you have deleted, but ones you or the system have not

Additional metadata columns displayed include who deleted the item, the
date/time when the item was deleted and the parent container where the
item was before it was deleted.

Anyone Deleted Today A user can see what everyone has deleted today.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 0 -1 1

C h ap te r 1 0 . R e cy cl e B in

Anyone Deleted A user can see everyone’s deletion history.

As previously stated, the ability to select the I / Anyone Recycle Bin views
is configurable by the administrator. In the example below, the Admin
User can see the daily or the full history of what has been deleted.

Users have the ability to Restore, however users do not have the
ability to purge their own deleted documents unless they are
given that right by the administrator.
O oN

Restore A user can readily restore an item, such as a document, that has been
accidentally deleted – as long as it has still been retained by the system
pe o

and has not been purged.

n tD

10. Click I Deleted, if that is not the current Recycle Bin View.
Te i

11. Click Restore opposite the item to be restored, or alternatively, use the
multi-select check boxes to pick one or more items to restore.
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Figure 10-10:

Completing the Restore


and Reviewing the Status


The page will update and provide you with a confirmation dialog.

12. Click the Restore button to confirm the restoration of the item.

13. Click the OK button to complete the restore process.

The status should say ‘Ok’, otherwise, if there was an issue with the
restore, additional information would be displayed under the Status

Pa ge 10- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a pt e r 1 0 . R e cy c le B i n

In summary, in this chapter we:
 Described the features and functionality of Content Server’s Recycle
O oN  Configured Restorable item Types
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Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 0 -1 3

C h ap te r 1 0 . R e cy cl e B in


This exercise will provide you with an opportunity to practice what you have learned earlier in this
chapter about the creating deleting and restoring items. Although the deleting and restoring of
items, like documents would be considered end user functionality, this exercise focuses on end user
item deletions and restores and thereby allow administrators to be familiar with deletes and
restores from a consumer’s perspective.

Delete and Restore Items from an End User’s Perspective

1. Sign in with a user account (e.g., cho/opentext).

O oN
pe o

2. Change to the Smart View UI using Global Menu bar > My Account > Smart View.

n tD

3. Click Home followed by cho Home.

Te i

4. Click Chris’ Trashcan Documents folder.

5. Drag-and-drop a few files from C:\SampleDocs into the folder then delete one or more of
xt str

the documents.
In ibu

6. Delete the document and when prompted, confirm the deletion by clicking Yes.
te te

7. Using the personal menu, select Classic View and navigate to Global Menu bar > Tools >

Recycle Bin.

8. Click I Deleted, if that is not the current Recycle Bin View.

9. Click Restore opposite the item to be restored, or alternatively, use the multi-select check

boxes to pick one or more items to restore.


10. Click the Restore button to confirm the restoration of the item followed by clicking the OK
button to complete the restore process.

Pa ge 10- 14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 11. Ad di ng M odu le s

11. Adding Modules


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Install and uninstall an optional Content Server module
 Differentiate between the staging and the module directories
 Discuss the different module directories and files
 Locate more information about optional modules
O oN
pe o

n tD

In this chapter, we will learn about staging, installing, configuring, and

Te i

uninstalling modules with Content Server. We will examine the module

directory structure and discuss modularity in general.
xt str
In ibu

te te

Out of the box, Content Server is composed of over 72 core modules,


including: projects, forms, text editing, users and groups, etc. Depending
on the Content Server package or bundle you have purchased, there are

other optional modules available for download on the Knowledge Center

that must be installed separately (e.g. XML WF Extensions). These

optional modules and solutions are described on the OpenText web site

( and on the Knowledge Center (KC).

One of the Content Server administrator’s tasks is to manage the


installation and upgrade of all modules. Optional core and optional


modules often have their own installation and administration guides.


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 1 -1

C h ap te r 1 1 . A ddi n g Mod ul es

What Modules Are Available?

As a Content Server administrator, you must obtain a copy of your
purchase agreement to understand all the modules you or your
organization has purchased from OpenText.

There are often situations where not all modules are immediately
installed and deployed. For example, your organization may roll out a
basic version of Content Server, train your users, migrate documents and
processes, and then subsequently deploy additional modules and
functionality (e.g., Records Management). It is a good idea to create a
spreadsheet containing information like module name, version,
O oN

installation parameters, deployment date and licensing information.

pe o

The Knowledge Center contains a Module Matrix that lists all Content
Server versions and the module versions that match, and their location.
n tD
Te i

The Product Compatibility matrix is available from the

Knowledge Center using the following friendly URL: https://
xt str
In ibu
te te

In addition to the core, optional core and optional modules, there are
other possibilities for adding specific or custom functionality:

 Custom modules built for you by OpenText Services


 Custom modules built by Global Partner Program partners


 Custom modules built by your organization


You may choose to purchase additional modules from OpenText and

resellers as they are developed, or you may also create your own modules

with your own custom functionality (using the Content Server IDE or

All Module administration and installation guides can be found in

the Knowledge Center. Additionally, newer versions of the
modules you have purchased are available there as well.

Additionally, all the modules you have purchased will be located in the
Downloads section of the Knowledge Center so you can always download
updated versions.

Pa ge 11- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 11. Ad di ng M odu le s

The Product Compatibility Matrix, formerly Module Matrix, page is

illustrated in the following figure.

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Figure 11-1: The Knowledge Center Contains the Product Compatibility Matrix

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 1 -3

C h ap te r 1 1 . A ddi n g Mod ul es

Content Server’s Modular Architecture

When installed, modules dynamically incorporate themselves into
Content Server by taking on Content Server’s look and feel, and
complying with its structures. The modular architecture allows
independent development of features while maintaining an integrated

A module includes a specific set of directories and files, including:

 An OSpace directory containing the code for the module
 An html directory, containing the HTML templates for the module
O oN

 An ini file, containing modular dependencies and other installation

pe o

and configuration information


n tD

An OSpace is a file containing a set of related Content Server

Te i

objects. OSpaces form the principal code of a Content Server

system and is Content Server’s programming language.
xt str
In ibu

Optional modular directories and files may include:

te te

 A support directory, containing graphics or images


 A help, adminhelp, helpimage directory, containing the help files for

the module

 A dropin (e.g., eLink) or ojlib (e.g., docviewer) directory


 A sample*, template*, or example,* directory (e.g., ActiveView)


A Properties file (e.g.,



erties) is used to translate the user text on Content Server pages

to a local language.

The Properties file stores all of the user text in a given language
(e.g. English, German, etc.) or locale, with keys used by the code.

Pa ge 11- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 11. Ad di ng M odu le s

A Content Server module has been illustrated diagrammatically in the

figure below:

O oN
pe o

Figure 11-2:
n tD

The Module Directory

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Installing and Upgrading Modules


You can install, upgrade, and remove modules from the Content Server

Administration pages.

Installing Installing a Content Server module consists of two phases:

1. Running an install shield program which extracts the files into the
\staging\ directory of your Content Server installation.
2. On the Install Modules page you must then finish the process by
selecting the check box, clicking Install and then restarting the
Content Server service.
This second step moves the files into a unique directory under the
\modules\ directory, registers the module with the database (possibly
building new tables or populating certain columns) and updates the
opentext.ini file.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 1 -5

C h ap te r 1 1 . A ddi n g Mod ul es

Uninstalling Uninstalling a Content Server module removes it from the Content Server
interface and its functionality; it may or may not remove associated
database schema. The module is then placed in the
\uninstalled\yyyymmdd_hhmmss\ directory so that you can install it
again later if desired.

Content Server versions prior to 10.5 SP1 + Cumulative Update 2015-

03 (aka 10.5 u 5), uninstalled modules are placed into
OTHOME\staged\. Subsequent to this cumulative patch, uninstalled
modules are placed into OTHOME\uninstalled\yyyymmdd_hhmmss\.
As a result, modules that an administrator intends to re-install, must be
O oN

moved back into the OTHOME\staging\ directory to make it available to

pe o

Content Server application for installing.

n tD

Historically when a module had been uninstalled or upgraded the old

Te i

module was moved back into the OTHOME\staging directory. However,

there are problems and ensuing confusion if the \staging\ folder begins to
xt str

accumulate multiple copies of a module with the same version number.

In ibu

In an effort to mitigate legacy problems and issues with uninstalling

modules to \staging\, modules are now uninstalled or upgraded using a
te te

different directory that includes a date-time stamp naming convention.


This approach allows administrators differentiate between what versions

of modules were upgraded or uninstalled at different times.

Upgrading Upgrading a module does just what it sounds like. For example, if we

introduce new functionality in a specific module (e.g., XML WF

Extensions) between major Content Server releases, we may provide an

option to upgrade just those modules in your current Content Server


When installing or uninstalling modules, consider turn on logging


(debug=2 and wantlogs=true) in case there are any errors.

Install modules one at-a-time, restarting the Content Server
service between each one, and ensure all dependencies are
satisfied before installing a module. This technique also allows
you isolate issues, in the unlikely event that they occur during
module installation.
Be sure to read all the Module documentation including the
release notes. Specific patches may need to be applied before or
after installation.

Pa ge 11- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 11. Ad di ng M odu le s

To install, uninstall or upgrade a module, the activity is performed from

the Module Administration page, as illustrated in the figure below with
the various available links:

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Figure 11-3: Module Administration Page


Core Modules in Staging


After installing Content Server, core modules will be found in the


\OTHome\staging\ directory.

Figure 11-4: Installable Modules on the Module Installation Page

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 1 -7

C h ap te r 1 1 . A ddi n g Mod ul es

Content Server WebDAV Content Server WebDAV provides the Drag and Drop feature (when
using Internet Explorer). Additional web server mappings are required to
complete the installation and configuration of the module.

Stage an Optional Content Server Module

You can use the provided CS16b instance for this step set. Ask your
instructor if you are uncertain about which instance to use in class.

1. Start the required Content Server services if they are not already running
(e.g., CS16b).
O oN

2. Launch the IE browser and from the favorites bar, select OTCS 16.0 >
CS16b Admin; the corresponding URL is: http://localhost/CS16b/
pe o

n tD

3. Enter an Administrator password, if prompted (e.g. livelink).

Te i

Remember the default Admin User password for a newly

xt str

installed instance of Content Server, like CS16b, is livelink.

It is also worth mentioning that the default security policy is
In ibu

effective, so that means a session will expire after 30 minutes of

te te

inactivity and it will prompt you to sign in again.


4. Select the Module Administration section and then click Install Modules.

You should only see those modules which have been previously staged,

and in this case it would be the WebDAV module as illustrated in the prior


5. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the C:\Install Files for Content

Server\INSTALL CS 16.0 - Release\Xtra Modules folder.


The pair of optional modules that will be staged as part of this

step set are the Content Server XML Workflow Extensions and
Interchange (XMLWF EX & IC) modules.
These modules have been selected because they are used in the
CS16 training instance and because this module pair illustrates
the concept of modular dependency, which will be discussed

6. Double-click the 16.0.0_CS_XMLWFIC64_WIN.exe file to run the installer.

Pa ge 11- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 11. Ad di ng M odu le s

The module installer Welcome is displayed.

Figure 11-5:
O oN

Module Installer Welcome

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7. Click Next.

The license agreement is displayed.


Figure 11-6:

Module Installer License


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 1 -9

C h ap te r 1 1 . A ddi n g Mod ul es

8. Select I accept the terms in the License Agreement and click Next.

The Selection of install location is displayed. This is where you choose

which of the available Content Server v16.0 instances will host the staged

O oN
pe o

Figure 11-7:
n tD

Module Installer Location

Te i
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In ibu
te te

9. Select CS16b (i.e., C:\CS16b) and click Next.


Pa ge 11- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 11. Ad di ng M odu le s

The module installer Ready to Install is displayed.

Figure 11-8:
O oN

Modular Installer Ready To

pe o

Install Files

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

10. Click Install.


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 1 -1 1

C h ap te r 1 1 . A ddi n g Mod ul es

The module is staged to C:\CS16b\staging\ and module installer stated

that it is finished.

O oN

Figure 11-9:
pe o

Module Installer Finished

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

11. Repeat the prior steps to run the installer for

16.0.0_OTXMLWFE64_WIN.exe, located in the C:\Install Files for Content

Server\INSTALL CS 16.0 - Release\Xtra Modules folder.


A review of the \staging\ directory, illustrated in the following figure, will


reveal the presence of the prior WebDAV module, part of the original
core installation that automatically staged the module, and three
additional modules, the result of running the pair of module installers in

this step set.


The XMLWF IC & EX modules provides a pair of excellent examples of the


possible behavior of Content Server modules.

Firstly, a single module installer can contain one or more “modules”, so

there may not be a 1-to-1 relationship between the installer and the
resulting number of staged modules. In fact, some installers can produce
over a dozen or more “modules”.

Pa ge 11- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 11. Ad di ng M odu le s

Secondly, there can be modular dependencies in which one (or more)

modules must be installed either before or concurrently with other
modules, otherwise, a module will not install unless its dependencies have
been met.

O oN

Figure 11-10:
pe o

Content Server’s Staging

Folder Showing Modules
n tD

Available for Installation

Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

12. Minimize the Windows Explorer, leaving it focused on the \staging\


13. Return to the browser and refresh the Install Module page (i.e., F5).

The page lists the modules that have been staged and are available for


Figure 11-11: Install Module Page Showing Staged Modules

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 1 -1 3

C h ap te r 1 1 . A ddi n g Mod ul es

Modular Sometimes it is more convenient and efficient to organize common

Dependencies functionality together, so that multiple modules can take advantage of
common algorithms, for example, input validation routines, formatting of
information for display, or database queries. When code is arranged in
this way, it creates a resulting dependency between one or more modules
where this module is dependent on that module.

An excellent example of this modular dependency is with the Forms

module -- specifically the relationship between the Workflow Designer
and Forms.

A review of the C:\CS16b\module\formwfpaint_16_0_0\formwfpaint.ini

modular configuration file demonstrates how this particular functionality
O oN

has a dependency on 4 other workflow related modules plus core assets:

pe o

Figure 11-12: [dependencies]

n tD

Example of Modular requires_2={'webwork',16,0}
Te i

Dependency Using a requires_3={'webwfp',16,0}

Modules Configuration requires_4={'form',16,0}
xt str

File requires_5={'formwf',16,0}
In ibu

Install a Content Server Module

te te

This step set is a continuation of the previous one.


1. Select the Module Administration Section and then click Install Modules,
if the browser is not already on that page.

You will see those modules which have been previously staged and they

include the XML WF IC & EX modules, as illustrated in the following


Figure 11-13: Install Module Page Showing Staged Modules

Pa ge 11- 14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 11. Ad di ng M odu le s

Modules can be installed individually or in sets, as long as dependencies

are met. The maximum number of modules that can be simultaneously
installed is 9.

Due to browser [redirection to individual request handler]

limitations, only 9 modules at one time can be installed from
Content Server’s Install Module page.
If 10 or more modules are selected, javascript will disable the
Install button and display and display an error message).
O oN

2. Select all of the XML Workflow modules and click Install.

pe o

You will be prompted to restart Content Server.

n tD
Te i

Figure 11-14:
xt str

Content Server Prompts

In ibu

for a Service Restart

te te

3. Click Restart.

Content Server performs a service restart, without the need to do so

externally using [Windows] Services etc.

The screen will continue to notify you that it is working.


Figure 11-15:

Content Server Shows The


Service is Being Restarted

When the process of installing the module(s) is compete...

Figure 11-16:

Content Server Reports

The Service Was Restarted

4. Click Continue when prompted.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 1 -1 5

C h ap te r 1 1 . A ddi n g Mod ul es

You are returned to the Install Module page and it lists any modules that
are staged and available for installation.

O oN
pe o

Figure 11-17: Install Module Page Showing Remaining Module Available for Installations
n tD
Te i

Test the Module Was Successfully Installed

xt str

This step set is a continuation of the previous one.

We can test that the XML Workflow Interchange and Extension modules
In ibu

were successfully installed by creating a new Workflow Map and briefly

te te

editing the map, to confirm that several XML Workflow steps are now
available in Content Server.

1. From the Global Menu bar, select Personal > My Workspace.


2. From the Add Item menu, select Workflow Map and enter a name of Test
Map followed by clicking Add.

3. From the Map’s Functions menu, select Edit.


Pa ge 11- 16 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 11. Ad di ng M odu le s

The Map Designer is displayed. The presence of a series of XML

Workflow related process steps such as XML Input, XML Export, and
Transform, as illustrated in the following figure, are unique to the
functionality provided by the XML Workflow Extensions module.

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Figure 11-18: Testing of the XML WF IC & EX Modules Using the Map Designer

4. From the Global Menu bar, select Map > Save followed by OK.
5. Return to the Administration pages using the Global Menu bar and select
Admin > Content Server Administration.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 1 -1 7

C h ap te r 1 1 . A ddi n g Mod ul es

Uninstall a Content Server Module

This step set is a continuation of the previous one.

1. Select the Module Administration Section and then click Uninstall


You will see the modules which have been previously installed and can be
uninstalled. In this example, the modules include the XML WF IC & EX
modules, as illustrated in the following figure:

There is no corresponding Uninstall action for the XML Request

O oN

Processor, because of the dependency associated with the XML

pe o

WF IC module. This means the XML WF IC module must be

successfully uninstalled before attempting to uninstall the XML
n tD

Request Processor.
Te i

Additionally, unlike the Install Module administration page, each

individual module must be successively uninstalled, rather then
xt str

in batches.
In ibu
te te

Figure 11-19: Uninstall Module Page Showing the Modules Available for Uninstall

2. Select Uninstall for the Content Server XML Workflow Exchange module.

Pa ge 11- 18 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 11. Ad di ng M odu le s

You will be prompted to confirm the uninstall.

Figure 11-20:

Confirm the Uninstall

O oN
pe o

3. Click OK.

You will be prompted to restart Content Server.

n tD
Te i
xt str

Figure 11-21:
In ibu

Prompted to Restart
te te

4. Click Restart.

The screen will continue to notify you that it is working to restart the


Figure 11-22:

Content Server’s Service is


When the process of installing the module(s) is compete...

Figure 11-23:

Prompted to Continue
following Service Restart

5. Click Continue when prompted.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 1 -1 9

C h ap te r 1 1 . A ddi n g Mod ul es

6. Repeat the prior steps to uninstall the Content Server XML Workflow
Interchange module, confirming the necessary restart and continue
7. Repeat the prior steps to uninstall the Content Server XML Request
Processor module, confirming the necessary restart and continue prompts.l

Notice that Uninstall became available for the XML Request

Processor module once the XML Workflow Interchange module
had been successfully uninstalled.
O oN
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n tD
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Figure 11-24: Uninstall Module Page Showing No Other Modules are Available for Uninstallation

8. Confirm that the module(s) have been successfully uninstalled by


reviewing the C:\CS16b\uninstalled\* directory structure and locating the

respective XMLWF*_16_0_0 modules.


In summary, in this chapter we:


 Installed and uninstalled an optional Content Server module


 Differentiated between the staging and the module directories

 Discussed the different module directories and files
 Located more information on optional modules on the KC

Pa ge 11- 20 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 11. Ad di ng M odu le s


Installing an Optional Module

In this exercise, you will stage and then install both the XML Workflow Extensions and XML
Workflow Interchange modules to your Content Server CS16b instance. If you already have this
pair of modules installed because you were following along with your instructor’s demo, skip to the
next exercise.

1. Ensure the Content Server CS16b instance services are running.

O oN

2. Sign in using admin/livelink.

pe o

3. Navigate to the Administration pages > Module Administration > Install Modules page. If
prompted for a password, enter opentext.
n tD
Te i

4. From the C:\Install Files for Content Server\INSTALL CS 16.0 - Release\Xtra Modules
folder, run the16.0.0_CS_XMLWFIC64_WIN.exe installer and complete the staging of this
module to the CS16b instance.
xt str

5. Also run the 16.0.0_OTXMLWFE64_WIN.exe installer and stage this module to the CS16b
In ibu

te te

6. From the Install Modules page, refresh the page to list the XML Workflow modules you

have staged in the prior steps.


7. Select all three XML Workflow modules and click Install.

8. Restart the services, as required, to complete the installation of the modules.


Independently Install a Content Server Optional Module


In this exercise, you will also install an optional Content Server module, however, the provided steps
give you minimal instructions, but you can rely on the previous exercise for additional guidance and

then confirm that the module was successfully installed

1. Stage the Attribute Extensions module, 16.0.0_ATTEXT64_WIN.exe, located in the

C:\Install Files for Content Server\INSTALL CS 16.0 - Release\Xtra Modules\ folder to the
CS16b Content Server instance.

2. Install the Attribute Extensions module, using the Module Administration > Install Module
page. Sign in using admin/livelink and with an Administration page password of opentext.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 1 -2 1

C h ap te r 1 1 . A ddi n g Mod ul es

3. Although you could test and confirm that the Attribute Extensions module was successfully
installed by creating a Category and demonstrating the availability of the Text: Table Key
Lookup attribute, a feature of the Attribute Extensions module, as illustrated in the
following figure, there is an easier way for you to confirm the module was installed.
How would you confirm that the module was successfully installed?

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Pa ge 11- 22 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 11. Ad di ng M odu le s


There are a pair of different ways to independently confirm that the module was successfully

1. A review of the C:\CS16b\staging\ directory will show that the previously staged module is
no longer there and that it has been incorporated into the C:\CS16b\module\ directory, as
illustrated in the following figure:
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2. The alternative approach is to open the C:\CS16b\config\opentext.ini configuration file in

TextPad and scroll down to the [modules] section and then continue scrolling down to the

end of that section to reveal the last module that was installed to this Content Server
instance, which will correspond to the Attribute Extension module, as illustrated in the

following figure:

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 1 -2 3

C h ap te r 1 1 . A ddi n g Mod ul es

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Pa ge 11- 24 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t e r 12. C or e and Mod ula r La ng uag e Pa ck s

12. Core and Modular Language Packs


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Install and configure a Core Language Pack
 Install and configure Modular Language Packs
O oN

pe o

In this chapter we look at Content Server’s use of Language Packs to

n tD

achieve GUI language localizations.

Te i

Administer Date/Time is discussed in the Server Configuration

xt str

chapter while the Configure User Name Display is discussed in

the Users & Groups chapter.
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te te

Language Packs

Where organizations work in multilingual environments, Content Server


has the ability to apply Language Packs (overlays) to the default installed

language of American English.

Installing Language Packs is similar to installing modules. The first stage


involves copying or extracting the files into a directory and the second
stage involves finishing the installation from the Administration pages.

There are both Core and Modular Language Packs. Core Language Packs
deal with language localizations for the core Content Server and its
respective shipping modules (e.g., including WebDAV etc.). Modular
Language Packs deal with language localization for the optional module
only (e.g., Attribute Extensions).

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 2 -1

C h ap te r 1 2 . C o r e a n d M o dul a r L a n g u ag e Pac k s

Language Packs are available for download from the Knowledge Center,
however, a number of these have been stored locally in the following
folder: C:\Install Files for Content Server\INSTALL CS 16.0 -
Release\Core and Modular LPs.

Language Packs cannot be uninstalled.

If you no longer wish to use a Language Pack after installation
you can disable it. If a user chooses a language as a preference
that is later disabled, their preference will change to the system
default language.
O oN
pe o

Stage and Install a Core Language Pack

n tD

1. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the C:\Install Files for Content

Server\INSTALL CS 16.0 - Release\Core and Modular LP folder.
Te i
xt str

For training and illustrative purposes, the core Language Pack

that will be used in this Step Set is Swedish. We have chosen this
In ibu

particular language because it allows students that have

te te

attended the 3-0187 Content Server Installation and

Configuration course to install the same core Language Pack to

their target system which already has French, German, Spanish,

Italian and Dutch installed.

2. Right mouse click on the file and select


7-zip > Extract Here.


Pa ge 12- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t e r 12. C or e and Mod ula r La ng uag e Pa ck s

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Figure 12-1: Extract the Language Pack from the Zip File

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 2 -3

C h ap te r 1 2 . C o r e a n d M o dul a r L a n g u ag e Pac k s

The Swedish core Language Pack is extracted into the \langpkstaging\

folder. The initial levels of the folder structure match the expected folder
structure and file contents of
OTHOME\langpkstaging\languagepackage_16_0_0\lang_xx\ where xx
is the two-letter abbreviation of the language.

If the two-letter language abbreviations are not intuitive or not

as well known, you can query the SystemLanguages table to list
all of the languages and language codes:
select * from CS16b.SystemLanguages
O oN

Or if you are looking for a specific language, a query like the

pe o

following example may be useful:


select * from CS16b.SystemLanguages where languagecode =

n tD

Te i
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In ibu

3. Copy the C:\Install Files for Content Server\INSTALL CS 16.0 -

te te

Release\Core and Modular LPs\langpkgstaging folder to C:\CS16b\.


4. Sign into the Administration pages (e.g., admin/livelink). If prompted for an

Administration page password, enter it (e.g., opentext).

5. Navigate to the Languages section.


The Languages administration section is displayed.


Figure 12-2: Language Administration Pages

6. From the Languages administration page, click Install Language Packs.

Pa ge 12- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t e r 12. C or e and Mod ula r La ng uag e Pa ck s

The Install Language Packs page is displayed.

Figure 12-3:

Install Language Packs

O oN
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n tD
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xt str

7. Select Swedish and click Install.

In ibu

A moment later, a progress bar will appear and notify you as to the
progress of the installation, as illustrated in the figure below:
te te

Figure 12-4:

Language Pack Installation


Progress Bar

When the installation is complete, you will need to restart the Content

Server service; this process includes Content Server updating the


opentext.ini configuration file to ‘register’ the language.


8. Restart the Content Server services using the Windows Services.

9. From the Languages administration page, click Configure Languages.

The Configure Languages page is displayed.

Figure 12-5:

Language Pack Has to Be


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 2 -5

C h ap te r 1 2 . C o r e a n d M o dul a r L a n g u ag e Pac k s

10. Select Enabled and click OK.

The Swedish core Language is enabled.

If required, you can change the System Default Language from English to
Swedish, by clicking System Default opposite the Swedish language.

View Installed The View Installed Language Packs page provides a useful overview of
Language Packs installed functionality (and modules) and their respective Language

11. From the Languages administration page, click View Installed Language
O oN

The View Installed Language Packs page is displayed.

pe o

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te te

Figure 12-6: View Installed Language Packs

Pa ge 12- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t e r 12. C or e and Mod ula r La ng uag e Pa ck s

Notice in the figure how a number of modules, like Attribute

Extensions, XML WF IC, and XML WF EX do not have Swedish
available as a localized language. This is because these module
requires a Modular Language Pack to be installed separately.

Stage and Install a Modular Language Packs

1. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the C:\Install Files for Content

Server\INSTALL CS 16.0 - Release\Core and Modular LPs\modules\Xtra
Modules folder.
2. Using CTRL+mouse click, select the three * modular language Packs
O oN

illustrated in the following figure and select 7-zip > Extract Here.
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 12-7: Select and UnZip the Modular Language Packs


3. Copy the C:\Install Files for Content Server\INSTALL CS 16.0 -


Release\Core and Modular LPs\langpkgstaging folder to C:\CS16b\.

4. If necessary, sign into the Administration pages (e.g., admin/livelink). If
prompted for an administration page password, enter it (e.g., opentext).
5. Navigate to the Languages section.
6. From the Languages administration page, click Install Language Packs.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 2 -7

C h ap te r 1 2 . C o r e a n d M o dul a r L a n g u ag e Pac k s

The Install Language Packs page is displayed, with the staged Swedish
Modular language Packs for the Attribute Extension, XML WF IC and
XML WF EX modules, as illustrated in the following figure:

Figure 12-8:
O oN

Install Modular Language

pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str

7. Select all four of the Swedish modular Language Packs and click Install.
In ibu

A moment later, a progress bar will appear and notify you as to the
te te

progress of the installation, as illustrated in the figure below.


Figure 12-9:

Language Pack Installation

Progress Bar

No service restart is required to complete the installation of a


Modular Language Pack; a service restart is only required for

Core Language Packs.

8. Click Admin Home to return to the Administration pages.

Pa ge 12- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t e r 12. C or e and Mod ula r La ng uag e Pa ck s

Test the Core and Modular Language Packs

To perform a quick test of the successful installation and configuration of

the Swedish Core and Modular Language Packs, this Step Set will
temporarily change the default Language for the Admin User account.

1. From the Global Menu bar, select My Account > Settings.

The My General Settings page is displayed.

2. Change the Language setting from English (United States) to Swedish and
click Update.
O oN
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Figure 12-10:
te te

User Profile Configured


With Swedish as the

Preferred Language

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 2 -9

C h ap te r 1 2 . C o r e a n d M o dul a r L a n g u ag e Pac k s

3. Select Personal (i.e., Personlig) to confirm that the GUI and menus are
localized in Swedish, as illustrated in the following figure:

O oN
pe o

n tD

Figure 12-11:
Te i

GUI Localized in Swedish

xt str
In ibu
te te

4. Change the Language setting from Swedish to English (United States) and

click Update.

The Admin User account default language is returned to American



In summary, in this chapter we:
 Installed and configured a Core Language Pack
 Installed and configured Modular Language Packs

Pa ge 12- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t e r 12. C or e and Mod ula r La ng uag e Pa ck s


Install a Core Language Pack

In this exercise, you will stage and then install a Core Language Pack (LP) to your Content Server
CS16b instance. If you already have installed the Swedish LPs, because you were following along
with your instructor’s demo, you can substitute Swedish for one or more of the Western European
locales such as French, German, Spanish, Italian or Dutch.

1. Ensure the Content Server CS16b instance services are running.

O oN

2. Sign in using admin/livelink.

pe o

3. Navigate to the Administration pages > Languages > Install Language Packs page. If
prompted for a password, enter opentext.
n tD
Te i

4. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the C:\Install Files for Content Server\INSTALL CS
16.0 - Release\Core and Modular LP folder.
xt str

5. Right mouse click on the file and select 7-zip > Extract
In ibu

6. Copy the C:\Install Files for Content Server\INSTALL CS 16.0 - Release\Core and Modular
te te

LPs\langpkgstaging folder to C:\CS16b\.


7. From the Install Language Packs page, select Swedish and click Install.

8. Restart the Content Server services using the Windows Services.


9. From the Languages administration page, click Configure Languages.


10. Select Enabled and click OK.


Install a Modular Language Pack


In this exercise, you will stage and then install a Modular Language Pack (LP) to your Content Server
CS16b instance. If you already have installed the Swedish LPs, because you were following along
with your instructor’s demo, you can substitute Swedish for one or more of the Western European
locales such as French, German, Spanish, Italian or Dutch.

1. Ensure the Content Server CS16b instance services are running.

2. Sign in using admin/livelink.

3. Navigate to the Administration pages > Languages > Install Language Packs page. If
prompted for a password, enter opentext.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 2 -1 1

C h ap te r 1 2 . C o r e a n d M o dul a r L a n g u ag e Pac k s

4. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the C:\Install Files for Content Server\INSTALL CS
16.0 - Release\Core and Modular LPs\modules\Xtra Modules folder.

5. Using CTRL+mouse click, select the three * modular language Packs and select 7-zip >
Extract Here.

6. Copy the C:\Install Files for Content Server\INSTALL CS 16.0 - Release\Core and Modular
LPs\langpkgstaging folder to C:\CS16b\.

7. Navigate to the Languages section and click Install Language Packs.

8. Select all of the Swedish modular Language Packs and click Install.
O oN

9. Click Admin Home to return to the Administration pages.

pe o

n tD

Test the Core and Modular Language Pack Installation

Te i

In this exercise, you will perform a quick test of the successful installation and configuration of the
Swedish Core and Modular Language Packs, by temporarily changing the default Language for the
xt str

Admin User account to your Content Server OTCS instance.

In ibu

1. From the Global Menu bar, select My Account > Settings.

te te

2. Change the Language setting from English (United States) to Swedish and click Update.

3. Select Personal (i.e., Personlig) to confirm that the GUI and menus are localized in Swedish.

4. Change the Language setting from Swedish to English (United States) and click Update.

Pa ge 12- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t er 1 3 . M ult i li ng ual M et ad ata

13. Multilingual Metadata


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Configure Multilingual Metadata so users can choose their language and view Content Server
item names and descriptions in their preferred language
 Perform a search with a user account who has a different preferred metadata language
O oN

pe o

n tD

In this chapter we look at Content Server’s use of Multilingual Metadata.

Te i

Multilingual Metadata
xt str

Multilingual Metadata (MLM) is a core feature of Content Server and

In ibu

requires no additional module installation. It has no relationship to the

te te

installation of core or modular Language Packs.


MLM allows customers to provide object Names and Descriptions in

multiple languages. So a German-speaking user’s view of folders and

documents displays the German Names, and a French-speaking user’s

view of the same folder would be in French.

Enable and Configure Multilingual Metadata


1. Sign in with a system administration account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).


2. Navigate to the Administration page and the Metadata section; if

prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g., opentext).

Figure 13-1:

Configuring Multilingual

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 3 -1

C hap te r 1 3. Mu lt il i ng ual Me t ada ta

3. From the Metadata administration page, click Configure Multilingual


The Multilingual Metadata (MLM) page is displayed.

With a new Content Server installation, only the System Default MLM
language will be displayed. This is the one specified during installation as
the default MLM Language, as illustrated in the figure below:
O oN

Figure 13-2:
pe o

Select Default Metadata

Language During
n tD

Te i
xt str

In the case of Outdoor Gear, additional MLM languages have already

In ibu

been enabled, as illustrated in the subsequent figure.

te te

Figure 13-3: Configure Multilingual Metadata

Pa ge 13- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t er 1 3 . M ult i li ng ual M et ad ata

4. Click Add New Metadata Language … and scroll down the list to select the
desired MLM language to add to Content Server (e.g., Sweedish - sv).

O oN
pe o

Figure 13-4:

Selecting a MML to Add

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

If administrators need to know the range of possible MLM


languages, they can run a SQL query against the

SystemLanguages table (e.g., select * from
systemlanguages). At present, there are 134 available MLM

languages, however, administrators cannot add to the available



5. Click Add to add the MLM to Content Server.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 3 -3

C hap te r 1 3. Mu lt il i ng ual Me t ada ta

The new MLM is added, but it is not enabled by default and will appear at
the end of the other enabled languages, out of alphabetic order.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

Figure 13-5: MLM Language Added, but Not Enabled

xt str

6. Enable a MLM language by selecting Enabled and clicking the OK button.

In ibu

The system will return to the previous administration page, so it will be

te te

necessary to re-select the link to continue configuring the MLM language.


When the Configure Multilingual Metadata page is revisited, the enabled

language will appear in the list alphabetically by Language.

To specify the language as the System Default language for Content


Server, click the System Default radio button for the language.

Figure 13-6: MLM Enabled

Pa ge 13- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t er 1 3 . M ult i li ng ual M et ad ata

7. To edit the Language Name, click the language's Edit icon, and enter a new
language in the Language or Language (Local) fields, and then click Save. If
available, different database Collations can be changed from the default

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 13-7: Edit Language


8. To delete a language that has been added to the system but is no longer

needed, click the language's Delete icon, followed by Yes in the

confirmation window.

Figure 13-8:

Deleting a MLM Language


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 3 -5

C hap te r 1 3. Mu lt il i ng ual Me t ada ta

If the Administrator attempts to delete a language while it is in use the

following message appears:

Figure 13-9:

Cannot Delete a MLM

Language That Is in Use
O oN
pe o

The MLM language will be removed from the list of available languages
n tD

for the system.

Te i

9. Click the Admin Home link at the bottom of the page to return to the
Content Server Administration page.
xt str
In ibu

Multilingual Metadata (MLM) and Search

te te

Multilingual metadata is indexed and searchable. There are three specific


conditions to consider:

MLM Value is Available in Where the search term is part of the node Name (or Description) and the
the Preferred Language MLM value is in the user’s preferred language.

The search result node Name will appear using standard formatting.

Search for and Display Multilingual Metadata


1. This step set assumes that you are signed in with a system administration

account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Enterprise Workspace > ODG Parent Company folder.
3. Enter the search term customer followed by the enter key.

Pa ge 13- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t er 1 3 . M ult i li ng ual M et ad ata

The search for ‘customer’ yields the following results, remembering that
the user account has a preferred language of English:

O oN
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n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu

Figure 13-10: Search Results Where MLM Name is in User’s Preferred Language
te te

4. From the Global Menu bar select My Account > Log-out and sign in using
an international user account (e.g., mdumont/opentext), so the prior

search can be repeated, using an account with a different preferred


5. Navigate to the Enterprise Workspace > ODG Parent Company folder.

6. Enter the search term customer followed by the enter key.


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 3 -7

C hap te r 1 3. Mu lt il i ng ual Me t ada ta

The search for ‘customer’ yields the following results, remembering the
user has a preferred language of French:

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu

Figure 13-11: Search Results Where MLM Name is in User’s Preferred Language
te te

MLM Value is Available in a Where the search term is part of the node’s Name (or Description) and

Different Language the MLM value is in a different metadata language (e.g. if the user
preference is French but a match is found in English text), the preferred

language is shown as well as the MLM value.


Figure 13-12: General Properties Page of a Search Result Where MLM Name Is in a Different Language

Pa ge 13- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t er 1 3 . M ult i li ng ual M et ad ata

Search Results – and MLM metadata, for example on the General >
Properties page -- are displayed using the MLM value in a different
language from the preferred language.

MLM Value is Not Where the search term is part of the node Name (or Description) and the
Available in the Users MLM value is not in the user’s preferred language.
Preferred Language
From the node’s Properties > General page, the MLM value will appear
with its language code. The node’s name and/or description are followed
by a grayed out MLM Editor globe icon and the language code.

7. When done reviewing the search results, Fselect My Account > Log-out
and sign in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).
O oN
pe o

Hit Highlighting Hit highlighting, if active, will highlight the matching text only. If the

match is in the user’s preferred language, other MLM values will not be
n tD

displayed even if they contain matching values. If the match in the

description is not in the user’s preferred language and the user sees
Te i

description field values by default, the results will show the user default
description as well as the description text in the matching language. The
xt str

second description follows the same format as the name. That is, it shows
the language code and grayed out (inactive) globe icon. It will only show
In ibu

one matching description field while any other matching ones are
te te


In summary, in this chapter we:


Configured Multilingual Metadata so users can choose their language


and view Content Server item names and descriptions in their
preferred language

 Performed a search with a user account who has a different preferred


metadata language

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 3 -9

C hap te r 1 3. Mu lt il i ng ual Me t ada ta


This exercise will provide you with an opportunity to practice what you have learned earlier in this
chapter about working with Multilingual Metadata (MLM) in Content Server.

Add and Configure a Multilingual Metadata Language

1. Sign in using the sadmin/letmein administrative account, if you previously logged out.

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Metadata section; enter opentext, if prompted for
the administration page password.
O oN
pe o

3. Click Configure Multilingual Metadata and add at least one additional metadata language

that is not already in use by the Content Server system (e.g., Swedish). Remember to enable
n tD

the metadata language(s).

Te i

4. Upload C:\SampleDoces\placeholder.doc into sadmin’s Personal Workspace (PWS) with a

name of Red Tag Sale Event.doc. A similar description can be optionally entered.
xt str

5. Edit the MLM for the uploaded document using its Functions menu > Properties > General
tab, and then using the localization icon. For example, ‘Red Tag Sale Event’ in English could
In ibu

be ‘Rouge Vente’ /’Rojo Venta’/’Rood Verkoop ’/’Rod Forsaljining ’ in French/Spanish/Dutch/

te te

Swedish. If you do not know how to localize the document Name/Description into the
metadata language, then use values that are distinctive and will be remembered.

Remember to click OK at the bottom of the Edit Additional Languages dialog to save the
MLM changes and Update on the General tab.

6. From the Personal Workspace, enter a an appropriate non-English search term, like ‘rod’ or

‘rood’ followed by the enter key. The Red Tag Sales Event doc, with its associated

Multilingual Metadata-based name should return as a search result, as illustrated in the

following figure:

Pa ge 13- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t e r 14. A ct iv e Vi e w Admi ni str a ti on

14. ActiveView Administration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Convert legacy ActiveViews to Work Without Appearances
 Upgrade ActiveView Templates for Compatibility
 Configure Content Server to Allow AVIDs in URLs
 Enable or Disable ActiveView Override Types and Templates
Manage Global ActivView Overrides
O oN

 Create a Landing Page Perspective for a user or a group
pe o

 Modify a Container Perspective for a specific folder

 Administer Perspectives in Content Server v16.0
n tD
Te i

xt str

This chapter deals with two separate sets of Admistration pages --

In ibu

ActiveView which pertain to the Classic User Interface, and Perspectives

which pertain to the Smart View UI.
te te

The ActiveView administrative options and links are described in the

following table:

Table 14-1: ActiveView Administration Pages


Administration Page Link Description


ActiveView Appearance Used to convert ActiveViews in Appearances to work

Conversion without Appearances

ActiveView Template Used to automatically upgrade templates when


Upgrades required for compatibility


Administer Login Page Set or change the ActiveView user that runs the login
User page

Allow AVID In URL Used to set whether AVID is allowed in URLs, and if it
is, can restrict to Admin users only

Enable or Disable Used to manage which ActiveView Override Types

ActiveView Override can be applied

Enable or Disable Enable or disable specific ActiveView templates

ActiveView Templates

Manage Global Used to manage globally-applied ActiveView

ActiveView Overrides overrides

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 4 -1

C hap te r 1 4. A cti v e Vi e w A dmi ni str at ion

Administration Page Link Description

Manage Global Used to manage globally-applied perspectives


Open the Perspective Launch the Perspective Manager tool to create or

Manager edit perspectives

Open the Perspectives Work with the objects in the Perspectives volume

View All ActiveView Used to view all ActiveView overrides

O oN

View All Perspectives Used to view all perspectives

pe o

n tD

Introducing ActiveView
Te i

With Content Server v16.0, the previously optional ActiveView module is

xt str

now included as part of the [core] system. This module no longer requires
separate licensing.
In ibu

The module provides an object called an ActiveView. This object is very

te te

similar to a WebReport in many respects; the key difference is that


ActiveViews are linked directly to the Content Server interface and

provide a way for developers to define alternative interfaces to the

standard look and feel without any custom development. It should be

pointed out that it is not possible to 'run' an ActiveView in the same way

as a WebReport because they are only ever executed in response to other

Content Server events.

The basic paradigm is that ActiveViews are defined to 'override' specific


Content Server events, such as browsing a folder. When the folder

browse occurs, the ActiveView is processed and the content it returns is

used to replace the standard content.


For more information regarding ActiveView, refer to the 3-0119

- Content Server ActiveView course.
A discussion of the use of ActiveView and WebReport tags etc. is
outside of the scope of this course. For more information
regarding WebReport tags and their use, refer to the 3-0117 -
Content Server WebReport Design I and 3-0118 - Content
Server WebReport Design II courses.

Pa ge 14- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t e r 14. A ct iv e Vi e w Admi ni str a ti on

Introducing Perspectives
A Perspective is equivalent to an ActiveView override, but applied to the
Content Server’s Smart View rather than the Classic View. It allows
organizations to change the look and content of a particular component in
the Smart View. For example, one Perspective can be defined to show a
different layout for users depending on their role in the organization.

There are two types of Perspectives: Landing page and Container. The
Landing page is like a default work area while the Container relates to any
Content Server folder-like item.
O oN
pe o

Content Server users with the appropriate privileges (e.g.,


ActiveView > Perspectives tab), can create or modify

Perspectives including: the type, viewing rules, layout, and
n tD

widget configuration.
Te i
xt str

Who Can Create or By default, the ability to create or edit a Perspective is restricted on the
Edit a Perspective Administration pages > System Administration > Administer Object and
In ibu

Usage Privileges page, as illustrated in the following figure:

te te

Figure 14-1:

Administer Object and


Usage Privileges

While ActiveView > ActiveView Tab controls which users can view or

manage ActiveView overrides within the Classic View UI, and the
ActiveView > ActiveView Usage Tab controls which users can see a list of
which nodes are affected by the current ActiveView template, it is the

ActiveView > Perspectives Tab setting that controls which users can view

or manage ActiveView overrides for the Smart View UI.


With the default restriction in place, only the Admin User or a

user with system administration privileges can create or edit a
Perspective using the Perspective Manager.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 4 -3

C hap te r 1 4. A cti v e Vi e w A dmi ni str at ion

The ActiveView Administration Page

ActiveView Administration page

1. Log in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > ActiveView Administration
section. If prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g.,

The ActiveView administration page is displayed.

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n tD
Te i
xt str

Figure 14-2:
In ibu
te te

Content Server ActiveView

Administration Pages

Pa ge 14- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t e r 14. A ct iv e Vi e w Admi ni str a ti on

ActiveView Administration
The ActiveView administrative links that deal with ActiveView items
 ActiveView Appearance Conversion
 ActiveView Template Upgrades
 Administer Login Page User
 Allow AVID in URL
 Enable or Disable ActiveView Override Types
Enable or Disable ActiveView Templates
O oN

Manage Global ActiveView Overrides

pe o


 View All ActiveView Overrides

n tD
Te i

ActiveView Appearance Conversion

xt str

Versions of ActiveView prior to ActiveView 10.1.0 only allowed

ActiveView overrides to be applied through Appearances. More recently,
In ibu

functionality is present that allows ActiveView overrides to be applied

te te

globally via the Manage Global ActiveView Overrides page, or applied

directly to nodes via the ActiveView tab on the node's Properties page.

3. Click ActiveView Appearance Conversion.


The Appearance Conversion page is displayed.


Figure 14-3: ActiveView Appearance Conversion Administration Page

This administration page allows administrators to convert ActiveView

overrides applied through Appearances to use the newer method that
uses the ActiveView tab in Properties.

The page will list any ActiveView overrides which are contained within
Appearances, with the exception of ActiveView overrides used by
Appearance Headers or Footers, which cannot be converted.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 4 -5

C hap te r 1 4. A cti v e Vi e w A dmi ni str at ion

Use the check boxes in the Select column to select ActiveView overrides
to be converted. Any ActiveView overrides contained within enabled
Appearances will be selected by default.

Use the Select/Deselect All check box to select or clear all of the check

Use the drop-down lists in the Priority column to select a Priority value
for the ActiveView override. Overrides can be given one of five Priority
 Global (available for global overrides only)
 Priority (available for local overrides only)
O oN

 High
pe o

 Medium
n tD

 Low
Te i

If a node has more than one ActiveView template applied to an override

type then the one with the highest priority will be used. If there is more
xt str

than one ActiveView template applied to an override type with the same
priority then the first one from the lowest level of the node hierarchy that
In ibu

matches the expression logic will be used.

te te

For example, if a node has an ActiveView Folder Browse override applied

to it that has the same priority value as an ancestor node which has a

cascading ActiveView override applied to it, or a Global ActiveView


override, then the ActiveView override applied to the node will be

used.'Global' is the highest priority that can be set for a global override. It

can be overridden by the higher 'Priority' value that can be set against
local overrides.

4. Click on the Convert button to convert the selected overrides.


The conversion will delete the selected ActiveView overrides from the

Appearances they are contained in, and recreate them using the new

ActiveView overrides contained in Global Appearances will be applied

globally. Overrides contained in local Appearances will be applied to the
nodes that the Appearances are contained in, with the same Cascade
settings that the Appearances use.

Pa ge 14- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t e r 14. A ct iv e Vi e w Admi ni str a ti on

The page will refresh and display any overrides that are left, with a
message indicating whether the conversion was successful or not, as
illustrated in the following figure:

Figure 14-4:

Appearance Conversion
O oN
pe o

n tD

5. Click Admin Home to return to the ActiveView Administration page.

Te i

The ActiveView Administration page is displayed.

xt str

ActiveView Template Upgrades

In ibu
te te

This page is used to identify and update ActiveView templates using out-
of-date syntax.

6. Click ActiveView Template Upgrades.


The Template Upgrade Options page is displayed.


Figure 14-5: ActiveView Template Upgrades Administration Page

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 4 -7

C hap te r 1 4. A cti v e Vi e w A dmi ni str at ion

The page contains a list of upgrade options.

 Select one or more of the check boxes to select which upgrades to
apply to your ActiveView templates
 To view which templates will be affected by the upgrade(s), click List
 To apply the upgrade(s), click Execute Upgrade

As there are no Templates in the system that are upgradable, each of the
above options will result in a “No templates to upgrade” message being
O oN

7. Click Admin Home to return to the ActiveView Administration page.

pe o

The ActiveView Administration page is displayed.

n tD
Te i

Administer Login Page User

xt str

This administration page configures a settings to allow a specified user

account to apply an ActiveView to the login page.
In ibu

8. Click Administer Login Page User.

te te

The Administer Login Page User page is displayed.


Figure 14-6: Administer Login Page User Administration Page


The selected user will be used as the context for running the ActiveView
as the Login Page override occurs before a user has logged in. The
selected user will also require the proper permissions for the ActiveView
selected for the Login Page override, otherwise the standard Content
Server login page will be displayed. If no user is specified, then the
standard Content Server login page will be displayed.

To specify a user for this override, simply choose a user, click Apply and
then restart the Content Server service. Whenever this setting is
changed, a Content Server service restart is required for the change to
take place.

Pa ge 14- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t e r 14. A ct iv e Vi e w Admi ni str a ti on

Click Clear to delete any saved user and force the login page to display
the standard Content Server login page regardless of an ActiveView
override being set for the login page.

At present, ActiveView cannot override the OTDS-based asp sign in

page redirection, so the Login Page User functionality is not available to
Content Server.

9. Click Admin Home to return to the ActiveView Administration page.

O oN

The ActiveView Administration page is displayed.

pe o

n tD

Allow AVID in URL

Te i

This section allows you to control the use of the &avid parameter in the
URL to temporarily disable ActiveView Templates from overriding a
xt str

browse page, or specifying a different template to be applied.

In ibu

10. Click Allow AVID in URL.

te te

The Allow AVID In URL page is displayed.


Figure 14-7:

Allow AVID in URL


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 4 -9

C hap te r 1 4. A cti v e Vi e w A dmi ni str at ion

The page allows or disallows each of three options:

 Allow &avid to be used in the URL to specify alternate ActiveView
templates to be temporarily and dynamically applied to object in
Content Server
 Allow the option to specify &avid=0 to be used to temporarily disable
an ActiveView override from being applied
 Restrict the &avid=0 functionality to be used by Administrators only

While this functionality can be useful for users to dynamically change

what ActiveViews are being displayed, Administrators may want to
disable this functionality in situations where ActiveViews are being
O oN

applied to restrict or hide certain Content Server content or functionality.

pe o

11. Click Admin Home to return to the ActiveView Administration page.

n tD

The ActiveView Administration page is displayed.

Te i
xt str

Enable or Disable ActiveView Override Types

In ibu

This option allows every single override to be enabled or disabled for each
server in a Content Server system. This page provides a list of overrides
te te

with a description of each one and a check box that allows the override to
be enabled or disabled. The top option allows all ActiveView functionality

to be turned on or off for the server in one click.


12. Click Enable or Disable ActiveView Override Types.


Pa ge 14- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t e r 14. A ct iv e Vi e w Admi ni str a ti on

The Enable or Disable ActiveView Override Types page is displayed; by

default none of these overrides are enabled, however, for the Outdoor
Gear instance, they have been previously enabled.

O oN

Figure 14-8:
pe o

Override Types
n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Enable or disable override types as required. Remember to click Update


at the bottom of the page to save your changes.


Once you have made a change to this page a restart will be required and
you will be warned to restart before continuing.

13. Click Admin Home to return to the ActiveView Administration page.


The ActiveView Administration page is displayed.


When any overrides are not enabled you will see a symbol in the

Appearance screen where ActiveViews are defined. A green alert symbol

is shown beside any item that is not available.

These settings can also be changed via the opentext.ini file, if required,
and are illustrated in the following figure:

Figure 14-9: ENABLEAV=TRUE
Override Types Using BROWSE',FALSE},

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 4 -1 1

C hap te r 1 4. A cti v e Vi e w A dmi ni str at ion

Enable or Disable ActiveView Templates

This section of the admin.index pages provides a list of all ActiveViews in
the system. This allows an administrator to instantly access any and all
ActiveViews in the system and disable them if required. This change is
system wide and is not confined to a specific server.

14. Click Enable or Disable ActiveView Templates.

The Enable or Disable ActiveView Templates page is displayed; the

contents of the page will vary depending on the presence of templates
throughout the system.
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 14-10:

ActiveView Templates

15. Click Admin Home to return to the ActiveView Administration page.

The ActiveView Administration page is displayed.

Pa ge 14- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t e r 14. A ct iv e Vi e w Admi ni str a ti on

Manage Global ActiveView Overrides

This administration page replaces the previous Global Appearances
volume for applying ActiveView templates globally across Content

Specify ActiveView templates to be applied globally across the entire

Content Server.

16. Click Manage Global ActiveView Overrides.

The Manage Global ActiveView Overrides page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 14-11: Manage Global ActiveView Overrides Page

Refer to the online help or the 3-0119 - Content Server

ActiveView course for more information regarding the
configuration and use of Global ActiveView Overrides.

17. Click Admin Home to return to the ActiveView Administration page.

The ActiveView Administration page is displayed.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 4 -1 3

C hap te r 1 4. A cti v e Vi e w A dmi ni str at ion

View All ActiveView Overrides

18. Click View ActiveView Overrides.

The View ActiveView Overrides page is displayed and it lists the AV

overrides in the system.
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 14-12: View ActiveView Overrides Page


19. Click Admin Home to return to the ActiveView Administration page.

The ActiveView Administration page is displayed.

Pa ge 14- 14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t e r 14. A ct iv e Vi e w Admi ni str a ti on

Perspective Administration
The ActiveView administrative features that are new to v16.0 are the
ones that deal with Perspectives and they include:
 Manage Global Perspectives
 Open the Perspective Manager
 Open the Perspectives Volume
 View All Perspectives
O oN

Open the Perspective Manager

pe o

The Perspective Manager allows users to create or modify either

n tD

Container Perspectives or Landing Page Perspectives.

Te i

Create a Landing Page Perspective for a Content Server Group

xt str

1. Log in with a user account with administration rights (e.g., sadmin/

In ibu

letmein) or alternatively a user that has been granted the Perspectives Tab
usage privilege.
te te

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > ActiveView Administration


section. If prompted for an administration page password, enter it (e.g.,


3. Click Open the Perspective Manager.


The Perspective Manger displays the General tab.


Figure 14-13:

The Perspective Manager

and the General Tab

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C hap te r 1 4. A cti v e Vi e w A dmi ni str at ion

The Help icon, located in the top left, is dynamic and will open
the appropriate help page depending on which Perspective
Manager tab is selected at the time.

Screen Width Information As the width of the browser window is increased or reduced, the Screen
width information will update and display either: XL, LG, MD, SM, XS.

Why display the width? This is to show you how the widgets you have
placed on the Configure tab will respond to changes in device size. The
Perspective Manager reacts in the same way as the Smart UI when it
moves between screen sizes. This means you can check the widget and
O oN

layout combination in advance of finalizing the Perspective design. Your

pe o

widget placement and flow can therefore be proofed using the


Perspective Manager.
n tD

General Settings
Te i

Create New or Edit The default is to Create a new Perspective.

xt str

4. Leave the default setting (i.e., Create new).

In ibu

Title The name cannot be blank or include the colon character.

te te

5. Enter a name for the Perspective (e.g., Finance Department Landing Page).

Type The Perspective type can be either as Container or Landing Page. The

default setting is a Container.

6. Change the Type from Container to Landing Page.


Scope The Scope can be either Local or Global. An example of where a

Perspective might be local is when it applies to a folder or a hierarchy of
folders. A similar example of where a Perspective might be global is in the

case of a Landing Page; all users, groups or devices would have a specific

Perspective applied to them.


7. Change the Scope from Local to Global.

Container Type The Container Type setting allows you to control where the Perspective
is applied. The default setting is All. An example might be of applying one
Perspective for a folder and another for a project.

8. Use the default Container Type of All.

9. Click Rules.

Pa ge 14- 16 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t e r 14. A ct iv e Vi e w Admi ni str a ti on

The Rules tab is displayed.

Figure 14-14:

Perspective Manager
Rules Tab
O oN

Rules The Perspective Manager Rule is used to construct the logic that governs
pe o

when a Perspective is applied or used.

n tD

10. Click Add Rule to create the desired Perspective Rule logic.
Te i
xt str

Figure 14-15:
In ibu

Adding a Perspective Rule

te te

A Rule can be based on the following characteristics:


 Device (iPad, iPhone, Blackberry, Playbook, Android, Windows


 Group (Content Server Group)

 Mobile Device

 User (Content Server User)


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 4 -1 7

C hap te r 1 4. A cti v e Vi e w A dmi ni str at ion

What is the difference between a Device and a Mobile Device?

‘Device’ is an individual Perspective Rule that allows you to be
more granular with your device rules. In contrast, ‘Mobile
Device’ is a pre-defined compound Rule which has been designed
to identify any mobile device.
This illustrates the two different types of rules available within
Perspective Manager – standard and compound rules.

One important thing to mention is that Mobile Device, a compound rule,

O oN

should be used on its own and not in conjunction with other rules. This is
particularly important because the exclusive behavior is not currently
pe o

enforced in the UI. If you pick one or more ‘standard’ rules and combine
them with a compound rule (i.e., Mobile Device), then the rule becomes
n tD

Te i
xt str

Boolean Logic The available Boolean logic is selected as either is/equals or is not/not
In ibu

Use the Add/Remove buttons to either add additional rules or remove

te te

existing ones. When there are multiple Rules, And/Or logic between
multiple rules is available. When the Rule logic is applied, it is applied from

the top down.


11. In this example of a Global Landing Page Perspective, select Group and is.
12. Click the user field.

A Group picker is displayed.


Pa ge 14- 18 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t e r 14. A ct iv e Vi e w Admi ni str a ti on

13. Enter f followed by Find to list the groups beginning with “f”.

O oN
pe o

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In ibu
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Figure 14-16: A Rule Based on a Group


14. Click Select opposite the Finance Group.


15. Click Layout.


The Layout tab is displayed.

Layout The Layout specifies the position of the various Perspective’s tiles and
how the Perspective behaves when displayed.

Flow Each new tile/widget is added into the next available space. The metaphor
is like carriages on a train. If a widget/tile will take up more space, the
trailing widgets/tiles will push along the existing ones and may wrap into
the next row. Widget/tile size is determined automatically according to
its kind (e.g., Assignments, Favorites, Welcome etc.).

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C hap te r 1 4. A cti v e Vi e w A dmi ni str at ion

Left-Center-Right There are only three available placements for a [single] widget/tile.

There are three slots available for widgets/tiles: left sidebar, right sidebar
and central slot. On smaller screens, the central section takes the full
width of the device and the sidebar appears underneath. Widget/tile size
is determined automatically so that it fills its slot.

Tabbed The tabbed layout contains a header slot, followed by any number of
widgets/tiles grouped into a number of tabs. Each new widget is added to
the next available space, flowing into the next row as required. Widget/
tile widths may be resized. Heights are determined automatically
according to screen size.
O oN
pe o

The tabbed perspective is disabled by default and is mainly used

for Connected Workspaces. There is a specific Connected
n tD

Workspace header for this Layout, so it should not be used for

generalized Containers or Landing Page Perspectives.
Te i
xt str

16. Click Flow.

In ibu

17. Click Configure.

te te

The Configure tab is displayed.


Configure The Configure tab is where you click-drag-and-drop the widgets/tiles to

the layout and build a Perspective.

Figure 14-17:

Perspectives Manager
Configure Tab

Pa ge 14- 20 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t e r 14. A ct iv e Vi e w Admi ni str a ti on

Available Content Server UI Widgets include:

 Favorites
 My Assignments
 Node Browsing Table
 Recently Accessed
 Custom View Search
 Shortcut
 Welcome Header

Available Content Server Collaboration Widgets include:

O oN

Activity Feed View

pe o


Available Content Server WebReport UI Widgets include:

n tD

 HTML WebReport – Displays HTML output of a WebReport in the tile

Te i

 Nodes List WebReport – Displays an expandable list of nodes, based

on the output of a WebReport
xt str

18. Click and drag the first widget and release it onto the tile where it says
“drag widget here” (e.g., Recently Accessed).
In ibu

19. Repeat the drag-and-drop step for the other desired widgets (i.e., Favorites,
te te

My Assignments, Shortcut).

Figure 14-18: Perspectives Manager Configure Tab with Widgets

For the Shortcut widget, there are available options including the target
item, a fallback default Shortcut location and a background color.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 4 -2 1

C hap te r 1 4. A cti v e Vi e w A dmi ni str at ion

20. Click Browse and select a container (e.g., Finance).

21. Leave the default Volume fallback as Enterprise.
22. Choose a Background color (e.g., Green).
23. You can optionally review the underlying WebReport/ActiveView code by
clicking the Code Editor button.

Editing or modifying an existing Perspective is discussed in the

next Step Set.
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Figure 14-19: Perspectives Manager and the Code Editor

24. Click Designer to return to the Perspective Manger designer interface.

25. Click Create to save the Perspective.

Pa ge 14- 22 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t e r 14. A ct iv e Vi e w Admi ni str a ti on

The Perspective Manager will confirm that the Perspective was

successfully created:

Figure 14-20:

Perspective Successfully
O oN
pe o

26. Click Close and click the back browser button to return to the Content
n tD

Server administration pages.

Te i
xt str

At the moment, using the back button in the browser is the only
way to return to the previous page. One thing to point out is that
In ibu

the Perspective Manager can be launched from anywhere using

the URL
te te

?func=csapps.launchapp&appname=OTPERSPECTIVEMGR so
that means ‘back’ may not mean the Administration pages.

To test the Perspective, sign in as a user that is part of the Finance Group

(i.e., Chris Ho).


27. Using an alternate browser, sign in to Content Server (e.g., cho/opentext), if

necessary, switch to the Smart View UI (i.e., Global Menu bar > My

Account > Smart View).


28. Click Home.


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 4 -2 3

C hap te r 1 4. A cti v e Vi e w A dmi ni str at ion

The Landing Page Perspective for the Finance Group is displayed:

O oN
pe o

Figure 14-21: Chris Ho’s View of the Finance Department Landing Page
n tD
Te i

The Perspective displays the Recently Accessed, Favorite, My

Assignment, and Shortcut (pointing to the Finance Folder – with green
xt str

color) in the Perspective tiles from left to right. The list of Recently
Accessed items will depend on what Chris has ‘visited’ and this does not
In ibu

include items from previous Content Server versions.

te te

Create a Perspective for a Specific Content Server Container


1. Log in with a user account with administration rights (e.g., sadmin/


letmein) or alternatively a user that has been granted the Perspectives Tab
usage privilege.

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > ActiveView Administration


section. If prompted for an administration page password, enter it (e.g.,


3. Click Open the Perspective Manager and the Perspective Manger will

display its General tab.


General Settings 4. The default is to create a new Perspective; leave the default setting (i.e.,
Create new).
5. Enter a name for the Perspective (e.g., Peter’s Perspective).
6. Change the Container Type from All to Folder.
7. Click Container / Node ID.

An object browser window is displayed.

8. Select a container (e.g., Enterprise > ODG Parent Company > Eco-Tours >
International Eco-Tours (MLM)) that has more than 25 items in it, so that
we can demonstrate pagination later on.

Pa ge 14- 24 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t e r 14. A ct iv e Vi e w Admi ni str a ti on

9. The default is not to Cascade; leave the default setting (i.e., No), so only the
specified container will be affected by the Perspective and not its parent or
10. Click Rules.

The Rules tab is displayed.

Rules 11. Click Add Rule to create the desired Perspective Rule logic.
12. In this example of a Local Container Perspective, select User and is.
13. Click the user field.

A User picker is displayed.

O oN
pe o

14. Enter f followed by Find to list the users with last names beginning with “f”.

n tD
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In ibu
te te

Figure 14-22:

Rule Based on a Specific

User and Container

15. Click Select opposite the user (e.g., Peter Fitzgerald).

Layout 16. Click Layout.

The Layout tab is displayed.

17. Click Left – center - right.

Configure 18. Click Configure.

The Configure tab is displayed.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 4 -2 5

C hap te r 1 4. A cti v e Vi e w A dmi ni str at ion

The Configure tab is where you click-drag-and-drop the widgets/tiles to

the layout and build a Perspective.

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te te

Figure 14-23: Configuring Widgets in the Left-Center-Right Layout


In this Step Set, we are going to create an initial Container

Perspective, briefly test it out but then modify or edit it before

arriving at a final version.


19. Click and drag the first widget and drop it on to the tile where it says “drag

widget here” (e.g., Node Browsing Table to the middle tile).


20. Click and drag the second widget and drop it on to the tile where it says

“drag widget here” (e.g., Recently Accessed to the left tile).

21. Click and drag the second widget and drop it on to the tile where it says
“drag widget here” (e.g., Custom View Search to the right tile).

For the Custom View Search widget, the option includes specifying a
target item as the Customer View Search.

22. Click Browse and select Search Sample Docs > Search & Custom View
Search Forms > Holiday Search Query.
23. Click Create to save the Perspective.

The Perspective Manger will confirm that the Perspective was

successfully created.

Pa ge 14- 26 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t e r 14. A ct iv e Vi e w Admi ni str a ti on

24. Click Close and click the back browser button to return to the Content
Server administration pages.

To test the Container Perspective, use the user that was specified in the
Perspective Rule (i.e., Peter Fitzgerald) and also navigate to the container
(i.e., folder) that was also specified in the Perspective’s General Settings.

25. Using an alternate browse (i.e., Chrome), sign in to Content Server (e.g.,
pfitz/opentext), if necessary, switch to the Smart View UI.
26. Click Enterprise.

The Smart View UI of the Enterprise Workspace is displayed.

O oN

27. You can optionally filter the list of contents by entering ODG.
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str

Figure 14-24:
In ibu

Peter Fitzgerald’s Smart

View UI of the Enterprise
te te

Workspace is Displayed

28. Navigate to the desired container (e.g., Enterprise Workspace to ODG

Parent Company > Eco-Tours > International Eco-Tours (MLM) folder).

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 4 -2 7

C hap te r 1 4. A cti v e Vi e w A dmi ni str at ion

Notice how the user interface layout remains the same as you navigate
down the folder hierarchy, but the layout changes on reaching the
destination folder when the folder displays using Peter’s Perspective:

Figure 14-25:
O oN

Peter Fitzgerald’s Smart

pe o

View UI of the Folder is


Displayed with the

Designed Perspective
n tD
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te te

29. Minimize the alternate browser (i.e., Chrome).


30. From the Administration pages, select Perspective Manger.


31. Change from Create new to Edit existing.


Pa ge 14- 28 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t e r 14. A ct iv e Vi e w Admi ni str a ti on

32. Select a Perspective to edit (e.g., Peter’s Perspective).

Figure 14-26:
O oN
pe o

Editing an Existing

n tD
Te i
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In ibu
te te

33. On the Configuration tab, delete the left and right widgets.

34. Add the Favorites widget to the left tile and [Content Server
Collaboration] Activity Feed to the right tile.

35. Click Update.


Perspective Manager will notify you that the Perspective was

successfully saved.

36. Click Update followed by Close.


37. Click the back browser button to return to the Content Server
administration page.
38. Return to the alternate (i.e., Chrome) browser (i.e., the one that pfitz is
signed in with).
39. Refresh the browser page.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 4 -2 9

C hap te r 1 4. A cti v e Vi e w A dmi ni str at ion

The updated Peter’s Perspective is displayed with the Favorites widget

on the left, Activity Feed on the right and the node browser in the center.

Figure 14-27:
O oN

Updated Perspective for a

User and Container
pe o

n tD
Te i
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In ibu

40. Close the alternate (i.e., Chrome) browser.

te te

Open the

After a Perspective has been created or modified by the Perspective

Perspectives Volume Manager it is stored and in the Perspectives Volume. It is accessed from

the Administration pages > ActiveView Administration > Open the

Perspectives Volume.

Figure 14-28: Example of the Perspective Volume Following the Previous Step Set Activity

Pa ge 14- 30 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t e r 14. A ct iv e Vi e w Admi ni str a ti on

View All Perspectives The View All Perspectives page lists all the Perspectives in effect both
locally and globally in the system. To open the View All Perspectives page,
from the Content Server Administration > ActiveView Administration
page, click the View All Perspectives link.

The page groups the perspectives by their priority, listing Global

priority at the top and Low priority at the bottom, and shows the
following relevant information:
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Figure 14-29: View Perspectives Administration Page


Information on the View Perspectives page is tabulated as follows:


Type The type of the perspective (i.e., Container or Landing Page).


Perspective Applied To The node to which the perspective is applied, showing both inherited
Perspectives as well as Perspectives applied directly to the current

To view only local Perspectives that apply to the listed node, click the
Perspectives link to see the Perspective Summary tab for that object, as

illustrated in the following figure.

Figure 14-30: Perspectives Summary Tab Information

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C hap te r 1 4. A cti v e Vi e w A dmi ni str at ion

ActiveView Template Name of the associated ActiveView template used by the Perspective.

ActiveView Expression Lists the rules or logical expressions defined for the Perspective that
ActiveView evaluates to determine if this Perspective should be applied.

ActiveView Priority The priority value combines with the Rules and Cascade value to
determine if the Perspective will be executed. Valid priority values are:
Priority, High, Medium, or Low.

ActiveView Cascade Value The cascade value determines whether the perspective applies to child
nodes. The cascade values include the following:
 Cascading
O oN

 Non-Cascading
pe o

Cascade to Contents

 Cascade to Level Below Only

n tD

 Cascade to Level All Below Only

Te i
xt str

Refer to the ActiveView course or the Customizing Content

Server using ActiveView section in the Content Server User Help
In ibu

for more information regarding Cascade Values.

te te

Manage Global The previous section discussed how a Perspective allows you to
Perspectives customize the look and layout of the Smart View UI.

A local Perspective can affect specific containers in the Smart UI, based

on container type, ancestry, and other custom rules. A Perspective is an

extension to an ActiveView override, such that an ActiveView override

controls the Classic View of the Content Server user interface while a
Perspective controls the layout of the Smart UI.

A global Perspective affects the Smart View of the entire Content Server

system, applying to all containers and child objects. Only an administrator


can create a global Perspective. Certain components such as the Landing

Page can only be customized using a Global Perspective.

Pa ge 14- 32 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t e r 14. A ct iv e Vi e w Admi ni str a ti on

In the following example, the Finance Department Landing Page is a

Global Perspective. If there were a series of similar Global Landing Pages,
advanced logic could define rules in terms of when it would be applied, or
by changing the order within the page and controlling which Perspective
would have precedence.

O oN
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n tD

Figure 14-31: Managing Global Perspectives

Te i

Should there be a need to create a more advanced or elaborate set of

xt str

Rules, they can be readily modified to include additional report tags and
logic using the illustrated editor.
In ibu
te te

Figure 14-32: Perspective Rule Editor from the Manage Global Perspectives Page

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C hap te r 1 4. A cti v e Vi e w A dmi ni str at ion

In summary, in this chapter we:
 Converted legacy ActiveViews to Work Without Appearances
 Upgraded ActiveView Templates for Compatibility
 Configured Content Server to Allow AVIDs in URLs
 Enabled or Disabled ActiveView Override Types and Templates
 Managed Global ActivView Overrides
 Created a Landing Page Perspective for a user or a group
O oN

 Modified a Container Perspective for a specific folder

pe o

Administered Perspectives in Content Server v16.0


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Pa ge 14- 34 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t e r 14. A ct iv e Vi e w Admi ni str a ti on


Create a Landing Page Perspective for a Content Server Group

In this exercise, you will have the opportunity to create a Landing Page for Students in the Students
Group that includes a Shortcut widget that takes them to the Product Development folder.

1. Sign in using sadmin/letmein.

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > ActiveView Administration section. If prompted

for an administration page password, enter opentext.
O oN

3. Click Open the Perspective Manager.

pe o

4. Enter a name for the Perspective as Students Landing Page.

n tD

5. Change the Type from Container to Landing Page.

Te i

6. Change the Scope from Local to Global.

xt str

7. Use the default Container Type of All.

In ibu

8. Click Rules and then click Add Rule to create the desired Perspective Rule logic.
te te

9. Select Group and is followed by clicking the user field and entering s followed by Find to list

the groups beginning with “s”.


10. Click Select opposite the Students Group.


11. Click Layout followed by selecting Flow.


12. Click Configure.


13. Click and drag the Welcome widget and release it onto the tile where it says “drag widget

14. Repeat the drag-and-drop step for the Recently Accessed, Favorites, My Assignments, and

Shortcuts widgets.

15. For the Shortcuts widget, click Browse and select Product Development and leave the
default Volume fallback as Enterprise. Choose a Background color of Orange.

16. For the Welcome widget, use the following options:

 Display message: Hello
 Video thumbnail: http://localhost/CS16/
 Video location:

17. Click Create to save the Perspective.

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C hap te r 1 4. A cti v e Vi e w A dmi ni str at ion

18. Click Close and click the back browser button to return to the Content Server
administration pages.

Test the Newly Created Landing Page Perspective for a Content Server Group

In this exercise, you will have the opportunity to test or try out the newly created Landing Page for
Students in the Students Group that includes a Shortcut widget that takes them to the Product
Development folder.

1. Using an alternate browser, for example Chrome, sign in to Content Server using student1/
O oN

opentext. If necessary, switch to the Smart View UI using My Account > Smart View.
pe o

2. Click Home, to navigate to your home page from the default.

n tD

3. Confirm that the Landing Page Perspective for the Students Group created in the previous
Te i

exercise is displayed and that it contains the following widgets: Welcome, Recently
Accessed, Favorite, My Assignment, and a Shortcut pointing to the Project Development
xt str

folder, in an orange color, like the following figure.

In ibu
te te

Pa ge 14- 36 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t e r 14. A ct iv e Vi e w Admi ni str a ti on

Create a Container Perspective for a Specific Content Server Folder

In this exercise, you will have the opportunity to create a Container Perspective for Students in the
Students Group for the Marketing folder.

1. Sign in using sadmin/letmein.

2. Navigate to Administration pages > ActiveView Administration section. If prompted for an

administration page password, enter opentext.

3. Click Open the Perspective Manager.

O oN

4. Enter a name for the Perspective as Marketing Perspective.

pe o

5. Change the Container Type from All to Folder.

n tD

6. Click Container/Node ID and select Marketing.

Te i

7. Click Rules and then click Add Rule to create the desired Perspective Rule logic.
xt str

8. Select Group and is followed by clicking the user field and entering s followed by Find to list
the groups beginning with “s”.
In ibu

9. Click Select opposite the Students Group.

te te

10. Click Layout followed by selecting Left – center - right.


11. Click Configure.


12. Click-drag-and-drop the Node Browsing Table widget into the middle tile.

13. Click-drag-and-drop the Activity Feed widget into the left tile and the My Assignments

widget into the right tile.

14. Click Create to save the Perspective.


15. Click Close and click the back browser button to return to the Content Server
administration pages.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 4 -3 7

C hap te r 1 4. A cti v e Vi e w A dmi ni str at ion

Test the Newly Created Perspective for a Content Server Container

In this exercise, you will have the opportunity to test or try out the newly created Perspective for
Students in the Students Group that is applied to the Marketing folder.

1. Using an alternate browser, for example Chrome, sign in to Content Server using student1/
opentext. If necessary, switch to the Smart View UI using My Account > Smart View.

2. Confirm that the Container Perspective for the Marking folder is displayed and that it
contains the following widgets: Activity Feed, Node Browser, My Assignments, like the
following figure:
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Pa ge 14- 38 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 15. Ap p e ar anc e s Admi ni str a ti on

15. Appearances Administration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Create a Global Appearance and Apply it to Content Server
 Administer Items in the Appearances Volume
 Configure and Customize the Search Bar
O oN

pe o

n tD

This chapter provides you with an introduction to Appearance items and

administering them in addition to Administering Search Bar options and
Te i

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Introducing Appearance Items

In ibu
te te

Appearance items are simple to use as they can be developed in any

HTML editor and pasted into the configuration page. They are highly

configurable and support permissions.


Remember that you can selectively remove parts of the interface and
optionally replace them with custom HTML. There is also some support

for dynamic content.


Some suitable uses for Appearance items are:

Apply branding and common navigation across entire Content Server


 Provide additional tech support links for user in the header or footer

of the interface
 Include custom CSS in header to override the standard Content
Server CSS

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 5 -1

C hap te r 15 . A pp e ar a nce s Ad min ist ra ti on

Appearance Item Best Practices

Global Appearances will work anywhere in Content Server. This includes
the Personal Workspace and Workflows. Unfortunately, pages made up
using frames do not work properly and so Global Appearances should be
carefully tested.

Because Appearance items can have permissions assigned, it is possible to

create two or more Appearances for different groups of users. One could
be a fairly simple modification to the Content Server UI, such as adding
branding and another could be targeted toward users who do not need
specific functionality; this can implement reduced functionality for that
O oN

group of users.
pe o

Keep in mind that there are really three types of Appearances. Each one
corresponds to a level of control and can be used in conjunction with each
n tD

other to provide a high degree of granular control over the Content

Server UI. The three types are:
Te i

 Local non-cascading (just the immediate folder)

xt str

 Local cascading (immediate folder and all below)

Global (all pages within Content Server)
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te te

Because the Global Appearance will impact the Appearance Volume and
all that the Admin User sees outside of administration areas, it is worth

creating a special Appearance just for the Admin User only. This
Appearance will include all standard Content Server UI and have no

custom HTML. Only the Admin User should have See and See Contents
permissions for this appearance. It should also be alphabetically earlier

than the others.


Appearances Administration

An Appearance is a container that stores documents and HTML code and


enables you to apply customizations to the Content Server user interface.

Appearances are useful to:
 Make the Content Server interface conform to your organization’s
established graphic design standard
 Simplify the Content Server interface for certain users or groups
 Embed the Content Server interface in another application
 Enable the personalization of a workspace, project, or folder that is
used by a particular group, such as a department

Pa ge 15- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 15. Ap p e ar anc e s Admi ni str a ti on

There are two types of appearances: Location-Based and Global. Location-

Based are for specific areas (folders, projects) and can cascade down to

Global appearances can be used throughout the Enterprise to give a

specific user or group a certain view. They should be added to the
Appearances volume so they can be selected easily from anywhere in
Content Server.

Branding Administrators The ability to add and modify Appearances is restricted to certain users or
groups known as Branding Administrators. As a Branding Administrator
you set permissions on the Appearance. In setting the permissions, you
determine to which users or groups an Appearance should apply. For
O oN

example, you can:

pe o

 Apply the Appearance to all users by assigning the Appearance the

See Contents permission. This enables public access for the
n tD

Te i

 Apply the Appearance only to specific users by granting those users

or groups the See Contents permission
xt str

 Apply the Appearance to all project participants by granting

coordinators, members, and guests of a project the See Contents
In ibu

permission for that Appearance

te te

 Apply the Appearance only to project participants with a specific role

by granting coordinators, members, or guests of a project the See

Contents permission for that Appearance


When a user has permissions on more than one Appearance, the

Appearance whose name comes first alphabetically takes


To become a Branding Administrator, you must have the following:


 The object creation privilege for Appearances

 The Add Items and Modify permissions on the appropriate containers

To add Global Appearances, you also need the Add Items permissions on
the Appearances Volume. In addition, to modify an Appearance that was
added by another user, you need the Modify permission on the
Appearance. You do not need permission to modify any subitems that an
Appearance may affect.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 5 -3

C hap te r 15 . A pp e ar a nce s Ad min ist ra ti on

Appearances Administration

1. Sign in with an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Appearances Administration
section. If prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g.,

The Appearances Administration page is displayed.

O oN
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n tD

Figure 15-1:
Te i

Administration Pages
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te te

3. Click Open the Appearances Volume.


The Appearance Volume or Content Server Appearances page is


Figure 15-2:

The Appearances Volume


From the Add Item menu, you will notice that you can create either an
Appearance Folder or an Global Appearance.

Appearance Folder An Appearance Folder allows administrators to organize and manage

various Appearance items, for example, ones used by specific department
or groups.

Global Appearance As previously suggested, a global Appearance can be used throughout the
Content Server Instance to change the look of the [Classic] UI.

Pa ge 15- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 15. Ap p e ar anc e s Admi ni str a ti on

4. From the Add Item menu, select Appearance Folder and provide it with an
appropriate name (e.g., ODG Appearances).
5. Click on the newly created Appearance folder and from its Add Item menu,
select Global Appearance (e.g., ODG Global Appearance).

A discussion of creating Appearances is covered in Chapter 8:

Changing the look and Feel of Content Server in the 1-0185 -
Collaborating in Content Server course, however, the following
steps provide the narrative to create a Global Appearance that
we can then administer.
O oN
pe o

6. Click on the name of the Global Appearance.

n tD

7. Click Settings, Enabled, then Submit.

Te i

8. Click Layout & Settings, Custom, then Submit.

xt str

9. Click Header.
10. If the HTML code makes use of a graphic, like the example illustrated
In ibu

below, odg2013logo-sm.png needs to be copied from the C:\Instructor

Resources\3-0188 [Application] Administration folder into the
te te

C:\CS16\support\ folder so that it can be made available through the web


server mappings (i.e., /img16/).

11. Change the MIME Type from HTML to Text and paste the following HTML

code into Edit: Header followed by clicking Add Version, at the bottom of
the page.

<table align=left width=500>

Figure 15-3:

<td><img src="http://localhost/img16/odg2013logo-sm.png">
Example of a Global
Appearance Header HTML


12. Click Content Server Components.

13. Click ODG Appearance in the breadcrumb trail.
14. Refresh the web browser page with F5, if necessary and navigate to the
Enterprise Workspace.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 5 -5

C hap te r 15 . A pp e ar a nce s Ad min ist ra ti on

The default OpenText - Content Server Header has been replaced with a
custom ‘outdoor gear’ one, as illustrated in the following figure:

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Figure 15-4: The Enterprise Workspace with a Custom Appearance Header


15. Navigate back to the Administration pages > Appearances

Administration > Open the Appearances Volume and into the created

Appearance folder.

16. Click on the name of the Global Appearance.

17. Click Settings, Disabled, then Submit.

18. Click ODG Appearance in the breadcrumb trail.


19. Refresh the web browser page with F5 to return the system and your
browser to the prior state without your custom Appearance Header.

Refer to the 1-0185 - Collaborating in Content Server course,

for a discussion of creating and managing individual Appearance
items that can be applied locally or hierarchically to folders.

Pa ge 15- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 15. Ap p e ar anc e s Admi ni str a ti on

Changing the Search Bar or Panel

By default, users will view the Standard search bar throughout the
Enterprise, Project, and Personal Workspaces. Administrators, however,
can change Standard search bar options and/or create additional search
bars with custom options.

Search Bar Administration

1. Sign in with an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Appearances Administration
O oN

section. If prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g.,

pe o


The Appearances Administration page is displayed.

n tD
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te te

Figure 15-5:

Administration Pages

3. Click Search Bar Administration.


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 5 -7

C hap te r 15 . A pp e ar a nce s Ad min ist ra ti on

The Search Bar Administration page is displayed.

Figure 15-6:

Search Bar Administration

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Te i

The Search Bar options are described in the following table:

xt str

Table 15-1: Search Bars

In ibu

Setting Description
te te

Standard Search Bar The default search bar configuration that

provides Full Text search to construct

Queries that contain keywords or complex


Queries constructed with the Live Query

Language (LQL).

Simple (sample) A simplified configuration based on a version


of a saved search form.

Slice Selection A configuration that allows the Slice drop-


(sample) down list to be hidden on the search bar, and


lets you determine the display and order of

search slices.

Natural Language A configuration that lets users type Queries

(sample) as a question, or one or more lines of text.
Content Server then determines what criteria
and keywords to search for based on the
criteria, and then runs the search.

Pa ge 15- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 15. Ap p e ar anc e s Admi ni str a ti on

You can view the available search bar configurations, add a new one by
clicking the Add New Search Bar Configuration Add New Search Bar
Configuration button or edit the existing configurations. You can also
remove any existing search bar configuration, except the Standard Search
bar, by clicking the Remove button. The Edit button opens the Search Bar
Edit page with the settings for that search bar mode and from this page
you can define the default look and the components available on the
Content Server search bar.

4. Click Edit or the Standard Search Bar link.

The Search Bar Edit page is displayed.

O oN

General Settings In this section you can configure the search bar, which is visible on most
pe o

workspace pages.

You can choose the type of search (Full Text, Nickname, or Natural
n tD

Language Query) available in the Search Type drop-down list by default.

Te i

You can also configure the text label that appears on the Search button to
initiate a search, and enable a Help link on the search bar for the selected
xt str

Search Type.
In ibu

Worth noting is the fact that the Nickname mode of the Search
te te

Bar does not utilize Content Server’s full text search but instead

it performs a database query and returns matches to the search

term(s). This behavior may be apparent, when completing the

exercises at the end of this chapter.

As you will see in a subsequent chapter on Best Bets, that Best

Bets and Nickname search results appear at the top of the


results list, again, made apparent from the exercise in this


5. Open a separate browser tab or window and navigate to the Enterprise



Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 5 -9

C hap te r 15 . A pp e ar a nce s Ad min ist ra ti on

6. Familiarize yourself with the default Search bar, as illustrated in the

following figure:

Figure 15-7:

Default Search Bar for

Content Server Users
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

7. Using the Administration page browser window or tab, click Search Bar
xt str

8. Change the Search Button setting from Icon to Text and enable the Help
In ibu

9. Click OK at the bottom of the page.

te te

10. Refresh the browse window that is positioned at the Enterprise Workspace

and review the changes you have made to the search bar, as illustrated in
the following figure:

Figure 15-8:

Updated Search Bar


The Search Bar Administration page allows you to create new search bar
configurations and modify existing configurations, which can then be
selected when creating Appearances (you will have a chance to do this at
with the exercises at the end of this chapter).

Pa ge 15- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 15. Ap p e ar anc e s Admi ni str a ti on

If you want to have any search bar (other than the Standard search bar)
appear in a folder, you must create and configure an alternate Search Bar,
add an Appearance to the target folder plus enable it, and choose the
alternate search bar on the Content Server Components section, as
shown in the following figure.

O oN
pe o

Figure 15-9:

Editing the Search Bar

n tD

Component of an
Te i

xt str
In ibu
te te

Content Server caches many settings. Therefore, when


modifying some configuration settings, you may need to refresh


the web browser and/or possibly restart the Content Server

service to implement the changes.

Administrators should note that the brokerObjectsCacheExpire

setting is what really controls these items.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 5 -1 1

C hap te r 15 . A pp e ar a nce s Ad min ist ra ti on

General Search Administration Settings

Returning to the Search Bar Administration page as shown earlier, each
search bar can be configured individually by clicking the Edit button.

The following figure displays a number of different ways in which users

can search the system, including Slices, filtering by Object type, and even
complex searches using query language:
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Figure 15-10: Administrators Have Many Options to Configure the Search Bar and Searching in General

The (qlright-truncation "sky" OR qlright-trunction "air") OR

(qleft-truncation "dome" OR qleft-truncation "center") advanced
search query (illustrated in the previous figure) returns results
like the following:

Pa ge 15- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 15. Ap p e ar anc e s Admi ni str a ti on

Here are some examples of what you can configure:

 Modify the default search form that users see on their Advanced
Search page
 Create and save custom queries for specific users and groups to
 Create additional slices, and set permissions on them, to target
specific users and/or groups
 Display additional system attributes to help users retrieve a more
granular set of data
 Learn the advantages of using the Content Server Query Language
O oN

 Set up appropriate categories and attributes, and define relevant

pe o

search queries and templates based on these attributes


 Display custom attribute values on the Search Results page

n tD

Full Text Settings The system administrator has full control over what the Appearance
Te i

designer can select. The Include check box turns the full text search on or
off, as illustrated in the following figure.
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 15-11:

Standard Search Bar Full


Text Settings

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 5 -1 3

C hap te r 15 . A pp e ar a nce s Ad min ist ra ti on

The Search Bar and Search Panel are the interfaces end users employ
most frequently when searching. They can be configured from the
Appearances Administration > Search Bar Administration area. Clicking
the Edit icon for the Standard search bar displays the system default
settings. Components can be added or deleted from the interface through
the check boxes in the Show column.

Searchable Types is similar to slices because it is another way of

filtering the search. You must decide how to present both
options to your users.
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Figure 15-12:

The Searchable Types

Drop-down Menu

Configuring Searchable The Searchable Types Configure page allows for the modification and
Types addition of choices for the end user. Items which will be displayed are
listed in the Displayed list. Items can be organized and ad-hoc groups can
be created by using separators. Items which are available to add are listed
in the Available list. To add or remove an item to/from the Displayed list,
select the item and click the appropriate left/right arrow to move the item
to or from Available. The Searchable Types list is displayed in Preview
mode to the right.

Pa ge 15- 14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 15. Ap p e ar anc e s Admi ni str a ti on

To create a new item, click the Add New Menu Item button and fill in
the Edit area accordingly. Creating new items requires knowledge of the
Content Server Query Language.

The Created By and When Modified components have the identical

configure interface with only the selections changed.

Because there are so many Full Text setting options and choices,
you should refer to the online help or the Admin Help Guide (a
local copy is available in the following folder: C:\Install Files for
Content Server\INSTALL CS 16.0 - Release\Help and User
O oN

Guides) for more details regarding configuring the Search Bar.

pe o

n tD

Te i

In summary, in this chapter we:

xt str

 Created a Global Appearance and Applied it to Content Server

In ibu

 Administered Items in the Appearances Volume, such a creating

Appearance folders to organize content
te te

 Configured and Customized the Search Bar


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 5 -1 5

C hap te r 15 . A pp e ar a nce s Ad min ist ra ti on


This exercise will provide you with an opportunity to practice what you have learned earlier in this
chapter about the creating and Appearances. This exercise will focus on adding a new Appearance
item, but rather than using a Global Appearance, this exercise will create a ‘local’ folder appearance
and also modify other UI components such as the Search Bar.

Create an Appearance Item To Override a Content Server Folder Hierarchy

1. Sign in using sadmin/letmein.

O oN

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Appearance Administration section. If prompted

pe o

for the Administration password, enter opentext.


n tD

3. Click Search Bar Administration.

Te i

4. In the Search Bars Section, opposite the Standard Search Bar link, click the Add button, to
create a new/alternate search bar. Call it ODG Search Bar for Legal and change the Default
xt str

mode setting from Full Text to Nickname. Also select Text for the Search button and select
Show to enable the Help Link. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click OK.
In ibu

5. Open a new browser window or tab and navigate to the Enterprise Workspace > Legal
te te

folder. Add a new folder called Pending Court Cases.


6. From the Add Item menu, select Appearance and call it ODG Appearance for Legal. From
its Functions menu, select Properties > General and change the Nickname to SeeUinCourt

followed by clicking Update.


7. Click the ODG Appearance for Legal item to edit it.


8. Click Settings, set the type as Cascading, click Enabled followed by Submit.

9. Click Header and change the MIME Type to Text. Enter the following HTML code as
illustrated below and copy odg2013logo-sm.png from the C:\Instructor Resources\3-0188

[Application] Administration folder into the C:\CS16\support\ folder, if you did not

previously do it.

10. Click Content Server Components. De-select the following components:

 Header
 News Player
 Sidebar
 Footer

11. And from the Search Bar drop down list, pick ODG Search Bar for Legal, then click Submit
at the bottom of the page.

Pa ge 15- 16 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 15. Ap p e ar anc e s Admi ni str a ti on

12. Select Legal from the breadcrumb. The Legal folder should now look like the following
illustration, complete without the footer, sidebar and default header, but with the newer
custom header (Note: the Pending Court Cases folder also inherits the same configuration
due to the previous cascade choice or setting):

O oN
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te te

13. From the Search Bar, enter a keyword of *court and click Search. Notice how ODG

Appearance for Legal is returned as a result because of its Nickname containing the word

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 5 -1 7

C hap te r 15 . A pp e ar a nce s Ad min ist ra ti on

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Pa ge 15- 18 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 16. A rc hiv e St ora g e P ro vi de r and Conte nt Move Admi ni str a ti on

16. Archive Storage Provider and Content Move Administration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Identify and navigate to the Content Server Administration pages responsible for Archive
Storage Provider configuration
 Describe the Archive Storage Provider and Content Move settings available in Content Server
that can be used to integrate with OpenText Archive Center
O oN
pe o

n tD

This chapter provides you with an introduction to Archive Center and its
Te i

Storage Provider Administration pages within Content Server. This

chapter also provides an overview of the corresponding Content Move
xt str

Administration pages.

Content Server Storage Providers allow you to expand Content Server’s

In ibu

storage beyond simple internal and external options that were discussed
te te

in the 3-0187 - Content Server Installation and Configuration course.

Ultimately, many larger Content Server deployments will wind up using

various Storage Providers such as Archive Center for long term storage
and Enterprise Information Management (EIM).

OpenText Archive Center was formerly called OpenText

Archive Server. Some legacy documentation and materials may
still refer to this software using it older name.

Introducing Archive Center

OpenText Archive Center enables storage, management, and retrieval of
archived data and documents.

The Archive Center is a scalable and integrated program for archiving

enterprise content. Content can be archived in more secure document
repositories, guaranteeing that all documents are safely stored, yet still
available when needed.

The Content Archiving for Content Server module makes it possible to

archive documents and emails created in Content Server, and to display
archived documents in Content Server.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 6 -1

Chapte r 16. A rc hiv e St ora g e P ro vi de r and Conte nt Move Admi ni str a ti on

Depending on the business process, the document type, and the storage
media, Archive Server uses different techniques to store and access
documents. This guarantees optimal data and storage resource

It can also address multiple partitions of like media within the same media
pool; while we do not actually address them as a single logical volume,
Archive Server writes to the whole media pool in a round-robin method
by default.

Any additional space needed at a later time could be added as a mount

point to the original volume.
O oN

An Archive Storage Provider is configured through the Content Server

pe o

administration page.

n tD

OpenText offers a number of training courses for Archive

Te i

Server, including the following:

xt str

 3-0700 - Archive Center Administration

 3-0702 - Archive Center Advanced Administration
In ibu

 3-0701 - Archive Center Installation

te te

Archive Storage Provider and Content Move Administration


Archive Storage Provider represents a Content Server module that


makes it possible to archive documents and emails created in Content


Server in to OpenText Archive Center, and to display archived documents

in Content Server.

With Content Move Administration and Move Jobs, you can define when

to apply [Storage Provider Rules] and on which documents. You can then
schedule jobs to be executed regularly or only once.

Archive Storage Provider Administration

1. Sign in with an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Archive Storage Provider
Administration section. If prompted for the Administration Password,
enter it (e.g., opentext).

Pa ge 16- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 16. A rc hiv e St ora g e P ro vi de r and Conte nt Move Admi ni str a ti on

The Archive Storage Provider Administration page is displayed.

Figure 16-1:

Administration Pages
O oN
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n tD

3. Click Configure Archive Storage Provider.

Te i

The Configure Archive Storage Provider page is displayed.

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In ibu
te te

Figure 16-2: Configure Archive Storage Provider Page

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 6 -3

Chapte r 16. A rc hiv e St ora g e P ro vi de r and Conte nt Move Admi ni str a ti on

Refer to the online administration help for more information regarding

the Archive Storage Provider settings or you can also refer to the various
Guides that are published to the Knowledge Center (e.g., https:// )
regarding Archive Center.

4. Click Admin Home to return to the Archive Storage Provider

Administration page section.
5. Click Configure Archive Storage Provider.

The Configure Archive Storage Provider page is displayed.

O oN
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Figure 16-3:

Configure Logging for

xt str

Archive Storage Provider

In ibu
te te

Archive Storage Provider logging is off by default, so only errors are

written out to logs, however, OpenText recommends that the log level is

increased (i.e., to Debug) to assist with product troubleshooting.


6. Click Admin Home to return to the Archive Storage Provider

Administration page section.

Content Move Administration


This Step Set assumes you are continuing from the previous one and you
are signed in with an n administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

1. Navigate to the Administration pages > Content Move Administration

section. If prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g.,

Pa ge 16- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapte r 16. A rc hiv e St ora g e P ro vi de r and Conte nt Move Admi ni str a ti on

The Content Move Administration page is displayed.

Figure 16-4:

Administration Pages
O oN
pe o

2. Click Configure Content Move Jobs.


n tD

The Content Move Jobs page is displayed.

Te i

3. From the Add Items menu, select Content Move Job.

The Add: Content Move Job page is displayed:

xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 16-5:

Content Move Jobs


Refer to the online admin help for more information regarding the
creating and configuring of Content Move Jobs in addition to the Guides
that are published to the Knowledge Center (e.g., https://

4. Click the back browser button, to return to the prior page.

5. Click Admin Home to return to the Administration pages.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 6 -5

Chapte r 16. A rc hiv e St ora g e P ro vi de r and Conte nt Move Admi ni str a ti on

In summary, in this chapter we:
 Identified and navigated to the Content Server Administration pages
responsible for Archive Storage Provider configuration
 Described the Archive Storage Provider and Content Move settings
available in Content Server that can be used to integrate with
OpenText Archive Center
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Pa ge 16- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 1 7 . B est B et s Admi ni stra ti on

17. Best Bets Administration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Review the use of a Best Bet applied to a Content Server item
 Administer and Configure Best Bets from the Administration Pages
 Manage Content Server Best Bet items
O oN

pe o

n tD

When a user performs a search using a Best Bets value, any results
containing the value are displayed at the top of the Search Results page.
Te i

For example, you may have a corporate event that you want to promote,
such as a company picnic. You can apply a value, such as corporate events,
xt str

company picnic, or both to items containing information about the event.

You can also apply a Best Bets expiry date to items, so that when the
In ibu

expiry date is reached, the Best Bets value associated with the expiry date
te te

no longer appears in the Best Bets section on the Search Results page.

This chapter will cover how administrators configure and manage Best

Best Bets

You can ‘tag’ an object - add words or phrases that you want to be

associated with an object - in the Best Bets value field. When you search

using those words or phrases, the object will be returned in the Best Bets
section of the Search Results page.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 7 -1

C h ap te r 1 7 . B e s t B e ts A dm i n i s tr at io n

An example can be found on the General Properties page of cycle

trainer.doc located in the Enterprise Workspace > Product
Development > Specifications > Product list (pending) folder, as
illustrated in the following figure:

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Figure 17-1: Example of a Best Bets Value on the General Properties Tab of a Document
xt str
In ibu

The Manage Best Bets Items link redirects you to the

te te

corresponding Administration page, that will be discussed



A search performed from the Enterprise Workspace using a search


criteria of ‘bike’ yields search results where the document appears at the

top of the list:


Figure 17-2: Example of a Best Bets Value Appearing at the Top of the Search Results

Pa ge 17- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 1 7 . B est B et s Admi ni stra ti on

Remember, if users search for common words or a phrase, they will get
hundreds of documents -- or more. While you could use categories and
attributes to add searchable metadata to the documents, you should
consider the use of Best Bets to make special documents and items easier
to find.

By allowing knowledge managers to add this Best Bet to key documents,

you ensure the search results return your company’s important
documents at the top.

Before users can apply or edit Best Bets values, they must have
permissions to modify items. Also, you must add the user to the Best Bets
Administrators group. This is done by editing the Best Bets usage
O oN

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n tD

By default, a user needs System Administration privileges to add

a Best Bet to an object’s General Properties page but by using
Te i

the Administer Object Usage and Privileges page, you can give
this privilege to other users (they will also need Modify
xt str

permissions on the object itself).

In ibu
te te

Best Bets can also have an expiry date. For example, suppose certain

corporate governance documents are only valid for one fiscal year—the

Best Bets could automatically expire at the end of the year so those
documents would have no priority on the search results page.

Configure Best Bets Settings

Configuring Best Bets allows administrators to define or change how Best
Bets results are displayed, and the number of results to display, on the
Search Results page. If you choose to display a large number of results
that exceeds the maximum page limit, the most recently modified Best
Bets value results are displayed on the first page.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 7 -3

C h ap te r 1 7 . B e s t B e ts A dm i n i s tr at io n

You can also configure the Best Bets value label and expiry date label,
which appear on the General tab of an item's Properties page.

Configure Best Bets Settings

1. Sign in with an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Best Bets Administration section.
If prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g., opentext).

The Best Bets Administration page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

Figure 17-3:
xt str

Administration Pages
In ibu
te te

3. Click Configure Best Bets Settings.


Pa ge 17- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 1 7 . B est B et s Admi ni stra ti on

The Configure Best Bets Settings page is displayed.

Figure 17-4:
O oN

Configure Best Bets

pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Most administrators will use the default settings for the Options and
Pattern Matching, unless advised by OpenText to change them. Refer to

the online help for additional information regarding the Best Bets

4. Click Admin Home to return to the Best Bets Administration page section.

Managing Best Bets


Once Best Bets values have been applied to Content Server items, you
can monitor the values on the Manage Best Bets Items page. You can

modify or remove Best Bets values, and use a search bar to locate items
with values applied to them. When searching for items that use a phrase
as a Best Bets value, place the phrase in double quotation marks.

Manage Best Bets Items

This Step Set continues from the previous one and assumes that your are
still logged in with an administrative account and on the Administration

1. Click Manage Best Bets Items.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 7 -5

C h ap te r 1 7 . B e s t B e ts A dm i n i s tr at io n

The Manage Best Bets Items page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

n tD

Figure 17-5: Manage Best Bets Items

Te i

This page provides administrators with an overview of all the Content

Server items that have Best Bets values, their expiry date (if applicable)
xt str

and their status. The page also provides for removing Best Bet values for
batches or groups of items.
In ibu
te te

2. Select the check box opposite the cycling organizations document and click
Remove Best Bets Entries. When prompted to confirm the removal, click

3. Click Admin Home to return to the Administration pages.

4. Repeating the earlier Enterprise Workspace search using a keyword of bike


will return only one Best Bet value that appears at the top of the search

results page, as illustrated in the following figure:


Figure 17-6: Updated Example of a Best Bets Value Appearing at the Top of the Search Results

Pa ge 17- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 1 7 . B est B et s Admi ni stra ti on

In summary, in this chapter we:
 Reviewed the use of a Best Bet applied to a Content Server item
 Administered and Configured Best Bets from the Administration
 Managed Content Server Best Bet items
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 7 -7

C h ap te r 1 7 . B e s t B e ts A dm i n i s tr at io n


This exercise will provide you with an opportunity to practice what you have learned earlier in this
chapter about the administering and managing Best Bets.

Administer Best Bet Configurations and Manage Best Bet Values

1. Sign in using sadmin/letmein.

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Best Bets Administration section. If prompted for
the Administration password, enter opentext.
O oN
pe o

3. Click Configure Best Bets Settings to review the settings and then click Admin Home to

return to the Best Bets Administration page section.

n tD

4. Click Manage Best Bets Items.

Te i

5. Select the check box opposite the cycling organizations document and click Remove Best
Bets Entries. When prompted to confirm the removal, click OK.
xt str

6. Click Admin Home to return to the Administration pages.

In ibu

7. Repeating the earlier Enterprise Workspace search using a keyword of bike will return only
te te

one Best Bet value that appears at the top of the search results page.

Pa ge 17- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a p te r 1 8. C o ll e ct io ns Adm i n i s tr a ti o n

18. Collections Administration

On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Administer Collections and its General Settings
 Reference Published Documentation Regarding Disk Image Creation
 Purge Collections Items Audit Records

O oN

This chapter deals with Content Server Collection administration.

pe o

The Collection administrative options and links are described in the

n tD

following table:
Te i

Table 18-1: Collection Administration Pages

xt str

Administration Page Link Description

Collections General Configure Collections settings such as Download as

In ibu

Settings Spreadsheet
te te

Disk Image Creation Configure disk image creation settings for

Settings Collections components.

Purge Collections Items Purge the audit records of operations performed on


Audit Records collections items.


Introducing Collections

A Collection can be used to combine the results of several searches, to


provide a location where items can be added over time directly from their
parent folder and to create ISO images for burning a CD or DVD to store

documents externally. The Make Disk Image feature is particularly

helpful for discovery purposes for audits and litigation.

An item in a Collection is not a “pointer” to the real object, unlike a

Shortcut. These items all exist in their original locations: a Collection is
simply another “window” into viewing them from another perspective. In
order to emphasize the fact that what you see in the collection is the
object itself, the Functions menu places the Delete and Remove From
Collection functions together.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 8 -1

C hap te r 1 8. C ol le c ti ons Ad min ist ra ti on

An example of a Collection, located in the Enterprise Workspace >

Customer Service folder called Customer Feedback Collection, is
illustrated in the following figure:

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

Figure 18-1: Collections Page With Options Displayed

xt str

There are a full set of Collections usage privileges via Administration

pages > System Administration > Administer Object and Usage Privileges
In ibu

page to control the use of this tool, as discussed in a prior chapter, and as
te te

illustrated in the following figure


Figure 18-2:

Collections Privileges

For example, end users might be allowed to add to a Collection, but we

might restrict moving and copying items between Collections to more
senior knowledge managers.

Pa ge 18- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a p te r 1 8. C o ll e ct io ns Adm i n i s tr a ti o n

Collections Administration
This section will discuss the administration of Collections.

Collections Administration

1. Log in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Collections Administration
section. If prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g.,
O oN

The Collections Administration page is displayed.

pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str

Figure 18-3:
In ibu

Administration Pages
te te

3. Click Collections General Settings.


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 8 -3

C hap te r 1 8. C ol le c ti ons Ad min ist ra ti on

The Collections General Settings page is displayed. By default, OpenText

has placed limits on the size or number or objects that can be actioned
against using Collections.

O oN
pe o

Figure 18-4:
n tD

Collections General
Settings Page
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Download As

Spreadsheet Settings

Item Limit Defines the maximum number of objects that can be exported using
Download as Spreadsheet. If more objects are selected, the user is

presented with an error message. The default is 250,000. Select the No


Limit check box to unrestrict the number of objects that can be exported.

Compression Threshold Defines the maximum value for the size of downloaded spreadsheets, in
kilobytes (KB). Spreadsheets larger than this will be compressed and
converted to a ZIP file for download. The default is 5120.

Select the No Limit check box to not convert downloaded spreadsheets to

ZIP files and preserve their native [uncompressed] file format.

Items per Spreadsheet Defines the maximum number of objects that can be placed in a single
spreadsheet. If there are more items, then multiple spreadsheets are
created and they are compressed into a single ZIP file. The default is
30,000. Select the No Limit check box to place all items in a single

Pa ge 18- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a p te r 1 8. C o ll e ct io ns Adm i n i s tr a ti o n

Collect Folder

Item Limit Defines the maximum number of Objects that can be included in a
Collection. If there are more items, they are not included. The default is
1,000,000. Select the No Limit check box to collect all items.

Searchable Settings

Enable Allows Searchable Collections to be created. Selecting this check box

allows your users to make new Collections be searchable when they
create them. The default is disabled.
O oN

Collection Status
pe o

Active This section displays information about each Collection process currently
n tD

running, including:
Name --name of the Collection
Te i

 Location -- Content Server location where the documents or items

xt str

are being collected

 Size -- number of items in the Collection
In ibu

 Task -- type of Collection option or action that is running

te te

 Start Date --date and time the Collection process started


 Initiating User -- name of the user creating the Collection


Background This section displays information about each Collection process currently
running in the background, including:

 Name --name of the Collection


 Location -- Content Server location where the documents or items

are being collected

 Size -- number of items in the Collection


 Task -- type of Collection option or action that is running


 Start Date --date and time the Collection process started

 Initiating User -- name of the user creating the Collection
 Abort - an abort link used to end the operation
4. Select Enable for Allowable Searchable Collections to be created followed
by Update.

The Collections Administration page is displayed.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 8 -5

C hap te r 1 8. C ol le c ti ons Ad min ist ra ti on

Disk Image Creation Settings

When a Collection has been created and items have been collected, you
can create a Disk Image of the Collection. A Disk Image enables you to
copy all or specific items in a Collection to disk. This can be used to share
content in a Collection with individuals or groups outside of the Content
Server environment.

5. Click Disk Image Creation Settings.

The Disk Image Creation Settings page is displayed.

O oN
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n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 18-5:

Disk Image Creation

Settings Page

Pa ge 18- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a p te r 1 8. C o ll e ct io ns Adm i n i s tr a ti o n

Refer to the online help for an explanation of the Disk Image

Settings. There is also a Champion Toolkit document
(CT700028) entitled Collections and Make Disk Image available
from the Knowledge Center (
knowledge/cs.dll/Properties/CT700028) that provides an
extensive material on Making a Disk Image.

6. Click the back browser button.

The Collections Administration page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

Purge Collections 7. Click Purge Collections Items Audit Records.


Items Audit Records

The Purge Collections Items Audit Records page is displayed.
n tD

As noted on the administration page, illustrated in the following figure,

Te i

operations performed on collection items are audited by Content Server.

Audit records are kept until the applicable collection is deleted.
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 18-6:

Administration Pages

8. In a separate browser window or tab, revisit Enterprise Workspace >


Customer Service > Customer Feedback Collection and from its Functions
menu, select Properties > Collection Items Audit.

The Collections Items Audit tab is displayed.

Figure 18-7: Example of Collections Item Audit Tab Contents

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 8 -7

C hap te r 1 8. C ol le c ti ons Ad min ist ra ti on

The audited events or actions are stored in a database table, as illustrated

in the following figure:

O oN
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n tD
Te i
xt str

Figure 18-8: Example Of the Auditing of Collections Actions using the AuditCollectionsItems Table
In ibu
te te

The following SQL query was used to generate the results from

the previous figure:

select * from auditcollectionsitems where tolocationid = 439642

The ‘tolocationid’ corresponds to the Node ID of the Collection


item in Content Server.


For more information regarding Content Server database base,

OpenText has the 3-0127 - Content Server Schema and Report
Fundamentals course.

To delete records from this audit trail, specify the number of days old

(default is 45) for the entries that you want to purge, and then click the
Purge button.

9. On the Purge Collections Items Audit Record page, click Purge.

Pa ge 18- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a p te r 1 8. C o ll e ct io ns Adm i n i s tr a ti o n

Content Server reports the number of records that were purged.

Figure 18-9:

Purge Collections Items

Record Purge Results

10. Click Continue.

O oN
pe o

The Collections Administration page is displayed, and the previous audit


trail has been purged.

n tD

11. Revisit Enterprise Workspace > Customer Service > Customer Feedback
Te i

Collection and from its Functions menu, select Properties > Collection
Items Audit to confirm that the previous audit trail has been purged.
xt str
In ibu

It is important that you not confuse Collection Items Audit, discussed in

this chapter, with [Collection] event auditing via System Administration
te te

> Administer Event Auditing > Query Audit Log, which was covered in a
previous chapter.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 8 -9

C hap te r 1 8. C ol le c ti ons Ad min ist ra ti on

In summary, in this chapter we:
 Administered Collections and the General Settings
 Referenced Published Documentation Regarding Disk Image
 Purged Collections Items Audit Records
O oN
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n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Pa ge 18- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a pt e r 1 9 . C o n te n t S e r v e r A pp l i ca ti o n s ( C S Ap p s )

19. Content Server Applications (CS Apps)


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Review CS App Administration functionality including Application Management
 Install a CS Application
O oN

pe o

In the first part of this chapter provides an overview and understanding of

n tD

the Content Server Administration CS Apps while the second part

includes an installation of an OpenText CS App.
Te i

The Application administrative options and links are described in the

xt str

following table:

Table 19-1: Application Administration Pages

In ibu

Administration Page Link Description

te te

Application Management Provides an interface to manage Content Server



Application Management Manage which directories on the server are used by

Configuration Content Server Applications.

Open the Content Server Work with the objects in the Content Server

Applications Volume Applications Volume. Applications Management


Introducing Content Server Applications


The Applications Management page can be used to build, rebuild, install,

upgrade, uninstall, and delete Content Server applications. It can also be
used to define a launch or initialization component for existing

An application is a collection of Content Server nodes, support files, sub-

tag files, and properties files.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 9 -1

C h ap te r 1 9 . C o n t ent S e r ve r Ap p l ic at ion s (C S A p p s )

Installed applications will have a folder in the OTHOME\csapplications

directory on the server. Each application folder may contain the following
 manifest file -- detailing the Content Server nodes and support files
that make up the application
 XML dump file -- containing an export of the Content Server nodes
included in the application. If the application does not contain any
Content Server nodes, then it will not have an XML dump file
 applicationfiles folder -- containing the application's support files. If
the application does not contain any application support files, then it
will not have an application files folder
O oN

 supportcollateral folder -- containing the support files from other

pe o

support paths on Content Server. If the application does not contain

such support files, then it will not have a supportcollateral folder
n tD

 subtags folder -- containing the application's sub-tag drop-in files. If

Te i

the application does not contain sub-tag drop-in files, then it will not
have a subtags folder
xt str

 properties folder -- containing the application's properties files. If the

application does not contain properties files, then it will not have a
In ibu

properties folder
te te

The following table lists a number of example CS App:


Table 19-1: Examples of CS Apps


Name Description

OTPERSPECTIVEMGR Perspective Manager in Content Server 16.0


OTREPSPKG Report Pack for WebReports

OTRMReports Records Management Reports (with RM module)


OTPOReports Physical Objects Reports (with PO module)


ListSubTypesNodes Custom CS App that Lists Content Server SubTypes

Pa ge 19- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a pt e r 1 9 . C o n te n t S e r v e r A pp l i ca ti o n s ( C S Ap p s )

Content Server Application Administration

Application Administration

1. Sign in with an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Application Administration
section. If prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g.,

The Applications Administration page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

Figure 19-1:
xt str

Administration Pages
In ibu
te te

3. Click Applications Management.


The Applications Administration page is displayed.


Figure 19-2: Application Management Page

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 9 -3

C h ap te r 1 9 . C o n t ent S e r ve r Ap p l ic at ion s (C S A p p s )

From this administration page you can install, uninstall, rebuild or delete
an Application. Later in this chapter, you will have an opportunity to
install a CS App.

Refer to the online help (i.e.,

dminHelp) for additional information regarding the building of
new Content Server Applications.

4. Click Admin Home to return to the Applications Administration page.

O oN
pe o

Applications Management Configuration

n tD
Te i

The Application Management page, illustrated below, is used to set which

directories on the server, and the name of the support folder to be used
xt str

by Content Server Applications.

5. Click Applications Management Configuration.

In ibu
te te

The Applications Management Configuration page is displayed. The

applications directory and application staging directory default to folders

within the installation or OTHOME directory, as illustrated in the

following figure:

Figure 19-3: Application Management Configuration

6. Click Admin Home to return to the Applications Administration page.

Pa ge 19- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a pt e r 1 9 . C o n te n t S e r v e r A pp l i ca ti o n s ( C S Ap p s )

Applications Volume
The Applications Volume is the default destination for applications built
or installed using Applications Management.

7. Click Open the Content Server Applications Volume.

The Content Server Applications Volume is displayed and is illustrated in

the following figure:
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str

Figure 19-4: Applications Volume

In ibu

8. Click Admin Home to return to the Applications Administration page.

te te

Report Pack for WebReport Installation Using CS Applications


Install WebReport Report Pack as a CS Application


Because the WebReport Report Pack has already been installed to the
CS16 instance, this exercise will utilize a new or blank instance as the

destination system.

The following prerequisite actions that must have occurred before

proceeding further with this Step Set, unless they were completed in an
earlier chapter, including:
 The CS16b instance must have its Content Server license applied
 The CS16b instance must have its WebReports modular license
 The CS16b instance must have its Content Server service restarted
A failure to meet these prerequisites will not allow the Report Pack to
properly install due to licensing issues.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 9 -5

C h ap te r 1 9 . C o n t ent S e r ve r Ap p l ic at ion s (C S A p p s )

1. Close any open browser windows.

2. Start the CS16b services either using Windows Services or alternative the
provided batch file. The batch file can be run by selecting Start > Start-
Stop-Scripts > CS16b on. When prompted, click any key to close the
Powershell window.
3. Copy the C:\Install Files for Content Server\INSTALL CS 16.0 -
Release\CSapp\OTREPSPKG folder and its contents to
C:\CS16b\csapplicationsstaging. This is like the staging of modules and
makes it available to the web-based UI for installation.
4. Using the IE browser, select Favorites > OTCS 16.0 > CS16b EWS.
5. Sign in with an administrative account (e.g., admin/livelink). Remember
O oN

that new installations of Content Server only have the one user account
pe o

automatically created and its default password is livelink.

6. Navigate to the Administration pages > Application Administration
n tD

section. If prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g.,

Te i


The Applications Administration page is displayed.

xt str

7. Click Applications Management.

In ibu

The Applications Administration page is displayed.

te te

Figure 19-5: Application Management Page

8. Select Install for the OTREPSOPKG application.

Pa ge 19- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a pt e r 1 9 . C o n te n t S e r v e r A pp l i ca ti o n s ( C S Ap p s )

The Install Application page is displayed.

Figure 19-6:
O oN

Install Application and

pe o

Selecting a Destination
n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

9. Click Browse for Container and navigate to Select the Content Server

Application folder and click Submit.


The page will update and inform you that the application is being
installed; it may take several minutes to complete. Once the installation

has been completed, it will prompt you to restart the Content Server
service to finalize the installation:

Figure 19-7:

Restart the Content Server


10. Restart the Content Server service using Windows Services.

11. Click OK.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 9 -7

C h ap te r 1 9 . C o n t ent S e r ve r Ap p l ic at ion s (C S A p p s )

The Application Management page is displayed, and the Report Pack has
been installed.

O oN
pe o

n tD

Figure 19-8: Application Management Page

Te i

12. Click the Report Pack Launcher link.

xt str

The Report Pack for WebReports page is displayed; this demonstrates

that the Report Pack was successfully installed. Running many of these
In ibu

reports, however, many not produce any results as the CS16b instance
does not contain any data from which to generate report results.
te te

Figure 19-9:

Test of the Report Pack

and Launcher

13. Click Back to return to the Applications Administration page.

In summary, in this chapter we:
 Review CS App Administration functionality including Application
 Install a CS Application

Pa ge 19- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a pt e r 1 9 . C o n te n t S e r v e r A pp l i ca ti o n s ( C S Ap p s )


This exercise will provide you with an opportunity to practice what you have learned earlier in this
chapter about the managing and installing CS Apps in Content Server. This exercise will focus on
adding a new Appearance item, but rather than using a Global Appearance, this exercise will create
a ‘local’ folder appearance and also modify other UI components such as the Search Bar.

Before proceeding with the exercise, ensure that:

 The CS16b instance has its Content Server license applied

 The CS16b instance has its WebReports modular license applied
O oN

 The CS16b instance has its Content Server service restarted

pe o

Because the WebReport Report Pack has already been installed to the CS16 instance, this exercise
n tD

will utilize the new or blank CS16b instance as the destination system.
Te i

Install WebReport Report Pack as a CS Application

xt str

1. Close any open browsers.

In ibu

2. Start the CS16b services either using Windows Services or alternative the provided batch
te te

file. The batch file can be run by selecting Start > Start-Stop-Scripts > CS16b on. When
prompted, click any key to close the Powershell window.

3. Copy the C:\Install Files for Content Server\INSTALL CS 16.0 -


Release\CSapp\OTREPSPKG folder and its contents to C:\CS16b\csapplicationsstaging.

This is like the staging of modules and makes it available to the web-based UI for


4. Using the IE browser, select Favorites > OTCS 16.0 > CS16b EWS.

5. Sign in with admin/livelink. Remember that new installations of Content Server only have
the one user account automatically created and its default password is livelink.

6. Navigate to the Administration pages > Application Administration section. If prompted

for the Administration Password, enter opentext.

7. Click Applications Management.

8. Select Install for the OTREPSOPKG application

9. Click Browse for Container and navigate to Select the Content Server Application folder
and click Submit.

10. Restart the Content Server service using Windows Services.

11. Click OK.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 1 9 -9

C h ap te r 1 9 . C o n t ent S e r ve r Ap p l ic at ion s (C S A p p s )

12. Click the Report Pack Launcher link. The Report Pack for WebReports page is displayed;
this demonstrates that the Report Pack was successfully installed. Running many of these
reports, however, many not produce any results as the CS16b instance does not contain any
data from which to generate report results:

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu

13. Click Back to return to the Applications Administration page.

te te

Pa ge 19- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 2 0 . Co nte nt S uit e Vi ew e r Adm i ni s tr a ti on

20. Content Suite Viewer Administration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Describe the functionality offered by the OpenText Content Suite Viewer to Content Server

O oN
pe o

This chapter introduces the OpenText Content Suite Viewer and its

Content Server Administration page.

n tD
Te i

Introducing the Content Suite Viewer

xt str

The Content Suite Viewer provides native HTML viewing capabilities and
provides simple scroll, zoom, rotate, print, and page controls within a
In ibu

browser environment.
te te

Supported file formats include: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, TIFF,


BMP, PNG, and JPG.


When Content Suite Viewer is installed, it replaces View as Web Page

(that appears in document Functions menu).

Configure Content Suite Viewer


Content Suite Viewer Administration


1. Sign in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Content Suite Viewer
Administration section. If prompted for the Administration Password,
enter it (e.g., opentext).

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 0 -1

Chapte r 20. Cont ent Sui te Vi e w e r A dmi nist r ati on

The Content Suite Viewer Administration page is displayed.

Figure 20-1:

Administration Pages
O oN
pe o

n tD

3. Click Configure Content Suite Settings.

Te i

The Configure Content Suite Viewer page is displayed.

xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 20-2: Configure Content Suite Viewer Page

Pa ge 20- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 2 0 . Co nte nt S uit e Vi ew e r Adm i ni s tr a ti on

This viewer is not enabled by default. Before you can enable this viewer,
you must download and install the Brava Server Components package,
which can be found on the OpenText Knowledge Center.

Administrators will find the corresponding Brava Server

Component documentation on the Knowledge Center at the
following URL:
And the download packages at the following URL:
O oN
pe o


n tD
Te i

xt str

In summary, in this chapter we:

Described the functionality offered by the OpenText Content Suite
In ibu

Viewer to Content Server
te te

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 0 -3

Chapte r 20. Cont ent Sui te Vi e w e r A dmi nist r ati on

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Pa ge 20- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 21. Op e nTe xt D ir e ct or y S er v i ce s ( OT D S) Adm i ni s tr a ti on

21. OpenText Directory Services (OTDS) Administration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Administer OTDS features of Content Server

O oN
pe o

This chapter deals with features and functionality in Content Server that

are applicable to OTDS or OpenText Directory Services.

n tD
Te i

OpenText Directory Services (OTDS) in Content Server

xt str

The previously available Content Server Directory Services (CSDS)

[optional] module has been discontinued and beginning with v16.0, there
In ibu

is a [core] OpenText Directory Services (OTDS) integration.

te te

There are several reasons behind the implementation of OTDS, including:


 Keep Content Server installations and related Directory Services


installations/configurations as simple as possible

 Provide a seamless user experience, especially for OTCS-only


 Ensure Content Server and OTDS are connected automatically after

installation or upgrades

 Prior OTDS knowledge or experience is not required to perform a

Content Server v16.0 installation/upgrade

Smooth upgrade for customers with previous versions of Content



Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 1 -1

C h ap te r 2 1 . O p e n T e x t D i re c to r y S e rv i ce s ( O T D S ) Ad m in is t ra ti o n

The following table provides a summary of the various Content Server

authentication mechanisms available in prior versions:

Table 21-1: Content Server Authentication Mechanisms in Prior Versions

Content Server Version Authenticate Options Version Support

9.7.1 Content Server (i.e., Livelink Authentication) Yes

Content Server Directory Services [module] Yes
OpenText Directory Services Yes

10.0. Content Server (i.e., Livelink Authentication) Yes

Content Server Directory Services [module] Deprecated
OpenText Directory Services Yes
O oN

10.5.x Content Server (i.e., Livelink Authentication) Yes

pe o

Content Server Directory Services [module] No

OpenText Directory Services Yes
n tD

16.0 OpenText Directory Services(*) Yes

Te i

(*) Content Server Authentication (i.e., Livelink) is no longer supported.

xt str

Select OTDS Server During installations or upgrades, the administrator is asked to specify
Type whether their Content Server instance will use Internal or External
In ibu

OTDS. The default setting is external OTDS.

te te

The Select OTDS Server Type page seen during an installation is below:

Figure 21-1: Select OTDS Server Type

Pa ge 21- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 21. Op e nTe xt D ir e ct or y S er v i ce s ( OT D S) Adm i ni s tr a ti on

External OTDS Use of an External OTDS Server Type is the recommended configuration
for most production deployments, especially where there is a need to
support high availability, distributed architecture, or multiple Admin

A discussion of Content Server using an External OTDS Server

Type is outside of the scope of this course; however, customers
who may have chosen Internal OTDS when Content Server was
initially installed, can readily move to External OTDS.
For more information regarding Content Server and External
OTDS, refer to the 3-0300 - OTDS Installation and Configuration
O oN

pe o

n tD

Internal OTDS The implementation of the Internal OTDS Server Type is through the
OpenText Directory Services Integration [core] module.
Te i

Internal OTDS may be used in smaller installations, for example, on a

xt str

development or ‘sandbox’ demonstration environment or in situations

where the number of users in the system is relatively small (i.e., < 200) and
In ibu

there are no high availability requirements.

te te

The CS16, RM16, CS16b, and if applicable OTCS, instances

found on the TrainOTCS Windows Server system have been

configured to use Internal OTDS because this training

environment is using monolithic architecture, and it does not

require high availability with its less than 200 users.


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 1 -3

C h ap te r 2 1 . O p e n T e x t D i re c to r y S e rv i ce s ( O T D S ) Ad m in is t ra ti o n

Changing the default OTDS Server Type from External to Internal

updates the page with a series of OTDS Parameters, as is illustrated in the
following figure:

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Figure 21-2: Internal OTDS Server Type


Administrators will typically accept the default port number and only
select alternative ports if there is an existing port conflict.

Jetty Ports  8002 is the default http port.


 8003 is the default https port.


 8004 is for internal use by Content Server to stop the jetty process.
This port does not need to be opened on firewalls.

TCP IP Ports 8002 and/or 8003 would need to be opened on


your firewall, depending on your network requirements and

Content Server architecture. Trusted sites and the required
setting formats are documented in the OTDS Administration
Guide as well as the following URL:

HTTP Configuration The Internal OTDS server uses a Jetty web and servlet server that is built
into Content Server. By default, the Internal OTDS server uses a self-
signed certificate for HTTPS communications, but you can configure it to
use a different certificate by entering appropriate values in the Java Key
Store settings in the HTTPS Configuration section.

Pa ge 21- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 21. Op e nTe xt D ir e ct or y S er v i ce s ( OT D S) Adm i ni s tr a ti on

OTDS runs over Jetty as a Content Server Admin service process.

Beginning with Content Server v16.0, the Admin Server service must be
running to allow for user log in/sign in and authentication.

Jetty is a Java HTTP (Web) server and Java Servlet container

developed by the Eclipse Foundation as an open source. It
provides computer-to-computer communication and a number
O oN

of integration alternatives (i.e.,

pe o

During Content Server installations or upgrades:

n tD

 OTDS is installed using provided port information

Te i

 An OTDS resource is automatically created

xt str

 The OTDS process is started (i.e., located in the SOV)

 Existing Content Server users are migrated to OTDS
In ibu
te te

Content Server IDE (CSIDE) developers using Eclipse and the


OScript plug-in also have to run the Admin Server service on

their development workstation so that they can sign in to

Content Server.

Upgrade Scenarios Where organizations upgrade previous versions of Content Server to

v16.0, existing KUAF and/or external OTDS information is migrated to
their respective synced or non-synced OTDS partitions (more on this

later in this chapter).


Users, Groups, passwords, and CS Domain-based users are all migrated.


Following a migration of existing users to OTDS, the relationship

between the user/group information stored in Content Server’s
KUAF table could be considered a ‘mirror’ to the same
information stored in the OTDS CS Resource.
There is a bi-directional callback in place that allows users
created in OTDS (i.e., either sync or non-sync), that are defined
as having access to the CS resource, to be ‘pushed’ into Content
Server (i.e., KUAF). Similarly, non-synchronized users that are
created through the classic Content Server Users and Groups
interface will also be created in OTDS.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 1 -5

C h ap te r 2 1 . O p e n T e x t D i re c to r y S e rv i ce s ( O T D S ) Ad m in is t ra ti o n

Internal OTDS Process The Internal OTDS Process is located within the System Object Volume
(SOV), and can be accessed from the Global Menu bar > Search Admin
Browser > Tasks [section]> Open the system folder (SOV).

The System Object Volume, with the Internal OTDS Process, is illustrated
in the following figure:
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Figure 21-3: Internal OTDS within the Process Folder

te te

The OTDS Processes store the Jetty port and related information for use

by Content Server.

Pa ge 21- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 21. Op e nTe xt D ir e ct or y S er v i ce s ( OT D S) Adm i ni s tr a ti on

Administering Content Server OTDS

OTDS is administered by navigating to the Administration page >
Directory Services Integration Administration page:

O oN
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Figure 21-4: Directory Services Integration Administration Page

In ibu
te te

Configure Directory The Directory Services Integration page is used to configure

Services authentication:

Figure 21-5: Directory Services Integration Page

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 1 -7

C h ap te r 2 1 . O p e n T e x t D i re c to r y S e rv i ce s ( O T D S ) Ad m in is t ra ti o n

For more information regarding Content Server authentication

and external OTDS, refer to the 3-0300 - OTDS Installation and
Configuration course.

Configure Integration The Configure Directory Services link is used to open an OTDS
Settings administration interface to manage user synchronization (if applicable),
user passwords, password policies and other resources.

When you select the Configure Directory Services link, you are
prompted to provide the OTSD-based User name and Password.
O oN
pe o

Entering an incorrect credential will result in an error message

and you are provided with an option to reset your password.
n tD

A discussion of how to reset you password, using this feature,

Te i

was previously discussed in the end user chapter.

xt str

You log in as otadmin (otadmin@otds.admin) and are presented with an

In ibu

OTDS administration landing page and expandable/collapsible menu on

the left.
te te

Figure 21-6: Administration Interface

Pa ge 21- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 21. Op e nTe xt D ir e ct or y S er v i ce s ( OT D S) Adm i ni s tr a ti on

Online help is available for OTDS by selecting the help icon located in the
upper right corner of the landing page:

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Figure 21-7: OTDS Help


OTDS Administration
Page Sections

Partitions This section manages OTDS Partitions. A user partition is a logical

grouping of users.

A user in Directory Services has one Directory Services identity that

maps their user accounts across all resources. User information in
Directory Services may be provided by mapping to an identity provider in
a synchronized user partition or by entering data manually in a non-
synchronized user partition.

A synchronized user partition is synchronized with a specific identity

provider when it is created. You can create multiple user partitions that
point to the same identity provider, choosing different users and groups
for each user partition, or you can create one simple partition that
encompasses all users and groups in an identity provider.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 1 -9

C h ap te r 2 1 . O p e n T e x t D i re c to r y S e rv i ce s ( O T D S ) Ad m in is t ra ti o n

A non-synchronized user partition lets you manually create and maintain

users and groups.

There is no limit to the number of user partitions you can create and the
following figure is an example of Outdoor Gear’s OTDS Partitions,
including the Content Server Members Partition:
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Figure 21-8: Example of OTDS Partitions


Authentication Handlers This section manages the authentication handlers and their required

parameters, which you will need to enter in the New Authentication

Handler assistant.

Pa ge 21- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 21. Op e nTe xt D ir e ct or y S er v i ce s ( OT D S) Adm i ni s tr a ti on

Examples of other authentication handler types, in addition to the

Content Server User authentication handler, includes: Custom Web
Service, SAML, LDAP, and OAuth (e.g., Facebook, Google, LinkedIn,
Microsoft, Twitter, and Yahoo):

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Figure 21-9: Authentication Handlers or Sources


Resources This section manages the creating, editing and deleting of synchronized

and non-synchronized OTDS resources. A resource represents each

component that you want to connect to your Directory Services server

for synchronization and authentication.


Access Roles This section manages the assigning of members to access roles and allows
users with particular access roles to sign on to selected resources.

You will need to create access roles to define which resources you want

your users and groups to have sign in privileges for. An access role can be

assigned to users or groups for any number of resources.

An access role will only enable authentication for a synchronized

resource. The resource may still deny access based on authorization to
use a function. Directory Services does not manage authorization for

Users and Groups This section allows for the viewing, editing, and consolidating of user and
group information.

The Users and Groups object provides a common access point to all the
users and groups that are found in all user partitions in Directory

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 1 -1 1

C h ap te r 2 1 . O p e n T e x t D i re c to r y S e rv i ce s ( O T D S ) Ad m in is t ra ti o n

This includes both synchronized users and non-synchronized users (more

on this later in this chapter). The following figure illustrates some of the
Outdoor Gear OTDS users and groups:

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Figure 21-10: OTDS Users and Groups


System Attributes This section displays Directory Services system attributes. The page
displays a list of default OTDS attributes that ship with Content Server.

The OTDS system attributes are stored in OpenDJ, which is installed


when you install OTDS.


Pa ge 21- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 21. Op e nTe xt D ir e ct or y S er v i ce s ( OT D S) Adm i ni s tr a ti on

If you change a system attribute on any installation, that change is

replicated across all OTDS installations. The following figure illustrates
several of these attributes associated with SMTP settings and are used in
conjunction with email-enabled password resets.

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Figure 21-11: OTDS Attributes


Trusted Sites This section allows you to specify a list of trusted addresses that
Directory Services will allow to refer to a forwarding address.

During authentication, if the referring URL contains a forwarding


address, Directory Services will redirect the user's browser to that

address. This is necessary so that Directory Services can point the user's

browser back to the originating address.


For example, the user accesses Content Server and Content Server

redirects to Directory Services for authentication. After authenticating,

Directory Services will redirect the user's browser back to Content
Server if the Content Server URL is a trusted referring address.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 1 -1 3

C h ap te r 2 1 . O p e n T e x t D i re c to r y S e rv i ce s ( O T D S ) Ad m in is t ra ti o n

By default, all referrals are trusted:

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Figure 21-12: OTDS Trusted Sites


Passwords and Password Beginning with Content Server v16.0, password policy is controlled from

Policies Administration pages > Directory Services Integration Administration >

Configure Directory Services > Setup > Partitions > Global Settings >
Password Policy. There is also a Partition-based Password Policy that

applies to the Content Server Member Partition.


Password policy was previously configured from the Configure

Password Settings page (e.g., Administration pages > Users and Groups
Administration > Configure Password Settings).
Additionally, a number of [lockout] settings were controlled from the
Administration pages > Server Configuration > Configure Security

Pa ge 21- 14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 21. Op e nTe xt D ir e ct or y S er v i ce s ( OT D S) Adm i ni s tr a ti on

Table 21-2: Comparison of Configure Password Setting Options and Default Values
in Content Server Versions 10.0, 10.5 and 6.0

Password Policy Setting CS 10.0, 10.5 CS 16

Password Quality Yes Yes

Minimum Number of Characters 6 8

Passwords Must Contain a Digit Enabled n/a

Minimum number of digits n/a 1

Minimum number of symbols n/a 1

O oN

Minimum number of uppercase characters n/a 1

pe o

Minimum number of lowercase characters n/a 1

Password Cannot Begin With a Digit Disabled n/a

n tD
Te i

Password Cannot End With a Digit Disabled n/a

Changed Password Must Be Different Enabled n/a

xt str

Minimum number of changes to previous password n/a 0

In ibu

Change Password at First Login Enabled n/a

te te

Number of unique passwords before an old n/a 3

password can …

Security Options Some Yes


Days Required Between Password Changes 0 n/a

Password can be changes in (days) n/a 1

Password Expiration On, 30 n/a

Password expires in (days) n/a 90

Lockout failure count 5 3


Lockout duration (minutes) 5 15


For our operational training needs, the "use global policy" on the
Content Server Members partition had to be disabled and
overridden locally (everything) leaving only 6 characters
minimum, as illustrated in the following figure.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 1 -1 5

C h ap te r 2 1 . O p e n T e x t D i re c to r y S e rv i ce s ( O T D S ) Ad m in is t ra ti o n

O oN
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n tD
Te i

Figure 21-13: OTDS Password Policies

xt str

Frequently Asked This section provides a series of frequently asked questions and answers,
In ibu

OTDS Questions and regarding Content Server OTDS.

te te


Domains Our Content Server instance makes use of [CS] Domains and we will
upgrade to v16.0.

Content Server Domains presently works with OTDS. Upgrade to v16.0


or migrations to the v16.0 OTDS should not affect Domains; existing

[Domain] users “come along for the ride”.

Existing Users Migrated Are existing KUAF and/or external OTDS information migrated to their

respective synchronized or non-synchronized OTDS partitions?


Yes, that is correct.


Pa ge 21- 16 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 21. Op e nTe xt D ir e ct or y S er v i ce s ( OT D S) Adm i ni s tr a ti on

Admin Service Running Since OTDS is using (i.e., piggy backing onto) the Admin Server service,
does that mean that the service must be running in order to authenticate
users and log in to Content Server?

Yes, that is correct. Even Content Server IDE (CSIDE) developers will
need to have the Admin Server service running for them to log in to
Content Server.

Cyclic Groups Is there any impact on the group recursivity setting – whether it is
enabled or not – to the establishing of the OTDS partition(s) and user/
group migration?

OTDS supports cyclic group membership, so that is not a concern. The

O oN

OTDS Partition itself has no relevance here, as this information is on the

pe o

membership of the user.


Case Sensitivity Is OTDS case sensitive?

n tD
Te i

OTDS is case insensitive, like any LDAP system out there. Case sensitive
user names will not work - only a single account will exist in OTDS.
xt str

OTDS User or Group Are there any length limits on OTDS user or group names?
In ibu

No, there is no user name or group name length limit in OTDS.

te te

OTDS Logs There are a number of OTDS logs that can be found in OTHOME\logs


The various logs can be used to assist in troubleshooting various OTDS

issues such as an invalid password being entered by a user.

otds.log Stores runtime log information.


directory-access.log Stores authentication attempts.


directory-provenance.log Records user synchronization events.


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 1 -1 7

C h ap te r 2 1 . O p e n T e x t D i re c to r y S e rv i ce s ( O T D S ) Ad m in is t ra ti o n

directory-audit.log An Audit of changes done in OTDS configuration.

These logs can be viewed using Info > Log Files and selecting the desired
tab, like otds, as illustrated in the following figure:

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Figure 21-14: OTDS Logs


As noted on the page, not all of the rows of the entire log may be
visible on these log file pages, so you may need to review the

entire log file located in the OTHOME\logs\ directory.


Pa ge 21- 18 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 21. Op e nTe xt D ir e ct or y S er v i ce s ( OT D S) Adm i ni s tr a ti on

Users and Groups

Adding Users or In the Content Server classic UI, a user or a group is added through the
Groups in OTDS Global Menu bar > Enterprise > Users & Groups:

Figure 21-15:

Adding a User or Group to

Content Server
O oN

To add a user or a group using the OTDS administration pages, in Content

pe o

Server, navigate to Administration pages > Directory Services Integration

Administration > Configure Directory Services.
n tD
Te i

If prompted for an OTDS user name and password, enter them (e.g.,
xt str

Click Setup > Partitions, and from the Content Server Members partition,
select Actions > View Members:
In ibu
te te

Figure 21-16: Accessing OTDS Members

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 1 -1 9

C h ap te r 2 1 . O p e n T e x t D i re c to r y S e rv i ce s ( O T D S ) Ad m in is t ra ti o n

The partition’s user, group and organizational unit information is

displayed, each on its respective tab:

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Figure 21-17: Adding or Deleting OTDS Partition Members


A user, group, or organizational unit can be added using Add.


Figure 21-18:

Adding a User, Group or


Pa ge 21- 20 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 21. Op e nTe xt D ir e ct or y S er v i ce s ( OT D S) Adm i ni s tr a ti on

For example, adding a user:

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Figure 21-19: Adding a User with OTDS

te te

Users or Groups are either added, deleted or edited through Partitions


and Action > View Member page. This should not be confused with
Setup > Users & Groups because the latter page displays ALL users (or

ALL groups) from ALL partitions. This is apparent, because “otadmin” is

displayed below and it is resident in a partition separate from the

Content Server Members partition.


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 1 -2 1

C h ap te r 2 1 . O p e n T e x t D i re c to r y S e rv i ce s ( O T D S ) Ad m in is t ra ti o n

The Users and Groups information affords an overall listing of system

members, however, managing the users (e.g., adding or deleting them), is
done via the respective partition. The following figure illustrates the
Users and Groups listing where you can see members from multiple
partitions being displayed together:

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Figure 21-20: Displaying Users and Groups with OTDS


Synchronized and The terms synchronized and non-synchronized, used when referring to
Non-Synchronized various Content Server and OTDS users, is discussed in this section.

Non-synchronized users are typically those that are managed


from a single, non-scaled instance of Content Server, typified as

a small development workstation, demo system or sandbox.
Synchronized users are managed or maintained outside of
Content Server, for example, Microsoft Active Directory.

Starting with the most basic scenario, the one exemplified by Outdoor
Gear, is where users and groups were stored in the KUAF table within the
DBMS (i.e., Authentication =Livelink).

During an upgrade from a prior version of Content Server, users (e.g.

Authentication=Livelink) can be migrated to either Internal or External

Pa ge 21- 22 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 21. Op e nTe xt D ir e ct or y S er v i ce s ( OT D S) Adm i ni s tr a ti on

A non-synchronized (Content Server Members) partition is created in

OTDS, and user/group/password information is migrated when the
Internal OTDS option is chosen. The user/group/password information
also exists within the KUAF table of the database schema.

The following figure illustrates this upgrade and the resulting non-
O oN synchronized OTDS partition of Content Server users:
pe o

Figure 21-21:
n tD

Content Server Upgraded

Te i

and Users in a Non-

Synchronized OTDS
xt str

In ibu
te te

In the next scenario, the legacy Content Server Directory Services (CSDS)

module was used by an organization with an earlier version of Content


server, in which users and groups were stored in both the KUAF table
within the DBMS and within Active Directory (i.e., Authentication

Content Server users are synchronized with Active Directory, as

illustrated in the following figure, while KUAF users are maintained as

non-synchronized users.

For Customers that are already using Content Server Directory

Services (CSDS) as User Identity Management, the existing
configuration (e.g. Authentication=LDAP) will be used to establish the
External OTDS, and a corresponding synchronized partition. However,
the Administrator needs to review and verify the OTDS configuration
(e.g. password policy), and potentially update settings as required, and
then import the synchronized users.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 1 -2 3

C h ap te r 2 1 . O p e n T e x t D i re c to r y S e rv i ce s ( O T D S ) Ad m in is t ra ti o n

Users are provided on screen instructions within the OTDS User

Migration Step if any CSDS synchronized sources need to be
migrated, and instructs the Administrator how to do this.

O oN
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n tD
Te i

During an upgrade from CS 10.5 SP1 to 16.0, if Internal OTDS was used,
xt str

the result would be the creation of an OTDS Content Server Members

partition. The KUAF table information remains. The resulting OTDS
partition is non-synchronized.
In ibu
te te

Figure 21-22:

Content Server Upgraded


And Users in a Both

Synchronized and Non-

Synchronized OTDS

In the last scenario, OTDS was already in use by an organization for User
Identity Management, with an earlier version of Content Server, in which
users and groups were stored in both the KUAF table within the DBMS
and within Active Directory.

Pa ge 21- 24 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 21. Op e nTe xt D ir e ct or y S er v i ce s ( OT D S) Adm i ni s tr a ti on

Content Server users are synchronized with Active Directory, as

illustrated in the following figure, while KUAF users are maintained as
non-synchronized users.

The use of Internal OTDS is not an option in this scenario.

During an upgrade from CS 10.5 SP1 to 16.0, if external OTDS was used,
the result would be the creation of an OTDS partition.
O oN

The KUAF table information remains and the resulting OTDS partition is
pe o

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Figure 21-23:

Content Server Upgraded

and Users in a

Synchronized OTDS

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 1 -2 5

C h ap te r 2 1 . O p e n T e x t D i re c to r y S e rv i ce s ( O T D S ) Ad m in is t ra ti o n

OTDS Password Reset

In the situation where a user has forgotten their password, they can ask to
reset it.

OTDS maintains its own set of SMTP related settings which are found
under the System Attributes section as previously discussed.

Before OTDS can successfully send an email message with password

reset instructions, the OTDS-based SMTP settings have to be configured.
O oN

The topic of password resetting, both using the Classic UI and

using OTDS/Smart View UI was discussed in a previous chapter.
pe o

n tD
Te i

xt str

In summary, in this chapter we:

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 Administered OTDS features of Content Server

te te

Pa ge 21- 26 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 2 2 . eLi nk an d E m ai l Adm i ni s tr a ti on

22. eLink and Email Administration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Configure eLink including STMP and POP3 settings
 Enable eLink Advanced Settings to configure email and document or discussion features
 Configure workflow initition using email
 Configure email extractable metadata fields and make Regions querable and displayable
Enable which email files should be shown or can be edited when adding an email using
O oN

Enterprise Connect
pe o

n tD

Te i

This chapter deals with Content Server eLink and email administration.
xt str

The eLink administrative options and links are described in the following
In ibu
te te

Table 22-1: eLink Administration Pages


Administration Page Link Description


Configure eLink Perform configuration tasks, including POP3 and

SMTP settings, attachment size limitations and
general options.

eLink Advanced Settings Perform advanced configuration tasks, including

Documents, Discussions, My Mailbox and Corporate
Signature settings.

eLink Global Workflow Configure eLink Workflow settings for all users.

Settings (Enable events override user preferences.)

Configure Workflow e-mail initiation.

This chapter also deals with Email Administration.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 2 -1

Chap te r 22. eLin k a nd Ema il Ad minist ra ti on

eLink Administration

eLink Administration Settings

1. Log in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > eLink Administration section. If
prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g., opentext).

The eLink Administration page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

n tD

Figure 22-1:
Te i

Administration Pages
xt str
In ibu
te te

3. Ensure that Mercury Mail, the SMTP/POP3 server has been started, using

the icon on the task bar (i.e., ); the application can remain minimized in

the system tray.


4. Click Configure eLink.


The Configure eLink page is displayed.


Configure eLink The Configue eLink page is used to administer a number of eLink settings,
including Virtual Host name, STMP, POP3, and other settings. By default,

eLink is disabled and the settings are not defined; any existing eLink

settings found during an upgrade are ignored and the administrator needs
to configure eLink as part of any post-upgrade process.

Pa ge 22- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 2 2 . eLi nk an d E m ai l Adm i ni s tr a ti on

eLink configuration setting were previously maintained within the [elink]

section of the opentext.ini file, as illustrated in the figure below, however,
beginning with Content Server v16.0, either with a new installation or as
an upgrade from a previous version, the eLink settings are now managed
from the eLink Configuration page and stored to the database (i.e., kini

O oN

pe o

n tD

Te i

xt str

In ibu

te te


Figure 22-2:

eLink Settings Found in the

Opentxt.ini Configuration




LastTestMessage=Test message sent at 04/26/2016 01:15 PM


putcertmessage=Missing configuration: please configure an
Archive Server Name in the Archive Storage Provider

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 2 -3

Chap te r 22. eLin k a nd Ema il Ad minist ra ti on

In this case, the eLink settings have already been provided for the
Outdoor Gear instance, so this section of the chapter will allow a review
of these settings from the perspective of a configured and working

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

Figure 22-3:
xt str

Example of eLink
Configuration Settings
In ibu
te te

General Section The following settings are contained in the General section:

Notification The Notification entry is read-only and it reports whether Content Server
Notifications are enabled.

E-mail Contents Click one of the following in the E-mail Contents list:
 Text, to have eLink send email messages as text only by default. All
email clients can handle this message type
 HTML, to have eLink send email messages in HTML format by default

E-mail me topics/replies Select the E-mail me topics/replies that I post check box to enable users
that I post to receive an email from eLink for each discussion topic and reply that is

Pa ge 22- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 2 2 . eLi nk an d E m ai l Adm i ni s tr a ti on

Enable alternative style E- Click one of the following in the Enable alternative style E-mails from
mails from discussions discussions list:

 Disabled, to have eLink display discussion email messages in the

standard format
 Enabled, to have eLink discussion email messages include the name of
the user who posted the topic or reply in the From field, and reference
the discussion name in brackets in the Subject field before the subject

Undelivered Mail Type an integer in the Undelivered Mail field, indicating the number of
days that eLink should continue to attempt delivery of undelivered
messages before discarding them.
O oN
pe o

Virtual Hostname In the Virtual Hostname field, type the domain name that your mail server

virtually hosts for eLink.

n tD

Verbose Logging Select the Verbose Logging check box to enable verbose logging for eLink
Te i

transactions in Content Server.

SMTP Section
xt str

The following settings are contained in the SMTP section:

Server In the Server field, type the name of the mail server through which eLink
In ibu

sends its outbound email.

te te

Port In the Port field, type the port on which the SMTP server listens. The

default port is 25.


Test SMTP Connection Click the Test Connection button to test the SMTP connection settings
for outgoing email messages.

5. Click Test Connection.


The test will report a successful SMTP connection and test, as illustrated

in the following figure:


Figure 22-4:


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 2 -5

Chap te r 22. eLin k a nd Ema il Ad minist ra ti on

6. Click OK to close the window.

POP3 Section The following settings are contained in the POP3 section:

Server In the Server field, type the name of the mail server that stores eLink's
incoming email.

Port In the Port field, type the port on which the POP3 server listens. The
default port is 110.

Username In the Username field, type the name of the mailbox on the POP3 server
to which eLink's mail is delivered.
O oN

Password In the Password field, type the password corresponding to eLink's POP3
pe o

Test POP3 Connection Click the Test Connection button to test the POP3 connection settings
n tD

for inbound email messages.

Te i

7. Click Test Connection.

xt str

The test will report a successful POP3 connection and test, as illustrated
in the following figure
In ibu
te te

Figure 22-5:

POP3 Test

8. Click OK to close the window.

Pa ge 22- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 2 2 . eLi nk an d E m ai l Adm i ni s tr a ti on

The Inbound Messages Filters section of the eLink administration page is

illustrated below:

O oN
pe o

Figure 22-6:
n tD
Te i

Configure eLink – Inbound

Message Filters
xt str
In ibu
te te

Inbound Message The following settings are contained in the Message Filter section:

Filters Section

Discard messages In the Discard messages containing these X-Headers list box, type

containing these X- headers found in incoming messages that you want eLink to discard.

Discard messages In the Discard messages containing these in the subject list box, type the
containing these in the Subject text for incoming email messages that you want eLink to discard.

Discard messages from In the Discard messages from these addresses list box, type the email
these addresses addresses or partial addresses of incoming messages that you want eLink
to discard.

Accept messages for the In the Accept messages for the listed domains only, or leave blank for no
listed domains only, or restrictions list box, type the domains of messages that you want eLink to
leave blank for no accept. Any domains not listed will be rejected.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 2 -7

Chap te r 22. eLin k a nd Ema il Ad minist ra ti on

Discard attachments of In the Discard attachments of these MIME types or with these file
these MIME types or with extensions list box, type the MIME types or file extensions that you want
these file extensions: eLink to discard.

9. Click Submit, at the bottom of the page.

You are returned to the eLink Administration section.

10. Select eLink Advanced Settings.

The eLink Advanced Settings page is displayed.

eLink Advanced The eLink Advanced Settings Administration page is where you manage
O oN

Settings document or discussions and email settings and other eLink global
override settings as illustrated in the following figure:
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 22-7:

eLink Advanced Settings


Administration page

Pa ge 22- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 2 2 . eLi nk an d E m ai l Adm i ni s tr a ti on

Documents via E-mail The following settings are contained in the Documents section:

Enable e-mailing Select the Enable e-mailing documents via function menu check box to
documents via function allow users to email documents from the Functions menu.

Acknowledge receipt of Select the Acknowledge receipt of inbound e-mail content check box to
inbound e-mail content: send an email message when content is received by an email-enabled
Folder or Workspace.

E-mail document link Click one of the following in the E-mail document link option list to choose
option: the type of link included in messages:
O oN

 Open, which opens the document

pe o

 Properties, which opens the document's General tab

n tD

 View, which opens the document's Specific tab

Te i

Discussions via E-mail The following settings are contained in the Discussions section:
xt str

Allow non-Content Server Select the Allow non-Content Server users to post to discussions check
In ibu

users to post to discussions box to allow users who do not have Content Server access to participate
in email enabled discussions.
te te

Allow users without Edit Select the Allow users without ‘Edit’ permission to post to discussions

permission to post to check box to allow users without permission to post in a discussion to
discussions post topics.

Allow users to opt out of Select the Allow users to opt out of group auto-subscription check box to

group auto-subscription enable users in a group to unsubscribe from a discussion.


Send topic/reply only to Select the Send topic/reply only to the immediate members of a group
the immediate members of check box if you want topics or replies to be sent only to users directly

a group subscribed to the discussion (but not users subscribed through a group).

My Mailbox Section The following settings are contained in the My Mailbox section:

My Mail Client Select the My Mail Client check box to enable users to access the Content
Server light email client using the My Mailbox option in the Personal

Changing the value of the My Mail Client check box requires that
you restart the Content Server service.

Override user's setting Specify the POP3 email server to use instead of the settings configured by
with this POP3 Server users.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 2 -9

Chap te r 22. eLin k a nd Ema il Ad minist ra ti on

Override user's setting Specify the connection or port for a POP3 email server to use instead of
with this POP3 Port the settings configured by users.

Use Content Server Select the Use Content Server username as POP3 username check box to
username as POP3 require users to sign in to the POP3 server using their Content Server
username credentials.

Corporate Signature The following settings are contained in the Signature section:

Include Corporate Select the Include Corporate Signature in outgoing e-mails check box to
Signature in outgoing e- add a signature to eLink messages.
O oN

Corporate Signature Enter the Corporate Email signature in the provided field; the signature
pe o

must be text only as HTML is not supported.

n tD

11. Enable the Corporate Signature, so that you include a corporate signature
in outgoing emails and enter a Corporate Signature of Outdoor Gear.
Te i

12. Click Submit, at the bottom of the page.

xt str

You are returned to the eLink Administration section.

In ibu

13. Select eLink Global Workflow Settings.

te te

The eLink Global Workflow Settings page is displayed.


eLink Global The eLink Global Workflow Settings Administration page is where you

Workflow Settings can globally enable notification interests for every user in the system, as
illustrated in the following figure:

Figure 22-8:

eLink Global Workflow

Settings Administration

14. Enable Workflow I manage has been compled.

15. Enable Workflow I manage is late.
16. Enable Workflow step is late.

Pa ge 22- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 2 2 . eLi nk an d E m ai l Adm i ni s tr a ti on

17. Enable Workflow step is ready.

18. Enable Workflow initiation via email, if it is not already enabled.
19. Click Submit, at the bottom of the page.
20. Complete a service restart of the Content Server service using the GUI buy
clicking Restart followed by Continue.

You are returned to the eLink Administration section.

The Table below provides a correlation between the Kini stored setting
values and the settings on the administration page.

Table 22-2: eLink Global Workflow Settings and Database Kini Table
O oN
pe o

Kini Table - Kini Table - Kini Table - Corresponding GUI Setting


IniSection IniKeyword IniValue

n tD

livelink.eLink TurnOnEventFor 0=disabled Workflow I manage has been

AllUsers7 1=enabled completed
Te i

livelink.eLink TurnOnEventFor 0=disabled Workflow I manage is late

xt str

AllUsers10 1=enabled

livelink.eLink TurnOnEventFor 0=disabled Workflow step is late

In ibu

AllUsers11 1=enabled
te te

livelink.eLink TurnOnEventFor 0=disabled Workflow step is ready


AllUsers8 1=enabled

livelink.eLink DisableInitWork 1=disabled Enable Workflow initiation


flow 0=enabled via e-mail


The storage of the eLink Global Workflow Settings to the Kini database

table is illustrated below.


Figure 22-9:

eLink Global Workflow


Settings and Database Kini


These eLink Global Workflow Settings Administration page

settings are not present in a Content Server system when it has
been upgraded from a prior version, so administrators must click
the Submit button to cause the database to be populated.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 2 -1 1

Chap te r 22. eLin k a nd Ema il Ad minist ra ti on

In contrast to all of the other eLink Global Workflow Settings

Administration page settings, the Enable Workflow initiation via e-mail
setting is stored to the database using ‘reverse logic’, therefore when
the setting is enabled on the GUI, the database value is ‘0’. Conversely
when the Enable Workflow initiation via e-mail setting is disabled on
the GUI, there database value is ‘1’, which might lead to confusion since
the setting on the GUI configures the enablement of the setting while
the database is storing a value for ‘is disabled’.

Email Services Administration

O oN
pe o

Content Server administrators will appreciate that the Email Services


module is included in the core software, so it does not require a separate

n tD

installation; the module is delivered with new installs or when upgrading

from a previous version.
Te i

The pair of email administration pages include:

xt str

 Configure Email Service settings

Configure Email Field
In ibu

te te

The Content Server full text search can be used to search the full content
of emails. To allow for searching on individual email properties from the

Content Server advanced search, you must:


 Configure the email fields for indexing in the Email Services


 Configure the email fields to be Queryable in the Search Manager (i.e.,


Content Server Index and Search Administration > Administering

Searching > Configuring Index Regions)

Email Services Administration


1. Sign in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein), if you are

not already signed in.
2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Email Services Administration
section. If prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g.,

Pa ge 22- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 2 2 . eLi nk an d E m ai l Adm i ni s tr a ti on

The Email Services Administration page is displayed.

Figure 22-10:

Email Services
O oN

Administration Section
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu

3. Click Configure Email Services.

te te

The Configure Email Services page is displayed.


Configure Email There are three sections to the email services administration page:

Services  Extractable Email Fields


 Extractable Attributes

 Extractable Additional Email Properties


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 2 -1 3

Chap te r 22. eLin k a nd Ema il Ad minist ra ti on

Extractable Email Fields By default, the following email fields or metadata are extracted by
Content Server and can be subsequently used as a search criteria:

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu

Figure 22-11:
Extractable Email Fields
te te

Pa ge 22- 14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 2 2 . eLi nk an d E m ai l Adm i ni s tr a ti on

The corresponding System Object Volume (SOV) Regions (i.e., Content

Server System or SOV > Enterprise Data Source Folder > Enterprise
Search Manager > Properties > Regions) are illustrated in the following

O oN
pe o

Figure 22-12:

OTEMail* Regions
n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

The metadata property or region is called


Extractable Attributes You can choose whether to index standard Content Server attributes for
emails or not. The default setting is to enable standard attribute


Limiting what can be extracted for indexing can help to reduce the

memory required for the search index, particularly in organizations that

handle large volumes of emails, so that would be one example where
extracting all of the standard attributes might be disabled (i.e., only
specific attributes are extracted).

Figure 22-13:

Extractable Attributes

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 2 -1 5

Chap te r 22. eLin k a nd Ema il Ad minist ra ti on

The following is an example of the extracted metadata in search:

O oN
pe o

Figure 22-14: Example of Email Metadata And Its Extracted Metadata, Now in Search Index
n tD

If you choose not to extract standard Content Server attributes, the

Te i

functionality of all applications that use Content Server to store and

search for emails may be affected and the following attributes will not be
xt str

indexed or searchable:
In ibu
te te

Figure 22-15:

Email Attributes

Pa ge 22- 16 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 2 2 . eLi nk an d E m ai l Adm i ni s tr a ti on

Store Message Body You can choose whether the email message body will be stored as
metadata in the database for viewing when email nodes are previewed in
Content Server. The default is to store the message body.

An example of where this setting would be disabled is in the case of Email

Monitoring. In this case, Open Text recommend that you do not store the
email message body content, otherwise, your database may become too

If you choose not to store the email message body content for viewing,
the body of an email will not display in the HTML view. But you can view
the body of messages if they are rendered in the view produced by Open
Text Document Filters instead.
O oN
pe o

Figure 22-16:
n tD

Store Message Body

Te i
xt str

This is an example of the HTML view of the email message body; storing
the message body means the contents of the email message can be
In ibu

searched against, but it will add to the size of the Enterprise index.
te te

Figure 22-17: Displaying the Contents of the Message Body, using OTDFs

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 2 -1 7

Chap te r 22. eLin k a nd Ema il Ad minist ra ti on

Extracting Additional In addition to the standard email properties, you can specify custom email
Email Properties properties to extract and store. To configure Microsoft Outlook to
extract and store additional email properties on the server, you need to
add the list of properties to the Extracting Additional Email Properties
field. Entries should be entered on one row per line, in the following
<MailSystem>|<PropertyName>|<Display Name>|<Region Name>

where <MailSystem> identifies the mail environment to try extracting

the properties from. The values are either OUTLOOK or LOTUS.

<PropertyName> identifies the name of the property to extract in the

O oN

mail system.
pe o

For Microsoft Outlook, enter the <Identifier Number> of the MAPI

property. For a named property, you must enter both the GUID of the
n tD

property, plus the name of the property as either a string or number,

separated by a comma.
Te i

For Lotus Notes, enter the <Field Name> of the Document Property.
xt str

<Display Name> is the display name that you want to use for the property
In ibu

on the Properties – Email tab in Content Server.

te te

<Region Name> (optional) is the region name to be used by the search

engine for indexing. If you want the additional email property to be

searchable, you must specify a region name. This can be omitted if you do

not require the email property to be searchable.


Figure 22-18: Extracting Additional Email Properties

If a property cannot be found, it will not be stored in the

database. Moreover, standard properties (e.g., Subject, From, To,
CC, Sent Date, Received Date) are always extracted and stored
separately from custom properties.

Pa ge 22- 18 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 2 2 . eLi nk an d E m ai l Adm i ni s tr a ti on

If you add emails to Content Server by using Add Item or by

dragging and dropping emails in the browser, custom email
properties specified in this setting are not extracted. Standard
email properties are still extracted.

Signed/Encrypted Message You can define special Microsoft Outlook message classes for signed or
Classes encrypted email messages. Enterprise Connect uses the message classes
entered in this section to identify signed or encrypted emails. If the list of
messages included in this section is incomplete, you can modify the list to
include additional messages.
O oN

Enter each message class on a separate line.

pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu

Figure 22-19: Signed/Encrypted Message Classes

te te

Signed or encrypted emails are stored in Content Server like other emails.
In some cases Enterprise Connect is unable to display a signed or

encrypted email. If this happens, an appropriate explanatory message is

displayed instead.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 2 -1 9

Chap te r 22. eLin k a nd Ema il Ad minist ra ti on

Email Viewable MIME Email Services also provides an HTML view which is optimized for
Types displaying emails with a preview of the stored body and email properties
such as To, From, and Sent Date. If an email’s MIME type is included in the
Email Viewable MIME Types list, the Email Services HTML view is used to
display the email in the browser. If an email’s MIME type is not included in
the list, the email is displayed in the browser using the available Content
Server viewing method, if one exists for the message type.

If the Store Message Body was set to No, the Email Services
HTML view is unable to display the message body. The view can
only display email properties that have been extracted and
O oN

stored in the database.

pe o

Although it is possible to remove the default rendering

configuration for Lotus Notes (.dxl) email messages, OpenText
n tD

discourages doing so, because there is no core view to render

these messages alternately.
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 22-20: Email Viewable MIME Types


Pa ge 22- 20 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 2 2 . eLi nk an d E m ai l Adm i ni s tr a ti on

Example of More Extracted Email Fields, Region Displayable and Search

is illustrated in the following figure:

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu

Figure 22-21:
te te

More Extracted Email


Metadata Fields

4. Click Submit, at the bottom of the page.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 2 -2 1

Chap te r 22. eLin k a nd Ema il Ad minist ra ti on

The corresponding System Object Volume (SOV) Regions (i.e., Content

Server System or SOV > Enterprise Data Source Folder > Enterprise
Search Manager > Properties > Regions) are illustrated in the following

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 22-22: OTEmail Regions


Pa ge 22- 22 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 2 2 . eLi nk an d E m ai l Adm i ni s tr a ti on

And finally, the additional metadata or Regions available for display in the
search results:

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 22-23: Adding the Additional OTEmail Metadata to Search Results


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 2 -2 3

Chap te r 22. eLin k a nd Ema il Ad minist ra ti on

And the resulting search results page with the additional email metadata
being displayed on the search results page:

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 22-24: OTEmail Metadata displayed on the Search Results Page


Pa ge 22- 24 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 2 2 . eLi nk an d E m ai l Adm i ni s tr a ti on

Configure Email Field You can configure user interface options to display specific email fields
when Enterprise Connect users add an email to Content Server. The
Email Subject, From, To, CC, Sent date, and Receive date fields are default
fields and appear on the Add dialog box. The On Behalf Of and BCC are
not default fields and you must configure them if you want them to
appear on the Add dialog box.
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

Figure 22-25:
xt str

Default Email Fields for

Enterprise Connect
In ibu
te te

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 2 -2 5

Chap te r 22. eLin k a nd Ema il Ad minist ra ti on

The default Email fields will appear when using Enterprise Connect:

O oN

Figure 22-26:
pe o

Default Email Fields in

n tD

Enterprise Connect
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

The Add dialog box only appears if the user is required to specify
metadata when adding the email to Content Server.

The Configure Email Fields administration page only applies to emails


added through Enterprise Connect. They do not apply to emails that are
added through other interfaces by using either the Add Item > Email

command or by dragging an email to a browser.

Pa ge 22- 26 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 2 2 . eLi nk an d E m ai l Adm i ni s tr a ti on

You can configure whether to hide or show email fields, or to make the
email fields editable in the Enterprise Connect Add dialog box, as
illustrated in the figure below where all of the available fields have been
shown and a number of them have been made available for editing::

O oN
pe o

n tD

Figure 22-27:
Te i

Configure Email Fields for

Enterprise Connect
xt str
In ibu
te te

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 2 -2 7

Chap te r 22. eLin k a nd Ema il Ad minist ra ti on

When additional Email fields are enabled, they will appear and/or be
available for editing when using Enterprise Connect, as illustrated in the
following figure:

O oN
pe o

Figure 22-28:
n tD

Additional Email Fields

Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

When adding emails to Content Server, the values in the

following email fields are truncated to the specified character


Fields Length (characters)

BCC 2000

CC 2000

FROM 255

NAME 248

ON Behalf Of 255

Subject 255

To 2000

Pa ge 22- 28 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 2 2 . eLi nk an d E m ai l Adm i ni s tr a ti on

In summary, in this chapter we:
 Configured eLink including STMP and POP3 settings
 Enabled eLink Advanced Settings to configure email and document or
discussion features
 Configured workflow initition using email
 Configured email extractable metadata fields and make Regions
querable and displayable
 Enabled which email files should be shown or can be edited when
O oN

adding an email using Enterprise Connect

pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 2 -2 9

Chap te r 22. eLin k a nd Ema il Ad minist ra ti on

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Pa ge 22- 30 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 23. Ente r p ri se Conne ct Admi ni str a ti on

23. Enterprise Connect Administration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Administer Enterprise Connect, including changing default settings, if required

O oN
pe o

This chapter deals with administering Enterprise Connect.


The Enterprise Connect administrative options and links are described in

n tD

the following table:

Te i

Table 23-1: Enterprise Connect Administration Pages

xt str

Administration Page Link Description

In ibu

Configure Enterprise Configure offline and metadata options.

Connect Advanced
te te


Configure Enterprise Specify browse view column options.

Connect Browse View

Column Settings

Configure Enterprise Configure display options for the List, Tree,


Connect Display Settings and Reading Panes.


Configure Enterprise Configure email handling options.

Connect Email Settings

Configure Enterprise Configure context menu availability and behavior.

Connect Menu Settings

Configure Enterprise Specify search profiles and search results options.

Connect Search Settings

Configure Enterprise Specify general system settings.

Connect System Settings

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 3 -1

Chapte r 23. Ent er p r ise Conne ct Ad mini st ra ti on

Introduction to Enterprise Connect

You have been introduced to Enterprise Connect (EC) as part of earlier
Content Server training courses such as in:
 1-0184 - Managing Documents in Content Server
 1-0185 - Collaborating in Content Server
 3-0177 - What's New in Content Server v16.0

Enterprise Connect was previously available as an optional module,

however, beginning with version v16.0 it is included as part of the core
product and part of the document management features and
O oN

pe o

Enterprise Connect allows you to interact with Content Server using

Windows Explorer or Microsoft Office applications such as Microsoft
n tD

Word, depending on the options selected during installation.

Te i

You can drag-and-drop new content from your desktop or Microsoft

Outlook into the folder structures in Content Server. Additionally, you
xt str

can create new documents, open or modify existing documents that

reside in Content Server from inside your integrated applications.
In ibu

The installation of Enterprise Connect also includes the OpenText Office

te te

Editor client. OpenText Office Editor is a technology for Content Server


and Enterprise Connect that dramatically improves the editing of

documents. Office Editor offers users a seamless, instant editing

experience, providing the performance of editing files on a local hard

drive without installing any special add-ins to the application they are

working in. OpenText Email Services module is an essential component


that creates the necessary infrastructure on Content Server to handle

emails and the storage of email metadata.

OpenText Office Enterprise Connect uses the OpenText Office Editor to manage the

Editor editing process for items on the client. Office Editor is installed on the
client as part of the Enterprise Connect Framework installation and

provides the following features and functionality:

 A cache that stores local copies of documents that users open for
editing from Enterprise Connect. When a user edits or opens a
document, the document is added to the Office Editor local document
cache. Office Editor manages the items in the cache, ensuring that
edited documents are automatically uploaded to the server
 The Manage Local Documents dialog box displays all the items that
are currently stored in the local document cache. Users can use
Manage Local Documents to edit or open the recently edited
documents, synchronize local documents with their server versions,
resolve synchronization errors and conflicts, and discard local

Pa ge 23- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 23. Ente r p ri se Conne ct Admi ni str a ti on

 Integration with Enterprise Connect offline functionality. All

Enterprise Connect offline documents can be viewed and managed in
the Manage Local Documents dialog box

Office Editor first downloads documents to a managed user cache and

then opens documents using the registered application. Furthermore, it
enables users to edit documents in their cache whether they are
connected to the server or not. Office Editor ensures that all documents
saved while users are offline are automatically synchronized and
uploaded to Content Server when connectivity is restored.
O oN

For some Content Server users, they may already be familiar

with Enterprise Connect, because they had the optional module
pe o

installed in their Content Server system. Beginning with Content

Server v16.0, Enterprise Connect is included as a core module.
n tD

This chapter will focus on the new features or functionality

Te i

changes that have occurred since Content Server 10.5 SP1.

xt str
In ibu

Enterprise Connect Compatibility

te te

As illustrated in the following figure, Enterprise Connect client version


10.5.2 can work with Content Server versions 10.0, 10.5, and 16.0.

However, the Enterprise Connect version 16 client is only compatible

with Content Sever v16.0.

Why update to the EC 16 client? It supports OTDS’s 2-factor


authentication and it has many new features, as discussed in this chapter.


Figure 23-1:

Enterprise Connect Server

– Client Compatibility

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 3 -3

Chapte r 23. Ent er p r ise Conne ct Ad mini st ra ti on

Enterprise Connect Administration

Enterprise Connect Administration

1. Log in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Enterprise Connect
Administration section. If prompted for the Administration Password,
enter it (e.g., opentext).

The Enterprise Connect administration page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu

Figure 23-2:
te te

Administration Pages

Pa ge 23- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 23. Ente r p ri se Conne ct Admi ni str a ti on

Configure Advanced Settings

The Configure Advanced Settings page allows administrators to
configure a variety of Enterprise features, including:
 Specify how Microsoft Office documents open when users double-
click them in Enterprise Connect
 Specify how Compound Emails open when users double-click them in
Enterprise Connect
 Specify settings for the Enterprise Connect from Here feature
 Specify the naming convention used for Content Server Shortcuts
O oN

 Specify when users are prompted to enter metadata when they add
pe o

items to Content Server


 Customize the subtype applied when dragging certain folder types

n tD

 Map specific file extensions to custom subtypes

Te i

3. Click Configure Advanced Settings.

xt str

The Configure Advanced Settings page is displayed.

In ibu
te te

Figure 23-3: Enterprise Connect - Configure Advanced Settings Page

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 3 -5

Chapte r 23. Ent er p r ise Conne ct Ad mini st ra ti on

Refer to the online help or administration guide for more information

regarding these settings. For typical Content Server and Enterprise
Connect deployments, customer will find the default settings are suitable.

4. Click Admin Home.

The Enterprise Connect Administration section is displayed.

Configure Enterprise Connect Browse View Column Settings

The Configure Enterprise Connect Browse View Column Settings page
O oN

allows administrators to configure a variety of EC features, including:

pe o

 Specifying which columns are available to Enterprise Connect users

Specifying which columns users can see by default
n tD

 Setting the order in which the columns appear

Te i

 Setting a custom width for each column

xt str

5. Click Configure Enterprise Connect Browse View Column Settings.

The Configure Enterprise Connect Browse View Column Settings page is

In ibu

te te

Figure 23-4:

Configure Browse View

Column Settings

6. Click on Action, opposite Folder.

Pa ge 23- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 23. Ente r p ri se Conne ct Admi ni str a ti on

The Configure Browse View Column Settings page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

n tD

Figure 23-5:
Te i

Configure Browse View

xt str

Column Settings - Action

In ibu
te te

Display preferences, including order and column widths can be set.

Refer to the online help or administration guide for more information

regarding these settings. For typical Content Server and Enterprise
Connect deployments, customer will find the default settings are suitable.

7. Click Admin Home.

The Enterprise Connect Administration section is displayed.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 3 -7

Chapte r 23. Ent er p r ise Conne ct Ad mini st ra ti on

Configure Enterprise Connect Display Settings

The Configure Enterprise Connect Display Settings page allows
administrators to configure a variety of EC features, including:
 Configure the Enterprise Connect Tree Structure and List Pane
 Select which viewer to use in the Enterprise Connect client Reading
 Specify if hidden items are displayed in Enterprise Connect
8. Click Configure Enterprise Connect Display Settings.

The Configure Display Settings page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 23-6: Enterprise Connect - Configure Enterprise Connect Display Settings Page

Pa ge 23- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 23. Ente r p ri se Conne ct Admi ni str a ti on

Refer to the online help or administration guide for more information

regarding these settings. For typical Content Server and Enterprise
Connect deployments, customer will find the default settings are suitable.

9. Click Admin Home.

The Enterprise Connect Administration section is displayed.

Configure Enterprise Connect Email Settings

The Configure Enterprise Connect Email Settings page allows
O oN

administrators to configure a variety of EC features, including:

pe o

 Configure email archiving settings

Specify how emails and attachments are handled when users add
n tD

them to Content Server
Te i

 Specify which format is used when exporting emails from IBM Notes
to Content Server
xt str

 Specify the naming conventions and rules used for emails that are
added to Content Server using Enterprise Connect
In ibu

 Specify how duplicate email attachment names are handled

te te

10. Click Configure Enterprise Connect Email Settings.


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 3 -9

Chapte r 23. Ent er p r ise Conne ct Ad mini st ra ti on

The Configure Enterprise Connect Email Settings page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 23-7: Enterprise Connect - Configure Enterprise Connect Email Settings Page

Pa ge 23- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 23. Ente r p ri se Conne ct Admi ni str a ti on

11. Scroll down to reveal the bottom half of the administration page.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 23-8: Enterprise Connect - Configure Enterprise Connect Email Settings Page (continued)

Refer to the online help or administration guide for more information


regarding these settings. For typical Content Server and Enterprise

Connect deployments, customer will find the default settings are suitable.

12. Click Admin Home.

The Enterprise Connect Administration section is displayed.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 3 -1 1

Chapte r 23. Ent er p r ise Conne ct Ad mini st ra ti on

Configure Enterprise Connect Menu Settings

The Configure Enterprise Connect Menu Settings page allows
administrators to configure a variety of EC features, including:
 Specify which Enterprise Connect context menu commands are
available to users
 Specify which context menu commands appear in the main context
 Specify which commands are available in the context menu
 Specify which context menu commands launch in a full browser
O oN

 Specify which types of folders users can take offline

pe o

 Specify which types of items users can send to their desktop

 Specify where users can access the Copy/Move command
n tD

13. Click Configure Enterprise Connect Menu Settings

Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Pa ge 23- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 23. Ente r p ri se Conne ct Admi ni str a ti on

The Configure Enterprise Connect Menu Settings page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 23-9: Enterprise Connect - Configure Enterprise Connect Menu Settings Page

Refer to the online help or administration guide for more information

regarding these settings. For typical Content Server and Enterprise
Connect deployments, customer will find the default settings are suitable.

14. Click Admin Home.

The Enterprise Connect Administration section is displayed.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 3 -1 3

Chapte r 23. Ent er p r ise Conne ct Ad mini st ra ti on

Configure Enterprise Connect Search Settings

The Configure Enterprise Connect Search Settings page allows
administrators to configure a variety of EC features, including:
 Configure search profiles
 Specify the number of returned items displayed on each page when
users perform a search
 Include Shortcuts and Cross-References in search results
 Configure how the Advanced Search location is populated
15. Click Configure Enterprise Connect Search Settings.
O oN

The Configure Enterprise Connect Search Settings page is displayed.

pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 23-10: Enterprise Connect - Configure Enterprise Connect Search Settings Page

Refer to the online help or administration guide for more information


regarding these settings. For typical Content Server and Enterprise

Connect deployments, customer will find the default settings are suitable.

16. Click Admin Home.

The Enterprise Connect Administration section is displayed.

Pa ge 23- 14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 23. Ente r p ri se Conne ct Admi ni str a ti on

Configure Enterprise Connect System Settings

The Configure Enterprise Connect System Settings page allows
administrators to configure a variety of EC features, including:
 Force users to upgrade to the most recent version of the Enterprise
Connect client
 Specify how user credentials are stored
 Access the administration pages for modules that you must configure
to support Enterprise Connect.
17. Click Configure Enterprise Connect System Settings.
O oN

The Configure Enterprise Connect System Settings page is displayed.

pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 23-11: Enterprise Connect - Configure Enterprise Connect System Settings Page

Refer to the online help or administration guide for more information

regarding these settings. For typical Content Server and Enterprise
Connect deployments, customer will find the default settings are suitable.

18. Click Admin Home.

The Enterprise Connect Administration section is displayed.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 3 -1 5

Chapte r 23. Ent er p r ise Conne ct Ad mini st ra ti on

In summary, in this chapter, we:
 Reviewed the Administering of Enterprise Connect

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Pa ge 23- 16 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha pt e r 24. I te m T e mpl a te Admi ni str a ti on

24. Item Template Administration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Browse the Content Server Template Volume
 Create or Add a Template Folder, Custom View Template and/or a Project Template to Content
 Export an Item Template as an XML file
O oN
pe o

n tD

This chapter provides deals with the Content Server Template Volume
Te i

and items such as Template Folders, Custom View Templates and Project
Templates. The focus of this chapter is in the creating of these items and
xt str

then exporting them.

In ibu
te te

Item Template Administration


The Templates Volume helps organize and centralize the storage and
administration of Project and Custom View Templates. These templates

can be based on any existing Project or Custom View currently in your

system or on a previously stored XML template file. Template folders can

be created to organize your templates inside this volume.


A Project Template is a snapshot of the specific project upon which it is

based. It includes all of its contents, such as participants, tasks,

documents, and discussions. When you create a Project based on a


Project Template, the template is used to fashion the new Project (i.e.,
think of it like a rubber stamp).

You can also create a project or Custom View Template in the Templates
Volume or from an existing project or Custom View’s Functions menu.

You can export a Project Template by clicking its Functions menu, and
then choosing Export Template. A copy of the Project Template is saved
as an XML file that can be imported to another Content Server instance.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 4 -1

C h ap te r 2 4 . I te m Te m p l at e A dm i n i s tr at io n

Item Template Administration

1. Sign in with an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Item Template Administration
section. If prompted for the Administration password, enter it (e.g.,

The Item Template administration page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

Figure 24-1:
n tD

Administration Pages
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

3. Click Open the Templates Volume.


The Content Server Templates volume or page is displayed; in this case


Outdoor Gear has a pair of templates that were previously created.


Figure 24-2:

Item Template Volume

Selecting the Add Item menu will demonstrate that you can add either a
Template Folder, Customer View Template, or a Project Template to this

Pa ge 24- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha pt e r 24. I te m T e mpl a te Admi ni str a ti on

Template Folder Template Folders allow you to organize or arrange various Item
Templates with the volume. For example, Templates could be grouped
together by department or on a functional or role basis to make them
easier to locate and maintain.

Custom View Template A Custom View Template is based on an Custom View item stored in
Content Server or an externally stored XML template file. When the
Custom View has been stored as a Template, it can then be leveraged
throughout the system as kind of a prototype or starting point for other
departmental or individual Custom Views, as illustrated in the following
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

Figure 24-3:
xt str

Example of a Custom View

Template Being Selected
During the Creation of a
In ibu

New Custom View Item

te te

Project Template A Project Template is based on an Project stored in Content Server or an


external XML template file. When the Project has been stored as a
Template, it can then be leveraged throughout the system as kind of a

prototype or rubber stamp.


4. From the Add Item men, select Template Folder (e.g., call it ODG Partner

5. Click on the newly created Template folder, so your templates are created
within that folder.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 4 -3

C h ap te r 2 4 . I te m Te m p l at e A dm i n i s tr at io n

6. In a separate browser window or tab, navigate to the Enterprise

Workspace > ODG Parent Company folder and create a suitable Custom
View banner, using Add Item > Custom View, for example, based on the
following HTML code:

<table border="2" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"
style="width: 100%;">
Figure 24-4:
<td><c><img height="100" src="\img16\shark-surf-1.jpg"
width="100" /></c></td>
Example of a Custom View
O oN

<h2 style="font-style: italic;"><span style="font-size:
pe o

24px;">Shark Surf Partnership Project</span></h2></td>


n tD

Te i
xt str

It is important to remember if you are including a graphic such as

shark-surf-1.jpg, it must be copied from the C:\Instructor
In ibu

Resources\3-0177 What's New in Content Server

te te

v16.0\object_importer folder into the C:\CS16\support folder so

that it is available to the Content Server via the Web Server’s /

img16/ mapping.

Pa ge 24- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha pt e r 24. I te m T e mpl a te Admi ni str a ti on

7. From the Custom View’s Functions menu, select Make Template.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu

Figure 24-5: Custom View’s Function Menu > Make Template

te te

The Add: Custom View Template page is displayed..


Figure 24-6:

Custom View’s Function


Menu > Make Template


8. Enter a template name (e.g., Shark Surf Banner Template).

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 4 -5

C h ap te r 2 4 . I te m Te m p l at e A dm i n i s tr at io n

9. Click Browse Content Server opposite the Create In field and navigate to
Content Server so you can select Content Server Templates..

Figure 24-7:
O oN

Browse to Item Template

Volume as Template
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu

You return to the Add: Custom View Template page.

te te

10. Click Add.


Content Server displays a progress bar while the Template is being


Figure 24-8:


Pa ge 24- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha pt e r 24. I te m T e mpl a te Admi ni str a ti on

11. Navigate to the Content Server Template Volume to confirm the Custom
View Template was successfully created.

Figure 24-9:

Template Created
O oN
pe o

n tD

You can now export the template in the form of an xml file.
Te i

12. From the Custom View Template’s Functions menu, select Export Template
and specify a destination folder (e.g. C:\downloads) to store the xml file.
xt str

Now use the Custom View Template to create a new Custom View in
In ibu

another Content Server Folder.

te te

13. Navigate to the Enterprise Workspace > ODG Parent Company > Event

Sponsoring folder.
14. From the Add Item menu, select Custom View.

15. Change the Document from Existing to Template and click Browse

Content Server, to select the banner template (e.g., Shark Surf Banner

Figure 24-10:

Selecting a Template to
Create the Custom View

16. Enter a Custom View name (e.g., Shark Surf Event Sponsoring) and click

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 4 -7

C h ap te r 2 4 . I te m Te m p l at e A dm i n i s tr at io n

A Custom View is created based on the selected Template, as illustrated

in the following figure:

Figure 24-11:

Custom View Created in

Folder, Based on Item
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

17. Close all of the browser windows to log out of Content Server.
xt str
In ibu

te te

In summary, in this chapter, we:

 Browsed the Content Server Template Volume

 Created a Template Folder, Custom View Template, and a Project


Template in Content Server


 Exported an Item Template as an XML file


Pa ge 24- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha pt e r 24. I te m T e mpl a te Admi ni str a ti on


Create and Export a Project Template

This exercise will provide you with an opportunity to practice what you have learned earlier in this
chapter about the creating and exporting of Item Templates. This exercise will focus on adding a
new Project, then creating a Project Template from the Project and exporting the Template as an
XML file.

1. Sign in using sadmin/letmein.

O oN

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Item Template Administration section. If

pe o

prompted for the Administration password, enter opentext.


3. Click Open the Templates Volume.

n tD
Te i

4. If you did not previously create an ODG Partner Projects folder, when following the
instructor demo Step Set earlier in this chapter, create it now using the Add Item men, and
selecting Template Folder and calling it ODG Partner Projects.
xt str

5. In a new browser window or tab, navigate to the Enterprise Workspace > ODG Parent
In ibu

Company folder.
te te

6. From the Add Item menu, select Project and call it A Project for Template, and click Finish

to accept all of the project wizard default settings.


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 4 -9

C h ap te r 2 4 . I te m Te m p l at e A dm i n i s tr at io n

7. From the A Project for Template’s Functions menu, select Make Template. Enter a Name of
Blank Project Template and select as the Create In destination.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
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In ibu
te te

8. Click Add. If you are prompted to Edit Categories: New Project Template, click Done and
Add again.

9. Open the browser window or tab to the Template Volume and navigate into the ODG

Partner Projects folder. Confirm that the Blank Project Template was created.

10. From the Blank Project Template’s Functions menu, select Export Template and save the
xml file to C:\Downloads.

Pa ge 24- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 2 5 . L i ve R e po rt Adm i ni s tr a ti on

25. LiveReport Administration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Configure LiveReport Security
 Export and Import LiveReports
 Administer the LiveReport Volume
O oN

pe o

n tD

This chapter deals with Content Server LiveReport administration.

Te i

The LiveReport administrative options and links are described in the

following table:
xt str

Table 25-1: LiveReport Administration Pages

In ibu

Administration Page Link Description

te te

Configure LiveReport Controls whether LiveReports are allowed to modify

Security the database or not.

Export LiveReports Export one or more LiveReports to a RPT text file.


Import LiveReports Batch import LiveReports from an RPT file.


Open the LiveReport Work with the LiveReport Volume and its contents.


A discussion of the creating or editing of a LiveReport is outside

of the scope of this chapter and Administration course.

For more information regarding the creating or editing of a

LiveReport and Content Server database schema, please refer to
the 3-0127 - Content Server Schema and Report Fundamentals

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 5 -1

Chapte r 25. Li veR e p ort Ad mini st ra ti on

Configure LiveReport Security

The Configure LiveReport Security page allows you to specify whether
LiveReports are allowed to modify the database. The default setting is to
allow a LiveReport to change the database and/or its schema.

LiveReport Administration

1. Sign in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > LiveReport Administration
section. If prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g.,
O oN

pe o

The LiveReport administration page is displayed.

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 25-1:

Administration Pages

3. Click Configure LiveReport Security.

Pa ge 25- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 2 5 . L i ve R e po rt Adm i ni s tr a ti on

Configure LiveReport The Configure LiveReport Security page is displayed; this page allows
Security administrators to irreversibly prevent LiveReports from making database
or schema changes.

Figure 25-2:

Configure LiveReport
Security Page

4. Select Prevent LiveReports from modifying the database, if you wish to

prevent a LiveReport from modifying the database.
O oN
pe o

This check box is cleared by default, which prevents the SQL statement

from modifying the database. The option, however, is provided to allow

n tD

database modification using a report. Anyone who edits a LiveReport can

enable this feature simply by selecting this check box.
Te i

When the check box is selected, a confirmation dialog appears; you must
xt str

confirm by selecting “I understand ...” and then click OK. The

administrator must confirm the change because it is not reversible.
In ibu

The administrator must confirm the change because it is not reversible.

te te

Figure 25-3:

Configure LiveReport
Security Page

For training and Step Set purposes, do NOT enable the Prevent
LiveReports from modify the database setting.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 5 -3

Chapte r 25. Li veR e p ort Ad mini st ra ti on

Reversible Option It is also possible to prevent LiveReports from making database or

schema changes using an opentext.ini setting, however, this approach is
easily reversed.

After stopping all of the Content Server Services, the openext.ini file can
be backed up to a copy and then edited. The following section needs to
have a parameter defined:



There is also a feature called ModificationSQLTerms that allows specific

O oN

SQL terms to be defined that requires the Allow Database Modification

option to be enabled. It is possible to configure the system to exclude
pe o

specific SQL terms using an opentext.ini setting as follows:

n tD

Te i

xt str

ModificationSQLTerms=INSERT, UPDATE
In ibu

The supported SQL terms for the ModificationSQLTerms settings

te te









Pa ge 25- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 2 5 . L i ve R e po rt Adm i ni s tr a ti on

Export LiveReports
You can export LiveReports from Content Server to a [RPT] text file. The
exported text files can then be imported into any Content Server
installation. This allows you to import a LiveReport, instead of creating it
from scratch.

Export LiveReports

1. This Step Set continues from the previous one and assumes you are signed
in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).
O oN

2. If necessary, navigate to the Administration pages > LiveReport

pe o

Administration section. If prompted for the Administration Password,


enter it (e.g., opentext).

n tD

3. Click Export LiveReports.

Te i

The Export LiveReport page is displayed; a list of alpha-numerically

ordered list of LiveReports in the Content Server system is displayed. The
xt str

following figure represents the start of the list which you can scroll
In ibu
te te

Figure 25-4:

Export LiveReports Page

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 5 -5

Chapte r 25. Li veR e p ort Ad mini st ra ti on

4. For training and illustrative purposes, select the following set of

LiveReports for Export by selecting the Report’s check box:

O oN

Figure 25-5:
pe o

Example of Several
n tD

LiveReports Selected for

Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Export.


6. When prompted, choose Save as and use C:\Downloads as the destination

folder with suitable file name (e.g., Useful Exported LiveReports.rpt).

When the export is completed, the LiveReport Administration section is



Import LiveReports
Where one or more LiveReports have been exported from Content
Server to a [RPT] text file, the LiveReports can then be imported into any
Content Server installation. This allows you to import a LiveReport,
instead of creating it from scratch.

Import LiveReports

1. This Step Set continues from the previous one and assumes you are signed
in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

Pa ge 25- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 2 5 . L i ve R e po rt Adm i ni s tr a ti on

2. If necessary, navigate to the Administration pages > LiveReport

Administration section. If prompted for the Administration Password,
enter it (e.g., opentext).
3. Click Import LiveReports.

The Import LiveReport page is displayed.

O oN

Figure 25-6:
pe o

Import LiveReports Page

n tD
Te i
xt str

Although you would typically import LiveReports into a different

In ibu

destination or target system, relative to the origin or source system, for

te te

training and purposes of this Step Set, you can use the same Content
Server instance to perform the import.

4. Click Browse Content Server opposite Create In and select the LiveReport

destination folder (e.g., Enterprise > ODG Parent Company > Software

5. Click Browse opposite File and select the import file (e.g.,

C:\Downloads\Useful Exported LiveReports.rpt).

6. Click Add.

7. Navigate to the destination folder (e.g., Enterprise Workspace > ODG


Parent Company > Software Training) and confirm that the same (i.e., 14)
exported LiveReports have been successfully imported.

8. Optionally run a report, for example the one called 3-0136 Demo LR -
Document Versions by MIME Type (Bar Chart), which generates a bar
chart of stored Content Server documents, organized or groups by MIME
Type. Click the back browser button to return to the folder containing the
9. Navigate back to the Enterprise Workspace by selecting the Enterprise

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 5 -7

Chapte r 25. Li veR e p ort Ad mini st ra ti on

Open the LiveReport Volume

LiveReports Volume

1. This Step Set continues from the previous one and assumes you are signed
in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).
2. If necessary, navigate to the Administration pages > LiveReport
Administration section. If prompted for the Administration Password,
enter it (e.g., opentext).
3. Click Open the LiveReport Volume.
O oN

The LiveReports Volume or Content Server Reports page is displayed; a

pe o

list of alpha-numerically ordered list of LiveReports in the Content Server

system is displayed.
n tD

By default, there are 45 standard shipping reports and they are available
Te i

to all users from the Global Menu bar > Personal > Reports >
LiveReports option.
xt str

The following figure illustrates the contents of the LiveReport Volume:

In ibu
te te

Figure 25-7:

LiveReports Volume

Pa ge 25- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 2 5 . L i ve R e po rt Adm i ni s tr a ti on

Upgrading from a previous version with Undelete?

You have to manually delete the Deleted Documents and Deleted
Documents By [User] reports located in the LiveReport Volume
because these ‘reports’ were part of the previous Content
Server’s database.

In summary, in this chapter we:
O oN

 Configured LiveReport Security

pe o

 Exported and Imported LiveReports

Administered the LiveReport Volume
n tD

Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 5 -9

Chapte r 25. Li veR e p ort Ad mini st ra ti on


Export and Import LiveReports

This exercise will provide you with an opportunity to practice what you have learned earlier in this
chapter about the exporting and importing of LiveReports. This exercise will focus on you choosing
which reports you wish to export and import.

1. Sign in using sadmin/letmein.

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > LiveReport Administration section. If prompted

O oN

for the Administration password, enter opentext.

pe o

3. Click Export Livereports.

n tD

4. Choose several LiveReports using the select check box opposite the report name. Once all
Te i

of choosen reports have been selected, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Export.

5. Provide a suitable name for your RPT export file and save it to C:\Downloads.
xt str

6. Click Import Livereports.

In ibu

7. Click Browse opposite the Create In setting and select the location as Enterprise > ODG
te te

Parent Company > Software Training.


8. Click Browse opposite the File setting and pick the file you exported to the C:\Downloads

9. Click Add.

10. Navigate to the Enterprise > ODG Parent Company > Software Training folder to confirm that
your reports were successfully imported.

Pa ge 25- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h ap t e r 2 6 . M ul ti -f i le O u t p u t ( M FO ) Adm i n i s tr a ti o n

26. Multi-file Output (MFO) Administration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Configure Multi-file Output settings for your organization

O oN
pe o

This chapter deals with Content Server Multifile setting administration.


The General Settings page allows you to configure how Content Server
n tD

handles the zip and download, email, and print actions, and set the
Te i

temporary folder that is used for compressing files.

Table 26-1: Multi-File Output Available Actions

xt str

Administration Page Link Description

In ibu

Download Compress one or more items into a zip files for

te te


Email Compress, download and then attach one or more

items to a new email or save the resulting zip file back

into Content Server and then emailing the

hyperlinked URL.

Print Download and print one or more Content Server



Multi-File Output works with any supported document type for which the

user has at least See Contents permissions. They can output the contents

of folders, compound documents, or other supported containers in one

action. You can use Multi-File Output with Collections to gather

information from anywhere in Content Server and then output it all at

once, one page at a time.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 6 -1

C h ap te r 2 6 . Mu lt i- f il e O u t pu t ( MF O ) A dm i n i s tr at io n

 Content Server allows major and minor document versions.

For Multi-File Output to work with minor document
versions, the user must have Reserve permissions
 Containers within Content Server can include other
containers, for example, folders within folders. If any of the
items selected is a container that includes other containers,
the Multi-File Output action does not extend to the sub-
containers; only items at the highest level are acted upon. To
perform an action on the contents of a sub-container, you
must select that container explicitly
 Multi-File Output supports the following container types:
O oN

Compound Documents, Folders, Projects, Tasks, and

pe o

Workflows. Containers added by optional modules may also


be supported
n tD
Te i

General Settings
xt str
In ibu

Multi-File Output Administration

te te

1. Sign in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).


2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Multi-File Output Administration

section. If prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g.,


The MFO administration page is displayed.


Figure 26-1:

Administration Pages

3. Click General Settings.

Pa ge 26- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h ap t e r 2 6 . M ul ti -f i le O u t p u t ( M FO ) Adm i n i s tr a ti o n

The [MFO] General Settings page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

n tD

Figure 26-2:
Te i

General Settings for MFO

xt str
In ibu
te te

Temporary Directory The path to the location that Content Server will use for temporary file

Settings compression and printing activities. By default, the path is



SMTP Settings The number of seconds you want the cache to be valid before Content
Server attempts to obtain new settings. By default, this field is set to 300.

Address Limit The maximum number of recipients that a user can specify when they use
a Multi-File Output email action. By default, the Address Limit is set to 10.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 6 -3

C h ap te r 2 6 . Mu lt i- f il e O u t pu t ( MF O ) A dm i n i s tr at io n

Attachment Options Enable one of the following settings:

 Allow the user to choose, which allows the user to choose whether
email attachments are added as files or URLs. This option is enabled
by default
 Use files only, which enables email attachments to be included only as
 Use URLs only, which enables email attachments to be included only
as URL references to the file location in Content Server

Email Link Options Enable one of the following settings:

 Properties, which enables email links to go to the Properties page for
O oN

the linked file

pe o

 Open, which enables email links to open the linked file

n tD

Bandwidth Limiter Enter the maximum file size in KB (after file compression) that users are
allowed to download, email, or print in the Bandwidth Limiter boxes. By
Te i

default, the maximum files sizes are all set to 5120 KB. In the case of
Outdoor Gear system, the maximum download setting has been
xt str

In ibu

4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.

te te

Pa ge 26- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h ap t e r 2 6 . M ul ti -f i le O u t p u t ( M FO ) Adm i n i s tr a ti o n

The second half of the MFO Settings page is displayed.

O oN

Figure 26-3:
pe o

General Settings for MFO

n tD

Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Multifile Objects You can enable the object types that users can download, email, or print

Configuration using multi-file buttons. By default, only Documents and Folders are


5. Select Download, Email and Print for Email and Email Folder Types.

6. Click Submit followed by Admin Home.


The MFO Administration page is displayed.


To test the MFO administrative change, it can be tested against an

Outdoor Gear user and their emails.

7. In a separate browser (i.e., Chrome), sign in with a user account (e.g., Cho/
8. From the Global Menu bar, select Personal > My Workspace.
9. Navigate into the Chris Outlook Email Message Conversation > Philip
Allen (Enron) Sent Email, Request Keyword email folder.
10. Using the Multi-select check box, select all of the email message files and
click Zip & Download.
11. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Zip & Download.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 6 -5

C h ap te r 2 6 . Mu lt i- f il e O u t pu t ( MF O ) A dm i n i s tr at io n

The Zip & Download Status page is displayed.

Figure 26-4:

Zip & Download Status

12. Click Download the zip file.

O oN
pe o

Optionally, decompress the downloaded zip file to reveal the message


files downloaded using Multi-file Output, as illustrated in the following

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 26-5:

Contents of the
Downloaded Zip File

In summary, in this chapter we:
 Configured Multi-file Output settings for your organization

Pa ge 26- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h ap t e r 2 6 . M ul ti -f i le O u t p u t ( M FO ) Adm i n i s tr a ti o n


This exercise will provide you with an opportunity to practice what you have learned earlier in this
chapter about the using MultiFile Output and configuring it using the administration pages.

Configure MFO for Email and Email Folder Support

1. Sign in using sadmin/letmein.

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Multi-File Output Administration section. If

prompted for the Administration password, enter opentext.
O oN
pe o

3. Click General Settings and scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Download,

Email and Print for Email and Email Folder types.

n tD

4. Click Submit followed by Admin Home.

Te i

5. Using Chrome as an alternate browser, sign in using, Cho/opentext.

xt str

6. From the Global Menu bar, select Personal > My Workspace.

In ibu

7. Navigate into the Chris Outlook Email Message Conversation > Philip Allen (Enron) Sent
Email, Request Keyword email folder.
te te

8. Using the Multi-select check box, select all of the email message files and click Zip &


9. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Zip & Download followed by Downloading the zip

10. Optionally, decompress the downloaded zip file to reveal the message files downloaded
using Multi-file Output to verify the email messages are contained within the provided
MFO zip file.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 6 -7

C h ap te r 2 6 . Mu lt i- f il e O u t pu t ( MF O ) A dm i n i s tr at io n

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Pa ge 26- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 27. Noti f ic at io n Admi ni str a ti on

27. Notification Administration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Clear Outstanding Events
 Configure Notification settings such as SMTP server and email addresses
 Configure Schedules such as Drag and Drop Incomplete Items
 Test Email Delivery
View Scheduling Statistics
O oN

pe o

n tD
Te i

This chapter deals with Content Server Notification administration.

xt str

If users do not receive Notification about Assignments and interesting

information added to Content Server, they have not taken advantage of
useful system features and functionality. If you do not track what actions
In ibu

users perform, it will be difficult for you to determine how well the system
te te

is being used or to prove that your users are following procedures.


The Notification administration page links are described in the following


Table 27-1: Notification Administration Pages


Administration Page Link Description


Clear Outstanding Events Clear outstanding events.


Configure Notifications Perform configuration tasks, including enabling


Notifications, setting report parameters, setting e-

mail transport type, setting e-mail messaging

parameters, and setting Customer Support diagnostic


Configure Schedules Perform configuration of scheduled activities. Enable

or disable scheduled activities. See the last run date
for each of the scheduled activities.

Test Email Delivery Test the delivery of email messages from the Agent
server to the reply to and on error addresses and to
any other email address.

View Scheduling View Notification scheduling details and statistics


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 7 -1

Chapte r 27. Not if i ca ti on A dmi nist r ati on

Notification Administration

Notification Administration Pages

1. Sign in with an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Notification Administration
section. If prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g.,

The Notification administration page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 27-1: Administration Pages


3. Ensure that Mercury Mail, the SMTP/POP3 server has been started, using

the icon on the task bar (i.e., ); the application can remain minimized in

the system tray.

Pa ge 27- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 27. Noti f ic at io n Admi ni str a ti on

Clear Outstanding Events

The Clear Outstanding Events page is used to manually clear or purge
scheduled Notification events, in particular, those that have been enabled
on the Configuring Schedule Activities page (i.e., discussed later in this
chapter). On example of where this manual purge would be used is in the
case of a database backup being restored; you would want to purge the
events stored to the database before they become notification messages.

Automatic clearing or purging of notification events is based on the

frequency specified in the Report Settings area of the Configure
Notification page (i.e., discussed in the next section).
O oN

4. Click Clear Outstanding Events.

pe o

The Clear Outstanding page is displayed.

n tD
Te i
xt str

Figure 27-2:
In ibu

Clear Outstanding Events

te te

5. Click Purge.

If any notification events were buffered, they would be cleared or purged

from the system.

6. Click Admin Home to return to the Notification Administration section.


Configure Notification
Notifications are not enabled by default on newly installed Content
Server instances.

Outdoor Gear administrators have previously enabled and

configured the Notification settings, so this chapter section will
provide an opportunity to review the implemented setting.

7. Click Configure Notification.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 7 -3

Chapte r 27. Not if i ca ti on A dmi nist r ati on

The Configure Notifications page is displayed, beginning with the Enable

and SMTP sections:

Figure 27-3:

The Configure Notification

Page – Enable, Home Page
and SMTP Sections
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

Enable Notification If Notifications is not enabled, it needs to be enabled along with a restart
of the the Content Server service (i.e., Content Server (CS16)) using
xt str

Windows Services.
In ibu

Content Server Home Page The Home Page URL is specified in the form of a protocol (http, https) +
URL optional port number + server name or FQDN + instance name + cs.exe.
te te

Scrolling down to the SMTP Settings section, the mail server setting are


If you are setting up Notification for the first time, begin by configuring
the SMTP Settings area. You must accurately configure these Simple Mail

Transport Protocol (SMTP) settings for email Notification to function



SMTP Server ID The default for most SMTP servers is mail. In the case of the Outdoor

Gear instance, it has been set to the IP address for localhost,

SMTP Port The default SMTP port for mail is 25. In the case of the Outdoor Gear

instance, it has been set to an alternate port of 2025.

Content Server Host Name The Host Name will be the same name used during the installation for the
DNS Name. The DNS Name ,and thus the Host Name, will either be
localhost or a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). You must provide the
FQDN, in the following format: host.domain.suffix (e.g.,, to permit users to connect to Content Server from
outside your local network. Content Server uses this name to create links
to items in Content Server notifications and elsewhere. If you do not
specify the fully qualified domain name, these links may not work for
remotely connected users.

Pa ge 27- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 27. Noti f ic at io n Admi ni str a ti on

Scrolling down to the Email Message Settings, a number of email and

database settings are used so Notification can use email messages to
notify users when events have occurred and to notify the administrator
when various errors have occurred in the system.

Figure 27-4:

The E-Mail Message and

Report Settings for
O oN

pe o

n tD
Te i

Default Message Type Most administrators will employ HTML Body Only as the message type as
xt str

most email clients are HTML-enabled. Alternative email types are

available, where email clients only support basic formatting:
In ibu

 Plain Text Body Only, sends reports in plain text format. All email
clients can handle this message type.
te te

 HTML Body Only, sends reports in HTML format. If your users have

HTML-enabled email clients, this is the most convenient format since

they can click Notification links directly in the email message. If the

email program(s) that your users use cannot display HTML, do not
select HTML Body Only.

Plain Body with HTML Attachment, sends the report in plain text

format with an HTML version included as an attachment to the
message. Users can open the HTML attachments in their Web


Default Subject and On The default is ‘Content Server Notification [Error] at %1’, where %1 is a
Error Subject variable that inserts the server’s date and time.

Default Content Server The name of the Content Server database and Notification displays this
Database database name in the headers of its reports. The setting will be the same
name as when the database was originally created during installation.

Default Addresses All email addresses requested in the following procedure must be valid
Internet email addresses, in the format account@domain, where domain is
the domain of the email account’s mail server and usually takes the form

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 7 -5

Chapte r 27. Not if i ca ti on A dmi nist r ati on

Scrolling down to the Report Settings section, it allow you to limit the
number of Notifications sent out at one time and limit how long old
messages stay before being cleared (if a user does not clear their
Notifications page then events will continue to be added until the time
indicated by the Clear Old Messages setting).

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

Figure 27-5:
xt str

The E-Mail Message and

Report Settings for
In ibu

te te

Maximum Events Per Pass This setting represents the number of Notification events that will be
processed each time the notification ‘agent’ is run. The default setting is
1000 and is suitable for most organizations unless they were advised by
OpenText development or Customer Support to change it.

Default Report Type Currently, Default Notifications Report is the only report type available,
however, the setting has he provided for possible customizations and the
offering of alternative report types.

Default Report Options The default of <None> does not provide the possibility of displaying
notifications in new browser window while a setting of Alternate Window
provides this option.

Pa ge 27- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 27. Noti f ic at io n Admi ni str a ti on

Clear Old Messages Clear Old Messages, defaults to 1 month or 30 days and corresponds to
the MessageClearInterval parameter found in the opentext.ini
configuration file. The parameter sets the maximum number of days that
Content Server stores Content Server Notification messages.

To prevent an excessive amount of messages from accumulating, Content

Server deletes all stored Notification reports that are older than the
number of days set by Clear Old Messages/MessageClearInterval.

Clear Outstanding Events Clear Outstanding Events, defaults to 1 month or 30 days and
corresponds to the ScheduleHandlerClearInterval parameter found in
the opentext.ini configuration file. The parameter sets the maximum
number of days that Content Server stores Content Server Notification
O oN

messages before [all] unprocessed events are cleared.

pe o

Default Notification The Default Notification Schedules define the three default schedules
n tD

Schedules that Content Server users can customize when they configure their own
personal notification schedule. An example of a user Notification Report
Te i

is illustrated in the following figure:

xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 27-6: Example of User Notification Reports

The day and time of notification is based on the time zone and clock
setting of the host on which the database used by Content Server resides.
If messages are not being sent at the expected times, it may be because
the host’s clock is set incorrectly or users have not taken time zone
differences into account.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 7 -7

Chapte r 27. Not if i ca ti on A dmi nist r ati on

Configuring Scheduled Activities

On the Configure Scheduled Activities page, you can enable or disable
various Notification events though you will rarely, if ever, need to modify
these settings. The schedule for many of these events is defined on the
Configure Notification page.
O oN
pe o

Figure 27-7:
n tD
Te i

Configure Scheduled
Activities Page
xt str
In ibu
te te

Midnight Event Producer The Midnight Event Producer sends out notifications on Workflow

events daily at midnight; in particular it deals with notifications related to


late steps and late workflows.

These settings are used not only for the user Notification but also for

other legacy agents (such as the agents that drive data flows in order to

keep an index up to date) and for third party agents (those created via

Add Rendition There is an scheduling agent associated with the creation or adding of
Renditions to Content Server. As noted in the Renditions chapter, a
rendering engine (e.g., Blazon) is required to create the Rendition. By
default this agent is enabled; skipping the unnecessary execution of a
third party rendering engine is a known issue.

Pa ge 27- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 27. Noti f ic at io n Admi ni str a ti on

Provider Blob Deletion If external file storage is used as the Storage Provider, files may be
Failure Retry retained after a user deletes it; this event will try to delete any data which
should no longer be retained. By default, this event runs at midnight each
day. This setting can be changed in the Activity Schedule section.

O oN
pe o

n tD

Figure 27-8:
Te i

Configure Scheduled
Activities Page (continued)
xt str
In ibu
te te

Drag and Drop Incomplete Notifies users via email when they Drag and Drop (DnD) an item into a
Items Notification container that has a Category with required attributes assigned to it, but

have not yet completed the required attribute information for that item.

In other words, this event sends a notification when an item, which was
dragged and dropped to Content Server, was not fully added to Content

Server because of incomplete data.

Email notifications are sent to users with incomplete items at the times
you specify in the Activity Schedule, unless the item was added within the
Completion Delay time limit. The Completion Delay setting allows users a
specified amount of time to complete items once they are dragged and
dropped into a container, before a Notification is sent out. For example, if
the Activity Schedule is set to check for incomplete items at 1:00 P.M.,
and the Completion Delay is set to 30 minutes, items that are added
between 12:30 P.M. and 1:00 P.M. will be included in the next notification
time specified in the Activity Schedule.

By default, this event runs every five minutes each day. This setting can be
changed in the Activity Schedule section.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 7 -9

Chapte r 27. Not if i ca ti on A dmi nist r ati on

Clear Old Messages On rare occasions, you may wish to clear the queues of all events – for
example, after restarting a Content Server system or restoring a
database. You can use the Clear Old Messages setting to delete all
messages that have not been cleared by users or you can also go to the
Clear Outstanding Events page to purge events before they become

Content Server will automatically delete notification messages older than

thirty days by default. This event runs every five minutes, each day. The
schedule is not configurable for this event. The old messages will be
cleared on the days and times specified on the Midnight Event Producer's
Activity Schedule.
O oN

Failed Log-in Notification Notifies the administrator if the number of failed log in attempts within a
pe o

configurable time span exceeds a configurable threshold. By default, this


event runs at midnight each day. If authentication uses OTDS, it would

n tD

take care of this.

Te i

Consumer Five Minute Agent that drives notification events. Reads the NotifyEvents table and
Agent populates the LLEventQueue table. Enables or disables legacy and third
xt str

party agents. This event is the same as the Midnight Event Producer
except that it runs on a different schedule. This event is used when you
In ibu

need to run tasks more often than once daily.

te te

Figure 27-9:

Configure Scheduled
Activities Page (continued)

Pa ge 27- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 27. Noti f ic at io n Admi ni str a ti on

Transfer Notification If Notifications is enabled and properly configured, this event moves
Events information from the NotifyEvents database table to the LLEventQueue
table for processing. This is a step in the processing of Content Server
Notifications. By default, this event runs every five minutes each day. You
can change the default behavior by configuring the Activity Schedule

Consumer Event Processor Developers should no longer subclass this process as it is a deprecated

Node Event Processor Converts individual node events to message events for each user
interested in that node/event combination. You can define the number of
instances of the Node Event Processor that run concurrently. By default,
O oN

this event runs every five minutes each day. This setting can be changed in
pe o

the Activity Schedule section.


n tD
Te i

Figure 27-10:
xt str

Configure Scheduled
Activities Page (continued)
In ibu
te te

Event Processors Number of processors, defaults to 1, but can be changed using the

provided drop-down list with values from 1 to 8. Process Admin user

separately is a check box setting that is disabled by default.

When any of the events have day-time schedules are enabled,

the schedule cannot be left blank, otherwise you will not be
allowed to save and exit the administration page.

Clicking the Submit button at the bottom of the Configure Scheduled

Activities administration page, regardless of whether you made any
changes, will trigger the restarting of the Content Server service.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 7 -1 1

Chapte r 27. Not if i ca ti on A dmi nist r ati on

Test Email Delivery

Test Notification Email Delivery

1. Sign in with an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Notification Administration
section. If prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g.,

The Notification administration page is displayed.

O oN

3. Ensure that Mercury Mail, the SMTP/POP3 server has been started, using
pe o

the icon on the task bar (i.e., ); the application can remain minimized in
the system tray.
n tD

4. Click Test E-mail Delivery.

Te i

The Test Notification E-mail Delivery page is displayed

xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 27-11:

Test Notification E-mail

Delivery Page

5. Click Send Default Message to trigger the sending of a default test


Pa ge 27- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 27. Noti f ic at io n Admi ni str a ti on

The page is updated with Success/Failed statuses.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str

Figure 27-12: Default Message Test Status

In ibu

6. Start Outlook, select the cs16 profile name, and click OK.
te te

7. Confirm that 3 separate messages were received. corresponding to the

success status for the default message, default reply message and on error


Figure 27-13:

Test Messages Received by


8. Close Outlook, but leave Mercury Mail running and minimized.

9. Click Admin Home to return to the Notification Administration section.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 7 -1 3

Chapte r 27. Not if i ca ti on A dmi nist r ati on

View Scheduling Statistics

The View Scheduling Statistics page displays raw database information
taken from the agentschedule table, for example reporting that the Clear
Notify Events (8999) is configured to processes events from the
NotifyEvents table and inserts them into LLEventQueue on a 5-minute
schedule (i.e., 166777215).

Database schema and bitmasking for the frequency are

explained in the 3-0127 – Content Server Schema and Report
O oN

Fundamentals course.
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 27-14:

Configure Scheduled
Activities Page

Pa ge 27- 14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 27. Noti f ic at io n Admi ni str a ti on

In summary, in this chapter we:
 Cleared Outstanding Events
 Configured Notification settings such as SMTP server and email
 Configured schedules such as Drag and Drop Incomplete Items
 Tested Email Delivery
 Viewed Scheduling Statistics
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Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 7 -1 5

Chapte r 27. Not if i ca ti on A dmi nist r ati on


This exercise will provide you with an opportunity to practice what you have learned earlier in this
chapter about administering Notification. This exercise will focus on a testing Notification and
Email Delivery, which are integral parts of Content Server Notification.

Test Notification Email Delivery

1. Sign in using sadmin/letmein.

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Notification Administration section. If prompted

O oN

for the Administration password, enter opentext.

pe o

3. Ensure that Mercury Mail, the SMTP/POP3 server has been started, using the icon on the
n tD

task bar, if it is not already running; the application can remain minimized in the system tray.
Te i

4. Click Send Default Message to trigger the sending of a default test message.

5. Start Outlook, select the cs16 profile name, and click OK.
xt str

6. Confirm that 3 separate messages were received, corresponding to the success status for
In ibu

the default message, default reply message ,and on error address:

te te

7. Close Outlook, but leave Mercury Mail running and minimized.


8. Click Admin Home to return to the Notification Administration section.


Pa ge 27- 16 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chap t er 28. Ob je c t Import er (OI OE)

28. Object Importer (OIOE)


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Use Object Importer to import items into Content Server

O oN
pe o

This chapter deals with new features and functionality changes in


Content Server that are applicable to administrators.

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Object Importer and Exporter

xt str

Object Importer consists of two previously optional modules: Object

Importer and Object Exporter (OIOE). Beginning with Content Server
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v16.0, OIOE is included with the core software, however, it still requires a
te te

separate license for customers to take advantage of its features.


Administrators will find that Importer and Exporter administration page

links have been grouped together, but prefixed with the Object Importer

or Object Exporter designation, as illustrated in the table below.


This chapter section will focus mainly on Object Importer, however,


Content Server objects can be similarly exported following the import

process that we are documenting here.

The following table provides a summary of the functionality offered by

each administration link:

Table 28-1: OIOE Administration Page Links and their Functional Descriptions

Administration Page Link Description

Object Exporter: Configure Module configuration

Object Exporter: Manual Object Export objects from Content Server


Object Exporter: View Log Files View the export log files

Object Importer: Configure Configure object importer

Object Importer: Import Status Shows the status of a running import process
into Content Server

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 8 -1

C hap te r 28 . Ob je ct Imp or te r ( OI OE)

Administration Page Link Description

Object Importer: Manual Object Import objects into Content Server


Object Importer: Schedule Object importer scheduling

Object Importer: Validation Validate multilingual xml attributes

Object Importer: View Log Files Shows the import log files

OIOE enables the export of any number of objects from Content Server
to the file system. The control file that manages the export process is
O oN

configurable. Within the control file, you specify where the objects to be
exported are located in Content Server, and where on the file system to
pe o

export the objects. You can export the following Content Server object
n tD

Table 28-2: OIOE Supported Type

Te i

Object Type Export Syntax

xt str

Shortcut alias
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Compound Document compound document

te te

Custom View custom view


Discussion discussion

Document document

Folder folder

Project project

Reply reply

Task task

Task Group taskgroup

Configuration of Before OIOE can import automatically, on a schedule, it requires the

Agents for Scheduled configuration of one or more of the agents.

Enable the OIOE Schedule

1. Log in using an account with administrative rights (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the administration pages and enter the password if prompted
(i.e., opentext).
3. Scroll down to the Object Importer Administration section and click
Object Importer: Schedule.

Pa ge 28- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chap t er 28. Ob je c t Import er (OI OE)

Content Server provides ten different OIOE agents which can be used on
various instances to import contents.

Use the Schedule Import Tasks page to set which scheduling agents are
enabled and to set their respective schedules. Content Server
Notifications needs to be configured before scheduling automatic

The Object Importer runs on a single thread and therefore only one
instance of the importer can run per Content Server install. Object
Importer can be installed on multiple machines connected to the same
Content Server database, to reduce the time required to import large
amounts of data. The data on the Schedule Import Tasks page applies to
O oN

all instances of Content Server connected to the same database. Each

pe o

instance of Content Server, up to a maximum of ten, can run its own

unique import agent.
n tD

4. Select Enable followed by the day(s), hour(s) and time(s). The frequency of
Te i

the agent runs should consider the impact on the server’s performance, so
some organizations may choose to run the imports only after regular
xt str

business hours. For training purposes here, all of the agent times have been
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Figure 28-1: Enabling a Schedule


5. If you are running more than one instance of Content Server, you will need
to add the following to the [scheduleactivity] section in the opentext.ini file
for the server: 2999=1. Object Importer requires that scheduling agents
are enabled on all machines that will be importing objects. Other agent IDs
can be disabled by setting their value to zero.
6. You will be prompted to restart the server service.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 8 -3

C hap te r 28 . Ob je ct Imp or te r ( OI OE)

Working with Object Object Importer creates, updates, or deletes objects within Content
Importer Control Files Server based on directions from an import control file. The import control
file contains meta-information supplied by the user. It is an XML file, and
must contain valid XML. The import control file can have any name and
ASCII extension, for example, import.txt.

Control files must be placed in the control file directory, where Object
Importer processes them one at a time. Before Object Importer begins
processing a control file, each file is moved from the control file directory
into the working directory. Once the file has been processed, which
means that the import has completed and stopped, the control file may be
deleted from the working directory, if that is how you have configured
O oN

Object Importer. Import control files can be added to, or removed from,
the control file directory at any time.
pe o

n tD

To prevent data loss, you must stop any running imports before you stop
Te i

or restart the server.

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In ibu

It is very important that the control file be properly formatted. The

te te

import will fail unless the entire import control file, including comments,
is contained within the import tags, <import></import>.

If the control file contains non-ASCII characters, add the


following line, <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>, to the


top of the control file and save the control file with UTF-8
For more information about Object Importer and the Importer

control file syntax, refer to the online help including Object


Importer Control File Syntax and the provided examples.


Example of an Object ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Importer Import Control <import>
File <node type="folder" action="create">
<title language="en">Shark Surf Partnership</title>
<node type="project" action="create">
<location>Enterprise:Marketing:Shark Surf Partnership</
<title language="en">Shark Surf Marketing Project</title>
<goals>here are some goals</goals>

Pa ge 28- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chap t er 28. Ob je c t Import er (OI OE)

<initiatives>here are some initiatives</initiatives>

<mission>here is the mission statement</mission>
<objectives>here are some objectives</objectives>
<node type="document" action="create" rootPathID="1">
<location>Enterprise:Marketing:Shark Surf Partnership</
<title language="en">Shark Surf Partnership.docx</title>
O oN

pe o


<node type="document" action="create" rootPathID="1">

<location>Enterprise:Marketing:Shark Surf Partnership</
n tD

<title language="en">Shark Surf Logo.jpg</title>
Te i

xt str

<node type="url" action="create">
In ibu

<location>Enterprise:Marketing:Shark Surf Partnership</

te te

<title language="en">Shark Surf URL</title>








<relative_path enabled="false">
<import_location type="upload_directory"></

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 8 -5

C hap te r 28 . Ob je ct Imp or te r ( OI OE)

Validation From the Validation page, you can run an import control file through a
validation tool to check for errors. In particular, this validation tool checks
for import errors relating to the import of multilingual metadata. Object
Importer processes the import control file to validate that specific
requirements are met. The actual import of data will not occur.

The validation tool will not catch all serious errors your import
control file can encounter. Even after running this tool, and
clearing all errors generated by this tool, your import can fail.
O oN
pe o

Figure 28-2:
n tD
Te i

Example of Validating a
Control File
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Once you select an import control file, and run the validation tool against
te te

that import control file, Content Server displays a new page showing the

results of the validation.


Figure 28-3:

Successful Validation

Pa ge 28- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chap t er 28. Ob je c t Import er (OI OE)

Configuring Object

Configure Object Importer

This step set assumes that you are still signed in with an administrative
account and have navigated to the Object Importer section of the
Administration pages.

1. Create the following subdirectories as they will be used in the Directory

O oN

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2. Click Object Importer and complete the information as illustrated in the

following figure:
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Figure 28-4:

Configuring the Object



Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 8 -7

C hap te r 28 . Ob je ct Imp or te r ( OI OE)

Configure Object Importer

Directory Section

Control File The control file directory is the location where Object Importer looks for
import files (e.g., OTHOME\object_exporter\control).

Working The working directory is the location where Object Importer processes
the import (e.g., OTHOME\object_exporter\work).

Log The log directory is the location where Object Importer will write log files
(e.g., OTHOME\object_exporter\logs).
O oN

Advanced Settings
pe o

On Error Address Enter an email address for notification of critical errors. This does not
n tD

include errors related to the imported data as those are written to the log
Te i

Report Every field Enter how often the database is updated. For performance reasons, Open
xt str

Text recommends that this value be in proportion to the size of the upload
file. If a value of zero, (0), is specified, the update will not occur.
In ibu

Create Directory Structure When creating objects in Content Server using Object Importer, you must
te te

specify the path to the parent object between the <location></location>

tags. To create missing folders, and add the object when the parent path

does not exist, select the Create Directory Structure check box. If the
check box is not selected, the object will not be added and an error will be


Delete Control Files To delete control files from the working directory after processing is

complete, select the Delete Control Files check box. If the check box is not
selected, the control file remains in the working directory. This check box
only applies to scheduled imports.

Stop Processing on Error To stop processing when an error occurs during control file processing,
select the Stop Processing on Error check box. By default, Object

Importer will process the entire control file, skipping any errors that are

Add Title to Location The Add Title to Location check box is used to maintain compatibility
between different versions of Object Importer so that existing control
files can still be used. For new installations, Open Text recommends that
you leave this option cleared, so that you are able to rename objects.

Refresh Control Files During a scheduled import, when the agent is activated, a list of files in the
upload directory at that time is noted by Object Importer. These files are
then processed, ignoring any new files that may have been added. To poll
the upload directory until there are no files left to process, select the
Refresh Control Files check box.

Pa ge 28- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chap t er 28. Ob je c t Import er (OI OE)

Document Modify Date To gain the ability to alter the “modify date” on a document during the
create operation only, select the Document Modify Date check box. This
option does not apply to the update operation, and therefore will only
work on documents with only one version.

Normally, Content Server does not permit this behavior since adding a
version constitutes a modification, which automatically sets the Date
Modified field to the current date. Setting the “modify date” is not
permanent, as it will be reset to the current date when certain actions are
performed within Content Server. These actions include altering the
name of the document or changing permissions on the document.

Default Owner to Admin To set the value for the <owner> tag to “Admin” if the value cannot be
O oN

found in the system, instead of throwing an error, select the Default

pe o

Owner to Admin check box.


n tD

Default Creator to Admin To set the value for the <createdby> tag to “Admin” if the value cannot be
found in the system, instead of throwing an error, select the Default
Te i

Creator to Admin check box.

xt str

3. Click Update.
4. The Upload subdirectory needs to have the following set of files, which can
In ibu

be obtained from C:\Instructor Resources\3-0177 What's New in

Content Server v16.0\object_importer\ .
te te

Figure 28-5:

5. Copy the control file into the control subdirectory (i.e., C:\Instructor

Resources\3-0177 What's New in Content Server

v16.0\object_importer\OIOE Shark Surf.txt into


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 8 -9

C hap te r 28 . Ob je ct Imp or te r ( OI OE)

6. Click Import Status and refresh the page as required to monitor the
progress of the import; it could take just a few minutes.

Figure 28-6: Import Status

O oN

OIOE should report that it processed 5 items and that is was successful.
pe o

7. Review the log file your import has created (i.e.,

C:\CS16\object_exporter\logs) against the one located in C:\Instructor
n tD

Resources\object_importer\logs\OIOE Shark Surf.log. Confirm that no

Te i

errors were encountered, otherwise draw them to your instructor’s

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Figure 28-7: Import Log File

Pa ge 28- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chap t er 28. Ob je c t Import er (OI OE)

8. Also review that the Shark Surf Partnership Contents were successfully

O oN
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n tD
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Figure 28-8: Review Created Content

xt str

Manual Object Import From the Manual Object Import page, you can import documents into
Content Server manually, rather than on a scheduled basis. Manual
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imports are primarily used in test environments. The control files used
te te

during a manual import are never deleted.


When performing a manual object import, it is not necessary for the

control file to exist on the machine on which Content Server is installed.

Configure Object


Working The working directory is the location where the output file(s) will be
created and stored temporarily, before being moved when the process is

finished (e.g., OTHOME\object_exporter\work).


Log The log directory is the location where Object Exporter will write log files.

In order to view and delete log files from the Object Exporter View Export
Log Files page, the log files directory must be located in
OTHOME\object_exporter (e.g., OTHOME\object_exporter\logs).

Destination The destination directory is the location where Object Exporter will move
the output file(s) when the process is finished. The output file(s) from a
successful export are actually import control file(s) which correspond to
that successful export. Using OpenText Object Importer, you can use
these file(s) to import all objects you have recently exported, as all
object's permissions, titles, attributes, and other object metadata are
detailed in these import control file(s) (e.g.,

Objects Per Batch The default value for objects per batch is 1000.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 8 -1 1

C hap te r 28 . Ob je ct Imp or te r ( OI OE)

In summary, in this chapter we:
 Used Object Importer to import items into Content Server

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Pa ge 28- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chap t er 28. Ob je c t Import er (OI OE)


Enable the OIOE Schedule and Configure Object Importer

In this exercise, you will configure the Object Importer Schedule, so that it can be used to
automatically perform an Object Import, and then configure the Object Importer administration

All of the source files and materials you will require in this exercise can be found in the C:\Instructor
Resources\3-0177 What's New in Content Server v16.0\object_importer\ folder.
O oN

1. Log in using an account with administrative rights (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

pe o

2. Navigate to the administration pages and enter the password if prompted (i.e., opentext).
n tD

3. Scroll down to the Object Importer Administration section and click Object Importer:
Te i


4. Select Enable followed by the day(s), hour(s) and time(s). The frequency of the agent runs
xt str

should consider the impact on the server’s performance, so some organizations may choose
to run the imports only after regular business hours. For training purposes here, all of the
In ibu

agent times have been selected.

te te

5. You will be prompted to restart the server service.


6. Create the following subdirectories as they will be used in the Directory section:




Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 8 -1 3

C hap te r 28 . Ob je ct Imp or te r ( OI OE)

7. Click Object Importer and complete the information as illustrated in the following figure:.

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8. Click Update.

9. The Upload subdirectory needs to have the following set of files:


10. Copy the provided OIOE Bites Back.txt control file into the control subdirectory. Note: You
would normally create this control file in TextPad using OIOE Guide information, however,
we have already done that for you.

11. Click Import Status and refresh the page as required to monitor the progress of the import;
it could take just a few minutes.

12. OIOE should report that it processed 5 items and that it was successful.

Pa ge 28- 14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chap t er 28. Ob je c t Import er (OI OE)

13. Review the log file your import has created (i.e., C:\CS16\object_exporter\logs) against the
one located in C:\Instructor Resources\object_importer\logs\OIOE Bites Back.log. Confirm
that no errors were encountered, otherwise draw them to your instructor’s attention.

14. Also review that the Shark Surf Partnership Contents were successfully created.

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Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 8 -1 5

C hap te r 28 . Ob je ct Imp or te r ( OI OE)

Answers to Exercises

The following is the code contained in the Bites Back importer control file, which we have given to
you as part of this exercise, however, some students may choose to experiment with it to produce
their own control file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<node type="document" action="create" rootPathID="1">
<location>Enterprise:Marketing:Shark Surf Partnership</location>
O oN

<title language="en">Shark Surf Marketing Estimates.xls</title>

pe o

<file>Shark Surf Marketing Estimates.xls</file>

n tD

Te i
xt str

<node type="document" action="create" rootPathID="1">

<location>Enterprise:Marketing:Shark Surf Partnership</location>
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<title language="en">Shark Surf Logo Alternate.jpg</title>

te te




<node type="customview" action="create" rootPathID="1">


<location>Enterprise:Marketing:Shark Surf Partnership</location>


<title language="en">Shark Surf CustomView Banner</title>


<file>Shark Surf Banner.txt</file>


<node type="url" action="sync">

<location>Enterprise:Marketing:Shark Surf Partnership</location>
<title language="en">Shark Surf URL</title>


Pa ge 28- 16 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chap t er 28. Ob je c t Import er (OI OE)

<rootpath id="1"><![CDATA[C:\CS16\object_importer\Upload\]]></rootpath>
<relative_path enabled="false">
O oN

pe o

<import_location type="upload_directory"></import_location>
n tD

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Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 8 -1 7

C hap te r 28 . Ob je ct Imp or te r ( OI OE)

O oN
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Pa ge 28- 18 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 29. R ec omme nde r Admi ni str a ti on

29. Recommender Administration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Configure History General Settings for Recommender
 Configure Recommender Components like What’s New
 Configure Recommender System Settings
O oN

pe o

n tD

Recommender provides users with another way to locate and retrieve

useful information in Content Server through system-generated
Te i

recommendations that are tailored to each user's browsing habits. It also

provides users with a method to rate the value of the information they
xt str

find, which then adds to the accuracy of future recommendations. These

two functions are performed by the recommendations and ratings
In ibu

features respectively.
te te

Administering Recommender includes the following tasks:


 Configuring Recommender components, which display

recommendation and rating information to users

 Configuring Recommender system settings, including maintaining the

database tables of Recommender data

Enabling search for Recommender, so that users can search for


recommendation and rating information
 Customizing Recommender, including changing the rating images and

labels, and exporting data to XML for use in other applications


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 9 -1

Chapte r 29. R e comme nde r Ad mini st ra ti on

Personal Recommendations
Recommendations are available to users from the Global Menu bar >
Personal > Recommendations.

There are two types of recommendations:

 Popular: based on system input from all users (What’s New items are
the most recently added, Most Active are objects accessed most
frequently and Top Picks are the most highly ranked)
 Personal: based on your activity in the system (People with Similar
Interests are users with similar browsing habits and Documents of
O oN

Interest are documents accessed by those people).

pe o

Top Picks are rated according to how recently the documents

n tD

have been created and/or modified and the number of times they
Te i

have been rated.

xt str

An example of one Personal > Recommendations page is illustrated in the

In ibu

following figure:
te te

Figure 29-1:

Example of a Personal
Recommendations Page

An administrator can configure which recommender components are

available in the system, and which objects are audited for each of these

Pa ge 29- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 29. R ec omme nde r Admi ni str a ti on

Recommender Administration

1. Sign in with an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Recommender Administration
section. If prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g.,

The Recommender administration page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

Figure 29-2:
n tD

Administration Section
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Configure History General Settings


3. Click Configure History General Settings.


The Set History General Settings page is displayed.


The Items per User and Days to Keep settings are enabled by default,
with a values of 250 and 180 respectfully, as illustrated in the following


Figure 29-3:

Set History General


OpenText suggests that the default settings will be suitable for most
customers and they should only be changed on the advice from OpenText
representatives (i.e., Development or Customer Support).

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 9 -3

Chapte r 29. R e comme nde r Ad mini st ra ti on

When the aforementioned Recommender History is purged, by the 5-

minute agent, the Items per User and Days to Keep settings are used to
keep or maintain a fixed number of items of history for each user,
regardless of the access type (i.e., places vs views) and subtype. Content
Server will find the users with more than the Items per User of history,
find the date of that event and delete any Recommender history for that
user older than that date.

4. Click Admin Home to return to the Recommender Administration section.

Configure Recommender Components

O oN
pe o

5. Click Configure Recommender Components.


n tD

The Configure Recommender Components page is displayed.

Te i
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Figure 29-4:

Configure Recommender

The Recommender page components controls what appears on the

Personal > Recommendations page while the Rating page components
controls what appears on the Properties > Ratings tab of Content Server

Pa ge 29- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 29. R ec omme nde r Admi ni str a ti on

Configurable Parameters for Recommendation Components is provided

in the following Table.

Table 29-1: Configurable Parameters for Recommendation Components

Parameter Components Description

Item Types What’s New Specifies the item types that can be displayed in the component.
Most Active Keep in mind that not all Content Server items can be tracked by
Items Recommender.

Sample Size What’s New Specifies the sample size for the component. The sample size
Most Active determines the number of items that the system uses when making
Items recommendations.
O oN

Top Picks For example, if the sample size is 50 and a user has configured the
pe o

component to display 10 items, the system displays the 10 items out of


50 that best match the component's criteria. The system will only
display an item if the user has been assigned the See permission for
n tD

that item.
Te i

Max Number of What’s New Specifies the maximum number of items that can be displayed in the
Items Shown Most Active component. This setting provides an upper limit for the Number of
xt str

Items Items Shown element, which users use to set how many items a given
Top Picks Recommender component displays.
People With
In ibu

Similar Interests
te te

Documents of

Show Images Synopsis Specifies the maximum size of images that are displayed as thumbnails

Smaller Than in synopses.

If an image is larger than the maximum size, it is represented by a link
in the synopsis that informs users of the image size, and allows them to

view the thumbnail by clicking the link.


User-Editable Synopsis Specifies whether users can edits synopses.


Use Description Synopsis Specifies whether to use an item's description (rather than its

as Initial Synopsis summary) as its initial synopsis.


Auto-Extract Synopsis When an item is added to Content Server or modified in some way, the
Synopsis system extracts it. This process assigns metadata to the item and
indexes it so that it is searchable.
This parameter specifies whether to extract an item's synopsis upon
the first visit to the Ratings tab of the item's Properties page. Synopses
are searchable only after they have been extracted. If this check box is
cleared, synopses are extracted only when they are edited, so unedited
synopses are not searchable.
Extraction is an expensive operation when done to many items within a
short period of time. Setting Recommender to auto-extract synopses
may slow down large Content Server installations.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 9 -5

Chapte r 29. R e comme nde r Ad mini st ra ti on

Parameter Components Description

Number of Items Reviews Specifies the number of items that a given Recommender component
Shown People Who displays.
Viewed This Item
People Who
Viewed This Item
Also Viewed

Rating Image Reviews Specifies the image set that the system uses when depicting the ratings
that have been assigned to items.

Rating Drop- My Review Specifies the text that appears in the Rating drop-down list on the
Down List Ratings tab of the item's Properties page.
O oN
pe o

6. Click Action for the What’s New component.


The Configure: What’s New page is displayed and it allows you to

n tD

configure the Max. Number of Items Show, which Item Types are tracked
Te i

and the Sample Size (as discussed in the prior table).

xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 29-5:

Configuring the

Recommendations What’s
New Component

Pa ge 29- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 29. R ec omme nde r Admi ni str a ti on

Max Number of Items Specifies the maximum number of items that can be displayed in the
Shown component. This setting provides an upper limit for the Number of Items
Shown element, which users use to set how many items a given
Recommender component displays. The default value is 10, but can be
changed using the drop-down list where values range from 10 to 100 (in
increments of 10).

Item Type Specifies the item types that can be displayed in the component.

Sample Size Specifies the sample size for the component. The sample size determines
the number of items that the system uses when making
recommendations. For example, if the sample size is 50 and a user has
configured the component to display 10 items, the system displays the 10
O oN

items out of 50 that best match the component's criteria. The system will
pe o

only display an item if the user has been assigned the See permission for

that item.
n tD

Clicking the Action button, under the Ratings Page section, allows you to
Te i

configure which objects are audited for Synopsis, Reviews, etc.

xt str

7. Enter 50 as the Max. Number of Items Show.

8. Select the following Item Types: Folder, Email, LiveReport, and Workflow
In ibu

te te

9. Enter 20 as the Sample Size.

10. Click Update.

The Configure Recommender Components page is displayed.


11. Click Action for the Synopsis component.


The Configure: Synopsis page is displayed.


Figure 29-6:

Configuring the
Synopsis Component

12. Enter 500 Kb for the Show Images Smaller than setting.
13. The User-Editable Synopsis and Use Description as Initial Synopsis should
both be enabled.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 9 -7

Chapte r 29. R e comme nde r Ad mini st ra ti on

14. Click Update.

Refer to the previous table for a discussion of the Synopsis


The Configure Recommender Components page is displayed.

15. Click Update.

The Recommender Administration section is displayed.

O oN
pe o

Copied and moved items do not register as ‘new’ and they will
n tD

not appear on Personal > Recommender > What’s New, so only

Te i

newly added or created items should appear in this section.

xt str

Test The Recommender Administration Settings

In ibu

1. Sign in with the Admin user account (e.g., admin/cs!) because this Step Set
te te

may import some Reports, should your instructor choose to.


2. Open a new browser window or tab and navigate to the Enterprise


3. From the Global Menu bar, select Personal > Recommendations.


4. Open another new browser window or tab and navigate to the Enterprise
Workspace and Add a new folder (e.g., Highly Recommended).

5. Drag-and-drop the C:\SampleDocs\Outlook Messages\Sample Email

Messages msg files to the new folder.

6. Drag-and-drop the C:\SampleDocs\Resume doc files to the new folder.


7. Your instructor may optionally import a series of LiveReports (i.e., from


C:\Instructor Resources\3-0188 [Application] Administration)\ODG

LiveReports for System Usage.rpt using LiveReport Import) into the new
folder also.
8. Return to the Personal > Recommendations window or browser tab.

Pa ge 29- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 29. R ec omme nde r Admi ni str a ti on

The newly added items, including the email messages, appear under the
What’s New section, as illustrated in the following figure:

O oN
pe o

Figure 29-7:
n tD

Te i

Personal With Recent
xt str

In ibu
te te

9. Close all of the browser windows and tabs, thereby logging out as the

Admin User.

Configure Recommender System Settings

More Notification Administration

1. Sign in with an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Recommender Administration
section. If prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g.,

The Recommender administration page is displayed.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 9 -9

Chapte r 29. R e comme nde r Ad mini st ra ti on

3. Click Configure Recommender System Settings.

The Configure Recommender System Settings page is displayed

O oN
pe o

n tD

Figure 29-8:
Te i

Configuring the
Recommender System
xt str

In ibu
te te

The default settings for the Recommender System Settings are

adequate for most systems. For more information regarding
these settings, refer to the online help.

In summary, in this chapter, we:
 Configured History General Settings for Recommender
 Configured Recommender Components like What’s New and then
tested the system using the updated configuration
 Configured Recommender System Settings

Pa ge 29- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 29. R ec omme nde r Admi ni str a ti on


Configure Recommender

In this exercise, you will have the opportunity to configure additional Recommender components,
based on what you have learned earlier in this chapter. The focus will be on Most Active Items and
Top Picks.

1. Sign in with an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Recommender Administration section. If

O oN

prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g., opentext) and click Configure
pe o

Recommender Components.

3. Click Action for the Most Active Items component.

n tD
Te i

4. Enter 30 as the Max. Number of Items Show.

5. Select the following Item Types: Folder, Email, LiveReport, and Workflow Map.
xt str

6. Enter 10 as the Sample Size and click Update at the bottom of the page.
In ibu

7. Click Action for the Top Picks component and confirm the Max.Number of Items Show is 10
te te

and the Sample Size is also 10. Click Update at the bottom of the page.

8. Click Update at the bottom of the Configure Recommender Components to save your

9. Test your setting by selecting Personal > Recommendations from the Global Menu bar, and

then scrolling down to the Most Active Items section. An example of the output, depending

on your system activity, may look like the following figure which may include workflow
maps, an item type that your previously configured:

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 2 9 -1 1

Chapte r 29. R e comme nde r Ad mini st ra ti on

O oN
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n tD
Te i
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In ibu
te te

Pa ge 29- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 30. Re nd it io ns Admi ni str a ti on

30. Renditions Administration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Review Configure Renditions Administration settings

O oN
pe o

This chapter deals with Content Server Renditions Administration.


The Renditions administrative options and links are described in the

n tD

following table:
Te i

Table 30-1: Renditions Administration Pages

xt str

Administration Page Link Description

In ibu

Administer Renditions Define the rendition method, the schedule to create

renditions, the logging preferences, and the priority
te te

with which renditions are displayed.


Configure Rendition Specify the directories from which the converted

Folders renditions should be retrieved.

Configure Version Folders Specify the directories into which Content Server
puts the versions of documents for conversion.

Purge Rendition Log Purges all messages logged by the Rendition module.

View Rendition Log View messages and errors logged by the Rendition


View Selective Rendition Display the items with selective rendition enabled.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 0 -1

Chapte r 30. R e ndi ti ons A dmi nist r ati on

Introduction to Renditions
Renditions, a previously optional module, is now part of core Content

The Renditions module expands Content Server’s document

management capabilities by allowing you to store one or more renditions
of a document in Content Server. Typically, a rendition of a document
contains the same information as the original document, but presents this
information in a different format. For example, a Microsoft® Excel
document can be rendered in Portable Document Format (PDF), or a
graphic can be stored and rendered in Tagged Image File format (TIFF). In
O oN

some cases, the contents of a rendition may be different than the original
document. For example, a document written in English can be rendered as
pe o

its translation to French.

n tD

The Renditions module allows you to:

Te i

 Create and store renditions of document versions in the database

automatically as they are added to Content Server
xt str

 Manually upload, view, and manage renditions of each version of a

In ibu

 Set the default rendition for view other than HTML

te te

To automatically create rendition files for upload to Content Server, you


use a conversion utility installed outside of Content Server. For example,

you can use an external application such as Blazon Server, to

automatically create PDF renditions of documents. The Renditions

module communicates with the external software via "watched folders"

to automatically render documents in different formats, and to store


these renditions in Content Server together with the original documents.

To manage this process, Content Server maintains an internal queue of
documents to be rendered.

Renditions Administration

Renditions Administration

1. Log in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Renditions Administration
section. If prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g.,

Pa ge 30- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 30. Re nd it io ns Admi ni str a ti on

The Renditions administration page is displayed.

Figure 30-1:

Administration Pages
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

Administer Renditions
xt str

3. Click Administer Renditions.

In ibu

The Administer Renditions page is displayed.

te te

Figure 30-2:

Administer Renditions

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 0 -3

Chapte r 30. R e ndi ti ons A dmi nist r ati on

The settings on this page enable you to:

 Define the status for a Global Rendition. If enabled, any Document or
Version added to Content Server is scheduled for renditioning,
subject to the Renditioning Rules
 Set the time interval and the number of times Content Server
requests a Rendition of a given Document before giving up. Each
attempt is logged in the Rendition log
 Manage the Rendition log file. Content Server can detect if a
particular requested Rendition does not arrive in its Rendition Folder.
In that case, Content Server logs a retry and requests a Rendition
again at the frequency that you specify. After the specified number of
O oN

unsuccessful retries for a particular Rendition, Content Server stops

pe o

requesting Renditions and records an error message in the Rendition


log file
n tD

 Define the preferred Rendition types and their relative priority.

When a user views a Document with any preferred Rendition, the
Te i

Rendition with highest priority displays. If no Rendition of a preferred

type exists for a particular Document, Content Server converts the
xt str

Document to HTML if the View as Web Page function is enabled, or

opens the Document in its native application. You can only view a
In ibu

Rendition for the latest Version of a Document

te te

4. Click Admin Home.


The Renditions Administration page is displayed.


Configure Rendition Folders


5. Click Configure Rendition Folders.


The Configure Rendition Folders page is displayed.


Figure 30-3:

Configure Rendition

Pa ge 30- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 30. Re nd it io ns Admi ni str a ti on

A Rendition Folder is an external directory where Content Server

receives files representing the Renditions of Documents or Versions that
are returned by the renditioning engine.

Every Rendition Folder you designate must have a Rendition type

specified. Rendition types are used to easily identify a given Rendition, for
example by its file extension.

The Rendition type appears in the Rendition column of the Rendition

Properties tab of a Version.

6. Click Admin Home.

O oN

The Renditions Administration page is displayed.

pe o

n tD

Configure Version Folders

Te i

7. Click Configure Version Folders.

xt str

The Configure Version Folders page is displayed.

In ibu
te te

Figure 30-4:

Configure Version Folders


A Version Folder is an external directory where Content Server places


copies of Document Versions to be renditioned.


When you add or edit a Version Folder, you define a Rendition Rule. A

Rendition Rule specifies the set of MIME types that require Renditions,
what directories are used, and whether the rule is applied globally.

8. Click Admin Home.

The Renditions Administration page is displayed.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 0 -5

Chapte r 30. R e ndi ti ons A dmi nist r ati on

Purge Rendition Log

9. Click Purge Rendition Log.

The Purge Rendition Log page is displayed.

Figure 30-5:

Purge Rendition Log

O oN
pe o

n tD

Click Purge to perform a purge of rendition logs.

Te i

10. Click Admin Home.

xt str

The Renditions Administration page is displayed.

In ibu
te te

View Rendition Log


11. Click View Rendition Log.


The View Rendition Log page is displayed.


Figure 30-6:

View Rendition Log


The Renditions module keeps track of its activities in the OTHome/logs/

rendition.log file.

Pa ge 30- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 30. Re nd it io ns Admi ni str a ti on

The log file records errors and successes each time that an activity takes
place. Samples of these messages include:
 RenditionAdded
 VersionQueued
 VersionRequeued
 ErrorUpdatingVersionInTheRenditionsQueue
 QueueError
 FilterVersionFailed
12. Click Admin Home.
O oN

The Renditions Administration page is displayed.

pe o

n tD

View Selective Rendition Report

Te i

13. Click View Selective Rendition Report.

xt str

The View Selective Rendition Report page is displayed.

In ibu
te te

Figure 30-7:

View Selective Rendition



The Selective Rendition Report lists all Folders and Compound

Documents that are currently subscribed for renditioning. It includes the

type and name of the container, whether subfolders are included, who

subscribed it, and the date it was subscribed. The report also lists the
Rendition Rules applied to each container subscribed.

14. Click Admin Home.

The Renditions Administration page is displayed.

In summary, in this chapter we:
 Reviewed Configure Renditions Administration setting

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 0 -7

Chapte r 30. R e ndi ti ons A dmi nist r ati on

O oN
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n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Pa ge 30- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 31. Se ar c h Admi ni str a ti on

31. Search Administration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Administer Search, including: configuring search options, Search Forms, Search Templates
 Configuring the System Object Volume, indexes, processes, extractor settings
 Managing Thumbnail generation, Search Agents, Search Filters, Mandatory Terms, Distributed
O oN
pe o

n tD

This chapter and several following chapters, deals with Content Server
Te i

Search Administration.
xt str

The Search administrative options and links are described in the following
In ibu

Table 31-1: Search Administration Pages

te te

Administration Page Link Description


Configure Search Options Configure the search options made available to

Content Server users, such as Find Similar.

Edit the System Default Configure the appearance of the system default

Search Form Search Form. This Search Form is displayed on the


Content Server Search page for all users who have

not created personal Search Templates.

Manage Search Forms and Configure maximum numbers of search forms and
Search Results Templates search results templates, and reset search forms and

search results templates.


Open the XML DTD Add XML DTDs to the XML DTD volume, and then set
Volume the corresponding XML regions to allow users to
search XML data from Content Server.

Configure System Object Configure email settings for sending Content Server
E-Mail Delivery system object alert email messages.

Configure Debug Settings Configure logging information and other diagnostic

settings for Content Server Search.

Configure Search JVM Set the relative path for the Content Server Java
Runtime Environments, as well as any command line

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 1 -1

C hap te r 3 1. Se ar c h Ad mini str a ti on

Administration Page Link Description

View System Object View the current System Object status. Test the data
Status flows, data flow processes, and indexes in the System
Object Volume.

Open the System Object Create and manage Content Server indexes and
Volume administer Admin servers.

Control IP Access to Configure the set of IP address and domain

Search Components references that are allowed to communicate with the
search components.

Configure the Enterprise Configure settings for the Enterprise Extractor and
O oN

Extractor Setting manage Content Server Objects that failed to be

pe o


Manage Search Statistics View and purge various statistics generated from the
n tD

search results.
Te i

Configure Required Configure result fields for mandatory display on the

Search Result Fields search results pages.
xt str

Configure Search If enabled, modifiers can alter the search query based
Location Modifiers on the current location
In ibu
te te

Configure Search Index The Index Verifier identifies and optionally corrects
Verification differences between an Enterprise Search Index and

objects managed by Content Server.


Configure Search Filters Search Filters are side panels on search results that
allow faceted navigation and refinement of search

Configure Mandatory Configure mandatory search terms based on group

Search Terms membership.

Manage Search Agents Identify and manage the availability of Content

Server Search Agents.

Configure Relevance Configure the relevance rules.



Accessing the Search There are two methods of accessing Search administration:
Administration Area 1. From the Content Server Administration page, scroll down to the
Search Administration section.
2. When logged in as a user with System Administration privileges, from
the Global Menu bar, select Admin > Search Admin Browser.

Pa ge 31- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 31. Se ar c h Admi ni str a ti on

Search Administration

Search Administration

1. Log in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Search Administration section. If
prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g., opentext).

The Search administration page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 31-1: Search Administration Page

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 1 -3

C hap te r 3 1. Se ar c h Ad mini str a ti on

Configure Search Options

The Search Results page is configured by the system administrator on this
page, and by end users on their Display Options page.

The Content Server administrator must decide how many of these

features are valuable for their user population. For example: if your
documents are added by a small group of knowledge managers and not
individual users Common Authors may not be helpful. You could disable
it. You may have similar documents coming from a number of
geographical areas and offices, so Common Locations are very important
and you will set it to 10.
O oN
pe o

Configure Search Options

n tD

1. Click Configure Search Options.

Te i

The top half of the Configure Search Options administration page is

xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 31-2: Configure Search Options

Pa ge 31- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 31. Se ar c h Admi ni str a ti on

And scrolling down reveals the bottom half of the same page:

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 31-3: Configure Search Options - Continued


Refer to the online help for additional information regarding the

individual Configure Search Options.

2. Click Cancel.

The Search administration page is displayed.


Edit the System Default Search Form & Manage Search Forms and Search

Results Templates
When Content Server users first access the Advanced Search page, they
see the search options that have been selected in the System Default
Template. By default, only the full text search field and options to modify
a full text search are shown. However, the administrator can configure
this template to provide users with a more flexible interface from the
System Default Template page. For example, you may want Slices to be

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 1 -5

C hap te r 3 1. Se ar c h Ad mini str a ti on

Edit the System Default Search Form and Manage Search Forms

1. Click Edit the System Default Search Form.

The Search Form Properties: System Default Template page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu

Figure 31-4: Editing the System Default Template

te te

The System Default Template settings will appear in all new users’ search

pages until they save their own Search Forms.


In addition to the System Default Template, you can create other system
search templates that users will find useful.

When logged in as the Admin User, any template that you save becomes a
system search template and is listed in the users’ Search Forms (more on
this later as an exercise).

By default, each user by default can also create up to 20 personal search

forms for their own use.

2. In a separate browser windows or tab, from the Global Menu bar, select
Tools > Search.

Pa ge 31- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 31. Se ar c h Admi ni str a ti on

The Advanced Search page is displayed.

Figure 31-5:

A User’s Templates Tab on

the Search Page
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

Users have the option of choosing a system form or one of their own.
xt str

3. Close the Advanced Search browser window or tab.

In ibu

4. Click the browser’s back button.

te te

The Search administration page is displayed.


5. Click Manage Search Forms and Search Results Templates.


The Manage Search Forms and Search Results Template administration


page is displayed.

Figure 31-6:

Manage Search Forms and

Search Results Templates

6. Click Configure Search Forms and Search Results Templates.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 1 -7

C hap te r 3 1. Se ar c h Ad mini str a ti on

The Configure Search Forms and Search Results Templates page is


Figure 31-7:

Manage Search Forms and

Search Results Templates
O oN
pe o

You can configure the maximum search forms per user and results
n tD

template per user.

Te i

Maximum (Search Forms) Enter a value between 0 and 100 in the Maximum per User text box to
per User define the number of personal search forms that you want to allow each
xt str

Content Server user to create. The default is 20.

In ibu

Maximum (Search Results Enter a value between 0 and 100 in the Maximum per User text box to
Templates) per User define the number of personal Search Results Templates that you want to
te te

allow each Content Server user to save. The default is 20.


7. Click Update.

8. Click Reset Search Forms and Search Results Templates.


The Reset Search Forms and Search Results Template page is displayed.

Figure 31-8:

The Reset Search

Templates Page

You can reset or delete the system default search template, the other
system search templates, or even all users’ templates from the Reset
Search Templates page. You should be careful with these options, as users
will not understand why their settings were lost.

Pa ge 31- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 31. Se ar c h Admi ni str a ti on

9. Click Cancel followed by Back.

The Search administration page is displayed.

Administrative As an administrator, you can view each user’s search templates in the
Viewing of Each Users System Object Volume’s Personal Templates folder. When a user creates
Search Templates their first Personal Template, a new folder is created here named after
their logon (e.g. “Content Server – kbrowning”). This Personal Template
folder also contains the system templates, in a sub-folder named “Admin”.

The System Object Volume (SOV) will be introduced later in this chapter
when you will have an opportunity to browse it, followed by subsequent
chapters where SOV information is covered in greater detail.
O oN
pe o

Open the XML DTD Volume

n tD
Te i

When an XML document is added to Content Server, the XML regions are
automatically indexed.
xt str

To allow users to search XML regions, you must add an XML Document
Type Definition (DTD) file and set its regions to queryable. The DTD
In ibu

documents reside in the XML DTD Volume.

te te

XML DTD files define the elements and attributes used in XML

documents. Setting an XML DTD file's regions to queryable allows

Content Server users to construct queries that target the content of

specific XML regions.


Open the XML DTD Volume

1. Click Open the DTD Volume.


The XML DTD Volume is displayed.


Figure 31-9:

2. From the Add Item menu, select XML DTD.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 1 -9

C hap te r 3 1. Se ar c h Ad mini str a ti on

3. Enter a name of Resume followed by clicking Browse. Navigate to the

C:\SampleDocs\DTDs and XMLs\xml resumes for 205\ folder and select
purdyres.xml and click open, then click Add.

The regions page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

Figure 31-10:
xt str

In ibu
te te

4. Click Update.

In this example, you can have resumes from people who have job
experience working with Java, who have taken a course in Java, or who
like to drink a lot of java. If the resumes are uploaded as text documents,
then there is no way to search for all resumes with "Java" listed in the
"job" section. Indexing the XML into regions allows you to make that kind
of sophisticated search.

5. Open a new browser windows or tab and navigate to your Personal

Workspace, then create a new folder called Cup Half Full.
6. Add the (4) resumes from the C:\SampleDocs\DTDs and XMLs\xml
resumes for 205\ folder into the above folder.

Pa ge 31- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 31. Se ar c h Admi ni str a ti on

When you upload any XML files that are based on the XML DTD you have
just published and their XML elements and attributes, they will
automatically be indexed. The XML Regions can then be searched against,
as illustrated in the following figure.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 31-11: The XML Regions that Will Show in on Advanced Search Page

An Advanced Search for ‘java’ in the job region (i.e., job1, job2 etc.) would

return a result, like the one illustrated in the following figure.

Figure 31-12:
Search Results Based on
XML Region

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 1 -1 1

C hap te r 3 1. Se ar c h Ad mini str a ti on

7. Close the browser windows or tab with the search results.

8. Click Admin Home, from the XML DTD Volume.

The Search administration page is displayed.

Configure the System Object Email Delivery

The following section discusses the object email delivery functionality of
Content Server.
O oN

Configure System Object E-Mail Delivery

pe o

1. Click Configure System Object E-Mail Delivery.

n tD

The Configure System Object E-mail Delivery page is displayed.

Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 31-13:
Configure System Object

E-Mail Delivery

SOV Checking is enabled by default so that you may monitor the status of
processes in the System Objects Volume.

Pa ge 31- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 31. Se ar c h Admi ni str a ti on

Content Server records the status or condition of the system objects and,
based on the Control Rules you set up, reports this information to the
system object alert email recipients that you configure.

Prior to Content Server version10.5 SP1, the Configure System Object

E-Mail Delivery page included Mail Server Settings, as illustrated in the
next figure, which included independently managed SMTP server, port,
and associated information. However, beginning with 10.5 SP1 or later,
these SMTP settings are centrally managed on the Configure
Notifications page.
O oN
pe o

Configuring User You can set up multiple configurations for Content Server administrators

Accounts to Receive to receive messages based on the Control Rules you have configured.
n tD

Error Messages
Once you configure a recipient, you can modify the configuration at any
Te i

time, to change the mail address, reporting options, information level or

xt str

To add a recipient, click in the Action column of the Recipients row, as

In ibu

seen in the previous figure.

te te

If you set up a user, for example, to receive messages from 8 am

to 8 pm, and an error occurs at 3 am, that message will not be

stored until the morning; the user will miss it. As a best practice,
set the delivery timing for 24 hours, as illustrated in the figure


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Select which level of messages this recipient should receive using the
Reporting Options choices.

Figure 31-14:
O oN

Configuration Page for

pe o

Adding a Recipient
n tD
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te te

Mail To Mail To options include:


 Choosing a Content Server user,


 Other: another email address (e.g., for a pager), or


 The Content Server Administrator


Reporting Options There are five levels of reporting:

 Severe Errors are critical system errors which immediately affect the

user’s ability to perform certain operations in Content Server (e.g., If


the Search Engine is shutting down)

Errors are more general system errors, and are not immediately

critical. Errors can, however, become Severe Errors if they occur over
extended periods of time and affect the user’s ability to use Content
Server (e.g., A data flow process shutting down may generate an
 Warnings are non-critical errors which notify the user of potential
error conditions. A data flow that does not respond to iPool messages,
for example, will generate warnings
 Information provides general status and other system information to
the user
 Corrections notify the user that an error, severe error, or warning
which was previously reported has now been rectified

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Information Level There are three Information Level options. It is up to you to decide how
much information you want the recipient to receive.
 Detailed Text Message: Provides recipients with a detailed
explanation of the system object alert in plain text format. May be too
long for some paging devices
 Detailed HTML Message: Provides recipients with a detailed
explanation of the system object alert in HTML format. May not be
appropriate for some paging devices
 Short Text Message: Provides recipients with the number of errors
reported in the Content Server system. Can be used with any address
selected above
O oN
pe o

Configure Debug Settings

n tD

Beginning with v16.0, the Admin Server debug or logging settings can be
Te i

set from the General Properties tab for each respective server object:
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 31-15:

Admin Server and Log

Level Changes in Content
Server 16.0

As stated on the Configure Debug Settings page, respective debug or

logging settings for Admin Server objects, are available from their
General Properties tab (i.e., Functions menu > Properties > General tab).

An obvious Admin Server object, would be the Admin Server itself.

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From the Content Server System (SOV), select the Default Admin
Server’s Functions menu > Properties > General. Logging is managed
from that section of the page, as illustrated in the following figure:

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Figure 31-16: Admin Server Object and Log Level Changes from the General Tab

Administrators will find that logging options are available for


Admin Server objects, via their respective General tab. In

contrast, logging options are available for Search Processes, via
their respective Advanced Settings (or similar) tab.

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Ch ap te r 31. Se ar c h Admi ni str a ti on

As illustrated in the following figure, the Enterprise Search Federator – a

search process – debug logging is available from Administration pages >
Search Administration > Open the System Object Volume > Enterprise
Data Source Folder > Enterprise Search Manager > Enterprise Search
Federator and select Functions menu > Properties > Advanced Settings.

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Figure 31-17: Admin Server Object Logging is Available from their Respective Properties Tab

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Change an Admin Server Object Log Level

1. Log in with an administrative level account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the System Object Volume. If prompted for the administration
page password, enter it (e.g., opentext).
3. Confirm the current log level for the Default Admin Server by selecting the
Default Admin Server’s Functions menu > Properties > General. It should
show the Log Level as illustrated below:
O oN

Figure 31-18:
pe o

Default Log Level of Admin

n tD
Te i

4. Select the Default Admin Server’s Functions menu > Resynchronize and
xt str

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5. When the process has been completed, click OK.

te te

6. Navigate to C:\CS16\logs and sort the files by descending date.


Figure 31-19:

Resync Log Files Created

with Default Log Level

Notice that some of the most recently created files include


7. Change the log level for the Default Admin Server by selecting the Default

Admin Server’s Functions menu > Properties > General and change the log

level from 1 (Default) to 3 (Debug) and click Update.

8. Repeat the prior step and Resynchronize.
9. Revisit C:\CS16\logs and confirm that additional debug logs have been
created as a result of the higher log level.

Figure 31-20:

Resync Log Files Created

with Debug Log Level

10. Return the log level of the Default Admin Server back to its value of 1
(Default). Remember to click Update.

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Configure Search JVM

The use of Configure Search JVM options is typically only done on based
on the advise or recommendations of OpenText representatives such as
Customer Support or Services.

The Configure Search JVM, illustrated in the following figure, is used to

alter the path to the JRE that is used by Content Server and to provide
additional JVM arguments or runtime parameters.
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Figure 31-21: Configure Search JVM


11. Click Admin Home, to return to the Search administration pages.


View System Object Status


Administrators can view the current System Object status and test the
data flows, data flow processes, and indexes in the System Object

View System Object Status

1. Click View System Object Status.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 1 -1 9

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The View System Object Status page is displayed.

Figure 31-22:
O oN
pe o

View System Object Status


n tD
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2. Click Purge History followed by Test.


The page is updated with a ‘purge’ entry followed by the latest system
object test, as illustrated in the following figure:.

Figure 31-23:

View System Object Status


3. Report any issues to your instructor.

4. Click Admin Home.

The Search administration page is displayed.

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Ch ap te r 31. Se ar c h Admi ni str a ti on

Open the System Object Volume

The SOV (System Object Volume) contains the main indexing and
searching objects. At this point in our course we will just have an overview
of the SOV.

When you first install Content Server only the Enterprise Data Source is
created. You must then add the Help Data Source Folder and the Admin
Help Data Source from the Add Item menu in this folder.

The main objects are:

Admin Server An Admin Server manages a set of data flow processes and search
O oN

engines. In a simple Content Server system, the Admin Server is created

pe o

during installation, is given the name “Default”, and corresponds to the

“Content Server Admin” service on the same physical machine. If you
n tD

distribute the search functionality to additional machines, you may have

multiple Admin Servers.
Te i

Data Source Folders A Data Source Folder contains the set of items Content Server uses to
xt str

build and maintain an index. The subsequent figure illustrates the three
most common indexes: The Enterprise index, the Admin Help Data
In ibu

Source and the Help Data Source.

te te

Personal Search Templates Each user can define a number of templates for easier searching, and they
are stored here.

Slice Folder A slice is a kind of filter or search domain to which you can add more

specific criteria when running a search. For example, the Enterprise slice
searches only the most recent versions of documents. The queries that

Content Server administrators save here appear in the drop-down list in


the Search bar and in the Scope area of the Advanced Search page. For
example, the OpenText Knowledge Center offers several custom slices
on which to search.

The following SOV chapters (Part I & II) go into greater detail
regarding the SOV.

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The Objects for a Particular Index

The Enterprise Data Source is created during the initial installation of
Content Server. The Admin user should also create an index on the online
help for end-users and the online help for administrators. You build these
indexes by choosing them from the Add Item menu on the System Object
Volume page.

If you have other types of data that you would like to make available to
users, for example, an external directory of legacy documents, you can
build indexes on these as well – but this is beyond the scope of this course.
O oN

Each index has a set of objects for managing it, stored in a Data Source
Folder in the System Object Volume.
pe o

The following is a list of the basic components of the Enterprise Data

n tD

Source Folder.
Te i

Shortcuts to Slice(s) Whenever you create an index, Content Server creates at least one slice
so that users can access that index. The slice is placed in the Slice folder,
xt str

and a shortcut to the slice is placed in the Data Source folder.

In ibu

Partition Map A representation of a data source's physical indexes and metadata

te te

Data Flow Manager A data flow is a set of processes that together will read something that is

to be indexed, filter it to find its text, and add its content to the index. This
is where the real work of indexing is done.

Search Manager The Search Manager for an index dispatches all search requests that

users make to one or more Search Engines.


Best Bets values can be added to an object’s General Properties page.

When a search is subsequently made using those words or phrases, those

objects will be returned in a best bets section at the top of the Search

Results page.

Process Folder The Process Folder contains the Memcached processes familiar to
administrators in previous Content Server versions in addition to
additional new processes like Internal OTDS (if applicable) and Document
Conversion Server.

The previously named Memcached Processes folder has been

renamed to Process Folder.

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The Process Folder can also store a number of other objects, as illustrated
by its Add Item menu.

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Te i

Figure 31-24: Process Folder and its Contents

xt str

Internal OTDS The Content Server Directory Services (CSDS) feature has been
In ibu

discontinued, and is no longer available. The successor to CSDS is

OpenText Directory Services (OTDS) which is now the authentication
te te

and user management method for Content Server v16.0.


Traditionally, OpenText Directory Services has been optimized for

production environments, especially those with complex requirements or

landscapes. This is appropriate, and continues to be the preferred product

deployment method.

In order to simplify the installation and deployment of simpler systems

(for example, development, demonstration, and test systems), a version of
OTDS is included in the Content Server installation. If you choose to use

an Internal OTDS, then a version wrapped in a lightweight Jetty


application server is installed and configured.


In this mode of operation, OTDS is installed and managed like other

Content Server services. The following figure illustrates specific settings
associated with the Internal OTDS process.

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Figure 31-25: The Internal OTDS Process


In the case of where a customer wanted to evolve beyond the


use of the simplicity of the Internal OTDS and implement


external OTDS, for example with Active Directory, this Internal

OTDS process would be stopped (or even deleted) as part of the

procedure for the switching over to External OTDS.

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Ch ap te r 31. Se ar c h Admi ni str a ti on

Document With each installation of Content Server, the Document Conversion

Conversion Server for Server has been used for a number of purposes. Roughly speaking, there
Default is a batch mode of operation where DCS runs as a service in the search
indexing workflow, and there is “everything else”.

In the “everything else” category, DCS has been used in a variety of ways.
Without getting too detailed, these include:
 Run as a service over a proprietary socket protocol to support the Hit
Highlight feature
 Create and run a new process on an Admin Server each time a View as
web page request occurs
O oN

 List email attachments when called directly by front-end servers

pe o

Run on CGI, IIisapi or LLSERV processes for MIME type detection


 Support email processing (new requirements, method to be

n tD

Te i

The net result is inconsistency and DCS processes running in many ways,
on different servers. The current implementation also requires significant
xt str

numbers of different data paths and configuration file settings.

In ibu

Beginning with Content Server v16.0, the DCS has been provided with an
embedded lightweight web server, and exposes a REST API for internal
te te

use. Each of the applications of DCS is being converted to use this


common approach.

The existing socket API has been deprecated.

View as web page, Hit Highlight, listing email attachments, and MIME

type detection will all leverage an Admin server file cache and the DCS

REST API. Using a REST API provides future scalability, using standard
load-balancing techniques, for large environments in the event that

demand for these services increases.


Most of the changes are internal. There will be differences in

configuration and administration. Some settings will move from INI files

into the database (e.g., password security) with an administration

interface. Several settings are no longer relevant, since the various usage
methods have been consolidated.

Each Admin Server with file cache enabled may have a DCS available. The
Document Conversion Service tab of a DCS process instance is shown
below. Note the new settings for the DCS web service, such as Number of
Threads and Queue Size, which determine how many requests can be
serviced or pending before the instance reports “busy”.

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When a DCS capability is required, preference will be given to a DCS

instance that is running on the same system (e.g. Admin Server). This
selection runs faster, since less file transfer is required. However, if DCS is
not running on the same instance, then a remote DCS will be randomly
selected from the available pool and used.

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Figure 31-26: The Document Conversion Server Process


Other Process Folder



Documents and Text Administrators can now add documents or text documents into the
Documents in SOV Process folder and thereby maintain SOV/search/process documentation
right where they are used.

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Ch ap te r 31. Se ar c h Admi ni str a ti on

Process A data flow is a series of linked processes that exchange information. You
can create a custom data flow for a particular data source by adding and
configuring data flow processes. You add data flow processes to a Data
Flow Manager. Data flow processes include:
 Directory Walker, which extracts data from a set of files on your file
system and writes the data to a data flow
 Document Conversion, which converts documents from their native
formats to HTML or raw text
 Enterprise Extractor, which is a data flow process that extracts data
from the Content Server database and writes it to an Enterprise data
flow, where it is indexed. Because only one process is normally
O oN

required to extract data from the Content Server database

pe o

Spider, which is a data flow process that extracts data from a Spider

server which crawls corporate intranets, extranets, web sites, or even
n tD

from public web sites on the World Wide Web, and writes it to the
Data Flow Manager of any non-Enterprise data source, where it is
Te i

Importer, which reads the data that was output by the Update
xt str

Distributor process, and then uses the data to perform a task. For
example, if you have installed Content Server Classifications, the
In ibu

Importer determines which assisted and automatic classifications

te te

best match the items represented by the data

Merge, which merges multiple Enterprise Extractor or Document

Conversion processes to combine the iPool messages from multiple

processes and write them to a single iPool for the next data flow

 Proxy, which acts as a placeholder for a process in a data flow. You add

a proxy to represent a process that is not managed by an Admin


 Tee, which sends iPool messages to up to five iPool outputs processes

that have similar functionality, such as iPool Importer processes

 XML Activator, which reads data (as XML files) from the specified

directory in the file system, where a third-party application has

written its information

Remote Content Server You can use OpenText Content Server Remote Search to search multiple
Content Server installations. You set up a remote connection between
installations by adding and configuring a Remote Content Server system,
which resides within a Data Source and is accessible to slices. This allows
the Administrator the ability to create new slices to search against
remote Content Server systems, or add the object to existing ones. For
information about slices, see Creating Slices. When the administrator
browses to the parent of this object, this object would have a status or
either idle, searching, or process error, like other search processes. For
information about data sources, see Changing Your Content Server

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Control IP Access to Search Components

Refer to the subsequent chapter that deals with search and security.

Configure the Enterprise Extractor Settings

Set Extractor General With Content Server v16.0 there are a number of new or updated
Settings extractor settings, including:
 Content Recovery Notification
Maximum Items per Extract i n—Collection, Recovery
O oN

Renditions Extraction Settings

pe o


n tD
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Figure 31-27: Extractor Settings

Content Recover When selected, a notification email is sent to the administrator when the
Notification Extractor fails to process documents for indexing. The default is disabled.

Maximum Items Per Specifies the maximum number of search index update requests the
Extraction Extractor will process when each individual type of iterator runs:

 Collections – Processes all the objects in an entire Collection directly.

 Recovery – Handles re-extraction of items whose content failed
extraction the first time.

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Manage Search Statistics

View Relevance Content Server has many parameters available for tuning search
Reports relevance. The challenge today faced by organizations is understanding
how changes in these settings affect relevance. Without empirical data of
search success, changes in search tuning have been largely based on
personal opinions and perceptions. With Content Server 16, you can now
apply some science to optimizing search relevance.

Content Server v16.0 tracks three key parameters that are

measurements of search success. These results are displayed graphically
on a daily basis. You can adjust search parameters, wait a couple of days,
O oN

then review whether the search success has improved or declined, and
adjust accordingly. The measurements are:
pe o

% Successful The ratio of searches where one of the common actions is selected on at
n tD

least one result, such as opening, downloading, viewing, examining

properties, and so forth. Not all actions are tracked, so this will never be
Te i

100%. The relative value is important, high scores are better.

xt str

Result Position For successful results, the position in the list of results. This is only
measured when “relevance” is the search sorting order. Lower numbers
In ibu

are better as these correspond to search results found at the top of the
listing. If a selected result was in the fourth row of the third page, then its
te te

position would be 24.


Number of Steps For a successful search, the number of search refinements needed before

selecting the result. Steps include going to the next page or applying a
search facet. In general, fewer steps are preferable to more steps.

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The Relevance reports are accessible from the Search Administration >
Manage Search Statistics > View Relevance Reports.

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Figure 31-28: Manage Search Statistics Administration Page


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When the View Relevance Reports link is selected, the page looks like the
following figure:

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Figure 31-29: Relevancy Report


Configure Required Search Result Fields


To specify that certain result fields may not be removed from the Search
Results pages by the end user, select those fields from the Available (left)

side of the page and click the right arrow button to move them to the

Required (right) list.


This topic is discussed further in the subsequent ‘advanced search’


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Searching on Office Document Properties

Many organizations use Microsoft Office applications and leverage the
Properties attributes to store metadata. These properties are preserved
and indexed when the document is added to a Content Server repository.
As an administrator, you can access these OLE properties in Content
Server Regions.

The online Admin Help discusses the indexing of these properties in the
[QDF] section. Indexing is controlled by the outputOLEInfo setting
O oN

The basic syntax for indexing these properties is to append OTDoc- to the
OLE name (e.g. ‘Author’ becomes ‘OTDocAuthor’).
pe o

To search within a specific property, you can use the following Content
n tD

Server Query Language syntax:

Te i

“OTDocAuthor”:“Thomas Pynchon”
xt str

Almost every field on the Properties dialog box is indexed by default

In ibu

(General, Summary, etc.).

te te

For most Content Server content, categories and attributes have much
more flexibility for metadata collection and search, but there may be

some cases where you wish to leverage the OLE properties.


Nickname Settings There are parameters that can be configured for the Nickname section. A
Nickname-based search will query the database, not the full text index.

This is the same as previous versions of Content Server.


The Search Bar Nickname is available from the Administration

menu > Appearances Administration > Search Bar

Administration. There are several search bars available. Since


every search bar is an item in Content Server, every search bar

therefore has its own nickname. Select a search bar to view or
edit its nickname.
To clarify, Content Server does not perform a full-text index
search on nicknames but rather a database search (sometimes
referred to as a lookup).

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Configure Search Location Modifiers

Exclude Sub-Folders A new capability is being added, to search within the current folder only
(excluding any subfolders). This feature is added as part of the existing
“Location Modifier” framework for search. When selected, the search is
constructed using the OTParentID search region instead of the
OTLocation search region. The administrator access is through the
Configure Search Location Modifiers page.

Select Exclude Sub-Folders will present the configuration for this feature:
O oN
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Figure 31-30: Exclude Sub Folders Setting


If enabled, the user will see this location modifier as an option in the

search bar, and in the Location search component of Advanced Search

(including Custom View searches) for locations for which the feature is

Figure 31-31: The Search Bar with Exclude Sub Folders

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And a similar change for the Advanced Search page:

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Figure 31-32: The Advanced Search Page with Exclude Sub Folders
te te

Configure Index Verification


Configure Index verification is discussed within the context of the 3-0128

- Content Server Troubleshooting Workshop course.

Configure Search Filters


Search Filters let users generate a new search request, based on their

Search Results, by selecting values that include additional restrictions.

The unique values with additional restrictions used by Search Filters may
sometimes show a higher number of Search Results than really exist. This
happens when a particular value is deleted from every object, but the
value string is still in the dictionary.

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The Configure Search Filters page is illustrated in the following figure:

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Figure 31-33: Configure Search Filters

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Configure Mandatory Search Terms

This topic is discussed in the subsequent ‘advanced search’ chapters.

Manage Search Agents

Search Agents are search queries applied during search indexing for
automatic Classification or Prospectors.

Beginning with Content Server SP1, there is a Manage Search Agents

administration page, which allows you to review all configured Search
O oN

Agents, and selectively or completely disable/enable these agents.

pe o

This feature is provided so that administrators can easily address

n tD

performance problems during search indexing in the event that a user

constructs expensive Search Agents that impact indexing throughput.
Te i
xt str

Performance problems or issues in this context are currently

identified by empirical observation and the inspection of
In ibu

performance logs.
te te

Expensive or demanding queries would consist of searches that

include wildcards, phonetic matches, or queries with lots of OR


There are also two new auditing interests for tracking changes to agent
status, and an optional email notification to inform users that their agents

have been enabled or disabled.


Manage Search Agents


1. Log in with an administrative account.

2. If the Mercury Mail server is not running, it should be started.
3. Navigate to the Admin pages > Search Administration page and click the
Manage Search Agents link. Enter a password of opentext for the
Administrator Password, if prompted.

The Manage Search Agents page is displayed. If there are no

Classification (or Prospector) objects in the system, the tab will report
that there are “no such Search Agents”, as illustrated in the following

4. Click the Classifications tab, if it is not displayed by default then click the
Prospectors tab.

Pa ge 31- 36 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 31. Se ar c h Admi ni str a ti on

The tab will display the global ‘switch’ to turn Prospectors On or Off as
well as a list of Search Queries associated with their respective
Prospectors, as illustrated in the figure below:

Figure 31-34:

Manage Search Agents

Prospector Tab
O oN
pe o

5. Click the Off switch opposite the Heated Tents Prospector.

n tD

The item will update with a ‘success’ status.

Te i
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Figure 31-35:
te te

Prospector Search Query


Disabled or Turned Off


The Prospector’s (e.g., Product Development > Heated Tents) status is

updated to inform users that it is “currently unavailable” as illustrated on
the item’s Specific tab, seen in the following figure.

Figure 31-36:

The Prospector’s Status is

“Currently Unavailable”

6. Click the E-mail Search Agent Owners link under the Actions panel.

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This opens a dialog allowing the administrator to enter an optional or

customized message.

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Figure 31-37: The Specific Properties Tab for a Search Federator

te te

7. Enter a custom message, for example: “Your Prospector Search Query has

been disabled for the moment”.


Figure 31-38:

Example of an Email
Message for a Disabled

Search Agent

8. Click the Email button.

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Ch ap te r 31. Se ar c h Admi ni str a ti on

A message that a notification email has been sent is displayed.

Figure 31-39:

Confirmation of Email
Message for a Disabled
Search Agent
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

9. Click the OK button.

xt str

10. Launch Outlook and login using the sadmin profile.

11. Click the Send/Receive menu button.
In ibu

12. Open the Search Agent Update Notification email message.

te te

Figure 31-40:

Example of a Search Agent

Update Notification Email

in Outlook

The notification email has details regarding the disabling of the

Prospector Search Query and Fred’s custom message.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 1 -3 9

C hap te r 3 1. Se ar c h Ad mini str a ti on

Configure Relevancy Rules

The traditional adjustments in Content Server for scoring search
relevance include parameters such as the type of document, results with
key metadata values, and recentness. Starting with Content Server v16.0,
we are adding context-sensitive adjustments such as:
 Boosting scores for documents created by the current user
 Adjusting scores for items in the current user’s Personal Workspace
 Adjusting scores for items in the current folder, or folder tree
 Boosting results found in the last few locations the user has worked in
O oN

These adjustments are possible due to enhancements in the search

pe o

engine that allow per-query variables to be used as part of the relevance

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Figure 31-41: Configure Relevancy Rules


Pa ge 31- 40 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 31. Se ar c h Admi ni str a ti on

Thumbnail Generation
A common issue for customers is the desire to generate Thumbnails for
objects, without performing a system wide re-index.

Thumbnails may not have been created for legacy data because they were
‘missed’ or because, additional MIME Types were subsequently
configured to be Thumbnailed.

A Thumbnail feature has been provided in Content Server 10.5

so end users can quickly identify documents within the Browse
O oN

View and Search Results pages.

pe o

A Thumbnail will appear on the Document Overview page,

Search Results page [using Standard Style] and as Featured
n tD

Items - based on the contents of the first page of each respective

document - rather than using a generic MIME Type icon.
Te i
xt str

Beginning with Content Server v16.0, there are a pair of new options that
allows Thumbnails to be generated or for an item to be re-queued for
In ibu

te te

Existing ingestion of items does assume that Thumbnails are

generated, however, there is a corresponding full text extraction

that always occurs.


The Queue Thumbnail Generation will cause the generation of

the required Thumbnails, but suppress other operations.

The items requiring Thumbnail generation must be available from a



Generate Thumbnails from a Collection

1. Navigate to Enterprise Workspace >Customer Service.

2. Select the Customer Feedback Collection.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 1 -4 1

C hap te r 3 1. Se ar c h Ad mini str a ti on

3. From More Actions … select Queue Thumbnail Generation

O oN
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Figure 31-42: Thumbnail Generation with Queue Thumbnail Generation

xt str

A confirmation message is displayed.

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Figure 31-43: Confirm the Thumbnail Generation


4. Click Submit.

Pa ge 31- 42 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 31. Se ar c h Admi ni str a ti on

A status message is displayed and reports 100% when the processing is


O oN
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Figure 31-44: Queue Thumbnail Generation Status

In ibu

You can test the success of Thumbnail of Generation by either performing

a search for the item and using a Standard Search Display Style, changing
te te

the item so that it is displayed as a Featured item or by visiting the


Overview page for the item.


5. From a document’s Functions men (e.g., Joe’s Feedback.doc), select


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 1 -4 3

C hap te r 3 1. Se ar c h Ad mini str a ti on

The Overview page is displayed and it includes a Thumbnail that was


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Figure 31-45: The Generated Thumbnail is Displayed on the Overview Page

te te

Thumbnail Priority

The default behavior for Content Server is to give indexing priority to


items like documents and their text or metadata, and as a result not all
Thumbnails may find themselves ‘ingested’ into Content Server.

Since some customers rely on Thumbnails and/or do not wish to have to


re-extract Thumbnails, a pair of opentext.ini settings are available that

can be used to override the default behavior.


Pa ge 31- 44 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 31. Se ar c h Admi ni str a ti on

The waitforthumbnails=true setting changes the default Content Server

behavior and it makes it wait for Thumbnails to be ‘injected’ by the

When thumbnaillimit=20000 (default value) is specified, DCS will

throttle IPool processing. Content Server will not start processing
another IPool object if there are more Thumbnails, defined by the
thumbnaillimit setting, waiting to be ‘injested’, so newly added document
will not get processed by DCS, until Thumbnails are under the specified
O oN

iPool Quarantine
pe o

When an iPool is quarantined, the administrator needs to take action

n tD

based on what files were in the iPool. This feature allows a quarantined
iPool to be selected and the contents of the iPool, displayed.
Te i
xt str

Although ‘Quarantine’ has been part of the feature set of

Content Server, what is especially new in v16.0 is presenting the
In ibu

administrator with some insight into the quarantined items.

te te

Objects are quarantined by the indexing ‘workflow’, when they

are unreadable by workflow process steps. Usually this is DCS,

but could also be other processes too.


Quarantine also happens as part of crash prevention or recovery

mechanism. Instead of crashing due to an infinite loop, the

offending iPool is simply set aside into ‘quarantine’ and Content


Server continues along with its search and indexing.


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 1 -4 5

C hap te r 3 1. Se ar c h Ad mini str a ti on

Navigate to System Object Volume > Enterprise Data Source Folder >
Enterprise Data Flow Manager.

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Figure 31-46: System Object Volume


Select Enterprise Data Flow Manager. The Quarantine column is


displayed with the iPool information.


Figure 31-47: iPool Quarantine

Pa ge 31- 46 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 31. Se ar c h Admi ni str a ti on

Distributed Agents and Pause or Start Individual Workers

It is possible to pause and then restart all workers or individual worker

Navigate to Administration pages > System Administration >

O oN Distributes Agent Status.
pe o

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Figure 31-48: Distributed Agent Status

The Task Summary graph reports on the overall progress and

performance of the Distributed Agent system. For each hour of the day, it

Queued The number of tasks that were awaiting execution by Distributed Agent

Processed The number of tasks that were completed, re-queued, or canceled by

Distributed Agent Workers.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 1 -4 7

C hap te r 3 1. Se ar c h Ad mini str a ti on

The task counts for the current hour are updated frequently. Over the
course of an hour, the same task may be counted as both Queued and

The Distributed Agent manages ongoing Content Server jobs, such as

those related to Facets, Columns, Workflow steps, Records Management,
and the purging of deleted items. It uses Workers to process job tasks in
the background, allowing for scaling and performance, without
interfering with users’ system interactions. It can be configured to run
these tasks outside of peak usage times.

The Distributed Agent Status page, displayed in the previous figure,

provides information on the functioning of your Distributed Agent
O oN

system. It provides a graphic summary of Distributed Agent task

pe o

execution, shows Distributed Agent system outages, and displays the

status (Idle, Waiting or Running) of each Distributed Agent Worker.
n tD

From the Distributed Agent Status page, you can:

Te i

 View a graph that shows the number of queued tasks and processed
tasks for each hour of the past 12 hours
xt str

 Pause the Distributed Agent system or any of its Workers

In ibu

 Schedule an outage of the Distributed Agent system or of any of its

te te

 Assign Workers to prioritize specific tasks, such as processing


Workflow Item Handler steps


By default, the Distributed Agent Status page displays information that is

accurate for the moment when you opened it, but you can use the Refresh

Interval menu to configure it to periodically update the information that it


displays. Refresh intervals range from 5 seconds to 5 minutes. .


By default, the Distributed Agent runs three Workers on each


instance of Content Server. You can increase or decrease the

number of Workers on an instance of Content Server by editing

the opentext.ini file. Increasing the number of Workers can allow

Content Server to perform Worker tasks more quickly if your
Content Server environment has sufficient system resources

Pausing All Workers You can temporarily pause the entire Distributed Agent system if you
need to immediately shut it down cleanly. If, for example, your Content
Server database is overloaded, you could pause all of the Distributed
Agent Workers while you troubleshoot your database issue.

Pa ge 31- 48 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 31. Se ar c h Admi ni str a ti on

Pausing Individual Individual Worker processes can be paused and then restarted by using
Workers their respective Pause / Start button.

Individual Worker actions are toggled from the available Pause and
Resume buttons.

Button Action Status Button


Pause Pauses the worker Pausing Resume

Resume Starts the worker Resuming Pause

O oN

Defining a Distributed To define a Distributed Agent System outage, click Add new outage and
pe o

Agent System Outage the Outage Details dialog will display, as illustrated in the following

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Figure 31-49:

Scheduled Worker Outage


The outage can either be recurring or unique one-time event.

Why You Would Schedule a You can schedule a Distributed Agent system outage so that the system is
Worker Outage not operating during important system events.

If, for example, you take a weekly database backup that runs for three
hours on a Sunday, you can configure a recurring Distribution Agent
system outage to occur during the database backup period.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 1 -4 9

C hap te r 3 1. Se ar c h Ad mini str a ti on

Similarly, a Worker could be configured to be dedicated so that one or

more priority Tasks are ‘processed’ by that Worker. For example, in an
organization that is Workflow intensive, Item Handler rich Workflows
could be processed by the Worker, possibly aided by additional Workers,
during off-peak hours by configuring the Worker (see below) in
combination with the previously illustrated Outage configuration.
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Figure 31-50: Configure Worker Outages and Priority Tasks



In summary, in this chapter we:

 Administer Search, including: configuring search options, search

forms, search templates


 Configuring the System Object Volume, indexes, processes, extractor


 Managing Thumbnail generation, Search Agents, Search Filters,

Mandatory Terms, Distributed Agents

Pa ge 31- 50 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 31. Se ar c h Admi ni str a ti on


Get Some Help

There will be several times during this course when you will want to refer to the online help, so in
this exercise, you will make indexes for it.

1. Go to the System Object Volume of your Content Server instance by clicking the Open the
System Object Volume link in the Search Administration area of the administration pages.

2. From the Add Item menu, choose Admin Help Data Source. In the page that Content Server
O oN

opens, examine the fields on the page, asking your instructor if you want to know more
pe o

about them. Leave all of the defaults, and click the Create Processes button.

3. After a pause, Content Server will display a page with information about the progress of the
n tD

index creation. It should end with the message “Your processes were created successfully.”
Te i

If it does not end with this message, ask your instructor for help. Click the Continue button.

4. After your system finishes creating the index, you should be able to search the
xt str

administration online help from the search field of the administration help pages.
In ibu

5. Return to the System Object Volume and create an index for the User Help. When you are
finished, any user should be able to search the help files from the search field of the user
te te

help pages. Test this index.


Administer Your Content Server System


Perform the following exercises to use some of the Administration page options.

1. Navigate to the Search Bar Administration page (Hint: It is under Appearances

Administration). Add a New Search Bar Configuration and make the Search Button Text.

Change the Prompt Text to Content Server full text search. Add an additional component to

the search bar. Navigate to the Global Appearance you created in the last set of exercises
and select the search bar you just created. Browse the system to test that it appears in all

2. On the Edit the System Default Search Form, change the default so that it displays Slice and
the System Attributes section, including the Creation Date attribute under the Created By

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 1 -5 1

C hap te r 3 1. Se ar c h Ad mini str a ti on

3. Test your work: Create a new group and a new user account in that group (your instructor
can provide guidance creating users and groups, but it will be covered in a subsequent
chapter). Then log in as that user to test that:
a. Item numbers are hidden,
b. Searching from the search bar functions as you intended in step 3.
c. When you navigate to the Advanced Search Page you should see the default system
Choose Users & Groups from the Enterprise menu and then select Group from the Add Item
menu and type in a name (e.g. Documentation). Add the group.
Again, choose Users & Groups from the Enterprise menu and then select User from the Add
O oN

Item menu. Give the user a name (e.g. Fred) and make their Department the group you just
pe o

Remember to log in to your system again with the administrative account.

n tD
Te i

Generate Thumbnails
xt str

1. Create a new Collection called Thumbnails are Go.

In ibu
te te

2. Using either Search or manually ‘adding’ items to your new Collection, ensure that you have
included a few items from common MIME Types such as Word documents or Excel


3. Select the Thumbnails are Go Collection.


4. From More Actions … select Queue Thumbnail Generation and click Submit.

5. Confirm that the Thumbnail Generation reaches 100%.


6. Test the success of Thumbnail of Generation by either performing a search for the item and
using a Standard Search Display Style, changing the item so that it is displayed as a Featured

item or by visiting the Overview page for the item.


Test EXIF/XMP Search

1. Navigate to the Enterprise Workspace > Handy Images > EXIF and XMP Photo Metadata

2. Using drag-and-drop, add the C:\SamplesDocs\EXIF\xmp bike4.jpg file into the folder.

Pa ge 31- 52 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 31. Se ar c h Admi ni str a ti on

3. Run the Saved Search Query with Display Showing XMP Metadata query and confirm that
it displays “Cannon” metadata on the search results page, as illustrated in the following

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And here is the bike photo shot with a Cannon camera, based on its XMP

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 1 -5 3

C hap te r 3 1. Se ar c h Ad mini str a ti on

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Pa ge 31- 54 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 32. Man agin g t he System Obj e ct Volume (Par t I )

32. Managing the System Object Volume (Part I)


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Describe the different status values and what they mean
 Describe the configuration parameters of System Objects and their default settings
O oN

pe o

The previous chapter presented an overview of the System Object

n tD

Volume. In this chapter, we will look at the individual processes in much

more detail and discuss many configuration options.
Te i
xt str

What is the Status in the System Object Volume?

In ibu

A status column appears throughout the System Object Volume on the

te te

Admin Server, the Data Source folders for Help and the Enterprise, and
on individual processes.

Figure 32-1:

The Admin Server in the


System Object Volume


What status can the Admin server have?

The Admin Server is another object in the System Object Volume
and can have a status of:
 Active
 Unavailable
 Unknown
 Safe Mode

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 2 -1

C hap te r 32 . Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bj ec t V olu me (Pa r t I)

What Status Can a Data The status of a Data Flow Manager summarizes the current status of the
Flow Manager Have? data flow’s processes. The manager’s status will be one of the following:

Active all of the data flow’s processes are running or are

scheduled to run

Inactive n running: at least one of the data flow processes in the

data flow is idle (n indicates the number of processes
that are running or are scheduled to run)

Idle all of the processes in the data flow are idle

O oN

Problem n running: at least one of the processes in the data flow

pe o

is returning an error message (n indicates the number


of processes that are running or are scheduled to run)

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Figure 32-2:
In ibu

The Objects in the

te te

Enterprise Data Source



What Status Can a Data A process in a data flow can have the following status:
Flow Process Have?

Running The process is currently operating


Scheduled The process is set to run at a given time interval, but is


not currently running

Idle The process is stopped and is not scheduled to run

Error n The process is returning an error message. Clicking the

error takes you to the Specific page where the full error
message is displayed

Pa ge 32- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 32. Man agin g t he System Obj e ct Volume (Par t I )

The following figure illustrates the Enterprise Data Flow Manager and its

Figure 32-3:

The Data Flow Manager

O oN

and Status
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The following figure illustrates the Help Data Flow Manager, individual
processes (i.e., DW, DC, UD), and their respective status (e.g. Idle,
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Figure 32-4:

The Objects in a Help Data


Flow Manager

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 2 -3

C hap te r 32 . Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bj ec t V olu me (Pa r t I)

Overview of the Enterprise Extractor process

By default, the Extractor process is scheduled to run every minute,
checking Content Server’s DTreeNotify table for new, modified or
deleted items. This new information is then extracted and added to the
first iPool, which hands it over to the next process.

The Extractor process identifies the latest objects and then crawls
backwards to older objects in the database. This is particularly helpful
when re-indexing your Content Server data because the newest data is
indexed first, as it is usually more meaningful for your users.
O oN

OpenText recommends leaving the Start Options for the Extractor as

“scheduled”. You can change how often the scheduled process runs,
pe o

although setting it to run less frequently will mean your users cannot
search on items recently added to Content Server.
n tD

The Stop Options for this process should also be left with the default
Te i

settings. The maximum good exit code for this process is -1, meaning that
the Admin server will not restart this process if it fails. Do not modify this
xt str

number unless instructed to do so by OpenText Customer Support.

In ibu
te te

The Extractor is responsible for watching events in Content

Server, and formulating appropriate changes to the search index.

Content Server has the following features:


 Extractor Exclusion: A number of subtypes and volumes are

now excluded from indexing by default. These can be

reviewed on the Extractor General Settings configuration


 Extractor Optimizations: Email objects now support re-

ordering and collapsing of entries in the list of items to

extract in order to reduce the extractor’s workload. Email


objects now support updates to metadata without re-

indexing the email content

Pa ge 32- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 32. Man agin g t he System Obj e ct Volume (Par t I )

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Figure 32-5: The Enterprise Extractor Process Page

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 2 -5

C hap te r 32 . Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bj ec t V olu me (Pa r t I)

Configuring the Enterprise Extractor

Historically, settings for the document extractor were configured in the
opentext.ini file, however, with recent versions, some of these settings
are performed via the administration pages.

Navigate from the Administration page to Search Administration >

Configure the Enterprise Extractor Settings.

Figure 32-6:
O oN

Configure the Enterprise

pe o

Extractor Settings Link


From the Search

Administration Tab
n tD
Te i

These properties are still maintained in opentext.ini, but can now be

xt str

edited under the Set Extractor General Settings link.

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Figure 32-7:

Configure the Enterprise


Extractor Settings Page


One Extractor property is still set in the opentext.ini file:

wantDescendingExtractor. By default, this parameter does not
appear in the opentext.ini file, which is equivalent to
wantDescendingExtractor=TRUE. This means that when re-
indexing, newer items will be indexed first. To change this (so
that items are extracted from oldest to newest” you must add
the line wantDescendingExtrator=FALSE to this section.

Pa ge 32- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 32. Man agin g t he System Obj e ct Volume (Par t I )

Figure 32-8:
O oN

Extractor General Settings

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Enterprise Extractor The following settings are available for the Enterprise Extractor.

Log Level Logging refers to the level of detail captured during data extraction and

written to the Content Server thread logs: Normal (minimal data detail),

Information (more verbose), or Detailed.

Maximum Items per As mentioned in the previous chapter, the Extractor process is triggered

Extraction by events added to the DTreeNotify table. The default settings should be

retained unless directed by OpenText support to change them for

troubleshooting purposes. The extraction options for each iterative

process are: Normal Extraction, Pause Extraction, or Discard Indexing


When paused, extraction for the selected iterator does not occur.
Artifacts will begin to queue for the iterator to process, and that queue
will continue to grow until the iterator is allowed to continue processing.

Discard Indexing Requests sends a message for the iterator to stop.

Instead of queuing artifacts for processing, the iterator’s queue is
periodically cleared to prevent it from filling up.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 2 -7

C hap te r 32 . Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bj ec t V olu me (Pa r t I)

Maximum Versions to By default Content Server will index all your document versions. This can
Extract occupy a great deal of space. If your users never use the Enterprise All
Versions slice, then you can save space and CPU resources by limiting the
versions extracted. For example, a value of 5 means only the latest five
versions would be indexed.

This setting is further explained as an article in the Knowledge

Base. Refer to
O oN
pe o

Include Access Control When enabled, permission information is added to the dataflow and

Lists search index. Naturally, this will increase the amount of data retained and
consequently reduce indexing performance.
n tD
Te i

EFS Object Content / Non- Enterprise File System (EFS) objects are typically stored two ways for the
EFS Object Content Document Conversion process (DCS):
xt str

 Embed a copy of the object: this is preferred when security must be

maximized, or when the DCS does not have read access to the EFS
In ibu

 Allow DCS to read object content: files are not deleted, but instead
te te

the DCS reads the content directly from the EFS object. This is a less
secure option, but is more efficient. The best practice is to ensure that

the Admin Server has read-only permission to the EFS


Pa ge 32- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 32. Man agin g t he System Obj e ct Volume (Par t I )

For non-EFS objects (for example, Enterprise Library or Archive Server),

the object content is copied into a temporary directory for the DCS to
examine. Once processing is complete, that directory is deleted.

O oN

Figure 32-9:
pe o

Extractor General Settings

Page - Continued
n tD
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te te

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 2 -9

C hap te r 32 . Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bj ec t V olu me (Pa r t I)

iPool Limits Limits are set in MB for the total size of documents in an iPool and for
total size of a single item in the iPool. If an object that exceeds the limit for
either maximum pool size or single item size is written to the iPool, the
iPool closes and moves on to the next message.

The Number of Items refers to the number of extracted items that the
extractor will process in a single iPool message.

Typically the number of items in an iPool message are between

100 and 1000. If the number of items in the iPool message is set
too low, the overhead for iPool management and indexing
O oN

transactions can slow down the indexing process. If the size is

too high, the size limits for the messages are likely to be
pe o

n tD
Te i

Exclusion Settings Certain item types, volumes, and locations can be excluded from the
extraction. These are maintained in lists of pre-defined items, volumes,
and locations, respectively.
xt str

Click any of the edit/review buttons ( ) to review or change the settings.

In ibu
te te

Item types are presented in two groups: searchable and non-searchable

items. A Discussion, for example, is searchable, while the Enterprise

Extractor is not. Each item is presented with its unique subtype value in
brackets. These items and their subtype values are pre-defined by

Content Server, and may not be changed.


Pa ge 32- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 32. Man agin g t he System Obj e ct Volume (Par t I )

Select the items you want to exclude from the Extractor process and click

O oN
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Figure 32-10: List of the Items Which May Be Excluded in Exclusion Settings

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 2 -1 1

C hap te r 32 . Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bj ec t V olu me (Pa r t I)

You will notice that there are certain item types which are excluded by
default. For instance, Forms and Form Templates are not items which are
typically indexed for searching.

Certain volumes may be excluded from the Extractor process as well. As

was the case with item types, the volume subtype number is displayed in
parentheses and these volumes and subtype numbers are pre-defined:
they cannot be changed.
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Figure 32-11: A List of the Volumes Which May Be Excluded in Exclusion Settings

Like items, there are certain volumes, such as the System Object Volume
itself, which are not typically indexed.

Pa ge 32- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 32. Man agin g t he System Obj e ct Volume (Par t I )

You can choose a general location which will be excluded from the
Extractor process as well. Use the Browse Content Server button to
select a location to add to the list of excluded locations. The Extractor
process will skip any item within that location when indexing.

O oN
pe o

n tD

Figure 32-12: Configure Locations to Exclude

Te i

Statistics Gathering When enabled, the extractor gathers statistics for a specified number of
Settings days (the default is 7).
xt str
In ibu

The Search Indexing Extractor now supports specific lightweight

events for changes to Classification values, reducing the
te te

indexing load when manual, automatic or OTAC classification is


applied to an object.
Due to dependencies on the generation of the OTLocation

search region, mandatory patches are required if you are using

any of Email Management, Enterprise Library, Communities of

Practice, Pulse, or Classifications.


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 2 -1 3

C hap te r 32 . Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bj ec t V olu me (Pa r t I)

Index Tracer
A new system exists that tracks the performance of search indexing.

An Index Tracer volume (subtype 149) stores Tracer objects (subtype

148) every 15 minutes. The Extractor, DCS and the Index Engines all add
their time stamps when they process these objects. Searches are used to
locate these objects, and the times are tracked in a new database table.
Requires the Ascending Extractors setting is enabling on the Extractor
configuration page.
O oN

The message "Not available with the current extractor settings”

pe o

is displayed when the wantDescendingExtractor setting in the


[LivelinkExtractor] section of the opentext.ini file is set to TRUE

or when the setting is present.
n tD

It must be set to FALSE – in the opentext.ini file -- to process

Te i

information from oldest to newest.

xt str

When selected, special marker objects (i.e., Index Tracer) are injected into
In ibu

the data flow stream at regular intervals, then their progress is tracked
te te

through the indexing system to determine how fresh or stale the search
index is.

This information can be used to internally monitor indexing delays, and


may be utilized in future eDisovery and search features.


In addition to the existing DTreeNotify table for search indexing

requests, a new DTreeAspectsNotify table is monitored by the
extractor process. The DTreeAspectsNotify events are intended

to generate very specific metadata changes to the search index,


allowing more efficient search index updates. The first event

supported is Object Rank updates, which are no longer added to


Pa ge 32- 14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 32. Man agin g t he System Obj e ct Volume (Par t I )

Managing the Document Conversion Process

Once the objects needing to be indexed are discovered by the Extractor
process, they are transferred via iPools to the Document Conversion
Process. Here, the text is extracted from them using either a PDF Filter
(XPDF) or OpenText Document Filters (OTDF). In earlier versions of
Content Server, this process was very resource intensive, but these filters
now run in memory and have greatly increased performance.
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Figure 32-13: The Document Conversion Process for the Enterprise Data Flow

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 2 -1 5

C hap te r 32 . Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bj ec t V olu me (Pa r t I)

The Document Conversion process can imposes a maximum

memory usage limit on filter processes it controls. This behavior
is intended to capture unexpected rapid memory leaks. The
default is 2 GB limit. Set to 0 to disable this feature. [DCSworker]

The Document Conversion process provides a few services in Content

 It renders documents into HTML so that users can Hit Highlight or
View as Web Page from the Functions menu, in Content Server
O oN

 It converts data as it passes through an indexing data flow. In data

pe o

flows, the DCS is referred to as the Document Conversion Process


 It generates a thumbnail for a featured item, then uses that thumbnail

n tD

on the page
Te i

The Document Conversion Process start option is by default set to run

every minute so that it can frequently monitor its read directory for new
xt str

In ibu
te te

The search indexing data flows can be distributed between up to

five Document Conversion processes, providing more scalability

options for indexing and thumbnail generation. New optional

settings allow any metadata in HTML files to be converted to

OTDoc<metatag> regions for indexing.


The temporary directory becomes an editable field once you stop the
process. You can specify a particular directory here for the Document

Conversion Process to store its temporary files (e.g., a RAM drive). This
tends to be a legacy setting since most processes now run in memory.

The default maximum good exit code for this process is 20, meaning that

any error over this number will not be restarted automatically. Do not
modify this number unless instructed to do so by OpenText Customer

The DCS uses three typical document filters for Content Server
 OTDFs for MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook.
Designed by OpenText to improve performance. These
are the default filters.
 XPDF for PDF files (OTHome\filters\xpdf).

Pa ge 32- 16 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 32. Man agin g t he System Obj e ct Volume (Par t I )

OpenText Document Filters (OTDF)

Document Filters The Document Conversion (DCS) process in Content Server uses
document filters to convert items from their native file formats (for
example, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, or Adobe PDF) to a simple
text format (for example, HTML or text) for viewing or indexing in
Content Server.

The DCS is controlled by the admin servers. View as Web Page, from the
Functions menu, and Hit Highlighting are processes that are both clients
of the DCS. The document filters are built-in and included with Content
O oN

After documents are converted, most can be displayed as raster images

pe o

using View as Web Page.

n tD

The OpenText Document Filters (OTDFs) detect and convert items of the
following formats:
Te i

 Microsoft Word 95-2013

xt str

 Microsoft Excel 95-2013

 Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2013
In ibu

 Microsoft Project 95-2007

te te

 Adobe PDF



 CAD formats (e.g., CADRA, DXF, DWFx, IGES, etc.)


A list of all the supported file formats is in the Release Notes (refer to the
Document Filters Format Support section).

Documents converted with XPDF are stored in the OTHome\filters\xpdf

folder. Documents converted with QDF or OTDF are stored in the

OTHome\filters\image folder.

In addition to extracting the text for the index, the document filters are
also responsible for the “View as Web Page” option, which is available for
MIME types.

The OpenText Document Filter is the library that communicates with

DCS to detect MIME types, text and metadata extraction, and view

The library forwards TextExtraction and MIMEType detection requests

from DCS to OpenText Document Filters through the use of file names or
buffer content.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 2 -1 7

C hap te r 32 . Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bj ec t V olu me (Pa r t I)

OTDF creates a temporary file stored on disk in a temporary directory (by

default, OTHome\temp). The location of this temporary directory is set as
a tmpdir property in the MachineNameexportxxxdcsServer.ini file in
OTHome\config (e.g., traingenX2099X1800907233X0dcsServer.ini).

Microsoft Office 95-2013 documents, however, are not yet set up to

handle extraction requests on buffer content for most formats. For these
documents, and others which OTDF may not support, a temporary file is
created and used by OTDF while converting the buffer content. Each file
is uniquely identified using the date, time, and thread ID as part of the file
name. For example, a sample file may be dcs_in170714142355fltr6184
where dcs_inDDMMYYHHMMSSfltrTHREAD. Once the conversion
O oN

process is complete, the file is removed.

pe o

When performing the View as Web Page function, a similar process is

performed, where the file name is
n tD

dcs_inDDMMYYHHMMSSfltrTHREAD_x.png. The _x suffix is an integer

value, in case there are many output images.
Te i

All text extracted by OpenText Document Filters is returned to DCS

xt str

using UTF-8 encoding.

In ibu
te te

Figure 32-14: Schematic of the Search Grid

Pa ge 32- 18 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 32. Man agin g t he System Obj e ct Volume (Par t I )

Further information is available from the online help, including a list of the
supported file and MIMETypes.

The search index writes checkpoint files to consolidate

incremental playback metalogs.
Administrators now have the ability to request checkpoint
writes, generating new checkpoints if the metalogs exceed 10%
of the progress towards a natural checkpoint.
This feature is useful before a shutdown of the search grid, since
startup may be much faster with small metalog files.
O oN
pe o

Write Checkpoint Writes a checkpoint file if the metalogs are at more than 10% capacity.
This button is not available when the page reloads after you click it, or if a
n tD

checkpoint writing operation is still ongoing. Writing a checkpoint file is

Te i

useful as part of a graceful shutdown process, and can dramatically

improve startup time.
xt str

The feature is accessible on the Specific tab of the Update Distributor

administration page.
In ibu
te te

Figure 32-15:

Write Checkpoint From

the Enterprise Update
Distributor Specific Page

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 2 -1 9

C hap te r 32 . Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bj ec t V olu me (Pa r t I)

Managing the Enterprise Update Distributor

After the DCS outputs data from an iPool, an Update Distributor process
reads the output, then distributes the data to the index engines and their
respective partitions. This balances the load of data to be indexed among
the partitions.

The following figure illustrates the Specific tab.

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xt str

Figure 32-16:
In ibu

The Enterprise Update

te te

Distributor’s Specific Page


Pa ge 32- 20 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 32. Man agin g t he System Obj e ct Volume (Par t I )

The following figure illustrates the corresponding Advanced Settings.

O oN
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Figure 32-17:
n tD

The Enterprise Update

Distributor’s Advanced
Te i

Settings Page
xt str
In ibu
te te

The Update Distributor process also distributes index update requests to


index engines so that all indexed data in each partition is kept up-to-date.

To do this, the Update Distributor merges index fragments, deletes

indexed data that has been deleted from Content Server, and updates

modified items.

The following figure illustrates the corresponding Index Engines page.

Figure 32-18:

The Enterprise Update

Distributor’s List of Index

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 2 -2 1

C hap te r 32 . Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bj ec t V olu me (Pa r t I)

The default start option for the Update Distributor process is set to run
persistently because the process footprint is small and the Index Engine
processes have startup costs and many background tasks to complete
(e.g., cleanup, merge, etc.). Therefore, it is more efficient to make it a
persistent process.

In the Help files and various documents you may find references
to OT10 and OT7. These refer to the search architecture for the
various product versions. Similarly, Search Engine is often
abbreviated to SE; for example SE10.5 refers to Search Engine
O oN
pe o

Search Grid Defined:

n tD

When documentation covers the ‘Search Grid’, the term refers to

Te i

the scalable section of the Search Infrastructure. The Search

Grid section of the Search Infrastructure contains the following
xt str

minimum components:
 Update Distributor
In ibu

 Index Engine
te te

 Index1 or Index Partition


 Search Engine

 Search Federator


 Many of the processes in the System Object Volume have a “status”

value and it is important to understand what these mean so you can

quickly check the relative health of your indexing.


 There are a number of settings for the producer, intermediate and

consumer processes in the Data Flow Manager folder. Generally, you
should accept the defaults but it is helpful to know what they mean
regarding the timing of the indexing.
 While each process can be resynchronized, started, stopped, etc., it is
also possible to run actions against a data flow that affect all of the
processes within it.

Pa ge 32- 22 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 32. Man agin g t he System Obj e ct Volume (Par t I )


Work with the SOV and Extractor Exclusions

This exercise provides an opportunity to work with the System Object Volume (SOV), monitoring
the ‘ingestion’ of newly added documents and configure some Extractor Exclusion settings.

1. Start the CS16b and CS16bAdmin services, if they are not presently running as we will be
using that instance for this exercise.

2. Navigate to the Administration pages by choosing Start > Programs > OpenText Content
O oN

Server 16 (CS16b) > Content Server Administration. If prompted for the Administration
pe o

page password, enter opentext and click the Log-in button.


3. Click the Show All Sections link.

n tD
Te i

4. Navigate to the Search Administration section and click the Open the System Object
Volume link. If prompted to login, enter admin and a password of livelink.
xt str

5. Confirm the Admin Server is Active and there are no errors, as illustrated in the following
figure. Bring any errors to the attention of your instructor.
In ibu

6. Navigate to the Enterprise Workspace. Create a new folder called Do Not Extract Here.
te te

7. Return to the Search Administration page and click the Configure the Enterprise Extractor

Settings link followed by the Set Extractor General Settings link.


8. Click the edit / review list link opposite the Locations field in the Exclusion Setttings

9. Click the Browse Content Server button and select the previously created Do Not Extract
Here folder. Click the Update button.

10. Restart any CS16b services when prompted.


11. Navigate to the SOV, Enterprise Data Source Folder, Enterprise Data Flow Manager and set

the page to 30 second refresh.

12. Open an additional browser window and log in to CS16b, so that you can continue to
observe the Enterprise Data Flow Manager in the first browser window.

13. Add the same Word Document (e.g., C:\SampleDocs\Marketing Proposition.doc) to both
the Enterprise Workspace and to the Do Not Extract Here folder.

14. Make the document in the Do Not Extract Here folder a Featured Item (Hint: Properties >
General tab).

15. Wait for all of the pending items on the Enterprise Data Flow Manager to be extracted.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 2 -2 3

C hap te r 32 . Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bj ec t V olu me (Pa r t I)

16. Confirm the Featured Item appears as a Thumbnail, as illustrated in the following figure. As
you may recall, Thumbnails are created as part of the Extractor process, so we know that
this document has been ‘processed’.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

17. Use an Advanced Search (i.e., “*” wildcard, Enterprise Scope or Slice, from the Enterprise) to
search the system for your recently added – and extraction excluded – documents. Hint: If
xt str

you experience any issues with search grid components, refer to the Challenge Exercise).
In ibu

18. Confirm that the search results include the document added to the Enterprise Workspace,
but it does not include the created folder or its Featured document.
te te

Pa ge 32- 24 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 32. Man agin g t he System Obj e ct Volume (Par t I )

Restart a Search Component

This exercise allows you to practice what you have learned earlier in this chapter and to start
individual search processes.

1. In the unlikely event that you generate an error message when you perform an Advanced
Search in the previous exercise, similar to the one illustrated in the figure below:
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xt str

2. Navigate to the SOV and click the Default link to review the various processes. In this
specific example, the Search Engine has not started, it is Idle. Click the process link.
In ibu
te te

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 2 -2 5

C hap te r 32 . Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bj ec t V olu me (Pa r t I)

3. Use the Functions menu > Start to change the search process Status from Idle to Running.

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Pa ge 32- 26 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap te r 33. Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bje c t V olu me (Pa r t II )

33. Managing the System Object Volume (Part II)


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Describe how Partitions can be used to distribute the index
 Explain how indexes can be maintained using various options, including Re-Extraction
O oN

pe o

In this chapter, we continue examining the individual processes in greater

n tD

detail and discuss many configuration options.

Te i

xt str

A Partition Map is a representation of a data source’s indexing and

In ibu

searching system. Viewing a Partition Map shows the components in an

te te

indexing and searching system (for example, partitions, index engines,

and search engines).

Figure 33-1:

The Enterprise Partition


The frequency of ‘garbage collection’ operations in the search

engine has been reduced, reducing CPU use and improving
indexing throughput.
There are two potential side effects:
 The method for computing the “percent full” for a partition is
changed, and may vary slightly from previous versions
 It may appear that more memory is being used but this is not
necessarily true, since, for efficiency, Java tries to use all
the memory permitted

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 3 -1

C hap te r 33 . Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bj ec t V olu me (Pa r t II )

Status meta data includes:

 RAM (%)
 %Full is now Disk (%)
 State – Color and Value
 Admin Server – Which Admin Server the Engines are Attached To

Show percent full for each of disk and memory use.

Color code partitions in update only mode (including soft update only) in
yellow, and full partitions in red. Retired or read-only in grey.
O oN

Indicate status of each partition engine. If active, green. If starting up (or

shutting down), yellow. Red for errors. No color if inactive / not started.
pe o

Provide more detail in the text - for example, if we know a partition is

writing a checkpoint, indicate that.
n tD

Also identify which Admin Server the engines are attached to.
Te i

Links on the partition name, index engine status, search engine status and
xt str

Admin Server to appropriate configuration pages.

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te te

A new setting in the partition management page allows

additional memory to be allocated to search engines as space for

search facets.

Pa ge 33- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap te r 33. Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bje c t V olu me (Pa r t II )

Partition Map From a Partition Map, you can:

 Monitor the space being used by each partition
 Configure Partition Map component properties

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Figure 33-2:
n tD

Partition 1 and its Disk

Te i

Space Plus Rebalancing

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te te

The Specific tab, illustrated in the next figure, provides Partition Space
and Mode information for the administrator.

Figure 33-3:

Additional Partitions and

Federators Can Be Added
From the Partition Map

Partition Space The space being used is listed as a percentage full value and represents
the amount of disk or memory space (whichever is higher) currently
occupied by the content and metadata of indexed documents. The
settings page is illustrated in the previous figure.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 3 -3

C hap te r 33 . Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bj ec t V olu me (Pa r t II )

Mode The mode indicates whether the partition’s index is still accepting new
items for indexing (Read/Write), accepting updates to existing indexed
items only (Update Only), or not accepting any further updates (Read

Although you can specify the file cleanup interval, which allows unused
files in a partition's indexes to be deleted automatically, these settings are
not typically changed, unless you are directed to do so by OpenText.

Enabling search component logging can also be performed from the

Partition Map properties page. For example, search component logging
on Enterprise Search Federator 1 can be accessed by navigating to: SOV >
Enterprise Data Source Folder > Enterprise Partition Map > Enterprise
O oN

Partition Map > Enterprise Search Federator 1 > Properties > Advanced
pe o

Settings > Logging.


n tD
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Figure 33-4:

Enterprise Search

Federator Advanced
Settings Page

The Retired Partition mode of operation for search partitions

simplifies the replacement of older partitions with newer
partitions using updated settings without downtime.
In Retired mode, an index will accept updates and deletions, but
not new objects. In addition, a complete replacement of an
object in Retired mode will rebalance the object to another
partition and delete it from the original partition.

Pa ge 33- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap te r 33. Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bje c t V olu me (Pa r t II )

Adding Partitions and Search Federators

The search architecture allows you to add index Partitions and Search
Federators. Over the past few years, the search architecture has evolved
from larger index fragments to a partitioning system. An example of this is
our E-mail Monitoring solution, where increasing amounts of data needed
O oN to be indexed.
pe o

n tD

Figure 33-5:
Te i

Overview of Partitions and

Indexing Architecture
xt str
In ibu
te te

A more distributed index means the individual merges are smaller, faster,

and the partitions are spread across multiple machines and/or drives.

You can also reduce your total cost of ownership by spreading the index

across a number of smaller and less costly machines.


Additional search federators will allow parallel queries to be executed.


Add partitions to the Enterprise Partition Map to increase capacity.

Consider the search manager as a kind of load balancer for all

incoming queries. The search manager sends these queries to
the search federator, which directs each query to a specific
search engine.

Index merging operations are configured on the Specific

Properties page of the Enterprise Partition Map.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 3 -5

C hap te r 33 . Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bj ec t V olu me (Pa r t II )

Using the Add Partition Wizard

The Add Partition Wizard is available from the Enterprise Partition Map
page. Click Add Item > Partition. The menu launches the Add Partition
Wizard. There are four main sections and a Summary page to walk you
through adding partitions.

When adding and modifying search processes, particularly on

separate machines, it is important that all services have been
started by the same Windows or UNIX user account and with the
same password.
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n tD
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te te

Figure 33-6:

The Add Partition Wizard


Planning You must know some information about your existing Content Server
Admin processes, and must select unique port numbers for Admin server

Partitions You must specify the size of each partition. This will depend on two
1. How many partitions do you plan to add now and in the future?
2. Will the partitions be on one machine or on separate hosts?

Pa ge 33- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap te r 33. Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bje c t V olu me (Pa r t II )

Index Engine and Search You must decide where the files of the partition will reside. The directory
Engines (or directories) must already exist in the system.

Custom Control Rules allow you to set up automatic partition

creation based on a percentage of partition use. This is an
important option for large systems with a constant increase in
data (e.g., email monitoring systems or large amounts of bulk
O oN

Maintaining a Data Source (Re-indexing)

pe o

The maintenance task options that appear for a data source will vary
n tD

depending on which data source you are examining (e.g., a user Help Data
Source has different options than an Enterprise Data Source).
Te i
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te te

Figure 33-7:

Maintaining a Data Source


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 3 -7

C hap te r 33 . Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bj ec t V olu me (Pa r t II )

The Maintenance options for the Enterprise Data Source are illustrated in
the following figure.

O oN

Figure 33-8:
pe o

Options for Maintaining a

Data Source; Results of
n tD

Verifying Data Source

Te i
xt str
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te te

The Enterprise Data Source Maintenance options are described here:


Re-extract the data from The Extractor will start at the top of the database, and crawl down the

the source DTreeCore table without purging the existing index. When it has
completed reextracting (re-indexing), a message appears on your screen,
either listing the errors or reporting that there were no errors.

For example, re-extract if you have changed the volumes or subtypes


being indexed. Perhaps you excluded workflows previously but now want

to search on them, or you’re migrating from CS10 to CS16 and you want
to include thumbnail generation of featured items).

Purge the data flow, Deletes the contents of the index before re-extracting the data from its
reconstruct the index… source.

Gather the log files for this You can gather the search log files and archive them to a temporary log
data source directory. To avoid gathering large files, you can specify the number of
lines you want to keep.

Additionally, you can gather and archive the search.ini file, Admin Server,
and DCS configuration files.

Pa ge 33- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap te r 33. Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bje c t V olu me (Pa r t II )

Set log levels for this data This page provides a convenient interface to set unified log levels for a
source number of search components.

Log levels include:

 Info Level - all types of messages
 Status Level - periodic status messages, warning messages, and all
error messages
 Warning Level - warning messages and all error messages
 Error Level - typical error messages and severe error messages
 Severe Error Level - severe error messages
O oN

Processes to Affect, include:

pe o

 All
n tD

 Search
Te i

The corresponding logging includes the following search and/or indexing

xt str

Update Distributors
In ibu

 Index Engines
te te

 Search Federators

 Search Engines

The DCS Server check box enables or includes the log level for this

Managing Indexing and re-indexing are resource intensive because most activities
Performance involve writing to disk and using RAM resources. The vast majority of
Content Server installations will begin with at least two servers: one for

Content Server actions and the other “Admin server” for all the indexing


Just as there are many contributing factors, so, too, are there many
possible solutions, each of which depends upon the configuration of your
Content Server system. There are, however, some general lessons to
adhere to when managing the performance of the Update Distributor.

Re-index vs. Purge and When it is practical to do so, purging and indexing, in general, tends to be
Index faster than re-indexing alone.

During an indexing process, checkpoint files are written. A checkpoint file

stores partition metadata in memory. A metadata integrity checksum is
used to verify that data in the checkpoint file has not been corrupted.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 3 -9

C hap te r 33 . Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bj ec t V olu me (Pa r t II )

Depending upon the level of index validation which has been requested,
the checkpoint file is used increasingly for validation and verification of
the index. This will obviously slow down the indexing process. The topic of
Index Verification is dealt with in the 3-0128 – Content Server
Troubleshooting Workshop course.

However, when re-indexing, the indexing process also needs to create

partitions to re-extract the data from the source and reconstruct the
index. In this way, re-indexing takes considerably longer than purging and
creating a new index.

High Ingestion Another factor to consider for indexing large amounts of data is tuning
Environments the search grid.
O oN
pe o

The first tuning recommendation is the use of Low Memory mode (later in

this chapter) for storing text metadata. Low Memory mode minimizes the
n tD

number of partitions required. Indexing throughput can be significantly

improved by making adjustments to several default settings which are
Te i

otherwise optimized for storing values.

xt str

In the [Dataflow] section of the search.ini file, there are settings which
indicate when to create checkpoint files based upon certain conditions,
In ibu

such as when the metalog grows too large, or when a large number of
objects are added or modified. These settings are:
te te

 MetaLogSizeDumpPointInBytes (default 16 MB, can be raised as high


as 100 MB in Low Memory mode)

MetaLogSizeDumpPointInObjects (default 5,000, can be raised as

high as 50,000)

 MetaLogSizeDumpPointInReplaceOps (which refers to modified

objects, default 500, can be raised as high as 10,000)

If you’re using Low Memory mode, these settings can be raised in order to

allow greater throughput. This consequently reduces the occasions for

creating new checkpoint files. However, it is more likely that several

partitions will need to create checkpoint files, which places a higher load

on the disk system.

Update Batch Sizes The Update Distributor breaks input iPools into smaller batches for
delivery to index engines. The default is a batch size of 100. For Low
Memory mode, this can be higher, even as high as 500. Since the batch
size is distributed across all index engines that are currently accepting
new objects, the batch size can be increased more if you have many

Pa ge 33- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap te r 33. Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bje c t V olu me (Pa r t II )

Managing a Data Flow

You can manage a Data Flow Manager from its Properties > Specific tab.

Figure 33-9:

Actions Available for the

Enterprise Data Flow
O oN
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A time stamp indicates the last time the Data Flow was tested
n tD

and Flushed.
Te i
xt str

Data Flow Manager The following controls are available:

In ibu
te te

Resume Restarts a suspended data flow’s processes to resume search operation in

the system.

Suspend Stops all processes in the data flow. If you suspend the data flow, you

must Resume it to restart search operation in the system.


Flush Stops the data flow processes and deletes all pending iPool messages
from the data flow. You should flush a data flow if one of the processes in

the data flow appears to have trouble handling the amount of data being
written to its source data interchange pool (iPool).

Test Stops any running processes in the data flow, deletes the contents of all

iPool directories, and then attempts to send a test message through the

data flow. If Content Server encounters an error, it displays an error

message. If there are no errors, Content Server displays the contents of
the data source folder.

Perform a test if you suspect that data is not flowing properly through a
data flow.

You should never test, flush, or suspend a data flow without OpenText
Support guiding you through the process, otherwise, you are likely to
lose all of the index data.
The only operation safe to perform on your own is Resynchronize.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 3 -1 1

C hap te r 33 . Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bj ec t V olu me (Pa r t II )

Resynchronize Content Server reads the information that it has stored in the database
about the location of the iPool directories and then recreates or repairs
them as necessary. You should resynchronize the data source if one or
more of the iPool directories in a data flow has been inadvertently

After you resynchronize a data flow, test the flow of data by sending a test
message through the iPools.

For data to flow successfully through a data flow, the paths must
be valid and accurate. These paths were specified for the read
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and write data iPools of each of its processes.

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To repair a problematic data flow, ensure that the paths


displayed in the Source and Destination fields on the Specific

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pages of each process in the data flow are valid and accurate, and
then repeat the test.
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Low Memory Text Metadata Mode

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There are many different ways in which data can be stored in an index.
te te

The default mode for previous versions was Value Storage mode. In this

mode, an exact copy of the text metadata is stored, allowing it to be

retrieved in search queries.

The Metadata Memory Settings for the Partition Map will display a table

of the storage modes, how much memory is being stored for all the
regions in the mode, and the default location of storage.

There are four storage modes:


 Read / Write: this is the default mode. All objects are read from and

written to the index

Update Only: objects are added, modified, or deleted, but cannot be

retrieved from the index
 Read Only: objects can be retrieved, but cannot be added or changed
 Retired: the index accepts updates and deletions, but does not accept
new objects

By default, the regions are stored on disk, but you can use the button to
edit how, and what regions, are stored.

OpenText does not normally recommend the use of Read Only or

Update Only modes.

Pa ge 33- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap te r 33. Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bje c t V olu me (Pa r t II )

Disk Storage Method – Low Memory Mode

In the previous Content Server version, 10.5.x, as illustrated in the figure
below, there was an option to specify Low Memory Mode in the Search
Engine. This allowed many more objects to be indexed in partitions using
the DISK metadata region storage mode, with a small reduction in search

Since that time, the OpenText Search Engine has been enhanced with
more efficient modes of operation that allow more objects to be stored in
a partition (i.e., Low Memory Mode), and more efficiently indexed by
optimizing the storing if index information. These new methods have
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proven themselves to be generally superior, so as a result, Open Text has

deprecated the older competing modes of operation.
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Figure 33-10: Disk Storage Method in Content Server 10.5.x

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 3 -1 3

C hap te r 33 . Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bj ec t V olu me (Pa r t II )

Beginning with v16.0, the default of using Low Memory Mode has been
hard coded into the product, eliminating the option of using RAM storage.

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Figure 33-11: Storage Method in Content Server v16.0 Uses Low Memory Mode
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Low Memory Disk Mode The Low Memory variant allows many more objects to be stored in a
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Variant partition. Low Memory storage leverages the technology used to

te te

represent the full text index to similarly store text metadata indexes. The
text metadata values are stored in checkpoint files, and the text metadata

index and dictionary are encoded in files stored on disk.


Disk Retrieval This mode of storage is optimized for text metadata regions which need
to be retrieved and displayed, but do not need to be searchable. In this

mode, the text values are stored on disk within the checkpoint file, and

there is no dictionary or index at all. This mode is recommended only for

regions such as summaries.

Instead of choosing individual regions, you can also choose groups of


regions for moving to Memory or Disk mode. The regions are grouped, as
well, by whether or not they’re Displayable, Sortable, or based on

categories, attributes, or workflow attributes.

In general, you can convert between any of the storage modes without
adverse effects. When the Index Engines are started, changes to the
storage modes are applied to the existing index. This requires index
conversion, creation of new checkpoint files, which adds time to the start
up, depending on the size of the index, fields to convert, CPU, etc. The
process is flexible enough so that you can convert regions from one mode
to another if you discover that the region needs to be more (or less)
searchable. There are, however, certain circumstances which will
naturally affect this, such as the amount of available RAM remaining for
your partition.

Pa ge 33- 14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap te r 33. Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bje c t V olu me (Pa r t II )

The administration interfaces for search are effectively forcing “Low

Memory Mode” and “Incremental Merge Storage” methods. The
alternatives including use of RAM storage are eliminated, so no settings
are visible.

If the existing search index uses the deprecated methods, then an index
conversion will occur after synchronization and restart. If desired, you
can avoid this conversion by making the equivalent changes to search
configuration in older versions before upgrading.

Similarly, the “Update-Only” mode of operation for search partitions is

being deprecated. The automatic update-only mode has proven reliable in
the last few years, and is generally superior. This will remove considerable
O oN

complexity from the management and configuration of the search grid.

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There was a corresponding removal of Index Metalog Limits >

Other Storage Modes settings.
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The Partition memory settings as a result have been simplified, as

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illustrated in the following figure:

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Figure 33-12: Changes to the Partition Memory Settings - No Memory Region

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 3 -1 5

C hap te r 33 . Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bj ec t V olu me (Pa r t II )

And that refinement extends to the Metadata Memory settings and the
removal of the previous Memory Region options as they were no longer
required in Content Server v16.0.

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Figure 33-13: Changes to the Partition Memory Settings - No Memory Region


A Look at the Enterprise Index Directory Structure


We provide this information to enhance your understanding of indexing,


but we assume you will only look at these files in consultation with

OpenText Customer Support.

DO NOT open Windows Explorer in the index directories! These

directories are considered transitory, and if the Explorer is viewing
them when they are being deleted, misleading errors or possibly data
corruption could result.
For the same reason, avoid running automatic virus checking through
these folders as that process can also lock files.

The Extractor process stores transition files that have not yet been placed
into an iPool in the *.trn folder.

Pa ge 33- 16 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap te r 33. Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bje c t V olu me (Pa r t II )

Temporary files that are waiting to be processed in an iPool are located in

the numbered folders directly below the Enterprise folder. The *0.0 file is
the first iPool, and the *1.0 file is the second iPool.

The index is stored in the enterprise/index directory. You can note the
number of separate index files by noting how many numbered folders are
located within the index folder. From time to time the index process
merges these into larger indexes.

Refer to the Search Security chapter also, for additional

information regarding index folder structure.
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 Partitions can be used to distribute an index.

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 An index can be maintained by performing a re-extraction of the data

source, for example.
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Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 3 -1 7

C hap te r 33 . Ma na gi ng the Sy st em O bj ec t V olu me (Pa r t II )

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Pa ge 33- 18 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t er 34. A dmi n Se rv e r s and Sea r ch M ana ge r s

34. Admin Servers and Search Managers


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Describe the role of Content Server Admin servers
 Place the Admin server in Safe Mode in order to undertake system maintenance
 Resynchronize the Admin server
 Register additional Admin servers to distribute Content Server search
Describe the role of Search Managers and Search Engines and how to configure them
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The Admin server manages all the configuration information for

processes in a data flow and Hit Highlighting. Search Managers direct
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your users’ queries to an appropriate Search Engine, which then performs

the search against an index.
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What Do Content Server Admin Servers Do?


Your Content Server Admin servers are listed at the top of the System

Object Volume page. They are scheduling and watchdog servers for the
various indexing processes.

When you add data flows and configure their processes, specify
schedules for how often they should run. It is the Admin server that
records these settings and ensures the work takes place.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 4 -1

C hap te r 3 4. A dmi n Se rv e r s and S ea r ch M ana ge r s

Content Server can have multiple Admin servers, and each one can
manage different index components (for example, one could administer
the Enterprise data flow, and another a Directory Walker data flow). By
placing Content Server Admin servers on other hosts you can distribute
indexing processes across machines.

Figure 34-1:

The Admin Server in the

System Object Volume
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The Admin server and the Administration pages are not related,
despite their similar names.
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Admin servers, like Default, cannot be renamed.

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Click the Admin server to see which processes it is

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Content Server Admin The possible status values for the Admin server are: Active, Unavailable,

Server Status Unknown and Safe Mode. Each status is described below.

Unknown Content Server was able to communicate with the Admin server, but the
Admin server was unable to report the status of the process. This can

occur if the otadmin.cfg file is damaged, missing, or is not synchronized

with the Content Server database.

Unavailable The Admin server is not available and, therefore, cannot report the status

of any process. If the Content Server Admin server is not available, it is

likely that it does not exist or that its “service” has not been started.

Safe Mode The Admin server is running, but it is currently in a suspended state. Safe

Mode allows administrators to perform administration tasks on the

Admin server. Safe Mode is described in more detail later in this chapter.

Active The Admin server is running and is communicating with Content Server.

Pa ge 34- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t er 34. A dmi n Se rv e r s and Sea r ch M ana ge r s

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Figure 34-2: Configuring an Admin Server


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 4 -3

C hap te r 3 4. A dmi n Se rv e r s and S ea r ch M ana ge r s

The Document Conversion Service and Advanced Settings

The Document Conversion Service (DCS) includes a process that
converts documents from their native formats to HTML or raw text.
Content Server Admin servers manage the DCSs in Content Server.

Advanced settings for DCS are available from SOV > Process Folder >
Document Conversion Server for Default > Specific.

The DCS is referred to as the Document Conversion process, but

it is also referred to as a “service”.
O oN

Generally, the default settings should be adequate. The only

pe o

problems might be with port conflicts, in which case you can

change them.
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The on-line help describes the settings for Conversion Timeout,

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Threads and Queue Size.

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Figure 34-3:

Document Conversion

Service Settings

Pa ge 34- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t er 34. A dmi n Se rv e r s and Sea r ch M ana ge r s

Previous versions of Content Server used a Remote Method

Invocation (RMI) registry server. The RMI protocol managed
communication between different search and indexing
processes, but was removed from the product. Direct socket
communication is now used.
Also in previous versions, DCS was accessed from the Document
Conversion Service tab, however, beginning with Content Server
O oN

Putting the Admin Server into Safe Mode

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When you are performing system maintenance, such as adding more disk
space, replacing a disk, defragmenting, or similar tasks, you will need to
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suspend the Admin server. By suspending the Admin Server, all the
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indexing processes are shut down, the Admin Server goes into Safe Mode,
and it releases its lock on index files.
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Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 4 -5

C hap te r 3 4. A dmi n Se rv e r s and S ea r ch M ana ge r s

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Figure 34-4: An Admin Server in Safe Mode

Pa ge 34- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t er 34. A dmi n Se rv e r s and Sea r ch M ana ge r s

While the Admin Server is suspended, users cannot perform searches nor
will indexing take place. General browsing and other operations
throughout the system may also slow down.

If you do not know why the Admin server went into Safe Mode, open the
General page for the Admin server. The reason will be listed on the status

When maintenance tasks are completed, reset the server to bring it out of
Safe Mode.

There’s no need to resynchronize the Admin Server after suspending and

resetting it for routine tasks.
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Automatically Occasionally, an Admin server may enter Safe Mode automatically. The

Entering Safe Mode main reasons for this include:

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 A backup process, or virus scanning program has a lock on indexing

files which prevents the Admin server from writing to the otadmin.cfg
Te i

file. You should exclude the index directories from these processes
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 There is very little disk space left on the server

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Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 4 -7

C hap te r 3 4. A dmi n Se rv e r s and S ea r ch M ana ge r s

Resynchronizing the Admin Server

Information about data flow processes is stored in two places: the
Content Server database and the otadmin.cfg file of the Admin server
that watches over the process. The .cfg file is found in the installation >
config directory. Resynchronizing a Content Server Admin server
updates the information in the Admin server’s local otadmin.cfg file with
the information stored in the database. If corrections are needed, the
Admin server will stop the process that is having a problem, correct it, and
set it back to its original state (i.e., whichever status it had before the
O oN
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When do you need to resynchronize the Admin server?


 The otadmin.cfg file has been moved

n tD

 After a power failure

Te i

 After changing a disk

After changing information on the Admin server, such as
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port number or host name
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 During an upgrade
te te

 After resetting the Admin server (after it was in Safe Mode),

but only for complex tasks

When repairing the problem(s), the Content Server Admin server creates
or deletes objects as necessary to reflect the updated information. Users

can continue to search during a resynch but if the index is rebuilt then

searching will be interrupted.

You can resynchronize a Content Server Admin server at any time;


however, Content Server automatically prompts you to resynchronize a


Content Server Admin server after you change its host name or port
number, or if you connect to a different database.

You may also resynchronize individual processes within a data

flow. This takes much less time, but is generally done for testing
purposes. Because so many of the processes are interrelated
through iPools and other means, resynchronizing the Admin
server is a more common strategy.

Pa ge 34- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t er 34. A dmi n Se rv e r s and Sea r ch M ana ge r s

The following figure illustrates the progress of the resynchronization of

an Admin Server. Notice how most processes did not require repairs,
while there were a handful of similar repairs performed.

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Figure 34-5:

Sample Resynchronization
Message Example 1

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 4 -9

C hap te r 3 4. A dmi n Se rv e r s and S ea r ch M ana ge r s

The following output, as illustrated in the following figure, is an example

from another system (i.e., TrainGen), where there were orphaned or
unknown processes. As an administrator, you would want to contact
OpenText Customer Support for their recommendations on how to
remedy the orphaning..

Figure 34-6:
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Sample Resynchronization

Message Example 2
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How long will it take to It depends on the following:

resynchronize the Admin
te te

 The hardware used for Content Server
The number of processes controlled by the Admin server

 The number of repairs needed for those processes


Pa ge 34- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t er 34. A dmi n Se rv e r s and Sea r ch M ana ge r s

Additional Admin Servers

Indexing requires CPU and disk resources, so administrators can place
indexing processes on other machines with separate Admin servers.
Additional Admin servers can host index components such as data flow
processes and additional search engines.
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Figure 34-7:

Adding a New Admin

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Server to the System

Object Volume
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In order to set up additional Admin servers on different machines, you


need to:
Perform a regular Content Server installation. During the installation,

you will assign the Admin service a port number
 After the installation, you need to register the remote Admin server
with the Content Server on the primary host

When you add an additional Admin server, you are really

registering an additional Admin server that has been installed on
another machine. You need that server’s port number and host
name, and you will assign the server an alias and password.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 4 -1 1

C hap te r 3 4. A dmi n Se rv e r s and S ea r ch M ana ge r s

Distributing Indexing Although the Extractor process can run on any server, it is simplest to
Example configure it on the first Content Server installed. The easiest way to
distribute indexing is to:
1. Install Content ServerA on ServerA and create the Enterprise index
as you normally would, then
2. Install Content ServerB on ServerB and connect to the same database
as Content ServerA. At the end of the install Content ServerB will
recognize that an Admin server is already present. You can accept
that as the Default. Finally,
3. Content ServerA will be your Admin server and perform all the
indexing tasks. You will direct all your user’s requests through
O oN

Content ServerB.
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In this configuration, ServerA, functioning as the Admin server, will be the

“back end”. ServerB, accepting user requests, is the “front end”.
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Search Path Management

xt str

The Search Path Management page is available via the Administration

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page > Search Administration section > Open the System Object
te te

Volume link > Admin Servers section > [named] Admin Server > Data
Source Folder's Functions icon, and choose Path Management.

The page allows you to display and edit the file paths used by the search

system. The information on the page has been extended to display the
search processes that rely on each path. This change makes it easier to

understand which file paths need editing especially when upgrading from

previous versions or when specific indexing processes are to be moved to

new system hardware.

Pa ge 34- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t er 34. A dmi n Se rv e r s and Sea r ch M ana ge r s

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Figure 34-8: Admin Server Path Management

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 4 -1 3

C hap te r 3 4. A dmi n Se rv e r s and S ea r ch M ana ge r s

Search Managers and Search Federators

When you execute a query in Content Server, the following actions occur
(see the following figure):
 The Search Manager accepts search requests (in the form of a Query)
from users in Content Server and then gives the request to a Search
 The Search Federator gives the Query to all the Search Engines that it
 The Search Engines search their partitions’ indexes, and then produce
search results based on the data they locate
O oN

 The Search Engines give the search results to the Search Federator
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which merges together all the search results and then gives the final
search results to the Search Manager
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 The Search Manager accepts the search results and gives them to
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Content Server to be displayed to users in Content Server on Search

Result pages
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Figure 34-9:

Illustration of the Path a


Search Request Takes

From the Initial Request, to

the Index Partition, and

Back Again

Pa ge 34- 14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t er 34. A dmi n Se rv e r s and Sea r ch M ana ge r s

When the Query results are sent to the Search Manager, they
are also checked for permissions by querying the Database.
Users will never see results on which they don't have at least See
Contents permission.

If several users perform searches at the same time, the Search Manager
spreads the requests across several Search Engines and reduces queuing.

A new setting in the partition management page allows

O oN

additional memory to be allocated to Search Engines, nominally

as space for search Facets.
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Resynchronizing the Search Engine verifies the process against the

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Admin server, and makes corrections if necessary.

Managing a Search Federator, for example, the Enterprise Search

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Federator 1, can be performed using the Enterprise Search Manager.

Status and port information can be observed from the Specific tab.
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In summary, in this chapter we:

Describes the role of Content Server Admin servers

Places the Admin server in Safe Mode in order to undertake system


Resynchronizes the Admin server

 Discussed the registering of additional Admin servers to distribute


Content Server search


 Described the role of Search Managers and Search Engines and how
to they are configured

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 4 -1 5

C hap te r 3 4. A dmi n Se rv e r s and S ea r ch M ana ge r s

Test Your Knowledge

1. When would you put the Admin server into Safe Mode? When might it go into Safe Mode on
its own?


2. When would you resynchronize the Admin server?

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3. Why would you add additional Admin servers?

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Pa ge 34- 16 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t er 34. A dmi n Se rv e r s and Sea r ch M ana ge r s


Admin Server Safe Mode and Resynchronize

This exercise provides an opportunity to work with the Admin Server, its Safe Mode and

1. Start the CS16b services, if they are not presently running as we will be using that instance
for this exercise.

2. Navigate to the Administration pages by choosing Start > Programs > OpenText Content
O oN

Server 16.0 (CS16b) > Content Server Administration. If prompted for the Administration
pe o

page password, enter opentext and click the Log-in button.


3. Click the Show All Tabs link.

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4. Navigate to the Search Administration section and click the Open the System Object
Volume link. If prompted to login, enter admin and a password of livelink.
xt str

5. Confirm the Admin Server is Active and there are no errors. Bring any errors to the
attention of your instructor.
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6. From the Default Admin Server’s Functions menu, select Suspend Server. The Status should
te te

display Safe Mode.


7. From the Default Admin Server’s Functions menu, select Reset Server. The Status should

display Active.

8. From the Default Admin Server’s Functions menu, select Resynchronize. When prompted,

confirm the action and click the OK button.


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 4 -1 7

C hap te r 3 4. A dmi n Se rv e r s and S ea r ch M ana ge r s

9. When the page states that resynchronization is complete, review the sync activity and
record any situations were a search process has to be created/recreated or repaired and
details concerning the details of the repair. Compare your list with the following example,
illustrated below:

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10. Click the Continue link to return to the System Object Volume.

Pa ge 34- 18 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t er 34. A dmi n Se rv e r s and Sea r ch M ana ge r s

iPools and the Data Flow Manager

1. Browse to the System Object Volume. From your Default Admin server’s Functions menu,
select the Suspend Server function. What is the Admin server’s Status? Navigate to the
Admin server’s Properties > General page and view the information. Perform a search; what
message is displayed?
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2. Add a document, then check the iPools (in the Enterprise Data Flow Manager folder). Is the
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document being indexed? What are the statuses of the processes in the Enterprise Data
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Flow Manager? What are the statuses of the iPools? Navigate back to the Content Server
System page and choose Reset Server from the Admin server’s Functions menu.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 4 -1 9

C hap te r 3 4. A dmi n Se rv e r s and S ea r ch M ana ge r s

3. Return to the Enterprise Data Flow Manager and ensure that the new document is being
indexed. Compare the statuses of the processes and iPools now that you restarted the
Admin server.

4. Perform a search: what message is displayed?

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Pa ge 34- 20 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a p te r 3 5. C u s to m i z i n g Se ar ch f or End Use r s

35. Customizing Search for End Users


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Describe how an administrator can enhance the search capability for Content Server users
 Display additional custom and system attributes on the search page
 Customize the list of slices available on the search bar and Advanced Search page
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As the Content Server search administrator, there are several things you
can do to enhance searching for end users. This chapter and the following
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one will point you in the right direction.

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Configuring the End User’s Search Experience

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Search is a very powerful tool that can save your end users hours of
browsing for information.

There are many ways of using search, and Content Server provides a

number of configuration options that allow you to ensure your end users
have powerful and complex searches.

There are four main methods for searching Content Server:


1. Enter search terms from the Quick search bar or the


Advanced Search Page.

2. Execute a saved query.

3. Perform a search from a user or System Search template.

4. Use a custom slice that has been set up to filter the search

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 5 -1

C hap te r 3 5. C usto mizi ng Se ar ch for End Use rs

Changing the Search Bar or Panel

By default, users will view the Standard search bar (as configured in the
Appearances Administration > search bar Administration page) in all
folders throughout the Enterprise Workspace. Administrators can
change the Standard search bar options and create additional search bars
with custom options.

From the administration pages select Appearances Administration >

Search Bar Administration.

If you wish to have any search bar (other than the Standard search bar)
O oN

appear in a folder, you must add an Appearance to the folder, enable it,
and choose the alternate search bar on the Content Server Components
pe o

section, as was previously discussed in the Appearances chapter.

n tD

The Search Bar Administration page allows the system administrator to

create new search bar configurations and modify existing configurations
Te i

for the Appearance designer to select when creating Appearances.

xt str

Content Server caches many settings. Therefore, when

In ibu

modifying these configurations you may need to refresh the web

te te

browser and/or restart Content Server service to see the

changes. The Admin Service may also need to be restarted for

new settings to take effect.


Administrators should note that the brokerObjectsCacheExpire

setting is what really controls these items.

General Search Administration Settings


Returning to the Search Bar Administration page as shown in the earlier


figure, each search bar can be configured individually by clicking the Edit


Select the default mode according to your communities’ needs. You have
a choice of Icon or Text for the search button. A help link can be shown or

The following figure displays a number of different ways in which users

can search the system, including Slices, filtering by Object type, and even
complex searches using query language.

Pa ge 35- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a p te r 3 5. C u s to m i z i n g Se ar ch f or End Use r s

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Figure 35-1: System Administrator Has Many Options to Configure Searching


The (qlright-truncation "sky" OR qlright-trunction "air") OR


(qleft-truncation "dome" OR qleft-truncation "center") advanced

search query (illustrated in the previous figure) returns results

like the following:


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 5 -3

C hap te r 3 5. C usto mizi ng Se ar ch for End Use rs

Here are some examples of what you can configure:

 Modify the default search form that users see on their Advanced
Search page
 Create and save custom queries for specific users and groups to
 Create additional slices, and set permissions on them, to target
specific users and/or groups
 Display additional system attributes to help users retrieve a more
granular set of data
 Learn the advantages of using the Content Server Query Language
O oN

 Set up appropriate categories and attributes, and define relevant

pe o

search queries and templates based on these attributes


 Display custom attribute values on the Search Results page

n tD

Full Text Settings The system administrator has full control over what the Appearance
Te i

designer can select.

xt str

The Include check box turns the full text search on or off, as illustrated in
the following figure.
In ibu

The Search Bar and Search Panel are the interfaces end users employ
te te

most frequently when searching. They can be configured from the

Appearances Administration > Search Bar Administration area. Clicking

the Edit icon for the Standard search bar displays the system default

settings. Components can be added or deleted from the interface through

the check boxes in the Show column.

Searchable Types is similar to slices because it is another way of

filtering the search. You must decide how to present both

options to your users.


Creating and Organizing Slices

Saved Queries When you save a query in Content Server, everyone who can browse to
the query can run it. This allows all users to run targeted, complex queries
without having to know how to create them.

Slices A more general method of helping your users search is to create a custom
slice. Content Server automatically creates three default slices:
Enterprise, Enterprise [all versions] and From Here. Slices are a special
kind of query, or search filter, through which your users can perform
more granular searches.

Pa ge 35- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a p te r 3 5. C u s to m i z i n g Se ar ch f or End Use r s

Administrators can save queries in the Slice Folder which is accessible

throughout the system in the drop-down list beside the search bar, as
illustrated in the next figure.

Adding slices to the drop-down list makes granular searching easier for
end users.

Figure 35-2:
O oN

Slices Saved in the Slice

pe o

Folder Will Appear in the

Search Bar Drop-down
n tD

Te i
xt str
In ibu

Slices are cached and, by default, the cache expires every 5 minutes.
te te

Cache settings can be changed in the opentext.ini file using the

brokerCacheExpire setting, although it is not recommended without

direction from OpenText support. Only the number of brokers and

number of region sets are modifiable from the bottom of the Configure

Search Options page, as discussed in an earlier chapter.


To create a slice:
Navigate to the Advanced Search page and create a query. For

example, add System Attributes to the search form and select

Tasks from the Content Type menu to create a slice that only

searches through tasks.


Examples of custom slices:

 Manufacturers might want to create a slice for each major product
line that includes both their Content Server system and their intranet
 Banking organizations might want to create a slice for each major
type of customer
 You might want to create slices on specific document types or on
discussions only

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 5 -5

C hap te r 3 5. C usto mizi ng Se ar ch for End Use rs

From an end user perspective, Slices are similar to Search Forms, because
both help to refine the search, but slices are more generic and simpler to

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Figure 35-3: Create a Slice by Saving a Query in the SOV’s Slice Folder

Complex Slices You can combine slices to create a slice composed of other slices.

For example, you may have created separate slices for your IT

department’s software support and your Help Desk’s problem resolution


reports. For your technical users, it is important that these be separate

because they wish to perform tightly focused searches. However, for your
general users you will combine these two slices into one “technical info”

To search on multiple slices at the same time:

1. Navigate to your Advanced Search page.
2. Make sure Slices is added to the Advanced Search form.
3. Hold your Ctrl key down and select the slices on which to search from
the Scope menu.

Pa ge 35- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a p te r 3 5. C u s to m i z i n g Se ar ch f or End Use r s

You can create a complex slice (i.e., “multiple slices slice”) by entering an
asterisk in the Search field and clicking the Save as Slice button.

Figure 35-4:

The Search Will Be Filtered

Through Both the
Enterprise and the Help

Configuring Slice You can control the order in which slices are displayed for searching.
O oN

Order System Object Volume (SOV) > Slice Folder > Configure Slices (from the
pe o

Functions menu) will take you to the Slice Folder configuration page.

n tD

There are three selections you can make to control the slice order:
1. Alphabetical, with Enterprise first
Te i

2. Alphabetical
xt str

3. Custom
In ibu
te te

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 5 -7

C hap te r 3 5. C usto mizi ng Se ar ch for End Use rs

By default, slices are arranged alphabetically. However, if you choose the

Custom order option, you have the ability to choose Available slices and
add them to the Displayed column. Re-order the Displayed slices using
the up/down navigation buttons.

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Figure 35-5: Slice Folder Configuration Page


You can set permissions on slices from the Slice Folder to restrict
who sees what slice.

Pa ge 35- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a p te r 3 5. C u s to m i z i n g Se ar ch f or End Use r s

Creating a Custom View Search From a Saved Query

Custom View Searches are based upon saved search queries. You can set
up the basic search parameters for your user’s convenience, but then
allow them to change specific values prior to running the query. In the
following figure, an Advanced Search on the term “customer service” is
O oN performed which includes the Customer Feedback category.
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Figure 35-6: Advanced Search Which Includes the Customer Feedback Category

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 5 -9

C hap te r 3 5. C usto mizi ng Se ar ch for End Use rs

Click the Save Search Query button to save this search as a query. In the
following figure, the query has been saved as a query called “Quick
Customer Feedback” in the Customer Service folder. Using the saved
query’s Functions menu, select Make Custom View Search.

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Figure 35-7: Make Custom View Search From Saved Quick Customer Feedback Query

Pa ge 35- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a p te r 3 5. C u s to m i z i n g Se ar ch f or End Use r s

Parameters which were used in the saved Search Query are copied into
the new Custom View Search. Some of the parameters, such as the Text,
Content Type, etc., can be either preserved as default values or
overridden. These values have the Show property enabled. In the figure
below, the full text and the attributes of the Category are shown.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

Figure 35-8:
xt str

Select Parameters to
Preserve or Override in the
In ibu

Custom View Search

te te

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 5 -1 1

C hap te r 3 5. C usto mizi ng Se ar ch for End Use rs

Content Server automatically assigns an object ID and file name to the

Custom Search View. By default, it creates a customized view, so the
search pane normally appears in the Featured section. If you select
Configure from the OutdoorGear Library Functions menu, you will see
the object name and ID created by the Custom View Search too.

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Figure 35-9: Custom View Search Added to Customer Service Folder

Unlike a regular Custom View, the Search Custom View cannot

be edited once it is saved. If you want to change something, such
as the parameters you include, you have to delete the Search
Custom View and create a new one from the saved Search

Pa ge 35- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a p te r 3 5. C u s to m i z i n g Se ar ch f or End Use r s

In this chapter, we:
 Described how an administrator can enhance the search capability
for Content Server users.
 Customized the default search page.
 Displayed additional custom and system attributes on the search
 Customized the list of slices available on the search bar and Advanced
Search page.
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Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 5 -1 3

C hap te r 3 5. C usto mizi ng Se ar ch for End Use rs


Create Search Templates and Saved Queries

In this exercise, you have the opportunity to Create an Advanced Search that uses Category and
Attribute values and save it as a search form.

1. Navigate to the Advanced Search page. Select the Customer Feedback Category and Build
a query using the following attributes:
O oN
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n tD
Te i

2. Save this as both a Saved Search Query in the Enterprise Workspace and as a Personal or
System Search Form.
xt str
In ibu

Create a Slice
te te

In this exercise, you will create a query that searches only discussions, and save this to the Slice


From the Advanced Search page, search for the word “Product” and view the overwhelming number
of results. Now select “Content Type: Discussions” from the drop-down and perform the same

search. Fewer results are gathered. Save as Slice to make this kind of search filtering much easier.

Alternatively, you can save this as a Search Query to the Slice folder. First, save the search as a
Search Query. Give the new query a name, then click the Browse Content Server button and

navigate to the Content Server System and then into the Slice Folder (Content Server > Content
Server System > Slice Folder) thus:

Pa ge 35- 14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C h a p te r 3 5. C u s to m i z i n g Se ar ch f or End Use r s

In order to test the “Discussions Only” Slice, you must have the same content both
in a discussion, and in a document, folder, etc. “Product” is one word that works,
try and find one or two others.

1. Navigate to the Search Administration section of the Admin Pages, and click the Edit the
System Default Form link.

2. Click the System Attributes link, and then choose Creation Date from the Additional
Attributes menu.

3. Click Update to save your changes.

O oN

4. How can you test this?

pe o

One way is to confirm that you have a Product Discussions slice on the Advanced Search
n tD

page, as illustrated in the figure below:

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Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 5 -1 5

C hap te r 3 5. C usto mizi ng Se ar ch for End Use rs

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Pa ge 35- 16 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 36. R e g io ns and Adva nce d Conf i g ura ti on f or End Use r s

36. Regions and Advanced Configuration for End Users


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Explain the benefit Regions and the Query Language offers end users
 Display selected metadata on the Search Results page
O oN

pe o

As the Content Server search administrator, there are several things you
n tD

can do to enhance searching for end users.

Te i

This chapter will point you in the right direction and continues where the
previous chapter left off. We will focus on Regions and additional
xt str

‘advanced’ configurations to help end users benefit from Content Server’s

powerful search.
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Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 6 -1

Chapte r 36. R e gi ons a nd A dvanc e d Conf i gur a ti on f or En d Use r s

Regions and the Content Server Query Language

Regions are how Content Server indexes metadata such as name, created
by, workflow attributes, form fields, attribute values from custom
categories, and much more. In short, a Region is a metadata field, roughly
analogous to a column in a database table. We are going to work through
a scenario in order to demonstrate how Regions can help us create very
sophisticated slices.
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Figure 36-1:

Regions are Located in the

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Properties Menu of the

Enterprise Search
te te


The Content Server Query Language is described in detail in the

end user help. There are two types of searches you can perform
only through the query language (rather than the advanced
search page):
 Proximity searches
 Searches using parenthetical statements
The example on this page shows that the Content Server Query
Language can be handy for complex searches using attributes as

Pa ge 36- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 36. R e g io ns and Adva nce d Conf i g ura ti on f or End Use r s

Scenario A restaurant chain is expanding across the country and they use Content
Server to manage their expansion. For each new restaurant they create a
project to store blueprints, lease information, tasks, discussions,
miscellaneous documents and legal contracts. Each project has a folder
called “Legal” with similar files in it. They would like to search all the Legal
folders at once, and avoid navigating to each project. How can they do

The Region “OTLocation” indexes the location of an item by its dataid. Its
Displayable check box is selected, which means that, by default, Content
Server displays the location of each retrieved object on the Search
Results page.
O oN

Suppose that two of the Legal folders in the above scenario have dataids
pe o

of 3321 and 4687. Here is the Content Server Query Language syntax

that creates a query that searches both of them:

n tD

("OTLocation": "3321") or ("OTLocation": "4687")

Te i

You must choose “Complex Query” and you can either string together all
the locations in one line, using parentheses, or duplicate the Full Text field
xt str

so each “OTLocation” is on a separate line with the “Or” operator

between each line.
In ibu

Saving this query as a slice creates an interface that only searches

te te

through the specified folders and all their subfolders.


Figure 36-2:

OTLocation is Found
Further Down the List of

The Region names for forms now have a standardized naming

convention: OTForm_<templateID>_<attributeID>. This
change allows predictable use of forms Regions in search
queries, and simplifies management of search Regions.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 6 -3

Chapte r 36. R e gi ons a nd A dvanc e d Conf i gur a ti on f or En d Use r s

Making Regions Queryable

As discussed, Content Server uses Regions to index metadata such as
name, creation date, and assigned to.

The online Admin Help contains descriptions of all the default

Regions on a page called “Defining Index Regions”.
O oN
pe o

Figure 36-3:
n tD

The Regions Columns are

Name, Display Name,
Te i

Queryable, Displayable,
Search by Default,
xt str

Sortable, and Filter

In ibu
te te

The following figure illustrates a number of the Regions, including: Name,


Date, and Size.


Figure 36-4:

Some of the Regions on the


Enterprise Index

Pa ge 36- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 36. R e g io ns and Adva nce d Conf i g ura ti on f or End Use r s

The Region options are:

Queryable Checking these Regions makes them selectable on the Additional

Attributes drop-down menu on the Advanced Search page. You can add
additional Regions if you think they will help your end users (for example,
you could make form fields queryable so your users could search for
O oN specific form data).
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Figure 36-5: “Queryable” Means the Regions Will Appear on the Advanced Search Page’s Additional Attributes

Displayable Makes Regions potentially displayable on the Search Results page (e.g.
OTLocation is displayable by default). The Regions may still have to be
selected from the Edit Display Options menu.

Search by Default When you perform a search using the Enterprise or Enterprise [All
Versions] slice, you can query data from these Regions (unless you choose
the Content Only option).

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 6 -5

Chapte r 36. R e gi ons a nd A dvanc e d Conf i gur a ti on f or En d Use r s

Sortable There is a Sort drop-down list on the Search Results page which defaults
sorting by “Relevance”. “Date” and “Size’ are also options. Selecting the
Sortable check box places the Region on that drop-down list . Note: only
the results for a single Search Results page will be sorted unless you save
these options to a Search Result Template.

Figure 36-6:

“Sortable” Means the

Regions Will Appear on the
Search Results Page’s Sort
O oN

drop-down list
pe o

n tD

Filter When this value is enabled for a Region, it becomes available on the
Configure Search Filters page. Then, if you make it “Active”, it is available
Te i

for the Search Results page.

xt str
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Figure 36-7:

“Filter” Means the Regions

Will Be Available as Search
Filters on the Search

Results Page

Ensure you have all appropriate Regions configured to search by

default so that important data does not “slip through” your users’

Pa ge 36- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 36. R e g io ns and Adva nce d Conf i g ura ti on f or End Use r s

Note that Category Attributes cannot be made Queryable.

Development decided these Attributes should appear in the
search interface only through the Categories link on the
Advanced Search page. In order to make an attribute queryable
through that Category interface, you must select its Show in
Search check box when you add or edit the attribute.
All attributes are queryable through the Content Server Query
Language, but “Show in Search” makes it Queryable through the
Advanced Search page.
O oN

Each index (Enterprise, Help, Directory Walker, etc.) has its own
pe o

Regions—but the Advanced Search and Display Options pages


incorporate all available slices.

n tD
Te i

Changing Region Once a metadata Region type definition is made, it is remembered in the
Types search index. If no explicit type definition was made, the Region will be a
xt str

TEXT type.
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It is possible to change the type definition for an existing Region, but not
between all types (see Tips at the end of the chapter). For a type
te te

conversion to succeed, the format of the values for the target Region type
must be compatible with the format of the values of the current type. For

example, if you try to change the type of a Region from TEXT to INTEGER,

there will be problems if one of the values is currently ‘John Doe’.

To change a Region’s data type, locate the Region in the


OTHome\config\LLFieldDefinitions.txt file and set it to the desired type.


For example, in the following figure, the Customer Feedback Report

number field had not been assigned a data type, so it defaulted to TEXT.

Here, the administrator replaces the TEXT type with the INTEGER type.

Figure 36-8: TEXT INTEGER OTCustomerFeedbackReportNum

Changing a Region Type in


Restart the search processes after you make changes to the

LLFieldDefinitions.txt file. It is strongly recommended that you
back up an index before converting Region types. You should
always check the log file, too, to make sure that conversion was

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 6 -7

Chapte r 36. R e gi ons a nd A dvanc e d Conf i gur a ti on f or En d Use r s

Region Attributes, Modifiers, and Purging

Region Attributes Beginning with Content Server v10.5, it allows the use of attributes with
text Regions. There are limitations to attribute use: currently, OTName,
OTDComment, and OTGUID are the only Regions using attributes.

A Region attribute is a supplementary property of the Region.

Multilingual Regions are a good example. Consider a Region named
“Document” in English, but “Fichier” in French.

Select the Functions menu of the Enterprise Search Manager > Properties
> Region Attributes.
O oN

The Region Attributes page is a text box which accepts key-value pairs for
pe o

the attributes. For example in the figure below, the OTName Region has
been assigned language values for English (the default), French, and
n tD

German. Each key-value pair is separated by a comma.

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Figure 36-9: Setting Region Attributes for OTName


Region Modifiers The search engine now supports a Region modifier for search queries: the

“like” operator. When the modifier is applied to PartNum Regions, the

“like” operator tries to match common patterns instead of searching for

exact matches. The “like” keyword is supported in Full Text and Advanced

As well, there may be some Regions, such as requisition numbers, part

numbers, or file names, which do not follow conventional grammatical
rules, and therefore, may obfuscate the search engine when searching
text phrases.

Pa ge 36- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 36. R e g io ns and Adva nce d Conf i g ura ti on f or End Use r s

The Region Modifiers tab of the Enterprise Search Manager is used to

configure Regions with exceptional grammar and to support the “like”
keyword. Only TEXT type Regions can be used.

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Figure 36-10: Region Modifiers Tab of the Enterprise Search Manager Properties
In ibu
te te

In the example above, Regions which have unconventional grammar are

written in the first text area. Regions which support the “like” keyword

are placed in the second text area. Regions in each text area are separated

by commas. After these settings have been changed, you must restart the
indexing process.

The “like” keyword is especially useful for performing fuzzy searches on


unconventional fields, such as part numbers and file names.

Purge Regions There are many Regions which are listed in the Regions tab, but not all of

them exist in the search index. Some Regions are not used, although they

may be in the future. Nevertheless, Content Server assembles a list of

unused Regions and summarizes them in the Purge Regions tab of the

Enterprise Search Manager.

Administrators may review the list of unused Regions, determine if the

Regions are required and, if not, enable the Purge check box. When the
selections are updated, the Regions are removed from the search index
and from the Region Map.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 6 -9

Chapte r 36. R e gi ons a nd A dvanc e d Conf i gur a ti on f or En d Use r s

Regions which are purged will be added again later if content is indexed
containing that same metadata.

Figure 36-11:

Purge Regions Tab of the

Enterprise Search
Manager Properties
O oN
pe o

n tD

Removing Empty Regions When the search engine starts, it will automatically remove any empty
Te i

Region from the search index by default. If an empty Region is detected

and removed, it triggers the creation of a new checkpoint file. Some
applications in Content Server create Regions with temporary objects.
xt str

When those objects are subsequently deleted, the empty Regions remain,
and are eventually “garbage-collected” by the system.
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te te

Configure Required Search Result Fields


From the administration pages, select Search Administration > Configure

Required Search Result Fields.

To specify that certain result fields may not be removed from the Search
Results pages by the end user, select those fields from the Available (left)
side of the page and click the right arrow button to move them to the

Required (right) list.


Figure 36-12:

Configuring Required
Search Result Fields

Pa ge 36- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 36. R e g io ns and Adva nce d Conf i g ura ti on f or End Use r s

Searching on Office Document Properties

Many organizations use Microsoft Office applications and leverage the
Properties attributes to store metadata. These properties are preserved
and indexed when the document is added to a Content Server repository.
As an administrator, you can access these OLE properties in Content
O oN Server Regions.
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Figure 36-13:
xt str

Example of Microsoft
Word 2007 File (OLE)
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te te

The online Admin Help discusses the indexing of these properties in the

[QDF] section. Indexing is controlled by the outputOLEInfo setting (true/


The basic syntax for indexing these properties is to append OTDoc- to the
OLE name (e.g. ‘Author’ becomes ‘OTDocAuthor’).

To search within a specific property, you can use the following Content
Server Query Language syntax:
“OTDocAuthor”:“Thomas Pynchon”

Almost every field on the Properties dialog box is indexed by default

(General, Summary, etc.).

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 6 -1 1

Chapte r 36. R e gi ons a nd A dvanc e d Conf i gur a ti on f or En d Use r s

For most Content Server content, categories and attributes have much
more flexibility for metadata collection and search, but there may be
some cases where you wish to leverage the OLE properties.

Figure 36-14:

MS OLE Properties as They

Appear on the Regions
O oN

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xt str

Nickname Settings There are parameters that can be configured for the Nickname section. A
Nickname-based search will query the database, not the full text index.
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This is the same as previous versions of Content Server.

te te

The Search Bar Nickname is available from the Administration

menu > Appearances Administration > Search Bar

Administration. There are several search bars available. Since

every search bar is an item in Content Server, every search bar

therefore has its own nickname. Select a search bar to view or


edit its nickname.

To clarify, Content Server does not perform a full-text index

search on nicknames but rather a database search (sometimes

referred to as a lookup).

Pa ge 36- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 36. R e g io ns and Adva nce d Conf i g ura ti on f or End Use r s

Searching and Displaying Metadata

There are three general types of metadata present on the Regions page:
System Attributes, Custom Attributes, and Metadata from Other

System Attributes For example, OTLocation, OTName, etc. These attributes are found on
each object’s Properties pages.

Custom Attributes Custom categories allow you to apply additional metadata to items such
as documents. For example, information such as Author, Product Code,
and Language will help users to search for very specific information:
O oN

 Users can be automatically prompted to fill in attributes as they add

pe o

items to a folder if a category is assigned to the folder


 You can design category templates and add them into the Category
n tD

Volume or to another Content Server location

Te i

 When designing categories, make essential attributes required, so

that users must assign appropriate values as they add documents into
Content Server
xt str

 Create slices based on custom attributes

In ibu

If the attribute you create is intended to be available to users for

te te

searching, you must enable the “Show in Search” property of the


The Region Map is the list of search metadata Regions within the

Search Manager. The Regions page is used to review the list and
modify the properties of the search Regions.

A number of performance and feature improvements have been

incorporated, and the Region Map data is now stored in the


Default permissions on categories added to the Categories

Volume are See and See Contents, which are sufficient for all
users to search on the attributes.
“Show in Search” enables users to use the attribute when

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 6 -1 3

Chapte r 36. R e gi ons a nd A dvanc e d Conf i gur a ti on f or En d Use r s

Figure 36-15:

A Typical Attribute With

the “Show in Search”
O oN

Check Box
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n tD
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te te

Metadata From Other Microsoft Office OLE metadata, form, and workflow metadata fields are
Sources also present on the Regions page. Installing additional modules like

Records Management will add even more fields.


For example, if you wanted form data (with a Revision or Submission

mechanism of Content Server Versions) to be searchable from the

Enterprise slice, you would have to select its Region’s Search by Default

check box.

Pa ge 36- 14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 36. R e g io ns and Adva nce d Conf i g ura ti on f or End Use r s

Making Attributes Categories and attributes add valuable search content that can be
From Categories tailored to many different corporate environments. However,
Displayable interpreting the default search results can be challenging because there is
no quick way to compare the different attribute values of all the returned

If you specify index Regions as being “displayable,” they will appear in the
Display Options page for queries and can be made to appear on the
Search Results page. This will allow you to easily compare the custom
attributes of items retrieved during searches.

When you save a query, you also save its Display Options criteria, and this
allows you to create several custom queries for your users that display
O oN

different combinations of categories and attribute values.

pe o

n tD
Te i

Figure 36-16:
xt str

Selecting Each Attribute’s

In ibu

“Displayable” Check Box

te te

Attributes will not appear on the Regions page until their


category is actually applied to an object in Content Server. This is

because the object (document, folder, etc.) must be extracted
and indexed in order for the Regions to be created.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 6 -1 5

Chapte r 36. R e gi ons a nd A dvanc e d Conf i gur a ti on f or En d Use r s

Making Other Knowing how to make Regions displayable can help clarify many of your
Metadata Displayable search results. For example, if you search the Enterprise [All Versions]
slice, the default search results will contain all valid versions of
documents, but each document’s version number will not be displayed. If
you make the OTVersion Region displayable, then the document’s
version number will appear on the Search Results page. You can also
change a Region’s Display Name to make it more user friendly (e.g.,
change OTVersion to a display name of “Document Version #”).
O oN
pe o

n tD
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te te

Figure 36-17: Search Display Options Page Showing “Displayable” Attributes

Pa ge 36- 16 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 36. R e g io ns and Adva nce d Conf i g ura ti on f or End Use r s

Making Regions displayable can also be helpful when optional modules

are installed which add additional metadata. For example, if the Records
Management and Physical Objects modules are installed, you may want
to see the document’s RM Classification on the Search Results page.

O oN
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Figure 36-18: Advanced Search Results Page That Includes Attributes

te te

EXIF / XMP Metadata


EXIF (or XMP) metadata is generally attached to media files. For example,

cameras will attach EXIF metadata to photos, adding information such as


the GPS location, resolution, image size, camera type, etc. Photo and
media software will often also add this XMP data to PDF files.

Exchangeable image file format (Exif, according to JEIDA/JEITA/

CIPA specifications) is a standard that specifies the formats for

images, sound, and ancillary tags used by digital cameras

(including smartphones), scanners and other systems handling
image and sound files recorded by digital cameras.
The Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) is an ISO standard,
originally created by Adobe Systems Inc., used for the creation,
processing and interchange of standardized and custom
metadata for digital documents and data sets.

The OpenText Document Filters now have the ability to extract this data
from media files (JPEG, TIFF, PDF). The metadata is exposed in DCS
(Document Conversion Server), where it can be included as searchable
metadata in the search index, or retrieved using the REST API.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 6 -1 7

Chapte r 36. R e gi ons a nd A dvanc e d Conf i gur a ti on f or En d Use r s

Since the XMP metadata is potentially unbounded, a list of the most

common useful XMP metadata fields is defined and extracted / indexed
by default. Some metadata fields are mapped to their existing OTDoc
prefixes as follows:
 DateTimeOriginal=OTDocCreateDate
 DateTimeOriginal=OTDocCreateTime
 ModifyDate=OTDocLastSaveDate
 ModifyDate=OTDocLastSaveTime
 OTDocNameOfCreatingApplication
 OTDocAuthor
O oN

 OTDocTitle
pe o

 OTDocSubject
n tD

 OTDocKeywords
Te i

 OTXMP_Format
 OTXMP_DocumentID
xt str

 OTXMP_InstanceID
In ibu

The following XMP metadata fields are added with the prefix OTXMP_
te te

 ImageWidth

 ImageLength
 ImageHeight

 Compression

 Make

 Model
 PixelXDimension

 ExifImageWidth

 PixelYDimension

 XResolution
 YResolution
 ResolutionUnit
 GPSLatitudeRef
 GPSLatitude
 GPSLongitudeRef
 GPSLongitude

Pa ge 36- 18 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 36. R e g io ns and Adva nce d Conf i g ura ti on f or End Use r s

This list can be tuned / edited in the DCS.INI file. Also, if you want
unrestricted extraction and indexing of all XMP fields, a setting
in the DCS.INI file allows this behavior, but is generally not

Configure Content Server to Index then Search for EXIF/XMP Metadata

1. Log in with a user account with administration rights (e.g., sadmin/

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Search Administration section. If
O oN

prompted for an administration page password, enter it (e.g., opentext).

pe o

3. Continue navigating to Open the System Object Volume > Enterprise Data

Source Folder > Enterprise Search Manager and from its Functions menu,
n tD

select Properties > Regions.

Te i

4. Notice the column heading, as illustrated in the following figure, before

beginning to scroll down towards the bottom of the page and locating the
section containing OTXMP region names.
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 36-19: Enterprise Search Manager Regions


5. Once the group of OTXMP regions has been located, they are not be
Queryable, Displayable or Filterable by default, so each one of the OTXMP

regions has to have those settings enabled, as illustrated in the following


Figure 36-20: The XMP Metadata Regions

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 6 -1 9

Chapte r 36. R e gi ons a nd A dvanc e d Conf i gur a ti on f or En d Use r s

6. If some or all of these regions appear to be enabled in your instance, ensure

that they are still configured as illustrated in the figure above.

In the case of the Outdoor Gear Content Server v16.0, these

Regions have already been enabled in terms of Queryable,
Displayable and Filterable.

7. Remember to click Update at the bottom of the Regions page, if any

configurations were changed.
O oN

8. Navigate to Enterprise Workspace > Handy Images > EXIF and XMP Photo
Metadata folder. The folder contains one jpg and one png file, each of
pe o

which contain EXIF/XMP metadata.

n tD

9. Click Saved Search Query with Display Showing XMP Metadata to run
the saved query and it will generate search results that includes XMP
Te i

xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 36-21: Search Results with EXIF/XMP Metadata Regions

Pa ge 36- 20 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 36. R e g io ns and Adva nce d Conf i g ura ti on f or End Use r s

10. From the Select Display Style menu, select Edit the Display Options. All, or
the metadata values of interest, have to be moved from the Available list to
the Displayed list, for the metadata to display on the search results page in
the prior step:

O oN
pe o

n tD

Figure 36-22: The Display Options with XMP Metadata Columns

Te i

AutoDesk Support Additionally, Autodesk AutoCAD 2015 & 2016 are supported by the
xt str

OpenText Document Filters (OTDFs).

A series of AutoDesk AutoCAD 2015 and 2016 dwg files can be found in
In ibu

Enterprise Workspace > Handy Images >AutoDesk AutoCAD dwg Files,

te te

for example the following robot_handling_cell file, as illustrated in the

following figure.

Figure 36-23: AutoCAD File in Content Server using OT Document Filters

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 6 -2 1

Chapte r 36. R e gi ons a nd A dvanc e d Conf i gur a ti on f or En d Use r s

Thumbnail Generation
A common issue for customers is the desire to generate Thumbnails for
objects, without performing a system wide re-index.

Thumbnails may not have been created for legacy data because they were
‘missed’ or because additional MIME Types were subsequently
configured to be made into Thumbnails.

A Thumbnail feature in Content Server allows end users to quickly

identify documents within the Browse View and Search Results pages.

A Thumbnail appears on the Document Overview page, Search Results

O oN

page [using Standard Style] and as Featured Items - based on the contents
pe o

of the first page of each respective document - rather than using a generic
MIME Type icon.
n tD

Beginning with Content Server v16.0, there are a pair of new options that
Te i

allow Thumbnails to be generated or for an item to be re-queued for

xt str
In ibu

Existing ingestion of items does assume that Thumbnails are

generated, however, there is a corresponding full text extraction
te te

that always occurs.


Queue Thumbnail Generation will cause the generation of the

required Thumbnails, but suppress other operations.

The items requiring Thumbnail generation must be available from a


Generate Thumbnails from a Collection

1. Navigate to Enterprise Workspace > Customer Service.

2. Select the Customer Feedback Collection.

Pa ge 36- 22 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 36. R e g io ns and Adva nce d Conf i g ura ti on f or End Use r s

3. From More Actions … select Queue Thumbnail Generation.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

Figure 36-24: Thumbnail Generation with Queue Thumbnail Generation

xt str

A confirmation message is displayed.

In ibu
te te

Figure 36-25: Confirm the Thumbnail Generation


4. Click Submit.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 6 -2 3

Chapte r 36. R e gi ons a nd A dvanc e d Conf i gur a ti on f or En d Use r s

A status message is displayed and reports 100% when the processing is


O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str

Figure 36-26: Queue Thumbnail Generation Status

In ibu

You can test the success of Thumbnail Generation by either performing a

search for the item and using a Standard Search Display Style, changing
te te

the item so that it is displayed as a Featured item or by visiting the


Overview page for the item.


5. From a document’s Functions menu (e.g., Joe’s Feedback.doc), select


Pa ge 36- 24 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 36. R e g io ns and Adva nce d Conf i g ura ti on f or End Use r s

The Overview page is displayed and it includes a Thumbnail that was


O oN
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Figure 36-27: The Generated Thumbnail is Displayed on the Overview Page

te te

Thumbnail Priority

The default behavior for Content Server is to give indexing priority to


items such as documents and their text or metadata, and as a result not all
Thumbnails may find themselves ‘ingested’ into Content Server.

Since some customers rely on Thumbnails and/or do not wish to have to


re-extract Thumbnails, a pair of opentext.ini settings is available that can

be used to override the default behavior.


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 6 -2 5

Chapte r 36. R e gi ons a nd A dvanc e d Conf i gur a ti on f or En d Use r s

The waitforthumbnails=true setting changes the default Content Server

behavior and it makes it wait for Thumbnails to be ‘ingested’ by the

When thumbnaillimit=20000 (default value) is specified, DCS will

throttle iPool processing. Content Server will not start processing
another iPool object if there are more Thumbnails, defined by the
thumbnaillimit setting, waiting to be ‘ingested’, so newly added
documents will not get processed by DCS until Thumbnails are under the
specified limit.
O oN

iPool Quarantine
pe o

When an iPool is quarantined, the administrator needs to take action

n tD

based on what files were in the iPool. This feature allows a quarantined
iPool to be selected and the contents of the iPool displayed.
Te i
xt str

Although ‘Quarantine’ has been part of the feature set of

Content Server, what is especially new in v16.0 is presenting the
In ibu

administrator with some insight into the quarantined items.

te te

Objects are quarantined by the indexing ‘workflow’, when they

are unreadable by workflow process steps. Usually this is DCS,

but could also be other processes.


Quarantine also happens as part of crash prevention or recovery

mechanism. Instead of crashing due to an infinite loop, the

offending iPool is simply set aside into ‘quarantine’ and Content


Server continues along with its search and indexing.


Pa ge 36- 26 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 36. R e g io ns and Adva nce d Conf i g ura ti on f or End Use r s

Navigate to System Object Volume > Enterprise Data Source Folder >
Enterprise Data Flow Manager.

O oN
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te te

Figure 36-28: System Object Volume


Select Enterprise Data Flow Manager. The Quarantine column is


displayed with the iPool information.


Figure 36-29: iPool Quarantine

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 6 -2 7

Chapte r 36. R e gi ons a nd A dvanc e d Conf i gur a ti on f or En d Use r s

In this chapter, we:
 Explained the benefit Regions and the Query Language offers end
O oN  Discussed displaying selected metadata on the Search Results page
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Pa ge 36- 28 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 36. R e g io ns and Adva nce d Conf i g ura ti on f or End Use r s


Make a Region Queryable

You will make the Featured/Catalog items Region (OTCatalog) queryable.

1. Navigate to the System Object Volume, click Enterprise Data Source Folder > Enterprise
Search Manager.

2. Click the Functions menu for the Enterprise Search Manager and then Properties and select
O oN

3. Scroll down to the OTCatalog section and select its Queryable check box. Also change its
pe o

Display Name to Featured Item.

n tD

4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Update.

Te i

5. Test your work; search for the word knowledge using a regular query. Record the number of
xt str

6. On the Advanced Search page select Featured Item from the Additional Attributes menu.
In ibu

Hint: You may have to refresh the page to view the newly added attribute.
te te

7. Type 1 in the resulting field, and knowledge in the main search field.

8. Execute the search and verify you are getting results from Featured Items. Additionally, you
can type “0” in the Featured Items field to find all items with “knowledge” that are not

Featured Items.

Making a Region Displayable


Make the ProductSpec attribute values displayable on the Search Results page.

1. Open the Product Development folder and create a folder called Product Ideas. Then click
its Functions menu, Properties, Categories and Add Categories.

2. Add several documents to the folder and give them different values, but ensure one value is
consistent (e.g., select Language: English. This will give you better search results).

3. Navigate to the Enterprise Search Manager for the Enterprise Data Source. Click the
Functions menu, then Properties and then Regions.

4. Locate the ProductSpec Category towards the top of the page and click Displayable for all
its attributes, then click the Update button.

5. Navigate to your Advanced Search page and select the Edit the Display Options option from
the Select Display Style menu. Select all the attributes you have just made displayable and
move them to the Displayed column.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 6 -2 9

Chapte r 36. R e gi ons a nd A dvanc e d Conf i gur a ti on f or En d Use r s

6. Save your changes as a query.

7. Now run the query from the Advanced Search page using the ProductSpec category that
will find documents with the common custom attribute value (e.g., Language: English). Note
that you can see and compare the values for the attribute on the Result page. You may need
to remove Green and Organic.

Generate Thumbnails

1. Create a new Collection called Thumbnails are Go.

O oN

2. Using either Search or manually ‘adding’ items to your new Collection, ensure that you have
pe o

included a few items from common MIME Types such as Word documents or Excel
spreadsheets. A list of supported file formats has been provide below.
n tD

Thumbnails are supported with the following file formats:

Te i

 Word 95-2013
Excel 95-2013
xt str

 PowerPoint 97-2013
In ibu

 PDF 1.0 – 1.9

te te



 WordPerfect

 Postscript

 Micro Station (DGN)



 Calcomp

 Gerber
 ME10
 Raster Images (BMP, PNG, GIF, TIF, JPEG, JP2, JBIG)

3. Select the Thumbnails are Go Collection.

Pa ge 36- 30 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha pt e r 36. R e g io ns and Adva nce d Conf i g ura ti on f or End Use r s

4. From More Actions … select Queue Thumbnail Generation and click Submit.

5. Confirm that the Thumbnail Generation reaches 100%.

6. Test the success of Thumbnail of Generation by either performing a search for the item and
using a Standard Search Display Style, changing the item so that it is displayed as a Featured
item or by visiting the Overview page for the item.

Test EXIF/XMP Search

O oN

1. Navigate to the Enterprise Workspace > Handy Images > EXIF and XMP Photo Metadata
pe o


2. Using drag-and-drop, add the C:\SamplesDocs\EXIF\xmp bike4.jpg file into the folder.
n tD

3. Run the Saved Search Query with Display Showing XMP Metadata query and confirm that
Te i

it displays “Cannon” metadata on the search results page, as illustrated in the following
xt str
In ibu
te te

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 6 -3 1

Chapte r 36. R e gi ons a nd A dvanc e d Conf i gur a ti on f or En d Use r s

And here is the bike photo shot with a Cannon camera, based on its XMP metadata:

O oN
pe o

n tD
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Pa ge 36- 32 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 37. Conf i gur i ng Co ntr ol Ru le s

37. Configuring Control Rules


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Understand Control Rules and how they are organized
 Configure Control Rules based on disk space, process errors, and other relevant data
O oN

pe o

Control Rules allow you to decide which problems will be reported.

n tD

Search administrators can be informed about the status of search

processes via pagers or email.
Te i
xt str

The 3-0128 – Content Server Troubleshooting course deals with

logging and troubleshooting topics in greater depth than what
In ibu

are discussed in this chapter.

te te

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 7 -1

Chapte r 37. Conf i gur i ng Contr ol Ru le s

Configuring Control Rules on Data Flows

You can set up Control Rules to inform you about the status of processes
and/or perform an action when certain conditions arise.

Choose a data flow for which you want to establish Control Rules. In this
O oN case, the Control Rules are being set up for the Enterprise data flow.
pe o

n tD
Te i

Figure 37-1:
xt str

Control Rules Are Located

on the Data Source
In ibu

Folder’s Properties Menu

te te

Control Rules are based on the following conditions:


 Data Flow Disk Space


 Data Flow Process Error

 Number of Messages
 Partition Space or Capacity
 Quiet Data Flow
 Stalled Data Flow
 Capacity-Based Partition Creation

Pa ge 37- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 37. Conf i gur i ng Co ntr ol Ru le s

You can edit existing rules and add new rules for the Data Source.

Figure 37-2:

The Default Control Rules

for the Enterprise Data
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

There is no “conflicting rule” validation, so it is possible to set up

xt str

rules that conflict with each other, or rules that automatically

start and stop processes in an endless loop.
In ibu

For example:
te te

Rule 1: stop the iPool Reader if the number of messages in any of

the iPools is over 200

Rule 2: start the iPool Reader if the number of messages in any of


the iPools is under 201

Be sure to consider the combined effect of the rules in your


You must classify each rule as a correction, information, warning, error or

a severe error.

In addition to generating messages, a Control Rule can initiate actions:


 Starting or stopping an iPool Feeder (such as the Enterprise Extractor,

or DCS)
 Starting or stopping an iPool Reader (such as the Index Engine)
 Creating a new partition

By setting a correction message, the administrator can be informed when

an error has been rectified.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 7 -3

Chapte r 37. Conf i gur i ng Contr ol Ru le s

Creating Data Flow Control Rules based on disk space allow you to start or stop an iPool
Rules Based on Disk Feeder, an iPool Reader, or a data flow based on the amount of free disk
Space space available to the data flow processes on the computer where the
data flow runs.

Here is an example of a set of three cascading rules to optimize for the

environment. There could be a fourth rule that restarts the data flow
when there is greater than 100 MB, or whatever size you feel is
 If Data Flow disk space is less than 1 GB of data: issue an information
If Data Flow disk space is less than 300 MB: issue a warning message
O oN

If Data Flow disk space is less than 100 MB: issue the command to
pe o


stop the process, and report an error

n tD
Te i
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In ibu
te te

Figure 37-3: Editing a Data Flow Rule Page

Pa ge 37- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 37. Conf i gur i ng Co ntr ol Ru le s

The conditions allow for the selection of the applicable iPools:

Figure 37-4:

“For” Options for Disk

Space Rules

The actions allow for the selection of the applicable start/stop or other
O oN
pe o

Figure 37-5:
n tD

Actions Available for the

Te i

Disk Space Rules

xt str

How big will the index get? Here are some parameters to keep in mind:
In ibu

It depends…
 The final index size depends on the document mix, the kinds of objects
te te

in your database, and how many versions of documents you are


indexing, so it can vary a great deal from one organization to another.

Pre-version 9.5 the average index was 10% to 30% the size of the

external document store. With 9.5 and later that changes to 5% to

15% of the external document store depending on the document mix.

There is also Content Server content to consider (Project,

Discussions, Task Lists, etc.). It is best to build more than enough

partitions to handle your initial content and then monitor the ratio of
external store to partition size

 While the index is being built, each file is copied to a temporary


location, in its entirety. These copies are deleted as they are indexed
but they need extra space during the indexing process

 Is your internal or external document storage located on the same

drive as your index? If it is, disk access time will be slowed and you
have a greater chance of running out of disk space.

There is a helpful Knowledge Base article titled: “How can I

determine the specific disk space needs of my index?” (Article
Number: 3501048).

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 7 -5

Chapte r 37. Conf i gur i ng Contr ol Ru le s

Creating Data Flow You can base Control Rules on the number of iPool messages associated
Rules Based on with a particular process in a data flow.
Number of Messages
The Extractor process polls the DTreeNotify table for information, and
continues to extract items listed in that table until it has extracted all
items. As it encounters items, it bundles them in messages of about 1000
items. The size of the message varies, however. If the process encounters
only four items to update, then only four items will be bundled in the

In a bulk loading situation, where hundreds of items are added to the

system within a short period of time, the items are then bundled in about
100 items per message. One run of the Extractor process could last
O oN

several hours or more in this situation.

pe o

n tD

The Document Conversion Server will now stop processing new

data if the output IPool area reaches 100 messages. This helps
Te i

prevent runaway disk consumption if downstream processes are

halted. The limit can be adjusted in the dcs.ini file.
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 37-6: Full Options for Setting Rules Based on the Number of Messages

Pa ge 37- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 37. Conf i gur i ng Co ntr ol Ru le s

Creating Data Flow Quiet data flows occur when processes are running successfully and are
Rules Based on Quiet clear of iPool messages (idle). You may want to turn processes off when
(Idle) Data Flows they are quiet in order to save system resources and then have them turn
on automatically when there is new input from the producer process.

For example, the Help data flow is set to stop after 6 hours of a quiet data
flow, because once the help files are indexed, no new information will be
added to them (unless you install new modules).

Another example is the Directory Walker. It is set up to stop the DCS and
Index engine if the data flow is quiet for 1 hour. You could add another
rule to specify that when messages are greater than one, start the data
flow. This would ensure that new/modified documents are added to the
O oN

pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 37-7: Options for Setting Rules Based on a Quiet Data Flow

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 7 -7

Chapte r 37. Conf i gur i ng Contr ol Ru le s

The Help index is a static set of information: you are not adding
or changing help files very often.
You can turn off the help file processes once the help is indexed
in order to save resources (e.g. memory, disk I/O).
If you add a new module, you will need to restart the Help
Directory Walker, in order to search on any new help files
associated with the module.

Creating Data Flow A stalled data flow has processes that are running but are not processing
Rules Based on Stalled the iPool messages that the data flow is receiving. The stalled data flow
O oN

Data Flow Control Rules allow you to automatically stop the data flow or its iPool
pe o


When does a data flow stall?

n tD

 If a DCS filter cannot handle the document it is trying to convert

Te i

(corrupted file)
Port conflict
xt str

 The system is out of swap space (virtual memory) and there is no

In ibu

space for temporary files or any iPools (ipool.cfg file)

te te

Figure 37-8: Options for Setting Rules Based on a Stalled Data Flow

Pa ge 37- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 37. Conf i gur i ng Co ntr ol Ru le s

Creating Data Flow Process errors can occur during the execution of one of the processes in a
Rules Based on data flow. If a process error occurs, a message describing the specific
Process Errors error condition is displayed on the Specific Info page of the corresponding
data flow process.

You can base Control Rules on process errors in a data flow but not for a
specific process within the data flow. The Control Rules allow you to
automatically stop the data flow, as well as send messages about the
process error.
O oN
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n tD
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Figure 37-9: Full Options for Setting Rules Based on a Data Flow Process Error

You can create a Control Rule that sends an error message and

stops the data flow (all processes) when a process error occurs.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 7 -9

Chapte r 37. Conf i gur i ng Contr ol Ru le s

Data Flow Rules There are three types of Control Rules based on Partitions, one of them
Based on Partition simply sends a report and two actually create additional partitions.

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Figure 37-10: Adding a Control Rule Based on Partition Capacity That Initiates a Report

Pa ge 37- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 37. Conf i gur i ng Co ntr ol Ru le s

You can add a Control Rule based on partition capacity that issues a
report when every partition has reached 75% capacity. This would be
similar to most of the other Control Rules we have seen. After receiving
the report, the administrator manually creates an additional partition.

In addition to adding Control Rules that monitor partition capacity, you

can add partition management Control Rules that automatically create
new partitions when the rules’ conditions are met (partition creation
Control Rules). These Control Rules can be based on partition capacity or a
set time interval (date-based partition creation.
O oN
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Figure 37-11: Adding a Control Rule Based on Partition Capacity That Creates a New Partition

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 7 -1 1

Chapte r 37. Conf i gur i ng Contr ol Ru le s

Control Rules that auto-create partitions are especially helpful in high

volume installations such as Email Monitoring.

You can have Content Server change the modes (step down) of previous
partitions as new partitions are created, you can select how many new
partitions to create, and you can specify a partition name template and
partition directory template (variables that determine how Content
Server automatically names partitions and the directories in which they
are stored). The disk locations for the directories that store partitions are
taken from the site’s partition configuration, which must be already set up
for these rules to work properly.
O oN
pe o


n tD

In Summary in this chapter we:

Te i

 Worked with Control Rules and how they are organized

 Configured Control Rules based on disk space, process errors, and
xt str

other relevant data

In ibu
te te

Pa ge 37- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 37. Conf i gur i ng Co ntr ol Ru le s

Test Your Knowledge

1. What is the difference between severe errors and errors?


2. Give an example of a message that would provide “information.”

O oN

pe o


n tD
Te i

3. Why are default Control Rules on the Help data flows different from the Enterprise data
xt str

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te te


4. Describe two Control Rules that you will want to set up on your production system.




Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 7 -1 3

Chapte r 37. Conf i gur i ng Contr ol Ru le s


Use Configure System Object E-mail Delivery to Send the Administrator Error Notifications via

In this exercise you first test the system to ensure that email messages can be successfully sent and
then configure the System Object E-mail to send error notifications.

1. Navigate to the Notification Administration section of the administration pages. Click the
Test Notification E-mail Delivery link.
O oN

2. Click the Send Default Messages button.

pe o

a. If the test messages have a Status of Success, continue to the next step.
b. If the test messages fail, as illustrated below, make sure you’ve started the Mercury/32
n tD

mail server and repeat Step 2, to make sure Content Server can connect to the mail
Te i


3. Navigate to the Search Administration section of the administration pages. Click the
xt str

Configure System Object E-mail Delivery link.

In ibu

4. In the Recipients section of this page (Recipients and Options), set up SOV messages for
three basic scenarios:
te te

a. An administrator during regular weekly work hours will receive all messages,

b. An assistant administrator will receive warnings, errors and severe errors overnight

during the week, and

c. Another assistant administrator will receive errors and severe errors on the weekend.

If you have not created users in your system, you can make up names and email

addresses for your Administrators.


5. Navigate to the SOV and click the Functions menu of the Enterprise Data Source folder.
Select Control Rules from the Properties sub-menu.

6. Set up Control Rules for three different processes. For example, a Process Error in the Data
Flow should stop the Data Flow and send a Severe Error message; if a Data Flow stalls for
more than two hours, then the iPool feeder should be stopped and an Error should be

Pa ge 37- 14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 3 8 . Adv a nce d S ea r ch T op ic s

38. Advanced Search Topics


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Search on part numbers, file names, and file types
 Configure Region Modifiers for Index Regions and Like Searches
 Configure Mandatory Search Terms
 Describe settings in the opentext.ini file that affect search
List the first steps to take when search is not working
O oN

 Explain the different types of search and index logs you can generate
pe o

n tD

Te i

Now that you have a good understanding of how to manage search

xt str

processes, this chapter provides you with tips and ideas on how to take
better advantage of Search technology.
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te te

Searching on Part Numbers, File Names, and File Types


The “like” Operator Part numbers and file names are not normally constructed for readability.

The “like” operator, which allows text metadata regions to be configured

to support such statements.

Compare the method in which an individual may search for a part to how
that part may be stored in Content Server.

Figure 38-1:

Disconnection Between
Search Query and Data

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 8 -1

C hap te r 3 8. A dv anc e d Se ar ch Top i cs

Search technology that is receiving queries in this form of regular, human

syntactic structure and grammar will struggle to match these types of
values. The same can be said when trying to match queries to proper file
names. To alleviate these kinds of problems, the Search Engine introduces
the “like” operator, so that you can make certain defined regions “like-

File Type Searches Many regions are used to identify the type of a file or object, and the
differences are often confusing.

 OTLLMIMEType: represents basic Content Server system metadata.

It’s intended for the MIME type typically based on browser properties
or file name extensions when the document is added
O oN

OTFilterMIMEType: this is added by the DCS during indexing. It’s

pe o


based on an assessment of the document by format filters, usually the

n tD

 OTFileType: this is also added by the DCS, but combines file format
Te i

analysis, MIME types, OTSubType, and file format extensions to

provide a wider, more thorough coverage. It also has values which are
xt str

more user-friendly, such as “Microsoft Word” or “Adobe PDF”, making

it a useful region.
In ibu
te te

OTFileType is a region which is new beginning with Content


Server v10.5. Existing customers will need to re-index or use the

FixType utility to apply values for this region to an older index.

The FixType utility can be found in the OTHome\config\utilities

directory. For more information about the utility, read the

following entry in the Knowledge Base:




Configuring Region Modifiers for Index Regions and Like Searches

The Search Engine supports a region modifier for search queries: the
“like” operator. When applied to regions of type PartNum, this operator
will perform aggressive tokenization to try and match common patterns
found in part numbers and file names.

The Search Engine also has the ability to create search regions comprised
of the domain portions of email addresses, to support eDiscovery
processes with email.

Pa ge 38- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 3 8 . Adv a nce d S ea r ch T op ic s

On new and upgraded installations of Content Server 10.5, or later, the

Live Query Language (LQL) and OpenText Structured Query Language
(OTSQL) support the “like” keyword in the Full Text search in Advanced
Search. These languages will recognize the new QLLIKE keyword, and will
enable Complex Query mode.

Regular “Text” type regions need to be explicitly configured for “like”

support on the Region Modifiers page. On new installations, the OTName
region is configured for “like” support through default entries on the
Region Modifiers page of each Search Manager.

Any region declared as type PartNum in the LLFieldDefinitions.txt file,

receives “like” support by definition. In Content Server there are no
O oN

PartNum type regions by default.

pe o

The “like” keyword will function as a non-operator, performing a normal

n tD

unmodified query of the region. If a region is not configured for “like”, it

will operate as an AND of terms in the expression.
Te i

If the region with part number properties is included in the list of default
xt str

search regions, then the QLLIKE operation will be used automatically for
that region.
In ibu

In order to make a region “like-able”, you must define it as such.

te te

Open the System Object Volume and select Enterprise Data Source

Folder > Enterprise Search Manager > Properties > Region Modifiers.

You will recall, from Chapter 6, that these two text boxes contain the
comma-separated regions which have unusual grammar and where the

“like” operator should be applied by default, respectively.


To configure region modifiers for Index Regions:

From the Administration page, in the Search Administration section,

click the Open the System Object Volume link.

 From the System Administration page, click the processes_prefix


Data Source Folder link of the data source containing the index
regions to which you want to apply region modifiers.
 Click the Functions menu of the Search Manager, choose Properties,
and then choose Region Modifiers.
 From the Like Modifier area, in the first text box, enter a comma-
separated list of search regions configured to use the “like” modifier.
 In the second text box, enter a comma-separated list of search regions
configured for default application of the “like” modifier.
 Restart the Index Engines for all Admin servers in the Content Server
cluster for the modifications to take effect.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 8 -3

C hap te r 3 8. A dv anc e d Se ar ch Top i cs

O oN
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Figure 38-2: The Enterprise Search Manager’s Region Modifiers page

xt str

The behavior of the LIKE modifier has been enhanced to include singular/
In ibu

plural stemming variations on metadata text search fragments of 3 or

te te

more characters.

This means that a search for SalesReport2014 will match variations such
as “Sale-Reports/2014” or “vacation” will match variations such as

vacations and vacationing.


The stemming can be disabled in the [Dataflow_] section of the search.ini


file: LikeUsesStemming=false

Pa ge 38- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 3 8 . Adv a nce d S ea r ch T op ic s

The following figure illustrates the example of a QLLIKE search using a

search term of ‘vacation’.

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Figure 38-3: Example of a QLLIKE Search

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The search results page, like the one illustrated below, demonstrates how
variations in the search term ‘vacation’ includes words like 'vacations' or


Figure 38-4: Example of Search Results for QLLIKE of “Vacation”

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 8 -5

C hap te r 3 8. A dv anc e d Se ar ch Top i cs

Region Modifiers and Entries which are made in the Region Modifiers text boxes, illustrated
search.ini earlier in this section, are immediately written to the search.ini file
once those changes are applied. The named regions, which must be text
values, are listed as comma-separated values for two keys:
OverTokenizedRegions and UseLikeForTheseRegions, respectively.

For example, if a region called MyPartNum is added to the Region

Modifiers tab, then you’ll see the following in search.ini:
O oN

The new region, however, will NOT be able to leverage the “like”
pe o

operator until you reindex.

n tD
Te i

Adding the region to the search.ini file for the previously

xt str

mentioned keys accomplishes the same thing, but this practice is

not recommended. The user interface and search.ini file may
In ibu

become out of synch, and cause problems with indexing.

te te

When a query is processed which relies upon the “like” operator, the
query is also tokenized with the alternate rules, and is tested against the

shadow region (explaning in the next section) instead of the original

region. In this case, the “fuzzy search” queries succeed where the original

query would have trouble.


For example, consider the problem presented in the following figure

where a user may enter a query using human syntax, such as “I need a 17

tooth cog for a DuraAce Di2 freewheel” but using our current indexing
process, the search engine will have great difficulty matching this request

to part number DA-17DI2-PN30004.


By identifying the part number region as a target for the “like” operator, it
sends an indication to the indexing process to heavily tokenize the part
number. Compare the differences in tokenization presented below.

Figure 38-5:

Schematic of Tokenization
and Over-tokenization for
a Part Number Region

Pa ge 38- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 3 8 . Adv a nce d S ea r ch T op ic s

Under these circumstances, over-tokenization of the part number region

creates conditions which allow the search to be more successful.

Shadow Regions The over-tokenized regions property, with its list of comma-separated
regions, provides an instruction to the index engine to build a shadow
region. A shadow region is just an extra copy of the region. The shadow
region is derived from the original metadata region, but it uses a different
set of rules for interpreting the metadata, and for building tokens and

In the previous example, the part number region will have a separate
shadow region, which will deconstruct the part number, and send a
message to the search engine that any query involving this region should
O oN

use the “like” operator.

pe o

The generated shadow regions which are used to support the “like”
n tD

operator have their own properties. The shadow regions are created
once the index engines load the search.ini file, applying the feature to
Te i

existing data sets without the need for re-indexing. Shadow regions are
saved to disk as part of the index until removed from the search.ini
xt str

file’s list of over-tokenized regions (which also occurs once the index
engines restart and re-load the search.ini).
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A shadow region has the same name as the original, with ‘_OTShadow’
te te

appended to the end.


OTName > OTName_OTShadow


MyPartNum > MyPartNum_OTShadow


Extra tokenization of these synthetic regions takes up more space in the


index, as do the synthetic regions themselves.


Shadow regions are directly queryable and retrievable, although


this is not typically recommended, because shadow regions are

automatically generated.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 8 -7

C hap te r 3 8. A dv anc e d Se ar ch Top i cs

Mandatory Search Terms

The Configure Mandatory Search Terms page provides:
 Enable/Disable Apply restrictions to Users with eDiscovery rights
 Enable/Disable Apply restrictions to Users with System
Administration Rights
 Group Search-Term Actions

To illustrate how the search term imposes restrictions, begin by

performing a search without the imposed restrictions.
O oN

Log in as Eddy Learner (elearn/opentext), who is part of the Students

group, and perform an enterprise search on the keyword ‘center’ (and
pe o

filters out document items).

n tD

Notice how the user returns 84 search results and many of the items
include non-document results, in this example here:
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Figure 38-6:

Student Search Results

Without a Mandatory
Search Term Configured

Pa ge 38- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 3 8 . Adv a nce d S ea r ch T op ic s

Administration of these search terms is available from the Search

Administration > Configure Mandatory Search Terms page.

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Figure 38-7: Configure Mandatory Search Terms Page

Te i

The following pair of links have be provided to list users that conform to
xt str

the following conditions:

 Users with multiple Mandatory Search Terms
In ibu

 Users with no Mandatory Search Terms

te te

For example, the following figure lists the users who do not currently

have any Mandatory Search Terms applied to them.


Figure 38-8:

Users with No Mandatory

Search Terms

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 8 -9

C hap te r 3 8. A dv anc e d Se ar ch Top i cs

A maximum of 20 users are displayed in the generated listing.

Apply Restrictions The Apply restrictions to Users with eDiscovery rights and the Apply
restrictions to Users with System Administration rights check boxes
determine whether the Mandatory Search Terms are (or are not) applied
to eDiscovery and System Administration rights enabled users.

Group Mandatory Search Terms are applied on a group basis. To select a group,
click in a blank group field and you can select a group by searching for it.
O oN

Search Term Search Term restrictions are not comprised of LQL. They must be
pe o

expressed in OTSQL, the query language supported by the OpenText

Search Engine. For example: to restrict searching to a specific e-mail
n tD

journaling source or anywhere in the enterprise folder, the restriction

Te i

might be:
([region "OTProvider"] "BusUnit2") or ([region "OTLocation"] "2000").
xt str
In ibu

Figure 38-9:
te te

Valid OTSQL Search Term

as a Mandatory Search


Entering a search term of [region "OTSubType"] "144" [region


"OTLocation"] != "10913" followed by clicking the Apply button will

store the search term and create a new blank row for the next term to be


Clicking the checkmark opposite the search term will ‘check’ the syntax of
the OTSQL and display an OK status or an alternative error message, if

there is a problem with the search term syntax.


To delete a Mandatory Search Term, click the red ‘x’ opposite the
search term.

The end result of this specific Search Term is to only return search results
for anyone in the Students groups to documents (i.e., subtype 144).

Pa ge 38- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 3 8 . Adv a nce d S ea r ch T op ic s

Other Search Term examples include:

 Limit results to the Enterprise Workspace (typically DataID 2000):
([region "OTLocation"] "2000")
 Limit results to the SQL storage provider and Enterprise Workspace: (
([region "OTProvider"] "SQL") and ([region "OTLocation"] "2000") )

Repeating the earlier search retrieves results which only include

‘documents’, as illustrated in the following figure:
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Figure 38-10: Student Search Results With a Mandatory Search Term Configured for Only Documents

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 8 -1 1

C hap te r 3 8. A dv anc e d Se ar ch Top i cs

Settings in the opentext.ini File That Affect Search

There are several search-related settings in the opentext.ini file that you
can change or modify. We will first look at some settings in the
[SearchOptions] section.

Table 38-1: SearchOptions Settings in the opentext.ini File That Affect Search

opentext.ini file Effect

[SearchOptions] Setting

objectTypes, Add or remove the type of Content Server objects

objectTypesName users can search on using the Content Type drop-
O oN

down (under System Attributes) on the Advanced

Search page.
pe o

DefaultWords, Specifies the language of the dictionary and

DefaultThesaurus thesaurus (respectively) used for searching. The
n tD

default is English. This setting does not appear in the

INI file unless you want to change that.
Te i

functionMenu A Boolean value which enables/disables the function

xt str

menu for search result items.

dateTypesAdditions Specifies the list of non-default regions, additional

In ibu

ones discovered by the search index, that will be

treated as dates by the System Attributes advanced
te te

search component.

The “Search Result Cache Expiry” time configuration is no longer

managed in the opentext.ini file; the setting is accessible on the

Search Options administration page.


Additionally, a pair of Recommender Buffer Tracking

configuration settings have also been moved out of the

opentext.ini file and are accessible on the Recommender System


Settings administration page.

The Stemming and Thesaurus rules used during searches are no

longer stored in the opentext.ini file. These rules are configured

from the Search Options Administration page, and can also be
set to dynamically select rules based on the user’s preferred
language settings.
Two search configuration settings are now available on the
“Configure Search Options” page; in the past, these were in the
[SearchOptions] section of the opentext.ini file:
 QueryTimeoutInMS
 EnterpriseTimeToLiveInterval.

Pa ge 38- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 3 8 . Adv a nce d S ea r ch T op ic s

objectTypes, The Content Type menu on the Advanced Search page allows you to
objectTypesName restrict your searches to documents, folders, tasks, discussions, projects,
workflow maps, and workflow status. To modify this you must add
objectTypes and objectTypesName settings to the SearchOptions
section. For example, the following settings:
objectTypes={144,0,206,”130 or 134”,207, 202,1,278}


will remove “Workflow Map” and “Workflow Status” from the menu and
add “Shortcut” and “Snapshot”.
O oN
pe o

It’s important to make sure that the order of elements in the

objectTypes set is identical to the order of elements in the
n tD

objectTypesName set. For example, in the previous paragraph:

Te i

objectTypes 144 0
objectTypesName Documents Folders
xt str

If the set elements are out of order, you will get unexpected
In ibu

search results.
te te

DefaultWords, The default language of the dictionary and thesaurus which are used for
DefaultThesaurus searching. For example:


This is not present in the INI file unless you wish to change the default


functionMenu When enabled, specifies that the functions menu is available for search
result items, especially when using the search API with an XML output

format. The default value is TRUE.



dateTypesAdditions The date handling allows users to enter dates with a calendar widget
instead of the special text syntax. The contents of this list are values
separated by a comma for any valid non-default regions. For example,

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 8 -1 3

C hap te r 3 8. A dv anc e d Se ar ch Top i cs

Summaries and Key Phrases

Content Server uses a complex algorithm to generate summaries and key
phrases displayed on the Search Result page.

Figure 38-11:

Search Result Showing a

Summary, Location, Key
Phrase and Common
O oN
pe o

n tD

The summarization extracts “important” sentences from the indexed

document. Phrases and keywords are chosen based on repetition, phrase
Te i

significance and location. If possible, 5 phrases/sentences are

constructed and then written to the index for later retrieval.
xt str

In ibu

Figure 38-12: lib=dcssum

te te

Summarizer in the SumDocFreqFile=../config/docfreq.eng

opentext.ini Configuration SumAbbrevFile=../config/abbrev.eng

File (English) SumStopWordFile=../config/stopword.eng


Table 38-2: Configuration Settings for the Summarizer


Section or File Description

SumDefFile Definition file for the Summarizer operation. The


definition file contains five numbers, as detailed in


Table 8-3.

SumDocFreqFile Definition file for the word frequency file. The word
frequency file contains data necessary for Summarizer
to calculate the statistical significance of words in

SumAbbrevFile Definition for the word abbreviation file, which

contains a list of common abbreviations.

SumStopWordFile Definition file for the stopword file, which contains a

list of words that add no semantic value to a sentence
(e.g., “a”, “and”, “the”).

SumTagFile Definition file for the tag word file, which contains a
list of tags (case insensitive) along with a number that
signifies its significance.

Pa ge 38- 14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 3 8 . Adv a nce d S ea r ch T op ic s

Table 38-3: Settings in the SumDefFile (summdef.eng)

Setting Description

1.3 A score multiplier for sentences that are in the first 20% of a
document. These sentences are more than likely lead-in
introductory sentences and should therefore be good summary

50 Maximum number of word tokens allowed in a summary sentence.

5 Minimum number of word tokens allowed in a summary sentence.

0.25 Ratio of non-word (i.e., “garbage”) tokens to word tokens over

O oN

which a sentence will be rejected.

pe o

1371876 The number of documents used to form the background statistical

n tD

Only the first 250 KBytes of a document are summarized. Sentences that
Te i

are too short or too long are not used, and documents with only framesets
are not used. News articles with “boilerplates” can cause problems,
xt str

documents that are too short may have no phrases, and documents that
are too long may have “scattered” themes.
In ibu

The Summary content is used to generate the content for Common

te te


MS Powerpoint and Excel documents tend to contain few

“readable” sentences.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 8 -1 5

C hap te r 3 8. A dv anc e d Se ar ch Top i cs

Understanding the Ranking of Search Results

Many users often wonder what the “score” means on the Search Result
page. Generally speaking, it is calculated using two main algorithms:
 the number of hits within an object, and
 the object’s modify date. Generally, newer documents are ranked
higher than older ones.
O oN
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n tD
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te te

Figure 38-13: Search Results Showing the Different Rankings for “open” Versus “cats”

Pa ge 38- 16 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 3 8 . Adv a nce d S ea r ch T op ic s

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
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In ibu
te te

Figure 38-14: Search Results Showing the Different Rankings for “open” Versus “cats” - continued

Although the number of hits and object date are part of the

search result calculations, they are not the only two elements
which contribute to score calculation. See the online help article

"Configuring Advanced Ranking" for more information.


There are other criteria that have a smaller amount of weight, including
how common the word is. For example, searching for the word “open” will
find plenty of results, but none may score above a moderate percentage
because the word is quite common. On the other hand, “anthropocentric”
is not very common, so many occurrences of it within a document will
receive a higher score.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 8 -1 7

C hap te r 3 8. A dv anc e d Se ar ch Top i cs

Advanced Relevance Ranking is used to calculate ranking in Content

 Query Based document score: document and index statistics
 Date Factor: boost score for more recent objects
 Field Extra Weights: Boost score for matching queries in fields
 Additional Weights from Enumerated Fields: Boost score for certain
values in specific fields

Ranking is configured in the System Object Volume > Enterprise Data

Source Folder > Enterprise Search Manager > Ranking Properties.
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
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te te

Figure 38-15: The Ranking Configuration Page on the Enterprise Search Manager Properties

The percentages changed between different 9.x versions of


Content Server. However, the order in which the documents


appear on the Search Result page did not change. The Search
Engine assigns file types to objects based on content analysis, file

extension, subtype, and MIME type. This file type is now used in
search relevance and search filters.

Pa ge 38- 18 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 3 8 . Adv a nce d S ea r ch T op ic s

Search Statistics
Search Statistics can show you how your users have been searching and
can aid your decisions over how to configure the interface. For example,
viewing your user’s unproductive searches could help determine more
training was needed, or you might create some specific System Search

The Search Statistics were created in response to customer demand.

There are no “background” configuration options and the interface is
quite straightforward. The online Admin help contains detailed
descriptions of each option. Search Statistics can be set from the
O oN

Administration page > Search Administration > Manage Search Statistics.

pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str

Figure 38-16:
In ibu

Manage Search Statistics

te te


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 8 -1 9

C hap te r 3 8. A dv anc e d Se ar ch Top i cs

The View Statistics Summary page is illustrated in the figure below:

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Figure 38-17:
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View Statistics Summary

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You have just found out that search is not working. What do you do?

There are a few steps you can take to solve the problem yourself, before

calling OpenText support.

When “search isn’t working”, find out what kind of error message users

are getting on their screen. Is the Admin server unavailable? Are users

reporting problems because they are not able to locate information that
they know is in Content Server?

OpenText offers the 3-0128 – Content Server Troubleshooting

Workshop course, which contains a detailed section on
troubleshooting search and includes exercises to test your skills.

Pa ge 38- 20 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 3 8 . Adv a nce d S ea r ch T op ic s

When you are faced with search problems, try the following steps, in
 Check what kind of queries the users are running: are they valid
 Visually check the status of the Admin server, the Enterprise data
flow, and its processes.
 Test System Object for Errors (located in the Content Server System
Object Administration area of the administration pages). If errors are
reported, check the Error Messages section of the online help to find
out what the error number means.
Verify control rules: are they starting/stopping processes for reasons
O oN

that are not logical, or for reasons that need to be solved, such as a
pe o

lack of disk space?

 Contact OpenText Customer Support (
n tD

for more information.

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When automatic system object error checking and e-mail

delivery is enabled, Content Server records any error messages
In ibu

returned by the system objects in the Content Server database.

OpenText recommends that you periodically purge the log of
te te

system object error messages from the Content Server


When you test the system objects for errors, Content Server runs a

diagnostic on all objects in the system volume (the data flows, processes,
and search engines in the System Object Volume). The report will be

displayed on the screen, unless you choose to have it emailed.


Be careful about setting up logging options, as Content Server

log files can become very large very quickly. Typically you will

only do this under the guidance of OpenText support.

Use the Configure Debug Settings page to set debug logging
capabilities in Content Server. When debug logging is enabled,
Content Server writes the associated files in OTHome\logs by

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 8 -2 1

C hap te r 3 8. A dv anc e d Se ar ch Top i cs

Summarizing the Search Logging Options

When we are logging search processes it is helpful to think of the two
main functions: searching and indexing. We have seen how there are
many processes working to build the index, which can be split across
several partitions. Then there are all the queries issued against that index,
from many different users, and with different criteria applied. Therefore,
searching problems may be related to the indexing processes, or the
search against the index.
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Figure 38-18:
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Example Search Log

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In most cases, OpenText Customer Support will guide you through the

logging process, but it is helpful to understand how the various logs are
set and, in general terms, what each kind of log might find.

There are four main types of logs which can yield important information

for search:

1. Thread logs. These are usually required because they show the basic
function information when you execute a search. These logs are
discussed in more detail in Troubleshooting and Supporting Your

Content Server System.


2. Search Logs. The search logs will display the detailed information

about the search syntax, regions searched, OTStarts language, etc.

They are usually started by editing the opentext.ini file:
3. Search Federator Logs. The search federator interprets the query,
sends it out to all the search engines below it, and passes the results
4. Search Engine Logs. The search engine takes the query from the
search federator and runs it against a partition.

Pa ge 38- 22 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 3 8 . Adv a nce d S ea r ch T op ic s

In summary, in this chapter we:
 Learned about searches on part numbers, file names, and file types
 Configured Region Modifiers for Index Regions and Like Searches
 Configured Mandatory Search Terms
 Described settings in the opentext.ini file that affect search
 Listed the first steps to take when search is not working
 Explained the different types of search and index logs you can
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Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 8 -2 3

C hap te r 3 8. A dv anc e d Se ar ch Top i cs

Tips, Tricks, and Traps

 There is no ability to combine “likeable” regions with specific values, such as you may
do when using attributes to represent languages. The “like” operator does not support
examining only one language. For example, you have a region with language attributes
for English, French, and German entries.
(en) BlackBicycle7
(fr) VéloNoir8
(de) SchwarzesFahrrad9

If you perform a search for “like FahrradNoir7”, you will get a positive match, even
O oN

though “Fahrrad” is a German entry, “Noir” is French, and “7” is from the English value.
This occurs because of over-tokenization necessary for the shadow region,
pe o

decomposing the original region to a much greater level.

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 Hit highlighting effectually ignores the “like” aspect of a query. Hit highlighting
operations are not processed using “like” operator. It’s quite likely that there will be a

mismatch between tokens in the original metadata value and those from the shadow

 The “like” operator may generate more search results than expected. Due to the nature

of part numbers and the behaviour of over-tokenization in shadow regions, many small
and common tokens can be generated. The “like” operator is biased towards finding

candidate search results, not towards filtering results to probable matches.


Pa ge 38- 24 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap te r 39. Se ar c h Se cur i ty

39. Search Security


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Control IP Access to Search Components
 Set up Secure Deletion of Temporary Files
O oN

pe o

Security is an important consideration when administering Content

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Server search. In this chapter we look at a number of areas that the

system administrator needs to understand to implement a secure
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Content Server.
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Introduction to Search Security

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There are a number of hardening options which Content Server

administrators have at their disposal to secure the administering of

search and indexing, including:


 Controlling IP access to search components

 Setting permissions on slices

 Setting up secure deletion of temporary files


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 9 -1

C hap te r 39 . Se ar c h Se cur i ty

Control IP Access to Search Components

Access to Content Server search components can be controlled from the
Administration pages > Search Administration > Control IP Access to
Search Components.

Administrators may choose to harden the security of their Content

Server system deployments to allow search components, for example
Document Conversion or Extraction, to run on specific systems. This
ensures that the search components are run on trusted, secure systems
O oN
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Figure 39-1:
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Control IP Access to
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Search Components
Administration Page With
In ibu

No IP Addresses
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Providing IP Controlling IP access to Search components provides you with a way to


Addresses enhance the security of your Content Server system by restricting access

to the components used by search. You do this by registering the IP

addresses of the computers for which you want to allow access. Content

Server then stores these IP addresses in the database and in a policy file
(otsearch.policy) in the config folder of each Content Server instance.

Since Content Server overwrites the policy file each time it adds or

removes an IP address from the file, you should not modify the file

Open Access When no IP addresses are registered, Content Server allows access to all
computers. However, once IP addresses have been registered, it only
allows access to computers with those IP addresses. Therefore, you must
register the IP addresses of all computers that host Content Servers and
Admin Servers. Otherwise, the Search system may not respond.

Pa ge 39- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap te r 39. Se ar c h Se cur i ty

Securing Search Components

Beginning With No Following the initial installation and configuration of Content Server,
Restrictions there is no restriction on which computers can host Content Servers or
Admin Servers. There is also a single configuration file, otsearch.policy,
which is used to store the corresponding IP access details; there is no
backup or bak file until IP addresses are entered on the administration
page. The contents of the otsearch.policy file will be absent of any IP
specific address details.

Figure 39-2: grant {

// Allow everything for now
O oN

Corresponding Contents of permission;

the otsearch.policy File
pe o


n tD

Determining Which The figure below illustrates some key IP address information (IPv4 and
IPs to Restrict IPv6) for our VMware classroom image called traingen. We used ipconfig
Te i

/all to output the information; the physical address and default gateway
information have been redacted. Assuming that search components were
xt str

to be restricted to this server, the administrator would need to restrict

the corresponding IP addresses including the loopback address,
In ibu Although we have both IPv4 and IPv6 available in this example
(because of the DHCP server), we are exclusively using IPv4 addresses.
te te

All Content Server and Admin Server IP addresses should be entered into

the Control IP Access to Search Components page.


Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : trainotcs

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :

Description . . . . . .: Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Network

Figure 39-3:

Physical Address. . . . : *****************

DHCP Enabled. . . . . . : Yes

IPconfig of TrainOTCS Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes

IP Address. . . . . . . :

Subnet Mask . . . . . . :

IP Address. . . . . . . :
IP Address. . . . . . . : fe80::20c:29ff:feb2:6712%4
Default Gateway . . . . : ******************

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 9 -3

C hap te r 39 . Se ar c h Se cur i ty

Entering IPs to Enter each IP address on the Control IP Access to Search Components
Restrict page of the Content Server and Admin Server.

When you make any changes on the Control IP Access to Search

Components page, you will be prompted to apply these changes. To
confirm your changes, click the OK button and restart all the Content
Server Admin Server services.

The necessary updates to the otsearch.policy file will take place.

grant {
// permission;
Figure 39-4:
O oN

< snip >

permission "", "accept,
pe o

Corresponding Contents of

connect, listen, resolve";

the otsearch.policy File permission "",
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"accept, connect, listen, resolve";

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The IP addresses are stored in two separate locations as

previously mentioned:
In ibu

 otsearch.policy file
te te

 KINI table

Contents of the KINI table can be reviewed using an appropriate

SQL statement similar to the following:

select * from kini where inikeyword =



Recover From an If you do register incorrect IP addresses and are no longer able to control

Incorrect IP Address IP access through the Content Server interface, you can restore access by
replacing the current policy file with an empty policy file, which will then

allow access to search components for all IP addresses.


An empty policy file is available in the same directory as the current policy
file, under the name otsearch.policy.bak (this file is generated when you
modify the policy file for the first time). However, while the search system
uses the policy file when controlling IP access, the Content Server
interface displays the values stored in the Content Server database.

Pa ge 39- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap te r 39. Se ar c h Se cur i ty

Therefore, after replacing the policy file, you should update the values in
the Content Server interface, as described below.

Recovering from an incorrect or missing IP address:

1. Stop all Content Server services.
2. Locate the OTHome\config\otsearch.policy and
otsearch.policy.bak files.
3. Delete the otsearch.policy file.
4. Rename the otsearch.policy.bak file to otsearch.policy.
O oN

5. Restart all Content Server services.

pe o

6. Log in as the Admin user.

7. Navigate to Admin pages > Search Administration > Control
n tD

IP Access to Search Components.

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8. Update the list of IP addresses so that the list of stored IP

addresses are blank; when the list is saved, it will update the
xt str

information stored to both the otsearch.policy file and the

In ibu
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Secure Deletion of Temporary Files


Setting Up Secure When indexing, the Document Conversion Service (DCS) and iPools in
Deletion of data flows generate temporary files that may contain text or other

Temporary Files content extracted from the files being indexed. When a temporary file is

no longer needed, the data flow uses normal operating system calls to
delete it. In most cases, this means that the operating system removes the
file's entry from the file table and leaves the file image on the disk to be

overwritten by a new file sometime in the future. However, some


software can recover the deleted file from the image, and this may
present a security risk.

You specify the secure delete level in two or more places.

1. The first is the Securedelete parameter in the [DCS] section of the

opentext.ini file that specifies the secure delete level for DCS.
2. You specify the secure delete level for iPools in the data flows'
ipool.cfg files. There is one for each data flow folder for each data
source (for example, OTHome\index\enterprise\
data_flow\ for the Enterprise data source).

You specify the level by adding the following line before the </
InterchangePool> line that ends the file:
<SecureDeleteLevel>x<SecureDeleteLevel> where x is the value of the
secure delete level.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 9 -5

C hap te r 39 . Se ar c h Se cur i ty

If the read and write directories for a data source are on different
computers, you must add this setting to the ipool.cfg files for each

OpenText recommends that you specify the same secure delete

level for both DCS and iPools. The temporary files for both of
these components frequently contain the same data, so
increasing the secure delete level for just one of these
components only marginally enhances security.
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Figure 39-5:

Example of a Content
Server Enterprise Data

Flow Folder Structure


Pa ge 39- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap te r 39. Se ar c h Se cur i ty

Which Folder is Which? Since most of the folders appearing within the index and the dataflow are
nothing more than a series of numbers, it may be difficult to keep them
separate in the administrator’s mind.

For example, SOV > Enterprise Data Source Folder > Enterprise Data
Flow Manager > Enterprise Extractor Process > Specific.

This information shows *_0 is the write area for the Extractor, *_1 is the
write area for the DCS and *_2 is the write area for the prospector.
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Figure 39-6:
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Command Line Section

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Secure Delete Levels When you configure the secure deletion of temporary files, you specify a
secure delete level that determines how the system overwrites file

images left on the disk. Possible values are integers from 0 to 4; these set
varying levels of secure deletion.

Table 39-1: File Deletion Values


File Deletion Values Description

0 Perform no secure deletion.


1 Overwrite the file image in one pass with null bytes. This

option is recommended for non-journaling file systems (for

example, Solaris 9).

2, 3, 4 Overwrite the file image with a more complex set of bytes

(in non-null bit patterns), with more than one pass, making
file recovery increasingly difficult. The value of the level
represents the number of passes made to overwrite the
data; the value 4 provides the most security. These options
are recommended for journaling file systems (for example,
Windows and Solaris 10).

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 3 9 -7

C hap te r 39 . Se ar c h Se cur i ty

Since the value of each secure delete level represents the

number of passes made when overwriting temporary files, the
performance impact increases with each secure delete level.
Using secure delete levels of 2, 3, or 4 does not guarantee that
journaling file systems are secure, but the probability of
recovering file data decreases with each secure delete level.

Figure 39-7: DCS]

The [DCS] Section of the < SNIP >
O oN

opentext.ini File With modx10=DCSIm

Secure Delete Setting Securedelete=4
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Figure 39-8: <Identifier>file://C:/Content Server-
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< SNIP >

An ipool.cfg File With its <LogLevel>0</LogLevel>
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Secure Delete Setting <SecureDeleteLevel>4<SecureDeleteLevel>

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In summary, in this chapter we:


 Controled IP Access to Search Components


 Set up Secure Deletion of Temporary Files


Pa ge 39- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 4 0 . Pul s e Adm i ni s tr a ti on

40. Pulse Administration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Configure Pulse Collaboration settings and activity feeds using their administration pages

O oN
pe o

This chapter deals with the administration of Pulse features and


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Introducing Pulse
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Pulse You have been introduced to Pulse as part of earlier Content Server
training courses such as in:
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 1-0184 - Managing Documents in Content Server

te te

 1-0185 - Collaborating in Content Server


 3-0177 - What's New in Content Server v16.0


Pulse was previously available as an optional module, however, beginning

with version v16.0 it is included as part of the core product and part of the

Integrated Social features and functionality.


Pulse provides users with a real time activity feed of what is happening
within the system. By following other people you see activity by those you

are most interested in. The activity feed automatically contains details on

new content added to the system and allows you to share a simple status
message with others or comment/reply to something in the activity feed.

Pulse Benefits Some of the benefits of Pulse are:

 To help people to be more effective through better networking
 To stay up-to-date with your colleagues through their status and
content updates so you know what you need to respond to, and when
 To organize streams of content and activity related to your projects.
Pulse is not just limited to files and documents, but is applied to
containers like folders and places such as Project Workspaces and
Communities in Content Server

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 0 -1

C hap te r 40. Pul se Ad mini st ra ti on

Pulse Administration

Pulse Administration Settings

1. Log in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Pulse Administration section. If
prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g., opentext).

The Pulse administration page is displayed.

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Figure 40-1:

Administration Pages
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Collaboration Administration

The Configure: Collaboration Administration page allows you to

configure and manage social collaboration features for Content Server


3. Click Collaboration Administration.


Pa ge 40- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 4 0 . Pul s e Adm i ni s tr a ti on

The Configure: Collaboration Administration page is displayed.

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Figure 40-2: Configure Collaboration Administration Page


Add Managed Object Type Allows you to add object types that will be under collaboration


Manage Collaboration The Manage Collaboration Features section controls whether specific
Features features, like comments, will be supported.

User Preferences Users can modify collaboration features themselves, when the User
Preferences setting is enabled.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 0 -3

C hap te r 40. Pul se Ad mini st ra ti on

4. From the Select Object Types to Manage drop down list, select or enable
the following item types: Channel, News, Poll, and URL following by
clicking Add.

Figure 40-3:

Adding Object Types for

O oN

Pulse Collaboration
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The object types are added to the Manage Collaboration features section,
xt str

as illustrated in the following figure:-.

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Figure 40-4:

Enabling Pulse
Collaboration Features to

New Items

5. Enable the following features for the newly added object types:
– Comments
– Enable Replies to Comments
– Enable Document Attachments
– Enable Shortcuts to Content Server
– Enable Likes

Pa ge 40- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 4 0 . Pul s e Adm i ni s tr a ti on

6. Click Update at the bottom of the page to save the configuration change.

The Pulse Administration section is displayed.

Configure or Pulse Administration

The Pulse Administration page contains a number of Pulse settings and
the global control for enabling or disabling Pulse.

7. Click Configure.
O oN

The Configure or Pulse Administration page is displayed:

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Figure 40-5:

The Pulse Administration

or Configure Page

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 0 -5

C hap te r 40. Pul se Ad mini st ra ti on

Enable Pulse Select Enabled to make the Pulse features available to your Content
Server users. The Pulse module is needed for OpenText Tempo Box and
OpenText ECM Everywhere, therefore if you do not want to make the
Pulse features available to your Content Server users when you have one
of these products installed, select Disabled.

Max Length for Status Defines the character length limit of status messages, comments, and
Msgs/Comments public or private messages.

Feed Refresh Interval Sets how often to refresh the activity feed to display newer posts or

Initial # of items to load in Defines how many new posts to retrieve at one time.
O oN

the feed
pe o

# of items to grow the feed Sets the maximum number of new posts to display on the page before
via auto-refresh doing a complete page refresh.
n tD

# of Recent Connections to Sets how many connections you want to show in the Recent Connections
Te i

Show list.
xt str

Disable Pulse From Here Removes the Pulse From Here option from the Content Server Functions
menu for folders.
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Allow Users to set Privacy Controls whether or not users can apply privacy controls to their
te te

Controls personal feed entries.


Disable Profile Photo Turns off browser caching of profile photos.


Audit Download of Profile Allows auditing of profile photos.



Disable comments in Removes the ability to add comments or view comments that were
Workflow Volume previously added to a file, when enabled.

Add a DataID to the Adds the DataID or a parent container to the Exclusion List to reduce the

Exclusion List large number of insignificant system-generated updates to the activity



8. Select Audit Download of Profile Photos and select Disable Comments in

Workflow Volume.
9. Click Submit at the bottom of the page.

The Pulse Administration section is displayed.

Pa ge 40- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 4 0 . Pul s e Adm i ni s tr a ti on

Include Node Types or Item Types for System Generated Messages

You can control which items automatically generate system messages in
Pulse activity feeds by adding items for inclusion. Through the Comments
option on an item's functions menu, users can manually comment on
items that do not automatically generate activity feed entries.

Users only see activity feed updates on items that they have
permissions to view.
O oN
pe o

For any item that is included, a system message is generated when the

item is created or a version is added, assuming the location is not

excluded. For information on excluding locations, see Excluding Locations
n tD

or Objects from Activity Feeds. Changes to the list will not affect existing
Te i

activity feed entries.

xt str

10. Click Included Node Types.

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Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 0 -7

C hap te r 40. Pul se Ad mini st ra ti on

The Configure: Item Types for System Generated Messages page is


O oN
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Figure 40-6: Item Types for System Generated Messages


You can control which items automatically generate system messages in


Pulse activity feeds by adding items for inclusion. Through the Comments

option on an item's functions menu, users can manually comment on

items that do not automatically generate activity feed entries.

Users only see activity feed updates on items that they have permissions
to view.

For any item that is included, a system message is generated when the
item is created or a version is added, assuming the location is not

11. Select those items types which you want to automatically generate system
messages, by default only documents are enabled.
12. Click Update.

The Pulse Administration section is displayed.

Pa ge 40- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 4 0 . Pul s e Adm i ni s tr a ti on

Test the Pulse Administration Settings

1. Log in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Enterprise Workspace > Gearing Up Project > Gearining Up
Project Channel and click on a news story (e.g., Is Trade Show Duty up your
3. From the new story’s Functions menu, select Comment.

The Pulse page is displayed.

O oN
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Figure 40-7:
xt str

Example of a Pulse Page

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4. Enter a comment (e.g., Please let me and the IT team know what we can

do to help make this a successful trade show this year), and click Update.

5. Also enter a comment in the Enterprise Workspace for the Admin Page URL
item by selecting Comment from its Functions menu (e.g., Hello from

Susan. We have a URL available to take you to the Administration pages


as an alternative to using the Global Menu bar and it can be found in the
Enterprise Workspace for those with the necessary permissions), and

click Update.
6. Launch a separate browser (e.g., Chrome) and sign in as the Admin User
(e.g., admin/cs!).
7. From the Global Menu bar, select Personal > Pulse.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 0 -9

C hap te r 40. Pul se Ad mini st ra ti on

8. Under the Activity Feeds section, select Pulse-All users and confirm that
the previously entered Pulse comments are visible for the URL and news
item, as illustrated in the following figure:

O oN

Figure 40-8:
pe o

Pulse Comments For

Newly Enabled Items
n tD
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In ibu
te te

9. Close the separate browser (e.g., Chrome).



In summary, in this chapter we:

 Configured Pulse Collaboration settings and activity feeds using their

administration pages

Pa ge 40- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 4 0 . Pul s e Adm i ni s tr a ti on


Configure Pulse and Collaboration

This exercise provides you with an opportunity to configure Pulse collaboration functionality and
then test it out.

1. Sign in using the sadmin/letmein administrative account.

2. Navigate to the Administration pages followed by the Pulse Administration section. If

prompted for an administration page password, enter opentext.
O oN

3. Select Collaboration Administration.

pe o

4. In a separate browser (i.e., Chrome), sign in as cho/opentext and navigate into the
n tD

Enterprise Workspace > Gearing Up Project > Gearing Up Project Task list and click the
Te i

Task list.

5. Test that you do not have Pulse From Here or Comments as options on the Functions menu
xt str

for the Task List or the Tasks assigned to Chris Ho.

In ibu

6. Add the Task List, Task Group and Task as object types to manage on the Collaboration
Administration page and enable all of the collaboration features; remember to click Update
te te

at the bottom of the page to save the configuration change.


7. Add a new comment for one of the tasks assigned to Chris.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 0 -1 1

C hap te r 40. Pul se Ad mini st ra ti on

O oN
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n tD
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In ibu
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Pa ge 40- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 41. Sto ra ge Pr ov i de r Set ti ng s

41. Storage Provider Settings


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Configure Content Storage Providers
 Configure Storage Rules
O oN

pe o

This chapter provides you with an understanding of Content Storage

n tD

Providers and Storage Rules.

Te i

Introducing Content Server Storage Providers

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Adding or configuring storage providers, such as external folders,

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databases or Archive Center, allows you to control where Content Server

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files or content is stored.


For example, you could create a rule that all media files larger than 100
MB would be stored on a separate drive or directory. For more

sophisticated solutions and long term archiving, OpenText offers a

number of Archive solutions.

The default storage provider is the configuration set up during your initial
installation, but an administration page allows you to add more external
storage locations.

The Configure Storage Providers page allows you to add more external

storage locations and allows you to add rules that direct your uploaded

documents to a specific storage device.

Beginning with Content Server 10.5 SP1, an Internal Storage Provider is

included as a default Storage Provider. Its presence ensures that non-file
Content Server objects are placed in the internal storage. If this provider
is not present, an Internal Storage Provider is created when upgrading to
10.5 SP1 or later. Storage Provider Rules have been extended, beginning
with 10.5 SP1, to include the type filtering rules that were previously part
of the Content Move and Archive modules.

This enhancement aids customers in optimizing their configuration

objects, which should be stored internally, to achieve better system
performance and allow the re-use of a production data in a test

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 1 -1

C hap te r 4 1. St or ag e P ro vi de r Se tt ing s

Default Content Server Storage Providers are described in the following


Table 41-1: Default Content Storage Providers

Storage Provider Description

ZeroByte Zero Byte files are sent to this storage provider.

Default, External Content Server items are store to an EFS or external

Document Storage file system (e.g., local disk, SAN, NAS etc.).

Internal Content Server items are stored to the database (i.e.,

BLOB Storage).
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Storage Provider Administration

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Storage Provider Administration

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1. Log in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

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2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Storage Provider Settings section.

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If prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g., opentext).


The Storage Provider Settings administration page is displayed.


Figure 41-1:

Storage Provider


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C ha p te r 41. Sto ra ge Pr ov i de r Set ti ng s

Configure Storage Providers

3. Click Configure Storage Providers.

The Configure Storage Providers page is displayed.

Figure 41-2:

Configure Storage
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4. Open Windows Explorer and create a new folder on the C-drive (e.g.,
C:\CS16-efs4PDF); this folder will be used as a new external storage
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provider for PDF files

5. From the Add Item menu, select External Document Storage.
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The Add New Logical Storage Provider page is displayed.


Figure 41-3:

Adding a Storage Provider


Name The provider name is what appears in the UI when referring to the file
store location; it should be under 32 characters, because that is what is
displayable, however, the limit is 64 characters.

6. Enter the name of the storage provider (e.g., External File System for

Configuration The absolute path to the external storage directories. The maximum is
255 characters.

7. Enter the absolute path to the external storage directories (e.g., C:\CS16-
efs4PDF). Hint: It is best to copy and past the information to avoid any
typographical mistakes.
8. Click Submit.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 1 -3

C hap te r 4 1. St or ag e P ro vi de r Se tt ing s

9. Restart the Content Server service using Windows Services.

10. Click Admin Home to return to the Storage Provider Settings
administration page.

The Storage Provider Settings page is displayed.

Storage Provider Rules

Storage Provider Rules determine which Storage Provider stores a given
item based on rule settings and the characteristics of the item.
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Content Server always creates an internal database storage provider and

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a ZeroByte storage provider. The default Content Server storage rules

send zero-byte files to the ZeroByte storage provider.
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Each Content Server instance has a default Storage Provider that cannot
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be modified or deleted. If you configure an external storage provider

during the initial setup of Content Server, it becomes the default storage
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for documents etc.

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11. Click Configure Storage Rules.

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The Configure Storage Rules page is displayed.


Figure 41-4: The Configure Storage Rules Page


12. Click Add, to add a new Storage Rule.

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C ha p te r 41. Sto ra ge Pr ov i de r Set ti ng s

The Add New Rule page is displayed.

Figure 41-5:

Configure Storage
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Rule The rule is one of approximately two dozen criteria that can be applied to
the incoming Content Server content and it is used to control where the
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content is stored. Rules include:

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 Size of file in bytes is greater than '?'


 Category name is '?'

 Mime type is '?'

 Size of the file in bytes is less than '?'


 Node name contains '?'


 Always (value is ignored)

 Any additional node attribute value is '?'

 Non-specific attribute ? value is ?


 Attribute ? value is ?

 All Thumbnails
 OR '?'
 AND '?'
 NOT '?'
 Project '?'
 Volume '?'
 Creation Date/Modification Date '?'
 Newest Version '?'
 Object type in ?
 Stored below ?

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 1 -5

C hap te r 4 1. St or ag e P ro vi de r Se tt ing s

 Stored below Container Type ?

 Stored in Personal Workspace (value is ignored)
 Volume Free Space (MB)

Description Is the name that appears on the GUI and describes the storage rule.

Value Is the value, if applicable, that is used by the rule.

Local Storage Provider Is a drop down list of the Storage Providers.

13. Select a Rule (e.g., Mime Type is ‘?’).

14. Enter a description (e.g., PDF Documents Stored Externally to EFS-PDF).
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15. Enter a value for the MIME Type (e.g., application/pdf).

pe o

16. Select the appropriate storage provider from the drop down list (e.g.,
External File System for PDFs - ExtShared (External Document Storage)
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17. Click Submit.

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The Storage Provider Settings page is displayed.

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To test the newly created Storage Provider and the Storage Rule, it
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involves adding a few PDF files and monitoring the external file store.
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18. Using Windows Explorer, open it to the C:\CS16-efs4PDF folder.


19. Confirm that there are no contents in the folder.

20. In Windows Explorer, open the C:\SampleDocs folder and filter its contents

so that there are at least 3 uniquely named PFDF files displayed (i.e., search
on PDF).

21. In a new browser window or tab, navigate to your Personal Workspace (i.e.,

Global Menu bar > Personal > My Workspace).

22. Click drag-and-drop the trio of PDF files from Windows Explorer to your

Personal Workspace.

Pa ge 41- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 41. Sto ra ge Pr ov i de r Set ti ng s

23. Confirm that a corresponding number of ‘dat’ files were created in a

subfolder in the C:\CS16-efs4PDF directory, as illustrated in the following

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Figure 41-6:
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Testing the New Storage

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Provider and Storage Rule


A closer examination of the contents of one of the new dat files

(e.g., 772286) will demonstrate that it is a copy of the New
Product Description.pdf file that was just uploaded into Content

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 1 -7

C hap te r 4 1. St or ag e P ro vi de r Se tt ing s

Auditing Administrators can audit the movement of content from one Storage
Provider to another. By default, the Provider Changed audit interest is
turned off. The audit details for this event include the original Storage
Provider name, the new Storage Provider name, and the name of the user
who moved the content. Every Document in Content Server displays the
name of its Storage Provider on the Versions tab of the Document's
Properties page. Users with the proper permissions can view the entire
list of Storage Provider Rules. This list includes the Storage Provider rule,
and the name and type of the Storage Provider.

View Storage Rules Anyone with Administration Privileges can View Storage Rules from their
Tools drop-down menu, as illustrated in the following figure: .
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Figure 41-7: View Storage Rules with Administration Privileges



In summary, in this chapter we:


 Configure Content Storage Providers


 Configure Storage Rules

Pa ge 41- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 41. Sto ra ge Pr ov i de r Set ti ng s


This exercise will provide you with an opportunity to practice what you have learned earlier in this
chapter about the creating additional Storage Providers and implementing Storage Provider Rules.
This exercise will focus on adding a new Storage Provider and accompanying Rule.

With an increase in the use of Content Server by our Marketing Department for the storage of their
materials, Outdoor Gear has purchased additional storage (e.g., NAS, SAN) and it has been decided
that ‘large’ file should be stored to this new hardware moving forward.

Examples of these 2GB or larger files are readily reported by the 25 Largest Documents LiveReport
(e.g., Personal > Reports > LiveReports > 25 Largest Documents), as illustrated below:
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Create a New Storage Provider for Large Files


1. Sign in using sadmin/letmein.


2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Storage Provider Settings Administration section.
If prompted for the Administration password, enter opentext.

3. Click Configure Storage Providers.

4. Open Windows Explorer and create a new folder called C:\CS16-NAS4Large (i.e., we do not
actually have the NAS or SAN hardware, so we will have to simulate it with a local
directory); this folder will be used as a new external storage provider for ‘large’ files

5. From the Add Item menu, select External Document Storage.

6. Enter the name of the storage provider and call it External File System for Larger Files
followed buy the absolute path to the external storage directories (i.e., C:\CS16-
NAS4Large), then click Submit. Hint: It is best to copy and past the information to avoid any
typographical mistakes.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 1 -9

C hap te r 4 1. St or ag e P ro vi de r Se tt ing s

7. Restart the Content Server service using Windows Services.

8. Click Admin Home to return to the Storage Provider Settings administration page.

Create a New Storage Provider Rule for Large Files

1. Click Configure Storage Rules.

2. Click Add, to add a new Storage Rule.

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3. Select the Size of the file in bytes is greater than “?” rule.
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4. Enter a description of Larger Documents Stored Externally to NAS for Large.

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5. Enter a value of 2000000, corresponding to our [simulated] large file size, expressed in
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6. Select External File System for Larger Files - ExtShared (External Document Storage) as
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the storage provider from the drop down list.

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7. Click Submit.
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8. Move the Larger Documents Stored Externally to NAS for Large, using the up arrow, so that
it lies just below the ZeroByte rule. This ensures that large PDF files goes to the NAS


Test the Storage Provider and Provider Rule for Large Files

1. From the Global Menu bar, select Personal > Reports > LiveReports and click 25 Largest

Documents.onfigure Storage Rules.


2. Download at least one of each of the largest wav, xps and pdf files using the respective

Functions menu and store the files to C:\Downloads.

3. Using Windows Explorer, open it to the C:\CS16-NAS4Large folder and confirm that there
are no contents in the folder.

4. From your Personal Workspace (e.g., Global Menu bar > Personal > Workspace), create a
new folder called Large Files and add the set of files you downloaded in the prior step.

5. Using Windows Explorer again, open it to the C:\CS16-NAS4Large folder and confirm that
there are contents in the folder; one dat file for each large document added to Content

Pa ge 41- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C ha p te r 41. Sto ra ge Pr ov i de r Set ti ng s

6. As an ultimate test, mouse over one of the PDF files previously added to determine its Node
ID, located in the URL displayed in the lower left corner of the browser window and
simultaneously open the folder containing the dat file with that same name (e.g., *077).

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7. Open the dat file using Acrobat Reader to reveal it is the ‘large’ PDF file you added earlier.
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Pa ge 41- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 42. Use r s a nd G r oups Admi ni str a ti on

42. Users and Groups Administration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Configure Department Selection
 Configure Group Settings
 Configure User Name Display
 Configure Content Server Domains and associated OTDS parameters
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This chapter deals with Content Server user and group administration.
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The users and groups administrative options and links are described in
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the following table:

Table 42-1: Users and Groups Administration Pages

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Administration Page Link Description

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Configure Department Select a method for assigning department


Selection membership.

Configure Domain Enable or disable domain support, manage the "All

Domains" X-Domain group, and configure the domain

display name.

Configure Group Settings Prevent forming recursive groups.

Configure User Name Specify name formatting for display.



User Tab Permissions Set permissions for user tabs.


Users and Groups Administration

Users and Groups Administration

1. Log in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Users and Groups Administration
section. If prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g.,

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 2 -1

Chapte r 42. Use r s and Gr oups Ad mini st ra ti on

The Users and Groups Administration page is displayed.

Figure 42-1:

Administration Pages
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Configure Department Selection

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The Configure Department Selection controls whether a drop down list

or a ‘picker’ dialog is used when selecting a Department, for example in a
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user’s profile.
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Content Server defaults to “Drop-down list”, however, the


recommendation is for administrator to use “Department dialog” with

installations with large number of groups.

3. Click Configure Department Selection.


The Configure Department Selection page is displayed.


Figure 42-2:

The age

4. In a separate browser window or tab, navigate to the Enterprise

5. From the Global Menu bar, select Enterprise > Users and Groups.
6. Find: User Last Name that starts with Admin, and click Edit opposite Susan
Adminvokova to edit her user profile.

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Ch apte r 42. Use r s a nd G r oups Admi ni str a ti on

7. Click on the Department drop down list.

The Department drop down list is displayed.

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Figure 42-3:
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User Profile with

Department Drop Down
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8. From the Configure Department Selection page, select Department


dialog and click Submit.

9. On Susan’s user profile, press F5 to refresh the page,

10. Click Select opposite the Department field.


The Department ‘picker’ dialog is displayed.


Figure 42-4:

User Profile with

Department Dialog

Close the ‘picker’ dialog and then the browser window or tab.

11. From the Administration page, click Admin Home.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 2 -3

Chapte r 42. Use r s and Gr oups Ad mini st ra ti on

The Users and Groups Administration section is displayed.

Configuring Domains will be dealt with at the end of this chapter,

because of its involvement with OTDS settings.

Configure Group Settings

When creating a subgroup in Content Server, it is possible to form
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recursive groups. For example, you could assign Group A as a member of

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Group B, and then assign Group B as a member of Group A. Because


recursive groups can reduce system performance, you can choose to

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prevent the formation of recursive groups in Content Server.

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1. Click Configure Group Settings.

The Configure Group Settings page is displayed; by default the prevent

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recursive groups is disabled.

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Figure 42-5:

Configure Group Settings


In the case of Outdoor Gear, the administrator has already enabled this


2. Click Admin Home.

The Users and Groups Administration page is displayed.

Pa ge 42- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 42. Use r s a nd G r oups Admi ni str a ti on

Configuring User Name Display Options

In some organizations, users have a cryptic login name, composed of
letters and digits. The purpose of the login is often to enhance security or
to maintain the status quo of a legacy system login.

By default, Content Server displays this user name information as part of

document and other item metadata (e.g., Document Properties > General
tab). Content Server administrators can choose how user names are
formatted for display using the Configuring User Name Display Options.

In a separate browser window or tab, navigate to your Personal

O oN

Workspace and add a document (e.g., matrix.doc) and from its Functions
menu, select Properties > General.
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Figure 42-6: Example of User Name Displayed for a Document


The settings chosen on the Configure User Name Display page will appear
on info pages.

User Name Display


1. Click Configure User Name Display.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 2 -5

Chapte r 42. Use r s and Gr oups Ad mini st ra ti on

The Configuring User Name Display Options page is displayed.

Figure 42-7:
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The Configure User Name


Display Page
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The settings chosen on the Configure User Name Display page will appear

on info pages for Content Server items, as well as tasks, the Personal
Workspace header, etc.

In situations, such as Outdoor Gear, where multiple Language Packs have


been installed, each language can be configured independently with

respect to the User Display Name.

Display or formatting options for name display are illustrated in the


following figure:

Figure 42-8:

The Six Options for

Displaying a User’s Name
in Content Server

2. For the English language configuration, select Append (Log-in) ID and

FirstName MiddleInitial. LastName as the Display Name Format.
3. Click Submit.

Pa ge 42- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 42. Use r s a nd G r oups Admi ni str a ti on

4. Revisit the Properties > General tab of the document viewed earlier and
notice how the sign in name has now been annotated, as in the following

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Figure 42-9: Example of User Name Displayed for a Document Using Name with Appended ID
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User Tab Permissions

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Users have both a General profile with basic user metadata and a

Personal profile with sections for photos, alternate email addresses, web
site links, etc. Using the User Tab Permissions page in the Users and

Groups Administration section, Content Server administrators can:

Specify whether all users should be able to edit their general profiles


 Specify whether all users should be able to edit their personal profiles

 Specify which user(s) should be able to edit the personal profiles of all

other users. For example, you may wish to place someone in charge of
adding digital photographs of all users

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 2 -7

Chapte r 42. Use r s and Gr oups Ad mini st ra ti on

Only users with user administration rights can edit the general profiles of
other users. They get the blue check marks under Action.

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Figure 42-10:
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Example General and

Personal Profiles for a User
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The User Tab Permissions page is illustrated in the figure below. The
installation of the optional Pulse module has contributed the Extended

Figure 42-11:

The User Tab Permissions


General Whether members of this group can edit their General profile
information (first name, last name, etc.).

Pa ge 42- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 42. Use r s a nd G r oups Admi ni str a ti on

Personal Whether members of this group can edit their Personal profile
information (favorite web sites, birth date, etc.).

In the User Tab interface, the term Public Access refers to all
users in the system. Elsewhere in Content Server (for example,
on a permissions page), the phrase Public Access means “all users
with Public Access privilege enabled.”

5. Close all previously opened browsers.

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Introducing Domains
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For some organizations it's important to be able to define multiple

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isolated user environments for Content Server without having to install

multiple instances of Content Server. Domains can be used to create
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separate ‘instances’ for different companies in an organization.

Domains define secure boundaries within a Content Server system.

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Organizations use Domains to isolate groups of users from each other in a

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more definite and controlled way than is possible by setting permissions.

Some of the organizations that use Content Server in this way include:

 Companies that want to use Content Server to collaborate with their


customers and/or vendors

 Associations that want to use Content Server to collaborate between

many (sometimes competing) organizations


 ASPs (Application Service Providers) who want to host many

different organizations on one Content Server site

When Domains are enabled, Content Server starts to think of Users,


Groups, and access in terms of the System Domain and created Domains.

 Created Domains are the Domains that the system administrators

define for your Content Server system
 The System Domain is the Domain of all users who don't belong in any
created Domain
 Your system administrators can give a name to the System Domain
that reflects your use of it, for example, Internal or Corporate

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 2 -9

Chapte r 42. Use r s and Gr oups Ad mini st ra ti on

Once Domains are enabled, every user who is created is added either to
the System Domain or to one of the created Domains. You can only enable
the Public Access enabled privilege for users in the System Domain; users
in created Domains are not part of the Public Access group. When
Domains are enabled, the login page for Content Server changes to
prompt the user to enter a Domain name, as you will see illustrated in the
subsequent figure.

After logging in to a Domain, a user sees that Domain's Workspace, which

is a different volume than the System Domain's Enterprise Workspace.

Content Server Domains (hereinafter called domains) are disabled by

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Configure Domains
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Configure Domains
xt str

1. Log in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

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2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Users and Groups Administration

section. If prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g.,
te te


The Users and Groups Administration page is displayed.


3. Click Configure Domain.


Pa ge 42- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 42. Use r s a nd G r oups Admi ni str a ti on

The Configure Domain page is displayed.

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Figure 42-12:
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Configure Domain Page

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Enable Domain Support This setting enabled Content Server Domain support.

All Domains X-Domain X-Domain groups, known as cross-Domain groups, are used to allow
Group collaboration across Domains. For example, if you have two groups of
users, each in a different Domain, that need to collaborate on a project,

you can create one X-Domain group which contains both groups of users.

An X-Domain group can contain:


 users from multiple Domains

 groups from multiple Domains
 Domains
 other X-Domain groups

You can also create an X-Domain Project, adding users and groups from
multiple Domains, to allow groups to share information.

To create an X-Domain project, you populate a regular Project with users,

groups, Domains, or X-Domain groups from multiple Domains.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 2 -1 1

Chapte r 42. Use r s and Gr oups Ad mini st ra ti on

Domain Name Display The name or ‘tag’ that appears in the users and group page. Common
names may include: Domain, Division, or similar corporate group entities.

System Domain Name The name of the original Content Server instance or resource. This is the
name associated with the original instance installation and its

4. Enable Domain Support.

5. Leave the default value of All Domains for the X-Domains setting.
6. For Domain Display Name, enter Corporate Division.
7. For System Domain Name, enter Outdoor Gear.
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8. Click Submit.
pe o

Create a Domain For testing and demonstration purposes, it will be necessary to create a
Domain, a domain-based group and a user.
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9. From the Global Menu bar, select Enterprise > Users and Groups.
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10. From the Add Item menu, select Domain, enter Mars Mountain Climbing
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and click Submit.

11. Change from the Outdoor Gear to Mars Mountain Climbing Domain.
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12. From the Add Item menu, select Group, enter Olympus Mons, and click
te te


From the Edit Group: Olympus Mons page, click Done.


13. From the Add Item menu, select User. Complete the user profile using a
Log-in Name of mars2, Department of Olympus Mons, Password of

opentext1 and Verify Password of opentext1. Scroll to the bottom of the


page and click Submit.


Pa ge 42- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 42. Use r s a nd G r oups Admi ni str a ti on

Configure OTDS to To configure OTDS to support, a mapping is required (for further

Support Domain information refer to The OpenText Directory Services Installation and
Administration Guide (OTDS160000-IWC-EN-4)) that allows the OTDS
(i.e., Domain) partition to communicate with Content Server.

Prior to enabling the Domain Mappings, this option requires that domain
support be enabled in Content Server and specifies XML-formatted
mappings of OTDS partitions to Content Server Domains. The general
format of this mapping file is:

<P>Partition Name 1</P>

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<D>CS Domain X</D>

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<P>Partition Name 2</P>

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<D>CS Domain X</D>

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14. Create a text-based xml in C:\CS16 called domain_mappings.xml and the

te te

contents of this mapping file are illustrated in the following figure:


Figure 42-13: <M>

<P>Outdoor Gear</P>
Example of a <D>Mars Mountain Climbing</D>

domain_mappings.xml File </M>



15. Navigate to Directory Services Integration Administration section and


click Configure Directory Services. When prompted to sign in, use the

Admin User credentials (e.g., Admin/cs!).


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 2 -1 3

Chapte r 42. Use r s and Gr oups Ad mini st ra ti on

16. Click Partitions and confirm that there is a Mars Mountain Climbing

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Figure 42-14: OTDS Partitions

te te

17. Click Resources.


Pa ge 42- 14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 42. Use r s a nd G r oups Admi ni str a ti on

The Resources for Content Server page is displayed.

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Figure 42-15: OTDS Resources Page


18. From the Actions menu, select Properties.

The Properties page is displayed.


19. Click Connection Information.


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 2 -1 5

Chapte r 42. Use r s and Gr oups Ad mini st ra ti on

The Connection Information page is displayed.

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Figure 42-16: Properties Page


20. In the Domain mappings field, enter file:///c:\CS16\domain_mappings.xml


21. Click Save.


The next step is to test the created Domain, group, and user with the
OTDS mapping.

Pa ge 42- 16 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 42. Use r s a nd G r oups Admi ni str a ti on

22. In a separate browser (i.e., Chrome), sign in using the previously created
Domain user account and password. The format or syntax for signing into
Content Server using a non-system domain is <user name >@<domain
name>. (e.g., mars2@Mars Mountain Climbing/opentext1).

O oN
pe o

Figure 42-17:

Sign Into New Domain

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

23. Click Sign in.


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 2 -1 7

Chapte r 42. Use r s and Gr oups Ad mini st ra ti on

The password update page is displayed. Please remember that this

partition is being governed by the global password policy and therefore it
stipulates that users much change their password the very first time that
they sign into Content Server.

O oN
pe o

Figure 42-18:
n tD
Te i

Change Password First

Time Signing In
xt str
In ibu
te te

24. Enter mars2@Mars Mountain Climbing/opentext1/opentext2/opentext2

and click Change.

Pa ge 42- 18 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 42. Use r s a nd G r oups Admi ni str a ti on

Content Server informs you that the password has been updated, and
requires you to enter the changed password to sign in.

Figure 42-19:
O oN

Sign in with the Updated

pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

25. Enter the updated password (e.g., opentext2) and click Sign in.

The Enterprise Workspace of the new Content Server Domain is



Figure 42-20:

Enterprise Workspace of

the New Content Server


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 2 -1 9

Chapte r 42. Use r s and Gr oups Ad mini st ra ti on

In summary, in this chapter we:
 Configured Department selection tool
 Configured Group Settings
O oN  Configured User Name Display
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Pa ge 42- 20 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 42. Use r s a nd G r oups Admi ni str a ti on


This exercise will provide you with an opportunity to practice what you have learned earlier in this
chapter about the administering Users and Groups. This exercise will focus on some frequently used
settings, such as configuring the Department Selection and the Group Name Display.

Users and Groups Administration

1. Sign in using sadmin/letmein.

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Users and Groups Administration section. If
O oN

prompted for the Administration password, enter opentext.

pe o

3. Click Configure Department Selection.

n tD

4. In a separate browser window or tab, navigate to the Enterprise Workspace.

Te i

5. From the Global Menu bar, select Enterprise > Users and Groups.
xt str

6. Find: User Last Name that starts with Admin, and click Edit opposite Susan Adminvokova to
edit her user profile.
In ibu

7. Click on the Department drop down list.

te te

8. From the Configure Department Selection page, select Department dialog and click


9. On Susan’s user profile, press F5 to refresh the page,


10. Click Select opposite the Department field.


11. From the Administration page, click Admin Home.


Configure Group Name Display


1. In a separate browser window or tab, navigate to your Personal Workspace and add a
document (e.g., matri.xdoc) and from its Functions menu, select Properties > General.

2. From the Administration pages, click Configure User Name Display.

3. For the English language configuration, select Append (Log-in) ID and FirstName
MiddleInitial. LastName as the Display Name Format and click Submit.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 2 -2 1

Chapte r 42. Use r s and Gr oups Ad mini st ra ti on

4. Revisit the Properties > General tab of the document viewed earlier and notice how the sign
in name has now been annotated, as in the following figure:

O oN
pe o

n tD

5. Close all of the previously opened browsers.

Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Pa ge 42- 22 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chap t er 43. Web Ed it Administra ti on

43. Web Edit Administration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Configure Web Edit Settings, including preferred editors and MIME Types

O oN
pe o

This chapter deals with the administration of Web Edit Settings and in

particular, configurations for supported Office applications, their

n tD

versions, and MIME Type associations.

Te i

Microsoft Office Support

xt str

Content Server supports Microsoft® Office 2007, 2010 and 2013 as

In ibu

illustrated in the table below. Native support for Microsoft Office

te te

including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio and Project is available with

Web Edit.

Table 43-1: Microsoft Office Support


Office Version Details


Office 2007 Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007


Office 2010 Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2010


Office 2013 Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2013


Administrators can configure the availability of specific Office


applications (components) and versions from the administration pages.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 3 -1

C h ap te r 4 3 . W e b E d i t A dm i n i s tr at io n

Web Edit Administration

Web Edit Administration

1. Log in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Web Edit Administration section.
If prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g., opentext).

The Web Edit administration page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

n tD

Figure 43-1:
Te i

Administration Pages
xt str
In ibu
te te

Configure Web Edit Settings


By default, the Content Server’s Office Editor is given precedence and


therefore is used to edit Office documents.


This configure page allows you to set preferred editors for individual
MIME types (e.g. Microsoft Word will edit *.doc* files) and enable or

disable creation types.


By default Content Server allows you to create new Word, Excel,


PowerPoint, Visio and Project documents when you select Document

from the Add Item menu (illustrated shortly).

If the client does not have Office Editor installed, it can be installed via the
Web UI by default.

3. Click Configure Web Edit Settings.

Pa ge 43- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chap t er 43. Web Ed it Administra ti on

The Editor section of the Configure Web Edit Settings page is displayed.

Figure 43-2:

Configure Web Edit

O oN

pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu

Editors The editors available for configuration depend on the Content Server
modules that you are using, but can include ActiveX Editor and WebDAV
te te

(all available editors will be listed on this page).


When you set the editor preference, you specify a numeric value.

Specifying higher values indicates preference over editors with lower

values. You can disable an editor by specifying a negative value.

Content Server Display The default Content Server Display Name box,is in the form of <host>/

Name <OTHOME> which is the name of the repository that appears in the
Office Editor desktop client.

Enable Installer Download In situations where the Office Editor is not installed on a [supported

Windows] client, users can download an installer if this has been enabled

by an administrator.

However, the client user must have administrative rights on their

machines to install the Office editor. In cases where users will not have
enough client rights, OpenText has created an msi Office Editor installer
(available on the Knowledge Center at the following URL https:// so it
can be pushed out by organization administrators.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 3 -3

C h ap te r 4 3 . W e b E d i t A dm i n i s tr at io n

When a new version is This setting enables a user to upgrade old versions of the Office Editor
available client to the very latest version from the Content Server Web UI. Prompt
for upgrade requires 'Enable Installer Download' setting to be enabled.

Options include:
 Choose Do not display or prompt for upgrade if you do not want to
prompt users to upgrade to the most recent version of the Office
Editor client. This is the default setting
 Choose Provide users with the option to upgrade, or continue using
any compatible older version if you want to let users decide if they
want to upgrade to the most recent version of the Office Editor client
O oN

 Choose Force users to upgrade if you want users to immediately

upgrade to the most recent version of the Office Editor client
pe o

Use doc.Fetch for All This setting configures the Open function in Content Server.
n tD

Clear the check box to open all configured documents, as you have
Te i

specified in the MIME Types for Office Editor section, in their native
applications. Office Editor automatically downloads documents to the
xt str

document cache and then opens it from there. This is the default setting.
In ibu

Select the check box to open all documents using the Content Server
default implementation (doc.Fetch). If you select this option, Office Editor
te te

is not used when users open a document.


Enable Document Caching This setting configures the ability to keep most recently used documents
in the Office Editor cache. This setting applies to documents edited from

this Content Server from desktops without an Enterprise Connect plug-

in. Caching is enabled by default.

4. Scroll down to the MIME Types for Office Editor section.


Pa ge 43- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chap t er 43. Web Ed it Administra ti on

The MIME Types section of the Configure Web Edit Settings page is

O oN
pe o

Figure 43-3:
n tD

MIME Types Section of the

Configure Web Edit
Te i

Settings Page
xt str
In ibu
te te

Select Support Office Editor for selected MIME types if you want to use
Office Editor to open and edit only the specified document types. You can

edit the list of supported MIME types as required. This is the default

setting. You can alternatively select Support Office Editor for all
documents if you want to use Office Editor to open and edit all types of


When documents are The When documents are saved setting allows the system to be
saved configured to specify which versions will be kept during an edit session
and which Microsoft Office documents can be created ‘in-line’ from the
Add Item menu and selecting Document. The default configuration is to
all of the available Microsoft Office document types and versions.

5. Scroll down to the Add New Documents section.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 3 -5

C h ap te r 4 3 . W e b E d i t A dm i n i s tr at io n

The Add New Documents section of the Configure Web Edit Settings
page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

Figure 43-4:
n tD

Add New Document

Te i

Section of the Configure

Web Edit Settings Page
xt str
In ibu
te te

The Add New Document section of the Configure Web Edit Settings page
allows the system to be configured to support which versions will be kept

during an edit session and which Microsoft Office documents can be


created ‘in-line’ from the Add Item menu and selecting Document. The
default configuration is to support all of the listed Microsoft Office
document types and versions.

In the case of Outdoor Gear, Office applications that where 2007 or

earlier, they have been cleared so as not to be offered as in-line choices
for users.

6. Click Submit.
7. Navigate to the Enterprise Workspace > Product Development folder.
8. From the Add Item menu, select Document.

Pa ge 43- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chap t er 43. Web Ed it Administra ti on

9. Click New, and the Microsoft Office file type, for example, Word 2010, as
illustrated in the following figure:

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 43-5: Add Document - New Microsoft Office Document



In summary, in this chapter we:

 Configured Web Edit Settings, including preferred editors and MIME

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 3 -7

C h ap te r 4 3 . W e b E d i t A dm i n i s tr at io n


This exercise will provide you with an opportunity to practice what you have learned earlier in this
chapter about the configuring Web Edit Settings. This exercise will focus on configuring settings to
support only the most recent Microsoft Office versions for inline editing.

1. If the CS16b instance services are not started, start them.

2. Sign in with the administrative account using Admin/livelink.

3. Navigate to the administration pages, using your preferred method, which may include:
O oN

a. the provided IE favorite: OTCS 16.0 > CS16b Admin

pe o

b. the URL: http://localhost/CS16b/cs.exe?func=admin.index

n tD

c. the Global Menu bar > Admin > Content Server Administration
Te i

4. Navigate to the Administration pages > Web Edit Administration section. If prompted for
the Administration password, enter opentext.
xt str
In ibu
te te

Pa ge 43- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chap t er 43. Web Ed it Administra ti on

5. Click Configure Web Edit Settings and scroll down to the Add New Documents section.
Configure the settings so that only Office 2010 and more recent versions are utilized by
Web Edit, as illustrated in the following figure:

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

6. Click Submit.

7. Navigate to the Enterprise Workspace and from the Add Item menu, select Document.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 3 -9

C h ap te r 4 3 . W e b E d i t A dm i n i s tr at io n

8. Click New, and the Microsoft Office file type of Word 2010 or later, as illustrated in the
following figure:

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu

Notice how Word etc. 2007 and earlier versions are not available from
the list.
te te

Pa ge 43- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap te r 4 4 . W e b F or m s Adm i ni s tr a ti on

44. Web Forms Administration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Create a Secure Database Connection
 Manage a a Secure Database Lookup
 Administer Web Forms using the Web Forms Database Lookup Administration page
O oN

pe o

n tD

This chapter deals with Content Server Web Forms administration.

Te i

The Web Forms administrative options and links are described in the
following table:
xt str

Table 44-1: Web Forms Administration Pages

In ibu

Administration Page Link Description

te te

Add Custom JavaScript When templates are exported as HTML, Content

File to All Templates Server automatically includes a JavaScript file with

Exported as HTML support routines for forms. You may also add your
own file of custom support routines.

Connection Encryption Set or alter the encryption key used to protect your

Key connection information.


List Database Connection List connection information for external databases.

Information From This type of connection was created in previous
Previous Releases releases of the Content Server Web Forms module.

Manage Secure Database Create, list, and edit database connections.


Manage Secure Database Create, list, and edit executable database lookups.

For more information regarding Forms and Web Forms, refer to

the 2-0114 - Content Server Forms course.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 4 -1

C hap te r 4 4 . W e b F or m s Adm i ni s tr a ti on

Web Forms Administration

The following section deals with the administration of Web Forms.

Web Forms Administration Settings

1. Log in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Web Forms Database Lookup
Administration section. If prompted for the Administration Password,
enter it (e.g., opentext).
O oN

The Web Forms Database Lookup Administration page is displayed.

pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 44-1: Administration Pages


Add Custom JavaScript File to All Templates Exported as HTML

A custom JavaScript file can be included with each form template you
export to HTML.

Your web server must have read permissions for the custom JavaScript
include file, otherwise the HTML template views will not be able to
include the JavaScript file.

3. Click Add Custom JavaScript File to All Templates Exported as HTML.

Pa ge 44- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap te r 4 4 . W e b F or m s Adm i ni s tr a ti on

The Custom JavaScript include file page is displayed.

Figure 44-2:

Custom JavaScript include

file Page
O oN

4. Click Admin Home.

pe o

The Web Forms Database Lookup Administration section is displayed.

n tD
Te i

Connection Encryption Key

xt str

All new and existing database connections encrypt their passwords when
In ibu

you create a connection encryption key. Changing the key updates all of
the connection objects. Only the password is encrypted.
te te

5. Click Connection Encryption Key.


The Connection Encryption Key page is displayed.


Figure 44-3:

Connection Encryption

Key Page

6. Click Admin Home.

The Web Forms Database Lookup Administration section is displayed.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 4 -3

C hap te r 4 4 . W e b F or m s Adm i ni s tr a ti on

List Database Connection Information from Previous Releases

Since Web Forms database lookups from previous releases expose a risk
for SQL injection attacks, therefore, old database connections and
lookups are disabled by default and can only be enabled by adding the
following entry into opentext.ini:



7. Click List Database Connection Information from Previous Releases.

O oN

The Web Forms Depreciated Database Connections page is displayed

pe o

n tD

Figure 44-4:
Te i

Web Forms Depreciated

Database Connections
xt str

In ibu
te te

If any connections from previous releases are found, they are listed on

this page and the information will include the database name, database
type, and the user name of the account that was used to access the


8. Click Admin Home.


The Web Forms Database Lookup Administration section is displayed.


Managing Secure Database Connections


Web Forms database lookups are executed by using JavaScript in the

HTML template view and consist of a secure database connection and a
secure database lookup. Before you can create a secure database lookup,
you must create a secure database connection that provides a connection
to the database that contains the information to be looked up.

Manage Secure Database Connections allows administrators to view,

modify, and create database connections. An example of where this may
be used is to connect Content Server to an external SQL database for use
in a secure database lookup in an HTML view of a form template.

Pa ge 44- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap te r 4 4 . W e b F or m s Adm i ni s tr a ti on

By default, only the administrator can create secure database

connections and secure database lookups. Any user can execute lookups.
Web Form users who attempt to perform a database lookup request
without permission to use the database lookup function will encounter an

Remember that you cannot delete a database connection if any secure

database lookups use that connection; lookups would have to be deleted

WebForms Database Connections

O oN

1. Log in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

pe o

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > WebForms Database Lookup

Administration section. If prompted for the Administration Password,
n tD

enter it (e.g., opentext).

Te i

The WebForms Database Lookup Administration page is displayed.

xt str
In ibu

The Web Forms Database Lookup and Connection objects have

their own privileges so that they can be assigned to specific
te te

Forms users or designers.


3. Click Manage Secure Database Connections.


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 4 -5

C hap te r 4 4 . W e b F or m s Adm i ni s tr a ti on

The Web Forms Connections page is displayed. In new systems, this page
will not have any connections listed, because they have to be added to the

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

Figure 44-5: Web Forms Connections Page with Examples of Database Connections
xt str

4. Select Add Item > Web Forms Database Connection.

In ibu
te te

While many Form-related objects can be Transported, Web

Form Connections cannot be similarly Transported. Instead,

details of the Web Form Connection should be documented and

it would have to be recreated (i.e., added) to the target system.

Pa ge 44- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap te r 4 4 . W e b F or m s Adm i ni s tr a ti on

The Add: Web Forms Database Connection page is displayed; it defaults

to a DBMS Server Type of Oracle.

Figure 44-6:
O oN

Web Forms Database

pe o

Connections for Oracle

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

5. Change the RDBMS Server Type to Microsoft SQL Server.


Figure 44-7:

Web Forms Database

Connections for Microsoft
SQL Server

6. Enter a User Name and a Password (e.g., sa/opetnext).

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 4 -7

C hap te r 4 4 . W e b F or m s Adm i ni s tr a ti on

7. Enter the name of the SQL Server (e.g., the host name of
8. Enter the name of the SQL Database (e.g., AdventureWorks)

The name of the SQL Database can be obtained, for example, using
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

9. Enter a [connection] name (e.g., AW-HREmployee4CS) and click Add.

10. Navigate to the Web Forms Database Lookup Administration page (e.g.,
Global Menu bar > Content Server Administration).
O oN

Managing Secure Database Lookups

pe o

You can use Secure Database Lookups to create the SQL statement that
n tD

can be executed in response to a user action on a form HTML view.

Te i

A lookup requires a Web Forms Secure Database Connection. This

connection defines which database the SQL statement is executed. The
xt str

Secure Database Connection must be created first.

In ibu

The SQL statement to execute defines the SQL statement that is

executed against the specified database connection and may optionally
te te

accept parameters passed from the Web Form HTML.


To bind the values passed in from the form to the SQL statement, use the

standard SQL bind syntax, adding :A<n> to the SQL statement to

represent the parameter. For example, :A1 would be replaced by the

value of the first parameter, and :A-2 would be replaced by the value of

the second parameter.

Configuring secure database lookups are performed in the Managing


Secure Database Lookups page of the Web Forms Database Lookup

Administration section by adding a Web Forms Database Lookup item. If

you select the Filter Output Based On Permissions check box, then the

SQL statement to execute must include the DataID, OwnerID, and

PermID columns from the DTree table in a Content Server database.
With these three columns, the lookup executes, and only rows that the
current user has See access to are returned in the output data. Rows that
the current user does not have See access to are removed from the
output data.

Add a Secure Database Lookup

The Step Set continues from the previous Step Set and the Web Forms
Database Lookup Administration page.

1. Click Manage Secure Database Lookups.

Pa ge 44- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap te r 4 4 . W e b F or m s Adm i ni s tr a ti on

The Web Forms Lookups page is displayed. In new systems, this page will
not have any lookups listed, because they have to be added to the system.

2. Select Add Item > Web Forms Database Lookup.

The Add: Web Forms Database Lookup page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 44-8: The Web Forms Connections Page


3. Click Browse Content Server opposite the Web Form Database


Connection field and click Select opposite the previously created


Connection (e.g., AW-HREmployee4CS).

4. Enter the SQL statement for the 'lookup'. Open the C:\Instructor

Resources\2-0114 Forms\adventureworks sql query.txt file in TextPad, so

you can copy and paste the following query into the SQL statement to
execute field, illustrated above:

select LoginID, NationalIDNumber, Title from

HumanResources.Employee where LoginID=:A1

The reason for the LoginID clause will become apparent shortly, but it is
because of the login-based table lookup that the form will be doing

5. Enter a Name (e.g., AW-HREmployee4CS) and click Add.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 4 -9

C hap te r 4 4 . W e b F or m s Adm i ni s tr a ti on

The admnistrator’s job would be finished up to this point in the Step Set,
in terms of configuring etc. the necessary forms connection and lookup,
however, for illustrative purposes, your instructor may choose to
optionally demonstrate a working example of a similar connection, lookup
and form.

6. Navigate to the Enterprise Workspace > Course Material > 2-0114 Forms
> AdventureWorks Lookup folder.
7. Click on the AdventureWorks-HR-Employee Form.
8. Using one of the login IDs found in the C:\Instructor Resources\2-0114
Forms\adventureworks sql query.txt file (e.g.adventure-works\kevin0),
copy and past that ID into the LoginID field and click the mouse away from
O oN

the field.
pe o

The form is updated with the corresponding National ID Number and

n tD

Title corresponding to the login ID, as illustrated in the following figure:

Te i
xt str

Figure 44-9:
In ibu

Example of a Working
Form Lookup
te te


In summary, in this chapter we:

 Created a Secure Database Connection

 Managed a a Secure Database Lookup


 Administered Web Forms using the Web Forms Database Lookup

Administration page

Pa ge 44- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t er 45. W e bR e po rt s Admi ni str a ti on

45. WebReports Administration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Configure WebReport Administration settings in Content Server

O oN
pe o

This chapter deals with Content Server WebReports administration.


The WebReports administrative options and links are described in the

n tD

following table:
Te i

Table 45-1: WebReports Administration Pages

xt str

Administration Page Link Description

In ibu

Flush Cache Clear the cache of compiled Reportviews.

te te

Install Requests.js Library Provides an interface to install the Requests Library

and associated files to the JavaScript library location.

Manage Category Data Update maximum number of categories and attribute


Source Configuration display parameters.

Manage Destination Configure which media types can be used for


Media Types WebReports output.


Manage Search Query Manages the ability to invoke WebReports directly

Integration from the search screen.

Manage Tags and Sub-Tags Enable and disable tags and sub-tags.

Manage Trusted Files Configure trusted external file paths.


Manage User / Group WR Determine which Users and Groups can trigger
Triggers WebReports.

Manage WebReports Change the Sleep Interval for the Conversion Agent
Conversion and set input and output directories to manage PDF

Manage WebReports Change the Sleep Interval for the Schedule Agent and
Schedules Enable/disable or permanently delete individual

Manage WebReports Enable or disable scripting of individual WebReports.


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 5 -1

Chapte r 45. We bR ep or t s Admi ni str at i on

Administration Page Link Description

Manage WebReports Enable/disable or restrict the WebReports services

Services feature.

Manage WR Triggers Determine which node types can trigger


Miscellaneous Configure miscellaneous WebReports settings.

WebReports Settings

WebReports Licensing Set or change the WebReports License Key and

display licensing status.
O oN

WebReports Node Identify and update Reportviews using out-of-date

pe o

Administration syntax.

WebReports Sub-tag Used to test build and sub-tags that have been
n tD

Builder created in the subtags folder.

Te i

WebReports that ship with Content Server (for example with the Records
Management module), can be run, however, for administrators or report
xt str

writers to create new WebReports, the module must be licensed. If the

WebReports module has not been licensed, it will display the
In ibu

WebReports Administration tab by appending the name with

"Unlicensed" in parentheses.
te te

WebReport Overview

WebReports is an OpenText Content Server module that ships with the

core product, but it must be licensed to make its functionality available to


It provides a powerful processing engine that allows Content Server data

and content to be combined into output that can be consumed in a variety

of different ways. This enables customers to create solutions ranging

from simple tabular reports to complex multi-layer applications - without

the need for custom programming or OScript customization.

WebReports provides an "engine" that takes a source of data and

processes it (manipulates, filters, sorts, converts, formats) into a readable
report or user interface that can be output or delivered to varying
destinations. These destinations allow content to be viewed in a range of
client applications, most commonly a browser but also email, Excel, Word
and other applications.

Pa ge 45- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t er 45. W e bR e po rt s Admi ni str a ti on

A WebReport has three main elements:

 Data Source selects where do we get the data
 Reportview specifies how should data be processed and presented -
this can be created using any text based format (HTML, CSV, RTF,
XHTML, XML, Word, Spreadsheet, etc.)
 Destination tells what do we do with the final result

The diagram below illustrates how the WebReports architecture works in

conjunction with a variety of different types of data sources and output
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str

Figure 45-1:
In ibu

WebReport Architecture
and Components
te te

A discussion of WebReports, including their design, is outside of


the scope of this course. For more information regarding the use

of WebReports, the following courses are available:

 3-0117 - Content Server WebReport Design I
 3-0118 - Content Server WebReport Design II

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 5 -3

Chapte r 45. We bR ep or t s Admi ni str at i on

WebReports Administration

WebReports Administration

1. Log in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > WebReports Administration
section. If prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g.,

The WebReports administration page is displayed.

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Figure 45-2:

Administration Pages

Pa ge 45- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t er 45. W e bR e po rt s Admi ni str a ti on

Flush Cache
This page lets an administrator remove all compiled Reportviews from
the cache location. This is useful if you are having problems with certain
Reportview compilations, as any removed objects will be re-compiled. It
should be pointed out that the purge only flushes the cache for the server
that rktengine.flushcache is run on.

3. Click Flush Cache.

The Flush Cache page is displayed.

O oN
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Figure 45-3:
n tD

Flush Cache Page

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The page also reports the number of objects that were purged.
In ibu

4. Click Admin Home.

te te

The WebReport Administration section is displayed.


Install Requests.js Library


Use the Install Requests.js Library page to install the requests.js library
and associated files to the JavaScript library location: /img/webreports/


5. Click Install Requests.js Library.


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 5 -5

Chapte r 45. We bR ep or t s Admi ni str at i on

The Install Requests.js Library page is displayed.

Figure 45-4:

Install Requests.js Library

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For more information regarding the Install Requests.js Library page, refer
In ibu

to the online help or the installation and administration guide.

te te

6. Click Admin Home.


The WebReport Administration section is displayed.


Manage Category Data Source Configuration


The Manage Category Data Source Configuration feature allows point


and click configuration of reports on Content Server Categories and


Attributes. The administration settings for this feature allow basic control
of the output format and settings which can help set limits on the

performance cost of running the report.

Pa ge 45- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t er 45. W e bR e po rt s Admi ni str a ti on

The Category Data Source provides a simplified interface for reports

based on one or more Content Server Categories and selected Attributes,
as illustrated in the following figure:

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Figure 45-5: Example of a WebReport with a Category Data Source

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7. Click Manage Category Data Source Configuration.

In ibu

The Manage Category Data Source Configuration page is displayed.

te te

Figure 45-6:

Manage Category Data

Source Configuration Page

For more information regarding the Manage Category Data Source

Configuration page, refer to the online help or the installation and
administration guide.

8. Click Admin Home.

The WebReport Administration section is displayed.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 5 -7

Chapte r 45. We bR ep or t s Admi ni str at i on

Manage Destination Media Types

The Manage Destination Media Types page can be used to add, edit, and
delete the destination media types to which a WebReport can be output.
Any existing destination media types will be displayed when the page is
loaded. You can change the name of a media type by amending the data in
the Media Type field for any media type.

9. Click Manage Destination Media Types.

The Manage Destination Media Types page is displayed.

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Figure 45-7:

Manage Destination Media

Types Page

For more information regarding the Manage Destination Media Types

page, refer to the online help or the installation and administration guide.

10. Click Admin Home.

The WebReport Administration section is displayed.

Pa ge 45- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t er 45. W e bR e po rt s Admi ni str a ti on

Manage Search Query Integration

It is possible to create WebReports that can be invoked from the
Advanced Search Screen, using whatever results would normally be
returned by the standard search display. This allows results to be
displayed in a completely customized way.

To use this data source the Data Source Type must be set to: Search
Query Launch. However, the Search Integration feature must be enabled
from the Manager Search Query Integration page. The Search Query
Launch data source will be available to any user that has permissions to
run that particular WebReport. Search Query Integration is disabled by
O oN

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11. Click Manage Search Query Integration.

n tD

The Manage Search Query Integration page is displayed.

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Figure 45-8:
te te

Enable Search Query


12. Click Enable.


A confirmation dialog is displayed.


13. Restart the Content Server service.


Figure 45-9:

Confirmation Dialog

14. Click OK.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 5 -9

Chapte r 45. We bR ep or t s Admi ni str at i on

The page is updated and a [blank] Search Button Title field is displayed;
the entered text corresponds to the button’s face on the Advanced
Search Page, for example “ WebReport Search Query”, as illustrate in the
following figure:

Figure 45-10:

Example of a WebReport
using Search Integration
O oN
pe o

Your instructor may choose to demonstrate the execution of this example

n tD

of a WebReport using a search query as a data source, otherwise, this

Te i

functionality is discussed within the 3-0118 - Content Server WebReport

Design II course.
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In ibu
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Figure 45-11: Example WebReport Output Using Content Server with Enabled Search Query Integration

Pa ge 45- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t er 45. W e bR e po rt s Admi ni str a ti on

15. Click Admin Home.

The WebReport Administration section is displayed.

Manage Tags and Sub-Tags

The Manage Tags and Sub-Tags page lets an administrator selectively
disable WebReports tags and sub-tags.

16. Click Manage Tags and Sub-Tags.

O oN

The Manage Tags and Sub-Tags page is displayed.

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Figure 45-12:

Manage Tags and Sub-Tags



17. Click Toggle.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 5 -1 1

Chapte r 45. We bR ep or t s Admi ni str at i on

A much shorter list of disabled tags/sub-tags is displayed. Toggle is used

to switch the view between a list of enabled and disabled tags and sub-

Disabled tags can not be added to a WebReport (WR) or

ActiveView (AV) items.
Existing reports (WR, AV) that use a disabled tag or sub-tag will
not process the tag or sub-tag.
You must restart the Content Server service to complete the
enabling or disabling of tags on this administraton page.
O oN
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18. Click Admin Home.

n tD

The WebReport Administration section is displayed.

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Manage Trusted Files

In ibu

Administrators can manage a whitelist for trusted external files used by

te te

the WebReport External File data source feature. This administrative

feature provides enhanced security allowing WebReports to access

specific external files and/or folders on the host operating system,

without the need for granting larger scale access to the host files and

potentially introducing security vulnerabilities.


An external file as a WebReport data source can be specified on the


WebReport’s Source tab, as illustrated in the following figure:


Figure 45-13: Source Tab of a WebReport Illustrating the Use of an External File

19. Click Manage Trusted Files.

Pa ge 45- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t er 45. W e bR e po rt s Admi ni str a ti on

By default, the whitelist is blank, as illustrated in the figure below:

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Figure 45-14: Managed Trusted Files

In ibu

WebReports and the  The file path that's stored on the Source tab of a WebReport will be
te te

Manage Trusted Files validated against the whitelist at runtime. If the requested source file
Whitelist: path does not match any entries in this list, the WebReport will return

an error message “Problem accessing specified data source” on a


regular error message page and the report will not execute
 In order to use an External File as a data source of a WebReport, the

requested source file path must be in this list


 Values can be entered as a comma-separated list or one path on each


 Paths in this field support the * character as a [trailing] wildcard to


minimize the number of entries required in this field. A wildcard in a

leading or middle position is not supported at this time.

 Matching is case-sensitive (e.g., c:\wrsourcedata” <>

C:\WRSourceData), in order to deal with various Operating Systems
(i.e., Windows versus Unix/Linux)
 Any path with a wildcard includes the specified directory and all of its
children or decendents

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 5 -1 3

Chapte r 45. We bR ep or t s Admi ni str at i on

Table 4-3: Valid Whitelist Entries

Whitelist Entry Description

C:\WRSourceData\mySourceFil A path to a specific named file.


C:\WRSourceData\mySource* Any file within C:\WRSourceData whose file

name begins with "mySource" will be allowed
as a data source file

C:\WRSourceData\* Any file within C:\WRSourceData\ will be

allowed as a data source.
O oN

C:\WRSourceData* Any file within C:\ whose name begins with

"WRSourceData", or whose file path begins
pe o

with "WRSourceData" will be allowed,

n tD

C:\WRSourceData\mySourceFile.csv and
Te i

Z:\ A mapped network drive

xt str

\\MyUNC\SharePath A UNC path

In ibu
te te

For security purposes, do not add "C:*" as a valid file path to this

whitelist, as that would make system files available to be used as a data


Manage User / Group WR Triggers


The User/Group WR Trigger administration page allows events


pertaining to users and groups occurring within Content Server to trigger


a WebReport. In order to use this feature, the Enable User/Group WR

Trigger box must be selected.

The administration settings allow you to select different Content Server

users and/or groups. For those users and/or groups you select, you can
also select any number of available trigger events. If the trigger event
should occur with any user or group, then select the Global box. When the
selected trigger event occurs for any of the selected users and/or groups,
the specified WebReport will be executed. More than one trigger can be
set up by adding rows as needed.

20. Click Manage User / Group WR Triggers.

Pa ge 45- 14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t er 45. W e bR e po rt s Admi ni str a ti on

The manage User / Group WR Triggers page is displayed.

Figure 45-15:

Manage User / Group WR

Triggers Page
O oN
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For more information regarding the ManageUser / Group Triggers page,

Te i

refer to the online help or the installation and administration guide.

xt str

21. Click Admin Home.

The WebReport Administration section is displayed.

In ibu
te te

Manage WebReport Conversion


Several of the WebReports destinations support document conversion

which can be used to create PDF formatted reports, including:

 E-mail

 Content Server Node

Content Server Version


 Workflow (as an attachment)


The Manage WebReports Conversion page allows you to add, view, or

modify information about the WebReports conversion directories. These
directories are used in conjunction with a conversion tool, such as Adlib
eXpress, to allow WebReports to perform exports in PDF, or, if required,
other formats.

22. Click Manage WebReports Conversion.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 5 -1 5

Chapte r 45. We bR ep or t s Admi ni str at i on

The Manage WebReports Conversion page is displayed:

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Figure 45-16: Manage WebReports Conversion

Te i

For more information regarding the Manage WebReports Conversion

xt str

page, refer to the online help or the installation and administration guide.
In ibu

23. Click Admin Home.

te te

The WebReport Administration section is displayed.


Manage WebReports Schedules


The capability to schedule WebReports is provided in each WebReport's


Destination tab of its Properties page.

Scheduled WebReports run in the background and output their results to


a Content Server document node or to email. The schedule allows for


WebReports to run a fixed number of times or forever, starting from a

specific date and time. The time between repeated WebReport runs can

be from 5 minutes to 520 weeks.

There are many reasons why scheduling WebReports can be practical, for
 Running large reports outside busy work times
 Storing results for later use by delivering popular reports as static
 Updating report files once per hour to avoid hitting the database with
a report query every time a user accesses the information
 Provide specialized notification functions

Pa ge 45- 16 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t er 45. W e bR e po rt s Admi ni str a ti on

By default, the WebReports scheduling agent is configured to run every 5

minutes, or 300 seconds. In some instances, it might be desirable to
execute a WebReport in shorter increments than 5 minutes. In this case,
the agent can be set to run in intervals as short as 60 seconds.

24. Click Manage WebReports Schedules.

The Manage WebReports Schedules page is displayed:

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Figure 45-17: Manage WebReports Schedules

te te

For more information regarding the Manage WebReport Schedules page,


refer to the online help or the installation and administration guide or

alternatively the 3-0117 - Content Server WebReport Design I course.

25. Click Admin Home.


The WebReport Administration section is displayed.


Manage WebReports Scripting


Although WebReports provides a number of tags to control what is

included and excluded in a WebReport, there remain tasks that demand
the power of a fully-fledged scripting language at the server (before the
report reaches a client). WebReports has the optional ability to embed a
section of script within a Reportview.

This feature offers tremendous power and flexibility for reporting or web
application developers. As with many powerful features, it follows that
this capability also has potential risks if used improperly. To reduce these
to a minimum WebReports scripting has been carefully secured and
constrained in a configurable way that allows each Content Server
instance to choose precisely which script features should be enabled and
which not.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 5 -1 7

Chapte r 45. We bR ep or t s Admi ni str at i on

Presently the only script language supported is OScript. OScript has the
advantage of running natively on the Content Server platform and hence
offers excellent performance. Although technically it is not required for
creating WebReports with OScript, developers with access to the
Content Server SDK will benefit from the Content Server Builder's
debugging facilities. In practice, for anything but relatively simple scripts
access to the Content Server Builder debugger will be essential to allow
developers to step through their code and debug it.

26. Click Manage WebReports Scripting.

The Manage WebReports Scripting page is displayed:

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Figure 45-18: Manage WebReports Scripting Page

For more information regarding the Manage WebReports Scripting page,


refer to the online help or the installation and administration guide or


alternatively the 3-0118 - Content Server WebReport Design II course.


27. Click Admin Home.

The WebReport Administration section is displayed.

Pa ge 45- 18 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t er 45. W e bR e po rt s Admi ni str a ti on

Manage WebReports Services

The administration page allows the disabling of the WebReport Services

28. Click Manage WebReports Services.

The Manage WebReports Services page is displayed.

Figure 45-19:
O oN
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Manage WebReports

Services Page
n tD
Te i

For more information regarding the Manage WebReports Services page,

xt str

refer to the online help or the installation and administration guide.

In ibu

29. Click Admin Home.

te te

The WebReport Administration section is displayed.


Manage WR Triggers

The WR Trigger administration page configures which nodes or item


types a trigger applies to, allowing events occurring within Content

Server to trigger a Webreport.

The administration settings allow different Content Server sub-types to


be enabled or disabled. Enabling the feature for a sub-type will cause the
WR Trigger option to appear on function menus for that node.

If this feature is disabled, not selected, for a particular sub-type, no code

associated with WebReports will execute for nodes of that subtype and
the WR Trigger option will not appear in the node's function menu.

If all sub-types are disabled, WR Trigger has no performance cost

associated with it.

Following installation or upgrade to a version of WebReports with this

feature all sub-types will be disabled by default.

30. Click Manage WR Triggers.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 5 -1 9

Chapte r 45. We bR ep or t s Admi ni str at i on

The Manage WR Triggers page is displayed.

Figure 45-20:

Manage WR Triggers Page

O oN
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For more information regarding the Manage WR Triggers page, refer to

n tD

the online help or the installation and administration guide or

Te i

alternatively the 3-0118 - Content Server WebReport Design II course.

31. Click Admin Home.

xt str

The WebReport Administration section is displayed.

In ibu
te te

Miscellaneous WebReports Settings


This administration page allows you to set the maximum number of

characters allowed for the email address field used when a WebReport

has a destination of Email.


Default value of 10000 will be used if input is not a valid integer.


32. Click Miscellaneous WebReports Settings.


The Miscellaneous WebReports Settings page is displayed.


Figure 45-21:

WebReports Settings Page

Pa ge 45- 20 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t er 45. W e bR e po rt s Admi ni str a ti on

For more information regarding the Miscellaneous WebReports Settings

page, refer to the online help or the installation and administration guide.

33. Click Admin Home.

The WebReport Administration section is displayed.

WebReports Licensing
This page provides similar information to that available from the License
Management page.
O oN

34. Click WebReports Licensing.

pe o

The WebReports Licensing page is displayed.

n tD
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Figure 45-22:

WebReports Licensing

For more information regarding the WebReports Licensing page, refer to


the online help or the installation and administration guide.

35. Click Admin Home.

The WebReport Administration section is displayed.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 5 -2 1

Chapte r 45. We bR ep or t s Admi ni str at i on

WebReports Node Administration

This administration page identifies WebReports that use syntax that is
out-of-date for this product version.

WebReports that continue to use out-of-date syntax might not work as

they did in previous releases. Updating the syntax via this utility will
result in the selected WebReports being updated with the current syntax
in order to maintain the same functionality.

Only WebReports that have a tick in the Upgrade WebReport check box
will be updated when applying your selection. The rest will remain on this
O oN

report where you can come back to them at a later date. The WebReports
that are selected will have a new Reportview version added which can be
pe o

deleted or updated if a problem is identified following the upgrade.allows

n tD

36. Click WebReports Node Administration.

Te i

The WebReports Node Administration page is displayed.

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Figure 45-23:

WebReports Node

For more information regarding the WebReports Node Administration

page, refer to the online help or the installation and administration guide.

In this particular example, there are no WebReports that are using out-of-

date syntax.

37. Click Admin Home.

The WebReport Administration section is displayed.

Pa ge 45- 22 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap t er 45. W e bR e po rt s Admi ni str a ti on

WebReports Sub-Tag Builder

This administration page is used when a new sub-tag is provided or
developed. WebReports supports the ability to create a new sub-tag or
replace an existing sub-tag, and drop it in the subtags folder in the
WebReports installation folder. New or replacement sub-tags do not take
effect until the Build All Sub-tags option is executed and Content Server
services are restarted.

This feature is normally only used under supervision from OpenText. If

the message on the WebReports Sub-tag Builder page shows errors it
means that one or more sub-tags in the WebReports OSpace, or one or
O oN

more sub-tags in the sub-tags folder, are invalid and do not compile.
pe o

If this copy of WebReports has not been changed since loading the
module, and errors appear here, then OpenText support should be
n tD

contacted and informed of these errors.

Te i

38. Click WebReports Sub-Tag Builder.

xt str

The WebReports Sub-Tag Builder page is displayed.

In ibu
te te

Figure 45-24:

WebReports Sub-Tag

Builder Page

For more information regarding the WebReports Sub-Tag Builder page,

refer to the online help or the installation and administration guide.

39. Click Admin Home.

The WebReport Administration section is displayed.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 5 -2 3

Chapte r 45. We bR ep or t s Admi ni str at i on

In summary, in this chapter we:
 Configured WebReport Administration settings in Content Server

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Pa ge 45- 24 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 4 6 . W or kf l ow Adm i ni s tr a ti on

46. Workflow Administration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Configure the Workflow Agent Parameters and Workflow Parameters using the
Administration pages
 Navigate to and work within the Workflow Volume, including adjusting volume permissions as
required by the organization
O oN
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n tD

This chapter discusses the administation pages associated with the

Te i

Workflow Agent, Workflow Parameters and the Workflow Volume.

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Workflow Administration
In ibu
te te

Configure Workflow The Configure Workflow Agent Parameters page is used to specify the
Agent Parameters schedule or intervals when the Workflow Agent runs, enables error

notifications, and set the task processing order.


Configure Workflow Agent Parameters


1. Sign in with a system administration account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages and the Workflow Administration

section. If prompted for a password, enter it (e.g., opentext).


The Workflow Administration section is displayed.


Figure 46-1:

Workflow Administration
Page Section

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 6 -1

Chapte r 46. Wor kf l ow Ad mini st ra ti on

3. Select Configure Workflow Agent Parameters.

The Configure Workflow Agent Parameters page is displayed.

O oN

Figure 46-2:
pe o

Workflow Administration
n tD

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An administrator needs to understand how these settings work because

they may impact system performance, and that the wfagents can be

enabled or disabled for each Content Server instance as required.


The Workflow Map designer has an option for each task to be assigned as
soon as the previous task is completed, or to be scheduled with an agent.

If you are initiating a very high number of workflow tasks, then the
workflow agent allows you to schedule the processing load at specific

intervals. This is where an administrator.


Pa ge 46- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 4 6 . W or kf l ow Adm i ni s tr a ti on

Understanding the The tasks you define in a user, initiator, form task, or Item Handler
Workflow Agent workflow step can be performed by the Workflow Agent, which causes all
step processing to be handled transparently (in the background), without
user interaction. If you do not use the Workflow Agent, the step must be
sent by the step assignee to complete step processing. By default, the
Workflow Agent is configured to gather and perform background tasks
every 10 minutes (i.e., 600 seconds), but the administrator can specify a
custom schedule that controls when the Workflow Agent runs.

The Workflow Agent for the Outdoor Gear system has been
reconfigured from the default of 600 seconds to 60 seconds for a
O oN

timely reaction time within the various training courses.

pe o

n tD

The following figure is an example of a workflow with an Item Handler

Te i

step -- notice the Assignee field with the enabled Execute using Workflow
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 46-3:

Workflow Map with an


Item Handler Step Using


the Agent

Similarly, the following is a figure is an example of a user step where Allow

User Workflow Agent to perform Send On processing has been enabled.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 6 -3

Chapte r 46. Wor kf l ow Ad mini st ra ti on

Figure 46-4:

Workflow Map with a User

Step Using the Agent
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A discussion regarding workflows is outside the scope of this

chapter and its course, however, the 2-0113 - Content Server
In ibu

Workflow Design course is available for those who wish to learn

more about Content Server workflows.
te te

Pa ge 46- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 4 6 . W or kf l ow Adm i ni s tr a ti on

If you imagine that Outdoor Gear makes extensive use of Content Server
workflows and map designers have taken advantage of ‘send on
processing’, the load on the agents might be so great during regular
business hours, that they could be scheduled to run off-hours rather than
running every 10 minutes. Also, additional dedicated ‘workers’ could be
created to also run during the off-hour period.

Refer to the Search chapters and the Distributed Agents (DA) for
additional information regarding the scheduling of workers.
In the figure below, a DA worker could be configured for off-
hours processing of workflow tasks.
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Reconfigure the Workflow Agent Schedule from the current 60 seconds

to so that the agent only runs during the early morning, as illustrated in
the following figure:

Figure 46-5:

Updated Workflow Agent

Schedule for Off-Hours

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 6 -5

Chapte r 46. Wor kf l ow Ad mini st ra ti on

4. Click Save Changes and then restart the Content Server service using the
Windows Services.

You are returned to the Workflow Administration section..

Notice that once days/hours/times were selected for the agent

schedule, that the Sleep Interval was removed. This is because
the Agent Schedule day-time and sleep intervals are mutually
exclusive and only one choice is operable at any time.
You must also restart the Content Server service when a change
is made to the Agent Schedule.
O oN
pe o

Workflow Agent Control The Workflow Agent error notification has to be enabled so that Content
n tD

Parameters -- Errors and Server can dispatch error messages when automatic workflow processing
FIFO Order (i.e., send on) fails or encounters an issue. If you disable error notification,
Te i

no user is notified if processing fails.

xt str

If the Workflow Agent encounters an error, it attempts to send an email

message. The recipients of the notification receive requests to correct the
In ibu

error. The notification recipients are specified on the Configure

Workflow Parameters page (discussed in the next section).
te te

In order to send error messages, the Content Server administrator must


specify the email server SMTP settings and the sender’s email address in
the Configure Notification section of the Content Server Administration

pages. Workflow managers and step assignees must have their email
addresses listed in their Content Server profiles to ensure delivery of

these messages.

When Process Tasks in FIFO order is enabled, the Workflow Agent

processes tasks in a serial way. In order to increase the throughput, the

FIFO order should be disabled in the Workflow Agent Administration


page. The Workflow Agent will then use Distributed Agents for parallel

5. Select Configure Workflow Parameters.

The Configure Workflow Parameters page is displayed.

Pa ge 46- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 4 6 . W or kf l ow Adm i ni s tr a ti on

Configure Workflow The Configure Workflow Parameters page allows you to set a number of
Parameters defaults for viewing workflows and their audit trail.

For example, you may have hundreds of workflows running at any time, so
you could filter the view to show only late workflows. Similarly, error
emails could be sent just to the Master Manager rather than All
O oN Managers.
pe o

Figure 46-6:
n tD

Configure Workflow
Te i

Parameters Page
xt str
In ibu
te te

Select Don't include user names to exclude users' names from the audit

logs of workflows. The value <None> is displayed in the User column on

the Audit page. This setting allows some countries to comply with their

local personal information and privacy requirements (i.e., not to display

user names in audit trails).

Select Allow user proxies to grant users the ability to assign another user

the permission to complete their workflow steps in their absence. Clear

the check box to require users to complete workflow steps themselves.

Refer to the online help for additional information regarding the


configuring of the Workflow Statuses section.

6. Click Save Changes.

You are returned to the Workflow Administration section.

7. Select Open the Workflow Volume.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 6 -7

Chapte r 46. Wor kf l ow Ad mini st ra ti on

Open the Workflow An example of the Workflow Volume is illustrated in the following figure:

O oN

Figure 46-7:
pe o

Workflow Volume
n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Viewing Workflow The Workflow Volume page allows you to view the contents of the
Attachments Workflow Volume. You can also set permissions on workflows and

attachments copied to the Workflow Volume. When an item is added as a


workflow attachment, it inherits the permissions of the workflow

attachments folder - the default is full permissions for Public Access. If
the defaults are not changed, all users can search on workflow

attachments even if they do not have permissions on the workflow.


If you want to prevent users from being able to search workflow

attachments without changing permissions on the workflow or
attachments, you can manually exclude the workflow volume
from the Content Server search index, and then rebuild the
Content Server search index.

If Public Access is not configured for a workflow, users cannot initiate it,
because Content Server stores attachments added to the workflow
attachments folder in the Workflow Volume. Using the Workflow Volume
page, you can assign users privileges to view and add attachments.

Pa ge 46- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch ap te r 4 6 . W or kf l ow Adm i ni s tr a ti on

In summary, in this chapter we:
 Configured the Workflow Agent Parameters and Workflow
Parameters using the Administration pages
 Navigated to and work within the Workflow Volume, including
adjusting volume permissions as required by the organization
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 6 -9

Chapte r 46. Wor kf l ow Ad mini st ra ti on

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Pa ge 46- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapt er 47. P rospe ct or Admi ni str a ti on

47. Prospector Administration


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Create a Prospector
 Configure Allowable Prospector Queries
 Regenerate Prospector Queries
O oN

pe o

n tD

This chapter deals with Prospector Administration.

Te i

Introducing Prospectors
xt str

Prospectors act like robots scanning and filtering items newly added to
In ibu

Content Server. Prospectors run continuously, so they maintain accurate,

te te

up-to-date lists of information. The term data mining is often associated

with this activity, thus the term prospector.

Items indexed by Content Server that match the prospector’s search


criteria are posted on the prospector’s results page.


You can choose to receive email updates on the prospector’s progress by


configuring its notification option. Select Personal > Prospectors to view

and sort any prospectors stored within your Personal Workspace.

Prospectors list items matching its search criteria on their results page,
accessible by clicking the prospector’s name. The results change as items

that match your search criteria are added to or removed from the

Content Server indexes. You can manually delete the results; or, if you
want to reference a result long-term, either lock it, or create a snapshot of
all the results. You can lock up to 50% of a prospector’s results, or
preserve all results by taking a snapshot of the result.

Introducing Prospectors

1. Log in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Enterprise Workspace > Product Development folder.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 7 -1

Chapte r 47. Pr ospe ct or A dmi ni str at io n

3. Create a new Prospector (e.g., Heated Prospector) and it should be

configured according to the following figure:

O oN
pe o

Figure 47-1:
n tD

Example of a Prospector
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

4. Add a new folder (e.g., Heated Tents Prospector Demo Folder) to Product

5. Add at least one word document, excel spreadsheet and pdf file, from

C:\SampleDocs into the newly created folder so that the name and
description both contain the phrase ‘Heated Tents’.

The folder with examples of Heated Tents.


Figure 47-2:

Example of Documents for

Data Mining with

Pa ge 47- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapt er 47. P rospe ct or Admi ni str a ti on

6. Click on the Prospector (e.g., Heated Prospector).

The prospector results are displayed.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

Figure 47-3: Example of Documents for Data Mining with Prospector

xt str
In ibu

Prospector Administration
te te

Prospector Administration

1. Log in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).


2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Prospector Administration


section. If prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g.,


The Prospector administration page is displayed.


Figure 47-4:

Administration Pages

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 7 -3

Chapte r 47. Pr ospe ct or A dmi ni str at io n

Configurable Allowable Prospector Queries

This administration page configures the types ot queries that can be used
with prospectors.

3. Click Configurable Allowable Prospector Queries.

The Configurable Allowable Prospector Queries page is displayed.

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 47-5: Configure Allowable Prospector Queries Page


Prospectors are based upon search queries applied in the Index Engines

with every indexing transaction, so when prospectors run expensive

queries with many possible characters not defined, then indexing

performance is affected.

OpenText recommends that these default settings should not be suitable

for most customers because they restrict users from entering expensive

query terms thus ensuring that indexing performance is not


compromised. Refer to the online help and OpenText Customer Support

for additional details regarding these settings.

4. Click Admin Home.

The Prospector Administration page is displayed.

Pa ge 47- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Chapt er 47. P rospe ct or Admi ni str a ti on

Regenerate Prospector Query Files

This page allows administrators to regenerate prospector query files.

5. Click Regenerate Prospector Query Files.

The Regenerate Prospector Query Files page is displayed.

Figure 47-6:
O oN

Regenerate Prospector
pe o

Query Files

n tD
Te i

Prospectors are based upon search queries applied in the Index Engines.
In the unlikley event that the query files were deleted or became corrupt,
xt str

the files can be regenerated.

In ibu

6. Click Regenerate Query Files.

te te

The Status page is displayed and updated as it regenerates the query files:

Figure 47-7:

Status of Regeneration

7. Click Admin Home.

The Prospector Administration page is displayed.

In summary, in this chapter we:
 Created a Prospector
 Configured Allowable Prospector Queries
 Regenerated Prospector Queries

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 7 -5

Chapte r 47. Pr ospe ct or A dmi ni str at io n


This exercise will provide you with an opportunity to practice what you have learned earlier in this
chapter about the Prospectors.

Create a Hierarchy

1. Sign in using sadmin/letmein.

2. Navigate to the Enterprise Workspace > Product Development folder.

O oN

3. Create a new Prospector called Unsinkable Kayak Prospector and it should be configured
pe o

according to the example found earlier in the chapter; the keyword should be kayak.

4. Add a new folder called Unsinkable Kayak Prospector Folder to Product Development.
n tD
Te i

5. Add at least one word document, excel spreadsheet, and pdf file, from C:\SampleDocs into
the newly created folder so that the name and description both contain the phrase
‘unsinkable kayak’.
xt str

6. Navigate to the Administration pages > Prospector Administration section. If prompted

In ibu

for the Administration password, enter opentext.

te te

7. Click Regenerate Prospector Query Files followed by Regenerate Query Files. Content

Server should report that Prospector queries in the system have been refreshed:.

Refreshing Prospector queries with each data source

Successfully saved the queries for Prospector: Heated Tents (DataID 45944)
Successfully saved the queries for Prospector: Heated Prospector (DataID 795388)

Successfully saved the queries for Prospector: Unsinkable Kayak Prospector (DataID 863526)

8. Return to the Prospector and click on its name. Although file names and types may vary,
depending on which files you uploaded to Content Server, the Prospector should report

them as part of its “data mining” based on the specified kayak keyword used earlier, as
illustrated in the following illustration:

Pa ge 47- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

48. Transport and Transport Warehouse


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Describe the purpose of Transport and the Transport Process
 Create a Warehouse Folder, Workbench and add to the Workbench
 Add a Workbench to a Transport Package
 Receive, Unpack and Deploy a Transport Package
O oN
pe o

n tD

This chapter deals with Content Server Transport and Transport

Te i

Warehouse features and functionality.

xt str

Content Server Transport is available for use by people such as power

users or knowledge managers and provides a framework for transferring
objects across instances of Content Server. Unlike XML import, system
In ibu

administrators do not have to be directly involved in ‘transporting’

te te

content between instances.


This chapter has been included in this administration course because

there are some administrative settings involved with Transport and

Transport Warehouse and it also provides an introduction to the product

features which can be used by power users or knowledge managers.

Transport and Transport Warehouse


Users will find that Content Server include Transport and Transport
Warehouse functionality. Due to changes in item naming, legacy users

will find that a Transport Box Folder is now called a Transport Package
Folder and a Transport Box is now called a Transport Package.

Transport Overview Content Server Transport provides a framework for transferring objects
across instances of Content Server.

Intended Users Some Content Server export and import functionality, for example XML
import, requires the involvement of a user with system administration
rights. Transport, however, has been developed for use by people like
power users or knowledge managers.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 8 -1

Chapte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

Goal The eventual goal of Transport is to help move business applications (such
as a workflow) and configuration between systems. For example,
customers build a business solution in a development environment, and
then want to try it in a test environment, and finally, move the solution to
a production environment.

Transport is not about the bulk moving of data. Because we are trying to
move a complete business application or solution, that means ensuring
we get all the necessary pieces, and correctly link them back together on
the target system and resolve all the component relationships (i.e.,
dependencies) rather than merely moving content. Content Server’s XML
export and import itself cannot achieve this level of content transport.
O oN

Provisions Transport functionality provides:

pe o

 A role-based process to avoid a situation where a system

administrator must do either everything or the bulk of the work
n tD

 A staging area (i.e., Workbench) to assemble objects

Te i

 A place to organize your objects before transporting them (i.e.,

creating and packing a Box)
xt str

 The ability to combine various objects from different systems and

create a unified box that can be transported to a target system
In ibu

The ability to update an object in the case where it already exists in

te te

the target system

The concept of Transport can also be illustrated diagrammatically, as seen


in the subsequent figure.


Figure 48-1: Introducing Transport

Pa ge 48- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

Navigating the An orientation and tour of the Transport Warehouse provides an

Warehouse excellent introduction to the features and terminology associated with

The Transport Warehouse [volume; 525] is available from the Enterprise

menu located in the Enterprise Workspace.
O oN

Figure 48-2:
pe o

Transport Menu Option

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu

The Transport Warehouse menu option, however, is not

te te

available from the Enterprise menu located on the


Administration pages.

Transport Transport Administrators in addition to the Admin User and user


Administrators or accounts granted the System Administration privilege, have access to the

Warehouse Managers Transport Warehouse. Transport Administrators are granted the

Warehouse Administration / Warehouse Manager privilege (which will be
discussed later in this chapter).

The Transport Warehouse option on the Enterprise menu is only


visible to users that have been granted the Transport

Administration or Warehouse Manager rights.

Transport Administrators are able to select the object and package they
want to transport with Transport Packages – like shipping containers.

In addition to being creators of the transfer packages, Transport

Administrators also act as transfer receivers. They can validate the
contents of a package and deploy it to their Content Server instance.

Conceptually, the Transport Administrator is more of an application

developer since they could be building a Content Server application then
adding the application to a Warehouse.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 8 -3

Chapte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

The received package can then create items in a new Content Server
instance based on the information contained in the Transport Package.

Volumes and Sub While navigating the Transport Warehouse, there are a number of
Types objects or Sub Types.

The table below identifies the Sub Types used to support Transport and
its functionality.

Table 48-1: Transport Sub Types

Content Server Object Sub Type

O oN

Transport Warehousea 525

pe o

Warehouse Ship Object 526

n tD

Warehouse Workbench 528

Te i

Warehouse [Workbench] Folder 529

Warehouse Package Folder 530

xt str

Workbenches 532
In ibu

a.The Transport Warehouse is a system Volume (and has a ParentID of -1).

te te

Warehouse Transport has a dedicated workspace in Content Server, called the


Transport Warehouse. The Warehouse, illustrated in the following figure,

contains tools that are exclusive to Transport, which allow users to work

with items and prepare packages that will be imported or exported.


Figure 48-3:

Transport Warehouse

Transport functionality is based on users’ roles, which means users must

have a specific role assigned to them in order to perform certain tasks.

Pa ge 48- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

The Transport Warehouse is made up of the following components:

Warehouse Folder A container used to store the items you are preparing to transport to a
different system.

Workbench A Workbench, which is made up of several folders and boxes, and can be
used by multiple users.

The vision for Workbenches is that they are temporary staging areas
when assembling a transport payload, or preparing to deploy. Anything
that does not seem to be necessary for that purpose is removed to try and
simplify the solution. Workbenches are not, however, intended to be
general purpose folders.
O oN
pe o

The Workbench is used to analyze and modify the objects and


applications that will eventually be transported to another instance of

Content Server. Solution developers use the Workbench to store objects
n tD

that are needed for an application. They can also test the application,
Te i

check dependencies, and attach properties files and instructions. When

the Workbench contains all the required components, the Transport
xt str

Developer finalizes the Workbench and moves it to a restricted area of

the Warehouse, where it becomes the property of a Warehouse Manager.
In ibu
te te

Users cannot move or copy transport items after they are in the

Workbench. This prevents objects from being used by other

users that don’t have permission to them.

Workbench and Single Users can use a single Content Server system as a Transport source to
Source Systems reproduce the entire transport cycle:

 Add one or more objects to a specific Workbench


 Add objects or the entire Workbench to a Package


 Unpack the Package to a different Workbench

Deploy objects or a Workbench to same system

Workbench and Multiple Users can also use multiple Content Server systems as Transport sources
Source Systems to reproduce the entire transport cycle:

 Add one or more objects to a specific Workbench

 Add objects or the entire Workbench to a Package
 Download the Package
 In the Target System, go to Transport Packages and create a new
Package (you should be able to upload the Package there)
 Unpack the Package to the Workbench
 Deploy objects from the Workbench

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 8 -5

Chapte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

My Workbench The My Workbench page contains a list of all the Workbenches that you
have permissions to see.

The My Workbench page is accessed from Personal > Workbenches.

O oN
pe o

n tD

Figure 48-4:
Te i

Personal Menu >

xt str

In ibu
te te

You can click a Workbench’s link to open it, or you can click the link in the

Workbench’s Location column to access the Warehouse that contains the



Pa ge 48- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

The following figure illustrates My Workbench for kmanager – after the

Warehouse Folder and Workbench have been created using the exercises
in this chapter and the necessary privileges have also been granted.

Figure 48-5:
O oN

My Workbench Page
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str

Transport Package A container used to store the items to be transported to a target system.
The items on the Workbench are placed into the Transport Package, and
In ibu

then the Package is exported as a ZIP file and imported to the target
instance of Content Server.
te te

You access the My Workbench page from the Personal menu.


Only Warehouse Folders for which you have been assigned

permissions by either the Warehouse Manager or the

Administrator will appear on the My Workbench page.



There are system administration page settings which are used to

Settings configure Transfer. The first governs the maximum number of items that

can be added to the Warehouse. The second governs Warehouse


Administration Object and Usage privileges.

Warehouse Administration Settings

1. Log in using an administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Administration pages > Warehouse Administration
section. If prompted for the Administration Password, enter it (e.g.,

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 8 -7

Chapte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

The Warehouse administration page is displayed.

Figure 48-6:

Administration and
Warehouse Settings
O oN
pe o

n tD

3. Click Warehouse Settings.

Te i

The Configure Warehouse Settings page is displayed with the Add to

Warehouse Limit setting.
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 48-7:

Add to Warehouse Limit


4. Enter the maximum number of items allowed in a Warehouse in the Add to

Warehouse Limit field. The default value is 100.

The range of valid values for the Warehouse limit is 1 through


Pa ge 48- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

5. Click Save Changes.

The maximum allowed number of items that Warehouse

Managers can add to a Warehouse is set to a conservative
default value of 100 because this does not run as a background
Keep in mind that this process was not designed for bulk
transport nor did OpenText expect users to patiently watch and
wait while thousands of objects were processed for Transport.
The idea was for Transport to be used to safely transfer business
solutions – a small quantity of objects from one system to
O oN

pe o

n tD

For illustrative purposes, if the Add to Warehouse Limit value was set to
Te i

1, it would cause Content Server to only allow individual documents or

items to be added to the Warehouse during each request or transport
xt str

Although we are going to demonstrate the adding of items to the

In ibu

Warehouse shortly, consider what would happen if we were to click

Search Sample Docs’ Functions menu and select Add to Warehouse. The
te te

following interface would be displayed and allow us to include contents in


the folder.

Figure 48-8:

Specify Add Warehouse



Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 8 -9

Chapte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

Included Objects The Included Objects option is displayed when the selected material to
Warehouse includes a Folder (or similar container). In contrast, the option
will not be displayed when the selected material does not include a Folder
as illustrated below.

Figure 48-9:

No Included Objects
O oN
pe o

n tD

The page will update and report that 23 objects will be included in the
Te i

transport operation.

If the Included Objects option is selected and Content Server has been
xt str

configured to restrict the number of items that can be simultaneously

warehoused during a Transport operation, it will generate an error
In ibu

message stating that you have exceeded the maximum number. The error
te te

message is illustrated in the following figure.


Figure 48-10:

Exceeded Maximum
Number for Warehouse


If any there are any items that cannot be transported, they will
be reported on the Excluded Objects row, as illustrated in the
figure above.

Pa ge 48- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

Transport Roles and The following list of Transport objects can be used by anyone with access
Object Permissions to the Transport Warehouse. If you want these items to be created by
specific users, you can restrict access to the objects on the System
Administration > Administer Object and Usage Privileges page.
 Transport Item
 Workbench
 Warehouse Folder
 Transport Package Folder
 Transport Package
 CS Application Manifest
O oN
pe o

Transport Administrators or Warehouse Managers in addition to the


Admin User and user accounts granted the system administration

privilege, have access to the Transport Warehouse. Transport
n tD

Administrators are granted the Warehouse Administration / Warehouse

Te i

Manager privilege.
xt str

Transport Roles The functionality that is available to you is dependent upon your assigned
role. Transport users are Administrators, Warehouse Managers, or
In ibu

te te

Transport Roles are hierarchical, which means that users can perform the
functions allowed by the privilege they are assigned, as well as the

functions for the privileges assigned to the roles below them. For
example, Administrators can perform Warehouse Manager and

Developer tasks, and Warehouse Managers can perform Developer

tasks. However, Developers can only perform functions associated with

the Developer privilege.


To set Warehouse Manager permissions, you must access the

Object and Usage Privileges page from the Content Server

Administration page.

Administrator The Administrator has primary control over Content Server, and can
perform certain tasks that standard users cannot because of security
settings and permissions. The Administrator specifies which users have
Warehouse Manager permissions.

Warehouse Manager The Warehouse Manager role is designated by the Administrator. A

Warehouse Manager is responsible for managing the items that will be
imported, exported, tracked, and moved to other Content Server
instances. Warehouse Managers have full access to the Transport
Workbench. The Warehouse Manager can see all Workbenches and the
default Box Folder.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 8 -1 1

Chapte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

Developer The Developer is the user responsible for building transportable

applications. Developers have limited access to some areas of the
Warehouse. Developers are designated by the Warehouse Manager or

A Transport Warehouse group has already been created in

Outdoor Gear, and the group includes the Knowledge Manager
(kmanager). This group is being used to configure system
privileges with respect to Transport related items in Content
Server and provide access control to the Transport Warehouse
(via the ACL).
O oN
pe o

Configure Warehouse Administration Object and Usage Privileges

n tD

1. Navigate to the Administration pages > System Administration page. If

Te i

prompted for an Administrator Password, enter it.

2. Click Administer Object and Usage Privileges and scroll down the page to
xt str

the entries beginning with Transport Item.

In ibu
te te

Figure 48-11:

Transport Items,

3. Click the Restrict link for Workbench and click OK when prompted to

The page will update the Edit Group – Transport Item.


4. Change the Find from User Last Name to Group Name using the drop-

down list, enter transport in the that starts with field, and click Find.

Figure 48-12:

Find Warehouse Manager


5. For Transport Warehouse select Add to group, click Submit.

6. When you are done adding members to the group click Done.

Pa ge 48- 12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 for the following items:

 Transport Item
 Warehouse Folder
 Transport Package Folder
 Transport Package

The result of the updated restrictions is illustrated in the following figure:

Figure 48-13:
O oN

Transport Items,
pe o


n tD

8. Scroll down the page to the entries under the Usage Privileges section.
Te i
xt str
In ibu

Figure 48-14:
te te

Usage Privileges

9. Click the Edit Restrictions link for Warehouse Administration/Warehouse


The page will update the Edit Group – Warehouse Manager ({525,1}).

10. Change the Find from User Last Name to Group Name using the drop-

down list
11. Enter transport in the that starts with field and click Find.
12. Select Add to group and click Submit.
13. When you are finished adding members click Done.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 8 -1 3

Chapte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

Overview of The following is an overview of the process of transporting objects to

Transport Process another instance of Content Server:
 Create the Warehouse [Folder]
 Assign Roles
 Create the Workbench(es) within the Warehouse [Folder]
 Move items from Content Server locations to the Warehouse or
 Review the items on the Workbench, and make changes if necessary
 Pack the Workbench to a Package
O oN

 Download the Package from the source system to an external

pe o

 Add the Package to a Warehouse on the target system

n tD

 Unpack the Package to a Workbench

Te i

 Analyze and modify items in the Workbench

 Remove items that do not meet dependency requirements\Deploy
xt str

the Workbench contents to the target instance of Content Server

In ibu

Transporting Items Various objects can be transported to a target Content Server instance as
te te

 Document  Facet
 Folder  Facet Folder

 Category  Search Form


 Project  Custom View Search Form


 URL  Search Query

 Compound Document  Search Results Template

 Revision  Workflow Map


 Release  Workflow Attachment(s)


 Shortcut  Form Template

 Custom View  Form
 XML DTD  HTML [Form] Views

The installation of additional optional modules to Content

Server may also contribute to the list of available objects that
can be transported (e.g., Classifications).

Pa ge 48- 14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

Other items can be transported, but require additional checking to

determine if dependencies for these items are met. For example:
 Categories – Objects that are transported that have Categories
applied to them will also be applied to other objects during transport
 Facets and Facet Folders
 Permissions – Permissions on objects are displayed as information
 Classifications (if the optional module is installed)

Create a Warehouse Folder and Workbench

O oN
pe o

1. Sign in as kmanager/opentext.

2. From the Global menu, select Enterprise > Transport Warehouse.

n tD

3. From the Add Item menu, select Warehouse Folder.

Te i

The Add Warehouse Folder page is displayed.

xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 48-15:

Add Warehouse Folder


4. Enter the name of the Warehouse Folder (e.g., West Coast Warehouse

Folder). Entering a Description is optional, then click Add.

The page updates with the new folder in the Transport Warehouse.

5. Click the West Coast Warehouse Folder link.

6. From the Add Item menu, select Workbench.

The Workbench is being created within a Warehouse folder purely for

organizational purposes.

7. Enter the name of the Workbench (e.g., West Coast Workbench). Entering
a Description is optional, then click Add.

The page updates with the new Workbench in the Warehouse Folder.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 8 -1 5

Chapte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

Add to the Workbench

1. While logged in as kmanager/opentext, navigate to the Enterprise

Workspace as your starting point.

To illustrate the basic mechanics of adding, transporting and

deploying items – complete with various dependencies (more on
this later) – we will transport a Category and a pair of documents
which have had the Category applied to them.
O oN

2. Update the browser URL to http://trainotcs/CS16/

pe o

cs.exe?func=admin.index; this corresponds to the Administration pages.


3. Enter an Administrator Password of opentext when prompted.

n tD

4. From the System Administration page, click Open the Categories Volume
Te i

at the bottom of the page.

The Categories Volume is displayed.

xt str

5. From the Product Spec’s Functions menu, select Add to Warehouse.

In ibu
te te

Figure 48-16:

Add to Warehouse

Pa ge 48- 16 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

The Add to Warehouse page is displayed.

Figure 48-17:

Adding ProductSpec
Category to Warehouse
O oN
pe o

Add to Workbench The Workbench will be the destination of the selected documents and

n tD

6. Click Browse Content Server.

Te i

My Workbenches is displayed and it includes a listing of possible

Warehouse Folder and Workbench destinations or targets.
xt str

7. Click the Warehouse Folder (e.g., West Coast Warehouse Folder) link and
In ibu

navigate to West Coast Warehouse Folder, if necessary.

te te

8. Click Select opposite an available Workbench (e.g., West Coast Warehouse


The former page is updated with Workbench destination information.


Duplicate Handling The Duplicate Handling option controls whether newly transported files

and folders are either replaced or skipped when duplicates are


encountered. The default behavior is to skip duplicates.

9. In the Duplicate Handling field click Replace then click Add to Warehouse.

Once the processing is complete, the page will be replaced by a listing of


the files and folders that were processed.


10. Click OK to continue.

The user is returned to the Categories Volume.

11. Navigate to the Advanced Search page by selecting Tools > Search from the
Main menu to add a pair of documents to the Workbench.

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Chapte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

The Advanced Search page is displayed.

O oN
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n tD
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xt str
In ibu

Figure 48-18: Advanced Search Page

te te

12. .Click the Categories link under the Add to Search Form panel.

13. On the Select Category page, opposite Product Spec, click the Select link.

The Advanced Search page is updated to include a Category: ProductSpec


14. From the Green Attribute, select True from the drop-down list and click the
Search button at the bottom of the page.

Pa ge 48- 18 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

The Advanced Search Results page is displayed.

O oN
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n tD
Te i

Figure 48-19: Advanced Search Results Page

xt str

15. From the thermos.doc’s Functions menu, select Add to Warehouse.

In ibu

The page to add to a Workbench is displayed.

te te

16. Click Add to Warehouse followed by OK.


The previously selected Workbench is provided as the default

value, which could be changed by clicking the Browse Content

Server button and following the process we previously used in


steps 6 through 11.


You are returned to the Advanced Search Results page.


17. Repeat steps 15 and 16 for sleeping bag.doc.


Add Workbench to Transport Package

1. Continue from the previous exercise signed in as kmanager.

2. From the Global menu, select Enterprise > Transport Warehouse.

The Transport Warehouse is displayed.

3. Click the West Coast Warehouse Folder link.

The Warehouse Folder and its contents are displayed.

4. Click the West Coast Workbench link.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 8 -1 9

Chapte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

The Workbench contents are displayed.

O oN
pe o

Figure 48-20: Workbench and Its Contents

n tD
Te i

Add to Transport Package Once a Workbench contains all the items required for transport and the
Workbench has been reviewed, the items are added to a package.
xt str

Adding to a Package means that you are finalizing the items for transport
to the target system. Once the Package is finalized, it is moved to the
In ibu

Transport Package area of the Warehouse, which is restricted to users

te te

with administration permissions.


The Add to Transport Package function is the final Workbench task for
non-Administrator users; however, the Warehouse Administrator still

uses the Transport Package to begin the deployment process.


5. Click the Add All to Transport Package link.


You are prompted to Add a Transport Package.


6. Enter a Transport Package Name (e.g., West Coast Transport Package) and
click Add.

The page is updated and reports that the newly created Transport

Package is available for use.

Figure 48-21: Transport Package is Available

Pa ge 48- 20 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

7. Click OK.
8. From the Global menu select Enterprise > Transport Warehouse and click
the Transport Packages link.
9. The Transport Package appears in the Transport Warehouse.

O oN
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Figure 48-22: Transport Package

Te i

10. Click Download opposite the Transport Package.

11. When prompted, save the West Coast Transport file to
xt str

In ibu

Deploying After the items in a Workbench have been packed into a Package the
te te

following steps must be taken before the Workbench can be deployed to

Content Server.

 Exporting from the source instance of Content Server and saving to


an external location (for example, a USB stick or network location)

 Creating a Workbench in the Transport Warehouse on the target

instance of Content Server


 Uploading the Transport Package to the target instance of Content


 Unpacking the Transport Package to a Workbench


If you have multiple Packages that contain items you want to

deploy to the target system, you can unpack them to the same
Workbench and deploy them to Content Server at the same

The Workbench is analyzed to ensure that all object dependencies are

met. The following information appears for each object that is getting
ready to be deployed: Object type, original and current name, if the object
already exists in the target instance or in the Workbench, and whether
the item is ready to be deployed. If any item is not ready to be deployed,
you can use the Edit button to make changes before starting the

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 8 -2 1

Chapte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

Receive and Unpack the Transport Package

1. Make use of your CS16b installed instance of Content Server as the

destination for your Transport Package; start its services, if it is not
currently running.
2. Close any open browsers and re-launch Internet Explorer.
3. Sign into CS16b with admin/livelink.

Although we are using the Admin User to complete the

unpacking in the destination or target Content Server system in
O oN

this example, please remember that anyone with the appropriate

rights (e.g., Warehouse Manager etc.) could perform the same
pe o

unpacking activity.
n tD
Te i

The Enterprise Workspace is displayed.

4. From the Global menu select Enterprise > Transport Warehouse.

xt str

5. Add a new Warehouse Folder (e.g., From West Coast Warehouse).

In ibu

6. Inside the Warehouse Folder, add a new Workbench (e.g., Workbench for
West Coast).
te te

We want a Warehouse Folder and Workbench to use with the


received Transport Package.


7. From the Global menu, select Enterprise > Transport Warehouse, and
select the Transport Packages folder.

8. From the Add Item menu, select Transport Package.


The Add Transport Package page is displayed.


9. Enter a Name of Transport Package from the West Coast.

10. In the Transport Package File field click the Browse button.
11. Browse to C:\Downloads\ and select the file West Coast Transport; the box contains the transported items from the source
Content Server system.
12. Click Open followed by clicking Add.

The page is updated with the status.

13. Click OK to return to the Transport Packages folder page.

Pa ge 48- 22 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

The newly added Transport Package is displayed.

O oN
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n tD

Figure 48-23: Transport Package From the Source Content Server System in Destination System
Te i

14. Click the Transport Package from the West Coast link.
xt str

The original box information and its content details are displayed.
In ibu
te te

Figure 48-24: Unpacking

15. Click Unpack to Workbench.

16. Click Browse Content Server opposite the Unpack to field.
17. Click the Warehouse link (e.g., From West Coast Warehouse).

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Chapte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

18. Click the Select link opposite the Workbench (e.g., Workbench for West

The page is updated and the Unpack to field shows the destination

Figure 48-25:

Adding the Transport

O oN

pe o

n tD
Te i

19. Click Unpack.

The page is updated with the status of the unpacking.

xt str

20. Click OK to continue.

In ibu

21. Return to the Workbench (e.g., Enterprise Workspace > Transport

te te

Warehouse > From West Coast Warehouse > Workbench for West Coast).

Handling Transport Transport scans the system to verify that item dependencies are met, at
Dependencies the point where a Workbench is about to be deployed to a target system.

For example, if an item you are transporting has permissions assigned to it


or have an assigned Category; Transport scans Content Server to verify


that the permission and Category exist. Similarly, if a Workbench is

deployed with an assigned user or group that does not exist on the target
system, the permissions on the Workbench are removed; if the user or

group exists on the target system, permissions on the Workbench are


automatically assigned.

All dependent items must be in the target system to deploy a

Workbench. The Deploy button will be disabled (i.e., greyed out) until all
dependencies are met.

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Ch apte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

Some of the target system dependencies, illustrated in the next exercise,

 Parent folder must exist or new parent must be specified
 Permissions removed from item if ACL user/groups do not exist
 Categories must exist if items have Attribute values assigned
 Classifications (if installed) must exist if items have been classified
 Additional Content Server modules may also contribute their own
respective custom dependencies
O oN

If an item has a dependency on more than one item with the

pe o

same item type and name, it cannot be deployed. If any item is


not ready to be deployed, you can use the Edit button to make
changes before starting the deployment. If the parent container
n tD

of an item does not exist on the target system, you can change
Te i

the parent container to one that does exist (we will see this
xt str
In ibu

Deploy a Workbench (via Transport Package)

te te

1. Navigate to Enterprise Workspace > Transport Warehouse > From West


Coast Warehouse >Workbench for West Coast or continue directly from

the previous Step Set.

2. Click the Deploy Workbench icon.


The page is refreshed with details regarding the items to be deployed. In


particular, the Status column indicates if objects cannot be deployed


Figure 48-26: Objects to be Deployed

3. Click the Product Spec link which has a status of ‘OK to deploy’.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 8 -2 5

Chapte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

The Transport Workbench Overview page (Overview for short) is


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Figure 48-27: Transport Workbench Overview Page


The Overview page contains the following information (where available


and/or applicable):

Name The current name of the item.


Version The current version number of the item that will be deployed.

Specific versions of objects can be transported if desired. When

a versionable object is deployed and an earlier version already

exists, a new version of the item is created. When the object is

not versionable, and is deployed and the object already exists, it
is replaced.

Size The size of the item.

Created By The user name that created the item.

Created Date The date the original item was created.

Parent The folder where the original item was located.

Pa ge 48- 26 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

Originating Instance The Content Server instance where the original item was located.

If an item you are deploying has dependencies on other items, they are
also listed on the item’s Overview page.

The following information is available for each dependent item:

Type The type specifies whether the dependency falls into one of the
previously discussed range of areas, including: Parent, Permissions,
Category, Classifications or Custom.

Original Name/Value The name of the item from the original or source Content Server System.
O oN

Current Name/Value The name that will be used for the item when it is deployed.
pe o

The dependency columns Exists in instance and Exists in

n tD

Workbench are only visible to Warehouse Administrators.

Te i

Also, only Warehouse Administrators can edit item

dependencies. The Edit button will not be visible unless you are a
xt str

Warehouse Administrator.
In ibu

Exists in Instance If the dependent item exists on the target system or instance, a green
te te

check mark appears indicating that an item with same name already

exists. The item would have to be renamed using the Edit button to avoid
a naming conflict or collision.

If the dependent item does not exist on the target system or instance, a

red “X” appears indicating that an item with that name does not exist.

Exists in Workbench If the dependent item exists on the Workbench, a green check mark
appears indicating that the item is ready to deploy.

If the dependent item does not exist on the Workbench, a red “X” appears

indicating that the item is not ready to deploy. The item would have to be
updated using the Edit button to assign a new parent container.

Status The status of the dependency, including: Deployable, [Parent] Not found,
Not Applicable.

4. To edit the Current name/value of the Category of the Parent type, click

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 8 -2 7

Chapte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

In this example, the default destination of the Category is the same as the
source location: the Content Server Categories Volume. Assuming you
wanted to deploy the Category to a different Folder, for example, you
would then click the Browse Content Server button and select a new
destination location such as a folder in the Enterprise Workspace.

O oN
pe o

Figure 48-28: Editing the Current Name/Value

n tD
Te i

5. If you clicked the Browse Content Server button, click the Cancel button to
cancel any changes you have made.
xt str

6. Click Close.

You are returned to the Workbench.

In ibu
te te

7. Click the sleeping bag.doc link.


Pa ge 48- 28 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

The Overview page for the document is displayed.

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Figure 48-29: Sleeping Bag Overview Page with Dependencies


8. Click Edit opposite the Parent: Product list (pending) item.


The Current name/value entry is updated with a Browse button.


9. Click Browse Content Server.


10. Navigate to Content Server level, if needed.


A Select Parent dialog is displayed.

11. Click the Select link next to Enterprise; for illustrative purposes the
document will be redirected to the Enterprise Workspace in the target

The Current name/value entry is updated with the new parent


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 8 -2 9

Chapte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

12. Click Save.

Users familiar with Transport in versions prior to 10.5 SP1 will

notice that ‘User dependencies are now supported by the
Content Server Transport’ as illustrated in the prior Figure.
This allows users from a source system to be mapped to users on
a target system prior to object deployment and it can also be
used to accurately transport object permission sets from one
system to another.
O oN

13. Using Edit, systematically map each “Not found” group to Default Group
pe o

and each “Not found” user to Admin user. Remember to click Save after
each edit operation.
n tD

The Status for the document is updated from Parent: Not found to
Te i

Parent: Deployable as illustrated in the following figure:

xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 48-30: Document is Deployable


14. Click Close.


15. Selecting thermos.doc, repeat steps 8 through 13, as required to resolve

any outstanding dependency issues.

Also notice how the ProductSpec Category does not exist in the
target instance but does exist in the Workbench and that the
status states “Dependency must be deployed first”.
This means that the user does not need to perform any
corrective action; however, it does mean that the Category must
be deployed first, in advance of the documents, to deal with the
Category-Document dependency requirements.

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Ch apte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

16. Click Close.

The Status for all of the items should indicate they are “OK to deploy” as
illustrated in the figure below.

O oN
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n tD
Te i
xt str

Figure 48-31: OK to Deploy

In ibu

17. Click Deploy and OK when prompted to confirm the deployment.

te te

18. Click OK when processing is complete.


You are returned to the Workbench.


19. From the Global menu select Enterprise > Workspace.


The Enterprise Workspace is displayed with the pair of deployed


documents from the Workbench.

20. From the sleeping bag.doc’s Functions menu, select Properties >


Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 8 -3 1

Chapte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

The Categories tab is displayed with the Product Spec Attribute values,
confirming that the document and associated Category were successfully

O oN
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n tD
Te i
xt str

Figure 48-32: Document with Deployed Category

In ibu

21. Click Cancel.

te te

22. Close any open browsers.



In summary, in this chapter we:

 Described the purpose of Transport and the Transport Process

 Created a Warehouse Folder, Workbench and add to the Workbench


 Added a Workbench to a Transport Package


 Received, Unpacked and Deployed a Transport Package

Pa ge 48- 32 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house


Transport Materials From the Outdoor Gear System

In this exercise, you will transport materials from the C:\CS16 source Content Server system which
contains the Outdoor Gear assets into a Transport Package and then you will deploy a Workbench
created from Unpacking a Transport Package into the C:\CS16b target, which is a blank Content
Server 16 system.

The objective is to replicate the process of creating a Transport Package containing the following
items: ProductSpec, sleepingbag.doc and thermos.doc as illustrated earlier in this appendix.
O oN

Note: We are performing similar steps in the following exercise to those presented in the appendix
pe o

and the ‘West Warehouse’, however, we’re working with an ‘East Warehouse’ in the exercise.

n tD
Te i

Configure Warehouse Administration Object and Usage Privilege

xt str

This is already done from the exercise earlier in the appendix. The steps are listed as a review.
Continue to Create a Warehouse Folder and Workbench.
In ibu
te te

1. Sign into CS16 with sadmin /letmein and vavigate to the Admin pages; enter opentext as
the Administration page password when prompted.

2. Click System Administration > Administer Object and Usage Privileges link.

3. Scroll down the page to the entries beginning with Transport Item.

4. Click the Restrict link for Workbench Item and click the OK button when prompted to


5. Change the Find from User Last Name to Group Name using the drop-down list, enter
transport in the that starts with field and click the Find button.

6. For Transport Warehouse select Add to Group, and click the Submit button followed by

clicking Done.

7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 for the following items:

 Transport Item
 Warehouse Folder
 Transport Package Folder
 Transport Package

8. Scroll down the page to the entries under the Usage Privileges section and click the Edit
Restrictions link for Warehouse Administration.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 8 -3 3

Chapte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

9. Change the Find from User Last Name to Group Name using the drop-down list, enter
transport in the that starts with field then click the Find button.

10. For Transport Warehouse select Add to Group, and click the Submit button followed by
clicking Done.

Create a Warehouse Folder and Workbench

1. Select Enterprise > Transport Warehouse.

O oN

2. From the Add Item menu, select Warehouse Folder.

pe o

3. In the Name field enter East Coast Warehouse Folder and an optional Description and click
n tD

4. Click the East Coast Warehouse Folder link.

Te i

5. From the Add Item menu, select Workbench.

xt str

6. In the Name field enter East Coast Workbench and an optional Description and click Add.
In ibu
te te

Add to the Workbench


1. Navigate to the Enterprise Workspace as your starting point.


2. Click the Admin Pages link or update the browser URL to http://CS16/

cs.exe?func=admin.index; this corresponds to the Administration pages.

3. Enter a password of opentext when prompted.


4. Click System Administration > Open the Categories Volume link at the bottom of the page.

5. From Product Spec’s Functions menu, select Add to Warehouse.

6. Click Browse Content Server.

7. Click the East Coast Warehouse Folder link.

8. Click Select next to East Coast Workbench

9. Click Replace.

10. Click Add to Warehouse. This may take a few minutes.

11. Click OK to continue.

Pa ge 48- 34 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

12. Navigate to the Advanced Search page by selecting Tools > Search from the Main menu to
add a pair of documents to the Workbench.

13. Click the Categories link under Add to Search Form panel.

14. Click the Select link next to Product Spec.

15. From the Green attribute drop-down list, select True.

16. Click Search at the bottom of the page.

17. From thermos.doc’s Functions menu, select Add to Warehouse.

O oN

18. Click Add to Warehouse.

pe o

19. Click OK.

n tD

20. Repeat steps 17 through 19 for sleeping bag.doc.

Te i
xt str

Add Workbench to Transport Package

In ibu

1. Select Enterprise > Transport Warehouse from the Global menu.

te te

2. Click the East Coast Warehouse Folder link.


3. Click the East Coast Workbench link.


4. Click the Add All to Transport Package link.


5. In the Name field enter East Coast Transport Package).


6. Click Add followed by OK.


7. From the Global menu select Enterprise > Transport Warehouse and click the Transport

Packages link.

8. Click Download to the right of East Coast Transport Package.

9. When prompted, save the East Coast Transport file to C:\Packages\.

Receive and Unpack the Transport Package

1. Close any open browsers.

2. Start the Content Server Service (e.g., CS16b instance) for the destination or target system
for the Transport items.

3. Launch Internet Explorer.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 8 -3 5

Chapte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

4. When prompted to log in to Content Server, change the URL to http://TrainOTCS/CS16b/


5. Press the Enter key.

6. Sign in using admin/livelink.

7. From the Global menu, select Enterprise > Transport Warehouse.

8. Add a new Warehouse Folder named From East Coast Warehouse.

9. Click the From East Coast Warehouse link.

O oN

10. Add a new Workbench named Workbench for East Coast.

pe o

11. Select Enterprise > Transport Warehouse from the Global menu.
n tD

12. Select the Transport Packages link.

Te i

13. Select Add Item > Transport Package.

14. In the Name field enter Transport Package from the East Coast.
xt str

15. Click the Browse button opposite the Transport Package File field.
In ibu

16. In the Transport package File field click the Browse button.
te te

17. Navigate to C:\Downloads\ and select East Coast Transport This contains the
transported items from the source Content Server system.

18. Click Open followed by Add then click the OK to return to the Transport Packages folder.

19. Click the Transport Package from the East Coast link.

20. Click Unpack to Workbench.


21. In the Unpack to field click the Browse Content Server button.

22. Navigate to the Content Server > Transport Warehouse level.


23. Click the From East Coast Warehouse link.

24. Click the Select link next to Workbench for East Coast.

25. Click Unpack followed by OK to continue and return to Workbench for East Coast.

Deploy a Workbench (via Transport Package)

1. From Enterprise Workspace > Transport Warehouse > From East Coast Warehouse >
Workbench for East Coast (continue directly from the previous exercise) click the Deploy
Workbench link.

Pa ge 48- 36 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Ch apte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

2. Click the sleeping bag.doc link.

3. Notice the green check mark for the Exists in instance and Exists in workbench columns. If
needed you can click the Edit button to modify the Current name/value.

4. Click the Edit button opposite the Parent: Product list (pending) item then click Close.

5. Click the thermos.doc link to resolve any outstanding dependency issues, if needed, then
click Close.

6. From the Workbench for East Coast page click the Deploy Workbench link in the upper
right corner.
O oN

7. Click Deploy followed by OK when prompted to confirm the deployment then click OK.
pe o

8. From the Global menu select Enterprise Workspace.

n tD

9. From sleeping bag.doc’s Functions menu, select Properties > Categories.

Te i

10. Close any open browsers.

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Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 8 -3 7

Chapte r 48. T ra nspor t a nd T ra nspor t War e house

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Pa ge 48- 38 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap te r 4 9 . X ML E xp or t a nd I m p ort

49. XML Export and Import


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Export different types of Content Server data to an XML file
 Use the parameters and options available for XML export
 Import XML data into Content Server
O oN

pe o

n tD

Content Server has the ability to export almost every type of item in XML
format. You may exchange this data with remote systems, use it as a very
Te i

simple archive function, or import the data into another Content Server
xt str
In ibu

Refer to the separate chapter regarding Content Server

Transport functionality for an alternative content ‘transport’
te te


What Do XML and XSLT Have to Do With Content Server?


XML has been integrated to provide both background support for related
features (e.g. searching) and specific XML functionality.

XML Export Any Content Server item can be exported as an XML document, from a

single document to the entire enterprise. “Item” refers to the items you
can add to Content Server from the Add Item menu.

XML Skins Using XML Export and XSLT technology built into Content Server, you
can create different end-user interfaces (or “skins”) through which you
view the content. A skin lets you customize the interface so your users see
a narrower set of features.

XML Import Content Server objects can be imported from an XML document and be
converted automatically to Content Server items.

XML Workflow Allows the use of a workflow to communicate with external programs
Interchange Step using data in XML format. Communication can be one-way, where
Content Server simply exports information, or it can be two-way, where
Content Server exports information, the external program uses that data
(e.g. to update a database) and then sends a message back to the

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C hap te r 4 9 . X ML E xp or t a nd I m p or t

XML Search XML data uploaded to the Enterprise Workspace can be indexed and
made searchable by regions.

In this course, we will focus on using XML Export and Import for archival

The What and Why of XML

eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is a W3C (World Wide Web
Consortium) recommendation intended to be used as a document
description language, a language that defines the structure and content of
O oN

pe o

Whereas HTML is used to specify the visual presentation and

organization of a web page, XML is used to organize the content. It can
n tD

also send data from one program to another in a format that both the
Te i

sending and receiving program understand. Since it is text-based, humans

can read and understand XML files as well.
xt str

XML data can be represented as a hierarchical tree structure where an

element is a node somewhere in the tree.
In ibu
te te

Figure 49-1:

Conceptual Look at XML


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Two main structures used to create XML documents are:

 Elements, which are the building blocks of XML. Elements may contain
other elements as well as text, attributes, comments, and more. You
can think of elements as the “nouns” in XML, defining objects. In XML,
an element definition starts and ends with tags, delimited by angle
brackets ( < > ). For example, in the subsequent figure, some of the
element names are release num, llnode, and node
 Attributes, which are used to provide additional information about an
element. An attribute describes characteristics of an element in a way
that is comparable to adjectives in languages. They are always
associated with an element, they always appear within the element
O oN

tag of the document and have the format [AttributeName] =

pe o

For example, as illustrated in the subsequent figure, the attributes of

the llnode tag at the top of the code include created, createdbyname,
n tD

and objtype.
Te i

To decipher the structure of an XML file, an application can use the XML
file’s corresponding XSD (XML Schema Definition). An XSD defines all of
xt str

the elements and structure that are valid for a particular document (XML
file) type. There are XSDs for Content Server data that defines how
In ibu

Content Server nodes are exported. It is stored in the Content Server

te te

directory at OTHOME/support/xml/xsd/livelink*.xsd.

The highest version of XDS file is the current one; previous versions of the
file are retained, to satisfy older XML Export output files that a customer

may have that could reference them.


Refer to the web site for detailed information

about XML (including training courses). The Web Consortium

has valuable information on any markup language standard

(XML, XSLT, WML, MathML, etc.).

For an overall summary of what XML is from the W3C’s point of


view, and a list of resource links, see

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 4 9 -3

C hap te r 4 9 . X ML E xp or t a nd I m p or t

Elements are the building blocks of XML. They contain text, attributes or
other elements. Attributes in XML represent metadata or information
about a given element.

Figure 49-2:

XML Output Document

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

Just What Can I Export and Import From Content Server as XML?
xt str

You can use Content Server’s import/export XML functionality to:

In ibu

 Archive and later restore items

te te

 Create templates of a set of items (for example, the folder structure


you always want to use when responding to proposals)

Move items between Content Server systems

 Use XML to transfer information to Content Server from a different



You can add new items (nodes) to Content Server by importing them from
XML files, either by entering a URL or by calling import functions from

OScript. The XML files can be made by other programs, or (more

commonly) they can be exported from a Content Server system. Content

Server currently supports the export and import of llnodes.


llnodes  An llnode is a document, project, folder, workflow map, or other item

that someone added to Content Server
 llnodes also contain a collection of metadata about one item
 Not all Content Server data fits into the Content Server “llnode”
model – for example, users, groups, and executing workflows or
workflow instances are not llnodes

We use the terms node, llnode, object, and item interchangeably

to define a folder, document, project, or other item stored in
Content Server.

Pa ge 49- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap te r 4 9 . X ML E xp or t a nd I m p ort

The Product Development folder provides a good example of a folder

with a wide range of llnodes including workflow maps, documents and

Figure 49-3:

The Product Development

O oN

Folder Illustrates a Wide

Range of LLNodes
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str

Some of the most important parts of llnode metadata include:

In ibu

 id (also called nodeID, objID, dataID)=2445.

te te

 objtype (also called subtype)=144.


 name=New Product.doc.
 createdby=2624 (which is a user ID.)

As you click links on Content Server pages, you are sending function calls.

Each function has a name and (optionally) one or more parameters. The

figure below illustrates a call to the browse function. The system locates
the function code on the server and processes it. This usually involves
getting or putting data in the database, then using the WebLingo language

to return a result in HTML format. When you want to export data from

Content Server, you just need to issue the right function call.

Figure 49-4: http://trainotcs/CS16/

A Typical URL for Browsing
a Folder

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C hap te r 4 9 . X ML E xp or t a nd I m p or t

Exporting a Content Server Item

Triggering an XML export is a very simple process, accomplished by
sending a URL to Content Server.

Export a Content Server Item

1. Log in with a administrative account (e.g., sadmin/letmein).

2. Navigate to the Content Server item you wish to export (e.g., CS16).

Content Server opens the folder.

O oN

3. Modify the URL in the browser by replacing any characters that follow the
pe o

objaction= with the text

xmlexport. For example, the URL might read
n tD

Te i

xt str

4. Press Enter on your keyboard. If you are using MS Internet Explorer, the
specified file will appear in your browser window as an XML file. If you like,
In ibu

you can now save this file to disk by using the File > Save As command on
your web browser.
te te

What is included in the export file?


 A livelink element is included in every Content Server export and is


the root element

 The main elements of a Content Server application are llnode

elements. These elements define an item in Content Server, such as a


folder, document, or query

 If the node is a container such as a folder, the llnode element may

contain other llnodes. You can use parameters to control the levels

 You will see an llvolume element at the top level if you export an entire

Content Server volume, such as the Enterprise Workspace or a

personal workspace

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An llnode element uses attributes to carry information about itself, such

as its name, type, creation date, size, and much more.

O oN
pe o

Figure 49-5:
n tD

The Finance Folder as it

Appears in Content Server
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

And the same Finance folder illustrated with its XML exported


Figure 49-6:

The Finance Folder

Exported in XML

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What about permissions?

As you can imagine, Content Server filters for permissions
before supplying exported data. No user can export information
that they do not have permission to view. You do not require any
particular permissions and privileges to export to XML; however,
the command is not exposed in the user interface, so you must
know that it exists before you can use it.

Optional Parameters to Add to an XML Export

O oN

If you specify no parameters with the xmlexport action, you will get a
pe o

basic set of information about the node. But you can add parameters to
the URL to include additional metadata and content for the exported
n tD

Te i

 Parameters can be listed in any order

Some parameters require other parameters, as noted in Table 17-1.
xt str

For example, you can only use the content parameter if you also
specify the versioninfo parameter
In ibu

 Some parameters are applied recursively if scope=sub is used. For

te te

example, if you use &scope=sub and &attributeinfo, Content Server

will export the attribute information for each item exported

 The result of using some parameters depends upon permissions. For


example, the permissions element of a nodeinfo request will not

appear if you do not have the Edit Permissions permission on the


When would you use which parameter? Well, it depends on what you plan
to do with the output.

The scope=sub parameter can put quite a load on a system, as


you can imagine. To prevent your users from casually trying to,
for example, export the entire Enterprise Workspace, you can
set the MaxNodesToExport parameter in the opentext.ini file,
thereby restricting the number of nodes exported regardless of
how many sub-items there are.
Many additional parameters are described in the XML Import
and Export Guide.pdf (found on the Knowledge Centre). These
parameters are helpful for using XML for data exchange and
creating a custom interface.

Pa ge 49- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

C hap te r 4 9 . X ML E xp or t a nd I m p ort

The following table identifies xmlexport parameters to use when

exporting Content Server llnodes for later import (bold indicates the
default value).

Table 49-1: Parameters to Use for XML Export When Reimporting

Parameter Description of What It Does

&scope Defines which level of descendants will be

=[base|one|n|sub] exported:
base = export just the node
one = exports one level of the direct descendants
n = exports up to the nth direct descendants (uses
O oN

integer values – 2,3,4,5…)

sub = export all descendants
pe o

&nodeinfo Exports the full item (“node”) information,

n tD

providing more detail than a straight “xmlexport”,

including information such as the item’s parent,
Te i

whether it is reserved and by whom, the object’s

permissions, and much more.
xt str

&versioninfo Exports the DAPI version information for versions

=[all | current | n] of the node, where:
In ibu

all=export all versions (this is the default)

current = export the current version
te te

n = export the specific version number (new to


version 9.1)
(no default, must specify)

&content Exports the content of the node–used especially

= [base64 | cdata | plain] with raw text, HTML and XML documents stored

in Content Server. Defines the type of coding used,


base64 = base64 encode the content (export it
as binary information)

cdata = unencoded content in a CDATA section


(export it as plain, “unparsed” text within a CDATA


plain = unencoded content (export it as plain

You must use this parameter in conjunction with
the versioninfo parameter.
cdata and plain settings are only acted upon
if the MIME type of the node’s content is included
in the UnencodedMimetypes setting in the
opentext.ini file.

&attributeinfo Exports the category/attribute information.

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Parameter Description of What It Does

&followaliases Indicates that if there is a shortcut in the container

being exported, Content Server should locate the
original and export that as well. Includes
safeguards against infinite loops.

Exporting Items That The XML data used by the XML import function must comply with the
You Plan to Import Content Server XSD. Data exported from Content Server will be
compliant if the XML export includes these parameters:
 &nodeinfo–for all the associated information that describes the node
and defines its use in Content Server, such as its permissions and its
O oN

pe o

 &content–for the content of document nodes.

n tD

 &versioninfo–required when you use &content.

Te i

Additionally, most exports also include:

 &attributeinfo–for items that include custom attributes.
xt str

You will often want to export an item and its descendents, which means
In ibu

you will need to use the &scope=sub parameter.

te te

Figure 49-7: http://server/Content_Server/


Example URL for Exporting &objaction=xmlexport&scope=sub&nodeinfo&versioninfo

a Node and All of its


Below is a fragment of XML exported nodes from Content Server using


the discussed parameters:


Figure 49-8:

A Fragment of XML
Exported Using All the
Right Parameters for XML

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Triggering an XML Import From a URL

XML import is meant as a development or administration tool, and is not
for end users or Knowledge Managers. Any end user can use XML export
if they know the syntax and have permissions over the objects they
export. But only a system administrator can use the XML import option. If
you want to import items into a folder on a Content Server system, you
can enter a URL to trigger the import.

The function name to use after ?func= in the URL is admin.xmlimport.

The XML import function includes two parameters:

O oN

1. ObjID–the node ID of the parent under which the new items should
pe o

be added.

2. Filename–the path and file name of the XML file containing the items
n tD

to be imported.
Te i

The following figure illustrates the XML Import status:

xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure 49-9:

XML Import Status Page

During the Import

While this figure illustrates the XML Import was completed without

Figure 49-10:

XML Import Completed

With No Errors

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In this example, the XML Import resulted in a number of errors.

Figure 49-11:

Example XML Import

Status Page With Errors
O oN
pe o

About permissions: Although the exported object contains the

permissions from the original system, when the file is imported it
n tD

is as if the objects were being copied into the new folder.

Therefore, all the permissions from the new parent item are
Te i

copied onto the imported objects with the exception of the

Owner who will be the user performing the import (which is
xt str

Admin or another user with system administration privileges).

In ibu
te te

Import Items From an XML Export

1. Place the XML file in a directory on the same machine as your Content

Server server.

2. Get the objID of the object that should be the parent of the new item(s).
The objID is the unique ID number for an item. An easy way to get the ID is

to browse to the item and look in the URL for the string objID=.

3. From your web browser, enter a URL to trigger the import: After the basic
Content Server URL (http://host/CSinstance), add a call to the XML Import

function, in the format:




For example:


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Content Server opens a status page. The page lists the location of the log
file generated by the process and other information about the import as it

Content Server allows the creation of Project Templates from

any Project. These templates can be saved as XML files.
Therefore, using Project Templates can automate some of the
steps we are demoing in this chapter.
O oN

pe o

 Content Server allows you to export practically any node into XML to
n tD

archive it or have another program use the data in some way.

There are several parameters you can use depending on the content
Te i

you want exported.
xt str

 If you want to export data that you plan to import into Content Server
again, use the &nodeinfo, &content and &versioninfo parameters.
In ibu

 You can import XML content into Content Server, and this allows you
to exchange content between Content Server systems, or even in the
te te

same system but to different domains or folders.


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Move a Task Using XML Export and Import

These exercises will provide you with a chance to cement your understanding of XML export and
import by importing an XML file that someone else created, then exporting and importing XML

1. Log in as sadmin, using the CS16 instance, with a password of letmein.

2. Navigate to the Human Resources Information folder.

O oN

3. Archive the Atlanta Office Setup Tasks as an XML file in such a way that you can re-import it
pe o

again if necessary, like this:

n tD

a. Take a look at the task list’s contents before you perform the export.
Te i

b. Export the task list to XML, using the parameters that you need in order to import it
again. For example:
xt str

In ibu

c. Save the XML to a file, giving the file a short name and placing it at the root of your C:
te te


4. Log in to the CS16b instance as the Admin User, and import the task list, like this:

a. Assume that you would like this task list at the top level of the Enterprise Workspace,
and note that the objID for the Enterprise Workspace is 2000.

b. Visit the Enterprise Workspace, and import the XML file you just exported. For

example: …?func=admin.xmlimport&filename=c:\xxx&objID=2000
c. Watch the XML import status page to see the progress. Was it successful? Look at the

log file if you like.


d. Test your work. Does the task list appear to have the same content as it does in the

original CS16 system?

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Add Data to Content Server via XML Import

Imagine that the company for your Content Server installation has created a standard taxonomy for
customer Projects, and they have created a Project ‘master die’ for Projects in the form of an XML
export file. Whenever a new customer Project is defined, it is your job to set up the new project
using this ‘master die’.

1. While logged into your Content Server system as a system administrator, create a new

2. Locate the file projecttemplate.xml in your C:\SampleDocs\DTDs and XMLs folder. Import
the file projecttemplate.xml into your new folder (it is easiest to copy this file to the root
O oN

directory of your workstation’s “C” drive).

pe o

3. Watch the XML import status page to see the progress. Was it successful? Look at the log
files if you like.
n tD

4. When the import is successful, take a look at the results. If you like, edit the Project name
Te i

and other item names for the customer and Project–you can make up the names.
xt str
In ibu
te te

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O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Pa ge 49- 16 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 50. Cla ssic UI T ool s an d Ma nagi ng Customi za ti ons

50. Classic UI Tools and Managing Customizations


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Consider basic key points when helping Knowledge Managers model information in Content
 Recommend the right tools for customizing the interface, customizing the functionality, and/or
integrating Content Server with other systems
O oN
pe o

n tD

By this point in the course, we hope that you have a fairly complete
Te i

understanding of the scope of Content Server’s functionality. As system

administrators, you will almost certainly be asked questions that start
xt str

with, “Can Content Server do?”

In this chapter, we will give you an idea of the range of options for
In ibu

customizing Content Server.

te te

Key Information Taxonomy Considerations


Here are some points to keep in mind as you discuss the structure of a

Content Server system’s information with your Knowledge Managers.


The considerations can be quite important to the usability and

performance of your system – you may want to consider hiring
OpenText’s Services group to help with installation and deployments.

Company culture  Look and feel – applying the corporate image

Business process change (and resistance thereto)

 Legacy systems – to imitate, or not to imitate?

Usability  Intuitiveness – will they know where to click?

 Basic interface – number of clicks, scrolling, display speed
 Prompting for Attributes as Add Items
 Allowing for multiple perceptions of the same information by using
Shortcuts and URL’s

Access Control  Permissions inheritance

 Melding intuitiveness and inheritance by using shortcuts and URL’s

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 5 0 -1

Chapte r 50. Cl assi c UI To ols a nd M ana ging Cust omiza ti ons

Performance implications  Number and type of images on pages when using Custom View
 Lengths of Assigned Access lists at the top of the Enterprise

Customizing With Custom Views

Custom Views may be added to a Content Server folder from the Add
Item menu. If you add a Custom View to a folder, Content Server will
insert the contents of that file between the navigation menu and the
featured items or list of folder contents. This allows you to create your
O oN

own look and feel for any folder in Content Server.

pe o

The code in the Custom View can:

Contain JavaScript or other code that can be interpreted by your web
n tD

Te i

 Include links to other areas of your Content Server system, intranet,

or the Internet
xt str

 Include references to images or other files (such as Flash files) that

are stored either in Content Server or in a directory on your web
In ibu

te te

Custom Views, by default, may only be created by System Administrators.


In order to give other users the ability to create Custom Views, you must
unrestrict the privilege to create them.

Custom Views are inserted above Featured Items, in terms of their


placement on a browser page.


Pa ge 50- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 50. Cla ssic UI T ool s an d Ma nagi ng Customi za ti ons

Although Custom Views are typically hidden along with supporting files
or graphics, these items are visibly illustrated in the figure below:

O oN
pe o

Figure 50-1:
n tD

Example of a Custom View

Te i

in Human Resources
xt str
In ibu
te te

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 5 0 -3

Chapte r 50. Cl assi c UI To ols a nd M ana ging Cust omiza ti ons

Referring to the HTML code below, you will see how the JPG files are
stored in an ‘images’ folder within the folder containing the Custom View.

<table align=center width=500>

<tr><td width = 100><img src="images/camping.jpg"></td>
<td width = 200><img src="images/climbing.jpg"></td>
<td width = 100><img src="images/cycling.jpg"></td></
<td width = 100><img src="images/paddling.jpg"></td>
<td><H2 align="center"><i>Welcome to Human Resources</i> </
Figure 50-2:
<td width = 100><img src="images/snowsports.jpg"></td>
Custom View’s HTML
O oN

<td colspan = 3>

Visit this folder early and often to find out the latest
pe o

information about our company, our policies, and our

n tD

<td><i><b>Key areas:</b></i></td>
Te i

xt str

Note the absence of <HTML> and </HTML> tags in the Custom View’s
HTML code.
In ibu

In Content Server, there are now several replacement tags that can be
te te

inserted into a Custom View. For example inserting the following tag:

<ot:OTvar_node_childCount />.

Here is the section of updated HTML code in the Custom View.


<… SNIP …>


<td colspan="3">
Visit this Folder early and often to find out the latest

information about our company, our policies, and our


Figure 50-3: <p>


Custom View’s HTML </td>

Code With Replacement </tr>
Tag <tr>
<td colspan="3">
Current items number: <ot:OTvar_node_childCount />
<… SNIP …>

Results in the following Custom View, illustrated in the following figure:

Pa ge 50- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 50. Cla ssic UI T ool s an d Ma nagi ng Customi za ti ons

Figure 50-4:

Custom View’s Results

With Replacement Tag
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

Cautions when customizing folder presentations:

xt str

 Limit the number of retrieved files: To display the contents of

the Custom View, Content Server must open the file. It
must also open any files that are referred to in the
In ibu

Custom View that are stored in Content Server. The

te te

more Content Server items referenced, the slower the

system. Therefore, if you want to display many images or

use other types of files within the Custom View, consider

storing those files in a web server directory and referring

to them from that location.


 Image size: The larger the file size of images you display

(whether using a Custom View or a folder banner), the

slower the performance
Because the contents of a Custom View are inserted into a

larger HTML file, your web browser will ignore any tags

it cannot understand in that context, such as <TITLE>,

<BODY>, or <FRAMESET> tags. This means that there

are limits to the type of code you can include

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 5 0 -5

Chapte r 50. Cl assi c UI To ols a nd M ana ging Cust omiza ti ons

Appearance Objects Best Practices and Info

Global Appearances will work anywhere in Content Server. This includes
the Personal Workspace and Workflows. Unfortunately, pages made up
using frames do not work properly and so Global Appearances should be
carefully tested.

Because Appearance Objects can have permissions assigned, it is possible

to create two or more Appearances for different groups of users. One
could be a fairly simple modification to the Content Server UI, such as
adding branding and another could be targeted toward users who do not
need specific functionality; this can implement reduced functionality for
O oN

that group of users.

pe o

Keep in mind that there are really three types of Appearances. Each one
corresponds to a level of control and can be used in conjunction with each
n tD

other to provide a high degree of granular control over the Content

Server UI. The three types are:
Te i

 Local non-cascading (just the immediate folder)

xt str

 Local cascading (immediate folder and all below)

Global (all pages within Content Server)
In ibu

te te

Because the Global Appearance will impact the Appearance Volume and
all that the admin user sees outside of the admin area, it is worth creating

a special Appearance for the admin user only. This Appearance will
include all standard Content Server UI and have no custom HTML. Only

the admin user should have See and See Contents permissions for this
appearance. It should also be alphabetically earlier than the others.

Appearance Objects Summary


Appearance Objects are simple to use as they can be developed in any

HTML editor and pasted into the configuration page. They are highly

configurable and support permissions.

Remember that you can selectively remove parts of the interface and
optionally replace them with custom HTML. There is also some support
for dynamic content.

Some suitable uses for Appearance Objects are:

 Apply branding and common navigation across entire Content Server
 Provide additional tech support links for user in the header or footer
of the interface
 Include custom CSS in header to override the standard Content
Server CSS

Pa ge 50- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 50. Cla ssic UI T ool s an d Ma nagi ng Customi za ti ons

Active View
ActiveView was previoiusly an optional module for Content Server,
however, it is now part of the core product an no longer requires separate
licensing. It provides an object called an ActiveView, that is very similar to
a WebReport in many respects.

The basic paradigm is that ActiveViews are defined to “override” specific

Content Server events such as browsing a folder. When the folder browse
occurs, the ActiveView is processed and the content it returns is used to
replace the standard content pane.
O oN

This paradigm can be viewed in the following figure:

pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str

Figure 50-5:
In ibu

ActiveView Paradigm
te te

ActiveView allows them to be applied directly to Content Server objects

but also support the older legacy method using Appearances.

The ActiveView tags and sub-tags are essentially identical to those


provided with WebReports, with a few minor exceptions. The most


important exception is the [LL_REPTAG_OVERRIDEOBJID /] tag which

has been specifically designed to return the DataID of whichever object is
being overridden by an ActiveView.

Content Server WebReports and ActiveView are dealt with in

the following courses:
 3-0117 - Content Server WebReport Design I
 3-0118 - Content Server WebReport Design II
 3-0119 - Content Server ActiveView

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 5 0 -7

Chapte r 50. Cl assi c UI To ols a nd M ana ging Cust omiza ti ons

The Content Server Development Environment (CSIDE)

If you need to customize the underlying code of Content Server, or if you
want to integrate Content Server with other applications, then you can
use the Content Server Development Environment(s).

Web Services The Services provides a library of functions for integrating Content
Server with external programs. It replaces LAPI (Livelink API) and
provides a more extensible framework for integration.

Content Server Builder When you need to perform customizations to the underlying [OScript]
source code of Content Server – for example, to create a new type of item
O oN

or add a new function – you can use Content Server’s IDE (Content Server
IDE or CSIDE) to create new modules. The IDE provides OScript plugins
pe o

for Eclipse provides a graphical user interface for defining module objects
and their features, plus a programming language called OScript.
n tD

The following figure illustrates the creation of new types of Content

Te i

Server items (i.e., contact list and suggestion box) and corresponding
modifications to their Functions menu.
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Figure 50-6:

Example of an IDE

CSIDE training is available from the 4-0140 - Content Server IDE

(CSIDE) Fundamentals course.

Pa ge 50- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Cha p te r 50. Cla ssic UI T ool s an d Ma nagi ng Customi za ti ons

OpenText provides these aids for customizing Content Server:
 Documentation (such as the Content Server Builder Development Guide;
 Training including the following Content Server courses:
– 4-0140 – Content Server IDE (CSIDE) Fundamentals
– 4-0144 – Content Web Services Fundamentals
 On-site assistance with custom information and community
modeling, and more, from different groups within OpenText Services
O oN

 Consulting services from the OpenText Services group

pe o

You can find out more about all of these from the OpenText web site,
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Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e 5 0 -9

Chapte r 50. Cl assi c UI To ols a nd M ana ging Cust omiza ti ons


Customizing Content Server

Imagine that a new department at your site has decided to manage the lifecycles of their proposals
using Content Server, and they have come to you for advice. In this exercise, you will help this
fictitious staff define an information taxonomy for their proposals.

Note: This kind of work can take a great deal of time in real life, but time is limited here. Try to spend
no more than ten minutes on these steps.
O oN

1. Read this information that the department staff brought to you:

pe o

a. There are about 30 documents involved in the creation of each proposal, some of which
are just “working documents” and some of which form the final document. Many
n tD

different people in the department, plus a few people outside the department, work on
these documents.
Te i

b. Every proposal has the same basic structure, and there is a set of standard templates
xt str

that the department uses whenever possible. There is also a large library of boilerplate
documents that are often pasted “as is” into a proposal. Only the proposal managers
may edit the boilerplate documents or templates.
In ibu

c. The department plans to use a Workflow Map to manage each proposal.

te te

d. The staff currently uses a file server and a very large whiteboard to manage the

elements of the proposal. They decorate the whiteboard with the logos of the company
whose business they are trying to capture, and they display a countdown to the due


e. They often use email to ask each other questions about how to go about their work.
They spend a lot of time looking through old email messages trying to find answers to

questions they know they have asked before.

f. The proposal goes through several review cycles, which they plan to manage with the

Workflow Map. When it is complete and has been sent to the customer, they need to

make certain that the version they sent is not lost and that the full company has read
access to it.

2. Now, answer these questions to the best of your ability given this scant information:
a. Considering the points in step Read this information that the department staff brought
to you:, how should the department structure its folder? Or should it use a project? In
what way would Shortcuts and/or URLs be useful? What else would you like to ask the
users in order to decide how to model the information?
b. What kind of folder presentations would be useful? How should the department use
Custom Views, Featured Items, and other presentation features? What else would you
like to ask the users in order to decide how to customize the presentation?

Pa ge 50- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Appe ndi x A . Cont inu ing Edu ca ti on

A. Continuing Education


On completion of this chapter, participants should be able to:

 Identify training considerations
 Identify next steps with respect to courses
 Discover useful resources on the Knowledge Center
O oN

Certification Programs
pe o

n tD

With the completion of this course, you are a step closer to being certified
as a Content Server professional.
Te i

These certification programs are designed to maximize participant’s

xt str

understanding of Content Server functionality. It is also intended for

those users who have completed all the course prerequisites. The three
certification programs offered are:
In ibu

OpenText Content Server Consultant Certification Program –

te te

OTCSBC (5-0151)

 OpenText Content Server Administrator Certification Program –

OTCSSSA (5-0152)

 OpenText Content Server Developer Certification Program –


OTCSSD (5-0153)

Figure A-1: Consultant certification program and prerequisites

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n Pa ge A -1

Appe ndi x A. Conti nui ng Educ at io n

O oN

Figure A-2: System administrator certification program and prerequisites

pe o

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Figure A-3: Developer certification program and prerequisites


Select your preferred Content Server certification and determine which


other course prerequisites you need to take to be eligible for the program.

There is a program that you can attend which includes material review for
exam preparation, hands-on project, and the exam.

Different methods for certification:


 Take only the prerequisite courses, then take the exam


 Take the prerequisite courses, then take the program

 Alternate delivery options include boot camps (compressed courses),
then take the exam

If you need to find out more details, please visit: http:// and refer for the Global Office link
for contact information or alternatively complete the Contact

Pa ge A -2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Appe ndi x A . Cont inu ing Edu ca ti on

What’s in the Courses?

We began with the basic information on how the knowledge repository
(content) is created and managed.

For the elements of collaboration and content management you may

want to investigate for example:
 Using the Collaborative Tools, such as Discussions, Channels, Task
Lists, and Polls
 Create Projects to share specific information with team members,
 Using Integrated Social to communicate
O oN

 Designing and implementing Workflow Maps

pe o

 Designing and implementing Forms

n tD

 Implementing Records Management to manage the lifecycle of your

content including retention scheduling and archiving
Te i

For the system administrative and customization aspects you may want
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to consider:
 Installing and configuring a Content Server system
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 Understanding the responsibilities of a Content Server system

te te


 Administering OpenText Directory services

 Customizing Content Server or integrating it with other applications,

using the Content Server Web Services, Content Server IDE (CSIDE),
or XML

 Understanding the Content Server schema and writing reports using


SQL and Content Server LiveReports or WebReports

As you start to explore and implement your requirements using Content


Server, remember to check the online help and the Knowledge Center –

there may well be a Content Server feature or discussion to help you.


OpenText Learning Services offers courses on all of these topics

and more – refer to for details.

OpenText Learning Services can tailor course to create custom

workshops to suit your specific needs - contact for details.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n Pa ge A -3

Appe ndi x A. Conti nui ng Educ at io n

List of OpenText Content Server Training Courses and Workshops

Business User Roles Introductory
 1-0183 – Using Content Server
 1-0184 – Managing Documents in Content Server
 1-0185 – Collaborating in Content Server

Advanced and specialty courses

 2-0105 – Content Server Trainer Workshop
 2-0106 – Content Server Information Administration
O oN

 2-0113 – Content Server Workflow Design

pe o

 2-0114 – Designing and Implementing Content Server Forms

2-0120 – Content Server Records Management
n tD

 2-0121 – Content Server Physical Objects

Te i

 2-0173 – Content Server XML Workflow Interchange and Extensions

xt str

 6-5009 – EIM Adoption Strategy Workshop

In ibu

System Administrator Introductory

Roles 3-0127 – Content Server Schema and Report Fundamentals
te te

3-0187 – Content Server Installation and Configuration


 3-0188 – Content Server Administration


 3-0300 – OpenText Directory Services


Advanced and specialty courses


 3-0117 – Content Server WebReport Design I

 3-0118 – Content Server WebReport Design II

 3-0119 – Content Server ActiveView


 3-0128 – Content Server Troubleshooting Workshop


 3-1311 – OpenText Application Governance and Archiving (AGA) for

Microsoft SharePoint

Developer Roles Introductory

 4-0140 – OpenText Content Server IDE (CSIDE) Fundamentals

Advanced and specialty courses

 4-0141 – Content Server IDE (CSIDE) Workflow Customization
 4-0144 – Content Server Web Services Fundamentals

Pa ge A -4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Appe ndi x A . Cont inu ing Edu ca ti on

Certification  5-0151 – Content Server Consultant Certification Program

Programs  5-0152 – Content Server Administrator Certification Program
 5-0153 – Content Server Developer Certification Program
 5-0709 – Content Server Archive Center Certification Program

Additional OpenText Resources

When your organization purchases software from OpenText, your
organization is provided details on how to obtain a login to the OpenText
O oN

Knowledge Center. In addition to providing various product knowledge and

technical tips about Content Server products, the Knowledge Center
pe o

contains many discussions on various aspects of Content Server that are

monitored both by OpenText staff and by other customers. The
n tD

discussions are e-linked, so you can read items and post questions and
Te i

answers by email.

The following figures show the initial page of the various OpenText
xt str

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Figure A-4: OpenText Knowledge Center

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n Pa ge A -5

Appe ndi x A. Conti nui ng Educ at io n

Figure A-5:

OpenText Knowledge
Center > Product >
Accelerating Adoption
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Figure A-6:

OpenText Knowledge

Center > Product >

Upgrade Central


Pa ge A -6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Appe ndi x A . Cont inu ing Edu ca ti on

Figure A-7:

OpenText Knowledge
Center > Product >
Discussion Forums
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Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n Pa ge A -7

Appe ndi x A. Conti nui ng Educ at io n

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Pa ge A -8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

A p pe nd ix B. Sto ra g e P rovi de r Ru le s

B. Storage Provider Rules

This appendix provides additional Content Server FSM or Storage Provider Rule information, in
support of the earlier chapter concerning Provider Rules.

Content Server and FSM or Storage Provider Rules

Storage Rules are configured from the Administration page > Storage
Provider Settings > Configure Storage Rules page.
O oN

The Configure Storage Providers page allows you to add more external
pe o

storage locations and allows you to add rules that direct your uploaded
documents to a specific storage device. Rules include the type filtering
n tD

rules that were previously part of the Content Move and Archive modules
Te i

and aids customers in optimizing their configuration objects, which

should be stored internally, to achieve better system performance and
xt str

allow the re-use of a production data in a test environment.

In ibu

The FSM Rule is a unique integer identifier for the Storage

te te

Provider. FSM or Flexible Storage Management was


implemented beginning with the release of version 9.5.0.

Flexible Storage enables you to store individual documents in

various locations; the term Storage Provider is often used in this

context. You can add Storage Providers and then set individual

rules and create an ordered association between the rules and


providers to determine where documents are stored.


When you define Storage Providers, you can set individual rules and

create an ordered association between the rules and providers to

determine where documents are stored. Whenever a document is added

to the Content Server, the system determines which Storage Provider to

use, based on the defined rules. If the document does not meet any of the
defined rules, it is stored in the default Storage Provider, which always
appears last on the list and cannot be configured or deleted.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e B-1

Appe ndi x B. S tor age Pr ovid er R ul es

To avoid conflicts with optional and custom Content Server modules,

developers are strongly encouraged to utilize Storage Provider Rules in
the appropriate Customer or Partner ranges, listed in the following table:

Table B-1: FSM Storage Provider Rule Value Ranges

Organization Range of Values of Content Server Provider


OpenText 1 through 3,000

OT Partners and OT Services 10,001 through 19,999

Customers 50,001 through 59,999

O oN
pe o

The subsequent reference table lists the Storage Rules available in


Content Server; certain modules have specific rules that are available
only when that module is installed, like Archive Server and Records
n tD

Management. The term and concept of a Storage Provider is synonymous

Te i

with a file repository.

xt str

Table B-2: FSM or Storage Provider Rules, Values and Descriptions

FSM or Storage Provider Value Description

In ibu

te te

Zero Byte -1 The Zero Bytes rule is not really a rule but a hard coded behavior of
Content Server’s Storage Provider beginning with Update 10. Any

displayed rule acts like a place holder for the system’s storage supporting
document files which have a size of zero bytes.

Size of the file in bytes is 1 If a document or object's file size exceeds the file size specified in this rule,

greater than the document will be stored in the Storage Provider specified by the rule.
Sizes are in bytes. For example, to represent 100 KB, enter 1048576.

Category name is 2 If a document or object has the specified Category assigned to it, the

document will be stored in the Storage Provider specified by the rule.


MIME Type is 3 If a document is of the specified MIME Type, the document will be stored
in the Storage Provider specified by the rule.

Size of the file in bytes is 4 If a document or object's file size is less than the file size stipulated in this
less than rule, the document will be stored in the Storage Provider specified by the
rule. Sizes are in bytes. For example, to represent 100 KB, enter 1048576.

Node Name contains 5 If a document or object's node name contains the specified string, the
document will be stored in the Storage Provider specified by the rule.
Enter a string which can be part of the node name.

Always (value is ignored) 6 OpenText does not recommend that you use this storage rule, as it applies
to any object type. An arbitrary value has to be entered.

Pa ge B- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

A p pe nd ix B. Sto ra g e P rovi de r Ru le s

FSM or Storage Provider Value Description


Any additional node 7 If a document or object has an additional node attribute, and that
attribute value is additional node attribute contains the specified string, the document will
be stored in the Storage Provider specified in the rule. Enter any string
which can be part of the node attribute value.
This rule applies to additional node attributes which can be defined on the
Administering Additional Node Attributes administration page.

Non-Specific attribute 8 If a document has a named, but unspecified, Category attribute that
value is contains the specified string, the document will be stored in the Storage
Provider specified in the rule. The Category attribute does not need to be
O oN

pe o

Attribute value is 9 If a document has a named and specified Category attribute that contains

the specified string, the document is stored in the Storage Provider

specified in the rule. The Category attribute needs to be specified. This
n tD

storage rule is available because attributes can have multiple values.

Te i

Enterprise Library 10 If a document or object is of a specified Enterprise Library application, it

Application is will be stored in the Storage Provider specified in the rule.
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Enterprise Library Type is 11 If a document or object is of a specified Enterprise Library type, the
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document will be stored in the Storage Provider specified in the rule.

te te

Enterprise Library Item 12 This rule is obsolete or deprecated. EL-Properties on item level are no
Property is longer supported; Customers do not have such documents.

Enterprise Library 13 If a document or object is of a specified Enterprise Library type, the rule

Variant Property is checks if it has a specific variant property type value assigned. If so, the
document will be stored in the Storage Provider specified in the rule.

Is Enterprise Library 14 If a document or object is an Enterprise Library object, the document will

Object be stored in the Storage Provider specified in the rule.

Node assigned 100 When managed objects are added to Content Server, they are evaluated

classifications based on the rule definition. You can create a complex expression for
multiple Classifications connected with And, Not, or Or modifiers. When

using the storage provider rules, Content Server evaluates the classified
items in ascending order, and then stores the items based on your

specified criteria.

RM Classifications 200 If a document has a specific RM Classification assigned to it, the document
Primary RM will be stored in the Storage Provider specified in the rule.

RM Essential 210 If a document has a specific RM Essential value assigned to it, the
document will be stored in the Storage Provider specified in the rule.
This is to support clients that want to have their Vital Records stored on a
logical archive that is replicated and/or treated special due to the nature
of the contents.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e B-3

Appe ndi x B. S tor age Pr ovid er R ul es

FSM or Storage Provider Value Description


Security Clearance Level 211 If a document or object has a specific Security Clearance Level assigned to
it, then it will be stored in the Storage Provider specified by the rule.
The rule applies specifically to the specified Security Clearance Level
(SCL); it does not apply to items with a SCL below the specified level. If
there are several levels, it may be necessary to concatenate one or more
Security Clearance Rules.
You can only edit rules that use SCLs for which you have the See
permission. If existing rules use SCLs for which you do not have the See
permission, you will see that the rules exist but you cannot access them.
Documents that have their Security Levels updated will be placed in the
O oN

queue and reevaluated by the rule.

The specified Security Clearance Level is selected from the provided list
pe o

and only those levels for which you have the See permission are displayed
in the list.
n tD

Supplemental Markings 212 If a document or object has specified Security Clearance Supplemental
Te i

Marking assigned to it, then it will be stored in the Storage Provider

specified by the rule.
You can only edit rules that use Supplemental Markings for which you
xt str

have the See permission. If existing rules use Supplemental Rules for
which you do not have the See permission, you will see that the rules exist
In ibu

but you cannot access them. Documents that have their Supplemental
Markings updated will be placed in the queue and reevaluated by the rule.
te te

The specified Supplemental Marking is selected from the provided list and
only those levels for which you have the See permission are displayed in

the list.

OR, AND, NOT … The Content Move module allows you to apply defined rules to existing
documents, in order to move document content from a Content Server’s

external file store to OpenText Archive Server or from one storage

provider to another.

Rules include AND, OR, NOT operations, as well as definitions of specific

creation or modification dates, and others. You can use these rules
independently from the Content Move context, for example when

maintaining storage providers.


OR 220 All content to which any of the rules apply.


AND 221 All content to which all rules apply.

NOT 222 All content to which the rule does not apply.

Project [name] 223 True if the added or evaluated version or rendition is assigned to the
project. Click the Browse Content Server button to search for the project
name. In the Select project window, navigate to the project and click the
corresponding Select link.

Volume 224 True if the added or evaluated version or rendition is assigned to this

Node Creation/ 225 True if the creation/modification date of the node (not the version and not
Modification Date the rendition) satisfies the given condition (i.e. the node was created or
modified at the specified time or within the specified time range).

Pa ge B- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

A p pe nd ix B. Sto ra g e P rovi de r Ru le s

FSM or Storage Provider Value Description


Reserved by OT 226 Reserved for future use by OpenText Development.


Newest Version 227 True if the added or evaluated version or rendition is the newest version of
each document False: all versions except the newest.

Version Category 228 This rule is obsolete or depreciated. It was similar to Category Rule ID 2,
Attribute but it was never implemented in released software.

Reserved by OT 229 Reserved for future use by OpenText Development.

O oN
pe o

RM Status 230 If a document or object has a specific RM Status code assigned to it, the

document will be stored in the Storage Provider specified in the rule.

n tD

Object Type in 240 True if the added or evaluated document is of this subtype (these
subtypes). Select one or more subtypes.
Te i

Stored below Container 241 True if the added or evaluated document is stored in this container. Click
xt str

the Browse Content Server button to search for the container location. In
the Stored below rule window, navigate to the container and click the
corresponding Select link.
In ibu
te te

Stored below Container 242 True if the added or evaluated document is stored in a container of this
Type type (these types). Select one or more Container Types.

Stored in a Personal 243 True if the added or evaluated document is stored in a Personal

Workspace Workspace area.

Rights Administration 244 It is used in Rights Management Administration. Any displayed rule acts

like a place holder for the system’s storage supporting the previously

discussed set of {and, not, or} operators. It is an embedded rule which

precedes rules before the actual rule or condition. Additional Information
is available from the Extension for Enterprise Library module

documentation (

Reserved by OT 245 Reserved for future use by OpenText Development.



Volume Free Space (MB) 68687 This rule checks the remaining free space available on the volume on
which Content Server is attempting to store the Document. If the free
space will be less than the configured free space value specified in the rule,
it will indicate that the Document cannot be stored on the volume.
Content Server will then try the next volume in the list until it can save the
Document. If the Document cannot be saved to any volume, it will be
stored in the default volume. Value is in megabytes.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e B-5

Appe ndi x B. S tor age Pr ovid er R ul es

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Pa ge B- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Appe ndi x C. A cc ess Cont r ol Ba sic s

C. Access Control Basics


On completion of this appendix, participants should be able to:

 Identify the purposes of access control in Content Server
 Use the Permissions page to control access to Content Server items
 Set permissions on document management items and work items
 Modify permissions to an item and sub-items for Groups and Users
Change Owners and Owner Groups
O oN

 Predict permission inheritance
pe o

 Use the Project permissions model to encourage collaboration

n tD
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xt str

At most Content Server sites specific departments will have their own
analysts or Knowledge Managers to control access to their material. As a
In ibu

Content Server administrator, you will be expected to fix mistakes and

help people starting out and possibly advise on the overall access
te te

structure. In this appendix you will learn the basics of how and why to set

An Overview of Content Server Access Control


Content Server access control is one of the most important areas in which
to invest time while planning your deployment. Access control in Content
Server covers a range of topics, including the following:

Different types of items have different sets of permissions. We


distinguish between document management permissions and work item

 Content Server uses one permissions model for items in the
Enterprise Workspace and a user’s My Workspace and a more
simplified role based permissions model for Projects
 When an item is created, it inherits its permissions from its parent
item. There are times when permissions must be mapped between
different permissions models (for example, when you create a project
inside a folder)
 You have great flexibility in modifying access permissions

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e C -1

Appe ndi x C. A cc ess Cont ro l Ba sic s

We will also look at some typical ways that organizations set up


Regardless of how permissions and privileges are set, the Admin

user (and users with system administration rights) always have
full access to all items in the system. So rest assured that users
cannot permanently lock themselves and/or everyone out of an
O oN

The Records Management and Security Clearance modules can

change how permissions are set on objects. Some of the options
pe o

are discussed in the Records Management class and there is

extensive documentation in the Knowledge Center.
n tD
Te i

The Basics: Looking at Work Item Permissions

xt str

There are two basic sets of permissions, one for work items (discussions,
In ibu

channels and task lists) and one for document management items (all other
te te

When you add an item, the item inherits permissions from the folder

or Project to which the item is added. If you have Edit Permissions

permission, you will see a Permissions function. Clicking that will

open the Permissions page

 The left side of the Permissions page lists the users and groups that

have access to the item. The right side of the Permissions page lists the
permissions for the currently selected user or group

The items added to work items do not have permissions. These include

Topics, Replies, Tasks, and News stories. Access to these items depends
on the permissions of the parent of the item.

Pa ge C -2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Appe ndi x C. A cc ess Cont r ol Ba sic s

Table C-1: The Basic Permissions for Work Items

Type of Work Read Write Administer


Discussion Can read Can post topics and Can delete all topics
postings to replies. and replies, and
discussion. Can delete own delete the discussion.
topics and replies. Can edit permissions.

Task List Can read Can create tasks and Can delete all tasks,
tasks. assign them to all and delete the task
with write or list.
administer access. Can reassign any
O oN

Can edit comment tasks.

field in all tasks. Can edit permissions.
pe o

Can edit comments

and status for tasks
n tD

assigned to self.
Te i

Channel Can read Can create news Can delete all news
news. items. items, as well as the
xt str

Can edit permissions.
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Collection Can view Can move items to Can delete the

items in another Collection Collection.
te te

Collection or Remove items Can edit permissions.

and copy from the Collection.

items to


If a user or group has the None permission on a work item, they

cannot see the item and it will not be returned in any searches.

Similarly the item will not appear on a LiveReport if the Filter


Permission option has been specified.


Collections also use work item permissions to allow users to

view and add items to the Collections you have created. The
permissions applied to the Collection do not affect the objects in
the Collection.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e C -3

Appe ndi x C. A cc ess Cont ro l Ba sic s

Looking at Document Management Permissions

The set of permissions for document management items (including, but
not limited to: documents, Compound Documents, Folders, URLs,
Workflow Maps, Shortcuts, and Generations) are more granular than
those for work items like Channels, Discussions and Task Lists. One
reason for this is to control versioned items.

Also, some items include permissions that do not apply to them, but will
be inherited by items added to them. For example, folders are not
versioned and cannot be Reserved, but their Permissions page includes
Add Version and Reserve permissions.
O oN
pe o

Nested permissions indicate dependencies. For example, you

cannot Delete an item that you cannot see.
n tD

However, you can give someone Reserve permission without

Te i

giving them Delete Versions permission.

xt str

The following table lists permissions:

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Table C-2: Permissions Required for Document Management Actions

te te

In order to do this … You need this permission …

See the name of the item listed in a browser page. See


See the contents of the item (i.e., see a list of the See Contents

items within the container, or View as Web Page/

Open/Download or Copy a document).

Modify the name, description or configuration of Modify


the item (List, Featured or Hidden).


Edit the attributes of an item (after initial values Edit Attributes

have already been entered).

Add items to this item (Available only for folders Add Items
and compound documents).

Reserve the item, allowing you to add new versions. Reserve*

Delete versions of the item and/or set the maximum Delete Versions*
number of versions.

Delete the item and /or move the item. Delete

Open the Permissions page and assign access Edit Permissions

control for other users and groups. (This provides
total access to the item!)

*When set at the folder or Compound Document level, this permission determines the default permissions for
items added to the folder.

Pa ge C -4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Appe ndi x C. A cc ess Cont r ol Ba sic s

Understanding Access Control for Folders in the Enterprise

Content Server keeps an access list, comprised of a Default Access list and
an Assigned Access list, for each item stored in Content Server. The
access list is comprised of the users and groups who have access to the
item, plus the permissions they have to access that item. The access list
differs for items stored in projects and items stored outside Projects.

To determine the current user’s access permissions for an item,

Content Server “adds” all of the permissions that the user has,
looking on the access list both for the user’s name and for groups
O oN

of which the user is a member (including Public Access).

pe o

n tD

Elements of the Default Access can be removed.

Te i
xt str

For items outside Projects, there are four default entries on the Default
In ibu

Access list:
te te

Owner: Initially, this is the person who added the item to Content

Server. This user could have distinct permissions on that item. Depending

on your requirements, this user does not necessarily have full permissions
on the item.

Owner Group: This group is often used to designate the “knowledge

managers” of the item, but could be used for other purposes.

Public Access: This includes every user for whom the Public Access
privilege is enabled.

System: Although it is not visible, every item also has a system permission
for the Content Server system administrators. The system permissions
are always set to “all permissions” and cannot be edited.

You can add more users and groups to the Assigned Access list to further
refine the permissions.

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Access the Permissions Page for an Item

1. To open the Permissions page for an item, select the Functions menu and
choose Permissions. The Permissions page is displayed.

If the function is not there, you do not have the permission to see
(or edit) that item’s permissions.

Set Permissions for an Item

O oN

1. To change permissions for an existing user/group, select the user or group

pe o

on the left.
n tD

The user’s permissions are listed in the right pane.

Te i

2. Select and clear check boxes as required, then click Update to apply the
changes. If you are modifying a folder, you need to consider the items in the
xt str

In ibu

3. To add a user or group to the Assigned Access List, click the icon.
te te

The right pane displays a user/group search bar.


4. Locate the user or group, then click Select to the right of the user/group.

The user/group is added to the Assigned Access List and their (null)
permissions are displayed on the right.

5. Edit the user/group’s permissions, and then click Update to apply the


Content Server refreshes the page to display the changes.


Understanding Project Access Control

Project managers usually need full access to the resources that their team
uses and produces. Content Server creates the project permissions model
with this environment in mind.

Coordinators have full access to all items within a Project, and cannot have
their permissions reduced. The coordinators are the owner group of each
item within the project. This enforces the role-based permissions
structure which is key to a Project’s functionality, where someone is in
charge “from here down.”

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Appe ndi x C. A cc ess Cont r ol Ba sic s

Members have write access to most items, and can add items to the
project, whereas Guests have read-only access. These form the default
permissions in the access list, to which other users and groups can be
 You can augment or lessen the permissions of the Members and
Guests groups when editing the permissions of individual items in the
project (for example, to give project Guests Write permission on a
 You can add individual users and groups from within the Project when
editing the permissions of individual items in the project, giving them
more access than the rest of their group
O oN

 You can give users from outside the Project permission on selected
pe o

items by adding them to the access list on individual items


A new Rewards Program folder created by kbrowning within the Project

n tD

would result in permissions in the following figure:

Te i

The following table documents different permission-related actions and

their corresponding results.
xt str

Table C-3: Accessing the Participants and Permissions Pages for a Project
In ibu

Action Result / Notes

te te

Choose Participants from the The Participants page is opened and displays

Project menu. users and groups and their project roles.


Click Permissions on the You can now see and edit an item’s permissions.
Functions menu of items within

the Project.

How can someone who is not a participant in a Project access an


item to which they have been given access?


 Provide a URL (perhaps by email) that the user can click to


access the item

 Have the user search on a relevant term
 Provide a shortcut in the Enterprise Workspace that the
user can access

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e C -7

Appe ndi x C. A cc ess Cont ro l Ba sic s

How Permissions Are Applied to Content Server Items

Content Server permissions are applied to all items as they are added into
Content Server. The permissions that an item initially receives are based
on the parent container permissions.

When a new child is created (a document, folder, URL etc.) the

permissions from the parent container are copied to this item.

Regardless of who the owner of the parent item is the user who created
the new item becomes the owner of that item.

Because permissions will be copied from parent to child (and from child to
O oN

grandchild), it is very important to set the permissions carefully at the

pe o

root folder and compound document level.

n tD

You should consider the owner permissions at the folder level as the
permissions to give to creators of items in this folder on the items they
Te i

xt str

You can see that it is important how the permissions are set on
In ibu

key folders, such as the Enterprise folder or departmental

folders, because the permissions on items added to them are
te te

copied all the way down the hierarchy.


The creator of the new item becomes the owner of the new item.

All other access control records are copied as-is to the child object when

the Brochures folder is added to the Marketing folder.


Applying Single Changes to Sub-Items


When changing permissions for one of the users or groups of a folder or

compound document, you have the option to apply that change only to
the item, only to the sub-items, or to the sub-items as well as the parent

When you choose to apply a permission change to sub-items, Content

Server repaints the right side of the page to ask you whether to map those
permissions to task lists, channels, and discussions that may be sub-items.

Keep in mind that if you apply permissions changes only to the parent
item, the changes to the user’s permissions will not apply to items within
the folder.

Pa ge C -8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Appe ndi x C. A cc ess Cont r ol Ba sic s

If your folder or compound document contains many sub-items, then

updating permissions can take quite a while. For this reason, when you
click the Update button to initiate the permissions change, Content
Server opens a new web browser window. This new window both displays
the progress of the update and allows you to continue working on other
things in the other browser window.

If you do not have the ability to change an item’s permissions (for

example, if you do not have the Edit Permissions permission on it), then
the item will be skipped. A count of skipped items is displayed in the
progress window.

One of the items that will be skipped when applying to sub-items is a project.
O oN

Since projects have a different permissions model, Content Server does

pe o

not attempt to map permissions to it or its contents.

n tD

If you want to change the sub-items’ permissions for multiple users and
groups all at once, you can use the Edit Sub-Items Permissions page.
Te i
xt str

When “Apply to Sub-Items” and “Include Collections” are

selected it is important to understand that it is the Collection
In ibu

itself to which permissions are applied, not any of the objects

within the Collection.
te te

In this example, Collections were not included in the apply to


sub-items (i.e., it was not checked), so it was the item that was

Applying Several Changes to Sub-Items


At times, you will want to make changes to several user and group
permissions at once, for all of the sub-items of a folder or compound

document. This is when you want to use the Edit Sub-Items Permissions

page. You will also find this page useful for other more subtle, granular

Batch Edit the Permissions of Sub-Items

1. Click the Edit Permission Of Sub-Items icon next to the name of the
folder or compound document.

Content Server opens the Edit Sub-Items Permissions page.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e C -9

Appe ndi x C. A cc ess Cont ro l Ba sic s

2. For each user and group on the list, choose the action you want Content
Server to perform from the Permission Action drop-down list.
 <none> —Do not use this ACL record of the parent when working on
the sub-items.
 Add—If this user or group is not already there, add it. If it is there, leave
the permissions the way they are.
 Replace—If the user or group is already there, replace the permissions.
If it is not already there, do not add it.
 Add & Replace—If the user or group is already there, replace its
permissions. If it is not, add it.
O oN

 Remove Group/User—If the Group or user is in the sub-item’s ACL,

remove it.
pe o

3. For each user and group whose permissions you want to change or add,
n tD

select the appropriate permissions check boxes. Select the check boxes next
to the other options that you want. If you want any channel, discussion, or
Te i

task list sub-items to be affected, select the corresponding check box in the
Include area.
xt str

If you want to replace the entire ACL of the sub-items with your selections
on this page, select the Clear Existing Sub-Items check box.
In ibu

If you want to make the owner of this item be the owner of all sub-items,
te te

select the Make <xxx> Owner of Sub-Items check box.


4. Click the Update button. If you want to make the Owner Group of this item

be the Owner Group of all sub-items, enable the Make <xxx> Owner Group
of Sub-Items check box.

Pa ge C -10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Appe ndi x C. A cc ess Cont r ol Ba sic s

How Content Server Maps Permissions From Folders to Projects

Content Server must map two disparate permissions models when you
add a project to a folder. By selecting or clearing the Inherit permissions
based on folder permissions check box when creating a project, you have
an option to define no Members and Guests and to make the creator the
only Coordinator, or to map permissions from the parent folder to the
new project. The permissions are mapped such that:
 Users with Edit Permissions to the folder become coordinators of the
 Users with at most Modify access to the folder become members of
O oN

the project.
pe o

Users with at most See Contents access to the folder become guests

of the project.
n tD

The following figure illustrates an example of how the permissions of a

Te i

parent folder are mapped to a project added to the folder. You can modify
Content Server’s initial assignment of roles at the folder level, after you
xt str

have added the Project.

In ibu

How Content Server Maps Permissions From Folders to Work Items

te te

When you add a work item to a folder, Content Server maps the folder’s
permissions to the work item. For example, if a group has See Contents

permission on the folder, the group will have Read permission for a
discussion added to the folder.:

See Contents on the folder becomes Read access on the work



Modify on the folder becomes Write access on the work item.

Edit Permissions on the folder becomes Administer access on

the work item.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n Pag e C -11

Appe ndi x C. A cc ess Cont ro l Ba sic s

Changing Default Access

If a document or other item should belong to a different user or a
different set of knowledge managers, you can change the owner or the
owner group by clicking the edit icon.

Change the Owner or Owner Group

1. Click the edit icon next to the owner or owner group.

Content Server displays a user/group Find bar in the right panel.
O oN

2. Use the Find bar to locate the user you want to be the new owner, then click
pe o

the Select link on the right of the user’s row.


The owner’s name is changed on the left.

n tD

The users and groups on the Default Access list can be removed and
Te i

restored if required.
xt str

Remove the Default Access Entries

In ibu

1. On the Permissions page, select the owner, owner group or Public Access.
te te

The default access entry’s permissions are listed in the right pane.

2. Click the Remove button.


You are provided with a warning.


3. Click OK.

The entry is removed, and a restore button is displayed alongside this:


If a parent folder has had Default Access entries removed, then all newly
added sub-items to that folder will have those entries removed as well.
Existing items will not be updated.

Users with the ability to edit permissions can restore the Default Access
entries on an item. However, the system administrator can prevent users
from performing this task.

Pa ge C -12 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Appe ndi x C. A cc ess Cont r ol Ba sic s

Click the required Restore icon ( ) to restore the Default Access entry.

You cannot change the owner group in a project workspace, as it

is always the Coordinators group.

If you are using the Records Management Module, removing the Owner
from the Default Access list could impact the way in which a Records
Manager group is automatically assigned access when performing
O oN

certain functions, such as Mark Official.

pe o

For example, if multiple Records Manager groups are configured, and


the system is configured to downgrade permissions on Mark Official,

n tD

and the system is configured to select the Records Managers group by

Owner Department, then the Owner on the Default Access list is used
Te i

to map to the appropriate records manager group that will be added to

ACL permissions when the Mark Official action is performed.
xt str
In ibu

Additional Access Control Options

te te

Configure Access The Configure Access Control page’s link is located in the System
Control Administration section of the Administration pages.

Restrict “Grant Access” to Groups only: It is considered a best practice to


use groups on access lists rather than individual users and this feature
allows you to enforce this behavior.

As we learned earlier, you can remove the owner, owner group and Public

Access from objects in Content Server. Normally, anyone with Edit

Permissions permission can remove them and restore them. This page

lets you restrict their restoration to only system administrators.


By default, when an object is moved, its permissions are carried with it

(except when moved from or to a project workspace). The Moving Items
across Workspaces option forces the object to inherit the permissions
from the target destination, as if it were being copied. It is important to
note, this behavior only occurs when moving items from the Personal
Workspace to a folder in the Enterprise Workspace, and not from a folder in
the Enterprise Workspace to another folder in the Enterprise Workspace.

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Appe ndi x C. A cc ess Cont ro l Ba sic s

eDiscovery Mode If Enable eDiscovery mode access is enabled, you can assign users the
Access eDiscovery Rights system privilege, which allows a user to set eDiscovery
Mode on the My General Settings page. By default, this setting is disabled.
This capability grants See Contents to all objects for search, collection
and browse operations. This feature is intended for customers
performing eDiscovery and litigation support tasks for data managed by
Content Server.

Advanced Version Content Server includes the ability to have major and minor versions of a
Control With Major/ document. Users with “See, See Contents” permission can see only major
Minor Versions versions. This gives them a clearer picture of a document’s progress and
hides all of the minor revisions.
O oN

The document behavior is set at the container level: the Version Control
pe o

page appears on folders and not documents. You need “Edit Permissions”
permission to change any of these options.
n tD
Te i

Best Practices for Configuring Access Control

xt str

1. Make access control a strong consideration in the design of your

In ibu

content taxonomy.
te te

 Users who create content should not necessarily have full access
to it. For example, the owner permissions should usually not

include the Edit Permissions permission or even the Delete


 Many organizations consider creating permissions zones in their


Enterprise Workspace for different types of users, including a

collaboration zone and a published zone and procedures for

approving material that is placed in the published zone.

2. Simplify permissions: You can reduce the administrative effort you

need to put into this task by using groups as the way to assign

permissions. This way you can build permissions structure through

group memberships rather than extensive tinkering with specific

access lists. Remember that you can restrict access lists to groups
only, and even remove some or all of the Default Access entries.
3. Develop a policy for working with the owner group permissions:
 You could consider setting the owner group permissions to be the
permissions you want the knowledge managers of the folder to
have, and consider changing the owner group to be that group of
knowledge managers.
 Alternatively, you could use the owner group to give a standard
set of permissions to the end users of a given department and add
a knowledge managers group to the item’s access control list.

Pa ge C -14 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Appe ndi x C. A cc ess Cont r ol Ba sic s

4. Designate and distinguish among the knowledge managers,

information producers, and consumers of the key folders and other
containers in your Enterprise Workspace.
 Give only the knowledge managers the Edit Permissions
permission on the folders they should control.
 If quality content is really important to the knowledge managers,
consider setting up a workflow or a submissions folder for users
outside the knowledge managers group to use when they want to
add to the folder.
5. Consider the use of Projects for simplified access control. Projects
offer a default set of permissions that are clearly defined and easy to
O oN

understand. But remember that projects add overhead to a Content

pe o

Server system, in the form of three new groups for each project.

6. Beware of long Assigned Access lists, especially at the top levels of

n tD

the hierarchy:
Te i

 Performance—the longer your Assigned Access list, the more

work Content Server has to perform with anything involving
xt str

 Complexity of maintenance—if the Assigned Access list is long at

In ibu

the top of the hierarchy, knowledge managers deeper in the

hierarchy who want to shorten the Assigned Access list have a
te te

very complex job.


7. Segregate sensitive items from less sensitive items.


 Because of the way permissions are copied from parent to child, it

is wise to place items that need greater security in a separate

folder from those which require less security. To make browsing

more intuitive remember that you can use shortcuts to group

items that are related while retaining their access permissions.

8. Consider a user’s My Workspace and how you want it to be used.

 Users can use their Home folders as a work in progress area for

items they are not ready to share yet. Adding this work to their
Home folders ensures backup and allows them to share the items

with a few people if they like. Do you want users to use the Home
folder in this way?
 Since users can set permissions how they like on items in their
Home folders, and since they often cannot set permissions on
items in the rest of the hierarchy, a Home folder can be a good
place for power users to keep items whose content they wish to
control. They can open up permissions as they like, and they can
create shortcuts to items in their Home folder elsewhere in the
Enterprise Workspace hierarchy. Whether you want users to do
this is another question.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n Pag e C -15

Appe ndi x C. A cc ess Cont ro l Ba sic s

9. Consider Directory Walkers: If you have a large body of existing

documents that will not change again, consider whether you really
need to add them to Content Server. You can make these documents
searchable within Content Server without actually storing the items
in the system. If the answers to all of the questions below is “no,” then
you may want to keep the documents outside the Content Server
database and use a directory walker to enable searching:
 Do you need access control for these documents? (You can use
slices for basic “who can see this” access control.)
 Do you need version control for these documents?
 Are you ever going to change these documents again? (You can
O oN

pull individual documents into Content Server if they ever do

pe o

need to be revised.)

n tD

A Directory Walker creates a full text index on files stored

Te i

outside of Content Server, plus the processes needed to create

that index.
xt str

If you create a directory walker (which we do in the Configuring

and Customizing Content Server Search course), Content Server
In ibu

automatically makes that index available to users for searching.

te te

10. Develop policies to guide your support staff. For example, what
should your support staff do if a user requests access to an area that is


11. Write a design guide that outlines your approach to configuring users
and groups, how you set up permissions in your Enterprise

Workspace, how you plan to use projects, etc.


Pa ge C -16 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Appe ndi x C. A cc ess Cont r ol Ba sic s

 Access control is one of the most important design aspects of your
Content Server system. Your knowledge managers will be doing most
of the permissions setting, but you should understand how it all
 There are two sets of permissions: A simple none/read/write/
administer set of permissions for work items (discussions, channels,
and task lists), and a more complex set of permissions for document
management items (like folders, documents, and compound
O oN

 There are two principal models for defining permissions: One is the
model used in the Enterprise Workspace and a user’s My Workspace.
pe o

The second is the model used for projects, where roles are mapped to
a certain set of permissions, and where the roles are applied to an
n tD

entire branch of the hierarchy. The role-based model is easier to

Te i

understand but is also less flexible.

 Discussion items, task list tasks, and news items defer to their parent
xt str

for access control, using their parent’s access list to determine access.
 When an item is added to a folder or compound document, the owner
In ibu

of the new item gets the same level of access against the new item
te te

that the owner of the container has against the container item. In
addition, all the other access list records for the container item are

copied to the new item.

It is very important to develop strategies for defining access control.

You need to determine who in your organization will have the ability
to set permissions; these people are the true knowledge managers of

your system.

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Appe ndi x C. A cc ess Cont ro l Ba sic s


Working With Content Server Permissions

You will add documents into Content Server and then set different permissions on them. This
exercise demonstrates how the folder’s existing permissions, including Owner permissions, affect
what control users have over existing documents and ones they add.

From the previous exercise, you have a user Sandy in the Product Marketing group. Create a new
group called Finance, and add your user Chris (from the previous exercise) into that group. You will
use only Product Marketing and Finance and only one user should be in each group (remember, you
may need to take Chris out of the Product Marketing group from the previous exercise).
O oN
pe o

Here is what you will do: Set up permissions so that Sandy can add items to the Documentation

folder, and can delete the items they add, but cannot delete other items in the folder (that others
n tD

have added).
Te i

Be sure to check each step as you complete it and ensure the permissions match the screen shots.
xt str

1. Create a folder called Documentation in the Enterprise Workspace, if it was not created
In ibu

2. Add the Product Marketing group to the Documentation folder’s Access Control List (ACL).
te te

Give Product Marketing: See, See Contents, Modify, Add Items permissions.

3. Make Chris the owner of the folder and give him See, See Contents, Modify, Add Items,

Reserve and Delete Versions permission.


4. Remove Public Access from the folder (you can either set permissions to “none” or remove
the group altogether).

5. Add a document to the Documentation folder and name it Admindoc1. Add a second

document to the folder and name it Admindoc2.


6. Modify the permissions on Admindoc2 so that Product Marketing has Reserve permission
(in addition to their existing permissions).

7. Log out as Admin and log in as Sandy and navigate to the Documentation folder.

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8. Add a document to Documentation and name it Sandy.doc. By clicking the Functions menus,
compare your control over the document you added, with the pre-existing documents
added by Admin. What can you do to each document and why? Now add a version to
Admindoc2 and Sandy.doc. Compare each version’s functions menu to see what Sandy can
do to each version.

Summary of permissions:
 If you have set up permissions correctly, Sandy should have reserve permission
only on admindoc2 and Sandy.doc. Sandy should be able to delete versions
from Sandy.doc, but not from Admindoc2.
O oN

Another way of looking at it is this:

pe o

Admindoc1: permissions based on Sandy’s membership to the Product


Marketing group (can view and rename, but not add versions).
n tD

 Admindoc2: additional permissions for that document only (can add versions,
but not delete them).
Te i

 Sandy.doc: permissions Sandy receives as owner of document she created (can

xt str

add and delete versions).

 We have prevented Sandy from deleting objects she adds to the
In ibu

Documentation folder.
te te

9. If time permits, log out as Sandy and log in as Chris to compare Chris’s permissions as owner
of the Documentation folder with his permissions on other items in the folder. What

permissions does Chris have on the Documentations folder? What permissions on the
documents Admin and Sandy added? Why are they different? What should we do to “fix”

Chris’s permissions?

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O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Pa ge C -20 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

A p pe nd ix D. Conte nt Se rv e r De si gn Spec i fi c ati on T e mpla te

D. Content Server Design Specification Template


On completion of this appendix, participants should be able to:

 Complete a Design Specification for Content Server

O oN
pe o

This appendix provides an informal template for documenting design


specifications for a Content Server system. Using the template, you

n tD

create your own document and take it to your implementation meetings

to create a Design Document that relates to your organization. This
Te i

document should help you avoid those “we should have thought of that”
moments during the implementation of your system.
xt str
In ibu

The square brackets in the body of this appendix indicate areas

where you need to add or edit information.
te te

This template is not a substitute for proper project management and the
input of your team. There are also many Open Text consultants

experienced in different aspects of deployment and change


management. Our goal is to make sure that you have not forgotten
anything important, and to list the topics you should be discussing
internally, more than to assist you in creating a formal specification.

Overview [Short paragraph explaining the overview of your document.]

Purpose [Define the overall purpose of the Content Server system for your
organization here, summarizing the objectives you hope to address with
the system. What Content and Processes will it help you with?]

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e D -1

Ap p e n di x D . C o n t e n t S e r v er D e s ig n S p e ci f ic at i o n Te m p l at e

Revision History

Revision Date Principal author(s) Notes

Assumptions [Define any assumptions that might not be obvious to the readers.]

Signatures The following people have reviewed this document and agree that it
accurately describes the required design of the system.
O oN

pe o

n tD

Te i
xt str

User and Group Definition

In ibu

User Profile Counts:

te te

There will be [count] users using the system in the next [timeframe]. In the

longer term [timeframe], there will be [count] users.


At any given moment during a business day, there may be as many as

[count] users actively using the system.


The background and experience of our system’s users falls into these

categories: [define according to web browser experience, document

management experience, etc.]


[These types of users] will use the system in a limited way, mostly
performing [these types of tasks].

[These types of users] will use the system more heavily, mostly
performing [these types of tasks].

Pa ge D- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

A p pe nd ix D. Conte nt Se rv e r De si gn Spec i fi c ati on T e mpla te

The activities that users will perform the most:

Activity Percentage of overall system activity

[often broken down by “browsing”

activity vs. adding and modifying
content, plus collaborative work such as
participating in discussions and

Groups The broadest groups of the system will be [these principal groups].
O oN

The [principal] groups will comprise subgroups, including [group names].

pe o

The Department groups for users will be based upon [your organizational
n tD

chart, the organizations for which the users are employed, the products
the users help to develop, or …]
Te i

[Revisit this section after you have considered access control and
xt str

In ibu

Users Defined by
External Source
te te

OTDS Type The Content Server installation will make use of:

 Internal OTDS and the resulting user partition will be non-


 External OTDS and the resulting user partition will be synchronized.


 External OTDS, migrated from CSDS, and the resulting user partition
will be synchronized

Privileges to Create The following types of users should be leaders of [this type of] groups (and

Users and Groups therefore can add and remove users from the groups): [types of users]

The following types of users should have the ability to create new groups:
[types of users]

The following types of users should have the ability to create new user
logins: [types of users]

The following types of users should have the ability to add, modify, and
remove any user login: [types of users]

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e D -3

Ap p e n di x D . C o n t e n t S e r v er D e s ig n S p e ci f ic at i o n Te m p l at e

Item Creation All users will be able to create any type of Content Server item (folders,
Privileges documents, facets etc.) in the areas to which they have access, except for
[these users/groups, who cannot create these types of items (often
restrict the ability to create workflow maps and projects)].

In addition, only the system administrators will have the privilege to

create LiveReports, Perspectives.

Password Control Passwords will be managed by OTDS. When a user login is created, the
password will be set according to this pattern: [first initial + last name or
(hopefully) something more secure]. The user will be informed of the
Content Server URL and login by [e-mail, phone, etc.].
O oN

Password security, strength or hardening is defined by the Global OTDS

pe o

Password Policy, but it can be overridden locally on a user-partition basis.


[Overrides or changes to the OTDS password policies include:]

n tD
Te i

Enterprise Access Control Structure

xt str

The Enterprise Workspace will contain one folder per [criteria]. Under
In ibu

the highest level folders, there will be subfolders/Projects/Compound

Documents based upon [criteria—may need to expand, with a description
te te

of the main branches of the hierarchy].


Overview [List any general factors that influence your access control structure.]

Highest Level Folders


These Users/Groups can Person Public

Principal Knowledge Manager(s)

who Access
adds an should
item have

should this
See contents

Delete Items
Revise items

be able access

Add items

to do


[High- [user, [user, [user, [user, [user, [list [list

level group group group group group actions– actions]
folder names] names] names] names] names] delete?
name] Edit

Pa ge D- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

A p pe nd ix D. Conte nt Se rv e r De si gn Spec i fi c ati on T e mpla te

Sub-Folders (may
need to detail for
major sub-folders) These Users/Groups can Person Public

Principal Knowledge Manager(s)

who Access
adds an should
item have
should this

See contents

Delete Items
Revise items
be able access


Add items
to do
O oN

pe o

[High- [user, [user, [user, [user, [user, [list [list

level group group group group group actions– actions]
n tD

folder names] names] names] names] names] delete?

name] Edit
Te i

xt str

Projects and Access Projects will be used to: [define purpose]

In ibu

These types of users will be able to create projects: [list users/groups]
te te

Projects will be stored in… [define branches of Enterprise Workspace,


Personal Workspaces. May also want to note recommended use of sub-


The Coordinators of the Projects will be: [identify in as general or specific


terms as is appropriate]

The Members of the Projects will be: [list users/groups]


The Guests of the Projects will be: [list users/groups]


Use of Personal Home Users will be encouraged to store [this kind of information] in their Home

Folders folders.

Users will be encouraged to use Notification for [these purposes].

[If there is a concern regarding the amount of data people store in their
Personal Workspaces, add sentences describing how you want to monitor
the use of Personal Workspaces.]

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e D -5

Ap p e n di x D . C o n t e n t S e r v er D e s ig n S p e ci f ic at i o n Te m p l at e

Categories and Attributes and the Enterprise Structure

Overview In our organization, people need to search for [Define the types of
keywords and classes of documents for which people need to search]. To
facilitate this searching, the system will include [categories and

Categories and The following attributes will be defined for the system: [names of
Attributes to Define attributes—maybe data types, display formats, and valid values for drop-
down lists as well].

The attributes will be organized into these categories: [list. Also note
O oN

which attributes will be required].

pe o

[To complete these sentences, interview your users with questions such
n tD

 Ask your users to fill in the variables in this sentence: “I want to

Te i

search only the x documents for y.”

Ask your users to finish this sentence: “I need to find all information
xt str

where …”
In ibu

 Also ask your users to finish this sentence: “I only want to see items
te te

Facilitating Attribute [Complete these sentences, duplicating as required]


Every [type of document] should be placed in the [category name]

category. Therefore, the [folder name] folder will be assigned the

[category name] category, so that users adding to the folder will be

automatically prompted to fill in attributes for that category.


Use of Content Server Items


It would be helpful to broadcast announcements about [these types of


information], so channels will be created for them. [These users/groups]

should have the ability to see [these channels]. [These users/groups]
should have the ability to add news items to [these channels]. [These
users/groups] should have administrator access to [these channels].

It would be useful to have online, stored discussions about [these types of

collaboration]. [These users/groups] should have the ability to see [these
discussions]. [These users/groups] should have the ability to participate in
[these discussions]. [These users/groups] should have administrator
access to [these discussions].

Pa ge D- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

A p pe nd ix D. Conte nt Se rv e r De si gn Spec i fi c ati on T e mpla te

It would be useful to keep online task lists for [these types of

collaboration]. [These users/groups] should have the ability to see [these
task lists]. [These users/groups] should have the ability to be assigned and
add tasks to [these task lists]. [These users/groups] should have
administrator access to [these task lists].

Workflow maps will be created to facilitate [these processes]. See

[separate document], which defines the processes in detail. [These users/
groups] should have the ability to initiate workflows for [these workflow
maps]. [These users/groups] should have the ability to monitor the status
of and otherwise manage [workflows based on these maps].
O oN
pe o

Creating a Custom Look and Feel


n tD

The “Home page” that the user will see first by default when logging in will
be [the Enterprise Workspace, the user’s Personal Workspace, the About
Te i

Content Server page].

xt str

Enable the Smart VIew UI or not.

When users visit the Enterprise Workspace, they will see …[big response
In ibu

here. Do you want to define a Custom View file with links to the major
te te

parts of the system? Which Custom View variables would you like to use?
Do you want to use your corporate logo here? Do you want to make use of

featured items? Do you want to have a news ticker and a search bar?
Maybe include a prototype screen capture here.]

Users can get an overview of the system and help desk information by

clicking [document, link, other interface element].


The major folders and projects in the system will be “personalized” by

[describe ways you want to use customview.html files, images, featured

items.] [These people] will create the custom interface.


The standard browse view will include [describe metadata] additional



Items added to the system will be highlighted by the “new” indicator ( )

for [count] days.

Items modified in the system will be highlighted by the “modified”

indicator ( ) for [count] days.

Columns will be created [in the following folders] to display [these types
of custom category and attribute metadata].

Facets will be configured to display [this type of metadata]. If necessary,

document classes for [these types of metadata] will be created by the

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e D -7

Ap p e n di x D . C o n t e n t S e r v er D e s ig n S p e ci f ic at i o n Te m p l at e

Facilitating Search
The standard search bar will be configured with …[describe the default
configuration with Modifiers, Searchable types etc. ]

To facilitate the search for [this type of information], there will be a slice
for [that type of information]. The permissions on the slice will be set such
that only these users/groups can see it: … [Repeat this sentence as

To assist users with more complex searches, these types of Saved Queries
will be created and made available to [these users] by storing them in
O oN

[these locations]…
pe o

A Directory Walker will be created to index [this body of external

documents]. The slice for the index will be called [name], and its
n tD

permissions will be set so that it is available to [these users].

Te i

These slices will provide a cross-section of both the Content Server

system data and the files indexed by Directory Walkers: [list]
xt str

The Content Server online help and Admin online help will also be
In ibu

indexed and available as a slice.

te te

The following search interface options will be configured:


Custom Search Appearances will be created for [the following folders,

projects etc.] and will contain the following default settings:

Monitoring and Tracking the System


Auditing will be enabled for [these types of items] and [these types of

events] [or “all”].


The audit trail will be examined [on this basis] by [person/role]. The audit

trail can be purged on this basis: [time, event, user criteria]

LiveReports will be available [to these users/groups] to report [this


Pa ge D- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

A p pe nd ix D. Conte nt Se rv e r De si gn Spec i fi c ati on T e mpla te

Module Deployment and Customizations

The following modules will be deployed initially:

[List modules, versions etc.]

The following modules will be deployed within the following estimated

time frame(s):

[List modules, versions etc., and expected deployment dates. Include

variables like required training, prior deployment milestones that must be
met, budget constraints, etc.]
O oN

The following customizations will be considered/implemented:

pe o

[List desired customizations (or integrations) giving reasons and expected

completion dates. Will these customizations be completed “in-house”, by
n tD

Open Text, or an affinity partner?]

Te i

The following modular dependencies and/or schema changes will be

xt str

[List modular dependencies and core schema changes (if applicable)]

In ibu
te te

Training and Support


Training The “casual” Content Server users will be trained by: [describe type of
training, estimate time it will take per individual, number of users]

The “power” Content Server users will be trained by: [describe type of

training, estimate time it will take per individual, number of users]


The users are accustomed to using [this legacy system]. The training will
compare and contrast Content Server with [the legacy system] in this

way: …

In addition to learning how to use Content Server, the users will need to
understand [this change in our business process]. This will be addressed
by: …

Support When a user has a question while using Content Server, he/she will know
whom to contact because … [interface element or other way of informing
the users].

[These groups/individuals] will be responsible for supporting users. Users

can contact the [help desk] by [phone, e-mail, link on Content Server

We estimate that the [help desk] will spend [number of hours] each day in
assisting users.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e D -9

Ap p e n di x D . C o n t e n t S e r v er D e s ig n S p e ci f ic at i o n Te m p l at e

O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Pa ge D- 10 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Appe ndi x E. Signi ng In , Logging Ou t, a nd Pa sswor d Chan gi ng

E. Signing In, Logging Out, and Password Changing

This appendix is intended as an overview and reference for Content
Server administrators regarding logging in, logging out, and Changing or
resetting user passwords as the functionality and behavior of this
operations for customers that have not previously utilized OTDS as part
of their Content Server installations or deployments.
Signing In and Out of Content Server v16
O oN

pe o

Content Server v16.0 users could be provided a URL that takes them to

one of two alternative user interfaces:

n tD

 The Classic UI, http://localhost/CS16/cs.exe?func=llworkspace,

that people will be familiar with, based on previous versions of
Te i

Content Server.
xt str

 The Smart View UI, http://localhost/CS16/cs.exe/app/nodes/2000,

which is a role-based interface, that will be discussed in the
In ibu

subsequent sections in this chapter.

te te

There is a paradigm shift taking place regarding the terminology

associated with accessing Content Server. In particular, the

classic ‘Log in / Log-in’ and matching ‘Log out / Log-out’ are being
replaced by ‘Sign in / Sign-in’ and ‘Sign out / Sign-out’.

Why? There have been various cognitive and other studies on


the subject of web page and usability etc. and there are also
popular styles or standards (i.e., Microsoft) that allows UIs to be
standardized and ultimately made more user friendly (e.g., http:/


labels-confuse-users/), so for the moment, there may be

concurrent use of the similar, but distinct terminology.

This chapter will use the appropriate Sign or Log terminology to

coincide with the user interface.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e E-1

Ap p e n di x E . S ig n i n g In, L o g gi ng Out , a n d Pa s s w o rd C h ang i n g

Signing In using the Classic UI

To Sign in to Content Server, a user enters their User name and password
then Sign in.

Changing the Sign In To change the Sign in page localization, for example from the default of
Localization in the Classic
English to French, click the language switcher and select Francais.
Open Text recommends that you first choose a locale before entering a
User name and Password, otherwise changing the locale will reset (i.e.,
blank) the previously entered User name and Password.
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure E-1: Example of Changing the Sign in Localization from English to French

Pa ge E- 2 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Appe ndi x E. Signi ng In , Logging Ou t, a nd Pa sswor d Chan gi ng

Signing Out Using the To Sign or Log out, use the Global Menu bar and select My Account > Log-
Classic UI out.

Figure E-2:

Logging Out of Content

Server with the Classic UI
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i
xt str

Although you have been logged out from Content Server, you are
reminded to completely close your web browser to ensure the
privacy of recently viewed data.
In ibu
te te

Signing In using the Smart View UI


To Sign in to Content Server, a user enters their User name and password
then Sign in.

Changing the Sign In To change the Sign in page localization, click the language switcher
Localization in the Smart and select the locale.
View UI

Signing Out using the To Sign out, use the user menu and select Sign Out.
Classic UI

Figure E-3:

Signing Out of Content

Server with the Smart
View UI

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e E-3

Ap p e n di x E . S ig n i n g In, L o g gi ng Out , a n d Pa s s w o rd C h ang i n g

Changing Your User Password, using the Classic UI

In previous versions of Content Server, users could change their Content
Server password using Global Menu bar > Tools > Settings > Password:

Figure E-4:

User Changing Passwords

in Previous Versions using
O oN

the Tools Menu

pe o

n tD
Te i

Beginning with Content Server v16.0, users can change their Content
Server password using Global Menu bar > My Account > Change
xt str

In ibu
te te

Figure E-5:

Changing Passwords in the

Classic UI using the My

Account menu

Pa ge E- 4 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Appe ndi x E. Signi ng In , Logging Ou t, a nd Pa sswor d Chan gi ng

The page is updated and the user enters their User name, Old password,
New password, Confirm their password, and then Change.

O oN

Figure E-6:
pe o

Changing a Password in
n tD

the Classic UI
Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Resetting Your User Password


Resetting a Password When a user signs in to Content Server, they are warned if their User

using the Classic UI name or Password are not recognized and an Invalid credentials message
and Email is displayed along with a link allowing the user to reset it.

To reset your password, select the If you forgot your password, reset it

here link.

Figure E-7:

Reset Password Link

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e E-5

Ap p e n di x E . S ig n i n g In, L o g gi ng Out , a n d Pa s s w o rd C h ang i n g

When the page is refreshed, enter your Content Server User Name and
Submit and an email will be sent to you that allows you to reset your

Figure E-8:

Enter Your User Name for

a Password Reset Email to
O oN

be Sent by Content Server

pe o

n tD
Te i

Resetting a Password After a user signs out of Content Server, they are reminded to completely
using the Smart View close their web browser to ensure the privacy of recently viewed data. At
xt str

UI the bottom of that page is a Forgot Password link.

In ibu

To reset your password, select FORGOT PASSWORD.

te te

Figure E-9:



on the Sign in Page of the

Smart View UI

Pa ge E- 6 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

Appe ndi x E. Signi ng In , Logging Ou t, a nd Pa sswor d Chan gi ng

The page is updated and you can enter your content Server User name
then Submit.

Figure E-10:

Enter Your User Name for

a Password Reset Email to
be Sent by Content Server
O oN
pe o

n tD
Te i

An example of the resulting password reset email message by Content

Server is illustrated in the following figure:
xt str
In ibu
te te

Figure E-11: Example of an Outlook Email Password Reset Message

The password reset link is valid for 24 hours, by default, or

alternatively the duration specified by the
directory.auth.ValidationTokenLifetime (i.e., Validation Token
Lifetime) OTDS system attribute.
Attempts to use the password reset link after it has expired will
result in a message stating that “This confirmation link is no
longer valid”.

Conte nt Se rv e r A dmi ni str at io n P ag e E-7

Ap p e n di x E . S ig n i n g In, L o g gi ng Out , a n d Pa s s w o rd C h ang i n g

The corresponding web browser page that asks for a new password,
confirmation and Reset password is illustrated in the figure below:

Figure E-12:
O oN
pe o

Reset Your User Password


by Entering and
Confirming a New
n tD

Te i
xt str
In ibu
te te

Reset password by email is enabled by default. An administrator,


however, has the ability to disable this functionality. This will be


discussed later in the course, but the setting can be found on the
Administration pages > Directory Services Integration Administration >
Configure Directory Services > Setup > System Attributes page (i.e.

change directory.auth.EnablePasswordReset from true to false.


Pa ge E- 8 Cont ent Se rv e r Admi ni str a ti on

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