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1-@symbol is used to access server side object in web form sytax.

1- False razor syntax.

2-action link() and DisplayNameFor() is extension methods include in htmlHelper class.

2- True.

3@Html.DropDownListFor is used to render combobox control.

3- True.

4-HTML Helper in ASP.NET MVC Is methods returing HTML string that can render c# code.

4- False Html Tag.

5-Razor allow you to write mix of html and server side code using c#.


6-HtmlHelper Method is designed to make it easy to bind to view page or model data.

6- False view data.

7-Strongle Typed Helper requires Reqular Expression for using Strongle Typed Helper method.

7- False Lambda Expression.

8-<!--HTML comment ---> is the output implementation of the following razor code.
/* C# comment */
// Another C# comment
<!-- HTML comment -->

8- True.

9-@Html.ActionLink(“create New”, “create” ,”student”) would generate anchor tag <a

href=”/student/Create”> Create New</a>.

9- True.

10-Html Helpers are user in view to render Html content.

10- True.

11-Html elements to display value of model properties into html element.

11- True.

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