Benefits of Dance: and Creative Movement

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'Dance is fun! It lifts the spirit, strengthen', the body, and ‘,tirnulaw, tiw!, "
Dancing is one of the oldest and populdr form',ofexercr,e,
a r e c o n s i d e r e d a e r o b i c s i n c e t h e y e n t a i l a b o u t e i r i h o u r o f " c o n t i n u o u - , t rJ r
to music" (Fine, 1981). According to Polly de Mille, an exercise phrs,iologist at the thic..eriel .,..; Medicine
Center in New York, the health benefits gained through dancing are similar v:, -
of activities that involve sustained effort in the target zone (www.highbcf.arn.corri, jar,
4, 2016)
Table 1.1. Specific Benefits of Dance

Develops cardiovascular and muscular endurance
Improves coordination, balance, flexibility, and body composition
Lowers risk of cardiovascular diseases
Lowers body mass index

Lowers resting heart rate

Improves lipid metabolism

Enables joint mobility (hip motion and spine flexibility)
Helps improve and maintain bone density, thus helps prevent osteoporosis
helps recover coordination and neuromuscular skills after injury Mental/Emotional

Helps keep the brain sharp

Decreases incidence of dementia and Alzheimer's disease

Decreases depressive symptoms
Increases self-esteem and improves body image

s in releasing emotional and physical tension

Gives sense of togetherness within a group

Encourages positive social interaction and interpersonal relationship in a group
Contributes to the individual's potential for self-actualization in society
-Promotes cultural values

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