Explain The Process of Quantization and Obtain The Expression For Signal To Quantization Ratio in The Case of Uniform Quantizer

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Explain the process of quantization and obtain the expression for signal to quantization

ratio in the case of uniform quantizer

The conversion of an analog sample of the signal into a digital form is called the quantizing
process. The quantizing process has a twofold effect.
1) The peak to peak range of input sample is subdivided into a finite set of decision levels (or)
decision thresholds that are aligned with the „risers‟ of the staircase and
2) The output is assigned a discrete value selected from a finite set representation levels (or)
reconstruction levels that are aligned with „treads‟ of the staircase.
2 types of quantizers.
1) Uniform quantizer
2) Non uniform quantizer
1) Uniform quantizer:
In uniform quantization.as in figure 1(a), the separation between the decision thresholds and
the separation between the representation levels of the quantizer have a common value called
the step size.
2 types of uniform quantizers
1) Symmetric quantizer of midtreadtype.
2) Symmetric quantizer of midrisetype.
1. Mid treadtype::
According to the staircase-like transfer characteristics of figure 1a, the decision thresholds of
the quantizer are located at ±Δ/2, ±3Δ/2, ±5Δ/2....... and representation levels are located at 0,
±Δ, ±2Δ, where Δ is a step size. Since the origin lies in the middle of tread of the staircase, it
is referred to as symmetric quantizer of midtread type.
2. Mid risertype:
Figure 2(a) shows staircase-like transfer characteristics in which the decision thresholds of the
quantizer are located at 0, ±Δ, ±2Δ, and the representation levels are located at ±Δ/2, ±3Δ/2,
±5Δ/2.......where Δ is a stepsize

Since in this case, the origin lies in the middle of the riser of the stair case, it is referred to as
symmetric quantizer of midriser type.
Both quantizers mid tread (or) mid riser type is memory less ,that is the quantizer output is
determined only by the value of corresponding input samples.
Fig 1Two types of quantization: (a) mid tread and (b) midrise.
Overload level:
The absolute value of which is one half of peak to peak range of input sample values.
Quantization Noise: The use of quantization introduces an error defined as the difference
between the input signal m and output signal v. The error is called quantization noise.
Let the quantizer input m be the sample value of a zero mean random variable M. A
quantizerg(.)maps the input random variable M of continuous amplitude into a discrete random
variable, their respective sample values are related by the equation
v = g(m)
Let the quantization error be denoted by random variable Q of sample valueq
q= m-v (or)
With the input M having zero mean, and the quantizer assumed to be symmetric as in figure
(2),the quantization output V and therefore quantization error also have zero mean.
Figure (2) Illustration of the quantization process
Quantization error Q:
Consider then an input m of continuous amplitude in the range (- mmax, mmax). Assuming a
uniform quantizer of mid riser type. we find that the step size of the quantizer is given by

Where L-total number of representation levels.

For a uniform quantizer, the quantization error Q will have its sample values bounded by (-Δ/2
≤q≤ Δ/2).If the step size Δ is very small. It is reasonable to assume that the quantization error
Q is uniformly distributed random variable.
Now express the probability density function of the Quantization error Q as

For this is true, we must ensure that incoming signal does not overload the quantizer. Then
with the mean of the quantization error being zero, its variance is the same as the mean square

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