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Effect of Long-Term Vinasse Application on

Physico-chemical Properties of Sugarcane Field


Impact Factor: 0.58 · DOI: 10.1007/s12355-012-0174-9


16 83


Yangrui Li
Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences


Available from: Yangrui Li

Retrieved on: 05 April 2016
Sugar Tech (Oct-Dec 2012) 14(4):412–417
DOI 10.1007/s12355-012-0174-9


Effect of Long-Term Vinasse Application on Physico-chemical

Properties of Sugarcane Field Soils
Ze-Pu Jiang • Yang-Rui Li • Guang-Po Wei • Qing Liao • Tian-Ming Su •

Yan-Cheng Meng • Hai-Ying Zhang • Chang-Yan Lu

Received: 30 May 2012 / Accepted: 16 July 2012 / Published online: 2 August 2012
Ó Society for Sugar Research & Promotion 2012

Abstract The present experiment was conducted to study agriculture fields but also help in reducing the environmental
the effects of vinasse application on physico-chemical prop- pollution imposed due to disposal of non-treated sugar
erties of soil. Different treatments, viz., (i) spraying water at industry effluents.
105.0 t/ha (CK), (ii) conventional fertilization ? spraying
water at 105.0 t/ha (CF) and (iii) soil application of vinasse at Keywords Vinasse  Soil  Physico-chemical properties 
75.0 t/ha ? spraying water at 30.0 t/ha, have been applied in Sugarcane field
two sugarcane fields in Fusui County, Guangxi, during
2005–2006 and 2006–2007, respectively. The results showed
that, after 2–3 years of continuous vinasse application to Introduction
sugarcane fields, the soil bulk density declined, while the total
porosity and capillary porosity increased in the plow layer of Vinasse is a byproduct of the sugar industry (Hidalgo 2009).
soil. The soil water stable aggregate content enhanced, but the Sugarcane is processed to produce crystalline sugar, pulp and
soil clay content decreased. Soil K content increased, and soil molasses. The latter are further processed by fermentation to
did not showed the phenomenon of acidification. The vinasse ethanol, ascorbic acid or other products. After the removal of
application in sugarcane fields resulted in improved physico- the desired product (alcohol, ascorbic acid, etc.), the
chemical properties of soil, and soil hardening and soil acid- remaining material is called vinasse. In terms of volume,
ification were not detected in the field. The present study not approximately 13 L of vinasse is produced in processing of
only provides the basis of using vinasse as a liquid fertilizer in one liter alcohol from cane (Anonymous 1986). In China,
Guangxi is the largest producer of sugarcane and its prod-
ucts. Approximately 2.55–2.8 million tons of vinasse is
Z.-P. Jiang  G.-P. Wei  Q. Liao  T.-M. Su  Y.-C. Meng
produced every year by the Guangxi sugar industry (Ou et al.
Agricultural Resources and Environment Research Institute,
Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanning 530007, 2002). Although the vinasse is considered as a kind of green
Guangxi, China energy, its large volume of effluent and the perspective of
growing fuel production generate environmental concerns
Y.-R. Li (&)
mainly because of its impact on soil and groundwater
Sugarcane Research Center, Chinese Academy of Agricultural
Sciences; Guangxi Crop Genetic Improvement and resources. Studies have pointed out that the main impact
Biotechnology Laboratory; Key Laboratory of Sugarcane caused by vinasse infiltration in soil and groundwater
Biotechnology and Genetic Improvement (Guangxi), Ministry of resources is soil hardening, soil acidification, salinization
Agriculture, Nanning, Guangxi, China
and growing concentration of inorganic salts and organic
carbon (Pereira 2008).
Y.-R. Li Vinasse has high levels of potassium, calcium and
Guangxi Key Laboratory of Sugarcane Genetic Improvement, organic matter in its chemical composition as well as
Nanning 530007, Guangxi, China
moderate amounts of nitrogen and other nutrients (Gloria
H.-Y. Zhang  C.-Y. Lu 1985) and could represent an alternative to supply nutrients
Fusui Sugar Bureau, Fusui 532100, Guangxi, China for crop production (Gloria 1985; Garcı́a 1994). Various

Sugar Tech (Oct-Dec 2012) 14(4):412–417 413

research works have been carried out in other countries Materials and Methods
where it has been reported that vinasse increases sugarcane
productivity (Anonymous 1986; Gloria 1985; Anonymous Sugarcane variety ROC22 was used as experimental
1980; Orlando 1984). Studies also demonstrated that under material. Two sugarcane field locations were selected
controlled conditions, vinasse can partially replace some at the base of Changping, Fusui County, Guangxi
mineral fertilization. (P.R. China). At first location (A), the experiment was
During recent years, application of vinasse and sugar carried out from 2005 to 2007 and at the second location
industry effluents gaining more importance due to the (B) from 2006 to 2007. The physico-chemical properties of
presence of great quantities of mineral nutrients and the soils at both locations have been summarized in
organic matter content, which not only improved the Table 1. Both locations A and B had the same treatments
crop productivity but also solved the problem of effluent as follows: (i) Spraying water at 105.0 t/ha (CK); (ii)
disposal in the open environment. The researches carried Conventional fertilization ? Spraying water at 105.0 t/ha
out in past decade in China showed the positive effects (CF) and (iii) Soil application of vinasse (pH 4.35,
of vinasse application on growth and development of OM 71.9 g/L) at 75.0 t/ha ? Spraying water 30.0 t/ha
sugarcane, as well as the improvement in soil properties (vinasse). The experiment was carried out in completely
(Li et al. 2008; Zhou et al. 2008; Zhou et al. 2009; Ao randomized block design with each plot area of 60.0 m2,
et al. 2009; Mo et al. 2009; Meng et al. 2009). Li et al. and each treatment was given in three replications. For the
(2008) find out that the vinasse obtained from sugar CF treatment, the N, P2O5 and K2O were applied at 450.0,
industry can be utilized as a complete fertilizer for the 165.0 and 450.0 kg/ha, respectively. The fused calcium-
growth of sugarcane, and they also showed that the magnesium phosphate, 30 % of the urea and potassium
application of fresh vinasse in the fields, without any chloride were given as the basal fertilizer, the rest amount
dilution or pretreatment, could significantly increases the of urea was sprayed at the elongation stage of sugarcane
cane tonnage and sucrose percent cane and reduce the growth. The seedcanes were covered with the soil and the
chemical fertilizer application and production cost. The planting rows were further covered by the plastic film after
direct rational application of fresh vinasse in sugarcane applying the vinasse to the soil. The normal cultural
fields is practically possible through a set of technical practices were followed during the full growth of sugar-
measures. You et al. (2009) reported that applying vin- cane crop.
asse as base fertilization in sugarcane field could Soil samples were collected from 30.0 cm depth of
enhance the soil fertility, increase the cane and sugar vinasse applied sugarcane fields in 2007. Analysis of soil
yield, and had no bad effects on ground water contents. physico-chemical properties was conducted according to
Su et al. (2009) reported that total N, Cl-, organic standard methods as described by Lu (2000). Soil pH value
matter (OM) and humic acid (HA) content of the soil was measured with electronic pH meter and soil organic
improved under vinasse treatments (45, 75 and 105 t/ha) matter content was determined by the titration method
in sugarcane field. Zhou et al. (2009) reported significant using potassium dichromate. Bulk density was measured
economic gains in sugarcane production by the use of by ring shear method and particle composition was ana-
distillery effluent as a basal manure. The sugarcane and lyzed by hydrometer method.
sugar yield increased from 2.5 to 47.3 and 1.6 to 69.3 %, Ratio of aggregate destruction (RAD) was calculated by
respectively on application of 45–75 t/ha distillery using the following formula:
effluent as basal manure. The sugarcane yield and eco- RAD ð%) ¼ ða  bÞ=a  100;
nomic income increased by 4.2 % and 675 Yuan/ha,
respectively, after the foliar spray of vinasse at 2,250 kg/ where ‘a’ is the percentage of dry-sieved soil aggregates,
ha, which also helped in significant reduction of cottony and ‘b’ is percentage of wet-sieved soil aggregates.
aphid and mealy bug incidences. Ao et al. (2009)
reported that pH value and bulk density of the test soil
decreased with the application of vinasse, and the Results and Discussion
available N, K, Mg and organic matter content of the
soil significantly increased. Application of the vinasse to Influence of Vinasse Application on Soil Bulk Density
soil can reduce the environmental pollution and change it and Porosity in Sugarcane Fields
from waste to wealth.
In the present study, the vinasse was applied to sugar- Soil bulk density and porosity gives out the status of soil
cane field for 2–3 continuous years to investigate its effect compaction (Sun et al. 1999). After continuously applying
on physical and some chemical properties of the sugarcane vinasse to the sugarcane field during the course of exper-
soil. iment, the soil bulk density decreased significantly by 0.07

414 Sugar Tech (Oct-Dec 2012) 14(4):412–417

Table 1 The soil physico-chemical properties at two different sugarcane field locations
Location Bulk density Total porosity Capillary porosity Non-capillary Clay \0.02 mm Water stable aggregate (%)
(g/cm3) (%) (%) porosity (%) (%)
[1 mm [0.25 mm

A 1.22 53.96 44.34 9.62 71.66 23.20 48.46

B 1.25 53.01 43.25 9.76 82.56 23.21 59.35
Location pH Organic matter Total N Total P Total K Avail. N Avail. P Avail. K
(g/kg) or (g/L) (mg/kg)

A 4.36 30.8 0.91 0.93 5.4 140 17 126

B 4.56 28.4 0.88 0.90 6.4 122 16 113
Vinasse 4.35 71.9 5.3 0. 2 11.4

continuous years in sugarcane field, instead the vinasse

Table 2 Changes in bulk density and porosity of soils at two dif- treatment maintained and even increased the soil porosity.
ferent sugarcane field locations
Location Treatment Bulk Total Capillary Non- Effect of Vinasse Application on Soil Aggregates
density porosity porosity capillary of Sugarcane Fields
(g/cm3) (%) (%) porosity (%)

A CK 1.26 a 52.63 a 43.60 a 9.03 a Status of soil aggregate and water stable aggregate are
CF 1.26 a 52.63 a 42.60 a 10.03 a important for determination of soil fertility conditions, and
Vinasse 1.19 b 55.26 a 42.50 a 12.76 a they influence the capacity of soil to resist from the erosion
B CK 1.31 a 51.49 a 45.21 a 6.29 a and to maintain soil aeration up to a great extent (Sun et al.
CF 1.31 a 50.75 a 44.50 a 6.25 a 1999). Big soil aggregates contain more C and N (organic
Vinasse 1.25 a 53.20 a 44.42 a 8.80 a as well as inorganic) than micro-aggregates, and they
contain more unstable organic matter and biodegradable
Note: Different small alphabets in same column represents significant
difference at 0.05 P level components (Elliott 1986; Puget et al. 1999; Cambardella
and Elliott 1992). Big soil aggregate, especially the ones
measuring more than 1.00 mm can practically regulate the
and 0.06 g/cm3 at the locations A and B, respectively, soil aeration, water holding capacity and ion exchange
compared to the CK as well as CF (Table 2). While the characteristics, which makes the basis for proper growth
total soil porosity in third treatment (vinasse application), and development of plants (Yao and Yu 1966). Conse-
as compared to the CK and CF treatments, increased quently the contents of these aggregates might be closely
2.63 % at location A and 1.71 and 2.45 % at location B, related with the soil fertility level. The results showed in
respectively. Further, the non-capillary porosity of soils Table 3 indicated that the percentage of big soil aggregate
with vinasse treatment increased to a certain degree, while (wet-sieved) at vinasse treated location increased signifi-
the capillary porosity in the same treatment soil did not cantly as compared to CK. This increase in soil aggregates
differed. These results indicated that soil of plow layer measuring more than 1.00 mm was significant. The results
did not showed any hardening after using vinasse for 3 at two different locations did not differed significantly.

Table 3 Changes in soil aggregates (%) at two different sugarcane fields locations
Location Treatment [1.00 mm Aggregate [0.25 mm Aggregate Ratio of aggregate destruction (RAD)
Dry-sieved Wet-sieved Dry-sieved Wet-sieved [1.00 mm [0.25 mm

A CK 69.66 a 17.78 A 89.37 a 62.86 a 74.48 A 29.66 a

CF 70.39 a 32.15 B 90.18 a 70.14 b 54.33 B 22.22 b
Vinasse 69.19 a 34.05 B 90.20 a 71.67 b 50.79 B 20.54 b
B CK 77.03 a 17.13 A 92.82 a 60.54 a 77.76 A 34.78 a
CF 84.27 a 22.48 A 96.36 a 63.73 a 73.32 A 33.86 a
Vinasse 81.29 a 36.09 B 94.09 a 74.03 b 55.60 B 21.32 b
Note: Different small and capital alphabets in same column represents significant difference at 0.05 and 0.01 P level, respectively

Sugar Tech (Oct-Dec 2012) 14(4):412–417 415

Table 4 Changes in soil particle composition (%) at two different sugarcane field locations
Location Treatment 2.00–0.02 mm 0.02–0.002 mm \0.002 mm Silt/clay ratio \0.02 mm
Sand Silt Clay P clay

A CK 14.74 a 13.54 a 71.72 a 0.19 a 85.26 a

CF 12.71 a 13.86 a 73.43 a 0.19 a 87.30 a
Vinasse 15.91 a 17.77 b 66.32 b 0.27 b 84.10 a
B CK 14.33 a 17.05 a 68.62 a 0.25 a 85.67 a
CF 14.76 a 11.96 a 73.28 a 0.16 a 85.24 a
Vinasse 15.98 a 15.99 a 68.03 a 0.24 a 84.03 a

The RAD indicates the degree of soil aggregate obliter- and therefore, the silt to clay ratio of soil also increased
ation in water. RAD of soil aggregates in different treatments significantly. All these factors resulted in enhanced soil
differed at two different locations (Table 3). A 74–78 % fertility.
obliteration of soil aggregate measuring more than 1.00 mm
and 29–35 % in the soil aggregates measuring more than Change in Soil pH Values After Application of Vinasse
0.25 mm has been observed in control treatment. However, in Sugarcane Fields
in the soils treated with vinasse, the obliteration of soil
aggregates was only 50–56 and 20–22 % of soil aggregate Long-term application of vinasse whether to cause soil
measuring more than 1.00 mm and more than 0.25 mm, acidification in sugarcane fields, is the problem that people
respectively. The differences between vinasse treatment and are most concerned about, and also is the key whether
CK were found significant at 0.01 level in the size group of vinasse application can be practical in commercial pro-
[1.00 mm and 0.05 level in the size group of [0.25 mm. duction. Changes in soil pH value after 2–3 years of con-
The percentage of water stable large soil aggregates tinuous vinasse application in sugarcane fields are shown in
increased significantly after continuous application of vin- Fig. 1. After 2–3 years of continuous vinasse application in
asse, which might be related to the availability of enough soil sugarcane fields, soil pH value of location A and B were
moisture and organic matter content due to vinasse appli- recorded as 4.93 and 4.89, respectively, which were 0.07
cation. In an experiment, Li et al. (2002) showed that and 0.25 unit higher than CK. This indicated that 2–3 year
increase in organic matter content resulted in significantly continuous application of vinasse did not caused the soil
increased stability of soil aggregates, and also it resulted in acidification. No significant differences have been
reduction of soil clay dispersion. Increase in water stable soil observed with amongst the vinasse and CF treatments at
aggregates, not only improved the soil moisture content, plot A, however, pH value at plot B decreased significantly
porosity and nutrient availability, but also increased the in CF treated soils, which may be the effect of long term
water holding capacity and ion exchange characteristics, and application of conventional fertilizer in sugarcane fields.
enhanced the soil fertility.
Effects of Vinasse Application on Nutrient Contents
Changes in Soil Particle Composition After Application of Sugarcane Field Soils
of Vinasse in Sugarcane Fields
Effect of 2–3 years continuous vinasse application in
In Guangxi province, 70 % sugarcane fields belong to the sugarcane fields on soil nutrients contents have been shown
soil developed from quaternary red soil parental material
(Wu et al. 1998), this kind of soil has more clay fractions and 6 CK CF Vinasse
becomes easily hardened, resulting in improper aeration and 5
moisture scarcity, which affects the growth and development 4
pH value

of plant crops. After continuous application of vinasse, the 3

sand fraction of soil (2.00–0.02 mm) increased, while the 2
clay fraction (\0.02 mm) decreased. The results at two dif- 1
ferent locations did not differed significantly. The clay
fraction of soil in conventional fertilization (CF) treatment A B
enhanced after 3 years of practicing the crop cultivation
(Table 4). The results showed 4.23 % increase in silt fraction Fig. 1 Changes of soil pH values at two different sugarcane field
of soil treated with vinasse, as compared to CK at location A locations

416 Sugar Tech (Oct-Dec 2012) 14(4):412–417

Table 5 Effects of vinasse application on nutrient contents of sugarcane field soils at two different locations
Location Treatment Total N (g/kg) Avail. N (mg/kg) Total P (g/kg) Avail. P (mg/kg) Total K (g/kg) Avail. K (mg/kg)

A CK 0.92 a 133 a 0.93 a 16 ab 5.41 ab 162 B

CF 0.55 b 84 b 0.93 a 19 a 5.20 b 173 B
Vinasse 0.91 a 119 a 0.84 a 14 b 5.91 a 383 A
B CK 0.90 a 119 a 0.86 b 16 b 5.17 c 64 C
CF 0.87 a 112 a 1.08 a 21 a 6.19 b 163 B
Vinasse 0.89 a 56 b 0.94 b 16 b 7.11 a 607 A

in Table 5. Total and available N contents in vinasse aggregates, not only improved the soil moisture content,
treated soils at plot A were at par with the control, how- porosity and nutrient availability, but also increased the
ever, they declined significantly in CF treated soils. At plot water holding capacity and ion exchange characteristics,
B available N content declined in vinasse treated soils and enhanced the soil fertility.
compared to CF as well as control. Further, it has been observed that after continuous
Total P content amongst three treatment at the location application of vinasse, the sand fraction of soil increased,
A did not showed any significant differences, however, it while the clay fraction decreased. The results also showed
was found significantly higher in CF treated soils compared increase in silt fraction of soil treated with vinasse, as
to CK as well as vinasse treatment at location B. Available compared to CK and the silt to clay ratio of soil also
P content in CF treated soils at both locations was signif- increased significantly that restricted the soils to be hard-
icantly higher than CK as well as vinasse treatments. ened. Soil pH values after continuous application of vin-
K content in vinasse treated soils were significantly asse did not alter significantly, due to which the soils
higher than CK and CF at both the locations, which clearly remained unacidified, and high in soil K content. Our
indicated that vinasse application in sugarcane fields can results clearly revealed that continuous application of the
enhance the soil K content significantly. The soils in vinasse in sugarcane fields resulted in good soil environ-
Guangxi, specially in the southern part, are generally ment for sustaining growth and productivity of the sugar-
deficient in K content. High concentration of K in vinasse cane crop.
makes its application worth for this kind of soil. After
application of right amount of vinasse in sugarcane fields, Acknowledgments The present study was supported by National
Technology Support Project (2007BAD30B03), Guangxi Environ-
there is no need to apply K fertilizer, which will reduce the mental Protection Special Fund (No. 81 GHJ2005), Guangxi Science
production cost and increase farmers’ income, and also and Technology Key Project (0782004-3) and Guangxi Science and
help in reducing the environmental pollution imposed due Technology Project (GKN05112001-5B2).
to disposal of non-treated sugar industry effluents.

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