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Partial Alopecia Due to Thallium

W. R. HUBLER, M.D., Corpus Christi, Texas

During the past two and one-half years, I have (b) Thallium dust (insect powder) present on
observed 13 cases of slight to moderate alopecia the tops of cansof food.
from the ingestion of thallium. The first five were (c) Contact t with or ingestion of thallium used
in small children who had eaten varying amounts by professional exterminators. The exterminators
of a cake-crumb roach killer containing thallium.* are not supposed to use thallium in their pesticides,
During this period there were approximately 40 but this has not been enforced.
reported cases of thallium poisoning in small chil- All of my adult patients were women. Perhaps
dren in Corpus Christi from the same preparation. this was because the average man does not pay
Legal action was taken by the County Medical close attention to mild or moderate hair loss,
Society to force the manufacturers of the roach ascribing it to the natural course of events. The
killer to include a bitter-tasting substance to make
duration of "falling hair" before the diagnosis was
the cake-crumb preparation less attractive to chil-
dren. Since this has been done, I have seen only made varied from one to four months. The cessa¬
two cases of thallium alopecia in children. I have, tion of hair loss and the beginning of regrowth
however, observed six cases of slight to almost usually occurred in four to eight weeks after the
complete diffuse alopecia in women. The diagnosis first visit. The duration of the symptoms would
was proved in all cases by spectroscopic examina- make me suspect that more than one small dose
tion of the patient's urine for thallium. If it had of thallium was ingested by some of the patients.
not been for the previously mentioned "epidemic" The purpose of this note is to call attention to
of hair loss, I might never have suspected these the possibility that unexplained hair loss in adults
women of having hair loss due to thallium. In none
may be due to thallium ingestion. Perhaps it is
of my cases was there any ataxia, tremor, or other commoner than has been realized, particularly in
toxic manifestation of thallium poisoning.1 Careful warmer sections of the countr}7 where insecticides
investigation has failed to reveal the source of the are used to a greater extent. The diagnosis is
thallium in these cases. None of the women used
any insect poisons known to contain thallium. The
easily proved by spectroscopic examination of the
Health Department has suggested several possible
sources of thallium in these cases : 1510 S. Brownlee Blvd.
(a) Ingestion of bread made with flour which
might have been accidentally contaminated with a \s=d\Thallium may be absorbed through the un-
thallium insecticide. broken skin.
Submitted for publication Feb. 25, 1959.
* "Echols Roach Killer," available in all the REFERENCE
Corpus Christi supermarkets, is made by saturating
crushed cookies or cake crumbs with a 2% aqueous 1. Chamberlain, P. H., et al.: Thallium Poison-
solution of thallium, which is tasteless. ing, Pediatrics 22:1170-1182, 1958.

A New Shampoo for Seborrheic Dermatitis

and PAUL LAZAR, M.D., Chicago

Experience with N-trichloromethylmercapto-4\x=req-\ the chemical in stable solution has been incorporated
cychlohexane-1,2-dicarboximide has proved it to in a detergent shampoo* which contained also,
be an effective and safe remedy for seborrheic sodium tetrathionate, a source of sulfur, and
dermatitis.1 Keeping the chemical in permanent p-chloro-xylenol,2,3 an antibacterial agent. Each
solution has been a technical problem which may of these chemicals has been used and tested ex-
have decreased its effectiveness. For the first time, *
The shampoo, Clear Liquid Enden, was sup-
Submitted for publication Jan. 26, 1959. plied by Helene Curtis Industries, Inc.

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tensively and demonstrated to be nontoxic, as well The study was conducted independently in the
as low in sensitizing potential. private practices of three different physicians in
A total of 210 patients from private practice widely separated areas. Control studies on 37
(135 females and 75 males), ranging in age from persons showed the combined formulation to be
8 months to 73 years, used the shampoo for a superior to the detergent shampoo alone. The
period of eight weeks each. Every person was preparation is as effective as any of the available
examined on at least three or four occasions during
dandruff treatment shampoos, more pleasant cos-
this period and again two weeks or more after
use of the shampoo was discontinued.
metically than most and is a worthwhile adjunct
Good to excellent results were noted from its remedy for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis.
use in 161 (76.5%) of those treated; 45 (21.4%) 104 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago (3).
had improvement which was not sustained despite
continued therapy, and 4 (1.9%) were considered REFERENCES
failures. The unsatisfactory results occurred in
persons with very thick, adherent scales (psori¬ 1. Ball, F. I. : A New Treatment for Sebor-
asis?), a situation not generally well handled by rheic Dermatitis, A. M. A. Arch. Dermat. & Syph.
dandruff treatment shampoos. When recurrence 71:696-698, 1951.
was evident, signs and symptoms were noted 10
2. Zondek, B., and Finkelstein, M.: Blood Con-
to 14 days after the shampoo was discontinued.
centration of p-Chloro-Xylenol in Man Following
No primary irritation, allergic reactions, or
chemical incompatibilities were observed. Excessive Percutaneous, Parenteral and Rectal Application,
oiliness was seen in three instances. This dis¬ Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med. 61:200-203, 1946.
appeared after one week, though the patients con¬ 3. Colebrook, L. : The Disinfection of the Skin,
tinued to use the shampoo. Bull. War Med. 2:73-79, 1941.

Azure Lunulae
IRVING L. LEFF, M.D., Buffalo

Bluish discoloration of the nails has been reported is followed by gradual disappearance of the dis-
in different conditions and under a variety of cir- coloration.
cumstances. The whole nail is discolored in Bluish coloration limited to the lunule of the
argyria 1,2 after prolonged use of quinacrine hydro- nail was noted by Campbell, in 1931, following use
chloride,3 in paronychia caused by Pseudomonas of phenolphthalein.7 The fate of the discoloration
aeruginosa,4,5 and on exposure to sunlight following in this case with the passage of time is not men-
soaking in bichloride of mercury.6 Discoloration in tioned. More recently, Bearn and McKusick ob-
argyria occurs in association with involvement of served the phenomenon in two cases of Wilson's
skin and mucous membranes and does not disappear disease8 and reported a third case seen by Dr. I.
with the passage of time in contrast to the latter Herbert Scheinberg.
three circumstances where removal of the cause
These latter cases exhibited classic clinical and/or
Submitted for publication Jan 22, 1959. chemical evidence of Wilson's disease with low
From the Medical Service of the Buffalo Vet- serum copper and ceruloplasmin, elevated urinary

erans Administration Hospital. copper and amino acids, and increased urinary cop-

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