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Appendix A
History of Microcomputers

Honeywell corporation introduces the H316 “Kitchen

Computer.” This is the first home computer and is of-
fered in the Neiman Marcus catalog for $10,600.


Ken Thompson and Denis Ritchie create the UNIX oper-

ating system at Bell Labs. UNIX will become the domi-
nant operating system for critical applications on servers,
workstations, and high-end microcomputers.


In 1971, Dr. Ted Hoff puts together overnight, the chip finds thousands
all the elements of a computer of applications, paving the way for
processor on a single silicon chip today’s computer-oriented world,
slightly larger than one square inch. and for the mass production of com-
The result of his efforts is the Intel puter chips now containing millions
4004, the world’s first commercially of transistors.
available microprocessor. The chip Steve Wozniak and Bill Fernandez
is a four-bit computer containing create a computer from chips re-
2,300 transistors (invented in 1948) jected by local semiconductor com-
that can perform 60,000 instruc- panies. The computer is called the
tions per second. Designed for use in Cream Soda Computer because its
a calculator, it sells for $200. Intel creators drank Cragmont cream
sells more than 100,000 calculators soda during its construction.
based on the 4004 chip. Almost

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Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan 5.25-inch floppy diskettes are in-
create the C programming language troduced, providing a portable way
at Bell Labs. The UNIX operating to store and move data from ma-
system is re-written in C. C becomes chine to machine.
one of the most popular pro-
gramming languages for software


IBM introduces new mass storage Bob Metcalfe, working at Xerox

devices: the eight-inch, two-sided PARC, creates a methodology to
floppy disk that can hold 400 KB of connect computers called Ethernet.
data and the Winchester eight-inch,
four-platter hard drive that can hold
an amazing 70 MB of data.


Intel announces the 8080 chip. This Motorola introduces the 6800
is a 2-MHz, eight-bit microproces- microprocessor. It is also an eight-bit
sor that can access 64 KB of mem- processor and is used primarily in
ory using a two-byte addressing industrial and automotive devices. It
structure. It has over 6000 transis- will become the chip of choice for
tors on one chip. It can perform Apple computers sparking a long-
640,000 instructions per second. running battle between fans of Intel
and Motorola chips.

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The first commercially available mi- destination that evening for the En-
crocomputer, the Altair 880, is the terprise, the Star Trek space ship.
first machine to be called a “personal Two young college students, Paul
computer.” It has 64 KB of memory Allen and Bill Gates, unveil the
and an open 100-line bus structure. BASIC language interpreter for the
It sells for $397 in kit form or $439 Altair computer. During summer va-
assembled. The name “Altair” was cation, the pair formed a company
suggested by the 12-year-old daugh- called Microsoft, which eventually
ter of the publisher of Popular Elec- grows into one of the largest soft-
tronics because Altair was the ware companies in the world.


Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs build choose — whether a metal case, a
the Apple I computer. It is less pow- wooden box, or a briefcase. Jobs
erful than the Altair, but also less ex- and Wozniak form the Apple Com-
pensive and less complicated. Users puter Company together on April
must connect their own keyboard Fool’s Day, naming the company
and video display, and have the op- after their favorite snack food.
tion of mounting the computer’s
motherboard in any container they


The Apple II computer is unveiled. It eral public know exactly what to do

comes already assembled in a case, with these new machines.
with a built-in keyboard. Users must Datapoint Corporation an-
plug in their own TVs for monitors. nounces Attached Resource Com-
Fully assembled microcomputers hit puting Network (ARCnet), the first
the general market, with Radio commercial LAN technology in-
Shack, Commodore, and Apple all tended for use with microcomputer
selling models. Sales are slow be- applications.
cause neither businesses nor the gen-

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Intel releases the 8086 microproces- as Epson America, Inc., becoming

sor, a 16-bit chip that sets a new one of the first of many foreign com-
standard for power, capacity, and panies to contribute to the growth
speed in microprocessors. of the PC industry. Up until this
Epson announces the MX-80 point, it has been U.S. companies
dot-matrix printer, coupling high only. According to Epson, the com-
performance with a relatively low pany gained 60 percent of the dot-
price. (Epson from Japan set up op- matrix printer market with the
erations in the United States in 1975 MX-80.)


Intel introduces the 8088 micro- Bob Metcalf, the developer of Eth-
processor, featuring 16-bit internal ernet, forms 3Com Corp. to develop
architecture and an eight-bit exter- Ethernet-based networking prod-
nal bus. ucts. Ethernet eventually evolves
Motorola introduces the 68000 into the world’s most widely used
chip; it contains 68,000 transistors, network system.
hence the name. It will be used in MicroPro International introduces
early Macintosh computers. WordStar, the first commercially
Software Arts, Inc., releases VisiCalc, the first com- successful word processing program for IBM-
mercial spreadsheet program for personal computers. compatible microcomputers.
VisiCalc is generally credited as being the program that
paved the way for the personal computer in the business


IBM chooses Microsoft (co-founded Lotus Development Corporation

by Bill Gates and Paul Allen) to pro- unveils the Lotus 1-2-3 integrated
vide the operating system for its up- spreadsheet program, combining
coming PC. Microsoft purchases a spreadsheet, graphics, and database
program developed by Seattle Com- features in one package.
puter Products called Q-DOS (for
Quick and Dirty Operating
System), and modifies it to
run on IBM hardware.
Bell Laboratories invents
the Bellmac-32, the first single-
chip microprocessor with 32-
bit internal architecture and a
32-bit data bus.

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Adam Osborne creates the world’s first “portable” computer, the Osborne
1. It weighs about 22 pounds, has two 5.25-inch floppy drives, 64 KB of
RAM, and a five-inch monitor but no hard drive. It is based on the z80
processor, runs the CP/M operating system, and sells for $1,795. The Os-
borne 1 comes with WordStar (a word processing application) and Super-
Calc (a spreadsheet application). It is a huge success.
IBM introduces the IBM-PC, with a 4.77 MHz Intel 8088 CPU, 16 KB of
memory, a keyboard, a monitor, one or two 5.25-inch floppy drives, and a
price tag of $2,495.
Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc., introduces the SmartModem 300,
which quickly becomes the industry standard.
Xerox unveils the Xerox Star computer. Its high price eventually dooms
the computer to commercial failure, but its features inspire a whole new di-
rection in computer design. Its little box on wheels (the first mouse) can ex-
ecute commands on screen (the first graphical user interface).


Intel releases the 80286, a 16-bit ize the architecture and engineering
microprocessor. industries.
Sun Microsystems is formed and Work begins on the development
the company begins shipping the of TCP/IP. The term Internet is used
Sun-1 workstation. for the first time to describe the
AutoCAD, a program for design- worldwide network of networks
ing 2-D and 3-D objects, is released. that is emerging from the
AutoCAD will go on to revolution- ARPANET.

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Time magazine features the com- The first version of the C++ pro-
puter as the 1982 “Machine of the gramming language is developed, al-
Year,” acknowledging the com- lowing programs to be written in
puter’s new role in society. reusable independent pieces, called
Apple introduces the Lisa, a com- objects.
puter with a purely graphical operat- The Compaq Portable computer
ing system and a mouse. The industry is released, the first successful 100
is excited, but Lisa’s $10,000 price percent PC-compatible clone. (The
tag discourages buyers. term clone refers to any PC based on
IBM unveils the IBM-PC XT, es- the same architecture as the one
sentially a PC with a hard disk and used in IBM’s personal computers.)
more memory. The XT can store Despite its hefty 28 pounds, it be-
programs and data on its built-in comes one of the first computers to
10MB hard disk. be lugged through airports.


Adobe Systems releases its Post- puter, which features a graphical

Script system, allowing printers to interface.
produce crisp print in a number of IBM ships the IBM-PC AT, a 6
typefaces, as well as elaborate MHz computer using the Intel
graphic images. 80286 processor, which sets the
Richard Stallman leaves MIT to standard for personal computers
start the GNU (GNU’s not Unix) running DOS.
free software project. This project IBM introduces its Token Ring
will grow adding thousands of pro- networking system. Reliable and re-
grams to the library of free (open- dundant, it can send packets at 4
source, available under a special Mbps; several years later it speeds
license), software. This movement is up to16 Mbps.
supported by the Free Software Satellite Software International
Foundation, an alternative to expen- introduces the WordPerfect word
sive, closed-source software. processing program.
Apple introduces the “user-
friendly” Macintosh microcom-

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Intel releases the 80386 processor (also called the 386), Microsoft announces the Windows 1.0 operating en-
a 32-bit processor that can address more than four bil- vironment, featuring the first graphical user interface for
lion bytes of memory and performs 10 times faster than PCs mirroring the interface found the previous year on
the 80286. the Macintosh.
Aldus releases Page- Hewlett-Packard introduces the LaserJet laser printer,
Maker for the Macintosh, featuring 300 dpi resolution.
the first desktop publishing
software for microcomput-
ers. Coupled with Apple’s
LaserWriter printer and
Adobe’s PostScript system,
PageMaker ushers in the
era of desktop publishing.


IBM delivers the PC convertible, The First International Confer-

IBM’s first laptop computer and the ence on CD-ROM technology is
first Intel-based computer with a held in Seattle, hosted by Microsoft.
3.5-inch floppy disk drive. Compact discs are seen as the stor-
Microsoft sells its first public age medium of the future for com-
stock for $21 per share, raising $61 puter users.
million in the initial public offering.

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IBM unveils the new PS/2 line of The Macintosh II computer, aimed at the desktop
computers, featuring a 20-MHz publishing market, is introduced by Apple Computer. It
80386 processor at its top end. features an SVGA monitor. Apple Computer introduces
This product line includes the HyperCard, a programming language for the Macin-
MicroChannel bus, but is not a tosh, which uses the metaphor of a stack of index cards
great success because con- to represent a program—a kind of visual programming
sumers do not want to re- language. HyperCard allows linking across different
place industry standard parts of a program or across different programs; this
peripherals. To compete concept will lead to the devel-
with IBM’s MicroChannel opment of HTML (hypertext
architecture, a group of other computer makers intro- markup language).
duces the EISA (Extended Industry Standard Architec- Motorola unveils its 68030
ture) bus. microprocessor.
IBM introduces its Video Graphics Array (VGA) Novell introduces its net-
monitor offering 256 colors at 320  200 resolution, work operating system, called
and 16 colors at 640  480. NetWare.


IBM and Microsoft ship OS/2 1.0, 68030 processor. The NeXT is the
the first multitasking desktop oper- first computer to use object-oriented
ating system. Its high price, a steep programming in its operating system
learning curve, and incompatibility and an optical drive rather than a
with existing PCs contribute to its floppy drive.
lack of market share. Apple introduces the Apple CD
Apple Computer files the single SC, a CD-ROM storage device al-
biggest lawsuit in the computer lowing access to up to 650 MB of
industry against Microsoft and data.
Hewlett-Packard, claiming copy- A virus called the “Internet
right infringement of its operating Worm” is released on the Internet,
system and graphical user interface. disabling about 10 percent of all
Hewlett-Packard introduces the Steve Jobs’ new company, NeXT, Internet host computers.
first popular ink jet printer, the HP Inc., unveils the NeXT computer,
Deskjet. featuring a 25-MHz Motorola

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Intel releases the 80486 chip (also called the 486), the Microsoft’s Word for
world’s first one-million-transistor microprocessor. The Windows introduction be-
486 integrates a 386 CPU and math coprocessor onto gins the Microsoft Office
the same chip. suite adoption by millions
Tim Berners-Lee develops software around the hyper- of users. Previously, Word
text concept, enabling users to click on a word or phrase for DOS had been the
in a document and jump either to another location second-highest-selling
within the document or to another file. This software word processing package
provides the foundation for the development of the behind WordPerfect.
World Wide Web, and is the basis for the first Web
The World Wide Web is created at CERN, the Euro-
pean Particle Physics Laboratory in Geneva, Switzer-
land, for use by scientific researchers.


Microsoft releases Windows 3.0, shipping one million Motorola announces its 32-bit microprocessor, the
copies in four months. 68040, incorporating 1.2 million transistors.
A multimedia PC specification setting the minimum
hardware requirements for sound and graphics compo-
nents of a PC is announced at the Microsoft Multimedia
Developers’ Conference.
The National Science Foundation Network
(NSFNET) replaces ARPANET as the backbone of the

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Linus Torvalds releases the source will grow to become one of the most produce RISC-based chips, integrate
code for Linux 0.01 (a clone of widely used open-source PC operat- the Mac OS into IBM’s enterprise
UNIX for the 80386 personal com- ing systems. systems, produce a new object-
puter) on the Internet. It quickly be- Apple Computer launches the oriented operating system, and de-
comes the base operating system of PowerBook series of battery- velop common multimedia
the open-source movement. Linux powered portable computers. standards. The result is the PowerPC
Apple, IBM, and Motorola sign a microprocessor.
cooperative agreement to design and


With an estimated 25 million users, not covered under Apple’s copy-

the Internet becomes the world’s rights.
largest electronic mail network. Microsoft ships the Windows 3.1
In Apple Computer’s five-year operating environment, including
copyright infringement lawsuit, improved memory management and
Judge Vaughn Walker rules in favor TrueType fonts.
of defendants Microsoft and IBM introduces its ThinkPad lap-
Hewlett-Packard, finding that the top computer.
graphical user interface in dispute is

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Mosaic, a point-and-click graphical the Internet accessible to those out- vention, selling 50,000 units in the
Web browser, is developed at the side the scientific community. first 10 weeks.
National Center for Supercomput- Intel, mixing elements of its 486 Microsoft ships the Windows NT
ing Applications (NCSA), making design with new processes, features, operating system.
and technology, delivers the long- IBM ships its first RISC-based
awaited Pentium processor. It offers RS/6000 workstation, featuring the
a 64-bit data path and more than PowerPC 601 chip developed jointly
3.1 million transistors. by Motorola, Apple, and IBM.
Apple Computer expands its en-
tire product line, adding the Macin-
tosh Color Classic, Macintosh LC
III, Macintosh Centris 610 and 650,
Macintosh Quadra 800, and the
Powerbooks 165c and 180c.
Apple introduces the Newton
MessagePad at the Macworld con-


Apple introduces the Power Macintosh line of micro-

computers based on the PowerPC chip. This line intro-
duces RISC to the desktop market. RISC was previously
available only on high-end workstations.
Netscape Communications releases the Netscape
Navigator program, a World Wide Web browser based
on the Mosaic standard, but with more advanced
Online service providers CompuServe, America On-
line, and Prodigy add Internet access to their services.
After two million Pentium-based PCs have hit the
market, a flaw in the chip’s floating-point unit is found
by Dr. Thomas Nicely. His report is made public on
Red Hat Linux is introduced and quickly becomes
the most commonly used version of Linux.

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Intel releases the Pentium Pro microprocessor. A group of developers at Sun Microsystems create the
Motorola releases the PowerPC 604 chip, developed Java development language. Because it enables pro-
jointly with Apple and IBM. grammers to develop applications that will run on any
Microsoft releases its Windows 95 operating system platform, Java is seen as the future language of operat-
with a massive marketing campaign, including prime- ing systems, applications, and the World Wide Web.
time TV commercials. Seven million copies are sold the Power Computing ships the first-ever Macintosh
first month, with sales reaching 26 million by year’s end. clones, the Power 100 series with a PowerPC 601
Netscape Communications captures more than 80 processor.
percent of the World Wide Web browser market, going eBay, the premier online auction house, is formed.
from a start-up company to a $2.9 billion company in
one year.


Intel announces the 200 MHz Pen- Microsoft adds Internet connec- indecent” over the Internet. The day
tium processor. tion capability to its Windows 95 the law is passed, millions of Web
U.S. Robotics releases the operating system. page backgrounds turn black in
PalmPilot, a personal digital assis- Several vendors introduce Virtual protest. The law is immediately
tant that quickly gains enormous Reality Modeling Language challenged on constitutional
popularity because of its rich fea- (VRML) authoring tools that pro- grounds, ultimately deemed uncon-
tures and ease of use. vide simple interfaces and drag-and- stitutional, and repealed.
drop editing features to create Sun Microsystems introduces the
three-dimensional worlds with color, Sun Ultra workstation that includes
texture, video, and sound on the a 64-bit processor.
The U.S. Congress enacts the
Communications Decency Act as
part of the Telecommunications Act
of 1996. The act mandates fines of
up to $100,000 and prison terms for
transmission of any “comment, re-
quest, suggestion, proposal, image
or other communication which is
obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, or

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Intel announces MMX technology, which increases the petitive behavior for forcing PC makers to bundle its In-
multimedia capabilities of a micro-processor. Also, Intel ternet Explorer Web browser with Windows 95.
announces the Pentium II microprocessor. It has speeds Netscape Communications and Microsoft release
of up to 333 MHz and introduces a new design in pack- new versions of their Web browser. Netscape’s Commu-
aging, the Single Edge Contact (SEC) cartridge. It has nicator 4 and Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 4 provide a
more than 7.5 million transistors. full suite of Internet tools, including Web browser, news-
AMD and Cyrix step up efforts to compete with Intel reader, HTML editor, conferencing program, and e-mail
for the $1000-and-less PC market. Their competing application.
processors are used by PC makers such as Dell, Com- Digital Video/Versatile Disc (DVD) technology is in-
paq, Gateway, and even IBM. troduced. Capable of storing computer, audio, and
The U.S. Justice Department files an antitrust lawsuit video data, a single DVD disc can hold an entire movie.
against Microsoft, charging the company with anticom- DVD is seen as the storage technology for the future, ul-
timately replacing standard CD-ROM technology in PC
and home entertainment systems.

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Microsoft releases the Windows 98 operating system. II Celeron offers slower performance than the standard
Seen mainly as an upgrade to Windows 95, Windows 98 PII, but is aimed at the $1,000-and-less PC market,
is more reliable and less susceptible to crashes. It also of- which quickly embraces this chip. At the high end, the
fers improved Internet-related features, including a Pentium II Xeon is designed for use in high-performance
built-in copy of the Internet Explorer Web browser. workstations and server systems, and it is priced accord-
Netscape announces that it will post the source code ingly. Both chips boost Intel’s market share, reaching
to the Navigator 5.0 Web browser on the Internet. This deeper into more vertical markets.
is a major step in the open-source software movement. Apple Computer releases the colorful iMac, an all-in-
The Department of Justice expands its actions against one system geared to a youthful market. The small,
Microsoft, attempting to block the release of Windows lightweight system features the new G3 processor, which
98 unless Microsoft agrees to remove the Internet Ex- outperforms Pentium II-based PCs in many respects.
plorer browser from the operating system. Microsoft The iMac uses only USB connections, forcing many
fights back and a lengthy trial begins in federal court, as users to purchase adapters for system peripherals, and
the government attempts to the computer does not include a floppy disk drive.
prove that Microsoft is try- The new Internet Proto-
ing to hold back competi- col, version 6 (IPv6), draft
tors such as Netscape. standard is released by the
Intel releases two new Internet Engineering Task
versions of its popular Pen- Force.
tium II chip. The Pentium

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Intel unveils the Pentium III processor, which features PC owners scramble to make their systems “Y2K-
9.5 million transistors. Although the Pentium III’s per- compliant,” some people panic, afraid that basic ser-
formance is not vastly superior to the Pentium II, it fea- vices will cease operation when the year changes from
tures enhancements that take greater advantage of 1999 to 2000.
graphically rich applications and Web sites. A more Peter Merholz coins the term blog, a contraction of
powerful version of the chip (named Xeon) is also re- Web-log. In early 1999, there are already 50 recognized
leased, for use in higher-end workstations and network blog sites on the Web. By 2005 the sites will number in
server systems. the hundreds of thousands.
With its Athlon microprocessor, Advanced Micro De- The Internet Assigned Number Agency begins assign-
vices finally releases a Pentium-class chip that outper- ing Internet Protocol addresses using the new IPv6 ad-
forms the Pentium III processor. The advance is seen as dressing structure.
a boon for the lower-price computer market, which re-
lies heavily on chips from Intel’s competitors.
Sun Microsystems acquires Star Division Corpora-
tion and begins free distribution of StarOffice, a fully
featured alternative to Microsoft Office and other pro-
prietary office productivity products.
Apple Computer introduces updated versions of its
popular iMac computer, including a laptop version, as
well as the new G4 system, with performance rated at
one gigaflop, meaning the system can perform more
than one billion floating point operations per second.
The world braces for January 1, 2000, as fears of
the “Millennium Bug” come to a head. As airlines, gov-
ernment agencies, financial institutions, utilities, and

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Shortly after the new year, computer experts and gov- On March 6, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) an-
ernment officials around the world announce that no nounces the shipment of a 1GHz version of the Athlon
major damage resulted from the “millennium date processor, which will be used in PCs manufactured by
change,” when computer clocks rolled over from 1999 Compaq and Gateway. It is the first 1GHz processor to
to 2000. Immediately, a global debate begins to rage: be commercially available to the consumer PC market.
had the entire “Y2K bug” been a hoax created by the Within days, Intel Corp. announces the release of a
computer industry, as a way to reap huge profits from 1GHz version of the Pentium III processor.
people’s fears? Industry leaders defend their approach to In April, U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson
the Y2K issue, stating that years of planning and pre- rules that Microsoft is guilty of taking advantage of its
ventive measures had helped the world avoid a global monopoly in operating systems to hurt competitors and
computer-driven catastrophe that could have brought leverage better deals with its business partners. Soon af-
the planet’s economy to a stand-still. ter the finding, the Department of Justice recommends
Microsoft introduces Windows 2000 on February 17. that the judge break Microsoft into two separate com-
It is the biggest commercial software project ever at- panies: one focused solely on operating systems, the
tempted and one of the largest engineering projects of other focused solely on application development. Mi-
the century, involving 5,345 full-time participants, over crosoft quickly counters by offering to change a number
half of them engineers. The final product includes al- of its business practices. The judge rules to divide the
most 30 million lines of code. software giant into two companies.
IBM (International Business Machines) announces
that it will being selling computers running the Linux
operating system. As with other Linux vendors, the IBM
version of Linux will be open source.

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Microsoft releases the Windows XP Several versions of recordable internal hard disk that will store
operating system, with versions for DVD discs and drives hit the mar- 1,000 CD-quality songs.
home computers and business desk- ket. Users instantly adopt the de- Technology takes an important
tops. The XP version of Microsoft vices to store digitized home movies, new role in society after the United
Office also is unveiled. data, and software; even though States is attacked by terrorists on
After blaming digital music pi- movie pirates soon begin copying September 11, 2001. Government
rates for lost revenue, the Recording and distributing movies on DVD, agencies, the military, and airlines
Industry Association of America most users find the large capacity place a new emphasis on security, re-
(RIAA) files lawsuits against purvey- discs a wonderful storage and cruiting new high-tech methods to
ors of MP3 technology—most no- backup medium. monitor travelers and inspect people
tably Napster, an online service that After several years of explosive and baggage for dangerous items. Al-
enables users to share MP3-format growth, the “dot-com” revolution most immediately, billions of dollars
files freely across the Internet. The goes in to sudden reverse. As thou- are invested in the development of
suits effectively shut down Napster, sands of Web-based companies go new bomb-detection technologies
but do not stop individuals and out of business (giving rise to the and the creation of a huge, multina-
other file-sharing services from ex- phrase “dot-bomb”), tens of thou- tional database that can allow air-
changing music, text, and other files. sands of workers lose their jobs, lines to track the movements of
Apple introduces OS X, a new shareholders suffer billions of dol- passengers through the flight system.
operating system for Macintosh lars in losses, and the world’s finan- Europe and Asia adopt the new
computers that is based on BSD cial markets learn a valuable lesson. Internet Protocol standard IPv6, the
(Berkley Software Distribution) Apple introduces the iPod, the United States has not yet moved to
Unix with a beautiful graphical in- premier music player with a 5 GB adopt the new standard.
terface. It is an immediate success.

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nies on sound business practices, little as $199. Microsoft immedi-

rather than the glamour of simply ately sues Robertson to try to pre-
being “new economy.” Investments vent the product from reaching the
in new online ventures slow to a market but loses.
trickle, enabling only those compa- XML (eXtensible Markup Lan-
nies with the best ideas and real guage) and Web-based applications
promise of profits to flourish. take center stage in many businesses.
The wireless networking boom Microsoft releases Windows XP
continues with an emphasis on en- Server Edition and the .NET Frame-
abling handheld computers and tele- work.
Because of to the high cost of flying phones to access the Internet via announces the
and concerns about security, many wireless connections. Products such release of 1.0, a
American businesses drastically re- as digital two-way pagers, wireless free, full-featured suite of productiv-
duce business travel. Increasingly, phones, and combination tele- ity applications compatible with the
companies rely on technologies such phone/PDAs sell at unprecedented file formats used by Microsoft Of-
as video-conferencing, teleconfer- levels. fice and many other office suites. An
encing, and online document shar- Michael Robertson releases Lin- open-source alternative to expensive
ing to work with partners and dows, a Linux-based operating sys- application suites,
customers. tem that has a full graphical user runs under Windows, Solaris,
After a year of devastating shake- interface and comes with Open Of- Linux, the Mac OS, and other oper-
outs, the dot-com world begins to fice software. Wal-Mart and Fry’s, ating systems.
pick itself up again. The new breed two large retail chains, market Lin-
of online entrepreneur bases compa- dows-based computer systems for as

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The National Center for Supercomputing Applications Apple introduces the Power Macintosh G5, a 64-bit
announces that Mike Showerman and Craig Steffen cre- processor.
ated a supercomputer based on 70 Sony PlayStation 2 In a continuing attempt to control file sharing, the
gaming systems. The supercomputer cost about $50,000 Recording Industry Association of America begins suing
to build, uses the Linux operating system and a Hewlett- individuals who share files.
Packard high-speed switch, and can perform 6.5 billion Apple opens an online music store, iTunes, offering
mathematical operations per second. more than 200,000 titles at $0.99 each.
The Slammer worm does over $1 billion in damage Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) or 802.11b/g comes to the
and demonstrates that no network is truly secure. consumer market with hot spots springing up both in
Lindows explodes across the globe with several coun- home networking and in some commercial locations
tries opting for this powerful and inexpensive alternative such as Starbucks. With this new technology comes the
to high-priced proprietary software. new technique called “war driving,” where individuals
Microsoft releases Office 2003, the latest in the Of- drive around in automobiles with laptop computers
fice suite series. looking for wireless networks that will allow them
Intel and AMD release 64-bit processors targeted for access.
the home computer market.

602 Appendix A
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Spam (unsolicited e-mail) and malware (programs such By March, Apple’s Itunes store has sold 50 millions
as viruses, Trojan Horses, and worms) cause major songs.
problems across the Internet. Crackers use viruses to Centralized computing makes a resurgence in both
generate spam and attack companies. One example is home and business environments with mainframe-like
Mydoom, which takes control of more than 250,000 servers feeding “stateless devices” formerly known as
personal computers and uses them to attack the SCO dumb terminals.
Group Inc. Web site. Some estimates made in mid-2004 RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tags, common
show that nearly 85 percent of all e-mail messages can on some products, are seen as an invasion of privacy
be classified as spam. when shoppers are scanned to see what brands they buy.


The last of the old Internet Protocol that is quickly updated to contain
addresses (IPv4) is assigned and now everything on the old machine.
all Net devices worldwide must sup- Bluetooth-enabled devices allow
port the new standard, IPv6. sharing of files, text, data, images,
Microsoft releases the next and music across a wide range of
version of Windows, code named personal devices, allowing you to
Longhorn. play tunes from your iPod on your
“Disposable computers” move cell phone or as background on your
into home computing. People no PDA.
longer try to repair a broken per-
sonal computer; they simply throw
away the old one and buy a new one

Appendix A 603

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