Medical Field Nono

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Medical field? No way!!!

So a job I’ll never accept in a million years or under any circumstances is

Briefly anything in the medical field, why? Here’s a short list
1. Its disgustingggggg
2. It’s very hard and complicated
3. It needs A LOT of memorizing and brain power (which I don’t have )
4. Quick actions and fast thinking is necessary in most of the situations
and yup my brain is a sloth
5. And last but not least my tiny heart can take some situations
I mean lets be serious here, the one time my brother got his leg broken
and had to change his cast, I could actually feel my heart in my stomach
 it’s not the same thing when it comes to amusement it ?
So conclusion is no matter what happens, me entering anything in
medial field is a total no no.
Thank you for listening 
By :Menna tamer

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