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Acute Pneumonia

I n 1901, Sir William Osler1 noted in the fourth edition of his book, tion. Changes in fibronectin secretion and in binding characteristics
The Principles and Practice of Medicine, that “the most widespread and of epithelium for various lectins occur as a response to underlying
fatal of all acute diseases, pneumonia, is now Captain of the Men of diseases. This may help to explain why colonization occurs in some
Death.” Over a century later, the prominence of pneumonia as a clini- clinical settings and not in others. Particles larger than 10  µm are
cal entity remains. It is among the top ten most common causes of efficiently filtered by the hair in the anterior nares or impact onto
death among all age groups in the United States, the sixth leading cause mucosal surfaces because of the configuration of the upper airways and
of death in those 65 years or older, and the single most common cause the nasal turbinates. The cough and epiglottic reflexes also keep large
of infection-related mortality.2 The clinical challenge of treating com- particulate matter from reaching the central airways. The trachea and
munity-acquired pneumonia is the large number of microbial agents conducting airways of the transbronchial tree are usually effective in
that can cause disease (Tables 64-1A-D), the difficulty in making a entrapping particles from 2 to 10 µm in size. The sharp angles at which
clinical and etiologic diagnosis, and the fact that no single antimicro- the central airways branch cause particles to impact on mucosal sur-
bial regimen can cover all the possible etiologies. Because a specific faces, where they are entrapped by endobronchial mucus. Once
etiologic diagnosis is often not possible at the time initial treatment is entrapped, particles are removed by ciliated epithelium to the
begun, the clinician must decide what empiric therapy is most appro- oropharynx.
priate. The increasing prevalence of antibiotic resistance among many Epithelial cells, which line the conducting airways, submucosal
of the most common pathogens has made this challenge more difficult. glands, and alveoli, produce airway surface liquid—a complex mixture
An understanding of the pathogenesis of the disease, evaluation of of proteins and peptides mixed with plasma transudate. Airway surface
relevant data from a careful history and physical examination, recogni- liquid contains lysozyme, lactoferrin, and secretory leukocyte protein-
tion of common clinical patterns of infection, and information from ase inhibitor, all of which possess microbicidal activity. Respiratory
the microbiology laboratory all aid in narrowing down the possible epithelial cells produce other potent antimicrobial peptides including
etiologic agents of pneumonia, thereby allowing reasonable therapy to cathelicidins and β-defensins. These peptides possess individual anti-
be selected empirically. microbial activity as well as synergistic antimicrobial activity with each
other. In addition, the β-defensins may act as chemokines for memory
T cells and dendritic cells, thereby serving as a link between the innate
Host Defenses and Pathogenesis and adaptive immune systems.
The lung is constantly exposed to the mixture of gases, particulate Most bacteria are 0.5 to 2 µm in size. This size particle may reach
material, and microbes that constitute inspired air. In addition, organ- the terminal airways and alveoli. No mucociliary apparatus exists at
isms from oral secretions frequently seep down from the upper airways this level, yet a variety of humoral and cell-mediated host defenses
as a consequence of microaspiration. Yet, the lower airways usually function here. The alveolar-lining fluid contains surfactant, fibronec-
remain sterile because of the defense mechanisms of the respiratory tin, IgG, and complement, all of which are effective opsonins. Surfac-
tract. The development of acute pulmonary infection indicates either tant is composed of several components (SP-A, SP-B, SP-C, SP-D) that
a defect in host defenses, exposure to a particularly virulent microor- serve to increase the microbicidal capacity of macrophages. These
ganism, or an overwhelming inoculum. Infectious agents gain entry to compounds may also affect free radical production and lymphocyte
the lower respiratory tract through aspiration of upper airway resident activity.5 SP-A and SP-D are collectins—a family of collagenous car-
flora, inhalation of aerosolized material, and less frequently, metastatic bohydrate-binding proteins. These proteins bind a variety of organ-
seeding of the lung from blood. isms, including viruses, gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria,
mycobacteria, and fungi, which may decrease their virulence or
enhance phagocytosis by neutrophils and alveolar macrophages.6 Free
The pulmonary defense system involves both innate and adaptive fatty acids, lysozyme, iron-binding proteins, and defensins are also
immunity, including anatomic and mechanical barriers, humoral present and may be directly microbicidal.
immunity, cell-mediated immunity, and phagocyte activity (Table Phagocytic cells, including macrophages and neutrophils, play a
64-2).3,4 The upper airways, including the nasopharynx, oropharynx, major role in pulmonary host defense. Four distinct populations of
and larynx, are the sites first exposed to inhaled microorganisms. The macrophages exist in the lung and vary in their location and function.7
nasal mucosa contains ciliated epithelium and mucus-producing cells. The alveolar macrophage is located in the alveolar lining fluid at the
Mechanical clearance of entrapped organisms occurs through the interphase between air and lung tissue. It serves as the resident phago-
nasopharynx via expulsion or swallowing. In the oropharynx, the flow cytic cell in the lower airway and is the first phagocyte encountered by
of saliva, sloughing of epithelial cells, local production of complement, inert particles and potential pathogens entering the lung via inspired
and bacterial interference from resident flora serve as important air. Alveolar macrophages play several critical roles.3 As phagocytic
factors in local host defense. Secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) is the cells, they can eliminate certain organisms. If the numbers of organ-
major immunoglobulin produced in the upper airways and accounts isms increase beyond the macrophages’ capability to handle them or
for 10% of the total protein of nasal secretions. It possesses antibacte- if the organisms involved are particularly virulent (e.g., Pseudomonas
rial and antiviral activity despite being a relatively poor opsonin. aeruginosa), the macrophage becomes a mediator of an inflammatory
Despite some controversy, low IgA levels are probably not associated response by producing cytokines that recruit neutrophils into the
with increased bacterial infection. IgG and IgM enter the airways pre- lung.8 Interstitial macrophages are located in the lung connective tissue
dominantly via transudation from the blood. Their roles in bacterial and serve both as phagocytic cells and antigen-processing cells. Den-
opsonization, complement activation, agglutination, and neutraliza- dritic cells derive from monocytes and are located within the epithe-
tion activity are similar to those noted in serum. lium of the trachea, conducting airways, terminal airways, alveolar
Adherence of microorganisms to epithelial surfaces of the upper septa, pulmonary vasculature, and visceral pleura. These cells are
airways is a critical initial step in colonization and subsequent infec- therefore positioned to interact with antigens in inhaled air. Dendritic
892 Part II  Major Clinical Syndromes

64-1A Causative Agents of Acute Pneumonia—Bacteria 64-1C Causative Agents of Acute Pneumonia—Fungi

Common Uncommon Common

Streptococcus pneumoniae Acinetobacter var. anitratus Histoplasma capsulatum
Staphylococcus aureus Actinomyces and Arachnia spp. Coccidioides immitis
Haemophilus influenzae Bacillus spp. Agents of Mucormycosis
Mixed anaerobic bacteria Moraxella catarrhalis Rhizopus spp.
(aspiration) Campylobacter fetus Absidia spp.
Bacteroides spp. Eikenella corrodens Mucor spp.
Fusobacterium spp. Francisella tularensis Cunninghamella spp.
Peptostreptococcus spp. Neisseria meningitidis Uncommon
Peptococcus spp. Nocardia spp. Aspergillus spp.
Prevotella spp. Pasteurella multocida Candida spp.
Enterobacteriaceae Proteus spp.
Escherichia coli Pseudomonas pseudomallei
Klebsiella pneumoniae factor-α (TNF-α) and IL-I that then activate transcription factors
Salmonella spp.
Enterobacter spp.
such as mitogen-activated protein kinase, phosphoinositide 3-kinase,
Enterococcus faecalis
Serratia spp.
nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB), and interferon-regulatory factors.
Streptococcus pyogenes
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
These transcription factors serve as a common pathway for pattern
Legionella spp. (including L.
recognition receptors and orchestrate the development of the inflam-
pneumophila and L. micdadei) matory response by mediating the transcription of chemokines,
adhesin molecules, and other cytokines. This signal cascade serves two
purposes. The first is to generate and maintain the inflammatory
cells possess an enhanced capacity to capture, process, and present response to recruit neutrophils into areas of microbial invasion. The
class II antigens. They can migrate to lymphoid tissue, where they can other goal is to activate anti-inflammatory response mediators, which
stimulate T-cell immune responses. Dendritic cells can also produce a leads to the shedding of receptors, neutralization of cytokines, and
variety of cytokines and chemokines, including interleukin (IL)-12, inhibition of macrophage recruitment. These all serve to ensure that
which serves to stimulate B-cell immune function.9 The intravascular the inflammatory response is held in check and that noninvolved areas
macrophage is located in the capillary endothelial cells. These cells are of lung are not injured. It is this balance of proinflammatory and anti-
actively phagocytic and remove foreign or damaged material entering inflammatory cytokines and effector molecules that allows for steril-
the lungs via the bloodstream. ization of an infected area of lung without gross destruction of lung
Neutrophil recruitment is crucial for the inflammatory response in tissue.
the lung. The mechanisms involved in the initial detection of organ- Other lung parenchymal cells may also help regulate the inflamma-
isms in the lung and the generation and subsequent resolution of a tory response.16 In addition to epithelial cells, interstitial macrophages,
response to them are now being more clearly delineated.10-15 Microor- and dendritic cells, endothelial cells, pulmonary smooth muscle
ganisms express molecular recognition patterns that are unique and cells, and fibroblasts produce both proinflammatory (e.g., colony-
different from those of the host. Pattern recognition receptor families stimulating factors, chemokines) and anti-inflammatory (e.g., IL-10)
such as Toll-like receptors are present on epithelioid cells, alveolar factors.
macrophages, dendritic cells as well as other cells that are located in Cell-mediated immunity is central to adaptive immune responses
strategic areas of the lung and either individually or in groups serve to in the lung and is especially important against certain pathogens,
recognize molecular patterns of invading organisms. This recognition including viruses and intracellular organisms, that can survive within
leads to the generation of early response cytokines like tumor necrosis pulmonary macrophages (e.g., Mycobacterium, Legionella). The lung
has lymphoid tissue where homing and differentiation of previously
uncommitted cells to memory T and B cells occur.17 Most of the orga-
64-1B Causative Agents of Acute Pneumonia—Viruses nized lymphoid tissue in the lung is located in follicles along the
bronchial tree in bronchus-associated lymphoid tissues (BALT). The
Children Adults lymphoid centers are morphologically similar to Peyer’s patches in the
Common Common intestine and are similarly associated with mucosal epithelium. Inhaled
Respiratory syncytial virus Influenza A virus
Parainfluenza virus types 1, 2, 3 Influenza B virus
Influenza A virus Respiratory syncytial virus TABLE Causative Agents of Acute Pneumonia—
Uncommon Human metapneumovirus 64-1D Other Agents
Adenovirus types 1, 2, 3, 5 Adenovirus types 4 and 7 (in military Rickettsia Nontuberculous Mycobacteria
Influenza B virus recruits) Coxiella burnetii M. abscessus
Rhinovirus Uncommon Rickettsia rickettsiae M. avium complex
Coxsackievirus Rhinovirus Mycoplasma and Chlamydia M. kansasii
Echovirus Enteroviruses Mycoplasma pneumoniae M. chelonae
Measles virus Echovirus Chlamydophila psittaci M. fortuitum
Hantavirus Coxsackievirus Chlamydia trachomatis M. xenopi
Epstein-Barr virus Chlamydophila pneumoniae (TWAR) M. simiae
Cytomegalovirus Mycobacteria M. scrofulaceum
Varicella-zoster virus Mycobacterium tuberculosis M. malmoense
Parainfluenza virus Parasites
Measles virus Ascaris lumbricoides
Herpes simplex virus Pneumocystis jirovecii
Hantavirus Strongyloides stercoralis
Human herpesvirus 6 Toxoplasma gondii
Coronavirus (SARS) Paragonimus westermani
64  Acute Pneumonia 893

64-2 Pulmonary Host Defenses

Location Host Defense Mechanism*

Upper Airways
Nasopharynx Nasal hair
Anatomy of upper airways
Mucociliary apparatus
IgA secretion
Oropharynx Saliva
Sloughing of epithelial cells
Bacterial interference
Complement production
Conducting Airways
Trachea, bronchi Cough, epiglottic reflexes
Sharp-angled branching of airways
Mucociliary apparatus
Airway surface liquid (lysozyme, lactoferrin, secretory leukocyte proteinase inhibitor)
Dendritic cells†
Bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT)} } Antigen processing and presentation→
stimulation of memory and effector T cells and B cells
Immunoglobulin production (IgG, IgM, IgA)
Lower Respiratory Tract
Terminal airways, alveoli Alveolar lining fluid (surfactant, fibronectin, immunoglobulin, complement, free fatty acid, iron-binding proteins)
Alveolar macrophages
Neutrophil recruitment‡
(pattern recognition receptors→transcription factor stimulation→proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokine and chemokine
Dendritic cells†
Bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT)} } Antigen processing and presentation→
stimulation of memory and effector T cells and B cells
*Aspects of native and adaptive immunity play a role throughout the respiratory tract.

Major component of adaptive immunity and important in response to vaccines and prior infections.

Major component of innate immunity.

antigens therefore are able to cross the epithelial surface and immedi- may occur as a result of local proliferation or via migration of cells
ately encounter cells involved with antigen processing. Once these from BALT.
antigens are processed and presented, it is in the BALT that B and T Lymphocytes in the lung have three major roles: (1) antibody pro-
lymphocytes localize and are stimulated to become memory cells and duction, (2) cytotoxic activity, and (3) inflammatory mediator pro-
effector cells. duction. The lung contains a variety of cytotoxic T cells including
Normal lung parenchyma usually contains few lymphoid cells, natural killer cells (antigen nonrestricted), antibody-dependent cyto-
which represent only 5% to 10% of the total cell population. The toxic cells, and antigen-restricted cytotoxic cells. Pulmonary T cells
lymphocytes present are memory cells located in the submucosa and produce a large number of cytokines. Mouse models suggest that
lamina propria; effector cells located between epithelial cells and in the unstimulated T cells produce mainly IL-2. After stimulation and con-
interstitium; and cells thought to be “preactivated,” awaiting stimula- version to memory T cells, two distinct groupings of cytokines are
tion by inhaled antigens in the alveolus. The majority of lymphocytes produced. The helper T cell 1 (Th1) and helper T cell 2 (Th2) pattern
are T cells, with 35% to 45% representing a CD4 (helper, inducer) of cytokine production noted in murine models occurs in humans,
phenotype, and 18% to 32% representing a CD8 (suppressor) although it appears to be less restrictive. Th1 cells produce interferon-γ,
phenotype.18 IL-2, IL-6, and IL-10 and contribute to cell-mediated immunity,
Antigens inhaled into the alveolus and captured by antigen-present- whereas Th2 cells produce IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10 and contribute to
ing cells subsequently activate intra-alveolar lymphoid cells. These cells humoral immune function. Furthermore, IL-3, TNF-α, granulocyte-
can stimulate the migration of memory lymphocytes into the area, macrophage colony-stimulating factor, and chemokines are secreted
leading to a localized accumulation of antigen-specific T and B lym- by both Th1 and Th2 phenotypes. Th1 cells are involved in cell-
phocytes, many of which possess effector cell function. As is true in mediated inflammatory reactions, whereas Th2 cells stimulate anti-
other anatomic areas, binding of T cells to endothelium is a critical body production, especially IgE, and stimulate eosinophil activity.
first step in the inflammatory process and is mediated by the interac-
tion of leukocyte function-associated antigen (LFA)-1 integrins on the
lymphocyte cell surface, with ligands exposed by endothelium in areas
of inflammation (intercellular adhesion molecules 1 and 2 and vascu- The defenses of the lung, when they are functioning normally, are
lar cell adhesion molecule 1). Expression of these ligands on pulmo- extremely efficient in maintaining sterility of the lower airways.
nary endothelium is upregulated by inflammatory mediators, such as However, a number of factors are known to interfere with these
IL-1, interferon-γ, and TNF-α, and by bacterial lipopolysaccharides. defenses and predispose the host to infection. Alterations in the level
Pulmonary lymphocytes are thought to shuttle between two func- of consciousness from any cause (stroke, seizures, drug intoxication,
tionally distinct lymphoid areas, the BALT, which can be viewed as the anesthesia, alcohol abuse, and even normal sleep) can compromise
afferent limb where antigens first stimulate an immune response, and epiglottic closure and lead to aspiration of oropharyngeal flora into the
the lung parenchyma, where differentiated T and B cells participate in lower respiratory tract.19 Cigarette smoke, perhaps the most common
the inflammatory response, which can be viewed as the efferent limb. agent involved in compromising natural pulmonary defense mecha-
The increase in numbers of memory T cells after antigenic stimulation nisms, disrupts both mucociliary function and macrophage activity.20
894 Part II  Major Clinical Syndromes

Alcohol not only impairs the cough and epiglottic reflexes but also inflammatory response, it has become clear that a variety of genetic
has been associated with increased colonization of the oropharynx polymorphisms exist that are associated with predisposition for the
with aerobic gram-negative bacilli, decreased mobilization of neutro- development of pneumonia. It is important to recognize that these
phils,21 abnormal phagocyte oxidative metabolism, and abnormal che- defects may be associated with a narrow range of potential pathogens
motaxis.22 Alcohol effectively blocks the TNF response to endotoxin, which may aid in the identification of the defect.12,15
with decreased recruitment of neutrophils to the lung. Furthermore, Although most congenital defects in host defenses appear in child-
alcohol enhances monocyte production of IL-10, a cytokine with anti- hood, common variable hypogammaglobulinemia may first appear in
inflammatory properties.23 adulthood with recurrent pneumonia. Acquired host defense defects
Infections with Mycoplasma pneumoniae or Haemophilus influenzae are more varied and include malignancies (lymphoma, chronic lym-
may interfere with normal ciliary function.24 Viruses may actually phocytic leukemia, myeloma), infection (AIDS), and iatrogenic causes
destroy respiratory epithelium and may disrupt normal ciliary activity. (immune suppression associated with solid organ or marrow trans-
Neutrophil function, including chemotaxis, phagocytosis, and stimu- plantation or cancer chemotherapy). Underlying respiratory tract dis-
lation of oxidative metabolism and alveolar macrophage function, may orders, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
also be inhibited by certain viral infections.25 Sepsis associated with bronchiectasis, adult-onset cystic fibrosis, bronchopulmonary seques-
extrapulmonary infections may undermine lung defense mechanisms. tration, and tracheobronchomegaly, may occur with pneumonia.
In animal models, exposure to lipopolysaccharide or endotoxin Bronchial obstruction due to intrinsic compression (adenocarcinoma)
decreases lung clearance of a bacterial challenge.26 Infection with or extrinsic compression (lymphadenopathy due to sarcoidosis or
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) compromises many of the malignancy) has also been associated with recurrent episodes of pneu-
components of pulmonary host defense. Quantitative defects involve monia. Underlying diseases that predispose to aspiration lead to an
the naive CD4 T cells initially, with the memory CD4 T cells depleted increased incidence of pneumonia. These may be associated with gas-
more rapidly later in infection. Functional defects caused by the virus trointestinal diseases (tracheoesophageal fistula, esophageal divertic-
include impaired response to remote recall antigens, inhibited response ula, esophageal reflux, esophageal stricture), neuromuscular disorders
to soluble antigen followed in time by decreased T-cell response to (myasthenia gravis, dementia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), and
alloantigens and mitogens, impaired IL-2 and interferon-γ production, cancer of the head and neck. Some systemic illnesses, including Weber-
and decreased immunoglobulin production.27 In BALT, destruction of Christian disease, chronic renal failure, diabetes, and sickle cell disease,
dendritic cells and degeneration of lymphoid follicles have been noted. have been associated with pneumonia.
Defective antigen presentation by dendritic cells has also been observed.
Abnormal chemotaxis, phagocytosis, and oxidative metabolism in
neutrophils of patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Clinical Evaluation
(AIDS) have been described.
Iatrogenic manipulations that bypass or interfere with the usual host
defenses of the upper airways (endotracheal tubes, nasogastric tubes, The history should define (1) symptoms consistent with the diagnosis
and respiratory therapy machinery) all predispose to infection.28 A of pneumonia, (2) the clinical setting in which the pneumonia takes
variety of commonly prescribed drugs have been shown to inhibit host place, (3) defects in host defense that could predispose to the develop-
defenses in vitro or in models, but the clinical significance of this is ment of pneumonia, and (4) possible exposures to specific pathogens.
uncertain. These agents include aspirin,29 erythromycin,30 aminophyl- Respiratory symptoms are commonly encountered in primary care
line,31 and proton pump inhibitors.32 A recent study documented that practices but usually are not caused by pneumonia. Of over 10 million
the rates of pneumonia increased in hospitalized patients if proton- visits reported associated with a chief complaint of cough, only 4% to
pump inhibitors or histamine type 2 (H2) receptor antagonists were 6% actually involved pneumonia.43 Although the prevalence of pneu-
used compared with hospitalized patients in whom these acid- monia may vary depending on the age of the patient population and
suppressive medications were not used (4.9% and 2.0%, respectively).32a the presence of comorbid diseases, pneumonia remains only one of
Other factors that impair pulmonary host defenses include hypoxemia, many possible explanations for respiratory complaints. Therefore, a
acidosis, toxic inhalations,33 pulmonary edema,34 uremia, malnutri- serious effort should be made to differentiate pneumonia from other
tion, immunosuppressive agents,35 and mechanical obstruction. clinical entities with which it may be confused. Although the clinical
Older adults are at increased risk for the development of pneumonia findings of pneumonia related to the respiratory tract should be
(see Chapter 314). Although numerous factors play an important role sought, including cough, sputum production, dyspnea, and fever, it
in this regard, including an increased number and increased severity should be recognized that nonrespiratory symptoms are commonly
of underlying diseases and an increased number of hospitalizations, present. These include fatigue, sweats, headache, nausea, and
there are age-related impairments in host defenses.36,37 Less effective myalgia.44,45 With increasing age, both respiratory and nonrespiratory
mucociliary clearance and abnormal elastic recoil may lead to less symptoms of pneumonia become less frequent. Unfortunately, symp-
effective coughing and clearing of the upper airways. Some popula- toms at presentation elucidated by a careful history may not always be
tions of elderly patients have an increased incidence of microaspira- able to distinguish pneumonia from other respiratory problems.46
tion. Changes in humoral immunity and cell-mediated immune Specific etiologic agents of pneumonia have been associated with
function have been documented in older persons, though their role in certain underlying diseases and patient populations. Mycoplasmal
the development of infection remains unclear. Immune dysregulation pneumonia occurs more often in younger people, but it may be a cause
has been shown to occur in the elderly, so that low-grade inflammation of pneumonia in older patients and require hospitalization.47 Gram-
occurs in the lung in the absence of clinically detectable infection. negative pneumonia tends to occur in older adults, especially those
Recurrent episodes of bacterial pneumonia suggest the presence of who are debilitated with comorbid diseases.48 Tuberculosis should be
specific predisposing factors.37 In children and young adults, recurrent suspected in the homeless, those infected with HIV, those who come
pneumonia is associated with defects in host defenses, including leu- from developing countries where tuberculosis is prevalent, and those
kocyte function38 and immunoglobulin production.38-40 Congenital who have been exposed to others with the disease. Staphylococcal
defects in ciliary activity, including the immotile cilia syndrome,41 pneumonia classically has been noted during epidemics of influenza.
Kartagener syndrome (ciliary dysfunction, situs inversus, sinusitis, Over the past 20 years, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
bronchiectasis),42 Young’s syndrome (azoospermia, sinusitis, pneu- (MRSA) has grown in importance as an etiology of ventilator-
monia), and cystic fibrosis, are other clinical entities associated with associated pneumonia (VAP). In addition, since 2002, a strain of
recurrent pneumonia in young persons. Structural lung abnormalities MRSA which carries the staphylococcal cassette chromosome (SCC)
such as bronchiectasis and pulmonary sequestration are also impor- IV and contains the gene coding for Panton-Valentine leukocidin, has
tant predisposing factors for both younger and older patient popula- emerged as an important cause of community-acquired pneumonia.
tions. As more has become known about the molecular basis of the Known as community-acquired MRSA or CA-MRSA, the organism
64  Acute Pneumonia 895

causes severe pneumonia with high mortality in relatively young popu- 400/µL with increased risk when the count falls below 200 cells/µL.64,65
lations without underlying comorbidities.49,50 Severe acute respiratory Pneumocystis and disseminated tuberculosis are associated with CD4
syndrome (SARS) is a pneumonia syndrome caused by a coronavirus, counts below 200 cells/µL, and disseminated nontuberculous myco-
associated with travel to China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, bacterial infections and disseminated fungal infection occur with CD4
Vietnam, and Toronto, Canada.51 counts less than 50 to 100 cells/µL.65 Pulmonary infections in HIV-
Pneumonia has been noted to occur with increased frequency in infected patients are discussed in more detail in Chapter 122.
patients with a variety of underlying disorders, such as congestive heart Pneumonia developing in hospitalized patients often involves
failure, diabetes, alcoholism, and COPD.48,52 In one series of 292 Enterobacteriaceae, P. aeruginosa, and S. aureus, organisms that are
patients with pneumonia, only 18% were found to have no underlying unusual in community-acquired disease.66 Pneumonia in older adults,
disease.48 Certain lifestyle factors have also been associated with an especially those who are bedridden or who have chronic diseases, is
increased risk of pneumonia. These include cigarette smoking, alcohol more often associated with gram-negative bacilli than is pneumonia
use (especially in males), contact with children and pets, and living in in younger populations.67 However, lack of clear definition between
a household with more than 10 people.53 A history of antecedent upper colonization and true infection has made the actual role of gram-
respiratory tract infection has been elicited in 36% to 50% of patients negative organisms unclear. In general, S. pneumoniae, nontypeable
with acute pneumonia, especially in those with pneumococcal disease.54 strains of H. influenzae, and M. catarrhalis are important pathogens in
Recent dental manipulations, sedative overdoses, seizures, alcoholism, older adults.
or loss of consciousness for any reason should raise the suspicion of Recently, it has been recognized that patients with outpatient
anaerobic infection caused by aspiration of oral contents.19 contact with the health care system develop pneumonia with etiologic
Special note should be made of the relationship between pneumonia agents that may be seen in both community-acquired and nosocomial
and patients with COPD.55 Although well-controlled studies are pneumonia.68-70 Increased importance of MRSA, aerobic gram-nega-
lacking, it does appear that patients with COPD have an increased tive rods including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and mixed aerobic/anaer-
incidence of pneumonia. However, because the tracheobronchial tree obic organisms due to aspiration are associated with this new syndrome
is often colonized with Streptococcus pneumoniae and H. influenzae, it of health care–associated pneumonia (see discussion in later section,
has been difficult to distinguish clearly between colonization and infec- “Pneumonia Syndromes”).
tion in many studies. Although these organisms play an important role Important aspects of a patient’s history that may suggest specific
as etiologic agents of pneumonia in this patient population, most of potential infectious agents include occupation, exposure to animals,
the clinical studies were carried out before it was recognized that other travel, and sexual history (Table 64-3). The presence of noninfectious
less common pathogens also play a significant role in causing disease. pulmonary disease, such as tumors or pulmonary emboli, which may
The roles of Moraxella catarrhalis, Legionella, Chlamydophila, and masquerade as pneumonia, may also be suggested by a careful history.
aerobic gram-negative rods including P. aeruginosa have been estab-
lished.55-57 Cystic fibrosis is commonly associated with Pseudomonas
and staphylococcal pulmonary infections.58 Burkholderia spp. and Ste-
notrophomonas spp. are also important pulmonary pathogens in this TABLE Pneumonia: Etiology Suggested by Environmental
setting. Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis is associated with Nocardia 64-3 History
Infectious Agent Environmental History
Patients infected with HIV are at high risk for the development of
Anthrax Exposure to cattle, swine, horses, goat hair, raw wool,
pulmonary infections.59-61 Although Pneumocystis pneumonia remains animal hides
an important clinical entity in this patient population, prophylaxis has Possible agent of bioterrorism
reduced its incidence and importance as a cause of death.62 In consid- Brucellosis Exposure to cattle, goats, pigs; ingestion of
ering the nature of pulmonary infection in patients infected with HIV, unpasteurized dairy products; employment as
geographic exposures, demographic characteristics of the patient, and abattoir worker or veterinarian
the degree of immune suppression should be considered.59,60 Although Melioidosis Travel to West Indies, Australia, Guam, Southeast
in the past, Pneumocystis infection has been reported to be relatively Asia, South and Central America
uncommon in patients with AIDS in Africa, more recent data have Plague Exposure to ground squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits,
suggested that the incidence is increasing. Overall, however, it is a prairie dogs, rats
Possible agent of bioterrorism
more common complication of HIV infection in Europe and the
Tularemia Exposure to tissue or body fluids of infected animals
United States. In many centers worldwide, Mycobacterium tuberculosis during trapping, hunting, or skinning (rabbits,
is now viewed as the major pulmonary pathogen in patients with hares, foxes, squirrels) or to bites of an infected
AIDS.63 Though use of highly active antiretroviral therapy has led to a arthropod (flies, ticks)
decreased incidence of disease, its overall importance in AIDS as a Handling or ingesting poorly cooked meat from an
pulmonary pathogen remains. Because fungal infections play a major infected animal
role in this patient population, exposure in endemic areas of histoplas- Possible agent of bioterrorism
mosis, blastomycosis, and coccidioidomycosis should be considered. Psittacosis Exposure to birds (parrots, budgerigars, cockatoos,
pigeons, turkeys)
The greatest risk appears to be associated with intravenous and inhaled
Leptospirosis Exposure to wild rodents, dogs, cats, pigs, cattle, or
drug use.59,64 Common pulmonary pathogens such as S. pneumoniae, horses, or exposure to water contaminated with
H. influenzae, and S. aureus play an important role.60 The incidence of animal urine
invasive pneumococcal pneumonia is 100 to 300 times higher in HIV- Coccidioidomycosis Residence in or travel to San Joaquin Valley, southern
infected patients, and the incidence of H. influenzae infection may be California, southwestern Texas, southern Arizona,
up to 100-fold higher in this population. P. aeruginosa pneumonia is New Mexico
often associated with bacteremia or cavitary lung disease and is a later Histoplasmosis Exposure to bat droppings or dust from soil enriched
with bird droppings
complication of HIV infection, occurring with CD4 counts of less than
Q fever Exposure to infected goats, cattle, sheep, domestic
25 cells/µL. The infection is associated with the presence of central animals, and their secretions (milk, amniotic fluid,
venous catheters and urinary catheters and the use of steroids. Other placenta, feces)
agents, such as Legionella, Nocardia, aerobic gram-negative bacilli, and Legionnaires’ disease Exposure to contaminated aerosols (e.g., air coolers,
Rhodococcus equi, are also important causes of pneumonia. hospital water supply)
In patients infected with HIV, the relationship between the degree Pasteurella multocida Exposure to infected dogs and cats
of immune suppression using the CD4 count as a marker and the Hantavirus Exposure to rodent droppings, urine, saliva
specific etiology of pneumonia deserves emphasis. Bacterial pneumo- SARS Travel to area of outbreaks
nia and tuberculosis usually occur when the CD4 count is less than SARS, severe acute respiratory syndrome.
896 Part II  Major Clinical Syndromes

microbiologic tests to identify the specific etiology is an important

though controversial element of care. Most empirical antibiotic regi-
Fever is reported to be present in 65% to 90% of patients with pneu- mens are successful in the therapy of community-acquired pneumo-
monia. It may be sustained, remittent, or at times hectic. Fever patterns nia, especially mild to moderates cases. Studies comparing empirical
per se, however, are not useful for establishing a specific diagnosis. The therapy to laboratory-guided, pathogen-directed care have shown no
temperature should be taken rectally to reduce error caused by rapid differences in efficacy, although increased side effects were noted in
mouth breathing. Recording of postural changes in blood pressure and the patients receiving empirical therapy.76 Efforts to determine the
pulse rate is useful in assessing hydration and intravascular fluid specific etiology of community-acquired pneumonia are justified by
volume. The pulse usually increases by 10 beats per minute for every the fact that they (1) may enable the clinician to narrow the antibiotic
degree (centigrade) of temperature elevation. A pulse–temperature spectrum, and use fewer agents, thereby decreasing exposure of the
deficit (e.g., a relative bradycardia for the amount of fever) should patient to potential side effects and potentially reducing the develop-
suggest viral infection, mycoplasmal infection, chlamydial infection, ment of resistance; (2) may aid in the specific antibiotic choice for an
tularemia, or infection with Legionella. Cyanosis, a rapid respiratory individual patient, depending on the specific epidemiology of infection
rate, the use of accessory muscles of respiration, sternal retraction, and and the specific resistance patterns of the locale; and (3) may identify
nasal flaring suggest serious respiratory compromise. pathogens not usually suspected and therefore not usually covered by
Furuncles are rarely secondary to staphylococcal pneumonia empirical therapy. On a broader scale, identifying specific etiologies
acquired by the respiratory route, but they may signal a source of may help define new agents, trends in antibiotic resistance in estab-
bacteremia with subsequent pneumonia via hematogenous spread, lished agents, and epidemiology of infectious outbreaks. Though even
although this is uncommon. Herpes labialis is seen in up to 40% of aggressive efforts to diagnose the cause of pneumonia using some of
patients with pneumococcal pneumonia.71 Bullous myringitis is an the most advanced techniques will yield positive results only 58% of
infrequent but significant finding in mycoplasmal pneumonia. The the time, diagnostic yields are higher in sicker patients, where the
presence of poor dentition should suggest a mixed infection due to information is most helpful.77 The most recent guidelines from the
aspiration of anaerobes and aerobes that colonize the oropharynx. Infectious Diseases Society of America/American Thoracic Society
Although edentulous patients may develop anaerobic pneumonia as a (IDSA/ATS) have suggested diagnostic testing “whenever the result is
result of aspiration, it is uncommon.72 likely to change individual antibiotic management,” or in patients
Examination of the thorax may reveal “splinting,” or an inspiratory where “the diagnostic yield is thought to be greatest.”78
lag on the side of the lesion, that is suggestive of bacterial pneumonia.
Early in the disease process, definite signs of pulmonary involvement
may be lacking or may be manifest only as fine rales. Chest examina-
tion may reveal these early signs of pneumonia even though the chest
film is normal. Evidence of consolidation (dullness on percussion, Microscopic examination and culture of expectorated sputum remain
bronchial breath sounds, and E to A changes) is highly suggestive of the mainstays of the laboratory evaluation of pneumonia despite
bacterial infection, but may be absent in two thirds of patients ill ongoing controversy concerning their sensitivity and specificity. Of
enough to be hospitalized and may be absent more often in patients patients admitted to the hospital with community-acquired pneumo-
treated as outpatients.73 Patients with mycoplasmal or viral infection nia, 40% to 60% will not be able to produce sputum. Of those that do,
may exhibit few abnormalities on physical examination, despite the 45% to 50% of samples may be judged to be inadequate for further
presence of impressive infiltrates on the chest film. study because of oropharyngeal contamination.79-81 Many patients
The overall usefulness of the history and physical examination to have received antibiotics before the studies are carried out, which
detect the presence of pneumonia has been questioned.46,74 A great deal drastically reduces the diagnostic yield. A variety of organisms cannot
of interobserver variation exists in detecting the signs and symptoms.46 be detected by Gram stain, including species of Legionella, Myco-
In one series, three examiners seeing the same patients could not plasma, Chlamydia, and Chlamydophila. However, in patients who
consistently agree on the physical examination findings. The diagnosis produce sputum of adequate quality to be examined (minimal or no
of pneumonia could be made with a sensitivity of only 47% to 69% oropharyngeal contamination) and who have not received prior anti-
and with a specificity of 50% to 75%.75 Rare findings such as egobron- biotics, diagnostic yields of 80% for sputum Gram stain have been
chophony and asymmetrical chest movements have a high predictive reported in patients with bacteremic S. pneumoniae pneumonia.80
value for pneumonia. Other findings are usually not helpful. The Despite its pitfalls, sputum Gram stain is noninvasive, can be carried
absence of any vital sign abnormalities (i.e., respiratory rate greater out at no risk to the patient, and under the right circumstances may
than 20 breaths/min, heart rate greater than 100 beats/min, and tem- aid in the diagnosis and choice of empirical therapy in patients with
perature greater than 37.8° C) has been associated with a less than 1% community-acquired pneumonia.82
chance of a patient’s having pneumonia, assuming a pneumonia prev- Examination of the sputum should include observation of the color,
alence of 5% in the population under study.74 Others have questioned amount, consistency, and odor. Mucopurulent sputum is most com-
the importance of any of these specific findings on detecting the pres- monly found with bacterial pneumonia or bronchitis. However,
ence of pneumonia.46 The probability of detecting pneumonia varies sputum of a similar nature has been described in one third to one half
with the patient population, the prevalence of pneumonia in that of patients with mycoplasma or adenovirus infections.83 Scant or
population, the threshold values for defining a vital sign as abnormal, watery sputum is more often noted with these and other atypical
and the ability of the clinician to detect abnormal physical findings. pneumonias. “Rusty” sputum suggests alveolar involvement and has
No single physical finding is particularly helpful in making a definite been most commonly (although not solely) associated with pneumo-
diagnosis. However, a constellation of cough, fever, tachycardia, and coccal pneumonia.84 Dark red, mucoid sputum (currant jelly sputum)
crackles raises the possibility of pneumonia being present to 18% to suggests Friedländer’s pneumonia caused by encapsulated Klebsiella
42%. Therefore, although variable and nondefinitive, a complete pneumoniae (Fig. 64-1).85 Foul-smelling sputum is associated with
history and physical examination may be extremely helpful in guiding mixed anaerobic infections most commonly seen with aspiration.72
the workup of pneumonia. To maximize the diagnostic yield of the sputum examination, only
samples with minimal oropharyngeal contamination should be
reviewed. As a guide, the number of neutrophils and epithelial cells
should be quantitated under low power (×100), with further examina-
The presence of pneumonia is suggested by clinical features derived tion reserved for samples containing 25 or more neutrophils and 10
from a careful history and physical examination and confirmed by or fewer epithelial cells. Samples with more epithelial cells and fewer
radiographic imaging of the chest that shows an infiltrate. The role of neutrophils are usually nondiagnostic and should be discarded. The
64  Acute Pneumonia 897

Figure 64-1  “Currant jelly” sputum associated with Klebsiella Figure 64-3  Expectorated sputum demonstrating a positive
pneumoniae pneumonia. quellung reaction in a patient with pneumococcal pneumonia.

morphologic and staining characteristics of any bacteria seen should pneumoniae but has been reported to be up to 80%. Staphylococci
be recorded and an estimate made of the predominant organisms appear as gram-positive cocci in tetrads and grapelike clusters (see Fig.
(Figs. 64-2 to 64-6). When no bacterial predominance exists, this 64-5). Organisms of mixed morphology are characteristic of anaerobic
should be noted as well. infection. Few bacteria are seen with legionnaires’ disease, mycoplasma
In the appropriate clinical setting, a predominance of gram-positive, pneumonia, and viral pneumonia. When the criteria for minimal oro-
lancet-shaped diplococci should suggest pneumococcal infection (see pharyngeal contamination is met and when a predominant morphol-
Fig. 64-2). When strict criteria for Gram stain positivity are used (pre- ogy is observed, the sensitivity of the sputum Gram stain in matching
dominant flora or more than 10 gram-positive, lancet-shaped diplo- organisms found in the blood was reported to be 85% in patients with
cocci per oil immersion field [×1000], or both), the specificity of the community-acquired pneumonia. In contrast, sputum cultures posi-
Gram stain for identifying pneumococci has been shown to be 85%, tive for pneumococci are found in only 50% to 60% of patients with
with a sensitivity of 62%.86 The diagnostic yield of the sputum exami- pneumonia and pneumococcal bacteremia.88 In some centers, sputum
nation for pneumococci can be maximized by the use of the quellung examination has been a useful means of diagnosing Pneumocystis
reaction (see Fig. 64-3), although it is rarely used. Anticapsular anti- pneumonia in patients with AIDS. The use of commercially available
serum reacts with capsular polysaccharide, and this may be seen as a monoclonal antibodies or Giemsa’s, Gomori’s methenamine silver, or
distinctly outlined capsule. Because pneumococci may be part of the toluidine blue O stain has led to a diagnosis in up to 50% of cases,
nasopharyngeal flora in 10% to 50% of healthy adults and often colo- making more aggressive diagnostic procedures unnecessary.89 Special
nize the lower airways in patients with chronic bronchitis, identifica- sputum staining techniques are important in identifying other organ-
tion of the organism does not mean that it is the cause of disease.87 isms such as mycobacteria (Fig. 64-7).
However, it is our experience that the large number of pneumococci Sputum culture as a means of diagnosing pneumonia is as contro-
necessary to produce a positive Gram stain or quellung reaction is versial as the sputum Gram stain. Not all patients with pneumonia will
unusual in carriers. The Gram stain may reveal large numbers of produce sputum, and when they do, patients with bacteremic pneu-
organisms in patients with bronchitis. mococcal pneumonia have been reported to have negative sputum
The sputum Gram stain is helpful to identify organisms other than cultures in 45% to 50% of cases, even when large numbers of organ-
pneumococci. Small gram-negative coccobacillary organisms are char- isms have been noted on a Gram stain.88 Similarly, 34% to 47% of
acteristic of H. influenzae (see Fig. 64-4). The sensitivity of the sputum sputum cultures are negative with proven H. influenzae pneumo-
Gram stain for detecting H. influenzae is usually less than that for S.

Figure 64-4  Expectorated sputum with gram-negative coccobacil-

Figure 64-2  Expectorated sputum with gram-positive, lancet- lary forms from a patient with Haemophilus influenzae
shaped diplococci from a patient with pneumococcal pneumonia. pneumonia.
898 Part II  Major Clinical Syndromes

Figure 64-5  Expectorated sputum with clusters of gram-positive Figure 64-7  Expectorated sputum with acid-fast bacilli in a patient
cocci in a patient with Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia. with Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

nia.90,91 Furthermore, sputum cultures have frequently been shown to higher diagnostic yield. Some reports suggest that with adequate
yield more bacterial species than more invasive methods of obtaining sputum samples and prompt culture of specimens, the diagnostic yield
respiratory tract secretions.92 Contamination with gram-negative of the sputum culture may be improved.
bacilli from the oropharynx has been noted in 32% of sputum cultures. Antigen detection in respiratory secretions has been used for over 2
A lack of correlation between findings from sputum culture and find- decades to try to maximize the diagnostic yield of sputum, especially
ings from blood cultures and serologic studies has been observed. for infections caused by S. pneumoniae, Pneumocystis, Legionella pneu-
Several key parameters have been identified in efforts to maximize mophila, and a variety of respiratory viruses. The direct fluorescent
the diagnostic yield from sputum culture. Procurement of adequate antibody assays for L. pneumophila and Pneumocystis jirovecii are the
sputum samples is an essential first step. With increasing numbers of most commonly used, with sensitivities of 25% to 75% for Legionella
epithelial cells and decreasing numbers of neutrophils, an increased and 80% for Pneumocystis. Specificities of 90% have been reported in
amount of oropharyngeal contamination is present, as indicated by the the assays for each pathogen. Strains of Legionella other than L. pneu-
isolation of more bacterial species. mophila may be missed in these assays. For other organisms, such as
The presence of alveolar macrophages does not alter the bacterio- Chlamydophila, problems with colonization versus infection, varying
logic findings when substantial numbers of epithelial cells are present, sensitivities, and cross-reactivity with nonpathogens have limited the
indicating that otherwise adequate samples of sputum can be contami- usefulness of the study.
nated with oropharyngeal contents and thereby rendered nondiagnos- Although direct fluorescent antibody tests have been used to
tic. This type of initial screening has proved helpful in differentiating detect Chlamydia trachomatis, the assay is insufficiently sensitive
adequate sputum samples from saliva, thereby increasing the diagnos- (varying between 20% and 60%) for detection of Chlamydophila
tic yield of sputum culture. When organisms such as M. tuberculosis pneumoniae.93 On the other hand, direct fluorescent antibody assays
(see Fig. 64-7), Legionella, and Pneumocystis are found in sputum, are over 80% sensitive and 90% specific when used for the detection
clinical infection is indicated regardless of the sputum quality because of Pneumocystis.
these organisms are not normal flora. Detection of microbial nucleic acid in respiratory tract secretions
When culture of sputum is delayed, the isolation of pneumococci is remains an area of ongoing study.94-97 Nucleic acid amplification
less likely because of overgrowth by oropharyngeal flora. Rapid pro- assays, especially polymerase chain reaction (PCR) are particularly
cessing of samples is therefore another important factor leading to attractive because they have the capability of detecting minute amounts
of material from potential pathogens, do not appear to be influenced
by prior antibiotic therapy, and can be performed quickly. Although
a variety of PCR techniques have been described, FDA licensed assays
exist for only M. tuberculosis and Legionella species. Assays for more
commonly encountered organisms such as S. pneumoniae, H. influen-
zae, and Chlamydophila have been developed, but lack of standardiza-
tion and difficulty in determining true infection from colonization
remain problematic. False-negative results have been reported because
of the presence of natural inhibitors. Although PCR has been used to
detect P. jirovecii, published studies have detected positive results in
the setting of negative cultures and absence of clinical features of infec-
tion. Individual PCR assays as well as multiplex assays have been used
to detect viruses. It is unclear if positive results indicate upper rather
than lower respiratory tract infection, colonization, or true infection
of the lung. PCR has become a mainstay in the diagnosis of SARS.96
PCR techniques have been used to identify DNA from M. tuberculosis
in both sputum and lavage fluid. Sensitivities of 83.5% and specificities
as high as 99% have been noted. Sensitivities of 63% have been
reported in patients who were smear negative but culture positive.
However, PCR has been reported to be positive in 70% of people with
Figure 64-6  Expectorated sputum with gram-negative rods in a prior exposure to tuberculosis but no active disease. This problem of
patient with Klebsiella pneumoniae pneumonia. false-positive results remains.
64  Acute Pneumonia 899

isolation of the organism does not prove that it is the cause of the
Although the sputum examination should always be included in the BAL has proved especially useful for diagnosing pneumonia caused
initial evaluation of patients with pneumonia, it may be inadequate for by M. tuberculosis.108 Culture of BAL material has a sensitivity of 85%,
a presumptive diagnosis. In cases in which (1) no sputum is produced, even in the presence of negative cultures of expectorated sputum and
(2) no clear predominance of a potential pathogen exists on sputum gastric aspirate. In patients with miliary tuberculosis in whom sputum
Gram stain or culture, (3) there has been a poor response to antibiotics culture yields are low (25%), culture of M. tuberculosis from BAL fluid
chosen on the basis of expectorated sputum, (4) gram-negative rods approximates 100%. In addition to culture and staining, adenosine
or yeast forms are found in the sputum, or (5) the possibility of super- deaminase levels and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
infection exists, a more direct method of obtaining lower respiratory for antibodies to M. tuberculosis have been studied.109,110 BAL has also
tract secretions may be necessary. been used for the diagnosis of atypical pneumonias, including those
Fiber-optic bronchoscopy is usually not performed in patients with caused by Legionella species and M. pneumoniae.
community-acquired pneumonia unless severe pneumonia, unresolv- Both bronchoscopy and BAL have been used widely in patients with
ing pneumonia, or a clear failure of antibiotic therapy is encountered.98 ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP).111,112 The “bacteriologic strat-
Use of the protected brush catheter and quantitative culturing of mate- egy” used in attempting to make an etiologic diagnosis in patients with
rial obtained from the procedure have both minimized the problem VAP uses bronchoscopy, BAL, and endobronchial aspiration to estab-
of oropharyngeal contamination and helped to differentiate coloniza- lish the presence or absence of pulmonary infection as well as to
tion from true infection. Approximately 106 to 108 organisms per determine the specific etiology.69
milliliter (mL) are present in lung tissue involved with pneumonia. Although the risks of bronchoscopy are relatively small, hypoxia
Accounting for dilution of samples, a bacterial count of more than 103 occurs in 13% to 28% of patients on ventilators undergoing BAL. In
to 104 has been used as a breakpoint for determining the clinical sig- patients with gram-negative pneumonia, the procedure may be fol-
nificance of an isolate. lowed by a sepsis-like picture with increased temperature and decreased
Although sensitivities of 70% to 97% and specificities of 95% to mean arterial pressure.
100% have been reported in the diagnosis of community-acquired
pneumonia, bronchoscopy has proven to be less useful in some patient
groups.99 These include patients who have already received antibiotics,
patients with purulent bronchitis in whom bacterial counts greater A variety of less invasive techniques have been used in attempts to
than 103 are noted, and patients with underlying structural disease in determine the cause of pneumonia without resorting to bronchoscopy.
whom over 50% of bronchoscopic specimens yield significant numbers Blind endotracheal suctioning with quantitative cultures has com-
of organisms even in the absence of pneumonia.99 Gram stain of speci- pared favorably with bronchoscopic procedures in some studies.113
mens obtained from fiber-optic bronchoscopy has been used as a guide With a threshold of greater than 105 CFU/mL, the sensitivity for pre-
to empirical therapy while cultures are pending. A positive Gram stain dicting ventilator-associated pneumonia was comparable to that of
predicts growth of more than 103 colony-forming units (CFU)/mL lavage or protected brush procedures, although the specificity was
with up to 78% sensitivity. When studied prospectively early in the somewhat lower.113 Furthermore, no differences in mortality, length of
course of community-acquired pneumonia, bronchoscopy has yielded stay in the intensive care unit, or duration of mechanical ventilation
a diagnosis in approximately 50% of patients.100 were noted when quantitative endotracheal cultures were used as the
Bronchoscopy with a protected specimen brush has been shown to sole means of diagnosis compared to bronchoalveolar lavage and to
have sensitivities as high as 82% to 100% and as low as 36% with protected specimen brush. Others have reported false-negative rates of
specificities as high as 60% to 77% and as low as 50%.101-103 Differences over 30% and many more organisms isolated by endotracheal suction-
in exclusion and inclusion criteria, different definitions of pneumonia, ing than by brushing.114 At present, this procedure is best used when
and the acceptance or rejection of patients with recent antibiotic bronchoscopy cannot be done.
changes may explain the different results.104 The use of antibiotics The blind protected specimen brush has compared favorably with
markedly diminishes the diagnostic yield of the procedure.105 Most bronchoscopically guided procedures, with 86% agreement.115 Non-
bacterial species initially found by a protected specimen brush are bronchoscopic bronchoalveolar lavage has been obtained in some
undetectable after 72 hours of antibiotic therapy, and the majority of cases by a protected catheter to minimize contamination. Sensitivities
organisms found are resistant to the antibiotics given. These may have of 70% to 80% and specificities of 66% to 96% have been noted.116
no role in the infection. However, in a patient with ongoing pneumo- Mortality from ventilator-associated pneumonia is unchanged inde-
nia despite antibiotic therapy, bronchoscopy with a protected speci- pendent of whether bronchoscopic or nonbronchoscopic procedures
men brush should pick up resistant organisms that may be playing a are used for diagnosis.117
role in infection.101
False-negative findings are seen in up to 30% to 40% of patients,
which may reflect the fact that bacterial counts may differ by fiftyfold
in areas of infected lung versus noninfected adjacent areas, making the Direct means of obtaining diagnostic material in patients with pneu-
sampling site an important consideration. Other possible explanations monia include percutaneous lung aspiration, transbronchial lung
include prior antibiotic use, technique problems, and in some cases an biopsy, thoracoscopy, and open lung biopsy.118 These procedures are
early stage of pneumonia where bacterial numbers are not yet high usually reserved for cases of pneumonia in impaired hosts and in
enough to reach the breakpoint of the procedure. pediatric populations, in whom sputum is not routinely available.
Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), in which a segment of the lung is Biopsy procedures are rarely indicated in the previously well patient
washed with sterile fluid, is useful in establishing the etiologic agent of with acute pneumonia. The indications and usefulness of these inva-
pneumonia. Approximately 100 million alveoli are sampled, and con- sive procedures remain controversial. Lung aspiration has provided a
sequently a larger area of lung is evaluated than with the protected diagnostic yield of 30% to 82% in adults and children, although false-
specimen brush. A diagnostic threshold of 104 CFU/mL is used with negative rates of up to 18% have been reported.119 Bleeding and pneu-
lavage because the procedure recovers 5 to 10 times more organisms mothorax have been reported as major complications in 5% to 39%
than brushing. The most consistent results have been seen in the diag- of procedures.119 The use of transbronchial biopsy in the diagnosis of
nosis of Pneumocystis pneumonia in patients with AIDS. Diagnostic pneumonia has been reviewed, revealing similar diagnostic yields
yields of 89% to 98% have been reported.106 Excellent yields have been although somewhat lower complication rates.120
noted in detecting cytomegalovirus in patients with AIDS as well as in Thoracoscopy, in which the pleura and underlying lung are visual-
bone marrow and solid organ transplant recipients.107 Although the ized before biopsy, has been used in several series of children and
900 Part II  Major Clinical Syndromes

adults with pneumonia. Despite a diagnostic yield of over 90% and

low complication rates,121,122 there has not been extensive experience
with this procedure.
Open lung biopsy remains the definitive invasive procedure for Blood cultures are positive in 4 to 18 of patients hospitalized with
making an etiologic diagnosis of pneumonia in immunosuppressed community-acquired pneumonia.130-134 Recent studies have suggested
patients, with diagnostic yields of 60% to 100%.123 The incidence of that positive blood cultures add little to the management of patients
pneumothorax and bleeding is usually less than 10%, even in patients hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia and are not pre-
who are thrombocytopenic.120 However, some have questioned dictive of increased mortality. Although some studies have suggested
whether open lung biopsy provides meaningful information that sig- that the presence or absence of bacteremia cannot be predicted, others
nificantly affects a patient’s clinical outcome. have shown that the presence of liver disease, hypotension, hyperther-
mia or hypothermia, tachycardia, elevated BUN, hyponatremia, and
increased or decreased WBC are independent predictors of bacteremia
and can be used to define a “high-risk” group of patients.130-132 The
The characteristics of pleural effusions and their importance in the presence of positive blood cultures is highly specific, may be helpful in
differential diagnosis of pulmonary disease are discussed in Chapter narrowing antibiotic use, and may identify the presence of unusual
65. Pleural effusion or parapneumonic effusion will occur in 20% to organisms that would not be adequately covered by routine empirical
40% of hospitalized patients with pneumonia.124 The incidence of antibiotic coverage.133,135 Therefore, blood cultures should be obtained
pleural effusions associated with pneumonia varies with the etiologic in all patients suspected of having bacterial pneumonia who are ill
agent, from approximately 40% to 57% with pneumococci, to 50% to enough to be hospitalized. Further, because the etiology of pneumonia
70% with gram-negative bacilli, to up to 95% with group A strepto- is not always found, assessment of clinical response to initial therapy
cocci.84,125 Pleural fluid cultures, when positive, are specific for the is important. Blood cultures may be of help in patients not responding
organism causing the underlying pneumonia. Furthermore, analysis of to antibiotic therapy.133
pleural fluid may play a major role in determining when drainage is Serologic assays have been used for decades to try to identify poten-
necessary as well as differentiating other causes of pulmonary infil- tial etiologies of pneumonia. Success has been limited, although recent
trates that may mimic bacterial pneumonia, including tuberculosis, improvements have been made. Serum antibody assays for diagnosis
tumors, pulmonary emboli, and collagen vascular diseases. If neutro- of M. pneumoniae and C. pneumoniae infection have been widely
phils are not the predominant cell type seen in the pleural space, a used. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the
diagnosis other than bacterial pneumonia should be sought. Pleural Laboratory Centre for Disease Control (LCDC) have established diag-
biopsy specimens from patients with acute bacterial pneumonia nostic standards. Microimmunofluorescence (MIF) for serum chla-
are nonspecific and are therefore of little use in the differential mydophilal antigens has been recommended, though enzyme immu-
diagnosis. noassays are also available and may be more sensitive and specific.136
Parapneumonic effusions can be divided into three stages.124,125 An IgM titer of greater than 1 : 16 or a fourfold rise in IgG value is used
The first stage or exudative stage is culture negative, has a pH to define positivity. Use of a single IgG value is not viewed as a defini-
greater than 7.2, glucose level greater than 60  mg/dL, and an LDH tive test. Because the present assays show day-to-day variation, it has
level that is less than three times normal. This stage is due to pulmo- been suggested that acute and convalescent titers be assayed at the
nary interstitial fluid entering the pleural space and increased perme- same time.137 A fourfold rise in IgG rather than a single clinical titer is
ability of the capillaries in the pleura. These uncomplicated pleural accepted as a positive test for M. pneumoniae. Although an elevated
effusions usually resolve with therapy for the underlying disease. IgM titer suggests a recent infection, reinfection with mycoplasma
Without appropriate therapy, pleural effusions become infected occurs frequently and a rise of IgM may not always be seen.138 Cold
with the organisms causing the underlying pneumonia and develop agglutinins may be elevated in infections with M. pneumoniae. Titers
into the second stage or fibropurulent stage. This is associated with greater than or equal to 1 : 4 are suggestive of M. pneumoniae infection.
positive microbial cultures, pH less than 7.2, glucose level less than For both Mycoplasma and Chlamydophila infections, nucleic amplifi-
60  mg/dL, and LDH greater than three times normal. This is now a cation technologies are being examined as alternative diagnostic
complicated pleural effusion which requires drainage. The most sensi- modalities.
tive finding in determining if a pleural effusion needs drainage is a S. pneumoniae produces a variety of antigens and surface markers
pleural fluid pH less than 7.2. This usually occurs before the other that are type- or species-specific.139 Although both antigen and anti-
chemical parameters associated with complicated pleural effusions body detection methods in serum have been studied, none has
develop.124 If pH is used to determine whether an effusion is to be become clinically significant. PCR techniques have been applied to
drained, it must be measured with a blood gas machine and not a whole blood for the detection of pneumococci, but the assays remain
pH meter or pH indicator strip, which are inaccurate. If left untreated, experimental.140
fibropurulent pleural effusions will develop into stage three effusions A variety of assays have been used to detect pathogens that have
where a thick pleural rind is formed, restricting normal lung been difficult to isolate using routine culture techniques. Serologic
expansion. assays have been used to diagnose infections caused by Legionella
Empyema is defined as pus in the pleural space and represents a species, M. pneumoniae, Chlamydophila species, and Coxiella bur-
late manifestation of complicated pleural effusions. The presence of netii.141 The sensitivity and specificity of the assays vary, and their
empyema mandates draining the pleural space. overall usefulness in making a rapid diagnosis is limited.
Complicated pleural effusions will yield positive culture results over PCR has also been used to detect DNA from Pneumocystis in blood
50% of the time, making thoracentesis and culture of fluid a valuable from patients with AIDS and in BAL fluid.142 PCR techniques have also
means of making an etiologic diagnosis of the underlying pneumo- been used for detection of Legionella and can be designed to detect all
nia.126 Other diagnostic tools have proven useful in identifying organ- the Legionella species. DNA probes have been used to successfully
isms associated with pleural effusions. PCR technology has been useful identify M. tuberculosis, Mycobacterium avium intracellulare, Mycobac-
in detecting M. tuberculosis in effusions with a sensitivity of approxi- terium kansasii, and Mycobacterium gordonae from colonies growing
mately 70% and specificity of 100%.127 Adenosine deaminase, an in solid and liquid medium, which has reduced the time of identifica-
enzyme associated with lymphocytes, may also be used to detect M. tion from 59 days to between 17 and 31 days.
tuberculosis, with sensitivity and specificity of 93%.128,129 Detection of A variety of cytokines are released into the circulation as a result
the lymphocyte-related cytokine soluble IL-2 receptor may also be of infection.143-146 Evidence suggests that these biomarkers may be
useful. useful adjuncts in diagnosing pneumonia and predicting severity of
64  Acute Pneumonia 901

disease.143-146 The calcitonin family of gene products, especially procal- 100%, specificities of approximately 94% to 100%, and positive pre-
citonin, C-reactive protein (CRP), and soluble triggering receptor dictive values of 62% have been noted.155-159 Sensitivities have, in
expressed on myeloid cells (STREP-1), have been the markers most general, been high in bacteremia episodes, with the yields increased
often associated with pneumonia. Procalcitonin appears to be the ear- slightly by concentrating the urine. The test is not affected by the prior
liest marker to appear during the course of infection. Elevated levels use of antibiotics. Potential problems with the urinary antigen assay
(greater than 0.25 to 0.5  µg/L) have been used in some studies to include weakly positive results caused by non-pneumococcal organ-
decide which patients should be treated with antibiotics and, based on isms, false-positive results in children with nasopharyngeal carriage
whether levels fall, how long antibiotics should be continued.147,148 rather than true infection, and positive results lasting for weeks after
Procalcitonin has also been used as a gauge of pneumonia-related the infection has resolved.156,160 A shortfall of the test is that no organ-
mortality.149 C-reactive protein is an acute-phase reactant produced in ism is isolated and no antibiotic susceptibilities can be carried out.
the liver as a response to a variety of stimuli, including infection. Despite these problems, the urinary antigen test for S. pneumoniae has
Normal values of less than 10 mg/L are unusual in patients with pneu- become an accepted diagnostic modality and has been recommended
monia and can be used to exclude the diagnosis. Levels of 100 mg/L in the IDSA/ATS. Recently, an assay for detection of pneumolysin in
or greater suggests the diagnosis of pneumonia and has been associated urine has been developed. Although studies are limited, sensitivity
with an increased 30-day mortality and a greater likelihood of need for appears lower than that of the Binax NOW assay for C polysaccharide,
ventilator or vasopressor support, all associated with severe pneumo- but specificity appears comparable.161
nia.146 In comparative trials with procalcitonin, CRP appears to have
the best diagnostic capability although definitive studies are lacking.145
Other cytokines studied include IL-6 and TNF-α, but their correla-
tions with pneumonia appear less consistent. Cortisol levels have also Chest radiography plays a critical role in the diagnosis of pneumonia,
been shown to predict the severity of pneumonia and the chance of and for many it represents the gold standard of making a clinical
survival.150,151 Large-scale, randomized studies using biomarkers are diagnosis. The differential diagnosis of respiratory complaints and
lacking, and therefore their role in diagnosis and severity assessment abnormal physical findings includes upper and lower respiratory tract
in pneumonia has not been clearly defined. Some have felt that these infection as well as an array of noninfectious entities. Demonstration
biomarkers offer little more than the severity assessment tools already of an abnormal chest radiograph consistent with pneumonia differen-
used clinically.152 tiates a patient population that may benefit from antibiotic therapy
Antigen detection in urine rather than blood or sputum has become from the populations that will not. Because overuse of antibiotics for
a successful means of detecting some important pulmonary pathogens. therapy of upper respiratory infections has been documented and may
Soluble L. pneumophila antigen can be detected in urine using a com- contribute to the growing problem of antibiotic resistance, identifying
mercially available enzyme immunoassay (EIA). Although it is useful patients who really should be receiving antibiotic therapy is clearly of
for detecting only L. pneumophila serogroup 1, this assay offers the importance. The chest radiograph is readily available, is reasonably
advantage of being rapid and noninvasive, and it has a sensitivity of reliable (despite interobserver variability),162,163 and should be obtained
80% to 95% and a specificity estimated to be 99%.153 A relative problem in most patients suspected of having pneumonia.78,162-164 The extent
with this method is that antigenuria may persist for weeks to months and nature of radiographic abnormalities may define patients who are
after therapy.153 more seriously ill and may need close monitoring.
An immunochromatographic membrane test has been developed to The chest film usually does not show an infiltrate pattern that is very
detect the C polysaccharide cell wall antigen found in all S. pneumoniae helpful in making a specific etiologic diagnosis (Fig. 64-8). However,
in urine of patients with pneumonia (Binax NOW; Binax, Inc., Scar- certain features may be of some diagnostic aid. Lobar consolidation,
borough, ME).154 This has been reported to be an extremely useful cavitation, and large pleural effusions support a bacterial cause (Figs.
means of diagnosing pneumococcal pneumonia. Using a variety of 64-9 and 64-10). Most lobar pneumonias are pneumococcal, whereas
standard diagnostic tests as controls, overall sensitivities of 65.5% to most pneumococcal pneumonias are not lobar. When bilateral diffuse

Figure 64-8  A, Normal chest radiograph. B, Patchy infiltrate representing bronchopneumonia in a patient with Streptococcus pneumoniae
902 Part II  Major Clinical Syndromes

Figure 64-9  A, Chest radiograph showing dense left lower consolidation consistent with bacterial pneumonia, in this case caused by Streptococ-
cus pneumoniae. B, Lateral radiograph of a patient with left lower lobe pneumococcal pneumonia.

involvement is noted, Pneumocystis pneumonia, Legionella pneumo- toceles), bronchopleural fistulas, and empyema, especially in children
nia, or a primary viral pneumonia should be suspected. Staphylococcal (Fig. 64-11). Although pneumatoceles are diagnostically significant
pneumonia may result from infection metastasizing from a primary findings in staphylococcal pneumonia, they may be seen in pneumo-
focus unrelated to the lung. In these cases, multiple nodular infiltrates nias with other causes, including K. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, S.
throughout the lung may be seen. Staphylococci may cause marked pneumoniae, and, more rarely, Pneumocystis. Staphylococcus aureus
necrosis of lung tissue with ill-defined thin-walled cavities (pneuma- producing the Panton-Valentine leukocidin, whether methicillin-

Figure 64-10  Chest radiographs showing a large left pleural effusion in a patient with Klebsiella pneumoniae pneumonia.
64  Acute Pneumonia 903

People with legionnaires’ disease may initially present with a radio-

graphic picture similar to that of mycoplasma pneumonia. A patchy
interstitial or finely nodular pattern is seen in the lower lobe.174
However, unlike the situation with mycoplasmal pneumonia, pneu-
monia with more than two-lobe involvement is commonly seen. Rapid
progression and pleural effusions are also common. Pulmonary
nodules, either single or multiple and with segmental infiltrates, may
occur with pneumonia caused by Legionella micdadei. As in pneumo-
nia caused by L. pneumophila, rapid radiologic progression of the
disease is characteristic.175
Chest radiographs are most helpful in conjunction with the clinical
history and physical examination, but, as noted previously, are often
not helpful in making a specific etiologic diagnosis. Without clinical
information, readings of radiographs correctly identify pneumonia
as bacterial only 67% of the time and as viral only 65% of the
time. Mycoplasmal pneumonia is usually incorrectly identified as
The usefulness of computed tomography (CT) in managing chest
Figure 64-11  Pneumatocele formation in the left upper lobe of a infections, including pneumonia, has been reviewed.176,177 In the
patient with staphylococcal pneumonia. immunocompetent host, chest CT is most helpful in evaluating recur-
rent pneumonia or infections unresponsive to therapy. Pneumonia
resistant or not, is associated with necrotizing pneumonia with multi- developing behind an obstruction caused by tumors or other masses
lobar cavitary lesions and is frequently associated with pleural effusions and lung abscess may also be better defined by CT than by routine
and empyema.165,166 Pulmonary infections due to Pseudomonas may chest radiographs. High-resolution CT has been shown to improve
cavitate. Pseudomonas and other gram-negative bacilli most com- radiographic characterization of lung infection.176 Compared with a
monly cause lower lobe pneumonia. routine chest radiograph, high-resolution CT detects lung abnormali-
Aspiration pneumonia should be considered along with gram- ties more often and does a better job in defining disease in the upper
negative and staphylococcal pneumonias as a source of necrotizing and lower lobes and in the lingula. However, exposure to more radia-
pneumonia, cavitation, and empyema. Aspiration pneumonia com- tion (the radiation from one CT scan equals that from six to seven
monly involves either the superior segment or the basilar segment of chest radiographs) and the increased expense (approximately seven
either lower lobe, or the posterior segment of the upper lobes, depend- times the cost of a chest radiograph) has limited its use as the initial
ing on whether aspiration occurred in the dependent or the upright radiographic procedure. Furthermore, it is unclear if all abnormalities
position. Chronic aspiration most commonly results in bilateral lower found on the chest CT scan truly represent pneumonia.177 In the
lobe pneumonia, although it may involve one side more than the immunocompromised host in whom infection is only one of the pos-
other. sible causes of abnormal chest radiographs, chest CT or one of its
Viral infection of the lower airway involves respiratory epithelium variations, such as spiral CT or high-resolution CT, may aid in better
and parenchyma adjacent to terminal respiratory bronchioles. Diffuse defining a “questionable” chest radiograph and may be helpful in
hemorrhagic congestion of alveolar septa may occur as well.167 The localizing involved areas of lung as a guide to biopsy procedures.
radiographic concomitants of these pathologic findings usually involve Certain infections, such as those caused by Aspergillus, M. tuberculosis,
patchy areas of peribronchial ground-glass opacity, air-space consoli-
dation, and poorly defined small nodules. Diffuse and localized
involvement with both interstitial and alveolar patterns has been noted
(Fig. 64-12).167 There is little radiologic distinction between the various
viral etiologies of pneumonia. Influenza pneumonia is associated with
poorly defined, patchy air-space consolidation with rapid confluence.
Varicella pneumonia usually involves peribronchial involvement with
nodular infiltrates. Adenovirus, which is more common in immune-
compromised hosts, may be associated with diffuse bilateral broncho-
pneumonia, areas of overinflation, atelectasis, and nodular opacities.168
Lobar or subsegmental consolidation mimicking bacterial pneumonia
may also be seen. People with hantavirus pneumonia usually present
with interstitial edema, which may progress to consolidation repre-
senting a pulmonary capillary leak syndrome. Bilateral involvement
and pleural effusion are common.167 In the majority of cases of SARS,
caused by a coronavirus, bilateral basilar infiltrates primarily involving
an interstitial pattern are present. Progression with symmetrical air-
space disease has been commonly described.169,170 A recently defined
viral pulmonary pathogen is the human metapneumovirus. Although
most cases involve upper respiratory tract infections in children, pneu-
monia in adults has been described.171,172 Multilobe infiltrates have
been noted in 50% of cases, though most disease is unilateral.
Mycoplasma pneumonia often manifests with an interstitial pattern
in a peribronchial and perivascular distribution. Consolidation is
noted in approximately 38% of patients, usually in the lower lobe.
Once this consolidation stage is reached, radiologic differentiation
between bacterial and mycoplasmal pneumonia is difficult. Cavitation
is rare, although pleural effusions may be seen in approximately 20% Figure 64-12  Bilateral involvement with a mixed interstitial-alveo-
of cases.173 lar pattern in a patient with viral pneumonia.
904 Part II  Major Clinical Syndromes

and Pneumocystis, have characteristic appearances on CT that in the Physical examination reveals fever in 68% to 78% of patients but
correct clinical setting may make invasive procedures unnecessary. may be seen less commonly in older populations. Tachypnea (respira-
Techniques such as perfusion magnetic resonance imagery have been tory rate greater than 24 to 30 breaths per minute) is noted in 45% to
shown to be able to differentiate pneumonia from COPD and pulmo- 69% of patients and may be more frequently seen in older age groups.44
nary emboli. The clinical utility of these techniques remains to be Tachycardia (pulse rate greater than 100 beats/min) is noted in 45%.
defined. Rales are noted in 78% of patients, and signs of consolidation are noted
Nuclear medicine procedures have been used to detect pneumonia. in 29%.
These procedures include gallium-67 citrate scans, indium-111– Most commonly, the white blood cell count is in the range of 15,000
labeled granulocyte scans, and technetium-99 diethylenetriamine to 35,000/mm3, and the differential cell count reveals an increased
penta-acetic acid aerosol clearance.178 In general, these procedures number of juvenile forms. Leukopenia may be noted and is a poor
have been used in patients with AIDS to define the presence of lung prognostic sign.183 The hematocrit and the red blood cell indices are
infection in the absence of abnormal chest radiographs. In patients usually normal.
with AIDS, diffuse uptake of gallium is usually seen with Pneumocystis Sputum is thick and purulent and may be rust colored. The sputum
infection but may also be seen with infection caused by Mycobacterium Gram stain reveals numerous neutrophils and bacteria, often with a
avium complex, cytomegalovirus, and Cryptococcus neoformans, and single organism predominating. Chest films show areas of parenchymal
in patients with lymphoma. Localized uptake may be associated involvement, usually with an alveolar-filling process. There is moderate
with bacterial disease. Focal uptake corresponding to lymph node hypoxemia due to ventilation perfusion abnormalities. Even with rig-
areas has been associated with M. avium complex, M. tuberculosis, orous laboratory evaluation and using definitions of definite, probable,
and lymphoma. and possible causes, a microbiologic diagnosis may be made in only 20%
to 70% of cases of community-acquired pneumonia.47,82,180
In the past, 50% to 90% of cases of acute community-acquired
Pneumonia Syndromes pneumonia were caused by S. pneumoniae.43 More recently, some pub-
lished reports have indicated that the relative importance of the pneu-
mococcus has varied, showing this range to be from 16% to 60%.65,181
A long list of bacterial, fungal, viral, and protozoal agents may cause However, pneumococcus remains the leading cause of the syndrome
pneumonia. Because initial evaluation rarely results in a specific etio- of acute community-acquired pneumonia in most series.
logic diagnosis, antibiotic therapy is usually begun empirically. Defin- Severe pneumococcal infections, including pneumonia, have been
ing pneumonia syndromes on the basis of clinical, epidemiologic, associated with prior splenectomy due either to trauma or to staging
radiographic, and laboratory parameters, with a limited number of for Hodgkin’s disease,184-186 abnormal immunoglobulin responses
organisms commonly associated with each syndrome, has helped the (myeloma, lymphoma, HIV infection),187 and functional asplenia due
clinician to select rational empirical therapy for the most likely to systemic lupus erythematosus or marrow transplant.
organisms involved. Many of the syndromes have overlapping signs An estimated 3% to 38% of cases of acute community-acquired
and symptoms, which at times makes clear identification of a specific pneumonia are caused by H. influenzae.48,188 The true incidence of this
syndrome in an individual impossible.179,180 Furthermore, the charac- organism is obscured by the difficulty of isolating it from sputum and
teristics of the syndrome of acute community-acquired pneumonia identifying it in sputum Gram stain, and by the difficulty of distin-
as defined almost 30 years ago are changing.48,180,181 Increases in the guishing colonization from infection. The age of patients, presence of
numbers of patients living longer, more and varied comorbidities, and underlying disease, and presentation are all similar to those of pneu-
expanded contact with various aspects of the health care system have mococcal disease. Although the use of the H. influenzae conjugate
led to a wider array of presentations, etiologic agents, and strategies vaccine has decreased the incidence of invasive disease caused by H.
for empiric therapy. Newly described microbial agents are being influenzae type B, there is a strikingly increased incidence of invasive
recognized as potential causes of community-acquired pneumonia. disease including pneumonia caused by nontypeable strains. In one
Subgrouping syndromes under the general description of community- series, over 50% of isolates from patients with invasive H. influenzae
acquired pneumonia may be made based on patient age, severity of disease were nontypeable.189
illness, comorbidities, need for hospitalization, and epidemiologic Classically, S. aureus has accounted for 2% to 5% of acute commu-
setting. nity-acquired pneumonia cases190 and takes on increased importance
Patients with acute community-acquired pneumonia are usually in as a cause of pneumonia in older adults and in those with influenza.
their mid 50s to late 60s. Peak incidences of disease in midwinter and Patients who develop postinfluenza pneumonia may be younger and
early spring have been described, but there is no “pneumonia season,” have less underlying disease than other patients with community-
and disease takes place throughout the year. Most patients (58% to acquired pneumonia. Clinical signs and symptoms of influenza are
89%) have one or more chronic underlying diseases. Immunosuppres- present but appear to resolve over several days. After a variable period
sion related to malignancy, neutropenia, the chronic use of steroids or of time ranging from 2 to 14 days, symptoms suddenly reappear, with
myelosuppressive agents, or HIV infection may be present in up to the onset of shaking chills, pleuritic chest pain, and cough that pro-
57% of patients.180,182 duces purulent sputum. An elevated white blood cell count with a shift
Classically, community-acquired pneumonia presents with a sudden to the left, physical signs of pulmonary consolidation, and radio-
onset of a chill followed by fever, pleuritic chest pain, and cough that graphic evidence of focal parenchymal disease appear. The sputum
produces mucopurulent sputum. The signs, symptoms, and physical Gram stain is consistent with bacterial pneumonia. Although pneu-
findings vary according to the age of the patient, therapy with antibiot- mococcus still represents the most common etiologic agent, staphylo-
ics before presentation, and the severity of illness. These classic find- coccal disease occurs with a higher frequency than that noted in
ings in some combination are present in approximately 81% of patients non–influenza-related, community-acquired pneumonia.
with community-acquired pneumonia. Patients usually present after As noted previously, in 2002 many cases of community-acquired
having been ill for a mean of 6 days. Cough is noted in greater than pneumonia caused by S. aureus were described in France.49,191 Patients
80% to 90% of patients and is productive in 60% to 80%.45,180,181 Chest were young, had few if any comorbidities, usually presented after a
pain is present in 30% to 46% of cases, chills in 40% to 70%, and true flulike illness with high fevers, leukopenia, tachycardia, tachypnea,
rigors in 15%.44,45,180 and multilobar disease on x-ray rapidly evolving into bilateral disease.
A variety of nonrespiratory symptoms are associated with pneumo- Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) was a frequent complica-
nia, including fatigue (91%), anorexia (71%), sweats (69%), and tion of infection and mortality rates were higher than in patients with
nausea (41%).44 Both respiratory and nonrespiratory findings occur pneumonia caused by S. aureus without the Panton-Valentine leuko-
less frequently in older age groups.44 cidin. Similar disease patterns have been described in the United States
64  Acute Pneumonia 905

with these strains of community-acquired of MRSA, or CA-MRSA.50,192 defined.200 The absence of productive cough and common prior use of
These CA-MRSA pneumonias are associated with severe pneumonia antibiotics may explain this observation. Etiologies have varied in dif-
with mortality rates of 29% to 60%. Flulike illness precedes the onset ferent series depending on the means of diagnosis, the patient popula-
of disease in 75% of patients with documented influenza noted in 71% tion studied (outpatient versus institutionalized older adults), and the
of cases. CA-MRSA pneumonia has therefore become an important geographic location. In general, the cause of community-acquired
entity to consider in the right clinical setting. pneumonia in the older population follows the general trend of infec-
Aerobic gram-negative bacteria, exclusive of H. influenzae, and tion in younger populations. S. pneumoniae remains the predominant
mixed aerobic and anaerobic infections cause most of the remaining organism, accounting for 20% to 60% of cases. H. influenzae, usually
cases of acute community-acquired pneumonia. Gram-negative rods a nontypeable strain, is frequently the second most common agent,
may cause anywhere from 7% to 18% of pneumonia cases. K. pneu- accounting for 7% to 11% of episodes.202 The importance of other
moniae, P. aeruginosa, and Enterobacter species are the most often aerobic gram-negative bacilli in causing pneumonia in older adults
isolated organisms.193 Gram-negative bacilli are particularly important remains a question in part because the criteria for diagnosis of true
pathogens in older adults, especially those with chronic underlying pneumonia versus colonization vary. In recent studies, 1% to 3% of
disease and those who are bedridden and recently hospitalized. Pseu- pneumonia may be caused by non-Haemophilus gram-negative
domonas infection should be suspected in patients with pulmonary bacilli.200 Although increased oropharyngeal colonization with aerobic
comorbidities and recent hospital stays. gram-negative bacilli has been documented in the older population
Legionella species are the most important water-related pulmonary and is thought to be a predisposition to development of pneumonia
pathogens in the United States with regard to mortality and morbidity. caused by these organisms, colonization appears to be related to debil-
The importance of Legionella species in causing pneumonia has varied ity of the patient rather than age.203 Other factors associated with
greatly in different geographic areas, with incidences ranging from 2% increasing colonization with gram-negative organisms include prior
to 30%.180,194 Since 2003, an increased incidence of legionellosis has use of antibiotics, decreased activity, diabetes, alcoholism, and incon-
been observed in the United States, especially on the East coast.195 tinence. Older adults are at greater risk for infection with group B
Although infection may occur at any age, those aged 45 to 64 now streptococci, M. catarrhalis, and Legionella species, although the overall
appear to be at greatest risk. No clinical features reliably distinguish incidence of these agents in the older population is relatively low.197
Legionella species pneumonia from that caused by other bacteria.196 Legionella has been described as a cause of severe pneumonia (see later
However, the presence of a high fever (greater than 40° C), male sex, definition) in the elderly. Polymicrobial infections and pneumonia due
previous β-lactam therapy, multilobar involvement, rapid progression to aspiration have both been noted to occur more frequently in older
of radiographic abnormalities, a need for intensive care, gastrointesti- adults.67,204
nal and neurologic abnormalities, elevated liver enzyme levels, and It is unclear which agents cause atypical pneumonia in the older
increased creatinine levels have all been associated with Legionella population. Most series suggest that M. pneumoniae pneumonia is
pneumonia.180,194,196 unusual, although it has been documented by other investigators to be
Moraxella catarrhalis has also been identified as a cause of pneumo- a significant cause of pneumonia leading to hospitalization in older
nia.197 The overall incidence of disease caused by this bacterium is low, adults.47,205,206 In one series, over 15% of the documented cases of
but it is an important pathogen in older adults with COPD and various mycoplasmal pneumonia were in patients 60 years or older.205 Chla-
forms of immunosuppression. mydophila infections appear commonly in the older population and
may cause up to 32% of pneumonias.207
Viral agents play an important role as etiologies of pneumonia in
the elderly although historically their role has been underestimated
given the difficulty in culturing them and the relative insensitivity of
Pneumonia in the elderly has become an increasingly important clini- serologic tests.208,209 With the development of sensitive nucleic acid
cal entity as the world’s population has aged.198 Pneumonia is the amplification tests like the reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reac-
second or third most common reason for hospitalization in those 65 tion, their role as a cause of pneumonia has begun to be more clearly
and older and represents a major cause of morbidity and mortality. In defined.208-210 Recent studies have suggested a viral etiology in 15% to
some series, pneumonia represents the leading cause of death in this 29% of all patients hospitalized with pneumonia with significantly
population (see Chapter 314). For those older than 60 years, pneumo- more viral infections noted in the older age groups (median age of
nia is a predictor of increased mortality after the specific episode has 76).210, 211 Influenza is consistently the most commonly isolated virus
resolved and for several years thereafter.199 usually followed by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), human meta-
The clinical presentation of pneumonia in older adults (especially pneumovirus, parainfluenza virus, enterovirus, and coronavirus.
those older than 80) may be more subtle than in younger populations, Approximately 16% to 27% of viral pneumonias are mixed infections
with more gradual onset of symptoms and fever and the classic signs with bacteria.210,211 Increased adherence of S. pneumoniae to human
of pneumonia.44,180,200 Fever occurs less commonly in older adults, and tracheal epithelial cells in the presence of rhinovirus has been reported
temperature elevation is muted.44,180,200 The classic findings of cough, with a similar relationship observed with enteroviruses.212 This rela-
fever, and dyspnea may be absent in over half of older adults.201 Chills tionship raises the question as to whether some viruses play a role as
and rigors may be less frequently seen as well.44,180 Tachypnea (respira- facilitators for bacterial infection rather than roles as true pulmonary
tory rate of greater than 24 to 30 breaths per minute) is a more fre- pathogens.
quent finding in older adults and has been observed in up to 69% of Clinically, viral pneumonia in the elderly cannot be differentiated
patients. Rales are common and are noted in 78% to 84% of patients, from bacterial pneumonia by clinical, routine laboratory, or radiologic
although signs of true consolidation are found in only 29%. Nonres- parameters. As with bacterial disease, the signs of viral pneumonia may
piratory symptoms may be the major presenting feature. The initial be more subtle and may only involve fever and altered mental status.209
presentation of older adults with pneumonia may include decline in Dyspnea, wheezing, and productive cough are commonly observed.
functional status, weakness, subtle changes in mental status, and Myalgia, though commonly found with most viral etiologies, is most
anorexia or abdominal pain. It has been suggested that the nonspecific often seen with influenza. Bronchospasm and wheezing are seen more
presentation of pneumonia in older adults may result in great part commonly with RSV.208
from the prevalence of dementia in this population.201 Bacteremia,
metastatic foci of infection, and death are more frequent in older
Specific etiologic diagnoses are made less frequently in older adults, Residents of nursing homes represent an important subpopulation of
with approximately 20% to 50% of patients having an etiologic agent older adults at risk for pneumonia.213 Pneumonia is the second most
906 Part II  Major Clinical Syndromes

frequent infection in this setting and carries the highest mortality of [PSI]),226 Confusion, Urea, Respiratory rate, low Blood pressure
any infection.214 In addition, it is a common reason for the elderly to (CURB) score,227 CURB plus age older than 65 (CURB-65) score,228
be hospitalized.215 Silent aspiration is a major risk factor, as are poor and CURB-65 without the urea level (CRB-65) score.229 (Further use
functional status, poor oral hygiene, nasogastric feeding, swallowing of these scoring systems will be discussed later in “Management and
difficulties, confusion, the presence of obstructive lung disease, the Therapy of Pneumonia.”) When compared as a means of predicting
presence of a tracheostomy, and advancing age.214,216 The subtle pre- mortality and need for intensive care unit admission, sensitivities and
sentation noted in other older adult populations occurs in those in a specificities have been variable, with the best predictors being the
nursing home setting. S. pneumoniae remains the predominant etiol- PORT score, modified British Thoracic Society severity score, and the
ogy, followed by nontypeable strains of H. influenzae and M. catarrha- CURB systems.226
lis. Other organisms such as Chlamydophila, M. pneumoniae, Legionella, Recently, the American Thoracic Society and Infectious Diseases
and aerobic gram-negative bacilli including P. aeruginosa, are infre- Society of America combined elements of these previously devised
quent causes. Outbreaks of pneumonia have occurred in nursing systems to define severe pneumonia.78 Shock requiring vasopressors
homes and have involved Legionella, Chlamydophila, influenza, para- and need for mechanical ventilation were major criteria, either one of
influenza, respiratory syncytial virus, and rhinovirus.217 which defined severe disease. In addition, a series of minor criteria were
listed, any three of which defined severe disease. These minor criteria
included respiratory rate higher than 30 breaths/minute, Pao2/Fio2 less
than 250, multilobar infiltrates, new-onset disorientation, BUN greater
than 20 mg/dL, leukopenia (WBC less than 4000 cells/mm3), throm-
The cause of community-acquired pneumonia in patients with AIDS bocytopenia (platelet count less than 100,000 cells/mm3), core tem-
has changed significantly since the beginning of the epidemic. With perature lower than 36° C, and hypotension requiring fluid resuscitation.
the development of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and These remain suggested but not validated criteria. The most recent
effective prophylactic strategies, the incidence of P. jirovecii (carinii) prediction tool is the SMART-COP developed by the Australian com-
pneumonia has been halved with associated mortality rates reduced by munity-acquired pneumonia study.230 Using a scoring system based on
60%. Even with prophylaxis, however, Pneumocystis infection may vital sign parameters, including oxygen saturation, mental status,
develop in the setting of severe immune deficiency.218 Pneumocystis albumin level, extent of radiographic abnormalities, and arterial pH,
remains the most frequent AIDS-defining opportunistic pneumonia the schema identified 92% of patients needing ventilator or vasopressor
in the United States. Bacterial pneumonia has recently been shown to support, including those not initially admitted to an ICU.
have a ten times higher incidence in HIV-positive versus HIV-negative S. pneumoniae and L. pneumophila are the organisms most com-
cohorts.218 The rate of invasive pneumococcal disease may be as high monly involved in cases of severe pneumonia. Gram-negative bacilli,
as 100 to 300 times greater in HIV-infected patients than in non–HIV- especially Klebsiella species, must be considered in patients who have
infected controls.219 H. influenzae and S. aureus are also important significant underlying disease, such as COPD, diabetes, and alcohol
pathogens.60,219-222 A variety of other bacteria have been implicated, abuse.224 In some series, M. pneumoniae is involved in up to 11% of
including R. equi, Escherichia coli, Serratia species, and P. aeruginosa. patients with community-acquired pneumonia requiring intensive
Infections with Pseudomonas are associated with late stages of disease, care.
the presence of central venous catheters, the presence of urinary cath- Mortality rates in patients with severe pneumonia have recently
eters, and the use of steroids. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, nontubercu- been reported as high as 28% versus the 4% to 8% noted in patients
lous mycobacteria, C. neoformans, and cytomegalovirus also play admitted to non-ICU services.47,224 Tachypnea (more than 30 breaths/
important roles as etiologic agents.60 The incidence of pneumonia minute), diastolic blood pressure less than 60 mm Hg, and blood urea
reported to be caused by atypical agents is low. Although influenza and nitrogen levels above 7 mmol/L have been shown to be independently
rhinovirus have been shown to be common causes of febrile respira- associated with death from pneumonia.231,232 Other parameters identi-
tory illnesses in HIV-infected patients, pneumonia is unusual.223 Even fied with increased mortality include severe underlying disease, under-
with careful study, up to 75% of HIV-infected patients with pneumo- lying neoplastic disease, age older than 60 years, absence of pleuritic
nia may have an infection without a proven etiology. chest pain, a change in mental status, acute respiratory failure requir-
ing ventilator support, bilateral pulmonary involvement, bacteremia,
a neutrophil count under 3500  mm3, a total serum protein level less
than 45 g/L, a serum creatinine level greater than 15 mg/L, the presence
Approximately 10% of patients with community-acquired pneumonia of shock, inadequate initial antibiotic therapy, radiographic progres-
will develop severe disease, as defined by admission to an intensive care sion in the first 48 hours, and pneumonia caused by S. aureus or
unit due to the presence of shock requiring vasopressors or respiratory gram-negative bacilli.232-234
failure requiring mechanical ventilation.224 Early identification of
patients who are at higher risk for developing severe pneumonia is
important because these patients have a higher mortality rate and
require more supportive care. Further, patients with severe pneumonia In the past, a basic distinction in the epidemiology of pneumonia has
are infected with a different spectrum of etiologic agents and would been whether the infection developed in the community or in the
therefore benefit from different empirical antibiotic strategies than hospital (see Chapter 303). The distinction was clinically relevant
patients with less severe disease. Advanced age, presence of significant because the importance of various etiologic agents differed as did
comorbidities, inadequate or delayed antibiotic therapy, and genetic antibiotic susceptibilities. Consequently, the guidelines for empirical
predisposition have all been thought to be associated with the develop- antibiotic therapy differed depending on where the infection devel-
ment of severe community-acquired pneumonia.225 Approximately oped. Since an increased amount of health care delivery has been
one third of patients with severe pneumonia would have been previ- shifted to the outpatient setting, even complex medical conditions may
ously healthy. be handled without hospitalization. Subsequently, a growing number
Although shock or respiratory failure are usually evident and serve of patients develop pneumonia after extensive outpatient contact with
as major criteria for defining severe pneumonia, patients without these various aspects of the health care system. This has led to a blurring of
findings may also benefit from intensive care unit monitoring. A the distinction between community-acquired and nosocomial pneu-
variety of prediction scores have been developed to assess severity in monia. Recently it has been recognized that health care–associated
patients with pneumonia, including the modified British Thoracic pneumonia represents a new syndrome, which is a hybrid of commu-
Society severity score, the pneumonia Patient Outcome Research nity-acquired pneumonia and hospital-associated pneumonia.68-70
Team (PORT) score (also known as the pneumonia severity index Patients who have been hospitalized within 90 days of developing
64  Acute Pneumonia 907

pneumonia; patients attending hemodialysis clinics; patients receiving noted in about 25% of the cases. Pulmonary involvement seen on
intravenous therapy, wound care, or chemotherapy at home; and resi- radiographs is commonly more extensive than the physical examina-
dents of long-term care facilities or nursing homes are the most likely tion would indicate. Unilateral or bilateral patchy infiltrates in one or
involved. S. aureus including MRSA, aerobic gram-negative bacilli more segments, usually in the lower lobes, are noted in a bronchial or
including P. aeruginosa, and mixed aerobic-anaerobic pathogens asso- peribronchial distribution. Upper lobe involvement and pleural effu-
ciated with aspiration have been most commonly reported. The role sions are rare. Progression of the radiographic picture, despite a stable
of S. pneumoniae has been variable, but in general it appears to play a clinical picture, may be seen. The overall clinical course in most cases
lesser role than in patients with classic community-acquired pneumo- is benign. Disappearance of constitutional symptoms is usually noted
nia. Overall mortality appears to be higher in patients with health in the first and second weeks, although cough and radiographic changes
care–associated pneumonia (10.3%) than in community-acquired may persist for several weeks. Occasionally, M. pneumoniae infection
pneumonia (4.3%).70 It is not clear whether this is due to increased presents as severe community-acquired pneumonia requiring intensive
comorbidities in patients, more virulent organisms causing infection, care. A number of extrapulmonary manifestations may occur with M.
or an increased incidence of inappropriate antibiotic usage in the first pneumoniae, including involvement of skin, central nervous system,
48 hours of care. blood, and kidneys (see Chapter 184).
C. pneumoniae has emerged as an important cause of atypical pneu-
monia and may account for approximately 6% to 20% of community-
acquired pneumonia cases.47,179,239-242 It has also been postulated to be
By the late 1930s, most of the main bacterial causes of pneumonia had an important co-pathogen, most often associated with S. pneumoniae.
been defined. In 1938, Hobart Reimann235 described a small number Although disease is uncommon in those younger than 5 years, sero-
of patients with a clinical picture that was atypical in that episodes logic evidence of infection has been noted in over 50% of adults, and
began as a mild respiratory tract illness that was followed by pneumo- more recent studies suggest an important role for Chlamydophila in
nia with dyspnea and cough without sputum. M. pneumoniae, C. pneu- community-acquired pneumonia in those older than 65 years.242
moniae (formerly known as Chlamydia pneumoniae), L. pneumophila, Disease usually occurs sporadically, although epidemics have been well
and respiratory viruses are the most significant causes of atypical pneu- documented. The majority of infections are either asymptomatic or
monia. Other agents such as Chlamydophila psittaci (formerly Chla- produce mild symptoms. As with mycoplasmal infection, sore throat
mydia psittaci), Francisella tularensis, M. tuberculosis, and C. burnetii and hoarseness herald the onset of pneumonia, although the progres-
may also cause atypical pneumonia. In patients with AIDS, Pneumo- sion of symptoms appears slower than that noted with mycoplasma or
cystis and nontuberculous mycobacteria should also be included. viral pneumonia. Cough may begin after several days to weeks, sug-
Although some series report that almost 50% of patients with com- gesting a biphasic illness. Hoarseness and sinus tenderness appear
munity-acquired pneumonia demonstrate serologic evidence of myco- more commonly than in patients infected with Mycoplasma or viruses.
plasmal or chlamydial pneumonia, or both, other series suggest an The white blood cell count is rarely elevated. Pneumonia with C.
incidence of 7% to 28%.47,179,236 pneumoniae is usually mild, although complete recovery may be slow.
Historically, the epidemiology and clinical features of the atypical Cough and malaise may persist for weeks to months. Reinfection
pneumonias were thought to be distinct enough to differentiate them occurs and appears to be milder than primary infection and is usually
clearly from other causes of community-acquired pneumonia. It is not associated with pneumonia. Chronic and latent infections have
now clear that differentiation between atypical agents and typical bac- also been described. Infection with C. pneumoniae has been associated
terial causes of community-acquired pneumonia is imprecise.180 with exacerbations of COPD and asthma. In general, few features
The difficulty in identifying the various etiologic agents associated distinguish chlamydial pneumonia from infection caused by other
with atypical pneumonia has made consistent estimates of incidence atypical agents or other bacteria. C. pneumoniae infections have been
difficult. Although a variety of nucleic acid amplification tests have associated with extrapulmonary manifestations, including otitis,
been used to diagnose the major etiologic agents involved in atypical sinusitis, pericarditis, myocarditis, and endocarditis. It has also been
pneumonia, lack of standardized assays makes comparison of infection associated with coronary artery disease, although the definite relation-
rates in different studies difficult.237,238 ship remains unclear (see Chapter 182).
M. pneumoniae may account for 10% to 30% of cases of commu- C. trachomatis may be a pulmonary pathogen in immunocompro-
nity-acquired pneumonia, with the highest percentage noted in mised and in healthy hosts, including newborns.243 Productive cough,
patients well enough to be treated as outpatients.205 It is most likely to myalgias, and fever associated with diffuse nonsegmental infiltrates
occur in the older child (older than 5 years), the adolescent, and the appear most commonly. The agent has also been associated with
young adult. The majority of cases occur in those younger than 40 chronic pneumonia in neonates and infants. Onset occurs at 2 to 3
years, although 15% of patients hospitalized with mycoplasmal pneu- weeks of age and is associated with tachypnea, a staccato cough with
monia were older than 60.47,179,205 An increased incidence of disease and periods of cyanosis and emesis, a lack of fever, and diffuse interstitial
true epidemics has been documented in relatively enclosed popula- and patchy alveolar infiltrates on chest radiographs. Elevated IgG and
tions of young adults at military bases, colleges, and boarding schools. IgM levels and absolute eosinophilia have also been noted (see
Mycoplasmal infection occurs throughout the year, although a relative Chapter 180).
increase in incidence is noted in the late summer and fall. Of the viral agents associated with atypical pneumonia in adults,
The course of M. pneumoniae is characterized by up to 10 days of influenza A and B, adenovirus types 3, 4, and 7 (especially in military
symptoms before presentation, as is true with many of the other agents recruits), human metapneumovirus,244,245 respiratory syncytial virus
involved in atypical pneumonia. In its classic form, mycoplasmal infec- (especially in older adult and immune-suppressed patients), and para-
tion presents with constitutional symptoms and a progression from the influenza virus are the most common.210,246-248 Data suggest that respi-
upper to the lower respiratory tract. Sore throat is often the initial ratory syncytial virus may cause pneumonia in 1% to 5% of
finding. Bullous myringitis is seen in only about 5% of cases but when immunocompetent adults. Reports of other viral agents causing pneu-
present is suggestive of mycoplasmal infection. Fever, malaise, coryza, monia are scant but have included enterovirus, coronavirus, the her-
headache, and cough represent the major clinical findings. Pleuritic pesviruses, and hantavirus. A coronavirus has been shown to be the
chest pain, splinting, and respiratory distress are not usually seen. agent involved in SARS (see Chapter 155). Rhinovirus has been iso-
Moist or crepitant rales may be heard. Sputum production is variable, lated in nasopharyngeal secretions and BAL fluid from immunocom-
and the sputum is purulent in one third to one half of the cases. Gram petent hosts with pneumonia but may play a more important role as
stain and culture of sputum usually reveal mouth flora. White blood a cause of pneumonia in the immune-compromised patient.209,210,249
cell counts greater than 10,000/mm3 are uncommon, occurring in Elderly patients, especially those with comorbidities, are frequently the
approximately 20% of the patients.83 An elevated sedimentation rate is population at greatest risk for viral pneumonias.
908 Part II  Major Clinical Syndromes

Legionella is now recognized as an important cause of the atypical loss, and productive cough. Putrid sputum is produced in 50% of the
pneumonia syndrome, although patients infected with Legionella may cases.72 Anemia and an elevated white blood cell count are frequently
also present with the syndrome of acute bacterial community-acquired associated findings. The bacteriologic findings in aspiration pneumo-
pneumonia. It accounts for 2% to 8% of cases involving hospitaliza- nia reflect the flora of the oropharynx, and the importance of peri-
tion.47 Legionella species are among the top three to four organisms odontal disease in this regard has been noted. Studies have documented
causing pneumonia that requires intensive care unit monitoring.250,251 anaerobic involvement alone in 45% to 58% of cases258 or in combina-
L. pneumophila causes over 80% of cases of Legionella pneumonia, with tion with aerobes in 22% to 46% of cases.72,259 Bacteroides species,
approximately 50% of cases caused by serogroup 1.236 Inhalation of Porphyromonas species, Prevotella melaninogenica, Fusobacterium
aerosolized organisms after exposure to environmental reservoirs, species, and anaerobic gram-positive cocci are the predominant
such as fresh water and moist soil, has been the usual means of acquir- anaerobes isolated. In community-acquired aspiration pneumonia,
ing the organism, although aspiration is now thought to be an alternate Streptococcus species and H. influenzae are the most common aerobic
route of infection.252 An increased incidence during summer months isolates.258,260 M. catarrhalis and Eikenella corrodens may also be
has been observed. involved. In contrast, gram-negative bacilli (including P. aeruginosa)
Cigarette smoking, chronic lung disease, and immunosuppression and S. aureus are the most commonly isolated aerobes from
are consistently noted risk factors for the development of disease. nosocomial aspiration pneumonia including ventilator-associated
Although early symptoms of malaise, muscle aches, headaches, and pneumonia.258,260
nonproductive cough resemble the onset of a viral syndrome, the rapid
progression of pulmonary symptoms and relatively high fever, often
exceeding 40° C, is noteworthy.252
L. pneumophila pneumonia is associated with a variety of extrapul- Pulmonary infiltrates with eosinophilia (PIE) is a syndrome associated
monary findings and laboratory abnormalities, including mental status with a variety of clinical entities, only some of which have an infectious
changes, abdominal complaints (loose stools or diarrhea), headache, cause.261 Pulmonary eosinophilia with transient, peripheral pulmonary
bradycardia, elevation of hepatic enzyme levels, hypophosphatemia, infiltrates and minimal symptoms has been associated with Ascaris and
hyponatremia, elevated serum lactate dehydrogenase levels, and ele- Strongyloides infections. Ascaris is probably the leading parasitic cause
vated serum creatinine levels. No single finding or laboratory test can of the syndrome worldwide. Prolonged pulmonary eosinophilia asso-
distinguish L. pneumophila pneumonia from pneumonias of other ciated with weight loss, fever, cough, and dyspnea may be due to
causes. Scoring systems have been developed that may help identify tuberculosis, brucellosis, psittacosis, coccidioidomycosis, histoplas-
Legionella, but the systems have not been validated in large prospective mosis, and parasitic infections including ascariasis, strongyloidiasis,
series.196 Extrapulmonary infection is unusual, but when it does occur, paragonimiasis, echinococcosis, visceral larva migrans, cutaneous
it usually involves the heart with myocarditis, pericarditis, and post- larva migrans, and infections with Schistosoma, Dirofilaria immitis, and
cardiotomy-like syndrome.252 Unfortunately, none of these findings Ancylostoma species. Noninfectious causes include drug allergy, sar-
distinguishes between L. pneumophila pneumonia, pneumonia caused coidosis, eosinophilic leukemia, Hodgkin’s disease, and hypersensitiv-
by other atypical agents, and pneumonia caused by more typical bacte- ity pneumonitis (e.g., pigeon breeders’ disease).262 A PIE syndrome has
rial pathogens. Similarly, radiographic manifestations do not distin- been associated with Pneumocystis pneumonia in AIDS patients.
guish Legionella infections from those of other causes. Patchy interstitial Acute eosinophilic pneumonia is a distinct clinical entity occurring
infiltrates, or nodular infiltrates that may progress rapidly even with in younger (20 to 30 years) otherwise healthy individuals. It is marked
adequate therapy, are characteristic. Pleural effusions may be noted in by the acute onset of dyspnea, nonproductive cough, fever, hypoxia,
up to one third of patients. and chest pain. Although leukocytosis is common, peripheral eosino-
philia is usually absent. Bilateral, diffuse pulmonary infiltrates are
commonly seen. Radiographic abnormalities usually begin as intersti-
tial infiltrates that progress to alveolar infiltrates. Chest CT reveals a
The clinical setting in which aspiration occurs includes any disease ground-glass opacification with interlobular septal thickening. BAL
state in which consciousness is altered and the normal gag and swal- yields marked (25% to 62%) eosinophilia, which is the diagnostic
lowing reflexes are abnormal. Older adult patients; patients in chronic feature of the disease. Although most patients have received antibiot-
care facilities, especially those who are neurologically impaired; ics, rapid stabilization occurs with steroid use.
patients during the acute phase of stroke; bedridden patients receiving It has been suggested that chronic eosinophilic pneumonia may
tube feedings; and patients with dementia fit into the category of indi- represent a unique clinical entity that is a form of collagen-vascular
viduals susceptible to aspiration.253,254 disease or an infection in a hyperimmune patient. A subacute onset of
The pathogenesis of lung injury due to acid aspiration has been cough, dyspnea, fever, and weight loss associated with peripheral
delineated.255 The presence of acidic contents in the lung induces the eosinophilia are the common features. Unlike the situation in acute
release of proinflammatory cytokines including TNF-α and IL-8. eosinophilic pneumonia, respiratory failure is rare. Peripheral infil-
These and other cytokines recruit neutrophils into the lung. Activated trates are usually seen on radiographs. Focal interstitial fibrosis, bron-
neutrophils appear to be the key mediators of acute lung injury after chiolitis obliterans, microabscesses, and sarcoid-like granulomas are
acid aspiration, although a role for complement has also been characteristic pathologic features. A rapid response to steroids has
demonstrated.256 been reported.
Although aspiration may be a witnessed event, the majority of epi- Tropical eosinophilia consists of myalgia, fatigue, weight loss, and
sodes are silent and are brought to medical attention by their sequelae. anorexia associated with cough, frequently with nocturnal exacerba-
Three major syndromes are recognized as a consequence of aspiration: tions, wheezing, dyspnea, and marked peripheral eosinophilia in
chemical pneumonitis, bronchial obstruction secondary to aspiration patients who have lived in or visited the tropics. Radiographic changes
of particulate matter, and bacterial aspiration pneumonia.257 Aspira- are distinctive and include increased interstitial markings with 2- to
tion may be associated with the acute respiratory distress syndrome, 4-mm nodules throughout the lungs with preferential involvement of
atelectasis, bronchial hyperreactivity, and fibrosis. Bacterial aspiration the bases. Most cases are thought to represent immunologic hyperre-
pneumonia occurs in more than 60% of cases of chemical aspiration.204 sponsiveness to microfilarial infection and can be treated with
Although chemical pneumonitis and mechanical obstruction usually diethylcarbamazine.
cause acute symptoms, aspiration pneumonia is more insidious, with Other causes of PIE syndrome include bronchopulmonary Aspergil-
symptoms usually occurring gradually several days after the initial lus, which should be suspected when a patient with PIE presents with
episode of aspiration. Pneumonitis, necrotizing pneumonia, abscess, asthma and pulmonary vasculitis. Patients with Churg-Strauss syn-
and empyema are common. Symptoms often include fever, weight drome frequently have eosinophilia along with allergic angiitis and
64  Acute Pneumonia 909

granulomatosis and present with asthma, diffuse pulmonary infil- Recent consensus guidelines have been established concerning the
trates, and multiorgan involvement. Hypereosinophilic syndrome, risks, etiologies, diagnostic work-up, and therapies for nosocomial
eosinophilic granuloma (also known as primary pulmonary Langer- pneumonia and VAP.69 A more in-depth review can be found in
hans cell histiocytosis), bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia Chapter 303.
(BOOP), Sjögren’s syndrome, and postradiation pneumonitis are Pneumonia in the immunocompromised host is perhaps the most
unusual cases of pulmonary infiltrates with eosinophilia. complex of all the pneumonia syndromes, because it represents the
interaction of host defense defects engendered by the underlying
disease as well as the chemotherapy of that disease, exposure to poten-
tial pathogens in the community and within the hospital setting, and
reactivation of infectious processes that had previously been dormant.
Nosocomial pneumonia is the second leading type of nosocomial Community-acquired pneumonia, atypical pneumonia, aspiration
infection and accounts for 13% to 18% of all such infections. It is the pneumonia, and nosocomial pneumonia all take place in the compro-
leading cause of infection-related deaths in hospitalized patients with mised host. A large number of bacterial, fungal, viral, and noninfec-
an attributable mortality of 33% to 50%.263 Higher mortality rates have tious etiologies must be considered.271 Reviews of the topic are found
been observed when patients are bacteremic or have pneumonia in Chapter 303 and Chapters 308 to 312.
caused by P. aeruginosa or Acinetobacter species. The morbidity associ-
ated with nosocomial pneumonia includes longer hospital stays (an Management and Therapy
average of 7 to 9 days) and higher costs for health care (an estimated
$2 billion annually).264
of Pneumonia
Risk factors for the development of nosocomial pneumonia have The first decision confronting the clinician is whether the patient pre-
been categorized as patient related, infection-control related, or inter- senting with respiratory symptoms in fact has pneumonia. The difficul-
vention related. Patient-related risk factors include age greater than 70 ties in establishing a diagnosis on clinical grounds and the potential
years, severe underlying disease, malnutrition, coma, metabolic acido- problem of overprescribing empirical antibiotics for all patients with
sis, and the presence of any of a number of comorbid illnesses (COPD, respiratory findings have been reviewed. A chest radiograph is usually
alcoholism, azotemia, central nervous system dysfunction). Risk necessary to establish a definitive diagnosis of pneumonia.
factors related to infection control include a lack of hand hygiene and The next decision is whether the patient is to be hospitalized, as will
glove-use practices and the use of contaminated respiratory equip- be the case 18% to 30% of the time.272-274 Numerous studies have
ment. Intervention-related risk factors involve those procedures and examined prognostic features and predictors of the clinical outcome
therapies that undermine normal host defenses or allow the host to be for patients with community-acquired pneumonia that have been
exposed to large inocula of bacteria. Sedatives and narcotics may lead adapted to help make this decision. Although early assessment tools
to aspiration; corticosteroids and cytotoxic agents blunt the normal used a combination of clinical, epidemiologic, laboratory, and radio-
host response to infection; and the prolonged use of antibiotics engen- graphic parameters, more recently developed tools have relied on clini-
ders resistance. Surgical procedures, especially involving the chest and cal parameters alone that can be evaluated at the bedside. 225-228,230
abdomen, are associated with changes in host defenses that predispose One of the earliest developed and most widely used assessment tool
to pneumonia. The use of ventilator support is perhaps the greatest is the PORT score, also known as the pneumonia severity index
risk factor for the development of nosocomial pneumonia, presenting (PSI).225 This system uses 20 clinical parameters in categories of age,
a risk over 20 times that of unventilated patients.265 Data suggest that presence of comorbidities, vital sign abnormalities, and laboratory and
there is a 1% to 3% per day risk for developing pneumonia while on radiologic findings. Based on a point system, five prognostic groups
a ventilator with a higher risk during the first 5 days of intubation.265 (I-V) were defined. The lowest scores (Group I) are associated with
Because of this preeminence as a risk factor, the term ventilator- low mortality (0.1%), and the highest scores (Group V) are associated
associated pneumonia (VAP) has been accepted as an important with the highest mortality (27%). As a guideline for hospitalization,
subcategory of nosocomial pneumonia. patients in Groups I and II are usually treated as outpatients, patients
The use of antacids and histamine type 2 blockers that raise the in Group III are in a “borderline” group, and patients in Groups IV
gastric pH has been shown to increase stomach colonization with and V are admitted to either a routine ward or ICU. The PORT score
aerobic gram-negative rods. Whether this leads to an increase in or PSI has been validated and widely endorsed.275,276 A problem with
nosocomial pneumonia remains controversial.266,267 As noted, acid- this assessment tool, however, has been the need to obtain a variety of
suppressive medications have recently been shown to increase the laboratory and radiologic results before being able to numerically
incidence of pneumonia in hospitalized patients, although the exact assess the patient. Alternative systems, such as the CURB and CURB-65
mechanism involved remains unclear.32a The percentage of patients scores, use parameters that are more readily obtained.227,228 The CURB
with VAP caused by organisms initially found in the stomach ranges index was formulated from the British Thoracic Society study and uses
from 0% to 55%.268 four clinical parameters, which include new onset of confusion, urea
Approximately 60% of cases of nosocomial pneumonia are caused level greater than 7 mmol/L, respiratory rate greater than 30 breaths/
by aerobic gram-negative bacilli, with members of the family Entero- minute, and systolic blood pressure less than 90 mm Hg or diastolic
bacteriaceae (K. pneumoniae, E. coli, Serratia marcescens, Acinetobacter blood pressure less than 60  mm  Hg. The presence of two or more
species, Enterobacter species) and Pseudomonas species accounting for criteria suggested an increased mortality and defined severe pneumo-
the majority of these. S. aureus causes 13% to 40% of nosocomial nia.227 The CURB-65 system, which was developed later, added age
pneumonia and appears to be more common in burn units, in patients older than 65 to the system, with the presence of greater than three
with wound infections, and in patients recently ventilated after neu- parameters leading to prediction of increased mortality.228 In both
rosurgery or head trauma.69,269 MRSA and multidrug-resistant (MDR) the CURB and CURB-65 systems, patients with fewer abnormal
organisms now play major etiologic roles. In contrast to its prominent parameters had lower mortality predicted and could be treated as
role in community-acquired pneumonia, S. pneumoniae causes only outpatients. The CRB-65 score removed the requirement for a urea
3% to 20% of nosocomial pneumonias in most studies and is associ- level, making the system laboratory-free with patient assessment done
ated with infection developing early in the hospital course.66,270 Anaer- completely at the bedside.229
obic bacteria have been isolated in up to 35% of cases of nosocomial There have been few comparative trials of the various assessment
pneumonia, although usually less than 5% of infections are thought to systems. The CURB-65 and CRB-65 tools appear comparable in pre-
be caused by these organisms. They play a role when aspiration is likely dicting high and low mortality groupings.277 A recent comparison of
to have occurred. Pneumonia caused by Legionella species may occur the PORT or PSI system with the CURB-65 system suggested that the
sporadically or as part of outbreaks. PSI system predicted mortality more accurately.278
910 Part II  Major Clinical Syndromes

It is important to recognize that any severity assessment tool serves outcome when penicillin is used, 40% to 50% of the dosing interval
only as a guideline, not as an absolute. Clinical judgment regarding when a cephalosporin is used, and 20% to 25% of the dosing interval
presence of hypoxia, stability of the home situation, ability to take oral when a carbapenem is being used. This principle explained why
medications, reliability in taking medication, likelihood of returning patients could be cured with penicillin even when the pneumococcus
for follow-up, and likelihood of calling for help when needed all play being treated was shown to be nonsusceptible to penicillin. Based upon
a role in deciding whether a patient can be treated at home or in a this understanding, and with the acknowledgment that in vitro sus-
hospital.279 Further, it has been shown that patients with low PSI or ceptibility thresholds should be appropriate for the site of infection,
CURB-65 scores may need hospitalization and ICU monitoring and the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute changed the suscepti-
that severity assessment scoring systems may underestimate mortality bility breakpoints for penicillin against S. pneumoniae to now be
depending on the type of clinical setting in which they are used.280 defined as susceptible at less than or equal to 2 µg/mL, intermediate
It has been suggested that a three-step appraisal be used to decide at 4  µg/mL, and resistant at equal to or greater than 8  µg/mL.294,295
where a patient should be treated. The first step identifies any contra- Using these new standards, approximately 92% of S. pneumoniae
indications to care outside the hospital (e.g., hypoxia, social instability, strains are susceptible to penicillin.295 Risk factors for the presence of
emotional or psychological instability). The second step involves cal- penicillin resistance appear to be age, residence in a long-term care
culating the pneumonia severity index (although other scoring systems facility, and perhaps most important, exposure to β-lactam antibiotics
could be used) and assigning the patient to a risk group. The final step within the previous 3 months.296 Similar relationships between prior
is using clinical judgment to be sure the decision to treat a patient at use of other antibiotic classes and subsequent resistance developing to
home is consistent with the information gleaned from the history and members of that class of antibiotics have also been established.296
physical examination.281 Strict reliance on severity indices has failed to Increased MICs to penicillin have been associated with parallel resis-
predict complex outcomes in up to 39% of patients thought to be well tance to other agents frequently used in the therapy of pneumonia.
enough to be treated as outpatients.282 Using the old susceptibility standards, 25.5% of pneumococci resistant
to penicillin were shown to be resistant to other antibiotics. Data
concerning multidrug-resistant strains of pneumococci using the new
susceptibility thresholds are lacking. Although overall rates may cer-
tainly decrease, it is still important to recognize general patterns of
The next problem is determining the most likely cause of pneumonia. resistance as shown in Table 64-4. It remains unclear as to what level
If diagnostic studies, as described previously, yield a likely cause, then of resistance will yield clinical failures.
specific therapy can be initiated. For most patients, a specific diagnosis It is important to note that as with penicillins, in vitro susceptibility
cannot be established with certainty before the onset of therapy. Select- to other agents does not always predict clinical efficacy. Resistance of
ing an empirical antibiotic regimen is a continuing clinical challenge. S. pneumoniae to macrolides and azalides (azithromycin, clarithromy-
Recent controversies and questions have included when antibiotics cin) occurs either because of a blockage of the ribosomal binding area
should be started, how to determine the most appropriate antibiotics encoded by the erm (B) gene or because of an efflux pump mechanism
to use, and how long therapy should continue. encoded by the nef (A) gene that removes drug from the cell’s interior.
The latter usually leads to low-level resistance that may be overcome
Timing of Antibiotics by higher dosages. The former mechanism is usually associated with
In 1997, a retrospective review of over 14,000 Medicare patient hospi- high-level resistance that cannot be overcome by higher dosages. Clini-
talizations suggested that antibiotic therapy given within 8 hours of cal failure has been described even with low-level resistance, making
presentation was associated with a decreased mortality.283 A second the empirical use of azalides and macrolides problematic.297,298
retrospective study of similar design in 2004 showed that antibiotics A number of “respiratory tract quinolones” (levofloxacin, moxi-
given within 4 hours of presentation would result in lower mortality.284 floxacin, gemifloxacin) are licensed for use in the United States as
Neither study corrected for pneumonia etiology or antibiotics used. therapy for respiratory infections. These agents possess activity against
Despite the lack of a prospective randomized study, advising and regu- the majority of bacterial and atypical agents involved in lower respira-
latory agencies including the Joint Commission and the Centers for tory infections, and their potency is not significantly affected by the
Medicare and Medicaid Services used the 4-hour rule as a core quality presence of penicillin resistance. Interestingly, when these agents are
measure. Subsequent meta-analysis failed to substantiate these find- compared clinically with β-lactam antibiotics with various activities
ings, although other series suggested that in critically ill patients, earlier against nonsusceptible strains of pneumococci and no real activity
appropriate antibiotic therapy had a mortality advantage compared to
delayed or inappropriate antibiotic use.285,286 Misdiagnosis, delays in
making the correct diagnosis, overuse of antibiotics, and an increase
in Clostridium difficile colitis in patients, many of whom should not TABLE S. pneumoniae Resistance to Commonly Used
have received antibiotics at all, occurred as a result of this rule.287-289 In 64-4 Antibiotics
2007, the Joint Commission suggested that antibiotics be started Antibiotic % Resistance
within 6 hours, even though no other data had been presented. The Penicillin, amoxicillin-clavulanic acid 10
joint IDSA/ATS guidelines have suggested a more commonsense Cefuroxime axetil 20
approach that antibiotic treatment for pneumonia be started “as soon Ceftriaxone 5
as possible after the diagnosis is considered likely.”78 Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole 35
Azithromycin 15-25
Empirical Antibiotic Therapy Clarithromycin 18-25
It has recently become evident that an understanding of pharmacoki- Doxycycline 29
netics and pharmacodynamics is important in selecting appropriate Imipenem 5
empirical antibiotic therapy for patients with pneumonia. This is espe- Meropenem 5
cially true when resistant S. pneumoniae is a consideration.290-293 Respiratory tract quinolones (levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, etc.) 1-5
In the past, in vitro susceptibilities were reported independent of Quinupristin/dalfopristin 1
body sites. Therefore, pneumococcal resistance was designed to be true Linezolid 1
for meningitis as well as pneumonia. Because all β-lactam compounds,
Adapted from Musher DM. Streptococcus pneumonia. In Mandell GM, Bennett JB,
including penicillin, are time-dependent killers, active drug levels need Dolin RD, eds. Mandell, Douglas and Bennett’s Principles and Practice of Infectious
to be above the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the organ- Diseases. 7th ed. Elsevier; 2010; Jacobs MR. Clinical significance of antimicrobial
ism being treated for 30% to 35% of the dosing interval for a successful resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae. S Afr Med J. 2007;97:1133-1140.
64  Acute Pneumonia 911

against atypical agents, the overall outcomes have, in general, been for confounding variables. Smaller subsequent studies, one of which
equivalent. No clear clinical superiority for any respiratory tract qui- was prospective, could not substantiate these findings.304,305 Although
nolone has been consistently demonstrated. Resistance to the respira- combination therapy may lower mortality in patients with severe
tory tract quinolones by pneumococcal strains has already been pneumonia, it remains unclear if this occurs in hospitalized patients
reported. Overall resistance rates are less than 1%, but rates may be who are not severely ill. It would appear that effects, when observed,
significantly higher in certain geographic areas, and patient popula- are related to the use of macrolides rather than other classes of agents
tions with resistance rates as high as 5% noted in patients in long-term like quinolones.306 The anti-inflammatory effect of macrolide com-
care facilities.299 Failure of quinolone therapy for S. pneumoniae infec- pounds may be a critical aspect of their interaction with other antimi-
tion due to resistance is very uncommon.300 crobial agents.307
The need for antibiotic combinations in the empirical therapy of Guidelines have been recently developed by the American Thoracic
pneumonia remains an ongoing question. Combination therapy with Society (ATS) and the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA).78
β-lactam antibiotics and macrolides, especially azithromycin, has been In general, patients are stratified into outpatient versus inpatient treat-
associated in some studies with decreased mortality and decreased ment based on PSI or CURB-65 scoring systems. Recognition of the
length of hospital stay. Older patients with community-acquired pneu- most likely etiologic agent in any given clinical situation and recogni-
monia and patients with proven pneumococcal pneumonia, including tion of the organisms most likely to cause morbidity and mortality are
those with bacteremia, were the patients involved in these studies.301-303 emphasized. Finally, prevalence of common antibiotic resistance pat-
Many of the studies were retrospective, could not identify the etiology terns and risks of acquisition are recognized. Empirical antibiotic
of pneumonia in up to 60% to 90% of cases, and did not always control therapy is reviewed in Table 64-5.

64-5 Guide to Empirical Choice of Antimicrobial Agent for Treating Patients with Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP)

Patient Characteristics Preferred Treatment Options

Previously Healthy
No recent antibiotic therapy Oral-based β-lactam, macrolide,* or doxycycline
Recent antibiotic therapy† A respiratory fluoroquinolone‡ alone, an advanced macrolide§ plus high-dose amoxicillin,¶ or
an advanced macrolide plus high-dose amoxicillin-clavulanate¶
Comorbidities (COPD, Diabetes, Renal Failure or Congestive Heart Failure, or Malignancy)
No recent antibiotic therapy An advanced macrolide§ plus β-lactam or a respiratory fluoroquinolone
Recent antibiotic therapy A respiratory fluoroquinolone‡ alone or an advanced macrolide plus a β-lactam**
Suspected aspiration with infection Amoxicillin-clavulanate or clindamycin
Influenza with bacterial superinfection Vancomycin, linezolid, or other coverage for MRSA or CA-MRSA
Medical Ward
No recent antibiotic therapy A respiratory fluoroquinolone alone or an advanced macrolide plus a β-lactam††
Recent antibiotic therapy An advanced macrolide plus a β-lactam, or a respiratory fluoroquinolone alone (regimen
selected will depend on nature of recent antibiotic therapy)
Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Pseudomonas infection is not an issue A β-lactam†† plus either an advanced macrolide or a respiratory fluoroquinolone
Pseudomonas infection is not an issue but patient has a β-lactam allergy A respiratory fluoroquinolone, with or without clindamycin
Pseudomonas infection is an issue‡‡ (cystic fibrosis, impaired host Either (1) an antipseudomonal β-lactam§§ plus ciprofloxacin, or (2) an antipseudomonal
defenses) agent plus an aminoglycoside¶¶ plus a respiratory fluoroquinolone or a macrolide
Pseudomonas infection is an issue but the patient has a β-lactam allergy Aztreonam plus aminoglycoside plus levofloxacin¶¶ or other respiratory quinolone
Health care–associated exposure Anti-Pseudomonas cephalosporin, carbapenem (not ertapenem) or β-lactam/β-lactamase
inhibitor with anti-Pseudomonas activity plus vancomycin (for MRSA coverage)
± quinolone or aminoglycoside
Nursing Home
Receiving treatment in nursing home A respiratory fluoroquinolone alone or vancomycin (for S. aureus including MRSA) plus a
β-lactam (cefepime or piperacillin/tazobactam if Pseudomonas is suspected; ceftriaxone if
Pseudomonas is not suspected)
Hospitalized Same as for medical ward and ICU
*Azithromycin, or clarithromycin.

That is, the patient was given a course of antibiotic(s) for treatment of any infection within the past 3 months, excluding the current episode of infection. Such treatment is a risk
factor for drug-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae and possibly for infection with gram-negative bacilli. Depending on the class of antibiotics recently given, one or another of the
suggested options may be selected. Recent use of a fluoroquinolone should dictate selection of a nonfluoroquinolone regimen, and vice versa.

Moxifloxacin, levofloxacin, or gemifloxacin.
Azithromycin or clarithromycin.

Dosage, 1 g PO three times/day.

Dosage, 2 g PO two times/day.
**High-dose amoxicillin (1 g, 3 times/day), high-dose amoxicillin-clavulanate (2 g, 2 times/day), cefpodoxime, cefprozil, or cefuroxime.
Cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, ampicillin-sulbactam, or ertapenem.
The antipseudomonal agents chosen reflect this concern. Risk factors for Pseudomonas infection include severe structural lung disease (e.g., bronchiectasis) and recent antibiotic
therapy, health care–associated exposures or stay in hospital (especially in the ICU). For patients with CAP in the ICU, coverage for S. pneumoniae and Legionella species must always
be considered. Piperacillin-tazobactam, imipenem, meropenem, and cefepime are excellent β-lactams and are adequate for most S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae infections. They may
be preferred when there is concern for relatively unusual CAP pathogens, such as P. aeruginosa, Klebsiella species, and other gram-negative bacteria.
Piperacillin, piperacillin-tazobactam, imipenem, meropenem, or cefepime.
Data suggest that older adults receiving aminoglycosides have worse outcomes.
Dosage for hospitalized patients, 750 mg/daily.
COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Data from Mandell LA, Wunderink RG, Anzueto A, et al. Infectious Diseases Society of America/American Thoracic Society consensus guidelines of community-acquired
pneumonia in adults. Clin Infect Dis. 2007;44:S27-S72.
912 Part II  Major Clinical Syndromes

For a patient who does not require hospitalization and for whom species, gram-negative rods, and M. pneumoniae. If infection with P.
no clear distinction between typical (e.g., pneumococcal) and atypical aeruginosa is unlikely (no recent hospitalization, no recent antibiotic
(mycoplasmal, chlamydial) pneumonia can be made, both types of use, no pulmonary comorbidities, no gram-negative rods), a β-lactam
organisms should be covered. Risks for the presence of drug-resistant plus either an azalide/macrolide or a respiratory tract quinolone would
S. pneumoniae should be assessed. Previous use of antibiotics, espe- be therapies of first choice. Ceftriaxone or cefotaxime would be rea-
cially a β-lactam or macrolide, is most predictive of the presence of sonable choices for the β-lactam. Where Pseudomonas infection cannot
resistance. Age alone, in general, should not influence drug choice. be excluded, an antipseudomonal β-lactam (cefepime, imipenem,
Where risk of drug-resistant S. pneumoniae is low, oral β-lactam agents meropenem, doripenem, or piperacillin-tazobactam) plus a respira-
(amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, cefuroxime axetil), azalides/macrolides tory tract quinolone or azalide/macrolide could be used. We favor
(azithromycin, clarithromycin, or erythromycin), or respiratory tract cefepime or piperacillin-tazobactam plus a respiratory tract quinolone.
quinolones (levofloxacin, gemifloxacin, moxifloxacin) are all adequate An aminoglycoside could be added as a third agent for synergy against
choices. Increased resistance in strains of pneumococci to the azalide/ Pseudomonas. Evidence in the literature favoring one regimen over any
macrolide agents is a problem because therapeutic failures have been other is lacking.
noted. Although it has been suggested that these agents may be used The effect of initial antibiotic selection on outcomes in patients with
as long as the resistance rate is less than 25%, recent analysis suggests pneumonia remains an area of ongoing controversy and study.312,313
that resistance level is too high and will be associated with increased Most of the evidence involves the use of nonexperimental cohort
morbidity and mortality.308 Doxycycline (a preferred treatment option studies where the role of unmeasured variables is hard to determine.
in the IDSA guideline) and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole may be Therefore, until prospective, well-controlled studies are carried out,
used but are less favored because of decreasing activity against strains the real effect of initial antibiotic choice on pneumonia outcomes can
of pneumococci. only be estimated.
For patients with an increased risk for poor outcome because of age
or underlying disease, or where the risk for infection with resistant
pneumococci exists because of prior antibiotic use, the respiratory
tract quinolones are the agents most likely to be effective. They have Until recently, the duration of antibiotic therapy for pneumonia has
activity against all strains of S. pneumoniae, including penicillin-resis- been based on anecdotal patterns of behavior. The classic 10 to 14 days
tant strains, and they have the added benefit of activity against atypical of care is unsupported by evidence.314 Recent data suggest that clinical
agents. Although resistance is a potential problem of increased use of stability occurs more quickly, and therefore antibiotic therapy may be
quinolones, it has not yet emerged as a significant problem. A β-lactam safely discontinued earlier.315-317 Clinical stability is defined as normal-
plus a macrolide is a comparable regimen. ization of previously abnormal physiologic parameters, including
Regardless of the initial choice of antibiotic, once an organism is heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygenation, blood pressure, mental state,
isolated, coverage should be narrowed down, if possible, on the basis and ability to care for oneself.315 Most physiologic abnormalities will
of susceptibility. correct in 2 to 3 days. Normalization of all physiologic abnormalities
Patients who are ill enough to require hospitalization should be may take 5 to 7 days. Patients who score higher on the severity scale
treated with parenteral agents that cover the likely pathogens. Our take longer to stabilize than patients who score lower. By day 3, relapses
choice would be a β-lactam (ceftriaxone or cefotaxime) plus azithro- of previously corrected physiologic abnormalities occur only 4% to 6%
mycin. A carbapenem may be used as the β-lactam component of this of the time.
regimen, although overall experience with it in this setting is limited. Although meta-analysis has shown that there are few studies that
A respiratory tract quinolone would be a comparable regimen. If there are prospective, well controlled, use the same antibiotic and dosing
are factors that suggest a specific etiology, or a Gram stain is revealing, schedule, and only vary the duration of therapy, those few studies
specific antibiotic coverage should be used. have suggested that less than 7 days and as short as 3 days are just as
Although these regimens represent the basic course of therapy, spe- effective as any longer durations of therapy316,317 for mild to moderate
cific clinical circumstances may warrant variation. For example, S. pneumonia. With age, presence of underlying comorbidities including
aureus pneumonia, including CA-MRSA, should be considered during immune compromise, and more virulent pathogens, clinical stability
an influenza outbreak even though S. pneumoniae is still the major may be delayed, and therefore duration of antibiotic therapy may be
etiologic agent. Agents with activity against methicillin-resistant S. lengthened.
aureus (MRSA) should be used if there is reason to suspect its presence Oral antibiotic therapy is safe after clinical stability has been
as the etiology of pneumonia. Vancomycin, linezolid, and quinupris- reached.318-320 There is no clear usefulness of observing a patient within
tin-dalfopristin are considerations. Where aspiration pneumonia is a the hospital after a switch to oral therapy.321 However, it is important
possibility, agents with activity against oral anaerobes are needed, to recognize that discharging patients before stability has been reached
including ampicillin-sulbactam or clindamycin. Seven percent to 18% may lead to increased rehospitalization and mortality.322 Using the
of community-acquired pneumonia cases are caused by aerobic gram- same definitions of clinical stability, it has been shown that the greater
negative bacilli, including P. aeruginosa. Risk factors previously noted the number of factors remaining abnormal at discharge, the greater
for gram-negative pneumonia should therefore be sought. Where the chance of readmission or death.
gram-negative bacilli are suspected, infection with P. aeruginosa should Once discharged, outpatient follow-up may be required, because
be a concern, and therapy with an antipseudomonal β-lactam com- greater than 64% of patients with community-acquired pneumonia
pound (e.g., cefepime, piperacillin-tazobactam, imipenem, or merope- will have some related residual symptoms, including fever, cough,
nem) is a reasonable choice. Where Pseudomonas involvement can be shortness of breath, chest pain, sputum production, fatigue, or gastro-
excluded, agents such as cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, or a carbapenem intestinal symptoms. In younger patients without underlying pulmo-
could be considered. Debate exists as to whether agents such as ami- nary disease, these findings are more likely to resolve earlier.
noglycosides or quinolones need to be added to a β-lactam therapy for Aspiration pneumonia and lung abscess are discussed in Chapter
gram-negative pneumonia. Data exist to support both sides of the 66. Nosocomial pneumonia is discussed in Chapter 303.
controversy.309-311 We favor combination therapy for patients who are
severely ill, at least until culture results from sputum and blood are
available. In patients who are allergic to penicillin, aztreonam with a
respiratory tract quinolone, with or without an aminoglycoside, could With the recognition that the inflammatory response is a balance
be used. between proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory mediators, the
In the patient admitted to an intensive care unit, therapy should be effects of agents with anti-inflammatory properties on the treatment
directed against S. pneumoniae, penicillin-resistant strains, Legionella of pneumonia is being studied. The effects of the macrolides in this
64  Acute Pneumonia 913

regard has been discussed earlier. Critical illness-related corticosteroid enza vaccine is suggested for any person 6 months of age or older, who,
insufficiency (CIRCI) has been associated with community-acquired because of age or underlying disease, is at risk for influenza-related
pneumonia. Theoretically, steroid use would help correct the deficient complications. This includes persons older than 50 years; nursing
performance of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Though home residents; people with chronic pulmonary or cardiac disease, or
several studies have examined the role of steroids in this setting, results with chronic diseases such as diabetes, renal failure, or hematologic
have been contradictory and no clear role has been defined.323-325 disorders; patients who are immunosuppressed; those taking chronic
Statins also possess anti-inflammatory properties. Recent observa- salicylate therapy; and women in their second or third trimester of
tional studies have reported decreased mortality in patients who had pregnancy. Health care workers, workers in nursing homes, and those
been using statins before admission for pneumonia. The studies were who provide care to older adults or debilitated persons should also be
not randomized or controlled for other potentially important variables targeted for influenza vaccination.331
such as underlying health, or socioeconomic status.326,327 Although The role of pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine continues to be
other adjunctive therapies have been described, they have not yet been somewhat controversial. The incidence of bacteremia may be reduced,
shown to have a significant role in therapy.328 but the incidence of pneumonia appears unchanged.332 The currently
available protein polysaccharide vaccine is for pediatric use only.
Although initial data showed that disease in adults was reduced by the
introduction of the conjugate vaccine in children, it is clear that non-
Pneumonia Prevention vaccine strains, including those resistant to penicillin, are emerging as
Vaccination against influenza and perhaps S. pneumoniae are impor- important causes of pneumonia. Pneumococcal vaccine is recom-
tant interventions in preventing pneumonia. In older adults, influenza mended for patients older than 65 and those who have recovered from
vaccine may decrease the incidence of pneumonia by 53%.329,330 Influ- community-acquired pneumonia (see Chapter 200).

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