Glossary Example

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@ fea-ture BrE / fitfoe)/ @ NAME /‘fitfor/ noun © WoRD ORIGIN © THESAURUS © EXAMPLE BANK [countable] ¥ 1 something important, interesting or typical of a place or thing An interesting feature of the city is the old market. Teamwork is a key feature of the training programme. Which features do you look for when choosing a car? The software has no particular distinguishing features. geographical features 2 see also water feature % 2 [usually plural] a part ofsb's face such as their nose, mouth and eyes his strong handsome features Her eyes are her most striking feature. % 3 ~ (on sb/sth) (in newspapers, on television, etc.) aspecial article or programme about sb/sth a special feature on education 4 (old-fashioned) the main film/movie in a cinema programme SOVERETORMS © worn oRIGIN © THESAURUS © EXAMPLE BANK % 1 [transitive] to include a particular person or thing as a special feature ~ sb/sth as sb/sth The film features Cary Grant as a professor. —sb/sth The latest model features alloy wheels and an electronic alarm. Many of the hotels featured in the brochure offer special deals for weekend breaks. % 2 [intransitive] — (in sth) to have an important part in sth Olive oil and garlic feature prominently in his recipes. © con-cern verb, now Bre Nes soal @ Name isn'sen/ verb © VERB FoR (© woRD ontcin (© THesauRUs © CeamPue Onn secr/mvoive & 1 (often passive] ~ sb/sth to afiect b/sths to involve sb/sth ‘Dow’ interfere in what doen't eoneera you The loss was a tragedy forall concerned (~ al hase affected by it Where our cilren's education is concerned no compromises acceptable, ‘The induduala concerned have some expaling todo. Towhom it may concern .(~ 1s for example at the besionng of a pubic notice or of ajob reference about sis character and abiity) Everyone who was directly concerned in (= had some responsiblity for) the teiden has row resigned. ‘Pease pay attention because this information concerns ll of you. 4 2 ~ sth (also be concerned with sth) to be about sth ‘The story concerns the prince's efforts to reseue Paria, ‘The book is primarily concerned with Soviet-american relations during the Cold War. ‘Tis chapter concerns itself withthe historical background. (One major dference between these computers eoncerns the way in which they store information 3 toworry ed = sb What concerns me is our lack of preparation forthe change. sb that... Zt concerns me that you no longer seem to care. 9 see also concerned 4 — yourself with/about sth to take an interest insth ‘e dr't concern himself withthe derail. 5 be concemed to do sth (forma) to think itis important to do sth ‘She was concerned to write about siruations that everybody could identify with Imm see as/so far as sb/sth is concerned at fat adv noun © WorD onic (© THESAURUS. © PXAMPLE nANIC ¥ 4 [uncountable, countable] a feeling of worry, especially one that is shared by many people = (about sth/sb) There is growing concern about violence on television. Inthe meeting, voters raised concerns about health care. Don't hesitate to ask 'you have any queries or concerns about this work, ~ (for sth/sb) She hasn't been seen forfour days and there is concer for her safety = (over sth/sb) ‘The report expressed concern over continuing high unemployment. = (that) There is widespread concern that new houses will be built on protected land. Stressat work ica matter of concern to staff and management. ‘The President's health was giving serious cause for concern. 9 compare unconcern ‘STH IMPORTANT ¥ 3 [countable] something that is important toa person, an organization, ete What are your main concerns as a writer? ‘The government's primary concern is to reduce crime. 4 [countable, usually singular] (forma) something that is your responsibilty or that you have a right to know about This matter is their concern. ow much money I make is none of your concern. ‘COMPANY 5 [countable] a company or business @D firm ‘a major publishing concern IED see a going concern at going ad)

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