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The story is about a girl whose name is Hasse and she lives near Kampen.

always goes to the reedbeds where she hunts and sometimes stays overnight.
One day she hears some men who are watching over cows and she hides. The
man find her and want to rape her and then a man on a horse arrives and kills
one and the others flee. Then when she visits Kampen she sees the same man
that saved her is about to be executioned. She marries him to save him from
his executioning and they both can’t come to Kampen again. They travel to an
other town where the man named Jan van Schaffelaar rents a room in the best
tavern in town. When they stay there Jan needs to go away with the army but
needs to leave Hasse behind. Of course Hasse isn’t happy but decides to stay in
the town. After a few weeks she gets bored and decides to go to the
wilderness. After some time she is going to get the pay check but the man who
needs to pay her says that it is most likely that Jan died. Hasse decides to go
back to Kampen cause now Jan is dead she is allowed to go back there at least
that is what she hopes. On the way to the city she sees Jan but thinks he is a
ghost after some time Jan convinces her that he isn’t a ghost and they take her
with them ( Jan is there together with a group of mercenaries). They go to an
abandoned farm house and stay there to steal from the enemies caravan and
that kind of things. After some time Hasse gets a baby and she takes care of
him until he can eat real food. After a while when a money caravan is sighted
Jan and Hasse take everyone expect two people and the baby with them. When
they return they find out that the barn has been burned and the baby is
nowhere to be found. they retreat in the church. After some time of canon
shooting the enemy commander says that if Jan van Schaffelaar is brought
down for execution the rest of the mercenaries may leave. After sometime she
finds they baby who was bravely defended by the men. She decides to go live
in Kampen and work as a psychic. One day a man who fell in love with her asks
if she will marry him and she says yes.

It think this book has as some good points that is really easy to feel with the
person because everything is properly explained. Also it is an interesting book
too read because you see what it was like in the past. The negative things are
that sometimes you don’t really understand what they are talking about
because they don’t explain anything.
I think this is a great book especially because it tells of the past and lets you see
what happened. It is an easy to follow book because they don’t switch between
characters in the book and everyone tells who is who. It is really great to follow
the storyline because it tells the story of a girl who is really not one of the
normal people who are all following god and don’t break the rules. She is just
free and doesn’t listen to anyone but herself. And when she gets saved she
finds out her man is really nice and doesn’t want to harm her instead he tries to
make sure she stays out of trouble even if it means dying what he does at one
point. But the greatest part is that she always hits her mark with a bow no
matter how dark it is or how far the target is away even in the swamplands.

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