Grade 3 Science Unit 5

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Unit # 5 Environment

Q No 1: What is a habitat?
Ans : A habitat is a place where living things live.

Q No 2: What is the difference between a natural habitat and a man-made habitat?

Ans : Natural habitats are formed by nature. Man-made habitats are natural habitats
changed by humans (e.g. cities).

Q No3: What types of animals would be able to survive in the following deserts?
a: deserts?
b: polar regions?
c: seas and rivers
Answer : a.) Animals live in the desert should survive for a long time without water. e.g
camels and lizards etc
b.) Animals in the polar regions should have fur, thick feathers, or a layer of fat to stand
the cold. e.g penguins and polar bears
c. )Animals in seas and rivers need to be able to swim in water. e.g dolphins, sharks

Q No4:What are endangered species?name five

Ans : An endangered species is a group of living things that is at risk of dying out
completely. e.g Giant panda , Leopard , Blue whale , Tiger , Rhino

Q No 5 :What are the main causes of species becoming endangered?

Ans: The main causes for species becoming endangered are destruction of habitats, the
introduction of other species, climate change .
Q No 6 : What is the difference between being endangered and being extinct?
Ans : Endangered animals are low in numbers and there is a possibility that they will all
die out. Extinct animals no longer exist.

Q no 7 : Name some plants and animals that share your habitat .

Ans : Animals : Frog , Bird , Cat
Plants : ivy , Grass , Aloe Vera
Q No 8: Why is it important to :
a) Keep the earth clean?
b) Keep the water clean ?
c) Keep the air clean?
Ans :
a) If the Earth becomes polluted, then trees and plants will not be able to grow..
b) Because animals need to drink clean water and also water animals live and grow
in water .
c ) Because clean air keeps animals healthy .

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