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Unit 4 : Magnets and Electromagnets

Q. What is magnetism?
Answer : Magnetism is a mysterious force of attraction which appears between
magnets, and between magnets and materials such as iron and steel.
Q. Which of these materials would be attracted by a magnet?
Copper wire Plastic ruler Iron nail
Paper Steel pin Brass button
Answer : Iron nails, steel pin .
Q. Explain the difference between a permanent magnet and an electromagnet.
Answer :
Permanent Magnet Electromagnet
A permanent magnet is a piece of iron or A magnet that can be switched on and off
steel which has been magnetized so that using electricity is called an
it keeps its magnetic properties, electromagnet.

Q. Give two examples of where a permanent magnet might be used.

Answer : In a can opener, and in a loud speaker.
Q. Give two examples of where an electromagnet might be used.
Answer : In an electric drill, and in headphones.
Q.(a) What happens if a magnet is broken into two pieces?
(b) Why Is it impossible to get N or S Poles of their own?
. Answer : a) If a magnet is broken into two pieces, each piece will have its own N and
S poles.
b) Breaking a magnet into smaller and smaller pieces produces smaller and smaller
Q. Explain why heating destroys magnetism in a permanent magnet.
Answer : Energy from heating causes molecules to move faster causing the domains to
become unaligned.
Q. What is induced magnetism?

Answer : When a piece of iron or steel is placed near a magnet, the magnetic domains
line up and it becomes magnetized. This is called induced magnetism.
Q. Explain the difference between temporary magnet and a permanent magnet.
Temporary Magnet Permanent Magnet.

A temporary magnet loses its induced A permanent magnet does not lose its
magnetism when it is pulled away from a magnetism even when it is pulled away
magnet. from a magnet.

Q. Explain the difference between a soft and a hard-magnetic material.

Answer :
Soft Magnetic Material Hard Magnetic Material
A soft magnetic material is easy to A hard magnetic material is difficult to
magnetize but it loses its magnetism magnetize but it does not lose its
easily. e.g. iron. magnetism easily. e.g. steel

Q. What is electromagnetism?
Answer : A wire carrying an electric current shows magnetic field around it. This effect
is called electromagnetism.
Q. (a) Describe the field pattern caused by a current flowing in a wire
(b) Where is a magnetic field strongest?
(c) What happens to the magnetic field IF
i) The size of the current us increased?
ii) The current is reversed?
Answer : a. The field pattern caused by a current flowing in a wire consists of
concentric circles around the wire. The direction of the field will be clockwise when
viewed in the direction of the current. If the current is reversed, the magnetic field also
b. The magnetic field is strongest close to the wire and gets weaker as you move further
c. i. If the size of the current is increased, the magnetic field gets stronger.
ii. If the current is reversed the magnetic field is also reversed.
Q. What cause the current in a loud speaker to go backwards and forwards?
Answer : The amplifier in the device.
Q. How do the vibrations from a loudspeaker get to your ears?

Answer : By sound/longitudinal waves.
Q. What is the advantage of using a relay in the starter circuit in a car?
Answer : A small current can be used safely to switch on a separate circuit which may
carry a much larger, dangerous current.
Q. Explain why many homes have a miniature circuit breakers in their electrical
Answer : A circuit breaker is an automatic safety device which cuts off the electricity if
the current gets too high.
Q . Why are the poles of a magnet called N and S ?
Answer : The Earth affects magnets. If a bar magnet is hung by a thread, it eventually
settles roughly north to south. The end of the magnet which points north is called the
north-seeking pole or ‘N’ and the other end is called the south seeking pole or ‘S’.
Q : How could you find the North Pole of a magnet ?
Answer : We could use a suspended bar magnet that will point roughly towards the
north-south of the earth .

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