Principles For Negotiation Processes

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Principles for negotiation processes

Seven principles of negotiation processes

Many people say that negotiation is a complex process, long-winded, takes time and
effort and the outcome uncertain. Actually, if we know the secret, the negotiations are
certainly not things easy. However, negotiation is not a mission impossible. If you know
the principles and negotiation skills, you can be an effective negotiator.
Here are 7 (seven) basic principles of negotiation:
1. Negotiation is structured. Almost all of the arena negotiations face a complex display,
such as tangled. Many actors are involved. Many of the agenda to be addressed. Many
interests that must be observed. We even had to meet many characters: from a hard head
till the nagging. According to experts, negotiation is like herding cats. When examined
more carefully, all the complexity is actually a structure. Has an easily recognizable
pattern. The parties negotiate can be categorized into a small number of small groups, or
coalitions. Similarly, the agenda or issues to be discussed can also be grouped into a
small number “Chunk” agenda. Thus, the main task of a negotiator is to identify the
structure of negotiations. Simplify the complexity by looking at the pattern of coalitions
and regularity
2. Negotiations will shape the structure of negotiation strategies. In principle, there is
no single strategy that can apply to all situations negotiations. Negotiator must be flexible
in determining what strategies will be used. It really depends on the assessment of the
structure of negotiations negotiators faced. Negotiations with a friend, in the process of
buying and selling cars, for example, is certainly different from negotiating with large
companies or negotiating with the bureaucracy that consists of various functions and very
hierarchical. The first, obviously srukturnya simpler. While the latter requires strategies
different when faced with different levels of negotiation. That’s why, knowledge about
the structure of a negotiator is pentig. Because it will determine the options and strategies
as well as determine whether the chosen strategy will succeed or fail.
3. Negotiating structure can be formed. One of the basic principles of negotiation is
“the price is not carved in stone”. Prices subject to change. In fact, if they had been
carved on stone, can still be changed as well. A negotiator must not surrender to the
structure of the existing negotiation. If there is a good play basketball, do not give into
the volleyball arena. You must change the structure of a basketball game first, before
entering competition. Do not compete to lose. So it is with the negotiations. From the
start, negotiators must continue to try to change the structure of negotiations in order to
fit the mainstay strategy that he has!
4. Negotiator power comes from controlling the ability negotiation process. Once
again, negotiation is a process of exchange. Like the process in general, if not controlled
so he could walk everywhere. Such as fusion or fission processes in nuclear reactions, if
not controlled will result in an explosion outside the energy can be destructive.
Conversely, if the control will produce energy for the benefit of mankind. The task is to
ensure that negotiators negotiation process will be run in accordance with what he wants.
Therefore, awareness is important to control the process. Before the negotiations began,
the negotiators should be able to determine what the agenda will be discussed. In
determining what issues will be placed on the negotiating table. After that, juag
negotiator must determine how to negotiate the modalities. In determining how the
information can be managed within the negotiation process. And so forth. The more a
negotiator can control the process, the greater the potential to win the negotiation process.
5. Flow of the negotiation process can be directed. Negotiation is generally not a neat
process such as sorting numbers 1,2,3,4,5 and so on. In fact, negotiation is a process of
zig-zag. Urutannnya not linear: sepert this could be 1,4,3,4,2,4,5,6,7,4,3,2,5,7,8,9 … … A
negotiator must have an awareness of “geographic” is both in the negotiation process to
see the map. If the process moves 1,2,3,4,3,2 … then negotiators should attempt to direct
the order to 3,4,5,6,7 … menyelasaikan negotiations quickly. Negotiators must not drift,
but also not to insist against the current, which endanger his life. Like football, he knows
when to go and when to retreat to create goals as much as possible!
6. Effective negotiator is a learner. Learning is like as a racing bike game. If you stop,
it means you are not sebeneranya was stopped, but you’re moving backward – left a lot of
your competitors. One face negotiation is the competition. Therefore, learning is a
necessity, if you do not want to miss and was defeated. Lots of things to dipelajai oelh
negotiator: learn membacara threats, opportunities to learn to read, learn to identify the
needs of your opponent, learn to maintain emotional stability and so on. This is an
ongoing process.
7. Negotiator is a LEADER. In some cases, the negotiation process is the hardest to
negotiate with “constituencies” of his own. If you represent the society, the greatest task
of precisely how to persuade other community members in order to accept the outcome of
the negotiation. If you are the representative of a company, actually the hardest task to
convince the boss and your peers to accept the deal. If so, the negotiators need good
leadership qualities and effective. Could lead to the organization or group where you
become the representative. Constituents can lead you to want to accept the deal. But
besides that, negotiators must also have leadership in the effort to build a coalition or
seek support from outsiders. This is always not an easy job, though not impossible, too.
Once again: The key word is to have identity and soul of leadership!

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