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Total Doc no.

: Rev
$rorau DK-TEHY- PRM-WPR-OOO- 1 OO37

6ffix Doc. Title:

WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT No. 038 - WEEK 10 Page: 3of16


The Tyra field comprises the Tyra East and Tyra West facilities and has been in production for
thitty years. The field is now suffering from seabed subsidence which necessitates modification
to the entire field. New facilities are planned which shall be installed at a much higher elevation
and includes the installation of one new process platform (TEG) and one new utility and accom-
modation platform (TEH).

The redeveloped Tyra East complex will consist of the modules, bridges and jackets shown in
the figure below.


Tyra East will be restored as the field process centre and receive all production from Tyra East,
Tyra satellites as well as gas production from other DUC fields. The Tyra East shall be a perma-
nently manned, fully self-contained complex complete with all emergency, accommodation,
power generation, life support, utilities and production facilities.

The TEH platform shall provide the Central facilities for Control, Management, Administration,
Emergency response, Accommodation, Catering and Helicopter Traffic for the Tyra Complex in-
cluding satellites. Furthermore, the TEH platform shall provide the utility systems to facilitate
the operational requirements of the Tyra East Complex including a self-sustainable period prior
to the new TEG platform being operational.

The TEH platform shall be free from process hydrocarbons, and considered a safe area. The
entire accommodation enclosure/living quarters shall be designated as Temporary Refuge in-
cluding an emergency response centre. The primary muster area will be located inside the living
quarters providing direct access to the evacuation systems: helicopter and lifeboats.

Firewater pumps supplying the firewater for all Tyra East platforms will be located on TEH to-
gether with the Emergency power generator for the Tyra East complex.

The overall layout principle of the platform shall be to segregate horizontal and/or vertical Utility
areas from Living Quarter and, furthermore, to segregate areas of dissimilar operations i.e.
noisy/quiet areas, dirty/clean areas, wet/dry areas, work/off-duty areas etc.

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