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Ho: the current distribution is same as previous.

Ha: the current distribution has changed from previous
α = 0.01

Day Frequency Survey Result

First we calculate expected Sunday 43 7%
frequencies Monday 16 4%
Tuesday 25 6%
Wednesday 49 13%
E = n.p Thursday 46 10%
E = Expected frequency Friday 168 36%
Saturday 153 24%
n = size of sample
p = previous frequency /percentage
1. 0.07 x 500 = 35
2. 0.04 x 500 = 20
3. 0.06 x 500 = 30
4. 0.13 x 500 = 65
5. 0.10 x 500 = 50
6. 0.36 x 500 = 180
7. 0.24 x 500 = 120

Test Statistics


Chi-Square 17.595a

df 6

Asymp. Sig. .007

a. 0 cells (.0%) have

expected frequencies less
than 5. The minimum
expected cell frequency is
Asym Sig-value = 0.007

Chi Square Value from SPSS = 17.595

At df= 6 and α = 0.01, Chi Square value = 16.812
16.812 < 17.595
Thus Chi Square value lies with in acceptance region.
Therefore do not reject Ho.

At α= 0.01 data do not provide evidence to conclude that current distribution has
changed from previous

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