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% 14 & ' Athlean Xero… CLOSE

Posted by u/quickslow612 7 months ago $

Athlean Xero. Please help!!!

Hello guys. So i recently got the Xero program because i travel a lot. I have
never worked out in my life and i am out of shape, and am finding the
whole program extremely difficult, i did the first day. And my maximum for
the plyo push up was 2 and couldn't even do 1 thumbs up push up. Is there
any way to scale down these exercises. I have found progression for few as
was suggested in a different thread but some exercises like the thumbs up
push ups are considered advanced and i could not find a progression
leading to it. Please help me get through this without injury. Thank you.

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% wbted23 16 points · 7 months ago

& Athlean Xero is an advanced program - as such it is going to be a

very difficult program to manage if you are just starting out. In
general, the rule of thumb is to complete AX1 and AX2 (which can
take quite some time if you are a beginner) before attempting the
more difficult programs - including 0. This ensures you have the
pre-requisite strength and conditioning to get the most out of the

With that in mind, I would highly encourage you to get AX1. The
conditioning days can be done anywhere, and the gym days can be
done with minimal equipment - even your most basic hotel gym
would be plenty if you have some bands, which are easy enough to
take with you when you travel. AX1 is an amazing program, and
once you get through it you will be better able to handle Xero. You
can try to alter xero to make it work as a beginner, but honestly
you'd need to change the entire program so its not really worth it.
Best of luck.
% quickslow612 ( 6 points · 7 months ago · edited 7 months ago
& I think you are right. I'll try to carry some equipment like

More posts from the Athleanx community

Posted by u/Treebeard_Jawno 3 days ago

I lost 33lbs from Jan-March on Shred, then started Xero because

of Covid and lost motivation after a few weeks. I've gained about
10lbs back, and looking to reverse that trend again. Started Xero
again last night. I want to be < 300 by Jan '21, and I've got about
30lbs to go. Let's fucking get it!


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Hey guys. Sign this petition to help get the great Jeff Cavaliere on Joe Rogan's
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Link to the petition:

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Posted by u/juan602 4 days ago

First time feeling like puking during a workout

Been lifting and working out very seriously for the past 2 years ish (23M) and holy

I’m doing total Beaxt and have been keeping up really good as i’m doing the Beaxt
level. But today is my first day of Beaxt Unleashed and i feel like puking after
strength circuit and size circuit.
% 32 & ! 10 Comments " Share #

Posted by u/no_pants_gamer 1 day ago

Is Beaxst good for strength training? How does it compare to

other strength programs (SS, SL, ICF, etc.)?
I've been going to the gym for more than a decade, and I'm quite fit (lately I've
been doing AX2 and calisthenics) but haven't seriously trained strength in about a

I'm going to start a strength program and I'm considering Beaxst or free
alternatives such as Starting Strength, StrongLifts and Ice Cream Fitness, all of
which I've tried to varying success and revolve around the core principle of
progressively overloading big barbell exercises (with different accessories)

I'm somewhat worried from AX2 that the main movements are changing all the
time in the name of muscle confusion and different training principles (such as
maximizing time under tension on a given week), so progressive overload is very
hard to pull off.

% 21 & ! 17 Comments " Share #

Posted by u/Moranoras 6 days ago

Avoid My Mistakes, they are expensive.

I've done AX-1 and AX-2. They were my first real Programms outside of bjj class. I
thought yea cool, this Guy knows His Shit. Now that I am doing starting strength, I
realise what a huge waste of time and Money those where. I did barley get
Stronger, I didnt get more athletic, the only Thing both Programms did was boast
my cardio a Bit. With new Programm and the Basic movements (squat Bench
deadlift Overhead Press) I get Stronger everytime I train. And I got proove cause
my Numbers Go Up. As a wise man once said: "Sixpack is Not a sign of Power"
athleanx wants you to eat Like a Mall nurrished rabbit. The calories you can eat
according to the mealplan are way too few to get Stronger or grow Muscle. The
exercises are way too many and too confusing. If you're Lucky you squat and
deadlift maybe once a Week. I mean Sure, someone who probably Takes PEDs can
do this, but it's a scam for Natural beginners. You May Wonder why I write this.

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