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‫ميحرلا نمحرلا هللا مسب‬

‫االسم‪:‬احمد عبدالهادي ربيع‬

‫المرحلة‪:‬ثالث صناعية‬


‫ترقير عن‬

‫قياس خشونة االسطح‬

‫باشرأف االستاذ‬

‫حـ ـ ـ ـ ــيدر نـ ـ ـ ــاجي‬

The measurement of surface roughness poses a problem I three
dimensional geometries, but for simplification purposes by confining
individual measurement to the profiles of plane sections taken through
the surface. The direction of measurement is usually perpendicular to
the direction of the predominate surface markings or ‘lay’.
Quality Surface, where
Smoothness plays an important role in applications that include
Lubrication, wear and tear where surface roughness must be in
Its lowest value is to ensure the accuracy of the dimensions of the part
as well as its accuracy
It overlaps with the other part. The concept of roughness is often done
Describe it with terms like Uneven,
Irregular and not similar
Surface properties such as hardness.
Surface roughness is mainly caused by operations
Operation that varied and wide patterns are left on the surface
Will serve
The operator, and there are many terms that are used
Describing and determining surface quality and how much is shown in
the figure, and these terms are:

1-Lay: This term is used to describe the trend of a surface pattern
Repeated by the operation process.
2-Roughness: It is a function of the amount of fine voids resulting
from the non-uniformity of the surface. The same results from:
3-Roughness Height: It is a height of irregularities based on a
reference line. The height of the roughness is measured in
millilitres. (Unevenness, Micron, or Microwaves), also known as
high inequality.
4-Roughness Height: It is the parallel distance of the nominal
surface between the successive peaks or protrusions that are
defined by the model.
Prevailing roughness. The width of roughness is measured in

‫‪Methods of measuring roughness:‬‬
‫‪There are several computational methods used to estimate the‬‬
‫‪surface roughness resulting from different operations.‬‬
‫‪These methods are:‬‬

‫(متوسط الجذر التربيعي) ‪1-Root Mean Square Average:‬‬

‫هو الجذر التربيعي لمتوسط مجموع مربعات االرتفاعات مقاسة من الخط المتوسط ويتم‬
‫الحساب بتعيين الخط المتوسط للجانبية المقاسه والمسجلة بواسطة مسجل ثم باختيار طول‬
‫معين يمثل طول العينة على الخط المتوسط وتقسيم هذا الطول على اقسام متساوية طول كل‬
‫قسم مثال (‪ 2‬ملم) ثم اقامة اعمدة من نقط المستقيم على الخط المتوسط من الجانبية المقاسة من‬
‫كال االتجاهين ثم قياس طول هذه االعمدة او االرتفاعات‪.‬‬

‫‪2-: Centre line Average Method‬‬
‫(المتوسط الحسابي النحراف الجانبية)‬
‫هو المتوسط الحسابي لالرتفاعات المقاسة من خط الوسط ‪ ،‬ويتم حساب هذا المتوسط‬
‫من خالل تعيين خط الوسط إلى الجانب وتقسيم طول محدد يمثل طول العينة على خط‬
‫المتوسط إلى أقسام متساوية لكل قسم (‪ 2‬مم) ثم إنشاء أعمدة من الخطوط المستقيمة‬
‫من كال االتجاهين وقياس أطوال هذه األعمدة والتعويض في المعادلة‬


Roughness Measuring Devices:

There are many devices that are used today to measure the
roughness of different surfaces
The devices are close to each other for their accuracy and
working principle. Roughness gauges can be divided
It is divided into three main groups:

1- Sensors. It depends on the principle of moving a needle

on the surface to measure its roughness.
2- Optical devices. The principle of its work is based on the
fall of light and its reflection from the surfaces
3- Microscopic devices. It depends on the use of the
microscope to know the surface diversity in terms of

The sensor to measure roughness

a - specular reflection b-diffuse reflection
c - Mirror and diffusion reflection

a - Fixed height mode b - Fixed current method

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