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Complete the sentences using the past participle of the Complete the sentences. Use the present
.verbs in brackets .perfect – positive or negative

The train has stopped, We can go out now. (stop) My mum isn’t at home now. She has gone (go) to the
She isn’t ready. She hasn’t packed her cases yet. (pack) .supermarket
She has taken some photos. (take) .So far this month I have seen (see) three films
Sally hasn’t arrived yet. Where can she be? (arrive)
.I’m hungry. I haven't had (have) my lunch yet
I’ve never spoken to your mother. (speak)
I haven't seen (see) Helen yet today. Is she at
I haven’t decided which shoes to buy yet. (decide)
My father has driven to Rome. (drive) ?school
Our football team has won (win) all its matches so
.far this year
Choose the correct verb from the box and complete the I don’t know your boy-friend. I haven't met (meet)
.sentences using the present perfect form .him yet

leave empty clean buybreak answer

walk finishlose Complete what Susan says. Use the PPT and
.for or since
.Tom has emptied the rubbish
.Claire has answered all the questions
.a) I’m from France, but I live in London now
.I have walked ten kilometres
.I have lived (live) here since 1992
.They have lost their car keys
b) I’m a journalist. I work for a sports magazine in
.John has bought a new jacket
.London. I have worked (work) there for two years
.Diana has broken her arm
.c) I’m married. My husband’s name is Jonathan
.Bill and Tim have cleaned the kitchen
.We have been (be) married since 1993
.The train has left the station
.d) Jonathan works in a bank
.Karen has finished her violin practice
.He has worked (work) there for three years
.e) We have a flat in south London
.We have had (have) the flat since last May

.Put the words in the right order

a) I/homework/yet/finished/ haven’t/my .Complete. Use just, already or yet

.I haven't finished my homework yet
?Have you bought a new bike already
b) I/homework/my/done/have/already
!Great! Sean has just broken the world record
.I have done my homework already
c) I/homework/my/finished/have/just .Don’t shout! He hasn’t finished his homework yet
.I have just finished my homework .Can I go to Jane’s party? I’ve already asked you three times
d) He/home/gone/has/already .Mark can’t win the race now. He’s just fallen off his bike
.He has already gone home .Have you cleaned your room yet? I’ve already asked you twice
e) Mark/come back/France/just/has/from
Adam is very clever. He’s already passed all his university
.Mark has just come back from France
f) They/bought/new/a/just/have/house
.They have just just bought a new house .I haven’t sent the email to Amy yet
g) We/had/lunch/haven’t/yet .Joe has already gone. If you hurry you can catch him
.We haven't had lunch yet
h) The train/the station/already/left/has
.The train has already left the station
?/i) left/the train/yet/has
?Has the train left yet

Read the text then answer the questions below

No, I haven’t
Yes, I have
No, I haven’t

Look , read , put tick(  ) or cross ( X) .

 I've tidied my bedroom. ____ ____

 I've finished my homework. ___ _____
 I've watered the plants. ____ X ___
 I've closed my bedroom window. ____ ____
 I've finished the email to my cousin. ___ _____
 I've prepared a sandwich. _____ ___

Look and write using haven't +p.p. or hasn't + p.p.

1) I haven ‘t tidied my bedroom yet.

2) He hasn’t washed the car.

Read and match.

1) My hands are dirty. a. I haven't been to the market.
2) There aren't any apples. b. I haven't eaten my lunch yet.
3) The television is on. c. I haven't combed my hair yet.
4) I'm hungry. d. I haven't washed them yet.
5) My hair is untidy. e. The detective film hasn't finished yet.

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