Team Charter: Reducing DPM

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Team Charter

Project Title Reducing DPM     

Expectation Example Team Rule  
Attendance is required at all team
meetings. Changes in meeting times
must be made at least 24 hours ahead  Attendance is required is 75%. Prior Intimation of absentee
of time. must be provided before 18hours  
Team members may not be substituted
unless approved by team leader.  Anyone willing could apply during initial stages.  
We will stay on task and on topic, using
the Project Charter as our guide. A
Focus  Agenda for every meeting must be published in advance
meeting agenda will be publishedat
and a thorough study must be conducted before joining
least one day in advance.
the meeting  
Interruptions for emergencies only.
Phones turned to silent.  No calls / phones are allowed.  
Meetings will begin promptly as
 1 hour timeslot must be provided each week  
We will choose the best decision-
making method for each situation. We
will support decisions made by the
 A common decision must be chosen based on votes
casted.However the final call will be of Team Lead  

Data We will rely on data to make decisions.

 Data consideration must be given utmost importance.  
We welcome honest disagreements, as
long as everyone is treated with
respect. A facilitator will be used if
conflict cannot be resolved.  A facilitator will be used if conflict cannot be resolved  
Team Charter
Project Title Reducing DPM     
Expectation Example Team Rule  

Team Member Role Signature  

 1 Lead     

 2  Programmer    

 3 Manager     

 4  Fin Power    

Team Charter
Team Charter
Key Takeaway: The process was overprocessed, we had to take out two steps and move another step so the parts were not going to the same
person twice.

As-Is Detailed Map Segment

Team Charter
Team Charter
Key Takeaway: The team learned that there were extra steps in the process that could be eliminated (waste).

Value Stream Map


Data Collection Plan

Baseline Data – Project Y

Team Charter
Team Charter
Key Takeaway: Before (left side of chart): there were lots of mistakes being made. After (right side of chart): the defect went down from 12
defects per day to 2 defects per day. This was on of the biggest gains for the overall process.
 DPMO #: Start 87,968, after Lean: 15,015
 Sigma #: Start 0.4, after Lean: Sigma # is 3.4

Baseline Data – Order Lead Time

Key Takeaway: This chart shows that working with Lean is making a difference in how long each order is in process. Every company should
look at Lean. Amazing results!
Team Charter
Fishbone Diagram

Key Takeaway: As a team we did some brainstorming on how or what may be causing our orders to take so long to complete.

Map Segment Showing Analysis

Team Charter

Key Takeaway: Process analysis showed a potential for removing time wasted during the approval state. Too many individuals had to look at
what we were making.

As-Is Detailed Map Segment

Team Charter

Key Takeaway: A 5S effort showed the waste of motion – it also included assemblers which resulted in increased employee engagement.

Value-Added Flow Analysis

Team Charter
Team Charter
Key Takeaway: Biggest opportunity to remove wait time is the handoff from one department to another department.

Root Cause Hypothesis

Key Takeaway: Data shows that after brainstorming issues we were looking in the wrong direction. As you can see we narrowed down some of
the issues to be addressed.

Selected Solutions
Team Charter

“To Be” Map Segment

Team Charter

Key Takeaway: Process changes including restructuring the flow of parts and 5Sing the Finn Power area were the big ticket areas.
Team Charter
Spaghetti Map

Key Takeaway: By eliminating the assembler and the floor manager, we save an average of 1 day of wait time just by cleaning up the process.

Run Chart Showing Improvement

Team Charter

Key Takeaway: Improvements had an impact on our days. Orders were in process from start to ship.
Team Charter
Team Charter

Project Closure

Lessons Learned

 Remember to involve individuals from all aspects of the project.

 Make sure you follow up frequently on process.
 The 5S in a program seems to boost morale.
 Boost self-esteem by letting everyone know how things are going good.

Customer Impact

 Employees morale is up, this make production is up.

 Customers are not waiting on stoves.

Final Calculations

 First run production scrap when down from 11 parts to 2 parts per day
 Company is saving and average of $625 per week
 Stove wait time went from 30+ days to an average of 20 days
 Staff buy-in has gone up
 By making changes in production, we are able to do more cross training

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