Unit 3 Activity 1 - Bryan Saltos

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Student’s Name: Saltos Sornoza Bryan Alejandro

Career/ Level: Industrial Engineering 9 “B”

Email: e1314857143@live.uleam.edu.ec

Cell phone number: 0997384413

Professor: Lic. Yuliana Roca Castro Mg.Eii.

Email: yuliana.roca@uleam.edu.ec
A. Activity 1


1. Label the picture with the correct words. Then write the meaning in Spanish for
each one weather and temperature.

1. Sunny___ 2. ___Cloudy____3. ___Windy____ 4. ____Rainy___ 5. ___Snowy____

6. Hot____ 7. ____Warm___ 8. ___ Cool______9. ____Cold__

Weather: ______clima________ Temperatura : ___temperatura_____

Cloudy : ______cloudy________ Cold : _______frío________________
Rainy : ____lluvioso__________ Cool : ______fresco_______________
Snowy: _____nevado_________ Hot : ________caliente____________
Sunny: _____soleado_________ Warm : _______cálido_____________
Windy : _______ventoso______
B. Activity 2
Grammar – adverbs of intensity; quantifiers with verbs

Adverbs of intensity inform us about the intensity and the degree of action. Adverbs of
intensity are usually placed before the adjective, verb or adverb on which modify.

Los adverbios de intensidad nos informan sobre la intensidad y el grado de acción. Los
adverbios de intensidad generalmente se colocan antes del adjetivo, verbo o adverbio en el
que se modifican.

Read the meaning in Spanish for each one adverbs of intensity and quantifiers.

Extremely : Extremadamente A lot : Mucho

Very : Muy Quit a bit: Bastante
Really : Realmente A Little: Un poco

Pretty : Bonito Very much: Mucho

Faily : Bastante At all: En absoluto

Somewhat: Algo

Add the adverbs and quantifiers to the sentences.

1. It snows in Moscow in the winter (a lot) It snows a lot in Moscow in the winter.
2. It rains in Seattle in the winter (quite a bit) It rains quite a bit in Seattle in the winter
3. It´s cold in Busan in January. (extremely) It´s extremely cold in Busan in January.
4. It´s cool in Rabat in the rainy season. (fairly) It´s fairly cool in Rabat in the rainy season.
5. It snows in Lima in july. (not ……at all) It doesn´t snows at all in Lima in july.
6. It´s windy in Wellington all year. (pretty) It´s pretty windy in Wellington all year.

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