Development of Human Resource Plan

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A project success depends upon comprehensive Planning, open communication, Proper risk

management, Closure and getting the right people to handle all the activities. Human Resources can
make a project successful or a failure. As we know there is difference between Operations and Projects,
just like this there is difference between Human resource management in Operations and Projects. This
is included in Projects managers Job description that he should have command on Human resource
management skills.

Project manager should understand the needs of Human Resource of the project and Plan accordingly.
As projects are for short time period, the planning should be done by keeping this in mind. In a project,
the number of people increases and decreases according to the demands. The project has additional
responsibility of getting staff for the project and operation manager have less say in this process.

Everyone must take full responsibility of the duties allotted to them. There should be clear guidelines of
all the processes. If there are two Project managers, there is higher chance of conflict which can divide
the attention. But it also depends on the performing organization, what are there policies and how they
want to manage the day to day activities.

Development of Human Resource Plan:

Developing a human resource Plan will help to identify the skills needed perform activities to complete a
project. Its also helps to determine the number of people required. The next thing will be the time
frame, who will be needed and when will be they needed. Also, it identifies if the people have all the
required skills are not and if some special skill is needed its identified here. To meet the special skill
project team can offer trainings. It can also establish what kind of supplies these people will need and
what kind of motivation will be required for them.

A human resource plan includes all the people management information, and its designed by Project
manager. Schedule of the Project is of great importance, as the human resource plan depends on it. As it
tells us which activity will be from in how much time and which helps to determine the Project Schedule.

If there is a complicated project the human resource plan will also be descriptive and explanatory and in
small scale projects, human resource plan will be informal.

Project management schedule just tell us that which activity will happen and what exact moment, while
in human resource plan the staff the acquired who will perform that activity. If the project schedule is
changed the Human resource plan can also be changed.

Creating the Human Resource Plan:

Different levels in performing organization creates this plan. They must acquire staff, manage them and
allocate them to the required positions.

A project manager should have all the information regarding the projects so the best can be decided for
the project. Project documentation includes the SOP’s for recruitment which should be followed while
devising a plan.

When estimating the cost of staff, the focus is the work that they are doing for the project and other
expenses are not taken into the account.
All the skills should be identified which will be needed in all the phases of the project. It should be
identified here the number of people needed, what kind of knowledge they have and do they need
additional training or not.

The number of resources can be changed according to the Project schedule. It helps to reduce over
staffing or understaffing. This will also assist in identifying from where we will be getting the work force.
It can be internal hiring or external depending upon the demands.

Team building is another aspect which will be of importance at this stage. People who are important for
this aspect will be given primary roles. The phases through which the team building goes, will be drawn.
Any cost that was incurred here will be added to the Cost plan. Many stakeholders will be included in
this. It will help to access the information easily, and all the small plans will be consolidated to form, a
Single HR plan.

Human Resource Plan Expansion:

Expansions in HR plan can be done if there is change in Project Management Plan. This occurs mainly at
the start or end of the Projects, as major changes are to be catered at these points.

Schedule of the Project helps to identify the changes. Different phases have different requirements
which can be recognized by time periods, dates and durations. The changes must also reflect in the HR
plan. Also, the impact of these changes will be studied.

All the changes that are going on must be entered into the HR plan. Their impact will bring more
changes and it will affect the teams. If new team buildings are required, it should be done with utmost

Project Team Structure:

Structuring of the team comes in the planning phase. This helps to identify the roles and responsibilities
of the team members. If this is done right, making a project successful becomes more achievable. This is
mostly done by the higher hierarchy and Project Manager gives his input about what kind of a team he
or she is looking for and what will be the roles.

Once the teams are decided, their goals are also identified. Typically, there are two types of structures.
In the first one, every team has their own goal which must achieve and its different from all the other
teams. In such type of teams, all the team members have similar set of skills. In the other part of
structure, the team members have different skills.

Both the structures are right and work for different kind of projects. These structure helps employees to
better understand their responsibilities and perform the activities.

To select the team structure, the project manager needs to first understand the certain aspects of the
projects. The Organizational Breakdown structure and work breakdown structure will help to identify
the areas and roles of team. The roles of supervisors and subordinates are given here. If some skills are
costly and their supply is scarce, they should be first arranged. All these requirements and their
solutions should be documented.
Staff Acquiring:

In this phase the recruitment process starts. Firstly, the HR manager looks for the sources from where
he can hire employees, this can be from within the organization or from external sources. For that he
must determine the skillset that will be required from the staff to be hired. Once the right staff with the
required skills is found they get hired. The requirement of hiring new staff may come at any phase of the
project so staff hiring process goes on during whole the project life.

For staff recruitment firstly the requirements of staff are reviewed and accordingly project manager and
functional managers determine from where the recruitment will be done and what will be the required
skills. For this the emphasis is on the number and type of staff required and on how much the
organization can spend on this. During this process they must make sure that the hiring process is
aligned with the requirements of hiring staff provided by the client.

Candidates Evaluation:

The next step is the evaluation of the candidates, for this the project manager must thoroughly know
about the staffing policies of the organization and know about the recruitment demands. Then he
evaluates the CVs of the candidates against the recruitment demands to shortlist the candidates. Once
the shortlisting is done an interview team of senior and experienced people is made for conducting the
interviews of the interviewees. Proper SOPs should be followed for the interviews and during the
interview there can be multiple interviewers for judging the expertise of the candidates in the required
skills. This gives the viewpoint of multiple people about the interviewee. This also helps the candidate in
getting a better idea of the project. The possible positions for hiring and special factors, if any, are
discussed are also discussed with the applicants. This is followed with the evaluation of interview for
each applicant. Lastly the project manager assesses the interviews evaluations and decides if the
candidate should be hired or not. Once the applicants are confirmed, they are communicated through
different mediums and a document containing the work details, time period, effort and cost is finalized.
Contracts are also made the human resource plan is updated with the new staff.

Performance Appraisal:

To measure the performance of the employees, objectives and goal are assigned to them. The
employees work according to the goals, and if they achieve the desired results they are awarded. Firstly,
the objectives are set for the team by the project manager and the operational managers and then its
divided between the team members at the individual level.

As the goal of the project is defined, it will be divided into the teams and then at the employees’ level.
The objectives should be measurable. These objectives should be aligned with project objectives. The
functional manager will also assign the objectives to his team and will be looking forward to getting the
feedback from the Project manager.

Project manager will do the performance appraisal of the staff. They will look at all the aspects of the
single team member. They will also determine the if the employee’s relationship with the supervisor is
good or not. If the project manager sees any weakness, he will suggest training and development for
that employee. Also, the project manager will discuss the performance with the functional manager to
give recommendations.
Developing team charter:

The set of objectives are created for the team and it’s called Team charter. Team charters are designed
by the team members, project manager and functional manager. Team charter will identify what is
expected for the success of the project.

To develop a team charter, team members will define the goals of the objective that will keep them
motivated. All the members of the team should be aligned with the team objectives and happily work
for the team’s goal. The working of the team should be in a way that it empowers its members. The
team members should set the code of conduct and everyone should follow it. The team charter will hold
the information of all the team meetings, and it will be documented.

Team management Development:

Communication is key in managing teams. All the team members have easy access to information inside
the team and outside. Also, there should be a leader in the team who will be responsible of the key
roles. Time is of great essence in developing the team. They will have to take decision by themselves.
The team should have easy ambience and every member should be comfortable in it. Also, the
guidelines for motivation should be divided that how the team members will be motivated. Another
important aspect will be resolving the conflicts within the team.

Releasing the staff

The schedule will tell us that which team member work is coming to and end, so the project manager
will plan their release. If needed, that member can be drafted to another team. The project manager will
meet all the leaving employees and will make sure that they know they must perform all the activities
before leaving.

There will be a final meeting in which all the team members will be present. The project manager will
review that all the activities assigned to the team are performed and the roles are given back. All the
important documents should be filed and documented properly so that when needed can be searched
easily. The team members will be requested to return all the office equipment which they got during the
project. The documents will be updated that the staff is released, and their work has been done.

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