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Sit and Reach Testing Instructions

Sit and Reach Testing Instructions

Brandon Carson

Student ID: 001452087

Mentor Name: Angela Rose

Assessment Code: TDT1 Task 3

August 22, 2020

Sit and Reach Testing Instructions


The purpose of this task was to create a video to remind my student the

instructions of the Sit and Reach test. Typically, the students only receive the instructions

orally from the teacher just prior to testing. The video is another way for the students to see

the instructions in writing and hear the instructions once again. The video begins with the

explanation of what and why we do the Sit and Reach test. Then we go through the list of

protocols for the measurement of an accurate test. This video also includes and illustration of

what the proper testing protocols look like. It then goes into some of the common mistake’s

students make while taking the test. This way if the students are testing each other they

know what to look out for. The video ends with some recommendations to help the students

get a better score and conduct the test efficiently.


The audience for this particular less is my Tournament Sports class. This class has 32

students ranging from 9th to 12th grade. The age range is 14-18 years of age. There are 18

males and 14 females in this class. The graphics that I chose are for this audience is specific

to their fitness testing. These are the images that are used during fitness testing. It is great to

have a visual reminder of what you need to do and how it needs to be done. This is

especially true in the Physical Education setting.


The software I used for this video was Microsoft Power Point. This program is

something I have worked with numerous times. It is readily available on my computer and I

am extremely familiar with it. Within Power Point I was about to narrate the slides I created
Sit and Reach Testing Instructions

for my video. This is a feature that not too many people use or are aware of. I also used the

photos app on my MacBook to edit some of the pictures I used in my presentation.


1. I opened the PowerPoint app and clicked on the New tab.

2. Once I clicked on the New tab, I was prompted to select a background for my

presentation. I chose a background that I felt my students would like.

3. Then I selected the layout of the slides that I wanted. I chose to use one with a title

and a text box. I felt that was going to fit my presentation the best.

4. I created my title page “Sit and Reach Instructions” and then copied and image from

my photos app to insert into the page.

5. From there I clicked on New Slide to add another slide to my presentation. Again,

selected the layout of the slide. After entering the information, I wanted on this

particular slide I clicked New Slide again to add another page.

6. Now I was on my third page where I gave the slide a title and entered my important

information. I also copied and image from my photos app to insert into the page.

These exact steps were done for the final two pages of the presentation.

7. When all the slides were completed, I clicked on Slide Show.

8. On the toolbar within Slide Show I clicked on Record Slide Show.

9. From there it prompted me to record onto my slide show.

10. After talking through all the slides on my presentation I went back through and

listened to the slide show to make sure it was exactly how I wanted.

11. I then Clicked on File and went down to click on Export.

Sit and Reach Testing Instructions

12. After clicking on Export, I save the file as an MP4 that way I could upload it to


13. Go to click on upload video and select the file you want uploaded.

14. After uploading this to YouTube I entered the link onto my Multimedia Page on my

e-portfolio website.

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