1941 The Watchower Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom

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thatI amJehovah:’
-Ezekld 35 15

JANUARY1, 1941


Battle Begin,, 9
"No MORE SEA" ... 14


, ,/ 1941 YEARBOOK
"SATISFIED" ......................... ]5
1941 CALENDAR .. 75
117 Adams Street
- -
N.Y., U. S. A.
T HIS Journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
In the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically de-
OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good will
J. ~. ]~UTHY_~FORD,Pree~e~t W.E. VAN AMBURGH, ~eer~ar~ It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all f.lay children shall be taut~ht of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes suit-
able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of public
Crest shell be the peace of thy children." -1,aiah 54:z3. instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to theBibleas authority foritsutterances.
THATjEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting to Itis entirely freeandseparate fromallreligion, parties, sects
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life or otherworldly organizations. It is whollyandwithout reserva-
tionfor the kingdomof JehovahGod underChristhis beloved
to his creatures ; that the Logos was the beginning of his creation, King.Itis notdogmatic, butinvites careful andcritical examina-
and hls active agent in the creation of all things; that the Logos
is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in tionofitscontents inthelightoftheScriptures. It doesnotin-
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah. dulgeincontroversy, anditscolumns arenotopento personalities.
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully dis-
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of UNITED ~TATESp $1.00; CiNII~A 4XD I~IISCZLI.ANICOUSFORZlON, $1.50;
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obedientonesof mankind; that God raisedup Jesusdivineand
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fulKingof theworld; thattheanointed andfaithful followers of [iouth A.frioan.........................
Please address theSociety ineverycase
ChristJesusarechildren of Zion,members of Jehovah’s organiza-
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to thesupremacy of Jehovah,declare hispurposes towardmankind
as expressed in the Bible,and to bearthefruitsof the kingdom
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This midwinter period of special activity will run through the When writing the Society regarding a Watchtower or Conso-
entire month of February. The title thereof calls attentmn to the lation subscription in a language other than English, the foreign
zeal, energy and fearlessness with which Ehud used his dagger language should be clearly indicated (as, Greek, Spanish, or Po-
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"WATCHTOWER"STUDIES In the face of an almost impossible year the publication of the
Week of February 2: "Drama of Vengeance" (Part 3), 1941 Yearbook of Jehovah’s witnesses represents an accomplish-
1-26 inclusive, The Watchtower January1, 1941. ment made possible only by Jehovah’s power. Confirmation of thl~
you will find when you read the comprehensive report, as written
Week of February9: "Dramaof Vengeance"(Part3),
by the Society’s president, covering the world-wide acttv~hes of
¶ 2%47inclusive, The Watchtower January1, 1941. (Continued on page 15)
VOL. LXII JxNU~Y1, 1941 No. 1


"’A~d shall not God avenge his own elect, wldch cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them?
I tell you that he will avenge them speedily."--Luke 18:7, 8.
EHOVAH’S Chief Officer spoke the words of the which God records in his Word as applying to a
J foregoing text. They are prophetic words, which
are now about to have fulfillment in completeness.
certain man has a peculiar significance.
8 A prophecy concerning the Kenites is set forth
Jesus spoke with full authority, and all his followers in the Scriptures and says: "And he looked on the
thus have full assurance that the foregoing prophecy Kenites, and took up his parable, and said, Strong
is certain to be fulfilled to their good and their de- is thy dwellingplace, and thou puttest thy nest in a
liverance. During the past few years preparation for rock. Nevertheless the Kenite shall be wasted, until
the great battle that will vindicate the nameof Jeho- Asshur shall carry thee away captive. And he took
vah God and avenge his faithful servants has been up his parable, and said, Alas, who shall live when
in progress. That crucial hour must now be very Goddoeth this !"--Num. 24 : 21-23.
near, and with full faith and confidence the people ¯ Accordingly the Kenites that associated with the
of God should take courage and now greatly rejoice Amalekites, the avowed enemies of God and his peo-
in their hearts. They should look forward with cer- ple, did not fare well ; but those Kenites that hung to
tainty to their early deliverance. It is no time now and associated with the Israelites, God’s chosen peo-
to be discouraged, regardless of what persecution ple, were accordingly favored. Somepersons of good-
may come upon those who are Jehovah’s servants. will endure for a time and then they fall away to the
The evidence that daily comes to pass shows fulfill- enemy of the Lord. But those who remain with the
ment of Jehovah’s prophecies foretelling these Lord’s faithful people fare much better.
things, and which fulfillment thrills the heart of
Heber was a descendant of Hobab, who was a son
everyone who is fully devoted to The Theocratic Gov-
of the father-in-law of Moses, and hence Hobab was
ernment. The Lord’s "other sheep" begin to be rep- the brother-in-law of Moses and acted for his fa-
resented in the prophetic drama at this point, corrob- ther, who was the father-in-law of Moses. Moses
orative proof of which is found in other scriptures, married Hobab’s sister. (Ex. 2: 16-22) ~Vhenl~Ioses
showing that the "great multitude" must be gathered
was leading the Israelites and starting on their long
before the battle of Armageddon begins. The "rem- trek to Canaan he invited Hobab to go with him:
nant" and some of their "companions" are now to- "And Moses said unto Hobab, the son of Raguel the
gether, but it must be that more will appear shortly, Nidianite, Moses’ father in law, We are journeying
as the prophecy indicates. The "remnant" and the unto the place of which the Lord said, I will give it
"other sheep" now suffer together and shall be you; come thou with us, and we will do thee good;
avenged together, as the Lord has promised. We for the Lord hath spoken good concerning Israel."
proceed with the examination of the prophetic drama : (Num. 10: 29) From that time on the Kenites had
"Nowtteber the Kenite had separated himself from
relationship with Jehovah’s prophets and his people,
the Kenites, even from the children of Hobab the which afforded them a much more favorable oppor-
brother-in-law of Moses, and had pitched his tent as
tunity to receive the blessings of the Lord.
far as the oak in Zaanannim, which is by Kedesh."
--Judg. 4: 11, A.R.V. The American Revised Version of verse eleven of
’ It is well that we here give some attention to the the prophecy correctly renders the text according to
Kenites, as bearing upon the matter under considera- other supporting facts, to wit : "NowHeber the Ken-
tion. Heber the Kenite was not an Israelite, but was ite had separated himself from the Kenites, even
a companion of the Israelites. Itis name means "Com- from the children of Hobab the brother-in-law of
pany ; associated community", that is, "a body of com- Moses, and had pitched his tent as far as the oak in
panions." Here is another evidence that the name Zaanannim, which is by Kedesh."

’ Heber did not leave the land of Israel. He merely his forces: "And they shewed Sisera that Barak the
moved from the southern boundaries of Judah, where son of Abinoam was gone up to mount Tabor."--
the main body of the Hobab Kenites were located, Judg. 4 : 12.
and pitched his camp or tent in the northern part of 11 Even though there was no hostility, but apparent
the land of Israel. The Kenites were a people that peace, between Heber and the house of Jabin, it does
dwelt in tents. "And the children of the Kenite, not appear, nor does it follow, that Heber informed
Moses’ father in law, went up out of the city of palm Sisera about the movement of the Israelites under
trees with the children of Judah into the wilderness the command of Barak. Note that the record does
of Judah, which lieth in the south of Arad; and they not say "he", but "they showed Sisera" that Barak
went and dwelt amongthe people."--Judg. 1 : 16. was moving. Doubtless the "they" there means some
8 Because of their close association with the tribe of the spying Canaanites who served Jabin by nosing
of Judah these Kenites were even tacked on at the around about Barak’s affairs, spying out what was
bottom of the list of genealogies of the tribe of going on and then reporting to Sisera the moving of
Judah; as it is recorded: "And the families of the Barak and Deborah. The Devil’s agents are always
scribes which dwelt at Jabez; the Tirathites, the seeing what they can do to entrap the servants of God.
Shimeathites, and Suchathites. These are the Kenites 12Jehovah first covered up the assembling of
that came of tIemath, the father of the house of Barak’s troops at Kedesh, to shield them from inter-
Rechab."--I Chron. 2: 55. ference by the enemy, but now the time had arrived
° This Rechab named was the father of Jonadab; and God permitted the enemy to learn about Barak’s
and the Jonadab descendants of Rechab took refuge organization being moved to Mount Tabor. God per-
in Jerusalem and received God’s promise of life. mitted this, of course, as that was a part of prepara-
(2 Ki. 10: 15-23; Jer. 35: 2, 6, 18, 19) These Kenites tion for the battle. Thereby Jehovah maneuvered the
that remained with the Israelites foreshadowed the enemyto the place of destruction, men, iron chariots,
"great multitude".--Rev. 7 : 9-17. and all. That was exactly what Jehovah said that he
1o While Deborah was dwelling under the palm tree would do when he sent Barak a message by Deb-
Heber the Kenite was dwelling in his tent near "the orah’s messenger, as stated in verse seven above.
oak in Zaanannim, which is by Kedesh". The word This proves that Barak and Deborah did not recog-
Zaanannim means "removals", suggesting the load- nize King Jabin and Sisera his captain as the "higher
ing up of one’s goods on his beast of burden and mov- powers", but that they trusted entirely in the Al-
ing on to another place and there pitching his tent. mighty God, whomthey served and whomthey recog-
No permanent dwelling place and no fine mansions nized as the ’~Iigher Powers". The present position
in which to dwell, thus indicating that the men of of Jehovah’s witnesses and companions is in exact
good-will from the time of Abel till now, those who harmonywith that at this day. At first the religion-
will inherit the earth, have been a people who found ists did not recognize the purpose of Jehovah’s wit-
no lasting abiding-place under the Devil’s organiza- nesses as representing THE THEOCRACY, declaring
tion, but all have been looking for and waiting for the that kingdom. The religionists first dubbed Jeho-
kingdom of God under Christ. Nowthe great TREOC- vah’s witnesses as a "cult" or "religious sect" that is
RACY is near full establishment, and these waiters re- very small and not worthy of consideration or even
joice, and doubtless the faithful menof old will soon notice, calling them the "smallest kind of sect". But
be back and join with those who will form the "great the time camefor the religionists to get a little more
multitude", and some of the remnant, in performing information as to the purpose of Jehovah’s witnesses
the duties that the Lord will graciously assign to and to learn that they are wholly for Tl~E THEOCRACY,
them. Doubtless Jehovah directed the last movement the kingdom of Almighty God, and that they refuse
of Heber the Kenite from the south to the north to compromise in any manner whatsoever. Although
part of Palestine, because shortly thereafter his they are small in number the religionists are learning
tent served as a trap for Sisera, the enemy of Israel that the Lord uses them, and that frightens and
leading in the fight against God’s chosen and cove- angers the religionists. Therefore the clergy or reli-
nant people. Since the Kenites were a roving people, gious leaders proceed in due time to stir up the po-
Heber did not move into Kedesh, the city of refuge, litical and the law-enforcing bodies and other agents
but came close by it and hence was acquainted with and hoodlums and mobs to hate and persecute Jeho-
and close by Barak. Heber was near the oak tree, vah’s witnesses, and to malign those witnesses as a
which is a symbol of strength, deep-rooted. The "cult that hates the government and hates every-
strength of God’s people is in the Lord; and the thing". In keeping with their father, the Devil, they
deeper rooted in the Lord, the stronger they are. cannot tell the truth. In order to create even a greater
Then information of the situation, and of Barak’s prejudice against Jehovah’s witnesses the enemy re-
gathering all his army, got to Captain Sisera and ligious leaders induce the great worldly publications
i, 1941
to print many false statements concerning Jehovah’s Catholic Hierarchy in the lead of the religious or-
witnesses, denouncing them as "people that thrive on ganizations. Such religious organizations, and par-
hate". The enemy would not tell the truth even if ticularly their leaders, then believed themselves to
they could. be entirely secure. But whenJehovah’s faithful serv-
~3 Instead of Jehovah’s witnesses’ hating every- ants were gathered by the Greater Barak, organized,
thing, it is exactly the contrary. It is written con- anointed and started on the march to Mount Zion,
cerning the Lord Jesus, the beloved Son of the Al- singing the praises of Jehovah and his government
mighty God: "Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest and exposing the duplicity of religious organizations,
wickedness; therefore God, thy God, hath anointed the Devil and Gog sent the Roman Catholic Hier-
thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows."m archy on the run to fortify and prepare for the con-
Ps. 45 : 7. flict. "Catholic Action" was systematically organized
" Likewise the faithful followers of Christ Jesus and began to work throughout the land. Like their
now on earth love righteousness and hate wickedness prototype Jabin and his representative, they learned
and delight to be in tile companyof Christ Jesus, the of the movementof the Lord’s organization and they
Beloved One. If they loved the wicked things of this prepared for battle. The marginal reading of this
world they could not be the faithful servants of God part of the text is: "And Sisera gathered by cry, or,
and Christ. Markwell it is written : "Godis love," and proclamation," his forces. Likewise the RonmnCath-
Christ Jesus is "the express image" of God.--1 John olic Hierarchy, in the lead of religious systems, sent
4: 16; Heb. 1:3. out their call to all anti-Theocratic powers and forces
~ Jehovah has made his faithful followers of of the earth, raising the cry that Communismwas
Christ Jesus his own witnesses because they love about to overrun the earth, and therefore the burn-
Jehovah and love his King and love serving THE ing need for "more religion" to preserve "Christen-
THEOCRACY. Therefore the Lord gives commandment dom’s civilization". Of course, they knew that Com-
to his faithful servants in these words : "Love not the munism was not threatening, but some kind of slogan
world, neither the things that are in the world. If any must be had in order to frighten the people. That cry
man love the world, the love of the Father is not in of Communism was accompanied also by a cry of
him."ml John 2: 15. "Social Justice", also the product of the RomanCath-
olic Hierarchy. Together religious organizations
~ The Devil has at all times reproached the name
of Jehovah God, and those reproaches fell upon have continued to cry out, ’n0ge must have community
Christ Jesus and have fallen upon the faithful serv- of nations and more religion," instead of God’s king-
dom by Christ Jesus. At the same time their cry was
ants of God who now serve THE THEOCRACY. (Ps.
accompaniedby the political-religious cry of "a good-
69: 9; Rom. 15: 3) Jehovah’s witnesses therefore de- neighbor policy" of all religions and all political or-
light to be reproached for the name of Godand Christ
and to thus fill up some of the sufferings that were ganizations. The Hierarchy immediately took the
left behind of Christ for the sake of his body mem- lead in this movement, claiming that the Vatican and
bers. (Col. 1: 24) For this reason the religionists the associates thereof constitute the strongest bul-
and their allies hate Jehovah’s witnesses and con- wark against atheistic Communism.The whole move-
tinuously reproach them and lie about them. This is ment has been deceptive, claiming to operate in the
a further reason for Jehovah’s witnesses to rejoice nameof Christianity, but in fact against Christianity
because against The THEOCRATICGOVERNMENT by
that they are counted worthy to be in the class with
Christ Jesus and his apostles that have long gone Christ Jesus.
before and are now with the Lord. These facts ~3 Mark this also, proving that the movement of
further comfort and strengthen God’s people in this "Catholic Action" is of the Devil : While the Vatican
day of distress. "And Sisera gathered together all and allies raise the hue and cry against Communism,
his chariots, even nine hundred chariots of iron, and at the same time the Vatican and allies fully sup-
all the people that were with him, from Harosheth of ported and still support Fascism and Nazism, both
the Gentiles unto the river of Kishon."--Judg. 4: 13. of which are distinctly anti-God and anti-Christ and
1, No doubt Jabin the king of the Canaanites felt necessarily against The TH~-OCm~Tm GOVERN.~ENT.
himself entirely secure in his situation, but when he In America the cry has been and is against Commu-
was informed that the Israelites were marching to nism, while in Europe the Hierarchy officially says
MountTabor he sent his field marshal forth to gather to the Communists: ’W~re are holding out our hand
his own army. Corresponding to the situation creat- to have you join us in our universal Catholic Ac-
ed back in those days of Palestine note nowthe devel- tion." In truth and in fact Nazism, Fascism and the
opment of events in the world since 1918. The World Papacy are all one and the same thing, because all
War ended, the League of Nations was formed and have one commonpurpose, and that is to rule the
fully endorsed by organized religion, with the Roman world contrary to the will of Almighty God. That

unholy combine artfully deceive and fraudulently my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made
induce the common people to believe that Chris- heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to t)e
tianity and religion are one and the same thing; moved; he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Be-
hence they deceive many unsuspecting or gullible hold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor
ones with the cry: ’Wie must have more religion, else sleep. The Lord is thy keeper; the Lord is thy shade
civilization will perish." The real purpose of the con- upon thy right hand."--Ps. 121: 1-5.
spirators is to crush Jehovah’s witnesses and their 2, Sisera called up "all the people that were with
companions because these witnesses advertise THE him" to join in the war against the typical people of
TI=IEOClZACY, which truth exposes the duplicity of re- Jehovah, the Israelites. Even so hkewise today the
ligious organizations and discloses to the people that RomanCatholic Hierarchy call to action all of the
such organizations are demonized, hence of the Devil. Catholic population that they can control, and also
1~ Sisera called into action "all his chariots, even they call the Protestants and Jews, who call them-
nine hundred chariots of iron". He used steam-roller selves "good neighbors", and these together with all
methods against the Israelites, the typical people of the fearful and intimidated people, to join in the war
God, just as the Nazi iron tanks have rolled over the against TH~. THEOCRACY ; consequently the politicians
weaker nations of Europe, and which has been done and commercial traffickers who want to hold on to
by the full endorsement of the Papacy. The Fascists, their gain, and also the law-making and law-enforc-
under the leadership of Mussolini, destroyed Ethio- ing officers who want to maintain their positions
pia; the Fascists destroyed Spain; and the Roman for selfish reasons, to join the unholy combine. The
Catholic Hierarchy praised and blessed all of this newspapers and periodicals throw in with the same
bloody work. Now as Armageddon nears, the Hier- crowd. The military men, whomthe Hierarchy have
archy, led by the head thereof, comes into the open in tow to do their bidding and to enforce their com-
and endorses Fascism, Nazism and dictators, and mands to prevent the proclamation of the Lord’s
encourages them to destroy the liberties of other message, also join the combine. All of these are
people. No regard is given for Catholics or small against the message announcing the great THE0-
Catholic countries; if these stand in the way of CRATICGOVERnMEnT, which shall rule the world in
carrying out the ambitious desire of conspirators, righteousness and bless those who love righteous-
the pope advises to go ahead and clean them up. This ness. It is the Devil’s organization, pitted against
is done that the religious-political allies mayrule the God’s kingdom.
earth in the place and stead of Jehovah’s kingdom "’ Sisera rounded up everybody that was possible.
under Christ Jesus. "from Harosheth of the Gentiles unto the river of
~° The religionists today trust in their war equip- Kishon," to drag them into the war against the
ment to bring them victory, even as Sisera trusted Israelites. That meant the anti-God people near
in his chariots of iron to gain easily the victory for Mount Carmel and up to the head waters by Jezreel
Jabin’s army. It was not so, however, with Barak and Esdraelon, and all about that community. As-
and Deborah, who were even as prophecy has said: sembling all of these forces, Sisera now with his 900
"Some trust in chariots, and some in horses ; but we chariots of iron expected to sweep down past Megid-
will remember the name of the Lord our God. They do on towards Endor. Sisera had no faith that God
are brought down and fallen; but we are risen, and would fight for the Israelites, because he did not be-
stand upright."--Ps. 20 : 7, 8. lieve God and was against Barak. He might have
21 Barak did not go down to Egypt for war equip- been more cautious had he believed that God smote
ment and other help. Likewise the servants of TtIE the Egyptians and destroyed them in the waters of
THEOCRACY today do not go to the religious world for the Red sea when Pharaoh and his six hundred
help, because such would be contrary to God’s will. chariots, and all his chariots and equipment, and all
"Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help; and of the army of Egypt, fell into the waters of the sea
stay on horses, and trust in chariots, because they and were destroyed, at the time Moses led them.
are many; and in horsemen, because they are very (Ex. 14 : 7, 23, 28) Likewise today, if the religionists
strong ; but they look not unto the Holy One of Israel, and their allies had any real faith in Godand if the)
neither seek the Lord !"--Isa. 31:1. believed His Word they would pursue a different
,2 The people of God today on the earth well lmow course from what they are now pursuing.
that they can receive no help from the religious, po- " The movement of Sisera and his army was ex-
litical combine, and they seek none. Barak and Deb- actly according to the maneuvering of Jehovah, who
orah trusted wholly in the Lord, and even so now the was bringing them to the point for their destruction.
people of God on earth say: "I will lift up mine eyes It appears that that is what God is doing at the
unto the hills [higher place, or the capital organiza- present time, when he now gives command through
tion of Jehovah under Christ], from whence cometh his prophet Joel, to wit: "Proclaim ye this among
JANU~mYi, 1941

tile Gentiles ; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, went down from mount Tabor, and ten thousand
let all the men of war draw near; let them come up; men after him."--Judg. 4:14.
beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning- 2, As to the fulfillment of this part of the prophetic
hooks into spears ; let the weak say, I am strong. As- drama, have this in mind while considering the same :
semble yourselves, and come, all ye heathen, and That the WATCHTOWERBIBLE ANDTRACTSOCIETY,
gather yourselves together round about; thither which in fact means the body of Christian people
cause thy mighty ones to come down, O Lord. Let the wholly devoted to Jehovah God and his ldngdom
heathen be wakened, and come up to the valley of service now on earth, is acting orderly under the di-
Jehoshaphat; for there will I sit to judge all the rection of the Lord Jesus Christ, and that such or-
heathen round about. Put ye in the sickle; for the ganization is the visible part of God’s organization.
harvest is ripe; come, get you down; for the press The commands or orders to that organization come
is full, the fats overflow; for their wickedness is from the Lord, and not from any man, although men
great. Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of deci- are used to have part in transmitting those com-
sion ; for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of mands or instructions to others of the organization.
decision."--Joel 3 : 9-14. The Lord directs the minutest details of and concern-
~6 Nowwe see tile prophetic drama of vengeance ing his people because they trust him, and his prom-
and the prophecy of Joel in actual course of fulfill- ise is that he will guide those that fully trust him.
ment, and all this to the joy of the people who are He directs the selection of the yeartext as used by
devoted to THETHEOCRACY. The result is certain and his people. Long ago he made these promises and he
can be but one way, because it must be in harmony caused them to be written down in his Word for the
with the expressed will of Almighty God. special benefit of those who are nowon the earth and
" Sisera and his allies, with all their equipment, who fully trust and obey him. Amongthese promises
moved forward to join battle with Barak, who com- are the following: "In all thy ways acknowledge him
manded the little army of ten thousand. During the [Jehovah], and he shall direct thy paths." (Prov.
twenty years of oppressive rule by Jabin the Israel- 3 : 6) "The meek will he guide in judgment, and the
ites would have no means of supplying themselves meek will he teach his way. }ghat man is he that
with sufficient war equipment that would in any feareth the Lord ? him shall he teach in the way that
wise compare with the strength of the enemy. Sisera he shall choose."~Ps. 25:9, 12.
being well armed and equipped and the Israelites ,o Only those who believe the Lord and who are
being exactly in an opposite condition, it would ap- wholly devoted to The THEOCRACY claim these prom-
pear to Sisera that he had an easy going and that ises and rely upon them. If anyone does not have such
he would quickly crush the Israelites. And so now faith he is not of the Lord; because without such
the little companyof Jehovah’s witnesses are looked faith it is impossible nowto please God. In line with
upon by the religionists as an insignificant company the scriptures above quoted the yeartext for 1937
of people, "the very smallest sect or cult," as the re- was this : "Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in
ligionists call them, who can do nothing, and their battle." (Obadiah 1) In keeping with that yeartext
early defeat looks easy to the religionists. Their and under the direction of the Lord the following ar-
chief desire to defeat and destroy Jehovah’s wit- ticles appeared in The Watchtower bearing upon the
nesses is to prevent anything from being said that yeartext, to wit : "Adversaries," in the issue of June 1,
would expose the crookedness of the religious sys- 1937 ; "Opposing God," June 15 and July 1 ; "Racket-
tems. Sisera did not take into consideration that God eers," July 15 and August 1. These were followed
might fight the battle for his people. The religion- by the series of articles on Jeremiah’s prophecy un-
ists today do not fear God nor believe that Jehovah der the title, "His ’Work’ and His ’Act’." At the
God will avenge his own elect. The Lord had told convention of God’s people in September of that
Deborah that he would deliver the enemy into the year the book Enemies was put into the hands of
hand of Barak, and both Deborah and Barak believed God’s servants for use, and the "special pioneer"
this. The Lord today has told his people that he will work was organized and conducted. Companies of
fight their battle, and the faithful ones believe im- Jehovah’s witnesses became more active under the
plicitly what God has said, and therefore they wait Theocratic organization; therefore the earthly part
with confidence upon him. Back in the time of the of the organization of the Lord arose and went into
drama Deborah and Barak were ready to act at the action, and, without doubt, were under the leadership
proper and appointed time, which the Lord would of the Lord Jesus Christ, and his invisible army
indicate to them. The time had now come. "And movedinto greater activity at the same time against
Deborah said unto Barak, Up; for this is the day the enemy. The Lord now permits his people to see
in which the Lord hath delivered Sisera into thine these things that they may have stronger faith and
hand ; is not the Lord gone out before thee ? So Barak greater hope.

’° Deborah, picturing God’s organization, said to comfort and hope, and this comfort and hope comes
Ba.rak: "This is the day in which the Lord hath de- exactly in time when they are in the greatest need
livered Sisera into thine hand." This is further evi- of it.
dence that the Lord guides his people; and as he " Coincident with the publication of the revelation
guided them back in that time, so he guides them in
from the Lord, as stated above, mark this further
the present time, when the prophetic drama is being evidence of his loving-kindness, to wit: A great con-
fulfilled ; and as further evidence of this, note the fol- vention was held at Sydney, Australia, and there the
lowing use of The Watchtower by the Lord. The Roman Catholic Hierarchy and other religionists
Watchtower June 15, 1938, published the article "Or- bitterly opposed the people of Jehovah, but in that
ganization", and under the subheading thereof, "His the enemy met a complete defeat. At that convention
Due Time," attention was called to the fact that the chief addresses were on the subjects, to wit,
twenty years had now passed since the Lord Jesus ’’Lovers of Righteousness" and ’%Varning", the latter
came to the temple of Jehovah God (Mal. 3: 1-3); being for the public, 25,000 of whomhad assembled
which twenty years corresponded with the twenty notwithstanding the bitter opposition of the religion-
years that King Solomon employed in building the ists. That great convention was followed shortly with
temple of God at Jerusalem and also his own palace another convention at Seattle, Washington, and
and porch of the throne of judgment, and the house there the RomanCatholic Hierarchy bitterly fought
of the forest of Lebanon. At the close of that period against God’s people ; at which time the chief address
of twenty years Solomon expanded his building was on the subject "Violence", which was broadcast
operations beyond the capital city; and now twenty throughout the nations to the great discomfort and
years from and after 1918 correspond to the above- chagrin of the religionists and to the great joy of
mentioned, which latter period having come to a Jehovah’s faithful servants.
close it was then due time for Jehovah’s witnesses
" Then following shortly, to wit, in September,
on the earth under the direct commandof the Greater
Solomon, Christ Jesus, to intensify and enlarge their 1938, a convention of God’s people was held at Lon-
activities by a wider witness work and to do so under don, England, where the slogan was raised for the
the Theocratic organization, which Jehovah had pro- first time: "RELIGION IS A SNARE AND A RACKET,"
vided. From 1938 on, then, the facts conclusively
show that there was such an intensifying and en- banners containing that slogan were widely dis-
largement of the witness work throughout the earth. played throughout England to the great dismay of
,1 It is the Lord who in his own due time and good the religionists, and which slogan maddened the re-
ligionists. At the Royal Albert Hall, London, during
way caused the publication of these great truths, that convention was delivered the public address on
which truths are his, and not man’s. Immediately "Face the Facts", and which address was radiocast
following the above revelation and publication there- throughout the British Isles, Canada and the United
of The Watchtower published the four-part serial States, and transmitted by private land wires to
article on "His War", the same being an explanation forty-nine other assemblies held in different parts
of 2 Chronicles the 20th chapter concerning the allied of the earth. The visible audience of that convention
enemy assault upon Israel, and the complete defeat was more than 150,000 people, and the invisible audi-
of that enemy. As there explained, the armies of ence was no doubt far greater, because 118 radio
Moab, Ammonand Mount Seir conspired together stations in the United States alone were employed
to destroy the Israelites and marched on Jerusalem, in broadcasting the message.
and the Lord destroyed them; thus emphasizing the
fact that when God takes a hand the battle is not "’ Quickly that convention was followed by an as-
sembly of Jehovah’s witnesses and the public at
man’s, but is the Lord’s. The revelation of the mean-
ing and the publication of that prophecy were next Mecca Temple, NewYork, where, on October 2, 1938,
followed by the publication in The Watchtower of a public address was delivered on "Fascism or Free-
the series of articles on "Lovers of Righteousness", dom", at which time the Hierarchy’s alliance with
dealing with David’s victory over the giant Goliath, Fascism, Nazism and Communismwa.s exposed and
and also the defeat of the enemies of David at Mount it was shown that the purpose of their conspiracy is
to destroy the liberties of the people and to gain con-
Gilboa and the battles at Perazim and Gibeon. All
trol and rule the world by dictators contrary to the
those battles and defeats, without any question of
will of God and hence against The THEOCRATIC GOV-
doubt, pictured the battle and complete destruction ERNMENT. The Hierarchy exerted its greatest power
at Armageddon that shall befall the totalitarian to prevent assemblies of that convention held in dif-
monstrosity and its religion or demon conspirators. ferent parts of the country, but failed completely.
All this revelation from the Lord was recorded by Thus the enemy met defeat! Attention is called to
him and now made known to his people to give them these facts here that God’s faithful people may see
and appreciate the Lord’s guidance of his own people ment. Even before the battle began Sisera thought he
and that his people are used by him in the fulfillment had it won. That part of the prophetic drama pic-
of his prophecies long ago recorded in his Wordfor tures the "strange act" of Almighty God, which was
their comfort and hope. True to his promise, Jeho- then beginning. Those forces that went ahead of
vah has led and continues to lead those who love Barak in the miniature fulfillment of the prophecy
and serve him. above stated were led by Jehovah’s executive officer ;
and likewise the forces of righteousness at Arma-
BATTLE BEGINS geddon are led by the only begotten and beloved Son
,5 The work of preparation was completed. The of God, him who is "the Bright and Morning Star",
contending armies were in position of battle array and the great Executioner of God’s wrath against the
and it was therefore time for the battle to begin. As enemy. Together with him is an army of other spirit
an aid to the careful study and visualizing of this stars, all moving in their appointed courses and
prophecy the position and movementof the contend- fighting against the enemy. (Judg. 5: 20) At the be-
ing armies is illustrated by a rough mapof the terri- ginning of that battle Jehovah called into action
tory and location of the mountains and cities where superhuman forces and his Field Marshal employed
the drama was enacted, and which is here inserted. them, and with these a great and terrific barrage was
put down before Barak and his forces, which shielded
, ~ L,V ~’~’~:e~¯ , ’V canaof oa.iee ~ I~1 and protected Barak and his army from view and
aided in the assault they were about to make upon
the enemy. Such was the "act of God", and this act
of God was manifested when a tremendous storm of
wind, lightning and rain came, which flooded the
country. The river was raised entirely out of its
banks, and the waters rushing down over the moun-
"-’~’~.-2-~ tainsides and over the valley swept everything before
them. Sisera and his unnumbered infantry and his
900 chariots could not well fight against that terrific
storm. As this storm raged in advance of Barak he
=~~ =.,.,.o~... ) moved his army down the mountain and into action.
" "So Barak went down from mount Tabor." He
.... ~, "~";P4 ".~ l
went down to engage the enemy in battle. His army
,o Sisera had his army drawn up along the river went with him, and they followed along behind the
great storm, and thus he followed after the Lord to
Kishon some distance to the north of the town of
Megiddo. Barak, with his army, was up on the heights assault the demonforces of Sisera, then in the "val-
ley of concision [or slaughter]". The ten thousand
of Mount Tabor, where the Lord had commandedhim
soldiers under the commandof Barak pictured all the
to assemble his troops. Sisera had to pull his iron
remnant of Jehovah’s witnesses, together with their
chariots with horses, and these could not ascend and
fight on the rugged mountainside. Mark now how the companions, the "other sheep" of the Lord, which
shall composethe "great multitude". As it is written :
Lord chose the scene of battle, which is further evi-
’These are they that follow after the Lamb [the
dence of his fighting for his own people. Looking
down from the heights of Mount Tabor at the mighty Greater Barak] whithersoever he goeth.’~Rev. 14 : 4.
and fully equipped army of Sisera, Barak might ~’ In this part of the prophetic drama Barak, whose
hesitate to moveinto the valley and there engage the name means "lightning", pictured Christ Jesus, Jeho-
enemyin battle without first receiving some definite vah’s mighty Avenger, and the picture shows that he
instruction from Jehovah. The prophecy shows what will employ lightning or other superhuman weapons
instruction he received. Deborah, uttering that against the enemy host when the battle of Armaged-
prophecy, said to Barak.’ "Is not the Lord gone out don is fought. Even now the Lord Jesus is using
before thee ?" That was the signal for Barak to move lightnings of truth, which he shoots out against the
into action. That meant that the invisible forces of enemy, which confounds the enemy and blinds them
Jehovah’s organization were now in action against as to what is their proper course. Without any doubt,
the enemy, which enemy thought himself, with his the Lord is now maneuvering the enemy and con-
host and iron chariots, to be invincible. Sisera had founding them, and this confusion of the enemy will
not reckoned on the superhuman power being used greatly increase. At the same time now the Greater
against him; therefore it would appear to him that Barak uses those faithful men and womenwhomthe
the battle, which was about to take place, would be Most High designates as Jehovah’s witnesses to
easily won by him because of his far superior equip- herald these truths of light, which also confuse, con-

found and greatly incense those who are the enemies record thereof made in his Word, and the meaning
of THE TH~.OORACY. thereof is now revealed to his people for their com-
" Returning now to the prophetic drama: Up to fort and hope.--Rom. 15:4.
this point Barak’s men did no fighting and killing, ’" But how many people today on earth believe the
because the Lord God had gone out before them, con- truth as stated in the Wordof God, and particularly
founding the enemy and driving them before the in the Scriptures foregoing? Jehovah’s witnesses at
great storm, upsetting their iron chariots and sweep- this present time are being oppressed and persecuted
ing them away. Doubtless the host under Sisera be- by religionists as never before. This persecution, of
gan to flee to the hills, or wherever they could go to course, is a real test to the faith of those who have
escape the storm. Barak and his army quickly fol- made a covenant to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.
lowed them up, and this they did at God’s command. Their faith must be tested, and, as the Lord has said,
At this particular point, with his army of ten thou- "according to your faith be it unto you." In fact his
sand Israelites, is pictured the present-day move- people could not now be put to the severe test unless
ments of the faithful witnesses of Jehovah, the spirit- God permitted them to be persecuted by the religion-
ual Israelites, advancing steadfastly and with un- ists, the demonized human creatures under the com-
broken ranks, pressing the battle to the gate against mand of the chief of demons. The wickedness of the
demonismor religion. They go on regardless of the religionists continues to grow in severity against
apparent overwhelming opposition against them. Jehovah’s witnesses. Does such persecution discom-
The enemies have fortified themselves behind a "ref- age them? No, it does not discourage those who arc
uge of lies", religion or demonismbeing the enemy’s reall)- devoted to God and to his King. They see that
principal means of deception, and it is against that these times of stress and the persecution of them
refuge of lies that Jehovah’s witnesses and their com- are but a fulfillment of prophecy, the carrying out
panions now press the battle by heralding the mes- of God’s will concerning them, to the end that they
sage of Jehovah’s kingdom against the fortifications might prove their integrity under adverse conditions.
of the enemy. This immediately precedes the vic- " Many persons of the world see the great amount
torious assault by the Greater Barak, which shall re-
of injustice now heaped upon Jehovah’s witnesses
sult in the complete destruction of the enemy forces and express themselves freely in protest against such
at Armageddon. All the physical facts now indicate injustice, but they fail to show real faith in God. An
the battle of Armageddonis quite near, whenthe real instance of this is here cited. The editor of the Michi-
fighting takes place and the enemy will be destroyed. gan Christian Advocate has recently published an ar-
’° Jehovah has given his word that he will fight for ticle calling attention to the injustices done to Jeho-
his people at Armageddon and that he will deliver vah’s witnesses, and emphasizing the fact that their
his faithful servants. His word of promise is a full liberties have been denied and that, although they are
and complete guarantee that he will do exactly as he small in number and although he does not agree with
has said: "So shall my word be that goeth forth out them, they should have full religious liberty. He fails
of my mouth; it shall not return unto me void; but utterly to see the real point. He does not see that
it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall THETHEOCRACY, for which Jesus taught all his true
prosper in the thing whereto I sent it."--Isa. 55 : 11. followers to pray, is the only hope of hmnanldnd. IIe
,1 For the comfort and hope of his faithful servants does not see that those who are really devoted to ThE
now on the earth God long ago made those prophetic THEOCRACY must suffer persecution. Only those who
pictures showing how he will fight for his people are really devoted to God and his kingdom can see
against the enemy. Several hundred years after the and appreciate what these persecutions heaped upon
battle fought under the visible leadership of Barak them really mean.
Jehovah fought for David against his enemies. David ’~ No amount of persecution of Jehovah’s witnesses
had assembled his army at the mulberry grove, there could now be inflicted upon them except by the per-
to fight against the forces of the Philistines, and God mission of the Most High. They are his witnesses and
said to David: "And let it be, when thou hearest the his anointed people, and his hand is over them. The
sound of a going in the tops of the mulberry trees, fact that he does permit them to suffer shows that
that then thou shalt bestir thyself ; for then shall the one of the chief reasons is to test the faith and integ-
Lord go out before thee, to smite the host of the rity of his people. Well did the apostle say : ’Through
Philistines."--2 Sam. 5:24. much tribulation shall we enter the Kingdom.’ The
¯ 2 Previous to that Jehovah had fought the battle
Lord Jesus, looking down to the present time of per-
for the Israelites under the leadership of Joshua at secution of his faithful followers, propounds this
Jericho (Josh. 6 : 1-24) ; also the battles of Ai (Josh. question, and then answers it: "And will not God
8: 1-25) and at Gibeon. (Josh. 10: 9-14) All of such avenge the wrongs of His own people . . . ? Yes, He
events were brought about by the Lord God, and the will soon avenge their wrongs. Yet, when the Son of
Man comes, will He find [such] faith on earth?"-- Armageddon. All persons who now have real faith
Luke 18 : 7, 8, Weymouth. in God and in Christ will stand firm against all man-
4~ According to the facts there is but a small num- ner of opposition and persecution and will permit
ber of people on earth who have and exercise full nothing to drive them away from a faithful service
faith and confidence in the Lord, and who now be- of the Most High. They will confidently rely upon
lieve that God will fully avenge his own people in his the Lord for deliverance and salvation and will wait
own due time. To have such faith one must now see upon him, well knowing that in his own due time and
that The THEOCRATICGOVERNMENT of Jehovah God good way he will fully and completely avenge the
under Christ Jesus, the great Redeemer and Execu- wrongs of all those who love and serve him. They
tive Officer of the Most High, is the only bulwark can see now and appreciate the fact that the Devil ~s
against religion and associated wickedness and that bringing all the woes upon the peoples of earth, and
THE THEOCRACY is the only hope of deliverance of the that the Devil’s time is very short; that the Devil is
people to life. And then such must recognize that God attempting to destroy particularly the servants of
is now permitting the Devil and his agents on earth, God and his King, and that soon God through Christ
particularly the leaders in religion, to have full op- Jesus will fight against the enemy as he did in times
portunity to show their enmity against THE THEOC- of old, and will completely cut to pieces the enemy,
RACYand its supporters, and that the wicked perse- and deliver all those who remain faithftfl and true
cution of Jehovah’s servants is to permit them to to THE THEOCRACY.
prove their own integrity. Seeing this, the faith- " The prophetic drama of Barak and Deborah now
ful ones are not at all discouraged, but are rather in course of fulfillment is another proof that Jehovah
encouraged. They see the evidence corroborating will shortly avenge his own. Mark well now the battle
scriptures that Armageddon is very near, when that was fought at the river of Kishon, and after
God will avenge the wrongs of his people. The true studying that battle record let all who have real faith
and faithful ones have no doubt that the outrages in God confidently believe and know that the record
recently perpetrated in many parts of the earth of that battle, the meaning of which is now made
against Jehovah’s witnesses will have due atten- known, is for the aid and comfort and the increasing
tion from the Lord in the near future when he hope of God’s faithful people on the earth.
literally cuts the enemy to pieces at the battle of (To be continued)


OLITICALpowers of the earth today are, variously,
p democratic, autocratic, totalitarian, Nazi, Communis-
tic, Fascistic, and Hierarchic, and all of them against
to be exercised. It follows, then, that there is no creature
or creatures that could rightfully make and execute laws
or rules of action that are contrary to God’s law. Whenthe
The Theocracy. apostle says, in his letter to the Christians at Rome,"Let
Theocracy is not the invention of Jehovah’s witnesses. every soul be subject unto the higher powers," the wor&s
As a term the word was first used by the Jewish historian "every soul" include first the church and later all men of
Josephus, born at Jerusalem A.D. 37. Writing in Greek on good-will who come into harmony with God.
the "antiquity of the Jews", and in his second book Against Many comments have been written on Romans, chapter
Apion, section 17, Josephus says: "Some legislators have thirteen, to the effect that the governments of this world,
permitted their governments to be under monarchies, others including "Christendom", are the "powers that be" and
put them under oligarchies, and others under a republican that such governments derive their powers from Jehovah
form, but our legislator [Moses] had no regard to any of God. At once it is seen that the foundation is laid for the
these forms, but he ordained our government to be what, doctrine of the "divine right of kings", for the reason that
by a strained expression, may be termed a Theocracy the religious argument is that whatever power a nation has
[Theokratla], by ascribing the authority and the power to and exercises, that power is ordained of God, and that
God." The nation of Israel, whenfaithful, was but a typical therefore the child of God must be obedient to that power.
theocracy. For manycenturies the rulers and the nations called "Chris-
The Creator of heaven and earth, Jehovah God, is the tian" nations have insisted that God has delegated to them
great Theocrat. His power is supreme. From him proceeds the power to rule, and have used this to cause the people
all rightful authority. There is no limitation to his power, to pay them great respect and homage. Let this argument
and there is no qualification to the statement that Jehovah be followed to its logical conclusion, and where do we find
God is supreme. "I am the Almighty God," he says. (Gen. ourselves ?
17:1; 35: 11) He is "the Most High", and none can be The fundamental law of the United States declares that
above him. (Ps. 91:1; Eph. 4:10) "There is no power but a man may exercise his religion in any manner he may
of God: the powers that be are ordained of God." (Rom. choose. Contrary to this fundamental law, some of the states
13: 1) Otherwise stated, all power that is rightfully exer- enact a law that the gospel of the kingdom of God or The
cised is that which is delegated by Jehovah to the creature Theocracy can not be preached in certain places or under

certain conditions, and they arrest and punish those who him AUTHORITY to execute judgment also, because he is the
attempt thus to preach it. In Nazi Germany, in Communist Son of man." These scriptures prove that Christ Jesus is
Russia, and in Fascist Italy the law is that one ean not the "higher power" and that Jehovah is the highest or
preach the good news of The Theocratic Government at all supreme power. The expression "the higher powers" may
without a permit from the government. God’s commandment therefore be applied to both Jehovah and Jesus, becausc
to his sons, which commandmentis given through his King Christ Jesus always carries out the order of his Father.
Christ Jesus, is that this gospel of the Kingdomshall be "Jesus Christ . . . is gone into heaven, and is on the
preached in all the nations as a witness. (Matt. 24: 14) right hand of God; angels and AUTttORITIESand powers
Shall the child of Godbe obedient to the law of the United being made subject unto him." (1 Pet. 3 : 21, 22) Manifestly
States or of Germanyor Russia or Italy, or to the law of this does not include the worldly nations, powers and au-
God? Is it possible that Godhas delegated to those various thorities of the earth, for the reason that at the time of
nations the right and authority to make and enforce laws Jesus’ ascension to heaven and appearing in the presence
that are inconsistent with God’s own expressed will and in of God it was not Jehovah’s due time to make the enemy
derogation thereof ? organization the footstool of the Lord Jesus, as declared
Is it not therefore clear that there has been a decidedly at Psalm 110:1. The apostle Paul’s words must therefore
improper application of the apostle Paul’s words when mean that "every soul" in God’s organization must "be
applied to the governments of this world? Whenhe says, subject" to Christ Jesus, the Prince, Ruler, or Head over
"The powers that be are ordained of God," is it not more God’s organization. In support of this conclusion Jesus
reasonable that he directs his words exclusively to the pow- stated that the power of judg~nent had been committed unto
ers possessed and exercised in God’s organization, and not him, together with the authority to execute that judgment
those that are exercised in Satan’s ? Such judgment has particular reference to the organization
The organization of Jehovah is of far greater importance of Jehovah ; as it is written : "For we [the apostle Paul and
than any other organization. It is to his organization that fellow Christians] must all appear before the judgment scat
Romans,chapter thirteen, is addressed. Everything in God’s of Christ; that every one may receive the thin~ done in
organization must be orderly; because he is the God of his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good
order, and not of confusion. This rule applies to His church : or bad." (2 Cor. 5 : 10) "For the time is come that judgment
"For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as must begin at the house of God; and if it first begin at us,
in all churches of the saints."--I Cor. 14:33. what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of
Aside from Jehovah himself his organization consists of God?" (1 Pet. 4: 17) These scriptures show that Jesus
Jesus Christ, his holy angels, cherubim, also the resurrected Christ is the higher power, and his power is always exer-
members of the "body of Christ", including the twelve cised in harmony with Jehovah, the Supreme One.
apostles, and also those on earth whohave been brought into A manis subject to the laws of tile nation of which he
the church and anointed of God’s spirit and who are dili- is a citizen. He is therefore the subject of that natron. A
gently serving as the witnesses of Jehovah. With these last citizen of the United States is subject to the laws of the
there is now associating itself a "great multitude" of "com- United States. If that citizen of the Umted States is m
panions", persons of good-will toward Jehovah and his Italy he is still subject to the laws of the United States,
Theocratic Government under Christ. At the Jordan river, the land of his citizenship. Since Romans,chapter thirteen,
at the time of his consecration to God, Jesus was anointed is addressed to the anointed sons of God, the inquiry is per-
to the high office of "priest for ever after the order of Mel- tinent: Where is the citizenship of the son of God? The
chizedek". He was then and there clothed with certain pow- apostle Paul answers that question and plainly declares that
ers as the man Christ Jesus on earth. Speaking to his dis- the members of the church or "body of Chr,st" on earth
ciples Jesus said that "the Son of man hath power on earth have their citizenship in heaven. "For our citizenship is in
to forgive sins". (Mark 2: 10) After Jesus had been raised heaven; whence also we wait for a Saviour, the Lord Jesus
from the dead he said: "All power is given unto me in Christ." (Phil. 3:20, Rev. Vet.) It appearing that Paul is,
heaven and in earth." (Matt. 28: 18) That power he re- at Romans13:1, addressing his words to the church, the
ceived from Jehovah. "newcreation", and the citizenship of such being in heaven,
The word "power" is translated from the Greek word then, by all known processes of proper reasoning, Paul’s
exous{a. At Romans, chapter thirteen, the apostle Paul’s words must mean that these members of the new creation
argument shows that the power there mentioned has refer- are subjects of Godand must be obedient to the laws of God
ence to the authority that is possessed and exercised in The apostle could not mean that the "higher powers"
God’s organization. It is the institution which Jehovah him- are the worldly powers on earth of Satan’s organizatmn
self employs to carry out his purposes. The above-quoted It is not possible that these are higher than God’s arrange-
scriptures are in point, as well as those that follow: Colos- ment of his ownpeople and have control over it. The apostle
sians 1: 16: "For by him were all things created, that are says: "The powers that be are ordained of God," or, "have
in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, been arranged under God." (Emphatic Diaglott transla-
whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or tion) Can this be properly applied to the worldly powers
POWERS:all things were created by him, and for him." on earth and not applied to the church ? The words of the
John 17 : 2 : "Thou hast given him POWER over all flesh, that apostle, at 1 Corinthians 12:18, 28, are in answer to that
he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given question, to wit: "But now hath God set the membersevery
him." John 5:22, 27: "The Father judgeth no man, but one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him. And God
hath committed all judgment unto the Son ; and hath given hath set some in the church; first, apostles; secondarily,

prophets; thirdly, teachers; after that, miracles; then gifts the church; or whether it relates to the governors of the
of healing, helps, governments, diversities of tongues." church, who are sent by the Lord Jesus Christ.’ According
Those who have insisted that the apostle referred ex- to 1 Corinthians 12: 28, the apostles were appointed as
clusively to the worldly powers on earth when he said, "The governors in the church. They laid downrules relating to
powers that be are ordained of God," cite in support the the church. Whether those rules were directly inspired and
words of Peter, to wit: "Submit yourselves to every ordi- directed from Jehovah or the Lord Jesus, or were made by
nance of man [ (Rotherham’s translation) Submit yourselves the apostles, the members of the church may not have
unto every humancreation] for the Lord’s sake ; whether it known; but they were admonished to be submissive thereto
be to the king, as supreme; or unto governors, as unto them for the Lord’s sake and to let the Lord determine whether
that are sent by him for the punishment of evil doers, and or not the rules were right. Not always did the apostles
for the praise of them that do well." A careful examination speak by commandment.On one occasion Paul said (1 Cor.
of this text (1 Pet. 2: 13, 14) shows that it does not apply 7:6): "I speak this by permission, and not of command-
to the powers exercised by the worldly governments of this ment."
earth, but to the church. The phrase "ordinance of man" in The argument of Peter, at 1 Peter 2 : 13, 14, was for the
1 Peter 2:13 means "human creation". How, then, could unity and harmony in the church. In support of this, note
it be said that any ordinance of the church is of human his further words: "Be respectful to all; love the brother-
creation ? Whenthe man Christ Jesus appointed the apostles hood; fear God; honor the King." (Verse 17, Emphatic
and sent them forth as leaders and governors in the church, Diaglott) It is manifest here, when he commandsthe church
were they not all of human creation, within the meaning to be respectful to all, to love their brethren and to fear
of 1 Peter 2:13 ? It was the man Jesus that did it, and it God, and then speaks of the King, that he does not mean
was menthat were sent forth ; and this is none the less true the kings of earth over which Satan is the god. To determine
even though it was done in obedience to God’s command. to whomhe speaks, it is but necessary to notice the opening
Whenthe apostles announced a rule or rules relating to words of the epistle, which he addresses to the church, the
the church, were not these of human creation? In support "new creation".
of this conclusion, note Hebrews 13: 7, 17: "Remember As further proof that Peter’s words have reference to
them which have the rule over you [(Emphatic Diaglott) the government in Jehovah’s Theocratic organization, and
Remember your leaders] ... Obey them that have the that when he speaks with reference to the King he has
rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for reference to Christ Jesus, the King of The Theocracy,
your souls as they that must give account; that they may 1 Peter 2 : 14 says: "Or to governors, as sent by him for the
do it with joy, and not with grief; for that is unprofitable punishment of evil-doers, and the praise of well-doers."
for you." Therefore Peter’s words, at 1 Peter 2 : 13, 14, ad- (Diaglott) Can it be said that God has sent the governors
dressed to the church, seem clearly to meanthis : Wherethe of the various nations, including the totalitarian states, to
church on earth acts under the authority of the Scriptures punish the evil-doers in the church and to praise the well-
and creates an arrangement for its government or course of doers therein? Whoever heard of the governor or ruler of
action, each memberof Jehovah’s organization should sub- any worldly nation, including "Christendom", giving praise
mit to such arrangement and not try to overthrow it. If to those because of their full and absolute obedience and
that which is of "human creation", such as regulations, faithfulness unto the Lord God and to the Lord Jesus
rules or leaders, becomes useless or the servants become Christ? The Lord Jesus Christ did send the apostles as
unfaithful, the Lord’s organization through his duly con- governors in the church; and the apostles as governors m
stituted ones maytake action to judge or rule or put out the the church did punish evil-doers. Consult the record at
unfaithful ones. No individual, however, has authority to Acts 5 : 1-10 concerning Ananias and Sapphira ; also 1 Co-
take such action. The chief point is that it is the Lord’s rinthians 5: 1-5. The apostles also gave praise to those who
organization or arrangement and he has designated the did well in the church. See Philippians 1 : 3 ; 2 Corinthians
manner in which it shall be governed and judged. 9: 1,2; Colossians 4:9, 12, 14. There is therefore no sup-
What, then, did Peter meanwhen he said (1 Pet. 2 : 13) port in the argument that i Peter 2:13-17 has any refer-
"Submit yourselves . . . whether it be to the king, as su- ence whatsoever to the laws or governments of the worldly
preme"? Undoubtedly he referred to Jesus, because Jesus powers on earth. Jehovah conferred all power upon Christ
is the King or Lord to the church, and is supreme over the Jesus, and in turn Jesus Christ delegated to his apostles
church because he always acts in exact harmony with Jeho- certain powers in the church. Note John 17:2; 20:22, 23;
vah, the great Theocrat and Supreme One. But how could 2 Corinthians 10 : 8 ; 13 : 10 ; Ephesians3 : 7-10.
it be said that Jesus the King is of "human creation", as There are no successors to the apostles. There has long
those words appear in the text ? The apostle did not say that been in the world an organization called "orgamzed Chms-
Jesus is an "ordinance of man". WhenJesus was on earth tian religion". Because men in that organization have as-
he laid down certain rules which must be followed by the sumedto be successors to the apostles and individually to
church; and these rules, being promulgated by the man direct the affairs of the religious organizatmn and of the
Christ Jesus, were of humancreation. But even that is not other parts of the world, there has been much confusion of
what is here meant by Peter’s argument. Paraphrased, his mind of those who have studied the Word of God. The
words are these: ’For the Lord’s sake submit yourselves apostle’s words have been woefully misconstrued. It should
to every ordinance of manin the church, for that ordinance always be kept in mind that Christ Jesus is the Head of the
relates to the King, the Christ, the Head of the church. To church and that the apostles held special positions therein
be sure, you will submit to that, because he is the Head of and no men since the apostles’ day have filled their places.
(2 Cor. 11: 13-15) The apostles exercised certain governing the Lord’s commandments,and knowing that the Lord Jesus
powers in the church. The Lord Jesus, and the apostles, is the Head thereof, even every memberof the church and
under his direction, laid downcertain rules for the govern- their earthly "companions" should diligently seek to be m
Lug of the church; and the Lord’s arrangement is not a harmony with the policy, course of action and work of such
democratic form of organization, but is under the control Society. If any are of the opinion that the Society is not
and commandof the Lord Jesus Christ, Jehovah’s King, pursuing the proper course, then commit the matter to the
and therefore is a Theocratic government. Hence every in- great Theocrat, Jehovah, and wait upon him to do the
dividual memberof the church should be subject to that judging and to determine what is the proper course to be
arrangcment.--Eph. 2 : 18-21. taken. Every memberof Jehovah’s Theocratic organization
Seeing, then, that the visible part of Jehovah’s organi- Zion is in the covenant to do the will of the Lord, and every
zation, the Society, is made up or composed of God’s one must be in harmony with the great Theocrat and his
anointed witnesses yet on earth, and that this body or com- King. That being true, every one must be subject to "The
pany of Christians is diligently endeavoring to carry out Higher Powers".

HE gateway to the Mediterranean is the straits of
T Gibraltar, and the seventh successive world power
foretold in sacred prophecy, to wit, Britain, forcibly
perfect human pair were born imperfect and as sinners,
and have been easy marks for the enemy. Lucifer’s name
was changed to Satan the Devil. He induced some angels
took possession of this and holds it to dominate the sea.-- of heaven to follow him in wickedness and proceeded to
Revelation 17 : 9, 10. form an organization that has ever opposed God, slandered
The thirteenth chapter of The Revelation, or Apocalypse, and reproached his great name, and deceived many, and
pictures the apostle John, the aged servant of God, stand- he has attempted to devour every one that has taken his
ing "upon the sand of the sea". This fitly represents today place on the side of Jehovah God and righteousness, and
God’s servant class on earth, his anointed witnesses, stand- thus his course has been indicated by his four names, to wit,
ing in a place of security and gaining a Scriptural view of Satan and Devil and Serpent and Dragon.
Satan and his works. The sands mark the impassable bounds While in exile on the isle of Patmos in the ,~Egean sea,
of the sea, and hence a place of safety for one to stand. As the apostle John at his vantage point saw a vision and says :
stated at Jeremiah 5 : 22 : "Fear ye not me ? saith Jehovah : "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise
will ye not tremble at my presence, who have placed the up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and
sand for the bound of the sea, by a perpetual decree, that upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name
it cannot pass it ? and though the waves thereof toss them- of blasphemy." (Rev. 13: 1) It was a "wild beast". (Em-
selves, yet can they not prevail; though they roar, yet can phatic Diaglott and Rotherham translations) Indeed all the
they not pass over it." (Am. Rev. Vet.) Thus is disclosed the facts of history show that it is symbolically a "wild beast".
fact that those who stand safely in the Lord would be the It is of much importance to determine what in Bible
first ones to discern and to make knownthe hideous organi- symbolisms is pictured by the sea. The symbolic meaning of
zation of man’s enemy, Satan the Devil, and to warn the "sea", and which is abundantly supported by the Scriptures,
pcople of good-will to flee therefrom. is: The peoples of earth that are alienated from God and
To man’s original invisible overlord, to wit, to Lucifer, therefore ungodly, and that mother, nourish, bear up and
"the anointed cherub," was committed divine power, because support the visible part of Satan’s organization. The com-
God commissioned him to do certain things with respect to merce of the earth is done chiefly on the waters and the
man To Lucifer it was said : "Thou art the anointed cherub commercial element exercises great influence and power
that covereth; and I have set thee so. thou wast upon the over the people. The politicians of the world organizc and
holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in harness up the "sea", or the people, and control them, ex-
the midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy cept in time of storm or great trouble. The religious element,
ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was and particularly the clergy class, chiefly the RomanCath-
found in thee. By the multitude of thy merchandise they olic Hierarchy, complacently sit upon and arrogantly ride
have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast upon the "sea", or people. All three of these governing ele-
sinned." (Ezek. 28: 14-16) Lucifer devised a scheme ments, politics, commerce and religion, draw their suste-
break away from God’s universal organization and have an nance from the "sea", or people. WhenGod’s kingdom is in
opposing one of his own; as described at Isaiah 14 : 12-14 ¯ full sway there will be "no more sea"; for the reason that
"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the the peoples of earth will then be taught righteousness and
morning ! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst brought into full harmony with God, and Satan’s power
weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will be gone.--Rev. 21 : 1.
will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the In the creation of this earth by the Almighty God the
stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congrega- waters appeared first and the dry land afterwards. Then
tion, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the the spirit of God moved upon the waters and there came
heights of the clouds: I will be like the Most High [Jeho- forth living creatures. Satan the Devil became a mimic god
vah]." Rebellious Lucifer got control of the first woman and has attempted to copy the great Creator’s work. How!
on earth. The first man, because of his ownselfishness, fol- The people were first alienated from God, then Satan ex-
lowed Satan into wickedness. The offspring of that once ploited them. His power moved upon the ungodly peoples

of earth, that is to say, upon the "sea", and symbolically will smite her power in the sea; and she shall be devoured
the "sea" was fecundated and brought forth the beastly with fire." (Zech. 9: 3,4) Thus the Lord foretold s vm-
creature that John saw in vision, the instrument of Satan bolically how the Devil would exploit the people and use
which he has used for the purpose of ruling the peoples of a small class to enrich themselves and how Satan’s orgam-
earth. Then the "dry land" appeared, that is to say, the zation shall perish.
visible organization of Satan. (Hag. 2-6) In the waters As the sea is wide and covers muchof the earth, so also
the literal sea there are monsters which play in the waters does wickedness under the wicked ruler Satan cover the
and devour the smaller creatures. Amongthe peoples of earth and rule it. (Note Psalm 104 : 25 ; Lamentations2 : 13
earth there are monster organizations, cruel and heartless, Jehovah made the leviathan to play in the sea, whereas
that devour the smaller and weaker ones. The wicked ones Satan made his monstrous organization of commerce to-
in the "sea" cause the trouble and oppression. The wicked gether with its ally, religion, to play with the people and
ones catch the people like fish of the sea, says the prophet exploit them. (Ps. 104:26) The sea is the abode of the
Habakkuk (1:13-15). "The wicked are like the troubled dragon; that is to say, Satan and his organization use the
sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and people for his own purposes. Jehovah shall "slay the dragon
dirt. There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked."-- that is in the sea".--Isa. 27 : 1.
Isa. 57 : 20, 21. In the Scriptures Jehovah’s organization is symbolized
The Scriptures show that the "sea" represents selfish by a good and pure "woman". Satan’s organization is pic-
commercial activity, and this is true with the religionists tured or symbolized by a bad or wicked "woman". The chief
foreshadowed by commercial Tyre and who exploit their part of Satan’s organization, being composedof the demons
fellow creatures; concerning which Isaiah 23:11 says: "He of which Satan is the prince, is invisible to man, but the
[Jehovah] stretched out his hand over the sea; he shook power and influence thereof is exercised upon the peoples
the kingdoms ; the Lord hath given a commandmentagainst of earth and has long used them for Satan’s wicked pur-
the merchant city, to destroy the strong holds thereof." poses. The Lord does not leave us in doubt as to what the
(See also Ezekiel 27 : 9 ; 28 : 2 ; Zechariah 9 : 3, 4.) Satan waters of the sea symbolize. After describing to John Sa-
is the great power that has organized the commerceof the tan’s "woman", "the great whore that sitteth upon many
world which provides sustenance for his officers and rep-
waters," the Lord said: "The waters which thou sawest.
resentatives on the earth. (Ezek. 28 ¯ 16) Egypt was Satan’s where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and
first great world power and had a monopoly once on the nations, and tongues." (Rev. 17 : 15) The hope of the peoples
food supply of the earth, and the traffic of Egypt was of earth is to be entirely rid of Satan’s organization and to
carried on upon the waters of the rivers and the sea. Where- return fully into the favor of God. This great truth Jehovah
fore Ezekiel 32 ¯ 2 says : "Son of man, take up a lamentation
God first shows to his servants in Christ who are devoted
for Pharaoh king of Egypt, and say unto him, Thou art to Him. Nowthe time has come for all persons of good-will
like a young lion of the nations, and thou art as a whale toward Jehovah and his Theocratic Government by Christ
[ (~mrgin) as a dragon (devil) ] in the seas; and thou camest to receive the knowledge of the truth which is so much
forth with thy rivers, and troubledst the waters with thy needed by them. They must know that Satan’s organization
feet, and fouledst their rivers." This prophecy symbolically is their great and destructive enemy and that Jehovah God
describes how Satan has exploited the peoples of the world. and his organization are the true friends of the people.
Concerning Tyrus, that ancient city which pictured the
political, commercial RomanCatholic Hierarchy in par- Further, John says: "And I saw a new heaven and a
ticular, it is further written: "Whenthy wares went forth new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were
out of the seas, thou fiIledst manypeople ; thou didst enrich passed away; and there was no more sea." (Rev. 21.1~
the kings of the earth with the mulhtude of thy riches and "No more sea" means that under Jehovah’s Theocratm Gov-
of thy merchandise. In the time when thou shalt be broken ernment by Christ ungodly human creatures from which
by the seas in the depths of the waters, thy merchandise, Satan developed his "beast" will no longer exist. Then God
and all thy companyin the midst of thee, shall fall." (Ezek. will reconcile to Himself the people that live. Those who
27: 33, 34) "And Tyrus did build herself a strong hold, refuse to be reconciled shall be destroyed, and there will
and heaped up silver as the dust, and fine gold as the mire be a clean heaven and earth, making a "new heaven and a
of the streets. Behold, the Lord will cast her out, and he new earth".
( Conthnuedfrom page 2) shall early be satmfied. The front-cover picture visuahzesthe set-
Jehovah’switnesses, undercontinuousenemyfire, during the past ting of the story as related by the author, Judge Rutherford.
serwceyear. Besides this amazingreport the Yearbookalso offers Satisfied is nowbeing mailedto all contributing 5c per copy.
the president’s commenton the 1941 yeartext and a text with a
Watchtowercommentthereon for each day of the new year. The 1941 CALENDAR
e(htmnof the Yearbookis alwayslmaited, thus enhancingthe costs The 1941Calendar is exceptionally beautiful and expressive.
revolved; hencea contribution of 50c per copy is stipulated there- Underthe yeartext, to wit, "Salvatmnunto our God. . . and unto
for. Organizedcompaniesshould combinethe orders of all indi- the Lamb"(Rev. 7: 1O, A.R.V.), the artmt portrays with Scrip-
wduals therefor and send such through the companyservant. tural symbolismsand moderndetails Jehovah’s %trange work" of
judgment nowfast reaching its climax amongall natmns. The
"SATISFIED" Calendar date pads mark the special testtmony permdsfor 1941,
In these days of increasing dissatisfaction with everything of andalso give field service suggestmnsfor the intervening months.
the world, the title of this newbooklet, "Satisfied," strikes the A contribution of 25c per copyis askedtherefor, or $1.00 for five
reader with a strong appeal. The contents of this 32-pagebooklet copies marled to one address. Compames do well to send m com-
showhowand by whomthe heart’s desire of all menof good-will binatmn orders through the local companyservant
REFUGEE FINDS REALREFUGE watches us work. Everyone in the section was watching
"I called at a house in N.W. London and was met by an from store windows and homes. From then on we went, each
Austrian who had escaped from Nazi Germany. She took one every other house. At one I approached a fellow came
Salvation and a Watchtower. I arranged for a back-call. In running toward me from a store: ’Get that Jehovah stuff
a fortnight I was back with the succeeding issue of The outa here!’ ’What have you got against Jehovah’s wit-
Watchtower. She cordially invited me to ’come in’. Said nesses?’ ’Oh, nothing, except you are making too much
she: ’I have enjoyed the book Salvation, and have deter- trouble, and I have my religion.’ He warned me to leave
mined to become a subscriber for The Watchtower." I in- the neighborhood at once because ’this is election day and
vited her to come to a Salvation study I was conducting some of the fellows are drinking and no telling what you
near by. Unfortunately she fell ill and could not attend. might get.’ I then said: ’So you admit that you are the
I was a little discouraged over this and felt further de- troublemakers. Well, get this, Jehovah’s witnesses are not
spondent when I called with the next copy of The Watch- letting anybody use them for doormats, and if anyone is
tower, to find she was out. I pushed the Watchtower through looking for trouble, he’ll get it on the other hand. Wecome
the letter-box with one of my private cards containing my to you for a peaceful purpose.’
’phone number. Within half an hour of my reaching home, "Around the corner I entered a barber shop. Who is
guess how surprised I was when, in answering the telephone, there but ’Ginger" himself and two other Catholics. The
I listened to a refugee pouring out her joy to me at having Italian barber told me I could get out. Turning, I addressed
found The Theocracy. I arranged to see her, and thereafter ’Ginger’ and the others: ’Would you gentlemen like to
she came to the Salvation study. Later the study of Salva- hear this lecture ?’ To mysurprise ’Ginger’ says: ’Go ahead,
tion was carried on in her house, as she had several who play it, I’ll listen.’ I answered: ’I shan’t play it unless you
were attending. Suddenly she was arrested as an alien and really want to hear it.’ At that he insisted and asked the
interned in Holloway gaol. There in the prison she carried barber, who gave permission. Frances passes and enters a
on a marvelous witness work among other internees, plac- store next door where a crowd was gathered. When the
ing much literature. She used a copy of the Yearbook pro- record was almost finished, someone came excitedly calling
hfically, pushing it under the cell doors for others to obtain ’Ginger" to go to the store next door where Frances was. He
a knowledge of the world-wide work. Eventually she was bowed to me and excused himself. Frances reports that the
transferred to the Isle of Man, and there remains at present, Catholic womanwho owned the store did not want the lec-
still carrying on the witness work in a bold, determined way. ture run, but that the crowd insisted, so her objections were
She has joined the local companyof witnesses on the Isle overcome. One womantried to interrupt the lecture, cry-
and many other refugees have gone with her and the com- ing ’Oh, Jehovah !’ The crowd hollered, ’Oh, shut up !’ and
pany itself has received new life, for the ’refugees’ have ’Ginger’ said, ’Yes, shut up ! howcan I hear the lecture with
indeed come a long way to find the truth." all that noise ?’ Almost everyone in the store took literature
except the womenwho tried to prevail upon the men not
SOME RECOVERING FROM MOB INSANITY to read it, but without success. One Catholic man said he
"(November) The only territory left to be done here received a Kingdom News in the mail but had torn it up,
Portland, Maine, happened to be the least desirable of all, but ’I’m going to read this’.
one reason being it is 100-percent Irish Catholic. Every time "When Frances came out, Verle and I were waiting
I have worked in it there has been mob action. The last ’Ginger" comes out and runs to Verle and addresses her:
Catholic Action was when Catholic Legionnaire ’Ginger’ ’Are you Miss Garfein?’ and further, ’I’m awful sorry for
L attacked a witness from the rear, during the book- the trouble I was mixed up in with you people, and I’m
let work at night, and split his head open. The witness de- awful sorry I hit Mr. Cox. I want to go down to see him at
fended himself and gave his assailant a beating. The witness the jail, and I’m going to.’ Wetalked a little. I asked if he
was arrested and found guilty; his appeal is pending. had ever read any of our literature. His answer was ’No’.
’Ginger,’ I understand, has been the cock of the walk in his I asked if he would like to read Conspiracy Against De-
parish. Pioneer Frances and I got the part of the territory mocracy. He answered: ’No, no, you see I don’t have any
where the trouble occurred and where ’Ginger’ hangs out. money.’’Wouldyou read it if I gave it to you ?’ ’Yes, I sure
Later I saw Frances playing the phonograph on the door- would.’ Receiving the booklet, he says, very courteously,
step of an apartment. To her left was a store window. ’Thank you.’ A womanhollered, ’Ginger, what’s the matter
Watching her through the window were ’Ginger’ and a with you ? You’re a Catholic. Let that stuff alone. That old
crowd of men. Whenthey saw me they looked pretty black. Jehovah stuff, leave it alone; you don’t want that.’ He
I waited for Frances. Whenfinished, she related an ex- answered, ’Yes, I do, and I’m going to read it.’ We de-
perience she had around the corner with a policeman who parted. Different publishers saw him at different times dur-
tried to make her stop a doorstep setup and intimidate her ing the afternoon and each time he spoke courteously. One
from further work on his street. As she was telling me, the of those men in that store at the time was called on at his
policeman came by. Walking over to us, he started: ’Next homeby another pioneer that afternoon, and he invited her
time an officer of the law tells you to get off a porch, you in and had his whole family to listen. This is the first sign
go !’ I said: ’Just a minute--what is your name ?’ He gave we have seen of anything breaking into the Catholic popu-
me his name, but started talking so sweetly you could almost lation here. It is quite thrilling. Wehad more setups and
see the honey dripping while I wrote his name in my little placed more literature in that territory than in any of the
book. ’Ginger’ walks by, crosses to the other corner and others lately."
i ¯ -

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JANUARY 15, 1941

(Part 4) 19
Wicked Flourish 2{)




"SATISFIED" ............ 18
....... 31
117 Adazns Sta’eet
- o
Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A.
T HIS Journal Is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and hIs purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically de-
OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good will
J. F. RUTHY~FO~,President W. E, V~r A~BV~GH,Becretary It arranges systematic Bible study for Its readers and the Society
"And all flay children shell be taught o£ Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes suit-
able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of public
great shall be fine peace ox c flay children." -Isaiah 54:z3. Instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SC.RIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for Its utterances.
It Is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
THAT JEHOVAHIs the only true God, ts from everlasting to
or other worldly organizations. It Is wholly and without reserva-
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life
tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
to his creatures ; that the Loges was the beginning of his creation,
King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
and his active agent In the creation of all things; that the Loges tion of Its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not In-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power In
dulge In controversy, and Its columns are not open to personalities.
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon It; that man willfully dis-
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of UNITED STATES, $1.00; CANADA ANn MIS~CELLANgOUS FOREIGN. $1.50:
Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the right GREAT BRITAIN. AUSTg£LAnlA~ A~rD SOUTH AFRICA, 68. American remit-
taucea should be made by Postal or Express Money Order or by Bank
to life. Draft. Canadian, British, South African and Australasian remittances
should be made direst to the respective branch orates. Remittances from
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countries other than those mentiuned maybe made to the Brooklyn office,
death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for but by International Postal MoneyOrder only.
obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every name F0AZmN O~c~s
and clothed him with all power and authority. British...................................... 34 Craven Terrace, London, W.~ England
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATIONIs a Theocracy called Zion, Canadian ............................... 40 Irwin Avenue. Toronto 5, Ontario. Canada
Au#traiosiapt .................... 7 Beresford Road, Strathfleld, N. S. W., AustraUa
and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the right-
South A?r/ca~............................ Boston House. Cape Town, South Africa
ful King of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of Please address the Society in every case.
ChrIst Jesus are children of Zion, members of Jehovah’s organiza-
tion, and are hIs witnesses whose duty and privilege it is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind
(TranM6tion# of thim Journal appear ~n several languages.)
as expressed In the Bible, and to hear the fruits of the kingdom
before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLDhas ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted All sincere students of the Bible whoby reason of Infirmity. poverty or
adversity are unable to pay the subscription price may have The WatcA-
Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the establishment of tower free upon written application to the uubltshers, made once each
God’s kingdom on earth. year, stating the reason for so requesting It. Weare glad to thus aid the
needy~ butthe written application once each year is required by the
postal regmatlons.
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, which Native to Bub#or~bers: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the destruction scriptlon will be sent only when requested. Change of address, when
requested, may be expected to appear on address label within one month
of Satan’s organization and the establishment of righteousness In A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) will be sent with the
the earth, and that under the kingdom the people of good will that Journal one month before the subscription expires.
survive Armageddon shall carry out the divine mandate to "fill Entered as second-olaf# matter at the post o~ce at Brooklyn, N. Y.,
the earth" with a righteous race. under the Act o.f March S, 1879.


This midwinter period of special activity will run through the In these days of mcreaslng dmsatisfaction with everything ot
entire month of February. The tttle thereof calls attention to the the world, the title of thin new booklet, "Satisfied," strikes the
zeal, energy and fearlessness with which Ehud used his dagger reader with a strong appeal. The contents of thin 32-page booklet
against King Eglon, and which qualities all pubhshers of The show how and by whom the heart’s desire of all men of good-w~]I
Theocracy will exercise likewise during this Period. February shall early be satisfied. The front-cover picture visualizes the set-
opens up this year’s three-month Watchtower campaign, and hence ting of the story as related by the author, Judge Rutherford.
all publishers will specialize on securing subscnptmns for The Satisfied is now being marled to all contributing 5c per copy.
Watchtower and offering as a premmmthe book Religion and the
new booklet Satisfied, all on a contribution of $1.00. Arrange now
for this Testimony, and, if posmble, attend the local company 1941 YEARBOOK OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES
service meetings where this campaign is being discussed and or- In the face of an almost impossible year the pubheation of the
ganized. Write this office if you need references. To contribute 194/ Yearbook of Jehovah’s witnesses represents an accomplish-
toward making up the general report of the work and results ment made possible only by Jehovah’s power. Confirmation of this
thereof, please turn in your personal report of what you accom- you will find when you read the comprehensive report, as written
plish. by the Society’s president, covering the world-wide activities of
Jehovah’s witnesses, under continuous enemy fire, during the past
"WATCHTOWER" STUDIES service year. Besides this amazing report the Yearbook also offers
Week of February 16: "Drama of Vengeance" (Part 4), the president’s comment on the 1941 yeartext and a text with a
1-17 inclusive, The Watchtower January 15, 1941. Watchtower comment thereon for each day of the new year. The
Week of February 23: "Drama of Vengeance" (Part 4), edition of the Yearbook is always limited, thus enhancing the costs
¶ 18-34 inclusive, T~w Wa¢ch#owcr January 15, 1941. (Continued on page 31)


"When the wicked spring as the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish, it is that they
shall be destroyed for ever."--Ps. 92:7.
EHOVAH will vindicate his name by destroying the Devil, that supreme wicked one. The Nazi-Fascist
J all those who work against his government under
Christ Jesus. It is Satan, that wicked one, operat-
axis has but one objective, and that is the destruction
of everything that will not submit to their arbitrary
ing his religious-totalitarian conspiracy against T~a~ rule. In their wicked course they are fully backed
THFZ)CRACY that is now desperately fighting against and supported by the Vatican, the astute head of
Jehovah’s kingdom. There is no compromise and no which advises, aids and consorts with the other con-
possibility of peace between God and the wicked. spirators. While this is being written the newspapers
Todaythe Vatican officials, together with the Fascist, of Berlin, with blaring headlines, announce that the
Nazi and Communist dictators, are moving with all dictator Hitler has declared that he has received
their power to destroy everything in the earth that from God the commission to destroy England, all of
will not submit to their devilish rule. All this is in the men, womenand children. He does not say from
defiance of Ahnighty God and a reproach upon his what god he received that information; and every-
name. Jehovah’s name must be vindicated. It shall one who believes Almighty God knows that the god
be vindicated! The only possible way to bring about of Hitler is "the god of this world", to wit, the Devil,
the vindication of Jehovah’s name is the complete that old wicked one. (1 John 5 : 19 ; 2 Cor. 4 : 4) The
destruction of the wicked, which means the complete Vatican and other members of the Roman Catholic
destruction of every part of Satan’s organization. Hierarchy fully support Hitler and commend him
Satan and his demon army must now confine them- for the destruction committed in Belgium, Holland,
selves to the earth, and, doing so, Satan has put into France and other places. It is now, therefore, that
action the religious, official organization, and the the wicked have sprung up as grass, when they have
political organization, and all others supporting budded like the herbage of the fields, and when all
Satan’s side, all of which are wicked because they the workers of iniquity or lawlessness have blos-
are against TH~ TH~.OCRACY. At the battle of that somed ; and the Lord declares that when this appears
great day of GodAlmighty, he declares, all the wick- and is manifest in the earth "it leadeth to their being
ed shall be destroyed. destroyed for ever". It therefore appears to be cer-
2 But whenwill the battle be fought that results in tain that Armageddon, that great battle of God Al-
tile destruction of the wicked? No mancould fix the mighty, is near at hand. All nations are against THE
day, but the circumstantial evidence in fulfillment of THEOCRACY; therefore God’s faithful and devoted
prophecy can approximate the date. The text first people, members of his organization, are designated
above quoted, at the head of this article, answers as God’s "holy nation".--1 Pet. 2:9, 10.
the question. The rendering of this text by Rother- ’ During the World War the visible rulers of earth
ham throws more light upon the subject: "When the induced the masses of the people of the nations to
lawless bud like herbage, and all the workers of in- believe that democracy, that is, a rule by the people
iquity have blossomed, it leadeth to their being de- and for the people, would flourish and abide forever.
stroyed for ever. But thou art on high to the ages, That was clearly a deception. Every action has been
0 Jehovah! for lo! thine enemies, Jehovah, for lo! taken by the great religious leaders, and the rulers
thine enemies shall perish."--Psa/ms. of Europe in particular, to destroy democracy, and
3 Never in all time have the nations of the earth that is about accomplished. Those who devote them-
been so completely under the domination of that selves to Jehovah God and his King, and who famil-
wicked one as now. More subtle is the work of the iarize themselves with the Word of God, as written
wicked ones now than in the days of Noah. Without a in the Bible, know therefrom that democracy has
question of doubt dictators are the instruments of not long to continue, and therefore they boldly de-

clare the same. But their report was not believed tors accede to his demand and proceed in the estab-
by the religious and political rulers and their sup- lishment of Rome on its old basis. To deceive the
porters. Most of the worldly governments relied up- people the pope claims to be the servant of God, but,
on the League of Nations to establish peace and to in fact, he is the chief visible enemy of Jehovah God
prevent war. The religious leaders, at the time of and his kingdom. "Catholic Action" began in Ger-
the formation of the League of Nations, issued the many to bring about the healing of that German head
statement that "the League of Nations is the polit- described in Revelation thirteen. The nations and
ical expression of God’s idngdom on earth" and that the people thereof are now advised of the result.
therefore now peace had come to stay. Their proph- Hitler, the dictator, was put in power by the con-
ecy was far short of the facts. The servants of Jeho-nivance and allied action of the religious politicians
vah, being witnesses to his name, plainly informed of various nations of the earth, many of whomwere
the religious organizations that, according to the members of the League of Nations; and all of this
Word of God, the League advocates were wrong in movement is a conspiracy against Jehovah God and
their conclusion and that, instead of peace, the worst
his TtIEOCRATIC GOVERNI~ENT under Christ Jesus. The
tribulation ever known must soon come upon the religious, political, commercial elements furnished
earth. (Matt. 24 : 21, 22) Because Jehovah’s servantsthe brains and the money to put Hitler into office,
proclaimed these and other like truths the religious but the whole scheme originated with and was di-
and political elements of the nation regarded such rected by Satan himself. It has been suggested that
servants of Jehovah as plain "nuts", fairly well Hitler is Gog, Satan’s chief marshal, appearing in
"cracked", and frequently so published in their press.
the flesh. Whether that is true or not, Hitler is an
Jehovah’s witnesses continued to call attention to instrument completely in the employ and use of
the prophecies of Revelation, and other parts of the the Devil. Muchof the support to put Hitler in power
Scriptures, that God’s prophecies were now due to came from the United States. Now the work of re-
be fulfilled and would be fulfilled. establishing the old "Holy Roman Empire" is well
~Germany had been defeated in that war, and under way. Many who are induced secretly to support
therefore one of the heads of "the beast" described this re-establishment of the old "Holy RomanEm-
in Revelation received a deadly wound. The Scrip- pire" are certain to rue their action and come to
tures declared, and Jehovah’s witnesses so called great grief.
attention thereto, that the vanquished side or ’wound- ’ Do the wicked flourish now? They do, most em-
ed head’ would come back, with the head healed, and phatically. Since the end of the World War the wick-
that all the nations would be astounded. (Rev. ed have sprung up like grass, as in favorable weather
13: 1-8) (Light, Book One, page 269) Germany was seasons. The workers of iniquity have blossomed and
for many years the chief support of Rome, and the produced their fruit. Those workers of lawlessness
dominant people in the "Holy RomanEmpire". Mark have not the least sense of righteousness, but are en-
the title that was given to that religious organization,
tirely wicked. They are against everything that is
as set forth in history: "Holy RomanEmpire of the righteous because they are depraved beyond re-
German Nation." covery and are fully wicked. "Catholic Action" pushed
forward openly by dictators has now destroyed the
WICKED FLOURISH freedom of Europe. The wicked rule continental
One of the names given Satan is that of serpent, Europe, and the common people mourn and are in
meaning "deceiver". He employed fraud and deceit great distress, exactly as declared would be the case.
to accomplish his purpose from the beginning, and (Prov. 29 : 2) Nowwickedness flourishes ’qike a green
even today continues it. The chief instrument for bay tree". (Ps. 37 : 35) Like that species of tree, the
deception has been and is religion. The RomanCath- wicked spread out over the ground and grow in
olic "Hierarchy of Authority", operating from Rome, crooked and distorted form. Now the dictators,
is admittedly in the lead of all religious organiza- backed up by the Vatican, the chief hatchery of dic-
tions on the earth and carries forward what it calls tators, spread out over the earth and are grabbing
"Catholic Action", operating always for a wicked everything on the earth. The head of that beast that
purpose. The present pope is undoubtedly the most received the deadly wound is healed, and the Papacy
astute politician that has occupied the papal office is riding on the back of that beast. So completely
in many centuries. He was secretary of state during does the Vatican control that beast, aligned with the
the administration of his immediate predecessor. politicians and the commercial leaders, that the
The purpose of the Vatican in its movement called newspapers and other publications of the world, even
"Catholic Action" is to gain control and rule the in the lands yet called "democracies", refuse to speak
world, and, to do that, it demands the re-establish- out and tell the people that the real enemy that is
ment of the old "Holy Roman Empire". The dicta- destroying liberty and all freedom of thought and

action is that religious organization operating from protect those assemblies of Christians ? Wethink lie
Vatican City in Italy. did, and we praise his name for his loving-kindness.
’ Today the British people, with their backs to the Shortly thereafter, in Edinburgh, Scotland, another
wall, are fighting for an existence. Dictators, urged large assembly of Jehovah’s witnesses carried for-
on by the Vatican erowd, carry on the wickedest ward their program for several days in meetings as
slaughter ever known to human creatures. The weak, well as in their field work, while the enemy bombed
the lame, the sick, the poor, the defenseless children, the city and vicinity. All who love righteousness must
are all alike victims of the bloodthirsty religious, dic- sympathize with and admire the steadfast resistance
tatorial conspirators. Children fleeing from the wick- by the British people against a murderous assault
ed slaughter in the land are sent by ships to America, carried on by the great religious organization and
and on the way the dictators murder them by dyna- the dictators of the continent.
miting the ships. The wicked have grown very strong, ,1 Other portions of the British Empire, including
and all the workers of iniquity and injustice flourish. many island possessions and also Canada, which is
9 Whois willing to proclaim the truth now in this a part of the Empire, have yielded to the wicked in-
hour of the world’s great distress? Only those who fluence of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and have
have full faith and confidence in Jehovah God and arbitrarily and without any reason or cause stopped
his THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT under Christ Jesus. the public witness work of the servants of Jehovah
Every person on earth who truly loves righteousness God. Thus far in England, Scotland and Wales Jeho-
and hates wickedness now deeply sympathizes with vah’s witnesses have been permitted to go forward
the people of the British Isles. The people of that with the Kingdom work in advising the distressed
nation, more than any other nation now on earth, population that God foretold these dreadful days
have believed the Bible to be God’s Wordof truth, and that his kingdom now at hand is their hope and
and they have endeavored to teach their children the relief. Of course, no man can authoritatively state
Scriptures. They have for centuries steadfastly re- what God will do, but it may be that, because of the
sisted the Papacy and its wicked practices. Stealthily righteousness-loving people of the British Isles who
and gradually the Vatican, with its Jesuit agencies boldly declare the name and kingdom of Jehovah
operating subtly amongst the people, have put fear God, and because of the great number of people re-
into the public press and into the politicians, and siding there whoare of good-will towards God’s king-
even now in England’s hour of dire distress the pub- dom, and because of the bold stand the British people
lic press remains silent concerning the fact that the are making against the Papal dictators, the Lord
religious organizations, led by the RomanCatholic God may show some special favor to that land and
Hierarchy, demand that Britain shall suffer for her not permit the wicked to destroy that country. If the
opposition to the Papacy manifested during the cen- public officials of England and the public press of
turies past. The Roman Catholic Hierarchy has a that land would have and exercise faith in God and
strangle hold on the public press, and by the practice in Christ, and boldly take their stand against the
of fraud and deceit the people are kept in ignorance subtle Roman Catholic enemy, and for God and His
of their real foe. King, there is no doubt that the Lord would spare
1o Amidst the most murderous assault ever com- that people. It is a time of great testing, and all who
mitted upon a freedom-loving people the faithful will seek the Lord’s way will be shown the right way.
Christians of the British Isles raise high the banner 12 The Watchtower rejoices with the faithful serv-
of THETHEOCRACY and boldly and fearlessly point to ants of God, Jehovah’s witnesses and their compan-
that government under Christ Jesus as the only hope ions, who are showing their determination to con-
of humankind. Recently Jehovah’s witnesses assem- tinue to faithfully serve Jehovah God and Christ his
bled in conventions in that land, which were attended King and to proclaim THE THEOCRACY amidst the
by thousands of Christian and God-fearing people, greatest opposition. These faithful Christians have
and for three days carried on their program of Bible no fight with earthly governments, but their fight is
study while the bombs of the dictators continued to for righteousness to aid the people to see the only
crash around them. At Manchester four thousand hope of salvation. The faith and confidence of those
assembled in Free Trade Hall to worship Almighty of the faithful servants of the Most High will be re-
God and, while engaged in worship, for hours the warded by Jehovah God, and THE THEOCRACY is their
Vatican-German bombs fell about them, destroying refuge and strength : "Kiss the Son, lest he be angry,
buildings within three hundred feet of that hall. That and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled
crowd of four thousand people, having faith in God, but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust
remained at their post and went forward with their in him."--Ps. 2: 12.
program of Bible study and worship regardless of 1, Because the wicked have in recent years sprung
the murderous assaults by the enemy. Did the Lord up like the grass and such do now flourish in the
N. Y.

earth, this is clearly seen to be further and corrobo- will take great courage from this because they know
rative evidence that God’s due time is at hand when it foreshadows what will take place at Armageddon.
the wicked shall be destroyed for ever. Let all lovers 15it was in the dry season of the year that the
of God and his King fully and completely put their battle at Kishon was fought, and therefore the river
trust in Jehovah and his THEOCRACY. In the language bed was dry. Sisera appears to have marched his
of the Lord Jesus, let them look up and lift up their army across that dry bed of the river and was in the
heads and rejoice because of the full assurance that bottom land or flat lands or plains, and going up to
the day of deliverance and salvation is at hand : "But the attack of Barak’s forces. Megiddowas in his rear,
I have trusted in thy mercy; my heart shall rejoice in and evidently floods of waters came from that di-
thy salvation."mPs. 13:5. rection. The Lord caused the sudden and terrific
1, Returning now to the consideration of the pro- cloudburst in the mountains and hills round about,
phetic drama of vengeance, and seeing from other both in the rear of Sisera’s army and in his front.
scriptures that the time for the fulfillment of that A great wall of water swept down from Megiddo, as
prophecy is here, we will continue its study with the well as from the mountains and hills on the east side
keenest interest and thankfulness to the Lord. From of the river. Humanpower could not withstand such
previous issues of The Watchtower calling attention a terrific assault. The waters from heaven swept the
to this prophecy, and in our study thereof, it appears iron chariots away, and the horses mired down in
that the enemy of God’s faithful people, the Israel- the mud and gravel, and broke their hoofs. (Judg.
ites, was in the valley of the river Kishon, there 5 : 22) The bed of the river could not carry away the
drawn up in battle array and moving forward against torrential waters, and soon out of its banks the wa-
the Israelites. Probably almost all that army had ters swept along the plain with a great and irresist-
crossed the dry bed of that river. Barak, with his ible force. The infantry of Sisera’s army would be
army of ten thousand, was on the opposite side of caught in that torrential flood and find their horses
the valley and on the slope of Mount Tabor where and chariots useless. Many would try to escape on
he had been directed by Jehovah to assemble his foot, while others would loosen the horses from char-
army. At this point the Lord God was putting down iots and try to escape on them, but all to no effect.
a great barrage of rain, lightning and wind before The army was completely disorganized, although
the army of the Israelites and against the army of some of the men escaped. The power of Almighty God
the enemy; and Barak, taking advantage of this, had was being used against them and doubtless he per-
begun to move his army forward and behind that mitted some of them to escape for a time to carry out
storm. Jehovah was fighting the battle for his chosen, the completeness of the picture. The waters, rushing
typical people. "And the Lord discomfited Sisera, down from the high land of Megiddo, would force
and all his chariots, and all his host, with the edge the hosts of Sisera to flee to the higher lands on the
of the sword, before Barak; so that Sisera lighted opposite side and that would lead them right into the
down off his chariot, and fled away on his feet."-- trap which the Lord had set for them with the ten-
Judg. 4: 15. thousand-Israelite-soldier army with swords. With
15 Up to this point Barak had not struck a blow these ready instruments Barak’s army could pick off
against the enemy. Before his army of ten thousand the terrified and fleeing Canaanites and smite them.
got into actual fighting with the enemy the Lord God The fleeing ones were punished by the little army
began to fight against the Canaanites by exercising under command of Barak.
His superhuman power. Thus he gave unmistakable "Among the escaping ones was Sisera, the com-
proof that the battle was God’s, and not man’s, and mander of the army. He did not stick with and go
thus he pictured that the battle of Armageddonwill down with his soldiers, but he "lighted down off his
be God’s, and not man’s. Sisera and his host and iron chariot, and fled away on his feet". Sisera’s chariot
chariots were unable to withstand the onslaught of stuck in the mud, and, his horses floundering help-
the superhuman powers. No human power, and no lessly in the flood, Sisera had to take to the water and
other power, for that matter, can successfully fight get away the best he could. He clambered out of the
against Jehovah and his hosts. The manner of the water and mud and had only his feet to carry him
assault by Jehovah Deborah describes in the victory away. Doubtless the Lord let him escape for a time,
song in these words : "By the waters of Megiddo. . . as shown by what came to pass shortly thereafter,
They fought from heaven; the stars in their courses and this for the purpose of completing the picture
[manifestly spirit hosts of heaven gathering to war foreshadowing Armageddon. It appears that not one
under the command of the Lord] fought against of the bodyguard or military staff of Captain Sisera
Sisera. The river of Kishon swept them away, that was permitted to escape and flee with him. Sisera,
ancient river, the river Kishon." (Judg. 5: 19-21) the great captain, had to hit out for the hills on foot
Those who love righteousness and hate wickedness and alone. The religious leaders will find themselves

in the same predicament. Some of his army got out to the will of Almighty God. (See Psalm 83:2-8.)
of the flood and fled as far as Endor and perished Then follows the prayer of God’s oppressed people
there, which is a symbol of those who flee to demons addressed to the Most High in these words, asking
or demon representatives and who shall come to an the Lord to fight their battles for them and to utterly
untimely end.--Ps. 83: 9, 10. destroy the enemy. That prayer is: "Do unto them
’~ The minute description of the battle as given in ¯ . . as to Sisera, as to Jabin, at the brook of Kison ;
Judges chapters four and five is, without doubt, for which perished at Endor; they became as dung for
the purpose of giving courage, comfort and hope to the earth." (Ps. 83 : 9, 10) Jehovah is certain to hear
the faithful servants of God now on earth, and who and to answer that prayer, and to do exactly the
are feeling the oppressive assaults of the wicked and things stated in the prayer, because he has made
iniquitous ones. The RomanCatholic Hierarchy and knownthat such is his will and his purpose. Let all
other religious, demonized supporters are marching who have this faith and trust in the Lord God im-
rapidly to accomplish the destruction of the servants plicitly, and in his beloved Son, Christ Jesus, rejoice
of Jehovah God. They are under the commandof the in his salvation that is certain to come to those who
Devil and the immediate leadership of Gog, the chief remain steadfast and faithful. "But Barak pursued
marshal of the Devil’s forces. On the earth the Nazi- after the chariots, and after the host, unto Harosheth
Fascist-Papal-combine dictators are commanding of the Gentiles; and all the host of Sisera fell upon
the forces of wickedness, all of which now prosper the edge of the sword ; and there was not a manleft."
and flourish. To that wicked and boastful, arrogant, ~Judg. 4 : 16.
disdainful crowd the war seems easy and a light job, ~ Here is further proof that none of the workers
and they are for a time feeling confident that they of iniquity shall escape. Godpermitted the faithful
will destroy every supporter of TH~ T~.ocRAoY. In soldiers under Barak to have a part in the battle de-
advance they begin to mark out what they will do feating the enemy. True to his name "Lightning",
after they win. In that they will have to change their with lightning speed Barak pursued the fleeing and
tune. They now think themselves certain of victory discouraged army of Sisera. With his smaller army
and boast of the fact that when the battle of that of only ten thousand men Barak did a good cleaning
great day of God Almighty comes they will be en- up of the job. He cleared the enemy out completely,
tirely safe and at rest. But what will the Roman and there was ’not one manleft’. His soldiers picked
Catholic Hierarchy and other demonized allies do off every fleeing one and put them to the edge of the
then? When they see the Lord taking a hand and sword. Only Sisera himself escaped the sword of
fighting for His people they will take to their heels Barak’s army, but Jehovah doubtless permitted this
as Sisera did, but, says the Lord’s Word, "they shall to make another important picture.
in no wise escape." (1 Thess. 5: 3, A.R.V.) The pro- ~°At this point in the prophetic drama Barak
phetic drama covers this, and the emphatic state- played the part picturing Christ Jesus and his in-
ment of the inspired apostle corroborates the proph- visible army of heaven made up of the angelic host
ecy. Thus by at least two witnesses the matter is that follow after the victorious Christ Jesus. (Rev.
made sure, and everyone who is fully devoted to 19: 11-21) This picture shows that the invisible host
Jehovah God and his THEOCRACY has no reason what- actually in the battle of Armageddonliterally com-
soever to doubt what will be the final result. It is plete the wrecking of that "abomination that maketh
necessary for all such, however, to keep in mind desolate", namely, the religious-dictatorial crowd
God’s sure promises, that having promised to do he that is determined to rule the world in defiance of
will certainly perform. WhenJehovah causes to be God and that stands in the place of God’s Theocratic
recorded in his Word a prayer, which he puts into government, even as Daniel in his prophecy quoted
the mouth of his servants, and to be uttered before by the Lord Jesus shows. (Dan. 11 : 31 ; 12 : 11 ; Matt.
him, it is certain that such prayer is an expression 24 : 15) In that complete cleanup, which the Lord will
of Jehovah’s will and purpose to be performed by accomplish, all the allies of the Hierarchy, all the
him in his owndue time. The eighty-third Psalm dis- workers of iniquity, and all who are enemies of
closes the formation of a conspiracy hy religionists Jehovah God and enemies of his TH~.OCU~ATIC Gov-
against God’s typical people, which foreshadows a ~.RN~E~Tshall perish. All such the Lord designates
conspiracy by the religionists and other allied ele- as "goats", whose end is "everlasting [destruction]
ments against the kingdom of God under Christ prepared for the devil and his angels" or supporters.
Jesus. According to that prophecy of the Lord the (Matt. 25: 31-41) Further scriptures corroborative
purpose of such conspiracy is to destroy the servants of the complete destruction of the enemy at Arma-
of Jehovah and to prevent The THEOCRATIC GOVER:g- geddon are the following: "And Enoch also, the
MENTfrom operating. Therefore the wicked workers seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying,
of iniquity are determined to rule the earth contrary Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his

saints, to execute judgment upon all ; and to convince trust him. As soon as he has promised he will de-
all that are ungodly amongthem of all their ungodly stroy the wicked for ever. (Ps. 92 : 7) The lovers
deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of righteousness can afford to wait for the Lord to act.
all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have They cannot afford to take any other course. The
spoken against him." (Jude 14, 15) The Almighty faithful servants of Jehovah will wait upon him be-
God is the shield and protector of his people, and cause they know he will act in his own due time and
he will fight for them : "Andye shall flee by the valley will completely wipe out the enemy.
of my mountains; for the valley of the mountains 2, In the prophetic drama it is written that Barak
shall reach unto Azel; yea, ye shall flee, like as ye made a lightning pursuit of the enemy, to wit: ’He
fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah pursued after the enemy unto Harosheth of the Gen-
king of Judah; and Jehovah my God shall come, and tiles, and all the host of Sisera fell upon the edge of
all the holy ones with thee."--Zech. 14: 5, A.R.V. the sword.’ True to the prophetic picture, Christ
21 In these days of wickedness and wicked deeds Jesus, the Greater Barak, with lightning speed, to-
committed by the Hierarchy and allies against harm- gether with his heavenly army, will pursue the enemy
less people because those people proclaim the name at Armageddon; and, beginning with religion, and
and kingdom of Jehovah God, when those workers particularly the Papacy, which is now urging on
of iniquity falsely charge Jehovah’s witnesses with the dictators to acts of supreme wickedness, the Lord
the crime of sedition, cause their arrest and impris- Jesus Christ will literally and completely destroy
onment, and refuse to bring them to trial and give the enemy. The totalitarian, religious monstrosity
them an opportunity to prove their innocence; when shall not rule the earth, because Jehovah has decreed
the wicked Hierarchy and agents commit the das- that such wickedness shall come to a complete end.
tardly crime of castrating a manbecause he is a wit- The Lord has made this part of the prophetic drama
ness of Jehovah; when the houses, automobiles, to give further assurance to God’s people that he
clothing and other property of innocent people are will fight their battles to a complete victory.
destroyed by the same workers of iniquity, merely 25 The sword is a symbol of the destructive weapon
because such men and womentell of The THEOCRATmof the Lord, which he will use against the enemy at
GOVERNMENT of Almighty God; when Jehovah’s wit- Armageddon: "The Lord at thy right hand shall
nesses are kidnaped and driven like wild beasts from strike through kings in the day of his wrath. He shall
one place to another, and the officials of the govern- judge amongthe heathen, he shall fill the places with
ment take no action against the confessed criminals; the dead bodies ; he shall woundthe heads over many
all these things are evidences that this is the time countries." (Ps. 110: 5, 6) That wickedness shall then
when the wicked have grown up like grass, and the cease and the workers of iniquity end for ever the
workers of iniquity blossom and flourish. All these Lord further declares: "Thus saith the Lord, which
things cause honest people to become righteously maketh a way in the sea, and a path in the mighty
indignant. waters; which bringeth forth the chariot and horse,
22 Order-loving people, whobelieve in fairness, are the army and the power ; They shall lie down togeth-
caused to open their eyes to the situation and to see er, they shall not rise; they are extinct, they are
that none except the Devil could organize and carry quenched as tow." (Isa. 43 : 16, 17) "Come, behold the
forward in overt acts such a wicked conspiracy works of the Lord ; what desolations he hath made in
against harmless people. Many ask, Will there be the earth. He maketh wars to cease unto the end of
no squaring of accounts ? Will these wicked ones not the earth ; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear
be punished? The Lord Jehovah says to his faithful in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire." (Ps.
servants: ’I will avenge mine elect; wait upon me 46: 8, 9) "At thy rebuke, O God of Jacob, both the
till I rise up to the prey; I will fight the battles and chariot and horse are cast into a dead sleep. Thou,
see that none of these wicked ones escape.’ "There- even thou, art to be feared; and who may stand in
fore wait ye upon me, saith the Lord, until the day thy sight when once thou art angry? Thou didst
that I rise up to the prey; for my determination is cause judgment to be heard from heaven; the earth
to gather the nations, that I may assemble the king- feared, and was still, when God arose to judgment,
doms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all to save all the meekof the earth. Selah."mPs. 76 : 6-9.
my fierce anger; for all the earth shall be devoured ~" ’‘Lightning" (Barak) with his ten thousand acted
with the fire of my jealousy."mZeph. 3:8. the part of executioner for and in the name of Jeho-
2~ In view of these innumerable crimes committed vah God. Thus "Lightning" foreshadowed Christ
by the religionists and allies, and in view of the Jesus as the Executioner at Armageddon, and when
prophecies bearing squarely upon the point, and Christ Jesus will be supported by all of his heavenly
God’s promise to avenge his elect, let Jehovah’s host. This is in exact harmony with the record which
faithful servants now wait upon the Lord and fully God made with Jehu, who executed the demon prac-
15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWER. 25

titioners of religion in his day. He caused the reli- are now discovered, they, as the Scriptures declare,
gionists to don the vestments of their religion and to become as womenand refuse to fight in the open, and
thus identify themselves as being demonized or wor- hide behind the skirts of others. (Jer. 51:30) This
shipers of demons. Likewise today the Lord is caus- suggests that the Hierarchy and Jesuit priests will
ing the people to take their stand on one side or the find themselves in a position similar to that pictured
other. All will thus fix their own destiny by placing by Captain Sisera. That day must be near, because
themselves on the side of death or on the side of life. the Hierarchy’s agents are flourishing.
The religionists and allied workers of iniquity will ,9 Sisera sought refuge in the tent of Jael, the wife
identify themselves as enemies or "goats", which is of Heber the Kenite. Her name means "wild goat"
a symbol of that which will be destroyed. WhenKing or "mountain goat", that is, as one being a climber
Jehu had caused the religionists to identify them- or ascender, going higher up. David once took refuge
selves, then what followed? The Scripture account amidst the wild goats. (1 Sam. 24: 2) "The high hills
reads: "And when they [the religionists] went in to are a refuge for the wild goats, and the rocks for the
offer sacrifices and burnt offerings, Jehu appointed conies." (Ps. 104: 18) Heber, the husband of Jael,
fourscore men without, and said, If any of the men resided in a tent near the royal residence of King
whomI have brought into your hands escape, he that Jabin, and it appears that he was at peace with Jabin.
letteth him go, his life shall be for the life of him. This does not at all mean that Heber was allied with
And it came to pass, as soon as he had made an end Jabin. He was a peaceable man. No doubt God had
of offering the burnt offering, that Jehu said to the caused Heber to pitch his tent near Jabin for an ex-
guard and to the captains, Go in, and slay them; let press purpose. Heber’s peaceful relationship with
none come forth. And they smote them with the edge Jabin proved to be a trap for Captain Sisera. Those
of the sword; and the guard and the captains cast who will compose the "great multitude" have appar-
them out, and went to the city of the house of Baal. ently been on good terms with the religionists. At
And they brought forth the images out of the house least there have been no open hostilities between re-
of Baal, and burned them."--2 Ki. 10: 24-26. ligionists and those who will compose the "great
2, That corresponds exactly with what Christ Jesus multitude", until such time as those persons of good-
will do to the "goats". (Matt. 25:41, 46) Not one will toward God and his government take their firm
the "goats" will escape. "And the slain of the Lord and unequivocal stand on the side of THETHEOCRACY.
shall be at that day from one end of the earth even When Barak and Deborah moved out to take action
unto the other end of the earth; they shall not be according to the commandof Jehovah against the op-
lamented, neither gathered, nor buried ; they shall be pressors of Israel the time had arrived when the
dung upon the ground. And the shepherds shall have house of Heber must take a stand on one side or the
no way to flee, nor the principal of the flock to other. There is nothing in the record showing that
escape."--Jer. 25: 33, 35. Heber took his stand on the side of The Theocracy,
2, "Howbeit, Sisera fled away on his feet to the tent but mark the choice that his wife made. This strongly
of Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite; for there was indicates, as the picture shows, that one memberof a
peace between Jabin the king of Hazor and the house household will take the side of the Lord and his gov-
of Heber the Kenite." (Judg. 4: 17) Sisera was look- ernment of righteousness, while another member of
ing out for himself. Instead of acting like a brave the same household may remain on the side of those
soldier and sticldng by his army, he tried to get back against THETHEOCRACY. This takes place, and is tak-
to his base of operations at Harosheth and let his ing place, when the Lord separates the "goats" from
army do the best they could. He fled across the coun- "his sheep". "And Jael went out to meet Sisera, and
try toward Hazor, the chief residence of his king said unto him, Turn in, my lord, turn in to me; fear
Jabin, and, for fear of being cut off in his flight, not: and when he had turned in unto her into the
Sisera took a roundabout course, evidently thinldng tent she covered him with a mantle."--Judg. 4: 18.
that no one would look for him where he was going. ,o Sisera w~is eagerly seeking seclusion where he
He sought the tent of a married woman. At least he could get some rest and hide out from those whowere
was risking being detected there contrary to the cus- pursuing him. In this he pictured the religious lead-
tom amongst the people. He was scared, and he ers who have since 1922, whenthe flood of truth pur-
thought to put himself under the protection of a sued them, eagerly hunted a place of rest where they
woman. Likewise the Roman Catholic Hierarchy might be protected and where their religious sus-
attempt to make themselves secure amongst women ceptibilities would not be shocked. As Jehovah’s wit-
and induce women to go about and carry forward nesses becomemore active, and necessarily more effi-
their schemes and to exercise their influence over cient, in their work and in advancing and in pro-
men, and by that means gain control of men. When claiming the Kingdom message, the clergy become
those of the Hierarchy priests are found out, as they more fatigued and more fearful, therefore desperate.
81 The appearance of Sisera alone and afoot would nor is that particularly material. She was being ma-
be proof that he had met a sore defeat and was flee- neuvered by the Lord to play her part and she acted
ing for his life. That would be apparent to everyone on the side of the Lord and for his chosen people.
who was watching his flight. No doubt observers of 88 After 1918 the time had arrived when the sepa-
the battle in the valley, and who had seen the mighty ration of the "goats" from the "sheep" of the Lord
flood of waters sweep away the invaders, had by must take place. Many of the people who had for
grapevine methods transmitted that information to some time been friendly with the religionists saw
others and Jael would be informed of the defeat of that they must take a decided stand either for or
Sisera’s army and his deplorable condition. She saw against the Lord. They saw Jehovah’s witnesses ac-
him approaching her tent, and so she went out to tively engaging in the proclamation of the kingdom
meet him. That apparently was a friendly act on her of Godas the only meansof peace and safety for life,
part. The time had come when she must make a de- and that the religionists were against them. They
cisive move, and no doubt the Lord was maneuver- heard the message from God’s Word, spoken by Je-
ing her that she might perform her part in the great hovah’s witnesses, warning of the approaching de-
prophetic drama that was then being made. The time struction of the enemy at Armageddon and Jeho-
had come when she must either yield to the oppres- vah’s victory through Christ Jesus at that battle.
sive iron rule and continue under Jabin and Sisera, They saw also that the message from the Lord pub-
and suffer with the Israelites, or take her stand firm- licly declared by Jehovah’s witnesses had put the
ly on the side of Israel, God’s chosen people. The religionists to flight doctrinally and that the religious
question was raised in her mind, Should she aid leaders had no means of combating their message, at
Sisera to get back to Jabin and continue to fight least they showed none. Repeatedly Jehovah’s wit-
against God’s typical people and also put fear in the nesses have asked the religious leaders to come into
mind of all persons friendly to the Israelites, or the open and defend themselves and to explain why
should she do her part in an opposite direction ? That they teach false doctrines to the people, but the re-
was a crucial hour and a crucial test for her, and ligionists have refused to do so. Many persons of
doubtless the Lord had steered Sisera to her tent good-will have seen that Jehovah’s witnesses were
that she might be put to this test and thus make her telling the people things that are constructive and
part of the picture. "Knownunto God are all his for their good, while the religionists and their asso-
works from the beginning." (Acts 15: 18) Foreknow- ciates have nothing to offer for the good, well-being
ing that he would have the Greater Barak, Christ and blessing of the people. Like Jael, such people of
Jesus, to gather unto himself another flock of "sheep" good-will have sought the occasion to take some
aside from the spiritual class, Godwas at this point positive action.
of the drama making a picture of that very thing. 8, Jael assured Sisera that he need have no fear
The facts show that Jael acted with discretion and of entering her tent and hiding himself there. No one
exercised wisdom. needs to fear persons of good-will who will form
s2When Sisera approached she "said unto him, God’s "other sheep". Had Sisera shown any disposi-
Turn in, my lord, turn in to me". That was a further tion whatsoever to recant from his wicked persecu-
evidence of friendliness manifested by her. Jael was tion of the Israelites, no doubt Jael would have con-
a mere woman and there alone at her tent. She tinued to favor him. She saw his vicious determina-
knew that she could not attack a mighty warrior such tion against the people of Jehovah God and his de-
as Sisera on equal terms. He was a seasoned soldier, sire to escape and get back and reorganize another
and now because of his defeat he was greatly em- army and fight against them. Captain Sisera entered
bittered. The gravity of the occasion would over- the tent and lay down and she kindly furnished a
shadow the custom of married womennot to invite mantle with which to cover him. Mark how well the
a lone maninto their tent. Jael did take advantage of action of Jael on this occasion pictures another part
the situation by notifying the fleeing general to turn of this marvelous drama, which the Lord has now
in to her tent, which would be an indication that He- made known and revealed the meaning thereof to
ber’s house was still friendly to the Canaanites. What his people.
plans she had in mind is not disclosed at this point, (To be ¢onts,~ued)

0 Jehovah God of hosts, who is a mighty one, like unto thee, 0

JehovahT and thy faithfulness ts round about thee. The heavens
are Shine, the earth also is thine: the world and She fulncss there-
of, thou hast founded them. Thou hast a mighty arm; strong *s
thy hand, and high ~s thy r,ght hand. R~ghteousness and just,ce
are She foundation of thy throne: lovingkindness and truth go
before thy faee.--Psalm 89 : 8, 11, 13, 14, A.R.V.
EET Him where? and in what manner? Mark this
M important fact, to wit, that the Scriptures say much
about the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ as King
where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but
canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so
is every one that is born of the spirit." (John 3 : 6-8) How
and Judge but say very little about the going to heaven on does this explain "the air"?
the part of the anointed Christians begotten of God’s spirit The wind or air is invisible to human eyes, yet it is
and who make up the spiritual temple wherein God dwells powerful and discernible. Likewise that which is born of the
by his spirit or holy invisible power.--1 Cor. 3 : 16, 17. spirit, and which hence is in the spiritual realm, is invis-
The apostles of Jesus Christ stressed the coming of the ible to humanvision and yet is discernible by creatures on
Lord as a fact of great moment. At the time of his ascen- earth whoare in close relationship to the Lord. As stated
sion into heaven, forty days after his resurrection from the at 1 Corinthians 2:14: "The natural man receiveth not
dead, angels from heaven stood by as men in white apparel the things of the spirit of God: for they are foolishness
and said to the disciples: "This same Jesus, which is taken unto him: neither can he know them, because they are
up from you into heaven, shall so comein like manner[not, spiritually discerned." The evidence is abundant that the
in like body] as ye have seen him go into heaven." (Acts Lord Jesus came to the spiritual temple in A.D. 1918 and
1:11) Thereafter the apostles earnestly and with anxiety that God’s anointed remnant of witnesses on earth are now
looked forward to the coming of Christ and admonished gathered to the temple of the Lord and are in the temple
their Christian brethren so to do. condition. Howdo these knowthey are there ? Because they
Jesus had declared what would be the visible evidence, have the ’witness of the spirit’, and the Scriptures and the
sign or proof on earth of his coming to reign as rightful facts in support thereof. (Rom. 8: 16, 17) The fact that
Ruler of the world and as Vindicator of Jehovah’s name they are gathered to the temple and are there "taught of
and as Jehovah’s Judge of the Christians and the nations. God", as John 6:45 and Isaiah 54:13 declare, is proof
(Matthew chapters 24 and 25) Therefore the believers conclusive that they are with the Lord "in the air", that
"turned to God from idols, to serve the living and true is to say, in the condition where it is impossible for the
God; and to wait for his Son FROMheaven". (1 Thess. natural eye to see that which is present. If they are at the
1 : 9, 10) The Christians were "waiting for the coming[or, temple with the Lord, then, without a question of doubt,
revelation] of our Lord Jesus Christ". (1 Cor. 1: 7) The they are with the Lord, although he is invisible to their
apostle expressed to the Christians his prayer, "to the end natural eyes. Therefore the words "caught up . . . to meet
he maystablish your hearts unblameable in holiness before the Lord in the air" fully and completely describe the con-
God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus dition.
Christ with all his saints." (1 Thess. 3: 13) "And the very Zion is God’s capital organization. Psalm 102 : 16 proph-
God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your esies: "Whenthe Lord shall build up Zion, he shall ap-
[the church’s] whole spirit and soul and body be preserved pear in his glory." The order of the resurrection of the
blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." faithful saints that slept in death awaiting the Lord’s com-
(1 Thess. 5." 23) It is true that the Scriptures assure the ing to the temple, and the building up of Zion, is this, as
Christians anointed with God’s spirit that for them there shown by the apostle’s words, to wit: (1) The awakening
is in heaven an inheritance incorruptible that awaits them, of the faithful dead, and (2) the assembling of the living
but such texts do not say that such faithful Christians are remnant at Zion. This takes place when the Lord appears
going to heaven to "meet the Lord".--See 1 Peter 1:3-11. at the temple of Jehovah. Says the apostle, at 1 Thessa-
By the inspired apostle it is written, at 1 Thessalonians lonians 4:14-17: "For if we believe that Jesus died and
4 : 16, 17 : "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God
with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of
trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: then the Lord, that we which are alive, and remain unto the
we which are alive and remain [the anointed remnant on coming of the Lord, shall not prevent [precede] them
earth], shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall ascend from
to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and
the Lord." Does not this mean that the remnant go to meet with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise
the Lord ? It does not; but, on the contrary, it says that first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught
those who "remain", manifestly meaning "the remnant", up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in
"meet the Lord in the air." What, then, is the meaning of the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord."
the words "in the air"? For years this text has caused much confttsion among
In some scriptural texts the words "air" and "wind" some; and, of course, it could not be understood until God’s
are used to convey the same meaning. In the dictionaries due time. The Emphatic Diaglott translation reads: "Be-
the lexicographers give the best definition of words that cause the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a
they can, but when the Scriptures give the definition, that shout, with an archangel’s voice, and with God’s trumpet,
settles the question beyond controversy. The words of the and the dead in Christ will be raised first; then we, the
Lord Jesus show the true symbolic meaning of the words living, whoare left over, shall, at the same time with them,
"air" and "wind". In addressing the Jewish ruler Nicode- be caught away in clouds, for a meeting of the Lord in the
mus Jesus said: "That which is born of the flesh is flesh; air; and so we shall be always with the Lord." (1 Thess.
and that which is born of the spirit is spirit. Marvelnot that 4: 16, 17) The difficulty arose because of the words appear-
I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. The wind bloweth ing in the Diaglott, to wit, "at the same time with them,"
N. Y.

the contention being that the resurrection of those dead in saints and the gathering of the faithful living remnant to
the grave and the change of the living on earth from hu- the temple at Zion take place.
manto spirit must take place at the same instant, and hence, If, as it has been contended by some, both the sleeping
because there appeared to be some faithful anointed Chris- faithful saints and the faithful ones on earth are changed
tians still on earth, that proved that the faithful dead had in the same instant, then the resurrection of the dead could
not been resurrected. That, however, is not what the Dia- not precede the change of the living; but when we under-
glott says. The words "at the same time with them" mean stand that the words "at the same time with them" really
’within a specified time’, and not a twenty-four-hour day mean within "the day of Jehovah", which began in 1914
or even the same year, and certainly not the same instant. and continues until the close of the battle of Armageddon,
Whenunderstood it will be seen that the "same time with the matter is entirely clear and these texts are completely
them" is a period of time which began in A.D. 1914, the in harmony, as indeed they must be.
beginning of "the day of Jehovah" and the enthronement The text (1 Thessalonians 4 : 16) reads that ’Christ shall
of Christ Jesus as King, and continues until the anointed descend from heaven with the voice of an archangel’ ; which
remnant finish their course on earth. It is within that time means the c~ief angel or chief messenger of Jehovah, which
that the faithful dead are resurrected and the faithful office Christ Jesus fills. He comes "with a shout", which
remnant changed. means an authoritative command. Being sent forth as
The above text (1 Thessalonians 4 : 16, 17) of necessity earth’s rightful ruler, to whomis committed all power in
must be in exact harmony with the apostle’s language at heaven and earth, Christ Jesus is in command and his
1 Corinthians 15:51,52 (Diaglott), to wit: "Behold! a commandments are given with absolute authority. The
secret I disclose to you; we shall not all sleep, but we shall shout and the sounding of the trumpet of God take place
all be changed, in a moment,in the twinkling of an eye, at simultaneously. The trumpet of God mentioned in the above
the last trumpet; for it will sound, and the dead will be text is not the same as the "seven trumpets" mentioned in
raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." Note that Revelation 8 : 6. The seven angels that had the seven trum-
the text last above quoted and that also of 1 Thessalonians pets are the angels of the Lord Jesus Christ at the temple
4 : 16, 17 use the words "God’s trumpet" and "the last trum- who are sent out by him with a definite message, and this
pet", and also use the words "shout" and "an archangel’s is done while the trumpet of Jehovah is sounding. Mark
voice". These words must be considered together. A "trum- that the Scriptures make a clear distinction between the
pet" signifies that the execution or carrying out of divine trumpet of God, which begins to sound at the coming of the
authority is taking place, and that the King has begun his King, and the seven trumpets which the King himself caused
reign; and with Christ Jesus that reign began in 1914, to be sounded by his angels that are sent out from the
when Jehovah sent him forth to rule. (On such significance temple.
of the "trumpet" note 2 Kings 11:1-14; Psalms 47: 5; The facts and the Scriptures show that Christ Jesus
98:6; 110:2.) The trumpet sounding also denotes a time appeared at the temple to build up Zion in 1918, and at that
of joy, because the King has come; and in this instance it time the trumpet of Jehovah was sounding. According to
is the great Vindicator of Jehovah’s name, the vindication the Scriptures the order of the building up of Zion is this:
of which name is the joy of the Lord Jesus Christ, and (1) "The dead in Christ . . . rise first" and are made part
into that joy he invites his faithful followers. (Lev. 23 : 24 of Zion, which is Jehovah’s capital organization, their resur-
2 Chron. 15:12-14; Matt. 25:21) The sounding of the rection being unseen to human eyes because "it is sown a
trumpet also signifies war, battle and victory, and with the natural body; it is raised a spiritual body". (1 Cor. 15 : 44)
coming of the Lord as King it means war against Satan (2) Then, during that period of time, that is, "in the day
and his organization, and a great battle and complete vic- of Jehovah," "the living, who are left over, shall at the
tory for Christ. (Num. 31:1-6; 2 Chron. 13:12-16; Joel same time [that is, within that same time] with them be
2 : 1 ; Rev. 19 : 11-20) It is the trumpet of JehovahGod, be- caught away [be completely separated from the enemy
cause it sounds by the authority of Jehovah. organization and gathered into Zion] in clouds [that is,
Why,then, should it be called "the last trumpet" ? It in the presence.of Christ Jesus, clouds being a symbol of
is the last trumpet because it announces the beginning of the Lord’s presence unseen], for a meeting of the Lord in
the reign of Christ Jesus, earth’s rightful King, him "whose the air [that is to say, in his presence which is invisible
right it is" to rule and whoshall rule thereafter, and never to the natural eyes] ; and so we shall be always with the
again will there be a king installed in office, and hence no Lord." (Diaglott) CompareRevelation 11 : 11, 12. In that
occasion for the sounding of another trumpet. Never again order Zion the capital organization of Jehovah is builded
will there be a necessity for vindicating Jehovah’s name, and the Lord appears in his glory and the remnant on earth
and never will there be another war and victory, because it appear before him in the temple in righteousness, and they
is declared that this shall be the last and righteousness will are satisfied with the display of his glory and are always
continue for ever under God and under Christ. The trumpet with the Lord. Says Psalm 17: 15, Septuagint Version:
of God, which is the last trumpet, began to sound when "Let me be satisfied with the display of thy glory." The
Jesus went forth to begin his reign, in 1914, and must con- change of the faithful anointed remnant of Jehovah’s wit-
tinue to sound until the organization of Satan is destroyed, nesses from humanto spirit organism takes place after they
the name of Jehovah is vindicated, and complete victory are gathered to the temple and have proved themselves
is given to Christ Jesus at the battle of the great day of "faithful unto death"; and that change is "in a moment,
God Almighty. It is within this period of time, hence "at in the twinkling of an eye". (Rev. 2 : 10 ; 1 Cor. 15 : 51, 52)
the same time", that the resurrection of the faithful dead If, however, they continue faithful they are for ever with
J~u~Y 15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWER. 29

the Lord from the time of being gathered into the temple. of the duties on earth assigned to them by the Lord, in
It is the meeting with the Lord that is emphasized by fulfillment of Matthew 24 : 14. Without a question of doubt
the apostle when he wrote (2 Tim. 4: 8): "Henceforth the apostle refers to the faithful remnant on earth when
there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the he writes: "Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming
Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together
not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appear- unto him"; which gathering is to the temple, where the
ing." Manifestly it is at the time of the gathering of his Lord purges them that "they may offer unto the Lord an
ownanointed followers to the temple that the Lord assigns offering in righteousness". (See 2 Thessalonians 2:1 and
to such the crown here mentioned by the apostle. This is Malachi 3 : 1-4.) Being thus gathered, they "meet the Lord
assigned before they go to heaven, because Jesus said to in the air", that is to say, in the condition whichis not dis-
the same faithful ones: ’eHold that fast which thou hast, cernible by natural sight. If gathered to the temple, then
that no mantake thy crown." (Rev. 3 : 11) It is those anoint- certainly they are "with the Lord" and have been awakened
ed Christians who love the appearing of the Lord Jesus from spiritual inactivity and drowsiness and know of h~s
Christ to whomcrowns are assigned, says the apostle. These presence with them at the temple, and therefore these faith-
show their love by joyfully obeying the Lord, and they un- ful ones have a spiritual vision of his likeness, his "face"
selfishly devote themselves to his service. If then they con- or "similitude". Then they are "satisfied", and to them is
tinue faithful unto death they receive the great reward fulfilled the prophecy of Psalm 17 : 15 : "I in righteousness
of immortality, "the crownof life," as stated to the "church shall behold thy face, shall be satisfied when awakened by
in Smyrna" at Revelation 2: 8-11.--See Light, Book One, a vision of thee." (Rotherham) "As for me, I shall behold
page 21. thy face in righteousness ; I shall be satisfied, whenI awake,
It is the faithful anointed Christians (represented by with beholding thy form."uAm. Rev. Vet.
the "church in Smyrna") that receive the great reward of Likewise the "great multitude" now forming of the
immortality, and this they receive ArrER they "meet the earthly "companions" of the anointed remnant are dis-
Lord in the air", that is to say, after they meet him in the cerning the presence and glory of the Lord at the temple,
temple and after they prove faithful in the performance and they also are "satisfied".--Revelation 7 : 16, 17.

g gl[~EAST," within the meaning of the Scriptures, by JohnandDanielshowthattheywereuncleanaccording
I-~ briefly defined, symbolizes a rule by violence; that to thelaw,becausetheydid notchewthecud nordivide
is, (1) a violent coercion of the conscience of the thehoof.(SeeLeviticus 11:1-12.) Thisis proofthatthat
governed, the people; and (2) a rule over or control of the whichcameoutof theseain thevision is a product of the
person by the exercise of force in a violent manner. Devil.It is a beastsymbolic of theravenous kind,which
Manycenturies ago the aged apostle John had a vision willnot be.permitted to be on the "highway" leadingto
of a wild beast arising from the sea. Nowthose in the same God’sorganization norbe permitted to livein God’sking-
class with John as witnesses of the Lord have discerned the dom.(NoteIsaiah35:9;Ezekiel34:25.)The"wildbeast"
meaning of "beast" or "wild beast" as a symbol of a rule thereforesymbolizes Satan’s visible organizationthatrules
or government or power exercised in a harsh, cruel and thepeoplesof the earthand thatis madeup of rehg~on,
oppressive manner. John wrote, saying: "And I saw, out commerceandpolitics.
of the sea a wild-beast coming up; having ten horns, and The "beast"Johnsaw in visionhad sevenheads.The
seven heads, and upon his horns ten diadems, and upon headrefers to theruling part.It is themindthatrulesor
his head names of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw controls.(NoteJudges 11 : 9,11;Ecclesiastes 2 : 14 ; Eze-
was like unto a leopard; and his feet as of a bear, and his kiel10:11.)Thehead,therefore, is theresponsible part
mouth as the mouth of a lion." (Rev. 13 : 1, $,.Rotherham’s of thebodyanduponit is usually visited bloodin punish-
translation) The "wild beast", which John saw arise out of mentfor wrongdoing.--1 Ki. 2: 44; Obad.15; 1 Chron.
the sea, is shownby his description thereof to be not only 29:11;Ps.18:43.
wild, but unclean, cruel and vicious. Theheadis the onethatdirectsthecourseof action
Long prior to John’s vision Daniel the prophet was takenby thebody.As forthe"sevenheads"of thebeast,
given a vision, and he wrote: "I saw in myvision by night, "seven"is a symbolicnumberrepresenting completeness
and, behold, the four winds of the heaven strove upon the asto things spiritualorinvisible. Satanistheheadof his
great sea. And four great beasts came up from the sea, organization, and therefore the symbol"seven"standsfor
diverse one from another." (Dan. 7:2, 3) Here the "four theentireorganization, andparticularly refersto thein.
winds of the heaven" represent the invisible power of Sa- visiblepartsof Satan’s organization, Satanhimself being
tan, who, according to Ephesians 2: 2, is "the prince of an invisible spiritcreature. Theterm"beast" symbohcally
the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the representsSatan’s visible organization, whether it appears
children of disobedience". The description given by the in theformof oneor in theformof manybeasts.
prophet Daniel shows that the beasts were wild and ex- ToDaniel thereappeared in vision fourbeasts, butthese
tremely cruel. didnotrepresent or picture fourseparate devilish orgam-
In his law God specified what are unclean beasts, un- zations,buttheydidpicture Satan’s organizationappear-
clean for eating and for sacrifice, and the beasts described ingandexhibiting certain or particular characteristics.
Daniel’s vision of the four beasts began to be fulfilled from A mountainin Scripturesymbolizesa kingdom,with a
the time of the third world power, Babylon, whose last king, rulinghead.Thehistory of theworldshowsthattherehave
Belshazzar, was then on the throne. (Dan. 7 : 1) Then, after beensevenseparateand distinctworldpowerswhmhhave
seeing in symbol the Medo-Persian empire and the Grecian in theirrespective orderhelda placeof supremacy on the
empire, Daniel says of the fourth beast: "After th~ I saw earth.Theseworldpowersare,to wit,Egypt,Assyrla,
in the night visions, and, behold, a fourth beast, dreadful Babylon,Medo-Persia,Greece,Rome and Britain.The
and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron "god"of eachoneof thesehasbeenandis SatantheDevil,
teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the becausehe is "thegodof thisworld".(See2 Corinthians
residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the 4:3,4;John 12:31;14:30.)All theseworldpowersare
beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.’* (Dan. properly classed in the ~-mbolic term "wild beast" and they
7: 7) The thirteenth chapter of Revelation describes the all form the "wild beast" when referred to collectively,
wild beast that came up out of the sea and that had seven whereas one at a time has held the place of pre-eminence
heads. That is not the fourth beast here described by Daniel, in the world.
but this fourth beast of Daniel’s prophecy is one of the Revelation 13:1 states that the "name of blasphemy"
heads, in fact the sixth head, of that ’sea beast’ of Revelation. appeared upon each head: "and upon his heads names of
Of course, each succeeding world power would take over blasphemy. *’ (Am. Rsv. Vet.) Concerning the second world
all that was left of its predecessor. This beastly world power, power, Assyria, it was said to Jehovah’s people : "Thus saith
fourth from Babylon, is the Roman Empire. Reckoning the Lord, Be not afraid of the words which thou hast heard,
from the first world power, which was Egypt, Romebecame with which the servants of the king of Assyria have blas-
the sixth world power, and therefore that is the world power phemed me. This is the word that the Lord hath spoken
described by the vision of Daniel. His prophecy (chapter 7, concerning him : . . . Whom hast thou reproached and blas-
verses 7 and 19) states that the beast had teeth of iron and phemed? and against whomhast thou exalted thy vmce,
nailsof brass,whichshowsthatitsclawing powerwasfar andliftedup thineeyeson high? evenagaiz~st theHoly
greater thanthatof thesecondbeast,thebear,and that One of Israel." (2 KJ.19:6,21,22) HeretheHebrewroot
withthesethisfourthbeast’~brake in pieces, andstamped word from which the word ’°blasphemed" is translated
theresidue withthefeetof it".In fulfillment, Rometook means"to hack and reproach".Every one of the world
overall thewickedmethodsof destruction thathadbeen powershas blasphemed, hackedand reproachedthe name
learned andpracticed by itspredeoessora Romewasdiffer- of JehovahOod;and Satanhas seento it that suchwa~
ent fromtheotherbeastsor worldpowersthatwerebe- done.Theyhaveactedas hismouthpieces to speakagainst
foreit,in thisparticular, thatit adopted firstthepagan Godand to turnthe peoplefromhim.The Scriptures also
religion and latertookon another formof Devilreligion indicate thatall sucharedoomedto violent destruction
andlabeled it "Christianity" andclaimed thenamethereof.--Num. 15 : 30; Ps.74 : 10.
All of Rome’spredecessors wereoutwardlypagan,but The apostleJohnwritesthatthe "wildbeast"had ten
Romeafterwards changed to theso-ealled "Christian roll. horns:"anduponhis’horns tencrowns." Symbolically this
gion"becausethatsuitedSatan’spurpose better. "Organ- meansthatSatan’sorganization on earth,andeachworld
ized Christianity," so called, had its beginning with Rome, powert~Mngtheleador pre-eminence therein in theorder
and for this reason the empire has been dubbed by religion- named,hashad and exercised fullsecularpowerto crowd
ists the "Holy RomanEmpire". It is further described by andpushthepeoplesof earth.In Scripture "horn"repre-
the prophet Daniel as having ten horns, concerning which sentsthat whichpushesor crowds.For example,note
he says (verse 24): "And the ten horns out of this king- Deuteronomy 33 : 17 : "HISgloryis likethefirsthng of hls
domare ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise bullock, andhishornsarelikethehornsof unicorns: wlth
after them; and he shall be diverse from the first [ (Rev. themhe shallpushthe peopletogether to theendsof the
Ver.) diverse from the former], and he shall subdue three earth:and they are the ten thousandsof Ephraim,and
kings." Thus the ten horns are described by the prophet theyarethe thousands of Manasseh." Alsothe accountat
himself as ten kings and evidently refer to all the nations I Kings22 : 11 : "AndZedekiah theson of Chenaanah made
growing out of the RomanEmpire. Thus is established the himhornsof iron:and he said,ThussaiththeLord,W2th
harmonybetween the four beasts of Daniel’s vision and the theseshaltthoupushtheSyrians, untilthouhaveconsumed
seven-headed wild beast of Revelation thirteen. them."It is a well-known factthatthesebeastlygovern-
Wemay lay it downas a rule without exception that the mentsof earth, whichare Satan’s organization, havehorned
term "wild beasts" always stands for that part of Satan’s and pushedthe peopleaboutas a wildbullshovesaslde
organization which is on the earth. The number "seven" theherd.
seems to refer also to seven different world powers, each By theirhornsor powercruelly exercised thesenations
one of whichat a timecertainholdsthe placeof pre- havepushedandoppressed thepeople;buttheyhavepar-
eminence in theworld,andallunderSatanas theinvisibleticularly shovedaboutandpersecuted God’speople, as wat-
lord. hessthe pemecution of Jehovah’switnessesin Germany
Concerning a likeseven-headed beast,uponwhi~"the particularly sinceA.D.1933,andalsothenotable outburst
greatwhore"rides,it is written, at Revelation 17:9,10: of persecution agAin-tJehovah’s witnesses in the United
"Thesevenheadsaresevenmountains, on whichthewoman Statesin theyear1940.Jehovah haschiefly in conmderatmn
sitteth. Andtherearesevenkings: fivearefallen, andone hispeople, andhe causedtheBibleto be written forthelr
is [theRoman,in John’sday],and the otheris not yet benefit. HenceGOd wouldnot winkat or lightlypassby
come; andwhenhe eometh, he mustcontinue a shortspace." theworldpowersthathaveoppressed hispeopleand blas-
JA~UAeY15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWEI 31

phemed and brought reproach upon his name. In ancient a height of twelve feet and weigh more than a ton. in olden
times Israel was God’s chosen people, whomhe used to fore- time David, by the Lord’s grace, slew a bear that had caught
shadowspiritual Israel under Christ Jesus, his consecrated, one of his father’s sheep. (1 Sam. 17 : 34-37) The antityp~cal
anointed people on earth today whoserve as his witnesses. David, to wit, Christ the great executive officer of Jehovah,
God has taken notice of these world powers that particu- will slay the organization of Satan that has attacked his
larly have oppressed his people. At the time the prophecy Father Jehovah’s "sheep". The bear lies in wait for his
of Zechariah was written four of the world powers, to wit, prey. Proverbs 28:15 declares that the wicked ruler or
Egypt, Assyria, Babylon and Medo-Persia, had been en- wicked power is like a ranging bear. This is another plato
gaged in ’homing’ God’s people. Concerning this the proph- characteristic of Satan’s visible organization.
et says : "Then lifted I up mine eyes, and saw, and, behold, "And his mouth as the mouth of a lion," that is to say,
four horns. And I said unto the angel that talked with me, with powerful teeth to bite and crush and devour. (Joel
What be these ? And he answered me, These are the horns 1:6; Hos. 13:8) Satan’s organization, like a lion, is bold-
which have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem .... faced and greedy, and makes a terrifying noise. All these
But these [servants of God] are come to fray them, to cast symbols exactly fit Satan’s brazen-faced, greedy, sly, cun-
out the horns of the Gentiles, which lifted up their horn ning, cruel and violent organization. This description sho~s
over the land of Judah to scatter it." (Zech. 1:18-21) also that the "wild beast" is not a bear or a leopard or a
Therefore the children of God in Christ are here pictured lion, but is a monstrosity, which symbolizes Satan’s cruel
by Judah, Israel and Jerusalem. and wicked organization. God never made a beast that
Revelation 13 : 1 (Am. Roy. Vet.) further says concern- looked like this one. Only the Devil would have such a
ing the "wild beast": "And on his horns ten diadems." The thing. The symbolic description given by John exactly fits
crowns or diadems were upon the horns, thus symbolizing every world power that has ever existed on the earth.
that these world powers have used cruel force and violence Concerning the father of this monstrosity, or "wtld
to rule the people and to carry on a conquest for wealth beast", we are not left in doubt, for it is written: "Andthe
and territory and they have always claimed that they did dragon [which is Satan the Devil] gave him his power, and
so by divine authority. They have made force or might his seat [his throne (A.R.V.)], and great authority." This
what they call right. All wars of conquest and butchery shows that Satan brought the beastly thing into existence
they have justified because they claim it to be right and and gave or supplied it with the power that it has and exer-
within the scope of their authority. cises; hence it is his child and his instrument. He is the
Then John further describes the "beast" (vs. 2) : "And father. Being the product of the Devil it would be specifi-
the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet cally excluded from God’s organization. The "wild beast"
were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a therefore represents all that is anti-Jehovah and anti-Christ
lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and and against The Theocratic Government and against the
great authority." This description of the "wild beast" shows work of that kingdom of God and against those who are
that it would not be limited to any one world power, but Jehovah God’s servants and witnesses.
that it is the complexor composite of the "seven" or entire Satan offered to give the kingdom of the world and the
number of world powers that go to make up the Devil’s authority thereof to Christ Jesus, but Jesus refused to
earthly organization. yield to his blandishments. (Luke 4: 5.8) Jehovah had
It was like a leopard, that is to say, it was spotted ; which established a miniature or typical theocracy in the nation
indicates that it is deceptive and cunning and crooked and of Israel. WhenGod withdrew rulership from his typical
dishonest. It cannot change its spots, as Jeremiah 13:23 people Israel in 606 B.C., then Satan became "the god of
says. This is especially characteristic of the Devil. It is this [entire] world" and could have given it away even
always on the watch for spoil. (Hos. 13 : 7) The leopard though he knew his offer would be declined by Christ Jesus
speedy and was used by "Nimrod the mighty hunter", whom (See Ezekiel 21:25-27 and 2 Corinthmus 4:3,4.) The
Satan put "before" Jehovah (Gen. 10:8-10) ; and Nimrod prophetic description and the physical facts in fulfillment
used the leopard to track and take other animals. So the thereof prove beyond all doubt that the "wild beast" with
Devil Satan’s beastly organization is speedy, and hunts seven heads that John saw in vision is Satan’s orgamzation
and catches others by his snares. of the earth which came into existence long centuries ago,
Further, as to the "wild beast", ’~his feet were as the and was manifest in the first world power, Egypt, and is
feet of a bear." The bear is noted for its power to crush, now manifest in all the powers and nations of the earth
and is said to be five times as strong as a lion. The Kodiak over which the dictatorial, religio-totalitarian monstrosity
bear is the world’s largest carnivorous animal. Somereach is now wickedly trying to establish itself as supreme.

(Continued from page 18) the Lamb"(Roy. 7: 10, A.R.V.), the artist portrays with Scrip-
revolved; hencea contributionof 50e per copyis stipulated there- tural symbolismsand modemdetails Jehovah’s "strange work" of
for. Organizedcompaniesshould combinethe orders of all indi- judgment nowfast reaching it~ climax amongall nations. The
viduals therefor and send such through the companyservant. Calendardate pads mark the special testimony periods for 1942,
andalso give field service suggestionsfor the intervening months.
1941 CALENDAR Acontribution of 25e per copyis askedtherefor, or $1.00 for five
The 1941Calendar is exceptionally beautiful and expressive. copies mailed to one address. Companiesdo well to send mcom-
Underthe yeartext, to wit, "Salvation unto our God. . . and unto bination orders through the local companyservant.
HITCHHIKING VETERAN ROUTS MOBSTERS and said he would put me in a dungeon if I ever so much
"When I gave Conspiracy Against Democracy to the as put my foot in the county again, lost out in the first
hitchhiker who rode with us near Tombstone, Ariz., he told election primary and will not be the county attorney there
us that in the latter part of August he came through Litch- now. Mr. Taylor, the county treasurer, who was abusive
field, Ill., the place where a demon-controlled mobwrecked toward us, also lost out in the first primary. ’Reverend’
several ears and violently assaulted Jehovah’s witnesses. Trout, who accompanied Mr. Eddy, has lost Ins job."
To this hitchhiker, an old manin Litchfield said: ’I helped
to beat up those people. Why, they wouldn’t even salute DURING "CHALLENGE" TESTIMONY PERIOD (ARKANSAS)
the flag! Wealmost beat one guy to death--to make him "This company has been badly frightened due to the
kiss the flag !’ The hitchhiker replied: ’I don’t believe any- arrest of the companyservant in July and his conviction
one should be forced to salute the flag. I believe that should of breaking an ordinance prohibiting knocking on doors
be a free-will, voluntary act.’ Meanwhileeight men gathered without having been invited to do so. This decision was ap-
around. One of these suspiciously barked out to him: ’Who pealed and should come up in December. Since that time it
the hell are you, some foreign agent?’ To his inquisitor the was practically impossible to get the workers to witness
hitchhiker, with equal force, replied in a similar tone. within the corporation limits. Friday night a service meet-
’Whothe hell are you, some foreign agent? I’ll bet you’ve ing was held and arrangements were made for a group to
never been overseas !’ Then the hitchhiker produced cre- work in the city Sunday morning. We had been working a
dentials showing he was a Veteran of Foreign Wars, had little better than an hour when the police car came out and
spent 26 months on the front; had spent two years in a picked up four of the witnesses, including the company
hospital on this side of the water because he was gassed servant. The police were particularly anxious to get him,
during the World War; bears three wound stripes on his passing up several workers and saying, ’There is Blanken-
body; and that he wore the purple heart. Speaking of the ship now!’ They stopped him and asked if he wanted to go
attack on Jehovah’s witnesses, he said to the mobsters : ’You to jail again. He said, ’No, but I am determined to preach
super-patriots claim to be religious; but would Jesus do a the gospel of the Kingdom.’ They then threatened him with
thing like that? Here you are doing just the opposite of arrest if he knocked at another door, which he proceeded
what Jesus taught--and you claim to be religious! When to do and was taken to the jail. Before locking them up the
you force a person to salute the flag, you breed the very chief called the police judge, who told him to return the
opposite of love for the flag.’ The mobsters then thinned out publishers to their territory, as he would not prosecute
and walked away. Rather puzzled, the old man said : ’I won- Later, when questioned by another person as to why he
der why those Legion boys walked off.’ The VFWhitch- would not prosecute, the judge stated, ’These people have
hiker replied; ’~Vell,,pop, those boys probably had nice just as much right to their religion as I have to mine.’ A
jobs on this side of the water, wore good clothes, had good Baptist preacher present stated, ’I go to call on the people.
food, and saw no hardships during the war. A veteran is Jehovah’s witnesses should have the same opportumty.’"
one who has seen active service on the front and borne the
hardships and sufferings of the war. Those fellows aren’t DOORSTEP SETUP IN BRISTOL, ENGLAND
veterans; they’re just Boy Scouts!’ Before we left our "After a very brief word introducing the phonograph I
hitchhiker he told us he went to hear Judge Rutherford last quickly set if ~oing. Whenit had finished, I produced Reli-
February in his home town, Long Beach, only to find the gion, but found the lady not interested ’No, I do not want
Municipal Auditorium packed out. However, he was able the book.’ It was just then that her husband, who all the
to hear the speech over the sound horns. He gets Consola- time that the record ’Snare and Racket’ had been playing
tion and The Watchtower regularly from the publishers on had been out of sight indoors, suddenly sprang forward.
the street corners." ’Here, just a minute, I’ll have that book,’ he exclaimed.
’here is a shilling.’ Very gladly and eagerly he took the
SOBERING UP FROM THE HIERARCHY’S WINE OF VIOLENCE book, literally delighted at being able to have it, and at the
"Lamont, Okla., is where they burned the cross behind same time saying, ’It’s the truth---every word on that record
my trailer and left a note ordering us out of town within was the truth! I’ve maintained for years that rehgion is a
48 hours. This happened the last time I served this company, racket, and furthermore, even my wife’s brother says the
which was the last week of May. I notice McCall’s magazine same thing, that religion is a racket, and he’s a ~uc~R’
for November, under heading ’Fifth Column Jitters’, men- After some time I left him, making a note to call on him
tioned this incident, but did not mention the name of the again, and passed on to the next house. No one at home’
town; which I regret. It was easily recognized by Lamont Comingout, I heard a shout, and, looking round, saw the
residents, however, and, I understand, was the topic of con- man who had obtained the book. ’Here,’ he said, ’I want
versation for several days. On this visit (October) there you.’ I went back to him. Said he: ’I don’t suppose you
was no sign of opposition whatever. The night police, Mr. could sell me one of those records; I should like one. How
Fuller, who called on me around 10 p.m. with Mr. --, much are they?’ I told him and promised to take one out
who was drunk and representing the American Legion in the next evening. This I did, very muchto his delight, also
the capacity of ’Chairman of Americanism’, called on wit- taking with me the lecture ’Government and Peace’ for
ness Johnston and apologized to him. Another on whomwe him to hear. Looking up at the Service calendar, I see the
called in the door-to-door work, and who ordered us off the words for this month, September: ’They shall climb up
place, apologized for his action. Mr. Ellis Eddy, the county upon the houses; they shall enter in at the windowslike a
prosecuting attorney, who called me so many nice names fhief.’ (Joel 2 : 9) Howvery true are these prophetic words




The Theocracy . 36
"Other Sheep" 37
Jael ............. 37
Jael’s Choice ..... 39
Jael’s Responsibihty 41
M~OgI~L ...................................... 34
’2,_ "T~F_XlC~CY"
................. 34
1941 CALE.’~D~m ........... 47

117 Adams Street
- -
Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A.
T HIS Journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically de-
OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good will.
J. F. RUTHERrO~, Pres~ent ~V, E. VAN AMnURGH,~eor~ary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes suit-
"And all ~hy children shM1 be ~a~u~ht of Jehovah; and
able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of public
~reat shall be +_he peace of thy children." -Isaiah ,54:z3. instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances
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THAT JEHOVAHis the only true God, is from everlasting to
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everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life
tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
to his creatures ; that the Loges was the beginning of his creation, King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
and his active agent in the creation of all things; that the Loges
tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in
dulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to personaliUes.
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it ; that turn willfully dis-
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death ; that by reason of
Adam’s wrong RCt all men are born sinners and without the right ~ NITnD STATES, $I.00; CANADA AND MISCELLANEOUS
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THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countries other than those mentioned may be made to the Brooklyn office,
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obedient ones of mankind ; that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature Rnd above every name FOBEIGN OFFICES
and clothed him with all power and authority. British..................................... 84 Craven Terrace, London, W.2, England
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATIONIs a Theocracy called Zion, 6’shad/an .............................. 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada
and that Christ Jesus Is the Chief Officer thereof and is the right- Australa~laa .................... 7 Bexesford Road, Strathfleld, N. S. W., Australia
ful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful followers of SouthA~rtea~........................ Boston House, Cape Town, South Africa
Plane addre~’~he Society in every cas~
Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of Jehovah’s organiza-
tion, and are his witnesses whose duty and privilege it is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind
(Tran~attons oy this jourlat appear Ot several la.g.a~es.)
as expressed in the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom
before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLDhas ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted All sincere students of the Bible whoby reason of infirmity, poverty or
adversity are unable to pay the subscription pmee may have The Watch-
Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the establishment of tower free upon written application to the publishers, made onc~ each
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needy, but the written application once each year is required by the
postal regulations.
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, which Notice to Subscribers: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the destruction scription will be sent only when requested. Change of address, ~hen
of Satan’s organization and the establishment of righteousness in requested, may be expected to appear on address label within one month
A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) will be sent with the
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under the Act el MarchS, 1879.

"EHUD’S SWORD" TESTIMONY PERIOD tent pe*~on present to deliver a brief discourse 3ust before th~’
This midwinter period of specml activity will mm through the partaking of the emblems, the short article "Memorml" as pub-
entire month of February. The tRle thereof calls attention to the hshed m the Watchtower issue of March 15, 1939, should be read
zeal, energy and fearlessness with which Ehud used his dagger instead. Since the breaking of the bread and the drinking of thy
against King Eglon, and which qualitms all publishers of The wine both p,cture the death of Jesus, it follows that both emblems
Theocracy will exercise likewise during this Period. February should be served together at partaking, and not separately. The
opens up thin year’s three-month Watchtower campaign, and hence emblems should be unleavened bread and real red wine, to follou
all publishers will specialize on securing subscmptions for The the example of Jesus and h~s apostles, who used real red wme m
Watchtower and offering as a premium the book Religion and the symbol of his blood. A report of the eelebratmn should be prompt-
new booklet Satisfied, all on a eontributmn of $1.00. Arrange now ly made to the Society, showing total attendance and number of
for this Testimony, and, if possible, attend the local company partakers. In preparation for this 1941 celebration the art~ch’
servicemeetingswhere this campaignis beingdiscussedand or- "Memorml" suggested above will be studied with profit
ganized. WritethLsofficeif you needreferences. To contribute to-
ward makingup the generalreportof the work and resultsthere- "THEOCRACY"
of, pleaseturn in your personalreportof what you accomplish. This new booklet by Judge Rutherford, in 64 pages, offers the
MEMORIAL clearest and best deser/ption yet of the world’s leading ~ssue today,
The Scripturally assigned date for the memorial celebration "The Theocracy." The visible operations of its representatives on
to both Jehovah’s name and the sacrifice of His provided Lamb, earth are plainly set forth, together with the vicmus opposmon
which they are encountering world-wide. A specmlly fine cover
Christ Jesus, m Friday, April 11, 1941, after six p.m. Each Chris-
tian company should therefore assemble after six p.m. of April 11, dignifies Theocracy, picturing in full-color ~llustration the judg-
and the anointed ones celebrate the Memorial, and their compan- ment of the nations and the dividing of the people on th~s suprem,.
ions, the Jonsdabe, be present as vb,aervers. If there is no eompe-
(Continued on page 47)
VOL. LXII 1, 1941


"’What man is he that feareth the Lord? him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose. His soul shall
dwell at ease; and his seed shall inherit the earth."--Ps. 25:12, 13.
EHOVAH does not arbitrarily compel any man This would be carrying out his challenge to Jehovah
J to take a specific course. God made man a free
creature with the privilege of choosing to obey
God. To this end Satan uses selfish men as leaders in
religion and allied organizations that rule and con-
the great Creator or to take an opposite course. trol the people.
That rule applied to Adam, the first man. It is the ’ Jehovah’s purpose is to give men a full and fair
tixed rule of Jehovah, and he never changes. When opportunity to gain life by choosing the same or to
Moses, the servant of Jehovah, addressed the Israel- choose the very opposite of life, which is extinction.
ites on the plains of Moab, shortly before they were Knowledge is required to make the choice, and God
entering the land of promise, he delivered Jehovah’s affords every opportunity for man to gain such
message to them in these words : "I call heaven and knowledge. Jehovah furnishes the opportunity to
earth to record this day against you, that I have set man to know which is the right way. Satan and his
before you life and death, blessing and cursing; religious agents keep men in the dark as to the true
therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed way and subtly lead them in the wrong way. God
may live: that thou mayest love the Lord thy God, led the Israelites out of Egypt by the hand of Moses,
and that thou mayest obey his voice, and that thou and in this he was giving them an experimental edu-
mayest cleave unto him; for he is thy life, and the cation that they might freely choose either the way
length of thy days; that thou mayest dwell in the of life or the way of death. With those choosing, God
land which the Lord sware unto thy fathers, to Abra- was making prophetic pictures by which he empha-
ham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them." (Deut. sized the divine rule that men are free to choose the
30: 19, 20) Such is the statement of the divine rule, way of life or to walk in the way of death. Whena
from which Jehovah never deviates, and everyone man makes an intelligent choice to enter into a cove-
who believes God can rely upon that rule. nant with Jehovah God, therehy agreeing to do the
The very opposite is the rule of Satan and all will of God, he then enters upon the way of life, and
those who become servants of Satan. Since the time from that time onward he must meet the require-
of the beginning of the first organization of Babylon ments of God’s law if he would receive the blessing.~
till now Satan has put forth religion as his chief of life everlasting.
means of deceiving and controlling the people. He ’ In his own due time Jehovah sent his beloved
once getting human creatures under religious con- Son to the earth to declare the truth and to make
trol, then man’s free choice is gone. The religious knownto man the only means of receiving life ever-
leaders plant dread in the minds of their religious lasting. No man, however, was then compelled to
followers and then compel or coerce the followers to accept Jehovah’s appointed way, but the same was
obey the religious rulers. It was so with Nhnrod, and offered to him freely. Mark well the words of the
the same is true with the Papal rule of today. All Scripture relating to the coming and sacrifice of
the arbitrary dictators are religious, and all persons Christ Jesus and the purpose thereof: "For God so
under the dictatorial rule are compelled to obey the loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
whim of the dictator, whether right or wrong. The that whosoever believeth in him should not perish,
nearer the government approaches the totalitarian but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son
state or condition, the less freedom is enjoyed by the into the world to condemn the world; but that the
(,itizen; and when the dictator becomes the absolute world through him might be saved."--John 3 : 16, 17.
ruler, then the freedom of choice is gone completely. In this text it is stated that man is given the
Satan’s purpose is to get man under his control and choice of believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, if he
then lead mankind straightway into destruction. would live and not perish. It follows, therefore, if he

does not believe he will perish. Man was already ’ Jesus first gathered unto himself those persons
subject to death by reason of inheriting the result of who voluntarily chose to fully devote themselves,
Adam’s violation of God’s law, and now Jehovah was their hfe, and their all, to God and to his kingdom.
giving man an opportunity to choose to extricate The faithful apostles were the first ones who volun-
himself from death by taking the side of the Lord tarily became the disciples or followers of Christ
Jesus Christ. If man does not choose to take that Jesus. Since their day others have chosen to follow
step, then what? That question is answered in the in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. No one has been
following scripture: "The Father loveth the Son, compelled to take that step. Those who have chosen
and hath given all things into his hand. He that be- to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, and who continue
lieveth on the Son hath everlasting life; and he that faithful therein to their covenant, have chosen life,
believeth not the Son shall not see life ; but the wrath and not the way of death, which life is received as a
of God abideth on him." (John 3: 35, 36) This is gracious gift from Jehovah God by and through
harmony with the statement of the divine rule an- Christ Jesus. Jesus stated to his disciples and to his
nounced by Moses, in which Jehovah set before the followers : ’~I am the way, and the truth, and the life ;
Israelites life or death and permitted them to choose no man cometh unto the Father but by me." (John
their way. 14: 6) "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift
’ During the three and one-half years of the earthly of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our
ministry of Jesus he began to gather to himself those Lord."--Rom. 6 : 23.
Israelites who voluntarily came to him and chose to lo The ones thus chosen are the ones to whomthe
be on his side. Later he opened the way to those promise is given that they shall be of the kingdom
Gentiles who took a similar step, that they might of heaven and will reign with Christ Jesus in the
voluntarily come to him and live. Thus Jehovah au- spirit. The number of such is small when compared
thoritatively speaks through Christ Jesus, but at no with that of the others who may ultimately receive
time compels anyone to follew in the footsteps of life as perfect human-creatures. To those who have
Christ Jesus. On the contrary, Jesus says: "Come chosen to follow and obey Christ Jesus from the
unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and time of the apostles till the second coming of the
I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and Lord, and who have continued and do continue faith-
learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ful unto death, these specific and precious promises
ye shall find rest unto your souls."--Matt. 11 : 28, 29. are given: "Fear not, little flock; for it is your Fa-
’ To those who seek to know the right way Jesus ther’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom." (Luke
gives this advice: "Then said Jesus unto his dis- 12: 32) "Fear none of those things which thou ahalt
ciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny suffer; behold, the devil shall cast some of you into
himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For prison, that ye maybe tried ; and ye shall have tribu-
whosoever will save his life shall lose it; and who- lation ten days; be thou faithful unto death, and I
soever will lose his life for my sake shall find it." will give thee a crown of life."--Rev. 2: 10.
(Matt. 16: 24, 25) Here he emphasizes that man ~’ Those faithful ones~ together with Christ Jesus,
a free moral agent, free to exercise his will in choos- constitute Jehovah’s royal house. Their choice of the
ing the way he should go. right way was prophetically foretold and pictured by
Joshua, a type of Christ, who at God’s command
THE THEOCRACY spoke to the Israelites, calling upon them to either
s Jesus was born a human, a man, and came into choose to serve demons and be religious and die, or
the earth, by the grace of Jehovah God, for the ex- choose to serve Almighty God and live: "And if it
press purpose of qualifying as and to become King seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this
of The THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT. When Pilate in- day whomye will serve ; whether the gods which your
quired of Jesus : "Art thou a king ?" Jesus answered, fathers served that were on the other side of the
"I am .... To this end was I born, and for this flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye
cause came I into the world, that I should bear wit- dwell; but as for me and my house, we will serve the
ness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth Lord."--Josh. 24 : 15.
heareth my voice." (John 18: 37) Here Jesus em- "The faithful men from Abel to John the Baptist,
phatically declared that he is the King of Jehovah’s mentioned at Hebrewa the eleventh chapter, shall
government; that Jehovah’s government stands for constitute the "princes in all the earth", under THE
the truth which Jesus declared; and that all persons TH~.OCRACY. (Ps. 45: 16) Each one of them made his
who are of the truth choose to put themselves under choice to serve Jehovahand wait for THSTHEOCa~,CY
The THEOCRATm GOVERNMENT, that is, the kingdom to be set up; and concerning them it is written:
of God under Christ Jesus, and which kingdom will "These all died in faith, not having received the
be a complete vindication of Jehovah’s name. promises, but having geen them afar off, and were
1, 1941 NieWATCHTOWER, 37

persuaded of them, and embraced them, and con- of this fold; them also I must bring, and they shall
fessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one
earth. For they that say such things declare plainly shepherd."~John 10 : 16.
that they seek a country. And truly if they had been ~’ The "other sheep" of the Lord are those who
mindful of that country from whence they came out, will compose the "great multitude" and serve before
they might have had opportumty to have returned: the throne continuously and for ever; as it is written :
but nowthey desire a better country, that is, an heav- "After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude,’which
enly [The THEOCRATIC GOVERNMEI~’T] ;wherefore God no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds,
is not ashamedto be called their God; for he hath pre- and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and
pared for them a city [a symbol of an organized gov- before the Lamb, clothed with white rob~es, and pahns
ernment, that is, THETHEocmtcY]."mHeb.11: 13-16. in their hands. Therefo/e are they before the throne
~ The "little flock", of which the apostle Paul is of God, and serve him day and night in his temple;
one, receive the better or higher position than the and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among
faithful men named above in Hebrews the llth chap- them."~Rev. 7: 9, 15.
ter, because the "little flock" receive life as spirit " Those "other sheep" of the Lord, the "great mul-
creatures, whereas those faithful men mentioned are titude", are the same sheep the Scriptures mention
made princes and live on the earth for ever. "Instead as "his sheep" at Matthew25 : 32-46. Such persons are
of thy fathers shall be thy children, whomthou may- mentioned under the symbol of "sheep" because they
est make princes in all the earth." (Ps. 45: 16) "Be- love righteousness and hate iniquity, because they
hold, a king shall reign in righteousness, and princes serve God and Christ, and receive the blessings of
shall rule in judgment." (Isa. 32: 1) Therefore the THE THEOCRACY henceforth and forevermore.
apostle Paul, under command of the Lord, wrote 1, The Lord Jesus, the great Judge, came to the
concerning those faithful men or princes who shall temple of Jehovah in 1918 and thereafter began the
become visible governors the following: "And what judgment of the nations. Since the beginning of that
shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell period of judgment, and until it ends, everyone who
of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of will be of the "great multitude" must choose to serve
Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the Jehovah God, the great TH~’.OCRA% and his King,
prophets; who through faith subdued kingdoms, Christ Jesus, and be faithful to THETHr.OCI~ACY and.
wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped doing so, shall receive life everlasting. Those who
the mouths of lions."mHeb. 11: 32, 33. take the opposite course are designated as "goats",
1, T~day those who compose the remnant of the
or opponents of righteousness, and will be executed
"little flock" have been selected after makinga choice under the judgment written and go into destruction.
voluntarily to serve God. The greater number of (Matt. 25:45, 46) The "great multitude" choose
those who will composethe "littIe flock" are now in serve Jehovah and his King of The T~EOCRATIC Gov-
heaven with the Lord, while only a small remnant ~.RN~E~T.In the great drama of vengeance, set out
await their instantaneous change from human organ- in the fourth chapter of Judges, and in which Barak
ism to a spirit organism, or spirit creatures. (1 Thess. played the part representing Christ Jesus the I(in,~
4 : 17) "And as we have borne the image of the earthy, and the membersof "his body", and in which l)¢~borah
we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. Behold, played the part picturing Jehovah’s capital organi-
I shew you a mystery: Weshall not all sleep, but we zation, the spiritual class is clearly designated, as
shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling heretofore seen. Is there a part in that prophetic
of an eye, at the last trump; for the trumpet shall drama picturing the choice made by the "great mul-
sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, titude"? Even so, as the facts show.
and we shall be changed." (I Cor. 15 : 49, 51, 52) All
of these chose life, joyfully obeyed the Lord, and JAEL
receive life everlasting. Their eternity is spent in 1" In this part of the prophetic drama here con-
the spirit with Christ Jesus. sidered special instruction is given by the Lord to
guide those persons of good-will who shall form the
"great multitude". It will be seen that they must
1~ But Jehovah God provided long ago that under choose the way that they will go, even as the faithful
the King of THETHSOCRACY there should be athers spirit class must choose. The first essential is to fear
who would receive life as human creatures and con- the Lord Jehovah God; and the promise is that lie
tinue to live for ever on the earth, and whoshall fill will teach such "the way that he shall choose", and,
the earth with a righteous race. Concerning that oth- choosing right and doing right, ’’his soul shall dwell
er flock, symbolized by "sheep" because obedient, at ease; and his seed shall inherit the earth."--Ps.
Jesus said: "And other sheep I have, which are not 25: 12, 13.

~o Jael was the wife of Heber the Kenite, who at vah’s witnesses. Sisera was of the same mind. He
all times, as it appears, had been friendly to the was arrogant, scornful and cruel. The ones he pic-
Israelites, God’s chosen people. (Judg. 4: 17) That tured are the same.
branch of the Kenites had in fact been with the ~’ Jael responded to the command of the mighty
Israelites and at the same time had been kind to the captain Sisera and opened and brought to him a bot-
Canaanites, so far as the record shows. They were tle of milk and served him. That had the effect of
people of good-will and desired to see righteousness soothing his nerves and satisfying his stomach that
done. Jael, the wife of Heber, here plays the part he might sleep. But Sisera was not satisfied yet, but
picturing those persons of good-will who will form must demand something more of the woman of good-
the "great multitude". Whyis Jael, the woman,here will before he would go to sleep: "Again he said unto
brought into the play, and little or nothing said about her, Stand in the door of the tent, and it shall be,
her husband, Heber ? The organization of righteous- when any man doth come and inquire of thee. and
ness in all prophetic pictures is represented by a say, Is there any manhere ? that thou shalt say, No."
woman, even as Deborah played the part picturing --Judg. 4: 20.
Jehovah’s organization, of which Christ Jesus is the ,s After satisfying his appetite Sisera nmst go
Head. The part in this drama played by Jael pic-
another step and demand a further guarantee for
tured those persons who join themselves to Jeho- his safety. Sisera now played the part of those who
vah’s organization by voluntarily putting themselves do not hesitate to tell lies, but rather feed fat upon
under the organization of Christ, and who find ref-
lying. In this he pictured leaders of religious organi-
uge, protection and life in this way.
,1 The point in this part of the drama emphasizes zations, particularly the Jesuits, and the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy of Authority, and concerning
the necessity of malting a voluntary choice. In the which God caused to be written in the Scriptures
preceding part of the drama it is observed that Jael showing that they say: "We have made lies our
saw Sisera, the captain of the Canaanite army, ap- refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves."
proaching her tent. She went out to meet him and --Isa. 28 : 15.
invited him to turn in and permitted him to lie down ,e Sisera had hid himself the best he could, and he
on the floor of her tent to rest there, and she covered was lying to fortify his security. Likewise today the
him with a mantle or some covering, for his comfort.
Roman Catholic Hierarchy, having hid behind a
"And he said unto her, Give me, I pray thee, a little
mountain of lies, continue to lie about everything,
water to drink; for I am thirsty: and she opened a
and particularly about Jehovah’s witnesses, with the
bottle of milk, and gave him drink, and covered him."
--Judg. 4: 19. further hope of making themselves secure. Sisera’~
~2 Sisera had seen the power of Jehovah God lie was this: that he demanded Jael to stand in the
door and watch and tell a deliberate lie if she was
against him and his army, and he feared that Barak, accosted by anyone looldng for Sisera. Today the
God’s executioner, would find him and slay him. He clergy of the RomanCatholic Hierarchy induce the
was trying to escape and find a place of refuge until so-called "American Legion" and other conscience-
he could get back to his chief, whopictures the Devil less Catholic dupes who love iniquity to commit
himself. He had sought seclusion in the tent of a wicked deeds for them and then lie about it.
married woman, thinking the Israelites would not
"How aptly that part of the drama fits modern
expect to fred him there. He was like other cowards
times l Jehovah, by. sending his message of truth
whodo their wickedness and then flee and try to hide
amongst the people, has exposed the religionists, par-
behind the skirts of a woman. He was looking after ticularly the Hierarchy, to the gaze of honest people,
himself. His belly was his chief concern that he now making them appear in their proper light of wicked-
sought. Self-preservation and self-comfort were up-
ness. The announcement of Jehovah’s judgment
permost in his mind. In this he pictured the religious against them, as written, greatly disturbs their re-
leaders who claim to serve God, but who in fact serve ligious equilibrium. The Hierarchy have no answer
the Devil, and concerning whomit is written, to wit :
to the truth of God’s Word, and when the Scriptures
"Whoseend is destruction, whose God is their belly,
are pointed out to them they are so confounded that
and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly
they must resort to some other means of fighting
things."--Phil. 3 : 19.
28 Today the clergy require of the people of good- back. When Jehovah’s witnesses proclaim amongst
the l~eople the Scriptures, which tell of God’s pur-
will, who are friendly to them, to give them relief pose to destroy all the wicked at Armageddon and
and refreshment and support and to obey their com- all their works, and then point out the wickedness to
mands. At the same time those religious oppressors which the Hierarchy have resorted and been guilty
oppose those who serve God and all persons who try of, such see that they must resort to further lies.
to do good and all those who show favors to Jeho- Greatly desiring to escape the scathing rebuke which
1, 1941 fffieWATCHTOWE1K 39

Jehovah is giving them, the members of the Hier- ernment. In America the Hierarchy take exactly an
archy demand of the people who are of their con- opposite course, for the purpose of deceiving the
gregations, and of others whomthey can influence, people; and while the members of the Hierarchy
that the people take the side of the Hierarchy and know that Jehovah’s witnesses and companions are
tell all mannerof lies against those whobear witness the only people that are proclaiming God’s kingdom
to the truth of God’s kingdom under Christ. The as the hope of mankind, the Hierarchy cause these
Hierarchy members do this because they hope to faithful servants of God to be arrested and perse-
escape exposure and to further continue their racket cuted and imprisoned under the charge of sedition,
amongst the people, and to feed themselves fat and and the gravamen of the charge is that these Jeho-
rule over the people in an arbitrary and harsh man- vah’s witnesses are advocating a government under
ner ; which they do. The Hierarchy demandthat those Jehovah and therefore opposing the government of
people of good-will speak in favor of the Hierarchy, the United States.
regardless of the facts. They therefore seek the co- ’~ Aptly Jael pictured what is now taking place as
operation of all persons to tell lies about the people ~o choosing. She must choose. But what helped her
that serve God in spirit and in truth. For a long to make a wise choice ?
while the people of good-will have shielded these 3o It was fear of Almighty God in her mind, fear-
religious leaders, while at the same time they have ing lest she should take her stand against the Al-
observed such religious leaders wickedly persecuting mighty, the Righteous One, and the only One who
the faithful servants of God. The time comes, how- gives life to those whodo righteousness. Because she
ever, whenall persons must maketheir choice, either feared God, and not man, and because she put her
for or against the wicked. God’s judgment by Christ trust in God, true to His promise he guided her to
Jesus, the great Judge, now in progress, requires make the right choice : %Vhatman is he that feareth
every one to make such a choice. the Lord ? him shall he teach in the way that he shall
choose. His soul shall dwell at ease; and his seed
shall inherit the earth."--Ps. 25 : 12, 13.
~8 The test had now come to Jael, because she was
" Here Jael pictured the "other sheep" of the Lord
playing a part in this drama picturing what is being who will compose the "great multitude", who fear
fulfilled at the present time. For years she had ob- God, but who have no fear of men, whether those men
served the conduct of the Canaanite king Jabin and be of the Hierarchy, the American Legion, or other
his chief officer, Sisera, and others, and noted that gangsters. All such persons of good-will have the un-
it was brutal towards God’s chosen people, the Israel- failing promise of Jehovah that he will teach them
ites. She had seen the great wickedness comnfitted the right way, that they may choose right. Jael hav-
by those enemies and was unable to prevent the same. ing chosen to throw in her lot with the people of Al-
Heber and other Kenite families friendly with him mighty God and trust Jehovah, from that point on
had held aloof from such persecutions and had tried in the drama she must play the part consistently
to avoid openly taking sides. Jael had no doubt wit- with the course she had taken in her choice. "Then
nessed the "act of God" in sending the mighty storm Jael, Heber’s wife, took a nail of the tent, and took
and flood against the army of Jabin, which had de- an hmamer in her hand, and went softly unto him,
stroyed that army and caused Sisera the captain to and smote the nail into his temples, and fastened it
flee and seek refuge in her tent. She knew that Al- into the ground; for he was fast asleep, and weary:
mighty God had taken a hand in this fight and was so he died."--Judg. 4 : 21.
fighting the battle for lfis chosen people, the Israel-
ites. She must now make her choice and, by telling ~ The fact that Heber, Jael’s husband, had been
friendly with Jabin and Captain Sisera did not at all
lies, thereby further shield the wicked Sisera, or take
her positive stand against wickedness and on the side deter Jael from doing her duty and making a wise
choice. This may be presumed; but the real reason
of God’s people. In this she pictured that class of
persons who for some years have observed the Hier- why she made a wise choice was that she was play-
archy and their allies oppressing Jehovah’s wit- ing a part of the drama directed by Jehovah and
it must be right in order to foretell the antitype. Jael
nesses and resorting to all mannerof lies to cover up
chose to take her place on the side of Jehovah God,
their wicked deeds and to hide the Hierarchy from
who gives victory to his people over his foes. She
view. A similar condition e_xists today. The people
was, no doubt, convinced that Jehovah God had de-
of good-will see that the Hierarchy are supporting livered the chief enemyof God’s people into her hand.
the dictators of Europe who oppress the peoples and Now to strike for God’s cause and freedom of his
commit cold-blooded murder of women, children and people, herself included, from the power of the op-
other helpless persons. In Europe the Hierarchy are pressor, thus foreshadowing the quick and positive
howling for the "corporate state" or dictatorial gov- decision those of the "great multitude" must make
N. Y.

by striking against demon-worshipt Jael must act end is near. This is further proof that the act of Jael
quickly before the executioner would arrive, who pic- was prophetic and that she was playing a part in
tures Christ Jesus, God’s Executioner at Armaged- the prophetic drama, which must have fulfillment in
don. If the executioner Barak arrived and found her God’s due time.
harboring the enemy of Israel she would be subject "Lovers of righteousness equipped with the ’~ham-
to destruction. No doubt the angel of the Lord put mer" of God’s Word, which people of good-will are
all of this into her mind, necessary for her to take able to understand, meet the chief minds of religious
the right course. She acted promptly, playing the champions and successfully beat down and kill their
part which Almighty God had chosen or assigned religion. They successfully stand up against the doc-
to her. trines and traditions of religion. Furthermore, they
s, Before her lay Sisera sleeping soundly, which he go forth with the hammer-like message of truth, de-
now could do because he considered that his religious claring the truth abroad, and that activity is de-
and military standing would compel Jael to carry out structive of demonism and the power of demons or
his orders to watch and lie about his presence. A ham- demonreligion over others. Another and similar pic-
mer and tent nail or tent pin were lying near by. Such ture is made by David in smiting the giant Goliath
were the only visible weapons at hand. Doubtless the in the forehead with a stone from his sling ; the same
Lord’s angel now put into her mind a conclusion to as persons of good-will must do in resisting religion
use that instrument and completely execute Israel’s and in taking their stand on the side of Jehovah God
mortal enemy. She went softly or quietly to the pallet and Christ Jesus:
of Sisera, where he lay, with her instrument of exe- s8 "For he was fast asleep, and weary." That was
cution in hand. She knew the vulnerable spot of his Sisera’s condition. He fell asleep because he thought
head, and she drove the point of the tent pin clear he had fixed things safely for himself and now he
through his temples and fastened Sisera’s head to the could enjoy "peace and safety" and take his ease. The
ground. Sisera’s thoughts perished. That was as fulfillment of this part of the prophetic drama is now
Ehud did when his dagger, used against King Eglon, about to be enacted. The religious advocates, particu-
was shoved clear into his inwards and ended that larly the RomanCatholic Hierarchy, have so coached
oppressor; which pictured the same thing as the and trained many sincere and trustful people under
perishing of Sisera. So Jaet used her hammer and them, and have so bound them with pledges and oaths
tent pin with effect. In this manner Deborah de- against truth of and concerning Jehovah’s THEOC-
scribes her act ¯ "She put her hand to the nail, and her RACY,that the clergy have concluded that they have
right hand to the workmen’s hammer; and with the all such persons completely on their side and under
hammer she smote Sisera; ~he smote off his head, their control, and that therefore they can proceed
when she had pierced and stricken through his tem- with their nefarious ~ork; and they continue to do so
ples." (Judg. 5" 26) According to Young’s transla- in a scornful manner, scorning everything that is not
tion of this text, "she hammered Sisera, she smote submissive to them. Repeatedly in this day the evi-
his head, yea, she smote, and it passed through his" dence piles up that the RomanCatholic Hierarchy,
temple." acting as the chief agent on earth of Satan, have con-
s, The hammer and tent nail picture God’s Word cluded that everything is coming their way and that
of truth, which instrument is used effectively against within a very short time they will be entirely safe
religion. Thus it is written in the prophecies : "Is not and at peace, enjoying themselves to their heart’s
my word like as a fire? saith the Lord; and like a content. In Europe the Hierarchy boldly champion
HAMSTER that breaketh the rock in pieces ? Therefore, the cause of dictators, while in America the same
behold, I am against the prophets, saith the Lord, men, relying upon their ability and cunning and in-
that steal my words every one from his neighbour." fluence and control over the people, speak against
--Jer. 23 : 29, 30. dictators and claim to be for democracy. Not one of
8s Further speaking of the prophets or preachers them, however, is heard to advocate God’s kingdom
who falsely claim to represent Jehovah God and who under Christ which ia the great THEOCRACY.
thereby deceive, mislead and oppress the people, God s~ The demons now have such control over the
says : "Behold, I am again~tthem that prophesy false minds of the religionists that such religionists stop
dreams, saith the Lord, and do tell them, and cause at nothing to put Jehovah’s witnesses out. Prominent
mypeople to err by their lies, and by their lightness ; members of the Hierarchy praise the American Le-
yet I sent them not, nor cou~nanded them; therefore gion in their "summary action" and punishment of
they shall not profit this peopte at all, saith the Lord." Jehovah’s witnesses, and encourage and urge public
--Jer. 23 : 32. officers to do the same thing. Soon the religionists
ae Membersof the Hierarchy assume great author- will apparently have complete control of the nation,
ity and speak to the people; but the Lord says their and then, as it is written in the Scriptures, they will
1, 1941 41

say "Peace and safety !" That wilt be "the sign" which the attitude of many of these commentators wouht
Jehovah will give, proving that his time has come to doubtless have been different.
take drastic action against all blasphemers and all " Today religion (and the advocates thereof) has
religious opponents of his THEOCRACY. In the pro- become dead and a dead factor to the people of good-
phetic drama here considered it is written, at this will toward God. That was the condition of Sisera
point, of Sisera, who pictured the religious leaders, when the tent nail went through his temple. Such
that "so he died". The fulfillment of that part of the persons, who love righteousness and hate wicked-
prophetic drama is certain to be carried out on the ness, are dead against religion now because religion
opposers of Jehovah’s TIIEOCRATICGOVERNMENT. is the product of Satan and leads to death, whereas
the worship of Almighty God and Christ Jesus leads
JAEL’S RESPONSIBILITY to life. Those people of good-will must choose be-
~o ConcerningJael’s act against Sisera it is written, tween the Devil and Jehovah, therefore they must
in Judges 5 : 27 : "At her feet he bowed, he fell, he abandon religion and turn fully and completely to
lay down; at her feet he bowed, he fell; where he Christianity, if they would live. They must slay reli-
bowed there he fell down dead." Was Jael guilty of gion by taldng a bold and uncompromising stand
the crime of murder? From the worldly viewpoint against religion, and by declaring to others that re-
and the rules of war she was not. The chief enemy ligion is a deadly enemy. That part in the drama
and oppressor of the people was in her hands, and she played by Jael shows that all persons of good-will
acted to protect herself and God’s chosen people. toward God, and who would find refuge and life, must
Religious commentators, however, look at her deed take their uncompromising stand against religion,
entirely from the human viewpoint and, themselves and hence, figuratively spealdng, must slay religion
desiring to appear righteous and failing entirely to so that from their viewpoint religion becomes com-
see the prophetic picture, vigorously accuse Jael of pletely dead. Aato the punishment of religious prac-
having committed a heinous~a4mae of cold-blooded, titioners, the individuals, the Lord will attend to that.
deliberate murder. In this they are entirely wrong. Humancreatures have nothing to do with that. It is
,1 Jael was playing a part in a divine drama. With- no part of man’s work who has devoted himself to
out any doubt, Jael’s act was approved by Jehovah the Lord to punish others because of their belief or
God; and this is shown by the prophecy of the Most practicing of religion. Thoir duty is to tell the truth.
High set out in Deborah’s song: "Blessed above The sole duty of those who take the side of T~tE
womenshall Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite be; THZOCRAOY is to be servants of Jehovah God and
blessed shall she be above womenin the tent."---. inform the people that religion is a snare that leads
Judg. 5 : 24. them to death; even as God declared to his typical
" This could not be understood and appreciated people : "And thou shalt consumeall the people which
by one whodoes not have a vision of God’s purposes. the Lord thy God shall deliver thee; thine eye shall
But it can be understood and appreciated when it is have no pity upon them; neither shalt thou serve
kept in mind by the lovers of righteousness that Jael their gods ; for that will be a snare u~to thee." (Deut.
was there playing a part of the prophetic drama fore- 7: 16) "And they served their idols; which were a
telling God’s purpose to destroy the enemy in some snare unto them."--Ps. 106:36.
future time. Acting under the commandof the Lord, " In the drama Jael had to immediately choose
she could not be guilty of a crime. Her act was en- the Devil religion, represented by Sisera, or go along
tirely prophetic and carried out the purpose of Jeho- with Jehovah’s chosen people to whomJehovah had
vah. The act of Jael, however,’did not at all foretell given the victory in the battle just fought. So nowat
that in the fulfillment of that part of the prophetic this day, those persons pictured by Jael, that is, the
drama Christians should kill any human creature. people of good-will toward Jehovah, nmst quieldy
The issue back there was between demons, the Devil choose to take their stand firmly on the side of Jeho-
being chief thereof, and Jehovah; that is, between vah and his THEOCRATIC GOVERNMEI~’T under Christ
religion or demon-worship and the obedience and Jesus. The crucial hour is here ! Therefore to all per-
worship of Jehovah God. The killing of Sisera pic- sons comes the message this day: "Choose you this
tured the destruction of religion, or demonism. Reli- day whom ye will serve"; choose Jehovah God and
gious commentators may be excused for their posi- his government, or Satan and his wickedness. There
tion of harsh criticism against Jael. They do not see is no middle ground.--Josh. 24 : 15.
and therefore cannot appreciate the drama and its ’~ The womanJael fitly pictured the organization
meaning, because they are in &he dark. If they had of persons who choose to serve Jehovah God and his
seen that there is a deadly conflict between the wor- King, which is formed into an organization of the
ship of devils and the worship of Almighty God, and "great multitude". They are the "other sheep" of the
that religion is on the Devil’s side and against God, Lord Jesus Christ, gathered unto him, and who, ac-
N. Y.

cording to his own words, are made a part of his and against demon-worship or religion, there pic-
fold. (John 10: 16) Such will compose the earthly tured the people of good-will who take their stand
part of the Lord’s organization who serve him before against demon or religious worship, and who will
his throne. They are not of the capital organization, form the "great multitude". Since the year 1936 the
however, but under it. Christ Jesus is the Lord and facts clearly show that great numbers of persons of
hence the Head over all of God’s organization. Such good-will have forsaken religion and taken their
people of good-wiU flee to the Lord and put them- stand on the side of God and Christ. It was in that
selves under his capital organization until the end year that God revealed to his people that all religion
of Armageddon. Thereafter the "great multitude", is a deceptive snare set by the Devil, in which many
together with the faithful prophets named at He- unsuspecting and credulous persons are caught. As
brews eleven, become the earthly part of the Lord’s the people of good-will have come to know the true
organization. Such will be an organized body that description and purpose of religion, and that it is a
will carry out on earth the will and commandments deadly foe to Jehovah’s TH~OCnACY under Christ,
of the Lord. Jael fitly pictured such. they have abandoned religion and put it to death,
’~ The fact that Jael had the approval of Jehovah and have taken their stand unequivocally on the side
God in what she did should be sufficient to satisfy of Jehovah and Christ. Thus it is seen that Jael
every sincere person that she was not a criminal, played an important part in that prophetic drama,
but that she was the servant of Almighty God, play- and which shows that every person today who would
ing a part in the prophetic drama, the meaning of find refuge and safety and life must put himself on
which is now being revealed for the aid, comfort and the side of Jehovah and his great Theocratic King,
hope of those who are under the test of standing Christ Jesus. It is the kingdom for which Christ
firmly for Jehovah and his THEOCRACY. It is written Jesus commandedall his servants to pray. (Matt.
in the prophecy concerning her: "Blessed stiall she 6: 10) Instead of praying for peace mnong the war-
be above womenin the tent." The "great multitude" ring, religious nation, s today, as the president re-
and the "princes" will be an organization that is quests, all Christians should pray for the Kingdom
blessed above all people on the earth, and the "great as Christ Jesus instructed and that God’s will be
multitude" alone will be more blessed than others done on earth as in heaven. Manifestly the universal
who shall get life. They together with the faithful prayers of all religionists offered for universal peace
prophets and others will carry out the purposes of amongst the warring factions are not addressed to
Jehovah. The "great multitude", as the Scriptures Jehovah, the Almighty God, but are addressed to the
show, will fulfill the divine mandate to "multiply and "god of this world", that is, Satan, the Devil. At their
fill the earth". (Gen. 1:28; 9:1) That will be the prayers he laughs in scorn and goes on in his deeds
most blessed privilege, to be used by the Lord to of wickedness, and his blind dupes follow his lead.
carry out his purpose which he long ago announced. ,9,,And, behold, as Barak pursued Sisera, Jael
" Jehovah’s way is perfect. (Ps. 18 : 30) "The Lord came out to meet him, and said unto him, Come, and
is righteous in all his ways." (Ps. 145 : 17) "The meek I will shew thee the man whom thou seekest. And
will he teach his way." (Ps. 25: 9) The man who wor- when he came into her tent, behold, Sisera lay dead,
ships Godin spirit and in truth, God’shall teach him and the nail was in his temples." (Judg. 4:22)
the way he shall choose’. "The secret of the Lord is this point Barak pictured Christ Jesus as Jehovah’s
with them that fear him; and he will shew them his Executioner at Armageddon. The Jael class the
covenant." (Ps. 25 : 14) But none of the practitioners Lord, the Executioner, finds marked in their fore-
of religion, because they are wicked, shall under- heads, and these he spares at Armageddon. The op-
stand. (Dan. 12: 10) These scriptures make clear the ponents of THE THEOCRACY, who have refused the
reason why the practitioners of religion cannot see mark of intelligence when offered, the Executioner
and understand the purpose of Jehovah. God reveals slays. (See Ezekiel 9 : 1-6.) As Barak pursued Sisera,
a vision of his purpose only to those who uncondi- picturing the chief representative of the Devil on
tionally devote themselves to him and who avoid his earth, so the Lord begins his destructive work with
enemies. Mark, then, how he has led and instructed the religionists, and this is pictured by Barak pur-
his "other sheep" during the past few years and how suing Sisera.
the Lord is now feeding them. so "Jael came out to meet" Barak. That showed her
,8 In August 1, 1932, issue of The Watchtower, and faith in Jehovah’s servant, picturing the faith of the
in the Vindication books published that year, Jeho- "other sheep" of the Lord when they go out to meet
vah revealed to his people that King Jehu, who killed the Lord and take their stand on his side. These peo-
the Baal religionists in Israel, pictured Christ Jesus, ple of good-will go out with gladness and meet the
Jehovah’s Executioner at Armageddon, and also that Lord and manifest their faith in him and show that
Jonadab the Rechabite, whose heart was with Jehu they are in favor of THETHEOCaACY. They know that

Christ Jesus is out to pursue religion and to destroy ones the Lord Jesus Christ will completely destroy.
it, and at heart they are right with him. To Barak (Heb. 2: 14) Thus will end wickedness on the earth
Jael said : "Come, and I will shew thee the man whom for ever, and never again shall they spring up. (Na-
thou seekest." This is like the report of the man hum 1 : 9) Jehovah’s righteous government shall pre-
clothed with linen, with the writer’s inkhorn by his vail forever, and blessed will be those who have the
side, who went into the temple and reported to the favors of that government.
Lord: "I have done as thou hast commanded me." ~’ Whythese perilous days? Whyis religion the
(Ezek. 9: 11) These words of Jael were proof chief instrument employed by the Devil to make war
Barak that Jael was fully on the side of the Israel- upon those who faithfully serve Jehovah God? Why
ites; and thus was pictured that those persons of are so many wicked deeds committed 5y religionists
good-will, the "other sheep" of the Lord, have taken today, against God’s servants? The Scriptures give
their stand on the side with Christ Jesus, and that plain answer. Long ago the Devil coveted the praise
they are dead against religion and all forms of that creatures were giving to Jehovah God. (Jer.
demon-worship. 51 : 13) The Devil set about to oppose Almighty God
21 Barak found Sisera dead in Jael’s tent. But he and to gain for himself that praise; and so it is re-
did not resent her action or claim the glory for him- corded that the Devil said : "I will ascend into heaven,
self. He was pleased with what Jael had done. In I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: . . .
fulfillment of this part of the drama the Lord Jesus I will be like the Most High." (Isa. 14: 13, 14)
shows his pleasure and approval of those who take accomplish that wicked and covetous purpose the
their stand on his side and whoput to death religion Devil must gain support of creatures and receive
so far as their hearts are concerned. The Lord Jesus their worship. That, being contrary to God’s will,
begins the battle of Armageddon, and there religion was and is religion, because religion is doing any-
meets its final end. He looks to see if the people of thing contrary to God’s will. Satan induced many
good-will are counted worthy to survive Armaged- angels to follow him. Later he turned all the world,
don ; and if they have fled from religion and killed it, save only a few, into wickedness. Jehovah God, by
so far as they are concerned, and have taken their the flood, wiped out those wicked ones on earth. Then
firm stand on the side of Jehovah and his THEOC~ATm the Devil organized religion with Nimrod as his
GOWR~.~T,they may receive complete protection. visible representative, to receive worship and fur-
Therefore religion has no power over those who will ther religion. Since then religion has been constantly
be of the "great multitude". used by the Devil to deceive men, turn them away
~ "So God subdued on that day Jabin the king of from God, turn them into wickedness, and cause them
Canaan before the children of Israel." (Judg. 4:23) to worship anything except God and to commit divers
~[ark this: that the divine record gives all the glory wicked deeds. As further proof that worship is what
and honor and praise to Jehovah for that deadly the Devil desires he said to Jesus: ’I will give thee
war in that battle where Barak and Deborah served. all the’kingdoms [nations] of the earth if thou wilt
Likewise at the battle of Armageddonno follower of fall downand worship me.’ (Matt. 4 : 8, 9) Jesus re-
Christ Jesus on the earth will use physical force fused that offer, and in hatred the Devil brought
against any earthly government or organization and about the death of the Lord Jesus, and that he ac-
no Christian will have claim to or receive any honor complished by using religion and his religious agents.
and glory for the destruction of wicked rule. Christ ~ In these days of supposed enlightenment, why
Jesus, the Executioner of Jehovah’s purpose, to- are Jehovah’s witnesses so cruelly persecuted by
gether with b_is invisible army, will do the slaying, those whoare leaders in i:eligion ? The reason is ob-
and therefore the Scriptures declare that God fights vious. All persons who are wholly devoted to Jehovah
against all his enemies and that all his enemies "shall God and Christ worship God in truth and in spirit,
lick the dust", that is, shall suffer destruction. and for that reason the Devil hates them. The Devil
~"And the hand of the children of Israel pros- knowing that the day of final reckoning is here, he
pered, and prevailed [(margin) going, went, and brings every possible woe upon those who expose his
was hard] against Jabin the king of Canaan, until chief weapon, religion, "and religious practitioners.
they had destroyed Jabin king of Canaan." (Judg. (Rev. 12: 12,17) Satan and his legion of demons
4:24) They were hard on Jabin, because they de- control the minds of religionists, and therefore
stroyed Jabin and his army. This shows that after wickedness grows up and spreads over the earth like
the visible part of Satan’s organization is destroyed grass and all the lawless ones flourish. These do
at Armageddonthere will still be a work which the deeds against God’s servants, wholly disregarding
Lord will do in destroying the host of wicked demons, the law of God and the law of man. The Devil is the
the commanderof which is Gog, and then will follow chief one of the conspirators who causes these wick-
the annihilation of the Devil himself. Those wicked ed deeds to be committed.
N. Y.

’~ Why does Jehovah God permit the Devil to so place. Will God avenge his faithful people then?
persecute his true servants now? The answer from Jesus answers: "I tell you that he will avenge them
the Scriptures is this: To afford an opportunity to speedily." (Luke 18: 8) Only the remnant and the
Christians to prove their faithfulness and integrity Lord’s "other sheep" will believe and have faith in
toward God and Christ; and to bring about a separa- these promises.
tion of the nations, that is, the "goats", or wickedones, ’~ When will Jehovah put an end to wickedness in
from the Lord’s "other sheep", who love righteous- the earth? The Scriptures answer that at the time
ness.and desire to see God’swill done on the earth. ’when the wicked spring up like grass and the lawless
" Knowing the end from the beginning, Jehovah flourish’. That is now, because never was there so
God caused creatures long centuries ago to enact much wickedness on earth; and that means that Ar-
prophetic dramas foretelling the course the wicked mageddonis very near. (Ps. 92 : 7, 8) And what will
would take and what would be their end, and how Jehovah God do to square the account for the wicked
God would deal with them, and how he will avenge deeds the religionists have committed against those
his people in the end. Chiefly, such prophetic dramas who love him? He will render vengeance to his ad-
were recorded and are now made understandable by versaries and will be merciful to his people and de-
those who love God and his Mngdomthat their faith liver them.--Deut. 32 : 43.
might now be made strong, that they might receive ~° Today religionists are committing innumerable
comfort and increase their hope, and that they might wicked deeds against Jehovah’s witnesses and their
remain immovable and on the side of God and prove companions. Such thoy could not do without the per-
that Satan’s challenge to Jehovah was false and ex- mission of Jehovah. God permits such only for a
tremely wicked. In this way-the faithful have the op- season, and during that season such persons of good-
portunity of participating in the vindication of Jeho- will, those who love righteousness and hate wicked-
vah’s name. They are thereby witnesses to declare hess, seeing their way clear to escape from religion,
the name and kingdom of Jehovah and by that means are led by the Lo~d to see and choose the way of life.
to enlighten the people of good-will that they may It is therefore a great privilege to suffer for right-
see and understand and choose the way to life.-- eousness’ sake. That suffering will be for only a short
Ps. 25 : 12, 13. season. God will soon fight for his faithful people.
"The drama of vengeance is of great encourage- His drama of vengeance is now about to be fulfilled
ment and comfort to the remnant and their com- in completeness. All of God’s true people will now
panions now. Armageddon, the final settlement of remain calm and firmly stand for THE THEOCRACY.
accounts between Godand the Devil, is about to tal~a Deliverance is near l Next the victory song l


HE supreme power is J~hovah God, the great Theo- Vet.) Here "damnation"is translated from the Greek word
T crat. The "higher powers" are Christ Jesus and
Jehovah. The theocratic arrangement concerning the
kr/ma and means "judgment", and kr/,m is so rendered m
the Revised Version Bible; it is rendered "punishment"in
true church proceeds from Jehovah and by Christ. All in the EmphaticDiaglott. In the foregoing text the arrange-
the church whoare pleasing to Jehovahand to Christ Jesus ment or "ordinance" of Goddoes not have reference to the
must be willingly submissiveor obedient to that divine and ordinance or arrangement of worldly political powers of
theocratic arrangement.There is no exception to this rule. the nations. It is true that Godhas been neutral and not
"Let every person be submissive to the superior authori- interfered with the natioa~ of earth in their makingof
ties." (Rom.13 : 1, EmphaticDiaglott) There is no conflict, laws and enforcing them, but the responsibility for their
of course, between the higher authority or power and the so doing is not upon Jehovah. He has permitted it in that
supremepower, because Christ and Godare always exactly he has not prohibited it. Romans13:2 speaks of God’s
in harmony. (John 10: 30) The twelve apostles of Christ "ordinance"; therefore we must understand that only for
maybe embracedin the "superior authorities", becausethey such ordinance Jehovahassumes a responsibility.
are superior to all others in the church, aside from Christ In Paul’s day Godwas not judging the world, because
and Jehovah. The scripture at Romans13 : 1 has long been Paul himself wrote that "God. . . hath appointed a day,
applied by religionists to the worldly governmentsof this in the which he will judge the world in righteousness"
earth and to the powersthereof. It is manifest, however, (when unrighteous governmentswill not exist), and that
that no such thought was in the apostle Paul’s mind when such judgment would be by Christ Jesus. (Acts 17: 31;
he wrote the words.
"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For Rev. 20:4) Hence "judgment" as referred to by Paul at
there is no power but of God: the powersthat be are or- Romans13:2 must apply~ the church, and that judgment
dained of God. Whosoevertherefore resisteth the power, must be by the power whieh Godhas ordained shall judge
resisteth the ordinance of God:and they that resist shall the church. "For the time is comethat judgment must be-
receive to themselves damnation." (Rom.13: 1, 2, Auth. gin at the house of God:and if it first begin at us, what
FEBRU~ttY1, 1941 ffheWATCHTOWER. 45

shall the end be of them that obey nqt the gospel of God ?" the rulers of the worldly powers arrest, fine and imprison
(1 Pet. 4: 17) Note Paul’s words to the Christians at Gala- them for so doing good. Do faithful full-time publishers or
tia: "I have confidence m you through the Lord, that ye pioneers, and company publishers, who go from (loot" to
will be none otherwise minded: but he that troubleth you door and from house to house and whothus do good by carry-
shall bear his judgment [kr/rna], whosoever he be."-- ing the message of the Kingdomto the people of the earth,
Gal. 5: 10. receive "praise" from the princes or rulers of this world~
If the "judgment" mentioned at Romans13 : 2 is to be No one ever heard of their receiving praise for so doing.
rendered and enforced by the powers of the governments Also, when Paul says, "Wilt thou then not be afrmd
of this world, then such judgment must be rendered and of the power ?" can it be said that he meant that Jehovah’s
enforced by some man as tile judge; and that is contrary witnesses are to fear the princes of this world and the rulers
to the Wordof God, regardless of who the man is. No man in the Devil’s organization? If that be true, tl~n every one
m tile church or outside of the church is authorized to would refrain from being a witness to the glory of God.
judge one who is in the church. "Therefore thou art in- That is exactly what the Devil would want them to do As
excusable, O man, whosoever thou" art that judgest; for an illustration: In the far-away country of Liberia, Africa,
wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; one of God’s children who is the Society’s representative
for thou that judgest doest the same things. And thinkest began to preach the gospel by word of mouth and by placing
thou this, O man, that judgest thcm which do such things, in the hands of the people there the printed books contain-
and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment ing the gospel. The government informed him that hc must
[kr2ma] of God?" (Rom. 2: 1,3) Therefore we must con- desist, that he must circulate no books or pamphlets or ht-
elude that, at Romans13:2, the "judgment" is the judg- erature, or give any public addresses, until such tlme as
ment for which the Lord has arranged in his own theocratic the ruling powers should grant a permit therefor. He went
organization and by the Head of that organization or by on anyway and placed in the hands of the people a great
those whomthe Lord has appointed ~o do so. number of books. Had he obeyed the worldly po~ers, he
The substance of Paul’s statement at Romans13:2 is would not have preached the gospel. He obeyed the Lord
this: That whosoever in the church resists the arrange- and was protected. He did good, but he received no I)ralse
ment which God has made for thQ governing of his church from the worldly governors.
is resisting God, and therefore shall receive punishment It is therefore apparent that Paul’s words mean this
from Godthrough Christ Jesus for so doing. Whether or not ’You who are anointed with the spirit and thus comm1.~-
the worldly powers inflict punishment upon evil-doers often sioned of God to preach should fear the power (Christ the
depends upon how much influence the one charged with the Judge); the rulers (Christ and those who act under Ills
crime has with the one who does the judging. In God’s direction) are not terrors to good works, but to evil, and if
judgment there is no partiality. The text says, "Whosoever you do that which is good you will receive prmse of that
therefore resisteth," and hence applies to every one, with- power (Christ, and those of his organization clothed with
out any exception. This alone would confine the judgment authority to praise).’ One may ask : Are we to expect praise
to God’s theocratic organization by the authorities in God’s of the powers in the church for doing good~ In answer to
organization constituted to do judging. that question, and in proof that the apostles had authomty
Romans13:3 continues: "For rulers are not a terror to praise the doers of good and did praise them, and that
to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid the doers of good shall have praise, note 1 Corinthmns4 : 5
of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have "Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord
praise of the same." Whoare the rulers here mentioned? come, whoboth wiUbring to light the hidden things of dark-
The word "ruler" is translated from the Greek archoon, ness, and will makemanifest the counsels of the hearts : and
and is also translated "prince". Satan is the chief ruler then shall every man have praise of God." 2 Corinthians
or the prince of this world. (John 12:31; 14:30) If the 8 : 18 : "Andwe have sent with him the brother, whosepraise
word "rulers" used by Paul at Romans13 : 3 does not apply is in the gospel throughout all the churches." 1 Cormthmns
to the arrangement in the church, then the word must apply 11:2: "Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me
to Satan and his organization. Is gatan, the prince of evil, in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them
or is any part of his organization a terror to evil workers to you."
m the church? Most assuredly not. If a man in the church Whenthe members of the church come together for any
does that which is evil and therefore against God’s organ- purpose other than to do good, they do not receive prmse ;
~zation, that is the very thing that Satan, the prince of as the apostle stated : "Nowin this that I declare unto you,
this world, would have him do. Did not the rulers of the I praise you not, that ye come iogether, not for the better,
worldly Gentile powers induce menlbers of the early church but for the worse." (1 Cor. 11:17) It is therefore mare-
to do evil by joining alliance with the Devil’s organization lest from the scriptures above cited that the evil-doers re-
Instead of being punished by the Devil’s organization or ceive judgment by God’s arrangement, and that those who
worldly powers for so doing, they, were commendedand do good receive praise by the same arrangement.
exalted for so doing. Romans 13:4 continues: ~’For he [the power] is the
Furthermore, can it be said that the rulers of the pres- minister of God [(Diaglott; Rotherham) he is (lod’s serv-
ent governments of earth "are not a lerror to good works"? ant] to thee for good. But ]f thou do that which is evil,
Fully consecrated witnesses of Jehovah God go about the be afraid; for he [the power] beareth not the sword in
country doing good by preaching the good news concerning vain: for he is the miniater of God [God’s servant], a re-
God and his Theocratic Government by Christ Jesus, and venger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil." This
N. Y.

text could have no reference to the power that the worldly reason ; but he should also for conscience’ sake refrain from
powers execute. Surely God has not committed to Satan or evil or wrongdoing in the church. If he refrains from evil
anyone in Satan’s organization the power to act as God’s merely in order that he may escape punishment, his motive
servant or minister for good in the church. Nor has he is not proper and unselfish. If he refrains from evil because
appointed any of that same wicked organization to act as he knows that it is right so to do, and pleasing to God for
avenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil in the him to refrain from evil, then he does so because he loves
church. What, then, do Paul’s words here mean ? God, and his motive is right and pure and he has a clear
The answer is, that the authority and order in the conscience. ’CNowthe end of the commandment is love, from
church is arranged by the Lord for good to those who are a pure heart, and a good conscience, and an undissembled
of the church, and for the judgment of those who do evil. faith."--i Tim. 1:5, Diaglott.
(See 2 Corinthians 10: 8; 13:10.) What is evil in the Romans13:6 continues: "For this cause pay ye tribute
church is illustrated by the following scriptures: "But also; for they are God’s ministers, attending continually
and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, Mylord upon this very thing." The fact that the apostle speaks of
delayeth his coming; and shall begin to smite his fellow- paying taxes has been considered a strong argannent and
servants, and to eat and drink with the drunken; the lord has been used to maintain that the entire chapter has ref-
of that servant . . . shall cut him asunder." (Matt. 24 : 48- erence to the worldly powers. That argument is unsound,
51) "Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil; the and the conclusion is not warranted. For the purpose of
Lord reward him according to his works." (2 Tim. 4:14) comparison note the rendering of this text by different
"For he that will love life, and see good days, let him re- translators: "For because of this are ye paying tribute
frain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak also." (Rotherham) "For the same reason as you pay taxes."
no guile: let him eschew evil, and do good, let him seek (Moffatt) "Why, this is really the reason you pay taxes
peace, and ensue it."--I Pet. 3: 10, 11. also." (Weymouth) "For on this account also you pay
The worldly powers use the sword to kill. If Romans taxes."--Diaglott.
13 : 4 is applied to them, then it meansthat such are clothed The apostle does not commandthe payment of taxes or
with power and authority over the Lord’s people to liter- customs to anybody in the church. The epistle was addressed
ally kill those who are in ~he church, and that such are to those Christians who .had once been Jews. (See Romans
avengers of God. Jesus was charged with the evil of sedi- 7: 1.) They were familiar with the law of the Jews re-
tion, was unjustly judged and was killed. In so doing quiring the payment of a poll tax and other taxes imposed
surely the Devil was not acting as God’s avenger there. for the support of Israel’s government. (Ex. 30: 11, 13)
Hence Paul’s words mean that the "sword" represents They would understand and did lmderstand that the pay-
the power which God uses to punish those in the church who ment of taxes was a proper thing to do. WhenPaul wrote
do evil, and who therefore do contrary to His law by which to them those Christians were residing in Romeand were
the church is governed. The creature (or creatures) whom paying taxes to the Romangovernment because not wishing
God uses to exercise such power is the avenger to execute to incur the wrath of Rome, and also for the sake of their
wrath upon the evil-doers. This does not mean that every own conscience, knowing that they were doing right. ’For
individual in the church may punish at will one or many this cause,’ says the apostle, ’you pay taxes; and movedby
who he thinks may be doing evil. The Scriptures expressly the same good reason you should render your dues to Jeho-
prohibit a memberof the church from so doing. (1 Thess. vah.’ The words of Romans13 : 6, ’For this cause you pay
4: 6) The Lord did commit to others the power to judge taxes also,’ appear to be a parenthetical statement and put
and to execute judgment in certain cases. This power he in merely to strengthen the force of the apostle’s argument.
committed to his apostles because they were his special rep- For what cause do you pay taxes? For conscience’ sake;
resentatives. Note 1 Corinthians 5:1-5; Acts 5:1-11 and for the reason that it is right to pay for what sen’ice you
8:20-22. Christ Jesus and the apostles are the rulers in receive.
the church, and were already set at the time Paul wrote Then reverting back to the rulers in the church he says :
these words. None of these are a terror to good works; but "For they are God’s ministers [servants; not Satan’s serv-
that power which the Lord uses is a terror to evil works and ants, which they would be if the officials of earthly govern-
bears not God’s punishing instrument ("sword") in vain. ments were meant]." Who, then, are God’s "ministers"
Romans 13:5 continues: "Wherefore ye must needs be (leitourgoi,--Greek) ? The same Greek word is translated
subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake." minister (ministers) at Hebrews 1:7; 8:1,2,6; 9:21;
God has not called his people to set them aside to be vie- 10 : 11 ; Acts 13 : 2 ; Romans15 : 16 ; Philippians 2 : 17, 25 ;
tiros of his wrath. He called them to be his faithful witnesses which texts prove beyond all doubt that they are God’s
and to receive salvation through Christ Jesus. (1 Thess. anointed ministers minfstering in and for the church. Then
5 : 9) But God’s wrath is visited upon those who are diso- adds the apostle: ’These ministers of God are attending
upon this very thing.’ Thereby he clearly means that the
bedient and who do evil. (Eph. 5: 5, 6) Let no one for office of such ministers is to maintain order and authority
momentbelieve that God has appointed so-called "spiritual in the church. His argument is, then, that there might be
policemen" to avenge evil-do~rs in the church. Any punish- order and peace, and for conscience’ sake the laws of the
ment that results from an~}er or personal resentment is land should be obeyed where they do not conflict with
entirely wrong.--See Colossion~ 3 : 8 ; Matthew5 : 22. God’s law.
Paul’s statement is that if one in the church does evil Romans 13:7 continues: "Render therefore to all
he shall suffer, and he should refrain from evil for that [whether inside the church or outside thereof] their dues:
1, 1941 ~ieWATCHTOWEtL
tribute to whomtribute is due; custom to whomcustom; not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou sha!t not
fear to whomfear; honour to whomhonour." The words covet ; and if there be any other commandment, it is bmefl.~
"tribute" and "custom" both refer to a commercial or comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy
financial obligation which the government may lay upon neighbour as thyself." Whenthe apostle says "For th~s",
those who reside thereunder to meet the governmental ex- the question may properly be asked, For what cause? The
penses. Jesus and his disciples paid such tax. In reply to answer is, Because of love, thou shalt not commit adultery,
the question as to whether or not it was proper to pay taxes kill, steal, bear false witness or covet. The things here men-
to the Roman government Jesus said: "Render therefore tioned which the Christian is not to do are crnnes against
unto C~esar the things which are C~esar’s, and unto God the the law of God. It is true that in most of the Gentile natmns
things that are God’s."---Matt. 22: 18-21. these same things are denounced by the law as wrong. If,
But what does the apostle mean when he says, at Romans however, a Christian would refrain from committing the
13: 7: "Fear to whomfear" is due? Does he mean that it is crimes here mentioned merely because the law of the land
the will of Godthat the Christian is to stand in awe or fear would punish and does punish those who commit such
of the appointed servants of the church? Religious clergy, crimes, then the Christian’s motive is wrong.
"elective elders," and others of congregations have used this What would induce any person to commit the crime of
scripture as an authority for demanding that reverence and adultery, murder, theft or perjury? Selfishness, of course;
fear be given to them by the congregation. Such applica- and selfishness is the very opposite of love. If the person
tion of the text is ~Tong. Whom,then, do the members of loves God and his fellow man he will not commit these
the church properly fear? Ephesiaus 5:21 answers: "Sub- wrongs. If he loves his neighbor he will do no injury to his
mitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God." neighbor. It is to satisfy someselfish or wrongful desire that
1 Peter 2:17, 18: "Be respectful to all; love the brother- leads men to do these wrongful acts. If a man loves his
hood; fear God; honor the King. Let household servants neighbor as bim~elf he will be unselfish toward his neighbor
be subject with all fear to their masters; not only to the and therefore will not willfully do any wrong against his
good and gentle, but also to the perverse." (Diaglott) neighbor. For this reason the Christian obeys every law of
1 Peter 3:14, 15: "But even if you suffer on account of the land that is in harmony with God’s law. tie does not
righteousness, you are blessed. Andfear not with their fear, obey merely because it is the ~aw of the land, but because
nor be alarmed; but sanctify the anointed Lord in your to obey is right.
hearts, and be always prepared with a defense for every Continues verse 10: "Love worketh no ill to tus neigh-
one demanding an account of the hope that is in you; but bour; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law." In ttus
with meekness and fear." (Diaglo~t) "Sanctify the Lord verse the apostle could not have been referring to the laws
of hosts himself; and let him be your fear, and let him be of the Gentiles or so-called "Christian" nations, for the
your dread."--Isa. 8 : 13. reason that not all of the laws of the nations could be ful-
The Christian is not to fear man. "The fear of man filled by one who is prompted wholly by love. If a natron
bring¢th a snare; but whoso putteth his trust in Jehovah commandsthat a man shall not hand to his neighbor, who
shall be safe." (Prov. 29: 25, AmLRev.ger.) It is entirely is sick and suffering, a glass ,of wine which would reheve
Scriptural, and therefore right, for Christians to show re- him, love could not fulfill that law. But ever)- law of God
spect for one another in the church, because the Lord has is fulfilled by love or complete unselfishness because all the
set the members there. Those who follow a selfish course laws of God are right. Every law of every nation of earth
and who "despise government" the Lord will punish. (2 Pet. that is in harmony with God’s law should be gladly obe)ed
2 : 10 ; Jude 8) "All men should hanour the Son [Christ], by the Christian whether he be a mtizen of that natron or
even as they honour the Father [the Supreme Power]."-- not. But where the law of the nation or government ~s con-
John 5 : 22, 23. trary to God’s law, then there is no compromise by ti~c
The apostle continues (Rom. 13:9): "For this, Thou Christian : he must obey the law of (]od. If he does obey the
~halt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt law of God he will do no wrong or injury.

(Contemnedfrom page 34) 1941 CALENDAR

~ssue and thelr ulttmate destroy. Get your copy now,on a con- The 1941 Calendar is exceptmnaHybeautiful and expressive.
tnbutmnof 5c, and study it preparatory to Its general distnbu- Under the yeartext, to wit, "Salvatmn unLo our God. . . and
tmn shortly as elsewhere announced. unto the Lamb"(Rev. 7:10, A.R.V.), the artist portrays with
1941 YEARBOOK OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES Scriptural symbolisms and modern detads Jehovah’s "strange
In the face of an almost impossibleyear the publication of the work"of judgmentnowfast reaching its clmaaxamongall natmns
1941 Yearbookof Jehovah’s wit,eeees represents an aceomphsh- The Calendar date pads mark the specml testimony permds for
mentmadepossible only by Jehovah’spower. Confirmationof this 1941, and also give field service suggestmnsfor the intervening
you will find whenyou read the comprehensivereport, as written months.A contribution of 25c per copy is askedtherefor, or $1 00
by the Society’s president, covering the world-wideactivities of for five copies marled to one address. Compames do well to send
Jehovah’switnesses, undercontinuousehemyfire, during the past in combinatmnorders through the local companyservant.
service year. Besidesthis amazingreport the Yearbookalso offers
the president’s commenton the 1941 yeartext and a text with a "WATCHTOWER" STUDIES
Watchtowercommentthereon for each day of the new year. The
echtion of the Yearbookis alwayslimited, thus enhancingthe costs Weekof March 2: "Drama of Vengeance" (Part 5),
revolved; hencea contribution of 50c per copyis stipulated there- ¶ 1-28 inclusive, The WatchtowerFebruary 1, 1941.
for. Orgamzedcompaniesshould combinethe orders of all indi- Weekof March 9: "Drama of Vengeance" (Part 5),
viduals therefor and send such through the companyservant. ¶ 29-60 inclusive, The WatchtowerFebrua~"1, 1941.
PRESERVATION OF FAITHFULIN BRITAIN to the people of good-~ill. It is hard to describe the effect
"I live on the Thames estuary, where air raids and air that the lecture had upon the public. The favorable com-
fights are the order of the day and the night. It has been ments about England brought instant applause from the
immeasurably worth wMle going through these experiences public. Reproduction was wonderful and every word came
in order to -know the inviolable safety Jehovah commissions through clearly. The friends also paid close attention to the
his angels to wrap us round with when bombs and shells reading of Judge Rutherford’s lecture ’The End’, giving
are dropping. ’The angel of the Lord encampeth about serious attention to the important matter presented by him.
them that fear him.’ ’I will never leave thee nor forsake There were many points that the pioneers wanted discussed,
thee.’ These and others of his lovely promises he gives us and so it was arranged to hold a pioneer meeting on Mon-
and fulfills for us, and we know it and are steady in our day 28th at Kingdom Hall, at 10:30 a.m. Every pioneer
place of safety. It is wonderful to always be in that-- in Ireland attended thi~ meeting."
wherever we go, it goes. Wefind the people more ready to
listen to the Kingdommessage and take the literature. I IN CORASAL, BRITISH HONDURAS
think most of us go to bed as in normal times, knowingthat "A priest greeted us at the door and told us lie came to
if the Lord saw an urgent need for us at any time to do visit the occupants of the home. Whowere we? ’Jehovah’s
something different, the angels would move us to do it. witnesses!’ Immediately his color changed, with a big
Whenon the work we often forget a raid is on until the ’Hoo-oo!’ Then he spoke to mybrother, but I proceeded to
noise gets nearer and louder, and only when shells or worse the inmates to offer the lecture ’Purgatory’. Whilc I was
are overhead do we take cover until it has passed over." opening the phonograph the priest re-entered and said I
could not go around and enlighten the people in this man-
BELFAST THEOCRATICCONVENTION, OCT. 26, 27. ner, and to come and speak with him. I replied I was not
"Pavement witnessing was arranged for 2:30 p.m., visiting him, but the home. The master of the home said to
Saturday, in which 36 publishers took part. This number me then to come tomorrow and give him the lecture. I left
was made up from Belfast publishers and the pioneers. A and went to another home. There I was received with
service meeting was held at Kingdom Hall at 7;30 p.m., pleasure, but I expressed that if their home were ruled
by which time all the pioneers in Ireland were present, and by the priest I would not play the lecture. A bolt reply
there was a total attendance of 56. Following this the chair- came: ’I am the master of my home.’ While we were play-
man gave extracts from The Messenger. At this n~oment ing, the priest came and made a signal calling the master
the ’Alert!’ signal was suddenly sounded by the air-raid and spoke to him in secret. The master spoke loudly then,
sirens. This was something new to the witnesses, for only saying that what we are hearing will not interfere with us,
once before had this signal been given in this city, and that and to keep on playing that record. Weplayed the other
was on the night previous. A little excitement was caused, side of the record, on ’l~esurrection’, and left and went to
but the conventioners settled down immediately when told another home, which the priest could not enter, and played
not to worry over that, and the meeting went on without a two lectures. On our way home he began to trai~ v~ and
break. Sunday morning the publishers assembled at Carl- saying to the people that we are Satan the Devil. Weplayed
ton Hall, at 9 : 30. Manyof these were for immersion. This him a hide-and-seek game, but he continued trailing us
meeting was well conducted, and one person who did not Then we went to the police station and reported his actions.
come prepared to take this step decided to do so at the Wehad our meeting staged for that night, but, on reach-
service. There were 16 Jonadabs immersed, 10 men and 6 ing home, were informed that the RomanCatholic Legmn
women. Between 8,000 and 10,000 announcement folders were prepared to l~Lsh ,~ and drive us out of town. We
had been reserved for actual convention distribution, and notified the police. Our meeting was held without any dis-
so it was necessary for the publishers to concentrate on the turbance. We had an overwhelming audience When we
advertising work. The total report for the convention was closed all the people of good-will crowded forward, glx’mg
as follows: 58 publishers, ~ books, 32 booklets, 164 hours, us thanks, also telling us the captain of the Legion was
40 magazines, 133 sound attendance. The following com- there but was powerle.~ to act, for his companionsdeceived
panies were represented: Belfast, Ballymena, Coleraine, him, fearing further trot~ble. The protectmn of the Lord
Londonderry, Cookstown, Portadown, Lisburn and Dublin. was marvelous in our ey~, and next morning we found the
At the afternoon meeting 115 brethren were in attendance. people awaitfng us with much joy and their homes open."
The greetings from Judge Rutherford were read to the con-
vention and everyone present enthusiastically supported the HEARING EARSIN "HOBOPARK"(NEBRASKA)
suggestion that the following message be sent him: ~Belfast "When carrying the petition I went to ’Hobo Park’.
Theocratic Conventioners send loving greetings. Jehovah Very few refused to sigli it. A good witness resulted. Later
directed safe arrival of [convention lecture] records. Most instructions said we were to make back-calls on all signers.
thrilling lecture ever heard. Wonderful reproduction. Pub- The addresses given were all over the U. S., so back-calling
lic applaud manyremarks. Irish brethren stand united with did not sound easy. As ~he men in the park change rapidly
you for Theocratic victory.’ This was telegraphed to Brook- I covered it three times with booklets. I received invitations
lyn immediately following the public lecture. There was to make speeches. I picl~ed up my phonograph and played
seating for 230 people at this Lime, but this had to be in- for four hours steady to sixty listeners, going from group
creased to 250 before 3:30 p.m., and every seat was oc- to group. Sunday following I did this over again. One
cupied. The number of strangers present was 133. The group of Indians were good listeners, and asked good ques-
majority of these had comeas a result of the special letter tions. Very few in the park refused to listen."
thatI amJehovah:’
- EzeRlel35:15.

FEBRUARY15, 1941
*- * OBEDIENCE . 51
Dutyof Parents .... 52
Commandments 53
One God ................ 54
Religion and Christlamty . . .55
VIolation ........................... 56
God Forgotten .............. 57
Loyalty ............................... 60
Alternahve ........ 61
Witnesses ............ 62
/, "MODEL STUDY" NO. 3" 50
1941 CALENDAR 63
117 Adams Street
- -
Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A. T HIS Journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically de-
OFFICERS signed to ald Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good will
Pre$~e’n.t W.E. VAN AMBURGH, ~eor~a~ It arrangessystematic Biblestudyfor its readersand the Society
supplies otherliterature to aid in suchstudies.It publishes suit-
"And all thy children shah be taught of Jehovah; and ablematerlalfor radiobroadcasting and for othermeansof public
Crest shah be the pence of thy children." -Isaiah 54:z3. instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheresstrictlyto the Bibleas authority for Its utterances-
It Is entirelyfree and separatefromall religion,parties,sects
THAT JEHOVAHis the only true God, Is from everlasting to or otherworldlyorganizations. It is whollyand withoutreserva-
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
to his creatures ; that the Logos was the beginning of his creation, King.It is not dogmatic, but invitescarefuland criticalexamina-
and hls active agent in the creation of all things ; that the Logos tion of its contents in the lightof the Scriptures. It does not in-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power In dulgein controversy, and its columnsare not opento personalities.
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect man "Ir~A~T.T SUBSCRIPTION PRTCE
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully dis-
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death ; that by reason of UNITRD STATES, $I00" CANADA ANn MISCELLANEOUS FOREION, $I 50;
Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the right taDcea should be made by Postal or Express Money Order or by Bank
to life. Draft.Canadian, British,SouthAfricanand Australasian
shouldbe madedirectto therespective
branchoffices. Remittances
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countriesotherthanthosementioned
maybe madeto the Brooklyn
death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for but by InS~t~onalPostalMoneyOrderonly.
obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every name
and clothed him with all power and authority. BrC~lsh
...................................... 34 Craven Terrace. London, W.2, England
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATIONis a Theocracy called Zion, ffanadia~.............................. 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada
AusSralas~a~ .................... 7 Beresford Road, Strathfleld, N. S. W., Australia
and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and Is the right- Boston House, Cape Town, South A.frica
Bs~th A~’~a~.......................
ful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful followers of Pleaseaddress theSociety in everyease.
Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of Jehovah’s organiza-
tion, and are his witnesses whose duty and privilege it is to testify
to the supremacy of Jeh’ovah, declare his purposes toward mankind (~rranslation# of this Journal appear it} several language~.)
as expressed in the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom
before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLDhas ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has All sincere students of the Bible who by reason of infirmity, poverty or
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted adversity are unable to pay the subscriptmn price may ha~e The Watch-
Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the establishment of ts~er free upon written application to the publishers, made once each
year, stating the reason for so requesting it. We are glad to thus aid the
God’s kingdom on earth. needy, but the written application once each year is required by the
postal regulations.
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, which Notice to Subscribers: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
scription will be sent only when requested. Change of address, ~hen
has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act Is the destruction requested, may be expected to appear on address label within one month
of Satan’s organization and the establishment of righteousness in A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) will be seat with the
Journal one month before the subscription expnes.
the earth, and that under the kingdom the people of good will that
survive Armageddon shall carry out the divine mandate to "fill Entered as #ecsnd-elass master at the post office aS Brooklyn, N. Y.,
the earth" with a righteous race. under the Act of March $, 1879.

"EHUD’S SWORD" TESTIMONY PERIOD ment of the nations and the dividing of the people on this supreme
This midwinter period of special actlwty contmues through the issue and thetr ulttmate destroy. Get your copy now, on a con-
entire month of February. The htle thereof calls attentton to the tribution of 5c, and study it preparatory to its general dlstnbu-
zeal, energy and fearlessness with which Ehud used his dagger tmn shortly as elsewhere announced.
against King Eglon, and which qualities all publishers of The "MODEL STUDY NO. 3"
Theocracy must hkewise exercise during this Period. February
This new booklet, of 32 pages and bound m a durable cover,
opens up this year’s three-month Watchtower campaign, and hence
brings up to date the series of Model Study booklets, as ~t presents
all publLshers now specialize on securing subscriptions for The
the study outline covering the latest recorded speeches by Judge
Watchtower and offering as a premium the book Religion and the
Rutherford, to wit, "Rehgmn as a World Remedy," and "The
new booklet Satisfied, all on a contribution of $1.00. Arrange now
End". This booklet is very valuable, even ff you do not possess
for this Testimony, and, if possible, attend the local company
the phonograph recordings of the speeches named, and w~th ~t
service meetings where this campaign is being discussed and or-
anyone should be able to conduct a model study of the B~ble in the
gamzed. Write this office if you need references. To contribute to-
home or in public. Order several for use of others whomyou hop~.
ward making up the general report of the work and results there-
to have study with you. Model Study No. 3 will be sent you post-
of, please turn in your personal report of what you accomplish.
paid at a contribution of 5c a copy. Company servants should
"THEOCRACY" make up combination orders for all in the company wanting copies.
This new booklet by Judge Rutherford, in 64 pages, offers the
clearest and best description yet of the world’s leading issue today,
"The Theocracy." The visible operations of its representatives on The Scripturally assigned date for the memorial celebration
earth are plainly set forth, together with the vicious opposition to both Jehovah’s name and the sacrifice of His provided Lamb,
which they are encountering world-wide. A specially fine cover Christ Jesus, is Friday, April 11, 1941, after s~x p.m. Each Chris-
digmfles Theocracy, picturing in full-color illustration the judg- (Continued on page 63)
15, 1941 NO. 4

"My son, keep my words, and lay up my commandments with thee. Keep my commandments, and live; a~zd
my law as the apple of thine eye.’--Prov. 7:1, 2.
’EHOVAH requires of his children full obedience death by and through the sacrifice of the man Jesus
J as a condition precedent to receiving everlasting
life. By his Word he has emphasized that rule
unto death. God therefore provides the gift of life
to all menwhobelieve on the Lord Jesus Christ as tile
from the time of Adamwhen in Eden until this very Savior and who then covenant to be obedient to the
day. Adamfailed to obey the commandmentsof Jeho- laws of God and hence obedient to Christ Jesus : "For
vail God, and the result to him was death. The rules as by one man’s disobedience many were made sin-
of God never change and are the same toward all. ners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made
--Mal. 3 : 6 ; Acts 10 : 34. righteous."--Rom. 5 : 19.
’ Life with the right thereto can be had and main- * One becomes a child of God when he exercises
tained only by the grace of God. Life everlasting can faith in God and in Christ Jesus as his Savior and
be had by those only who are obedient unto God. The then agrees to do the will of God, and when God
word "father" means the one from whomlife ema- makes a covenant with that person. The one making
nates. God is the Father, therefore, of those who the covenant, or who is taken into the covenant w~th
gain life everlasting. He is the fountain of life. (Ps. Jehovah God, is then in the way to receive the gift
36: 9) He gives or administers life everlasting by and of life. To such Jehovah addresses his words in Prov-
through Jesus Christ, his Executive Officer. "For the erbs 7 : 1, 2, as first herein quoted. The general rules
wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal announced in these texts apply to all men who shall
life, through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Rom. 6:23) ever gain life everlasting.
There is no other possible way of obtaining life.
(Acts 4: 12) Christ Jesus is the Beloved Son of God, COVENANT PEOPLE
and he says: "I delight to do thy will, O my God; Jehovah God chose the Israelites as a "people for
yea, thy law is within my heart." (Ps. 40: 8) Because his name". In Egypt he nmde a covenant with that
of his full and complete obedience unto his Father people and confirmed that covenant at Mount Sinai.
under the most trying conditions Jesus was given The people of that nation, through Moses as their
life immortal, the highest place in the universe next mediator, agreed to do whatsoever God commanded
to Jehovah, and the administration of Jehovah’s wilt : them, and thus they voluntarily entered into the cove-
"And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled nant. (Ex. 19: 5, 8) As a nation the Israelites broke
himself, and became obedient unto death, even the their covenant, and were cast away from God’s favor,
death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly but there were some individuals who remained faith-
exalted him, and given him a name which is above ful unto the covenant. All those who became rehgmn-
every name: that at the name of Jesus every knee ists were cast away. Those who obeyed God’s law, as
should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, Christ Jesus always does, were preserved unto hfe.
and things under the earth; and that every tongue When the man Jesus became thirty years of age
should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the he presented himself to God and submitted to bap-
glory of God the Father." (Phil. 2: 8-11) Because tism in the Jordan, thus giving outward testimony
of his complete obedience Christ Jesus is made the that he had entered into a covenant with his Father
Author of eternal salvation to all that obey him. by sacrifice. (Luke 3: 21-23) Jesus there became the
(Heb. 5 : 8, 9) It is of the greatest importance to know head and chief of the antitypical spiritual Israelites.
these facts, if one would live. His disciples were Israelites by nature, eleven of
s All of the human ldnd were born in sin because whomcontinued faithful, and were taken into the
of the sin committed by Adam, and therefore all of covenant with Christ Jesus for the kingdom of God.
ins children inherited death. (Rom. 5: 12) God has Then in due time God began to take out from amongst
provided redemption and salvation of men from the Gentiles, or other nations, a people for his name

who would follow in the footsteps of Christ Jesus. 1o The Lord announces his purpose to provide a
(Acts 15 : 14) Each one thus taken into the covenant "great multitude" with the opportunity of life ever-
must become a footstep follower of Christ Jesus, lasting on earth. (Rev. 7 : 9-17) All who composethe
suffer reproaches like those that came upon Jesus, "great multitude" must agree to do the will of God,
and be faithful even unto death. Such faithful fol- and therefore, exercising faith in the shed blood of
lowers of Christ Jesus are spiritual Israelites, chosen Christ Jesus as their Redeemer, must consecrate
of God to be witnesses unto his name and his king- themselves to do the will of God, and must then
dom. Concerning them it is written: "But ye are a serve him. They must obey the commandments of the
chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, Lord. They are commandedto "seek righteousness"
a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the and "seek meekness" (Zeph. 2:3), which means that
praises of him who hath called you out of darkness they must endeavor to learn what is God’s will con-
into his marvellous light ; which in time past were not cerning them and then do that which is righteous by
a people, but are now the people of God; which had obeying the will of God.
not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy." DUTY OF PARENTS
--1 Pet. 2 : 9, 10.
’~The law of Jehovah God announced and given
’ That which was written in the law and in the to typical Israel applies with equal force to all men
prophecies applies specifically to all spiritual Israel- who gain life everlasting. To all such as have agreed
ites, or Christians who follow Christ Jesus. Upon to do the will of Godhe says : "See, I have set before
this point there is not a possibility of doubt, as it is thee this day life and good, and death and evil."
written: "Now all these things happened unto them (Deut. 30: 15) To his covenant people Jehovah says:
[natural Israel] for ensamples ; and they are written "One law and one manner shall be for you, and for
for our admonition, upon whomthe ends of the world the stranger that sojourneth With you." (Num. 15: 16)
are come. Wherefore let him that thinketh he stand- "Ye shall have one manner of law, as well for the
eth take heed lest he fall. Wherefore, my dearly be- stranger, as for one of your own country; for I am
loved, flee from idolatry." (1 Cor. 10 : 11, 12, 14) "For the Lord your God."--Lev. 24: 22.
whatsoever things were written aforetime were writ- 1, The "stranger" amongst the typical Israelites
ten for our learning, that we through patience and pictured those who are now on earth who covenant
comfort of the scriptures might have hope."--Rom. to do the will of God and who, being faithful, shall
15:4. form the "great multitude". Those who form the
, Such true followers of Christ Jesus are begotten
"great multitude" Jesus designates as his "other
or accepted by Jehovah and acknowledged by him as sheep", and when these are gathered unto the Lord
his children or sons, and these must be obedient to and given life all shall be of one fold under Christ
Jehovah God their Father if they would receive life the great Shepherd. (John 10: 16) God’s announced
everlasting. These became new creatures in Christ purpose is to grant life everlasting to those only
Jesus, whois the Head of the new creation or spirit- who believe on him and on the Lord Jesus Christ
ual Israelites: "Therefore if any man be in Christ, and render themselves in obedience. This rule applies
he is a new creature: old things are passed away; to both the spiritual Israelites and those of the "great
behold, all things are become new." (2 Cor. 5: 17; multitude", that is, to all whoshall live : "The Father
Eph. 1 : 22) Having received the spirit of God, these l~veth the Son, and hath given all things into his
are led by his spirit and are his sons : "For as many hand. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting
as are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of life; and he that believeth not the Son shall not see
God. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage hfe; but the wrath of God abideth on him."--John
again to fear ; but ye have received the spirit of adop- 3 : 35, 36.
tion, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The spirit itself "Marriage and child-bearing are God’s arrange-
beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the chil- ment for humankind. All parents who have agreed
dren of God."--Rom. 8: 14-16. to do the will of God, and who have children, are
’ As children of God they must be obedient.to his bound by the commandments of Almighty God to
commandments; otherwise they could not live. To teach their children the Wordof God and to instruct
such Jehovah God says : "My son, forget not my law ; them in the way of righteousness. To his consecrated
but let thine heart keep my commandments." (Prov. or covenant people Jehovah says : "Only take heed to
3:1) "Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget
thee the crown of life." (Rev. 2 :.10, Am. Rev. Ver.) the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they
Such are and must be witnesses to Jehovah and bear depart from thy heart all the days of thy life; but
testimony to his name and to his kingdom, and hence teach them thy sons, and thy sons’ sons." (Deut. 4 : 9)
they are called by the Lord Jehovah "My witnesses". "And these words, which I commandthee this day,
--Isa. 43: i0-12. shall be in thine heart; and thou shalt teach them
15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWER. 53

diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them in the Wordof God, the Bible. This is a sacred duty
whenthou sittest in thine house, and when thou walk- that no one has any right to interfere with. It is a
est by the way, and when thou liest down, and when duty that the parents have no right to ignore.
thou risest up." (Deut. 6: 6, 7) "Observe and hear 1, Life for the children is involved, and hence it is
all these words which I commandthee, that it may go of great importance to the child that it be taught in
well with thee, and with thy children after thee for the right way, that is, God’s way. Otherwise it can
ever, whenthou doest that which is good and right in never obtain life everlasting. Concerning this it is
the sight of the Lord thy God."--Deut. 12: 28. written in God’s Word: "Train up a child in the way
~’ Addressing himself to his people who are in a he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart
covenant to do his will, Jehovah God gives this spe- from it."--Prov. 22 : 6.
cific commandment: "And he said unto them, Set 1~ The foundation of the child’s education must be
your hearts unto all the words which I testify among laid in the Wordof God, because that is the only way
you this day, which ye shall commandyour children that leads to life everlasting. By nature a child’s
to observe to do, all the words of this law."--Deut. mind seeks information or knowledge. Only those
32: 46. persons who seek the way to life as the Lord has
1~ It cannot properly be said that these laws of God pointed out in his Wordshall ever find it. This was
apply only to the ancient Israelites. Exactly the con- emphasized by the Lord Jesus. Little children were
trary is expressed in God’s Word. His law is the same being brought to Jesus by their parents that they
toward all who seek to live. Children seek knowledge might learn of him, and the religious-minded tried
and must be taught, and it is the desire of all sane to prevent the children from being brought to Jesus :
persons, both adults and children, to receive life ever- "But when Jesus saw it, he was moved with indigna-
lasting. Obligation is laid by the Lord upon conse- tion, and said unto them, Suffer the little children
crated parents to see to it that their children are in- to come unto me; forbid them not; for to such be-
structed in the law of God. They cannot disregard longeth the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you,
this obligation and expect God’s favor. It is also the Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as
duty of the parents to have their children in subjec- a httle child, he shall in no wise enter therein. And
tion and to carefully guide them in the way of right- he took them in his arms, and blessed them, laying
eousness. Upon this point note these words of the his hands upon them." (Mark 10:14-16, Am. Rev.
Scriptures addressed to the consecrated parents and Vet.) By these words the Lord clearly meant that
to their children: "Children, obey your parents in only those persons WHOSV.EKKNOWLEDGE FROI~I HIM,
the Lord; for this is right. Honour thy father and as the little children were seeking, can find the way
mother, which is the first commandmentwith prom- of life ; that the kingdomof Godis for those and those
ise, that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest only who seek the knowledge of truth found in God’s
live long on the earth. And, ye fathers, provoke not Word and then obey by doing what the Lord com-
your children to wrath; but BRINGTHEMUP IN THE mands. It would be impossible to make it more em-
~URTURE and ADMONITION OF THELORD."--Eph.6 : 1-4. ph~ttic concerning the obligation to teach the chil-
~6 Parents are the ones responsible for bringing dren, from their youth up, than what God has put in
children into the world, and it is their responsibility his Word.
to properly instruct those childrep. The custom COMMANDMENTS
amongst the people of all nations of leaving the in- 1o The obligation upon the parents begins to be
struction of children to schools, presided over by specially binding only after they have made a cove-
some person as a teacher, is man’s way, but it is not nant to do the will of God and have been taken into
God’s way. Parents cannot escape their obligation a covenant with Jehovah God. Parents who are in a
laid upon them by the Lord by leaving the instruction covenant to do the will of God must then inform
of their children to others. In matters pertaining to themselves of his will or commandmenttoward them-
worldly affairs it seems that instruction of children selves and toward their children, and then must obey
by a competent teacher in the schools is properl but, those commandments and teach the same to their
as to the Wordof God, it is the first and boundenduty children and admonish their children to obey. The
of consecrated parents’to teach their children. That state or nation, through its rules of education, has no
instruction must be given in the manner God has com- right whatsoever to limit, interfere with, or hinder
manded. The consecrated parents must bring up their the instruction by parents of their children in the
children "in the nurture . . . of the Lord"; which Word of God. By one inquiring, how one might ob-
means as God has commanded. They must biting them tain eternal life by obeying God’s commandmentsthe
up in the "admonition of the Lord"; which means question was propounded to Jesus: ’%Vhich is the
that advice, counsel and instruction must be given great commandmentin the law ? Jesus said unto him,
them in righteousness, as this instruction is set forth Thou shalt love the Lord thy Godwith all thy heart,

and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is nor serve them; for I the Lord thy God am a jealous
the first and great commandment. And the second God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the
is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy- children unto the third and fourth generation of them
self. On these two commandments hang all the law that hate me."--Exodus 20: 3-5.
and the prophets."--Matt. 22 : 36-40. ~" The people who resided in Palestine at the time
,o To love God means that the person must be God sent his covenant people, the Israelites, there
wholly and unselfishly devoted to Almighty God, were worshipers of gods or demons; and in order to
seeking always to know and to do the will of God. safeguard his covenant people from such demon-
This is well defined by the words of Jesus addressed worship God commandedthem that they should have
to Jehovah God: ’I delight to do thy will, O my God; nothing to do with other gods, lest they be ensnared
thy law is written in myheart.’ (Ps. 40:8 ; Heb. 10 : 7) by such. Again God emphasized this law or com-
"Neighbour," within the meaning of the Scriptures, mandmentto his covenant people by saying to them :
is one’s fellow creature whois also a believer on Jeho- "Neither shalt thou serve their gods ; for that will be
vah and Christ, and who has agreed to do the will of a snare unto thee." (Deut. 7: 16) His commandment
God. God’s commandmentrequires that one qove his further emphasized his instruction that his covenant
neighbour, even as he loves himself’, that is to say, people must have nothing to do with graven images
puts his brother Christian on an exact equality with or even have a desire for them. "The graven images
himself..The only way a person can prove his love of their gods shall ye burn with fire; thou shalt not
for God is by fully and sincerely obeying the com- desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it
mandmentsof God; as it is written: "If ye love me, unto thee, lest thou be snared therein; for it is an
keep my commandments." (John 14: 15) The Chris- abomination to the Lord thy God."--Deut. 7 : 25.
tian proves his love for God by joyfully obeying " God, being the Fountain of life, and the only
God’s commandments. (1 John 5: 3) Where the com- source of life, and life being granted upon condition
mandments of men are in conflict with God’s com- of obedience, it was his Word of great loving-kind-
mandmentthere is but one thing to do, and that is, ness that provided for the protection of his covenant
tO OBEY GOD FIRST. people by commanding them to refrain completely
ONE GOD from giving any worship to any creature or thing.
,1 There is one God Eternal, The Almighty, whose The Israelites violated the covenant of God and be-
name is Jehovah. (Ps. 83: 18) He is "from everlast- came ensnared, and that nation was destroyed. (Ps.
ing to everlasting", and from him proceeds every- 106:36,40; Ezek. 21:24-27) Thus God emphasized
thing that is good. (Ps. 90 : 2 ; Jas. 1 : 17) All the ways his unchangeable rule that a willful disobedience to
of God are perfect. (Deut. 32: 4) God’s command- his commandments means death to the creature.
ments are perfect, and if a man could at all times de-
port himself exactly in harmony with God’s law he
would never make a mistake: "The law of the Lord ~A Christian is one who follows in the footsteps
is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the of Jesus Christ and joyfully obeys the command-
Lord is sure, making wise the simple : the statutes of ments of Almighty God. All Christians must follow
the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart ; the command- in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. (1 Pet. 2: 21) There
ment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes: the is a wide difference between persons who have not
fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the made a covenant with the Lord and those who have
judgments of the Lord are true and righteous alto- covenanted to do his will. Those who enter into an
gether."--Ps. 19 : 7-9. agreement or covenant to be obedient to God, and who
2, Jehovah Godis the fountain of life and the Giver are accepted by him as followers of Christ Jesus, are
of life everlasting to them that obey him. Necessarily entirely separate and distinct from others in the
it follows that, if man makes some creature or thing world. At the end of his earthly ministry Jesus ut-
a god to which he renders obeisance and obedience, tered these words, addressed to Jehovah God and
it is written, he could never find or possess life ever- concerning those who agree to follow in his steps, to
lasting. By reason of the goodness and loving-kind- wit: "I have given them thy word ; and the world hath
ness of Almighty God this unchangeable command- hated them, because they are not of the world, even
ment is given to all whohave hope of life everlasting, as I am not of the world. I pray not that thou should-
to wit: est take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou keep them from the evil. They are not of the world,
shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through
likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that thy truth; thy word is truth."~John 17 : 14-17.
is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under "For centuries Satan has been the invisible ruler
the earth; thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, or "god of this [wicked] world". (2 Cor. 4:4; John
15, 1941 eWATCHTOWER. 55

14: 30) Only those who have strictly obeyed the conscientiously believe that the Wordof God, as re-
Lord’s commandments have been saved from the in- corded in the Bible, is the truth ; and if they willingly
fluence and power of Satan the Devil. For this reason violate their conscientious belief, such act constitutes
the faithful followers of Christ Jesus are instructed the breaking of their covenant. To cause a Christian
to ’keep yourselves unspotted from the world’. (Jas. to violate his conscience is denounced by the Scrip-
1:27) It follows, therefore, that rules that nations tures as "sin against Christ". (1 Cor. 8: 12) These
make concerning their people in general cannot general rules stated in the Bible apply to all persons
always apply to the one who is in a covenant to do who believe on God and on Christ and who start to
God’s will. walk in the way of righteousness that leads to life
2, All true and faithful followers of Christ Jesus everlasting.
are and indeed must be witnesses to Jehovah by de- 8~ In forming the United States government the
claring his name and his kingdom under and by lawmakers were careful to safeguard the conscience
Christ Jesus. (Isa. 43:10-12; Ex. 9:16) All such of men, particularly concerning the worship of Al-
covenant people must preach the gospel of God’s mighty God. That part of the Constitution known as
kingdom in obedience to his commandments. (Isa. the Bill of Rights guarantees to all citizens the right
61:1,2; Matt. 24: 14) All persons thus devoted to to freely exercise the conscience relative to belief
God and his kingdom must teach their children the or non-belief, worship or non-worship. Almost all the
gospel of THE THEOCRACY or Kingdom. Jesus spe- state constitutions provide that all menshall be free
cifically instructed his followers to continuously pray to exercise their conscientious belief and to practice
to God: ’Thy kingdom come; thy will be done, on the same without interference unless that practice
earth as in heaven.’--Matt. 6:10. endangers the welfare of others. As an illustration:
William Penn refused to remove his hat when enter-
ing the presence of others because he conscientious-
28 Indulging in any ceremony or practice whatso- ly believed that such would be a violation of God’s
ever contrary to the commandmentof God is reli- commandment; and for that he was punished. Penn
gious. Reli~on originated with the demons of which had much to do with framing the Constitution of the
Satan is the chief. It has at all times been used to Commonwealthof Pennsylvania, and especially with
ensnare and has ensnared multitudes of people and reference to the freedom of the exercise of conscien-
kept them blind to God’s will or commandment.Reli- tious worship. The highest court of that Common-
gion has been the moving influence for the persecu. wealth, discussing the principles of liberty of con-
Uon and violent treatment of others, and particularly science, said : "Liberty necessarily embraces the right
the persecution of Christians. of the individual to exercise his conscience and THAT
~ Christians are those who do the will of God as WITHOUT INTERFERElqCE.That includes the right to
commanded in his Word. They are called "Chris- worship the Supreme Being according to the dictates
tians" because Christ Jesus is always obedient to of his own conscience ; to adopt any creed or hold any
God’s will and he is the Head and Leader of all who opinion whatsoever on the subject of religion; and
are diligent to obey God’s commandments. Chris- TO DO OR FORBEAR TO DO Ally ACT FOR CONSCIENCE’ SAI(E~
tians are therefore commandedby the Lord to avoid the doing or the forbearing of which ]s not preju-
anything and all things that are contrary to God’s dicial to the public weal."--Commonwealthv. Lesher,
commandments. 17 S. & R. 155.
SUPREME 83 The Supreme Court of the United States, in the
3o The Word of Jehovah God, as expressed in the case of Church v. United States, 143 U.S. 457, held
Bible, is his law, given to man for his correct guide: that God is supreme and that America is a Christian
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto nation. The leading recognized law-writers of the
my path." (Ps. 119: 105) The law of God is supreme nations of the world called "Christendom" have said,
and is the only instruction that man can receive and concerning the supremacy of the law of Almighty
be equipped to walk in the way of righteousness and God, this, to wit:
life. "Every scripture inspired of God is also prof- "It is binding over all the globe, in all countries,
itable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for at all times. No human laws are of any validity if
instruction which is in righteousness; that the man contrary to this [God’s law]; and such of them as
of God may be complete, furnished completely unto are valid derive all their force and all their authority,
every good work."--2 Tim. 3:16, 17, R.V. mediately or immediately, from the original. The
31 Every Christian is bound by his covenant to be
revealed or divine laws are to be found only in the
obedient to God’s law, as written in the Scriptures. Holy Scriptures. No human law should be suffered
If he voluntarily breaks the terms of his covenant to contradict this."-Blackstone Commentaries, Chase
he is subject to death. (Rom.1 : 31, 32) All Christians 3d Ed., pages 5-7.

"No external authority is to place itself between righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto
the finite being and the Infinite when the former is the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the
seeldng to render homage that is due, and in a mode law for righteousness to every one that believeth."
which commends itself to his conscience and judg- mRom.10 : 2-4.
ment as being suitable for him to render, and accept- ~’ The wrong is not in the flag, because the flag of
able to its object."--Cooley’s Constitutional Limita- the United States is the symbol of liberty and justice.
tions, 8th Ed., page 968. The wrong is not in the salute, but, as to a conscien-
tious Christian, the wrong lies in compelling or at-
VIOLATION tempting to compel that one against his conscience
~’ In more recent years irreverent persons, who to violate God’s specific commandment. As above
have no respect for the supreme law of God, and who stated, God has specifically emphasized his law that
have no faith in Godor in Christ, have taken the lead no form of worship or reverence shall be given to any
in public affairs and in lawmaking. Such men, ambi- creature or thing, and to attempt to compel a person
tious to appear as the guardians of the public wel- to violate his conscience and to violate God’s com-
fare, have conceived the idea of compelling school mandment is absolutely wrong.
sa According to the authoritative definitions, the
children to indulge in a certain ceremony of a formal
or ceremonious saluting of the flag. The idea ap- saluting of the flag is a religious ceremony which
peared to be good to others who give no heed to God’s gives reverence and worship, contrary to God’s law.
Word, and soon school boards began to make rules These definitions are given as follows, to wit:
compelling all the children to indulge in such cere- "The flag, like the cross, is sacred .... The rules
mony. This has developed until now there is a gen- and regulations relative to human attitude toward
eral hysteria abroad in the land, which has led to the national standards use strong, expressive words, as,
punishment of children by ill-treatment of them and ’Service to the Flag,’ . . . ’Reverence for the Flag,’
by expelling them from school because they conscien- ’Devotion to the Flag.’--The Encyclopedia Ameri-
tiously decline to indulge in the religious ceremony calm, Volume 11, page 316.
of saluting any flag. Such children have been taught SACRED means "set apart by religious ceremony".
by their parents to obey God, and, obeying their DEVOTION means "~i form of prayer or worship".
parents and obeying God, the children are expelled
from school and their parents are punished for not R~.VEPmNCE means "veneration, expressing rever-
compelling their children to violate their conscience ent feeling, worship".
and to violate the law of Almighty God. This modern
ceremony of "heiling" men and saluting flags first SAJ.UT~. means "to greet with a kiss, to bow and
became prominent in modern times in the arbitrary courtesy, the uncovering of the head, a clasp or wave
government of Germany. of the hand or the like . . . to honor formally or with
ceremonious recognition". (Century Dictwnary, page
~ If boards of public education believed in Jehovah 5321) "To greet with a sign of welcome, love or def-
as the Almighty God, and in Christ Jesus as the
erence, as a bowand embrace, or a wave of the hand."
Savior of men, and that God’s law is supreme, they
would never attempt to compel any child to violate
its conscience by saluting any flag or bowing down to Under the word "image" this definition is given
any creature or thing. Boards of education in the by Webster’s Dictionary: "Image, in modern usage,
United States in recent years have shown a zeal in commonlysuggests religious veneration."
the one direction, of attempting to instill patriotism According to the Bible, ’Bow down to a symbol
into children, and in this they have completely or image’ includes all postures or attitudes toward
ignored God’s Word. The words of Mr. Justice the image, even a kiss. (See i Kings 19:18; Hosea
Brandeis, late of the Supreme Court of the United 13 : 2 ; Job 31 : 25-27.)
States, are here quite appropriate, to wit: "The s9 Thus worldly lexicographers recognize the sa-
greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious en- luting of a flag as a religious formalism. According
croachment by men of zeal, well meaning, but with- to the Bible there cannot be the slightest doubt about
out understanding."--Oimstead v. United States, it, because by such salute there is bestowed upon the
277 U. S. 479. image or thing reverence, devotion, a form of prayer
~° In the time of the apostles there were religion- or worship, and which thing, or image or that which
ists of the same category as above mentioned, and it represents, is regarded as sacred.
concerning which the apostle wrote : "For I bear them ’° Non-Christians may salute the flag without ref-
record, that they have a zeal of God, but not accord- erence to the foregoing rules. Those who are real
ing to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God’s conscientious Christians are in a class entirely dif-
righteousness, and going about to establish their own ferent from others of the world. Jehovah’s witnesses
15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWER. 57

are Christians and in-a covenant to be entirely obe- choose to be obedient to God’s commandment or
dient to God’s law. They must teach their children choose to take a contrary course.
and admonish them to obey God’s law as he has com-
manded. They are conscientious and they sincerely GOD FORGOTTEN
believe that for them to indulge in the formalism or ,3 Most of the men who had to do with laying the
ceremony of saluting any flag is a violation of God’s foundation of the American government believed in
specific commandmentas set forth at Exodus 20 : 3-5 God and relied upon his Word; but in recent years
and emphasized in many other scriptures. The reason there has been a rapid falling away from faith in
that such flag saluting is a violation of that com- God and in the Bible, particularly so amongst those
mandmentis that the salute attributes salvation to who have to do with governmental or public affairs.
the state, which the flag represents, thus malting the Today many of the lawyers and judges of the courts,
state a mighty one, or a "god", whereas ’salvation as well as other public officials, entirely ignore the
belongeth alone to Jehovah, the Almighty God’, and Word of God. There are some lawyers, however, who
to none other. (Ps. 3: 8) Jehovah’s witnesses con- firmly hold to the fundamental principles relied upon
scientiously and sincerely believe the Word of God by the nation, and who trust in God, and who believe
and that their violation of their conscience and the that every man should be free to exercise his con-
violation of God’s commandment would mean their scientious reverence and worship of God without
certain destruction; as it is written: "For Moses interference and that the conscientious and sincere
truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord belief of all should be respected and not interfered
your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like with. More than one hundred years ago the courts
unto me; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever of America laid down the rule that the INDIVIDUAL
he shall say unto you. Andit shall cometo pass, that
ALONE IS PRIVILEGED to determine what he shall and
every soul, which will not hear that prophet, shall shall not believe, and that the courts have no r~ght
be destroyed from amongthe people."-Acts 3 : 22, 23. to interfere with belief or practice, except whenthe
" Children who have been reared and taught in the practice endangers the welfare of others. In 1784
nurture and admonition of God’s law and who, be- Thomas Jefferson introduced a bill in the Virginia
cause they are in a covenant to do God’s will and legislature, which he had prepared, the preamble of
conscientiously attempt to obey God, refuse to in- which, written by him, reads as follows: "That to
dulge in the ceremony of saluting any flag and for suffer the civil magistrate to intrude his powers into
that reason are expelled from school and denied the the field of opinion, and to restrain the profession
right of education, what shall they do? The parents or propagation of principles on supposition of their
of those children, whohave obeyed God’s law to bring ill tendency, is a dangerous fallacy which at once
up their children in the nurture and admonition of destroys all religious liberty, it is declared that it is
the Lord, are punished because they do not compel time enough for the rightful purposes of civil gov-
their children to violate their conscience and to vio- ernment for its officers to interfere when principles
late God’s law, and the parents are deprived of their break out into overt acts against peace anti good
liberty and right to have their children educated in order."
the schools, as the law requires. Whatshall they do ?
" The Gobitis case, which originated in Pennsyl-
Many children and many parents in the United vania, aptly’ illustrates the point with reference to
States find themselves confronted with this impor- forgetting or ignoring God. The Gobitis parents are
tant question.
conscientious Christians, in a covenant to do the will
" Members of the boards of education have the of Almighty God. They have brought up their chil-
responsibility of answering these questions. Let the dren as commandedby the Scriptures, "in the nur-
members of the boards of education ask themselves ture and admonition of the Lord." The children also
this question: If I had made a consecration to God, consecrated themselves to God and entered into a
and entered into a covenant to do His will, and con- covenant to do his will. The school board promul-
scientiously believed that the Word of. God is su- gated a rule requiring a daily practice of saluting the
preme and that His Word forbids me to indulge in flag, and going through a certain ceremony in con-
flag saluting, what would I do if an attempt were nection therewith. The Gobitis children, because of
made to compel me to violate my conscience and to their conscientious belief that such flag saluting
violate God’s law? Would I refuse to comply with would be a violation of their covenant and a violation
man-made rules and suffer punishment at the hands of God’s law, asked to be excused therefrom and to
of men ? or would I break my covenant with God and remain silent during the ceremony. For this they
suffer everlasting punishment by destruction at the were expelled from school. Suit was begun in the
hand of God? These are serious questions and United States District Court, presided over by Judge
fraught with great weight. Every person must either Maris. That court held that the flag-salute rule

could not be enforced against the Gobitis children try are manifold. Some may seem harsh and others
because of their conscientious belief in God and His no doubt are foolish. Surely, however, the end is
Word; and in his Opinion, amongst other thblgs, he legitimate. And the effective means for its attain-
said: "In these days, when religious intolerance is ment are still so uncertain and so unauthenticated
again rearing its ugly head in other parts of the by science as to preclude us from putting the widely
world, it is of the utmost importance that the lib- prevalent belief in flag-saluting beyond the pale of
erties guaranteed to our citizens by the fundamental legislative power."
law be preserved from all encroachment." "The wisdomof training children in patriotic im-
,5 In that Opinion Judge Maris quoted from the pulses by those compulsions which necessarily per-
Opinion of Justice Gibson, rendered in the Lesher vade so much of the educational process is not for
case, and further said : "In these words that eminent our independent judgment. Even were we convinced
jurist [Justice Gibson] clearly stated that the prin- of the folly of such a measure, such belief would be
ciple which underlies the Constitutional provision of no proof of its unconstitutionality. For ourselves, we
the state, and which is one of the fundamental bases might be tempted to say that the deepest patriotism is
upon which our nation was founded, namely, that in- best engendered by giving unfettered scope to the
dividuals have the right not only to entertain any most crochety beliefs. Perhaps it is best, even from
religious belief but also to do or refrain from doing the standpoint of those interests which ordinances
any act on conscientious grounds, which does not like the one under review seek to promote, to give to
prejudice the safety, morals, property or personal the least popular sect leave from conformities like
rights of the people .... On the contrary, that regu- those here in issue. But the court room is not the
lation [of the School Board], although undoubtedly arena for debating issues of educational policy. It is
adopted from patriotic motives, appears to have be- not our province to choose among competing consid-
comein this case a meansfor the persecution of chil- erations in the subtle process of securing effective
dren for conscience’ sake. Our beloved flag, the em- loyalty to the traditional ideals of democracy, while
blem of religious liberty, apparently has been used as respecting at the same time individual idiosyncrasies
an instrument to impose a religious test as a condi- among a people so diversified in racial origins and
tion of receiving the benefits of public education. And religious allegiances. So to hold would in effect make
this has been done without any compelling necessity us the school board for the country. That authority
of public safety or welfare." has not been given to this Court, nor should we as-
’~ On appeal the United States Circuit Court of sume it."
Appeals affirmed the judgment of the District Court. "Judicial review, itself a limitation on popular
The case was then appealed to the Supreme Court government, is a fundamental part of our constitu-
of the United States and there the judgments of the tional scheme. But to the legislature no less than to
lower courts were reversed. The majority of opinion courts is committed the guardianship of deeply-
in that case DID NOThold that citizens can be com- cherished liberties. Whereall the effective means of
pelled to salute the flag, but did hold that the board inducing political changes are left free from inter-
of education may make and enforce rules compelling ference, education in the abandonment of foolish
children to indulge in the ceremony of flag saluting. legislation is itself a training in liberty. To fight out
The real issue was side-stepped. It is manifest that the wise use of legislative authority in the FORUM OF
the writer of that Opinion does not believe in and PUBLIC OPINION and before LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLIES
rely upon God and Christ, but that he is devoted to rather than to transfer such a contest to the judicial
"science and public opinion". The first paragraph in arena, serves to vindicate the self-confidence of a
that majority opinion says: "A grave responsibility free people."
confronts this Court whenever in course of litigation "A minority Opinion was also rendered and filed
it must reconcile the conflicting claims of liberty and in that case, and the learned Justice who differed
authority. But when the liberty invoked is liberty of from the majority Opinion, amongst other things,
conscience, and the authority is authority to safe- said: "The Constitution may well elicit expressions
guard the nation’s fellowship, judicial c(mscience is of loyalty to it and to the government which it creat-
put to its severest test. Of such a nature is the pres- ed, but it does not command such expressions or
ent controversy." otherwise give any indication that compulsory ex-
" The Court further in that opinion ruled that the pressions of loyalty play any such part in our scheme
responsibility is upon school boards or boards of of government as to override the constitutional pro-
education, and not upon the courts, to determine what tection of freedom of speech and religion. And while
rules shall be made and enforced. Further discussing such expressions of loyalty, when voluntarily given,
the matter the opinion says: "The influences which may promote national unity, it is quite another mat-
help toward a commonfeeling for the commoncoun- ter to say that their compulsory expression by chil-
15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWEIL 59

tians. It was like a lighted match applied to a field

dren in violation of their ownand their parents’ reli-
gious convictions can be regarded as playing so im- of dry grass. In communities dominated by the Cath-
olic Hierarchy, who lead men that are controlled
portant a part in our national unity as to leave school
boards free to exact it despite the constitutional neither by law nor by reason, and where "Catholic
guarantee of freedom of religion. The very terms of Action" is rampant, Catholic priests led fanatical or
demonized mobs that assaulted,
the Bill of Rights preclude, it seems to me, any recon- abused and ill-
ciliation of such compulsions with the constitutionaltreated hundreds of Jehovah’s witnesses, merely be-
guaranties by a legislative declaration that they arecause these witnesses remained faithful and true to
more important to the public welfare than the Bill God in declaring and obeying his Word. Those mobs
of Rights. abused and iU-treated men, womenand children; de-
stroyed their property;
"But even if this view be rejected and it is con- drove them from their
sidered that there is some scope for the determina- homes; burned their houses; burned their books;
tion by legislature whether the citizen shall be com-burned their money, and tied groups of them to-
pelled to give public expression of such sentiments gether, forced castor oil down their throats, herded
contrary to his religion, I am not persuaded that we them like wild beasts and drove them through the
should refrain from passing upon the legislative land; and committed numerous other deeds of wick-
judgment ’as long as the remedial channels of the edness against sincere Christians, and continue to
democratic process remain open and unobstructed.’ do so to this day. Public officials, yielding to the in-
This seems to me no more than the surrender of the fluence of Catholic priests, broke into homes of pri-
vate citizens,
constitutional protection of the liberty of small mi- kidnaped and carried them from one
norities to the popular will .... state to another, broke up their private meetings in
"The Constitution expresses more than the con- the study of the Bible, burned their furniture and
viction of the people that democratic processes must their literature. Sincere lawyers called upon the at-
torney-general frequently to invoke the law of the
be preserved at all costs. It is also an expression of
faith and a commandthat freedom of mind and spirit land against such lawless elements and received
must be preserved, which government must obey, if promises that this would be done, but more than six
months has passed and no action has been taken
it is to adhere to that justice and moderation without
which no free government can exist. For this reason whatever against lawless mobs of this nature. The
it would seem that legislation which operates to re- harsh, arbitrary, totalitarian-gestapo methods have
press the religious freedom of small minorities, rapidly spread throughout the United States since
which is admittedly within the scope of the protec- the rendering of that Opinion. This public opinion
expressed in lawlessness, instead of instilling
tion of the Bill of Rights, must at least be subject to pa-
the same judicial scrutiny as legislation which we triotism, has induced even greater lawlessness, and
mobs continue to assault Christian people without
have recently held to infringe the constitutional lib-
erty of religious and racial minorities. any just cause or excuse. School boards in many of
"With such scrutiny I cannot say that the incon-the states continue to expel children from school and
veniences which may attend some sensible adjust- to ill-treat them and their parents because the par-
ents and children ask to be permitted to conscien-
ment of school discipline in order that the religious
convictions of these children maybe spared, presents tiously obey the law of Almighty God without inter-
a problem so momentous or pressing as to outweigh ference. Freedom of speech, and freedom of worship,
the freedom from compulsory violation of religious are rapidly disappearing in America. The nation is
faith which has been thought worthy of constitutionalentirely forgetting God. Appropriate here for con-
protection." sideration are the forceful words of Mr. Justice
Sutherland, late of the Supreme Court of the United
" The majority opinion in the Gobitis case ignoresStates, to wit." "Do the people of this land--in the
the supremacy of God’s law, declines to exercise its
providence of God, favored, as they sometimes boast,
authority under the Constitution to restrain the in- above all others in the plenitude of their liberties--
fringement upon liberty properly exercised and
which is guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, and shiftsdesire to preserve those so carefully protected by
the First Amendment: liberty of religious wor-
the burden upon boards of education and advises
fighting it out in the public forum. ship . . . ? If so let them withstand all beginnings
of encroachment. For the saddest epitaph which can
RESULT be carved in memoryof a vanished liberty is that it
~0 The result of that legal Opinion breaking down was lost because its possessors failed to stretch forth
the Constitutional guarantee of liberty of worship, a saving hand while yet there was time."
and ignoring God’s law, was seized upon as an excuse 51if boards of education and other legislative
for immediate violent action against sincere Chris- bodies, and the nation in general, continue to ignore

the law of God and to punish innocent children and but because such is right. That they may show their
parents because such conscientiously give heed to devotion to Almighty God and at the same time show
and obedience to the Word of God, what will be the their respect for the flag and the laws of the nation,
end thereof? Can a nation once acknowledging it- all of God’s covenant people, both parents and chil-
self to be "Christian", a nation that has based its dren that have agreed to be obedient to God, do will-
fundamental laws upon the law of God and recog- ingly make and subscribe to the following pledge,
nized that the law of God is supreme, and which na- to wit:
tion then forgets God and ignores his law, expect to "I have pledged my unqualified allegiance and
continue to exist? Let the Word of God give the devotion to Jehovah, the Almighty God, and to His
answer to that question : "The wicked shall be turned Kingdom, for which Jesus commands all Christians
into hell,and ALL THE NATIONSTHATFORGETGOD."~ to pray.
Ps.9 : 17. "I respect the flag of the United States and ac-
,5 Will Almighty God excuse or pass by unnoticed
knowledgeit as a symbol of freedom and justice to all.
those who directly or indirectly inflict punishment "I pledge allegiance and obedience to all the laws
upon children and their parents for exercising their of the United States that are consistent with God’s
conscientious belief in obedience to God’s law? Will law, as set forth in the Bible."
Almighty God avenge his covenant people, whomhe 5, What honest, sincere and law-abiding person can
has selected to serve him? The answer is found in find objection to that pledge? It places God and the
the words of Jesus, to wit: "And shall not God avenge nation in their proper places in the mind of all per-
his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, sons. The tendency will be to cause others to have
though he bear long with them? I tell you that he greater reverence for Almighty God and have great-
will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the er respect for the nation and to make of them better
Son of mancometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" citizens. In harmony with this it is written in the
--Luke 18 : 7, 8. Scriptures: "Blessed is the nation whose God is the
LOYALTY Lord [Jehovah]." (Ps. 33:12; Am. Rev. Ver.) The
""Loyalty" means to be obedient to the law. Any- adoption of such a pledge would be entirely con-
one who attempts to take the law into his own hands sistent with the course taken by the founders of the
and compels others to obey it is lawless. Duly con- American nation. To deny Christian children the
stituted authorities may make and enforce laws that right and privilege to publicly make the foregoing
are consistent with the supreme law. Should not all pledge in the schools, and to compel them to violate
citizens be loyal to the country in which they reside ? their conscience by saluting the flag, as school boards
Yes; in harmony with and consistent with God’s have done, means that the human authorities of the
law they should obey the laws of the land. Jesus nation are fighting against God and hence have for-
Christ stated the rule by which all Christians must gotten God. The responsibility, therefore, must rest
be governed: "Render to Cmsar the things that are upon the shoulders of those who refuse to recognize
Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s."-- the right of a con’secrated Christian to exercise his
Mark 12: 17. conscientious belief in and devotion to Jehovah and
:’ Necessarily that means obedience to God’s law his Word. Those who oppose Almighty God he de-
or commandmentsis first, and then obedience to the clares are wicked, and the fate of such individuals
laws of the state that are not contradictory to God’s and nations he announces in these words : "The wick-
law. Jesus emphatically stated the supremacy of ed shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that
God’s law, and all his followers must abide thereby. forget God."--Ps. 9: 17.
’: God commandshis servants that they shall not ~’ The highest court of the land has placed the re-
give reverence, devotion or worship to any image or sponsibility of compulsory flag-saluting upon boards
thing. No humanauthority can rightfully compel the of education or school boards, manifestly because
doing of that which God’s law forbids. If the child some members of that court are ashamed to acknowl-
of God conscientiously believes that the flag-salute edge Jehovah, the Almighty God, as the Supreme
ceremony is a violation of God’s law, and for that Being. The school boards must now decide whether
reason asks to be excused from indulging in such it is of greater importance to compel children to vio-
ceremony, no human authority" can rightfully inter- late their conscience in order to comply with human
fere with the exercise of the conscience of that person rules or to have them to obey Almighty God. (Acts
who is devoted to Almighty God. 4 : 19, 20) Which will do the greater amount of good
’" Jehovah’s witnesses, being devoted followers of to the people ?
Christ Jesus, gladly obey all laws of the state or na- t,A somewhat similar question was before the
tion that are not in conflict with God’s laws and com- United States Senate, and that law-making body
mandments. This they do, not because of compulsion, went on record that the flag of the Papal Hierarchy

is above the flag of the United States. The question soul; but rather fear him which is able to destroy
before the Senate was, Whether the flag of the pope both soul and body in hell." (Matt. 10: 28) The cove-
should be displayed during religious services on the nant people of Jehovah God unhesitatingly obey God
ships of the nation above the flag of the United first and at all times, and implicitly trust him as to
States. A senator from Massachusetts, in his argu- the final result.
ment before the Senate, took the position that the 6, In taking that course the conscientious children
flag of the pope is the flag of God. In his argument and parents in obedience to God’s commandmentsare
before the Senate he used these words: "I for one following the same course as that taken by the
refuse to depart from the time-honored American apostles of Christ Jesus. Those faithful men were
custom of placing the emblem of God above every in a covenant to do God’s will, and, receiving his com-
other emblem of the world. I will not run down the mandments, they obeyed by going about preaching
pennant of God for any other emblem." The Senate the gospel. Their action was contrary to the law of
by a vote of 68 to 10, decided that the religious flag the land, as declared by religious Jews. Those faith-
of the pope should be displayed above the flag of the ful men were punished by imprisonment, and yet as
United States. That occurred February, 1929. (See soon as they were released they straightway went
the Co~lgressio~al Record No. 47, page 2851.) again to publicly preaching the gospel of the King-
6o It is entirely inconsistent for the nation and its dom. Again they were haled into court, charged with
constituted legal authorities to attempt to compel violating the law, and their reply was : "We ought to
little children to acknowledgethe flag of the United obey God rather than men." (Acts 5: 29) They chose
States as above or superior to the specific command- to follow the rule which Jesus had announced. (Mark
ments of Almighty God, and to then punish such 12: 17) The Bible records many instances showing
children and their parents because they insist on God’s approval of the course taken by the apostles
obeying God rather than men. The nation by its in rendering full obedience to God rather than obey-
senators, and previously by its courts, has acknowl- ing men.
edged a religious institution as superior to laws of 6, The government of Babylon promulgated a law
the land, and, even though they did it ignorantly, requiring all persons to bow before a certain image.
with stronger reasoning should we acknowledge the Three of God’s typical covenant people were in Baby-
commandments of Almighty God as supreme and lon. They remembered Jehovah had commanded:
above the laws of man. "Thou shalt have no other gods before me ....
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve
ALTERNATIVE them." (Ex. 20: 3-5) They had respect for the com-
61 Two propositions are before the parents and mandments of God. They refused to obey Babylon’s
children who are in a covenant to obey Almighty commandand were told by the highest authority of
God: that nation that they would be put to death by burn-
(1) Participate in the prescribed ceremony ing. They replied to the law-enforcement body: ’We
saluting the flag, even though the same be in viola- have no need to obey you in this matter; and if it be
tion of your conscientious devotion to Almighty God. that you cast us into the fire, our God, whomwe serve,
Penalty for refusing is expulsion from school and is able to deliver us from the fiery fui:nace, and he
additional punishment to the parents. will deliver us.’ They were cast into the fiery furnace,
(2) Render obedience to Almighty God first and which was so hot that it destroyed the men who cast
obey the rules of the state whensuch rules are not in them in, and from that fiery furnace God delivered
conflict with God’s commandments. Failure or re- them, with not even a scorch on their garments. God
fusal to do so means punishment at the hand of the always rewards faithfulness.--Dan. 3: 15-27.
Lord by everlasting death. 66 Daniel, another man in a covenant with God to
62 The person who is in a covenant with God to do do His will, was cast into a den of lions because he
His will does not hesitate as to which of these two declined to obey the law of the nation, obedience to
propositions he wilt accept. He knows that the most which law he conscientiously believed to be idolatry.
severe punishment the state can inflict upon him is For his faithfulness God delivered Daniel unharmed.
death, from which death Godwill resurrect his faith- --Dan. 6 : 1-23.
ful servants who have been put to death by man by 66 Over a period of many centuries Satan has
reason of their faithfulness to God. He knows that caused men to form conspiracies to kill or otherwise
the willful violation of Go.d’s commandmentmeans punish faithful servants of Almighty God. The hypo-
death everlastirig, from which there is no resurrec- critical ceremony of flag saluting and "heiling z’ of
tion. He prefers to have everlasting life. He follows men originated in Germany, with the Nazis, and is
the advice of Christ Jesus, to wit: "And fear not another effort on the part of the Devil to break down
them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the faithful devotion to Almighty God by men who have
N. Y.

pledged themselves to serve God. That same Satanic, WITNESSES

totalitarian rule is attempting to be enforced ,, The chief reason for God’s covenant people to
throughout the nations of the earth. In the United now be on earth is to bear witness to Jehovah’s name
States the people have gotten on for 150 years or and his kingdom. The Watchtower advises both par-
more without being compelled to salute flags ; and the ents and children that have covenanted to do God’s
saluting of flags has never lessened crime. All crim- will to see to it that they faithfully bear testimony
inals salute the flag, when it is required, and then to his name and to his kingdom. To that end let such
straightway violate the law for which the flag stands. parents and children bear testimony before the
The most enthusiastic flag-wavers in America today boards of education or school boards that have taken
are those who have no respect for the law of man nor occasion to expel the children from school and to
for the law of God. On the contrary, Christians re- deny them the privilege of a common-school educa-
spect the flag and are diligent to obey Almighty God tion because of their faithfulness to God. Apply to
and they refuse to yield to the Satanic conspirators, the school authorities to have the children reinstated
and in this they have ample proof of God’s approval. in the school. Prepare and sign a petition addressed
~’ At the eleventh chapter of Hebrews God caused to the school authorities, demanding that they grant
to be recorded a list of faithful men who throughout unto the children their rights under the law. Support
the ages withstood the unreasonable rules or laws that petition with the Scriptural reasons why those
of nations which attempted to break down their de- children cannot indulge in the religious ceremony
votion to the Almighty God. Those men steadfastly of saluting the flag and pledge themselves as they
served Godin the face of all opposition, and for such have been required. Set out in that petition the pledge
faithfulness they suffered cruel punishment at the which is published herein, and express therein your
hands of men. Of them the Lord’s Word says: ’The willingness to abide by that pledge. Both parents and
world was not worthy of them.’ They all received children should sign the petition and deliver copies
God’s approval for their faithful obedience, and they to the school authorities. The Society will furnish
have the assurance that they shall live forever.-- printed forms for this purpose to all the consecrated
Heb. 11 : 1-40. who request the same. That petition and application
~8 Today Jehovah’s covenant people are taking a will be a witness to the name and kingdom of God
course like to that marked out by other faithful men by Christ Jesus, and we may confidently expect the
that have gone before, and these modern faithful Lord’s approval and blessing upon it. The tendency
followers of Christ Jesus may confidently expect to necessarily will be to fix in the mind of the people
receive the approval of Almighty God for so doing. that their hope must rest in God and that they must
If they suffer punishment because of their constant be obedient to him and to his kingdom, if they would
faithfulness and obedience to the commandmentsof live.
God, they know that others who have gone before ,ORender unto the state the things which belong
them have likewise suffered for faithfulness and have to the state, and render unto Jehovah, the Ahnighty
received the approval of Jehovah God. The suffering
will not be for long, because this is the day of Jeho- God, the things that are God’s. Place the name and
vah and soon he shall completely wipe out all his the ldngdom of Jehovah God and Christ Jesus his
enemies and deliver his faithful servants and grant King above all things. Remain firm and steadfast in
unto them life everlasting and all attending bless- your devotion to THE THEOCRACY and confidently
ings. Have faith in God and continue to obey his com- wait upon the Lord, and be assured of his everlasting
mandments, and live. blessing.

~;{;~’~ESURRECTION" means "standing up again; be- elusion finds support only in what Satan the Devil said in
[’~ ing raised again to life". It is the very opposite the garden of Eden.--Genesis 3: 1-4.
.L ~. of death, because it meansrecovery out of death. The law of Godis his will, expressed or unexpressed
It is manifest that there could be no resurrection of the To Adamin Eden He made known]ns will wtlen he said.
creature unless that creature first dies. If there is no death, "In the day that thou eatest [of the forbidden fruit], thou
then a resurrection wouldbe not only useless but impossible. shalt surely die." (Gen. 2: 17) Whenmanbroke the law
Immortality meansnot being subject to death. An immortal Godpronouncedupon him the sentence of death. Satan had
creature cannot die. Religious clergymen are especially said: "Ye shall not surely die." That is equivalent to say-
emphasizingthe statement that all menare immortal souls ing: ’There is no death.’ For a long time the clergy have
or that every manpossesses an immortal soul. By their been saying the samething. At John 8 : 44, Jesus said that
statement they deny the resurrection of the dead. Their con- Satan is a liar and the father of hes. By adopting Satan’s
15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWER, 63

lie and denying God’s truth the clergy have taken their neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption
place on the side of Satan. They do the will of their father, Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is
even as Jesus said. fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for
To the fact of the resurrection of the dead Jesus gave evermore." (Psalm 16 : 10, 11) Fifty days after Jesus’ resur-
convincing testimony. His testimony consisted both of his rection the apostle Peter quoted these words of David and
spoken words and of his actions. He called his friend Laz- added: "He, seeing this before[hand], spake of the resur-
arus forth from the grave, but he did not resurrect Lazarus. rection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell [ (Greek)
He awakenedLazarus out of the sleep of death ; which illus- Hades], neither his flesh did see corruption."--Acts 2 : 31
trates how he, as the great Executive Officer of Jehovah Before Jesus’ death God had promised Jesus that He
God, will call forth all those dead in the tomb in due time. would give him life inherent, or immortality, as a reward
Later Lazarus died, and in God’s due time he must partici- for his faithfulness. Said Jesus: "For as the Father hath
pate in the resurrection. To his sister Martha Jesus said: life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have hfe m
"I am the resurrection, and the life." (John 11 ¯ 25) By that himself." (John 5: 26) Jesus was faithful and true even
he meant that God has provided for the resurrection of "all under the greatest difficulties ; and God, true to his promise,
that are in the graves" from the condition of death, and that raised him up out of death to the highest position in Hfs
Jesus Christ is God’s chosen means whereby He will accom- great realm next to Himself. (Acts 2: 32; Phil. 2 : 7-10)
plish that great work. Jesus further testified that the time Concerning his death and his resurrection to immortahty
would come m which all in their graves shall be awakened Jesus later said to John : "I amhe that liveth, and was dead ;
out of death.--John 5: 28, 29. and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the
While hanging on the tree on Calvary Jesus died. That keys of hell [the grave] and of death."--Rev. 1 : 18
was not a sham death, but a reality. It was the soul that The foregoing statement of Jesus Christ is conclusive
died. Isaiah 53 : 12 declares : "He hath poured out his soul proof that Jesus from his creation on was mortal and d~d
unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; not inherently possess immortality ; that as a mortal man he
and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the died; that God raised him up out of death and gave h~m
transgressors." Had Jesus been inherently immortal from life inherent, which is immortality ; that he is ahve for ever-
his creation on, or had he possessed an immortal soul, he more, and that never again can death have power over h~m
could not have died. He was made a mortal man in orde~ that "Knowing that Christ, being raised from the dead, d~eth
he might die and by his death provide the redemptive price no more; death hath no more dominion over him. For m
for the human race. "And the Word[Jesus] was ,~ade flesh that he died, he died unto sin once: but m that he liveth,
[not, was incarnated in flesh]." "That he by the grace of
he liveth unto God." (Rom. 6:9, 10) Those who insist
God should taste death for every man." (John 1 : 14; He-
teaching the doctrine of immortality of all souls deny the
brews 2 : 9) He gave his life by being put to death as a ran-
som for manthat believes, to the end that obedient manmay death of Jesus and deny his resurrection, and therefore
live. (Read Matthew 20:28 and John 10: 10.) The soul deny the resurrection of all those dead in the graves. When
Jesus went to hell, which is the grave, according to the Bible God raised up Jesus out of death He provided proof abun-
and contrary to religious theology. God had foretold that dantly of the fact thereof in order that everyone who be-
fact when he caused his prophet to write concerning Jesus: lieves in the resurrection might have his froth completely
"For thou wilt not leave mysoul in hell [(Hebrew) Sheol] ; established.

(Continued from page 50) the president’s commenton the 1941 yeartext and a text w~th a
tmn companyshould therefore assemble after mxp m. of April 11, Watchtowercommentthereon for each day of the ne~ year The
and the anointed ones celebrate the Memorial,and their compan- edltmnof the Yearbookis alwayslimited, thus enhancingthe costs
runs, the Jonadabs, be present as observers. If there is no compe- involved; hence a contnbuhonof 50c per copy Is sttpulated there-
tent person present to dehver a brief discourse just before the for. Orgamzedcompanies should combinethe orders of all m&-
partaking of the emblems, the short article "Memorml" as pub- viduals therefor and send such through the companyservant
hshed m the Watchtowerissue of March15, 1939, should be read 1941 CALENDAR
instead. Since the breainng of the bread and the drinking of the The 1941Calendar is exceptionally beautiful and expressive.
wineboth picture the death of Jesus, it follows that both emblems Under the yeartext, to wit, "Salvatmn unto our God . . and
should be served together at partaking, and not separately. The unto the Lamb"(Rev. 7:10, A.R.V.), the artist portrays w~th
emblemsshould be unleavenedbread and real red wine, to follow Scriptural symbolisms and modern details Jehovah’s "strange
the exampleof Jesus and his apostles, whoused real red wine in work" of judgmentnowfast reaching its chmaxamongall natmns.
symbolof his blood. Areport of the celebration should be prompt- The Calendar date pads mark the special testimony permds for
ly madeto the Society, showingtotal attendance and numberof 1941, and also give field serwce suggestmnsfor the intervening
partakers. In preparation for this 1941 celebration the article months. A contnbutmnof 25c per copy is asked therefor, or $1 00
"Memorial"suggested above will be studmdwith profit. for five copies marled to one address. Compames do well to send
1941 YEARBOOK OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES in combinationorders through the local companyservant.
In the face of an almost impossible year the pubheationof the "WATCHTOWER" STUDIES
1941 Yearbookof Jehovah’s witnesses represents an accomplish- Weekof M~rch 16: "Obedmnce,"
ment madepossible only by Jehovah’spower. Confirmationof this ¶ 1-27 reclusive, The WatchtowerFebruary 15, 1941.
you will find whenyou read the comprehensivereport, as written Weekof March 23: "Obedmnce,"
by the Socmty’spresident, covering the world-wideactivihes of ¶ 28-49 inclusive, The WatchtowerFebruary 15, 1941.
Jehovah’switnesses, under continuousenemyfire, during the past Weekof March 30: "Obedmnce,"
serwceyear Besides this amazingreport the Yearbookalso offers 50-70 inclusive, The WatchtowerFebruary 15, 1941
"OVER THE WALLS" IN ENCINO, CALIF. on the streets. It all workedout for a greater witness, and
"The last house on the street was situated up a winding one of the newspapers in the city took the side of Jehovah’s
driveway inside of beautiful grounds and many trees. At witnesses; and this resulted in spreading the truth, and the
the entrance to driveway was a closed electric gate. Just public meeting was held, regardless, in the KingdomtIal]
outside was a telephone for guests to phone the house. I of the Reno company, and 53 of the public attended and
went to phone and pushed the bell, wondering what sort listened with great interest to Judge Rutherford’s lecture,
of reception I would receive. A woman’svoice came through which was so timely for the occasion. Beginning at 1 p.m.,
the speaker: ’Who’s there ?’ I answered, ’One of Jehovah’s Saturday, the street work with magazines was carried on.
witnesses, with a message of hope for you from the Bible.’ This further burned up the religionists. In a city where
She said, ’All right, go ahead !’ I asked, ’Well, could you let every form of gambling is wide open and other rackets are
me in so I can talk to you inside ?’ She said, ’I’m sorry, I carried on, the truth only can stir up the religionists to
can’t.’ Quickly I inquired, ’Then shall I play the recording action, especially the RomanCatholic Hierarchy, which, as
right here over the phone ?’ ’Surely !’ By that time I had the usual, used the Veterans’ organizations to bring pressure
phonograph open under my arm and the grand message on the police department and others so the meeting hall was
streaming into the mouthpiece. Whenit was completed the closed to us Sunday evening. They did not interfere with
voice came through, ’I enjoyed that so very much! My our afternoon and evening meetings Saturday and Sunday,
husband will be right down.’ While waiting for him I pre- but were bound to stop the public meeting of Judge Ruther-
pared the phonograph for the next house, and by that time ford. Every fight against us, however, does more to adver-
he was at the gate: I asked, ’Did you hear the record all tise The Theocracy, by the Lord’s grace."
right1’ He said, ’Yes, we both heard it fine. I’m sorry we
can’t let you in, but we’re only the servants here and have DOWNLOUISIANAWAY
orders not to.’ Upon a contribution I handed him Religion, ’qJpon arrival we found a number of people gathered
Conspiracy Against Democracy and a Watchtower." at the court yard listening to what sounded to us like a
politician, telling how rotten politics were in Louisiana
PIONEER MEETS HONEST POLICE CHIEF and at the same time denouncing anyone who was not for
"I called on the chief of police, name McMahon,a Cath- God and country. For the time being we could not place
olic. He took Religion and booklet ’Uncovering Fifth Col- any Watchtower or Consolation here, so we passed out
umn’, copy of ConseHtion and Kingdom News No. 6. He Kingdom News No. 6. As we crossed the street to take our
asked how long it would be before we would finish the positions on the street corners we heard this ’gentleman of
town, as there were so many calls coming in, and he would the cloth’ shout, ’There are people here in Franktinton today
not drive Jehovah’s witnesses out oi town.. He told the peo- putting out literature who don’t believe in a burning hell.
ple who phoned to let Jehovah’s witnesses alone, as they W~en they get there they will wish they were back in
were doing a good work, but, ’Whenyou are all well out of Franklinton.’ Evidently he knew we were not overjoyed
town I will send the squad car around to satisfy them.’ Later to have to listen to him rant and rave, but we kept right
I called at a lawyer’s office. He and the stenographer were on announcing ’Religion is a snare and a racket---The Bible
btt~y and would not be interested anyhow. I decided to tells why. Read The Watchtower. 5c.’ In spite of his efforts
wait, and just then the police chief cameout of the lawyer’s to discourage the people from receiving the Kingdommes-
office, saw me, and said: ’Here is the girl nowI was telling sage, in two hours 60 magazines were placed by 8 publishers,
you about.’ He invited me in and I placed a booklet ’Un- ranging in ages from 7 to 60."
covering Fifth Column’. The chief advised him to read
it, as it was the best little booklet he had read. After work- RIGHTACTIONBY INDIANAOFFICIALS
ing until dinnertime I proceeded to the car to eat lunch "Someonecalled the police and had four witnesses taken
with the rest of our group. Unknownto us our car was to headquarters for investigation. On arriving they were
parked in front of the chief’s house. While we were eating asked, ’Whoare you?’ ’We are Jehovah’s witnesses.’ They
a lady came out with a big bag of grapes, stating her hus- were then asked, ’Well, whyare you brought to police head-
band said we called at his office and that she was to take quarters ?’ ’We don’t know. Wewere told we would have to
us some grapes: thought we might enjoy them with our come with this officer to headquarters for investigation.’
lunch. After handing her a Watchtower and thanking her, They were then informed they did not need to be investi-
she went into the house. Soon after, as we watched to find gated, that Jehovah’s witnesses were holding a two-day con-
out who lived there, we saw the chief leave the back door. vention in this city (Fort Wayne) and that they might re-
Starting to witness after dinner, I called at the home of turn to their work without being further detained, and if
the lawyer the chief had been visiting. He said he wanted they did not know their way back to the place where they
the same combination the chief had gotten." had been working they would be directed there and not to
worry about any interference from the police. Later in the
RELIGIONPREFERSGAMBLING TO TRUTH day some other police picked up one of the publishers and
"Reno, Nevada, was given the first concentrated witness phoned the chief of police for instructions as to what to do
in its history, but the religious racketeers could not stand with her. The chief asked, ’Is this lady one of Jehovai~’s
the heat without much howling. Their howls caused the witnesses?’ The reply was ’Yes’. The chief then said, "You
Chamber of Commerceauditorium to be denied to us for turn that lady loose and she will attend to her business and
the public meeting on Judge Rutherford’s lecture Wiolence’ you attend to yours.’ All the friends in Ohio Zone 8 appre-
that was thoroughly advertised from house to house and ciate the co-operation of the officials in Fort Wayne."
thatI amJehovah:’
-Ezekiel 35 15.

MARCH 1, 1941

VICTORY SONG (Part 1) ,,7
Fear ":






"~[ODEL STLDY .k,’O 3" 7’~


117 Adams Street - Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A. T ~HIS Journal is publishedfor the purpose of enabling the
people to..know.Jehovah Godand.his pint.posesas ezp.re~,d
in me Bible. It pubmmes Bible instrucuon specifically ue-
OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good will
J. F. R~T~FORD,~res{dent W. E. VAN AMBVRO~,Beorefar~j It arranges systematic Bible study for Its readers and the Society
"And aU thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes suit-
able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of public
~rea¢ shall be the peace of thy children." -Isatah 54:z
3. instructionin the Sc~Ipturea
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adher~strictlyto the Bibleaa authority for its utterances.
It is entirelyfree and separatefrom all religion, parties,sects
THAT JEHOVAHis the only true God, is from everlasting to or otherworldlyorgenlzatlona It ts whollyand withoutreserva-
everlasting, the Makerof heavenand earthand the Giver of life tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
to his creatures ; that the Logos was the beginning of his creation,
King.It is not dogmatic, but invitescarefuland criticalexamina-
and his activeagentin the creationof all things;that the Loges tionof its contents in the lightof the Scriptures. It does not in-
la now the Lord JesusChristin glory,clothedwith all power in
dulgein controversy, and its Colnmna are not opento personalities.
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Omcer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect man TwtlrT SUBsC~FrloN PEICZ
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully dis.
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by r~_a~qo_n of USXTIU> STATES, $I.00; C4~AD4 ~ Mxs~zous Foulo~r, $1.50;
Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the right GlUtATBalTAIM, 2kuBTaAIMMII4,~ SOUTHAJ~CA. 6a. American remJt-
taneu should be made by Postal or Express Money Order or by Bank
to life. Draft. Canadian, Britiah~ South African and AustralazLan remittances
should be made direct to the r~peetive branch o~cee. Remittances from
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered counU’les other than then mentioned may be made to the Brooktyn o~fice.
death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for but by In#efwatlon6| Postal MoneyOrder only.
obedientones of menklnd;that God raised up Jesus divine and
exaltedhim to heavenabove everycreatureand aboveevery name F0tm0N 0rrxcxs
and clothedhlm with all power and authority. Br~J~h $4 Craven Terrnce, London, W.2, England
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATION is a Theocracy called Zion, Gunad~art ................. 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada
and thatChristJesusis the ChiefOfficerthereofand is the right- Auatrula~an ............. 7 Berwford Road, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia
of 8outhi~’~o~................. Boston House,CapeTown,South Afric¯
ful King of the world; thatthe anointedand faithfulfollowers Pleue nddre~ the Society I- everyc~e.
ChristJesusare childrenof Zion,membersof Jehovah’s organiza-
tion,and are his witnesses
whosedutyand privilegeIt Is to testify
to the supremacyof Jehovah,declarehls purposestowardmankind
as expressedin the Bible,and to bear the fruitsof the kingdom
beforeall who willhear.
THAT THE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has All sincere student~ of the Bible whoby ree~on of infirmity, poverty or
been placedby Jehovahupon his throneof authority,has ousted auverslty are unable to p¯y the subscription price may haysThe W~toA-
Satan from heaven and is proceedingto the establishmentof tower free upon written application to the publishers, made once each
year, stating the re.on for so requesting it. Weare glad to thus aid the
God’s kingdomon earth. needy, but .the written application once each year iJ required by the
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by and throughJehovah’skingdom under Christ,which Not~es to Bubsor~bert: Acknowledgment of a new or ¯ renewal sub-
has now begun;that the Lord’snext greatact is the destruction scrtption will be sent only when requested. Change of address, when
requested, may oe expected to appear on addre~ label within one month.
of Satan’sorganization and the establishment
of righteousnessin A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) will be sent with the
the earth,and that underthe kingdomthe peopleof good willthat 3ournal one month before the subscription expires.
surviveArmageddonshall carry out the divinemandate to "fill Entered a~ seoonS-o~ematter at the poet o~loe of Brool~llm, 3q. Y.,
the earth"with a righteousrace. under the £ot el ]laroh 8, lS’t~.

"GOD AND THE STATE" wine bothpicturethe deathof Jesus, it followsthat bothemblems
A new booklet, by Judge Rutherford l The urgency of the shouldbe servedtogetherat partn~ng,and not separately.The
rapidly tightening world situation has bastened the ~ssuance of emblemsshouldbe unleavenedbreadand real red wine, to follow
this timely booklet. Parents, children, and all lovers of r~ghteous- the exampleof Jesusand his apostles,who used real red wine in
ness wLLI be grateful for the clearness, completeness and helpful- symbolof his blood.A reportof the oelebrationshouldbe prompt-
ness of the author’s treatment of the supreme issue today, as pre- ly made to the Society,showingtotal attendanceand number of
sented in its 32 pages. A neat cover design makes it very present- partakers.In preparationfor this 1941 celebrationthe article
able. Due to the growing need for just such information, a large "Memorial"suggestedabove will be studiedwith profit.
circulation of this latest booklet is bound to follow. Get your copy
now, at a contribution of 5c the copy. "WATCHTOWER" STUDIES
Week of April 6: "Victory Song" (Part I),
MEMORIAL 1-19 inclusive, The Watchtower March I, 1941.
The Scripturallyassigneddate for the memorialcelebration Week of April 13: "Victory Song" (Part 1),
to both Jehovah’sname and the sacrificeof His providedLamb, 20-40 inclusive, Ths WatoMo~er March i, 1941.
ChristJesus,is Friday,April11, 1941,aftersix p.m.Each Chris-
tian companyshouldtherefore assembleaftersix p~n.of April11, "THEOCRACY"
and the anointedones celebratethe Memorial,and theircompan- Thisnewbooklet
, offers
ions,the Jonadabs, be presentas observers. If thereis no europe- clearest and best dsseription yet of the world’s leading issue today,
tent personpresentto delivera briefdiscoursejust beforethe "The Theocracy." The visible operations of its representatives on
partakingof the emblems,the short article"Memorial"as pub- earth are plainly set forth, together with the vicious oppositxon
lished in the Watchtower issue of March 15, 1939, should be read which they are encountering world-wide. A specially fine cover
instead. Since the breaking of the bread and the drln¥ing of the (Continued o~ page ~9)


"And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God; many shall see it, and fear, and
shall trust in the Lord.’--Ps. 40:3.
EHOVAH is the Author of the song of victory. propriate to the victory song of Barak and Deborah,
J It is a song of praise. Songs of which Jehovah
is the composer are always of praise, telling of
which we are about to examine, is the Psalm or song
of David above quoted. God’s faithful servants, and
deliverance of his devoted servants and glory to his particularly the class knownas "the remnant" of his
own name. They are prophetic of the time when Jeho- organization on earth, have suffered much at the
vah manifests himself for the honor of his name. hands of the enemy and continue to suffer, but Jeho-
The faithful servants of Jehovah have always been vah has given theal such a clear vision of his purpose
oppressed by the enemy Satan and his agents; and that now they clearly see that the Lord has set their
when Jehovah’s servants wait upon the Most High feet upon the solid rock, that is, upon Jehovah and
and put their trust fully in him, then he in due time his THEOCRATIC GOVERNMEI’CT by Christ Jesus, and
delivers them. The song of praise tells of such com- that the victory is assured to them if they remain
ing victory in a great conflict led by Christ Jesus, faithful to the end. By faith now they see the day
to the honor of his Father. of deliverance is near, and they are all filled with the
Proof of this rule is shown in the song of David song of praise to the Most High. And what results
recorded at Psalm Forty, embracing the foregoing from their singing of the victory song and continu-
text. David had suffered much at the hand of his ing faithfully in the service in these dark days that
enemies. He had waited patiently for Jehovah to are now upon the world? They see people of good-
manifest himself and to deliver David from his ene- will who are being awakened, hurriedly taking their
mies. Jehovah did deliver David in his own due time. place on the side of THE THEOCRACY and wending
To wait patiently means to fully trust in God and to their way to refuge and life. As the Psalm of David
confidently move forward in performance of as- says: "Many shall see it [T~v. THEOCRACY, and the
signed duty, well knowing that one is on the right deliverance and blessings that righteous government
way and backed up by the King of Eternity. Such brings], and fear [Jehovah God], and shall trust m
ones never try to run ahead of Jehovah, but follow the [King Christ Jesus and in the King of Eternity,
expheitly the instructions given. One who is patient Jehovah]." It is timely and appropriate that they
is anxious in his mind, watching with great care that join in the song. Therefore those who will compose
he may not miss an opportunity to honor Almighty the "great multitude" are putting their trust in the
God. To be patient, therefore, means a trial of faith Lord and are finding refuge under his organization,
and a refusal to be turned aside from steadfast de- and they too join in the song.
votion to God, regardless of what persecution the ’ In the preceding issues of The Watchtower con-
enemy may bring upon the servants of the Most High. sideration has been given to the drama of vengeance,
VChenJehovah’s due time arrives for him to avenge in which Barak and Deborah and Jael played prom-
his servants he will do so, his primary purpose be- inent parts. That drama, plainly a prophetic one,
ing to vindicate his holy name. foretells of God’s purpose to avenge his faithful peo-
"David, whose name means "Beloved", was a man ple and to completely vindicate his own great name.
of whomGodsaid : ’He is a man after my own heart.’ Quite appropriate, therefore, is the prophetic song
He was a type of Jehovah’s beloved Son, Christ of victory that follows and which is now considered
Jesus. In the Davidic picture are also shownall the in The Watchtower. "Then sang Deborah and Barak
membersof "the body of Christ", that is to say, the the son of Abinoamon that day, saying."--Judg. 5 : 1.
144,000, all of whommust suffer tribulation before This was actually sung before King Jabin’s death
entering into the Kingdom. This is shown by many and after the destruction of his army under Sisera
prophetic pictures recorded in the Bible. Quite ap- and after Sisera had been slain. The killing of Sisera

by Jael pictures the Jael class, that is to say, the followed the "war in heaven" and the World War on
people of good-will, slaying religion, which Sisera earth, which the Lord had foretold. (Rev. 12:7-9;
represented, and making religion dead so far as the Matt. 24: 7) The day of Jehovah began there and
people of good-will are concerned. Thus putting re- continues until Armageddon,when "the battle of that
ligion out of their lives, they devote themselves to the great day of God Almighty" will be fought, with full
Almighty God. Those people of good-will now look and complete victory to Jehovah and his King, the
upon religion as no longer having any influence or Greater Barak. Weare now in that "day of Jehovah",
power over them, but that it is dead and putrid ; and and it is appropriate in the light of very recent
therefore they shun reli~on. The "other sheep" of developments that all of God’s faithful people now
the Lord, which are the modern-day Jael class, are join in the song of appreciation and joy, looking con-
taking that action today against religion, counting fidently to the hour of early deliverance. Note that
it a dead thing. The persecution of Jehovah’s wit- the song opens not with felicitation to creatures, but
nesses, that is, "the remnant," is calling out the "great the opening words are to the praise of the Most High.
multitude" from amidst the people, and that in a time "Praise ye the Lord for the avenging of Israel, when
of great tribulation upon the world; and these peo- the people willingly offered themselves."mJudg. 5: 2.
ple of good-will are ’washing their robes in the blood ’ The American Revised Version renders this part
of the Lamb, Christ Jesus’, by exercising and show- of the text : "Bless ye Jehovah." Unto whomshall the
ing their full faith in the ransom sacrifice, the blood song of praise to Jehovah be sung? Another prophet
of Christ, which is the redemptive price of all who of Almighty God answers the question: "I will de-
hear and obey the Lord.--Rev. 7: 14. clare thy nameunto my brethren ; in the midst of the
’ Deborah and Barak sung that song under divine congregation will I praise thee." (Ps. 22: 22) The
inspiration. It was a song which Jehovah had com- application of this song cannot be left in doubt.
posed and put in the mouth of his servants, Deborah Christ Jesus, the Greater Barak, uses the same
and Barak. Jehovah is the author of that song, which words, which are repeated by the apostle at He-
is a prophecy of God’s "strange work" and telling brews 2: 12 : "I will declare thy name unto my breth-
of his "strange act" of complete victory. The song ren; in the midst of the church will I sing praise
expresses the joy of Jehovah’s organization at the unto thee." For centuries Christ Jesus has sung this
early vindication of his name. It is the "joy of the song, well knowing the day of complete victory he
Lord", that is, the joy of the Lord Jesus Christ and will gain, whenall the survivors of the great battle
which joy he invites his faithful servants to enter of that day shall praise the name of the Most High.
into when they are approved. (Matt. 25:21) The Now the time has come when all members of "the
faithful servants of Christ Jesus have now entered body of Christ", both in heaven and on earth, join
into that joy and are now singing the praises of the in the song and all those of good-will toward Godare
Most High and of his kingdom. Their "companions" invited to participate in the song. The angels in heav-
hear the song of praise and hasten to join therein. en sing because they all see that the day of the vindi-
’ Deborah pictured God’s "woman", that is to say, cation of Jehovah’s name and the complete victory
his organization, nowfully united in devotion to the of Christ Jesus, the Greater Barak, is at hand. (Rev.
Most High, the great THEOCRAT. Through that or- 7:9-12) So today Jehovah’s witnesses must "bless"
ganization Jehovah now brings to his people the rev- or speak words of praise to Jehovah’s name and to
elation of his holy purpose, which is testified to in his kingdom, and do so amongst all people who have
the prophetic song. Barak (whose name means light- a hearing ear and who desire to see the triumph of
ning) pictures Christ Jesus, the Head of the capital righteousness in the earth. All those who are of the
organization of God. The "remnant of her seed" "other sheep" of the Lord must likewise take the
(Rev. 12: 17), that is, the last membersof the body same course that Jael took.
1o For what did they praise and bless Jehovah in
of Christ now on earth, are made a part of Jehovah’s
organization, and they participate now in the song that song, and to what does it look forward? "For
the avenging of Israel" and, now, for the avenging
from the viewpoint of its certain fulfillment in the
of spiritual Israel. It was the time "when the people
near future. willingly offered themselves", as the song states. The
’ In the picture the song was sung "on that day": faithful people of God now on the earth by faith see
"So God subdued on that day Jabin the king of that for a certainty soon Jehovah will fully vindi-
Canaan before the children of Israel." (Judg. 4: 23) cate his name; and, having this full assurance, they
"That day" means the foretelling of "the day of J eho- raise the song of praise before the battle is fought
vah", which began in 1914, when the Almighty God and won. When the battle of that great day of God
sent forth his beloved Son the King, Christ Jesus, Almighty is fought and won every surviving creature
to rule in the midst of his enemies. (Ps. 110: 2) Then will join in that song of praise to his holy name: "Let
1, 1941 :NieWATCHTOWER. 69

every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise cumstantial proof that the Lord selects the appro-
ye the Lord."--Ps. 150: 6. priate text each year for his own people.
"Jehovah’s witnesses must now declare "the day ~’ Note here the evidence in proof of the fulfillment
of vengeance of our God", which vengeance will vin- of this prophecy: Up until 1937 the average number
dicate Jehovah’s name and will avenge all oppressed of publishers in the field service in the United States
of Jehovah’s witnesses and their companions, upon alone was 21,454. There was a great increase in 1938,
whom oppressions and persecutions have been and from then onward the number has continued to
heaped by the modern-day Sisera, the religious lead- increase; and in the year 1940, there were 50,000 pub-
ers and others of Satan’s organization. lishers in the field in the United States alone, and that
~’ While the Authorized Version of this text is com- amidst the greatest persecution that has been heaped
forting, the matter is made much clearer by other upon them by the enemyin this land. In the countries
renderings of the text, to wit: "In the leading on of of Europe, including Great Britain, and in other
the leaders in Israel, in that a people willingly parts of the earth, the number of publishers has
offered themselves." (Literal rendering) "For that greatly increased since 1937. For this manifestation
the leaders took the lead in Israel, for that the people of the Lord’s blessing all who love TH~TH~OCR.~CY
offered themselves willingly, bless ye Jehovah." sing: "Bless ye Jehovah." "Hear, 0 ye kings; give
(American Revised Version) "For freeing free men ear, 0 ye princes ; I, even I, will sing unto the Lord ;
in Israel, for a people willingly offering themselves, I will sing praise to the Lord God of Israel."--
bless ye Jehovah." (Young) "For the leadership of Judg. 5 : 3.
leaders in Israel, for the volunteering of the people, "In the prophecy the song was sung before the
bless ye Jehovah X"--Rotherharn. death of King Jabin, and this is significant and is
~’ The time of the fulfillment of this prophetic song here noticed. The kings and princes of Canaan, who
is definitely located and fixed beyond any question had not been cleared out up to that time, were demon-
of doubt by the words recorded at .Psalm 110:2, 3: worshipers, and included in that number was Jabin.
"The Lord [Jehovah] shall send the rod [His King] This shows that in the fulfillment the song of victory
of thy strength out of Zion; rule thou [Jesus Christ] is begun even before Armageddonclears out all parts
in the midst of thine enemies. Thy people shall be of the Devil’s organization. The "strange work" of
willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of Jehovah is observed by all the servants of Satan,
holiness from the wombof the morning; thou hast and that greatly angers them. They behold Jehovah’s
the dew of thy youth." people volunteering and willingly going forward in
~’ It was in 1914 that Christ Jesus was enthroned his "strange work" and doing so with great joy, and
King and sent forth to rule, and immediately there this they do in the face of all manner of persecution
began a "war in heaven", resulting in the ousting heaped upon them. The kings and rulers of the earth
of the Devil and his angels and the casting of them see this, and at the instance of reli~ous leaders, par-
down to the earth, trey. 11:18; 12:1-12) God’s ticularly those of the RomanCatholic Hierarchy,
faithful people thereafter willingly have offered they redouble their efforts put forth to destroy the
themselves unto the Lord in his service. Christ Jesus faithful servants of the Almighty God. Thus notice
took the lead, and whithersoever he leads the faith- and warning is given by the Most High, who com-
ful servants on earth follow. In the prophetic drama mands that the earthly rulers shall give heed for
the ’%aders" were Barak and Deborah, picturing their own good or benefit. Jehovah does not take ad-
Christ Jesus and God’s organization; and "the gov- vantage of their ignorance, but sees to it that they
ernors of Israel" willingly offered themselves. (Judg. have opportunity to hear. Jehovah has sent forth his
5: 9) In the fulfillment of the prophetic drama Christ King, Christ Jesus, to rule, and He announces his
Jesus, the King, and his heavenly army take the lead purpose to break up completely the organization of
and all those on earth who are Jehovah’s witnesses Satan ; and therefore Jehovah gives warning and ad-
voluntarily offer themselves, entering the service of vises the earthly rulers of the nations to heed, when
the King and joyfully performing that service. The he says to them: "Be wise now, therefore, 0 ye kings ;
fulfillment of this part was specifically marked from be instructed, ye judges of the earth. Serve the Lord
1937, when at a convention of God’s faithful people with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son,
assembled at Columbus, Ohio, they arose as one and lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when
marched out into the service, singing the praises of his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they
the Most High, and they have been at it since. At that that put their trust in him."--Ps. 2: 10-12.
great assembly of God’s devoted people the keynote "If the worldly rulers and judges possessed and
was the slogan taken from the Scriptures : "Arise ye, used the slightest bit of wisdomthey would soberly
and let us rise up against her in battle." (Obadiah 1) give heed to the warning given them from Jehovah’s
That was the yeartext for 1937; another strong cir- Wordand, doing so, they would cease oppressing the

servants of Almighty God and thus save themselves "martyr" and "witness" are derived from the same
from grief. Instead, they give heed to a vicious com- Greek root. Every faithful servant of God, in life
pany of rehgious leaders; and so now there are and in death, is a witness to his nameand to his king-
amongthe political rulers those who indict and try dom. They are martyrs to the cause of righteousness.
Jehovah’s witnesses upon the false charges of sedi- From Abel to John the Baptist there was a "cloud
tion and conspiracy to provoke to riot, such false of witnesses" to the name of Jehovah and to his king-
charges being based solely on the fact that Jehovah’s dom. In this Christ Jesus took the lead and continues
witnesses proclaim the message of the kingdom of to lead, and this is the commandmentgiven to the
the Most High as God has commanded them to do. faithful followers of Christ Jesus when the princes
The action on the part of these rulers is in defiance of old and Christ Jesus are cited as examples to be
of Almighty God. Will such cruel, fanatical and followed : ’%Vherefore seeing we also are compassed
demoniacal persecution of Jehovah’s witnesses stop about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay
the "strange work" of Jehovah God? Certainly not. aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily
That work of Almighty God will continue until the beset us, and let us run with patience the race that
due time to have it end, and that end will immediately is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and
be followed by His "strange act". finisher of our faith; who, for the joy that was set
18 Markthis, in the prophecy, as it is written: "I, before him, endured the cross, despising the shame,
even I, will sing unto the Lord." This means Barak and is set down at the right hand of the throne of
and Deborah in the picture; the Greater Barak, God."--Heb. 12: 1, 2.
Christ Jesus, and Jehovah’s organization, in the ful- 1, In this text "weight" consists of anything that
fillment, both of which continue to sing the song. hinders or retards the servants of Jehovah in giving
That means that Christ Jesus and his organization, the witness; while the besetting or close-girdling sin
invisible and visible, will continue to sing the song is religion and its baneful influence upon those who
of praise and victory to Jehovah, regardless of hold to any part of rehgion; and this shows that
whether the "kings" and the "princes", the judges God’s people in this hour of crisis must remove every
and the sheriffs, and other officers of "Christendom" possible weight and must shun religion as a deadly
like it or not. The name and kingdom of Jehovah thing. The faithful cast such things aside and go for-
must be and is proclaimed throughout the earth, and ward with a song of praise upon their lips. "Lord,
that work must continue until Armageddon. As God when thou wentest out of Seir, when thou marcheds~
plainly declared this must be done, therefore he said out of the field of Edom,the earth trembled, and the
to the Devil and all whosupport him : ’For this cause heavens dropped, the clouds also dropped water."
have I permitted thee to remain, that I might show --Judg. 5 : 4.
thee my power, and that my name may be proclaimed ~° Jehovah has recorded many prophetic examples
in all the earth.’ (Ex. 9 : 16) The proclamation of his for the comfort of his people now on the earth, and
name must continue, therefore, until his time to ex- these prophetic pictures he is now revealing to them.
hibit his supreme power against Satan and his or- The Almighty God, by the hand of Moses, who pic-
ganization. K_nowing Jehovah’s purpose to have his tured Christ Jesus, led the Israelites on a long and
name and kingdom declared, and knowing that no perilous journey from Egypt to the land of promise,
power can successfully resist Jehovah and his King, thus picturing the long and perilous journey of God’s
the faithful servants of the Most High on earth will people from the world into the Kingdom. Verse four,
continue to worship and sing God’s praises and the above quoted from the song of Deborah and Barak,
praises of the great T~EOCRATIC GOVE~N~t~.N% and refers to the march of the Israelites, led by Moses
this will continue regardless of what may come to on the way to the land of promise. Moses there de-
pass amongst men. These faithful servants of Jeho- scribed the course of Edom and Mount Seir. (Deut.
vah God count not their earthly lives dear unto them, 2 : 1-8) Edom, to whomMount Seir belonged or was
having in mind one thing, that is, faithfulness to held in possession, refused to give aid to the march-
Almighty God that they might prove and maintain ing Israelites and, on the contrary, showed them-
their integrity toward him and his King, and receive selves to be "goats" by ill-treating the Israelites:
everlasting blessings at the hand of the Most High, "And Moses sent messengers from Kadesh unto the
and life that shall continue forever. Jehovah’s wit- king of Edom, Thus saith thy brother Israel, Thou
nesses and companions will find some way to continue knowest all the travail that hath befallen us; how
their testimony, whether they be in prison or out of our fathers went down into Egypt, and we have dwelt
prison, or whether in this earthly existence and body in Egypt a long time; and the Egyptians vexed us
or elsewhere. If they seal their testimony with their and our fathers: and when we cried unto the Lord,
own lifeblood, that will constitute a witness to the he heard our voice, and sent an angel, and hath
name and supremacy of Jehovah God. The words brought us forth out of Egypt; and, behold, we are in
M~c~ 1, 1941 :gSeWATCHTOWER. 71

Kadesh, a city in the uttermost of thy border; let us 2a Also the power of Almighty God will be exhibited
pass, I pray thee, through thy country; we will not from the heavens ; as it is written : "And the heavens
pass through the fields, or through the vineyards, dropped, the clouds also dropped water." The de-
neither will we drink of the water of the wells; we scription given in the song of Deborah and Barak
will go by the king’s high way, we will not turn to the foretells the destruction that shall be upon the world
right hand nor to the left, until we have passed thy and all the organizations of Satan at Armageddon,
borders. And Edom said unto him, Thou shalt not and is further supported by other prophecies relat-
pass by me, lest I come out against thee with the ing to the same thing, to wit: "The clouds poured out
sword. And the children of Israel said unto him, We water; the skies sent out a sound; thine arrows also
will go by the high way; and if I and my cattle drink went abroad. The voice of thy thunder was in the
of thy water, then I will pay for it; I will only, with- heaven ; the lightnings lightened the world; the earth
out doing any thing else, go through on my feet. And trembled and shook. Thou leddest thy people like a
he said, Thou shalt not go through. And Edomcame flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron."--Ps. 77 : 17,
out against him with much people, and with a strong 18, 20.
hand. Thus Edom refused to give Israel passage ~" Regardless of the opposition, Moses and Aaron
through his border; wherefore Israel turned away led the people right on; and so now the Greater
from him."--Num. 20:14-21. Moses, Christ Jesus, who is also pictured by Aaron,
21 Today that prophetic picture of Edom and leads his people on. These events are recorded in the
MountSeir is in course of fulfillment, in this, that Scriptures for the benefit of God’s people, and to in-
back there Edom and Mount Seir pictured the reli- crease their comfort and hope, who are now being
gionists, including all their allies, and all of whichare wickedly persecuted by the enemy without a cause.
opponents of TH~ THEOCRACY, and these are all vio- Furthermore God’s prophet describes what Jehovah
lently opposing the people who are advertising The did to his enemies back there, and thus shows what
THEOCRATIC GOVSR~rr~T under Christ Jesus. The is coming upon the enemy within a very short time:
Lord sends his witnesses to the modern-day Edom- "Thy bow was made quite naked, according to the
ires with a message, and the religionists and allies oaths of the tribes, even thy word. Selah. Thou didst
show the wicked "goat" spirit toward the witnesses cleave the earth with rivers. The mountains saw thee,
of the Lord, and hence Christ Jesns, the great Judge and they trembled; the overflowing of the water
and King, puts those goats on his left hand an4 passed by; the deep uttered his voice, and lifted up
marks them for destruction at Armageddon. (Matt. his hands on high. The sun and moon stood still in
25 : 31-46) At Armageddon Jehovah visits them and, their habitation; at the light of thine arrows they
by his King, sends all the "goats" into everlasting went, and at the shining of thy glittering spear. Thou
destruction. (See also Obadiah 1-21; Ezek. 35:1-15;. didst march through the land in indignation, thou
Jer. 49: 7-22.) When the Lord marches forth from didst thresh the heathen in anger. Thou wentest forth
modern-day Edom and Mount Seir, the religionists for the salvation of thy people, even for salvation
and their allies, he will there march forth as the with thine anointed; thou woundedst the head out of
mighty Conqueror and behind him he will leave all the house of the wicked, by discovering the founda-
opponents of TH~ TH~.OCRACY in utter destruction. tion unto the neck. Selah." (Hab. 3: 9-13) Thus
" The prophetic song describes what shall be the foretold that the Lord’s army, invisible to humaneye,
result upon modern-day Edom and Mount Seir when will completely overwhelm the enemy. The clouds
the Lord shall have executed the "vengeance of our denote the Lord’s presence for judgment, and the
God" at Armageddon. Concerning this it is written : execution of his judgment by destroying all his ene-
"The earth trembled." Back there that "earth" was mies. Further describing the effect upon the enemy
the prophetic song continues : "The mountains melted
territory held by the enemy of God’s people. The
from before the Lord, even that Sinai from before
earth trembled because of the presence of Jehovah
the Lord God of Israel."--Judg. 5: 5.
God representatively by Moses, and that pictured the ~5 The melting of the mountains here pictures ter-
shaking which the Lord will give Satan’s religious
rific heat of such intensity as to melt the rocks or
and combined organization on earth at his presence entire mass of solid rock into a liquid and cause the
representatively by the Greater Moses, Christ Jesus. same to flow downlike liquid fire. That would be far
That shaking will cause that wicked organization to worse than lava from an active volcano. Such must
suffer complete destruction. The earthquake was for be the effect upon religion and like organizations
the destruction of the dwellers of that "earth", and when Jehovah performs his "strange act" at Arma-
in fulfillment the final shaking and destruction will geddon. In this connection note that Jehovah puts a
be upon the earth now ruled in unrighteousness.-- prayer in the mouth of his people, which of itself
Hag.2 : 6, 7 ; Heb.12 : 26, 27. shows the prayer to be a prophecy, which God in his

owndue time will hear, answer, and completely fulfill. behold, the Lord cometh forth out of his place, and
"The prayer of Isaiah pictures God’s people just will comedown, and tread upon the high places of the
preceding Armageddon, to wit : "Oh that thou would- earth. And the mountains shall be molten under him,
est rend the heavens, that thou wouldest come down, and the valleys shall be cleft, as wax before the fire,
that the mountains might flow down at thy presence. and as the waters that are poured down a steep
As when the melting fire burneth, the fire causeth place."--Mic. 1 : 3, 4.
the waters to boil, to make thy name knownto thine ’* In the day of King Jabin the Israelites, God’s
adversaries, that the nations may tremble at thy typical people, were greatly oppressed and all their
presence! Whenthou didst terrible things which we freedom denied. That also appears to be prophetic,
looked not for, thou camest down, the mountains which corresponds with the oppression now upon the
flowed down at thy presence."--Isa. 64:1-3. antitypical Israelites, the faithful people of God on
" The earth is symbolic of those who rule in the earth. In every nation of the earth Jehovah’s wit-
earth contrary to the law of Almighty God, while the nesses and companions are hated solely because they
hills picture the highest part of that earthly-ruled advertise the name of Jehovah, his THEOCRATIC GOV-
organization; and concerning which the prophecy ERNMENT, and the King thereof, Christ Jesus. This
says: "He looketh on the earth, and it trembleth; is exactly as Jesus said it would be : "Then shall they
he toucheth the hills, and they smoke." (Ps. 104: 32) deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you; and
"What ailed thee, 0 thou sea, that thou fleddest? ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake."
thou Jordan, that thou wast driven back? Ye moun- (Matt. 24:9) Describing the oppressive conditions
tains, that ye skipped like r~ms, and ye little hills, that obtained in that day of Israel the prophetic song
like lambs? Tremble, thou earth, at the presence of says: "In the days of Shamgar the son of Anath, in
the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob."-- the days of Jael, the highways were unoccupied, and
Pss. ]14:5-7; 144:5,6. the travellers walked through byways."--Judg. 5 : 6.
2, When at Armageddon the Almighty God thresh- "Such was the fear of the oppressed Israelites,
es and cuts to pieces the modern-day Mount Seir, and so fully were they cowed and their freedom de-
with her religious organizations, together with all nied and their movements harassed and their wor-
other organizations allied thereto, such as the totali- ship of Almighty God interfered with, that they
tarian, iniquitous and wicked earthly rulers, then the walked not in the roads or highways; they would go
heat of divine judgment there expressed by and from place to place in the by-passes to avoid the ill-
through Christ Jesus will completely melt down all treatment heaped upon them at the hands of Jabin’s
such oppressive systems and destroy them for ever. secret police. A like condition today exists in other
This indicates the manner in which Jehovah will countries ruled by the totalitarian dictators, all of
avenge his elect or select ones and how he will vin- whomare instruments of Satan, and all are against
dicate his name. THETHEOCRACY and those who tell about that gra-
"A literal example of what shall come to pass at cious government of Almighty God. The Israelites
Armageddon was given by the Lord at Mount Sinai, could not with safety leave their homes and go up to
concerning which it is written : "Even that Sinai from the tabernacle of the Lord at Shiloh to there cele-
before the Lord God of Israel." Jehovah God there brate the feast as required by the law of God. (Josh.
demonstrated to all that He is the Almighty, the 18: 1) It was in that time that the Lord raised up
Most High, when he came down in fire upon the Shamgar as a deliverer; which was following the
mountain. Thus he indicates how his vengeance will time of Ehud: "And after him was Shamgar the son
be expressed at Armageddon, when he showed that he of Anath, which slew of the Philistines six hundred
is the Almighty God: "And mount Sinai was alto- men with an ox goad; and he also delivered Israel."
gether on a smoke, because the Lord descended upon (Judg. 3: 31) Doubtless Jael’s life overlapped that
it in fire; and the smoke thereof ascended as the of Shamgar, and these are both mentioned in the
smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked prophecy, which further shows that they were both
greatly."--Ex. 19 : 18. pleasing to the Lord, and their course foretells what
’° Mount Sinai was not there literally melted down others must do to receive the blessing of the Lord.
on that occasion, but it was there used as a type or "A like condition of oppression of spiritual Israel-
prophetic picture of Mount Zion, that is, God’s cap- ites, the people of Almighty God, began about the
ital organization of which Christ Jesus is the Head, year 1918, when the enemy took advantage of the
and which organization will completely destroy World War conditions and abused and oppressed the
everything in opposition thereto, executing the ene- servants of Jehovah God. In that persecution the re-
mies of Jehovah and putting them out for ever. Rep- ligionists took the lead and by means of lies induced
resentatively God there appears by Christ Jesus, and the political authorities to inflict great punishment
concerning which it is written in his Word: "For, upon Jehovah’s servants. It was then that many of
M~cH1, 1941 NieWATCHTOWER. 73
God’s people used the byways or secret ways to serve strained; and still others who had been leaders went
God and his kingdom, rather than to face the danger into inactivity, that is, remained silent; while still
of coming out in the open and boldly proclaiming others became unfaithful and betrayed their brethren
Jehovah’s name and his kingdom, as the Lord had to the enemy at the price of their own freedom, and
commanded. That condition of fear continued for such became a part of the "evil servant" as the Lord
some time after the World War had ended, and had foretold.--ldatt~ 24: 9-.12, 48-51.
even after the antitypical Jael class, that is, the peo- ’° Referring now to the typical condition and op-
ple of good-will, began to comeout and declare them- pression that obtained as described in the prophetic
selves on the side of Jehovah and his King. The per- song of Deborah and Barak, which says : "Until that
secution of Jehovah’s servants grows in severity in I Deborah . . . arose a mother in Israel." That was
the present day, and even now some take to the by- not boasting on the part of Deborah, but was a mere
ways, but these are few compared to those who boldly statement of the facts, as stated in the prophecy, that
declare themselves for Jehovah and his kingdom. To she judged Israel at that time. She was making a
be sure, it is always wise to use discretion and sa- prophetic picture. In the fulfillment conditions of
gacity and not to unnecessarily provoke anyone to fear persisted amongst God’s people during the
wrath, but, whennecessary, the servant of God should World War and until the Lord came to his temple
not hesitate to declare himself for Jehovah God and and began judgment and the purging of the remnant
his King, Christ Jesus. There can be no compromise. by removing from them their fear due to rehgion,
together with fear of creatures, and everything due
FEAR to subservience to humanorganizations in opposition
" The prophetic song now shows what results from to the will of God. The time had come for the Lord
fear of men. One who has made a covenant to do the to build up Zion, his capital organization, which or-
will of God, and whothen because of fear of menfails ganization was pictured by Deborah; and therefore
or refuses to faithfully carry out that covenant, is it is written: "Whenthe Lord shall build up Zion, he
certain to be ensnared by the enemy. Without criti- shall appear in his glory."--Ps. 102: 16.
cism of the Israelites, who were merely men and not 8, The Lord Jesus Christ began the building up of
spiritually minded, mention is made of the course Zion by gathering unto himself those of his own and
they took. It should be kept in mind that the Israelites gathering them into one organized body, that is to
were being used to make a prophetic picture foretell- say, all who had proved their integrity and been
ing what would come to pass upon the consecrated faithful. First he gathered those whohad died in faith
people at the end of the world, where we are now. and faithful by awakening them out of death, and
~Vhile, of course, the acts of the Israelites resulting then he gathered "the remnant", that is, the faithful
from fear could not be approved, yet if that people on the earth still in the flesh, who were "caught up
were acting out their part then without knowledge ¯ . . to meet the Lord in the air"; and all were gath-
of the meaningthereof, they are not subject to criti- ered into unity into the organized "body of Christ".
cism. Those who are in a covenant to do the will of (1 Thess. 4: 15-17) The time had come for God’s
God, however, should weigh well the results that come "woman", his organization, to bring forth her chil-
from fear of men. "The inhabitants of the villages dren and to rejoice: "Fear not, for thou shalt not be
ceased, they ceased in Israel, until that I Deborah ashamed; neither be thou confounded ; for thou shalt
arose, that I arose a mother in Israel."--Judg. 5: 7. not be put to shame; for thou shalt forget the shame
a, Other renderings of this text illuminate the sub- of thy youth, and shalt not remember the reproach
ject matter: "The rulers ceased in Israel, they of thy widowhood any more. For thy Maker is thine
ceased." (A.R.V.) "There was a failure of rulers in husband; the Lord of hosts is his name; and thy Re-
Israel, a failure." (Rotherham) The leaders among deemer the Holy One of Israel ; The Godof the whole
the Israelites failed to faithfully represent the Lord earth shall he be called. For the Lord hath called thee
God. That foretold that the time would come when as a womanforsaken and grieved in spirit, and a wife
among the covenant people of God, the antitypical of youth, when thou wast refused, saith thy God. And
Israelites, that fear would lead some into a snare; all thy children shall be taught of the Lord ; and great
and the facts show it was even so. The persecution shall:be the peace of thy children."--Isa. 54 : 4, 5, 6. 13.
that resulted from the World War caused almost all, ,8 To these children of God by his organization,
if not all, of the consecrated then to fear man, because and who are yet on the earth, Jehovah ’says: "Who
it was believed that the "higher powers" were the hath heard such a thing ? who hath seen such things ?
worldly rulers over nations. Manyof God’s servants Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day?
desired to lead off in the active service of the King- or shall a nation be born at once ? for as soon as Zion
dom, but were arrested and imprisoned and thus pre- travailed, she brought forth her children." "That ye
vented from doing so, while others were forcibly re- ¯ m~, suck, and be satisfied with the breasts of her

consolations ; that ye may milk out, and be delighted thou eomfortedst me. Behold, God is my salvation;
with the abundance of her glory."--Isa. 66: 8, 11. I will trust, and not be afraid; for the Lord JEHO-
"It was thereafter that the remnant began to see VAHis my strength and my song; he also is become
by faith the victory of Jehovah that he would give my salvation. Therefore with joy shall ye draw water
through Christ Jesus his King. It was then that they out of the wells of salvation."---Isa. 12: 1-3.
recognized that Jehovah’s anger had been turned ,o It should be expected that the faithful servants
away from those who had feared men and who had ef Jehovah God on the earth would from that time
now fully turned to the Lord, and so they began to forward make progress and that their joy would in-
raise a song of praise to his holy name; and concern- crease, and that they would go forth with confidence
ing that song it is written: "And in that day thou and with singing; and the Scriptures and the facts
shalt say, 0 Lord, I will praise thee; though thou show that it is even so.
wast angry with me, thine anger is turned away, and


HE plagues upon ancient Egypt Jehovah God speaks
T of as "wonders" and "signs": "And I will harden
Pharaoh’s heart, and multiply my signs and my won-
symbolic significance, such as the seven last plagues de-
scribed in Revelation, sixteenth chapter. Each plague is a
specific message of misfortune from the Lord, and these
ders in the land of Egypt." (Ex. 7 : 3 ; also Ex. 3:20 ; 8 : 23 messages delivered in modern times against Satan’s organi-
10: 1) "He . . . wrought his signs in Egypt, and his won- zation irk, disturb, plague and forebode the downfall of
ders in the field of Zoan." (Ps. 78:43) It now appears Satan and his organization. As the plagues upon Egypt
those devoted to the Lord that the ten plagues upon Egypt constituted notice and warning, antitypically fulfilled to-
were prophetic, and have a modern-day fulfillment. day the plagues must be notice and warning.
Pharaoh the king of Egypt served the Devil, Satan, and Jehovah commandedMoses to perform certain signs in
represented him on earth. WhyJehovah the Almighty God Egypt, first before his own brethren, the Israelites, and
has permitted Satan to remain and continue his nefarious then before the ruler of Egypt, Pharaoh, the purpose of
work in all the centuries past is stated by Jehovah thus: which signs was to supply convincing proof that Jehovah
"To show thee my power, and that my name may be de- is God and that Moseswas sent to Egypt as God’s represent-
clared throughout all the earth." (Ex. 9 : 16, Am. Rev. Vet.) ative. The third of those signs when performed by Moses
The declaring of Jehovah’s name throughout the earth takes and Aaron before Pharaoh constituted the first plague upon
place at the end of the world, hence now. Jehovah has taken Egypt. That sign or wonder was the turning of the waters
out from the nations a "people for his name", and he uses of the river Nile into blood; Jehovah "turned their rivers
them in connection with the declaring of his name, just as into blood; and their floods, that they could not drink".
he used Moses and Aaron in Egypt. "He sent Moses his "He turned their waters into blood, and slew their fish."
servant, and Aaron whomhe had chosen. They showec~ his (Pss. 78 : 43, 44; 105 : 29) Jehovah’s commandment to Moses
signs among [the Egyptians], and wonders in the land of concerning the first plague is recorded at Exodus7 : 14-25
Ham." (Ps. 105: 26, 27) Moses pictured Jehovah’s great Moses there appearing before Pharaoh was a type of Christ
Prophet, Christ Jesus ; whereas Aaron, the brother of Moses, Jesus, the Vindicator of Jehovah’s name. The rod which
pictured the members of the ’%ody of Christ", over which Moses lifted up represented the divine authority conferred
Christ Jesus is the Head, and of which there is a small rem- by Jehovah upon him. Antitypically it represents the divine
nant on earth today. They are the anointed witnesses of authority conferred by Jehovah upon Jesus, the authority
Jehovah. and power of the Lord Jesus Christ to oust the enemy and
The plagues from one to nine were in effect pointed deliver his people. Aaron acting with Mosespictured in the
declarations and notices of Jehovah’s supremacy over the antitypical fulfillment today the remnant on earth per-
oppressors of his people, and thereby both Jehovah’s or- forming the duties of Jehovah’s witnesses to whomis com-
ganization and Satan’s organization are made to appear mitted the "testimony of Jesus Christ". Aaron in using
prominently. The tenth plague brought the release of Jeho- Moses’ rod shows that these witnesses are acting under
vah’s people from Satan’s organization and their deliver- divine command.
ance out from Egypt. Such plagues were performed before Satan, as foreshadowed by Pharaoh of Egypt, is totally
Pharaoh, and hence constituted notice to him. The modern- depraved, and many of his visible agents on earth give
day, antitypical fnl~llment of the plagues must be before evidence of their total depravity. God continues to give
Satan and his organization, and they constitute notice and them notice and warning, as he did of old to Pharaoh. The
warning to Satan and his organization. Economic depres- second plague upon Egypt was that of frogs. "He sent . . .
sion, woes and misfortunes have come upon the peoples of frogs, which destroyed them." "Their land brought forth
the world, but we knowthat Jehovah is not responsible for frogs in abundance." (Pss. 78 : 45 ; 105 : 30) The full record
such, because it is expressly stated, at Revelation 12:12, of the second plague appears at Exodus 8:1-15. Jehovah
that Satan has brought these woes. Therefore the nine pre- commandedMoses (the type of Christ Jesus) to say unto
liminary plagues upon ancient Egypt could not properly Aaron (the type of the earthly mouthpiece of Christ Jesus,
foreshadow and apply to such woes, but must have some Jehovah’s witnesses) to proceed with the work of carrying
out the second plague: "And the Lord spake unto Moses, and these, together with short-wave broadcasting apparatus,
Say unto Aaron, Stretch forth thine hand with thy rod over heralded the truth through the United States and Canada
the streams, over the rivers, and over the ponds, and cause and to the lands across the sea. The spirit and substance
frogs to come up upon the land of Egypt. And Aaron of that message was: ¢Loose those who are bound in Satan’s
stretched out his hand over the waters of Egypt; and the organization and let them go free.’--Rev. 9: 14.
frogs cameup, and covered the land of Egypt."--Ex. 8 : 5, 6. The message broadcast on that occasion was afterwards
The hand stretched out holding the rod, which mani- printed and distributed by the millions of copies to the
festly was Moses’ rod, represented and pictured the power peoples of earth and in many languages. Amongst other
and authority of Jehovah God conferred upon Christ, the things that message said was in substance this: ’The bless-
Greater Moses, and by him upon the earthly members of ings so muchdesired by the people can never come through
his organization, the servant class, whobear the message or any unrighteous system of "Christendom" or any organi-
testimony of Jehovah before the rulers and before the peo- zation of so-called "Christianity", because the same forms
ple, particularly of "Christendom". The rivers and ponds a part of Satan’s organization, and there is no reason for
and other waters pictured the peoples of the world, but the people to give support to that hypocritical and oppres-
particularly of "Christendom". According to the Hebrew sive system that blinds them, misleads them, and turns
text frogs are "marsh leapers" and inhabit shallow waters them away from God. Further, in this hour of perplexity
or marshes. They give the appearance of great wisdom and Jehovah God bids the people to abandon and for ever for-
importance and make a loud and discordant noise, and these sake "Christendom" and all of her misleading systems and
particularly represent the modern agitators amongst the organizations, because all of these are of the Devil’s or-
commonpeople who suggest divers and numerous remedies ganization.’--See Light, Book One, page 163.
for the salvation of the world; for example, the socialists, At the time of the delivery of that message (two years
communists, Christian Scientists, and the various elements before the world depression began in 1929) commerce was
of organized religion. According to the Bible frogs are un- at its zenith in operating fraudulent and oppressive schemes
clean; and their coming out of the waters of Egypt, that to get rich, and which schemes were oppressive to the peo-
is, the world, shows that whatever they represent today is ple. About the time of the delivery of that message menand
from Satan’s organization, because Egypt was a part of womenthrough the public press and by other means began
Satan’s visible organization. Frogs are mentioned in the a great croaking noise in the way of palaver and talk and
Bible only in connection with the plagues upon Egypt, and agitation, and wind-pufflng, assuming great wisdom and
nowhere else aside from Revelation 16:13, which reads: makingmuchnoise about the ability of their various systems
"And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the to bring about the desire of the people, the falsity of which
mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and talk and agitation the message of Jehovah’s witnesses "To
out of the mouth of the false prophet." the Peoples of Christendom" exposed as being from Satan.
It was the exercise of divine power and authority that Amongst~these croakers were included the religious clergy
caused the frogs to come up and to be EXPOSED and to harass and their newspapers, as well as the secular press. All of
the Egyptians. Antitypically, it is the authoritative exer- these things were the expression of human or man-made
cise by Jehovah’s servants (including those on earth) wisdom and were all opposed to God’s kingdom under
the power and commission from Him in delivering the Christ, The Theocratic Government. Included also amongst
message of notice and warning to the enemy organization these croakers is the class of consecrated persons who, be-
and which exposes the many so-called "remedies" for the cause of unfaithfully turning against the Lord’s organiza-
human race. According to the physical facts of modern tion, became "that evil servant" foretold by Christ Jesus
times it appears that the second plague, that of frogs, as at Matthew 24: 48-51. Such "evil servant" class join with
antitypically fulfilled had its beginning upon Satan’s or- the public press and the clergy and other agitators to speak
ganization from the year 1927 and onward and corresponds against Jehovah’s witnesses and against the message of
to the sixth vial of God’s wrath, at the pouring out of which truth delivered by these. Many who thought they were
there appeared the "three unclean spirits like frogs" (Rev. amongst God’s people were misled by these croakings and
16: 12-16), also to the sixth trumpet and its effects as de- became offended at Jehovah and Christ and fell away, 9oin-
scribed at Revelation 9:13-21. The facts which relate to ing Satan’s organization openly. Some of these offended
the antitypical fulfillment of this plague are these: ones said in substance: "Had the radio speech at Toronto
been tempered with moderation the National Broadcasting
The Lord Jehovah caused his people to assemble in gen-
Companywould have permitted the continued use of its
eral convention at Toronto, Canada, in July, 1927. The
radio facilities to the WatchtowerSociety."
Lord had so arranged conditions that the broadcasting com-
bine was put in a position that its radio facilities must be None of such frog-croaking, of course, came from Jeho-
used to the glory of the Lord on that occasion. Before a vah’s witnesses, but came from those that opposed the King-
visible audience of 15,000 people, and within the hearing of dom; and the fact that Jehovah’s witnesses called attention
an unseen audience of millions, an address entitled "Free- to and exposed these croakings as being from the Devil, and
dom for the Peoples" was delivered at this Toronto assem- cited the Scriptures in support of that fact and showed
bly, and the resolution entitled "To the Peoples of Chris- that none of such schemes were from God, made the croak-
tendom" was read, and the visible and invisible audience ers very angry.--See Jeremiah 23 : 16-21, 31, 32.
by vote adopted the resolution. Fifty-three radio stations The message above mentioned exposing the frog-croaking
were linked together in the greatest radio network up to was distributed to the official element of Satan’s visible or-
that time, extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast, ganization pictured by Egypt as well as to the people.

Satan induced his wiseacres to try to offset it by bringing The dying of the frogs does not mean that Jehovah’s
forth some "frogs" of their own, just as Pharaoh of old had witnesses as the exposers of the "frogs" stopped proclaim-
his magicians do. "And the magicians did so with their ing the message of truth, because Jehovah commandsthem
enchantments, and brought up frogs upon the land of to continue their work; but it does seem to say that the
Egypt." (Ex. 8 ¯ 7) These latter frog-messages did not pro- reasonable people on earth begin to see that these croakers
ceed from the croakers amongst the commonpeople, but, have no real means of bringing blessings of life to the peo-
as Revelation 16:13 declares, they "come out of the mouth ple, and such persons of good-will cease giving heed to
of the dragon, and . . . the beast, and . . . the false proph- them. By the croaking of these antitypical "frogs" the
et", the official element of the Devil and his organization. official part of Satan’s organization was greatly disturbed,
This latter scripture gives the clue to the meaning of the and hence, fearing that the same might interfere with their
frogs of the second plague upon Egypt: "for they are the schemes, they, like Pharaoh, lied in order to have themselves
spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto released from these frog annoyances and continued to op-
the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather press Jehovah’s people. (Ex. 8 : 8) The frogs of Egypt did
them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty." not all die, but only those that were on the dry land and
(Rev. 16.14) In the above text in Revelation and in con- in the houses of Pharaoh and his official family. All the
nection with the Egyptian plagues are the only places in other frogs remained in the rivers. (Ex. 8: 11) Correspond-
the Bible where frogs are mentioned, and both references ingly, in 1928 the Watchtower Society published a new
show they represent the beastly and fraudulent claims made book Government, and that message of God’s kingdom spe-
by Satan and his organization which the Lord by his power cially pointed out that all attempts of government by agi-
has exposed.--See Light, Book Two, pages 42-51. tation and agitators, such as hereinbefore described, must
The plague of frogs does not in any manner refer to fail or die because only God’s kingdom under Christ can
Jehovah’s witnesses as being suchlike, nor to the message bring what is the desire of the people. (See Government,
delivered by them, but that plague does show what resulted pages 242-247.) That message was put in the hands of prac-
by reason of the delivery of the divinely given message, be- tically all the official visible part of Satan’s organization
cause the message resulted in exposing these various croak- in "Christendom". Satan and his official crowd probably
ings or false claims. have taken some satisfaction in believing that they will not
The record, at Exodus 8:8-15, reads: "Then Pharaoh be overthrown by such agitators, but that their ownschemes,
called for Moses and Aaron, and said, Entreat the Lord, namely, the false, unclean messages that come from the
that he may take away the frogs from me, and from my mouth of the Devil, his beast, and his false prophet, be-
people ; and I will let the people go, that they maydo sacri- speak the remedy for the controlling of humankind.
fice unto the Lord. And Moses said unto Pharaoh .... Be The message contained in the book Government further
it according to thy word : that thou mayest knowthat there exposes the many false systems and attempt of government
is none like unto the Lord [Jehovah] our God. And the by imperfect humancreatures and points out that the only
frogs shall depart from thee, and from thy houses, and from possible means for the blessing of the people of good-will
thy servants, and from thy people ; they shall remain in the
is through The Theocracy, God’s kingdom under Christ.
river only .... And the Lord did according to the word of
Moses; and the frogs died out of the houses, out of the vil- The message of truth therefore angers Satan’s organization,
lages, and out of the fields. Andthey gathered them together the antitypical Egypt, the members of which harden their
upon heaps: and the land stank. But when Pharaoh saw that hearts, like Pharaoh. Hence further testimony of notice and
there was respite, he hardened his heart, and hearkened not warning must continue, which will plague Satan’s orgam-
unto them; as the Lord had said." zation, and which will be to the honor of Jehovah’s name.


HE FIRST ONEto be resurrected from death, and
T who is therefore "the firstborn from the dead", said:
’~Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first
Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits
them that slept."--I Cor. 15 : 20.
"Christ" means the "Anointed" of God. "The Christ"

resurrection; on such the second death hath no power, but is composed of Jesus, "The Head," and the anointed mem-
they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign bers of "his body", which are the church. (See Colossians
with him a thousand years."--Revelation 20:6. 1 : 18, 24 ; Ephesians 1 : 22, 23.) The Scriptures prove that
The use of the word the emphatically in connection with Christ Jesus is the beginning of the resurrection, that his
the resurrection means the chief resurrection or that resur- resurrection precedes all others and is first in importance
rection which is of greatest importance. The phrase "the as well as in point of time. It is manifest therefore that all
first resurrection" means that it is first in importance and who have a part in "the first resurrection" must be in Christ
also first in time. The inference to be drawn from this, of and therefore be a part of "The Christ". To be "in Christ"
course, is that there is a resurrection subsequent to and to meansthat one must be begotten to spiritual life and anoint-
somedegree less in importance than the first. ed by the spirit of Jehovah, and thereby adopted into the
When Jesus was on earth as a man no one had been "body of Christ".
resurrected. He stated that at that time no one had ascended The Scriptures are explicit as to the conditions that
into heaven. (John 3 : 13) Later the apostle Paul, as God’s must b’e met and performed by all who will ever participate
witness, gave testimony to the same effect: "But now ~" in the first resurrection. To merely profess to be a Christian
M~c~ 1, 1941 NieWATCHTOWER.
will not suffice. One must make a full consecration of him- thereof; but this condition must continue unto the end of
self to Jehovah God. That consecration must be accepted, his earthly journey if he wouldparticipate in the first resur-
followed by one’s justification by Jehovah. The one justified rection. The whole or complete devotion to the Lord cannot
must be accepted by Jehovah as a sacrifice through God’s begin after one reaches the heavenly realm; there must be
great High Priest, Christ Jesus, and then be begotten to a complete devotion to God while the Christian is on the
spiritual life, and called to the heavenly calling, and from earth. Only these are granted the prize of immortality.
that time on enter upon his trial or test. He must be "bap- Since "The Christ" means "The Anointed", and is com-
tized into his [Christ’s] death" by the sacrifice of his right posed of the Head Christ Jesus and the many members of
to live everlastingly on earth as a human creature, which "his body", it follows that the first resurrection, which had
right to life resulted to him by reason of his being justified. its beginning when God raised up Jesus out of death, will
He must become"dead with him" in order to live with Christ be completed only when every member of the ’~body of
Jesus in the spirit. Onlythose whoare baptized into Christ’s Christ" has been raised to glory and immortality. And the
death can possibly partake of the first resurrection.--Rom. completion of the resurrection of the Christ must precede
6 : 3-8 ; Luke12 : 50 ; Matt. 20 : 22, 23. the general resurrection. The Scriptures appear to indi-
From Jehovah’s side of the covenant of consecration, the cate that God through Christ Jesus will exercise his power
Christian is counted dead as a man from the time he is be- and raise to life on earth those faithful ancient witnesses
gotten of God’s holy spirit. The one thus begotten must mentioned by the apostle Paul in Hebrews the eleventh
finish his contract or covenant in actual death and there be chapter before the completion of The Christ by taking the
actually baptized into the death of Christ Jesus. Such is last memberof the body of Christ from earth to hcaven.
the testimony of the apostle: "Knowye not, that so many At Pentecost, fifty days after the resurrection of Jesus,
of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into the selection and begetting of the ’~Dodyof Christ" began.
his death? Therefore we are buried with him by baptism Thereafter as each Christian finished his earthly course,
into death ; that like as Christ was raised up from the dead full in the faith, he went into the grave to await the Lord’s
by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in time for the resurrection. Concerning this the apostle Paul
newness of life. For if we have been plaated together in the said shortly before his own death: "Henceforth there is
likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the
resurrection."--Rom. 6 : 3-5. righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me
At the time of his consecration the Christian enters into only, but unto all them also that love his appearing."
a covenant with Jehovah. This is called a "covenant by sacri- (2 Timothy 4: 8) "That day," as used here, must mean the
fice" and must be fully performed. The importance of the time when the Lord resurrects those saints who have been
performance of that covenant is stressed by the apostle asleep in Christ Jesus, waiting for his appearing.
when he wrote : "Yea, doubtless, and I count all things but At the time Paul wrote his second letter to Timothy,
loss, for the excellency of the knowledgeof Christ Jesus my quoted above, his work was done. He was satisfied that he
Lord: for whomI have suffered the loss of all things, and had been faithful. He had the testimony of the Lord that he
do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, and be had been true and had performed his covenant. He was
found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is ready to depart. His great desire, as he expressed it, had
of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, been, and was at that time, that he might participate in the
the righteousness which is of God by faith: that I may resurrection of Christ. Nowhe knew that he must die and
knowhim, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellow- wait in death until "that day" when the Lord would call
ship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his him forth from the state of death and give him a crown of
death ; if by any meansI might attain unto the resurrection righteousness. That crown would be hfe in the highest con-
of the dead."--Phil. 3: 8-11. dition. Then he would be victorious. Then he would "put
The apostle was determined that nothing should stand on immortality". (1 Cor. 15: 53,54) He would then gain
m the way of his full performance of his part of the cove- the victory over death and the grave, because no more should
nant in order that he might partake of the resurrection of death have power over him. Then, as he nad written to the
the dead. To this end he put everything else in the back- Corinthians, Paul could say: "0 death, where is thy sting ?
ground and pressed forward that he might attain unto the 0 grave, where is thy victory ?"
prize. He was not willing to take any chance by being active The Lord had illuminated the apostle’s mind and had
in God’s service for a time and then to rest upon what he made it clear to him at that time that he would triumph
had done, but he realized that he must continue faithful over death and the grave; and that that time would come
even unto death. There is a temptation to becomeweary in in the future, when not only would the apostle triumph
the service of the Lord, and for one to think that he has but all others of the Christian saints whowere sleeping in
done enough; but such a one should remember that the death would likewise be awakened and given the crown of
Christian reaps in due time provided he does not relax in life; that is to say, all those saints who’qove his appear-
the performance of his covenant. (Gal. 6:9) The faithful- ing". The apostle does not say that all who would be ex-
ness of the "new creature" must continue even unto death pecting the second coming of the Lord or all who would
if he would receive the "crown of life", which means to desire to see him come would receive the crown of life by
participate in the first resurrection.--Rev. 2:10. participating in the first resurrection, but those who"love
"Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resur- his appearing"; that is to say, those whowould rejoice in
rection." (Rev. 20: 6) That means that such a one is wholly the fact that the King has come and has taken unto him-
devoted to the Lord, and that his condition is happy because self Mspower and begun his reign as earth’s rightful Ruler.

It follows then that aH such as love the outward manifesta- recorded whereby the followers of Christ on earth could
tion of the Lord’s invisible presence wouldprove their love locate the time when he would begin action against the
by keeping his commandments. Devil, and the fulfillment of this prophecy in world events
Christ Jesus could not consistently take power and be- shows that it took place in A.D. 1914. It is written, at Reve-
gin his reign until the expiration of the "times of the Gen- lation 11: 18, that "the nations were angry" when he took
tiles", or "times of the nations", and the "times of the Gen- his power to reign. The Gentile Times ended in 1914, and
tries" did not expire until A.D. 1914, that being 2,520 years the nations were then angry, in the first World War, and
after the first destruction of Jerusalem in 606 B.C.--Luke it was the Lord’s due time to take possession and oust Satan.
21 : 24; Ezek. 21 : 24-27; Dan. 4 : 16, 23, 25, 32. Seeing, then, that the Scriptures conclusively prove that
WhenJesus was on earth Satan was "the god of this the Lord Jesus Christ did not take his great power and be-
world". Satan also had access to heaven, because he was the gin his reign till 1914, it follows that the resurrection of
invisible ruler of the earth as well as the heavens relating the faithful Christian saints that slept in death did not take
to the earth, and must continue in this position until God’s place prior to 1914.
due time for Jesus to assume power and act. God does every- Referring again to Revelation 20: 6: It is there stated
thing in due time. His statement, at Ezekiel 21 : 24-27, was that these blessed ones whoparticipate in the first resur-
that the Gentile Times should continue until he "whose rection are made priests unto God and unto Christ Jesus
right it is" to rule should come. The Gentile Times began They could not become an active part of the great Mel-
with the overturning of Jehovah’s typical theocracy in chizedek priesthood prior to 1914, for the proof shows that
606 B.C., and must continue for 2,520 years (or "seven Christ Jesus, as the Head of that great priesthood, began
times") and therefore end in A.D. 1914 ; and until that time his action against Satan after the Gentile Times ended, to
Jesus must wait at the right hand of Jehovah God. Upon wit, in 1914. Reasonably, the sleeping saints would not be
this point the Scriptures are explicit: "But this man, after awakened to life in the spirit in heaven and thereby be
he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat downon resurrected to the office of priesthood prior to the time that
the right hand of God ; from henceforth expecting [waiting] the Lord would begin the exercise of his priestly office
till his enemies be made his footstool."--Heb. 10:12, 13. against the enemy.
During a part of that period of "waiting" the Lord was Note Revelation 20:6 says: "They shall be priests of
doing a preparatory work. Until the end of the Gentile Times God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand
Satan was in possession by God’s permission. Whenthat years." It is manifest that the reign of Christ Jesus did
time expired it was due time for Jehovah to become active not begin prior to 1914. Reasonably the saints would not
against him and for Jehovah, through Christ Jesus, to take be resurrected to the position of kingship prior to the time
possession and oust the Devil from heaven and restrain him that the Lord Jesus became active against the enemy, as
to the earth. The clear statement of the prophecy is that foreshadowed by the prophecy which began to have its ful-
God would make the enemy his footstool, and since the fillment in 1914.
prophet declares that the earth is the footstool of Jehovah, In the Scriptures "Zion" means God’s organization, and
we must conclude that God would east Satan out of heaven is pictured or symbolized as a pure woman,God’s "woman".
into the earth. The prophecy then says that when God’s due Zion, or God’s organization, brings forth or gives birth to
time had arrived he sent forth his beloved Son to do the God’s capital organization, the Kingdom, of which "the
work of ousting the enemy, saying to him, "Rule thou in the man Christ Jesus" is God’s anointed King and Head. Hence
midst of thine enemies."--Ps. 110:2. the Kingdomis pictured or symbolized as a "man child".
In what capacity did Christ Jesus go forth to do this Zion also gives birth to the other members of God’s royal
work? In the capacity of the great Priest or Executive house or family, to wit, the membersof the "body of Christ".
Officer of Jehovah God, which Priest was foreshadowed by Thus "Jerusalem", or Zion, "which is above," is spoken of
King Melehizedek, "priest of the Most High God." (Gen. as the "mother" of all the Kingdomclass, God’s royal family
14: 18-20; Heb. 7: 1-3) It was Goddoing the ousting, exer- or capital organization. (See Galatians 4: 26.) Does it neces-
cising his power against Satan by and through h~ beloved sarily follow that the sleeping saints would be resurrected
One, his great Priest. Since all things are from Jehovah simultaneously with the time when the Lord Jesus took his
and by the Lord Jesus Christ, his Executive Officer, it is power and began to reign ? Not necessarily. The weight of
proper to say that it was God’s fight against the Devil and Scriptural evidence shows that he first took his power, and
by and through Christ Jesus. This is supported by the that thereafter the resurrection of the sleeping saints fol-
statement of Revelation 11 : 17-19 : ’%Vegive thee thanks, 0 lowed unseen to humaneyes because "it is raised a spirit-
Lord God, the .Almighty, who art and who wast; because ual body". (1 Cor. 15: 44) The words of Jehovah, through
thou hast taken thy great power, and didst reign. And the his prophet (Isaiah 66:7,8), are: ’’Before she [Zion]
nations were wroth, and thy wrath came, and the time of travailed, she brought forth ; before her pain came, she was
the dead to be judged, and the time to give their reward delivered of a man child [the Kingdom, in which Christ
to thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and to them Jesus is King of kings]. Whohath heard such a thing ? who
that fear thy name, the small and the great; and to destroy hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring
them that destroy the earth. And there was opened the forth in one day ? or shall a nation be born at once ? for as
temple of Godthat is in he~aven; and there was seen in his soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children [the
temple the ark of his covenant [symbol of the Lord’s pres- others besides the King of kings]."
ence]."--Am. Rev. Vet. The womanreferred to here is Zion, God’s organization.
It pleased God to cause a prophetic statement to be The man child mentioned is the nation or government which
shall rule the world in righteousness. That "nation" or right- scription of the birth of the Kingdom,and not of the mem-
eous government rests upon the shoulder of Christ Jesus. bers of the body of Christ. Its being "caught up unto God
Isamh 9 : 6 says : "The government shall be upon his shoul- and to his throne" would suggest that the authomty pro-
der." In A.D. 33, when Jesus was resurrected from the dead, ceeds from the throne of Jehovah God, because ~t is time
all power in heaven and earth was vested in him. (Matt. for Jehovah to act, as indicated in Revelation 11 : 17, above
28 : 18) The birth of "the nation" or Kingdomwould there- quoted.
fore mean that when God’s time would arrive for Christ Then the account at Revelation 12 proceeds : "And there
to function as King that would mark the birth of The Na- was war in heaven: Michael [this title applying to Chrmt
tion. It is evident that a distinction must be made between Jesus in heaven] and his angels fought against the dragon
the Government, represented by "the man child", and the [the Devil] ; and the dragon fought and his angels" (Verse
individual membersof the "body of Christ". 7) In this fight between Christ Jesus on one side and the
It wou]d not necessarily follow that the sleeping saints Devil on the other, Satan was cast out into the earth. The
should be resurrected when the government is born, for the statement is that the angels fought with Michael. Whowere
reason that the governing power rests upon Christ Jesus, the angels thus engaged? Are those angels "children" of
and he could reig~a regardless of whether any members of Zion and membersof the body of Christ ? No, for the reason
his body were with him. It is a privilege for any of the that the children were brought forth after the angels par-
body membersto reign with the Head, but it is not a neces- ticipated in the fight. The battle took place, and then Zion
sity. Isaiah 66:7, 8, above quoted, indicates the following gave birth to the children. "Angel" means "messenger"
order of events, to wit : The birth of the "manchild", which Now,if the sleeping saints had at the time been resurrected,
~s the Governmentresting on the shoulder of Christ Jesus; they would certainly be a part of The Christ, and not des-
then, following such birth, the period of pain or travail; ignated as "angels" of Christ.
and then the birth of the "children" of Zion. This is directly At the time Jesus on earth was unlawfully arrested by
opposite to natural birth of humans, because in the natural the agents of Satan, the religious clergy as Satan’s agents
birth the pare precedes the birth. Therefore the prophet were then Satan’s visible angels on earth. Peter wanted to
asks: "Who hath heard such a thing? Shall a nation be fight them. To him Jesus said: "Thinkest thou that I can-
born at once ?" That is exactly what happened. The birth of not now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me
the "nation" was instantaneous, when Christ Jesus was more than twelve legions of angels?" (Matt. 26: 53) The
sent forth to rule and took power to reign; whereas the word "presently" means now. So Jesus’ words meant thin
birth of the body members of The Christ extends over a ’Peter, if I ask myFather, he will now give me twelve le-
period of time. gions of angels and more, to fight in mybehalf.’ That being
When1914 arrived, and the Gentile Times ended and true even before the death and resurrection of our Lord, it
Jehovah’s time had come to act, he sent forth his beloved is entirely consistent that these same holy angels wouldpar-
Son (Ps. 110: 1, 2) ; and that marked the beginning of The ticipate with him in the great "war in heaven" when the
Nation. The nation was born without pain and before travail time came to fight.
of Zion. After the nation was born Christ Jesus goes forth Christ Jesus warred against the Devil and his demons
to make war against Satan and to oust him from heaven. in heaven, and the holy angels assigned to Christ were with
That was the beginning of the controversy or travail. How him in that fight. When the fight was over, then Zion
long the fight lasted the Scriptures do not indicate, but they brought forth "her children". That would indicate that the
do indicate that the fight had ended and Satan had been awakeningof the sleeping saints in the "first resurrection"
east out of heaven before Zion gave birth to "her children", was sometimeafter 1914, to wit, in the spring of 191S, when
the membersof the "body of Christ", including the sleeping Chrmt Jesus came to the temple for judgment, as Scriptures
saints heretofore discussed together with the physmal facts prove
Concerning the birth of The Nation, or Kingdom, Reve- The birth of the children of Zion, to wit, the resurrectmn of
laUon 12 5 states: "And she brought forth a man child, the sleeping saints, would not take place until after Satan
whowas to rule all nations with a rod of iron : and her child was cast out of heaven and the Lord came to the temple for
was caught up unto God, and to his throne." This is a de- the judgment of the Christians and the natmns.

(Continued from page 66) homeor mpublic. Order several for use of others whomyou hope
dlgmfies Theocracy, pmturing mfull-color illustration the judg- to have study with you. ModelStudy No. 3 will be sent you post-
mentof the natmnsand the ¢hviding of the people on this supreme prod at a contribution of 5c a copy. Companyservants should
msueand their ultimate destiny. Get your copy now, on a con- makeup combinationorders for all in the companywantingcopras.
tnbution of 5c, and study it preparatory to its general distmbu-
tmu shortly as elsewhere announced. USE RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTION BLANK
The blank sent you one month before explratmn of your
"MODEL STUDYNO. 3" Watchtowersubscnptmnshould be filled out and returned to the
Thin new booklet, of 32 pages and boundin a durable cover, Brooklynoffice or to the Branchoffice mthe country whereyou
brings up to date the series of ModelStudybooklets, as it presents reside. Servants mthe companies, and individuals, whensending
the study outline covering the latest recorded speeches by Judge in renewals for The Watchtower,should always use these blanks
Rutherford, to wit, "Rehgmnas a World Remedy," and "The By filling mthese renewal blanks you are assured of the contmua-
End" Thin booklet LS very valuable, even if you do not possess tmn of your Watchtowerfrom the tune of cxplratmn, and with-
the phonographrecordings of the speeches named, and with it out delay. It will also be a great help ff you sign your nameum-
anyoneshould be able to conduct a modelstudy of the Bible mthe formly, and note any recent changeof address, on the rcncwal shp
FROM THE WATCH TOWER’S BRITISH BRANCH us our liberty and declared that those boys were all mad.
"It is a pleasure to be able to report that all is well with They took literature. Wewent out and covered Omaja, leav-
your London family, and with the Lord’s interests here. ing over 75 pieces of literature in the hands of the people,
For some days, and especially nights, the bombing by the and returned home thanking and praising The Theocrat."
Nazis has lessened considerably. In the daytime raiders have THE PHONOGRAPH IN EL TIGRE, VENEZUELA
been driven back from London, and at night raiders have
"Today witnessing in the above village with the recorded
been traveling north. Great damage has been done in some
of the provincial cities. First they send a wave of light lecture ’Enfrentense a Los Hechos’ (’Face the Facts’),
bombers with incendiaries, try to get fires going, to guide had a very large group, all of fifty; then this number in-
the following waves, traveling by various routes, and hop- creased rapidly to a crowd. All seemed to enjoy themselves
ing to focus their heavy explosive attacks by the flares. Till with facts stated. I asked the listeners if they believed in
the resurrection of the dead. Somehesitated to answer; but
some means of meeting this murderous, destructive work is
then I said to them, To live without the hope of a resurrec-
met there seems to be nothing for it but to bear up against
tion is not Christian, because the hope of every Christian
the havoc and suffering. But the people are bearing up in
is to live again, whether in the spirit or in the flesh. I asked
a wonderful manner, and there is not the least sign of panic,
them to listen to the record ’Resurrection’. At the same time
but, on the other hand, there is a clear stiffening of deter-
mination to try to put an end to the awful thing which is the Devil seemed to operate his influence and the power of
abroad in the earth. Our immediate neighborhood, which the demons on a young man present (he seemed to be in-
got so much evil attention recently, has been almost free toxicated in every sense of the word). He said to me, ’Are
from further damage. Another thing, wonderful in its way, you a Protestant?’ He resorted to abuse. At the very time
is the pertinacity of Jehovah’s witnesses in continuing their he interrupted the crowd was willing to clout him. He was
taken away. So I continued ’Resurrection’. Then I asked
work of witnessing, and in trying to comfort the people by
the crowd if they really understand what is or was ’Prot-
the knowledge of the truth. They are surely a people with
a purpose, set in that by the grace of God, whopurposed at estantism’. They hesitated to answer. So I told them it was
tins time to have a people for his name. The weather has really RomanCatholics, against the false doctrines of the
been milder than might have been expected, except for cold very RomanCatholic religion, who opposed such false teach-
winds, and this has been favorable to the people, who, in ing and withdrew themselves from that religion and started
another way of worship which they believed was true ac-
their thousands, nightly carry some extra clothes for their
nights in the Tubes and shelters, and who in the early cording to their conscience or belief. I told them neither
mormngmust go out to their homes, sometimes to discover Protestants nor Catholics were worthy of anything if they
they are wrecked, wholly or in part, and uninhabitable. ignored the truth of the prophecies. They were pleased to
The branch servant will be keeping you informed of the hear that there is a chance of living again. I explained how
growing difficulties in importing. The mails have come one’s life depends upon obedience to Jehovah and Christ
through very well on the whole, though the non-arrival of Jesus our Salvador. I promised to be with them tomorrow
The Watchtower of November 15 and December 1 issues night to give further explanation of this Christian hope."
seems to indicate a loss at sea. The constant refreshment of AT STATEN ISLAND (NEW YORK CITY) WATERFRONT
the reading is a great ’miss’, for every issue has its portion. "Saturday evening, while distributing magazines at a
One feels the need of the prayer, ’Give us this day our daily
ferry terminal, I approached a gentleman with The Watch-
bread’; and no doubt t~e Lord is causing his people to re- tower. After a ten-minute discussion he said. ’I beheve in
memberthe need to pray for His gifts." being honest. I’m not interested in The Watct~tower, or
CO~LMUNIST RAISES CATHOLIC MOB (ORIENTE, CUBA) what you believe, but if Judge Rutherford in this move-
"’We were arrested and charged as thieves. This was ment can get young people to do this work on a Saturday
night instead of going out and having a good nine, then
caused by a Communistwho was looking for a chance to re-
here his father of somecash and other goods. It so happened there must be something in it.’"
that we worked that district about the same time his fever IDON’T YOU TALK: LET THE PHONOGRAPHI’
was on, therefore he seized the opportunity, cleared his "Stating that the Bible is not a religious book almost
father of $60 and some other things, then went right away always brings forth a ’What’s that ? The Bible, you say, 1s
and reported at Omaja that this robbery was done by two not a religious book?’ This helps to open the way to play
men, Jamaicans, selling books with a phonograph. So they a lecture series: you are an obstruction with many, and the
were out looking for us. We were attacked by a mob of phonograph certainly helps them. I just played ’Govern-
twenty men and boys with sticks, machete and revolver, who ment and Peace’ for a lady in her apartment. She was just
compelled us to return and delivered us to the corporal of not in favor of Judge Rutherford, but I finally persuaded
the rural guard as ’two great thieves’. You could see the her to hear it, and whenfinished she remarked, ’Welll well,
Devil coming out of their eyes, but Jehovah protected us I never knew there was such an inspiration for me in
from being hurt. I asked one of them what was their reli- Rutherford !’ I immediately asked her a time to play ’Reh-
gion. Then came the loud shout, ’We are Catholics cien pot gion’. Said she : ’By all means! Comeat six o’clock l~riday.’
ciento [one hundred percent] !’ That night we had to go An old gentleman to whomI played all the recordings said :
ten kilometers with the corporal, who was very nice to us. ’Don’t you talk, you just play that phonograph, and I vouch
He took our bags on his horse and prepared meals when he that everyone whohears those two lectures will have it set-
got to Omaja. The sergeant was also a very nice man. They tled in them ever after, that Rutherford’s O.K., and that he
gave us beds, and in the morning we saw the judge, who gave is for them 100 percent.’"

r shaU
thatI amJehovah:’
-ZzekM35 15.

MARCH15, 1941

VICTORY SoNG (Part 2) $3




"THEOCRACY" ......... $2

.~[EMORIAL ..... b2

"MODEL STUDY NO 3" ...... 95

"GoD AND THE STATE" . .. 95

"WATCHTOWER" STUDIES ........... ,Q’~

Pm3ms~mS~.,*I,~OXrm.y Br ITS MISSION
i 17 Adams Street
Brooklyn,N.Y., U. S. A.
T HIS Journal ts published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
In the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically de-
OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good will.
J. F. RUTHERFORD, _Pre~ent ~V. ~E. VAN ~MBURGH, ~i’ecr~ar~] It arranges systematic Bible study for Its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shall be ~u~ht of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid In such studies. It publishes suit-
able material for radio broadcasting and for other meansof public
~reat shall be +_he peace of thy children." -Isaiah 54:r3. Instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCaRIPTURES CLEARLYTEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for Its utterances.
THATJEHOVAH is the only true God, Is from everlasting to It ls entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life or other worldly organizations. It Is wholly and without reserva-
to his creatures ; that the Logos was the beginning of hts creation, tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
King. It Is not dogmatic, but Invites careful and critical examina-
and his active agent In the creation of all things; that the Loges tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not In-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power In
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah. dulge in controversy, and Its columns are not open to personalities.
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully dis- yV.ART.~" SUBSCRIPTION PRICE
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of UNITED STATES, $1.00; CANADAAND ]%IISCELLANEOUS F0nEIGN, $1 50:
Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the right GREAT BRITAIN, AUSTRALASIA, ANDSOUTH AFRICA, 6S. American rein*t-
rances should be made by Postal or Express Money Order or by Bank
to life. Draft. Canadian. British. South African and Australasian remittances
should be made direct to the respective branch offices. Remittances from
THATJESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countries other than those mentioned may be made to the Brooklyn ofl~ce,
death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for but by Intcr.4t~.uJ Postal Money Order only.
obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every name FOaEIG~ OF~CES
and clothed him with all power and authority. B~Hsh....................................... 34 Craven Terrace, London, W.2, England
THATJEHOVAH’SORGANIZATION is a Theocracy called Zion, Canadian............................ 40 Irwtn Avenue. Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada
and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the right- Australas(an.................... 7 Beresford Road. Strathfield, N. S. %V., Australia
South A[rican ............................ Boston House, Cape Town, South Africa
ful King of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of Please address the Society In every ea~a
Chmst Jesus are children of Zion, membersof Jehovah’s organiza-
tion, and are his witnesses whoseduty and privilege it is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind
as expressed in the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom (Translations o] this journal appear in #everal languages.)
before all who will hear.
THATTHE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted All sincere students of the Bible who by reason of Infirmity,poverty or
adversity are unable to pay the subscription price may have The It’atch-
Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the establishment of tOWer free upon written applleatmn to the J~_ubltshers, made once each
God’s kingdom on earth. year, stating the reason for so requesting lt. We are glad to thus aid the
needy, but the written appheatlon once each year is reqmred by the
postal regulations.
THATTHE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, which Notice to Bubserlbers: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the destruction scriptionwill be sent only when requested.Change of address, when
requested,may be expectedto appear on addresslabel within one month
of Satan’s organization and the establishment of righteousness in A renewal blank (carryingnotice of expiration)will be sent with the
the earth, and that under the kingdomthe people of good will that Journalone monthbefore the subscriptionexp*res.
survive Armageddonshall carry out the divine mandate to "fill
the earth" with a righteous race. Entered oz second-class matter at ths post o~ce at Brooklyn, N. Y.,
under the ACt O] March 3, 1879.

"THE SIGN" TESTIMONYPERIOD digmfies Theocracy, picturing m full-color fllustratmn the judg-
Thin Testmaony Permd, covering the month of April, will be ment of the natmns and the dividing of the people on this supreme
world-wide, and brings to a chmax the three-month campaign with msue and their ultimate destroy. Get your copy now, on a con-
The Watchtower. Those looking for the early appearance of "the tmbutlon of 5c, and study it preparatory to its general dmtnbu-
sign" for Armageddonto begin will not slack the hand in this final tion shortly as elsewhere announced.
month of the campmgn,but rather intensify their efforts, and
unquestionably more Theocrahc publishers wall enter the field. MEMORIAL
Never have such had a finer offer to make to humankind m danger The Scripturally asmgned date for the memormlcelebrahon
of Armageddon,to wat, a year’s subscraphon for The Watchtower, to both Jehovah’s name and the sacrifice of Hmprowded Lamb,
together with the book Rehgwn and the two new booklets Theoc- Christ Jesus, m Friday, April 11, 1941, after sLx p.m. Each Chris-
racy and God and the State, all on a contribution of $1.00. Begin tian companyshould therefore assemble after stx p.m. of April 11,
planning and preparing now for your part in this special Testi- and the anointed ones celebrate the Memorial, and thmr compan-
mony Period. Write us if you need references to the local com- ions, the Jonadabs, be present as observers. If there is no compe-
pany organized for this serwce. Your report of work at the close tent person present to deliver a brief discourse 3ust before the
of this Period will be apprecmted. partaking of the emblems, the short article "Memorml"as pub-
lished in the Watchtower issue of March 15, 1939, should be read
"THEOCRACY" instead. Since the breaking of the bread and the drinking of the
This new booklet by Judge Rutherford, in 64 pages, offers the wine both picture the death of Jesus, it follows that both emblems
clearest and best description yet of the world’s leading issue today, should be served together at partaking, and not separately. The
"The Theocracy." The visible operations of its representatives on emblems should be unleavened bread and real red wine, to follow
earth are plainly set forth, together wxth the vacmus oppositmn the example of Jesus and his apostles, who used real red wine m
which they are encountering world-wide. A specially fine cover
(Continued on page 95)
VOL. LXII M~CH15, 1941 No. 6


"’The Lord hath sworn in truth unto David, he will not turn from it; Of the fruit of thy bod~ will I set
upon thy throne."--Ps. 132:11.
EHOVAH’SWord makes it impossible for the and thus they maintained their integrity toward
J faithful servant to doubt the establishment and
complete domination of THETHEOCRACY. Not only
Jehovah. Within that period of time, however, many
persons who once declared themselves to be be-
has Jehovah given his unchangeable Word, but he lievers on and servants of Jehovah lost faith, fell
has confirmed his Wordby his oath that he will build away, and became unfaithful to their agreement.
up his capital organization Zion with his beloved The entire nation of Israel solemnly agreed to be
One, Christ Jesus, as the Head thereof, upon the faithful to Jehovah God, and yet that nation fell
throne of the organization, and that his good and away, and the result is the loss of the benefit of
righteous government shall rule the world in right- THE THI~OCl~CY,which can never be regained. In
eousness and that rule shall never end. David, whose modern times nations of the earth have claimed to
name means "Beloved", and who stood as the repre- be "Christian" and claimed to have faith in the king-
sentative of Christ Jesus, had uttered a prayer unto dom of God, and have publicly uttered prayers that
Jehovah, and the words of the psalmist in the text it might come and God’s will be done on earth as in
first above cited is the response of Jehovah to that heaven, and yet all these nations have forgotten
prayer; which words he binds with his oath, thus God, and today there is not one nation on earth of
making doubly sure that he will bring forth his gov- the organized governments that advocates or even
ernment, THE THEOCRACY, to complete victory and believes in THE TH~.OCRACY. On the contrary, THE
glory, the vindication of his holy name. Over a pe- THEOC~CY is opposed by every nation, and those
riod of centuries men who have pledged themselves who are witnesses to the name of Jehovah and Christ
to serve Jehovah God have divided themselves into Jesus are hated in all the nations, and this hatred,
two classes : some have departed from that covenant, as Jesus declared, is because of their faithfulness
while others have been faithful. The failure of some TO THE THZOCRACY.mMatt. 24:9; John 15: 19-21.
men, in turning away from their covenant, has in no ’ The promise and oath of Jehovah was to his be-
wise altered Jehovah’s announced purpose. Having loved One, and that was not an unconditional prom-
purposed it, he will do it. There cannot be the slight- ise so far as the creatures are concerned. Jehovah
est doubt about the result in the mind of one who further added these words : "If thy children will keep
loves Jehovah, and for the comfort and assurance of my covenant, and my testimony that I shall teach
His faithful servants the Lord Jehovah supports his them, their children shall also sit upon thy throne
word by his unbreakable oath. The apostle sums up for evermore." (Ps. 132 : 12) The condition is that the
the matter in these words, at Hebrews 6: 17, 18, children of the beloved One, Christ Jesus, whomthe
which reads : ’Wfherein God, willing more abundantly Lord Jehovah gave to him, must ’~keep my covenant
to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability and mytestimony" ; and, so doing, such faithful ones
of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath; that by two shall be with Christ Jesus, the beloved One, in the
immutable things, in which it was impossible for Kingdom. Every one that has faithfully kept his
God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who
covenant and testimony with Jehovah has suffered
have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set
before us." violence and persecution at the hands of the enemies
From Abel to the last of the holy prophets of of THE TttlgOCRACY. Thus opportunity has been
God there were faithful men on the earth who not offered to each and every one that made the covenant
only believed in Tm~THEOCRACY but staked their all to prove his integrity under adverse conditions and
on it and gladly suffered martyrdom rather than to to thus prove Satan’s challenge to Almighty God a
yield to the adverse influence or power of the enemy, malicious lie.

’ Why have so many creatures failed? There has performed their respective parts in the prophetic
been one chief besetting sin that has caused such drama and together raised the typical song of vic-
failure, and that besetting sin is demonism, other- tory. This they did at God’s appointed time, and the
wise called "religion". It was that close-girdling sin, fulfillment thereof is now in progress. Note then
religion, concerning which the apostle wrote to those what brought about the terrible and deplorable con-
who had made a covenant to be faithful servants and ditions in Israel and why Barak and Deborah were
witnesses of Jehovah, and of which the inspired used by Jehovah to make the prophetic picture and
witness said: ’Let us lay aside every weight and the to sing the prophetic Victory Song: "They chose new
sin which so easily besets us, and let us run with gods; then was war in the gates; was there a shield
patience the race set before us; looking unto Jesus or spear seen among forty thousand in Israel?"--
[the beloved One, to whomJehovah gave the oath- Judg. 5 : 8.
bound promise], the author and finisher of our faith; ’ Prior to the arising of Deborah, the Israelites, as
who for the joy set before him [the joy of being the a nation, were pursuing the course of idolatry. That
King and vindicator of Jehovah’s name] endured the people had fallen under the influence of demons and
cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the the nation had chosen to serve the demon mighty
right hand of the throne of God.’--Heb. 12:1, 2. ones and thus to practice religion, which is demonism.
° God’s people living on the earth today have all The fact that Barak pictured Christ Jesus at the
the wealth of Jehovah’s revealed Word and the temple and that Deborah pictured the capital or-
record of faithful men who have gone before and who ganization of Jehovah shows that the prophetic pic-
proved their integrity toward God, together now with ture began to have its fulfillment with the coming of
an abundance of physical facts which have come to Christ Jesus to the temple for judgment, and is con-
pass in fulfillment of God’s prophecies, to uphold and clusive proof that at that time religion would be still
strengthen them and to fully fortify them against clinging to God’s covenant people on earth and that
all opposition and violence heaped upon them by the they that would prove faithful must be cleansed of
enemies of THE THEOCRACY. Amidst the strife and religion or idolatrous practices. As there were a few
turmoil now upon the world, and with the demons of the Israelites amongst those of the nation who
exercising over men indescribable influence and pow- were faithful and true to their covenant with Al-
er, Jehovah continues to reveal to his faithful serv- mighty God, even so it is to be expected that there
ants the meaning of his prophecies written long ago, would be a few faithful amongst the spiritual Israel-
and which discloses that in the centuries past he had ites, or those who had made a covenant at the time
such faithful servants of today in mind and made of the beginning of the temple judgTnent by Christ
these prophetic pictures for their benefit, comfort Jesus. It follows also that there would be an un-
and hope. The "remnant", and those "other sheep" faithful class made manifest at that judgment.
of the Lord who are companions of the spiritual 8 Note here the facts which did become so very
class, should now be strong of faith and very coura- manifest at the time of the beginning of the temple
geous and should continuously proclaim the name judgment with the appearing of Christ Jesus in 1918.
and the praise of Jehovah and his King and never Up to that time the people of God were indulging in
permit anything to turn them aside from that com- many religious practices of which the following were
plete devotion to THETHEOCRACY. The "great multi- some, to wit: Idolizing individuals, and "character
tude", as well as the "remnant", must be faithful in development", and exalting "character development"
keeping covenant with God and must prove their in- by men as a means by which entrance into the King-
tegrity to the Most High and to his King. The same dom could be had; the exaltation of individual men
degree of faith is required of all who receive the ap- by setting some of them in a prominent place or upon
proval of the Almighty and his King. The Victory a pedestal, figuratively speaking, and giving to them
Song has begun in the fulfillment of prophecy, and unusual honor and praise ; the existence of man-made
that song must continue to swell with increasing vows and ’daily morning resolves’, and the perform-
volume and until all who survive Armageddon shall ance of such ceremonies in the homes and at public
know that THETHEOCRACY is now exercising its au- assemblies; the fixing and forecasting of dates, at-
thority and power and that everlasting peace and tempting to tell what God would perform in the fu-
blessings have come to stay forever. The Victory ture ; consulting a pile of stone, the pyramid of Gizeh,
Song, sung by Barak and Deborah, pictured the for the fixing of dates; standing in awe of political
things that are now being fulfilled in the earth with rulers of the state as being the "higher powers" to
those who are fully devoted to God and his King. which every Christian soul should be subject, and
e Barak, who pictured Christ Jesus, and Deborah, thus making of them gods or mighty ones ; the prac-
who pictured the organization of Jehovah, with tice of designating a fixed number of pages in cer-
Christ Jesus as the appointed and anointed Head, tain books to be read daily, and the wearing of pins
Ma_Rcla15, 1941 fffieWATCHTOWEK 85

or other marks of identification attempting to indi- was clothed with filthy garments, and stood before
cate that such by outward show were followers of the angel."--Zech. 3:3.
Christ Jesus; long faces, long and solemn prayers 11 Even those who had been faithful to their cove-
in affected tones of voice; similarly a like outward nant to the best of their knowledgewere still subject
appearance for the purpose of impressing upon ob- to certain influences and practices to which they held
servers the importance of the one thus performing. and in which they indulged. The judgment at the
These are some of the things that represented the temple begins and the great Judge, Christ Jesus,
spots on the garments or identification of those who readily discerns the real heart condition and the de-
had entered into a covenant to obey Almighty God. gree of faithfulness of each one there, because tie
What is here said is not for ridicule of the con- judges not by outward appearance nor by reason of
secrated of the "Elijah period" of the church, but to the soft words and sanctimonious looks, but his judg-
show how Jehovah foreknew and foretold the in- ment is based upon the heart or motive of each in-
fluence of religion and howit would affect those who dividual who has entered into a covenant with Jeho-
consecrated themselves to do his will and who then vah God. The Lord Jesus judges according to Jeho-
followed the traditions of men. Also the prophecy vah’s rule, because the Father has committed all
foretells the necessity of cleansing the faithful ones judgment to him and he knows the secret "thoughts
that they might be used as servants of the Lord to and intents of the heart".-Heb. 4 : 12, 13 ; 1 Sam.16 : 7.
offer to him an "offering in righteousness". This and 12 At the temple judgment the rejected ones were
other prophetic pictures disclose to the people of God unwilling to divest themselves of their religious gar-
now what a subtle and devouring enemy religion is ments and they continued to wear their filthy gar-
and the great havoc religion has wrought amongst ments of religion, but the faithful and approved ones
men. Another strong and corroborative picture of were anxious to do the will of God and to follow the
the same thing is that recorded in the prophecy of great Judge, Christ Jesus, whithersoever tie would
Zechariah 3: 1-3. As there described, "Joshua the lead. Concerning those whomthe great Judge found
high priest" pictured Christ Jesus, the great High to be faithful servants, he speaks to them by and
Priest, while "Joshua", alone, pictured those who through his faithful angels standing by in these
had made a covenant to do the will of God, whom words, to wit: "And he answered and spake unto
Christ Jesus the great Judge gathered together unto those that stood before him, saying, Take away the
himself at the temple for judgment. Prior to the be- filthy garments [religion-demon influence] from him
ginning of the temple judgment Christ Jesus, "the [the faithful, approved class]." The great Judge
Messenger of the covenant," hence "the angel of Je- said: "Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass
hovah", did a great work of preparing the way be- from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of rai-
fore Jehovah, as stated by the prophecy. (Mal. 3: 1) ment." "And I said, Let them set a fair mitre upon
Then straightway that great Messenger came to the his head. So they set a fair mitre upon his head, and
temple and there began the judgment of the covenant clothed him with garments. And the angel of the Lord
people of Jehovah God. Satan was there to look after stood by."~Zech. 3 : 4, 5.
his religionists, whomhe had subtly entrapped by 1, That was an unconditional approval, and taking
means of deceit and the practice of formalism and them into the Kingdom; but these from that time
other religious ceremonies. The prophet of Jehovah forward were required to walk in the way of the
describes the scene in these words: "And he shewed Lord and to shun religion, that is, other gods; and
me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel concerning this it is written: "And the angel of the
of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to Lord protested unto Joshua, saying, Thus saith the
resist him."--Zech. 3: 1. Lord of hosts, If thou wilt walk in my ways, and if
,o The faithful ones standing there with the Lord
thou wilt keep my charge, then thou shalt also judge
are described as ’brands plucked from the fire’. (Zech. my house, and shalt also keep my courts ; and I will
3:2) What fire? The destructive fire of demonism give thee places to walk amongthese that stand by."
or religion. Someof those who had covenanted to do ~Zech.3 : 6, 7.
God’s will had withstood that destructive influence 1, Henceforth everyone who receives the final ap-
and power even though they were mixed up with and proval of the Lord, and who receives an abundant en-
identified as religionists. Their "garments" are sym- trance into the everlasting kingdom of our God, must
bols of identification, and the soils on their garments shun religion and must be a true and faithful wit-
pictured the religion or demon influence. "Joshua," ness to the name of Jehovah God and his THEOCRATIC
thus distinguished from "Joshua the high priest", ~OV~RNI~ENT.
pictured the prospective members of the Kingdom. 1~ Whenthe Israelites "chose new gods", that is,
Concerning those to be judged at the temple, the when they became idolatrous, "then was war in the
Lord’s Word describes them, to wit: "Now Joshua gates." Thus was foretold what should come to pass

at the time of the temple judgment. In the fulfillment went down to the Philistines, to sharpen every man
of that part of the prophetic drama, which took place his share, and his coulter, and his axe, and his mat-
at the beginning of the temple judgment, the disap- tock. Yet they had a file for the mattocks, and for the
proved ones, that is, those who were not pure of heart coulters, and for the forks, and for the axes, and to
but who held to religion, took their stand over with sharpen the goads. So it came to pass, in the day of
the other religionists, and all of whombecome open battle, that there was neither sword nor spear fotmd
opponents of the faithful servants of Almighty God. in the hand of any of the people that were with Saul
The facts exactly corroborate this, as it is well known and Jonathan; but with Saul, and with Jonathan his
that in 1918, at the beginning of the temple judgment, son, was there found." (1 Sam. 13: 19-22) The Lord
there was no peace amongst those who claimed to be provided the equipment for his faithful people in
in covenant with God, that is, between the faithful times past, and the Lord has provided equipment
and the unfaithful. The religionists of the various for warfare by his faithful people ever since.
denominations, together with the disapproved ones " King Jabin and his forces must have thought it
at the temple judgment, began a warfare and carried very strange that Barak and his little army of ten
on a warfare against the faithful servants of Jeho- thousand would arise against the mighty organiza-
vah up to the point of cruel persecution and im- tion of Jabin; and when Barak led his little army of
prisonment and did all within their power to hinder ten thousand unto Mount Tabor and prepared to
the witnesses in their bearing testimony to the name fight against King Jabin and his Captain Sisera,
of Jehovah God and to his King. From 1918 onward whose army was equipped with nine hundred chariots
there was no unity of action amongst those who pro- of iron and other strong equipment, it would still
fessed to be on the Lord’s side at the beginning of appear to be a very strange action on the part of
the temple judgment, because the religionists con- Barak. The Israelites being almost without arms, it
tinued their warfare against the approved ones ; and was necessary at that time for Jehovah to perform
these religionists the Lord designates as the "evil a "strange act" in using his mighty power to destroy
servant". The "evil servant" class have ever since the enemy and to deliver his covenant people, who
been open opponents of the "faithful servant" class, had remained faithful to him in Israel and had stood
who put forth their best endeavors to advertise Tm~ out against other gods or religionists.
T]~EOCRACY.--Matt. 24 : 45-51. ,8 Likewise in the latter part of the "Elijah pe-
16 Concerning the Israelites the words of the pro-
riod" the covenant people of God had so conformed
phetic song are: %Vasthere a shield or spear seen themselves to religion or religious practices, which
among forty thousand in Israel?" It is estimated the enemy had brought forward, that they were
that there were four million Israelites in the land almost without any equipment to stand against the
at that time, and, that being true, there would have assaults of the enemy. God’s covenant people were
been less than one hundred shields and spears in the then looked upon as just another religious sect that
hands of the Israelites. At any rate, there must have held peculiar ideas. They were recognized as only a
been a very small amount of war equipment at hand. part of other religions. They looked upon tile polit-
That condition was due to the fact that the Devil-wor- ical governors as the "higher powers" and were
shipers, or religionists, the Philistines, had almost otherwise conforming to religious practices ; and yet
completely disarmed the Israelites, and this the amongst them there were some who insisted on obey-
Philistines did that they might feel safe in their ing God rather than men. Then shortly after the be-
position. Likewise the church denominations prior ginning of the temple judgment Christ Jesus as the
to 1918, and up to that time, endeavored to over- great Executive Officer of Jehovah brought his faith-
reach all of the consecrated and induce them to sur- ful approved ones into the temple, equipped them
render their devotion to the Lord’s kingdom and to for warfare, not with carnal weapons, but with an
join with the church denominations in their religious understanding and appreciation of God’s Word, and
practices, even saying to those who insisted on re- sent them forth to engage in Jehovah’s "strange
maining faithful: "If you will come along with us, work", that is to say, in the work of boldly declaring
there will be no persecution of you by the war- the name of the great THEOCRAT and his government.
mongers." Later the Philistines repeated their dis- He armed them in the holy cause of righteousness
armament program against the Israelites when they and afforded the ability to stand against the machina-
regained control over Israel just before Jonathan tions of religious influence. This "strange work"
and David arose in Israel. The record of that dis- amidst organized and fully equipped opponents must
armament set forth in the Scriptures reads: "Now continue and shall continue until Jehovah God, by
there was no smith found throughout all the land of Christ Jesus, begins to carry to complete success his
Israel; (for the Philistines said, Lest the Hebrews "strange act" and to use his equipment to completely
make them swords or spears;) but all the Israelites annihilate the enemy.
15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWE1K 87

1~ The faithful Israelites, under the commandof released and immediately they began to outline and
Barak and Deborah, went forth with joy to their draw up a program of activity in the service, and
task, trusting wholly in Jehovah God and that his this must have been according to the Word and will
power would be exercised in their behalf. Even so the of the Almighty God.
"strange work" of Almighty God has continued to ~’ This Jehovah had foretold through his prophet,
progress under the commandof Christ Jesus and his to wit: "I will appoint the oversight of thee to Pros-
organization, including the faithful servants of Jeho- perity, and the setting of thy tasks to Righteous-
vah now on earth, and these have, with much and in- ness." (Isa. 60 : 17, Rotherham) Sincere, heart devo-
creasing joy, engaged in that "strange work". It has tion or love for Jehovah and his King was the mov-
seemed strange to the enemy, because the faithful ing cause for his servants to engage immediately in
ones have denounced religion as God’s enemy and activity in the service work of proclaiming The THEO-
continued to do so. The faithful have increased in CRATICGOVERNMENT.
their zeal and devotion, and it has been a time of joy- ~’ Acceptable service must be a willing service;
ful song in which they have sung and continue to therefore says the Victory Song prophecy: "My
sing the praises of Almighty God; and today that heart is toward the governors.., that offered them-
song of joy and victory is ever increasing in volmne selves willingly amongthe people." Such is the prop-
because the faithful servants of the Most High know er and therefore exemplary course to be taken by
that soon Jehovah shall vindicate his name and the faithful. In line with this the apostle instructed
that he will bring about their complete deliverance. Timothy, and hence all servants of the organization
"My heart is toward the governors [the lawgivers whomTimothy pictured, in these words : "Let no man
(Young) ] of Israel, that offered themselves willing- despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the
ly amongthe people. Bless ye the Lord."--Judg. 5 : 9. believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in
~o Both Barak and Deborah sung of their heart de-
spirit, in faith, in purity." (1 Tim. 4: 12) The faith-
votion to Jehovah’s righteous cause, thus picturing ful ones must be "doers of the word, and not hearers
the heart devotion of Christ Jesus and those of his only".--Jas. 1 : 22.
organization singing the praises of THETHEOCRACY. ~’ The Israelites who followed the lead of Barak
It is that warm appreciation and genuine love of against their oppressors, the Canaanites, must have
Christ and the capital organization under him that been men of faith and courage to volunteer to go to
causes them to express their burning zeal and heart war against the far superior force which was well
devotion to THETHEOCP~OY, and a heart that ’esteems armed and equipped for war. It took faith to believe
them [their fellow laborers in the vineyard of the
that God would fight their battles for them and give
Lord] very highly in love for their work’s sake’.-- the Israelites the victory over their enemies. Like-
1 Thess. 5:13. wise following the World War, when the call came
~l,,Governors,,, or ’qawgivers", of Jehovah’s or- through Christ Jesus, the Greater Barak, who is
ganization are those who announce or proclaim the the Head of the organization pictured by Deborah,
law and statutes of Jehovah. In the fulfillment of that to go into action, those who willingly offered them-
part of the prophecy those in the organization of the selves and voluntarily entered the service did so be-
Lord upon whomrests the obligation to outline the cause of their faith and love for God and Christ.
work that is being done and who stir up action to They were courageous because they recognized that
accomplish that work which Jehovah has commanded they were backed up by the Almighty God, who had
to be done are prefigured by the word ’qawgivers". exercised his power in their behalf. Those charged
It must be true beyond all doubt that such are guided with the responsibility of the oversight and direct-
and directed by the Lord and that they carry on the ing of the work must promptly take the lead in the
work assigned without, knowing at the time that it active program and with zeal carry forward the work
is in fulfillment of a certain prophecy. The Lord against the entrenched and well-equipped enemy.
causes his faithful servants to do his will and then The faithful servants of God have gone forward and
afterwards reveals to them how every man has had have not been dismayed or discouraged by reason of
to do with the fulfillment of his prophetic utterance. the equipment of the enemy and their activities. The
The song of victory here under consideration was faithful servants of Godtrust him and go forward in
not understood as being a prophecy of victory until the strength of the Lord and in the power of his
very recently, yet, back in 1919, those who were de- might. Their weapons are not guns and swords and
voted to Jehovah went forward in the work assigned, tanks and airplanes, but their weapons consist of
doing with their might what their hands found to do, "the sword of the spirit", the message of Almighty
and it now appears to have been done according to God and his King, which they deliver in the name of
and under the commandand direction of the Lord. Jehovah, and which is "mighty . . . to the pulling
In 1919 certain imprisoned servants of Jehovah were down of strong holds" of the enemy. (Eph. 6:17;

2 Cor. 10 : 4) The faithful believe and appreciate the think themselves to take it easy and pursue a soft way.
promise that Jehovah has given to them, to wit: "No The song further says: "Ye that sit in judgment";
weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; (Rotherham) "ye that sit on carpets"; (Young)
and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judg- ’who wear long robes’; that is to say, those who
ment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of sit in style and would not think of soiling their fine
the servants of the Lord; and their righteousness is garments by squatting on the ground and talking the
of me, saith the Lord."--Isa. 54:17. Kingdom message to others who might hear. Now
~ And what is the continued attitude of all such applying the prophecy to the present day of fulfill-
faithful servants of THE THEOCRACY? The answer ment: The admonition is addressed to those who
follows in these words: "BLESSYE TIlE LORD"is their profess to be in a covenant with God to do his will
song of joy. To bless the Lord Jehovah means to but whoinsist that it is their privilege to take it easy
praise him and serve him with joy. Those who have and let someoneelse do the witness work in the field.
the interests of THETHEOCRACY at heart do bless or These excuse themselves, and they do not ordinar-
praise Jehovah for providing them with the oppor- ily tramp from door to door to publish the Kingdom
tunity to serve him and to prove their integrity to- message. They are too delicate and refined to set
ward him and for stirring up their zeal and courage foot on the ground. Moses gave a description of such
to vigorously attack demonism. All of Jehovah’s wit- in these words: "The tender and delicate woman
nesses do bless or praise Jehovah for providing his among you, which would not adventure to set the
faithful, fearless and progressive Society organiza- sole of her foot upon the ground for delicateness and
tion on earth, by and through which the Lord carries tenderness, her eye shall be evil toward the husband
forward his witness work to the honor of Jehovah’s of her bosom, and toward her son, and toward her
name. They cannot keep back the song of joy. daughter."--Deut. 28 : 56.
2~,,Speak [Meditate (marginal reading)], ye that ~ Such have not the zeal for the Kingdomthat is
ride on white asses, ye that sit in judgment, and walk pleasing to Jehovah. Such look upon those who have
by the way." (Judg. 5: 10) This prophetic admoni- less of the material wealth of this earth and no lux-
tion was appropriate when uttered and has been ap- uries as the ones who should bear the hard part of
propriate at all times since. The word of God should the field work. The faithful, zealous ones are willing
never be passed over lightly, but should be soberly to sit anywhere and on anything, even on boards or
considered. Here is an admonition forcibly addressed on wheel chairs or on slabs of stone or on prison
to all who have made a covenant with the Lord, and benches in the cells while delivering the message of
particularly those who are not performing their TIlE THEOCRACY. The ones who are specifically ad-
duties and privileges. The Scriptures and the phys- monished in this prophecy to meditate are inclined
ical facts which apply thereto should always be con- to "sit in judgment" on those who do not have the
sidered together. One in a covenant with Jehovah outward appearance of being so much favored as
should face the facts and take them to heart as to themselves. The willing ones who form the ten thou-
their significance and then after calm meditation act sand volunteers who followed Barak and who trod
properly, seeking the wisdomthat comes from above. the rocky and roadless slope of Mount Tabor gladly
God put in the mouth of his servant Asaph the sweet took things as they were, having in mind but one
singer the appropriate words: ’~I will remember the thing, and that to do the will of Almighty Godand to
works of the Lord; surely I will remember thy won- follow their leader who pictured Christ Jesus. Others
ders of old. I will meditate also of all thy work, and of Israel’s many thousands took the easy way, to
talk of thy doings. Thy way, O God, is in the sanc- "walk upon the road" (Roth.), and thus stayed out of
tuary; who is so great a God as our God? Thou art the rugged mountain. The prophecy here pictures
the God that doest wonders; thou hast declared thy some today who have made a covenant to do God’s
strength among the people."--Ps. 77: 11-14. will and who then seek the way of least resistance
" Manifestly the admonition to meditate was pri- and least opposition and who desire the way of ease ;
marily addressed to those who had not willingly and they are in contrast with those covenant people
offered themselves as did the governors or leaders of God who joyfully bear the brunt of the hardships.
in Israel. On the contrary, the ones primarily ad- The one class desires the easy way, and they have
dressed were those who in their hearts had said: much reason to meditate upon their present-day op-
"Let others do the hard work, and we will take it portunities and responsibilities and to deny them-
easy." Such are the ones whomthe prophetic song selves ease and personal comfort when such is neces-
describes as "ye that ride on white asses"; that is to sary to engage in the service of TIlE THEOCRACY.
say, the elite classes who think more of themselves They should be willing to follow the lead of the
than they do of their brethren, such as lords and Greater Barak and his ten thousand willing fighters
ladies, who, because of their position amongst others, who in this day of the fulfillment of the prophecy de-
M~’acrr 15, 1941 fftieWATCHTOWEI 89

sire to bear witness to the name of Jehovah God un- and joyfully participate in the Lord’s "strange
der any and all circumstances. What the Lord re- work", bearing the reproaches that fall upon them
quires of those who receive his approval is the zeal for his name’s sake, do serve and do refresh them-
peculiar to the Lord’s house and the zeal that con- selves greatly from the waters of revealed truths that
sumes them in his service, which the Lord Jesus has come from Jehovah’s wells of salvation. Thus it is
always had. (Ps. 69 : 9) The Lord requires unstinted that the prophet of Jehovah God described them:
devotion to THE THEOCRACY. The faithful ones are "Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the
such, who have entered into the joy of the Lord and wells of salvation."--Isa. 12:3.
have a keen appreciation of having a part in the vin- ,o They bear the brunt of the battle, the abuse and
dication of Jehovah’s name. Mark the fact that the ill-treatment of the enemy, but that only increases
prophecy began to have its fulfillment with the tem- their zeal, because to them such is evidence that they
ple judgment by Christ Jesus, and the physical facts are servants of Jehovah according to his will. There-
disclose that from that time onward there have been fore they lift up their voice with joyful sound, relat-
those whoprofess to love Godbut do little or nothing ing many thrilling experiences that are theirs while
in the service, while there are those who profess to in the field service, some of which experiences are
love God and do prove their love by willingly serving from time to time published in The Watchtower.
under all conditions and circumstances. This latter S’According to Rotherham that part of verse
class sing the victory song by faith now with ever- eleven reads: "The righteous acts of his rule over
increasing joy. This should cause the others to med- Israel." As related in the prophecy, Jehovah did per-
itate and to get busy. form his righteous acts in behalf of Barak and Deb-
~9 "They that are delivered from the noise of arch-
orah, whom the Lord commissioned and sent forth
ers in the places of drawing water, there shall they re- to the service and who took the lead in Israel against
hearse the righteous acts of the Lord, even the right- the enemy. Nowin the fulfillment of the prophecy
eous acts toward the inhabitants of his villages in Jehovah performed his righteous acts in behalf of
Israel: then shall the people of the Lord go down to his "woman", that is, his organization, p~ctured by
the gates." (Judg. 5: 11) The King James or Au- Deborah and under Christ Jesus, the Head thereof,
thorized Version of this text interpolates the first the Greater Barak. Jehovah’s faithful witnesses now
four words, namely, "They that are delivered." The by the grace of God examine the prophecy and the
text literally reads: "From the voice of those divid- physical facts, which the Lord has brought to pass in
ing between the water channels." Apparently the fulfillment thereof, and they learn that nowthe great
meaning thereof is, those who divide the spoils of prophecy is in course of fulfillment; and that gives
the enemy. This part of the prophetic song appears to them joy. When these precious truths are made
mean that those who go out to battle against the knownto the faithful witnesses of Jehovah they joy-
enemies of God’s covenant people are the ones who fully carry the message abroad and tell it to all who
should receive the abundant blessings of the Lord have the hearing ear. Such faithful, zealous field
and who therefore refresh themselves at the water- workers, as servants of the great THEOCRACY, are
ing places. As the prophecy says: "There shall they strengthened by Jehovah and they put forth greater
rehearse the righteous acts of the Lord." Such faith- efforts in his service. Each trying experience aids
ful and zealous ones are in a position to appreciate the faithful to meet other difficult tasks, which like-
the manifold blessings of the Lord and to tell about wise brings them increasing joy.
them. They do tell of the Lord’s work of vindicating " "Then shall the people of the Lord go down to
his name against all unrighteousness. They are priv- the gates." (Vs. 11) Barak led the ten thousand, who
ileged to tell others how religion has misrepresented were in Mount Tabor with him, and at the appointed
Jehovah and brought great reproach upon his name. momentthey marched right down in the valley of the
They have many thrilling and blessed experiences river of Kishon to the gates of Sisera’s headquar-
in going about amongthe people and telling them of ters, to the gates of Harosheth of the Gentiles, and
the righteousness of Jehovah and the blessings that there pressed the battle against the enemy. Says the
The THEOCRATIC GOVEllN~IENT will bring. Those who prophecy concerning this : "But Barak pursued after
seek the easy way and who avoid the more rugged the chariots, and after the host, unto Harosheth of
field service, which brings upon them some hard- the Gentiles; and all the host of Sisera fell upon the
ships, have nothing to tell or relate about the Lord’s edge of the sword; and there was not a man left."
"strange world’ and his "strange act". They can only (Judg. 4: 16) Thus the prophecy clearly foretells
relate about their own self-righteousness and "char- that in Jehovah’s due time the Greater Barak and his
acter development". They do not have the joy of the faithful followers shall put the enemy to complete
Lord and do not refresh themselves by his Word, pic- rout. Then, as stated in the prophecy, Barak pushed
tured by the watering places. Those who willingly on to the royal city of King Jabin and there pressed
N. Y.
the battle to the gates of Hazor: "And the hand of twelve apostles. One of them proved unfaithful, and
the children of Israel prospered, and prevailed was destroyed. The eleven proved faithful, suffered
against Jabin the king of Canaan, until they had de- great persecution, maintained their integrity, and
stroyed Jabin king of Canaan" (Judg. 4:24), and are now for ever with the Lord Jesus Christ. When
made a complete cleanup of the enemy’s stronghold. he was with them Jesus gave them the assurance
" Shall Jehovah’s witnesses today tremble with that they would sit with him in his kingdom; and
fear because of the enemy? Certainly not; because now their resurrection has taken place. (John 17 : 6
as the servants of the Most High they are backed Luke 22: 28-30; 1 Thess. 4: 13-18) Jehovah has given
up by his everlasting and irresistible power. The unto Christ Jesus a sufficient number of others to
faithful under Christ Jesus, the Greater Barak, are make up the other 144,000 members of "his body",
not nowon the defensive, but on the offensive against and the obligation and requirements placed upon
demon influence and the power manifested particu- these are that they must keep their covenant and
larly in religion. These faithful ones zealously obey remain faithful: "If thy children will keep my cove-
the commandments of the Lord Jesus Christ, their nant, and my testimony that I shall teach them, their
Leader and Head, and they press the battle right to children shall also sit upon thy throne for ever-
the gates of the entrenched organizations that are more."--Ps. 132 : 12.
against THETHEOCRACY. This is the day of the Lord " Deborah and Barak pictured Zion and the Head
Jehovah, the almighty Lord of hosts, and concerning thereof, concerning which Jehovah said: "For the
this time it is written: "In that day shall the Lord Lord hath chosen Zion ; he hath desired it for his hab-
of hosts be for a crown of glory, and for a diadem of itation. This is myrest for ever ; here will I dwell ; for
beauty, unto the residue [remnant] of his people, and I have desired it. I will abundantly bless her provi-
for a spirit of judgment to him that sitteth in judg- sion; I will satisfy her poor with bread. I will also
ment, and for strength to them that turn the battle clothe her priests with salvation ; and her saints shall
to the gate."--Isa. 28:5, 6. shout aloud for joy."--Ps. 132: 13-16.
"The faithful followers of Christ Jesus lmow be- "By faith the victory song, prophetically sung
yond all possibility of doubt that Christ Jesus, the by Deborah and Barak, is now in course of fulfill-
Vindicator of Jehovah’s name, shall gain the victory
ment and is being sung. Jehovah has placed his be-
and that they who remain faithful and true to their loved One on the throne, and the faithful are gath-
Leader to the end shall share with him in that victory. ered to him. For the anointed Jehovah has provided
’~ The combined and official enemy, led by Satan a lamp which marks out clearly the pathway which
and his chief officer Gog, knowthat the great climax
his faithful servants now follow. These are not in
is at hand, even though millions of hangers-on do not
darkness, because they are "children of the light",
realize that fact. It is certain that the Devil knows
and they are marching triumphantly on by faith,
that his time is short (Rev. 12: 12), and, knowing
singing the victory song. For their further comfort
this, he musters all his forces in his efforts to destroy
Jehovah says to them: "There will I make the horn
those who support TlZE THEOCRACY. In most of the
of David [power of Christ Jesus the Beloved] to
countries of the earth what appears to be a success-
bud; I have ordained a lamp for mine anointed. His
ful movement to suppress the Kingdom message has
enemies will I clothe with shame; but upon lmnself
been accomplished. Such, however, instead of caus-
ing dismay among the faithful people, only adds shall his crown flourish."--Ps. 132: 17, 18.
strength to their faith and zeal, because they know " The enemies are now on the run, and soon their
the day of Jehovah’s victory through Christ, and complete destruction will be accomplished. The faith-
the deliverance of his faithful servants, is at hand. ful remnant, together with their companions, the
The faithful have no doubt as to the result. They are "other sheep", are singing the praises of Jehovah
fully determined to maintain their integrity toward and of Christ Jesus, and all together sing : "Salvation
Jehovah, and they trust him to provide all needed to our God . . . and unto the Lamb." (Rev. 7 : 9-12)
strength. Noneof the faithful will nowslack the hand, but will
5o Jehovah’s promises never fail! With him failure continue to proclaim the truth of Jehovah and his
is impossible! His promise to the antitypical David, King, regardless of what the enemy may say or do.
his Beloved One, Christ Jesus, is that he shall rule In his day Paul could say, and now all of the faith-
The THEOCRATICGOVERNMENT. Jehovah has sworn ful together say: "Rejoice in the Lord alway; and
it : "He will not turn from it. Of the fruit of thy body again I say, Rejoice."--Phil. 4:4.
will I set upon [my] throne." Jehovah gave to Jesus (To be continued)
Great is our Lord, and mighty in power;his understandingis
infinite. Jehovahupholdeththe meek;he bringeth the wicked
downto the ground.--Psalm147:5,6, A.R.V.
I;I;f-~HRISTENDOM" has hardened her heart against nippers which would greatly annoy and plague the Egyp-
¯ the Greater Moses, who is the great Prophet tians or anyone else whomthey might bite. It was the order
Christ Jesus. Therefore the early destruction of to Moses to direct Aaron to stretch out his rod and smite
"Christendom" is as certain as the death of Egypt’s first- the dust of the land, thereby showing that it is divine power
born and the destruction of her king’s chariots and hosts and authority conferred upon Christ and which power and
in the depths of the Red sea. authority are by him put upon the remnant of Jehovah’s
Jehovah’s primary purpose in sending Moses to Egypt witnesses on earth to cause the coming of these antitypical
was to place before the Egyptian ruling class and before the nippers upon the world, which forms Satan’s organization,
people the proof that He is the Supreme One. His primary including "Christendom". The lice symbolically stand for
purpose in sending Jesus, the Greater Moses, to earth at or represent that which results from the message of truth
both his first and his second comingis to place before crea- delivered by Jehovah’s witnesses and which greatly annoys,
tion the proof that Jehovah is the Almighty, and that there plagues and nips or bites the unclean organization of Sa-
is none besides him. This he does for his own name’s sake, tan, and particularly the official membersthereof.
that all may know that life and attending blessings come The visible part of Satan’s organization, particularly
from God, and from Him only. This conclusion is proved that section called "Christendom", is an unclean and abom-
by his words to Moses, to wit. "The Egyptians shall know inable thing and a good habitation for lice. It hypocritically
that I am Jehovah." (See Exodus 7:5, Am. Rev. Ver.) claims to be on the side of the Lord, whereas it is a part
Moses was Jehovah’s instrument in Egypt to place the evi- of Satan’s wicked organization. In the days of Christ’s
dence before the people. Jesus Christ is His instrument by apostles Herod Agrippa the First, who was Rome’s repre-
which Jehovah places the evidence before all the world. sentative in Palestine, killed the apostle James and im-
Since the divine purpose is to bring knowledge home to prisoned Peter and thereafter posed as the representative
creatures with a view to the vindication of his holy name, of God, but was in fact the instrument of Satan. It is said
Jehovah did this in Egypt in olden time by ten plagues. that he died of a loathsome or lousy disease. Acts 12 : 21-23
The modern-day plagues which are in fulfillment of those records: "And upon a set day, Herod, arrayed in royal
ten typical plagues consist of some definitely provided apparel, sat upon his throne, and made an oration unto
means of bringing before the peoples of the world the them. And the people gave a shout, saying, It is the vmce
knowledge that Jehovah is God, that his Theocratic Gov- of a god, and not of a man. And immediately the angel
ernment is here, and that his time is at hand when the of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory:
oppressive power must get out and the people of good-will and he was eaten of worms[lice], and gave up the ghost."
be delivered, and hence Satan must let them go or must Aaron used the rod of Moses to smite the "dust of the
suffer complete destruction. All this Jehovah does for his earth". That dust was symbolic of the earthly, human, vis-
own name’s sake. Hence what came to pass three thousand ible part of Satan’s organization, and particularly "Chris-
years ago in Egypt was and is a memorial to Jehovah’s tendom", because that part is hypocritical in the super-
name. What is now done in the earth by Christ Jesus and lative degree. The present-day mouthpiece of the Greater
his faithful remnant of footstep followers is a memorial to Moses, Christ Jesus, is God’s remnant of anointed wit-
the name of Jehovah God. The plagues upon Egypt cul- nesses on the earth acting by authority conferred upon them
minated in the slaying of Egypt’s firstborn, whereas the by Jesus Christ, and these bear and give forth his mes-
firstborn of Jehovah’s covenant people in Egypt were passed sage that smites "Christendom" and declares it to be not
over due to the slaying of the passover lamb, which fore- of God nor of Christ, but that it is unclean, filthy, and
shadowed the death of the great Lamb of God, Christ abominable in the sight of God and is exceedingly lousy
Jesus. Since his death nineteen hundred years ago his faith- with Satan’s agents whoare nippers of the flesh and suckers
ful followers do, by yearly celebrating the Memorialfeast, of the lifeblood of the people. These lice bring upon the
thereby show forth the death of our Lord, who is the Vin- people great suffering, sorrow and death. The message of
dicator of Jehovah’s name. truth thus delivered by Jehovah’s witnesses to the vimble
The ten plagues upon Egypt were immediately followed organization of Satan declaring that organization to be
by the destruction of Pharaoh’s army, which foreshadows lousy greatly offends the respectability of "Christendom"
that immediately following the present-day fulfillment of and plagues and annoys that organization. Thus Jehovah’s
the antitypical plagues there must come the destruction of witnesses are used by him to bring a plague upon Satan’s
Satan’s organization at Armageddon.The third plague upon organization by exposing the duplicity and hypocrisy of
Egypt was one of lice. "And the Lord said unto Moses, Say the chief visible operators therein.
unto Aaron [thy brother], Stretch out thy rod, and smite It was in 1921 that The Watchtower, by the Lord’s grace,
the dust of the land, that it maybecomelice throughout all began to call attention to the fact that Satan has an organi-
the land of Egypt. And they did so; for Aaron stretched zation and that its visible earthly part is made up of com-
out his hand with his rod, and smote the dust of the’earth, mercial, political and religious elements which exercise a
and it becamelice in manand in beast; all the dust of the beastly rule over the people, and is exceedingly filthy. From
land became lice throughout all the land of Egypt." (Ex. that time forward Jehovah’s witnesses have been continu-
8 : 16, 17) Lice are associated with filth and are found on ously and consistently heralding this message before the
creatures of unclean habits. The root of the Hebrew word people and exposing the hypocritical duplicity and lousy
translated ’qice" means "to nip". Hence the lice were state of "Christendom" in particular and Satan’s organiza-
tion in general. By completely separating themselves from (Ex. 8 : 22, 23) Mosesthen served upon Pharaoh this fourth
"Christendom" and refusing to have any part or anything notice of warning demanding that Pharaoh release God’s
in commontherewith, or to touch the unclean, lousy, crawl- chosen people and permit them to go and worship Him
ing thing, the faithful remnant of Jehovah’s witnesses add "And the Lord did so: and there came a grievous swarm
force to this plaguing message. of flies into the house of Pharaoh, and into his servants’
The lice plague came upon the aneient Israelites as well houses, and into all the land of Egypt; the land was cor-
as upon the Egyptians; whieh means that in order for a rupted by reason of the swarm of flies." (Ex. 8-24) "He
professed Christian to be pleasing and acceptable to the sent divers sorts of flies amongthem, which devoured them."
Lord such must be separate from the world and be clean. mPss. 78 : 45 ; 105 ¯ 31.
Hence God’s sanctuary or temple class must be cleansed, Just what composed the flies that came upon the Eg-yp-
whieh includes the removing from the Christian congre- tians is not certain; in the expression "swarmof fl~es’" the
gations such parasites as the self-seeking "elective elders", word "flies" appearing in the quotation above from tim Au-
and this must take place before God’s visible organization thorized Version Bible is an added word. The word "swarm",
is entirely clean. (See Daniel 8:13, 14.) As commanded however, is in the Hebrew text and is from the root word
Isaiah 52 : 11 : "Depart ye, depart ye, go ye out from thence, meaning "to intermingle; to traffic with; to give security
touch no unclean thing; go ye out of the midst of her; be as a kind of exchange". The expression well applies to
ye clean, that bear the vessels [the truths] of the Lord." swarms of flies which mix with one another in great num-
Also 2 Corinthians 6:17, 18: "Wherefore come out from bers, especially in the East and the Near East, and are a
amongthem, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch great pest to the people. Ecclesiastes 10:1 says that ’dead
not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a flies [ (IIebrew) zebub] cause the ointment to send forth a
Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, vile odor’. The word zebub is derived from the Hebrewroot
saith the Lord Almighty." The wide proclamation of the meaning "to flit". Hence the name "Baalzebub", according
divinely provided message throughout "Christendom" has to the Hebrew, means "lord of the flitting one; that is, the
been to that devilish organization like nipping lice, greatly side-stepper; the great transgressor", which is Satan hnn-
plaguing and annoying particularly the religious clergy self. This term would also apply to all who willingly act
and the principal ones of their flocks, including, of course, according to Satan’s will. The whole world, or modern-day
the commercial and political chief men. Egypt, lies under Satan the wicked one. (1 John 5-19,
Pharaoh’s magicians, including Jannes and Jambres, Emphatic Diaglott) The world has been terribly pestered
the class opposing Jehovah God, were unable to produce by these "flies", that is to say, Satan and his numerousin-
lice when commandedto do so and had to admit to their visible and visible agents, especially since Satan has been
chief, Pharaoh, concerning the lice plague, "This is the ousted from heaven and down to the earth.--Rev. 12.12
finger of God." (2 Tim. 3:8; Ex. 8:19) The modern op- After A.D. 1918 Christ Jesus, at the temple, has gath-
posers of Jehovah see themselves as unclean and that those ered unto himself the faithful remnant on earth and has
devoted to him are clean and nothing can be found against anointed them as Jehovah’s witnesses and sent them forth
them except their devotion to Jehovah. Jehovah declares with his message of truth to be given as a testimony. Tins
that the unclean organization of Satan shall die like a louse. message has been and is a great pest to Satan’s orgamzatmn
At Isaiah 51:6 it is written: "Lift up your eyes to the on earth. Such message has declared and continues to de-
heavens, and look upon the earth beneath ; for the heavens clare, particularly to "Christendom", the truth of and con-
shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old cerning what constitutes "the higher powers" according
like a garment, and they that dwell therein shall die like a to Romans13:1. Prior thereto the people, including the
louse [Hebrew]: but my salvation shall be for ever, and followers of Christ, understood and believed that the "h~gh-
my righteousness shall not be abolished." (Marginal read- er powers" mentioned in the Scriptures are made up of
ing) The plague is still upon Satan’s organization, and he the visible rulers of this world. The Lord has enhghtened
and his agents continue to harden their hearts as did Pha- his covenant people, and by his grace they now see clearly
raoh and his officials of old.--Ex. 8:19. and declare to the world that "the higher powers" means
It is noteworthy that, beginning with the fourth plague, Jehovah and Christ Jesus and that the world is serving
the Israelites were spared and that the seven last plagues the Devil, and that the big business, political and religious
of the ten were only upon the Egyptians. This would in- elements, jointly, rule and demand obedience from the
dicate a complete separation of Jehovah’s faithful remnant people, yet are not of the "higher powers" but are in fact
today from the world. The fourth plague was that of a great the agents of Satan and the opposers of Jehovah God His
swarm of flies, or, as the Bible marginal reading says, "a witnesses further declare that Jehovah is in no wise re-
mixture of noisome beasts," that came upon the Egyptians. sponsible for the woes that have come upon the peoples of
(Ex. 8 : 21) In order that God’s chosen people at that time earth in these last days, but that Satan and his agents are
might be assured that Jehovah was with them, and that his the ones that have brought these woes and troubles upon
enemies might know that Jehovah is God and favors those the people, and that all mankind holding on to Satan’s or-
who love and serve him, Jehovah said by Moses to Pharaoh : ganization are afflicted by the bites, corruption, annoyance
"And I will sever in that day the land of Goshen, in which and all the schemes and blood-sucking doctrines of the
mypeople dwell, that no swarms of flies shall be there; to wicked rulers of this world, including Satan himself. Jeho-
the end thou mayest know that I am the LOaD[Jehovah] vah’s witnesses now declare these truths, and thin message
in the midst of the earth. AndI will put a division between exposing Satan and his organization galls and bites and
my people and thy people; to morrow shall this sign be." plagues the chief rulers and their alhes and supporters.
5I~RCE 15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWER. 93

Jehovah’s faithful remnant serve the true "higher powers", The Lord specifically declared that this plague should not
God and Christ Jesus, and refuse to obey any part of Sa- affect the Israelites, and then Godappointed a set time for
tan’s organization. the coming of this plague upon Egypt, saying, "To mor-
In obedience to God’s commandments Jehovah’s wit- row the Lord shall do this thing in the land." "And the
nesses go about the country preaching the gospel of the Lord did that thing on the morrow, and all the cattle of
Kingdom,which message bites the retigionists and plagues Egypt died; but of the cattle of the children of Israel died
them like numerousflies. The rulers in "Christendom" claim not one. And Pharaoh sent, and, behold, there was not one
to be representatives of God, and if they were honest they of the cattle of the Israelites dead. Andthe heart of Pha-
would welcomeJehovah’s witnesses; but, instead, they side- raoh was hardened, and he did not let the people go " (Ex.
step the questions that are presented to them by the Lord’s 9:4-7) Before any of the plagues began to come upon the
witnesses and declare Jehovah’s witnesses to be peddlers Egyptians Moses declared before Pharaoh that Jehovah
and hawkers and not preachers of the gospel. The rulers wouldfall upon the Israelites with pestilence if they failed
of this wicked world claim that they have no objection to sacrifice unto the Lord. (Ex. 5: 3) Because of the faith-
to anyone if he worships God according to their ideas, but fulness of Moses and Aaron in giving the testimony God
they denounce Jehovah’s witnesses and evade the real issue spared the Israelites from the pestilence. ’Obedience is bet-
by declaring them to be engaged in a commercial enterprise ter than sacrifice.’ The Lord spared the Israelites from these
instead of preaching the gospel. The truth plagues them pestilences that now were coming upon the Egyptians.
so thoroughly that they must make some apparent plausible The plague of grievous murrain was upon all the beasts
objection thereto. of the Egyptians. The beasts of burden of the Egyptians,
The flies so greatly annoyed the Egyptians that "Pha- to wit, horses, asses, camels, oxen and that sort, represented
raoh called for Mosesand for Aaron, and said, Go ye, sacri- the live wealth of the Egyptians in carrying on its commerce
fice to your Godin the land". (Ex. 8: 25) Otherwise stated, and war, and all such livestock and equipment were used
Pharaoh was willing that the Israelites might do some wor- by the Egyptians in exercising their selfish purpose and
shiping, but they must do it according to the Egyptians’ opposition against Jehovah’s kingdom. The plague of "mur-
ideas and in the presence of the Egyptians. Nowthe anti- rain" or pestilence on the beasts of Egypt was a further
typical Egyptians, the representatives of Satan on earth, notice and warning to the Egyptians and foreshadowcd a
say to Jehovah’s witnesses, in substance, ’We have no ob- message of truth to be declared by the power and authority
jeehon to your worshiping your God, but do it in the church of Jehovah God by and through the Greater Moses, Christ
bmldings ("our land"), as others do, and refrain from inter- Jesus, and in this the Lord’s faithful remnant on earth are
fering with our commercial business or annoying our people used. This messageis to the effect that this world’s ’beasts
by going from house to house.’ Mosestold Pharaoh that for of burden’, including all military and economic organiza-
Israelites to sacrifice before the Egyptians would be an tions, humaninventions, and all kinds of national recovery
abomination to God. Likewise Jehovah’s remnant today schemes, and such things as the pope’s "holy year" of 1933,
reply to the modern Egyptians: ’We must obey God, and are all fraudulent and are not from Jehovah God, and are
not man; we will follow His commandmentsand obey the not due to the fact that Christ Jesus has ’prepared the way
higher powers.’ In the issues of June, 1929, The Watchtower before Jehovah’ (Mal. 3.1); but that all such things are
set forth for the first time the truth of and concerning the of the Devil and will completely fail to bring rehef to the
"higher powers", and then the flies began to bite Satan’s people, and that all must die. This message Jehovah’s wit-
crowd because the truth exposed that wicked organization. nesses began to declare emphatically after the coming of
As Jehovah separated the land of Goshen, where the the Lord to the temple in 1918 to begin judgment, and it
Israelites dwelt, from the Egyptians, so God cleanses his is set forth in Book Two of Vindication, page 165 and
people and separates them from Satan’s organization, show- forward. The Word of God declares that a great plague
ing them the truth as to who constitute the higher powers. shall come upon Satan’s organization, and that all his in-
To Pharaoh Jehovah declared: "And I will sever in that struments, represented by his cattle and livestock, shall
day the land of Goshen, in which my people dwell, that die. This messageof truth that their beasts of burden, their
i1o swarms of flies shall be there; to the end thou mayest implements and other means of carrying on their commer-
know that I am the Lord in the midst of the earth." (Ex. cial and fraudulent schemes must perish, is a great plague
8:22) When that plague came upon the Egyptians there to "Christendom" and greatly annoys Satan and his visible
were no swarmsof flies on the Israelites, God’s people. Even organization.
so now Jehovah cleanses his own people, whomhe uses as The Lord’s Wordthen declares that ’not one of the cattle
his witnesses, and there are no flies on them. They are in of the Israelites died’; which foreshadowed that the means
the world, but not of it. They continue to declare the mes- of activity, or the ’q3easts of burden", employed by Jeho-
sage of truth, and, as Pharaoh and his house hardened their vah’s faithful remnant of witnesses and their compamons
hearts, even so now those of "Christendom" continue to are wholly devoted to the Lord, and, being thus devoted to
harden their hearts and more testimony is required. the Lord, He, of course, protects them. They separate them-
Pharaoh continued his obstinacy and hypocrisy, and selves from the world and from its sacrifice unto the de-
Moses warned him that the hand of Jehovah would be upon mons, of whomSatan is "the prince of demons". (See Exo-
all of his cattle in Egypt: "Behold, the hand of the Lord dus 10 : 26 ; also Zechariah 14 : 20, and the bookPrepardtion,
is upon thy cattle whichis in the field, uponthe horses, upon page 335.) That message declaring that vengeance shall
the asses, upon the camels, upon the oxen, and upon the come upon Satan’s organization because of its oppomtion to
sheep : there shall be a very grievous murrain." (Ex. 9 : 3) God and his Theocratic Government is now being dehvered

by Jehovah’s witnesses and continues to plague the enemy faithful remnant of witnesses and their companions to pro-
organization. claim that the League of Nations, the World Court, the
The "botch of Egypt" was the sixth plague. The fur- peace pacts, disarmament conferences, the "holy year"
naces, limekilns and brickkilns of Egypt constituted a part schemes, the prosperity schemes, the so-called "NewWorld
of its economic or commercial industry, and hence pictured Order", and all suchlike schemes, are not of God, but of
the things that now pertain to the commercial industry of the Devil, and that the instigators and supporters thereof
the visible part of the world, which is Satan’s organization. are unclean and an abomination in the sight of God, just
(Isa. 33:12) Jehovah then directed Moses and Aaron as Uzziah, the king of Jerusalem, was unclean and became
take the ashes from the furnaces and for Mosesto sprinkle leprous for his wrongful acts of presumption before Jeho-
the same before Pharaoh. The record at Exodus 9 ¯ 8, 9 is : vah. (2 Chron. 26:13-23) The declaration of this message
"And the Lord said unto Moses and unto Aaron, Take to of truth, beginning with the pouring out of the symbohcal
you handfuls of ashes of the furnace, and let Mosessprinkle ’first vial’ described in Revelation 16, continues upon the
it toward the heaven in the sight of Pharaol~. And it shall world, and such declaration of truth throughout the realms
becomesmall dust in all the land of Egypt, and shall be a of "Christendom" by means of books, magazines, portable
boil breaking forth with blains upon man, and upon beast, phonographs, sound-cars, radio, and word-of-mouth testi-
throughout all the land of Egypt." This resulted in the mony has been and is a great plague to the modern Egyp-
breaking forth of boils with blains, or, according to Rother- tians. The ancient Egyptians blasphemed God’s name be-
ham’s rendering of the text, "burning sores, breaking out cause of the suffering from their pains and sores; and like-
with pustules.’ Such plague came upon man and beast wise the modern-day class of Egyptians, Satan’s earthly
throughout Egypt. agents, do blaspheme and curse Jehovah.
The sixth plague pictured a further message of Christ This plague of putrid boils afflicted the magicians as
and his faithful remnant, his representatives on earth, well as the others of Egypt. "And the magicians could not
which message is delivered by the power and authority of stand before Moses because of the boils; for the boil was
Jehovah God. The clue to the significance of this plague upon the magicians, and upon all the Egyptians" (Ex
appears to be given in Revelation 16 : 2, 11, concerning the 9: 11) Those magicians could not stand before Moses to
vials of God’s wrath, or messages of his judgment, which resist him; likewise the modern magicians, "Jannes and
should be poured out upon "Christendom", and which are Jambres," because of their corruption attempt to resist the
spoken of as "the seven last plagues". Revelation chapter 16 message of God through Christ, but they cannot success-
shows that the plague would affect all those who are mem- fully do so, and their end is in mght and their fall shall
bers of Satan’s organization on earth as the leaders thereof, appear before all menwho survive. (2 Tim. 3 : 8) The reh-
as well as those who are supporters of that wicked organiza- gious clergy and all others of the "man of sin" class, and
tion.--For further explanation see Book Two of Light, all like modern "wonder"-workers, and "holy year" work-
page 20 and pages following. ers of modern Egypt, now itch and scratch and are tor-
Pharaoh concluded that with all his equipment and mented, and thus mark themselves badly, and they con-
power to rule he could defy Jehovah and get away with tinue to howl and express their agony, opposition to and
it. Even so Satan and his earthly agents have concluded indignation against the message of truth that is plainly
that they can weld together and unite the nations and placed before them, and thus they are guilty of the "trans-
the peoples of earth into a confederacy or league and gression of desolation" against Jehovah God, as foretold at
thus defy Jehovah God by setting up their own organiza- Daniel 8: 13. Jehovah’s witnesses are divinely permitted to
tion and thus rule and control the world continuously. (Isa. proclaim the message of truth which thus plagues the op-
8: 9-13) But all such schemes of the worldly organization posers of the Most High. Instead of giving heed thereto,
must fail. Before the Devil and all his agents in the world, these opposers harden their hearts against the Lord Jeho-
which constitutes modern-day Egypt, Jehovah causes hm vah God, and further plagues come upon them.

I;I;,~THEN I consider thy heavens, the work of thy Almighty Creator. These, together with the vast, far-distant
~/fingers ; the moon and the stars, which thou hast nebulae and the nearer planets, speak 3oy to the mind and
¯ " ordained; what is man, that thou art mindful heart of the one devoted to God.
of him ? and the son of man, that thou visitest him ?" (Psalm The clearness of the air in the vicimty of Palestine or
8 3, 4) The speaker, anointed with God’s spirit, revels in in the desert lands enables manto more clearly see at mght
the great and marvelous things which by day man can see the unspeakable wonders of God’s vmlble creatmn above,
and which by night magnify themselves before man’s won- and the reverential man involuntarily exclaims: "The heav-
dermg gaze. He beholds the sun, which, in his might and ens declare the glory of God." These marvelous works of
majesty and to the exclusion of all other heavenly bodies, the heavens, says the psalmist, are "the work of Thy fingers".
holds the attention of earth’s creation during the hours he From the contemplation of such gigantic creatmn, and the
shines. The sun is the only one of which man can take notice boundless space occupied thereby, and the greatness of the
during the day ; but whenhis glory is sunk in the west, and Makerthereof, the psalmist says, by way of contrast : "What
the curtains of night are drawn about the earth, then the is man, that thou art mindful of him ? and the son of man,
millions of stars stand forth and sing the praise of the that thou visitest him ?"

Menof good-will are only beginning to appreciate some- cording to his good pleasure which he hath purposed m
thing of the greatness of the eternal God, "whose namealone himself." (Eph. 1-9) "Purpose" means a determination
is Jehovah." In all good conscience and with reverential to do a certain thing. WhenGod purposes a thing it is as
devotion the expression was once used, to wit, "the divine though such were already done, and it comes to pass m
plan," meaning thereby that the Almighty God has a well- his own good time and good way. He says: "I am God, and
defined plan or schemethat he is working out in an orderly there is none like me." "I have purposed it. I will also do
way. NowJehovah’s people see that a "plan" or "scheme" it." (Isa. 46:9-11 ; 55: 11) The words "intention" or "plan"
is inconsistent with the Almighty God. A "plan" is a pre- admit of a possibility of failure to accomplish what is at-
meditated scheme marked out and to be followed that a tempted. "Purpose" means a determination to do it, and
desired or intended end might be accomplished. True, man with God the purpose is equal to the accomplished fact,
carefully lays his plans and attempts to carry ~hem out. because God is almighty. God never fails, and therefore
Not so with the Creator. The Almighty Creator only needs the creature can always have complete and absolute con-
to will that a thing shall be done and there is no further fidence in hirq. There is but one Almighty God, and to hnn
controversy and no worry about its accomplishment. When are due all praise and glory. Whenthe creature knows and
God created the heavens and the earth he did not need to appreciates that Goddoes not need a "plan", his apprecia-
make a plan therefor. When he made the mighty oceans tion of the Most High is broadened.
that wash the shores of the land he did not need to first God has revealed himself by his name JEHOVAH.
plan that work Whenhe made the sun, the moon, the stars, which name means his purposes toward his creatures. (See
and the countless glories that appear in the heavens, he Exodus 3: 13-17; 6: 1-3.) Teachers of the Bible have had
did not need to plan that work. His record concerning his too narrow a view of Jehovah and have pushed his name
creation is that ’God said, Let it be so ; and it cameto pass’. into a corner; but now it is the Lord’s time to bring forth
(Gen. 1:15) The infinite wisdom of Jehovah God and his his name and to make himself known to his witnesses and
unlimited power render wholly unnecessary a "plan" by men of good-will. These see that God does not need a plan
him. It was his will that the creature man should be made, which he must follow in order to carry out his purposes,
and the work was done. If we say that God first made a plan because he is all-powerful and his wisdomknows no bounds
for all his works, such an argument would indicate a limita- To say that Jehovah has a plan to do certain things makes
tion to his power and wisdom; and therefore we know that him appear insignificant and like unto creatures that must
such a conclusion is incorrect. There is no limitation to plan. The more we see of his greatness, the more we see the
God’s power. His wisdom is perfect. necessity for his creatures to have a knowledge of him in
It has been said concerning perfect man in Eden that order that they may live and serve him for ever.
God must have made a "plan" in the alternative; that if Jehovah is carrying forwilrd his purposes according to
man remained faithful God would take one course, and his sovereign will, and not according to the ideas of any
if man sinned Godwould take a different course of action. creature. It is his name that is involved. The controversy
Such statement is wholly inconsistent as to Almighty God. is between him and his enemy, Satan. Jehovah is supreme,
He is equal to any emergency that arises. He can withhold and this he will prove to all of his intelligent creation
knowledge from himself if he so desires; and he is equal He has declared his purpose to be that all shall knowthat
to any and all conditions that arise. The Scriptures do he is the Almighty God, the Most High. (Ezek. 35: 15;
say. "Knownunto God are all his works, from the begin- 38 : 23 ; 39 : 7) .He wouldlet Satan go the full limit and let
nmg of the world" (Acts 15:18) But these words do not man have the opportunity to choose good or evil IIe would
mdmatethat Jehovah had or has a "plan". The Almighty de- also furnish honest and faithful men with evidence of his
termines to do certain things and his infinite wisdomknows supreme power, justice, wisdom and love, and prove that in
these things and knows when they will begin and when his own due time he would establish a mghteous government,
they will end He is wholly and completely self-contained. destroy evil and workers of iniquity, and ma~o-mfyhis own
The apostle speaks of the purpose or will of God, "ac- name that all men of good-will might learn the way of life

(Continued from page 82) "GODANDTHESTATE"

symbolof his blood. A report of the celebration should be prompt- A new booklet, by Judge Rutherford! The urgency of the
ly madeto the Society, showingtotal attendance and numberof rapidly tightening world situation has hastened the issuance of
partakers. In preparation for this 1941celebration the article this timely booklet. Parents, children, andall lovers of righteous-
"Memonal" suggested abovewill be studied with profit. hess will be grateful for the clearness, completenessand helpful-
"MODEL STUDYNO. 3" ness of the author’s treatmentof the supremeissue today, as pre-
This new booklet, of 32 pages and boundin a durable cover, sented in its 32 pages. Aneat cover design makesit very present-
brings up to date the series of ModelStudybooklets, as it presents able. Dueto the growingneed for just such mformatmn,a large
the study outline covering the latest recordedspeechesby Judge circulation of this latest booklet is boundto follow Get your copy
Rutherford, to wit, "Religion as a World Remedy,"and "The now,at a contribution of 5c the copy.
End". Thas booklet is very valuable, even ff you do not possess
the phonographrecordings of the speeches named, and with it "WATCHTOWER" STUDIES
anyoneshould be able to conduct a modelstudy of the Bible in the Weekof April 20: "Victory Song" (Part 2),
homeor m public. Order several for use of others whomyou hope ¶ 3.-18 mclumve,The WatchtowerMarch15, 1941
to have study with you. ModelStudy No. 3 will be sent you post-
paid at a contribution of 5c a copy. Companyservants should Weekof April 27: "Victory Song" (Part 2),
makeup combinationorders for all m the companywantingcopras. ¶ 19-39 inclusive, The WatchtowerMarch15, 1941.
ON THE FRONT LINE OF A MAJOR WAR (LONDON) rest of their lives underground like moles in their own
"Tile declaration of war itself occurred at 11 a.m. on a Andersonshelters or in the Tube shelters. It is almost im-
Sunday morning when almost all of Jehovah’s witnesses possible to get back to them for back-calls. Truly, ’men’s
were in the field. In Londonthe first air-raid warning was hearts are falling them for fear of things they see coming
sounded within ten minutes of the declaration of war and upon the world!’ The Devil’s master stroke is filling the
struck abject fear to the hearts of millions. Years of propa- people’s time so that they have no time to consider calmly
ganda had their effect and the rash came out immediately. the Wordof truth. Often air raids take place while King-
Loyal Theocratic publishers rose to the occasion and pro- dom witnessing is in progress during the daylight, but,
claimed the Kingdom message. One publisher placed 24 except the fighting should be directly overhead, the pub-
Safety booklets in ten minutes; the book Salvation had a lishers take no notice whatever, but keep steadily on fulfill-
very timely distribution. As the various Defense of the ing their .divinely given commission. The total blackness of
Realm regulations came into force conditions became in- the nights makes back-calling extremely difficult, and, in
creasingly difficult, but at no time have the authorities inter- the case of heavy raids, very dangerous, due to the vast
fered with the door-to-door work. The difficulties which had amount of shrapnel falling from the barrage guns. Despite
to be faced are those all the people have had to meet, air all the difficulties the London Theocratic publishers are
raids, the blackout, transport difficulties, food and petrol determined to carry on to the end, well knowing that Jeho-
rationing and other curtailments. Today, at the end of 1940, vah is with them and that the day of their deliverance is
with air raids a daily and nightly occurrence, the witness rapidly drawing near."
work has becomea real strain, but Jehovah’s witnesses are
standing up under it magnificently, going boldly forward AT A COUNTY SEAT IN NEBRASKA
in the Lord’s strength. "When this young Jonadab couple moved to town it
"In parts of the city recently, field drives have been immediately became known that they were Jehovah’s wit-
scheduled and when the publishers arrive on the territory nesscs, and so it was reported to the county sheriff. He came
they have found the ’contact point’ no longer existed, having to see the wife and told her the reports he had gotten and
been blown to bits and rows of the houses just shambles. that he told the talebearers that if that was the worst they
The wholesale evacuation coupled with the constant bomb- knew about them they’d have some pretty good citizens in
ing has caused an eerie condition to exist in numerous cen- town. He wanted to know more about them and that if we
tral sections of the city. Recently a party of publishers wit- had any meetings in town he wanted to attend. So we made
nessing in the classy residential section of the West End, a special trip last week through miles of cow-trails and
during two whole hours of door-knocking, found only about rough prairies. The wife and the sheriff had arranged that
a dozen people living in a thick residential area formerly we play ’Religion as a World Remedy’ in the town hotel,
inhabited by the wealthy Bohemian class. In some of the since the lady there was somewhatinterested too. Only five
big houses the publishers entered calling, ’Is there any life or six attended that first meeting, but the sheriff was so
around here ?’ only to be met by grim specters of desola- thrilled by the message he begged us to stay and put it on
tion, empty shattered dwellings and an occasional cat pick- again the following night and he’d invite people he wanted
ing its way over the rubble. Truly the cities are being laid to hear it. Weaccepted, and spent the day witnessing in the
waste! Millions of windows have been blown out by blast town, placing seven books and about one hundred booklets.
and will not be replaced by glass this side of the end of the Some were placed with the aid of the shemff, who would
war. A kind of felting composition is being nailed up with appear at different places to see the reactmn and to do what
wooden battens, and in thousands of houses absolutely no he could to create interest. The county attorney immediately
dayhght enters from morning to night. Indeed, ’gross dark- reported us to the sheriff after we workedthe court house
ness covers the earth, and gross darkness the people.’ A ’Those d Jehovah’s witnesses are working in town v,
blackout literally and figuratively t Often whenback-calling Sheriff: ’Well, what is so wrong about that ? Have you read
we find the person has been bombed out and has disap- any of their books?’ Attorney: ’No, and I don’t intend to
peared. Magazine routes disappear overnight. If those , come to my house, I’ll run them
"The greatest scarcity is that of time ; the Devil has seen off the place !’ The sheriff cameto tell us what had happened
to that. The commonestremark at the doors is, ’I haven’t and to warn us not to go to that home; too, that if we wanted
got time for anything !’ Their time is occupied with feeding to go to the place anyway, he would take us there in his
and preparing for their night in the dugout or air-raid car and that if the attorney did anything to us he, the
shelter where the people put up with the utmost discomfort sheriff, would welcome the chance to lock up the county
and with a kind of doggedness which could be found only attorney. Wethought best not to antagonize the poor at-
m Britain. A typical doorstep conversation is often as fol- torney, so did not call. Anyway,we had called on his wife
lows : (Householder) ’I haven’t time !’ (Publisher) ’I should earlier in the day and found her nice. Instead of making
like to call back upon you with a phonograph lecture which the call again, the sheriff took us on a back-call where we
will gladden your heart and bring you great comfort in found a family getting both The Watchtower and Consola-
these days of peril.’ (Householder) ’My husband doesn’t tion and muchinterested. It felt queer to be riding in the
get hometill 7 o’clock.’ (Publisher) ’Very well, I will come sheriff’s car on a back-call instead of going to jail. The lec-
around about 8 o’clock.’ (Householder) ’You can’t do that, ture that night was attended by fifteen townspeople. The
because we go downinto the shelter at 8 and stop there all hotel lobby was full and most of them gave good attention.
night.’ The people alternate between working twelve hours Plans were made to have a Watchtower study at the hotel
a day, seven days a week, on war work and spending the from now on."
thatI amJehovah:’

APRIl. 1, 1941

S0-’,’G (Part 99
.,) l()(~






MEMORIAL .... 98



117 Adams Street
- -
Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A.
T HIS Journal Is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically de-
OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good wilL
J. F. RUT~FO~, Presidenf W.E. VAN A~BUEOH, ~e~retary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes suit-
"And all *.hay children shall be t.~uCht of Jehovah; and able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of public
~reat shall be *.he peace of thy children." ° Isaiah 54:.r3. instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for Its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
THAT JEHOVAHis the only true God, Is from everlasting to or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of llfe tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
to his creatures ; that the Logoswasthe beginningof his creation, King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
and his active agent in the creation of all things; that the Loges tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in dulge In controversy, and Its columns are not open to personalities.
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect man Y~.LY SUBSC~rP~oN PRICE
for the earth and placed him upon it ; that man willfully dis-
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of UNITIED STATES, $1.00; CINADA AND MISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN, $1 ~0;
Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the right tances should be made by Postal or Express Money Order or by Bank
to life. Draft Canadian, British, South African and Australasian remittances
should be made direct to the respective branch ofltces. Remittances from
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countries other than those mentioned may be made to the Brooklyn office,
but by Intern~tional Postal Money Order only.
death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for
obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every name
and clothed him with all power and authority. B~tlsh 34 CravenTerrace,
....................................... London,~7.2~England
Canadian 40 IrwlnAvenue.Toronto
........................... 5. Ontarlo. Canada
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATIONIs a Theocracy called Zion, A,stralasla~
7 BeresfordRoad. Strathfleld.N. S. VV.,Australia
and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the right- Boston House.Cape Town. South Africa
ful King of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of Please address the Society in every case.
Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of Jehovah’s organiza-
tion, and are his witnesses whose duty and privilege it Is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind (Tra.~lat~ons of thO Jou~l appear in several languages.)
as expressed in the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom
before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLDhas ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has All sincere students of the Bible whoby reason of infirmity, poverty or
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted adversity are unable to pay the subscription price may have The Watch-
Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the establishment of tower free upon written application to the publishers, made once each
year, stating the reason for so requesting it. Weare glad to thus aid the
God’s kingdom on earth. needy, but the written application once each year is required by the
postal regulations.
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, which Notice to Subscribers: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewa! sub-
has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act Is the destruction scription will be sent only when requested. Change of address, when
requested, may be expected to appear on address label within one month.
of Satan’s organization and the establishment of righteousness in A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) will be sent with the
the earth, and that under the kingdom the people of good will that Journal one month before the subscription expires.
survive Armageddon shall carry out the divine mandate to "fill Entered as second-cla#s matter at the po#to~lee at Brooldyn, N. Y.,
the earth" with a righteous race. under the Act of March 3, 1879.

"THE SIGN" TESTIMONY PERIOD dignffies Theocracy, picturing in full-color illustratmn the judg-
This Testimony Permd, covering the month of April, is ment of the natmns and the dividing of the people on this supreme
world-wide, and brings to a chmax the three-month campaxgn with issue and their ultimate destiny. Get your copy now, on a con-
The Watchtower. Those looking for the early appearance of "the tnbution of 5c, and study it preparatory to taking part m its
sign" for Armageddon to begin will not slack the hand in this final general distribution.
month of the campaign, but rather intensify their efforts, and
unquestmnably more Theocratic pubhshers will enter the field.
Never have such had a finer offer to make to humankind in danger Thin new booklet, of 32 pages and bound m a durable cover,
of Armageddon, to w:t, a year’s subscriptmn for The Watchtower, brings up to date the series of Model Study booklets, as it presents
together with the book Religion and the two new booklets Theoc- the study outline covering the latest recorded speeches by Judge
racy and God and the State, all on a contrabutlon of $1.00. By Rutherford, to wit, "Religion as a World Remedy," and "The
planning and preparing without delay you may now have part in End". This booklet is very valuable, even if you do not possess
this special Testimony Permd. Write us if you need references to the phonograph recordings of the speeches named, and with it
the local company organized for this service. Your report of work anyone should be able to conduct a model study of the Bible in the
at the close of tins Period will be appreciated. home or in public. Order several for use of others whom you hope
to have study with you. Model Study No. 3 will be sent you post-
"THEOCRACY" paid at a contribution of 5c a copy. Company servants should
make up combination orders for all in the company wanting copras.
This new booklet by Judge Rutherford, in 64 pages, often the
clearest and best description yet of the world’s leading i~ue today, MEMORIAL
"The Theocracy." The visible operations of its representatives on The Scripturally assigned date for the memorial celebration
earth are plainly set forth, together with the vicious opposition to both Jehovah’s name and the sacrifice of tim provided Lamb,
which they are encountering world-wide. A specially fine cover (Continued on page 111)
1, 1941 No. 7


"’Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upo~ thee."--Isa. 60: 1.
EHOVAHgives this command to His covenant Godto lead the willing and faithful ones out of dark-
J people when his time arrives for them to go into
action. The commandmentsof the Most High can-
ness. The prophetic song of victory, which they to-
gether sung, foretold a like time of darkness that
not be ignored or side-stepped. To receive Jehovah’s would come upon the nations of the earth called
approval every creature who has made a solemn cove- "Christendom", both upon the rulers and upon the
nant to do His will must act, not with sullenness or people who turned to the practice of religion. Tilere
stubbornness, but with a burning zeal and genuine never has been a time so marked by darkness
joy. Such a one has a heart full of gratitude which amongst the professed Christians as now, because
leads to unselfish devotion and zeal for the Lord. the nations have forgotten God. The fulfillment of
With Jehovah there is a fixed time for everything, that prophetic song began at the time of the coming
and when that time arrives it is the duty and priv- of Christ Jesus to the temple, when he stirred up
ilege of God’s covenant people to quickly respond those whomhe had received unto himself and made
to his commandments.Take note that Jehovah, in the a part of his organization, and then he sent them
text above quoted, gives the commandfor zeal and forth to makewar upon religion and to proclann tile
genuine activity at the time whenthere is great dark- name of the Most High. As Barak and Deborah were
ness upon the nations, both the rulers and the peo- sent forth by Jehovah just preceding the great bat-
ple, all of whomare anti-God, and at which time tle, so the Greater Barak and his organization go
God’s covenant people are most viciously opposed forth and do the "strange work" of Jehovah just pre-
and oppressed. The context of the foregoing text ceding the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
shows that the commandment is given at the time The prophetic song therefore foretold the "strange
when the ruling powers of the nations of earth have work" of Jehovah now in progress and which takes
forgotten God, if they ever knew him, and are in place just preceding the battle of Armageddon, and
darkness as to Jehovah’s purposes. They are in per- that battle is nowquickly to follow.
plexity, and at the same time the masses of the peo- ¯ "Awake, awake, Deborah; awake, awake, utter
ple are in gross darkness because of their ignorance a song: arise, Barak, and lead thy captivity captive,
of Jehovah’s purpose and because of the hindrances thou son of Abinoam." (Judg. 5: 12) Four times the
placed in their way by their earthly rulers. In that word "awake" is uttered in this prophetic song at
hour of gross darkness upon Satan’s organization this point. It was a call from Jehovah to his servants
and all people under it the great Vindicator of Jeho- then to awake and stir themselves unto active service
vah appears and makes himself manifest to his faith- and praise of his name. It was a fourfold call to
ful servants, and his glory and his power are seen awake, hence a full and complete call. The prophecy
to be upon those who faithfully follow his lead and here foretells the call of Jehovah to his organizatmn
obey the commandments of Jehovah God. on earth at the coming of Christ Jesus to awake and
In the days of Barak and Deborah the Israelites, arise to activity and to advertise his name and his
the typical people of God, were under the iron heel kingdom. This he does just preceding the time when
of the demon ruler, Jabin. The great mass of the he exercises his supreme power against Satan and
Israelites at that time had turned to and chosen the his entire organization. Those of Jehovah’s organi-
demon gods and were indulging in religious prac- zation must obey his commandment to immediately
tices. It was a time of darkness, and the Israelites and actively participate in declaring the name of
were in that darkness as a nation, but there was a Jehovah in singing his praises, and declaring his
remnant who were walking according to the terms judgment already written against those who are op-
of their covenant to the best of their ability. posed to him and to his kingdom. The prophetic song
3 Barak and Deborah were selected by the Lord foretells the victory of Christ Jesus, the Greater
Barak, over the enemy, and his organization shares by Barak leading his army against the forces of
in that victory, which organization was pictured by Sisera, Jabin’s captain. Before the beginning of the
Deborah. Note that the commandto organize is to battle of Armageddon the organization of the Lord
"Deborah", antitypically the organization of the on the earth, pictured by Deborah, must first awake
Lord on earth. These must awake and sing or utter and act under the commandment of the Greater
the song of praise to Jehovah’s name. Barak, Christ Jesus, and vigorously and zealously
’ The moving cause for awaking and becoming and unhesitatingly proclaim the name of Jehovah
zealously active is love, that is, unselfish devotion throughout the earth.
to doing the will of Almighty God. God’s servants, ’ Barak, no doubt, took many captives, but not for
seeing their privilege, are grateful in their hearts, the purpose of sparing them alive. All of the forces
and they express their gratitude by unselfish devo- of Sisera being against God and for the Devil, none
tion. As further proof that the fulfillment of the of them were spared alive. "All the host of Sisera
prophecy takes place shortly preceding Armageddon, fell upon the edge of the sword ; and there was not a
note the inspired words of the apostle addressed to man left." (Judg. 4 : 16) Likewise when Christ Jesus.
Jehovah’s witnesses. Here his Wordrecorded in Holy the Greater Barak, renders the forces of Satan panic-
Writ declares that ’love is the fulfillment of the law’; stricken and completely in rout he will take many of
no other motive could meet the requirements of Jeho- them captive and execute them. This part of the
vah: "Love worketh no ill to his neighbour; there- prophecy in reality means that all the enemies or’
fore love is the fulfilling of the law. Andthat, know- God are destined to die, because ’they are vessels of
ing the time, that now it is high time to awake out wrath for destruction’ (Rom. 9: 22); "as natural
of sleep; for now is our salvation nearer than when brute beasts, madeto be taken and destroyed." (2 Pet.
we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at 2: 12) At Armageddon the Greater Barak will spare
hand ; let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, alive none of the devils. "And I saw the beast, and
and let us put on the armourof light."-Rom. 13 : 10-12. the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered
e The fulfillment is in the ’qast days", when the together to make war against him that sat on the
true and faithful followers of Christ Jesus are horse, and against his army. And the beast was taken
brought into the light, and hence are in the temple [captive], and with him the false prophet that
and are no longer in darkness. Nowthey are children wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived
of the light: "Wherefore he saith, Awakethou that them that had received the mark of the beast, and
sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall them that worshipped his image. These both were
give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone
not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because [symbol of destruction]. And the remnant [of the
the days are evil." (Eph. 5: 14-16) "But ye, brethren, captives] were slain with the sword of him that sat
are not in darkness, that that day should overtake upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his
you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light, and mouth; and all the fowls were filled with their flesh."
the children of the day; we are not of the night, nor --Rev. 19 : 19-21.
of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others ; This symbolic description of Armageddon fore-
but let us watch and be sober."--i Thess. 5:4-6. tells the destruction of Satan’s forces by the Greater
’ The Greater Barak, the King of glory, has come, Barak and, as shown in the context, is immediately
he who is the light of all whowill walk in the light. followed by a great feast of rejoicing on the part of
It is the time of joy and zealous activity, and all the those who have remained firm, true and steadfast
servants of the Most High willingly go forth in obe- in support of THETHEOCRACY and its King. The song
dience to the commandment. Note, then, that the of the faithful will fill the universe with praise of the
prophetic song refers exclusively to Christ Jesus in name of Jehovah and to his government.
these words: "Arise, Barak, and lead thy captivity ,o "Then he made him that remaineth have domin-
captive, thou son of Abinoam." The name "Abinoam" ion over the nobles amongthe people ; the Lord made
means "father of sweetness and grace"; which name me have dominion over the mighty." (Judg. 5: 13)
applies to Jehovah God, the Father of our Lord and The remnant of the Israelites that remained faithful
Savior Christ Jesus. Jehovah is love, and he is sweet- under their covenant with Jehovah and that survived
ness and grace. Every attribute of perfection is in the twenty years of oppression under King Jabin
Jehovah God. He is the manifestation of sweetness, were awake when called. When that proper time
grace and goodness to all who joyfully obey him. came they readily responded to the call to battle and
Christ Jesus, his beloved Son and Executive Officer, went down and joined the chief or nobles that had
at the fixed time receives the signal, the command willingly offered themselves for service under Barak.
from the Most High, to begin "the battle of that great According to Rotherham this part of the text reads :
day of God Almighty"; which battle was pictured "Then came down a renmant to the nobles--a peo-

ple." That remnant was faithful, and they were Jeho- that set not their heart aright, and whose spirit was
vah’s people. Likewise Jehovah’s people at the temple not stedfast with God. The children of Ephraim, be-
judgment faithfully followed Christ Jesus, obeyed ing armed, and carrying bows, turned back in the
his commandments, and were brought into the temple day of battle. They kept not the covenant of God,
and made members of his organization. There they and refused to walk in his law ; and forgat his works,
became Jehovah’s organized people and his witnesses and his wonders that he had shewed them."--Ps.
on earth, appointed, ordained and commissioned to 78 : 8-11.
proclaim his name and to preach this gospel of the " That was the general reputation of the tribe,
Kingdom. As foretold in the prophetic Psalm, they but there was a remnant of the tribe of Ephraim that
gave themselves willingly for the service from the remained faithful to Jehovah and they came down
time of the temple judgment onward. and joined Barak and wiped out that bad record that
" Another part of the same verse thirteen of the rested on the tribe as a whole. These faithful
prophetic song is rendered by Rotherham in these Ephraimites had to be against Amalek and they
words: "Jehovah came down with me against the fought against him, and that fight was a great
mighty." That is what took place in the prophetic strength to the faithful Ephraimites when the time
picture. Jehovah fought the battle of his people and came to fight against Jabin and his Canaanite host
gave them the victory over the mighty. Likewise under Sisera.
today, when the "strange work" is being completed " Note now the facts that have come to pass in
and the "strange act" is about to begin, Jehovah is fulfillment of this part of the prophetic song. Spirit-
with Christ Jesus (the Greater Barak) and his or- ual Israelites were, at the coming of Christ Jesus to
ganization (Deborah) and is leading them on, and the temple, located right in and amongst the religion-
the remnant of Jehovah’s witnesses abide on the side ists. In fact, they were surrounded everywhere by re-
of the Greater Barak and with Jehovah’s organiza- ligionists. Being so close to the practitioners of reli-
tion, then Jehovah is sure to be with them, fight for gion, the faithful Israelites had manyreligious spots
them, and give them the victory over the mighty on their garments at the time of the appearing of
forces of the Devil. This is further emphasized by Christ Jesus at the temple. These faithful adherents
the emphatic words of the prophecy, to wit: "The to their covenant, however, first subdued and put
Lord at thy right hand shall strike through kings in away the influence and power of religion from them
the day of his wrath. He shall judge amongthe hea- and then joined the Greater Barak, Christ Jesus,
then, he shall fill the places with the dead bodies; he passed the examination at his judgment, and were
shall wound the heads over many countries."--Ps. approved. Then they entered fully into the service
110: 5, 6. of the Lord. Thereafter they offered unto the Lord
1,,,Out of Ephraim was there a root of them an offering in righteousness by zealously and faith-
against Amalek; after thee, Benjamin, among thy fully proclaiming the name and the kingdom of Jeho-
people; out of Machir came down governors, and vah. The faithful remnant went forward in the fight
out of Zebulun they that handle the pen of the writer." against organized religion, that is, "Christendom"
(Judg. 5: 14) The rendering of this text by another and heathendom, both practitioners of demonism.
scholar is better, to wit: "Out of Ephraim [came Thus Jehovah in this prophecy foretold the minute
down] they whose root [settlement] was in Amalek." details of the progress of those who remained faith-
(Rotherham) The ancient Amalekites spread out ful to their covenant and were approved at the temple
through central Palestine and made permanent set- judgment.
tlement there and became rooted in the land. Con- 1’"After thee, Benjamin, among thy people."
cerning this it is written: "In the mount of the (Judg. 5:14) Benjamin’s territory bordered on the
Amalekites." (Judg. 12: 15) This settlement of the south with that which was assigned to Ephraim. The
Amalekites was in the land of the Ephraimites. It original Benjamin was an uncle of Ephraim, as
appears that the tribe of Ephraim had to subdue Ephraim’s father, Joseph, was a full brother of
those Amalekites in order to live in that land, which Benjamin. The small company of the tribe of Ben-
had been assigned to the tribe of Ephraim. The tribe jamin furnished a part of the remnant of volunteers,
of Ephraim had a bad record as respects these and manifestly they did not stand back and wait for
Amalekites, in this: that at one time they had not all the others to volunteer first, but some others
fought valiantly against Amalek. They had been un- volunteered and "after thee, Benjamin". The pro-
faithful to their national covenant with Jehovah by phetic song describes and identifies others of the
yielding to the demon religion and choosing the de- tribes that were faithful.
mons rather than obeying Jehovah God. Concerning ""Out of Machir came down governors." In the
them it is written : "Andmight not be as their fathers, book of Genesis it is written: "The children also of
a stubborn and rebellious generation; a generation Machir the son of Manasseh were brought up upon

Joseph’s knees." (Gen. 50 : 23) Machir was a man 1, The tribe of Issachar took a prominent and hon-
war, a valiant fighter, and therefore he was assigned orable place in the battle. The location of that tribe
a hard territory to subdue and to hold, that is to say, was on the south of the tribe of Zebulun. In Issachar’s
that part knownas Gilead that lies east of the Jordan territory lay the plain of Esdraelon and the city of
river¯ (Josh¯ 17 : 1) It follows that he would train his Megiddo, and the valley of Jezreel. The main part
men properly, so that the "governors" or leaders of the fighting in the battle here under .consideration
"out of Machir" must have been men of sturdy and took place on that ground, and there Jehovah per-
excellent fighting qualities. They would be the very formed his miraculous and "strange" act. It was in
men counted on to join up with and fight under that place where Jehovah fought the battle for the
Barak; which they did. The leaders did not stay be- Israelites also under Joshua.m Josh. 19:17-23.
hind and tell others of the Machirites and Gileadites ,o The instructions which God gave to Barak in-
to go into the field and battle with Barak, but those dicated that Issachar’s home territory would be the
leaders themselves went down and joined Barak and battleground¯ The leaders in Issachar’s land must
took part in the battle and the others followed. have welcomed that arrangement for them to have a
1, Another tribe is mentioned with approval : "Out part in the vindication of Jehovah’s nameand for the
of Zebulun they that handle the pen of the writer." deliverance of the people from their oppressors.
(Judg. 5: 14) Zebulun was a seafaring tribe. At any (Judg. 4: 6, 7) Those princes were not one whit be-
rate, they resided by the Mediterranean sea and, no hind the faithful Israelites in general. As it is writ-
doubt, carried on business which required the keep- ten, they "were with Deborah"; that is to say, the)"
ing of shipping records and other business; which were in full harmony with Deborah and, antityp-
doubtless they did, and in a proper way. "Zebulun ically, in full harmony with God’s organization. For
shall dwell at the haven of the sea; and he shall be those faithful Israelites of the tribe of Issachar war
for an haven of ships, and his border shall be unto was really on the "home front". This suggests that
Zidon." (Gen. 49:13) "And of Zebulun he said, Re- today one may serve on the home front if he cannot
joice, Zebulun, in thy going out; and, Issachar, in be a pioneer. Not all can engage in the pioneer work,
thy tents. They shall call the people unto the moun- but all of God’s servants may perform their duty
tain; there they shall offer sacrifices of righteous- wheresoever they are. Issachar was assigmed a place,
hess ; for they shall suck of the abundanceof the seas, foretelling that class of God’s covenant people today
and of treasures hid in the sand."--Deut. 33: 18, 19. who joyfully serve wherever they are put. They are
1, Although engaged in legitimate business those wholly devoted to TH~. THEOCRACY,and hence in full
faithful men of Zebulun did not permit such things accord and in full unity with the visible part of God’s
to interfere with their service to Jehovah and their organization, taking their commands from the in-
fight against the enemies of Jehovah God. This clear- visible, the Greater Barak, and performing their
ly shows that being engaged in business is no excuse duties without hesitation. They are not pacifists, and
to fail or refuse to engage in the active service of the they do not compromise. They are entirely for Jeho-
great THEOCRAT¯Another rendering of this text vah’s organization.
reads: "And out of Zebulun such as bear aloft the ,1 "Even Issachar, and also Barak." The America~z
staff of the marshal." (Roth.) While they held the Revised Version rendering of these words is better,
staff of authority for their part of the land they namely: "As was Issachar, so was Barak." The tribe
readily put themselves under the staff of the great of Issachar furnished a genuine contingent of fight-
Marshal and busied themselves to get more fighting ers for Jehovah’s name. They were exactly con-
men in the field for battle. In the present day the formed to the image of their captain, Barak. In this
faithful servants of God, regardless of the position they were foretelling that faithful and devoted serv-
of importance held by them, put forth their best en- ant class of Jehovah that will conform to the image
deavors to get more publishers of THE THEOCRACYor likeness of Christ Jesus, their Captain. Issachar’s
into the field for the purpose of fighting the battle tribe moved about and resided wherever it seemed
of the Lord against the enemy. Not all the covenant to be best for them to reside. They were accustomed
people of God respond, however. The prophecy con- to tents, as indicated by the Scriptures: "Rejoice
tinues to show the attitude of various ones of the ¯ . . in thy tents." (Deut. 33: 18) Thus those faith-
covenant people toward God and the doing of his ful men of Issachar well picture the pioneers who
will, and thus the contrast is shown between those gladly reside wherever their work takes them and
who appreciate their privileges and those who lack are content with whatsoever conditions the Lord pro-
appreciation. "And the princes of Issachar were with vides for them. They realize that they are given a
Deborah ; even Issachar, and also Barak; he was sent place temporarily and, while there, doing with their
on foot into the valley. For the divisions of Reuben might whatsoever is to be done and doing it with a
there were great thoughts of heart."---Judg. 5:15. grateful heart. The faithful of Isaachar were accus-
APRILi, 1941 fffieWATCHTOWER 103

tomed to bearing burdens and doing so willingly. in his chariot of iron, with his mighty mechanized
Jacob pronounced upon Issaehar this prophetic equipment for war, and arrogantly displayed his
blessing: "Issaehar is a strong ass, couching down power, expecting to win the battle quickly. Shortly
between two burdens ; and he saw that rest was good, thereafter, however, that overconfident military lead-
and the land that it was pleasant; and bowed his er had to hop down from his chariot and take it on
shoulder to bear, and became a servant unto tribute." foot. So the Lord made the enemy do some walking.
--Gen. 49 : 14, 15. That foretells that they will be on the run at Arma-
" Paying tribute to an anti-theocratic foreign geddon, on foot or any other way they can go. From
power was out of order with that faithful tribe. the prophetic record it clearly appears that ten
Only Jehovah God and his Chief Executive Officer thousand fighting men of Barak, and principally of
should be and are recognized as "the Higher Pow- troops from the tribes of Ephraim, Benjamin, Ma-
ers". (Rom. 13: 1) It was so with Issachar, and it nasseh, Zebulun, Issachar and Naphtali, made up the
so with God’s covenant people today. Issachar’s tribe little army. They did the work and did it with joy,
foreshadowed the faithful ones of this time who and Jehovah gave the victory for them and com-
recognize only Jehovah God and Christ Jesus as the pletely delivered them. But how about some of the
Higher Powers. others who took a different course? and does the
,3 The tribe of Issaehar was right with Barak in Lord point this out? and for what purpose?
overthrowing the power and breaking the grip of the ,8,,For the divisions of Reuben there were great
Canaanites upon God’s people. This they did because thoughts of heart," says the prophetic record. (Judg.
it was God’s will and commandthat they do so. Like- 5: 15) Note here that the territory of the tribe of
wise the faithful followers of Christ Jesus today Reuben was on the east side of the Jordan and along
attribute praise, honor, and glory and salvation to the upper eastern shore of the Dead sea. The pro-
Jehovah and shun religion or demonism. Issachar, phetic statement, to wit, "the divisions of Reuben,"
therefore, foreshadowed that company of Christian evidently means that the tribe of Reuben was not
people who give their undivided and unstinted devo- entirely at unity, but was divided as to the war and
tion to Jehovah and his King. every part in it. That being true, they were distracted
54,,He was sent on foot into the valley." (Judg. and sidetracked, and hence missed the opportunity
5: 15) Thus Barak’s men went on foot, and that re- of taking a part actively in the field of battle, which
quired real courage. The enemy under Sisera drove activity foretells of God’s "strange work". Reuben
into the valley in 900 chariots of iron. The Israelites was Jacob’s firstborn and would be the "big brother"
under Barak, from their position in Mount Tabor, of the family, and he well foreshadows those who
could see that mighty mechanized enemy, and when think themselves important because of birth and en-
the command was given from the heights to begin vironment. In Israel’s emergency Reuben’s tribe did
the fight they marched on foot right down into the not seize the opportunity for a share in the vindica-
valley and faced the enemy and their iron chariots. tion of Jehovah’s name, although that was the big
God inspired Deborah to say to Barak when the time brother’s part that he should have assumedas the big-
came: "Up, for this is the day in which the Lord brother tribe. In contrast to this the tribe of "little
hath delivered Sisera into thine hand ; is not the Lord Benjamin" (Ps. 68 : 27) volunteered for the campaign
gone out before thee?" Quicldy Barak moved right and had a share in the "strange work" and m the
down from Mount Tabor, and his little army of ten vindication of Jehovah’s name. Thus is explained
thousand men were right "at his feet", all walking why there was a division amongst Reuben’s tribe and,
on foot, and the princes of Issachar were in the van furthermore, why there was a ’great searching [great
of that marching army on foot. In the valley of resolves (A.R.V.)] of heart’.
Esdraelon, through which flows the river Kishon, ~’ No doubt there was much noise about many good
they went on foot. (Judg. 4: 10-14) The fact that the resolves and good intentions, but no real actions.
Divine Record emphasizes the movementof this little Good intentions and resolves count for nothing un-
army "on foot" well fits the present-day condition, less there is some real activity in proof of their
that there is a great deal of foot work in the house- genuineness. Those Reubenites did nothing to set in
to-house service. These servants of the Lord must motion anything for the furtherance of the field work,
walk. The Lord contrasts this with the others who and that foretells the condition that exists amongst
take it easy, when he says: "Ye that ride on white some at the present time. Those Reubenites, which
asses, ye that sit in judgment, and walk by the way represent a like class at the present time, cannot say
[well-beaten, smooth roads]."--Judg. 5: 10. with the faithful ones : "My heart shall rejoice in thy
’3 Such are the ones that take the easy way, and salvation." (Ps. 13: 5) At this point the words of the
these have something to meditate about. The captain psalmist appear to be well applied: "And might not
of Jabin’s army rode into the valley in great state, be as their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious gener-

ation; a generation that set not their heart aright, that flock in order that he might be on hand to fight
and whose spirit was not stedfast with God." "Never- for his brethren against the monster Goliath.--
theless they did flatter him with their mouth, and 1 Sam. 17: 20-24.
they lied unto him with their tongues : for their heart 81 "For the divisions of Reuben there were great
was not right with him, neither were they stedfast searchings of heart." They had much cause to search
in his covenant." (Ps. 78:8, 36, 37) One must prove their hearts and ascertain the motive for their lack
his faith and devotion to Almighty God by acting in of activity. It is even so today with those whosay in
full harmony with confessions made by the mouth. their hearts or in their words: "Let others do the
That prayer was true in ancient times and is true now. work." The apostle evidently was inspired to write
28,Why abodest thou among the sheepfolds, to concerning modern-day Reubenites when he said:
hear the bleatings of the flocks? For the divisions of "Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith;
Reuben there were great searchings of heart." (Judg. prove your own selves. Knowye not your own selves,
5:16) Here the prophecy continues to take note of how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be repro-
the unfaithfulness of Reuben. The Reubenites chose bates ? But I trust that ye shall knowthat we are not
the peaceful pursuits and took it easy when the time reprobates." (2 Cor. 13: 5, 6) Another inspired wit-
came to vindicate Jehovah’s name ; and, when the in- ness of the Lord corroborates that class : "Therefore
terests of the Israelites were at stake, the Reubenites to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to
were quite willing to have the Canaanites continue to him it is sin." (Jas. 4: 17) "For as the body without
assume the place of the higher powers over Jehovah’s the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead
people, just as long as the Reubenites could continue also."--Jas. 2 : 26.
in their condition of ease and without interruption. ’~ Today Jehovah has provided opportunity for all
They displayed no zeal for Jehovah and the honor the consecrated to prove their integrity by giving
of his name. They showed no real interest in the their all in support of THETHEOCRACY. The faithful
rights of the Israelites. They were shepherds, pas- cannot and will not compromise in order to avoid
tors for revenue and ease. This exactly fits the old- persecution. They know only one thing, and that is
time "elective elders" and other religionists, who to do the will of God, obeying his commandments.
claim to perform some part of the service but who are Those whom Jehovah will approve must joyfully
a part of the "evil servant" and whoto this day con- take their part in the service as opportunity is
tinue to recognize earthly governments as the higher offered, regardless of what may be the conditions.
powers and who are also willing to compromise with Doing so joyfully and fully trusting in the Lord for
Satan’s organization in order that they might enjoy results, they are certain to comeoff victorious.
their ease without disturbance. 8, "Gilead abode beyond Jordan ; and why did Dan
~ Those Reubenites had forgotten what Moses, at remain in ships? Asher continued on the sea shore,
God’s direction, had said to them on a previous occa- and abode in his breaches." (Judg. 5: 17) Here God
sion about sending a contingent of fighting men calls attention to others that were derelict, fore-
across the Jordan river to help their brother Israel- shadowing a like class during his "strange work".
ites: "And Moses said unto them, If ye will do this Gilead here named was that part of the territory
thing, if ye will go armed before the Lord to war, assigned to the tribes of Reuben and Gad. (See Num-
and will go all of you armed over Jordan before the bers 32: 1, 2; Deuteronomy 3: 12-16.) There was an-
Lord, until he hath driven out his enemies from be- other part of Gilead, however, which was assig-ned
fore him, and the land be subdued before the Lord; to the tribe of Manasseh, to which Machir, the fight-
then afterward ye shall return, and be guiltless be- er, was attached, and he volunteered for active set’v-
fore the Lord, and before Israel; and this land shall ice under Barak. (Josh. 17 : 1 ; Judg. 5 : 14) The tribe
be your possession before the Lord. But if ye will not of Gad did nothing, doubtless concluding it was too
do so, behold, ye have sinned against the Lord; and much trouble and effort to cross the Jordan river
be sure your sin will find you out."--Num. 32: 20-23. and participate in the defense of the covenant people
,o Suchlike are sinners, because they do not obey
of God. Jordan means "descender". Its waters de-
the Lord’s commandments as respects the conduct scended or rushed down to the Dead sea, where there
of the war against demonismor religion. Clearly this was no outlet. Gilead was a mountainous country,
part of the prophecy foreshadows a class of pro- and it would appear to the tribe of Gad that the
fessed followers of Christ who give honor to the Lord rough terrain and the Jordan river constituted for
with their words but take no real and sincere action them a real obstacle and defense against the iron
toward the publication of his name and his kingdom. chariots of Sisera, and hence the Gadites concluded
They do nothing toward the vindication of the great to let those on the other side of the river take care of
THEOCRAT. Such are set forth in contrast with David, themselves. This conclusion was evidently reached
who attended to the sheep of his father, and who left because those on the east side of the Jordan were
APRIL 1, 1941 NieWATCHTOWEtL 105

well protected naturally from.assault. Those condi- which some who claim consecration find themselves.
tions thus pictured what has come to pass in the They are not disposed to separate themselves from
modern-day fulfillment of the prophetic song. Since the sea of humanity which has alienated them from
1918 there have been a number of professed conse- God. On the contrary, they have continued a close
crated persons who seem to think it best for them to association with the commercial and selfish business
hole up at home and to avoid the conflict with the interests for selfish gain. Whenthey learned of the
enemy, and have therefore let the intervening masses Kingdomthey were getting on in business profitably,
of humankind, pictured by the’ Jordan river, now and so reasoned: "Why should we put aside this
rapidly descending into the ’Dead sea’, hold them profitable business and take a part in spiritual mat-
back from active service. Those modern Gadites have ters in the interest of the Kingdom?" Let someone
permitted the turbulent people of the present time to else do that. Whyshould they jeopardize their busi-
hinder them from crossing over the antitypical Jor- ness and their standing in the community by going
dan and engaging actively in the service of the Lord. right against religion and doing service and adver-
They have, for selfish reasons, failed to be obedient tising THETHEOCRACY ? In this they missed the great-
to the commandmentsof the Lord, and are therefore est opportunity that ever came to them.
in the same condition as if they had willingly violated s, "Zebulun and Naphtali were a people that jeop-
God’s law. They have taken no part in exposing arded their lives unto the death in the high places
religion as the enemy of humankind. of the field." (Judg. 5:18) Other renderings of this
3, "And whydid Dan remain in ships ?" Dan’s terri- text are enlightening and are as follows: "A people
tory was close to that of the tribes of Ephraim, Ben- that exposed to reproach their lives unto the death."
jamin and Judah. Dan’s territory extended to the (Marginal reading) "Zebulun is a people who ex-
coast of the Mediterranean, including the city of posed its soul to death, Naphtali also." (Young’s)
modern-day Joppa. (Josh. 19:40-48) Dan was en- "Zebulun--a people that scorned their souls unto
gaged in commercial shipping, and doing some fish- death; and Naphtali." (Rotherham) ~Vhat a great
ing there. He was so overcharged with his private contrast between those two tribes and the others who
business that Dan did not find time to respond to the stayed at home and did nothing to defend the name
call and send a contingent of fighters to join the army of Jehovah and his covenant people. Zebulun and
of Barak. He was there unlike the first disciples of Naphtali put Almighty Godfirst and counted not their
Christ Jesus, who were also fishermen, and concern- lives of importance when compared with the honor
ing whomit is written: "And he called them. And and vindication of Jehovah’s name and the interest
they immediately left the ship and their father, and of his covenant people. They regarded the covenant
followed him." (Matt. 4: 21, 22) Likewise since 1918, of the nation with Jehovah as an obligation to be
when the Greater Barak came to the temple and kept. They were first to volunteer: "And she said, I
thereafter sent forth his servants, many who have will surely go with thee; notwithstanding the jour-
professed to be spiritual Israelites had permitted ney that thou takest shall not be for thine honour ; for
their business interests to so fully engross them that the Lord shall sell Sisera into the hand of a woman.
they have given commerce or business a greater And Deborah arose, and went with Barak to Kedesh.
place in their lives and have entirely neglected the And Barak called Zebulun and Naphtali to Kedesh;
more important privilege of serving the Kingdom. and he went up with ten thousand men at his feet;
They have ignored the antitypical Deborah, the or- and Deborah went up with him."--Judg. 4: 9, 10.
ganization of the Lord, and have disregarded the s, Likewise in these days of peril, whenthe proph-
call of the Greater Barak. They have failed to see ecy of Victory Song is being fulfilled; the faithful
that the service of the King and the Kingdomis the covenant people of God, pictured by Zebulun and
greatest privilege and opportunity anyone could Naphtali, go right out in the field where they can be
have. Yet at the same time they have claimed to be seen and marked as a remnant of the people who are
consecrated to God. They have failed in this: that entirely for Jehovah and his TH~.OCaACY. They let
they have put business first and the Lord’s interests it be known that they are against the abominable,
have been put on the side. demoniacal rule that is standing in the place where
3~ "Asher continued on the sea shore, and abode that desolating abomination has no right to stand.
in his breaches [creeks (margin)]." By means of They thereby make themselves the target for the
creeks or small watercourses Asher could carry on enemy and expose themselves to the assaults of mobs
some traffic or business with the Phoenicians and led by religious priests and supported by other
also do some business along the seashore. He lay fanatics under the influence of demons. They do not
down and did nothing to safeguard the interests of count their lives dear unto them when compared
God’s covenant people. He acted that part of the with their privilege of being witnesses to THE
picture prophetic of the present-day conditions into THEOCRACY. The apostle Paul was one who led off in

this course of faithful devotion to the Kingdom, and in these words recorded in the Scriptures: "Nowall
hence under inspiration he wrote: "Save that the these things happened unto them for ensamples ; and
holy [spirit] witnesseth in every city, saying that they are written for our admonition, upon whomthe
bonds and afflictions abide me. But none of these ends of the world are come." (1 Cor. 10: 11) "For
things move me, neither count I my life dear unto whatsoever things were written aforetime were writ-
myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, ten for our learning, that we through patience and
and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord comfort of the scriptures might have hope."--Rom.
Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God." 15:4.
(Acts 20: 23, 24) "Then Paul answered, What mean ~° God caused those things to be recorded to show
ye to weep and to break mine heart? for I am ready the consecrated today their privilege of having a
not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem part in the vindication of his name and to emphasize
for the name of the Lord Jesus."--Acts 21 : 13. the fact that all protection and salvation proceeds
,8 Today the faithful servants of Jehovah and his from God and none comes from any other source.
King have but one objective, and that is to do the The faithful servants of God today will take much
will of Almighty God. They ask God to make them comfort from these last above quoted texts, seeing
do his will, and they do not hesitate to take any also that the same thing was foreshadowed in the
place in the service to which they may be assigned. prophecy written long ago. The loving-kindness of
They count on the Lord to take care of them. They the Lord is manifest at all times toward those who
forget themselves. They are determined that nothing are diligent to do his will.
shall separate them from the love of Jehovah and ,1 As shown by the prophecies and by the facts
his government under Christ: "For I am persuaded which God has now brought to pass in fulfillment
that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principal- thereof the battle of the great day of God Almighty
ities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to is near. Demonizednations of the earth are spoiling
come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, for a fight, and they shall be accommodated. As Cap-
shall be able to separate us from the love of God, tain Sisera was surprised and overwhelmed, so those
which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."--Rom. 8: 38, 39. people whomSisera pictured shall be surprised and
"~ Seeing that certain tribes of the typical people overwhelmed at Armageddon. Then the song of ever-
of Jehovah God missed their greatest opportunity lasting praise to Jehovah will be heard throughout
by remaining inactive during an emergency, and that the earth. Now the people of God, having been
their action was of sufficient importance to have it favored by the light of the Mighty One, Christ Jesus,
recorded in the prophecy, every consecrated person shining upon them, joyfully arise and shine forth
today should ask himself, Whydid Jehovah call at- the message of the Kingdom. Have you arisen, and
tention to the derelictions of some? and why did he is the light shining upon you, and are you using that
emphasize the course of action taken by others who light to the glory of THETHEOCRACY?
joined in the Song of Victory ? The answer is found (To be continued)

I; I; C~ EVEN"is a number symbolical of divine com-
destruction. All these plagues, antitypically, have to do
L’~ pleteness. Pure water is a symbol of life-giving with the proclamation of God’s messageof truth; and this
truths, whereas hail symbolizes hard and unbreak- proclamationof truth, or this workof Jehovah’switnesses,
able truths that cut, bruise and kill. In the time of the will not be completedon earth until these have proclaimed
prophet Moses whenhe was serving notice from Jehovah all of Jehovah’s warmngmessagesof h~s vengeanceagainst
God upon the hard-hearted Pharaoh, the land of Egypt all iniquity and of the vindication of his holy name. This
wasvisited by a rain of grievous hail such as never before Jehovah’s witnesses must do before Armageddon.
was known.It was the seventh in a series of ten plagues WhenPharaoh first refused to let the Israelites go,
from the hand of God. By bringing these plagues upon Jehovah might well have completely smitten Egypt, but
Egypt before the final destruction of all its firstborn of it pleased him to cause further testimony to be dehvered
manand beast and the destruction of Pharaoh’s military to Pharaoh and his royal house. Even so Jehovah might
forces Jehovah God furnished ample opportunity for well have smitten Satan’s earthly organization whenfirst
Pharaohto yield to His demandsto let His people go free the Greater Moses,Christ Jesus, cameto the temple in 1918
or to hardenhis heart and suffer destruction. Thoseplagues to judge the "house of God"and the nations of the world;
weretypical, foreshadowinglike plagues in these "last days". but it pleased Jehovahto permit Satan to go on and to re-
By these latter plagues Jehovah gives notice and warning main for a time, that further witness might be given on
to Satan’s organization as pictured by Egypt and affords earth and that Jehovah’s power might be mademore mani-
ample opportunity for Satan and his servants on earth to fest, and that none of the world should have any reason to
rather willingly bowto Jehovah’swill or else suffer complete say they were taken unawaresby the judgmentsof Jehovah.
_APRILi, 1941 107

Six plagues had now been upon Egypt, and this had of the world, and this because the time has arrived for the
served only to harden the heart of Pharaoh. The purpose foretold ’increase of knowledge’ of God’s purpose, and for
of the plagues upon Egypt was to place plainly before the the announcement to be made that the end of Satan’s or-
Egyptians the name and supremacy of Jehovah. Instead of ganization is at hand. (See Daniel 12:4 and Revelation
completely destroying Pharaoh and his organization earlier 11 : 15, 17.) It is the "day of Jehovah", the day of his venge-
in the controversy, Jehovah through Mosessaid to Pharaoh : ance and vindication, and his message of vengeance must
"At this time I send all my plagues [(marginal reading of therefore be declared. Concerning what should follow that
the Bible) I send all my remaining plagues] against thy assembly in Detroit in 1928, Revelation 16:21 foretold m
heart, and against thy servants, and against thy people; in symbols: "And there fell upon men a great hail out of
order that thou mayest knowthat there is none like me on heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men
all the earth. For even now I might have stretched out my blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the
hand, and I might have smitten thee and thy people with plague thereof was exceeding great." That great hailstorm
the pestilence; and thou wouldst have been cut off from the has continued to spoil "Christendom’s" religious fodder
earth; but for this cause have I allowed thee to remain, in (pictured by the barley destroyed in Egypt), and her self-
order to show thee my power; and in order that they may righteousness (pictured by the linen flax in Egypt), and
proclaim my name throughout all the earth." (Exodus her self-conscious sweetness (pictured by the fig trees and
9: 14-16, Leeser’s translation) The remaining plagues that their fruit in Egypt, which were spoiled). As foretold at
were to come upon Egypt, and which did come, were further Isaiah 28:2-17, Satan’s lies, which had found refuge in
notice and warning to Satan’s earthly organization. In "Christendom", there began to be swept away, and are be-
modern times this notice of warning must be given and ing swept away, by the flood of truth. Therefore Jehovah
declared by Jehovah’s witnesses as members of his temple is causing his witnesses on earth to bear his message of
organization. truth throughout the world to modern Egypt, calhng at-
The act of God came. A great storm or downpour of tention to his own supreme power and that this power will
hail accompanied by the fire of lightning smote the crops be completely made manifest at the battle of Armageddon.
and men and beasts of Egypt. Jehovah had warned Pharaoh, In Pharaoh’s realm in Egypt there were some who heard
but that warning went unheeded; and now God sent forth and gave heed to the warning given by Moses concerning
upon the Egyptians the seventh plague. "And Moses the approaching storm; while others failed and refused to
stretched forth his rod toward heaven; and the Lord sent give any heed thereto, and they suffered as a result thereof
thunder and hail, and the fire ran along upon the ground: Exodus 9:20, 21 states: "He that feared the word of the
and the Lord rained hail upon the land of Egypt. So there Lord, among the servants of Pharaoh, made ins servants
was hail, and fire mingled with the hail, very grievous, such and his cattle flee into the houses ; and he that regarded not
as there was none like it in all the land of Egypt since it the word of the Lord left his servants and his cattle in the
became a nation. And the hail smote throughout all the field." Even so now some persons who are in the world but
land of Egypt all that was in the field, both man and beast; who are of good-will toward God are hearing the word of
and the ha:l smote every herb of the field, and brake every warning given by authority and power of the Lord m which
tree of the field." (Ex. 9 : 23-25) That great plague of hail his witnesses are used, and some of these seek refuge, u hfle
came upon Egypt in the springtime, as shown by the record others disregard and scoff at the message. The great storm
(verse 31) : "And the flax and the barley was smitten; for comes upon all of Egypt except Goshen; and hkewmethis
the barley was in the ear, and the flax was boiled." Psalm great storm comes upon all the world except God’s chosen
105 33 records: "He smote their vines also, and their fig people. "Only in the land of Goshen, where the ch:ldren of
trees, and brake the trees of their coasts." Israel were, was there no bail." (Ex. 9 26) AmongGod’s
The antltypical fulfillment of that plague began to come fa:thful people now on earth the truth, accompamed by
upon Satan’s earthly organization m August, 1928. It was flashes of lightning of spimtual enlightenment, brings great
then that Jehovah caused his witnesses on earth, to whom joy to the hearts of all such; hence there is no plague or
had been committed the testimony of Jesus Christ, to de- hail for any of them. They dwell in the secret and protected
clare his message against the "prince of the power of the place of the Most High and rejoice in the blessings that the
air", Satan, and his demonorganization. (Rev. 16: 17-21) Lord gives to them, even as he had long ago prom:sed, say-
The proclamation of a specific message was there begun, and ing: "And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation,
was carmed on throughout the earth, which message is desig- and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places, when it
nated "’Declaration against Satan and for Jehovah". This shall hail, coming down on the forest; and the city shall
was first publicly declared, and simultaneously broadcast be low in a low place." (Isa. 32: 18, 19) But the poor old
over a radio network of 107 stations, at a vast general as- "Jannes and Jambres" crowd are having a very grievous
sembly of Jehovah’s people in Detroit, Michigan. It was time. The hail and lightning blinds, bruises, plagues and
then, as foretold at Revelation 11:19, that the lightnings torments them, and they continue to harden their hearts.
of truth flashed from the temple and the remnant of Jeho- More testimony is required.
vah’s witnesses had their first clear vision of the great issue Had Pharaoh yielded to the demand of the Lord through
now joined between Satan and Jehovah. (Further on this Moses and let the Israelites go and worship Jehovah, such
see The Watchtower September 15, 1928; also Book One of would have been a public acknowledgment by Pharaoh that
Light, page 221.) Since that time in particular God has he was wrong; and hence his pride would not permit him
continued to rain down upon "Christendom" great chunks to do so. So now, if Satan’s earthly agents should give heed
of strong and weighty truths, unparalleled in the history to the message of Jehovah delivered through his witnesses,

such would be an acknowledgment that these faithful wit- their dwelling-place. Usually thick darkness strikes terror
nesses are telling the truth ; and that wouldbe a public ad- into the hearts of those who have no faith in God; and,
mission on the part of Satan and his earthly agents in since Pharaoh possessed a hard heart and had no faith, he
"Christendom" that the Devil and all of his organization was frightened and desired to be quit of the Israelites when
are entirely wrong. It seems, however, that some persons this plague came upon him and his people: "And the Lord
in the Devil’s organization would be glad to give up the said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand toward heaven,
fight, because the truth is too much of a plague to them. that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, even
Satan, however, has "Christendom" tightly tied, and his darkness which may be felt. And Moses stretched forth
organization and all the membersthereof continue to harden his hand toward heaven; and there was a thick darkness
themselves against Jehovah God’s purposes. in all the land of Egypt three days: they saw not one an-
The next plague, the eighth, was that of a great swarmof other, neither rose any from his place for three days; but
locusts. The key to the understanding of this plague appears all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings. And
in Revelation 9: 1-12, concerning the symbolic locusts that Pharaoh called unto Moses, and said, Go ye, serve the Lord :
came upon the world. (An explanation of this is found in only let your flocks and your herds be stayed ; let your little
Book One of Light, pages 136-155; and also in Religion, ones also go with you."--Ex. 10: 21-24.
pages 172-202.) That these locusts should come from the It is noted that in calling forth some of the preceding
east reminds us of the "kings of the east" that came against plagues Moses stretched forth his rod over the land of
the Devil’s organization Babylon, and this gives a clue to Egypt, but in calling forth the ninth plague he "stretched
what constitutes the antitypical plague, to wit, Jehovah’s forth his hand toward heaven". This seems to symbolically
witnesses and their companions advancing as a great swarm say that this message of notice and warning given by divine
equipped with the message of his Theocratic Government commandpertains to heavenly things, which became totally
and exposing religion as the snare of the Devil and doomed dark to those making up the visible earthly part of Satan’s
to destruction. The record, at Exodus10 : 13, 14, reads : "And organization, and particularly those who form the rehgious
Moses stretched forth his rod over the land of Egypt, and or so-called "spiritual" elements of Satan’s organization
the Lord brought an east wind upon the land all that day, In 1919 the League of Nations was set up as a substitute
and all that night; and when it was morning, the east wind for the kingdom of God, which league the clergy that form
brought the locusts. And the locusts went up over all the the spiritual part of Satan’s visible organization hailed as
land of Egypt, and rested in all the coasts of Egypt: very "the political expression of the kingdom of God on earth".
grievous were they ; before them there were no such locusts Thus they disclosed the fact that they had no proper con-
as they, neither after them shall be such." Psalm 105 : 34, 35 ception of God’s kingdom. In 1926 Jehovah’s witnesses made
adds: "He spake, and the locusts came, and caterpillars, public a declaration at the earthly seat of the beastly power
and that without number, and did eat up all the herbs in of Satan, which declaration set forth that the League of
their land, and devoured the fruit of their ground." Nations is a child of the Devil and wholly in oppositmn to
In the recent past years, particularly since the London God’s kingdom. That declaration, which began at London,
convention of Jehovah’s witnesses in 1926, the constant England, was a specific notice of warning and was ad-
barrage of testimony of truth at and against "Christendom" dressed To the Rulers of the World and emphasized the
has brought a great plague upon Satan’s visible organiza- fact that Satan had set up, by his earthly representatives, an
tion Amongthe shots thus fired may be counted the book- abominable thing, to wit, the League of Nations, "that
lets Uncovered, Cure, Warning, Face the Facts, Fascism makcth desolate," because it is a hypocritical substitute for
or Freedom, Refugees, Government and Peace, Judge Ruth- the kingdom of God. (Matt. 24: 14-16) Instead of giving
erford Uncovers Fifth Column, and the books Enemies and heed to that warning the rulers of "Christendom" continued
Rehgion. The first organized mass attack of these symbolic to scoff at the message, to harden their hearts, and to oppose
locusts was made upon the religious community of Bergen- God. The "transgression making desolate", foretold at
field, N. J., May22, 1932, and the work of these witnesses Daniel 8:13 (margin), dates from that time because they
of Jehovah has increased and prospered from that time for- then and there had specific notice and warning that the
ward, and this by the grace of the Lord. Even though there League of Nations is in opposition to the Kingdomand is
is some indication that some of these agents of Satan seem- a great abomination to God; and from that time forward
ingly would be glad to yield, as foreshadowed at Exodus thick darkness has settled down upon "Christendom". (See
10: 7-11, whatsoever repentance is shown by such servants Book One of Light, page 137.)
of Satan, that repentance is not sincere from the heart, but Although given full opportunity to know the truth and
entirely hypocritical. Jehovah’s witnesses must continue to identify themselves with God’s kingdom, "Christendom’s"
to serve notice and warning according to his commandment, leaders have refused to give heed: "They know not, neither
that all may know that Jehovah is God, and particularly will they understand: they walk on in darkness: all the
that those of good-will may have an opportunity to take foundations of the earth are out of course." (Ps. 82:5)
their stand on Jehovah’s side. As the plague of locusts came That particularly marked it as the time spoken of by the
upon Egypt, so not only has the antitypical plague begun, prophet Isaiah, to wit: "For, behold, the darkness shall
but this plague continues upon modern-day Egypt through- cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the
out all the land of "Christendom". Lord shall arise upon thee [my witness], and his glory
The ninth plague upon Egypt was thick darkness over shall be seen upon thee." (Isa. 60:2) From that time on-
all the land of Egypt except that part of the land occu- ward all the opposers of the purposes of Jehovah God, and
pied by the Israelites, and there the Israelites had light in particularly the "man of sin" class, pictured by Jannes
A2Rm 1, 1941 NieWATCHTOWER.
and Jambres of Pharaoh’s court, had their "understanding wicked world under Satan the temple of God is a place of
darkened" because of their hardness of heart. (Eph. 4: 18) darkness, because none of them can see into it. In the temple
They received notice and warning that they were opposing Christ Jesus enlightens his faithful remnant of witnesses
God and his kingdom, and they refused to hear the message and their companions and sends them forth to proclaim
of warning, and to such the prophecy of God, at Psalm from the housetops the message of God’s vengeance and of
69:22, 23, applies: "Let their table becomea snare before his kingdom. (Matt. 10: 26, 27) Particularly since 1931 the
them: and that which should have been for their welfare, worldly rulers have been served with notice of warning,
let it becomea trap. Let their eyes be darkened, that they and now the remnant of Jehovah’s witnesses and their com-
see not; and make their loins contirtualty to shake." panions will do what they can for the people of good-will
Jehovah says: "I form the light, and create darkness." that they may hear the message and take their stand. While
(Isa. 45:7) At Nahum1:8 it is written: "Darkness shall darkness covers the world, Jehovah continues to turn his
pursue his enemies." It was Jehovah who caused the dark- light upon his faithful ones, giving them a more wonderful
ness in the land of Egypt; and now darkness by his com- vision of his Wordthan they ever expected to have while
mandis upon Satan’s world. There is no part of "Christen- on the earth. This strongly suggests that the battle of
dom" today that has any light of and concerning the Theo- Armageddon is near.
cratic Government of Jehovah God by Christ Jesus. As to Pharaoh expressed a willingness to let the Israelites go
the condition since 1926 Revelation 16: 10, 11 says in sym- upon condition that they would leave behind them in Egypt
bol: "And the fifth angel poured out his vial [God’s mes- all things of a commercial value. Likewise the world rulers
sage of wrath] upon the seat of the beast ; and his kingdom now make some concessions to those who serve Jehovah God,
was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for but this upon conditions that would make Jehovah’s wit-
pain, and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their nesses go empty-handed before the Lord and be deprived
paros and their sores, and repented not of their deeds." of all means of publicly witnessing for him and of thereby
The effort of the RomanCatholic Hierarchy to make 1933 worshiping him with the "continual sacrifice" of praise.
a "holy year" brought no light whatsoever to "Christen- God’s faithful witnesses will not comply with any such con-
dom", but even greater darkness, together with a totalitarian dition, but they will obey Jehovah and not man or devil ;
dictator m Germany. All light Jehovah has withdrawn and their attitude angers Satan’s representatives and calls
from the world. The hypocritical howl of the clergy for down upon the heads of Jehovah’s witnesses the expression
"more religion" and for "God in government" brings no of wickedness and threats of destruction. This was fore-
light of relief, but only darkness and disappointment. More shadowed by the anger expressed by Pharaoh: "And Pha-
keenly now than ever the political and commercial elements raoh said unto [Moses, Jehovah’s witness], Get thee from
of the world, which have trusted and hoped that they would me, take heed to thyself, see myface no more [unless I send
receive favor by the ministration of the religious clergy, for you] : for in that day thou seest myface thou shalt die "
have cometo realize that Godis not blessing the clergy nor Murder was in the heart of Pharaoh, and he threatened to
any of their schemes. Even thousands of clergymen are now kill Moses if he again appeared before him. With calmness
out of a job and have no opportunity of haranguing the and dignity Moses replied to the wicked Pharaoh: "Thou
people, by which they have heretofore been able to feed hast spoken well, I will see thy face again no more."--
themselves. The three days of darkness coming upon Egypt Ex. 10 : 28, 29.
symbolically means that the present-day darkness upon the That was a final warning from Jehovah delivered to
world will continue and persist until Armageddon, when Pharaoh by Moses. Pharaoh threw down the challenge, and
the whole of the Devil system will go down into the abyss Moses, as the Lord’s representative, accepted it. The way
of everlasting darkness. was now clear for the final plague. It must have been a
Jehovah’s faithful witnesses are now in the temple, thrilhng moment to Moses Likewise it must be a time of
"the secret place of the Most High," where they enjoy ever- great joy to Christ Jesus, the Greater Moses, now to sec
lasting light from the glory of the Lord and from his King that the hour has arrived when he shall vindicate Jehovah’s
Christ Jesus. To the rulers and their supporters of this name.


TUDENTSonce looked upon certain scriptures as to Jesus and to what came to pass at the time of his first
S being entirely fulfilled in the life and work of John
the Baptist and of Jesus in the flesh. Nowit is seen
appearing, when he became the great ransom sacrifice that
obedient man might gain everlasting life in happiness. The
that those fulfillments of prophecy were only partial, and psalm is also directly and definitely concerned with the com-
what we call "miniature fulfillments". The greater fulfill- pany who constitute the "servant" of God, and which in-
ments come to pass during and after the beginning of the cludes those who are the membersof "the body of Christ",
Kingdom of God, the Theocratic Government by Christ his church. To such the apostle writes: "And whether one
Jesus, to wit, from and after A.D. 1914. It is startling to membersuffer, all the memberssuffer with it; or one mem-
come to a realization that there is a second and complete ber be honoured, all the members rejoice with it. Nowye
fulfillment of these prophecies and that the remnant of are the body of Christ, and members in particular."--
faithful Christian witnesses for Jehovah are involved in 1 Cor. 12: 12, 26, 27.
such fulfillment. For a long time Christian people made the "NewTesta-
A striking instance of such second fulfillment is that ment" supplant the "Old Testament". Nowin the light that
of the sixteenth Psalm. To be sure, it has a direct reference God sheds upon his Wordthere is a readjustment, and the
people of God are getting a broader vision of the "Old enemy would instantly destroy him; but appreciating the
Testament". They see that the record thereof greatly mag- fact that he is one of God’s anointed sons, he knows he is
nifies Jehovah’s name, when understood, and furnishes a safe and secure. With confidence, therefore, he says, in the
special guide for God’s anointed witnesses in this most diffi- language of the psalmist: ’Even myflesh shall dwell in se-
cult time. The sixteenth Psalm. being one of these precious curity.’ (Vs. 9) This verse is also a direct proof of a resur-
parts of the Bible, it is a messagenow due to be understood rection to life beyond the present existence in the earth.
by the remnant of God’s witnesses, for their blessing and God’s "servant" sees that he must be "faithful unto death"
comfort. and that his change must come and that such change will be
The song opens with a prayer : ’Preserve me, O God : for from life on earth as a humanto life divine as a spirit in the
I have taken refuge in thee.’ The singer or speaker is one heavenly kingdom with Christ Jesus, who is Jehovah’s King
of importance, even though he cries for help. He is the in The Theocratic Government. For God’s spirit-begotten
one whohas the privilege of acting as a priest, not of reli- and anointed "servant" there must be an exodus or passing
gion or some religious organization, but of Jehovah God, out of the church in death, but the faithful have confidence
and he has hopes of the greatest things in God’s purposes. in an instantaneous resurrection to life in perfection. Hence
In the first instance these words could apply to none other the "servant" says (vs. 10)
than Jesus Christ in the flesh. He was engaged in his Fa- "For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell [in Sheol
ther’s work and was surrounded by enemies, and he saw (Hebrew)]; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to
that death awaited him ; but his confidence was in Jehovah see corruption." Most certainly this prophecy was fulfilled
that He would bring him through the difficulties and to in Jesus. God’s beloved Son went into Sheol, the grave,
complete deliverance. The cry, "Preserve me," cannot be but death could not hold him there. It was the will of God
undcrstood to mean to keep him from persecution or from that he should be resurrected, and therefore God raised
death, because the words of the song show that complete him out of death on the third day. Fifty days after his
preservaUon of God’s anointed servant is beyond the hu- resurrection, at Pentecost, the spirit of the Lord cameupon
man hfe and is that which is enjoyed at the right hand of the apostle Peter, who spoke with authority, quoting th~s
Jehovah. The confidence shown by Jesus is likewise that Psalm, and applied it to Jesus. He there made known that
which is now shown by the anointed remnant of Jehovah’s the psalmist David was then dead and in the tomb but that
witnesses, who now see that they must fight, being opposed the words spoken by David were spoken prophetically con-
by rehgious enemies, and that they must go downinto death ; cerning Jesus Christ and his resurrection: "Therefore
but their confidence in God is complete, and they see that [David] being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn
in due time they shall triumph by Jesus Christ in the first with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, accord-
resurrection. ing to the flesh, [God] would raise up Christ to sit on his
Members of God’s "servant" class, well knowing that throne; he [David], seeing this before, spake of the resur-
they are in the secret place of the Most High and have rection of Christ, that his soul was NOTLEFTIN HELL[in
God’s favor, and appreciating their happy relationship with Hades (Greek)], neither his flesh did see corruption This
him, sing: "Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory re- Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses "
joiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope [or, dwell con- (Acts 2.30-32) Jesus was put to death; but it was not
fidently (marginal reading)]." (Ps. 16: 9) Or, according possible for death to hold him, since it was God’s purpose to
to Rotherham’s translation: "Therefore doth my heart re- raise him out of death: "whomGod hath raised up, having
joice [in Jehovah] and my glory exulteth [in my God], loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that
even myflesh shall dwell securely." he should be holden of it."--Acts 2.24
The affecUon of God’s "servant" is set upon Jehovah; All that have died from Adamuntil now have gone to
therefore his heart rejoices m Jehovah. The servant’s rich hell. But "hell" in the Bible does not mean a place of con-
treasure is Jehovah and his loving-kindness. He has a keen scious torture eternally, else Jesus would never have gotten
appreciation of the honorable place he has in God’s organi- out of hell after three days. Wherever the word "hell"
zauon, and for that reason he exults, not in himself, but in occurs in the Bible it means the conditmn of death Hell
h~s God. No human could ever be exalted to a position is not a place, but a condition. Hence those who go into the
more honorable and blessed than that of being an am- grave are not conscious there ; but they have gone into the
bassador of the great Creator and clothed with the splendor death condition. Their bodies decay and return to the dust.
and fullness of the high office of bearing the name of the The word "hell" is translated from the Hebrew word Sheol
~Iost High to others and announcing his Theocratic Gov- in the writings before Christ, and from the Greek word
ernment by Christ Jesus. WhenJesus was on earth he oc- Hades in the apostolic writings. This same word Sheol is
cupied that blessed and honorable position. Nowthe mem- translated 31 times "hell", 31 times "the grave", and 3 Umes
bers of "the body of Christ" likewise occupy a position of "pit". Likewise Hades is translated both "grave" and "hell".
honor and glory, because they stand forth as the only Patient Job prayed that he might go to "hell" (Sheol). By
anointed witnesses of Jehovah on earth. Being of "The that he meant that he might rest in the tomb, m the condi-
Chmst", they are ambassadors by whomGod speaks, and tion of death, until the resurrection. (Job 14: 13, 14) The
they bear his message of reconciliation to men of good-will patriarch Jacob said concerning Benjamin: "My son shall
on earth.--2 Cor. 5:19, 20. not go downwith you [into Egypt] ; for his brother is dead,
The flesh or physical organism of each one of his and he is left alone : if mischief befall him by the way in the
anointed remnant is weak, and each one realizes that he is which ye go, then shall ye bring down my gray hairs with
surrounded by the enemy and his agencies, and that the sorrow to the grave [hell; Sheol]." (Gen. 42: 38) His gray
A2am i, 1941 NieWATCHTOWER. iii

hairs could not last long in eternal fire. This proves that HENCEFORTH : Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from
"hell" is not a place of conscious torment. Jesus was tor- their labours; and their works do follow them." This text
mented, not after death, but whenalive in the flesh on earth, must have its fulfillment while some of the members of
at the hands of the religionists and their agents. "the body of Christ" are yet alive on earth in the flesh.
Somecontend Psalm 16 : 10 proves that in the resurrection The proof seems to establish that with the coming of the
the soul and the body with which one died shall be reunited ; Lord to his temple in 1918 the faithful dead who had died
but we know that there can be no existence without an in the Lord were raised out of death and made a part of
organism and that in the heavenly kingdom of God a hu- The Christ in heavenly glory, and that those remaining on
man organism cannot have a place. (See 1 Corinthians the earth and who continue faithful even unto the end of
15 : 50.) The Scriptures also showthat Jesus was raised out their earthly course must go into death as humans but are
of death with a glorious spirit body. (1 Pet. 3.18, Am. granted an instantaneous resurrection to life in the spirit.
Rev Vet.) Others have said that the text proves that the Psalm 16: 10, according to Rotherham’s translation of the
flesh body of Jesus is preserved somewhere. That would be Psalms, reads: "For thou wilt not abandon my soul to
equivalent to saying that the body of Jesus is a mummy hades [Sheol], neither wilt thou suffer thy man of kindness
somewhere. Satan has caused some of his servants to be to see the pit." Every memberof God’s anointed "servant"
embalmed and made mummies in Egypt and thereby pre- class must reach the height of glory through death, but it
served evidently for the purpose of disputing the effect of is impossible for death to hold the faithful. The sixteenth
death and contradicting Jehovah’s decree of judgment Psalm seems to have been the basis of Paul’s inspired argu-
against the sinner man. The more reasonable explanation ment concerning the resurrection of the members of the
of Psalm 16:10 is that God dissolved the body of Jesus ’’body of Christ": "It is sown a natural body; it is raised
into the dust and it was not permitted to take the course of a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a
decay commonto dead bodies. While Jesus on earth was spiritual body. Behold, I shew you a mystery: Weshall
without sin, he must die in behalf of sinful humankind, not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, m
and the judgment upon sinful man was: "Dust thou art, the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump : for the trumpet
and unto dust shalt thou return."--Gen. 3 : 19. shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and
But how can Psalm 16 : 10 apply to the remnant of the we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on 111-
members of "the body of Christ" now on earth? Christ corruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So
Jesus is the great "servant" of Jehovah God. (See Isaiah when this corruptible shall have put on incorruphon, and
42:1 and Matthew 12: 15-21.) Those members of the "body this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be
of Christ" who died prior to his coming in his kingdom brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swal-
slept in death, in Sheol, until the day of resurrection; but lowed up in victory."--1 Cor. 15 : 44, 51-54.
there is a time when the faithful body members who die do The proof is furnished that when the full membership
not sleep in Sheol, and of that time and condition Paul the of the anointed "servant" class is made up Jehovah God
apostle wrote. The prophecies of the Scriptures and phys- preserves his "elect" servant, and even though some of that
real facts of history since A.D. 1914 prove that the divine "servant" class on earth must go into death before thc
Spirit, Christ Jesus, came to the spiritual temple of Jeho- battle of Armageddon those remaining and faithful unto
vah God in A.D. 1918, to judge the "house of God" and also the end of their service on earth are guaranteed a resur-
to judge the nations and separate them as sheep from goats. rection to life in the spirit with Christ Jesus the King
(1 Pet. 4 : 17 ; Matt. 25 ¯ 31-46) Writes Paul "Icharge the e (1 Thess. 4: 13-16) Those now of the anointed "servant"
therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall and who thus continue faithful shall not await m death,
judge the quick [THE LIVING] and the dead at his appearing but shall be changed immediately, by death and the resur-
and hm kingdom."--2 Tim. 4.1. rection, into the glorious hkeness of Jesus Chmst, the Head
The words of Revelation 14 : 13 here seem to apply, to of God’s "servant" and the King of The Theocratm Govern-
wit: "And I heard a voice from heaven, saying unto me, ment, because He has come in hm kingdom and is at the
Wrote, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord FROM temple.

(Continued from page 98) "GODAND THESTATE"

Christ Jesus, is Fmday,April 11, 1941, after six p.m. EachChris- A new booklet, by Judge Rutherford! The urgency of the
tlan companyshould therefore assembleafter mxp.m. of April 11, rapidly hghtening world sltuatmn has hastened the msuanceof
and the anointed ones celebrate the Memorial,and their compan- this tLmelybooklet. Parents, children, and all lovers of righteous-
runs, the Jonadabs,be present as observers. If there is no compe- ness will be grateful for the clearness, completenessand helpful-
tent person present to dehver a brief dmcoursejust before the ness of the author’streatmentof the suprememsuetoday, as pre-
partaking of the emblems,the short article "Memorial"as pub- sented mits 32 pages. A neat cover design makesit very present-
hshed in the Watchtowerissue of March15, 1939, should be read able. Dueto the growingneed for just such mformatmn, a large
instead. Since the breaking of the bread and the drinking of the circulationof this latest bookletis boundto follow. Get your copy
wineboth picture the death of Jesus, ~t follows that both emblems now,at a contributionof 5c the copy.
should be served together at partaking,andnot separately. The
emblemsshould be unleavenedbreadand real red wine, to follow uW’ATCHTOWER" STUDIES
the exampleof Jesus and his apostles, whoused real red wine in Weekof May4: "Victory Song" (Part 3),
symbolof his blood. A report of the celebrationshould be prompt-
ly madeto the Society, showingtotal attendanceand numberof 1-20 inclusive, The WatchtowerApril 1, 1941.
partakers. In preparation for thin 1941 celebration the article Weekof May11: "Victory Song" (Part 3),
"Memorial"suggested abovewill be studmdwith profit. ¶ 21-41 inclusive, The WatchtowerApril 1, 1941.
PIONEER TILT WITH OFFICER (ARIZONA) to wait for a reply from the Society. His pioneer applica-
"On the street. An officer: ’Do you have a blue card? tion is nowin the mail, and you should have it by the arrival
Wedon’t allow any soliciting without one.’ Pioneer: ’No, I of this letter. He is staying at the KingdomHall with two
have no card, as mywork is preaching the message of Jeho- other young pioneers. It was two months ago that he read
vah’s kingdom, which is not in competition with any busi- his first publication."
ness, and it would be an insult to the Most High God to ask THE PHONOGRAPH IN ZONE ONE, CUBA
man for a permit to do what the Almighty has commanded "The lecture ’Religion as a World Remedy’ was repro-
mu~t be done.’ "You will have to stop your work then, or
duced at a home where there were twelve persons in attend-
I will have to lock you up, and that will be a painful task.’
ance. Whenthe lecture was over, I called the attention of
’I should think it would be, since our Constitution guaran- the people to the vast difference between religion and Chris-
tees one the right to worship as one sees fit, and locking tianity and asked if any of those present had any questmn
Christians up for preaching the gospel is illegal yet in the on the subject: I would be glad to give the Scriptural an-
U.S. The Supreme Court upholds the work of Jehovah’s swer. A woman jumped to her feet and said: ’I have no
witnesses.’ ’Well, you will have to stay in jail till the Su-
question to ask you, sir. For a long time nowI had believed
preme Court makes a new decision then. How many are religion was not in harmony with God’s will, and now I
there of you working and where do you have your church ?’ have proved it by what I have heard.’ Turning to the others
’I can only speak for myself, as I am not responsible for present she said: ’Ladies and gentlemen, what you have
anyone else. We have no church, but study in people’s heard is the truth, and that was my reason for not going
homes.’ ’They are against you here and everywhere else,
to church at your invitation. So knownow that religion is
and the Federal Bureau of Investigation condemns you wit-
a snare of the Devil and a racket.’ She then accepted the
nesses.’ ’That is not true, as investigation by Edgar Hoover booklet Satisfied and promised to subscribe for The Watch-
revealed we are not subversive and the Attorney General tower as soon as she is able to."
announced the Department of Justice will see that the
rights of Jehovah’s witnesses are safeguarded in carrying CONTRASTS AND INCONSISTENCIES
on their work. Weknow who is back of the wicked persecu- "In Belleville, Illinois, I was locked up in county 2all
tion. I must obey Godrather than man, even as the apostles for the ’terrible’ offense of offering The Watchtoweron the
did, and must be about my work.’ I continued without fur- streets. Mybond was placed at $2,500, although just several
ther disturbance. The following Tuesday, on a back-call, a days before that a murderer was released on bond in the
witness met a person whohad been in the police station that same jail for $2,000. This makes it all regular. That proves
Saturday, when a Legionnaire came bustling in cursing and that a Jehovah’s witness in the hand is worth more than a
raving about those people being on the street again with man that just shot his wife. I was not allowed to use the
their literature against the government. The desk sergeant phone, for fear I might ’get away’ and tell some more truth
said the chief was out and he could do nothing for him. and expose some more racketeers and show some more people
The Legionnaire boasted of having helped beat up one of of good-will about God’s Theocratic Government. I was
the witnesses last June and run them out of town, and he locked up with alleged robbers. They proved themselves
would be happy to do it again. After the above the chief more gentlemanly than the officials. They were more cour-
of police returned to the station and stated there was noth- teous to me, which is more than I can say about the so-called
ing that could be done against Jehovah’s witnesses, as the ’law enforcement’ officials. After being locked up with these
Supreme Court and the FBI upheld them in their worship. nine alleged robbers for three hours, we had quite an inter-
The chief is a RomanCatholic." esting discussion on the Bible, all nine listening and some
of them asking questions. I could not obtain any literature
in the cells, but I did mybest without WhenI was released
"I received a letter from a person in Astoria asking for I promised to send up’a Watchtower, and they prom2sed to
booklets to distribute and enclosing a ten-dollar money read it. WhenI left the jail I asked the officer at the desk
order. He had figured the booklets at 5c each. Wesent if I could send up a Watchtower. After looking it over he
the booklets and explained he had more than enough money promised to take it up to them. That aI1 shows how "goofy"
to cover them. Whereuponhe sent back and had us send him the officials are, because they arrested me for offering to the
all the literature he could get for that money; also he would public the very same Watchtower that this officml promised
like to have a bag or something to carry them in and on to take up to the prisoners after he inspected it "
which was written ’Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom’. Last
Tuesday at the Kingdom Hall in came a young man. He ON A SIDEWALK OF SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH.
wanted to get in touch with the local company. Upon fur- "Last Tuesday we went street witnessing as usual. There
ther questioning he said he wanted to spend all his time were seven magazine publishers out. I was approached by
in this work. Asked what was his name he said he was the an elderly man, who took a Watchtower from me, and in
one that had sent for the booklets. He knew nothing about payment drew out of his billfold five one-dollar bills and
the way Jehovah’s witnesses operate. He was shown the handed them to me, saying: ’Use this for furthering your
territory department, the master map, advertising depart- work. I have read all of Pastor Russell’s books and also
ment, the hall upstairs with its activity chart, but, most Rutherford’s. I get the magazine Consolation. This sure is
important, a pioneer application blank along with an in- the truth.’ He did not reveal his name or address One
formation letter. Whenseeing the quota of 150 hours for Saturday there were 71 copies of The Watchtower and of
pioneers he answered that should be easy to make. He Consolation placed on the street by the publishers. This was
wanted to know if he could go to work right away or had during a visit by the zone servant, who placed 44 of them."
r shallknow
thatI amJehovah:’
-Ezekiel 35 15.


APRil. 15, 1941


VICTORY SONO (Part 4) .... 115

The Fight ............... 118
W~o WmLBE PASSED OVERf ......... 122
............................. 125

FIELD EXPERIENCES ............................... 128

"THE SIGN" TESTIMONY PERIOD .............. 114

"MODEL STUDY NO 3" .....................

"WATCHTOWER ~ STUDIES ............... 114
....... 114
117 Adams Street
- -
N.Y., U. S. A.
T HIS Journal ts published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically de-
OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good wilL
J. F. Ru’rn.~arolW,President W. E. Vxl~ AMBU~Becretary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shall be f.au@ht of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes suit-
able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of public
ereat shall be the peace of thy children." -1Jatah 54t:zJ. instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for Its utterances,
THATJEHOVAH Is the only true God, ts from everlasting to It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to his creatures ; that the Loges was the beginning of his creation, tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
and his active agent in the creation of all things; that the Loges King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
Is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in tion of Its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not In-
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah. dulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully dis-
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of UNITED STATES, $1.00; CaN4DA AND MlSCZLLANEOUS FOREruN, $1.50;
Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the right GREA.T BRITAIN, AUSTRALASIA, AND SOUTHAFRICA, 6S. American remit-
tances should be made by Postal or Express Money Order or by Bank
to life. Draft Canadian, British, South African and Australasian remittances
should be made direct to the respective branch cruces. Remittances from
THAT JESUS was made human, and the maQ Jesus suffered countries other than these mentioned may be made to the Brooklyn once,
deathIn orderto producethe ransomor redemptive pricefor but by lnter~ut~onal Postal Money Order only.
obedient ones of mankind; that God raisedup Jesusdivineand
exalted him to heavenaboveeverycreature and aboveeveryname FOREIGN OFFICES
and clothed him with all power and authority. B~sk...................................
34 Craven Terrace, London, W.P. England
THATJEHOVAH’SORGANIZATION Is a Theocracy called Zion, Oana4~zn
40 Irwin Avenue,Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada
and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Ofilcer thereof and is the right- Australas~a~
7 BeresfordRoad,Strathfleld,N. S. W., Australia
ful King of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of 8curt African ................Boston House, Cape Town, South Africa
Please the Society in every
address case.
Christ Jesus are children of Zion, membersof Jehovah’s organiza-
tion, and are his witnesses whoseduty and privilege it Is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind
as expressed tn the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom
before all whowill hear.
THATTHE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted All sincere students of the Bible who by reason of Infirmity, poverty or
adversity are unable to pay the subscription price may have The Watch,.
Satanfrom heavenand is proceeding to the establishment of tower free upon written application to the publishers, made once each
God’skingdomon earth. year, stating the reason for so requesting it. We are glad to thus aid the
needy, but the written application once each year is required by the
postal regulations.
THAT THE RELIEFand blessingsof the peoplesof earthcan
comeonlyby and throughJehovah’skingdomunderChrist, which Notice to Subscribers: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
hasnow begun;thatthe Lord’snextgreatactis thedestructionscription will be sent only when requested. Change of address, when
requested, may be expected to appear on address label ~lthln one month.
of Satan’s
andtheestablishmentof righteousness
in A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) will be sent with the
theearth,andthatunderthekingdom thepeopleof goodwillthat Journal one month before the subscription expires.
surviveArmageddonshallcarryout the divinemandateto "fill
Entered as second-class matter at the post o~Ioe at Brooklyn, N. Y.,
theearth"witha righteousrace.
under the Act of March $, 1879.

"THE SIGN" TESTIMONYPERIOD the phonograph recordings of the speeches named, and with It
This Testimony Period, covering the month of April, ts world- anyone should be able to conduct a model study of the Bible m the
wide, and adds intenmty to the four-month eampmgn with The homeor In public. Order several for use of others whomyou hope
Watchtower. Those looking for the early appearance of "the sign" to have study wath you. Model Study No. 3 will be sent you post-
for Armageddon to begin do not slack the hand in this third prod at a contribution of 5c a copy. Companyservants should
month of the campmgn,but rather intensify their efforts, and un- make up combination orders for all in the companywanting copras.
questmnably more Theocratic publishers are entering the field.
Never have such had a finer offer to make to humankind m danger "WATCHTOWER"STUDIES
of Armageddon,to wit, a year’s subscription for The Watchtower, Week of May 18: "Victory Song" (Part 4),
together with the book Rehgwn and the two new booklets Theoc- 1-20 inclusive, The Watchtower April 15, 1941.
racy and God and the State, all on a contribution of $1.00. By Week of May 25: "Victory Song" (Part 4),
planning and preparing without delay you may now have part in ¶ 21-43 inclusive, The Watchtower April 15, 1941.
this special Testunony Period. Wrote us if you need references to
the local companyorganized for thLs service. Your report of work USE RENEWALSUBSCRIPTION BLANK
at the close of thin Period will be appreciated. The blank sent you one month before expiration of your
Watchtower subscription should be filled out and returned to the
"MODELSTUDY NO. $" Brooklyn circe or to the Branch office m the country where you
This new booklet, of 32 pages and bound in a durable sever, reside. Servants in the companies, and individuals, when sending
in renewals for The Watehtower~ should always use these blanks.
brings up to date the series of ModelStudy booklets, as it presents
By filling in these renewal blanks you are assured of the eontmua-
the study outline covering the latest recorded speeches by Judge tion of your Watchtower from the time of expiratmn, and with-
Rutherford, to wit, "Religion as a World Remedy," and "The out delay. It will also be a great help if you mgnyour name uni-
End". This booklet is very valuable, even if you do not possess formly, and note any recent change of address, on the renewal shp.
15, 1941 No 8


"Lo! Jehovah emptying the earth and laying it waste; and he will overturn the face thereof, and scatter
them who dwell therein . . . for Jehovah hath spoken this word."--Isa. 24:1, 3, Rotherham.
EHOVAH inspired his prophet to tell of a vision ’ There are those who have made a covenant to do
J of Armageddon which he had, and which pro-
phetm utterance is about due for fulfillment. The
the will of Godand who later, because of fear of man,
and particularly those who rule, have declined to
prophecy discloses what will be the result of Jeho- take any part in his "strange work" and have with-
vails "strange act" upon the earth. There can be no drawn themselves from activity. Such fearful and
doubt that Jehovah will do exactly as his words an- negligent ones.will not receive any protecUon and
nounce by the prophet, because "Jehovah hath spo- blessing from the Lord. The faithful and obedient
ken this word". His word cannot return to him void, ones, who do not fear men but who fear God and 3oy-
but shall accomplish his announced purpose. "I have fully obey his commandments,will receive protecUon
spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have pur- and blessings of the Lord Jehovah and his King. The
posed it, I will also do it." (Isa. 55 : 11 ; 46: 11) But faithful "remnant" and their true "companions", that
who on earth now believes what Jehovah has an- is, the "other sheep" of the Lord, nowread the proph-
nounced? Only those who have taken their stand ecies and their explanations which God has provided
firmly on the side of THE THEOCRACY and who joy- for them, and, so doing, they rejoice that the evidence
fully support that kingdom. To them Jehovah has is clear that the day of deliverance from oppression
Nven full assurance, and this he has done for their is near at hand and the day of vindication of Jeho-
comfort and hope. vah’s name will be the result. They have faith that
2Not only has Jehovah given his word and re- God will do exactly as he has promised, including
peatedly by his prophets announced his purpose to that foretold in prophetic song sung by Barak and
wreck Satan’s entire organization, but he has also Deborah, the consideration of which we here continue.
caused many prophetic pictures to be enacted illus- "The kings came and fought; then fought the
trating tile minute details of the doing of that great ldngs of Canaan in Taanach by the waters of Megid-
act. Amongsuch prophetic and dramatic pictures is do; they took no gain of money." (Judg. 5: 19) The
that recorded concerning Barak and Deborah, the kings that wrongfully held possession of the terri-
meaning of which is now revealed to God’s faithful tory in Palestine gathered together to fight against
people, manifestly for the reason that Armageddon Barak and his little army of ten thousand. In reality
is about to be fought. they gathered together to fight and did fight against
s The haughty, austere, and cruel and arrogant the Lord God. Only one king is named in the record,
now rule the nations of the earth, because they are and that is Jabin (Judg. 4: 2, 23, 24), and he repre-
under the power of the demons. Each hour their sented the Devil, the chief amongst demons, and
wicked oppression of Jehovah’s covenant people in- therefore stood as representative also of all the oth-
creases. The ruling powers frame mischief by law er allied kings. There were other kings, without
against Jehovah’s witnesses by searching them out doubt, that came and engaged in this fight with Jabin,
and then enacting unrighteous laws and wrongfully and they pictured also the demons; and together
applying and enforcing such laws against the inno- these kings and armies with them represented all
cent. The "earth" here mentioned in the prophecy the enemies of Jehovah. That there were other kings
(Isa. 24: 1) means the ruling powers of the earth and in the land of Palestine is certain from the Scrip-
all those who support those ruling powers, both vis- tural record; for instance, it is written: "The king
ible and invisible. As Jabin continuously oppressed of Taanach, . . . the king of Megiddo," and others
the typical covenant people of God, so now those named at Joshua 12: 9-24. All those kings and all
powers in authority on earth continually oppress the their soldiers were demon-worshipers, and hence all
servants of Jehovah who are his covenant people. against the great THEOCRAT,Jehovah God. Jabin

alone had a great army under the command of his "The chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall
captain, Sisera. That army was equipped with 900 justle one against another in the broad ways; they
iron chariots, besides other war equipment. (Judg. shall seem like torches, they shall run like the light-
4: 13) That division of the enemy crowd, together nings."--Nah. 2 : 4.
with the others that came, must have made up a tre- ° From the time of the temple judgment and the
mendous host, all under the commandof the demons approval of the "remnant", to whom Christ Jesus
and all pitted against Barak and his little army of committed his earthly Kingdominterests called "his
ten thousand. The odds appeared to be overwhelm- goods" and then sent them forth to serve, until the
ing against Barak. Jehovah was with Barak and his battle is in fact the time of preparation for the great
little army, and Jehovah is irresistible. So shall it and final conflict. (Matt. 24: 45-47) Therefore
be at Armageddon. these modern times Jehovah commands this procla-
’ Mark how well the corresponding activities that mation to be made throughout the land, to wit : "Pro-
have come to pass at the present time constitute a claim ye this amongthe Gentiles [all nations against
fulfillment of this prophecy. The Lord foretold this THE THEOCRACY] ; Prepare war, wake up the mighty
in the prophecy of Revelation, to advise his people men, let all the men of war draw near ; let them come
of the gathering of the worldly rulers to fight against up. Beat your plowshares into swords, and your
his anointed on earth in order to prevent them from pruninghooks into spears; let the weak say, I am
becoming a part of God’s royal organization. In this strong. Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye hea-
fulfillment the Devil, the chief of demons, is again then, and gather yourselves together round about;
in command, and the demon practigioners, that is, thither cause thy mighty ones to come down, O Lord."
those who are controlled by religion or demonism, k Joel 3 : 9-11.
readily follow the lead of their invisible commander. ~° In keeping with this commandmentthe combined
Note the prophecy then relating to the present time: army of the enemy prepares for Armageddon and
"And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out Jehovah’s mighty ones come down from heaven, and
of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the fighting forces are made ready for the "battle
the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. of that great day of God Almighty". From the phys-
For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, ical facts now well knownit is clearly seen that the
which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of time for the great and final conflict at Armageddon
the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that is very near. The hour and the day no man on earth
great day of God Almighty. And he gathered them knows, but, to be sure, the Lord knows, because he
together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue has fixed the time definitely, and that battle will be-
Armageddon."--Rev. 16: 13, 14, 16. gin at the time appointed.
’ The prophetic song sung by Barak and Deborah 1~ The kings of Canaan came to fight, and they
gives an account of the battle at Megiddo, and which fought: "then fought the kings . . . in Taanach."
foretells the coming battle of Armageddon, and this There the kings started the fight and continued to
is quite clear from the prophecies supporting the fight until the Lord Jehovah performed his "strange
song as well as the physical facts. Armageddon act" by turning loose the guns of heaven upon them.
means "mountain of Megiddo", that is to say, "the Even so now the Hierarchy and their dupes and
mount of the assembly of troops." The troops are hangers-on fight against the faithful earthly rep-
those who are under the commandof the Lord Jesus resentatives of THETHEOCRACY. The demonized re-
Christ, the Greater Barak, which the Lord assem- ligionists have started the fight and are keeping it
bles in the mountain. The ten thousand assembled up, and will continue to do so until Jehovah opens up
with Barak in the mountain pictured all those who the heavenly forces against the enemy and performs
are faithfully and uncompromisingly supporting the his "strange act". Nowthe covenant people of Jeho-
Lord Jesus Christ, that is to say, who are following vah have but one thing to do, and that is, to continu-
joyfully in his steps wheresoever he leads. ously proclaim the name and kingdom of Jehovah
8 WhenSisera received the information that Barak God, regardless of what fighting the enemy may do.
the son of Abinoam was going up to Mount Tabor This continuous service to Jehovah proclaiming his
with ten thousand troops Sisera immediately began name and his kingdom must continue until the time
to make preparation of his army and to gather them for Jehovah to begin his "strange act", and then
to Megiddo for battle. (Judg. 4: 12, 13) No doubt there will be a real fight, which will be the last one.
that preparation on the part of the enemy was a It will be much more than the enemy are expecting,
hurried one, to which a description later written and hence the enemy will know before it is done that
concerning the city of Nineveh is properly applicable. it is the great TH~.OCRACY fighting by and through
That description foretells preparation for the bat- Christ Jesus, the King thereof, and that it is all un-
tle of that great day of God _Almighty, and reads: der the command of Jehovah, the Almighty God.
A2~m15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWEtL 117

Deliverance to the faithful servants of Jehovah will of the year. Sisera, being a religionist, had no faith
then be complete. in Jehovah God and would be utterly in the dark as
’~ In the prophecy it is stated that the fighting was to Jehovah’s purpose. While it is also true that Barak
"in Taanach". That name means "sandy soil", and must have had no expectation of a great flood of
indicates that the territory was smooth and level and water from heaven fighting in his behalf, yet he had
suitable for the use of mechanized war equipment. faith in Jehovah God and he believed that God would
But when Jehovah opened the windows of heaven fight the battle for his own people in his own good
and threw down torrents of water and hail, the way and, having that faith, he went boldly forward.
smooth, sandy land was not at all to the advantage Deborah had full faith that God would deliver the
of the mechanized war equipment. The city of enemy into the hands of Barak, and Deborah pic-
Taanach was a Levite city. (Josh. 21:25, 26) From tured God’s organization.
its mention in the prophetic song Taanach must have 1, Well do these details foretell the present-day
been the headquarters of Sisera, which he had select- conditions. All the nations of earth today have for-
ed and where he maintained his base of supplies and gotten God. All the nations are religious, having
operations. The Israelites had not driven the Ca- chosen to serve "other gods". The nations, including
naanites out of Taanach (Judg. 1 : 27, 28), and when particularly the rulers, political and religious lead-
Jabin the Second came into power he put the pres- ers, have no faith in Almighty God and his great
sure on the Israelites and held them in subjection THEOCRATm GOVERnMEnT. The leading religionists
and oppressed them for a period of twenty years. read the prophecies of God and have no faith in them,
1, The minute description of the environment of and concerning the "strange act" of Jehovah these
the place of battle is important, otherwise the same great religious leaders say: ’%Vhenthe overflowing
would not have been mentioned in the prophetic song. scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto
Says the prophecy: They fought ’%y the waters of us." (Isa. 28:15) This proves that they have
Megiddo". The city of Megiddo lay on the south of faith in the prophecy. The religious leaders and the
the river Kishon and about four miles northwest of political rulers nowstand together, the political rul-
the town of Taanach. It was a position of strategic ers relying upon the religious leaders and the demons
importance because it commandedthe mountain pass to keep them informed by the signs and prognostica-
from Sharon into the valley of Esdraelon. Water tions given by men under the influence of demons.
from the south hills and vicinity would flow past For this reason "the earth", meaning those who con-
Megiddo and empty into the Kishon river. The trol it, and the inhabitants thereof who live under
armies of the combined kings, which constituted a their rule, are in complete darkness as to what is
great host, were encamped in the vicinity of Megiddo God’s purpose in the near future. They are not
and between there and Taanach, and all were under anticipating any heavenly power to act in behalf of
the command of Captain Sisera. The upper part of God’s faithful people. The great flood of waters that
the Kishon river bed is a dry wash during most of rushed down and filled the dry bed of the river
the year, but in the rainy season the river bed is Kishon was so unusual and unexpected that Sisera
flooded. It is miles below Megiddo where the water and his army would regard it as a very "strange act".
appears in that river during the entire year. Con- Even so when Jehovah’s great Field Marshal, Christ
cerning this McClintock and Strong’s Cyclop~cha Jesus, and his host of heaven fall upon the enemy
says: "Those who have visited Megiddo and tra- host, the leaders of that host and all under it will
versed its plain in the spring, after a heavy fall of recognize the power against them as the "strange
rain, have found the Kishon greatly swollen, its act" of God. They will know that God’s hand is upon
banks quagmires, and all the ordinary roads im- them, and therefore, as the prophet Ezeldel says in
passable." It is reasonable to expect that the com- sixty-four different places, "they shall knowthat I
mander of the army would station his great army on am Jehovah." They will find no possible way to flee.
the dry land, because it was in the dry season, and ~ Jehovah had given his word to Barak, to wit:
therefore the fact that Sisera had his army and "I will draw unto thee, to the river Kishon, Sisera,
chariots in the vicinity of Megiddo shows that they the captain of Jabin’s army, with his chariots and
were located south of the river bed and further his multitude." (Judg. 4: 7) Jehovah likewise per-
proves that the river bed at that point was dry at forms his word. He did exactly as he had said to
that season of the year. It would appear to Sisera Barak. Even so Jehovah has said eoneermng the
that his army was in the best possible position for battle of Armageddon: "The land shall be utterly
the attack on the army of Israel then stationed upon emptied, and utterly spoiled; for the Lord hath spo-
the heights of Mount Tabor. Sisera would have no ken this word."~Isa. 24:3.
thought that a great flood of water would come rush- 1, Deborah was in the mountain with Barak and his
ing downthat dry bed of the river at that dry season army, and at the proper moment the prophetess gave

Barak the cue, God speaking through her, to wit: never again shall they have anything to do with the
"And Deborah said unto Barak, Up; for this is the earth or with anything else. Even the Devil himself
day in which the Lord hath delivered Sisera into shall consume away in due time, and, "never shalt
thine hand; is not the Lord gone out before thee? thou be any more,"nEzek. 28: 19.
So Barak went down from mount Tabor, and ten ’° The prophecy records these many details con-
thousand men after him."--Judg. 4: 14. cerning the battle and was written for the very pur-
1, Immediately Barak, with his army, began the pose of giving aid, comfort and hope to the people
march down the mountainside to meet the enemy. of God now on earth who have full faith in Jehovah
Sisera’s scouts would quickly report to their captain and who are waiting for the day of deliverance.
that Barak and his army were moving down the Jehovah is certain to avenge his faithful covenant
mountain. Sisera then would set his army in motion, people, because he has given his word that he will
moving his 900 chariots and his host down to the do so. Jesus emphasized this great truth, and then
river bed, expecting to cross that dry bed and meet added these words: "When the Son of man cometh,
Barak and his little army of ten thousand on dry and shall he find [such] faith on the earth?" (Luke 18: 8)
level ground and crush them out. No doubt the enemy This clearly indicates that a small number, com-
host under Sisera was shouting a victory song before paratively, will have such faith. Those who practice
the battle began, hoping thus to frighten the Israel- religion do not have such faith. The "remnant" of
ites. They would conclude that that little army of Jehovah’s anointed people on earth do have such
ten thousand could offer very small resistance, and faith; the "other sheep" of the Lord, who shall form
that it would within a short time be annihilated. Their the "great multitude" but who are now being rapidly
lustful eyes would be fixed on the booty soon to be gathered unto the Lord, share with the remnant in
in their hands. In this they were disappointed, be- that faith. These shall be avenged and, together, all
cause, it is written in the Word of God, they took these now by faith are singing the victory song and
no booty, and that for a good reason: singing: "Salvation to our God which sitteth upon
18,,They took no gain of money"; (Rotherham) the throne, and unto the Lamb." (Rev. 7 : 9, 10) They
"plunder of silver they took not away !" (Judg. 5 : 19) prove their faith by the course of action taken.
Sisera’s mother well pictures the Devil’s organiza-
tion. She expected to have some share in the spoils
that would be on hand when the battle was over ; and ,7,,They fought from heaven; the stars in their
this was shown by her language at Judges 5 : 30. She courses fought against Sisera." (Judg. 5 : 20) Barak
was doomed to disappointment. Likewise Satan’s had received the command from God delivered to
organization, including the many religious dupes him by God’s prophetess. To obey that commandwas
that have fallen under the influence of the demons, his only course of action. Regardless of the great
expect to make a cleanup of God’s people and collect odds against him, he started his little army on foot
the spoils and get rid of those who are on the side down the mountainside to join battle with Sisera’s
of Jehovah. They also are doomed to disappoint- overwhelming host. That required great faith on the
ment. Jehovah made Sisera’s host a spoil to His cove- part of Barak; but we must have in mind that here
nant people, whomJabin and his officers had op- he was performing a part of a great drama picturing
pressed for twenty years. In like manner God will Christ Jesus, who always delights to do the will of
make Satan’s entire organization a spoil at Arma- Almighty God, and who has absolute confidence that
geddon. Those who are devoted to THE THEOCRACYGod’s Word shall be carried out.
and continue faithful to the end, disregarding op- ,2 Sisera was moving his army, chariots and all,
pressors, "shall spoil those that spoiled them, and across the dry wash of the river bed. Barak’s forces
rob those that robbed them, saith the Lord God." were drawing near and the clash was beginning,
(Ezek. 39 : 8-10) "For, behold, I will shake mine hand when suddenly the host of heaven entered into the
upon them, and they shall be a spoil to their serv- conflict. God sent a raging storm with torrential rain
ants ; and ye shall know that the Lord of hosts hath and hail upon the enemy army, which evidently hid
sent me."--Zech. 2 : 9. from Sisera’s view Barak’s approaching forces. That
~’ The battle of Armageddon,and the spoil, is also great storm caused floods of water to fill the gullies,
foretold in the prophecy of 2 Chronicles 20 : 25. There the gorges, the canyons, and the creeks, and hence
will be a cleanup of the enemy at Armageddon. The a great wall of water came rushing down the bed of
religious, the political (including the Vatican, the the river Kishon, which was usually dry. That wall
official head of the religionists on earth), and the of water came with a mighty and irresistible force,
dictators now claim the right to rule the earth and which completely disorganized Sisera’s army, over-
are determined to take it by force. At Armageddon turned his chariots of iron, disabled his forces, and
Jehovah will take away from them everythiflg, and incapacitated his army for fighting. That was the
~Rm 15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWER. 119

almighty power from heaven exercised in behalf of ’~ This part of the prophecy is further proof given
God’s typical covenant people who had remained by the Most High as to what shall take place at "the
faithful to him and under the leadership of Barak battle of that great day of God Almighty". There
and Deborah. Thus is pictured that Jehovah will Christ Jesus and his angels, and all his faithful serv-
exercise his almighty power in behalf of his cove- ants, will fight against the enemy. The religious
nant people now on earth who maintain their integ- enemy, together with the other elements of Satan’s
rity toward him and who are under the leadership organization, will think the time has come when
of Christ Jesus and obedient to God’s organization Jehovah’s servants have been completely put dm~n,
instructions: "For the eyes of the Lord run to and and will say, Now we are at "peace and safety"!
fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself Then, as shown by the prophecies, Christ Jesus and
strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect his glorious army will suddenly fall upon them and
toward him."--2 Chron. 16:9. wipe them out, even as was done with King Jabin’s
’S"The stars in their courses fought against forces at Megiddo. All the influence and power of
Sisera." "The stars from their highways fought with Gog and his host of Magogshall then be destroyed.
Sisera." (Young) This might mean that in the pro- NowGog, the invisible representative of the Devil
phetic fight there were showers of meteors falling who is in commandof the enemy’s forces both in-
from above and exploding with blazes of light about visible and visible, is pushing all of his power to the
Sisera’s army. Probably Sisera was like the modern- destruction of THETHEOCRACY. It is therefore certain
day dictators, who are stargazers, and had counted that the hour is due when the prophecy of Jehovah
on the stars to guide him as to the time of malting shall be accomplished concerning that wicked host,
the assault. But they gave him no safe advice. Star- as it is written : "And I will call for a sword against
gazers and astrologers are demon-controlled. When him throughout all my mountains, saith the Lord
Jehovah’s "strange act" begins, all such stargazers God; every man’s sword shall be against his brother.
will learn that they cannot depend upon the advice And I will plead against him with pestilence and
received from the demons. All such stargazers will with blood; and I will rain upon him, and upon his
become weary with such demon advice and counsel: bands, and upon the many people that are with him,
"’Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire, and
Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly brimstone. Thus will I magnify myself, and sanctify
prognosticators, stand up and save thee from these myself; and I will be known in the eyes of many na-
things that shall come upon thee."--Isa. 47: 13. tions; and they shall know that I am the Lord."--
2, It is written, however, that "the stars" mentioned Ezek. 38 : 21-23.
in this prophecy had reference to the host of heaven, ~’ As Deborah beheld the power of God exercised
invisible to humaneyes, but whoreally did the fight- in behalf of her people and sung for joy, even so
ing in that battle at Meggido. In the prophecies the those of God’s organization on the earth, as well as
stars fighting pictured Christ Jesus and his heavenly in heaven, shall behold the power of the Lord against
army. Of himself Jesus says : ’I, Jesus, am the bright the enemy and shall sing for joy. "The river of
and morning star.’ (Rev. 22 : 16) He is the Star that Kishon swept them away, that ancient river, the
shall rule the world with irresistible power. (Num. river Kishon. 0 my soul, thou hast trodden down
24:17) The faithful followers of Christ Jesus, the strength." (Judg. 5: 21) Before Sisera was able
apostles, and others since their day who have fin- get his army clear of the river bed, which was usually
ished their earthly course faithful unto death and dry, a down-rushing of the waters upset his chariot
who have been given a part in the "first resurrec- and swept away his equipment. When Sisera began
tion", are now united with Christ Jesus and they to move his army against Barak the results seemed
also are spoken of as "stars". (Rev. 20:4, 6; 1 Thess. certain in his favor. Likewise, as the Scriptures now
4: 13-18) The promise to the faithful followers of inform God’s faithful people concerning the result
at Armageddon, now it appears to the Hierarchy and
Christ Jesus who shall be in the Kingdom is: "He allies that it will be an easy matter for them, when
that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the the due time arrives, to completely destroy God’s
end . . . I will give him the morning star." (Rev. people. But in answer to their threats and brags it is
2 : 26, 28) "And they that be wise shall shine as the written : "For whenthey shall say, Peace and safety ;
brightness of the firmament; and they that turn then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail
many to righteousness, as the stars for ever and upon a womanwith child ; and they shall not escape."
ever." (Dan. 12 : 3) "Praise him, all ye stars of light." nl Thess. 5 : 3.
(Ps. 148: 3) These scriptures show that "the stars" "Another rendering of a part of this text is : "The
means the heavenly hosts under the commandof the torrent of olden times, the torrent of Kishon!"
Greater Barak, Christ Jesus. (Rotherham) This rendering of the text appears to

mean that never before, from time within memory, time was the strength of the enemy: "And ye shall
had the river acted like this, and no one had ever tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under
witnessed such an unseasonable flood of waters rush- the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this,
ing down its dry bed. It was indeed a "strange act", saith the Lord of hosts."--Mal. 4 : 3.
and likewise at Armageddonthe forces there will be "The faithful servants of Jehovah God now re-
indeed a "strange act" to all, and particularly to fuse to dishonor the Almighty God by bowing down
those who have no faith in God. Never within the to or saluting officials, emblems, or images, and for
memory of man has there been anything like it. this they are persecuted. Jehovah’s people will re-
Never has there been such a trouble on earth, and main true and steadfast in their devotion to him, and
never will there be again; and concerning this Jesus ere long the things that are now the strength of the
says: "For then shall be great tribulation, such as enemy shall be trodden down. The faithful will con-
was not since the beginning of the world to this time, tinue to follow in the lead of Christ Jesus, their Lord
no, nor ever shall be."--Matt. 24: 21. and King. To them Jehovah and Christ are "the
"""The river Kishon." These words in the pro- Higher Powers", and they will give devotion to none
phetic song show that the river Kishon is a symbol of other.
destruction against the enemies of THETHEOCRACY. " "Then were the horsehoofs broken by the means
That river is a witness against the enemy. Another of the pransings [plungings], the pransings of their
corroborative witness is the word of Jehovah, which mighty ones." (Judg. 5 : 22) Those horses were draw-
appears as a prayer he puts in the mouth of his faith- ing heavy chariots of iron. The terrific storm would
ful servants now on the earth, to wit: "Do unto them greatly surprise and confuse the horses, causing
as unto the Midianites; as to Sisera, as to Jabin, at them to stampede in terror and to plunge about in
the brook of Kison; which perished at En-dor; they the mud and water, and which resulted in breaking
became as dung for the earth. So persecute them their hoofs and their legs when they mired do~n.
with thy tempest, and make them afraid with thy The horses became helpless as equipment for Sisera,
storm. Fill their faces with shame; that they may although he had regarded them as great strength in
seek thy name, O Lord. Let them be confounded and his army, which would bring to him the victory. He
troubled for ever ; yea, let them be put to shame, and was disappointed; and likewise the enemy shall be,
perish; that men may know that thou, whose name because they depend on earthly power.
alone is JEHOVAH,art the Most High over all the "’ How about the war organizations of modern
earth."--Ps. 83: 9, 10, 15-18. times? These are supported by the great religious
"" Barak and Deborah, faithful servants of God, institutions of the world, and upon their mechanized
were reminded of God’s power exercised in behalf equipment they rely for certain victory. Religionists
of his people on another occasion, and so they sung and other ruling elements think their equipment is
to the praise of the Most High, to wit: "Lord, when irresistible. Those mighty ones scorn THy. THEOCr~AcY
thou wentest out of Seir, when thou marchedst out and boast of their ability to destroy everything that
of the field of Edom, the earth trembled, and the is faithful to Almighty God. The prophecies show
heavens dropped, the clouds also dropped water." they will be greatly dismayed when the Lord begins
(Judg. 5: 4) "The Christ" and all under his organi- to fight against them. Their horses and their mecha-
zation will forever sing the praises of Jehovah, hav- nized equipment will be of no value. Paralyzed with
ing always in mind God’s great and loving kindness fear, they will be unable to offer effective resistance.
to those who are faithful to him. The enemy will be thrown into great panic and will
,o "0 my soul, thou hast trodden down strength." find no way of escape, but will be completely de-
(Judg. 5 : 21) These words of the prophetic song are stroyed. Another prophecy, describing the confusion
addressed to Jehovah’s organization under Christ of the enemy, says: "At the noise of the stamping
Jesus, the Greater Barak. This part of the prophecy of the hoofs of his strong horses, at the rushing of
shows that at Armageddon Christ and his heavenly his chariots, and at the rumbling of his wheels, the
army will tread down under foot the strong and fathers shall not look back to their children for
mighty that have spoiled the earth. All the enemies feebleness of hands."--Jer. 47:3.
of God shall then be put under foot. The strong ene- ’~ Jehovah has given his word that at Armageddon
mies are likened unto grapes of wickedness in the he will empty the earth of everything and every
wine press: "And I will tread down the people in creature that is in opposition to THETHEOCRACY. tie
mine anger, and make them drunk in my fury, and I causes these truths to be proclaimed now in advance
will bring downtheir strength to the earth."-Isa. 63 : 6. that those who desire to hear mayhear, and he causes
,1 The faithful remnant on earth and their com- his name to be heralded throughout the earth in
panions, who survive Armageddon, shall see the order that those who have the desire to put them-
work of the Lord and will tread upon what at one selves on the side of THETHEOCRACY, seek righteous-
Ar~m 15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWEI
ness and learn the way to life, may do so. He compels " Jehovah’s angel pronounced the curse in the
no one to take this course, but he leaves the way open name of Jehovah, which proves that Jehovah’s in-
to all who voluntarily and freely come out and make visible representative was present and in command
known that they are on the side of Jehovah and his of the heavenly forces that fought the battle: "They
government of righteousness. But how about those fought from heaven ; the stars in their courses fought
whohear the message and yet remain silent, indiffer- against Sisera." Doubtless that angel of the Lord
ent, and negligent, concluding that they had better who pronounced the curse on that occasion was the
keep quiet in order to make the way of the present Lord Jesus in his prehuman existence, that is,
time easier for themselves ? Can one who now hears ’Michael, the great Prince which stands for the chil-
the name of Jehovah, and understands that his final dren of the people’ and whois in charge of the forces
reckoning is near at hand, remain quiet, indifferent of Jehovah, and will be at the battle of Armageddon.
or negligent concerning the same and expect to re- (Dan. 12: 1) The same angelic captain was in com-
ceive protection from Jehovah? The prophetic song mand of the battle of Jericho and said to Joshua:
of Deborah and Barak gives answer to these ques- "Nay; but as captain of the host of [Jehovah] am I
tions: "Curse ye Meroz, said the angel of the Lord; now come." "And Joshua fell on his face to the earth,
curse ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof; because and did worship, and said unto him, What saith my
they came not to the help of the Lord, to the help lord unto his servant ?"--Josh. 5: 14.
of the Lord against the mighty."--Judg. 5:23. ’9"Curse ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof."
2~ It appears that Meroz was a settlement of the (Judg. 5:23) Those upon whomthe curse was pro-
Israelites. Under their covenant they were duty- nounced were seeking their own salvation, ease and
bound to obey the commandment given them and to comfort, and avoiding service. They said in their
support their brethren. The tribes of Reuben, Dan, hearts: ’Let others do the work.’ By that course they
Gad and Asher failed to answer the call to arms, and will doubtless escape some persecution and hardship,
in this pictured all those in a covenant with God who but negligence in the performance of duty will bring
have failed or neglected to do their duty. The title upon them God’s curse. The rules, or law, of Jehovah
"Meroz" is of uncertain meaning. Here is the only change not. Therefore the conclusion is irresistible
place it is mentioned in the Bible. Seeing that a curse that if a person enters into a covenant to do the will
is pronounced upon Meroz, the word may properly of God he must, in order to receive God’s approval,
apply to all in the tribes that failed or neglected or perform that covenant obligation to the best of his
refused to do their duty under Barak. Only one ability.
example would be necessary to make known God’s ,o "Because they came not to the help of the Lord
rule concerning those who are negligent, indifferent ... against the mighty." (Judg. 5:23) Jehovah
and fearful. Note the words of Jehovah in another himself did not need any help; but his commissioned
prophecy: "Cursed be he that doeth the work of the servants, Deborah and Barak, did need help against
Lord deceitfully [(marginal reading) negligently], the mighty host of their oppressors who were de-
and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from faming the name of the Almighty God. Help rendered
blood."--Jer. 48 : 10. unto Barak and Deborah was as rendered unto Jeho-
2, Whena person enters into a covenant with Jeho- vah, and in rendering such help the Israelites were
vah he is bound to perform the terms of that cove- bound to render the same thing, not as unto man, but
nant. All the tribes of Israel were bound by the as unto God. (Col. 3: 23, 24) Such is exactly the rule
terms of their covenant to perform their duty. Like- announced by Jesus as to the sheep and the goats.
wise all today who are in a covenant to do the will "Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say
of God cannot with impunity fail or neglect to per- unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the
form. As opportunity to perform is given that per- least of these, ye did it not to me. Then shall he say
formance must be forthcoming. Whenthere is diffi- also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye
culty between the nations of earth God’s people have cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil
no part therein and properly remain neutral; but and his angels."--Matt. 25 : 45, 41.
when God commands his covenant people to do cer- ’~ Today the foes of T~rE TEEOORAC¥ are mighty.
tain things they must perform their duty toward his This is a day in which the name of Jehovah must be
covenant people. He has commanded all such to declared throughout the earth and T~E THEOCItAOY
preach "this gospel of the kingdom", to declare his advertised. All persons who have made a covenant
name and his kingdom throughout the earth, and to do the will of God are obligated by the terms of
there is no excuse to fail or refuse to do so. The curse that covenant to obey the commandmentsof the Lord.
pronounced against Meroz, without doubt, refers to No one has been compelled to enter into that cove-
the iniquities and indifference of some of the conse- nant, but, one having once entered in, performance
crated at the present time. is required. It will not do to wait until the foes have

been stripped of their power at Armageddon. The vah’s host, will completely empty the earth of all
"strange work" of Jehovah has been in progress now opponents of THE Tm~ocmtcY, and while that great
for some time, and it appears the conclusion of that invisible army is doing the fighting the faithful of
work is near. Now is the time when all the covenant God’s organization on earth will be singing praises
people of God must present a solid front against the of the Most High and of his King.
enemy and each and every one do his part in declar- ’" Today the Lord is gathering his "other sheep"
ing the name and the kingdom of the Most High. unto himself. Many are hearing the message and be-
When the actual battle of Armageddon begins there lieving it to be the truth, and by word of mouth they
will be no need for volunteers or for faithful work declare themselves on the side of Jehovah and his
in declaring Jehovah’s name. That work will be com- King. From the prophecy it would appear that some
pleted and the powers of heaven will do the real of these will fail to fully appreciate and perform
fighting; as Jehovah has stated: ’For the battle is their duty, and will find themselves with the goats.
not yours, but God’s ; and ye shall not need to fight in All such as fail stand out in marked contrast with
this battle ; set yourselves, and stand still, and see the Jael’s conduct, which the Lord emphasizes in the
salvation of the Lord with you.’--2 Chron. 20: 15-17. prophetic song.
,2 In that fight Christ Jesus, the Captain of Jeho- (To be cont,nued)


ODAYdarkness as to understanding the purpose These messages of notice and warning constitute a great
T of the SupremeRuler covers the rulers of this visible
organization on earth, and gross darkness is upon the
plague like a nightmare to the official element of the world,
Satan’s organization, which would be glad to be rM of
people subject to that organization. The darkness will per- these to them "pestiferous" witnesses of Jehovah. This is
sist until the battle of Armageddon. made manifest by the constant howls that go up from the
Fifteen centuries before Christ a plague of literal dark- RomanCatholic Hierarchy and other clergymen, big radm
ness that could be felt covered the land of Egypt for three preachers, and others of like stripe who cry for "more re-
days, except where the oppressed Jews dwelt. It was the ligion" and who demand that God’s messengers be for-
ninth in a series of sore, vexing plagues, which served as bidden an opportunity to use the facilities of the world for
warning notice from Almighty God of coming destruction proclaiming the truth. Jehovah’s witnesses are now thor-
upon those who opposed his purpose and oppressed his oughly hated by all such opposers, and they would find
covenant people. For the tenth time Moses, accompanied some apparently legal excuse to destroy Jehovah’s wit-
by Aaron his brother, appeared before Egypt’s ruler, Pha- nesses. There is still some witness work to be done amongst
raoh. Selfishness had hardened Pharaoh’s heart, and he the people, and preparation is now being made for the final
defiantly refused to let the enslaved people of Jehovah God plague to be visited upon Satan’s organization at Arma-
go forth into freedom. "And Pharaoh said unto him, Get geddon.
thee from me, take heed to thyself, see my face no more; Jehovah had previously told Moses that, when His due
for in that day thou seest my face thou shalt die. And time came for the deliverance of the Israelites, "ye shall
Moses said, Thou hast spoken well, I will see thy face not go empty," but that the Israelites who had ser~’ed as
again no more."--Exodus 10:27-29. slaves many years without pay should borrow from the
From the historical record it appears that while Moses Egyptians: "And ye shall spoil the Egyptians" (Ex.
was still in Pharaoh’s presence God spoke to Moses to give 3 : 21, 22) Immediately following this ninth plague Jehovah
final warning to Pharaoh before he departed. "And the spoke to Moses and said: "Speak now m the ears of the
Lord said unto Moses, Yet will I bring one plague more people, and let every man borrow of his neighbour, and
upon Pharaoh, and upon Egypt; afterwards he will let every womanof her neighbour, jewels of silver, and jewels
you go hence: when he shall let you go, he shall surely of gold." "And the Lord gave the people favour m the
thrust you out hence altogether." (Ex. 11: 1) Moses with- sight of the Egyptians. Moreover, the man Moses was very
drew from Pharaoh never again to commnnicate with or to great in the land of Egypt, in the sight of Pharaoh’s serv-
see Pharaoh except upon the request of the latter. That ants, and in the sight of the people." (Ex. 11:2, 3) The
request was made shortly. Fear had now seized upon Pha- borrowing of articles from the Egyptians was not merely
raoh and his official household, and they were anxious to for self-adornment, but for use in the service of the Lord
be quit of God’s "messengersof misfortune".--Ex. 12 : 31-33 ; by the Israelites. This seems to mean that today, when
Psalm 78 : 49, Rotherham. Jehovah’s witnesses are falsely accused of carrying on a
At the present time it appears that warning notices commercial work because they accept small contributions
upon "Christendom", like those nine plagues upon ancient from persons of good-will for the literature left with them,
Egypt, have been served by Jehovah’s witnesses at his com- it is right and proper now for Jehovah’s witnesses to apply
mand and under his direction, which messages of truth are for and to use any and all of the facilities that the worldly
still continuing and are great plagues upon the religious rulers now control and to use such in order to further the
and totalitarian rulers of the world and their supporters. witness work of the Kingdom. That means that Jehovah’s
APRm15, 1941 fffieWATCHTOWER.
witnesses are to use the enemy’s own means or instruments naeles of Ham." (Ps. 78:51) "He smote also all the first-
against them, such as radio stations, telephone lines, the born in their land, the chief of all their strength." (Ps.
facilities of the courts, the makingof petitions and protests, 105: 36) "And it came to pass, that at midnight the Lord
the lawmaking bodies, the right to use which is guaranteed smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the first-
by the fundamental law of their own land, and thus by the born of Pharaoh that sat on his throne, unto the firstborn
use of any and all other means bring to the attention of of the captive that was in the dungeon; and all the first-
the people the message of Jehovah’s Theocratic Government born of cattle."--Ex. 12:29.
by Christ Jesus. By thus doing they are not asking per- In the fulfillment of this prophetic drama in our time
mission of Satan’s organization to do something, but they the final plague upon the world will be at Armageddon.
are serving notice upon his organization and demanding Whoconstitutes the antitypical or modern-day firstborn ?
that thin worldly organization shall cease interfering with God’s law, at Deuteronomy21:17, declares that the first-
the execution of God’s purposes. born son "is the beginning of his strength". The antitypical
The borrowing from the Egyptians would also include Pharaoh is the Devil, and he has children. Said Jesus."
receiving by Jehovah’s witnesses of money in the way of "The tares [religionists] are the children of the wicked
contribution for the literature, and then using that money one." (Matt. 13:38) And to the religious leaders of that
in the preparation and publication of more literature. Thus day Jesus said: ’~Ye are of your father the devil, and the
the Lord’s people are diverting somethings from the Devil’s lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from
crowd into the Lord’s work and service. This is further and the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is
conclusive proof that Jehovah’s witnesses are not engaged no truth in him." (John 8: 44) The firstborn of Egypt
in a commercial enterprise, such as hawking and peddling would therefore picture all of Satan’s children, that is,
and bookselling, regardless of what the worldly tribunals those of his earthly organization who are "the beginning
may decide or determine, and certainly regardless of what of his strength", namely, the chief of the strength of the
the religious clergy and their crowd may say. organization, to wit, the leaders and chief ones m the reli-
In Egypt preparation must be made and was made for gious, commercial and political branches of Satan’s visible
the final plague, and at the same time for the protection organization. Back there, the firstborn of every portmn
of God’s people. Pharaoh and his official family had spurned of Satan’s organization was destroyed. This in the anti-
and disregarded the notice of warning of the nine preced- typical fulfillment means that religious crowd known as
ing plagues, and hence it would have been useless to give the "man of sin" and "the son of perdition’; also the so-
Egypt’s rulers any instruction concerning the passover called "strong-arm squad" which they use to do the wolent
protection; and none was given to them. It appears, how- work for them, such as the German gestapo; and also
ever, from the record at Exodus11 : 5-10, that Mosesplainly those whoput forth their strength to carry forward Satan’s
warned Pharaoh that all his firstborn should die, but not schemes, and also the counterfeit of God’s kingdom, namely,
even a dog’s tongue would moveagainst any of the Israel- the RomanCatholic Hierarchy-Totalitarian combine and its
ites, and this warning was given to Pharaoh before Moses "new world order". In this day Satan makes war upon the
withdrew from his presence. remnant of Jehovah’s witnesses, who are of the "church of
Jehovah told Mosesthat the death of the firstborn would the firstborn", and would destroy them unless prevented
take place at midnight, this to mean, in the modern-day from so doing by the power of the Lord God. The only pro-
tection that these faithful witnesses have is from the Lord,
fulfillment, at a time of the world’s blackness or darkest and this comes by reason of their obedience to Jehovah’s
pemod. The blaclmess of darkness is now upon the world,
and must continue until Armageddon. At the commandof commandmentgiven to them by the Greater Moses, who is
Jehovah Moses prepared the Israelites by instructing them Christ Jesus, according to Acts 3:22, 23.
that each household should, on the tenth day of the first The slaying of the passover lamb, and the eating thereof
month. Nisan (corresponding to our April), take a lamb with- by the Israelites, preceded the slaughter of Egypt’s first-
out spot or blemish and keep it up until the fourteenth day born. At 1 Corinthians 5- 7 it is written : "For even Christ
of that month, on which day, in the evening, the lamb should our passover is sacrificed for us." As in the typical events
be killed and its blood sprinkled over the entrance into each in Egypt, even so the death of "Christ our passover" and
house and all should go into the house and remain there the partaking of the merit of his sacrifice by his spirit-
during the night, roast the lamb whole without breaking a begotten followers precede the slaughter of Satan’s first-
bone, and eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs, born at Armageddon.As Israel’s firstborn were passed over
and while thus doing they should be fully equipped for and preserved on that fateful night, even so the faithful
travel, God saying to them: "It is Jehovah’s passover." remnant of anointed witnesses, whoare of Jehovah’s "first-
"For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and born", will be passed over and preserved at the battle of
will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man the great day of God Almighty. They will survive Arma-
and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute geddon by virtue of Jehovah’s protection. With them a great
judgment: I am the LORD.And the blood shall be to you number of "companions", persons of good-will known as
for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the Lord’s "other sheep", will survive. These were pictured
the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be by the "strangers" among the Israelites who were circum-
upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt." cised in order that they might eat the passover with the
--Ex. 12: 12, 13. Israelites, and who formed a "mixed multitude" that went
The record then follows: "And [Jehovah] smote all the up with the Israelites out of Egypt. (Ex. 12: 38, 44, 48, 49)
firstborn in Egypt; the chief of their strength in the taber- This "great multitude" of "other sheep" will be passed over

at Armageddon because they abandon Satan’s worldly or- provided redemptive price for mankind, but also signifies
ganization before Armageddon and associate themselves to Jehovah’s witnesses that all of that class are spiritually
with the remnant of Jehovah’s witnesses and with them Judeaus, that is, praisers of Jehovah, and are subject to
take part in serving notice on Satan’s organization and in the orders of Jehovah’s Vindicator and Great High Priest,
preaching the good news of The Theocratic Government by Christ Jesus, who is the Prophet greater than Moses. Fur-
Christ Jesus. (John 10: 16; Rev. 7: 9-17) To them the ther, that sprinkled blood on the doorposts and lintels signi-
prophecy (Zephaniah 2:3) now speaks: "Seek righteous- ties that the day of judgment or of the vengeance of God
ness, seek meekness: it may be ye shall be hid in the day is here, which vengeance will shortly be expressed and
of the Lord’s anger." exercised in the destruction of Satan’s firstborn at Arma-
The typical passover lamb was taken into the houses geddon. Therefore the blood was both a public declaration
of the Israelites on the tenth day of Nisan. Fifteen hundred and a testimony of the approaching destruction upon Jeho-
years later, on the tenth day of Nisan, A.D. 33, Jesus "the vah’s enemies. This truth Jehovah’s witnesses, who are His
Lambof God" rode into Jerusalem and offered himself as "firstborn", of the "church of the firstborn", and who are
King to the Jews. This shows that now, since the parallel yet on earth, must declare, because it is an expression of
date of A.D. 1918, the Christian’s receiving of the Lamb his vengeance.
into the house signifies far more than accepting Jesus merely It is true that the blood sprinkled signifies that those
as the ransom sacrifice or as "the Lambof God, which taketh under it say, "I accept Christ Jesus’ blood as myredemptive
away the sin of the world". (John 1 : 29) It now means price." But to the remnant of Jehovah’s witnesses it means
this present "day of Jehovah" since 1918 to receive the much more. Back in Egypt the blood of the passover Lamb
Lamb which was slain, receiving him as Jehovah’s King validated or made operative the law covenant which Jeho-
enthroned in office, and hence the receiving the Kingdom vah made with the Israelites through their mediator Moses.
and undertaking the full responsibility of increasing the The blood of Christ Jesus validates the new testament or
interests of the Kingdom. In this "day of Jehovah" the new covenant. Hence the blood on the doorposts picturing
eating of the Lamb would include not only partaking of the blood of the Victim which validates this new covenant,
his sacrificial merit, which cleanses from sin, but also the it signifies that the remnant of God’s firstborn have entered
having a share in the doing of the witness work which into that new covenant. The primary purpose of that cove-
Jesus Christ was sent to earth to do, to wit, to bear testi- nant is to bring forth or produce a people for Jehovah’s
monyto the name of Jehovah, all to the vindication of his name and which will have a part in the vindication of that
holy name. Furthermore, as pictured by the removal of all holy name. Upon this remnant The Most High God has
leaven at passover time, there must be no uncleanness bestowed a "new name", to wit, "Jehovah’s witnesses," thus
amongthe people of God’s organization and resulting from showing them to be a "people for his name". (Read Isaiah
coming in contact with the Devil’s organization or com- 62:2; Revelation 2: 17; and Acts 15: 14.) The blood on the
promising with it. There must also be no ’qeaven of the door entrances would therefore picture that the new cove-
Pharisees, which is hypocrisy"; meaning to profess to be nant has been inaugurated toward the remnant and that
a Christian and then fail or refuse to confess the Lord as hence they must be faithful to the "new name" which Jeho-
Savior and reigning King before men. (See Exodus 12: vah has given them, and hence must continue to faithfully
8, 10, 15-17 ; Luke12 : 1 ; 2 Corinthians 6 : 16-18.) Jehovah’s bear testimony to his name.
witnesses and the "great multitude" of their companions April 11, 1941, is the anniversary of the night that Jesus
must now be entirely separate from Satan’s organization. celebrated the last passover with his disciples and there-
The Israelites were required to be in haste as they ate after took bread and wine and set up the Memorial of his
the passover, with their loins girded, feet shod, and staff in own death; and that date marks the celebration publicly
hand, which antitypically means that, "as strangers and of the Lord’s supper by Jehovah’s witnesses. Weare now
pilgrims," Jehovah’s witnesses are not of this world nor in the day of Jehovah, when the plagues which of old came
subject to Satan’s organization and its demands against upon Egypt are being antitypically fulfilled upon Satan’s
The Theocracy, but are subject to the Theocratic "Higher world. Nowthe celebration of the Memorial means much
Powers"; and that they are on the trek and about to leave more than it did prior to the coming of the Lord to the
the antitypical Egypt, seeing that that wicked organization temple in 1918 to judge his followers and to divide the na-
will shortly be destroyed at Armageddon. (Ex. 12: 11) tions as sheep and goats prior to Armageddon. Those who
the passover the Israelites must abide in the house, under now properly partake of or celebrate the Lord’s supper as
the blood which was sprinkled on their doorposts and lintels, a memorial to the name of Jehovah and to his sacrificed
and until morning. Antitypically this means that Jehovah’s Lambmust have an active personal part in the performance
witnesses are now hidden and are kept "in the secret place of the ten antitypical plagues upon antitypical Egypt, that
of the Most High", under the protection of Jehovah God and is, upon Satan’s organization. By this is meant that each
His Vindicator, Christ Jesus, and are thus protected "until one must participate in proclaiming the message of Jeho-
the indignation be overpast". By the Lord’s grace, they have vah God in connection with these plagues. The plagues are
entered there and have ’shut the door behind them’.--See now in operation, advancing to the great climax of destruc-
Exodus12 : 22 ; Psalm 91 : 1 ; and Isaiah 26 : 20, 21. tion of Satan’s firstborn at Armageddon.To partake worth-
The blood of the passover lamb was publicly sprinkled ily of the Memorial one must have a part in declaring these
on the doorposts and lintels of the houses of the Israelites. truths as Christ has commanded. It was Moses and his
Antitypically that not only means that one must make brother Aaron who declared God’s word to the Egyptians,
public confession of the blood of Christ Jesus as Jehovah’s which resulted in the plagues. Moses was a type of Christ
APRIL 15, 1941 fffieWATCHTOWER. 125

Jesus Aaron, associated with Moses as his spokesman, rep- The primary purpose of Jehovah is the vindication of
resented the remnant of Jehovah’s witnesses now on earth, his own holy name which has been pushed aside and ,’~us-
declaring the message of God’s vengeance and bearing testi- represented and reproached by Satan the Devil and his
mony of his kingdom, The Theocratic Government. organization, including "Christendom". That is why God
Jehovah’s witnesses at the temple of judgment are in- sent Moses to Egypt. For that same reason he sends Jesus
structed by the Lord Jesus and then sent forth to declare to the world. All things else are incidental to the vindica-
the message of truth pertaining to the antitypical plagues. tion of Jehovah’s name. The "day of Jehovah", beginning
It follows, then, that those who worthily partake of the in A.D. 1914 when the Times of the Gentiles ended, marks
Memorial must be "in Christ" as members of "his body" the time when Christ Jesus was placed upon his throne and
and hence be of the heavenly capital organization of Jeho- sent forth to rule amid his enemies in heaven and earth.
vah They must be "living stones" in the temple of which Three and one-half years thereafter, corresponding to the
Christ Jesus is the Chief Corner Stone. They must be wholly three and one-half years of the earthly ministry of Jesus
devoted to God and be engaged m proclaiming the mighty in the flesh, to wit, in A.D. 1918, the Lord Jesus comes to
name and works of the Most High, for the reason that, as the temple for judgment and judgment begins, first with
written m Psalm 29 : 9, "in his temple doth every one speak his consecrated followers and then with professing "Chris-
of his glory." The Lord’s "other sheep", who become the tendom". Then follows the antitypical fulfillment of the
"great multitude", may engage in proclaiming the message plagues upon Egypt, which plagues are completed at Arma-
of the kingdom of God, but it is those who partake of the geddon in the destruction of Satan’s firstborn. The Scrip-
death of Christ Jesus as members of "his body" who are tures seem clearly to show that the firstborn of Egypt rep-
the ones that ultimately live with him in heavenly glory. resent the visible part of Satan’s organization, which will
Those who also suffer the reproaches that reproached him be destroyed at the battle of Armageddon, and that the
by reason of his being Jehovah’s "faithful and true witness", invisible part of his organization, the wicked demons, in-
even unto the end, are the ones that will ultimately reign cluding Satan himself, will shortly thereafter be destroyed,
with him in the kingdom of heaven. (2 Tim. 2.11, 12) The when Satan shall be cast into the pit of destruction. (Com-
"great multitude" of the Lord’s "other sheep" will abide on pare Revelation 19 : 19-21 and 20 : 1-3.)
earth and will dwell forever in peace and happiness under It is the remnant of those who are in Christ as members
The Theocratic Government. To Jesus Jehovah gave the of "his body", and also their "companions", the "great mul-
privilege and honor of being his vindicator at the cost of titude", who are the ones passed over at Armageddon.These
his human life. All who are with Him in that vindication are passed over upon condition that they are faithful to
must hkewisedie sacrificially, as Jesus stated, faithful unto Jehovah and to Christ Jesus, the King of His Theocratm
the end. All such of Jehovah’s capital organization are "one Government, and are obeying God’s commandments Tlus
bread and one body", and the breaking of the bread and the means that they must perform the service of bearing testi-
drinking of the cup show forth that all who do so properly monybefore the world rulers and before the people of and
are one with Christ Jesus, that is to say, in unity with him concerning The Theocratic Government and also declaring
as membersof his body and therefore in the temple. (Read the vengeance of our God against Satan’s organlzatmn.
1 Corinthians 10: 16, 17.) Such, therefore, properly partake Whenthis declaration is completed, then will follow the
of the emblems of the Memorial. execution of the tenth and final plague at Armageddon.


tIE head is the memberthat directs the course of
T actmn of the body, and hence refers to the ruling
part. Thus the head is symbolically used to represent
heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and
upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which
I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet
a world power. The Bible calls attention to seven world of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a hon: and the
powers. The history of the world shows seven separate and dragon [the god of this world] gave him his power, and
d~stinct world powers which have in their respective order his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads,
held a place of supremacy on the earth. These world powers as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was
are, to wit, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, healed: and all the world wondered after the beast ....
Romeand Anglo-American imperialism. Such world pow- the beast, which had the woundby a sword, and did live."
ers have adopted the emblems of wild, voracious animals bRev. 13 : 1-3, 14.
as symbols of their strength and fierceness, and of their The "sword", which is an implement of war, clearly
power to destroy the opposers. These world powers have refers to the World War beginning in A.D. 1914. The phys-
frequently fought against one another. The prophetic book ical facts of history makeit rather easy to locate this head
of Revelation, chapter thirteen, symbolically describes such that appeared to be wounded unto death. Revelation does
a fight. Jehovah God gave the visions of that book with the not state who inflicted the wound, but the presumption
purpose that those who love righteousness should under- must be indulged that it was inflicted by another head or
stand Revelation at some time. The time has come for them world power of the "wild beast", since that beast is rep-
to understand it. resented as having seven heads.
The eye-witness writes: "And I stood upon the sand of The sixth world power, to wit, the Roman,had survived
the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven up to A.D. 1914, with Germany for some years prior to

that date as the chief one in that empire. Originally Rome years of the operation of this plan and of conditions in
was pagan. Later it became papal and was misnamed republican Germany was published in Current H~story of
"Christian", and also misnamed "The Holy Roman Em- March, 1927, under the title "Germany’s Restoration".
pire". The dominant race in the "Holy Roman Empire" Says The Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 28, page 645:
was Teutonic or German. This is particularly shown in the "A day of happy promise dawned on 10 Sept. 1926 when
fact that the title given to the empire was "Holy Roman Germany was received into the League of Nations ’amid
Empire of the German Nation". (See The Encyclopedia scenes of European reconciliation, which in their fire of
Americana, Vol. 12, page 511.) Germany was the head or enthusiasm have been unexampled since the Armistice
pre-eminent part of the Teutonic peoples, and therefore the Germany and France, through their Foreign Ministers,
controlling part of the sixth head of the ’‘beast", and par- Dr. Gustav Stresemann and Aristide Briand, committed
ticularly so in 1914. Germanycreated and became the head themselves to perpetual peace, and solemnly engaged the
of the alliance, the Dreibund, composed of Germany, Aus- honor of their nations henceforth never to draw the sword,
tria and Italy, and thus the sixth world power continued, but to settle disputes by arbitration or compromise’." The
with Germany as the head. 1934 Annual of The Americana (pages 270,272) adds
Britain became the seventh dominant world power, with "Momentoussocial and political changes characterized the
England as the head thereof. Both these world powers and year 1933 in Germany. On 30 January, Adolf Hitler, fiery
’‘beads" were in existence in 1914, and are still in existence, leader of the National Socialists (Nazis) became Chancellor.
and both form part of the "wild beast" that came up out His first cabinet included ex-chancellor yon Papen as Vice-
of the symbolic "sea" of mankind alienated from Jehovah chancellor and many of the most conservative and largest
God. Such was the exact condition that existed in 1914 at capitalist elements in Germany .... Late in June yon
the beginning of the World War. Papen visited the Pope seeking a new concordat for the
Says The Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 12, page 521: whole of Germany and bespeaking the influence of the
"Europe was, for many years before the actual eruption Pope to have the GermanCatholics abandon their political
of 1914, practically divided into two hostile camps, with organizations and place themselves in line with the new
France, England and Russia on the one side and the Germany." On October 14, 1933, Hitler, for Germany, quit
Dreibund on the other, thus paralyzing all efforts of the the League of Nations and the Disarmament Conference.
nations to live in hearty concord, a thoroughly unhealthy On March 16, 1935, he proclaimed the renewal of military
state of things, one breeding all around distrust and hatred conscription in Germany.
and rendering impossible harmony. Of course, there had The prophetic Scriptures declared, and Jehovah’s wit-
been many seeing eyes in Germanyherself which discerned nesses particularly since 1930 called attention thereto, that
clearly the abnormal features in the above, features threat- the vanquished side would come back, with the head healed,
ening perpetually the peace of the world." and that all the nations would be astounded. Germanywas
In 1914 the ’~beast" which did "rise up out of the sea" for many years the chief support of Papal Rome, and the
got into a fight, its heads fighting each other. Germanythe dominant people in the "Holy Roman Empire". The Ro-
head on the one side and Britain the head on the other side man Catholic "Hierarchy of Authority", operating from
led the fight. Every nation involved in that war was and Rome,is admittedly in the lead of all religious organizations
is a part of the "beast". That World War resulted in a ter- on the earth and carries forward what it calls "Catholic
rible punishment to Germanyand her allies, and it looked Action", operating always for a wicked purpose The pres-
for some time as though Germany was completely done for. ent pope is undoubtedly the most astute politician that has
This harmonizes with the apostle John’s statement: "And occupied the papal office in many centuries. He was secre-
I saw one of his [the beast’s] heads, as it were woundedto tary of state during the admimstration of Pros XI, when
death." Hitler came to power. The purpose of the Vatman m its
The John or servant class of the Lord on earth who wit- movementcalled "Catholic Action" is to gain control and
nessed the fulfillment of this prophecy thought for some rule the world, and, to do that, it demandsthe re-establish-
time that it was literally true that Germanywas done for. ment of the old "Holy Roman Empire". The totahtarian
To manyit seemed impossible for Germanyever to recover. dictators accede to his demandand proceed in the establish-
ment of Romeon its old basis. Catholic Action began in
Then, in the same connection, John says: "And his deadly
wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the Germany to bring about the healing of that German head
that was wounded. The nations and the people are now
beast."--Rev. 13 : 3.
advised of the result. Hitler was put in power as dictator
Germany in particular was a very sick nation. She by the connivance and allied action of the religious politi-
continued to linger and her people suffered; and lingering, cians of various nations of the earth, many of whomwere
she did live. The Devil’s own organization, after the war, membersof the League of Nations. The religious, political,
began to put forth efforts to clean off the wounded head commercial elements furnished the brains and the money
and bind it up and heal it. A real financial effort to heal
to put Hitler into office, but the whole scheme originated
this condition began at the GenevaConference in the spring
of 1922. Later the plan was submitted which provided that with and was directed by Satan himself. Muchof the sup-
a loan of two hundred million dollars be made to Germany port to put Hitler in power came from the United States.
by the other nations forming a part of the symbolic "wild Nowthe work of re-establishing the old "Holy RomanEm-
beast". The British quota for this loan was oversubscribed pire" is well under way. Nowthe dictators, backed up by
in three hours, and the American bankers sold their portion the Vatican, spread out over the earth and are grabbing
in fifteen minutes. An encouraging survey of the first two everything on the earth. The head of that "beast" that re-
APRm15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWEI 127

eeived the deadly wound was healed, and the Papacy is 13:8) The line of demarkation is clearly drawn between
riding on the back of that beast. So completely does the Jehovah’s Theocratic organization and that of the enemy,
Vatican control that beast, aligned with the politicians and and this before the end of Satan’s organizatmn comes
commercial leaders, that the newspapers and other publica- Faith in the blood of Christ, the Lambof God, and in the
tmns of the world, even in lands yet called "democratic", Theocratic Government of which he is King, is the only
refuse to speak out and tell the people that the real enemy way that man can ever get life everlasting. All the people
that is destroying liberty and all freedom of thought and that dwell upon the earth and that do not trust in the sacm-
achon is that religious organization operating from Vatican ficial blood of Christ Jesus and in Jehovah’s Theocratic
City in Italy. Governmentby Christ will be lined up on the side of Satan
The ruling factors of the beastly organization boast that and his organization before the final end at Armageddon
according to their turn pattern they will establish ever- The Lord God is causing the message of his kingdom to be
lasting peace on earth. Long ago the Lord God directed widely proclaimed for the manifest purpose of reforming
John to describe this condition, at Revelation 13:4: "And mankind of God’s purpose to grant life to those who devote
they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the themselves to the Lord; and those who do not take their
beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Whois like stand on the Lord’s side and give him the honor and glory
unto the beast ? who is able to make war with him?" The due, do by their contrary course give honor and worship
course of the ruling factors, and particularly the religious to the ’~beast", or Satan’s organization.
clergy, is a defiant challenge to AlmightyGod and to Christ Hence verse 9 adds: "If any man have an ear, let him
Jesus, the King of his Theocratic Government. They raise hear." This is clearly a warning to all who have made a
the issue, Whom supreme? and howwill the world be ruled ? consecration of themselves to God to do his will, and in-
God’s anointed witnesses on earth are telling the people that dicates a test to all "that hear the words of this prophecy".
God’s kingdomis here and is the complete relief for human- (Rev. 1:3) Whowill be on the Lord’s rode? The words
kind. Satan’s visible organization on earth now says: ’We "let him hear" also show an obhgation resting upon Jeho-
will establish the world, and none can war with us.’ Thus vah’s anointed witnesses to carry this message to those who
they induce the people to worship the Devil and the "beast", are held as virtual prisoners by the beastly orgamzahon
which is Satan’s visible organization. Seemingly they are of the Devil, particularly by the religious orgamzatmnson
totally blind to the fact that they are marching on to Arma- earth, that thus such ones may have no excuse for not tak-
geddon and destruction. ing their stand on the side of Jehovah God and his King
Verse 5 reads: "And there was given unto him a mouth Christ Jesus. Let those who love the Lord God stand firm
speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was on his side and faithfully and earnestly proceed w~th the
given unto him to continue forty and two months." Satan proclamation of the message of his Theocrahc Government
ts the arch blasphemer against Jehovah God. He is the great In A.D. 70 the "wild beast" that came up "out of the
deceiver of the people. The religious clergy in particular sea" used the armies of Rometo destroy Jerusalem and led
proclaim their doctrines that turn the people away from the Jews, who were God’s typmal people, into the captlv~tx
Jehovah and his Theocratic Government by Christ, and of the natmns, as Jesus had foretold at Luke 21 24 In
these are Satan’s mouthpieces. They now misrepresent God’s 1918 the same "wild beast" led Jehovah’s people, the spirit-
Word and claim that the "wild beast" will make lasting ual Israelites, into captivity to the powers of this world
peace, whereas the Scriptures show that there can be no and killed the witness work they were carrying on From
peace until the "wild beast" is completely destroyed, at and after 1919 Jehovah began to deliver his witnesses from
Armageddon by Jehovah God. this captivity. The same beast still holds in caphvlty many
Verses 6 and 7 add: "And he opened his mouth in blas- persons of good-will toward Jehovah God and his Theo-
phemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his taber- cratic Government.At Revelation 13, verse ten, the Lord pre-
nacle, and them that dwell in heaven. Andit was given unto scribes the punishment upon those of Satan’s orgamzatmn.
hun to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: "He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captlwty he
and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword
and nations." This is further proof that the "wild beast" Here is the patience and the faith of the saints." The one
includes all the nations of the earth, and particularly that shall lead the "beast" into captivity is Jehovah’s great
"Chrmtendom". During the World War (1914-1918) and Priest and Executive Officer, Christ Jesus.
since have the ruling factors blasphemed God and those The "wild beast", acting through its head the Roman
who faithfully hold to the Wordof God. God’s "tabernacle" Empire, "killed with the sword" James the brother of the
or tent is amonghis covenant people, his witnesses, and he apostle John. In A.D. 70 that "beast" caused the Jews to
dwells there; and those ill-using his witnesses because they fall by the sword, and in 1918 by the sword of the World
testify concerning God’s kingdom do thereby reproach and War it killed the w~tness work of Jehovah’s people Hence
blaspheme God’s holy name. To be sure, Jehovah could pre- that beast "must be killed with the sword" at Armageddon
vent this; but he does not, doubtless withdrawing his re- In 1918 a great trial came upon God’s people Ever
straining power for a time to give the religious clergy and since ~t has been a trml of patience and froth, even as Jesus
their allies a full opportunity to demonstrate to what ex- had foretold, at Matthew24 : 9, 13. It means that Jehovah’s
witnesses and their devoted companions must continue m
tent they would go in beastliness. patience and faith and love even unto the end. Complete
".4rod all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him devotion to God and faithfully giving witness to his name
[the beast], whosenames are not written in the book of life and kingdom according to his commandmentsare required.
of the Lambslain from the foundation of the world." (Rev. Victory will be given to the falthful.--Rev 2 10
Omak, Washington: ’~Last Saturday afternoon two ’’We had our zone assembly, but had to move to Lockney,
pioneers and a publisher from Okanoganwent on the street Texas, sixteen miles east in Floyd county, because the offi-
with the magazines. As it was quite cold we planned on stay- cials of Plainview refused to grant us the use of the court-
ing just one hour. After a few minutes there one of the house, there being an American Legion meeting in the town
dupes of the Hierarchy asked if we would salute the flag. on the same dates. I was not surprised, knowing there was
Weasked, Upon whose authority do you ask this question ? to be a Legion assembly. The county judge refused on the
He quickly turned away with an angry retort, ’I’ll show you grounds that he could not be responsible for what might
whose authority!’ He busied himself up and down both happen, unless the Commissioners Court would take the re-
sides of the street going in to all the stores inviting the sponsibility. Weat once tried to get space in the city au-
people to come out and look at Jehovah’s witnesses who ditorium and other buildings, but found the mayor had
would not salute the flag. In a few minutes downcomes the everything under his control. The mayor, John DuBose, is
constable, asking, ’Will you salute the American flag?’ also a Legionnaire; therefore the town was closed to us.
’No !’ was the reply. Constable : ’I will give you ten minutesWedrove over to Lockney. The postmaster and commander
to get out of town!’ Troublemaker, standing behind the of the local American Legion post referred us to the city
constable, after these words says: ’That’s the way to tell council and assisted us in other ways to secure the city
them, officer.’ We held down our corners and a few min- auditorium. The city mayor and wife attended the public
utes before it was time to leave the mayor himself came up lecture and seemed to enjoy it very much. We were very
and said we had better leave, as the town was getting very thankful to Jehovah for this wonderful opportunity to
angry. We told him we had work to do and were staying serve, this being the largest and best assembly we have ever
on the street for the hour we had planned. He stated there held in this zone. On the street the police chief approached
was an ordinance against this sort of work here. I asked if me in this m,nner: ’My name is Curry. I am the chief of
I could have a copy of it, and he said, ’Yes, get it at the police.’ Said I: "My name is Champagne. How are you,
City Hall.’ Westill serve the Lord and believe in the Amer- Chief ?’ Said he: ’You will have to get these people off the
ican Constitution, which guarantees freedom of worship streets.’ (We had about one hundred on the street in the
according to the dictates of your conscience. Wewill be magazine work.) I asked: "Why ? What have these sheep
back with the magazines next Saturday afternoon in Omak, done ?’ Said he : ’They have done nothing, but you will have
by the Lord’s grace." to get them off the street.’ This I refused to do, stating
Pontiac, Michigan : "Last Saturday I stood on the street we must obey God rather than men, and this we will do,
with The Watchtower and Consolation, and a man came up by His grace. Said he : ’We have a Legion meeting in town,
to me and said: -’Do you people know that there are many and they are raising hell down at the auditorium.’ I said:
Catholics who are thinking about what Jehovah’s witnesses "Well, that is the place you should go and stop them. We
have told them and are wonderingif you people are right ?’" are doing nothing wrong.’ Said he: ’I have told you once.’
St. Petersburg, Florida : "A manin the business district I replied: ’I heard you the first time.’ Then he said: ’I’d
called me to his office and advised me to stop this work be- d soon take them off.’ I replied: ’Well, whydon’t you
cause someone would surely kill me. This furnished me an start right now?’ All had a good laugh, whereupon he
opportunity to give him further witness: "Manypeople mis- turned and left. Like all cowards, I have not seen him since.
understand the real mission of Jehovah’s witnesses. Their The company secretary of Lubbock, Texas, was also picked
privilege is to preach of the Kingdomfor which the people up by the deputy sheriff, whotook her to the sheriff’s office.
have been praying for the past nineteen centuries, and now Asked what she was doing, she replied: ’Preaching the
that kingdom is here. Instead of accepting that for which gospel as God has commanded.’The sheriff remarked: ’It’s
you have prayed, you defy the message and persecute the a damn strange work you people are doing.’ She replied:
messengers of that kingdom. The Kingdomis the only sal- ’Oh, haven’t you read in the Bible that God is carrying on
vation of the world.’ A few days ago he called me again to a "strange work"?’ The sheriff replied: ’If it’s in the Bible
his office and apologized for his former threats and asked it is sure being fulfilled.’ Then he told the deputy to take
for all the literature. I told him he will have to advertise her back to the street, for she was doing a good work, and
the Kingdomalso if he expects life, and he says he is will- let her alone. She went back, rejoicing."
ing to do so. ManyCatholics that previously have hoped to
frighten me now have their eyes open and discern the de- A DAY’S WORK IN A VIRGINIA TOWN
ception of religion. After all this opposition, thanks to "Entering a furniture store I greeted three men with
Jehovah! as I have distributed over 2,000 booklets during a cheery ’Good morning !’ Unfolding a copy of The Watch-
December." tower and holding it so all could see its beauty I stated:
’We are extending you an invitation to subscribe for The
A MODEL STUDY ON WHEELS Watchtower." Says one man: ’Why is it I can never hear
"A witness who drives a school bus suggested we gather Judge Rutherford on the air anymore ?’ "Because the Lord
the interested in the bus. After those near by were gathered has a better way. Listen to his recording "Instruction".’
we drove to another home several miles away, where the Results: Twosubscriptions, two bound books, six booklets,
entire family are interested, and invited them to take their six sound attendance. Using the same method all day, I
places in the bus, where ample seats, lights, and heat aided counted up at the end and had four subscriptions, nine
in carrying on a delightful model study. There were seven- bound books, 21 booklets, 41 sound attendance, and nine
teen in attendance." copies of The Watchtower and Consolation placed."
thatI mJehovah:’
- Ezekiel35:15.

MAYI, 1941
VICTORYSONG(Part 5) ............. 131
They "That Love Him" ......... 137
WORK................................ 139
.................... 139
RULER ...................
FIELD EXPERIENCES ......................... 144
PERIOD ............................... 130

~9 STUDIES ...........................
"MODEL STUDY NO 3" ........................ 130


HIS Journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
117 Adams Street -
Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A.
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
In the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically de-
OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good wilL
J. F. Rwr~RFOR~,Pre~ent W. E. VAy, A~UROH,Becretary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes suit-
"And MI ~.hy children shall be tauCht of Jehovah; and able material for radio broadcasting and for other meansof public
~reat: shall be fhe peace of ~hy children." -lJaiah54:z3. instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SC~IPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utteranceL
It Is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
THATJEHOVAH is the only true God, Is from everlasting to or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva.
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
to his creatures ; that the Logos was the beginning of his creation, King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
and his active agent in the creation of all things; that the Logos tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in dulge In controversy, and its columnsare not open to personalities.
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah.
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man y~ARr.y SUBSCRI:FrION P~CZ
for the earth Rnd placed him upon it; that man willfully dis-
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of UNITI~STATES, $1.00~ CANADA £ND MISCELL~kNEOUS FOEEIGM, $1.50;
Adam’s wrong act all men Rre born sinners and without the right GEEATBRITAIN, ~USTEALbSI~ ANDSOUTHa~FEICb, 6e.Amerlcan remit-
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THATJESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countries other than those mentionedmaybe madeto the Brooklynofnce,
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obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and FORm0NOr~CZS
exalted hlm to heaven above every creature and above every name
and clothed him with all power and authority. Br~tish
................................. 34 Craven Terrace, London, W.2, England
THATJEHOVAH’SORGANIZATION is a Theocracy called Zion, Canadian
............................... 40 Irwin Avenue,Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada
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and that Christ Jesus Is the Chief Officer thereof and is the right- EouthA/~4ca~ .......................... Boston House, Cape Town,South Africa
ful King of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of Please addr~ the Society in every case.
Christ Jesus are children of Zion, membersof Jehovah’s organiza-
tion, and are his witnesses whoseduty and privilege it Is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind (Tran&la$~ont ol this Journalappearin several la*tguage*.)
as expressed in the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom
before all who will hear.
THATTHE WORLD has ended, and the I.~rd Jesus Christ has All sincere studentsof the Bible whoby reasonof infirmity, povertyor
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted adversity are unable to pay the subscription price mayhave The Wat~
Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the establishment of tower free uponwritten application to the publishers, madeonce each
God’s kingdom on earth. year, stating the reasonfor so requestingit. Weare glad to .thus aid the
needy, but the written application once each year Is required by the
postal regulations.
THATTHE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, which Notice to Subscribers: Acknowledgment of a newor a renewal sub-
has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the destruction scription will be sent only whenrequested. Changeof address, when
requested,maybe expectedto appearon addresslabel within one month.
of Satan’s organization and the establishment of righteousness in A renewalblank (carrying notice of expiration) will be sent with the
the earth, and that under the kingdomthe people of good will that Journalone monthbefore the subscriptionexpires.
survive Armageddonshall carry out the divine mandate to "fill Enteredas secondcctass
matterat the post oII1ceat Brooklyn,~. Y.,
the earth" with a righteous race. under the Act o/ March8, 1879.


June, for the entire month, ~s the Permd here named. Are you This new booklet, of 32 pages and bound in a durable cover,
a Theocratic ambassador? You can be, if you take your stand on brings up to date the series of ModelStudy booklets, as It presents
the side of Jehovah’s Theocratic Governmentby Christ Jesus and the study outhne covering the latest recorded speeches by Judge
then engage m announcing that government to others. The June Rutherford, to wit, "Religion as a World Remedy," and "The
Permd affords you the opportunity to exercise your ambassador- End". This booklet m very valuable, even ff you do not possess
ship. The means provided by the great Theocrat, who sends you the phonograph recordings of the speeches named, and with it
forth, is his pubhshed Kingdommessage, and, during June only, anyone should be able to conduct a model study of the Bible in the
you may offer to the pubhc, on a mere contribution of 35c, a com- home or m public. Order several for use of others whomyou hope
bination of any three bound books pubhshed by the Society, ex- to have study wRhyou. Model Study No. 3 will be sent you post-
cluding the latest books, Rehgwn and Salvation. Prompt advance paid at a contribution of 5e a copy. Companyservants should
preparation will be necessary to your most effective part m this make up combination orders for all in the companywanting copies.
TestLmony. Any needed references to the local company organ° USE RENEWALsUBSCRIPTION BLANK
tzed for this service we shall gladly furnish you. May you be
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Watchtower subscription should be filled out and returned to the
"WATCHTOWER" STUDIES Brooklyn office or to the Branch office in the country where you
Week of June 1: "Victory Song" (Part 5), reside. Servants in the companies, and individuals, when sending
1-15 inclusive, The Watchtower May 1, 1941. in renewals for The Watchtwwer, should always use these blanks.
Week of June 8: "Victory Song" (Part 5), By filling in these renewal blanks you are assured of the continua-
16-29 inclusive, The Watchtower May 1, 1941. tion of your Watchtower from the time of expiratmn, and with-
Week of June 15: "Victory Song" (Part 5), out delay. It will also be a great help if you sign your nameuni-
30-48 inclusive, The Watchtower May 1, 1941. formly, and note any recent change of address, on the renewal shp.
1, 1941 No. 9


"’The eyes of Jehovah are towards t]~e righteous, and his ears towards their cry for help: the face of Jeho-
vah is against such as do wickedness, to cut off from the earth their memory."--Ps. 34:15, 16, Rotherham.
EHOVAHannounces his unchangeable law con- must quickly turn about and take the right course,
J cerning the righteous and the wicked. He beholds and, doing so, he will be forgiven. Whena man learns
the righteous in distress, hears their cry for help, of Jehovah and his gracious goodness manifested
and delivers them. He deals exactly in an opposite through Christ Jesus and then treats that great
manner with the wicked, and the memory of them truth with indifference or with willfulness, his wrong
shall perish from the earth. No man is righteous of course is not forgivable. He thus sins against light
himself, because all are born in sin by reason of the or against the holy spirit, which is light. The blood
disobedience of the first man. A man becomes right- of Christ Jesus is the price that purchased mankind,
eous only by faith in Jehovah God and in Christ and is not a common thing. Therefore when a man
Jesus’ shed blood as his redemptive price, and by sees and understands that his hope of life is by faith
full consecration and obedience to God and Christ. and obedience unto Jehovah God and Christ and he
Before man can be made righteous he must show then spurns or disregards that favor, the wrath of
his faith in God and in Christ Jesus by willingly God remains upon him and his end is with all others
making a covenant to do the will of the Most High, of the wicked class.
and then he must maintain his righteousness which 5 At the present day Satan’s world has come to an
he has received through Christ Jesus by faithfully end, and within a short time the Lord will completely
performing and keeping the terms of that covenant. destroy Satan’s power. The King, Christ Jesus, has
He must be entirely for Jehovah and his kingdom begun his reign, and in obedience to the will of Jeho-
and not compromise in any manner whatsoever with vah God the name of the Most High must be and has
the enemy. been for some time declared throughout the earth,
" A man who enters into a covenant to do the will and this proclamation of the name and the kingdom
of God, and hence to follow in the footsteps of Jesus of Jehovah must continue until God’s "strange act"
Christ, and who then through negligence, indiffer- is performed. This is the day of enlightenment for
ence, fear, willfulness or other cause does not keep all whodesire righteousness and life. It is the time
and perform his covenant, thereby puts himself in when the people on earth are being separated into
the class of the wicked. He becomes responsible for two classes, one class being those of the righteous
his own destiny. It is not all in makingthe covenant, by reason of their faith and obedience to the Lord,
but faithfully keeping and performing the covenant and the other the unrighteous or wicked ones. This
is that which is of the greatest importance. It is writ- separation precedes the great and final conflict at
ten that "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wis- Armageddon, which takes place when the separating
dom", and that fear of God and the full devotion to work is completed. The day of enlightenment and
him must be kept and maintained henceforth ; other- separation began from and after the appearing of
wise one fails to have that wisdom which comes Christ Jesus at the temple in 1918. Thereafter the
down from above. Lord no longer passes by unnoticed the conduct of
" The wicked include all persons who are against men towards THE THEOCRACY, which conduct or
THE THEOCRACY and who therefore, directly or in- course of action is intelligently taken. In the judg-
directly, oppose the kingdom by Christ Jesus. The ment and division of the nations now taking place
Lord Jesus emphasized that rule when he said: "He each one must in due time be for TH~. THEOCRACY or
that is not with me is against me; and he that gath- against THETHEOCRACY. Nowthe greater number of
ereth not with me scattereth."--Lul~e 11: 23. the people are against TEE THEOCRACY, due chiefly
’ A man may be ignorantly against THETEE0CRACYto the influence of the demons. At the same time there
and the King thereof, but when he is enlightened he are a goodly number who sincerely desire righteous-
N. Y.
ness and are seeking after God and his King and and his kingdom, by their course of action they be-
kingdom, and such sincere ones hearing the message come opponents and scatter abroad. Some others
from the Lord God quickly take their stand on the have become offended and have withdrawn from the
side of the great THEOCRAT and his King and serve Lord’s organization and put themselves in open op-
him with joyful heart. position to THs THEOCRACY. Some of these by their
° The faithful spiritual class knowsthat the "rem- words claimed to have faith in God and in Christ,
nant" of God’s organization yet on the earth are but their actions completely deny their words. Claim-
righteous by reason of being of the "body of Christ". ing to have faith is not at all sufficient, because faith
(1 Cor. 12 : 27 ; Rom.11 : 5) Continuing faithful unto without works, that is, without activity in support
death, such faithful ones enter into everlasting glory of Jehovah’s announced purpose, is dead. (Jas.
with the Lord. On the earth are the Lord’s "other 2: 17, 20) One must prove his faith by obediently
sheep", called "Jonadabs", who are the "compan- carrying out the commandments of God. Failing or
ions" of the remnant. (John 10: 16; 2 Ki. 10: 15-23; refusing to do so puts such a one in the class of the
Jer. 35: 19) These have fled for refuge to Christ wicked. A person who claims to be serving God, and
Jesus, found refuge under his organization, and, yet who does what he can to hinder the progress of
there remaining faithfully devoted to THETHEOC- the proclamation of the Theocratic message, is an
RACY and to the King thereof, they have the promise enemy of God, and hence wicked.
of protection during the time of the "great tribula- D The Lord judges men not by their words alone,
tion". By reason of their faithful devotion and obe- but his judgment is by reason of the heart devotion.
dience they receive such protection from the great (1 Sam. 16: 7) The Lord knows the secret intent
Shepherd, Christ Jesus. Continuing thus faithful every person. The eyes of the Lord seek out those
until the end of Armageddon and ever thereafter, who devote themselves to him unselfishly, and he
they shall fully enter into righteousness and life ; but shows his strength in behalf of such. (2 Chron. 16 : 9)
if any of the remnant or of the Jonadabs become un- Those who become righteous by reason of faith in
faithful to Jehovah and his King, such put them- Christ Jesus and Jehovah, and in full obedience to
selves in the class of the wicked and their end is de- the Lord, must because of their faithfulness to God
struction. suffer muchat the hands of the enemy, and this suf-
’ Sometime after the temple judgment began the fering experienced enables them to prove their in-
Lord revealed to his anointed that those who would tegrity toward God. In their distress they cry unto
be forever with Christ Jesus in his kingdom must God, and he hears their cry because of their sincere
bear the name which Jehovah gave to them, that is heart devotion to him: "The eyes of the Lord are
to say, witnesses of Jehovah. (Isa. 43 : 10-12; 62: 1, 2) upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their
These constitute the remnant of the ’’body of Christ", cry."--Ps. 34 : 15.
and they must continue to be faithfully obedient 1o Those who do evil in God’s sight and against
unto God and his King and bear testimony to the God’s people who are faithfully proclaiming God’s
name of the Most High and to his kingdom. Then, name are wicked, and hence are against the great
some time later, God revealed to his people that his THEOCRAT and his King; and the judgment against
"other sheep", that will form the "great multitude" these is pronounced by the Lord Jesus at Matthew
(Rev. 7" 9-17), are an earthly class that shall live 25:41-45. God turns his face away from such, as he
forever on the earth and carry out the divine man- states in the text above quoted, at Psalm 34 : 16, and
date to fill the earth with a righteous people; that then God further expresses himself concerning such
such were pictured by Jonadab and by other pro- in these words: "Misfortune shall be the death of
phetic pictures recorded in the Scriptures; that in the lawless one, and the haters of the righteous man
order for these "other sheep" to ultimately become shall be held guilty." (Ps. 34: 21, Rotherham) The
members of the "great multitude" they must be criterion by which a man should examine himself is
wholly devoted to THE THEOCRACY and must remain not his physical and mental shortcomings or imper-
within the bounds of the "city of refuge", that is to fections, but according to his sincere, honest heart
say, God’s organization under Christ, and there devotion. God judges that way, and that is the riKht
faithfully perform their assigned duties until the way. Concerning this it is written in the Scriptures :
end of Armageddon. "Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith;
s The announcement of these truths by The Watch- prove your own selves." (2 Cor. 13:5) ’~For if
tower was seized upon by some of the spirit-begotten would judge ourselves, we should not be judged."
ones as an excuse to turn away from God’s earthly --1 Cor. 11:31.
organization and become opponents of those who 11 It is not sufficient for one to say, "I am a Chris-
advertise Trr~. THEOCRACY, and hence they became tian; I love the Lord"; but in judging himself he
enemies of THETHsOCSaCy.Not being for the King must ask himself: "Am I proving my faith and de-
i, 1941 ~ieWATCHTOWER. 133
votion by joyfully and enthusiastically obeying the on earth following the beginning of the temple judg-
commandments of Jehovah and his King? Am I giv- ment, which persons hear the message of THETHEOC-
ing my entire and undivided devotion to THETHEOC- RACY,believe in God and in Christ, and covenant to
RACY?If I am not wholly and entirely for TH~ do the will of God, and who then prove their faith
THEOCRACY I am against THE THEOCRACY." TO that by being obedient to God’s commandments. Jael is
effect is the official announcement made by Christ mentioned in the prophecy in strict contrast to the
Jesus, and thus the true condition is expressed. One indifferent and negligent and unfaithful, which are
cannot be negligent or indifferent to the command- pictured in the curse pronounced upon Meroz. (Judg.
ments of God concerning The THEOCRATIcGOWR~- 5: 23) Jael pictured those "other sheep" of the Lord,
Mm,rT and expect to receive God’s approval. This who shall compose the "great multitude". She was
point is particularly emphasized in the Victory Song a weaker vessel when compared with the men of
written long ago (Judg. 5:1-31), the meaning Meroz ; yet she showed her faith and devotion, where
which is now revealed to God’s covenant people on the unfaithful men failed. God pronounced his curse
the earth to enable them to see what is their present upon Meroz, which curse proclaims that the class of
duty and privilege. Jael, one of the characters in that persons who are against TH~. THEOCRACY, and who
prophetic drama, was put to the test, and she without fail, either by negligence or willful disobedience, to
hesitation put herself entirely on the side of Jeho- render service to TH~. THEOCRACY, are in the wicked
vah and on the side of his typical covenant people, class.
who there remained faithful to God. Jael pictured a 1, Just howJael herself was "blessed" is not stated
faithful, obedient class of people who shall receive in the prophecy, nor is that necessary, because she
the everlasting blessings of Jehovah and his King. played a part in the prophetic drama picturing a
12 ’¢Blessed above womenshall Jael the wife of class that the Lord is now gathering unto himself.
Heber the Kenite be; blessed shall she be above Her blessings may properly be inferred, however, to
women in the tent." (Judg. 5: 24) These are the wit: Her life was spared from Jehovah’s executioner,
words uttered by Deborah the prophetess of Jeho- Barak, who found Sisera in her tent. Her life was
vah, and therefore they operate as words of Jeho- spared although she was the wife of one who main-
vah’s organization uttered by his authority. Because tained friendly relations with Jabin the enemy. She
she uttered those prophetic words concerning Jael was given favorable mention in God’s Word, and
is no reason why any person should worship Jael also in making the picture concerning the "other
as the Catholic Hierarchy teaches others to worship sheep" of the Lord, that shall form the "great mul-
Mary. The angel of the Lord appeared unto Mary titude" and that shall survive Armageddonand fill
and informed her she was to give birth to the babe the earth according to the divine mandate. Further-
Jesus, and said to her: "Blessed art thou among more, she was "blessed" according to the Divine
women." (Luke 1:28) That was not a command Record, as it appears that she had no children prior
worship Mary, but an announcement of her blessing to the Megiddobattle but doubtless was blessed with
because of her faith and obedience unto the promises children thereafter, and her family line was thereby
of God. The angel further said to Mary: "Thou hast preserved. Such appears to be God’s manner of deal-
found favour with God." (Vs. 30) Then the angel ing with those whomhe favors, because of their
informed Mary that she would be the mother of faithfulness: ’%0, children are an heritage of the
Jesus, the Son of the Most High. Mary showed her Lord; and the fruit of the wombis his reward." (Ps.
faith and obedience, and replied: "Behold the hand- 127:3) "Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the
maid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy sides of thine house; thy children like olive plants
word." (Vs. 38) Later Elizabeth said to Mary: round about thy table."--Ps. 128:3.
"Blessed is she that believed"; and Mary said: "My 1B God likewise favored the Shunammite woman
soul doth magnify the Lord." Thus Mary and Eliza- who showed kindness to his servant Elisha. (2 Ki.
beth both showed their faith and devotion to Jeho- 4: 8-17) Mary was "blessed" of God in that she was
vah, and there is nothing in the Scriptures to author- privileged to bear the child Jesus. The "great mul-
ize any creatures to worship Mary. Their worship titude", whomJael pictured, are greatly favored of
belongs to Jehovah God and Christ Jesus, and to Jehovah by being permitted to bear children after
none other. The commandments of Jehovah fix that Armageddon and to thereby "fill the earth" with a
limitation. (Heb. 1 : 6 ; Ex. 34 : 14 ; Rev. 19 : 10) righteous race. Heber the Kenite does not figure in
doubt many Catholics ignorantly worship Mary be- the prophetic picture at all, and no blessing is pro-
cause they have been thus taught; but in doing so nounced upon him. Jael’s marriage to him, however,
they do contrary to God’s specific commandment. served to identify her as a non-Israelite and as a
18 Jael was blessed because of her faith and obe- relative of the prophet Moses, one of the princes who
dience ; and therefore she pictured a class of persons shall rule in the earth; and hence she is a fitting sym-
N. Y.

bol of the "great multitude", now the active "com- Thus by her works she proved that she was for Jeho-
panions" of the spiritual Israelites, and which mul- vah and against the persecutor of God’s covenant
titude shall be for ever with the princes. people. Likewise the Jonadabs today, by their course
16 "Blessed shall she be above [among] womenin of action in fully supporting Gods people, the "rem-
the tent." (Judg. 5:24) Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and nant", as their "companions", joyfully engage with
Leah were all womendwelling in tents and, as such, them in the service and show their entire devotion
sojourners like Abraham. "By faith he sojourned in to TH~ THEOCRACY.
the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling ~0 In fulfillment of that part of the prophecy we
in tabernacles [tents] with Isaac and Jacob, the see that particularly since 1937 the Jonadabs, pic-
heirs with him of the same promise; for he looked tured by Jael, have made bold to strike for liberty
for a city [THE THEOCRACY] which hath [everlasting] and against the Hierarchy, the head of the great re-
foundations, whose builder and maker is God. ligious system that has so long deceived and op-
Through faith also Sara herself received strength pressed God’s faithful people. This they have done
to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when and do by arming themselves with and using the
she was past age, because she judged him faithful Wordof God, thereby killing religious traditions and
who had promised." (Heb. 11:9-11) Thus was Jael imaginations brought forth by the religious leaders,
classified among the "blessed" who shall, together who oppose and persecute the covenant people of
with the "princes", live forever on the earth. She Jehovah who are advertising THETHEOCI~ACY. These
was a worthy example to her tribal relatives, the faithful Jonadabs, by their knowledge and the use
Jonadabs, the sons of Rechab, who dwelt in tents. of the truth of God’s Word, are engaging with their
(Jer. 35:6-19) The blessing of Jael makes her cor- companions in "casting down imaginations": "(For
respond with the "other sheep" of the Lord, to whom the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but
Christ Jesus says: "Come, ye blessed of my Father, mighty through God to the pulling down of strong
inherit the kingdom [THE TrrwOCRACY] prepared for holds ;) casting down imaginations, and every high
you from the foundation of the world."--Matt. 25 : 34. thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of
1, "He asked water, and she gave him milk; she God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the
brought forth butter in a lordly dish." (Judg. 5 : 25) obedience of Christ." (2 Cor. 10:4, 5) "Therefore
Jael responded to the request of Sisera for water, not have I hewed them by the prophets ; I have slain them
as an act of giving aid to the enemy of Jehovah’s by the words of my mouth ; and thy judgments are as
people, but she gave him milk to put him to sleep and the light that goeth forth." (Hos. 6:5) The antityp-
thereby to disarm him that she might carry out her ical Jael class now boldly and publicly proclaim the
purpose in favor of THETEV.OCRACY. (Judg. 4 : 18, 19) message of the great THEOCRACY, thereby pointing
It is well knownthat milk, especially whenit is warm, out that God’s kingdom, and not religion, is the only
or buttermilk, has a tendency to put to sleep one who hope of humankind. By thus doing they are putting
is tired. Likewise the Jonadabs hand to the enemy the to death religion.
’milk of God’s Word’ as set forth in the Scriptures ~° "At her feet he bowed, he fell, he lay down; at
and the Scriptural explanation, and which "milk of her feet he bowed, he fell; where he bowed there he
the Word" confounds the enemy and disarms them fell down dead." (Judg. 5: 27) The language of this
and puts them to sleep mentally. When one is ac- text appears to warrant the conclusion that at the
costed and taken to task by an ultrareligionist, and blow upon Sisera’s head first delivered he raised
that person hands the simple word of God in reply himself up and offered what resistance he could un-
to that religionist, the religionist is so confused that der the conditions and then fell down dead. Where-
he cannot answer; hence he is mentally asleep. Jael upon Jael, with the tent pin, fastened his head to
pictured this by her serving Sisera with milk, and the ground. In like manner the Jonadabs abandon
she brought it forth "in a lordly dish"; and so the and shun religion and use the hammer of the Scrip-
witnesses of the Lord today bring forth his Word tures upon the religious rulers, and which causes
in the Lord’s dish. such religionists to writhe in agony and to rise up
1, "She put her hand to the nail, and her right hand and attempt to resist and to howl in agony and to
to the workmen’s hammer ; and with the hammer she take all possible action against the Theocratic mes-
smote Sisera; she smote off his head, when she had sage, and then in the end they fall down and die.
pierced and stricken through his temples." (Judg. According to the Revised Version the text reads
5:26) The rendering of this verse of the song, ac- (margin): "He fell down overpowered." The King-
cording to Rotherham, is: ’‘Her hand to the tent-pin dom message completely overpowers the religionists,
put she forth, and her right hand to the toilers’ mal- and they are not able to answer today.
let, then smote she Sisera, she shattered his head, ’~ Jael did not keep her vigorous act against Sisera
yea she split open and pierced through his temples." a secret, but she went right out and related to Barak,
MAy1, 1941 9 tieWATCHTOWER. 135

God’s servant, what she had done. (Judg. 4: 21, 22) the organization of the enemy. The spoils have not
Likewise the Jael class today boldly go out in the been picked up as quickly as they expected. Sisera’s
name of the Lord and publish amongst their brethren mother was so cock-sure of seeing her son march
and companions and all who will hear, the great truth home in triumph that she was disturbed by the delay,
that religion is a dead thing, and that the leaders and and because of the delay she cried out with apprehen-
teachers of religion are dead factors in their lives, and sion and fretfulness. It is even so with the religionists
that all religion and religious institutions are doomed today. They are galled and piqued and disturbed and
to complete destruction at the hand of Jehovah’s cry out because Jehovah’s witnesses and their com-
great Vindicator, the Greater Barak, Christ Jesus. panions are permitted to go on in their work.
’~ "The mother of Sisera looked out at a window, ""Why is his chariot so long in coming?" Thus
and cried through the lattice, Whyis his chariot so remarked the old lady concerning her son Sisera.
long in coming? why tarry the wheels of his char- Likewise the religious leaders expected complete
iots?" (Judg. 5: 28) The covetous and avaricious victory and the division of the spoils before 1940
spirit of those under the power of demons is shown and a complete cleanup of everything in their favor
by this part of the prophetic song. The mother of in 1940; yet Jehovah’s "strange work" is still going
Sisera pictures the organization of Satan, the chief on in some parts of the earth. The religionists there-
of demons, and hence she pictures all who are under fore cry out, "Whythe delay ?"
the influence and power of demons at the present "In the remaining so-called "democratic" nations
time. For this reason Jesus Christ, addressing the the religious elements are apprehensive and impa-
clergy, the leaders amongst religion, employed these tient about the silencing of Jehovah’s witnesses.
words: "Ye are of your father the devil, and the While Great Britain continues to show some kind-
lusts of your father ye will do." (John 8: 44) The ness to Jehovah’s witnesses, many of the countries
Devil’s woman, here pictured by Sisera’s mother, of the British Commonwealthhave closed down the
here represents the demon organization under Sa- active service of Jehovah’s servants. The religious
tan, the chief of demons, whois the head thereof and or demon-controlled nations feverishly work to speed
the father of lies and wickedness. up action and to hurry the political and judicial de-
’Looked out of the window’; that is to say, partments to ride Jehovah’s witnesses down under
Sisera’s mother looked out of the window anxious their iron chariot wheels. These expect to set up a
to see her victorious son return with the spoils. She "Peace and safety" slogan soon, and are anxious to
remained in her abiding place and there waited the divide the spoils. That "social justice" spokesman
news of the battle, which she expected to be only for the Vatican, recently, in a public radio address,
favorable news. She relied upon the superiority of said : "If the Catholics in America would rise up and
the number and equipment of Sisera’s organization. organize, they could destroy Jehovah’s witnesses in
Likewise today the devils or demon organization, twenty-four hours." In line with such sentiments,
both invisible and visible, are watching the present- Priest O’Brien, another of the Hierarchy’s, declared :
day "strange work" of the Lord, in which Jehovah’s "Wewill change or blot out the Constitution and put
witnesses and their companions are having a part. faithful Catholics in office in 1940.’ It appears that
All who are of the world are under the influence of their expectations are somewhat delayed. Note that
religion or demonism and therefore watching the the prophecy shows that Sisera’s chariot never
progress of the battle, and expecting shortly that creaked back from Megiddo to celebrate the victory
battle will result in the complete annihilation of those over Jehovah’s typical covenant people. Does not
who are the representatives of TH~. THEOCRACY on that appear to say that Satan’s religious organiza-
earth. (1 Cor. 4: 9) Truly, as the apostle states tion will never come back out of the battle of Arma-
this last cited text, every faithful servant of God on geddon ? That gang is going down to stay down for-
earth is now a "spectacle unto the world", both men ever, and even their memoryshall perish, as stated
and angels. Every apparent gain of the totalitarian in the Lord’s Word.--Prov. 10:7.
power m suppressing the organized work of Jeho- ,e "Her wise ladies answered her, yea, she returned
vah’s witnesses is looked upon by the enemy as an- answer to herself." (Judg. 5: 29) "The wise ladies,
other step toward complete victory and a full divid- her princesses." (Rotherham) Those princesses that
ing of the spoils. Like Sisera’s mother they are just attended upon Sisera’s mother pictured the prin-
waiting to feed fat their hatred upon the complete cipal official elements, both political and commercial,
destruction of God’s faithful servants. The contin- who today womanly pamper the Devil’s organization
uous personal witnessing of Jehovah’s witnesses, in its religious activity. Such have gone out of their
who, without fear of man or devil, go forth in the way in flagrantly violating their oaths of office to
strength of the Lord proclaiming the name of the shield and protect the religious organizations and
Most High and his kingdom, is very disturbing to religious leaders from being shown up by the rues-
N. Y.

sage of Jehovah. Such are wise in the wisdom of appear before the general public as the sole defend-
this world, but the Lord will show up their wisdom ers of Christianity and the preservers of civiliza-
as foolishness in his sight. ’~here is the wise ? where tion, the maintainers of peace, and the rulers of the
is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world! earth. They wish to act as shepherds for all the peo-
hath not Godmade foolish the wisdomof this world ?" ple and be uninterrupted in their gathering in the
--1 Cor. 1:20. graft. The Hierarchy, therefore, call their organiza-
"The mother did not wait for her wise counselors tion "the bulwark against ungodliness and indecency".
to answer, but she answered herself and her attend- Thus the Hierarchy deceive multitudes of people and
ants could do nothing but repeat her chatter. She had continue to hold them in darkness. Jehovah has
no knowledge of Jehovah’s great act that had over- clothed his servants now on the earth with the glory
thrown Sisera, his chariots and his army, and she did of the Kingdom service. He has given them a favor
not know that Jael had done her work upon Sisera. never before enjoyed by human creatures. The reli-
She kept on talking to herself to control herself, even gionists, and the clergy particularly, would nowstrip
like those in the antitypical organization today. them, if possible, of that glory and put it on them-
zs ’~Have they not sped I have they not divided the selves, that they might appear before the people as
prey [Is it not they keep finding--dividing spoilt the legitimate representatives of the Lord. This is
(Rotherham)]; to every man a damsel or two? to indicated by the words of the prophecy which are
Sisera a prey of divers colours, a prey of divers attributed to Sisera’s mother speaking of the divi-
colours of needlework, of divers colours of needle- sion of the spoil : "To Sisera a prey of divers colours,
work on both sides, meet for the necks of them that a prey of divers colours of needlework . . . meet for
take the spoill" (Judg. 5: 30) This is typically old the necks of them that take the spoil." Religionists
ladies’ talk, filled with greed and avarice. Evidently expect all the glory for themselves and to gratify
she reasoned that the booty was so great that her themselves; but mark well what is shown by the
son was continuously finding more and more, and prophetic picture.
81 The prophecy shows that self-assurances of
was delayed in dividing up. She tried to console her-
self with such thoughts. Likewise the religious lead- Sisera’s mother and those of her head advisers soon
ers have had high hopes of carrying off much booty turned to shrieks and howls when they learned the
of victory in their operation against Jehovah’s wit- truth. Barak, with his invincible army, under the
nesses, which would result in gain to them, much to command of Jehovah, went on conquering and to
their satisfaction. Like old Haman, they continue to conquer, and marched right into the city where
look forward to the hour when the scaffold, which Sisera’s mother was cooped up and consoling herself
they have builded, will be put to use and the modern- about the spoils she was to enjoy. (Judg. 4 : 24, mar-
day Mordecai will hang on it. But the Lord says they gin) When Armageddon begins and the Lord Jesus
will get snagged themselves. Christ sends his forces against the Devil’s organiza-
zt The old lady repeated to herself the kind and the tion, the religious leaders will be the first to go down,
many spoils that would come her way; among these, and then the other elements or sections of Satan’s
maids for her household work, and some to gratify organization will behold the smoke of religion’s de-
the lust of her distinguished and bloodthirsty son. struction, and, like Sisera’s mother and her prin-
Likewise those whomshe pictured expect to destroy cesses, they will wail and howl because of the loss
the work and the organization of Jehovah’s witnesses of their religious ally. Then the allies of the great
and put the members thereof to a menial service religious organization that now oppresses the earth
where they cannot bear testimony that exposes de- will realize that it is the hand of Almighty God ap-
monism. Mark the open and wicked discrimination plying his wrath upon Satan’s organization, and
against God’s faithful ministers at the present time, these allies will know that they are next in line to
and, while marking it, let those who are unjustly and receive their just and everlasting punishment. Up to
wrongfully treated remember how God in the past that time the political, commercial, judicial, military
foretold the manner of showing his favor to those rulers, as shown by the prophecy, have consorted
who love him and remain faithful to him. The wicked with religion and religionists and have, in the mean-
may prosper for a time, but that time is short. ing of the Scriptures, "committed fornication with
so The Hierarchy are confident of victory and ex- her"; and concerning this it is declared by the Lord,
pect to glorify themselves. Thereby they hope to and recorded in his Word, that they shall weep and
curry great favor with the general public, extend howl, and with great trembling and fear, waiting for
their operations and their oppressions of the people, their own destruction. (Revelation 18:9-19) In the
and keep their racket going and, together with their text last cited in Revelation the Lord gives a vivid
allies, political, commercial and others, rule the en- description of the howling and weeping and wailing
tire earth. The Hierarchy have a great ambition to of those who have thus employed religion to perse-
MAy1, 1941 IItieWATCHTOWEtL 137

cute and oppress the faithful servants of Almighty to those who give their full devotion to THETHEOC-
God. Mark the further emphatic statement of the RACYand who continue to maintain their integrity
prophetic song: "So let all thine enemies perish, unto Jehovah to the end. Whois included in the word
O Lord."---Judg. 5:31. here used, namely, "them"? Barak, and Deborah, and
"As in the typical battle of Megiddo, so shall it the faithful and valiant ten thousand soldiers, and
Jael are specifically mentioned as those picturing the
be in the antitypical ’~battle of that great day of God
Almighty", called "Armageddon". This word "So" ones who shall be recipients of Jehovah’s favor, and
in the prophecy shows that the battle of Megiddo is who shall shine forth. Barak had the great honor of
a type or prophecy of what shall come to pass upon picturing Christ Jesus and his faithful body mem-
the enemies of God at the battle of Armageddon.Deb- bers, who shall share with him in his great victory.
orah’s statement here in the song is exactly in line Barak is specifically mentioned at Hebrews 11:32
with another prophecy: "Do unto them as unto the as one who shall shine as an earthly representative
Midianites ; as to Sisera, as to Jabin, at the brook of Deborah pictured Jehovah’s or-
Kison; which perished at En-dor: they became as ganization, which shall forever be in the favor of
dung for the earth. So persecute them with thy tem- Jehovah God, and doubtless Deborah will be amongst
pest, and make them afraid with thy storm. Let them those who are the "princes" in the earth, because the
be confounded and troubled for ever; yea, let them Scriptures include all of the prophets faithful to
be put to shame, and perish : that men may know that God. The faithful menof old who sealed their testi-
thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH,art the Most monywith their lifeblood shall be of the favored ones
High over all the earth."--Ps. 83 : 9, 10, 15, 17, 18.of the Most High. The "great multitude" pictured by
8s Modernreligious practitioners seem to have for- Jael shall forever shine to the glory of Jehovah.
gotten that ancient battle of Megiddo, even if they Above all and next to Jehovah, Christ Jesus shall
ever gave any consideration to it whatsoever. To shine forever. WhenJesus was transfigured upon the
them the Bible account is merely fiction or history high mountain, ’~his face did shine as the sun, and
in which they have no real interest. They are too wisehis raiment was white as the light."--Matt. 17 : 2.
in their own learning to give any heed to what the " This is "the day of Jehovah", and the revelation
Lord has said. Jehovah makes it certain that the of his prophecy now shows beyond all doubt that the
battle of Megiddo was a prophetic picture of his final reckoning is very near. "In that day" Christ
"strange act", the ’~battle of that great day of God Jesus goes forth as "the sun of righteousness", the
Almighty", in which the Lord will annihilate all his mighty warrior of Jehovah, to engage the enemy in
enemies. Other prophecies of the Bible fully corrob- battle and to vindicate Jehovah’s name. A symbolic
orate this: "For, lo, thine enemies, O Lord, for, lo, picture is given of the glorious Lord leading that
fight to Armageddon,to wit : "And he had in his right
thine enemies shall perish ; all the workers of iniquity
shall be scattered."--Ps. 92: 9. hand seven stars ; and out of his mouth went a sharp
"Jehovah will not permit his enemies, that have two-edged sword, and his countenance was as the
so willfully and ruthlessly and without cause or ex- sun shineth in his strength."--Rev. 1: 16.
cuse persecuted his faithful servants, to go down to ~’ At Armageddon Christ Jesus goes forth in his
death in peace or by a peaceful means. Those enemies strength, leading the heavenly host. Truly then "the
shall perish at the hand of his Executioner under heavens declare the glory of God .... In them hath
great violence, and they shall know that the Lord he set a tabernacle for the sun; which is as a bride-
God, by his Executive Officer, Christ Jesus, executesgroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as
them. Concerning this it is written : "But the wickeda strong man to run a race. His going forth is from
shall perish, and the enemies of the Lord shall be asthe end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of
the fat of lambs; they shall consume; into smoke it; and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof."
shall they consume away. I have been young, and (Ps. 19 : 1-6) The fight led by Barak, as also the fight
now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous for- led by Gideon, foretells the glorious fight and victory
saken, nor his seed begging bread." ’get he passed of the Lord Jesus Christ against the enemies of
away, and, lo, he was not; yea, I sought him, but he Jehovah.
could not be found. But the transgressors shall be ’~ They "that love him", that is, that love Jehovah,
destroyed together; the end of the wicked shall be the great THEOCRAT, and his kingdom by Christ Je-
cut off."--Ps. 37 : 20, 25, 36, 38. sus, and who maintain their integrity faithfully unto
death, these shall "shine forth as the sun in the king-
THEY "THAT LOVE HIM" dom of their Father". The faithful "remnant" and the
8s ’~But let them that love him be as the sun when faithful Jonadabs shall have their share. The final
he goeth forth in his might." (Judg. 5." 31) Here the work amongst the Kingdomclass is now in progress,
words of the prophetic song bring comfort and hope and has been, particularly since 1918. The Lord has
138 BROOKL~’~,
N. Y.

been gathering out all those that offend and that act entire reign of Christ. That will be a time of peace
lawlessly. This is exactly as Jesus foretold : "So shall and joy. The government by Christ will be righteous :
it be in the end of this world. The Son of man shah ’q~hen the righteous are in authority, the people re-
send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of joice." (Prov. 29:2) "Of the increase of his govern-
his kingdom all things that offend, and them which ment and peace there shall be no end." (Isa. 9: 7)
do iniquity; and shall cast them into a furnace of ’q=Iis seed shall endure for ever, and his throne as
fire; there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. the sun before him."--Ps. 89: 36.
Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the " The faithful remnant are now enduring the great
kingdom of their Father. Whohath ears to hear, let fight of affliction. Together with their companionsthe
him hear."--Matt. 13 : 40-43. Jonadabs they are continually persecuted, but these
ao None of those who will maintain their integrity
shall soon be delivered and the faithful remnant shall
will now hesitate or show indifference toward the be in the Kingdomglory for ever with the glorious
Kingdom. They will follow the example of the "Sun King. Then the Jonadabs who now suffer for right-
of righteousness" and will in this hour of gross dark- eousness’ sake will suffer no more, but will be for
ness upon the world let their light shine concerning ever in the favor of the Lord and receive his bless-
the Theocratic government and will let that light be ings. The King of glory will feed them and lead them
so used as to make manifest the hidden things of by the refreshing waters and give them life everlast-
darkness. (Eph. 5 : 13) Nothing now shall stop them. ing, and they and their children shall dwell forever
They will come forth as willing volunteers for THP. on the earth in peace. Now they are poor and op-
THEOCRACY and will boldly let their light shine as pressed, but the Lord shall soon make them rich be-
does the sun, giving their all in complete, loving de- yond description of words : "He shall judge the poor
votion to the Most High and his King: "And they of the people, he shall save the children of the needy,
that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firma- and shall break in pieces the oppressor. They shall
ment; and they that turn many to righteousness, as fear thee as long as the sun and moon endure,
the stars for ever and ever."--Dan. 12:3. throughout all generations."--Ps. 72 : 4, 5.
,o All who love him shall sing his praises now, re-
"~ True, the covenant people of God now suffer
gardless of violent opposition leveled against them. many hardships, which the Devil brings upon them.
"Praise ye him, sun and moon."--Ps. 148: 3. Many are the woes which he inflicts upon them, and
¯1 Because the covenant people of Jehovah God in this he uses the religionists to make their burdens
praise his name and make known his government of greater. Their suffering shall not continue long, and
righteousness they are now ’~hated of all nations", those who suffer because of their faithfulness to
even as Jesus foretold. That extreme hatred is ~x- Jehovah now with joy hear the words of Jesus, to
pressed in violence heaped upon those who love Jeho- wit: ~Ie that endureth to the end shall be saved.’
vah. The faithful servants of God, in obedience to (Matt. 24: 13) The flesh of all of God’s servants
his commandments, now teach their children the weak and inclined to fret because of the great amount
Word of God and "bring them up in the nurture and of injustice done and heaped upon them by the reli-
admonition of the Lord", and for this they are hated gionists. They see this injustice daily growing and
and persecuted. The children, because of their devo- wickedness on the increase. The Lord knew that such
tion to Jehovah, are expelled from schools and de- would be the conditions now, and for the comfort of
nied the right and privilege of a free education pro- his faithful covenant people he caused his prophet
vided by the law of the land. The present ruling to make this record of his Word, to wit: "Fret not
powers, true to the prophecy, now oppress and vio- thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious
lently abuse God’s covenant people. Jehovah takes against the workers of iniquity. Rest in the Lord,
full account of the persecution that is nowinflicted and wait patiently for him; fret not thyself because
upon his people. Soon he will avenge his faithful
of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man
covenant people and will vindicate his own great
who bringeth wicked devices to pass."--Ps. 37 : 1, 7.
name; and this he will accomplish as stated by the
prophet: "The Lord preserveth all them that love "The judgment from heaven will be executed
him; but all the wicked will he destroy."mPs. 145 : 20. against the wicked, and then those who defile the
,2 Armageddonwill be the complete end of Satan’s earth shall cease for ever: "Thou didst cause judg-
organization; ’never shall the wicked arise again.’ ment to be heard from heaven ; the earth feared, and
(Nah. 1:9) What shall be the lot of Jehovah’s was still, whenGodarose to judgment, to save all the
covenant people following Armageddon was also meek of the earth. Selah."--Ps. 76:8, 9.
foretold in the prophetic song of Barak and Deborah. "The battle of the great day of God Almighty is
"And the land had rest forty years." (Judg. near, and all survivors will then, in the language of
5 ¯ 31) Four times ten are forty, and a symbol of the the prophet, say: "The Lord hath broken the staff

of the wicked, and the sceptre of the rulers. The whole praises of the Most High. These prophecies were
earth is at rest, and is quiet; they break forth into recorded and are now revealed for the comfort and
singing."--Isa. 14: 5, 7. hope of God’s people. Everyone who loves Jehovah,
"Jehovah’s faithful people now on the earth with therefore, should be strengthened by the revelation
joy sing because they know that the day of deliver- of these prophecies and should now by faith rejoice,
ance is near; and following Armageddon that song knowing full well that his joy will be complete in the
will resound throughout the whole universe and near future and that the praises of Almighty God
everything that breathes will continue to sing the and his King shall fill the whole earth.

ATCHTOWERreaders now appreciate the fact
W that The THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT is functioning
in the earth in so far as those who are conse-
dress a post card to the Society and keep a copy thereof as
a reminder to yourself as to the amount you have promised
and post that to the Society immediately. Write nothing
crated to Jehovah are concerned. Both the anointed rem- upon the card except the following:
nant and the Jonadabs have the privilege, by the Lord’s By the Lord’s grace I hope to be able to contribute to the
grace, of participating in bearing the legitimate expenses work of announcing the kingdomof Jehovah during the ensuing
for carrying forward the Kingdom work. Their contribu- yearthe amountof $ ................ , whichI will remitin suchamounts
tions made direct to the Watch Tower Bible & Tract So- and at such time as I can find it convenient as the Lord pros-
ciety, at 124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y., is assur- pers me.
ance to them that the money will be used to the best ad- Signed
vantage in advancing the Kingdominterests. Address your card to
This notice is not a solicitation of money,but a reminder
Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society
to all who have a desire to support Jehovah’s kingdom that
Treasurer’s Office
it is well to make advance provision to participate in the 124 Columbia Heights
work and do so by laying aside a specific sum each week Brooklyn, New York.
according to the manner in which the Lord prospers them
financially. The work of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Those residing outside of the United States and who
Society is to use the moneycontributed in the most econom- desire to participate in contributing to the necessary ex-
ical way to make known Jehovah’s name and his kingdom. pense will please address your letters or cards to the So-
If informed in advance as to the probable amount that will ciety’s office in the respective country in which you live.
be contributed during the year by those who are interested, Have in mind our need for guidance by the Lord and
that makes it possible to outline the work and the expense present the matter before the throne of heavenly grace
connected therewith accordingly. It is therefore suggested that the money contributed may be used to the best ad-
that upon receipt of this issue of The Watchtower you ad- vantage to announce the Kingdom.

I;I;DEHOLD, I shew you a mystery: We shall not all Not all the members of the ’~body of Christ" will be
~-~ sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in resurrected at the same time. The text first above quoted
the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the shows two separate divisions of the same class: one part
trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorrupt- that participate in the first resurrection and are awakened
ible, and we shall be changed." In these words, at 1 Corin- out of the "sleep" of death, and another part or division
thians 15 : 51, 52, the apostle discusses the first resurrection. that have part in the first resurrection and that do not
In Revelation 20:6 it is called "the first resurrection" be- sleep in death but are at death changed instantly from hu-
cause it is the resurrection of "The Christ", both Jesus manto spirit creatures, divine.
Christ the Head and the church, the members of "the body The apostle indicates that those whohave slept in death
of Christ". No one can have a part in that first resurrection shall be raised first, and that thereafter comes the change
except Christ Jesus and his body members, his anointed of those who are on the earth at the time of the second
followers. None other will ever receive immortality and be presence of the Lord. In 1 Corinthians chapter 15 the
immunefrom the "second death". This resurrection, there- apostle shows that the resurrection of the sleeping saints
fore, is "first" in that it is of primary importance, and does not take place until the coming of the Lord as King
"first" in that it is the earliest in time. The inspired apostle to destroy the rule of wickedness and to bless the obedient
limits that resurrection to The Christ, when he says: "This of mankind. The presence of Christ Jesus in spirit has been
mortal must put on immortality." (1 Cor. 15 : 54) This refers difficult to explain and to clearly understand. Manyhave
to that class of Christians anointed with God’s spirit and labored under the impression that the Lord Jesus must be
who ’~by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory bodily in the very vicinity of the earth in order to be pres-
and honour and immortality", and who are faithful even ent. Such a conclusion is unreasonable. Distance is no hin-
unto death.--See Romans 2:7; Revelation 2:10. drance to the Lord. He could be at the "right hand of God"
and at the same time direct the affairs of the earth as well The faithful Christians, anointed with the spirit of God
as he could if he were on the immediatesurface of the earth. as his commissionedwitnesses, constitute the spiritual tem-
Whenhe had finished his sacrifice and ascended on high, ple of God. To them it is written: "Know ye not that ye
Jesus Christ sat down on the right hand of Jehovah God, are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwelleth
and from that time forward waited until the time when the in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God
enemy should be made his footstool, as declared at Psalm destroy; for the temple of GOdis holy, which temple ye
110:1 and Hebrews 10: 12, 13. From the time of his resur- are." (1 Cot. 3:16,17; also 2 Cor. 6:16; Eph. 2:18-22;
rection from the dead the world belonged to the Lord Jesus 1 Pet. 2: 5) Such ones, of course, include both the sleeping
Christ, but the time for him to take possession was then saints and the faithful ones alive at Christ’s coming and
a long time in the future. He must wait until God’s due who afterwards have their instantaneous change. When
time, and that due time would be at the end of the "Times Christ Jesus was about to be taken away he said to his dis-
of the Gentiles", or "end of the world", to wit, in A.D. 1914, ciples: "If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come
when Satan’s rule without interruption from Jehovah God again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there
ended. That was when Christ Jesus began to give his at- ye may be also."--John 14: 3.
tention to the things of earth. Whiledoing this he is still at Jesus went to heaven to the right hand of God to pre-
the right hand of Jehovah God, and at the same time he pare a place for his faithful footstep followers, his saints.
is present in the earth, because directing the things of his It would seem reasonable that the Lord would complete such
kingdom on the earth as above stated. preparation before he would come in the spirit for those
The Scriptures leave no doubt concerning the order of who would make up the temple class. The sleeping saints
the resurrection. At the beginning of the presence of Christ are a part of the temple class. Surely the preparation would
Jesus in the spirit the saints that died prior thereto are include the clearing of the Devil out from heaven and the
asleep in Christ Jesus, while the last membersof the "body casting of him downto the earth, since Christ Jesus begins
of Christ" remain alive on the earth. The sleeping or dead his reign by taking possession of heaven and ousting the
ones must be resurrected first, and then thereafter those Devil therefrom. (See Revelation 12: 7-12.) In view of the
who remain on the earth will be changed instantly at death language of the Master to his disciples, it would hardly
into the likeness of the Lord. The apostle’s words at 1 Thes- seem that he would awaken the sleeping saints until this
salonians 4:15-17 make it clear that this is the order of preparatory work was completed.
the resurrection, when he wrote: "For this we say unto you If that reasoning is correct, then the resurrection of the
by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive, and re- sleeping saints to life in the spirit, invisible to humaneyes,
main unto the coming of the Lord, shall not prevent [pre- would not take place until after the Devil is expelled from
cede] them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall heaven. Through his holy prophet (Malaehi 3:1) God de-
descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the elared that his beloved One as "the Messenger of the cove-
archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in nant" should do a preparatory work, and that then he shall
Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain, suddenly come to his temple. If this preparatory work
shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to spoken of includes the expelling of Satan from heaven,
meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the then it would be reasonable to eonelude also that the next
Lord." Here the word "descend" would not necessarily step would be to awakenthe sleeping saints in order that the
mean that Christ Jesus must take a flight from heaven to temple might be established.
earth. The word is used figuratively here, as meaning that From time to time in these columns the Scriptural proof
at this particular time mentioned the Lord specially directs has been submitted showing that the Lord came to his tem-
his actions to things on the earth, which is below heaven, ple in 1918. His comingthen was like a thief, and the fact
and at the same time he himself may remain in heaven. of his coming then was not knownto the "remnant" of Jeho-
Without a question of doubt there is a lapse of time be- vah’s witnesses on earth until some time thereafter, not
tween the resurrection of the sleeping saints and the change till 1922. Seeing now that the temple of the Lord is made
of those who remain alive in the flesh on the earth and who up of the saints, including those whoslept and those of the
constitute "the remnant". Within that period of time, to remnant who do not sleep in death; seeing also that the
wit, after the resurrection of the sleeping saints and until Lord came to his temple in 1918, would not the fact of his
the completion of the first resurrection, all those of this coming to the temple at that date fix approximately the
"remnant" who die faithful experience their change from time of the resurrection of the sleeping saints? The Lord
mortality to immortality, "in a moment," and do not sleep Jesus comes to his temple before the great witness on earth
in death. This is the mystery or secret about which the to Jehovah’s nameis given by the remnant. It follows, then,
apostle speaks when he says: "Weshall not all sleep, but that the temple of God was brought together in 1918, and
we shall all be changed." that that marks the time of the resurrection of the sleeping
What could be the purpose of the Lord in awakening the saints.
sleeping saints and then some time thereafter giving the It is written: "Whenthe Lord shall build up Zion, he
"remnant" their resurrection change? Manifestly the pur- shall appear in his glory." (Ps. 102: 16) Zion is Jehovah’s
pose is that during the time that elapses between the awak- capital organization, of which Christ Jesus is the Head and
ening of the sleeping saints and the change of the remnant in which the membersof ’°his body", the temple class, are
God would have a special witness given to his name amongst associated with him. The building up of Zion undoubtedly
the nations of the earth, and the remnant must give that wit- means the Lord’s coming to the temple. That marks the time
hess to his name and his Theocratic Governmentby Christ. of his glorious appearing. On this consider the apostle’s
words to Titus (2: 13): "Looking for that blessed hope, same time Jehovah begot Faithful with HIS spirit to spirit-
and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour ual life. From the time that Faithful was justified he had
Jesus Christ." Neither Jehovah nor Jesus is on the earth, yet the right to live as a man; but when he was accepted as a
the apostle says that he is looking for their glorious appear- part of the sacrifice of Jesus and begotten to life in the
ing. The word "appearing" (Greek: epiphania) means the spirit, his right to live as a manceased ; therefore as a man
glorious shining forth or manifestation of the Lord’s pres- he was dead. Concerning this it is written to the Christians.
ence. The blessed hope of the apostle was that he might "For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God."
have a part in "the first resurrection", because, at Philip- --Col. 3 : 3.
plans 3:11, he so says. In his statement in the epistle to Faithful is now a new creature, but he must actually
Titus he seems to fix the time when that hope would be go into death in order to have part in the first resurrection.
realized, to wit, at the glorious appearing of the Lord, which Then the instantaneous change will constitute the death
takes place at the time the Lord comes to his temple, in of the human and the immediate life of the divine. As a
1918.--Ps. 50 : 2. new creature Faithful is "in Christ", being a memberof the
The Scriptural authority, such as at Malachi 3:1-3 and ’’body of Christ", and if he continues loyal and obedient
Matthew 25:19, 21, is conclusive that the Lord comes to unto death he dies in Christ. All faithful Christians who
his temple for the purpose of judgment. According to died between the time of the spirit’s outpouring at Pente-
1 Peter 4:17 such judgment must begin at the house of cost of A.D. 33 and the beginning of the resurrection dur-
God, the temple. In A.D. 1914 the Lord took his power to ing the presence of the Lord in spirit must sleep in death.
begin his reign, and the nations were angry. According to But the Scriptures, in Revelation 14: 13, state that a time
Revelation 11 : 17, 18 it is after the time when"the nations would come when some sanctified ones or saints who die
were angry", in a great world war, that the time comes in the Lord would be "blessed". Whenthat time is reached,
for "the dead, that they should be judged". With this then would be true the saying: "From henceforth" "blessed
thought in mind note the words of the apostle Paul, at are the dead which die in the Lord". The reason why they
2 Timothy 4:1: "The Lord Jesus Christ . . . shall judge are called "blessed" is that they do not sleep in death but
the quick [the living] and the dead at his appearing." The receive their change instantaneously, "in the twinkhng of
word here rendered "appearing" does not mean his coming; an eye."--I Cor. 15 : 52.
but it means that while the Lord is present in the spirit, At that time all the faithful ones on earth will be work-
and at the time of his shining forth or clearer manifesta- ing and will continue to work until the t~me of their glori-
tion of his presence, that judgment begins. ous change from human to spirit. That change, being in-
The sleeping saints must be first raised. Their raising stantaneous at the death of the human creature, will not
up constitutes their final judgment, because it is the award- stop them from working; but their work will no longer be
ing to them of the prize for which the apostle Paul de- laborious. While in the flesh the true saints who do service
clared he was running also. It is the time of the realization in the name of the Lord work and become fatigued and
of the "blessed hope" spoken of by the apostle, because it grow weary. But when changed to glorious divine crea-
marks the time when the sleeping saints (including the tures in heaven, nevermore could they again know fatigue
apostle) comeinto their everlasting portion. Back in A.D. 33 or weariness. As they work their work is a constant and
the Lord Jesus rode triumphantly into Jerusalem offering everlasting joy.
himself as King and then came to the temple there and What marks the beginning of that blessed time ? That
cleansed it, and his own resurrection from the dead fol- time could not begin until the sleeping saints are resurrect-
lowed six days later. If the Lord cameto the spiritual tem- ed; and since the evidence shows that the Lord Jesus came
ple in A.D. 1918, as foretold at Malachi 3: 1, and came for to his temple in 1918 and that the resurrection of the sleep-
the purpose of judgment and began the judgment of the ing saints took place approximately at that time, it follows
saints first, that wouldbe a strong and persuasive argument that from and after that time those anointed witnesses of
that the awakeningof the sleeping saints took place in 1918, Jehovah who die in the Lord will be blessed, because they
which is the parallel date of A.D. 33. would have an instantaneous change from mortality to im-
Another text bearing upon the time of the resurrection mortality.
reads: "And I heard a voice from heaven, saying unto me, As foretold by Christ Jesus in the parable concerning
Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from the talents or Kingdominterests committed to his footstep
henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from followers (Matthew 25:14-30), when the Lord came to his
their labours; and their works do follow them." (Rev. temple and found some faithful ones he said to them : ’You
14: 13) This scripture says: "Blessed are the dead which have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler
die." Howis it possible for one whois dead to die ? over many. Enter into the joy of your Lord.’ (Vs. 21)
To aid in the answering of the question, we shall, for These faithful ones here received the evidence that they
example, name one Faithful. When Faithful learned of were identified with the saved ones and commissioned to
God’s provision for salvation through Christ he made a full serve officially as witnesses of Jehovah; and this is figur-
and complete consecration to do the will of God. Then GOd atively pictured in the prophecy at Isaiah 61:10 as their
justified him. That justification gave Faithful the right to being clothed with the "garments of salvation" and being
live as a man, which right Adamhad forfeited by reason brought under the "robe of righteousness". This brings to
of his disobedience in Eden. Godjustified Faithful in order them great rejoicing.
to make him acceptable, and then accepted him as a part It follows, then, that at the time the Lord came to his
of the sacrifice of His beloved Son, Christ Jesus. At the temple in 1918 those alive on earth whomhe approved at
142 BgOO~L~,
N. Y.
that time and whothereafter continued faithful unto death upon the people to honor Jehovah God and give him glory,
received the crown of life. Since this would be by an in- because the time for his judgment upon the nations is come.
stantaneous change from mortality to immortality the scrip- All the temple class will be able to see and appreciate this
ture would apply to such, to wit: "Blessed are the dead marvelous time in which we are living, and will lift up their
which die in the Lord from henceforth." From that time heads and rejoice and sing.
forward the faithful ones dying of the "remnant" of Jeho- At Armageddonthe Lord God will cause all nations and
vah’s witnesses entered instantly into their glorious heaven- peoples to knowthat He is Jehovah, and all the ends of the
ly reward. earth shall then see the salvation of God in behalf of HIS
Thus the sleeping saints were first resurrected, and they, anointed witnesses and the "great multitude" of their faith-
together with those who yet remained on earth being ful companions on earth. Before this takes place, however,
brought under the "robe of righteousness", constituted the the temple class must give the witness, while the resurrected
spiritual temple class, in which Jehovah God dwells by his saints on the other side of the veil are performing the
spirit. The resurrected saints must have something to do duties assigned to them. What a blessed and marvelous
beyond the veil of death. Of more concern to us, however, combination, and what a sweet relationship! Those on this
is what the temple class this side the veil must do. As com-
side the veil having on the "garments of salvation" and
mandedat Matthew24 : 14 and Revelation 14 : 6, this class
must give a special witness ; and that witness is to tell every being under the "robe of righteousness" are working to-
nation, kindred, tongue and people on the earth the good gether with their resurrected brethren in Christ, knowing
news that Jehovah has set his King Christ Jesus upon his that shortly their own individual dissolution means an im-
throne and that the time for the Kingdomand the deliv- mediate transfer from earth to heaven. It means the glorious
erance of believing and obedient persons of good-will is at change into the likeness of our Lord and to be for ever
hand. These anointed witnesses of Jehovah must now call with him.


HE place where the babe Jesus should be born Jeho-
T vah caused his prophet to name seven hundred years
beforehand, in these words: "But thou, Beth-lehem
and is carrying out his Father’s purposes to bring all obe-
dient ones of mankind into a state of prosperity. David
was the hope of "Israel after the flesh". Jesus became the
Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of hope of Israel according to the spirit, and through His
Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is house he is the hope of all the people of the nations of the
to be ruler in Israel ; whose goings forth have been from of earth.
old, from everlasting." (Micah 5 ¯ 2) That the birthplace Bethlehem-Ephratah was a place of fruitfulness It was
Jesus at Bethlehem was in accord with the prophecy of a city in which were centered the promises of God. It was
Micah even the Jewish counselors of the murderous King small amongother cities of the tribe of Judah, but it was
Herod saw, according to Matthew 2:4-6. From the birth of great importance because out of it must come the Ruler.
of Jesus to the end of his ministry he fulfilled on a minia- The identification of the Ruler is madecertain by the words
ture scale the aforementioned prophecy. There must be a of the prophet Micah, to wit, "whose goings forth have been
greater and complete fulfillment thereof, and that comes from of old, from everlasting." He who is the active agent
to pass when Christ Jesus comes out of the Greater Bethle- of Jehovah in the creation of all other things and whose
hem and becomes the Governor of the world. The fulfillment name was The Word or Logos and later Jesus, even he is
in completion has its beginning at the time when God the one who must come out of the Greater Bethlehem and
places his beloved Son, Christ Jesus, upon his "holy hill of whomDavid was a type. WhenJesus was born in Beth-
of Zion", symbolizing The Theocratic Government, and lehem the prophecy there had a measure of fulfillment.
says to him: "Rule thou in the midst of thine enemies." Other matters mentioned in Micah’s prophecy aside from
And further: "I shall give thee the heathen [the nations] the birth of Jesus did not have a fulfillment then, and
for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth surely it could not be said that the prophecy had a complete
for thy possession." So it is prophesied at Psalm 2 : 6, 8 and fulfillment at the time of his birth. At that time there was
Psalm 110 : 2. no invasion of the Assyrians, as foretold by the prophet.
The shepherd and king, David, whose name means "Be- Furthermore, in the vision Micah saw the war carried mto
loved", was a type or prophetic pattern of Jesus, the "Be- political Assyria and that land wasted. Nothing of that
loved" Son of Jehovah God. David was born at Bethlehem. kind occurred at Jesus’ birth. This fact would indicate that
Jesus was born at the same city. The name ’’Beth-lehem" in the complete fulfillment the part of the prophecy relat-
means "The house of bread". "Ephratah" means "fruitful ing to the totalitarian political element foreshadowed by
region". Concerning himself Jesus said: ’I am the bread the Assyrian would be fulfilled. At chapter four, verse
of life that came downfrom heaven.’ (John 6 : 50, 51) Upon eight, the prophecy of Micah says: "And thou, 0 tower of
that bread all must feed who will get life. David as king the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto
brought the people of Israel up to a state of prosperity. thee shall it come, even the first dominion; the kingdom
Not only had he the desire to feed the people, but he pos- shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem."
sessed the ability and did so. Jesus Christ is clothed with all There is no difficulty in identifying "the tower of the
power and authority, and wholly devoted to his Father, flock", and "the strong hold of the daughter of Zion".

Jesus Christ is the great Stronghold of the flock of God. the perpetual Ruler of Zion, has fed his household of faith
He is the mighty One of Jehovah’s Theocratic Government, bountifully upon present truth.
Zion, to whomthe nations of earth are given as an inherit- Concerning the faithful who joyfully receive food at
ance. He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah. He is the Tower the hands of the great Master, the prophet (Micah 5: 4)
of the flock. He comes into possession and control of all says: "And they shall abide." That means that they are
things when God places him upon his throne, sends him in security. They have entered into "the secret place of the
forth out of Zion into action, and says to him: "Rule thou Most High" in that the Lord has brought them into his
in the midst of thine enemies." Then it is that those whoare temple, his Theocratic Organization, and Jehovah God m
called to the heavenly kingdom as members of "the body their fortress and they look to him for food and strength
of Christ" and described by Micah as the "daughter of by and through his beloved Son, the Ruler out of Bethle-
Zion" are brought into the temple condition and begin to hem. There in the "secret place" they are safe from all
share with him his kingdom and therefore begin their in- harm; and continuing faithful, they shall abide in that
heritance as his joint-heirs, the remnant of such ones yet condition and no evil shall befall them, as assured at
on earth having entrusted to them the Kingdominterests Psalm 91:1-10. As they continue to feed upon the food
which they must advance and increase. (Rom. 8: 16, 17) furnished them by the great Ruler out of Bethlehem the
Christ Jesus is given the dominion of greatest importance, remnant of anointed witnesses of Jehovah and their faithful
therefore "even the first dominion". Those who are of the earthly companionsof good-will do not grow weak and faint,
remnant class, and who continue faithful till their resur- but they grow "strong in the Lord, and in the power of his
rection change into the complete likeness of their heavenly might". (Eph. 6: 10) They do not browse about, like un-
Lord, will share with him in that glorious dominion. ruly sheep, looking for food in various places. They know
WhenJesus was on earth he fed his disciples upon the that their food comes from the Lord. "The ox knoweth his
word of life. But even his disciples did not fully appreciate owner, and the ass his master’s crib." (Isa. 1 : 3) AndGod’s
the food received at his gracious hands until after Jesus remnant and their devoted companions well know that they
ascended into heaven and the holy spirit was poured out on get their food from the table of Jehovah by and through
them on the day of Pentecost. There is a long interval of his appointed way. It is not man’s food of truth, and no
time between this miniature fulfillment and the fulfillment man has given any of it. It is Jehovah’s truth which he
in completion of Micah’s prophecy concerning the Ruler provides and serves to his people through Christ Jesus, who
out of Bethlehem. That time is indicated in the words: stands forth "in the majesty of the name of the Lord hm
"Therefore will he give them up, until the time that she God" and feeds his people upon the food prowded
which travaileth hath brought forth." (Mic. 5: 3) After Micah 5:4 adds: "For now shall he be great unto the
the birth of The Theocratic Governmentunder Christ Jesus ends of the earth." The Ruler out of Bethlehem is now
in A.D. 1914 and the later bringing forth of the "children great in the minds and hearts of God’s remnant and their
of Zion" as approved ones in line for that Kingdom, then companions. He comes forth in great power and in the
the Lord began to feed his people and they appreciated it majesty of Jehovah. He is proclaimed by those of Zion as
more than at any time prior thereto. Micah5 : 4 adds : "And the great Ruler and executive Officer whomJehovah God
he shall stand and feed in the strength of the Lord, in the has placed upon his throne. Soon his greatness will extend
majesty of the name of the Lord his God; and they shall throughout the earth. That is the time of the Ruler’s
abide ; for nowshall he be great unto the ends of the earth." triumph to Jehovah’s glory.
This does not mean that he stands and feeds himself. Clear- "And this man shall be the peace, when the Assyrian
ly it means that after coming to his temple for examination shall come into our land; and when he shall tread in our
and judgment of his people he feeds his own people. Un- palaces, then shall we raise against him seven shepherds,
doubtedly the prophecy refers to the same time Jesus men- and eight principal men. And they shall waste the land
tioned: "Blessed are those servants, whomthe lord, when of Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod m the
he cometh, shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that entrances thereof: thus shall he deliver us from the Assyr-
he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, ian, when he cometh into our land, and when he treadeth
and will come forth and serve them."--Luke 12 : 37. within our borders." (Mic. 5 : 5, 6) Undoubtedly"the Assyr-
The Ruler, having come out of Bethlehem-Ephratah ian" is one of the names of Satan’s organization While the
("The House of Bread" and "Place of Fruitfulness"), girds enemy is making an assault upon the anointed witnesses
himself and causes the faithful ones to sit down, that is to and their companions, the great Ruler out of Bethlehem
say, to rest in peace, while they receive the gracious pro- is the peace of such ones. He is the great "Prince of Peace",
visions made for them. As Ruler of Zion, Christ Jesus as upon whose shoulder the new government rests. (Isa.
a Shepherd stands up and feeds the members of the house- 9:6, 7) He comes as Jehovah’s Executive Officer to estab-
hold, who composethe "faithful servant" class of the Lord ; lish peace, but first he must make war and overthrow the
and he feeds them upon that spiritual "food convenient enemy. The "Assyrian", the Devil and his agencies, at-
for me". (Prov. 30:8) This means they are fed upon that tempts to invade the citadel of God’s organized people and
which builds them up in faith and devotion. This part of to destroy and break down the members thereof. In the
the prophecy has been marvelously fulfilled since the year attempt to destroy Jehovah’s servants the enemy meets up
1922, as the publication since then of The Watchtower and with real opposition. The great Ruler out of Bethlehem
other literature, such as books, booklets, KingdomNews, etc., continues to feed and strengthen his faithful followers, and
show and as manyof the faithful can joyfully testify. It is with full confidence these witnesses of Jehovah go on in
since that date that the Lord Jesus, the Head of Zion and God’s service.
"You will greatly rejoice with us in having the follow- "We took the sound-car and about twenty publishers
ing report. In myletter to you of the 14th instant I re- and parked outside the graveyards. At three different ones
ported that we had lost the entire shipment of 13,200 discs we ran programs over the loudspeaker: first, the Watch-
which was on barge in the Thames. Last week-end the dock tower quartet, then a five-minute lecture, ’Where Are the
authorities went through the debris and found that our Dead 7’ then another quartet, then the lecture thereafter’,
shipment had been unloaded safely from the barge before then a music record, then the lecture ’Soul’. Westayed for
it was sunk in the air raid; that the goods had been stored about forty-five minutes at each of the graveyards, and the
in a warehouse which also was hit that same night and put witnesses were out in the graveyard talking to the people
on fire." It was found that most of bur cartons were un- and offering them the booklets. They placed 12 or 15 book-
touched and were dug out of the debris and wreckage. Many lets, and several different groups of people told them that
of the cartons were water-soaked and charred. Out of the our program was the most appropriate they had ever heard.
13,200 recordings sent us, 11,754 are in perfect condition At the last place we were about half through our program
and now here at the Branch ready for reshipment. Of the when two deputy sheriffs parked their car just in front of
total of 85,000 magazines our loss is only 2,500 copies. the sound-car. Both got out. Whenone saw me in the car
Surely the Lord preserved these supplies, enabling us to he stopped the other cop and they talked a little, then went
carry forward for a still further brief spell. The best com- the other way out in the graveyard and talked with two
binatious of sets that we can make are 500 out of the 720 or three different publishers, and asked what they were
sets sent us. This is not too bad, considering that all of one doing. Whywere the deputies there ~ They said some reli-
disc might have been destroyed and thus spoiled all the gionists had made complaint and they had to do something.
sets. It is expected to be able to collect from our compul- When they went away they waved their hand and smiled
sory governmentcommodityinsurance for the loss incurred." at me. Next day, at another small town, a publisher had
just left one house and was at another, when one of those
NOT IMPEDINGGOD’S WORK(NEWYORK) cops came to the house just left. The publisher heard the
’~Westarted to another street to make another call. A cop say: ’Oh, that is one of them Jehovah’s witnesses. We
police car followed us two or three blocks, then stopped us. had to drive them out of the graveyard at Sedro Wooley
The officer said : ’Let mesee your license, please I’ Glancing [Washington] yesterday.’"
at the license, he said: ’What are you doing T selling some- DOESHE RESENTTHE BILL OF RIGHTS?
thingS’ No, we are Jehovah’s witnesses, engaged in a Chris-
tian educational work. He said: ’That’s all right; that reli- "A pioneer placed the booklet Con.~piracy Aga~as~ De-
gion is O.K. You want to be careful to whomyou talk, mocracy with the commander of the American Legion post
though: you know you have been stopped before. They at Mt. View, Missouri. A few minutes later he came to her
want to know if you have a permit or license to peddle.’ I car, all wrought up over the quotation from past National
told him I knew some had been stopped at different times. CommanderOwsley: ’Do not forget that the Fascisti are
He started to leave, then said: ~,iind you, I’m not giving to Italy what the American Legion is to the United States.’
you permission to go ahead, but as far as I’m concerned, He stated he was going to investigate this, and let us know!
that is the only religion that is not a racket.’ As he started The pioneers gave him their address upon his request, but
around his car, I asked him where Road was. He failing to hear from him they made a back-caU upon him
told us to follow him and he would lead us over there. He later. He then stated that ’the way the Constitution was
did, and when we got there, he smiled, wavedand drove off." ~tow" they could not do anything but let us go ahead with
this work. Then he stated that they had a drive on for new
members, but ’on account of "this work you people are
THE PHONOGRAPH IN THE HEARTOF THE EARTH doing" we can’t get any new members’."
"Near the town of Cimarron, NewMexico, we called at a
small coal mine. The manin charge listened very attentive- CHILD COULDNOT ANSWERFOR PARENTS
ly to the lecture record. He was more than eager to receive "The house stood back. A young girl came out to the
the book (E~temies in Spanish), stating the record was sure- car to keep the dogs away. She did not care to hear the
ly the truth. After placing the book with him he wanted us lecture record nor even to look at the literature, and three
to call on his partner in the mine shaft. He had us get into times said she didn’t think her parents cared anything
a small coal wagon pulled by a burro. Wewent back into about it. I told her we could mot answer for one another,
the mountain nearly two-thirds of a mile. In many places each had to have opportunity to hear and decide for one-
the ceiling of the mine was so low we would have to kneel self, and if another stood in the way he would have to an-
in the wagon to keep our heads from being scraped against swer to Almighty God for the other. Then she pulled the
dogs to her and said, "You can go in and see, if you want
the ceiling. Upon arriving where the old man was, we set
to.’ I had no more than stepped inside the door than her
up the phonograph and proceeded to take the varnish from father said: ’I want you to tell me something! Sit right
religion. The old gentleman was very interested, and took down here. Tell me all about religion, what is right and
the book Religion, and we arranged for a back-call upon what is wrong.’ When company came into the house he
him. On going into the mine we found it to be very dark said: ’Come on out here and we can talk.’ I did not get
and dense, which brought to mind the condition the reli- away for over two hours, and have a model study for next
gionists are in today." trip, and left magazines and booklets."
r sh~know
thatI amJehovahY
- ]~ekiel
MAY15, 1941
NOAh’SDAy.......... 147
Bhnd Indifference "" ..:.. 147
State of Affan’s ... 148
\holence . .148
Why Recorded .. 149
His Day 149
Moral Dehnqueney 150
Safety Now 151
Shun What ? ..... 151
Do What 7 .... 152
Work ........... 152
"MODEL STUDY NO. 37, 146
117 Adams Street
- -
Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A. T HIS Journal is published for the purpose of enabling
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction spectfleally

OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good wilL
President W.E. VAN A~rBURGH, Secretary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And MI thy children shall be ~u~ht of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes suit-
able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of public
Creat shall be the peace of thy children." -lsaiah 54:z3. instruction in the Scriptures,
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterance~
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
THAT JEHOVAHis the only true God, is from everlasting to
or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life
tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
to his creatures ; that the Logos was the beginning of his creation, King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
and his active agent in the creation of all things; that the Loges
tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures It does not in-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in dulge in controversy, and its column- are not open to personalities.
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully dis-
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of UNITED STATES, $1.00; C&NADA AND ]~.ISCELLANI~OUS FOEEION, $:1.~0;
Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the right GRF~T BRITAIN, AUST~.ALASIA, AND SOUT]K AFRICA, 6S. American remit-
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obedient ones of mankind ; that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every name FOm~QNOFFtCES
and clothed him with all power and authority. Brtt~h ............................ 34 Craven Terrace, London, W.2,England
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATIONis a Theocracy called Zion, Canadian........................... 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontario. Canada
and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the right- Australasian .................... 7 Beresford Road. Strathfleld. N. S. W., Australia
BouthAtrtoun ....................... Boston House, Cape Town, South Africa
ful King of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of Please addre~ the Society in every ca~
Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of Jehovah’s organiza-
tion, and are his witnesses whose duty and privilege it is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind
as expressed in the Bible. and to bear the fruits of the kingdom (TrunCation* ot th~ JournaJ a@pe~rin several lan~tageA.)
before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLDhas ended, and the I~rd Jesus Christ has
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted All sincere students of the Bible whoby re~son of Infirmity, poverty or
adversity are unableto pay the subscription pricemay haveThe Wate~
Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the establishment of towerfreeuponwrittenapplication to the publishers, madeonceeach
year,stating thereason forso requesting it.We aregladto thusaid the
God’s kingdom on earth. needy,but the writtenapplication once eachyearis requiredby the
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, which Noticeto E1ubsor~bers:Acknowledgmentof a new or a renewalsub-
has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the destruction scriptionwillbe sent onlywhen requested. Changeof address,when
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the earth" with a righteous race. under the Act o.f M~B$, 1879.


June, for the entire month, is the Period here named. Are you This new booklet, of 32 pages and bound in a durable cover,
a Theocratic ambassador* You can be, if you take your stand on brings up to date the series of Model Study booklets, as it presents
the side of Jehovah’s Theocratm Government by Chrmt Jesus and the study outline covering the latest recorded speeches by Judge
then engage in announcing that government to others. The June Rutherford, to wit, "Rehgion as a World Remedy," and "The
Period affords you the opportumty to exercise your ambassador- End". This booklet is very valuable, even if you do not possess
ship. The means provided by the great Theocrat, who sends you the phonograph recordings of the speeches named, and with it
forth, m h~s pubhshed Kingdom message, and, during June only, anyone should be able to conduct a model study of the Bxhle in the
you may offer to the pubhc, on a mere contribution of 35c, a com- home or in pubhc. Order several for use of others whom you hope
bination of any three bound books pubhshed by the Society, ex- to have study w~th you. Modal Study No. 3 will be sent you post-
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¶ 30-62 inclusive, The Watchtower May 15, 1941. and note any recent change of address, on the renewal slip.
Vob. LXII MAy15, 1941 No. 10

"’But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord."--Gen. 6:8.
EHOVAH has set Noah before men as an example ment he used in a right way. He had in no wise de-
J for those to follow who have faith in God and in
his kingdom and who would be faithful. When
filed himself with other creatures. He was blameless
before the Lord. His children were conceived and
God puts his approval on a man, others who come brought forth without fault on his part. Being an
afterwards do well to give consideration as to why offspring of Adam, he was by nature under condem-
God marks that man with approval. God never nation, and that was not the fault of Noah. His chil-
changes, and when he approves one man we may be dren were born in the proper manner, and aside from
sure that his approval will be placed upon other men Noah there were no others on the earth perfect in
who likewise do well before him. God is no respecter generation as he was, but all others aside from him
of persons. What is required of one to merit God’s and his family were defiled. Noah stood out in con-
approval he likewise requires of all others who re- trast to all others on the earth. God was pleased with
ceive his approval. him. He is therefore a proper example.
2 The Scriptures disclose the reason why God ap- 6 Noah was a type of Christ Jesus and was used
proved Noah. He was just, was blameless in his con- by Jehovah to make a prophetic drama foretelling
duct, maintained his integrity, was a man of faith, the Lord Jesus and some of his work. Because the
and was faithful under the test. It is written : "Noah members of his family held steadfastly with Noah
was a just man, and perfect in his generations, and to the course of righteousness they were used by the
Noah walked with God." (Gen. 6 : 9) The word "per- Lord God to foretell the Lord’s "other sheep", or
fect" used in the foregoing text is defined by the best Jonadabs, who will form the "great multitude". (Rev.
Biblical authorities as "blameless, sound, sincere, 7: 9-17) Noah busied himself with preaching the
undefiled and upright, one of integrity and a bearer name of Jehovah God, and no doubt the members
of the truth". Noah was a man of faith, and he was of his family worked with him, and hence they were,
faithfully obedient to God. He ascertained God’s in fact, companions to him.
commandment and rendered himself in obedience ’ Jesus says: "As it was in the days of No’e, so
thereto. It follows, therefore, that every other who shall it be also in the days of the Son of man." (Luke
may expect and hope to receive God’s approval must 17:26) These words not only are a confirmahon of
be just, sincere, pure in thought and action, a bearer the record written long before concerning Noah, the
of the truth, and one who maintains his integrity to- ark and the flood, but show that Noah’s te.~tmmny
ward God. He must have faith in God and be faith- and his work were so important in the carrying out
fully obedient to the will or commandmentof God. of Jehovah’s purposes that God used him to foretell
s The scripture further emphasizes the necessity what must come to pass at the time of setting up or’
for and the importance of faith and why this record the kingdom under Christ Jesus, the King. The ark,
of Noahwas made. "But without faith it is impossible which Noah builded at the commandof Jehovah, pic-
to please him ; for he that cometh to Godmust believe tured the organization builded by the Most High by
that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that and through Christ Jesus, and which is God’s capital
diligently seek him."--Heb. 11:6. organization, with Christ Jesus as the Head thereof.
’ Furthermore the Scriptures speak of Noah as "a The saving and carrying over the flood of the e~ght
preacher of righteousness" at a time when the earth persons pictured the survivors of Armageddon that
was filled with violence. Undoubtedly Noah main- the Lord will carry over to the new and righteous
tained his integrity toward God under great adver- world.
sity and shunned not to declare the truth under all BLIND INDIFFERENCE

circumstances, which truth he received from God. The peoplethat were on earth in Noah’s day
Says the scripture: "Noah was . . . perfect in heardthe soundof Noah’svoicewarning of thecom-
his generations." That means that he bad employed ing flood,but they gaveno heed to that warning.
his organism in the right way. His God-given equip- TheyknewNoahwas building the ark,or greatboat,
which was a testimony of Noah’s faith in God, but mons and those connected with them foretold a like
the people who saw it regarded it as of no importance condition or state of affairs on earth at the coming
and as evidence of Noah’s "weakness of mind". No of the Lord Jesus Christ. In Noah’s day there were
doubt they often derided Noah and made much sport angels, called "sons of God", which had power to
of him. What the people really did was to satisfy and materialize in human form. The sly, subtle, wily foe
glorify their owndesires ; as the apostle puts it, they Satan tricked those angels into marrying the off-
made their belly their god and ignored everything spring of Adam, with the result that there were
that tends to righteousness: "They did eat, they brought forth on the earth human creatures who were
drank, they married wives, they were given in mar- given over entirely to wickedness: "And God saw
riage, until the day that No’e entered into the ark, that the wickedness of man was great in the earth,
and the flood came, and destroyed them all." (Luke and that every imagination of the thoughts of his
17 : 27) "For as in the days that were before the flood, heart was only evil continually."--Gen. 6:5.
they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving 11 Since Satan’s rebellion all whofollow him in that
in marriage, until the day that No’e entered into the rebellion are wicked and have been and are blind as
ark, and knewnot, until the flood came, and took them to Jehovah’s purposes. Being wicked, they have no
all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man faith and hence cannot understand or appreciate the
be."--Matt. 24 : 38, 39. goodness of God. Those wicked ones opposed God in
9 It thus appears from these scriptures that the all things. It is written concerning Satan that he, as
people were entirely indifferent to what Noah told the invisible ruler of the wicked world, blinds others
them about the approaching disaster. They indulged to God’s purposes. "In whomthe god of this world
in eating, drinking and marrying, and everything hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest
that would satisfy their beastly desires. Eating, the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, whois the
drinking and marrying in the proper way are accord- image of God, should shine unto them."~2 Cor. 4 : 4.
ing to God’s provision for man; but manifestly the i, It follows, then, that all who give themselves
conduct of the people in Noah’s time, and which is over to the demons are mentally and morally and
mentioned in the Genesis account as in using these spiritually blind. Satan has continued in that course
things in an improper way, is called to attention in of wickedness even till nowbecause he is totally de-
the Scriptures to show that they were using proper praved. The religious leaders amongst the Jews were
things in a wrongful manner. Since Jesus says that denounced by Jesus as "blind guides" for the reason
which existed in Noah’s day constitutes a type of that they had forgotten God and yielded to the power
what comes to pass in the day when Christ Jesus and influence of the demons. Not only were they blind
comes to set up his kingdom, it is certain that the themselves, but they led’the people into blindness.
Bible account of the prevailing state of affairs in In Noah’s day blindness as to God’s purpose was a
Noah’s day, which is set forth in the sixth chapter part of the state of affairs, foretelling a like state at
of Genesis, was typical and foretells the prevailing the time of the presence of the Lord.
state of affairs or like conditions on earth at and
during the time of the setting up of the kingdom of VIOLENCE
the Lord Jesus Christ. ,s Another prevailing state of affairs was that of
violence. Undoubtedly all manner of debauchery and
STATE OF AFFAIRS violence were indulged in and none had any regard
lo The state of affairs that existed in Noah’s day for the rights and privileges of others, but all were
included more than marrying, giving in marriage, bent on doing mischief. That state of affairs existed
eating and drinking. Manifestly these were men- immediately preceding the time of the flood. "And
tioned specifically by Jesus and the faithful servants God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come be-
of the Lord to further compare what did exist in fore me; for the earth is filled with violence through
Noah’s day with what exists at the present time. The them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the
state of affairs in Noah’s day summedup in brief, as earth."--Gen. 6: 13.
set forth in the Scriptures, was this : Satan, chief of 1, The Nephilim, bullies or tyrants, and their asso-
demons, was desperately working to make good his ciates in violence, such as wicked men, doubtless
wicked challenge that no man would be faithful to would have killed Noah and his family had not Al-
God when put to the test. Satan’s endeavor was to mighty God prevented them from so doing. God pre-
turn all men against Jehovah. Associated with him served Noah and his family for his own purpose and
were then and still are a company of demons, called for his own name’s sake.
"Nephilim", bullies or tyrants, all bent on defeating 1~ Sexual immorality must have been terrible in
Godand turning all creation against God. (Gen. 6 : 4, Noah’s day, and that was a part of the state of affairs
Am. Rev. Vet.) The acts and conduct of those de- existing. The people, under the influence and power
of the demons, were given over to looseness, lewd blindness. The blindness and indifference to God’s
and lascivious conduct. They indulged in all manner message today are similar to what prevailed in
of debauchery, the result of which was to turn all Noah’s day. Are such things all that are similar or
men’s thoughts from Almighty God: ’And every alike of the two periods of time ? No, there are others.
imagination of the thoughts of their heart was evil In Noah’s day there were bullies browbeating and
continually.’--Gen. 6 : 5. overrunning the people of the world. Also there pre-
1, All of such was an abomination in the sight of vailed in Noah’s time a state of lawlessness or moral
God: "And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, wickedness resulting in debauchery of all human
it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way creatures aside from Noah and his family. In all the
upon the earth."--Gen. 6:12. nations of earth today there prevails a state of af-
" The only exception to the terrible debauchery fairs of violence similar to that of Noah’s day. All
and wicked state of affairs that prevailed upon earth of this is the result of the influence of the demons
then was Noah and the members of his family. Be- under the leadership of Satan.
cause of their faith and obedience they found grace ~° That Satan and his associate host of demons
or favor in the eyes of the Lord and were saved by continued to operate after the crucifixion of the Lord
him. Thus they pictured a class of people who find Jesus, and still operate at the present time, there
grace in the eyes of the Lord in this day and who are cannot be the slightest doubt. Those same demons
saved from the deluge of fire at Armageddon. performed their wicked deeds amongst the people
when Jesus was in the flesh. The blind religionists
carried out the orders of Satan, they also being en-
~ ~Vhy would Almighty God cause a record to be tirely blind to God’s purpose. To the faithful follow-
made and kept of such wickedness as that described ers of Christ Jesus, who are looking to and are in
in the Genesis account? The Scriptures answer that the way for the Kingdom, these words of admonition
the same was recorded as a warning foretelling what are addressed: "Finally, my brethren, be strong in
shall come to pass at the end of the world. (1 Cor. the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the
10: 11; Rom. 15:4) There could be no occasion or whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand
necessity to give such warning unless a like and against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not
terrible state of affairs was anticipated to cometo against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
the earth at a later time. That warning is further against powers, against the rulers of the darkness
given for the express benefit of persons now on the of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high
earth that they, being warned, may escape the pitfall places." (Eph. 6: 10-12) This is proof that in the
set by the demons and find a place of safety under present time the demons are operating.
the direction of the Lord. ,1 What is the purpose of the conflict between the
HIS DAY demons and the Lord’s devoted people? On the part
1~ The present time is "his day", that is, the day of of Satan the purpose is to carry out his original chal-
the Son of man, Christ Jesus the Lord and King. lenge to Jehovah and to bring about the destruction
When on earth Jesus gave warning that a state of of all those who have made a covenant to do the will
affairs like that which existed in Noah’s day would of God. As to Jehovah and his purpose, He permits
exist and persist in the day of the coming of the the Devil and his associate demonsto beset His cove-
Lord and the setting up of his kingdom. It is true nant people in order to give Satan full opportunity
that the peoples of the earth today ’eat, drink, marry’ to carry out his wicked challenge and at the same
and seek personal selfish gratification, and show in- time to afford an opportunity for those who have
difference to the message of the Kingdom, and will made a covenant with God to obey Him and maintain
continue to do so until Armageddon sweeps them their integrity toward him. It is the time of crucial
away. To the warning they give no heed. They are testing. The same rules of the Lord apply to those
blind to Jehovah’s purpose, and they continue in that who are Jonadabs and who have hope to be of the
way until the wrath of God is expressed at Arma- "great multitude" as apply to others who have made
geddon. And why are they blind and understand not a covenant to do the Lord’s will. Let this be kept in
and have no interest in the Kingdom?Because of the mind : that the demons nowdirect their wicked action
seductive influence of Satan and his associate de- chiefly against God’s covenant people, both of the
mons. There has been a world-wide witness to the "remnant" and of the Jonadabs, because the demons
name and kingdom of God during the past twenty- have control over all the others of this wicked world.
five years, and the net result is that only a small ~ The prevailing state of affairs in the nations of
number of persons have heard and given heed to that earth today is such that the rights of the people are
warning and some have fled and more are fleeing to ignored and the bullies, visible and invisible, brow-
the Lord. All the others are blind and continue in beat, oppress and rule the people in a harsh and

cruel way. There is no righteous rule, and for that MORAL DELINQUENCY
reason the people mourn. Religious and political dic- ’’ "Seduction" is the act of leading aside or astray
tators and commercial giants together destroy the from the path of rectitude, virtue and duty, and into
liberties of the people. Wickedness prevails, and the paths of evil, to corrupt men. "Debauchery" means to
wicked are in control. "The wicked, through the pride degrade and corrupt, and is usually the result of
of his countenance, will not seek after God; God is seduction. In Noah’s day and up to the time of the
not in all his thoughts." (Ps. 10: 4) This prevailing flood Satan and his associate demons seduced angels
state of affairs is the result of the influence and and human creatures, leading them away from the
power of the demons. path of duty, rectitude and virtue and into the paths
of degradation. The "sons of God" of the angelic
order materialized and by the demons were induced
~’ As it was in Noah’s day so it is at the present to take human womenfor wives and therefore to take
time, where now ’the earth is filled with violence’. a course contrary to God’s fixed law. These indulged
In every nation violence is directed especially against sexually with women, and the result was that both
those who are in a covenant to do the will of God and were debauched and the offspring of that action were
who are diligent to keep faithfully that covenant. morally delinquent to the extreme; as it is written:
The faithful followers of Christ Jesus are violently "For all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth."
’hated for his name’s sake’, even as Jesus foretold. (Gen. 6:12) There was a clear line of demarcation
(Matt. 24:9) During the year last past violence or distinction between "all flesh . . . upon the earth"
against Jehovah’s witnesses has been shown par- and the eight persons of Noah’s family, these being
ticularly throughout that part of the earth knownas the exception. That was in Noah’s day, and, says
"Christendom". Mobs, led by religious preachers, Jesus, "so shall it be also in the days of the Son of
have wickedly and violently assaulted and beaten and man."
otherwise ill-used the true followers of Christ Jesus. ~e The present is the day of the Son of man. And
"Political officers, sworn to uphold the law and what are the facts as related to the prophecy uttered
order of the land, acting together with the religious by Jesus as above? In 1914 Christ Jesus was en-
preachers, wholly disregard all law and rules of throned and sent forth to rule, while the wicked ones
righteousness and indulge in violent assaults upon still operated. The "war in heaven" followed, and the
the followers of Christ Jesus, treat them cruelly and demons were defeated and cast down to earth. (Rev.
imprison them. It is certain that all of Jehovah’s wit- 12 : 1-12) From 1914 onward the moral standard upon
nesses and companions today would be slain by the earth has continued to be lowered. Religion has be-
violent ones were it not for the protection the Lord come more outwardly degrading. In the name of tile
provides for them. The rights of the people and the Lord the people are invited to religious meetings,
freedom which at one time they enjoyed are no longer there to indulge in bingo games and other gambling
given consideration by many of the ruling element. games and in other practices that are far from right-
For instance, when Christian citizens appeared be- eous. Religion is used as a shield to carry on many
fore the legislative committee of the State of Con- other immoral and wicked schemes. Politics has
necticut in March, 1941, to express opposition to the moved to a far lower standard. Commerce and com-
Bill pending before that legislature, which, if en- mercial operations have lowered their standard and
acted into law, would destroy the Constitutional become more cruel and heartless. Morality has great-
rights of citizens to preach the truth, membersof the ly lowered its standard in regard to the relationship
legislative committee brazenly and violently replied between the sexes. Less than half a century ago few
to such protest: "Weare not interested in your Con- womenindulged in intoxicating drinks to excess, and
stitutional rights." Thus men elected by the people few, if any, indulged at all in the use of tobacco.
to safeguard the people’s interests have no interest Today almost all women indulge in both to great
in the rights of the people. Religion, politics, com- excess and their moral and mental state and standard
merce, and their agencies have united in their efforts are greatly lowered. The relationship between the
to heap violence upon all those who boldly declare sexes has become deplorable. Both the rulers and the
the name of and the kingdom of Jehovah. Freedom ruled find themselves today on the toboggan slide
of worship of Almighty God has disappeared from hurrying madly on their downward way.
the earth, and only Jehovah and his King give pro- ~’Why this marked change for the worse since
tection to those who love righteousness. Violence is 19147 The Lord gives the answer, which now sounds
bad enough, but there is a more subtle way in which the warning: ’’Woe to the inhabiters of the earth, and
the demons now attempt to wreck the world and to of the sea! for the devil is comedown unto you, hav-
destroy those who have made a covenant to do the ing great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but
will of God. a short time."--Rev. 12: 12.
MAY15, 1941 ~ieWATCHTOWER 151

58 Like the torrential waters of the swollen Jordan before me: therefore I took them away as I saw
river, the population of the world is madly and heed- good."--Ezek. 16 : 49, 50.
lessly rushing downward to the antitypical sea of as Noah and his family were saved from the as-
death. Andthat is not all. Against whomin particular saults of the demons by reason of their faithful obe-
is the seductive campaign of the demons directed? dience to the commandments of Almighty God. Lot
All who are of the world and who hold onto the world and the faithful membersof his family likewise were
are already under the wicked one. (1 John 5: 19) saved from destruction because of their faith and
Against whom, then, is the assault now being made obedience to the Lord’s commandments. God’s rules
particularly? The subtle and seductive shafts of the do not change.
demons are now specifically directed against the
covenant people of God. The demons in their wicked SAFETY NOW
activities endeavor to cause God’s covenant people s3 There is one, and only one, place of safety for
to violate their covenant and to join the world in God’s covenant people. "The name of the Lord is a
destruction. strong tower; the righteous runneth into it, and is
29 Subtly the demons endeavor to cause the cove- safe." (Prov. 18: 10) Only those who love Jehovah
nant people of Godto becomecareless and to let down and his kingdom can remain in that place of safety.
the proper bars between the sexes, so that moral and To love the Lord means to keep his commandments.
sexual delinquency is the result. Those who are For such the following scripture was written : "I will
watching the developments of present-day affairs love thee, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock,
see the evidence of a retrograde movementto moral and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my
delinquency. Undue familiarity, at first intended to strength, in whomI will trust; my buckler, and the
be innocent and appearing as such, often opens the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. I will call
gate to greater dangers. Seductive methods are at upon the Lord, whois worthy to be praised : so shall
work, and debauchery is certain to result unless those I be saved from mine enemies." (Ps. 18: 1-3) "For
wrongful methods are strongly resisted. The demons thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower
set snares, and the careless are led into such snares from the enemy."--Ps. 61:3.
and, once in them, find it difficult to extricate them- s’ These are "the last days" and therefore are days
selves. Carelessness and loose conduct tighten the of great peril. (2 Tim. 3 : 1) These are like Noah’s day
snare about them. This is one of the great dangers and even worse. That the warfare today of God’s
today to the covenant people of God. The Lord people is with the demonsthere cannot be the slight-
sounds the warning saying : ’As it was in Noah’s day, est doubt, because this admonition is given : "Finally,
so shall it be also in the day of the Son of man.’ The my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power
covenant people of God must take warning and give of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye
heed to the Lord’s warning if they would safeguard may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
themselves from the assaults of the demons. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but
ao Sodomand Gomorrah are also set forth as ex- against principalities, against powers, against the
amples of the state of affairs that would cometo pass rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual
at the present time : "Even as Sodomand Gomorrah, wickedness in high places."--Eph. 6: 10-12.
and the cities about them in like manner, giving them- 3~ The rules laid down in the Scriptures for the
selves over to fornication, and going after strange benefit of the spiritual class of God’s covenant people
flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the likewise apply to the Lord’s "other sheep". God
vengeance of eternal fire." (Jude 7) "Likewise also changes not, nor do his rules change. (Mal. 3: 6) God
it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, is no respecter of persons. (Acts 10 : 34) All wholive
they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; must come under the same rules.
but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it
rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and de- SHUN WHAT?
stroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day ~e What shall the people of God shun ? Everything
when the Son of man is revealed."--Luke 17 : 28-30. that tends to corrupt the mind and body must be
81 What led to the seduction and debauchery of
shunned and avoided. Uncleanness, fornication, las-
the people of Sodom and Gomorrah by the demons? civiousness, and suchlike. (2 Cor. 12: 21) The "works
Pride, idleness, fullness of bread, and sexual abomi- of the flesh", specially enumerated by the apostle at
nations: "Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Galatians 5 : 17-21, must be shunned. The way that is
Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of traveled by the peoples of the world whoare not in a
idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither covenant with God must be shunned by those who are
did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. in a covenant with him. The ways of darkness and
And they were haughty, and committed abomination death must be shunned : "And take the helmet of sal-

vation, and the sword of the spirit, which is the word that government must be in full harmony with the
of God: praying always with all prayer and suppli- great THEOCRAT and his King.
cation in the spirit, and watching thereunto with all ’~ As to what is proper thinking, the following ad-
perseverance and supplication for all saints; and monition applies to both remnant and Jonadabs:
for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, what-
may open my mouth boldly, to make known the soever things are honest, whatsoever things are just,
mystery of the gospel."--Eph. 6: 17-19. whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are
3’Unclean thoughts and meditations must be lovely, whatsoever things are of good report ; if there
shunned. (Mark 7:15-22) Idleness and slothfulness be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on
lead to disaster. The mind and the hands must be oc- these things."--Phil. 4 : 8.
cupied in things that are profitable and works that " Obeying this rule one must have his mind free
are righteous in order to avoid the pitfalls set by from improper, unclean thoughts and his mind filled
Satan and his emissaries. Idleness contributed to the with thoughts concerning THE T~EOCRACY and what
destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. The demons he maydo to advance the interest thereof. Doing thus
see to it that the idle brain is filled with improper he could have no time to indulge in loose, lewd, or
thoughts and leads to improper action. improper thoughts or conduct. One whose mind is
constantly filled with thoughts concerning the great
DO WHAT? THEOCRACY and his own relationship thereto will thus
38 What must God’s covenant people do ? The rem- be keeping up the barrier against the demons.
nant must obey the commandments of God. The "If one who has made a covenant to obey God and
"other sheep" of the Lord must do likewise. The who has fled to the Lord for refuge becomes careless
"other sheep" find protection within the "city of in his thoughts and actions and permits his mind to
refuge", that is to say, under the organization of the dwell on lewd, lascivious, selfish or improper things,
Lord, and they must stay within bounds and obey he thereby lets down the bars or guards that have
the rules and commandments of the Lord’s organi- been erected against the demons, and therefore the
zation which he gives. The first great commandment demons invade his mind. Attending and participat-
is to love God; as it is written : "Jesus said unto him, ing in social parties and thus wasting time and
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, energy that might be properly employed in the Lord’s
and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is service is a very dangerous course of action, because
the first and great commandment.And the second is the barriers to the intrusion of the demons are thus
like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy- let down.
self."--Matt. 22 : 37-39. ’~ Study classes and service meetings are regularly
3~ To show one’s love for Godmeans to be diligent held amongst the Lord’s people for the purpose of
to obey God’s commandment. The "neighbor" of the enabling them to keep in mind the proper things and
consecrated is everyone who is in a covenant to do their mind fixed upon the righteous things of the
the will of God; and to ’love one’s neighbor’ means Lord. Every one of God’s covenant people should
to look out well for the interest of that consecrated attend such meetings when it is reasonably possible
person, even as you would for your own interest. The and take an active part therein. One who is negligent
vital interest of both is the Kingdominterest; there- and not attending such study classes is failing to seek
fore to love one’s neighbor means to help him to ad- righteousness and meekness, which the Lord requires
vance the Kingdominterest and hence to do the will of all whom he approves.
of God. WORK
,o Thoughts and actions must be clean, and the body
,6 Said Jesus: "My Father worketh hitherto, and
must be kept clean. The rules primarily given to the I work." (John 5: 17) That text announces the rule
spiritual company of the Lord’s sheep apply in the that everyone should work. One who has covenanted
present time to his "other sheep", amongst which to serve God and his kingdom must do works of
rules is the following: "Having therefore these prom- righteousness. With him the Kingdom interests are
ises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all all-important at all times. He will not content him-
filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness self by devoting seven to ten hours per day to doing
in the fear of God."--2 Cor. 7: 1. work in the office or factory of the Lord’s organiza-
,1 The body of flesh must be kept clean because it tion, or by going from house to house telling the
is the organism devoted to the service of the Lord. people of the Kingdom. He will not divide his time
The mind of the creature must be kept clean by filling and his energy between such service work and other
it with thoughts pertaining to Tm~ THEOCRACY. things out of harmony with the Kingdom. He will
Everything pertaining to The THEOCRATIC GOVERn- devote himself wholly and entirely to matters per-
MENT is clean, and those who receive the benefits of taining to the Kingdom; as it is written : "And what-
MAY15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWEFL 153

soever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not "All who seek refuge under the Lord’s organiza-
unto men."--Col. 3 : 23. tion, the antitypical "city of refuge", must be obe-
,7 The work in which the Christian engages is not dient to the rules of the Lord’s organization, one of
for the benefit of or profit to the Lord, but the Lord which announced is the following scripture, which
affords his covenant people the opportunity to work applies both to the remnant and the "other sheep" of
that they might prove their unqualified devotion to the Lord: "See then that ye walk circumspectly, not
Jehovah and his kingdom. It will therefore not do to as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the
say, "I will perform my assigned task and then I will days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but un-
spend the rest of the time jazzing about attending derstanding what the will of the Lord is. And be not
social gatherings and indulging in that which grati- drunk with wine, wherein is excess ; but be filled with
fies the imperfect human desires." A man who is in the spirit."--Eph. 5: 15-18.
a covenant to serve Jehovah is the bond servant of ’° Walking circumspectly, within the meaning of
the Lord and must see to it that he gives his all to the foregoing scripture, means to keep one’s eyes
the service of the Lord and Master. God has given open and looking about and seeing to it that one
his covenant people the opportunity to prove their makes straight paths for his feet to avoid the snares
integrity toward him and to receive life everlasting. of the enemy. Excess in everything should be avoid-
Therefore he admonishes his people, "Work out your ed. To keep covenant with the Lord means to dili-
own salvation with fear and trembling [fearing lest gently obey His commandments; and once learning
one fail to please God] : for it is Godwhich worketh them, one must obey them : "All the paths of the Lord
in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant
Do all things without murmurings and disputings; and his testimonies. For thy name’s sake, O Lord,
that ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of pardon mine iniquity; for it is great. What man is
God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and he that feareth the Lord? him shall he teach in the
perverse nation, among whomye shine as lights in way that he shall choose. His soul shall dwell at ease ;
the world."--Phil. 2 : 12-15. and his seed shall inherit the earth."--Ps. 25: 10-13.
~8 Satan and other demons are arrayed in battle ,1 Both the remnant and the Jonadabs must now
against all who have taken their positive stand "gird up the loins of your mind, be sober". (1 Peter
for Jehovah and his King. Why give advantage to 1: 13) Be watchful and faithful in the performance
the enemy by having fellowship with the works of of duty, and at the same time avoid the "beggarly
wickedness and the works of iniquity? To associate elements" of this wicked world, and bend all efforts
with the workers of iniquity or wickedness is to open and all energy to the service of The THEOCRATIC GOV-
the door to the demons, inviting them to come in and ~.R~ME~Tand its King.
assault you, and is therefore equivalent to laying "The Devil is the great waster, and with his host
down the weapons of defense which the Lord has of wicked ones is attempting to waste all things of
provided for his people. The conflict today is a real righteousness. Any person today who has made a
one between the demons and the covenant people of covenant to do the will of God and who then becomes
God. There could be no compromise and nothing in indifferent and slothful concerning the work and
commonbetween them. Those who receive God’s pro- service for THETHEOCRACY or any other proper work
tection and final approval must seek righteousness to which he is assigned is thereby opening the way
and do what is right at all times, and not merely a for the demons to completely control him. "He also
part of the time. Both mind and hands must be em- that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is
ployed in works of righteousness all the time in order a great waster." (Prov. 18: 9) "The desire of the
to successfully withstand the assaults of the enemy. slothful killeth him; for his hands refuse to labour."
The people of God must have on the armor which mProv. 21 : 25.
the Lord has provided for them, and must use it at 5, It is observed that at the present time there are
all times. That armor is specifically described at those amongst the consecrated who have children, and
Ephesians 6 : 13-18 and shows that the one who has who have failed to put their children to work and who
that armor must be a faithful servant of the Lord at fail to even encourage them to work. They proceed
all times. The Scriptures are provided by the Lord upon the theory that the children must be left to
for his covenant people that they may be fully their own desires for idleness and play. In this the
equipped for every good work. (2 Tim. 3 : 16, 17) One parents are doing a great injury to the children and
who neglects to study the Scriptures and to be guided to their own selves. For the protection and better-
by the advice and admonition there given cannot have ment of the child every child should be taught the
the approval of the Lord. We must study his Word Word of God and righteousness and the necessity to
and do his works, that we may receive his approval. obey God’s commandments.That child should also be
--2 Tim. 2: 15, 16. assigned to a daffy task or duty, and the parents
154 : t eWATCI-ITOWE
N. Y.

should see to it that the child is diligent to perform righteousness, one must do that which is right and
the assigned task or duty. If the parents fail to do righteous. One must be entirely for Jehovah and his
this they are doing great injury to their ownchildren kingdom, with no deviation from that course. God
as well as to themselves. The children should be says : "Be ye holy; for I amholy." (1 Pet. 1 : 16 ; Lev.
taught to keep themselves clean in body and clean in 11: 44) That rule applies to all who have declared
mind and to indulge only in that which is pure and for THE THEOCRACY.
righteous. The Jonadabs must now see to it that " It means to hate everything that Jehovah God
both they and their children keep themselves busily hates. "The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride,
engaged in the work of righteousness and keep their and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward
place of abode and themselves in a cleanly manner mouth, do I hate." (Prov. 8: 13; 6: 17) Wemust love
and be diligent at all times to ascertain and to do what God loves. "For the righteous Lord loveth right-
the will of God. Keep in mind the admonition which eousness; his countenance doth behold the upright."
Jehovah has given to such : "Seek righteousness, seek --Ps. 11 : 7.
meekness: it may be ye shall be hid in the day of 5~ God bestows his favor upon those who love
the Lord’s anger."--Zeph. 2:3. righteousness and hate iniquity, lawlessness, impu-
" Concerning those who will compose the "great rity and all uncleanness. (Ps. 45: 7) Therefore the
multitude" it is written that they serve the Lord and person whois in the way of life must put aside every-
his kingdom "day and night", that is to say, all the thing that is displeasing to God and diligently pursue
time. Let none of them nowthink it is sufficient and a course of purity and righteousness.
in fulfillment of their covenant to spend part of the
eO,’Love mercy." If your fellow traveler falls into
hours distributing literature or manufacturing the
error, let the Lord judge him, because every servant
same, and then to employ the remainder of their time
in foolish things, such as social parties or "jazzing stands or falls to his ownmaster. (Rom. 14 : 4) If the
Lord shows mercy to the erring one we should be
about". Sometime is required for study and medita-
merciful toward that one and delight therein. Do
tion and careful planning the work that is to be done.
what you can consistently to help your neighbor even
The time is brief, and there is much to do. as you would desire to be helped.
,5 Let everyone now on the earth whois in a cove-
el,’Walk humbly with thy God." That means to
nant to do the will of God have in mind at all times
these things, to wit: Wehave taken our position on walk with fear and trembling, fearing that we might
the side of THETHEOCRACY and openly declared our- displease the Lord and come short of the proper per-
selves for Jehovah and his King. The demons, led formance of some assigned duty. Avoid everything
by Satan their chief, together with all of the organi- that the Lord tells you to avoid. Do everything that
zation of that wicked one, are arrayed against us and the Lord commandsyou to do. The proper course the
seek our destruction. Wedesire to win. Wemust win, Lord has pointed out in the Scriptures. Let the Scrip-
and there is only one way to win, and that is, by the tures be the lamp that guides you and, walking in that
grace and strength of the Lord. We must give heed light, make straight paths for your feet. Learn the
to and obey his commandments,else we fail. Wemust commandments of the Lord, and obey them; which
constantly study to know his will and what he would means to walk humbly with, that is, obediently with,
have us do that we may have his approval, protection thy God.
and blessings. And what shall we do ? e’ It is now as it was in the days of Noah. Those
,e "He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good ; and who were saved in the ark prophetically foretell
what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, those who shall be saved today by the grace of the
and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" Lord, which grace will be shown toward those who
(Mic. 6: 8) That scripture contains the answer for are diligently seeking to obey the commandments
both the remnant and the "other sheep" of the Lord. that the Lord has given to his people. "The Lord is
5, "To do justly" means to do that which is right, my strength and my shield ; my heart trusted in him,
that which is just and righteous. The commandof and I am helped; therefore my heart greatly rejoic-
the Lord is to "seek righteousness"; and seeldng eth, and with mysong will I praise him."--Ps. 28 : 7.

JEHOVAH sitteth as ktng for ever: he hath prepared his throne

for judgment; and he will judge the world in righteousness, he
will minister judgment to the peoples in uprightness. Jehovah
also will be a high tower for the oppressed, a high tower in times
of trouble; and they that knowthy name wt]l put their trust in
thee; for thou, Jehovah, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.
--Psahn 9: 7-10, A.R.V.
SK a so-called "orthodox" clergyman about this and earth, had tried to destroy all the evidence concerning the
A he will answer to this effect: ’When death occurs
the soul, which is immortal, departs and goes back
resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Jewish priests and other
clergymen bribed witnesses to lie concerning his resurrec-
to God, and the body is put into the tomb. Whenthe resur- tion. Of course, Satan was using every possible means to
rection trump is sounded the soul is brought back, and the destroy men’s faith in the resurrection of Christ. (See
same body which that soul once possessed will be resur- Matthew26 : 63-65 ; 28 : 11-15.) An examination of the en-
rected, and the soul and body will again be united.’ That tire chapter (1 Corinthians 15) discloses these cardinal
theory is so completely out of harmonywith the Scriptures, points, to wit: (1) That the resurrection of Christ is the
of course, that it is hardly worth considering; but many paramount question at issue. (2) That this resurrection
have believed that theory regardless of how unreason- includes the body members of The Christ with the Head
able and unscriptural it is. thereof, and that all constitute one. And(3) that the "it"
In discussing the resurrection of the dead in the graves mentioned in verse 44 and other places in this same chapter
the inspired apostle Faul said, among other things: "But does not meanthe soul, the new creature, the ego, the char-
God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every acter, entity or identity, and has no reference to an in-
seed his own body." (1 Cor. 15 : 38) Then he adds, at verse dividual, but that the "it" means The Christ, the anointed
44 : "It is sowna natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. of God, "Christ" meaning "anointed".
There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body." At verses 35-38 the apostle’s argument is, in substance:
The question at once arises, What did the apostle mean ’I have shown you that Christ was raised from the dead
by the word "it"? and that the resurrection of all others depends upon that
According to the Scriptural definition of "soul", the great fact. But opponents of the truth of the resurrection
creation of which is described at Genesis 2:7, no soul can will raise some captious questions. Some amongthean who
exist without a body. Man’s body of flesh was first made deny the resurrection will say, Howcan the dead be raised ?
from the elements of the earth, and then the breath of life With what body do they come ? Those are foolish questions.
was breathed into it; and by this union a moving, sentient I will give you an illustration: Whenyou sow a seed no
creature or "soul" came into existence. That soul, like all life springs from it except it first die. If you sow wheat,
other human souls, consisted of a will, mind, heart and that grain of wheat dies and a body comes forth. If you
bodily organism. A soul could no more exist without a body sow some other grain, that grain dies and a body comes
than it could without the breath of life. That being true, forth. The same body or grain that you put into the ground
when a mandies it is the soul that dies; hence there is no does not come forth. God has provided a body, and will
soul to which a body could be resurrected. Whenthe soul provide a body for every seed according to its kind. If it
or creature is resurrected that soul or creature must be is wheat seed a body of that kind will come forth, or if
made up of will, mind, heart and body, with the breath some other seed a body that is suitable.’
of life causing the organs of the body to function; and At verses 39-41 the argument is, in substance: ’As a
therefore there could be no occasion to say that the soul further illustration: All flesh is not the same. There are
or creature is brought forth and given a body. By the in- humanflesh and cattle and birds and fishes, all of differ-
spired Scriptures we knowto a certainty that the dead are ent flesh. Bodies are not all the same. Youlook above you,
dead, unconscious and completely out of existence until and see the heavenly bodies; and you look about you, and
God’s due time to awaken them in the resurrection. We you see earthly bodies. They are different in glory. That
speak of death as "sleep" because of God’s purpose to is the way it will be in the resurrection; there will be some
awaken the dead that are in the graves. heavenly bodies and some earthly, and they will be differ-
The first one resurrected from the dead was Jesus ent in glory.’
Christ. "And he is the head of the body, the church : whois At verses 42-44 the argument is, in substance ’But
the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things now I am writing you Christians concerning the resurrec-
he might have the pre-eminence." (Col. 1: 18) "The Christ" tion of Christ, which is disputed by our opponents The
is composed of Jesus the Head and the church, which is all-important question is his resurrection, because without
"his body" and being composed finally of 144,000 members. his resurrection all other resurrection is impossible. In this
(See Revelation 7:4-8 and 14: 1-3.) It is not unusual for same letter I have shown you that although The Christ is
the Scriptures to refer to The Chmst collectively, or as made up of many members, yet they form one body; The
one. In his prayer on the night preceding his being nailed Christ is one. By one spirit all of us Christians are baptized
to the tree Jesus prayed in behalf of his disciples who had into one body. ["Now ye are the body of Christ, and mem-
been faithful, and also in behalf of those others whoshould bers in particular."--I Cor. 12: 12-27] The body of Christ,
comeinto a like precious relationship with him. His prayer, consisting of the membersin particular on this earth, is a
as recorded in John, chapter 17, was that these all might dying body. It is a body of humiliation. It is weak and dis-
be made one. (Vs. 21) That this thought was in the mind honorable in the sight of men. Christ Jesus, the Head of
of the apostle Paul is clearly proved by his words when The Christ, went into death d~shonored of men; and all the
he refers to all anointed Christians as "one body", meaning membersof the body of Christ must follow the same course.
The Christ.--See 1 Corinthians 10 : 17 ; Ephesians 4 : 4, 25. ’Therefore concerning the resurrection of Christ I say
Taking the entire chapter fifteen of his first letter to unto you: "IT [The Christ] is sown in corruptmn, IT [The
the Corinthians together, what is the paramount question Christ] is raised in incorruption; XT [The Christ] is sown
for determination? It is this: WasChrist raised from the in dishonour; IT [The Christ] is raised in glory; IT [The
dead ? Satan, acting through his visible representatives on Christ] is sown in weakness; IT [The Christ] ts raised in

power; IT [The Christ] is sown a natural body; IT [The of the body that remain on earth till the time of his coming
Christ] is raised a spiritual body." [Vss. 42-44] The Christ will not sleep in death, but at death will be instantaneously
on earth anointed of God is a body of humiliation, a nat- changed from an animal to a spiritual body. This will take
ural body. In the resurrection it is a spiritual body of place in a moment, because all members of the body of
glory and honor. "Christ" means "Anointed One" of God. Christ must be changed from animal to spiritual in order
The anointing with his spirit takes place on earth. The body to be of The Christ. The body this side the veil of death
when anointed is natural or human. It is planted in death, and which is corruptible must put on incorruption; the
and then God raises it up out of death and gives it a body mortal must put on immortality. Whenthis change takes
as it pleaseth him.’ place from corruptible to incorruption, and this mortal
At verses 45-50 the argument is, in substance: ’You has become the immortal Christ, then shall be brought to
know that it is written in the Scriptures that Adam, the pass the saying of God’s prophet: "Death is swallowed up
first man, who was to give life to the human race, was in victory." Then can be said: "0 death, where is thy sting ?
"made a living soul". That soul or person or creature was 0 grave, where is thy victory ?" Those who shall constitute
made by forming the body from the elements of the earth the glorious body of Christ will never be subject to the
and then breathing into it the breath of fives. That human power of death.’
soul failed because of sin. The last Adam,The Christ, is a The conclusion is irresistible that the "IT" refers to The
life-giving spirit when completed in the resurrection, and Christ. With the exception of Jehovah God, no one outside
will give life to the obedient ones of the humanrace; and of The Christ will ever be incorruptible. It is to The Christ
there is no other means given under heaven whereby man- alone that the promise is given that over such the second
kind can get life, except through Christ Jesus. (John death will have no power. (See Revelation 2: 11; 20: 6.)
10: 10) The spiritual was not made first: the animal was None outside of Christ will ever receive immortality. These
made first, and later comes the spirit. Christ must die as are they that are admonished while on earth to seek im-
the animal body and be raised out of death a spiritual mortality. (Rom. 2: 7) The members of The Christ while
body, because such is God’s purpose. Those who are now on earth are, by God’s will and his precious promises, bc-
devoted to God and who are in Christ are men. Our human gotten to an "inheritance incorruptible .... reserved in
nature is animal, our body is animal, and we are members heaven", whichis life divine in the spirit. (See James 1 : 18
of the body of Christ, and we are in humiliation. Wemust 1 Peter 1 : 1-4 ; 2 Peter 1 : 3, 4.) Noothers are begotten to
go down into death in the image of Christ Jesus, as when this incorruptible inheritance, which is immortality. No
he died, and then we shall bear the image of the heavenly others will ever have even a chance of being immortal.
in the resurrection.’ In using the word "IT", which he says is sown corrupt-
But suppose one who heard Paul’s argument at that time ible and is raised incorruptible, the apostle does not refer
should have said: "But, Paul, may I ask a question ? You to individual souls or creatures or characters or entities or
have stated that ’IT’ is sown in corruption, and that the egos, but his reference is to THECHRISTAS A WHOLE. If,
’IT’ means Christ. Did Jesus Christ have a corruptible body ? whenhe says that Godgives it a body as it pleases him, the
Was it not written of him that his body did not see cor- apostle means each individual, and that some of these get
ruption ?"--Ps. 16 : 9, 10. mortal bodies and others immortal bodies, the apostle would
To this the apostle would answer: ’True, it was written be manifestly inconsistent; because later and in the same
concerning the Lord Jesus that his literal body did not see argument he says that the "IT" must "put on immortality".
corruption. That body would have corrupted, because it On this very snag the clergy of "Christendom" have fallen
was an animal body, except for the miracle performed by They contend that at the resurrection every one will bc
Jehovah our Father, who in his own good way and for his given an immortal body, and they use this statement of the
own good purposes dissolved that body to the dust that it apostle Paul as authority. But that is not what the apostle
should not see corruption. But every memberof the body said at all.
of Christ, which is the church, is imperfect; and therefore In the general resurrection during the thousand-year
IT must go into death a corruptible body, and in the resur- reign of Christ "all that are in the graves" will be raised
rection God raises up The Christ incorruptible. As I said up with a human body. Long before the time of the apostle
to you, the seed which you sow is not the body which comes Paul patient Job wrote : "And though, after my skin, worms
forth, but Godgives that seed a body suitable to its kind. destroy this body, yet in myflesh shall I see God." (Job
The Christ is the seed of promise, which seed God prom- 19:26) Job believed in and spoke of the resurrection The
ised to Abraham. (Galatians 3:16) That seed is sown apostle, of course, was familiar with this, and doubtless
natural body. It pleases Godto give that seed at the resur- those Christians at Corinth to whomhe wrote were fa-
rection a spiritual body. NowI assure you, brethren, that miliar with the same scripture. Other prophets had taught
flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, neither the resurrection of the dead.--Dan. 12: 13.
can a corruptible body be in the kingdom of God.’m That question concerning dead humankind coming forth
1 Cor. 15: 50. in humanbodies was not troubling the Corinthians at all.
At verses 51-55 the argument is, in substance: flTow I The apostle was telling them about the resurrection of
will disclose to you a mystery and a secret concerning the The Christ, and this they could not understand. The apostle
resurrection. The faithful members of the body of Christ was telling them about a change from human to spirit
who go into death prior to his second coming, as he prom- creature. If the question propounded to the apostle, ’With
ised, shall be out of existence until the comingof the Lord; what body shall the dead come forth ?’ had reference to the
and in that day he shall raise them up. But some members general resurrection of humankind the apostle would not
MAY15, 1941 ~ieWATCHTOWER.
have given the answer, ’Thou foolish person.’ On the con- Nowthe "remnant" on the earth, who are the last mem-
trary, he would have said: ’You are familiar with what the bers of the body of Christ, can appreciate the promise of
prophets have taught. A man is dead and in the tomb. He God made through Jesus : "Be thou faithful unto death, and
went down into death a human creature, and he will be I will give thee the crown of life." (Rev. 2: 10, Am. Rev.
brought forth a human creature under the kingdom of God Vet.) Those who bear the reproaches that came upon the
by Christ Jesus.’ This is further proof that the apostle was Head, and who go downinto death with him, faithful to the
not discussing the general resurrection, but that he was end, shall be granted in the resurrection great honor of
discussing the first resurrection, the resurrection of The life divine in the spirit, and be for ever membersof the
Christ, and showing that the general resurrection abso- glorious body of Christ.
lutely depends upon the resurrection of Christ. Whena Christian dies, to say that his "character" is
The apostle and the others knew that the general resur- somewherein existence and that that is what will be resur-
rection would be in a body knownto man; but the apostle rected is without meaning. The character is the man or
did not know what kind of body God would give The Christ. creature. No man has a character, separate and distinct
The apostle John writes. "It doth not yet appear what we from himself. If he is a man he Is a character. If the man
shall be: but we know that, when he [the Lord] shall ap- dies the character is dead. Manis a soul, and when the man
pear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is." dies the soul is dead. Manis a creature ; when the creature
(1 John 3:2) The apostle Paul, being also an inspired dies the creature is dead, regardless of whether it is an old
witness of God, would know exactly the same things as ex- creature or a "new creature". The apostle’s argument was
pressed by John. Therefore Paul’s answer to the question that the "new creature", a memberof Christ, remains dead
concerning the resurrection of The Christ was: ’God will until the time of the resurrection, which takes place dur-
give IT [The Christ] a body as it pleaseth him’; and it will ing the second presence of the Lord in the spirit. The crea-
be a glorious body. ture when dead is nowhere; it is out of existence, and in
"The Christ," God’s great mystery, was hid from all due time shall be awakened out of death by being brought
for ages and generations. (See Colossians 1: 26,27; Ro- again into existence.
mans 16:25, 26.) That mystery was first made known to If a man goes into the grave not ever having known
Christ Jesus after he was anointed with God’s spirit after Christ, his opportunity to be brought to a knowledgeof the
his baptism in the river Jordan. It began to be uncovered truth is during the reign of Christ. Then the man will be
and made known to the followers of Christ Jesus after awakened out of death in the general resurrection after
Pentecost, fifty days after his resurrection from the dead. the "great multitude" of Armageddonsurvivors have filled
In God’s due time Paul became an apostle of Jesus Christ, this earth with a righteous race, and he will be given a
and the mystery was revealed to him. He then wrote that knowledge of the truth and an opportunity for life through
those whowill inherit the realms of glory must be of Christ.
Christ. But surely there is no question about what kind of
He stated that the true church while on earth is the body body he will have when he comes forth from the grave in
of Christ in the flesh, and that this body is suffering igno- the resurrection. He could have no other kind of body than
miny, persecution and shame at the hands of the enemy, a humanbody. It is likewise certain that he would not have
even as Christ Jesus the Head suffered. the identical body that went down into the tomb; but,
As a memberof the body of Christ, Paul wrote : "I Paul
nevertheless, he would have a human body given to him
am made a minister; who now rejoice in mysufferings for at the general resurrection. This question, however, was
you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of not really discussed by the apostle Paul, except that he stud
Christ in myflesh for his body’s sake, which is the church ; that during the reign of Christ those in the grave would be
whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensa- brought forth from the tomb. Not so, however, with the
tion of Godwhich is given to me for you, to fulfill the word
membersof The Christ. They come forth as splint creatures,
of God, even the mystery which hath been hid from ages but with what kind of body no man on this earth has ever
and from generations, but now is made manifest to his
saints: to whomGod would make known what is the riches
of the glory of this mystery amongthe Gentiles [the na- In 1 Corinthians chapter 15 the apostle was not dis-
tions] ; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory."--Col. cussing the individual membersof Christ’s body separately ;
1 : 23-27. he was discussing The Christ as a whole. In Revelation
It was concerning this mystery or glorious resurrection 3 : 12 the promise is madeto individuals that those whoare
of The Christ that the apostle was writing to the Corin- overcomers will be made a part of the spiritual temple of
thians. He knew that if these Christians were to turn away God. It would not be possible, however, to be of the temple
from the great truth of the resurrection of Christ they except one is a member of Christ. When discussing The
could never be of the glorious body of Christ. His argument, Christ, if the individual and separate members are kept
therefore, was for the purpose of showing them that Christ out of mind and The Christ is considered as one, Head and
died and was raised from the dead according to the pur- body, then it is clear what the "I~" in 1 Corinthians 15
pose of Jehovah God; that The Christ is made up of many means. "IT," The Christ, goes into death as a human crea-
members, yet all one body; that as the Head suffered, the ture, with a humanorganism, and comes forth with a divine
body must also suffer; that "IT", The Christ, must go down organism.
into death in dishonor and weakness and shame, and that Confusion on this question, as on others, has resulted
God would raise "IT" up to honor, power, glory and im- from thinking that each Christian must ’develop a char-
mortality. His argument is clear, cogent and convincing, acter’ when he becomes a "new creature" in Christ, and
and brings joy to the heart of the Christian. that each new creature exists inside of a humanorganism,

and that when death ensues the body dies, but the new lute devotion of the creature to Jehovah God; and never,
creature continues to live somewhere and will be resur- sympathetically or otherwise, allying oneself with any part
rected and given a body as pleases the Lord. Confusion is of the Devil’s organization and its religion.
bound to result when we have the wrong premise. When The Lord Jehovah has been during the past nineteen
we get the proper understanding of what the "new crea- centuries developing and is now completing the "new crea-
ture" is and the proper understanding of "character", then tion", which is The Christ. (2 Cor. 5 : 17 ; Gal. 6 : 15) This
it is easy to see what the apostle meant when he spoke of new creation stands out separate and distinct from Satan’s
the "IT": that he had reference to The Christ, the seed of organization. Whenone is begotten and anointed of the in-
God’s promise, which constitutes "the mystery of Christ". visible power or holy spirit of Godand is then put on trial
No one will be resurrected as a memberof the body of and proves his love for the Lord in the fulfillment of his
Christ unless while in the flesh he grows into the likeness covenant to do God’s will, Jehovah God will be faithful in
of Christ Jesus. But this likeness is not so-called "charac- the performance of his part of the covenant. Thus doing,
ter" likeness, as has been erroneously stated through mis- the Christian is certain to have a part in the "first resurrec-
understanding that the character is something separate and tion". He therefore becomes a part of the "rr" while in the
distinct from the man. The likeness of the Lord spoken of flesh. If faithful unto death, he is a part of the "IT" that
in the Scriptures is an unqualified, unswerving and abso- is resurrected to immortality.


HATman should have on earth an ideal government
T has been the purpose of Jehovah from the beginning
of creation. For centuries the Creator, God, has been
quickly this fact gets thoroughly fixed in the mind and
heart, the better for the creature.
Zeal means to be heated. It is derived from the Greek
working out his purpose to that end. The Bible and the word which means to boil. It means ardor for a cause, an
extraneous evidences in world events are cumulative that enthusiastic fervor and devotion to that cause. The zeal
a climax in the progressive steps of his great purpose is peculiar to the Lord’s house, referred to at Psalm 69:9,
now at hand. Blessed is the man who can now see and ap- John 2:17 and Romans15:3, is the boiling, enthusiastic
preciate the fact, and can enter fully into the spirit of that fervor and devotion for God’s kingdom, for his ideal gov-
divine arrangement. ernment over man. This is the time when zeal for the King-
An ideal thing is that which is perfect, supremely ex- dom or Theocracy is required. It means that one will be
cellent; hence very desirable. An ideal government is a su- actively engaged in the campaign as opportunity is offered.
premely excellent and perfect government. Because such a What, then, can I do ? you ask. At Matthew 24:14 Jesus
government seems impossible to man after long experience, answers: Tell the good news of the Kingdomto the people
man says: ’An ideal government exists and can exist only of all nations as a witness before the end comes. Tell it now!
in the imagination of men. It is unattainable and there- Tell it by word of mouth. Proclaim it to the people as you
fore impossible.’ With Almighty God it is not impossible; have opportunity. Tell it out by the printed page by placing
for in his due time such a government among men is abso- in the hands of the people the books and other literature
lutely certain. Anabiding faith that this conclusion is cor- containing the message of The Theocracy. The Lord has pro-
rect, and the support of that faith by perfect love toward vided the printing presses and other machinery to print
God, make the Christian a power in the hand of Jehovah and manufacture the books in the various languages, and
God. Whenthe Christian, under the supervision of the Lord, offers an opportunity to all devoted ones to enter actively
exercises that divinely given power, he is approximately into the campaign on the side of the great Theocrat. He
living up to his privileges. has provided the way for some to be full-time publishers
The coming ideal government, and our attitude toward as pioneers and for others to be publishers as membersof
it, is the great issue. The word "issue" meansthe vital ques- organized companies of Jehovah’s witnesses. He has pro-
tion for determination. It means the point to be decided. vided sound-cars and sound-reproducing machines, portable
The question for determination or point to be decided, the phonographs, with recorded speeches, and provided for the
paramount issue before the minds of men, is: Satan’s king- sending forth of the message in that way. He has opened
dom versus Jehovah’s Theocratic Government under Christ. a way for every one who is on his side to do something in
Shall Satan continue to be the "god of this world" and rule the campaign. Hence there is no just cause or excuse for
with an oppressive hand? Or has the time come for the any who really love the Lord to remain silent now. Remem-
great Godof heaven to set up an ideal governmenton earth ? ber the thousands who went with Gideon for the war and
This is the great issue in the campaign that is now on. Let who at the water test boweddown, burying their faces in the
every creature devoted to or of good-will toward God settle brook to drink, and were rejected. Be not of that kind, but
that in his mind now. There is no middle ground in this cam- be of those who, like the approved 300, dipped the water
paign. There is no compromise. Such creature must un- in their hands and lapped it like a dog, while earnestly
reservedly take the side of Jehovah and his Theocratic Gov- watching for opportumties to glorify the King.
ernment under Christ or lose what he has. No real Christian Be it remembered, we are now engaged in the greatest
can be passive in this campaign. He must be active as op- campaign of all time. Let us acquit ourselves as becomes
portunities are afforded. He must be either cold or hot. To the true representatives of the great and new Government,
be lukewarmwill not do. (See Revelation 3 : 16.) The more The Theocracy. Call to mind the campaign in worldly poll
MAY15, 1941 :gSeWATCHTOWEI 159

tics, howsome have engaged therein in times past, how they more. That the ones devoted to Jehovah God and his Theo-
endured hardships in behalf thereof. Howmany times have cratic Government under Christ might be fully assured
you carried a torch, marched in the ranks or rode in a and be comforted and encouraged, the Lord has given us
wagon, waved a flag and shouted and urged the people to cumulative evidence of what blessings The Theocracy shall
vote? How many times have you made a political speech, bring to obedient humankind on earth.
and diligently distributed literature showing the people Weare assured that Jehovah by Christ Jesus shall be
what you believed to be the proper way to vote ? And why king over all the earth (see Zechariah 14: 9) ; that the gov-
did you do it ? If you were honest you did it because you ernment shall be upon the shoulders of Christ Jesus (Isaiah
believed that the officers you were trying to elect, the gov- 9.6, 7) ; that he shall have dominion from sea to sea and
ernment you were trying to inaugurate, would help to bring to the ends of the earth (Psalm 72: 8) ; that all power and
about a better condition amongst the people in general. authority are in the hands of God’s anointed King (Mat-
Those efforts failed because of the imperfections of man. thew 28 : 18) ; that out from Zion, Jehovah’s capital organi-
Nowwe are enlisted in a campaign of the Lord for his zation or Theocracy, which is heavenly and hence invisi-
ideal government. We are not in doubt as to the result. ble, shall go forth the law (Isaiah 2: 3); that the king
Weknow that his kingdom will win. Weknow that his will shall rule in righteousness, therefore without partiality
be the ideal government and will bring the very things for (Isaiah 32:1); that unto his kingdom shall all people
which man has hoped and watched and prayed, lo, these good-will be gathered (Genesis 49:10) ; that wars shall
manycenturies past. Do you possess the spirit of the Lord ? no more and the people shall dwell in peace, and of his
Have you perfect love in your heart? If so, then with a peace and his kingdom there shall be no end (Isaiah 2:4;
burning zeal for his cause you will go forth to do your and 9: 6, 7); that the people shall have plenty and feast
little part, not because he needs any of us but because we to their heart’s content (Isaiah 25:6) ; that the earth shall
need the opportunity to prove our loyalty and our love. yield its increase and the people shall be supplied with an
Rememberthat love is the perfect expression of unselfish- abundance (Isaiah 30: 23; Psalm 67:6); that there shall
ness. Rememberthat the King of The Theocratic Govern- be amongst the people no beastly organization to oppress
ment, Christ Jesus, gave us the example as Jehovah’s "Faith- them, for the Lord shall destroy the oppressor (Psalm
ful and True Witness", and that we must follow in his steps. 72: 4); that every obedient man shall own his home and
The way for us now to give expression to unselfishness is shall sit under his vine and fig tree and shall fear no one
joyfully to announce the kingdom that will bring lasting (Micah 4: 1-4) ; that their flesh shall becomefresher than
blessings to mankind. This must be done with diligence if that of a child (Job 33 : 25) ; that none shall fear sickness
we would have an abundant entrance into the Kingdom nor be sick (Isaiah 33: 24); that full regeneration to hfe
and into its blessings. will be granted to those whoprove their loyalty to the King
Howcan anyone in "the present truth", who appreciates because he gave his life that all such shall live (John 3 : 15
the situation, remain silent and inactive? Let no one de- 10: 10) ; that then they that keep his Wordshall never die
ceive you. If you are to be one of God’s "elect" you will not (John 8 : 51 ; Revelation 21 : 4) ; that the earth, created for
be deceived into believing you can be inactive and yet please man’s happiness, will be brought to a state of Edenic Para-
the Lord. The Lord has promised that the "elect" shall not dise, and the desert will blossom with abundance (Isaiah
be deceived in doctrine. (Psalm 125:3; Isaiah 52: 8; Mat- 35 : 1) ; that every one will knowof Jehovah, the great Theo-
thew 24: 24,25) There is a manifest attempt on the part crat, and of his anointed King and Vindicator, Christ Jesus,
of the great adversary of God and man to deceive by in- and will dwell in endless happiness and sing songs of praise
ducing those devoted to God to remain inactive and silent. to Jehovah and his Christ for ever.--Isa. 11 : 9; Ps. 150.6
In ages past governments have risen, only to fall again. The kingdom of the Lord will estabhsh an ~deal condi-
Now Jehovah’s witnesses are engaged in a campaign for tion upon the earth for man. That will be the ideal govern-
the ideal government which is certain and which will en- ment, The Theocracy. There is not the shghtest doubt m the
dure forever. Service will meana sacrifice of worldly ease, mind of the Christian that such is true and that the King-
wealth, and comfort. It will cost us much, but it is worth domis now beginning. Weare not following some cunningly
more than it costs. If we have started to serve the Lord, devised fable ; but we have the sure Wordof God spoken by
we cannot stop and still be pleasing to him. Do not for the mouth of his holy prophets (2 Pet. 1’ 16-21) Thc~e
one momentthink that what you did last year will win for prophecies have been and are being fulfilled ; and we know
you the Kingdomor its blessings. Our victory will be com- that the foretold Dayspring from on High has visited
plete at the end, provided we do not relax. (Galatians 6: 9) humankind of good-will and that the portals of the New
This is no time for quitters. Jesus made this clear when he World are swinging open.
said : "No man, having put his hand to the plough, and look- Jehovah God will make a sharp and quick work of an-
ing back, is fit for the kingdomof God."--Luke 9: 62. nouncing the Kingdombefore the complete end of Satan’s
To humankind an ideal government is one the governor wicked world. (Isaiah 28: 22, Romans9: 28) The time
of which possesses absolute power and exercises that power short now till the universal war of Armageddon, and the
always equally in behalf of all, and with partiality to none, privileges are great beyond the description of humanwords.
granting to each one his full rights and privileges. It means The issue is clearly drawn; the fight is on to the finish, the
a governmentof everlasting peace, in which the people will campaign grows with intensity. The Theocratic Government
have plenty, will live in contentment, enjoy liberty, life and is at hand. The God-given commission is to now tell the
uninterrupted happiness. That is why, to man, an ideal good news to the world. Blessed is the manwho fulfills that
government has seemed impossible. The kingdom of God commission. Witness of Jehovah, with zeal and vigor press
and of his Christ will bring to man all of these and much on to victory and boundless joy!
GERMAN GIRL REFUGEE NOW PIONEERS IN ENGLAND us would be dealt with the same here as in other parts of
"During the ten years I have been privileged to serve the country! I told him that that was a great responsi-
as a pioneer I have never had so much joy and encourage- bility he was taking upon himself and he would not be able
ment as just during the last few weeks. In one instance, a to do one thing until the Lord permitted. So muchattention
gentleman, very interested in the Catholic religion, a few was drawn to me that I had little interest from then on.
years ago had the booklet Uncovered sent to him. He en- They were all very fearful on that floor. Every little while
joyed reading it, but never heard any more about its mes- the elevator man would walk by to see how I was getting
sage, till perhaps a month ago. Hearing the recorded lecture along. He would tell me not to be afraid, not to let them
’Government and Peace’, he was so thrilled, ’Every single bluff me. Finally I got to the first floor. I was five hours in
word is true,’ was one of his remarks and he asked for all this building. I got to the captain. He smiled, so amused,
the books and two or three dozen booklets. Each morning and said: "Well, hello there! the last time I saw you, you
he is giving lifts in his car to somepeople and is using every had an escort down here !’ and he laughed heartily. He is
opportunity to speak about the truth. Then he gives them a Catholic. I witnessed and he admitted he knew religion is
a booklet with his name and address inside and asks them a racket and that we are harmless. He told me to come into
to call at his house in case they want to knowmore. In the his private office and meet the rest of the boys. Whenthey
meantime he and his wife and daughter have heard our found that one of Jehovah’s witnesses was there they were
two new lectures and are now having a model study in their anxious to hear what I had to say. The switchboard opera-
home. Also they attended service meeting and the Watch- tor came from the next room and asked, and I told him I
tower study on Sunday, and he has offered his car to all was one of Jehovah’s witnesses. He said, ’Why, I have had
witnesses in his district to take them on the work Sundays. fifteen complaints from here in the building, asking why
He was anxious to tell his sister wholives in Londonabout you were not locked up.’ Then the captain saw I had slipped
the truth, and in her reply she said she has been associated one over on him. He wanted to be angry, scolded me for
with our Society since 1914. Such a surprise ! In another in- going through as I did, and said after this I must get an
stance, a gentleman and lady had heard about the truth order or permission from the chief. Then the switchboard
sixteen years ago through some witnesses next to them. operator asked where the soul went at death. I quoted scrip-
They had many arguments, but never agreed. Through mov- tures and told him that where man’s word differs from the
ing they lost contact. A few months back these people tried Scriptures man is the liar, not God. He saw what I meant
to give a lift to two persons waiting for a bus. Theystopped, His switchboard was buzzing, bells were ringing, and no
but could hardly believe their eyes when they realized they one paying attention! All interested in the witness. After
were speaking to their old neighbors. It took two hours to I finished he went to his office and said to one of the fellows
do the journey normally done in fifteen minutes, and re- there: ’I’ll never go to that d church again !’ Then you
sulted in giving them the book Religion. Twoweeks ago I could hear, ’That’s right! Religion is a racket. She’s right!
arranged with the lady to call with the lecture. Last Mon- That’s the truth !’ all talking at once. In the building I
day night they listened to ’Religion’. Both said, ’The more placed two bound books and many booklets. The elevator
you hear, the more you want to know.’ The first time I called man asked me to be sure to come back, and showed me how
I left two copies of Consolation. I didn’t want to take any- muchhe had read of the booklet Satisfied--between calls."
thing. He was most upset, and so he put three shillings in SCHOOL BOARD APPEARS BEFORE JEHOVAH’S WITNESS
my pocket. On mylast back-call with the recordings I asked
"The Grammarschool decided everyone must salute the
his wife to accept two books and some Watchtower copies
flag or else! That put my 12-year-old daughter out auto-
as a small gift from me, which she appreciated very much.
matically. I could not get up and go to see the board of
Before I realized it, he had put three more shillings in my
pocket. They asked about meetings. WhenI offered to call trustees; so I wrote a letter to the man who made the mo-
for them, they said they would come to fetch me instead and tion to adopt compulsorysaluting. He is also justice of the
take me down in their car. As I was leaving they both peace and runs the leading service station here in town
seemed qmte concerned and asked if I had somebody here I invited him and his colleagues to call and hear our side
of the issue more fully. This he did. He came beheving m
in Sheffield to look after me. It was a great pleasure to tell
them that the people I am staying with are as kind to me salutes from everybody. He left, and another trustee with
as my own parents." him, all wobblyand reeling in their convictions, and in dis-
tress because of the position in which my girl had been
WORKING THE CITY JAIL BUILDING (NEBRASKA) placed. They took Loyalty and Conspiracy Against Democ-
"I went straight to the elevator and asked to be taken to racy home with them. Then they ’went to town’ on the
the top floor. Before I got off I witnessed to the elevator school principal, the teacher, and the third memberof the
man, and that contrary to my regular course. I thought I board, with the result that the whole silly ruling was
had made a mistake, but, much to my surprise, he readily quashed, and my girl was back in school by 10 o’clock the
took Religion, smiled broadly and said: ’I have taken these morning after the visit. She was out only a week, in which
from you before. I am for you.’ He then took me to the office I taught her at home. I am convinced there was no mali-
of the radio broadcaster and let me in. Wheneverthe ele- cious intent on the part of the trustees. Newinstructions
vator man could run away he would come in and stay until have been sent out to school boards from the inner sanctum
they rang for him, and we almost had a study there. At the of the higher-ups, and amongthe ’suggestions’ for adoptmn
prosecutor’s office my reception was much different. How by each individual board is this vicious compulsory salute
did I get into the building ? I should be locked up ! Mydays ruling. This neatly circumvents California’s governor’s veto
for doing this work were numbered, and I and the rest of on the state-wide adoption of such a law. Clever guys ( ?)."

JUNE 1, 1941

False Gods . 164
Authenticity 166
Prophecy .................. :168
UntoLife ...................................... 3(i9
Complete .......................................... 170
Sure............................................... :170
Spiritual Food............................ 170
"RICH ~IEN) WEEP AND HOWL" ...... 171
FIELD EXPERIENCES ............ 176
TESTIHON¥ PERIOD ......... 162
~WATCHTOWER )~ STUDIES ........... 162
117 Adams Street
Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A.
T HIS Journal ts published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically de-
OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good will.
President W.E. VANAMBURGH,,.%crftary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes suit-
"And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and
able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of public
~reat shall be the peace of thy children." -IJaiah 54:I3. dnstruction tn the Scriptures.
THE SC_~IPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
THATJEHOVAH is the only true God, Is from everlasting to or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
to his creatures ; that the Logos was the beginning of his creation, King.Itis notdogmatic, butInvites careful andcritical examina-
and his active agent in the creation of all things ; that the Logos tionofitscontents in thellghtof theScriptures. It doesnotin-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in dulgeincontroversy, anditscolumns arenotopentopersonalities.
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah.
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man yl~A~ry SUBSCRIPTION
for the earth and placed him upon it ; that man willfully dis-
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of UNx~STAT~S,$1.00; CANADAAND MISC~LLANROUS
Foazx.otL. $1.50;
Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the right GRgATBRITAIN,
68.Amerlcan r~ma~
tancosshouldbe madeby Postalor Express
MoneyOrderor by a
to Life. Draft.Canadlan,
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obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and FORmaW OFFICES
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ful King of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of Please
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Christ Jesus are children of Zion, membersof Jehovah’s organiza-
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to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind
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THATTHE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has All sincere students of the Bible whoby reason of Infirmity, poverty er
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted adversity are unable to pay the subscription price mayhave The Watch-
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June, for the entire month, is the Period here named. Are you The members of the Bethel famdy will enjoy their vacatlcm
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the side of Jehovah’s Theocratxc Government by Chrmt Jesus and reclusive. Thus will afford them a change from their regular work
then engage m announcing that government to others. The June at headquarters and the opportumty for a larger part m the m-
Permd affords you the opporttmtty to exercise your ambassador- creasing field work. The factory and office will be closed down
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bination of any three bound books published by the Society, ex- period and the rest of August. Also as httle correspondence as
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Week of July 6: "Man’s Trne Guide," in renewals .for The Watchtower, should always use these blanks.
¶ 1-29 inclusive, The Watchtower June 1, 1941. .By filling in these renewal .blanks you are assured of the continua-
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Week of July 13: "Man’s True Guide," delay. It will also be a great help Lf you sxgn your nameuniformly,
¶ 30-62 inclusive, This Watchtower Junet, 1941. 1mad1note m~y~rec~-nt change of address, on the renewal slip.
Vou. LXII JUNE1, 1941 No. 11


"Man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth
man live."--Deut. 8: 3.
EHOVAHthe Lord God made known to his typ- unto himself his "other sheep", who shall in due time
J ical covenant people, the Israelites, the words of
the foregoing text. He caused Moses to make
form the "great multitude" (Rev. 7 : 9-17) and whom
the Lord will use to carry out his mandate to "fill the
the announcement of that rule shortly before the earth". (Gen. 1: 28; 9: 1) Such "other sheep" of the
Israelites were led into the land of Canaan. God Lord are required to come under the same rule of
had made a covenant with that people, and he was Godas applies to the spiritual class and to the angels
instructing them how they might receive the benefits in heaven, insofar as it pertains to their receiving
of that covenant. They desired to live, and the Lord life. They must live, as Jesus stated, "by every word
God was informing them what they must do in order that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" (Matt
to gain life everlasting. For the physical organism 4:4); and, since Jesus quoted this from the law of
they would need their daily bread; but that was not God announced by Moses, this is further evidence
all. In order to have life that is lasting, somethingof that it applies at all times to all whoare seeking the
far greater power than material bread is needed. The way to life.
Word of God furnishes that bread of life, and it is 5Demons have seduced and debauched human
necessary for them to give heed to his Wordin order creatures since the time of Eden. Nowin these last
to find the way to life. God’s rules are the same with days the demons are seducing and debauching the
regard to all intelligent creatures. There is but one entire humancreation, and the only exceptions there-
way for any human creature to receive life ever- to are those persons who devote themselves to and
lasting. God does not change, neither do his rules faithfully obey the Lord God. Today many persons
change. Being the same at all times, they apply now who desire to live are seeking the true guide to life;
to every one whoseeks to be guided in the wayto life. and for the aid of such The Watchtower publishes
The angels are far superior to men. The angels what follows herein. If the people now on earth who
can live forever only by being obedient to the Word are of good-will toward God would find the way to
of God. Concerning the angels it is written: "Bless life everlasting they must be led by the true guide,
the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that which is God’s Word.
do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of 6 The will of Almighty God expressed to his crea-
his word."--Ps. 103: 20. tures is his Word and constitutes the true guide,
3 Humancreatures that voluntarily agree to do the which directs mankind into the way of life everlast-
will of God and whomGod receives by and through ing. Jehovah God sent Jesus to the earth to pro-
Christ Jesus, and to whomhe gives the promise that claim his expressed will, and this he d~d for the pur-
they shall be members of "the body of Christ" and pose of guiding men in the right way. The message
reig-n with Christ Jesus, can attain to life everlasting which Jesus declared was and is not his own, but is
in heaven only by giving heed to and obeying the that which proceeds from the mouth of Almighty
Word of God. The rule, therefore, is the same con- God. Jesus said: "For I have not spoken of myself;
cerning them as applies to the angels. All persons but the Father which sent me, he gave me a com-
who enter into a covenant with Jehovah with the mandment, what I should say, and what I should
hope of life, either in heaven or on earth, are gov- speak. And I know that his commandment is life
erned by the same rules. Concerning all such the Lord everlasting; whatsoever I speak therefore, even as
Jesus prayed to Jehovah in these words, which apply the Father said unto me, so I speak."--John 12 : 49, 50.
prinmrily to the spiritual class, but also to all of his ’ As further proof that this is the Word of God
covenant people, to wit: "Sanctify them through thy Jesus said: "My doctrine is not mine, but tus that
truth: thy word is truth."--John 17: 17. sent me." (John 7:16) That express will of God
"At the present day the Lord Jesus Christ, in obe- which Jesus uttered was and is the truth, and con-
dience to his Father’s commandment, is gathering cerning such Jesus says: "Thy word is truth."
FALSE GODS by tradition from one generation to another, even
’ The "science of evolution" is offered as a guide though those men claimed to be servants of God.
for man, but that guide is absolutely false so far as They had yielded to the influence of demons and
furnishing to man a guide to life everlasting. It is fallen into the Devil’s net. To them Jesus declared
based entirely on the theories and conclusions of men, that their religious teachings were of the Devil and
and is therefore without any sure foundation. Says that by their traditional teachings they had made
The Encyclopedia Americana, Volume 10, under the the Word of God of none effect amongst his covenant
title "Evolution", the following: "The history of evo- people. (Matt. 15: 1-9) Thus Jesus showed that reli-
lution clearly reveals that the evolution idea is the gion is a false guide for men.
result of a long evolution itself; it is impossible to "The earthly religious organization today that
say just when the idea came first into its more prim- exercises the greatest amount of influence and power
itive form of being, or just when its principal modi- over the people is that old organization of the Hier-
fications or accretions occurred, or when its present archy operating from Vatican City. Those who com-
form was finally determined. In tracing the history pose that Hierarchy organization claim to have the
of the unfolding of the evolution idea we shall find Bible, but they do not teach the Bible to the people,
that the conspicuous achievements in connection with but, on the contrary, attempt to keep the people from
it have not been the discovery of absolute newness, personal study of the Word of God. They claim that
but the recognition and determination and general the pope is the sole interpreter of the Scriptures. The
establishment of the important ideas and conception pQpe is a human creature, therefore a private one
germs among the host offered .... First, a stage of insofar as the Scriptures are concerned; and it is
dim suggestion and pure speculation with little ref- written in the Bible that no humanauthority can in-
erence to facts; second, a stage of the statement of terpret the Scriptures. God alone is His interpreter.
a working hypothesis to explain certain facts; and, (2 Pet. 1: 20) The Hierarchy teaches the people the
third, the proof or demonstration of the law by facts. doctrines of "purgatory", "torment, .... immortality
These stages can be recognized in the history of of all souls," and like doctrines, which find no sup-
evolution. The first corresponds with the period of port whatsoever in the Bible and are the mere opin-
the Greek philosophers; the second with the post- ions of men handed down from one generation to
Greek, pre-Darwinian period; and the third with the another. The venerable Cardinal Gibbons, recognized
Darwinian and post-Darwinian period." in his time as authority amongst those of the Hier-
° Applying the theory of evolution to man the archy, in his book The Faith of Our Fathers, page 208,
evolutionists quote from Aristotle as follows: "Man states that these doctrines find their authority in the
is the highest point of one long and continuous tradition of the early fathers of the Catholic organi-
ascent." Thus it is seen that the theory of evolution zation. This is proof that the teachings of the doc-
is based wholly upon the opinions of men and the trines above mentioned are traditional and are not
theory has been handed down from one generation founded in the Scriptures. That mighty religious
to another by men wise in their own conceits. The organization, the RomanCatholic Hierarchy, pre-
evolution theory is flatly contradicted by the Word vents the commonpeople from studying the Bible,
of Almighty God, which shows that evolution is a whereas the Lord’s Word says that all who would
false guide. know the way to life must study to show themselves
,0 Religion is offered as a guide to man. Religion approved unto God, rightly dividing and applying
is also a false guide. There are many kinds of reli- his Word.--2 Tim. 2:15.
gion, all claiming to be proper guides, but all are " To the Jewish religionists, who were teaching
false. Religion originated with the demons, of which tradition, Jesus said: "Search the scriptures; for in
Satan is the chief. Religion brought about the de- them ye think ye have eternal life : and they are they
struction of the old world by the flood of waters. which testify of me. And ye will not cometo me, that
Thereafter xeligion was organized on earth by hu- ye might have life. I receive not honour from men.
man dictators acting under the influence and power But I know you, that ye have not the love of God in
of demons. Concerning religion the Almighty God you."--John 5 : 39-42.
specifically warned the Israelites that religion would "The Roman Catholic Hierarchy has the reputa-
ensnare them and bring about their destruction. tion extending over a long period of years of destroy-
(Deut. 7 : 16) Religion did bring about their destruc- ing the Bible that the people might be kept in igno-
tion, exactly as Godforetold and warned them : "And rance of what God has to say to them. A striking ex-
they served their idols; which were a snare unto ample of very recent date follows: Spain is con-
them."--Ps. 106: 36. trolled by the RomanCatholic Hierarchy. Its dicta-
,1 The Pharisees practiced and taught religion to tor is a part of the Hierarchy. In 1940 the British
the people, doctrines which had been handed down and Foreign Bible Society, of London, sent a large
Juice i, 1941 fftieWATCHTOWER. 165

consignment of Bibles to Spain for distribution being movedby holy spirit." (2 Pet. 1 : 21, Diaglolt)
amongst the people. The Roman Catholic Hierarchy "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is
dictator seized those Bibles and destroyed them. profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction,
October 6, 1940, the NewYork Times published these for instruction in righteousness; that the man of
facts in its first edition of that date, but after that God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all
first edition a powerful influence caused the same to good works."--2 Tim. 3: 16, 17.
be deleted from all other subsequent editions. A mag- "The person who desires the approval of God
azine in NewYork published the following comment must be guided aright. The Bible, which contains
concerning the same: the Word of God, is true and is the correct guide:
"THE BIBLE IN" SPAIN. Protestants everywhere, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto
and particularly those who are becoming more and my path." (Ps. 119:105) The Bible guides sincere
more careful lest by any semblance of protesting persons to desire and to pray for the most important
they hurt the feelings of their Roman Catholic things that may result to their welfare. God has put
friends, would do well to ponder the fate of 110,000 such prayers into the mouth of his sincere servants,
copies of the Bible, including Testaments, which the and one of these prayers is this : "Shew me thy ways,
British and Foreign Bible Society sent to Spain re- O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth,
cently for distribution. and teach me ; for thou art the Godof my salvation ;
"By order of the Spanish Government, which is on thee do I wait all the day. Remember,O Lord, thy
strongly Roman Catholic, the entire shipment was tender mercies and thy lovingkindnesses; for they
confiscated and pulped for the making of cellulose! have been ever of old. Remembernot the sins of my
"Spain, as everybody knows, has had an unen- youth, nor my transgressions; according to thy
viable reputation for Bible destruction in years gone mercy remember thou me, for thy goodness’ sake,
by, but this wholesale pulping of a hundred thousand O Lord."--Ps. 25 : 4-7.
copies is perhaps the most glaring example of open 1, The sure and unfailing promises of God to such
hostility to the Book that history records. And it sincere seekers for truth are certain, and God will
occurred in 1940i fulfill those promises; as it is written: "Good and
"It is exceedingly interesting to note, moreover, upright is the Lord; therefore will he teach sinners
that this report, cabled from London, appeared in in the way. The meek will he guide in judgment, and
the early morning edition of the New York Times the meek will he teach his way. All the paths of the
of October 6, but was deleted from the second and Lord are mercy and truth unto such as keep his cove-
following editions. Whoordered that it be cut out? nant and his testimonies." (Ps. 25: 8-10) "For the
What invisible censorship tried to prevent this high- word of the Lord is right; and all his works are done
ly significant item of news from reaching the people in truth." (Ps. 33:4) "For the Lord is good, his
of this Protestant country? mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all
"Can anybody guess?"--Signs of the Times, Jan- generations." (Ps. 100: 5) "For thy mercy is great
uary 21, 1941. above the heavens; and thy truth reacheth unto the
1~ The people must choose to follow tradition of clouds." (Ps. 108:4) "Thy righteousness is an ever-
men and walk on in the darkness concerning the way lasting righteousness, and thy law is the truth."--
to life, or to gain knowledge from the Word of God, Ps. 119: 142.
which points out the only way that leads to life ever- 1’ He who would be wise in things that are ri/ght
lasting. The purpose of WATCHTOWER publications seeks pure knowledge, such as is contained in the
is to help the people to make a choice in harmony Bible: "Wise men lay up knowledge; but the mouth
with God’s Word. The Watchtower is not at all in- of the foolish is near destruction." (Prov. 10: 14)
terested in holding up anybodyto ridicule. It pub- "Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge; but he
lishes the truth, and it is the truth of God’s Word that hateth reproof is brutish." (Prov. 12: 1) "The
that is sharper than a two-edged sword, and which heart of the prudent getteth knowledge ; and the ear
exposes the fallacy of guides that are offered by men. of the wise seeketh knowledge."--Prov. 18: 15.
~’ Humantheories concerning the way to life are ’° The person who is wise and pursues a wise and
directly in conflict with the Wordof Almighty God. prudent course desires to live forever and enjoy all
Those who desire to live should ignore human theo- the blessings that God has provided for those who
ries and give heed to the Word of God. The almighty love him. There is but one way to life, and that way is
Jehovah inspired holy men of old to act as his to receive a knowledge of God and Christ Jesus and
amanuenses and write down the truths given by him then obey the commandments of the Lord and con-
for man’s benefit; and concerning this it is written tinue to follow in the right way: "And this is life
in the Scriptures : "For not at any time was prophecy eternal, that they might know thee the only true
brought by the will of man, but men from God spoke, God, and Jesus Christ, whomthou hast sent." (John
N. Y.

17: 3) The person that would please God and live "Moses, as a servant and an amanuensis of God,
must know that Jehovah is the Almighty God and wrote the five books that appear first in order in the
that Christ Jesus is his great Executive Officer, and Bible. Moses was selected by Jehovah God as his
he must fear to displease God. Such a person begins servant to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. At Mount
to acquire the right kind of knowledge. "The fear of Sinai God took Moses up into the mountain and there
the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; but fools dictated to him the fundamental law, which law was
despise wisdom and instruction."--Prov. 1:7. written on stone, and which has been translated and
,1 One is foolish to rely upon his own understand- recorded in the Bible.
ing and to ignore the Word of God: "Trust in the ,5 The Scriptures disclose that God invites man to
Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine reason with him (Isa. 1:18); and the fact that the
own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Creator endowed man with faculties of reason shows
him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in that it is proper that man reach a conclusion by
thine owneyes ; fear the Lord, and depart from evil." process of reasoning in harmony with facts and au-
(Proy. 3 : 5-7) To follow the traditions of men, which thority which cannot be disputed. Moses was a
are contrary to the Word of God, is to pursue a learned man, "learned in all the wisdomof the Egyp-
course of evil. tians." (Acts 7 : 22) Mosesrecords the fact that God
spoke to him and directed him to go into Egypt, say-
AUTHENTICITY ing, "Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel,
,2 Worldly-wise men deny the authority of God’s I AMhath sent me unto you." (Ex. 3: 14) "I AM"
Word. They deny the existence of God. What is the means the Everlasting One, not the One who was,
proof that the Bible contains the authentic record nor the One who will be, but THE ONE WHOIS.
of God’s Word? The evidence, which furnishes the The great I AM made known to Moses his name
conclusive proof, is both circumstantial and direct, Jehovah, and this was the first time his name was
and the two kinds of evidence fully corroborate each thus revealed. (Ex. 6: 2, 3) The general history
other. Here the evidence circumstantial and that the human kind could well have been known to Moses
which is direct will be considered together, and will even before God revealed his great truth to Moses
be found to fully establish the authenticity of the and before Moses was selected to go to Egypt, be-
Bible as God’s Word. cause of the following circumstances, to wit :
,3 "The Bible" is the namegiven to what is written ’~ Adamwas the original man, from whomthe race
in the sixty-six books bound together and forming one sprang. Adamlived 930 years, and lived 300 years of
book. It has in reality only one Author, who is God, that time after the birth of Enoch, a man whomGod
and its one great purpose is to furnish a guide to man approved. Enoch was the father of Methuselah, who
who desires to walk in the way of righteousness lived 969 years. Noah was the third generation from
and live and to honor his Maker. The "canon" of the Enoch. He was a grandson of Methuselah and must
Scriptures is the collection or catalogue of the books have received much information from his grand-
or writings into one volume. THE BOOKcontains father. Noah was 600 years old when the flood came.
sacred writings God has provided, and which Book Being devoted to Almighty God, he would certainly
is called "The Holy Bible". Such contains the true gather all the information he could from his fore-
rule and guide for faithful men. Other writings for fathers, and hence would have a very accurate ac-
which claim has been made as to their genuineness, count of the race from Adam to Noah’s day. That
but which are spurious, are called "the Apocrypha". information he would transmit to his sons.
The word "canon", from the classic Greek, means ~’ Noah and his sons came out of the ark together,
"a straight rod or rule". It is a measuring rod. As to and Noah lived 350 years thereafter. His son Shem
the Bible, it means the rule of truth. Concerning this lived 502 years after the flood. (Gen. 9:28,29;
sacred rule the inspired apostle wrote : "And as many 11: 10, 11) Two years after Noah’s death Abraham
as walk according to this ru/e, peace be on them, and was born, and therefore Shem and Abraham were on
mercy, and upon the Israel of God." (Gal. 6: 16; see the earth together for a period of 150 years. It is
also 2 Cor. 10: 13-16) Without any doubt the spirit reasonable that Abraham would learn from Shem the
of Almighty God directed faithful men to arrange facts concerning the human race which Shem had re-
the canon of the Scriptures according to his will. ceived from his forefathers. Abrahambore the title
That much could not be said of any other book in of ’father of the faithful’; and since knowledge is
existence. All the evidence, whenconsidered togeth- necessary to faith, Abraham must have had as the
er, proves beyond all doubt that the Author of the basis of faith the necessary knowledge from the
Holy Scriptures set out in the Bible is Almighty God, creation of man until his day.
whose name is Jehovah, and which name means his 2s Isaac was the beloved son of Abrahamand would
purpose toward his creatures. no doubt receive faithful instruction from his faith-
JUNE1, 1941 NieWATCHTOWER. 167

ful father. The favorite son of Isaac was Jacob. Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his
(Gen. 28: 5-14) Jacob had twelve sons, and he be- servants things which must shortly come to pass;
stowed his greatest affection upon Joseph, evidently and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his
by the Lord’s direction. Joseph was a man of great servant John."--Rev. 1 : 1.
importance in Egypt and would be widely known by 83 Jesus Christ is "The Faithful and True Wit-
almost all of the people of Egypt, and particularly ness". (Rev. 1: 5; 3: 14) The testimony of Christ
by the Israelites who resided there. Less than fifty Jesus, therefore, imports absolute verity. Jehovah,
years after the death of Joseph Moses was born. the Almighty God, sent his beloved Jesus to the earth
When Moses became a man he devoted himself en- to tell the truth, and he told the truth. Whenstanding
tirely to the Almighty God. It is only reasonable that before the Romangovernor, charged with treason,
Moses was thoroughly familiar with the history of Jesus testified, to wit: "To this end was I born, and
his forefathers from the time of Adamto his own for this cause came I into the world, that I should
time, when God called him to be the deliverer of the bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the
Israelites. From the human viewpoint, as shown by truth heareth my voice."--John 18: 37.
the facts and circumstances, Moses was amply quali- 8, The testimony of Jesus when he was a man on
fied to write the history of mankind from the begin- earth is further proof that the Pentateuch, or the
ning until his own day. Intelligent men have a nat- first five books of the Bible, were written by Moses
ural tendency to keep a record of facts and events, at the dictation of Almighty God. (Mal. 4:4; Matt.
and it is but reasonable that Moseshad a fund of true 8:4; Mark 1:44; 7:10; 12:26; Luke 5:14; John
information duly set down to be passed on to other 3: 14; 7 : 19, 22, 23) After his resurrection out of
generations. So much from the human viewpoint. death, and when Jesus appeared unto his faithful
2o None of the testimony mentioned here will be disciples, his testimony to them fully confirmed what
accepted by evolutionists or higher critics who have he had told them when he was with his disciples:
no faith in God. "The fool hath said in his heart, "And beginning at Moses, and all the prophets, he
There is no God." (Ps. 14: 1) A person does not need expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things
to say in words, "There is no God"; but by his own concerning himself."--Luke 24: 27.
conduct or course of action he discloses his secret s~ Not only was Moses the servant of Jehovah and
thoughts. All visible creation testifies to the indis- used by Jehovah to write the five books first appear-
putable fact that there is a Supreme One who is the ing in the Bible, but he was a prophet of Almighty
Creator, the Almighty God. God and foreshadowed Christ Jesus, the great
8o The miraculous birth of Jesus, his teachings, his Prophet. The testimony of Jesus confirms this state-
crucifixion and his resurrection out of death are sup- ment, when we note that he said: ’%loses . . . wrote
ported by a multitude of witnesses, all of which estab- of me." The religious leaders amongst the Jews were
lish the fact that Jesus was not an ordinary man, but opposed to Jesus and, addressing them, he said : "Do
the Son of Almighty God. A host of heavenly angels not think that I will accuse you to the Father; there
bore testimony at the time of the birth of the babe is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whomye
Jesus that he is "Christ the Lord".--Luke 2 : 9-14. trust. For had ye believed Moses, ye would have be-
3~ The circumstantial evidence of the miraculous lieved me : for he wrote of me."--John 5 : 45, 46.
birth of Jesus, and the direct testimony delivered by 38 Not only did he say that Moses had written a
the man Christ Jesus during the three and more portion of the Bible and had written of Christ Jesus,
years of his ministry, establishes the authenticity of but furthermore he testified : "Search the scriptures ;
the Holy Scriptures, or Bible, as the Word of Al- for in them ye think ye have eternal life; and they
mighty God. After his resurrection by the power of are they which testify of me."--John 5:39.
Almighty God, Christ Jesus appeared to his faithful 8, Moses was a type of Christ Jesus, the great
disciples, at which time he confirmed the words which Prophet; which the evidence completely establishes.
he had spoken to them before his death. At the same Addressing his words to the Israelites, the covenant
time he testified as to the authenticity of what is writ- people of God, Noses uttered this prophecy: "The
ten in the law and in the prophecies and in the songs Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from
which we call "Psalms". It was then he said: "These the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me ; unto
are the words which I spake unto you, while I was him ye shall hearken." (Deut. 18: 15) That prophecy
yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which is fulfilled in Christ Jesus: "For Moses truly said
were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your God
and in the psalms, concerning me."--Luke 24:44. raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me;
82 After his ascension into heaven the Lord gave to him shall ye hear in all things, whatsoever he shall
John, his faithful servant, a revelation of the things say unto you. And it shall come to pass, that ev-
that must come to pass: "The Revelation of Jesus ery soul, which will not hear that prophet, shall be
destroyed from among the people."--Acts 3:22, 23. ,1 At Matthew 21 : 4, 5 Jesus quoted with approval
" Christ Jesus is that great Prophet, who speaks other prophecies: Zechariah 9:9 and Isaiah 62:11.
with full authority conferred upon him by his Fa- Jesus cited with approval the prophecy of Daniel
ther, the Almighty God Jehovah. Repeatedly the 9:27 and Daniel 11:31. (See Matthew 24:15.)
testimony given by Jesus shows that his Father, the the same time he spoke of the conditions in the earth
Almighty God, sent Jesus to the earth and that the that prevailed in the day of Noah and told his hearers
testimony of Jesus is in exact accord with the will that a similar state of affairs would again obtain
of his Father. (John 6 : 38, 39) To his learned critics upon earth in the last days, thus proving the authen-
Jesus said : "My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent ticity of the prophecy of Noah and prophesying of
me." (John 7 : 16) Jesus always testified to the truth "the time of the end". (Matt. 24: 37-39 ; see also Matt.
as he was directed by Jehovah.--John 8:28, 29, 42. 27 : 9-35) Jesus testified as to the authenticity of the
’~ The holy spirit, which is the invisible power of law and of all the holy prophets (Matt. 11: 13), and
Almighty God, moved upon faithful men of old to stated that upon these the two great commandments
write what is set forth in the prophecies and which of God are based. (Matt. 22: 36-40) Having testified
is there written according to the will of Almighty to the authenticity of the law and of the prophets,
God. This is a guarantee that the prophecies are true. which are set forth in the Holy Scriptures, and hav-
The testimony of Jesus confirms the authenticity of ing stated that he received these truths from the Al-
the prophecies. Both the acts and the words of Jesus mighty God, his Father, Jesus summedup the matter
refer specifically to the prophets; which proves that in these authoritative words: "Thy word is truth."
the prophecies written in times of old, as set out in --John 17 : 17.
the Bible, are true. Note some of the things which "For more than three years the twelve apostles
Jesus did in confirming the words of the prophets of Jesus were personally taught by him. God gave
recorded in ancient times. him those apostles, and all except one of them re-
~o Early in his earthly ministry he read from the mained faithful. (John 17: 6-10) The testimony
prophecy of Isaiah, to wit" "The spirit of the Lord abundant that at Pentecost the faithful apostles re-
God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me ceived the outpouring of the holy spirit of God in
to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent fulfillment of the prophecy uttered by Joel. (Joel
me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty 2 : 28 ; Acts 2 : 1-21) Inspired and movedby the holy
to the captives, and the opening of ~he prison to spirit of God, Peter the apostle then and there testi-
them that ate bound; to proclaim the’acceptable year fied that the Lord God had raised Jesus out of death,
of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; and then added: "God hath made that same Jesus,
to comfort all that mourn." (Isa. 61:1, 2) "And whomye have crucified, both Lord and Christ"; and
began to say unto them, This day is this scripture at the same time cited the prophecy foretelling that
fulfilled in your ears." (Luke 4: 18, 19, 21) Thus great and marvelous act of God. (Acts 2: 31-36)
proved the authenticity of Isaiah’s prophecy. Jesus, Later the apostle Peter wrote concerning the proph-
in fulfillment of a certain portion of Isaiah’s proph- ets: "I(nowing this first, that no prophecy of the
ecy, healed the sick: "that it might be fulfilled which scripture is of any private interpretation. For the
was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself prophecy came not in old time by the will of man;
took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses." (Matt. but holy men of God spake as they were moved by
8 : 17) Thus he directly applies this prophecy to him- the holy spirit."~2 Pet. 1 : 20, 21 ; see also 2 Sam.23 : 2.
self. He repeated the words of the prophet Malachi "Paul the apostle, who was made a special am-
and applied the same to himself: "For this is he of bassador of the Lord Jesus Christ and who was
whomit is written, Behold, I send my messenger be- anointed and filled with the holy spirit, under in-
fore thy face, which shall prepare thy way before spiration of the holy spirit testified concerning the
thee." (Mal. 3:1; Matt. 11:10) He repeated the authenticity of the Scriptures in these words: "All
prophecy written at Isaiah 42:1-3 and applied the scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is
same to himself. (Matt. 12: 17-20) From the proph- profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction,
ecy of Jonah Jesus quoted, fully testifying to the for instruction in righteousness; that the man of
authenticity of that prophecy. (Matt. 12: 39-41) God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all
referred to the prophecy concerning Solomon and good works."--2 Tim. 3 : 16, 17.
the queen of the south and then said: "Behold, a
greater than Solomon is here." (Matt. 12:42) Jesus PROPHECY
spoke in parables, "that it might be fulfilled which "The prophecies recorded in the Holy Scriptures
was spoken by the prophet," at Psalm 78 : 2 : "I will are the most conclusive circumstantial evidence of
open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark say- the authenticity of the scriptures set forth in the
ings of old."--Matt. 13: 31-35. Bible. A human could not foretell with accuracy
fftieWATCHTOWER. 169

events coming to pass in the long-distant future. All tell his coming, but they recorded the minute details
true prophecy proceeds from the Almighty God, of the place where he would be born, his ministry, his
Jehovah. He is perfect in wisdom and knows the end temptation, his persecution, his suffering, his igno-
from the beginning: "Known unto God are all his minious death, and his resurrection and exaltation.
works from the beginning of the world." (Acts 15 : 18) Such wisdom could proceed only from the Almighty
It was the great Jehovah, the Eternal One, who God. The fact that those prophecies were fulfilled
caused these prophecies to be written according to exactly as foretold proves the authenticity of the
his will. same beyond any question of doubt. (For further
’~ The true prophet of God is one who speaks as discussion of the prophecies see the book Propl~ecy.)
he is directed by the power of Jehovah to speak. He ~ Prophecy of God cannot be understood by men
does not utter man’s message, but utters God’s mes- who have no faith in God and in Christ. Such men
sage. Christ Jesus is the great Prophet of Jehovah, are blind to the truth. A man who has no faith in
who speaks with authority from his Father. True God and does not believe God’s Word cannot under-
prophecy is recorded authoritative words declaring stand the Bible. Such men rely_upon their own learn-
things that must come to pass in future days. It ap- ing and walk on in the dark. Such men class them-
pears that at the time of uttering the prophecies the selves as ’~higher critics" and as evolutionists and
men who uttered or recorded them did not under- base their arguments upon the "science" of evolution.
stand the meaning thereof. But in his own due time Concerning them God says: ’They are fools.’ (Ps.
God makes known to righteous men the meaning of 14: 1) In these latter days the colleges teach evolu-
such prophecies. This is proved by the words of tion concerning man, his creation, and his develop-
Jesus addressed to his disciples. He had told them ment, and ignore entirely the Word of God. They
what the future years would bring forth, particularly are wise in their own conceits, and concerning such
with reference to the end of the world. He instructed the Lord in his Word says: "He taketh the wise in
them concerning the holy spirit, which God would their own craftiness; and the counsel of the froward
send after Jesus ascended into heaven, and which is carried headlong. They meet with darkness in the
he did send upon his faithful servants at Pentecost. daytime, and grope in the noonday as in the night."
During his last days on earth with his disciples Jesus (Job 5 : 13, 1.4) "The wise men are ashamed, they are
said to them : "And nowI have told you before it come dismayed and taken ; lo, they have rejected the word
to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might be- of the Lord ; and what wisdomis in them ?"--Jer. 8 : 9.
lieve.".--Jolm 14: 29. so Menare imperfect, and their theories are like;
’~ That which stands out most prominently in the wise imperfect. Menand their theories die, but the
Bible is its teaching concerning the kingdom of God, Wordof God endures for ever : "The grass withereth,
and because of its paramount importance Jesus in- the flower fadeth: because the spirit of the Lord
structed his followers that they should always pray bloweth upon it ; surely the people is grass. The grass
for the coming of that kingdom. (Matt. 6 : 9, 10) withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our
is God’s kingdom, and necessarily all prophecy con- Godshall stand for ever."--Isa. 40: 7, 8.
cerning that kingdom must proceed from the Al- ~1 Peter walked with the Lord and learned of him,
mighty God. Christ Jesus is the duly appointed and and, inspired by the spirit of God, he wrote: "For
anointed King of the kingdom of God. All the proph- all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of manas the
ets of God foretell the coming of that kingdom and
flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower
the King, and point forward to that day as one of
greatest importance. thereof falleth away: but the word of the Lord en-
dureth for ever. And this is the word which by the
"When man was in Eden Jehovah God uttered
the first prophecy. (Gen. 3 : 14-17) Thereafter he used gospel is preached unto you." (1 Pet. 1:24, 25) An-
men who had wholly devoted themselves to God’s other inspired apostle testifies : "And the world pass-
service to utter prophecy and write it down at his eth away, and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the
dictation. Under inspiration of the holy spirit God will of God abideth for ever."~l John 2: 17.
caused Peter to utter the words of prophecy con-
cerning the great King, Christ Jesus, and then to
say: "Yea, and all the prophets from Samuel, and 5~ The person who desires to live seeks knowledge
those that follow after, as manyas have spoken, have at the Wordof God. He seeks to learn and to do that
likewise foretold of these days."--Acts 3 : 24; 3 : 20-26. which is right. The following scripture text expresses
,8 Over a period of practically four thousand years the sincere desire of such person: "I have refrained
men of old who were devoted to God and who proph- my feet from every evil way, that I might keep thy
esied according to God’s will foretold the coming of word. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light
Christ Jesus the Messiah. Not only did they fore- unto my path. Order my steps in thy word; and let

not any iniquity have dominion over me."---Ps. meditation. I understand more than the ancients ; be-
119 : 101, 105, 133. cause I keep thy precepts."--Ps. 119: 98-100.
" The person who ignores the Word of God cannot ""For what if some did not believe? shall their
receive life everlasting. ’Wfhoso despiseth the word [evolutionists, higher critics and religionists’] unbe-
shall be destroyed ; but he that feareth the command- lief makethe faith of God without effect? God forbid:
ment shall be rewarded. The law of the wise is a yea, let Godbe true, but every mana liar."-Rom. 3:3, 4.
fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death."
(Prov. 13 : 13, 14) If that person desires to avoid that SURE
which defiles and leads to destruction he is diligent to ,a Jehovah gives full assurance to men that his
seek information from God’s Word. ’¢Wherewithal Word shall not return unto him void, but shall be
shall a young man cleanse his way ? By taking heed fully and completely performed and fulfilled. Such
thereto according to thy word. With my whole heart assurance is given that those who put their trust in
have I sought thee; O let me not wander from thy him may have a sure anchorage for their hope : "For
commandments. Thy word have I hid in mine heart, as the rain cometh down, and the snow, from heaven,
that I might not sin against thee." "Thy testimonies and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth,
are wonderful; therefore doth my soul keep them. and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give
The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth un- seed to the sower, and bread to the eater; so shall
derstanding unto the simple."--Ps. 119 : 9-11,129,130. my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it
shall not return unto me void ; but it shall accomplish
COMPLETE that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing
"The Word of God is complete and needs nothing whereto I sent it." (Isa. 55: 10, 11) "Wherein God,
to be added to or taken away therefrom. God is the willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of
fountain of life, and his Wordpoints out the way to promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed
life: "Ye shall not add unto the word which I com- it by an oath ; that by two immutable things, in which
mand you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a
that ye may keep the commandmentsof the Lord your strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay
God which I commandyou." (Deut. 4:2) "Every word hold upon the hope set before us; which hope we
of Godis pure ; he is a shield unto them that put their have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steal-
trust in him. Addthou not unto his words, lest he re- fast, and which entereth into that within the vail."
prove thee, and thou be found a liar." (Prov. 30 : 5, 6) (Heb. 6: 17-19) "Heaven and earth shall pass away,
"For I testify unto every manthat heareth the words but my words shall not pass away."--Matt. 24: 35.
of the prophecy of this book, If any manshall add un-
to these things, God shall add unto him the plagues SPIRITUAL FOOD
that are written in this book: and if any man shall ~u Those in a covenant with God to do his will must
take away from the words of the book of this proph- have food for the mind. God has furnished such food
ecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of in abundance, and every word uttered by the Lord is
life, and out of the holy city, and from the things truth and food for the mind: "Princes [worldly rul-
which are written in this book."wRev. 22:18, 19. ers] have persecuted me without a cause: but my
’~ The Pharisees, and the modern-day religionists heart standeth in awe of thy word. I rejoice at thy
also, take from the Scriptures what God has said and word, as one that findeth great spoil." (Ps. 119 : 161,
in the place thereof substitute their own words and 162) "Thy words were found, and I did eat them;
the traditions of other men. Thus they make the and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of
Word of God of none effect, detrimental to the in- mine heart; for I am called by thy name, O Lord
terest of the people who give heed to them, and hence God of hosts."--Jer. 15: 16.
all are headed for destruction.--Mark 7:5-13. 4o The "mountain of the Lord" symbolically pic-
,G The wise person is one who follows the guide tures his kingdom, of which Christ Jesus is the Head,
which God has provided for him. That person may and which capital organization is called "Zion".
be unlearned in things of this world, but if he seeks "Jerusalem" stands for all of Jehovah’s organiza-
tion: "But in the last days it shall come to pass,
righteousness and meekness at the mouth of God he
that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be
becomes wiser than the learned religionists who at-
established in the top of the mountains, and it shall
tempt to teach the people their theories: "Thou, be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow un-
through thy commandments, hast made me wiser to it. And many nations shall come, and say, Come,
than mine enemies [than my religious teachers] : for and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to
they are ever with me. I have more understanding the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us
than all my teachers; for thy testimonies are my of his ways, and we will walk in his paths ; for the law
JUNE 1, 1941 fftieWATCHTOWER.
shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the Lord from his "strange work", and he gives his humble and
Jerusalem."--Mic. 4 : 1, 2. faithful people a part in that work. This work of
~1 Because religionists and evolutionists teach the testifying to the name and to The THEOCRATIC GOV-
people the doctrines of men and multitudes give heed EaNME~T of Jehovah must be completed, and then
to such teachings and disregard God’s Word, there quickly will follow his "strange act", which means the
is a famine now in the land amongst such for the destruction of Satan’s organization. The people must
hearing of the truth: "Behold, the days come, saith choose between the leadership of men, such as reli-
the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land; gionists and evolutionigts, and the perfect guide, Je-
not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hovah, and his Word. Here the words of Joshua, who
hearing the words of the Lord."qAmos 8: 11. was a type of Christ Jesus, are appropriate: "And
°’ Therefore Jehovah God has risen up and sends if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you
forth his witnesses to carry his message of truth this day whomye will serve ; whether the gods which
from house to house to all those who hunger for the your fathers served that were on the other side of
truth, that they may have opportunity to hear and to the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land
find the way to life. The prophecy of Amos 8:11 is ye dwell; but as for me and my house, we will serve
now being fulfilled, and at the same time the prophecy the Lord." (Josh. 24: 15) Choose and follow the true
of Isaiah 28:21 is being fulfilled. Jehovah is doing Guide, and hve l


l;gf,~ O TO now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your Their place corresponded with the position of the cler~--
~ miseries that shall come upon you." To whomare
these words of the apostle James, at chapter five,
menof the big rehgious organizations of the present time,
which affords them ease, creature comforts, and muchpower
verse one, addressed ? Manifestly to those who are opposed among the people. As the Pharisees, compared w~th the
to the kingdomof righteousness, the ideal government, The commonpeople, were thus rich, likewise the clergymen of
Theocracy of Jehovah God by Christ Jesus. For long stu- the big religious organizations of the present time are rich.
dents of the Bible have considered the "rich men" as apply- They were "covetous" or "lovers of money". (Rotherham’s
ing to the banking interests of the world, notably Jewish translation) In them was the "root of all evil". (1 Tim.
bankers, but there seems to be another application, and that 6 : 10) Such was the condition of the Pharisees, and in this
from the ecclesiastical viewpoint. they pictured a class that occupy a similar potation mthese
While there are some men of .great material wealth "the last days" and that are described by the Scriptures
identified with the religionist systems of "Christendom", as being covetous and entirely unfaithful. (2 Tim. 3.1, 2)
and while it is true that some of these men have been in- The Pharisees, hearing the words of Jesus, attempted to
strumental in the operations and schemes working to the justify their position, and this they manifestly did that they
material detriment of their fellow men, it is still more true might hold the support of the commonpeople and continue
that there have been spiritual riches entrusted to the custody to enjoy without interruption their condition of ease and
of a class of mighty ones in the spiritual field who have comfort. Jesus, knowing their minds and hearing what they
used such to the great detriment and oppression of the had to say, answered their words of derision and sa~d to
followers of Christ Jesus. It is not probable that the ma- them: "Ye are they which justify yourselves before men,
ternally wealthy are the men exclusively referred to as but God knoweth your hearts; for that which is highly
"rich men". The above quoted words of the apostle James esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God "
apply specifically to the clergy, the leaders and mighty men --Luke 16 : 15.
of the so-called "church", both Cathohc and Protestant. In Their self-exaltation among men made them an abomi-
support thereof the following is cited. nation in the sight of God. Those religionists feared that
Addressing his disciples, and manifestly intending the men would not think so h~ghly of them as they desired,
near-by rehgious Pharisees to hear his speech, Jesus said: and, having a desire for the approval of men and fearing
"No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate to lose the same, they had been led into the snare of the
the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, Devil. (Prov. 29 : 25) They had becomereligionists and were
and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." therefore an abomination in the sight of God.
And the record adds: "And the Pharisees also, who were Jesus’ words thus identify the Pharisees and the modern-
covetous, heard all these things; and they derided him." day class that they picture as being the "rich man" m the
(Luke 16 ¯ 13, 14) Those words of Jesus galled the religious prophetic parable which Jesus forthwith delivered to his
Pharisees, because they understood that they were guilty disciples and in the presence of the Pharisees, to wit : "There
of the very things about which Jesus spoke. They had been was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and
and were unfaithful to Jehovah God and their covenant fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: and there
with Him. was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his
The Pharisees then occupied a position of great ease gate, full of sores, and desiring to be fed with the crumbs
and comfort as compared to what the commonpeople had. which fell from the rich man’s table: moreover the dogs
came and licked his sores. And it came to pass, that . . . a name. The rich man’s description fits the class above
the rich manalso died, and was buried; and in hell he lift mentioned. The RomanCatholic Hierarchy of control are
up his eyes, being in torments."--Luke 16:19-23. rich in this world’s goods literally, and they, together with
This parable had its small-scale or miniature fulfillment others who practice religion for temporary gain, enjoy
and application to the religionists of the Jewish people. many material riches of this world, and the plaudits and
The Jews, as a pe.ople, were in a covenant with God. They honor of men, and they have become high-minded and
were favored above all other peoples of the earth, because heady. They are, as 2 Timothy 3:1-5 describes them, the
God had said of them: "You only have I known of all the class arising in these evil days, being ’lovers of their own
families of the earth." (Amos 3:2) The chief men among selves, boasters, proud, blasphemers, covenant-breakers, de-
thc Jews were the clergy, particularly the Pharisees, who spisers of that which is good’, and they persecute those
were bound by the covenant to teach the people the com- who proclaim the Kingdom message. While claiming to
mandments of God and themselves to obey those command- serve God, they exhibit a godlike attitude but deny the
ments. The Pharisees having set before them the privileges power of godliness. They draw near to God with their
and blessings of the promised kingdom were in line to be mouth only, but take a course of action contrary to God’s
truly rich, conditioned upon their faithful obedience to commands. They follow the traditions of men, which they
God. As stated at Proverbs 10:22: "The blessing of the teach and by which they make the Word of God of none
Lord, it maketh rich." Instead of obeying God’s command- effect. (Isa. 29:9-13; Matt. 15:7-9) They are hypocrites
ments and in due time receiving the proper riches, they and an abomination in God’s sight. The deceitfulness of
preferred to receive the favor and the power and the worldly riches (that is, what this world can give) chokes
plaudits that might come to them by ruling over and dom- them off from the truth of God’s Word. (Luke 8: 14; Rom.
inating the people and receiving what the world might 3 : 1, 2) They are greedy and covetous, and love ease and the
bestow upon them. They were "high-minded" and "trusted approval of men, and therefore are blinded to God’s pur-
in uncertain riches". (1 Tim. 6: 9, 10, 17) Amongthe fa- pose.--Isa. 56 : 10-12.
vored Jews was Judas Iscariot. Jesus had chosen him as one Such ones class themselves as being rich, like the Laodi-
of his disciples and had assigned Judas to a responsible ceans, who say: "I am rich, and increased with goods, and
place in His company. Judas was in line for great heavenly have need of nothing." (Rev. 3:17) Concerning such reli-
riches, but he preferred to have things visible that might gionists, particularly the leaders that go to make up the
enrich him among men, and, falling into the snare of the great organization symbolized as "Babylon", it is written:
Devil, Judas betrayed his Master Christ Jesus, and Judas "Howmuchshe hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously,
was therefore named by Him as "the son of perdition". so much torment and sorrow give her."--Rev. 18:7.
--John 17 : 12. Jesus described the "rich man" as wearing purple. The
That which came to pass upon the Jews, particularly modern-day "rich man" is wealthy enough to buy royal
the religious element of that people, constituted types or robes. The rich manin the parable is described as wearing
prophetic patterns of larger things to come to pass in our fine linen, which, when applied to God’s faithful ones, is
day, and those things concerning the Jews were "written a symbol of the righteousness of saints. (Rev. 19: 8, 14)
for our admonition, upon whomthe ends of the world are The modern-day "rich man" is self-righteous, but does not
come". (1 Cor. 10: 6, 11) Those now opposed to Jehovah’s possess any of the righteousness of the saints. The "rich
Theocratic Government and yet falsely claiming to have man" class ignore the true riches of God: "For they being
God for their Father do collectively make up "the man of ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to estab-
sin", "the son of perdition." (2 Thess. 2: 1-3, Am.Rev. Vet.) lish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves
The "man of sin" and "son of perdition" of today is a com- unto the righteousness of God." (Rom. 10: 3) They have
posite body made up of men who are in an implied cove- looked to self and to self-interest, and continue to exalt
nant to do God’s will or in an actual covenant to do so. themselves and push aside the "other sheep" of the Lord,
Such "man of sin", "son of perdition," includes clergymen, as pictured by the beggar named Lazarus. They do nothing
the "elective elders" of congregations, and particularly to bring comfort to those who are poor and seeking the
those classed by the Lord Jesus as the "evil servant"; all way to life.
of whomconspire together to do injury to God’s Theocratic Further addressing them the apostle James says : "Your
organization and persecute his people. (See Matthew [claimed] riches are corrupted and your garments are
24:24, 48-50; 2 Thess. 2: 9.) All of that composite body moth-eaten." (5: 2) That there are two kinds of treasure
are the instrument of the Devil and opposed to God’s king- Jesus showed when he said: "Lay not up for yourselves
dom. All such are religionists and practice in some form treasures upon earth [tangible things, such as material
what is improperly labeled "the Christian religion". The wealth, or intangible things, such as the emoluments, hon-
clergy of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy take the lead ors, preferments of men, reputation, etc.l where moth and
amongsuch religionists and are given to bombastic claims, rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and
while others likewise boast and lay claim to that which steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven [treas-
they do not have, and all such render evil to Jehovah’s ures given by God, who is in heaven] where neither moth
faithful witnesses, and all are pictured by Judas and are nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break
all in one and the same class, their end being the same. through nor steal."--Matt. 6 : 19, 20.
Jesus describes the "rich man", but does not give his Opportunity was given to lay up the incorruptible
name. Probably that was due to the fact that the class pic- heavenly treasure, but the ecclesiastical systems, particu-
tured is made up of God’s enemies who are not worthy of larly the clergy class, have preferred the earthly treasure.
Ju~. 1, 1941 SeWATCHTOWEtL
They have spurned the invitation to walk humbly and the reaping time. The courts of the land are always open
faithfully in Jesus’ footsteps and, like him, be witnesses for to compel any defrauder to pay, and in most jurisdictions,
Jehovah, but have doted on great buildings, costly furnish- particularly in the United States, nothing is exempt from
ings, paid choirs, gorgeous robes, numerous followers whom execution to pay the wages duly earned by labor. But when
they count by the millions, great drives for money and the words of James are considered from the ecclesiastical
members, plaudits of men, political preferment, titles, viewpoint, the entire question is clarified. The great Master
sumptuous meals, ease and comfort. As described at Jere- said: "The field is the world." (Matt. 13:38) Whohave
miah 5: 26-31, they, to accomplish their purpose in laying claimed to be owners of the field? The clergy, the "rich
up the earthly riches, have preached falsely and have made men" themselves, by their conduct answer: ’We are pos-
themselves rulers by thg same fraudulent means ; they have sessed of all spiritual wisdom, and to us has been committed
grownfat, and they shine, and verily they have their reward. the responsibility of looking out for the spiritual welfare of
Jesus warned against the riches which "moth and rust the world. No one else is ordained to preach or teach. We
doth corrupt". To the "rich men" the apostle James says: are the watchman of the flock, and we alone are entitled
"Your riches are corrupted and your garments are moth- to the fleece. What the world needs is ~ORERELIGION !’
eaten." The word rendered corrupt means "putrefy, perish" But did these engage in the ’reaping’? No! Those who
(Strong’s Con.); and truly such riches are putrefied and have followed the exampleof the Lord Jesus and his apostles
are perishing. A moth-eaten garment is one full of holes, and have gone "from house to house" and called upon the
dmclosing nakedness. The official "robe of righteousness", people at their homes and offered to them the message of
symbolic of God’s approval, now covers the faithful rem- Jehovah’s Theocratic Governmentby Christ Jesus have been
nant of Jehovah’s anointed witnesses. (Isa. 61: 10) The the remnant of Jehovah’s witnesses and their faithful com-
religious clergy, assumingto wear that beautiful robe, have panions of good-will.--Matt. 10 : 12-14 ; Acts 20 : 20 ; 2 : 46
neglected the KingdOmrequirements, and now the cover- Were these "labourers" in the field entitled to any hire
ing of their own righteousness is moth-eaten and their or wage from the rulers in the religious systems? Yes, they
nakedness is exposed, nevertheless they boast of their riches. were; for the reason that these mighty men openly pre-
To such the Lord Jesus says: "Thou sayest, I am rich, and tended to be the representatives of the Lord Jesus and to be
increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and know- owners of the field. Does not Romans13 : 8 read : "Oweno
est not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor man any thing, but to love one another; for he that loveth
[spiritually], and blind, and naked."--Rev. 3:17. another hath fulfilled the law" ? Jesus specifically command-
Furthermore James 5 : 3 adds : "Your gold and silver is ed his followers to love one another even as he loved us.
cankered, and the rust of them shall be a witness against That would mean that each one who claims to be a Chris-
you." Canker is a corroding rust that is destructive. Now, tian owes it to his brother to love, encourage, comfort and
the rusting of literal gold and silver would be no cause of help him. The faithful laborers in the field expected to re-
God’s pronouncing a severe judgment against men. These ceive buffetings from the world; but they were justly en-
words "gold and silver" apply spiritually to the divine titled to receive from all whoprofessed faith in Christ the
truths committed into the custody of the church, truths wage of encouragement, comfort and love. Had the clergy
which the clergy by neglect and willful misrepresentation paid their hire or wage, many of the congregations would
have permitted to become pbscured as by corroding rust. have paid the laborers a like wage. But, says the apostle:
"The words of the Lord are pure words; as silver tried in ’You have by resort to fraudulent means kept back the just
a furnace of earth, purified seven times." (Ps. 12 : 6) "The wage of the reaper.’ And how did they do this ? By fraudu-
judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. lently representing to the peoples of "Christendom" that
More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than muchfine Jehovah’s witnesses were not ordained to preach and that
gold " (Ps. 19: 9, 10) The divine truths so brightly, beauti- they were ignorant, dishonest and vicious persons, yea, even
fully and wonderfully set forth in the Wordof God, the enemies to the peoples, and should be shunned and perse-
clergy have permitted to become covered with the canker cuted. Notwithstanding this, the loyal followers of the
and rust of traditions of men, higher criticism, evolution Master pushed on with their work in the field. Often tired,
and humanitarianism, until by reason thereof the divine weary and footsore, despised of men and mobbed and per-
truths are hidden from many honest minds who would have secuted, they toiled on, almost fainting. Manytimes when
heeded the truth had they been taught. a word of loving-kindness and encouragement would have
The apostle James adds that in the day of retribution helped, it was not forthcoming. The bitter tears of sorrow
"the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall often burned their cheeks; and they cried aloud, and, says
eat your flesh as it were fire". Silent, but potent, is the wit- the apostle, ’the cries of them are entered into the ears of
ness of the rust at this very hour. the Lord of heavenly armies,’ who bides his own time for
Then declares the Lord’s servant (James 5:3, 4): "Ye the day of reckoning.
have heaped treasure together for the last days. Behold, Turning again to the same class of "rich men", James
the hire of the labourers whohave reaped downyour fields, 5 : 5 says : "Yehave lived in pleasure on the earth, and been
which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth; and the cries wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of
of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the slaughter." This means they have practiced self-indulgence
Lord of Sabaoth [of armies]." To apply these words ex- to the reckless and utter disregard of other Christians, con-
clusively to the ownersof literal fields of grain seemshardly tinuing it even to the day of God’s vengeance. In terse
permissible. Manyare the farmers whoown their ownfields, language Isaiah 56:10 describes them, saying: "His watch-
and nowadays they pay liberal wages to those who aid in men are blind; they are all ignorant, they are all dumb

dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to To paraphrase: ’Judgment has begun at the house of God,
slumber. Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have and nowit shall shortly cometo you. Youhave lived selfish-
enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: ly, in utter disregard of the rights and welfare of the church
they all look to their ownway, every one for his gain, from of Christ. Youhave heaped up earthly riches, but these are
his quarter." now worthless, Your titles are empty and meaningless. The
This company, which the Lord calls hypocrites, the divine truths you have permitted to be covered and hid by
apostle (James 5:6) charges with a grave crime, saying: a corroding rust. Y, our nakedness is apparent before God
"Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not and man. You have defrauded the humble and faithful
resist you." Prior to the writing of this epistle by James laborers in the Lord’s witness work. You could not feed
the clergy of the Jews had caused the Lord Jesus to be God’s people, and you have conspired to prevent others
hanged on the tree on Calvary. Moved by the same wicked from doing so. All these things are witness against you, con-
designs, the wicked Edomite King Herod, the ancient proto- demningyou, and they shall eat your flesh as it were fire.’
type of the modern religious element among whom the In the 17th and 18th chapters of The Revelation the
RomanCatholic Hierarchy is chief, imprisoned and killed "Lord of Sabaoth [armies]" vividly describes the fall of
John the Baptist, a righteous man. John prophetically pic- these evil religious systems, to wit, antitypical Babylon, and
tured a class of faithful Christians who at the end of the the howling and weeping of the "rich men" thereof. Short-
world, where we now are, were, because of obedience and ly the people, enlightened as to the facts and motives of the
loyalty to the Lord God, temporarily restrained of liberty wicked religious system, will unite to complete her destruc-
and rendered useless during and for some time after the tion : "And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast,
World War period. "Killed" means rendered inactive, help- these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and
less, or useless. By the sword of war they "killed" the wit- naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. For
ness work in 1918, and also some of the witnesses, as sym- God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will." (Rev.
bolically pictured at Revelation 11:7-10. But yet more re- 17 : 16, 17) Then the "rich men" shall "weep and mourn",
cently than that, to wit, during the year 1940 and since, because the hour of retribution is at hand. (Rev. 18:11)
has occurred the worst persecution of Jehovah’s witnesses, Jehovah declares his determination to "rise up to the prey"
Christians, in the nation’s history, and at the instance of and pour out his indignation. (Zeph. 3: 8) The Lord Jesus
the religionists. declares that this expressed indignation of Jehovah at the
And what may we expect to follow shortly ? James 5:1 battle of Armageddon will be such as man has never be-
answers: ’Come now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your fore known,but it will be the last. (Matt. 24 : 21, 22) "Be
miseries which will soon be upon you.’ (Weymouth’strans.) patient therefore, brethren."---Jas. 5 : 7.


HE CHILD had not been born when the prophet
T Isaiah wrote: "For unto us a child is born, unto us
a son is given, and the government shall be upon his
and a life for a life. Such is the statement of the divine law,
at Exodus 21: 23, 24 and Deuteronomy 19 : 21. An angel
could not becomeman’s redeemer, because angels are greater
shoulder; and his name shall be called Wonderful Coun- than men and of a different form of life. "For thou hast
sellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince made him [man] a little lower than the angels."--Ps. 8.5.
of Peace. Of the increase of his governmentand peace there The term "incarnate" means to be invested with a body
shall be no end." (Isa. 9: 6, 7) The words he wrote applied of flesh, to be clothed with flesh. An incarnated creature
to a future time ; hence these words constituted a prophecy. would therefore be a spirit creature who is merely for the
Isaiah could not understand the full meaning or import of time being clothed with a human form, but is at the same
his own words, nor could any man prior to the giving of time in truth and in fact a spirit, and not a man. The in-
God’s holy spirit on the day of Pentecost following Jesus’ carnation theory is that Jesus, when he was on this earth,
resurrection. Isaiah did not know about that. Why, then, was a divine person who walked around in human body;
did he say, "Unto us a child is born"? Whomdid he mean and that it was only this humanbody that died. It is easy to
by "us"? Primarily he meant the natural house of Israel, be seen that an incarnated creature could not provide the
which house then constituted God’s chosen people, whom ransom price. The one who furnishes a "life for a life" in
God had selected and set aside for his own purposes. How- behalf of the right to life that Adamforfeited for his off-
ever, "Israel after the flesh" foreshadowedspiritual Israel, spring must be one that not only appears as a humancrea-
"the Israel of God," and Isaiah’s prophecy had reference ture perfect in organism, but that must really be a human
more to the latter. Although spoken as in the present tense creature and have the right to life as a human creature
as though pertaining to the time when Isaiah was serving He must exactly correspond with Adam before Adam
in the office of prophet, his words concerning the "child" sinned.
refer to some future time. The time must come when this The one that would provide the ransom price for such
prophecy should be fulfilled. of Adam’s offspring as would believe and obey must there-
In the exercise of his loving-kindness Jehovah God made fore be just exactly equal to the perfect Adam. For this
provision for the redemption of humankind by payment reason, as recorded at Psalm 49:7, upon earth there was
of a ransom. ’~Ransom" means "an exact corresponding none that could meet these requirements nor give to God
price"; that is to say, an eye for an eye~ a touth for a tooth, a ransom for man. But in due time God sent forth his Son,

"made of a woman," which means that he was "made flesh" of anyone else. The prophet then adds that He shall be
and dwelt among men. (Gal. 4:4; John 1: 14) Of course, called "Counsellor", which means that he would guide the
Jehovah God and his only-begotten Son, The Logos, or people aright, advise them and teach them to go in the
Word, were at all times higher than the angels; God is right way, and would lead them into life and happiness.
without beginning, and the Logos was the "beginning of Isaiah then adds that He would be called "The mighty
the creation of God" and the active agent of Jehovah God God". The Jews would thereby understand that their mag-
in the creation of all things that were created.--Jotm 1 : 1, 2. istrates before had been called "gods", or mighty ones (Ex
At Hebrews 2 : 9 it is written ¯ "But we see Jesus, who 22: 28, margin), but now this Child, when born, would be
was madea little lower than the angels, for the suffering of One who would receive all power and authority to act for
death, crowned with glory and honour : that he by the grace Godand in their behalf.
of Godshould taste death far every man." Of necessity the Then the prophet also says that He shall be known as
one providing the redemption for mankind must be a man, "The everlasting Father". The term "father" means "giver
not more nor less; otherwise he could not be an exact corre- of life". Those understanding this prophecy would know
sponding price That Jesus was a man is further testified that this mighty One would be clothed with power and au-
to by the apostle, at 1 Timothy 2:5, 6: "For there is one thority to grant life everlasting to those who would obey
God, and one mediator between God and men, the ~tAN In harmony with this Jesus afterwards said: "This is hfe
Christ Jesus ; whogave himself a ransomfor all, to be testi- eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and
fied in due time." Jesus Christ, whomthou hast sent." (John 17:3) Further,
To provide the ransom price such man must be with- the prophet adds that He shall be known as "the Prince
out sin. But how could he be without sin if brought forth of Peace". The word "prince" means "governor" or "lord".
from an imperfect woman?The answer is that Jesus was This mighty One, then, is to be the rightful governor of
not begotten of imperfect man, but begotten in the womb the earth. "Unto him shall the gathering of the people be"
of Mary by the power’of Jehovah. (Matt. 1: 18) Hence (Gen. 49: 10), and under his righteous reign peace shall
was born holy, complete, harmless, without sin or iniquity, be established and never end.--Ps. 72 : 7.
or otherwise imperfect. The birth of this wonderful Child It was a great privilege enjoyed by Isaiah to be per-
was necessary in order for God to fulfill his promise con- mitted to foretell the birth of the Redeemer and earth’s
cerning man’s redemption. It was necessary for that Child rightful Governor. Had he been able then to comprehend
to be born perfect and grow to manhood’s estate in order the full import of his own words he would doubtless have
that he might be the Redeemer. The hope of man for life been overwhelmed with joy. Even greater than his was the
is entirely dependent upon this great and wonderful event. privilege of the angels to announce the birth of this mighty
Without the birth of the perfect One the ransom sacrifice One. The apostle Peter clearly intimates that the angels
could not have been given. themselves did not understand the full meaning of the
Jesus was born a Jew. The Jews had tried to establish birth of Jesus. (1 Pet. 1: 12) But they knew it was the out-
a desirable government, but had failed. For a long time working of God’s purpose for the vindication of his name
they were in bondage to other rulers. God had promised by and in behalf of mankind, and probably understood it was
the prophets that a Messiah or Anointed King, the Christ, the beginning of the fulfillment of the prophecy uttered
should come. The Jews were anxious for the coming of the by Isaiah. What they did know thrilled their hearts with
promised Messiah that they might be relieved of their bur- joy and they sang praises to Jehovah God: "Glory m the
dens. They knew nothing about the necessity for a ransom highest unto God! and on earth peace, among men of good-
sacrifice. Isaiah the prophet prophesied therefore, saying: will." It was a still greater privilege which Jesus’ disciples
"Unto us [Jews, and afterward to believing Gentiles] a enjoyed by being permitted to walk with him and for three
child is born, unto us a son is given." This Child nowborn, and a half years talk with him and hear the gracious words
being the Son of God, was therefore perfect and able to do that fell from his lips. They greatly rejmccd when they
the will of God perfectly. God clothed him with power to learned he was the Messiah and the Redeemer.
save to the uttermost. But now a much greater favor is conferred upon those
The prophet Isaiah says further: "And the government who are truly consecrated to Jehovah God m being per-
shall be upon his shoulder." Thus he states that the mighty mitted to know that this great and mighty One has taken
One would bear up the government; and then, in other parts his power and begun his reign, and in being permitted at
of his prophecy, Isaiah proceeds to tell the Jews and all who this time as Jehovah’s witnesses not only to speak of his
would hear and believe that this mighty One not only would birth but to tell forth the goodness of Jehovah God by
be the Governor but would rule in righteousness and bring Christ Jesus and that it is nowthe t~me for the beginning
blessings to the people. of the fulfillment of the prophecy which in God’s due t~me
The Jews looked upon Moses as a great leader, upon will result in the complete establishment of peace on earth
David as a great king, and upon Solomonas the wisest man to men of good-will.
of all time; but now, says Isaiah the prophet unto them Blessed is the privilege of all whoare witnesses for Je-
concerning this Child about whom,he prophesied, "his hovah God now! As these now look upon the works of Jeho-
name shall be called Wonderful," meaning thereby that vah and his beloved Son and know that Chmst Jesus is
his name would become marvelous, that he would be a work- .earth’s rightful Governor and has taken his power and be-
er of miracles, and especially that he would vindicate his gun his reign, they lif~ up their voices in song, saying.
Father’s name and that his fame would spread throughout "lJreat and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty ;
the whole universe and his greatness would far exceed that just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints."-Rev. 15 : 3.
A BACK-CALL IN BODENHAM, ENGLAND Crooksville, Ohio: "A few days after I was invited by
"When calling to keep this appointment I was gladly the local Methodist minister to address the Perry County
received by the household consisting of a youth of eighteen Ministerial Association: they wanted the facts concerning
years and his parents. Part of the lecture ’Government and our work and the persecution and wanted this information
Peace’ was played, which they enjoyed, and I left prom- from one 5f Jehovah’s witnesses so as to get it right. We
ising to return the following week to let them hear the re- met at the Methodist church March 17. Five ministers were
mainder. The following week, after listening to the re- present; some were ill and could not come. The chairman
mainder, the boy eagerly inquired how he could become an opened the meeting and prayed they would have no malice
ambassador of the King Christ Jesus. I explained. The or prejudice. It was explained to them that Jehovah’s wit-
following week-end he was engaged in the field work, pub- nesses began with Abel, etc. This, with all the Scripture
lishing the Kingdom.Gradually I learned how these people citations, consumed about an hour. Then they wanted to ask
had taken their stand for Jehovah, resulting in being sep- some questions. The Presbyterian minister wanted to know
arated from their children. I was shown a news cutting of if we thought none of the church organizations were preach-
seven years ago, which read: ing this Kingdom. Someone asked how we kept our mem-
bership, that is, how we listed our members. Jehovah keeps
’ATTENDANCE ORDERS IGNORED -- In a school-attendance
his own book of life : "You have manynames on your church
case at Ledbury Police Court on Thursday, it was stated roll, many of whomare worthless and are not recorded in
that the defendant --, of Suffield, Bosbury, England, had God’s book of life, while a great number are, no doubt,
ignored two attendance orders made in respect of his son written in heaven who are not on your books.’ To which the
Edward (11) and daughter Linda (9). The bench Presbyterian replied: ’I am inclined to believe that all
journed the case in respect of the girl, but the boy was sent
right.’ The others laughingly agreed. Then they asked why
to an industrial school until he is 16. This, the chairman re- we did not try to convert the heathen, and not bother their
marked, was in the interest of the child.’ members. They wanted to know how Judge Rutherford
A few months ago the boy was reunited with his parents; came to be head of the WATCH TOWER. They expressed them-
so far the girl has not been reconciled to her parents. selves as being for us in’ our right to preach the Bible as
"These good people explained that the only reason the we understood it. They all took the booklet Theocracy, some
children had been taken away was because of acquiring almost eagerly."
the books The Harp of God, Creatwn, and Government,
which explained the Scriptures and the way they ought to IN BOMB-STRUCK BIRMINGHAM
go Such came in conflict with the school teachings, and "I called upon this young man in accordance ~ ith your
the mother paid many an anxious visit to the teachers on letter. I took along ’Government and Peace’ and also some
this account. The outcome was that Edward and Linda books and magazines. He and his parents listened with rap~
stayed away from school. An order was made against their attention and expressed approval. I left three Watchtowers
parents. Two fines were paid. This did not satisfy the and two booklets with him. WhenI menfi, med the witness
authorities. The day came when the children were literally work he reaffirmed his desire to %ecomean agent’. I ar-
torn from their parents, leaving the mother heartbroken. ranged to see him the following Saturday. He turned up,
Now, seven years later, these parents have attended their having read the literature I left with him, and he accom-
fi:st Watchtower study, the article under discussion ’Per. panied me on the work for two hours. He expressed his
sccution’. They maintained faith that all things eventually delight in doing such work and was keen to turn up to meet-
work together for good to the glory and honor of the great ing next day. He has promised to take part in a campaign
Creator, and now their son has been reunited with them and next Saturday. Up to last Sunday he had been a regular
1~ fully determined to continue his fight for The Theocracy. churchgoer and communicant. After hearing ’Government
The~e three honest hearts now contemplate being immersed and Peace’ he said: ’So it’s a mockeryto go to church v !
by water, thus setting the seal upon their consecration to said, ’Yes.’ So he said : ’I’m going no more !’"
the almighty heavenly Father."
"This was especially made manifest c]uring the Decem-
Roanoke, Va. : "To one of the supposed leading clergy-
ber ’Courage’ Testimony Period, when a ne~, peak of 164
men: ’Good morning, Reverend ~!’ Harshly: ’Good Theocracy publishers was attained, the previous highest
morning~’ ’This is one of Jehovah’s witnesses presenting being 140. Having in mind that the Bristol stock of book-
you the news concerning The Theocracy.’ Throwing up his lets was destroyed along with its KingdomHall only one
hands in horror: ’I don’t want it. I do not want Jehovah week before the campaign started, and that the city ex-
to be myGod. I have intelligence enough to read myBible perienced a number of major blitzes during the month, re-
and get to heaven. I do not want you to bring me any suiting in laying waste by fire and high explosive the shop-
pamphlet. I do not want your human-madestuff’--shutting ping districts and to some extent manyhousing estates, the
the door with a bang. I have met him in several homesdaily fact that the quota of ten sets of booklets per publisher was
and he knew who I was." exceeded speaks well of the courage, zeal and unity nox~
San Diego, Calif. : "I had two ministers to call on with existing amongthe brethren in these last days. The cam-
Theocracy and God and the State. The Adventist accepted paign was certainly a joy to all, resulting in a distribution
his with a smile. The Methodist said: ’You had better keep of about 20,000 booklets by the Bristol company and the
them. I knowall about that and want nothing to do with it.’" Pioneer Home."
r shallknow
thatI am
JUNE 15, 1941
Man’s Obligation 179
People for H~s Name l,~O
Covenant by Sacrifice 1~1
Ihs Wztnesses . 1,~1
Ordained 182
Obey Whom? .. 1~2
Covenant-Breakers 183
Covenant-Keepers 184
Fear God .. 184
By Sacrifice 1 $5
WHOIS GoG? ... 190
TESTIMONY PERIOD .......... 178
VACATION ............... 178
P~msm~ Sz-n~om.-,.y B~ ITS MISSION
HIS Journal ~ published for the purpose of enabling the
117 Adams Sf.regt ..
Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A.
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically de-
OFFICERS signedto aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all peopleof good wilL
J. F. RUTmmFORD,President W.E. VANAZ~URO"-’,Beorftary Itarranges systematic Biblestudyforitsreaders andtheSociety
"And all thy children shM1 be ~aueht of Jehovah; and suppUes otherliterature to aidinsuchstudies. It publishessuit-
ablematerial forradiobroadcasting andforothermeansof public
ereat shall be the pence of thy children." -lsaiah 54:z3. instruction In the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH Itadheres strictly to theBibleasauthority, forIts utterances.
THAT JEHOVAHis the only true God, is from everlasting to It is entirely treeandseparate fromallreligion, parties,sects
everlasting,theMakerof heavenand earthandthe Giverof life or otherworldly organizations.It is whollyandwithout reserva-
tion for the kingdomof JehovahGod underChristhis beloved
tohiscreatures ; thattheLogeswasthebeginning ofhiscreation,King.It is notdogmatic, butInvites careful andcritical examina-
andhlsactiveagentinthecreation o£ allthings; thattheLoges tionof itscontents inthelightoftheScriptures. ItdoesnotIn-
is nowthe LordJesusChristin glory,clothed withallpowerin
heavenand earth,and the ChiefExecutive Officerof Jehovah. dulgeIncontroversy, andItscolumns arenotopentopersonalities.
THAT GOD createdthe earthfor man, createdperfectman yEARLy SUBSCRIPTION Pmcm
for the earthand placedhlm uponIt; that man willfully dis-
obeyedGod’slaw andwas sentenced to death;thatby reasonof UNITED ~T£TES, $1.00; CANADAAND MISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN, $1.50;
Adam’swrongactall menare bornsinners and without the right GggA~
should be made by Postal or Express Money Order or by Bank
tolife. Draft. Canadian, British, South African and Australasian remittances
should be made direct to the respective branch offices. Remittances from
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countries other than those mentioned may be made to the Brooklyn office,
deathin orderto producethe ransomor redemptive pricefor but by International Postal Money Order only.
obedientonesof mankind; that God raisedup Jesusdlvtneand
exalted him to heavenaboveeverycreature andaboveeveryname Fogt’reN OFFXCgS
and clothed himwithaLlpowerand authority. Br~lsh............................ 34 Craven Terrace, London, W.2, England
THAT JEHOVAH’SORGANIZATION is a TheocracycalledZion, Oanadia~ ......................... 40 Irwin Avenue,Toronto5, Ontario,Canada
andthatChrist Jesusis theChiefOfficer thereofandistheright- Australas~a~........... 7 BeresfordRoad,Strathfleld. N. S. W.,Australia
fulKingoftheworld; thattheanointed andfalth~l followersof Bouth Airless Pleaseaddre~ the Boston House, Cape Town,South Air/ca
Society In every case.
ChristJesusarechildren of Zion,members
of Jehovah’s organiza-
tion,andarehiswitnesses whosedutyandprivilegeitisto testify
to thesupremacy of Jehovah, declarehispurposes towardmankind
as expressed in the Bible,andto bearthefruitsof thekingdom
THAT THE WORLD has ended,and the Lord Jesus Christhas
beenplacedby Jehovah uponhis throneof authority, All sincere students of the Bible who by reason of infirmity,
has ousted adversity poverty or
are unable to pay the subscrlption price may have Ths Watch-
Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the establiahment of tower free upon written application to the publishers, made once each
God’s kingdom on earth. year. stating the reason for so requesting it. We are glad to thus aid the
needy, but the written application once each year Ls requ/red by the
postal regulations.
THATTHE RELIEFand blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, which Notice to Subscriber#: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the destruction scription will be sent only when requested. Change of address, when
requested, may be expected to appear on address label within one month
of Satan’s organization and the establishment of righteousness in A renewal blank (carrylngnotlce of expiration) will be sent with the
the earth, and that under the kingdomthe people of good will that Journal one month before the subscription expires.
survive Armageddonshall carry out the divine mandate to "fill
Entered as ~oond-cl~: matter at the post oIAce at Brooklyn, N. Y.,
the earth" with a righteous race.
~nder the Act o] March 3, 1879.


June, for the entire month, is the Period here named. Are you The membersof the Bethelfamilywillenjoytheirvacation
a Theocratic ambassadorT You can be, if you take your stand on this year from Saturday,August2, to Wednesday, August20,
the side of Jehovah’s Theocratic Governmentby Christ Jesus and inclusive.Thiswillaffordthema changefromtheirregular work
then engage in announcing that government to others. The June at headquartem
and theopportunity fora largerpartin the in-
Permd affords you the opportunity to exercise your ambassador- creasingfieldwork.Thefactory and offerswillbe closeddown
ship. The means provided by the great Theocrat, who sends you duringthisperiod, andno bookswillbe shippednorregularmail
forth, is his published Kingdommessage, and, during June only, answered.
Henceallorders forliteratureshould
be sentin wellin
you may offer to the public, on a mere contribution of 35c, a eom- advanceof August2 to receiveattention beforeclosingdown.
binatmn of any three bound books published by the Society, ex- Orderin sufficmnt quantityto carryyou throughthe vacation
eluding the latest books, Religion and Salvation. Prompt advance periodand therestof August. Alsoas littlecorrespondence as
preparation will be necessary to your most effective part in this possibleshouldbe sentto theSociety, withtheexesptmn of re-
Testimony. Any needed references to the local company organ- portcard~andsubsoription~
ized for this service we shah gladly furnish you. May you be
able at the end of this monthto fill out a good report of work. "WATCHTOWER"STUDIES
OPPORTUNITY FOR SERVICE Weekof July 20 : "Covenant Obligations,"
The Society may require the servies of q,,atifled brethren be- 1~ 1-29 inehl~ve, The Watchtower June 15, 1941.
tween the ages of 36 and 50. If you are ¢r~ to engage in fall-time
service please write the Society’s office at Brooklyn for a ques- Weekof July 27 : "Covenant Obligations,"
tionnaire. ¶ ~0-50 inclusive, The Watchtower June 15, 1941.
VOL. LXII JUNE15, 1941 No. 12

"’My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips."--Ps. 89: 34.

EHOVAH,the Almighty God, has announced his and completely. Concerning this it is written : "Thou
J purpose concerning man and has caused that an-
nounced purpose to be recorded in the Bible,
hast mag’nified thy word above all thy name."--Ps.
138: 2.
which is his Word. Jehovah’s expressed purpose ’ As Isaac, in the prophetic picture, foreshadowed
concerning man constitutes or is God’s covenant Christ, the Beloved One of God, so also David, in
concerning man. A "covenant" is a binding promise, another prophetic picture, represented the Beloved
or a declaration of purpose, to do or not to do a cer- of Jehovah God, who is Christ and who is the Seed
tain thing. When God makes a covenant he binds of promise. Jehovah’s covenant to bless men under
himself to keep it faithfully. WhenGod made known certain conditions is an unbreakable promise and
to Abrahamhis purpose to bless obedient men, that is certain. As God has made the sun to shine, just
declaration constituted God’s covenant. In the great so certainly will he carry out and fully perform all
and prophetic picture which God caused to be en- the terms of that covenant to make Christ Jesus
acted by Abraham and his son Isaac, Abraham pic- the Head of The THEOCRATIC GOVERNI~IENT, from
tured God himself and Isaac pictured the beloved which all blessings shall flow to obedient human
Son of God, the Seed of promise. On that occasion creatures. Note that Jehovah says concerning this
Jehovah Godsaid : "I will richly bless thee, and abun- covenant: "My mercy will I keep for him for ever-
dantly multiply thy seed as the stars of the heavens, more, and my covenant shall stand fast with him.
and as the sand which is on the lip of the sea, that My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing
thy seed maytake possession of the gate of his foes: that is gone out of mylips."--Ps. 89: 28, 34.
so shall all the nations of the earth bless themselves In the exercise of his loving-kindness toward
in thy seed."--Gen. 22:17, 18, Rotherham. men Jehovah has doubly assured man of his pur-
’ The above-quoted statement of Jehovah is prop- pose to fully perform His covenant. Not only does
erly called "God’s covenant with Abraham". The he give his word, but he supports and binds his
statement, being an unconditional one, is properly word by his oath. To Abraham he said: ’By myself
called a unilateral or one-sided covenant. Nothing have I sworn, In thy seed shall all the nations be
that any creature can do would hinder Jehovah God blessed.’ (Gen. 22:16-18) ’%Vherein God, willing
in carrying out his announced purpose. Every ex- more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of prom-
pressed purpose of Jehovah concerning man is a ise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by
covenant of Almighty God, which covenant He per- an oath; that by two immutable things, in which it
forms in his own due time. If God takes a man into was impossible for God to lie, we might have a
covenant with him, that is called a two-sided or bi- strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay
lateral covenant. The obligation rests upon both par- hold upon the hope set before us." (Heb. 6:17, 18)
ties to the covenant to carry that covenant into com- When a man is taken into covenant with Jehovah
plete operation according to its terms. God there is left no room or reason for that man
Jehovah God binds himself to perform all his to have any doubt about God’s carrying out His
covenants. His announced word of promise is always part of the covenant.
the truth, and he always keeps or performs his word.
Therefore Jehovah says: "I have purposed it, I will MAN’SOBLIGATION
also do it." (Isa. 46: 11) "So shall my word be that ° Almighty God makes it impossible for his side
goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return of the covenant to fail. Can a man who has been
unto me void; but it shall accomplish that which I taken into a covenant with God treat his obliga-
please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I tions under that covenant lightly and violate them
sent it." (Isa. 55 : 11) At all times Jehovah has mag- or break them with impunity? God’s Word answers :
nified his word, keeping or performing it faithfully "Covenant breakers.., are worthy of death." (Rom.
1: 31, 32) Jehovah made this matter plain to the primary purpose is the vindication of his own great
Israelites, with whom he had made a covenant. name; not for his own benefit, but in order that his
What God there announced to the Israelites is his creatures who desire righteousness may choose the
unchangeable law, and which applies to all people way of righteousness and live, to the honor of the
who willfully break covenant with God: "Know great Creator. His announced purpose is to accom-
therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the plish his will by and through Christ Jesus, his be-
faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy loved Son, whom God has made Christ and Lord
with them that love him and keep his command- and Executive Officer, and to whomhe commits all
ments, to a thousand generations ; and repayeth them power in heaven and in earth and whom he com-
that hate him to their face, to destroy them: he will missions to carry out his purpose.
not be slack to him that hateth him, he will repay 1~ Following the rebellion in Eden God announced
him to his face. Thou shalt therefore keep the com- his purpose to have a seed, designated in the Scrip-
mandments, and the statutes, and the judgments, tures as "the seed of Abraham", which is The Christ,
which I commandthee this day, to do them,"mDeut. and which seed shall administer blessings to obedi-
7: 9-11. ent men.--Gal. 3 : 16, 28, 29.
’ God is faithful in all things he has promised, 1, Immediately following the wicked act of Lucifer
and he requires faithfulness of all those who under- at Eden God declared his purpose to ’put enmity
take to perform an agreement or covenant with him. between the seed of His woman(His organization)
and the seed of Satan’, and further stated that the
WITH WHOM MADE Seed of God’s organization would in due time com-
a The purpose of Jehovah is a secret to sinful men. pletely crush Satan and his seed and vindicate Jeho-
Since each announced purpose of Jehovah is a se- vah’s name. That declaration was an unalterable
cret, his covenant is a secret to all who are against covenant of Jehovah, which covenant Christ Jesus
THET~EOCRACY. What, then, is required of man be- is now carrying into full operation. From Eden till
fore he can be taken into covenant with Jehovah? the present time enmity between God’s organization
He must fear God. He must believe that God is, and and the seed of Satsn~ that is, the Devil’s organiza-
that He is the rewarder of them that diligently seek tion, is made manifest. That enmity will end only
to serve him. That man must have some knowledge by the complete triumph of the Seed of Abraham
that the Almighty God is Jehovah, the Creator of and the vindication of Jehovah’s name.
heaven and earth, the Fountain of life, and the only
Giver of life everlasting. He then recognizes Jeho-
vah as the all-powerful one who is just and right- 13 God announced his purpose to have his name
eous, and who is entirely unselfish. Believing that declared throughout all the earth before he exer-
all blessings flow from Almighty God, the creature cises his power in the destruction of Satan’s organ-
man fears to take any course that would cause him ization. (Ex. 9: 16) To have witnesses in the earth
to miss the blessings that God gives. He believes to declare his name was God’s announced purpose;
that disobedience to God would cause him to lose and therefore it is written: ’God first visited to take
God’s favor, and he fears lest he might not receive out of the nations a people for his name . . . t]lat
God’s favor. He desires to be taught of God, that the residue of men might seek out the Lord, and
he may go in the right way. He believes he must all the nations upon whommy name is called.’ (Acts
choose to be for Jehovah or against him, and he 15: 14-17, Rotherham) All of which was God’s pur-
fears to choose contrary to the will of God. Con- pose known unto him from the beginning; and like-
cerning such person Jehovah says: "What man is wise the end was known. (Acts 15:18) That cove-
he that feareth the Lord? him shall he teach in the nant of Jehovah is everlasting and unchangeable.
way that he shall choose."--Ps. 25: 12. All of God’s covenants are everlasting, and are not
The man who fears God, and who with diligence subject to change, because God does not change.--
seeks to know and to do the will of God, is led in Mal. 3 : 6.
the right way. Such person begins to have faith;
and without faith it is impossible to please God and
to receive his blessing. Would man know the pur- ~ The people whom God takes out of the nations
pose of Jehovah? How may he find out that pur- for his name are his covenant people. They are taken
pose? The Lord answers: "The secret of the Lord into the covenant with God. They being taken out
is with them that fear him; and he will shew them from the nations, God makes them separate and dis-
his covenant."--Ps. 25.’14. tinct from all other peoples of the world. They are
’° The man fearing God, diligently seeking the a people for a purpose, that is to say, for God’s pur-
truth, God reveals to that man his purpose. God’s pose, that they must bear testimony to his name,
JU~E 15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWE 181

represent him, and show forth his praises. He has That is a covenant by sacrifice. Those who make a
called them out of darkness into the light, and they covenant by sacrifice with Jehovah choose to follow
must makeknownhis light and name. (1 Pet. 2 : 9,10) in the footsteps of Christ Jesus, and they thereby
Almighty God selects that covenant people for him- agree to sacrifice every right and privilege that
self, and he selects them for the primary purpose would conflict with Jehovah’s purpose. Since the se-
of bearing testimony to his name, and thereafter lection of the faithful apostles of Jesus Christ and
the life of each one thus taken into the covenant their anointing at Pentecost till now many persons
depends upon his faithful performance of all obli- have agreed to do the will of God, and have made
gations of his covenant by being obedient to the a covenant by sacrifice. Those whomGod has chosen
commandments of Almighty God. There is no ex- for himself are those who have faithfully kept cove-
cuse for him to alter his part of the covenant nor nant with him. With the coming of the Lord Jesus
to fail to perform fully every part thereof. and his enthronement as King, in 1914, Jehovah
1, God’s manner of taking out people for his name gives commandment in these words: "Gather my
is, in brief, this: He has brought each and every saints together unto me; those that have made a
one of them to a realization that Almighty God is covenant with me by sacrifice."--Ps. 50:5.
Jehovah, and that Christ Jesus is man’s redeemer 1, The Lord Jesus Christ gathers unto himself at
by the grace of God. Each one who believes these the temple those who have made a covenant with
great truths and who has godly fear, the Lord leads Jehovah by sacrifice. The temple judgment begin-
into the light of truth and reveals to such his pur- ning in 1918 has made manifest those who have
pose or covenant. Thus God draws the seekers of shown their faithfulness and devotion to God and
truth to Christ Jesus, whose precious blood bought his kingdom, and this covenant people of Jehovah
all men who obey him. "No man can come to me, he has anointed and sent forth that they might
except the Father which hath sent me draw him; "offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness",
and I will raise him up at the last day." (John 6 : 44) which offering in righteousness is the praise of Je-
That sincere man, seeking the way to life, seeks to hovah God and the testimony to his name by devot-
know God, and to him the wnrds of Jesus apply: ing themselves faithfully in obedience to his com-
"I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no man mandment to preach this gospel of the Kingdom.
cometh unto the Father but by me." (John 14: 6) (Mal. 3: 3; Heb. 13: 15) The covenant obligations
The seeker for truth and life must therefore walk of each one thus taken into the covenant require
in the way that Jesus takes, and hence must be obe- faithfulness in proclaiming the name and the king-
dient to God’s expressed will. (1 Pet. 2: 21) Mark dom of Jehovah. They are truly ministers or preach-
then the way of Jesus. ers of this gospel.
le Beginning with the coming of Jesus into the
world, it is written, he said unto Jehovah God his HIS WITNESSES
Father: ’%0, I come . . . to do thy will, O God." ~o Jehovah God takes out from the nations a peo-
(Heb. 10: 7) "Then said I, Lo, I come; in the volumeple for himself; which means that those thus taken
of the book it is written of me, I delight to do thy out are to be used and must be used for his purpose.
will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.
His purpose is that his name shall be proclaimed
I have preached righteousness in the great congre-
throughout the nations before Armageddon and such
gation: lo, I have not refrained my lips, O LORD,
proclamation must be made by those whom God has
thou knowest."--Ps. 40 : 7-9.
1, Each and every one who is taken out of the selected. They must tell the people that Jehovah is
the only true and almighty God and that Christ Je-
world for the name of Jehovah and taken into the sus is the King of The THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT,
covenant with Jehovah must likewise agree to do and that such government is the only hope for peace
and delight to do the will of God. He makes such and life of the people. To that people thus taken
solemn agreement to do God’s will and thus he obli- out, who are in the covenant, Jehovah says: "Ye
gates himself to perform his covenant. That cove- are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant
nant or agreement binds him unalterably to be obe- whomI have chosen; that ye may know and believe
dient to the commandments of God as set forth in me, and understand that I am he; before me there
his Word. was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.
I, even I, am the LORD;and beside me there is no
COVENANT BY SACRIFICE saviour. I have declared, and have saved, and I have
18 All persons who fully agree to do the will of shewed, when there was no strange god among you;
God and who are selected by Jehovah and taken therefore ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, that
out of the nations to 5e a witness to Jehovah’s name I am God." (Isa. 43 : 10-12) AmongJehovah’s faith-
are thus taken into the covenant with Jehovah God. ful people there are’no strange gods, either of men

or of angels. The faithful are devoted wholly to Je- "This testimony to the name of Jehovah and to
hovah, the only true and almighty God. his THEOCRATIC GOVER~.~E~Tmust be given by his
,1 The nations of the world act by and through ordained ministers immediately preceding the time
their governing elements, claiming the right to rule of great tribulation, which is Armageddon. (Matt.
even though Christ Jesus the King has come. Those 24:21) There is no distinction between male and
who are of Satan’s organization and under his dom- female (Gal. 3: 28), but all who are chosen of God
inating power are by Satan blinded to the truth. and taken into a covenant with him and sent forth
Hence they insist on ruling the earth contrary to are ordained ministers to preach this gospel of the
the will of God. Regardless of whether or not they great THE0CaACY. No earthly power has any author-
are sincere in their conclusions, they are in dark- ity to set aside this high ordination and commission.
ness as to God’s purpose. They have no knowledge The WATCHTOWERBIBLE AnD TRACTSOCIETY, an
or appreciation of his covenant. They have natural organization acting in behalf of and with Jehovah’s
eyes and ears, but they cannot see and cannot hear, witnesses in order to do things orderly and carry
and do not give heed to the Word of God, and they on the work in an organized and orderly manner,
have no vision of his purpose. Concerning them sends out such witnesses, and thus an earthly ordi-
Jehovah says: "Bring forth the blind people that nation is provided, but that is always subject to the
have eyes, and the deaf that have ears. Let all the ordination of the Almighty God. Such persons are
nations be gathered together, and let the people be the true representatives of the Lord and the true
assembled; who among them can declare this, and ministers of God on earth.
shew us former things? let them bring forth their ,o It is the express will of God that his covenant
witnesses, that they may be justified; or let them people are and must ever be separate and distinct
hear, and say, It is truth."--Isa. 43:8, 9. from the world, that is, from the things and from
** The time of climax has come, and now those the powers that attempt to rule this evil world. To
who are devoted to Jehovah, and who therefore are such the Lord says: ’Ye are not of the world, even
his covenant people, must obey his commandments as I am not of the world.’ (John 15: 18, 19) Jesus
and boldly and fearlessly declare his name and his is the Faithful and True Witness of Jehovah; and
kingdom throughout the land. all his followers,.~ken out from the nations for
Jehovah’s name, must likewise be faithful and true
ORDAINED witnesses to the name and kingdom of God and there-
" All of the covenant people, whomJehovah has fore must keep themselves unspotted or separate
taken out for his name and sent forth as his wit- from the world.--Jas. 1 : 27.
nesses, the Almighty God by his spirit has ordained
or commissioned to proclaim his name and his king-
dom. God has made them preachers or ministers of "All the nations of the present world are against
the gospel. Such are duly ordained ministers ap- THE THEOCRACY. There are amongst the nations of
pointed and commissioned by the highest authority, earth two mighty factions which claim the right to
regardless of what men may do, say or think. These rule, and both of which are against the rule of the
are tile words of ordination, commission and author- world by Christ Jesus, who is Jehovah’s King, hold-
ity, which God has caused to be recorded for such ing full authority. The covenant people of God are
covenant people: "The spirit of the Lord God is on his side and entirely devoted to his purpose, and
upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to therefore must be and are at all times neutral in all
preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me things of controversy between the nations of this
to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to evil world. If the nations of this world see fit to en-
the captives, and the opening of the prison to them gage in war, that is for the nations themselves to
that are bound; to proclaim the acceptable year of determine and it is their responsibility. With such
the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to wars the covenant people of God have nothing to
comfort all that mourn."--Isa. 61:1, 2. do, and in obedience to God’s commandment these
*’ Christ Jesus, the great Judge at the temple, as must remain neutral, separate and apart. They must
Jehovah’s Executive Officer, sends forth such or- hold themselves aloof from all such wars and con-
dained ministers with the order and commandthat troversies and devote themselves to the service of
they must declare the good news or gospel that the the great THEOCRACY. The reason for such neutrality
kingdom of Jehovah is here and that his kingdom is discussed more fully and at length in The Watch-
is the only hope of humankind. Therefore Jesus tower 1939, pages 323-333.
commands: "And this gospel of the kingdom shall "When the law of men, made by nations of the
be preached in all the world for a witness unto all earth and put into force, commands the doing of
nations ; and then shall the end come."--Matt. 24: 14. that which is directly in conflict with the command-
JV~E15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWER. 183

ments of Jehovah God addressed to his covenant selves separate and distinct from all the nations
people, what is the position of Jehovah’s covenant that indulged in demonism or religious service of
people with reference thereto? The apostles of Je- the demon gods, declaring unto them that serving
sus Christ, Peter, John and others, were sent forth such gods "will be a snare unto thee". (Deut. 7 : 16)
to preach and to represent The nation of Israel was duty-bound to faithfully
Tm~ T~Eoc~cY, and,
being in a covenant with Jehovah God and there- keep and perform the terms of that covenant. They
fore governed strictly by the will of God, answered failed to do so. They broke their covenant. "They
the foregoing question, and which answer is the one kept not the covenant of God, and refused to walk
given by all of God’s covenant people to like ques- in his law. For their heart was not right with him,
tions. That answer is : "Weought to obey God rather neither were they stedfast in his covenant. For they
than men." (Acts 5: 29) "But Peter and John an- provoked him to anger with their high places, and
swered and said unto them, Whether it be right in moved him to jealousy with their graven images."
the sight of God to hearken unto you more than (Ps. 78: 10, 37, 58) "And they served their idols;
unto God, judge ye." (Acts 4: 19) One’s obligations which were a snare unto them." (Ps. 106: 36) "See-
under his covenant require him to faithfully follow ing he despised the oath by breaking the covenant,
this divinely announced rule. when, lo, he had given his hand, and hath done all
2, Those faithful apostles of the Lord, because these things, he shall not escape. Therefore thus
they persisted in keeping their covenant with God saith the Lord God, As I live, surely mine oath that
and obeying God’s commandments rather than men, he hath despised, and my covenant that he hath bro-
were arrested, ill-used, thrown into prison, and beat-ken, even it will I recompense upon his own head."
en. When released from prison they went straight- --Ezek. 17 : 18, 19.
way forward in preaching the gospel in obedience .2 God punished those covenant-breakers with de-
to God’s commandment. They did not fear what struction. (Amos 3: 2) God pronounced the final
man might do to them. They feared God and obeyed judgment upon that nation breaking covenant, and
Him. Suppose they had taken a compromising course the nation was left desolate. (Matt. 23: 38) Thus
by obeying the commandments of men, and had done the fixed rule of Jehovah is made known that cove-
so in order to avoid bodily punishment and yet nant-breakers are worthy of death and suffer death,
preached the gospel on the sly, when rulers might and one who willingly breaks his covenant or will-
not find it out. That would have been a course of ingly avoids the obligation thereof puts himself in
compromise and would have constituted a failure
the way of complete destruction.
to keep covenant with God. Such would have been ’" God made known first to Noah his covenant con-
brealdng their covenant because of fear of men. cerning the shedding of blood. (Gen. 9: 6-16) It
The fear of man leads into a snare of Satan, which the covenant of the sanctity of life and is an ever-
means everlasting destruction. That same rule ap- lasting covenant, and by its terms this is announced :
plies to all of God’s covenant people today.--Prov. "Whosoever sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his
29 : 25 ; Rom.1 : 31, 32 ; Rev. 21 : 8. blood be shed: for in the image of God made he
man." To all of his covenant people God commands:
COVENANT-BREAKERS "Thou shalt not kill." (Ex. 20: 13) "Vengeance
3o A personwho is ~oT in a covenant withGod is mine; I will repay." (Rom. 12: 19) God’s law fixes
in a position fardifferent fromthatof the person the death penalty for anyone who willfully violates
who is in a covenantto do the will of God. Those that commandment. His law provides for the exe-
notcovenant peopleof God arenothereconsidered.cution of the violators of his law. Humanlife can
Only thosewho have enteredintoa covenantto do be properly taken only by God’s specific provision.
the willof Godarehereconsidered. The obligationHe has appointed his Executioner. The slaughter-
of such is that theymust keep the termsof that ing of human creatures in war or otherwise is a
covenant, the keeping of which is of vital impor- violation of God’s covenant concerning the sanctity
tance. With Jehovah a covenant is a sacred thing, of life. That is an everlasting covenant, not sub-
not to be broken or altered with impunity. How
God regards and treats covenant-breakers may be ject to change.
correctly seen by reference to the treatment of such "The nations of the earth are bound to observe
as is recorded in the Bible, some examples of which that covenant of blood because it is God’s law con-
are cited here. cerning life. Every nation has violated that ever-
31 God made a covenant with the people of the lasting covenant by killing many of God’s faithful
nation of Israel. That people agreed to keep the servants and also by slaying many other innocents.
terms of the covenant with Almighty God. (Ex. Concerning the breaking of that covenant Jeho-
19:5-8) God commanded that people to keep them- vah God says: "Behold, the Lord maketh the earth

empty; and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside hold, I am in your hand; do with me as seemeth
down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants there- good and meet unto you; but know ye for certain,
of. The earth mourneth, and fadeth away; the world that if ye put me to death, ye shall surely bring in-
languisheth, and fadeth away; the haughty people nocent blood upon yourselves, and upon this city,
of the earth do languish. The earth also is defiled and upon the inhabitants thereof; for of a truth the
under the inhabitants thereof, because they have Lord hath sent me unto you to speak all these words
transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, bro- in your ears."--Jer. 26: 11, 12, 14, 15.
ken the everlasting covenant." (Isa. 24 ¯ 1, 4, 5) That "Jeremiah stood firm and steadfast for God and
state of affairs will be fully realized at Armageddon. faithfully served him. God provided protection of
These scriptures are cited to show that no one can Jeremiah against the venomof the rulers, "that they
break God’s covenant and escape the penalty pre- should not give him into the hand of the people to
scribed for so doing. With stronger force does this put him to death."nJer. 26:24.
rule apply to everyone who is taken into a covenant
with the Lord God to be a witness to his name. FEAR GOD
,s Jeremiah did not fear man nor what man might
OF FEAR do unto him; and in this he pleased God, and God
s~ The Scriptures tell of men who broke covenant manifested his power in Jeremiah’s behalf. One who
with God because of fear of man, and that such is in a covenant with God, and who fears what man
covenant-breakers suffered the penalty of death. might do to harm him, and for that reason yields
One of such was the prophet Urijah. That prophet to the point of violating his covenant, is unclean
was deterred from performing his covenant obli- and cannot receive God’s approval. As is shown in
gations because of the threats made against him the case of Urijah, so with all covenant-breakers.
by men; and, fearing man, he fled. God did not pro- Such unclean ones must suffer death at the hands
tect him and he was seized and killed. Thus God of Jehovah. God’s covenant people who continue
shows that he does not protect covenant-breakers. faithful to the end in fulfilling their obligation are,
--Jer. 26: 20-23. of course, those who do not fear men. They do fear
God. "’The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for
COVENANT-KEEPERS ever." (Ps. 19: 9) Those who have godly fear put
s~ In striking contrast to unfaithful Urijah is the their full trust in the Most High. All those who are
prophet Jeremiah, who was a faithful witness of in a covenant with Jehovah, and are therefore for
Jehovah. Jeremiah refused to compromise with the THETHEOCRACY, ’continue to fear God.
government of the nation of Palestine, and held fast ~9 God announced his rule concerning those who
to his covenant with Almighty God, Jeremiah pro- break their covenant, in these words: "Jehovah thy
claimed the name of Jehovah and warned the peo- God is a devouring fire." (Deut. 4: 24, A.R.V.) That
ple as God had commanded him to do. Even though means that those who because of fear of man fail
he was repeatedly threatened with death, he stead- or refuse to perform their covenant obligation suf-
fastly went on obeying God. In doing that work fer destruction at the hands of Jehovah’s l~xecu
Jeremiah was a type picturing Jehovah’s witnesses tioner. The faithful apostle repeated those words,
now on the earth who declare the name of Jehovah which are addressed to all who are in a covenant
and his THEOCRACY. The rulers of Jerusalem, in- with God for the Kingdom. His words apply to
cluding the religious teachers and leaders, sought those who are assembled at the temple. They are
to have Jeremiah put to death because he held fast addressed to God’s covenant people, applying at a
to the performance of the obligations of his cove- time when all the world is in great distress and
nant with God. "And all the people were gathered turmoil and at the time when God is permitting to
against Jeremiah in the house of the Lord." The be shaken out of his kingdom everything that can
religious leaders had stirred up the people against be shaken. These words thus recorded for the bene-
him as an excuse to demand that Jeremiah be put fit of God’s covenant people are: "Wherefore we
to death. That part of the divine record referring receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us
to the same is: "Then spake the priests and the have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably
prophets unto the princes, and to all the people, with reverence and godly fear: for our God is a
saying, This man is worthy to die; for he hath consumingfire."-----Heb. 12 : 28, 29.
prophesied against this city, as ye have heard with ~9 As it was with Jeremiah, so it is now with God’s
your ears. Then spake Jeremiah unto all the princes, people on the earth who are in a covenant for the
and to all the people, saying, The Lord sent me to Kingdom. The worldly powers put forth strong en-
prophesy against this house, and against this city, deavors to cause Jeremiah to violate his covenant
all the words that ye have heard. As for me, be- by conforming himself to worldly ideas. Jeremiah
JU~E 15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWEtL 185

remained steadfast. Likewise today the worldly pow- but that means only the death of our human life.
ers endeavor to force God’s covenant people to re- If we suffer death because of our faithfulness to
pudiate their covenant and to break the terms there- Almighty God and the terms of our covenant, we
of by conforming themselves to the things of this have the sure promise from God that he will resur-
world, and which things are contrary to Jehovah’s rect us to eternal life. If we violate our covenant
commandment. God’s faithful covenant people re- with Jehovah God we suffer eternal death, from
main steadfast to Jehovah, faithful to the terms of which there is no resurrection. For us there is but
their covenant and THE THEOCRACY, regardless of one choice, and that is to faithfully perform our
all threats or acts leveled against them. Jeremiah’s covenant obligations to Jehovah and his King. If
experiences are recorded for the benefit of God’s you choose to punish us because of our faithful-
covenant people now on earth.--Rom. 15:4. ness to God and our covenant, that is your respon-
,1 The totalitarian ruling powers, composed of sibility, and you must bear it. Be assured of this
Nazis, Fascists and big religious leaders, now stand one thing, however: if we suffer punishment at
where they ought not to stand, claiming the right your hands because we stand firmly and perform
to rule the world, and demanding that Jehovah’s the terms of our covenant with Almighty God, the
covenant people shall hail and bow down to totali- Lord God will duly punish you and you will find
tarian rulers, join their armies, and fight under their no way of escape from that punishment. We will
banners, and when Jehovah’s covenant people refuse do harm to no one, but the Almighty God, whom
to do so they are imprisoned and many put to death. we serve, will see to it that if we are wronged we
In the face of all this God’s covenant people stand shall be avenged, because he has so promised and
firm on the side of T~E T~ocm~eYeven though they he always keeps his promise."--Lul~e 18: 7, 8.
see other faithful ones being imprisoned and sent to ,s That which is recorded concerning the firm, im-
death. The ruling powers of this world that oppose movable stand of Jeremiah for Jehovah was there
the totalitarian rule also demandof Jehovah’s cove- written and recorded for the purpose of encourage-
nant people that they, in violation of their covenant, ment to the covenant people of God now on the
enlist and fight under the bamner of such rulers; earth. (Rom. 15:4) The faithful covenant people
and if Jehovah’s covenant pedple refuse to do so of God now have in mind the words of Jesus Christ
they suffer imprisonment or other harsh punish- spoken for their comfort, to wit: "And fear not them
ment, even death. Although the law of such nations which kill the body, but are not able to kill the s~ul;
declares that a minister shall not be required to do but rather fear him which is able to destroy both
military service, the acting authorities who have to soul and body in hell."--Matt. 10: 28.
do with carrying the law into operation say to these "’ The faithful covenant people of God will not
faithful covenant people of God: "Wedo not recog- fear man nor what man can do. They do fear Al-
nize you as a minister, nor that you are a sincere, mighty God, and obey him and serve him. The power
conscientious objector to engaging in war; therefore of wicked men ends with death. The power of Al-
you must join the fighting forces and serve under mighty God is eternal. If one dies unfaithful to God,
our banner." that is the everlasting end of him. If he dies be-
,2 The faithful covenant people of God answer: cause he is faithful to Jehovah and to the obliga-
"We cannot do so; we are in a covenant with Al- tions of his covenant Jehovah will resurrect that
mighty God to do His will. To obey your command- faithful one to life eternal.
merit we must violate our covenant with God; and
if we do so we shall suffer eternal destruction at BY SACRIFICE
the hands of Almighty God. We willingly conform ’~ At the coming of Christ Jesus to the temple the
ourselves to every law of the land that does not words of Jehovah apply, to wit: ’Gather unto me
cause us to violate our covenant with Jehovah, as those that have made a covenant with me by sacri-
He has commanded. Almighty God has made us his
witnesses and his ministers to preach this gospel of fice.’ What is the meaning of the words "covenant
his kingdom by informing the peoples of the world by sacrifice"? They mean the giving up of every-
of his name and his provision for peace and life thing pertaining to the earth. They mean the sacri-
for mankind. Almighty God has ordained us thus fice of the individual human will to the complete
to preach. We have covenanted to do his will. To doing of the will of Almighty God. The man thus
him we will remain faithful and true, regardless of doing that knows that he is going right and walk-
what men may do to us. We do not wish to suffer ing in the way that leads to everlasting life. To
imprisonment or other punishment at the hands of those who will be of the Kingdom the covenant by
men. We know that the worst punishment to which sacrifice means the "giving up of the right to live
we may be subjected by men of this world is death; as human creatures on earth. To such the assur-

ante is given that if he continues faithful in the but dung, that I may win Christ, and be found in
keeping of his covenant he shall in due time receive him, not having mine own righteousness, which is
from the Lord everlasting life in the spirit, and of the law, but that which is through the faith of
that he will receive at the resurrection. That faith- Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith;
ful creature goes down into death a human, and that I may know him, and the power of his resur-
God raises him up to life a spirit, to live forever- rection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being
more. (1 Cor. 15:43-53) From the standpoint of the made conformable unto his death; if by any means
world the faithful covenant-keepers go into death I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.
in ignominy and dishonor. But Almighty God raises Not as though I had already attained, either were
up such to life, honor and glory. already perfect; but I follow after, if that I may
’" Whyshould a man hesitate to faithfully keep apprehend that for which also I am apprehended
covenant with Jehovah, regardless of all human op- of Christ Jesus. Brethren, I count not myself to
position or punishment, threatened or applied? The have apprehended; B~.rr TInS ON~TILING I DO, for-
person who has not made a covenant with Jehovah getting those things which are behind, and reach-
God, and who therefore does not know God, cannot ing forth unto those things which are before, I press
understand and hence cannot answer the question. toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of
The man who is in a covenant with Jehovah, and God in Christ Jesus."--Phil. 3:7-14.
who has partaken of the knowledge of the good ’° Paul held fast his integrity, and when he came
things to be given by the Lord, does not permit him- to the end of his earthly journey he said to his fel-
self even to debate in mind as to whether or not he low covenant-keepers: "All that will live godly in
should obey man and thereby break his covenant. Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution .... But watch
He is determined to keep his covenant obligations thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of
faithfully to the end, regardless of what may be an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. For
done against him by any human power. I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my
"’ A striking and apt example of a faithful cove- departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight,
nant-keeper is the apostle Paul, once a religionist I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
and later a true Christian, following the lead of henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of right-
Christ Jesus. When becoming a Christian he soon eousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall
learned that he would suffer persecution because of give me at that day; and not to me only, but unto
his full devotion to God and Christ. But that did all them also that love his appearing."--2 Tim.
not deter him at all or move him from his course 3:12; 4:5-8.
of faithfulness. He said: "And now, behold, I go ~° Jehovah never breaks or even alters his cove-
bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem, not knowing nant. Those who serve God faithfully, and who re-
the things that shall befall me there: save that the ceive his everlasting blessings, must and will faith-
holy [spirit] witnesseth in every city, saying that fully perform covenant obligations and will not
bonds and afflictions abide me. But none of these break or alter the terms of that covenant. For the
things move me, neither count I my life dear unto covenant people of God, both of the remnant and
myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, their companions, the Lord’s "other sheep", the
and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord time of climax is here. Whether permitted to re-
Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God." main free to preach this gospel of the Kingdom as
--Acts 20 : 22-24. God has commanded, or restrained of all human lib-
’" Because Paul kept the obligation of his covenant erty; whether walking through the land and doing
faithfully he suffered many stripes and imprison- that which God has commanded, or behind prison
ment; but still he continued preaching Christ and walls because of faithfulness to covenant obligations,
his Kingdom, while he lingered behind prison wails. the Christian in the covenant with God will regard
At one time he had much of this world’s goods and but one thing worth while, and that is that under
all conditions, and in whatever state, he will hold
honor, all of which he gladly sacrificed, not count- fast his integrity. There is but one thing for him
ing even his human life as dear to him, in order to do. He will consider nothing else. That one thing
that he might fulfill the terms of his covenant. To is faithfully keeping covenant obligations prescribed
his fellow Christians also in a covenant with God by the covenant he has made with Almighty God,
he wrote: "But what things were gain to me, those and to do so faithfully unto the end, having always
I counted loss for Christ. Yea, doubtless, and I count in mind the precious promises of the Lord addressed
all things but loss for the excellency of the knowl- to him, to wit: "Be thou faithful unto death, and I
edge of Christ Jesus my Lord; for whom I have will give thee the crown of life."--Rev. 2:10, Am.
suffered the loss of all things, and do count them _Rev. Vet.
~ ANDan highway shall be there, and a way, and it Whencleansed the faithful remnant of Jehovah’s wit-
nesses travel over the highway in advance of those whocome
/-k shall be called, The way of holiness; the unclean
shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those; to the Lord later and enter his organization. The cleansing
the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein." of this remnantbegotten of God’s spirit is pictured, at Isaiah
(Isaiah 35:8) The "highway" is the way out of Babylon, 6: 5-8, as being done by fire at the time of the Lord’s pres-
the Devil’s organization, and unto Zion, God’s organization. ence in the temple, to wit: "Then said I, Woeis reef for I
The modern emphasized translation by Rotherham clari- am undone ; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell
fies the prophecy somewhat: "And there shall be there a in the midst of a people of unclean lips, for mine eyes have
raised way, even a high road, and the Highroad of Holiness seen the King: the Lord [Jehovah] of hosts. Then flew one
shall it be called, there shall not pass over it one whois un- of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand,
clean; but He Himself shall be one of them, travelling the which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar; and
road, and the perverse shall not stray [thereinto]. There he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched
shall be there no lion, nor shall ravenous beast go up thereon, thy lips, and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin
it shall not be found there ; thus shall travel the redeemed." purged. Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom
shall I send, and who will go for us ? Then said I, Here am
(Vss 8, 9) This indicates that the Lord Jesus Christ
Jehovah’s representative is the One who takes the lead I; send me." Isaiah, Jehovah’s witness back there, pictured
over that "highway", leading all those who follow him. Jehovah’s witnesses of today. "These things said Esaias,
Manifestly no unclean one could follow the Lord Jesus into when he saw his glory, and spake of him."--John 12:41.
God’s organization, which is Zion, but such one must clean Until this cleansing took place the faithful remnant
up before he enters the "highway". could not use the "highway" to Zion and be incorporated
In support of this conclusion Isaiah 52: 11, 12 says: into God’s organization as his people. It was at that time
"Depart ye, depart ye, go ye out from thence [Babylon], that the Lord’s decree began to be enforced: "He which is
touch no unclean thing; go ye out of the midst of her; be filthy, 1.et him be filthy still." (Rev. 22: 11) This showsthat
ye clean, that bear the vessels of the Lord. For ye shall not both the filthy and the unclean are to be barred from the
go out with haste, nor go by flight; for the Lord will go "highway". The fact that it is called "the way of holiness"
before you; and the God of Israel will be your rereward proves that only those who are wholly devoted to Jehovah
[rearguard]." This proves that those who follow Christ God and his Theocratic Government will be permitted on
Jesus must be separate from the elements of Satan’s organ- that "highway". Such go upon the "highway", under the
ization, and be clean before they’bear the vessels or truths leadership of Christ Jesus the King of that Theocratic Gov-
of the Lord, and while marching in the way Jehovah God ernment. "He himself shall be one of them, travelling the
will guard their rear from the enemy. Prior to the travail road," that is to say, the Lord Jesus Christ is the first one
of Zion during the World War period of 1917-1919 the that travels "the high road", and he travels as the Leader
followers of Christ Jesus were compelled to mingle with of God’s people. The faithful remnant, as membersof ’‘his
the "Babylonians", that is, the religionists of this world. body", become a part of him by reason of being ’the elect
Since then the Lord has revealed to his people the clear servant’ of Jehovah, and hence follow next to Christ Jesus
distinction between Babylon, Satan’s organization, and and at the front.
Zion, God’s organization, and has disclosed to his faithful "And the perverse shall not stray" into that highway,
remnant that they must separate themselves from Babylon "perverse" meaning "always morally bad". (Rothcrham,
and travel "the high road" to get into Zion. God’s remnant margin) (See Proverbs 1:7; 10:8; 10:14,21; 12:15,
then saw Zion as God’s organization and immediately en- 14:9 ) If the "unclean" are not permitted to pass over the
tered upon the "highway", bearing the vessels of the Lord "highway", then surely the fools, perverse or bad persons
as witnesses of Jehovah. would not get on it. There is no way for them to get on it.
There were those who preferred to remain where they The words "the wayfaring man" (Leeser’s trans ) mean
were and hold on to the unclean things of religion. For the one "travelling the road" and refer primarily to Christ
instance, such claimed that "the higher powers" to whom Jesus himself, who is Jehovah’s chief representative and is
God commandsobedience, at Romans13:1, are the rulers a wayfaring traveler leading upon the "highway" those for
of Satan’s organization. Thus holding to Satan’s organiza- whomthe "highway" is provided. It leads to Zion, which
tmn, such remained unclean and are not permitted to travel is God’s organization. "The Lord loveth the gates of Zion."
upon the "highway" and to return and come to God’s or- --Ps. 87 : 2.
ganizatmn. Because of their unclean condition God will The angels of the Lord are the door or gate keepers, and
not permit them to get into his organization: "There shall these faithful officers will see to it that none will enter upon
mno wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither what-
soever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie; but they the high way except in the right way, and clearly that way
which are written in the Lamb’s book of life." "For without means that one must first be devoted wholly to God. (See
are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, Revelation 21 : 12.) This being true, then, the perverse fools
and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie." would not be permitted to enter, neither will it be possible
(Rev. 21:27 ; 22 : 15) Those who would bear the vessels for them to "stray" into the highway. The guards will pre-
the Lord must separate themselves from Satan’s organiza- vent them. As long as one is a fool he will not consent to
tmn, and thus be clean before they could travel over the walk in the "way of holiness", which is the requirement
"highway". concerning those who are admitted to the "highway".

Safeguarding the welfare of all those who are upon the dient ones of mankind to live forever on the earth. The)"
’‘highway" Jehovah says: "No lion [the Devil or his repre- were blind to the fact of the two opposing organizations,
sentatives] shall be there, nor any ravenous beast [devilish Jehovah’s and Satan’s, and particularly to the fact that the
organization] shall go up thereon, it shall not be found greatest of all Bible doctrines is the vindication of God’s
there: but the redeemed shall walk there." (Isa. 35: 9) word and name by and through his kingdom, The Theocratic
WhenChrist came to the temple in 1918 to judge his fol- Government. When, at the Lord’s coming thereto, the tem-
lowers and gathered the faithful ones unto himself they were ple of heaven was opened and the flashes of God’s lightning
brought into "the secret place of the Most High", as fore- of revealed truth from the temple illuminated his faithful
told in Psalm 91:1, and concerning such ones Jehovah ones, then was fulfilled Isaiah 35 : 5 : "Then the eyes of the
promised: "Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder; the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be un-
young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet." stopped." This is further corroborated by Isaiah 29: 18:
(Ps. 91: 13) The remnant have Jehovah’s protection. "And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book,
Concerning those who walk upon the "highway" Isaiah and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out
35:10 then says: "The ransomed of Jehovah shall return of darkness."
and shall enter Zion with shouting." (Rotherham) Except Isaiah 35:6 continues: "Then shall the lame man leap
those wholly devoted to God no creatures on the earth are as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for in the
any part of God’s capital organization, that is, Zion. Those wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the
persons of good-will toward God put themselves under the desert." Learning the great truth concerning the Kingdom
protection of His capital organization. It was in 1918, those who had been spiritually lame, halting between two
amidst the World War distress, that Jehovah’s consecrated opinions and mistakingly thinking that the worldly rulers
people were carried away forcibly as captive to Babylon by were the "higher powers" that must be obeyed (Rom. 13: 1),
the enemy, the religionists and their political and commer- even such now began to leap into the witness work with
cial allies. In 1919 the faithful were delivered and began to songs of praise to the Lord, and that which had appeared
return and come to Zion, as foretold at Micah 4 : 10 : "Thou as a wilderness unto them as a result of the enemy action,
shalt go even to Babylon; there shalt thou be delivered; and as parched ground, like the desert, became as a pool
there the Lord shall redeem thee from the hand of thine of fresh water, this picturing the clarifying of the truth.
enemies." The cleansing and the returning of such was (Isa. 35:7) The remnant saw that Christ Jesus, God’s
foreshadowed by Isaiah, chapter six, quoted above, and also anointed King, was then laid as the Chief Corner Stone in
chapter twelve, verses one to four. These faithful ones then Zion, God’s capital organization, as foretold at Isaiah 28 : 16,
devoted themselves wholly and completely unto Jehovah and that the time had come for the faithful to enter into
and therefore abandoned religion and refused to ’touch the "the joy of the Lord". At Psalm 118 : 14, 19-23 these faithful
unclean thing’, to wit, any part of Satan’s religious, com- ones are represented as saying: "Jehovah is my strength
mercial, political organization, and thus they came by "the and song; and he is become my salvation. Open to me the
way of holiness" through the gates of the Holy City and gates of righteousness; I will enter into them, I will give
were gathered unto Zion. It was then that such entered into thanks unto Jehovah. This is the gate of Jehovah; the
the joy of the Lord, which joy will be "everlasting". Hence righteous shall enter into it. I will give thanks unto thee;
then such "come with songs, and everlasting joy upon their for thou hast answered me, and art become my salvation
heads". Since then the remnant have continued with joy The stone which the builders rejected is become the head
and gladness in God’s organization, and sorrow and sighing of the corner. This is Jehovah’s doing; it is marvellous in
have fled from them; and they go forth as Jehovah’s wit- our eyes."--Am. Bey. Ver.
nesses proclaiming His works and singing His praises. They The faithful remnant joyfully entered upon the great
travel the pathway of life eternal with joy. (Isa. 12: 3-5; "high road" and returned to Zion, which is God’s organi-
Ps. 16 : 11) This application of the prophecy concerning the zation, and have since been singing the praises to the name
highway to God’s remnant is further supported by the words of the Most High. This is in exact harmony with God’s prom-
of Isaiah 51 : 11 : "Therefore the redeemedof the Lord shall ise made at Isaiah 51:3, 4: "For the Lord shall comfort
return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting Zion : he will comfort all her waste places, and he will make
joy shall be upon their head ; they shall obtain gladness and her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden
joy; and sorrow and mourning shall flee away." of the Lord; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanks-
Jehovah definitely fixed the time when the remnant be- giving, and the voice of melody. Hearken unto me, my peo-
gan to travel upon the "highway", to wit, as "in that day", ple, and give ear unto me, O my nation; for a law shall
meaning the day beginning with the setting up of the King- proceed from me, and I will make my judgment to rest for
domunder Christ and with his coming to the temple. Jeho- a light of the people."
vah says: "And it shall come to pass in T~ATDAYthat the
Christ Jesus, the ’elect servant’ of God, must be the first
Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the one upon the great "highway" of the King Eternal, because
remnant of his people, . . . And there shall be an highway God has called "the Servant" and given him as a covenant
for the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from to the people to lead them. So it is stated at Isaiah 42: 1-6.
Assyria; like as it was to Israel in the day that he came up
Uponthis "highway" God has made his ’elect servant’ to be
out of the land of Egypt."--Isa. 11 : 11, 16. the "leader and commander"to direct the people : "Behold,
Prior to the coming of the Lord to his temple for judg- I have given him for a witness to the people, a leader and
ment in 1918 the consecrated ones believed that God’s pur- commanderto the people." (Isa. 55: 4) The faithful rem-
pose was to save a few in heaven and to restore other obe- nant, serving Jehovah God and being a part of the "serv-
ant", must be a witness to the kingdom of God, and to do all mymountains a way, and my highways shell be exalted."
this they must go upon the "highway". God’s remnant must truly be to the front, going first
Concerning Christ Jesus Isaiah 35:8 (Roth.) says: upon the "highway", leading away from religion and Sa-
"He Himself shall be one of them travelling [on] the road" ; tan’s organization and unto God’s organization. Today the
or on the great highway. Behold now Christ Jesus leading remnant are declaring the Kingdommessage to millions of
his faithful remnant over the "highway" and singing praises people on earth, and many of good-will are forsaking reli-
to the name of Jehovah by continuing to give witness con- gion and Satan’s organization and are seeking the way
cerning the Kingdom.Therefore Christ Jesus is in the lead that leads unto God. Now, before Armageddon, which is
and the remnant is to the front, going joyfully on in obe- near, they have the opportunity of wholly devoting them-
dience to God’s commandments.They are traveling the "way selves to the Lord and entering upon the "highway", and,
of holiness", because they are wholly devoted to God. Jeho- continuing faithful, may "be hid in the day of the Lord’s
vah now feeds his remnant people upon "food convenient anger" at Armageddonand thus be of the "great multitude"
for me". (Prov. 30: 8) They are ’drinking new in the king- of Armageddonsurvivors. Later, under the Kingdom, after
dom’ the "wine that maketh glad the heart", to wit, the joy those of the "great multitude" have filled the earth with a
of a share in the vindication of God’s name. To the rem- righteous race, will occur the general resurrection and those
nant God gives commandment, saying: "Go through, go that are now dead in the graves will come forth at the
through the gates; prepare ye the way of the people; cast Lord’s commandand will be taught how to enter upon the
up, cast up the highway; gather out the stones; lift up a "highway". All those that get life must first completely de-
standard for the people." (Isa. 62:9, 10) This prophecy vote themselves to God.--Isa. 19:23-25.
pictures the remnant as being the first to go up upon the All who enter into God’s organization must come by the
"highway", following the Lord Jesus, which "highway" "highroad" of the King and must first come clean from the
leads out from Satan’s organization unto God’s organization. Devil and his organization and turn their faces and their
God lays upon the shoulder of the remnant now the great hearts to Godand to his Holy City. (Jer. 50 : 4, 5) The obe-
pmvilege and obligation of taking the lead in declaring his dient people of the earth who come clean will enter upon
mighty works and in preparing the way for the people by the "highway" and travel to God’s organization, and then
lifting up to all order-loving ones the standard of Jehovah’s such too shall "obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and
truth and showing them the "highway" that leads to God sighing shall flee away".--Isa. 35: 10.
and eternal life. "The highway of the upright is to depart The light from the temple of God now discloses that
from evil [by leaving Satan’s organization] ; he that keep- the "highway" foretold in Isaiah’s prophecy is the King’s
eth his [God’s] way preserveth his soul." (Prov. I6: 17) "highway" or "highroad" ; that it has been opened from and
It is the privilege and duty of the remnant to show the after the coming of the Lord to the temple of God in 1918
people the wicked organization of Satan and to bid them and the gathering together unto Him of his people, and
to depart therefrom and become a part of God’s organiza- the building up of Zion, his organization; and that now
tion of righteousness. The gathering out of the "stones" is the remnant must travel both in ’the narrow way’ and upon
first for the benefit of the remnant themselves, that they the King’s "highway", because both that ’narrow way’ and
mayhave a clear vision of God’s purposes, and then to show the King’s "highway" lead the spirit-begotten remnant unto
the truth to the people free from religious stumblingblocks. heavenly life and immortality. (See Matthew 7:13, 14)
Every memberof the remnant will faithfully perform his There is therefore no conflict or contrast between the two
duty and hence will continue to bear the fruits of the King- ways. The responsibility of the remnant by reason of God’s
dombefore the peoples of the nations that those of good- law concerning the "highway" is now greatly enhanced and
will may see the "highway" and be benefited and enter upon accentuated. Christ the King is the great Leader, and the
it before the battle of Armageddonand may knowthat Jeho- remnant, being next to him, must be at the front and re-
vah is God.--See also Isaiah 62: 11, 12. main there, and in obedmnce to the commandmentsof the
The next in order to enter "the highway" after the rem- Lord must now say to all who love righteousness: ’Come,
nant are those persons of good-will, who shall form the leave Satan’s organization and turn to the Lord Jehovah.
"great multitude" that survives the battle of Armageddon. Clean up yourselves from religion and forsake and flee for
They must be cleaned up, however, before they can enter ever from Satan’s organization. Let him that is athirst come
upon the "highway~’. They wash their robes and make them and partake of the water of life. freely.’-Rev. 18 : 3, 4 ; 22 : 17.
clean by faithfully devoting themselves to God and to In obedience to God’s commandment this is exactly what
Christ his King now before Armageddon, and this they the remnant of Jehovah’s witnesses are doing today, and
must do before they enter upon the highway. (See Revela- the devoted persons of good-will who join them as "com-
tion 7:9-17.) That the "great multitude" should go over panions" in such witness work come clean and travel with
the "highway" is proved by the fact that Revelation 7: 16, them upon the "highway" in obedience to God’s will and
17 quotes from Isaiah 49: 10, 11, which reads: "They shall command. All such, the remnant and their earthly com-
not hunger nor thirst ; neither shall the heat nor sun smite panions, must lift up God’s standard to the people, that they
them ; for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them, even may see the way to God’s organization and the way that
by the springs of water shall he guide them. AndI will make leads to life.

Sovereign Lord/ a dwelling place hast thou thyself becometo us

*n generation after generation. Before mountainswere born, or
ever were broughtforth the earth and the world--yea, from age
even untoage thou art the MightyOne.--Psalm90 : 1, 2, Roth. Pss.
ERMANY’S dictator was put in power by the con- Ezekiel’s prophecy, chapters 38 and 39, against those who
G nivance and allied action of the religions politicians
of various nations of the earth, many of whomwere,
support Jehovah’s Theocratic Government, and which move-
ment is under the commandof Gog, the Devil’s chief rep-
like Germanythen, members of the League of Nations. All resentative. Concerning this the Lord says: ’Son of man,
of this movement,as facts since show, is a conspiracy against set thy face toward Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince
Jehovah God and his Theocratic Government. The reli- of Rosh, Meshech, and Tu.bal, and prophesy against him,
gious, political, commercial elements supplied the brains and say, Thus saith the Lord God: Behold, I am against
and money to put the dictator into office, but the whole thee, 0 Gog, the chief prince of Meshechand Tubal: . . .
scheme originated with and was directed by the "god of Thou shalt come up against my people of Israel [the de-
this world", Satan himself. It has been suggested that voted people of Jehovah God; His witnesses], as a cloud to
Adolf Hitler is Gog, the demonofficer next to Satan, ap- cover the land ; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring
pearing in the flesh. Whether that is true or not, Hitler is thee against my land, that the heathen [the nations] may
an instrument completely in the employand use of the Devil. knowme, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before
The Devil himself is the chief amongst the demons, and their eyes.’ (Ezek. 38: 2, 3, 16) The land of Magogpictures
is debased and degraded beyond any possibility of recovery. the spiritual or invisible realm of Satan, and includes Gog,
He is totally depraved. He maintains his organization only and all the wicked angels within his division of Satan’s
by means of fraud, deception and other wicked machina- organization, and which "bear rule over all the earth". Gog
tions. That the Devil has and does maintain an organiza- forms and organizes the conspiracy against Jehovah’s de-
tion which operates against God and all that serve Jehovah voted people on earth, into which conspiracy are drawn
God is shown by the inspired Scriptures and by the facts, many other creatures, both men and angels, and including
beyond any doubt whatsoever. As a Scriptural example, the religious, commercial and political elements on earth,
in the prophecy of Daniel (2:30-34) is the description as represented in Ezekiel’s prophecy by Persia, Ethiopia,
a terrible image, which in symbol discloses that the Devil Libya, Gomer, Togarmah, and the "many people with thee".
is the head of a great and wicked organization, and that (Ezek. 38:4-8) All these conspire and come against Jeho-
next to the Devil are spirit princes or rulers subordinate vah’s Theocratic organization, including His witnesses and
to Satan the Devil. At Daniel 10 ¯ 13, 20 is the record desig- their companions on the earth. Such conspiracy is carried
nating some of these demons under the titles "prince of out by the commission of overt acts against them.The horde
Persia" and "prince of Grecia". Amongthese princes is of wicked ones will not succeed in their efforts to destroy
Gog, Satan’s chief marshal. Next to the demonprinces, ac- those faithful to Jehovah God, but, on the contrary, Christ
cording to Daniel’s prophecy, is another order or class of Jesus, as Jehovah’s Field Marshal, will gain the victory.
spirits, the wicked officers which ’~Dear rule over all the Up to this thirty-eighth chapter concerning Gog Ezekiel
earth". (Dan. 2: 39) Such rulers, invisible wicked spirit has prophesied against the religious, commercial and po-
creatures, have immediate power or influence over the na- litical elements of Satan’s visible earthly organization, and
tions of the earth under the supervision of the principal against Satan himself, but aside from Satan himself Ezekiel
power, that is, the Devil. Those nations are pictured by the had uttered no specific prophecy against the invisible part
feet and toes of the terrible image.--Dan. 2 : 41-44. of Satan’s organization, to wit, the wicked angels and offi-
cers in his invisible realm. These have had muchto do with
The Lord God foretells of the demon influence upon the debauching the humanrace as they did in the days of Noah,
nations today, and particularly upon the political rulers, and have had much to do with the ruling of the nations of
and what shall be the end thereof. Note the prophetic words
the earth ; and it is certain that they will be destroyed with
recorded at Revelation 16: 12-16, concerning Satan’s or-
Satan, because they are enemies of Jehovah God. It is there-
ganization, which was symbolized by the ancient city of
fore reasonable to expect to find in the book of Ezekiel some
Babylon on the Euphrates river: "And the sixth [angel]
prophecy setting forth Jehovah’s judgment and its execu-
poured out his bowl upon the great river, the river Eu- tion against those wicked angels or invisible powers, the
phrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way demons. At Ephesians 6:10-12 the apostle Paul calls at-
might be made ready for the kings [Jehovah and Christ tention to the fact that in these latter days God’s people
Jesus] that come from the sunrising. And I saw coming out will be warred against by these invisible powers and prin-
of the mouth of the dragon [symbolizing Satan’s devouring
cipalities, saying: "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the
organization and represented on earth chiefly by the reli-
Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole
gious element], and out of the mouth of the beast [the
armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the
political state], and out of the mouth of the false prophet,
wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and
three unclean spirits, as it were frogs [loud-mouthed croak-
blood, but against principalities, against powers, against
ers] ; for they are SPIRITSOFDEMONS [that is, visible rep-
the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual
resentatives of demons], working signs; which go forth unto
wickedness in high places."
the kings of the whole world, to gather them together unto Satan is the "prince of this world", mentioned by Jesus
the war of the great day of God, the Almighty .... And
at John 12:31 and 14:30, and is therefore the chief ruler
they [the demon hosts] gathered them [the earthly repre-
of the entire wicked world and is the chief of devils, "the
sentatives of the demons] together into the place which is prince of the demons." (Matt. 9 : 34 ; 12 : 24, Am. Rev Vet.)
called in Hebrew Har-Magedon [Armageddon]."--A.R.V. This supports the conclusion that Satan has subrulers in
That movement of the demons against Jehovah God’s his realm, which are invisible to men, and that one division
people pictures the international movement,as described in thereof is especially assigned to give attention to the things
JUNE 15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWEI 191

of the earth. And now since the setting up of Jehovah’s doubt much to do with the conspiracy. After the wicked
Kingdom by Christ Jesus in A.D. 1914, followed by the device is hatched, the "frogs" do the propaganda work
"war in heaven", Satan and his demon angels have been amongst the people and help set the stage for the fight.
cast out of heaven and down to the immediate vicinity of Then Ezekiel declares what that wicked thought of the
the earth. (See Revelation 12:1-12.) The apostle Paul’s enemyis :
words quoted above show that these wicked angels have a "And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled
special grudge against Jehovah’s anointed witnesses and villages ; I will go to themthat are at rest, that dwell safely,
their earthly companions. all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars
In Revelation 20: 7, 8 the distinction is made between nor gates." (Vs. 11) This shows that the prophecy applies
Satan and Gog and Magog, which shows that the particular to the spiritual Israelites, the remnant of Jehovah’s wit-
prophecy of Ezekiel at chapters thirty-eight and thirty-nine nesses since the World War, and not the natural Jews back
is not directly applicable to Satan, but that it does spe- in Palestine. God’s remnant, as these appear to the enemy,
cifically apply to one of Satan’s demonchiefs and those are now without anyone to protect them; hence the enemy
gathered under him in a division of Satan’s organization. says ’they dwell without walls, and have neither bars nor
Revelation 20:1-3 shows that Satan and all his demon gates’. Satan’s organization, and particularly his chief in-
princes will be bound at Armageddon. At the end of the strument, does not give any heed to God’s words, and does
thousand-year reign of the Theocratic King, Christ Jesus, not believe that God furnishes any protection for his peo-
they arc released for a little season, and the Revelation ple, as described at Psalm 147:12-15. The witness work
specifically mentions Gog and Magogin connection there- and the spiritual prosperity and blessing on the part of
with, which would mean the prince Gog and all the wicked Jehovah’s people raises the ire of the enemy and causes
ones that have operated in his division. The prophecy of such to act. Gog fears for his proposed "new world order".
Daniel mentions the prince of the kingdomof Persia and the Gog and his allies are aware of the Kingdommessage pro-
prince of Grecia, with whomGod’s mighty angel had to claimed over the radio, and by sound machines, and by
fight. (Dan. 10: 13, 20,21) It appears there are ranks the house-to-house testimony work which God’s renmant
rulers in Satan’s organization. continue to do. Hence Gog acts.
Ezekiel’s prophecy shows that Gog controls a great mili- The prophecy from Jehovah gives assurance that at
tary force which is covetous, preys upon and robs the help- Armageddon the enemy will be completely removed by de-
less, and persecutes the apparently defenseless. (Ezck. struction. Concerning the enemy forces under Gog Jehovah
38: 4, 11, 12) The fact that Ezekiel as Jehovah’s witness says: "And I will turn thee [0 Gog] back, and leave but
was directed to prophesy against Gog proves that the rem- the sixth part of thee, and will cause thee to come up from
nant of Jehovah’s witnesses today, whomEzekiel pictures, the north parts, and will bring thee upon the mountains of
would not be left in ignorance concerning the anti-Theocracy Israel [Jehovah’s people] : and I will smite thy bowout of
conspiracy under Gog and the coming assault upon Jeho- thy left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy
vah’s organization which would be in the remnant’s time, right hand. Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel,
and that the remnant would testify against the conspirators. thou, and all thy bands, and the people that is with thee: I
Jehovah God is supreme, and he has anointed Christ Jesus will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and
as his Chief Officer, whowill lead the fight of His forces at to the beasts of the field, to be devoured. Thou shalt fall
Armageddon. Since Satan has attempted to mimic God in upon the open field; for I have spoken it, smth the Lord
everything else, and since Satan claims to be the supreme God. And I will send a fire on Magog.... and they shall
one or one equal to God, it is reasonable to conclude that know that I am the LORD [Jehovah]."--Ezek 39 : 2-6.
Satan has appointed a special officer on his side to lead the The enemyis gathering all his forces against Jehovah’s
fight at Armageddon.Since Gogis called "the chief prince", government and the King thereof, and His faithful wit-
or "prince of Rosh", or "prince of the chief", it is reasonable nesses now on the earth. The enemy is turning the mass of
that Gog is the one that leads the fight at Armageddon, earth’s population against Jehovah and his King, and this
while Satan as the general sits in the rear and directs it, is done in preparation for the final showdownat Armaged-
even as Jehovah directs Christ Jesus.--See Ezekiel 38:2 don. The result at Armageddonwill be such that the "stink"
in the marginal reading and also the American Revised of the slain enemy shall be the greatest ever known: "And
Version and Leeser’s. it shall cometo pass in that day, that I will give unto Gog
In the army of Gog and under his commandwill be all a place there of graves in Israel [thus memorializing the
the allies mentioned in the thirty-eighth chapter, including vindication of Jehovah’s name], the valley of the passengers
demonsand men, and all pitted against God’s organization. on the east of the sea; and it shall stop the noses of the pas-
A conspiracy, as here, is a wicked device formed to do in- sengers; and there shall they bury Gog, and all his multi-
jury to others. The prophecy indicates that the conspiracy rude ; and they shall call it, The valley of Hamon-gog[mean-
is formed against God’s anointed witnesses and their com- ing, Multitude of Gog]. And seven months shall the house
panions for the purpose of destroying them. Ezekiel 38:10 of Israel be burying of them, that they maycleanse the land.
declares: "Thus saith the Lord God, It shall also come to Yea, all the people of the land shall bury them ; and it shall
pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, be to them a renown, the day that I shall be glorified, saith
and thou shalt think an evil thought." This is evidence that the Lord God." (Ezek. 39.11-13) There shall the greatness
the conspiracy against Jehovah’s people is d~ected by Sa- of the enemy cease for ever, and there the reproaches upon
tan through Gog. The evil spirits, like "frogs", gather the God’s name and upon his faithful witnesses in the earth
forces to Armageddon.The croaking of the "frogs" has no will be taken away for ever.
PAVEMENT ACTIVITY IN ENGLAND the nickel, when he suddenly withdrew his hand, and sa~d:
"A lady who knew me came up to me while street wit- ’Tell mefirst, what’s it all about ?’ I saw his trick ; he wanted
nessing, with the remark: ’What on earth are you doing?’ to start an argument, and the mobsurrounded me. I said,
After explanation she went away with The Watchtower, ’Read it and you will find out.’ He asked again. I turned
promising to have it every fortnight. A few days later I without answering. The men started to move toward me.
saw her again. She was thrilled with The Watchtower. I Again Charland faced me: ’Sell me a magazine.’ He held
arranged to go to her home for a model study. The daughter out the five-cent piece. I started to hand him the magazine,
was at the study as well. They were so delighted that they when he again withdrew his hand and said: ’First tell me
did not want to wait until the following Friday to carry what it is all about !’ I replied : ’If you continue to interfere
on, so I arranged to go Mondaysas well. They also attended with meI will have you arrested.’ He sneered: ’Oh, you will !
the Watchtower study and the study of Religion. Friday Well, go ahead.’ I said: ’Comeon; we will go to the police
before 25 December the daughter asked if she could come station.’ And we did, the mobof fifteen or more right at
with me and do the same work as I was doing. You can our heels. John Dodge, city marshal, two state troopers, and
imagine my reply. We both had four days’ holiday from another man were there. I spoke to Mr. Dodge : ’I want you
work, so both sallied forth. During these four days her re- to arrest this man. He is trying to incite a riot.’ Mr. Char-
port was: 120 booklets (12,sets of 7), 18 hours’ work, 2 mag- land said: ’It’s not true. I want to buy a magazine and he
azines, and 4 back-calls. Wenow have rigged her up with a won’t sell it to me. Is that not true ?’ speaking to the men
gramophone, which she took to two of her own back-calls packing the doorway and hall. ’That’s right!’ they said.
this week, and has now arranged a model study of her Again Mr. Charland turned to me and said: ’Sell me a
own. Grand, isn’t it? For quite a while now I have taken magazine.’ I smiled: "With pleasure, sir. Five cents.’ Again
a model study and am now going through the book Salva- he said : ’First tell me, what’s it all about ?’ I did--it was the
tion with an old man 84 years old. He has placed booklets proper time for a witne,~s. After talking for about five
with his friends only. So last week, whena party of us were minutes, no one interfered. Mr. Charland was asking ques-
working around his district, I asked him to come with us. tions. After explaining that The Watchtower was a Chris-
He hesitated; so I said, ’Well, come over the road and see tian publication, I said: ’I will read some of it to you.’ 1
Dad. He will take you to the doors.’ So out the old chap read the first two paragraphs. It seemed that was all they
came. Dad kept telling the people he had his son with him could stand. Later I left, rejoicing in myprivilege."
that morning helping him in the Kingdomwork."
"Corner of Broad and Thomas Sts., Athens, Ga. A WPA
"During the past three years I have run about five or worker stood near by, listening to what I was saying. Then
six model studies per week. Whenthe people showed real he walked up and said: ’Is that The Watchtower put out
interest, I linked them up into groups and started a study from Brooklyn, 117 Adams St.?’ Surprised, I answered,
of the book Salvation. As they increased in knowledge of ’Yes; do you take The Watchtowerr He said, ’A man gave
The Theocracy I invited them to join with me in the field mygirl some. She’s got a big stack of books wrote by the
service one morning a week and to attend the local service Isame man, J. F. Rutherford his name is, ain’t it?’ ’Yes
meeting and Watchtower study. Emphasizing to them the Do you and your girl like the books?’ ’I can’t read them
need to be always on the lookout for good-will interest, I myself,’ said he, "but I got a girl, eighteen years old, she
started a group model study class to which these new pub- reads them--every one she can get ahold of, and likes them.’
lishers could bring any interested people, and allowed them ’Have you ever heard J. F. Rutherford speak?’ ’No, but 1
to share with me in taking the model studies so as to gain always have wanted to.’ ’Let me have your name and ad-
experience. In this way about twelve new publishers took dress. Wehave several of his Bible lectures recorded and
a stand for The Theocracy in my district. Last year I went I can come and pla~ them on the phonograph so you and
farther afield and started the same procedure, which has your family all can hear him talk. Howwouldyou like that ?’
resulted in formation of a small unit of fifteen publishers Well, he liked that fine : ’I sure want to hear that mantalk.’
m that district. Of course, a ’sifting’ work has been going He lives out in the rurals, and it was some time before we
on all the time. Eighty different persons passed through one rounded him up. He, his wife and all his children were most
of the studies. I have held 300 model studies during the interested. A model study was started. Next day the little
past four months." ones refused to salute flag at school. The boy received a
BRINGS MO~ TO POLICE STATION whipping by the teacher. Myown little girl was suspended
"One afternoon as I was driving through Franklin, from attending school most of this year on account of not
N. It., two French Catholic priests were walking along smok- saluting and is still imposed upon by the other children
ing cigars. One of them noticed me. He quickly took hold in school. Nowthis little boy champions her caus@and takes
of his partner’s arm and pointed his cane directly at me. up for her. He says: ’She is not like the rest of you. You
For a long moment both regarded me and the ear. Next jnst let her alone.’ His sister took her Watchtowerto school
Saturday on the streets with my upright sign and maga- and tried to get her teacher to read it, saying also to the
zines I saw trouble coming: a group of men, standing and teacher and children in her room : ’Jehovah’s witnesses came
blocking the way in front of me. I started to go through the to our homelast night and played the sweetest Bible lecture
midst, when one man, Peter Charland, a ’boss’ in one of the I ever heard and had a Bible lessen. They said we should
mills, said : ’What are you selling ?’ I showedhim the maga- study The Watchtower. I’m going to study it myself, and
zine. ’How much?’ I told him. He was about to hand me you ought to.’"

JULY1, 1941
Israel ..... ........195
The Church 196. .
Worship __
Knowledge an¢t Experience 198
Fighting God ._ 19~
Very Rehgmus ....... .....
Evil Servant ............. . ..
Ungodly .......................................... 201
Warning ............................................ 201
Destroy...................................... 202
ASSEMBLY FOR WOR$HIP ................. 203
"HIS CHARIOT ~ ......... 204
OPPORTUNITY FOR SERVICE ..................... 194
............................................ 194
"WATCHTOWER" STUDIES ...................... 194
117 Adams Street
Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A.
T HIS Journalis published for the purposeof enablingthe
peopleto knowJehovahGod and his purposesas expressed
intheBible.It publishes Bibleinstruction specifically de-
OFFICERS signedto aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all peopleof good wilL
J. F. R~-rm~vora),President W.E. VANAMBURGH, lgecretary It arranges systematic BiblestudyforItsreaders andtheSociety
"And all thy children shall be +~ucht of Jehovah; and supplies otherliterature to aidin suchstudies. Itpublishes suit-
ablematerial forradiobroadcasting andforothermeansof public
Crest shah be ~’ae peace of f2ay children." -Isaiah 54:13. instruction in theScriptures.
THE SCaRIPTURES CLEARLYTEACH Itadheres strictly to theBibleasauthority foritsutterances.
It is entirely freeandseparate fromallreligion, parties, sects
THATJEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting to
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life or otherworldly organizations. It is whollyandwithout reserva-
tion for the kingdomof JehovahGod underChristhis beloved
to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of his creation,
and his active agent in the creation of all things; that the Logos King.It is notdogmatic, butinvites careful andcritical examina-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in tionof its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not In-
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah. dulge in cont~versy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man "~EART.TSUBSCRIPTION
for the earth and placed him upon It ; that man willfully dis-
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of UNITI~DSTATES,$1.00; CANADA ANnMISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN,$1 50;
Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the right GREAT BRITAIN,AUSTRALASIA, ANDSOUTH AFRICA,6S. American remit-
tances should be made by Postal or Express MoneyOrder or by Bank
to life. Draft. Canadian, British, South African and Australasian remittances
should be madedirect to the respective branch offices. Remittancesfrom
THATJESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countries other than those mentionedmaybe madeto the Brooklynoffice,
death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for butbyIntvvwat~onal PostalMoneyOrder only.
obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted hlm to heaven above every creature and above every name FORmON
and clothed him with all power and authority, British............................... 34 Craven Terrace, London, W.2, England
THATJEHOVAH’SORGANIZATION Is a Theocracy called Zion, Ganadiaa
............................. 40 Irwin Avenue,Toronto5, Ontario, Canada
and that Christ Jesus Is the Chief Officer thereof and Is the right- J.u#tralasiam .................. 7 BerasfordRoad,Strathfleld, N. S. W.,Australia
ful King of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of ~ouSA AtriCa~..................... Boston House, Cape Town,South Africa
Please address the Society in every case
Christ Jesus are children of Zion, membe~:sof Jehovah’s organiza-
tion, and are his witnesses whoseduty and privilege it is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind
as expressed In the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom (Tra~olat~naof Sh~Journal
) ~ several language~.
before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLD has ended,and the Lord JesusChristhas All sincere studentsof the Bible whoby reasonof lnflrmlty,/)overtyor
beenplacedby Jehovahuponhisthroneof authority, hasousted adversity are unableto paythe subscription price mayhave TheWatch-
Satanfrom heavenand is proceeding of towerfree uponwritten application to the publishers, madeonce each
to the establishment
God’skingdom on earth. year, stating the reasonfor so requestingit. Weare glad to thus aid the
needy, but the written application once each year is required by the
postal regulations.
THAT THE RELIEFand blessingsof the peoplesof earthcan
comeonlyby and throughJehovah’skingdomunderChrist,which ~otlce to Bubsc~bers: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
hasnow begun;thattheLord’snextgreatact is thedestructionscription will be sent only whenrequested. Changeof address, when
requested, maybe expectedto appearon address label within one month
of Satan’s
of righteousness
in A renewalblank (carrying notice of expiration) will be sent with the
theearth,andthatunderthekingdom thepeopleof goodwlllthat Journalone monthbefore the subscriptionexpires.
surviveArmageddonshallcarryout thedivinemandate to "fill Entereda~ second-cluesmatter at the post oDlc¢atBrooklyn,N. Y.,
theearth"witha righteousrace. underths Act o] Marchs, 1879.


The midsummer Testtmony Period, as above named, will in- The membersof the Bethelfamilywillenjoythelrvacatmn
clude all of August. The Lord now having turned to his devoted this year from Saturday,August2, to Wednesday, August20,
people the "pure language" of the truth of The Theocracy, it will inclusive.Thiswillaffordthema changefromthelrregular work
be their privilege during August to publish the same with a "pure at headquartersandthe opportunityfor a largerpartm the m-
hp", that a multitude of others may hear and turn from religion creasingfieldwork.Thefactory and officewillbe closeddown
and join in the umted service of Jehovah. Therefore during this duringthLspermd,andno bookswillbe shlpped nor regularmall
Testtmony Period the book Rehgion together with the latest pub- answered.Henceallordersforhterature shouldbe sentm wellm
hshed booklet will be placed with everyone possible, on a eontribu- advanceof August2 to receiveattentmnbeforeclosingdown
tmn of 25c. This, which Ls generally the vacation season and con- Orderin sufficmnt quantityto carryyou throughthe vacatlon
vention time, should allow for manynewly interested ones to start periodand therestof August.Alsoas littlecorrespondence as
out into the field activity, and for all veteran publishers to get in posslbleshouldbe sentto theSociety, wlththeexceptmn of re-
their full quota of hours. A good report is awaited from each and portcardsandsubscriptions.
all at the close of August, marking the special blessing of the
Lord upon all that "serve him with one consent".
Week of August 3: "Those That Forget God,"
OPPORTUNITYFOR SERVICE ¶ 1-15 inclusive, The Watchtower July 1, 1941.
The Society may require the service of qualified brethren be- Weekof August 10: "Those That Forget God,"
tween the ages of 36 and 50. If you are free to engage in full-time ¶ 16-32 inclusive, The Watchtower July 1, 1941.
serwce please write the Society’s office at Brooklyn for a ques- Weekof August 17: "Those That Forget God,"
tionnaire. ¶ 33-51 inclusive, The Watchtower Juby 1, 1941.
Voa. LXII JULY1, 1941 No. 13


"’The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God."--Ps. 9:17.
EHOVAH has made known his fixed rule, as set blessed "nation" is the nation of which Christ Jesus
J forth in the above text, and which rule applies
to all persons or nations that at one time pre-
is the Head, including all who are made members of
God’s capital organization under Christ.
tended or claimed to serve Him and then turned ’ The purpose of Almighty God he works out and
away from and against the Most High. The text, puts into operation exactly on time and in his due
therefore, is a warning from Almighty God given to time. He first approved certain individuals who vol-
all those who have assumed the obligation of serv- untarily and faithfully devoted themselves to him
ing him. He compels no one to serve him, but when and shunned the course of lawlessness, and who were
they undertake it they must bear the responsibility diligent to serve God. Then, as a people for his pur-
of fulfilling their covenant. One may enter into an pose, he selected the Israelites and made a covenant
actual covenant with Godto do his will, while others with that nation. Israel was a typical nation, and the
may be in an implied covenant to do the will of God course thereof foretold and foreshadowed God’s pur-
by reason of their information and outward claim pose of selecting from amongst men a people for his
of being the servants of God. name, to be used with Christ Jesus in his kingdom,
The "wicked" are those who have received some and which is God’s ’%oly nation". The antitypical na-
light of truth of and concerning Jehovah’s purpose tion of Israel is the nation of God "chosen for his
and who by reason thereof start in the way of right- own inheritance". NowGod’s due time has come when
eousness, and who then forsake the pathway of right- he, by and through Christ Jesus, is gathering unto
eousness and turn to lawlessness. Lucifer was an en- himself his "other sheep", that is to say, that com-
lightened one, made acquainted to some extent with pany of persons that shall form the "great multi-
the purpose of Almighty God; was appointed to a tude". In view of this fact it is now of very great
high position in the organization of Jehovah, and importance that those "other sheep", known also to-
thereafter rebelled against God, and since then has day as "Jonadabs" and who shall form the "great
pursued a way of lawlessness. For that reason he is multitude", should be enlightened concerning what
called "the wicked one", and bears the names "Satan", is required of all who undertake to be the servants
"Serpent, .... Dragon," and "Devil", all of which be- of God and Christ. What God has caused to be writ-
speak wickedness. Because of his wickedness Satan ten in his Word of and concerning others that have
is sentenced by Jehovah to everlasting destruction, gone before serves to furnish a guide to those who
which judgment will be executed in God’s due time. are nowseeking the way of faithful service and ever-
His fate or destiny is the fate or destiny of all men lasting life. Hence The Watchtower briefly reviews
and nations that take a like course. God does not the matter set forth in the Bible concerning God’s
change, neither do his rules change. God is no re- rule, which applies to those who claim to be walking
specter of persons. He makes known his rules, and in the way of righteousness as God’s servants. The
the creature who agrees or undertakes to obey them warning given by Jehovah in his Word, and which
must perform or take the consequences. has applied to others in times past, should now serve
8 Set over in exact contrast with the wicked are as a warning to the Lord’s "other sheep", that they,
those who have covenanted to do God’s will and who having fled to the "city of refuge", may keep them-
faithfully and steadfastly abide by that agreement selves within bounds and faithfully serve the Lord.
and carry out their covenant; and concerning such it
is written : "Blessed is the nation whose Godis Jeho-
vah, the people whom he hath chosen for his own 5 While the descendants of Israel were domiciled
inheritance." (Ps. 33: 12, Am. Rev. Vet.) The destiny in Egypt Jehovah God selected them as a people for
for such is life everlasting in peace, joy and glory his name and made a covenant with them and by the
forever in the presence of the Most High. That hand of Moses led them out of Egypt. At Mount

Sinai God confirmed that covenant, giving to the thus made God’s Word of none effect toward aiding
Israelites his law at the same time. Then God led his people. Hence Jehovah enforced his judgment
them on a long journey to the land of Canaan, and, against that nation by completely destroying it. (Ps.
while on that journey, they were subjected to severe 106:36, 37; Matt. 23:38) That nation, destroyed as
tests to determine whether or not they would love such, never again can exist. There were some in-
the Lord God, who had delivered them from Egypt. dividuals amongst the Israelites, however, that re-
After reaching Canaan the nation of Israel was put mained true and faithful to God, and these were ap-
to many other tests. Whenthat typical nation kept proved by him and shall have his everlasting blessing.
covenant with the Lord and obeyed the Most High ’Israel’s destiny foreshadowed the destiny of
they were favored by him. That the Israelites under- "Christendom", that is, the nations that call them-
stood that they were to be obedient to God’s law is selves "Christian", because such nations openly de-
clearly shown from the Scriptures. That nation had clare themselves to be the servants of Almighty God.
solemnly promised God to do and perform his will, Such nations, therefore, are in an implied covenant
and the Scriptures showed that they knew that they to be obedient to God. The things that came to pass
must do his will in order to receive his blessing. (Ex. upon Israel, the typical nation, were ensamples, or
19: 3-8) The Israelites knew that they could not types, of what must come to pass at the end of the
forget God and their covenant with impunity. They world affecting particularly those nations that claim
were specifically warned against religion and told to be Christian nations. "Nowall these things hap-
that they must keep away from and avoid such. That pened unto them for ensamples : and they are written
warning was to enable them to walk in the way of for our admonition, upon whomthe ends of the world
righteousness and receive God’s blessing. are come. Wherefore let him that thinketh he stand-
Whenthe Israelites refrained from having any- eth take heed lest he fall."--I Cor. 10: 11, 12.
thing to do with the demon gods, or religion, and
when they served God sincerely, they were free from
taint; but as soon as they stretched out their hand "The church of the living God" is the "church of
to the religionists then they becamedefiled. In order the firstborn", composed of Christ Jesus amt the
to test their integrity God permitted them to suffer members of "his body" in glory. (1 Tim. 3: 15; Heb.
at the hands of religious practitioners and their 12 : 22, 23 ; Eph. 1 : 22, 23) The church is the "holy na-
persecutors. It was under such conditions that the tion" of Jehovah, devoted wholly and entirely to the
following Psalm was written: "For the voice of him service of Almighty God. It is the chosen inheritance
that reproacheth and blasphemeth; by reason of the of Jehovah which shall be forever to his praise. "But
enemy and avenger. All this is come upon us; yet ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an
have we not forgotten thee, neither have we dealt holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew
falsely in thy covenant. Our heart is not turned back, forth the praises of him who hath called you out of
neither have our steps declined from thy way ; though darkness into his marvellous light: which in time
thou hast sore broken us in the place of dragons, and past were not a people, but are now the people of
covered us with the shadow of death. If we have for- God; which had not obtained mercy, but now have
gotten the name of our God, or stretched out our obtained mercy."~l Pet. 2:9, 10.
hands to a strange god [such as saluting flags or ~o That holy nation has but 6ne God, who is Jeho-
images, or giving praise and worship to creatures vah, and concerning which it is written: "Blessed is
and things, indulging in religious formalism] ; shall the nation whose God is Jehovah, the people whomhe
not God search this out? for he knoweth the secrets hath chosen for his inheritance." Those who enter into
of the heart."--Ps. 44: 16-21. a covenant to become a part of that nation must fol-
’Jehovah, thus dealing with his typical covenant low righteousness, and, they failing to do so, their des-
people, made known to them his rule that discipline tiny is destruction : "Righteousness exalteth a nation :
must be applied to all who receive his approval and but sin is a reproach to any people."~Prov. 14: 34.
that often that discipline brings a severe test upon " Companies or congregations of the church began
his chosen people. Long thereafter the apostle re- to be established by the apostles of Jesus Christ, who
stated that divine rule relative to discipline as ap- went about and gathered together Christians that
plied to the antitypical or spiritual Israelites, show- they might be instructed and grow up in a knowledge
ing that the rule applies to all whoenter into a cove- and wisdom of the Lord. Such companies or congre-
nant to do God’s will. (Heb. 12: 5-13) The nation gations met for study and worship in the private
Israel did forget God and their covenant with him. homes, and these companies were called "the church"
They failed to give heed to his warning concerning because they were prospective members of the
religion or idolatry. Their leaders turned to tradi- church: "Salute the brethren which are in Laodicea,
tion and forgot and ignored the Word of God and and Nymphas, and the church which is in his house.
JULYi, 1941 NieWATCI-tTOWER, 197

And when this epistle is read amongyou, cause that "church" does not properly belong to that organiza-
it be read also in the church of the Laodiceans; and tion. It is the doctrines and practices of the Cathohc
that ye likewise read the epistle from Laodicea." organization that are in complete conflict with the
(Col. 4:15, 16) "Likewise greet the church that is Wordof God, and for this reason attention is called
their house. Salute my wellbeloved Ep~enatus, who to the same from time to time. It is never proper or
is the firstfruits of Achaiaunto Christ." (Rom.16 : 5 right to ridicule any man or group of men because
Philem. 2) These and many other scriptures show they are Catholic, but it is entirely right and proper
that the church of God is not an organization ruled to call attention to the fact that the Catholic organi-
by man or a company of men. Christ Jesus is the zation has turned away from the Bible and forgotten
Head and Ruler of the church, by the will of Almighty God. The purpose of this is to enable those sincere
God. The Lord Jesus began to choose the members Catholic persons to see and appreciate their p~iv-
of the church when he was on the earth in the flesh. ilege to flee from religion and flee to the Lord under
After his resurrection and ascension into heaven he the protection of the King of the great THEoct~cY.
sent his apostles forth, who went about preaching i, The term "Catholic Church" strictly means the
the true gospel and baptizing those who came to the controlling or ruling body of authority, called "the
Lord and entered into a covenant to do his will. The Hierarchy". That body of men in control was or-
apostles made no effort to organize and arbitrarily ganized long after the days of the apostles and after
rule the body, which body should have its own fixed the days of the early Christians. The many members
rules and regulations; but they did appoint servants of the Catholic Church organization are called "the
in the congregation who were to aid, direct and com- children of the church", and these have nothing to
fort the congregation by and with the Wordof God. say about the government of that body. Ambitious
It was after the apostles had finished their earthly men organized and gained control of the RomanCath-
existence that the organization became defiled and olic organization, which is now devoted to religion
selfish men, called "the clergy", were put in control. and politics. Catholic doctrines and "Catholic Actmn"
12 "Catholic" means "general" or "universal", and show that the organization as such has forgotten
is not a namethat properly belongs to a religious or- God. Sincere" Catholic men and women have sep-
ganization. For some time after the apostles’ time arated themselves from that "church" organization
the term "Catholic" was applied to the entire body and have freely set forth the facts showing the reason
of Christian people who worshiped God in spirit and why a true and sincere Christian cannot remain in it.
in truth¯ It then included all the Christian people As proof that the Catholic "church" organization has
throughout the earth. Later there was a separation fallen away from the Bible and forgotten God the fol-
between the western and eastern companies and the lowing quotations set out below are taken from a book
western division assumed the title "Catholic" and entitled "RomeStoops to Conquer", written by a sin-
the eastern took the name "Orthodox", and each be- cere Catholic, Doctor Barrett, and published in 1935 :
came a religious institution in due time. It was after "A large proportion of Catholic Action partakes
the Reformation that the organization at Romeas- of politics, and is a political penetratmn, an infiltra-
serted its claim to the exclusive use of the name tion into the political world of a new force and
"Catholic". Undoubtedly in the earlier days there agency .... ’That the Catholic Church is, to say the
were genuine and faithful Christians in both the least, certainly one of the major forces of the world
eastern and the western organization above men- . . . is generally admitted.’ This ’admittedly major
tioned. But gradually ambitious men came into pow- force of the world’ is focused today on the problem
er in the organization. The translation of the Scrip- of the future of this country .... Catholic Action
tures into the Latin called "the Vulgate", and which ¯ . . in practice . . . is the Catholic group fighting
name means the "common"edition of the Scriptures, their way to control America .... There was a time
was done mostly by Jerome, a very devout man. --it is now past~when only pious Catholics took part
It seems certain that he was devoted fully to the in the work of the Church. But today many Catholics
Lord God and to Christ Jesus. There must have been who cannot qualify as pious are busy about Catholic
many others of such unselfish men during the early Action. Catholicism now is something that partakes of
days of the Christian era. The RomanCatholic or- clannishness, and that is constituted in large part by
ganization has since adopted the Vulgate as the offi- social and political and ’club’ affiliations."
cial Bible of that organization; and the Douay Ver- 1, Then Doctor Barrett quotes from a high Cath-
sion, used generally by the Catholic organization, olic official these words, which appear in the New
was t:anslated from the Vulgate. No doubt there York T,mes January 7, 1935: "Catholic men should
have been sincere men amongthe servants and priests unite in order to be able to tell legislatures that they
of the Catholic Church organization, and which is must not introduce bills which are inimical to the
called "the Catholic Church", even though the name ideals of the family or the ideals of the Catholic

Church. They should organize so as to be strong law respecting the establishment of religion, thus
enough to insist that school teachers whoteach ’per- recognizing that every man is free to worship or not
nicious doctrines’ be removed." to worship as he may be moved by his own conscience
1~ The Converted Catholic, a magazine published and sincere desire to serve God. But since the year
by sincere men who withdrew from the priesthood 1914 the states and the nation have taken a contrary
of the Catholic organization, in its issue of June, course. Manyof the states attempt by law to forbid
1940, published the following: ’Hitler’s "objectives the freedom of worship in the manner God has pre-
are the same as those sought for four centuries by scribed in his Word and, contrary to God’s Word,
Jesuit-led Catholicism in its efforts to destroy the attempt to compel the people to indulge in certain
effects of the Reformation. Nazi-fascist dictators, all forms of worship. The states and the nation have
products of the Catholic Church, have supplied the clearly forgotten God and his law, which must govern
means that are rapidly bringing these objectives to all that are in an actual or in an implied covenant to
realization." "In Germany and in Central Europe do God’s law.
Hitler has undertaken to destroy entirely all free- ~8 All the nations of Europe have claimed to be
domof the spirit, and his attack can be placed in the Christian nations, and thereby all together form what
win column of the Catholic Church." "Catholic Action is generally known as "Christendom". In each and
in the United States is feverishly working for ’the every one of these nations the Bible has been pub-
organization of a corporative movement and the lished and recognized for a time as God’s Word. By
creation of a corporative state’."’ their claim and course of action such nations entered
into an implied covenant and recognized and agreed
WORSHIP to obey the law of God. All these nations, as the in-
’~ Compulsory worship is an abomination in the disputable facts show, have forgotten God.
sight of God even as hypocrisy is abominable: "God
is a spirit; and they that worship him must worship
him in spirit and in truth." (John 4: 24) Because ~ All the nations of "Christendom" have received
that old, religious system persecuted men in Europe the warning by and through the Word of God that
and compelled them to indulge in formal religious "righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a re-
ceremonies or suffer severe bodily punishment, sin- proach to any people". (Prov. 14: 34) Not only have
cere men and womenimmigrated to the new land of the nations had the Wordof God, by which they could
America, where they might worship God according have been properly guided, but they have had the
to the dictates of their ownconscience. Organizations history of the experiences of others that have gone
composed of sincere believers in God and in Christ before and have been destroyed because they had
sprang up throughout America and then the nation forgotten God and his Word. Jehovah God brought
advanced. States were formed and organized and in the flood upon the world, which destroyed all save
due time these states united in what is since known eight persons, Noah and his family. This He did be-
as the United States of America and became the na- cause that people pushed aside and wholly ignored
tion where it was declared that every man has the God’s Word. This forms a warning to "Christendom",
right to worship God in his own way, which does not but "Christendom" has forgotten to give heed to that
do injury to others. The states each adopted a con- warning. "Christendom" has forgotten that God vin-
stitution or fundamental law, in which Almighty God dicated his nameby the flood and that he will likewise
is recognized as supreme, and in which it is declared vindicate his name by destroying all who turn away
that the people have a right to worship Godin spirit from him. "Because they regard not the works of the
and in truth according to their conscience. The states Lord, nor the operation of his hands, he shall destroy
separately and unitedly thereafter called themselves them, and not build them up."--Ps. 28: 5.
Christian, and the nation of America has since FIGHTING GOD
claimed to be a Christian nation. The highest court of ~o The nations of "Christendom" have forgotten that
America in terms declared: "This is a Christian na- God long ago declared his purpose to rule the world
tion." By the course of action of the states and of the by his beloved Son, Christ Jesus, and that God gave
nation America became a part of "Christendom", and warning to all rulers to receive and support Christ
is in an implied covenant to obey the law of Almighty the King, or otherwise suffer the consequences : "Be
God, and to refrain from enacting or enforcing any wise now, therefore, O ye kings; be instructed, ye
law that is contrary to the law of Almighty God. judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, and re-
" Eminent law-writers have proclaimed the true joice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry,
doctrine that all laws of the nations find their author- and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is
ity only in the law of God. The constitution of the kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put
United States provides that Congress shall make no their trust in him."--Ps. 2: 10-12.
JuLYI, 1941 : --fieWATCHTOWE1K 199

21 Instead of supporting the King, the nations fight which has brought great suffering and mourning up-
against him and against Jehovah and persecute those on the people, but they blaspheme and reproach the
servants of God who tell the people of his righteous name of God and his King. Those nations, together
government, TEE THEOCRACY. In every nation of with the other nations that have claimed to be Chris-
"Christendom" the servants of Jehovah and his King tian, have forgotten God’s "everlasting covenant"
are persecuted, and the Lord Jesus Christ counts concerning the sanctity of humanblood. They go on,
such treatment as done unto himself. Therefore God’s ruthlessly and wickedly, in the destruction of human
servants pray the prayer which he recorded in his life. Therefore says Jehovah concerning them: "The
Word and taught them to pray, to wit: "Arise, 0 earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof,
Lord ; let not manprevail ; let the heathen be judged because they have transgressed the laws, changed
in thy sight. Put them in fear, 0 Lord; that the ha- the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant."--
tions may know themselves to be but men. Selah." Isa. 24 : 5.
(Ps. 9: 19, 20) It is certain, therefore, that all nations *’Many professed "Christian nations" provide
shall soon know that Jehovah is the Mighty God and their church basements with implements of war and
that puny man cannot successfully fight against him. destruction contrary to the Word of God. They join
~ The "times of the nations" have come to an end, their forces with others engaging in mortal combat
and of that all the nations that have had the Bible to gratify ambitious desires to gain power and con-
have received due warning. That end of the nations trol of the people. Such deplorable conditions Jeho-
under Satan’s uninterrupted rule came in 1914, when yah by his prophet long ago foretold, and that the net
Christ Jesus was enthroned as ICing of TaE THEOC- results would be as stated in the following texts:
r, ACY.(Luke 21:24) Christ Jesus, the great Judge, "The earth mourneth, and fadeth away; the world
now has before him all the nations for judgment, and languisheth, and fadeth away; the haughty people of
he is judging and separating the obedient from those the earth do languish. Therefore hath the curse de-
who have forgotten God. By their course of action voured the earth, and they that dwell therein are
those opposing THET~EOCRACY are all put on the side desolate; therefore the inhabitants of the earth are
or in the group of those who have forgotten God. burned, and few menleft."--Isa. 24 : 4, 6.
2, Christians have been duly warned of the Lord to
keep themselves separate and apart from the politics
and commerceand military rule of this wicked world. 2e Forgetting their covenant with God, the Israel-
The religious institutions that claim to be Christian ites became very religious and turned to demonprac-
have forgotten the Word of God concerning such, and tices, and in this they foreshadowed "Christendom"
which plainly states: "For the worship that is pure and concerning which Jehovah says: "For Israel
and holy before Godthe Father, is this: to visit the hath forgotten his Maker, and buildeth temples ; and
fatherless and the widowsin their affliction, and that Judah hath multiplied fenced cities [failing to rely
one keep himself unspotted from the world." (Jas. upon God’s promise for defense and protection] ; but
1 : 27, Syrtac) "Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know I will send a fire upon his cities, and it shall devour
ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with the palaces thereof."---Hos. 8: 14.
God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the "A similar condition was also foretold by the
world is the enemy of God." (Jas. 4: 4) All the reli- apostle, which would obtain in the "last days", where
gious institutions today participate in the political we noware, and this serves as a warning to the faith-
affairs of this world, even though the Scriptures and ful that they should avoid all religious practices or
the facts show beyond any question that Christ Jesus demonism, to wit: "This know also, that in the last
is now present putting his kingdom in operation. days perilous times shall come. For men shall be
2, The nations of Italy and Germanyfor centuries lovers of their ownselves, covetous, boasters, proud,
have claimed to be Christian nations, and within blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, un-
those nations there have been many faithful and true holy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false
witnesses to the name and kingdom of Jehovah. To- accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that
day those two nations are ultra-religious and are en- are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of
gaged, with the full co-operation of the RomanCath- pleasures more than lovers of God ; having a form of
olic Hierarchy, that old religious institution, in a godliness, but denying the power thereof ; from such
wicked and bloody effort to compel all the people to turn away."--2 Tim. 3: 1-5.
come under dictatorial power. Falsely and arbitrar- ’" In these days of great world distress and suffer-
ily those religious leaders claim to operate in the ing, made so by reason of the Devil’s activihes as
name of God, and yet they ignore entirely his Word foretold by the Lord (Rev. 12: 12), the religious lead-
and hesitate not to kill the servants of God. Not only ers of the world, forgetting God’s commandment,set
do such nations prosecute a cruel and wicked war, specific times for public prayers for peace. At these

appointed times they draw nigh to God with their fect and "done in righteousness". All true followers
mouths, but with no heart devotion whatsoever to of Christ Jesus are guided by the Word of God. It
Jehovah and his King. They desire to receive that being perfect at all times, it is not progressive from
which pleases them, but ignore God’s will. The Jew a lower to a higher degree. Religious leaders, such
religionists did so, and now the religionists of the as the pastor above mentioned, by relying upon hu-
nations of "Christendom" do likewise. Therefore man philosophy waste and destroy in the minds of
says the Lord Jehovah: "Wherefore the Lord said, others the Word of God; and concerning such it is
Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their written: "For the pastors are become brutish [wast-
mouth, and with their lips do honour me [inside their ers, destructive as by fire], and have not sought the
cathedrals and temples], but have removed their Lord; therefore they shall not prosper, and all their
heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught flocks shall be scattered."--Jer. 10:21.
by the precept of men: therefore, behold, I will pro- " The pastors or religious teachers claim to rep-
ceed to do a marvellous work amongthis people, even resent God and, instead of teaching the Wordof God,
a marvellous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of teach the wisdom or traditioh of men, and thereby
their wise men shall perish, and the understanding not only have they forgotten God, but they do harm
of their prudent men shall be hid. Woe unto them to those persons who stay under their teaching. They
that seek deep to hide their counsel from the Lord, steal from the people the Wordof God and substitute
and their works are in the dark [where conspiracies therefor the doctrines of men. It was so amongst
are hatched against the Theocratic servants], and the Israelites, and hence what God said to the pas-
they say, Whoseeth us ? and who knoweth us ? Surely tors of the Jews applies with even stronger force
your turning of things upside down [putting the now to the pastors of "Christendom", who claim to
state above God, and man’s law above God’s law] teach the Bible and who ignore the same. Such pas-
shall be esteemed as the potter’s clay [subject to the tors are called "prophets" because they proclaim, and
will of the potter] ; for shall the work say of him that concerning them it is written : "I have heard what the
made it, He made me not ? or shall the thing framed prophets said, that prophesy lies in my name, saying,
say of him that framed it, He had no understanding ?" I have dreamed, I have dreamed. Howlong shall this
(Isa. 29: 13-16) Therefore the nations and their reli- be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies ?
gious, political leaders are made’vessels fit for de- yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own
struction’ at Armageddon, as the Lord declares.-- heart; which think to cause my people to forget my
Rom.9 : 22. name by their dreams, which they tell every man to
2~ In these days of peril the religionists are exactly his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten my
in a state like unto that of the Pharisees in Jesus’ name for Baal. The prophet that hath a dream, let
time. (Matt. 15: 1-9) The religious leaders convince him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him
themselves that they are right, and therefore rely speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the
upon their own wisdom, and this is due to the fact wheat ? saith the Lord. Is not my word like as a fire ?
that they have forgotten God and his Word. Con- saith the Lord; and like a hammerthat breaketh the
cerning such it is written: "There is a way which rock in pieces? Therefore, behold, I am against the
seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are prophets, saith the Lord, that steal my words every
the ways of death." (Prov. 14 : 12) "The way of a fool one from his neighbour. Behold, I am against the
is right in his own eyes : but he that hearkeneth unto prophets, saith the Lord, that use their tongues, and
counsel is wise."--Prov. 12:15. say, He saith. Behold, I am against them that proph-
s0 Pastors of religious organizations other than the esy false dreams, saith the Lord, and do tell them,
RomanCatholic Hierarchy have forgotten that the and cause mypeople to err by their lies ; and by their
only true guide for the Christian is God’s Word. Be,- lightness ; yet I sent them not, nor commandedthem ;
coming wise in their own conceits, they turn to im- therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith
perfect reasoning of men and proclaim man’s so- the Lord."--Jer. 23: 25-32.
called "wisdom" in the place and stead of God’s ~’ The Israelites were God’s covenant people, and
Word. A well-known pastor of a religious organiza- they forgot God. "Christendom" claims to be God’s
tion recently, by radio, made a statement to this covenant people and has forgotten God. The Word
effect: "Christianity is progressive. The world is of God spoken against those who forget him applies
progressing in Christianity and in due time will both to Israelites and to professed Christians: "Be-
r(ach perfection." Had he relied upon God’s Word cause my people [’Christendom’, the professed peo-
he would not have made that statement. Christ Jesus ple] hath forgotten me, they have turned incense to
is the great Christian, and hence Christianity is per- vanity, and they have caused them to stumble in their
fect, and not progressive. Christ is the "express ways from the ancient paths, to walk in paths, in a
image" of Almighty God, and all His works are per- way not cast up; to make their land desolate, and a
JULY1, 1941 fffieWATCHTOWER, 201

perpetual hissing; every one that passeth thereby servant", the ungodly, and the sinners, utter cruel
shall be astonished, and wag his head. I will scatter speech against the faithful servants of Jehovah who
them as with an east wind before the enemy; I will declare his name and his THEOCRATIC GOVERNI~IENT,
shew them the back, and not the face, in the day of and bring much trouble upon such faithful servants
their calamity. Then said they, Come, and let us de- of the Most High. Therefore it is written of them,
vise devices against Jeremiah [Jehovah’s witnesses, and which applies at the present time: "seeing it is
of which Jeremiah was one, and who foreshadowed a righteous thing with God to recompense tribula-
the present-day witnesses of Jehovah] ; for the law tion to them that trouble you; and to you who are
shall not perish from the priest, nor counsel from the troubled, rest with us; when the Lord Jesus shall be
wise, nor the word from the prophet: come, and let revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in
us smite him with the tongue, and let us not give heed flaming fire taldng vengeance on them that know not
to any of his words."--Jer. 18: 15-18. God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus
Christ: who shall be punished with everlasting de-
EVIL SERVANT struction from the presence of the Lord, and from
~3 Christ Jesus tells of the action and the destiny the glory of his power ; whenhe shall cometo be glo-
of the "evil servant". Such have forgotten God and rified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that
his commandments.Once claiming to be for the King- believe (because our testimony among you was be-"
dom, now such show by their course of action that lieved) in that day."--2 Thess. 1: 6-10.
they have forgotten God, and to them Jehovah says : ~’ If any person thinks that the religious systems
"But ye are they that forsake the Lord, that forget have not corrupted the nations of earth, that person
my holy mountain [the Kingdom, THE THEOCRACY], is deceived. God has not left the matter in doubt.
that prepare a table for that troop [Gad; a demon The religions of earth, the product of demons, have
(see margin)], and that furnish the drink offering brought about great confusion ; and hence demon or-
unto that number [Meni; a demon (see marginal ganizations, with religion riding on the top, are called
reading) ]. Therefore will I number you to the sword, "Babylon" ; and concerning this it is written : "Baby-
and ye shall all bow down to the slaughter; because lon hath been a golden cup in the Lord’s hand, that
when I called, ye did not answer; when I spake, ye made all the earth drunken ; the nations have drunk-
did not hear; but did evil before mine eyes, and did en of her wine ; therefore the nations are mad. Baby-
choose that wherein I delighted not."--Isa. 65 : 11, 12. lon is suddenly fallen and destroyed; howl for her;
3, The "evil servant" smites the witnesses of Jeho- take balm for her pain, if so be she may be healed.
vah and thus fights against THE THEOCRACY, and Wewould have healed Babylon, but she is not healed :
their destiny is the same as that of the hypocrites: forsake her, and let us go every one into his own
"And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his por- country; for her judgment reacheth unto heaven, and
tion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and is lifted up even to the skies." (Jer. 51 : 7-9) In fur-
gnashing of teeth."--Matt. 24: 51. ther support of that conclusion the Lord says : "And
he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Baby-
UNGODLY lon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the
35 There are those who have had every opportu- habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit,
nity to know the Word of God and have spurned it. and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all
The evolutionists, many of whompose as preachers nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her
in some church organization, deny the Word of God fornication, and the kings of the earth have commit-
and teach their students and parishioners at colleges ted fornication with her, and the merchants of the
and school to ignore the Word of God. They do not earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her
believe in God and His Word because they are wise delicacies. And I heard another voice from heaven,
in their own conceits. The day of judgment has come saying, Comeout of her, my people, that ye be not
and Christ Jesus, the great Judge, accompanied by partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her
his host of angels, now judges the nations. (Matt. plagues."--Rev. 18 : 2-4.
25: 31-35) Concerning the same it is written: "And
Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of WARNING
these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thou- as This warning is sounded by the Lord for the
sands of his saints, to execute judgment upon all ; and benefit of all persons of good-will toward THETHEOC-
to convince all that are ungodly among them of all RACY.Such as heed the warning will speedily flee out
their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly com- and away from religious organizations and find
mitted, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly safety under the Lord Jesus Christ. Those who be-
sinners have spoken against him."--Jude 14, 15. lieve God and his Word should now see and under-
2o The religious leaders, the "manof sin", the "evil stand that God is not a respecter of persons or na°
N. Y.

tions, and that all who have learned of Jehovah and times the name of Jehovah, sing : "Whoshall not fear
his kingdom and have then forgotten God and turned thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name ? for thou only art
away to the "beggarly elements" of the world, and holy; for all nations shall come and worship before
also all who fail and refuse to hear and obey Godand thee; for thy judgments are made manifest." (Rev.
his King, shall go down at Armageddon, which is 15:4) Those who are of good-will toward God hear
near. God’s judgment is written, and it is certain to the glad song and hasten to join the singers in doing
be executed. service to the Lord.
"" But before the execution of his judgment the
Lord sends forth his witnesses to declare his name
and his kingdom throughout the earth. This he does " The judgment of the nations is now in progress,
for a witness, in order that the nations may have no and hence all are before Christ Jesus, the great Judge.
excuse for their course of action and end. They fix The religious organizations claim to serve God,
their own destiny. Therefore the Lord sends forth his but they have forgotten him and his Word and have
servants with this commandment, which they must turned entirely to the things of this world. Such reli-
obey: "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be gious institutions join forces with political and com-
preached in all the world for a witness unto all na- mercial strong men, and together they say, ’%Vewill
tions; and then shall the end come."--Matt. 24: 14. rule the earth." They have fQrgotten that Jesus di-
,o The fact that in all the nations Jehovah’s wit- rects all Christians to pray for the coming of T~E
THEOCRACY,which shall rule the world in righteous-
nesses are now hated and persecuted is strong cir-
cumstantial evidence that the witness work is about ness. (Matt. 6: 10) Religious great men and their
completed and that Armageddon is very near. Be- political allies assert their claim to rule the world,
cause many have forgotten God and become enemies and thus, together, they constitute "the abomination
of God and of his servants the words of the prophet of desolation". This truth now plainly appears to all
now apply to them, to wit: "My zeal hath consumed persons of good-will, and to such the Lord now says :
"But when ye shall see the abomination of desola-
me ; because mine enemies have forgotten thy words.
Thy word is very pure; therefore thy servant loveth tion, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where
it. I am small and despised; yet do not I forget thy it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then
precepts."--Ps. 119 : 139-141. let them that be in Judsea flee to the mountains."--
" With the zeal that belongs to the ’°house [or Mark13 : 14.
,5 The Lord here also warns those whostart to flee
organization] of the Lord" the faithful remnant and
their companions now say, as God has taught them: that they must not turn back, and that if they do turn
"0 worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness; fear back and forget God and his provision for them their
before him, all the earth. Say amongthe heathen that destiny will be the same as that of others who for-
the Lord reigneth; the world also shall be estab- get God. Such are put in the same class with the
lished that it shall not be moved; he shall judge the wicked, the "evil servant" and the hypocrites, and
people righteously." (Ps. 96: 9, 10) Those who are the destiny of such the Lord declares in these words :
of good-will toward God will now hear the glad news "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all tile na-
and hasten to the Lord that they may have a share tions that forget God." (Ps. 9: 17) "The Lord pre-
in proclaiming his name and his kingdom. serveth all them that love him ; but all the wicked will
he destroy."--Ps. 145: 20.
" The remnant of God’s "holy nation" still on the ¯ 6 Those who are of good-will toward God and who
earth have not forgotten God. The "other sheep" of
desire life must now flee: "For the day of the Lord
the Lord nowfleeing to the antitypical "city of ref-
[Armageddon] is near upon all the heathen [the na-
uge" do not forget God and his "wonderful works to
tions that are against THETHEOCRACY] ; as thou hast
the children of men". Such "other sheep" continue
done, it shall be done unto thee : thy reward shall re-
faithful and in due time will form the "great multi-
turn upon thine own head. For as ye have drunk upon
tude" and constitute the "nations" that shall carry
my holy mountain, so shall all the heathen [the na-
out the divine mandate to "fill the earth". Therefore
tions that are against T~E THEOCRACY] drink contin-
Jehovah now says to the remnant and to his "other ually, yea, they shall drink, and they shall swallow
sheep" : "Rejoice, O ye nations, with his people ; for he down, and they shall be as though they had not been."
will avenge the blood of his servants, and wilt render
vengeance to his adversaries, and will be merciful --Obad. 15, 16.
unto his land, and to his people."--Deut. 32:43. THE "OTHER SHEEP"
’" The "great multitude" is taken from the various ,v Those of good-will, the "other sheep" of the Lord,
nations, kindreds, people and tongues and shall form who will form the "great multitude", must be faith-
the new nations of the earth. God’s spiritual class, ful, and will be to the everlasting praise of Jehovah
now with Christ Jesus, and having in mind at all and the vindication of his name. All such, who have
Ju-cY 1, 1941 NieWATCHTOWER.
now taken the step to put themselves on the side of words : "Consider mine enemies ; for they are many ;
the Lord, must see to it that they do not forget God. and they hate me with cruel hatred. O keep my soul,
What must one do to avoid that calamity? Shun re- and deliver me ; let me not be ashamed ; for I put my
ligion, because it is demonism. Avoid the vain bab- trust in thee. Let integrity and uprightness preserve
blings of so-called worldly "wise men" and study to me; for I wait on thee."--Ps. 25: 19-21.
so There is but one wayto heal the people of the na-
show yourself approved unto God. (2 Tim. 2: 15, 16;
1 Tim. 6:20,21) Do not lean to your own selfish tions which are now desirous of being healed, and
reasoning, nor to that of any man: "Trust in the that is the way which Jehovah God has provided.
Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine Christ Jesus is at the temple of God, and his "holy
own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, city", Zion, is builded up, and out from the holy city
and he shall direct thy paths." (Prov. 3: 5, 6) That begins to flow the water of life, that all whowill may
means, in everything you have, acknowledge the Lord partake thereof and live. (Rev. 22: 17) The remnant
God and, in everything you receive at his gracious were first permitted to see and appreciate the wa-
hands, acknowledge him and give him the thanks ter of life coming from the throne of God, after the
for the same. coming of Christ Jesus to the temple. Nowthe "other
48 To "seek meekness" means to be willing to learn sheep" have the privilege of seeing and partaking of
and diligent to ascertain the will of God; and this the blessings thus provided. Concerning this it is
you must do by continuously applying yourself to written : "And he showed me a river of water of life,
the study of God’s Word. It is of vital importance bright as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of
that you learn God’s way, because that is the way of Godand of the Lamb, in the midst of the street there-
righteousness. "The meek will he guide in judgment, of. And on this side of the river and on that was the
and the meek will he teach his way. All the paths of tree of life, bearing twelve mannerof fruits, yielding
the Lord are mercy and truth unto such as keep his its fruit every month ; and the leaves of the tree were
covenant and his testimonies."--Ps. 25:9, 10. for the healing of the nations." (Rev. 22: 1, 2, Am.
4~ The enemies of all of God’s people are many. Rev. Ver.)--See Light, Book Two, page 254; Vmdz-
Satan, the chief of demons, leading a host of demons cation, Book Three, page 303.
associated with him; the religionists of earth, who s’ Christ Jesus, with his own precious lifeblood,
practice demonism; and all who are under the in- has bought the human race, and those who believe in
fluence and power of demons, are fighting against the God and Christ and devote themselves to the Lord
covenant people of God. All such hate those who have and obey his rules shall have the benefit of the means
declared themselves for Jehovah and his THEOCrtACY. God has provided to give them life through Christ
If yOUhave taken your stand on the side of God and Jesus. There is no other means of salvation. (Acts
his kingdom, see to it that you are continuously loyal 4: 12) Demonism, religion, and human philosophy
and faithful to THETHEOCRACY, walk in the way of are altogether in vain. Jehovah God is the "fountain
the Lord, and continue to pray unto God through of life", and he ministers life by and through Jesus
Christ Jesus. An appropriate prayer the Lord has Christ, and administers that life and attending bless-
put before all whohave agreed to do his will, in these ings to those who faithfully obey and serve him.


LL Christians worship JEHOVAH GODin spirit and
A in truth. All such love Jehovahand Christ his King
and love those whotruly worship Jehovah and the
Missouricity it is not necessary nowfor us to know.In his
due time he will makethat clearly to appear. It is sufficient
nowto knowthat the spirit of Godleads his people there.
King. It is a joy to such and a source of great spiritual All wholove righteousness and hate wickedness, and who
strength to assemble together to worship the Lord, and it strive to do right, will be welcome.That meansall persons
is certain that such is pleasing to the MostH~gh. whoare of good-will toward the great THEOCRAT wlll be
The evidence is certain that Jehovahis guiding his de- welcome,and it is hopedthat as manyas possible will attend.
voted people at the present time and that he is leading Throughoutthe entire earth the people nowmournand
themto one place that they maythere assembleand worship manyare seeking that which would bring them comfort.
Almighty God as he has commanded.For the year 1941 Jehovah has commismoned his people to "comfort all that
it appears to be pleasing to Jehovah to have his people mourn".All whoare fully devoted to Jehovahwill be dih-
assembleat St. Louis, August6-10 inclusive. The place of gent to fulfill that divinely given commission.As the con-
assemblywill be at The Arena, 5700OaklandAvenue,where secrated journey to and from the convention, and while
space is provided for the assembly and accommodationof there, each one should be diligent to render comfort to
approximately 75,000 persons. If a greater number than those whohave a hearing ear, desiring to knowof God’s
that attend additional space can be readily provided. gracious provision.
Just whyJehovah is leading his covenant people to the At other times manycities have been tied together with

land wires and by radio and all have participated in one The joys and attending blessings will far outweigh all in-
convention though gathered together at many different conveniences. The Almighty God and His King will make
points. This year it appears to be Jehovah’s will that all all necessary provision for the protection and blessing of
who can do so shall personally attend at one point. That those who are devoted to THETHEOCRACY. Let all such now
fact calls to mind the Scriptures concerning "the general turn their hearts and faces toward the convention of
assembly . . . of the firstborn", which assembly may be August 6-10 and keep before the Lord in prayer and suppli-
quite near. For many who attend there will be some incon- cation that coming assembly, that Jehovah may there pour
veniences and some hardships, no doubt, but all such will out a great blessing upon all who love and serve Him that
rememberthe words of the apostle recorded at Acts 14 : 22. these may have a part in the vindication of his name.

gg’V ~rIO maketh the clouds his chariot." "The char- prophet Ezekiel to prophesy of the destruction of Jerusa-
W iots of God are twenty thousand, even thou- lem. "Christendom," or "organized Christianity", and which
" ¯ sands upon thousands: the Lord is among is the nominal spiritual Israel, has misused and abused
them." (Psalm 104:3 and 68:17, Am. Rev. Ver.) Chariots God’s true spiritual temple, and God’s judgment of de-
are symbols of war, and the mention of them in prophecy struction against it is recorded in the Scriptures and is
suggests that the day of God’s wrath and the execution now being pronounced by"his witnesses on earth. The first
of his judgment against the enemy has come. That in the chapter of Ezekiel’s prophecy is a description of Jehovah’s
Scriptures chariots are used to symbolize war equipment, organization as it appeared under symbols to the prophet.
and the preparation for war as well as war itself, note This vision of Ezekiel shows the Lord God Almighty sitting
Isaiah 66: 15, 16: "For, behold, the Lord will come with upon his throne over and above all the forces of his organi-
fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his zation and coming "out of the north" and moving forward
anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire. For to the destruction of the unfaithful city Jerusalem, pictur-
by fire and by his sword will the Lord plead with all flesh; ing "Christendom" of today.
and the slain of the Lord shall be many." This text and Jehovah God has a universal organization. He has al-
others prove that the fight at the universal war of Arma- ways had an organization, and from time immemorial his
gcddon will not be merely a symbolic affair, because Jeho- only begotten Son, The Logos or Word of God, was the
vah God announces his purpose to clean Satan’s organiza- chief officer of Jehovah’s organization. Because of the re-
tion off the earth. Let those whowouldput on the soft pedal bellion of Satan and the resulting fall of man, Jehovah God
concerning that wicked organization of the Devil, visible made the Logos a man upon earth. At the time of Jesus’
and invisible, beware. The invisible army of the Lord God baptism in the Jordan, there began God’s "new creation",
is marching on to victory. Jehovah marches to war with his which He will use in the vindication of His name and in
"thousands upon thousands" of chariots of war. Knowing dealing with mankind, "reconciling the world unto himself."
in advance that this victory is certain is a source of great Jesus Christ was put to the test, and proved faithful and
courage and strength to all who love righteousness. true, and was exalted to the highest place in heaven next
Hundreds of years before Christ the prophet Zechariah to Jehovah God himself and was made the Head of God’s
was given a vision of the militant organization of Jehovah. capital organization, Zion, for ever. And this was in ful-
The prophet looked again, and tells what he saw: "And I fillment of prophecy.--Ps. 110 : 1-4 ; Heb. 7 : 17.
turned, and lifted up mille eyes, and looked, and behold, With the Israelites of old Jehovah Godorganized typical
there came four chariots out from between two mountains; Zion, which was prophetic of the real Zion to come. IIe then
and the mountains were mountains of brass." (Zech. 6 ¯ 1) organized the real Zion, with Christ Jesus as Head, and
"Chariots" here are symbols of Jehovah’s great war organi- which is therefore God’s organization real. The faithful
zation, and there being four chariots means that God’s or- followers of Christ Jesus, finally 144,000 in number, are
gamzation is a four-square one, fully equipped to push the built up in Zion and madea part thereof. (Rev. 7 : 4-8 ; and
enemy from every point and to completely defeat and de- 14: 1-3) The exalted Lord Jesus, as God’s executive officer,
stroy him. The fact that these chariots come out from be- prepares a place for his faithful followers irL that capital
tween two mountains of brass symbolically says that they organization.--John 14: 1-3.
are exceedingly strong. "And the mountains were moun- The prophet Ezekiel, when sent to prophesy concerning
tains of copper." (Leeser’s trans.) Gold, silver and copper the destruction of Jerusalem, was caused to write downhis
are classed as "noble" metals, and hence their coming out vision of God’s organization, as depicted on the front-cover
from between mountains of copper or brass shows they are page of this magazine, which please see. (Ezek. 1:4-28)
beyond the earthly quality, therefore superhuman, and are He writes: "And I looked, and behold, a whirlwind came
sent by Jehovah God and hence are in no way a part of out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself,
Satan’s visible, earthly government..These chariots picture and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof
the fighting organization of Jehovah God under the leader- as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire." In that
ship of Christ Jesus. vision there now appeared four living creatures, every one
The ancient Israelites misused and abused Jehovah’s. of which had four faces and four wings. Ezekiel writes:
temple at Jerusalem, and Jehovah therefore caused the "Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four
JULY 1, 1941 fffieWATCHTOWEI 205

living creatures. And this was their appearance; they had eagle flies high, and wisdom is never dimmedby age. "Thy
the likeness of a man. And every one had four faces, and youth is renewed like the eagle’s." (Ps. 103: 5) Every part
every one had four wings. Andtheir feet were straight feet; of God’s organization is swift to obey his commandments,
and the sole of their feet was like the sole of a calf’s foot; and they are guided by divine wisdom.
and they sparkled like the colour of burnished brass. And The four living creatures John saw had each six wings.
they had the hands of a manunder their wings on their four The three pairs of wings had by each would suggest that the
sides ; and they four had their faces and their wings. Their possessor can fly and provide protection at the same time,
wings were joined one to another; they turned not when therefore that the creatures of God’s organization move
they went; they went every one straight forward. As for the swiftly without hindrance in the performance of Jehovah’s
hkeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and purposes and at the same time full protection is provided
the face of a lion on the right side; and they four had the for those membersof his organization that are on the earth.
face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face Their protection, of course, is provided by invisible members
of an eagle."--Vss. 4-10. of the organization. These creatures never rest, showing
Manycenturies later the apostle John in exile had a like that the organization of Jehovah is always alert and on the
vision of four living creatures attending upon the Lord at move. Nor do those of the organization keep silence lest
his temple. John writes of his vision: "And before the they should disturb the peace of some of Satan’s organi-
throne [there was] as it were a sea of glass like unto crystal ; zation. (Isa. 62:6, 7) Continuously they sing praises to the
and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, name of the eternal King, saying: "Holy, holy, holy, Lord
foar hving creatures full of eyes before and behind. Andthe God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come."
first creature was like a lion, and the second creature like The four creatures that the prophet Ezekiel saw had
a calf, and the third creature had a face as of a man, and each the four faces of the four living creatures seen by the
the fourth creature was like a flying eagle. And the four apostle John : "Thus were their faces : and their wings were
living creatures, having each one of them six wings, are stretched upward; two wings of every one were joined one
full of eyes round about and within: and they have no rest to another, and two covered their bodies. And they went
day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God, every one straight forward: whither the spirit was to go,
the Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come." they went; and they turned not when they went. As for
(Rev. 4: 6-8, Am. Rev. Vet.) Christ Jesus is "in the midst the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was
of the throne and of the four living creatures". (Rev. 5- 6, like burning coals of fire, and like the appearance of lamps ;
A.R.V.) He is the first of God’s organization, and all other it went up and down among the living creatures; and the
creatures therein operate around his throne. The four liv- fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning."
ing creatures, or living ones, therefore represent the four- (Vss. 11-13) "And there appeared in the cherubims the
squareness or completeness of God’s organization. These are form of a man’s hand under their wings." (Chapter 10,
"full of eyes before and behind", showing that those of verse 8) The form of a man’s hand under the wings of these
God’s organization are ever on the alert beholding His hand living creatures seems to say that God has used the hand
that they may do his will as he indicates, and hence are of human creatures to bear the coals of God’s message of
guided by divine wisdom.--Ps. 123:1-3. fiery indignation which the Lord will use against the enemy
John’s description of the four living creatures, that is, organization.
of God’s organization, follows, and the first one is "like a By each of the living creatures which had four faces
lion", denoting courage and royal justice. (Ps. 89:14; there appeared in the vision also one wheel upon the earth,
Ps 9: 4) Justice holds the place of first importance. The all four wheels being of one likeness and being related to one
second living creature resembled an ox or "steer". (Diaglott another like the wheels of a four-wheeled chariot. "And
trans.) In the prophetic temple built by King Solomonthe the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of
copper laver or "molten sea" rested upon twelve oxen. a flash of hghtning. Now, as I beheld the hvmgcreatures,
The ox denotes power and strength, and the symbol seems behold, one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures,
to say: Almighty power and strength supports the divine with his four faces. The appearance of the wheels and thmr
organization, and God will accomplish his purposes by and work was like unto the colour of a beryl ; and they four had
through his organization. one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as
The third living one or creature had the face of a man, it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel. Whenthey went,
which depicts love as the motive. "God is love"; and man they went upon their four sides; and they turned not when
is described as being made in the image of God. The man they went. As for their rings, they were so high that they
Christ Jesus said: "He that hath seen me hath seen the were dreadful; and their rings were full of eyes round
Father," because he is perfect in love. Every action in about them four. And when the living creatures went, the
God’s organization is prompted by love. Nothing else could wheels went by them; and when the living creatures were
be in harmony with him or pleasing to him. It therefore lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up. Whither-
shows that those whoare privileged to have any part in his soever the spirit was to go, they went, thither was their
orgamzation must be prompted wholly by unselfishness. spirit to go; and the wheels were hfted up over against
The fourth living creature was "like a flying eagle"; them: for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels.
which depicts far-sightedness, exalted wisdom and swift- Whenthose went, these went; and when those stood, these
ness m action: "Swifter than the eagles of the heaven." stood; and when those were lifted up from the earth, the
(Lam. 4 : 19) "Fly away, as an eagle toward heaven." (Prov. wheels were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of
23:5) "Wisdomis too high for a fool." (Prov. 24:7) the living creature was in the wheels. And the likeness of
the firmament upon the heads of the living creature was as Thus it is seen that the prophetic description is one
the colour of the terrible crystal, stretched forth over their fitly representing a mighty war chariot The number "four"
heads above. And under the firmament were their wings appears prominently therein and is a divine number rep-
straight, the one toward the other : every one had two, which resenting completeness. The vision, therefore, speaks pro-
covered on this side, and every one had two, which covered phetically of something complete, and is a praphecy to have
on that side, their bodies."--Ezek. 1 : 14-23. a fulfillment in due time. The living creatures and the in-
Thus there appeared over the heads of the living crea- animate objects, or instruments, appearing in the vision,
tures a great expanse like terrible crystal to look upon. together give the appearance of an enormous living chariot-
Under the expanse were the wings of the living creatures, like organization extending high into the heavens, and over
each having four wings, two on each side of the body. When all of which Jehovah God presides. In that organization,
these creatures went, the sound of the wings was like the and appearing next to Jehovah, is his great High Priest
sound of many waters. "And when they went, I heard the and Executive Officer, Christ Jesus. With him in heaven,
noise of their wings, like the noise of great waters, as the and forming a part of the great living organization, are
voice of the Almighty, the voice of speech, as the noise of those faithful followers of Christ Jesus, including the apos-
an host: when they stood, they let down their wings. And tles, who died and for whomthe Lord prepared a place in
there was a voice from the firmament that was over their God’s organization, and who had their resurrection to life
heads, when they stood, and had let down their wings." in the spirit and were put in their places when the Lord
(Vss. 24, 25) Thus the Lord calls attention to his coming Jesus came to his temple in 1918 for the judgment of his
in the most impressive manner, causing his message to be followers and the nations. Such resurrected ones are part
given a far-sounding proclamation. The world sees not his of "the body of Christ".
coming; but his faithful witnesses discern it and are caused In that organization are also seraphim. There appear
to give proper announcement thereof. in the organization cherubim, who are executive officers of
Then the prophet beheld in the vision a firmament, and Jehovah and therefore members of the organization. Then
above the firmament and above everything animate and appear legions of pure and mighty angels who have their
inanimate there appeared the likeness of a throne upon places in the organization and perform their respective
which a glorious person sat enshrined in perfect light: duties. Downon the earth are the anointed remnant of Je-
"And above the firmament that was over their heads was hovah’s witnesses, who constitute the "feet of Him", which
the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire means the last members of the "body of Christ" on earth
stone; and upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness and for whomthe Lord has prepared a place to stand and
as the appearance of a man above upon it. And I saw as walk about in God’s organization; and these do what the
the colour of amber, as the appearance of fire round about Lord has for them to do, and they are a part of his organi-
wzthin it, from the appearance of his loins even upward, zation. Nowalso a multitude of persons of good-will, who
shall form the "great multitude" of Armageddonsurvivors,
and from the appearance of his loins even downward, I saw
as it were the appearance of fire, and it had brightness round become companions of the remnant in the Lord’s witness
about."--Vss. 26, 27. work, and thus become associated with God’s organization.
The entire organization, represented by the symbols in
Thus above the expanse or firmament was the likeness the vision, revolves within a circle of divine wisdom, rep-
of a great throne having the appearance of a sapphire stone, resented by "eyes", and is directed by the perfect wisdom
and upon the throne was one having the appearance of a that is from heaven above. The vision, therefore, speaks
man. There was the appearance of fire round about and
prophetically of God’s perfect and mighty organization.
within it, and the color was of amber. After describing the The prophet says that in the vision "out of the fire went
appearance of the one on the throne, then the prophecy forth lightning". That must mean that Jehovah sends forth
adds: "As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud his truth through his organization, and that the "hghtning"
m the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness represents the illumination of that truth which comes from
round about. This was the appearance of the likeness of the
glory of tile Lord. And when I saw it, I fell upon my face,
and I heard a voice of one that spake." (Vs. 28) Ezekiel The vision is a prophecy now in course of fulfillment,
was there given a vision of Jehovah’s mighty organization because that Theocratic organization is functioning since
and he fell upon his face. The vision pictured Jehovah’s Jehovah by his representative Christ Jesus came to his
temple. Furthermore, the coming of the Lord to his temple
superiority over his organization. God’s faithful remnant
indicates that the time of hostilities for the destruction of
of witnesses on earth, whomEzekiel foreshadowed, now Satan’s organization in heaven and earth has arrived, by
must recognize Jehovah’s great organization and show prop- reason of the fact that Jehovah is accompaniedby his living
er veneration for it. They must worship and be fully obe- creatures of his great organization and it moves in a great
dient to "The Higher Powers", to wit, Jehovah God and chariot-like formation prepared for and advancing for war,
Christ Jesus.--Rom. 13 : 1. "the battle of that great day of God Almighty."

K~PHOT thou silence, 0 God:hold not thy peace, and be not still,
0 God.... Let [thine enemies] be confoundedand troubled for
ever; yea, let them be put ¢o shame, and perish: that menmay
know that thou, ~ohose namealone is JEHOVAH, art the Most
Highover all the earth.--Psalm83 : 1, 17,18.
BOUTtwo hundred and fifty years after man went
A wrong a grandson of Adam, named Enos, was born.
By that time, as far as the Scriptures disclose, every
11:5 testifies: "By faith Enoch was translated that tie
should not sce death; and was not found, because God had
translated him ; for before his translation he had this testi-
man on earth was following the course of wickedness. This, mony, that he pleased God."
of course, warrants the conclusion that all the humanrace Enoch was a witness on the earth for Jehovah God.
was by that time under the control of man’s enemy, the Surely he was known amongst the other men and known
Devil. This one must have thought that he had succeeded by the fact that he believed on God and served him, while
in having all men worship him and that he had turned them all others were against Jehovah. Such faith under such ad-
all away from their Creator; and therefore he set about to verse conditions was pleasing to God, and God rewarded
mock God by establishing a system of hypocrisy. It was that faith by translating Enoch. In those days it was usual
in the days of Enos that hypocrisy began to manifest itself for men to live for seven or eight centuries. Enoch hved
for the first time, and then in connection with a form of only three hundred and sixty-five years, and then God took
worship called religion. him away. No one saw him go, no one buried him, and no
In the Record it is written, at Genesis 4:26, marginal one knew where he went.
reading: "And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; Satan the Devil had the power of death, and without
and he called his name Enos: then began men to call them- doubt he would have killed Enoch had not God prevented
selves by the name of the LORD[Jehovah]." Why should him from so doing. Of course, God has the power of death,
they desire to call themselves by the name of the Lord if but he did not put Enoch to death for any wrongful act
they were wicked ? The answer is, that such was a scheme on Enoch’s part. Nor did Enoch die because of mckness,
of the great slanderer, or the Devil, to have the people pre- the result of the inheritance from Adam, his grandfather
tend to be sons of God and yet to pursue a course in exact The Devil had nothing to do with putting Enoch to death.
opposition to God, and thereby to ridicule and reproach God Enoch was a young man compared with his father Jared,
and hold his name up to scorn. who lived 800 years after he begot Enoch. While in the
This ancient occurrence discloses a scheme of Satan the vigor of youth and while he walked with God and joyfully
Devil which he has practiced ever since, namely, to have conformed himself to God’s righteous law, the Lord mani-
as a part of his visible organization amongst men some kind fested his pleasure in the faith of Enoch by taking him
of organized system of religion, such as "Christendom", by away, by putting him to sleep without his having to pass
which he could bring ridicule and reproach upon the name through the bitter waters of a lingering or agonizing death
of Jehovah. Furthermore, Satan knew that man was so con- It seems reasonable that Enoch never saw anyone die,
stituted that he would need to worship someone higher than because the inspired apostle Paul testifies that Enoch did
himself. Satan, of course, wished to keep man always un- "not see death". This same apostle, after enumerating a
der his control and have man to worship him; but should number of faithful men of old, including Enoch, states:
he not be able to keep man completely under his control "These all died in faith." (Hebrews 11:5-13) It follows,
and have his worship, then he would establish amongst men of course, that Enoch was not taken away to live on some
hypocrisy, and thus, while they would pretend to worship other planet, but that Godtook him by quietly and suddenly
their Creator, they would be unfaithful to God. This prac- putting him to sleep without pain or anguish and without
tice of hypocrisy, or religion, would be a reproach upon fear of the terrible monster death. Here God began to in-
the name of Jehovah and a ridicule of God. Later a few dicate that at some time he would destroy death and de-
men did turn to the worship of the true God, but it is ob- liver all those whohave faith in him from all their enemies,
served that throughout the ages the major portion of men’s including the enemy death.--1 Cor. 15:26.
worship has been religion, which is in reality demonism. Jude 14, 15 records that Enoch prophesied that in some
After Abel the first man mentioned with favor in the future time the Lord would come with a mighty host of
Scriptures was Enoch. He was of the seventh generation holy ones and execute judgment upon the ungodly. Of
from Adam. (See Jude 14.) Enoch is held forth in great course, he would give utterance to this prophecy in the
contrast to Enos and other men of his time. Aside from presence of other men, and they would mock and jeer and
Abel every man from Adam down to the birth of Enoch taunt him, and then the Devil would use every power at
was undoubtedly evil. The human race was going the road his commandto destroy Enoch. But Jehovah God held his
of corruption. Enoch was the exception. He believed in hand over Enoch. It is evident that God had told Enoch,
Jehovah God. He believed that some day God would re- or by some means had put it into Enoch’s mind, that some-
ward all those who would obey Him. So active had Satan time in the future he would send His mighty representative,
the Devil been that the people of earth by that time even Christ Jesus, to execute judgment upon all the enemies of
doubted the existence of Jehovah God. It was necessary Jehovah God and deliver the people of good-will from bond-
for Enoch to exercise faith that God actually exists. This age. The spirit of the Lord moved upon Enoch’s mind and
was necessary in order for him to please God. As written caused him to prophesy, because his heart was right toward
at Hebrews11 : 6 : "Without faith it is impossible to please God. Enoch’s was the first prophecy by man of a coming
God; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, Deliverer.
and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." Thus, by these two men, Enos and Enoch, are made
That Enoch pleased God is shown by the following record, manifest religion, a detestable and hypocritical thing m
at Genesis 5:24: "And Enoch walked with God; and he the sight of Jehovah God, and the opposite, true faith,
was not, for God took him." To the same effect Hebrews which is pleasing to Him.
’q was giving explanation of the Bible to about ten lis- ’%Vorking in this district for some time prior to the
teners, Italians, Mohammedans and Copts. Suddenly a outlawing of our organization, we had met a number of
Coptic priest came, the people giving him honor, a seat, people of good-will and at that time were carr.ying on back-
and kissing his hands and offering him cigarettes. He asked calls and model studies. Wekept in touch w.iLh every one
what I was doing there. I started to give him the message. that showedthe slightest interest, realizing that ’this gospel
Astonished, he confidentially whispered. ’Where did you of the kingdom must continue to be preached’. From per-
sonal experience, we cannot say too much in f~vor of obey-
study such things ?’ I then said loudly before all listeners: ing instructions published in the Informant. One point
’If you will also study such things, you have to take off that helped us very much was to remember that ’every call
your robe and follow Christ and his teachings.’ Mortified, was a prospective back-call, every back-call a prospective
he asked the grocer for his Bible so that I could prove to model study, every person attending the model study a pros-
him the passages concerning the clerics. I asked him to read pective publisher’. Indeed it has worked out that way in
Matthew 23. Not knowing its contents, the clergyman took this district. There has been an increase of twenty-five active
a grand position, pulled up his wide sleeves and started publishers, the direct result of back-calls and modelstudies ;
loudly to read in front of all listeners the passages thereof, while others just coming in are showing evidence of desir-
while all were laughing at seeing him swallowing hard his ing to have a part in the work. Somevjho have been identi-
spittle and uttering the words identifying himself in the fied with the organization for some time and who were
passages he was reading; so he said: ’Enough, please.’ At rather reluctant to have a part in the work ’while the dew
this I greeted them friendlily and left. For a week-end I was on the ground’, were encouraged when they saw the
zeal of the new publishers, and have put forth greater
had opportunity to go to Minia, Upper Egypt, and took efforts in the service. It naturally follows that we have had
some literature with me. In four days I distributed about the Lord’s blessing in this district; the fellowship enjoyed
27 books and 81 booklets, and this very easily. Sunday I by all is a joy to our hearts in spite of the element of danger
decided to distribute literature in the St. Tadros Coptic we feel every time we go forth to ’sow seed’. Again we say
church. I sat beside a well-dressed lady, asking when the with heartfelt thanks to Jehovah for his goodness, ’Obey
service would end. I asked what does the priest explain. instructions for results.’"
She said she did not really understand. I then said I had
books which translate the Scriptures praperly, and attracted PIONEERBEFORE A TEXASGRAND JURY
all her attention. She took eight booklet~ on a contribution. "A man acted very rudely, cursing, tried to push me off
The collection of the church came along, one following the the porch, threw mybook satchel into the yard and scattered
other, and the fourth was at the end a demonstration of mybooks. Wewent to the police. They sent us to the dis-
beggars. I saw through a windowthere was a room attached trict attorney. One of his assistants filed the case, which
to the auditorium of the church, in which a priest was sit- was stopped immediately. We then followed instructions
ting, the collectors giving him their collection. I rushed to from the Lord’s organization, made out affidavits stating
this room, asking the priest to permit me to distribute some what had happened and mailed them to the proper author-
booklets on the Bible. He agreed, called me inside the church, ities. I received a letter from the district attorney asking
set a desk for me, boys took my bag and spread its contents me to come to see him. WhenI asked why the filing of the
over the desk, I gave a little witness, and in about ten min- case had been stopped he said they handled cases different
utes all myliterature was distributed in the very heart of ways and he preferred to let me appear as a witness before
this church. I gave a booklet as well to the priest, thanked the grand jury and state the case to them. January 17 the
him and went out. Next day I had to leave Minia by 5 a.m. grand jury was in session. I appeared. The foreman asked
tram for Port Said, nine hours of continuous travel on ex- me to tell just what happened. I gave name, address and
press. In the train was a crowd of British soldiers coming identification card and said I was consecrated to do God’s
from service for the week-end. I gave them the message, will and obey his commandments as stated in Isaiah 61 : 1, 2.
unfortunately having no books with me except a few Co~v- I started to quote, and the foreman said: ’We don’t want
solation. They took them happily. At Port Said I went to any preaching now.’ I said: ’I’m not preaching. It is neces-
pay a visit to the sub-commandant and the commandant of sary to cite the scriptures to show why I was doing this
the police, both British. Wehave long knowneach other. work so you may understand the case better.’ He said, ’Go
Though German-born I never cared about my own people, on !’ So I did, quoting Matthew24 : 14 and other scriptures.
as I experienced from them the worst behavior a human Then I stated what happened. The foreman said, ’Just show
could experience. I took with me the gramophone with the us exactly what happened.’ So I opened the phonograph
entire speech of Judge Rutherford, ’Governmentand Peace.’ and demonstrated the doorstep method. After I finished,
The commandant objected, but, after seeing the sub-com- the foreman said, ’Let’s hear what the record says.’ After
mandant insisted, he consented, and they with their fam- the record finished there was an entirely different attitude.
ilies listened to the whole speech and appointed me to The others asked questions, and I showed the literature and
come and get the gramophone two days later. Three days explained about the coming of the Kingdom, witnessing for
after, I called at their office, and they asked me to leave the name of Jehovah and his King, Christ Jesus. I left them
it another day for someothers to listen to the speech in their twelve copies of The Watchtower and some copies of Satis-
houses. I asked the sub-commandantkindly to note the lis- fied and Kingdom News. It was wonderful to get to witness
teners in order to report to you the number of attendance." before a grand jury, and especially to play the phonograph."


JULY 15, 1941
TH~ \\hsL
Blmd(’, uld~,s
Way to Life
How to B~’gln
±I Vain Bat)bhn~
Shun Fvfl
Bab~s of tIope .
Conseeratmn ............
Integrity .................
117 Adams Street
Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A.
T HIS Journal Is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically de-
OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good will.
Pres~(~eRt W.E. VANAM:BURGH, A~ecrb~ta?’~ It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes suit-
able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of public
~rea~ shall be the peace of thy children." -Isaiah 54:z
3. instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCI~IPTURES CLEARLYTEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
THATJEHOVAH Is the only true God, Is from everlasting to It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the G~ver of life or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
to his creatures; that the Loges was the beginning of his creation,
King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
and his achve agent in the creation of all things; that the Loges tion of its contents In the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in dulge in controversy, and Its columns are not open to personahtles.
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah.
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man "~F..ARLY SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully dis-
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of UNI’I~STATES, $1.00; CANADAANDBIISCELLAMEOUS FOREIGN, $1 50;
Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the right GREAT BRITAIN,AUSTRALASIA, ANDSOUTH AFRICA,6S. American remit-
tances should be made by Postal or Express MoneyOrder or by Bank
to life. Draft. Canadian, British, South African and Australasian remittances
should be madedirect to the respective branch offices. Remittancesfrom
THATJESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countries other than those mentionedmaybe madeto the Brooklyno~ce,
death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for butbyInternational Postal MoneyOrderonly.
obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every name FO*~E~(~NOFFICES
and clothed him with all power and authority. Brtlish
...................................... 34 Craven Terrace, London, Wo England
THATJEHOVAH’SORGANIZATION ts a Theocracy called Zion, Canadian
.............................. 40 Irwin Avenue,Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada
and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the right- Australasiar,.................... 7 BeresfordRoad,Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia
ful King of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of SouthAfrtea~* .............................. Boston House, Cape Town,South Africa
Please address the Society in e~ery ease.
Christ Jesus are children of Zion, membersof Jehovah’s organiza-
tion, and are his witnesses whoseduty and privilege It Is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind
as expressed In the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom (Tran$lationsoJ th4~ Jourr.]2 appeartn severaJlanguages.)
before all who will hear.
THATTHE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has All sincere students of the Bible whoby reason of Infirmity. poverty or
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted adversity are unable to pay the subscription price mayhave The Wdtch.
Satan from heaven and Is proceeding to the establishment of tower freeuponwritten application tothepublishers,madeonceeach
God’s kingdom on earth. year, stating thereason forsorequesting it.Weareglad tothusaidthe
needy, butthewritten application onceeachyearis required by the
THATTHERELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can postalregulations.
come bnly by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, which Noticeto l~ubsvmbers:
otanewor a renewalsub-
has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the destruction scription
of Satan’s organization and the establishment of righteousness in A renewal
of expiration)
the earth, and that under the kingdomthe people of good will that Journal
survive Armageddonshall carry out the divine mandate to "fill Entereda~ second-classmatter at the post o~ceatBrooklyn,N. Y.,
the earth" with a righteous race. underthe Act o] MarchS, 1879.


The midsummer Testimony Permd, as above named, will in- The members of the Bethel family will enjoy their vaeatmn
clude all of August The Lord now hawng turned to his devoted this year from Saturday, August 2, to Wednesday, August 20,
people the "pure language" of the truth of The Theocracy, it will inclumve. This will afford them a change from their regular wink
be their privilege during August to pubhsh the same with a "pure at headquarters and the opportunity for a larger part In the m-
hp", that a multitude of others may hear and turn from religion creasing field work. The factory and office will be closed down
and join in the united service of Jehovah. Therefore during this during this peraod, and no books will be shipped nor regular mad
TeshmonyPeriod the book Religion together with the latest pub- answered. Hence all orders for hterature should be sent m well m
advance of August 2 to receive attention before closing down
hshed booklet wili be placed with everyone possible, on a contribu- Order m sufficmnt quantity to carry you through the vaeatmn
tion of 25e. Thin, which is generally the vacation season and con- permd and the rest of August. Also as little correspondence as
vention time, should allow for manynewly interested ones to start possible should be sent to the Society, with the exception of re-
out into the field activity, and for all veteran publishers to get in port cards and subscriptions.
their full quota of hours. A good report is awaited from each and
all at the close of August, marking the special blessing of the USE RENEWALSUBSCRIPTION BLANK
Lord upon all that "serve him wxth one consent". The blank sent you one month before expiration of your
WateMowersubscription should be filled out and returned to the
Brooklyn office or to the Branch office m the country where you
"WATCHTOWER" STUDIES reside. Servants in the companies, and individuals, when sending
Week of August 24: "The Wise," in renewals for The Watchtower, should always use these blanks.
¶ 1-30 inclusive, The Watchtower July 15, 1941. By filling in these renewal blanks you are assured of the continua-
tion of your Watchtower from the tune of explrahon, and without
Week of August 31: "The Wine," delay. It will also be a great help if you sign your nameuniformly,
¶ 31-55 inclusive, The Watchtower July 15, 1941. and note any recent change of address, on the renewal shp.
VOL. LXII JULY15, 1941 No. 14

"’The way of life is above to the wise, that he may depart from hell beneath."--Prov. 15: 24.
EHOVAH has made plain his purpose to permit that in order for him to escape death, described in
J men to choose the way of life or choose the way of
death. Having created Adam, God placed before
that text as "hell", which is the grave, he must look
above. That means that he must look to Jehovah for
him the way of life and the way of death. God in- guidance in the way of life if he would become wise
formed man that he must obey if he would live, but in God’s way. The wise man will look to God and
if he should choose to disobey he must die. (Gen. continue to seek instruction from him: "Who ~s a
2 : 17) If Adamhad ahvays looked to God and obeyed wise man and endued with knowledge among you?
his law he would not have died. Adamchose tile op- let him shew out of a good conversation his works
posite course, with the result that he died and all with meekness of wisdom. But the wisdom that is
other of humankind came under condemnation by from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and
inheritance. Therefore all the race in due time must easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits,
die, and all do die and remain dead except those who without partiality, and without hypocrisy."--Jas.
choose the way of life and conform to the rules which 3: 13, 17.
God has laid down, pointing out the course that they ’ From Abel to John the prophet, the forerunner
nmst take. of Christ Jesus, there were a few men who became
2 For his name’s sake Jehovah set before the Israel- wise and pursued a wise course. In due time Jehovah
ites the way which that people must go if they would sent his beloved Son Jesus to the people of Israel
live; that is, he set before them life and death and to deliver to them His message of truth by which they
gave them the opportunity to choose. To that cove- could become wise and find the way of everlasting
nant people he said: "I call heaven and earth to life. This Goddid for them after they had repeatedly
record this day against you, that I have set before pursued a course of foolishness. For more than three
you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore years Jesus confined his teachings to the Jews, in-
choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live." structing them in the right way, but only a small
--Deut. 30: 19. number of them chose the wise way. When he had
3 After Joshua had led the Israelites into Canaan, completed the work which Jehovah assigned him to
and after by the grace and power of Almighty God perform exclusively amongst the Jews, Jesus made
he had gained many victories over the enemy, and this announcement, which is addressed to all persons
even though God had marvelously shown his favor who desire to choose the wise way: "And this Is life
toward the Israelites under Joshua, yet manyof them eternal, that they might know thee the only true God,
were disposed to go after demon religion. Time and and Jesus Christ, whomthou hast sent."--John 17 : 3.
again they had been warned, and now Joshua had ~For the past 1900 years approximately God
about finished his course and under the direction of through Christ Jesus has caused the good news of
tile Lord he stood before the Israelites and pro- and concerning THE THEOCRACY and the means of
nounced tile admonition to make their choice whom salvation for man to be proclaimed throughout the
they woul~l serve. At the same time Joshua declared earth. Of the many millions who have heard that
his purpose of making a wise choice. "And if it seem message only a small number have chosen the course
evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day of wisdom, and this in the face of the fact that God’s
whomye will serve; whether the gods which your Word frequently admonishes men to consider the
fathers served that were on the other side of the great importance of taking the wise course : "Receive
flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye my instruction, and not silver ; and knowledge rather
dwell : but as for me and myhouse, we will serve the than choice gold. For wisdom is better than rubies;
LoaD." (Josh. 24: 15) Therefore God’s Word, em- and all the things that may be desired are not to be
phatically stated at Proverbs 15:24, informs man compared to it."--Prov. 8: 10, 11.

’ Within those 1900 years God has taken out from of the end. Manyshall be purified, and made white,
the nations of earth a people for his name, which and tried ; but the wicked shall do wickedly : and none
people shall become a part of his THEOCRATIC GOV- of the wicked shall understand ; but the wise shall un-
Eal~IENT. God limited the number of those who shall derstand."--Dan. 12 : 8-10.
be associated with Christ Jesus in His government. ’ Nowis the due time when those who shall form
Each one of these chosen ones must take the wise the "great multitude" must hear and choose wisely,
course and continually and faithfully walk therein and will understand. For this reason the Lord is
even unto death. It appears that the greater number causing the message of THETHEOCRACY to be sounded
of those who have taken the wise course, and have in the earth. The demons, under the leadership of
been taken out by Jehovah for his name, have fin- their chief Satan, know that the crucial hour is
ished their earthly course and that only the remnant here; hence all the wicked of the spirit and human
now remain on earth; and to such remaining ones creatures desperately fight against the witnesses of
God has assigned the duty and privilege of bearing the Lord. They hate Jehovah and his THEOCRATIC
testimony to his name and to his kingdom, which GOV~aN~EI~T,and hate those who announce it. But
they must do until his due time to exercise his su- the remnant, together with their companions who
preme power against the adversary and the adver- have fled to the Lord for safety and protection, must
sary’s entire organization. continuously proclaim the message regardless of all
’ The due time is now present when the Lord is opposition, and which, by the grace of God, they will
gathering to himself his "other sheep"; and those do. As others of good-will hear and choose the wise
thus gathered, and who prove faithful and maintain way they too will join in the proclamation of the ldng-
their integrity toward Godand his King, shall in due dora of God under Christ as the only hope of human
time form the "great multitude" that will live forever life.
on the earth by the grace of God and will be permitted
to carry out God’s purpose. Unlike those sheep who BLINEI GUIDES
compose the "little flock", the "great multitude" is lo The teachers of Israel were the learned men of
not limited as to number. Jehovah God is now doing that people. They were made up of the Pharisees,
his "strange world’. He is exposing the fallacy and priests, and doctors of the law. They instructed the
hypocrisy of religion and setting before the world people in the way that they should go, but, although
his message of truth, which plainly announces the to them had been committed by the Lord the duty
way of life. This message is not limited to a few, but and obligation of reading and explaining the law of
all who will hear are given the opportunity. The Lord God to the people, those self-constituted wise men
Jesus, at the direction of Jehovah, now says to the taught the traditions of men. WhenGod sent his be-
people of good-will nowon earth : ’Let him that hear- loved Son to them they fought against him because
eth, . . . and whosoever will, let him come and take he told them the truth. To such Jesus said, "Ye fools
of the water of life freely.’--Rev. 22: 17. and blind" ; which words, without a doubt, meant that
8 Whowill hear, give heed, understand, and choose by their course of action they had ignored God and
the way of life ? Jehovah’s answer is : "The wise shall in their heart said, "There is no God," and had be-
understand." God’s Word shows that there are two come blind as to his purpose. Further addressing
classes of people nowon the earth, to wit: those who them Jesus said: "Ye blind guides! which strata at
will be wise and shall find the way to righteousness a gnat, and swallow a camel. Even so ye also out-
and life, and the other class, which continues in wardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye
wickedness, darkness and religion, and remains un- are full of hypocrisy and iniquity."--Matt. 23 : 24, 28.
der condemnation and suffers eternal death. The " To his faithful disciples Jesus said concerning
present is "the time of the end", that is, the end of those blind religionists and scientists: "Let them
Satan’s uninterrupted rule ; and such is the due time alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the
for those who are wise to understand the purpose of blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch."
Jehovah and take the course that leads to life ever- --Matt. 15 : 14.
lasting. Daniel, the faithful prophet of God, heard ,, Those teachers in Israel thought they were wise,
and uttered the prophetic message of Jehovah, but but their wisdom was not from above. They had
he did not understand, for the reason, it was not then neglected to look above for instruction, and failed to
God’s due time for man to understand. Mark these follow the instructions from the Lord. Those were
words of Daniel in respect thereto, and the response perilous days for the Jews, and all of the blind did
to him from Jehovah : "And I heard, but I understood fall into the ditch, as the Lord Jesus foretold.
not; then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end ~s The present is the time of even greater peril.
of these things? And he said, Go thy way, Daniel; (2 Tim. 3: 1) Today the schools, colleges and umver-
for the words are closed up and sealed till the time sities instruct the students in what is called "the
JULY15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWER. 213

science of evolution", which teaching emphatically tradition, and which waters not only are brackish
denies Jehovah and Christ Jesus, and completely but contain the poison that leads to death.
pushes aside and shuns the Bible. Concerning such 1, The wise man takes the Bible for his guide be-
instruction the Word of God says: ’Avoid profane cause it is the only thing that illuminates his path-
and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely way. (Ps. 119: 105) He hears and believes the words
so called.’--1 Tim. 6 : 20. uttered by the Lord Jesus, to wit: "And this is life
"At the present time pastors and clergymen, who eternal, that they might knowthee the only true God,
claim to represent Godand Christ, have little if any- and Jesus Christ, whomthou hast sent." (John 17 : 3)
thing to say about the Bible. The great majority of Thus it is announced that to know God and Christ
them teach for doctrines the traditions of men and is the way to life. Knowledge of God and Christ is
will not hear and ’endure sound doctrines’, which are absolutely essential to all who would be wise; and
set forth in the Bible. They ignore the Scriptures and that knowledge is to be found in the Word of God
oppose the kingdom of God and deny the blood of alone. Receiving such knowledge the wise will be
Christ Jesus as the purchase price of mankind. De- diligent to give heed thereto and walk in the way God
siring the approval of men rather than God’s ap- leads. "He is in the way of life that keepeth instruc-
proval, they turn to fables. They too are blind guides tion: but he that refuseth reproof erreth." (Prov.
of the people, yet they regard themselves as wise, 10: 17) "In the way of righteousness is life; and in
and their dupes that follow them likewise regard the pathway thereof there is no death."--Prov. 12 : 28.
them as wise. But they are wise according to worldly ~8 It is a grievous mistake for one to conclude that
wisdom. The Lord’s Word foretold this from above, he maywalk in the way of righteousness without first
and nowwe see it about us : "For the time will come receiving some knowledge of God and of Christ. The
when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after way that God has provided is strait, or narrow, be-
their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teach- cause it is the righteous way: "Enter ye in at the
ers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away strait gate : for wide is the gate, and broad is the way
their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which
fables." (2 Tim. 4 : 3, 4) Thosewhodesire to live must go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow
ignore such teachers and receive the instruction set is the way, which leadeth unto life; and few there be
forth in the Word of God. that find it."--Matt. 7 : 13, 14.
,5 They that be wise look up to Almighty God, who
1, Every intelligent creature obtains information
is above, and pray him to guide them into the way either from others or by his own observation of the
of life everlasting: "For with thee is the fountain things that are about him. The visible things of crea-
of life ; in thy light shall we see light. O continue thy tion impart information to man. The mountains, the
lovingkindness unto them that know thee; and thy rivers, the trees, and divers like things of the earth,
righteousness to the upright in heart. Let not the inform man that these things come from some great-
foot of pride come against me, and let not the hand er power. The stars and the planets bespeak a power
of the wicked remove me."--Ps. 36 : 9-11. back of them that is far greater than the)’. This in-
1, The same rule must apply to everyone who shall
formation which man gets from observation he
have any hope of life. Tile "other sheep" of the Lord knows is true, because he sees it with his own eyes;
now recognize that the words of Jehovah, uttered by and therefore he has knowledge of the existence of
God’s prophet, apply to Israel and at the same time the same. "Knowledge" means to receive and per-
and with stronger force nowapply to those of "Chris- ceive the truth. From the information and knowledge
tendom" who profess to be for God, and who are not, which the man has he knows that there must be a
to wit: "For my people have committed two evils; power greater than himself, and a power greater
they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, than the things that he sees about him. That greater
and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that power is the Creator, the Almighty God, "whose
can hold no water." (Jer. 2 : 13) "0 Lord, the Hopeof name alone is Jehovah," whois invisible to the crea-
Israel, all that forsake thee shall be ashamed, and ture, and "whomno man hath seen nor can see". (Ps.
they that depart from me shall be written in the 83: 18; 1 Tim. 6:16) The man who desires to know
earth, because they have forsaken the Lord, the the truth recognizes that there must be an invisible
fountain of living waters." (Jer. 17: 13) That which power far greater than man. The same man desires
is today called "Christendom" is the antitype of the to live. He hears then the words uttered by Jesus,
Israelites. Both have turned to religion; both have the only great man that ever was on the earth, to
forsaken the fountain of living waters, and drink at wit: ’This is life eternal, to knowthee the only true
the fountains of so-called "wise men", who teach God, and Jesus Christ, whomthou hast sent.’ He

discerns that he must have a knowledge of the truth ful. That is a very erroneous position to take. The
concerning the Creator as far as such information wise man continuously searches the Bible and care-
is revealed. Howdoes he begin to obtain such true fully and prayerfully meditates upon and studies it
knowledge? The Scriptures answer: "The fear of that he may keep in the way that leads to life ever-
the LORDis the beginning of knowledge."wProv. 1 : 7. lasting. This instruction is given to all whowill walk
2o The LORD,the Almighty God, whose name is Je- in wisdom: "Study to shew thyself approved unto
hovah, is the Creator. The same man perceives the God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
truth that the great Creator is One in whomresides rightly dividing the word of truth."--2 Tim. 2: 15.
all power over life, and therefore he fears to take " If one follows this admonition he gains under-
any course contrary to the will of the Almighty God, standing. He must walk in the way of wisdom in
who gives life. He having such proper fear, that order to gain understanding. "Wisdomis the prin-
marks the beginning of knowledge of the truth with cipal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy
that man. Where does he go to obtain more knowl- getting get understanding." (Prov. 4:7) In no other
edge of the truth concerning Jehovah? Jesus an- way can man have a proper appreciation of his own
swers: "Thy word [which is expressed in the Bible] relationship to the almighty Creator. Therefore, with
is [the] truth."--John 17 : 17. all his getting he is admonishedto get understanding.
~’ The man who sincerely desires to be wise de- 22 To the one who thus turns his steps to the Lord,
sires to take and does take the proper course. Fear- and agrees to do God’s will, sincerely desiring to go
ing God, and fearing to go in the wrong way if he in the way of wisdom and righteousness, the Al-
follows his owninclinations, that manseeks to learn mighty God addresses these words: "My son, if thou
what is the will of God concerning him, and he goes wilt receive my words, and hide my commandments
to the Wordof God, which is the Bible, to find out. with thee; so that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom,
It is his genuine fear of Almighty God that starts and apply thine heart to understanding; yea, if thou
him in the way of wisdom: "The fear of the Lord is criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for
the beginning of wisdom; and the knowledge of the understanding; if thou seekest her as silver, and
holy is understanding. For by me thy days shall be searchest for her as for hid treasures; then shalt
multiplied, and the years of thy life shall be in- thou understand the fear of the Lord, and find the
creased."--Prov. 9: 10, 11. knowledge of God. For the Lord giveth wisdom: out
2, The course of the wise, therefore, is progressive of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.
in this manner: First he obtains information and He layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous: he is
knowledge; and applying that knowledge properly, a buckler to them that walk uprightly. He keepeth
he chooses to be guided by the Word of God. The the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of
fear of God is the beginning of knowledge, and also his saints. Then shalt thou understand righteousness,
the beginning of wisdom with him ; and being guided and judgment, and equity; yea, every good path
by God’s Word, he begins to have an appreciation When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowl-
of his own relationship to the Almighty God. He edge is pleasant unto thy soul, discretion shall pre-
sees that Jehovah, the Almighty God, is all-powerful serve thee, understanding shall keep thee: to deliver
and all-wise, that justice is the foundation of his thee from the way of the ewl man, from the man that
throne, and that "God is love", meaning, that he is speaketh froward things; who leave the paths of up-
wholly unselfish. The man sees that he is wholly de- rightness, to walk in the ways of darkness."~Prov
pendent upon the great, eternal God; and rendering 2 : 1-13.
himself in obedience to God, he is assured of God’s ’~ The wise man knows that the will of God is per-
blessing. Nowhe is getting some understanding, that feet and if he would continue to walk in wisdomand
is, beginning to have a proper appreciation of his to increase in understanding he must learn the will
own relationship to the great Creator. "Understand- of God concerning himself and then he must strive
ing" means that the creature has an appreciation of to do God’s will. The wise man therefore turns to
his own relationship to the Creator. Jesus, the perfect One, who is also above, and looks
22 Whenone starts in the right way, which is the up to him that he may learn by studying the course
way of wisdom, if he really desires to be wise.he will which Jesus takes. He hears the words of Jesus,
continue to grow in knowledge, wisdom and under- which say: "I delight to do thy will, O my God; yea,
standing. The fear of God is the beginning of knowl- thy law is within my heart." (Ps. 40: 8; Heb. 10: 7)
edge and wisdom, and the wise man always fears He immediately sees the necessity of his own ac-
God. He will not content himself by starting to serve knowledgment of God and his agreement to do His
God, and then become indifferent. Some persons con- will.
elude that, they having taken the step of consecration 2, The wise man quickly learns that he is a sinner
and agreement to serve God, nothing further is need- because he was born such. (Rom. 5:12) He learns
JULY15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWER. 215

that Jehovah God is the fountain of life. (Ps. 36: 9) that manis a creature of evolution, who can and will
He desires to enter life, and now he must find that gradually evolve into a greater creature, is woefully
way. And how shall he go about doing so? The an- deceiving himself. In the sight of God that man is a
swer is found in the words of Jesus: "Jesus saith fool, which is the very opposite of a wise one. "The
unto him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They
man cometh unto the Father, but by me."DJohn 14 : 6. are corrupt; they have done abominable works ; there
"Jehovah God is the fountain of life, which life is none that doeth good."~Ps. 14: 1.
he gives to those who obey him, and his provision is "He does not need to say to others, "There is no
that life shall be administered unto the obedient of God," but by his very course of action, and by teach-
mankind by and through Christ Jesus, who pur- ing doctrines contrary to the Wordof God, he testi-
chased the human race with his own precious blood. fies that he does not believe in the existence of the
Therefore man can come to God only by believing on Almighty Jehovah; and therefore Jehovah says,
the Lord Jesus Christ as his Redeemer and Savior. ’That manis a fool.’ The theory of evolution leads to
(John 3: 16) To "believe" means to take a course death. All human creatures are born sinners, and
harmony with that mental conception ; hence the wise must die unless redeemed by the blood of Christ Je-
man consecrates himself to God and Christ Jesus, sus. Evolution does not teach one to believe on the
and does so by solemnly agreeing to do the will of Lord Jesus Christ. Evolutionists are those who teach
God, and so thereafter he can say, "I delight to do others not to believe in God and in Christ. Concern-
thy will, O my God." ing these the Scriptures are explicit: "The Father
’" Though man is born in sin, and hence a sinner loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his
by inheritance, he learns from God’s Wordthat, if he hand. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting
has and exercises faith in the shed blood of Christ Je- life; and he that believeth not the Son shall not see
sus as his Redeemer and then fully consecrates him- life; but the wrath of God abideth on him." (John
self to do the will of God, then God will teach him 3:35, 36) A wise man shuns "evolution".
the right way; and so he finds this information in
God’s Word, to wit: "Shew me thy ways, 0 LORD; VAIN BABBLINGS
teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach "Does religion hold anything of hope for mankind ?
me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee Nothing whatsoever, but, on the contrary, religion
do I wait all the day. Goodand upright is the LORD: is against God and leads to destruction. There are
therefore will he teach sinners in the way. The meek hundreds of religions taught by men and practiced
will he guide in judgment, and the meekwill he teach by many, all of which are contrary to the Word of
his way. All the paths of the LORDare mercy and God. The religious teacher selects a scripture text
truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testi-
upon which he is supposed to base his sermon and
monies. What man is he that feareth the Lord? him then he immediately departs from that text and de-
shall he teach in the way that he shall choose. His
votes his speech to things pertaining to men, whom
soul shall dwell at ease; and his seed shall inherit he calls "great", and to politics of this world, and to
the earth."--Ps. 25 : 4, 5, 8-10, 12, 13. such things as "individual development". In all of
’° Not only does the wise man desire the will of these things he ignores the Word of God. The reli-
God to be done in him at all times, but his prayer to gionists teach the "inherent immortality of man",
God is, "Makeme do thy will." This he can do because which denies the Bible statement of man’s creation
he knows that the way of Jehovah God is right and and makes God a liar. The same denies also the ran-
if God makes him do His will he will go in the right som sacrifice and the resurrection of the dead. Con-
way: "For thou art great, and doest wondrous cerning all such, he whois wise will give heed to and
things; thou art God alone. Teach me thy way, 0 follow the instruction given to him in God’s Word,
LORD ; I will walk in thy truth: unite myheart to fear
to wit: "But shun profane and vain babblings; for
thy name. I will praise thee, 0 Lord my God, with they will increase unto more ungodliness : and their
all my heart; and I will glorify thy name for ever- word will eat as doth a canker ; of whomis Hymenmus
more."DPs. 86 : 10-12. and Philetus; who concerning the truth have erred,
saying that the resurrection is past already; and
overthrow the faith of some. Nevertheless the foun-
,1 Is the university professor, whoteaches the doc- dation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The
trine of evolution, a wise man? He is not truly wise. Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one
No doubt he is wise in his own conceits and wise in that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniq-
the eyes of his fellow worldly men ; but not in God’s uity." (2 Tim. 2: 16-19) The babblings in which the
way. The doctrine of evolution denies the existence religious teachers indulge are vain, and hence lead
of Almighty God, the Creator; and he who teaches men away from the path of truth and life.

"Without faith it is impossible to please God. without hope in the world. Life is the gift of Jehovah
(Heb. 11 : 6) Religious teachers have no faith in God God through Christ Jesus. (Rom. 6: 23) There is
and in his Word. Such teachers advance their own other way whereby man can be saved. (Acts 4: 12)
learning and human wisdom in the place and stead Christ Jesus, by the willing sacrifice of himself ac-
of God’s Word, and concerning them the Scriptures cording to the will of God, provided the price and
say: "Where is the wise ? where is the scribe ? where paid it over as the purchase price for mankind who
is the disputer of this world? hath not God made will render themselves in obedience to God’s law.
foolish the wisdomof this world? Because the fool- There is no other basis for hope of life. They being
ishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness born in sin and shapen in iniquity, the only means of
of God is stronger than men."--i Cor. 1:20, 25. escaping eternal death is by faith in God and in
~ The way of life is by faith in Godand in Christ Christ and then by full obedience to God’s law. Evo-
Jesus. Faith must be based upon knowledge, which lutionists and religionists boast of their wealth and
knowledge proceeds from a truthful source. The wisdom, according to this world, but that cannot pro-
opinions and doctrines of imperfect men concerning vide salvation for themselves or anyone else; as it
the way of life have no truthful source. True knowl- is written : "They that trust in their wealth, and boast
edge comes only from the Word of God. Faith comes themselves in the multitude of their riches; none of
by hearing and by relying upon the Word of God. them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give
(Rom. 10:17) He that advocates or preaches any to God a ransom for him; (for the redemption of
doctrine that is contrary to the Wordof Godis with- their soul is precious, and it ceaseth for ever ;) that
out faith. Teaching and following traditions of men he should still live for ever, and not see corruption."
make the Word of God of none effect toward men; --Ps. 49 : 6-9.
hence the wise man shuns religion as a deadly thing. 3~ Religionists, evolutionists, professors, great pol-
(Matt. 15: 6-9) Whenhe is asked to hear the bab- iticians, and men of fabulous material wealth dis-
blings of religious teachers he immediately recog- regard God’s Word and expect to find some special
nizes that such are vain and he quickly turns away place provided for them whereby they may be fa-
from them and shuns them. He will not permit his vored above others. In this they are doomed to cer-
mind to be filled with things that destroy faith in tain disappointment. The rich and worldly-wise are
God and in his Word. catered to by the religious leaders, and all such are
honored in the sight of and by other men and are
SHUN EVIL commendedbecause of their apparent greatness. God
’~ "Evil" is that which brings injury to the one who says of such : "For whenhe dieth, he shall carry noth-
suffers it. False doctrine, based upon the traditions ing away; his glory shall not descend after him.
of men, leads men away from life, and is therefore Though, while he lived, he blessed his soul; and men
evil. Those whoare wise will shun evil and give their will praise thee when thou doest well to thyself. He
attention and devotion to God and his Word. "Come, shall go to the generation of his fathers; they shall
ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the never see light. Man that is in honour, and under-
fear of the Lord. Whatman is he that desireth life, standeth not, is like the beasts that perish."--Ps.
and loveth many days, that he may see good ? Keep 49 : 17-20.
thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking ’° God in his loving-kindness, and for his own
guile. Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, name’s sake, has made provision for faithful and
and pursue it."--Ps. 34: 11-14. obedient men to live, and that provision is by and
3, Today the Lord is gathering unto himself his through Christ Jesus. This he has made plain in the
"other sheep", that is, those who love righteousness following words: "For God so loved the world, that
and who hate evil. To such this instruction comes he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever be-
from God’s Word, and is given to such sincere ones: lieveth in him should not perish, but have everlasting
"For he that will love life, and see good days, let him life. For God sent not his Son into the world to con-
refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they demn the world; but that the world through him
speak no guile: let him eschew evil, and do good; let might be saved. The Father loveth the Son, and hath
him seek peace, and ensue it." (1 Pet. 3 : 10, 11) That given all things into his hand. He that believeth on
rule applies both to the remnant and to the "other the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth
sheep" of the Lord. not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God
abideth on him."--John 3 : 16, 17, 35, 36.
BASIS OF HOPE " If one does not believe that Jehovah is the Al-
~’ All creatures who deny the lifeblood of Christ mighty God and that Christ Jesus is the Redeemer
Jesus as the purchase price for humankind have no of obedient men, then there is no hope for him to
hope of life. Such are without God and Christ and have life everlasting.
JULY15,1941 tieWATCHTOWER. 217

"Redemption is not for every man whether that ment, and deports himself accordingly. The present
man believes or does not believe. Redemption is only is the time when the Lord is gathering unto himself
for those who believe on the Lord and who obey his his "other sheep", and all persons who are now of
commandments. While it is true that Christ Jesus good-will toward God, who have faith that Jehovah
’tasted death for every man’ (Heb. 2:9), that means is the Almighty, and the Giver of life, and who then
for every man who will obey the Lord. God is no re- show their faith in the shed blood of Christ Jesus by
specter of persons, and his rules apply to all; there- fully devoting themselves to the Lord, may now be
fore the ransom sacrifice is for all men that believe gathered unto the Lord as of his "other sheep".
and obey the laws of God. The Scriptures state the
matter in this way: "Wherefore, as by one man sin CONSECRATION
entered into the world, and death by sin ; and so death *’ The man of good-will must do what? He must
passed upon all men, for that all have sinned." consecrate himself to the Lord. That means that he
"Therefore, as by the offence of one judgment came declares he believes in God and Christ and he
upon all men to condemnation; even so by the right- solemnly promises and agrees that he will be obedi-
eousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto ent to the will of God and Christ. He flees every
justification of life. For as by one man’s disobedience worldly influence and organization and flees to
many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one Christ, the Head of God’s organization, and there
shall many be made righteous."--Rom. 5:12, 18, 19. he finds safety and protection. Doing so, he enters
,3 It is impossible for a free gift to be bestowedup- into a covenant or agreement to do the will of God.
on any person when that person shuns or refuses to Now he must perform that agreement; and that he
accept the gift of the prize offered. Godoffers life does by obeying God’s connnandment as written in
to man as a free gift, upon condition that he be re- the Scriptures. He ascertains the will of God con-
quired to believe on the Lord and to obey. The man cerning himself by diligently studying what is writ-
whoby his course of action says, ’I don’t believe there ten in God’s Word; and thus he seeks righteousness
is an Almighty God, and I don’t believe that Jesus and meekness. His desire is for that which is right,
Christ bought the human race with his own precious and he seeks to learn what is right ; and this he learnb
blood,’ that manrefuses to accept the gift of life, from the Word of God. He desires to lea,’n the only
and the condemnation resulting from Adam’s disobe- way that leads to life; and there is but one way, and
dience remains upon that man; which means ever- that is God’s Word. Doing thus, he seeks meekness,
lasting death. and now the Lord says to him: "Seek ye the Lord,
" God does not compel anyone to believe, nor does all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought Ins
he bestow life on anyone contrary to that person’s judgment ; seek righteousness, seek meekness ; it may
desire. "God is love"; which means that God is en- be ye shall be hid in the day of the Lord’s anger."
tirely unselfish. God is self-contained and he needs --Zeph. 2 : 3.
nothing from any creature, but is entirely unselfish, ,8 The man who seeks righteousness and meekness
and in his loving-kindness he has provided a way that lie may find life everlasting looks above for }Hs
for manto escape eternal death and receive life ever- guidance. God’s Wordis the lamp of truth that hghts
lasting, and that way is by always looking up. "In his pathway. Such is the path that Jesus trod; and
this was manifested the love of God toward us, be- hence the wise man knows that this is the right way
cause that God sent his only begotten Son into the that leads to life, and he follows in it. Jesus ahvays
world, that we might live through him. And we have is diligent to do the will of God. The one who walkb
seen, and do testify, that the Father sent the Son to in the way of life must do likewise. Jesus not only
be the Saviour of the world."--I John 4 : 9, 14. declared himself as being consecrated to Jehovah and
’~ Those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and the doing of His will, but symbolized that agreement
who render themselves in obedience to his command- by being immersed in water; and thus he testified to
ment, are designated by the Lord his "sheep", because others. (Matt. 3:13-17) It is therefore the proper
such word is used as a symbol of obedience. There- course of the man of good-will who now consecrates
fore Jesus says: "The thief cometh not, but for to himself to God to symbolize that agreement to do
steal, and to ldll, and to destroy : I am comethat they God’s will by water baptism. Thus he shows that he
ufight have life, and that they might have it more believes on the Lord, and gives public testimony that
abundantly. I am the good shepherd; the good shep- he is on the Lord’s side, walking in the way of wisdom
herd giveth his life for the sheep. Andother sheep I that leads to life. Havingagreed to do the will of God,
have, which are not of this fold; them also I must such man is not ashamed to so state, but delights to
bring, and they shall hear myvoice; and there shall give testimony that he is for Jehovah and his King
be one fold, and one shepherd."--John 10 : 10, 11, 16. and kingdom. That testimony he gives both by his
’° The wise man looks up and believes this state- course of action and by the words that he speaks for

the Lord and by publishing the message of THE who fears God and obeys him, fearing that he might
THEOCRACY: "That if thou shalt confess with thy come short and fail in the way of life unless he is
mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart diligent to obey. He continues to increase in knowl-
that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt edge and wisdom, and thus his appreciation of his
be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto own proper relationship to God and Christ increases,
righteousness; and with the mouth confession is and therefore he has understanding. Concerning such
made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Who- the Lord says: "Happy is the man that findeth wis-
soever believeth on him shall not be ashamed."m dom, and the man that getteth understanding: for
Rom.10 : 9-11. the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise
of silver, and the gain thereof than free gold. She
INTEGRITY is more precious than rubies : and all the things thou
,9 The man of good-will, having fled to the Lord canst desire are not to be compared unto her. Length
and having declared himself on the side of THE of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand
THEOCRACY, must now maintain his integrity toward riches and honour. Her ways are ways of pleasant-
the great THEOCRAT and His King. This he does by ness, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of
obeying the commandment of God, as written: "If life to them that lay hold upon her; and happy is
thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments." every one that retaineth her." (Prov. 3:13-18)
(Matt. 19: 17) That means to do what God has com- he grows in knowledge and understanding he sees
manded must be done by all who shall receive his and appreciates the truth, as it is written: "In the
approval. It is the will and hence the commandment fear of the Lord is strong confidence; and his chil-
of God that every person who takes his stand on the dren shall have a place of refuge. The fear of the
side of God and Christ shall, by his course of action Lord is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares
and conduct, and by his words, bear testimony to the of death."mProv. 14: 26, 27.
name of Jehovah and his THEOCRATIC GOVERNSIENT.
All who are of God’s capital organization must be REPROACHES
witnesses to the name of Jehovah. (Isa. 43: 10-12) 5, As long as the Devil is in existence and his or-
All who come under God’s organization must like- ganization operates every person who is diligent to
wise bear testimony to his name. To fail or refuse to maintain his integrity toward God and his kingdom
be a witness for Jehovah means that such one is not will be the object of persecution by the blind guides
maintaining his integrity toward God. of men and by all others of Satan’s instrtmmnts. The
,o The Lord Jesus Christ, that great Spirit and
Devil is bent on opposing God, and in doing this he
Head of Jehovah’s capital organization, is now judg- leads men into darkness and they remain in darkness.
ing the nations of the earth. His "other sheep" are He induces men to look to their own greatness and
now undergoing trial and judgment. To obtain his to shun the Wordof God and then induces such dupes
final approval they must maintain their integrity by to persecute all those who are for God and his ICing,
obeying his commandments. Concerning the obliga- thereby expecting to make the service of God a very
tion to bear testimony to the name and kingdom of unpopular and undesirable thing. The reason that
God it is written: "And he shewed me a pure river religionists oppose and persecute the servants of
of water of life [which since 1918, whenChrist Jesus Almighty God and his King is, because they are blind
began judgment at the temple, has been flowing], to the truth and are under the influence of the de-
clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne [judg- mons. Never has the world been so completely under
ment seat of THE THEOCRACY] of God and of the the control of demons as at the present time.
Lamb."--Rev. 22 : 1. " The evildoers are headed for destruction. The
,1 In symbolic language, that describes the water
lot of the evil or wicked is most undesirable and is
of truth that make~clear the way to life. All who see shunned by all persons who desire righteousness.
and appreciate this hear the words of the Lord, as The end of the wicked is near. Their time is short.
written: "And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. The day of Armageddonis near, and at that time all
And let him that heareth say, Come.And let him that whoremain on Satan’s side shall suffer destruction.
is athirst come: and whosoever will, let him take the The lot of those who have fled to the THEOCa~Tm
water of life freely." (Rev. 22: 17) Thus to whoso- OmaANIZaTm~ is the blessed one. Finding refuge
ever will obey the Lord the way is opened to come there and then remaining steadfastly on the side of
and partake of the water of truth, the water of life, the Lord, such person pursuing the wise course is
and to do so "without money and without price". diligent to continuously do the will of God. Thus con-
--Isa. 55 : 1. tinuing faithful, the "other sheep" of the Lord shah
" The man of good-will who takes his stand on the be brought through Armageddonand find everlasting
side of the Lord God and his kingdom is the man life on the earth. To those who are now obeying the
JuLY 15, 1941 ffEeWATCHTOWEt
rules of the Lord and are in the antitypical city of 55 The wise man does not desire to follow his selfish
refuge, the following scripture will be a real comfort : inclinations. He has chosen the Lord and his Word
"Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give as his guide, and he looks to God’s Word and from
thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto it receives instruction and understanding. (Prov.
the Lord; trust also in him, and he shall bring it to 3:5-7) The wise man seeks the company and com-
pass: and he shall bring forth thy righteousness as panionship of others who are also wise after God’s
the light, and thy judgment as the noonday. Rest in way. He will be diligent to attend studies where he
the Lord, and wait patiently for him; fret not thy- may learn more about God’s way. He will study to
self because of him who prospereth in his way, be- show himself approved unto God. By so doing he
cause of the man who bringeth wicked devices to will be pleasing to the Lord and will receive the bless-
pass. Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; fret not ings of life everlasting. Ite will walk circumspectly,
thyself in any wise to do evil. For evil doers shall be which means to look about him and to see to it that he
cut off; but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall avoids all entanglements that beset the pathway of
inherit the earth. For yet a little while, and the wick- men. He will look up to the Lord for his guide, shield
ed shall not be; yea, thou shalt diligently consider and protection. He will have his mind and heart set
his place, and it shall not be. But the meek shall in- upon the Lord and be praying at all times that he
herit the earth, and shall delight themselves in the may be guided in the way of righteousness.--Isa.
abundance of peaee."--Ps. 37:4-11. 58: li.


I;I;’~OR then shall be gre~t tribulation, such as was not ginning of a meeting which must end at five o’clock, the
psmce length of time of that meeting could be curtailed or short-
.L nor the
shall be. ofAnd
the worldthose
to this
except days time,
should no,
beencd by waiting until four o’clock to begin, instead of be-
shortened, there should no flesh be saved ; but for the elect’s ginning at two. A period of time may be shortened by tak-
sake, those days shall be shortened " Prophetic words those, ing off some from either end Wemay be sure that the Lord
pronounced by the Greatest Prophet nineteen centuries ago, God has fixed the time of trouble definitely as to when it
but now they are in course of fulfillment, and hence it is shall cease; and that being so, if he should prevent the
God’s due time for his people to have understanding of terrible battle from beginning until a certain pemod of
them. (Matt. 24:21, 22) That Satan’s organization, visible time, that would shorten the trouble. Such seems to be the
and invisible, will go downamidst a terrible time of trouble very thought expressed by the Lord in the symbohcpicture
~s foretold by many scriptures; and about such there can at Revelation 7:1-3. In this text the "four winds" men-
be no doubt. The battle is that of the great Field Marshal tioned must, m harmony with other scmptures, refer to a
of Jehovah God against the great enemy, Satan. Of course, very great time of trouble that shall come upon the natmns
Satan’s visible organization on earth must be involved, of earth.
and in this case it is "the beast" against "The Lamb",Christ The world ended, that is, Satan’s uninterrupted rule
Jesus--See Revelation 19:11-15 and 17:14. of the world ended, in A.D 1914, and that was marked by
God has not interfered with Satan’s nefarious course the "war in heaven" and by the beginning of the World
t’or manycenturies, but the time has come for its destruc- War on earth. "And the nations were angry " That was
tion All natmns are armmgw~th the most destructive ele- the beginning of sorrows upon the earth, and not the end
ments man has ever dreamed of. In the past, during the of sorrows. (See Revelatmn 12: 7-12, Matthew 24: 3-8;
great battles, profiteers, pohticmns and rehgious clergymen Revelation 11:18.) The war progressed and wrought much
have either remained at homeor far enough in the rear to destruction from 1914 to 1918. The preparations for 1919,
be out of danger. In the terrible and final conflict there if executed, would have brought such terrible slaughter of
will be no place of safety. (Jer. 25 : 34-36) Back in A.D. 70, soldiers and noncombatants that the four years preceding
when the Romanlegions made the final assault upon Jeru- would have been a mere pygmy in comparison
balem and razed the city, completely destroying it, that Suddenly the World War ended, in 1918, but neither
was a time of great trouble and stress. The description given Satan nor any of his worldly organization had anything
of it by historians seems almost beyond possibilities. That to do with causing it to cease. The wholesale slaughter of
trouble was in a measure a shadow or prophetic picture of human creatures stopped with the end of the World War,
the tune of trouble with which Satan’s organization, particu- but the sorrows upon the world that began m 1914 con-
larly so-called "Christendom", must fall. The final trouble, tinued. Since then the Devil by and through his orgam-
the universal war of Armageddon, must be the one re- zatmn has continued to harass the people m h~s endeavor
ferred to by the great prophet, Christ Jesus, at Matthew to turn them against Jehovah. Jehovah God exermsed his
24.21, 22. He said that so terrible will be that final trouble power and authority to stop the World War. The prophecy
that, "except those days should be shortened, there should of Jesus showed that Satan would plunge the natmns into
no flesh be saved." "Shorten" means to curtail, or abridge. the war, and also shows that Jehovah would stop the war;
To illustrate: If an hour had been appointed for the be- and He did bring it to a sudden end m 1918. (Mark

13:19,20) Why should Jehovah stop the World Wart As in the case of Jerusalem under siege by the Romans,
The answer is found in the words of Jesus’ prophecy: ’And with equally strong reasoning it must be agreed that the
except those days had been shortened, no flesh would have Lord God caused the World War to come suddenly to a
been saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be halt in 1918. He had a purpose in this. That there is a great
shortened.’ A thing can be shortened by cutting a part out destructive and final conflict just ahead no Christian that
of the middle as well as by cropping off one of the ends. is familiar with the Scriptures can seriously doubt. Why
Satan never would have stopped the World War, because should it be held back ? Jesus answers, "For the elect’s sake."
his purpose was to destroy the human race; but that de- Whoconstitute the elect, and what is the purpose of
struction would have brought no honor to Jehovah nor a the elect? The elect company is made up of Christ Jesus
vindication of his name. ,A work having to do with the vin- and the members of "his body", whomthe Lord elects to
dication of Jehovah’s name must be done before the end be members of the kingdom of heaven, and all of whom
of the great tribulation which would result in the complete maintain their integrity toward Jehovah and all of whom
destruction of Satan’s organization. Therefore, said Jesus, Satan has sought to destroy. That men have been taken
"For the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened." It at out of the world and made a part of the elect and have
once appears that Jehovah purposed to do something with maintained their integrity toward Jehovah disproves Satan’s
his "elect" before the end of the tribulation upon Satan’s contention and is to that extent a vindication of Jehovah’s
organization. name. The purpose of selecting this company of elect is
The events that came to pass upon the Jews from 69 to that the name of Jehovah might be made known by them as
73 A.D. well foreshadowed what occurred during the World his witnesses before the final battle. After the Jews were
War and what seems now impending. At that time the Ro- given thc exclusive opportunity for a period of years, then
mans, as God’s executioners against the unfaithful Jews, Jehovah "did visit the Gentiles [the nations], to take out
were assaulting the religious city of Jerusalem and could of them a people for his name". (Acts 15:14) The elect
have completely destroyed it, but for some reason the Roman must be used for Jehovah’s purposes at the time that He
army was suddenly withdrawn. Later the Romanforces re- ’plants the heavens and lays the foundation of the earth’,
turned and completely destroyed the hypocritical city. The at which time Jehovah makes it known that Zion is his
words of the historian, Josephus, will be read here with Theocratic organization. (Isa. 51: 16) Jehovah puts his
keen interest, to wit: hand over the membersof the elect on the earth, thus pro-
"Cestius Gallus, in the twelfth year of [Emperor] Nero, viding their protection from the assaults of Satan.
if ’he had been inclined to break through the walls of the Concerning his elect Jehovah says: "Behold my servant,
city by force, would instantly have taken it, and put an whomI uphold, mine elect, in whommy soul delighteth;
end to the war’; but, contrary to the expectation of all, and I have put my spirit upon him; he shall bring forth judg-
without any just cause, he departed. Vespasian was deputed ment to the Gentries [the nations]. I the LORD have called
in his place, as governor of Syria, and to carry on the wars thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will
against the Jews ; and when he had subdued all the country, keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for
and was preparing to besiege Jerusalem, the death of Nero, a light of the Gentiles. I am the LORD ; that is myname: and
and soon afterwards that of Galba, compelled him, from my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to
the disturbances and civil wars that ensued in his own graven images." This scripture, Isaiah 42 : 1, 6, 8, showsthat
country, to defer for sometime his plan of operations against Jehovah will use the members of the "elect" company on
Jerusalem. These apparently incidental delays enabled the earth for a specific purpose during the time of tribulation,
Christians to provide for their safety; and Eusebius and and that he gives this honor to none other. The shortening
Epiphanius inform us that all who believed in Christ left of the days of tribulation must take place while some of the
Jerusalem, and fled to Perea, and other places beyond the elect are yet on the earth, for the reason that the witness
Jordan. Josephus also remarks, after the retreat of Cestius work which they do, by the Lord’s grace, must be done on
Gallus: ’Many of the illustrious Jews departed from the earth before the final end of Satan’s orgamzation. There-
city, as from a sinking ship.’ After this period, whenVespa- fore, in answering the question concerning the signs or
sian was confirmed in the empire, Titus surrounded the proofs of the end of Satan’s rule of the world, Jesus also
city with a wall, thirty-nine furlongs in dimensions, said: "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached
strengthened with thirteen forts, so that, Josephus says, in all the world for a witness unto all nations: and then
’with all means of escaping, all hope of safety was cut off shall the end come." (Matt. 24: 14) The "gospel" or "good
from the remaining Jews.’ "--Antiquities, Book 18, Cap. news" to all lovers of righteousness is that Satan’s rule
sect. 3, edition Hudson. has come to an end; that the kingdom of Jehovah, which
Without doubt the Lord intervened and held back the will completely vindicate his name, is here; that Christ
final assault upon Jerusalem until his own due time, in Jesus has been placed upon the heavenly throne as the
A.D. 70. It was exactly forty years from the date of Christ’s great Ruler, and that all must know that Jehovah alone
death to the very day that Masada, the last fort of Israel, is the Almighty God over the whole earth.--Ps. 83 : 18.
fell in A.D. 73. Goddoes everything on time, in his own due It was for the sake of Jehovah God’s witnesses that the
time. The complete destruction of the nation and the ex- trouble has been held back. It is a well-knownfact that dur-
pulsion of the Jews from the land could not take place ing the World War the opportunity for proclaiming the
until the 15th day of Nisan, A.D. 73; and this is the real message of the Kingdomwas restrained and limited up to
reason why the Romans did not destroy the last Jewish the spring of 1919. In the warring nations many of the
stronghold earlier. brethren were forced into the army. Circulation of the
JULy 15, 1941 221
"present truth" literature was prohibited. Manybrethren order that the followers of the Master, the witnesses for
in different countries were imprisoned. Persecution began Jehovah, should carry this good news as a testimony unto
especially in 1917 ; and in the spring of 1918 officers of the all the nations. Had not the war ceased, this would have
WATCH TOWER SOCIETywere imprisoned, the Bethel home been impossible; because the nations would not have per-
at Brooklyn, N.Y., was dismantled, the Brooklyn Taber- mitted the witnessing to go on. Now"for the elect’s sake"
nacle was sold, and the headquarters removed to small the Lord stopped the war. The "four angels standing on
quarters in Pittsburgh, Pa. For some time thereafter little the four corners of the earth" are now "holding the four
or no witnessing was done. The conditions were such at that winds of the earth" until this witness can be completed.
time that had the World War progressed and not come to (Rev. 7 : 1-3) In Europe~he work of proclaiming the King-
an end there would have been no more public witness of dommessage seems to be done, and manifestly this is be-
any consequence given on earth. The ceasing of the work cause God’s due time has come. It would then appear that
at that time was prophetically pictured by the taking away the final witness would be given on the Western Hemisphere.
of the prophet Elijah by a whirlwind, with a chariot and Surprise was expressed that the war stopped so sud-
horses of fire, heavenward.--2 Ki. 2: 11. denly. The Lord wanted it stopped. In due time he saw to
Between the taking away of Elijah and the beginning it that his servants in various parts of the earth were re-
of operations by his successor, Elisha, there was a period leased from prison that preparation might be made for the
of waiting while Elisha stood by the Jordan river’s bank "Elisha work", that is, the bold and fearless witness con-
before getting across. This foreshadowed a period of wait- cerning Jehovah’s name and his Kingdomunto the nations
ing with the faithful remnant of Jehovah’s people on earth. of the earth.
Elisha’s activities foreshadowed the work of Jehovah’s wit- The knowledge of this fact should thrill the heart of
nesses done after 1918. That work must be done because the every Christian. The fact that the great Jehovah God and
Lord had so ordained it. Since Elisha as one of Jehovah’s the Lord Jesus Christ, "The King of kings," would inter-
witnesses pictured the faithful remnant of witnesses doing vene and stop the warring nations, and commandpeace,
a certain work, then it follows that the remnant of "the in order to give a little handful of Christians in the carth
elect" must do that work. an opportunity to be his witnesses is too marvelous to be
Nowcall to mind the question that was propounded to expressed in words. It should humble every Christian in the
Jesus by his disciples concerning the end of the world presence of the Lord, causing him to lift his heart in fervent
(Matthew 24:3), and the answer of the Master thereto. gratitude to God and to the Lord Jesus and then to tighten
In his answer he first mentioned the World War, the fam- up his armor and advance into the warfare against demon-
ines, the pestilences and the earthquakes in various parts ism or religion with renewed zeal and energy. Otherwise
of the earth, which would mark the beginning of sorrows stated, the Lord commandsthe forces of earth to cease from
upon the world. He then refers to the persecution upon his firing and to stand still and wait until his little band of
true followers. All of this took place from 1914 to 1918. followers invade the nations and kingdoms of the earth and
He said: "Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, testify to the fact that the kingdom of heaven has begun.
and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for Has not this been fulfilled? During the past twenty years
my name’s sake." (Vs. 9) Many of the Lord’s devoted peo- have not Jehovah’s witnesses and their companions gone
ple were actually killed; and all the warring nations hated into nearly every nation on earth? Read, if you have not
Jehovah’s faithful servants, and continue to. Jesus then already done so, the report in the 1941 Yearbook of Jeho-
said: "Many[shall] be offended, and shall betray one an- vah’s witnesses, setting forth that during the service year
other, and shall hate one another." (Vs. 10) This was ac- of 1940 there were placed in the hands of the people books
tually fulfilled whensome whohad been active in the Lord’s and booklets to the number of 28,264,329, in many lan-
service became angry in,1917 and 1918, and consulted and guages, and that this brings the total placement of books
connived with those who prosecuted and persecuted the and booklets with the people since 1921 up to 337,749,320,
faithful Christians during the war. not including hundreds of millions of magazines and free
The trouble reached a climax in the spring of 1918. Many tracts.
of Jehovah’s servants thought that all the work was done. Never were creatures more honored than those who arc
But there was something more to be done. What had come witnesses for Jehovah now. Truly it is sweet music in the
to pass brought great joy to their hearts, even though many ears of these when they hear the commandfrom the Lord:
then were suffering imprisonment and others were being "Jerusalem, Fear thou not; 0 Zion, let not thy hands be
denied opportunities of service. They rejoiced because of slack." (Zeph. 3: 16, Am. Rev. Ver.) Had the war not
the clear proof that the world, or Satan’s uninterrupted
ceased in 1918 many of these would not have had an op-
rule, had ended with the end of the Gentile Times, in 1914,
that the kingdom of heaven was at hand, and that the day portunity to learn of the Lord’s great Theocratic arrange-
of their deliverance drew nigh. ment and to participate in the witness. Manyof these give
But they overlooked something else that must be done. evidence of being spirit-begotten and anointed as com-
The good news of the Kingdomas established must be told missioned witnesses for Jehovah, and are accordingly en-
to others; because Jesus had commanded,after foretelling gaged in giving the witness, while an increasing number
the World War: "This gospel of the kingdom shall be of persons of good-will are hearing the message and joining
preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations: the spirit-begotten remnant in giving the witness. Mayit
and then shall the end come." In other words, there must not be truly said, then, that for the sake of "the elect" the
be a period of comparative peace after the World War in Lord has held back the final trouble of Armageddon and
’shortened those days of tribulation’ not only that they ciation of what has been done for them during these past
themselves might be gathered, but that they might partici- years by the Lord’s holding back the terrible trouble that
pate in the work of giving the witness in the name of the is impending and is now so near I If we see, then, the on-
Lord in behalf of the unnumbered multitude of the Lord’s coming storm of Armageddon and know that Jehovah wants
"other sheep"? These shall be of the "flesh" that shall sur- the witness given beforehand, why should we not hasten
vive the battle of Armageddon, just as Noah and his fam- on ? If we love the Lord we will do so. They that really love
ily in the ark survived the Flood. the Lord will "have boldness" in this day of the proclama-
If you are one of those coming to a knowledge of the tion of the message of The Theocratic Government.--
Kingdomtruth as a result of this great witness since the 1 John 4.17, 18.
cessation of the World War of 1914-1918, then give grateful Weare well along in the year 1941. Let everyone now
thanks to Jehovah Godand his anointed King, Christ Jesus ; who really loves the Lord abandon religion and put aside
and see to it that every faculty with which you are endowed selfishness and, movedby the spirit of a loving devotion to
is now used to his praise and to the carrying out of his Jehovah God and his Theocratic Government under Christ,
commandment to BE HIs WITNESS.Would that the Lord’s make the few remaining months the greatest witness yet
people all over the earth might enter fully into an appre- given or possible.

HEnations are angry that Christ Jesus has been en- that not only private individuals must publicly venerate and obey
T throned above as rightful ruler of the world and has
taken his powerand reigns in the midst of his enemies.
Christ, but also magistrates, law-makersand princes, as one day
they will be "called to account to Godif they do not obey the
Th,s is in fulfillment of prophecy, at Psalms 2:6 and d~vine commands".
On the face of it this appeared to many as a laudable
110 1,2 and Revelation 11: 15-18. The Devil has been move to get all the people to recognize Chmst as King and
ousted from heaven (Rev. 12: 1-12), and he sees he must
act quickly to keep the people deceived and not permit them therefore that such encyclical was the proper thing. It
sounded well to millions deceived thereby. Facts and Scmp-
to see, hear and understand the message concerning Jeho- ture show it was a plain hypocritical move of the Devil,
vah’s Theocratic Government by Christ Jesus. The peoples
through his organized system, to turn the minds of the
of earth have suffered long from strife and war. They would
people toward the RomanCatholic system and away from
now welcome peace coming in any reliable manner. The
God’s true kingdom, his Theocratic Government by Chmst
great deceiver, the Devil, would make the people believe
their desire for peace can be had only by following the lead Examination of the encyclical issued by the pope shows he
regards himself as the true representative of Christ on
of the most powerful religious system in "Christendom".
earth and that thereby the people giving allegiance to the
The subsidized press, which gives more and more space kingdomof Christ must do it through him. Since the inaugu-
to the affairs of that religious system, therefore announced ration of the above feast, Nazism has taken control of Ger-
as with a great blare of trumpets that the ’‘holy father" in- manyand in July of 1933 the pope entered into a Concordat
stituted a new festival day, to be knownas "The Feast of with the Nazi dictator, which Concordat stands today, as
the Kingdomof Christ", and which has since 1925 been ob- also does the pope’s Concordat with the Fascist dictator.
served on the last Sunday of October annually. The follow-
Nazism, Communism,Fascism, and all manner of rch-
ing quotations are taken from that press dispatch from gious isms mean one and the same thing, because all such
Rome: totalitarian or dictatorial rule is against Jehovah God and
The newfestivity, says the Pope, Is a part of the programof his Theocracy. All the dictators embrace and pracUce reh-
his Pontlfieate--"The Peace of Christ mthe Kingdomof Christ " gmnor demomsm.All are against Jehovah and Chmst Jesus,
By reealhng each year to every one’s mind that Christ is King "The Higher Powers", therefore all such are against The
of all the peoples of the world, it will be an effleaclous remedy
against "the pest of our age", namely,lalclsm. Theocracy. Dictatorial power, like a great ravenous beast,
Lamtsm,continues the encycheal, by lowering Chrtstlanity to is overrunning and spoiling the earth. As symbolically de-
the level of all other religions, evenfalse ones, causes "discord scribed in Revelation chapter 17, the RomanCathohc Hier-
between nations, unleashing of passions often dlsgmsedas pa- archy is riding upon the back of that ravenous beast. All
tmotlsm, covetousnessfor earthly possession, contemptof domestic the dictators and their supporters are against the witnesses
duties, discord and instability mfamilies, threatens socmtyitself of Jehovah who are bearing testimony to the name of the
with rum". Most High and to his Theocratic King and kingdom. Dic-
Thenthe encychcalexhorts all ChrIst,ans "to militate coura- tators have turned the nations against Jehovah God; there-
geously under the banner of Christ the King, to go back with fore the nations once professing to serve Godhave entirely
apostohc fervor to the rebels and misguided ones and strive to forgotten him and become his enemies Psalm 9:17 shows
maintain the rights of Godhimself intact"; for "whenin mter-
natmnal meetings and parhaments the sweet name of our Re- their fate to be destruction at Armageddon.
deemeris passed m shamefulsilence it is highly necessary to ac- Confirming the foregoing, note an artmle in the Chicago
claim it publicly, annoancmgeverywherethe rights of his sov- (Ill.) Da¢Ty Times of August 7, 1940, contributed by the
ereign dlgmty and power"! Times foreign editor, Irving Pflaum:
In conclusionthe encychcalstates that the churchclaims as its PORTOFSPAIn, Trimdad, Aug. 7 (Passed by British Censor).
right complete hberty and independence from civil power, the --Hitler intends to denounceSoviet Russmthis autumn, return
sameconchtmnsbeing extendedto religious [Catholic] orders and to the policy of the anti-Cominternpact, wmthe offieml support
orgamzatmnsof both sexes. The PontLff closes with the reminder of the Vatican and "appease" RomanCathohcs of Germany,Po-
JULY 15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWER. 223

land, Belgium, and Latin America. This is the program Nazi used. Nowthey are predicting that the time is near when H~tler
agents say wzIl be revealed by Berlin "as soon as the attack on can return to his former position as the arch foe of Commum~m
Bmtamsucceeds." I recently have had the opportumty to learn and the protector of all things godly. They warn conservative
the mmdestory of future German policy as told to the highest Latin American leaders not to "fall" for Anglo-Amemcanpropa-
South Amemcanleaders m "strict confidence" by German agents ganda to the effect that Hitler is a godless revolutmnary These
now operating as diplomats or undercover men m South American agents also say that when England has been subdued the wolht
countrws A prcmdent of an zmportant "sister repubhc" himself will witness der Fuehrer m his true and real hght tie will then
told me what the Nazis have been telling him .... Also the in- be able to show Latin America that he is a friend of the Cathohc
formation which he gave me was confirmed in other quarters by church and the one man who made the world safe for thc Catbohc
daplomats and observers who are m positions to -know what is anti-Communist commumUessuch as Franco Spam and the pIes-
going on m South AnIemca .... suspicion is Latin America’s ent conservative forces xn Argentina, Brazd, Chile and other Latin
natural attitude toward everyone. They began to believe that the American countries
Reich m its asmstance to General Franco was really anti-clemcal
The religious, fanatical rule, it appears, will overrun
and anti-church From the beginning, however, German agents
smiled knowingly and told South Americans to walt and see what the whole earth; but it will succeed for only a very short
IIltler would do later These agents spoke of the pact with Stalin time, and then its final end must come at Jehovah God’s
as a clever tIuck ~hlch would be scrapped when Russia had been appointed time.

June 20, 1941 ADWCV..My advice is that those who have received m ad-
Mr. Henry P Drey, vance from the Refuge Comimttee money with the view of ad-
Oakland, Cahfornla. vancing the organizatmn, and have received the same ~thout the
Dear Brother. approval, m writing, of the Auditing Committee, should retm’t~
A need for refuge appeared to some of God’s people, and an such sums of money to the treasurer of the committee who hohls
effort was made to provide a refuge organLzatlon. the funds; that the necessary and legitimate expense Incurred by
PuReosn: The purpose was and m to provide a place where the committee in their endeavor to orgamze a refuge orgamzatmn
ehddren of the consecrated, wh~ have been expelled from school, be paid out of the funds m hand; that the money remaining be
might receive instruction and where shelter and food could be pro- returned to the contributors m proportmn to the amount con-
duced and provided for that purpose, and where all concerned, tnbutcd, or dasposed of in such a manner as each eontrabutor may
including the children, would work to carry out the purpose. request.
A Committee was formed to attempt to carry out that purpose. You are hereby authomzed to transmlt the mformatmn con-
That Comm2tteepresented the matter to various brethren assem- tamed m this letter to any person who demres to know the s~tua-
bled at various places. It now appears that many who heard the tmn, and further to inform all mqumngones that while the So-
Comm,ttee misunderstood the purpose and eonfusmn has resulted. cmty feels very sympathetic toward some prowsmn being made
Someappear to have understood that everyone of the consecrated for the needy, and will be glad to see such done, the Society as
~hould sell or give up all thmr property and donate their all to the such cannot undertake it because Its commtsmon ~s to proelmmthxs
f~efuge Orgamzatlon, and that a place would be provaded for all gospel of the Kingdom.The w~tness work now is the all-anportant
~uch to be housed and fed and live together as a community. That thing.
understanding Is entirely erroneous W,th such misunderstanding
The attempted effort to create a refuge orgamzatmnhas great-
~ome have contributed their money to the general fund and prob-
ly enlarged the correspondence m this office, and I therefore a~k
ably some have unduly denied or burdened themselves m doing so.
you to undertake the transmitting of the mformatmnhereto cobb-
SOCmTY. Numerous letters have been received asking ff the tamed to mqmrers, that the t~me of our office workers here may
Society is backing th,s Refuge Orgamzatlon. As this office has be g~ven entirely to the carrying on of the work which the Lor’d
repeatedly stated, the Society is organized and incorporated to has comm~ssoned them to do.
proclam~ thls gospel of the Kingdomand therefore cannot under-
take to provide schools, houses and other p/aces of refuge. There- No doubt all have acted tn good faith w~th the hope of t~ro-
fore the Society can assume no responsiblhty whatsoever concern- vIdmg some help, but the effort has not been attended, a~ ~t ap-
mg the sauae Seeing the need of help to be provided for some that pears, with the Lord’s blessing.
are m need the Society certainly would not ob3eet to brethren act- The Socxety has heretofore Lssued a letter to the effect that
mg independently and together m. putting forth a joint effort to where brethren who own property, and could reasonably do so, pro-
make provision for the needy; but the responsibility for so doing v~de a place for prancers to park their trailers wh~le engaged m
¯ nust rest upon those who attempt to do so. While the Society does the serv,ee, and wh,eh pioneers m,ght assist m doing some work
not and could not object, it cannot assume the responsibility. The on the premises when not engaged m the field service of the Lind,
Society xs ready and willing to co-operate m any way possible, that m*ght be done; but that was merely advisory. It apl)ea~
wh2ch includes the formulating of rules and reguJatmns and the to be easy for some to m*sunderstand an effort put forth to help
appointment of some statable person to managethe refuge, but as others and to make many extravagant statements, without author-
to ealrying the expense of such organization, that cannot be done. xty, wh,eh causes eonfusmn. I hope you may be blessed by the
Manywdd, unauthorized and extravagant statements have been Lord’s grace to assist In putting this matter clearly before thube
made and many unnecessary and silly letters have been written who may require.
and c~rculated concerning such organization, and this has resulted Wishing you the Lord’s blessing, I remain
in many letters of mqmryshowing a misunderstanding. Very sincerely,
The commissmnof God’s people is to proclaim this gospel
Your brother by His grace,
of the Kingdom, and each mchndual must do what he can to pro-
vide the things decent and necessary for hmaself and dependent J. F. RUTHERFORD, President
ones and to help others m need insofar as it appears to hun that [NoTg: To avo,d unnecessary correspondence at th,s office further
he can do so. It ts not for anyone else to say what he shall or mqmries about the Refuge Orgamzatmn should be addressed to
shall not do. IT. P. Drey, 1604 Webster St., 0ak/and, Cahforma ]
THEOCRATIC AMBASSADORS AND THE "BLITZ" quickly overruled. A brief silence of the two hundred pres-
"At Sheffield a party of five pioneers were making back- ent, broken by one who timidly said, ’Jehovah !’ Then the
calls during the evening blackout, when the warning sirens vast majority thunderously said: ’Jehovah! Yes, Jehovah!
sounded. The transport in the city had stopped running, Let Jehovah be judge !’ referring to me, as some have mock-
and, having no means of making for home, they all returned ingly called me by the name of the Most High many times
to the KingdomHall in the center of the city. A heavy previously. Nearly every man in camp knows the name
raid was soon in progress. With Nazi-Papal bombs scream- Jehovah and that I am one of His witnesses. I arose, all
ing and crashing around them, they went down into the faces toward me; silence a pin could have been heard. Said I,
basement for greater safety. Cartons of books were piled ’Because of conscientious objections I am not able to serve
up to the ceiling as added support for the floor above. A in the capacity of judge.’ Almost in one voice they broke
high explosive bombscored a direct hit on the adjoining forth: ’Overrule the conscientious objections! Subpoena
building, the force of the explosion lifting the basement him! Wewant him as judge; he can give us the fairest and
floor on which were crouching the five pioneers. After hours most honest trial of any man in camp, and we will get
of terrifying experience they groped their way from the more justice from him than anyone else !’ I arose again and
half-wrecked building and, picking their way amidst debris said: ’My conscientious objections stand.’ They again want-
and bomb craters, eventually arrived home. Almost half ed to overrule it, but the chairman called attention to the
the center of the city had been destroyed. One Merseyside fact that they could not do this; so they selected another,
town has been so devastated that the three pioneers resident whodid his best. Little did I realize that so manyof the
there have been compelled to leave, having found it im- boys placed such a great amount of confidence in me as an
possible to continue work. Three pioneer homes in London ambassador of The Theocracy. Thus were seen the effect
have been rendered uninhabitable by bomb-blast. In the and fruit of my labor and positive stand for Jehovah and
case of a fourth home a bomb demolished the house next his King and kingdom. As far as I know the matter is
door, but by a miracle the home was undamaged. One pio- settled and the privileges restored. The Devil is trying to
neer has been killed. He was indoors when a bombexploded take away even what freedom is still enjoyed here. Con-
near by, and a splinter [of the bomb] penetrated the out- sidering that it is for five months, the amountof witnessing
side wall of the house and killed him. Another pioneer, a done here is small, to wit, 29 books, 565 booklets, 191 maga-
Germanrefugee, was severely injured by another splinter zines, 50 hours’ work, and played every set of phonograph
at the same time, and has been in hospital for some time, lectures, with a total attendance of 162, and 15 back-calls
but is now recovering. A number of Kingdom Halls have Manyhere have shown a great deal of respect for Jehovah’s
been demolished, while the office and Bethel Homein Lon- provision for their blessing and opportunity to receive life
don have had several narrow escapes. At Bristol a blitz com- everlasting."
menced two hours after the zone assembly had finished, and MODEL BIBLE STUDIES IN WARTIME
the KingdomHall, together with the hall that had been used "In England here it is not hard to understand that we
for the assembly, was razed to the ground. A number of are in the ’last days, when perilous times have come’, espe-
pioneers have been bombed out of their homes, some more cially if you are on your way to a model study and suddenly
than once, while others have found their territory renderedthe wailing sound of an air raid is heard, and presently the
unworkable and have had to move to new districts. Often
drone of approaching aircraft, and then the whistle of a
pioneers have arrived at an assignment of territory to com-bombor two coming down. That is all the more reason why
mence work, only to find it almost completely devastated we must hasten to the people of good-will and comfort them
and, on occasions, the rescue workers are still extricatingin spite of all terrors and oppomtion. Myyoung sister, who
the bodies of the victims. In a few instances pioneers havehas recently become a pioneer and assigned to the Man-
been present when Nazi raiders have swooped down to chester pioneer home, and I worked a private assignment
machine-gunthe people on the streets. In spite of all theseof territory through and were able to get five model studies
hindrances these faithful servants frequently brave the started. One night, working late at the depot, I could not
bombs and falling shrapnel from the guns, in order to get get along as usual to call for other interest in the neighbor-
to the people of good-will. Phonographs and records are hood of a model study. As it happened, I had told the lady
often loaned to the interested, and played in air-raid shel-
of this previously and had mentioned who the people were
ters at night. The pioneers join the people in their shelters
To mysurprise she went around and called for them herself,
too and conduct model studies with them, while the guns and that night there were twelve at the model study, the
crash around them and the bombs continue to fall. These most there had ever been. We took them to the Kingdom
frightful experiences often result in stimulating the pio- Hall for the Kingdomservice meeting, where they ordered
neers to a greater and more determined effort." the new lecture record, ’Message of Hope.’ By the next
Sunday they had both been on the witness work, the hus-
band having arranged to call back on a family and start a
"Violation of some rules of this camp by some inmates model study. Nowthese people are Watchtower subscribers,
endangered the privileges of the entire camp. To bring come to KingdomHall, and go to each other’s model study,
justice upon all implicated, general camp court was called and last week the young girl went into the field service
and held Thursday night, conducted entirely by inmates. Most remarkable of all, the husband’s two sisters have be-
Selection of a judge came first. The boys desired one who come pioneers and have been assigned to the Manchester
would be impartial, honest, and just, to try the ones sus- pioneer home. The far-reaching effect of the model study
pected Chairman called order, one was nominated, but is wonderful, because it is Jehovah’s provision."

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~" " ’~ ’ -]]:7,.:::
’"" VoL LXII Sz~:~oN~:~: No. 15
AUGUST I, 1941
Mourn ............ 227
The Wicked ..... 228
Visible Rulers .................. 229
I I Vahant F~ghters .............. 232
I The Promise ......... 232
Resurrection ...................... 234
"In All the Earth" ........................ 234
It I.~_,,[ Be Wise ............................... 235
"’’ I .ASSEMBLYIN ST. LOUIS ........................... 235
i __ I GOD
~’DMA~ ........................................ 236
’ ’ ’ ’ I / PROXY
...................................................... 237
"l ’ FIELD EXPERIENCES .................... 240
i-- /
PERIOD... 006
"WATCHTOWER" STUDIES ........................ 226
................................................. 226
HIS Journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
117 Adams Street
- -
Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A.
T people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically de-
OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good will
J. F. RUT~Y.RrOVa),
Prcslc]ent W. E. VA~¢ A~BU~GH,Becretary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shM1 be ~ueht of dehove-h; euad supplies other literature to aid in such studie~ It publishes suit-
able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of public
Crest shMl be the peace of thy children." -lsaiah 54:x3. instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for Its utterances.
THATJEHOVAH Is the only true God, is from everlasting to It Is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to his ereatures; that the Logos was the beginning of his creation, tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
and his active agent in the creation of all things; that the Logos King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
tion of Its contents In the light of the Scripture& It does not In-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, elothed with all power in
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Ofllcer of Jehovah. dulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully dis-
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of UNITED STATZe, $1.00; CANADAAND MISCELI~NEOUS I~ORZlGN, $1.50;
Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the right GRF~T BRITAIN, AUSTRALASIA, AND SOUTH ~rRIC~ fie. American remit-
tances should be made by Postal or Express Money Order or by Bank
to life. Draft. Canadian, British, South African and Australasian remittances
should be made direct to the respective branch oetces. Remittances from
THATJESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countries other than those mentioned may be made to the Brooklyn office,
death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for but by ~ntcrnat~onal Postal Money Order only.
obedient ones of mankind ; that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every name
and clothed him with all power and authority. Br~h.......................... 34 Craven Terrace, London, W.2, England
THATJEHOVAH’SORGANIZATION is a Theocracy called Zion, (Tanad/an
.......................... 40 Irwin Avenue.Toronto6, Ontario, Canada
and that Christ Jesus Is the Chief O~eer thereof and is the right- Austrulus~an
.................. 7 BeresfordRoad,Strathfield. N. S. W.,Australia
ful King of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of BouthA/~ican.................... Boston House, Cape Town,South Africa
Please address the Society In every case.
Christ Jesus are children of Zion, membersof Jehovah’s organiza-
tion, and are his witnesses whoseduty and privilege it Is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind
as expressed in the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom (Tranalationsel tht* journal appearin several languageJ.)
before all whowill hear.
THATTHE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted All sincere Jtudente of the Bible whoby reason of Infirmity. poverty or
adversity are unable to pay the subscription price mayhave The Watch-
Satan from heaven and Is proceeding to the establishment of totoer free uponwritten application to the publishers, madeonce each
God’s kingdom on earth. year, stating the reason for so requesting it. Weare glad to thus aid the
needy, but the written application once each year Is required by the
postal regulatlous.
THATTHE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, which Notice to 8ubs~’tbers: Acknowledgmentof a new or a renewal sub-
has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the destruction serlption will be sent only whenrequested. Changeof address, when
of Satan’s organization and the establishment of righteousness in requested, maybe expected to appear on address label within one month
A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) will be sent with the
the earth, and that under the kingdomthe people of good will that Journal one monthbefore the subscription expires.
survive Armageddonshall carry out the divine mandate to "fill Enteredas second-clo.ss
matterat theposto~leeat Brooklyn,N. Y.,
the earth" with a righteous race.
under the Act el March8, 1879.


The midsummer Testimony Period, as above named, will in- Subscribers for The Watchtower in Britain who fail to receive
clude all of August. The Lord now having turned to his devoted a copy after eight weeks of the date of msue may write to the
people the "pure language" of the truth of The Theocracy, it will Londonoffice, 34 Craven Terrace, London, W. 2, England, stating
be theLr privilege during August to publish the same with a "pure they have failed to receive that particular issue of The Watch-
lip", that a multitude of others may hear and turn from religion tower, and the London office will try to furnmh them with the
and join in the united service of Jehovah. Therefore during this missing issue, if possible. It is our desire to get to every subscriber
Testimony Period the book Religion together with the latest pub- the contents of each issue of The Watchtower, because we know
hshed booklet will be placed with everyone possible, on a contribu- that to the reader it is a great aid and comfort in these pertlous
tion of 25c. This, which is generally the vacation season and con- times.
vention time, should allow for manynewly interested ones to start
out into the field activity, and for all veteran publishers to get in "WATCHTOWER"STUDIES
their full quota of hours. A good report is awaited from each and Week of September 7: "When the Righteous Rule,"
all at the close of August, marking the special blessing of the ¶ 1-33 inclusive, The Watchtower August 1, 1941.
Lord upon all that "serve him with one consent". Week of September 14: "When the Righteous Rule,"
~] 34-63 inclusive, The Watchtower August I, 194.1.
Pursuant to the provision of law and the charter of the Watch VACATION
Tower Bible & Tract Society, notice is hereby given that the an- The members of the Bethel family will enjoy their vacation
nual business meeting of the said Society will be held at Pittsburgh, this year from Saturday, August 2, to Wednesday, August 20,
North Side (formerly Allegheny), Pennsylvania, at ten o’clock inclvaive. This will afford them a change from their regular work
a.m., Wednesday, October 1, 1941, at which the usual annual at headquarters and the opportunity for a larger part in the in-
business will be transacted. See pag~ 237, 288 hervha. ( Oo*tjinued on page 239)
VOL. LXII AVGvs~: 1, 1941 No. 15


"Wl~en the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked beareth rule, the people
mourn."--Prov. 29: 2.
EHOVAH places before men the information that fables, even as the Lord’s Wordforetold they would
J all, if they would, might know why there is so do in these last days of peril.--2 Tim. 4 : 3, 4.
much mourning, sorrow and distress throughout The religious leaders and their followers are all
the earth at the present time. He also tells what will influenced by the demons, and both clergy and lay-
bring peace, contentment and joy to the people. That men walk on in darkness. The result now is as God’s
desirable information is set forth fully in the Bible, prophet recorded: ’Darkness covers the earth, and
which is God’s Wordof truth, and the Bible is pub- gross darkness the people.’ Whowill understand?
lished in all knownlanguages and dialects. The rul- What is set forth herein is taken from the Word
ers and leaders in the nations have no excuse for of God, and the clergy refuse to believe what is here
not knowing what God has laid before mankind, as published. They are blind and cannot understand.
set forth in his Word. The religious teachers have The political and commercial leaders refuse to give
had every opportunity to learn for themselves and heed to the truth because they have hired the clergy
to inform the people concerning these vital truths, to do their thinking in matters pertaining to rehgmn,
but they have shunned the true information. They but all of them think in terms of religion. They too
have had ample opportunity to inform the political are blind as to God’s purpose. Who, then, can under-
and commercial leaders of the world as to the real stand ? Almighty God answers : "Manyshall be puri-
cause of sorrow and distress in the nations and what fied, and madewhite, and tried; but the wicked shall
is the only possible remedy. Such opportunity they do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall under-
have ignored, and, going still farther in the wrong stand; but the wise shall understand."--Dan. 12: 10.
way, they have joined hands with the political and Only the wise after the wisdomfrom the Lord will
commercial elements to carry out selfish purposes understand. Who are they that are purified, made
of man. They have forgotten God and his Word and white and tried, as stated by God’s prophet ? Such are
turned to demonism. those who are in Christ Jesus, who constitute "the
2 Godprovided for his typical covenant people, the remnant" of Jehovah’s spiritual people now on the
Israehtes, the office of the priesthood and laid upon earth, and who are wholly devoted to God. Whoare
the priests the obligation and duty to be obedient to the wise ? In addition to "the remnant" all persons of
Ills law and to instruct others. They were commanded good-will toward God now are granted the oppor-
to instruct the people of things pertaining to the tunity of understanding Jehovah’s purpose. The
law. "For the priest’s lips should keep knowledge, Lord is nowgathering unto himself his "other sheep",
and they should seek the law at his mouth; for he is all of which shall understand; otherwise they could
the messenger of the Lord of hosts."--Mal. 2:7. not be of his "other sheep". For the instruction, aid
3 The nations called "Christendom" have pretended and comfort of those who are of good-will toward
to be the representatives of God, and therefore have God, and whoare seeking the way to life, the informa-
been in an implied covenant to do the will of God. tion herein contained, and which is taken from the
It has been the duty of the leaders of "Christendom" Bible, is published in The Watchtower.
to properly inform themselves and to instruct the
people concerning God’s law and purpose, but in MOURN
that they have entirely failed. As with the Israelites, ’ In every nation now on earth the people mourn.
so with "Christendom’s" leaders ; they have departed Daily their distress increases and will continue to
out of the way of righteousness and have caused increase until the present wicked rule is destroyed.
many to stumble at the law of God. (Mal. 2:8) The The fact that all nations mourn is proof that the
leaders in "Christendom", and particularly the clergy, wicked rule. In the year 1914 what is known as the
have refused sound doctrine and have turned to World War began. Prior to that time the people had
228 NieWATCHTOWER. Baoola~Y~, N. Y.

much sorrow, but from and after 1914 the woes upon of taking advantage of God’s provision to learn the
the nations and peoples of the earth have increased Scriptures, find the way of escape to the place of
with each and every year. Those people of good-will safety, and learn how the wicked came into power
toward God will believe his Word; and the Word of and rule and what is the remedy therefor.
God says concerning the mourning that is upon the
nations: "Whenthe wicked beareth rule, the people
mourn." This ~cripture, together with the facts well ~0 The wicked one, whois the invisible ruler of the
knownto all, should be sufficient proof that the wick- world, is Satan the Devil. Originally his name was
ed now rule, and this shows the reason why there is Lucifer. Almighty God appointed Lucifer as over-
an ever-increasing time of mourning and sorrow and seer of the earth, and when Lucifer rebelled God did
woe upon the peoples at this time. But why is the woe not deprive him of his rulership. On the contrary,
and mourning increased since the time that the God said to Satan: ’For this cause have I permitted
World War began? The reason is that 1914 marked thee to remain, for to shew thee my power; and that
the end of the uninterrupted rule of Satan. At that my name may be declared throughout all the earth.’
time he was cast down to earth; and he has confined --Ex. 9 : 16, Leeser.
his operations to the nations of the earth since. Hence u Satan has continued to exercise his power and
the Wordof God says : ’’Woe to the inhabiters of the influence over humankind, and thus God has per-
earth, and of the sea ! for the devil is comedownunto mitted Satan to have full opportunity to prove his
you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he wi~ked challenge, that he could turn all men against
hath but a short time."wRev. 12: 12. God. (Job 2 : 5) The climax is now here. Satan knows
But what has the Devil to do with the rule of the that his time is short, and hence he increases the
nations of earth now and with the ever-increasing woes upon the people before the final showdown.
woe? The Devil is the supreme wicked one and for 1, As further proof that Satan has continued to
centuries has been the invisible ruler of the nations bear rule over the nations the following Scriptural
of the earth, during which time he has operated proof is submitted. Immediately following the bap-
through visible representatives on the earth, who, tism of Jesus he was led by the spirit of God into the
being selfish and under his influence, have refused to mountain and was there subjected to a severe test at
hear and to obey the Word of Almighty. God, and the hands of the Devil in the Devil’s effort to cause
hence have ruled wrongfully. Nowthe uninterrupted him to violate his covenant with Jehovah. (Matt.
rule of the Devil is ending, and hence, as,the Scrip- 4: 3-11) The Devil put three major tests before Je-
tures state, the Devil and his visible representatives sus, who was then fasting. He challenged Jesus to
bring ever-increasing woe upon the people because make bread out of a stone. He challenged him to leap
the climax is at hand. from the pinnacle of the temple to prove his supe-
Never at any period of time have the people of all riority over men. "Again, the devil taketh him up
the nations been in such distress as now. The daily into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all
increase of woes upon the nations causes men’s hearts the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;
to fail them for fear, and hence many seek death and saith unto him, All these things will I give thee,
rather than to endure suffering. That explains the if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith
suicides. Such persons see no hope, because they are Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan : for it is writ-
without knowledge and without God. Religionists ten, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him
offer the people nothing upon which they could base only shalt thou serve."wMatt. 4: 8-10.
their hope. The sincere people now discern that the 1, This shows that Satan was then the invisible
wicked and ambitious Hitler is a religionist, bent on ruler of the nations of the earth. Thereafter Jesus
estabhshing a religious rule of the world, and in this spoke of Satan as the prince or ruler of this world.
he has the unquahfied support of the largest religious (John 12: 31; 14: 30; 16: 11) Still later the apostle
institution in existence, the head of which claims to Paul spoke of the Devil as the god of this world who
be the spiritual ruler of the world. Amongthe people blinds the people from hearing the truth: "But if our
there are still a number who have faith in the Word gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost ; in whom
of God and who are of good-wiU toward God, and the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them
such persons are now becoming enlightened, shun- which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel
ning religion, turning away from it, and seeking of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto
knowledge from the Wordof God. It is the desire of them." (2 Cor. 4 : 3, 4) Again the scripture says that
The Watchtower to aid such. It is needless to in- the entire world lies in that wickedone.--1 John 5 : 19.
troduce evidence showing that the wicked now rule "The visible rulers of the nations of the earth are
the nations of the earth, but attention is called to it chiefly these: religious, political and commercial
in order that those of good-will maysee the privilege men; but, in fact, all of them practice religion. To
i, 1941 ffSeWATCHTOWER. 229

turn men away from God the Devil brought forth and princes shall rule in justice [righteousness]."
religion and by this has deceived many. The political --Isa. 32:1, Leeser.
element yields to the religious influence and also 18 "Princes," or governors, are those who exercise
practices religion to aid in keeping the ruled in sub- a ruling power under the commandand supervision of
jection. The commercial elements work with religious the higher power. The new heaven is the new invisible
and political elements in order to accomplish their ruling power, whereas the new earth is the rule of
selfish and pecuniary gain. All three elements love the people by visible representatives of the supreme
money and power, and all are against Jehovah and and invisible power. Since the new heaven and new
his ldngdom; hence all are wicked, and the result is earth is a rule of righteousness, it follows that there
exactly as the Lord God foretold: ’The wicked rule, must be menfully qualified to fill the place of visible
and the people mourn’ because of the injustices in rulership. They must be righteous. Whocould possi-
the earth. bly qualify and fill those places of world importance ?
1o Godhas fixed the rules by which mencan qualify,
and all who are placed by the Lord in positions to
15 Will the present sorrowful state of affairs con- rule and administer the laws of THETHEOCRACY must
tinue forever or will there be a change in the near act under THI~ THEOCRACY and must first qualify ac-
future ? There is certain to be a change. The fact that cording to the divine rules. All such must have full
Almighty God says, ’%Vhenthe righteous are in au- faith in God and in Christ Jesus and all be subject
thority the people rejoice," is of itself proof suffi- to crucial tests in order to prove their faithfulness.
cient that in God’s due time the righteous shall be in The Bible furnishes the complete information con-
authority. When the Word of God is considered in cerning those who shall qualify and who shall occupy
the light of existing facts it is seen by those of good- the positions as the visible representatives of THa
will that a change is now taking place. In 1914 God
THEOCRACY. It is that rule invisible and visible, or
enthroned his King, Christ Jesus, and sent him rule of righteousness, that shall bring great joy to
forth to rule while the wicked one is still exercising the people.
his power. The righteous Ruler is Christ Jesus, and ,o Herein is set forth a list of men, which menmet
his work first performed as King is to cause a wit- the requirements laid down by Jehovah that they
ness to be given in the earth of and concerning the might be qualified representatives of The THEOCRATIC
kingdom of righteousness, and then to completely ~OVERNMENT.
oust the wicked from rule, and this he will do at Ar-
’~ Abel, the second son of Adamand Eve, was the
mageddon; and all the facts and the Scriptures show
that that great event is near at hand. That will be a first man on the earth to show faith in the Almighty
God. God never forgets a faithful creature. It was
climax of the world’s trouble. That battle of the great
Abel’s faith and obedience that pleased God. (Gen.
day of GodAlmighty will for ever end the rule of the
wicked. All the wicked Godwill destroy. (Ps. 145: 20) 4 : 4) "By faith Abel offered unto Goda more excellent
sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that
Affliction shall not again rise up. (Nah. 1 : 9) Hence-
forth Christ Jesus, "the Prince of Peace," will reign, he was righteous, Godtestifying of his gifts ; and by
and his reign will be entirely righteous.--Isa. 9 : 6, 7. it he, being dead, yet speaketh."--Heb. 11 : 4.
16 The righteous ruler, Christ Jesus, shall ever be 2, God counted Abel a righteous man because of his
invisible to humaneyes, but will have his representa- faith. Abel was murdered at the instance of the Devil,
tives acting in righteousness that will be visible to and every murder that has been committed on earth
human eyes. Almighty God Jehovah is the King of has been done at the instance of the Devil. Concern-
Eternity and is invisible. Christ Jesus is "the express ing Abel’s righteousness and God’s purpose to punish
image" of Jehovah and likewise invisible to human those who have practiced religion and used it to bring
eyes. He is Jehovah’s duly anointed King of The about the murder of many others, Jesus Christ said
to the religionists on earth at his time: "Wherefore,
THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT.--1 Tim. 1:17; Heb. 1:3;
behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and
Ex. 33: 20; 1 Tim. 6:16; John 14: 19; Col. 1: 13-15.
scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify;
and some of them shall ye scourge in your syna-
gogues, and persecute them from city to city: that
" God has given his word that there shall be a new upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon
heaven and a new earth wherein righteousness shall the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the
continue forever. (2 Pet. 3 : 13) That means that the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whomye slew
rule of the earth, both invisible and also visible, shall between the temple and the altar." (Matt. 23 : 34, 35)
be in righteousness. Concerning that it is written: Abel was a good and faithful man; and it is written
"Behold, a king [Christ Jesus, the King of The THEO- that they that have done good shall be resurrected.
CRATICGOVERNMENT]shall reign in righteousness, (John 5 : 29) God has a place for Abel.
,3 The next man who had faith in God was Enoch. his heart with joy. Jesus referred to this when he
When it is said that a man walks with God, that said: "Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw
means that his course of action is in harmony with it, and was glad." (John 8:56) The Bible magnifies
God’s appointed way or rules. Long ago it was writ- the importance of faith and obedience unto God by
ten of Enoch: "And Enoch walked with God; and frequent reference to the faith of Abraham, who is
he was not, for God took him." (Gen. 5: 24) God did called ’the father of the faithful’. "Even as Abraham
not permit the Devil to kill Enoch, and because of believed God, and it was accounted to him for right-
Enoch’s faith God took him away: "By faith Enoch eousness. Knowye therefore that they which are of
was translated that he should not see death ; and was faith, the same are the children of Abraham."--
not found, because God had translated him; for be- Gal. 3 : 6, 7.
fore his translation he had this testimony, that he 2e Abrahamwas swift to obey God ; and that meant
pleased God." (Heb. 11: 5) Enoch prophesied that he was ready and willing, upon short notice, to move,
the Lord Jesus Christ, at his coming and his king- and also shows that he had no fixed abiding place on
dom, will punish those who have fought against God. the earth but was looking for a better place. He dwelt
(Jude 14, 15) It was Enoch’s faith that pleased God, in tents and with his sons and grandsons ; concerning
and therefore God has a place for Enoch. It is writ- which it is written : "By faith he sojourned in the land
ten in connection with him and other faithful crea- of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in taber-
tures: "But without faith it is impossible to please nacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of
him; for he that cometh to God must believe that he the same promise: for he looked for a city which
is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God."
seek him."--Heb. 11:6. bHeb. 11 : 9, 10.
2, Because of faith God counted Noah a righteous 2o Abrahamhad faith in God’s government of right-
man; and Noah walked with God. (Gen. 6:9) eousness, THETHEOCRACY, which is symbolized by a
Noah’s day the human race had become exceedingly city, and God has fixed a place for Abraham. Sarah,
wicked and filled the earth with violence. God in- his wife, was old and past the age of childbearing.
formed Noah of his purpose to destroy that wicked She had no children, but when God sent his angel and
generation ; and Noah obeyed the Lord God, and was informed Sarah that she would give birth to a son
saved from that destruction and brought over to the Sarah had faith in God’s promise and God blessed
world beginning thereafter: "By faith Noah, being her: "Through faith also Sara herself received
warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a
fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by child when she was past age, because she judged
the which he condemned the world, and became heir him faithful who had promised. Therefore sprang
of the righteousness which is by faith." (Heb. 11 : 7) there even of one, and him as good as dead, so many
That blessing of Noah and his family was because of as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the
his faith. God has a further blessing for Noah, yet sand which is by the sea shore innumerable."--
to be received. Heb. 11: 11, 12.
2s Abrahamresided in the land of Ur when God di- s6 Abraham and Sarah’s only son Isaac grew to
rected him to move into a land about which Abraham manhood’s estate, and then God put a great test up-
knew nothing. Having faith in God, Abraham obeyed on Abraham. God commanded Abraham to offer hls
and went into the strange land. Concerning him and son upon a fiery altar of sacrifice. Under that great
his faith it is written: "By faith Abraham, when he test Abraham exhibited strong faith in God. "By
was called to go out into a place which he should faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac ;
after receive for an inheritance, obeyed ; and he went and he that had received the promises offered up his
out, not knowing whither he went."--Heb. 11 : 8. only begotten son, of whomit was said, That in Isaac
26 In that strange land of Canaan Godmade a cove- shall thy seed be called; accounting that God was
nant with Abraham and caused Abraham to perform able to raise him up, even from the dead; from
his part in a great prophetic drama, wherein Abra- whence also he received him in a figure." (Heb.
ham pictured God himself, and in which Abraham’s 11 : 17-19 ; Gen. 22 : 9-18) It was on that occasion that
son Isaac played a part picturing the coming of Abraham and Isaac performed their parts in the
Christ Jesus and his great sacrifice. "For what saith great prophetic drama foretelling the sacrificial
the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was death and resurrection of the beloved Son of Jeho-
counted unto him for righteousness."--Rom. 4: 3. vah God.
2, Thereafter Abraham was called "the Friend of 3~ Faithful Isaac was also used of God to fore-
God". (Jas. 2: 23) Abraham by faith saw the day shadow the seed of promise, that is to say, those who
coming when God would have his kingdom in opera- would be made partakers of the great THEOCRACY.
tion under Christ Jesus the Messiah, and that filled (Gal. 4 : 28) The Scriptures tell of the faith of Isaac
AuovsT i, 1941 NieWATCHTOWER. 231

and of Jacob, who, because of their faith and obe- fuse to obey God fail to find life. (Matt. 21:31)
dmnce unto God, became heirs to the promise of God Jericho resided a woman named Rahab, who was en-
madefirst to Abraham,and concerning this it is writ- gaged in keeping a bawdyhouse. She learned of Jeho-
ten : "By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concern- vah’s power and his blessing upon those who have
ing things to come. By faith Jacob, when he was a faith in him and who serve Jehovah God. Upon learn-
dying, blessed both the sons of Joseph; and wor- ing these truths she readily made a covenant with
shipped, leaning upon the top of his staff."--Heb. God’s servants to shield and protect them, and she
11: 20, 21. exhibited her faith in God by agreeing to do what
’-~ Moving on in the development of the typical they requested her to do to protect them. Thereby she
Theocracy and looking further to the great and real played a part in a prophetic drama foretelling that
THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT, the Holy City that shall in the present time of wickedness on the earth those
rule the world in righteousness, God makes note of who show favor to God’s servants shall be blessed
the faith and faithfulness of Joseph, the beloved son by the Lord. Rahab’s faith in God was rewarded and
of Jacob. Then he makes mention of Moses, who also she was saved from the fate that befell those of
was there used as a type of Christ Jesus. Moses was Jericho who had no faith in God, and concerning her
reared by the royal family of Egypt; but upon re- it is written: "By faith the harlot Rahab perished
ceiving instruction from God, and having faith in not with them that believed not, when she had re-
God’s promise, he refused to be called the son of ceived the spies with peace." (Heb. 11: 31; Josh.
Pharaoh’s daughter and devoted himself to the serv- 6 : 23) Godhad given his word that he will not forget
ice of Jehovah. "Choosing rather to suffer affliction the faith of Rahab but in his owndue time she is cer-
with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures tain to receive his everlasting blessing because of
of sin for a season ; esteeming the reproach of Christ her faith.
greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he "Although Israel as a nation turned to demonism
had respect unto the recompence of the reward. By or religion and for that reason God cast away the
faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the nation, there were amongst the Israelites some faith-
ldng: for he endured, as seeing him whois invisible." ful men who exercised faith in God, and who looked
--Heb. ii : 25-27. forward to THETHEOCRACY and who because of their
~ By faith he saw the coming THEOCRACY and de- faith rendered service unto God and received his
voted his life to the service of God. He was chosen promised blessing. Those men are mentioned in the
of Godto lead the Israelites out of Egypt, and in this Scriptures as receiving the approval of Almighty
he played the part in one of Jehovah’s great pro- God because of refusing to yield to the influence of
phetic dramas foretelling the deliverance of God’s Satan and his agents, and because of their devotion
faithful people from the power and oppression of to God it is written concerning them: "And what
Satan’s organization. "Through faith he kept the shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell
passover, and the sprinkling of blood, lest he that of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of
destroyed the firstborn should touch them. By faith Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the
they passed through the Red sea as by dry land; prophets."--Heb, ii : 32.
which the Egyptians assaying to do were drowned." 2, There was Gideon, a farmer, who was threshing
--Heb. 11 : 28, 29. his wheat when the angel of JEHOVAH appeared and
3, Joshua succeeded to the place once occupied by told Gideon that God had selected him to be a dehv-
Moses. He received command from Almighty God to erer of the Israelites from the Devil religionists, the
lead the Israelites into Canaan, and in doing so God Midianites, who were oppressing the Israelites. (See
worked a great miracle, causing the raging waters Judges sixth chapter.) With his little band reduced
of the Jordan river to stand still while Joshua led to only 300 men Gideon put to fllght and destroyed
the host of Israel, and they marched over dry-shod the enemy host of the Midianites. Thus God rewarded
into safety. (See Joshua chapter 3.) At God’s com- him with service because of his faith and made a
mand Joshua led the Israelites around the walled prophetic picture of greater blessings to come in
city of Jericho, behind which walls the enemies of future days.
God’s people hid for safety, and it was God who "Barak is another specifically named because of
threw down those walls; and concerning the faith of his faith. With him was Deborah, the prophetess of
Joshua and those who were with him it is written: God, who worked with Barak. In the prophetic drama,
"By faith the walls of Jericho fell down, after they Deborah played a part picturing the organization
were compassed about seven days."--Heb. 11:30. of God, while Barak, the commander of the loyal
" God would have it known that even harlots can forces of Israel, played the part in that drama pic-
turn away from a wrongful course and find the way turing Christ Jesus the Lord. With a small army of
of life, whereas those who practice religion and re- 10,000 men, poorly equipped, Barak joined battle
N. Y.

with an overwhelming enemy host, which host was yet a child when God called Samuel to be a prophet
equipped with iron chariots under the leadership of and used him thereafter as a prophet. Samuel was
Sisera. In that battle the angels of heaven fought faithful unto the end and repeatedly warned the
with Barak and Almighty God sent a great storm and Israelites against demonism or religion. He judged
flood, which swept away the disorganized and dis- Israel with a righteous judgznent, always showing his
rupted army of Sisera, and then Barak destroyed the devotion to Almighty God. (See 1 Samuel chapters
entire lot as they fled. (See Judges chapters four and 1-7.) Samuel prophesied the coming of The THEO-
five.) Barak is mentioned for his faithfulness, and CRATmGOVERnMEnT and the King thereof and the
God has a place for him. setting up of that kingdom in power and glory.-
8~ Samsonreceived favorable report from the Lord Acts 3 : 20-24.
because of his faithful devotion to Almighty God. " Then favorable mention is made of the prophets
He was used by the Lord to deliver the Israelites by and through which God has spoken, which proph-
from the bondage in which they were held by the ets had faith in God and in his coming government,
demonized religionists, the Philistines. (See Judges Tr~E T~EOCRACY, and prophesied of its coming. Be-
chapters 13-16.) After faithful service to God Samson cause of their faithfulness they received God’s ap-
was taken prisoner and brought before the Philis- proval. A list of these names of faithful prophets
tines, who put out his eyes and brought him into a appears in the Bible. Their prophetic utterances were
public place to exhibit him and taunt him and to re- not their own conclusions, such as "wise men" of
proach his God. Samson there played a part in the today utter, but those faithful men wrote as they
prophetic drama picturing the faithful servants of were movedof the spirit of Godto write.-2 Pet. 1 : 21.
the great THEOCRACY, who are blind to everything
except Jehovah God and his kingdom. Blind Samson,
held a prisoner, was given great strength by Jehovah "Every one of those faithful men endured great
to pull down the two pillars supporting the temple affliction, which was heaped upon them by religion-
of the demons, wherein there were assembled thou- ists and other dupes of the Devil, and all these faith-
sands of religionists who reproached and defamed ful men are mentioned as valiant fighters. The Devil,
God’s holy name. Samson was faithful even to the "m his effort to make effective his wicked challenge
last and in his death slew a host of God’s enemies. to Almighty God, fought against these faithful men,
His faith secured for him God’s approval. endeavoring to turn them away from God. In that
,o Jephthah was another faithful servant of God, fight the Devil employed religion, or demonism, as
who led the loyal Israelites in battle against their his chief instrument and applied physical force
enemy, the Amorites, who were demon-worshipers. where he could not succeed by fraud and deception.
Jephthah gained, by the Lord’s grace, a great victory That those men remained true and steadfast under
in vindication of Jehovah’s name. (See Judges the test and showed their faith and devotion to God,
11: 1-32.) That which appears to have been pleasing the Almighty caused to be written in his Word con-
to God, and which gained for Jephthah God’s ap- cerning them the following, to wit: "Who through
proval, was the keeping of his vow, which Jephthah faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, ob-
had made, the keeping of which put Jephthah to a tained promises, stopped the mouths of lions,
great and crucial test.--Ps. 50: 14. quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the
" David, when a lad, because of his faith and devo- sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed
tion to Almighty God, was permitted to slay the mon- valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the
ster Goliath, foreshadowing Christ Jesus slaying the aliens. Womenreceived their dead raised to life
monster, the oppressor of humankind. David fought again: and others were tortured, not accepting de-
many battles, and in every instance those battles liverance; that they might obtain a better resurrec-
were for the vindication of Jehovah’s name. Of David tion; and others had trial of cruel mockings and
God said: ’He is a man after my own heart.’ (Ps. scourgings, yea, moreover, of bonds and imprison-
ment; they were stoned, they were sawn asunder,
89: 20; Acts 13: 22) David’s name means beloved.
He was a type of Christ Jesus. It was David’s faith- were tempted, were slain with the sword; they wan-
fulness to God that gained for him His approval. dered about in sheepskins, and goatskins ; being des-
titute, afflicted, tormented; (of whomthe world was
’~ Samuel was a child of parents who were devoted not worthy :) they wandered in deserts, and in moun-
to and served God. His mother consecrated Samuel tains, and in dens and caves of the earth."--Heb.
to Jehovah before Samuel’s birth, and when the babe 11: 33-38.
was weaned she handed him over to the service of
God. That was a specific instance in which the child THE PROMISE
was taught from his youth up to have faith in and to "~ Almighty God had given his word that he would
serve God, and from that he never departed. He was raise up a Seed and set up his government, by which
AuousT 1, 1941 ieWATCHTOWER. 233

the world shall be ruled in righteousness and by that they without us should not be made perfect."
which obedient men shall be forever blessed. Later wHeb.11 : 39, 40.
he renewed this word of promise to Abraham and ~’ Clearly the meaning of this scripture, last quot-
bound his word with his oath. (Gen. 12: 3; 22: 16-18; ed, is that some better thing must first be provided
Heb. 6 : 17-20) The faithful mendescribed in the fore- for others, of whomPaul was one, before those faith-
going paragraphs, who died before the coming of ful men of old could come into their reward or that
Christ Jesus, trusted God implicitly. They believed which was prepared for them. That "better thing"
his promises and relied upon them. They willingly here mentioned is "the holy city", the kingdom of
bore testimony to their faith in God’s word of prom- God, The THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT, and it is pre-
ise, and they sealed their testimony with their own pared for those who compose the capital organiza-
lifeblood. They did not expect the promised govern- tion, to wit, Christ Jesus and the members of his
ment in their day, but they were firmly convinced that body, all of whommust prove faithful unto death.
in his due time God would carry out fully his word That would mean that all of the Holy City must be
of promise, and therefore they went into death full selected and the Kingdom must come before those
of faith. Their faith is certain to be rewarded by the holy men of old could receive what is prepared for
Most High. Mark here the Scriptural proof. "These them.
all died in faith, not having received the promises, 5o This is the order, as shown by the Scriptures:
but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded Jehovah God first revealed to his beloved Son the
of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they ’hidden treasure’, which is The THEOCRATIC GOVEI~N-
were strangers and pilgrims on the earth."mHeb. ~ENT. The beloved Son gave up everything that he
11: 13. had that he might buy that treasure, and he bought
" They knew that the promise would not be ful- it, including all obedient creatures. (Matt. 13:44)
filled completely while Satan continued to be the The purchase price was presented in heaven, and
invisible overlord or god of this wicked world: "For the first ones to receive the benefit thereof are those
they that say such things declare plainly that they who are called and elected to be membersof the Holy
seek a country." (Heb. 11: 14) They were seeking City or "holy nation", "the kingdom of heaven." The
country; which manifestly meant that they were not Kingdom must be completed and set up, with Christ
devoted to the country wherein they resided. They Jesus in full authority and glory as King, before
were seeking what country? The Scriptures answer: these faithful men could be granted everlasting life
"The kingdom of heaven," "the holy city," which on earth. The ransom sacrifice, by which the purchase
Jesus bought with his own lifeblood. They willingly price was provided for mankind, must first be paid
took that course, and they could have turned back over before any man could be released from the
had they so desired. "And truly if they had been bondage of death, which had been inherited through
mindful of that country from whence they came out, Adam. When Jesus became a man and when he was
they might have had opportunity to have returned: crucified as a man, at that time all the faithful men
but nowthey desire a better country, that is, an heav- preceding him and who are mentioned at Hebrews
enly : wherefore Godis not ashamedto be called their the eleventh chapter had passed away. Where were
God; for he hath prepared for them a city."mHeb. they since they had been counted righteous and had
11: 15, 16. received a good report from Jehovah? Had they
" God has prepared a place for them in connection gone to heaven ? The Scripture answers that all were
with his THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT. A "city", or rul- dead. No one could go to heaven before the purchase
ing organization, is specifically prepared for them. price was paid over in heaven and the heavenly way
That "city" is not a part of "the HOLY CITY", but a was open. Concerning David, ’the man after God’s
part of God’s organization just the same, and which own heart,’ it is specifically written: "For David is
shall operate under the supervision of the Holy City. not ascended into the heavens; but he saith himself,
"Whenwill those faithful men come into posses- The LORDsaid unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right
sion of what is prepared for them? The Scriptures hand, until I make thy foes thy footstool."--Acts
answer that they received the approval of God as 2 : 34, 35.
faithful men, but while they sojourned on earth they 51 John the Baptist was one of the great prophets,
did not come into possession or bear away that which and he can never be in heaven, because he had died
was promised. And why did they not receive it be- before the crucifixion of the Lord : "Verily I say unto
fore their death? That question is specifically an- you, Amongthem that are born of womenthere hath
swered as follows: "And these all, having obtained not risen a greater than John the Baptist; notwith-
a good report through faith, received not the prom- standing, he that is least in the kingdom of heaven
ise: God having provided some better thing for us, is greater than he."~Matt. 11: 11.

,2All those men died and went out of existence will be visible to humaneyes, and the people will re-
into the grave, or "hell", but all are held in the mem- ceive the laws and instructions through those visible
ory of Almighty God, who will resurrect them from representatives.
the dead in his own due time and according to his .6 The faithful men named at the eleventh chapter
promise. Those men had faith in the resurrection, of Hebrews complied with the divine rules and re-
and therefore they endured the great fight of afflic- ceived God’s approval. Therefore their record proves
tion even unto death in order ’that they might obtain that when resurrected they are qualified to represent
the better resurrection’.--Heb. 11 : 35. THETHEOCRACY on the earth. A "prince" is a sover-
eign ruler appointed by and acting under the direct
RESURRECTION command of the supreme or higher powers. Jehovah
" Those who compose the royal house, the ’’holy God and Christ Jesus his King are "the Higher Pow-
nation" of which Christ Jesus is the Head, partici- ers". (Rom. 13: 1) Jehovah is the King of Eternity
pate in the "first resurrection", that is to say, first over all, and Christ Jesus is the King of the Holy
in importance and first in time. (Rev. 20:4, 6) The City and, as the Chief Executive appointed by Jeho-
apostle Paul wrote that he gladly suffered the loss vah, has and exercises all power in heaven and in
of everything that he might share in that resurrec- earth. (Matt. 28 : 18 ; John 5 ¯ 22, 26) The Lord Jesus
tion with Christ Jesus. (Phil. 3:7-14) Those who Christ is "Tm~ PRINCE ov PEACE", and upon his
have a part in the resurrection of Christ are raised shoulder the government of THE THEOCRACY shall
up out of death and made spirit creatures and are rest. (Isa. 9:6, 7) The chief ruler amongst men ap-
given life immortal, and their everlasting existence pointed by the Lord is a "prince".--Gen. 32:28;
is in the spirit in heaven.--1 Cor. 15 : 40-54. 1 Ki. 14:7.
°’ Faithful men of old, from Abel to the last one "IN ALL THE EARTH"
of the prophets, cannot have a part in the first resur- ~T The faithful men of the nation of Israel were
rection, for the reason that they died before the called "fathers in Israel" and were so recognized by
heavenly way was opened and before anyone was the Israelites, and are thus spoken of in the Word
called to the heavenly kingdom. The life of those of God. (Acts 3:22) Those faithful men of old who
faithful men shall be forever human on the earth. had faith in the coming THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT and
They have a "better resurrection", however, than were under the great test proved their faith and in-
that of those of the human race in general who are tegrity toward God; and while a long time ago they
favored in the general resurrection. Those faithful died and went into the tomb or grave, yet in the mem-
menof old had their trial of faith before the purchase ory and purpose of Almighty God they have lived,
price or ransom was made available, but they had because it is his express purpose by and through
full faith in God’s promise and they shall receive the Christ Jesus to resurrect them from the dead. (Ex.
benefit of the ransom sacrifice because of their faith 3: 6; Matt. 22: 31, 32) Since those faithful men and
and faithfulness. Other human creatures that have servants of Jehovah God have opportunity of a
lived on the earth for a season and died are held in "better resurrection", and since God gave his word
the memoryof God and shall be resurrected, but not "’, of promise that he had "prepared for them a cit5
on equal terms with those faithful men of old who that is, an organization, where will their eternal
received God’s approval before they died. existence be? and what position or place in God’s
great arrangement shall they have? This question
is answered in the following scripture, to wit: "I~-
" When God set up his typical Theocracy with STEAD OF THY PATHERS SHALL BE THY CHILDREN, WHOM
Israel and ruled over Israel as his chosen people, THOU MAYEST MAKE PRINCES IN ALL THE EARTH."--
none of the Israelites saw him, yet they observed his Ps. 45 : 16.
power. When God spoke to his faithful men he sent 6. Christ Jesus bought those faithful men, and
an angel as his messenger, who appeared in human bought their rights to life with his own lifeblood.
form and delivered the message from the Most High. They must therefore receive life from God by and
(Gen. 22: 11; Josh. 5: 13-15; Judg. 6: 11) God made through Christ Jesus. It is the will of Godthat Christ
the earth for man, and he made man for the earth, Jesus shall raise them out of death and give them
and in due time righteous men shall live forever on life. (Rom.6 : 23 ; 5 : 18, 19) Their resurrection shall
the earth. They shall have an organization that shall take place, according to the Scriptures, when the
govern in righteousness. That organization will not Kingdom comes and begins to function. When raised
be a democracy, but a government representative of from the dead and given life they will be the "chil-
the great THEOC~CY, acting under the direct super- dren" of Christ Jesus because receiving life by and
vision of the King of the great THEOCmLTIO GOV~ml~- through him. Therefore it is certain that those faith-
MENT.Necessarily that representative government ful men will be raised from the dead as perfect hu-
1, 1941 fffieWATCHTOWEtL
man creatures and will occupy the high position of el The clergy and their allies had full access to this
"princes", or visible overlords or sovereign rulers, information ; and they having been fully warned and
"in all the earth." They will not be a part of the Holy refusing to give heed to the warning, their destiny is
City, or THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT, because that is sealed. The Scriptures, together with the facts well
spiritual; but they will occupy the high position of known, prove beyond all doubt that the present great
visible representatives of the Holy City, or T~rEOC- distress and mourning of the peoples of the nations of
RACY,and will govern or rule the peoples of the earth, the earth is due to the powerful influence of Satan,
and all the people will look to them to receive in- the chief of demons, and his associate demons, all
struction from them. invisible to humaneyes, and that the religious, polit-
~ The text at Isaiah 32:1, according to the Au- ical and commercial leaders of the world are under
thorized Version, uses the word judgment as to the demoninfluence and power, and hence all are wicked.
manner of the rule of these princes, whereas another There is no human organization, political, commer-
translation (Leeser) renders the same word justice. cial or otherwise, that offers any remedy for the sor-
Both are correct. The judgments or judicial determi- rows and woes of humankind. There can be no peace
nations are made by the Lord, and those faithful and joy amongst the peoples as long as the wicked
princes will carry out or execute those judgments bear rule. There is no hope for anyone who holds to
previously written and made by the Lord, and they and supports that wicked rule. At Armageddon,
will carry out these judgments or orders with exact which is near, Christ Jesus, the great King nowpres-
justice to all. All the peoples that live on earth shall ent, will destroy the wicked, clear them off the earth,
come under their visible rule or command.That will and make the way for righteousness and righteous
be a rule that will be a joy to the whole earth and all rule to ever thereafter follow. That is the hope of
the people in it. "Whenthe righteous are in authority, humankind.
the people rejoice."mProv. 29: 2. 6, Christ the invisible King will rule in righteous-
ness in full harmony with the will of Almighty God.
On the earth the faithful menof old, resurrected and
6o Long ago God published his Word setting forth
made perfect, will execute the orders of The Christ
what would come to pass, foretelling specifically how and do so always in righteousness. Only those who
he would enthrone Christ Jesus and shall destr~y
love righteousness and hate iniquity will survive,
the wicked, both invisible and visible, and gave this and then all such will rejoice and give praise to the
positive and emphatic instruction to the leaders of
Most High:
the nations of earth: "Be wise now, therefore, O ye
kings; be instructed, ye judges of the earth. Serve ~ Today the wise will hear the Word of the Lord
the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss and give heed thereto and flee to the great THEO-
the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the CRATICGOVERNMENT, and will there find safety during
way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed Armageddon, and after Armageddon enter into com-
are all they that put their trust in him."--Ps. 2 : 10-12. plete joy under the righteous rule of THETHEOCRACY.


S T. LOUIS,Missouri, is the point upon which many

thousands are nowconverging from all parts of the
United States and adjacent lands, for a five-day as-
be readily provided. Whenthe president of the WATCH
TOWER SOCIETY addresses the public, it is expected, St
Louisans and other interested persons within a radius of
sembly of unusual importance in view of the great world 100 miles will greatly swell the visible audiencein and about
crisis due soon to reach its climax. Theseare Christians, The Arena.
whoworship God, not according to any religious formula, Accordingto the published announcement,the president,
but "in spirit and in truth". All such love JehovahGodand Judge Rutherford, is to deliver the opening address of the
Christ Jesus his elected King of the world, and also love assembly on Wednesday,August 6, at 3 p.m., thereby in-
those whotruly worship Jehovah and his King. Henceit is fusing added enthusiasm and zeal into the great program
a joy to such and a source of great spiritual strength to of field activity whichwill makethis Christian gathering a
assembletogether to worshipthe Lord, and it is certain that tremendouswitness to the nameand the TheocratmGovern-
such is pleasing to the Most High. ment of Jehovah God. All wholove righteousness and hate
The assembly dates are August 6-10 inclusive, and the wickedness,and whostrive to do right, will be welcometo
place of assembly will be at The Arena, 5700 Oakland the assembly. That meansall persons whoare of good-will
Avenue,wherespace is provided for the gathering together toward the great Theocrat will be welcome,and it is hoped
and accommodationof approximately 70,000 persons. Ac- that as manyas possible will attend.
cordingto all indications it is possible that a greater number Throughoutthe entire earth the people nowmournand
than that will attend, in whichevent additional space can manyare seeking that which would bring them comfort.

Jehovah has commissioned his people to "comfort all that Jehovah’s witnesses, the admission is free and never is any
mourn". (Isa. 61 : 2) All who are fully devoted to Jehovah collection taken.
will be diligent to fulfill that divinely given commission. At other times many cities have been tied together with
In full harmony therewith the president of the Society is land wires and by radio and all have participated in one
to address the public on the timely subject, "CoHFORT AUL convention though gathered together at many different
THATMOURN," on Saturday, August 9, at 3 p.m. points. This year it is manifestly the will and arrangement
A further public address is to be given by the president of Jehovah that all come together to one general assembly
on the final day of the assembly, on a subject which appears point. That fact calls to mind the prophetic words of He-
brews 12:23 concerning "the general assembly . . . of the
to mark an epoch for all persons of good-will toward Jeho-
firstborn", which assembly may be quite near. Inconven-
vah and his kingdom by Christ Jesus, to wit, "CHILDREN OF
iences and hardships are being undergone by many to at-
THE:KING." This will be delivered Sunday morning, Au- tend, but such remember the words of the apostle that "we
gust 10, at 11 o’clock. A thoroughly organized advertising must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of
campaign is under way, within a wide-sweeping radius of God". (Acts 14:22) The joys and attending blessings are
St. Louis, to bring these two highly important speeches to sure to far outweigh all inconveniences. The Almighty God
attention of all who seek the comfort and instruction they and His King make all necessary provision for the protection
will afford. As is the regular practice at all gatherings of and blessing of those who are devoted to THETHLEOCRACY.


HE present state of man is far removed from the per- and his written Word. (1 Cor. 2: 10) His name is JEHOVAH,
T fection enjoyed by Adam in Eden. The perfect man which means His purpose toward his creatures. He is the
necessarily was beautiful, because all the works of the Self-existing One, "from everlasting to everlasting." (Ps
Creator Jehovah are perfect, and it is written that man was 90:2; Isa. 26:4) He is almighty, and there is none beside
made in the image of God. He was endowed with the facul- him; and his eternal attributes arc justice, power, love and
ties of justice, wisdom, love, and power, which attributes wisdom. These attributes always work in exact harmony.
were in harmony. He was the crowning part of God’s earthly His works bespeak his majesty, and magnify his wisdom
creation. and justice, love and power. The natural man can see some
Today man is broken in body, in mind, and in heart. evidence of the wisdom and power of God. The spiritually
Physically he is weak, emaciated, and unsightly. Mentally minded man can appreciate God’s justice and rejolce in
he is unsound. Morally man has reached a low ebb. Man’s HIS love.
sense of justice is warped all out of proper shape. His re- The scope and magnitude of God’s power and wisdom
duced power is directed in the wrong way. His love is for are appalling to the finite, imperfect mind of man. Jeho-
self, and his wisdom is foolishness in the sight of God. vah God made the sun to give light by day for man, and to
Truly the world of mankind is undone. give life and beauty to the unintelligent creation of earth.
This deplorable condition has existed for many cen- With the natural eye we behold one sun, the center of our
turies, with no known remedy by man for it. Yea, after solar system. Astronomers declare that, with the use of in-
6,000 years the world knows nothing about The remedy. struments, they have counted more than 125 million suns,
The fact is slowly dawning upon those who think that not each one of which is the center of a different solar system
even the strongest men of the world are capable of pro- It is estimated that light travels 186,000 miles a second,
ducmg a satisfactory or desirable government. The world and that the constellation of the Pleiades is 120 hght-years
has reached its extremity; and now it is God’s opportunity distant from the earth (each light-year being the distance
to bring the people out of a condition of lethargy by having the light travels in a year’s time). Doubtless there are stars
hm name declared throughout the earth.--Ex. 9 : 16. the light from which can reach the earth only after many
That which man desires above all things else is life in centuries, so vast is the domain of God. It is not unreason-
happiness. The wisdom and power of man are wholly in- able to conclude that if a mancould stand on the very outer
adequate to provide a way that leads to life or to happiness. line of the known boundaries of creation he could by the
All that man can do is to fight for a bare existence; the aid of powerful instruments discover millions of stars be-
greater portion of his time is spent in sorrow and distress. yond his present vision. The prophet David was modest in
God’s provision leads man to both life and happiness. Yea, his speech when he said: "The heavens declare the glory
it makes it possible for obedient man to attain unto his of God; and the firmament showeth his handywork. Day
fondest desire. Why, then, do so many humans pass un- unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth
noticed the provision made for man and for attaining his knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their
greatest desire ? The answer is: They are blind and cannot voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the
see. Their blindness has been caused by man’s adversary earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them
Satan and his chief instrument, religion, which he uses to hath he set a tabernacle for the sun; which is as a bride-
keep them blinded.--2 Cor. 4:3, 4. groom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong
But who is God, the One who purposed and provided the man to run a race. His going forth is from the end of the
way that leads to life and endless happiness for faithful heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it; and there is
man ? God has revealed himself to man through his works ( Conti.ued on page 239)
AUGUS~ i, 1941 ,. fieWATCHTOWE

Questions :
(l) Are you in harmony with the WATCHTOWERBIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY and are you assisting
ltT Answer

(2) If you have sent in contributions from other places than your present address, please give the addresses:

City.............................................................................................. State............................ Approximate

date ............................

City.............................................................................................. State............................ Approximate


(3) For married sisters: If you sent in any donations before you were roamed please give your maiden name
......................................................................................................... City........................................................... State.................

(4) Writeyourpresentnamein full, NOT

yourhusband’sinitials: ...........................................................................

(5) Yourhusband’s
namein full: ...................................................................................................................................

(6) Namesand addresses of any friends whomyou know to have been contributors to the SOCXETY
who have died
: .................................................................................................................................................................................................

I (herewriteyourname
in full, andwritep~inly).............................................................................................................

of (youraddress
infull) ........................................................................................................................... State......................
do hereby make, constitute and appoint (here write the name of the brother or sister you desire to act as your proxy,

ORif youexpectto attendthe meeting

write in yourownname)............................................................................................

of................................................................................................................................................ State................................................

my lawful proxy and attorney, for me and in my name, place and stead, to appear at the annual meeting of the Share-
holders of the WATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACTSOCIETYto be held at the city of Pittsburgh, North Side (for-
merly Allegheny City), in the County of Allegheny, State of Pennsylvania, on the first day of October, 1941, at ten
o’clock m the forenoon, and at any adjourned or subsequent session of said annual meeting, and then and there cast
the numberof votes to which I shall be entitled, m the election of Directors and officers of the Soc~m-rfor the ensuing
three years, and for the transaction of any other business that may require the votes of Shareholders; and my proxy
shall have and exercise all the powers that I have or could exercme if personally present.

SEALthis ............................................... dayof ......................................... 1941



that ................................................................................ of............................................................
whose signature appears above is entitled to vote at the election of the WATCH

on October1, 1941, or subsequentsessions, and there are credited to said party .................... votes.

Secretary of the W. T. B. & T. Society

N.Y. Date............................................ 1941
Please mail to the Secretary of the WatchTowerBible & Tract Society, 124 ColumbiaHeights, Brooklyn, N. Y,


The annual meeting of the WATCHTOWERBIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY will be held at Pittsburgh, Pa.,
Wednesday, October 1, 1941. The trmnmal election of a board of seven Directors, and from the Board s¢~ elected the
electron of a President, a Vice-President, and a Secretary and Treasurer will take place at this meeting.

Each person or companythat has contributed $10.00 or more at one time to the work of the SocIm~r is entitled to
one vote for each $10.00 so e.ontributed, if still in harmonywith the work of the Soc~r,r. Each companycan indicate its
vote by instructing its secretary to fill out a proxy and attach thereto a statement that such instructions were given at a
regular meeting.

Each voter expecting to attend the meeting, whether in person or by proxy, will need a certificate of identification.
This proxy, when properly filled out and mgned by contributor and sent to the Secretary of the SOCIETY at Brooklyn,
N. Y., and verified by him, will constitute the certificate. The Secretary of the SocIm~rwill thereon certify to the number
of votes credited to voter and deliver the pro~e~ ta the l~roper parties at the annual meeting in time for voting.

Answerquestions on reverse side in full and fill out proxy and sign your name in the place indicated, and have some-
one witness your signature; then malt it promptly, addressed as follows: Secretary, WATCH TOWER BIBLE &
TRACTSOCIETY, 124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, lq. Y.

It is desired to keep our records as clear and up to date as possible, but we often encounter several difficulties.
Parties Iiving at different places have similar names. One may moveto another place and not advise us of the change,
and we do not know whether he is one whomwe already have on o~. record or is someone else. Thus we may have
John Smiths in various places, whereas several of them may be the same person. To assist in this matter please answer
Question 2, on reverse side of this sheet.

Somesisters contributed under their maide~ name, and after marriage have sometimes used their own given name,
as Mrs. Mary Smith, and sometimes given their husband’s name or initials, as Mrs. John Smith. Thus we have learned
of some cases where we had the same party under three names. FIease answer Questions 3, 4 and 5.

One more difficulty: Someof the friends have been the o~ly ones in their families who were interested. If they
pass away, their relatives do not always notify us ; and the. names are retained on the active hst for want of defimte
reformation. Weshall aplyreciate your assistance in helping us clear these difficulties. See Questmn{~.

P]:e~tse mail to the Secretary of the ~V’ateh Tower Bible & tract ~ocfety, 154 Columbia Helghtl, Brooklyn. N. Y.
(Continued from page 236) ness will ye compare unto him? It is he that sittcth upon
nothing hid from the heat thereof. The law of the Lord is the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as
perfect, converting the soul; the testimony of the Lord is grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain,
sure, making wise the simple."--Ps. 19:1-7. and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in.’--Isa.
Again David stood upon the crest of the hills of Judea, 40 : 15, 17, 18, 22.
and in his mind communedwith the all-wise Creator. On The things visible to man are not the greatest of God’s
the east he saw the lofty mountains lifting their hoary heads creation. The greatest of all of his creation was and is his
heavenward and, like silent sentinels standing on watch, first and only direct creation. There was a time when Jeho-
guarding the entrance to the Promised Land. He observed vah God was alone. Then he must have communed with
that the high and rugged hills made a refuge for the wild himself and meditated upon his great purpose. In the course
animals. He saw the flocks and herds peacefully feeding of time it pleased him to begin his creation, and he did so
in the sheltered spots. He looked to the north, and beheld by giving life to his beloved, only-begotten Son, The Logos,
the evergreen cedars of Lebanon, full of sap, emblems of or Wordof God. (John 1 : 1-4) This Logos was the beginning
everlasting life, waving their mighty arms harmoniously of the creation of God, and whomlater Jehovah gave as a
to the winds that God caused to blow through them. He saw gift for the world, that believing menmight not perish but
the water streams spring out from the hillsides and hurry have everlasting life.--John 3: 16.
on to refresh the broad plain on the west, which spread What was the motive that led to this unspeakable gift ?
itself out to be kissed by the waves of the great and beauti- Was it justice? It was not; because Jehovah owed man
ful blue sea. Movedwith awe and admiration for the Mighty nothing. Equal and exact justice reqmred the perfect life
One who made them all, he exclaimed: of Adam, and took it accordingly, due to his sin. All his
"0 Lord, how manifold are thy works T in wisdom hast offspring were born imperfect and justly must die. Wasit
thou madethere all : the earth is full of thy riches. So is this
that God might exhibit to his creatures his great power?
great and wide sea, wherein are things creeping innumer-
Surely not; because already his power had been exhibited
able, both small and great beasts." (Ps. 104: 24, 25) And
in another manner at the Flood, which was prophetic of
then extolling Jehovah and worshiping him, David ex-
the battle of Armageddon now at hand. Was it for the
claimed: "Thou . . . coverest thyself with light as with a
garment, whostretchest out the heavens like a curtain ; who purpose of making manifest his wisdom? Surely not, be-
layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters ; whomaketh cause that alone would bring no profit to man. "God is
the clouds his chariot; who walketh upon the wings of the love." (1 John 4: 16) Love is the complete and perfect
wind; who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flam- expression of unselfishness. Here now is the most complete
ing fire."--Ps. 104 : 1-4. expression of unselfishness that could possibly be given
There are men on earth who possess much gold, who are In God is the very embodimentof love. It was love for the
looked upon as great, yet who cannot make even a blade of humanrace that movedhim to sacrifice the dearest treas-
grass grow nor a leaf that rustles in the wind. They are ure of his heart, to give up the One in whomhe dehghtcd
capable of giving aid and do give a few million dollars to and whose companionship he loved and enjoyed, in order
make themselves a name among men; and others stand in to provide and make the great gift for men. (John 3:16)
awe of their power and greatness. Comparingthe insignif- From the very beginning of the preparation for this great
icance of these with the great God the prophet asks: "Who gift every act of Jehovah is marked by unselfishness tie
hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and might have selected an angel and made of him a man to
meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the redeem mankind, but that would not have bean such a
dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains great sacrffice to Himself. His only direct creation, h~s
in scales, and the hills in a balance ?"--Isa. 40: 12. only begotten Son, his dearly beloved Son, very preclou~
Somewho call themselves great hasten to take counsel to his heart, he would give to be put to an ignominious
together, in behalf of the world situation, and many who death that man might have an opportumty to attain to
look upon them as great seek counsel with the great ones, be- the thing he desired, namely, everlasting life This proves
hevmgthat they can accomplish much. In God’s sight their that there can be no true and perfect expression of love
wisdom is as nothing; and comparing them with the Lord, without a sacrifice. It proves that perfect love is the com-
the prophet further asks: "Whohath directed the spirit plete expression of unselfishness.
of the Lord, or being his counsellor hath taught him ? With Thus from Jehovah’s Word and his works we have a
whomtook he counsel, and who instructed him, and taught glimpse of the great and mighty One who is the Giver of
him in the path of judgment, and taught him knowledge, every good and perfect gift. He it is who has taken cogni-
and shewed to him the way of understanding?"--Isa. zance of the poor, imperfect people of earth and has pro-
40: 13, 14. vided for those of good-will the most marvelous of all gifts
These great men of earth are the ones that build and
rule the nations with selfishness, and whoboast of the power
and of the greatness of the nations and of themselves. Com- (Continued from page 226)
paring them with the Lord God the prophet says: "Behold, creasing field work. The factory and office will be closed down
during this period, and no bookswill be shipped nor regular mail
the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the answered.Henceall orders for literature should be sent in well m
small dust of the balance: behold, he [Jehovah] taketh up advance of August 2 to receive attentmn before closing down
the isles as a very little thing. All nations before him are as Order m sufficient quantity to carry you through the vacatmn
nothing; and they are counted to him less than nothing, period and the rest of August. Also as httle correspondenceas
and vanity. To whomthen will ye liken God ? or what like- possible should be sent to the Society, with the exception of re-
port cards and subscriptions.
MISSOURI ZONE NO. 2 ASSEMBLY zincs, and also attended pavement witnessing on Saturday
"The assembly was held in Bellevllle, Ill. This has been evening. She did not require any help from me, but said
the worst place to witness to in this zone, because public she could manage with the testimony card. Her sister of 6
officials had the idea they were the law, the mayor even years was missing for a while. On her return she told us she
going so far as to say, ’To hell with the Bible !’ and, ’If this had been out on her own and placed 5 booklets and two
work is done in Belleville, I’ll see that everyone engaging magazines in her own street. The lady herself also picked
in it will be arrested and prosecuted.’ He was backed up the road next to hers and placed 6 booklets and two maga-
by the Catholic Hierarchy, and thereafter every witness zines. Also she has lent the phonograph and records to all
who put his nose out of the door was arrested, including her neighbors, and this has resulted in the division of ’sheep’
myself. The law of the land was ignored by these super- from ’goats’. However,she still continues to feed the sheep,
patriots, and truth-telling was stopped in Belleville. The speaks of the Kingdom wherever she goes, and is having
Lord then took a hand, and note the results: First, an in- manyinteresting experiences.
junction was sought and city and county officials were taken "As pioneers there is the privilege and duty of helping
to Federal Court to explain their unlawful actions of inter- our brethren who are ’company publishers’. Last week a
fering with the liberties of the people. Second, at the public young publisher, 11 years of age, came out with me in the
election in April all officials whowere so hostile to us and service and worked 22½ hours for the week and placed 60
were so un-American were removed from office, and other booklets and 12 magazines, with an order for 3 bound books.
officials were installed. Third, a zone assembly was held on She is now anxious to engage in all the group work evenings
May 3 and 4, and in what was the ’toughest spot’ in this and week-ends. I guess she will want to be a pioneer before
zone and one of the toughest in the United States, here is long."
what happened: Every home in the city and surrounding REPAYING GOOD FOR ILL IN NEW MEXICO
county was visited by Jehovah’s witnesses; 500 attended
"In an oil town in southeastern NewMexico a Kingdom
the assembly, nearly all of whomengaged in calling on the
publisher of about 60 years was on the way to conduct a
people, giving them opportunity to hear the message of model study. Suddenly a bystander cried out, but too late.
God’s Kingdomand to find the only place of safety in these
She had been hit by a passing car which had traveled too
days of distress ; 2,000 pieces of literature, to say nothing of
close to her by the curb. Blood changed the hue of the pub-
handbills and Kingdom News, were left with the people, in
lisher’s clothing. Passersby urged her to take the license
this town of 30,000 persons; 1,500 hours were occupied in
number of the car and to be sure to save her blood-soiled
calling on them; 700 heard the recorded lectures of Judge
garments as evidence against him. The driver stopped,
Rutherford at their homes, explaining the Bible; 205 at-
stepped out and said: "You don’t have to save that dress
tended the public lecture on ’Religion as a World Remedy’;
115 new names of interested persons were secured, who will as evidence; I acknowledge I ran over you and I’m here
be called back upon with more Kingdom information; 18 to do the right thing about it.’ A few days later the driver
called at the publisher’s home,offering to give her five dol-
were immersed, symbolizing their covenant to do the Lord’s
lars, which she would not accept. Instead she said: ’I have
will. Belleville had not been adequately witnessed to for two
years, due to those un-American, un-Christian officials who something for you; it would do me more good for you to
accept this than for me to take your money.’ And with joy
defy God, and, as was to be expected, many sheep were
she told him the glad tidings of The Theocratic Kingdom.
hungry for the truth. By God’s grace, these will nowbe fed."
As the young man left he took it with him in printed form,
CHILDREN WITNESSES IN BRITAIN and now is a person of good-will because he ran over a
Theocratic ambassador."
"Told that this person was very interested, I went and
arranged a model study in her home. On my first visit she FIRSTHAND INFORMATION FOR SCHOOL
was not very impressed, as I was only a pioneer 16 years "I placed the book Religion with a schoolteacher. I
of age, but, since she was a person of good-will, she soon offered to return and play a recorded Bible lecture, and he
realized that youth was used by Jehovah, when hearing invited me to play the lecture before his entire school. The
from Psalm 8: ’Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings following week I took the lecture ’Government and Peace’
hast thou ordained strength.’ This model study still con- and played it to the 32 children and their teacher assembled
tinues, and more people have attended it. Her husband at in the little country school. They listened attentively and all
first thought she had a touch of religious mania, but he soon accepted the booklet God and the State after the lecture.
dropped that idea, and became interested himself. He asked Many thanked me therefor. Upon being informed of the
whether he could take Salvation for his fellow workmate special Watchtoweroffer, he invited me to return later, at
that he might have the same knowledge as himself. How- which time he accepted the book Enemies and a year’s sub-
ever, the workmate read a couple of chapters and became scription for The Watchtower. His attitude toward God’s
offended; a religionist, I guess. Despite this, Mr. L still message is very favorable and his eyes are certainly open
persists in giving out this witness. After the fourth visit I to the wickedness of the RomanCatholic Hierarchy and
tactfully put to these people of good-will the issue concern- their allies. The lecture had additional results, when, at a
ing the witness work. The lady herself did not respond im- later date, my husband witnessed to the mother of one of
mediately, but her daughter of 8 years of age said: ’You the school children. The girl told her mother that this mes-
ask mumand Florie to come on the work with you, but you sage was similar to the one she had heard at school, and her
don’t ask me.’ I extended her the invitation. The first week mother agreed to let us return some evening and play the
she did 16 hours, placing a book, 43 booklets and two maga- lecture for them."
r sh~know
thatI amJehovahl’
- ~ektel ,35:15.

AUGUST15, 1941
INTEGRITY ........ 043
P~etures ........... 244
Hate......................................... .’244
TheIssue ..................................... 245
TheTest.................................................... 246
Meaning.................................................. 246
Chmax ........................................... 248
Factsin Fulfillment ................................ 248
T~EWAY.’i’o LIFE.................................. 250
FIELDEXPERIENCES .................................. 256
"WATCHTOWER ~’ STUDIES ..................... ~42
NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING .................. ~42
117 Adams Street
N.Y., U.S.A.
T HIS Journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as erpressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically de-
OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good will.
J. F. RUTHERFORD,President W.E. VxNAMSIrRQrr, Secretary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shali be taught: of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes suit-
able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of public
~rea~ shall be the peace of ~hy children." -harsh 54:x
3. instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
THATJEHOVAH Is the only true God, is from everlasting to It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to his creatures ; that the Logos was the beginning of his creation, tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
King. It Is not dogmatic, but Invites careful and critical examina-
and hls active agent in the creation of all things; that the Logos tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power In
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah. dulge in controversy, and Its columnsare not open to personalitles~
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon It; that man willfully dis-
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of ~NITED STATES, $1.00; CANna AND MISCELLANEOUS FoamxuN, $I 50;
Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the right GR.~A.T BRITAIN, AUSTRALASIA,AND SOUTHAFRICA, 6S. American remit-
tastes should be made by Postal or Express Money Order or by Bank
to life. Draft Canadian, British, South African and Australasian remittances
should be made direct to the respective branch offices. Remittances from
THATJESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countries other than those mentioned may be made to the Brooklyn office,
death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for but by International Postal Money Order only.
obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every name FOBEIGNOFFICES
and clothed him with all power and authority. Br~lsh ...................................... 34 CravenTerrace, London,W.2, England
THATJEHOVAH’SORGANIZATION is a Theocracy called Zion, Canadian ............................ 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada
Auytra/as~an .................... 7 Beresford Road, Strathfleld, N. S. W, Austraha
and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the right-
South African ............................. Boston House, Cape Town, South Africa
ful King of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of Please address theSociety inevery case.
Christ Jesus are children of Zion, membersof Jehovah’s organiza-
tion, and are his witnesses whoseduty and privilege It is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind (Traaslatio~ of this journal appear ~ several languages.)
as expressed in the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom
before all whowill hear.
THATTHE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted All sincere students of the Bible who by reason of infirmity, poverty or
adversity are unable to pay the subscription priceVmay ha~e The Watch-
Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the establishment of tower free upon written application to the publishers, made once each
God’s kingdom on earth. year, stating the reason for so requesting It. We are glad to thus aid the
needy, but the written application once each year is required by the
postal regulations.
THATTHE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, which Notice to Subscribers: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the destruction scription will be sent only when requested. Change of address, when
requested, may be expected to appear on address label within one month
of Satan’s organization and the establishment of righteousness in A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration} writ be sent with the
the earth, and that under the kingdomthe people of good will that Journal one month before the subscription expires.
survive Armageddonshall carry out the divine mandate to "fill Entered a~ second-ola~s matter at the post o~ce at Brooklyn, N. Y.,
the earth" with a righteous race.
under the Act o! March $, 1879.


The mldsummer Testimony Period,as abovenamed,includes Pursuant to the provision of law and the charter of the Watch
all of August.The Lord now havingturned to hls devoted Tower Bible & Tract Society, notice is hereby given that the an-
peoplethe "purelanguage" of the truthof TheTheocracy, it m
theirprlvflege duringAugustto pubhshthe samewitha "pure nual business meeting of the said Society will be held at Pittsburgh,
hp",that a multltude of othersmay hear and turnfromrehgmn North Side (formerly Allegheny), Pennsylvama, at ten o’clock
andjoinin theunitedservlce of Jehovah.Therefore duringthis a.m., Wednesday,October 1, 1941, at which the usual annual busi-
Testlmony Periodthe bookRehgwntogether withthe latestpub- ness will be transacted.
hshedbooklet willbeplaced wltheveryone posslble,on a contrlbu- (See The Watchtower August 1, pages 237, 238.)
tmnof 25c.This,whlchts generally thevacation seasonandcon-
vcnhontime,shouldallowformanynewlyinterested onesto start
outintothefieldactiwty, andforallveteran publishersto getin USE RENEWALSUBSCRIPTION BLANK
thelrfullquotaof hours.A goodreportts awmtedfromeachand The blank sent you one month before expiration of your
all at thecloseof August, markingthe special blessing of the Watchtower subscription should be filled out and returned to the
Brooklyn office or to the Branch office in the country where you
reside. Servants in the companies, and individuals, when sending
in renewals for TAg Watchtower, should always use these blanks.
Weekof September 21: "Integrity," By filling in these renewal blanks you are assured of the continua-
¶ 1-23 inclusive, The Watchtower August 15, 1941. tion of your Watchtower from the time of expzratmn, and without
Weekof September 28: "Integrity," delay. It will also be a great help if you sign your nameuniformly,
¶ 24-44 inclusive, The Watehto~ver August 15, 1941. and note any recent change of address, on the renewal slip.
15, 1941 NO. 16

"’And as for me, thou upholdest me in mitre integrity, and settest me before thy face for ever."--Ps. 41:12.

EHOVAH’Spurpose to have the world ruled by and thus the Scriptures answer: "He
J his righteous Government is repeatedly empha-
sized in the Scriptures. His Government is the
that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath
not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceit-
Theocracy over which he has made Christ Jesus fully. He shall receive the blessing from the Lord,
the King. It is the kingdom for which Jesus directed and righteousness from the God of his salvation."
all of God’s children to earnestly pray, ’Thy king- --Ps. 24 : 4, 5.
dom come; thy will be done in earth as it is done in The one who enters and stands there must be
heaven.’ It is the means by which Jehovah will fully clean, and not contaminated by any part of Satan’s
vindicate his holy name; and therefore THETHEOC- organization or by touching the same. He must have
RACYis the greatest and most important doctrine. a pure heart; that is, his motive must be entirely
For many centuries Christian people believed that unselfish. He must be sincere, steadfast and blame-
God’s chief purpose is to save souls from death. In less in his devotion to the Kingdomand be entirely
that they greatly erred. free from hypocrisy and deceit. All who are made
’ Jehovah’s promise is that "the path of the just is members of that righteous government, and all who
as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto receive a commission from and who serve under that
the perfect day". (Prov. 4: 18) Since Christ Jesus government, must be crucially tested and each ap-
came to the temple the light upon the pathway of proved one must meet that test successfully. Each
God’s people has shone with ever-increasing bril- one who is of THE THEOCRACY or who serves with
liancy to them, and now we stand at the very portals approval under it must hold fast his integrity. David
of the perfect day. Nowit is clearly seen that while as the king of Israel, or typical Theocracy, was a type
individual salvation is important, that which is of of Christ the King of glory, and the utterance of that
greatest importance is the vindication of Jehovah’s typical king applies to The Christ, Head and body.
name and that all who will enter into God’s great David was fiercely beset by his enemies, and likewise
organization, and thus receive salvation, must be today the prospective members of the Kingdom who
ardent supporters and advocates of Jehovah’s name are on the earth are severely attacked by the enemies.
and Kingdom. Since THETHEOCRACY is the means of David exclaimed: "By this I know that thou favour-
vindicating Jehovah’s name, THETHEOCRACY is vital est me, because mine enemy doth not triumph over
to the existence of all who shall receive life ever- me."--Ps. 41 : 11.
lasting. 6 The fact that his enemies did not triumph over
3Today we see the wicked powers of this world him was to him a sure token from Jehovah that he
fighting desperately for world domination and that had received the favor of the Most High. Nowthose
they are rapidly approaching the final climax; and at who proclaim The THEOCRATICGOVERNI~IE~Tand
the same time we behold the triumphant entrance of hope for complete entrance thereinto with confidence
the King of THETHEOCRACY, whose rule of the world likewise say: ’I know Jehovah favors me, because
shall be holy and righteous. Today is the time toward he has prevented the enemies from overwhelming
which faithful men have looked during all the cen- me.’ As David said, so now those who likewise hope
turies past, and now the Kingdom has come and the for deliverance say: "And as for me, thou upholdest
King is upon his throne. The creature’s greatest me in mine integrity, and settest me before thy face
privilege and his highest attainment is to have a for ever." (Ps. 41:12) Thus it is seen that all who
part in that THEOCRATIC GOV-ER~ENT. shall stand in favor before the Lord must hold fast
’ Whoshall be exalted in the THEOCRATIC organiza- their integrity and never be found deficient therein.
tion? and who shall stand in that righteous govern- It is God’s chosen people whomhe has called for his
ment? Only those who are wholly devoted to THE purpose; who must now remain steadfast and im-

movable for THE THEOCRACY, that shall receive the the invisible Christ, and therefore officials ~ind serv-
everlasting blessings of the Lord. The salvation of ants of TEE T~:rEOCRACY acting by commandand un-
each one of such depends upon complete loyalty and der the direction of The THEOCm~TIC GOVERNI%IENT.
faithfulness to The THEOCnATIC GOVERNI~IENT. They shall rule in justice and execute the judgments
of THE TH".OC~CYin righteousness. The Lord’s
PICTURES "other sheep", who are carried over Armageddonand
T Jehovah has made and recorded in the Bible many who receive the commission to form the "great multi-
prophetic pictures disclosing his purpose to create tude" and to carry out the divine mandate, will be
and set up his Theocratic Government by Christ servants under The THEOCRATIC GO~’-ERNMENT. These,
Jesus. Amongsuch pictures is the one in which Job as the Scriptures declare, shall come from the east
prominently appears ; and that picture is of peculiar and the west and sit with or be associated with and
interest to God’s covenant people at the present time. directed by the faithful governors in the earth.
That great prophetic drama pointed forward to the (Matt. 8:11) The prophetic picture of Job pointing
coming of The THEOCRATICGOVERNMENT in power to the main figures in the test primarily applies to
and glory and disclosed the narrow and trying way Christ Jesus, and the members of his body, with
in which creatures must walk who enter that gov- special reference and emphasis to the remnant now
ernment. The faithful men of old by faith walked on earth. The severe test to which Job was subjected
in that way. Christ Jesus took the lead and made foretold the test to which the members of THE
clear the way of testing which leads to victory and THEOCRACY are put ; and a like test is put upon every-
glory. NowChrist Jesus has come and his faithful one who holds an official position under that right-
servants behold the fulfillment of the prophetic eous government. Each and every one under the test
drama about completed. This knowledge gives must hold fast his integrity in order to receive the
strength and increases the hope of the faithful serv- approval of the Lord the King and of JEHOVAH.
ants of the Most High, particularly at this time of
great distress upon the earth.
1o The nameJob means~’’hated’’ ; hence to be perse-
’ Whenthe light of the Lord had not so fully en-
lightened the minds of his people as it does now it cuted by the enemy. Those pictured by Job are hated
was thought that the picture of Job included the en- by all adversaries or enemies of the Kingdom, which
tire human family, to whom God would grant the enemies are hostile or at enmity with and against the
"blessings of human restitution on the earth". The purpose or purposes for which the Job class is used.
Watchtower publication pointed out what was Sometexts following show the use of the word which
thought to be Jehovah’s purpose to give restitution is translated Job. When God pronounced judgment
to all obedient ones of mankind and that the Job against the Devil He said thus: "And I will put en-
prophetic drama included such. The increased light mity [hatred] between thee and the woman[pictur-
which the Lord has given to his people in these latter ing God’s universal organization], and between thy
days makes it now to clearly appear that Job did seed and her seed."--Gen. 3: 15.
not picture the entire human family who would be ~ "The seed" of Jehovah’s organization, which or-
granted restitution. It is The THEOCRATIC GOVERN- ganization is pictured by the woman, is THECHRIST.
.~IE.’,’T that is of paramount importance, and there- (Gal. 3: 27-29) Concerning that Seed it is written:
fore the prophetic drama of Job includes the Head "And thy seed shall possess the gate of his ene-
and body members of that government; it includes mies." (Gen. 22: 17) The prayer which God has put
the faithful men of old who will be the earthly rep- in the mouth of his people is: "So let all thine ene-
resentatives of that government and rule amongst mies [haters] perish, 0 LORD;but let them that love
men, filling the places of visible governors, and also him be as the sun when he goeth forth in his might."
includes those who receive the divine commission (Judg. 5: 31) The same root word is used in Job’s
from Jehovah and who act under that government prayer: "Let mine enemy be as the wicked, and he
to carry out that divine mandate to fill the earth. that riseth up against me as the unrighteous."--
Christ Jesus and the 144,000 membersof his body Job 27 : 7.
constitute the official THEOCRACY,that is, the King- ~’ Satan hated the perfect man Adamwhen he was
dom, the government created by and employed by perfect in Eden because Adam was God’s perfect
Jehovah to vindioate his name and to carry out his creature and Satan coveted the worship which Adam
purpose. That is the government that shall forever properly gave to Jehovah. Satan brought about
rule in righteousness. The faithful men from Abel to Adam’s downfall. Since then Satan has not so much
the last of the holy prophets include those named at hated the imperfect offspring of Adam who have
the eleventh chapter of Hebrews, who shall be the yielded to the Devil’s influence, but his great hatred
governors or princes visible to men and acting for has been leveled-against those who have devoted
15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWER. 245

themselves to Jehovah and remained loyal to God. the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the
These he has not hated because they are the off- Lord, for an example of suffering affliction, and of
spring naturally of Adam, but because their devo- patience. Behold, we count them happy which en-
tion has been and is to the Most High. This is par- dure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have
ticularly shown in the sons of Adam. Abel was faith- seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very piti-
ful to God, and Satan hated him for that reason and ful, and of tender mercy."--Jas. 5 : 8-11.
caused Cain to show hatred by killing Abel. 1, Christ Jesus as a man was the chief of those who
is The deadly enmity of Satan was shown toward love righteousness, who was hated of all enemies,
the man Jesus. Repeatedly Satan tried to bring about and who at all times held fast his integrity and, like
the destruction of Jesus; and that was due to the Job in the prophetic drama, he was qualified to act
fact that Jesus was at all times faithful and loyal to as an intercessor. (Job 1 : 5 ; Job 42 : 8, 9) As Job was
his Father, Jehovah. Jesus at all times is at enmity rendered childless and made exceedingly poor, so the
with Satan. Jesus hates wickedness and all wicked man Jesus was made materially poor and childless
works: "Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wick- and was subjected to all manner of persecution and
edness; therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee through it all Jesus held fast his integrity. (Matt.
with the oil of gladness above thy fellows."--Ps. 45 : 7. 8 : 20; 2 Cor. 8 : 9) Thoughreproached and persecuted
1, Because of the love of Jesus for righteousness by Satan and his agents, and also made to appear
Jehovah has made him the owner by purchase of as afflicted by Jehovah, even as Job suffered and was
all of Adam’s race that put themselves on the side made to appear, Jesus remained true and steadfast
of God and Christ and faithfully remain there and and loyal in his devotion to JSHOVAH.--Isa.53: 2-4.
obey. The fact that the ransom sacrifice paid by
Jesus holds benefits only for believers whb are obe-
dient to God thus shows that the prophetic drama of " The issue between Satan and Jehovah was not
Job does not picture or represent the human family raised for the first time in Job’s day, but centuries
as a whole, but that it represents only those whobe- before that time. The prophetic drama of Job dis-
lieve in God and in Christ, and who take their stand closes what Jehovah requires of all creatures who
on the side of righteousness. Such are then subjected shall receive his boundless blessings. While the ques-
to the test of loyalty and faithfulness pictured by tion for determination raised by the prophetic dranm
Job. Undergoing such test thes~ must withstand the was and is, "Can Jehovah put men on earth who, un-
assaults of Satan and of the other demons and must der the most severe test, will prove faithful and true
remain faithful and true to the Tm~OCRAT and His to God?" yet that great issue embraces much more.
King. During the millennial reign of Christ Jesus The Scriptural record is that there was a day when
those of the human family who are brought forth the sons of God came to present themselves before
from the grave will not be subject to the wicked in- JEHOVAH and Satan came also among them. No doubt
fluence and works of Satan. (Rev. 20: 1-3) The pro- Satan there appeared in an arrogant and defiant
phetic drama of Job appears to apply to all persons manner, but it was then in respect to Satan’s boast
who are hated and assaulted by Satan because of that Jehovah put the question to Satan: ’Hast thou
their devotion to The Tt~OCI~ATIC GOVERNMENT.considered my servant Job, that there is none like
Since the "other sheep" of the Lord, who form the him in the earth, a perfect, upright man, one that
"great multitude", are subjected to the test of loyalty feareth God and is without evil? and still he holdeth
before Armageddon and are hated and opposed and fast his integrity, although thou movedst me against
persecuted by Satan and his agents, such "other him, to destroy him without cause.’--Job 2: 1-3.
sheep" appear clearly to be embraced within the ,8 This shows that long before that time Satan had
prophetic drama. challenged the supremacy of JSHOVA~and raised
is There appears to be special application of the the great issue. Manyother Scriptures support that
Job picture to the remnant now on earth. The apostle conclusion. Satan’s accusing charge was made before
James refers to the Job picture, using it to give in- the angels of heaven, and hence was known among
struction to spiritual Israel, particularly those on all the host of heaven, but not properly understand-
earth at the coming of Christ Jesus to the temple, able and appreciated amongst men till the present
and wherein the apostle says: "The judge standeth time. God’s due time now appears when those on
before the door." It is then that the servants of the earth devoted to him are given an understanding of
Lord, the remnant, are subjected to the test: "Be ye the real issue.
also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of 1, The primary issue raised by Satan’s defiant
the Lord draweth nigh. Grudge no~ one against an- challenge was and is that of umVEas~DOMInATIOn.
other, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold, the God had created the earth and created man for the
judge standeth before the door. Take, my brethren, earth. A perfect man upon the earth would worship

and serve Almighty God. (Isa. 45: 12, 18) WhenGod to Satan: ’You may go ahead and do what you can.
laid even the foundations of the earth Satan had I will permit you to remain for a time, but in the end
heard the announcement made to the sons of God I will cause my name to be declared throughout the
and learned that much of Jehovah’s purpose. (Job earth and then I will show you my supreme power.’
38: 7) Then Satan, moved by covetousness, deter- (Ex. 9:16) With Job Jehovah was making a pro-
mined that he would have the worship of men for phetic picture, chiefly for the instruction and comfort
himself in the place and stead of Jehovah and that and hope of God’s devoted people who are now on
therefore he would be the ruler of the universe. (Jer. the earth, at the end of the world.mRom.15 : 4.
51 : 13) Then it was that Satan began to act to accom- " Job had faith in God and in his coming Theo-
plish his wicked purpose, as it is written: "For thou cratic Government by the Messiah, and for that
hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I reason Satan hated Job and attempted to cause him
will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will to repudiate Jehovah and to die. That the test put
sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the upon Job involved chiefly his loyalty to the King of
sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights THE THEOCRACY is shown by these words of Job:
of the clouds: I will be like the Most High."--Isa. "Oh that my words were now written! oh that they
14: 13, 14. were printed in a book! that they were graven with
2o Because Jehovah is righteous and all his ways an iron pen and lead in the rock for ever ! For I know
righteousness Satan chose the way of wickedness that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at
that he might turn creatures away from God, turn the latter day upon the earth; and though after my
them into wickedness and rule according to his own skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall
selfish desire. He would rule the universe or ruin it. I see God."--Job 19:23-26.
He seduced the many sons of God and brought about 2, The test put upon Job being a prophetic picture
the debauchery of humankind, filling the earth with for the benefit of the remnant of God’s people, it fol-
wickedness and violence, until God destroyed all lows that the crucial test must be applied after the
flesh save Noah, a just man, and the members of his Lord comes to the temple. That test is not for the
family. (Gen. 6:1-13) Following the flood Satan set purpose of determining .whether or not the devoted
up Nimrod as the first dictator among men and covenant people of God are perfect in word or deed
turned the people away from God and caused them or character development. That test is to determine
to hail and worship the Devil’s representative as one whether or not they, are completely and immovably
mightier than Jehovah God. It was after that time devoted to the Theocratic Government by Christ
that God directed the attention of Satan to faithful Jesus, which has now come to rule the world in
Job, and then the great prophetic drama was made. righteousness.
Jehovah would not destroy Job without a cause. Job
had remained faithful and true to Jehovah and was MEANING
rich in material things and surrounded by those who " Themeaning of thewordintegrity is "innocence,
loved him. Satan challenged Jehovah to put Job to blamelessness; thatis,without fault". Jobstoodfor
the test, and Jehovah permitted Satan to put the test Jehovahand his promisedKingdom.God permitted
upon Job without informing Job why he was being Satan to afflict Job and cause him to suffer loss of
tested. Job knew that he had not willingly been dis- everything, and still Job remained loyal to God. He
loyal, and therefore he could not understand why he, held fast his integrity, and therefore was blameless
as a servant of God, should suffer. His suffering was before God. Was Job blameless because he was per-
a prophetic picture made for the benefit of others. fect in his organism and had the right to life? No;
because he was the offspring of Adamand hence un-
THE TEST der condemnation. (Rom. 5: 12) His integrity,
2, The test put upon Job was directly related to blamelessness, consisted in the fact that he refused
world domination, the issue being world domination ; to be moved from his steadfast devotion to God and
and Job being an example used to make the prophetic his coming Kingdomby the Messiah. He would suffer
picture, the test put upon Job necessarily points to all things rather than be unfaithful to TH~ THEOC-
the requirements God makes of all who shall have RACY.The prophetic drama therefore shows that the
to do with the rule of the world in righteousness. integrity of Job foretells that those whomJob pic-
Jehovah had declared his purpose to set up his cap- tured must be immovably devoted to the Theocratic
ital government of righteousness to rule the peoples Government by Christ Jesus, and that regardless of
of the world. Job would know of this promise because what the enemy is permitted to inflict upon them.
the promise had been made to his kinsman Abraham. They must remain faithful and true and wholly de-
In opposition to Jehovah Satan had declared that voted to the Government of Righteousness. In no
he would rule the world or ruin it. Jehovah had said other way could they be blameless before God.
15,1941 NieWATCHTOWER 247

’’ As further evidence that the issue is THETHEOC- "Were those faithful men of old, who had hope in
RACY,and that the test is whether or not men who The THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT,put to the test? They
have agreed to obey God’s commandments will hold were, and suffered indescribable and horrible punish-
fast their integrity, note the unbroken line of testi- ment at the hand of the Devil and his agents oppos-
monyfrom Abel to the coming of Christ Jesus to the ing THE THEOCRACY. Concerning this the apostle
temple in power and glory. The apostle Paul, who further says: "Time would fail me to tell of Gedeon
had his heart set entirely on the Theocratic Govern- [who with a small band of 300 successfully fought
ment by Christ Jesus, summed up the matter as the host of Midian, who oppressed and opposed the
shown by the record at the eleventh chapter of He- people of God who were of the typical Theocracy and
brews. There in substance he says ’that Abraham who showed faith and devotion to the real Theocratic
was living in Ur, the land of enemies, the same land Government], and of Barak [who, because of his
from whence Job came; that Abraham moved out, faith and devotion to THE THEOCRACY, led his little
and into a country that he knew nothing about, and army of ten thousand against a mighty host of the
in that unknown country dwelt with his family in adversaries and defeated them, by God’s grace and
tents, because he relied upon Jehovah’s promise’. power], and of Samson [who successfully fought the
What promise? The Scriptural answer is that God adversaries of the Theocracy and laid down his life
would create and set up The THEOCRATIC GOVERN- for the cause of righteousness], and of Jephthae
MEXT,which should rule the world in righteousness. [who led the forces of Israel, the typical Theocracy,
The testimony of the apostle concerning Abrahamis : against the foes thereof, and gained, by God’s grace,
"For he [Abraham] looked for a city [organized a great victory and received the everlasting bless-
government] which hath foundations [solid, un- ings of the Most High]." Such is the substance of the
breakable and immovable], whose builder and maker apostle’s argument. Those faithful men and their
is God [that is, the Almighty, the Creator]."--Heb. faithful women suffered all manner of punishment
11: 10. and violent death because of their complete devotion
,6 Continuing his testimony the apostle further to THETHEOCRACY. Those faithful creatures refused
says : "These all died in faith, not having received the to compromise with Satan’s organization, and they
promises." What promises? we ask; and the Scrip.. died faithful to THE THEOCRACY; and of them it is
tural answer is, the promises that Jehovah God written, ’The world was not worthy of them.’ What
would make and set up his Theocratic Government world? The world under Satan’s control, to be sure,
by Christ Jesus, administered by faithful representa- the world of wickedness.--Heb. 11 : 32-38.
tives on earth, and through which all the families of ’" Then the apostle adds: "And these all, having
the earth that would obey might receive a blessing. obtained a good report through faith, received not
Abraham and his sons believed the promises to be the promise ; God having provided some better thing
true, and relied upon them. The apostle continues: for us, that they without us should not be made per-
"’But having seen them afar off, and were persuaded fect." (Heb. 11 : 39, 40) In other words, Jehovah has
of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they in store for those faithful men a great blessing but
were strangers and pilgrims on the earth." By faith they must wait until The THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT
they looked forward to the day when The THEOCRATIC is fully set up.
GOVm~.~ME~T should be set up, and their hope was ’" The first announcement made by Jesus Christ
centered therein. "For they that say such things de- after his anointing was concerning the Kingdom, The
clare plainly that they seek a country. And truly if THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT. Ever thereafter he put
they had been mindful of that country from whence the Kingdom foremost. Satan employed every pos-
they came out, they might have had opportunity to sible scheme and device to kill Jesus because he was
have returned." (Heb. 11:9-15) Those faithful men and is the King of THE THEOCRACY. When Satan’s
came out from the organized government controlled religious representatives on the earth recognized
by the Devil, and because of their immovable devo- Jesus the King they said: ’This is the Heir to the
tion to THETHEOCRACY they had no desire to return throne; come, let us kill him.’ (Mark 12: 7) Those
to Satan’s organization. Therefore says the apostle: representatives of Satan did kill Jesus because he is
"But now they desire a better country, that is, an the King of The THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT. Jehovah
heavenly ; wherefore God is not ashamed to be called raised Jesus out of death, exalted him to the highest
their God; for he hath prepared for them a city." place, and made him Lord and King of The THEO-
(Heb. 11 : 16) Their desire and hope was in the gov- CRATmGOVERNMENT. That government not having
ernment which the God of heaven and earth was pre- been completed, Jesus must wait, as commandedby
paring, and they held fast to that hope; and because Jehovah, until due time for him to take his power,
of their blamelessness God was not ashamed to ac- rule in righteousness, and exhibit his power against
knowledge them as his servants. the enemy.

,o The highest hope of the faithful apostles was our Lord Jesus Christ; who shall also confirm you
the coming of Christ and his kingdom. They were unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of
persecuted, beaten and imprisoned because they ad- our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful, by whomye
vocated and proclaimed The THEOCP~TmGOVER~- were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus
~ENT; they suffered martyrdom because they re- Christ our Lord. NowI beseech you, brethren, by the
fused to compromise with Satan’s organization. Re- name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the
peatedly punished because of their faithfulness ; com- same thing, and that there be no divisions among
marLdedto refrain from telling of the Kingdom, they you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the
answered : qVe will obey God rather than men.’ They same mind, and in the same judgment."-I Cor. 1 : 7-10.
were hated by the ruling powers of the world, but ’~ The only just conclusion that can be reached is
that hatred originated with and emanated from Sa- that at the coming of Christ Jesus and the beginning
tan. Every person who has boldly advocated THE of his reign as King the prophetic drama of Job
THEOCRACY has been and is hated and persecuted by would be fulfilled in completeness; and that then all
Satan and his representatives. To such Jesus says: who receive God’s approval must, as Job did, hold
’The servant is like the Lord: they have hated and fast their integrity and stand blameless before the
persecuted me, and they will hate and persecute you King. Furthermore, that the suffering of Job fore-
also.’--John 15 : 20. tells a climax of suffering of God’s faithful witnesses
at the present time and that amidst all of such suffer-
CLIMAX ing the approved ones must hold fast their integrity ;
sl The climax must come sometime. In due time that they must all speak the same thing, that is, this
there must be a final showdownas to who shall rule gospel of the Kingdom, The THEOCRATIC GOVERN-
the universe. But when must it come? The prophetic MENT,and that they must be in complete unity in ac-
drama of Job was made to be fulfilled at the end of tion, perfectly joined together in their activities for
the world, where we now are. That end began when The THEOCRATICGOVERNMENT.
Christ Jesus was enthroned, in 1914, when the war
began in heaven and Satan and other demons were FACTS IN FULFILLMENT
cast down to the earth. Referring to that very time ~’ Christ Jesus, the King of THETHEOCRACY,came
the Lord Jesus addresses these words to his faithful to the temple in 1918 and began his judg-ment of those
followers: "Then shall they deIiver you up to be who claim to be his followers. Those who feared men
afflicted, and shall kill you; and ye shall be hated of quickly fell away to Satan’s organization. Those who
all nations for my name’s sake."--Matt. 24:9. trusted God and his King withstood the temple test
~2 The facts today completely fulfill that prophecy and have been sent forth as the witnesses of the Lord
uttered by Christ Jesus. Are men hated today be- and have since been subjected to all manner of perse-
cause they are called Christians ? No, not that. Those cution by the "evil servant" and religious leaders and
persons of the most powerful religious organization supporters; and this persecution has been in all the
on earth, which menare bent on ruling the earth con- nations of the earth. The Axis powers, the instru-
trary to God’s will, are called Christians, and those ment of Satan, began open opposition to The THEO-
hypocritical men are the ones that manifest the CRATICGOVERNMENT and Jehovah’s witnesses in Ger-
greatest hatred against Jehovah’s faithful servants. many, and with the avowed and announced purpose
The faithful followers of Christ are hated today by of said powers to re-establish the old RomanEm-
all nations that are under Satan’s control, and that pire with the Hierarchy of the Vatican riding on
hatred is because such are witnesses for and advo- the back of that beastly government. The Axis
cates of the Theocratic Government by Christ Jesus. powers defy JEHOVAH,the Almighty God. Every one
It is a part of the same conflict begun long ago, the who is a supporter of The THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT
Devil against righteousness. Nowthe King of right- SUffers at the hands of the Satanic powers. Within
eousness has begun to exercise his power as King the lands controlled by Germany thousands of Jeho-
and the climax foretold by the prophetic drama of vah’s witnesses have long lingered in filthy prisons
Job has come; and this is exactly in harmony with because they have remained steadfast in their devo-
the admonition of the apostle addressed to the faith- tion to The Theocracy by Christ Jesus. Many of them
ful ones now on earth. That admonition of the apos- have been killed because they refused to compromise
tle emphasizes the fact that at the second coming of with Satan’s representatives. They died in faith and
Christ Jesus those who will receive God’s approval faithful, and, without a doubt, the Lord immediately
must hold fast their integrity, or blamelessness. De- resurrected such and they are now in the Kingdom
siring that his faithful brethren might receive the with Christ Jesus, because such is the promise of
full approval of the Lord, the apostle says : "So that Jehovah, and he never fails in one of His promises.
ye comebehind in no gift; waiting for the earning of (lrCorinthians 15:51-53) There is an abundance
15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWEP 249

evidence’ that in the suffering of those faithful ones Satan has subtly turned millions of professed Chris-
Jehovah and Christ Jesus have greatly comforted tians away from THE THEOCRACY by turning them to
them. All of these faithful ones rejoice to be counted religion and inducing them to believe that man can
worthy to suffer for the Kingdomof Righteousness. rule the world contrary to Jehovah’s expressed pur-
They hold fast their integrity. pose. By means of religion Satan has blinded many
s, Likewise throughout continental Europe, in Asia to the truth. The result is that today there is but a
and Africa, and in the islands of the sea, Jeho- small number on the earth who stand firm for THE
vah’s witnesses and faithful servants have suffered THEOCRACY and which small number the Lord desig-
and still suffer great persecution because of their nates as ’the remnant of the seed of his organization’.
devotion to The THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT. In Canada Religion has caused the nations called "Christendom"
the religious Hierarchy has exercised its influence to forget God; and their judgment is written and is
and persecuting power to such an extent over the po-
certain of execution.--Ps. 9: 17.
litical powers as to have declared the witnesses of
Almighty God an "illegal organization". That decla- s~ Nowthe King of THET~EOCRACY is come in pow-
ration, however, cannot prevent the faithful servants er and glory. The demons, with Satan their chief, are
of Jehovah from continuing God’s work of testifying cast down to the earth. Their final wicked assault
to the name and.majesty of Almighty God and his against THETHEOCRACY is in progress, and the host
government by Christ Jesus. Those faithful men and of wickedness go forth to make war upon the rem-
womencount not their lives dear to them, well know- nant of God’s organization, which keep the command-
ing that if they suffer violence and death at the handments of God and have and deliver the testimony of
of the enemy because of their faithfulness to THE Jesus Christ. (Rev. 12:17) Satan knows that the
THEOCRACY God will avenge them and grant them battle of that great day of God Almighty is near,
everlasting life in his Kingdom. (Luke 18:7,8) when he must make his last stand. He now fights des-
Therefore they go right on serving God and continu- perately against those whomJob pictured, and these
ing to do so with joyful heart. must hold fast their integrity.
3, In the United States, for long "the land of the 3, The Lord’s "other sheep" have now become the
free and the home of the brave", Jehovah’s witnesses companions of the remnant and join in the proclama-
have been subjected to all manner of cruel persecu- tion of the name and kingdom of Jehovah. The pro-
tion for no other reason or exchse than that they are phetic book of Job shows that we must expect to
faithfully telling the people that Jehovah is the Al- agffer from the assaults of Satan and other demon-
mighty God and that his government by Christ Jesus ized creatures on the earth. With full confidence in
is the only hope for humankind. They have been Godand his King the faithful face the situation fully
haled into the courts, charged with sedition and determined that their zeal and activity for THE
treason because of their obedience to the Lord’s THEOCRACY shall not be beaten down, but that they
commandto tell the people the good news that the shall maintain their integrity.
Theocracy by Christ Jesus is at hand and that early ’° The apostle Paul, under inspiration of the holy
deliverance of the obedient ones is sure. Some of spirit, saw the present-day situation and left behind
them have had their houses burned and almost all of a message for the comfort and encouragement of the
their property destroyed as the result of hatred by remnant and their companions. He recounts the
those who are blinded by Satan and who therefore exaltation of Christ Jesus the King and points to
oppose THETHEOCRACY. Verily the prophetic drama the time when the tongue of every surviving one
of Job is now having fulfillment upon those who stand shall confess that Christ is Lord and King to the
firm for the Kingdom under Christ Jesus. But, glory of God the Father. NowPaul has fully entered
thanks be unto God, we see the end is at hand and into his resurrection glory and his words of admoni-
the complete triumph of The THEOCRATIC GOgERN- tion thrill his fellow servants yet on earth, whohold
MENT is near! fast their integrity. To them the faithful apostle
,T As soon as Jehovah had announced Christ Jesus says: "Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always
as King of THETHEOCRACY the Devil began his subtle obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much
and vicious attack upon the Kingdom. He persecuted more in my absence, work out your own salvation
the Lord with unabated viciousness until the body with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh
of Jesus hung lifeless on the tree. Satan thought he in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure."
had defeated THE THEOCRACY; but he was doomed to --Phil. 2 : 12, 13.
disappointment. JEHOVAH raised Jesus out of death ~ These words assure God’s servants that if they
and exalted him to heaven and proceeded in the se- have remained steadfast on the side of THETHEOO-
lection of the members of his Kingdom. In the cen- RACY they cannot fail. Then the apostle further says :
turies that followed the resurrection of Christ Jesus ’~Do alld~hings without murmurings and disputings ;

that ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of GOV~RN~EHT,and here, by God’s grace, we will re-
God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and main. We know it shall vindicate JEHOVAH’S name
perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in
and bring deliverance to all who love righteousness
the world ; holding forth the word of life ; that I mayand who serve Jehovah under his righteous govern-
rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in ment.
vain, neither laboured in vain. Yea, and if I be offered "As David the king, who was a type of The Christ,
upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, prayed, so now let all of Jehovah’s witnesses pray:
and rejoice with you all. For the same cause also do ’%et integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I
ye joy, and rejoice with me." (Phil. 2: 14-18) The wait on thee." (Ps. 25: 21) "Judge me, O Lord; for
saints in heaven rejoice and we now on earth do re- I have walked in mine integrity; I have trusted also
joice that the vindication of Jehovah’s name is at in the Lord; therefore I shall not slide. For thy lov-
hand.--Rev. 7 : 11, 12. ingkindness is before mine eyes; and I have walked
,5 We must now be blameless and harmless as sons in thy truth. I will wash mine hands in innoceney;
of God. We must hold fast our integrity; and this, so will I compass thine altar, O Lord: that I may
by God’s grace, we can do by refusing to compromise publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of
with any part of the demonized organization of the all thy wondrous works."--Ps. 26 : 1, 3, 6, 7.
enemy. We must and will be entirely, wholly, unre- "Let nothing move you from the absolute and com-
servedly and completely devoted to The T~r.ocn~Tm plete devotion to THE THEOCRACY. Be steadfast, un-
GOVERNMENT by Christ Jesus. We can have no part movable, always abounding in the work of the Lord ;
in and nothing in common with Satan’s organization. and, thus doing, you shall receive and enter into ever-
We are wholly and steadfastly for The T~EOCRATm lasting blessings of JEIaOVAHand his King!


HEREis a way that leads to destruction. There is a
T way that leads to preservation. The one means eternal
death. The others means eternal life. Each intelli-
to a high official position in the kingdom of God. This is
made certain by the words of God’s prophet (Ezekiel 28.
14): "Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and
gent creature, coming to a knowledge of these ways and have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain [king-
then choosing, fixes his owndestiny. dom] of God." The word "covereth" means to screen, to
He that has the power of death iS now making desper- shield, and to protect. "Anointed" means appointed to of-
ate war against him that has the power of life. The wors~ ficial position by Jehovah. Therefore his name indicates
of the battle seems to be just ahead. Whois on the right that Jehovah appointed him for the purpose of screening,
side, and whowill be able to stand ? Those persons who are shielding and protecting those over whomhe had super-
in a covenant with the Supreme Being to do His work and vision.
will occupy the most critical position of all on the earth. That Lucifer was beautiful beyond the descriptmn of
Falling away now from steadfastness may plunge such our language there can be no doubt, and in proof of this
into everlasting darkness. Steadfastness, fidelity and loyal- the words of Ezekiel 28:13 are cited: "Every precious
ty to the Lord Godnow lead to endless life and joy. Bless- stone was thy covering." And this was so from the day
ed is the person on earth now who has a vision of God’s that he was created. (Vs. 15) That he was perfect there
unfolding purpose. Thrice blessed is he that understands, can be no doubt, because all Jehovah’s works are perfect.
appreemtes and 2oyfully obeys. ~Deut. 32 : 4.
The reason why this crisis has come, the reason why Concerning his way from the day of his creation, Eze-
the battle is so desperate and must increase in severity to kiel 28:15 says: "Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the
the end, the reason why those in a covenant with God stand day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in
in such danger and at the same time in such transcendant thee."
glory, cannot be so well understood and appreciated with- In the course of time God created the perfect man,
out a view of the history of Lucifer and The Logos. The Adam, and his perfect wife, Eve, and provided them with
two great ways are marked out by the course these mighty a perfect homein his garden, Eden. He gave Lucifer charge
ones have taken. God’s intelligent creatures must knowthis over this perfect pair to shield and to screen and protect
fact and, knowing, must choose. them. That he was there in Eden for that purpose there
Lucifer’s name means "Brilhant Star". God’s prophet is not any doubt, because God says of him: "Thou hast
(Isaiah 14: 12) speaks of him as "Son of the Morning". been in Eden the garden of God,... thou art the anointed
It would be difficult to find words more descriptive of cherub that covereth."~Verses 13, 14.
beauty than these. Without doubt he was a part of God’s God gave to AdamHis law. He plainly told Adamthat
organization. He was in the holy kingdom of Jehovah God, a violation of his law would result in the enforcement of
shining forth among the others of that glorious realm. the death penalty. (Gen. 2: 17) Since Lucifer was given
Doubtless he was more brilliant and showy than any others charge over man to shield and protect him, it follows that
of the creatures of heaven. He was appointed by Jehovah he-h/~d the power to inflict pnninhment for any infraction
AugUsT 15, 194I 251
of the rules or laws governing man. He was made Jeho- This perfect pair was already under Lucifer’s care.
vah’s executive officer over man. Then it would seem that His purpose was, by betraying his trust, to win the affec-
it would be his right and duty to put man to death for tion and worship of man. Because God had given Lucifer
the violation of God’s law. That he was given the power the power of death he would reason that should Adamand
of death there can be no doubt, because the apostle Paul, Eve turn away from God and be found guilty, it would
under inspiration, plainly says of him: "Him that had devolve upon himself, Lucifer, to execute the death penal-
ty under the law; but that he would refuse to do this and
the power of death, that ~s, the devil."--Heb. 2 : 14.
in the course of time he would see the earth fitled wnh
Lucifer did not usurp power or authority over man, the offspring of man, and that this creation would worstnp
because God gave him that mght. To "usurp" means to him instead of God, and that then he would be hke the
seize authority from another, to hold a position by force Most High God.--Isa. 14:13, 14.
and without right. A usurper is one who by force seizes, To carry out his wicked and diabolical scheme he totd
illegally, the sovereign power, or the throne from the Eve that the eating of the forbidden fruit would not result
r’ghtful holder, and then holds it by force, illegally. That in death. Through the serpent he said: "Ye shall not sure-
would be a bold, bad deed; but there are some things that ly die; for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof,
arc worse. Lucifer did not usurp power and authority from then your eyes shall be opened; and ye shall be as gods,
God, because that would mean that he would exercise a knowing good and evil." (Gen. 3: 4, 5) Intending, doubt-
force superior to that possessed by Jehovah; which is im- less, to refuse to exercise against them the power of death,
possible. He did not usurp power and authority, but did he expected to see Eve and Adamhave the eyes of their
worse. understanding opened; that they would still live; that
IIe held a position of confidence and trust by appoint- they would then believe God to be a liar and believe Lu-
ment from Jehovah. He occupied a fiduciary relationship cifer to be their benefactor, and that therefore they would
toward God. A fiduciary is one who holds a thing in trust readily turn from God and worship Lucifer. In order that
for another. The posiUon necessarily involves confidence he might be adored and worshiped like the Most tligh God
and trust, requiring and demanding faithfulness and loyal- he was willing to betray his sacred trust, to make God oot
ty to the last degree. To betray such a trust is far worse a liar and devoid of love, and he was willing to rusk his
than being a usurper. One in such a fiduciary capacity who own ability to save man from death.
is guilty of betraying his trust is lawless, wicked and in- God knew of this wickcd scheme m Satan’s heart, of
iquitous. Yea, because of the violation of his sacred obliga- course; and that was when imqulty was found m Lucifer’s
tion he makes htmself a nefarious creature and covers him- heart. Jehovah did not interfere with his carrying out his
self with perfidy. Not only did Lucifer do this, but to ae- wicked scheme. To him are directed the words: "Thou wast
comphshhis selfish purpose he resorted to lying, murder, perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created,
and defamation of the good name of his great Oreat6r, till iniquity was found in thee."(Ezek. 28: 15) "Imqmty"
Jehovah, to whomhe was indebted for his posiUon and means perverseness, wickedness, lawlessness and unmght-
for his life. He became the greatest and most wicked of eousness. It means the violation of the rights of others.
all criminals. It means nefariousness, that is to say, a breach of the most
The prophet Ezekiel later tells how Lucifer was im- sacred trust and obligation
pressed with his own beauty: "Thme heart was lifted up "Error" means to wander away or devmte from the
because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by right course; a departing or deviation from truth, a rio.
reason of thy brightness." (Ezek. 28:17) The prophet lation of duty. It means lawlessness and sin. It means
Isamh telis of the conception of Lucifer’s wicked scheme. fraud, deceit and delusion; a turmng away from piety or
(Isa 14: 13, 14) Itis heart was mahgnant; that is to say, a right course. The error or delusmn of the wJeked one was
h:s purpose or motive secretly eoncmvedwas wicked. This selfishness, which means a lack of love. Of Satan. the
does not prove he was a usurper of power, but does prove prophet (Isaiah 14: 13, 14) says: "For thou hast said
he used the power and authority with which he was clothed thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, 1 will exal~ my throne
for his ownselfish gratification. Be it here noted that he above the stars of God: I will s~t also upon the mount
has tempted every one of God’s righteous creatures along of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend
the same line. above the heights of the clouds: I will be hkc the Most
Chapter three of Genesis records the beginning of Lu- High."
cifer’s ~leked scheme. He knew that God had commanded Lucifer permitted selfishness to override love. There-
Adamand :Eve to multiply and fill the earth with a right- fore he developed a wicked heart. Prude and a mahcmus
eous race and that by their obeying this divine mandate desire to shine above all other creatures and to be like the
the time would come when the earth would be filled with Most High Godled him to unfaithfulness and disloyalty, and
a race of human creatures. He knew that man worshiped that through selfishness. His end is destruction. His course,
God He also knew that for him to accomplish his own self- or way, stands as a monument, warning every intelligent
ish purpose he must alienate man’s affections from God. creature that he who goes this way goes to death.
He determined he would do this very thing by inducing Writes the apostle John: "In the beginning was the
Adamand Eve to believe that God is a liar, that he was Word [or, The Logos], and the Word [The Logos] was
holding from them their just rights by a threat of death, with God." (John 1: 1) The Logos was and is the only be-
and that God was therefore unworthy of love and wol-ship. gotten Son of God, "the beginning of the creation of God."
N. Y.

(Rev. 3: 14; Col. 1: 15) On the sixth creative day concern- Whenon earth Jesus was always faithful and loyal to
ing the earth God said : "Let us make man." (Gen. 1 : 26) his Father. tie refused to be tempted away from his
While no statement is made as to to whomGod spoke these course of steadfastness, defending himself against every
words, it seems quite evident that they were addressed to assault through the Word of God. He said: "I can of mine
his chief executive officer, The Loges. (John 1:2, 3) Lu- own self do nothing:.., because I seek not mine own will,
cifer may have been present and participated in the con- but the will of the Father which hath sent me." (John
versation. This conclusion finds some force in the statement 5: 30) He and his Father, having enjoyed long centuries
of the prophet (Job 38:7) that when God laid the foun- of sweet fellowship, knew each other and loved each other.
dation of the earth "the morning stars sang togetheF’. Jesus said: "As the Father knoweth me, even so know I
That The Loges and Lucifer were the "morning stars" the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep. There-
here mentioned seems to be definitely settled.--See Isaiah fore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life,
14 : 12; Revelation 22 : 16. that I might take it again."----John 10 : 15, 17.
The apostle John tells us that all things were made by Jesus knew it was the will of God to have him suffer
The Loges as Jehovah’s active agent, and that without him death that he might vindicate his Father’s name and re-
was nothing made that was made. (John 1:3) The Loges deem man and undo and destroy the wicked works of the
not only was the confidential friend of Jehovah, but was evil one; and such was the joy this brought to him that he
entrusted by Jehovah with the great work of creation. Of gladly and willingly did it, despising the shame to which
course, thin creation must have included the creation of he was subjccted. (Heb. 12:2) Instead of attempting
Lucifer. There is no place in the Scriptures that indicates make himself a reputation and to shine in the eyes of
that The Loges sought to shine in the eyes of others. There others, he humbled himself and became obedient even unto
is nothing to indicate that he ever possessed any selfish the most ignominious death. For this reason God has high-
spirit. He is shown to be a humble, submissive and faith- ly exalted him and given him a name above every name,
ful messenger of Jehovah. and commandsthat all creatures in heaven and earth shall
Whenthe children of Israel left Egypt and wandered worship the Son as he worships the Father.--Phil. 2 : 5-11.
for forty years in the wilderness on the way to the Prom- Lucifer had selfishly attempted to obtain the worship
ised Land,. God sent an angel before them, as it is written of creatures, and resorted to the blackest crime to accom-
in Exodus 23:20. Doubtless that angel or messenger was plish his purpose; and he must therefore suffer destruc-
The Loges. In the same capacity, as a messenger or angel tion. The Loges always honored his Father, defending His
of Jehovah, The Loges appeared to :Joshua as the captain good name and fame, and willingly went to an ignominious
of the Lord’s hosts. (Josh. 5: 14) And later he is shown death to accomplish his Father’s will; and the Father will
as Michael, the friend of God’s people, who stands up for see to it that all creation shall worship the Son. The Log-
the people.--Dan. 12:1. es justly earned and received the title "The Faithful and
In all these things The Loges delighted to do his Fa~ True". (Rev. 19: 11-13) His course of humility, loving
ther’s will. "Wherefore, when he cometh into the world, he devotion, absolute and complete faithfulness and unswerv-
saith,... Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is writ- ing loyalty has led him to the highest place; and hmhonor
ten of me) to do thy will, 0 God." "I delight to do thy shall never be dimmed. The course of The Loges, like a si-
will, 0 myGod; yea, thy law is within myheart." (Itch. 10 lent monument, stands beckoning all creatures that desire
5-7; Ps. 40:8) The Loges loved the name and honor of life to walk that way. Said Jesus: "I am the way, and the
his Father. He was unselfishly devoted to Him. Of course, truth, aQd the life."---John 14:6.
he observed the apparent leniency and tolerance of God That the end of Satan is to be destruction there is no
toward Satan, in that God permitted him without inter- doubt. That his destruction is being deferred until his
ference until the end of the world to pursue his nefarious wicked works are destroyed at the battle of Armageddon
course, and this of itself wouldfurnish a test to the loyalty is also sure. (1 John 3:8) In pronouncing judgment
of The Loges. against Lucifer Jehovah said: "I will cast thee as profane
God made his purpose of salvation of humankind to de- out of the mountain [kingdomt of God: and I will destroy
pend upon the vindication of His nnme by the perfect thee, 0 covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of
loyalty and absolute devotion of The Loges when made a fire .... I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth, m the
perfect man on earth. To others it would seem weakness sight of all them that behold thee .... And never shalt thou
to risk so muchupon the faithfulness and integrity of one be any more."--Ezek. 28: 16, 18, 19.
perfect man, but "the weakness of God is stronger than At the time of the tragedy in Eden there were no na-
men". (1 Cor. 1:25) The Loges being tested for a period tions on earth. But, looking down to the end, God said in
of four thousand years after the treachery of Lucifer and prophetic phrase to Lucifer: "How art thou fallen from
always loyal and unselfishly devoted to the Father, God heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut
knew he could safely rely upon his only begotten Son when down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!"
he would be transferred to earth as a man, to become the (Isa. 14: 12) These words of final judgment pronounced
vindicator of Jehovah’s word and name and also the Re- against the wicked one seem clearly to refer to the future,
deemer of obedient humankind. There could never be such both by reason of the phrase used and by the facts.
an exhibition of fidelity, submissiveness, loyalty and unself- Since Eden Satgn has been permitted to pursue his
ish devotion to Jehovah God as that made manifest by the wicked course, all of which God will counteract in his own
Loges, afterwards Jesus, later the Christ or Anointed One. due time to his own glory. Thereafter when the sons of God
AuGUS~15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWER, 253
came to present themselves to Jehovah, Satan also came whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whomI have deliv-
and even had the liberty of holding conversation with God ered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme."--
concerning man. (See Job 1:6-8; 2:1-7.) The prophet 1 Tim. 1:20.
Zechariah gives testimony to the fact that while the Satan, all through the centuries, has held to the claim
"church of the living God" has been in course of selection that he had a right to destroy those who will destroy h~m.
and development, Satan has been standing by to resist. In Eden Jehovah said to Satan under the symbol of the
(Zech. 3: 1-3) Moses, the servant of Jehovah, was permit- serpent : "And I will put enmity between thee and the wom-
ted to see the land of Canaan from a mountaintop, but was an, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall brmse thy
not permitted to cross the Jordan river and go into it. Mo- head, and thou shalt bruise h~s heet."--Gen. 3: 15.
ses died in the mountain. It seems evident, according to Satan observed that Abel pleased God, hence he pro-
the record of Jude 9, that Satan then possesscd the power ceeded to cause Abel’s destruction. He has treed to destroy
of death, because he claimed the right to the body of Mo- all those who have sought after and served God. He caused
ses. Michael seems to have recognized that Satan still had the prophets of God to be imprisoned, sawn asunder, and
some authority and official power, because, as recorded, he slain. God could have prevented this, but for hm own good
contended with the Devil about the body of Moses. reasons he did not do so. In due time Jehovah will demon-
WhenJesus was on the earth Satan boldly claimed that strate his great power by resurrection to bring forth to
the world belonged to him and that he had the right to give life everlasting those who proved their faithfulness and
~t to Jesus, only upon condition that Jesus would fall down who suffered martyrdom at the hands of Satan and his
and worship him. He, at that time, still possessed the great emissaries. Satan has at all times sought to destroy the
desire to be worshiped like as Jehovah is worshiped. Jesus "seed" of promise; that is to say, The Christ, to wit, Jesus
did not deny Satan’s claim to ownership of the world. the Head and the church his body. That Satan has often
(Luke 4: 6, 7),On the contrary, Jesus spoke of Satan prevented the Christians from doing what they wanted
"the prince of this world".--John 12: 31; 14: 30. to do, seems evident from the apostle’s words: "Satan hin-
That Satan has had access to heaven, and the privilege dered us."--I Thess. 2:18.
of communication with Jehovah until the establishment Let us keep in mind the course of selfishness pursued
of God’s kingdom in 1914, seems quite evident from the by Satan, and his end; and, above all, let us keep in mind
fact that till the enthronement of Christ Jesus as King Sa- the course pursued by the Lord, and his glorious reward.
tan has been the accuser of tho brethren of Christ day and "Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and
mght before Jehovah God. (Rev. 12:10) That Satan pos- blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same, that
sessed the power of death during the apostle Paul’s time through death he migtn destroy him that had the power
seems to be ~indicated by his words concerning the wicked: of death, that is, the devil."--Heb. 2: 14.
"’Deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the God is love. Jesus is the "express image" of his Father;
flesh, that the spirit [of the Lord in the church] may be therefore Christ Jesus is the perfect expression of unself-
saved in the day of the Lord Jesus." (1 Cor. 5: 5) "Of ishness. His is the waythat leads to life.


ORLDpeace is the burden of countless prayers by present their petitions to God and expect to be heard and
W the religionists during the present international
crisis. Manyof the peoples of earth address their
answered according to His holy will.
Does not the sinner have the privilege of prayer? If
prayers to stones or to statues of wood or to other in- one who is a sinner, going in the way of sin, repents and is
ammate objects. Some turn wheels and count that as converted, which means to change his mind and his course
prayer, while others count beads and repeat formal phrases of action, and then desires the mercy of God, he may call
and believe that this is prayer to God. Such prayers are upon God for mercy; and if he follows God’s appointed
worse than useless. They are never answered. Manypros- way he may come into harmony with God and later enjoy
trate themselves in an attitude of devotion before images the privilege of prayer. An example of a sinner praying
of wood or stone, or before some inanimate object in the to God is found in the Scriptures, at Luke 18: 13: "And
form of a cross, believing that the presence of such object the publican, standing afar off, would not hft up so much
w~ll md them in their prayers. The people who offer these as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying,
prayers are not to be blamed. It is religion that is blame- God be merciful to me a stoner." It will be observed, how-
worthy! Such prayers are without proper understanding. ever, that he had not the full privilege of prayer.
Do not all persons have the privilege of approaching Can a Mohammedanor other heathen pray to God and
m prayer unto the great Giver of every good and perfect expect relief? The answer is, No; because such rehgmmsts
gift? They have not. People may pray but with no assur- do not proceed according to God’s appointed way. They
ance of having their prayers answered. Under inspiration do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the great Re-
from God the apostle Peter wrote: "For the eyes of the deemer of man and the way of coming to God. Why is it
Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto necessary to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as the Re-
their prayers : but the face of the Lord is against them that deemer? Because all the human family became sinners by
do evil." (1 Pet. 3:12) By this authority it is seen that reason of the first man’s disobedience to God. Jehovah God
only the righteous have the privilege of prayer. Such may provided for the death of his beloved Son that through

the merit of that sacrifice those of Adam’s offspring who and remark upon the piety of the one praying, then such
believe and obey might be relieved of the effects of the a one may receive the reward of commendation of others,
judgment of condemnation. God does not force this privi- but he does not receive the approval of God There are cer-
lege upon anyone, but grants it to those who come and ask, tain conditions in which it would be proper to pray in pub-
as sinners, that they might be relieved of their difficulties lic. Where there is a public assembly of Christian people
and come into harmony with him through Christ Jesus. for the purpose of holding public worship it would be en-
It follows, then, that if anyone comes in any other way tirely appropriate for the chairman, or other consecrated
than through Christ he would not be received. Hence Christian in the presence of all, to act as the spokesmanto
prayers to a dead woman (Mary) for world peace and give expression of thanksgiving to God for his manifold
other favors are of no value. The Scriptures leave no doubt blessings and to ask his guidance m the consideration of
about this. The apostle Peter says, at Acts 4:10-12: "By the matters in which the assembly is to participate.
the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whomye crucified, It should be remembered always that prayer is not of-
whomGod raised from the dead, even by him doth this fered to the people, but to Jehovah God. Only God can
manstand here before you whole .... Neither is there sal- grant the answer to prayer. If, therefore, there is a thing
vation in any other: for there is none other name under in which a public assembly of those in a covenant with
heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." God is equally and jointly interested, and if all desire to
What, then, shall we say about "modernists"? Modern- ask the same thing, it would be proper then for one to
ist clergymen in particular say they do not believe man utter audibly the prayer that the minds of all might be
fell because of sin, nor do they believe God created man, guided in unison. Where there is a mixed audience, or
but claim that man is a creature of evolution and that man manypresent that do not believe the Lord, then if the one
is gradually evolving. They say they do not believe the serving desires to pray it would be far better for him and
blood of Jesus was shed as a redemptive price for man; more in keeping with the Scriptures if he should pray pri-
hence they do not have faith in the ransom sacrifice. These vately.
modernists often stand in public places and pray. Do they "Thanksgiving" means to give expression of gratitude
have the privilege of prayer, or are their prayers heard? for favors and blessings received. It is proper for all peo-
This can be judged only by the Scriptures; and when the ple to express their gratitude to the Giver of ever3’ good
Scriptures plainly say that no man can come unto God and perfect gift. For a chairman of a public assembly,
except through Christ Jesus, then it follows conclusively however, to stand up before the people and tell Jehovah
that any man who believes neither in the fall of Adamnor God what He is expected to do, is not only presumptuous
in the redemptive price, and hence denies Christ Jesus as but often blasphemous. Long prayers uttered in the pres-
the great Redeemer and King, has no privilege of prayer. ence of others are generally uttered for the purpose of
In Jesus’ day the ecclesiastical ~)r clergy element, par- attracting attention to the speaker. Wemay be sure that
tmularly the scribes and the Pharisees, who claimed to rep- Jehovah does not hear and answer such prayers. Ofttimes
resent God, took much pleasure in walking on the streets the chairman prays because he loves to hear his own voice
in long robes and in appearing in the religious houses in and that others might commentupon his eloquence.
such and receiving greetings, and in occupying the chief The Lord Jesus left no doubt as to where the Chmstian
rooms at the feasts. They also delighted to display their should pray. He said: "But thou, when thou prayest, enter
piety by standing in the synagogues and on the street cor- into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to
ners in prayer. Jesus said that these were hypocrites, that thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father, which
they were praying to be seen of men, and that they had seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly." (Matt. 6 6)
their reward, because men might see them and say: How you desire a special favor at the hands of some earthly
wonderfully pious are these men V ruler, you would not wish to call a pubhc assembly of the
After 1900 years this class of religious clergymen have people and loudly announce in their presence your re-
not passed from the earth, but rather have increased in quests addressed to the ruler. You would prefer to have a
numbers and have fraudulently taken to themselves the secret audience with him, that you might present your mat-
name "Christian". The words of Jesus (Luke 20: 46, 47) ter in a better and more direct way. Since prayers are ad-
~eem now quite appropriate: "Beware of the scribes, which dressed to Jehovah, the effectual prayer is that petition
desire to walk in long robes, and love greetings in the mar- which is secretly presented to Jehovah God m Jesus’ name
kets, and the highest seats in the synagogues, and the chief It was not unusual for the Lord Jesus to withdraw to
rooms at feasts; which devour widows’ houses, and for a a secret place for prayer. He did not utter prayers for the
shew make long prayers: the same shall receive greater benefit of the multitude, that they might hear him. Con-
[condemnation]." And Matthew 6: 5: "And when thou cerning this it is written, at Matthew 14.23: "And when
prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a moun-
love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners tain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he
of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say was there alone." He held sweet and precmus communion
unto you, They have their reward." with his Father in heaven by means of prayer This is
There is a time and a place for everything. God does true of each true and faithful follower of the Lord Jesus.
not judge one according to the place where he prays, but To all such prayer is a sacred privilege.
judges him according to his purpose and intent. If his If it becomesnecessary or fitting to pray in public, no
prayer is uttered in a public place that others might hear one that is a true Christian would hesitate to do this. The

point is that it seems more appropriate for a child of God prayer. Necessarily it excludes unbelievers and also those
who has a petition to present to his Father to do so se- who claim to be Christians but who deny God’s Word and
cretly, or else in company with others of like precious who oppose his Theocratic Government by Christ Jesus, by
faith, that the mind of each one may be solemnly set upon which Government He will vindicate His name and bless
the thing that they ask in the name of the Master. obedient humankind. It cannot be said that because a man
Is there any virtue in a long prayer? Or might we ex- poses before the public as a clergyman, priest or preacher
pect the Lord to surely hear and answer our prayer if we he has the privilege of praying to God. When the Lord
repeated it time and time again ? Manygood, honest people Jesus was on earth the scribes and the Pharisees were the
are told that if they will repeat their prayers so many most zealous of all in claiming to represent God. Without
times a day, and count the number by going over their doubt their prayers were not heard by Jehovah, for the
beads, this will result to them in manyblessings. Undoubt- reason that Jesus said to them: "If God were your Father,
edly they are honest in their endeavors, but the trouble is ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from
that they are not advised as to what the teaching of the God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. Whydo ye
Scriptures is upon the point. Jesus, when instructing his not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear
chseiples to pray, said: "But when ye pray, use not vain my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts
repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the
shall be heard for their much speaking. Be not ye there- beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no
fore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things truth in him. Whenhe speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his
ye have need of before ye ask him."--Matt. 6 : 7, 8. own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."--John 8 : 42-44.
It is not necessary to tell the all-wise Creator time and The Lord Jesus himself directs the Christian that when
time again our heart’s desire. As the Lord here stated, our he prays he should say to Jehovah God: "Our Father
Father knows"in advance what things we have need of. which art in heaven"; and that then he should ask in the
The question may then arise, Why ask him at all if he name of Jesus, the Son of Jehovah. He says: "If ye abide
knows in advance what we need? The answer to that is in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye
this: Jehovah is a just, wise and loving God. He does not will, and it shall be done unto you." (John 15: 7) If one
force anything upon another. He wishes his children to abides in that blessed condition and with the Wordof God
learn certain truths and to express themselves in full har- abiding in him, then he shall ask what he will and it shall
monywith his will, and to earnestly desire his blessings be done to him. But mark the condition: If the Word of
before he bestows them. Any good parent can see the wis- God abides in him, then the Christian will ask only in har-
domof this course. If he wishes to properly train his child mony with the will of God and not ask something formu-
"in the nurture and admonition of’the Lord" (Eph. 6: 4), lated by religion and contrary to God’s expressed will.
he will prefer to see the child first request a thing that is As Jesus stated, at John 14:13, 14: "And whatsoever ye
desired; then, if his wisdomleads him to believe the child shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may
is in need of it, he takes delight in giving it. Jesus lays be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my
down the rule when he says: "And I say unto you, Ask, name, I will do it." By this text, then, it is seen to be prop-
and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, er for the child of God to address his prayer to Jehovah,
and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh the Father, and in the name of the Son, Christ Jesus, and
receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that according to the written Wordof God.
knocketh it shall be opened."--Luke 11:9, 10. Today true Christians, as Jehovah’s witnesses, suffer
Through the prophet Moses the Israelites were brought great persecution and they cry m prayer to Jehovah God
into a covenant or solemn contract with God, and they for his name’s sake. Looking forward to tins very day Je-
prayed to God because they were his covenant people and sus said: "And shall not God avenge his own elect, which
servants of God under the terms of the law covenant. By cry day and night unto him, though he bear long w~th
Christ Jesus the Christian is directed to pray to Jehovah them? I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Never-
God and to address him as Father. Only those who are theless, when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith
His sons begotten of his spirit, or whoare in line to become [this belief] on the earth?" (Luke 18: 7, 8) Whoon earth
his earthly children under the Kingdom, have this privi- today has this strong and abiding faith ? Whounderstands
lege to thus address Him. All such are likewise in a cove- the meaning of these trying times, particularly the great
nant with Jehovah God by a consecration of themselves to persecution of those who serve Jehovah God and Christ?
Himby Christ Jesus to do God’s will. At John 15 : 16 the Do you believe that Jehovah will by Christ Jesus within
Lord Jesus lays down the rule defnitely that the petition a very short time avenge his elect and thus vindicate his
must be presented in his name: "Ye have not chosen me, own great and holy name ? "According to your faith be it
but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should unto you." (Matt. 9:29) Be assured that all things shall
go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should re- work together for your good because you love God and
main: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my have been called according to his purpose, and that, come
name, he may give it you." At John 14:6 he said: "I am what may, the final result will be glorious to those who
the way, and the truth, and the life: no man eometh unto stand firm on the side of His great Theocratic Government
the Father, but by me." by Christ Jesus. Unto such faithful ones the assurance is
This fixes the rule, then, as to who can come to God given that God will answer their prayer and avenge his
and to whomthe Christian must present his petition, or people, and that shortly.
LONDON ZONE ASSEMBLY "Came the morning of Sunday, ]~Iay 11. Early reports
"Last February a brief announcement appeared that showed chaos on the public transport facilities. Then was
London could expect its zone assembly to take place on seen the blessing of having made all arrangements to come
Sunday, May 18. At the time of the announcement the to the rally in private hire coaches. The coachloads of hap-
whole country was in heated controversy regarding the py witnesses began to converge at the four points. Most
opening of all theaters on Sundays. Military speakers were of them had little sleep, but that did not matter. One, a
all in favor, as thousands of soldiers are at a loss as to Greek pioneer, turned up at the Central unit with only his
what to do with their Sunday evenings. Week after week trousers and jacket. During the "blitz’ he took refuge in a
the battle waged. With it the fate of our assembly seemed shelter. He returned home only to find it had vanished,
closely allied. Eventually the motion was defeated in the having received a direct hit. Smiling, he was the first to
House of Commonsby a margin of three votes. Immedi- turn up at his rally point, where he was provided with a
ately wg got busy. The Wimbledon Theater in South Lon- shirt and in an hour’s time was leading a party of thirty
don was selected and arrangements fixed except that we out onto the field. All the coaches arrived, and by 10:30
found it necessary to forward the date to May11, as the all brethren were in the field. Again the cloud of Watch-
theater was going over to movies with the subsequent Sun- tower bags descended on London; as one cockney spectator
day opening. The brethren had the first official announce- remarked: ’Blimey, there’s fousands of ’era !’ The field re-
ments at their local KingdomHalls. Each unit was advised port showed actually 1,060 in the service Sunday morning.
to make its ownarrangements for hiring buses or coaches to "The report came that the ~blitz’ had deprived two
overcomethe wartime difficulties of travel. Back-calls were rally points of gas, hence tea-making difficulties. Insur-
visited; people of good-will were given invitation tickets. mountable difficulty? Oh, no! Fires were built in gardens
"It was decided to make the assembly a two-day affair, and basements, and water boiled in dixies in the good ’old-
commencing with a two-mile ’magazine pavement witness’ fashioned’ ’out West’ style. One watchman minding a bomb
right through the heart of the West End of London. Pio- crater in the South district lent his brazier for kettle boil-
neers and any interested could attend the servants’ meet- ing. One o’clock and all returned, brimful of field experi-
ing afterwards, both of these events to take place on the ences. The physical man was fed while music and declara-
Saturday. It was decided to hold field service on Sunday tious were in progress from the platforms. Plenty of tales
morning, having the brethren meet at four rallying points, to tell l Two-thirty p.m., back into the coaches and the
Paddington, Wimbledon, Brixton, and Teddington, at long, long trail to Wimbledon: ’all steps to Wimbledon
9 : 30 a. m. and to leave for the field after song and prayer, today, sir F P,7.7.1ed onlookers whoovercametheir curiosity
back at the assembly points at one o’clock for sandwiches, by ~_~-h~g ’the reason of the hope that is within you’ were
and then to Whnbledon, where proceedings were due to rewarded by a personal witness and the offer of a Watch-
commenceat 4 p. m. All four points were KingdomHalls; tower imbecription. One subscription was placed within
tea was to be provided at each point. three m~nutes of the signal given for the departure. Right
"Came the day, Saturday, May 10, time 2 p. m. Watch- through the London streets the cavalcade passed, diverted
tower bags everywhere. From all parts of London they where bombed streets made it impassable. Each coach had
came. Arrived at the headquarters the brethren were dis- all the Watchtower bags well in evidence and a sign ’Lo.~-
patched in parties to take up their allotted positions along DONTH~OCRA~C .ASSEMBLY’.
the planned route: Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, "Arrival at Wimbledon! Clouds of ~ocusts’--2,200
Oxford Street, and Edgeware Road. Four miles of ’maga- of them. Main street full of coaches and buses. Police most
zine pavement witnessing’! At four o’clock back to the helpful. Remarks from the public, ’Whoare all these peo-
Central Kingdom Hall for the servants’ meeting; 700 ple?’ "What have they got to laugh at anyway?’ ’What’s
brethren in attendance. Here we discussed Kingdominter- this Theocratic GovernmentF Whenever the last remark
ests as concerning London. The Society’s London Branch was made within hearing of a ’locust’, the answer and a
servant gave us counsel and quoted instances of the growth witness was immediately forthcoming. Inside the theater,
of demonismin this country. sharp at 4 p.m. the assembly began. Keynote of all pro-
"Nightfall, with a brilliant full moon; time, 11:30 ccedings was the Victory Song [Judges chapter 5]. The
p. m. _411 Jehovah’s witnesses tucked up in bed resting stage was dominated by a huge, colored photographic en-
content in the Lord and ready for the morrow. Suddenly largement of the cover of the booklet Theocracy. Each
the night air is rent with the stomach-turning air-raid speaker carried the theme of the Victory Song. The Joel
warning, a sound which only the Devil himself could think class were invited to join with us in driving home’the ham-
of. Almost immediately the sound of many planes and gun- mer and the nail’. A demonstration was given showing how
fire. From that time till 6 a. m. wave after wave of Nazi not to witness and the correct method. A great item, and we
bombers carried out a most violent and concentrated ’blitz’ all enjoyed a laugh at our own expense. A high spot of the
on the center of London and along the route where we had program was reached when some thirty newly interested,
stood the afternoon before. Great fires were started and in- many of whomhad made their first approach to the doors
tense damage done. Railways were put out of action, and of the people that morning, were introduced to the audience
the Devil was reigning again in his confusion. The boys in and gave declarations. The assembly closed with a Watch-
the Society’s Bethel home were rocked all night long in tower study, thrown open to the audience of 2,000. Then
their beds by the bombs crashing all around. everyone climbed back into the coaches."
thatI amJehovahl’
- Ezekiel33:15.
CHILDREN OF THE KING ................... .059
By Purchase ............... 060
Princes .................................. 261
BridegroomKing ........................ 261
OtherChildren ........................................ 262
Opportune Tnne....................................... 262
Dominion.................................................... 263
TheMandate .............................................. 263
Parents’Duty........................................... 264
Dutyof Children ..................................... 265
TheGovernment ..................................... 265
AKINGDOM PP~VER ................................... 266
Is RFmIGION HOLY$ ..................................... 269
FmLD EXPEaIENCES .......................... 272
p’ .........................................
p~ STUDIES .........................
:Pm3r~s~ S~o~Y Br ITS MISSION
117 Adams Street
- -
N.Y., U. 8. A.
T HIS Journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically de-
OlzFIC]~RS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good will
J. F. Ru’rn.r.~ro~, President W.E. VXNAMBIY~O*r,
Secretary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And MI thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes suit-
able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of public
~reat: shall be the peace of thy children." . I~aiah 54:x3. Instruction In the Scriptures.
THE SC~IPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
THATJEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting to It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to his creatures ; that the Logos was the beginning of his creation, tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
and his active agent in the creation of all things; that the Loges King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah. dulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it ; that man willfully dis-
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of UNI~ STAT~S, $1.00; CANIDA AND MXSC~LLtN~OUe FORZIGN, $1.50;
Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the right GEEAT BRITAIN, AUSTRALASIA,AND SOUT]K A.FRICA, 6S. American remit-
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raft. Canadian, British,
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THATJESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered cOuntries other than those mentioned may be made to the Brooklyn oeAce,
death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive l>rice for but by Inte~atlonal Postal Money Order only.
obedient ones of man,rind; that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every name
and clothed him with all power and authority. British ...................... 34 Craven Terrace, London, W.2, England
THATJEHOVAH’SORGANIZATION is a Theocracy called Zion. Canadian......................... 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada
and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the right- Australasian ............. 7 Beresford Road, Strathfleld, N. 5. W., Australia
ful King of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of Bouth Atrlcao .............. Boston House, Cape Town, South Africa
Please address the Society in every case.
Christ Jesus are children of Zion, membersog Jehovah’s organiza-
tion, and are his witnesses whoseduty and privilege it is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind
as expressed in the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom (Tran4tlat~on# ol thle J[ournal ap~pear in several language.)
before all who will hear.
THATTHE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted All sincere students of the Bible who by reason of lnflrmtty,A~overty or
aaveraity are unable to pay the subscription price may have The Watch-
Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the establishment of gotper xree upon written application to the publishers, made once each
God’s kingdom ~n earth. year, s t~ating the reason
neea¥~ out the written
for so requesting it. We are glad to thus aid the
appucatlon once each year Is required by the
postal regulatious.
THATTHERELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, which ~otice to Subscriber#: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the destruction seription will be sent only when requested. Change of address, when
of Satan’s organization and the establishment of righteousness in requested, may be expected to appear on address label within one month.
.A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) will be sent with the
the earth, and that under the kingdomthe people of good will that ~ourna~ one month before the subscription expires.
survive Armageddonshall carry out the divine mandate to "till
the earth" with a righteous race. Entered us second-cla, s matter at the post o~ceat Brooklyn, N. Y.,
under the JLot oJ March $, 1879.


October as the "Lightning-War" Testimony Period is notable Announced and released Sunday morning, August 10, at the
m three ways: it begins the new 1941-1942 servme year, it is a Theocratic Assembly of Jehovah’s witnesses m St. Louis, Mo.,
Period of hke united activity world-wzde, and thin year it also and at the conclusion of the climax speech on "Children of The
marks the opening of a general campaign with a most potent weap- King", the new book Children won instant acclaim from the thou-
on of truth, recently released at the Theocratic Assemblyat St. sands assembled. Written by Judge Rutherford, Chddren bids
Lores. "Lightning" not only suggests enlightenment for human- fair, as shown by its m~tial reeeptmn at St. LouL%to be his most
kind, but also speed in enhghtenmg them and in exposing the dark popular book, and with good reason. It is wmtten m narrattve
deeds of enemies of truth and righteousness. The people’s crying and conversational style, presenting interestingly and simply the
latest Bible truths concerning the glormus hope early to be real-
need of the hour and also the enthusiasm over the feature offer for ized by the persons of good-will today living. Children is bound
this Period, to wit, the new book Children, should speed up the in sky-blue cloth, with an embossed, gold-stamped cover design
activity of all ]~i-gdompublishers as never before, in further ful- that is unusual. The te=t within is adorned with frequent color
fillment of the prophetic drama of Deborah and Barak, whose illustrations, and is supplemented with an index of subjects. You
name means "lightning". CM~dre,, together with a unique Home will prize the author’s edition as it contains the facsimile of a
Study Course by mail, and the new booklet Comfort All That secial,letterin the.author’s
"To the
Mourn, will be offered on a mere contribution of 25c. The swift ~Phildren of the E:mg’,. You may obtain it on a contribution of
approach of the real lightning-war of Armageddonbehooves all 50e a copy, mailed prepaid to you. This editmn is l~nited.
persons of good-will to join in this round-the-world educational
campaign before it closes. Apply either to this office or to the "WATCHTOWER" STUDIES
foreign branch supervising your territory, for references to the Week of October5: "Children of The King,"
local organized service company. Promptly at the close of the 2-24 incluszve, The Watchtower September ], :1941.
month’s work turn in your field report to aid in compiling a world Week of October 12: "Children of The King,"
report on "Lightnlng-War". 25-48 inclusive, The Watchtower September 1, 1941.
Vob. LXII S~TEMB~1, 1941 NO. 17


"And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk o/them when thou sittest in
th~ne house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou r~sest up.’"
--Deut. 6: 7.
EHOVAH gave instruction to Moses to be trans-
J mitted to others, the meaning of which instruction
is now clarified to those who love the Most High.
preciation of their relationship to the Almighty God
and of their obligation to the children that they have
brought into the world.
Jehovah had chosen His people for the typical Theoc- ¯ Centuries ago Jehovah announced his purpose to
racy and was leading them by the hand of Moses to create and set up a paternalistic government, to be
the land of promise. Moses then stood before that presided over by his beloved Son. That government
people on the plains of Moab and delivered the in- is the great THEOCRACY, by which Christ Jesus exer-
struction. Today Jehovah has chosen his people for cises a paternal care over the interests of the people
the antitypical Theocracy, many of whomhave en- that shall live on the earth. He is the King and the
tered the antitypical Land of Promise, and the rem- Father of them that obey Him, and they, as His
nant thereof have the assurance that soon they may children, will address Christ Jesus as "Father".
enter therein. JEHOVAHGODis the KING OF ETERNITY, and the
2 Moses was a prophet of Jehovah and a type of fountain of life, and none can get life contrary to
Christ the King, that great Prophet, who executes his will. Jehovah has delegated to his beloved Son,
JEHOVAH’Spurpose. The words of Jehovah are not the King, full authority to administer life to those
altered, and are heard with compelling force now by whoshall receive life everlasting. In these latter days
every one who has given his devotion to The THEO- the Most High has made this fact clear to those who
CRATICGOVERNMENT. Christ Jesus, the King, is pres- have fled to the Lord and there found refuge.
ent, and all who today are for THETHEOCRACY serve 5 The mimic god, Satan, in carrying out his scheme
under His command. Jehovah’s words, given to and to blind the people and to turn them away from Jeho-
uttered by Moses, now apply to all who would receive vah God, has from time to time set up a counterfeit
life through Christ Jesus, the King, to wit : "Jehovah paternalistic government, in which religion and pol-
our God is one Jehovah : and thou shalt love Jehovah itics are used to keep the people in subjection. Such
thy Godwith all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and counterfeit government claims to rule by divine right,
with all thy might. And these words, which I com- but such claim is entirely false. Soon, now, such
mand thee this day, shall be upon thy heart; and counterfeit paternalism will completely fail and for
thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, ever disappear. Counterfeit paternalistic govern-
and shalt talk of them whenthou sittest in thy house, ments have existed for many centuries in different
and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou places in the earth, and have defamed Jehovah’s
liest down, and when thou risest up.’--Deut. 6: 4-7, name. Such governments, instead of being a father
Am. Rev. Ver. to subjects, have enslaved the people under their
Today the obligation is laid upon every parent control. The real Paternal Government will set free
who is in a covenant to do Jehovah’s will to bring all whodesire to be free and who serve the Lord, the
his children into the congregation, that they may King of THE THEOCRACY.
learn the words of the Lord and may see their priv- ’ Knowingthe end from the beginning, in due time
ilege of serving The THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT. The Jehovah began to make known His purpose to create
parents that serve Jehovah, and who love their chil- and set up a paternal government by Christ Jesus.
dren, will be diligent to instruct their children in the In the Bible God tells of the birth of the child who
way of righteousness, that they may serve the Lord should rule as King and give life to others, and long
and live. The parents who neglect this divine obliga- before his birth as a man-child it was written in the
tion disclose thereby that they have not a proper ap- prophecy of Jehovah concerning Christ Jesus, these

words: "Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is throughout the earth, and then proceed to destroy
given." (Isa. 9: 6) That meant that in due time the wicked ruler, to the end that the people may
child should be born of God’s universal organization have a righteous government under which to live
that should become the King and rule the world in and forever to praise the name of the Most High
righteousness. That man-child was born in a manger without interruption.
at Bethlehem and at that time the angel of Jehovah
delivered this message to men whomGod had chosen BY PURCHASE
as witnesses : ’’Unto you is born this day, in the city By right of purchase the beloved Son of God be-
of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." At comes King and Father of his subjects that live. His
the same time Jehovah caused his angels to deliver purchase price was his own precious blood. He spoke
to all persons of good-will then and thereafter on the a parable illustrating this, wherein he likens himself
earth this message: ’Glory to God in the highest, on unto a merchant who found a great treasure hid in a
earth peace to all menof good-will.’ (Luke 2: 10-14, field and who joyfully sold all he had, meaning his
Rotherham) That means that those who are of good- own humanlife, and with that price bought that field
will toward the great TH~.OORACY shall have peace and and treasure. (Matt. 13:44-46) That purchase in-
all attending blessings, and now Jehovah’s due time cludes The Government and all subjects who live un-
has come when all who are of good-will toward him der that Government. He tells of himself as the Good
may receive such blessings. Shepherd, who lays down his life for his "other
’ As to the power, authority and glory of that child sheep". (John 10: 11, 16) By that ransom sacrifice
born in the manger Jehovah, by his prophet, says: he becomes the owner of all who gladly come to him
"The government shall be upon his shoulder"; mean- and ask for his blessing. To all such obedient ones
ing the great THEOCRATIC GOVEm~MENT. That great he gives life everlasting; and therefore he is the
Ruler shall guide the people in the right way; and Father to all whoshall live forever on the earth.
as to this it is written : "Andhis nameshall, be called 10 To disobey God’s law leads to disaster. That is
Wonderful Counsellor." All persons who follow his forcibly shown concerning the first man. God created
counsel are certain to walk in the right way. Adam and gave him the authority to become the
’ One of the names given him is "The mighty God", father of the people on earth. To Adam and Eve
meaning that all power in heaven and earth is com- God said: ’Be ye fruitful and multiply and fill the
mitted into his hands. (Matt. 28: 18) He is called earth.’ (Gen. 1:28, Roth.) Had Adambeen faithful
"The everlasting Father" because unto him is given and obedient he would have occupied a unique posi-
the power to minister life everlasting to obedient tion with all of his offspring. The time was whenGod
ones of humankind. That means that those to whom dealt with Adam directly; and therefore if Adam
he gives life and whoobey shall never die, and those had continued faithful he would have been a channel
whoare his faithful and obedient subjects shall live of communication to all of his children, communicat-
forever and carry out his purpose. One of his titles ing the message from Jehovah to them. His was a
also is "The Prince of Peace", meaning that he is the princely office with respect to other persons. By in-
great paternalistic Ruler and his rule of peace and structing Eve and their children in the law of God
righteousness shall never end. (Isa. 9 : 6, 7) The au- Adamwould have occupied the place of prophet or
thority conferred upon him by Jehovah means that spokesman for God and others. Adam was selfish,
the territory of the dominion of Christ the King- became willfully disobedient, and lost everything.
Father belongs to Him, and not to his subjects. The Not only did he lose the right to life everlasting
people will occupy the earth and glorify it in trust. for himself, but he lost it for all of his offspring,
That is a sacred and blessed trust, which the children and all of them by inheritance came under condemna-
of The King shall have the privilege and joy of exe- tion. (Rom. 5: 12) Satan, the chief of demons, is the
cuting. Thus the Lord confers upon his children a one who brought about the downfall of Adam, and
great and wonderful privilege and honor. This great such resulted disastrously for all the people, and,
King is "The Seed of Abraham" according to God’s without divine help, in time all the people on earth
promise first given to Abraham (Gen. 13:14-17), would have perished for ever. That divine help was
and He shall own the earth, and his children shall given by and through Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.
beautify it and use it to the glory of JEHOVAH forever. --John 3 : 16.
Christ Jesus became the King centuries ago, but it ,1 The Devil cannot thwart God’s purpose, who had
was the will of JEHOVAH, hiS Father, that he should made the earth for man to live upon. God made pro-
wait until 1914 and then take possession of the King- vision, therefore, for a ’second Adam’, whoshall min-
dom and proceed to oust the enemy. His first work ister life to all obedient ones, and make the earth a
upon taking possession is to announce the name of righteous andglorious place to live. (1 Cor. 15:45, 47)
JEHOVAH and have his servants proclaim that name By right of purchase, and by power and authority
S~PrS~Sa 1, 1941 eWATCI-ITOWEI% 261

which Christ Jesus received from Jehovah, he be- invisible King, and his visible governors of earth will
comes the second Adam, owns the earth, and will re- carry into operation his judgments announced.
generate and minister life to all of the purchased
ones who render themselves in full obedience to his BRIDEGROOM KING
law. Jesus says : ’‘Even as the Son of man came not ~ Christ Jesus, the Life-giver, has a bride, and he
to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his is the Bridegroom. His bride is made up of 144,000
life a ransom for many."--Matt. 20 : 28. creatures who have proved their faithfulness and
’~ The "many", as used in this text, are those loyalty to God and Christ Jesus his King. (John
who have full faith in God, who are obedient and 3: 29) The bride includes the faithful apostles and
serve joyfully The THEOCRATIC GOV~RN~V.NT. Con- the faithful Christians that have lived since their
cerning that matter it is written: "For God so day, and all of whomhave died as human creatures
loved the world, that he gave his only begotten and have been resurrected as spirit creatures, with
Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not the exception of a "remnant" still on earth whoshall
perish, but have everlasting life. The Father loveth likewise have their change from humanto spirit and
the Son, and hath given all things into his hand. He all become joint-heirs with Christ Jesus the King.
that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; and (Rom. 8: 16, 17) It is to such Jesus said: "Be thou
he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but faithful unto death, and I will give thee the crown
the wrath of Godabideth on him."--John 3 : 16, 35, 36. of life." (Rev. 2 : 10, Am. Roy. For.) By faithful obe-
1, Christ Jesus, the King of THETHEOCRACY, ac- dience to Jehovah and his THEOCRATIC GOVERI~MENT
tually gives life everlasting to all of his subjects, and by Christ Jesus these faithful members~make ready
thus he is truly their "Everlasting Father" : "For the for the new government. (Rev. 19:7) In Jehovah’s
wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal due time these faithful ones are resurrected and be-
life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Rom. 6: 23) come a part of The THEOCRATIC GOVEttN~:I’~NT; and
Following Adam’s failure Jehovah began to make concerning them it is written: "And I saw thrones,
known kia~marvelous provision for THE THEOCRACY and they sat upon them, and judgmeJat was given
and the blessings it would bring to all who become unto them: a!ld I saw the souls of them that were be-
loyal and faithful subjects of that righteous govern. headed for the witness of Jesus, and for the word
ment. of Go~, and which had not worshipped the beast,
PRINCES neither his image, neither had received his mark upon
1, Under The THEOCRATIC GOVSRNMENTby Christ their foreheads, or in their hands ; and they lived and
Jesus the position of prophets and princes will be reigned with Christ a thousand years."--Rev. 20:4.
given to those faithful men of old who were witnesses ~’ The glorious King, Christ Jesus, and his royal
for JEHOVAH before the coming of Christ, and who bride were foreshadowed in a great prophetic pic-
by faith saw the coming of the KINGDO~tor THwO- ture, which Jehovah made with Isaac and with
CRATICGOVERnMEnT by the mighty Messiah. Those Rebecca, to whomit was said: "Be thou the mother
men long since died, but they shall have a "better of thousands of millions, and let thy seed possess the
resurrection" than many others, which resurrection gate of those which hate them." (Gen. 24: 60) That
will come by Christ Jesus, who is "the resurrection means that the royal family, the King and his bride,
and the life". (John 11: 25) By such resurrection shall see the enemypushed out and they shall possess
those faithful men are the children of The King, and all the things once possessed by those who hate THE
them as his children he makes princes, or governors, THEOCRACY.
in all the earth. They were once known as the "fa- 1, The faithful apostles are membersof the bride
thers" of God’s typical people; hence it is written of of Christ, and to them Jesus spoke: "And Jesus said
them: "Instead of thy fathers shall be thy children, unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have
whomthou mayest make princes in all the earth." followed me, in the regeneration, when the Son of
---Ps. 45 : 16. manshall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall
1, A partial list of those faithful menis set out at sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes
Hebrews the eleventh chapter. When those princes of Israel." (Matt. 19:28) These words of the King
perform their duties as the visible governors un- prove that there shall be a regeneration of human-
der The THE0CRATICGOVERNMENT there will be no kind and the great Life-giver to the regenerated ones
more politicians, religionists or commercial gang- is Christ Jesus the King.
sters to prey upon the people. 0f, and concerning ~’ The selection of the membersof The THwOCRATIC
the King of T~v. THEOCRACY,and of his princes, or GOVSRNMV.NT to be associated with Christ Jesus the
visible governors, it is written : "Behold, a king shall King has been carried forward during the past 1900
reign in righteousness, and princes shall rule in judg- years and is now practically completed. The Lord
ment." (Isa. 32: 1) The law shall go forth from the Jesus received the Kingdom and began his rule in

1914, and in A.D. 1918 he began the judgment of those Today the children of the King joyfully hail Christ
consecrated to do God’s will, selecting those faithful Jesus, proclaiming The TttEOCRATICGOVERNMENT;
and approved ones whom he has sent forth as his and the religionists of the present time try to silence
servants to be witnesses to the great THEOCRAT, his these children, but they cannot. God can make tile
name and his government. The remnant of these are very stones to cry out, and he will see to it that his
yet on the earth, and these must join and do gladly children shall now herald the message before the
join with Christ Jesus to extend the invitation to all people who desire to hear. The religionists have lost
persons of good-will now on earth to come and take their opportunity, and now the children, by the
freely of the truth of life; and those obeying shall Lord’s favor, take up the glad song and herald it far
live. (Rev. 22: 17) Thus the heavenly generation and wide, and, as the Lord declares, this is done to
bring the life message to the earthly generation ; and put the enemy to silence. The children are nowin the
concerning such it is written: "One generation shall favor of the Lord and joyfully serve him, and they
praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy shall see the enemies of THETttEOCI~CYgo down to
mighty acts."--Ps. 145 : 4. defeat.

’° After telling of the faithful spiritual company, "Long ago Jehovah fixed the time and season to
whomJesus purchased with his own blood, and who carry out his purpose concerning THE THEOCRACY,
shall be associated with him in The THEOCRATIC GOV- and in his due time each progressive step takes place.
ERNMENT, Jesus says : "And other sheep I have, which When the due time arrives the Lord instructs his
are not of this fold : them also I must bring, and they teachable and obedient ones in the way that they
shall hear my voice ; and there shall be one fold, and should go, and to that end he makes clear to such the
one shepherd." (John 10: 16) The "other sheep" meaning of his Word; as he has promised: "The
the Lord here mentioned are the ones who shall form meek will he guide in judgment, and the meek will
the "great multitude" and live forever on the earth. he teach his way. All the paths of the Lore] are mercy
(Rev. 7:9-17) They will experience regeneration. and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his
multitude of such persons are nowliving on the earth, testimonies. What man is he that feareth the Lord ?
him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose.
and these hearing the message of life respond gladly
and, proving their integrity, they shall live and never His soul shall dwell at ease; and his seed shall in-
die. That blessed multitude was pictured by the herit the earth. The secret of the Lord is with them
sons of Noah that were carried safely over the flood that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant."
with their father Noah. There Noah pictured the --Ps. 25 : 9, 10, 12-14.
great Life-giver. After the flood all nations of earth ’~ Every child that now gives his heart devotion to
were from Noah their father. (Genesis 10) So like- JEHOVAH and Christ the I~ng may confidently ex-
wise the people that are carried over Armageddon pect to be guided in the right way, because now is
and who form the "great multitude", together with the Lord’s due time to gather unto himself his "other
all others that live after Armageddon,shall be from sheep". It was in the year 1914 that JEHOVAH in-
the King-Father, Christ Jesus. The name of JEHO- structed Christ Jesus to begin his duties of his
VAHand his THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT by Christ Jesus Kingly office, and concerning which it is written:
are now being proclaimed in the earth, and many are "The LORDshall send the rod of thy strength out of
hearing and hastening to declare themselves for the Zion; rule thou in the midst of thine enemies."--
Theocratic government of righteousness. These who Ps. 110: 2.
hear and obey are the prospective children of the "The first work of the King is to cause his faith-
King. ful servants to proclaim the name of JEHOVAH, the
,1 Such persons of good-will who embrace THE Supreme One, and to tell of his THEOCRATIC GOVeRN-
Tm~ocmLcY now see that Christ Jesus the King has mENTby Christ Jesus and, when that is done, then to
come and that his long-promised government of oust the Satanic rule ; and which will be accomplished
righteousness is now at hand. They hail and praise at Armageddon.
Christ Jesus the King and seek life through him, ’~ Since 1918 the Lord of glory and power has been
just as this was pictured by a multitude of children judging the nations; as it is written: "And before
in Jerusalem whofilled the temple and cried to Jesus : him shall be gathered all nations; and he shall sep-
"Hosanna to the son of David I" (Matt. 21:15) arate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth
that occasion the religionists tried to silence the chil- his sheep from the goats."--Matt. 25:32.
dren, but Jesus in words of rebuke said to them: "It is not at all necessary for the people to see
"Have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and the Lord with their eyes in order to be judged by him.
sucklings thou hast perfected praise ?" (Matt. 21 : 16) He is there, invisible to human eyes, and he judges
SE~_B~ 1, 1941 SeWATCHTOWER 263

them by their heart devotion or motive exhibited things under THE THEOCRACY. Hence it is written:
when they hear of his kingdom. During that judg- ’~But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than
ment the prospective children of the King, which he the angels, for the suffering of death, crowned with
calls his "other sheep", are separated from the diso- glory and honour ; that he by the grace of Godshould
bedient ones, which he calls "goats", and his "other taste death for every man." (Heb. 2 ¯ 9) He purchases
sheep" are placed on the side of the King’s favor and all who become his children subjects.
saving power: "And he shall set the sheep on his ,o These children include the "princes" and those
right hand, but the goats on the left."--Matt. 25 : 33. of the "great multitude". Thus the visible representa-
2, The Lord compels no one to serve him, but he tives and the children of their Father, the King,
offers his blessings to those who desire to do right exercise dominion over the earth, over the fish, and
and who are anxious to see the righteous govern- the fowls, and all the beasts of the forest and of the
ment in full control of the world. Such prospective field. The Lord gives His guarantee that none of the
children are diligent to learn what is the Lord’s will beasts or other animal creation shall hurt or do vio-
concerning them and they hasten to do the will of the lence to his children. As an example, a young lamb
Lord. Because they took the side of THE T~OCRACYwill become very much attached to the lion, and all
and have proclaimed the name of the great King, the animals and all the children will become real
they are bitterly opposed by the demons and demon- friends, as it is written: "The wolf also shall dwell
ized men. The prospective children of the King must, with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with
under that crucial test, remain firm and steadfast the kid; and the calf, and the young lion, and the
for the King and his kingdom, and, if they do so un- fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.
til the test is completed at Armageddon,"then shall And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young
the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat
blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared straw like the ox. Andthe sucking child shall play on
for you from the foundation of the world." (Matt. the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put
25 : 34) Thus they become the children of the "Ever- his hand orL the cockatrice’ den. They shall not hurt
lasting Father" and enter into the abundant bless- nor destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth
ings which JEHOVAH has prepared for them fron~ the shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD,aS the
foundation of the world. Note some of these great waters cover the sea." (Isa. 11 : 6-9) There shall then
blessings that he named in the Scriptures. be everlasting peace between man and beast, as is
declared by the Lord: "And in that day will I make
DOMINION a covenant for them with the beasts of the field, and
~8 Jehovah God gave to Adam, the perfect man, with the fowls of heaven, and with the creeping
dominion over certain specific things. The fact that things of the ground: and I will break the bow, and
Adamlost that blessing by disobedience means that the sword, and the battle out of the earth, and will
the Lord’s obedient children shall receive that domin- make them to lie down safely."--Hos. 2:18; Ezek.
ion from the hand of the Lord, and which corresponds 34 : 25.
exactly with the dominion given to perfect Adamin al The children of the King shall be used by the
Eden. (Gen. 1 : 26, 28) Everything then will be under Lord to make the earth a place of glory and beauty.
the control of Christ the King; and his children shall (Isa. 60: 13; 66: 1) Tended and kept by his princes
carry out the things given to Adam,and which he lost. and his children subjects, the earth shall becomethe
Concerning this it is written: "For unto the angels King’s garden, a paradise of which Eden was a type,
hath he not put in subjection the world to come, and everything therein will proclaim the praises of
whereof we speak. But one in a certain place testi- the Most High and of the King.--Gen. 2 : 15.
fied, saying, What is man, that thou art mindful of
him ? or the son of man, that thou visitest him ? Thou THE MANDATE
madest him a little lower than the angels; thou a~ Nowthe nations of the earth are in the throes
crownedst him with glory and honour, and didst set of death, and soon Armageddon, the battle of that
him over the works of thy hands; thoa hast put all great day of God Almighty, will be fought, and in
things in subjection under his feet. For in that he which Christ shall be completely victorious, pushing
put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that out and destroying every wicked thing. In that battle
is not put under him. But now we see not yet all the wicked and all the oppressors and all the oppos-
things put under him."--Heb. 2: 5-8. ers of THETH~.OCl~C¥shall perish. Then the sur-
’~ Before taking control of the earth Jesus first vivors of Armageddon, the "great multitude", the
purchased with his lifeblood all obedient ones, and children of the King, shall carry out the divine man-
then he comes in glory and honor and power as King date, which God gave to Adamand which Adamlost
of JEHOVAH’SGOWR~SNT and takes charge of all because of his disobedience.
N. Y.

88 God’s purpose cannot fail. (Isa. 46: 11) He has Counsellor", the King of glory, and he is certain
given his word that the earth shall be populated with to guide those who earnestly seek his counsel and
righteous people. The sons of Noah made a picture guidance.
related to that divine mandate as carried out. (Gem ,8 The "great multitude" will bring forth children
9 : 1) The children of the King shall fulfill that divine in righteousness to the honor of the King. Relating
mandate in reality and completeness to the glory of to this it is written: "In the multitude of people is the
the Lord. To the children of the King that mandate King’s honour; but in the want of [the] people
is : "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth." Thus [which now prevails in all the earth] is the destruc-
shall be performed by the obedient children of the tion of the prince [the wicked prince, ’the god of this
King the greatest privilege ever set before human world,’ and his supporters]."wProv. 14: 28.
creatures. 87 Under the reign of Christ the King the "great
8, The fulfillment of that divine mandate is one of multitude", as children of the King, shall rejoice to
the many blessings now set before the Jonadabs, as bring forth children and to teach them the way of
the obedient, prospective children of the King, and righteousness that they may live forever in right-
they shall carry it into execution to the glory of God eousness. Concerning this it is written : ’%0, children
and of the King when Armageddon is passed. Right- are an heritage of the Lord; and the fruit of the
eous creatures shall perform and fulfill that mandate wombis his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a
of righteousness, and they shall do so under the mighty man ; so are children of the youth. Happy is
supervision of the King of righteousness. Under his the manthat hath his quiver full of them ; they shall
supervision the children of the King forming the not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the ene-
"great multitude" will marry and bring forth chil- mies in the gate." (Ps. 127:3-5) Today those who
dren in righteousness, which offspring also shall be love Jehovah and his King are not ashamed to pro-
children of the King. "They shall not labour in vain, claim THE THEOCRACY by Christ Jesus, but serenely
nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of and joyfully speak to their opponents, telling them
the blessed of the LORD,and their offspring with of the gracious things God has in store for those who
them." (~Isa. 65 : 23) Thus the earth, under the ruler, joyfully serve him.
ship of The THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT,shall be filled
with people in perfection that shall forever honor PARENTS’ DUTY
and praise the name of Jehovah and the name of his sEW hen Moses stood before Jehovah’s typical
King. They will be the people of the Lord, and he covenant people on the plains of Moaband delivered
will be their Godand Life-giver. Then the babes shall the instruction from Jehovah he knew that soon
not sicken and die. Each one shall be given a full op- thereafter the children, then presen~ would take the
portunity to prove his complete devotion to the King place of their parents in the ranks of God’s army.
and JEHOV~,and if any die it will be only because of Forcibly he urgently reminded the parents of their
their own willful disobedience, and for such there duty to their children. He urged upon them diligence
will be nq tears of sorrow shed.--Rev. 21:4; Ezek. and faithfulness in teaching the truth to their chil-
24: 16-18 ; also Vindication, BookOne, pages 332-334. dren. That was important then ; the fulfillment there-
85Marriage is a divine institution and therefore of is of greater importance now. Today Christ Jesus,
made sacred by Almighty God. Under the rulership the Greater Moses, has gathered his covenant people
of the wicked marriage has become a mockery. Under before him and in the most forceful way tells them
the rule of the King of T~E THEOCRACY marriage will to instruct their children in the way of righteousness
become sacred and to the glory of God. In the days by constantly keeping before their children the name
of old the typical covenant people of God, who loved of JEHOVAH,his Theocratic Government by Christ
him, looked to the Lord to guide in the selection of a Jesus, and the necessity of complete and unselfish
wife for the man. (Gen. 24: 1-67) This is at least devotion to Jehovah and his government. We know
suggestion that under THE THEOCRACY men and that in the very near future the last membersof the
womenwill seek the face of the Lord, the King, and governmental associates with Christ Jesus must
beseech him to make the selection of the wife for the leave behind their children and go on to higher duties
husband. Since Armageddonis near at hand it would and service. It will be the blessed privilege of the
seem wise for those who hope to be of the "great faithful children, under the direct lead of the faith-
multitude", and therefore to fulfill the divine man- ful "princes" or governors in the earth, to carry into
date, to wait upon the Lord and seek his direction action the divine mandate toward filling the earth
and ask him to guide them and make selection of a with a righteous people. Let the parents now who are
companion. As the "great multitude" will carry out in a covenant for the Kingdom see to it that they
the divine mandate in righteousness they will need are obedient to God’s commandmentto be diligent
and greatly desire the direction of their "Wonderful to teach their children of and concerning TH~T~Eoc-

RAOY.In this do not fail l The greatest favor the ness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the
parents can now bestow upon their children is to dew of thy youth." (Ps. 110: 3) Are you willing
keep constantly before them the Kingdom and what fully perform your duty? Hear then the command-
it means to hnmankind. If such parents have brought ment of the Lord set forth in the-Bible at Revelation
22: 17: "And the Spirit and the bride say, Come.
up their children "’in the nurture and admonition of
And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that
the Lord" they will not depart from that training,
is athirst come: and whosoever will, let him take the
and blessed shall be those parents and children who water of life freely."
thus obey l---Eph. 6 : 4; Prov. 22 : 6.
" Christ the King is that great Spirit, and his
bride there mentioned is the body members of his
government; and you are the prospective children
"Those who are children of the anointed, and who of the King, and as such may live forever on the
desire to live, must keep always in mind this admoni- earth. "And the Spirit and the bride say, Come."
tion of God’s Word: "Children, obey your parents in Comewhere? Come to and take your stand firmly on
the Lord : for this is right." (Eph. 6 : 1) Those words the side of The THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT. In the
meanthat the children must give heed to the instruc- language of Jesus: ’Tlee to the mountains"; that is,
tion they receive from their parents who are in the to God and Christ Jesus, the great THEOCRAT and
Lord and who obey the Lord’s injunction. Further- his King. If you hear and obey, then to you the King
more it is written: "Honour thy father and mother, says: "Let him that heareth say, Come." So "say"
which is the first commandmentwith promise, that you to whom? Thus "say" to all who will hear the
it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long message concerning THE THEOCRACY.That means
on the earth." Eph. 6:2,3. that you must nowbe diligent and very active to make
’° The "Everlasting Father" of these children is known the name of the King and of the great THEOC-
Christ Jesus, and their real mother is the Lord’s RACYand the Almighty THEOCRAT. For what purpose
capital organization. If you children have shown must that measage now be delivered ? Jesus answers
diligence and efficiency in the schoola of this world, that all who desire righteousness and life may now
with stronger reasoning you must now be diligent cVmeand put themselves under the protection of the
to grow efficient in the school under The THEOCRATIC Lord and finc~ the way to life.
,1 You may soon meet with Abraham, Daniel, and THE GOVERNMENT
other like faithful men, who shall be here as perfect "The apostle, under inspiration from the Lord,
men acting as governors of the new world. Eagerly long ago wrote these prophetic words’: "Nevertheless
seek their instruction and hang on their words of we, according to his promise, look for new heavens
wisdom and grace, because they will lead you in the and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness."
way of righteousness. Rest confidently in their lead- (2 Pet. 3: 13) The "new heavens" are The T~EO-
ership because they are the Lord’s princes. Referring CRATIC GOVERNMENT, the invisible ruling power in the
to their coming as the righteous governors Jesus hands of Christ; and that government has come.
says: "Many shall come from the east and the west, The "new earth" is the new rule under the princes of
and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and the King of glory; and these princes are due to come
Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven." (Matt. 8: 11) Sit- any day. That is the righteous rule or government
ting with them does not mean remaining inactive, concerning which Jehovah caused to be written in
but does mean to rest in complete confidence with his Bible: ’~Whenthe righteous are in authority, the
them, knowing that they are right and, being with people rejoice." (Prov. 29:2) Such is a guarantee
them, you are walking in the way of righteousness. from Jehovah that the day of joy for the people is
"Your present-day duty is that of great weight just ahead and that all who obey the law of The
and responsibility. Christ Jesus, the King, is here, THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT shall rejoice forevermore.
fully prepared and equipped for the battle of Arma- ,5 That prophecy in the way of fulfillment is a
geddon, and there His enemies shall bite the dust. flash of light from heaven now given when darkness
Before he executes that judgment with great power, covers the wicked rule of this world and gross dark-
he commandsthat all who love him shall be actively ness,has settled down upon all the nations. It is a
engaged in proclaiming THZTHEOCRACY to the praise beacon light of hope to all who love righteousness.
of Jehovah. (Ex. 9 : 16) If you hope to live, and,you As prospective children of the King it is now your
now love the "Everlasting Father", the King, you great privilege and bounden duty to hasten to carry
will willingly and joyfully give heed to his words and out the commandmentof the Lord by carrying Jeho-
obey him ; as it is written : "Thy people shall be will- vah’s message of hope to the peoples of the earth who
ing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holi- will hear. By doing so willingly, confidently and with-
N. Y.

out fear of demons or men, you will prove your love CRATmGOVER~ZNT]shall the LORDof hosts make
for the great THEOCRAT and his King in this day of unto all people a feast of fat things, a feast of wines
judgment.--1 John 4: 17, 18. on the lees, of fat things full of marrow, of wines on
~" The rule of the nations by present-day dictators the lees well refined. He will swallow up death in vic-
holds out no hope whatsoever for humankind. All tory ; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off
nations are nowafflicted with war, famine, pestilence, all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take
sickness and death. It is your privilege and duty to away from off all the earth ; for the LORD hath spoken
now lift high the standard of THE THEOCRACY and, it."--Isa. 25 : 6, 8.
,8 The great and long-hoped-for THEOCRACY has
as sweet singers of the new world, point the willing
people to the way of safety and to life. Under the rule come! Lift up your heads with joy. Go now and tell
of THETHEOCRACY there shall never be another war the glad tidings of The THEOCRATIC GOVERNI~ENT to
amongst men, because the Lord God has given His all who will hear. Those who do hear and obey will
word that peace shall persist forevermore. (Isa. 9: 7) join in the everlasting praise of JEHOVAH nOWbeing
The righteous King shall rule in equity, and every sounded in the heavens ; as is written in the prophecy
obedient one shall stand equal with every other one of the Most High: "Beasts, and all cattle; creeping
before the Lord. The people will unselfishly work to- things, and flying fowl; Kings of the earth [Christ
gether, and "they shall beat their swords into plow- and his bride], and all people; princes, and all judges
shares, and their spears into pruninghooks; nation of the earth [the visible representatives on earth of
shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall The TH~.OCRATIC GOVErnmENT] ; both young men and
they learn war any more. But they shall sit every maidens; old men [survivors of Armageddon] AND
man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none CHILDREN [born of the ’great multitude’ to fill the
shall make them afraid; for the mouth of the Lord earth] : let them praise the name of the LORD[JEHO-
of hosts hath spoken it."--Mic. 4 : 3, 4. VAH]: for his name alone is excellent; his glory is
" Famine and want will be unknown under The above the earth and heaven. He also exalteth the horn
THEOCRATIC GOVERNI~EI~IT. There shall be plenty for of his people, the praise of all his saints, even of the
all and all shall eat their food in joy and content- children of Israel, a people near unto him. Praise ye
ment; as it is written: "And in this mountain [Tm~o- the LORD."--Ps. 148: 10-14.

ITH manyprayer is merely a formality performed
W mainly in somereligious building. With others it
is a mockery.Somepray to be heard of men, over
such have madea full consecration of themselves to Him
to do his will.
Of necessity this rule of prayer excludes all those who
the radio or elsewherein public. A few pray with a sincere are not sons of God.The petitioner, after thus addressing
desire to have the will of their Makerand Goddone con- Jehovah, acknowledgeshim as the great eternal God, that
cerning them. Such was evidently the reason whythe dis- his nameis sacred and shall be vindicated by his great Vin-
ciples of the great Teacher Jesus requested him to teach dicator and King Christ Jesus, and that Jehovah the Fa-
themhowto pray. If it was necessary for the apostles of ther is worthyto receive all praise and adoration It shows
Jesus to learn howto pray, surely it is necessaryfor all to markedreverenceon the part of the petitioner for the great
learn howto pray intelligently whoexpect to have their Jehovah. There is nothing about it that would warrant the
prayers answered. Nowwhat is the proper methodfor such conclusion that the petitioner mayirreverently rush into
to use in praying ? the presence of the Almighty.Howdifferent this from what
The answer to this should be found in the Scriptures, weoften hear, to wit, somepersons publicly praying and
and nowhereelse. Luke11 : 1 records : "Andit cameto pass, arrogantly telling Godwhat he should do, as at present
that as he was praying in a certain place, whenhe ceased, published in the news concerning war-torn Europe
one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, "THYKINGDOM COME. Thywill be done in earth, as it is
as John [the Baptist] also taught his disciples." Jesus an-
swered: "After this mannertherefore pray ye: Our Father in heaven." So continues the prayer. (Matt. 6 : 10) This ex-
which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name." (Matthew pression meansthat the petitioner expresses himself in full
6 : 9) It is observedthat here Jesus directed that the pray- harmonywith God’s holy will, that he desires the coming
er shall be addressed to Him"whose namealone is Jeho- of God’s Theocratic Government, that this kingdommay
rule in the earth to the end that the will of Godmaybe
vah", and whoshall be addressed as Father. (Ps. 83:18)
This does not meanthe fatherhood of Godto all mankind, done in the earth and in heavenalso. The petitioner recog-
nor the brotherhoodof all men,as somereligious menhave nizes the injustice, sickness and sorrow in the earth, and
foolishly taught. JehovahGodis the Father to those only who that the kingdomof Godis the only relief for this; and
have been begotten by his spirit to a heavenlyinheritance thus he expresseshis humble,sincere desire to see God’swill
and to those persons of good-will whostand in line to be- operating in the hearts of all menthat live instead of that
comehis sons on earth under the ~ingdom,and thi~ after whichnowcontrols selfish men.

The Theocratic Government is "the kingdom of heaven" will and purpose to vindicate His name by his kingdom
because it is the government of Jehovah God operated should be carried out, and he has known from God’s Word
FRO~HEAVEN by his duly appointed representative, Christ that His purpose is to establish his kingdom amongst men.
Jesus the King. The Great Theocrat is Jehovah God, the For this reason the true Christian is zealous in telling other
Almighty One. The Theocracy is His government, which people about that Theocratic Government, that they may
shall rule the world in righteousness to the praise and honor have a hope of relief from present sufferings and learn
of Jehovah’s name and which shall fully vindicate his name about the blessings that will come through the ministration
before all creation. The King of that great Theocracy, or of that kingdom.
the one ruling directly under the commandof the great The Authorized Version, or King James Version, of
Theocrat, is Christ Jesus. For his own name’s sake Jehovah Matthew 6:10 reads: "Thy will be done in earth as it is
God sent Jesus to earth. At the time of his baptism in the in heaven." If by the word "heaven", as here used, is meant
Jordan river Jesus was anointed as King by Jehovah. (See the council of Jehovah, then, of course, God’s will has al-
Matthew 3 : 13-17.) Then Jesus began his work of bearing ways been done in his court. But the word "heaven" can-
witness to his Father’s name. HIS very first discourse, and not invariably be limited to the throne of Jehovah. There
each one thereafter, magnified Jehovah’s name. The first has been rebellion in the invisible as well as in the visible
time he preached, following his anointing, he said: "The realm. Whenthe time came to put the rebellious ones out,
kingdom of heaven is at hand." (Matt. 4: 17) That was at the time Satan’s uninterrupted rule of the world ended,
literally true for the reason that Jesus, the King, was then in A.D. 1914, then God sent forth the rod of power out of
and there present speaking to those who heard him. For his capital organization Zion, with the order and authority
more than three years thereafter Jesus went about amongst to Christ Jesus the King to "rule . . . in the midst of thine
the people, visiting them from house to house in the towns enemies". (Ps. 110: 2) Whichever construction we may
and villages, telling them the truth concerning his Father, place upon the words of the Master in the prayer he taught,
Jehovah God, and of his kingdom. At all times he em- it does not at all militate against the fact that Satan was
phasized the paramount importance of the Kingdom, which in heaven and has now been expelled from heaven; or that
is The Theocracy, and he specifically commandedhis fol- this expulsion took place in or immediately after 1914.
lowers to always pray to Jehovah God : "Thy kingdom come. As expressed at 2 Corinthians 4:3,4, Satan has for
Thy will be done as in heaven, so in earth."--Luke 11 : 2. centuries been the "god of this world", and his world is
It is not an uncommon thing to hear religious clergymen composedof the evil heavens and the evil earth, to wit, the
say that the present kingdoms of this earth are here by invisible and the visible part. At 2 Peter 3:13 the apostle
divine right and that therefore they represent God. This says: ’qgevertheless we, according to his [God’s] promise,
is directly contrary to what Jesus said. Whenhe stood be- look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth
fore the Romangovernor, Pontius Pilate, he declared: ’qgy righteousness." It follows then that the old heaven is the
kingdom is not of this world." (John 18:36) The reason Devil’s and is therefore evil, wicked. Revelation 12:1-12
why he then said this was that for a long period of.time shows that the Devil has now been cast out of heaven. The
Satan had been the "god of this world". So Jesus taught Lord Jesus has assumed his power and reigns. The next act
his disciples to keep their hearts in harmony with him, is to expel Satan and his demonsand his visible representa-
and to patiently wait and pray for the coming time when tives from the earth; and then there will be a new heaven
the kingdom of God should be established and when the and earth. In it the Lord will establish righteousness.
will of God should be done here. It expresses a hope that The prayer continues: "Give us this day our daily
in God’s due time his kingdom will be established for the
bread." (Matt. 6:11) This means both literal food and the
benefit of obedient mankind. things upon which it is necessary to feed the mind. The
The presumption is that the one who prays as above creature that has devoted himself to God by a consecration
seeks to ascertain the will of God by studying his Word, to do His will consists of mind, will, heart and physical
and that from the Wordof God he sees that in God’s due organism. The organism is flesh and blood, like that of other
time Christ Jesus shall take charge of the affairs in earth, men. This organism requires daily food for sustenance.
that he will bind Satan that he maydeceive the nations no It is entirely proper that the son should request these things
more, and that the Kingdomwill establish peace and right- of the Father, because it is the will of Godthat his children
eousness amongst men that they may be brought back into should ask and receive that which is for their good. The
harmony with him. This has really been the desire of the Christian properly does not ask that he be given houses
true and faithful Christian throughout the age. He has and lands and factories and great quantities of money; but
properly not been praying to God to convert the world, he asks his Father to provide his daily needs, and he asks
because he knows from the Wordof God that the religious in confidence, because Jehovah God has promised that his
systems will not get the world converted, but that "in the little ones shall not suffer for the things that are necessary.
last days perilous times shall come. For menshall be lovers It is therefore entirely proper for the child to daily ask
of their ownselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, his heavenly Father to provide for him food and raiment
disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural that may be necessary, to the end that he may serve the
affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, Lord. This, of course, implies that he wtll be thankful for
despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, what he does receive, and he will delight each day to ex-
lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form press his thanksgiving both by word and by action, at meals
of godliness, but denying the power thereof". (2 Tim. and otherwise. The child of Godgrows as he feeds his mind
3:1-5) Hence the Christian has been praying that God’s upon the precious things of the divine purpose. He has

a commandfrom the Lord to be not conformed to this world, It is observed that when the Lord Jesus had made a con-
but to be transformed by the renewing of the mind. (Rom. secration to do God’s will and symbolized that consecration
12 : 2) This means that the child of God will study the Bi- by water baptism and thereafter spent forty days in the
ble, God’s Word; and as he studies he will ask the heavenly wilderness, then the Devil was permitted to tempt him.
Father to feed him upon the precious things thereof that (Luke 4: 1-4) He was therefore put to a test as to whether
in due time he may have a vision or a clearer understand° or not he would prove his loyalty and faithfulness to God
ing of His great truths. In this behalf, to aid all persons of under the test. He withstood the test and proved his faith-
good-will in their fight against the iniquity of today, an ap- fulness and maintained his integrity toward Jehovah God.
propriate Scripture text is selected from the Bible for each In 1 Peter 2:21 the apostle tells us: "For even hereunto
and every day of the year and in the Yearbook of Jehovah’s were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving
witnesses are published appropriate and consistent com- us an example, that ye should follow his steps." In corrob-
ments on each daily text. By considering the text and com- oration of this the apostle Paul declares: "For whomthe
ments at the beginning of each day the consecrated ones are Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whomhe
aided to meet the perplexing problems that daily arise and receiveth." (Heb. 12: 6, 7) Chastisement here means dis-
thereby they are fed spiritual food. ciplining or test. The test must come to each one that he may
Every true child of God has experienced this blessed have the opportunity to prove his faithfulness to God.
privilege. As he studies the Lord’s Word, confidently trust- Concerning those who are faithful and maintain their
ing in him, the Lord leads him into wider fields of under- integrity under the test it is written, at James 1:12:
standing and fulfills to him his precious promise (Prov. "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when
4: 18) : "The path of the just is as the shining light, that he is tried, he shall receive the crownof life, which the Lord
shineth more and more unto the perfect day." The Lord hath promised to them that love him." God does not tempt
Jesus said concerning the creature that lives: "Man shall any man, but he permits the test to be put before man; and
not live by bread alone, but by every word of God." (Luke the Christian is to pray that the Lord God will not abandon
4:4) The Christian, therefore, properly will be asking for him in that test, but that he will sustain him ; and he may
the things needful for his development as a Christian in have faith and confidence that the Lord God will deliv-
harmony with God’s will. er him. This is really a time of temptation. Concerning
Jesus then proceeds in the model prayer thus: ’And the Christian’s privilege in time of temptation the apostle
forgive us our trespasses as we forgive these who trespass writes: "Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that
against us.’ (Matt. 6:12) This is a searching test for the is pa~d into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold
Christian. If someone has done him an injury and he feels fast our profession. For we have not an high priest which
resentment and refuses to forgive such a o~e who repents, cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but
he cannot conscientiously approach Jehovah God in prayer was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.
and ask to be forgiven. This teaches the Christian to be Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that
merciful and kind and to look upon the afflictions of his we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of
fellow creatures with sympathyand to be willing to forgive need."--Heb. 4: 14-16.
wheneverforgiveness is as}ed. If we are not willing to thus The further words of Matthew 6:13 found in the King
forgive we cannot expect our Lord to forgive us. Wehave James Version, to wit, "For thine is the kingdom, and the
to come to the Lord frequently for forgiveness, acknowledg- power, and the glory, for ever," are still repeated in public
ing our shortcomings. and private religious functions; but these words are not
The apostle Peter asked Jesus how often he should for- found in the older manuscripts of the Bible text and hence
give an offender. In Matthew18 : 21, 22 it is written : "Then do not appear in the modern revised versions. Those words
came Peter to him, and said, Lord, howoft shall mybrother are an interpolation; and evidently this interpolation was
sin against me, and I forgive him ? till seven times ? Jesus made at the instigation of Satan to aid his emissaries to
saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times; but, foist upon the people the thought that the kingdoms of
Until seventy times severn" This really means that we this earth belong to God. It is inconsistent with the first
should never refuse to forgive an offender where that offend- part of the prayer: "Thy kingdom come." However, the
er asks for forgiveness. Our Lord and Master stands as the time has come when the Lord has assumed his power and
Advocate of the Christian; and while this is no warrant for begun his reign. Still it is proper for the Christian to con-
a Christian to do a wrong, if he does commita wrong he has tinue praying "Thy kingdom come" until Satan is ousted
the privilege of going to God in prayer and asking help. completely and God’s will is done in the earth.
(1 John 2: 1, 2) He should cultivate the disposition of do- Jesus appreciated the privilege and value of prayer.
ing the same toward his fellow creatures. The record in the Scriptures tells of his repeatedly going
The prayer continues: "And lead us not into temptation, into a secret place to pray, and sometimes all night. His
but deliver us from evil." The King James Version does disciples saw the importance of praying aright, and asked
not here give a clear rendering, for Goddoes not lead any- him to teach them to pray. He did teach them, and the in-
one into temptation. (Jas. 1: 13) Rotherham’s emphatic struction which he gave them applies with equal force to
translation reads: "And bring us not into temptation, but all his followers. The Christian should daily keep near the
rescue us from the evil one." The Emphatic Diaglott Ver- Lord, that the way of communication by prayer may always
sion reads: "And abandon us not to trial, but preserve us be open between him and his Father, through the Lord and
from evil." The American Revised Version reads: "But de- Savior Jesus Christ, the Christian~ Head, Redeemer and
liver us from the evil one." King.
N CERTAINcircles in "Christendom" the expressions is for them to be morally pure, chaste, virtuous, honest;
I are often publicly made, such as "our holy religion",
"his holiness," "the holy father," and the like. At the
not to rob, steal or commit other crimes; and at the same
time to grow patient, kind, pious and read religious litera-
same time the laws of the nations of "Christendom" pro- ture, or even the Bible ? Is it not true that this is what many
vide severe punishment for those who are guilty of lewd, have called "character development", and have not many
unchaste, indecent conversation or conduct in the presence of them believed they could perfect a "character" while
of others or with one another, and for acts that result in in the flesh ? Andhave not manyothers, having such a reli-
injury to another; and there are millions of people who gious conception of holiness, become discouraged because
diligently strive to live up to the accepted moral standard. they could not reach the perfect standard ?
They are kind and considerate with others; they are chaste Thus the great deceiver, Satan, has deceived many,
in their relationship to the opposite sex; they observe the causing some to be exalted in mind and to assume an atti-
laws of the land; they diligently shun evil and try to do tude of being "holier than thou" (Isa. 65: 5), while others
good, and are therefore such as are generally called "na- have fallen away because of discouragement. Thus the ad-
ture’s noblemen". Manybelieve that such a course of con- versary has turned the faces of these away from the per-
duct guarantees for them eternal happiness in heaven. fect pattern and caused them to look to themselves, some
However, many of the world who make no pretense of being going to one extreme and some to another extreme. The
Christians may come nearer to keeping this standard than difficulty all along has been that they did not understand
do some who profess to be consecrated Christians. their duty and obligation unto God, nor the necessity of
If every one kept that standard perfectly it would not keeping away from all entanglements laid for them by the
constitute holiness unto the Lord, within the meaning of adversary.
the Holy Scriptures. Those who have weighed the matter Jehovah God is holy because all his ways are right.
carefully realize it is practically impossible for a man to (Ps. 18: 30) The Lord Jesus is holy because he has always
be perfect in thought, word and deed; and for this reason been in harmony with Jehovah God, and his ways have
manyhave been deterred from attempting to be Christians ; therefore always been right. Everything that is out of har-
and many Christians, having a misunderstanding of the monywith God is unholy. Satan and his organization made
matter due to religion, have become discouraged. Somewill up of religion, commerceand politics are not only out of
say, howeve~that what the Lord requires of a man is that harmony with God but in opposition to God; therefore
he must be perfect in intention. To this the answer must they are unholy. There can be no partnership or fellowship
be that manyupright, noble people of the world habitually between holiness and unholiness. Jesus plainly said. "No
intend to do right and not to do wrong Something more [man] can serve two masters." (Luke 16 : 13) No one can
than merely a good intent is required by the One who says: devote part of himself to God and the remainder to Satan’s
"Be ye holy; for I am holy."--I Peter 1: 16. organization. The Christian can have no sympathy with the
Holiness is required of those who shall see the Lord. Devil’s organization, or any part thereof.
The admonition at Hebrews 12:14 is: "Follow . . . holi- Cardinal Gibbons, in his book The Faith of Our Fathers,
ness, without which no man shall see the Lord." Holiness, page 38, writes: "In the Creed framed in the first Ecumen-
within the meaning of the Scriptures, m~ns an unreserved ical Council of Nicaea, in the year 325, we find these words ¯
consecration, absolute dedication and continued unselfish ’I believe in the One, HOLY, Catholic and Apostolic
devotion of oneself to God. It means to be set apart to the Church.’" Credulous persons have been induced to believe
worship and service of God. It means to be completely re- that the RomanCatholic organization is the Church of God,
served from profane or commonuse. Holiness means to be and for that reason they have submitted themselves to the
whole, unimpaired and sound from every wrongful affec- organization which is ruled by the Catholic Hierarchy.
tion. It means an unselfish zeal toward God as His true The office and mission of the true church of God under
and faithful servant. The opposite of the term "holy" is Christ Jesus, compared with that of the RomanCathohc
"impure; fractional; divided or impaired". Whenwe speak organization, show that the two take exactly opposite
of "the whole solar system" we mean the entire, complete courses. The RomanCatholic organization is now and for
solar system, not a part of it. Likewise, ’’holiness unto the centuries has been engaged in religion, politics and com-
Lord" means to be wholly, completely and absolutely de- merce for gain, and is therefore unholy and the enemy of
voted to the Lord God, in the faithful performance of duty God and of all men. In the Scriptures a "tree" is used as
and of obligation such as are laid upon the one who be- a symbol of a creature or of an organization composed of
comes holy. creatures, and the fruits of that tree symbolically stand for
Is religion holy ? Is it not true that during the greater what such creature or organization holds before the people
portion of the so-called "Christian era" the most of those as spiritual food for their sustenance and growth. Speaking
who professed to be Christians but who "were in fact reli- of the same, at Matthew 7: 18-23, Jesus said: "A good tree
gionists have thought it entirely proper and in fact a reli- cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree
gious duty for them to participate in politics; to seek office bring forth good fruit .... Wherefore by their fruits ye
and hold office in the various branches of the worldly gov- shall know them. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord,
ernments; and to participate in temperance organizations, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that
and to promote like reforms of the world? Is it not also doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."
true that almost all such professed Christians have honestly God’s kingdom shall in time rule in righteou~ess and
believed that’ what is required of them in order to be holy minister blessings to faithful people. The kingdom of God
has nothing that is commercial, and has nothing in common sympathy therewith. As stated at Psalm 119 : 104 : "Through
with the harsh, cruel and wicked system that rules the thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every
world now and which present rule is under the Devil and false way." To walk in the right way the affections of a
his representatives. Concerning this world Jesus said: "My Christian cannot be divided between the Lord’s organiza-
kingdom is not of this world." "The prince of this world tion and something that is included in the Devil’s organi-
[Satan] cometh, and hath nothing in me."--John 18:36; zation.
14 : 30. "As he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in
To the religionists of his time that claimed to be holy all manner of conversation." (1 Pet. 1 : 15) To becomeholy
but opposed the Kingdommessage Jesus addressed himself,
the Christian must set his affections on things above and
and to them and also to religionists of the present time he
not on things in the earth or Satan’s visible organization
says: "The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and
given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof." (Matt. on earth. (Col. 3:2) To be holy the child of God must
21:43) Never at any time has the RomanCatholic church "conformed to the image" of God’s holy Son, Christ Jesus.
organization brought to the people the fruit or message of (Rom. 8: 29) The word "image" here means likeness
God’s Theocratic Government by Christ Jesus, but, on the resemblance. The Lord Jesus withstood the temptations of
contrary, that organization has at all times co-operated Satan and remained firm and steadfast in his devotion to
with politicians, militarists, commercial giants, and other God. (Matt. 4: 1-11) The world is the Devil’s organization.
gangsters to rule and control the nations of the earth. In- The Christian is in the world. Jesus overcame the world by
stead of bearing before the people the fruits of God’s writ- being faithful to his Father. He said to his followers: "In
ten Word, which sustain the spiritually hungry ones, the the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer;
Catholic organization has bitterly opposed the l~ingdom or I have overcome the world."--John 16 : 33.
Theocracy under Christ. Every religious organization on In the text "Be ye holy in all manner of conversation"
the earth indulges in politics and in commerce,more or less, the word "conversation" means course of action or conduct.
and contrary to God’s will, and all these organizations ill° (Emphatic Diaglott translation) Our course of action or
treat and persecute Jehovah’s witnesses who bear the mes- conduct, therefore, must be in harmony with God’s organi-
sage or fruits of and concerning The Theocracy or king- zation and contrary to the Devil’s organization. Thus the
domof God before the people. Christian must grow up into Christ in all things.-Eph. 4 : 15.
Whenone becomes a Christian he may think for a time The apostles were holy, because they were absolutely
that it is right and proper for him to participate in and and completely devoted to God. The apostle Paul declared
pursue a course similar to that of the so-called "respect- he was determined to know nothing except Jesus Christ,
able" part of the world. But he cannot do this and be holy. and him crucified for maintaining his integrity toward God
He must leave the religion, the polities, the reformations, in vindication of His name. (1 Cor. 2: 2) Again Paul said:
the temperance organizations and every similar thing and "Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching
become absolutely and completely dedicated to the Lord, forth unto those things which are before, I press toward
and use his faculties with which he is endowedto the Lord’s the mark for the prize of the high calling of Godin Christ
glory and the advancement of the interests of HIS Theo- Jesus." (Phil. 3:13, 14) When he was known as Saul
cratic Government. In no other way can he become holy. Tarsus he was a man of affairs in the world, but when he
The apostle Paul confirms this when he says: "Be not con- became Paul the Christian he desired them no more. The
formed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renew° same was true with the apostle Peter and with all others
ing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and that have followed in the footsteps of Jesus and have proved
acceptable, and perfect, will of God."--Rom. 12:2. faithful.
The Devil has led some to believe that sanctimoniousness At Ephesians 2:19-22 the apostle says: "Ye . . . are
is holiness or saintliness. It is really a hypocritical devout- built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets,
ness. A hypocrite may look pious and speak piously, be Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone ; in whom
quiet and submissive in the presence of others, and be re- all the building, fitly framed together, groweth unto an holy
garded by them as very saintly; but he does not deceive temple in the Lord: in whomye also are builded together
the Lord. Whatis really required of us is, as far as possi- for an habitation of God through the spirit." This growing
ble, to live up to the highest standard of purity and right- up into Christ Jesus means that we must be wholly dedi-
eousness and also to be dedicated to the Lord, absolutely cated and devoted to God and his righteous cause. The Lord
and completely using our faculties to the Lord’s glory and Godis building a habitation for himself, which is his capital
refusing to make any compromisewith the world, the Devil’s organization Zion, and those of Zion can have no sympathy
organization. The true sentiment of the Christian’s heart or fellowship with the Devil’s organization. Is it not appar-
is thus expressed: "For thou art great, and doest wondrous ent, then, that to be holy means to be unreservedly on God’s
things; thou art God alone. Teach me thy way, O Lord; side ?
I will walk in thy truth : unite myheart to fear thy name." At 2 Corinthians 7 : 1 the apostle further says : "Having
"Leadmein the wayeverlasting."---Pss. 86 : 10, 11 ; 139 : 24. therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse our-
He whothus earnestly prays will diligently seek to know selves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting
the Lord’s way and will refuse to conform him,elf to the holiness in th~ fear of God.’" The adversary has deceived
way of the Devil’s organization. The way of the world at its manyinto believing that all that is required by this text is
best is a false way. Its good things the Christians desired to clean up oneself from filthy habits of the flesh and filthy
before they became God’s children. Nowthey must have no thoughts and words. That must be done, of course; yet the
SErrE~B~.R 1, 1941 ff/ieWATCHTOWER. 271

"noble" people of the world clean themselves up from filthi- ’~holy men of God spake as they were moved by the holy
ness of the flesh, filthiness of the mind and filthiness of [spirit]". (2 Pet. 1:21) These men were counted holy
speech and conduct. Note therefore that the apostle goes the Lord, not because they were perfect in the flesh, not
farther and says: "Perfecting holiness in the fear of God." because they had "developed a character", but because of
This means an absolute and complete separation of oneself their unswerving and absolute devotion to God. These are
from everything that has to do with the Devil’s organization, set forth as examples to the Christian today. "Take, my
and to be completely and absolutely devoted to God. brethren, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of
Wemust be "in the world", of course; but we must be the Lord, for an example of suffering affliction, and of pa-
fearless and faithful witnesses of Jehovah Godwhile in the tience. Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye
world. Wemust be completely and unreservedly devoted to have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end
God, and the inducing cause for so being must be our love of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender
for God. About this there can be no doubt ; because at Ephe- mercy." (Jas. 5:10, 11) The Bible records stern truths
sians 1 : 4 it is written : "Accordingas he hath chosen us in about these men and women; and, judged by the false
him before the foundation of the world, that we should be standard that the Devil holds up by his representatives,
holy and without blame before him in love.’" This does not they could never be counted holy. Amongstthese was David.
mean merely perfection in intention. A man may deceive Although he had weaknesses, yet God calls him "a man after
himself by saying, "I intend to be faithful to the Lord, I mine own heart". And why? Because there never was any
intend to be a true Christian," and yet hide his light under question about David’s devotion to God.--Acts 13:22, 23.
a bushel or speak softly concerning the Devil’s organization God’s course is one of steadfastness in righteousness, and
for fear he might offend someone; and thus fail or refuse always was and always will be. Rememberthat the apostle
to be a true witness for the Lord God. says that ’without holiness no man can see God’. The holy
If a child of God loves his Father he will keep God’s ones, those who shall see God, will be those who love him
commandmentsand keep them joyfully. That rule is stated and who are faithful to his Theocratic cause "0 love the
at 1 John 5 : 3. No one can keep the commandmentsof God Lord, all ye his saints; for the Lord preserveth the faithful."
at this time without engaging in the service as a witness for (Ps. 31:23) That rule applies today both to the faithful
Jehovah. THE WATCH TOWER has been severely criticized remnant and to their faithful earthly companions.
by some for urging active service upon those who have en- At this time God has furnished such faithful ones with
tered into a covenant with Godto do His will. It is apparent a clearer vision of the adversary’s organization than ever
that such criticism comes either from those whoare "holier before, and He shows us our privilege of being on His side,
than thou" or from religionists who have sympathy with the side of The Theocratic Government. If at one time the
the Devil’s organization. THs WATC~ TOWER stresses serv- Christian in ignorance desired certain things of the Devil’s
ice because of its great importance to the Christian at this organization which appeared to be good, such things as reli-
time. One of Jehovah’s commandmentsto his children is: gion or demonism, no longer shall these be desired. Now
"Ye are mywitnesses, saith the LORD[Jehovah], that I am will every child of God be holy even as Jehovah God is
God." (Isa. 43: 12) There are no other witnesses for Jeho- holy. Such one will be counted holy if prompted by love,
vah God on earth than those in a covenant with Him to which is the perfect expression of unselfishness. All such
serve him. God expects those who are consecrated to him devote themselves faithfully and earnestly to the cause of
to dedicate themselves to his service and to serve joyfully. Jehovah God as his true and faithful witnesses.
It as the solemn duty of every Christian to point out these Holiness is not merely a standard which the mind can
things to his brethren.--Rom. 12: 1. reach up to and endorse, but it must be attained. Absolute
In corroboration of the foregoing, the apostle Jude says : holiness, within the meaning of the Scmptures, must be at-
"But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy tained by the overcoming Christian on this side of Arma-
faith, praying in the holy [spirit], keep yourselves in the geddon if he would be preserved by the Lord from destruc-
love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ tmn during that decisive battle between God’s organization
unto eternal life." (Jude 20, 21) Our "most holy faith" and the Devil’s organization. Holiness means that the Chris-
complete confidence in the divine purpose of Jehovah to vin- tian must be pure in his thoughts, words and actions, so far
dicate his name by means of his Theocratic Governmentby as that is possible with his imperfect organism; but it means
Christ Jesus and to deliver and bless faithful humankind. much more than this. It means a complete and absolute
Weknow from physical facts and Scripture that that king- devotion to God’s cause and Theocratic Government by
domis at hand and that the Devil’s time is short until he Christ Jesus, and this prompted by love. It means the faith-
is destroyed at the battle of Armageddonand that he is ful performance of the Christian’s covenant as a witness
striving to destroy the remnant of the Seed of God’s promise for Jehovah. A Christian can now, before Armageddon,
and their faithful earthly companions, and that our only refuse to sympathize with or support in any way the Devil’s
safety from his wiles or demonismis to abide in or under organization which shall be completely destroyed at Arma-
Jehovah’s capital organization and keep His command- geddon. The Christian can devote every faculty that he
ments. (Rev. 12: 12, 17) Only those who love the Lord God has to the support of and to the witness for God’s organiza-
and prove their love for him by maintaining their integrity tion. Thus doing, he will attain to the standard of holiness.
toward Himare holy in his sight. Continuing in this attitude and holding fast his integrity
In Hebrews, the eleventh chapter, a long list of faithful faithfully unto the end, he shall have a part in the vindica-
men of old is given. It includes the holy prophets, which tion of the holy name of Jehovah God.
GLIMPSESOF UNOCCUPIED FRANCE Hitlerism shall get ahold in this area. Good-bye, and best
"Last week we had a wonderful evening here with a pio- luck to you in your work.’ This bears out the statement by
neer publisher from France, telling us of the marvelous Judge Rutherford in U~covers Fifth Column that there is
protection the Lord gave his children on different occasions. an element in the American Legion that is sincere and whose
Persons of good-will are coming out there more than before. intentions are to preserve liberty in this land. The Catholic
Said pioneer living in Lyon, unoccupied France, had been Hierarchy has not put its collar on every Legionnaire."
charged with having organized meetings; which was not
true. He had just visited some friends, but unfortunately FROM PIONEERHOME NO. $, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND
these friends were arrested and forced to admit that he had "Last Friday night our little boy had been put to bed
conducted a meeting; which was not the case. Five signed at the usual time and was fast asleep when the raid started.
a document to this effect; one refused and was beaten. As there appeared to be no immediate danger, we left him
Whenhis trial came he defended himself with the Bible. there ; but suddenly the thought struck us that it would be
First the Attorney General was furious and much against wise to take precaution and bring him down to the living
him. Then the pioneer said : ’First I was charged with being room. We had thus acted only but a very short time when
under German influence. Today I am charged with being a shower of incendiaries came down. On running upstairs,
under English influence. Tomorrowyou may accuse me of to our surprise we found one was fiercely burning at the
something else; and just now you charged me with being foot of the boy’s bed, which quickly set the latter on fire
a prophet !’ Then he gave a fine witness for Jehovah and The bed was eventually thrown through the window and
His kingdom. The Attorney General was quite changed then the bombextinguished. His life was thereby saved. It surely
and said he did not want to start a religious persecution of was a miracle! The adjoining room was also penetrated by
this man. The pronouncing of the judgment was delayed two incendiaries ; these also were quickly brought under con-
eight days, and when it came out he was acquitted and the trol. All together, total damagesustained is about £8. All
judge reproached the five friends very hard for having around us, for six consecutive nights, hundreds of bombs
signed a document only because of being forced, and said of the largest caliber and land mines have descended on
that they must be punished for that,--for giving in! (How their deadly mission, bringing terror and destruction to
like Jeremiah and Urijah l---Jeremiah 26: 20-24) They were thousands of people and wiping out at least half of the
sentenced at 50 francs each. Another who had not signed homes of the people in our Unit’s territory, together with
was acquitted as well. Isn’t ttfis like an indication from the the major portion of the business and industrial premises.
Lord that we must do right? There are many other fine The sights here are too ghastly and terrible to adequately
things which, of course, cannot all be written, but a careful describe. Within 70 to 100 yards of this pioneer home many
watcher sees how bountifully Jehovah rewards in each and houses have been smashed and many killed. It has been a
every case the full faith of his children. Over there, of most nerve-racking experience, but, by the Lord’s grace,
course, freedom is gone completely, together with manyof we have held up our heads with a smile of confidence in the
the commodities of life; potatoes are missing, and when power and care of our God, whose mighty power can well
once in a while they can get a kilo for a family they have thwart the combined demoniacal onslaught that would or-
to pay 40 francs for it. Everything is rationed (as is the dinarily frighten the hardest of humans. Although up until
case with almost all of the more valuable things here in 4 : 30 a.m. and 5 a.m., yet after a few hours of sleep we have
Switzerland) ; you certainly know this from the journals. risen, eaten and proceeded with the Theocratic witness, and
But until now we are cared for properly and especially many are the joyful and interesting experiences we have
with the farms we have. Wegot on fine I" had during these terrible days. Wehave prepared ourselves
for the worst, fully believing that whatever happens to our
1N RELIGION.RIDDEN LOU|I~gANA dwellings and ,,arl.hly possessions, if we have taken proper
steps to safeguard such, the Lord hashiswlmct’easotL~ Xor
"Kingdom publisher, witnessing to a venerable old
allowing certain things to happen to his own people. We
Frenchman, a lifelong Catholic: "What do you think of
are determined, by HIS grace, to press on with all our might
The Watchtower and other Kingdom literature?’ French- in the ’strange work’ despite the manydifficulties confront-
man : ’Ah ! you witnesses for God make the Catholic church
ing us just now."
do something it never do before, give the Bible to the peo-
ple.’ During street-witnessing at Franklinton, placing Con-
solatian on ’Hitler’s Religion’, a man took a copy of the THEOCRATIC DETERMINATION
magazine and eyed the pubhsher grimly and suspiciously: "The following Resolution was passed by the Southend
’What is your name and address ?’ Straight to the courthouse (England) company of Jehovah’s witnesses this evening.
he went with the magazine. Back he came in fifteen minutes At their request I have the privilege to forward it to you.
and said to the publl,her: "Let’s go get a Coca Cola.’ Time ’This company wishes to register its appreciation of the
being up for street work, the publisher gladly accepted the Society’s most encouraging letter of April 22 last and its
offer for cooling refreshment. Said the man : q am the com. unanimous resolve to individually and unitedly endeavor
to serve Jehovah with greater zeal and activity in bold and
mander of the American Legion here. Wecarefully investi- sustained obedience to all organization instructions, U.~Tm
gate eve~ffthing bearing Hitler’s name. Your work is fine. FORCIBLY COMPELLED TODI/2gIST, fearless of all enemies, vis-
Keep it up. Put out plenty of that here. I fought with the ible and invisible, by Jehovah’s gracious aid.’ The fervency
American army in the World War, trained with the British with which the Resolution was put and carried persuades
army four years, and we are determined that nothing of that it will be perseveringly fulfilled."
thatI amJehovah:’
-Ezekiel 35.15.


15, 1941


RULEENDING(Part 1) .275
Prominent ................... 277
Identification ............................ 277
"CHILDREN" ........ 274
"WATCHTOWER ~’ STUDIES ......... 274
"COMFORT ALL THAT MOURN" ............ 274


HIS Journalis published for the purposeof enablingthe
117 Adams Street -
Brooklyn,N.Y., U. 5. A.
people to know
in theBible.
It publishes
and his purposesas expressed
OFFICERS signedto aid Jehovah’switnessesand all peopleof goodwill.
J. F. RU’IU~RFORD,President W.E.VA~ AMB~r~GH, Beor~tary It arranges
systematicBiblestudyforitsreaders andtheSociety
"And all Llay children shsll be f~ueht of Jehovah; and suppliesotherliterature
to aidinsuchstudies.It publishes
ablematerialforradiobroadcasting andforothermeansof public
Crest shall be the peace of thy children." -Isaiah 54:z
3. instruction
in theScriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly totheBibleas authority foritsutterances.
THAT JEHOVAHis the only true God, is from everlasting to It is entirely freeandseparate fromallreligion, parties, sects
everlasting, theMakerof heavenandearthandtheGiverof llfe or otherworldly organizations. It is whollyandwithout reserva-
tohiscreatures ; thattheLogeswasthebeginning ofhiscreation,tion for the kingdomof JehovahGod underChristhis beloved
andhisactiveagentInthecreation of allthings; thattheLoges King. It is not dogmatic, but Invites careful and critical examina-
is now theLordJesusChristin glory,clothed wlthallpowerin tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not In-
heavenand earth,and the ChiefExecutive Officerof Jehovah. dulge in controversy, and Its columns are not open to personalttl~
THAT GOD createdthe earth for man, createdperfectman
for the earthand placedhim uponit; thatman willfully dis-
obeyedGod’slawand was sentenced to death;thatby reasonof UNITF~ STATES, $1.00 ; CANADAAND MISCELLANEOUSFOREIGN, $1 50;
Adam’swrongactall menare bornsinners and without ~rRF~kT BRITAINp AUSTRALASIA,ANDSOUTH#~LFRICA, 6S. American remit-
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deathin orderto producethe ransomor redemptive pricefor but by InterT~g~nal Postal Money Order only.
obedient ones of mankind ; that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every name FOBEIGNOFFICES
and clothed him with all power and authority. British................................ 34 CravenTerrace, London,W.2, England
THATJEHOVAH’SORGANIZATION Is a Theocracy called Zion. ~anadtan............................ 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada
and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the right- Australasian ................. 7 Beresford Road, Strathfleld, N. S. W, Australia
ful King of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of l$outh Afrwan ...................... Boston House, Cape Town, South Africa
Please address the Society in every case.
Christ Jesus are children of Zion, membersof Jehovah’s organiza-
tion, and are his witnesses whoseduty and privilege It is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind
as expressed in the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom (Tramdation¢ oy thla jo~rna~appearin several languages.)
before all whowill hear.
THAT THE WORLD has ended,and the Lord Jesus Christhas
beenplacedby Jehovah uponhisthroneof authority, All sincere students of the Bible who by reason of infirmity,
has ousted adversity poverty or
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Satanfrom heavenand Is proceeding to the establishment of tower free upon written application to the ppblishers, made once each
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Announced and released Sunday morning, August 10, at the This new booklet was released at the conclusion of the pubhc
Theocratic Assembly of Jehovah’s witnesses in St. Louis, Me., address by Judge Rutherford at the recent Theocratic Assembly
and at the eonclusmn of the climax speech on "Children of The at St. Lores, on the subject "Comfort All That Mourn", and con-
King", the new book Children won instant acclaim from the thou- tains the full text of that speech as given and also the "messageof
sands assembled. Written by Judge Rutherford, Children bids comfort" adopted by that vast assembly. It m the first pubhcatmn
fair, as shownby its initial reception at St. Ix)ms, to be his most to correctly identify "the king of the north" and "the lang of the
popular book, and with good reason. It is written in narrative south" foretold m Danml 11. The booklet contains 32 pages and
and conversational style, presenting interestingly and simply the is self-covered, the front cover bearing the title "Comfort All
latest Bible truths concerning the glorious hope early to be real- That Mourn" and with a rectangular sign above it bearing the
ized by the persons of good-will today living. Children is bound fateful words "End of AxmPowers". You may now obtain the
in sky-blue cloth, with an embossed, gold-stamped cover design booklet at 5e a copy, mailed to you postpaid.
that is unusual. The text within is adorned with frequent color
illustrations, and is supplemented with an index of subjects. You "JEHOVAH’S SERVANTS DEFENDED"
wLUprize the author’s edition, as it contains the facsimile of a The release of this valuable booklet was a feature of the St.
special letter in the author’s own hand and addressed "To the Louis Assembly this past summer. The Assembly received it with
Children of the fling". You may obtain it on a contribution of great approelation and thankfulness, and it will be received m
50e a copy, mailed prepaid to you. This edition is limited. like manner by all who are interested in, if not also partmipatmg
in, the fight which Jehovah’s covenant people axe putting up m
"WATCHTOWER" STUDIES the exercLse of the God-given and Constltutmnally guaranteed
Week of October 19: "Demon Rule Ending" (Part 1), freedoms, to wit, of assembly alad of pubhcatlon and of open
1-18 inclusive, The Watchtower September 15, 1941. speech in the worship of Alanghty God and in proclaiming the
joyful news of his Theocratic Government.In this booklet you will
Week of October 26: "Demon Rule Ending" (Part 1), find the expressed rulings of the higbest courts of the United States
19-40 inclusive, The Watchtower September 15, 1941. (Continued on page 288)
15, 1941 NO.18



"’The ENDshall be at the time appointed."--Dan. 11:27.

EHOVAH has suffered Satan, the chief of de- shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be in-
J mons, together with his associates, to exercise
ruling power over the nations for manycenturies,
creased. But go thou thy way till the end be : for thou
shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days."
but the end of that rule must come some time. Re- --Dan. 12 : 4, 13.
sponding to the challenge of the chief of demons, " Many students of divine prophecy have sought
Jehovah long ago said: ’For this cause have I per- to understand the prophecy of Daniel; but the rule
mitted thee to remain; for to show thee my power; concerning the understanding of prophecy is un-
and that my name may be declared throughout all doubtedly this: That prophecy cannot be under-
the earth.’ (Ex. 9: 16, Leeser) It must be concluded stood by human creatures until it is in course of
that it was then that God appointed the time for the fulfillment or has been fulfilled. The physical facts,
end of Satanic rule ; for "knownunto God are all his which God permits to come to pass, we may put
works from the beginning of the world". (Acts 15 : 18) along beside prophecy, and when they fit we may
By his prophets Jehovah has frequently told of the know that is evidence of the fulfillment. God told
"time of the end" and what shall take place at that Daniel that the full understanding of prophecy would
time. By his prophet Daniel the Almighty says: be only at "the time of the end".--Dan. 12:8, 9.
"The ENDshall be at the time appointed." Those ’ It is first necessary, then, to ascertain what is
words are a guarantee from JEHOVAH that the end meant by "the time of the end". Since time never
of the rule of the world by the demons shall come, ends, the words "the time of the end" must mean a
and that at the time he has appointed. Nothing can time when that which opposes Almighty God, and
change that time. continues to do so without interruption or hindrance
Daniel was in a covenant with Jehovah God and from God, comes to an end; and that is when the di-
was faithful to that covenant. Jehovah permitted vine hindrance of the wicked rule begins. There are
him to be carried away as a prisoner into Babylon, two positive lines of Scriptural proof showing "the
where God used him for His own good purpose. time of the end" began in A.D. 1914. Just how long
Daniel was a faithful prophet and witness for Jeho- thereafter THEFIN~mENDcomes is not revealed to
vah. He is included among the list of faithful wit- creatures up to the present time. No one has author-
nesses described by the apostle at the eleventh chap- ~ty to attempt to say just what day or hour THEFI.~AL
ter of Hebrews, where he is referred to as one "who E~Darrives.--Matt. 24 : 42.
through faith.., stopped the mouths of lions". Jehovah God made known his purpose to create
(Heb. 11: 33) Daniel is certain to have a ’%etter and set up a Theocratic government by the Messiah,
resurrection" and to be one of the "princes in all the whomhe describes as "the seed of Abraham", and
earth". (Heb. 11: 35; Ps. 45: 16) He finished his which seed is Tn-E CERIST. (Gal. 4: 28-31) Jehovah
course as a faithful servant and prophet of God, and had a typical Theocracy, which began when he de-
died like other men and went to rest in the grave, livered the natural descendants of Abrahamfrom the
where there is no knowledge nor device, and there land of Egypt. That typical Theocracy was bitterly
to remain until God’s due time to awaken him out opposed then and thereafter by the chief of demons,
of death. The time of his resurrection may be any Satan, and his associate demons and agents. The
day now, when he, as one of earth’s governors, shall great issue which the Devil had raised was world
appear on the earth and assume his divinely ap- domination. The descendants of Abraham, that is
pointed office. About this there can be no doubt, be- to say, the Israelites, the typical people of God, were
cause God said to Daniel when he had completed taken into a covenant. That people became unfaith-
prophesying: "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words ful to their covenant, and in the year 606 B.C. God
and seal the book, even to the time of the end ; many permitted that typical Theocracy by Zedekiah, who
N. Y.

was king, to be overthrown. (Ezek. 21 : 24-27) There tion, both of which oppose THP. THEOCRACY. It also
Satan became the "god", or invisible ruler, of the makes clear that the day of deliverance is near. The
world, because then and thereafter no nation was prophecy of the eleventh chapter of Daniel was given
in a covenant with Jehovah. There "the times of the to Mmby the Lord about 534 B.C., at which time the
Gentiles [that is to say, people not in a covenant angel of Jehovah said to Daniel: "Now I am come
with God]" began. God there fixed the period of the to make thee understand what shall befall thy peo-
Gentile times at 2,520 years, and which period of ple in the latter days; for yet [after that time be-
time came to an end in A.D. 1914. (Luke 21 : 24; Dan. gins] the vision [shall be] for many days." (Dan.
4: 16,23, 25,32) The invisible rule by Satan con- 10: 14) The prophecy of the eleventh chapter of
tinued throughout that period of time by the suffer- Daniel was then delivered to Daniel, which he states
ance of Jehovah and until the enthronement of Christ that he did not understand. (Dan. 12: 8) Daniel
Jesus, the Messiah, which enthronement took place therefore pictured or represented God’s faithful peo-
in A. D. 1914. (Ps. 2: 6) The facts are fully sup- ple who are on the earth at and during "the time of
ported by the prophecy uttered by Jesus and record- the end", that is to say, in the ’qatter days"; hence
ed at Matthew 24 and Luke 21. It was at that time, it is Jehovah’s witnesses that are given the privilege
A.D. 1914, that Jehovah sent forth his anointed One, of understanding the prophecy at the present time.
the King of Tn-~ TH~.OCRACY, to rule while the enemy, ’ The prophecy at Daniel the eleventh chapter was
Satan, was still holding on to and exercising his pow- delivered "in the third year of Cyrus king of Persia".
er. (Ps. 110: 1, 2) That date therefore marks the end (Dan. 10: 1) That was two years after the decree
of Satan’s rule of the world without hindrance or Cyrus, the king, was made and entered directing the
interruption. Therefore it marks "the time of the Jewish captives to go free from restraint from Baby-
end", that is to say, the time beginning when Christ lon and to return to Jerusalem to there build Jeho-
Jesus began his work of ousting the enemy Satan. vah’s temple. Cyrus was there used in picture as a
The beginning of "the time of the end" is therefore type of Christ Jesus. To correspond with that decree
definitely fixed by the Lord’s Word. From that time issued by the king of Persia, Christ Jesus, the Great-
forward the name of JEHOVAH and his kingdom must er Cyrus, began his reign in full authority in 1914,
be proclaimed as a witness to the nations of earth, and thereafter in 1918 came to the temple of Jeho-
and when that is done then shall the final end come vah and gathered unto himself his faithful servants
(Matt. 24: 14), and with the world’s greatest tribu- and followers to the temple: "Thus saith the Lord
lation, which is "the battle of that great day of God to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have
Almighty", resulting in the complete destruction of holden, to subdue nations before him ; and I will loose
Satan’s rule and power and putting out all of his the loins of kings, to open before him the two leaved
agencies and associates. (Matt. 24: 21; Rev. 16: 14) gates; and the gates shall not be shut; I have raised
The length of "the time of the end" is not stated in him up in righteousness, and I will direct all his
the Scriptures, but the beginning of "the time of the ways; he shall build my city, and he shall let go my
end" is fully and definitely stated. (See Book Proph- captives, not for price nor reward, saith the Lord
ecy, chapter 6.) Be it noted that there is a clear dis- of hosts."--Isa. 45 : 1, 13.
tinction between "the time of the end" and the FI~rA~r~ ’ Christ Jesus has builded the temple of Jehovah
ENDof the rule by demons. Both are fixed by the Lord and has released the faithful servants of God (pic-
and, of course, both are well knownby him, but the tured by Daniel), to wit: Jehovah’s witnesses, "the
latter date is not revealed yet to man. By the cir- remnant," releasing them from modern-day Baby-
cumstances and physical facts now observed the lon, that is, Satan’s organization, and sets them free
fulfillment of the prophecy strongly indicates that to go forth and have part in the temple work of the
the FX~ALE~rD is very near. The promise to Daniel Most High; and therefore now is the due time for
was that the understanding of the prophecy would God to reveal to his faithful people the meaning of
be impossible "until the time of the end" (Rother- the prophecy under consideration. That being true,
ham) ; and therefore the prophecy could not be un- the time for Daniel’s resurrection and return to his
derstood until after the coming of the Lord Jesus place, or ’qot", on the earth as one of the princes of
in 1914. The fact that the Lord now begins to reveal the earth is very near. The faithful followers of
the meaning of this prophecy to his people is strong Christ Jesus now on the earth may look forward with
circumstantial proof that Daniel may be expected confidence to seeing Daniel among them almost any
soon to return to the earth. time.
e That part of Daniel’s prophecy set forth at chap- o Daniel’s prophecy, recorded at the eleventh chap-
ter eleven of the Bible record is of peculiar interest ter, from verses one to twenty-two, seems to refer to
to the people of Jehovah at the present time, because sequence of events that came to pass prior to the
it deals with two separate wings of Satan’s organiza- crucifixion of Christ Jesus, and probably the record

of that part of the prophecy was the means employed submitted in support thereof, which evidence em-
by the Lord to conceal the meaning of the latter part braces the language of the prophecy and the physical
until his due time to make it known. Verse twenty- facts which have come to pass, and which are now
two of that eleventh chapter of the prophecy, to wit, well known. They fit the prophecy, and hence can be
"And with the arms of a flood shall they be over- confidently taken as a fulfillment thereof.
flown from before him, and shall be broken ; yea, also
the prince of the covenant," appears to mark the
crossing over of the prophecy from the time before 1, "The king of the north," is that satanic ruling
Christ to the period Anno Domini, or period after power, created and organized by Satan, who declared
Christ. It foretells the violent death of "the prince that he would sit in authority "in the sides of the
of the covenant", that is, Christ Jesus, who was in north" as a rival of and in defiance of the Almighty
a covenant with Jehovah for the great TH~.OCRATIC GodJehovah (Isa. 14 : 13, 14) ; and which ruling pow-
GOVEn~-~E.’,’T.(Luke 22 : 29, 30) Christ Jesus, "The er over humankind is totalitarian and dictatorial,
prince of the kings," was killed by the representatives and which rules and claims the right to rule the na-
of the Romanpower, being crucified at the instiga- tions of the earth. It is violently opposed to The
tion of religious leaders of the Jews. There "the TltEOCRATICGOVERNMENT by Christ Jesus and op-
prince of the covenant" was broken. poses and persecutes and wickedly ill-treats those
lo At verse twenty-seven, of chapter eleven, is the who advocate and proclaim the Theocratic rule. Re-
beginning of the prophecy relating to modern times, ligion and politics are the chief or prominent WSlBLE
that is, since the coming of the Lord Jesus in power elements of "the king of the north". Religion is de-
and glory to the temple. It now appears to be Jeho- monism, and is so defined by the infallible Wordof
vah’s time for his covenant people to receive from God, set forth in the Bible at Acts 17: 22, Diaglott
the Lord an understanding of the prophecy, and so translation.
with full confidence in Jehovah and his King they 1, Such dictatorial ruling power was first brought
reverently and joyfully approach the examination into action by the chief of demons when he put his
of the prophecy. servant Nimrod on the throne, who became the dic-
PROMINENT tatorial or arbitrary ruler of Babylon. Nimrod
11 The prophecy places emphasis on two prominelrt ~aused the people to recognize him as a mighty one
powers, to wit, "the king of the south" and "the king before the Lord, that is, one in advance of Almighty
of the north". Those kings are not two men, but are God. He required them to hail him and to bow down
two visible ruling powers in the world, in which men before and worship him. He ruled the people with an
play a part but in which individuals or men are not arbitrary and iron hand. Thus religion (or demon-
the chief things or part. The word "king" is a symbol ism) and politics operated together to exercise do-
which stands for the power that rules. As an illus- minion or ruling power over the world. (Gen.
tration, the king of the nation, that is, the individual 10: 8-12) This is further supported by the follow-
with that title, usually is a symbol of a government; ing : "Nimrod persuaded mankind not to ascribe their
whereas the real directing power of the kingdom or happiness to God, but to think that his own excel-
government is composed of a number of men. Be it lency was the source of it. And he soon changed
noted that both "the king of the south" and "the king things into a tyranny, thinking there was no other
of the north" are engaged in actions that are unright- way to wean men from the fear of God than by mak-
eous and wicked, and hence they could not represent ing them rely upon his own power. The Targum of
Jehovah and Christ or any part of THE THEOCRACY.Jonathan says: ’From the foundation of the world
On the contrary, they are both opposed to THE none was ever found like Nimrod, powerful in hunt-
T~rEOC~ACY. They are rival powers in this world, both ing, and in rebellions against the Lord.’ The Jeru-
seeking world domination; and since the Scriptures salem Targnm says: ’He was powerful in hunting
makeit clear that ’the whole world lieth in the wicked and in wickedness before the Lord, for he was a
one’, it follows that both "the king of the south" and hunter of the sons of men, and he said to them, "De-
"the king of the north" are controlled by the demons, part from the judgment of the Lord, and adhere to
of which Satan the Devil is the chief. Both of those the judgment of Nimrod l" There is it said : "As Nim-
kings or ruling powers are instruments of Satan, rod (is) the strong, strong in hunting, and in wicked-
created and organized by him to blind the people to ness before Jehovah."’ The Chaldee paraphrase of
the truth and to turn them away from Jehovah God 1 Chronicles 1:10 says: ’Cush begat Nimrod, who
and Christ his King. The identification of those two began to prevail in wickedness, for he shed innocent
world ruling-powers, designated as ’qdngs", is neces- blood, and rebelled against Jehovah.’ Nimrod was the
sarily essential to an understanding of the prophecy. founder of Babylon, which [symbolizes Satan’s or-
Their identification is namedbelow, and evidence is ganization and] partook of his character as being
N. Y.

the great antagonist of God’s Truth and God’s peo- Satan, there cannot be the slightest doubt. The au-
ple. Wecannot fail to see, in Nimrod, Satan’s first thoritative statement of the Lord is that the Devil
attempt to raise up a humanuniversal ruler of men." is the father of lies and a murderer and that in him
--The Companion Bible, footnote, Appendix No. 28. there is no truth, and that religious leaders are the
1, Evidence aside from the Bible shows that from children of their father the Devil; and such are the
Nimrod’s time to the present day every world dicta- ones now used to make up "the king of the north".
tor has been a religionist. Each and every one em- (John 8 : 44) The present-day ’qdng of the north"
ploys demonism to keep the people in subjection given entirely to lying and to murder on a world-
while the dictator exercises complete political ruling wide scale, and its every mark testifies that it is the
power, controlling the people arbitrarily. The un- offspring of demons and under demon control.
broken line of testimony is that all world dictators " Well knowing that he could not fool the people
have been demon-controlled and their rule therefore with one world-wide scheme the Devil organized an-
has been demon rule, and that rule is always exer- other, which on the face of it appears to have some
cised in defiance of Almighty God and His command- regard for the people ; but that same other scheme or
ments as set forth in the Bible. Nimrod has been fol- kingly power is used to blind and mislead the people
lowed by many world dictators, and those of the and turn them away from THE THEOCRACY. That oth-
present time manifest the same spirit as that mani- er scheme is designated in the prophecy of Daniel
fested by Nimrod. as "the king of the south". The Bible and physical
15 Today (1941) "the king of the north" is easily and historical facts plainly identify "the king of the
identified as being represented in the so-called "ArAs south" as the world ruling-power that claims the
powers" composed of Greater Germany, Italy, and right to rule and rules in the name of Democracy.
the RomanCatholic Hierarchy, with chief offices at The correct definition of "democracy" is: "A rule of
Vatican City. Here again politics and religion, or the people, by the people, and for the welfare of the
demonism, form a combination to rule and to keep people." The nations of earth which claim to be de-
the people in ignorance of Jehovah’s gracious pro- mocracies do not measure up to the correct definition
vision for mankind. The chief objective of this of Democracy. "The king of the south" is controlled
present-day ’qdng of the north" is world domination. by the combined elements of politics, reli~on and
Politics and demonism work together, forming an commerce, the binding tie being religion or demon-
arbitrary or totalitarian combine, the present ob- ism. That form of world power had its be~nning with
jective of which is to establish once again what is ancient Egypt. That first world power was visibly
called "the Holy Roman Empire". The New York ruled by the combined elements of religion, politics
Times of February 17, 1940, published the following and commerce. The Bible plainly shows that that was
pertinent statement: "The German war aims were a demonized rule and was against Almighty God and
outlined tonight [at Washington] as a re-establish- opposed him and his servants.--Ex. 12: 12.
ment of the Holy Roman Empire by [the Roman 18 The modern-day "king of the south", since the
Catholic priest] Doctor Edmund A. Walsh, regent coming of the Lord Jesus to the temple, is represent-
of the Foreign Service School of Georgetown [Cath- ed in the British Commonwealth of Nations, and
olic] University .... Dr. Walsh said that he had other nations which claim to be democratic and which
heard Adolf Hitler say that the Holy Roman Em- therefore are allied with the British Empire. The
pire, which was a Germanic Empire, must be re- British are more nearly democratic than any other
established." The undisputed facts show that Hitler nation on earth, and yet there is no real democracy
and his allies are moving forward with that very on the earth. The World War of 1914’s slogan was:
purpose in mind. "This war will make the world safe for democracy";
1, "The king of the north," as the same now exists but that prediction did not come to pass. "The king
and operates, is the religious and political totalitar- of the north" and "the king of the south" are both
ian Corporate State, which controls and regiments violently opposed to each other, and both claim the
the people of the nations under the same, by employ- right to rule, and hence both are seeking world dom-
ing strong military force, all of which receives the ination. Only in one thing do they agree, and that is,
approval and blessing of the clergy, particularly the both are against The THEOCRATIC GOVER~5~.~Tby
pope. It is a Hierarchy government. It is violently Christ Jesus. "The king of the north" is openly op-
opposed to The TH~.OC~ic GOV~RH~Cr~N~ by Christ posed to T~ THEOCItACY. Both of said kings claim to
Jesus and viciously persecutes Jehovah’s witnesses, be Christian, but not one of them is for Christ. There
who announce TEE THEOCRACY and who proclaim the is no so-called "democracy" on earth that advocates
supremacy of JSHOVAH and his King, the rightful The T~rEOCtU~TICGOVErNmEnT by Christ; and Christ
Ruler of the world, that is, Christ Jesus. That "the Jesus testifies: "He that is not with me [and my
king of the north" is a child of the chief of demons, kingdom] is against me." (Matt. 12: 30) Clearly,
SErrE~BER15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWEP,. 279

then, both "the king of the north" and "the king of remained under the British flag until a kingdom was
the south" are world powers, contending one with established with Sultan Fuad as sovereign (March 15,
the other for world domination, and hence both 1922). An Anglo-Egyptian treaty of alliance was
against the world’s rightful and righteous rule, to signed (August 26, 1936) which limited British mih-
wit, The THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT by Christ Jesus. tary occupation to a garrison of 10,000 troops and
~’ Somehistorical facts concerning "the king of the 400 airplanes at the Suez Canal, and which accorded
south" here seem pertinent to the matter under con- the British the right to use Alexandria and Port
sideration. Ancient Egypt was a rival of Rome for Said as naval bases. The treaty further permits the
many centuries, but in the year 31 B.C. Egypt became British government to move troops over Eg3~ptian
a province of Romeand remained in that condition territory in the event or threat of war."
for some time. After the battle of Actium (31 B.C.) "Under the Anglo-Egyptian treaty of 1936 Egypt
Egypt passed into the condition of a province of is supporting Great Britain in the war against the
Rome, governed always by a Romangovernor of the Axis powers. In September, 1939, the German na-
equestrian, not senatorial, rank. On the dividing of tionals were ordered to leave Egypt. Some more
the great Roman Empire by Theodosius (A.D. 337) physical facts recorded in a world Encyclopedia fol-
into the Western and Eastern empires, Egypt be- low :
came a province of the latter (the Eastern Empire), ’In A.D. 1531 King Henry VIII of England broke
and sank deeper and deeper in barbarism and weak- away from the Papacy and established a Protestant
ness. Thus Egypt became separated from Rome. It nation. Under his daughter, Queen Elizabeth, Eng-
then became the prey of the Saracens, ’Amribu-el-asr, land began her commercial expansion and the foun-
their general under the Caliph Omar, taking Alexan- dations of the British Empire were laid. In 1588 the
dria, their capital, by assault. This happened A.D. Spanish Armada, blessed by the pope, was defeated
641, when Heraclius was the emperor of the East. As by the British in its attempt to invade, which Roman
a province of the caliphs it was under the government Catholic attempt Hitler is trying to duplicate at
of the celebrated Abbassides--Haroun el-Rashid present. One hundred years later, in 1688, came the
and A1-Mamon,and that of the famous Sultan Sala- "Glorious Revolution" and the final overthrow of
din. (1516-17) Egypt became a Turkish province, despotism in England, and the establishment of con-
governed by a pasha. (1798) The French then con- stitutional government. A Bill of Rights was estab-
quered the whole of Egypt and held it until 1801, lished, the third great guarantee of English hberty.
when they were driven out by the British under The year 1759 was the "Annus Mirabilis", the most
Abercromby and Hutchison. Suez Canal was opened wonderful year in England’s history; it gave her
in 1869. In November 1875 the British government Canada, and overthrew the Roman Catholic French
bought from the viceroy of Egypt his interest in the supremacy, and led to the Treaty of Paris, and the
Suez Canal, consisting of 176,602 shares, for $20,- establishment of England’s great Colonial Empire.
000,000. Meantime the 13 American colonies were part of the
so Further, says the Americana, Volume 9: "In British Empire. In 1776 the American Republic wa.~
May 1882, a rising took place in Alexandria, when established, and in 1783, at the close of the American
many Europeans were killed and their houses pil- Revolution, the absolutism of King George III of
laged .... The French refusing to interfere, Great Great Britain was overthrown. Thus Great Britain
Britain determined to act, and on 11 July a British and America constituted the stronghold of hberal,
fleet bombarded the forts at Alexandria, causing the democratic, Protestant government.’
rebels to retreat. In August a force under Sir Garnet ’~ In the Bible the name"Egypt" is used s~nnboli-
(afterward Lord) Wolseley landed at Ismailia .... cally and there symbolizes commercialism, in which
"EGYPT DURINGTHE EUROPEAN WAR.----Owing to politics and religion also play a prominent part. The
the entrance of Turkey into the war on the side of British Empire and its present-day ally, America,
the Central [Teutonic] Powers, and to the adhesion represent particularly commerce, politics and reli-
of the khedive [of Egypt] to the king’s enemies, a gion. The Axis powers denounce the so-called "demo-
British protectorate was declared and the Khedive cratic powers" as money-grabbers or commercialists.
Abbas Pasha deposed on 18 December, 1914." This "When Jesus the King was a child God directed
protectorate terminated on 28 February, 1922. that he be carried down to Egypt, the land of "the
’~ Says the 1940 World Almanac, page 226: "The king of the south", where He had protection from
Suez Canal . . . Great Britain owns 295,026 of the the murderous spirit of the representatives of "the
652,932 shares now outstanding and carries them king of the north"; thus indicating that "the king of
among its assets at a valuation of £93,200,000 .... the south" was more favorable to the Christ-child.
Originally a part of the Turkish Empire, Egypt be- (Matt. 2: 12-16) Likewise in these last days, when
came a British Protectorate (December, 1914) and the desire of "the king of the north" is to destroy the
N. Y.

faithful "remnant" of Christ, who are witnesses for Empire, expecting to gain some benefit therefrom;
Jehovah on the earth, they are directed to carry on but in 1922 Mussolini seized the power and again
the work assigned to them, particularly within the Italy returned to the fold of its father, the chief of
territory occupied by "the king of the south", where demons, and became the ally of and associate with
they have had some measure of liberty and receive the Vatican. Mark this, that q~oth of these kings’
much greater favor than from "the king of the north". claim to be Christian, that is, to follow Christ, but
Wherever the representatives of "the king of the their hearts are exactly in the opposite direction,
north", particularly the RomanCatholic Hierarchy that is, their motive and purpose is bent on ruling
portion thereof, have exercised influence and power in opposition to Christ, the King of THETHEOCRACY.
over the representatives of "the king of the south", Hence, their course of action or claim is hypocritical
there Jehovah’s witnesses have had their libertie§ and deceptive.
curtailed and have suffered much persecution. Even ’° Their ’~hearts shall be to do mischief". This part
within the realm of "the king of the south" the in- of the prophecy translated by Rotherham reads:
fluence and power of Satan and his allies is now "Their heart will be set on acting wickedly." They
made manifest on every part of the earth. Demonism are set on acting contrary to the Almighty God
has laid hold on every nation even as in Noah’s day, JEHOWHand his THEOCRATm GOVERNMENT by Christ
but without any exception, exactly as Jesus foretold, Jesus; hence their course of action is wicked. While
his faithful followers, the witnesses of Jehovah, are claiming to be Christian, if they ever were, they both
now hated of all nations for his name’s sake. (Matt. have forgotten God. Their course of action ignores
24:9) There could be no doubt about the fact that the Theocratic rule by Christ Jesus the King, and
God’s covenant people are subjected to the enmity they act in defiance of Almighty God, devising their
of both "the king of the north" and "the king of the own wicked schemes for world domination. The
south", and both of these kings are against THE schemes of these two kings clash with each other, and
THEOCRACY, and those who are loyal and faithful to both are against The T~EOC~ATmGOVERNMENT.
THE THEOCRACY are pilgrims and strangers in the Those two "kings", that is, "of the north" and "of the
enemy’s country. The supporters of THETHEOCRACY, south", do not look to Jehovah and his kingdom for
therefore, must be entirely neutral as to all contro- which Christ Jesus had commandedall of his follow-
versies between kings that rule under the demons’ ers to pray, but each has his heart set on world con-
influence. At the same time it is clearly the will of trol under demonism; and since the determination
JEHOVAH that his covenant people now on the earth, is to rule or ruin, those kings set about to destroy
and who are pictured by Daniel, should diligently each other, so that ’the nations are angry and God’s
seek to gain an understanding of the prophecy, and wrath is come’. (Rev. 11:18) They both prepare
which understanding brings to them great comfort. advance for their destructive work.
This prophecy, supported by other scriptures, clear- "’ "And they shall speak lies at one table." Both
ly points to the early collapse of demon-rule. Since of these kings resort to tactics of their father to cover
the prophecy of Daniel, chapter eleven, beginning up their real selfish purposes. Both practice diplo-
at verse twenty-seven, points to present-day events, macy, which is usually deceptive, and which is par-
the examination of the prophecy and its considera- ticularly made manifest by the Axis powers in re-
tion are here undertaken. cent years. By that is meant that the Axis powers
,5 "And both these kings’ hearts shall be to do mis- promise one thing and do the very opposite. But the
chief, and they shall speak lies at one table; but it chief lie in which both kings engage is this : By their
shall not prosper : for yet the end shall be at the time course of action both deny that Jehovah God is the
appointed." (Daniel 11: 27) In 1914 Jehovah en- Supreme One, the Owner of the earth, and that He
throned his King, Christ Jesus, and sent him forth has appointed and anointed His beloved Son as the
to rule while the enemy still held on to his power. Ruler of the earth. Contrary to God’s purpose, both
In A.D. 1914 "the king of the north" included of these kings attempt to set up a rule of their own
Germany, Austria and Italy, with the Vatican rid- to control the earth, and both indulge in spealdng
ing on all of them as religious adviser and dictator; falsehoods, claim to be Christian and yet denying
the so-called "Dreibund" at all times had the bless- God and Christ. They speak lies, of which their fa-
ing of the pope. And in that same year, 1914, the ther the Devil is the past master and author. Looldng
British Empire set up a Protectorate over Egypt, back a few years before the World War, both of these
and therefore represented the interest of Egypt and kings were members of the Hague Court of Interna-
stood for "the king of the south". The British Empire tional Arbitration and claimed to be, and presum-
was supported by its ally, the United States of Amer- ably were, for peace. But they were not for the "peace
ica. For a brief space Italy followed her father’s of God", most assuredly. As workers of lawlessness
practice of deception and lined up with the British they "speak peace to their neig.hbours, but mischief

is in their hearts". (Ps. 28: 3) While claiming to cerning the arbitration and settlement of all world
for peace, outwardly both were arming, and about disputes by the Hague Court, both were using all
the time of the coming of Christ Jesus both of these their means to prepare for a deadly conflict that the
kings, under the direction of their father, the chief successful one might rule the earth as desired and
of demons, began a war with each other. contrary to God’s appointed way of rule. But how
58 The prophecy identifies them ~s "at one table", about the success of such schemes for world domina-
where they sit and diplomatically speak flattering tion? Shall the same prosper? The prophecy gives
and peaceful words. They sit at what table ? Certainly the answer.
not the table of Jehovah; because all of His ways " "It shall not prosper," says JEHOVAH.The two
are truth and righteousness, and not even a "shadow opposing kings did not and can not thwart Jehovah’s
of turning" from the truth is at his table. (Ps. 33 : 4; purpose. When 1914 arrived Jehovah enthroned his
Jas. 1 : 17) It must be, therefore, that both kings sit King, Christ Jesus, and said to those opposing con-
’at the table’, which table is provided because the spirators : "Yet have I set my king upon myholy hill
Devil is the father of fraud, deception and lies, and [the top of my capital organization] of Zion." Then
both kings sitting at the table, as the prophecy de- JEHOVAHgave fair warning to the two opposing
clares, "speak lies." No one can sit at Jehovah’s table kings in these words: "Be wise now, therefore, 0 ye
and partake of the things thereof, and at the same kings; be instructed, ye judges of the earth. Serve
time partake of the Devil’s provender. "Ye cannot the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss
be partakers of the Lord’s table, and of the table of the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the
devils." (1 Cor. 10: 21) The Devil’s table is the table way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed
of demonreligion, filled with nauseating provender. are all they that put their trust in him."--Ps. 2 : 2-12.
The clergy, who are the spiritual advisers, have be- "The chief of demons was determined to continue
come intoxicated on the Devil’s wine, and says Jeho- his rule of the world in defiance of Almighty God.
vah: "But they also have erred through wine, and The "war in heaven" was then begun in which Satan,
through strong drink are out of the way; the priest the chief of demons, and all of his demon-forces
and the prophet have erred through strong drink, fought against Jehovah’s King, Christ Jesus, and his
they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the angels, with the result that all the demonswere cast
way through strong drink; they err in vision, they down to the earth. (Rev. 12: 1-9) At the same time
stumble in judgment. For all tables are full of vomit [A.D. 1914] Satan plunged the nations of the two
and filthiness, so that there is no place clean."-- opposing kings into a terrible war, the announced
Isa. 28: 7, 8. purpose of which was to determine which of the two
~’ Both "the king of the north" and "the king of the kings should rule the earth. Neither side won a de-
south" have false notions as to the kingdom of God, cisive victory in that war, but the war came to an
and their blindness is due to the teachings of their end in 1918 and a makeshift of peace was brought
spiritual advisers, the religious clergy. Both kings forth. The Lord had cut short that earthly war to
are sparring and fighting for a position of advantage give opportunity for his servants to go about in the
concerning world domination. Both of such kings are earth and ’preach this gospel of the ldngdom as a
bent on ruling the earth contrary to the purpose of witness’, after which the final end shall come. (Matt.
Jehovah God, and are therefore in agreement on one 24: 14, 21) It was in 1918 that Christ Jesus, the great
thing, to wit, that they are both opposed to the wit- King and Judge, came to the temple for judgment
nesses of Jehovah who proclaim the name of the and there separated the selfish ones who had cove-
great THEOCRAT and of his THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT nanted to do God’s will from the unselfish and ap-
by Christ Jesus. proved ones, and sent the latter forth as his servant
8°Furthermore, both of those kings think to to bear testimony to the name of JEHOVAH and his
"change times and laws" to suit their own conven- THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT. It was not then and is not
ience and schemes. (Dan. 7: 25) For some time prior now within the power of demons to stop the onward
to 1918 the Lord had caused his truth of and con- progress of Jehovah’s Kingdom. The scheme of the
cerning his government of righteousness to be pro- two kings for world dominion cannot prosper, and
claimed throughout the realms of those two "kings", therefore, in the language of the prophet referring
making known that the Gentile times were about to to demonschemes, "it shall not prosper."
end and that the time for the coming and setting up " "For yet the ENDshall be at the time appointed" ;
of The THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT under Christ was at which means, of course, at the time appointed by
hand. Both "the king of the north" and "the king of JEHOVAH,and which must come exactly in his due
the south" ignored that message and went on selfishly time. "The time of the end," therefore, had beginning
working at their own schemes to rule the world. in 1914, and nothing could change Jehovah’s purpose,
While sitting at the same table and using words con- and the final end of demons’ rule shall come exactly
N. Y.

at the time which Jehovah has appointed. Satan’s mercial supremacy, colonial expansion and primacy
uninterrupted rule came to an end in 1914, when amongst the great powers. He extended the imperial
Christ Jesus, the righteous, rightful King, was sent influence to Turkey and Asia Minor, and strength-
forth to rule. (Ps. 110: 2) From 1914 onward until ened German interests in the Far East and in Africa
the final end there must be done chiefly the witness and South America."--Encyclopedia Americana,
work to the name of Jehovah, and which is God’s Volume 29, page.333.
"strange work". (Isa. 28 : 21) As to the final end, that "Representing "the king of the north", and hence
is to say, the conclusion of "the time of the end", heading the triple alliance, the kaiser sought to dom-
Jehovah said to Daniel, and hence to the faithful ones inate the world. Was he acting in the interest of THE
on earth whomDaniel pictured : "Behold, I will make THEOCRACY? or under the direction of demons? The
thee know what shall be in TH~LASTENDof the indig- prophecy answers :
nation; for at the time appointed THEE~Dshall be." "And his heart shall be against the holy covenant."
(Dan. 8:19) That positive and unchangeable declara- It is Christ Jesus whois in the ’¢holy covenant" with
tion of Jehovah is that demon rule shall for ever Jehovah for The T~.OCRATICGOVERNMENT, and into
cease exactly on time, which he has appointed, and which covenant he invited his faithful apostles: "Ye
his promise is that he will makehis faithful servants are they which have continued with me in my tempta-
to know what shall be concerning that time. During tions. And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Fa-
the period of "the time of the end", that is, from and ther hath appointed unto me."--Luke 22:28, 29.
after 1914, Jehovah by Christ Jesus has been reveal- se That the kaiser was under demons’ influence and
ing to his faithful servants the meaning of various
power is further shown by the fact that he often
prophecies recorded in the Bible. It therefore ap-
spoke of himself as "the instrument of the LORD".
pears that Jehovah’s due time is now here to make
Probably he did not recognize his lord, however, who
his people know more about the FINAL~ND. With full
is and was then Satan, the chief of demons, "the god
faith in God and in Christ Jesus his King, the faith-
of this world," and who blinds the minds of men.
ful servants of the Lord now diligently seek an un- (2 Cor. 4:3, 4) The kaiser was blinded by the chief
derstanding of prophecy, well knowing that the
Devil’s scheme shall not prosper but shall end dis- of demons concerning the truth and misled many
people of the nations. The record of his reign and
astrously at the time God has appointed. The move-
that of his allies plainly shows the purpose thereof
ments of the two kings opposing are described in the
was to dominate and rule the world contrary to THE
prophecy of Daniel, and it will be noted how the TH~.OCRACY by Christ Jesus. From the Encyclopedia
physical facts or events stated hereinafter fit the Americana some further pertinent facts are quoted:
prophecy. "The king of the north" makes the next
"Notwithstanding William’s general good conduct,
move, as verse twenty-eight shows. his occasional outbursts of ambition, and his per-
8, "Then shall he return into his land with great
sistence in building up the army and navy, constantly
riches; and his heart shall be against the holy cove- aroused suspicions of his intentions .... With all
nant ; and he shall do exploits, and return to his own his wonderful abilities for organization and domina-
land." (Dan. 11 : 28) Having in mind now who is the tion William had a streak of indiscretion in many of
representative on earth of "the king of the north" his public utterances, and was frequently expressive
note the following historical facts. Kaiser William II of ideas APPROPRIATE TO SOVEREIGNS OF THE MIDDLE
was enthroned June 15, 1888. He there headed the AcEs. He was a firm believer in the DIVINEnmHTOF
"Dreibund", or triple alliance, which at this point in XI~GSand of KAISERS I~ PARTICULAR. On numerous oc-
the prophecy stood for "the king of the north". The casions he spoke of himself as ’the instrument of the
kaiser quickly showed that he was in his father’s Lord’, and took such excessive interest in the army,
’qand", having returned or moved into it, and that so often spoke of his confidence in it, and permitted
his motive was to gain riches and power. "Then shall and even fostered such arrogance in his officers, that
he return into his land with great riches." He did the whole world came to recognize that the army
so; and he and the pope worked hand in hand. The ruled Germany and the kaiser ruled the army ....
Encyclopedia Americana notes some pertinent facts, It is now generally conceded that almost from the
to wit: "Bismarck’s [anti-Catholic] k’edturkampf leg- first day of his reign he began to plan for world
acy William sagaciously disposed of through con- domination; that he dreamed of what Napoleon
cessions which he turned to profit by making an im- might have done had he been a little more shrewd
plicit alliance of the Vatican and the Germanschools and painstaking, and resolved that he, William,
in his anti-revolutionary policies and by remodeling would show the world that one man could raise him-
the schools themselves. With all his alleged auto- self to the topmost pinnacle and not only rule Ger-
cratic tendencies William undoubtedly sought the many, but through Germany might rule the civilized
aggrandizement of Germany, her industrial and corn- earth."
SEPTEMBER 15, 1941 fffeWATCHTOWEP,. 283

s, Austria-Hungary was then and still is Roman land the Photodrama of Creation was widely pre-
Catholic and under the religion of the demon-con- sented in the year 1914, in the early part of it pro-
trolled RomanCatholic Hierarchy. The Papacy could claiming the fact that Armageddon was approach-
be expected to take the course only of supporting the ing; but that message was opposed by "the king of
Triple Alliance and to oppose Protestant Britain the north". The prophecy further says:
and France and Russia, which formed the Triple s~ "And he shall do exploits, and return to his own
Entente, which Entente also sought world dominion, land" ; meaning "the king of the north" would return
seeking it in the name of Democracy, but in fact to ’~his own land", which means the earthly condition
under the influence of the invisible demonrule. The with the ambition to the rule of demonism, headed
Triple Entente was certainly not for THETHEOCRAO¥by "the god of this world". (1 John 5 : 19) All the ex-
by Christ Jesus, but sought world dominion contrary ploits or acts of "the king of the north" were done
to Almighty God, Jehovah. in utter disregard of Jehovah’s Word, whereby it
s~ The Triple Alliance then headed by Kaiser Wil- was made known that the Gentile Times had ended
liam claimed to be Christian, but that claim was and and the Kingdom, or THE THEOCRACY, was at hand.
is far from the truth. Had they then or since been "The king of the north" did not go up to Zion, Jeho-
Christian that alliance would have supported THE vah’s organization, and submit to Jehovah’s King,
THEOCRACY by Christ Jesus. On the contrary, those the Rightful Ruler of the world, but, on the contrary,
composing "the king of the north" were against "the turned to his own land or organization under the de-
holy covenant", and when the King, Christ Jesus, mons that he might through his own ambition have
was enthroned in 1914 "the king of the north" had world domination as the so-called "Holy RomanEm-
no ear for the message of Jehovah declared by his pire" once had and ruled.
people throughout the earth. In Germany the WATCH ’° Faithful servants of the Lord, and hence sincere
TOWER BIBLE ANDTRACTSOCIETYmaintained an or- students of God’s Word, will pursue the remainder
of Daniel’s prophecy with keenest interest and with
ganization, and in that land there was a wide witness
real joy, because it seems clearly to be Jehovah’s
to THE THEOCRACY prior to 1914. But the German time for them to have an understanding thereof.
ruling powers wholly rejected that message. In that (To be conti.ued)


(By an interested observer)
’NIVERSAL domination as the great issue before in St. Louis in the face of both contemptuousofficial in-
U all creation was powerfully brought to the fore at difference and bitter religious opposition of those whowould
the opening address of the president of the WATCHnowrule the earth in the place and stead of God’sKingdom
TOWER SOCIETy, to the Theocratic Assemblyin St. Louis, by Christ, this in itself wasa triumphantanswerto Satan’s
Mo., August6-10. Referring briefly to the prophetic drama challenge of Jehovah’suniversal domination.It also proved
in the Bible concerningpatient Job and the severe test of to be a test of the integrity of Jehovah’scovenantpeople,
his integrity toward God,the speaker said: but whichwasfaithfully met by a multitude, 115,000strong,
"The issue between Satan and Jehovah was not raised to the honor and vindication of Jehovah’s name.
for the first time in Job’s day, but centuries before that
time. The prophetic drama of Job discloses what Jehovah WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6
requires of all creatures whoshall receive his boundless This was the opening day of the assemblyat The Arena¯
blessings. Whilethe question for determination raised by Everything was now in readiness. The mammothbowl of
the prophetic drama was and is, ’Can Jehovah put menon The Arena, with seats for 25,000, was nowfirst openedto
earth who,under the most severe test, will prove faithful all, besides those havingassignedduties there. At the south-
and true to God?’ yet that great issue embracesmuchmore. ern end of the huge oval was the speakers’ platform, large
¯ . . Longbefore that time Satan had challenged the su- and spacious, with purple and white drapings and with
premacyof Jehovah and raised the great issue. Manyother the platform railings all overlaid with shimmeringgold.
scriptures support that conclusion¯ Satan’s accusing charge It was also bedeckedwith ferns and pink gladmh.Up above
was madebefore the angels of heaven, and hence was known this, and thirteen feet above the Arenafloor, was the or-
amongthe host of heaven, but not properly understandable chestra pit, wath a broad banner in front, having a back-
and appreciated amongstmentill the present time. God’s groundof brilliant red, uponwhichwas the 1941year-text,
due time nowappears whenthose on earth devoted to him "Salvation to our God... and unto the Lamb.--Rev.
are given an understanding of the real issue. The primary 7: 10," all in letters of white bordered with glittering
issue raised by Satan’s defiant challenge was and is that spangles of gold.
of UNIVERSAL DOMINATION." Shortly after 2 p.m. The Arenaand the Hall "A" east-
To successfully hold the five-day Theocratic Assembly ward and the Hall ’~B" westwardwere all filled, besides
284 $fieWATCttTOWER. BROOKL~’~,
N. Y.
many on the lawns outside hoping to hear by the sound-cars and able. There were many of far less age present; yes, a number of
those at the trailer camp, a total attendance of 64,000. At three- mothers of unborn children came risking all in the earnest desire
thirty o’clock the assembly was brought to order at the playing and effort to attend, and a numberbrought to light of day children,
of the song "The Glory of Jehovah" by an orchestra of 114 trained some on the grounds of the trailer camp, and which children it
musicians, playing fourteen different types of instruments, will henceforth be their obligation and privilege to "bring . . .
strmged, woodwind and brass. Then a song by the united as- up in the nurture and admomtlon of the Lord". (Eph. 6:4)
sembly, "Give Praise to Jehovah," followed by prayer to the the whole, the registered children were very orderly as they took
great Theocrat who made possible this greatest assembly of true part with their parents in the meeting, and prod good attentmn,
ministers of Jehovah God ever on earth. After a brief address of and showed good fortitude during the summer heat wave and the
welcome the convention chairman presented, amid tremendous great press of attendance. It called one’s mind back to when Jeru-
applause, the first speaker on the program, who then addressed salem was threatened with assault by Moab, Ammonand Mount
them on the subject "Integrity". (Ps. 41:12) Never before this Seir, and all Israel assembled with King Jehoshaphat before the
was the primary issue for determination made fully clear to God’s Lord at the temple at Jerusalem, they "with their httle ones, thezr
covenant people, to wit, U~CIVF~DoMr~tTIO2¢.The test of Job’s wives, and their children". (2 Chron. 20: 13) At St. Louis a few
integrity was only incidental thereto, just as the test of the integ- children got lost, for part of the day, reminding one how Jesus
rity of those whomJob pictured is only related to that issue. also became separated from his parents at the temple, for three
The drama of Job was recorded in the Bible for the benefit of days. (Luke 2: 46) Like Jesus, these lost ones had not strayed
those today living who were foreshadowed by him, to wit, Jeho- fr6m the Assembly precincts.
vah’s anointed remnant of witnesses and their faithful earthly A period of joyful songs and two discourses, one on "Zone
companions, the "other sheep". Never before was it more neces- and Regional Servants’ Duties" (of which servants all were at
sary than in these days of rampant demonism for such to main- the Assembly and on duty), and another on "Day of Dehvcrance",
tain their integrity toward God, even as Job maintained his for finished off a day in which Jehovah’s assembled people gratefully
our example. The faithful prophets and witnesses of old main- acknowledged that Jehovah had arranged this assembly and that
tained theirs, and are included in the class of innocent, blameless he had rewarded their efforts in proceeding with the preparatmns
ones pictured by Job, and a brief record of them is given in He- for it and that on this very first and opening day he had answered
brews 11. God will resurrect them shortly in due time. their prayers beyond their expectations.
The drama of Job is f,,lfllled at the end of the world, where
we now are. The facts today completely fulfill Jesus’ prophecy THURSDAY,AUGUST 7
at Matthew 24:9 concerning the persecution of devoted Chris- Today marked the stepping up of the tremendous adverhsmg
tians at the end of Satan’s world. NowGod’s approved ones must power of the Assembly for the Theocratic message as the legmns
hold fast their integrity and must fear the King of The Theocracy. of organized field workers rose from ~heir mght’s rest on lawns,
We see the end is at hand[ Satan has blinded man by religion. park benches, camp grounds, floors or beds m private homes and
Religion has caused all nations to forget God. The demons, of hotels, and snatched breakfast at the cafeterm m Hall "A" or
which Satan is chief, are now fighting against The Theocreey elsewhere, and swung into united action.
and God’s remnant who announce it. Satan is wroth, knowing The day’s program began with a gathering at 9 a.m at The
that the final battle to determine the issue of universal domination Arena for Theocratic activities afield, opening with song, prayer
is at hand. "Wemust hold fast our integrity; and this, by God’s and the day’s text and comment. Two forms of service were an-
grace, we can do by refusing to compromise with any part of nounced for this day: (1) during the morning a witnessing from
the demonized organization of the enemy. We must and will be home to home offering the literature, but also mqmrmgabout
entirely, wholly, unreservedly and completely devoted to The rooms for the many thousands of new armvals that had poured m
Theocratic Government by Christ Jesus. We can have no part through the night and others still due to arrive. For this work
in and nothing in commonwith Satan’s organization. We are special combinations of literature were provided, all done up m
wholly and steadfastly for The Theocratic Government, and here, neat packages, and now, too, Kingdom News No 9 was available
by God’s grace, we will remain. Weknowit shall vindicate Jeho- for every home; (2) information marching, with signs suspended
vah’s name and bring deliverance to all who love righteousness from the shoulders announcing the president’s two public speeches,
and who serve Jehovah under his righteous government’" (The marching at 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 5:30-6.30 p.m. and 9 30-
full text of this address has now been published in the August 15 10.30 p.m. Also volunteers were called for to put signs m all
issue of The Watchtower. You will review it with profit.) prominent windows of business places Added to these advertising
The visible audience responded warmly to this clear-cut ex- mediumswere, to wit, the lecture-announcement signs on the front
position and loving exhortation with much applause. Such counsel of the city streetcars; the fine ad on the $1.25 WeeklyPass of the
and admonitmn were never better timed nor presented on a more St. Louis Pubhc Service Companyused by passengers during the
suitable occasion. It was what God’s people needed, and the Lord entire week of August 3-9 on all streetcars and buses, the signs
provided it as "food convenient". This speech was also radiocast displayed on all the motorcars and trailers of the conventmners
by the Lord’s own station, WBBR, at Brooklyn, N.Y., to which the (thousands of signs were stenciled on the redes of the cars free
speech was carried by special wire, and it was heard by an eager of charge at Hall "A"). All such constituted the most telling and
invisible radio audience, many at a distance of more than 100 impressive Theocratic advertising ever concentrated and displayed
miles therefrom, including those faithful ones who had to stay in any one area on earth. Besides which was the magazine work
behind "with the stuff" at KingdomFarms, South Lansing, N. Y., on the city sidewalks and from one business place to another, ex-
who acknowledged the broadcast with a telegram to the St. Louis hibiting and placing the August 1 issue of The Watchtower and
assembly. the August 6 issue of Consolation, both magazines contammg
After the close of the address the chairman announced a new articles on the St. Louis assembly and its outstanding features
issue of the popular paper Kingdom News, Number 9, and en- Due to all this unparalleled l~,ngdom publicity there was great
titled "Victories in Your Defense---America’s Gain by the Fight". public inquiry and comment. No high-priced ads at commercml
After dismissal a copy was issued to each one on Ida way out, rates in the worldly newspapers were needed. In the convenient
by the ushers. time they had scorned their opportunity and privilege, and now
During the day the registration of children between the ages their day has for ever passed l
of five and eighteen was in full swing in Hall "B", west of The Today the public press further manifested its unworthiness
Arena. The multitude of children on the grounds was very notice- by its misstatements on the assembly, by its lying and garbled
report on the vitally important speech on "Integrity" by Judge its percentage of pioneers. In this connection the speaker read a
Rutherford, and by its untrue personal slaps at the speaker. A letter from a St. Louis radio announcer setting out the frank
swift and deserved retribution and judgment came: at five o’clock statement by a prominent religious lecturer from Britain concern-
this evening there was released for circulation amongthe people of ing the stabilizing and heartening effect the fearless witness work
St. Louis the printed copy of what the speaker actually did say of Jehovah’s witnesses has upon the morale of the British people
m his speech. The August 15 issue of The Watchtower contained during this war, and also concerning their faithfulness in con-
the full text of the speech, and now thousands of copies of this centratlon camps in Germany, to the dismay of the Nazis. (In-
Issue were made available to magazine distributors to put out im- cidentally, copies of this letter were thereafter released to the
mediately. This unexpected chance to return the fire of the enemy press for publication, but not a single newspaper dared print
thrilled God’s people, and forth they went with this new ammu- such favorable publicity concerning Jehovah’s servants.)
ration with boding zeal, and shortly the entire supply of all Then Judge Rutherford greeted the pioneers. He expressed
magazines was exhausted. The pro-Catholic Globe Democrat of i~ as a privilege to greet such fighters for The Theocracy, and
St Louis spoke of the speaker (a native Mmsourian) as a "tall, that the activities of such a band as these must "makesome of the
B~Lm~’~, wing-collared Californian", much after the manner as ’old woman’ mighty sick". Pioneering men fled from Europe to
when the prophet Ehsha was on his way to Bethel and many seek and establish here freedom of speech, of assembly and of
rehgious youths came out and mocked, saying, "Go up, thou bald worship of God; they never imagined that such freedom would
head; go up, thou bald head!" and Ehsha turned and uttered ever be hamperedhere as it is today in this land. This is all traced
Jehovah’s judgment upon them and two she-bears from the forest to religion and its allies. Whenthese have finally closed downon
came and ’tore’ 42 of them. Doubtless by the time this assembly our work here and cry "Peace and safety)" then a mighty ex-
closed the pubhc press felt it had been torn by the claws of some- t~losion will occur and blow off the lid. "You pioneers are in tins
thing far worse than two literal bears and that a "clime" rested witness work not for selfish aggrandizement, nor to make a name
upon It for its stubborn course of willful, lying mockery against for yourselves, but for the Lord’s name’s sake." Isaiah 62.10
the Ehsha work today and those doing it. includes a commandfor the pioneers: "Go through the gates!"
Attendances at the sessions increased, as the assembly in- The gates are open for all now, particularly the Lord’s "other
creased to 70,000 attendants, the number originally published as sheep". "Prepare ye the way of the people !" This it is your priv-
expected; and thousands more were yet en route to St. Louis. ilege to do by telling them the truth. "Cast up the highway!" That
Much profit was derived from today hearing capable speakers is, .to walk in the Lord’s way of righteousness. "Gather out the
deal with such subjects as "Magazine Route Work", "Magazine stones!" These are religion’s stumblingstones; gather them out
Street Witnessing," "Courage," "Jael’s Experiences," "Zone As- by taking to the people God’s Word. "Lift up a standard for tt,c
sembly and Its Purpose," and "Covenant Obligations". These people!" What standard? Not Hitler’s swastika! The flag of
speeches stressed Jehovah’s Theocratic organization and its struc- America is a dignified and beautiful symbol, whose real meaning
ture, and the work it is nowcommissionedto do, and the effective is "freedom" and "rights" of free men. Demonized flag-wave~s
ways of getting the witness done; also the requirement to obey try to force you to bow down thereto in violation of GOD’Slaw.
organization arrangements, and our obligations as consecrated Such ones are the first to violate the laws of the United States.
Christians to fulfill our side of the covenant with Jehovah God "I say to the people of Missouri, where I have fought for the
as his faithful and true witnesses, if we would gain life and have principles of democracy, because I believed them right. ’Jehovah’s
part in the vindication of hLs greatly reproached holy name. witnesses have the highest respect for what the flag represents,
but, by God’s grace, they will not bow down to A-~rTHI.~G!’"
FRIDAY, AUGUST 8 (Applause) You pioneers are real liberators of the people. When
This was notably Pioneers’ Day. Due to Jehovah’s loving pro- you go out from th~ convention you will have lots of scoffing,
vision through his visible organization more than 5,000 pioneers reproaches and ridicule, but not by honest men and women. Re-
from America and other lands were enabled to come and share jmce m tribulation. Don’t think you are the whole thing because
the glorious Kingdomservice at St. Louis. All registered as such you are a pioneer. Keep on encouraging those who love the Lord
on arrival, and the Society provided free meals for them and also "~N~OW GET BUSY !"
rooming accommodations for as many as needed it This supports Immediately following, the assembly chairman bmefly re-
that the Society is in very truth a "charitable" organization even viewed the legal aspect, and the legal battles the enemyhad thrust
according to the definition of the worldly law. There was a booth on God’s faithful witnesses, and that the SOCIETY had directed
in the Arena corridor marked "New Pioneers", and up till this them to fight to the last ditch, and that at the greatest expensethey
point 300 new pioneers had already signed up at this assembly, had done so and gone up to the SupremeCourt of the nation, and
one being a seven-year-old. (Before the convention closed more the Socmrr was fighting for the things for which the flag stands,
than 700 had signed up.) The present pioneer band includes some and now many legal victories had been won. In Germanyhundreds
men 86 years old and some women77 years old, and some children of legal cases were won before the witness work was closed down
nine years of age. ’According to the faith of all such be it unto there; likewise it may be here in America. Then a great outburst
them,’ as Jesus said. of gladness broke at the chairman’s announcement that Judge
At 3 p m. all the pioneers had assembled in the main audi- Rutherford had caused to be published a new 32-page booklet
torture in front of the speakers’ platform, their identification entitled "Jehovah’s Servants Defended", setting out the judicial
cards admitting them. The rest of The Arena was all packed out decisions of high courts in cases we had fought and won; he now
again, by other publishers. Dwelling on the subject "Pioneer’s authorized the release of the booklet and a copy to he given free
Place in the Organization" a speaker emphasized that "the time to each one there. This gracious provision and gift put a new
of independent isolation of the pioneers is past" and now they weapon in the hands of the battling witnesses for use m meeting
must faithfully co-operate also with the regional and zone serv- the enemyboth in the field and before the tribunals
ants and with the organLzed companies with which many are This same day a sharp judgment of the great Lawgiver against
associated. Another speaker considered "Pioneer Requirements" the "evil servant" class (Matt. 24:48-51) was expressed at the
and stressed the need for meeting the "hours" requirement to beginning of the afternoon’s sessions. An ex-army officer of the
remain permanently m the work, and that the back-calls made United States appeared on the platform and asked and was grant-
by pioneers should be increased. In the United States only 6.5 per- ed the privilege to present a Resolution concerning one Moyle.
cent of all publLshers were pioneers, whereas in the British Isles Said lawyer proved unfaithful to his position of trust m the
11 percent are such, and hence this country could well increase Lord’s organization, slandered and abused the Bethel family at
N. Y.

Brooklyn, quit his post of duty, and thereafter sued the Society into applause when he added that the Lord’s people "are looking
and its board of directors and others for $100,000 for libel be- for those faithful men of God and they will not be surprised
cause the facts were published in The Watchtower for the pro- when they come". He then proceeded to detail the blessings of
tection of Jehovah’s witnesses throughout the land. The Resolu- God’s kingdom, and interrupted to cry out, "I challenge any gov-
tion condemnedsuch course of action and such recourse to worldly ernment under the sun to point out any hope that they hold out !"
courts as unscriptural, unwarranted and unjustified. Put to a (Applause) More blessings described, and he turned his words
vote, the Resolution was adopted with a unanimous "Aye" by the to his auditors: "And at is the duty and privilege of the peo-
vast assembly of more than 75,000. Thereafter copies of the ple of this convention to tell the people of Missouri and of all
Resolution were given free to all, to take homewith them. parts of the land about The Theocracy." (Applause) Next a glo-
The afteruoon’s program eonc]uded with a stirring speech by rious description of "the Holy City"; then "no more death!"
one from Canada, where the ranking prelate of the greatest reh- (Rev. 21: 1-4) As to our period of transition from the wicked
glous foreign power has dictatorially caused Jehovah’s own or- to the Theocratic rule, "soon the combined elements of wicked-
ganization to be declared "illegal" and forbidden, and its adherents hess will put forth their supreme effort m their final endeavor
to be imprisoned; but where true Christians continue to obey to destroy all who support The Theocracy, and they will cry
God’s commandsrather than man’s, and of whom2,000 were then ’Peace and safety!’ because they have all of Jehovah’s witnesses
m attendance at the assembly and rejoicing. An example of a well- in the jugI" (Applause, with smiles of understanding) "They
ordered Theocratic service meeting, presented by four young shall fail, and none shall help them, because God has decreed it
workers from headquarters, and a discourse on "Ehud and His so." Then came words of hope concerning the Armageddon sur-
Dagger" closed another blessed day. vivors, followed by a contrast between the wicked and the wise:
"They that be wise will choose to serve the King of glory and
SATURDAY,AUGUST9 receive the blessings of everlasting life."
The event everywhere advertised for today and eagerly awaited With the words, "And now, my good friends, I am sure you
was the delivery of the public address by the president on "Com- will want to join in sending a message of comfort," Judge Ruther-
fort All That Mourn", at 3 p.m The great publicity campaign ford read a prepared "message", addressed "To all persons of
had gone over l Now 105,000 persons jammed The Arena and good-will toward Jehovah and His King, Christ Jesus". Con-
auxiliary buildings, the grounds all around, and the eleven-mile- eluding it, he put the question, "If you beheve that this is the
distant trailer camp. A private telephone line connected .The message of loving-kindness that you wish to send to the peoplc,
Arena platform with the WATCH TOWER headquarters at Brook- say Aye!" There was a unanimous "Aye!" seconded by great
lyn and the administration building of radio station WBBR on applause. During the speech Judge Rutherford appealed "to the
Staten Island, N.Y., where other audiences assembled. Both people of my native state [Missouri] to calmly look into the
when the speaker ascended the platform and when the chairman Bible for the hope of eternal life" (Applause), and now he ex-
presented him to speak the audience gave him a great ovation. pressed it as a "great privilege to speak to the children of the
The orchestra, now augmented to 126 instruments, rendered a people of this state", and he asked: "What do world powers hold
selection suitable to this significant hour. Then the speech began. forth? Nothing! What does The Theocracy hold forth T" Every-
The pubhc-address system was working at its best, and every- thing worth-while I
one in every location could hear well. The speaker’s voice was m The speech ended and Judge Rutherford retired, but a further
excellent condition, and filled with the quality of comfort. All joy awaited. Before the speech the chairman announced that,
hung on his words in rapt attention, only to break out in repeated anticipating the great demand for it in print, the speech had
applause, on nineteen occasions. been published and copies were on hand. Nowit was announced
Referring to the cause of mourning, the speaker stated: "It that ten copies of the new booklet "Comfort All That Mourn"
is the truth that will make the people free from fear and mourn- would be given free to each one there to distribute at once to the
ing. Receiving the truth, their joy at once begins, and that’s why people of St. Louis, and without contribution; but any reclpmnt
100,000 on these grounds today are all smilesI" (Applause) so desiring and asking might contribute whatsoever he felt re-
reference to the "Axis Powers" and then to Daniel chapter eleven clined. The response to this opportunity after such a public ad-
and "the king of the north" and "the king of the south" quickened dress was electrical, and parties and individuals scattered to all
the audience into unusual alertness. Both "kings" are apt men, parts, the slums, the sidewalks fronting the "cockatrice hatchery"
but world ruling powers l Then the scales fell from the Iisteners’ the Vatican maintains m St. Louis, and other locations conven-
eyes as Judge Rutherford identified the ’northern kmg’ as the ient for the quick-distribution work.
rulmg power which is totalitarian and represented in the AxIs Other presentations on the day’s program were "Advice for
combine and opposing Jehovah’s Theocracy and its servants; and KingdomPublishers" by the Society’s legal representative, and
the ’southern king’ as the world ruling power which rules and also discourses on "Transition" and on "Theocracy", all which
clamas the right to rule the nations in the name of Democracy, were received with much aid and benefit. The supply shipped of
and is represented in the British Commonwealthof Nations and the new booklet "Comfort All That Mourn" was quickly exhausted
supporting nations, but which also does not support The Theo- and distributed far and wide, and thus comfort from above was
cratic Government. A brief survey of Daniel 11 : 27-45 followed, spread to other hundreds of thousands.
and ended all too soon. But when he added, "The Watchtower
will publish the same, that the people of good-will may be en- SUNDAY,AUGUST10, "CHILDREN’SDAY"
lightened," there was a joyous expression of satisfaction. More On an occasion last spring Judge Rutherford stated at head-
applause, later, when he commented,on Daniel 11 : 45, "that will quarters in Brooklyn, "This is the day of the children." Today
mean the end of the Axis Powers, including Nazism, Fascism, at the assembly markedthe time even as such. The full significance
and ROM~ISMI" of what Almighty God here caused to come to pass on this day
Concerning the good news of The Theocracy be exclaimed: will only be realized later under His revelation. He knows the
"Thank God that the message does not proceed from any man I" end from the start.
(Applause) The fulfillment today of Daniel’s prophecy and its Early this morning, at seven-thirty o’clock, there was an as-
understanding mean the "end of the days" is here, and "which sembly of the candidates to hear the discourse on "Baptism",
is proof that we may confidently expect Daniel the prophet of prior to their immersion; where 3,903 presented themselves there-
God to soon stand amongst the peoples on this earth and many for, of whom1,357 were children, and out of almost "all nations,
will see him and rejoice". (Applause) The audience thrilled again kindreds, people and tongues". Pools had been contracted for m

the adjacent amusementpark and at the Colored instituhon down- multitude now tie himself up to a stack of bones and a hank of
town, whither available motorcars qmckly transported candidates. hair ?" (Applause)
Never since Pentecost of A.D. 33 was there such a great number Then timely words were addressed to the parents of the chil-
baptLzed at one ttme at one place, m symbol of thmr consecration dren, especmlly any who "send your children to those devlhsh
to Jehovah through Christ Jesus to do the divine will. It took mowes to learn all the wicked things. Keep them at home and
two hours to perform thas act of faith and obedience, so great teach them the truth. The child that ts encouraged by its parent
was the number of those presenting themselves. to spend time in those movies that adulate rehgmn does not show
Other discourses marked the early and the closing hours of any real love for his own child". Parents should "teach thmr
the day, but the address whmhwas advertised by all channels of children concerning The Theocracy. Is THIS DOSOTFAIL!" The
reformation to take place at the morning hour of eleven o’clock children should keep always m mind Ephesmns 6" 1" "Children,
was "Children of The K,ng". The appeal of the subject was such obey your parents in the Lord." "If your parents are not de-
that the tremendous throng that turned out increased today to voted to the Lord, then you had better get somebodyelse to in-
115,000, exceeding all estnnates. Today the Lord’s hand wrought struct you." (Applause) "You may soon meet Abraham, Daniel
more marvelously among the assembly than even yesterday, and and other faithful men of old who shall be here as perfect men."
those hstenmg m by pmvate wire at New York points must have (Applause) Matthew 8:11 says: "Many shall come from the east
tingled at what they heard and perceived taking place. For the and west, and shall sit downwith Abraham,and Isaac, and Jacob,
fourth tmane The Arena was overflowing. Thts tnne, however, in in the kingdom of heaven." To "sit with them does not mean to
the mare arena directly m front of and m the box seats all round be inactive, but to rest m complete confidence with them, knowing
about the speakers’ platform was assembled an extraordinary that they are right and, bemg with them, you are walking m the
audmnce, all children between the ages of 5 and 18 years, un- way of righteousness". Hear the command of the Lord wmtten
attended by thmr parents. WhenJudge Rutherford strode to the in the Bible at Revelation 22:11 to "Come!" "Come where?
front of the platform he beamedat the sight. Said the chairman Comeand take your stand firmly on the rode of The Theocratic
by way of introduction, "You have come to hear a man who loves Government, ff you would hve." (Applause) The world to come
God’s ICmgdomtell you about ’CHILDRENOF THE KIN~’--Judge is described at 1 Peter 3:13 as a new heaven and earth. Those
Rutherford." resurrected faithful menof old, m the visible rule as princes, wall
The speaker then began in a calm, clear voice, as of a father be the "new earth", and "these princes are due now any day"’
qmetly instructing his own children at home m obedience to the (Applause) All the nations are now afllmted with war, famine,
divine command.Early he described the Paternal Government of pestilence, sickness, death, and RELmmN, but under The ".’heo-
Christ Jesus, "The everlasting Father," when "there shall be no cratic Government "the people shall work together exactly as
more religiomsts, no more politicians, no more commercial gang- you see upon these grounds". (Applause) Then Psalm 148" 10-14
sters". (Applause) The enemy shall be pushed out: "let the gang- was finally quoted as a grand chmax, bidding all that hve, beasts
sters take notme now and begin to move!" (Applause) Those and fowl, kings (Chrmt and hm church), and princes and all
surviving Armageddon were pictured by Noah’s sons surviving judges of the earth, both young men and maidens, old men (Arma-
the Flood, and they may never die. "That’s the hope of you geddon survivors), and CHILDREN (born of the great multitude),
children." (Applause) Nowthe children are telling forth the to ’praise the name of Jehovah.
Kingdommessage, but "the religionists with their long robes and The speech concluded, Judge Rutherford fixed attenhon di-
greased hair and lace-curtain skirts try to make you keep still". rectly on the children before him, commentmgthat "consecrahon
(Applause) Such religiomsts are the ones ’who have been the is an individual matter; no one can consecrate for you A ques-
defamers of God’s name, but his faithful witnesses have continued tmn m about to be propounded to each one of you All of you
on, regardless of such religmnists’. (Applause) "They will ¯ . . children who have agreed to do the will of God and have
down m defeat, biting the dust as they go." (Applause) "Prob- taken your stand on the side of hm Theocratic Government by
ably some of you are listening in. [Applause] Stop kmsing the Christ Jesus and who have agreed to obey God and hm King,
toe of a man, and kiss the toe of the Kang. [Applause] Qmt mak- please stand up." (The children before htm arose as one body
ing jackasses of yourselves and dress yourselves hke men. [Ap- "Behold, more than 15,000 new witnesses to the Kingdom’" (Ap-
plause] Chmst’s kingdom m marching to complete wctory, and plause) "All of you who will do what you can to tell others about
let all of them take notice today. [Applause] The Lord says the God’s kingdomand Its attending blessings, please ~ay Aye " ( C~’,
fear of man leads into a snare, and they are already m." "Aye !") (Applause) "If you had an instrument m your hand.~ that
The judgment of the nations m now on, and the Lord m sep- you could use to the honor of Jehovah and learn of hl~ kingdom.
arating the "sheep" from the "goats", "those billy goats that smell would you use it?" (A unanimous "Yes!") "Then be seated, and
loud." (Applause) The "sheep" will inherit on earth the blessings will tell you about it .... The Lord has made posstble the prep-
of the Kingdom. They will have dominion over the annnals as aratmn of thin book as a message for you [holding up the new
Adamfirst had it, "and it will be nice for these birds and animals book]. [Great, prolonged applause] The htle of this book Is
to become friends of you children." (Applause) Ezekiel 34:25 ’CHILDREN’, [Applause] There are registered at this conventmn,
describes the safety then, so that they "shall dwell safely in the and I see before me, more than 15,000 children between the ages
wilderness, and sleep in the woods"; "and some of them are learn- of five and eighteen. All of those children have stood up and have
mg it here now" (meaning those unable to find rooms or those likewise sigmfied their devotmn to The Theocracy. Thank God
at the trailer camp). (Applause) They shall be children of that I have come to tins day when it is my privilege to speak to
King, and he will be theLr King-Father. The earth belongs to such an army of young men and women taking thmr stand on
thin by right of purchase, and they will hold it in trust as his the side of Jehovah! Whenthey try to silence you, the Lord will
children-subjects and have part in beautifying it. Then the divine put his hand over you and see to it that they do not silence you
mandate shall be carried out, to fill the earth with a righteous, Millions of persons of good-will to this hour desire to "know the
truth, but the long-skirted, lace-curtained rehgmnmtswdl try to
perfect offspring, and this by marriage and childbearing. "Some keep them in the dark." The book called "Children" will do a work
of these desecrators of HIS name claim that they only have the of enlightening them.
mght to say who shall get married"; but they are presumptuous. Concerning the faithful ones of old who shall be resurrected
In the gingdom the "great multitude" will look to the Lord to Judge Rutherford commented: "Soon you will see Barak and
grade as to selecting each a mate for hnnself. "Why, then, should Deborah (I got a picture of her m thin book), and when you see
a man who has the prospect before him of being of the great her you will love her very much. She is a real woman, and wtll

be able to give you girls proper advice, you girls who are looking their names at the pubhc meetings, requesting calls by Jehovah’s
for a husband. Whenyou see Daniel, David, Moses and all the witnesses and further information.)
prophets, listen to what they have to say, and they will properly Then in most interesting fashion he told of his visit to the
advme you boys and girls. I am going to have handed to every trailer camp Saturday, and also of the oppos~tion and the dlffi-
one of you 15,000 children one of these books as a gracious gift. curies caused by the public service bodies, such as the Chamber
I ask that you first study it faithfully. Ask someoneelse to sit of Commerceand the Convention Bureau, all due to their sub-
with you under the shade of a tree and study that which leads servience to the religious organization, whomhe symbotLzedunder
t5 life and endless blessings .... It is your privilege between the ttgure of one distressed "Fayther O’Hoohgan". The descrip-
now and before the day school opens to spend s~ hours a day tion of the actions and the bossy orders of this "Fayther O’Hooh-
in taking the book Children to others." The parents should en- gun" in his own brogue to local businessmen and Cathohc popo-
eourage their children to do this very thing, if they would have lation caused great amusement, and the assembly laughed again
them bye. and again. (Pss. 2: 4; 37: 12, 13; 52: 6) Then he told of the good
Cartons of Ckddren that had been deposited in The Arena people of St. Louis and showed how the parable of the "sheep"
were now opened, and Judge Rutherford instructed the children and "goats" had thus had local fulfillment.--Matthew 25.
how to come and each get a copy thereof, those in the rear half The city editor of the Globe Democrat sent him a question.
of The Arena marching in two columns out through a side exit, "Do you not think it discourteous to criticize another person’s
and those in the front half of The Arena marching up over the religion in his own community?"but, due to "Father O’Hooligan",
platform and out through a rear e~t. As the march began, the they refused to publish the answer submitted, though it was of
orehestra (minus all its children instrumentalists) struck up and great public interest. The RomanCatholic Hierarchy in America
rendered songs, "Children of the Heavenly King," "The Sword have treated in like mannerall proposals, challenges and petitions
of the Lord and of Gideon," and "Who Is on the Lord’s Side? to public discussion in debate over radio. They have all been
while the vast audience sang. Never was there a more moving warned, and now "we are going to spend our energy and time and
sight in these "last days". Many, including strong men, wept at strength in going to the people of good-will toward God and his
the demonstration. Receiving the gift, the marching children Theocratic kingdom, carrying to them the message". Hope-rousing
clasped it to them, not a toy or plaything for idle pleasure, but and stirring was his statement: "I feel absolutely certain that
the Lord’s provided instrument for most effective work in the re- from henceforth . . . those who will form the great multitude
maining months before Armageddon. What a gift I and to so will grow by leaps and bounds." The arming of 15,000 children
many! The manner of releasing the new book Children was an this morning was a decisive answer and reproof to the "evil
outright surprise to all, but the almighty hand of the All-wise servant" class who say, "Humph! where’s the great multltudeV’
One, Jehovah, was in it, and the maneuver was most blessed in- For ever to disprove all published false charges and slurs that
deed. Thereafter Children, the author’s edition, was disposed o5 to he is the leader of Jehovah’s witnesses, he said: "I want to let
adult conventioners, on a contribution. any strangers here know what you think about a man being your
The blessings of the Assembly were further enhanced by the L~.aDZR,SO they won’t be forgetting. Every time something rises
afternoon session, which provided a delightful anticlimax to up and starts to grow, they say there is some man a leader ~@lo
"Children’s Day". The Arena was again packed out to hear about has a great following. If there is any person in this audience
"Your NewWork" and the president’s parting words. For weeks who thinks that I, this man standing here, is the leader of Jeho-
the question had been upon many consecrated minds, and at vah’s witnesses, say Yes." But there was a unanimous "No"!
3 p.m. the first speaker, the factory and office servant at Brook- emphatically. "If you who are here believe that I am just one of
lyn, disclosed the "new work", to wit, the placing of Children, the servants of the Lord, and we are working shoulder to shoulder
and thereafter, over a period of three weeks, sending each obtain- in unity, serving God and serving Christ, say Yes." The unam-
er, at no extra cost to him, the "Children Study Course", to wit, mous "Yes!" was strong and unequivocal. "Well. you don’t have
three attractive, illuminated question-and-answer folders, these to to need me as an earthly leader to get a crowd like that to work "
be followed the fourth week by a back-call service by the one lie now asked them to return to their respective parts and "put
placing Children. Another speaker, on "Solving the Problem", on more steam . . put m all the tlme you can" Then he offered
showed how the new book, together with the "Chddren Study words of benediction.
Course", provided the solution for the problem of comp’.ny pub- Briefly referring to the coming convention in Britain in Sep-
hshers to reach their individual quota of twelve back-calls monthly tember he asked them to join with him in a cablegram, as fol-
and one model study weekly, as suggested in the recent communi- lows: "To the I~lcester Assembly: Your fellow servants, as-
eatmn of the president of the Society. Three speakers then spoke, sembled 115,000 strong at St. Louis, bid our British brethren be
each briefly on "Whento Begin", and were m concert as to the very courageous and hold fast your integrity. Theocratic victory
answer, that ~owis the time. is certain. [Signed] Jehovah’s witnesses in America." This was
When,next, Judge Rutherford came on the platform, he talked adopted with a unanimous "Aye".
extemporaneously, but the unspeakable blessing the Lord bestowed His final words were, "Well, my dear brethren, the Lord bless
In the morning appeared to have put him in the best of condition you. NowI won’t say Good-bye, because I expect to see you at
and filled hm heart and mouth full of words "in season" and some time again." By this the brethren were greatly encouraged,
"fitly spoken". For forty-five minutes the audience spent a most and their hearts and minds were turned to the still greater and
delightful tune listening. Said Judge Rutherford: "It is not ex- grander event, "the general assembly" spoken of at Hebrews
actly a new work, but it is putting on a httle more steam for 12: 23. Till then they would keep covenant and maintain integrity
the final roundup." Then concerning the book just released, he toward Jehovah God, and endure hardness as good soldiers of
added: "We had on the grounds this morning only 40,000 of Jesus Christ, and continue on in God’s "strange work" as his
the autographed edition .... But I am glad to tell you that, faithful and true witnesses, till done.
while that 40,~)00 are gone, there is another 150,000 copies [A more detailed report of the convention will appear in
on the grounds ready for use. [Applause] So you will have 150,- Consolation.]
000 on the grounds here to start with ~ow, and I think it might (Conttnued from page 274)
be well for two or three thousand first-class workers to go into in support of Jehovah’s witnesses and m defense of their rights
the St. Louis field and get those in the hands of the people here and hberties in HIS service. The 32 pages of thin unportant docu-
who want to know something about it before you go away." (It mentary matter are enclosed m a neat and strong cover. It m 5c a
developed that more than 3,000 persons of good-will turned in copy, mailed postage prepaid.
thatI amJehovah:’
35 15

OCTOBER 1, 1941



"Ind~Mmtmn Against the
Holy Covenant" 29:~
Proof of Pollutmg 2!}7
’Desolatmg Abomination’ 298
Demon-Worship ............ . 298
"O~ EARTH P~cE"---’ro WHO~? ... 299
"CHILDREN" ....... 200
NOTICE ......................... 303
117 Adarna
- -
Brooklyn, N.Y.,
T HIS Journal is published for the purpose Of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
In the Bible. It publishes Bible Instruction specifically de-
OFFIOZ~N signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good wllh
President W. F,. VA~, A_~BURO~,~ecr~ary It arranges systematic Bible study for Its readers and the Society
"And all thy children Bh~ll be tauflht of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid In such studies. It publishes suit-
able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of public
~re~t shah be the peace of" ~y children." -Isaiah 54:z
3. instruction In the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for Its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
THAT JEHOVAHls the only true God, ts from everlasting to
or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life
tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
to his creatures ; that the Loges was the beginning of his creation,
King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
and his active agent in the creation of all things; that the Loges
tion of Its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not In-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in
dulge in controversy, and Its columns are not open to personalities.
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully dis-
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of UHI~ 8TATZS, $I.00~ CANADA ,kND MISCELI.£NEOUS FO~U.’~, $150;
Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the right GRF-~T BI~.ITAIN, AUS’I’]~LASIA, AND ~OU’k"H AFRICA, 6e. American remit-
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abould be madedirect to ?.he respective branch offices. Remittances from
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered eounrmesother than those mentionedmaybe madeto the I3rooklyn office,
death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for but by fnte~¢~na| Postal Money Order only.
obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every name
and clothed him with all power and authority. 34 Craven Terrace, London, W.2, England
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATIONIs a Theocracy called Zion, 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto {~, Ontario, Canada
and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the right- __ 7 Beresford Road, Strathfleld. N. S. W., Australia
Boston House, Cape Town, South Africa
ful King of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of Please addre~ the Society in every cue.
Christ Jesus are chtldrtm of Zion, members of Jehovah’s org-nlza-
tlon, and are his witnesses whose duty and privilege it is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind
as expressed in the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom
before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLDhas ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted All sincere students of the Bible whoby reason of lnflrmlty,~poverty or
aaversity are unable to pay the subscription price may have The Watc~-
Satan from heaven and Is proceeding to the establishment of ~o~ver free upon written application to the publishers, made once each
God’s kingdom on earth. year, stating the reason for so requesting it. Weare glad to thus aid the
needy, but the written application once each year is required by the
postal regulations.
THAT THE RELIEP and blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, which Notice to Bub$¢r~b~r$: Acknowledgmentof a new or a renews] sub-
has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the destruction scription will be sent only when requested. Change of address, when
requested, maybe expected to appear on address label within one month.
of Satan’s organization and the establishment of righteousness in A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) will be sent with the
the earth, and that under the kingdom the people of good will that Journai one monthbefore the subscription expires.
survive Armageddon shall carry out the divine mandate to "fill
Entered as second-clo~s matter at the poet o~ce at Brooklyn, N. Y ,
the earth" with a righteous race. under the Act o~ March 3, 1879.


October as the "Lghtmng-War" Testimony Perlod is notable Announced and released Sunday mormng, August 10, at the
m three ways: it begins the new 1941-].942 service year, it is a Theocratic Assembly of Jehovah’s witnesses m St. Loum, Me,
Permd of like united actxvlty world-wide, and thLs year it also and at the conclusion of the ellmax speech on "Children of The
marks the opening of a general campaign w~th a mos~ potent weap- King", the new book Children won instant acelama from the thou-
on of truth, recently released at the Theocratic Assembly at St. sands assembled. Written by Judge Rutherford, Children bids
Louis. "Lightning" not only suggests enlightenment for human- fair, as shown by Its initial reception at St. Louis, to be hL~ most
kind, but also speed m enlightening them and m exposing the dark popular book, and with good reason. It is written m narrative
deeds of enemies of truth and righteousness The people’s crying and conversational style, presenting interestingly and simply the
need of the hour and also the enthusiasm over the feature offer for latest Bible truths concerning the gtoraou~ hope early to be real-
this Period, to wit, the new book Children, should speed up the ized by the persons of good-wiU today living. CMldren m bound
activity of all Kingdom publishers as never before, in further ful- in sky-blue cloth, with an embossed, goId-stamped cover design
fillment of the prophetm clrnm~ of Deborah and Barak, whose that is unusual. The text within is adorned with frequent eotor
dlustrations, and is supplemented with an index of subjects. You
name means "lightning". Children, together w~th a umque Home
wall prize the author’s edition, as it contains the facsimile of a
Study Course by mad, and the new booklet Comfort All Tha|
special letter in the antler’s own hand and addressed "To the
Mourn, will be offered on a mere contribution of 25c. The swift Children of the King". You may obtain it on a eontmbutmn of
approach of the real lightning-war of Armageddon behooves all 50c a copy, mailed prepaid to you. This edition is limited.
persons of good-will to join in this round-the-world educational
campaign before it doses. Apply either to this office or to the "COMFORT ALL THAT MOURN"
foreign branch supervising your territory, for references to the This new booklet was released at the conclusion of the public
local organized service company. Promptly at the close of the address by Judge Rutherford at the recent Theocratic Assembly
month’s work turn in your field report to aid in compiling a world at St. Louis, on the subject "Comfort All That Mourn", and eon-
report on "Lightning-War". ( Co,t, nued on page 303)
1, 1941 No. 19



"’My cove~mnt will I not brea]~, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips."--Ps. 89:34.
EHOVAH’Scovenant cannot be altered or tfin- have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto
J dered. His covenant named in the above text is
his unbreal~able word that his THEOCRATIC
David. His seed shall endure for ever, and his throne
GOV- as the sun before me. It shall be established for ever,
ERnMEnT by Christ Jesus, his Beloved One, shall be as the moon, and as a faithful witness in heaven.
established and rule the world in righteousness. Let Selah."--Ps. 89 : 3, 4, 34-37.
this be firmly fixed in the mind of every one wholoves ’ It is that covenant which Jehovah promised to
Jehovah: that The THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT is of make clear to those who love and serve him, and con-
greatest importance, because by it Jehovah’s name cerning which he says: "The secret of the Lord is
shall be vindicated; that the completion and opera- with them that fear him; and he will shew them his
tion of that TJ_csocRacYis about to be revealed to all covenant.’--Ps. 25 : 14.
creation, and that now the demons have mustered It is against that everlasting covenant, THE
all their force and power to resist THETHEOCRACY THEOCRACY, that Satan has fought from the begin-
that they might continue to rule the world in wicked- ning of his rebellion until the present time. Nowin
ness. The controversy is that all the demons are these last days all the demons, with their chief in the
against THETHEOC~CY, and which controversy will lead, have mustered all their forces to fight against
be settled finally at Armageddon. The prophecy of THE THEOCRACY. The demon forces include all na-
Daniel now being understandable makes clear the tions and creatures on the earth that are against
issue and enables servants of Jehovah to see and the kingdom of God by Christ Jesus. The forces are
to appreciate that individual salvation, while im- lined up for the great battle; and concerning this
portant to creatures, is of small importance when Jesus said to John, and now reveals to the people
compared to The THEOC~Tm GOV~.RNME~T. whomJohn represented, the remnant, the meaning
That Jehovah’s everlasting covenant is his ex- thereof, to wit, "And I saw three unclean spirits like
pressed purpose to set up TH~. TJ~EOCRACY by Christ frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out
Jesus, who will rule the world in righteousness, is of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of
made certain by the Scriptures: "He is the LORD the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils.
our God; his judgments are in all the earth. He hath working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of
remembered his covenant for ever, the word which the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to
he commanded to a thousand generations: which the battle of that great day of God Almighty."~
covenant he made with Abraham, and his oath unto Rev. 16 : 13, 14.
Isaac."--Ps. 105 : 7-9. ~Upon the earth there is a "remnant" of the
Jehovah’s covenant with Abraham was a unilat- anointed of Jehovah, all of whomare entirely de-
eral, unconditional declaration that he would bring voted to THE THEOCRACY and who now must and
forth his Seed, Christ Jesus, the King, and the asso- shall hold fast their integrity or blamelessness be-
ciate membersof his kingdom, and that Christ should fore God. "And in their mouth was found no guile:
be King of THE THI~OCRACY and rule the world in for they are without fault before the throne of God."
righteousness. David, whose name means "Beloved", (Rev. 14: 5) All the demonsinvisible and visible are
was a type of Christ Jesus, the beloved Son of God, against these faithful servants of God. Jehovah and
and concerning him and his covenant Jehovah long his King are for the remnant, and therefore they
ago said: "I have made a covenant with my chosen, rejoice.
I have sworn unto David my servant, Thy seed will ’ At this point it seems fitting to call attention to
I establish for ever, and build up thy throne to all that text of the Bible which for many years has been
generations. Selah. Mycovenant will I not break, knownas a "Sunday school text", and which has been
nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. Once much misunderstood and greatly misapplied, to wit:

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only The salvation of creatures from death and the giv-
begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should ing to them of everlasting life is secondary to God’s
not perish, but have everlasting life."--John 3: 16. great purpose to establish THETtIEOCtlACY,the new
’ Religionists have said that God so loved the world, the new heaven and the new earth. It is only
world of mankind, human creation, that he gave his those who devote themselves to THSTHEOCRACY that
Son to save them. Certainly that is not the meaning can ever have life everlasting. Their devotion must
of the text. The words of the Lord are, "For God so be to Almighty God and to Christ Jesus, his King;
loved the world"; the world of righteousness is that otherwise they perish. Then the Scripture adds:
which God loves. Certainly God does not love the "For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn
world controlled by the Devil and his demons, which the world; but that the world through him might be
was destroyed in the flood. Certainly he does not love saved."~John 3 : 17.
the present wicked world, of which Satan is the god, ~ Certainly this means not the salvation of in-
nor does He love the wicked agencies in the earth dividuals as a primary purpose, but means that God,
that defame JSHOVAH’S name and persecute his peo- for his name’s sake, would establish his THEOCRATIC
ple and continuously oppose THE THEOCI1ACY. From Gowas~"-s% the new heavens, and through it estab-
the beginning it was God’s purpose to have a mew lish a new earth of righteousness, wherein dwelleth
world wherein dwelleth righteousness. The apostle righteousness and where righteousness shall prevail
Peter, under inspiration, wrote: "Nevertheless we, and persist for ever. Religionists have given too
according to his promise, look for new heavens and much importance to themselves, and thereby Satan
a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness"-- has succeeded in blinding their minds to the great
2 Pet. 3: 13. and importantthing of The THEOCRATICGOV-ERN-
9 The promise here referred to is the promise God ME~T.Today God makesthis matterso plainthat
made to Abraham that in his Seed all the families THE THEOCRACY standsout far and aboveeverything
of the earth that live shall bless themselves, that is elseand is therefore of paramount importance, for
to say, all nations and peoples that ever live must thereasonthatit is THETHEOCRACY thatvindicates
receive their blessing by first accepting Christ and Jehovah’s name.Thisis "theeverlasting covenant",
devoting themselves to The THEOCRATIC GOVER~- his unbreakable wordthathe wouldhavea Seedthat
~tE~T by Christ. They take the step of receiving the wouldhonorHis name,vindicate his name,and pro-
blessing by believing and obeying. videa meansof salvation to allof thosewhowilhng-
1°"The seed according to the promise" is THE ]y put themselves underTHE THEOCRACYand devote
CHRIST, Head and body, which constitutes the "new themselves to God and Christ.
heavens", that is to say, the official THEOCI~TIC(]OV- ~’ Johnwasgivena visionof thenew heavenand
ERN~m~% the capital organization. The "new earth" thenewearth.In visionhe sawtheHolyCity,which
is God’s faithful princes on earth carrying out the is THE THEOCRACY,coming down from God out of
orders and judgments of the King, Christ Jesus. The heaven to rulein righteousness. It is thatT}ir.ocnAcY
world of righteousness consists of the invisible, by ChristJesusthatwillcarryoutGod’spurpose to
which is The Christ, and the visible, which, is the wipe out wickedness and bringjoy and everlasting
representatives of The Christ on earth. It is this peaceto thosethatlive.It is in thatTHEOCRACY,
"’world", that is, the world of righteousness, THE Zion,whereGodshalldwell;as Johnwroteconcern-
THEOCRACY, that God so loved that he appointed, ing his vision:"Behold, the tabernacle of God is
anointed and gave his beloved Son to be the King withmen,andhe willdwellwiththem,andtheyshall
and Ruler of it. It is this new world, the Holy City, be his people,and God himselfshallbe withthem,
that comes down from heaven and rules the things and be theirGod."Certainly thatmeansthatevery
humancreaturethat liveseverlastingly must be
in the earth, and now the time has come when Jeho- whollyand completely devotedto AlmightyGod and
vah is making clear to his people through Christ the to hisbeloved Son,Christ Jesus. Thisis thecovenant
meaning of his great love for the world of right- that JehovahGod remembersfor ever, the word
eousness. which he commandedto a thousandgenerations,
1~ God sent forth his beloved Son Jesus to carry whichcovenanthe made with Abrahamand sworeto
out his purpose, and, in order for any of the human Isaac, theantitypical Christ Jesus, thatin hisSeed,
race to be changed from human to spirit and to be TheChrist,blessings shallcometo thosewhoobey.
associated with Christ Jesus in his kingdom and It is concerning thiscovenant thatJehovahsaidto
thereafter be a part of The Christ, they must be re- hisBeloved One:’I willestablish forever,andbuild
deemed. Therefore, says the scripture, God "gave up thythrone to allgenerations.’~Ps. 89 : 4.
his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in a’ We herereturnto a consideration of Daniel’s
him should not perish, but have everlasting life". prophecy concerning the two"kings". To deceivethe
i, 1941

people generally and to keep them from hearing and and return, and have indignation against the holy
understanding the Word of Jehovah God, the chief covenant; so shall he do; he shall even return, and
of demons pushes the nations into war and he sets have intelligence with them that forsake the holy
the heart of his ’qdng of the north .... against the holy covenant."--Dan. 11 : 30.
covenant" (Dan. 11: 28), that is, against The THEO- ~* The "ships of Chittim" are easily identified as
CaATIC GOWR~E~T. "The king of the north," which the naval power of Great Britain. Like Britain,
is the demon-controlled, totalitarian organization of Chittim is an island, which island, meaning Cypress,
the present time, is blind to the truth and holds to was ceded to Great Britain by the Convention of
the fallacy that the world can be and shall be ruled Constantinople in 1878; and on November 5, 1914,
by human creatures who trust in religion or demon- Great Britain annexed Cypress, which therefore be-
ism as their god. came part of the realm of "the king of the south".
~Another wing of earth’s organization, called The navy of Britain imposed a blockade against Ger-
"the l~ing of the south", holds to the delusion that the many and allies during the 1914 world war, which
nations can be ruled and shall be ruled by so-called had much to do with the defeat of "the king of the
"democracies", contrary to the Theocratic rule. north" at that time. In 1917 the United States of
Both of those ldngs are against Christ, the world’s Amel’iea, the then leading democracy of the earth,
Rightful Ruler, and are against all of the Lord’s entered the war on the side of Britain, and that had
faithful servants now on the earth; and therefore much to do with bringing about the defeat of "the
Jesus says to the faithful : "And ye shall be hated of king of the north".
all nations [of those two ’ldngs’] for my name’s ~’"Therefore he [the king of the north] shall be
sake." (Matt. 24: 9) The prophecy now turns to the grieved, and return." "The king of the north," with
events that come to pass within the period of "the Germany in the military lead, was defeated in No-
time of the end". vember, 1918, and was thereafter greatly humiliated
16 "At the time appointed he shall return, and come by the Versailles Treaty, and the woundwhich it had
toward the south; but it shall not be as the former, received in the head caused great pain and suffering.
or as the latter." (Dan. 11: 29) "He" named in this Hence "the king of the north" withdrew to his own
verse is "the king of the north", represented in the realm in Germany and set about to recover from
nations that formed the Dreibund, with the Papacy the disastrous effects of the war. Before the World
riding on top as spiritual adviser and ally, the pur- War "the king of the north" had his heart set against
pose of the combine being to restore the so-called the Holy Covenant, that is to say, determined to op-
"Holy Roman Empire" and to gain world dominion. pose the rule of the earth by Jehovah’s government
"The king of the north" began the World War against by Christ Jesus. Following the disastrous results
"the king of the south". The military leader of "the of the World War "the king of the north" began to
king of the north" was the kaiser of Germany, who express hatred against those who supported the
set out to get the Suez Canal and to invade Egypt. covenant kingdom, that is, THE TH~.OORAOY, and
Great Britain then dominated and controlled the hence against the "holy covenant", and this hatred
Suez and hence stood as representative of "the king was manifested by punishment heaped upon those
of the south". That world war, beginning in 1914, devoted to and supporting THE THEOCRACY. Hence
raged for four years and ended without success to following the World War and his return to his own
"’the king of the north". realm "the king of the north", as stated, expressed
~’ "But it shall not be in the latter time as it was
in the former [time-]." (Am. Rev. Ver.) In the former "INDIGNATION AGAINST THE HOLY COVENANT"
time, that is, in the days of the Caesars, the military ~o That indignation was expressed and continued
power of Romedefeated "the king of the south" and to be expressed against the Kingdom covenant, THE
Egypt fell to Rome. "In the latter time," beginning THEOCRACY, and which indignation has grown in
with the 1914 war, the result was different, as the intensity until the present time. (Luke 22: 28-30)
prophecy states. Whenthe armistice was signed in Instead of giving heed to the message of the truth
A.D. 1918 "the king of the north", with Germanyin proclaimed of and concerning the Holy Covenant, or
the lead, had suffered defeat. "The king of the north" THEOCRACY,"the king of the north" apparently for a
not only lost out, but suffered a dreadful wound in time set up a democracy, which lasted only a short
the head. "And I saw one of his heads, as it were season, but which in fact was not a democracy.
wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: Shortly thereafter Italy came into control of former
and all the world wondered after the beast." (Rev. Austria-Hungary territory and quickly lined up with
13 : 3) "The king of the south" inflicted that wound, the Papacy to start "the king of the north" on the
as shown by what follows : "For the ships of Chittim way to conquest. Germany hastened to do its part.
shall comeagainst him ; therefore he shall be grieved, On October 30, 1922, the Fascists assumed control
of the Italian government and Mussolini made him- being the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. (2 Thess.
self dictator. 2: 2-13) The Hierarchy and their religionist allies
,1 The Versailles congress had brought forth the have claimed to be supporters of the "holy covenant"
League of Nations and set that up in the place and Kingdom, that is, the kingdom under Christ, but they
stead of THE T~Eoc~cY. The religious element of show a determination to have part in world domina-
"the king of the south" hailed the League of Nations tion and rule in defiance of Almighty God and his
as "the political expression of God’s kingdom on Covenant Kingdom. No doubt there were sincere men
earth", but failed to state which god was meant. By among the Catholic clergy in times past, who had a
approving the League of Nations the Holy Covenant desire to see the kingdomof God rule the world ; but
was opposed. But in the latter part of 1926 Italy, in due time all members of the Hierarchy stumbled
Austria and Germany were all in the League, and over the King, pictured in the Scriptures by the
hence both of those "kings" showed themselves ’stone laid in Zion’, and over which religionists, Cath-
against the Holy Covenant. olic and Protestant, have stumbled.--Isa. 8:13, 14;
~2 Shortly following the World War Jehovah’s mes- 28 : 16.
sage of and concerning the "holy covenant" Kingdom 25Note these facts in fulfillment of Jehovah’s
began to be widely proclaimed throughout Germany, prophecy: The totalitarian political rulers have
and many of the German people rejoiced to hear that taken recognition of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy
message and they put themselves on the side of THE as an ally in the program for world domination. They
TtIEOCt~CY. The World War had brought great dis- made a deal which is in fact an agreement and con-
tress upon the German people, and they were greatly spiracy against THE THEOCRACY. The totalitarian
humiliated by the position in which they had been political wing of the combine offer themselves as the
placed; and while the politicians and reiigionists political power and agency to bring about the rule of
smarted under their humiliating condition, sincere the world contrary to and in defiance of Almighty
persons of good-will in Germany gave their heart God, and in which conspiracy the pope and other
devotion to Jehovah’s kingdom, and that angered the members of the RomanCatholic Hierarchy fully join
RomanCatholic Hierarchy and that religious organi- and continue to participate. The Lord denounced
zation poured more poison into the cup of Germany such an alliance between the political and the reli-
to be dished out to those who favored Tm~THEocmtcY. gious element that operate in the name of Christ as
,8,,He shall even return, and have regard unto political and religious "whoredom", and plainly
them that forsake the holy covenant." (Am. Roy. Vet. states that the religious element falsely operates in
That is to say, "the king of the north" gave heed to the name of God and Christ and is the "whore", and
the counsel of the spiritual adviser, the Vatican. that the political element that rules is the "beast".
Crafty effort was put forth and made by the Roman Thus the religious "whore" climbed on the back of
Catholic Hierarchy operating in Germany, inducing the totalitarian %east", and there she sits and rides.
Germany to forsake freedom of speech and of wor- To such covenant-breakers the Lord says through
ship and to return to the arbitrary state previously his inspired witness : "Ye adulterers and adulteresses,
followed by "the king of the north". Hence the Nazi know ye not that the friendship of the world is en-
movement was launched in Germany in May, 1919. mity with God? whosoever therefore will be a frien~t
ttitler rapidly forged to the head of the Nazi party. of the world is the enemy of God."--Jas. 4 : 4.
In 1922 Cardinal Ratti became pope, and shortly ’~ Mussolini offered himself as a political tool of
thereafter organized "Catholic Action", the purpose the combine on February 11, 1929, when he and the
of which is world domination and the suppression of pope, Plus XI, signed a concordat or agreement de-
the proclamation of the message of and concerning fining the joint program of operation of the political
the Theocratic or ’’holy covenant" Kingdom. The and religious parts of the combine and whereby the
Papacy, as a part of "the king of the north", took the pope became an independent political nation and
lead against the ’‘holy covenant" Kingdom and, at ruler, and Vatican City became the political state of
the instance of the chief of demons, moved forward the religious Hierarchy. That concordat the political
for world domination in defiance of Jehovah God. legislative body of Italy ratified.
2, Note that the prophecy says that "the king of 2, Also the further facts showing the alliance be-
the north" shall have regard unto the forsaker of the tween the political and religious totalitarians to rule
Holy Covenant. That means that the forsaker had at the world contrary to Tm~ THEOCRACY, followed,
least claimed to be for the kingdom of God but had to wit : On January 30, 1933, Hitler became the chan-
taken a contrary course. Such forsaker or forsakers cellor of Germany; on March 23, 1933, the German
of the Holy Covenant constitute what the Bible de- Legislature, the Reichstag, voted dictatorial power
scribes as "the man of sin", "the son of perdition," to Hitler; then on July 20, 1933, Hitler entered into
the most prominent part and powerful part thereof a secret concordat or agreement with Pope Plus XI,
1, 1941 NieWATCHTOWER. 295

and the pope performed his part by withdrawing abomination that maketh desolate." (Dan. 11: 31)
support from the Catholic Center party of Germany, Considering this part of the prophecy, note first
and the Nazis, or Hitler party, became the only one this: "And arms [allies, helpers] shall stand on his
party of Germany; and with that party the Roman part"; that is, on the part of "the king of the north".
Catholic Hierarchy participates, thus showing the By the Treaty of Versailles "the king of the north"
combine, "the king of the north," with determination had been disarmed; but the victorious allies, "the
to gain world domination. king of the south," also agreed to at least a partial
’~ Furthermore the facts show that in carrying out disarmament, but failed to carry out that agreement.
of the combination or conspiracy these things came That failure of "the king of the south" furnished the
to pass, to wit: March, 1933, Dollfuss, chancellor of excuse for Germanyto re-arm, contrary to the terms
Austria (a part of "the king of the north"), dissolved of the Versailles Treaty. Italy, under the dictator,
the Parliament and ruled as dictator. On Septem- pushed its program for military preparedness; and
ber 11, 1933, Dollfuss announced a program of na- the program for totalitarian rule of the nations of the
tional reconstruction, based upon authoritative lead- earth put in action by "the king of the north" pro-
ership of the dictator and the Corporate State. That gressed as follows:
change brought him more support from the Fascists. October 14, 1933, Hitler, acting for Germany, quit
On April 1, 1934, Austria ceased to be even called a the Disarmament Conference and the League of Na-
republic and by its Constitution became a federal tions. On March 16, 1935, Hitler proclaimed the re-
state. Its laws were declared to emanate from God newal of military conscription on behalf of Germany.
(that is, meaning the pope as "God’s representative", The following further historical facts here seem to
but in fact "the god of this world"), and not from be appropriate :
the people. The Roman Catholic Hierarchy church June, 1935, Hitler and Britain agreed to Ger-
organization was made the established church in many’s building up a navy to 35 percent of the
Austria. There was to be no freedom of press, of the strength of Britain’s navy. Germany was also to
stage, of the cinema or of the radio, but all must come build submarines again.
directly under governmental control. A Council of October 2, 1935, Mussolini, as he announced in
Culture, composed chiefly of priests and Jesuits of advance, invaded Ethiopia, pope not protesting.
the RomanCatholic organization, was created and
March 7, 1936, Hitler marched German troops
it sought secretly to carry into operation the will of into and occupied the till-then demilitarized zone of
the Corporate State religious combine, and concern- the :Rhineland, thereby finishing his complete viola-
ing which Cardinal Innitzer of Vienna called that tion of the Versailles Peace Treaty and also the
dictatorial combine an "independent Christian Ger- Locarno Pact. Cardinal Schulte, archbishop of
man Austria based on the Corporative principle and
Cologne, hailed the entry of the German army of
under authoritative leadership".
’~ These historical facts are here stated for the July 9, 1936, Mussolini proclaimed restoration
purpose of showing that the Axis powers, made up of the Ro~,.~ EMPtor. of the Caesars tonight, and de-
of the political and religious combine aforemen- creed total Italian sovereignty over conquered
tioned, form and stand for the present "king of the Ethiopia and proclaimed Victor Emmanuel his king
north" mentioned in the prophecy of Daniel. The to be emperor of Ethiopia.
indisputable facts so fully and completely support July 18, 1936, Catholic General Franco rebelled
and fit the prophecy that there can be no doubt about against the constitutional Republic of Spain, and the
the proper identification of "the king of the north"
pope, Hitler and Mussolini promptly went to his aid.
and also about the forsakers of the covenant. After
November18, 1936, Hitler and Mussohni officially
the ’forsakers of the covenant’, meaning the "man of
sin" (the RomanCatholic Hierarchy in particular), recognized the Spanish rebel government.
and the political element of "the king of the north" July 7, 1937, Japan started her undeclared war
had entered into the arrangement above mentioned, on China.
July 8, 1937, Pius XI formally recognized the
a movement went forward for totalitarian rule or
domination of the world, in which the pohtical- Spanish rebel government of Franco.
religious RomanCatholic Hierarchy has at all times September 14, 1937, the world press announces
played a very active part. All of the activities of that that Pius XI instructs all Catholic missionaries in
China to collaborate with the Japanese to bring the
"king of the north" combination have been and are
Chinese around to submission to Japanese rule.
December 11, 1937, Mussolini announced Italy’s
’° "And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall withdrawn from the League of Nations.
pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shalt take February 4, 1938, Hitler assumed personal charge
away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the of both the armed forces and the foreign policy of
N. Y.

Germany, and reorganized the high army command. claims to be Christian, the facts to the contrary stand
March 12, 1938, German troops invaded Austria. out boldly, as the prophecy foretells.
Hitler proclaims the union of Austria with Germany. ’S"And they shall pollute the sanctuary of
Thus he becomes the creator of the so-called "Holy strength." Undoubtedly the sanctuary here is the
Germanic Reich of Teutonic Nationality". same as meant by the prophecy of Daniel at 9: 17,
October 1, 1938, German troops entered Sudeten- to wit: "Now, therefore, O our God, hear the prayer
land of Czechoslovakia. of thy servant, and his supplications, and cause thy
March2, 1939, Pacelli is elected pope (Plus XII). face to shine upon thy sanctuary that is desolate, for
March 15, 1939, German troops entered Prague the Lord’s sake." The "sanctuary" is Jehovah’s or-
and Hitler set up a German protectorate over Czech ganization, which is now represented on the earth
territory of Bohemia and Moravia; and next day by his spiritual "remnant", the last remaining mem-
over Slovakia. bers of the capital organization yet on the earth
March 29, 1939, the Spanish republic surrendered bearing witness to the great THEOCRAC~ by Christ
to the rebels under Franco, and civil war ends. Jesus: "Knowye not that ye are the temple of God,
April 7, 1939, "Good Friday," Mussolini’s troops and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any
invade Albania. man defile the temple of God, him shall Goddestroy ;
August 24, 1939, Germany signs a non-aggression for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are."
pact with Communist Russia. ml Cor. 3 : 16, 17.
September 1, 1939, Hitler starts his "Blitzkrieg" ’" The sanctuary of JEHOVAH is the only "sanctuary
on Poland. of strength". That sanctuary, or temple company, is
September 3, 1939, England declares a state of "strong in the Lord and in the power of his might"
war with Germany; Australia does also. and filled with the joy of the Lord: "The joy of the
September 10, 1939, Canada declares a state of LORD is your strength." (Neh. 8 : 10) "The LORD is the
war with Germany. strength of my life." (Ps. 27:1) "He is the saving
December 14,1939, the League of Nations dropped strength of his anointed." (Ps. 28:8) That strong
Soviet Russia from membership in the League. sanctuary is built of "living stones", the Chief Corner
December 23, 1939, President Roosevelt an- Stone of which is Christ Jesus the Lord, and the
nounced his appointment of Myron C. Taylor as his other stones the membersof his body. (1 Pet. 2: 1-I0)
personal representative to the Vatican. According to other translations of this text (Dan.
11:31) of the prophecy it is "the fortress", or
December 28, 1939, Plus XII visited the king of "stronghold", which the enemy cannot overthrow.
Italy at the Quirinal Palace.
The remnant now on the earth is a part of and rep-
April 9, 1940, German troops invaded Norway resents that sanctuary. They represent, therefore,
and Denmark. the great THEOCRACY by Christ Jesus the King, and
May 10, 1940, German troops invaded Holland, that TH~.OCnACY is the great stronghold to which
Belgium and Luxemburg. those who love Jehovah and his King have fled for
May 17, 1940, German troops pierced the French safety.
Maginot Line. ~’ "To pollute [or defile] the sanctuary of strength"
June 10, 1940, Mussolini declared war on France is to oppose the THEOCRACY, to reproach the name oi
and Britain. the great THEOCRAT and his King, and to persecute
June 14, 1940, German troops entered Paris. the remnant now on the earth, namely, Jehovah’s wit-
August 15, 1940, more than 1,000 German planes nesses, who represent and proclaim The THEOCR.’~TIC
raided Britain. GOVERNMENT. It was in 1931 that the faithful serv-
September 14, 1940, Fascist troops of Italy in- ants of God on the earth learned that the name of
vaded Egypt in drive toward the Suez Canal. JS~HOVAH was called upon the remnant. (Isa. 62:2;
October 28, 1940, Fascist troops of Mussolini in- 43: 10-12; Rev. 2: 17) Since then in particular "the
vaded Greece. king of the north" has attempted to suppress the wit-
sl The Axis powers, that is to say, "the king of the ness work and to destroy the witnesses who proclaim
north," the political and the religious element act- the name of Jehovah and his THEOCRATIC GOVZRX-
ing together and with full understanding, have con- ME~by Christ Jesus, and who tell the people that
tinued their ’qightning-war" with the undeniable pur- THETHZOCRACY is the real hope of the world.
pose of gaining world domination. In that program "’ To the modern political element, particularly of
of wickedness The THEOCRATICGOVERNMENT, by the totalitarian combine who practice demonism,
Christ Jesus, is denounced and openly attacked, and Jehovah says by another prophet: "Say unto the
while the Papacy element of the combine tries to con- Ammonites, Hear the word of the Lord God: Thus
ceal its opposition to God’s Kingdom and falsely saith the Lord God, Because thou saidst Aha, against
i, 1941 fffeWATCHTOWEP,. 297

my sanctuary, when it was profaned," you shall be Austria closed the office of the WATCH Tow~:r~
punished.--Ezek. 25 : 3 ; see Vindwation, Book Two, BIBLEANDTRACTSOCIETYin,June, 1935, and stopped
page 27. the public witness work of God’s people in that land.
PROOF OF POLLUTING June 8, 1935, French Catholic Quebec, under the
" Some facts are here set out showing how Jeho- Vatiean’s direction, entered a judgment in the Appel-
late Court convicting Jehovah’s witnesses of sedi-
vah’s sanctuary class has been defiled and polluted
by the combine of "the king of the north", particu- tious conspiracy, which judgment was based solely
upon evidence that Jehovah’s witnesses were distrib-
larly the religious element thereof, and these facts
are here published to show that the prophecy has uting free literature telling of THETttEOCRACY and
been partially fulfilled and is in further course of the blessings it will bring to the people. In 1940 the
Roman Catholic dictator of Canada declared JEHO-
fulfillment now, to wit:
Since 1922 the dictator of Italy has never per- VAH’Switnesses and the WATCH TOWER BIBLE A~,’D
nfitted the name of Jehovah and his THEOCRACY to T~CTSOCIETYan "illegal organization" and stopped
be proclaimed in that Fascist land. Jehovah’s wit- the public witness work in that country.
nesses have been arrested and imprisoned and to Since 1935 and up to 1941 the public witness work
this day are still held in prison with the full con- of Jehovah’s witnesses has been banned or sup-
nivanee of the Papacy. pressed in many of the countries, to wit: West
When Hitler came into power as chancellor of Africa, France, Spain, all of the Nazi- and Fascist-
Germany he promptly issued an order against Jeho- occupied territory, Austria, Japan, and other places,
vah’s witnesses, and which order was issued at the and all at the instance of the RomanCatholic Hier-
connivance and demand of the RomanCatholic Hier- archy. The persecution of Jehovah’s witnesses is car-
archy. The property of the WATCH TOWEr~BIBnE A~D ried on in practically every part of the earth, and
TRACTSOCIETYwas seized in 1933 and much of its these faithfuI servants of the Lord are "hated of all
literature was burned by the Nazis. The property nations" because of their faithfulness to God and to
of the Society was again seized in April, 1934, which his kingdom.--Matt. 24:9.
seizure and confiscation was in violation of the treaty s, Further the prophecy (Dan. 11 : 31) says : "Amt
l~etween the United States and Germany. The United shall, take awaythe daily sacrifice"; according to the
States intervened in behalf of the Society, and its Revised Version: "Shall take away the continual
property was released for a short time. Then again burnt-offering." The many Scripture texts bearing
its property was seized by Germany, without hear- upon the use of the words "daily [or continual] sac-
ing the facts or even giving notice to the Society. rifice" show that the same have reference to the
The work of witnessing for the Kingdomwas stopped continuous or unceasing activities of Jehovah’s serv-
by the Nazi government. Then the meetings of Jeho- ants in giving praise to his name and proclaiming his
vah’s witnesses were broken up by the Nazis and Theocratic government. (See 1 Chronicles 23 : 23-31
thousands of Jehovah’s faithful servants were ar- Isaiah 62: 6; Hosea 1~:6; Psalm 34: 1; Hebrews
rested and imprisoned, and many of them have been 13: 15; 1 Corinthians 15: 31.) That daily or continual
ldlled because of their faithfulness to THETHEOC- sacrifice is the continuous praise of Jehovah by his
r,.tCY. All that wicked persecution and defilement is servants’ bearing testimony to his name and to his
,!one at the instance and demandof the RomanCath- government, and doing so publicly by publishing the
,,lie Ifierarchy, and is a part of Catholic Action to message of the kingdom of God. This is done by the
~,ut)press everything that might hinder world domi- distribution of Bible literature, which informs the
natron by the Axis powers. people of God’s gracious provision for them, and by
A letter of protest against the wicked treatment their going from house to house and delivering to the
uf Jehovah’s witnesses was sent to Hitler Febru- people these truths and reproducing recorded speech,
ary 4, 1934; and on October 7, 1934, companies of and by other means proclaiming the gospel in obe-
Jehovah’s witnesses, assembled in many places dience to the commandof the Lord. That public wit-
throughout the earth, sent the following message by ness work is designated in the Bible as God’s
cable and other means to Hitler, to wit: "Your ill- "strange work". (Isa. 28: 21) The proclamation
treatment of Jehovah’s witnesses shocks all good the name and the kingdom of Jehovah greatly angers
people of earth and dishonors God’s name. Refrain the demons and all that are under demon control.
from further persecuting Jehovah’s witnesses, other- Mark this, that the prophecy says: "THEYshall pol-
wise God will destroy you and your national party." lute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away
The persecution continues against Jehovah’s wit- the [continual] sacrifice." Thus it is seen that both
nesses to this day, which shows that such action is "the king of the north" and "the king of the south"
a deliberate and determined effort to defile God’s indulge in the same persecuting work against Jeho-
sanctuary class. vah’s witnesses, and they bitterly and relentlessly

oppose THE THEOCRACY, proving that they are both Mussolini was against the pope. The League of Na-
of Satanic origin and creation. tions, organized by "the king of the south", came into
"" The two ’~kings" succeeded in taking away this existence by the terms of the Versailles Treaty. Aus-
"daily sacrifice" in 1918, during the World War, and tria got into the League in December, 1920. Germany
under the pretext that the same hindered the war. entered the League in 1926. Japan also went in. The
After the war "the king of the north" continued to League of Nations served as a temporary substitute
hinder and take away the "daily sacrifice" or service for THETHEOCRACY until the chief of demons and his
of Jehovah by his faithful witnesses. Nowboth kings, associates brought forth and placed the more abom-
under the influence and power of the demons, con- inable thing where it has no right to be. Marknowthe
tinue to suppress the message of The THEOCRATICsly, subtle movementof the chief of demons and his
GOVER~’I~fENT and both look forward to the time near principal religious representative on earth toward
when they shall be able to say: "Peace and safety"; setting up "the abomination that maketh desolate".
particularly for the religious element thereof. ’~ In Germanythe Nazi party, with the full sanc-
"" Everywhere the totalitarian-religious crowd are tion, approval and co-operation of the Papacy,
against the true worship of Almighty God because planned their own League, and an order to that end
that worship is to worship Godin spirit and in truth was, to wit: Hitler assumed the office of dictator on
and emphasizes the great truth that The THEOCraTIC March 23, 1933, by the vote of the Reichstag. On
GOVER~E.~T by Christ Jesus is the only hope of hu- July 20, 1933, Hitler concluded his concordat with
mankind. The reason for the cruel opposition of the the pope. October, 1933, Hitler quit and withdrew
two "kings" against Jehovah’s witnesses is that the from the Disarmament Conference and the League
demons are desperately fighting to now hold control of Nations. The same year Japan withdrew from the
of the world. Therefore the demon-controlled ruling League of Nations. April, 1933, the pope inaugu-
powers of the nations try to compel Jehovah’s wit- rated the "HOLY YEAR", and the so-called "Protestant"
nesses to "worship the beast and his image", that is nations began to walk right into the trap of Satan
to say, the rule of the world by dictators. It clearly set for that purpose. In 1934 President yon Hinden-
appears from the prophecy and from all the physical burg died and Hitler took full control of the nation.
facts that both the "kings" are bent on world domina- Was the Vatican supporting that movement?
tion in defiance of The THEOC~TICGOVERNMENT by ,2 The RomanCatholic bishops held a conference
Christ Jesus and hence both are in fact totalitarian at Fulda, Germany, August, 1935, at the conclusion
and dictatorial. of which a letter of RomanCatholic Hierarchy au-
thority was read from the pulpits of all Catholic
’DESOLATING ABOMINATION’ churches in Germany; and concerning the Nazi rule
’°"And they shall set up the abomination that of Germany that letter said: "The Catholic Church
maketh desolate." (Am. ReD. Vet.) That prophetic indisputably contributed a large share towards Ger-
statement foretells the setting up by Satan and his man obedience and respect for the leaders of the
agents of a mimic or substitute for Jehovah’s T~EO- State"; meaning the Nazi leaders, of course. Thus
CRATICGOVERNMENT. The purpose is to desolate the Roman Catholic Hierarchy reminded the German
Jehovah’s servants and to bring about the desolation people that the Catholic church had rendered real
or destruction of all the people at Armageddon,thus and valuable assistance in bringing the dictator Itit-
desolating all the earth. That action of setting up ler into power. Shortly thereafter, to wit, October 2~,
the ’desolating abomination’ is taken by the demons, 1935, at Berlin Hitler announced that he would lead
with "the king of the north" being used by and acting the Nazi party along the path of "positive Christian-
for the Devil on the earth. Watch then further the ity" [that is, Catholic Action pathway], and not
nations of the earth claiming to be democratic that along the false path of anti-Christian doctrine; and
walk into the same trap of the demons. The setting he there gave assurance of such purpose to the Cath-
up or placing the "abomination of desolation" has olic bishop of Berlin.
for its purpose the turning all the nations of the
earth totalitarian. It is a conspiracy, drawing into DEMON-WORSHIP
and associating the nations of the earth in one con- ’sWhat is the ’desolating abomination’? Prac-
federacy against THETHEOCRACY. "The king of the tically everywhere in the Bible where "abomination"
south" brought forth the League of Nations as a sub- (Hebrew: sh~kutz) is used it means or refers to
stitute for JEHOWJa’Skingdom, and on which the images employed in demon-worship, that is, idol
Papacy tried to ride but failed to get on the back images. The RomanCatholic Hierarchy always uses
thereof. The Papacy thereafter said little about or images. Note what the Bible says about graven
for the League of Nations. Italy was in the League images used in the worship of demon gods: "The
of Nations from the beginning, and at that time graven images of their gods shall ye burn with fire;
i, 1941 fffieWATCHTOWER, 299

thou shalt not desire the silver or gold that is on Satan. To partake of that offering means to partake
them, nor take it unto thee, lest thou be snared there- of the "table of devils", whereas the ’continual sac-
in; for it is an abomination to the LORDthy God. rifice’ was a living sacrifice on the part of God’s
Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine anointed servants in that these witnesses of Jehovah
house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it; but thou served him by proclaiming "this gospel of the king-
shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor dom" and gave praise to him with their lips.--
it ; for it is a cursed thing." (Deut. 7 : 25, 26) "Milcom Heb. 13 : 15.
the abomination of the Ammonites." "Chemosh, the ’~ The mimic theocracy set up by "the king of the
abomination of Moab." "Molech, the abomination north" is the idol, or "abomination", which is placed
of the children of Ammon."(1 Ki. 11:5, 7) "Ashto- or set up at the instance of the (lemons. It is tile
reth the abomination of the Zidonians." (2 Ki. totalitarian rule, which is blessed by religious leaders
23 : 13, 24) For other Bible texts concerning images, of the RomanCatholic system. That totalitarian rule
see 2 Chronicles 15:8; Jeremiah 7:30; Jeremiah is put forward in the place and stead of the kingdom
32: 33, 34; Ezeldet 20: 30, 31. Unclean animals when of Almighty God, The THEOCRATIC GOVI;llNMENThy
eaten as food were called abominations.--Lev. Christ Jesus. It is a desolating abomination. That
11 : 11, 13, 43 ; Zech.9 : 7. desolating abomination has been placed or set up
" The Israelites claimed to serve JEHOVAH GOD, and now stands where it ought not to stand. (Mark
and turned to demon-worship. The Roman Catholic 13:14) It is the announced purpose of that abomi-
Hierarchy claims to serve God, but turns to demon- nable thing to rule the world in tile place and stead
ism and employs images in demon-worship. The of The THEOCRATICGOWR~E~% while at the same
"abomination that maketh desolate" represents an time that mimic thing claims to operate in tim name
offering, presumably to God and Christ, and is of Christ. It will deceive and is deceiving many. Who
claimed by the RomanCatholic Hierarchy to be so will give heed to the warning of the Lord and take a
offered; but in fact it is actually offered to the de- wise course?
mons, the chief of which is "the god of this world", (To bo continued)


T WAS in the autumnseason, toward the first of Octo-
I ber, and at nighttime, morethan nineteen centuries ago,
that the angelic train from heaven arrived and stood
intended that menshould understand a divine prophecy at
the time it is uttered. (Dan.12 : 8, 9, 10) In God’sdue trine
those of reverential mind and devoted heart shall under-
over the modestlittle city of Bethlehem.Abandof shepherd- stand. The prominent parts of th~s prophecy stated m the
menwere guarding their sheep from unfriendly attacks. order of importance are: (1) The honor, good name and
They knewnothing of the comingof this heavenly host; fame of Jehovah God; (2) "on earth peace to menof good
and whenthe leading angel stood out to announcethe birth will". (Douaytranslation) In every language and tongue
of the "holy child", these watchers were sore afraid. To this prophetic messagehas been read by milhons of people,
allay their fears that heavenly messenger said to them: but few have understood and fewer have profited by that
"Fear not: for, behold, I bring you goodtidings of great understanding. Blessed are they that hear and understand
joy. whichshall be to all people. For unto you is born this and heed.
day, m the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the The apostles of Jesus preachedthe messageof peace al~d
Lord." (Luke 2: 10, 11) Fromthe presence of the Eternal salvation, and manyhave heard and professed to belw~e
Godthese holy angels had come. the same. Since the year 800 A.D., whenthe pope on "Chmst-
Nine monthsbefore this the only begotten Son of God, mas Day" crowned the bloody Charlemagne emperor of
The Logosor Wordof God, had left the self-same heavenly the so-called "Holy RomanEmpire", even the nations have
court, havinglaid aside his spirit existence to become"the p~ofessed to be Christian natmns. Each"Chmstmas season:".
manChrist Jesus", the Savior of the world. The special so called, the preachers have preached somekind of peace
messenger from heaven had nowmadeannouncementto the sermon; and the people have in some measure expressed
shepherds that the Savior was born; and then the mighty a little good-will toward one another by glwnggifts, par-
host with ecstatic joy together sang: "Glory in the highest ticularly to relatives and friends from whomthey expect
unto God! Andon earth peace, amongmenof good-will." to receive somethingin return. Someof the great financiers
Never before had ears of menheard such wondroussong. have on "Christmas" occasions loosened up their purse
Downthrough the corridors of the ages its sweet melody strings a little, and have given sometemporary rehef to
has reverberated. Nowat the comingof the newday, the the poor that they might receive the plaud:ts of men. The
day of the Lord, its meaningis understood more clearly politicians, wielding the powerto rule, have on such occa-
than at any time past. That anthem, sung by the hosts of sions released someunfortunate ones from prison cells, and
heaven, was indeed a prophecy; and its meaning to the at these seasons the religious clergy have boasted of the
people must in due time be understood. That due time is greatness and generosity of their allies, the commercial
here! and political factors, while with honeyedwords uponthmr
A prophecyis the foretelling of future events. It is not lips these clergy haveheld forth their hands to receive more

gifts from the people. "Christmas" in December has been under Christ ever be a blessing and a joy to anyone who is
well marked by hypocrisy. But, with these governing fac- not of good-will toward God? All the enemies of Jehovah
tors, commercial, political and religious, the nameof Jeho- God shall perish for ever, and hence to them the Kingdom
vah God has not been honored. Neither by their combined will be nothing. (Pss. 21:8; 37:20) After the battle
efforts has peace come to the people, nor does there now Armageddon never again shall Satan and his religious
exist good-will amongst men, one toward another, but now agents and their organization be in existence. Then the
the prophetic words of Jesus are fulfilled toward his faith- memory of those wicked ones shall perish for ever: "the
ful followers who bear witness for the name of Jehovah memoryof the just is blessed; but the name of the wicked
God: "And ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s shall rot." (Prov. 10:7; Isa. 26: 14) Today the people
sake."--Matt. 24 : 9. earth that are of good-will toward Jehovah God and his
The birth of Jesus did not bring peace on earth at that Theocratic Government by Christ have reason to rejoice,
time, nor has there been a time since when complete peace and should rejoice, because the time of complete deliverance
has prevailed in the world. All the religious preaching that and peace everlasting is near. For that reason God is now
has been done in the name of Jesus has not brought peace. making clear his purpose to those who desire his righteous
Addressing his disciples Jesus said: "Suppose ye that I am government, The Theocracy.
come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather The war and troubles on earth are due to the evil in-
division : for from henceforth there shall be five in one house fluence of the wicked one, Satan the Devil, and the demons,
divided, three against two, and two against three. The of whomhe is chief. The people are responsible because
father shall be divided against the son, and the son against they have not kept the law of God, but have yielded to tic-
the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daugh- monismor religion. The governing factors of the world are
tcr against the mother; the mother in law against her particularly responsible because they have ignored the Lord
daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother and have not honored his name. All mankind have sinned
in law." (Luke 12: 51-53) By this it is understood that and come short of the glory of God. In sorrow the prophet
those who heard and obeyed his message would be despised of God, at Isaiah 48: 18, 19, 22, cried out: "O that thou
by those who rejected it, and that there would be trouble hadst hearkened to my commandments! then had thy peace
in the households where there was such division of opinion. been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the
It has been thus. The truth of God’s great purpose to estab- sea; thy seed also had been as the sand, and the offspring
lish his Theocratic Governmentby Christ Jesus has caused of thy bowels like the gravel thereof; his name should not
the division in homes. have been cut off nor destroyed from before me .... There
Further Jesus said: "And ye shall hear of wars, and is no peace, saith the Lord, unto the wicked."
rumours of wars; see that ye be not troubled: for all these The trouble on earth is due to rebellion amongst crea-
things must come to pass, but the end is not yet." Andthis tures, which rebellion includes both men and angels. This
has been true throughout the entire "Christian era". Then rebellion has brought dishonor to the name of Jehovah God
referring to the end of Satan’s uninterrupted rule of the The rebellion must be put down and the name of the Lord
world Jesus said: "For nation shall rise against nation, and God honored before there can be lasting peace. From the
kingdom against kingdom; and there shall be famines, and beginning God purposed that the earth should be a part
pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are of his universal organization of peace and good-will. He
the beginning of sorrows."--Matt. 24 : 6-8. created man in his own image and likeness and gave him
There may seem to be confusion and discord between dominion over the things of the earth. God made a covenant
the words sung by the angelic host and the words of Jesus, with man that he should exercise dominion over the earth
but could there be real conflict and inconsistency? The in harmonywith the Creator’s will. Adamviolated the terms
angels were from God and delivered his message. The Lord of that covenant by reason of the treachery of his invisible
Jesus, the Son of God, clothed with power and authority overlord, Lucifer, who turned traitor and became Satan the
to represent Jehovah, spoke the truth according to God’s Devil. As written at Hosea6 : 7 : "But they, like Adam,have
purpose. There could be nothing inconsistent or confusing transgressed the covenant: there have they dealt treacher-
about Jehovah. "For God is not the author of confusion, ously against me."--Marginal reading.
but of peace." (1 Cor. 14: 33) How,then, shall we harmo- Jehovah’s holy prophets were inspired to foretell the
nize the messagedelivered by the angels at Jesus’ birth with complete fall of Satan’s organization and the estabhshment
the words of Jesus to his disciples ? of God’s Theocratic Government of everlasting peace on
Jesus’ words told of the conditions as they were and earth. Someof these prophets were given a vision of the
would be for some time because of the action of the enemy. coming of that blessed time, and they diligently sought to
The words delivered by the angels foretold God’s purpose knowthe manner and the time of its coming, but they under-
which in his own due time must be carried out and bring stood not. (1 Pet. 1: 10-12) The mind of the patriarch
peace on earth toward those for whomit is meant. Before Jacob was moved upon by the holy spirit of God and he
there could be peace the name of God must be honored. declared: "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah [fore-
Before there could be peace without end Jesus, as the great father of Jesus], nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until
executive officer of Jehovah, must fight for it. The angel’s Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the peo-
words (according to Rotherhfim and Douay), "Glory in the ple be." (Gen. 49 : 10) Shiloh is one of the titles of the great
highest unto God ! and on earth peace, amongmen of good. Messiah, the Anointed One, and means "Peaceful One".
will," emphasize the fact that peace on earth is to men of Centuries before this Peaceful One came to earth the
good-will only. Why should the kingdom of Jehovah God prophet Isaiah took his position as though he were stand-
ing by the side of the manger in the city of David, Bethle- nesses. To such the Lord gave instructions to pray: "Thy
hem, and said: "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son kingdomcome. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven."
is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder; Neither the true followers nor the professed followers of
and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Jesus were instructed to set up the kingdom of God, but,
mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." on the contrary, were commandedto await the return of
--Isa. 9 : 6, 7. the Lord and the Father’s due time when his great work
The obedient angels of heaven were entrusted with should be done in his own good way. The religious clergy
messages to tell to God’s earthly representatives before the of "Christendom" have tried to run ahead of God and set
birth of Jesus. These angels must have knownof God’s pur- up the kingdom before the time.
pose to bring peace on earth to men of good-will. Nowthe During this time of the selection of the members of
time had comefor the greatest of all events till then to take Jehovah’s royal family of which Christ Jesus is the Head
place. A mighty host of holy and glorious heavenly creatures there has been no peace on earth, but the very reverse.
was organized and under the command of their leader Brother has been against brother, father against son and son
winged their way to earth. What a joyful train! and what against father, because all the consecrated and faithful
a blessed mission was theirs as they carried the message of followers of Jesus have been oppressed by others under tile
eternal peace and joy to the millions of fallen men! These control of Satan. Satan hates the truth and every one that
angels did not try to run ahead of God; and although follows the truth, and therefore he induces all that are
clothed with power and authority to tell this wondrous under his control to oppose the truth. Therefore to this day
message on earth, they did not know when the time would we see the fulfillment of Jesus’ words: "Suppose ye that I
come for its fulfillment. About this there can be no doubt; am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather
for Jesus said so, at Matthew24 : 36. Their joy was in do- division."--Luke 12: 51.
ing Jehovah’s will ; and such is the joy of every dutiful and NowSatan and his demonsare gathering all their forces
obedient creature to Jehovah God. Then came the miracu- for the great and final conflict. It is "the battle of that
lous birth of Jesus. great day of God Almighty". It is "the great and tcrmble
In the fullness of time the holy child grew to manhood’s day of the LORD".(See Revelation 16: 13-16; Joel 2 31.)
estate and entered upon the performance of his divinely In that fight the Lord God will make for himself a name,
given commission. Could he be at peace with Satan, the that the peoples and nations of earth may know that he is
traitor and oppressor of man? Satan, as "the god of this God; and then those of good-will shall appreciate tile song
world", offered to compromise with Jesus when he offered the angels sang: "Glory to Godin the highest! .... Bc still,
IIim the rulcrship of the evil world if Jesus would fall and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the na-
down and worship him, and which offer Jesus spurned. tions, I will be exalted in the earth."--Ps. 46: 10, A.R V
(Luke 4: 6-8) The beloved Son of God refused to be mis- There can be no peace on earth so long as Satan is m
led or to be purchased by flattery or by fame. A similar control of the affairs of men. Satan has now been cast out
temptation has since been presented to the religious clergy of heaven and sees that his power on earth is in jeopardy
and they have quickly fallen and hence are honored by the (See Revelation 12: 1-12.) After his dupes on earth have
political rulers of the world. Jesus cameto earth to glorify
set up his deceptive arrangement on earth we may not be
his Father’s name and to do this by joyfully doing the will surprised to hear in the near future the prophets of de-
of God tie came to destroy Satan’s organization and the monismor religion saying more loudly than ever before:
ewl works thereof and then to estabhsh peace on earth in "Peace and safety!" Then sudden destruction shall conic
(;od’s due time.--1 John 3 : 8. upon them, "and they shall not escape "--1 Thess. 5 : 3.
Whydid not Jesus destroy the Devil and set up God’s
kingdom at once? This he could have done, but it would not No power aside from Jehovah’s can now avert Arma-
have established peace on earth. The humanrace was then geddon, and He will not avert it. The Devil’s organizatmn
termbly degraded by reason of sin and tile works of tile must fall’ to make way for the kingdom of nghteousnesq
winked one. God’s loving provision was that the Lord Jesus God’s prophet, describing the great and termble day of the
on earth prove his integrity under test and that the human Lord and the waves of that trouble dashing to pieces Sa-
race be redeemedby his ransom sacrifice, and that then the tan’s organization, says: "They mount up to the heaven,
kingdom of righteousness be established in God’s due time they go downagain to the depths; their soul is melted be-
and God’s name be declared throughout all the earth by cause of trouble. They reel to and fro, and stagger hke a
his witnesses and men of good-will be afforded an oppor- drunken man, and are at their wits’ end. Then they [the
tunity to hear and call upon the name of Jehovah God for men of good-will] cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and he
sah.ation by Christ Jesus, and then the Devil should be bringeth them out of their distresses. He maketh the storm
destroyed. a calm, so that the waves thereof are still. Then are they
During the past nineteen centuries Jehovah God has glad because they be quiet, so he bringeth them [the Arma-
madeno effort to convert the world, as the religious clergy geddon survivors] unto their desired haven."-Ps. 107 26-30.
would have the people believe. On the contrary, Jehovah The great tribulation will so humblethe hearts of those
has been taking out from amongst the nations "a people that seek meekness and righteousness that they will cry
for his name", which people are to be associated with Christ unto the Lord and he will lift them up and estabhsh peace,
Jesus in his Kingdom. (See Acts 15:14-18; Romans lasting peace, on earth. "He maketh wars to cease unto the
S 16, 17.) These are they who, trusting in the merit of his end of the earth ; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear
saemfiee, consecrate themselves unreservedly to do the will in sunder; he burneth the chariot [of war} in the fire."
of God and become his anointed and commissioned wit- (Ps. 46: 9) Jesus has declared that this shall be the last
trouble; and then with Jehovah’s Theocratic Government his enemies, and now the people must take sides either for
established "nation shall not lift up sword against nation, Jehovah’s Theocratic Government or for Satan’s organiza-
neither shall they learn war any more". (Isa. 2:4) The tion. The great battle of Armageddonis approaching. Those
Prince of Peace in charge, and with the government upon of honest heart, who are therefore possessed of a measure
his shoulder, there shall be no end of peace. Then shall the of good-will, should be advised of Jehovah’s purpose that
people of good-will be led forth with peace and they shall they may take the right course. It is the privilege of the
rejoice and be glad.--Isa. 55:12. witnesses of Jehovah to point all such to the Kingdom, to
At the time of Jesus’ birth there was little good-will remove from the minds of such people the false doctrines
toward God among men. A similar condition exists today. taught them by religion or demonism,and to aid them to see
Selfishness predominates and controls the thoughts and ac- the way of righteousness and holiness. The people must Iearn
tions of men. Selfishness and good-will do not harmonize. righteousness, but they will not learn it unaided.--Zeph. 2 : 3.
Good-will meaim that one’s purpose toward another is for The prophecy sung by the angels at Jesus’ birth is now
good and that one desires to see his fellow man blessed with beginning to have its fulfillment. The first part of that
goodness, peace, prosperity, and that he takes a keen de- prophecy is to honor and glorify the name of Jehovah. That
light in doing anything that will result to the glory of Jeho- will be done in the great time of trouble at Armageddon,
vah God and m good to his neighbor. which is impending. The next step is the establishment of
But are there no people of good-will now on earth? everlasting peace, and this will be done when Satan is de-
Yes; there are some, but they are in minority. There is a stroyed, and the "men of good-will" preserved. It is the
multitude without number that have an honest desire to see privilege of the Christians to see this order of events now,
peace, prosperity and happiness amongst the people, but to profit by it, to take their stand unequivocally on the
they have been so long misled and mistaught by religion Lord’s side, and to always have in mind the words of Jeho-
that they are in confusion and know not which course to vah : "Ye are mywitnesses, saith the Lord, that I am God."
take. These have a desire for better conditions but find no (Isa. 43:10, 12) Consecrated Christians must be the true
way to express it. and faithful witnesses of the Lord God There has never
Nowthe time has come for the anointed witnesses of before been such an important time for this to be done as
Jehovah together with their faithful earthly companions now.
to lift up the standard of the Lord for such people of good- Such Christians can have no sympathy with or part in
will and to aid and comfort and strengthen them that they the Devil’s organization. As representatives of the Lord it
may see the right way and rally to it. The King of The is nowtheir privilege to comfort those that mournby point-
Theocracy is here and has begun his reign in the midst of ing them to Zion, Jehovah’s Theocratic organization.

NE of the Devil’s favorite methods to accomplish the
O destruction of a creature is to turn the mind of the
creature away from the great Creator. This the Devil
cere, are induced to worship images and men, and to pray
to Mary and to address her as "the mother of God". The
Devil himself induces this to keep the people in his snare
does by inducing the creature to laud, magnify or worship The same condition has existed at all times in the Prot-
anything other than God, and to forget God. Hence the estant system. The names of Arius, Calvin, Luther, Wesley,
study of God and his works is the only safe course for man. and numerous others, are recorded with reverence, and
Manycreatures worship the Devil. It is the policy of the their sayings are quoted as authority, even though bl direct
Devil to induce others to worship some creature, in order contradiction to the Word of God. Membersof the Prot-
that their minds may be turned away from Jehovah God. estant church have stood in great fear and reverence of
Always keel) this fact in mind. To accomplish his purpose these men and their memories. Manyhave put their trust
the Devil not only resorts to fraud, but induces others to in these men instead of trusting in the Lord God. For th~s
become hypocrites. He began this practice in the days of reason they have exposed themselves to the snare of the
Adam’s grandson Enos, when he induced men at that time Devil.
to call themselves by the name of the Lord, who in truth Proverbs 29:25 says: "The fear of man bringeth a
and in fact were the dupes of the Devil. (See Genesis 4 : 26, snare; but whoso putteth his trust in the LoR~) shall be
margin.) The cunning and wicked policy of the Devil is safe." Here the word "fear" means "trembling", and is
here disclosed. from the same Hebrewroot as the word in Isaiah 66 : 2, 5 :
At all times the Devil has practiced this method of de- "Saith the LORD:but to this mad will I look, even to him
Celt upon mankind. It is only necessary to glance at the that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my
lnstory of the great religious system operating out from word. Hear the word of the LoR~, ye that tremble at hm
Vatican City to see that the people of that system have at word." This denotes a fear of Jehovah. Psalm 111 : 10 says :
all times been induced to honor, worship and magnify the "The fear of the LO~Dis the beginning of ~.isdom." This
names of men rather than the name of Jehovah God. Some means that a reverential fear of the Lord is the beginning
of the leaders in this great system, even though very wicked of wisdom; and the reverential fear or dread of man is a
in their day, have afterwards been canonized as "saints" snare of the Devil, to turn man away from God.
and thereby made objects of worship by the deluded people. Satan began to operate this scheme in the early days
Membersof the Papal system, even though honest and sin- of the Christian church. Then the congregatiou at Corinth,
1, 1941 fffieWATCHTOWEt%
Greece, was divided because of trouble. Somesaid: ’I am of his higher creation, man is a very insignificant thing When
Apol]os.’ Others said : ’Paul is the mighty one who brought the psalmist David thought upon the mighty creation o[
meinto the truth.’ This condition caused the apostle, under God he exclaimed : "WhenI consider thy heavens, the work
inspiration, to write to the church at Corinth and say to of thy fingers; the moon and the stars, which thou hast
them in substance: ’Apollos and I are merely servants ordained; what is man, that thou art mindful of him ~ and
being used to bring the truth to you. It is God who gives the son of man, that thou visitest him?" (Ps 8:3, 4) This
you the knowledge and the increase. Weare merely laborers is a proper view of the matter.
with you and with God. You are God’s building. Self- Let no servant of God glory in his own wisdom, nor
constltuted wise men will appear among you and tell you deceive himself nor be deceived by glorying m some other
what to do, but do not be deceived by them. Such wisdom man’s wisdom or greatness. No truly great men have ever
as they manifest is foolishness in the sight of God. Let no lived on earth since Jesus’ time. It is unsafe to magnify the
man glory in men. God, the great Creator, is entitled to names of men. Men are never so wise that they can glory
all honor and glow. The adoration and worship of men, in their own wisdom, and no man is so wise that he is en-
and the practice of calling them great heroes, is the Devil’s titled to the glory and reverence from other men. "Thus
scheme to turn away the minds of men from God.’--See saith the LORD,Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,
1 Corinthians.1 : 10-13; 3 : 5-7, 9, 18-21. neither let the mighty man glow in his might, let not the
The church has never been free from this subtle influ- rich manglow in his riches : but let him that glorieth glory
ence of the enemy. It is not unusual for some man, prom- in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am
b~ent m a congregation, to be exalted amongst the others. the LORDwhich exercise lovingkindness, jud~ent, and
IIe possesses, possibly, more than the ordinary ability; he righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I dehght,
shows much devotion to the Lord, and the Lord uses him. saith the LOItD."---Jer. 9 : 23, 24.
Someof his special admirers give him much glow and honor. The servants of Jehovah God now see that God resists
IIe loves the adulation and receives it gladly from his breth- the proud ones who pose as heroes, and likewise turns his
ren; he begins to think more highly of himself than he face from those who are hero-worshipers. They see that he
should think, and his brethren have their minds upon him shows his favor to the obedient ones, because these are
as a great example and forget to look to the Lord. earnestly desirous of being in harmony with his holy will
This course persisted in results in defilement of the These see it is their privilege now to be his witnesses, and
temple of God, according to 1 Corinthians 3: 17. The one to declare his name and his glory in the earth. As his wit-
who receives the plaudits of the others usually becomesim- nesses these faithful ones the great Jehovah God bids to go
pressed with his own importance, takes himself too seri- and tell the glad news to the sorrowing world, and to ad-
ously, becomes proud, and makes himself an easy victim vise mankind that Jehovah is God, that Christ Jesus is the
of the Devil’s scheme. Hence Proverbs 16:18 states: "Pride King of kings, and that the day of deliverance is at hand
goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a
fall." The worship of heroes, whether in the church or out In obedience to the divine commandlet the Christmns
of it, is surely of the Devil It is the enemy’sschemeto turn magnify the name of Jehovah God, lift up his standard for
man away from God, by inducing man to reverence some the people, and point them to the way that leads to life and
endless joy. It is the solemn duty of each one to encourage
other man; and thereby manyfall into the DeviI’s snare.
every other one with whomhe comes in contact to magnify
There is nothing that man has done or can do that is
worthy of glory. If he has a clear understanding of tile and worship Jehovah God. IIonor the Creator and not the
truth, and expresses it for the benefit of others, he is not creature. Stand shoulder to shoulder and help each other
entitled to any credit or glory therefor. Menshould view to stand. The proper study of mankindis (_lod anti his works
themselves in the right light, and not think of themselves God’s anointed servants must set this example, because Jeho-
too highly. Whencompared with the greatness of God and vah has said : "Ye are mywitnesses . . . that I am God."

(Continued from page 290) in support of Jehovah’s witnesses and mdefense of their r~ghL~
tamsthe full text of that speechas given and also the "messageof and hbertles in HiS service. The 32 pages of this important docu-
comfort"adoptedby that vast assembly.It is the first pubheation mentarymatter are enclosed ma neat and strong cover. It ts 5c a
to correctly ~dentlfy "the kang of the north" and "the king of the copy, marledpostage prepaid.
south" foretold in Daniel 11. The booklet contains 32 pages and
is self-covered, the front cover bearing the title "ComfortALl "WATCHTOWER" STUDIES
That Mourn"and with a rectangular mgnabove it bearing the Weekof November2: "DemonRule Ending" (Part 2),
fateful words "End of Axis Powers". You maynow obtain the
booklet at 5c a copy, mailedto youpostpaid. ¶ 1-19 reclusive, The WatchtowerOctober 1, 1941.
Weekof November9: "DemonRule Ending" (Part 2),
"JEHOVAH’S SERVANTS DEFENDED" ¶ 20-31 inclusive, The WatchtowerOctober 1, 1941.
The release of this valuable booklet was a feature of the St. Weekof November16: "DemonRule Ending" (Part 2),
Louts Assemblythis past snmmer.The Assemblyreceived it with ¶ 32-45 mclusLve,The WatchtowerOctober 1, 1941.
great apprecmtion and thankfulness, and it will be received m
ILke mannerby all whoare interested in, if not also participating NOTICE
m, the fight which Jehovah’s covenant people are putting up m Due to the shortage m metal we are unable to get sufficient
the exercise of the God-givenand Constitutionally guaranteed quantities of stitcher wire to put two stitches mmagazinesand
freedoms, to wit, of assembly and of publication and of open booklets. To persons keeping permanent files of magazines we
speech in the worship of Almighty Godand mproclaiming the suggest that they sew the loose ends with thread.
joyful newsof his TheocraticGovernment. In this booklet you will Assoon as sufficient wire can be obtained for double-stitching
find the expressedrulings of the hlghest courts of the UnitedStates instead of single-stitching the magazines
will be producedthat w~ly.
IN ENGLISH CITY AND COUNTRYSIDE do his bidding. Mywife, working in the other end of to~,
"Wearranged for a public meeting at the British Legion and I succeeded in working the entire Reservation. We
IIaI1, Marston. The people were invited by printed leaflets, placed much literature and a Watchtower subscriptiou
and then a week before the meeting we received a card to Whenwe worked the Reservation the second time I called
say, owing to unforeseen circumstances we could not have on the superintendent. He said : ’Are you the manthat dis-
the Hall. The secretary later stated the reason to be ’You turbs and brings so muchstrife to the Indians and preaches
are all C.O.’s ; we don’t have anything to do with "pacifists": against their religion ?’ I was told I couldn’t do this work
Wecontinued with the advertising, and on the day of the unless I had permission from the Council; otherwise l
meeting we gained permission to use a small piece of ground would be taken from the Reservation by force. I told him I
at the side of the Legion Hall which belonged to the hotel was willing to face any of the complainers (who were the
next door. The meeting was arranged to begin at 3 : 30 p.m. priest and the minister, and not the Indians, which fact he
At 3 : 15 the Legion officials with two police officers arrived did not deny) and that we will keep on with our work with-
and stood outside the Hall. At 3:30 p.m. booklets were out a permit according to our constitutional rights and he
given to the public, some of whomsat on the grass outside would be responsible if anything would happen to us. I had
the hotel, and the lecture began. Three parts through the a nice opportunity to give him a good witness. Before I
lecture the Legionnaires disappeared one by one; the mes- left he took Religion and Theocracy and God and the State.
sage was getting too hot for them, and then Judge Ruther- He thanked me and promised to investigate. Whenwe came
ford mentioned how some of the police joined with the to the place where we placed the Watchtower subscription
American Legion to persecute Jehovah’s witnesses, and the the lady gave us a warm welcome, saying: ’I have been
police disappeared too. Wehad an attendance of 40. After wishing with all my heart for you to come back. We have
the lecture was over a news reporter said : ’You people have studied the books and The Watchtower and fully realize
got a name that stinks, but I don’t knowwhy.’ He kept the this is the truth ; myhusband and I want to go in this work
booklet Conspiracy Against Democracy and took a Kingdom too, and we want to know if the Society will give us the
News. The action of the Legion helped to advertise." permission. Weknowthey will not like it in the Reservation,
In Gloucestershire: "In the heart of the country I ar- but we would like to do this work anyhow. Weare poor, but
ranged a model study with an elderly lady and showed her we put aside $5 for you to get all the books and the Conso-
the privilege of witnessing for Jehovah; even though she lation." We gave her a Testimony card and a bag with
was living alone she could witness to tradespeople, etc. ammunition, and two days later she had already gone out
Calling back a fortnight later for the model study I was by herself, joyfully."
surprised to find I was sent for by two persons living on
a neighboring farm. They wished to know what this was WHERE THE HIERARCHY’S WORD IS LAW (NEW MEXICO)
all about that Miss ~ has been telling them. I put on "Two pioneers were warned at police headquarters to
the phonograph recording and told them of the Kingdom.not continue distributing magazines on the street, or else
WhenI had finished (1½ hours), one said she had been --! The papers next day boasted in bold-face type on the
religionist all her life and ’Whyhad she not heard of this
front page that ’two Jehovah’s witnesses had been given the
before ?’ I left, placing five bound books and a Bible, and
bum’s rush, and at last reports were seen leaving town for
returned to carry out the model study with Miss points unknown’. (To their trailer parked by the edge of
One of the ladies from the farm came with me. She was so
town was where they went.) The following Tuesday their
thrilled with the study that she asked if I could leave the
car was ticketed for improper parking at a place with no
phonograph to play to others, and could I please bring
parking limit signs. On going early to the police station to
the rest of the lecture ’Government and Peace’. I returned
present the chief with the very important message in God
to the farm a day or so later with the records, and she has
and the State the chief said to them: ’Yes, I have a very
ordered a whole set of the books and a Yearbook for 1941,
important message for you, too’--and into jail they went
and has already been witnessing with the aid of the phono-
without a chance to say a word. The parking ticket was a
graph in the neighboring houses. I found Miss -- had pure frame-up, a bait to entice them into the ’cage’. Other
spent over twelve hours’ witnessing in ten days, without
publishers missed them and sent word to near-by Albuquer-
going a few yards from home." que, from where the zone servant, company servant and
another came to their rescue. With foreheads harder than
AT PIMA INDIANRESERVATION,ARIZONA adamant these three sought a copy of the complaint from
"ThePimatribeareverykindpeople, but,likeothers, the police magistrate. The zone servant, spokesman for the
theyarekeptin thedarkthrough religionists.
I wasplay- group, carried a large reddish manila envelope such as
ing the phonograph at one placewhena Catholicpriest lawyers use. They caused the magistrate to become very
stuckhis head througha windowand with rude voice jittery and unusually courteous. In tearful tone he con-
orderedeverylistener outof theplace,leaving me allby suited over the phone with the prosecuting attorney, ad-
myself.He triedto stirup theIndiansagainstme,telling mitting, in the brethren’s presence, that there was no evi-
themI was an impostor, by the State~ud dence nor witnesses against those in jail, though they were
not appointed
therefore notdesiredin theReservation.For thesakeof to be given a choice of $90, or 90 days, or leave town. As
thosepresent I answeredhimthattheyhavekeptthepeo- things developed, the two pioneers were released within
plein thedarklongenoughandit wastheLord’sduetime fifteen minutes. Nowthe work is respected more than ever
toexpose theracket.Thisenragedhimandhe startedto call there, and the brethren are regularly on the streets with the
forthepolice, seeing thattheIndianswerenotwilling to magazines, unmolested."
thatI amJehovah;’
- Ezekiel

OCTOBER15, 1941
’Desolating Abomination’ .... :~(17
Flatteries ............... :](~
God’~ People ........... 310
The Wise ......................... 311
"Yct They Shall Fall".. . . 312
"Yet They Shall Fall by the Sword" . 3]2
"By Flame". .. .. 312
"ByCaptivity" .............................. 312
"Andby Spoil" .......................... 313
Help .................... 313
...................................... 317
FIELD EXPERIENCES ...................... 320
"CHILDREN~ ........... 306
HIS Journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
I 1 7 AdamsStreet
Brooklyn,N.Y.,U. S. A.
T people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically de-
OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good will
J. F. l~rrHr.Rtord~,President W.E. Vx~¢ AMBU~OH,
8ecr~ary It arranges systematic Bible study for Its readers and the Society
"And all ~ay children shall be taught of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid In such studies. It publishes suit-
able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of publle
9rent shall be *,.he peace of f_hy children." ° lsaiah 54:I3. instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SC.RIPTURES CLEARLYTEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
THATJEHOVAH Is the only true God, Is from everlasting to or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Cl~rist his beloved
to his creatures ; that the Logos was the beginning of his creation, King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
and his active agent in the creation of all things; that the Logos tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not In-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ In glory, clothed with all power In dulge in controversy, and Its columns are not open to personalities.
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah.
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man ~’~Anr.T SUBSCELt~rION P~C~.
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully dis-
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of UNITKI) STATES, $I.00:CANKDAANDMISCELLAN¢0US I~k)RZIgM, $1.50:
Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the right GRF.AT BRITAIN, AUSTRALASIA, ANDSOUTH AFRICA, 6S. Americanremit-
tancos should be made by Postal or Express MoneyOrder or by Bank
to life. Draft Canadian. British. South African and Australasian remittances
should be madedirect to the respective branch o~ces. Remittances from
THATJESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countries other than those mentionedmaybe madeto the Brooklynonce.
death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for but by Xntern~t¢o,oJ Postal MoneyOrder only.
obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every name Fo~om OF]rzmm
and clothed hlm with all power and authority. British 34 Craven Terrace, London, W.2, England
THATJEHOVAH’SORGANIZATION is a Theocracy called Zion, ~,anadian
....................... 40 Irwin Avenue,Toronto5, Ontario, Canada
Australazlan................ 7 BeresfordRoad,Strathfleld. N. S. W., Australia
and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the right- I~outt*A~rtoa~................... BostonHouse, CapeTown,South Africa
ful King of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of Please addressthe Society in every ca~e~
Christ Jesus are children of Zion, membersof Jehovah’s organiza-
tion, and are his witnesses whoseduty and privilege it Is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind (Tran*~ttonso/ this tournal appearIn several language*.)
as expressed tn the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom
before all who will hear.
THATTHE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has All sincere students of the Bible whoby reason of Infirmity, poverty or
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted adversity are unable to pay the subscription price mayhave The Watch~
Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the establishment of tower free upon written application to the publishers, madeonce each
God’s kingdom on earth. year, stating the reason for so requesting it. Weare glad to .thus aid the
needy, but the written appUcation once each year is reqmred by the
postai regulations.
THATTHE RELIEFand blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, which Notlve to Bubsordbers: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the destruction scription will be sent only when requested. Change of address, when
requested, maybe expected to appear on address label within one month.
of Satan’s organization and the establishment of righteousness in A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) will be sent with the
the earth, and that under the kingdomthe people of good will that Journal one monthbefore the subscription expires.
survive Armageddonshall carry out the divine mandate to "fill Enteredns sscond-ola#smatter at the post o~lce at Brooklyn,N.Y.,
the earth" with a righteous race. under the Act o/ March$, I879.


October as the "LIghtmng-War" Test~nony Period is notable Announced and released Sunday morning, August I0, at the
m three ways: it begins the new 1941-1942 service year, it m a Theocratic Assembly of Jehovah’s witnesses m St. LouL%Mo.,
Period of hke umted aetwity world-wide, and this year it also and at the conclusion of the chmax speech on "Children of The
marks the opening of a general campmgnwith a most potent weap- King", the new hook Children won instant acelaLm from the thou-
on of truth, recently released at the Theocratic Assembly at St. sands assembled. Written by Judge Rutherford, Children b,ds
Lores. "Lightning" not only suggests enhghtenment for human- fair, as shownby xts initial receptmn at St. Louis, to be his most
kind, but also speed m enlightening them and in exposing the dark popular book, and with good reason. It is written in narrative
deeds of enemies of truth and righteousness. The people’s crying and eonversatmnal style, presenting interestingly and simply the
need of the hour and also the enthumasmover the feature offer for latest Bible truths concerning the glorious hope early to be real-
thin Period, to wit, the new book Chddren, should speed up the ized by the persons of good-will today living. Children is bound
acUvlty of all Kingdompubhshers as never before, in further ful- in sky-blue cloth, with an embossed, gold-stamped cover des,gn
fillment of the prophetic drama of Deborah and Barak, whose that ts unusual. The text within is adorned with frequent color
name means "hghtnmg". Chddren, together with a unique Home illustrations, and is supplemented with an index of subjects. You
Study Course by mail, and the new booklet Comfort All That will prize the author’s edition, as it contains the facsimile of a
special letter in the author’s own hand and addressed "To the
Mourn, are offered on a mere contribution of 25e. The swift
Children of the King". You may obtain it on a contribution of
approach of the real lightning-war of Armageddonbehooves all 50~ a copy, mailed prepaid to you. This edition is h~ted.
persons of good-will to join in this round-the-world educational
campaign before it close~ Apply either to this aflh~e or to the "COMFORTALL THAT MOURN"
foreign branch supervising your territory, for references to the This new booklet was released at the conclusion of the pubhe
local organLzed service company. Promptly at the close of the address by Judge Rutherford at the recent Theocratic Assembly
month’s work turn in your field report to aid in compiling a world at St. Louis, on the subject "Comfort All That Mourn", and con-
report on "Lightning-War". (Continued o, page 319)
15, 1941 NO. 20



"But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where
it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mounta~ls."
--Mark 13:14.
caused Daniel his prophet to write a against Communism, but the real purpose of which
J prophetic deser!ption of the "abomination that has a far wider scope. The Papacy for several years
maketh desolate ’, and later the Lord Jesus shows has held up Communismas a great scarecrow to re-
that such prophecy would have its fulfillment at the duce others to support Catholic Action and to draw
end of the world, when he, as King of THE THEOC- the people into Satan’s trap, and, without doubt, the
aACY, would take his power and reign. The Lord smooth and subtle hand of the present pope did much
Jesus not only corroborates the prophecy of Daniel toward the formation of that agreement between
as authentic, but he gives warning, telling all per- Germany and Japan last above mentioned. On No-
sons of good-will what course they must take to find vember 6, 1937, Italy joined in that pact, supposed
safety after that abominable thing is set up. (Matt. to be against Communism,but in fact a furtherance
24 : 15) The facts and the prophecy further show that of the scheme or conspiracy for world dominion.
the present is the time of fulfillment and the time to Then in the same year, and almost immediat~,ly
heed the warning. Nowthe prophecy is in course of thereafter, Italy announced withdrawal from the
fulfillment and the Lord reveals to those who will League of Nations, which League "the king of the
understand that the ’desolating abomination’ is Sa- south" had brought forward.
tan’s substitute for THETHEOCRACY,which abomina- Then on March 12, 1938, Hitler proclaimed the
ble thing is set up by Satan’s religious agent, par- union of Austria with Germany, and Cardinal
ticularly the RomanCatholic Hierarchy and allies, Innitzer, authoritative representative of the pope,
which claim the right to rule the world. At this point gave public assurance to Hitler that Austrian Cath-
Christ Jesus says to all persons of good-will : "Whoso olics fully and loyally supported Hitler; and Ihtler
readeth, let him understand." (Matt. 24: 15) Who becomes the creator of the so-called "Holy Germamc
shall understand? The Lord God, by his prophet, Reich of the Teutonic Nationality". Hitler has an-
answers : "None of the wicked shall understand ; but nounced that the Holy Roman Catholic-German Em-
the wise shall understand." (Dan. 12: 10) Those who pire must be re-established.
are of good-will toward God and his King will now On May 7, 1939, Germany and Italy announced
be diligent to read intelligently the prophecy, to- that they would sign an open political and mihtary
gether with the statement of the physical facts show- alliance as a result of a conference between their
ing a fulfillment of the prophecy. Such will take the foreign ministers at Rome. Whether the pope sat in
wise course by immediately fleeing from Satanic or on that conference is not disclosed.
demonrule and "flee to the mountains", which moun- On August 24, 1939, Hitler diplomatically out-
tains s~nbolieally refer to The THEOCRATIC GOVER~- witted "the king of the south" by entering into and
.~E~T of Jehovah by his anointed King, Christ Jesus. signing with Russia a ten-year non-aggression pact,
which both governments ratified. Hitler, in keeping
’DESOLATING ABOMINATION’ with his demonfather, did not live up to that non-
Returning now to the examination of Daniel aggression pact, but broke it and attacked Russia,
11: 31: "AND THEY SHALL PLACE THE ABOMINATION and the Papacy approves Hitler’s putsch against
THATMAKETH DESOLATE." Further physical facts are Russia, Communismbeing given as an excuse for
here submitted, which show the steps taken to place such approval.
"the abomination that maketh desolate" "where it In 1940 the GermanBlitzkrieg is carried on against
ought not" to be; to wit: Denmark, Norway, Belgium and Holland, all with the
At Berlin, November 25, 1936, Germany and Japan sanction of the Papacy. In June the same year Paris
signed an agreement, which is technically directed falls; and a life-long representative of the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy is made the arbitrary ruler of prestige influence policy, and who was not prepared
unoccupied France. Then in July, 1940, France to sell Germany, or betray it, to the general of the
ceased to be a republic in name even, and Marshal Jesuits. This was accomplished on June 30, when
Petain, the Catholic friend and ally of the pope, be- about 100 Brownshirt officers were massacred (by
came the "Chief of State", both as premier and presi- Blackshirts), and also a number of non-Nazi patriots
dent, to collaborate with Nazi Germany. The very were dealt with, such as General Duesterberg and
next month following, that is to say, August 22, 1940, General von Schleicher.
at Fulda, Germany, the Catholic bishops voted to
pledge allegiance to Hitler, giving effusive thanks "THEPOPEBEHINDTHE SCENES
at the same time to his armies. "Broadcasting to Britishers on July 3, a Mr. Cross-
8 In Japan Jehovah’s witnesses are all behind pris- man, an eyewitness of the scenes during the Hitler
on bars because they told the truth about The Tm~O- murders, said that whenever he had spoken to the
CRATmGOVERnmENT, and their imprisonment is the German people, from Munich to Berlin, ALL, without
result of RomanCatholic Hierarchy action. Septem- exception, told him the same thing, i.e., that ’the pope
ber 17, 1940, Japan announced itself a Fascist State. was behind the whole of the trouble’.
Ten days later Germany, Italy and Japan signed a "To bear witness that the Nazi party was on the
mutual assistance pact, pledging co-operation with wane when the conspiracy which made Hitler chan-
each other for ten years. November20, 1940, the con- cellor took place, listen to the following accounts of
struction of the NewLeague of Nations, the rule of eyewitnesses, a Russian social democrat, a biograph-
earth by dictators, proceeding according to "the king er of Nazism, and a French Marxian Communist ....
of the north", was signed at Vienna, Austria. That
was a formal alliance between Hungary and Ger- "GERMAlgY ’SAvED’ FOR THE JESUITS
many, Italy and Japan, and in which alliance Ru- "The Jesuits saw Germany, and their vision of the
mania, a few days thereafter, joined. In line with that ’Holy Roman(Catholic) Empire, slipping from their
further movementof "the king of the north" to set claws. ’Down with Democracy! Down with Toler-
up or place the "abomination of desolation", or "New ance ! Up Murder I Up Dictatorship !’ Von Papen and
Order", in Europe, note the following utterances of Hitler ’saved’ Germanyfor the Jesuits, just as Mus-
the Papacy, to wit: solini ’saved’ Italy for ’the Holy Church’.
November 24, 1940, Pope Plus XII by radio broad- "’Fascism’ (meaning ’Nazism’ too), wrote Luden-
cast from Vatican City prays that "there be set up dorff in his book The ComingWar, ’is a fighting in-
an order of [nations] more just and more harmoni- strument of the pope.’ ’Fascism is the offspring of
ous . . . an order that would tend to give to every the Jesuits.’ ’The ways of the Church of Rome and
people in tranquillity, in liberty, and in security, that Fascism are identical.’ ’The Papacy and Fascism are
portion of the earthly source of prosperity and pow- inseparably united: together they constitute what
er which belongs to each, so as to make possible the is called "Rome".... ’ ’What astonishes me is that
fulfillment of the words of the Creator, ’Increase and the fact should have been overlooked that national
multiply, and fill the earth.’" Regarding this the re- socialism of the Fascist type merely means collectiv-
sponsible Italian authority says that ’the pope un- ism of the Romish brand.’ "
derstands the Axis powers’ [Germans’ and Italians’]
aspirations, and that he echoes the aims of the Axis FLATTERIES
powers’. 5 "And such as do wickedly against the covenant
¯ As touching the duplicity and hypocrisy of the shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do
RomanCatholic Hierarchy and further showing their know their God shall be strong, and do exploits."
direct connection with .the Axis powers, and hence (Dan. 11 : 32) It is the political element of "the king
their forming a part of "the king of the north", which of the north" that is here namedas influencing others
is bent on world dominion, and which is "the abom- by flatteries, wickedly doing what is possible against
ination that maketh desolate", note the following the covenant, that is to say, The THEOCRATIC GOVERN-
written by an English writer under the nora de plume ME~T.The political element of "the king of the north"
of David Wilkie, to wit: flatters the religious element, that is to say, the Ro-
"Hitler became chancellor, thanks to the papist man Catholic Hierarchy, by promising to fulfill the
von Papen ; and he became the ’constitutional’ dicta- dream of the Papacy to revive and set up again the
tor of Germany, thanks to the papist Centre Party. so-called "Holy RomanEmpire". In this the polit-
ical element of the composite "king of the north"
"THE MURDERS OF JUNE 30, 1934 serves as the active ruling power, and thus serves
"Hitler’s next task was to removefrom office in the as the pope’s implement to bring about the desired
party every sincere Nazi who could by his position or result. To be sure, the Axis political powers do not
15, 1941 ieWATCHTOWE
P,,, 309

love the Papacy, but join forces with the Papacy, ’ The Papacy yielded to the flattery of the Nazis
moved by selfish desire and hope or expectation of for the selfish purpose of gratifying a political aspi-
ruling the world. The political element expects and ration, and entered into an agreement with the Nazis
relies upon the religious element, the RomanCath- and made commoncause with the dictators. Then the
olic Hierarchy, to keep the Catholic population sub- clergy or ecclesiastical element took a positive posi-
missive while the scheme of world dominion is car- tion against the covenant, that is, The THEOCRATIC
ried forward to completion. Tile Papacy willingly GOVER~E~T by Christ Jesus. Thus the ecclesiastical
joins in the conspiracy or scheme for world domina- element, the Hierarchy, became corrupt, as the
tion and lends large sums of moneyand ecclesiastical prophecy states, in like manner that the Protestant
backing and employs Catholic Action in co-operating religionists were corrupted and perverted respecting
with the political element to bring about the desired the League of Nations brought forth by "the king
end. Supporting this conclusion, take note of the fol- of the south" by the Versailles Treaty. The Papal
lowing facts, to wit: clergy, by joining forces with the dictators, became
When Mussolini became dictator of Italy he was a party to all the cruel and bloody crimes of the
against the pope. Catholic Action was put forward totalitarians, just as the Lord foretold by another
by Pope Plus XI, and shortly thereafter Mussolini of his prophets: "The earth also is defiled under the
became a devout Catholic and made regular trips to inhabitants thereof, because they have transgressed
the Vatican to have his conscience oiled. Hitler and the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the ever-
Mussolini, the two leading parts of the pohtieal ele- las~ing covenant." (Isa. 24:5) "Why trimmest thou
ment of "the ldng of the north", had an understand- thy way to seek love? therefore hast thou also taught
ing with the pope, who had dealt with Hitler through the wicked ones thy ways. Also in thy skirts is found
his agents and Secretary Cardinal Paeelli and Mon- the blood of the souls of the poor innocents; I have
signor Kaas. Fritz Thyssen, German steel magnate not found it by secret search, but upon all these."
who helped finance Hitler to his position of polit- --Jer. 2: 33, 34.
ical power, throws some light on the result of the 8 The Lord will cleanse the defiled land with the
flattery to which the pope yielded. Thyssen wrote a blood of the ones responsible for the present world
letter, which was widely published, concerning the disaster. (See Numbers 35: 33.) The Roman Cath-
deal between the pope and the dictators, from which olic Hierarchy had for many centuries claimed to be
the following is quoted: "The idea was to have a for the Covenant Government, THETHEOCRACY., and
sort of Christian Corporate State organized accord- had deceived millions of people and still deceives
ing to the classes, which should be supported by the them; but when the time arrived to dissemble, that
church--in the west by the Catholic, and in the east religious or demon institution chose "Caesar", the
by the Protestant church--and by the army .... State, instead of Christ the King.
Hitler then promised what to me was the most im- Note the marginal reading of Daniel 11:32:
portant thing : not to touch the rights of the Catholic "Cause to dissemble [that is, act hypocritically]." As
church. He repeated this promise in a long conversa- to hypocritical action on tile part of the flattering
tion with Monsignor Kaas, who paid him a visit, RomanCatholic Hierarchy, note the following: The
following an order of the then papal nuncio to Ger- public press of Germanyon February 10, 1939, com-
many, Pacelli, now Pius XII, and this without knowl- mented on the death of Pope Pius XI, who organ-
edge of the leader of the Zentrum party [the Catholic ized and started Catholic Action, and, amongst other
party of Germanyat that time], Chancellor Bruening. things, said: "Although he [the pope] invmghed
This conference led to the overthrow of the last legal against Bolshevism, he also tried ~o come to terms
German government, that of Bruening, and marked with it in the hope of taking over the Russian Ortho-
the beginning of the epoch of German and European dox Church."
policies which led to the second world war, of today." ’° For some time prior to the assault of the Ger-
"]?he foregoing statement by Thyssen was published mans upon the Russians in the present war of 1941
in the Arbeiter Zeitung of Basel, Switzerland. (See the Vatican had Jesuit priests in Russia carrying on
Consolation August 21, 1940.) a systematic training work to gain control over the
Hitler became dictator of Germanyand on July 20, Russian Orthodox Church whenever Germany con-
1933, signed a formal concordat with the pope. Short- quers Russia. This is further proof of the hypocrisy
ly thereafter the faithful servants of Jehovah, who of the Vatican and of its co-operation with the Axis
announced THE THEOCRACY within the land of Ger- powers. The public press published these facts
many, were set upon by the Nazis, their property was throughout the country, among which was that by
seized, they were harshly ill-treated, and thousands the New York Journal-American June 23, 1941, in
of them imprisoned. Hitler’s Gestapo performed this which this statement concerning the Papacy says:
act in carrying out Catholic Action. "The Holy See has been training priests for duty in
N. Y.

Russia for some time in the event of a religious tants and Jewish religionists and politicians joined
change there." with the Hierarchy in ceremonies celebrating the
1~ Further evidence of the hypocrisy of the Vatican year and felicitating the pope and other members
is shown in the following : Der Angriff, Germannews- of the Hierarchy and expressing the hope that ’a
paper, says: "As late as 1936 the pope issued per- golden stream of prosperity would flow to the peo-
mission to Catholics in Japan to participate in the cult ple by reason of the actions of the Papacy’.
of the Emperor and of the heroes, ’leaving Weltan- 15 A few examples of the foregoing follow:
schauung to the State and religion to the church.’" On October 8, 1936, the presidential campaign was
In all the political operations of "the king of the on, and Pacelli, the present pope, suddenly turned up
north" in recent years the Vatican has dissembled in the United States and had a private visit with the
or acted hypocritically before the Catholic popula- then candidate for re-election, Mr. Roosevelt. When
tion in order to hide the facts, which facts show that the votes were counted, Mr. Roosevelt had gotten
the Papacy is fully co-operating with the Axis pow- most of the Catholic vote.
ers in carrying forward a campaign for world dom- Mr. Roosevelt had stated that the United States
ination. would enter into diplomatic relationship with the
1’ The Vatican is now especially acting hypocrit- Vatican as soon as the American people could be
ically in England and with her allies, which are at brought around to it. Becoming impatient in wait-
war with "the king of the north"; and in that so-called ing for the American people to come around to that
"democratic" nation the Vatican representatives state of mind, Mr. Roosevelt, on December 23, 1939,
claim to be democratic and to be strongly supporting appointed Myron C. Taylor as his personal envoy to
democracies and that the Vatican is being perse- the pope, and Mr. Taylor proceeded to Vatican City
cuted by the totalitarians, which claim, of course, is to felicitate the Papal head.
exactly contrary to the facts and is put forth for the September, 1940, there was celebrated throughout
express purpose of deceiving the commonpeople and the world the 400th anniversary of the founding of
keeping them blind as to the real duplicity of the the Order of Jesuits, and the United States joined
RomanCatholic Hierarchy. God foreknew and fore- in that celebration. All fair-minded people know that
told of such dissembling or hypocrisy in these appro- the Jesuits are the most hypocritical and crooked
priate words: "An hypocrite with his mouth de- Order that the Devil has ever placed on the earth.
stroyeth his neighbour." (Prov. 11:9) The Vatican
has played and continues to play the hypocritical GOD’S PEOPLE
game with reference to Belgium, Holland and other
countries, where it carries on "fifth column" action. ~’ In this 32nd verse of the eleventh chapter of
Daniel’s prophecy Jehovah by his prophet draws a
It follows the same tactics in the United States,
claiming to be for America, yet dead against all striking contrast between the enemies of THETIaEOC-
democracies and scheming to grab control of the RACY,that yield to flattery and do wickedly against
United States government. THE THEOCRACY, and those who faithfully support
18 The Hierarchy resort to flattery of the democ- The THEOCRATIC GOVER~ME.~T by Christ Jesus. The
latter, the faithful ones, are designated in the proph-
racies, telling the officials thereof that they are the
"higher powers" named in the Scriptures at Romans ecy as God’s people; that is to say: "The people that
do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits."
13:1, and thus throw the democracy-deluded ones
That means the faithful servants of Jehovah who
off their guard and blind them to the facts. The above
engage, by his grace, in God’s "strange work". These
scripture means that only Jehovah God and Christ do know their God and rejoice in serving him. Such
Jesus are "the Higher Powers" and that in no sense are Jehovah’s witnesses, to whomJehovah has been
whatsoever are political office-holders the higher pleased in recent years to reveal himself and his
powers. The political elements have also flattered purposes in order that they might serve him as his
the religious element by high compliments and by witnesses by bearing testimony to his name and to
refraining from criticising the Hierarchy and its his kingdom. In 1919 Jehovah brought his faithful
methods of duplicity; and these political powers have people back from captivity and the dead state or
seen to it that the public press does not criticize the condition, where they had been held by modern Baby-
Hierarchy nor even mention its glaring and crooked lon. He revived them and put them to work in his
action. service. He has made known to them that he is the
~’The demon trap of flattery has been working Supreme One, the AL~mHTY GOD, who alone bears
steadily, and into it the so-caUed "democracies" have the name JEHOVAH.(Ezek. 37: 13, 14) He has made
been successfully caught. As an example: When the them to know that Christ Jesus is the King of THE
Papacy announced 1933 the "Holy Year", Protes- TEEOCaACY, who shall rule the world in righteous-
15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWER. 311

hess, and that his government is the most important 117 radio stations, which simultaneously broadcast
of all matters. He has set them free from religion the Kingdom message from London.
and has shown them that human salvation is not of "In June, 1939, thirty different assemblies were
greatest importance, but that the vindication of Je- likewise held, united with NewYork by land wires,
hovah’s name is of paramount importance; and thus together with 75 radio stations, proclaiming the kihg-
has madeknownto them what is tile joy of the Lord. dora message; in which multitudes of people heard.
These faithful ones have entered into the joy of the ~° In Detroit in July, 1940, there was a main as-
Lord at the invitation of Christ Jesus. God has made sembly of the convention, with seventeen other Amer-
knownto these faithful servants the meaning of the ican cities connected together by land wires, and by
’two great wonders’ in the heavens (Rev. 12: 1-3), radio, who participated in the proclamation of tile
that is to say, Jehovah’s organization, which is su- Kingdom message. In addition thereto numerous pe-
preme, and that organization which is operated by titions concerning the kingdom of Jehovah God have
the Devil in opposition to T~E T~IEOCRACY. God has been circulated and signed by millions of people, call-
shown his people what constitutes the %east" and ing upon the nations to hear and to support the free-
the "image of the beast", that is, the totalitarian dom of speech and freedom of worship of Almighty
monstrosity. (Rev. 15: 2) Jehovah has revealed God. In the courts of the nations thousands of cases
his people tile meaning of his prophecies and has have been tried, in which public testimony has been
made them "strong in the Lord and in the power of given to the name of Jehovah and his T~:oc~ATic
Iris might". He has made them strong in faith and in GOVERI~MEI~’T by Christ Jesus. Many of Jehovah’s
works and to stand up against the totalitarian forces faithful witnesses have been haled into the courts at
of the demons, and to refuse to have anything in com- the instance of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and
mon with the covenant-breaking religionists. God has their dupes, exactly in fulfillment of the prophetic
made them strong to stick to and to proclaim The warning uttered by Christ Jesus, and thus a further
THEOCm~TlC GOV~.R~ENT by Christ Jesus his King. witness has been given to the name of Jehovah and
" Therefore Jehovah’s witnesses, as the prophecy to his kingdom: "But take heed to yourselves; for
states, "do exploits." They have, by the grace of God they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the
and his King, been active in declaring Jehovah’s synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be
name and his THSOC~ATIC GOVEI~N:MENT by Christ brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a
Jesus and in declaring Jehovah’s judgments written tes~mony against them. And the gospel must first be
against every element of Satan’s organization. Thus published amongall nations." (Mark 13 : 9, 10) Mark
they have done a work and accomplished something the facts showing fulfillment of the prophecy of
in God’s name. This they have done particularly since Daniel, which are here corroborated by the words
tile outpouring of the holy spirit in A.D. 1922. By the prophetically uttered by Christ Jesus ; and mark well
Lord’s grace these faithful servants of his "do know also in this connection the physical facts that follow.
their God" and have gone forth in the strength of
the Lord and have carried his message to prac- THE WISE
tically all nations of the earth. They have printed
and published the Kingdom message, world-wide, "~"And they that understand [they that be wise
in eighty-eight different languages and dialects, (1;{ev. Vet.)] amongthe people shall instruct many;
which publications in those languages they have yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by
placed in the hands of the people to the number of captivity, and by spoil, manydays."--Dan. 11 : 33.
more than 340 million books and booklets, and in ,2 Thus the Lord God and Christ Jesus caused the
addition thereto manymillions of free tracts, besides light to shine into the hearts of his faithful people,
magazines, The Watchtower, The Golden Age, Con- giving them an understanding of their own relation-
solation; they have also broadcast over hundreds of ship to Jehovah and to his King, and those whoreally
radio transmitters to countless numbers of radio love The TH~OCRATm GOVERnmENThave rejoiced to re-
audiences, proclaiming the good news of The T~EO- ceive this light and have taken the wise course : "The
CRATmGOVERnmEnT by Christ Jesus, which is the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; a good
bright and glorious hope of humankind. understanding have all they that do his command-
" Jehovah’s witnesses within that time have held ments; his praise endureth for ever."--Ps. 111:10.
the greatest assemblies or conventions of God’s peo- ~’ The wise one is he who hears and obeys the ad-
ple that have ever been held within the history of the monition of the Lord. From and after A.D. 1922 the
church. As an example, in London in 1938 there was knowledge and understanding and wisdom of these
a large convention assembled, with forty-six other faithful servants of Jehovah increased. Since then
assemblies throughout the earth tied together by the wise have devoted themselves to the interest of
land wires with the main convention, together with The THEOORATm GOVERNMENT and the Lord has made

them a part of his "faithful and wise servant" of ganism. It has not been too hard for all, and it has been
which Christ Jesus is the Head. (Matt. 24:45-47) too hard for some. Therefore says the prophecy:
Daniel’s prophecy concerning the awakening from "YET THEY SHALL FALL."
the dust and much running to and fro, which for a
"According to the Hebrew this part of the text
long while was grossly misunderstood and misinter-
reads: "They shah totter in their knees"; (Leeser)
preted, began to be properly understood by the wise
ones after the coming of the Lord to his temple: "yet they will stumble." But mark this, that they do
"And many of them that sleep in the dust of the not fall down helplessly. They have not stopped push-
earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some ing forward in Jehovah’s service. The pioneers and
to shame and everlasting contempt. And they that company workers have had many difficulties, but on
they have gone. They know that they are backed up
be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firma-
ment; and they that turn many to righteousnesa, as by almighty power, Jehovah and his King, and there-
fore, when hindered by the enemy and caused to
the stars for ever and ever."--Dan. 12:2, 3.
stumble, they rise up again and go forward: "For a
"It is those who take the wise course that in- just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again;
crease in understanding and rejoice in the Lord. but the wickedshall fall into mischief."--Prov. 24 : 16.
(Dan. 12: 10) Many who were spiritually asleep
prior to 1931 and were in the "dust" of Babylon un- "YETTHEYSHALLFALLBY THESWORD"
til the Lord awakened them, when awakened, began " In the totalitarian land this part of the prophecy
to realize the importance of the hour and, becomgug has been literally fulfilled, as the faithful servants
alive to that importance, they went to work, joyfully of Jehovah have experienced. There some of the
going forth to have a part, and having a part, in faithful have refused to compromise with the demon
God’s "strange work". The number of the pioneers organization, and these have been put to death, sym-
rapidly increased; and those in the many companies bolized by "the sword"; some of them literally being
that have been spiritually asleep, yet who had love beheaded. The word "sword" is also a symbol of
for God, awakened and seized the opportunity of violent opposition and persecution waged against
going from house to house to bring the testimony to the faithful ones by mobs controlled by demons. This
the people concerning the name of the Most High and has also been the result in many parts of the earth,
his kingdom. Such have become faithful witnesses of particularly in the United States, where these have
the Lord and have carried his message to those who been led by Jesuit priests, deluded members of the
have been hungering and thirsting for righteousness. American Legion, and other demonized fanatics. The
~ "Shall instruct many," says the prophecy con- Lord foreknew that these things would come to pass,
cerning Jehovah’s faithful witnesses. These faithful and caused it to be written down for the comfort of
servants of the Lord heard and understood the com- his people who experience them.
mand of Christ Jesus: "This gospel of the kingdom
shall be preached in all the world for a witness" be-
fore the final end. (Matt. 24: 14) In obedience to the "’ The flame here symbolizes hot persecution and
Lord’s commandmenthere given the faithful dili- public roasting by newspapers, by radio addresses,
gently went about telling the people of and concern- by public misrepresentation and by false testimony
ing The TItEOCRATICGOVERNI~ENT. They have become in the courts. From these sources flames of malicious
instructors of many by visiting them at their homes persecution have flared forth against Jehovah’s wit-
and by holding study meetings and aiding them in nesses. (Lain. 2: 3) Against such scorching flames
studying God’s Word. Such has been and is a tremen- the faithful have stood firm, refusing to yield to any
part of the demonized organization. These faithful
dous witness work and carried on in divers ways~ ones are deeply rooted in the truth and in their de-
to wit, by the use of books, booklets, magazines, votion to Godand his King, and are not like the seed
radio, phonographs, and by traveling from place to that" was sown on stony ground, that "when the sun
place and from house to house and speaking to those was up, they were scorched; and because they had
who are willing to hear. As these faithful witnesses no root, they withered away".--Matt. 13 : 5, 6, 20, 21.
have gone among the people they have met with many "BY CAPTIVITY"
who have had a hearing ear, and these the witnesses
"Thus are described other things that have been
have instructed in the way of the Scriptures. Their used by the demon-controlled to hinder the servants
journey and their work as Jehovah’s servants are of Jehovah, that is, his faithful witnesses. These
along the rough and rugged way, viewed from the hu- witnesses have been taken into captivity, physically,
man viewpoint, but always the way of joy of heart to in the totalitarian-ruled countries, where they have
those whowillingly engage in the field witness work. been physically dragged and thrown into prison. In
It is not expected it would be easy on the humanor- Germany more than 6,000 of such faithful witnesses
15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWEK 313

of Jehovah have been placed at one time in prison, Bible student classes, and their homes were seized,
and many still linger in such prisons. Many have and their Bibles and other Bible literature, and de-
been arrested and thrown into prisons throughout stroyed. Also they maliciously beat and violently
the United States, in the land long boasted of as ill-treated many Jehovah’s witnesses, destroying
"the land of the free, and the home of the brave", their property and driving them from place to place
which land and its religionist-controlled officers in like wild beasts.
recent years have yielded to the totalitarian, demon " "Catholic Action," organized and directed by and
spirit made manifest by the Roman Catholic Hier- from Vatican City, is the chief instrument of Satan
archy. All of such related wickedness, leveled against and associated demons in carrying on the spoihng
Jehovah’s witnesses, is in fulfillment of the proph- of Jehovah’s servants in different parts of the earth.
ecy ; and knowing that Jehovah permits the same for Referring to this matter, the prophecy says it is ear-
a purpose, his faithful servants joyfully endure such riod on for "many days", and those days are almost
suffering and persecution for his name’s sake, know- certain to continue with increased venom and vio-
ing that in due time he will avenge them.-Luke18 : 7, 8. lence, manifested by the reIigionists against Jeho-
vah’s servants until the Lord takes a hand in that
"AND BY SPOIL" battle of the great day of God Almighty called
so Fromthe time that the dictator Hitler came into "Armageddon".
3, By these wicked means named in the prophecy,
power in Germanythat land has been a place of spoil-
lng of God’s faithful people. The dictator agents, sw~a.rd, flames, captivity and spoiling, Catholic Ac-
and agents of the Hierarchy, have invaded private tion, which is a part of "the king of the north", hopes
homes of Jehovah’s witnesses and there, withodt any to bring about a condition in the world when the re-
just cause or excuse, have seized the inmates of those ligionists, their leaders and allies may say to one
homes and carried them away to prison, have seized another: ’%Veare at peace and safety." That will be
Bibles and Bible literature, and have burned the the sign when the Lord will move into action and
same. On one occasion 50,000 books of Jehovah’s clear up the demon agents.
3, Through all the cruel persecution suffered by
witnesses were destroyed in flames by the Nazis. A
similar course has been followed by the dictatorial Jehovah’s witnesses at tile hands of demon-controlled
rulers in other countries that form a part of "the king ruling elements these faithful servants of the Lord
of the north", to wit, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Danzig, have managed to stumble along. Weary in body, yet
Hungary, Italy, Poland, Rumania, France, Spain, rejoicing in spirit, they have gone forward singing
and other places, all of which has been wickedly done thepraises of TH~THEOCRACY and its King. Thus they
with the connivance and at the instance of the Hier- continue to have part in the "strange work" of Jeho-
archy, directed from Vatican City. vah. Onward they march like an irresistible swarm
31 In Canada the spoiling goes on. There Jehovah’s of locusts, fully determined that in the strength of
witnesses, the servants of the Most High, have been the Lord they will perform their part of the covenant.
declared by the Catholic Vatican-controlled dictator Long ago Jehovah, by his prophet, foretold this on-
to be an "illegal organization", and their work and ward march of his servants in these words: "They
their property spoiled, and many arrests made be- shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall
cause faithful servants of Godmeet together to talk like men of war; and they shall march every one on
over God’s gracious goodness provided for them. A his ways, and they shall not break their ranks; nei-
hke policy of spoiling is now carried on in many ther shall one thrust another, they shall walk every
other countries, which form a part of "the king of one in his path; and when they fall upon the sword,
the south", to wit, Australia, West Africa, Island they shall not be wounded [though in among the
provinces, and other places. weapons they fall, they shall not stop (Rother-
32 In the United States, to the shame of the nation ham) ] ."~Joel 2 : 7, 8.
that for 150 years has held dear freedom of assembly, HELP
freedom of speech, and freedom of worship of A1- ’~"Now when they shall fall [And when they
inighty God, such spoiling work has run wild in re- stumble (Young)l, they shall be holpen with a little
cent years. It began particularly in the United States, help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries."
as early as 1932; and in 1940, on the same day that --Dan. 11 : 34.
the dictator Mussolini, with the connivance of the " The Lord here brings to view his "other sheep",
Vatican, stabbed the republic of France in the back, who sympathize with the "remnant" and show their
the spoiling broke out in Texas and in other places, goodness of heart by rendering assistance to the rem-
where Catholic, demonized persons predominated, nant. These "other sheep" are very small in number
and there mobs were led by RomanCatholic priests when compared with the host of the wicked persecu-
and other Catholic fanatics, who entered private tors, called "goats". The "other sheep" are likened

to those who became companions of David when he compromise with the Devil, such as Satan attempted
was outlawed and hunted by Saul. (1 Chron. to do to corrupt Christ Jesus at the mount of tempta-
12: 22-24) So David wrote: "The Lord taketh my tion. Someofficials of "the king of the north", particu-
part with them that help me: therefore shall I see larly the diplomatic ones, try to induce Jehovah’s
my desire upon them that hate me."--Ps. 118 : 7. servants by flattery and flattering words to com-
"They render aid as Rahab rendered aid to the promise by having part in creature worship and pay-
spies. So these "other sheep" of the Lord have shown ing homageto creatures. The faithful refuse to yield,
their goodness of heart towards God’s remnant. and pray as they are taught in God’s Word: "Lead
(Josh. 2: 1, 2) Likewise as Jael rendered help me, O Lord, in thy righteousness because of mine
Barak and Deborah at the battle of Megiddo. (Judg. enemies ; make thy way straight before my face. For
4:17-22; 5:24-27) The Lord has further pictured there is no faithfulness in their mouth ; their inward
such help rendered by the Jonadabs, as shown in part is very wickedness; their throat is an open
the relationship of Jonathan and David (1 Samuel sepulchre; they flatter with their tongue. Destroy
19, 20, 23); also as that shown by Ebed-melech in thou them, O God; let them fall by their own coun-
helping Jeremiah when he was in the pit. (Jer. sels; cast them out in the multitude of their trans-
38: 7-13) As the "other sheep" render help to the gressions; for they have rebelled against thee."--
faithful remnant, so they render it unto Christ Jesus, Ps. 5 : 8-I0.
of which He takes notice and administers to them a " There are flatterers amongst the "elective elder"
great blessing.--Matt. 25 : 32-40. class, who indulge in flattery themselves and who be-
’~ Some help is also rendered by reasonable and lieve in flattering Satan’s organization by putting on
sensible judges of the courts who have rendered hon- the soft pedal when it comes to the Kingdom mes-
est and sincere decisions upholding the rights of sage and by recognizing political officials as the
Jehovah’s witnesses in proclaiming the Kingdom ’2aigher powers" and yielding to their demands. The
message, and which decisions have had something result is that such decline to have any part in pro-
to do with keeping the ’qoack door" open for the re- claiming THETHEOCRACY and the deadly conflict of
mainder of the modern-Ehud class. (Judg. 3:23-26) Satan’s organization with God’s THEOCRATIC GOVERY-
The attitude of the British government and many of ME~Tby Christ Jesus. The evidence is therefore
its war draft boards has shown their kindness to- cumulative showing beyond all doubt that the com-
ward Jehovah’s witnesses, and it is here noteworthy. posite "king of the north", madeup chiefly of polit-
The Lord never overlooks kindness that is ministered ical-religious elements, and demon-controlled, has
to those who love and serve him. No doubt the judges boldly and blasphemously placed itself "in the holy
referred to, who have rendered favorable and right- place" and there it arrogantly stands in the place
eous decisions concerning Jehovah’s witnesses, and "where it ought not" to stand, in the place and stead
the officials of the British government who have of THETHEOCRACY by Christ Jesus, and stands there
shown kindness to Jehovah’s servants, will receive in defiance of Almighty God. It is the present-day
some just recompense from the Lord in due time. ’desolating abomination’, the instrument of Satan,
,o "But manyshall cleave to them with flatteries." the chief of demons, by which he would desolate the
entire earth. Those who see and understand these
There was an earlier representative of "the king of truths will now give heed to the warning uttered by
the north" in power when Jesus was on the earth in Christ Jesus the King and quickly flee to The THEO-
tile flesh and who yielded to flatteries. (See Daniel
CRATICGOVERNMENT by Christ Jesus, symbolized by
11 : 21, 22.) Verse 32 of this eleventh chapter shows a
"the mountains".--Matt. 24 : 15 ; Mark13 : 14.
later representative of "the king of the north" whois
’" At the same time those who have taken the wise
corrupted and who corrupts the so-called "clergy" by
course are being subjected to the severe test, and
flatteries. The demons try their flattering schemes all who will comeoff victorious must continue to hold
upon Jehovah’s witnesses. "The king of the north" fast their integrity. Whoof such will now appear
and its agents and representatives thereby hope to blameless before the Lord in this hour of final testing ?
corrupt Jehovah’s witnesses by inducing them to (To be continued)

The works of Jehovah are great, sought out of all them that have
pleasure thereto. Hts work is honor and majesty; and his right-
eousness endureth for ever. He hath made his wonderful works
to be remembered . . . The works of his hands are truth and
3ustiee; all his precepts are sure. The fear of Jehovah ts the be-
ginning of wisdom; a good ~nderstanding have aU they that do
his commandments:his praise endureth for ever.
wPsalm 111 : 2-4, 7, 10, A.R.V.
N THIS trying world crisis "character development"
I and its claimed importance and necessity are repeatedly
stressed from the public platform and the pulpit and
of these expressions the possessive case of the person is
employed, meaning ownership or possession of something
as separate and distinct from the person or creature. Does
over the radio. Said a Toronto, Canada, clergyman recently God possess a character separate and distinct from himself ?
m New York: "Fighting and beating Hitler may involve Does Jesus own and possess a character which is separate
the danger of becoming [totalitarian] like Hitler. Wemust and distinct from himself and which he has developed~
return to the idea that the character of God determines our Has a Christian a character which he owns and possesses
moral order." (N. Y. Times, July 21, 1941) Expressions and which he develops by his own effort?
also are frequent, such as: "We must in this life becomea Webster further defines the Greek word rendered "char-
perfect character or else we cannot eternally dwell with acter" in harmony with the Scriptures, thus’ "The pecuhar
God." "Fitness of character to meet God’s approval must quality or the sum of qualities by which a person or th:ng
be accomplished while in the flesh. Death and resurrection is distinguished from others, that which a person or thing
will make no change in our character." really is." What distinguishes God from all others~ The
What, then, is "character"? The word in the Greek text answer must be that at all times, without beginning and
of the Bible from which the English word "character" is without ending, the four primary attributes, wisdom and
taken appears but once in the Scriptures. The Greek word justice and love and power, are expressed by and in him
is there rendered "express image", as follows: "Whobeing in exact harmony. Such cannot be said of any other. Jeho-
the brightness of his glory, and, the express image of his vah, therefore, is T~tz Character. That being true, the ex-
person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, pressmns "God’s character" or "God’s righteous character"
when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the are unscmptural. These attributes are a part of Jehovah.
right hand of the Majesty on high." (Heb. 1:3) This de- He is T~E Character. He does not possess or own a char-
scription of Christ Jesus relates to the time when he was acter.
resurrected and exalted to divine glory. The express image From the time of the creation of God’s only begotten
of the Father, which Jesus Christ now enjoys, is not some- Son, The Logos or Word, afterward called "Jesus", he was
thing that he developed during his three and one-half years always a character and he was always perfect. WhenGod
of suffering downon earth. The apostle, at Hebrews 1: 3, raised Jesus up out of death and clothed him with immor-
plainly says that Christ Jesus enjoyed this "express image" tality and with all power in heaven and in earth and exalted
from the time when he "sat down on the right hand of the him to the highest place in the heavens, he made Jesus
Majesty on high". This glory he did not acquire by his own Chmst exactly like Himself, his "express image". There-
efforts, but it came to him as a reward from God because fore and from that time he is a character like Jehovah.
of his absolute obedience and faithfulness and maintaining This does not indicate that he possesses something ~h~eh
of his integrity toward Jehovah while on earth. he developed and which is called "character", but that he
This "express image", or "character" (Greek), is not us a character and he is like his Father.
something that the glorified Jesus possesses separate and Manis a creature, an entity, a soul; as shown by the
apart from his person. The Emphatic Diaglott translation account of his creation, at Genesis 2 : 7 : "Andthe Lord God
renders Hebrews 1:3 in this manner: "Who, being an formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into
effulgence of his glory, and an exact impress of his sub- his nostrils the breath of life; and man ~ECA.~Ea hying
stance, and making manifest all things by the word of his soul." There are manypeople on the earth whobeheve them-
power, having made a purification for sins, sat down at selves to be Christian and who use the expressmn, "I have
the right hand of the majesty in high places." From this a soul to save," thereby meaning that they possess some-
it must be concluded that when Jesus was exalted on high thing called "a soul" and which is separate and d~stmct
he then became the "express image" of Jehovah his Father from the body. This is not Scriptural. No man possesses a
and that life divine or immortality has to do wlth that ex- soul separate and distinct from his body. Every man ts a
press image That being true, it was aa absolute impossi- soul. Likewise no man possesses a character. Every man is
bility for Jesus to develop it while in the mortal flesh. The a character. "Character is that which a man really ~s"
Greek word "character" means "the figure stamped in; an Hence the expressmns "Jacob’s character" and "Esau’s
exact copy; express image". (Strong’s Concordance) character" are not properly Scriptural terms. The patrmrch
"Character is that which a person or thing really is." Jacob was a good man and therefore a good character,
(Webster’s Dictionary) This definition is in harmony with whereas his twin brother, Esau, was a bad man and there-
the inspired Scriptures. It is true that in English usage fore a bad character.
the word "character" has many shades of meaning given Is it a proper expression, therefore, to say that a Chris.
to it by lexicographers, but usage by men can in no wise tian must develop a character pleasing to God before lie
change the Scriptural meaning of a word or term. If the can be received into God’s kingdom? Such is not a correct
Lord through the inspired scribes plainly shows the mean- expression, because it implies that the Chmstian must
ing of a word used, then no man has authority to give that develop something to a point where God will approve him,
word a different meaning and then apply that meaning to that he must do this by his own efforts, and that the thing
the Scriptures. developed is something separate and distinct from h~mself.
Frequently in religious circles these expressmns are No wonder, then, that many Chmstians have become d~s-
used, to wit, "God’s righteous character"; "Jesus’ charac- couraged. The improper view of the matter is d~scouragmg,
ter"; "the Christian’s character"; etc. Observe that in each whereas the proper understanding of it gives courage to the

Christian. It should be our purpose always to encourage captain of their salvation [Christ Jesus] perfect through
and help one another. sufferings."--Heb. 2 : 10.
To illustrate: A printer’s type is made from metal. The word "perfect" used by the apostle Paul in the
The letter A is a character. This letter may be cut out of a foregoing texts means to complete, to consummate, to ac-
rough piece of steel. As soon as it is formed into the letter complish. Note that the texts do not say that Jesus per-
A it is a character, but it is rough and unsightly. The fected his character by the things which he suffered. What
roughness is taken off and it is subjected to a high polish is said is this: He learned obedience by the things which
until it becomesvery beautiful. The polishing process is not he suffered, and having completed or consummatedhis cove-
the developing of a character; it is the change of the iden- nant with God he became the author of eternal salvation.
tical character from one degree of nnsightliness to a degree "He humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even
of beauty. the death of the cross." (Phil. 2: 8) Otherwise stated, when
At the time that a man consecrates himself to God by Jesus finished his covenant of sacrifice Godgave him the re-
a covenant to do God’s will as Christ Jesus does that ~ill, ward by making him the author of the eternal salvation of
that man becomes a Christian. He is then a character. He obedient humankind. At the same time God gave to him im-
is a Christian. He does not possess a Christian nor does he mortality and a glory like unto His own, and thereby Jesus
possess a character. He is now in the rough. Must this became "an exact impress of [God’s] substance".
Christian, this character, undergo a change, or must he What Jesus did his followers must likewise do, because
"develop a character to perfection" before God can receive they are called to follow in his footsteps. All such as will
him? This question must be answered by the Word of the ultimately be made perfect, glorious characters and "be
Lord. Man’s theory is unsatisfactory. like him" must be so made by Jehovah God in the "first
The apostle Peter, in both of his epistles, addresses resurrection".ml John 3 : 2 ; Rev. 20 : 6.
Christians that have been begotten of the spirit of God as The true Christian has, like Jesus, entered into a cove-
his spiritual children. To these the apostle says: "For even nant to do Jehovah’s will. The word "covenant" is the
hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for solemn form of expressing the word "contract". Twoare re-
us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps." quired to make a covenant, and the minds of both parties
(1 Pet. 2:21) Nowthe question is: Was Jesus required thereto must agree. "Christian" is the name applied to a
develop a character before he could be received into the man who makes a full consecration whereby he agrees to
Kingdom, and did he develop such character while on the do God’s will, trusting in the merit of Christ Jesus as his
earth? The proper answer to this question furnishes the Redeemer. In substance, his part of the contract may be
criterion by which the followers of Jesus must be guided, stated thus: "I believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and I
and the answer to the question must be emphatically No] promise and agree to do thy will, 0 God, whatsoever it
because Jesus was a perfect character when on the earth. may be." If God takes a man into covenant with him, that
He did not have a character to develop ; he was a character, is called a "bilateral" or two-sided covenant. The obligation
and he was perfect; otherwise he could not have been ac- rests upon both parties to the covenant to carry that cove-
ceptable as the great ransom sacrifice to redeem believing nant into complete operation according to its terms. Jeho-
and faithful humankind. vah God binds himself to perform all his covenants. Al-
But from the time he consecrated himself to Jehovah mighty Godmakes it impossible for his side of the covenant
God and was baptized in water to symbolize that consecra- to fail. Can a man who has been taken into a covenant wah
tion and was thereafter begotten of God’s holy spirit, from GOdtreat his obligations under that covenant hghtly and
that time until his resurrection from the dead did not Jesus violate or break them without punishment? Romans
have to develop a perfect character as a "new creature"? 1 : 31, 32 answers.. "Covenant breakers . . . are worthy of
He did not. Had he developed such a character as a new death." God is faithful in all things he has promised, and
creature while in the flesh, then Jesus would have had he requires faithfulness of all those who undertake to per-
that likeness spoken of by the apostle before he died and form an agreement or covenant with him.
was raised from the dead. He did not raise himself from the Today the worldly powers endeavor to force God’s
dead, but God raised him up. covenant people to repudiate their covenant and to break
At Hebrews5 : 8, 9 it is written : "Thoughhe were a S~n, the terms thereof by conforming themselves to the things
yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; of this world, which things are contrary to Jehovah’s com-
and being made perfect he became the author of eternal mandmentand will. The facts show that God’s faithful cove-
salvation unto all them that obey him." Does not this mean nant people remain steadfast to Jehovah, faithful to the
that he was made perfect in his character? The answer is, terms of their covenant and to The Theocratic Government
No. Jesus entered into a covenant with his Father to do by Christ Jesus, regardless of all threats or acts leveled
his Father’s will. He was put to the most severe tests of his against them. The faithful covenant people of God will not
integrity toward Jehovah God, and under these tests he fear man or what man can do. They do fear Almighty God
maintained his integrity and proved his unswerving loyalty, and obey and serve him. As for wicked men, their power
devotion and faithfulness to God. The purpose of the things ends with death, but the power of Almighty God is eternal.
which he suffered was to prove his faithfulness under the If one in a covenant dies unfaithful to God, that is the end
most adverse circumstances. He met all these tests and of him everlastingly. If he dies at the hands of wicked men
thereby completely learned obedience. "For it became him because he is faithful to Jehovah and to the obligations of
[Jehovah God], for whomare all things, and by whomare his covenant, Jehovah will resurrect that faithful one to
all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the life eternal.
15, 1941 NieWATCHTOWER,
Whyshould a man hesitate to faithfully keep covenant Christians the messageof the apostle joyfully rings in their
with Jehovah in the face of all humanopposition or punish- ears: ’Be not discouraged; if ye do these things, ye shall
ment, either threatened or applied? The man who is in a never fall.’ This meansthat if you faithfully put forth your
covenant with Jehovah and has partaken of the knowledge best efforts to perform your part of the covenant you are
of the good things to be given by the Lord God does not absolutely certain to win and to gain God’s approval and
permit himself even to debate in mind as to whether or not the blessings he has reserved for those who maintain their
he should obey man and thereby break his covenant. He integrity toward him and thus prove the Devil’s false charge
who maintains his integrity toward God is determined to a lie.---Job 2: 5.
keep his covenant obligations faithfully to the end, regard- "But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot
less of what may be done against him by any human power. see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from
At 2 Peter 1:5-8 the apostle says: "And beside this, his old sins." (2 Pet. 1:9) Somemay speak gently, never
giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue express anger or displeasure, always appear to be very good,
knowledge; and to knowledge temperance [self-control]; quie~ and pious, read the Scriptures daily, think of holy
and to temperance patience ; and to patience godliness ; and things, and imagine they arc "developing a wonderful char-
to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness acter" ; yet they will fail of the kingdomif they have failed
charity. For if these things be in you, and abound, they or refused to DOthe things required by their covenant. The
make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in above words of the apostle are not instructions as to how
the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." The apostle Peter to "develop a character", but are plain statements of what
is not here telling Christians how to develop character, must be done by all Christians in the faithful performance
but is telling them how to perform their covenant, and of the covenant they made.
then, for the encouragementof Christians, he adds (vs. 10) Dreaming Christians are blind. They look to their own
"If ye do these things, ye shall never fall." virtues and forget that their cleansing was by the blood of
Whyread into the inspired words of the apostle that Jesus and that their standing before God is only by virtue
which is not there? Where in the Scriptures do we find of his righteousness. Let the dreamers talk of "developing
warrant for the statement made by religionists : "Your part a perfect character". Let all Christians that would main-
and my part in the eternal purpose of God depends upon tain."their integrity toward God be active in the perform-
our character development, and we must get busy and ance of their covenant. Those who thus do "shall neither
develop this character, a perfect character, while in this be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord
hfe"? Every Christian knows he cannot do anything per- Jesus Christ", but will be appreciating the light of truth
fectly, but he does knowhe can do his best to perform that as God gives it to his covenant people and will be showing
which he has agreed with the Lord to do. The apostle Peter that appreciation by joyfully participating in his acUve
states what he must DO; and to do means to work, and that service. There is a tremendous witness to be given in the
work must be done with joy. earth before the final overthrow of Satan’s organization.
The Christian may put forth his very best endeavors to Christians, gird up your loins, and go forth to that service
do the things mentioned by Peter and yet he is always mind- joyfully, showing forth the praises of him who has called
ful of his many weaknesses and imperfections. He knows you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Let us do what
he is not perfect. With the wrong understanding of "char- we have agreed to do by the terms of our covenant, and
acter development" he would certainly become discouraged, leave the character to God. It is God who will make a glo-
but with a proper understanding of integrity and of his rious character of him that is faithful to the end In the
covenant with God he with joy can say: "My Father is the Kingdom, and not until then, will the Christmn become a
righteous God. He knows my heart and that I love him and perfect character. "Let integrity arid uprightness preserve
am straying to be his true and faithful witness." To such me; for I wait on [serve] thee."--Psalm 25: 21.

~{:~"~HE LoRD reigneth; let the earth rejoice;... ends of the earth; he maketh lightnings for the rain, and
I bis lightnings enlightened the world: the earth
saw, and trembled." (Ps. 97:1-4) Jehovah
bringeth forth the wind out of his treasuries." (Jer. 10: 13,
Am. Rev. Vet.) Lightning illuminates and reveals that
the source of the lightnings. He uses the things which he which was previously in the dark or obscured. Symbolically,
has made and which are visible to man, to teach man con- God’s lightnings illuminate his Word for those who wait
cernmg that which is invisible to him. The things both upon him, and reveal and expose that which is opposed to
visible and invisible which Godhas provided he will cause God and his organization. God’s lightnings apply at the
to work out for good to those who are unselfishly devoted time when God manifests his presence to his peopIe, giving
and obedient to him. All lightnings proceed from Jehovah them greater light upon his Word and reveahng his pur-
and are a manifestation of his power. This is proved by his poses toward them and also exposing their enemms. "Thun-
words to Job: "Canst thou send lightnings, that they may der" symbolizes the voice of Jehovah: "Hast thou an arm
go, and say unto thee, Behold us?"---Job 38:35, marginal like God? or canst thou thunder with a voice like him?"
reading. (Job 40:9) "The God of glory thundereth." (Ps. 29:3)
"Whenhe uttereth his voice, there is a tumult of waters With thunder there comes rain in abundance. (Job 38: 34)
in the heavens, and he causeth the vapors to ascend from the Rain is a symbol of refreshing truth that refreshes and
N. Y.

makes glad the heart of the people of God.--Job 29:23; The messenger of Deborah was sent to Barak, calling him
Pss. 68: 9 ; 147: 7, 8. into active service against the oppressors of Israel. The
At this time his lightnings, thunders and rains Jehovah name Barak means lightning. Satan, the mimic god, ap-
has brought forth from his treasury and has poured out pears to have adopted the same name for his dmtatorial
his spirit upon all his anointed witnesses on earth to the representative in Germanywho now carries on a Blitzkrieg,
end that these maytell the people of the day of his venge- or "lightning-war". The Devil usually seizes upon the things
ance and of his purpose to destroy the enemy Satan’s that Jehovah uses, and tries to mimic them, and he uses
organization, and to make for himself a name and vindi- the same to reproach the name of the Most High.
cate it, and to establish his government of righteousness In the drama here under consideration the word "light-
for the benefit of obedient humankind. There could be no ning z’ seems to refer to a weapon of warfare used against
other reason why Jehovah God would say to his covenant the enemies of Jehovah. So far in these modern days the
people: "Ye are my witnesses, saith Jehovah, and I am Devil (acting through his agency, the Vatican) and the
God." (Isa. 43.12, Am. Rev. Ver.) God does nothing in the Nazis speak of their vicious assaults upon others as a Blitz-
corner. He will have notice given and he uses his faithful krieg, or ’qightning-war". That war of the Devil’s repre-
servants to serve notice upon the people, that those may sentatives will avail nothing in the end.
know of his purposes who might desire to know. The work Scriptures which show the use and meaning of ’qight-
of thus serving notice or giving the witness to the name of ning" as a weaponof warfare follow : Psalm 144 : 5-7 says
Jehovah is but the prelude to the great battle of Arma- "Bowthy heavens, 0 Lord, and come down ; touch the moun-
geddon. Concerning this approaching storm it is written, tains,.and they shall smoke. Cast forth hghtning, and scatter
at Job 36:32, 33, Am. Rev. Vet.: "He covereth his hands them ; shoot out thine arrows, and destroy them. Send thine
with the lightning, and giveth it a charge that it strike the hand from above; rid me, and deliver me out of great
mark. The noise thereof telleth concerning him, the cattle waters, from the hand of strange children." Psalm 18: 14:
also concerning the storm that cometh up." "Yea, he sent out his arrows, and scattered them; and he
Jehovah’s hghtnings are not aimless. There is a well- shot out lightnings, and discomfited them " 2 Samuel22 : 15
preconceived purpose in bringing forth at this time his "And he sent out arrows, and scattered them, lightning,
lightnings of truth. His hand is a symbol of his power, and and discomfited them." Deuteronomy32 : 41, A~n. Rev. Vet
he covers his hands with the lightnings and strikes squarely (marginal reading) "I f I whet th e li ghtning of mysword,
home at religion. His people are cheered thereby, and the and my hand take hold on judgment; I will render venge-
enemy organization trembles. His thundering voice tells ance to mine adversaries, and will recompense them that
concerning his purpose, and he serves notice upon the small hate me." Ezekiel 21:9, 10, 15, 28, Am. Rev. Ver.: "Say,
and the great, even those represented by "the cattle". The A sword, a sword, it is sharpened, and also furbished, it is
declaration of the day of his vengeance is one part of the sharpened that it maymake a slaughter; it is furbished that
commission he gives to his anointed witnesses; therefore it may be as lightning: shall we then make mirth ? I have
these anointed ones, in order to be faithful, must perform set the threatening sword against all their gates, that their
that commission now before Armageddon.--Isa. 61 : 1, 2. heart may melt, and their stumblings be multiplied; ah! it
At Hebrews 11:32-34 it is written: "And what shall is made as lightning, it is pointed for slaughter .... Say
I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedcon, thou, A sword, a sword is drawn, for the slaughter it is
and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David furbished, to cause it to devour, that it may be as light-
also, and Samuel, and of the prophets; who through faith ning." Zechariah 9: 14. "And the LORDshall be seen over
subdued kingdoms .... out of weakness were made strong, them, and his arrow shall go forth as the lightning, and the
waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the Lord God shall blow the trumpet, and shall go w~th whirl-
ahens." Here Barak is specifically named because of his winds of the south."
faith With him was Deborah, the prophetess of God, who Barak, whose name means "hghtnlng", pla~ed the palt
~ orked with Barak. In the prophetic drama of God’s venge- picturing Chrmt Jesus in two relatmns: (1) As the captain
ance against his demon-worshiping enemies Deborah played of Jehovah’s faithful witnesses now upon the earth engaged
a part picturing God’s capital organizaUon under its Head in God’s "strange work" against rehgion; and (2) as the
Christ Jesus, while Barak, the commander of the loyal Field Marshal of Jehovah leading the invimble angelic hosts
forces of Israel, played the part picturing Christ Jesus the of God in the "battle of that great day of God Almighty"
Lord. With a small army of 10,000 men, poorly equipped, in the accomplishment of His "strange act" at Armaged-
Barak joined battle with an overwhelming enemy host, don. Christ Jesus, the Greater Barak ("Lightning’), said,
which host was equipped with 900 iron chariots under the at Matthew 24: 27: "For as the lightning cometh out of
leadership of Sisera. In that battle the angels of heaven the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the
fought with Barak against Captain Sisera, and Almighty coming of the Son of man be."
God sent a great storm and flood, which swept away the Whenthat mighty warrior leads the host of Jehovah
disorganized and disrupted army of Sisera, and then Barak in the final battle all the enemywill be completely in dark-
destroyed the entire lot as they fled. (See Judges chapters ness and only the Lord will cause the light to shine for his
four and five.) faithful servants, and "his arrow shall go forth as the
Deborah sent a messenger to the north of her place of lightning", smiting the terrified enemy. (Zech. 9: 14)
abode, a distance of forty-five miles into the territory of that time there will be no hide-out for the enemyof Jeho-
the tribe of Naphtali and right close up to the Canaanite vah’s Theocratic Government, and none of the enemy shall
city of Hazor, the royal residence of Jabin, Sisera’s king. in any wise find a way of escaping the death-dealing arrows
OCTOBER15,1941 ffheWATCHTOWER. 319

of the Lord; and then before the arrows smite them they mighty Avenger, and the drama shows that he will employ
will knowthat this is the battle of the Almighty, the great lightning or other superhuman weapons against the enemy
Jehovah. host when the battle of Armageddon is fought. Even now
The Lord God chose the scene of battle in Barak’s day, the Lord Jesus is using ’qightnings" of truth, which hght-
which is evidence of his fighting for his ownpeople. Look- nings he shoots out against the enemy. This confounds the
ing down from the heights of Mount Tabor at the mighty enemy and blinds them as to what is their proper course.
and fully equipped army of Sisera, Barak might hesitate Without any doubt, the Lord is now maneuvering the ene-
to moveinto the valley and there engage the enemyin battle my for their destruction and confounding them, and this
without first receiving some definite instruction from Jeho- confusion of the enemywill greatly increase until the end.
vah. Uttering that instruction, Deborahsaid to Barak : ’qJp ; At the same time now the Greater Barak uses those faithful
for this is the day in which the Lord hath delivered Sisera men and women on earth whomthe Most High designates
into thine hand: is not the Lord gone out before thee?" as "Jehovah’s witnesses" to herald these truths of hght.
That was the signal for Barak to move into action. That which also confuse, confound and greatly incense those
meant that the invisible forces of Jehovah’s organization who are the enemies of The Theocracy. Such is Jehovah’s
were now in action against the enemy, which enemy thought "strange work", which precedes his "strange act" at Arma-
himself, with his host and iron chariots, to be invincible. geddon.
Sisera had not reckoned on the superhuman power being Up to this point Barak’s mendid no fighting and killing,
used against him. That part of the prophetic drama pictures because the Lord God had gone out before them, confound-
the "strange act" of Almighty God. ing the enemy and driving them before the great storm,
Those forces that went ahead of Barak were led by Jeho- upsetting their iron chariots and sweeping them away. At
vah’s invisible executive officer. Likewise, at Armageddon, this particular point the movementof Barak with his army
the forces of righteousness are led by the only begotten and of 10,000 Israelites downMount Tabor pictured the present-
beloved Son of God, even him who is "the Bright and Morn- day movement of the faithful witnesses of Jehovah, the
ing Star" and the great Executioner of God’s wrath against spiritual Israelites together with their faithful earthly com-
the enemy. Together with him is an army of other spirit panions, advancing steadfastly and with unbroken ranks,
"stars", all movingin their appointed courses and fighting pressing the battle to the gate against religion, or demon-
against the enemy. (See Judges 5.20.) ism. They go on regardless of the apparently overwhelm-
At the beginning of the battle against Sisera Jehovah ing opposition against them. The visible enemies on earth
called into action superhumanforces and his invisible Field have fortified themselves behind a "refuge of lies" (Isa
Marshal used them, and with these a great and terrific 28.15, 17), religion or demonism being the enemy’s prin-
barrage was laid down before Barak and his 10,000 men, cipal means of deceiving the people. It is against this refuge
which shielded and protected Barak and his army from the of lies that Jehovah’s witnesses and their companions now
enemy’s view and aided in the assault they were about to press the battle by heralding the message of Jehovah’s
make upon the enemy. Such was the "act of God". This Theocratic Government against the fortifications of the
act of God was manifested when a tremendous storm of enemy. This "strange work" immediately precedes the vic-
wind, rain and LmHTNrNG came, and flooded the country. torious assault by the Greater Barak with his mvisflfle
The river Kishon, whose dry bed Sisera and his chariots heavenly hosts at Armageddon,and which assault shall re-
were crossing, was raised entirely out of its banks, and the sult in the complete destruction of the enemy forces there,
waters rushing downthe mountainsides and over the valley visible and invisible.
swept everything before them. Sisera and his unnumbered All the physical facts now indicate the battle of Arma-
infantry and his 900 chariots could not well fight against geddon is quite near, when the real fighting takes place and
that terrific storm. As this storm raged in advance of Barak the enemy will be destroyed. Soon Jehovah God ~hrough
he moved his army down the mountain into action. Christ Jesus will fight against the enemy as he did mtimes
"So Barak went down from mount Tabor," to engage of old, and will comp~,etely cut to pieces the enemy, and
the enemy in battle. In this part of the prophetic drama deliver all those who remain faithful and true to The
Barak ("Lightning") pictured Christ Jesus, Jehovah’s Theocracy.

(Continued from page 306) the exercise of the God-givenand Constitutionally guaranteed
tams the full text of that speechas given and also the "messageof freedoms, to wit, of assembly and of pubheatmn and of open
comfort"adoptedby that vast assembly.It is the first publication speech m the worship of Almighty God and m proclmmmgthe
to correctly identify "the king of the north" and "the king of the Joyful newsof his Theocratic Government. In th~s booklet you will
south" foretold mDarnel 11. The booklet contains 32 pages and Endthe expressedrulings of the highest courts of the UmtedStates
is self-covered, the front cover bearing the title "ComfortAll m support of Jehovah’s witnesses and m defense of thmr rights
That Mourn"and with a rectangular sign above it bearing the and hberties in Hmservice. The 32 pages of thin ~mportantdocu-
fateful words "End of Axis Powers". You maynow obtain the mentarymatter are enclosedin a neat and strong cover. It ~s 5c a
booklet at 5c a copy, mailedto you postpaid. copy, mailed postage prepaid.
The release of this valuable booklet was a feature of the St.
Louis Assemblythis past summer.The Assemblyreceived it with Weekof November23: "DemonRule Ending" (Part 3),
great apprecmtmnand thankfulness, and it will be received in ~T 1-20 reclusive, Th6 WatchtowerOctober15, 1941.
hke mannerby all whoare interested in, if not also participating , Weekof November30: "DemonRule Ending" (Part 3),
in, the fight whichJehovah’s covenant people are putting up in ¶ 21-42 reclusive, The WatchtowerOctober 15, 1941.
JUVENILE WITNESSES, NEWCASTLE-ON-T~/~NE and A.R.P. personnel at this station. It resulted in three
"The two, one aged 10 and the other 12, are just out- booklets placed and twelve of sound attendance."
side the Byker Police Station, one having had a spill off
his bicycle. The policeman on duty outside the station comes IN COSTA RICA
over: ’Are you hurt ?’ No, thank you [rubbing dust off his "OnJune 11, while I was witnessing in the village of
clothes and magazine bag].’ Police, seeing magazine bag: Paraiso, in a public establishment, an inspector of sanita-
’What’s all this ? The Theocratic Government?’ ’That’s God’s tion invited me to drink liquor, t refused, and he asked to
kingdom.’ ’Oh, I see; it has something to do with the Bible see the books. When he saw they were on the Bible he
then.’ ’Yes, that’s right, and we have some books here ex- ordered me to aceompanyhim to police headql~rters. I paid
plaining the Bible.’ ’Oh, I read the Bible.’ "Yes, but do you no attent~n to him and he went out on the street to call the
understand it?’ ’Well, I understand it as well as the next police. Then the young owner of the establishment came out
man--Here, do you know the ten commandments?’ "Yes, I in mydefense and told the inspector I was working honestly
know them, but do you know the Beatitudes ?’ ’The Beati- and he immediately called witnesses, saying that that in-
tudes ? I don’t seem to knowthose. Are you sure they are in s pector was going to lose his job because he had tried to do
the Bible ?’ ’Certainly they are--but I thought you said you something unlawful. Then the inspector was very fearful
knew the Bible ?’ ’Well, I don’t knowabout that--’ Second and did not bother me any more.--Psalm 34 : 7."
policeman, coming off duty from station: ’Well, your bike
seems O.K., pedals not bent, wheels are quite straight--’ JEW MEETS CATHOLIC
First police: ’Here, don’t bother about the bike; these two
youngsters have me properly tied up and puzzled over the "~iy natural brother warned me not to mention my ’re-
Bible.’ ’Oh, have they? Well, if they’ve puzzled you, they ligion’ to my employer (Jew). An opportunity came. I pre-
might as well try and puzzle me. What’s it all about any- sented The Watchtower and other publications. He took a
way?’ ’We have a gramophone record here which will ex- subscription, two books, and some booklets, and expressed
plain better than we can. Wouldyou like to hear it T It only pleasure at receiving the information they contained. Dur-
takes a few minutes.’ ’Well, a few minutes can be a long ing the St. Louis convention in August he was away on
time.’ "Yes, but this only takes four minutes.’ ’Oh, well, we business, and when he came back he told me the fol]owing:
couid spare that.’ Boys play ’Awake’ recording through in ’I was sitting in front of the resort hotel with seyeral pieces
the street. Second police: ’That was a good speech. Why of literature on the bench, reading one of the publications.
not bring it into the station and let the chief hear it ?’ ’Cer- Suddenly a man standing before me said : "What have you
tainly ~’ They enter station with second policeman, who, with there ?" I replied, "Somevery interesting and enlightening
broad grin, on entering says: ’I place you two under ar- literature," offering him a piece to examine. He said: "Are
rest !’ The phonograph was placed on a table next to ~he you one of those Jehovah brothers?" I said I did not know,
sergeant’s, and ’Awake’ was played through again, Six but am pleased to read these publications. He then called
policemen were listening, including the desk sergeant. me an ugly name and said I ought to be thrown out of the
Whilst the record was running the constable who brought hotel. I said: "Who are you, and where do you get the
the young witnesses into the station rang up the A.R.P. liberty to talk to me that way ?" He said: "I am Dr. --
A1]xiliary Fire Service sub-station, in the police station, and of the state medical society." I replied: "Oh, so you are a
held the telephone microphone near the phonograph so that doctor, working for humanity, and now you want to do me
the operator could hear. The constable was then seen to talk injury for exercising my right to seek knowledge and to
into the telephone and replace the receiver. After the record worship God !" He said: "Well, I am a Catholic and I get
had finished, three booklets Theocracy were placed, includ- mad when I see that literature." "Well," I replied, "I do
ing one to the desk sergeant. One of the constables asked the not criticize you for being a Catholic. I am of Jewish origin,
juvenile ambassadors if a policeman could be a Christian, but that is not to say I must believe the way my parents
and he was answered by both at once: ’Anyone can be a did as a matter of course. I am looking for the truth, and
Christian.’ While the record was running the police radio amready to take it where I find it. This literature is beauti-
operator had removed one of his earphones, to hear better. ful." He then became apologetic and suggested that we go
The two young witnesses were then conducted downstairs some place where his folks would not see him. So we went
(past the cells !) to the A.R.P. sub-station, where they found into the woods, where we examined and discussed the con-
two girl tetephonists sitting at the operating board, also tents of the booklets. He asked me to forgive, and when I
three menand one girl A.R.P. personnel. The constable left left the next morning he went with me to the train and con-
them here, having shown them the side door leading outside. tinued to apologize and seemed to be a changed man.’"
The phonograph was put on again and Judge Rutherford, in
great form, exhorted all those hearing to ’awake !’ While A MODEL STUDY ON WHEELS
the record ran the telephone rang, but the operator ignored "A witness who drives a school bus suggested we gather
it. Finally in desperation she lifted the receiver and said. the interested in the bus. After those near by were gathered
’I am listening to a most important lecture and I haven’t we drove to another home several miles away, where the
time to talk to you,’ and thereupon slammed the receiver entire family are interested, and invited them to take their
down. On completion of the lecture the two young Theo- places in the bus, where ample seats, lights, and heat aided
cratic ambassadors made their exit and continued on their in carrying on a delightful model study. There were seven-
way. Thus was concluded a first-rate witness to the po[il~e teen in’ attendance."
thatI amJehovah:’
- Ezekiel35: i5.



(Part 4) ............... 323
HoldFast.............................................. 329

.......... 330
.................... 333
...................................... 336
~ STUDIES ............................


117 Adams
N.Y., U. S. A.
T HIS Journal is publishedfor the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the BibleIt publishesBibleinstruction specifically de-
OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’switnessesand all people of good wilL
J. F. RV’r~gRrORD,Preeide~t W.E. VAN.A~SURGH, Beer~ar"
9 It arrangessystematicBiblestudyfor Its readersand the Society
"And all flay children Bhall be fa~u~ht of Jehovah; and suppllesotherliterature to aid in such studies.It publishessuit-
able materialfor radiobroadcasting and for othermeansof public
Creat shall be the peace of thy children." -Isaiah 54:z3. instructionin the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheresstrictlyto the Bibleas authority for its utterances.
THAT JEHOVAHis the only true God, is from everlasting to It Is entlrelyfree and separatefrom all reUgion,parties,sects
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life or otherworldlyorganizations. It is whollyand withoutreserva-
tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
to his creatures ; that the Loges was the beginning of his creation,
King.It is not dogmatic,but Invitescarefuland criticalexamina-
and his active agent in the creation of all things; that the Loges
tionof its contentsin the lightof the Scriptures. It does not in-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power In
dulgein controversy,and its columnqare not opento personalities.
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Of~cer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon It ; that man willfully dis- y~A~r.y SUBSCRIPTIONP~c~
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of UNIT~ ST4TZS, $1.00; CANADa~V MISCXLL~’~EOUSFORZI0~, $1.50;
Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the right GRIATBRITAIN, AUSTRALASIA, ANDSOUT]KA.YRIC&,6S. Amarican remit-
lances should be made by Postal or Express Mone~ Order or by Bank
to life aJraft. Canadian. BriUsh, South African and Australasian remittances
should be made direct to th@ respective branch omee~. Remittances from
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countries other than those mentioned may be made to the Brooklyn omce,
death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for but by DtgernatC~on~ Postal MoneyOrder only.
obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every name
and clothed him with all power and authority. Brtttah 34 Craven Terrace, London, W.2~ England
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATIONis a Theocracy called Zion, Clanadlan ................. 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontario. Canada
and that ChristJesusis the ChiefOfficerthereofand Is the right- A~trn~i~ T BermfordRoad, Strathneld. N. S. W., Aumtratla
of Boufh A/rlew~ Plca~ addreu the Boston Hotme, Cape Town, South Afrlcn
ful Kingof the world; that the anointedand faithfulfollowers Society in everycas~
ChristJesusare childrenof Zlon,membersof Jehovah’s organiza-
tion,and are his witnesses
whosedutyand privilegeit is to testify
to the supremacyof Jehovah,declarehis purposestowardmankind
as expressedin the Bible,and to bear the fruitsof the kingdom
beforeall who will hear.
THAT THE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has
been placedby Jehovahupon his throneof authority,has ousted .All slneer~ student, of the Bible whoby reason of infirmity, poverty ca"
aaverslty are unabla to pay the |ulmerlption price may have The Watch-
Satan from heaven and is proceedingto the establishmentof tOwer free upon written application to the publlahen, made once each
God’s kingdom on earth. year, stating the reason for so requesting it. Weare glad to thus sad the
neeay~ but the written application once each year tt required by the
postal regumuons.
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by and through Jehovah’skingdom under Christ,which Notice to Subscribers: Acknowledgmentof a new or a renewal sub-
has now begun ; that the Lord’s next great act is the destruction scription will be sent only when requested. Change of address, when
of Satan’s organization and the establishment of righteousness in ~quested,
renewalmay be expected
blank (carrying tonotice
of on address label
expiration) will within
be sentonewith
the earth, and that under the kingdom the people of good will that :Journal one monthbefore the subeeript~n explrN.
survive Armageddon shall carry out the divine mandate to "fill
Entered as second-clau matter at t~4 po~t ol#ee at Brooklyn, .N. ¥.,
the earth" with a righteous race.
trader the ~L¢4 o~ March,% 187~.


Regardless of the incoming of wmter then, December marks
As previously advised in The Watchtower, the work has been
another month-long season of special united activity known as
"Great Multitude" Testimony Period. Those persons of good-wiLl going on for the compiling of a eomprehenmve survey of the re-
who shall form part of the "great multitude" of Armageddon sur- cent Assembly of Jehovah’s witnesses at St. Louis, Mo., for the
v~vors are now quickly coming forth ere the wintertime of Arma- five days, August6-10. Now we are pleasedto announcethe pub-
geddon sets in on the world, and they will, m increamng numbers, lieatmn of the full report. Like the Assembly itself, it is the best
take part with the remnant members in th~s united Testimony. convention report yet produced. Its 80 pages set forth the im-
All such are cordmlly invited to join in putting in as many homes portant events and brilliant high lights of the Assembly, including
as possible the excellent combination offer of the new book Chil- speeches of Judge Rutherford to the mighty throng there which
dren and the new booklet Comfort All That Mourn, on a contribu- have not till now been published anywhere, and all visuahzed to
tion of 25e. We shall be glad to give references to any wanting
you by page on page of a photographio review of the noteworthy
to get in touch with and to co-operate with the nearest organized
events and scenes. To this there has been added a full, illustrated
company of publishers of The Theocracy. At the close of the
report of an identical five-day Assembly, with features like those
Period the usual report on the full month’s activities and results
should be submitted. at St. Louis, held by Jehovah’s w~tnesses at Leicester, England,
September 3-7, in spite of the war. This Report of ~he Jehovah’s
"WATCHTOWER" STUDE~S witnesses A~sembly is a forceful witness to the actuality of Jeho-
Week of December 7: "Demon Rule Ending" (Part 4), vah’s Theocratic organization, and should serve as a potent in-
1-PA inclusive, The Wa~chtova#r November 1, 1941. strument in your field activities in behalf of the m~ny persons of
Week of December 14: "Demon Rule Ending" (Part 4), good-will. Send for your espy now, remitting 5c therefor. After
¶ 2.5-49 inclusive, The Watchto~vrv November 1, 1941. you see and read it you will want others to have it too.
1, 1941 NO.21



"’For whomthe Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whomhe receiveth.’--Heb. 12: 6.

EHOVAH’S manner of dealing with his creatures or refuses to carry out his covenant has, within the
J is for their good. It is therefore written of him:
"God is love" (1 John 4: 8) ; meaning that Jeho-
language of the Scriptures, "sworn deceitfully." (Ps.
24: 3,4) Religious teachers or preachers have in-
vah is entirely unselfish. Jehovah needs nothing from duced many to conclude that the only thing required
his creatures, because all things in heaven and earth of them is to say, "I believe on the Lord," and that
are his. Religious preachers have grossly misrepre- because of such declaration such person at death goes
sented Jehovah, and in doing so they have, no doubt, straight to heaven. The Scriptures flatly contradict
been blinded by the adversary; which blindness has that conclusion. David, who pictures Christ Jesus
resulted from their fear of men and failure to fear and his faithful followers, expressed the correct con-
and serve Jehovah God. Such preachers tell the peo- clusion in these words: "Examine me, O LORD,and
ple words to this effect: "God is standing with out- prove me ; try my reins and myheart. For thy loving-
stretched hands begging men to come and be saved; kindness is before mine eyes; and I have walked in
therefore won’t you come today?" Such a statement thy truth."--Ps. 26 : 2, 3.
is entirely false and is a defamation of Jehovah ’ Persons who have for years been serving Jeho-
God’s holy name and is entirely contradicted by his vah and Christ Jesus are still subjected to severe
Word. Jehovah places the truth before his creatures trials; and some wonder why. The answer is that all
and permits them to voluntarily accept the same and who receive Jehovah’s approval ~must prove their
willingly serve Him or to reject His Wordand suffer steadfastness for THE THEOCRACY. One can prove
the consequences. Jehovah neither begs nor compels this only by being put to the test and under that test
anyone to serve him. Note the scriptures that flatly remaining immovable and continuing steadfast for
contradict the words of religious preachers; to wit: Jehovah and His King. Even now, when the King
"But without faith it is impossible to please him ; for of TEE THEOCRACY is upon his throne, his servants
he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and on earth find themselves beset by many trials; hut
that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek to the faithful such trials are not at all surprising.
him."--Heb. 11 : 6. Those who are wholly devoted to THr. Tf~EOCRACY
2 One cannot approach God unless he first has and who see the great fight being made by the enemy
faith, that is, believes that JEHOVAH is the Almighty against The THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT can appreciate
Godand that the creature receives His blessings only why the individuals in God’s organization on earth
when he seeks those blessings. He rewards only those are put to the test. As Job was put to the severe test
who diligently seek to know and to do his will. God and continued to hold fast his integrity, so now one
is no respecter of persons. (1 Pet. 1: 17) He is mak- who will receive the reward of Jehovah’s approval
ing no effort to induce anyone to get into his organi- must be put to the test and prove himself entirely
zation and serve him. All who desire to know and to blameless before God.--Job 2: 3-10.
serve God must do so voluntarily, and not by compul- ~Say the Scriptures: ’~For whomthe Lord loves,
sion or undue influence. he disciplines, and he scourges every son whomhe
When the creature man exercises faith in God receives." (Heb. 12: 6, Diaglolt) All the demons are
and in Christ Jesus as his Redeemer and then volun- fighting against Jehovah’s covenant people, and God
tarily consecrates himself to do God’s will, agreeing permits his covenant people to have such chastise-
that he will be guided by God’s Word, then the situa- ment that they may, under severe trials, prove their
tion changes as to him. Having entered into a cove- lasting preference for and devotion to the great
nant to do the will of God, then he must perform his THEOCRAT and His King. The man who is in a cove-
covenant and be obedient to the Most High. One who nant to do Jehovah’s will, and who hopes to receive
agrees to do the will of Godand then willingly fails Jehovah’s approval, must have and exercise un-
N. Y.
feigned faith and full confidence in God and in of great importance. Such persons fall, and for them
Christ, fully determining to remain steadfast for the there is no recovery. The rebellion against the rule
great THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT, regardless of what of T~E THEOCRACy is disastrous. Those who rebel
trials may come to him. insist on their own selfish course. They forsake the
" Say the Scriptures concerning those who serve course of wisdom and understanding and follow a
God and are beset by trying experiences: "Blessed selfish course evidently because they have yielded
is the man whomthou chastenest, O LORD,and teach- to flatteries put upon them by the demons invisible
est him out of thy law; that thou mayest give him and by their visible representatives. Any man who
rest from the days of adversity, until the pit be indulges in flattery shows a lack of faith and of ap-
digged for the wicked."--Ps. 94:12, 13. preciation of God’s Word and his dealing with men.
’ This shows that the trials upon God’s people must 1o The "fall" of such as forsake wisdomand under-
continue until the wicked go down into the pit. standing is not the end of the matter, but after their
"Blessed is the man that endureth temptation fall they continue in a wrongful course by trying to
[trials]; for when he is tried, he shall receive the induce others to follow the same course of opposition
crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them to the Theocratic organization, and thus they pull
that love him." (Jas. 1: 12) Since the coming others down with them. Such falling ones endeavor
Christ Jesus to the temple Satan and his agents have to turn others away from faithful service to THE
desperately assaulted the servants of Jehovah and THEOCRACY; but those who receive Jehovah’s ap-
Christ. (Rev. 12 : 17) This the Lord could have pre- proval are not turned away. Such fallen ones become
vented, but he has permitted it for a purpose, and entirely blind to the paramount question of the vin-
one purpose is that the covenant people of Almighty dication of Jehovah’s name, and they meditate day
God may prove their unbending devotion to THE and night as to how they may interfere with the
THEOCP~Cy by Christ Jesus and, holding fast their progress of the proclamation of the Theocratic mes-
integrity to the end, may receive God’s approval. sage: "For they sleep not, except they have done
With this introduction to the subject matter, again mischief; and their sleep is taken away, unless they
we take up the consideration of Daniel’s prophecy as cause some to fall. The way of the wicked is as dark-
that prophecy is related to Jehovah’s covenant peo- ness; they know not at what they stumble."mProv.
ple at the present time on the earth. 4: 16, 19.
. "And some of them of understanding shall fall, ~ Whyhas the Lord permitted the fallen ones to
to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, try to pull others down with them and to turn them
even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a away from the Theocratic organization and Govern-
time appointed." (Dan. 11: 35) By other translators ment? The Scriptures answer: "To try them"; (R.V.)
this text is rendered thus: ’And some of them that "to refine them". At the temple judgment the Lord
are wise do stumble.’ (Revised Version and Young’s) permits such things to come to pass to make manifest
In the preceding verse, thirty-four, considered in a who is immovable and who is steadfast for THE
previous issue of The Watchtower, it is seen that the THEOCRACY. "And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier
demons try flattering schemes against Jehovah’s of silver; and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and
servants to turn them away from the proper course. purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer
These flatterers are lying, unfaithful, like the coun- unto the Lord an offering in righteousness." (Mal.
selor of David described at 2 Samuel 15 : 30-34. Some 3: 3) "And I will bring the third part [the remnant]
have yielded to such flatteries and have stumbled and through the fire, and will refine them as silver is re-
fallen. Some have stumbled, but recovered; while fined, and will try them as gold is tried; they shall
others fall completely and are not recovered. One’s call on my name, and I will hear them; I will say,
recovery from stumbling is possible only when that It is my people; and they shall say, The LORDis my
one is put to the test and realizes that he has taken God."--Zech. 13 : 9.
the wrong course and then quickly repents and dili- 1, Concerning this very same matter Jehovah by
gently seeks the face of the Lord for forgiveness. his angel further said to Daniel : "And he said, Go thy
’ It was in 1938 that the Lord revealed to his peo- way, Daniel; for the words are closed up and sealed
ple that his organization is THETHEOCRACY and that till the time of the end. Manyshall be purified, and
it is ruled from the Head downward, and not from made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wick-
the bottom upward. Everyone who receives God’s edly; and none of the wicked shall understand; but
approval must come to an appreciation of this fact. the wise shall understand."--Dan. 12: 9, 10.
The question of paramount importance is the vindi- 1~ The fiery trials that comeupon Jehovah’s people
cation of Jehovah’s name. Somefail to see that all- have the effect of purging and cleansing the visible
important truth, but, on the contrary, they consider part of Jehovah’s Theocratic organization and those
themselves and their individual ease and salvation who are associated with it, even as Achanwas cleared
1, 1941 NieWATCHTOWEtL 325

out to remove the wicked leaven of poison from the to Him. While this test is in progress the remnant
typical Theocratic organization. (Josh. 7:10-26) and their companions continue to declare the name
Such cleansing or purging work continues. Even in of the great THZOCRAr and his Government to those
the organization today there are some that murmur people on earth who will hear; and such proclama-
and complain, and the earth swallows them up. tion must continue until the beginning of Armaged-
(Num. 16: 30-34) By "the earth" is meant the visible don. Jehovah has definitely fixed the time for the
organization of which Satan is now in control. And beginning of Armageddon, at which time God will
how long shall such purging work continue? show to all his supreme power. While no man yet
1, "Even to the time of the end." That means until knows the day nor the hour that Armageddonwill be-
the "strange work" of the Lord is completed and his gin, "the signs of the times" show that Armageddon
"strange act" is made manifest at Armageddon. is very near; therefore Jehovah bids his faithful
"Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take servants now on the earth to ’redeem the time’ and
heed lest he fall." (1 Cor. 10: 12) This is exactly to ’slack not the hand’ in his "strange work", the wit-
harmony with the words of Christ Jesus the King ness work. The many thousands of witnesses assem-
concerning those who have become unfaithful at the bled at St. Louis in August, 1941, returned to their
time of the end of the world: "As therefore the tares respective places of activity in the field fully deter-
are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in mined to carry on to the end, and that without com-
the end of this world. The Son of man shall send forth promise with any part of Satan’s organization. In
his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom the meantime, and from now till Armageddon, the
all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; Lord’s four angels hold back the four winds until the
and shall cast them into a furnace of fire; there shall work of Jehovah’s "sealed" servants is finished.--
be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the Rev. 7 : 1-4.
righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of " The final "end" is after God’s "strange work" is
their Father. Whohath ears to hear, let him hear." done, that is, after ’this gospel of the kingdom is
--Matt. 13 : 40-43. preached to the world as a witness’. (Matt. 24: 14)
is Whenthe faithful servants of Jehovah see the Nowthe religionists and allies scoff at the name of
unfaithful cleared out they are drawn even nearer to Jehovah and speak of his witnesses in words of ex-
the Lord and the Lord causes them to shine brightly pressed malice; yet it is certain that they shall come
in his organization and in his service, even as Jesus to know ere long that Jehovah is exercising his care
stated in the foregoing text. At the St. Louis Assem- over his own people and showing his indignation by
bly of Jehovah’s witnesses and companions, August, the execution of his judgment against the wicked.
1941, this point was clearly demonstrated, whenthose The religious element, which were principally rep-
who are walking in the light of THETHEOCRACY,with resented by the unfaithful Israelites (foreshadowing
unanimous declaration of those assembled there, put the counterpart of such, and what is called "Christen-
the stamp of disapproval upon those persons who dom"), shall soon know that their end has come ; and
have been in the organization and who have attempt- the Lord makes this so plain that there can be no
ed to cause division amongst God’s people. Those doubt about it, and concerning this it is written in
who are devoted to THZ THEOCRACY see that they the prophecy of God, to wit: "Moreover, the word of
are continually put to the test, and now they are the LORDcame unto me, saying, Also, thou son of
appreciating the reason for such test; and while the man, thus saith the Lord Godunto the land of Israel,
Lord permits his faithful servants to continue to An end, the end is come upon the four corners of the
have severe tests, all of the faithful ones nowappre- land. Nowis the end come upon thee, and I will send
ciate that it is permitted to test their steadfastness mine anger upon thee, and will judge thee according
or integrity. And why do these tests continue upon to thy ways, and will recompense upon thee all thine
the faithful? and how long shall the same continue? abominations. And mine eye shall not spare thee,
~""Because it [the end] is yet for [the] time ap- neither will I have pity; but I will recompense thy
pointed." (Dan. 11 : 35) Until the final end of Satan’s ways upon thee, and thine abominations shall be in
organization the integrity of the faithful followers the midst of thee; and ye shall know that I am the
of Christ Jesus will certainly be put to the test. LORD. Thus saith the Lord God, An evil, an only evil,
Jehovah has permitted such for the good of those behold, is come. An end is come, the end is come; it
who are in a covenant to do his will. While Satan watcheth for thee; behold, it is come. The morning
and his associate demons have been cast out of heav- is come unto thee, O thou that dwellest in the land;
en and down to the earth, Jehovah permits that the time is come, the day of trouble is near, and not
wicked horde to remain for a short time in order that the sounding again of the mountains. Now will I
the integrity of his faithful may be put to the test shortly pour out my fury upon thee, and accomplish
and that they may prove their immovable devotion mine anger upon thee; and I will judge thee accord-

ing to thy ways, and will recompense thee for all or is bound by it. This should be kept in mind when
thine abominations. And mine eye shall not spare, considering that the Papacy is a part of "the king
neither will I have pity; I will recompense thee ac- of the north".
cording to thy ways, and thine abominations that are 21 The further purpose of the monstrosity is to
in the midst of thee; and ye shall know that I am undo the effect of the French revolution of 1789,
the LORDthat smiteth."mEzek. 7: 1-9. which led to the dissolution of the so-called "Holy
1, Have in mind now that "the king of the north" Roman Empire" in 1806. Can any sane person now
is that monstrosity, that is, the dictatorial, totali- doubt that Petain, the puppet dictator of France, is
tarian combine, made up of Nazis, Fascists and the doing the will of the monstrosity and that he is obey-
Roman Catholic Hierarchy, and which compose the ing the order of the pope ? The liberties of the French
’abomination of wickedness’, with the great "whore", people are gone. The "Axis powers" are determined
the Hierarchy, riding upon the back of that beastly to re-establish the old "Holy RomanEmpire" at any
combine, which is described and pictured at Revela- cost of hnrnan fife.
tion 17:1-5 and 15-18. It is now by that combined 2, Another purpose of the "Axis powers", mani-
element called "the new order", for which "new order" festly, is to wipe out the Peace Treaty of Versailles
the present pope of Romedid pray and did extol it of 1919, and in which treaty the pope was unable to
in his speech on December 24, 1940, and which is by have his will done, and which treaty particularly had
him called "the new League of Nations", that that to do with the setting up of the German Republic.
combine is completely bent on ruling the world con- That treaty caused the territory of "the king of the
trary to JSHOVAH’S will; and that which is called north" to be cut up and formed into so-called "re-
"the new League of Nations", or "new order", is the publics", such as Germany, Austria, Poland, Czecho-
’desolating abomination’, which JEHOVAH will com- slovakia, Danzig, Lithuania, and by which "the king
pletely destroy at Armageddon. of the north" was greatly weakened. This was par-
l~,,And the king shall do according to his will; ticularly pictured in Revelation by the wound of the
and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above sixth head of the beast, as set forth in Revelation
every god, and shall speak marvellous things against 13: 1-3: "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and
the Godof gods, and shall prosper till the indignation saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads
be accomplished; for that that is determined shall and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and
be done." (Dan. 11:36) The prophecy shows that upon his heads the name of blasphemy .... And I
"the king of the north" would be guided by and in- saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death;
fluenced by the wicked one and that he would study to and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world
do that which is wicked, carrying out his own will, wondered after the beast."
however, as he believes, but in fact doing the bidding 2~ That deadly wound was healed by Satan and his
of Satan the Devil. Mark how all these things that agents, and particularly by operations performed by
have come to pass in recent months fulfill this part "Catholic Action", organized and carried on under
of the prophecy. "The king [that] shall do according the direction of Pope Pius XI, which pope backed and
to his will," as the prophecystates, is "the king of the supported Italian Fascism and German Nazism, both
north"; which means not merely Hitler, but "the religiously and financially; and which Hierarchy also
king" here means all the component parts of the mon- caused many rich subjects of the Hierarchy in other
strosity; and since this monstrosity is the Devil’s countries to furnish large sums of moneyto put Hit-
child, it is carrying out the Devil’s purpose. ler on the throne of Nazism. The pope then entered
2o The objective of "the king of the north" is to into concordats, one with Fascism in 1929, and then
rule the world. Its visible representatives, acting un- with the Nazis in 1933; and also on this latter date,
der demon power and influence, are determined to 1933, he declared a "Holy Year" in an effort to drag
rule the world according to the selfish will of "the other nations into the combine. "Catholic Action" in
king of the north". To do this that combinemust first this behalf worked with both totalitarian rulers, but
undo the work of the Protestant Reformation of the particularly to make Hitler the spearhead of the
sixteenth century, and hence wipe out completely the Hierarchy in the effort to overthrow democracies
result of the Treaty of"Westphalia of 1648, which and to re-establish "the Holy RomanEmpire".
treaty established toleration between Catholics and "Another purpose of the combine is to carry out
Protestants and recognized the right of each to prac- the wicked desire of the "Axis powers", particularly
tice his own religion within his respective state or the Catholic organization, in destroying the republics
province. Such caused Germany to be broken up into and bringing such countries into the combine. To this
many small provinces or states. Markthis, that never end Austria was annexed to Germany in March,
has any pope approved that Treaty of Westphalia 1938; Sudetenland was seized in 1938; Poland was
and never has he acknowledged that the Papacy was raped and destroyed in 1939; and then followed the

overthrow of Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Neth- " "And magnify himself above every god." The
erlands, Luxemburg, and France. This done, "the word "god" used in this text means "mighty one",
king of the north" attempts to form a "new League and in this text the reference is not to invisible de-
of Nations" and to bring all the conquered territory mons, but it refers to the mighty ones on earth who
into that League. are the agents and allies of the demons. The Hebrew
*~ But the chief and primary purpose of Satan and word el, here rendered "god", or "mighty one", ap-
his earthly agents aforementioned, however, is and plies to earthly creatures as well as to invisible de-
has been to completely destroy Jehovah’s witnesses, mons; and this is shown by the following scripture
who proclaim the name of Jehovah and his THEO- texts, to wit: "Give unto the LORD,O ye mighty, give
CRATIC GOVERNMENT.In every countrywhere the unto the LORDglory and strength." (Ps. 29:1) "God
totalitarian power, or "king of the north", is in con- standeth in the congregation of the mighty ; he judg-
trol the work of Jehovah’s witnesses has been sup- eth among the gods." (Ps. 82: 1) "For who in the
pressed. Also in every country outside of the terri- heaven can be compared unto the LORD?who among
tory of "the king of the north" where the Roman the sons of the mighty [ones] can be likened unto
Catholic Hierarchy exercises great power Jehovah’s the LORD?"(Ps. 89: 6) ’~I have, therefore, delivered
witnesses have been cruelly persecuted and a strong him into the hand of the mighty one of the heathen,
effort has been made to completely destroy their he shall surely deal with him : I have driven him out
activities and to prevent them from declaring the for his wickedness." (Ezek. 31:11) "The strong
name of JEHOVAH and his THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT.among the mighty [ones] shall speak to him out of
This explains why "the king of the north" has taken the midst of hell with them that help him; they are
one country after another, destroyed its material gone down, they lie uncircumcised, slain by the
wealth and its many people, and put a ban on the sword."--Ezek. 32 : 21.
work of Jehovah’s servants. This proves that the *’ The totalitarian combine of "the king of the
Hierarchy is the chief visible agent of the Devil in north" has overthrown the mighty ones of Protes-
this wicked work; and as further proof thereof it is tantism; and the mighty ones of Free Masonry; and
only necessary to cite that in many parts of "the the mighty ones of constitutional monarchies; and
ldug of the south" also the work of Jehovah’s wit- the mighty ones of democracies ; and the mighty ones
nesses is banned, and declared illegal. In every na- of political parties that stood in the way of the com-
tion this has been done at the instance and by the bine; and thus the facts show the fulfillment of this
power of the Hierarchy. The, entire movement of part of the prophecy. In addition thereto a new sys-
Satan’s crowd is carried on to the end that the Hier- tem of jurisprudence has been set up according to
archy and their allies may soon be able to say, "Peace the Nazi-Fascist Canon-Lawstandards, and thus the
and safety"; then will follow Armageddon. Thus it former mighty ones of the judiciary of those coun-
is seen that, in the language of the prophecy, the tries in Europe have been overthrown; also all the
words ’~nis will" meannot merely the will of Hitler, mighty ones of the armies that do not quickly bow
but that of the combined elements that make up "the to the dictator, so that the dictator controls the entire
king of the north"; and that particularly the Roman military machine, which is made subservient to the
Catholic Hierarchy is the subtle and wicked instru- Nazi Fuehrer. He has also magnified himself above
ment of Satan to carry out this work of "the king of the commercial mighty ones, and all of these com-
the north". Satan is that subtle foe of THETttEOC- mercial giants have been made to conform to the de-
RACY,and religion is the most seductive and deceptive sire of Nazism, or the Corporate State. Also the
means used by men to accomplish Satan’s purpose; labor organizations have been dissolved in favor of
and thus he uses the Hierarchy in a more effective the State Labor Front; and also the farmers who
way than some other parts of his organization. till the soil are madeto be entirely subservient to
26 "Andhe shall exalt himself." It is "the king of the the dictator. The totalitarian dictator becomes the
north" here mentioned, that exalts himself by over- entire thing and is exalted above all mighty ones in
throwing constitutional monarchies and democracies every part of the government, and to him all such
and republics, and by exercising power over the peo- are required to bow.
ple arbitrarily. Jehovah God does not exalt "the king ,9 "And shall speak marvellous things against the
of the north", but Satan, the chief of demons, and God of gods." In this text "God of gods" is trans-
his horde of associated demons, under the command lated from the Hebrew El elim, meaning JEHOVAH
of Gog, carry on the exaltation work and furnish the THE ALMIGHTY GOD; and against the Almighty God
incentive by and through demonized "Catholic Ac- this "king of the north" speaks marvelous things.
tion" and flatter the political Fuehrer and thus help Note the following texts showing that the reference
him to exalt himself. in this text is to Jehovah, against whom"the king of
328 fftieWATCHTOWER. BRookLYn,N. Y.

the north" speaks. "Whois like unto thee, O LORD, to believe that the Hierarchy is against the totalitar-
among the gods [ (marginal reading) mighty ones] ian rule now exercised by the Nazis and Fascists.
who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in This claim by the Hierarchy is made to induce the
praises, doing wonders?" (Ex. 15: 11) "The LORD "Catholic population" residing within the realm of
God of gods, the LORDGod of gods, he knoweth, and democracies to remain silent and loyal to the Hier-
Israel he shall know; if it be in rebellion, or if in archy. At the same time the pope, on the 24th of De-
transgression against the LORD,(save us not this cember, 1940, publicly uttered a prayer for the so-
day,)."--Josh. 22 : 22. called "new order" or "new League of Nations",
’° "’The king of the north" speaks marvelous things which is being pushed forward and set up with Hitler
against the Almighty God by taking adverse action as the leader. What organization on the earth has the
against those who are the witnesses of Jehovah God. greatest desire to re-establish the old "Holy Roman
Also the natural Jews are persecuted by that same Empire"? The Roman Catholic Hierarchy, to be
combine because they were the typical covenant peo- sure l And for that purpose "Catholic Action" was
ple of Jehovah, the Almighty God. In the lands out- organized and has been carried on for several years
side of the realm of "the king of the north" that throughout the earth. The Hierarchy is pursuing a
"king", and particularly the religious element there- fixed course of its father the Devil to act with fraud
of, operates by means of the "fifth column" in mis- and deception, making it to appear in one country
representing Jehovah’s witnesses, and they bring that it is on one side, and in another country that it
great reproach upon the name of Jehovah; and this is on the other side; and this is done to deceive and
is done even in the United States, where liberty has mislead the people.
long been enjoyed by the people. ** The political elements of "the king of the south"
al "The king of the north," which here particularly appear to be blind to the hypocrisy and duplicity of
includes the RomanCatholic Hierarchy and the head the RomanCatholic Hierarchy, or else fear to boldly
thereof, exalts the political state above Jehovah God declare against the same as its foe. Whether blind to
by declaring and insisting that "the higher powers" the truth or fearful, it leads to the same result and
named in the Scriptures at Romans 13:1 are not is the moving cause which results in mental blind-
Jehovah God and Christ Jesus but are the political ness. It is Satan who blinds the minds of men, as
rulers of the present unrighteous world. The dicta- declared by the Lord’s Word. (2 Cor. 4: 3, 4) It is the
torial combine condemns The THE0CRATXC GOVER~- fear of men that leads men and nations into Satan’s
ME~Tby Christ Jesus and persecutes in all countries snare. (Prov. 29:25) Thus the organization of "the
the persons who tell that The THEOCRATm GOWR~- king of the south" appears to be blind to its real
M~.~T is the only hope of humanMnd. Within the enemy.
realm of "the king of the north" one who proclaims "As long as the so-called "democracies" oppose,
the name and the kingdom of Jehovah by Christ ignore or fail to support THET~.ocaAcY by Christ
Jesus is charged with sedition. Even in countries Jesus, just that long the announced purpose of "the
outside of the realm of "the king of the north" Jeho- king of the south" is certain to fail. There is but one
vah’s witnesses, who proclaim TH~. THEOCRACY, are sure way to determine the degree of progress and
charged with seditious conspiracy, and in each in- legitimate end of "the king of the north" and of "the
stance this is done at the bidding of the religious king of the south", and that sure way is Jehovah’s
element of "the king of the north". That ’~king" sure Word of prophecy, now in progress of fulfill-
boastfully claims that his is the world empire which ment. Bearing upon this particular point, note that
shall rule the entire earth in defiance of Jehovah the prophecy says concerning "the king of the north" :
and contrary to His prophetic utterances. "The king as "And shall prosper till the indignation be accom-
of the north" sets up a mimic theocracy, placing the plished." Whoseindignation ? Jehovah’s indignation,
present pope of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy in which will be expressed at the battle of Armageddon.
the position occupied by Christ Jesus, the real King Manifestly Jehovah has withheld the expression of
of the real T’~EOCRACY. Such mimic theocracy is "the his indignation to give "the king of the north" full
abomination that maketh desolate" named by Daniel, rope to mark himself for destruction. Beginning with
and the Lord shows the purpose of that combine is the Roman Catholic Hierarchy element, Jehovah’s
to turn all persons away from Almighty God and to indignation will be violently expressed at Armaged-
rule the earth contrary to God’s will. don in the complete overthrow of "the king of the
a, Hitler, the leader of the Nazis, declares his pur- north". That will mark the beginning of the great
pose to re-establish the old "Holy RomanEmpire". world trouble, which Jesus Christ describes in these
Nowmark the hypocrisy of the RomanCatholic Hier- words: "Great tribulation, such as was not since the
archy, which while carrying on within the realm of beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall
"the king of the south" attempts to induce the people be." (Matt. 24:21) That means the final end of all
I, 1941

of Satan’s organization. Give heed to the Word of end; an utter end], even determined upon the whole
Almighty God concerning that tribulation, to wit: earth [Satan’s visible organization, and particularly
""Behold, the name of the LORDcometh from far, the religious element and all other elements compos-
burning with his anger, and the burden thereof is ing ’the king of the north’]."--Isa. 28 : 21, 22.
heavy ; his lips are full of indignation, and his tongue ’* Jehovah will makea final end of all that are op-
as a devouring fire." (Isa. 30:27) "Therefore wait posed to The THEOCRATICGOVERNMENT by Christ
ye upon me, saith the LORD,until the day that I rise Jesus. Says Jehovah: "I have purposed it, I will also
up to the prey ; for mydetermination is to gather the do it." (Isa. 46: 11) ’~I will work, and whoshall let
nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour [hinder] it?"--Isa. 43: 13.
upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce
anger; for all the earth shall be devoured with the HOLD FAST
fire of my jealousy." (Zeph. 3: 8) ’qVho can stand "Jehovah’s covenant people now on earth are very
before his indignation? and who can abide in the small in number. They are even so small in number
fierceness of his anger? his fury is poured out like that religionists speak of them with great contempt.
fire, and the rocks are thrown down by him." (Nab. If they were religionists they would receive no notice,
1: 6) "But the LORD is the true.God, he is the living because of their smallness, and it is certain that they
God, and an everlasting King : at his wrath the earth would not then be persecuted. Why, then, is there
shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to so much opposition to Jehovah’s witnesses through-
abide his indignation." (Jer. 10: 10) "The LORDhath out the countries of the earth, and why are they so
opened his armoury, and hath brought forth the grievously persecuted in all these countries? Are
weapons of his indignation; for this is the work of they dangerous to any nation ? They are not danger-
the Lord GODof hosts in the land of the Chaldeans." ous, because they have no desire or inclination to do
--Jer. 50 : 25. harm to anyone. Are the ruling powers of the nations
s, "The king of the north" has had his day in which afraid of Jehovah’s witnesses and companions as to
he had permission to "have indignation against the what they might do to overthrow their power? No,
holy covenant" (Dan. 11: 30); and at Armageddon not at all; because Jehovah’s witnesses and com-
it is his turn to experience the indignation from the panions could do them no injury. Surely the armies
side of the Holy Covenant, to wit, the Lord. Is there that destroy thousands of human lives every day
a fixed time for that indignation to begin ? and when? have no fear of falling at the hands of Jehovah’s
"God’s Wordanswers that he has fixed the definite witnesses and companions. Then why are Jehovah’s
time. To Daniel his faithful prophet the Lord made witnesses hated in all nations and so cruelly ill-
known this fact: "And he said, Behold, I will make treated and persecuted? The answer is plain, and
thee knowwhat shall be in the last end of the indigna- is easy of comprehension. It is because these people,
tion; for at the time appointed the end shall be." faithful to Almighty God and in obedience to his com-
--Dan. 8 : 19. mandments, announce to the world that THE THEOC-
" Daniel maybe back on the earth at any time now, RACYis the only hope of humankind; because they
and he, together with the faithful covenant people of declare God’s vengeance against all that oppose THE
Jehovah, will know what course to take at that time THEOCRACY. The great question now for determina-
of the beginning of tribulation, because to all such tion is WORLD DOMINATION. Shall the world continue
Jehovah says : "Come, my people, enter thou into thy under the rule of demons, of which Satan is the chief,
chambers, and shut thy doors about thee; hide thy- or shall the world be ruled in righteousness by Christ
self as it were for a little moment,until the indigna- Jesus, Jehovah’s duly appointed and anointed King?
tion be overpast."--Isa. 26:20. Satan is determined to continue his rule or ruin the
earth. He sets up "the king of the north" and "the
,O,,For that that is determined shall be done."
(Dan. 11:36) It is Jehovah’s "strange act", the ex- king of the south", each vowing their determination
to rule the earth, and he causes them to war with
pression of his indignation at the battle of Arma-
each other. By this means Satan hopes to accomplish
geddon, that is determined; and nothing can interfere the following: (1) To turn the attention of all people
with or prevent it. To all who hear the Word of Je- away from THE THEOCRACY, and (2) to bring about
hovah God now this is of great interest, to wit: "For the death of many millions that they might not learn
the LORDshall rise up as in mount Perazim, he shall about THE THEOCRACY; and thus he hopes to defeat
be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon, that he may do Jehovah’s purpose.
his work, his strange work; and bring to pass his act, " Since the sole purpose and work of Jehovah’s
his strange act Now, therefore, be ye not mockers, witnesses and companions is to announce the name
lest your bands be made strong; for I have heard of Jehovah and his Government of Righteousness
from the Lord GODof hosts a consumption [a full by Christ Jesus, and this for the benefit of mankind

and to the glory of God; and since they are entirely to Jehovah God and his Government of Righteous-
neutral, they hold themselves aloof from the warring ness, come what may.
nations. Why does the Almighty God permit them ’" All nations hate Jehovah’s covenant people be-
to suffer so many indignities at the hands of their cause that people declare the name and kingdom, The
enemies? The answer from God’s Word is, in order THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT, of Almighty God. "Then
that each one of his covenant people may now be per- shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill
mitted to prove his full devotion to The THEOCRATICyou: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my
G0VER~.NT and thus hold fast his integrity. (Heb. name’s sake."mMatt. 24:9.
,7 The crucial test, which must persist until Arma-
12 : 6 ; Job 2 : 3) This test must continue to the end.
To the remnant the words of Jesus now apply: "Be geddon, is proof that now is the last time. The words
thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee the of the apostle now apply to the Lord’s faithful serv-
crown of life."--Rev. 2: 10, Am. Rev. Vet. ants, to wit: "Little children, it is the last time; and
" The apostle and faithful witnesses of the Lord as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now
Jesus proclaim this prophecy: "And I saw the souls are there many antichrists; whereby we know that
of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, it is the last time."ml John 2: 18.
and for the word of God, and which had not wor- "The antichrists, many of which now appear, are
shipped the beast, neither his image, neither had re- all those against The THEOCRATIC GOVF-J~N~ENT by
ceived his mark upon their foreheads, or in their Christ Jesus the King, and, says the apostle, ’where-
hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a by we know that this is the last time.’ The words of
thousand years."--Rev. 20 : 4. the apostle here clearly mean that the end of Satanic
,5 Those words mean that such faithful ones have rule has come: "And the world passeth away, and
no human leader, but that they have given up their the lust thereof; but he that doeth the will of God
own head and look only to Christ Jesus as their abideth for ever."~l John 2: 17.
Head and Leader that they might bear witness to "It is therefore clearly to be seen that the crucial
the name of Jehovah and his THEOCRATIC GOVF-~N- test is here, and thus Jesus says to those who follow
~ENT by Christ Jesus. They refuse to compromise him : "But he that shall endure unto the end, the same
with any part of Satan’s organization, and, regard- shall be saved." (Matt. 24: 13) "Therefore my be-
less of all earthly persecution and opposition, they loved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always
remain true, steadfast and blameless before the abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye
Lord. Such blamelessness consists of their complete know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord."
devotion to The THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT by Christ (1 Cor. 15:58) "Do all things without murmurings
Jesus. Their integrity is put to the test, and those and disputings ; that ye may be blameless and harm-
who receive the Lord’s approval will hold fast their less, the sons of God, without "rebuke, in the midst of
integrity under that test. They are being disciplined a crooked and perverse nation, among whomye shine
by the Lord, and they are determined to not yield as lights in the world."--Phil. 2: 14, 15.
to demoninfluence, but that they will remain faithful (To be co.t~.ued)


T C2ESAREA PHILIPPI, near the boundary be- and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here:
A tween Palestine and Syria, and in the presence of
Peter and the other apostles the anointed King,
if thou wilt, I will makehere three tabernacles; one for thee,
and one for Moses, and one for Elijah. While he was yet
Christ Jesus, identified himself as "this rock" uponwhich speaking, behold, a bright cloud overshadowedthem: and
he would build his church. Later he added, "For the Son behold, a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is mybeloved
of manshall comein the glory of his Father with his angels; Son, in whomI am well pleased; hear ye him. And when
and then shall he render unto every manaccording to his the disciples heard it, they fell on their face, and weresore
deeds. Verily I say unto you, There are someof them that afraid. AndJesus came and touched them and said, Arise,
stand here, whoshall in no wise taste of death, till they see and be not afraid. Andlifting up their eyes, they saw no
the Son of man coming in his kingdom." (Matt. 16: 18, one, save Jesus only. Andas they were comingdownfrom
27, 28, A.R.V.) Thereafter camethe transfiguration vision, the mountain, Jesus commandedthem, saying, Tell the
the record concerningwhichis: vision to no man, until the Son of manbe risen from the
"And after six days Jesus taketh with him Peter, and dead. Andhis disciples asked him, saying, Whythen say
James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into a the scribes that Elijah must first come?Andhe answered
high mountainapart : and he was transfigured before them; and said, Elijah indeedcometh,and shall restore all things:
and his face did shine as the sun, and his garmentsbecame but I say unto you, that Elijah is comealready, and they
white as the light. Andbehold, there appeared unto them knew him not, but did unto him whatsoever they would.
Moses and Elijah t~lMng with him_ AndPeter answered, Even so shall the Sonof manalso suffer of them. Thenun-
1, 1941 fffieWATCHTOWEP,.
derstood the disciples that he spake unto them of John the of the tran.qfiguration in the mountain, of which things
Baptist." Matt. 17:1-13, Am. Roy. Ver. Peter was one of three witnesses. This is made certain by
The transfiguration in the mountain was a prophetic Peter’s next words: "For we have not followed cunningly
tableau giving testimony to the high office of Jesus and devised fables, when we made known unto you the power
foretelling greater things to come to pass thereafter. That and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitncsses
transfiguration being a prophecy, its true meaning and im- of his majesty. For he received from God the Father honour
portance would appear to God’s people only in God’s due and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the
time to interpret the same and make it plain. excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whomI am well
pleased. And this voice which came from heaven we heard,
Ecclesiastes 3:1 declares: "To every thing there is a
when we were with him in the holy mount."--2 Pet. 1 : 16-18.
season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."
Greater light is given to God’s people at the end of Satan’s Referring now to Matthew’s account of the transfigura-
world and after Christ Jesus is enthroned, as is indicated tion vision, it is noted that the three apostles were not per-
at 1 Corinthians 10 : 11. That would appear to be Jehovah’s mitted to tell anything about it until after the resurrection
time to unfold the meaning or interpretation of his proph- of Jesus Christ took place. As the record at Matthew17 : 9
ecy. For many years it has been known that the prophet states: "And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus
Moseswas a prophetic figure of Christ Jesus, but not until charged them, saying, Tell the vision to no man, unt,1 the
the coming of the Lord Jesus to the temple, in A.D. 1918, Son of man be risen again from the dead." The apostles
was it known that what Moses wrote applies particularly thereafter obeyed the Lord’s commandment.If the matter
to the Lord Jesus and his people while he is at the temple had been told by any of them before the resurrection of
for the judgment work. Only in recent years and since the Jesus, and Jesus had confirmed their statements before
coming of the Lord Jesus to the temple of God has it been others, it might have been said that the proof was much
knownthat Christ Jesus is that great Prophet foreshadowed stronger and menwould be more likely to have full faith in
by Moses and to whomall the present-day remnant on earth their statement of what occurred in the mountain. Probably
of his faithful followers must now be especially obedient, someof the consecrated ones had said to Peter at or previous
and hence every one that is called to the Kingdomand that to the time he wrote his second epistle something to this
fails or refuses to obey that Prophet shall be destroyed.-- effect: "It is easy for you to tell a tale like that now.Prob-
Deut. 18 : 15-18 ; Acts 3 : 22, 23. ably you were very much excited at the time and you think
What, then, is the meaning of the prophetic transfigura- you saw that which you did not in fact see.’" Peter’s lan-
tion scene in the mountain ? That which the prophetic trans- guage at 2 Peter 1:16 is equivalent to an admission that
figuration magnifies as of greatest importance is the vin- such might have been a cunningly devised fable and that
dication of Jehovah’s name by and through his beloved Son, others had suggested that. To offset that very conclusion
Christ Jesus, and this vindication begins particularly to Peter said to his brethren: ’We have not followed a cun-
take place at the time of the coming of the Lord Jesus in ningly devised fable; we were eyewitnesses to it.’ They
power and glory. This statement may appear to be dog- were eyewitnesses of a vision that related to the ’coming
matic, and therefore in support of the above conclusion it of the Lord Jesus Christ in power and glory’. That definitely
is important to consider the words of the apostle Peter establishes the fact that the vision was a prophecy relating
leading up to his emphatic statement made at 2 Peter 1 : 20, to the coming of the Lord Jesus in glory and power for
to wit: "Knowingthis first [that is, as of first importance], judgment at the temple. (See Matthew 25:31.) This would
that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private inter- strongly support the conclusion that the understanding of
pretation." the vision would not be given to God’s people until after
the coming of the Lord to the temple for judgment.
Peter is here addressing his Christian brethren, not as a
teacher and certainly not as a pope, but as one whomJeho- At the transfiguration Jesus, with three of his faithful
vah God and Christ Jesus had specifically favored and as followers, was in the mountain, but Jesus is the only really
one who had received certain important information, which important one that was there. He was the one that appeared
he desired to impart to his brethren that they might keep with his face shining as the sun and his raiment white as the
that information in remembrancefor their own well-being. light. Clearly that would picture Christ Jesus at the time
Peter declared that he would not be negligent to put them when God placed him on the heavenly throne as the new
in remembrance of certain things, and then said: "Yea, I world’s rightful Ruler and as Jehovah’s mighty Vindicator.
think it meet, as long as I amin this tabernacle, to stir you Modernfacts in fulfillment of Bible prophecy prove that that
up, by putting you in remembrance." (2 Pet. 1:13) enthronement of the Lord Jesus took place in A.D. 1914, as
expressed his opinion that shortly his earthly ministry stated at Psalm 2:6. Three and one-half years later, cor-
would end, and that while he had opportunity he would responding to the three and a half years of his earthly
stir up his brethren to greater zeal and that they might ministry at his first coming, Christ Jesus came to the temple
have in mind these important truths. "And I think it right, as the great Judge, to wit, in A.D. 1918. Therefore the
as long as I am in this tabernacle, to excite you by remem- transfiguration vision pointed forward to the time that
brance; knowing that the laying aside of the tabernacle God would inaugurate his kingdom with Christ Jesus on
is at hand, even as our Lord Jesus Christ declared to me. the throne and as his mighty Judge and Vindicator. The
NowI will also endeavor always to have you, after my de- unfolding and understanding of the prophetic transfigura.
parture, to makemention of these things." (2 Pet. 1 : 13-15, tion vision could not come tmtil the prophecy had begun
Emphatic Diaglott translation) "Make mention" of what to have fnliillment; hence God has kept it a secret until
things ? Manifestly the things that cameto pass at the time his due time for fulfilling the prophecy and makingit known.

The record of the transfiguration says, at Matthew17 : 3 : with a curse." "Behold, I wilI send my messenger, and he
"And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias, shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whomye
talking with him." Of course, Moses and Elijah were not seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger
actually there present, because this was a "vision", and, of the covenant, whomye delight in: behold, he shall come,
too, Mosesand Elijah were dead, as the Scriptures testify. saith the LORDof hosts. But who may abide the day of his
But Jesus was actually there. The vision disclosed Moses coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he
and Elijah talking with Jesus, and that would clearly in- is like a refiners fire, and like fullers’ soap: and he shall
dicate in the tableau that those two prophets had done cer- sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; and he shall purify
tain things in the past which foreshadowed greater things the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that
that Jesus would do. Moses wrote much of the prophecy they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness."
of God, and Jesus on another occasion said, "Moses . . . The prophetic work as foreshadowed by what the proph-
wrote of me." (John 5 : 46) The appearance of Moses in the et Elijah did and said was fulfilled in a miniature way by
vision, talking with Jesus, was equivalent to saying that John the Baptist, who, as the forerunner of Jesus, an-
the law, which Moses delivered to the Israelites, applies nounced his coming at his first advent. But there is also a
specifically to those whoare followers of the Greater Moses, larger and complete fulfillment, and the work foreshadowed
Christ Jesus, to wit, those who are spiritual Israelites. by Elijah has now been performed in completeness by the
Also, that the covenant of God given to the Israelites on Lord Jesus Christ in the years immediately preceding the
the plains of Moabby the hand of Mosesshortly before they time of his coming to the temple in A.D. 1918. So, having
crossed the Jordan river into Canaan foreshadowed a great- performed this preparatory work thus prophesied at Mala-
er covenant, to wit, the covenant of faithfulness for the chi 3: 1, then he suddenly (or straightway) appeared
Kingdom, which covenant God makes through Christ Jesus the temple.
with those who are called to the heavenly kingdom. Also In the prophetic transfiguration vision the appearance
that those who will enter into the Kingdommust faithfully of Elijah and Moses had no relationship whatever to the
perform that covenant of faithfulness, and that when Christ resurrection of the dead, because there is nothing either
Jesus, the Greater Moses, comes to the temple, then every directly or indirectly said about resurrection. Religionists
soul of the temple class must be wholly obedient unto Christ who have tried to uphold the Devil’s lie that "there is no
Jesus or else be destroyed. This conclusion is clearly sup-
death" and "the dead are not dead" (Gen. 3:4) have
ported by the words of Peter, at Acts 3 : 22, 23 : "For Moses grabbed upon this transfiguration scene as recorded and
truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your
used it in their attempt to prove that Moses and Elijah
God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me ; him
were alive at that time; but such have overlooked the fact
shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto also that Jesus declared their appearance to be merely a
you. And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which will "vision". (Matt. 17 : 9 ; comparetherewith Acts 12 : 9, where
not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed from among the Peter "wist not that it was true which was done by the
people." These truths the remnant of Jehovah’s witnesses
angel; but thought he saw a vision".) It is true that Moses
learned and began to appreciate after the coming of the
is dead and must await the resurrection, and it is true that
Lord Jesus to the temple in glory and power in 1918. Elijah was taken up in a fiery chariot by a whirlwind; but
Elijah appeared along with Mosesin the transfiguration that has no relationship whatsoever to the transfiguration
vision. Elijah delivered certain prophecies and performed vision.
certain prophetic work, and in this he foreshadowed Christ
The overshadowing important part of the transfigura-
Jesus and a work Jesus would do, which work was prepara-
tion was the announcement by the voice from heaven that
tory to his coming to the temple of God in 1918. That work
the Lord Jesus is the approved One of Jehovah and the One
had particular reference to the restitution or restoration
who is the Chief Officer of Jehovah for the vindication of
of the great and important doctrines concerning the king- God’s name. The voice out of the cloud said: "This is my
dom of God or Theocratic Government; which truths had beloved Son, in whomI am welI pleased; hear ye him."
been delivered to the Israelites and to the apostles after the
(Matt. 17:5) Here in substance is the emphatic statement
coming of Jesus nineteen centuries ago, but which had been
from Jehovah God that Christ Jesus is God’s great High
lost sight of after the death of the apostles and were hid
Priest, Judge and King, to whomall creation must render
until the Lord Jesus turned his attention to the things of
the earth a short time prior to his coming to the temple in absolute obedience, because God in due time would send
1918. That this is the correct conclusion is shown by the Christ Jesus to be his Vindicator and to carry out all His
conversation that took place between Jesus and the three purposes and this would be done when Christ Jesus is en-
apostles on coming down from the mountain, to wit, "And throned as the Ruler and the Judge of the world.
his disciples asked him, saying, Whythen say the scribes The overshadowing cloud symbolically spoke of the
that Elias must first come? And Jesus answered and said presence of the invisible Jehovah, and the fact that the
unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all cloud overshadowed the three disciples who were eyewit-
things." This conversation was based on the prophecy re- nesses also suggests that the fulfillment of this prophetic
corded at Malachi4 : 5, 6 and 3 : 1-8, which reads : ’‘Behold, vision would take :place at the time of the second presence
I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of of the Lord, in the spirit, concerning which Jesus said, at
the great and dreadful day of the LORD:and he shall turn Matthew 16:28: "Verily I say unto you, There be some
the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of standing here which shall not taste of death, till they see
the children to their fathers, lest I comeand smite the earth the Son of man coming in his kingdom." The words which
the three disciples heard expressed by a voice out of the as have spoken, have likewise foretold of these days." (Acts
cloud would Nean that Christ Jesus had maintained his 8 : 22-24) All the prophets of God had foretold the coming
integrity towards Jehovah; and the further fact that Jesus of the King, the Messiah or Christ ; therefore upon the com-
warned them that they were to tell the vision to no man ing of the Lord Jesus to the temple all who were called to
"until the Son of man be risen again from the dead" shows the heavenly kingdom must render absolute obedience unto
that the exaltation of Jesus to the position of honor would the Greater Moses, in order to maintain their integrity to-
be after his resurrection, to which facts the apostles subse- wards Jehovah. This great and important truth is taught
quently testified.--Phil. 2: 5-11; Heb. 5: 7-9. and magnified by the transfiguration on the mountain and
Jesus had been sent by his Father to the earth to do his what was there said.
Father’s will, and Jesus had been wholly obedient to his Those who have not been teachable and obedient to the
Father. Jesus declared he was sent to bear witness to the great Prophet upon his coming to the temple have made
truth, and his faithfulness in the performance of his com- no progress in gaining a knowledgeof God’s will in wisdom
mission earned for him the title "The Faithful and True and spiritual understanding. Many who were once in line
Witness". (Rev. 3 : 14 ; 19 : 11) The words which the three for the Kingdomhave since become blind, and they deny
eyewitnesses heard from the cloud disclosed the necessity the coming of the Lord to the temple; and manifestly the
for them to be likewise obedient to Jehovah God and that, apostle Peter speaks of these disobedient ones at the time
since Jesus spoke with authority, therefore whatsoever he Christ Jesus is at the temple for judgment, and he calls them
commandedthey must obey. This fixes the rule that all ungodly, in the following words : "For the time is comethat
the followers of Jesus must obey his commandments.Obe- judgment must begin at the house of GOd; and if it first
dience is one of the fixed rules of Jehovah, and there is no begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not
deviation therefrom permitted. God’s inflexible rule con- the gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved,
cerning his creatures was long ago announced, at 1 Samuel where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear ?’--1 Pet.
15 : 22, 23, to wit : ’~Behold,to obeyis better than sacrifice ; 4 : 17, 18.
¯ . . For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft [the turning One of the specific commandmentsgiven to the conse-
away from God to the Devil], and stubbornness is as iniq- crated Christians by the Lord Jesus at his coming to the
uity and idolatry [that is, as lawlessness and devil-wor- temple is, to wit: "And this gospel of the kingdomshall be
ship} ." preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations;
A fulfillment of the prophetic vision of transfiguration and then shall the end come." (Matt. 24: 14) Some pro-
is after the Lord Jesus comes to the temple. Christ Jesus fessed Christians have thought they could ignore this com-
at the temple is the Greater Moses and the one whomMoses mandand still get into heaven; but all the scriptures ap-
typified. In the transfiguration Moses there pictured that pearing upon the point show that they cannot ignore this
Christ Jesus is the great Prophet. Whenthis great Prophet commandment, refuse to have a part in the witness work
appears at the temple for judgment, from 1918 onward, the amongst the people, and yet have an entrance into the king-
foUowingwords uttered by Peter apply specifically to all domof heaven. Only those who obey receive the Lord’s ap-
those who are brought to a knowledge and understanding proval; and this was emphasized at the transfiguration
of the truth, to wit : "For Mosestruly said unto the fathers, vision by Jehovah’s words out of the cloud : "This is mybe-
A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of loved Son, in whomI am well pleased; hear ye him"; that
your brethren like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things, is to say, ’obey him.’ To hear what the great Prophet now
whatsoever he shall say unto you. And it shall come to says means, not idleness, but diligence in performing the
pass, that every soul which will not hear that prophet, shall work which he has commandedshall be done, namely, giv-
be destroyed from amongthe people. Yea, and all the proph- ing the witness concerning Jehovah God and his Theocratic
ets from Samuel, and those that follow after [him], as many Government by Christ Jesus.


ELIGIOUShypocrisy is rampant today as in the days
R of Noahbefore the Flood, the great visitation of Jeho-
vah God. What, then, is meaht by Peter the apostle
Theocratic Governmentby Christ Jesus. It means that such
anointed witnesses and their earthly "companions" must
pursue a course of action that is consistent with one who
when he says to those who are Christian "strangers" to this loves .God and who gives his entire allegiance to Him. It
wicked world rule of Satan: "Having your conversation means that he refuses to compromisein any manner with the
[conduct] honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they Devil, who is "the god of this world", or with any of his
speak against you as evil doers, they may by your good systems, religious, political or commercial. It means to be
works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of kind and considerate, yet firm for God and for his cause.
visitation" ?--I Pet. 2 : 12. By contact with the One anointed to be the King of
These inspired words mean that the one who is anointed The Theocracy Peter had learned what are the proper
of the Lord God to serve as his commissionedwitness must, speech and proper course of action for an honest man de-
amongst the nations and peoples of earth, pursue a course voted to Almighty God. His association with the King
of action that is honest and true. He must manifest the spirit eminently qualified him to give advice to his fellow wit-
of virtue, which is true manliness, and steadfastness and nesses, At Acts of the Apostles, chapter four, verse thirteen,
immovabifity in things pertaining to Jehovah God and his it is written concerning Peter and John when before the
religious trial court at Jerusalem: ".And they took knowl- What was the effect of this? Their speech and course
edge of them, that they had been with Jesus." Time and of action identified them as followers of Christ. Here the
again this statement has been explained to mean that all word "boldness" (Greek: parrhesia) means frankness,
with whomwe come in contact should be able to see by our bluntness, speaking freely and with confidence, outspoken-
"sweetness of spirit", by our "patience under provocation", neas. This proves what kind of man Jesus was, of whom
that we have indeed been with Jesus and learned of him. the apostles learned. It also proves that Jesus has been
The misunderstanding of this scripture has made many a grossly misrepresented by others. Grace was poured upon
man a "sissy" and caused him to appear before others with Jesus’ lips. (Is. 45 : 2) But that did not mean that he had
the air of apology for being a Christian. This has caused to rub his hands, stroke his chin like religionists’ pulling
many a Christian to quail in the presence of those opposed their beard, and look downwhen he spoke to somebodyelse.
to the Lord God. Jesus was straightforward. He was an honest man. He was
Weare not to understand that Jesus was long-faced, a real man. He represented his Father, "the King of Eter-
easy-going, easy-speaking, and careful to say nothing that nity," who has all power and authority.
might grate upon the ears of the opponents of the truth Jesus hesitated not to tell the religious rulers that they
and The Theocracy. Because many have misunderstood not only were wrong, hut were willingly so, and were
what manner of man Jesus was they have followed this criminals. His speech was so straightforward and frank that
easy-going method and have been exceedingly careful never it could not be disputed. Whenthe apostles appeared be-
to say anything that might grate upon the ears of the rich, fore the ecclesiastical body on that occasion their speech
influential and great in this world. Religionists have.been also was so bold, fearless and frank that the ecclesiastics,
led to believe that this was the kind of men the apostles wagging their heads to each other, recognized that these
were, and that because of their apparent piety, long faces, men had been with Jesus and were followers of him. It is
sanctimoniousness, sweetness and patience others took note not necessary to think that they were rude or harsh, but
of them that they had been with Jesus and learned of him. they were straightforward, confident and fearless in what
Such is a misrepresentation of the Lord Jesus and a mis- they had to say.
representation of his apostles. The context of Acts 4:13 Manyprofessed Christi-n~ have been induced to believe
shows plainly that such a conclusion is incorrect. that they must be so sweet in the presence of the enemythat
The real facts have been hid by quoting only a part of the enemy may take note of their sweetness and say, ’That
the above text, and that out of its proper setting. The cir- is a Christian.’ There is no scripture that warrants a Chris-
cumstances were as follows: It was shortly after Pentecost tian in taking such a course. Christians, above all others,
and the outpouring of God’s holy spirit upon those devoted should be real men and women. As representatives of The
to him and his Theocratic Government by Christ Jesus. Theocracy, they should deport themselves in a dignified
Peter and John had boldly declared the gospel of Christ way, with frankness and straightforwardness. That is what
the King, and him crucified for maintaining his integrity the apostle Paul said about it. He stated: ’Let your con-
toward God. The ecclesiastics, made up of the priests and versation, or course of action, be as becometha Christian.’
religious Pharisees, financiers and politicians, were offend- To quote his words at Philippiaus 1:27, 28 (Weymouth
ed, and caused them to be put into prison. On the day fol- translation) ¯ "Only let the lives you live be worthy of the
lowing, John and Peter were brought before the high priest Good News of the Christ, in order that, whether I come
and others of that august assembly. The high priest de- and see you or, being absent, only hear of you, I may know
manded to know by what power and authority these men that you are standing fast in one spirit and with one mind,
were speaking and healing the sick. Peter, with boldness fighting shoulder to shoulder for the faith of the Good
and frankness of speech, replied: "Be it known unto you News. Never for a momentquail before your antagonists.
all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the nameof Jesus Your fearlessness will be to them a sure token of impend-
Christ of Nazareth, whomye crucified, whomGod raised ing destruction, but to you it will be a sure token of your
from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here be- salvation--a token coming from God."
fore you whole."--Acts 4: 10. In his epistle the apostle Peter was telling his Christian
There was not much apology in those words, and evi- brethren to be real men, and to be so honest and straight-
dently they did not fall with much sweetness on the ears forward in speech and in action that there would be no
of the high priest and his associates. It was not necessary mistake about it in the minds of others that here are men
for the two apostles to be rude and harsh, yet Peter plainly and womenwho are real Christians and are not ashamed
of it. If all those whogo witnessing from door to door con-
said to these fellows, ’You murdered the Lord! But God
cerning The Theocratic Government would get the right
raised him up from the dead.’ The apostles made no apology
view of this matter they would not fear or quail, but would
for representing Jesus Christ the King, nor for trusting feel an absolute confidence in Jehovah and that they are
implicitly in Jehovah, the great Theocrat. They did not representing him and hi. Government of Righteousness. A
cringe and quail before that body of proud and arrogant man or a womanis most highly honored by being made the
ecclesiastics. Fearlessly and with plainness of speech they ambassador of Christ and the representative of the Most
told the truth. Therefore it is written (Acts 4: 13) : "Now High God, the great Theocrat.
when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and per- Whyshould anyone feel ashamed or manifest an apolo-
ceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they getic air in the presence of others because of being a witness
marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had for Jehovah? On the contrary, the spirit of the Lord should
been with Jesus." give him such complete confidence that he would always
1, 1941 NieWATCHTOWEt% 335

speak with frankness and straightforwardness concerning The faithful ones who with continued zeal and devotion
the great God and his King and Kingdom. This honest to the Lord have consistently given a witness to the name
course of action and speech will bring reproach upon the of Jehovah and to his Christ the King have been targets
Lord’s faithful ones; but, says the apostle, ’in the day of for the darts of the enemy and have received harsh criti-
God’s visitation many will glorify God that the witness cisms from many and have been denounced as evildoers. At
was boldly given.’ the same time there doubtless have been and are yet many
Following that day of Pentecost of A.D. 33 the zeal and who, like Cornelius, have desired something better and have
unswerving devotion of the apostles to God and to Christ been praying for deliverance. The facts show that many
were shown. Many of the people saw the honesty and con- are hearing the truth now who in times past have spoken
sistency of their course. Because of their faithfulness the against faithful witnesses of Jehovah. The effect of the
apostles were evilly spoken of by many. But doubtless many witness is increasing, and the number of those who are
observed their zeal and straightforwardness for the Lord associating themselves with the anointed remnant as their
God and were inherently glad. It was doubtless the zeal "companions" is increasing. (Ps. 122 : 8 ; Ps. 45 : 14) Now
and boldness of these faithful witnesses that induced Corne- as never before the words of the apostle Peter cometo these,
lius to often pray to God, before Peter was sent to him and saying, ’Let your course ~f action be honest now, that even
God did there for the first time visit the Gentiles (non- those who speak evil against you shall see your good works
Jews) to take out of them a people for his name. (Acts and in the day of God’s visitation shall glorify his name.’
10; Acts 15: 14) Nowa similar condition arises; and it In this day of God’s visitation before his expressed indigna-
becomes the privilege and duty of the witnesses of Jehovah tion at Armageddon many more will yet call to mind the
on earth to be equally zealous, straightforward and honest honest and consistent course of Jehovah’s faithful witnesses
in their course of action. and will praise Himthat he had some faithful witnesses in
Now Jehovah God has made clear what is the primary the earth who gave them warning.
issue before all creation, to wit, uNrw_2~AL DOMINATION. Let no one make the great blunder now of making him-
Whois for Jehovah God and his Theocratic Government, self believe that the "good works" mentioned here by the
and who is not ? Before the final overthrow of Satan’s or- apostle consist in what is generally knownas ’Christian
ganization, during the time of Jehovah’s visitation, he will character development’. Outward piety is not what the
have a witness given in the earth concerning his purposes apostle had in mind. Without a question of doubt he had
toward his creatures. To the anointed servant class Jehovah in mind the same thing as that expressed by the apostle
God says: "Ye are my witnesses ... that I am God." John, to wit, that love for God would be manifested in
(Isa. 43:12) That means, then, that every one who boldness in the proclamation of the message concerning the
anointed with God’s spirit is commissionedto perform this name of Jehovah and his Theocratic Government by His
duty; and this he must do in proportion to his opportuni- King Christ Jesus.--1 John 4: 17, 18.
ties, in order to be acceptable to and blessed of the Lord. A man who is honestly representing an honest superior
If one thinks that because of his standing amongst the never feels he must make any apology, either by word or
brethren some part of the Lord’s service is menial for him action, for pressing the interest of his cause. The truly
he does injury to himself. Some who have been "elective anointed ones and their "companions" are representing the
elders" have thought such work as going from door to door great Theocrat Jehovah and his King and Government of
and putting the books into the hands of the people should Righteousness. Surely there is no occasion for these or any
be done by the weaker ones or less prominent ones of the one of them to apologize, by word or by course of action,
congregation. while representing the Lord. Because of the importance to
The question is, Can it be said of suchlike that they are the covenant people of God, individually and collectively,
taking a stand on the side of Jehovah God and his Theo- and because of the great opportunity to glorify God, now
cratic Government,and that their course of action is honest that the hour is approaching for the great and final vlmta-
and consistent, within the meaning of the apostle’s words tion of Jehovah God upon the nations of the earth at Ar-
at 1 Peter 2:127 What is here said is not written for the mageddon, every one of his devoted people is urged to put
purpose of holding anyone up to harsh criticism, but as a forth the greatest possible zeal and earnestness in the rep-
warning for the benefit of those who are neglecting their resentation of his Theocratic Government. Whenthe work
opportunities. It is not the part of one Christian to criti- is done it will be a blessed and happy thing to be told by
cize another for not going into the field, rt is his duty to the Lord that their honest course of action in representing
beseech his brother to put forth the proper zeal, and when him has brought glory to his name. Such faithfulness will
that is done the Scriptures do not advise to do more. (Rom.
12: 1) The brethren would be negligent of their duty, how- be rewarded in full keeping with God’s loving-kindness.
ever, if they did not mention to each other the great re- The honor now to be bestowed upon the name of Jeho-
sponsibility that rests upon the ones in a covenant to do vah by those now on earth who devote themselves unre-
God’s will during and up to the great visitation of God servedly to the Lord is to proclaim his name and his Theoc-
upon the nations. The day of God’s visitation upon so-called racy as his witnesses. Only those who joyfully do this can
"Christendom" began shortly after his great Messenger, have the final approval of the Lord henceforth. The neces-
Christ Jesus, came to the temple for judgment, as foretold sity, therefore, for joyful participation in the service of
at Malachi3 : 1, and it will continue with increased severity the Lord God cannot be overstated. As the apostle Paul
until all parts of Satan’s visible organization on earth are urged upon the brethren zealous activity, even so now we
overthrown. should urge upon one another the same thing.--Rom. 12. I.
PIONEERING OUT FROM SILVER CITY, N. MEX. model study the air-raid sirens sounded, and they invited
"Westopped to inquire where we could find a certain me to go into their air-raid shelter, as I was quite away
interested person, whereupon the service station operator from home. So into the shelter I went. Three others, includ-
invited us to park our trailer there. As we prepared to move ing her son, who had not been in the room during the model
on the next day, the station owner strolled over to inquire study, also came. The son had previously said he would
if we didn’t like the little town, as we were moving on so rather go to bed than listen to Judge Rutherford. However,
soon. I replied such was not the case, but that as we were in the shelter, he asked me to put the records on. The result
Jehovah’s witnesses, calling on the people with WATCH was that eight persons listened, and we spent from 10 p.m.
TOWER publications, we must be on our way to the rest of to 2 a.m. discussing ’Government and Peace’. The young
our assignment. He drew in his breath and stammered: people went to sleep, but the mother and son kept me
’Wh-who did you say ? Say that again--do you mean you answering questions until the ’raiders passed’ sirens sound-
are one of those people whodo not have to salute the flag ?’ ed, at 5 a.m. I had started the morning before at 9 : 30 am.
’Yes; do you know why we take that stand ? You know we and had put in seven hours, and my evening call took an-
respect the flag as much as anyone, but regard the salute other seven hours. I arrived home in the morning and found
a violation of God’s commandmentas stated in the Bible. the whole neighborhood around my home extensively
Let me read you our ~tand as stated in The Watchtower." damaged, but my own home was all right. The windows in
’I would like to know more about that--there has been a the tenements above and below had been blown out. I reached
lot of trouble about that here--I had trouble---would you home at 7 a.m. and at 10 a.m. I was on the work again. The
come into the station and explain that for me?’ As I was thrill of the model study and the witness in the shelter
reading out of The Watchtower he said: "Wait, you really seemed to have taken away all t/redness."
feel the same as I do about the flag, don’t you? only you LONDON BRANCH SERVANT IN DERBY
just don’t believe in saluting.’ Then it was my turn to be "I was finishing running the ’]tlessage of Hope’ disc to
surprised; he began to relate how he was the one appointed the wife when the husband appeared, trying to cut short
by a committee of war veterans in a near-by large town the call. I tried to reason with him a bit, but he finally said
to get rid of Jehovah’s witnesses lmd that he was the arrest- he was fed up with religion and he didn’t want to have any-
ing officer. (We had heard about the trouble there before thing more to do with it and would be pleased if I would
we came here, when the friends were ordered Qff the streets get going. He said there was only one real Christian in
with the magazines and even threatened with mobviolence England and that was Judge Rutherford. Imagine my
if they didn’t leave town, and how one officer seemed to surprise ! In a last effort before he closed the door I showed
particularly have a vicious attitude---and z~Is was the him that the book I had was written by that very same
man!) person. He quickly opened the door again and I continued
"He proceeded to say he had worried about the incident the witness. He took some literature, and I arranged for
for months, couldn’t sleep nights for feeling he was wrong. a back-call. I almost missed this ’sheep’. Weare finding
He asked question after question, requesting answers then manypeople thoroughly disgusted with the ’churches’, and
and there, stating he had truly belieyed he was obeying the to them the message of The Theocracy is like food to a
unwritten law in ridding the large town of Jehovah’s wit- famished person. Every week-end in various parts of the
neases. My husband returned and, the phonograph being country where I serve the brethren marvelous experiences
secured, played the latest short record for him. By this are related, just as the ’Victory Song’says : ’There shall they
time his manner appeared as of one really contrite of heart rehearse the righteous acts of the Lord.’ (Judges 5: 11)"
and seeking the truth. WhenPaul’s persecution of faithful
Christians was read from the Bible, he asked if we would ON A CORNER OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH
convey his apologies to Jehovah’s witnesses at Silver City "As I started for my assigned corner I thought I might
(those he had accosted) and tell them he as well as the just as well offer a Watchtower to a man standing in front
other two officers involved had resigned as police because of a store. Based on the September 1 issue, on the subject
they saw their mistake. He asked if Jehovah would forgive ’Is Religion Holy?’ he was soon agreeing that religion was
him, proceeded to subscribe for The Watchtower, took the not holy, but a racket. Said I : ’I have a phonographrecord
book Religio~t, saying he had always known the churches right there in mycar entitled "Snare and Racket" that you
were a racket, and asked if we had an extra Bible, which would enjoy. Do you want to hear it?’ Said he: ’I would
he also obtained. Just before I left he also stated that if he close up my store to hear that !’ I told him he need not do
were going to be interested in this work he thought it best that, as I wouldtake the record into his store ; which I did,
to cancel his plans to marry, because he knew the womanto and played the recording. He thanked me for the ’great
be opposed to the truth; he was going to send a wire tell- favor’ and took a magazine. Returning to the car with the
ing her to stay where she was and to forget about the wed- phonograph, a Spanish man asked me for a magazine; he
ding, which was to have taken place in the next few days. took Consolation. Then, while I spoke a little Spanish to
Wehave a cordial invitation to return, extended to all of him, he followed me to mycar, I took out mybox of foreign
Jehovah’s witnesses." literature and he gladly contributed for two more booklets,
meanwhile calling a Greek passer-by over to see the books.
DURINGTHE LAST"BLITZ" ON GLASGOW A short discussion with t]ae Greek, and he took Conspiracy
"While pavement witnessing, a lady came up and took a Against Democracy, in (]reek. Result: In a few minutes,
Watchtower, saying she had all of Judge Rutherford’s within 100 feet of mycar, I had placed two magazines, three
books. I inquired whether she had heard ~" of his record- booklets, played the phonograph, and obtained three names
ings. She had not, so I arranged a date. At the end of our for back-calls."
thatI amJehovah;’
° Ezekiel35.15.

NOVEMBER15, 1941


DEMONRULEENDING(Part5) ................
UNITY NOW IN THE WAR ........................ 346


....................... 348



~WATCHTOWER ~ STUDIES ..................... 338



117 Adsms Street
- -
Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A. T HIS Journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically de-
OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good will.
J. F. RUTm~rO~D,President W.E. VAN A~UROH, Beoretar~ It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes suit-
"And all thy children shall be taut~ht of Jehovah; and
able material for radio broadcasting and for other means of public
treat shall be the pe~ce of thy children." -1.rajah 54:z3. instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SC.RIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheresstrictlyto the Bibleas authority for its utterances.
It is entirelyfree and separatefrom all religion, parties,sects
THAT JEHOVAHis the only true God, is from everlasting to
or otherworldlyorganizations. It is whollyand withoutreserva-
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of life
tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
to his creatures ; that the Loges was the beginning of his creation,
King.It is not dogmatic, but invitescarefuland criticalexamina-
and his active agent in the creation of all things ; that the Loges tion of its contentsin the lightof the Scriptures. It doesnot in-
is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in
dulgein controversy, and Its columnsare not opento personalities.
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect man ymARr.y SUBSCRIPTIONPmc~
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully dis-
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of UNI~ STA~S, $1.00: C~NADAANn MISCZLLAN~0USI~RZION, $1.50~
Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the right GRF~TBRITAIN, AUSTRALASIA, ANDSOUTHAFRICA,6S. Airier|caD re~llt-
tances should be made by Postal or Express Money Order or by Bank
to life. Draft. Canadian, British, South African and Atmtralaslan remittances
should be made direct to the respective branch cruces. Remittancea from
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countries other than those mentioned may be made to the Brooklyn omce,
death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for but by International Postal MoneyOrder only.
obedient ones of mankind: that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every name Fom~oz~ Orrxc~
and clothed him with all power and authority. Brtt~,h ............................ 34 tray .e~ Terrace, London, W.2, England
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATIONis a Theocracy called Zion, (Tanadtan...................... 40 IrwinAvenue,Toronto5, Ontario, Canada
Australasian ........... 7 Beresford Road, Strathfleld, N. S. W., Australia
and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the right-
Bout/~ AD’toan Boston House, Cape Town, SouthAfrica
fui King of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of Please addre~ the Society in every case.
Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of Jehovah’s organiza-
tion, and are his witnesses whose.duty and privilege it is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind
as expressed in the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom
before all who will bear.
THAT THE WORLDhas ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has
All sincere students of the Bible whoby reason of infirmity, poverty or
been placedby Jehovahupon his throneof authority,has ousted adversity are unable to pay the subscription price may have This Watch-
Satan from heaven and is proceedingto the establishmentof tower free upon written application to the publiehere, made once each
year, stating the reason for so requesting it. Weare glad to thus aid the
God’s kingdom on earth. needy, but the written application once each year is required by the
postal regulations.
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by and throughJehovah’skingdom under Christ,which ~Vo|ics to,dubsortber#: Acknowledgmentof a new or a renewal sub-
has now begun;that the Lord’snext greatact is the destruction scription will be sent only when requested. Change of address, when
requested, maybe expected to appear on address label within one month.
of Satan’sorganizationand the establishment
of righteousnessin A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) will be sent with the
the earth,and thatunderthe kingdomthe peopleof goodwill that Journal one monthbefore the subscription expires.
surviveArmageddonshall carry out the divine mandateto "fill Entered a* second-elate matter at the post o~ce at Brooi;IFn, 2f. Y.,
the earth"wlth a righteousrace. under the Act ot MarchS, 1879.


Regardless of the incoming of winter then, December marks
As previously advised in The Watchtower, the work has been
another month-long season of special united achvity known as
going on for the compiling of a comprehensive survey of the re-
"Great Multitude" Testmaony Period. Those persons of good-will
who shall form part of the "great multitude" of Armageddon sur- cent Assembly of Jehovah’s witnesses at St. Louis, Mo., for the
vivors are now quickly coming forth ere the wintertime of Arma- five days, August 6-10. Now we are pleased to announce the pub-
geddon sets in on the world, and they will, in increasing numbers, licatmn of the full report. Like the Assembly itself, it is the best
take part with the remnant members in this united Testimony. convention report yet produced. Its 80 pages set forth the im-
All such are cordially invited to join m putting in as many homes portant events and brilliant h~gh lights of the Assembly, including
as possible the excellent combination offer of the new book Chil- speeches of Judge Rutherford to the mighty throng there which
dren and the new booklet Comfort All That Mourn, on a contribu- have not till now been published anywhere, and all visualized to
tion of 25c. We shall be glad to give references to any wanting you by page on page of a photographic review of the noteworthy
to get in touch with and to co-operate with the nearest organized events and scenes. To this there has been added a full, illustrated
company of pubhshers of The Theocracy. At the close of the
report of an identical five-day Assembly, with features like those
Periodthe usualreporton the full month’sactivities and results
shouldbe submitted. at St. Louis, held by Jehovah’s witnesses at Leicester, England,
September 3-7, in spite of the war. This Report of the Jehovah’s
~WATCHTOWER" STUDIES witnesses Asssmb~y is a forceful witness to the actuality of Jeho-
Week of December 21: "Demon Rule Ending" (Part 5), vah’s Theocratic organization, and should serve as a potent in-
1-22 inclusive,The WatchtowerNovember15, 1941. strument in your field activities in behalf of the many persons of
Week of December 28: "Demon Rule Ending" (Part 5), good-wtU. Send for your copy now, remattmg 5c therefor. After
¶ 23-39 inclusive,The WatchtowerNovember15j 1941. you see and read it you will want others to have it too.
VOL. LXII 15, 1941



"’The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God."--Ps. 53:1.

EHOVAH’S description of creatures is such that deny that Jehovah is the Supreme One and that
J it is easy to locate them by the course of action
they take. It is not necessary for such creatures
Christ Jesus is His King, who shall rule the world
in righteousness. The religious leaders of the com-
bine, that is, the RomanCatholic Hierarchy in par-
to speak audible words, since the heart represents
the motive: "Out of the abundance of the heart the ticular, claim to represent Christ Jesus; but that
mouth speaketh" and the course of action is directed. claim is entirely false. The Hierarchy justifies the
(Matt. 12: 34) Consequently, as one goes about his action of "the king of the north" and publicly prays
affairs he shows whether he has faith in Almighty for the "new League of Nations", which is the "new
God or not. This is as true with reference to a com- order", so called, of "the king of the north"; and the
posite body as with a single individual. The wise Hierarchy also prays for the re-establishment of the
creature is guided by the Word of Jehovah God. The "old Holy Roman Empire", which at all times has
fool shuns the Word of God. If any sane person been devoted entirely to blasphemous action and
thinks he has reason to doubt that "the king of the gross iniquity. At the same time the Hierarchy con-
north" (Dan. 11:40) is a fool, and therefore the in- demns and persecutes everyone who advocates the
strument of the Devil, let him measure that com- kingdom of God by Christ Jesus, and which is THE
posite body by the scriptures that follow, to wit: THEOCRACY for which Christ Jesus taught all of his
’ "The fool rageth, and is confident." (Prov. 14 : 16) true followers to earnestly pray: "He that justifieth
The composite body of "the king of the north" now the wicked, and he that condemneththe just, even they
rages against many people and nations and is very both are abomination to the LORD."--Prov. 17: 15.
confident of success, whereas his defeat is certain. ¯ The poor people of many nations now greatly
The fool is wicked, and his way is darkness, and he suffer at the hand of "the king of the north": "As a
walks on in darkness. (Prov. 4: 19; Eccl. 2: 14) It roaring lion, and a ranging bear ; so is a wicked ruler
certain that he shall perish.--Prov. 10: 28. over the poor people."--Prov. 28: 15.
3 The heart of the creature stands for his motive 5 Jehovah has put these unchangeable rules in the
or purpose, and according to his action he may be Bible for the aid and comfort of those who desire
identified. "The worthless fool saith in his heart, righteousness, and by which they may be guided in
There is no God. They are corrupt, and they are the way of righteousness; and the reason for calling
abominable (in their) injustice: there is none that attention to the same here is that those who love
doth good." (Leeser) "The fool hath said in his heart, righteousness may see the wickedness of "the king
There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done of the north" and of every element thereof and, see-
abominable iniquity." (Ps. 53:1, Auth. Vet.) "They ing the same, quickly flee from that iniquitous reli-
are corrupt, and they are abominable in their in- gious influence and find refuge in The THEOCRATIC
justice." This scripture text exactly describes "the GOVERnmEnT by Christ Jesus. Return now to the con-
king of the north", composed of Nazis, Fascists and sideration of the prophecy of Daniel and mark how
the Hierarchy combine. Both their claim and their completely the events that are now daily coming to
work are iniquitous and are an abomination in the light show the fulfillment of that prophecy dictated
sight of Almighty God. By their course of action this by Jehovah and written down in the centuries past.
e "Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers,
combine says : "There is no Almighty Jehovah." They
go exactly contrary to the Wordof God. They afflict nor the desire of women,nor regard any god : for he
the people with gross injustice. A more minute de- shall magnify himself above all." (Dan. 11 : 37) The
scription of "the king of the north" given in the "fathers" of "Christendom", that is, the chief reli-
prophecy of Daniel proves beyond all doubt that gious element of "the king of the north", once sought
that ’qdng" and every element thereof emphatically to worship Almighty God with religion and the tradi-

tions of men; but the modern-day "Catholic Action" tears, publicly shed. Thus every element of "the king
is political and the feigned worship of God is only of the north", the composite body, shows no regard
with outward signs and words, all of which are an for Almighty God; and that shows, on the authority
abomination in Jehovah’s sight. "In vain they do of God’s Word, that "the king of the north" is a fool,
worship me, teaching for doctrines the command- which fool is condemnedto everlasting destruction.
ments [the precepts] of men."--Matt. 15:9. lO,,Nor the desire of women." (Dan. 11:37) This
’ The Hebrew word Elohim is rendered "God". part of the prophetic text does not refer to the female
Elohim refers to the Creator of heaven and earth, sex. "The king of the north" is not an individual man,
and the Creator of man. He is the Maker of the ever- but a composite personage. The "women"of the text,
lasting covenant concerning created life. He is the therefore, means organizations which God has creat-
Almighty God, to whom belongs the earth and the ed and which sincerely and honestly men have builded
fullness thereof. "The king of the north" has no re- up by the grace and direction of the Lord. Both Mus-
gard for Him, the Almighty Creator, but, on the con- solini and Franco of the "Axis powers" are married
trary, by its course of action every element of "the men with families, and members of the Hierarchy
king of the north" denies the supremacy of Jehovah, have their dealings with the opposite sex, which
the Almighty God. "The king of the north" is very dealings, of course, are not fully and publicly re-
destructive of humanlife, having no regard for God’s vealed. So the text could not refer literally to men’s
living creatures, which God’s everlasting covenant disregard for the opposite sex. As an illustration,
forbids to be wantonly killed, as the "Axis powers" the organization of the American government has
are now doing. With the full connivance and ap- always insisted on keeping the state and religion,
proval of the religious Hierarchy this abominable called "the church", entirely separate, but the Hier-
iniquity is carried on throughout the earth. archy now induces the politicians of America to cry
B "Zion" is the creation and upbuilding of Elohim, out: "We must have more religion, else we perish."
the Almighty God, and is the official residence of the The Hierarchy tries to put religion in politics and
Most High, as He has declared. "When the LORD sets up a bogeyman called "Communism", with which
shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory." to frighten the politicians into a closer relationship
(Ps. 102: 16) "In Salem also is his tabernacle, and of the church, politically, and state. Thus it is seen
his dwellingplace in Zion." (Ps. 76 : 2) "For the LORD that the Hierarchy has no regard for any organiza-
hath chosen Zion: he hath desired it for his habita- tion of the people that is righteous.
tion. This is myrest for ever: here will I dwell; for ,1 The "women", whose desire "the king" does not
I have desired it."--Ps. 132: 13, 14. regard, without any doubt, refers to God’s organiza-
Zion is Jehovah’s official government, of which tion. His organization Zion is pictured by good
Christ Jesus is The King. It is THETHEOCRACY, and women; that is, it was foreshadowed by Sarah and
that righteous government is viciously opposed by Rachel. The "desire" of these womenis for children
"the king of the north", and particularly the religious for God’s service and to the vindication of his name.
element thereof. Even the pope and the other mem- (Gen. 30:1-3; Rom. 7:4) Sarah pictured God’s
bers of the Hierarchy are contemptuous of God’s "woman", Zion, which is the mother of Christ and
creation and building. While hypocritically operat- the 144,000 members of "his body", therefore The
ing under the cloak of religion they, together with Christ, and which includes the faithful remnant yet
other elements of "the king of the north", ride rough- on the earth. Likewise Keturah (Gen. 25: 1, 2) and
shod over everything animate or inanimate to the Rachel (Gen. 35: 16-19) pictured members of Jeho-
end that they might satisfy their ambition for world vah’s capital organization which are brought in later.
domination. This is proved by their wicked and cruel (See the book Jehovah.)
persecution of Jehovah’s witnesses, his faithful serv- 1, At Revelation twelve God’s womanZion is pic-
ants, which servants of God they persecute solely for tured as bringing forth the "man-child", which is
the reason that those servants announce Jehovah’s God’s THEOCRATIC GOV~.a~RSTby Christ Jesus. The
name and his Kingdom. They support the totalitar- "remnant of her seed" is described in Revelation
ian and cruel wars that are wickedly carried on by 12: 17, against which the enemy makes war. Now
the Nazis and Fascists against the democracies, or "the king of the north" fights against the "man-
governments for and by the people. They utterly child" of The TH~.OCRATIC GOVER~MRN~ and desires
disregard the rights of the people which God has to destroy it to the end that the "Axis powers" might
bestowed upon them. They control the public press rule the world contrary to Jehovah’s will. Therefore
to a large degree and see to it that the press aids the effort to suppress the message concerning THE
them in keeping the people in the dark by giving wide THEOCRACY, which effort is put forth with all possible
publication to the Hierarchy’s vain prayers for peace vigor by the elements of "the king of the north". The
and for "the pope’s sorrowing heart", and crocodile Devil sends forth "the king of the north", particu-
15, 1941 ffSeWATCHTOWEFL 341

larly the Hierarchy element thereof, to destroy the Jesus by spurning the Word of God and setting up
remnant of God’s capital organization yet on earth, themselves in the place and stead of The THEOCRATIC
to which remnant is committed "the testimony of GOVERNMENT by Christ Jesus. The "king" combination
Jesus Christ" and the work of proclaiming that mes- deny the existence of the Almighty God, and hence,
sage to the peoples of earth who have a hearing ear. as the Scriptures declare, say in their heart: "There
Thus "the king of the north" shows absolutely no is no Almighty God." "They profess that they know
regard for "women", that is, for God’s organization. God; but in works they deny him, being abominable,
The arrogant and foolish course of "the king of the and disobedient, and unto every good work repro-
north" is further indicated by that part of the text bate."mTitus 1: 16.
describing him, to wit: ¯ eThey mock the Most High and his King and
is "Nor regard any god." The Hebrew word eloah proceed in the way of opposition to THETHEOCRACY,
is here used, and is translated by the English word and their course of action is so terrible’that the Lord
god. In the book of Job, in connection with the drama describes them as abominable in their wickedness.
therein set out, eloah is used forty-one times; and 1T "But in his estate [in his place (Rev. Vet. and
it is used to identify any mighty one, whether visible Rotherham) ] shall he honour the God of forces ; and
or invisible. It is used ten other times referring to a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour
Jehovah God. Hence the words "any god" used in this with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and
text of the prophecy of Daniel appear to mean any pleasant things."--Dan. 11: 38.
mighty one within Jehovah’s organization, to wit, 1, This word "estate" means "official position".
Christ Jesus in particular, whose name, as the proph- ’~Estate" is used in the place of or for the office or po-
ecy declares, shall be called "Wonderful, Counsellor, sition of "the king of the south" in Daniel’s prophecy
the mighty God". (Isa. 9:6) He is the Chief One, (11 : 7). (See verses 20, 21.) "The king of the north"
who as a man maintained flawless or complete his disregards the position or office of THETHEOCRACY
integrity toward Jehovah, and is therefore the and substitutes therefor the "abomination of desola-
mighty Vindicator of Jehovah’s name.--Heb. 5 : 8, 9 ; tion". "The king of the north" honors the "god of
Rev. 19 : 11-21. forces", which god does not dwell in nor receive wor-
1, "The king of the north" has no regard for the ship in the "sanctuary of strength", for the reason it
Lord Jesus Christ as the Mighty God who will avenge is the "sanctuary of strength" which "the king of the
Jehovah’s name and oust everything that is contrary north" pollutes, as the prophecy states.--Dan. 11 : 31.
to Jehovah. On the contrary, that ’~king" viciously ~ Not being the Elohim or Eloah of Jehovah’s or-
persecutes those who are members of The Christ, ganization, the "god of forces", as used in the proph-
and opposes the work which the Lord has assigned to ecy, must stand for and be, and is, the counterfeit of
them to do in the earth in his name. (Dan. 11:33) THE T~EOCRACY, and therefore is the "abomination
"The king of the north" has no regard whatsoever of desolation". It is the totalitarian monstrosity, the
for Christ Jesus as Jehovah’s mighty One who shall Corporate State, that rules by force and coercion
rule the world in righteousness, nor does he have re- and violence and by the power of armed might. It is
gard for "the Higher Powers" of Jehovah, namely, the totalitarian strength, that is to say, the Corporate
JEHOVAH and CHRISTJESUS, but places the law of State; and the Roman Catholic Hierarchy is bound
"the king of the north" above the law of God and to it by concordats, thereby becoming a part of the
Christ. "The king of the north" arrogantly claims to composite body ~vhich constitutes the "abomination
be supreme. Further describing "the king of the of desolation", because that Devilish creation stands
north", the prophet says: where it ought not to stand, claiming to rule the
1’ "For he shall magnify himself above all." "The world instead of God’s THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT. It
king of the north" acknowledges none as "the higher is the totalitarian "image of the beast", which stands
powers", but magnifies himself above Jehovah and in the place where it ought not to stand and thus
above Christ Jesus by claiming that the composite wrongfully, blasphemously and wickedly occupies
’~king" constitutes the higher powers, made up of su- the "estate" of JEHOVAH, THE THEOCRACY.(See
perior people. The RomanCatholic Hierarchy claims Matthew24 : 15 ; Mark13 : 14 ; Revelation 13 : 14, 15 ;
to be the spiritual higher powers, and hence claims to Revelation 14:9, 11; 20:4.) This totalitarian mon-
be supreme on the earth and responsible to no earthly strosity is the image of the Devil himself, "the god
creature, organization or government on the earth. of this world" of wickedness, and displays all the
At the same time "the king of the north", particularly characteristics of the Devil. That image is something
the religious element thereof, practices a form of which appears in the "latter days", meaning the
godliness, which is demonism, and which practice is present time.
done to mislead and does mislead many peoples. ’° "And a god [Yea, to a god (Young) ; Even to a
They deny the power of Jehovah God and Christ god (Rotherham)] whom his fathers knew not."

Those who preceded the modern-day ’qdng of the silver, jewelry and other material wealth from the
north", that is to say, "his fathers," did not knowthis people and laid burdensome taxes upon the defense-
god, this modern monstrosity, because this "image of less people, and have carried on unrighteous com-
tile beast", this totalitarian combine, is the "abomi- mercial transactions in order to accomplish its am-
nation that maketh desolate". That monstrosity was bitious desire to carry forward a campaign to gain
foretold by Jehovah’s prophets as due to be set up world domination. That combine have also seized the
at the end of Satan’s world of uninterrupted rule, material wealth of the countries which have been
when the invisible Gog, the chief of demons and the overrun and made part of the dominion of "the king
official field marshal of Satan, would come to the of the north". All of this iniquitous abomination has
fore and become active in carrying out Satan’s pur- been done and carried on with utter d~regard of
poses. (Ezek. 38:2, 3) It is after this "image of the Almighty God and his Word, and by which course of
beast" is set up that it is first worshiped as com- action "the king" has said: "There is no Almighty
manded by the Devil’s representatives; hence it was God besides us; we are IT."
not known and worshiped by "his fathers" of the ~a"And pleasant things [with desirable things
modern-day combine, nor was the prophecy relative (Young)]"; that is to say, things desirable to eat
thereto correctly understood as to the identity of and for adornment. (Dan. 10: 3; Gen. 27 : 15, margin;
tile "image of the beast" until God’s due time, which 2 Chron. 20: 25) The material things which are neces-
due time is at the end of the world, where we noware. sary for the wealth and comfort of the people have
Andhowshall "the king of the north" honor this god ? been wrongfully seized and sacrificed to the idol of
~’ "Shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with the Corporate State. Such is done to gratify the
precious stones." That "god of forces" receives honor wicked ambition of the monstrosity combine and to
with the material wealth of the earth represented by impose upon the nations the totalitarian system in
gold, silver, precious stones and other substances order to oppose and stave off the setting up of The
which these things can purchase. Let all sincere per- THEOCRATm GOVERnMEnT by Christ Jesus. To be sure,
sons who have been induced to believe that the pope the "pleasant things" seized, such as butter of Den-
is a wise man, and not a fool, consider the indisputa- mark, upon which that people depends, and like ma-
ble facts in the light of the prophetic utterances of terial things from that and other nations, the totali-
JEHOVAH GOD. The pope of the RomanCatholic Hier- tarian rulers continue to use for their own pleasure,
archy, which forms a part of the composite body of while the commonpeople, whomthey have pillaged
"the king of the north", financed Hitler’s political and robbed, continue to starve.
campaign in 1932, when the deal was made between "In addition to the "pleasant things" used by the
Hitler and Pius XI, and which deal was consum- people in general, "the king of the north" has tried
mated by the then pope’s official representative, to take away from Jehovah’s witnesses and com-
Eugenio Cardinal Pacelli. That latter named gentle- panions, his faithful servants who love righteous-
man is now the head of the Hierarchy. Pins XI also ness, all the desirable spiritual food upon which those
financed Mussolini’s Ethiopian campaign, when that servants of God depend. In many countries they have
country was ruthlessly grabbed and the people destroyed the Bibles and all Bible helps of these
robbed. Also the same pope financed and collaborated faithful servants of God and prevented them from
with and advised and counseled and encouraged the meeting together to worship God; and this has been
rebellion led by one Franco against the Spanish Re- done in every country where the Hierarchy is able
public, and in which that democracy was destroyed. to exercise its great power. In addition thereto that
Thus the totalitarian monstrosity was honored with monstrosity has tried to rip off the "beautiful gar-
millions of gold and silver, and like things of mate- ments", the spiritual adornment, of God’s faithful
rial value, all of which was collected by means of servants by which their identification is made to ap-
false pretenses. pear (Isa. 52: 1), and have tried to compel Jehovah’s
22 "The king of the north" has had no regard for witnesses and companions to let loose their hold upon
the gold and silver of God’s Word, nor for the pre- Jehovah and his THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT by Christ
cious "Corner Stone" of Zion, upon which Jehovah Jesus. By the grace of God, however, Jehovah’s serv-
has builded his capital organization. (Isa. 28: 16) ants have been able to stand and that monstrosity
But in order to keep up and operate the totalitarian has not succeeded. God’s faithful servants are deter-
monster, that is, the "abomination of desolation", mined to hold fast their integrity, come what may.
according to the style or ideas of the RomanCatholic They trust in Jehovah God and Christ Jesus, whom
Hierarchy, "the king of the north" has consumed they serve. Although denied the right to the posses-
great material wealth to provide instruments of de- sion of Bibles and Bible helps to aid them in studying
struction rather than to provide food for the starv- the Word of God, and although denied the right to
ing people. The ruling powers have extracted gold, meet for study, the faithful servants of Jehovah

have these great truths in their minds, which cannot God"? (Ps. 9: 17) Who, then, is wise? Let him give
be taken away from them by the Devil or any of his heed to the Word of God. And who will deny the fact
representatives. The monstrosity has largely suc- that those whodisregard Godand his Wordare fools ?
ceeded, however, in taking away from the general ~6"Thus shall he do in the most strong holds
public the spiritual food convenient for them, and [(Am. Bey. Vet.) And he shall deal with the strong-
this they have done by the political powers’ yielding est fortresses ; (:Young) Andhe hath dealt in the for-
to the religious leaders of the monstrosity. This un- tresses of the strongholds] with a strange god, whom
righteous combination have confiscated and de- he shall acknowledge and increase with glory; and
stroyed the printed message, which includes the Bi- he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall
ble, and have herded faithful men and womeninto divide the land for gain."--Dan. 11: 39.
concentration camps to keep them away from their 2, This clearly foretells the action of "the king of
spiritual food and have taken the spiritual food away the north" in extending the totalitarian idea of
from the commonpeople and destroyed it. All this idolatry to the other nations of the earth by means
"the king of the north" has done in order to please of causing revolution, sabotage, "fifth column" ac-
and worship the totalitarian god. (Prov. 30: 8; Isa.
tivities, and the like, such as the Nazi, Fascist, Hier-
61 : 10 ; Matt. 22 : 11, 12 ; Rev. 7 : 9, 13, 14) Theresult archy propaganda and religious campaigns. That
is that there is today amongst the commonpeople action is quickly followed up by invasion, such as
’a famine in the land for the hearing of the Wordof was carried on against the Netherlands, Belgium,
the Lord’. (Amos 8: 11) This famine for spiritual
Norway, and other countries. Devastating propa-
food, however, does not cause the faithful ones who ganda is pushed with great vigor within the realm
have long been serving God to starve, because they
of the democracies, such as the United States and
have these truths fixed firmly in mind. Canada, where the Roman Catholic Hierarchy have
2, In passing, the opinion is here expressed for the
divers and numerous agents and representatives who
information of those who have hearing ears, that a exercise great influence and power over the public
great famine is certain to afflict the manynations of press and cause the truth to be suppressed and the
tile earth in the very near future. The United States people to be lulled to sleep while the totalitarian
is also in line for much suffering. At the same time spirit continues to permeate the country without in-
when the food supply of the world is continually terruption. Thus "the fool" is malting fools of many
growing less the government of the United States others.
walks right into the trap of the Devil by putting in ~" What are the "strongholds" of a free people?
force a law which restricts the wheat supply of The sanctity of the home devoted to God and Christ;
America and thus will in the near future make bread the schools that teach the children obedience to par-
hard to get. If this government had not turned a deaf ents in the Lord, who wall( in the way of righteous-
ear to the Bible, and had not forgotten God, the rul-
ness and bring up their children "in the nurture and
ing factors thereof would not only have avoided
admonition of the Lord"; the masses of the people
Satan’s trap above mentioned, but would have en- whohave had regard for the liberties of all; and the
couraged and greatly increased acreage and produc- freedom of speech, of assembly and of the press, and
tion of wheat, and other food stuffs so much needed of worship. These strongholds "the king of the
by the peoples of earth. Also instead of the ruling north", which composes the devastating monstrosity,
factors’ listening to the demandsof religionists, par- has invaded in all of the democracies. That mon-
ticularly the Hierarchy, who form a part of "the strosity now has declared war to the extermination
king of the north" and who desperately attempt to
of what it calls "the plutocratic democracies", and
keep the people in darkness concerning Jehovah’s the capitalistic nations with liberal governments.
Word and his government, this nation of the United Carrying out their wicked course of action, the com-
States should have encouraged the people to give
posite body, "the king of the north," has invaded all
heed to the message which Jehovah has sent and is
of these strongholds of education, the home, the
sending to them by his servants. The United States
channels of publication, the freedom of worship and
is faced with world disaster now impending and assembly, and has corrupted the courts, to accom-
about to fall, and the only thing that can save the
plish their wicked ambition. Can it do any good to
people from that disaster is the truth of Jehovah’s give warning now? It appears that it cannot, so far
Word. Will the nation entirely forget God and suffer as the government is concerned; therefore, what is
the evil effects of the judgment which God has pro- here said is said that the people who love righteous-
nounced against those who forget him, and which ness may see and appreciate the physical facts which
judgment long ago was written, and which judgment show the clear fulfillment of the prophecy, and who,
is nowabout to be enforced, to wit : "The wicked shall seeing and understanding, may give heed to the ad-
be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget vice of Jesus Christ to "flee to the mountains", that

is, to The THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT of Jehovah God causes his agents to "rule over many", even as the
by Christ Jesus. Jehovah’s faithful servants must in prophecy states.
obedience to his commandmentgive a clear and un- ""The king of the north" sees to it that the reli-
mistakable witness now to The THEOCP~Tm GOWR~- gious element of the monstrosity, to wit, the Roman
ME~Tin order that a witness may be given to Jeho- Catholic Hierarchy, bears "rule over many". The
vah’s name and that those people of good-will toward dictator holds on to the Concordat arrangement with
God may have opportunity to seek the place of safety the Hierarchy, and that element, the Roman Cath-
and the way to life. olic organization called "the church", increases in
’~’’With a strange god, whomhe shall acknowl- religious power in all invaded countries. The "Cath-
edge." This "strange god" is totalitarianism accord- olic population" of the invaded countries are added
ing to the Nazi, Fascist, Hierarchy type. It is with to the domain of "the king of the north", so that by
this "strange god" that the monstrosity carries on its the end of 1941 the population of the "king’s" terri-
work. In 1939 it made an operating agreement and tory is certainly to be chiefly RomanCatholic. The
non-aggression pact with the Communist idol god, magazine The Converted Catholic, in its issue of
and at Christmas time in 1940 Hitler persuaded January, 1941, page 28, says, among other things,
Stalin to grant certain liberties to the RomanCath- this: "The Nazi good-will toward Catholicism is im-
olic Jesuit operators in the lands recently brought plied in dozens of apparently insignificant items that
under the Russian control, and those Catholic priests occur from day to day but are wont to escape notice.
also carried on their operations in Russia to prepare ¯ . . Nazi officials boasted recently over the radio of
the way for the invasion, which followed by the treach- ten thousand institutions in Germany conducted by
ery of Hitler and the Papacy shortly thereafter. the Catholic church, a number greater than that in
’° The World War was fought with the slogan ring- existence previous to Hitler. The Vatican, anxious to
ing in the ears of the people against "the king of the keep up the pretense of a rift with Germany, was
north", to wit, "This war will make the world safe embarrassed by the revelation. Unable to contradict
for Democracy." And now this totalitarian monster, these figures, it attempted to hem and haw in reply
the "strange god", the Devil’s chief instrument, leads --but the facts remain untouched and undenied."
the democracies into the Devil’s trap and causes "’ "And shall divide the land for gain [for a price
them to howl for "more religion", while the Devil (margin)]." "The king of the north" completely
ties them hand and foot. Such is the operation of the ignores the divine rule set forth at P s al m 24:1:
Roman Catholic Hierarchy to accomplish its pur- "The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof;
poses to unite religion, which is falsely called "Chris- the world, and they that dwell therein." In passing,
tianity", with the state or totalitarianism¯ "The king let it be noticed also that some who think they are
of the south" yields to the seductive influence of the supporters of TH~. THEOCRACY fall into a like error
Hierarchy religionists, hoping that maybe the Hier- by claiming the ownership of things on the earth, all
archy will ultimately join with "the king of the south" of which belong to the Lord Jesus Christ, whom
in gaining world domination. Thus the blind leads Jehovah God has made heir of all things. The "price"
the blind, and the ditch is open. The prophecy con- which the king requires for dividing up things ac-
tinues : cording to his own will is complete and absolute
s,,,And increase with glory." He does not honor obedience to the will of the Hierarchy in matters of
Jehovah, but multiplies self-glory and glory of the religion, and complete obedience to the State, that is,
Corporate State, "the abomination that maketh des- to the Duce and the Fuehrer. It is the Jesuit system
olate." put into complete operation, that wicked system that
s~ "And he shall cause them to rule over many." was used prior to 1648. The payment of the "king’s"
demanded"price" results in gain to the totalitarian
This shows a war of conquest in various fields, in-
powers; and when the price is not paid many people
cluding activities, service, thought and worship. All are put to death. Thus the RomanCatholic Hierarchy
of the countries that are conquered and put in sub- blesses the instruments of war of the "king" and has
jection to "the king of the north" are put under close fully approved the most wicked war ever carried on,
supervision, and a mighty bureaucracy is established, and therefore becomes party to the crime grossly
and independence and free action are denied to all violating the everlasting covenant of Almighty God
the people. Subordinate officers of the totalitarian concerning the sanctity of life. (Gen. 9: 5, 6) The
combineare put in control of all the invaded and con- German bishops of the Papacy at their Fulda Con-
quered countries, and the education and the free ference in 1940 voted their pledge to Hitler ; and the
worship and assembly and speech no longer toler- cardinal of Vienna concluded his letter of congratu-
ated. There is a complete regimentation of the peo- lation with the words, "Hell, Hitler." For this praise
ple. Free elections are abolished, and the dictator the "king" gives the clergy element 2ands’, or a de-
15, 1941 ffSeWATCHTOWER. 345

termining control over the living conditions of the 8, Let all honest and sincere people take notice now
people, to be ruled by them in totalitarian fashion. of the authoritative Word of Almighty God of and
*~ The payment of the "price" also includes what concerning the total depravity of "the king of the
the Papacy has paid from its vast wealth held at north". That totalitarian monster now arrogantly
Vatican City, concerning which wealth the books of and blasphemously stands where it ought not to
account have never been opened or published, even stand, and, in defiance of Almighty God, says: "We
to the many faithful Catholics who have paid their will rule the earth or ruin it." The present is the time
hard-earned money into the coffers of the Papacy. to which Jesus Christ refers when, in recounting the
The Hierarchy induces the public press to frequently events coming to pass at the end of the world, he
ask: "Where do Jehovah’s witnesses get their said: "But when ye shall see the abomination of deso-
money? and how much did they receive last year?" lation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing
Such is done, of "course, to divert the minds of the where it ought not, (let him that readeth under-
people away from the great collections of the Hier- stand,) then let them that be in Judma flee to the
archy and to keep them from thinking about the mountains." (Mark 13: 14) Thus the Lord Jesus
fabulous snms held in the vaults of the Vatican. It shows that the prophecy uttered by Daniel at Jeho-
is well knownthat the Vatican has financed the dic- vah’s dictation is now being fulfilled, and hence his
tators of Europe and therefore had much to do with admonition is that those in Judea should flee, if they
putting in power Hitler, Mussolini and Franco and desire to live. Whoare ’those of Judea’? All persons
keeping them in operation as the active instruments of good-will toward God and Christ Jesus who sin-
of the head of the Vatican to carry out its long- cerely desire to know and to serve Jehovah and his
cherished ambition for world domination. The Vati- King. The word "Judea" means praise, and there-
can hopes to there ride on the back of those, all of fore embraces all people who give praise to Jehovah,
whommake up the combined ’~beast". At the same and not to earthly creatures.
time the Hierarchy, operating through Vatican City, "What are the "mountains" to which Jesus ad-
uses large sums of money to suppress the ptlblica- monishes sincere ones to flee and find refuge? The
tion of God’s message of and concerning The THEO- word mountain used symbolically in the Scriptures
CI~ATIOGOVF~NMB~T by Christ Jesus. The same re- means government or kingdom; and in the text ut-
ligious element subtly undermines the foundations of tered by Christ Jesus the holy "mountains" there
democracies in its effort to set up the re-establish- mean TvrE THEOCRACY, that is to say, the Government
ment of the "old Holy RomanEmpire". By this prac- of Jehovah by Christ Jesus, his duly appointed and
tice of "price"-taking and paying, the totalitarian anointed King. Only those will survive Armageddon
combine, "the abomination that maketh desolate," is and live who flee to THy. Tm~ocaAcY;because the
kept occupying the place where it ought not to stand. Lord says : ’This is life eternal, to knowthee, the only
Jehovah caused Daniel to write down the prophecy true God, and Jesus Christ whomthou hast sent.’
foretelling exactly what the Hierarchy, together with ~John 17 : 3.
the other elements of "the king of the north", are ~ ~Vhy does The Watchtower publish these things
now doing, and this is published for the people who now? Not for the purpose of holding up to ridicule
are wise, that is to say, those who desire to know any creature or organization; not for the purpose
God’s will and who seek meekness and righteousness. of inflicting punishment upon those who compose
--Zeph. 2: 3.
s~ The physical facts now clearly to be seen by all "the king of the north", because all punishment will
be inflicted by the Lord; not for the purpose of con-
who wish to know the truth and to follow righteous- verting those who are of "the king of the north", be-
ness, beyond all doubt show that the political, com-
mercial and religious elements composing "the king cause that is impossible. The purpose of the publica-
of the north" are by the course of action taken plainly tion of these truths is to aid all persons of good-will
saying: "There is no God"; and God’s decree con- toward God and Christ to learn of and find the only
cerning all such is that ’he is a fool’. "The fool hath way to life everlasting. Those who do find life ever-
said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, lasting will forever praise JEvrOVA~and CHRISTHIS
and have done abominable iniquity: there is none Kx~GI
that doeth good."--Ps. 53:1. (To be continued)

As for transgressors, they shall be destroyed together: the end

of the w$cked shall be cut off. But the calvatwn of the righteous
is of Jehovah: he is their stronghold in the time of trouble. And
Jehovah helpeth them, and rescueth them: he rescueth them from
the ~oicked, and sayeth them, because they have taken refuge in
h,m.--Psalm 37: 38-40, A.R.V.
HEREare certain seasons of the year that are given
T over to the game of football. Teams are trained to
engage in the contest. Many contest for the suprem-
armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the
wiles of the devil." This implies a tremendous conflict with
the Devil and demonism and that the armor of the Lord
acy. Each team has a coach who gives directions as to what is essential to the conflict of the Christian. For a time some
should be done. Each player is expected to follow the rules were induced to believe that the Devil was already bound,
carefully and each one anxiously watches his own part that and there was a general belief that all the demons were
he may work in exact harmony with his comrades. Whenthe imprisoned.
day to engage in the contest approaches each participant The apostle then shows that there is a great host of
is carefully preparing himself to perform his part; and devils working together with Satan, the chief devil. It is
each one has and manifests a burning and sincere desire quite manifest that this companyof devils, or demons, have
that his side might win. Uppermost in the mind of each one been with Satan in heaven all the centuries past, participat-
is the slogan: Wemust win! ing in and forming a part of his organization invisible to
If it is found that there is one in a team who looks back man; and that since the "war in heaven" beginning in
or who refuses to work in harmony or provokes discord, A.D. 1914 they have been cast out and down to the earth.
he is retired. The purpose is to have each one recognize that (Rev. 12: 3-12) At Ephesians 6:12 the apostle adds: "Be-
working in exact harmonyis absolutely essential to success. cause our struggle is not against blood and flesh, but against
They go upon the field of contest, everyone eagerly watch- the principalities, against the authorities, against the world-
ing his part and zealously performing it. The commandis holders of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of
given and they move on as one man. They know that con- wickedness in the heavenlies." (Rotherham’s translatmn)
troversy amongst themselves will spell disaster. They are Here the apostle Paul is giving us a view of the Devil’s
at peace with one another and maintain that condition until organization, and in The Revelation, recorded by the apostle
the contest is finished. They do not stop to argue the propo- John, a clearer view of it is given. In Revelation twelfth
sition as to who is in command.They recognize that some- chapter one of the wonders mentioned as appearing in heav-
body must be ; theirs is to obey orders and to work in exact en is God’s organization, Zion, giving birth to the new na-
harmony. tion, to wit, the Kingdom, or The Theocratic Government
Paul the apostle, at 2 Timothy 2.5, uses the Olympian under Christ Jesus that shall rule the heavens and the earth
games of contest to illustrate the Christian’s course. It is The other wonder there mentioned is the Devil’s organiza-
permissible that Christians at this time use modern games tion, which attempts to run ahead of the Lord and to set up
of contest to illustrate the course that the Christian should a kingdom in the place and stead of Jehovah’s Theocratic
take or does take. Sometimes, as stated at Luke 16: 8, "the Government, and then like a dragon attempts to devour
children of this world are in their generation wiser than the Lord’s kingdom when the time comes for it to function.
the children of light." It is possible to draw an exampleeven Following the birth of The Nation or Theocratic King-
from one in the world. Hence a comparison maybe profitable. domin A.D. 1914 a controversy in heaven followed, result-
Manifestly the apostle Paul, when he wrote the words ing in the Devil and his angels being cast to earth. Then
of Ephesians 6:10-18, had in mind the great controversy comes the warning : "Woeto the inhabiters of the earth, and
between the forces of darkness and the forces of light at of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having
and near the final end of "the time of the end" of demon great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short
rule. While it may be true that those Scripture verses have time." (Rev. 12: 12) Then it is plainly stated that "when
had some application throughout the centuries since Christ, the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he perse-
they come with greater force at "the time of the end". The cuted the woman[Zion, God’s organization] which brought
application thereof could not have been so keenly appreci- forth the man child [the Kingdomor Theocratic Govern-
ated by Christians until the Lord Jesus came to the temple ment]. And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and
of God in A.D. 1918. When the proper setting of these went to make war with the remnant of her seed [Jehovah’s
words is gotten, their importance at this time is more keenly witnesses], which keep the commandmentsof God, and have
appreciated. the testimony of Jesus Christ". (Rev. 12: 13, 17) Nowit
At Ephesians 6:10 the apostle says: "Finally, my seen that Satan and his demons are making a concerted,
brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his organized movement against the people of Jehovah God
might." The word "finally" locates the time as at or near particularly, those who keep his commandmentsand have
the time of the final battle of the Devil or "Dragon" against the testimony of and concerning the King of The Theocracy,
the remnant of Jehovah’s witnesses. The apostle does not Christ Jesus. If those engaged in a worldly contest see the
say that the Christian is to be strong in himself, but that necessity of standing together, with stronger reasoning
his strength is in the Lord; and here the Christian should should the little handful of Jehovah’s people, the remnant
rememberthat "the joy of the LORD is your strength". (Neh. and their companions, now see the necessity of standing
8: 10) One who indulges in vituperative controversy with shoulder to shoulder battling for the cause of the Govern-
his Christian brother cannot be very muchin the "joy of the ment of Righteousness.
Lord". If your brother is wrong let him alone, but do not At Ephesians 6:13 ~he apostle proceeds to specifically
fight. set forth how the members of the anointed remnant and
The apostle warns the Christians to prepare for the their companions must be armed and equipped for the war
final conflict and advises us with whomthe battle is to be and how they must stand together against the wries of the
fought. At Ephesians 6.. 11 he says: "Put on the whole Devil: "Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God,
R 15, 1941 fffieWATCHTOWEK 347

that ye maybe able to withstand in the evil day, and, having 6: 16) Faith means to know the Word of God and to con-
done all, to stand." What is here meant by "having done fidently rely upon it; and unless we rely upon the Word
all"? Since A.D. 1922 the Lord has clearly revealed to his of the Lord and trust him implicitly we shall go the wrong
people that their fight is not against the weaknesses of the way. If we trust him and acknowledge him in all our ways
flesh, nor against flesh-and-blood creatures, but that their he will guide us in the way that we should go. (Prov. 3.5, 6)
fight is against Satan and the host of wicked ones, invisible "Thou wilt keep him in peace, peace, whose mind is stayed
to human eyes, that have overreached men and’used men on thee; because he trusteth in thee." (Isa. 26:3, ,nargin)
to set up and operate religious institutions, by and through If one maintains an abiding confidence in the Lord then the
which they have made war against God’s covenant people. darts of the wicked one will strike his shield and fall harm-
His faithful ones have learned that, in order to withstand less at his feet. One whois in the joy of the Lord and sing-
the enemy, they cannot rely upon their own ability, but that ing his praises and is at peace must have faith.
each one must be fully equipped with the armor of the Lord "And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the
and rely upon Him. The covenant people of God have spirit, which is the word of God." (Eph. 6: 17) The helmet
learned that the time is here for a complete showdownwith fitted over the head, and therefore is a symbolof intellectual
the Devil’s crowd and that therefore this is "the evil day". appreciation of the truth as it is revealed, and also an in-
The time arrived, therefore, for specific instruction as to tellectual appreciation of the proper relationstnp between
what course the anointed should take. No time now to ask the creature and Jehovah God and his kingdom, with re-
yourself, What will the people think about me if I go out liance upon God’s Word, knowing that salvatmn belongeth
m the service as a witness for Jehovah? No reason now to Jehovah and that there is no other means of salvation
to say, Shall I be able to demonstrate that I have "developed and victory. The truth is the Lord’s, and he will give it to
a beautiful character" and can always be sweet under all his people in his own good time and in his own good way.
conditions? What creatures think of the remnant of Jeho- The Christian must keep his mind alert and see to ~t that
vah’s witnesses is not material. HowGod regards them is he does not becomea dreamer, but that his vismn is clear;
of all-importance. Mark well the equipment which the Lord and this will enable his heart to rejoice. Then having the
has provided and which he instructs them to now put on. Wordof God, the sword of the spirit, and wielding it ac-
Each one now must be provided with the accouterments cording to God’s will he has both an offensive and a de-
of war. At Ephesians 6:14 the apostle continues: "Stand fensive weapon.
therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and hav- That "sword of the spirit" with which Jehovah’s wit-
ing on the breastplate of righteousness." To be girt about
nesses are armed, by the grace of the Lord, is the message
the waist is a symbol of servitude, therefore meaning that
from Almighty God through Christ Jesus of and concern-
from this time forward no one can stand against the wiles
ing The Theocratic Government. The oppressed people must
of the enemy unless he employs the faculties with which he learn that the "Higher Powers" are Jehovah and Christ
is endowedfor service in the Lord’s cause as opportunity
Jesus, and that religion is of Satan, which he uses to entrap
affords. The breastplate of the warrior fits over the vital
and enslave the people and turn them away from God. That
organs, particularly the heart, suggesting that the Christian
instrument of warfare punctures and cuts in all directions.
must have a pure heart and must demonstrate that his heart
motive is wholly, entirely and without compromisefor Jeho- The message of the truth penetrates the verb’ wtals of the
religious organizations and their leaders, who hold to and
vah and his kingdom and that he is pursuing a singleness
of purpose to serve God and his kingdom. Also he must be teach traditions.
unselfish, equally as interested in his brother’s winning the Thus the Christian is fully equipped to enter upon the
warfare as he is to win. field of contest. Nowsuppose everyone enters into a con-
"And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel troversy with everyone else. Howlong would the company
of peace." The feet are shod because the presumption is that of God’s covenant people stand before the advt.rsary? He
each one is moving in action. His feet must not be shod would get them all. If each one has keenly at heart the in-
with something that will produce irritation and controversy terests of every other one he will watch for the interest
within the ranks of the Lord’s family, but shod with the of that one; and while he is watching he will have an
message of good tidings of "peace to men of good-will". anxious, burning desire that his brother, as well as him-
Wherethere is love amongstthe brethren, of necessity there self, might win in this fight. If he loves him he can take
must be peace; and where there is the opposite of peace, no other course.
namely, strife and controversy, selfishness predominates. The apostle under inspiration emphasizes now the im-
The feet must be fully equipped to enter upon and go over portance of standing shoulder to shoulder in the contro-
roads rough and rocky, and made so by the enemy, and versy. At Ephesians 6 : 18 he says : "Praying always with all
at all times and under all circ~,mstances of adversity pro- prayer and supplication in the spirit, and watching there-
clam~ the good news of peace to those of good-will toward unto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints."
God The fight is not against your fellow creatures. You are Supplication means to entreat, to seek earnestly, to besccch
not fighting against some earthly institution or men of It means to humbly implore and petgion with great solici-
earth, but contending at all times for the kingdom under tude. Perseverance means to continue, to persist in the
Christ, and your only hope is in God and in Christ, and prosecution of any enterprise begun. It means steadfast-
you are warring against the enemies of God and the enemies hess, constancy, persistency in prosecuting the work at hand.
of his kingdom. It means to continue regardless of opposition or discourage-
"Aboveall, taking the shield of faith, wherewithye shall ment, never giving over and never abandoning what is un-
be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked." (Eph. dertaken. This is what the apostle says each one must do for
348 NieWATCHTOWEI Baoom,Yl,’,N. Y.
each other one of the Lord’s little ones. This prayer and lessness of the Lord’s people in the proclamation of the
supplication must be in the spirit of the Lord, which is love, message of Jehovah and his Theocratic Government by
unselfishly looking after the interests of one’s brother; and Christ Jesus, and their doing this in harmony, will be to
while praying one is commandedto be "watching thereunto each one a token of salvation, as stated at Philippians 1 : 28.
with all perseverance". Be it noted that this prayer and It will bring joy to the heart; and "the joy of the Lord is
watchfulness is not merely one for one other, but it is each your strength", said Nehemiah.
one for all the saints. Otherwise stated, each one in the com- The enemy is not limited to one method of making war
pany of the Lord recognizes every other one in that com- against the remnant and their companions. He will employ
pany as a servant of the Lord and that the interests of all many methods. One method is to stir up strife among the
are mutual, and that all must stand together. It is manifest brethren, plant in the hearts of somethe root of bitterness,
that if brethren are following this instruction of the apostle nourish and cause it to grow until such take themselves
not only are they dwelling in peace but they will be avoid- out from under the protection of the Lord. Let no one be
ing everything that tends to controversy. deceived into believing that merely because he is under the
Those who engage in controversy amongst themselves Lord’s righteous arrangement he is beyond all danger. All
could hardly be worthy of the name "Christian". "Chris- danger will be past when he has maintained his integrity
tians" means those whofollow the anointed One, the "Prince unto the end. It is true that he is absolutely safe as long
of Peace". The apostle stresses the matter of "fighting as he abides close to the Lord ; but the permission of selfish-
shoulder to shoulder". (Phil. 1 : 27, 28, Weymouth) No- hess, leading to controversy, will take him away from the
where in the Scriptures are Christians warranted in fight- Lord and his protection. This opens the door for the ad-
ing one another. When Nehemiah was building the wall versary to get in.
around Jerusalem he said to the men under his command:
"Fight for your brethren." (Neh. 4 : 14) He there pictured Therefore, in following the admonition of the apostle,
the people of Godinside of the organization of Zion at the the Christian must earnestly and with supplication present
time of the final assault by the enemy. Let each one, then, his petition to Jehovah God, asking for unity amongst the
whois of Jehovah’s organization or under it for safety re- brethren, for strength, for peace; and while doing this he
memberhis duty and obligation to fight, not against his must watch with perseverance, refusing to give over to the
brother, but for his brother and against demonism.The fear- enemy under any cirenmstances.


A MANis struck by lightning and dies. The coroner

and jury hear the facts and render a verdict that
the man died by reason of a "visitation from God".
to and comforted his brethren. The time of his departure
into the land of death came, and Joseph said by faith: "I
die : and Godwill surely vmrr you, and bring you out of this
A corporation which is a commoncarrier undertakes to land unto the land which he sware to Abraham, to Isaac,
transport personal property, and in so doing is legally and to Jacob." (Gen. 50:24) That was a prophecy uttered
liable for any negligence in transportation or delivery. If by Joseph, foretelling that God would visit his people, the
in course of transportation the property is destroyed by a Israelites, in due time.
storm and the carrier corporation is sued, the defense is Later an evil ruler of Egypt greatly oppressed the Israel-
made by the corporation that it is not liable because the ites. God called Mosesto go unto that people and bear them
destruction was the result of an act or "visitation" of God. a message: "Go, and gather the elders of Israel together,
A great property loss and loss of lives have recently been and say unto them, Jehovah, the God of your fathers, the
caused by the flooding of the Mississippi river. This has God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, hath appeared unto
been charged up to Jehovah God, but as a matter of fact me, saying, I have surely VLSlTED yOU, and seen that which
it resulted from the disturbed elements. There is no Scmp- is done to you in Egypt: and I have said, I will bring you
tural reason to believe that Jehovah directed the flood. up out of the affliction of Egypt." (Ex. 3 : 16, 17, Am. Rev.
The Sacred Record shows that at stated times Jehovah Ver.) That was a visitation of inspection. God had heard
has visited his covenant people and also his enemies, and the cries of the oppressed and visited his people for inspec-
that he will visit them. He visits his people for the purposes tion; and now he would visit them and deliver them, and
of inspection, chastisements, deliverance and blessing. He he would use Moses in so doing. Whenthe Israelites were
visits his enemies for the purpose of chastisement and de- hard pressed by their enemies God put his hand over them
struction. Those whomGod visits are brought into a con- and delivered them into safety. This was a visitation of
dition of greater responsibility by reason of his visit. This Jehovah.
responsibility is in proportion to the knowledgepossessed. Then Jehovah established Israel in the Land of Promise.
Long ago Joseph, the favorite son of Jacob, was sold by In due time he placed his faithful witness David upon the
his envious half-brothers into Egypt. There he faithfully throne. He made a covenant with David, which covenant
served Jehovah God as a true witness. Ere he died he had concerning the Kingdom he made known unto him through
seen his aged father and his brethren brought into that land, Nathan the prophet. (2 Samuel 7th chapter) Concerning
and he had cared for them. He had witnessed the death of that covenant God caused one of his prophets in Israel to
his father. For many years thereafter Joseph ministered write: "My marcy will I keep for him for evermore, and
15, 1941 ieWATCHTOWEI
mycovenant shall stand fast with him. His seed also will I They were properly informed that Jesus was the Messiah.
make to endure for ever, and his throne as the days of He told them that he was sent from Jehovah. Their knowl-
heaven. If his children forsake mylaw, and walk not in my edge brought upon them greater responsibility, and also
judgments; if they break my statutes, and keep not my responsibility rested upon all the people in proportion to
commandments;then will I WS~Ttheir transgression with the knowledge that they had received concerning Jesus as
the rod, and their iniquity with stripes."MPs. 89:28-32. God’s Anointed One.
The Israelites did forsake that covenant and failed to Because the people were misled by the religious clergy
walk in the way of righteousness. In due time God visited they did not appreciate the time of their visitation. Jesus
them and administered to them a terrible chastisement. had come to them to bring them blessing and happiness, but
The iniquities and transgressions of that people became so their leaders in religion would not have it so. 0nly a few
flagrant that God visited them and entered his decree of the Israelites accepted Jesus, and to them he gave the
against them and enforced that decree by permitting the power to become the sons of God, as declared at John
Israelites, and especially their unfaithful king, to be cap- 1 : 12, 13. For three and one-half years he taught the peo-
tured and carried away to Babylon.mEzek. 21:24-27; ple. Then he rode on an ass into Jerusalem and offered him-
Jer. 52 : 1-12. self to them as their King. He was rejected.
Never again did Israel have a king. Affliction had been Jesus wept because the people did not appreciate the
for a long time upon Israel when the time came for the favor that had come to them by the visit of God by means
birth of John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus, the of his visible representative. "And when he was come near,
Savior of believing humankind. Then it was that John’s he beheld the city, and wept over it, saying, If thou hadst
father, Zacharias, prophesied and said: "Blessed be the known,even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which
Lord God of Israel; for he hath WmTED and redeemed his belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine
people." (Luke 1:68) That was a visit of blessing from eyes. For the days shall come upon thee, that thine enemms
Jehovah. shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and
Then came Jesus of Nazareth, the One anointed of God keep thee in on every side, and shall lay thee even with the
to be King in The Theocratic Government. Of and concern- ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not
mg him the prophets had written. The devout ones of Israel leave in thee one stone upon another ; because thou knewest
had looked for his coming. Jesus was preaching concerning not the time of thy wsrrAT,ON." (Luke 19:41-44) On that
the kingdom of heaven. On an occasion he was at Caper- occasion Jesus prophesied the visitation of God upon Jeru-
nauru. A widow had lost her only son to the enemy death. salem and its complete destruction. Only a few years elapsed
As they carried the dead man out, Jesus saw him and ob- until that prophecy was fulfilled, to wit, in A.D. 70. God
served his mother weeping. He had compassion upon her by his chosen executioner laid the city in waste.
and raised the young manout of death. Luke 7 : 16 records : For three and one-half years after the violent death of
"And there came a fear on all; and they glorified God, Christ Jesus the opportunity to become members of God’s
saying, That a great prophet is risen up among us; and, royal family of heaven was confined to the Jews after the
That God hath VISITEDhis people." flesh. By their own efforts the non-Jews or Gentiles never
The holy prophets had written concerning the coming could have come to God and found him and been partakers
of the Messiah, or Anointed One, who was foreshadowed of the great salvation to life in the spirit in heaven But few
by the prophet Moses. Jehovah had provided at the hand Jews appreciated God’s visit to them, and now he would
of Mosesthe law covenant with Israel and had decreed that turn his hand to the Gentiles. In the exercise of his lovmg-
the law covenant should be a "schoolmaster" to lead the kifldness God made himself known unto the Gentiles and
Israelites in the right way unto the comingof the Messiah.
made it possible for Gentiles to be partakers of the great
This favor brought responsibility upon the Jews. The na- salvation through Christ Jesus.
tion failed to keep the law covenant, and manyturned away
therefrom to religion. Then came John the Baptist, warn- This incident is beautifully described in the Scriptures,
ing the Jews to repent and be baptized and return unto in chapter ten of the Acts of the Apostles. There was a
harmonywith God. The responsibility of the Jews increased little band of Italians (Romans)at Caesarea, on the eastern
when they heard this warning. John was the forerunner of coast of the Mediterranean sea. A Gentile by the name of
the Messiah; and when Jesus began his ministry John Cornelius was captain of that band, or companyof soldiers
pointed him out and said to those within his hearing: "Be- Of course, the military of Romewas a part of Satan’s or-
hold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the ganization. Cornelius, although an officer of that military,
world. This is he of whomI said, After me cometh a man was a devout man. He feared God and prayed often to
which is preferred before me: for he was before me. And I Jehovah. He was not harsh, but kind and generous, and
knew him not: but that he should be made manifest to gave much to aid the poor. He did not use his office for
Israel, therefore am I come baptizing with water."--John oppressive purposes, but did good in spite of his official
1 : 29-31. position. He was doubtless a kind and sympathetic man.
The coming of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was a visi- Cornelius did not know Jehovah God, because the way
tation from Jehovah God for good unto Israel. Manyof the for a Gentile to come to God had not been opened. He did
commonpeople heard him gladly, and doubtless the entire not understand God’s purpose as to his Theocratic Govern-
nation would have turned to him and accepted him as the ment and the redemption and salvation of believing men,
Messiah except for the wrongful influence of the religious but he believed in the existence of God and that God had a
clergy of that time. The clergy were familiar with the text way whereby he would bless him and others who loved
of the Scriptures concerning the coming of the Messiah. righteousness; and therefore he prayed. While he thus
N. Y.

prayed God sent to him an angel. Cornelius was afraid when Catholic Hierarchy ruled from Vatican City. They are the
he beheld an angel, and cried out: "What is it, Lord?" ones who urge the people to destroy the books which ex-
The angel said: "Thy prayers and thine alm~ are come up plain the Kingdomor Kingdommessage. It is those religion-
for a memorial before God." ists, whoare children and agents of the Devil and therefore
That was a visit from God to a Gentile. At the direction enemies of the Lord, that are desperately trying to keep
of God’s messenger Cornelius sent to Joppa, farther down the people in ignorance of what is written in the Bible. The
the coast, for the apostle Peter. At the same time God gave day of accounting must come, in which every one of the
Peter a vision directing him to go to Cornelius. Whenthe religious systems must give an account for their course of
two had met, Peter said: "Of a truth I perceive that God action, and this in proportion to their knowledge. Also each
is no respecter of persons." (Acts 10:34) Peter then re- Christian individually must give an account.
counted to Cornelius God’s great purpose concerning his Whenwill that time of accounting take place ? The direct
Kingdom and the redemption of humankind through the evidence of the Bible and the circumstantial evidence in the
blood of Christ Jesus. This visit of GOdto Cornelius brought events of modern times prove that in A.D. 1914 Christ
him a wonderful blessing. He heeded the message and was Jesus, at the right hand of Jehovah God, took his power
then and there anointed by the spirit of Jehovah, and thus and began his reign, and in 1918 he came to the spiritual
commissioned as a witness for Jehovah. temple of God, as foretold at Malachi 3 : 1-3 and as further
Peter went up to Jerusalem and related the circum- foreshadowed by Jesus’ visit to the temple at Jerusalem
stances of God’s visit to Cornelius. There were amongst the and casting the money-changers and commercialists there-
Jews those who opposed the act of Peter in going to a from. There God began to visit those who professed to be
Gentile. But when they had heard the circumstances of his people. Since I Corinthians 8:6 states that all things
Peter’s going to Cornelius the Jews said: "Then hath God are from the Father and all things are by the Son, these
also to the Gentiles granted ;epentance unto life," On a visits may be spoken of as God’s visitation, even though
later occasion, when some Christians were gathered together Jesus is His active agency.
and some were teaching that only circumcised persons The visit of Jehovah GOdwhen Christ Jesus came to his
could be saved and there was much talk between them, two temple is for the purpose of inspection, judgment and
witnesses. Barnabas and Paul, told what God had done by blessing. About A.D. 1918, in the throes of the first World
them amongst the Gentiles. Then the apostle James, gaining War, there came upon Jehovah’s people many very trying
the attention of the audience, said: "Simeon [Peter] hath circumstances. The experiences following were exceeding
declared how Godat the first did VISIT the Gentiles, to take sore. As it was in the days of the rebuilding of the walls
out of them a people for his name."--Acts 15: 14. of the city of Jerusalem by the governor Nehemiah and his
From that time forward the Gentiles were brought nigh brethren in the face of violent opposition by religious ene-
unto God and within his favor, by reason of God’s visit to mies, when Nehemiah’s prayer was made, "Remember me,
them. Thereafter God made no distinction between Jews 0 Lord, for good," even so the Lord’s faithful servants
and Gentiles, bond or free; but all who came to him, con- on earth during the time of stress in 1918 prayed. The
fessing Christ Jesus and consecrating themselves to do prophet of God had written of and concerning Jehovah’s
God’s will as Jesus does it, were received regardless of na- people this prayer: "Rememberme, O Lord, with the favour
tionality. The good effect of that visit to the Gentiles must that thou bearest unto thy people: 0 WSIT me with thy
continue "until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in". salvation." (Ps. 106:4) The prophet Jeremiah foreshad-
(Rom. 11 : 25) That time marks the completion of the class owed Jehovah’s witnesses of today, and he uttered a prayer
anointed with God’s spirit for the kingdom of heaven. which applies in behalf of these present-day witnesses from
The period of time elapsing from the beginning of the and after 1918: "O LORD,thou knowest: remember me, and
ministry of Jesus Christ on earth until the completion of visrr me, and revenge me of my persecutors; take me not
the number of his anointed followers, or "body of Christ", away in thy longsuffering: know that for thy sake I have
is the antitypical "day of atonement", foreshadowed by the suffered rebuke."--Jet. 15 : 15.
Jewish day of atonement. (See Leviticus chapter sixteen.) Jehovah God visited his people at that time, and the
In that period of time very few Jews have accepted Christ approved ones he made his commissioned witnesses to his
as the Savior, or even pretended so to do. From amongthe name and his Theocratic Government. They entered into the
Gentiles there has come a vast multitude professing the joy of the Lord and realized that the joy of the Lord is
name of Christ with their lips. Organized systems of reli- their strength, as stated at Nehemiah8: 10. The period of
gion have arisen which call themselves by the name of inspection and blessing of the temple class continued, and
Christ, and with their mouths they profess to be followers will continue until all have been made meet for a part in
of God’s Anointed One. Consider the facts now: Who are The Theocratic Government. This judgment, which there
the ones in the earth that ill-treat, persecute and cause to began at the house of God, was next to extend to those who
be arrested and imprisoned the faithful witnesses of Jeho- named the name of the Lord not in truth and sincerity.
vah God, who go about from house to house visiting and ml Pet. 4 : 17, 18.
revisiting the people to exhibit to them "this gospel of the The visits of Jehovah do not mean that he must leave
kingdom" and to tell them about that Theocratic Govern- his throne in heaven and come to earth, but they do mean
ment? There is but one answer. It is the religionists, the the exercise of his power toward things of earth and the
leaders in the religious organizations, that cruelly perse- exercise of it through his duly constituted agency. That the
cute the faithful followers of Christ, and the ones that take period of God’s visitation began with the coming of the
the lead in that cruel persecution are those of the Roman Lord to his temple for judgment of the house of God and

then of the nations, separating them as a shepherd divides yah and his Theocratic Government by Christ Jesus, and
his sheep from the goats, is further shownby Isaiah’s proph- who is not ? Before the final overthrow of the systems, dur-
ecy, chapter six, concerning his vision of the Lord’s presence ing the time of God’s visitation at Armageddon,he will have
at the temple. Isaiah, as a witness of Jehovah, pictures the a witness given in the earth concerning his purposes, and
anointed witnesses of Jehovah of today. Jehovah there it still continues. To his anointed and commissioned ones
showed through his prophet that the anointed class are en- on earth he has said: "Ye are my witnesses, saith Jehovah,
tirely devoted to him and that their heart’s desire is ex- that I am God." That means, then, that every one who is
pressed in the words voiced by the prophet: "Here am I; anointed by Jehovah’s spirit is commissioned to perform
send me." Whenthe prophet asked of the Lord how long this duty; and this he must do in proportion to his oppor-
this strenuous witness must be given, the answer was : "Until tunities, in order to be acceptable and blessed of the Lord
the cities [organized systems, particularly ’Christendom’] And to the people of good-will toward God who now hear
be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, the message of and concerning The Theocratic Government
and the land be utterly desolate, and the Lord have re- he says: "Let him that heareth say, Come." Come where?
movedmen[the religionists] far away, and there be a great Comeand take your stand firmly on the side of The Theo-
forsaking in the midst of the land." (Isa. 6: 11, 12) God’s cratic Government,if you would live !--Rev. 22 : 17.
visitation upon the nations will reach a climax in the great To the anointed witnesses it is written (1 Peter 2: 12)
time of trouble, Armageddon, now near. "Having your conversation honest amongthe Gentiles : that,
In the time of the prophet Jeremiah there were false whereas they speak against you as evil doers, they may by
priests and religious teachers who misrepresented God and your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God m
misled the people. The words of the prophet directed to them the day of VmITA~ON."Having in mind that the day of
find an ever stronger application to the false pastors and God’s visitation upon "Christendom" began shortly after
religious teachers of the present time, to wit: "As a cage 1918 and reaches its climax at the battle of Armageddon,
is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit: therefore thus continuing with increased severity until all the worldly
they are becomegreat, and waxen rich. They are waxen fat, systems are overthrown, who, then, shall glorify Godin th~s
they shine: yea, they overpass the deeds of the wicked; day of his visitation? Not every one, of course. The Scrip-
they judge not the cause, the cause of the fatherless, yet tures indicate that there will be a "great multitude", how-
they prosper: and the right of the needy do they not judge. ever, who will glorify him. (See Revelation 7:9-15 )
Shall I not wsiT for these things ? saith the Lord: shall not the denominational religious systems are many "prisoners"
my soul be avenged on such a nation as this [’Christen- held in restraint by the clergy. The zealous anointed rem-
dom’] ? A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the nant and their companions, in obedience to Jehovah’s com-
land; the prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear mand, at Isaiah 42 : 7 and 49 : 9, are bidding these prisoners
rule by their means ; and my[professed] people love to have to show themselves and to go forth. Manyof these are hear-
it so; and what will ye do in the end thereof ?"--Jer. 5 : 27-31. ing the message and are increasing in courage. Manyreturn
This is a forceful description of the unrighteous sys- visits are being made on those displaying good-will. Many
tems that parade under the name of Christ. That the great of these have in times past spoken evil against Jehovah’s
day of God’s visitation upon the nations, including "or- witnesses. These zealous ones will continue to pursue a
ganized Christianity", so called, is just ahead is clearly course of honesty as God’s witnesses, and multitudes of pcr-
marked out by the words of the prophet, and it will be a sons of good-will toward Jehovah and his Theocratic Gov-
time of trouble such as was never before known. (See ernment will glorify GOdin this day of his visitation bc-
Jeremiah 5:9-29; 6:15; 9:9; 23:2,20-22.) The leaders cause the faithful witness has been given by his devoted
in these religious systems have prospered, grown fat and ones.
sleek, are proud and haughty; and God will visit them for The commandmentthat is paramount at this time is to
thc purpose of bringing their haughtiness low. Babylon, be a faithful witness to Jehovah God and His King Chmst
Satan’s organization, shall fall. Jesus and to proclaim the message of his kingdom as a
At Jeremiah 50: 31, 32 it is written: "Behold, I am witness to the nations before God’s great visitation upon
against thee, 0 thou most proud, saith the Lord God of them. (Isa. 43: 10; Matt. 24: 14) Will anyone who is con-
hosts: for thy day is come, the time that I will VISIT thee. secrated and devoted to the Lord be willing to remain 1die
And the most proud shall stumble and fall, and none shall and inactive in the Lord’s service and take his chances of
raise him up; and I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it being finally approved? God has provided the means to
shall devour all round about him." The Lord God through
give the witness now and to give it in no uncertain terms,
his prophet further describes these unholy systems and
expresses his determination to visit them: "Thus saith the and this is just before his great visitation to the nations.
Lord, Behold, I will raise up against Babylon, and against Those who receive the Lord’s approval will be the ones
them that dwell in the midst of them that rise up against who not only are willing but are anxious to tell the peo-
me, a destroying wind. Every man is brutish by his knowl- ples of earth that Jehovah is GOd, that Christ Jesus is
edge: every founder is confounded by the graven image: King, that God has set his King upon the throne, and that
for his molten image is falsehood, and there is no breath in the kingdom of heaven, The Theocratic Government, is at
them. They are vanity, the work of errors: in the time of hand. The zeal of such will result to the glory of God, when
their vIsrrAwio~-they shall perish."--Jer. 51 : 1, 17, 18. the institutions of Satan are crumbling in the dust and
And now the Lord God Jehovah has made it clear what the obedient people are delivered. The Christian’s chief
is the primary issue, WORLD DO~,’mATION. Whois for Jeho- duty is to glorify Jehovah.
THIS DOG COULD BARK (SCOTLAND) us. The people were quite rude when asked to read the
"Two years ago Christians were shocked at the rough magazines. Then an American Legionnaire, Bernie Haynes,
handling of Jehovah’s witnesses by Catholic mobs in a well- approached my brother and asked: ’Are you one of those
known Clydeside area. A number of assaults were carried whodon’t salute the flag ?’ Mybrother told him : ’Yes, I am.’
out at the instigation of the priests, but despite these as- Haynes went into a saloon close by and soon returned,
saults Jehovah’s servants persisted in their God-given com- carrying a large flag. By this time there was a group of men
mission to visit this area to issue warning to the opposers around my brother, men who spend their time loafing on
of Jehovah’s judgments and also to comfort the people of street corners. Haynesshouted: ’You’ll either salute or kiss
good-will, and in the course of one year madefive visits, all this flag, or get out of town !’ Reasoning with him was im-
of which resulted in severe persecution. During the recent possible, so my brother said he would neither salute nor
savage air raids made by the Nazis on the Clydeside area kiss it. The menwere all looking for a fight by this time,
which stretches for several miles, this particular place and Haynes, walking in back of mybrother, as if to go into
suffered the heaviest, and the streets where the severe perse- the saloon again, hit him twice in the back of the head.
cutions took place received the worst of the blitz. Just re- Then the men, led by Haynes, escorted my brother to the
cently the publishers again visited this section, and one car. Then we were called and told to get in. Resistance
publisher making his way through the debris of destruc- against such a demonized mobwould have been useless, as
tion realized the tenements were uninhabitable. Coming they were threatening to overturn the car. Haynes was
away from one tenement after investigation the publisher shouting: ~Wedon’t want any of you Hitlers over here !’
decided there was no one about, but, once out in the street, The flag, loved and respected by every true American, was
he heard the barking of a dog and, looking up, saw a lady’s dropped flat in the dust by these maniacal bums. There it
face at the window.To the publisher it looked like the last lay, in the dusty street, and not one of the people gathered
outpost of civilization. He at once went to the lady’s door~ there had the decency to pick it up. Weare planning now
who, by this time, was joined by her husband. They both to go back into the town, with many more witnesses, and
listened to the lecture 2~Iessage of Hope’ and took the book show that God’s witnesses cannot be run out of town."
Salvation and Theocracy, and a back-call was arranged.
Thirty publishers that morning placed more than sixty COURAGEOUS ACTION AT RUSHVILLE, IND.
books in this area, and a few hundred booklets." "This town is seventeen miles from Connersville. I
worked business alone. First day I worked all day, placed
KINDRED-MINDED COPPERS two books and eight or ten booklets and was threatened
Portage, Pennsylvania: "As I was witnessing on Fifth several times, and one young man begged me to leave town,
street a lady called an officer and told him I was making as he was afraid they would hurt me : ’they hate you people
trouble for the neighborhood. The officer said: ’I’ll see !’ here, and I can’t see why.’ I went on. Around2 : 30 I called
Then he walked along the sidewalk and waited till I played on a lawyer; I was completely exhausted then, after fight-
my phonograph in fifteen or twenty homes. (He listened ing demonsall day. I answered all his questions. Then he
each time.) WhenI finished working that street I asked turned and said: ’I want nothing to do with Jehovah’s
Jf he would like to hear the record personally. He only witnesses.’ By this time I felt, Well, I’m not coming back
smiled and said he wanted to ’buy’ a green book [Religion]. here tomorrow; this town is hopeless. I really did not intend
He gave me 50c and told me to keep the change ’for courage’. going in there the next day alone, as I was followed and
I then also offered him the book Salvation. At first he re- watched like a hawk. But I glanced in another office next
fused it, saying he liked green better. I told him red is as nice to this lawyer’s. A young man about thirty-five sat there,
as green, so he smiled and said : ’Oh, Fli take them both.’" watching me. He smiled. I said: ’You no doubt heard me
talking, but I~ll talk to-you a few minutes if you aren’t too
Glasgow, Scotland: "A street corner--four pioneers,
complete with magazine bags, met to work the territory. Two busy.’ He said: ’Well, please sit downand explain this to
policemen came in sight and as they drew alongside one me.’ It got me, after eight hours there, to find someone
stopped his companion and read : "The Watchtow~" explains with just a little kindness. The Lord came to ray rescue,
the Theocratic Government, 3d. per copy.’ ’I’ll have three- and that was the blessing for the day. He took the set
pence worth,’ he said. Having no magazines to offer, one of books I had and said: ’This is what I have wanted all
my life.’ I got out of that town at 9 p.m. I went back,
pioneer said: ’Here are three booklets which show the
finished the town and made back-calls on this young man.
establishment of God’s kingdom.’ The policeman replied that
he had the booklets, and so was advised by the pioneer to take He scouted for me the balance of the time I was there. I
enclose part of a letter he wrote me: ’To date I have only
Rehgion. The manin blue smiled, handing over his shilling,
and away he went, Religion in his hand, telling his com- had three discussions on what real Americanismstands for.
panion what a BARa~he had got." I was in the candy shop today, and a young man who hap-
pened to be in there made the remark that he had heard
WHO WERE DESECRATORS OF THE FLAG? there was one of Jehovah’s witnesses in town trying to edu-
cate the people to not salute the flag, and, of course, I
’~My two brothers and I, pioneering in northeastern
couldn’t take that l In the best way I could I informed the
Missouri, started street-corner witnessing in a small town young man that he had been misguided and that through
called Gorin. There was one other publisher from the local knowing the truth Jehovah’s witnesses were really better
company. I took the corner in front of the postoffice, my Americans than those who were persecuting them. Before
two brothers on the street crossing it. After standing a few I had said three words I had an audience, for which I was
moments I noticed a group of men talking, apparently of glad. I was also warned at another place to be careful:’"
thatI amJehovah:’
- E=ek~el35 15


RULE ENDING (Part 6) ................. 355
Treacheryand Hypocrisy.................. 357
’The AbominableThing’ .................. 358
........................................ 360
........................ 362

CONSPIRATORS AGAINST TlaEOem~cy.......... 365

...................................... 368


STUDIES ............................ 354
1 1 7 Adan~ Sh’eet
Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A.
T HIS Journal is published for the purpose of enabling
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publiehes Bible instruction specifically

OFFICERS signed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good will
Pre81~e~ ~V. ~E. VAN.~MBURGHp
~eciretarg It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
supplies other Literature to aid in such studies. It publishes suit-
".~nd all fl~y children shall be tmu~ht of Jehovah; and
able material for radio broadeasttng and for other means of public
QreM: shall be hhe peace o£ hhy children." -lsai,~h f4:z3. instruction In the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
THAT JEHOVAHIs the only true God, Is from everlasting to or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva.
everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of Life dun for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ hIs beloved
to his ereatures; that the Logos was the beginning of hls ereatlon, King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
and hIs active agent in the creation of all things; that the Logos tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not In-
Is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in dulge in controversy, and Its columns are not open to personalities.
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive O~cer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, ereated perfect man Y~A~q’-T SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE
for the earth and placed him upon It; that man willfully dis-
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of UNITZDSTATXS, $I.00: ~A *)’D MlSCZLLJUCmOUS FO~v.IGN, $1.50;
Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the right tancca should be made by Postal or Express Money Order or by Bank
to life. Draft. Canadian, British, South African and Australasian remlttancea
should be made direct to the respective branch o~.es. Remittances from
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countrkes other than those mentioned may be madeto the Brooklyn once,
death in order to produce the ransom or redemptfve price for but by International Postal MoneyOrder only.
obedient ones of mankind ; that God raised up Jesus dtvtne and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every name Fore.am Ornc~
and clothed him with all power and authority. BrCt~h 34 Craven Terrace, London, W.2, England
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATIONis a Theocracy called Zion, ~nudlan..... 40 IrwinAvenue. Toronto5. Ontario. Canada
A~fralas~ T Beresford Road, Strathfleld, N. S. W., Australia
and that Christ Jesus Is the Chief Of~cer thereof and is the right- Benton House, Cape Town, South Africa
Bo~h Atri¢~
ful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful followers of Plea~o addre~ the Ek~etet7 in every eluqe.
Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of Jehovah’s organiza-
tion, and are his witnesses whose duty and privilege it is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind
as expressed in the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom
before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLDhas ended, and the I~rd Jesus Christ has All sincere students of the Bible whoby reason of infirmity, poverty or
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted adversity are unable to pay tho subscription price mayhave The Watch-
Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the establishment of tower free upon written application to the publishers, made once each
year. stating the re,on for so requesting It. Weare glad to thus aid the
God’s kingdom on earth. needy, but the written application once each year ~ required by the
postal regulations.
THAT THE RELIEP and blessings of the peoples of earth can
come only by a~1 through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, whleh Notb~s to ~ubser~ber#." Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act Is the destruet~on scription will be sent only when requested. Change of address, when
requested, maybe expected to appear on address label within one month.
of Satan’s organization and the establishment of righteousness in A renewal blank (carryin~ notice of expiration) will be sent with the
the earth, and that under the kingdom the people of good will that Journal one month before the m~)scripti~n expires.
survive Armageddon shall carry out the divine mandate to "fill Entered a~ #eoond-cla~ matter at the pe4tt o~ at Brooklyn, N. Y.,
the earth" with a righteous raee. ~nder the ~-~t o/ March~, 1575.


Regardless of the incoming of winter then, December marks As previously advised in Th~ Wagchtower, the work has been
another month-long season of special united activity known as going on for the compiling of a eomprshensive survey of the re-
"Great Multitude" Testimony Period. Those persons of good-will
cent Assembly of Jehovah’s witnesses at St. Louis, Mo., for the
who shall form part of the "great multitude" of Armageddon sur-
vivors are now quickly coming forth ere the wmtert~me of Arma- five days, August 6-10. Nosy we are pleased to announce the pub-
geddon sets in on the world, and they WlM, in increasing numbers, lication of the fu~l report. Like the A~embly itself, it is the best
take part with the remnant members in this unfed Testimony. convention report yet produced. Its 80 pages set forth the tm-
All such are cordially invited to join in putting in as many homes portant events and brilliant high lights of the Assembly, ineludmg
as possible the excellent combination offer of the new book ~ht~- speeches of Judge Ruther£ord to the mighty throng there which
dren and the new booklet Comfor~ A|l Tba4 Mourn, on a contribu- have not till now been published anywhere, and all visualized to
tion of 25¢. We shall be glad to give references to any wantmg you by page on page of a photographic review of the noteworthy
to get in touch with and to co-operate with the nearest organized events and scenes. To th~ there has been added a full, illustrated
company of pubhshers of The Theocracy. At the dose of Decem-
report of an identical five-day Assembly, with features like those
ber the usual report on the full month’s act~vlties and results
at St. Louis, held by Jehovah’s witnesses at Leicester, England,
should be submitted.
September 3-7, in spite of the war. This Report of the Jehovah’s
aW&TCHTOWER" STUDIES wit,~ses Assembly is a forceful witness to the actuality of Jeho-
Week of January 4: ’~emoa Rule Ending" (Part 6), vah’s Theoeratie organization, and should serve as a potent in-
¶ 1-16 indnsive, 2"ks W~r.Mo~r Deeember 1, 1941. ~t~ament in your field activities iz behalf of the many persons of
Week of January 11: "Demon Rule Ending’ (Part 6), good-wilL Send for your copy now, remitting 5c therefor. After
¶ 17-34 ~, The W~te~t~,v~. De~,mber I, 1941. y~m see an~ read it you will want others to have it too.
1, 1941 NO. 23



"And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a ugtness unto all ,atio~ks; and
then shall the end come."--Matt. 24:14.
EHOVAH long ago fixed the date for the complete appear and ’stand in his lot’ as one of the earthly
J ending of demon rule, and he commanded Daniel
concerning the same to write: "The end shall be
governors under The T~-EOCRATmGOVERNMENT.
(Dan. 12: 13) The Lord has revealed to his people
at the time appointed." (Dan. 11: 27) Jehovah has the identity of the two "kings" that are nowcontend-
revealed to his people that the "time of the end" be- ing for world domination and that are carrying out
gan in 1914, when he sent forth his King to rule the Devil’s determination to rule the world or ruin
while tile enemystill held sway. The final end is not it. The physical facts relative to the prophecy show
yet made knownto the creatures on earth, but it is that "the end of the days" appointed is very near.
revealed that the final end shall be marked by the These truths are compelling and bring joy to those
"battle of that great day of God Almighty" called who appreciate them, and comfort their hearts, and
Armageddon. increase their hope. The Lord now makes known
Exactly on time the "war in heaven" began, and what the two "kings" will be doing as the final end
also the World War on earth began in 1914, and these approaches. Return now to the consideration of
two things mark the beginning of "the time of the Daniel’s prophecy.
end". (Rev. 11 : 18 ; 12: 1-12) The demonswere ousted ’ "And at the time of the end shall the king of the
from heaven and cast down to the earth, and the south push at him: and the king of the north shall
Lord "shortened" the war or trouble on earth by comeagainst him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and
stopping it, in 1918, in order that the prophecy with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall
uttered by Christ Jesus might be fulfilled, to wit: enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass
"And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached over." (Dan. 11:40) At this point of the prophecy
in all the world for a witness tmto all nations; and of Daniel it appears that the fulfillment thereof re-
then shall the end come." (Matt. 24: 14) This com- lates particularly to the time beginning in the sum-
mandment must be obeyed and the work performed mer of 1939 and continues thereafter. At that time
by the Lord’s anointed servants. That same year, "the king of the south" took the initiative and "the
1918, the Lord came to his temple and approved some king of the north" was warned by "tile king of the
and sent them forth to bear witness and to execute south" that the invasion of Poland meant war. To
his commandin righteousness, to wit, ’To proclaim counteract this warning Germany signed with Com-
the good news of the kingdom.’ Since then, in obedi- mmfist Russia, as of August 24, 1939, a "non-aggres-
ence to that command, they have been making known sion pact", which, to be sure, Germanydid not expect
that The THEOC~Tm GOWmX.’~E.’CTis come, that to keep and fulfill. On the same day the pope, the
which honest men have looked for and hoped for for head of the religious element of the totalitarian com-
many centuries past. That witness work has been bine, broadcast to the nations of both of the "kings"
done by the widespread proclamation of hundreds an appeal for peace, and in which speech he referred
of millions of copies of books and other literature to himself as ’the spiritual authority, armed by the
telling of THETHEOCRACY. "Whenthat work is com- word of truth’. That speech was made for the very
pleted, says the Lord, "then shall the end come"; purpose of inducing "the king of the south" to refrain
meaning the final end, which Jehovah long ago ap- from interfering with the pope’s ’qdng of the north"
pointed and which the Lord says shall be marked by combine, so that the scheme of the "Axis powers"
tile greatest of all tribulations, and which is called for world dominion might be carried out with the
"the battle of Armageddon". Now the Lord reveals least possible interference and interruption. That is
to his people the meaning of Daniel’s prophecy con- exactly in keeping with the practice of the chief of
cerning "the time of the end", and Daniel must soon demons to keep the people in the dark while he car-
ries forward his nefarious schemes. Mark the words now for "the king of the south" to act, and concern-
of the pope, uttered in that feigned "plea for peace". ing which the prophecy says:
Claiming to speak in the name of God (but without ’ "Shall the king of the south push at him [contend
saying which god), the pope said: "May you hear with him (Rev. Vet.)]." Great Britain, the chief
through our voice the voice of that Christ [anointed factor of "the king of the south", takes the lead in the
One] from whomthe world received the great school organization thereof and the fulfillment of that part
of life." Mark the subtlety of those words. Satan is of the prophecy beans, and Great Britain, on the day
an anointed one from whomthe world has received Poland was invaded, delivered an ultimatum to Hit-
the teaching or school concerning life (Ezek. 28:14), ler that the invasion meant war. On the same date,
and in that connection he promulgates his first lie, to wit, September 1, 1939, Egypt proclaimed emer-
that there is no death; and in which "school" the gency measures throughout the land of the Nile, and
doctrine of eternal existence in purgatory or hell is on the next day GermanNationalists (that is, Nazis)
promulgated by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. Sa- were asked to immediately leave Egypt. The Suez
tan, the chief of demons, therefore, is the one proper- Canal, controlled by Great Britain, was closed to
ly identified by the words used by the pope: "From German shipping, requiring German ships to go
whomthe world received the great school of life." around Africa. And so the push began, as one animal
Jehovah God anointed him as Lucifer, but, when de- pushes or gores another with his horns.mEzek.
grading him, did not take away his authority, and 34:21; Dan. 8:4.
Satan has the power of death, to take away life. ¯ On September 3, 1939, Great Britain declared
(Heb. 2: 14) Note in the words of the pope the fol- herself at war with Germany, and the push got in
lowing, to wit: "With us is the sound of this old Eu- full progress. Other nations of the British Common-
rope, which grew up in the Christian [Roman Cath- wealth of Nations immediately broke off diplomatic
olic] faith and genius"; and by which words, of relations with Germany and declared war on Ger-
course, he means the old "Holy Roman Empire", many. September 5, 1939, the president of the United
which the Nazis now declare shall be again set up and States, which is really a part of "the king of the
which the pope has always desired. Hitler and the south", issued a Neutrality proclamation for the
pope are playing the same game. United States; and shortly thereafter the president,
¯ Four days later, to wit, August 28, 1939, a mass at a "fireside chat" bi~oadcast throughout the land,
meeting, held at Chicago, of persons devoted to the called for ’all-out aid to Great Britain short of war’.
Catholic faith, whose announced purpose is "For Since then the United States claims to be and has
defense of Democracy", issued an appeal and cabled become the arsenal for "the king of the south". And
it to the pope, at Vatican City, and which message the push goes on t
contained these words: That the baptized Catholic ’ "And the king of the north shall come against
Hitler be excommunicatedto "help the cause of free- him." The facts clearly fulfill this part of the proph-
dom, Christianity, humanity and civilization". To ecy. "The king of the north," "by the grace of the
that cable the pope turned a deaf ear. And why? pope," had been arming Germany and Italy with a
Hitler was suiting his purposes, and is still doing the great amount of war material (produced and deliv-
same thing. That same month, to wit, August 31, ered, no doubt, for commercial purposes) to start
1939, the Parliament of Communist Russia ratified off the war, which was supplied to Italy and Germany
the non-aggression Pact with Hitler. Although the and Japan by Britain and the United States. The
pope bitterly continued to denounce Communistic commercial men saw to this, for commercial gain.
Russia and Communismin general, no heed is given Early in 1940 the push increased, and in the light of
to the appeal to excommunicate Hitler. On the very the prophecy the following facts briefly stated are of
next day Hitler, well knowing that the pope was back- great interest because they show fulfillment of the
ing him up, suddenly ’awoke to the fact’ that’Poland prophecy, to wit:
had done something against Germany’ and that ’Ger- The Brenner Pass, in the Alps mountains, was
many therefore was in danger’, and so Hitler issued the place where a conference was held March 18,
1940, by the two dictators Hitler and Mussolini.
a proclamation stating that from now on force will
Shortly thereafter, on April 9, Germany, with the
be met by force; and within one half hour after aid of her "fifth column" spies, invaded and seized
issuing that proclamation the invasion of Poland was Denmark and Norway. Britain occupied Iceland
begun by Germany, and that invasion was, no doubt, May 10, 1940, and on the same day "the king of the
with the full approval of the pope. Poland under north" invaded Luxemburg, the Netherlands, and
control would make it easier for the Germans to Belgium. On May 17, 1940, the German army
attack Russia when the time appeared to be right; smashed through the French Maginot Line of forts,
and that is exactly what came to pass. It was time and the fall of France quickly followed the treachery
1, 1941 fffieWATCI-ITOWE 357

and connivance of the Hierarchy’s agents in France. and directors of the Hierarchy began a vicious as-
Another act of treachery performed under the sault upon Jehovah’s witnesses in Texas and many
Roman Catholic Hierarchy influence took place other places of the United States. In those assaults
May 28, 1940, when Leopold, the king, betrayed his upon God’s faithful servants, particularly in Texas,
country and turned over Belgium to the Germans. Catholic priests organized, advised and co-operated
It is of interest here to note that King Leopold’s with mobs of demonized men, and then maliciously
sister is married to a member of the royal family and wickedly charged that Jehovah’s witnesses are
of Italy and both he and his sister are under the fifth columnists, working in the interest of the Nazis,
influence and spiritual control of the Hierarchy. well knowing that Jehovah’s witnesses have exposed
the:duplicity of t~e Nazis more than any other per-
TREACHERY ANDHYPOCRISY sons on earth. Then quickly followed the vicious per-
Twothings the Devil often uses together, namely, secution of Jehovah’s witnesses in many parts of
hypocrisy and treachery. His earthly agents, whom the territory dominated by "the king of the north",
Jesus calls his "children", follow the lead of the chief and also by Catholic agents in the territory domi-
demon, their father. June 10, 1940, was a mile-stone nated by "’the king of the south". At the instance of
in demonaction and fully shows the further fulfill- the Vatican and Hitler the Swiss government, being
ment of the prophecy at this point. On that day Mus- put in fear of "the king of the north" and the Catholic
solini, of the ’~king of the north" combine, ’stabbed power and influence in Switzerland, and to appease
France in the back’ and declared war on Britain, that combine of "the king of the north", seized the
which Mussolini called a war against the "plutocratic literature of the W~,TCHTOWFa~ BmLE& TRACTSo-
and reactionary democracies of the west". Somecom- cmmY, and put the ban on the witness work of the
mander of the French troops in the southwest was a Lord’s people in that country.
party to that deed of treachery, since those troops 12 At the instance of the Hierarchy Canada acted
of France to the southwest failed to make contact by its Roman Catholic minister and dictator at
with the British army to stop the spearhead of the Ottawa. That nation issued a decree declaring ’Jeho-
Germaninvasion of France and as a result the Brit- vah’s witnesses to be an illegal organization’, and
ish troops were caught in a trap. The disaster at seized the Society’s property throughout Canada.
Dunkirk was the result. Shortly thereafter Paris fell One day thereafter, to wit, July 5, France forsakes
to "the king of the north", and the RomanCatholic her ally, the British, and becomes a supporter and a
French dictator, who had come into power, signed an part of "the king of the north". That action was taken
Armistice with the Nazis and Fascists. Of course, by the Catholic dictator of France, Marshal Petain ;
that dictator had not received any suggestions from and that dyed-in-the-wool Catholic the pope desig-
Vatican City. Immediately Hitler ordered the church nates as "good Marshal Petain". The Jesuits had
bells to ring throughout Germany in celebration of completely carried out the Vatican’s orders of hypoc-
the victory, and the Catholic church bell ringers risy and treachery in France, and at the same time
obeyed. Nowmark the hypocrisy of the religious ele- the Vatican’s agents were working behind the scenes
ment of the combine of "the king of the north". in England. On July 13 of the same year the Vatican
lo The RomanCatholic Hierarchy at Vatican City, newspaper published the pope’s letter to the general
that falsely claims to be neutral in this war, fools of the Society of Jesuits, in which letter the pope
many persons with the subterfuge employed. In this warmly praised the work of the Jesuits, which is the
connection the following facts are germane to the most hypocritical and treacherous organization on
question under consideration : June 25, 1940, the very earth. And Satan’s forces now move on I
next day after the French had fully capitulated to 1, Mark now, in the line of the prophecy long ago
"the king of the north", the official radio station of written, that which declares that "the king of the
Vatican City, in a world-wide broadcast of the Hier- north" assaults "the king of the south" and tells how
archy’s message, declared that henceforth Sunday it is going to be carried on, to wit :
masses would be recited in the Vatican grottoes and "Shall come against him [’the king of the south’]
would be broadcast, to give the world, through Cath- like a whirlwind." Hitler claims his war a blitzkrieg,
olic prayers, "a New Order following the present which means "lightning-war". In the Hebrew text
war, an Order inspired by principles of [Catholic] the entire phrase, to wit, "he shall come . . . like
truth, justice and charity." Any sane person should a whirlwind," is just one single word, sah-gnar. That
readily see that the pope was fully, approving and word expresses the matter, and means the causing of
encouraging the war being carried on by Hitler and convulsive motion and the shrinMng of the skin in
Mussolini. sudden terror. It is used as meaning a tempest; and
~ At the same time that the above hypocrisy and Leeser translates the word, "will come . . . like a
treachery began by Mussolini and Hitler, the agents storm-wind," which is a tempest. The word well fits
N. Y.

the demonized rule of the Nazi manner of attack, honey, which is the glory of all lands." (Ezek.
that is, a blitzkrieg. Hitler threatened to smite Brit- 20: 6, 15) (See also Isaiah 4 : 2, 3 ; Isaiah 28 : 5, 6
ain with wild confusion and hysterical dismay, death Ezekiel 26: 20.) In every land invaded by "the king
and desolation. This was the kind of ’qightning- of the north" Jehovah’s faithful servaiLts have been
war" staged by the Nazis against Poland, Holland trampled upon and their publications concerning The
and other countries. The attack was made, obviously, Tn~ocr~Tm GOVERnMEnT have been suppressed and
under demon timing and direction. All the attacks destroyed. The French offices of the WATCH TOWER
of "the king of the north" strongly indicate that Gog, BIB~.~. & TRACTS0CmTY have been closed, and like-
the demon field marshal of Satan, is directing the wise in many other countries; and Jehovah’s wit-
blitzkrieg, or lightning-war. To be sure, Jehovah nesses have been imprisoned or otherwise restrained
foreknew and caused his prophet to foretell these of their liberties. In the nefarious work of the com-
very things, and these facts should strengthen the bine that goes to make up "the king of the north"
hope of the people of good-will toward God at this that product of the demons has tried to occupy the
time. The prophecy continues. place which Jehovah God has assigned to His anoint-
1, "With chariots, and with horsemen, and with ed. The ’abominable thing’ assumes the right to enter
manyships." That prophetic description well fits the and to rule over the entire world contrary to the ex-
motorized armies of the Nazi-Fascist-Hierarchy pressed will of Almighty God. Thus "the king of the
combine. The historical Trojan horse is described north" causes the ’desolating abomination to stand
by the public press as the "fifth column" of the Nazis. in the holy place, where it ought not to stand’. (Mark
That part of the prophecy concerning the "ships" 13 : 14) Andthat is not all. In the countries yet under
clearly finds fulfillment in the manysea raiders, sub- "the king of the south .... the king of the north" skill-
marines and numerous airships employed by Ger- fully uses the "fifth column" scarecrow to destroy
many. More than a thousand of such airships assault- the liberties of the people. "Catholic Action" every-
ed Britain in one day. The Nazis claim to be building where is a movement in the interest of "the king of
and launching 3,500 airships or planes each month, the north" in its effort to accomplish world domina-
many of which are equipped with cannon and rapid- tion. The Vatican, with its various sub-organizations
firing machine guns. such as the so-called "Christian Front", falsely
1~ "Andhe [’the king of the north’] shall enter into charges Jehovah’s witnesses with being fifth colum-
the countries, and shall overflow and pass over"; nists, and such is a hypocritical and deceptive meth-
that is, such "countries" as are the offspring of the od of turning the attention of the people away from
despised Versailles Treaty of 1919, and also the Con- the crooked actions of "the "king of the north", and
stitutionally governed countries. "Overflow" denotes particularly its religious element. For many years
surprise and suddenness, with overpowering destruc- the Vatican Hierarchy leaders have had a covetous
tion and rnin. This is exactly what has taken place eye on the United States of America. This is the
land most desired by the Hierarchy in order that the
with reference to the countries invaded, and such
overrun countries are being brought under the con- people thereof may be regimented and compelled to
trol of the so-called "new League of Nations", which become Catholics, even as this has been done in Eu-
the pope so highly praises and for which he utters rope and particularly in the land where the lnquisi-
prayers to his god. The overrunning and overflow- tion was the worst. The Vatican knows that it nmst
ing continues, and many countries fall to the Nazi- destroy American freedom before it can control this
Fascist-Hierarchy combine. fair land. Doctor Barrett, ex-Catholic priest, in his
book entitled "RomeStoops to Conquer", has this to
’THEABOMINABLE TILING’ say about the ambition of the Papacy, to wit: "The
conquest of America is the supreme objective at
~’ "He shall enter also into the glorious land, and which he aims. [He] is well aware that the Catholic
many countries shall be overthrown; but these shall church can never hope again to dominate the civilized
escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and world until America kneels, beaten and penitent, at
the chief of the children of Ammon."(Dan. 11:41) her feet."
The "abomination that maketh desolate" enters
where he has no right, that is, into the "goodly land". ~’ The British Isles and the United States are now
(Marginal reading) This refers to the antitypical practically the only countries on earth where the
Land of Promise, meaning the condition into which "strange work" of Almighty God, that is, the preach-
Jehovah God by Christ Jesus has brought his cove- ing of the Theocratic message, is continued. In these
nant people, as he foretold by his prophet Ezekiel. countries, which are the last of the claimed "democ-
"In the day that I lifted up mine hand unto them, racies", the opposition to Tn-z THEOCRACY daily
to bring them forth of the land of Egypt into a land grows stronger. Evidently the Lord’s "strange work",
that I had espied for them, flowing with milk and in which Jehovah’s witnesses and companions are
1, 1941 NieWATCHTOWER. 359

engaged, will be suppressed in America before is the National Council of the Fascist party. In Ger-
heard the cry, "Peace and safety," which cry will be manycapitalistic enterprises still operate under such
sounded by the forces that are against TEE THEOC- regulations. It is clear, and according to the prophecy
RACY;and then ’sudden destruction shall come upon and the facts, that these religionists, picturing the
them’.--1 Thess. 5:3. Hierarchy element and the commerce of Big Busi-
" The ’Ning of the north" combine, at the instance ness, have escaped and are being retained and oper-
of the religious element thereof, has already ’over- ated by "the king of the north" as a part of their own.
thrown many countries’, together with all popular 51 "And the chief of the children of Ammon."These
organizations and institutions of such countries, such also escape. "Ammon"symbolizes the political ele-
as the Freemasons, Jewish organizations, and other ments, who worship the modern idol of ’~Milcom",
organizations that protest against the regimentation meaning "the king", that is, the State; placing the
of the people. Not even the courts and the lawyers State above God. (1 Ki. 11 : 5, 7) After the Flood the
are free from "Catholic Action". In all countries chief of the political system was a totalitarian State
where the people have heretofore enjoyed the free- under Nimrod (Gen. 10:8-10) ;hence in the language
dom of thought and action these liberties have been of the prophecy "the chief of the children of Ammon"
destroyed, with a few exceptions above stated, even would represent the dictatorial or kingly ruling ele-
as the prophecy foretold. It now appears from the ments, which form "the king of the north", and which
prophecy at this point that some escape. organization is against all democratic or non-Cath-
1, "But these shall escape out of his hand, even olic nations, and all of which are extreme religionists.
Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of 25 It was ancient Moab, Ammon,and Edom (Edom
Ammon." Here the word "Edom" refers to the sym- being "mount Seir") that attempted to destroy Jeho-
bolic ’~land", that is to say, organized religion, in- vah’s covenant people under the reign of Jehosha-
cluding the so-called "Christian religion", the Roman phat, king of Israel. (2 Chronicles 20) The modern
Catholic Hierarchy religious organization. That antitype thereof attacks Jehovah’s covenant people
modern religious demon organization claims now the today, to wit, Jehovah’s witnesses and companions,
spiritual, heavenly birthright, just as Esau (who and attempts to destroy these servants of the Most
was "Edom") claimed that right from Jacob, the High. It is therefore to be expected that "the ldng
latter symbolically standing fdr Jehovah’s faithful of the north" would spare modern-day Edom, Moab
covenant people. (See Genesis 25: 24-34; Obadiah and Ammon, as the prophecy foretells; and thus
1-21.) This modern-day Edom, the Roman Catholic these "escape" from the destructive hand of the com-
Hierarchy, by its political deals and financing of bine while it is in operation.
"the king of the north" and by the making of secret "Jehovah will not spare these three elements,
agreements or concordats, has thus far escaped the however, because they form the wicked and abomina-
guillotine. But the end is not yet. Just now the Cath- ble system, the ’desolating abominatmn’. At Arma-
olic Hierarchy organization receives the greatest geddon he will wipe out all of such as he did their
consideration from "the king of the north". When prototype before ancient Jerusalem. Preliminary to
Jehovah’s witnesses are persecuted in the domain Armageddon Jehovah sends his witnesses amongst
of "’the king of the north" this modern-day Edom the nations with the "cup" of his message of wrath
takes an active part therein and with glee encourages to serve notice upon modern Edom and Moab and
such persecution.--Obadiah 10-16. Ammonand to advise them of His purpose to make
5o "And Moab." The countries of Edom, Moab and them drink of his wrath; and concerning such Jeho-
Ammonno longer exist as independent nations, but vah says: "For thus saith the Load God of Israel
are incorporated in Trans-Jordan under the Brit- unto me, Take the wine cup of this fury at my hand,
ish mandate. Whether that territory is invaded by and cause all the nations to whomI send thee to drink
"the king of the north" is not material; for the it .... Edom, and Moab, and the children of Am-
reason, the names Edom, Moab and Ammonare here mon."~Jer. 25 : 15-21.
used in the prophecy symbolically. "Moab" symbol- 5,,,He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the
izes the commercial or business element of "Chris- countries; and the land of Egypt shall not escape."
tendom". While the Nazi combine rages against com- (Dan. 11 : 42) Those words of the prophecy, "stretch
mercialism or capitalism, it does so hypocritically, forth his hand," mean that "the king of the north"
and the Papacy is the greatest capitalistic enterprise will send forth his ’~hand", or power or violent ag-
on earth. The Corporate State of Italy gives special gression, against other countries. This he has done
attention and protection to commerce. The Chamber by means of radio and other means of propaganda,
of Fasces and Corporations is composed of members such as printed matter, and the "fifth column" agents
of the National Council of Corporations (the pope’s planted in many of the countries of "the king of the
guild system), the Grand Council of Fascism, and south", also by his tremendous fleet of airplanes.
The equipment of "the king of the north" is sent fore demonrule has blinded the ruling powers of all
forth or brought to bear upon all other institutions, the nations, and all nations are doing the bidding of
countries and nations. The facts show that the mili- the chief demon.
tary organization known as "The American Legion" "The WATCHTOWZR is not complaining nor mur-
is largely under the influence of the religious element muring at what the governments have become or
of "the king of the north". Together with other parts what they are doing, but the WATctrrOWER is point-
of "Catholic Action" the agents thereof raised the ing out these facts showing that the prophecy of
false cry amongst the people, "CommunismI" and Almighty God concerning the nations and their
they charge that every anti-Hierarchy person is a course of action is now being fulfilled, and which
Communist, and then indulge in the persecution of sounds-the warning to all people of good-will toward
Jehovah’s witnesses, who expose the totalitarian God to flee immediately to Jehovah and Christ Jesus,
rule, including the Nazis and Communists. the great THEOCRACY. Seven years ago The Watch-
tower pointed out that according to the prophecies
ALL TOTALITARIAN the United States would become a dictatorial govern-
,5 And "the land of Egypt" feels the hand of "the ment; and now the admitted and indisputable facts
king of the north". The land of Egypt was originally fully support that conclusion, which conclusion was
the place or domain of "the king of the south". At and is based entirely upon the Word of God. All
this point in Daniel’s prophecy "the king of the sober-minded persons, therefore, see that what is
south" seems to disappear, since there is no more now coming to pass was foreknown and foretold by
mention made of that "king" in the prophecy, nor Jehovah, and this should cause all who desire to
does the name "Egypt" appear to be used as equiva- know what is right to immediately give prayerful
lent to or in the place of "the king of the south". This consideration to what is written in the Scriptures.
cannot be taken to mean that the British Common- There is but one sure guide at this time, and at all
wealth of Nations or the United States of America, times, and that guide is the word of Almighty God
and the other Americas, will be wiped out by "the set down in the Bible. Jehovah’s servants or wit-
king of the north". In fact, the prophecy does not nesses for some years have been diligently and
disclose whichoneof these.’qdngs" shallbe victoriousearnestly endeavoring to inform the people of what
in thepresent war,buttheopinion is hereexpressedthe Bible reveals, disclosing God’s purpose, and this
thatneitherone willhavea complete victory. The they have done and are doing in obedience to the
end of the war will come aboutin a mannersome- Lord’s commandment. The Watchtower takes no part
what differentfrom what worldlyprognosticatorsin the controversy between "the king of the north"
say.Whatthispartof the prophecy doesappearto and "the king of the south". The Watchtower is en-
meanis that,beforethe "Z~D",withinthemeaning tirely neutralbecauseit is for THZ THZOC~Cy. It
of theprophecy, allthenations, including thoseform- standsalooffromall worldlydisputes and contro-
ing "thekingof thesouth" t willtakeon or become versiesandin obedience to the Lord’scommandment
dictatorial governments, whichthesenationswill points thepeopleto theinfallible wordof Jehovah’s
believe is necessary in orderto fighttheperilof the prophecies and to the physical facts thathavecome
totalitarian ’qdngof thenorth". to pass in fulfillment thereof, and this is done to the
’" Andnow,in theclosingdaysof 1941,whatare end that those who desire to learn the way to right-
thefactsrelating to thispartof theprophecy? The eousness and safety may find the same. As to the
BritishCommonwealth of Nations,and the United final result, Jehovah has made that plainly to appear,
States, andothercountries forming "thekingof the and the WAZCHTOWZR understands and is diligently
south"haveceasedto be democracies, thatis,gov- endeavoring to obey the commandment of the Most
ernments of thepeople,by thepeople,and for the High and to make these truths known.
people.In eachone of thesenationsall poweris "In this prophecy of Daniel 11:42 the words
placedin thehandsof a few,andtheprimeminister "land of Egypt" do not mean the literal country in
and thepresident are for all intentsand purposes North Africa, but do mean the world of religion,
dictators evenat the presenttime.Underthe claim politics, commerce and militarism, over which the
of necessity fornational defense thepresident con- demons now rule. Because religion, politics and com-
trolspractically allproduction in theUnited States. merce do not resist the totalitarian rule of "the king
Eventhe government tellsthe tillersjusthow much of the north" these elements escape the violent as-
wheattheymay sow upontheirland,and what they saults of that ’~king". "Egypt," as used in the proph-
maydo withit,eventhougheverythoughtful person ecy, means and pictures the great rival nations also
knowsthat famineand shortageof breadstarethe made up of politics, commerce and religion, and
wholeworldin the face.A nationalsocialism has military, and which are in opposition to "the king
seized holdof allthenations of theearth, andthere- of the north". Both are bent on world domination.
1, 1041

Therefore the prophecy says: "The land of Egypt tion, and out of them the demon-controlled ones at-
shall not escape." The commerceof "the king of the tempt to drink. "The king of the north" treats the
south", particularly Britain, has not escaped the de- living vessels of Jehovah’s message with contempt
structive work of "the king of the north". Nor has and exercises power over their physical bodies, to
the commercial business of the United States of break their integrity toward Ti~z THEOCRACY, but
America escaped, but has suffered under the burden without success.--Dan. 5:1-4; see The Watchtower
carried to offset the results of the "king of the north" November 1, 1934.
blitzkrieg. The business or commercial interests of ’1"And over all the precious things [(Young’s)
America must now yield to the "priority" require- desirable things] of Egypt." This does not mean the
ments, and the people are compelled to bear that military defeat of" "the king of the south", but rather
burden. Conditions in the United States are neces- shows that the totalitarian, arbitrary rule will ex-
sarily becoming worse and will continue to grow tend over all the nations of the earth. The "desirable
worse. Private business will be practically paralyzed. things" of Egypt are not things of Jehovah’s organi-
The food supply will be greatly reduced, and the zation, but are the things of this wicked world or-
people will be compelled to suffer many inconven- ganization under the control of the demons, and
iences. The conditions disagreeable will continue which organization "spiritually is called Sodomand
and will grow worse and worse until this land, like Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified". (Rev.
others throughout the earth, puts the clamps on the 11:8) The ’%ing" has identified himself as the or-
message of JEHOVAH GOD,and then the exulting cry ganization which Satan controls. A like condition of
of the religious element of "the king of the north" seizing the desirable things will continue in all na-
will ring out: "Weare at peace and safety." That is tions up to the time of the final end.
THESION! The next step to immediately follow, the ,2 "And the Libyans," says the prophecy. The name
Lord makes plain. The prophecy continues to tell of "Libya" means thirsty, that is, dry. Being neighbors
the activities of "the king of the north", to wit: of Egypt, they picture those who are "good neigh-
2,,,But he shall have power [rule] over the treas- bors" to the other nations about, for what they can
ures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious get out of it in return. They are willing to submit to
things of Egypt ; and the Libya, s and the Ethiopians the arbitrary rule if that means commercial profit to
shalI be at his steps." (Dan. 11~: 43) These "treas- them. They do not enjoy the waters of truth of God’s
ures", or "hidden things", appear to mean that "the Word, but they express a dry condition and among
king of the north" lays hold upon all private wealth them there is a famine for the hearing of the Word
in the land controlled by that "king" and also con- of God, and that is because of demon influence.-
trols all the gold, silver and precious things of the Amos8 : 11.
nations and people under that "king" by using the ""And the Ethiopians" ; meaning the dark-skinned,
same to carry on his military purposes. Will the or the organizations that are friends and allies of
Vatican and its hoarded wealth escape finally? The
commerce. (See Isaiah 20: 3-5; Isaiah 37: 9.) ’Dark-
picture or drama appearing in the prophecy of God’s skins’ pictured those who today are in the dark as to
Word (2 Chronicles 20) seems clearly to indicate Jehovah’s purpose. (Jer. 13:23) They attack Jeho-
that the Vatican will not escape the ruthless hand
vah’s servants at the commandof the leading reli-
of her present-day ally. In the light of prophecy it gionists, even as their prototype attacked Jerusalem
will be well to watch the developments. Even at this
and Judah. (2 Ki. 19: 9; 2 Chron. 14: 9-13) All
time in some areas Catholic church organizations these obey "the king of the north", or arbitrary rule,
have been asked to contribute half of their gold, and "shall be at his steps", so says the prophecy. This
silver and art treasures to support the Axis powers.
describes the hangers-on to the commercial or Big
A like procedure is almost certain to follow in many
Business world, the organization for self-gain, and
other places. The totalitarian rulers will be able to
exercise control over the material wealth of the na- whoare willing to forsake "the king of the south" and
tions of the earth; which is even now being done to democracies and submit themselves to "the king of
a large degree. the north" and to arbitrary rule just so they get
’° "The king of the north" also tries to exercise something out of it. Such find a striking modern-day
power over the "hidden treasures" of the Bible, which example in some of the businessmen in the nation,
are the most precious treasures. (Pss. 19: 7-10; 12: 6) who are willing to forsake Democracy and go over
The publication of these precious truths is forbidden to the Corporate State, and who submit to the regi-
in all countries controlled by "the king of the north", mentation of the people in order that they might
and in many countries controlled by "the king of the enjoy some individual pecuniary gain. These are also
south". The modern-day Belshazzar has brought out known as "appeasers", and always with an eye to
the precious vessels of Jehovah’s earthly organiza- business. They will be heard today saying: "It is all

right for the Hierarchy and the Nazis to rule Amer- chief credit for such patched-up peace will be given
ica, if we get ours." to the religious element, the Roman Catholic Hier-
~’ Mark this in light of the infallible divine proph- archy. The totalitarian rule will be fully in control,
ecy: that the totalitarian, arbitrary rule will over- and then will appear TEE sm~. The prophecy of
run all the nations of the earth in the very near fu- Daniel indicates what shall follow.
ture. Some makeshift of peace will be made, and the (To be continued)


ONGago the great Creator provided that under the the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts [living
L coming Theocratic Government of Righteousness and
its King there should be those who would receive life
ones], and fell before the throne on their faces, and wor-
shipped God, saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wis-
as human creatures and continue to live for ever on the dom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might,
earth and who shall multiply and fill the cleansed earth be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen. And one of the
with a righteous race. elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which
The number of those who are chosen and to whomthe are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? And
divine promise is given that they shall be of the kingdom I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. Andhe said to me, These
of heaven, or Theocratic Government, and that they shall are they which came out of great tribulation, and have
reign with Christ Jesus in the spirit, is small when com- washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of
pared with the number of those who may ultimately receive the Lamb. Therefore are they before the throne of God,
life as perfect human creatures. To those who from the and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that
time of Christ’s apostles till the second coming of the Lord sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them. They shall
Jesus have chosen to follow and obey Christ Jesus and who hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the
have continued and do continue faithful unto death, Christ sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb, which is in
Jesus the King of The Theocratic Government gives these the midst of the throne, shall feed them, and shall lead them
precious promises : "But rather seek ye the kingdomof God; unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away
and all these things shah be added unto you. Fear not, all tears from their eyes."
LITTLEFLOCK ; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give It therefore clearly appears that the spirit class, the
you the kingdom." "Fear none of those things which thou ’q~ody of Christ", are a fixed number, because these are a
shalt suffer; behold, the devil shall cast some of you into part of the Kingdom. Those of the "great multitude" are
prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation not a limited number, but rather the Lord opens the way
ten days [s?unbolizing the completeness of the time of your for as many to come as may desire to serve him. He puts
earthly existence] ; be thou faithful unto death, and I will no limitation on the number. These come from all nations.
give thee a crown of life."--Luke 12 : 31, 32 and Revelation They stand "before the throne", which shows that they are
2:10. not in the throne and are not a part of the Kingdomor
The ’qittle flock" being gathered first, Christ Jesus "the Theocratic Government. In order to be "before the throne"
Good Shepherd" then says: "And other sheep I have, which they do not have to be in heaven for judgment, but, on the
are not of this fold ; them also I must bring, and they shall contrary, their judgment takes place on earth; and this
hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shep- is shown by the words of Jesus at Matthew 25.31, 32. They
herd." (John 10:16) Those whomthe Lord here calls his stand before the "Lamb", that is, before Christ Jesus, the
"other sheep" are the ones who shall compose the "great great Judge and King. They have a standing and thus arc
multitude" of Armageddon survivors that has no limit as received by the Lord.
to number but is made up of all those who during the pres- Those who shall form the "great multitude", that is,
ent judgment of the nations by Christ Jesus are placed on the "other sheep" of the Lord, must identify themselves
"his right hand", or place of favor, and are designated ’q~is before all other creation as having faith in and being on the
sheep", and who receive on earth the blessings of the King- side of the great THXOCm~T and his King, and this they must
dom. (See Matthew 25 : 34.) On the other hand, in Revela- do before the ’rbattle of that great day of God Almighty"
tion 7:4-8 it is stated that this "little flock" consists of begins. In the Scriptures the garment or mantle a man
144,000 followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, who are made wears is a means of identification denoting where he stands
membersof "his body".--1 Cor. 12 : 12, 18, 27 ; Col. 1 : 18. and whomhe supports. The "white robes" with which the
Immediately following the description of the body mem- "great multitude" are clothed symbolically testify that the
bers of Christ whoare designated his "little flock", Revela- persons wearing the same are on the side of righteousness.
tion 7:9-17 makes this statement: "After this I beheld, ThE T~E0Cm~O’z is on the side of righteousness.
and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of ’Palm branches in their hands’ symbolically testifies for
all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood them: "We are supporters of the King of THETHmocr~cy,
before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white Christ Jesus; therefore we are for God and for the Lamb,
robes, and palms in their hands ; and cried with a loud voice, Christ Jesus." All these refuse to hail, honor, praise and
saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, worship men or things and thereby ascribe salvation to men
and unto the Lamb. And all the angels stood round about or things or man-madeorganizations and thereby also vio-
late the commandment stated at Exodus20 : 3-5. All of those through Christ Jesus, his anointed Ruler of the new world."
of the "great multitude" ascribe salvation to God and to They openly confess that they are on the Lord’s slde.
his Lamb, Christ Jesus, the King. All of these make known Revelation 7:11, 12 describes the heavenly creatures
that they are for THETH~-OCRACY. They are diligent to do so. joining in the praise of Jehovah because the time has come
Christ Jesus is the Chief Corner Stone of God’s building. for the gathering of the Lord’s "other sheep". Then it was
(Isa. 28:16; Ps. 118:22; Matt. 21:42-44) Nineteen hun- that the question was put forth concerning the "great mul-
dred years ago, when the Lord Jesus rode into Jerusalem titude" : ’’What are these which are arrayed in white robes ?
upon the ass and presented himself to the Jews as King, and whence came they?" The answer is given: "These are
this was the laying of the Corner Stone in a miniature way, they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed
but it foreshadowed the laying of the Corner Stone in com- their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb."
pleteness when the Kingdom is set up and Christ Jesus (Verses 13, 14) That means that they have been gathered
thereafter, in A.D. 1918, appears at the temple as King of unto the Lord in troublesome times.
The Theocratic Government. Whenthe Lord Jesus, "which Those of God’s royal house, or Kingdom, that is, the
was made of the seed of David according to the flesh," rode 144,000, have great tribulation on earth, and such tribula-
into Jerusalem he was there hailed by the multitude as tion has extended over the entire Christian era so far as
King ; as it is written : "And a very great multitude spread this is concerned; but the greatest of all tribulations men-
their garments in the way; others cut down branches from tioned in the Scriptures must come after the "great multi-
the trees, and strawed them in the way. And the multitudes tude" appears and must be that which is mentioned by
that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna Christ Jesus, at Matthew 24:21, as "tribulation such as
to the son of David ! Blessed is he that cometh in the name was not since the beginning of the world to this time". That
of the Lord : Hosannain the highest !"--Matt. 21 : 8, 9. tribulation period began with the "day of Jehovah", to wit,
The apostle John wrote The Revelation, and in his in 1914, when the "war in heaven" started against Satan’s
recording of the account of the miniature laying of the organization and Satan was thereafter cast out and down
Corner Stone John wrote. "On the morrow a great multi- to the earth. (Rev. 12:7-10) The tribulation reaches the
tude that had come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus great climax at the time of the battle of Armageddon,the
was coming to Jerusalem, took the branches of the palm great day of God Almighty. In harmony with this, Revela-
trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried out, Hosanna: tion 7:14 calls it "the great tribulation" (Am. Rev. Vet ).
Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord, even the Clearly it follows that this tribulation does not comefor
King of Israel." (John 12: 12, 13, Am. Rev. Vet.) In this the purpose of developing or completing the "great multi-
account and in The Revelation, chapter seven, John makes tude", but it is the tribulation that comes upon Satan’s
mention of the palm branches, and that in connection with organization, both visible and invisible, and which will com-
the "great multitude". Thus what took place at the minia- pletely wreck that entire organization. As we have observed,
ture laying of the Corner Stone at Jerusalem foreshadowed "the day of Jehovah" began in 1914, at the birth of The
that which John saw in vision of the laying of the Corner Kingdom. (See Revelation 11: 15-18.) Had that tribula-
Stone in completeness in A.D. 1918. tion, then begun, continued to its finality without interrup-
WhenJesus entered Jerusalem the great multitude that tion, all flesh would have been destroyed. The tribulation
spread down their garments and waved their palm branches was shortened by the Lord when the World War ended
were not then the disciples of Jesus Christ, as the facts (Matt. 24 : 22 ; Mark13 : 20), and thus was afforded an op-
subsequently showed. Only a short time before that trium- portunity for Jehovah’s witnesses under his commandment
phant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem he had addressed his to go forth and bear testimony to his name and his kingdom
disciples, speaking to them as a ’qittle flock". It was after- as a witness to the world. It is during this period of giving
wards and when Jesus was riding upon an ass as King that testimony, that is, the ’preaching of this gospel of the king-
the great multitude appeared and shouted: ’Hosanna to dom’, that the Lord’s "other sheep" who shall form the
the son of David; blessed is he that cometh in the name of "great multitude" come out.
Jehovah !’ Likewise when Jesus Christ is enthroned in heav- To "come out of the great tribulation" not alone means
en, in A.D. 1914, the "great multitude" as pictured in Reve- to survive that trouble as ’flesh that shall be saved’ (Matt.
lation chapter seven are not recognized, discerned and un- 24:22), but primarily means that they come out from Sa-
derstood, and are not membersof the ’qittle flock" or mem- tan’s organization and take their stand on the side of Jeho-
bers of "the body of Christ". It is after he is presented at vah during the period of time that elapses from the stopping
the temple as King, in A.D. 1918, and seated upon his throne of the World War in 1918 until the day of Armageddon,
of judgment, that the "great multitude" are discerned with that is to say, during the time that Jesus said the "days
"palms in their hands". This would prove that the "great should be shortened" and during which same time period
multitude" began to come into existence after the Lord "this gospel of the kingdom" is preached in all the world.
Jesus Christ appeared at the temple for judgment. The facts What is the purpose of shortening those days of tribula-
and the evidence that have come to pass during the past tion? The Lord Jesus answers: "For the elect’s sake those
ten years conclusively prove that the "great multitude" will days shall be shortened." (Matt. 24:22) During that pe-
be made up of human creatures who hear and accept and riod of time the eleet’s remnant on earth have a work to do
rejoice in the I~ngdom of God under Christ. The palms in as witnesses for Jehovah and under his commandment,and
their hands in effect say. "Wehail our King and Savior; at least a part of that work is the marking of those "other
our allegiance and our devotion are to him. Our salvation sheep" who .~hall form the "great multitude" in their fore-
comes from the great King Eternal, who is Jehovah, and heads, as commanded by the Lord at Ezekiel 9:4. That
means that Jehovah’s witnesses must proclaim the message God’s kingdom, and this they do before the "winter" time,
of the truth and thus give an intellectual understanding of that is, the great climax of tribulation at Armageddon.
the truth to the "other sheep", which class "flee into the (Matt. 24 : 16, 20) They have come out and still they come,
mountains",symbolizingThe THEOCRATICGOVERNMENT. and now together with the remnant they are singing, "Sal-
Thisis "immediately afterthetribulation of thosedays", vation to our God . . . and unto the Lamb." They honor
as statedat Matthew 24:29;thatis to say,afterthefirst Jehovah God and his King, and they refuse to give any
partof thetribulation, from1914to 1918.Thosewhowill glory to any part of Satan’s organization. Those honest-
composethe "greatmultitude" willalsosurviveArmaged- hearted ones who have left Satan’s organization axe now
don,because God’spromise to thosewhoseekmeekness and on the Lord’s side, and they want that fact to be knownand
righteousness is thattheymaybe hid in thattime.(See they make it known, and.they worship the only true God,
Zcphaniah2:3.)All of thesescripturesnegativethe Jehovah, and his King. "Therefore are they before the
thought thatthetribulation is forthepurpose of develop- throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple:
ingorperfecting thisclassof people. Thegreattribulation and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell amongthem."
is the execution of Jehovah’s judgments againstSatan’s --Rev. 7 : 15.
organization, andis notforthepurpose of developing aDy. Mark to what extent the "great multitude" serve Jeho-
According to thelanguage ofRevelation 7 : 14 theLord’s vah: "They . . . serve him day and night." Daytime and
"othersheep" do theirownwashing of theirrobes; thatis, nighttime means all the time, and this description shows
by reasonof thecourseof actiontheytaketheybreakaway that they serve Jehovah all the time, regardless of the hours.
fromthe uncleanorganization of Satanand openlyshow They are not satisfied to work eight hours a day and quit
themselves on the sideof Jehovah,and thistheydo by on the strike of the clock and refuse to do what some call
openlyconfessing theirdevotion to God."Withthe mouth "overtime", but are ready and respond to the call for the
confession is madeuntosalvation." (Rom.10:10)Coming Lord’s active service at any time day or night. Service re-
to a knowledge of the factthatJehovah’snamemustbe ports from the field in recent years fully corroborate this
vindicatedby his TheocraticGovernmentunder Christ conclusion. Many of those who are now the Lord’s "other
Jesus,andthatthatis theimportant question, theynot sheep" hear the truth one day, give themselves wholly to
onlyconfessthemselves on the sideof Jehovahbut give the Lord God, and immediately join in the field service with
assistance to theremnant of the"elect" in bearing witness the remnant and are rejoicing and are anxious to do what-
to the honorand name of JehovahGod. soever they can. Also, these are studying with diligence the
Howdo theymaketheirrobes"whitein thebloodof the Word of God, and thus they seek meekness and righteous-
Lamb"~Theshedbloodof ChristJesusis thebasisforthe nv, ss, striving to obey ’Jehovah’s commandments.
forgiveness of sinsand thebasisfor Godto forgiveun- Christ Jesus at the temple as head of Jehovah’s capital
cleanness. By believing on ChristJesus’shedbloodas the organization or Theocratic Governmentnow leads and feeds
redemptive priceforbelieving and obedient mankind, and, those who honestly put themselves under his leadership.
baseduponsuchbelief,by consecrating themselves to do In 1914 Christ Jesus was enthroned as King and then came
thewillof God,andby.serving, worshiping andobeying the to his temple in 1918, and from that time onward woe and
Lord,and notmen,thesetaketheirstandon the sideof tribulation upon the earth has continuously increased, and
Jehovahand hisTheocratic Government and participate in in that time the Devil has done all within his power to turn
theservice of witnessing, andthatis theonlycoursethat the people away from God and his kingdom. (See Revela-
wouldgivethema whiteandcleanappearance in the sight tion 12-12, 17.) During this time of tribulation upon the
of God.No man can takehisstandon the sideof Jehovah earth the Lord gathers to himself those of good-will, and
withoutbelieving in the shedbloodof ChristJesusas these, taking their stand on the side of God and his king-
the meansof salvation. Everyhumancreature thatobtains dom, find peace of mind and joy of heart, and these go to
hfe mustobtainit as a giftof God through ChristJesus, make up the "great multitude". No more do they need to
andthisis theonlyway; andallsuchmusthavetheirsins hunger for the truth, because the Lord feeds them from his
washedawayby exercising faithin theshedbloodof Christ own storehouse of truth. Multitudes of people in the earth
Jesus.In takingthestepof consecrating themselves to God have hungered and others do hunger for the truth. They
by faithin the bloodof ChristJesusthosewhoformthe want something different from the husks which they have
"greatmultitude" standapproved beforethe judgment seat been receiving from religious institutions. Learning the
truth, therefore, from God’s Word, they flee to the Lord.
of Christ,andthisapproval of themis symbolized by the
It has been’the privilege and it is the privilege of Jehovah’s
whiterobeswhichJohnobservedthat they wore.These
witnesses to carry this spiritual food to the hungry ones,
keeptheirrobescleanby continuing in faithanddevotion
and when such hungry ones are fed upon the truth con-
to God and ChristJesus,his anointedKing,and thereby
maintainingtheir integritytowardJehovahGod. The cerning the Kingdom their joy is great and they quickly
Lord’s"othersheep"whoshallconstitute the"greatmulti- join themselves with "the remnant" to carry that message
of good news to others, and thus the number of the Lord’s
tude"couldtherefore not comeintoexistence untilthe "other sheep" continuously increases.
LordJesusChristappearedat the templeand beganhis Such "other sheep" must be led by Christ Jesus and
judgment, andtherefore theycouldnotappearpriorto 1918. fed by him BEFOREARMAOZDDON, and must be under his
Theymustwashup beforeArmageddon comes.It would protection and be taken through Armageddon. "They shall
be too lateto washat the timeof Armageddon. They’21ee hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the
intotheMountains" on seeingthe totalitarian "abomina-sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb, which is
tionof desolation" standing in theholyplaceor steadof in the midst of the throne, shall feed them, and shall lead

them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe soon Jehovah will vindicate his name by and through his
away all tears from their eyes." (Roy. 7: 16, 17) These kingdom under Christ, the tears of these honest ones have
"other sheep" follow after and with Jehovah’s anointed ceased to flow, and in the place thereof joy has filled their
remnant and are led "unto fountains of waters of life" hearts, and their faces have been made to appear glad and
(according to the Revised Version). For this reason all who they have fully turned to the Lord GodJehovah. All honest
are thus led shall thirst no more. No longer do they go to creatures who see and appreciate the purpose of Jehovah
the dried-up waterholes of the cruel devilish system of reli- by his Theocratic Government rejoice. They know that all
gion, but~ by the grace of Jehovah and by the hand of the good things and all blessings proceed from Jehovah, and
Lord Jesus Christ, they are led to "the fountain.q of living thus he wipes away all their tears. The "holy city", which
waters. Upon receiving the message of truth and learning is Jehovah’s capital organization or Theocracy, comes down
that Satan has ever reproached Jehovah’s name and that from heaven, and now righteousness shall be estabhshed
all of Satan’s servants have by fraud, deceit and false pre- for ever, and then there shall be no more tears to those who
tenses brought reproach upon God’s holy name, and that remain in harmony with God.mRev. 21 : 1-4.


ONGago foreshadowing modern-day events, the ancient that the enemies of his Theocratic Government have put
L people of Moab, Ammonand Mount Seir (Edom)
formed a conspiracy to destroy the typical Theocracy
upon him and his faithful servants: "I have heard the re-
proach of Moab, and the revilings of the children of Ammon,
of Jehovah’s covenant people, the Israelites. In their effort whereby they have reproached my people, and magnified
to carry out that conspiracy, the three allies marched on themselves against their border." (Zeph. 2: 8) Moab
the city of Jerusalem. King Jehoshaphat, in commandof ancient times reproached Jehovah and his typical people,
God’s covenant people, was warned and was instructed by the Israelites. The modern-day Moabites, the commercial
Jehovah God what he must do. The combined enemy far out- traffickers in the wealth of the earth, and in humanblood,
numbered the Israelites and were fully equipped for war. have heaped great reproach upon the name of Jehovah,
God assured King Jehoshaphat and the Israelites and and those reproaches have fallen upon the ones who love
friendly companions with them tha~ they had no occasion and faithfully serve the Most High and the King of his
to fear the enemy, for the reason that the battle is Qod’a; Theocracy.wSee Psalm 69 ." 9 a~d Romans15 : 3.
and that the duty of the Israelites was to boldly march out As the facts fully disclose, the modern-day Moabites,
of the city and meet the enemy, singing, as they went, the that is to say, the commercial element of Satan’s visible
praises of Jehovah. This they did. Then the great Theocrat, organization, have yielded to the laws and dictates of that
Jehovah, fought their battle and the enemy was completely most powerful religious organization, the RomanCathohc
destroyed; and that was an example of God’s unlimited Hierarchy. That wicked religious organization has repeat-
power exercised in behalf of those who love and obey him. edly declared that Jehovah’s servants are carrying on a
Thus by his act Jehovah foretold what will come to pass money-making scheme and are indulging in a campmgnof
at the battle of Armageddonin behalf of his people.--See hate and intolerance. They further lied saying that Jeho-
2 Chronicles 20: 1-29. vah’s witnesses are Communists. The commercial element
"Nowthese things were our examples, . . . all these accordingly, in their propaganda sheets, the daily press and
things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are magazines, continue to publish such lies against Jehovah’s
written for our admonition, upon whomthe ends of the witnesses, while at the same time those publications refuse
world are come." (1 Cor. 10: 6, 11) Ancient Moabpictured to publish any true statement of the facts, even for pay.
the commercial wing of Satan’s visible organization on Thus it is seen that the commercial element, through their
earth. Ammonpictured the political wing of that wicked propaganda sheets and at the instance of religionists, will-
organization. Both the commercial and political parts of fully and deliberately and with malice aforethought, resist
the organization of Satan are supported by the military and God and persecute his servants. They continue such bitter
so-called "strong-arm squad". All of these have joined with opposition to all the publications concerning Jehovah’s
the religionists for the purpose of doing violence to Jeho- Theocratic Government by Christ Jesus. They have put
vah’s servants. Their action shall not be passed over un- forth their endeavors to prevent the radio from being used
noticed by the great Theocrat, Je, hovah. The Moabites and to broadcast the message of The Theocratic Government.
Ammonites were descendants of Abraham’s nephew, Lot, They prevent Jehovah’s witnesses from obtaining the use
by his own two daughters. Therefore those people were of public halls for their assemblies. Concerning rooming
half brothers. In the prophetic picture Moabrepresents the accommodations and advertising for the Jehovah’s wit-
commercial big business and military elements of "Chris- nesses assembly in St. Louis, Mo., in August, 1941, the
tendom". There is never a war without the commercial St. Louis Chamber of Commerceput the "kibosh" on the
element’s being at the fore and deeply interested therein; whole thing; and they wrote the hotels there that they had
and therefore the Moabites here pictured that element that better listen to the RomanCatholic Hierarchy’s advice, and
prosecutes war for revenge, for conquest, and for commer- hence the hotels had "everything engaged" ; no room for the
cial gain, and which is one of the elements of the Devil’s ambassadors of The Theocratic Government. The commer-
organization. cial press stoops to the basest lies against Jehovah’s serv-
Concerning Moab Jehovah mentions the reproaches ants, and does so always at the instance of the RomanHier-

archy and their other religious allies, as at St. Louis. Jehovah takes full notice of the reviling of his people by
The ready and willing servant of the commercial giants, the Ammonitesof modern days, this political element which
whotraffic in humanblood and property, is the "strong-arm works with the religionists for political gain. The totahtar-
squad" and the military group. They continually heap re- ians are now determined to rule the world or to bring about
proach upon the name of Jehovah God and his servants. the destruction of the nations. They get their inspiration,
These servants of God they denounce as pacifists and charge of course, from the Devil by and through the religious ele-
that they are unpatriotic and dangerous to the security of ment, the RomanCatholic Hierarchy. None of these like
the state. They willingly and wickedly circulate reports that the message of God, because it discloses that The Theocracy
the publications of Jehovah’s witnesses are subversive and shall rule the whole world in righteousness and that the
should be suppressed for that reason. This commercial and totalitarian rule shall soon for ever cease. These modern-
military group, acting at the instance and advice of the day Ammonites, or politicians, join forces with the Hier-
RomanCatholic Hierarchy, attempt to force upon the serv- archy to destroy Jehovah’s servants and to prevent the
ants of God compulsory saluting of flags contrary to the spreading of the gospel of God’s kingdom. To accomplish
commandmentof Almighty God. The ruling powers of this their wicked purpose they enact laws giving men dictatorial
world demand of Jehovah’s covenant people that they, in or arbitrary powers to enable the chief political ruler to
violation of their covenant obligations toward God, enlist declare an emergency when he desires and to thus justify
and fight under the banner of such rulers; and if Jehovah’s his actions in taking away all privileges of those wholove
covenant people refuse to do so they suffer imprisonment or and serve the Almighty God. Thus have many of Jehovah’s
other harsh punishment, even death. Although the law of witnesses been imprisoned and killed in the dictatorial coun-
such nations declares that a minister of the gospel shall not tries, not for wrongdoing, but because they persist in de-
be required to do military service, the acting authorities daring the good news of The Theocratic Government. Those
who have to do with carrying the law into operation say enemies of God and his servants will find no hiding place
to these faithful covenant people of God: "We do not recog- at Armageddon.They will not be hid.
nize you as a minister, nor that you are a sincere, con- Jehovah says of the modern-day Ammonites and Moab-
scientious objector to engaging in war; therefore you must ites: "They have reproached my people, and magnified
join the fighting forces and serve under our banner." themselves." (Zeph. 2:8) The political and commercial ele-
All of these things God will not forget at Armageddon. ments, supported by the military and "strong-arm squad",
He will permit none of that commercial element of Satan’s insist that those who have devoted themselves to Jehovah
organization to find the way of escape from execution at must now put the stat~ above Almighty God and therefore
the hands of God’s great Executioner, Christ Jesus, at that "render unto Caesar" all allegiance and support. In this
battle. They will not be hid. This, of course, does not apply they bring great reproach upon Jehovah’s name and upon
to legitimate and honest dealers in goods, wares and mer- those who serve him. Hoping to fully control the rising
chandise of necessity, but the application is to that class of generation the political, commercial and military elements,
commercial men who prey upon the people and use their acting at the behest of the big religious group, attempt to
power wickedly against mankind, and particularly against compel the small children to salute flags, ’q~eil" men, and
the servants of Almighty God. engage in other ceremonies in violation of God’s law. Bent
The Ammonitesof ancient times, who were half brothers upon arbitrary rule or ruin, they go beyond all proper
of the Moabites, joined in the conspiracy and concerted limits and insist that the law of the state is supreme and
action against Jehoshaphat, the king of the typical Theoc- that the state must be obeyed under any and all circum-
racy at Jerusalem. The Ammonites pictured that element stances. They magnify men and rulers and thus magnify
of Satan’s organization knownas the patriotic, nationalistic and exalt themselves against God, blaspheming and re-
politicians, who not only support but actively operate Sa- proaching his name. They shall find no way to escape the
tan’s political organization, and which is made specially wrath of Almighty God at Armageddon.
manifest in the Nazis, Fascists, and other radical rulers, Pointing to the approaching enemy King Jehoshaphat
which carry out the persecution work of the RomanCath- said in prayer to Jehovah God: "And now, behoid, the
olic Hierarchy. The name "Ammon"means "inbred". The children of Ammon, and Moab, and mount Seir, whom
Nazi politicians are extremists and fanatical on the "inbred" thou wouldest not let Israel invade, when they came out
idea, priding themselves on what they call "pure Aryan
blood" with not the slightest taint of Jewish blood to "de- of the land of Egypt, but they turned from them, and de-
file" them. The ancient Ammonites worshiped the demon- stroyed them not." (2 Chron. 20: 10) Thus Jehoshaphat
god entitled "Milcom", which name means "their king", located definitely that political, commercial and religious
or their political ruler. The Ammonites,therefore, picture element combined now invading the place where God’s
this extreme, radical political element, of which the Nazis faithful covenant people are properly located in his service
and Fascists and other totalitarians are striking examples. as his witnesses. In the aforementioned combine of con-
Because Jehovah made the Jews of ancient days his chosen spirators against Jehovah God and his Theocratic Govern-
people, the Nazis seize upon that pretext to persecute Jeho- ment are those mentioned prophetically as "mount Seir",
vah’s witnesses, because they declare that Jehovah is the that is, the religious element of the Devil’s organization
true and almighty God. The modern-day Ammonites are under the leadership and dominating influence of the Ro-
allied with all other elements of Satan’s organization, par- man Catholic Hierarchy of Authority, and which people,
ticularly the RomanCatholic Hierarchy, in their assault like those of "mount Seir" in olden time, make their nests
against the people of Jehovah GOd. high up, like the foul birds that nested in the mountains

of Seir. The l~fount Seir-ites were closely associated with which are falsely called "Christians". In the modern ful-
the Esauites or Edomites. Esau, the twin brother of Jacob, fillment of the prophecy the RomanCatholic Hierarchy and
"went into the country from the face of his brother Jacob. their allied so-called "Protestant" clergymen lead in a con-
... Thus dwelt Esau in mount Seir. Esau is Edom." spiracy against God’s "hidden ones", whomhe has selected
(Gen. 36: 6-8) The Mount Seirites were Devil-worshipers to be membersof his "holy nation", his Theocratic Govern-
or demon-religionists, like the Edomites. ment under Christ Jesus. The "principal of the flock", the
The name "Edom" means "red", and is a reminder of modern Moabites and Ammonites, have joined in this con-
Esau’s failure to appreciate God’s favor toward him con- spiracy and are now this day committing overt acts against
cerning the Abrahamie birthright, which birthright Esau the covenant people of Jehovah God, and against his king-
sold to his brother Jacob for the paltry sum of a mess of dom, The Theocracy. (See Psalm 83: 3-8.) It is the Devil’s
pottage, that his selfish appetite might be appeased. ’iAnd organization, pictured by Moab, Ammonand Edom, whlch
Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee, with that same attempts to take away from others freedom of thought,
REDpottage; for I am faint: therefore was his name called speech, assembly, and action, in the worship of Jehovah
Edom [Red (marginal reading)]." (Gen. 25:30) God. These worldly representatives of the Devil’s visible
was the firstborn and apparently had the first claim to the organization use cruel means against Jehovah’s witnesses to
Abrahamic birthright, but it was the will of Jehovah God prevent these from telling the truth to others, which Jeho-
that it should be otherwise. (See Genesis 22 : 18 ; 25 : 23-26.) vah has commandedshall be told, and they attempt to bring
The descendants of Esau, that is, the Edomites, must there- about the destruction of these faithful Christian men and
fore represent a class of religious persons whoare apparent- womenwho do proclaim God’s truth in obedience to his
ly the firstborn and in line for the kingdomof heaven. The commandments.
Edomites more specifically stand for and represent that Concerning the religious-totalitarian "king of the north"
class of men who have organized and carried on religion combine of our day Daniel’s prophecy, chapter eleven, verse
in the name of God and Christ, but who in truth and in forty-one, says: "He shall enter also into the glorious land,
fact have been and are the representatives of the Devil, the and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall
chief of the demons, and whoare hence a part of the Devil’s escape out of his hand, even EDOM,and MOAB, and the chief
organization. The Edomites, the offspring of Esau, therefore of the children of AMMOS."(For an exptanatmn of this
clearly stand for the modern-day official religious repre- verse of prophecy see page 359 herein.) But Jehovah will
sentatives of the Devil, to wit, the RomanCatholic Hier- not spare those three modern-day elements. Note His words
archy and their allies, the other clergy. Those clergymen to this effect:
whoorganized and carried on the so-eklled "Protestane¢ reli- ~’Concerning Edom, thus saith the LORD of hosts ; . . .
Non" are joined together with the RomanCatholic Hier- Also Edomshall be a desolation; every one that goeth by
archy; and it has been true since the World War of 1914- it shall be astonished, and shall hiss at all the plagues
1918 that this combined crowd has sought the death of the thereof. As in the overthrow of Sodomand Gomorrah, and
true followers of Christ Jesus. The clergy of the Catholic the neighbour cities thereof, saith the LORD,no man shall
and so-called "Protestant" organizations are vigorously abide there, neither shall a son of man dwell in it." (Jer.
working together at this day to destroy the true followers 49: 7, 17, 18) "Surely Moab [the modern Moabites, the
of the Lord. commercial traffickers] shall be as Sodom,and the children
The Abrahamie birthright privileges, as set forth at of Ammon [the political ruling element] as Gomorrah, even
Genesis 12 : 3 and 22 : 1"], 18, were claimed by the religious the breeding of nettles, and saltpits, and a perpetual deso-
clergy because they have always claimed to be the ones lation." (Zeph. 2 : 9) This is the judgment written against
favored of God. Jehovah foreknew that they would be un- them, and that judgment will be executed at Armageddon.
faithful and would fall away completely to demonism or Destruction shall come upon them by the superhuman
power, as in the case of the cities of Sodomand Gomorrah.
religion, and therefore he foretold such in the prophecies
concerning the Edomites. Jesus foretold that the Abrahamic As "that righteous man", Lot, fled from Sodom and was
birthright privileges concerning The Theocracy and as saved from the destruction that came upon those cities, so
held out to and claimed by the religious clergy would be the persons of good-will toward God and his Theocratic
taken away from them because they failed to bring forth the Government and who now flee to the place of safety he
fruits (the truth) of the Kingdomor The Theocratic Gov. provides under The Theocracy may be saved at Armaged-
eminent. (See Matthew 21:43-45.) It is only the clergy don. Manyof these persons of good-will are now under the
that, like Esau or Edom, have tried to compete Mth Jeho- dominating control of the political and commercial and
vah’s true servants for the Kingdomprivileges. This corre- religious elements; but by taking their stand firmly on the
side of Jehovah and his Theocracy they may escape to the
sponds exactly with Esau’s rivalry toward Jacob for the
birthright of his father. Esau tried to kill Jacob, and the place of safety. (2 Pet. 2 : 6-8 ; Gen. 19 : 15-29) Sodomand
modern-day Edomites likewise now try to kill and destroy Gomorrah were reduced to complete desolation, from which
there is no possibility of recovery; and so likewise the mod-
Jehovah’s true witnesses, pictured by Jacob. The prophecy
ern Moabites, Ammonitesand Edomites shall be destroyed,
of Obadiah shows that the modern-day religious Edomites and the place where they have inhabited shall be, as proph-
would enter into a conspiracy against the true followers esied, "even the breeding of nettles, and saltpits, and a per-
of Christ, the witnesses of Jehovah. The prophecy also re- petual desolation." Thereligious-totalitarian ruleandrul-
fers to the two other elements of Satan’s organization, the ers,the commercial robbers and those who have defied Jeho-
modern-day Moabites and Ammonites, which form "the vah God and his Theocracy, shall perish for ever at the
principal of the flock" of the religious clergy, and all of battle of Armageddon,as the prophecy declares.
AFTER "FAYTHER O’HOOLIGAN’S" ROOMS BOYCOTT meeting he asked for a phonograph. He works in the Public
"Jehovah’s witnesses making return visits on people in Assistance Institution and has got right inside with the
St. Louis, Mo., area are meeting with manyinteresting ex- lecture recordings, a thing we had never been able to do
periences, and, among other things, this feature is very before. He is now reaching people with the Kingdommes-
noticeable: Hundreds of the St. Louis people willingly tel1 sage to whomthe message had never been taken previously.
these Kingdom publishers calling upon them of the fine Both this man and his wife axe now regular publiqbera"
impression they have of the witnesses that roomed with
them during the Theocratic Assembly of Jehovah’s wit- CLERGY DEFIANCE OF SUPREME COURT RULING
nesses, August 6-10. Manyof these people tell the publish- "Here, in Bi]oxi, Miss., at 10 : 30 a~m., while I was plac-
ers of the kind and comforting letters they are receiving ing The Watchtower with two persons of good-will, a Cath-
from those witnesses who stayed with them during that olic priest named Frank Quinn (the same person who a year
convention. Someof the publishers making the back-call.q ago grabbed a petition blank from a publisher and also had
find that these letters which the out-of-town witnesses were his picture taken a short time ago heckling a publisher faith-
thoughtful enough to write have done much to break down fully doing his duty to the Lord) began to interfere by
misunderstanding and prejudice that existed in the minds telling those obtaining the magazines to not do so as these
of the people in the past, and have made it possible quite were JUNK,TRASH,etc. I told him to beat it as all knew he
often for the publishers to place additional literature with had on the robes of Baal and he was proving it by interfer-
the people and start some model studies." ing with my peaceful as well as lawful work of declaring
the Kingdomto those of good-will. Uponsnapping his pic-
IN A NEW YORK CITY APARTMENT HOUSE ture, as some of us whoare regular in the street work carry
’q~ghile I was inquiring for a man who had taken some a camera with us, he howled, yelling to an officer on the
literature from me at one time, a man on the second floor corner across the street to arrest the person with the camera.
heard my conversation downstairs and came down to find The officer arrested me and, upon appearance at the sta-
out if I was one of Jehovah’s witnesses. Then he asked me tion house, the officer was sent back to his post, the chief of
to come to his apartment. There he showed me a Bible with police taking charge. A question was asked, ’Why was
many scriptures marked. He said he and his wife were "Father" Quinn’s picture taken?’ I told chief of pqlice
studying the Bible with the book Rel~ion that we put out Albnzo Gabrich that it was good evidence to get pictures
and that he and his wife wanted to become Jehovah’s wit- of anyone interfering with one’s liberty. Then I told him
nesses. After this he told how his relatives were writing to seal the camera as evidence in the case. The chief of po-
mysterious letters to them from Canada. The l~ttars wero at ~ showed hlmaeIf to be a tool dominated by the
not clear because they seemed to try to convey something Hierarchy by destroying the camera, also striking me in
and yet were not directly on any certain subject, but just the face with his fist as several Catholic policemen grabbed
said they would like to tell them something but could not me, holding me so I could not defend myself, and the priest
write it’. Later his wife went to Canadato investigate what standing by watching. Threats to find ways or means to stop
they woul4 not write, and then she began to write the same me permanently from engaging in this work were also made,
way. So he went up to Canada to investigate, and he found the chief of police stating to another Jehovah’s witness
his folks and manyothers had quit the Catholic church and that I was to be arrested every time I was seen on the streets
were all Jehovah’s covenant people. All of them would meet with these magazines, on some charge or other, unti~ one was
quietly to study the Bible with Bible study helps. Because found that would fit, and that maybe I would resist arrest.
the mail was censored, they would not say too much in a As no charges were pressed against me, though I was held
letter. WhenI was making this call they had just gotten in jail six hours with nothing to eat or drink (until brought
back from Canada, and they were already trying to get their in by friends), I was released, the-policemen doing so laugh-
friends to study the Bible and become interested in the inK. The priest mentioned really broke the law by disturbing
truth. Twodays after this call he and Iris wife went out in the peace. Wewill be on the streets again Friday, armed
the service and did very well. They have already read part with the ’sword of the spirit’ and truth."
of Children and are very happy to learn the wonderful
"I noticed that the book Enemies and the booklet Co,~
FROM THE PIONEER HOME. COVENTRY, ENGLAND rpiraql Aqainst Democracy had been printed in Chinese.
"While engaging in the door-to-door work a publisher I ord~ tan Enem/e~ in Chinese and a supply of Co~-
met a gentleman and his son. They had reeentlFmoved from s~racy booklets. In two hours’ time I placed them among
Coventry. While in Coventry they had regularly observed the Chinese laundrymen around my home! I had expected
the pavement witnessing undertaken by the Coventry pio- some results, but these were far beyond my expectation. I
neers and company publishers. Whenthis call was made on am now going to order a larger supply and continue this
them they showed great interest and immediately accepted work. I think it would be a splendid idea to mention such a
the truth with considerable enthusiasm. The son has now work to the friends, not only in the Chinese language but
enrolled as a pioneer. One Sunday morning one of the pio- others. I presented Enemies and Conspiracy for a 25e con-
neers was working a road. This road had been worked the tribution, also leaving (if they take it) an English booklet.
previous day by mistake. He met a gentleman and com- About 50 percent of mycalls I placed this combination. The
menced a model study with him. Within two weeks literature does the talking, and very little I said. The main
man was witnessing from door to door, and at the service thing seemed to be, SHOW~O the literature."

r shallknow
thatI amJehovah:’
- F~eMel

DECEMBER15, 1941

DEMON RULEENDING(Part 7) ......... 371
"Peace" 372
Warnings ................... 374
Final Warning .............. 375
Other Pictures ..................... 377
Corroboration .......................... 378
TRIUMPH FORTHEOCRACY .................. 379
FIELDEXPERIENCES ............................. 383
INDEXFOR 1941 .............. 384
1942 CALENDAR............... 370
RETEE1942 YEARBOOK ..................... 370
"CONSOLATIONS’ ............................ 370
STUDIES.................. 38’2.
1 17 Adams Street
Brooklyn,N.Y., U. S. A.
T HIS Journal is published for the purpose of enablingthe
people to know Jehovah God and hl~ purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically de-
OFFIOERS signedto aid Jehovah’s wltnemmaand all peapleof good wilL
J. P. R~gO~.D, Pretldont W. E. V~ A~B~H, 8eoretary It axranges systematic Bible study for its readers and theSociety
"And ~11 thy children shell be taxuf~ht of Jehovah; and supplies otherliterature to aid in such studies. Kt publishes suit-
able material for radio broadcasting and for othe~ means of public
greet shall be the pe~ze of thy children." -Is,zi4k 54:z3. tnstructton in the Scriptures
THE $C.RIPTURES CLEARLYTEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
THATJEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting to It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
everlasting, the Maker of heaven mad earth and the Giver of life or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserve.
to his creatures ; that the loges was the beginning of his creation, tlon for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
and his active agent in the creation of ell things; that the Loges King. It is not dogmatic, but Invites careful and critical examina-
is now the Iord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in tion of its contents in the l~,ht of the Scriptures. It does not in-
heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Of Scer of Jehovah. dulge Lu controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon It; that man willfully dis- Ys’xBLY SU~SCIrPTION PgIcg
obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of
~INITID STATg8, $I.00; CANADA £1qD MIaCELLANg0US F01Lgl01f, $I.~0~
Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the right RF~T J~RITAIN,
¢~ snould lbe .A.UeTI~LAJlA, or SOUTH
made by ~-ostul AND F, zpre~~LrR1CA,
Money 68.
or by r~g-
to life. raft. Canad an, British, Sooth African and Atmtralaslan remittances
should tm made direct to the respective branch ofl~ces. Remittances from
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered countries other than thoN mentioned may be made to the Brooklyn orate,
deathin orderto producethe ransomor redemptive pricefor bug bl InterT~at~on~ Po4tal Money Order only.
obedient onesof mankind;thatGod raisedup Jesusdivineand
exalted himto heavenaboveeverycreature andaboveeveryname Foamox Omcas
andclothed himwithalll)owerandauthority. ~rf4~ 34 Craven Terrace, London, W.~, ~’ugland
THATJEHOVAH’SORGAHIZAT|ON is a Theocracy called Zion, O~t~d/~t .... 40 Irwin ~Lv~nue, Toronto ~, Ontario, Canada
and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the right- At~ttrula#~a~ __ T B4w~gord Road, Strathfleld. N. S. W., AuJtraUa
ful King of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of 8out~ A~l~=~ Buston House, Cap#Town,South Attica
Christ Jesus are children of Zion. membersof Jehovah’s organiza- l:Seaao address the Bo~etyin every case.
tion, and are his witnesse~ whoseduty and privilege it is to testify
to the supremacy of Jehovch, declare his purposes toward mankind
as expressed in the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the idngdom
before all who will hear.
THATTHE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jem~l Christ has
been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, has ousted .All ~neer~etude.neeof the Bible whob~"r~.n of inflrnflty, povertyor
Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the establishment of aavers4~yare unaole to pay ~e subscription price mayhave Tke~oteA-
rowe~ rr~ upon written appucationto the publishers, madeonce each
God’s ~,%~domon earth. year, stating the r~onfor so r equ~Ungit. Weare glad to thus aid the
neeay~ out the written tppllcauon once each year l~ required by the
THATTHERELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can p0staLregulations.
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, which 2geCkosto Bub#o~berl:Acknowledgment of a newor a renewal sub-
has now begun; that the lord’s next great act is the destruction scription will be sent only whenrequested. Changeof nddr~es~when
of Satan’s organization and the establishment of rtgl~teousneas In requested, mayb~ exp~tedto appearon address label within one month.
renewalblank (¢arryin~ notice of expiration) well be sent with the
the earth, and that under the kingdomthe people of good will that ~ourna~one monthMorethe eub~w.rtption~xpiros.
survive Armageddonshall carry out the divine mandate to "fill
the earth" with a righteous race. 7~n~ered
a~ seoo~d-ol~t#mottorat |k~ po~to,O~eat Brookl~,~. y.,
~der th~ AoI ol March$, ~STI.

"GREAT MULTITUDE" TESTIMONY PERIOD catin~ the line of activity of Jehovah’s blameless ones for each
Regardless of the incomingof winterthen,Decembermarks month of 1942, naming the special Testimony Periods and also the
anothermonth-long seasonof specialumtedactivityknownas special endeavors to be made during the intervening months. The
"GreatMultitude" Testimony Period. Thosepersonsof good-will contribution for this service calendar is 25o each, or $1.00 for
whoshallformpartof the"greatmultztude" of Armageddon sur- 5 copies mailed together to one address. Companies should send
v~vorsarenow quickly comingforthere thewintertime of Arma- m combination orders, with remittance to cover, through their
geddonsetsm on theworld,and theywill,in increasing numbers, local company servant.
take part with the remnantmembersm this unitedTestimony.
Allsuchareoordial]y invited to joinin putting m as manyhomes RE THE 194~ YEARBOOK
as possible theexcellent combination offerof thenewbookChil- Due to the uncertain and disrupted conditions on earth over
drenand the new booklet Comfort A~l That Mourn, on a contribu- which we have no control the information for the compilation of
tion of 25e. Weshall be glad to give references to any wanting a report of the work world-wide for the service year 1~40-1941 LS
to get in touch with and to co-operate w~th the nearest organized belated. Hence the production of the 1942 Yearbook of Jehovah’s
company of pubhshers of The Theocracy. At the elo~ o£ ~eeam- ~t~sses has been unavoidably held up, till after the beginning
bet the usual report on the full month’s activmes and results of the new esJendar year. Announcementof its publication will be
should be submitted. made ~hortly, and which report, we believe, will be well worth
waiting for.
l|4~t C,a T.~DAR
The text ch__c~_ for the year 1942, to wit, "Blameless in the ~CONSOLATION"
day of our Lord" (1 Cor. 1 : 8), provides tim theme for a ealendex Do you find enlightenment and joy in reading The Watch.
p~cture which is most befitting these days of deoiaion. Highly ~o~ert Then yo~ are oortain to find enjoyment and profit in
artLstie and novel, the picture clearly and eloquentl~ Beta out the reading it~ companion magazine, Co~sola~n, put out by the same
choice God’s oov~,,~tpeople mus~ make oon¢~n’mng tim /~..t pubHfhers. With many thousands Conao~atio~ serves a vztal and
issueof worlddomination. Beneath is a neatcalender pad,mdi- (Continued on page $8~)
15, 1941 NO.24



"’And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed;
a~d the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these
kingdoms, and it shall sta~ for ever."---Dc~u 2: 44.
EHOVAH has declared his purpose to set up his invisible to human eyes; but that wicked organiza-
J invincible and everlasting government, which is
TIts THEOCRACY,of Christ Jesus as King. His pur-
tion has a visible part on earth that operates amongst
men. In the great image that visible part is described
pose stands and cannot be removed. (Isa. 55 : 10, 11 in these words : "His legs of iron, his feet part of iron
46: 11) Every person now in a covenant with Jeho- and part of clay." (Dan. 2 : 33) The legs and feet are
vah knows that the above statement is absolutely always under, support and bear up and act under the
true. Every part of the prophecy which God caused direction of the head and other membersof the body
Daniel to write down is in exact harmony and mag- above the legs. The "head" pictures the real ruling
nifies these facts, to wit: That Satan, the enemy, has power, while the ’qegs" picture the visible elements
for centuries ruled the world in wickedness, and that of the organization of Satan on earth, which operate
Jehovah will set up his great government to be ad- and rule all the nations of the earth "at the time of
ministered by the righteous and beloved One, Christ the end". They are the world powers embracing all
Jesus, and that Jehovah’s government will literally those of the two kings, "the king of the north" and
and completely destroy Satan’s organization. Jeho- "the king of the south". (Dan. 11: 40) There are three
vah’s name will then be completely vindicated, and elements that operate together in carrying out the
his glory shall fill the wholeearth. visible rule of the earth, to wit : political, commercial
In the prophecy of Daniel 2 : 3145 description is and religious; and as subsidiary to these and a part
given of a "great image", which is a picture of Sa- of them all is the military and strong-arm squad.
tan’s organization and the various elements thereof The political or commercial elements are pictured by
by which he has ruled the world. (See The Watch- the iron legs and the iron that is in the feet. That
tower 1930, pages 227-233, 243-248, under the title which is pictured by the iron operates the military,
"’A Great Image".) Because Lucifer in the beginning which does the brealdng. The feet of the image ap-
uas clothed with authority by Jehovah God and pear as "part of iron and part of clay". Clay has
tlmreafter became the wicked one, Satan, the head the appearance of stone, and therefore in the picture
of that image picturing tile Devil’s organization, is it is a camouflage or fraudulent thing, because it
described as "gold". "Silver" of the image was used claims to be stone, likened unto the Lord, but is not.
to picture the princes of Satan’s organization that (Isa. 28: 16; 8: 14) It is the meansby which the peo-
operate next to him, such as Gog, his field marshal. ple are deceived. The "clay; of the image pictures
(Dan. 10: 13, 20; Ezek. 38: 2, 3) "Copper" of the religion; which means is employed under the d,rec-
image symbolizes the wicked angels or demons that tion of the invisible demons, and deceives and en-
operate by Satan’s direction, and which, as the traps the people. The feet include the ten toes, which
prophecy states, "bear rule over all the earth." Such are a part of the feet, and which are pictured as iron
are the demons now that have and exercise ruling smeared over with clay, that is, the religious element.
power over the nations of the earth. Satan being the "Ten" is a symbol of earthly completeness ; and hence
chief of demons, it is Satan, the princes and wicked the ten toes picture or represent the complete liat of
angels that are meant by the term "demon rule or all the nations of the earth which at "the time of the
rulers". It is against such demonpowers that, as is end" go totalitarian. Iron and clay have no real cleav-
stated in the Scriptures, the faithful supporters of ing together; and therefore well symbolize that in
THETHEOCRACY war at the present time. (Eph. 6: 12) due time there shall be a complete breaking up and
Up to this point in the prophetic image that which is separation of the political, commercial and religious
represented by the "gold", "silver," and "copper", is elements. The prophecy makes it clear that the un-
372 :gfieWATCHTOWER. N. Y.

derstanding of what this image represents "shall be in battle at the hands of "the king of the north". "The
in the latter days". (Dan. 2 : 28) That is the present king of the south" claims to be fighting for the sur-
time. All the prophecy of Daniel, therefore, nov, be- vival of democracies. "The king of the south" suffers
gins to clarify in the minds of those who love and complete defeat so far as its announced purpose is
serve JEI~OVAH. concerned, and that defeat is not in battle with "the
’ The text first above cited from Daniel 2 : 44 says : king of the north" by force of arms, but in this: All
"And in the days of these kings." What kings? The nations forming "the king of the south" become arbi-
answer is, the combined ruling powers of the earth, trary and totalitarian; and the facts show that that
all the kings of the earth, including both "the north" is now practically accomplished. All these nations
and "the south", described in the eleventh chapter becomingtotalitarian, the liberties of the people com-
of the prophecy. At the time when these kings are pletely disappear, and the people are regimented and
ruling they announce their purpose to rule the earth, controlled in all matters. The nations composing "the
that is, to exercise world domination contrary to king of the south" manifestly have reasoned that they
Jehovah God. They are therefore in complete opposi- must adopt the totalitarian system in order to suc-
tion to THETHEOCRACY. "In the days of these kings cessfully fight against the "Axis powers". All admit
shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom." What is that regardless of the result of the present war the
that kingdom which the God of heaven sets up? It is nations will never return to the former method of
Tile THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT, which is the govern- rule. Thus it will be seen that Satan accomplishes his
ment of Jehovah God by Christ Jesus, His King. purpose to drive all nations into the dictatorial camp.
Christ Jesus is now enthroned; hence THE THEOC- As the visible world power began with Nimrod, the
aACYhas come; and all the kings of earth are arrayed dictator of Babylon, which name stands for Satan’s
against THE THEOCr~ACY, and this will become more "woman"or organization (Rev. 17 : 1-5), so in these
pronounced in the very near future. Will THETHEOC- last days the visible world powers have all become
aACY, Jehovah’s kingdom, be able to withstand the dictatorial under Satan’s organization, and hence all
opposition of Satan’s organization ? Concerning THE are properly called "Babylon the great"; that is, na-
THEOCRACY,his kingdom, Jehovah says : "Which shall tions composing the entire earthly organization.
never be destroyed." It is the "everlasting kingdom". "And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying,
(Dan. 7 : 27) It is invincible and shall stand forever. Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become
Satan, the arch demon, has always operated his the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul
organization by wicked angels and demonized men, spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
and always contrary to the will of God. Concerning For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath
THE THEOCRACY Jehovah says: "And the kingdom of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have
shall not be left to other people." No one in Satan’s committed fornication with her, and the merchants
crowd will have anything to do with that kingdom. of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance
T}IE THEOCRACY shall be forever ruled from heaven of her delicacies." (Rev. 18 : 2, 3) Thus the Lord iden-
by Christ Jesus; and those on earth who are repre- tities those who are of "Babylon".
sentatives of that government will execute the judg-
ments heretofore written. (Isa. 32:1) There will "PEACE"
no politics, commerceor religion in THETHEOCRACY. Will the present world conttict between the "Axis
Howwill TH~. TH~.OCRACY affect the kingdoms of Sa- powers" and the so-called "democracies", the oppos-
tan’s organization ? Of THET~EOCRACY Jehovah says ers, end in a decisive victory for either side? The
in this prophecy: "It shall break in pieces and con- prophecy indicates the contrary result ; and since we
sume all these kingdoms," that is, the ruling powers have no way of determining the future save by the
of Satan. That means the end of demonrule for ever, prophecy of God, as set forth in the Bible, we know
because Jehovah says of THE THEOCRACY: "And it that that way is correct. All the prophecies and the
shall stand for ever." Return now to the considera- present-day facts indicate that the contending na-
tion of the prophecy of Daniel as related to "the king tions will before long enter into some sort of peace
of the north" and "the king of the south", as set forth treaty. It is quite manifest that the religious element
in the eleventh chapter of that prophecy. of these belligerent nations now plays a double role,
’ As heretofore stated, after verse forty of that with the expectation of being the leader or chief ele-
prophecy "the king of the south" disappears from ment sitting at the peace conference or peace table.
the prophetic picture. Nowherein the prophecy does On September 4, 1941, while this was being written,
it appear that "the king of the north", that is, the the New York Journal-American and other papers
"Axis powers", shall be victorious in the present war published the following pertinent statements, to wit:
between the two "kings", nor does the prophecy in- "Pope ready to sit at peace parley." "Pope will seek
dicate that "the king of the south" will suffer defeat a peace to last through the ages." ’It is the constant
DECEMBER15, 1941 fffieWATCHTOWEI 373

hope and hourly prayer of Pope Plus XII, the leader trouble the "Axis powers", but greatly disturb all
of the RomanCatholic Christendom .... He is con- that form a part of the totalitarian rule of the earth
sidering offering the Vatican as the site of the peace and of all the people whoput their faith in that totali-
conference. If there are objections or difficulties some tarian ruling power of the earth. It therefore appears
other edifice might be offered. It is not beyond the that this part of the prophecy has not yet had com-
realm of possibility that one of the Catholic cathe- plete fulfillment, but that it is in course of fulfillment,
drals of even a United States city might be honored.’ and this, in the light of other prophecy, seems to
Catholic priests at public functions recently have ad- clearly indicate what will be the result. First let
vocated that the pope should be the chief delegate "the east" and "the north", from whence come the
at the peace conference. The president of the United disturbing reports, be identified.
States has recently sent again his personal ambas- ~° "The north," named in this part of the prophecy,
sador to the Vatican. The purpose is obvious. As both refers to the position of Almighty God, JEHOVMt,
sides, "the king of the north" and "the king of the and this is definitel:~ madeto appear from the Scrip-
south", are working to the same end, world domina- tures. Zion, Jehovah’s capital organization, is the
twn, bottl will see the necessity quite soon of making place of his habitation and which is described in the
some arrangement, and it may be expected that the Scriptures as "on the sides of the north". "For the
RomanCatholic Hierarchy will take a leading part LORDhath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his
in that peace conference. habitation. This is myrest for ever : here will I dwell ;
’ From other scriptures it is certain that in the for I have desired it." (Ps. 132: 13, 14) "Beautiful
near future the religious element will take the lead for situation, the joy of the whole [new] earth, is
in announcing to the world, to wit, "Peace and mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the
safety !" Whenthe anticipated peace conference as- great King."--Ps. 48:2.
sembles, the Hierarchy of the RomanCatholic system ’~ The Beloved Son of Jehovah, Christ Jesus, is
will be prominent there and, being looked upon as the King of The TttEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT, which
the spiritual advisers of tile nations, and being the Jehovah God has created, raised up, and put in oper-
demons’ chief instrmnent to hoodwink the people, ation to rule the world in righteousness. It is from the
will perform an important part in the conference. throne of Jehovah that The THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT
Whenthe peace treaty is signed, the pope will receive has come forth to carry out his purpose. Therefore
the greatest amount of credit for having brought it Jehovah says, as is set down in the prophecy: "I
about. That peace treaty is almost certain to pro- have raised up one from the north, and he shall come:
claim what is now called "The NewOrder in Europe", from the rising of the sun shall he call upon my
"The New League of Nations," for which the pope name; and he shall come upon princes as upon
has been praying. That will be the full consummation morter, and as the potter treadeth clay." (Isa. 41 : 25)
of ’the abomination that maketh desolate standing This scripture also identifies Christ Jesus as the One
where it ought not to stand’, claiming the right and referred to by the word "east", or "the sunrising".
authority of world dominion or world domination. ’~ Jehovah God is the great Judge, the Supreme
(Mark 13: 14) Then all the nations of earth will Judge, and He has appointed Christ Jesus to judge
under the "beast", that is, that totalitarian monstros- the world and has given him power to execute all
ity that arbitrarily rules, and all the people will be judgment. Note, therefore, that Jehovah says of him-
required to hail tile "beast". Upon the back of the self and of Christ Jesus : "Let us come near together
"beast", s~znbolically speaking, the religious element, to judgment. Who raised up the righteous man
the leader, will ride. (Rev. 17 : 3-7) Then the procla- [Christ Jesus, the Sun of righteousness, before whom
mation of world peace by that combined ruling pow- all the nations are assembled] from the east, called
er, particularly the religious element, will be made. him to his foot, gave the nations before him [see
That peace will be of very brief duration, as the Psalm 2:6-9], and made him rule over kings? He
Scriptures indicate : "For when they shall say, Peace [Christ Jesus, the King and Judge upon his throne]
and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon gave them as the dust to his sword, and as driven
them, as travail upon a womanwith child; and they stubble to his bow. He pursued them, and passed
shall not escape." (1 Thess. 5: 3) Relating to this safely; even by the way that he had not gone with his
same time, the prophecy of Daniel says: feet. Whohath wrought and done it, calling the gen-
8 "But tidings out of the east and out of the north erations from the beginning? I the LOAD,the first,
shall trouble him; therefore he shall go forth with and with the last; I am he."~Isa. 41: 1-4.
great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away ~’ Throughout the prophetic Scriptures the term
many."--Dan. 11 : 44. ’%east" is used to denote government. Jehovah gave
The "tidings", or "reports", which the prophecy his word that he would raise up a righteous govern-
says come from the east and the north, not only ment that would destroy all unrighteousness, that is

to say, Satan’s entire organization and power. That ganization. Christ Jesus was prefigured by Cyrus
righteous government has for its King Christ Jesus, of Persia, whereas Jehovah, the Almighty God, was
and the Scriptures describe Christ Jesus as coming prefigured by Darius the Mede, of Medo-Persia. It
from the east or sunrising. Jehovah’s purpose can- is the Almighty God, Jehovah, and Christ Jesus as
not be revoked or set aside; hence we know that King that sent forth the message which troubles the
Jehovah, having announced his purpose, is certain to enemy. Those tidings constitute a warning from
perform it ; and concerning this he says : "Remember Jehovah that Armageddon is about to be fought. The
the former things of old: for I am God, and there is Devil knowsthis, and his cohorts are madeto knowit.
none else; I am God, and there is none like me. De-
claring the end from the beginning, and from ancient WARNINGS
times the things that are not yet done, saying, My 1~ It was in 1927 that the Lord by his sixth angel
counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure; poured out his "vial" upon the great river Euphra-
calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that tes, "that the way of the kings of the east [kings
executeth my counsel from a far country ; yea, I have who are from the Sun-rising (Diaglott)] might be
spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have pur- prepared." (Rev. 16:12; also see Light, Book One,
posed it, I will also do it."--Isa. 46: 9-11. page 160; Book Two, page 36) "The kings of the
1, It is Jehovah, the Almighty God, who promotes east [or, sunrising]" here mentioned are Christ Je-
the righteous and brings to destruction the wicked. sus and the glorified, resurrected members of his
Note that in Psalm 75 is written this proof: "For body, and are the same as that mentioned by Daniel
promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from as "out of the east". (Dan. 11:44) That message
the west, nor from the south: but God [in Zion; his poured out, above mentioned, was a warning, and
throne is on the side of the north] is the judge; he it was poured out upon the peoples, repres(’nted by
putteth down one, and setteth up another."--Ps. the river Euphrates, and was there referring to Sa-
75: 6, 7. tan’s organization, and particularly the religious ele-
15 Lucifer was a bright and shining one in Jeho- ment thereof. Satan knewthen that his time is short,
vah’s organization at one time, before he rebelled. and prepared for the final showdown; and therefore
Ite recognized "the north" as the place of highest au- he and his horde of demons, and demon-controlled
thority, therefore the seat of Jehovah God. With representatives on earth, busy themselves to prepare
wicked covetousness in his heart Lucifer, thereafter for Armageddon; and concerning this it is written,
known as Satan, said: "For thou hast said in thine in Revelation 16: 13, 14, 16: "And I saw three un-
heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my clean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of
throne above the stars of God; I will sit also upon the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast,
the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they
north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go
I will be like the Most High."---Isa. 14: 12-14. forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole
16 WhenSatan put forth his totalitarian rule with world, to gather them to the battle of that great (lay
Nimrod in the saddle that organization took the name of God Almighty. And he gathered them together in-
"’the king of the north", and a like organization has to a place called in the Hebrewtong-ae Armageddon."
borne the name since, manifestly because always in 1~ Since the coming of Christ Jesus to the temple
opposition to THF~ THEOCRACY. The organization his faithful servants have been sent forth by }tim
designated "the king of the south" served to hold to offer "an offering in righteousness", and by this
in line the peoples who desired freedom of self- they have been used to sound out the message of
government. Nowin these last days "the king of the warning of the approaching wrath of God, that is,
south" has fallen completely under demon rule and the battle of Armageddon. A great educational cam-
all nations have becometotalitarian, all of the con- paign by Jehovah’s witnesses, under the direction of
tending factions fighting for world domination, and the Lord, has been carried on to serve such warning
all against Jehovah and his King. The tidings or re- to the people and to the rulers; but how much heed
ports that "trouble him", as stated in Daniel 11:44, has been given to such warnings it is not possible
could not possibly come from "the king of the south" for anyone to now tell. Such warnings have been re-
or any other earthly organization. Both the ’~kings" peatedly sounded during the past ten )ears. At
are totalitarian, and are from this point on pictured Columbus, Ohio, convention in 1937 the slogan of
as one. Jehovah’s servants at that time was taken from
"From whence do the troublesome "reports" Obadiah 1, and was heralded throughout the land, to
come? Manifestly those reports or tidings come from wit: "Thus saith the Lord God concerning Edom
Jehovah and Christ Jesus. Whatever those reports [religionists, whom’the king of the north’ does not
are, they greatly disturb the totalitarian earthly or- touch], We have heard a rumour from the LORD,and
15, 1941 ffSeWATCHTOWER. 375

an ambassador is sent among the heathen [nations], heed to it, and that warning not only will trouble
Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle." them but will frighten them beyond description. Says
These warnings have been very shocking to the reli- the Lord: "An end, r~E ENDis come upon the four
gious susceptibilities of the great religious institu-
corners of the land. Nowis the end come upon thee,
tions, but the RomanCatholic religious system, led and I will send mine anger upon thee, and will judTe
by the Hierarchy, continue to say: %Vhenthe over- thee according to thy ways, and will recompense upon
ttowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come thee all thine abominations. And mine eye shall not
[mgh] unto us" (Isa. 28: 15); thus indicating that spare thee, neither will I have pity ; but I will recom-
even though the warning has disturbed them and pense thy ways upon thee, and thine abominations
frightened them they do not believe what the warn- shall be in the midst of thee; and ye shall know that
ing contains. A warning specifically directed to the I am the LoRn."~Ezek. 7: 1-4.
dictator of Germany was sounded by Jehovah’s serv- ’~ Just how and when the final warning will be
ants March 25, 1934, and another on October 7, 1934. given by the Lord no man can now tell, but it seems
The dictator may have been disturbed, but he gave no reasonable that the Lord will use his faithful cove-
outward evidence of giving heed thereto. nant people that are on the earth to have some part
"° Fronl London, in the message "Face the Facts", in sounding that final warning. That warning will be
delivered September 11, 1938, a warning was specif- so absolutely emphatic that all the nations of the
ically given to the RomanCatholic Hierarchy and earth will know it. It seems that such warning must
to the dictatorial government, the totalitarian mon-
be sounded shortly after the "Peace and safety"
strosity, "the king of the north." At that same time proclamation is made known by the ’desolating
the slogan was proclaimed, "Religion is a snare and abomination’ crowd. The words here appear appro-
a racket." June 25, 1939, from Madison Square Gar- priate to him, the totalitarian "beast": ’%at not his
den, NewYork, again the warning was sounded, and hoar head go downto the grave in peace." (1 Ki. 2: 6)
particularly to the religious and totalitarian ele-
The Lord’s warning will trouble the head of every
lnents. It appears that such warning angered the reli- one whohas to do with the ’desolating abomination’.
gionists and allies forming the totalitarian ruling
--Ps. 110 : 6.
power. The message set out in the books Enemies "For some time God’s "strange work" has been
and Religion contained warnings to the religious, in progress, and it appears that the same is now
political and commercial combine that now rule the about done and, when it is done, Jehovah’s "strange
earth contrary to God’s will. Such warnings have act" takes place. The "strange work" has been a warn-
been sounded by Jehovah’s witnesses and compan- ing to all, and particularly to those who insist on
ions, and, without doubt, under the direction of the exercising world domination in defiance of JEHOVAH
Lord, but the totalitarian combinestill regards Jeho- and his THEOCRATmGOWR~ENT.Those repeated
vah’s witnesses as a sect of religionists, which will warnings the totalitarian rulers and all who are bent
soon pass out. These witnesses, like a swarm of lo- upon world domination have scorned. To such Jeho-
custs, worry the would-be rulers and allies ; but none vah says: ’Wait until the day when I rise up to the
of these appear to be the "tidings out of tile east andprey’; that is, until the hour when the Lord begins
out of the north", mentioned by Daniel, that trouble the execution of his "strange act". It seems that just
the totalitarian rulers and allies.--Dan. 11:44. then, after the Lord does rise up, he will give such
an emphatic warning that the combined rulers that
FINAL WARNING form the ’desolating abomination’ will be compelled
~1 It appears that the totalitarian combine are not to hear and to give heed and it will cause them to
convinced that the warning sounded by Jehovah’s tremble in their boots. And what will be the final
witnesses emanates from the Lord; but mark this: effect of that emphatic warning from the Lord ? and
Jehovah caused his prophet Ezekiel to record in what will the totalitarian rulers do?
sixty-four different places and times in that proph- *’"He [totalitarian rulers] shall go forth with
ecy this statement concerning the totalitarian com- great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away
bine: "And ye shall know that I am the LORDthat many," says the prophecy of Daniel. (11: 44) By the
smiteth." (Ezek. 7 : 9) (See V~ndwatwn, Book Three, time that "Peace and safety" proclamation is an-
under index referring to "They shall know the nounced the totalitarian, demonized rulers will con-
Lord".) "The end [that is, the FInaL ~.ND] shall be at clude that everything on the earth is well in hand,
the time appointed"; and it appears from the proph- and that Jehovah’s witnesses and companions are
ecy that just preceding the final ~.NDthe Lord sends safely tucked away. But when the emphatic message
forth tidings, or reports, that constitute such a for- is heard by them from ’the north and the east’, that
cible warning that the crowd that has set up the is, from Jehovah and Christ Jesus, the demomzed
"abomination of desolation" will be compelled to give ruling elements will conclude that they must corn-

pletely rid the earth of Jehovah’s witnesses. All he shall come to his end, and none shall help him."
others of the earth are under control; hence it is --Dan. 11 : 45.
Jehovah’s servants that are marked for utter de- ’° The demonized rulers, determined to "stay put"
struction according to the prophecy. and to control the earth, "plant" their tents between
’~ The question at issue is : Tm~THEOCmmY against "the seas" (that is, the people in general) and those
the ’desolating abomination’, Whoshall rule ? All na- who are wholly devoted to THETHEOCRACY, and which
tions are now against THETH~.OC~CY.Only the rem- latter are described in the prophecy as "the glorious
nant and their companions advocate THE THEOCmmYholy mountain". (Young’s) It is that glorious holy
and proclaim it to the people. Following the totali- mountain, or kingdom, which shall be exalted above
tarian announcement of "Peace and safety", and all things of the earth. (Isa. 2: 2, 3) That glorious
when the remnant and ever-increasing number of the mountain is TH~. THEOCRACY, including the remnant
"other sheep" of the Lord vociferously hail TH~. on the earth at the time of Armageddon. Having been
THEOCRACY and its King, that may be the signal for alienated from God by reason of the hypocrisy and
tile demonized rulers to go forth with great heat, influence of religionists, the people in general which
maliciously determined to wipe out all advocates of bear up and support the totalitarian, ruling power
tile THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT. Shall that heated fury are designated as "the seas". It appears that in the
of the combined demonized rulers frighten Jehovah’s last desperate stand the religionists, or demonized
covenant people and cause them to yield? or will they rulers, will attempt to prevent any and all in the
hold fast their integrity? JEHOVAH speaks to his cove- "seas" from coming forth and fleeing to the "glorious
nant people in this connection: "I, even I, am he that holy mountain", which is The THEOCRATIC GOVERN-
comforteth you; who art thou, that thou shouldest ~E~rT. It maybe that at this point the Lord will open
be afraid of a man that shall die, and of the son of the eyes of multitudes, who will escape and find ref-
man which shall be made as grass; and forgettest uge under THE THEOCm~OY. The enemy, the totali-
the LORDthy maker, that hath stretched forth the tarians, will fight desperately and furiously, but ’he
heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth?" shall find no help’.
--Isa. 51 : 12, 13. " That battle of the great day of God Almighty
,6 The faithful will stand still and see the power of
will bring the demons’ rule to its final end. That
Almighty God by Christ Jesus exercised in their be- battle is not to be fought between "the king of the
half and for their salvation. The true servants of north" and "the king of the south", because at that
THETHEOCRACY will hold fast their integrity. Such time all nations will be absorbed into the demon-
is the crucial testing time and, like the faithful men controlled totalitarian rule. The great and final fight
of old, the faithful of the present time will stand firm is the battle of Armageddon, in which Christ Jesus,
and unmovable and blameless before the Lord. the glorious King, makes war upon all the forces
~’ To his faithful servants Jehovah speaks: "Out of Satan, both visible and invisible. The totalitarians’
of the north an evil shall break forth upon all the structure is what is now called "the new World
inhabitants of the land. And I will utter my judg- Order", "the new League of Nations"; and those rul-
ments against them. touching all their wickedness, ers expect it to endure forever. The RomanCatholic
who have forsaken me, and have burned incense unto Hierarchy claims that it is founded on the rock and
other gods, and worshipped the works of their own beyond the reach of the gates of hell. (Matt. 16: 18)
hands." (Jer. 1:14, 16) "And I looked, and behold, But let those who have faith in God be assured that
a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and all the plantings of the demon-controlled world, in-
a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about cluding religion, politics and commerce, have been
it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, done contrary to Jehovah’s will, and without his ap-
out of the midst of the fire."--Ezek. 1 : 4. proval, and concerning which Jesus says: "Every
~8 It is Christ Jesus, the glorious King of THE plant which my heavenly Father hath not planted,
THEOCRACY, that executes Jehovah’s judgment upon shall be rooted up." (Matt. 15: 13) That totalitarian,
the enemy. Thus the disturbing "tidings" and the de- demonrule is the house of the wicked one, and at the
s truction upon demonized rulers come from the north battle of Armageddonshall suffer complete destruc-
and from the east. (Ezek. 43: 2, 3) The last desperate tion, while THETHEOCRACY shall endure forever : "The
effort put forth by the demonized rulers, the com- house of the wicked shall be overthrown ; but the tab-
bined totalitarian dictators, to destroy TH~. TH".OC- ernacle of the upright shall flourish." (Prov. 14: 11)
aACYand to rule the earth contrary to God’s purpose Desperately shall the wicked fight for existence.
will be put forth. Will that effort of the totalitarians ’" "Yet he [demonized ruling powers of the earth]
succeed ? shall come to his end, and none shall help him." All
~’ "And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace the commercial powers of the earth, including the
between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet wealth of the Vatican, will be of no help against the
15, 1941 NIeWATCHTOWER. 377

forces of THE t~IlgO OF THE THEOCRACY: "For the"the king of the north" and "tile king of the south"
Egyptians shall help in vain, and to no purpose; will be living, going concerns, and active and, while
therefore have I cried concerning this, Their strength thus living, will be destroyed by T~El(I~-C. OF TttE
is to sit still." (Isa. 30: 7) "Nowthe Egyptians are THEOCRACY, as stated, to wit: "And the beast was
men, and not God; and their horses flesh, and not taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought
spirit. Whenthe LORD shall stretch out his hand, both miracles before him, with which he deceived them
he that helpeth shall fall, and he that is holpen shall that had received the mark of the beast, and them
fall down, and they all shall fail together." (Isa. that worshipped his image. These both were cast
31:3) "And they shall know that I am the LORD, alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone."
when I have set a fire in Egypt, and when all her (Rev. 19:20) This is another picture marking the
helpers shall be destroyed."--Ezek. 30: 8. end of demonized rule.
~ The Devil, the chief of demons, and all of his s, All prophecies of God set downin the Scriptures
demonforces shall be of no help in that great fight. are in exact harmony and entirely consistent. Each
It is the time when JEHOVAH SHOWS his supreme pow- one makes known the development of some part of
er, as he promised (Ex. 9: 16) ; and that power noth- Jehovah’s purpose. The meaning of these prophecies
ing can resist. Thus the end for ever of Nazi-Fascist- the Lord reveals to his faithful people in his own
Hierarchy rule will come, and that will mark the end due time and for their aid and comfort. Another
for ever of demon rule. prophecy disclosing the end of demonrule is that set
~’ It is in the days of these dictatorial powersthat down at 2 Chronicles 20th chapter. That prophecy
oppress the people and persecute all who serve THE is considered in detail in The Watchtower of July 1
THEOCRACY,all of these kings of the earth described and 15, 1938. Briefly attention is here directed to it.
by Daniel’s prophecy, that the God of heaven will 88 Jehoshaphat, whose name means "Jehovah Vin-
bring into action his kingdom, which he has builded dicated", was the king of Israel, the typical covenant
up, that blessed kingdom, THE THEOCRACY. All whopeople of .Jehovah. As king he pretigured Chmst
serve under that kingdom must be righteous; there- Jesus, the King of THETHEOCRACY, who is the vin-
fore none of the worldly crowd now knownshall have dicator of Jehovah’s name. The nations Ammon,
any part in it. THETHEOCRACY is the everlasting king-Moab and Mount Seir, in the order named, pictured
dom. Christ Jesus the King is pictured in Daniel’s the political, commercial and religious elements that
prophecy (chapter two) as a "stone . . . cut out" form the visible governing powers of the dictatorial
Jehovah’s universal organization, which destroys all or totalitarian state. Those three nations conspired
demonrule and every vestige thereof. That glorious together to bring about the destruction ot" Jehovah’s
TtIEOCRACY shall "break in pieces and consume all typical people, and with that malicious purpose they
these [demonized] kingdoms, and it shall stand for marched into the land of Palestine to make their de-
ever".--Dan. 2: 44, 45. structive attack. The Israelites were entirely unable
to repel that attack alone, even as the repre~-entatives
OTHER PICTURES of THETHEOCRACY now on earth could not poss,bly
~5 Further confirming the conclusion that neither repel the attack of the totalitarian powers. God,
’the king of the north" nor "the king of the south" through his prophet, sent a message to the Isra(d-
will win a decisive victory in the conflict nowraging ires, to wit: ’Be not afraid by reason of this great
between them for world domination, take note of the multitude; the battle is not yours, but God’s.’ A hke
prophetic picture set forth at Revelation 19:19, to situation obtains at Armageddon. The Israehtes
wit : "And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, marched in force to meet the enemy, singing as they
and their armies, gathered together to make war went the praises of JEHOVAH.Then the Lord set an
against him that sat on the horse, and against his ambushment against the enemy, and they were smit-
army." ten. Ammonand Moab destroyed first those of Mount
~" This pictures all the forces of demonrule in bat- Seir, and then destroyed each other. The Israelites
tle array against the ICing of THETHEOCRACY. The struck not a blow, but they saw the work of the Lord,
"beast" there mentioned symbolizes the demonized and returned with songs of praise to his name.
rule of the earth, represented particularly in the a, The antitypical monstrosity pictured by Ammon,
"Axis powers", and which will include all the kings Moaband Mount Seir is the totalitarian combine now
and nations of the earth finally. The "false prophet" insisting upon world domination. As to the time of
there mentioned particularly pictures the nations the complete fulfillment of this part of the prophecy,
that claim to be fighting for democracy in proclaim- it appears that all the nations, which will have gone
ing the rights of the people, but which in fact contend totalitarian, will at the time be at peace, apparently.
for world domination for selfish reasons. Therefore They will all be engaged in the same thing. The cry
it appears that at the battle of Armageddon both by them, "Peace and safety l" will be made. As Daniel
N. Y.

says, they then hear the tidings from God and Christ, lords, and King of kings ; and they that are with him
or "the north" and "the east", that give them great are called, and chosen, and faithful."---Rev. 17:14.
trouble, and their combined forces march out to de- ’~ This prophecy of Revelation then identifies "the
stroy all that stand for THE THEOCI~CY.Jehovah waters . . . where the whore sitteth" as the peoples
gives the command,and Christ Jesus, the King, with of the earth, which Daniel describes as "the sea" and
his host of heaven, moves into action. The battle of which "the whore" attempts to keep away from THE
the great day of God Almighty is on! The result is THEOCa~CY. That same Devil system pictured by the
the destruction of demonized rule, particularly of woman"reigneth over the kings of the earth". (Rev.
~t.ligion first, after which follows the destruction of 17 : 15, 18) The prophecy describes what follows, and
all other elements that oppose and fight against THE which description is in exact harmony with 2 Chron-
]’ttEOCRACY. icles 20th chapter. The "ten horns" (the political and
commercial elements of the totalitarian rule) seeing
CORROBORATION that the religious element of that combine is a fraud
’° The Lord Jesus Christ uttered the great proph- and a snare and that they have been duped, God puts
ecy of Revelation. Attention is here directed to the it in their hearts to fulfill his will. (Rev. 17: 16, 17)
seventeenth chapter, which discloses the end of reli- They turn against the religious element and, like a
gion, and the chapter that follows shows the complete great scourge, destroy her, even as Jehovah, by his
destruction of all who oppose THET~r~OCRACY. Stu- prophet, elsewhere describes, to wit : "And your cove-
dents of divine prophecy know that Revelation is nant with death shall be disannulled, and your agree-
written in symbols. Satan’s organization, in the ment with hell shall not stand ; when the overflowing
seventeenth chapter, is pictured by a woman and scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden
designated in that prophecy "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE down by it." (Isa. 28: 18) Thus Jehovah God makes
knownto his faithful servants his purpose to destroy
OF THEEA_aTH".She gives birth to the totalitarian every vestige of Satanic rule.
monster as well as to all other wicked organizations. ’* Those who love the great THEOCaAT and his King
"Beast," in the prophecy, symbolically stands for now see why these prophecies were written long ago
visible ruling powers that attempt to gain world and why the meaning thereof is now revealed. The
doinination and which at times rule. (Rev. 17:8) great Jehovah from the beginning knew the trying
That "beast" of verse eight appeared in the form of and testing times that would come to his covenant
the League of Nations, and which has now been suc- people at the end, and therefore he caused to be writ-
ceeded by or shortly will be completely succeeded by ten all these prophecies, and concerning which his
all the nations of earth gone totalitarian. The woman, faithful apostle says: "For whatsoever things were
described in the prophecy as riding on the back of the written aforetime were written for our learning, that
beast, stands for the RomanCatholic Hierarchy, the we through patience and comfort of the scriptures
chief religious system or abomination that dominates might have hope."--Rom. 15 : 4.
the earth, and all other religions that join with her. ,8 Jehovah’s servants are nowfacing a crucial test.
She is described in the prophecy as the "whore" be- They must hold fast their integrity, if they are to re-
cause of her hypocritical claim to represent the Lord ceive protection and life and for ever enjoy the bless-
God and Christ and at the same time mixing up with ings of The THEOCRATICGOVERNMENT. The Lord
and forming a part of Satan’s organization. (Rev. caused his faithful apostle long ago to write a mes-
17: ], 2) (See James 4:4.) "Ten" is a number sym- sage to those servants of God who should be on the
bolic of earthly completeness ; and therefore the "ten earth at the time of the end. God’s people are there
horns" or ’~kings" mentioned in the prophecy stand informed that they must now be at complete unity
for all the nations of the earth, which nations at the and all of one mind, that is, all completely for THE
time of the end become totalitarian. All of these, THEOCRACY. Hence this message to them: "So that
therefore, give their power and strength to the ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of
"beast", that is to say, to the totalitarian system of our Lord Jesus Christ; who shall also confirm you
rule, the beastly, demondominating power. ’All these unto the end, that ye may be BLAMELESS IN THE
have one mind’ (Rev. 17 : 13) ; that is to say, all have DAYOF OURLORDJesus Christ. God is faithful,
one purpose and are using their means to fight against by whomye were called unto the fellowship of his
THE THEOCRACY and to destroy all who advocate THE Son Jesus Christ our Lord. NowI beseech you, breth-
THEOCRATIC GOWRN~EN~. "The Lamb" is Christ Je- ren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye
sus, the King of TH~. THEOCm~CY, and all who are all speak the same thing, and that there be no divi-
with him support THE THEOCU~CY: "These [all the sions amongyou; but that ye be perfectly joined to-
totalitarian nations] shall make war with the Lamb, gether in the same mind, and in the same judgment."
and the Lamb shall overcome them; for he is Lord of --1 Cor. 1 : 7-10.
"STAND FAST FOR THE THEOCRACY I It but let them not turn again to folly." (Ps. 85 : 8) "The
will be folly to now turn to the beggarly totalitarian LoRD will give strength unto his people; the LORD
ruling elements. Give ear always to what the Lord will bless his people with peace."--Ps. 29: 11.
says : "I will hear what God the LORDwill speak ; for
he will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints ; END


E great Theocrat created man in his own image and Eden the garden of God; ever3" precious stone was thy
T~p ut him on the earth. Ite put man in the garden of
Eden to dress and keep it. (Note Genesis 1:28 and
eovering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl,
the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the
2:15.) God thereby made the perfect man a part of his carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and
great universal organization and commanded that man of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast
should remain always in harmony with his Creator and his created." He was therefore a light-bearer and clothed with
fixed laws. That there are various divisions of God’s uni- power and authority.
versal organization is certain from the Scriptures. Godcreated the beasts of the field and the fowls of the
The beginning of God’s creation was his beloved Son, air and brought them before Adamand caused him to give
called "The Logos" or "The Word", and thereafter all each one a name, and they were subject to Adam. (See
thin~ creatcd were created by The Logos as the deputy Genesis 1: 28; 2: 19, 20.) Since Lucifer was invisible over-
of JehovahGod. (Roy. 3 : 14 ; Col. 1 : 15 ; John 1: 1-3) "By lord of Adam,it follows that all these beasts of the field
him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are and fowls of the air were under his superior supervision.
in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or Lucifer was undoubtedly the most beautiful in appear-
dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were ante of all creatures in his immediate orgamzation which
created by him, and for him : and he is before all thin~, and God had provided for Lucifer. Ite had much, but he coveted
by him all things consist. Andhe is the head of the body, more, and by reason thereof he became the great enemy of
the church: who is the beginning, the first born from the God. (Jer. 51:18) Being made perfect and beautiful and
dead; that in all things he might have the pre-eminence. being given a commission of great authority he was duty-
For it pleased the Father [Jehovah] that in him [Christ bound to be wholly loyal to God. Lucifer became lawless,
Jesus] should all fulness dwell."--Col. 1 : 16-19. and from that time he was God’s enemy : "Thou wast perfect
This establishes beyond a question of doubt that in God’s in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till imq-
organization there are thrones, dominions, principalities, uity was found in thee." (Ezek. 28:15) "Iniquity" means
angels and servants. One of the titles given to the mighty lawlessness or that which is contrary to law. From that day
chief deputy of Jehovah is "The bright and morning staff’ until now Lucifer has been interfering with God’s orgam-
(Rev. 22: 16), which title "staff’ also means prince. (Num. zation, and, at Matthew 18:25-30,39, Jesus is authority
24: 17) There was another "star" in God’s universal or- for the statement that that one is the enemy.
ganization. At Job 38:7 it is recorded that when God laid WhenLucifer rebelled against God and started on h~s
the foundation of the earth as a home for man "the morn- course of lawlessness or wickedness God changed Lucifer’s
ing stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted name, or gave him different names, and one of these names
for joy". That other "staff’, or prince, was thc spirit crea- is Satan, which means opposer or adversary. Tins sigmfies
ture Lucifer. he is the encmy of Godand that he resists everything that
Lucifer was appointed to a high office in God’s organi- God does.
zation. To him it is said, at Ezekiel 28 : 14 : "Thouart the Concerning Lucifer it is written: "O Lucifer, son of the
anointed cherub that covereth ; and I have set thee so ; thou morning, . . thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend
wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up into heaven, I will exalt mythrone above the stars of God
and down in the midst of the stones of fire." "Anointed" I will sit also upon the mount of the congregatmn, in the
means that he was designated to fill a certain office. The sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the
word "covereth" applies to one who provides protection, clouds: I will be like the Most High." (Isa 14.12-14) That
defense or supervision as an overseer. Lucifer was in Eden, he carried out his covetous desire expressed in these words
the garden of God, where Adamwas put, and, Lucifer be- is true beyond any question of doubt. Having an organiza-
ing made an officer in Jehovah’s organization, it seems clear tion, he determined to turn the entire thing against God,
that man was under the special supervision of Lucifer and or in opposition to God, and to set up a throne in the mount
the perfect man was therefore a part of Lucifer’s subordi- (or organization) of the congregation (or assembly)
nate organization and hence in the great organization of God’s creation in the sides of the north (in the posmonoc-
Jehovah. Since Ezekiel’s prophecy, chapter one, shows that cupied by Jehovah). Therefore he said: "I will be like the
God’s organization is like a wheel within a wheel, then it Most High." God had given Lucifer an organization winch
may well be said that Lucifer’s part of the organization this one, as Satan, nowproceeds to use and to makeas nearly
was one of the wheels in the greater wheel. This, of course, like Jehovah’s organization as possible and yet use ~t for his
applies when he was in harmony with Jehovah. Lucifer was own selfish and wicked purposes in opposing Jehovah. Jeho-
made glorious and beautiful to look upon when he appeared vah GOdpermitted him to take his own wicked course and
in Eden, as shown at Ezekiel 28:13: "Thou hast been in bides His own good time when, as He states, %ucffer shall be
N. Y.

brought downto hell, to the sides of the pit.’--Isa. 14 : 12, 15. and was the picture of complete wickedness. The image
Satan called his visible organization on earth Bah-il, pictured Satan’s organization, of which the wicked one is
meaning "the gate to god". Doubtless his purpose was to the head. Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had the
have it understood that through his organization is the dream, and it was appropriate to use him and his dream
way to come to him to worship, even as the way to God is to make this picture to be recorded in the Bible and which
through Itis organization. Without a question of doubt Sa- discloses Satan’s organization and fully identifies it in God’s
tan is the "god of this world". (2 Cor. 4: 3, 4) Bab-il, due time. Gold is the only appropriate metal that could rep-
Babylon, is the name of Satan’s "woman", who symbolizes resent the head of that organization at the time it was
his orgamzation. Jehovah named the wicked organization created.
"Ba-bel", which means confusion.--Gen. 11: 9. In giving God’s interpretation of the dream, Daniel
The beginning of the earthly part of Satan’s organiza- said, addressing Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon.
tion was under "the mighty hunter", Nimrod, and to the "Thou, O king, art a king of kings: for the God of heaven
city organized under him was given the name Babylon, hath given thee a kingdom, power, and strength, and glory.
which is the name of Satan’s "woman"(his organization). And wheresoever the children of men dwell, the beasts of
Although the first kingdom to be organized, Babylon was the field, and the fowls of the heaven, hath he given into
the third in order as a world power. As world powemEgypt thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all. Thou
and Assyria preceded Babylon. Daniel the prophet was a art this head of gold." (Dan. 2 : 37, 38) This scripture could
Jewish captive in Babylon in the days of Nebuchadnezzar not specifically apply to Nebuchadnezzar himself, except
the king. Being king of Babylon at the time of his dream in a representative capacity. It is not true that the Godof
concerning the terrible metallic image and the stone which heaven had given Nebuchadnezzar the universal kingdom,
destroyed it, Nebuchadnezzar pictured Satan, the real and because the Babylonish empire was Satan’s organization,
invisible head of the organization. organized and operated in opposition to God. God made
The description of that image, in Daniel’s prophecy Lucifer the golden head of the organization which was given
chapter two, mentions three precious metals, to wit, gold, him before his deflection. Lucifer had now turned his or-
silver, and copper (called "brass" by a mistranslation). ganization to wickedness. Lucifer’s organization, bemg of
mentions one base metal, iron. The meaning of these metals divine origin, is properly symbolized by gold as the head
is significant, otherwise the Lord would not have them in of that organization. The fact that it was afterwards turned
his Wordin connection with this image. At Genesis 2 : 11, 12, to wickedness would not at all change the original symbol.
gold is first mentioned in the Bible as being in the land of In Daniel’s day Nebuchadnezzar was holding the earthly
Havilah, which land was watered by one of the heads of position of king or ruler as the visible representative of
the rivers that flowed out of Eden. In the sacred tabernacle Satan, the real head. Therefore the description of the head
and in the temple of the Jews the Most Holy was overlaid of the image fits Satan exactly as the "head of gold". Be-
with fine gold, and the cherubs in the Most Holy were made cause the beasts of the field and the birds of the air were
of gold. (See Exodus 25:17-19; 1 Kings 6:22-28.) The subject to Adamand he was under Lucifer, the description
tabernacle and the temple pictured God’s organization. Gold in Daniel 2:38 exactly fits Lucifer as the ruler of the
is symbolic of things divine. The saints of Zion are "com- world, the ’°head of gold". Proof conclusive that Nebuchad-
parable to fine gold".--Lam. 4 : 2. nezzar was Satan’s representative is the fact that imme-
Silver is a precious metal and was used in connection diately thereafter Nebuchadnezzar set up a golden image,
with the tabernacle and temple service. (Ex. 26: 19) The contrary to God’s law, and commandedGod’s chosen people
platters, bowls and other utensils used in that service were to worship that image. (Read Daniel 3:1 and Exodus
madeof silver. (Num.7 : 13 ; 1 Chron. 28 : 17) Silver is next 20:3, 4.) With Jerusalem’s destruction by Nebuchadnezzar
in order in value as compared with gold, but, of course, of in 606 B.C. Jehovah God had withdrawn his favor from
less value than gold. It is mentioned as second in the terri- the Israelites because that people had yielded to the Devil
ble image of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. and demonism, and now the Devil had become the universal
Copper is another precious metal, but of less value than ruler over earth.
silver. The word "brass", as appearing in the Authorized Nebuchadnezzar was the visible representative of Satan,
Version Bible, is a mistranslation, and should be "copper" ; and therefore in the representative capacity it was said to
brass, as is well known, is a combination of metals. Copper Nebuchadnezzar: ’Thou art a king of kings.’ The Israelites
also was used in connection with the tabernacle and temple. had been unfaithful to their covenant with God and had
(Ex. 38: 3) Gold, silver and copper are classed as "noble" fallen away from God to Satan and now came under Sa-
metals and have their relative value as in the order named. tan’s organization. God declared through the prophet Eze-
The description of Lucifer when he was in Eden, as given kiel (21 : 24-27) that this condition should continue until the
at Ezekiel 28: 13, shows he was covered with gold and pre- coming of him "whose right it is" to rule. Therefore the
cious stones which God gave to him when he was created rule of Nebuchadnezzar was not by divine right; he was
or wheninstalled in office. not the representative of Jehovah. The statement by the
In Daniel 2 : 31, 32 the statement is madethat the image apostle Paul, "Let every soul be subject unto the higher
seen in the dream was of excellent brightness, great and powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that
terrible, and that the head was of fine gold, the breast and be are ordained of God," has been misapplied time and
arms of silver, and the belly and thighs of copper (mis- again. It has no reference whatsoever to any part of Satan’s
translated "brass"). The image was great ~mdterrible be- organization, and could not have. Paul’s statement must
cause it was in opposition to the great Theocrat Jehovah apply and does apply exclusively to God’s organization.
15, 1941 381

The Gentile (non-Jewish) powers of this earth were never angels). The three "noble metals" of Daniel therefore de-
"ordained of God". Satan has been their god in defiance of scribe the three invisible parts of Satan’s organization.
Jehovah; and this fact is fully supported by the words of As God’s organization is sometimes pictured by a man,
Jesus and the apostles.--John 12 : 31 ; 14 : 30 ; 2 Cor. 4 : 3, 4. so here Satan’s organization is pictured by this image in the
Continuing, Daniel says (vs. 39) : "And after thee shall form of a man. The legs support and bear up the man The
arise another kingdom inferior to thee, and another third legs are beneath the head of the man and carry the man
kingdom of brass [copper], which shall bear rule over all about. The legs of the image, therefore, represent the in-
ferior and visible 15arts of Satan’s organization under the
the earth." The word "after" does not have reference to
head, but which parts support the head and act in obedi-
time, but rather to inferiority, or station below Satan in ence to the head. The description of the terrible image shows
his organization. The "kingdom"has reference to rulership. that the legs were of iron, "and as iron that breaketh [in
In a kingdom a prince is a ruler under a superior power. pieces] all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise." This
It is certain that Satan would constitute his organization part of the image pictures the world powers, ever?- one of
as nearly as possible like that of Jehovah; that is, Satan them, beginning with the first world power, Egypt, to the
would take and did take the superior or supreme position, present day, all of which are of Satan’s organization. From
and in his organization and under him would be princes the time of Egypt until now these world powers have op-
or rulers. pressed and bruised and broken in pieces the people. There
Daniel 10: 13, 20 tells of the invisible rulers of Satan is no exception whatsoever to this rule. The history of the
under the titles of "the prince of Persia" and "the prince nations of earth is written in human blood unrighteously
of Grecian’. These "princes" were so powerful that Michael shed, because the ruling factors have oppressed, bruised
had to interfere in behalf of the angel that was sent to and broken to pieces the people by employing military pow-
Daniel with a message. These invisible princes or rulers in er. To apply this picture of the "legs" as some religmnists
Satan’s organization are shown as a part of the terrible do to the Romanempire alone would be entirely formgn
"linage". As silver and copper are inferior or next in order to the facts. It is by the facts well knownto be true that at
to gold, therefore the symbolic image shows that these two the proper time the prophecy concerning the "image" must
metals, instead of representing world powers on earth, rep- be understood.
resent orders lower than Lucifer in the great organization. The feet and toes of the image are shown to be part
Until the end of the "times of the Gentiles", in A.D. 1914, of iron and part of clay. The feet and toes are essentially
Satan was seated "in the sides of the north", where he had a part of the legs and support this image which is Satan’s
fixed a throne with his deputy rulers with him. (Note organization. Clay has the appearance of stone. It ~s a
Revelation 12: 3-7.) These latter deputy rulers, namedand camouflage, a means of practicing hypocrisy. The ws~ble
symbolized by silver, doubtless did not come directly in part of Satan’s organization has at all times had three com-
contact with the nations of the earth, but that duty of ponent parts, to wit, commercial, political, and rehgmus.
direct contact was assigned and is assigned to other spirits, The commercial and political have formed and operated
the companyof wicked angels pictured by copper. Evidently the military, which has bruised and broken the people;
these princes of Grecia and Persia were exercising power while the religious element has furnished the hypocritlcal
superior to angels and were therefore successfully resisting screen to hide the real, wickedpurpose of the ruling powers.
an angel of Jehovah that was on the way to Daniel with It has been the camouflage and the prime instrument of
a message. hypocrisy. In every world power and every nation re!iglon
Be it now noted that in verse 39, above quoted, it is has been employed to induce the people to believe that the
~tated that the "third kingdom of brass [copper]" shall world powers are exercised by divine right. Coming down
"bear rule over all the earth". This statement is limited to to modern times we see that "organized Christmnity", so
the third order, or copper class, and therefore proves that called, is the religious element of the ruling powersof earth
the ~mmedmterule of the earth has been under the control Therein is found the greatest exhibition of hypocrisy that
of the demons, evil angels, directed by Satan the head, and has ever been made. It claims that thc nations exist and
mthis rule he has been assisted by his invisible princes. operate by divine right and that the League of Nations
Jesus referred to Satan as "the prince [or, chief] of this represents God and his kingdomon the earth and is an exact
world", and hence chief of devils. (John 14: 30; Matt. expression thereof.
9:34; 12: 24) In Jesus’ time men were possessed of demons, Daniel 2:41 reads: "And whereas thou sawest the feet
or devils, whichhe cast out. (Matt. 9 ¯ 32, 33 ; 12 : 22) Jesus’ and toes part of potters’ clay and part of iron, the king-
testimony is conclusive that these devils were not Satan dom shall be divided." This is further supported by the
himself, but wave a host of wicked angels operating about fact that the religious element is a part of the ruling fac-
the earth. Thus the conclusion upon Daniel’s prophecy is tors, and Revelation 17:16, 17 shows that before the final
supported by the words of Jesus and by the further in- end of Satan’s rule the religious elements, the very em-
spired words, at Ephemans 6: 12, to wit: "We wrestle not bodiment of hypocrisy, will be exposed and then the wicked
against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against alliance between religion and the totalitarian world powers
powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, that has ruled and oppressed the people will be disclosed.
against spiritual wickedness in high places." Here the Daniel 2 : 43 continues : "And whereas thou sawest iron
apostle Paul shows that Satan’s invisible organization is mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with
made up of "principalities" (superior power), "powers" the seed of men; but they shall not cleave one to another,
(officers of powerin the organization), and "rulers" (wicked even as iron is not mixed with clay." There is no real cleav-

hag together between iron and clay; and this shows that Stone," therefore, is God’s anointed King of his Theocratic
there is really nothing that sincerely binds the commercial Government. He is the world’s rightful Ruler. (Ezek.
and political elements to their religious frauds. The chief 21:27) At Revelation 12-5 he appears under the symbol
objective of the enemy Satan is to turn the people away of "the man child", who is to "rule all natmns with a rod
from Jehovah and keep them under the wicked one’s con- of iron". The Stone is cut out of "the mountain", God’s
trol. He uses the commercial and political elements that universal organization, in this, that it is the "manchild",
operate and control the military to coerce the people, and born by Zion. (Isa. 66:7) He is the one to whomPsalm
uses the religious element to hoodwink and deceive them. 2 : 9 refers whenit says : "Thou shalt break them with a rod
The three elements mingle themselves with the seed of men, of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s ves-
and with high-sounding words claim to be the saviors of sel." Jehovah God carried out his expressed purpose and
men, and insist that the people must support their organi- has prepared for his beloved Son a city, or organization,
zation if they wouldlive. There are ten toes to the feet, and of which Christ Jesus is made the Head, and which new
these symbolically represent all the nations of "Christen- organization is the capital city, or chief part, of the uni-
dom"in the conspiracy under their father and head, Satan, versal organization of Jehovah. It is symbolized, at Revela-
to keep the people in subjection and under control and tion 21, by the name "the holy Jerusalem", Jehovah’s
against Jehovah’s Theocratic Government by Christ Jesus. Theocracy by Christ Jesus.
(See pages 371-372 herein.) It is God’s new creation, the very pinnacle of his crea-
To destroy the terrible "image", which is Satan’s or- tion. God made Lucifer the golden head of an organiza-
ganization, Jehovah uses "The Stone". That at once identi- tion, which organization Lucifer long ago turned against
fies "The Stone" as God’s Executive and Priest acting as Jehovah and of which he made every part to be the enemy
tile Head of his organization. The Logos or Word of God of God. Jehovah would now have it known that he has made
was the beginning of God’s creation, and has since been his beloved Son the Head of the new orgamzation and
His active agent in the creation of all other things that clothed him with divine authority for ever. This new or-
were created. WhenLucifer at Eden turned his organiza- ganization shall destroy the enemies of God and be forever
tion to wickedness Jehovah God expressed his purpose to to his glory.
bring forth a new thing, which would be the "seed" or off-
spring of his "woman", his great universal organization. Daniel 2 : 44 announces God’s decree or judgznent upon
(Read Genesis 3 : 15.) Satan had a "seed", and since then the terrible "image". At the time of the enforcement of the
others have becomehis offspring, as shownat John 8 : 42-44. judgment this terrible image must be COMPL&’TELY IN EXIST-
It is the seed of God’s "woman", Zion, that will destroy ENCE,head to toes, and must be completely destroyed The
Satan and his seed of his woman, Babylon. Therefore at Stone strikes the image, first on the feet, and then breaks
Daniel 2 : 45 it is written : "Forasmuchas thou sawest that and grinds to pieces Satan’s entire organization, and a
THE STONEwas cut out of the mountain without hands, great whirlwind carries it completely away. Satan’s entire
and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the organization must be and will be destroyed at the battle
silver, and the gold ; the great God hath made knownto the of Armageddon. As represented by the terrible image, it
king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is is "broken to pieces" and "no place was found" for it
certain, and the interpretation thereof sure." If Satan un- (Dan. 2:35) Thus Babylon, or Satan’s organization,
derstood the prophecy, then the utterance of it was serving which Nebuchadnezzar was a symbol and the visible ruler
notice upon him how God would accomplish the destruction at the time of the dream, is shown to completely fall and
of his wicked organization. No wonder Satan made every never shall be again.
possible effort to destroy Jesus, "The Stone." Jehovah’s Theocracy by Christ Je.~us, The Stone, is com-
’The stone was cut out of the mountain without hands ’ plete before the striking of the "image" is done After the
tiara "the mountain" is God’s universal organization. To destruction of Satan’s organization the beneficial operations
"cut out" means to bring forth or produce something new. of the kingdom or Theocratic Government of the Lord will
That would mean to bring out from his universal organi- extend to every part of the earth and fill it with life and
zation that which is pictured by "The Stone", and in doing joy and happiness, as when, in the prophetic dream, "the
so no hands are employed. It is all done by the will of God. stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and
Jehovah having purposed it, it must be done and the filled the whole earth."--Dan. 2:35.
accomplishment of his purpose is absolutely certain. "The "And it shall stand for ever."--Dan. 2 : 44.

(Continued from page 370) dition to unusual reports on the strange workand experiences of
important need in building them up m faith, hope and courage those throughoutthe world whoare announcing to menof good-
in these days of spreading infidelity, hopelessness and fear, and will the ideal governmentwhichthe great "Godof all comfort"
thus brings its readers solid comfort. It does not, of eourse, take is nowsetting up for the relief and blessing of all faithful and
the place of The Watchtower,which xs devoted exclusively to obedient humankind.Consolation xs a 32-page magazine,pubhshed
Bible study and instruction. Con,~olation actually complements every other Wednesday.A year’s subscnptmn, of 26 Issues, ts
this magazineby publishing true-to-fact, uncensored news con- just $1.00 in the UmtedStates, or $1.25 abroad. Forwardyour
cerning world conditions and happenings which the commercial subscription to WATCHrOW~.R, 117 AdamsSt., Brooklyn, N.Y.
publications fear and refuse to print but whichthe trusting public
should learn so as to be warnedof the operations and purposes "WATCHTOWER" STUDIES
of deadly enemies, and so be able to free oneself from their Weekof January 18: "DemonRule Ending" (Part 7),
powerand influence and thus avoid disaster. Consolationfurther ¶ 1-20 inclusive, The WatchtowerDecember 15, 1941.
publishes in each issue a special page, entitled "Counsel", con- Weekof January 25: "DemonRule Ending" (Part 7),
tributed by Judge Rutherford, president of WAVC~OWE~, in ad- ¶ 21-44 inclusive, The WatchtowerDecember15, 1941.
PIONEERING IN VENEZUELA, SOUTHAMERICA was there; he was sure shaking all over. That is one time
"This is to inform you of a visit I made to the Delta we got to see the demons working in a man, and we thank
Amacuroin the lower part of the river Orinoco. The mes° the Lord that none of us was harmed. Wethree children
sage was quite new to the folks there; anywayI pressed the and Mrs. Brownare going to be baptized by our zone serv-
message of truth, by the help of God. I remained twenty ant today, September 7. Mrs. Brown has been going out in
days, giving night and day phonograph lectures. Nearly all the service with us and has taken a firm stand for the
seemed to enjoy them. Someof the recordings were ’Reli- Kingdom. This week she came down to our place for the
gion Is a Snare’, in Spanish and English; ’Government and model study."
Peace,’ ’Victory,’ ’Purgatory,’ ’Sanctification,’ and others.
Verbal questions were answered promptly according to the ARKANSAS SHEEPTAKINGTHEIR STAND
WATCH TOWER’S teachings of the Bible. A certain proud- "Spring Hill, Ark., is a little village of about thirty
looking gentleman, knownlater to be a lawyer, claimed he houses and a few stores, and considered a very ’goaty’ place.
had a right to question me about my’religion’. I told him As we passed through it twice a day when working with
I had none, but my faith relies solely on the truth of the Mr. and Mrs. W , we thought we would work it early
Holy Bible. I then informed h~mthat this Society is made one morning. Wefound no interest at all until the last house
up of a group of humble men and womenwho love right- I worked. The young womanhad Riches. She had gotten it
eousness, hence Christians. He said he was more a Christian several years ago, read it many times and passed it around
than I. I said, "No doubt !’ Then I questioned him of his be- to her neighbors to read. She did not know that was the
lief in Christ and His resurrection. He said he had no belief same literature Henry W was distributing, as her
in the resurrection. I told him no one can be a Christian if neighbors had told so many lies about Henry, calling him
there is no belief in the resurrection of Christ. I furthered a Fifth Columnist, ’for Hitler,’ and ’taking instructions
the questioning by asking: ’Who is God?’ He answered, from a Negro’, etc. She was delighted when she learned the
’Nature !’ I asked, ’Do you worship nature when you go to truth, and ordered more books. Her next-door neighbor was
your church?’ if so, he was worshiping an idol and not there at the time and she ordered the whole set of books,
Jehovah God, the Omnipotent. He got angry and said I am and they promised to go to the next Assembly. A few miles
too hot to carry ’the Sword’. I said the Swordwithout zeal farther another womanlistened to the phonograph record-
isn’t worth much, and he as a lawyer without any ardor in ing ’Message of Hope’, and she contributed for eight book-
his work demonstrates his weakness. Then I closed by at- lets, amidst many jeers of six womenat a quilting party,
tending to something better. The visit to the Delta Amacuro telling her not to get the literature and that they had burned
met with good reception. I placed fifty books; booklets I this literature. She said she had heard a lot about Jehovah’s
gave away freely by way of advertising the good work, witnesses and now she was going to investigate."
hoping to return in September to do better, as the river
Orinoco is a bit unpleasant in these months." MISUNDERSTANDING CORRECTED
"A lady writing up to the London office for a dozen
AT A MODEL STUDYIN NEWMEXICO Final War booklets wrote back on receiving them, stating
"While we three sisters, aged 14 and 12 and 9 years, she was sorry we believed in war. I was asked to make a
were conducting a model study at the homeof ]~Lr. and Mrs. back-call on her. Upon arriving, I received no answer, so
Brown with Mrs. Brown, we were disturbed by her hus- I wrote a note on a Watchtower saying I would call again,
band’s telling their two little children, ages 5 and 2 years, and dropped it m. Second call, she was still away, but had
to run up to the door and cry out, ’Reds ! and Redism!’ etc. ; been back in the meantime and left a note outside, telling
but the model study went on, by the Lord’s grace. After me when she would be home. I returned at the appointed
the study we were talking about different things when the time. Result: Misunderstanding straightened out and she
husband came in and said: ’Nowlisten, I don’t want you was very interested. After hearing some records, bearing
kids coming into my home and criticizing mykids again.’ on the subject of war, etc., she took Salvation and some
We spoke up and said we were not criticizing them, and booklets, and I arranged for her to hear the records ’Govern-
we asked him what we said about them. He said : ’You know ment and Peace’. In the meantime she had given all the
I was lying out there on the bed and heard every d booklets away, and she asked me to bring her some more.
word of it.’ (Then the demons really got hold of him.) One day she met me in the street and, on greeting me, asked
’I’ve had enough of those s b Jehovah’s witnesses me what I was doing. I showed her the books and the testi-
in myhometeaching their d Redism.’-Mrs. Brown spoke monycard, explaining I was doing the greatest work in the
up and said: ’We were teaching the Bible.’ To this he re- world. She asked if she could have still more booklets, as she
plied: ’Teaching the Bible, h ! They are teaching Red- had been sending them everywhere, including a bound book
ism, Nazism, Communism,Fascism.’ Then he pointed his to Mr. Lloyd George, as she thought him a very good man.
finger at us three children and said: ’I will kick the h She received a letter of appreciation from him. She took
out of you. Go back to Russia where you came from, for Some more booklets from me~ and made arrangements for
there is a home there for such people as you.’ He said our me to see her in a day or two. I told her the Lord had an
father was a s b coward to come down here, but appointed way of doing the work, and I am sure she will be
had to send us poor, ignorant kids (saps) to teach Rediam along to the meetings very soon. She asked me to call and
and if our dad would come down he would knock his G see her neighbor, which resulted in the placement of Salva-
d nose in.’ He had his fists all doubled up as if dad t/on and a booklet."
Drama of Vengeance (Part 3) ........... 8 Victory Song (Part 5) ................ 131 Children of the King ........................ 259
Battle Begins ....................................... 9 They "That Love Him" ........................ 137 By Purchase....................................... 260
The Higher Powers Theocratic ................. 11 KingdomWork.............................................. 139 Other Children ............................. 262
"NoMoreSea"- .......................................... 14 Orderof Resurrection................................... 139 TheMandate......................................... 263
Field Experiences................................... 16 Ruler Out of Bethlehem............................. 142 Dutyof Children ................................ 265
"Ehud’a Sword" Testimony Period .............. 2 Field Experiences......................................... 144 A Kingdom Prayer ....................................... 266
"Watchtower Studies ..................................... 2 "TheecratlcAmbammdors"Testimony Period 180 Is ReligionHoly?........................................... 269
Foreign-Language Sulmcrlpttons ................. 2 Field Experiences.................................... 272
1941 Yearbook ol Jehovah’s witnesses ........ 2 WatchtowerStudies ...................................... 130 "Lightning-War" Testimony Period .......... 258
Sati~lfled............................................................ 15 Model~tudVNo. 3 .................................... 130 Ch$/dren
......................................................... 258
1941Calendar................................................ 15 Use Renewal Subscription Blank .............. 130 Watehtow~ff Studies ........................... 258


Dramaof Vengeance(Part 4) ...................... 19 Noah’sDay..................................................... 147 Demon Rule Ending (Part 1) .............. 275
WickedFlourish........................................... 20 BlindIndifference..................................... 147
"Meetthe Lord"............................................. 27 Violence
....................................................... 148 Prominent......................................... 277
Seven-headedOrganization ........................... 29 MoralDelinquency ..................................... 150 Identification ...................................... 277
Field Experiences.......................................... 32 WhatBodyIs Raised~................................... 155 Theocratic Assembly at St. Louis ............ 282
"Ehud’s Sword" Testimony Period .............. 18 TheIdeal Government ................................ 158
Field Experiences........................................ 160 Ch¢ldrea
........................................................ 274
TtratchtowerStudies .................................... 18 "Theocratic Ambassadors" Testimony Period 146 Watchtower Studies .................................... 274
Satisfied ............................................. 18 Watchtower Studies ....................................... 146
1941 Yearbook o! Jehovah’s wltne~sses .......... 18 (7Gin]oft All That Mourn.......................... 274
Model8tudll No.3 ....................................... 146 274
1941Calendar............................................. 31 Use Renewal Subscription Blank ............... 146 Jehovah’s Servants Defended .................


Drama of Vengeance (Part 5) .................. 35 Man’sTrue Guide........................................ 163 DemonRule Ending (Part 2) .................. 291
TheTheocracy ........................................... 36 FalseGods.................................................. 164 ’Desolating Abomination’ .... 298
"Other Sheep" . ................................. 37 Authenticity ............................................... 166 "On 1~arth Peace"--to Whom? 299
Obedience to Higher Powers ...................... 44 Prophecy............................................... 168 Hero-Worship a Snare ................................... 302
Field Experiences ..................... 48 "Rich Men. Weepand Howl" ....................... 171 Field Experiences ......................... 304
"Ehud’s Sword" Testimony Period .......... 34 Who Bears Up the Government? .............. 174 "Lightning-War" Testimony Period ............ 290
Memorial ......................................... 34 Field Experiences ................................. 176 Children............................................. 290
Theocracy.................................................. 34 "TheocratlcAmbasaadors’Testimony Period 162 Corn]oft All That Mourn......................... 290
1941 Yearbook of Jehovah’s witnesses .......... 47 Watchtower Studies ....................................... 162 Jehovah’s Servants Dvlended....................... 303
1941Calendar................................................ 4"/ Vacation.................................................. 162 Watchtower Studies ..................................... 303
Watchtower Studies ........................................ 47 Use Renewal Subscription Blank ................ 162 Notice........................................................ 303


Obedience ................................................. 51 CovenantObligations.................................... 179 DemonRule Ending (Part 3) ...................... 307
Religion and Christmnity .......................... 55 His Witnesses ............................................ 181 God’sPeople.............................................. 310
Resurrection .................................................. 62 Covenant-Breakers ...................................... 183 Help ............................................... 313
Field Experiences ............................................. 64 Covenant-Keepers ........................................ 184 Character or Integrity--Which7 ................ 315
°’Ehud’s Sword" Testimony Period ................ 50 SafeHighway ................................................. 187 Lightning-War ............................................. 317
.......................................................... 50 Who Is God? 190 Field Experiences .......................................... 320
ModelSiudy No. 3 .................................. 50 Field Experiences .............................. 192 "Lightning-War" Testimony Period .......... 300
Memorial .................................................. 50 "Theocratic Ambalsadors" Testimony Period 178 ChtZdre~t........................................................ 306
1941 Fcarbool~ at Jehovah’s w~tnesses ........ 63 Opportunityfor Service .............................. 178 Corn,fort All That Mourn........................... 306
1941Calendar............................................. 63 Vacation
....................................................... 178 Jehovah’s Servants Defended....................... 319
Watchtower Studies ....................................... 63 Watchtower Studies .................................... 178 WatchtowerStudies ............................... 319


Victory Song (Part 1) .............................. 67 ThoseThat Forget God............................... 195
Fear..................................................... 73 Worship
...................................................... DemonRule Ending (Part 4) ................... 323
Frog Plague on "Christendom"...................... 74 VeryReligious....................................... 199 HoldFast ........................................ 329
TheFirst Resurrection ................................ 76 Aesemblyfor Worship................................ 203 Prophecy of the Transfiguration ................. 330
Pleld Experiences .......................................... 80 "His Chariot" . ................................ 204
God and the State 66 A Witness Who Did Not See Death ........... 207 No Apologies for Theocracy........................ 333
Memorial...................................................... 66 Field Experiences ................ 208 Field Experiences......................................... 336
WatchtowerStudies ................................. 66 "Pure Language" Testimony Period ........ 194 "Great Multitude" Testimony Period ......... 322
Theocracy ....................................... 66 Opportunity for Service ........................ 194 Watchtower Studies .............. 322
Model Study No 3 ............................. 79 Vacation................................................ 194
Use Renewal Subscription Blank ............ 79 Watchtower Studies ..................................... 194 Report ol the Jehovah’s w~t,esses AsJembly 322


Victory Song (Part 2) .............. 83 TheWise................................................. 211 Demon Rule Ending (Part 5) ................ 339
Evidence of Impending Disaster .................. 91 How to Begin.............................................. 213
A Godof Purpose ................................... 94 Integrity .............................................. 218 Unity Nowin the War ......................... 346
Field Experiences..................................... 96 Shortening the Days.................................. 219
"The Sign" Testimony Period .................... liypocrltlcal Counterfeit................................ Modern Visits of Jehovah ..................... 348
82 222
Theocracy .................................................... 82 Refuge Farms (Letter) .......................... 223 Field Experiences .................................. 352
Memorial.................................................... 82 Field Experiences ............................... 224
"Pllre Language" Testimony Period ........ 210 "Great Multitude" Testimony Period ........ 338
ModelStudy No.3 ......................................... 95 WatchtowerStudies ............................. 210
Godandthe State ......................................... 95 Watchtower
Studies ....................................... 338
Vacation ........................................... 210
Watchtower Studies ....................................... 95 Use Renewal Subscription Blank ................. 210 Report ol the Jehovah’s ~ltnesses Assembly 338


VlctorySong(Part 3) .................................. 99 Whenthe Righteous Rule ............................ 227 DemonRule Ending {Part 6) ................. 355
Final Warning............................................ 106 BeWise..................................................... 235 Treachery and Hypocrisy .................... 357
"NotLeft in Hell". ...................................... 109 AssemblyIn St. Louis ............................... 235 ’The Abominable Thing’. .......................... 358
Field Experiences .......................................... 112 GodandMan................................................. 236 All Totalitarian ................................... 360
"The Sign" Testimony Period .................... 98 Proxy "Great Multitude" Survives Armageddon .... 362
Theocracy................................................... 98 Field Ex~ri’enc~ "’~.~’~.~’~ ~’~240237 Conspirators Against Theocracy ............. 365
ModelStudy No. 3 ...................................... 98 "Pure Language" Testimony Period ........... 226 Field Experiences.....................................
Notice of Annual Meeting .......... 226 368
(7odandthe State ........................................ 98 Notice to British Watchtower Subscribers .. 226 "Great Multitude" Testimony Period ........ 354
11I Watchtower Studies ..................................... 226 Watchtower Studies ............................ 354
Studies ....................................... 111 Vacation
....................................................... 226 Report oI the Jehovah’s witncAses Assembly 354


Victory Song (Part 4) .............................. 115 Integrity....................................................... 243 DemonRule Ending (Part 7) .................. 371
TheFight ............................................... 118 TheIssue................................................ 245 "Peace". ................................................... 372
WhoWill Be Passed Over?............................ 122 TheTest................................................ 246 Final Warning..................................... 375
Wounded Head Healed................................ Facts In Fulfillment.................................. 248 Triumph for Theocracy ........................... 379
125 TheWayto Life ....................................... 250 Field Experiences..................................... 383
Field Experiences........................................ 128 Whose Prayerl Are Answered? ................ 253 Indexfor 1941......................................... 384
"The Sign" Testimony Period .................... 11~1 Field Experiences..................................... 256 "Great Multitude" Testimony Period ........ 370
ModelStudy No. 3 ..................................... 114 "Pure Language" Testimony Period ......... 242 1942Calendar............................................. 370
~Vatchtowcr Studies .................................... 242 Re the 1942 Yearbook .......................... 370
Watchtower Studies ........................... 114 Notice of Annual Meeting .......................... 242 Coa#olatlon ................................ 370
Use Renewal Subscription Blank ............. 114 Use Renewal Sublcrlption Blank ................ 242 Watchtower Studies ........................... 382

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