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English final work 4

how to lead a healthy life
presented by
Maria Lopez
in the city of nagua Maria Trinidad Sanchez
December 12, 2019
Carlos Marte
I´m goins to talk about Tips for leading a healthy

We continually hear about the importance o leading a better and

healthy lifestyle, but we don´t know how to do it, do we.

In order to achieve a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to take

health in to acount in an integral way since it will enjoy a fuller

Below are some beavioral guidelines and health tips that will
help provide better quality to our existence.
Lead an active life: sedentary lifestyle only brings inconvenience
to it, go for a walk for at least half an hour a day, remember that
your heart is a muscles in your body.

Exercise especially aerobics, help you stay healthy, strony, lose

weight, prevent disease and reduce stress.
Take care of food: it is not about becoming obsessive wit the
subjet and counting calories all dey, but having the conscience to
choose the best food and this enjoy proper health.
Find a way to eat a balanced diet, which does not neglect any
necessary food for your body; that is, it includes vegetables,
fruits, white meats, legumes, fiber and a lot of liquid.
Reduce the intake of saturated fat: at this point it is necessary to
be clear that it is not necessary to eliminate saturated every day.
Eat more fruits and vegetables: we all know the benefits for
fruits and vegetables and how healthy they are.
These foods provide contless vitamins and minerals, in addition
to fiber that is ideal for maitaining normal digestion.
No smoking:
tabaco is the cause of death that cam be prevented most.
Smoking can cause heart attacks, stroke, emphysema, chronc
bromchitis and cancer of the lung, larynx, mouth, bladder and
pancreas, among others.

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