Advanced 4: Teacher: Talledo Jhon. Student: Landeo Eliana. Date: May 15, 2020

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Teacher: Talledo Jhon.

Student: Landeo Eliana.
Date: May 15, 2020.

Goals i want to accomplish in the next ten years of your life

For most of my life, one of my goals has been (MW) visit USA.
First, I would like (MW) finish my carrier and work in the other
country. As son as i learn english i’m going to travel to USA, but
before i will learn other language, currently (P) i’m learning

I think that perhaps my mayor Will be difficult to separate from

my family, so i love my mother she has always taken care of me,
but if i want to achieve my dreams i must do it (P) and i have studied
a lot and i am going to achieve it.
By the next ten years in my life, i’ll have been traveling for one
month because i Will have worked by five years. I would like to
take all my family, mi sister is working, i think that she and i could
pay for my parent’s expenses. We Will have gone for differents
places of Peru. I’m going to visist the coast and Peru montains,
my mom loves landscapes, she lives in a town when se was a child.

On the other hand, i’m going to specialize in organitacional

psychology when i finished psychology.

In conclusión, by the end of my trip, i Will have seen a lot, because

i’ll have been traveling for one month.
I love the cats so i’m going to have four cat’s. I would like to
create an association to help animals. Before i Will have been
hard working to buy my own house o department. I know to
accomplish my goals i need (MW) study and hard word.

Goals i want to accomplish in the next ten years of your life

For most of my life, one of my goals has been to visit USA. First, I
would like to finish my carrier and work in the other country. As
son as I learn english I’m going to travel to USA, but before I will
learn other language. Currently I’m learning Portuguese.

I think, my greatest fear will be when I have to separate from my

family. It’s understandably because my family has always taken
care of me, but I know if I want to achieve my dreams I must do it.
By the way, I have studied a lot and I am going to achieve it.
By the next ten years, I’m going to have worked by five years, so
I’ll have been traveling for one month. I would like to bring my
whole family. Besides, my sister is working. I think that she and I
could pay for my parent’s expenses. We will have gone for
differents places of Peru. I’m going to visist the coast and Peru
montains, my mom loves landscapes. She lives in a town when she
was a child.

On the other hand, I’m going to specialize in organitacional

psychology when I finish my carieer.

In conclusión, by the end of my trip, I will have seen a lot because

I’ll have been traveling for one month.
I love the cats so I’m going to have four cats. I would like to create
an association to help animals and I have been working to do it. I
know to accomplish my goals I need to study and work a lot.

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