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Chapter VIII: The Arbitral Award in Domestic Arbitration award.

(Similar to litigation where winning party files for

motion for execution of judgment to recover)
The Award in General - At any time AFTER the lapse of 30 days from receipt by
- Any partial or final decision by an arbitrator in resolving the petitioner of the award, he may file a Petition for Confirmation
issue in controversy (RA 9285) with the RTC having jurisdiction over the place where one party
- Equivalent to a judgment in litigation is doing business, where any party resides, or where arbit
- Arbitration is the only mode of ADR where the neutral 3 rd proceedings were conducted. (SADR 2009)
person is empowered by law to resolve the controversy of the - Party moving for an order confirming an award must file ff at
parties in a manner that will be binding upon them and can be the time motion is filed for entry of judgment):
enforced like a court judgment. (1) SA or AA, appointment of arbitrator(s), and each written
- Arbitral award is the culmination of the arbitral process extension of time to make award, if any
- Any stipulation that the award shall be final is valid, without (2) Verified copy of the award
prejudice to NCC 2038, 2039 and 2040. (3) Each notice, affidavit or other paper used upon the
application to confirm such award, and copy of each
DOMESTIC ARBITRAL AWARD order of the court upon such application

Form and Contents - Upon finding petition sufficient in form and substance, court
- Written award of the arbitrators shall be rendered within 30 shall cause notice and copy to be delivered to the respondent.
days after closing of the hearings  Res allowed to file comment or opposition: wn 15 days
- If oral hearings waived: within 30 days after arbitrators  In lieu of opposition, res may file counter-petition to
declared proceedings in lieu of hearing closed. vacate award
 Pet may file reply: wn 15 days
(1) In writing - Award enjoys presumption that it was made and released in
(2) Signed and acknowledged by a majority of the arbitrators or due course of arbitration and subject to confirmation by the
the sole arbitrator if only one court
 EXC: parties may stipulate that award be signed by all  Court shall confirm award unless vacated, modified, or
arbitrators. Why? supremacy of contract as the law corrected
between parties, and policy of State to promote party  But shall not disturb AT’s facts or interpretation of law
autonomy.  Upon confirmation, judgment may be entered in
conformity therewith in the same court
No default awards allowed (RA 876)  Costs of the application and proceedings subsequent
- Award shall not be made solely on the default of a party. Must may be awarded by the court in its discretion. If
require other party to submit evidence as may be required. awarded, amount must be included in the judgment.

Each party shall be furnished a copy of the award Romago v Siemens (2009)
- Arbitrators may grant any remedy or relief they deem just and - ROMAGO entered into an ESSI with SBTI, wherein SBTI
equitable undertook to deliver the needed electrical equipment for the
- Shall include specific performance of a contract project. SBTI made deliveries but ROMAGO failed to pay in full.
- As long as remedy or relief is WITHIN scope of the agreement After delivering 99.81% of the equip, SBTI filed a request for
of the parties (impt) arbit with PDRCI. ROMAGO signed the agreement to submit
- Agreement defines the jurisdiction of the AT. Hence, dispute to arbit. Sole arbit ruled for SBTI. SBTI filed a petition
arbitrators have power to decide only those matters which for confirmation of arbitrator’s decision with the RTC.
have been submitted to them. And the terms of the award ROMAGO opposed, arguing that the arbit displayed partiality in
shall be confined to such disputes. hearing the case and rendering decision. RTC granted SBTI’s
- If AT decided on matter outside scope of AA, there exists a petition. ROMAGO was furnished a copy twice. Yet, it filed its
ground to vacate the award. answer way beyind the period prescribed by law. Thus, RTC
- If parties settle their dispute during the course of arbitration, confirmed the decision of the arbitrator and issued writ of
settlement may be embodied in an award which shall be exec. Despite receipt of the order, ROMAGO did not appeal.
signed by the arbitrators. No arbitrator shall act as a mediator ROMAGO’s new counsel withdrew and filed a petition for relief
in any proceeding in which he is acting as arbitrator. All from judgment. Upon denial by RTC, ROMAGO appealed to CA
negotiations towards settlement of dispute must take place on ground of lack of juris, arguing that SBTI is a construction
without presence of arbitrators. contract cognizable by CIAC. CA denied.
- SC: ESSA is not a construction contract. SBTI’s role was merely
Judicial Confirmation for enforcement of award to supply the needed equip for the project. It is a mere supply
- Winning party becomes entitled to recover from the losing contract and does not fall within orig and exclusive jurisdiction
party according to the terms of the award. of CIAC.
- Arbitral award by itself is valid and need no court approval. - The consortium agreement bet ROMAGO and SBTI contained
- However, in the event that the losing party refuses to an arbit clause, agreeing to submit dispute for arbit under PCCI,
voluntarily comply with the award, it may become necessary such as PDRCI. The clause is binding and parties expected to
for the winning party to obtain a judicial confirmation of the abide in GF. Thus, ROMAGO’s contention that PDRCI has no
jurisdiction is untenable. Moreover, issue is rendered moot by of one of the parties. As there was no pending action to speak
ROMAGO’s active participation in the proceedings before of, a pet for confirmation should have been filed as a new case.
PDRCI and RTC. It filed a petition for relief from judgment, thus
estopping itself. Further, it was only on cert with CA and after Effect of Judicial Confirmation of Arbit Award
issuance of writ of execution that ROMAGO raised the issue of - Docketed as if it were rendered in an action
lack of jurisdiction. Arbitrator’s decision, which was confirmed - Same force and effect in all respects as a FJ and may be
by the RTC, had attained finality when ROMAGO failed to enforced in the same manner as final and exec decisions of the
appeal to the CA. Hence, it may now be executed. RTC
- Baptizes and transforms the award into a judgment
Petition for Confirmation or Motion for Confirmation? - Consistent with the character of the office of the arbit which
- Depends on whether a court case arising from the same becomes functus officio upon rendering the arbit award. The
arbitrable dispute exists at the time of the issuance of the court is necessary to consummate the dispute resolution
arbitral award. process by enforcing the award. Once confirmed by the court,
- If there is no existing court case which arose from the same the award becomes the court’s own judgment.
arbitrable dispute and it is necessary to file an initiatory - The court has power to use compulsory and coercive
pleading in court in order to initiate court proceedings for processes, such as writ of exec, to enforce the award.
confirmation of the arbitral award, proper mode is for
confirmation of the award is to file a petition. Correction or Modification of Domestic Arbit Award
 Ex. 1st party sends demand for arbit. 2nd party accepts - Upon application of any party to the controversy which was
demand and does not question propriety of settling arbitrated
dispute by arbit. Both parties agree to appoint a specific - In any of the ff cases:
individual. Sole arbit renders award, but losing party (1) Evident miscalculation of figures or evident mistake in the
refuses to comply. Winning party necessarily has to description of any person, thing, prop referred to in the
apply for jud confirmation. award
- If there is already an existing court case which arose from the (2) Arbitrators have awarded upon a matter not submitted to
same arbitrable dispute, there is no need to initiate another them
court case. Hence, it is improper to file an initiatory petition. (3) Arbitrators omitted to resolve an issue submitted to them
 Ex. 1st party to the contract, instead of following the for resolution; or
procedure for commencement of arbit, decides to by- (4) Award is imperfect in a matter of form not affecting the
pass the process and goes to court directly to file CA. 2nd merits of the controversy (and if it had been a
party files a motion to stay instead of an answer and asks commissioner’s report, the defect could have been
the court to refer the case to arbit. After award is amended or disregarded by the court)
rendered, losing party refuses to voluntarily comply. - Must also file the same papers filed in a pet for confirmation of
Thus, winning party must file a motion for confirmation award (SA or AA, verified copy of award, etc)
before the same court where the CA was initially filed. - Object in application for correction or modification is either
- Said procedural rules also apply in seeking other jud relief evident or does not affect the merits of what has already been
related to arbit-- decided in the award.
 applying for court determination of the existence, - Period: wn 30 days from receipt of arbit award
validity, or enforceability of an AA - File with RTC having jurisdiction over the place in which one of
 for interim relief from the court the parties is doing business, where any of the parties reside,
 to appoint an arbitrator or where arbit proceedings conducted.
 to decide the challenge of arbitrator(s) - Upon finding pet sufficient in form and substance, court shall
 for decision on issue of termination of mandate cause notice and copy of pet to be delivered to res.
 for assistance in taking evid  May file comment or opposition wn 15 days
 for jud correction or vacation of domestic arbit award  In lieu thereof, may file a counter-pet in opposition
 to recognize, enforce, set aside or refuse an ICA award  Pet may file reply wn 15 days
 for confidentiality or protective orders - Judgment granting correction or modification shall be
docketed as if it were rendered in an action. Same force and
Asset Privatization v CA (1998) effect and may be enforced as if it had been rendered in court
- Order of the RTC in very clear terms stated that the “complaint in which it is entered
was dismissed.” The term “dismiss” means to dispose of an - Whether petition or motion is to be filed also depends on wn a
action suit or motion without trial on the issues involved. court case arising from the same arbitral dispute exists at the
Although the correct procedure was for the parties to go back time of issuance of the award (same rules with pet/motion for
to the court where the case was pending to have the award confirmation)
confirmed. However, the RTC made a fatal mistake of issuing a
final order dismissing the case. While it should have merely Vacation of Domestic Arbit Award
suspended and not dismissed it, neither of the parties - Any party to a domestic arbit may petition the court to vacate
questioned said dismissal. Thus, both parties are bound by award NOT LATER than 30 days from receipt of award
such error. - File petition with RTC having jurisdiction over the place in
- By its own motion, TC had lost jurisdiction over the case and which one of the parties is doing business, where any of the
could not have validly reacquired jurisdiction on a mere motion parties reside, or where arbit proceedings conducted.
- Grounds to vacate: (Rule 11.4 of SADR)  Courts have no power to amend or overrule merely bec
(1) Procured through corruption, fraud, or other undue of disagreement with matters of law or facts determined
means  integrity by the arbits
(2) Evident partiality or corruption in the AT or any of its - Exceptions:
members  Arbits cannot resolve issues beyond the scope of the
(3) AT was guilty of misconduct or any form of misbehavior submission agreement. Parties to such agreement are
that has materially prejudiced the rights of any party bound by the award only to the extent and manner
 i.e. refusing to postpone a hearing upon sufficient prescribed by the contract, and only if the award is
cause shown or to hear evid pertinent and material rendered in conformity thereto.
to the controversy  Although they are precluded from overturning, if an
(4) 1 or more arbits disqualified to act as such and willfully examination of the record reveals no support whatever
refrained from disclosing such qualification for the arbitrator’s determinations, the award may be
(5) AT exceeded its powers or imperfectly executed them vacated.
such that a complete final and definite award upon the  Award was made in manifest disregard of the law
SM was not made (Asset Privatization Trust v CA)
(6) AA did not exist, is invalid for any ground for the o Asset Privatization Trust leaves an area for
revocation of contract, or is unenforceable academic debate. Case was promulgated in 1998,
(7) Party to arbit is a minor or a person jud declared to be wherein the only law which provides for grounds
incompetent to vacate was RA 876. Manifest disregard of law is
 Pet shall be filed only on behalf of the minor or not one of them
incompetent and shall allege:
a. The other party to arbitration had knowingly - Characterization of the nature of an arbitral award was
entered into SA or AA with such minor or maintained by the SADR when it took effect in 2009. Rule 11.9
incompetent, or of SADR provides “the court shall not disturb the AT’s
b. The submission to arbit was made by a determination of facts and/or interpretation of law.”
guardian (or g ad litem) who was not
authorized to do so by a competent court. - What constitutes manifest disregard of the law: The applicable
legal principle is clearly defined and not subject to reasonable
Adamson v CA (1994) debate AND the arbitrators refused to heed that legal principle.
- Section 24 of the Arbit Law provides for the grounds for  Very narrow standard of review. A mere error in the
vacating award. Petitioners herein failed to prove their interpretation or application of law is insufficient.
allegation of partiality on the part of the arbitrators. That they  To justify vacation on this ground, arbitrator’s findings
were disadvantaged by the decision of the Arbitration must clearly and unequivocally violate an established
Committee does not prove evident partiality. The arbitrators’ legal precedent.
resort to contract interpretation did not constitute a ground for  However, when SADR (2009) consolidated the grounds
vacating the award bec under the circumstances, the same was for vacating a domestic award (expanded from 4 to 7
necessary to settle the controversy between the parties grounds), it did not include manifest disregard of the law
regarding the amount of the NAV. In any case, the in the consolidated listing. Moreover, the provision
interpretation made by the arbitrators did not create a new concludes that “the court shall disregard any other
contract, as alleged by petitioners but was a faithful application ground than those enumerated above.”
of the provisions of the Agreement. Neither was the award
arbitrary for it was based on the statements prepared by Contents of Petition to Vacate Domestic Arbit Award
auditors chosen by both parties. - Pet must state:
- CA reversed the TC herein not because the CA reviewed the (1) Addresses of parties and any change thereof
award, but because it found that the TC had no legal basis for (2) Jurisdictional issues raised by party during arbit
vacating the award. proceedings
(3) Grounds relied upon by the parties in seeking vacation of
Presumption of regularity in the performance of official functions award
- Complaining party has the burden of proving existence of any (4) Statement of the date of receipt of the award and the
grounds for vacating award circumstances under which it was received
- Allegations of “evident partiality” without proof to back it up - Must attach to pet the ff:
cannot be sustained where the factual findings of the arbitrator (1) Authentic copy of AA
is supported by substantial evid and the conclusions stated in (2) Authentic copy of arbit award
the decision are not clearly against law and jurisprudence (3) CNFS
- RTC must issue order vacating award ONLY in any of the cases (4) Authentic copy of appointment of AT
enumerated therein (Sec 24, RA 876). RA 876 did not expressly - If pet to vacate is sufficient in form and substance, court shall
provide for errors of fact and/or law and grave abuse of cause notice and copy of pet to be delivered to the res,
discretion as grounds, thus such are not acceptable grounds to allowing him to file a comment or opposition wn 15 days from
vacate an arbitral award. receipt of pet, or counter-pet in lieu thereof. Pet may file a
reply wn 15 days.
Chap IX: The Arbitral Award in ICA a. When claimant WITHDRAWS claim
a. Unless res objects and AT recognizes
ICA in the Philippines legitimate interest on his part in obtaining a
- Governed by the Model Law of 1985 (Sec. 19 of RA 9285) final settlement of the dispute
b. Parties AGREE on the termination
Making of Award in ICA c. AT finds that continuation has for any other
- AT shall decide dispute in accordance with the rules of law as reason become UNNECESSARY or IMPOSSIBLE
CHOSEN by the parties
 Any designation of law or legal system shall be - Mandate of the AT terminates with the termination of the
construed as referring to the substantive law of that proceedings, subject to FURTHER proceedings—
State. Unless otherwise expressed.  For the correction and interpretation of the award or
 Failing any designation by the parties, AT shall apply for additional award
law determined by conflict of law rules.  For the purpose of eliminating the grounds for setting
- AT shall decide ex aequo et bono (from equity and aside the award
conscience; according to the right and good) only if the
parties have expressly authorized it to do so. In all cases, the Correction and Interpretation of Award; Additional Award
AT shall decide according to the terms of the contract and - Within 30 days from receipt of award (unless another period
shall take into account usages of trade applicable to the agreed upon):
transaction. (1) A party may request AT to CORRECT any errors in
- In arbitral proceedings with more than 1 arbitrator, any computation, clerical or typographical errors, or any
decision of the AT shall be made by a MAJORITY of all its errors of similar nature
members. Unless otherwise agreed.  With notice to the other party
 However, questions of procedure may be decided by a (2) May request AT to give an INTERPRETATION of a
presiding arbitrator, if authorized by parties or all specific point or party of the award
members of the AT.  If so agreed by the parties
 With notice to the other party
Award of Agreed Terms - If AT considers request justified, shall make correction or give
- If the parties settle the dispute, the AT shall: interpretation within 30 DAYS from receipt of request. Such
(1) TERMINATE the proceedings and shall form part of the award.
(2) RECORD the settlement in the form of an arbitral
award on agreed terms – if requested by the parties Procedure in Recognition, Enforcement and Setting Aside the ICA
and not objected to by the AT Award
- Made in accordance with provisions of Art 31 of the Model - Any party to an ICA in the Phils may file in the proper court
Law and shall state that it is an award either—
- Same status and effect as any other award on the merits of (1) Petition for enforcement and recognition
the case  May be filed anytime FROM receipt of the
Form and Contents of Award in ICA  Opposed to by a counter-petition to set aside, if
- In writing not yet time-barred
- Signed by the arbitrator(s) (2) Petition to set aside
 Signature of majority of all members of AT shall suffice,  May only be filed WITHIN 3 MONTHS from time
provided that the reason for any omitted signature is petitioner receives a copy
stated a. Can no longer be filed after the lapse of 3
- State the reasons upon which it is based month period
 Unless the parties have agreed that no reasons are to b. But dismissal of such petition for being time
be given or the award is an award on agreed terms barred shall NOT automatically result in the
under Art 30 of the Model Law approval of the counter-petition for
- State the date and place of arbitration recognition and enforcement of the same
 Art 20(1) of the Model Law: Parties are free to agree award
on the place of arbitration. Failing such agreement, the  If a timely request is made with AT for
place of arbitration shall be determined by the AT, correction, interpretation or additional award: 3
having regard to the circumstances of the case, month counted from receipt of RESOLUTION of
including convenience of the parties. that request by pet
- After award is made, a copy signed by the arbitrators  Opposed to by a counter-petition for
delivered to each party recognition and enforcement, within period of
filing an opposition
Termination of Proceedings  Failure to file pet to set aside shall preclude
- Arbitral proceedings terminated by: party from raising grounds to resist
 Final award, or enforcement of the award
 Order of the AT for the termination of the
proceedings, when—
- Petition to recognize and enforce or set aside an arbitral - Court shall set oral hearing if it finds that there is a need on
award may, at the option of the petition, be filed with the basis of the petition, opposition, or affidavits
RTC:  This case shall have preference over all other cases,
 where arbit proceedings conducted except crim cases
 where any of the assets be attached or levied is  During the hearing, affidavits of witnesses shall take
located the place of direct testimonies and shall immediately
 where act to be enjoined is or will be performed be subj to cross exam.
 where any of the parties reside or has place of bus  Court shall have full control over the proceedings
 in the NCJR
Presumption in favor of Enforcement
Contents of Petition - Presumed that an arbit award was made and released in due
- Whether filed as an initiatory petition or as a counter- course and is subject to enforcement by the court
petition, shall state: - Unless adverse party is able to establish ground to set aside
(1) Address of record of the parties, or any change or not enforce award
(2) Statement that AA or SA exists
(3) Names of the arbitrators and proof of appointment Grounds for Setting Aside
(4) Statement that an arbit award was issued and when - Recourse to a court against an arbit award shall be made
pet received it ONLY through a pet to set aside and on grounds prescribed
(5) Relief sought by law governing ICA (Model Law, Art 34(1))
- Court shall disregard any other ground to set aside other
- Apart from other submissions, pet shall attach: than those prescribed by law
(1) Authentic copy of AA  Any other recourse, such as appeal, pet for rev or pet
(2) Authentic copy of arbit award for cert  dismissed by the court.
(3) Verification and CNFS
(4) Authentic copy of appointment of AT - GROUNDS to set aside or refuse enforcement:
A. Upon PROOF that:
- Pet shall be VERIFIED by person with personal knowledge of (1) Validity of Arbit Agreement
the facts stated therein a. Party was under some incapacity, or
- If pet to set aside is on the ground that pet is a MINOR or b. Arbit agreement itself is not valid under the
INCOMPETENT, attach certified copies of documents applicable law (which parties subjected it to,
showing such fact. or failing indication, under Phil law)
 Pet shall also show that the guardian who entered into (2) Due Process Issue
the SA or AA was not authorized by a competent court a. Party making the application was not given
to sign such SA or AA. proper notice of the appointment of an
- If another court was previously requested to resolve or has arbitrator, or
resolved on appeal the AT’s preliminary determination in b. Not given proper notice of the proceedings
favor of its own jurisdiction, pet shall APPRISE the court c. Party unable to present his case
before which the pet is pending of the STATUS of the appeal (3) Jurisdictional Compliance with AA
or its resolution a. Award deals with a dispute not
contemplated nor failing within terms of
Court Action the SA, or
- Upon finding the petition sufficient in form and substance, b. Contains decisions on matters beyond
court shall cause NOTICE and a COPY of the pet to delivered scope of the SA
to the res, directing him to file an opposition within 15 DAYS o Provided: if decisions on matters
from receipt of pet. submitted to arbit can be separated
 In lieu of opposition, may file counter-pet. from those not submitted, only that
 Pet may file a reply, within 15 days from receipt of part containing matters not
counter-pet. submitted can be set aside and only
- If court finds that the issue is mainly one of LAW, parties may those submitted can be enforced
be required to submit briefs of legal arguments (4) Procedural Compliance with AA
 Not more than 15 days from receipt of order a. Composition of the AT, or
 Sufficiently discussing legal issues and legal basis for b. Procedure was not in acc with the
the relief prayed for agreement of the parties
- If court finds issues of FACT relating to the grounds relied o Unless agreement was in conflict with
upon, it shall require parties to submit affidavits of all provision of Phil law from which
witnesses parties cannot derogate; or failing
 Not more than 15 days from receipt of order such agreement, Phil law.
 Submit reply affidavits within 10 days from receipt of
affidavits B. Court finds that:
 Attach all docs relied upon in support of statements of (1) Arbitrabilty of the dispute
fact in such affidavit
 SM is not capable of settlement by arbit
under Phil law
(2) Public Policy Issue
 Recognition or enforcement of award
would be contrary to pub pol

- Pet to set aside on ground that pet is a minor or incompetent

filed only on behalf of such, and shall allege:
 Other party had knowingly entered into SA or AA with
the minor or incompetent, OR
 SA was made by a guardian not authorized to do so by
competent court

Suspension of Proceedings to Set Aside

- Court may suspend proceedings for a period of time
determined by it:
 To give AT an opportunity to resume the arbit
proceedings, or take such other action as AT opines
will eliminate grounds to set aside (REFER BACK TO AT)
 Where appropriate
 Upon request of a party
 However, in referring back, may NOT direct it to
revise its award in a particular way or revise its
findings of fact or conclusions of law, or
otherwise encroach upon the independence of
the AT.
 Court may also suspend proceedings to set aside when
the preliminary ruling of an AT affirming its jurisdiction
to act on the matter before it had been appealed by
the aggrieved party to the court—to AWAIT ruling of
the court on such pending appeal, or in the alternative,
consolidate the proceedings to set aside with the
earlier appeal.

Judgment of the Court

- Presumed that an arbitral award was made and released in
due course and is subject to enforcement by the court
 Unless the adverse party is able to establish a ground
for setting aside or not enforcing an arbit award
 Court shall DISMISS pet to set aside if ground not fully
- If there was a counter-pet to recognize and enforce: court
shall either set aside or enforce arbit award
- Court shall not disturb the AT’s determination of facts /
interpretation of law
- At the time case is submitted to the court for decision, party
praying for recognition and enforcement or setting aside
shall submit a statement under oath confirming the costs he
has incurred in such proceedings.
 Costs shall include atty’s fees party has paid or
committed to pay to his counsel of record
 Prevailing party entitled to an award of costs against
the unsuccessful party

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