Pharmacy Standard Operating Procedures

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Pharmacy Standard Operating Procedures: Housekeeping

What is SOP

SOP according to FDA Philippines is a document that describes “how to perform” various routie
operations that contains step by step instructions. It is written by the individuals who perform the
operation. SOP is needed to guide personnel when and why to perform a task, and what is the scope of
the task.


To produce a proper guidelines of the drugstore


Within the vicinity of the drugstore and cleaning of the shelves and good housekeeping



Pharmacy assistant:

1. use a clean cloth for cleaning the shelves, clean mop with detergent or bleaching agent in cleaning the

2. Transfer the medicines from the shelves to an empty box

3. Wipe the shelves and clean it with cloth to remove dust.

4. in case of rigid smudges/stains, use damped cloth to clean them.

5. After completion, place the medicines back to where they belong

6. Wash and dry the cloth used in cleaning. Repeat cleaning every week.

7. clean the floor with mop

8. Throw the garbage when the time of collections is near. DO not place it outside because scavengers
might scatter it.

9. Try to search for pest and make necessary action to eliminate them.

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