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Cover Sheet

Qualification : BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Unit Code: BSBPMG522

Unit Title: Undertake project work

Term and Year: Term 3, 2020

Due Date: 2nd of August 2020

Initial Re-assessment
(strikeout whichever is not applicable)

Task 1 Case Study & Role Play - Max Lionel Realty

Assessment: Task 2 Case Study & Role Play - Max Lionel Realty

Task 3 Case Study & Role Play - Max Lionel Realty

Student Name: Yamkanta Parajuli

Student ID No: V20200027
Student Declaration:
I declare that this work has been completed by me honestly and with integrity. I understand that the Elite Education Vocation
Institute‟s Student Assessment, Reassessment and Repeating Units of Competency Guidelines apply to these assessment tasks.

Student Signature: Yamkanta
(only required if handing in a hard copy)

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Instructions for Students

Please read the following instructions carefully:

 All instructions provided must be adhered to constitute a complete assessment.

 Students must complete this assessment in their own time.
 All documents must be created using Microsoft Office applications (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc.). Submit your final draft as a PDF file.
Before uploading into Moodle, make sure your file is named according to Elite protocols.
 Please retain the headers and footers and version control of this document.
 Remember to complete your name, student ID, due date, declaration date and whether this is your initial submission or re-assessment. If
these details are missing or in-complete you will need to resubmit your assessment.
 If you anticipate submitting your assessment later than the due date, please refer to the Elite Student Handbook and the Intervention Policy
contained within, and complete the “Academic Intervention” form, prior to the due date, to request an extension. A hard copy of this form is
also available from Reception or your trainer.
 Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved, if required. You will be provided with
feedback on your work within 2 weeks after you submit your assessment.
 If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.
Assessment deadlines penalty

It is expected that unless an extension, special consideration or disability services adjustment has been granted, candidates must submit all
assessments for a unit of competency on the specified due date. If the assessment is completed or submitted within the period of extension, no
academic penalty will be applied to that piece of assessment.
If an extension is either not sought, not granted or is granted but work is submitted after the extended due date, the late submission of assessment
will result in a late penalty fee. For further information, please refer to the Assessment Policy.
No assessment will be accepted xx days after the due date (or extended due date). A „Not Competent‟ result will be submitted.
Assessment/evidence gathering conditions

Each submitted assessment task is initially recorded as either Satisfactory (S) or Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS).

If you are assessed as NYS, you will be eligible for re-assessment. You will be given feedback on the reason for the result. If required, you will
also be provided further information regarding the gaps in knowledge. Should you fail to submit the re-assessment or again not complete the task
satisfactorily, a result outcome of Not Satisfactory (NS) will be recorded.

You will only achieve competence in the unit when all assessment tasks have a Satisfactory (S) outcome.

Your trainer will give you feedback after the marking of each submitted assessment.

Assessment Overview

In this assessment you are required to provide evidence of your skills and knowledge required to
 define the parameters of the project including:
 project scope
 project stakeholders, including own responsibilities
 relationship of project to organisational objectives and other projects
 reporting requirements
 resource requirements
 use project management tools to develop and implement a project plan including:
 deliverables
 work breakdown
 budget and allocation of resources
 timelines
 risk management
 recordkeeping and reporting
 consult and communicate with relevant stakeholders to generate input and engagement in planning, implementing and
reviewing the project
 provide support to team members to enable them to achieve deliverables and to transition them as appropriate at completion
of the project
 finalise the project including documentation, sign-offs and reporting

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 review and document the project outcomes.
Resources required for this Assessment

 Case study – Max Lionel Realty (See Appendix 1)

 Project Planning Templates for Assessment (Appendix 2)
 Business codes of practice and relevant legislation (please refer to the information at below websites)
 Technology resources such as a computer, internet access with sufficient data to conduct searches and work with Elite online delivery
software, printer, and any other relevant equipment/software needed to complete the assessment tasks

Business Case Brief - Max Lionel Realty

Max Lionel Realty (MLR), in order to build customer goodwill and satisfy its legal and ethical obligations, has decided to implement
a program to:

● inform agents of legal and ethical obligations (particularly with respect to WHS and anti-discrimination legislation) and any
standards or codes of conduct followed by the organisation
● promote high standards in professional conduct (see Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV) Code of Conduct and relevant
● inform clients, tenants and potential tenants of MLR‟s commitments
● achieve employee and client buy-in for initiative.
You are an external consultant (from Ace Consultants) contracted to project manage activities to achieve the objectives above.

Quality standards for deliverables:

● clearly communicate legal obligations and REIV obligations

● contain as content or support company strategic directions
● no grammar or spelling errors
● professional but friendly language
● fair and flexible delivery for intended audience
● meet audience requirements and sensitive to information needs, cultural diversity.

Previous needs analysis for the project has uncovered characteristics and requirements of Residential and Commercial Agents and

Agents Clients Tenants

● under stress; time poor ● cynical: e.g. ‘why do I have to ● sometimes feel discriminated
● highly trained and competent pay attention to MLR’s internal against on basis of:
in selling and managing real business? I just want them to ○ lifestyle
estate manage my property.’
○ family status
● unaware of legal, ethical ● time poor
○ cultural background
requirement. just want to ● not sure of MLR obligations
please clients and commitment to best-of- ○ income, etc.
● even if aware, have no idea breed client service and ethical
how to apply to daily client practice, REIV code of conduct

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● unclear on overall strategic ● feel it‟s the agent‟s obligation ● residential agents have been
aims of MLR to fill rental/lease properties rude or insensitive on
● culturally diverse. according to client wishes: e.g. occasion: e.g. ‘you wouldn’t
‘I choose who lives in/leases treat your rich clients or
my property’ investment partners this way’
● culturally diverse. ● do not feel they are adequately
● residential/commercial
agents/clients have let
themselves in without
● inspections are sometimes

Project conditions are as follows:

● Six to eight team members (two to four candidates plus four virtual team members) who must be utilised and budgeted for.
Operations General Manager (the assessor) will determine composition of project team.
● The structure of the work should include roles for project sponsor, technical experts, quality assurance of deliverables,
project manager (yourself initially and, after provisional approval, as negotiated with your team), and roles and
responsibilities for each team member to achieve the deliverables according to standards, etc.
● All reasonable resources (e.g. access to a room, computers, software and templates) will be provided. Paper and
telecommunications costs, for example, to be covered by candidates. All resources must be costed and included in your
● Budget: $15,000.
● Your Operations General Manager (the assessor) will suggest project deliverables, for example, presentations, information
sessions, posters, promotional materials, etc. You may determine your own specific deliverables so long as they are agreed
to with stakeholders, meet project objectives, and adhere to budgetary constraints.
● Project timeframe to be determined by Operations General Manager (the assessor as project sponsor).
● Project should include design, development, implementation and evaluation stages (with periodic quality review).
● Project status reports are due at 25%, 50% and 75% of allotted timeframe.
● Project must be coordinated with other organisational projects, operations, etc.

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Task 1

Assessment description

Using the workplace scenario information provided, you will determine the scope of a project and develop a portfolio of draft
planning documentation to discuss with your Operations General Manager (the assessor). You will then negotiate aspects of the
project with your assigned project team. Finally, you will submit final planning documentation for approval.

1. Review the simulated business documentation, including policies and procedures, in the document “Appendix 1 Case Study
- Max Lionel Realty”. Review templates contained in the document “Appendix 2 Project Planning Templates for
Assessment” for possible use or adaptation in completing project requirements.
2. Review the scenario information provided in above “Business Case Brief - Max Lionel Realty”.
3. Receive details from Operations General Manager (the assessor) of your project team, cost, skills, and suggested project
deliverables and timeframes.
4. Determine project scope. Develop appropriate initiation and scope documents for discussion with Operations
General Manager (the assessor).
5. Determine additional documentation required to determine project and develop deliverables.
6. Define project stakeholders. Determine how you will engage and manage stakeholders to achieve project
objectives. Develop communication and stakeholder management plans for discussion.
Note: Consider scenario information and organisational structure to determine stakeholders and stakeholder interests.
7. Identify personal responsibilities and reporting requirements.
8. Determine relationship of project to other projects, systems, business operations, strategic aims of organisation,
and external legislative requirements.
9. Determine resources and access to resources. Consult with Operations General Manager (the assessor) to clarify
if necessary.
10. Determine project management tools, such as software (e.g. Microsoft Word, MS Excel, and MS Project) and
templates, etc.
Note: You may use software tools or use or adapt the templates provided.
11. Using an appropriate project management tool, develop your project plan (version 1). Include:
a. work breakdown structure: stages of development or of task completion (Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate);
opportunities for (peer and stakeholder) review and feedback; coordination of roles and sharing of responsibility for
deliverables; dependencies
b. timelines
c. roles and responsibilities for each team member
d. resourcing requirements.
12. Develop a risk management plan for your project (version 1) for discussion. Include consideration of WHS risk
management. Identify, assess and suggest treatment of at least three additional risks, including financial risk.
Record risks on a risk register and complete a risk assessment document for each risk.
Note: You may use software tools or use or adapt the templates provided.
13. Develop a budget (version 1) for the project.
Note: You may use software tools or use or adapt the template provided.

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14. Meet with Operations General Manager (the assessor) to discuss:
a. project scope
b. additional documentation required to determine project and develop deliverables.
c. project stakeholders
d. personal responsibilities
e. relationship of project to other projects, systems, strategic aims of organisation
f. resources and access to resources
g. portfolio of documents:
i. project initiation and scope documents
ii. project plan (version 1)
iii. risk management plan (version 1)
iv. budget (version 1).
15. Ask for feedback from your Operations General Manager (the assessor) on your version 1 drafts and ensure
understanding of any additional project issues or changes to project parameters.
16. Meet with your project team to:
a. negotiate roles and responsibilities
b. Agree on version 2 of documents for approval by Operations General Manager (the assessor):
i. project plan (version 2)
ii. risk management plan (version 2)
iii. budget (version 2).
c. Incorporate Operations General Manager (the assessor) feedback into planning project:
Note: The meeting will be observed by your assessor. Follow your communication plan or agree to a time and date.
When meeting with your team, be:
i. professional
ii. accommodating and conscious of varying skill levels, interests, backgrounds
iii. submit documentation as per specifications below.


You must:
● meet with Operations General Manager to discuss project scope and portfolio of planning documents
● participate in project meeting/s with project team
● submit:
○ project initiation and scope documents, including: a project brief; a project scope; a stakeholder analysis; a
communication plan; roles and responsibilities; project snapshot

○ a project plan (version 1 and version 2)

○ a risk management plan (risk register and risk assessment for each of four risks) (version 1 and version 2)

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○ a budget (version 1 and version 2).

Your assessor will be looking for:

● communication and negotiation skills to work with team members and other stakeholders to maintain project schedules
● literacy skills to read, write and review a range of documentation
● planning and organising skills to develop project plans
● numeracy skills to analyse data and to compare timelines and implementation costs against budgets
● culturally appropriate communication skills to relate to people from diverse backgrounds and people with diverse abilities
● knowledge of relevant legislation from all levels of government that may affect aspects of business operations, such as:
○ anti-discrimination legislation
○ ethical principles
○ codes of practice
○ privacy laws
○ environmental issues
● knowledge of organisational structure and chains of authority and communication within the organisation
● knowledge of how the project relates to the organisation‟s overall mission, goals, objectives and operations.

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Task 2

Max Lionel Realty

It is now time to implement the project you initiated, planned for and negotiated in Assessment Task 1.

Work with your team to achieve agreed deliverables on time, to budget, and up to required standard. Manage contingencies and
renegotiate project with stakeholders as required.

As per organisational project management record keeping system requirements, your Operations General Manager requires
regular status reports to record:
● financial management and budget control
● project milestones, for example:
 quality review completion
 outcomes and deliverables.

Submit three status reports over course of project: at 25%, 50%, 75% of timeframe.

Risk management reports need to be submitted to project sponsor for each contingency managed.

Recall the quality standards for deliverables:

● clearly communicate legal obligations, REIV obligations
● no grammar or spelling errors
● professional but friendly language
● fair and flexible delivery for intended audience
● meet audience requirements and sensitive to information needs.

Assessment description

Using the workplace scenario information provided, you will work collaboratively with your project team to administer and monitor a
project (initiated, planned and discussed in Assessment Task 1) in order to achieve the project deliverables.

1. Review the simulated business documentation, including policies and procedures, in the document “Appendix 1 Case Study
- Max Lionel Realty”. Review templates contained in the document “Appendix 2 Project Planning Templates for
Assessment” for possible use or adaptation in completing project requirements.
2. Review the scenario information provided in above “Business Case Brief - Max Lionel Realty”.
3. Determine monitoring and record-keeping system requirements from scenario for project as planned.
4. Determine personal need for support.
5. Meet with team to:
a. clarify roles and responsibilities and ensure written record of agreement, e.g. obtain signatures on roles and
responsibilities template provided
b. determine need for support and inform team members of your support needs

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c. discuss monitoring and record-keeping systems as required by the organisation
d. discuss risk management approaches.
Note: You may need to meet on several occasions. Meetings may be observed by your assessor. Follow your
communication plan or agree to a time and date.
6. Plan to support a team member. Arrange suitable time with team member and assessor (to observe). You may, for
example, provide assistance with deliverables, coach, train, etc.
Note: Ensure you adhere to budgetary constraints and timelines. All resources and time spent on the project will count
towards expenditure.
7. Meet with team member to provide support.
8. Complete the following personal roles and responsibilities:
a. implement monitoring and record-keeping, using or adapting the template provided
b. develop project deliverables
c. ensure quality assurance on draft deliverables as required by your project plan.
9. Undertake risk management as per your project plan. Provide risk management reports (may include change requests
and/or issues logs). Use or adapt the templates provided.
Note: Your Operations General Manager (the assessor) will inform your project team of contingencies that you will need to
manage. Coordinate actions with your project team members. Each team member will have at least one contingency to
10. Submit documentation as per specifications below.


You must:
● participate in project meeting/s
● provide appropriate support to one team member
● submit:

○ a written record of agreement with roles and responsibilities

○ three status reports as per record-keeping requirements
○ risk management reports: change requests and/or issues logs
○ draft project deliverables for quality assurance
○ final project deliverables.

Your assessor will be looking for:

● communication and negotiation skills to work with team members and other stakeholders to maintain project schedules
● literacy skills to read, write and review a range of documentation
● planning and organising skills to monitor and maintain implementation schedules
● numeracy skills to analyse data and compare timelines and implementation
● culturally appropriate communication skills to relate to people from diverse backgrounds and people with diverse abilities

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● knowledge of relevant legislation from all levels of government that may affect aspects of business operations, such as:

○ anti-discrimination legislation
○ ethical principles
○ codes of practice
○ privacy laws
○ environmental issues
● knowledge of organisational structure and chains of authority and communication within the organisation
● knowledge of how the project relates to the organisation‟s overall mission, goals, objectives and operations.

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Task 3

Max Lionel Realty

It is now time to review and finalise the project.
Work with your project team to review the outcomes, team processes and lessons learned from implementation.
Review the project‟s budgetary performance and produce a budget variation report for the Chief Financial Officer.
Your Operations General Manager requires you to submit an implementation report for the Board of Directors that includes
recommendations for the improvement of implementation for future projects.

Assessment description

Following on from Assessment Tasks 1 and 2 and using the workplace scenario information provided, you will, drawing on
consultation with your project team, complete financial record keeping, reassign staff to roles, complete project documentation for
sign-off and review project outcomes against project scope and plan. You will then produce a report on the project for stakeholders.

1. Review the simulated business documentation, including policies and procedures, in the document “Appendix 1 Case Study
- Max Lionel Realty”. Review templates contained in the document “Appendix 2 Project Planning Templates for
Assessment” for possible use or adaptation in completing project requirements.
2. Review the scenario information provided in above “Business Case Brief - Max Lionel Realty”.
3. In consultation with your project team, complete financial record-keeping for the project:
a. compare budgeted spend with actual
b. produce a budget variation report.
Note: You may use or adapt the template provided. Meetings may be observed by your assessor. Follow your
communication plan or agree to a time and date.
4. In consultation with your project team and management, assign project team members to roles. Obtain agreement
on new roles and responsibilities. You may use or adapt the template provided (under initiation and scope) to
record agreement on new role descriptions.
Note: Meetings may be observed by your assessor. Follow your communication plan or agree to a time and date.
5. Produce a handover report for the Project Sponsor (the assessor) for sign-off. You may use or adapt the template
6. In consultation with your project team:
a. review the project‟s outcomes against objectives, including budgetary performance
b. review team processes
c. discuss lessons learned from implementation of the project.
Note: You may use or adapt the post-project review meeting agenda template provided. Meetings may be observed
by your assessor. Follow your communication plan or agree to a time and date.
7. Produce a post-project review report for all stakeholders, including the Board of Directors, containing:
a. a review of project outcomes against objectives, including budgetary performance

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b. a review of team processes
c. a discussion of lessons learned from implementation of the project
d. recommendations for the implementation of future projects based on the lessons learned, ensuring your report
takes account of specific organisational requirements, e.g. legislative requirements and strategic plans.
Note: You may use or adapt the post-project review report template provided.
8. Submit documentation as per specifications below.


You must:
9. participate in project meeting/s
10. submit:
a. budget variation report for sign-off
b. signed role descriptions for sign-off
c. handover report
d. post-project project review report.

Your assessor will be looking for:

11. communication and negotiation skills to work with team members and other stakeholders to maintain project schedules
12. literacy skills to read, write and review a range of documentation
13. planning and organising skills to develop, monitor and maintain implementation schedules
14. numeracy skills to analyse data and to compare timelines and promotional costs against budgets
15. culturally appropriate communication skills to relate to people from diverse backgrounds and people with diverse abilities
16. knowledge of relevant legislation from all levels of government that may affect aspects of business operations, such as:
a. anti-discrimination legislation
b. ethical principles
c. codes of practice
d. privacy laws
e. environmental issues
f. WHS
17. knowledge of organisational structure, and lines of authority and communication within the organisation
18. knowledge of how the project relates to organisation‟s overall mission, goals, objectives and operations.

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Assessment Submission Checklist to be completed by the Trainer/Assessor

Did the student complete and provide evidence for the following (please  ): Yes No

1. complete Task 1?

2. complete Task 2?

3. complete Task 3?

4. Submit all requested documents in accordance with the “Specifications” of each assessment task

5. Submit within agreed timeframe?

Assessment Task 1

Has the learner proven they can (please  ): Yes No Assessor’s Notes (if any)
1.1 Access project scope and other relevant documentation

1.2 Define project stakeholders

1.3 Seek clarification from delegating authority of issues related to project

and project parameters

1.4 Identify limits of own responsibility and reporting requirements

1.5 Clarify relationship of project to other projects and to the organisation‟s


1.6 Determine and access available resources to undertake project

2.1 Develop project plan in line with the project parameters

2.2 Identify and access appropriate project management tools

2.3 Formulate risk management plan for project, including Work Health
and Safety (WHS)

2.4 Develop and approve project budget

2.5 Consult team members and take their views into account in planning
the project

2.6 Finalise project plan and gain necessary approvals to commence

project according to documented plan

3.1 Take action to ensure project team members are clear about their
responsibilities and the project requirements

Feedback and result outcome for Task 1 (please  )


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Not Yet Satisfactory

Re-assessment required

Not Satisfactory

Assessment Task 2

Has the learner proven they can (please  ): Yes No Assessor’s Notes (if any)
3.2 Provide support for project team members, especially with regard to
specific needs, to ensure that the quality of the expected outcomes of
the project and documented time lines are met

3.3 Establish and maintain required recordkeeping systems throughout the


3.4 Implement and monitor plans for managing project finances, resources
and quality

3.5 Complete and forward project reports as required to stakeholders

3.6 Undertake risk management as required to ensure project outcomes

are met

3.7 Achieve project deliverables

14.1 Feedback and result outcome for Task 2 (please  )


Not Yet Satisfactory

Re-assessment required

Not Satisfactory

Assessment Task 3

Has the learner proven they can (please  ): Yes No Assessor’s Notes (if any)
4.1 Complete financial recordkeeping associated with project and check
for accuracy

4.2 Ensure transition of staff involved in project to new roles or

reassignment to previous roles

4.3 Complete project documentation and obtain necessary sign-offs for

concluding project

5.1 Review project outcomes and processes against the project scope and

5.2 Involve team members in the project review

5.3 Document lessons learned from the project and report within the

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Feedback and result outcome for Task 3 (please  )

Not Yet Satisfactory

Re-assessment required

Not Satisfactory

Assessment Summary Result (please  )

Final Assessment Result for this unit C NC

Feedback is given to the student on each Assessment task on Moodle YES NO

Feedback is given to the student on final outcome of the unit on Moodle YES NO

Assessor’s declaration: I hereby certify that the above student has been assessed by myself and all assessments are carried out as
required by the Principles of Assessments.).

Assessor Name Michal Tomcik


Assessor Signature

The result of my performance in this unit has been discussed and explained to me YES NO

I would like to appeal the outcome of this assessment as per the appeals procedure
in the Student Handbook

Student Signature Yamkanta Date 3/08/2020

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Project Planning Templates

BSBPMG522 Undertake project work

Table of Contents

1.1 – Initiation and scope .................................................................................................................. 1

Project brief ............................................................................................................................. 1
Project scope document .......................................................................................................... 2
Stakeholder analysis ............................................................................................................... 3
Communication plan (example) ............................................................................................... 4
Roles and responsibilities........................................................................................................ 5
Project snapshot ..................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 – Planning ................................................................................................................................... 7
Work breakdown structure ...................................................................................................... 7
Project plan ............................................................................................................................. 8
Gantt chart ............................................................................................................................ 12
Activities schedule ................................................................................................................. 13
Budget ................................................................................................................................... 14
Risk register .......................................................................................................................... 15
Risk assessment form ........................................................................................................... 16
1.3 – Implementation ...................................................................................................................... 17
Change requests ................................................................................................................... 17
Issues log .............................................................................................................................. 18
1.4 – Monitoring .............................................................................................................................. 19
Status update report.............................................................................................................. 19
1.5 – Finalising and review ............................................................................................................. 20
Budget variation report .......................................................................................................... 20
Post-project review meeting .................................................................................................. 21
Handover report .................................................................................................................... 22
Post-project review report ..................................................................................................... 23
1.1 – Initiation and scope
Project brief
Project purpose and rationale
The purpose of this project is developing a program describing
standards, methods, processes and practices, improving created
and developed good practices from professionals in the field,
becoming a reference for all stakeholders (agents, clients and
tenants). This project will inform agents of legal and ethical
obligations, promote high standards in professional conduct and
inform all stakeholders about MLR’s commitment
The justification and validity of the project needs to be confirmed before the project proceeds. This document is
used to clarify the project purpose and justification and to gain approval to proceed to the next phase.

Project title
Program of Improvement for Max Lionel Realty
Working title.

Project purpose
Informing company agents about the standards to follow on legal
and ethical obligations - Promoting the high standards of REIV Codes
of Conducts- Informing clients, tenants and potential tenants
regarding the higher standard they can find in MLR thanks by this
project- Receiving good feedback from agents and clients.

Describe the purpose/need/rationale/feasibility for the project.

Background and strategic context

Max Lionel Realty was founded in 2008 by property developer Max Lionel.
The company currently employs approximately 100 people, 80 of whom
are licensed real estate agents. Through its client agents, the organisation
manages property sales and rentals (both residential and commercial) on
behalf of a range of clients. The organisation also separately engages in
investment activities, such as property and land development Lionel
Realty has been a member of the Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV)
since 2008 and proudly follows the REIV Code of Conduct.
Explain the background to the project and how it relates to the key strategic plans.

Improving the knowledge of employees regarding legal and ethical
conduct with clients will generate a positive reputation for the company.
Note the importance and/or urgency of the project to the organisation.

Related projects
1. Interview for clients to find out their level of satisfaction related to how
agents act in their presence
2.Training sessions dedicated to agents will form qualified employees.

3.Promotion campaign to expose the effort of the company in the client's


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Any other projects that have been undertaken in the past, are currently underway, or planned for the future that
will or may be affected by, or simply connected to, this project.

Project client/owner
Max Lionel customer
The person who requires the project to be undertaken.

Project sponsor

CEO Max Lionel

The person who is providing the funds and has the ultimate authority over the project.

Project manager
Yamkanta Parajuli
The person who has the responsibility to manage the project on a day-to-day basis.

Project status
Max is responsible for working with board of directors in order to oversee
business, manage risk, set overall strategic directions and ultimately
authorizing of large financial transactions. A total of 6 to 8 team members
is required. The team will comprise of two to four physical candidates and
another 4 virtual candidates who must work in an optimized manner and
be budgeted accordingly.
The following deliverables have been already set by the Max Lionel Realty,
 Communicate legal obligations/commitment and REIV
 obligations/commitment clarifying any doubts.
 Company Strategic Directions has to be followed as content.
 Commitment with grammar and no spelling errors.
 Professional but approach with friendly language adaptable to the
target audience.
 Delivery for intended audience adaptable to please them.
 Meet audience requirements and paid attention to requests, cultural
What has already been decided about the project? What decisions have already been made? What work has
already been done in relation to the project? Any assumptions or constraints?

Special provisions
The special provisions of the project are:
 Following WHS and anti-discrimination legislation;

 Implementing Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV) - Code of Conduct and relevant legislation.
Special regulations, ethical considerations, etc.

Project approvals

Add any signatures that are required for approval to proceed to the next phase.
CEO Max Lional
Project Manager Project Sponsor
Ashish Ojha
19.1 Project Client/Owner Other

Project Title: Project Client: Date:


Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y

Page 2 of 17
Project scope document
This template is a tool that can be used with key stakeholders to clearly define the logical boundaries of the
project. Ensure that you note any requirements that are out of scope to achieve absolute clarity about what is and
is not covered by this project, and to avoid the potential for problems later on.

In Scope Out of scope Assumptions Constraints

Development Any outsourced Resources like Budget of
and execution activity will not be access to a room, $15,000.
of the improvement a part of the computers,
program. project/except TI software and Reporting must
requirements templates will be fulfill 25%, 50%
(website). provided. and 75% of

Project Title: Program of Improvement of Max Lionel Project Client: Date:

Realty Version:
Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y

Page 3 of 17
Stakeholder analysis
Use this template to identify areas, groups or individuals who may participate in, or are affected by, the project.
Include everyone who has a vested interest. A useful question to ask is: ‘What will make this project a success
for you?’

21.1 Name Work area Stakeholder type Impact on/by project,

(client, end-user) requirements, success
Yamkanta Parajuli Project company Project manager Looking for project

Max Lionel Project Helper Clients/Owner Looking for the project

Ashish Ojha Helping the project Team Mamber Assist on doing project

Asha Sharma Helping the Project Team Member Assist on doing project

Project Title: Project Client: Date:


Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y

Page 4 of 17
Communication plan (example)
What Who Purpose When/frequency Type/methods

Initiation All stakeholders. Gather information for FIRST Meeting.

meeting initiation plan. Before project start
Distribute All stakeholders. Distribute plan to Before kick-off Project snapshot
project alert stakeholders of meeting. distributed via hard
initiation project scope and to Before project start copy or
plan gain buy in. date. electronically.
May be posted on
project website.
Project All stakeholders. Communicate plans At or near project Meeting.
kick-off and stakeholder roles/ start date.

Status All stakeholders and Update Regularly Distribute status report
reports project office. stakeholders on scheduled. electronically and post
progress of the Weekly is via website.
project. recommended for
Team Entire project team. To review detailed plans Regularly Meeting: detailed
meetings Individual meetings for (tasks, assignments, scheduled. plan.
sub-teams as and action items). Weekly is recommended
appropriate. for entire team. Weekly
or bi-weekly for
sub-teams as

Sponsor Sponsor/s and Project Update sponsor/s on Regularly Meeting.

meetings Manager. status and discuss scheduled.
critical issues. Recommended
Seek approval for bi-weekly or
changes to project monthly and also as
plan. needed when issues
cannot be resolved or
changes need to be
made to project plan.

Project Title: Project Client: Date:


Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y


Page 5 of 17
Roles and responsibilities
It is important to identify who the major players are on the project. List the major project roles, responsibilities
and the actual people involved. Add in any additional roles as required.

Role Name/s Responsibilities Signature/s (if

Project client/owner
The person who requires the
project to be undertaken.

Project sponsor/project
director/project board Senior
management of the project.
Accountable for the
success of the project. Has the
authority to commit resources.

Project manager
Person responsible for running the
project on a day-to-day basis within
defined authorities for cost and
schedule as agreed with the project

Manager of the project

The operational/line manager
who the project manager
reports to on a day-to-day

Project team members Staff

who will be working on the

Steering committee/
working party
To provide advice and

Project Title: Project Client: Date:


Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y

Page 6 of 17

Project snapshot
The project snapshot summarises the purpose, deliverables, stakeholders, resources, risks,
interdependencies and success criteria of the project.

Project snapshot
Name of project:

Project purpose:
What are the goals/objectives of this project? Why are we undertaking it? What is the

Deliverables with timeframes Stakeholders

What, when, etc. Who is the sponsor, project manager,
customers, and other key groups who can
impact, or be impacted by, this project.

Resources Risks
Cash flow, people, equipment, facilities, Resource limitations, deadlines, budget,
software, etc. technology, other constraints, etc.

Interdependencies Success criteria

With other projects, groups, system How we know we are successful.
interfaces, etc.

Project Title: Project Client: Date:


Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y

Page 7 of 17
1.2 – Planning

Work breakdown structure

A work breakdown structure (WBS) in project management is a tool used to define and group the project’s discrete
work elements (or tasks) in a way that helps organise and define the total work scope of the project. The WBS is a
dynamic tool and can be revised and updated as needed by the project manager.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Task 1
Informing company agents towards
Sub-task 1.1
the legal and ethical obligations and
related standards
Work item 1.1.1
Provide details about legal, ethical
obligations, and REIV codes of
Work item 1.1.2
Prepare meeting
Work item 1.1.3
Prepare performance checklist for
all a
Sub-task 1.2

Work item 1.2.1

Work item 1.2.2

Work item 1.2.3

Task 2

Sub-task 2.1
Project Planning and Budgeting
Work item 2.1.1
Create a Quality Plan
Work item 2.1.2
Prepare special marketing and
promoting campaign to attract
clients and tenants
Work item 2.1.3

Sub-task 2.2

Work item 2.2.1

Work item 2.2.2

Project Title: Project Client: Date:


Page 8 of 17
Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y

Page 9 of 17
Page 10 of 17

Communications and reporting

Include a high level communications plan here. Include a more detailed communications management
plan in the appendices if required.

Stakeholder Information required When required Format

Yamkanta Parajuli Email/Meeting

Ashish Ojha Email/Meeting

Asha Sharma Email/Meeting

Tania Email/Meeting

Page 11 of 17
Outline how you are going to track, monitor and report on the project. For example:
● status reports
● exception reports
● issues/risk log
● variance requests.

List the appendices that are attached to your project plan, for example:
● stakeholder needs analysis
● work breakdown structure
● Gantt chart
● activities schedule
● budget/cash flow
● human resource planning schedule
● roles and responsibilities
● procurement schedule
● combined resources and cost schedule
● risk management plan
● quality management plan
● Communications management plan.

Future related projects

Project approvals
Add any signatures that are required for approval to proceed to the next phase.

Project Manager Project Sponsor


Project Client/Owner Other

Project Title: Project Client: Date:


Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y

Page 12 of 17
Gantt chart
To use a Gantt chart, list the activities and tasks in column A, select an appropriate time interval (days, weeks or
months), allocate the dates to columns B onwards and plot the expected time duration (total time from start to
completion) under the appropriate column by selecting shading from the cells. When you wish to provide a
status report, simply colour or shade in black those items that are completed or estimate the percentage
complete. This will give you an immediate visual representation as to whether or not you are on schedule. You
can add extra columns for assignment of responsibilities, etc. 30.1

For small projects, a Gantt chart can be created as a spreadsheet.

Activity/task 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Planning and Budgeting


Determining the project plan

Helping the team member

Organizing meeting with team

Project closure

Agents explain the commitment of

MLR to clients and tenants
Analyse the feedback from the
satisfaction survey

If there are many tasks or stages in your project, you can identify them with a key or legend.

Task 1 Task 5
Task 2 Task 6
Task 3 Task 7
Task 4 Task 8

Project Title: Project Client: Date:


Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y

Page 13 of 17
Activities schedule
The activities schedule is a tool used to monitor individual activities against the project plan. Information
recorded on the schedule can be used when providing project status updates to stakeholders.


Actually completed
Phases & activities



Effort (hrs)


Project Title: Project Client: Date:


Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y

Page 14 of 17
Budget 32.1
The project budget is a prediction of the costs associated with a particular project. These costs include labour,
materials, and other resources required to complete the project.

Project Name:

Income Inc. GST Ex. GST

From clients 15000 15000

Total income

Expense Inc. GST Ex. GST

Initiation $2000 $2000

Resources $3000 $3000

IT technician $3000 $3000

Furniture $2000 $2000

Real estate agents $3000 $3000

Project team members $2000 $2000

$13700 $13700

Contingency (+10%)

$15000 $15000

Project Title: Project Client: Date:


Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y

Page 15 of 17
Risk register
This template is used to record identified risks associated with your project, analyse the impact and determine
resultant action to be taken.
Risk response
Likelihood Impact
Risk (contingency Responsible
(H/M/L) (H/M/L)
Budget High High Project Manager

Resource High High Project Manager

Human Resource High High Project Manager

Technician High High Project Manager

Costs High High Project Manager

Project Title: Project Client: Date:


Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y

Page 16 of 17
Risk assessment form
Identified risks are logged on a risk form and a copy is forwarded to the project manager.

Project details

Project Name Project name to which the risk relates.

Project Manager: Name of the project manager responsible for mitigating the risk.

Risk details

Risk ID: Number allocated to this risk.

Raised by: Name of person who has raised the risk. Date
Date raised: of completion of this form.

Description of risk:
Briefly describe the identified risk and its possible impact on the project (e.g. scope, resources, deliverables,
timelines and/or budgets).

Likelihood of risk: Impact of risk:

Describe and rank the likelihood of the risk Describe and rank the impact on the project if the risk
occurring (i.e. low, medium or high). occurs (i.e. low, medium or high).

Risk mitigation

Preventative actions recommended:

Briefly describe any action that should be taken to prevent the risk from occurring.

Contingency actions recommended:

Briefly describe any action that should be taken, should the risk occur, to minimise its impact on the project.

Approval details

Supporting documentation:
Details of any supporting documentation used to substantiate this risk.

Signature: Date: / /


Project Title: Project Client: Date:


Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y

Page 17 of 17

1.3 – Implementation
Change requests
This form is used to assist with recording and management of changes in scope, time, quality or budget. The
change management procedure must be negotiated with the key stakeholders prior to the sign-off of the project

Status update report

This is one example of a status report. The preferred format should be negotiated with the project sponsor.

Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y

Page 18 of 24

1.4 – Finalising and review

Budget variation report
The project budget is a prediction of the costs associated with a particular project. These costs include labour,
materials, and other resources required to complete the project.

Project name:

Income Budget Actual % Variation

Total income

Expense Budget Actual % Variation

Resource 400 400 0

Technician 1000 1000 0

Team member 10000 10000 0

Furniture 2000 2000 0

Agents 1000 1000 0

Customer free gift card 800 800 0



Project Title: Project Client: Date:


Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y

Page 19 of 24
Post-project review meeting
This template provides a proposed post-project review meeting agenda, detailing items to be discussed
when reviewing the overall project.

Post-Project Review Meeting – Agenda

Topic Speaker Time

Brief overview of project: Project 5 mins

Purpose of project, major accomplishments, comments. Manager

Review by team: All 10 mins

Goals, objectives, deliverables, schedule, budget, and success criteria
(Were they met, partially met, or missed?).

What worked/what could have gone better? All 20 mins

Some areas to consider:
● project planning
● project management
● project scheduling and tracking
● project estimating
● communication (with team, other groups/stakeholders, sponsor)
● risk management
● vendor management
● issues management
● stakeholder management
● resourcing
● users
● development approach:
○ methodology
○ analysis and design
○ development
○ testing
○ implementation
● training, documentation
● technology
● overall approach to project (i.e. vendor package, staged
implementation, etc.)
● production and operation support.

Lessons learned All 10 mins

Next steps All 5 mins

Project Title: Project Client: Date:


Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y

Page 20 of 24

Handover report
This template summarises the project as delivered and any agreed changes to baseline scope, quality, costs
and schedule.

Handover report

Initial overall objectives

Agreed changes to objectives

Final agreed deliverables

Item Budgeted cost Final Schedule Final date

cost date


Project Manager Project Sponsor Project Client

Project Title: Project Client: Date:

Project Sponsor: Project File Name: Page x of y


Page 21 of 24
Post-project review report
This template can be used to guide you through the process of conducting a post-project review. This template
can be used to document the key learning in terms of what worked well and what could have been improved.

Post-Project Review Report

Name of project:

Date and location of meeting:

Names of attendees:

1. Overview by Project Manager:

Brief summary of highlights and achievements, etc.

2. Review by team of goals, objectives/deliverables and schedule as outlined in project plan

Cut and paste from project plan.

Met Missed Partially Comments


Project goal/s


Success criteria



Page 22 of 24
3. What worked well; what could have gone better?

Worked well Could have gone better

4. Lessons learned

5. Next steps / improvement plans

Project Title: Project Client: Date:


Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y

Page 23 of 24

Project Planning Templates

BSBPMG522 Undertake project work

Table of Contents

1.1 – Initiation and scope .................................................................................................................. 1

Project brief ............................................................................................................................. 1
Project scope document .......................................................................................................... 2
Stakeholder analysis ............................................................................................................... 3
Communication plan (example) ............................................................................................... 4
Roles and responsibilities........................................................................................................ 5
Project snapshot ..................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 – Planning ................................................................................................................................... 7
Work breakdown structure ...................................................................................................... 7
Project plan ............................................................................................................................. 8
Gantt chart ............................................................................................................................ 12
Activities schedule ................................................................................................................. 13
Budget ................................................................................................................................... 14
Risk register .......................................................................................................................... 15
Risk assessment form ........................................................................................................... 16
1.3 – Implementation ...................................................................................................................... 17
Change requests ................................................................................................................... 17
Issues log .............................................................................................................................. 18
1.4 – Monitoring .............................................................................................................................. 19
Status update report.............................................................................................................. 19
1.5 – Finalising and review ............................................................................................................. 20
Budget variation report .......................................................................................................... 20
Post-project review meeting .................................................................................................. 21
Handover report .................................................................................................................... 22
Post-project review report ..................................................................................................... 23
1.1 – Initiation and scope
Project brief
Project purpose and rationale
The purpose of this project is developing a program describing standards, methods, processes and practices,
improving created and developed good practices from professionals in the field, becoming a reference for all
stakeholders (agents, clients and tenants). This project will inform agents of legal and ethical obligations, promote high
standards in professional conduct and inform all stakeholders about MLR’s commitment.

Project title
Program of Improvement communication for Max Lionel Realty.

Project purpose
Informing company agents about the standards to follow on legal and ethical obligations - promoting the high
standards of REIV Codes of Conducts- Informing clients, tenants and potential tenants regarding the higher standard
they can find in MLR thanks by this project- Receiving good feedback from agents and clients.

Background and strategic context

Max Lionel Realty was founded in 2008 by property developer Max Lionel. The company currently employs
approximately 100 people, 80 of whom are licensed real estate agents. Through its client agents, the organisation
manages property sales and rentals (both residential and commercial) on behalf of a range of clients. The organisation
also separately engages in investment activities, such as property and land development Lionel Realty has been a
member of the Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV) since 2008 and proudly follows the REIV Code of Conduct.

Improving the knowledge of employees regarding legal and ethical conduct with clients will generate a positive
reputation for the company.

Related projects
1. Interview for clients to find out their level of satisfaction related to how agents act in their presence.
2. Training sessions dedicated to agents will form qualified employees.
3. Promotion campaign to expose the effort of the company in the client's eye.

Project client/owner

Max Lionel

Project sponsor
Max Lionel

Project manager
Yamkanta Parajuli

Project status
Max is responsible for working with board of directors in order to oversee business, manage risk, set overall strategic
directions and ultimately authorizing of large financial transactions. A total of 6 to 8 team members is required. The
team will comprise of two to four physical candidates and another 4 virtual candidates who must work in an optimized
manner and be budgeted accordingly.

The following deliverables have been already set by the Max Lionel Realty,

 Presentation, communication
 policy and procedures,
 Handouts ,

Page 1 of 17
 Flyers related to WHS and anti- discrimination legislation.

Special provisions
The special provisions of the project are:
• Following WHS and anti-discrimination legislation;
• Implementing Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV) - Code of Conduct and relevant legislation.

Project approvals
Yamkanta Parajuli Max Lionel

Project Manager Project Sponsor

Max Lionel Michal
Project Client/Owner Other

Project Title: Program of Improvement Project Client: Max Lionel Date:

communication for Max Lionel Realty. 6/07/202
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: File Name: Project brief Page x of y
Lionel Yamkanta Parajuli

Page 2 of 17
Project scope document

In Scope Out of scope Assumptions Constraints


Development Any outsourced Employees will be WHS and

and execution activity will not be committed to antidiscrimination
of the improvement a part of the accomplish new legislation/Real
program. project/except TI chores and better Estate Institute
requirements performance. of Victoria
(website). (REIV) Code of
Description of Resources like Conduct and
Deliverables ensuring access to a room, relevant
Improvement and computers, legislation will
innovation. Factors that not software and be followed.
contribute to the templates will be
Growth of the company. provided. Budget of
Prevention of $15,000.
delays and Project
deviations in Timeframe will be Reporting must
the budget. determined by fulfill 25%, 50%
Operations and 75% of
General Manager. allotted
Ensure purpose, timeframe
strategy and priorities
of the project.

Project Plan

 Presentation,
 policy and
 Handouts ,
Flyers related to WHS
and anti- discrimination

Project Title: Program of Improvement Project Client: Ashish Ojha Date:

communication for Max Lionel Realty. 6/07/202
Project Sponsor: Saroj Project Manager: File Name: Project brief Page x of y
Dhakal Yamkanta Parajuli

Page 3 of 17
Stakeholder analysis

Name Work area Stakeholder type Impact on/by project,

(client, end-user) requirements, success
Max Lionel and Management Owner, CEO Approval and working with the
Management Team Board of Directors to oversee the
business, set overall strategic
directions, manage risk, and
authorize large financial
Max Lionel Financial Chief Financial Officer Preparing quarterly financial
Need to be changed statements and overall budgeting
according to appendix and also overseeing budgets for
1 cost centers and individual projects.
Michal Operations Operations General The day-to-day running of the
Manager need to be company.

Yamkanta Parajuli Consultant of ACE Project manager Meeting and discussion with client
company to success the project.

Tania Human Resources Human Resources Co-ordinate projects and

Manager management systems.

Real Estate Agents Sales Client Better qualified agents are a

success for the project.

Ashish Ojha Research Client Research information data

Asha sharma Project team member Client Following the action plan or
conducting task related to project

Project Title: Program of Improvement communication Project Client: Max Lionel Date:
for Max Lionel Realty 6/07/202
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: File Name: Project Brief Page x of y
Lionel Yamkanta Parajuli

Page 4 of 17
Communication plan
What Who Purpose When/frequency Type/methods

Initiation Project Manager/Project To provide the details Once Face to face board
meeting team of project meeting with the project
requirements. manager.
Gather information
for initiation plan.
Distribute Project Manager/Project Distribute new Once Face to face board
project team activities and meeting with the
initiation expected project manager.
plan performance.
Distribute plan to
alert stakeholders of
project scope and to
gain buy in.

Project Project Manager/Project Introduce the project to Once Face to face board
kick-off team the team. Review meeting with the project
project objectives and manager.
management approach.

Status Project Manager Report the status Weekly . Face to face board
reports Operations General of the project meeting with the
Manager/Project including activities, project manager and
team progress, costs operational general
and issues. manager.

Team Project Manager To review detailed plans Weekly and as Face to face board
meetings (tasks, assignments, needed. meeting with the
Operations General
and action items). project manager
Manager/project team
and operational
general manager.

Sponsor Max Lionel CEO/Project Discuss about Weekly and as Face to face board
meetings manager progress in the needed. meeting with the project
company with the sponsors.
Update sponsor/s on
status and discuss
critical issues.
Seek approval for
changes to project

Project Title: Program of Improvement communication Project Client: Max Lionel Date:
for Max Lionel Realty 6/07/202

Page 5 of 17
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: File Name: Project Brief Page x of y
Lionel Yamkanta Parajuli

Page 6 of 17
Roles and responsibilities

Role Name/s Responsibilities Signature/s (if

Max Lionel Max Lionel
Project client/owner
give information about the

Max Lionel Max Lionel

Project sponsor/project
Need to provide finance for
. the project

Yamkanta parajuli Develop project plan Yamkanta

Project manager
Develop project plan and
. implement for budget which is
about $15,000.

Michal Checking on project Michal

Manager of the project

Ashish / Asha Deliver the project according Ashish / Asha

Project team members
to project plan

Peter Dean Providing advice and the Peter Dean

Steering committee/
working party

Project Title: Program of Improvement communication Project Client: Max Lionel Date:
for Max Lionel Realty 6/07/202
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: File Name: Project Brief Page x of y
Lionel Yamkanta Parajuli

Page 7 of 17
Project snapshot

Project snapshot

Name of project: Information Program Development for Max Lionel Realty

Project purpose:

Ensure that all areas are coordinated and integrated in an appropriate manner.

Ensure that the deficiencies of those involved are corrected.

Achieve harmony between the processes.

Clarify legal obligations and REIV obligations

Meet audience requirements and pay attention to their needs.

Deliverables with timeframes Stakeholders
Project Client
Deliverables of this project
Max Lionel
Project Sponsor
 Presentation, communication Max Lionel
 policy and procedures, Project Manager
2nd of August Yamkanta Parajuli
Chief Financial Officier
 Handouts
Operations General Manager
2nd of August Human Resources Manager
 Flyers related to WHS and anti- discrimination Tania
legislation. Steering committee/working party
2nd of August Sam Dean, Manager Residential Realty
Govinda, Manager Commercial Realty
 No Grammer or Spelling mistake
Peter Dean , Manager Investments
2nd of August

Human Resources Risks

Clients  Quality
Project Sponsor  Cultural differences
Project Manager  Properties Damages
Employees  Non-Compliance of legal and ethical
Tenants obligations and Code of Conduct
Material Resources: Computer Devices, room,  Budget
software documents and templates

Page 8 of 17
Interdependencies Success criteria
 WHS and Anti-discrimination  Knowledge
legislation  Project/program Understanding
 Deploying Real Estate Institute  Quality
of Victoria (REIV) Code of  Budget Success
Conduct and relevant  Behavioral objectives accomplished
legislation  Accomplishment of Legislation and Code of

Project Title: Program of Improvement Communication Project Client: Max Lionel Date:
for Max Lionel Realty 6/07/202
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: File Name: Project Brief Page x of y
Lionel Yamkanta Parajuli


Page 9 of 17
1.2 – Planning
Work breakdown structure

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Task 1
Sub-task 1.1
Identify project purpose and Project
Work item 1.1.1
Meeting with Max
Identify project purpose and budget
Sub-task 1.2
Project Planning and Budgeting
Work item 1.2.1
Create project action plan
Work item 1.2.2
Create a Project Plan

Work item 1.2.3

Create a Financial/Risk plan
Task 2
Informing Clients, tenants and
Sub-task 2.1
potential tenants towards our
Provide information towards related
Work item 2.1.1
Create project deliverables
Work item 2.1.2
Prepare special marketing and
promoting campaign to attract
clients and tenants
Work item 2.1.3
Distribute project deliverables to
analyze clients and tenants
Sub-task 2.2
Project closure

Work item 2.2.2

Project closure meeting
Project Title: Program of Improvement communication Project Client: Max Lionel Date:
for Max Lionel Realty 6/07/202

Page 10 of 17

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: File Name: Project Brief Page x of y
Lionel Yamkanta Parajuli

Page 11 of 17
Project plan

Project title:
Program of Improvement communication for Max Lionel Realty.

Project purpose
The purpose of this project is developing a program describing standards, methods, processes and practices,
improving created and developed good practices from professionals in the field, becoming a reference for all
stakeholders (agents, clients and tenants). This project will inform agents of legal and ethical obligations, promote
high standards in professional conduct and inform all stakeholders about MLR’s commitment.

Background and strategic context

Max Lionel Realty was founded in 2008 by property developer Max Lionel. The company currently employs
approximately 100 people, 80 of whom are licensed real estate agents. Through its client agents, the organisation
manages property sales and rentals (both residential and commercial) on behalf of a range of clients. The organisation
also separately engages in investment activities, such as property and land development Lionel Realty has been a
member of the Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV) since 2008 and proudly follows the REIV Code of Conduct.

Other related projects

1. Interview for clients to find out their level of satisfaction related to how agents act in their presence
2. Training sessions dedicated to agents will form qualified employees
3. Promotion campaign to expose the effort of the company in the client's eye

Project objective
It is created to reach the purposes of
1. Informing company agents towards the legal and ethical obligations and related standards
2. Promoting the high standards of professional conducts related to REIV Codes of Conducts
3. Informing clients, tenants and potential tenants towards our commitments
4. Receiving the buy-in from our agents and clients to initiate the project

Scope including key deliverables

 Presentation, communication
 policy and procedures,
 Handouts ,
 Flyers related to WHS and anti- discrimination legislation.
In Scope
1. Interview for clients to find out their level of
satisfaction related to how agents act in their
2. Training sessions dedicated to agents will form
qualified employees
3. Promotion campaign to expose the effort of the
company in the client's eye.
Out of scope (exclusions)

Page 12 of 17
1. Improve the product of Max Lionel Realty
2. Staff training
3. Marketing activities for create the special
promotion campaign to strengthen relationship
among agents and clients

1. Customer satisfaction
2. Insufficient time and staff members

1. Busy schedule of the agents
2. Agent who prefer not to participate to the project
3. Few team members dedicated exclusively to the project
4. Clients who prefer not to join the project
5. Budget fixed at $15,000

 Presentation, communication
 policy and procedures,
 Handouts ,
 Flyers related to WHS and anti- discrimination legislation.

Initiation meeting / Before starting the project

- Satisfaction interview / Before starting the project
- Distribute project plan / Before the kick-off meeting and start the project
- Project kick-off meeting / One week before start the project
- Monitor project / One week after the kick off date
- Project status reports / Weekly
- Project team meetings / Weekly
- Project owner, Sponsor, management team meeting / Monthly

Project Manager
Board of Directors
and CEO

Chief Operations
Financial General
Officer Manager

Human Resources Manager Manager

Commercial Manager
Manager Residential Realty Investments

Page 13 of 17
Project client/owner
Max Lionel

Project sponsor
Max Lionel

Project Manager

Yamkanta Parajuli

Page 14 of 17
Manager of the project manager

Project team members

Yamkanta, Ashish, Asha, Tania, Peter,

Key stakeholders
Max Lionel, Yamkanta, Peter Dean


Item Milestone date Responsibility

Initial Documents/Project Charter 6/07/2020 Project Manager

Project Plan 13/07/2020 Operational General Manager

Budget Allocation 18/07/2020 Chief Financial Officer

Program Documentation 24/07/2020 Project Manager

Risk Assessment Plan 26/07/2020 Project Manager

Communication plan 30/07/2020 Project Manager

Site Development 31/07/2020 TI Outsourced

Program Completion 2/08/2020 Project Manager

Resource and cost plan

Deliverable/milestone/phase Resource Cost

Presentation/ Communication Project Manager $956

Project Planning and Budgeting Chief Financial Officer $1950

Information collection and Documentation Operational General Manager $1590

Location Selection and Invitation Operational General Manager $2500

Policies and procedures Project Manager $3000

Program Execution Project Manager $3500

Project Closure Project Manager $1550

Page 15 of 17
Project risk assessment

Risk Level Management strategy

Over budget of the project Low Several Reviews

Delays in project operations Low Good planning

Technology issues in program Low Good Supplier

Lack of resources for information sharing Medium Communication Plan

Implementation issues Medium Implementation Strategy

Quality management plan

Item from WBS Agreed quality standard Recovery procedure

Presentation No grammar mistake , clear Inform the team members about
communication, no spelling errors good presentation
Initiation Make a good beginning project Develop a quality information

Project plan and Budgeting Proper plan about the whole Develop a proper project plan and
project and budget budget
Provide information about related legislation Follow up the codes of conduct, Clear information about ethical,
and legal obligations legal obligations and REIV codes
of conduct
Project closure Closing the whole project with Check the Whole project in a
sufficient task and work related proper way

Communications and reporting

Stakeholder Information required When required Format

Project Sponsor Budget Weekly Meeting / email

Project Manager Reports/documents of activities As needed Meeting / email

Project team member Analyze of budget As needed Meeting / email

Ashish Ojha Deliver the project according to Weekly Meeting / email

project plan
Asha Sharma Deliver the project according to Weekly Meeting / email
project plan
Peter Dean Providing advice and the As needed Meeting / email
Tania Helping the project team As needed Meeting / email

Page 16 of 17
Status reports and issues log will be utilized to control this project with tracking activities in project plan and
review project performance to ward continue improvement implementation.

● Work breakdown structure
● Gantt chart
● Activities schedule
● Budget/cash flow
● Roles and responsibilities
● Risk management plan
● Communications management plan

Future related projects

- Customer satisfaction questionnaire after conducting project
- Training for our Real Estate Agents
- Special marketing and promoting campaigns

Project approvals

Yamkanta Parajuli Max Lionel

Project Manager Project Sponsor
Max Lionel
Project Client/Owner Other

Project Title: Program of Improvement communication Project Client: Max Lionel Date:
for Max Lionel Realty 6/07/202
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: File Name: Project brief Page x of y
Lionel Yamkanta Parajuli

Page 17 of 17

Gantt chart

Activity/task 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Provide details about legal, ethical
obligations, and REIV codes of
Prepare meeting

Prepare performance checklist for all

Distribute project plan via email

Prepare special marketing and

promoting campaign to attract clients
and tenants
Agents explain the commitment of
MLR to clients and tenants
Special advertising campaign

Analyse the feedback from the

satisfaction survey

If there are many tasks or stages in your project, you can identify them with a key or legend.

Task 1 Task 5
Task 2 Task 6
Task 3 Task 7
Task 4 Task 8

Project Title: Program of Improvement Communication Project Client: Max Lionel Date:
for Max Lionel Realty 6/07/202
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: File Name: Project Brief Page x of y
Lionel Yamkanta Parajuli

Page 18 of 17

Activities schedule

Actually completed
Phases & activities



Effort (hrs)

Provide - Handouts 10 hours 14/07/2020 28/07/2020 Y Sign off
details about - Presentation
legal, ethical - Meeting
obligations, room
and REIV - Computer
codes of and laptop
conducts - Internet
Prepare Project - Survey form 8 Y Sign off
meeting manager - Internet
- Staff in
Project Team
Prepare HR Manager - Email 8 09/07/2020 16/07/2020 Y Sign off
performance - Internet
checklist for - Newsletter
all agents
Distribute Project team - Handouts 15 08/07/2020 21/07/2020 Y Sign off
project plan member - Presentation
via email - Trainer
- Project team
Prepare Marketing Transportati 20 19/07/2020 28/07/2020 Y Sign off
special manager on costs
marketing - Telephone
and cost
campaign to
attract clients
and tenants
Agents Manager Transportati 20 11/07/2020 22/07/2020 Y Sign off
explain the commercial on costs
commitment realty - Telephone
of MLR to
clients and
Special Marketing - Marketing 20 08/07/2020 18/07/2020 Y Sign off
advertising manager activates cost

Create the Marketing Performance 20 18/07/2020 25/07/2020 Y Sign off

satisfaction manager checklist
survey - Laptop
- Spreadsheet
Analyze the Project Project team 4 weeks 13/07/2020 02/08/2020 Y Sign off
feedback manager staff
from the
Project Title: Program of Improvement Communication Project Client: Max Lionel Date:
for Max Lionel Realty 6/07/202
Page 19 of 17
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: File Name: Project Brief Page x of y
Lionel Yamkanta Parajuli

Page 20 of 17

Project Name: Program of Improvement for Max Lionel Realty

Income Inc. GST Ex. GST

Budget from client $15,000 $13636.35

Total income

Expense Inc. GST Ex. GST

Provide details about legal, ethical obligations, and REIV codes of $500 $500
Prepare meeting $1100 $1,000

Prepare performance checklist for all agents $1910 $1800

Distribute project plan via email $3,000 $3,000

Prepare special marketing and promoting campaign to attract clients and $440 $400
Agents explain the commitment of MLR to clients and tenants $1847 $1,600

Special advertising campaign and create the satisfaction survey $4,400 $4,000

Analyze the feedback from the satisfaction survey $440 $400

$13,637 $12,700

$1363.7 $1,270
Contingency (+10%)

$15000 $13,970

Project Title: Program of Improvement Communication Project Client: Max Lionel Date:
for Max Lionel Realty 6/07/202
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: File Name: Project Brief Page x of y
Lionel Yamkanta parajuli

Page 21 of 17
Risk register

Risk response
Likelihood Impact
Risk (contingency Responsible
(H/M/L) (H/M/L)
Poor time management of High High Inform the details Project manager
Agents schedule of the
projects to all the
agents by email first
one week before
launching the projects

Set the special KPI’s

requesting them to
participate on
meeting, training and
project to pass the
Lack of participation from High High Inform the results Project Manager
agents receive from the
clients survey
Inform the good
results of joining the
Lack of Good High High Inform them about Project manager
communication skills among the benefits of good
agents communication skills
Inform them to take
participate on the
communication skills
Limited Timeframe High High Set the deadline for Project Manager
all the tasks so that
they done their work
on time.
Set the good
monitoring procedure
Lack of knowledge about High High Prepare a meeting to Project Manager
legal, ethical obligations, inform about these
and REIV codes of things to all the agents
Implementation issues High High Inform them about Project Manager
the advantage of good
implementation skills

Project Title: Program of Improvement Communiation Project Client: Max Lionel Date:
for Max Lionel Realty 6/07/202
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: File Name: Project Brief Page x of y
Lionel Yamkanta Parajuli

Page 22 of 17
Risk assessment form

Project Name Program of Improvement communication for Max Lionel Realty

Project Manager: Yamkanta Parajuli

Risk details

Risk ID: RSK20 .

Raised by:

Ashish Ojha



Description of risk:
The clients ignore to participate the project and don’t have enough time

Likelihood of risk: Impact of risk:

High High

Risk mitigation

Preventative actions recommended:

- Inform the clients via email before and request them to answer back their availability in the email

Contingency actions recommended:

 Provide a special gift or special discount to the clients if they prefer to join our project

Approval details

Supporting documentation:
 The email conversation with clients and tenants

Signature: Ashish ojha Date: 09/07/2020


Project Title: Program of Improvement Communication Project Client: Max Lionel Date:
for Max Lionel Realty 6/07/202
Page 23 of 17

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: File Name: Project Brief Page x of y
Lionel Yamkanta Parajuli

Page 24 of 17
1.3 – Implementation
Change requests

Change request – Project

Issued by

The period of informing the clients

Item affected

Expand the period of informing the clients from 4 weeks to 5 weeks.

Nature of change

Due to the poor time management of our guests, we decide to expand the period for
Reason for change
visiting the clients and tenants

All clients will be informed about the related legislations and laws
Impact on scope

More transportation cost

Impact on budget
More telephones cost

Longer period for visiting the clients and tenants

Impact on schedule

Change authorised: Yes/No Adj. completion date: Adj. final budget: $ 15,000
Signed: yamkanta Signed Max Lionel Signed Max Lionel Signed Yamkanta
Project Manager Sponsor Client

Date 20/07/2020 Date 20/07/2020 Date 20/07/2020 Date 20/07/2020

Project Title: Program of Improvement Communication Project Client: Max Lionel Date:
for Max Lionel Realty 6/07/202
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: File Name: Project Brief Page x of y
Lionel Yamkanta Parajuli

Page 17 of 24
Issues log

Item Strategy Date logged Date resolved

Staff unable to attend the Create more training 6/07/2020 20/07/2020
training sessions
Clients ignore to join the Inform the advantage of 8/07/2020 23/07/2020
project joining the project
Clients don’t read the email Operations Manager send 11/07/2020 24/07/2020
informing about the email ask permission to
information visit them on future
Lack of knowledge about Give some training or 13/07/2020 26/07/2020
REIV code of conduct for prepare a meeting
Lack of Good Provide them a proper 18/07/2020 28/07/2020
communication skills communication training

Signed: Yamkanta Signed: Max Lionel Signed: Max Lionel Signed:

Project Manager Sponsor Client

Date: 08/07/2020 Date: 08/07/2020 Date: 08/07/2020 Date:

Project Title: Program of Improvement Communication Project Client: Max Lionel Date:
for Max Lionel Realty 6/07/202
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: File Name: Project Brief Page x of y
Lionel Yamkanta Parajuli

Page 18 of 24

1.4 – Monitoring
Status update report

Status report – Project

Item Work Milestone Revised/ Budgeted Revised/ Responsible

completed date actual date cost actual cost
Provide 06/07/2020 08/08/2020 25/07/2020 $500 $500 HR manger/
details about project manager
legal, ethical
and REIV
code of
Prepare a 08/07/2020 10/07/2020 10/07/2020 $1000 $1000 Project Manager
Prepare 09/07/2020 13/07/2020 18/07/2020 $1800 $1800 HR manager
checklist for
all agents
Distribute 11/07/2020 18/07/2020 21/07/2020 $3000 $3000 Project Team
project plan member
via email
Prepare 22/07/2020 28/07/2020 2/08/2020 $400 $400 Marketing
special Manager
campaign to
clients and
Agents 16/07/2020 19/07/2020 24/07/2020 $2000 $2000 Project manager
explain the
of MLR to
clients and
Special 19/07/2020 21/07/2020 28/07/2020 $3000 $3000 Marketing
advertising Manager

Project Title: Program of Improvement Communication Project Client: Max Lionel Date:
for Max Lionel Realty 6/07/202
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: File Name: Project Brief Page x of y
Lionel Yamkanta Parajuli

Page 19 of 24
1.5 – Finalising and review
Budget variation report
Project name:

Income Budget Actual % Variation

Budget from client $15,000 $15,000 0%

Total income

Expense Budget Actual % Variation

Provide details about legal, ethical obligations and $500 $500 0%

REIV codes of conduct
Prepare meeting $1000 $1000 0%

Prepare performance checklist for all agents $1800 $1800 0%

Distribute project plan via email $3000 $3000 0%

Prepare special marketing and promoting campaign to $400 $400 0%

attract clients and tenants
Agents explain the commitment of MLR to clients and $2000 $2000 0%
Special advertising campaign $3000 $3000 0%

Analyse the feedback from the satisfaction survey $400 $400 0%

$13,970 $13,970

$15,000 $15,000

Project Title: Program of Improvement Communication Project Client: Max Lionel Date:
for Max Lionel Realty 6/072020
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: File Name: Project Brief Page x of y
Lionel Yamkanta Parajuli

Page 20 of 24
Post-project review meeting

Post-Project Review Meeting – Agenda

Topic Speaker Time

Brief overview of project: Project 5 mins

- Informing company agents about the standards to follow on legal and ethical Manager
- Promoting the high standards of REIV Codes of Conducts
- Informing clients, tenants and potential tenants regarding the higher standard
they can find in MLR thanks by this project
- Receiving good feedback from agents and clients
Review by team: All 10 mins
Management and employees are ultimately responsible for ensuring that
safe systems of work are established, implemented and maintained.

What worked/what could have gone better? All 20 mins

Participation from clients and tenants

Work schedule

- Budget estimation

Lessons learned All 10 mins

Many clients don’t use email in daily life. So, we should call and check again to some
specific clients
Next steps All 5 mins
Find out method to recheck with the clients

Page 21 of 24
Project Title: Program of Improvement Communication Project Client: Max Lionel Date:
for Max Lionel Realty 6/07/202
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: File Name: project Brief Page x of y
Lionel Yamkanta Parajuli

Page 22 of 24
Handover report

Handover report
- Informing company agents towards the legal and ethical obligations
Initial overall objectives
and related standards
- Promoting the high standards of professional conducts related to REIV
Codes of Conducts
- Informing clients, tenants and potential tenants towards our
- Receiving the buy-in from our agents and clients to initiate the project
Agreed changes to objectives
- Only 75% of all clients and tenants will be visited
Final agreed deliverables

Item Budgeted cost Final Schedule Final date

cost date
Provide details about legal, ethical $500 $500 6/07/2020 20/07/2020
obligations, and REIV codes of conducts
$1000 $1000 8/07/2020 11/07/2020
Prepare meeting
Prepare performance checklist for all $1800 $1800 12/07/2020 25/07/2020
$3,300 $3,300

Issues summary

Item Strategy Date logged Date

Staff unable to attend the training Create more training sessions 18/07/2020 28/07/2020

Clients ignore to join the project Inform the positive points 12/07/2020 22/07/2020

Clients don’t read the email informing Operations Manager send email ask 16/07/2020 26/07/2020
the information for permission to visit them in future

Documents attached

No. Title
1. Post project review report

Yamkanta Parajuli Max Lionel Max Lionel

Project Manager Project Sponsor Project Client
Project Title: Project of Improvement Project Client: Max Lionel Date:
communication for Max Lionel Realty 6/07/202
73.2 0
Project Sponsor: Max Lionel Project File Name: Project Brief Page x of y

Page 23 of 24
Post-project review report
Post-Project Review Report

Name of project: program of Improvement Communication for Max Lionel Realty

Date and location of meeting: 24

Kent Street, Town hall, Meeting

room no 1. on 14th July 2020

Names of attendees: Max Lionel






1. Overview by Project Manager:

 All Real Estate Agents can manage to attend all meetings and trainings.
 Over 70% of the clients agreed to participate
 Clients and tenants are more satisfied with service provided by agent at 75%

2. Review by team of goals, objectives/deliverables and schedule as outlined in project plan

Cut and paste from project plan.

Met Missed Partially Comments

 All the project task is
Project goal/s
well completed and met
the requirements that are
required for the project.

Presentation, Communication 

Policies and procedures 

Success criteria

- 5% sales increases from both current and 

new clients and tenants
- 60% increase in clients and tenants 
satisfaction towards the company agents

Page 24 of 24
- 5% increase in number of new customers 


Informing company agents towards the legal 

and ethical obligations and related standards

Informing clients, tenants and potential tenants

towards our commitments

Monitor the project and evaluate the projects



Page 25 of 24
3. What worked well; what could have gone better?

Worked well Could have gone better

Participation from agents
Participation from clients and tenants

Revenue increase Work schedule

Customer satisfaction Budget estimation

4. Lessons learned
Many clients don’t use email in daily life. So, we should call and check again to some specific clients.

Many clients don’t know about legal and ethical obligations as well as about REIV codes of conduct. So, it must to
inform to them.

5. Next steps / improvement plans

Call to recheck with the clients

Inform the clients about the ethical and legal obligations.

Project Title: Program of Improvement Communication Project Client: Max Lionel Date:
for Max Lionel Realty 6/07/202
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: File Name: Project Brief Page x of y
Lionel Yamkanta Parajuli

Page 26 of 24

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Index of comments

1.1 Digital signature would be better.

13.1 In Task 1 Yamkanta has demonstrated a good understanding of the initiation and planning of the project. He
has completed all the templates sufficiently and demonstrated a good effort. He has communicated her plan
clearly during the role-play and has demonstrated a good understanding of how to plan the project by showing
her draft. In some templates, further improvements would be better as it would be better to be more consistent
in schedule and Gantt chart, however, the good effort was demonstrated. Yamkanta has demonstrated a good
effort during the role-play. The result is satisfactory.

14.1 In Task 2 Good effort in the implementation phase, however, three status reports as per record-keeping
requirements Status report - 25%, Status report 50%, and status report 75%... Meeting minutes are missing
please refer to the task 2 requirements and specifications. Please complete these documents accordingly.
Roles and responsibilities were submitted in the project plan and were agreed upon. The result is Not Yet

15.1 Yamkanta has demonstrated a fair attempt during the finalizing review phase, however, further, the
improvement would be better as it would be better to be more specific with final deliverables. Sufficient
documents were provided. The result is satisfactory.

15.2 M.T.

19.1 You are the project manager...

21.1 Max Lionel is not project helper..

22.1 Footer is incomplete.

23.1 Roles and responsibilities are incomplete

24.1 Project snapshot is incomplete, please complete it accordingly. Ensure consistency with the project.

24.2 What is the name of the project?

25.1 Incomplete work breakdown structure, please complete it accordingly. For further guideline use project
deliverables and objectives to understand what tasks can be done and how they can be broken down.

28.1 Communications and reporting is incomplete.

29.1 The project approvals are incomplete.

30.1 Timeline is 3-4 weeks - 20 days - you need to adjust the Gantt chart according to your timeline.

31.1 Incomplete...

32.1 Incorrect budget as you have not excluded GST.

33.1 What strategies will you use to reduce the risk?

33.2 please be more specific what are the risks related to budget etc.

34.1 Incomplete - please complete accordingly.

Index of comments

35.1 Incomplete

36.1 Incomplete

37.1 Incomplete

38.1 Incomplete

41.1 Your version 1 is incomplete and with mistakes, as it was suggested during the role-play further improvements
are required.

51.1 Acceptable documents with sufficient information were submitted in initiation phase - furhter improvements
were implemented by Yamkanta.

57.1 M.T.

57.2 M.T.

59.1 M.T.

60.1 Acceptable, however, further improvements would be better related to consistency.. with the project.

61.1 Acceptable, however, further improvements would be better related to consistency.. with the project.

67.1 M.T.

69.1 Three status reports as per record-keeping requirements Status report - 25%, Status report 50%, and status
report 75%... Meeting minutes are missing please refer to the task 2 requirements and specifications. Please
complete these documents accordingly.

Roles and responsibilities were submitted in the project plan and was agreed upon.

73.1 Acceptable, however, it would be better to be more specific and further improvements would be better,
however, a good effort was demonstrated.

73.2 M.T.

74.1 It would be better to be more specific.... further knowledge was demonstrated by Yamkanta.

75.1 further improvements would be better.

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