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Coueman A, YOuNG Musacirat. CENTER 2 Wooowano AvENUE, Surte $00 Detrory, MiciiGay 48226-3437 Powe 313+224+4550 Crry oF Deteorr Fax 313+224+5505 Law Department WWW.DETROFTMI.GOV April 26, 2018 CJ Ciaramella MuckRock News DEPT MR 50418, 411A Highland Avenue Somerville, MA 02144-2516 RE: Freedom of Information Act Request No. A18-01809 Concerning All Destruction of Animal Reports (DPD 669) Filed Between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2017 Dear C.J. Ciaramella: We are in receipt of your Check No. 1696 made payable to the City of Detroit in the amount of One Hundred Five and 98/100 dollars ($105.98), which reflects payment for the City of Detroit Freedom of Information Act Request No. A18-01809. Accordingly, enclosed please find the fifty-eight (58) pages of documents in response to the above-referenced request. Very truly yours, Records Manager City of Detroit Law Department Enclosure cc: Ellen Ha, Chief of Staff VEIKUI! PULICE UEPAKIMEN TL DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT (To be completed by a non-invelved Supervisor) eRe _ = WL) bs 2968 5 — ee Sea, we, ro ame i [ 1 t 1 ‘target’ primary secondary this member mA No [UNKNOWN [4532 COOPER ¢ ou - ne CeraiwCrcimsances Reconnondatens Usa alton seals nacessay) POL ar eA aRTRON HUTS TENTIER. pica Goa lots Er net et chew sae Soe SST TO ENECTET NARCOTICS SEARCH WARRANT. 1 SERCE Uy AO AWS TE OIC Or THE RAID AND ASNOLSCED. POLICE: AND “SEARCY BOREAS, OME SSIDE THE LOCATION POMIMMORSERVED ALARGE ULAUR EHIITE MIDULL Doc AGOReSEISEAY GENE NN COCA SGMIAING SHDMING TEETWIILE SccitessvELy CISRCN uaa nm FamNorroR ge aPIER FEE AO AUTH DOG FRUM HIS DIPARTMENT SSLED ILANOGLS. Se8 MP8) Sell OM ce tie eee CREDO AT STOTT LRECOVERED (2/49 CAL CASING FROM TH GROUND AND PLACED THEM ON EVIDENCE, 1WAS UNABLE TO LOCATE (1) SPENT CASING IN THE DI bt Sree AK UDSHOT TIRED AS ACCOLNTED FOX AND HHERE AS NO PROPERTY DAMAGE OR It ples oben. Gane Nie See Spa? THD EVENT IORSFRVEO GSW 0 THE DOGS HEAD ANIA, CONTROLETTY BIDE TATE OSE FS ae eo RE ER OF THE DOG, YEIICCE 15062, RAID VAN IS NOT EQLIEFED WITH AUDIO OR HE LOCATION 'S A SCANT DWE O RECORDING, HHEREFOR HE ISCIDENT WAS NOT CAPTUREDON HIDEO NG WHERE HEROIN WAS RECOVERED. THE LONE (XCUPANT FLED IME Loca Woot TNE OWNER OF THE DOG WAS SOT IDESTIFED 1 snc A» MD 010 Na coNDUCT {WANVASS OF THE AREA FOR WITNESSES BLETO AE loot Mcrae SIDE OF THR RGAATION (a Deaal SOTIHCA TIONS FROMTTEESCANE NOTHICATIOnS ae > OrSK LT AS 1 REPORT et iteanon WAS COMMn TED PR COND Cr: AN IMVLSTIGATION RIG ARUN TMS INCIDENT 1 RECOMMEND THIS MATTER AF CLOMED LeANDOEFICER S—seror DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT tS yb gclico (To be completed by a non-involved Supervisor) Page | PIS oft] ED) FTF] fos an lsvo4 eLaMRA vs Po| Wa [ws | pees. q L br bs s CL) OP) bE ‘h] Bo) OTs waa may fron OFFICER ~ in Tsnects ‘ 3 Ouaticatan Data? magazine? magazines? we, Detascreanstances Recommendations (Use a! ‘ONT S0I017 ATAPPRON 1425 JIRS_ MEMBERS OF MAJOR VIOLSEOBS ENIORLEMENT CREW 2uh, ADT S104 ELAN TO EAECUIEN NARCOTICS SEARCH WARRANT. I, SERGEANT SAGE Ill WS THE OIC OF THE RAID AND ANNOUNCED “POLICE” AND “SEARC WARKANT “ONCE INSIDE THE LOCATION PO HURD OBSERVED A LARGE ALACK BEAUIL DOG THAT WAS DaRKINe SHOWING TEETH WHILE AGGRESSIVELY CHARGING AT THE OFFICER. OFFICAL "ARING FOR HIS SAFTEY FIRED} 1) AT SHOT ATTHE 006 FROM HIS DFPARTMENT ISSUED SAW MP 223 PATROL RIFLE Si. OP OMB STRIKING THE Dor AAD FATALLY WOUNDING RECOVERED IH) 221 CAL CASING FROME THE GROLND AND FLACEDIT ON EVIDENCE TAG. THE L SHOT FIRED WAS ACCOUNTED. FOR AND THERE WAS SO PROPERTY DAMAGE OR INIURIES ORSFRVED. THERE WERE NO MITMESSES TO TIS EX EAT VEHICLE 194852 (RAID VANS IS SOT EQUIPOED WITH ALDIOOR VIDEO RECORDING, TIIEREFORE TNE INCIDENT WAS SUT CAPTU TONNER OF THE Dex NAS ADSISED THE ANIMAL WAS DECEASED. THIF DOK WAS CUNVEVED TO ASISEAL 1 S66) eM 010 NOT CONDLCT \ CANVASS OF THE AREA FOR AFTNESSES DLE f0 THE SHOOTING OCCT RING cee dad iS Mbbim Cae ROME THESCeNE SOS T0NS AND CONTAC PosK. A 5 REPORT AD OLZIOIKT NAS COMPLETED, foal sneets necessary) PSED TEINDOFFICER FOLLOWED DEPARTMENT POLICY 594247 DANGEROUS ANIMALS, AN UITICER MAY SHOOT A D8 SING AN IMMINEN THREAT OF DANGER TO THE OFFICER OR OTHERSONLY NUIEW DYSTANOERS. ARE SOT Ie cba appition ADVISES THAT 24 ROUNDS ARE TO BE CARRIED PY E\CHEOF THE 8 ROL MAGS. FOS ANS oe vaio 8 WERE L PFT SY HS PRIMARY SAG AZIN i, DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT Oo amen DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT Wd yk police (To be completed by a non-invalved Supervisor) Page Page ef] PP] EE) bs0 aus ) 15457 Bongand nn Precinct | Date of Occurence Tine of Oecurerca Location of nedent Dist EEC a bre b-30 b lb Is lb b pee Conant os sens Gane tawny iar Sea orcs pasBOn ; if Soe SSantey Erne TE) Ge) Oo) EE) Ge ane, Biibcomaace 17 cence aa Ssap ema get ions Fares Fale Fale Howry, LePeO Sas nese feet por DOR or ! ' 1 ! Soe may” secrcay simon? Regeln agar? : roa eat f so No | bso © Nes bves_| vo loos ANIMAL CONTROL StS Bae, parecer Natron omar cigs Teal iim Whee wan anal Saves Ay SEs (ane mac? catate Cor Humane Socey dnroyed? Senos 00) conage? SRimtinces) Srcoraarcan’” Nether? outed? XO. UNKNOWN, ( ) : See Soar hae Tae ie Raa aa Ue terol DetaisCiramstancesRecommencatons (Wise adctoral sheets i necessary) SaaS AGERE ICE oe MATTED ATs BHINGAAD A VACAST LOCATION OWNED By TTECTT OF DETROMT ROWAN AUOMRITY PUM Wis XSSIGNED TO THE SHOTOLS POSITION FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE ENTRY. PRESENCE PURPOSE WAS ANNOUNCED AND Heer eae no mmbweR FROM WITHIN [ORDERED & FORCED ETRY IN TO THELOCATION, ONCE INSIDE WITH SHOTGUN AT LOW READY PO eer Seaeh LARGE CRAY PITBULL IV THE REAR BEDROOM THE PFTOULL WAS GROWLING AND SHOWING MIS TEETIC THE PITBULL THES. Bee Sano MMMM S « ScORESSIVE ANNER ATTEIPING TO RITE HIM FEARRSGEORINS SAFETY ASD OTIC OFFIC Tg ag 1 ‘OCATION FO| PPD OTS PROM ts DEPARTOIENT APPROVED SHOTGUN SERA NEUTRALIZING THE ANIMAL. PO POMTINLED 1 HE LOC ATION FINDING NO PFRSONS SIDE. ONCE THE LOCATION WAS SECURE CREW MADE NO ARRESTS OR COMFISCATIONS, MACEDON EVIDENCE TAGHSTaNtket« (1) SPENT WNC HESTER 12 GALGE CASING AND TAGAST44.2 1) SPENT WINCHESTER 2G CASING, ALL 2) SHOR IRED MERE ACCUR NTED FOR. THERE AS NO PRIPFRTY DAMAGED OBSERVED AND NOONE WAS INJURED, SUNGUARD #1209999 WAS OMPLETED, LVENNCLE 01861915 NOT FOLIFPED WPM ALDIOOOR VIDE RECORDING. [MFAEFOR THE INCIDENT WAS NOT CAPTURED ON VIDED. 1 DIDNOF CONDUCT Cass DCE Tit shOOTING OCCURING INSIDE THELCATION MADE ALL NOTIFICATIONS FROM THE SCENE . NOTIFICATION ANDCOMROL SOS MEN SIONS CONTROLS SAI 650 090 OEM ASSHAL CONTROL D-W DISPOSED OF THE ANIUAL, AFTER CONDUCTING AN INVESTIOATION REGARDING IHS INCIDENT, 1 RECOMMEND THIS MATTER DE CLOSED 180 0FF:CFRIIEMIMFOL LOWED. a reer ian ny DANGEROUS ANIMALS. AN DRTICER MAY SHOOT A DANGEROUS ANDOR RABID ANIMAL THAT IS POSING AN IMMINENT PidtgaT OF DanGieR 10 HIE CEFICUR O8 OTHERS ONLY WHEN BYSTANDERS ARE NOTIN FOPARDY 2 1 onmatatese — BMRRG Mw. DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT ero DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT = _] ,, L_! police (Tobe completed by a non-involved Supervisor) Page Pace 18620 Mendota } he Location of Incident District St Ss} ot a fraganve? magannes mented? ‘Tavaied member RanklaaiFiat aagare take tae ' ' ' ' pemary agence? een, 5 Siabsestaa Da Yes No. Ives Lys Ives _} [Yes Animal Control Tyeu canvass Ary ‘ry winestes? Netfcsiers Animal Michigan imal Whare was anal > Soene?™ statin Control Humane Society destoyea? disposed of Facity) ereumstacces) Netied? — Notiee? oe 2 — { Sear Oarerg Narre (fanena) Home Adseo88 PRET Na seth Previn responded to 18620 Mendota egdingaplie ramon fara vets dog atackine people. They arived othe eatin and Served what sppewed to bea larg bulldog brown in elo on ie ro porch The oifters ead the nates forte ru on hi eomputer Which ed workers were tying to mark on th Howse next door bt the dog hep etacking. Upon eng thet Seo carte dog charged at both Ofc MR O17 cM id not ischarge her weapon. However, OTiceAMMMte tw0 (2) rounds Bem hs deparament sued Smith Sesame? 40, coral rune ich ook oct. Oscoda tua acsanick he upper che sca nd the her appeal i ee | BML 8 and hs masher a? wiesiad the incdent. NMI staed that he and hs moter have alerted the neighbor cn eat ne oir oom tar eee, ‘sloove, MII sac she was tying oad the dog int er backyard because he Rasa fenced sa but the olay pull up a he eolficers got out of their vehicle the dog charged the officers. MS¥NNBMIM further stated she observed the female officer ran behind the car an. ce male officer jumped on the hood of the car and shot the dog cwice. Also while on scene United States Pastal Service employee| rived a Jo deliver a package and she advised me that she too was artackeu by the dog earlier in the day when she ied to deliver Mendot was making a second attempt atthe end of ber La, VEIRUI! POLICE UEFAKIMENT Salis DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT (To be completed by a non-invalved Supervisor) (eestor of aaa Soret _ n.| Lace i earn TER) OE) GEL en) op 7 E] J cae are ae aes, feos, eee elec, CE, NER scan toes Race Gtoumstances) araumstances} Notified? Nebfied? ” ie ( , . ee ree rere re De NKUI PULILE UEPARIMENL + DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (ooA)REPoRT [_] , [| Police (tobe conpenayarooinced Soeresa) re ap oo) cobs | ©) fesse } fos Meee LN acme bteiaas ee be # “ ho | ves lve. lvex_} be loos lorw Faroe — Tera gene ties Se ETA we nama Bizet Rey SIRT GST reine Site Raton Gera SSF — pn pn PO HE Naw Ze DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT = L_] yt ice (To be completed by a non-invelved Supervisor) Page Page of} GE) CE) buss ‘| (a) ew lua W. GRAND BLVD ke Date of Occurrence Time of Oocunience Cocation of incicent District [SEEGER rm —_| feo) box | be G dfs _}b_] bs Cited rember (anata) Baage Caneaid —Auigried— SoRase Seancs sole tome Newmar fear" mang” tomer rangsin por bOn iP 1} Ble) Gye Son? pinay tecrcay, bh (aa teastenioata? apuaee? nopusnes? mente Tiananmen Saga Command Aaapmed ——Falraves scious Folie alive Howry tec ig Rowaln onarin Bern bomary secondary bis mem (1 CE} oot ESL, Soo aL aa sa Da Yer Ivo ‘0 lo Ives Ives _} bvo [boc IMALCONTROL Gracies Ay Ayiiihes Arywatenes? wovicaions Animal Wagan, Type Tana Vinerwan en Peer Peper todasere? (Uaetin made? Untat in Coral Mamane Sociey dentoyed? posed (Fly) eomage? Sreumstances) Gramoancen)” Noufed? Nouee? : — — | Donat Owners homer (room) one Aatress Soiree? pro DefateCreunstinceaecommandstors (Use sional sheets necestay) ‘GH GR ICA AT AFPROR 11 AN CREW CODE S.7E MANNED BY SOT! ‘BADGE ARRIVED ATT13 W. GRAND BLVD TO ASSIST MOC ‘GOCTRIMNNEINE TH A CHECK FOIE ©” SHINEE OF SAME WANTED OX PROBATION VIOLATION FOR BE UTON ARRIVAL SCT SL ‘WALED TOWARD THE FRONT PROCH OF THE LOCATION AT WHICH TIME A BLACK ANO WHITE PTBULL APPEARED FROM A HOLE UNDER THE FRONT [OF THE LOCATION AKD CHARGED SGTIRIBEMBATTE6PTING TO OE HIM. FEARING FOR HIS SAFETY AND THE SAFETY OF CREW MEMBERS SOT. JFIRED 3) SHOTS FROM HIS DEPARTMENT ISSUED SHITH AND WESSON MA? 40 SEAIMMMMINNINIB. ALL SHOTS TOOK EFFECT NEAUTRALIZING THE ANIMAL. CREW THEN OBSERVED MREMMIMINNM EXIT HIS FRONT DOOR AT WHICH TIME ME WAS ABRESTED FOR MIS PROBATION VIOLATION FOR B/E. ‘VERMIN WAS CONVEYED TO THE WAYME COUNTY IAIL FOR PROCESSING. ANIMAL CONTROL UNIT 331 ARRIVED AT SCENE FOR REMOVAL OF THE XKIMAL, ‘SGT MMMM PLACED ON EVIDENCE TAGHI7031401451- (1) PENT 40 CALIBER CASING, EVIDENCE TAGHINSI4O1452.- (1)SPENT 40 CALIBERCASING. |ANDEVIDENCE TAGHI7031401453~ (1) SPENT 40 CALIBER CASING. ALL (3) SHOTS FIRED WERE ACCOUNTED FOR, THERE WAS NO FROERTY DAMAGE, SBSERVED AND NO ONE WAS INJURED. SUMGUARD #1203140145 WAS COMPLETED. MOOC AGENT ENMU VEHICLE 1s NOT EQUIPPED WITH AUDIO OR VIDEO RECORDING. TH a aii aaa MDE. OM THE SCENE 1 DID CONDUCT A CANVASS OF THE AREA WITH NEGATIVE RESULTS. 1ALSO SPOKE WITH BOTH Mi orn STATED TY HEARD Ags OU DONT SEE THEINCQEI MADE AL NOT ICATION AND. ort roe = RN DESK: 5 IRSTERNAL CONTROLS - MAND HOMICIDE | IMAL CONTROL IBN OISPOSED OF THEANMAL AFTER CONDUCTING AN IXVESTIGATION REGARDING THIS INCIDENT, RECOMMEND THIS MATTER BE CLOSED. 1 FIND SCTINNII FOLLOWED DEPARTMENT POLICY 30:2 47 DANGEROUS ANIMALS; AN OFFICER MAY SHOOT A DANGEROUS ANDOR RABID ANIMJAL THAT IS POSING AN IMMINENT. FHREAT OF OANGER TO THE OFFICER OR OTHERS ONLY WHEN BYSTANDERS ARE ‘Bae DPD-669 (May-06) Blgeron DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT 1, LL Pelice (To be completed by a non-involved Supervisor) Page Fax oh) CE} GE] Loss aM 19171 Ruthertoed Nonhwester Date of Occurresce Tine of Cccurrence Tocaion of indent Datnct = lorem crime| | enforcement] | otal (eseed | LG Command Aesignnent——aTrounes Tate Foe Howe Sar monsiin runnin paorBOh paiary seconcary for es fapazine? magaznes? member? ‘fo fs) Oye Tinvavae reriber anal ast Fra Saige Command Ang ‘Tohicinds Folvouds Folme Folive Fowmany fred? attking founds rounds por DOA fo pamary Secondary ths member ' ’ y ‘magazine? mapasnes? 1 a vat Srascaina De? No No. No Yer Yes No No Pitbull Trorearvass Amy Anysjures Any winwsses? Notfeaions Amal Wangan. —=TypecfAnaal” «Wise aman sicene?” Propery —oezers? (Listaiin made? (ust alm Conral_ Huma Souety destoyes? Gaposed'st ecity amage? jroumstarces) Seoumstanees)" Noted? Nothed? ) Yes ( : mor Gamers Name it knawn) one Adcress Trane TET nea? oe DetasCreunstances Recommendations (Use adeitcnal sees necessary) ‘On March 15,2017, arappronimatcly 788 PML, Sergean ele signed to Major Violators Section wis te ilies WeMarpe f exewatng a scarch warrata LOTTE Rutherford, Upon urval to hs Tesston, crew members aancunsed police prewace and purpune without 3 exp Ht whi tiie the font door was forced open. Upon extey ino this house, crew metnturs encountered the above listed hime omer who sated tha annie the dog which was inthe hasernent ofthis lesan. The hone owner algo sated that her son no als ened the dg ea inthe bavernert with the ‘Crew members calla several times into the hssemert fr the owner without arexpae, Ciew members progeeded to the basement with easton it hich they encountered a Pit Bll Dog tha charged tnwants them while parking & getting in an attempt attack the oiers, Ofte Jen Bred vas ‘os from his department issued ARIS Rife serial norche king the dog in he face and shoulder area a which pont Me og Peete ito fd in the havement. crew memiers were ube io clave the Goor Hs the cage and sevste the dog. After the premises were weaned, ~ dence the flowing: 1- spent 223 caliber shell easing tae numer 1703150315 1 ond {= spe It casing. ws number ITOSTSOSIS 2 he Flloaing offi were aka prevent ot cl sed HMM 1 sssigned to Major ¥ Svullalaeatine fo of Force Use Writer finds that Officer «sn compliance with the Detroit Police Chapter 304, Training Drective 38245 mn officer may shot a dangerous an ead oni of danger to the offices or others and only when hystandsty are not jeonacdy, Wrter helieves that this maser shoul DEIKUI POLICE DEPARIMENT _ leer DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT Selico (To be completed by a novirvoved Supervis) Date of Occurrence Time of Occurrence Location of indent Ostret ‘SEERA Po s Tinvened renee RON aSt FAT Fatars 2,2]: fpr ‘Ly? Tincnea mente Ramtanrad Saige Command ‘oounds Aaliooas eatwe” Fave” Row Ray fear Serena tounge founesin proroGn'e i 1 , 1 if Sg Fema” Shey fern No No Yes Yes yes_| L¥o Pt but pew removed the doe Syouciwvess Any ‘ry airanses? Weifedtons Anal Zines nas areal acne? Proper Uaatn tata Conch Seposes Fal) ase? Soonee? Yes a) ane Ganers ame (thrown) Hora ess ae hee? socom Details Cecumstances Recommendations (Use addisenat sheets 4 necessary) 7 atappunnay 220 PM. 1 Sey ro jad Mane Violates S00 sn ange 2k which ime theft dor was aracdgnen ad ery was me, Ax cron mets ler the Prom OF Cer enceortralotos Pia Dey ina rear ude aPempa chee the hese ds aga dlacenct that there was de ha dog then neetron.n Ofc RE atompt so cack 0s AA ome sot rue hs apart ised MP 40 hor sca Se I hi mtr when oie Hid vo aia tue shs fom ht | le! ef sell easing. ag nea wl, VEIKUI PULIGE DEPAK IMENT seliss DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT fae (To be com of 1d by a non-involved Supervisor) Page "Fase aM 2b} BI) GE] Lass 2734 Broad Stet seven pee ae or, ee Govnben vo} [xe J Lx | Le] [ves xo ruttbog_} frnspened DENY FEWT "Shey Slice? GRY TER Ehaa, Ele kiero tout HT ay | a oo) ee aaa sedation (Use aiitonal shone nace9sary) asst 6 Major Unter Stem way He arate eR nce Potce and ppv without a aponse a rbick tne the ft saoe sae ee pe vember encouncta two Pull gs hat charged ans ane to sack, Ol rate inte chen aca hich he erated ihe hse a Nach OI wp sarrt a 9738 Besa Si GBB toc supe neta q : . a an bio 7 DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT 1 {Tobe completed by a nor-invelved Superson) Fase aM ols} e(if2} 7 Lt] 7) | rss0 hs 2180 Liddessdale ith Pet Date of Occurence Time of Occurence er Ost /OERLCER sf. (mmm sav. 3633 3 3 25 28 1 Tioched enter RawIWFiGh — Brege Canmand tiga — Sorarae “Fuca Saree” Tam” oe tar Mig ttn aetna ee Seay” Sete Bn Pb} Oh) bE Ob) fb me Saray srany fa | Kat ipanca cin, (asta? i eee Co ———————=r—“‘=#EU ee fee! Samy Satay Boe ' ‘ ' ‘LT Bane Mesa, Nes [No iNo. [Yes [Yes Yes io. Pit Bull Animal Control ayorcsoe Oy Anyi Aegis? Neucaioea ana” chain, pean” WG Re Ray Sidleet Mt” Rasotann Aina, OMA... Nesstaara” iran ana aaa, Stumtices; Server” Seer tomet ea as Te So Smears ara aro SENET oe DetatCicumstancesRecormendatons (Use adationl sheets f necessary) ON WEDNESDAY. APRIL 12.2017 AT 1430 HRS, THE SPECIAL RESPONSE TEAM EXECUTED A HOMICIDE SEARCH WARRANT AT 2180 LIDDESOALE INVOL ‘A DOUBLE PATA: HOMICIDE, (SUSPECT. ELMER X FORMATION FROM HOMICIDE WAS GIVEN THAT A AK-AT AS USC THE MURDERS” MEMBERS OF HEADQUARTERS SURVEILLANCE CONDUCTED A TRAFFIC STOP OF THE SISTER OF $1 WIIOSTATED THAT HE WAS INSL ‘THE LOCATION ALONG WITH SEVERAL OTIIER PEOPLE INCLUDING SMALL CHILDREN. HQ SURVEILLANCE OBSERVED WHAT THEY NELIEVED TO BE * LOOKING OUT OF AN UPSTAIRS WINDOW _DUE TO THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE SMALL CHILDREN, THE SCENE WAS ANLDED AS A “DARRICADID GUNMAN SITUATION" SRT SET Ur ON THE INVER PERIMETER, WILILE NEGOTIATIONS WERE CONDUCTED IN FRONT VIA THE DEAR CAR(ARMORID 5 INTE ERCOM. IMMEDIATELY S-1, ALONG WITH SEVLRAL OTHER INDIVIDUALS MERE OOSERVED STANDING ON THE FRONT ENCLOSED PORCH ACCC? SURRENDER PROCCOURES WERE CONDUCTED BY SRT WITH EACII OCCUPANT INDIVIDUALLY. 8-1 WAS TAKEN INTO CUSTODY. AND ALL OTHER OCCUPANTS WiAE DETAINED WITHOUT INCIDENT AND TURNED OVER TO NOMICIDE FOR FURTHER INVESTIGATION. SRT-THEN Mam ENTRY INTO LOCATION CLEARING THE MAIN LEVEL AND UPSTAIRS WITHOUT ANY CONTACT. WHILE ENTERING THE BASEMENT 0c ae CONFRONTED WY A LAGRE TAN PIT-AULL THAT BROKE AWAY FROMITS CUIAIN AND CHARGED HIM GROW! ING IN AN Etter eeNOVER, FEAR SAIETY S30 OUR TEAM SENIORS HE FIRED THREE (1) ROUNDS ALL TARING EFFECT FROM HIS DPD ISSUE Mie COI T COMMANDO ES 2 Recs Tie anita t CONTROL BY SRF AND SCENE TURNEDOVER 10 HOMECIHE ij PITBULL CARCUS CONVEYED TO Anis NOTIFICATION ALSO MADE TO COMMANDER OF METRO DIVISION 1900 11R5, : suNaRD Ry RINT Oapuly Oval Las igre DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT 0 Ssewoe DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT Ld oy police {To be completed by a non-involved Supervisor) Page "Pas? 2) GE) GE kus an @) 365 Rosen Date of Occurrence ree Location of Foaiccen len her | bos Lb bo | fs a ms rea? roundsin pret OCA nagoogoe Ey ‘orien #3 [Fo L LL Ih Ih _] iw ‘Shean newla parbonse Tel OD) DE aan meee, cameo? fel fae Seg ee [amare Seciey ves ho | (uo | es J ees Lio | Wes Lsssit iva] [er chnsir Serve Dr Ye tO ee Gace, Rag gm Tecan one anna Zereramae tor Maen Renata Gaee ima Socny Heyes? Sena Poco) rah ees) Scores” Nesteer Stach Co, —— none Prom ane re 1eunsarctecanontsan a atte shows eeony Saal 70 A I 9 Spit Repose Tex, cove 38, reo (2) ound, 9 (2H ound king target, iw 15) Hoe ro cCoMEEERE icant) ive rounds 9 secondary magazine. Last acapon iespection 3817, las qualificatin 317, Two (2) prior DOA on this date, Apt 20.2917 at approximately i43hs, the Specs! Response Team (SRT) 51, Detroit Mi for Homicide Detective Members the SRT mace appro wupose. With no ans¥er. SRT feribly Bresenew me Met Joo mediately confronted by a large brown B i his direction. Fearing foe his safety. POS fontirved to clear dwtling. Proven pull fe perceived tobe a threat ater PO] machine Gua QR eke the dog teseening dona sing towards hin. PCR Cre ssc PO Metered focaton ad inicsted ge otay pitbull expired ai de bevom of the cuted a Homicide search warrant 19365 Rosemont vo eget cain ada Beatin and ae eney Upem ety, fit ofc sitype doe PAM nscaed ne doe ly vest, but sp Gye fom hn leparmen: owed Colt ARS I bok aking eet. P Viccr aad. nd sed sy he ered he nas cordroned BY ange qsess¥e sesged POM rt eo 2) ours io hs parent pout HSI _redeinte socobd large yay pul, nas observed ty PO us tom his feparnet sued SIPS a uals edgresence and stain toward PO ved Sig Sauer P226R 7 Changer Service De for flee DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT pelies DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT = |,_| |, CI (To be cempleted by a non-involved Suparvison Pome Date of occurrence Location of incident Disiret Tineved renter RaselavFoa fecoreary xo} ko ho No. Les ies boo ANIMAL CONTROL — | rere SMO FCS SEARCH WARRANT 0% hn GODDARD. 1 SERGE AR AND ‘SEARCH WARRANT" ONCE IN THE DOOR WAY. DAD MEMES AS Tre ne ra aso ang aswonne MISLRVED A LARGE GROWN HFM TL DOK HIAT WAS CR INT NC READ Ger DOV CONT ATED racheake a or DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT Jj Me IRUH FULIGE UEFAR MEN Beer DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT [1 pcileo (To be completed by a non-involved Supervisor) Pace 1 ag fs} [o[s} LE] fos:r0 PM (22861 W. MeNichots frthwestem Date of Occurrence Time of Gecurence ocation of Incident Oistict 7 vio Ib In| bs Tee mere ROMER FIST Raipaod Taare SMa bale BRR tea" Song” nein ees Bae oot = . ote GE CE) Ge) Ob) Gt soe Say Senay, Erte cor Tiara oe? mapa aeruen Tnieinate RaMoara Sai Gonnad — Anignted —— Faieaes sara STE” TATA Noweay fect ening" roundotn ann pr Bone ' ' , 1 Soe” omy" secay Rismomter apece? Sogeanesr Taek Wetcon aan Stcatna? a bo © <0 bres bes _| bso fbogix Buty J [Anions Coott Dayavarrss soy Anifisag Anjan? Neos mm moan, pera Meme Bala? Bowery Saitou? CUnatin mare? ictalin Conte, ane souay Sena Mayon Son? Seomiarce) Srasreunces)” Nestea? Morb [UNKNOWN [N/A ¢ ) hased by a lange pit bu 10 eornr the dog in an effort to detain it. However, it avoided the officers and headed cast om Menichols where ther was [snothercitizea whom the officer had to enter the scout cart avoid being biten, The citizen MMMM M122 (roporvs1 795060088), was [conveyed to his place of employment and the Officers retumsed tothe locaton to attempt to detain the anunal. A police ron for W. MeNictols and [Telegrapt was dispatched for loose dog that forced the service station clerk JAM) to close the business temporarily, The trices tured to the location and vbserved the lose animal 2g3in an artermpled t 608 tbe anal ito the ree of the vehicle teins feed, Palen the dog suddenly cured and began io row! with his cars pinned back Fearing the dog wes going to at lepartment issued Scar one time sinking the Jog Hetxin or destroy the wounded animal. The officers were able to track/shase the dog 19a yen of a vacant hovse ditional shows, ringing the wounded animal to an end, The Officers then requested a supervisor va, fard conducted a cass ofthe location. made the location 22861 W. McNichol, frum the dischu e 2821 W. MeNichols, eM io? dio tothe location, Umade te location at the door ad a0 apparent diam tothe location, and there was no respoate at the doot and na apparent 37 W. McNichol, houses est of the location, and there was no response st ofthe weapon. The rear yasd afte Location was hacked bya rcoded sea. All tree ofthe casings ter at Notification and Cont SMS Ps Dose _— DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT Jseoe DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT ot police (Tobe completed by 2 norinvalved Superssor) Fame Pa ops}fpojotrpiz 1:30 G4 19196 BRADFORD. [Eastern Cate of Occurrence Timo of Gccurence Uocaton of Ineident Distt — lesen | | 930 2 2 s_} Lwa 3 Hooked narte Raxiairay Sate Canna agate SOEs daa Sa Wales” ewaay fer" Gang ranesin ransin park ‘moe i ' Se Sy” ean, eo taste lorecton asi Saiticating Nate? a sam oe cneen Thain Rana — Ga Gnas Miwa —— sa WR Va TES ey fect Seng asin fama pe BON _ Senay Bis mame BER) Ob) be) Gh) op See Ginay” era, Saat Been me Yes bso | Ivo Sayucine Ay anyon Tit aan Tgediama Wrenn pelewet Petry Senet to Goel Maca Sosey clea? Soper? Fay) oe Sramtiveas) Gcwsanca)” aes? Neils? No NIA ( ) See Geers Rane ST Tae ear PERT RTE She, esiscirnensiancariaconmundstons (Jee atonal sesis Wnecersanyt MEAG SCOUT 998 RESEONDED 0 (7198 BRADFORD TOASSET Sr er SEATED, ME NUDCED THEPTBULL INTHE AREA ANO THAT THE BOG 18 DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT 7 DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL ANO ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT = i_} ,, l_| (To be completed by a non-involved Supervisor) Page Page ees oe, Ae Be eclmmes 7 atone Comanl— Aegme sabe See Holes” aT Maa fear" Sehcg nena ‘oan p00 Oe) Eel Cel Oe oo Soe San” Scone, Site Rapala? (ignenes merear coals Tas inateatcal Vinwoned manson Ramlasirisn Gaoge Command Assignment Patrons Fat rouns fet Seng ‘ , ’ 1 taget i scala Dae? = Iso Ino lve. ves fo_} No. wa. A Tyavcanvae Any ‘Any auras Anywinesues? Notfastons Arma Uehgan_ Tipe st Aaral Peace?” Property tacesera? (Uatadin ade? (cat atin Consol Humane Seowyy cewboyed? disposed 0 acy) aarage? ‘reumetances) Grourstacers)” Notea? —Nouted? » bunkawan Lunknowe, eee! war Owners Name OF anwrT ome Aare Pe aE own) et FS rng cnmplcta on une 19,07 sc rasratacces Raconensatons (se sddtonal sheet ntcnssary SAMMI te slip 1777 doe she oingnal em vale robe ocd 1 Stay 2 2017 Orc OF MBoring out 27 ne 10 Crean wait cut 25 Oo II nd i “Servicios sana OME ented to copie the ill ung log Sik bt was unacsul ed fo Chater and Oi Punch is ack on he pula ated withing Hck en he var Onegin Oca Te etig hen king Oc hn procs en ay SNadthe voters of wee Os ccd cing bi Pa Pa Hifi oud fom department ened sear at he carn. pabul sc One oan hat ws fed J ot tke Aen ce pitbull andthe pl ete tothe yan ad aid down usta that he sees ile ound he fod she the grouns, SMB cout 2-70 made ne lation and couldnt iat the shell casing. Pes Seal ery dm aged het the ncn. OT empleo #1798 nade recites Set C20 So 3 PC homme Te The 9rd fvcay tomcat he de walk Abii the ru the dng Mhis ine OH fearng hat @ ic his frcarn snd waite for OM fo passim th cre 609 Pata 91 oe Wate Gat ico ot ati wf ths ens Jeo the ove information, t we VEIKUI PULICE DEPARTMENT Becvor + , DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT L O police (To be compteted by a non-involved Sugervisor) Page” age ols} Los} GP] bo au ALLEY BEHIND 19189 RUNYON GANG IN a bo It Jf JG Jk] £4] ! ! Lo}! 12 ne ramen rere? ha L] Meme Adaress| Pens NE nown) CotaisCreumstances Recommendations (Use ads onal sheets # necessary) TCREW CODE STCONDLCTINAG: IG SWIER IN Wik AREA UF IROVER LAPIS ‘G8 LATAIN ATPROACTING HOOVTR CRT ReerRe eA ROES EMS SHOOTING DICE ON THE PORCH! OF A VAGAMD HOUSE AT BM HOOWTR CREW EXITED He Rae SGAGING IN A GAME OF CHANCE UPON EXITING THE RAID VAN PO IBM OUSERSID A DANAE NG ALL BLACK MITHE A GUL DGE ON TAS RICE TARO GU TEE HOUSES PO BMI GAVE CHASE OF THE PERE ON. Tint OMMMOUSERVED AIAN PBULL IT MP TUF Banc INCITS IF He FEARING FOR 185 SAFES NISPuO SR hwo Shots MAKING EFFEC BACK FENCE ANDRFENTERED THE YARD OF {3130 RUNYON PO BAITED 20 LOCATE THE CASINGS ULE WAS LN ANE TODUL NOE ISTHE OUTLINE OF 1 HANDGLN LOOK IN HS DIK CTION AND ih ee OT TOA FIELD Tita ABUTTS AN ALLEY DIRECTLY arHiND lolapRUNYON. eth S05 0g 10180 RUSVON AND CHARGE ACKOSS THE VACANT LOT BAMEAISG SIN & SHOTS FROM HIS DEPARTMENT NSt ED SMITH Ax Ais MAL IN THE RIGHT SHOULDER THE PUTHL LD YUEN EME MMEDIETLY AOMEED Ms ANDERISHONDED TO Fie SEEM, EMLFY HIGIURASS AND DOWNED URANCTIES, THEN WELT INDHONTON ADSFURE MII TH ONSER ae —§, a 0 ARMS Se okey a ect i a ee TATED THAT Cc Aes a RINT ra AEE XETEM ae TANNINS Yo lnescinr Fao ANDCONTRUL. Sf LOUNEMDNT EPA OP TIE shun now nth ieee ALUTATION OF FURCE USED fF RVICESCHIADIF& And iA ACTIONS WERE INCOME EARCE WIFH THE DETROIT MOLEC DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT fazacna? magaznea marber? — seer DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT Ld yl soiice SA Oe nt aconinewen Sipenee) oa ie Oe} ED TD fico |) ats sere 2 (GEEICER 51 a (om | bon | i bf bs] bo aoa eee peoet ep) fhe] OE target prmaryseeonsary forte a b |b Saat baal Ure Boa! bat ae oe. SS Ee anhachue me eh, aes oy aa Grays Da [Aviat Control Yos Ivo bio ves Lvss Ives Wes iol 7401 Cheysler Foy (SD) Sa youeanvass Any Tayfaies Any waneses? Noiiaiere Animal MeNgan Type ofAamnal Where was aral BoE? Seleeny —‘acacers? (Cavin made? Ua atin Conviol_ Humana Sactly denboped?——Sapsed of Far) damage? Sreumatances) Secmelance) Noted? Notte? ve — — a Senge Onnere Nae (Far) ema cress PSE RTE wee re Detatetcroumtancas Reccomansaborg wae scitena sheets koecetsay) Fe ee Sade Se ce A TTT IS Qe ee ee soculaiangS Ooo as eae ea I are rata cng ea ne a ii NT Se ES oie Re aca on aga °° me htt gn fa DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT (Dre DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL ANO ITS ATTEMPT (DOA)REPORT = LI i polico {To ba completed by a non-nvolved Supervisor) Page Pago GE) Ee) GE) bs am (PH) [6666 Townsend [ra pet ata of Ccsurence Tima of Oecurerca Location of resdort *Distiet "ane ae om ue 37 R zl B us_] bo bo COMenene rental sage Comin? kaigvied —fdncs fdmns sie fdie | fovney I I wr Re Ey tee, Sie EE Gh) C-GoE 7 Soe pay Eapeceet mogacna? member? ececeererao Tea Saat ence bo ae see ae L oh JE Sh |b CO rag — Seve Command gine oa oT Hepa aE TN feat" fing” muntiin Topasin prorDOAt eB) EEG) bE) eb) tl fam pinay eeancany Namen ea Wines coe saat — lL Jeouveyed to animal Yes bio © hve Ives a_| fo lima ex.s) | [esatel Brenna — Gaiiie myenenen Total ava Mons Tipsotanna renvasannal PES Poe Seeliest CAmn race? Umtatin Comet KarareSodaly desroyar?—Gapoundt Foc eeoge? Srocrntces) Seamnfaress)" Notes? Nostee? Sung Owners ae: TSA) Fone Aazess FRESE on ‘SabtuCunmetances acon andatons (ute adctonal sheet necessary “Oa May 19, 2017, at approximately 2:25pm, Li os 114 pet, directed crew members to force Sane lie gout door of 666STowndead, afer receiving eo responee (nock and asnouncs). Upon ascending tothe upper Oat of feccountered a nazow hallway. To his left a doar opened and large pitbull exited the room ard charged toward tho officers. AE this point Ofc. had taken position to the right of is partoer. Ofc Gred (2) stots from the department issued shotgua (5 le ORM 2) as fois prensa, SAWP (ceo. All four shot tok effect, acura EE es Coin Being on seene, I conducted a canvass, ficding Mri of tie downstairs flat, who stated he was awaken by the (funshot sod ade op other observations. The animal Was coaveyed (0 sail cairo for disposal. Evidence: 1705150028 items 12 and 13: Lspent 40cal, each; items 10811 green 12gauge spent shotgun sbells. [find tet the setions taken by the oBfcers were justified under the circumstances, and were within the departmest’s perameter regarding vieious animals. The Detroit Police Maaual, Tracing Diective 304.2-45, entitled Dangerovs Animals sats, in pat, ‘An officer may shoot a dangerous and /or bid animal that is pesing an immicest threat of danger to the officer or others and. only whea bystanders are notin jeopardy.” ‘Notifications: Conmaunicatices: MMM 7° Pct: L.A ® 2ot: 2 II Force vestigation: Sergent IN Ps DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT 4 a DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT = _] yk police (To be compieted by a non-invalved Supervisor) Poze Page ols} 22) bE] bas a (Ht) 19310 Sussex Westen Date of Occurrence Time of Occurence Locatien of inesdent Distict SCS ; r lwestzrn | i205 ls k b__| hs ° rs Fay ssege Conmnand Manganese seieinse saimunde ¥alwe aclne Hownany sr tre moy awtey Boe EE) CE) C2) 2G) CE —— ‘creices ‘Taahed ante Ramana) and Teagaret ——Scinass Soma Sele We Howeaey fiedh toning” renenin ‘ooneeinpror O08 lt 7 iL ' ' eee pemary”ecraay bearmennert Fagazine? maganes? ot maya a | | ee Fa yousanvass Any ‘Angopsas nywaiastes? Newieaions Anmalehgan Type Anaval Where was anal teleost Prapaty —toctians? (Ualadin mace? Latalin Conith_ Humane Sacey cestoyed? aposed of? (eclly) onage? Sreumeances) reumstances) Notfed? Noted? ae 1 | @ DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT | police (To be completed by a non-involved Supervisor) CTs] Efe) GE] bo PM trusts purtan Kouthnest Dato of Occurrence Time of Occurrence Location of ireident Ostet 4 ] 10 b } Semel aioe sa ne es} py fp CB) E target ‘ms ‘SEnCER SS PO. ou L b Tneeeeroneranesceay Seager net pres Tame rownay fees? founds ror Onto 3] PR) th eh) fh) it farget” —oemarySteandary_ is momar SJ) Le ly) aganre? magannes? fs Iso byes es byes | fo pirate | [Snumat Controt ‘yaocanae any Aryoaiesses? Neltcators © Aniral Mangan Type arama” Hina age orosa Nene? Brpy (statin Mader iUstatin Corte) slomane Seaety stayed SusteadurP Foca tana? Srourstinces) Geeumstances) Noulea? Hotta? —__ Home Astace Fre Nara De armed eae 068 Faerun) ESTER Ton Corll rt is Sah edo we Sen soe tig scot 210 when they luce fe een ne ing 2 et a he ee sere young aprons 1 yeas a fence in asa beg ata yo pall doa. The Ber aoe ceca he fey The acer se ot able i safely aces the aes noe were ey able to safely cut he — — TRORGCITAPAPFRON Wi TSTATCREW CODES TT MANNED HY POLICE OTT FAM BS ATT TORT TOS SCOUT THC CHECKUF \ LAND @AMRIVAC ANT DELIA) THETO¥AS OC RE oe ee Oaks AON SRESENCF AND PLRDOSE AND THE OCCUPANTS REFUSED TOOEN IIE DOOR. <1 ost RF THe ELEC Tey ence cree LP SCCM a ASLO OAEED ATR RED TPT MN he OT on PON ay et RRM choo One or Tieoccupters sett wernt ermine set renner io si ist Fesninc rom sare Peau Tue sw ery or LOCHNER sc Sus SD MESON ap a ee ACL ors foc errreT Sea T SEARED ASO LOCAT epi SHOTS, ASIA OFFICERS NS INSIDE BH NISOLOCATED INSIDE WAS MARUL ANA ANDUSCLRRERCY AS abe DB SA ANDUTIEN PRACD ANDER FR PO ESSN I eet eee poreratin SAS IDEVEFIED 4S HIE ANIMAL ATHUS REQUEST THE ANIMAL ANDGVEN THE OPPORTUNITY FOCAL SUEDE. 10) ACED ON EVIDENCE FAG 1000595 7. 1s SPENT # CALIMER CASING, EVIDENCE TAGHLYA0H099 6-48) SPENT SHCALINER ines GU SPENT MCALIOER CASING. ALLO SHOTS FINED MERE SUCOLMTED FOR THERE Was <0 PROPERLY INE WASIMERED SUNGL ARDS} Honan WASCOMPLETED omeral sas oc rFirTED arnt \gooy casey ANOL ATE MPTED 10 REVIEW THE SIDFO OF TE PCIE NT MIT HE PA og aN CHRO SIVERESULIS. MADE SLL NOR AON FR SOTCATION AND CONTROL AIM 1 a _ DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT O Blrow DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT [7] ale BEiieo (oe campleted by arcninvoved Soren ney Pine Pa Pat Ts} OTe] / BE] fron 19190 KENTUCKY ha Date of Occurence Tare df Cecurence Leeson af ieident Orval no IE | Ef |_| See Ps pea rome ss =~ wcrcay re ‘Ula Sethe Se, SS, ae ea etd aes Gace ay at eg onan natin Se 1: iC Set ira” Smee, Freee agua? mogacees? tele cas | ] Lepe ima ey Sia Moen ee, sar ee Stee Ga See ee Sag: Ss, ay a Reece Sent Sates” Sekiya = C ) A Sane Par ‘oii Yani ow mods oa sec dah O84 DE St whch bi be vine SIGUA EA SEASON Mm et fect pan sansa ze be ete the et CBee rate ne se ct be sua ihe ing ngeaneseers eee eee FO rent af nes (ance al tet nae wionee nied Re ore wt vie fhe faked a conmvicionsn sient comet peste nee sec 9 lve 1308 A pe eng ne ease fon rrca TRSID0I2, Seo se cain oe ee a a S reais pape a a om doranay cave some EA Tithe tea datas ee Fee JAK pay and ee a oper nay whch acoder Hb =o al i msm ona, SS ala MM ace dog ced Seater ne I Aon settee ie 9 Heide en eS 110 rp doen 18) Cr I "Ani Corl roped nd pene Kereta pots wa sc hes athin 2-47 Sane 5 ——— aflaln fx, DEIRUH POLIGE UEPAK IMENT [El soroe Belle ee ee oe ceaoyaratmsis apeta ge reas 1) GE) CE }oa aa (cance por DOA fs | ] DETROIT HUMANE Lvs Wes so} ferrputt._| fsocrery (stain mate Hrane Sooety cestoyed ossposee sgcimtinid 0 tc DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT sore DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (Q0A) REPORT police (Tobe completed by a nan-involved Supervisory ots} e[i]o}s (7) hoconse PM Jpor 1si24 UTTLEFELO, DETROL Mt Oneolccairerce TraclOiewnexe —_‘Cemianat aoe fFeecrn bo faccrccr| oor hn. | fs hove Keemerww town — Siw Cowad Aaa — faa Gime oes! Ut ewe) PO ye ea Ft *BY BE) OD) GG) Gh) Gr tore Boa ae Ia a a Ga Ca aR — gasa oer m Goe! Ld Lar RS coca tain eee , ee C1): tear Stet aaa reer at be J be | be | fee ber [hes | [errauic_| ove. ravaway RE meme Aas Meine ea he APEULL| Rone nana FT Say SUG EUR Merwe Gms cay Maes Renee ah Seemtean Seemest” en 2 junknown. ] Ia ( ) . ‘Owners Name (nan Horse Aaareas Fran aer ee aa ar Ce MEST sees, DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT ove comtabyovorinei Saensy 7-98 PM tis369 Coste | Ted Oeanence _—__Lacatonet SUR feunses |peor Jk} L_] fs _][s | Ben cane moma fae Igoe ie He! Bd ie" Sais, Se, See ‘GE wot Sle Soot, ER, b Jb Ils _]fs i IS oe Laeln TeBBts op) = Sy es mes Cy [ Sc Spee bs bo | sein an Sen oe Desstevasmstancesftecsnmendstors (Use aisiona snes Acecesssq) KT | z ERS ota 5 i tsoatt cna S2Siarees est ane ee DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT rm DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT LS im ON.OF ANIA AND [8 ATTEMPT ( ee Ope fsfoyr tits fuss [14821 ROCHELLE [GANG INTEL, ae 2 Se ae Se ols} fof] fipr fs) of?) qe 2 ae fortis saat a, ST Sit ce, Ee : = (a) seo oer mers Name. (if known) Home Address. ‘Prove Nonter oe Desa CrcumstancesRecormendaters (Use acinal sets necessac) ON 9630-17 NT 1 557M CREW CODE203 AKRIVED AT 14821 ROCHELLE FOR EXECUTION OF A NARCOTICS SEARCHT WARRANT CRW REACING THE FRONT PORCH PCIDUSER VED THROUGII THE SECURITY GRATE (OPEN FRONT DOOR) TIIE DEFENR Noa A ATADLE IN HIE LIVING ROOM CONTAINING A HANDGUN, NARCOTICS, PACKAGING MATERIAL ANUS cUnei gee oot ISIMEDIETLY ORDERED A UNFROCTD ENTRY THROUGH THE UNLOCKED sb ATE. POMMMBETHIEN OnseRVED DEFENDANT JUMP UP EROMIITIE TABLE AND RUN TO THIE NE AEDROOM JGAVE CHASE OF THE DEFENDANT TO THE We BEDROOM WHERE P NCOUNTERED A VICIOUS TAN PITBULLTUAT CHANGED HIM. THE PITDULL WAS BARKING Ao (OWING HIS TEETH AN ATTENIDE TO BITE CREWAIENIBERS. PME IRD ONE SHOT EROMIIN DEPART eee REMINGTON 470 SHOTGUN SER PSEUTRALIZING THE ANIMAL. 1 RECOVERED TIME SPENT SHOTGUN SIIELL PLACING ITON ETs17 PRT 1706300231 WAS COMPLETED. 1 MADE ALL NOTIFICATIONS AT SCENE. ENOUIELE STEMI SOTIFTCATION’AND CONTROL. 1 MPSS: DISK SCURMMMBSTERSAL CONTROLS, AND DETECTIVE HOMICIDE TASLO CHECKED TIE AREA OF THE SHOUTING FOR INJURY O8 ORR DAMAGE AND Fence he NALUTATION OF FORCE USED: [FIND HAS POU ACTIONS WERE IN COMPLIANCE WATIL THE DETROIT POL:CE MANUAL SOR Can SUEPORT SERVICES CHAPTER 304, TRAINING DIRECTIVE, 42-45: DANGEROUS ANIMALS, AND SECTION Jot Si 3 Gono FORCE CONTINUUM. WRITER RECOSIMENDS THAT THIS MATTER BE CONSIDERED CLosES DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT ~~ _ DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT [._] ,, Police (To be completed by a non-involved Supervisor) Page Page oft}: [ols] GE) bss PM trs0ss winthrop lun Precis Date of Occurrence Time of Occurrence Location of Incident District see 38 ke L bo Is Sacge Command Assia scluncs aoines aoe” wee” OWT) fea? oking unten founcsin por DOR ge’ omay” conta rte ols} bP) Gt els) Gye] Ltr para ame, 7 ‘is Wsnea cea “Cs Guautearan Da — SeniCeR Tinaved enter Raratantray —— Eadge Command Ravganeat Taltoue Soltounes Sole Fhe ow any feed?” Soxing toundain foundain prot DOR 0 luiget” brary" tecondary_ rs member ‘ : a magazine? mogaaines? fia ca r= « hyo Ivo Ives ves o_| Ivo «9006 _ | [Animal Cnrot ayeucanvass Any Rey aiates Anywiesses? Newielone AnevalNichjan. ‘Type tana Whetsoa aoa ekcare? Propery eaters? (Uatalin mader(catalin Contol Nomere Socely Geotayed? Unnenadurt eos) arene? Srcumstancen) Crammataneas)” Noted? Noted? Co, Pome Aastess Pre NETS DetatsCrounstancesRecommendatons Use addtions sheets # necessary) ia Fes rere ptf ee i one anak A te ae Aas edo est Bn et of opt teen Rll Semen ante nf anea ca ceavod Rohan cheng Se MEO soe any| NTSuneesoe Parl aslF a i ms EaiiacEn rc! INT Bena Oval Lama Sanave ose DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT — ry DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA)REPORT = L_] ., L (To be completed by a non.involved Supery'sor) Page Pag of] + Cops} E77) bax ~ :) fmm TTnvaived mor bar Rar aFIay sk rounds feundsie por 008 to Sree GanersName enoK) rome Adzess Proce NORE ator tiroan Dette Crown stances Recommendations (Uze ads! shoots f nace 7 ToTuly 6.2017 atapproimaialy 750 PM. off duty officer. Comer AEM bal was in his backyard when he chscrved a Brown ind white pital come on his property at ‘cis brown boxer which was chained in the yard. Corp MM fited one shot from his wary weapon strikin Foose dog one time inthe left chest area. Compl tw ascertain shorily afterwards that the loose pithull +d to his next door neighbors EL. Sergeant ‘badge lil esponded to the location along with Scout 8-10, by PTT bl: AE ed 70 TE badec HE Corp [produced his Smith & Wesson M&? 49 serial OTA OFD HAMM sh 4 Tse rounds in the magarine, Fobscrved flesh rod blond the weeded area of Corp backyard but oo spent asing sas recuncrede Tals abvcrved browe an! white pitbull oh the side of 19925 Durgess with one shot to the leftehest aren There ho hese ly behing mide location at 19922 Grey dog to Animal ‘onttol per owner, Sergcort had BM 8: at 6 Desk wore voified selon gs DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT Blavoe DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT, 1d oy Ol police (To be completed by a non-involved Supervisor) Page % Pag of] (2fo] LP] bess (at) pm [suis & LANTZ INortheast | a = Tes, ao, ee ee a Scatestan at soazr 7 ae a Sos, oe, Se, — aa "SS Set i Tnsnecnnr Tt Ouaificatian Dale? eee a eed ed be ted be the) Barmito | boncons 2 — = = =, DetisGeemstances Recanendaion Usa ain shea i scessag) SNABOVE DATE AND TIME, THE SPECIAL RESPONSE TEAM (SRT) WAS RECALLED FOR A BARRICADED GUNPERSON SITUATION AT 8126, LANTZ, MAN ARMED WITH A HANGUN (SHOTS FIRED). MEMBERS OF SRT SETUP ON TIIE EAST AND WEST SIDE OF THE ADJOINING HOUSES OF 8126 E. LANTZ. OFFICER, BADGE ASSIGNED To THE SPECIAL. RESPONSE TEAM, WAS STAGED ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE LOCATION, ALONG WITH OFFIC BADGE HBB. ASSIGNED TO THE SPECIAL. RESPONSE TEAM. OFFICER OBSERVED A PACK OF THREE () GERMAN SHEPHERDS APPROACHING HIS LOCATION. THE LEAD DOG, A LARGE BLACK GERMAN SHEPHERD BOWED His HEAD LOW, LOWERED HI SODY TO THE GROUND IN A STALKING LIKE MANNER WITH THE OTHER TWO (2) 00GS FOLLOWING HIM, THE LEAD DOG THEN STARTED TO BARE HIS TEETH, FROM OFFICERS PAST EXPERIENCE WITH VICIOUS ANIMALS. THLE DOG'S BODY LANGUAGE IS INDICATIVE OF AN ANIMAL ABOUT TO STALK, LUNGE AND ATTACK. FEARING FOR HIS SAFETY AND THE SAFETY OF THE TEAM, OFFICERRIIEIBFIRED TWO (2) ROUNDS FROM illS DEPARTMENT ISSUED COLT SL.16: SERIAL J, INTO THE DOG, BOTH SHOIS TOOK EFFECT AND THE DOG FELL AND EXPIRED. THE OTHIER TWO (2) DOGS FLEL 3ACK ACROSS THE STREET. SRT CONTINUED WITH MITIGATING THE BARRICADED GUNMAN SITUATION, NO OFFICERS Of CITIZENS WERE HURT DURING THIS SITUATION, BRIER THE CONCLUSION OF TILE BARRICABDED GUNMAN SITUATION, [SPOKE WITH MR I 5: OF I PHONE SRB (CARETAKER OF THE DECEASED DOG), HE STATED HIS WIEELEFE TMP OnIE OPENRND Inte DOGS GOT OUT, [ADVISED HIM THE THE DOG IS AT ANIMAL CONTROL a DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT De erce DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT = L_] ,, police (To be completed by a non-nvolved Supervisor) Page Page Time of Occurence ‘Location of incident Distt Lb piawoon 17-73, q is Googe Conard Axeganet ators Sane Rowman) erg foungsn prot OOK ee as ee a ‘Pepscres mene? Isa Guaitcatza Da? Shae Command egret Talwores Tovaunts Waive Fate” Nowy far fetog” eancain fovndain poor BOA a [ ‘ ' , ' Sige oray”” Seanday, armrest Le Lot ‘nagatne? magncne® 8 Ino Iso ko Lves Ives] [ves icious Dog_} [Wa Syarcanvass Any “Anywies Anyamnenes? Waifeaions Anal” Mangan TypefAnmal Where wat anal Meare? Preveny eens? (Uatair made? Corust_ Hurare Socety Jesvayea? Saposede Fach’) ‘Samage? Sreumstances) Creamstances)” Nothee? Noted? amt he Lae co. Sear Oweers Natio WarawT) ome Aaareas PRT NER war ‘row _DetaieCzzumstanconReconsrenaatons (ue aster a eels rec os DEIKUN PULILE DEFAKIMEN! lice DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT wd police (To be completed by a non-involved Supervisor) Page bP} EE) E) bes (os) om [037 Crane [ah Precinct Gast occurance Tine aT Gecuresco Location of radar Oise (AEECER #1 — fe = sevenin_| fr-3a 1 i hs | hs ee Se eee ees eee GP Se SS, Se, poe afel (elelh tule SP oma’ cay oe mothe Cork Cnt Same coama apaeed Semin Saree Fee TR Sar ar" fa" mean orc perbee PD) Pe) ble ‘Oo Sane” ety Brome wala Secor L Poe Seema — Sores agen Seisie naa eae io Seares fo, amie Amt Neat Soom ceeseey Sanya? Sealer en ona Sem Senmorea)” Netter Nene? | a — se So Serie = rete = cal QetaesCeeumstanoey Recommendations (Use adiional sheets necessaq) €, One it oey Trnnnn Sine i Asiasamedt intemal Atars — OPD-G69 (May-06) Sineor DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (oOA) REPORT [_] , [_] police (To be completed by a non-invalved Supervisor) Page Page 9D) PT GE bo au a) [ov nrnunsr Leunwest Date of Occurrence Time of Occurence Locaton of inedert Datiet ene, 1 Leper eer in! jouaest_} 201 u ee 2. encvednereerrantasiish Mager” Conmand — Asagiwen —— Faoanos Folia owaar feos? foursiin grr DOA + 7 7 Secondary fortis a Takase cuthavest » u_| bo Jb Frinote mer Command olianis Folvonds Folie” olla Hownany fice ening” founesin touncnn peor BOR fo Pre) fb) fb 7 T)efe feet primary Secondary rs merber | ‘Ragas? magases? goss ee sca 2 s o bso Ivo Wes ssa) fo prrrputt | LNo Fysacomness Ay Tmeyriaies Arywinestes? Noitone Arma Wieigan__—_Typuaf Animal ners was sana) Tew? Prcpery —faetaere? (Ustalin mace? stat n Conwot —Numane Sovety eestor ‘expcted (FOB Saag? Srewmstances) Sreumetaces)” Notes? Noted? 2 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN cg ‘Gore? Name (Taro ome Aare FIST VICIOUS ANIMAL. SCOUT O30 S ASSISTING. SCOUT 205 WAS IN FRONT OF THE HOUSE WHILE SCOUT O201 APPROACHED THE REA RISE BUR BRNPITTBULL SUDDENLY CHARGED 8010 OFT (CCR SI 15 FEAR OR THEIR INIMEDIA AECTY, AND HAVING NO CITIZENS IN TILE VICINITY, OFF ICEAMIEIFIRED () SHOTS AND OF (CEA FIRED (1) TOL FROM THEIR DEPARTMENT ISSUED FIREARMS” ALC SHOTS WERE FIRED IN. DOWNWARD DIRECTION TOWARD THE OUND. TUE HER DRN PITTBULL FLED NB PINEHURST AND THEN WB LHRU THE ALLEY TO AN UNKNOWN LOCATON. Tt UNKNOWN IF ANY SHOIS TOOK FEETCH CANVASS OF TIIE AREA WAS CONDUCTED, (2) SHELL CASINGS WERE RECOVERED, NO PROPERTY DAMAGE WAS SERVED. NO CIVILIANS WERE REPORTED INJURED, REFER ATTEMPEED 10 REVIEW BWC FOOTAGE ON 724,728, AND 726 WATCH GUARD SYSTEM STATES VIDEO IS STILL ING IMPOR [FD THEREFORE WRITER WAS UNABLE TO REVIEW SAME cso! 22 DESK-ALT I aNisrat, Tt ONTROL-DID NOT ANSWER HIER PHONE fa. —— DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT tJ WI police (To be completed by a non-involved Supervisor) Page ° Fag ops} Lops} [tt 7) bs fd [640 CLIPPERT. MVS. a ere ees @ CoC I Se, Se Se ees Se, Se — cco _ —_— — rere = ie, ost snsuces Reina ie ssn se teeny ech thet Ste at Al ms Senne ma Bi a al PME Rok THE DO POV-EATALLY SOUNDING IT” CRU MEMBERS CLEARED TH GMREM MAKING SECCRE THE DOXiS OWNER MARI W AS ADVISED THE DOG WAS FATALLY WOUNDED AND TAKEN 1 ANIMAL CONTROL FOR D’SPOSAL Sl as biesarvs —_— DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT goto DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT Wd police (To be completed by a non-involved Supervisor) Page Page ingaoonoee aan (Put) 16001 ROSSINs foascisre Date f Occurrence Time of Occurrence Location of indent Distt ECE GANG COM | | ste: _} [e202 2 b J K Tinsoved member RartLastPisy Bagge Command Aasgnent Toowts ane aie Honan) ong” fooneen foundaim — prorBOA ata 7 itp Soe prmasy”_ Secondary farina oye ae magazine? magazines member? i Weanen saerion : scr J 202 q f fame bose so “nvaved member (anwast C3) feegnmet Tciounds toads fella Feline How nay fer" Soneg founds ouratin por OOK alelielol imal (eral: ele lnie foe pony” Seereay Ss member | Irapaice? magssnes ‘ Lves ves _ fo bic oun Laken fy Animal Conte Syoucamvess Any Toyajres Anywivesses? Nelsons Arenal Wetgan___ Type f Anna” hee was aneral Sere Prdcony —odacere? Umar maser stalin Comet Humane Socty ceatoyea?™™” Sapceag acs) eomoge? Sctumetances) Greamaanoes)” Notsed?— Noteea? ( REF ) USE D (Owners Nae (TArown) ome Assess rane NOTE OetnisCveumsianceaRacemmendators (Une aastionl sheets #neco2239) FAT Pa0PM CREW CODE 1202 ARRIVED AT 16001 ROSSINI FOR EXECUTION OF A NARCOTICS SEARCH WARRANT. UPON EXITING THE RAID VAN A LARGE DROWN AND TAN PITBULL RAN QUT IFIEFRONT DOOR OF THE RAID LOCATION CHARGING AT CREW TIE DOG WAS GROWLING, AND ATTEMPTING 10 BILE CREW PL FIRED TWO SHOTS FROM HIS DEPARTMENT ISSUED. REMINGTON 870 SHOTGUN SER EERE OP OEE SGT ALSO FIRED ONE ROUND FROM HIS DEPARTMENT ISSUED HANDGUN SERMEEMNNNDPOMMMME ALL ROUNDS LOOK EFECT NEUTRALIZING THE ANIMAL, SGURECOVERED LE TWO SPENT SHOTGUN RCING THEM ON ON Ef #170805022-2, AND E 23. SCM ASO RECOVERED ONE SPENT 40 CALIBER CASING PUACEG IT ON I-T#1TOSO9ID24_SUNGUARD REPORT #1-0N0M042 WAS COMPLETED. SGT MMB MADE ALL SOTILICA TIONS AT SCENE SGHMEEIE SO 1181: S61 MMMM SOPIEICATION AND CON TRON. 7 RBBB SISE DESK, CSCO CHECKED THE AREA OF THE SHOOTING FOR INICRY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE AND FOUND NONE EVALUTATION OF FORCE USED. 11ND TH 6 PCIE So SCT ACTIONS WH. REIN COMPLIANCE WHE IHL DEEROTT POLICE MANU AT, SLES 300, SUIPORT SERVICES CHAPTER S01, TRAINING DIRECTIV.. 12:15 DANGEROUS ANIMALS. AND SECTION $0128 2 USEOF PORCH CONTINUUM WRITER RECOMMENDS TIA THIS MAIER BE CONSIDERED C1081) BNTDepuy a _ Sree at DEIROIN POLICE DEPARTMENT Perce DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT [._] ,,[i_] police (To be completed by 2 non-involved Supervisor) Page" Page fs] fi fo}s L [7] bso an (>) [323 PLAINVIEW Iavs Date of Occurrence Time of Occurence Location of incident Distict bo6s k b bs __| be ko Assarmant — salminse salrous Folhe” folhe” How any fies?” king foundain ourdnia prov DOX Os} f2poprfit7 O;6}/|2folsfut7 target primary Secondary for this magazine? magazines member? Tiwovedmerber Rarktaarem) — Gadge Command Asaganent —Tolrowiee funn SNe” eaRa” ow ay fees? Seking” foundsin feundain prov OO br i ; i i tart) pemary Secondary flarrenber? frayate? mapasnos? = saab xo} Wes} hyo. “0 es lves__] [vo boc MAL CONTROL Wyoucsivass Any Anyuies Nrywifeses? Nowicaions Anal” Wicigen. ‘Type aVANa” Whew watsnral essere? Propery —tockene? Gatalin. mae?(Uatalin Contel Hurare Socety envoyed?”™ tepeteo foal) samege? Eveumstnces) Creumstanes) Nota? Need? NA YES : d Serer OwnerName (tinea) rome ARES ae Nober ‘nou? ‘ince iene DetaisCircumstances/Recommendations (Use addtional sheets necessary) ‘ONE GSOVT AT APPRO 1 AS MEMBERS OF ALS AS Logs ESTORCEMEES CREW Sch, ERECOSTD SARCOTICS SEARCH WARRANT ATI303 PLAINVIEW. SERGEANT tance Was TE 01 OF THE RAI AND ANNOUNCED “POLICE” AND SEARCIT WARRANT” ONCE In THE BOOK WAY. LARGE SRONN PLTBULL DOG THAT WAS BARKING SHOWING TEETH, AND AGGRESSIVELY ADVAN reer CAVE COsg “ie BOO TO "cer BACK FMP BOG CONTINUED TO CHARGE, AT OFFIC AND ENTRY OFFICERS OFFICE reams rons SAP SIRED) SHOTS AT THE DOU. (KOM HIS DEPARTMENT SUED Saw Pts Pare rod Sirkiscctic occ Is MIcDODY. FATALLY WOUNDING. Che reaEeS CeEAREO Tie CARR ARNG SecURE THE DOCS OWNER SAMUS ADVISED ie DOG WAS FATALLY WOLNDED AXD PISTOSEDOF af DPT tw Miebiae eas oe OUSLY PURCHASED COCANEMPEN LOCATION NITH ASO, NO RECOVERIES O® ARRESTS WERE oD | RECOVERED (2) 223 CAL CASING FROM THE FLOOR AND PLACED TIIEMON EVIDENCE TAGS. TH FOR, THERE WERE NO INJURIES OBSERVED. THERE WERE NO WITNESSES TO THIS EVENT. SHOTS FIRED WERE ACCOUNTED. \EICLE 176822 RAID VAN) 1S NOT EQUIPPED WITH AUDIO OR VIDEO RECORDING, THEREFORE THE INCIDENT WAS NOT CAPTURED ON ViDEO. 1, SEROEAN S8ADGHRIIIN DID NOT CONDUCT A CANVASS OF THE AREA FOR WITNESSES DUE TO THIE SHOOTING OCCURING. INSIDE Qu ER RCATION {MADE ALL NOTIFICATIONS PROM THE SCENE - NOTIFICATIONS AND CONTROL S07 AEs Oe: ssi ‘REPORT #1708100299 WAS COMPLETED. IDUCTING AN INVESTIGATION REGARDING THIS INCIDENT. 1 RE FOLLOWED DEPARTMENT POLICY 304242. DANGEROUS AN IARDOR RATHD ANIMAL THAT IS POSING AN IMMINENT THREAT OF IROPARDY, OMMEND THIS MATTER BECLOSED. {FIND OFFICER ALS, AN OFFICER MAY SHOOT A DANGEROUS DANGER TO THE OFFICER OR OTHERS ONLY WIEN BYSTANDERS ARE NOTIN = | —_ Sones : . DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT € . DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT = L_] ,, L police (To be completed by 2 non-involves Supervisor) Page" Page ole} / ols] LL] his:2s at (on) [p10 20435 REVERE INontheast Date of Occurrence Time of Occurrence ‘Location af Incident Oistret lwestem | foray _J [1 q hs __} bwa. Saaye ConmndAssgrmet’ «Forms fms follwe flhw Howry fet ouing” eunaa'a ronda prorOA of) Cpe] GE Stee somary" Secon forse ragazne? mogapnes? member? Tas raison Oat ae Se, Se, Eee, Coy Co) a ad een Sets al Men ete Sar” Bae Ss” Geers fk, Lt LET SR. Se eS = REC sina Ge, ts — C6) 0 Se — ae = Detalscrcumstances’Recommendations (Use adstoral shestsfnecessan) Weihicalag September 6.2017, opproximately 3:25pm, (Off Outy) Police OFicer A £2 ‘was advised by a 00 WR co AMM sets provide any thr nkapatonythatzomcone down the see was being acted by» dog, Of Seer his personal vehicle and dive south from sien ire he obverse ukonv bck mle crying stick and appearingto be Sree don onthe sean tot occ OF Cell is cite ver, cx, and aisle unkpown male bck saya Fea a de acne wos en draws OFTHE The opeomvc oct gprsiy, brings ech a Tuning the Occ sevea ies, eM SGMIMMMM cfr use cea Toe Jog schreteens is agresvon on the wkrown male and brea 0 charge at him ale viciously cing ad See ee RMMMEMI sc cv bs Depron ice vere weapon (Smith & evn MAP 30 Sel IN. assessed the backdrop ofthe SE eee Ecler and Breda sigle shot dap an ptt ice. The st ok eet ring the dog in et ot eg. a toscn tap an nmetiney reser te bck 233 Roe, OT AMES conc 911 and toch es gard il Scouts could make the sect Prior othe arval of Scouts from the Fleveth Precinct (Codes 1171 and Joy ot ome an 2h lll AMM secon ice we ede ton nan knows recon thot ay inersion tO A A. long +h 0 A AN A AI en ese Psi expos) onne 10135 Revere ocatienand began a canvas ard investigation of the above descbed incident. spoke with and inspected OFT co se2po0, fund seein ising fue the magazine. and ebuervd one spent shel casing nthe grass alonsicethe dnveway of 2035 Revere {alo observed alae dog siting ease ove Retere cation sith se apparent wound i ont et Thre were no izes injure of property damage obser, 0 oered SRC ont c Eenenn Precinct complete a eprten thence. An stempt fo ke contact ah the heme we and pesado fhe Jog was mages knocking on the locaton ceipone Duco thre being a injured, possibly aggresive anal on scene, chr ates to cunt, Ann "aunt being realadto maketh scene However. he iia | Sccitistion and control) evenualy result Jog owne [3 ME © NED ori home Before an Animal Control units arial, a al TUTE al SRINT Dopuly Cnt (Last Seana oe VES KUI POLICE DEFAKIMENT ' !Setroo DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT Lo Gj Police (To be completed by a non-involved Supervisor) Page ° ase —~ fol} G0): G0] Las | ci 8118 Chamberlain southwest Date of Occurrence Time of Occurrence Toeation of incident District ERE as a renCrine} enforcement] | 4 s_|{_} bs n Tinavedmenbe Ranta — Baayen Conant Assgimet Tacos Tae Fame ae | Gea tear Soking” reunesin uncetn Hee alate: spe Seonsayfortaa mmagasnes? are? Tea Galatea a Ong Crime} [Enforcement | | 1 t_}Lis_|Lis_}[s Budge Command Aaageren’——Falounis Folrounes Wola” Taine” FONTS foo? Soning”™ roundsin feundoin orDONe i i i i tarot” primary” ecaneay ls member ocacha? topesnes? Ti Wajoon pas aa teak German | [DPW removed he dows No No xo_| [ves Yes xo_| | xo [snepard | |ror prope disposal SyoreaTvass Any Rayan ry winesses? NoWicains Rrmal” Wong. pata Winer ooeome Nowe? Proety —euicors? (Catalin. mace? stalin Gommel_Mumee Sodey Saroen? enue Tan iage? Seumstarces) Sromstnons)” Nottag? Novis? a ro net eT fen ion Dass Crosnancenecrnendatons (ise adstonl shel tsetse) aR AT a wpa Sop = signed to Majo Violates Seton, war the ollie carpe of acewnga sean \arant at BL18 Chamberiamn Upon ava to this locaten crew mers acd Poe Presse and purpose without apne u shine sew Medea eave sun of taking dows coming (rom within hs cation. The at dor was then fred open t which oi crew members ener tee dnt nee tasked sling, preening them fom ere inthe Noe POMBE the hose for soreone iat x response, P| ie Grd we abot FromhisJepatiment sued AR-15 Ril, onal erting dog |i the chew Kode aca Ba hen Fied tno shots rt the ae rile sing Soy #2 ‘nthe che ar fly wound en Ted 1- sot from hs degariment ised ANC sing dog # Tin the shew ae fatally weaning Ri ate Sitenpted sland up and rer. ANer he crew scued the premises, POllirads tho following confiscation {= pent 223 shell caving EY [0S IOlSe 3 T-spent shell caning ET# 1709110196 4, 1-225 spent abl caning. ET# LOU OESSS & Lope iiss a ts a ll a a ill mn Tei soso Spe olan oes ee otiications Evaluation of Force Use: Wie Sns tat ce IN or cA rein cranes wth he Dt Police Mam, Sexes 300 Sepp Series, Chapter 304, Tracing Ditsiv 04 2-4§ Dangerous Antal, An ofc may st sangeoes ioe bd animal tha sping a nee hat of dangert the ote oss and only when hatandes ar nin eopurly Winer belevs ahs tater side comer sonal FMRI eager Vila Sein vgred io Mar Violate Sexton tai VEINOL POLICE DEFARIMENT cH Blewot DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT (DOA) REPORT 1 fy LY police (To be completed by a non-involved Supervisor) Page Page Gates Oocrrenea ——TraeTOeurenco ‘Cocaine Osea mama eo liam | foscine| be] 5] x} Ls] nea ea es te alae f 2 ea s magazines? member? cee a ection ..)hUrherehEEM ees Koran — Saararaame ses Wome! Gea Te GE) OG) GR) er) at agra oc ea Tocmes hy “ayn Capron Vecey Sg hate! aoan] Larue seca Sere «| tee caramel Nae] Pr cae mete ere oe Seay Cee Ghee Rae : —_—— — oe Eee a oT a - eta Ciroumstances Recommendations (Use adaitona sheets it recessar7) ‘On Sepienbor 15,2016, atapprovimately 220 PMT, Sergean ‘signed to Major Violates Soc tice of executing a search warrant at $072 Senator. Upon arrival to this locaton, erew members announced police presence and purpose without a response Mich me forced etry wn nae though the font dor, nmr the mn gad opener mamta yt are Py Ball MR (Dogs that charged towards them while barking ad groseling in an atermp to ata, -_ aE aT abr min et ie wal ase sos number x0 wing his daparment sued ARS Rifle sel om Ms OT CoAMMMesed his dcparonen sued ARcLs Rie el muher fo Fre one sot at Jag rier ane two hut at Jo nomer tablish ene Sok ose othe rear yr of hs ection, Mer the promises peremetre, Oc Sader cre the ftloingeidence: t= spent 223 easing, EV#1 0120268 5, teapent 22) al che enn ET 1709120266.4,1- spent 22 eal sell casing, ET 1709120268.5, [spent 223 eal shell ising. #17091 20268 6, 1 pent 229 ca shell eguings ET 1249 120268.7 1 spent 223 cal sell casing ET 17091 ett namie arene aerae ies tee | Ce a ee Evaluation of Force Used: Writer Finds that Ofc III nc sre in compliance withthe Detroit Police Manus Series 300 Support Service, Chapter 308, Tning Diective 3042-45 Dangerous Animals, an offler may shoot a dangerous and/or rabid anal that posing a imamient teat danger tothe officer oe ers ud wy when bystanders ae ot in jepuy. Writer hehe tht his mater sould e comidred toa Nonifcatiane: Sergean MIM signe Scracsafllh bsdg |Lo }los} Leo Sodje Command Asignmont’ —Fatveurcs Folrcunts alive Folive” — Hownam fra? Suking” unde founcein peor DOK oP} left foe primary" secendary forte ‘magazine? macaznes? member? a Grattan Dae Bi bevcine| [rors Is If |f Ils IG ‘Bagge Command Assigrment Tolvounds Folrounds olive” Rolle” Mow any fred? stiking—roundsin roundein prior DOA fo target” primary” secondary this member ifo}s[of7]s[a[z fo] [ez] fay cir Seon a 3 Gualcation Da eee 2 No No Yes Yes es No PITBULL ppw youcanvass Aay ‘Any juries Any witesses? Notiicatons Animal fachigan__—_— ‘Type at Animal” Where was animal Scene? Properly tocitzens? (Uistalin. mada? (Ust alin Contr Humane Society destoyed? ehsposed of? (Focty) damage? Groumstances) creumstances) Noted? Noted? fer Gwners Name: (renown ome Raarane “Piane Nobar es? ‘own watecxe naar (Us stra shots Hoecesay) Cte ee eee emer eee cetsngtsari aucun 8 Manntae este he alee othe aaa ai ae epee sree nee onto a ce i po aa Trevose toma Orne nal Sah enn MAP AR sesame SRM rn kes te isonet tons eps ed Sa ewe BP AR Sec seel coe PCM eee ee tl ead os ici ccrd move rvatoemae atau Ueto ssaeea og ehesn ae ag okt ie get son eros sel ss aha cll ee scene skeet en an sent See Gre he trcne ny sce sansa ol whch apateem sven Recs eR i —— Vue snd etek ec Ome rm aces ees ee sey oan oon ore Al Sons ses Seckete anya Once Ag foyer Van Setonped tues loca - se 2) alles cans eh OOS aoe eS. Vip 23 airs ese O10, hip ie Del caus NgL OS ea ye ce aoa HONS ah ‘been ig TTe09 9 Th ewig een See avo eset ot co Ay i SAMMI Con v1 aie te nceoe Stee falaton f Force Viet Wer od ha fT a Orc rcp wi he Det oie Mans, Se 30 Sup Sons ‘Ger #0, Taming Decve 8245 Dango Ana, lecrfay sees nec anne weal ats poegne ein aes of dango cferorobew and any when nde ett in jpary. Wher bleva da hater oad coool hed ‘signed Major Vilatore Section signed tthe Tenth reine ‘signed to MejoeVilatere eased to Force Ivestation Bas sionment — Deputy Que TF Deputy Chee Cast) Seawe Dae wi DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT Jdewoit DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL AND ITS ATTEMPT. (DOA) REPORT a o b} police (To be completed by a non-involved Superviscr) Page * Page 2 ee oe Se = oe PE Peer) : ee) EE) Oh) GE) thom ito” say Satay, Eero EEE Ch) Geer) es, ie mere Som, Nene Yo. [Unknown [Unknown ( ) = — a as ons (Use adctional shots racers ‘as Sted 20505 Farprt ot asst sonal The Otay wae Pe oa ee oe, ee Ka poston em Be ne wre be eset ed tng ee rpe done ote vaca 1509 Pans, - scr ne mm ctl are wean aee chats he to gs The ial Conran ad cope eI rea 5 ans om department ged shag ihe sss ket hinge sud intend Hote, he ogres in te fe Arua Cont ten somethin cr bse. whee wee enably omega et ete Te A ‘aon nd Cont eephne fm eo Tato hemsed bat 2008 Fart 4. Soh 2B Paper ote extbicak

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