Chapter 5

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This is the last chapter of this thesis which describes conclusions and
discussions of the system and then also expresses further extension.

5.1. Conclusions
After a period of hardworking the authors have pick and place robot with
conveyor system as a real working system in their hand. The design of a conveyor
with robotic arm for pick and place was carried out from the beginning to the
prototyping stage. The prototype of the conveyor and robotic arm was successfully
developed and it was able to perform tasks to pick and place load and to perform
subsequent operations based on the sensor output. This system would make it easier
for human beings to pick and place the risk of handling suspicious objects, which
could be hazardous in its present environment and workplace.
In the modern era, time and man power are major constraints for the
completion of a task. Since the assembly line is mostly about fixing different parts in
to the right section of the end product, it is best done by the pick and place robots
which can work round the clock without being tired or bored. The robotic arm used
here contains a soft catching gripper, which safely handles the object. The aim of this
thesis is the development of automatic pick and place robot arm controlled using
Arduino. The pick and place robots are popular in assembly lines, where the repetitive
tasks are present. This system has been developed successfully as the movement of
the automation as well as auto and manual method will be controlled respectively.
There are two main steps in sensing part, objects detection and recognition.
The system can successfully perform handling station task, namely pick and place
mechanism with help of sensor and conveyor. This can be used for pick and place
operation required in assembly line which will be helpful to increase productivity. It is
successfully able to carry defined payload.
It is concluded that this robotic arm is working properly under the specified
working envelope and at a given speed with good accuracy. Overall, the objectives of
this project have been achieved which are developing the hardware and software for

automation system, implementing the pick and place system operation and also testing
the manual mode that meets the standards of purpose project. From the analysis that
has been made, it is clearly shows that its movement is precise, accurate, and easy to
control and user friendly. This system is expected to overcome the problem such as
placing or picking object that away from the user, pick and place hazardous object in
the fastest and easiest way.
By the use of that product the industrial activities and hazardous operations
can be done easily and safely in a short span of time. This system is of great use in the
world of automation. It also adds many more features to make a better production
system. The project can be put use to a variety of industries such as micro technology,
manufacturing, packaging, canned food industry for inter transportation.

5.2. Future Work

The author efforts to develop an integrated automation system for pick and
place robot arm with conveyor. In this thesis, there are some necessary for
improvement of pick and place robot arm. The proposed system is capable of lifting
only small weights; by introducing high torque providing motor large weights can be
picked. The motors can be changed with gear box motors. The microcontroller
programming can be replaced by PLC, as a new technology. The robot so
programmed for pick and place operation can be made versatile and more efficient by
providing the feedback. The gripper can be modified for different operations in
different industries. The robotic system can be modified by implementing vision
system and AI (artificial intelligence) to avoid obstacles in between the path. The
features that can be added on to improve its efficiency, make it operate on its own
thought without any human intervention. It can mimic to human arm motion such as
writing, lifting, and even cooking smoothly and completely like human. Also, the
advanced features like AI can support the automation system in condition which
accidentally harm human by shutting down the whole system automatically.
Moreover, IOT (internet of thing) features can be used in remote area of branch
industry and control the whole automation system from main station without interrupt.

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